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By: Bedilu. A

 Particle Size and Size Distribution

 Methods for determining particle size
 Density and Flow properties of powders

o After completion of this chapter, the student will be able to

➢ Describe the concept of particle size as it applies to pharmaceutical


➢ Discuss the common particle size of pharmaceutical preparation and

their impact on pharmaceutical processing/preparation.

➢ Differentiate the method of determining particle size.

➢ Discuss the role and importance of particle shape and surface area.

➢ Understand the methods for determining particle surface area.

➢ Describe derived properties of a powder and their importance.



 It is the science and technology of small particles.

 The unit of particle size used in the micrometer (µm), micron (µ) and equal to

10-6 m.

 As particle size decreases , area increases 


 Knowledge and control of the size and the size range of particles have

significant importance in pharmacy

 because the size and surface area of a particle are related to the:-

 physical
 chemical and
pharmacologic properties of a drug

 The particle size of a drug can affect its release from dosage forms that are

administered orally, parenterally , rectally and topically.


 The successful formulation of suspensions, emulsions, and

tablets, from the viewpoints of both physical stability and

pharmacologic response, also depends on the particle size
achieved in the product.

 In the area of tablet and capsule manufacture, control of the

particle size is essential in achieving the necessary flow

properties and proper mixing of granules and powders.

Particle Size and Size Distribution

 In a collection of particles of more than one size (in a polydisperse sample) ,

some properties are important,

 The shape and surface area of the individual particles

 The particle size and size distributions

✓ The size range and number or weight of particles

Particle Shape

 Particles of drugs or pharmaceutical excipients are

seldom uniform spheres even after size reduction and


 particles may exist in various shapes, ranging from

simple to irregular geometries

 Their aggregation behavior produces an even greater

variety of shapes and structures

 If powders consisted of spherical particles, a simple statement of

diameter would describe the particles

 However, pharmaceutical powders consist of particles with varying

nonspherical shapes and sizes, and any size measurement has to

account for this

 Shape is an important factor along with size

 The more spherical the particle, the easier its processing

 Particle shape also influences the measurement of particle size through

orientation effects of the particle during measurement.

 This is an interesting mathematical and statistical problem,

 which leads to the utilization of a variety of descriptors based on

geometrical relationships.
 for example, using surface area or volume, of the particle under

measurement and a nominally equivalent ideal sphere.


 In size reduction of relatively large solids

 resulting fine particles would be irregular with different numbers of faces

 it would be difficult or impractical to determine more than a single


 For this reason a solid particle is often considered to approximate to a sphere

which can then be characterized by determining its diameter

 Because measurement is then based on a hypothetical sphere

 Which represents only an approximation to the true shape of the particle

 The dimension is referred to as the equivalent diameter of the

Equivalent diameters
 Relates the size of the particle to the diameter of a sphere having the same
surface area, volume, or diameter
 It is possible to generate more than one sphere which is equivalent to a given
irregular particle shape
 The size of a sphere is readily expressed in terms of its diameter
 The Surface diameter, ds, is the diameter of a sphere having the same
surface area as the particle. A = 4πr2
 The Volume diameter, dv , is the diameter of a sphere having the same
volume as the particle. V = 4/3πr3
 The Projected diameter, dp , is the projected diameter of a sphere having
the same observed area as the particle.
 The Stokes diameter, dst , is the diameter which describes an equivalent
sphere undergoing sedimentation at the same rate as the asymmetric

Equiv. D
Diameter Definition Equation Determination Method


 The projected area diameter is based on a circle of equivalent area to that of

the projected image of a solid particle

 The projected perimeter diameter is based on a circle having the same

perimeter as the particle

 Unless the particles are unsymmetrical in three dimensions then these two

diameters will be independent of particle orientation

 These are statistical diameters which are averaged over many different

orientations to produce a mean value for each particle diameter

 The projected diameter is obtained by microscopic techniques

 In general, the method used to determine particle size

dictates the type of equivalent diameter that is measured

 although interconversion may be carried out and this is

sometimes done automatically as part of the size analysis

Particle Size

 Any collection of particles is usually poly disperse

 It is necessary to know not only the size of a certain particle,

 but also how many particles of the same size exist in the sample

 Thus, we need an estimate of the size range present and the

number or weight fraction of each particle size

 This is the particle-size distribution and from it we can calculate

an average particle size for the sample

Particle Size Distribution………

 A particle population which consists of spheres or equivalent spheres with

uniform dimensions is monosized and

 its characteristics can be described by a single diameter or equivalent


 It is unusual for particles to be completely monosized

 In order to be able to define a size distribution or compare the characteristics

of two or more powders

 the size distribution can be broken down into different size ranges, which

can be presented in the form of a histogram plotted from data

Particle Size Distribution…….
 Such a histogram presents an interpretation of the particle size distribution

