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Module Team
Module Christopher Paisley Campus
Coordinator Mafuva and London
and Tutor Campus
Module Stephen London Campus
Moderator Holmes
Module Elaine Paisley Campus
Tutor Stevens

Important Dates
Assessment Part 1: Week 1 but no later than 10pm on the 1st of October

Assessment Part 2: 9am on 26th of September until 10pm on the 29th of October

Assessment Part 3: 9am on 3rd of October until 10pm on the 29th of October

Assessment Part 4: 10pm on the 29th of October

N.B. Remember these dates and times take you to the final submission times
permitted. Assessments can be submitted any time before the cut off. Those
submitted after the cutoff will be subject to a regulatory penalty deduction of 10


Studying at university can be daunting for those transitioning from college or who
have not studied for a number of years. While induction is key to enabling students
to transition into their role at university a more proactive approach that embraces
student centred pedagogy across the length of the programme of learning is better
placed to develop the skills such students require. Within this approach, the focus is
on the early and sustained development of the knowledge, skills and understanding
that students require to become effective learners and achieve optimal success
within their programme of study

The Professional Health Studies programme supports students to become graduates

who are universal, work-ready and successful and this module is considered an initial
learning experience which will enable them to transition into higher education
learning more easily. The module is suitable for all those transitioning from college
and for those who are returning to study after a number of years in the workplace
and would like to enhance their academic skills.

The module includes topics such as maximising effective learning, developing critical
thinking and writing skills and using academic literature to support learning. In doing
so the module prepares students for further university study and their capability to
become knowledgeable critical thinkers who are analytical and inquiring and are able
to solve problems.

This module is fully theoretical and does not have any placements. It is suitable for
all students at beginning of their university learning journey

At the end of this module you will be able to:

L1. Identify the key enablers of effective learning.
L2. Demonstrate an understanding of how to reference an academic assessment and
apply this in practice.
L3. Discuss the importance of critical thinking and writing as a graduate attribute.

Teaching and Learning

This module may be delivered as hybrid learning module.

Hybrid delivery. In this mode of delivery students will attend online and taught
classes and take part in a range of student centre activities with the tutor and class
peers. All students have access to direct individual and tutorial support from their
tutors and will be directed to wider reading, including access to electronic library
and books. They will also have access to the VLE as a mechanism for communication
and dissemination of information.
Learning Activities Categories Student Learning Hours
During completion of this module, (Normally totalling 100
the learning activities undertaken to hours):
achieve the module learning (Note: Learning hours include both
contact hours and hours spent on other
outcomes are stated below: learning activities)

Lecture/Core Content Delivery Scheduled 12

Tutorial/Synchronous Support
Scheduled 12
Independent Study Independent 70
Personal Development Plan Scheduled 6
100 Hours Total


This module is formatively assessed by individual learning activities may be achieved

through discussion or structured activities undertaken in the classroom. In a blended
learning class this may be achieved by utilising discussion boards on the VLE.

The summative assessment for this module has one category with a 100%
weighting. This is the development of a learning log containing small elements of
work around developing your study and critical analysis skills. The more detail on
this is below.
Summative Assessment

Category 1: A 2000 word (+10%) learning log that provides evidence that the

student is being a proactive learner by utilising a range of academic study skills. The
learning log may include a range of short pieces of evidence such as a study plan for
a module of learning, work that focusses on the referencing technique and example
where a subject is critically analysed.

Summative Assessment: Detailed Guidance

The summative learning log is divided into 4 parts. Each has a different weighting to
allow you to build your confidence in assessment writing.
 Part 1: written assessment: 10% of the full module mark,
 Part 2: online discussion: 20% of the full module mark,
 Part 3: online class test: 20% of the full module mark,
 Part 4: written assessment: 50% of the full module mark.
The aim of these short assessments is to enable you to develop a range of essential
skills you will need to be successful in your studies. Remember you must submit all
of these to ensure a good final module mark.

