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(Affiliated to Pokhara University)

Sanepa-2, Lalitpur

[Subject Code: CMP 290]



Submitted By:

Pinkee Yadav [20070296]

Sandhesh Kumar Sha [ ]
Sagar Kumar Sha [ ]
Sunil Kumar Yaddav

Submitted To:
Department of Computer Engineering

In our project, on “Hotel Website”, we tried to show how the data/information in

hotel is managed. This is just an overview of management in hotels. This website
hotel aims at creating an Online Hotel Management system which can be used by
customers to reserve hotel rooms, read about hotel, check hotel rooms. This
website of hotel will remove the hectic task of customers and executive for
searching and booking rooms in hotel. This system will help the administrative
staff i.e. executive of the hotel to keep the daily and history record details of the
customers in proper database. Customers can book rooms in advance seating
anywhere across the world. The rooms have different categories such as deluxe
suites and suite and wing. Customers are provided with different services like
checking in, checking out. Enquiry about any customers or employee can be made
either by customer id or customer name. Enquiry about rooms available can also
be made.
This system has been designed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP for its front
end and back end. By adding many more modules this type of project can have
scope in various hotel.

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………………………………..
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………………………………….
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………..
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Project Features
1.5 Feasibility Analysis

1.5.1 Economic Feasibility………………………………………………………….

1.5.2 Technical Feasibility………………………………………………………….
1.5.3 Time Feasibility…………………………………………………………………
1.5.4 Operational Feasibility………………………………………………………
1.6 System Requirement

1.6.1 Software Requirement………………………………………………………

1.6.2 Hardware Requirement…………………………………………………….

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………………………..
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Hardware Requirement and software requirement
3.3 Proposed project block diagram
3.4 Entity-relationship model
3.5 working principle


CHAPTER 5: APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………………...


1.1 Background
As most of the hotel work is done manually or is based on paper work such as fees
management, customer checkin and checkout. These all process takes time .If we
include all the work which will be based on computer system, then it can reduce
time and work .For example :If owner have query whether the registration of
customer for room are done or not ,then he/she have to check manually. But
under this system all the details will be produced by a single click .Hotel website
application digitalize the management system and use single database to store all
the information.

1.2 Problem Statement

 The project “Hotel Management” is used for maintaining the information for each and
every customer, employee. Each and every customer has own personal details.The
hotel uses a manual reservation method which has problems; The existing system has
less security and some data might be lost due to mismanagement. The manual system
is giving only less memory usage for the users.
 The development of this system contains activities like; It maintain user’s personal
details.It make the overall project management much easier and flexible.
 The time for creating and searching customers details in written form is difficult,so
hotel management system helps doing it faster and easier.

1.3 Objectives
 The main objective of the project hotel website is to manage the details
of customers, employee, account section and reduce the manual work
for hotel management.
 To apply real time application for all functional areas and easy to
configure interfaces to time and cost saving technologys.
 To keep real time records of all activities including accounting.

1.4 Project Features

 Provide the searching facilities on various factors such as account

information, details of rooms, new registration.
 Increase revenue by effecting managing reservation, rooms and
 Online reservation to be available to help save coasts by preserving
the commission fees.
 Improve the customer services by having guest history at fingertips.
 Provide enquiry facilities for booked room.
 New customer can be added with their unique information id and
customer name.
 Customers can be paid for their room using unique customer id.
 Customer can contact with admin with contact module.

1.5 Feasibility Analysis

In the following way our project is feasible:

1.5.1 Economic Feasibility
As hotel website is mini project done by four group members there is
minimum cost assumed to be required as it is done based on our
ideas and online resource.If any customer want to buy the project
the price is very affordable and minimum.
1.5.2 Technical Feasibility

This software is compatible for every computer as it is built using

Visual studio with html, css and php scripting language.
1.5.3 Time Feasibility
The expected time for the completion of the project will be 2 to 3
weeks now.

