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API-691: Risk Based Machinery Management (RBMM)

Cesar Malpica
Staff Reliability Engineer
Chevron ETC

Boris Barrios
Principal Engineer
Genesis Oil and Gas


This paper aims to introduce the scope, objectives and plan of the Risk Based Machinery
Management API-691 currently under development. This standard defines the minimum industry
requirements for risk based integrity management of API machinery.

The standard considers all disciplines and activities that are contained or performed within the
boundary conditions of a machine, as defined within API 689/ISO 14224 (Collection and
Exchange of Reliability and Maintenance Data for Equipment) and is written to improve the
health/safety, environmental and economic standing of the OG&P Industry and the communities
it operates within.

Existing international standards include a myriad of approaches to conducting risk assessments

for the various equipment types including: electrical, electronic, pneumatic electronic, vessels,
tanks, heat exchangers, etc. While a single piece of machinery may contain all of these
equipment types within its boundary condition, no international standard had yet to be written to
allow a common accounting of machinery risks within a single framework, prior to this


The following set of definitions is required for a better understanding of this paper and for the
implementation of the in development API-691 of Risk based Management of API Machinery.


The qualitative or quantitative likelihood of an accident or unplanned event occurring,

considered in conjunction with the potential consequences of such a failure. Risk is characterized
in terms of the frequency at which an event occurs multiplied by the consequence of it.

Risk Assessment

Overall process of identifying the risks by evaluating their impact on enterprise objectives.

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The ability of an item to perform its required function, under stated conditions of production,
environment and usage for a required time interval.

Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)

A systematic process used to determine what must be done to ensure that any physical asset
continues to fulfill its intended functions in its present operating context.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

A design evaluation procedure used to identify failure modes and to determine the effect of each
on system performance; a procedure in which each potential failure mode in every sub-item of an
item is analyzed to determined its effect in other sub-items and on the required function of the

Predictive Maintenance (PdM)

It is the set of maintenance activities based on the use of modern measurement and signal
processing techniques to accurately diagnose the condition of equipment (level of deterioration)
during operation. The PdM is accomplished by the periodic measurement and trending of process
or machine parameters with the aim of predicting failures before they occur. The objective is to
predict or anticipate when maintenance is required through condition monitoring of equipment.
Examples are vibration monitoring, lubricant analysis and leak detection.

Preventive Maintenance (PM)

Actions performed in an attempt to retain an item in specified condition by providing systematic

inspection and detection. The goal is to control potential failures in their early stages and
includes basic housekeeping, periodic / systematic inspection, detection, and daily routine
maintenance (e.g., adjustments, replacements) to prevent deterioration.

Failure Finding Task (FF)

A failure-finding task is defined as a scheduled task used to determine whether or not an item is
able to fulfill its intended function when demanded. It is solely intended to reveal if a specific
hidden failure has occurred. Failure-finding tasks usually apply to protective devices that fail
without notice.

Corrective Maintenance (CM)

Unplanned maintenance tasks performed to restore the functional capabilities of failed or

malfunctioning equipment.

One-Time task

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It may be desirable to reduce the risk of failure by recommending redesign of the asset or to
propose modification of existing equipments, operating procedures, or spare supply strategy.
These recommendations are called “one-time tasks”.


No scheduled maintenance. No effort to anticipate or prevent those failure modes that if happen,
do not have intolerable impact. The failure mode is simply allowed to occur and the repaired.

Criticality Analysis

It is an assessment of the impacts on safety, environment and production that can occur if an asset fails.
It is intended to determine the risk associated to such failure and prioritize under a risk-cost-
benefit concept the actions needed either to mitigate the impact or reduce the probability of its
occurrence to tolerable levels.

Spare Parts Optimization:

Risk – Cost – Benefit Study performed to determine which parts and how many of them should
be stocked to assure the maintainability and optimum availability of process plants.

Risk Integrity Level:

It is a discrete level (one out of four) for specifying the integrity requirement that must be allocated to a
specific function. Risk integrity level 4 has the highest level of integrity; integrity level 1 has the lowest.


This standard is written to improve the health/safety, environmental and economic standing of
the OG&P Industry and the communities it operates within. The following are the influencing
factors responsible for its publication:

a) The OG&P industry is looking for better ways of measuring, mitigating and managing
risks for all machinery.

b) The OG&P industry had yet to fully define machinery risks in ways that could allow
them to be properly managed across the global supply chain.

c) The existing international standards include a myriad of approaches to conducting risk

assessments for the various equipment types. While a single piece of machinery may
contain several equipment types within its boundary condition, no international standard
had yet to be written to allow a common accounting of machinery risks within a single
framework, prior to this publication.

d) Risk assessment methodology as outlined within other international standards is limited

in scope and principally focuses on machinery safety. Addressing only these risks has
exposed the industry to potentially more catastrophic environmental, economic and
regulatory risks.

