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European Journal of Preventive


Keys to early diagnosis of cardiac 2020, Vol. 27(17) 1806–1815

! The European Society of
Cardiology 2019
amyloidosis: red flags from clinical, Article reuse guidelines:
laboratory and imaging findings DOI: 10.1177/2047487319877708

Giuseppe Vergaro1,2, Alberto Aimo1, Andrea Barison1,2,

Dario Genovesi2, Gabriele Buda3, Claudio Passino1,2 and
Michele Emdin1,2

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Cardiac involvement in systemic amyloidosis, due either to immunoglobulin light-chain or transthyretin amyloidosis,
influences clinical presentation and is a strong predictor of unfavourable outcome. Until recently considered as a rare,
incurable disease, cardiac amyloidosis, is still mis/underdiagnosed, although treatments effective in improving patient
survival are now available for both subtypes, including chemotherapy regimens for immunoglobulin light-chain amyloid-
osis and tetramer stabiliser for transthyretin amyloidosis. Achieving a timely diagnosis allows initiating life-saving thera-
pies and requires the early recognition of clinical, laboratory and imaging signs of cardiac involvement, some of them may
be apparent well before the disease becomes clinically manifest. Given the systemic nature of amyloidosis, a close
interaction among experts in multiple specialties is also required, including cardiologists, nephrologists, haematologists,
neurologists, radiologists, nuclear medicine specialists and internists. As an increased awareness about disease presen-
tation is required to ameliorate diagnostic performance, we aim to provide the clinician with a guide to the screening and
early diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis, and to review the clinical, biohumoral and instrumental ‘red flags’ that should raise
the suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis.

Cardiac amyloidosis, diagnosis, red flags
Received 13 July 2019; accepted 1 September 2019

Cardiac amyloidosis: why to suspect it therapy and better support therapy for cardiac amyl-
Amyloidosis is a systemic disease characterised by oidosis (CA), patient survival is improving.3
extracellular deposition of insoluble fibrils, deriving TTR is a highly conserved protein rich in beta strands
from proteins encoded by mutated genes or normal, which is synthesised mostly by the liver and involved in
misfolded proteins. Cardiac involvement in amyloid- the transportation of thyroxine and retinol-binding pro-
osis is a major determinant of clinical presentation tein. Wild-type (wt) TTR has an intrinsic propensity to
and outcome, and is common in immunoglobulin aggregate into insoluble amyloid fibres. The process of
light-chain (AL) amyloidosis and transthyretin amyl- fibrillogenesis requires the dissociation of TTR
oidosis (ATTR).
AL amyloidosis is the most common type of sys- 1
Institute of Life Sciences, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
temic amyloidosis, affecting approximately 10 people 2
Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Pisa, Italy
per million per year.1 Monoclonal light chains undergo 3
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa,
extracellular misfolding and aggregation into proteo- Italy
toxic soluble oligomers and, finally, into amyloid fibrils.
Corresponding author:
The outcome of patients with AL amyloidosis is poor, Giuseppe Vergaro, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Fondazione Toscana
especially when cardiac involvement is present.2 Gabriele Monasterio, Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy.
Nonetheless, given recent advances in haematological Email:
Vergaro et al. 1807

homotetrameric structure into misfolded monomers observed in advanced stages of disease, while cardiac
that self-assemble in soluble oligomeric species, protofi- involvement may be more subtle or even asymptomatic
brils and finally mature amyloid fibres, which deposit in earlier phases.13
within tissues. ATTR can follow the deposition of AL amyloidosis is a systemic disease, with half of the
either mutant (variant ATTR, vATTR) or wild-type patients having renal involvement, 16% having liver
TTR (ATTRwt). Single-base substitutions resulting in disease and 10% having neuropathy.14 Information
missense mutations represent the majority of genetic about the coexistence of such conditions should be
alterations in vATTR; the clinical presentation of acquired as a part of routine patient interview.
vATTR is largely influenced by the underlying muta- Phenotypic heterogeneity is also significant in the case
tions, ranging from pure polyneuropathy (as in familial of vATTR, following differences in the responsible
amyloid polyneuropathy), to the coexistence of neuro- mutation, penetrance, ethnicity and geographical area.
logical and cardiac disease, to isolated cardiomyopathy. Some mutations are associated with combined neuro-