You will receive provisional feedback/feedforward and provisional marks for each
written part of the assignment and the online discussion within three weeks of
submission. The feedback give you information on how your assessment mark has
been decided while feedforward is to provide guidance on how you can improve
future work. The mark for the online test will be available immediately you finish this
provided you hit the submit button when you finish the last question. Final module
marks and grades are released after the subject panel via self-service banner. The
University posts a notice of when these are available on Moodle. It is your
responsibility to check self-service banner for this.

In order to pass each part of the assessment you must achieve 40%. However if you
score between 30-39% (a fail grade) in one element of the learning log you may be
able to pass the module overall if you pass the others. So if you find that you have
failed one part, please do not panic. Dependent on your marks for the other parts
you may not have to resubmit any work. Please try to put any thoughts of

resubmission to the back of your mind until after the final marks are released at the
end of the trimester.

Your tutor will only provide guidance for the resubmission of assessments after the
subject panel and you should contact your tutor after the release of the final marks
to arrange this. Resits normally take place the following trimester.
N.B. if you have an overall mark for an assessment that is under 30% this is an
automatic resit.

The following pages provide detailed guidance as well as the marking criteria for the
all 4 parts of the assessment. Please ensure that you read the guidance on each part
carefully before you go forward to develop and submit them. You should continually
refer to the guidance while working and preparing for the assessments to assist you
to complete them effectively. If you are unsure about what the guidance is telling
you please contact your tutor whose details are in the front page of the handbook.

Please be aware that ass the 4 parts of this assessment add up to one overall mark in
a 100% weighted assessment if you apply for extenuating circumstances this will be
for all 4 assessments not just 1. Please talk to your tutor about this before you apply
for this.

Summative Assessment Part One:

To enable you to meet learning outcome 1
In unit 1B you complete a table of learning as you take part in the study skills
activities. There are 3 sections of the table for you to complete:
1. When will you find time to study?

2. Where are you going to study?
3. What is your learning style and how will you do to become a successful
The template you complete is what is submitted for this assessment. The template
can be found in the Week 1/unit 1 block of learning. Remember each part must be
fully completed using the guidance in the week 1/unit1 learning.
N.B. Assessment that do not use the template with not be marked.
The date of submission for part 1 of the assessment can be found on the front page
of the handbook and in your class timetable of learning. If you are unsure about
this check with your tutor. This assessment will be marked using the following
marking rubric:
Section Tutor Possible Awarded
Comments Mark Mark

When will I find the time to study? Completion 20

of the full activity giving the hours for each day
and what you have left.
Where am I going to study? Up to 100 words 35
on the place/places where you will study and
how this will help you become a successful
learner. In essay form not a list. This is a place
or places not a time. You MUST say why this
place(s)will help you study better.
What is my Learning Style? This MUST be 05
based on the activity you have done on
learning styles in the online unit. This is about
Kolb’s learning styles – so you MUST tell us
what Kolb learning style you are.
Based on the Kolb learning style you have 40
identified from the activity give examples of
how you will need to work on during your
private study time to help you become
successful in your studies over this term. This
needs to be in essay from and not a list.
Penalty for late assessment (minus 10 marks) -10

Totals 100

Summative Assessment Part Two:
To enable you to meet learning outcome 1
This assessment takes the form of an online discussion where you have to post
online the answers to a number of activities. Look carefully at your handbook front
page and your timetable of learning to see when this discussion opens and closes as
you need to post your replies to the questions posed in unit 2 during this time. You
are asked to post the following into the correct places in the unit 2 discussion forum:
Activity What you achieved Mark Total
Have I been a critical Post 2 /8
thinker in the past? Provide a 80 word example of
You need to refer something you did which was not
back to the use of the based on critical thinking. What
activity in unit 2 for was the outcome of your actions?
this post The key here is it needs to be
about your critical thinking NOT
what you did.
What is my judgment Post 3 /15
of the article. The Making reference to the 6
article you need to questions framework provide a
read and analyse is 150 word summary on whether or
provided in unit 2 of not you believe the information in
the online units. the article is of good quality and is
a reliable source of information.