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e) While safety integrity levels are referenced within several standards included within
Section 2 of this international standard, the industry has determined that an overarching
integrity framework, defined as the Risk Integrity Level, is required to enable the proper
measurement, mitigation and management of all machinery risks. Risk Integrity Levels
(RIL) address separate dimensions of risk: RIL (health/safety), RIL (environmental) and
RIL (economic). While IEC-61508, IEC-61511 and, IEC-62061 addresses only the
electrical, electronic and pneumatic electronic equipment to ensure function safety; this
international standard addresses all engineering disciplines ( mechanical, civil, electrical,
etc ) and risks that are contained within the boundary limits of the machinery.


A large group of manufacturers, consultants and users are participating for the completion of this
standard. Following there is the roster with the members of the Taskforce.


The foundational basis for this international standard is a multidimensional view of risk as being
something more than the safety of machinery. This international standard defines design and
manufacturing requirements that are applicable to new projects involving greenfield
development as well as maintenance optimization and condition monitoring enhancements for
machinery operating in existing brownfield applications.

The standard aims to provide:

a) Improved manufacturing quality

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b) Risk based designs
c) Enhanced process verification during Front End Engineering Design ( FEED)
d) Standardized analysis methods and data formats that will enable more optimized,
condition based monitoring and maintenance strategies in the field
e) Improved health and safety
f) Greater environmental compliance and
g) Greater production assurance
The in-development API-691 standard will continuously improve the design and maintenance of
machinery while systematically reduce the risk associated with its operation and to provide a
more comprehensive assessment of the risks associated with machinery design, installation,
operations, inspection and maintenance.


The standard is schedule to face several API Committee reviews during 2012/2013 in order to
get approved and published. During the API Spring 2012 session it passed the Process Review
and it is currently preparing for the discussion on the Fall Meeting 2012. The schedule and status
are summarized as follow:

• API Spring 2012 (Dallas). RBMM Process

• API Fall 2012 (Los Angeles). Discuss
• API Spring 2013 (Las Vegas). First Draft Document for comment
• API Fall 2013 (TBD). Final Draft Document goes out for ballot

Figure #1: timeline of API-691 development

Process Overview

The standard details the RBMM lifecycle process while aligning to the generic project lifecycle
process stating the minimum industry requirements to deliver Risk Based Machinery
Management API machinery to ensure safe, efficient operations through their lifecycle.

The RBMM process offers the optimum mixing the reliability tools and risk concepts for every project
execution phase. It also includes the need to perform a readiness review as a Gate Stage.

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The in-development API-691 std. describes the project execution phases as follow:

Figure #2: Project execution phases

1. Appraisal Identification of the need or opportunity for CAPEX

2. Alternative Selection Selection of the best cost benefit alternative
(e.g. replacement or overhaul)
3. Define Assessment of high risk items
4. Execute Operation and maintenance readiness
5. Operate Operate, Monitor and Improve

RBMM Lifecycle Activities

The RBMM process include activities segregated by the project phases and includes several risk
assessments, reliability analyses and best practices to ensure that the machinery is not only correctly
designed but confirmed to deliver its desired function as it is installed and operated.

Facility Approval
Asset Operations Preliminary
RAM-1 HAZOP and Process Mfgs. Stage
Business and Design
Modeling Risk Review Verification Qualification Gate 1

Strategy Maintenance Specification

(Sect. 5.3) (Sect. 5.4) (Sect. 5.6) (Sect. 5.7)
(Sect. 5.2) Strategy (Sect. 5.8)
(Sect. 5.5) (Annex E.1)

o Risk Based Maintenance Strategy
C (Sect. 6.4)

Equipment Detailed Spare Parts Factory Maintenance


RAM-2 Risk Risk Based Mfgs.

