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com's Bulk Upload Template for Uploading General Questions

Use this template file to upload Questions of the following types -

1. Multiple Choice Questions - only one answer option is correct
2. Checkbox questions - multiple answer options can be correct
3. Short answer type questions
4. Long answer type questions
5. Fill in the blanks (FITB)
6. Diagram type questions

Follow these steps to Bulk Upload Questions -

* Add the details of a each question in one row in the sheet corresponding to the question types you want to upload. Refer to the tabl
* Once your are done adding questions in the corresponding "Question type" sheets, simply upload this entire file on the Co
be ignored.

If you want to test a candidate's Hands-On Coding or Database Query writing Skills please download Bulk Upload tempate for Coding or Datab

Column Name

Question Type

Difficulty Level




Correct answer






Word limit

Answer Description

Allow File Upload

Number of Files Allowed

Max. Individual File Size in MB

Allowed File Extensions's Bulk Upload Template for Uploading General Questions

upload Questions of the following types -

ons - only one answer option is correct
multiple answer options can be correct

k Upload Questions -
s of a each question in one row in the sheet corresponding to the question types you want to upload. Refer to the table below to fill detail of a

done adding questions in the corresponding "Question type" sheets, simply upload this entire file on the Contents of all other sheets will

idate's Hands-On Coding or Database Query writing Skills please download Bulk Upload tempate for Coding or Database Questions.

Description Valid values

This will be the topic name under which the question will reside in the database. To Text
include this question in your test you will need to include this topic in the test. For e.g. Note: Questions
General Aptitude, Java, Accounting. with topic “Mettl
Sample Bulk Upload
Topic” (provided in
this template) will
not be saved in the

MCQ: Multiple Choice Questions (only one correct answer) MCQ, Checkbox,
Checkbox: Multiple Choice Answers (more than one correct answer) FITB, Short ans, Long
FITB: Fill in the blanks ans, Diagram
Short ans: Answer is in the form of a couple of words
Long ans: Answer is in the form of multiple paragraphs. Evaluation is subjective.
Diagram ans: Answere is in the form of diagram. Evaluation is subjective.

For more details, please see the sample question-sheet with this template to see how
to specify each type of Question.
Classification of Questions as Easy, Medium or Difficult Easy, Medium,
The text of the question. Text

Choices are the answer option to be shown to the candidate. A question can have one or more Text
choices depending on its type:

Essay: Not applicable

MCQ, MCA: Specify different answer options as Choice1, Choice2, Choice3, Choice4, Choice5.
Atleast 2 choices are mandatory.
FITB: Specify all correct answers in a single cell. Use comma to separate answers to multiple fill Text
in the blanks in same question. For more details, see the sample FITB-sheet

Denotes the correct answer for that question Any answer option
or combination
Denotes weightages(%) to be assigned in case candidate chooses corresponding Choice. 0 - 100
For e.g. If for a question Choice3 is correct. Then enter 100 in the column “Grade3” and enter 0
for the other Grade columns. 0 - 100

0 - 100

0 - 100

0 - 100

Denotes whether the long answer has a word limit to it. Only valid on long ans type questions. Any whole number
Leave empty if no word limit is to be applied.

The explanation for the correct answer. This would appear in the candidate's report. Text

Denotes whether the test taker be allowed to upload files as part of the response to the TRUE, FALSE
question. Only valid for long answer type questions with manual grading. If no input is
provided then this will be FALSE.
Denotes how many files are allowed to upload as part of the response for a long answer Only Integers.
question. Recommended count is 3. Please check your account for file count limits. Greater than 1.

Denotes the maximum size of the file to be uploaded. Value will be taken in Mega Byte unit. Only Integers.
Only valid for Long Answer questions with manual grading. Please check your account for file Greater than 1.
size limits.

