(Cbse Main Iit) Sr Cbse Super Chaina Qp 10-06-2024

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Time: 3 Hrs MAINS MODEL Max Marks: 300
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for
its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
1. A force of 4N is acting between two charges in air. If the space between them is completely filled with
glass ( r  8) , then the new force will be

1) 2N 2) 0.5N 3) 0.2 N 4) 5N
2. A proton of mass 'm' charge 'e' is released from rest in a uniform electric field of strength 'E'. The time
taken by it to travel a distance 'd' in the field is

2de 2Ee 2dE 2dm

1) 2) 3) 4)
mE dm me Ee
3. Three point charges of 1C, 2C and 3C are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side 1m.
Calculate the work required to move the charges to the corners of a smaller equilateral triangle of side
0.5 m

1) 66  109 J 2) 99  109 J 3) 33  109 J 4) 88  109 J

4. In the figure, the equivalent capacitance between A and B is

1) 3.75  F 2) 5.25  F 3) 6.5  F 4) 10.5  F

5. While connecting 6 cells in a battery in series, in a tape recorder, by mistake one cell is connected with
reverse polarity. If the effective resistance of load is 24 ohm and internal resistance of each cell is one
ohm and emf 1.5V, the current delivered by the battery is
1) 0.1 A 2) 0.4 A 3) 0.3A 4) 0.2A
6. A regular hexagon with diagonals is made up of identical wires each having same resistance r, as shown in
Fig. Find the equivalent resistance between the points A&B

1) 2r/7 2) 4r/5 3) 3r/8 4) 2r

7. A potentiometer wire is connected across the ideal battery now, the radius of potentiometer wire is
doubled without changing its length. The value of potential gradient
1) Does not change 2) increases two times 3) increases 4 times 4) becomes half
8. A 2MeV proton is moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of 2.5 tesla. The force on the proton

1) 8  10 12 newton 2) 8  10 11 newton 3) 2.5  10 11 newton 4) 2.5  10 10 newton
9. A proton, a deuteron and an  particle are accelerated through same potential difference and then they
enter a normal uniform magnetic field, the ratio of their kinetic energies will be
1) 2: 1: 3 2) 1:2:4 3) 1:1:1 4) 1:1:2
10. A loop of flexible conducting wire of length l lies in magnetic field B which is normal to the plane of
loop. A current I is passed through the loop. The tension developed in the wire to open up is
 BIl BIl
1) BIl 2) 3) 4) BIl
2 2 2
11. Three charges are arranged on the vertices of an equilateral triangle as shown in figure. Find the dipole
moment of the combination.

qd qd
1) 2qd 2) 3) qd 3 4)
3 3

 E x iˆ
12. The electric field in a region is given by E  0 . Find the charge contained inside a cubical volume
bounded by the surfaces x = 0, x = a, y = 0, y = a, z = 0 and z = a. Take E0 = 5 x 103 NC-1, l = 2 cm
and a = 1 cm.

1) 1.1 10 12 C 2) 3.3  10 12 C 3) 2.2 10 12 C 4) 4.4 10 12 C
13. An air-filled parallel-plate capacitor is to be constructed which can store 12 µC of charge when operated
at 1200 V. What can be the minimum plate area of the capacitor? The dielectric strength of air is 3 x 106 V
1) 0.10m2 2) 0.25m2 3) 0.30m2 4) 0.45m2

14. Each of the plates shown in figure has surface area (96/  0 ) × 10-12 F-m on one side and the separation
between the consecutive plates is 4.0 mm. The emf of the battery connected is 10 volts. Find the
magnitude of the charge supplied by the battery to each of the plates connected to it.

1) 0.32  C 2) 0.16  C 3) 0.64  C 4) 0.128 C

15. A current of 1.0 A exists in a copper wire of cross-section 1.0 mm². Assuming one free electron per
atom calculate the drift speed of the free electrons in the wire. The density of copper is 9000 kg m-3.
1) 0.700 mm/s 2) 0.074 mm/s 3) 0.74 mm/s 4) 7.40 mm/s
16. The potentiometer wire AB shown in figure is 50 cm long. When AD = 30 cm, no deflection occurs in
the galvanometer. Find R. in ohm.

