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Binomial Theorem 8.1 Binomial Expression Any algebraic expression consisting of two terms is known as binomial expression. The terms may consist of variables, xy, et, ‘or constants oftheir mixed combinations. (yal 3 (Fld 8.2 Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Index For example, 2x + 3y, 4xy + ‘formula by which any power of a binomial expression can be expandedin the form ofaseriesisknown as binomial theorem. For positive integer n, the expansion is given by Ora" x aC EGE tao NC MAE tone CaP Lexa where BE for r= 0, 1, 2, is called binomial o-nirt coefficient, 8.2.1 Proof of Binomial Theorem The binomial theorem can be proved by mathematical induction. Let Pi) stands forthe mathematical statement (xa ax" a Mea? oe Ca Note that there aren 1) terms in RHS and althe trmsare ofthe same degreein xand together When n= 1,LHS=x + aand RHS =x-+< (there are only 2 terms} Therefore P(t) is verified tobe wue Assume Pn) tobe tue, thats (ca) =x 6 Ge OMX Fas +a” 2 pose? 0) MG + Multipiying Eq (2) by +, we have, (e+ a7"=a)=(x-balix™ + Gxt MCX 0 + Mex + ta) (eta aX AMC HOMERIC, + MCDM + (PC) a te (Using the formula, °C, +"C,. tC) oF} Eq, (3) implies that Plom+) istrue Hence, by induction Pfr) is true 8.2.2 Alternative Method By choosing x rom all the brackets, we get the term x" Choosing x from (n=) factors and a from the remaining factor, we get, x""a But the number of ways of doing this is equal to the number of ‘ways of choosing one factor from n factors (ie, "G) Choosing xfrom (0-2) factor and a from the remaining two fac- tors, weget x""%a” But the number of ways of doing this is equal to the number of ‘ways of choosing two factors from n factors that is, °C, Finally, choosing a from all the factors we get the term a? Therefore, (eb alae Ga AAP a GAME 8 tet DIESER pnd (x -201 Solutio Sex? + Gxt 20) 4° Ha? + 8CP 2a) + SCX Ral" + 5C,3° 20° (201° x st0x‘as Aosta? +6070" + B0xa" + 320° 3 HEMET i hernatis Problem Book for se Some More Expansions (esa) =x" +8 x a "Cx Pa + 0 1. Replacing aby cing, (1) we get (=a) = "6x a = 9G ECR as HEM CA al bo HIME al (ol Dexa @ thats, ‘The terms inthe expansion of (x) are alternatively positive and negatve, the ast term is postive or negative depending whether nis even or odd 2. Replacing xby 1 and a by xin Eq (1) we get, 3. Replacing xby 1 and a by -xin Eq. (1) we get, Lear 4 (eal Hema 21°C gaa? CHa AMER and (chal ea =20°G x al 4a a ea] Observations 1. There ae (a+ 1)terms in the expansion of x +a 2. Sum of powers of x and a in each term in the expansion of (+0? isconstant and is equal to. 3. Thep! term from the end=(n—p+2)!term from the beginning, 4. Coetficent of xin the expansion of tx + a)" is "Cx" 5m =9G, 2x=yorxty=o, 66 In the expansion of (x +a)" and (x ~ al", x occurs in (r= 1)" term. 7. If mis odd, then (x +0)" +(x—a)" and (+ a!" 001", both have the same numberof terms, thats, ) 2 8. nls even than 40 (4-0 has (1) ems and Oc+a)"=(x-a)" has 2 te we 2 9. Thecoefficient of (r+) termin the expansion of (1+x)" i °C, 10. The coefficient of xin the expansion of (I+X)" Is °C, DIESE Fin the tue of 2 p08 12-08 Solution: (x4 0)" +x a} = 20°C x70! + Oya Faye + | W2 +18 (2-1 V2 + SCyi2i" a? + SC 2P Mt + ®CytW 2D 2218 +15+4450411-198 TIRED in the argestof 99° + 100% and 101 Solutior 10¥* (10041 100% + 50-100% 50 0 and 99% =(100-19* =100% 50-1008 + 52-2008 2 Subtracting, £9, (2) from Eq. (1) 101 99° = 100% «2.2049 48 19987 4.1008 Hence, 101° > 100% +99 DOREY un ood termsis 4 and sur of even terms Bin the expansion of («+ 0)" then find the value of 448, SM RE CAMA EN? eMC a al (Cx? Ce Aa? 9) HUG Raa Cea + ALB o Similarly, (xa From Eqs.