Prioritizati Integrity Design Optimiz- Acceptance Implement- Stage
Modeling on FMEA Maint. Inspection
Level (RIL) Spec ation Test ation Plan Gate 2
(Sect. 6.2) (Sect. 6.3) Plans (Sect. 6.7)
Definition (Sect. 6.5) (Sect. 6.6) (Sect. 6.8) (Sect. 6.9)
(Annex E.2)

Installation (Sect. 7.4)

Install &

Preservation Establish Readiness
Construction Site
and Site Monitoring Commission RBMM
Oversight CMMS Acceptance Stage
Cleanliness Equipment Technologies ing Operational Gate 3
Plan (Sect. 7.4.3) Test
Checks (Sect. 7.4.1) (Sect. 7.4.2) (Sect. 7.5) Metrics
(Sect. 7.2) (Sect. 7.6)
(Sect. 7.3) (Sect. 7.7)
(Annex E.3)

Work Management (Sect. 8.3)

Monitor &


Integrity Operational
Operating Work Work Execution
Windows Scheduling and Closelout Capture Evaluate Investigate Action Appraise
(Sect. 8.2) (Sect. 8.3.1) (Sect. 8.3.2)
(Sect. 8.4)

Figure #3: RBMM activities by project execution phases

Page 6 of 11

This phase define the design needs to address any high risk item. The main RBMM activities executed
during this phase are:

• Verification of business objectives

• Development of design specification (Reliability, Maintainability and Availability)
• Assessment of preliminary high level criticality
• Development of Operation and Maintenance Philosophy
• Technology and Manufacturer Qualification

The main tools proposed to be used to execute the RBMM activities are: RAM, reliability allocation, risk
assessment using risk graph and FMEA


This phase aims to include the activities to support the development of the design and ensure operation
preparedness. The main RBMM activities executed during this phase are:

• Assembly of a multifunctional team: vendor, designer and, operator

• Design Specification
• Optimized Spare Parts
• Manufacturer Inspection and FAT
• Definition of Risk based maintenance strategies
– Risk Integrity Level (LOPA, SIL)

During the design phase of the project, the machinery must be provided with the most cost benefit risk
mitigation strategy to be performed by the maintenance and operation personnel. Depending in the level
of risk associated with a failure mode, one type or a combination of maintenance tasks should be designed
to ensure that such failure mode is avoided or detected in a timely manner and allow the planning of work
by the maintenance team.

The maintenance tasks are called preventive to corrective maintenance depending on the nature of the
actions proposed.

Also in this phase of the project, the team should provides special attention to the tests performed both in
the factory or once it is on site to confirm the correct functioning of the machinery as designed and
installed respectively.

The in-development API-691 intends to follow a similar risk based approach already used by the API-580
(Risk Based Inspection) and the IEC-60511. It will allow the standardization of the risk management that
asks for implementing and keeping in place of “layers of protection” that prevent or mitigate undesired

The main tools proposed to be used to execute the RBMM activities listed above are: FMEA, RAM, and

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Figure #4: Proposed ‘layer of protection” scheme for risk mitigation strategies

Installation and Commissioning

This phase aim to include the activities to confirm that the asset performs as required before the asset start
operation. The main RBMM activities executed during this phase are:

• Assembly of a multifunctional team; vendor, installer, designer and operator

• Verification if the asset delivers the expected function at required performance level as it is
• Verification of performance as installed including Performance Baseline and Site Acceptance

The main tools proposed to be used to execute the RBMM activities listed above are: Advanced
Condition Monitoring, Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and Management of
Change (MOC).


This phase aims to include the activities to ensure a safe and reliable operation of the asset. The main
RBMM activities executed during this phase are:

• Work Order Management

• Planning & scheduling, execution, “as found – as left”, record and optimize plans
• Predictive and preventive maintenance
• Evaluate performance; metrics
• Competency development

The main tools proposed to be used to execute the RBMM activities listed above are: MOC, Root Cause
Analysis, and CMMS.
Additional Information

The standard includes a set of appendixes and tools with details and provides examples of supporting
information for how to perform the most adequate risk management of API machineries. It is expected to
be a combined effort between manufacturers, designers and operators to ensure that new and modified
API machinery are in compliance with this standard.

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Here the list of tools recommended by the standard:

 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

It is a process hazard analysis that provides the information for the most impacting
manners for a failure to occur. It uses the team knowledge to combine the experience of
designer, installer and user. The FMEA revises not only the expected failure mode but,
the likelihood, effect, consequence and detectability of such failure mode.

 Reliability Availability and Maintainability (RAM)

It is a simulation that begins with the building of block diagrams that are fed with
reliability data (MTBF), maintainability (time to repair or perform a maintenance task),
and the availability (assesses the capacity loss produced after a failure happens). The
RAM is commonly performed with stochastic data and runs a Monte Carlo simulation

 Technology Readiness Level (TRL)

TRL allows the project team to know where a proposed technology is at regarding its
level of maturity. The risk assessed for machinery will be strongly depending on the TRL
demonstrated by the manufacturer and confirmed by the customer.

