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Time: 03:00 Hrs ADV MODEL 2019 P1 Max. Marks: 186

This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1. In a series C-R circuit shown in figure, the applied voltage is 10 V and the voltage
across capacitor is found to be 8V. The voltage across R, and the phase difference
between current and the applied voltage will respectively be

4 3 3

A) 6V, tan −1   B) 3V, tan −1   C) 6V, tan −1   D) none of these
3 4 4
2. Which of the following option is correct?

A) R = 400 , C = 0.5F B) R = 500 , C = 0.5 F

C) R = 500 , C = 1 F D) R = 400 , C = 0.1 F
3. A point source of light, S is placed at a distance L in front of the centre of plane
mirror of width d which is hanging vertically on a wall. A man walks in front of the
mirror along a line parallel to the mirror, at a distance 2L as shown in the given
figure. The distance over which the man can see the image of the light source in the
mirror is
Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024

A) 3d B) 2d C) d D)
4. During the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a medium
A) both electric and magnetic energy densities are zero
B) electric energy density is double of the magnetic energy density
C) electric energy density is half of the magnetic energy density
D) electric energy density is equal to the magnetic energy density.

This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/ are correct.
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

5. In an AC circuit, the power factor

A) is unity when the circuit contains an ideal resistance only
B) is unity when the circuit contains an ideal inductance only
C) is zero when the circuit contains an ideal resistance only
D) is zero when the circuit contains an ideal inductance only
6. In an AC series circuit, R = 10 , X L = 20 and X C = 10  . Then, choose the correct

A) Voltage function will lead the current function
B) Total impedance of the circuit is 10 2 
C) Phase angle between voltage function and current function is 45°
D) Power factor of circuit is
7. In the circuit shown in figure.

A) VR = 80V B) X C = 50 C) VL = 40V D) V0 = 100V

Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024
8. A particle is oscillating on the x-axis with an amplitude 2 cm about the point x0 = 10
cm, with a frequency  . A concave mirror of focal length 5 cm is placed at the origin
(see figure). Identify the correct statements.

A) The image executes periodic motion.

B) The image executes non-periodic motion.
C) The turning points of the image are asymmetric w.r.t. the image of the point at x =
10 cm.
D) The distance between the turning points of the oscillation of the image is cm
9. A series LCR circuit containing 5.0 H inductor, 80F capacitor and 40 resistor is
connected to 230V variable frequency ac source. The angular frequencies of the
source at which power transferred to the circuit is half the power at the resonant
angular frequency are likely to be:
A) 42 rad/s B) 46 rad/s
C) 54 rad/s D) 58 rad/s
10. In which of the following diagrams the image formed is virtual?

A) B) C) D)

11. An object AB is placed parallel and close to the optical axis between focus F and
centre of curvature C of a converging mirror of focal length f as shown in figure.

A) Image of A will be closer than that of B from the mirror.

B) Image of AB will be parallel to the optical axis.
C) Length of image is equal to AB.
D) Length of image is more than AB.
12. Which of the following statements about electromagnetic waves are correct?
A) Electromagnetic waves do not require material medium for propagation but their
speed depends on the medium.
Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024
B) Electric field oscillates perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave.
C) Electromagnetic waves do not require material medium for propagation and their
speed is independent of the medium.
D) Electric field oscillates parallel to the direction of propagate on of wave.
This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical values comprising of positive or
negative decimal numbers (place value ranging from Thousands place to Hundredths place).
Eg : 1234.56, 123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc.
Marking scheme : +3 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.

