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1. A pressure gage at elevation 6m at the side od a tank containing a liquid reads 80kPa. Another gage at elevation
4m reads 100kPa. What is the specific gravity of the liquid?
a. 1.02 b. 1.04 c. 1.21 d. 1.14
2. A block of wood floats in water with 20cm projecting above the water surface. If placed in oil ( 0.80) will
float with 15cm projecting above the oil surface. What is the height of the block?
a. 35cm b. 40cm c. 50cm d. 45cm

SITUATION 1. A reservoir of a glycerin has a mass of 1,200 kg and a volume of 0.952 cu.m.

3. Find its weight

a. 11.772 KN b. 11.727 KN c. 12.771 KN d. 17.217 KN
4. Unit weight or specific weight ion KN/m^3
a. 11.772 b. 12.366 c. 12.663 d. 12.636
5. Mass density of the liquid in kg/m^3
a. 1260.5 b. 1260 c. 1261 d. 1262

6. An iceberg floats in seawater with 532 cu.m^3 of ice above water surface. If the specific gravity of seawater is
1.025 and of ice is 0.917, what is the total volume of ice in m^3?
a. 5697 b. 5329 c. 6189 d. 5049
7. A woman with a glass of water having a height of 250 mm is inside the elevator with an upward acceleration of
4m/s^2. Determine the pressure at the bottom of the glass.
a. 3.54 kPa b. 4.14 kPa c. 3.45 kPa D. 3.84 kPa
8. What height in meters of a column of special gage liquid having a of 2.82 would exert the same pressure as
a column of oil 7.2m high a of 0.86?
a. 2.7m b. 7.2m c.2.4m d. 2.2m
9. A ship having a displacement of 27,000 tons and a draft of 12.6 m in the ocean enters a harbor of fresh water. If
the horizontal cross-section of the ship at the water line is 3,500 m^2, what is depth of fresh water is required tp
float the ship? Assume a marine ton is 1000 kg and that seawater and fresh water weighs 10.1 kN/m^3 and 9.81
kN/m^3 respectively.
a. 12.73m b. 12.24m c. 11.24m d. 12.82m

SITUATION 2. A rectangular barge weighing 200,000 kg is 4m long, 8m wide, and 4.5m deep. It will transport to
Manila 20mm diameter by 6m long reinforcing steel bars.

10. If a draft (submerged depth of the barge) is to be maintained at 3m, how many pieces of the bars can it carry? If
density of salt water is equal to 1026 kg/m^3 and steel weighs 7850 kg/m^3.
a. 5905 b. 5229 c. 6581 d. 9786
11. What is the draft from the barge when one half of its cargo is unloaded in fresh water?
a. 2.43m b. 2.99m c. 2.81m d. 2.63m
SITUATION 3. A closed cylindrical tank 1m in diameter and 2m tall is filled with water and rotated about its vertical
axis at 1200 rpm.

12. Compute the increased in pressure in kPa at the rim of the tank.
a. 1994.2 b. 1974.6 c. 1974 d. 1970
13. Compute the increased in kPa at the center of the bottom of the tank.
a. 0 b. 19.62 c. 9.81 d. 1000
14. Compute the total force acting on the top cover of the tank.
a. 775 kN b. 783 kN c. 7.7 kN d. 3.85 kN

15. A barge weighing 250 kN when empty is 5m wide, 20m long, and 4m high. Floating upright, evaluate the draft of
the barge in meters when transporting 4000 bags of cement along a river, each bag having a mass of 42 kg.
Assume the specific gravity of the water in the river to be 0.98.
a. 1.89m b. 3.33m c. 1.97m d. 2.57m
16. Air is kept of 200 kPa absolute and a temperature of 30°C in a 500-liter container. What is the mass of air.
a. 1.15 kg b. 1.51 kg c. 5.11 kg d. 1.55 kg
17. A liquid compressed in a container has a volume of 1 liter at a pressure of 1 MPa and a volume of 0.995 liter at a
pressure of 2 MPa. The bulk unit modulus of elasticity of the liquid is.
a. 300 MPa b. 200 MPa c. 250 MPa d. 210 Mpa
18. A barometer reads 760 mmHg and a pressure gage attached to a tank reads 850 cm of oil =0.80. What is
the absolute pressure in the tank in kPa?
a. 168.1 b. 186.1 c.161.8 d. 181.6
19. A closed cylindrical tank contains 2m of water, 3m of oil ( and the air above oil
has a pressure of 30 kPa. If an open mercury manometer at the bottom of the tank has
1mof water, determine the deflection of mercury.
a. 0.626m b. 0.662 c. 0.266 d. 0. 267
20. A vertical triangular tank gate with top base horizontal and 1.5m wide is 3m high. It is
submerged in oil having a sg.=0.82 with its top base submerged to a depth of 2m.
Determine the magnitude and location of the total hydrostatic pressure acting on one side
of the gate.
a. 3.167 b. 3.176 c. 3.716 d. 3.617
21. A closed cylindrical tank 2m in diameter and 8m deep with axis vertical contains 6m deep
oil sg=0.8. The air above the liquid surface has a pressure of 0.8kg/cm^2. Determine the
total normal force in kg acting on the wall at its location from the bottom of the tank.
a. 156,800𝜋 b. 156,008𝜋 c. 156,080𝜋 d. 165,800𝜋
22. The isosceles triangle gate shown in the figure is hinged at A and weighs 1500 N. What is
the total hydrostatic force acting on one side of the gate in kilonewton?
a. 44.277 kN b. 44.772 kN c. 44. 727 kN d. 44.773 kN
23. An inclined circular gate with water on one side is shown in the figure. Determine the
total resultant force acting on the gate.
a. 18.784 kN b. 18.746 kN c. 18.764 kN d. 18.647 kN
24. At 20 deg Celsius, gage A in the figure reads 280kPa absolute. The tank is 2m wide
perpendicular to the figure. Assume atmospheric pressure to be 1 bar. Sg. of mercury
is 13.6. Determine the total pressure acting on side CD.
a. 556.7 kN b. 676.5kN c. 667.5 kN d. 766.5 kN

