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Petronela Yuliana | ✉ | +6282198476233

The use of the phrase “Unity in Diversity” and similar concepts is not a new
phenomenon. It has been used for hundreds of years all across the world. “Unity in
Diversity” is used as an expression of harmony and unity between dissimilar
individuals or groups. It’s a concept of “unity without uniformity and diversity
without fragmentation” that shifts focus from unity based on tolerance of physical,
cultural, linguistic, social, political, religious practices, ideological and/or
psychological differences towards a more complex unity based on an
understanding that difference enriches human interactions.

“Unity in Diversity” is a very important principle because we live in a diverse world.

Differences occur naturally in terms of culture, ethnicity, traditions, languages,
religious beliefs, etc. Therefore, it is crucial to establish mutual understanding and
respect for each other regardless of all the differences.

In Indonesia, the phrase “Unity in Diversity” is also known as “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”
which is quotation from the Old Javanese poem Kakawin Sutasoma, written by
Mpu Tantular (14th century). The motto refers to the unity and integrity of Indonesia,
a nation consisting of various cultures, regional languages, races, ethnicities,
religions, and beliefs.

As worldly known, Indonesia is a very diverse country. It has over 1,300 ethnic
groups, over 700 languages, and various religions practices (such as Islam, Christian
Protestant, Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, Folk, Confucianism, and other).

One National Language

Personally, one of the most beautiful thing about Indonesia is the Indonesian
language itself (or Bahasa Indonesia). It’s quite unbelievable that there are over
700 languages which are use all across 416 regency, and ±279 million Indonesian
people choose to actively communicate with One national language.

Satu Tungku Tiga Batu

To majority of Indonesians, religion is an essential and integral part of life. One of

the examples is Fakfak’s infamous motto “Satu Tungku Tiga Batu” (literal translation:
one furnace, three stones). Three stones placed in a circle to form one furnace,
which symbolizes three ancient religions in Fakfak city (Islam, Catholic, and
Protestant) to form balance and peace among Fakfak people. This motto has
been tolerance and peace symbol between religious communities in Fakfak for
over a century. These three religions are embraced as family religions in
maintaining harmonious, peaceful and serene social and cultural life of Fakfak
people. Therefore, it’s commonly found in Fakfak is that in a family, its members
consist of two/three different religions.
In conclusion, we as human have created unity of diversity for our merit. Living in
diversity should widen our perspective in life and strengthen our tolerance.


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