 and enables to determine the percentage of particles having a given

equivalent diameter

 Also it allows different particle size distributions to be compared

 When the number or weight of particles lying within a certain size range is

plotted against the size range or mean particle size

 a so-called frequency distribution curve is obtained

 This is important because it is possible to have two samples with the same

average diameter but different distributions

 most powder particles will not exhibit a normal distribution

 Their curves are usually skewed to one side depending on which size range

occupies a larger portion of the powder solids

✓ the smaller particles

✓ the larger particles.

➢ Positively skewed

▪ A frequency curve with an elongated tail towards higher size ranges

➢ Negative skewed:

20 ▪ the reverse case exhibits.

a positively skewed size negatively skewed size
distribution distribution;

Micromeritics Applications
1. Release and dissolution
 Particle size and surface area influence the release of a drug from a dosage

 Higher surface area allows intimate contact of the drug with the

dissolution fluids in vivo and increases the drug solubility and


2. Absorption and drug action

 Particle size and surface area influence the drug absorption and

subsequently the therapeutic action.

 Higher the dissolution, faster the absorption and hence quicker and greater
22 the drug action.

3. Physical stability
 The particle size in a formulation influences the physical stability of the

suspensions and emulsions

 Smaller the size of the particle, better the physical stability of the

dosage form.

4. Dose uniformity
 Good flow properties of granules and powders are important in the

manufacturing of tablets and capsules.

Methods for determining particle size
 Microscopy methods (light, electron microscope)
 Separation methods (sieving, impaction)
 Sedimentation methods
 Electrical stream sensing (coulter counter)
 Specific surface area (adsorption, permeability) A0= 10-10 m

Range of particle sizes

A guide to range of particle sizes applicable to each method

Particle size Method

1 m Electron microscope, ultracentrifuge, adsorption

1 – 100 m Optical microscope, sedimentation, coulter counter, air


50 m Sieving

Microscopic Method
• The microscope eyepiece is fitted with a micrometer by which the size of

the particles may be estimated

• Often used to verify another particle sizing method, during development

and validation of a particle sizing method

• Microscopy measures the projection of the particles, rather than the

particles themselves to describe the size of the particles

✓ For spherical particles, the particle size descriptor is the diameter

✓ For irregularly shaped particles, the diameter of a sphere


• Analysis of images of projected particles on a projection screen
✓ The projected particles are compared with circles that are generated by the
graticule of the microscope.
✓ The diameter of the circle, which corresponds most similarly to the projected
particle, is used to describe the size of the particle.

Semi-automatic methods of microscopic Analysis
 Pre-calibrated variable distance to split particles into diferent size ranges

1. Optical microscopic method (2-D particle image)

 Used for measurement of the particle-size 0.2 to about 100 µm

 Number of particles must be counted (300-500) to obtain a good estimation

2. Alternative techniques to light microscopy
 SEM: appropriate when a 3-D particle image is required
✓ providing information about particle shape and thickness
 Both SEM and TEM analysis allow the lower particle-sizing limit


Automatic methods microscopic Analysis

 The particle comparator or a double-prism arrangement

 Automatic microscopy is usually associated with microprocessor-controlled

manipulation of an analogue signal derived from some form of video monitor

 used to image particles directly from a light microscope or from

photomicrographs of particles

 Alternatively, the signal from an electron microscope can in some cases be

processed directly without an intermediate video imaging system

 Automatic microscopy allows both image analysis and image processing to be

carried out

Separation Methods
I. Sieving or screening (range: 40-9500 µm)

 Standard size sieves are available to cover a wide range of size

 These sieves are designed to sit in a stack so that material

falls through smaller and smaller meshes until it reaches a

mesh which is too fine for it to pass through

 The stack of sieves is mechanically shaken to promote the

passage of the solids

 The fraction of the material between pairs of sieve sizes is

determined by weighing the residue on each sieve

 The result achieved will depend on the duration of the

agitation and the manner of the agitation

Separation Methods…

Sieve diameter

Separation Methods….
II. Impaction

 Commonly used to measure the aerodynamic diameter of aerosols

 Aerosols are characterized by aerodynamic diameter, rather than geometric


 Aerodynamic diameter is an expression of a particle’s aerodynamic behavior

and diameter,
 as if it was a regularly shaped sphere with uniform density, which has the

same terminal velocity

 Larger particles will impact on the collection surface

 Smaller particles will keep flowing in the air stream, until they interact

32 with the correct surface.

