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Moves b Blessed Hands: You have the ability to temporar-

, You get all the basic moves, and 4 Religious moves. You ily bless someone. Roll +Weird to bless someone.
On a 10+ They get 1-armour and +1 ongoing for 2
get these 2:

The Religious B Faith: In your religion there are 7 rules you abso-
lutely have to follow to please your God. List the 7
rules below (With the keepers approval). Once you
days. On a 7-9 they get 1-armour for one day and +1
forward. On a miss your God smites them instead
they take an extra harm for the remainder of the
“Only through faith can we expell evil.” break any of the rules, your God will be displeased b Loving Spirit: You have a loving spirit and you love
with you until you make up for it by doing a task they helping others. You get +1 to Help out and Protect
Luck ask of you.: someone rolls.
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from 1. ____________________________________ b Paladin: You are not only a devoted follower of your
an injury. religion... You are one of its knights and defenders.
2. ____________________________________ You get + 1 tough (max +2) and 1-armour Holy. You
3. ____________________________________ also get a Mace (1-harm hand holy)

CHARM • Manipulate Someone 4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________
b Righteous Mind: You are unable to be possessed,
mind controlled, hypnotized etc...
b Evil shall be gone!: You get +1 to your rolls when
• Act Under Pressure
COoL • Help Out
6. ____________________________________
7. ____________________________________
trying to banish an evil spirit or monster with Use
Magic. If you get a complete success you get 1
• Investigate a Mystery experience and +1 forward.
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation
B Prayer: As long as you have been following your
faith. You may pray at the beginning of each mystery
• Kick Some Ass and ask your God for guidance. Roll +weird. On
TOUGH • Protect Someone a 10+you get 2 holds. On a 7-9 You get 1 hold but
your God will ask a small task of you. On a miss your

WEIRD • Use Magic God will ask a big task of you to complete during the
mission. Spend a hold to:

Okay bbbbbbb Doomed - Heal 3-Harm

- Dispell a curse
Religious special: Whenever you spend a Luck point, - Ask a question from the investigate a mystery list
your God will test your faith through a difficult task.
- activate an use magic effect without a roll
Harm - give yourself +1 forward
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable.
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying Then pick 2 of these:
b Preach the Quire: You get +2 when you try to
Unstable: b manipulate someone into following one of your
rules. And you get +1 to a manipulate someone role
Experience when trying to get them to do the right thing.
Experience: bbbbb b Eyes of the protector: When you successfully inves-
tigate a mystery you may choose to ask:
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a -Was any dark magic or rituals done here?
move tells you to, mark an experience box. - Was there a demonic force here?
- Am I being watched by something evi?
aswell as the normal questions.

This playbook template is ©2021 by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. Permission to use, remix, or copy to create custom hunter playbooks is granted!
You get some holy water and a book of your religions • This hunter helped you slay your first monster.
history, you also get a simple weapon pick 1: • You lived a darker life before you turned to religion.
b .38 revolver (2-harm close loud reload.) This hunter is involved in your darker past. Ask
them how.
b Dagger (1-harm hand)
• They are a family member.
b Hunting Rifle (3-Harm far loud messy)
• This once did a good deed that changed this hunters
b Shield (1-harm hand 1-armour) life. Ask them what it was.

Getting Started Leveling Up

To make your religious, pick a name. Then follow the When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
Religion, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and list below.
pick history. Improvements
Pronouns: __________________________________: b Get +1 Weird, max +3
b Get +1 Cool, max +2
Rating lines, Pick one: b Get +1 Charm, max +2
b Charm +1, Cool +1, Sharp 0, Tough -1, Weird +2 b Get +1 Tough, max +2
b Charm -1, Cool 0, Sharp +1, Tough +1, Weird +2 b Take another religious move
b Charm +1, Cool 0, Sharp -1, Tough +1, Weird +2 b Take another religious move
b Charm -1, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough 0, Weird +2 b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm +1, Cool -1, Sharp +1, Tough 0, Weird +2 b Take a move from another playbook
After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
You have devoted yourself to a certain religion. Give it a
advanced improvements in addition to these, from the
name and describe its beliefs and history. Explain how or
list below.
why you started following that religion.
Advanced Improvements
b Get +1 to any rating, max +3
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
b Change this hunter to a new type
can do your introductions together.
b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your
b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced
Religious by name and look, and tell the group what they
b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced
know about you.
b Retire this hunter to safety
History b Erase one used luck mark from your playbook
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one b Remve one of your faith rules.
for each of the other hunters:
• Your God brought you together. Ask them why
• You go to the same church as this hunter.
• This Hunter came to you for guidance during a hard
time. Ask them what they were going through..

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