(1) and (2), we get (eB? (AB) = 408 408 =(+.)"" —{x-0)" A-B a I the coefciens of the second third and fourth tems inthe expansion of 1-9 arin AP show that = Solutior cording tothe question, "C,"C,"C, are in AP. So, nen", =P, Son?-9n + 16=0-9(n-2)in-T1=0 sn=20r7 Since, the symbol C, demands that n should be 23. So,n cannot be 2 Therefore, n=7. Find the 1. lastaigt of 7, 2: aso digs of 17, 2: last three digs of 17 Sotto 178822892901)" Ymca = 28,290)” + 6, (290041 = 100m + "4c, (290)? -4C, (290) +1 118,290)? 128127 z = 100m + 683527680 +1 =1000m + 1 a9q)? 1282290 7 Hence, 1. Last digitis 1. 2. Lasttwo digits are 81 3. Last three digits are 681 If the binomial coefficients of @r = 4)" and {7-2} temsin the expansion ofa bear equa find. Solution: Ths s possible only when either Dr+3=r-3 0 or Det 34r- 318 2 From Eq. (1), But, from Eq. 2) 6's not possible, 16 Hence, r=6 isthe only solution, 8.3 General Term (ray = PCr + Cx al + Cae Haat + + "Cal The rstterm= "Cx"? The second term = "Cx" The third term = "Cyx"“4a? and so on The term "C,x"“a! isthe (r+ 1)" term from beginning in the expansion of (x +a Let Ty denote the +1) tem. Therefore, Tnx Thisis called the general term because by giving different values, tor, we can determine all terms ofthe expansion. Inthe binomial expansion of («—0)", Try =(-1Y "Cx Inthe binomial expansion of (1+2)", T= "Ca" Inthe binomial expansion of (1=x)", 7.y=(-1""C,x" 8.4 Independent Term or Constant Term Independent term or constant term of a binomial expansion is the term in which exponent ofthe variable is er. rm EETEED Find the cocthcient of yn a vin(ors wern(o Find the elation between a and b fthese coefficients are equal Solution: The general term in chapter |@inoriat Theorem ETERI fin this term power ofxis 7, then 22-3r=737=5 Therefore, coefficient of x” ‘The general term in (ag) "foo a) on ay eee yee fin this term power of xis 7, then Therefore, (a ow coefficient of 7 = (-1° "Cy I these two coefficient are equal then (a ng "Gos Gor oF er (aby IPREETEEEEDY § the 4° termin the expansion of (px +0 1525 forall xeR,, then find p and m. (by = (ab) (ab—1)= 0 ab = 114,60) he mcytpxy™( 1) 8s cpm 2ye-6 5 =7c@0™(3) 350 2 Clearly, RHS ofthe above equality is independent of x Therefore, m=6=0, m=6 Putting m=6 In Eq. (1) we get, “cp? 1 cpt Sospa) pi-Zap=3 Hence, p=1/2andm=6. IPRESTEEEEED the second, third and fourth terms in the ‘expansion of (X+0)" are 240, 720 and 1080, respectively, then. find the value of. is given that T, =240, T,=720andT, =1080 Tam 7, ="Cx"a!=240 o T2203 7, ="Cx"20 =720 2 and % 080 ® PIETER i ernatis Prem Book for Tosliminate x, tow Ta riln=int r puting r=2 and in above expression we get m2 2 Nags el Find thetermindependentofxinthe expansion (Ey (ay mene) Galea) 8) ‘Therefore, IREEEETRED Fine the coefficient of x in the expansion of ee Solution: We have (Fast atc, + FC? + SoG) So, coefficient of in (1x2) (14 xI"1= 86, 1G, +46, °C, =60. TDEEIEETNT fine the term independent of x in the expansion (+x/(1+2) Solution: We know that, (ead aPC EERE EC” 1 1 (otf oreo So, the term independent of x willbe erg teat My MEH AM MAGEE 4 Your Turn 1 Vv 2 1. Thes* tam fom theendinthewarsionof|*S—3) 252 w oe wy 22 on oF (0) Nonecfthese Ans. 2.1 int F(ab)" and = f 1B inthe expansion of (a+b) and 7 inthe