Sedimentation Methods
▪ Stokes diameter, the diameter of a particle measured under the influence of
gravitational and centrifugal forces
✓ during sedimentation at constant rate in laminar flow conditions
▪ Used for measurement of the particle-size range 0.08-300 µm

1. Gravitational sedimentation

✓ By measuring the terminal settling velocity of

particles through a liquid medium in a gravitational

centrifugal environment

-using Andreasen apparatus

✓ The particle size can be calculated according to

Stokes’ equation

✓ One can also calculate a cumulative distribution

from samples removed at appropriate time intervals

Separation Methods…
2. Centrifugal sedimentation

 used to measure the particle size b/n about 5–10 μm in diameter

 Upon centrifugation of a liquid medium containing the powder particles, the

fraction of the total suspended powder that reaches the bottom of the
centrifugation tube at different times is measured.

 The times are converted to their corresponding diameters

 using equations based on the Stokes’ equation, describing spherical

particles moving through viscous media NB:Vst=H/t

Vst- =rate of sedimentation

36 H= sed. Height
t= sed. time
 The particle diameter corresponding to the various time period is calculated using the
Stocks equation

V= h /t= d2st(ρs – ρo)g

✓ V is the rate of settling
✓h the height of the liquid above the lower end of the pipette at the time each
sample is removed.
✓dst is the mean diameter of the particles based on the velocity of
✓ ρs is the density of the particles
✓ρo is the density of dispersion medium
✓ηo is the viscosity of the medium
✓g acceleration due to gravity
 The equation holds exactly only for spheres falling freely without hindrance and at a
constant rate.

 A sample of powdered zinc oxide, density 5.60 g/cm3, is allowed to settle

under the acceleration of gravity, 981 cm/sec2, at 25°C. The rate of settling,
v, is 7.30 × 10-3 cm/sec; the density of the medium is 1.01 g/cm3, and its
viscosity is 0.01 g/cm sec, Calculate the Stokes diameter of the zinc oxide

Answer 5.4 x 10-4 cm or 5.4 µm

Electrical Sensing Zone Method

Coulter counter

 Equivalent diameter:Volume diameter, dv

 Powder samples are dispersed in an electrolyte to form a very dilute

 which is usually subjected to ultrasonic agitation for a period to

break up any particle agglomerates.

Particle ranges 0.5-100µm

 Principle
➢ when a particle suspended
in a conducting liquid
passes through a small
orifice (opening), on
either side of which are
electrodes, a change in
electric resistance occurs

Schematic diagram of a Coulter counter

Surface Area Methods
 Specific surface area refers to the surface area of particles expressed per unit weight

or volume
 the particle size can be calculated from the specific surface area of a powder

1. Gas adsorption method (0.03-1 μm)

 Particles with a large specific surface are good adsorbents for the adsorption of gases
and of solutes from solution
NB Vm = intercept of isotherm I

 where V is volume of gas adsorbed at pressure P; P is partial pressure of adsorbate;

Vm is volume of gas absorbed in monolayer; P0 is saturation pressure of adsorbate

at experimental temperature; and C is a constant relating to the heats and
condensation of the adsorbate
 The adsorbed layer is monomolecular at low pressures and becomes
multimolecular at higher pressures.

Surface Area Methods…
2. Air Permeability Method (1–100 μm)

 The principal resistance to the flow of a fluid such as air through a plug of compacted

powder is the surface area of the powder

 The greater is the surface area per gram of powder, Sw, the greater is the resistance to


 Hence, for a given pressure drop across the plug, permeability is inversely proportional

to specific surface.
 where V is the volume of air flowing through a capillary of internal diameter d and

length l in t seconds under a pressure difference of ΔP. The viscosity of the fluid
(air) is η poise
 where A is the cross-sectional area of the plug, K is a constant (5.0 ± 0.5) and ε is

the porosity
Derived properties of powders
 The manufacture of commercial product batches necessitates the handling of large

quantities (kilograms) of drug

 Bulk powder properties are important for processing

 E.g. flow into dies during tablet production

 These properties are primarily controlled by particle size and shape

 A feature that can change during scale-up and

 Should be measured as early as possible to ensure consistency

 Particle shape and size distribution is essential to behavior of powders

 Essential for rational formulation and manufacture of dosage forms

 Contribute to secondary properties of a powder

Derived properties of powders…

Powder technology: deals with 20 (derived properties of powder)