Denotes the list of file extensions to be allowed for a file to upload. This is valid for long answer Comma separated
questions with manual grading. NOT ALLOWED file types list
are .bat , .exe , .sh , .dmg , .dll , .pif , .msi , .msp , .cmd , .ws , .wsf , .ps1 , .ps1xml , .scf , .lnk , .inf
, .reg , .ppk, .odt.
Topic Difficulty Level Question Text

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is not a part of the software
testing life cycle?

Software Testing Difficult What is the primary purpose of software testing?

Software Testing Difficult Which type of testing is performed without any planning
and documentation?

Software Testing Difficult What is the first step in the software testing process?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is a black-box testing technique?

Software Testing Difficult What does 'Smoke Testing' refer to in software testing?

Software Testing Difficult What is regression testing?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is NOT a type of non-functional


Software Testing Difficult What is meant by the term 'Test Suite'?

Software Testing Difficult In which testing method is the tester unaware of the
internal structure of the system being tested?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following tools is used for automation

Software Testing Difficult What is 'Alpha Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult Which document describes in detail the approach to test
the software?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is a characteristic of a good test


Software Testing Difficult What is 'Usability Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult What is the purpose of 'Load Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is a test designed to check if new
changes have broken any existing functionality?

Software Testing Difficult What is 'Beta Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult Which testing technique uses a model of the system for
test case generation?

Software Testing Difficult What does 'Defect Density' measure?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is a test management tool?

Software Testing Difficult What is the purpose of 'Stress Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult What does 'Test Coverage' indicate?

Software Testing Difficult Which phase of testing is performed first?

Software Testing Difficult What is the difference between 'Verification' and


Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is not an example of a test level?

Software Testing Difficult What is a 'Test Oracle'?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is an example of a non-functional


Software Testing Difficult Which testing ensures that the software can be installed
on various platforms?

Software Testing Difficult Which type of testing is usually conducted by developers

before releasing the software to testers?

Software Testing Difficult What does 'Boundary Value Analysis' focus on?

Software Testing Difficult What is the main goal of 'Acceptance Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult What is 'Test Data'?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is a dynamic testing technique?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is an example of white-box


Software Testing Difficult What is 'Mutation Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult What is a 'Bug' in software testing?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following describes 'Risk-based Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult What is the outcome of the 'Test Execution' phase?

Software Testing Difficult What is a 'Test Environment'?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following scenarios best describes
'Exploratory Testing'?

Software Testing Difficult How would you handle a situation where a critical defect
is found just before a major release?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is the best approach to ensure
comprehensive test coverage?

Software Testing Difficult When is it most appropriate to use automated testing?

Software Testing Difficult What is the best way to ensure test cases are effective?

Software Testing Difficult How should you prioritize test cases for execution?

Software Testing Difficult What would you do if a test case fails during execution?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following best describes 'Test Driven
Development (TDD)'?

Software Testing Difficult How do you ensure that your test environment is
correctly set up?

Software Testing Difficult What is the most important factor to consider when
selecting test data?

Software Testing Difficult How can you ensure that your tests are maintainable?

Software Testing Difficult What would you do if you find that two testers have
reported the same defect?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following is a critical skill for a software

Software Testing Difficult How would you handle a situation where a stakeholder
disagrees with your test results?

Software Testing Difficult Which of the following would best ensure the success of
an automated testing initiative?

Software Testing Difficult How would you approach testing a new feature with
incomplete requirements?

Software Testing Difficult What is the best way to handle flaky tests in an
automated test suite?

Software Testing Difficult How can you ensure that your testing efforts are aligned
with business objectives?

Software Testing Difficult What is the primary benefit of using test metrics?

Software Testing Difficult How would you handle a situation where a developer
does not agree with the reported defect?