expansion] (a+b)"* are equal, then nis equal to m3 4 as ms Ans. (0 3. If the coefficients of second, third and fourth term in the expansion of (1+) arein AP, then 2n? -9n-+7 is equal to a @o or (0) 32 Ans. (@) 4. If A and B ave the coefficients of *” in the expansions of (14x92 and (120°, respectively, then (w) AzB (8) A=28 (©) 2A=8F (0) None of these Ans. (8) 5. The coefficient of x" inthe expansion of (1+ x){1—2)" Is @ Io ©) (-9"a-n) © e-F ©) -1) Ans. (8) 8.5 Middle Term in the Binomial Expansion There are two cases: 1, When mis even: Clearly, in this case wehave only one middle term, that is, Ty. Thus, middle term in the expansion of (a eral beer aie er 2. When nis odd: In this case, we have two middle terms, that is, To Tent and Tava. Thus, the middle termsin the expansion of (04 x)" are "Cyuy-@ DIPETENTETA fine the middie term in the expansion of = Solution: There willbe two middle terms as = 9isan odd number. Solution: As nis even, So, the middle term is 1 wee. Aa, yea Tenl TIENT Fin the mite term inthe expansion of (2x be Solution: (1 2b = [C1 —F"=(1 xP Here, 2n isan even integer Therefore, iG y ‘term, thats, (n+ 1)" term willbe the middle 2 tem Now. (n-+ Wtermin (== 26, OP" = e,(-0y" =A aye Prove that the middle terminthe expansion of 35 135 Qn-) Solution: Since, 2nis even. Now. tem thatistemiddletemin (+2) given ranean t] cue ham _ Qn! _2nl2n—Wi2n—3) 4.3.24 113-5 nM nin—Mo~20-3)- 2-4 Chapter 8 | Binomial Theorem ERE 13.5Q—M2%nt_13.5-(2n—12" 8.6 Greatest Binomial Coefficient In the binomial expansion of (1 1", when a is even, the greatest binomial coefficients given by "Cx Similarly fn be odd, the greatest binomial coefficient willbe and "Cy... both being equal 8.7 Numerically Greatest Term IFT, and T,_, be the A and (+ 1) term in the expansion of (1x, then Ty "GX __ ner Te Let numerically 7,., be the greatest term in the above expansion. Then, 27, or Terao ger inex) ars io OelxD Now putting values of n and xin Eq.(1), weget rs m+ forrsm where misa postive integer, Fis a fraction such that 0< F< 1. Now, if =0, then Tad I, both the terms wll be numerically ‘equal and the greatest while F0, then [isthe greatest term ‘of the binomial expansion. That isto find the greatest term (numerically) inthe expansion of (+r, 1. Gaeutate m= [xD 2. Ifmisan integer, then and .,,, ate equal and are the great- est terms. 3. Ifmisnotan integer, then Tha, the greatest term (where () denotes the greatest integer function). Find whic term ae te gest term inthe 0 1 ‘expansion of 8=24)", where x= 2. * 5 of. 287° (32xy=2°(1424) | now greatest term in (e2e fi > 9 2 Xis0+0] S50 sto) [3 OO*Y 6 (aninteger) wx TT By 2g 3 is Therefore, T,and Trey thats, T,and T, are numerically the great fest terms. ET vettneratics Problem Book for JEE DOESN i the seatst tem in the expansion of 2 (4+ 30) when x 3 Solution: Here, the greatest term means numerically the greatest and greatest term (wherer=3)=3" 5. term. wt "Gay 8-1 3K 8-1 gince x =2/3] CAG rer Now TalPIT Lif 8-122" oF Thisinequalty is valid ony forr= 1 2. Thus, . for 61.2: Mall I 3 and for 1=3,4; Tralelty Therefore, IT 1Tal>1751> 55x38? jn10-9}, =1 123 From the above, we say that the values of both greatest terms are > eau Geeatest term = Th "G4 (34) where x=2 21x68 x2? = 86016 VW Your Turn 2 A LT ukeee Find numerically the greatest term in the 1. Find the middle term in the expansion of (1+ x)", expansion of (3-5x)" when x=2 ns, P5202 soy0 Solution: Since, 2. Find the greatest term in the expansion of (1+ x}"""?, (,_5x\" (2n+2)! 