 Densities, Porosity, Packing Arrangement, Flowability

1. Powder Densities

 Density is defined as weight per unit volume (W/V)

True density (Absolute density):

 When the volume measured excludes both open and closed pores

 is a fundamental property of a material

Derived properties of powders…
Bulk density (Apparent density):
 Volume measured includes intraparticulate pores

 The density of a powder sample is usually referred to as the bulk density

 volume includes both the particulate volume and the pore volume

 The bulk density of a powder depends primarily on

✓ particle-size distribution,

✓particle shape,

✓the packaging arrangement

✓the tendency of the particles to adhere to one another.

Tap density
 It is the ratio of mass of powder to tapped volume (V2 below)
 is achieved by mechanical tapping a measuring cylinder
containing a powder sample
 The cylinder is mechanical tapping, and volume readings are
taken until little further volume change is observed



b =
M T =
V1 V2
Derived properties of powders…
2. Porosity

 Is the proportion of a powder bed or compact that is occupied by pores, and is

a measure of the packing efficiency of a powder

 If the powder is nonporous, has no internal pores or capillary spaces,

 The bulk volume of the powder consists of the true volume of the solid

particles plus the volume of the spaces between the particles

 The volume of the spaces, known as the void volume (v) V=Vb-Vp

 The porosity or voids (ε) of the powder is defined as the ratio of the void

volume to the bulk volume of the packing:

 Porosity is frequently expressed in percent, ε × 100

Derived properties of powders…

1. A sample of calcium oxide powder with a true density of 3.203g/ cm3 and

weighing 131.3g was found to have a bulk volume of 82 cm3 when placed in
a 100-ml graduated cylinder.
 Calculate:- The true volume of the particles, Bulk density, The volume of

void space and Porosity

2. The weight of a sodium iodide tablet was 0.3439g and the bulk volume was

measured by use of calipers and found to be 0.0963 cm3. The true density
of sodium iodide is 3.667 g/cm3.
 What is the bulk density and the total porosity of the tablet?
Derived properties of powders…
 When granules and tablets are made from fine powders, they tend to be

porous, and the porosity of tablets has a great impact on the disintegration

 For tablets with higher porosity, water can penetrate the tablets, more

readily resulting in a faster disintegration time.

3. Packing Arrangements
 Powder beds of uniform-sized spheres can assume either of
two ideal packing arrangements:
✓closest or rhombohedral
✓most open, loosest, or cubic packing.
 The theoretical porosity of a powder consisting of uniform
spheres in closest packing is 26% and for loosest packing is
 The arrangements of spherical particles in closest and loosest
packing are shown in Figure .
Derived properties of powders…
 Particles in real powders are neither spherical in shape nor uniform in size

 It is to be expected that the particles of ordinary powders may have any

 most powders in practice have porosities between 30% and 50%

 If the particles are of greatly different sizes, however, the smaller ones may shift

between the larger ones

 to give porosities below the theoretical minimum of 26%

 In powders containing flocculates or aggregates, which lead to the formation of

bridges and arches in the packing

 the porosity may be above the theoretical maximum of 48%

 In real powder systems, any degree of porosity is possible

Derived properties of powders…
4. Bulkiness

 Specific bulk volume, the reciprocal of bulk density

 often called bulkiness or bulk

 It is an important consideration in the packaging of powders

 E.g.The bulk density of calcium carbonate can vary from 0.1 to 1.3

 The lightest or bulkiest type would require a container about 13 times

larger than that needed for the heaviest variety

 Bulkiness increases with a decrease in particle size

 In a mixture of materials of different sizes,

 however, the smaller particles shift between the larger ones and tend to

reduce the bulkiness

Derived properties of powders…
I. Flow properties of powders

 Flowability refers to the ease with which a powder will flow under a specified set of


