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Name : Hiqmal Naura Bhisma

NIM : 320230301009
Major : Military Biology

My Favorite Book
“Books is a window of the world” it mean there are many stuff that we can learn from what
we read, it also people think depend of the book that he read, since I live at boarding school
I started to read some of book like a novel, fantasy, and some like a dictionary or mini
dictionary to improve my skills, One of my favorite book wroted by Tere liye, it named
“Rembulan tenggelam di wajahmu” that tell us about struggle from a boy that he want to
change his live and try to survive from this live with many problem that he have, this boys wil
had a difficult journey start from childhood, adult until his mature period, this story set in
fiction city, that boy does not had parents anymore, yes he is an orphan, on the orphanage
this story begin, got some bad abuse from guard of orphanage, the boy was had enough,
and he’s think about to escape from orphanage, so he meet someone and passed various
things that change his live to the future, this story teach us for always work hard on every
reason that we have, and you have to set your self for better future, it depend on your mind
that said I can passed everything in front of me and never give up for every situasion that
came to us, bad or good face it until done

A Rainy Afternoon
My school is located at a distance of around 2 km from my place. I and my younger brother
walk to the school each morning. Our school starts at 8 am. We start from our place at 7:30
to reach there on time. On rainy days, our father drops us to the school by car, It was our
first day to school after the summer vacations. We were getting ready for the school when it
started drizzling. Cool breeze was blowing and the atmosphere was filled with a sweet
fragrance. My mother quickly packed our lunch and was about to wake our father up so he
could take us to the school. However, I asked her not to. I requested her to take out our rain
coats and allow us to walk to the school. Since it was a slight drizzle my mother agreed, I
and my brother got dressed, hung our bags, wore our rain coats and started for the school.
The weather was extremely pleasant. A day before we were quite sad because our vacations
had come to an end. However, the rain showers in the morning uplifted our mood and this
long walk to the school in the rain made us feel all the more better. My brother had made a
few paper boats before leaving. We rowed them on our way and saw them moving down the
street. We plucked a few leaves and rowed them too, The walk in the rain was absolutely
refreshing. It was a good start to the school after the vacations.

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