Discuss the judgments Posts 4 and 5 /2

of the article with Respond to the opinions of 2 of
classmates. your classmates to say why you
do agree or disagree with their
thinking about the article. You
MUST say why you agree of
disagree using course or other
materials to support your ideas.
Overall total out of 20

Each answer you present in the discussion will be allocated the above marks. In
addition, the quality of your posts will be marked using the following guidance. So
you MUST write clearly and logically to get your points across.

PACE Principle (and criteria for awarding marks for the quality if posts)
The student has made no contribution to the forum discussion (0).
The student has contributed to the discussion but has not addressed the
topic (0).
The student's contribution has been an attack on another contributor (0).
The student has made at least one relevant response, or several relevant
responses, to the discussion topic (1).
The contributor has not addressed or built on any of the other ideas
expressed in the forum discussion (0).
The contributor has added to the overall group understanding of the topic
The contributor has taken account of the contribution made by another
member of the group, or has been the first contributor to the discussion
topic (2).
The contributor has taken account of several ideas made by other members
of the group (2).
Constructive criticism
The contributor makes no evaluative comment on the content of any of the
ideas that have been expressed (0).
The contributor expresses some evaluative comment on the contribution
that one other contributor has made (1).
The contributor expresses evaluative comment that deepens the quality of
the discussion (2).
Total PACE Score /5
Overall this assessment will be marked out of 25 and then multiplied by 4 to give an
overall mark out of 100.

Summative Assessment Part Three:

To enable you to meet learning outcome 2
This online class test will assess your knowledge of Referencing and Plagiarism. The
assignment accounts for 20% of the total module mark. In the test you have 30
minutes to answer the 10 randomly allocated questions. You only have one chance
to answer each question so read them carefully. Once you have completed all the
questions you MUST press submit and you will immediately get your score out of
The dates of the online class test can be found in your class timetable of learning. If
you are unsure about this check with your tutor.

Summative Assessment Part Four:

To enable you to meet learning outcome 2 and 3
This written assessment will be 900 words (+10%) and is worth 50% of the module
mark. The guidance asks you to:
1. Define and discuss the concepts of critical thinking AND critical writing. Use
module books and other credible evidence to support your ideas.
2. What are you going to do to become a critical thinker and a critical writer?
Discuss the approach you will take, including any challenges you think you
will experience as well as how you will overcome these. Use MUST module
books and other credible evidence to support the approaches you are going
to take to become successful in your studies.
To complete this assessment you MUST structure your work in the following way.
Section Tutor Possible Awarded
Comments Mark Mark
Introduction (50 words) 05
Define AND discuss the concept of critical 15
thinking (150 words)
Define AND discuss the concept of critical 15
writing (150 words)
What are you going to do to become a critical 40
thinker and a critical writer? Discuss the
approach you will take, including any
challenges you think you will experience as
well as how you will overcome these. Use the
module literature you support your action plan
(450 words)
Conclusion (100 words) 10
Writing style and structure 10
Referencing technique 05
Penalty for late assessment (minus 10 marks) -10
Totals 100

This will be the marking rubric used to give you feedback on your work and
comments to help you improve your assessment writing skills for future

Please note that where part of an assessment is over the permitted 10% of the word
count, a penalty of 10 marks will be deducted from the final mark. This is to ensure
that students who go over the extra 10% of permitted words do not have an
advantage over those who have adhered to the UWS regulations on assessments.
You must present your word count on the front sheet of your assessment.

UWS uses a plagiarism detection device called Turnitin. By submitting your
assessment, it will be assumed that you have read and understood the UWS
regulations on plagiarism. We strongly recommend that you submit at least one
draft into Turnitin before the final submission date to check your similarity score.

We have provided a guide to using Turnitin in the IT Advice and Library Services
block on the Moodle site.