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The most common mutation in vATTR is a point muta- logical and cardiac manifestations, whereas others have
tion causing the replacement of a valine with a methio- exclusively either a neurological or, less frequently,
nine at position 30 (V30M).4 The epidemiology of cardiological presentation.15 Especially in endemic
vATTR is difficult to define as its prevalence displays areas, a family history of hereditary amyloidosis or,
significant regional variations, although in a recent more commonly, cardiac hypertrophy presenting in
study 5% of patients initially diagnosed with left ven- aged individuals, should prompt the initiation of
tricular (LV) hypertrophy had TTR gene mutations.5 screening measures even in asymptomatic individuals.
Previously termed senile CA, as the heart is usually the Extra-cardiac disease is less frequent in ATTRwt,
most severely affected organ, ATTRwt is a sporadic dis- although clues to systemic amyloid deposition come,
order, most often affecting men. Several reports have for example, from carpal tunnel syndrome (which is
challenged the common view of ATTRwt as a rare dis- observed in half of the patients and often precedes car-
ease. Autopsy studies suggest that the prevalence of diac manifestations by several years),16 or from rupture
ATTRwt may be as high as 25% of individuals older of the long head of the biceps tendon, producing the
than 85 years,6 and 13% among patients with heart fail- ‘Popeye sign’, both representing clinically relevant red
ure and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF).7 flags.17 Although generally affecting the elderly male
Tafamidis, a tetramer stabiliser, has recently been population, recent reports have shown that women
proven to be the first therapy able to modify the natural account for up to 20% of ATTRwt cases.13 In addition,
history of ATTR cardiomyopathy, reducing all-cause ATTRwt is increasingly being recognised as a cause of
mortality and cardiovascular-related hospitalisations,8 HFpEF, accounting for a considerable number of cases
and many other molecules are currently being tested.9 in recent series.7 Notably, other possible causes of myo-
As the therapeutic armamentarium for both AL cardial hypertrophy do not exclude the diagnosis of CA.
amyloidosis and ATTR-related cardiomyopathy is For example, hypertension is present in more than half
increasing, and the management of CA is substantially of patients with ATTRwt, and significant mitral or
different from other forms of heart failure (HF)10 or aortic diseases (possibly even requiring transcatheter
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM),11 clinicians pos- aortic valve replacement) may be encountered.13
sibly dealing with amyloidosis patients (including, but
not limited to, cardiologists, internal and nuclear medi- Electrocardiogram: common and less
cine specialists, nephrologists, neurologists and general
practitioners) should be aware of this condition, which
common findings
remains a highly underdiagnosed disorder, with often The electrocardiogram (ECG) in CA may show low-vol-
long times to diagnosis.12 In the present paper, we sum- tage QRS complexes. This can be attributed to the accu-
marise the red flags, i.e. those clinical, biohumoral and mulation of non-conducting amyloid fibres, and
imaging findings prompting the diagnosis of a specific possibly also to myocardial oedema (which might
disease, that should raise a suspicion of CA (Figure 1). explain why the low-voltage pattern is more common
in AL than ATTR amyloidosis despite a greater amyloid
burden in the latter condition).18 A decrease in QRS
Clinical features voltages is a red flag for the disease, often preceding a
AL amyloidosis or ATTR-related CA is typically significant increase in LV wall thickness. A characteristic
identified when signs and symptoms of restrictive discrepancy between peripheral and precordial leads is
cardiomyopathy and/or HFpEF develop, including commonly observed, with peripheral leads showing low
dyspnoea, reduced exercise tolerance, peripheral voltages while voltages in precordial leads are normal or
oedema, hepatomegaly, ascites and elevated jugular occasionally high. This discrepancy is not observed with
pressure. Nonetheless, such a presentation is usually other causes of low-voltage ECG patterns, namely
1808 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 27(17)

