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Actividad Integradora 3: Expanding English Proficency

Activity 1 Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns. Fill in the blanks with the right answer on the right side use a
possessive pronoun and on the left side use a possessive adjective. (Escribe en el espacio en blanco la respuesta correcta, en ell
ado derecho usa los pronombres posessivos y en el lado izquierdo los adjetivos posesivos)
Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns
1. Wendy is carrying …he…… heavy luggage. 1. Look, this is my project. Where is …her project……..?
2. Ben is …my…….. best friend in the classroom. 2. Rosalyn’s eyes are green. What about …you?……?
3. Sarah didn’t invite me to …his….…. birthday party. 3. The jumper belongs to Paul, It’s …of the……….
4. The footballers wore a stick on …the…….. T-shirts. 4. I have read a new novel. Has Sonia read alot………?
5. My cousins phoned me from …his……. house in 5. Hector made his bed, but his sister hasn’t made
Mallorca. it …still…….

Activity 2 Family members. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (Completa las oraciones con las palabras que
estan en la parte superior)

Mum / Dad / Sister / Brother / Son / Pets

1. Peter is Michael`s ___father_________________.

2. Susan is Sara`s _______mother_______________.
3. Tommy is Peter and Susan`s ___son__________.
4. Michael is Sarah`s ______brother______________.
5. Sarah is Tommy`s ___sister__________________
6. Michi and Sparky are the family`s _pets________.
Acrivity 3 Present Progressive. Reorder the words to get complete sentences. (Ordena las palabras para formar oraciones en
presente progresivo)

is/ susan /doing / What? Whats is susan doing ?

clean / their / every / house / morning / They They clean house every morning
play / every / Saturday / Jim / chess / Tim / and Jim and tim play chess every saturday

football? / playing / Is / Rosy / Rosy is playing football?

watches / Sunday / football / He/ matches / on He matches on watches sunday football

Activity 4 Present Progressive. Read and circle the right words. (Lee el siguiente parrafo y escoge la palabra correcta en cada uno
de los parentesis)

Every week night, Helen does her homework at 9 o’clock. Her brother Dan ( tidies up / is tidying up / tidy up ) his
bedroom while Ben plays video games. Her sister Jackie waches TV. she ( is liking / like / likes ) action films very much.
( She / Her / His ) grandmother lives with them at home. ( Her / He / She ) sometimes reads a newspaper or a book. It’s
her favourite pastime. Helen ( is / has / ‘s ) parents are very nice. The mother never cooks dinner because the father
( cooks / is cooking / cook ) at home. He is a chef in a restaurant. Helen has got many ( friend / friends / friendly ).
They like her because she is kind and active.

Activity 5 Record yourself. In this section, you will need to record yourself reading the paragraph in Activity 4. You can
do this using the website Vocaroo: Once you have recorded yourself, you will need to share the link
to your recording in this section:
En esta sección deberás de grabarte leyendo el parrafo, para ello podrás hacerlo mediante el sitio web vocaroo: Una vez te hayas grabado,
deberpas de compartir el enlace de tu grabación en esta sección:


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