Marks for each module will be expressed in the format approved by the Senate for
general use within the University, i.e.

Numerical Definition Descriptor

range (%)

A1 90-100 Exceptional Student work is exemplary and exceeds the threshold

standard by a significant margin. It displays exceptional
knowledge and understanding; insight, originality and
exceptional ability in analysis, evaluation, problem
solving or other process skills; very high ability in
professional practice skills (where relevant) including
evidence of high degree of almost complete autonomy
and independent judgment relative to threshold
A2 80-89 Outstanding Student work significantly exceeds the threshold
standard. It displays a consistently thorough, deep and
extensive knowledge and understanding; originality
and/or very high ability in analysis, evaluation, problem
solving or other process skills; very high ability in
professional practice skills (where relevant) including
evidence of high degree of autonomy and independent
judgment relative to threshold expectations.
A3 70-79 Excellent Student work very much exceeds the threshold
standard. It displays a consistently thorough, deep
and/or extensive knowledge and understanding;
originality and/or very high ability in analysis,
evaluation, problem solving or other process skills; very
high ability in professional practice skills (where
relevant) including evidence of high degree of
autonomy and independent judgment relative to
threshold expectations.
B1 60-69 Very good Student work is well above the threshold standard. It
displays a consistently very good level of knowledge
Commendable and understanding; high ability in analysis, evaluation,
problem solving or other process skills; high ability in
professional practice skills (where relevant) including
exercise of significant independent judgment relative
to threshold expectations.
B2 50-59 Good Student work is clearly above the threshold standard.
Highly It displays generally good knowledge and
competent understanding; good ability in analysis, evaluation,
problem solving or other process skills; evidences
highly competent performance of professional practice
skills (where relevant).
C 40-49 Satisfactory Student work is at the threshold standard. It displays
Competent generally satisfactory knowledge and understanding in
most key respects; competence in analysis and most
other process skills; evidences competent performance
of professional practice skills (where relevant).
D 30-39 Unsatisfactory Student work is marginally below the threshold
standard. It displays some knowledge and
understanding but this is incomplete or partial; limited
ability in analysis and other process skills; evidences
lack of or partial competence in professional practice
skills (where relevant).
E 1-29 Very Student work is well below the threshold standard. It
unsatisfactory displays very limited knowledge and understanding;
evidences very limited or no analytical or other process
skills; very limited competence over the range of
professional practice skills.
N 0 (at first diet) No work to There is no work to assess at first diet or no further
0-100 at assess attainment at the resit diet or either incomplete or no
second or engagement with re-assessment diet.

To pass this module the student is required to attain an overall grade of C or better.


Satisfactory engagement with all module activities must be achieved as per the
university regulations before an assessment will be accepted for marking. All classes
and Moodle sites are monitored to ensure full student engagement. If no attempt is
made by a student to contact the tutor about lack of module engagement the School
non-engagement strategy will be implemented. I.e. where a student is deemed not
to be engaging with the module sufficiently an email will be sent reminding them of
their responsibilities. If there remains a lack of engagement a student may be
withdrawn from the module and/or the programme of study.

If for any reason you are unable to submit assessments there are extenuating
circumstances (ECS) procedures which can be found at:

Please note that this process is completed fully online via self-service banner and
that module tutors and the module coordinator do not play any part in the ECS
process. However, you should inform your tutor if you are unable to submit any of
the assessments.

There is no core text for this module all are considered essential reading. All of these
texts are responsible for allowing you to meet the learning outcomes for this
module. You MUST use these to support the ideas you present in you assessments.

Aveyard, H., Sharp, P. and Wooliams, M. (2015) A Beginners Guide to Critical

Thinking and Writing in Health and Social Care. 2nd Ed. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill.

Aveyard, H. and Sharp, P. (2013) A Beginners Guide to Evidence Based Practice in

Health and Social Care Professions. 2nd Ed. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill.

Boyd, C. (2014) Study Skills for Nurses. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

Craig, C. (2009) Study Skills for Health and Social Care Students. London: Sage.

