Basic Software Testing(1)

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1. **Which of the following is not a part of the software testing life cycle?

- A) Test Planning
- B) Test Case Development
- C) Test Execution
- D) Test Removal
- **Answer: D**

2. **What is the primary purpose of software testing?**

- A) To assess the performance of software
- B) To find bugs and errors
- C) To determine the market value of the software
- D) To check the software's usability
- **Answer: B**

3. **Which type of testing is performed without any planning and documentation?**

- A) Unit Testing
- B) Regression Testing
- C) Ad-hoc Testing
- D) Load Testing
- **Answer: C**

4. **What is the first step in the software testing process?**

- A) Test Execution
- B) Test Planning
- C) Requirement Analysis
- D) Test Closure
- **Answer: C**

5. **Which of the following is a black-box testing technique?**

- A) Boundary Value Analysis
- B) Code Coverage
- C) Mutation Testing
- D) Statement Coverage
- **Answer: A**

6. **What does 'Smoke Testing' refer to in software testing?**

- A) Comprehensive testing
- B) Preliminary testing to check basic functionality
- C) Performance testing under high load
- D) User acceptance testing
- **Answer: B**

7. **What is regression testing?**

- A) Testing the same module again and again
- B) Testing the new functionality
- C) Testing to ensure changes haven’t affected existing functionality
- D) Testing the application on different browsers
- **Answer: C**
8. **Which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional testing?**
- A) Performance Testing
- B) Usability Testing
- C) Security Testing
- D) Unit Testing
- **Answer: D**

9. **What is meant by the term 'Test Suite'?**

- A) A tool used for testing
- B) A collection of test cases
- C) A process to develop test cases
- D) A set of rules for testing
- **Answer: B**

10. **In which testing method is the tester unaware of the internal structure of the
system being tested?**
- A) White-box Testing
- B) Grey-box Testing
- C) Black-box Testing
- D) Unit Testing
- **Answer: C**

11. **Which of the following tools is used for automation testing?**

- A) Selenium
- C) Confluence
- D) Trello
- **Answer: A**

12. **What is 'Alpha Testing'?**

- A) Testing done by end-users
- B) Testing done by developers before releasing to test team
- C) Testing done by testers after the software is developed
- D) Testing done by the client
- **Answer: B**

13. **Which document describes in detail the approach to test the software?**
- A) Test Plan
- B) Test Case
- C) Test Script
- D) Test Log
- **Answer: A**

14. **Which of the following is a characteristic of a good test case?**

- A) It is complex
- B) It is reusable
- C) It is ambiguous
- D) It is lengthy
- **Answer: B**
15. **What is 'Usability Testing'?**
- A) Testing the software's functionality
- B) Testing the software's performance
- C) Testing the ease with which users can learn and use the software
- D) Testing the security of the software
- **Answer: C**

16. **What is the purpose of 'Load Testing'?**

- A) To check if the system can handle expected load
- B) To check the system's response time
- C) To check the system's security
- D) To check the system's functionality
- **Answer: A**

17. **Which of the following is a test designed to check if new changes have broken any
existing functionality?**
- A) Integration Testing
- B) Smoke Testing
- C) Regression Testing
- D) System Testing
- **Answer: C**

18. **What is 'Beta Testing'?**

- A) Internal testing by the development team
- B) Testing after the software has been released to the market
- C) Testing performed by the end-users in a real environment
- D) Performance testing under extreme conditions
- **Answer: C**

19. **Which testing technique uses a model of the system for test case generation?**
- A) Static Testing
- B) Model-based Testing
- C) Dynamic Testing
- D) Ad-hoc Testing
- **Answer: B**

20. **What does 'Defect Density' measure?**

- A) Number of defects per unit of software size
- B) Number of defects found by users
- C) Number of test cases per defect
- D) Number of test scripts executed
- **Answer: A**

21. **Which of the following is a test management tool?**

- A) Selenium
- B) LoadRunner
- C) QTP
- D) TestRail
- **Answer: D**
22. **What is the purpose of 'Stress Testing'?**
- A) To determine the system's stability under heavy load
- B) To check the system's functionality
- C) To evaluate the system's usability
- D) To assess the system's security
- **Answer: A**