 Management of Change (MOC)

The management system that should be in place to ensure that any change in the process
or design of machinery (or its components) is properly addressed, evaluated against the
hazards that it can introduce, and communicated to the users.

The MOC should be followed in a very rigorous manner to avoid accidents derived from
new design or changes in procedures.

 Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Set of steps or methodology followed to ensure that the latent root causes (at systemic
level) are discovered and provided with actions to avoid its recurrence. The RCA should
be performed by a multifunctional team and ensure that results and recommendations are
documented and tracked until it s successful completion.

 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

It is the set of metrics that if in place allows the measurement and tracking of
performance of an organization or machinery. KPI should provide a decision support
system to put in place corrections and improvements of either the design or operation of

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 Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)

Set of protection layers that combined either mitigate or avoid the occurrence of
undesired events or accidents. The project team and operations should keep that
protection layers fully functional to minimize the risk associated with each critical failure
mode (commonly referred as threat).

 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)

It is a computerized system that allows the recording, planning, scheduling and reporting
of maintenance activities as well as allows the tracking of how the organization is
managing the resources cost to perform the tasks within schedule and cost.

 Advanced Condition Monitoring

It is related to the activities usually performed by a specialized automated system to track

the health of the machinery and alert the user in a timely manner about any deviation.
The implementation of advanced condition monitoring is justified to increase the
detectability and response time of the operation team under the progression of any
condition that can escalate to undesired event or accident.

Technical Appendixes

Here the appendixes list included in the standard:

API-691 Data Sheet

FMEA Worksheet

Failure modes, mechanisms and causes

Guidelines on the use of machinery risk modifiers

RBMM Stage Gate Checklists

Guidelines on Advanced Condition Monitoring

Generic Maintenance Templates

Guidelines on Remaining Life Assessment
Normative Elements of RBMM Training

Lesson Learned

The use of lessons learned is a best practice that allows team to avoid the errors that others have made and
be more effective on delivering the product less costly, with a higher quality and within schedule.

The cross functional team that is developing this new API-691 standard has identified lessons learned that
would help not only to complete this but, to help on successfully develop further standards by the API.
The API-691 faced the challenge to ensure that the new standard encompasses the knowledge and
experience from manufacturers, vendors, designers, and operators in the Oil and Gas industry.

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Among the lessons learned identified by the API0691 team the following two are the ones that provided
the best probability of success to build this technical standards:

 There is a need in the O&G industry to standardize and integrate the concepts of reliability, safety
and design for the management of the machinery lifecycle

 There is an evident interest and willingness among the manufacturers, vendors, designers, and
operators to work together on fulfilling the Operator’s business objectives


The new API-691 “Risk Based Management of Machineries” will close a gap in the industry to address
the management of the integrity of API machineries and the risks associated with each phase of their
lifecycle. The “in-development” API-691 will provide the Oil and Gas industry with the guidance to
apply the industry best practices and reliability tools for the integrity management when the API
machineries are planned, selected, designed, installed, commissioned and operated.

It is highlighted that the new API-691 standard introduces the concept of “Risk Integrity Level” to assess
the criticality and needs of special consideration for how to design, install and operate the API machinery.
The proper assessment of machinery risks during the early phases of the lifecycle will allow its further
reliable, safer and efficient operation.

Keywords: API standard, machinery, risk, lifecycle, maintenance strategy, assessment, reliability, project

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Track 3: Equipment Reliability
API-691: Risk Based Machinery
Management (RBMM)
Cesar Malpica, CMRP
Chevron ETC
Boris Barrios
Genesis Oil and Gas Services

Oct. 16, 2012

Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

Discussion Topics Key Messages

 Process Overview  RBMM will cover the life cycle of the API
 Schedule and status machinery

 A mixing of reliability tools are

recommended to manage the life cycle
 Process Overview of machineries
 Schedule and status  Management of Change plays a key role
 What is in / What is out on assuring the efficient and reliable
 Proposed workflow operation of machineries
 Lessons learned

Desired Outcomes/Decisions
 Engagement of industry peers

 Increase knowledge of reliability practitioners about the API-691

Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

1. Objective, Schedule and Status

2. What is Included in the Standard
3. RBIM Process
1. Overview
2. Design
3. Installation and Commissioning
4. Operation and Maintenance
4. Lesson Learned and challenges
5. Conclusions
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