1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4
17. A particle of mass m=1.6×10kg-27 and charge q = 1.6 x 10-19 C moves at a speed of 1.0 x 107 m s-1. It
enters a region of uniform magnetic field at a point E, as shown in figure. The field has a strength of 1.0
T. The magnetic field is directed into the plane of the paper. The particle leaves the region of the field at
the point F. Find the distance EF and the angle  .

1) 14 cm, 60’ 2) 14 cm, 45’ 3) 7 cm, 45’ 4) 7 cm, 60’

18. A positively charged particle projected towards east is deflected towards north by a magnetic field. The
field may be
1) Towards west 2) Towards south 3) upward 4) downward.

19. A current of 10 A is established in a long wire along the positive z-axis. Find the magnetic field B at
the point (1 m, 0, 0).
1) 1T 2) 2T 3) 3T 4) 4T

20. A circular loop of one turn carries a current of 5.00 A. If the magnetic field B at the centre is 0.200 mT,
find the radius of the loop.
1) 9.32cm 2) 1.57cm 3) 12.92cm 4) 23.92cm

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the
Answer in the decimals, Mark nearest Integer only. Have to answer any 5 only out of 10
questions and question will beevaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
21. An electron is moving under the influence of the electric field of a uniformly charged infinite plane sheet
S having surface charge density +  . The electron at t = 0 is at a distance of 1 m from S and has a speed
 m 0  C
of 1 m/s. The maximum value of  if the electron strikes S at t = 1s is    2 the value of  is
 e m
22. The electric potential at the surface of an atomic nucleus (z = 50) of radius 9 x 10-13 cm is_____ x 106 V
23. A parallel plate capacitor with plate separation 5 mm is charged up by a battery. It is found that on
introducing a dielectric sheet of thickness 2 mm, while keeping the battery connections intact, the
capacitor draws 25% more charge from the battery than before. The dielectric constant of the sheet
24. A 600 pF capacitor is charged by 200 V supply. It is then disconnected from the supply and is connected
to another uncharged 600 pF capacitor. Electrostatic energy lost in the process is____________  J.

25. The current in a conductor is expressed as I = 3t²+4t3, where I is in Ampere and t is in second. The
amount of electric charge that flows through a section of the conductor during t = 1s to t = 2s is_______
26. Equivalent resistance of the following network is ______________  .

27. A network of four resistances is connected to 9 V battery, as shown in figure. The magnitude of voltage
difference between the points A and B is __________________V.

28. A regular polygon of 6 sides is formed by bending a wire of length 4  meter. If an electric current of
4 3 A is flowing through the sides of the polygon, the magnetic field at the centre of the polygon
would be x  10 7 T . The value of x is ________________.
29. The ratio of magnetic field at the centre of a current carrying coil of radius r to the magnetic field at
distance r from the centre of coil on its axis is x : 1. The value of x is _____________.
30. A charge particle of 2µC accelerated by a potential difference of 100 V enters a region of uniform
magnetic field of magnitude 4 mT at right angle to the direction of field. The charge particle completes
semicircle of radius 3 cm inside magnetic field. The mass of the charge particle is ______ ×10-18 kg.


This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4)
for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
31. K H value for Ar  g  , CO2  g  , HCHO  g  and CH 4  g  are 40.39,1.67, 1.83  10 5 and 0.413

respectively. Arrange these gases in the order of their increasing solubility.

1) HCHO  CH 4  CO2  Ar 2) HCHO  CO2  CH 4  Ar

3) Ar  CH 4  CO2  HCHO 4) Ar  CO2  CH 4  HCHO

32. Which of the following liquid pairs shows a positive deviation from Raoult’s law?

1) Acetone- chloroform 2) Benzene- methanol

3) Water- nitric acid 4) Water- hydrochloric acid

33. Determine the amount of CaCl2 (i=2.47) dissolved in 2.5 litre of water such that its osmotic pressure is

0.75 atm at 27 0 C

1) 2.42 g 2) 0.14 g 3) 4g 4) 3.41 g

34. Benzene and toluene form nearly ideal solutions. At 200 C , the vapour pressure of benzene is 75 torr
and that of toluene is 22 torr. The partial vapour pressure of benzene at 200 C for a solution containing
78g of benzene and 46 of toluene in torr is

1) 50 2) 25 3) 37.5 4) 53.5


Half-life is independent on concentration of A. After 10 minutes volume of N 2 gas is 10 L and after

completion of reaction 50 L. Then rate constant of the reaction is?

