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Melki Mane1 , Robby Hunawa2 , Suaib Napir3


In the era of globalization and advances in information technology, social media has
become a major force that changes the dynamics of communication and political
participation. This phenomenon is particularly relevant in the context of political campaigns,
where political parties and candidates can utilize social media platforms to reach voters in a
more direct and dynamic way. Elections and other political processes are increasingly
affected by these changes, with political campaigns increasingly shifting from conventional
to online methods. The use of social media in political campaigns has created new
opportunities to engage with voters, convey messages, and build a political image. Seeing this
phenomenon, political parties and candidates are starting to look at social media as a tool to
interact with their constituents, including promoting their products. Objective: To determine
the use of social media as a campaign medium on the level of popularity and support for the
Nasdem Party in Gorontalo Province.
The results of writing using theory according to Banurea, Oda Kinata (2023).
Campaigning is the activity of election participants or other parties appointed by election
participants to convince voters by offering a vision, mission, program and self-image of
election participants. There are several indicators, namely the social media platforms that are
often chosen, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and TikTok.
Based on the results Based on the results of research in this area, the Nasdem Party
uses social media effectively as a campaign medium to reach a wide range of voters,
especially young people. The use of the media platforms Facebook, TikTok and the blog
https://nasdemgorontalo.id/ has proven to facilitate the spread of campaign messages and
increase interaction with constituents. The content uploaded on the Nasdem Party's social
media varies, from work program information, candidate profiles, to entertainment and
informative content. This creates high engagement from social media users. The Nasdem
Party's campaign strategy on social media is also supported by the use of interactive features
such as polls, quizzes and live broadcasts. These features allow followers of the Nasdem
Party's social media accounts to be actively involved in the campaign process. Although
effective, the use of social media in campaigns also faces several challenges, such as the need
for strict moderation to avoid content that is offensive to political opponents, as well as the
need to ensure that campaign messages remain in line with party values and ideology.
Keywords: Social Media, Campaign, Nasdem Party

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