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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr.

Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

Form 10010-05
SMS Manual Review Checklist
- Name of the organization ………………………………. SMS Manual issue/revision – Date……………………………….
- Date of first submission…………………………………. Date of second submission (if applicable) ……………………….
- Starting 5/2024 – the following must be applied:
 If the checklist is filled and submitted manually to ECAA-SMSGD, then the organizations’ safety manager is required
to sign each paper at the bottom below each response phase column.
 If the checklist is submitted via the organization’s official email to the official email of ECAA Safety Management
System General Directorate, then the checklist and a printout or the screenshot of the emails must be retained.
 For both cases as indicated above, for certification of a newly established organization, the checklist must be retained
by ECAA in-accordance with the established certification process, in the case of updating the SMS manual, the ECAA-
SMSGD shall retain this checklist for 2 issues/revisions (the current and the previous)

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1- SMS Manual document control.
a. Hard copy or controlled
electronic media and
distribution list.

b. The correlation between

the SMS manual and
other existing manuals
such as the
Maintenance Control
Manual (MCM) or the
Operations Manual.

c. The process for periodic

review of the manual
and its related

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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forms/documents to
ensure their continuing
suitability, adequacy and

d. The manual’s
administration, approval
by the Accountable
Executive and regulatory
acceptance process.

e. Description of the
system for the
annotation of pages and
their effective dates.

f. List of effective pages

and effective dates.

g. Revision highlights.

h. Cross-reference
documents (Quality
Manual, Engineering
Manual, etc.)

2- SMS Regulatory Requirements.

a. Spell out the current
Include the compliance
timeframe and advisory

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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material references as
b. Where appropriate,
elaborate on or explain
the significance and
implications of the
regulations to the

c. Establish a correlation
with other safety-related
requirements where

d. Cross-reference
documents (ECAA SMS
references, EACs, SMS
guidance document
references, etc.)

3- System description: Scope and integration of the safety management system.

a. System description:
description of the nature
of the organisation’s
aviation activities and
operating environment

b. Applicability: major
areas, departments,
workshops and facilities
of the organisation within

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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which the SMS will
c. Identify the major
processes, operations
and equipment which
are deemed eligible for
the organisation’s
Hazard Identification and
Risk Management HIRM
program, especially
those which are
pertinent to aviation
safety. If the scope of
the HIRM eligible
processes, operations
and equipment is too
detailed or extensive, it
may be controlled under
a supplementary
document as
appropriate. (Cross
reference to the
d. Where the SMS is
expected to be operated
or administered across a
group of interlinked
organisations or
contractors, define and
document such
integration and

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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accountabilities as
e. Where there are other
systems within the
organisation, such as
identify their relevant
integration (where
applicable) within the
aviation SMS.

f. Cross-reference
documents (Quality
Manual, Engineering
Manual, etc.)

4- Safety policy (including disciplinary regime) and safety objectives.

4-1 Safety policy:

a. The safety policy should

be appropriate to the
size and complexity of
the organisation.

b. The safety policy states

the organisation’s
intentions, management
principles and
commitment to
continuous improvement

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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in aviation safety.

c. The safety policy is

approved and signed by
the Accountable

d. The safety policy is

promoted by the
Accountable Executive
and all other managers.

e. The Procedure and

frequency for periodic
review of the Safety

f. Personnel at all levels

are involved in the
establishment and
maintenance of the
Safety Management

g. The safety policy is

communicated to all
employees with the
intent that they are made
aware of their individual
safety obligations.

h. Cross-reference

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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documents for safety
policy (Quality policy,
OSHE safety policy, etc.)
4-2 Safety objectives:

a. The safety objectives

have been established.

b. The safety objectives

are expressed as a top-
level statement
describing the
commitment to achieving

c. There is a formal
process to develop a
coherent set of safety

d. The safety objectives

are announced,
communicated and

e. Resources have been

allocated for achieving
the objectives.

f. The safety objectives

are linked to safety

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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indicators to facilitate
monitoring and
measurement where
g. Cross-reference
documents (Safety
Performance Indicators
document, etc.)
5- Safety accountabilities, responsibilities, and authorities.
a. The Accountable
Executive is responsible
for ensuring that the
Safety Management
System is properly
implemented and is
performing to
requirements in all areas
of the organisation.

b. An appropriate safety
manager, safety
committee and Safety
Action Group(s) have
been appointed as

c. Safety authorities,
responsibilities and
accountabilities of
personnel at all levels of
the organisation are
defined and

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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d. All personnel understand

their authorities,
responsibilities and
accountabilities with
regard to all safety
management processes,
decisions and actions.

e. An SMS organisational
accountabilities diagram
is available.

f. Cross-reference
documents (organization
exposition manual,
administration manual,

6- Coordination of emergency response planning.

a. The organisation has an
emergency plan that
outlines the roles and
responsibilities in the
event of a major
incident, crisis or

b. There is a notification
process that includes an
emergency call list and

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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an internal mobilization

c. The organisation has

arrangements with other
agencies for aid and the
provision of emergency
services as applicable.

d. The organisation has

procedures for
emergency mode
operations where

e. There is a procedure for

overseeing the welfare
of all affected individuals
and for notifying next of
f. The organisation has
established procedures
for handling the media
and insurance-related
g. There are defined
accident investigation
responsibilities within the
h. The requirement for
preservation of

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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evidence, securing the
affected area, and
governmental reporting
is clearly stated.
i. There is emergency
preparedness and
response training for
affected personnel.

j. A disabled aircraft or
equipment evacuation
plan has been
developed by the
organisation in
consultation with
owners, aerodrome
operators or other
agencies as applicable.

k. A procedure exists for

recording activities
during an emergency

l. Cross-reference
documents (ERP
manual, etc.)