2.303 2.303
1) log 5 min 1 2) log1.25 min 1
10 10

2.303 2.303
3) log 2 min 1 4) log 4 min 1
10 10

36. A  B & C  D are fist order reactions, ratio of t99.9% values is 4 :1 , then ratio of rate constants K1 to

K 2 is

1) 4 :1 2) 2 :1 3) 1:1 4) 1: 4

37. Consider the plots for the types of reaction nA  B  C

These plots respectively correspond to the reaction orders:

1) 0, 2,1 2) 1, 0, 2 3) 1,1, 2 4) 0,1, 2

38. What is the correct electronic configuration of the central atom in K4[Fe(CN)6] based on crystal field
1) e 4t22 2) t24eg2 3) t26eg0 4) e3t 23

39. Correct wavelengths of absorption in the visible region for the complexes of Co³+ is
1) [Co(H2O)6]3+, [Co(en)3]3+, [Co(NH3)6]3+ 2) [Co(en)3]3+, [Co(NH3)6]3+, [Co(H2O)6]3+
3) [Co(NH3)6]3+, [Co(en)3]3+, [Co(H2O)6]3+ 4) [Co(H2O)6]3+ [Co(NH3)6]3+, [Co(en)3]3+

40. Match the catalyst with the process:

Catalyst Process
(i) V2O5 (p) The oxidation of ethyne to ethanal
(ii) TiCl4 +Al(CH3)3 (q) Polymerisation of alkynes
(iii) PdCl2 (r) Oxidation of SO₂ in the manufacture of H2SO4
(iv) Nickel complexes (s) Polymerisation of ethylene
Which of the following is the correct option?
1) (i)-(p), (ii)-(q), (iii)-(r), (iv)-(s) 2) (i)-(r), (ii)-(s), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(q)
3) (i)-(p), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(q), (iv)-(s) 4) (i)-(r), (ii)-(p), (iii)-(s), (iv)-(q)

41. The type of isomerism shown by the complex [CoCl2(en)2] is

1) ionization isomerism 2) coordination isomerism
3) geometrical isomerism 4) linkage isomerism.

42. Which of the following is most powerful oxidizing agent?

1) Cl 2  2e   2Cl  ; E 0  1.36V
2) Na   e   Na; E 0  2.71V
3) H 2O2  2 H   2e   2 H 2O; E 0  1.78V
4) MnO4  2 H 2O  2e   MnO2  4OH  , E 0  0.6v
43. If the solution of the CuSO4 in which copper rod is immersed is diluted to 10 times, the electrode
1) Increases by 0.295V 2) Decreases by 0.0295V
3) Increases by 0.059V 4) Decreases by 0.059V

44. Resistance of 0.2M solution of an electrolyte is 50. The specific conductance of the solution is
1.4Sm1 . The resistance of 0.5M solution of same electrolyte is 280. The molar conductivity of 0.5M
solution of the electrolyte is Sm2 mol 1 is
1) 5  103 2) 5  102 3) 5  104 4) 5  103

45. The charge required to reduce 1 mole Cr2O72 to Cr 3 ions is

1) 3F 2) 3 coulomb 3) 6F 4) 2  6.023  10 23 e 
46. The electronic configuration of Einsteinium is: (Given atomic number of Einsteinium = 99)
1) [ Rn]5 f 13 6 d 0 7 s 2 2) [ Rn]5 f 12 6 d 0 7 s 2 3) [ Rn]5 f 11 6 d 0 7 s 2 4) [ Rn]5 f 10 6 d 0 7 s 2

47. Give below are two statements:

Statement I: The higher oxidation states are more stable down the group among transition elements
unlike p-block elements.
Statement II: Copper can not liberate hydrogen from weak acids.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
2) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
4) Statement I is false but Statement II is true

48. Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): In aqueous solutions Cr2+ is reducing while Mn³+ is oxidising in nature.
Reason (R): Extra stability to half filled electronic configuration is observed than incompletely filled
electronic configuration.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
1) (A) is true but (R) is false
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
3) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
4) (A) is false but (R) is true