8-54)" =3"(1-% ‘Ans, (2042) ‘ Ins) nai (sey 3 Theinterval in which x ust es that he greatest term nthe Now in the expansion of Irs) we have ‘expansion of (1+x)"" has the greatest coefficient is (_n_ nt) cree 0 ( ra (D) None ofthese Ans) 4. Findthe value of he greatest term inthe expansion of 1+.) \"3) Ans.2671.11 8.8 Properties of Binomial Coefficient Therefore vs gcbnomaa vara vel2tay apcts area binomial expansion of (14, Bay Seas srs (A= MC EMGAGE EET PCH Thus, 1-23 Where "Co."Cy."Cys s"C, are the coefficients of various powers cf x and called binomial coefficients, and they are written as So, the greatest terms are Tz.y and Thy. Hence, greatest terms ¢,,6,,C4, 4G, (were =2)= 3°] Hence, (Hx)? = C+ Gxt C x? Gale Ge” 0 Chapter 8 [Binomial Theorem MENEZ Putting x=1in Eq. (1), we get P aC HGH t+, Therefore, the sum of binomial coefcents inthe expansion of (ox 52 QIPMETEITIEEY Fove thatthe sum ofthe coefficientsin the ‘expansion of (1 +x — 3x2)7183 is -1, 2"(043)-1 Solution: Putting x = 1 in (1 +x — 3x2)", the required sum of nat Axa +e +~ Ge show that Hence, proved. (GtQNG + GIG HG) 6 4+6)= Mag Cy TORII the um ofthe coeticients in the expansion ” of (crx? — 2x + 1)°* is equal to the sum of the coefficients in the Solution: As we know, expansion of lx ary then find the value ofa Solution Sum ofthe coefficients the expansion of (ax?~ 2x + jum of the coefficients in the expansion of (x — ry) Putting x=y= Therefore, Hence, (aaa) (a= 1)5=— (a= 175 = Ya-17=0 Sa-1-00a=1 “The sum ofthe coefficients ofthe odd terms in the expansion of +2) equal to the sum of the coefficients ofthe even terms and each is equal to 2" G Since, ) " (149 G 4G +R 4G ET ACHE HEC Gp Putting x= i i . * ae Gee eeepc, 8.9 Summation of Series Including and ees . Binomial Coefficient PAG HGHGsG t= +6, hom £q.(2) 7, Series involving binomial coefficients with alternate sign ‘Adding and subtracting these two equations, we get PaDGHG HGH) and =A, +G+ GH) Therefore, CHG Ht RC HGH GD Sur of coefficients of odd terms = sum of coefficients of even terms = 2 TREE) evatate the sume, = Solution: Since, *¢, C+ 86, +%, cients inthe expansion of (1+) DEITY Fin the value of x() TA, SHC HC, tum of even term coeff Solution: The given value is Lah PME Evaluate c,-c,46,-c,4 Solution: Here, +ve and —ve signs occur alternately. This can be obtained by putting (~7] and (in place ofxin (ret Gat tet we get, GHG ieGRe-tingatea" and GHG Cae 0m" Now to obtain thesum, C,—C,+C,-+:-rweadd (1 +1)%and (1 = AGG HG -GerIO-at +? tans el font ran al (cond son) (eis -|s2{cot-isn8}] [fot isin I e2%cosE —— (6yDemowe'stheorem) 36 G iG Gre Bet HEBER atnematicsprobiem Book forsee Solution: Here, +ve and —ve signs occur altemately ‘Thiscan be obtained by putting (1), -w)and(-w)inplace ofxin (exp ceca eee we get, GAG ENG EMRE DAG a +e mY GAG EWG CwBom smn atl sew? GAC WEG Ewe WAG = Cte WAP Nowto obtain the sum, CC, += Gy weadd (14 197,01 +(-w and (t+ (war BEG HG Gea HEMP HEC wr ssw Not Similarly the cube roots of unity may be used to evaluate Gye Gye Gee or ++ Puta 1, = 0) x= 2 in (1 x)= G+ Gxt Ce and add to Get C, + C, 4, b= the other two may be obtained by suitably rmultipiying (1+) and (1 + 42¥" by w and w?, respectively. orc 4G, + 2, Series involving binomial coefficients in which each term is @ product of an integer and a binomial coefficient that isin the fork", (a) By Algebra: Write down the general term and use rc -2 DIIIETETY show tharc,+2.G43-6+ Solution: The numbers multiplying binomial coeficients are 1,2, 3, -~ymand these ae in arithmetic progression, en-Gan2 Let 526,126 43.Gy oH n=. Also, S=n- HOG (9-2) Gy HIN 3.G HoH Gps (wing the terms in the reverse order and using = C,,), and adding Wan Gyen-G MG Horst. HOG +G2G+ +Cl=n-2" Therefore, S=n-2™ Alternative method: mS nce DEEN show tate, -2.13-6,-46+ Cn. Serine Lean eme Sewn. MSc gen[ MCG EMC ate, =n-(t-a'=0 [IEEE sow that 2.c,47. 