23. **What does 'Test Coverage' indicate?**

- A) The number of test cases written
- B) The extent to which the software is tested
- C) The number of defects found
- D) The time taken to test the software
- **Answer: B**

24. **Which phase of testing is performed first?**

- A) System Testing
- B) Integration Testing
- C) Unit Testing
- D) Acceptance Testing
- **Answer: C**

25. **What is the difference between 'Verification' and 'Validation'?**

- A) Verification checks if the software meets requirements, while validation checks if
the software meets user needs
- B) Verification checks if the software is functional, while validation checks if the
software is non-functional
- C) Verification is done after validation, while validation is done before verification
- D) There is no difference
- **Answer: A**

26. **Which of the following is not an example of a test level?**

- A) Unit Testing
- B) Integration Testing
- C) System Testing
- D) Requirement Testing
- **Answer: D**

27. **What is a 'Test Oracle'?**

- A) A tool used to create test cases
- B) A document that specifies the expected results for a test case
- C) A testing environment
- D) A type of testing technique
- **Answer: B**

28. **Which of the following is an example of a non-functional requirement?**

- A) The software shall allow users to log in
- B) The software shall handle up to 10,000 users simultaneously
- C) The software shall display user profile information
- D) The software shall send email notifications
- **Answer: B**
29. **Which testing ensures that the software can be installed on various platforms?**
- A) Compatibility Testing
- B) Usability Testing
- C) Regression Testing
- D) Performance Testing
- **Answer: A**

30. **Which type of testing is usually conducted by developers before releasing the
software to testers?**
- A) Beta Testing
- B) Alpha Testing
- C) System Testing
- D) User Acceptance Testing
- **Answer: B**

31. **What does 'Boundary Value Analysis' focus on?**

- A) Testing the input values at the boundary between partitions
- B) Testing the internal structure of the software
- C) Testing the non-functional requirements
- D) Testing the software’s performance
- **Answer: A**

32. **What is the main goal of 'Acceptance Testing'?**

- A) To ensure the software works as expected
- B) To ensure the software meets user needs and requirements
- C) To find as many defects as possible
- D) To test the software under load
- **Answer: B**

33. **What is 'Test Data'?**

- A) Data that is used to write test cases
- B) Data that is used to execute test cases
- C) Data that is created during test planning

) Data that is collected after test execution

- **Answer: B**

34. **Which of the following is a dynamic testing technique?**

- A) Code Review
- B) Walkthrough
- C) Static Analysis
- D) Exploratory Testing
- **Answer: D**

35. **Which of the following is an example of white-box testing?**

- A) User Interface Testing
- B) Functional Testing
- C) Security Testing
- D) Code Coverage Analysis
- **Answer: D**

36. **What is 'Mutation Testing'?**

- A) A technique to test different configurations
- B) A technique to test for changes in software functionality
- C) A technique to evaluate the effectiveness of test cases
- D) A technique to test software performance
- **Answer: C**

37. **What is a 'Bug' in software testing?**

- A) An enhancement request
- B) A feature of the software
- C) A defect or error in the software
- D) A type of software requirement
- **Answer: C**

38. **Which of the following describes 'Risk-based Testing'?**

- A) Testing that focuses on the most critical areas of the software
- B) Testing that is based on user feedback
- C) Testing that is done without any documentation
- D) Testing that is focused on the user interface
- **Answer: A**

39. **What is the outcome of the 'Test Execution' phase?**

- A) Test Plan
- B) Test Case
- C) Test Script
- D) Test Results
- **Answer: D**

40. **What is a 'Test Environment'?**

- A) The software being tested
- B) The hardware and software on which tests are run
- C) The process of executing test cases
- D) The team that performs the testing
- **Answer: B**

### Software Testing Critical Thinking (20 Questions)

1. **Which of the following scenarios best describes 'Exploratory Testing'?**

- A) Running predefined test cases
- B) Simultaneously learning and testing the software
- C) Writing automated test scripts
- D) Executing load tests
- **Answer: B**

2. **How would you handle a situation where a critical defect is found just before a
major release?**
- A) Ignore the defect and proceed with the release
- B) Delay the release until the defect is fixed
- C) Inform stakeholders and discuss possible solutions
- D) Perform additional testing to find more defects
- **Answer: C**

3. **Which of the following is the best approach to ensure comprehensive test coverage?
- A) Write as many test cases as possible
- B) Focus only on functional testing
- C) Use a combination of different testing techniques
- D) Test only the main features
- **Answer: C**