1.5.4 Operating Feasibility

Hotel website is easy to operate and have effective response to the

use. This software does not require any expert to handle as this is
simple and can be understood by anyone.

1.6 System Requirement

1.6.1 Software Requirement

 Visual Studio
 Microsoft SQL
 Adobe Photoshop
 Figma

1.6.2 Hardware Requirement

 General PC


This project is our first project of computer engineering. To complete our first
mini project “Hotel Website “ we reviewed our senior project. The first project we
reviewed was of CS days where he performed the hotel management system.
After reviewing this project. we become familiar with the website and it help us to
make our mini project. This project include features like About us, staff, Login,
Enquiry about room. He had created his project in visual studio. The user
interface was simple and easy to use.

We also reviewed different website on google chrome and on youtube. There we

found different website design. We searched for website on Mr. web Designer
channel , TAHMED AHAMED youtube channel a, Easy tutorial youtube channel,
Technology Channel and Nik singh malik youtube channel. After viewing all the
videos we become more familiar and we get path for our website. In different
video we found different design and different features and module. website were
performed using different software. Some website were created using visual
studio ,some notepad ,some wordpress and some were created by bootstrap.
After searching all software environment, we decided to worked on visual studio.
We had to worked on visual studio for our c# program so conformed to worked
on it.

On the basis of our study and searched related to hotel website , almost all
website had included features logo and about. So,we also decide to put this
features in our website. Many of the project that we reviewed contained features
like about , login and and book module only which we thought is not enough for
hotel management system to attract the customer. We decided to add some
features like contact , about room from which customer can check the categories
of room and can booked according their need. This system help to customer for
booking room in advance from anywhere.

3.1 Introduction
We have used Spiral model of software development. The spiral model is similar
to the increment development for a system, with emphasis placed on risk
analysis. The spiral model has four phases: planning, design, construct and
evaluation. A software project repeatedly passes through these phases in
iterations (called Spirals in this model).

Fig 3.1 : Spiral Model

3.2 Hardware and software requirement

The Hypertext Markup Language or HTML is standard markup language for
documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by
technologies such as Cascading Style and scripting language such as

CSS is stand for Cascading style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used for
describing the presentation of document written in a markup language such
as HTML or XML. Css is core technologies for building web pages.

 IDE (Integrated Development Environment)-Visual Studio:

Visual Studio is an IDE developed my Microsoft to develop GUI (Graphical
User Interface),console, web application, web apps, mobile apps,coud, and
web services, etc. It is not a language –specific IDE as we can use this to
write code in c#, C++, VB, JavaScript.

 Adobe Photoshop and Figma

Adobe’s Photoshop is the world’s premier photo editing software. Although
it is used by designers and graphic artists. It allows us to import images in
traditional digital photo formate such as jpg, BMP and RAW.
Figma is a cloude –based design and prototyping tool for digital projects.

3.3 Proposed project block diagram

1. [Cs Days]. (2019). HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN C#.


3. http://www,


5. “Relation Database Query Language”, Lecture Notes in Database

Management System
We have the output of front end of HOTEL WEBSITE as shown below.

Fig: 5.1:Front End

Fig:5.1.1: About hotel
Fig: 5.1.2:Rooms
Fig: 5.1.3: services

Work Done Front end, Home page

Reaming work Room, Services, Contact, Book Now

Table 4.1: Work Table

Till now we haven’t faced any big problem in our program. Work is expected to be
completed within the end of October.

Figure 3.1: Spira Model……………………………………………………………

Figure 3.2: Block Diagram of Proposal System……………………………………….
Figure 3.3: Entity-Relationship Diagram…………………………………………………
Figure 3.4: Flow chart of Proposed System…………………………………………….
Figure 4.1: Work table…………………………………………………………………………..
Figure 5.1: Front End…………………………………………………………………………….
Figure 5.1.1: About Hotel………………………………………………………………………
Figure 5.1.2: Rooms………………………………………………………………………………
Figure 5.1.3: Services……………………………………………………………………………

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