412.64 nen) Ganea) 2" DG AT-CG HID Gt HEN G, Loree, =P or-a"e, =5H0"G, +2V"G, SEE, 12h HME 12H" sn +") + 2(1+ 1)" = 50-2") +2.2" = 2"! (5n+4). DIRE na thevatueor ¢,446,+76,+ 4016, Solution: We have G24G27G + +0n=T6, Lorene, =Sar-0'e, 3S 06 +¥"G Hart BIG MEG EG ani(1= 1") +(14 1)" =3n-2"" +2" (3n+2), This method is applied only when the numericals occur as the product of binomial coeficients Solution process: 1. Ifthe last term of the series, leaving plus or minus sign, be m, then divide m by n,ifq be the quotient and be the remainder, thats, m=nq +r Then replace x by x7in the given series and multiply both sides of expansion by x. 2. After processing Eq (1, iferentiate both sides wrt. xand put (or=1 or or i,according to the given series. 3. Ifthe product of two binomial coefficient (or square of binomial coefficient} or three binorial coefficient (or cube of binomial coefficient) then diferentiate twice of thrice Evaluate where n san integer greater than 1) LG IZ G HGH, . "Ea *Cyla-2)—-+(-9"(a=n} CoAT AGH HNIC, 6 Cy HIG HSC + HMA, Solution: We know that, (ea Cyt Get be at 1. Diflecentiating both sides wit. x, we get, Mex 2046426 x43Gx7+ +na™! Putting x=1, we get nv =nG, $20, +3G,4--+06, 2, Wehave aly G += Hal -G 4G. THIG-26,43¢- 1 JHC +20, -36, 4-1 We know that (I=) CXC HIG Put: | = Cy -G+Cy Then differentiating both sides wet. tox, we get nfl)" =0-C, + 26 x36 x7 + Pute= 1, 0=-€,+2G,-36 + »=of01-[0l=0 3._ This problem can be solved by differentiating the expansion of (1 =" and putting x (Tea G2 Ct Gat HG) RGEC RTE Cat en Ct Differentiating we get, 32 (4x8 40m (1 eX oe? HBR, + THC, + NAG, = + (40+ BHC, Now substituting x= 1 in both sides BG HTC, + NG + 4043) C= 3027440 (2! +202" 4. This problem can be solved by differentiating the expansion of, (1-42 and putting x= 1. AUDI IC + GREE A oe Gm) Gx Cub GE EGR Differentiating we get, (1 cn (122)! x= 6+ BEC, $5, + +On+ Dec, Now substituting x = 1 in both sides Co #3G 45C, +21, =(2")4+2n12)""1= 4nd” 3._Series involving binomial coefficients in which each term is a binomial coefficient divided by an integer that i in the form, "G k (a) By Algebra: Write down the general term and use Ge Solution: chapter |inoriatTheorem ETE sho =W0-2)-324 123 wt +ni0= 123 aa 3a 123 (as sles 4%, JV fineng pire, 5 inet toot ah fin ain ley el} {2"""=1) from the expansion of (1+1)""") PREEETET show that ace 2 ©) aan By Calculus: Use of integration This method is applied only when the numericals occur as the denominator ofthe binomial coefficients, Solution process: If (14x)" =C5 #Gx4 Gx? 44,4", then we integrate both sides between the suitable limits which ives the required series, 1. ifthe sum contains Cy,C.C° 4G, withall positive signs, then integrate between limit to 1 Ifthe sum contains alternate signs (that is +, grate between limit ~1 100 23. Ifthe sum contains odd coefficients (that is Cy Cy, Cy") then integrate between -1 to 1. IF the sum contains even coefficients (that is Ci.C.Cp, then subtracting process (2} from process (1) and then dividing by 2. 