13. When an object is kept at a distance of 30 cm from a concave mirror, the image is
formed at a distance of 10 cm from the mirror. If the object is moved with a speed of 9
cm s-1, the speed (in cm s-1) with which image moves at that instant is ________.
14. A rod of length 10 cm lies along the principal axis of concave mirror of focal length 10
cm in such a way that its end closer to the pole is 20 cm away from the mirror. The
length of the image is (in cm)
15. 50 W/m2 energy density of sunlight is normally incident on the surface of a solar panel.
Some part of incident energy (25%) is reflected from the surface and the rest is
absorbed. The force exerted on 1m2 surface area is x × 10-8 N, the value of x is close to
(c = 3 x 108 m/s).
16. What is the value of inductance L for which the current is maximum in a series LCR
circuit with C = 10F and  = 1000s −1 : (in mH)
17. An ac circuit has an inductor and a resistor of resistance R in series, such that X L = 3R

Now, a capacitor is added in series such that X C = 2R . The ratio of new power factor with

the old power factor of the circuit is 5 : x . The value of x is

18. A resonance circuit having inductance and resistance 2 10−4 H and 6.28 respectively
oscillates at 10 MHz frequency. The value of quality factor of this resonator is [ = 3.14]
Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

19. product is

A) B) C) D)

20. The reaction of CO + HCl in the presence of AlCl3 with benzene to form benzaldehyde is
A) Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reaction
B) Cannizzaro reaction
C) Gatterman-Koch reaction
D) Bayer-Villeger reaction
21. Identify the product (X) in the following reaction.

A) B)

C) D)

22. In the Cannizzaro reaction given below.

2Ph − CHO ⎯⎯⎯
→ Ph − CH 2OH + PhCO−2 The slowest step is

A) the attack of OH − at the carbonyl group.

B) the transfer of hydride to the carbonyl group
Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024
C) the abstraction of proton from the carboxylic acid.
D) the deprotonation of Ph − CH 2 OH .

This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/ are correct.
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

23. In a reaction sequence

A) B)

C) D)

24. Which of the following compounds will give a red precipitate on being heated with
Fehling’s solution.
A) C6 H 5CHO B) CH 3CHO C) CH 3COCH 3 D) C6 H 5CH 2 CHO

25. Acetophenone can participate in

A) Aldol reaction B) Cannizaro’s reaction
C) Haloform reaction D) Tollen’s test
26. Which of the following can reduce Fehling’s solution?
A) Formic acid B) Acetic acid C) Formaldehyde D) Acetaldehyde
27. Identify the products formed (X) and (Y) in the following reaction

C6 H5CHO + HCHO ⎯⎯⎯⎯

→(X) + (Y)

A)(X) is C6 H5COO B) (X) is HCOO

C) (Y) is CH 3OH D) (Y) is C6 H 5CH 2 OH

28. CH3 − C− CH3 ⎯⎯
→ CH3 − CH 2 − CH3 , A should be

A) Ni / H 2 B) LiAlH 4 C) Zn − Hg | Conc.HCl D) Red P | HI

Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024
29. In the reaction,

The products [A] and [B] formed in the above reaction are respectively

A) B) both HOCH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2 C HCH 2OH

C) D)

30. Reducing agent(s) which can be used to carry out following conversion is/are

A) NaBH 4 B) LiAlH 4 C) H 2 / Ni D) B2 H 6 / THF

This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical values comprising of positive or
negative decimal numbers (place value ranging from Thousands place to Hundredths place).
Eg : 1234.56, 123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc.
Marking scheme : +3 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.

31. 2Ph − CHO ⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ Ph − CH 2OH + PhCO−2 order of the above reaction is ________.
32. The molar mass of the product for the following conversion is _________.

33. How many membered ring will be formed in the product P of the following reaction.

|| ||
34. No. of reagent A that will give following conversion CH3 − C− H ⎯⎯
→ CH3 − C− O − H .
Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024
Tollens Reagent, Benedict’s reagent, Fehling’s Reagent, LiAlH 4 , NaBH 4 is _____.

35. No. of reaction that will proceed via carbanion intermediate is ________.

Aldol condensation, Perkin reaction, Claisen reaction, Pinacol reaction.

