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April 16th, 2024

UNICEF Indonesia


I am a recent graduat from the Gadjah Mada University Indonesia with a degree in Political
Science. My academic goal is to obtain a Masters in Political Science and my career goal is to
work as a member of the United Nations. I have a strong desire to learn about the diversity of
cultures that exist throughout the world.
I have a tremendous professional work ethic, a sophisticated demeanor, and the ability to work
in a fast-paced environment. I have a strong analytical and research skills alongside effective
communication skills. Apart from that, I also have a special interest in the world of children,
especially children's mental health which has recently become an important issue. My
academic and work experience have prepared me to fulfill all the duties and expectations of an
UNICEF member.
I’ve had several experiences that have equipped me to properly fulfill this position. When I
was in college, I was involved in training organized by FISIPOL UGM and NRGI (Natural
Resource Governance Institute). This training aims to provide knowledge about institutional
governance in sustainable natural resource management. This training also explains the
institution's strategy for obtaining donors, such as creating a list of potential donors, creating a
database and expanding the institution's network. From this very valuable experience, I learned
that data management and engagement are important keys.
After graduating from my master's degree, I was still active in the NGO world and was involved
in several researches as a field researcher and initiated pilot projects. As a researcher, the tasks
I carry out include creating research designs, research instruments, interviews, collecting and
processing qualitative and quantitative data, coordinating with central researchers, presenting
field data, preparing final research reports and final presentations with the central team. Being
a researcher also provides exposure because the research I do does not just stop as research but
is used as material for public policy making so that the impact can be wider.
Apart from being a researcher, I also initiated a pilot project for the PoliticoTalks program. As
an initiator, I have the task of planning, implementing and monitoring the ongoing program.
Another important task that really makes me enthusiastic is when I have to come into contact
with many parties to support my program and this requires me to master stakeholder
communication and continuous improvement
My interest in this work will be a great value because I am motivated to work in an international
government environment. I am eager to learn much more about the UNICEF and its policies.
This work will help align me with my academic and career goals. Serving as an UNICEF
member will provide me with strong application of the things, I love learning about, and I could
not be more excited for this opportunity. Not only will this experience help me with my
academic path, but this will help me to concentrate on some of my broad government interests.
This work will also help me decide what exactly I want to do for the Unived Nations, if I want
to be an political affairs officer, social workers and international environment member etc. All
in all, this work will help me prepare for my political future, while challenging me to be a
person who can handle difficult and stressful situations.
I am enthusiastic about this opportunity. I would like to have an interview so we can discuss
my skills and interests even more. You can contact me by email at
or call me at +6281227994001

Agung Widiyantoro

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