5. If in denominator of binomial coefficients, the product of| ‘wo numericalsis present then integrate two times fist ake Ing limit between 0 to.xand second time take suitable limits ) then inte= HEED i hernatis Prem Book for Dre Show that orm Solution: 1. Integrating the expansion of (1 +x)" between the limits 0to 1 Jo xtc ficgreue +cat 2, Integrating the expansion of (1 +xF between the limits 0103 Josarde=ficy+cnt-+6ya"be ol rege 4G” mit Tot 0 sag Si Sy a aad 25 aon 3. Integrating the expansion of x(1 —x)"between the limits Oto 1 fot-wra-c[2]- fee Whereas the integral on the RHS of Eq, (1) &_S.S 23 4 t-t._1 _ et a2 nD 4. Product oftwo expansions can be usedto solve some problems toa 1) terms lotto seres of binomial coetfcentsinwhicheachtermisa product oftwo binomial ceffcents DIREEITED stow that 2 +c7 -f- 43-208 Seaton: Ts mpl an be sve by coring wo Bom alerpansons (130 and (142) in which the oft of»? 1 and + ate ‘equal and in the product of these expansions, the constant term will contain the square of binomial coefficients. Consider, (0H Cy ACEC E HAC nowy [ad me Taking the product of these two expansions and collecting the constant term in the product, ‘Constant term in RHS =C3 +C] +C}+ Ch constant term in LS constant tein +1 ea constant term in coefficient of xn (1+ x7” 0, lfnisodd (enn! + +N" =: ifniseven 1 Consider the product of the expansion of (1+x)" and (1-2) and compare the constant term, G-d+d+ #120" constant termin b= "(1-2 constantterm in (#2706=17 constant term in 0and VP-0<1, Proof: Given Pot Therefore o and vP-0<1. Prooftifinisan even integer then, (P +0y +P or ‘Thus, LHS and /are integers. Therefore, +f is also an integer, thats, berer using, £41) ne 6 since, 0< fF <2 a Hence, (eft-A= (AF =0-0 P +0yWP-oy Chapter 8 |Binomia Theorem ESTA W + J5¥"=14f, where and n are postive Integersand 0-125>121, ¥i25 =5¥! So, 0<5V8—11<1 and hence (Sy! fraction Let g=(5V5—-19""". Then (Rl-f-9=R-9 (55 419" (55 —19""" £225" GENER AR} an even integer Since, is anintege the above implies f— Hence, lies between 11 and 12. 5-11" wil also be a proper , thats, f=. ft = Rg = (5B 2145519" =(125-1217""=47"" Vv LIS, be isequalto Ans. n/2 Reif (1x42) =a) ay tayx? + 059%? then value of 4, +0, +04 =-~+0,, {5 equal to. an i5eq y 2 4 Ans. HEED i hernatis Prem Book for 3. In the expansion of (1 +x), find the sum of the coefficient of the terms. Ans. 32 4, Ifthe sum of coefcientin the expansion of (a?x? —2ax +1)" vanishes, then find the value of Ans. 5. stands for", ,thesum of sven series BHLAMO/AN ca actaac}— s(ewinv vcd atten nis an evn postive neg tayo (8) (n+) (©) (-1"(n+2) (0) (-0Pin+2) Ans. (D) 8.10.1 Multinomial Theorem Mal postive nteger ad ity @€ hen (a,+a,+0,+ +09)" => a anal age ae] where M,N are allnon-negative integers subject tothe condition, m+ +24 + 1. The coefficient of af -a;* af in the expansion of (9,40) +04+.. +0)" jg —— 2, The greatest coefficientin the expansion of (,90,40,4..09) is GR hg TF Where q is the quotient and r is the remainder when in is divided by m. 3. IF nis a 4ve integer and a0, coefficient of in the expansion of 1g Cx ofa. then (9g Et wee yg al nanan nage ject tng 4, The number of distinet or dissimilar terms in the multinomial expansion (0,+0; #0 #..taq)" Is ™™C,, 5. Sum ofall the coefficients is obtained by puting all the var ‘ables, g,equal to 1 and sum is equal tom PII e020 ante, ve, -5, Uyetsmyo% 9520) then find the umber of nonnegative integral solitons of above equation Solution 0 Sm p bx 