• Introduce the scope and deliverables of API-691 for API

Machinery currently under development
• Provide status and schedule of the standard
• Highlight the most critical aspects of the standard
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

• Aim to fulfill minimum Industry requirements to deliver Risk Based

Management of API Machinery to ensure its safe and efficient
operation through the lifecycle:
– Manufacturers, purchasers and users within OG&P
– Supply Chain Manage machinery risks
– Manufacturing quality, robust designs and verification
– Risk based maintenance strategies
– Safe, Reliable and Efficient Operation
• In alignment with existing industry standards for reliability and
safety of production systems
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

Manufacturers Consultants: Users:

MAN Turbo OSyS Aramco
GE Oil and Gas Genesis USA Total
HMD Pumps Advanced Reliability Saudi Aramco
Rolls Royce Technologies BP North America
Field Industries LLC Southwest Research Institute Chevron
Elliott Group Strategic Power Systems (SPS) ExxonMobil
John Crane Memorial University Marathon Petroleum Company
Dresser Rand L R ConocoPhillips
Flowserve M&M Engineering Associates BG Group
Siemens Fidelis Group BP Refining
Bently Nevada Hess Corporation
Jentek Sensors Inc. DOW Chemical
i-Quantum Solutions DuPont
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Schedule and Status

• API Spring 2012 (Dallas). RBMM Process

• API Fall 2012 (Los Angeles). Discuss
• API Spring 2013 (Las Vegas). First Draft Document for
• API Fall 2013 (TBD). Final Draft Document goes out
for ballot
Process First Final
Review Discuss Draft Draft


2012 2012 2013 2013
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
What is in the scope of the Standard

What is in What is out

• API machinery • Basis of Design
• Machinery Criticality • Reliability and Risk Analysis
• Lifecycle management procedures (How)
• Risk Integrity Level • Operating Guidelines
• Reliability recommended
practices (What)
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Process Overview



P :
• Appraisal Identification of the need or opportunity for CAPEX (**)
• Alternative Selection Selection of the best cost benefit alternative (e.g.
replacement or overhaul)
• Define Assessment of high risk items
• Execute Operation and maintenance readiness
• Operate Operate, Monitor and Improve
Disincorporation and final disposal are not covered
(*) Project phases recommended by IPA (Independent Project Analysis, Inc.)
(**)Capital Expenditures
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Process Overview

Facility Approval
Asset Operations Preliminary
RAM-1 HAZOP and Process Mfgs. Stage
Business and Design
Modeling Risk Review Verification Qualification

Gate 1

Strategy Maintenance Specification

(Sect. 5.3) (Sect. 5.4) (Sect. 5.6) (Sect. 5.7)
(Sect. 5.2) Strategy (Sect. 5.8)
(Sect. 5.5) (Annex E.1)

o Risk Based Maintenance Strategy
C (Sect. 6.4)

Equipment Detailed Spare Parts Factory Maintenance


RAM-2 Risk Risk Based Mfgs.

Prioritizati Integrity Design Optimiz- Acceptance Implement- Stage
Modeling on FMEA Maint. Inspection
Level (RIL) Spec ation Test ation Plan Gate 2
(Sect. 6.2) (Sect. 6.3) Plans (Sect. 6.7)
Definition (Sect. 6.5) (Sect. 6.6) (Sect. 6.8) (Sect. 6.9)
(Annex E.2)

Installation (Sect. 7.4)

Install &

Preservation Establish Readiness
Construction Site
and Site Monitoring Commission RBMM
Oversight CMMS Acceptance Stage
Cleanliness Equipment Technologies ing Operational Gate 3
Plan (Sect. 7.4.3) Test
Checks (Sect. 7.4.1) (Sect. 7.4.2) (Sect. 7.5) Metrics
(Sect. 7.2) (Sect. 7.6)
(Sect. 7.3) (Sect. 7.7)
(Annex E.3)

Work Management (Sect. 8.3)

Monitor &


Integrity Operational
Operating Work Work Execution
Windows Scheduling and Closelout Capture Evaluate Investigate Action Appraise
(Sect. 8.2) (Sect. 8.3.1) (Sect. 8.3.2)
(Sect. 8.4)
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Process Overview

How it fits in the overall RBMM lifecycle


Detail Design

A fit for purpose

maintenance strategy
developed to deliver PLAN DO MEASURE IMPROVE
the facility operation KPIs &
Install & Identify,
Prioritise Execute
indicators to
Fully commission measure
, Plan & & Close
Capture Evaluate Action Appraise Close
Schedule Work Investigate
machinery & of Operations
technologies, strategy
Operations processes
developed competent
personnel on the
equipment operations,
technology & process.
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Asset Life Cycle: Definition

