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Experiment : 24 SI No: Date:

Aim: To determine the physical and chemical properties of Fats and oils.\

Refernce :‘ Dr. Gupta G.D. , Dr. Sharma Shailesh, Kaur Manpreet, “Practical Manual of
Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology” Published by Nirali Prakashan, Page no 80 – 83.

Materials Required: Different types of fats and oils (e.g., olive oil, coconut oil, butter,
vegetable shortening)

 Beakers
 Test tubes
 Graduated cylinder
 Hot plate
 Ice bath
 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution
 Ethanol
 Phenolphthalein indicator
 Balance
 Litmus paper

Theory: Fats and oils are greasy in nature and on hydrolysis with aqueous or alcoholic sodium
or potassium hydroxide liberate glycerol. Fats and oils are of vegetable or animal origin.


1. State determination:
o Take a small amount of each fat or oil and place it on a separate piece of litmus paper. Record
your observations.
2. Solubility:
o Place 1 mL of each fat or oil in a separate test tube. Add 5 mL of water to each test tube and stir
gently. Record your observations.
o Repeat the procedure using 5 mL of ethanol instead of water. Record your observations.
3. Melting point:
o Place a small amount of each fat or oil in a separate test tube. Attach the test tubes to
thermometers and heat them slowly in a hot water bath. Record the temperature at which each fat
or oil melts.
4. Saponification:
o Place 1 mL of each fat or oil in a separate test tube. Add 5 mL of 1 M NaOH solution and 5 mL
of ethanol to each test tube. Heat the test tubes gently in a hot water bath for 10 minutes.
o Carefully add a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator to each test tube. Titrate each solution
with 0.1 M HCl solution until the pink color disappears. Record the volume of HCl solution used
for each titration.

Result :
The given sample of fats and oils complies all the physical and chemical properties.

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