15 a Number of solutions are Coefficient of Sin iP 4x1 432 a8 4 x15) - Coeticent of xin i + = Coefficient of = Coefficient of xin (1 —x7# x coefficient of x (1x)? DIG PHC, Exe, LITE Find te coficent of inthe expansion of (oF x-2) =48%17=816 ‘efficient of in the expansion of (x? —x—2) is Tree Solutior where, m+n, +ny=5 and ny +2n,=5. The possible values of n,.2, and n, are shown in the margin ta 212 0 5 0 The coefficient of ety ay spate? a ma 5 ego n2y° + wena) asia PT =40-120-1=-81 Find the coeficient of 6% inthe expane sion of (be +ca+ab)* Solution inthis case, abt? (aby (bev cay? xt y=, yr2=5; Dxsy+z}=12; x+y +726 are pr grt There thecoficent of 282 nthe expansion of tecrcarobtarhn aa PIRETEEREET Find the total number of terms in the expan- sion of -+y+2=W)".n = N, Solution: The numberof termsin the expansion of ty +2-+¥)"is oie, We know that Geryez wy aticryio(zwy” Chapter 8 [Binomial Theorem IEEE] (ray) °C 0c yz swe Cyl yy? General term, T,..=(-xY (zw? "Cle tw {c) Replace n by 2in (3): Therefore, the number of terms in RHS (xP aban eax te 4b ix + inten Dal 34-414) General term, Teyeteix Dernier (4) Replace n by 2in (4): * (le x)? = 1-20 43x74? 4 (ree) + Dlos4er-r) Generate, T+" in (6) Replace nby 3in (3): ine tenen (o+nin+24n+3) 6 8.10.2 Binomial Theorem for Any Index An Ho Hin=2) 5 31 (nr 1 terms upto When nis a negative integer ora fraction, where ~1 Iyyhgrdy, (say) then divide 2, by 2 and 2 by Ay and solve. DIRE 1 .0,0,0, are te cootcents of any four consecutive terms in the expansion of (1+ x)", then find the value of Solution: Let 4y.a,,4y-d4 respectively be the coeficents of + 1), tr+ 20%, (¢3)",(744)" terms in the expansion of (143)’.Then = "C85 = "Cys = "C2184 = "Copa Now, rine 1, The digitat units place in the number 171% + 11195 — 71s wo 1 2 3 Solution: We have 17°95 5 11195 7195 (74 10) 4 (1 109195 — 7105 A175 1579, 1014 BCT. AO? ot BC gg 10] (PC, 19, 1014 YC, 102 4 EPIC gg 105) 795 (19°C, 79%6 101 0 101%) [195,201 uC gg 105) +98, 1040 95C 7199 5 + 104] + [9 + {@ multiple of 19) +1 1 FC ogs1™D41 Thus, the digit in the units place is 1. Hence, the correct answer is option (8). 2, Ifthe sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (1 + 2x/"is (6561, the greatest term in the expansion at x= 1/2's (a) 4 (8) 9% (C) 6 (D) None ofthese um ofthe coefficients in the expansion of (1+20°=6561 9 (1+20)°= 6561, when x=1 39 3°=6561 33 n=8 Now, [el main AL, (Nox 2 since, m isnot an integer. Therefore, Ty the greatest term. Hence, the $ term s the greatest term, Hence, the correct answer is option (8). 3. The number of terms in the expansion of (a + 6 + ¢F, where ne Nis (n+ in+2) wy Se wat (Qn2 D) invtn Solutior or bHar=a+%C, am bse) +°Ca™ Hehe HM Her Further expanding each term of RHS: First term on expansion gives one term Second term on expansion gives two terms and so on. Therefore, the total number of terms=1+2+3 + (osins2) 2 Hine) Hence, the correct answer's option (A). 44. The number of terms which are free from fractional powers in the expansion of"? +b22)45,a2.bis (9 BIS ()4_—(D) Noneof these Solutior he general term in the expansion of a3 +625) is 55} asc pn This will be free from fractional powers if both r/5 and 21/3 are whole numbers, thats, ifr=9, 15,30, 45, Hence, there are only four terms which are free from factional powers. Hence, the correct answer's option (C). ey %, {D) None of these 5. nisan odd natural number then equals @o Vn (© nize Solutio 5 Tn cae) Be) (cling the terms equidistant