Define the design needs to address any high risk

• Verify business objectives
• Develop design specification (Reliability,
Maintainability and Availability)
• Assess preliminary high level criticality
• Develop Operation and Maintenance Philosophy
• Qualify Manufacturer and technology
• Tools: RAM, allocation, risk graph, FMEA
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Asset Life Cycle: Detail Design

Develop the design and ensure operation

• Multifunctional team; vendor, designer, and
• Feedback the Detail Engineering
• Optimized Spare Parts
• Risk based maintenance strategies
– Risk Integrity Level (LOPA, SIL)
• Tools: FMEA, RAM, LOPA
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Risk Integrity Level Assessment


RIL 2, 3 or 4? NO
RIL 1&2



Unmitigated RIL Mitigated RIL

Design CBM PdM PM

Failure Mitigated
Mode from Risk by User
Vendor (Frequency)
Risk / frequency)
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Asset Life Cycle: Installation and Commissioning

Confirm that the asset performs as required.

• Multifunctional team: vendor, installer, designer
and operator
• Asset delivers the expected function at required
performance level as it is designed
• Verify performance as installed
– Performance Baseline
• Turn over to Operation
• Tools: Advanced Condition Monitoring
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Asset Life Cycle: Operate

To Ensure a safe and reliable operation of the asset

• Keep the asset operating within the design limits
• Work Order Management

record and optimize plans
– Predictive and preventive maintenance
• Evaluate performance; metrics
• Competency development
• Tools: MOC, Root Cause Analysis, CMMS
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

Reliability tools that are recommended in the API-691:

•Failure Mode & Effect Analysis • Reliability, Availability & • Technology Readiness Level
•By Vendor during FEED Maintainability • By Vendor
•By Owner in Detailed Design • Reliability Block Diagram • Validated by Owner
• MonteCarlo Simulation • Technology Qualification
• Sys (FEED) & Eq. (Detail Eng) • Risk Factor


• Layer of Protection Analysis • Management of Change • Root Cause Analysis
• Technical Safety • Component of process safety • Find causes at the System
• Based on IEC60511 • Ensure that any change is level (Latent)
• Used to define barriers to documented, evaluated and • Used as a proactive tool to
Failure Modes (Threats) analyzed against hazards improve process and design

• Key Performance Indicators
• Drive process improvement
• Used to identify design
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Technical Appendixes

The API-691 standard is provided with appendixes for

specific technical information such as:
– API-691 Data Sheet
– FMEA Worksheet
– Failure modes, mechanisms and causes
– Guidelines on the use of machinery risk modifiers
– RBMM Stage Gate Checklists
– Guidelines on Advanced Condition Monitoring
– Generic Maintenance Templates
– Guidelines on Remaining Life Assessment
– Normative Elements of RBMM Training
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Technical Appendixes - Example
Modes, Mechanisms, Causes
Operator L N W “

Vibration, Hotspot
CM Tech

Failure Mode
Pitting, Cracking, CUI

(Physical Cause) Fatigue, Fretting

Failure Analyst




Failure Mechanism (Root Cause)

Failure Cause Person Made Error
(Human Cause)
From Mechanisms to FMs FCs

(Systemic Cause) Realm of RCFA

Risk Based Machinery Management API-691
Lessons Learned

• There is a need in the O&G industry to

standardize and integrate the concepts of
reliability, safety and design for the
management of the machinery lifecycle
• There is an evident interest and willingness
among the manufacturers, vendors, designers,
and operators to work together on fulfilling the
O business objectives
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

•T - API-691 will provide the

Oil and Gas industry with the guidance to apply
the industry best practices when the new API
machineries are planned, selected, designed,
installed, commissioned and operated.
• The introduction of the risk concept in the
different phases of the life cycle of API
machinery will allow its reliable, safer and
efficient operation
Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

Risk Based Machinery Management API-691

Cesar Malpica Boris Barrios

Reliability Engineer Reliability & Risk Engineer
Chevron ETC Genesis Oil and Gas
Phone: 713-372-7209 Phone: 281-249-4155

Joseph Thorp, PE Bill Puglia

Chairman API691
Engineering Consultant Principal Subject Matter Expert | Energy
Aramco Services Company Optimized Systems and Solutions Limited
Phone: 713-432-4824 Phone: +420 606 686 645

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