In addition to these texts students will be directed to a wide range of international,

national and local information to support the module content and learning






Trimester 1

Summary of the Summative Assessment - Submission Requirements
and Regulations
Summative Assessment Deadline* Deadline* Mode of Expected
Activity (including assignment for for submission timing of
title/question, where Submission Submission provisional
appropriate) (Date) (Time) feedback
Part 1 1st diet 01/10/23 10pm On-line Within 3
weeks of
Written submission
Assessment 2nd diet TBC 10pm On-line Within 3
weeks of
3rd Diet TBC 10pm On-line Within 3
weeks of

Summative Assessment Deadline* Deadline*

Activity (including assignment for for Mode of
timing of
title/question, where Submission Submission submission
appropriate) (Date) (Time)
Part 2 29/10/22 Within 3
Online 1st diet On-line weeks of
Discussion submission
On-line TBC Within 3
2nd diet On-line weeks of
TBC On-line Within 3
3rd diet weeks of

Mode of Expected
Summative Assessment Deadline* Deadline*
submission timing of
Activity (including assignment for for
title/question, where Submissio Submissio
appropriate) n (Date) n (Time)
Part 3 29/10/22 Immediat
Online Test 1st Diet On-line
On-line TBC Immediat
2nd diet On-line
TBC On-line Immediat
3rd diet

Summative Assessment Activity Deadline* Deadline* Mode of Expected
(including assignment for for submission timing of
title/question, where Submission Submission provisional
appropriate) (Date) (Time) feedback
Part 4 29/10/22 Within 3
1st diet 10pm On-line weeks of
Written submission
Assessment 2nd diet TBC 10pm On-line Within 3
weeks of
3rd Diet TBC 10pm On-line Within 3
weeks of

*Deadline submission date and time indicate the latest point of

Students are permitted to submit summative assessments before these
deadlines. Attention should be paid to the availability/ provision of academic
support sessions prior to any submission.

In the event of an emergency

EMERGENCY In the event of a University emergency which will knowingly result in
ARRANGEMENTS loss of access to Moodle/Turnitin, you shall be informed via
announcement in Moodle, and advised of alternative arrangements for
assessment submission.

No student will be penalised as a result of a University systems failure

out with their control.

Late submission arrangements and penalties

Coursework may not normally be submitted more than one calendar week after the due date

Late submission of Agreed extension to coursework deadlines

1. Extensions to coursework deadlines on the basis of good cause
coursework without prior may be determined by the Module Co-ordinator, without
agreement penalty.
2. The agreed revised date for submission will thereafter be
1. Coursework deemed to be the due date for submission.
submitted after the 3. The penalty for ‘late submission of coursework’ will then apply
due date without to any work submitted after the agreed revised date for
prior agreement with submission, provided that the work is submitted within one
the Module Co- calendar week of the due date
ordinator will be
penalised by the
reduction of ten The due date for submission should normally lie within the University
points from the 100 trimesters dates
available, from the
mark awarded What does this mean?
provided that the This means extension to coursework can only be granted if this
work is submitted permits management within the timescales for presenting results to
within one calendar Subject Panels
week of the due date.

NB If the module is a pass/fail

grade and there is a late
submission without prior
agreement, the penalty shall
be that a fail is recorded.

Academic support arrangements to support summative assessment

Diet Details of Academic Support Provision to Support Assessment
Full guidance about allocation of marks and suggested structure will
be provided via Moodle.
1st Tutors for hybrid classes will provide face to face and online support
as required.
Private questions can be submitted by e mail.
Full guidance about allocation of marks and suggested structure will
be provided via Moodle.
2nd Tutors for hybrid classes will provide face to face and online support
as required.
Private questions can be submitted by e mail.
Full guidance about allocation of marks and suggested structure will
be provided via Moodle.
3rd Tutors for hybrid classes will provide face to face and online support
as required.
Private questions can be submitted by e mail.


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