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Level 4 Assignment Guide


Business Environment

1. Introduction …………………………………………………..………………..................... 3

2. Assignment Task Guidance ………………………………………….......................... 4

2.1.Task One – Ppt Presentation: Business Environment analysis ................ 4

2.2.Task Two – Essay: The impact of changes in the public sector and non-for-
profit environment on business organisation and the impact of government
on the structure and operation of a business organisation …………………… 5

3. Conclusion................................................................................................... 7

1. Introduction

The Assignment Guide should be used in conjunction with the Assignment Brief as its
purpose is to provide guidance as to how best to respond to the requirements of the
assignment brief. It also gives an indication of what the marker will be looking for in the
piece of work.
All three learning outcomes are addressed within the tasks of the assignment:

1) Analyse a firm’s business environment

2) Assess the impact of government on the structure and operation of a business
3) Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of changes in the public sector and
non-for-profit environment on business organisation and activity

To succeed in the module you must satisfy all learning outcomes, which in turn means
addressing each part of the assignment brief – missing something out will impact your grade

2. Task Guidance

2.1. Task One – Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation: Business Environment analysis

Carry out a methodology of analysing the firm’s environment using a PowerPoint presentation
(10-12 slides).
The presentation must include speaker notes at the bottom of each slide to explain the key points
on the slide. Keep the slides succinct and you can use bullet points where necessary. The slides
must be embedded in the assignment followed by the report.

The Presentation must contain:

a) Various analysis of different organisations in relation to the Theory of the Firm using
both PEST and Porter’s Five Forces models.
b) Word count approximately 750 words

Answer guide
-Set a definition of business environment
-Explain and apply PESTLE analysis and Porter’s Five Forces model to relevant organisations.
Note: You have to apply Porter’s five forces model to the micro-environment and PESTLE to the

Tips to Design Your PowerPoint Presentation Better

1. Keep Your Slides Simple.

2. Limit Words on Your Slides. Do not provide too much information in one slide.
3. Use High-Quality Photos and Graphics.
4. Use Accurate and Relevant Charts and Graphs.
5. Use High-Quality, Fresh Templates. Sometimes better a design with basic white
background than a sophisticated multicolour template.
6. Choose clear and readable Fonts.
7. Clean + Simple Formatting Makes All the Difference!

2.2. Task Two – Write an essay: The impact of changes in the public sector and non-for-
profit environment on business organisation and the impact of government on the
structure and operation of a business organisation

Please note: the purpose of the assignment brief is an investigation of the impact of
Covid 19 on Public and non profit sector

The Essay must contain:

a) An introduction to provide an overview of the different types of organisations in different
sectors: Review different organisational forms of business - for profit, public sector charities
not-for-profit, and charities understanding the reasons for their structure and their financing.
Answer guide:

1. Choose one organisation for each different type of business.

2. Explain their aim.
3. Assess their structures and financing
4. Analyse the impact of Covid 19 on Public and Non Profit Sector

b) An explanation of the different legal structures including their advantages and

disadvantages: Define the core principles for operating under different structures and the
advantages and disadvantages.
Answer guide:

1. Explain different types of legal structures

2. Outline advantage and disadvantages for each structure (use examples to support
your answer)

c) The differences between public and private ownership including the different forms of
financing used for both: Identify what differences exist between public and private
ownership and what impact does this have on the management of the organisation.
Understand the different forms of financing used for both and management structures.
Answer guide:

1. Define private and public ownership.

2. Compare and contrast them: Identify differences and similarities between them and
outline the consequences on the management.
3. Identify different forms of financing using both management structures.
4. Analyse the impact of Covid 19 on Public Sector

d) An assessment of the UK Competition policy and the legislative framework surrounding
anti-competitive practices: Assess extent and policy control of restrictive trading practices
Consider the role of monopolies and cartels and the legislative framework surround ant-
competitive practices.
Answer guide:
1. Define different types of market structures (monopoly, oligopoly, competition).
2. Assess UK competition policy and compare it with EU competition policy.

e) How the Competition and Markets Authority operates to review business practice and
impact on the consumer: Explain how does the Competition and Markets authority operate
to review business practice and impact on the consumer.
Answer guide:
1. Explain what is a competition and market authority.
2. Explain how it operates in the economy.
3. Explain what is the impact of this on the consumer.

f) An understanding of the objectives and fiscal and monetary policy instruments the
government can use to regulate the economy during the recession and the impact on
employment, taxation, interest rate, balance of payments and exchange rates in relation
to business operations: Brief introduction to the function of government in regulating
macro-economic policy and its impact on employment, taxation, interest rate, balance of
payments and exchange rates.
Answer guide:
1. Explain what are the macroeconomic objectives and what is the difference with
2. Explain how the government intervenes into the economy (Fiscal, Monetary and
supply-side policies).
3. Explain what is the impact of government intervention on employment, taxation,
interest rate, balance of payments and exchange rates.

g) An understanding of globalisation and how it affects business, competition, and the

economy: Review and extend understanding of globalisation and how it affects business,
competition and the economy. How extended supply chains and off-sharing manufacture
affects domestic policy.
Answer guide:

1. Set a definition of globalisation.

2. Assess how the globalisation process affects business, competition and the
3. Assess how off-sharing manufacture affects domestic policy.

h) Word count approximately 1,750 words.

3. Conclusion

This assignment requires a power point presentation and a written report and like all
other pieces of work for Higher Education studies, requires you to base your thoughts,
statements, and ideas on research.

Please remember to:

a) Ensure that each piece of information you use in your work comes from research
– never your own thoughts.
b) That you follow the Harvard Reference System on the reference page and within
your work.
c) That the writing style that you adopt is academic i.e. third person, uses
appropriate specialist language, and has no conjunctions.
d) That the assignment followed the required assignment structure – refer to the
guidance given during your Foundation Year modules.

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