Polineuropathy Reduced GFR

CLINICAL Family history of Monoclonal BIOMARKERS

Thrombo/ “hypertrophy” component Proteinuria

Restrictive Bilateral CTS /BNP
CMP Histology liver
Popeye Sign function
Periorbital purpura
Genetic testing n troponin

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voltage Diffuse
discrepancy subendocardial LGE
Early darkening Pleural
disorders RV
Low QRS Cardiac uptake effusion
voltages with bone tracers
LBBB/ sparing
RBBB Increased wall
Pseudonecrosis Pericardial
ECG Q waves effusion IMAGING
Atrial dilation/

Figure 1. Clinical, electrocardiographic, biohumoral and imaging findings raising the suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis. Darker areas
indicate higher diagnostic specificity. AV: atrio-ventricular; BNP: B-type natriuretic peptide; CMP: cardiomyopathy; CTS: carpal tunnel
syndrome; GFR: glomerular filtration rate; HFmr/pEF: heart failure with mid-range/preserved ejection fraction; LGE: late gadolinium
enhancement; NT-proBNP: N-terminal fraction of B-type natriuretic peptide; RV: right ventricular.

pericardial or pleural effusion, obesity, emphysema, by echocardiography could be even more relevant than
pneumothorax, or myxoedema.19,20 Among 337 QRS voltages per se.
consecutive treatment-naive AL amyloidosis patients Conduction disturbances are also common in
(233 with cardiomyopathy and 104 without), the esti- patients with CA. Among 344 patients diagnosed with
mated prevalence of low-voltage patterns in AL amyl- AL amyloidosis, those with cardiac involvement
oidosis ranged from 84% when the Sokolow–Lyon (n ¼ 240) displayed prolonged PQ, QRS, QT and QTc
index of 15 mm or less was used as a cut-off, to 27% intervals (all P < 0.05) and a higher prevalence of intra-
when low voltages were defined as QRS amplitude of ventricular blocks (28% vs. 17%, P < 0.05).22 Other
5 mm or less in each peripheral and 10 mm or less in ECG features described in patients with AL-type CA
each precordial lead.21 In other cohort studies on AL are a pseudo-infarction pattern with QS complexes in
amyloidosis, using different diagnostic criteria, the the anterior leads, an unusual axis of the QRS complex
prevalence of low QRS voltages ranged from 42% to (particularly extreme right axis deviation),19 abnormal
71%.18–21 Finally, among patients with biopsy-con- P wave morphology and duration (reflecting slow atrial
firmed CA, only 60% (AL) and 35% (ATTR) displayed conduction). In AL-type CA, a fragmentation of QRS
low peripheral voltages (<5 mV in all peripheral complexes has been reported, consisting of abnormal-
leads).18 Overall, despite the multiplicity of diagnostic ities such as notches and a RsR0 pattern in the absence
criteria, the absence of a low-voltage ECG pattern of QRS prolongation, reasonably due to areas of
does not rule out AL or ATTR-type CA and the discrep- myocardial necrosis and fibrosis.23 Atrial fibrillation
ancy between QRS voltages and LV mass as measured is also rather frequent in patients with amyloidosis.
Vergaro et al. 1809