25. What is the specific weight of air at 480kPa absolute and 21°C?
a. 81.55 N/m^3 b. 55.18 N/m^3 c. 51.58 N/m^3 d. 55.81 N/m^3
26. A rectangular barge weighing 400kN when empty is 6m wide, 15m long and 3m high. The barge transport 6000
bags of cement along the Pasig River, each bags weighs 40kg. Assuming that the specific gravity of water is 1.02,
evaluate the draft of the barge in meters.
a. 1.589 b. 2.043 c. 3.059 d. 2.156

SITUATION 4. A vertical triangular gate with base width of 1.5m and altitude of 3m is submerged in water (vertex
down) with its horizontal edge 2m below the water surface.

27. Compute the total force acting on one side of the gate.
a. 52.12 b. 76.34 c. 89.43 d. 66.22
28. Compute the distance from the center of the gravity to the center of pressure in meters.
a. 0.167 b. 0.321 c. 0.125 d. 0.284
29. Compute the distance from water surface to the center of pressure, in meters.
a. 3.248 b. 3.321 c. 3.125 d. 3.167

30. If the difference in pressure of pipe A and pipe B is 97.4kPa, calculate the H in cm.
Refer to figure 1.
a. 15 b. 25 c. 35 d. 45

SITUATION 5. A vertical rectangular gate 2m wide and 3.6m high is submerged in water with its top edge 2m below
the water surface.

31. Compute the total force acting on one side of the gate, in kN.
a. 321.8 b. 268.4 c. 287.5 d. 356.2
32. Compute the distance from the center of gravity to center of pressure, in meters.
a. 0.284 b. 0.235 c. 0.321 d. 0.187
33. Compute the distance from the water surface to the center of pressure, in meters.
a. 3.987 b. 4.048 c. 4.035 d. 4.121

34. A piece of wood having a specific gravity of 1.5m long. How much lead (in kg) is needed to be fastened at one
end to submerged the wood with 0.25m above the water surface? Specific gravity if lead is 11.2.
a. 1.48 b. 1.21 c. 1.75 d. 2.83

SITUATION 6. A rigid steel container is partially filed with liquid at 15 atm. The volume of the liquid is 1.232 Liters. At
a pressure of 30 atm the volume of the liquid is 1.231 Liters.

35. Find the bulk modulus elasticity (GPa) of the liquid over the given range of pressure if the temperature after
compression is allowed to return to its initial value.
a. 2.56 b. 2.13 c. 1.87 d. 1.43
36. Calculate the coefficient of compressibility.
a. 0.12 b. 0.23 c. 0.31 d. 0.53

37. An inclined tank contains three different liquids A,B, and C with specific gravities of 0.8,
1.00, and 13.6 respectively. What will be the pressure (kPa) on the bottom of the tank
if the liquid surface are the elevations shown. (Refer to figure #2)
a. 105 b. 205 c. 305 d. 405
38. Two pipes A and B, contains a fluid flowing under pressure and are reconnected
by a differential gage as shown (refer to figure #3). The substance in the lower
part of the gage has a specific gravity of 1.6 and the surfaces of separation are
460mm apart. The specific gravity of the fluid is 0.30. If the centers are 1.2 apart
vertically and the pressure in A is known to be 70kN.m^2, what is the pressure in
B in kN/m^2?
a. 72.23 b. 22.73 c. 32.27 d.27.23

SITUATION 7. The section of gate shown in figure 4 consists of a cylindrical surface of

which AB is the trace. L=12m perpendicular to the paper, R=6m and 𝜃=50°.

39. Calculate the total vertical components of the force acting on the gate in kN
a. 335.9 b. 535.9 c. 353.9 d. 533.9
40. Calculate the total force acting on the gate, in kN.

a. 1293 b. 2139 c. 1329 d. 1392

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