49. Choose the correct statements from the following

A. Mn2O7 is an oil at room temperature
B. V2O4 reacts with acid to give VO22+
C. CrO is a basic oxide
D. V2O5 does not react with acid
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1) A, B and D only 2) A, B and C only 3) B and C only 4) A and C only

50. In the reaction, P  Q  R  S The time taken for 75% reaction of P is twice the time taken for 50%
reaction of P. The concentration of Q varies with reaction time as shown in the figure. The overall order
of the reaction is

1) 1 2) 3 3) 0 4) 2

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the
Answer in the decimals, Mark nearest Integer only. Have to answer any 5 only out of 10
questions and question will beevaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
51. At 100 C , osmotic pressure of urea solution is 500 mm Hg. If temperature is raised by 150 C , then how
many times this solution be diluted to get osmotic pressure 105.33 mm Hg?
52. The amount of urea to be dissolved in 500 ml of water  K f  1.86  to produce a depression of 1.860 C in

freezing point is 10 x gram. Find X?

53. For a 1st order reaction, t93.75%  nt 1/ 2 . Find n?

54. The half -life period of a reaction is 80 minutes at certain concentration, when initial concentration is
doubled the half -life is reduced to 40 minutes. The order of the reaction is?

55. a Cr2O72  b C2O42  c H   d Cr 3  e CO2  f H 2O then algebraic sum of all the co-efficents is

56. 15.8 g of KMnO4 is dissolved in 500 ml of solution, 100 ml of above obtained KMnO4 solution is
2 2
titrated with 20 ml of Feaq solution then molarity of Feaq solution is (Molar mass of Mn is 55)

57. The number of geometrical isomers of the complex [Co(NO2)3(NH3)3] is

58. The sum of coordination number and oxidation number of the metal M in the complex [M(en)2(C2O4)]
Cl (where en is ethylene diamine) is

59. A hydrogen electrode is dipped in a solution at 0 250 C . The potential of cell is -0.177V. Calculate the
pH of the solution.

60. When water is electrolysed, hydrogen and oxygen gas are produced. If 1.008g of H2 is liberated at
cathode, calculate the mass of O2 is formed at anode.


This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4)
for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
 f 1  x  
1/ x
61. Let f : R  R be such that f(1) = 3 and f’(1) = 6. Then lim  . Equals
x  0
 f 1 
1) 1 2) e1/2 3) e2 4) e3
62. The func on given by y = ||x|  1| is differen able for all real numbers except the points
1)  1 2) {0, 1, 1} 3) 1 4) 1
 1 2 n 
63. lim  2
 2
 ......   is equal to:
n  1 n 1 n 1 n2 
1) –1/2 2) 0 3) ½ 4) None of these

sin 1 x  tan 1 x
64. lim is equal to
x 0 x3
1) ½ 2) 1 3) –1 4) 2

65. The value of lim cos (tan–1 (sin (tan–1x))) is equal to –

|x|  

1 1
1) –1 2) 2 3)  4)
2 2
 1  x2 
66. sin 1   is
 2x
 
1) Neither con nuous nor differen able at x = 1
2) Differen able at x = 1
3) Con nuous but not differen able at x = 1
4) Con nuous every where
67. The number of points where f(x) = [sinx + cosx] (where [.] denotes the greatest integer func on), x(0,
2) is not con nuous is
1) 5 2) 4 3) 3 4) 6
 2 
 x  a 2 sin x , 0x 
68. If the func on f ( x )   x cot x  b ,

x 
 , is con nuous in the interval [0, ] then the values of (a,
 4 2
 b sin 2 x  a cos 2 x , 
 x 
 2
b) are
1) (–1, –1) 2) (0, 0) 3) (–1, 1) 4) (1, –1)
1 1
69. The points of discon nuity of y 2
where u is
u u2 x 1
1 1
1) , 1, 2 2) , 1,  2 3) 1 ,  1, 2 4) None
2 2 2