7- SMS documentation record management.

a. The organisation has an

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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SMS record or archiving
system that ensures the
retention of all records
generated in conjunction
with the implementation
and operation of the

b. Records to be kept
include hazard reports,
risk assessment reports,
Safety Action Group(s),
safety committee
minutes of meeting,
Safety Performance
Indicator charts, staff
safety meetings, SMS
audit reports and SMS
training records.

c. Records should be
traceable for all
elements of the SMS
and be accessible for
routine administration of
the SMS as well as
internal and external
audits purposes.

d. Cross-reference
documents (Archival
system preferably

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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8- Voluntary and mandatory safety reporting system processes and procedures.

a. The organisation has a
procedure that provides
for the capture of
internal occurrences
including accidents,
incidents and other
occurrences relevant to

b. A distinction is to be
made between
mandatory reports
(accidents, serious
incidents, major defects,
etc.), which are required
to be notified to the
ECAA, and other routine
occurrence reports,
which remain within the

c. There is also a voluntary

and confidential
reporting system,
appropriate identity/data

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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protection as applicable.

d. The respective reporting

processes are simple,
accessible and
commensurate with the
size of the organisation.
e. High-consequence
reports and associated
recommendations are
addressed to and
reviewed by the
appropriate level of

f. Reports are collected in

an appropriate database
to facilitate the
necessary analysis.

g. Cross-reference
documents (ECAA
Reporting system,
internal hazard reporting
system, etc.)
9- Hazard identification and safety risk assessment processes and procedures.
a. There is a structured
process for risk
assessment involving
the evaluation of
severity, likelihood,
tolerability and

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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preventive controls.

b. Hazard identification and

risk assessment
procedures focus on
aviation safety as their
fundamental context.

c. The risk assessment

process utilizes
worksheets, forms or
software appropriate to
the complexity of the
organisation and
operations involved.

d. Completed safety
assessments are
approved by the
appropriate level of

e. There is a process for

evaluating the
effectiveness of the
corrective, preventive
and recovery measures
that have been

f. There is a process for

periodic review of

Issue 6, Rev. 0 Dated Apr 2024 Page 15 of 22

Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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completed safety
assessments and
documenting their
g. Cross-reference
documents (Hazard/Risk
register, safety
assessments, etc.)
10- Safety related investigation procedures.
a. Procedures to ensure
that reported accidents
and incidents are
investigated internally.

b. Dissemination of
completed investigation
reports internally as well
as to the ECAA as
c. A process for ensuring
that corrective actions
taken or recommended
are carried out and for
evaluating their
d. Procedure on
disciplinary inquiry and
actions associated with
investigation report
e. Clearly defined
conditions under which
punitive disciplinary
action would be
considered (e.g. illegal

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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activity, recklessness,
gross negligence or
wilful misconduct).

f. A process to ensure that

investigations include
identification of active
failures as well as
contributing factors and

g. Investigation procedure
and format provides for
findings on contributing
factors or hazards to be
processed for follow-up
action by the
organisation’s hazard
identification and risk
management system
where appropriate.

h. Cross-reference
(Investigation reports,
risk register, etc.)

11- Procedures for establishing and monitoring safety performance.

a. The formal process to
develop and maintain a
set of Safety
Performance Indicators
and their associated
performance targets.

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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b. Correlation established
between the SPIs and
the organisation’s safety
objectives where
applicable and the
process of regulatory
acceptance of the SPIs
where required.

c. The process of
monitoring the
performance of these
SPIs including remedial
action procedure
whenever unacceptable
or abnormal trends are

d. Any other
supplementary SMS or
safety performance
monitoring and
measurement criteria or

e. Cross-reference
documents (SPI, SPT,
Alert Level documents
and charts)

12- Management of change procedures

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Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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a. Procedures to ensure
that substantial
organisational or
operational changes
take into consideration
any impact which they
may have on existing
safety risks.

b. Procedures to ensure
that appropriate safety
assessment is
performed prior to
introduction of new
equipment or processes
which have safety risk

c. Procedures for review of

existing safety
assessments whenever
there are changes to the
associated process or

d. Cross-reference
documents (Company
procedures relating to
management of change,

Issue 6, Rev. 0 Dated Apr 2024 Page 19 of 22

Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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13- Continuous improvement and SMS Internal audit procedures.
a. The process for regular
internal audit/review of
the organisation’s SMS
to ensure its continuing
suitability, adequacy and

b. Describe any other

programs contributing to
continuous improvement
of the organisation’s
SMS and safety
performance. (ISO
systems, etc.)

c. Cross-reference
documents (Internal
audits, safety survey
results, etc.)

14- Safety promotion strategy including safety training, education and communication strategy.

a. The training syllabus,

eligibility and
requirements are

b. There is a validation
process that measures
the effectiveness of

Issue 6, Rev. 0 Dated Apr 2024 Page 20 of 22

Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

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c. The training includes
initial, recurrent and
update training, where

d. The organisation’s SMS

training is part of the
organisation’s overall
training program.

e. SMS awareness is
incorporated into the
employment or
indoctrination program.

f. The safety
within the organisation.

g. Cross-reference
documents (individual
training records, types of
channels, etc.)

For official use by ECAA – SMSGD (granting acceptance)

Inspector Name: SMSGD General Manager name:
Signature: Signature:

Issue 6, Rev. 0 Dated Apr 2024 Page 21 of 22

Ministry of Civil Aviation Safety Management System General Directorate Doc Nr. 10010
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Procedures Manual

Date: Date:

Issue 6, Rev. 0 Dated Apr 2024 Page 22 of 22

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