Giải Speaking

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1. Do/did you enjoy science lessons at school? (Why/Why not?)

I thoroughly enjoyed science lessons during my school years. Science has always
fascinated me because it provides a structured approach to understanding the world
around us. Each lesson felt like a journey of discovery, unraveling the mysteries of
nature and how things work. Moreover, the scientific knowledge meant there was
always something new to learn, which kept me intrigued and motivated.

2. What is the science subject you are most interested in? (Why?)
I am particularly interested in biology. Biology provides a deep understanding of life,
from the cellular level to the complex interactions within ecosystems and it’s also
intersects with other disciplines such as medicine, genetics, and ecology, making it
rewarding and essential.

3. Is it easy for you to learn science subjects? (Why/Why not?)

Well, learning science subjects is not always a walk in the park, but I take to it
quite naturally. I find it challenging, but in a good way. It’s like solving a puzzle – the
harder it is, the more satisfying it is when you figure it out.

4. Do you watch science programmes on TV? (Why/Why not?)

I don't typically watch science programs on TV. Instead, I prefer to gather
information from other sources such as books, online articles, and educational videos. I find
these mediums more convenient and accessible for learning about scientific topics. While
TV programs can be informative, I personally find other methods more effective for
acquiring knowledge about science
5. Are science museums popular in..../your country? (Why/Why not?)
Science museums are quite popular in many countries.They offer a unique and
interactive way for people to learn about science and technology. They provide an
immersive learning experience that sparks curiosity and fosters a deeper
understanding of scientific concepts. Additionally, science museums often showcase
the latest advancements in research and technology, making them both educational
and entertaining destinations.

1. Do you like history as a subject in your school? Why?
For me, history is a fascinating subject. History provides valuable insights into the
past, offering a window into the events, cultures, and people that have shaped our
world. Studying history allows us to understand the complexities of human societies,
appreciate cultural diversity, and learn from past mistakes, enabling us to make more
informed decisions about the future.
2. When was the last time you read a book about history?
It was a long time ago. If I recall correctly, it was a book about Vietnam in the late
1800s. It described the transition period of Vietnam in which Vietnam were
sandwiched between the old feudal system influenced by China and the struggle
against colonial French domination.

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