 A bulk powder is somewhat analogous to a non-Newtonian liquid, which exhibits

plastic flow and sometimes dilatancy,

✓ the particles being influenced by attractive forces to varying degrees

 Accordingly, powders may be free-flowing or cohesive (“sticky

Derived properties of powders…

 Many common manufacturing problems are attributes to powder flow

1. Powder transfer through large equipment such as hopper

2. Uneven powder flow

→ Excess entrapped air within powders → capping or lamination

→ Increase particle’s friction with die wall causing lubrication

→ Increase dust contamination risks during powder transfer

common manufacturing problems……..
3. Powder storage

→ result in caking tendencies within a vial or bag after shipping or storage time

4. Separation of small quantity of the powder from the bulk

→ just before the creation of individual doses during tableting, encapsulation and
vial filling

→ which affect the weight uniformity of the dose (under or over dosage)

methods for evaluating flow properties of powders & granules
Hopper flow rate
➢ The simplest method of determining powder flowability directly is to
measure the rate at which powder discharges from a hopper
 A simple shutter is placed over the hopper outlet and the hopper filled
with powder.
 The shutter is then removed and the time taken for the powder to
discharge completely is recorded.
 By dividing the discharged powder mass by this time, a flow rate is
 which can be used for quantitative comparison of different powders
The angle of repose ()
 The sample is poured onto the horizontal surface and the angle of the
resulting pyramid is measured
 The user normally selects the funnel orifice through which the powder
flows slowly and reasonably constantly
 The duration of flow will be recorded and used to calculate the flow rate
 Then, the radius (R) and the height (H) of the pile were determined and the
angle of repose (θ) was calculated as follows.
The angle of repose ()
• A powder was poured through the funnel and formed a cone 3.3 cm high
and 9 cm in diameter
➢What is the angle of repose?

Pharmacopoeial interpretation
 Angle of repose less than 20 → Excellent flow
 Angle of repose between 20-30 → Good flow
 Angle of repose between 30-40 → Pass flow
 Angle of repose greater than 40 → Poor flow
Carr’s compressibility index

 A volume of powder is filled into a graduated glass cylinder and repeatedly

tapped for a known duration

 The volume of powder after tapping is measured,Vtab

Poured density= weight/bulk volume

Tapped density=weight/tapped volume

Carr’s compressibility index..

Relationship between powder flowability and % compressibility

Flow description Compressibility (%)

Excellent flow 5 – 15
Good 16 – 18
Fair 19 – 21
Poor 22 – 35
Very Poor 36 -40
Extremely poor  40

Hausner ratio

 Hausner ratio is related to interparticle friction:

 Value less than 1.25 indicates good flow (=20% CI)

 Value greater than 1.5 indicates poor flow (= 33%CI)

 More cohesive, less free-flowing powders such as flakes

 Between 1.25 and 1.5 added glidant normally improves flow

  1.5 added glidant doesn’t improve flow

Improvement of powders flowbility
 Flow properties can improved by:

 Powder processes into granules of spherical shape

 Choosing optimum size of powders (400-800µm)

 Incorporate optimum amount of fines (15%)

 Incorporate optimum amount of lubricants/glidant

Suggested methodologies
 Alteration of Particle’s size & Distribution
 Alteration of Particle shape & texture
 Alteration of Surface Forces
63  Formulation additives (Flow activators)
Alteration of Particle’s size & Distribution

 There is certain particle size at which powder’s flow ability is optimum

 Coarse particles are more preferred than fine ones as they are less


 The size distribution can also be altered to improve flowability by

➢ removing a proportion of the fine particle fraction or

➢ increasing the proportion of coarser particle’s such as occurs in


Alteration of Particle shape & texture

Particle’s Shape

 Generally, more spherical particles have better flow properties than more

irregular particles

 Spherical particles are obtained by spray drying, or by temperature cycling


Alteration of Particle shape & texture

Particle’s texture

 Particles with very rough surfaces will be more cohesive and have a greater

tendency to interlock than smooth surfaced particles

 altered by control of production methods

Alteration of Surface Forces

 Reduction of electrostatic charges can improve powder flowability

 Electrostatic charges can be reduced by altering process conditions to reduce

frictional contacts

 Moisture content of particle greatly affects powder’s flowability

 Adsorbed surface moisture films tend to increase bulk density and reduce

 Drying the particles will reduce the cohesiveness and improve the flow

 Hygroscopic powder’s stored and processed under low humidity conditions


Formulation additives (Flow activators)

 Flow activators are commonly referred as a glidants

 Flow activators improve the flowability of powders by reducing adhesion

and cohesion

 E.g.Talc, maize starch and magnesium stearate

thank you!

69 4/19/2023

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