Document_2024-07!14!104633-Motion for Default 2

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Page 1 of 4 Form A Motion for Default Judgement Plaintiff or Filing Attomey Informat ‘Name: Louis Anthony Maye El In propria persona Sovereign-Personum Jurisdiction ‘NJ Attomey ID Number: None-Pro se litigant Address: Lat.:40.707600 N./Long.-74.217700 W. clo 223 Chancellor Avenue, Newark Territory, New Jersey Republic NJ [07112-1751] US DMM 602 1.3¢ (2) Near: NEWARK, NEW JERSEY Without the UNITED STATES Email: harmonyresonates@emailcom ‘Telephone Number: 862-658-1211 SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION ESSEX COUNTY Docket Number: Louis Anthony Maye El Sovereign Executor- Plaintiff Ralph A. Larossa D.B.A. Chief Executive Officer, PUBLIC SERVICE ENTERPRISE GROUP-Defendants Civil Action Notice of Motion ‘TAKE NOTICE: that the undersigned will apply to the above named Court located at: 465 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, CITY OF NEWARK STATE OF NEW JERSEY 07102 On_ at 9:00 am. for an Oder(deseribe relief requested), At that time |, Louis Anthony Maye El, will be filing and seeking a Motion for “Default Judgement” in reference to an AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH IN FACTS, Doc. Num.: 95890710527020014803839590940287824005025205 06202024 070, which you have failed to. rebut pursuant to, “The Ten Maxims Of Commercial Law”. In addition to that there is your willful disobedience to the “discharge command’ -Public Law Chapter 48, 48 Stat. 112, and also Public Policy 73-10, both of June 5", 1933. | will rely on the attached certification which contains the grounds for the relief sought. Form A Motion for Default Judgement Page 2 of 4 Form A Motion for Default Judgement Pursuant to R. 1:6-2(d) the undersigned: (check one) Waives oral argument and consents to disposition on the papers. X Requests oral argument if this matter is contested. X Requests oral argument for the following reasons: My reason for requesting is based on, Supreme Court Rule 1795, which states in no uncertain terms that, “Inasmuch as Government is an “artificial person”, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a Government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no Government/Corporation as well as any law agency, aspect, court, etc., can concern itself with anything other than Corporate, Artificial Persons and the contracts between them.” Factually and truthfully speaking there is no contract, that exist between myself and the artificial person/corporate entity known as PUBLIC SERVICE ENTERPRISE GROUP, nor any other artificial person/corporation/legal fiction/Bins Legis. I, Louis Anthony Maye El, simply am not a/the “Artificial person”, “legal fiction”, “Eins Legis”, “Corporation”, “corporate person”, “corporate entity” etc. Pursuant to “The Law Of Agency”, I, Louis Anthony Maye El, am a/the “Registered Agent” for the artificial person known as, LOUIS ANTHONY MAYE, the “Principal”. As the “registered agent” my main and only duty, obligation, responsibility, is to put the “artificial person”, “Corporate Body”, “Body Corporate” according to the Canon Laws, in to Commerce . Rights of agent 1.Right to receive remuneration 2.Right of retainer 3.Right of lien 4.Right to be indemnified against consequences of lawful acts Form A Motion for Default Judgement Page 3 of 4 Form A Motion for Default Judgement 5.Right to be indemnified against consequences of acts done in good faith 6.Right to compensation LAW OF AGENCY-Summary Notes 6.Duty of obedience; in performance of the undertaking, the agent must act in accordance with the authority given to him obeying all lawful instructions from the principal. 7.Not to become principal as against his employer. This is part of the more general duty that an agent must not let his interest conflict with his duty. 8.Not to disclose confidential information or documents entrusted to him by his principal. Rights of agent 1.Right to receive remuneration 2.Right of retainer 3.Right of lien 4.Right to be indemnified against consequences of lawful acts 5.Right to be indemnified against consequences of acts done in good faithé Right to compensation Duties of the principal 1.To pay the agent agreed remuneration or commission and if so agreed, necessary expenses as well 2.To indemnify the agent against any consequences of all things lawfully done within the authority conferred upon him. The right to indemnify is lost if the agent exceeds his authority or acts negligently Note: the duties of an agent are indirectly the rights of a principal and the rights of an agent are indirectly the duties of a principal. Relationship between principal, agent, and third parties 1.Where the agent is contracting for a named principal for a named principal and third party is fully aware of agency, then,if the agreement is within the agent's authority, or has been ratified, the third party can sue the principal. Form A Motion for Default Judgement Page 4 of 4 Form A Motion for Default Judgement 2.Where the agent discloses the existence but not the name of his principal, the third party can sue the principal. But where an agent contracts in writing and does not exclude his liability so that he appears to be personally liable, he will be unable to relieve himself of liability by proving that he was contracting as agent. 3.Where neither existence nor the identity of the principal is disclosed, the doctrine of undisclosed principal arises. When the principal is discovered, either the principal or the agent may be sued by the third party. The third party cannot sue both principal and agent. He must make his choice between them, and judgment obtained against one of them, bars proceedings against the other Form A Motion for Default Judgement

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