For example, more than half of patients with ATTRwt diagnosis and risk stratification in both acute and
had any form of atrial fibrillation in a recently pub- chronic settings, as in HF and cardiomyopathies. The
lished series.13 elevation of plasma highly sensitive troponin T (hs-
TnT) is observed in the vast majority of patients with
AL amyloidosis, including those free from overt cardiac
Laboratory findings
involvement, and represents a red flag for the disease.
Sensitive biomarkers are required to identify cardiac Moreover, hs-TnT is associated with clinical indices of
damage at an early, asymptomatic stage. Such markers HF severity, LV systolic dysfunction, and wall thick-
might be particularly useful in patients considered at ness in patients with AL-type CA.30 The exact mechan-
higher risk for the development of amyloidosis, such ism of cTn release in patients with amyloidosis has to
as those with monoclonal gammopathy of unknown be elucidated, but the proinflammatory or toxic effects
significance (MGUS), at risk of AL CA especially of the amyloid fibres or their precursors and/or micro-

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when an abnormal free light chain j/k ratio is pre- vascular ischaemia may lead to cardiomyocyte damage
sent,24 and carriers of TTR gene mutations, searchable and troponin release. cTn is commonly elevated in
by genetic screening when needed to differentiate patients with ATTR cardiomyopathy, although to a
vATTR and ATTwt amyloidosis. lesser extent than in AL-type CA, despite a more
With regard to the confirmation of the suspicion of severe increase in wall thickness and worse LV systolic
AL CA the search for the j/k monoclonal protein function.31 Nonetheless, evidence on the diagnostic
either in serum or urine, although not detectable properties of circulating biomarkers in CA is still lim-
in 50% of patients, is necessary, while the increase ited.32,33 Notably, natriuretic peptide and cTn levels
in free light chain blood concentration is essential to must be interpreted based on renal function and/or
diagnosis, useful for risk stratification and evaluation atrial fibrillation, which are commonly encountered in
of treatment efficacy.14 these patients and affect circulating levels of these
Natriuretic peptides and troponins are invariably biomarkers.
elevated in patients with CA, following interstitial Confirmation and refinement of the diagnosis may
amyloid deposition or direct toxic effects of light include the search for amyloid deposits either at the
chains on cardiomyocytes.25 In patients with AL-type periumbilical fat level, or in selected cases with the sus-
CA, B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal picion of AL CA, by endomyocardial biopsy.24
proBNP (NT-proBNP) are produced and released into
the bloodstream following volume overload and direct
toxicity by immunoglobulin light chains. Among
152 subjects with AL amyloidosis, those with cardiac Echocardiography is the most widely used non-invasive
disease never had NT-proBNP levels lower than the test in patients with HF or abnormal cardiac findings
97.5 percentile for normal individuals, indicating on examination. The most common two-dimensional
100% sensitivity; furthermore, a 1285 ng/L (2D) echocardiographic findings observed in CA are
NT-proBNP cut-off had 92% accuracy for the biatrial dilation, increased LV and right ventricular
detection of cardiac involvement.26 As NT-proBNP (RV) wall thickening, and normal or small LV cavity
increase predicts HF development in AL amyloidosis,27 size; occasionally, a pericardial effusion can be found.34
routine NT-proBNP testing is recommended during the Concentric LV pseudohypertrophy is seen in over 90%
follow-up of patients with MGUS and an abnormal j/k of cases of CA, although asymmetric septal hypertro-
ratio.24 phy, LV outflow tract obstruction, or even normal wall
Unexplained or disproportionate circulating levels of thickness, non-dilated or minimally dilated LV, and
natriuretic peptides may also support the clinical and reduced ejection fraction may be encountered. The
instrumental suspicion of ATTR cardiomyopathy, myocardium can acquire a granular sparkling appear-
in particular in high-risk populations, such as carriers ance, which is attributed to the increased echogenicity
of TTR mutations (either asymptomatic or with only of the amyloid protein.34 In addition, amyloid depos-
neuropathic symptoms),5 or in patients with conditions ition accounts for the mismatch between QRS voltages
mimicking or associated with ATTR, such as aortic and the degree of LV hypertrophy, as described above.
stenosis or HFpEF.7 Natriuretic peptides also reflect Doppler imaging usually reveals only mild valvular
the severity of cardiac amyloid burden,28 and patients dysfunction, while diastolic function is often signifi-
with elevated BNP and NT-proBNP at diagnosis are at cantly impaired.34 At the initial stages, an abnormal
higher risk of mortality.29 relaxation pattern is observed, possibly progressing to
Cardiac troponins (cTn) are specific markers of myo- a restrictive pattern. Peak early diastolic velocity (E0 )
cardial injury. Newer, high-sensitivity assays allow us assessed by tissue Doppler imaging is decreased in the
to detect much lower concentrations, thus refining earliest stages of the disease, and further decreases with
1810 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 27(17)