Answer Choice 1 Answer Choice 2

Test Planning Test Case Development

To assess the performance of

To find bugs and errors

Unit Testing Regression Testing

Test Execution Test Planning

Boundary Value Analysis Code Coverage

Preliminary testing to check basic

Comprehensive testing
Testing the same module again
Testing the new functionality
and again

Performance Testing Usability Testing

A tool used for testing A collection of test cases

White-box Testing Grey-box Testing

Selenium JIRA

Testing done by developers before

Testing done by end-users
releasing to test team

Test Plan Test Case

It is complex It is reusable

Testing the software's functionality Testing the software's performance

To check if the system can handle
To check the system's response time
expected load

Integration Testing Smoke Testing

Internal testing by the development Testing after the software has been
team released to the market

Static Testing Model-based Testing

Number of defects per unit of

Number of defects found by users
software size

Selenium LoadRunner

To determine the system's stability
To check the system's functionality
under heavy load
The extent to which the software is
The number of test cases written

System Testing Integration Testing

Verification checks if the software
Verification checks if the software is
meets requirements, while
functional, while validation checks if the
validation checks if the software
software is non-functional
meets user needs
Unit Testing Integration Testing

A document that specifies the expected

A tool used to create test cases
results for a test case

The software shall allow users to The software shall handle up to 10,000
log in users simultaneously

Compatibility Testing Usability Testing

Beta Testing Alpha testing

Testing the input values at the Testing the internal structure of the
boundary between partitions software

To ensure the software works as To ensure the software meets user

expected needs and requirements

Data that is used to write test cases

Code Review Walkthrough

User Interface Testing Functional Testing

A technique to test different A technique to test for changes in

configurations software functionality

An enhancement request A feature of the software

Testing that focuses on the most

Testing that is based on user feedback
critical areas of the software

Test Plan Test Case

The hardware and software on which

The software being tested
tests are run

Simultaneously learning and testing the
Running predefined test cases

Ignore the defect and proceed with Delay the release until the defect is
the release fixed

Write as many test cases as

Focus only on functional testing

For tests that require manual

For repetitive and regression tests

Ensure they cover all possible

Make them as complex as possible
scenarios, including edge cases
Prioritize based on the criticality of the
Execute all test cases randomly
features and risk

Immediately log a defect and retest the

Ignore the failure and move on

Writing test cases after the code is Writing code first and then writing test
developed cases

Assume it’s set up correctly and Validate the environment configuration

proceed with testing and run environment check tests

The relevance and representativeness

The quantity of data
of data

By keeping tests simple, modular, and

By writing complex test scripts

Close one of the defects without Merge the defects and update the
any action defect tracking system

Coding proficiency in multiple Attention to detail and analytical

languages thinking

Discuss and review the test results with

Ignore the stakeholder's concerns
the stakeholder

Automating every possible test Starting with a small, manageable set of

case high-priority test cases

Refuse to test until requirements Use exploratory testing and clarify

are complete requirements as testing progresses

Ignore flaky tests and focus on Investigate and fix the root cause of the
stable tests flakiness

Communicate regularly with
Focus solely on finding defects stakeholders and understand their
To track the number of test cases To measure and improve the
written effectiveness and efficiency of testing

Discuss and demonstrate the defect

Escalate the issue immediately
with the developer

Answer Answer
Answer Choice 3 (optional) Answer Choice 4 (optional) Choice 5 Choice 6
(optional) (optional)

Test Execution Test Removal

To determine the market value of the

To check the software's usability

Ad-hoc Testing Load Testing

Requirement Analysis Test Closure

Mutation Testing Statement Coverage

Performance testing under high load User acceptance testing

Testing to ensure changes haven’t Testing the application on different

affected existing functionality browsers

Security Testing Unit Testing

A process to develop test cases A set of rules for testing

Black-box Testing Unit Testing

Confluence Trello

Testing done by testers after the software

Testing done by the client
is developed

Test Script Test Log

It is ambiguous It is lengthy

Testing the ease with which users can

Testing the security of the software
learn and use the software
To check the system's security To check the system's functionality

Regression Testing System Testing

Testing performed by the end-users in a Performance testing under extreme

real environment conditions

Dynamic Testing Ad-hoc Testing

Number of test cases per defect Number of test scripts executed

QTP TestRail

To evaluate the system's usability To assess the system's security

The number of defects found The time taken to test the software

Unit Testing Acceptance Testing

Verification is done after validation, while

There is no difference
validation is done before verification

System Testing Requirement Testing

A testing environment A type of testing technique

The software shall display user profile The software shall send email
information notifications