4. **When is it most appropriate to use automated testing?**

- A) For tests that require manual intervention
- B) For repetitive and regression tests
- C) For exploratory testing
- D) For one-time tests
- **Answer: B**

5. **What is the best way to ensure test cases are effective?**

- A) Make them as complex as possible
- B) Ensure they cover all possible scenarios, including edge cases
- C) Write them quickly to save time
- D) Focus on high-level requirements only
- **Answer: B**

6. **How should you prioritize test cases for execution?**

- A) Execute all test cases randomly
- B) Prioritize based on the criticality of the features and risk
- C) Execute the easiest test cases first
- D) Execute the most complex test cases first
- **Answer: B**

7. **What would you do if a test case fails during execution?**

- A) Ignore the failure and move on
- B) Immediately log a defect and retest the scenario
- C) Analyze the failure, log the defect, and determine the impact
- D) Delete the test case
- **Answer: C**

8. **Which of the following best describes 'Test Driven Development (TDD)'?**

- A) Writing test cases after the code is developed
- B) Writing code first and then writing test cases
- C) Writing test cases before writing the code
- D) Writing test cases and code simultaneously
- **Answer: C**

9. **How do you ensure that your test environment is correctly set up?**
- A) Assume it’s set up correctly and proceed with testing
- B) Validate the environment configuration and run environment check tests
- C) Ignore the environment setup and focus on test cases
- D) Only set up the environment when a test fails
- **Answer: B**

10. **What is the most important factor to consider when selecting test data?**
- A) The quantity of data
- B) The relevance and representativeness of data
- C) The complexity of data
- D) The ease of obtaining data
- **Answer: B**

11. **How can you ensure that your tests are maintainable?**
- A) By writing complex test scripts
- B) By keeping tests simple, modular, and well-documented
- C) By writing tests that are difficult to understand
- D) By using a variety of different testing tools
- **Answer: B**

12. **What would you do if you find that two testers have reported the same defect?**
- A) Close one of the defects without any action
- B) Merge the defects and update the defect tracking system
- C) Ignore both defects
- D) Log another defect to track the duplication
- **Answer: B**

13. **Which of the following is a critical skill for a software tester?**

- A) Coding proficiency in multiple languages
- B) Attention to detail and analytical thinking
- C) Ability to perform tasks quickly
- D) Strong sales and marketing skills
- **Answer: B**

14. **How would you handle a situation where a stakeholder disagrees with your test
- A) Ignore the stakeholder's concerns
- B) Discuss and review the test results with the stakeholder
- C) Modify the test results to match the stakeholder's expectations
- D) Escalate the issue without discussion
- **Answer: B**

15. **Which of the following would best ensure the success of an automated testing
- A) Automating every possible test case
- B) Starting with a small, manageable set of high-priority test cases
- C) Relying solely on automated tests and eliminating manual testing
- D) Having the development team write all the automated tests
- **Answer: B**

16. **How would you approach testing a new feature with incomplete requirements?**
- A) Refuse to test until requirements are complete
- B) Use exploratory testing and clarify requirements as testing progresses
- C) Write assumptions and proceed with testing
- D) Focus only on negative test cases
- **Answer: B**

17. **What is the best way to handle flaky tests in an automated test suite?**
- A) Ignore flaky tests and focus on stable tests
- B) Investigate and fix the root cause of the flakiness
- C) Disable flaky tests permanently
- D) Run flaky tests multiple times until they pass
- **Answer: B**

18. **How can you ensure that your testing efforts are aligned with business objectives?
- A) Focus solely on finding defects
- B) Communicate regularly with stakeholders and understand their priorities
- C) Test all features with the same priority
- D) Rely on the development team to guide testing efforts
- **Answer: B**

19. **What is the primary benefit of using test metrics?**

- A) To track the number of test cases written
- B) To measure and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of testing
- C) To justify the cost of the testing team
- D) To identify the best tester in the team
- **Answer: B**

20. **How would you handle a situation where a developer does not agree with the
reported defect?**
- A) Escalate the issue immediately
- B) Discuss and demonstrate the defect with the developer
- C) Withdraw the defect report
- D) Argue with the developer until they agree
- **Answer: B**

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