36. The No. Of carboxylic group in the product is __________.

This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
37. The angle between the lines 2x = 3y = -z and 6x = -y = -4z is
A) 0° B) 30° C) 45° D) 90°
x −1 y − 2 z − 3
38. For the line = = , which one of the following is incorrect?
1 2 3
x y z
A) it lies in the plane x – 2y + z = 0 B) it is same as line = =
1 2 3
C) it passes through (2, 3, 5) D) it is parallel to the plane x – 2y + z = 6
39. The circum radius of the triangle formed by the points (1, 2, -3), (2, -3, 1) and
(-3, 1, 2)

A) 14 B) 14 C) 13 D) 0

40. If a and b are two unit vectors such that a + 2b and 5a − 4b are perpendicular to

each other, then the angle between a and b

1 2
A) 45° B) 60° C) cos −1   D) cos −1  
3 7
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/ are correct.
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024
41. A line L passing through the point P(1, 4, 3) is perpendicular to both the lines
x −1 y + 3 z − 2 x+2 y−4 z +1
= = , and = =− . If the position vector of point Q on L is
2 1 4 3 2 2
(a1,a 2 ,a 3 ) such that (PQ)2 = 357 , then (a1 + a 2 + a 3 ) can be

A) 16 B) 15 C) 2 D) 1
x −1 y −1 z +1 x − 4 y + 0 z +1
42. The lines = = and = =
3 −1 0 2 0 3
A) do not intersect B) intersect
C) intersect at (4, 0, -1) D) intersect at (1, 1, -1)
43. Consider the planes, 2x + 5y + 3z = 0, x – y + 4z = 2 and 7y – 5z + 4 = 0
A) Planes will meet at a point
B) Planes will meet on a line

C) The distance from (1, 1, 1) to one of the planes is
D) Planes are equidistant from origin
44. Consider the lines x = y = z and the line 2x + y + z – 1 = 0 = 3x + y + 2z – 2 is
A) The shortest distance between the two lines is

B) The shortest distance between the two lines is 2

C) Plane containing 2nd line parallel to 1st line is y – z + 1 = 0

D) The shortest distance between the two lines
45. In quadrilateral ABCD, AB = a,BC = b, AD = b − a . If M is the midpoint of BC and N is
point on DM such that DN = DM , then
A) 5AN = 3AC B) 3AN = 5AC C) 5AN − 3AC = 0 D) 3AN + 5AC = 0

46. The vectors AB = 3i − 2j + 2k and BC = −i − 2k are the adjacent sides of a parallelogram.

The angle between its diagonals is
A)  / 4 B)  / 3 C) 3 / 4 D) 2 / 3
47. If A and B are two Mutually Exclusive events in a sample spaces S such that P(B) =
2P(A) and A  B = S then P(A) =
1 1 1 1
A) B) C) D)
2 3 4 5
48. The probabilities that a student passes in mathematics, physics and chemistry are m,
p and c respectively. Of these subjects, a student has a 75% chance of passing in at
Narayana IIT Academy SR NIPL WTA(2019-P1) QP Dt: 08.07.2024
least one, a 50% chance of passing in at least two, and a 40% chance of passing in
exactly two subjects. Which of the following relations are true?
19 27 1 1
A) p + m + c = B) p + m + c = C) pmc = D) pmc =
20 20 10 4
This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical values comprising of positive or
negative decimal numbers (place value ranging from Thousands place to Hundredths place).
Eg : 1234.56, 123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc.
Marking scheme : +3 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.

49. If the planes 2x + 3y – z + 5 = 0, x + 2y – kz + 7 = 0 are perpendicular then k =

50. A plane passes through (2, 3, -1) and is perpendicular to the line having DR’s (3, -4,
7). The perpendicular distance from the origin to this plane is then k is equal to
51. The projection of the join of the points (3, 4, 2), (5, 1, 8) on the line whose d.c’s are
2 3 6
 , − ,  is _____.
7 7 7
2 
52. Let |p|= 2,|q|= 1 and the angle between p and q be . If a parallelogram is formed
3 4
with adjacent sides a = p − 3q and b = 5p + 2q , then the length of the shortest
diagonal is ______.
53. An ordinary die has 4 blank faces, one face marked 2 and an other markered 3.
Then the probability of obtaining a total of exactly 5 in 2 throws is P then 36P =
54. Ten cards numbered 1 to 10 are placed in a box, mixed up thoroughly and then one
card in drawn randomly. If it is known that the number on the drawn card is more
than 3, the probability that it is an even number is P, then 70 P = ______.

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