the disease progression, which helps differentiate CA pattern of ventricular remodelling in ATTR-type CA
from disorders such as constrictive pericarditis or (79%), followed by symmetrical concentric hypertro-
HCM, in which E0 is normal or mildly reduced.34 phy (18%) and the absence of LV hypertrophy (3%).
Strain imaging demonstrates an impairment of lon- Asymmetrical hypertrophy was much less frequent in
gitudinal ventricular contraction before the decline of AL amyloidosis (14%), while concentric hypertrophy
ejection fraction and HF development. In a study of was found in 68%, and no hypertrophy in 18%.43
40 patients with biopsy-confirmed CA and 60 patients Hypertrophy is typically more pronounced than in
with HCM or hypertensive heart disease, LV global hypertensive or valvular heart disease, and is more
longitudinal strain (GLS) showed the best performance prominent in ATTR than AL amyloidosis.42 Contrary
to discriminate CA, both in the whole population and to HCM or other forms of secondary hypertrophy,
in the subgroups with maximum wall thickness of changes over months in wall thickness and function
16 mm or less or left ventricular ejection fraction are quite typical of AL amyloidosis.42 The LVEF may

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(LVEF) greater than 55%.35 As GLS is impaired be normal even into the late phase of disease, while
much earlier than LVEF, the LVEF strain ratio indexed stroke volume is usually severely reduced.42
(LVEF/absolute value of global longitudinal strain – Atrial wall thickening, dilation and thrombosis in the
GLS) was proposed, and found to be significantly LA appendage can be observed. Finally, an increase in
higher among CA patients than other individuals with right ventricular mass is quite common.42
myocardial hypertrophy, with a cut-off value of At myocardial tissue characterisation, the typical
4.1 being associated with an area under the curve of amyloid pattern consists of global subendocardial late
0.91 for the differentiation of CA from HCM or healthy gadolinium enhancement (LGE), which may be com-
controls.36 Together with GLS, circumferential and bined (particularly in AL amyloidosis) with blood pool
radial deformations were reported to be significantly early darkening due to the rapid contrast washout from
decreased in patients with CA.37 A severe impairment the blood pool into the systemic interstitial space,
of basal longitudinal strain with relative preservation of which is extremely enlarged by amyloid deposition.
apical strain is typically observed. This ‘apical sparing’ The typical LGE pattern is virtually pathognomonic
is found in both AL and ATTR cardiomyopathy, and is and significantly more specific and sensitive than echo
both sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of CA.38 or CMR functional assessment, and may be an early
RV dilation may occur in late disease stages, prob- finding, i.e. presenting before a significant increase in
ably because of a combination of pulmonary hyperten- mass develops.42 In a meta-analysis of seven studies, the
sion and RV systolic dysfunction due to infiltration. LA diagnostic accuracy of LGE CMR, partially deriving
function is very often impaired in CA, as assessed from the detection of this typical LGE pattern, was
through conventional and strain-derived parameters reported as high (sensitivity 85%, specificity 92%).44
of LA function, reflecting reservoir, conduit and con- Notably, different LGE patterns can be encountered,
tractile LA functions.39 The prevalence of LA thrombi such as localised enhancement or diffuse transmural
is remarkably high, even among patients in sinus or patchy LGE.45 Overall, non-typical LGE patterns
rhythm.40 Peak LA longitudinal strain and active LA do not allow us to exclude CA. Furthermore, as LGE
emptying fraction were reported to be more altered in is typically more prominent in ATTR compared with
patients with ATTRwt than AL and vATTR.39 AL amyloidosis, LGE analysis has been proposed as a
tool to differentiate ATTR from AL cardiomyopathy.
An LGE scoring system taking into account the pres-
Cardiac magnetic resonance ence of circumferential and/or transmural LGE in
Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) allows us to evalu- basal, mid-wall and apical slices, as well as the presence
ate biventricular morphology and size, functional of RV LGE, was proposed. A score of 13 or greater
parameters (particularly systolic function) and myocar- differentiated ATTR from AL type with 82% sensitiv-
dial tissue composition. CMR may reveal almost ity and 76% specificity.45
pathognomonic findings in advanced amyloidosis, and LGE quantification and assessment of LGE changes
may lead to a non-invasive diagnosis of ATTR cardio- over time may still prove challenging. The use of
myopathy when combined with clinical and electrocar- contrast medium is also limited in patients with an
diographic data, diphosphonate scintigraphy and the estimated glomerular filtration rate less than
exclusion of a monoclonal protein.41 30 mL/min/1.73 m2, which is quite common in systemic
CA is frequently associated with extra-cardiac AL amyloidosis. Native (i.e. pre-contrast) T1 mapping
abnormalities, most notably pleural effusion (possibly may help overcome these limitations. Myocardial
accompanied by pericardial effusion) and ascites.42 native T1 values increase progressively from diffuse
Asymmetrical hypertrophy has been traditionally asso- fibrosis to scar tissue and finally to amyloid
ciated with HCM, but emerged as the commonest and oedema (the latter being an important element of
Vergaro et al. 1811