Regression Testing Performance Testing

System Testing User Acceptance testing

Testing the non-functional requirements Testing the software’s performance

To find as many defects as possible

To test the software under load

Data that is used to execute test cases N/A

Static Analysis Exploratory Testing

Security Testing Code Coverage Analysis

A technique to evaluate the effectiveness A technique to test software

of test cases performance

A defect or error in the software A type of software requirement

Testing that is done without any Testing that is focused on the user
documentation interface

Test Script Test Results

The process of executing test cases The team that performs the testing

Writing automated test scripts Executing load tests

Inform stakeholders and discuss possible Perform additional testing to find

solutions more defects

Use a combination of different testing

Test only the main features

For exploratory testing For one-time tests

Focus on high-level requirements

Write them quickly to save time
Execute the most complex test
Execute the easiest test cases first
cases first

Analyze the failure, log the defect, and

Delete the test case
determine the impact

Writing test cases and code

Writing test cases before writing the code

Ignore the environment setup and focus Only set up the environment when a
on test cases test fails

The complexity of data The ease of obtaining data

By writing tests that are difficult to By using a variety of different testing

understand tools

Log another defect to track the

Ignore both defects

Ability to perform tasks quickly Strong sales and marketing skills

Modify the test results to match the Escalate the issue without
stakeholder's expectations discussion

Relying solely on automated tests and Having the development team write
eliminating manual testing all the automated tests

Write assumptions and proceed with

Focus only on negative test cases

Run flaky tests multiple times until

Disable flaky tests permanently
they pass

Rely on the development team to
Test all features with the same priority
guide testing efforts

To identify the best tester in the

To justify the cost of the testing team

Argue with the developer until they

Withdraw the defect report

Answer Question
Correct answer Description ID Action Tags
(optional) (optional) (optional)




Topic Difficulty Level Question Text

Able and Bill are two friends. Able is carrying

silver and bill is carrying gold. They prepare a
mixture by mixing metals in proportions 7:2 and
7:11 respectively. If equal quantities of the two
metals are melted to form an alloy , the
Mettl Sample Bulk proportion of silver and gold in the alloy will be?
Upload Topic Difficult - MCQ partial

Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Wghtg (%) 1
Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 Choice 5 Choice 6
(optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)

5:07 5:08 7:05 9:04 100

Wghtg (%) 2 Wghtg (%) 3 Wghtg (%) 4 Wghtg (%) 5 Wghtg (%) 6 Answer Question Action
(optional) (optional) (optional) (optional) Description ID (optional)
(optional) (optional)

10 40 40


Topic Difficulty Level Question Text

Able and Bill are two friends. Able is carrying

silver and bill is carrying gold. They prepare a
mixture by mixing metals in proportions 7:2 and
7:11 respectively. If equal quantities of the two
metals are melted to form an alloy , the
Mettl Sample Bulk proportion of silver and gold in the alloy will be?
Upload Topic Difficult - checkbox

Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Correct
Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 Choice 5 Choice 6 Combination
(optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)

5:07 5:08 7:05 9:04 1,3

Answer Question Action Tags
Description ID (optional)
(optional) (optional)

Topic Difficulty Level Question Text

Able and Bill are two friends. Able is carrying

silver and bill is carrying gold. They prepare a
mixture by mixing metals in proportions 7:2 and
7:11 respectively. If equal quantities of the two
metals are melted to form an alloy , the
Mettl Sample Bulk proportion of silver and gold in the alloy will be?
Upload Topic Difficult - checkbox partial

Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Wghtg (%) 1 Wghtg (%) 2
Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 Choice 5 Choice 6
(optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)

5:07 5:08 7:05 9:04 10 10

Wghtg (%) 3 Wghtg (%) 4 Wghtg (%) 5 Wghtg (%) 6 Maximum Answer Question Action
(optional) (optional) (optional) (optional) Answer Description ID (optional)
Selection (optional) (optional)