fom the Beginning and end in pals [since, 1)" =—1 as nis odd Hence, the correct answer option (A). HEEEIE hernatis Problem Book for 6. Thevalue of DH ('G) isequalto ww nasi"? fo) nin+t}2" (@) nins1p™" (0) None ofthese Solution: General term is 1G, 242 MADD) KD T23.k-Wk cp MarDin=2) (=k) 1230 @-T ate ney MALMO=2) tok 123-2 nln in2)- (9k), ini 2) KH 123-2 ¥2 DAD ln) PEs enh, Therefore, Ze “exntn-0 SG, 24m 5, =n 0G, 9G n(n. 29 40-2" 2" pin—N)+2n} =nins D2"? Hence, the correct answer is option (Al. 7. Find the coefficient of in the expansion of (1 +x-+°P Solution: (eeey atten ee? (ea? Gt XI 2Cyal ax + o The coefficient of xin(t+ ais "C,, thats, "Cy coefficient of in?G\(0= 21° $9.8 The coefficient of x°in°C, (14)? All the remaining terms in Eq, (1) contain powers of x higher than the fifth, Therefore, the required coefficients 9.876 987 9449-4, 234 12 Alternatively, Ue atari ate Gattew) GeeP eee? Hegtteey 2 occursin 4 and 6 terms only andi is equal © 78 52-412 BPG Hy 8. Show that 11°? +122 is divisible by 133. Solution: ae eet ore ae eaaay Now 144 and 121 should be expressed in terms of 133; 144s (138 +11) or 121 a5 (133-12) rat 12014133)" a rataime rannerc, 1433+ = 120-11" 12.11" 4 terms containing 133 asa factor (121412) + terms containing 133 a5 a factor 117-1334 terms containing 133 as a factor Hence, the expression is divisible by (133). 4320 654321 1 finstn , ineninin—in-2) mil a a yorvty on me nat 10, The term independent of xin the expansion of x x1 Wx ssf . ws 1% { we ™ c, (0) None of these Solution: Now MPP as ya +6) a ~ab+b') (x +nie-0 _ve+1 xt 2 tel? ta tt tay General term, Toy GNI Scat M aye? Been goose 1 This willbe independent ofxif 0, thats if 30-27-3r=0 ar-6 Therefore, the term independent of xs T,,y thats, T= 8c, C=C, = 8c, (using, °C, Hence, the correct answer's option (B). 11, Hfa,b,cand dareany four consecutive coefficients of abinomial ac mb | asb a=b ced bce a ‘expansion, prove that ced areinp Chapter 8 [Binomial Theorem IEE ‘Solution: Let a, b, cand d be the coefficients of (r+ 1)", (r+ 2)", (r__ Taking logarithm on both sides, +39" and (r+ 4) terms of (1+ { 3] erefore, (ee hea e=t ‘Therefore, \a" Tistegx | °9 42% Baye = {004109 )+.6}log x= 4014 log) 2G ogy? + 3lagK— 4 = 0-9 (loge +4 (log 11=0 Hb MC Hay Eitherlog,,x=—4 or logyyx= 1.50, . ‘= 10-0 10 bee 14, Find the coefficient of in the expansion sioanly, S= (14 x 6 De (A) Be? 4 PM TOT eons ain Solution: sor Hence, veel + ye] sont ea 4 3H a0 22) (4 xP 14 2 +3? + 410017] 4-11) soon ova fee 1o01r | using he formulaof cP =n 12, Find the coefficient of xin the expansion of (1 +x -+32+ x3 Solution: Tex Hex (1 sani’) Therefore, (Head oe etieay ee xy" “Hz "| “The general term inthe product ofthese two seresis, Gx", #8 Now, r+2s must be equal o 4 for values of 5, Or, 511 Thepossble values ofrandsarer=0,s= 2722.8 174 $=0 Therefore, coeticientat 27 =" xMG AM Galle, eMCqx"Gy Aermative method: Coefcent of in () 4438-40) ~=Coeficent of in (=X 0 a =Coeffcent ofin (1 = 110 (=) Seni T= MC p= 11-1001 11 =990 13, Forwhat value fxs the fourth term nthe expansion of 1 Jai «he i Is equal to 200;109 x= log, Solution: , The fourth term ofthe expansion = *C, (Va)™P al? 200 Therefore, (4 "144-1001 Therefore, coefficient of xin $= coefficient of in (1x)! Hoe. 15. Find the sum of the series Sere [ 2 7+ upto m terms ¥ Solution: We have Eevre[ FEZ ~ oman | carve (J-Lerre(3)-Sere(2) + upto m terms (2 1 ( ay] Upto m terms red

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