 x2  4x  3

70. If f (x )   x 2  1 , for x  1 , then
2 , for x  1

1) lim f ( x )  2 2) f (x ) is discon nuous at x 1
x 1 

3) lim f ( x )  3 4) None of these

x 1 

71. The tangent to the curve y  2 x 2  x  1 at a point P is parallel to y  3 x  4, the co-ordinate of P are
1) (2, 1) 2) (1, 2) 3) (– 1, 2)` 4) (2, – 1)
72. If xy yx = 1, then dy/dx is –
y ( y  x log y) y (x  y log x )
1) 2)
x ( y log x  x ) x ( y  x log y)
y ( y  x log y)
3) – 4) None of these
x (x  y log x)

tan x dy
73. If y  (tan x ) (tan x ) , then =
dx x  /4

1) 0 2) 2 3) 1 4) None

d   x  x  2  
3/ 4
74. loge    equals to
dx    x  2  
 
x2  1 x2  1 x2  1
1) 1 2) 3) 4) ex
x2  4 x2  4 x2  4

75. Let f : R  R be a one onto differen able func on, such that f(2) = 1 and f'(2) = 3, then the value of
 d 1  is –
 (f (x )) 
 dx  x 1
1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4) 6
2 3 6
  
76. The deriva ve of cos 2tan1 1 x  – 2 cos–1  1x  w. r. to x is
  1 x   2 
    
1 1
1) 1  2) 1 
1 x 1 x2

1 1
3) 2  4) 2 
1 x 1 x2

77. Let R  {(3, 3), (6, 6), (9, 9), (12, 12), (6, 12), (3, 9), (3, 12), (3, 6)} be a rela on on the set A  {3, 6, 9, 12 } . The rela on is
1) Reflexive and transi ve only 2) Reflexive and symmetric only
3) An equivalence rela on 4) Reflexive only
78. Given the rela on R = {(1, 2), (2, 3)} on the set A = {1, 2, 3}, the minimum number of ordered pairs which
when added to R make it an equivalence rela on is
1) 7 2) 6 3) 5 4) 8
79. Two finite sets have m and n elements. The total number of subsets of the first set is 56 more than the
total number of subsets of the second set. The values of m and n are
1) 7, 6 2) 6, 3 3) 5, 1 4) 8, 7

2 6 1
80. The value of cos–1 – cos–1 is equal to –
3 2 3
   
1) 2) 3) 4)
12 6 8 3

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the
Answer in the decimals, Mark nearest Integer only. Have to answer any 5 only out of 10
questions and question will beevaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
81. Consider the function f : R  R defined by f ( x )  . If the composi on of
1  9x2
210 x
f o f o f o......of ) ( x) 
f , ( , then the value of 3a  1 is equal to________________
10 times 1  9ax 2

82. The number of symmetric relations defined on the set {1,2,3,4} which are not reflexive is

 tan 8 x

  8  tan 7 x 
  , 0 x
 7  2

 
83. Let f : (0,  )  R be a func on given by f ( x)  a  8, x
 2
 b
tan x , x
(1 | cot x)
 x 
 2

Where a b  Z . If f is con nuous at x  , then a 2  b 2 is equal to _________________
3 x 2  k x  1, 0  x  1
84. Let k and m be posi ve real numbers such that the func on f ( x )   2
mx  k , x 1

8 f '(8)
Is differen able for all x  0. then is equal to___________________
f ' 

 2x  1  1  x 
 4
85. If the sum of all the solu ons tan 1  2 
 cot    , 1  x  1, x  0 , is   , then  is equal
 1 x   2x  3 3
to _______________________

  1 

50 tan  3 tan 1    2cos 1 

 5 
1 1 
 
  4 2 tan  tan 2 2  is equal to_____________________
2 

87. Let f ( x)  x3  x 2 f '(1)  xf ''(2)  f '''(3), x  R. Then f '(10) is equal to_________________

d 2x
88. If y ( x)  ( x ) , x  0, then 2  20 at x  1 is equal to ___________.
x x


 6 x2  5x  1  1  2 x  3 x  4 
89. If domain of the func on log e    cos   is  ,    ( ,  ] , then 18
 2x 1   3x  5 
( 2   2   2   2 ) is equal to________________________

90. Let f(x) and g(x) be two real polynomials of degree 2 and 1 respec vely. If f ( g ( x))  8 x 2  2 x and
g ( f ( x))  4 x 2  6 x  1 , then the value of f (2)  g (2) is __________________.

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