AL-type CA), and allow us to differentiate with high terms of septal thickness or impaired longitudinal func-
accuracy AL and ATTR cardiomyopathy from tion, provides the conceptual framework for the visual
HCM.42 An increase in native T1 may represent a red Perugini scoring system: grade 0, no cardiac uptake;
flag for the disease, as it is observed before the onset of grade 1, cardiac uptake present but less intense than
LV pseudohypertrophy, LGE development or elevation the bone signal; grade 2, cardiac uptake with intensity
in blood biomarkers, and is also able to track cardiac similar to or greater than bone signal; grade 3, cardiac
amyloid burden with the potential to become a useful uptake with much attenuated or absent bone signal.52
tool to quantify cardiac amyloid and track changes This system has been incorporated in the algorithm for
over time.42 At 1.5 T, specific native myocardial T1 the non-biopsy diagnosis of ATTR-type CA, in which
cut-off values have been found (<1036 ms to exclude diphosphonate scintigraphy is advised when CA is sus-
CA with 98% negative predictive value; T1 > 1164 ms pected based on a combination of clinical, biohumoral
to confirm CA with 98% positive predictive value), and and/or imaging data. When the Perugini grade is 2 or 3,

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a diagnostic algorithm reserving gadolinium adminis- and no monoclonal protein is found, ATTR cardiomy-
tration only for patients with intermediate values opathy can be diagnosed without the need for histo-
(native T1 between 1036 and 1164 ms, representing logical confirmation. By contrast, when a monoclonal
58% of patients in the study population) has been protein is found or Perugini grade is 1, histological con-
proposed.46 firmation and typing of amyloid (preferably through an
Interstitial expansion due to amyloid infiltration endomyocardial biopsy) is suggested. Finally, when
manifests as extracellular volume increase, which can Perugini grade is 0, CMR should be performed or
be calculated at CMR from postcontrast T1 mapping, reviewed when a monoclonal protein is found, while
after correction for native T1 and haematocrit.47 CA is unlikely if no monoclonal protein is detected
Extracellular volume has been demonstrated to be not (Figure 2).41
only an important early diagnostic tool, being generally In addition to the semiquantitative Perugini score, a
higher in TTR than AL amyloidosis,48 but also a prog- quantitative analysis can be performed by drawing a
nostic marker in both AL49 and TTR amyloidosis,43 region of interest over the heart corrected for contra-
and a potential tool to monitor response to treatment. lateral counts and calculating a heart-to-contralateral
ratio (H/CL). The degree of tracer uptake in the heart
was reported to correlate with LV wall thickness and
Diphosphonate scintigraphy
mass, and patients with ATTR-type CA displayed a
Radiolabelled phosphate derivatives, initially devel- higher quantitative score than those with AL-type