40 40 4


Topic Difficult Question Text
y Level

Mediu #blank# interface, #blank#

m annotation and #blank# bean
Mettl Sample Bulk Upload attribute can be used to specify
Topic destruction lifecycle callback on a

Answer(s) (use comma to separate Award Partial Marking Answer Question Action
successive answers if there are more Description ID (optional
then one blank in the question) (optional) (optional )
DisposableBean, PostDestry, destroy- 0


Topic Difficulty Level Question Text
Mettl Sample Bulk
Upload Topic Difficult Who was the prime minister of India in 1947?

Best answer 2nd best 3rd best 4th best 5th best 6th best Wghtg (%) 2 Wghtg (%) 3
(will get full answer answer answer answer answer (optional) (optional)
marks) (optional) (optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)
Jawaharlal JL Nehru
nehru 54

Wghtg (%) 4 Wghtg (%) 5 Wghtg (%) 6 Answer Question Action Tags
(optional) (optional) (optional) Description ID (optional)
(optional) (optional)

000000Long Answer (Manual)
Topic Difficult Question Text Word Limit Allow File
y Level (optional) Upload
Mediu Global action is not going to stop
m climate change. The world needs
Mettl Sample Bulk to look harder at how to live
Upload Topic with it. 200 0

000000Long Answer (Manual)
Number of Files Allowed Max. Individual Allowed File Answer Description (optional)
(Mandatory if Allow File Upload is File Size in MB Extensions
TRUE) (Mandatory if (Optional. By default
Allow File Upload all file types except

000000Long Answer (Manual)
Question ID Action Tags
(optional) (optiona

000000Long Answer (Auto - Beta)
Topic Difficulty Level Question Text
Mettl Sample
Bulk Upload Global action is not going to stop climate change. The world
Topic Easy needs to look harder at how to live with it.

000000Long Answer (Auto - Beta)
Word Limit (optional) Reference Text Grammar Weightage
Global action is not going to stop climate
change. The world needs to look harder at
200 how to live with it. 30

000000Long Answer (Auto - Beta)
Coherence Weightage Spelling Weightage Vocabula Min Long Readabili Question Action
ry Word Question ty ID (optional
Weighta Limit Type (optional )
ge )
60 5 5 40 Essay 0

000000Long Answer (Auto - Beta)

Topic Difficulty Question Text Allowed File Extensions (Optional. By default all file
Level types except the ones mentioned in the Instructions
are allowed)

Write an essay on
Mettl Sample pollution. Upload a
Bulk Upload worksheet file to show
Topic Medium your work.

Answer Description Question Action (optional) Tags
(optional) ID

Topic Difficulty Question Text Answer Description Question Action Tags
Level (optional) ID (optional)
Mettl Sample Build an activity
Bulk Upload diagram for order
Topic Medium processing

Topic Difficulty Question Text Recording Timelimit to be
Level specified in seconds ( Generally
selected is 30-60 seconds by
most users. Max time is 3
min/180 sec)

Mettl Sample Tell me

Bulk Upload about
Topic Difficult yourself. 50
Candidate Replay Response (Specify true if you wish Thinking Time to be specified in seconds Answer
to enable the candidate to listen to their response.) (Not Mandatory. you can specify upto 5 Description
min/300 sec) (optional)

true 120
Question ID Action Tags
(optional) (optional)
Topic Difficulty Question Text Recording Timelimit to be specified in
Level seconds ( Generally selected is 30-60
seconds by most users. Max time is 3
min/180 sec)

Mettl Sample Tell me

Bulk Upload about
Topic Difficult yourself. 50
Candidate Replay Response (Specify true if you wish Thinking Time to be specified in seconds Answer
to enable the candidate to listen to their response.) (Not Mandatory. you can specify upto 5 Description
min/300 sec) (optional)

true 120
Question ID Action Tags
(optional) (optional)

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