oped as bone tracers, were first noted to localise to CA. A H/CL ratio greater than 1.5 had a 97% sensi-
amyloid deposits in 1977 in two patients receiving tivity and 100% specificity for identifying ATTR car-
Tc-diphosphonate.50 This finding led to the devel- diac amyloidosis.54
opment of several tracers, including 99mTc-3, There are a few reports of the use of single-photon
3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid (DPD), emission computed tomography (SPECT) in patients
Tc-pyrophosphate (PYP), 99mTc-methylene dipho- with ATTR-type CA.55,56 Compared with planar ima-
sphonate (MDP) and 99mTc-hydroxymethylene dipho- ging, tomographic acquisitions could allow us to diag-
sphonate (HMDP).51 In 2005, Perugini et al.52 nose cardiac involvement at an earlier stage, to quantify
performed 99mTc-DPD imaging on 25 patients with the global and regional amyloid burden, and to provide
CA (10 vATTR, five wtATTR, 10 AL). All 15 ATTR insight into disease progression and the response to
patients displayed a strong myocardial uptake of treatment.
Tc-DPD while no uptake was observed in AL The detection of cardiac uptake during a bone scan
patients. Therefore, the sensitivity and specificity of performed for other reasons has been reported.57 We
Tc-DPD scintigraphy to diagnose ATTR cardiomy- are not aware of studies assessing the frequency of this
opathy were both 100%.52 Several other studies incidental finding, which should prompt a diagnostic
confirmed these findings, allowing us to conclude work-up for CA.
that, in patients with CA, intense 99mTc-DPD retention
is basically pathognomonic of ATTR cardiomyopathy,
while absent uptake tends to exclude this diagnosis.
Gatekeepers in cardiac amyloidosis
Moderate 99mTc-DPD myocardial uptake was reported Amyloidosis is a systemic disease and, although cardiac
to be of indeterminate significance, with a prevalence in involvement is one of the major determinants of out-
AL and ATTR cardiomyopathy of 18% and 36%, come, the disease may present with a functional impair-
respectively.52–54 ment of other organs. Moreover, some non-cardiac
The correlation between the intensity of tracer conditions define populations at risk of the develop-
uptake and cardiac disease severity, evaluated in ment of CA. Consequently, there is a need for
1812 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 27(17)

>LV wall thickness + low QRS voltage, +/– HF symptoms,
<troponin/B-type natriuretic peptides, peripheral/autonomic neuropathy,
family history, multi-organ involvement

Diphosphonate scintigraphy (Perugini score)

Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2–3

Serum and urine immunofixation, serum free light chain assay.

Monoclonal protein present?

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No Yes Yes No Yes No

Review/ Cardiac ATTR

request amyloidosis
CMR Histological confirmation and
typing of amyloid

Cardiac Other Cardiac

AL/ATTR cardiomyopathies amyloidosis
amyloidosis (AL, ATTR,
unlikely other forms) ATTRv ATTRwt

Figure 2. Diagnostic algorithm for cardiac amyloidosis. A schematic representation of the diagnostic algorithm for cardiac amyl-
oidosis, revised from that proposed by Gillmore et al.,41 is proposed. Consultation with a haematologist is warranted when a
monoclonal component is detected. AL: immunoglobulin light-chain amyloidosis; ATTR: transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv): variant
transthyretin amyloidosis; ATTRwt: wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis; CMR: cardiac magnetic resonance; HF: heart failure. Modified
from Emdin et al.9

collaboration among neurology, nephrology, haematol- immunofixation electrophoresis to search for j or k

ogy and cardiology specialists in order to achieve a light chains.60 The latest recommendations suggest
timely diagnosis and improve prognosis (Figure 3). that cardiac involvement should be diagnosed when
Haematologists following patients with plasma cell mean wall thickness is greater than 12 mm at echocar-
disorders should raise the suspicion of CA when diography (in the absence of other causes of hypertro-
nephrotic range proteinuria, HFpEF, non-diabetic per- phy), and/or NT-proBNP greater than 332 ng/L when
ipheral neuropathy, unexplained hepatomegaly or diar- renal failure or atrial fibrillation are not present.61
rhoea develop. Physical signs of amyloidosis, such as On the other hand, lower circulating concentrations
macroglossia or periorbital purpura, are highly specific do not allow us to rule out CA, especially when clinical
but poorly sensitive, and should never be used to rule suspicion is high and other causes of natriuretic peptide
out the disease.58 Patients with MGUS or smouldering elevation are excluded.
myeloma should also be monitored to check for the Kidney involvement is found in two-thirds of
development of AL amyloidosis, which is 8.8-fold patients with AL amyloidosis at the time of diagnosis,
more likely than in the general population.59 and may present with proteinuria in the nephrotic
Although patients with MGUS or multiple myeloma range (composed mainly of albumin, often with detect-
typically have a monoclonal peak on serum protein able urine monoclonal light chains) and, in some cases,
electrophoresis, patients with AL amyloidosis often decreased glomerular filtration rate.62 A relevant
have little intact monoclonal Ig; furthermore, most of number of cases is then diagnosed by nephrologists.
them have only light chains, and about half the patients Although the screening for cardiac involvement is man-
are missed if only serum protein electrophoresis is used datory once the diagnosis has been clarified, most early
for screening, which underlies the importance of signs of cardiac disease are to be considered with
Vergaro et al. 1813

the ‘red flags’ prompting a dedicated diagnostic

CARDIOLOGIST NEPHROLOGIST Clinical signs of CA often appear in late-stage dis-
HFpEF (HFrEF) Proteinuria ease, thus effort is required to identify novel tools for an
↑ LV mass ↓ GFR
early diagnosis. Biohumoral markers of cardiac
↑ cTn/B-type NPs
involvement will be likely to be of help, although
there is currently scarce evidence on their use for
screening purposes in at-risk individuals. Future
CARDIAC research should also be directed at identifying imaging
Peripheral Multi-organ
AMYLOIDOSIS involvement
features holding high specificity for the differential
and/or autonomic
diagnosis of subtypes of CA. In this view, the use of
[18F]-Florbetaben positron emission tomography/com-

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puted tomography seems promising in the non-invasive
HAEMATOLOGIST diagnosis of AL CA.64
Plasma cell
Author contribution
GV, CP and ME contributed to the conception and design of
the work. GV, AA, AB, DG and GB contributed to the lit-
Figure 3. A multidisciplinary approach as a key to the early erature review and to the drafting of the manuscript. ME and
diagnosis of cardiac involvement in amyloidosis. GFR: glomerular CP critically revised the manuscript. All authors gave final
filtration rate; HFpEF: heart failure with preserved ejection approval and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the
fraction; HFrEF: heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; NPs: work ensuring integrity and accuracy.
natriuretic peptides; LV: left ventricular.
Declaration of conflicting interests
caution; for example, circulating concentrations of The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
markers of myocardial damage are influenced by respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
renal function,63 and long-term reduction in the glom-
erular filtration rate can lead to LV hypertrophy by
itself. Funding
Autonomic neuropathy, either alone or associated The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
with peripheral neuropathy, is observed in both AL authorship, and/or publication of this article.
and ATTR amyloidosis. Such symptoms, when not
explained by concomitant disorders, should prompt a
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