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intitulo, v. i. 126, vii. 158, take possession of (?).
ioco, v. a. ii. 188, C. T. ii. 181, mock at, greet with smiles.
iota, s. vii. 746.
ipse, for ‘ille,’ i. 94, 239, 754;
redundant, i. 852, 864.
irracio, s. i. 178, unreason.
iste, for ‘hic,’ Ep. 7, i. 357, 838, 1118.
iūbeo, v. vi. 779 (also iŭbeo).
iubileum, s. C. T. iii. 330.
iudiciale, s. iii. 1692, vi. 710, judgement.
iugulum, s. C. T. ii. 98, murder.
iustifico, v. C. T. ii. 223.

laicus, a. and s. iii. 505, 1761.
latitanter, adv. i. 481, secretly.
Latŏna, i. 579.
latria, s. iv. 819, service.
lauăcrum, s. ii. 7, baptism.
lĕgatus, s. iii. 664.
legista, s. C. T. i. 31, L. S. 61.
legius, s. vi. 581, subject.
leopardus, s. i. 232, 1757.
leuio, v. v. 662, lighter.
ligna, s. f. vi. 524.
limpha, for ‘lympha,’ ii. 255.
linquo, v. n. i. 1572, cease.
locuplex, for ‘locuples,’ vi. 133.
Londonie (pl.), Londonienses, C. T. ii. 153, iii. 244, 268, 420.
a longe, adv. i. 725, 1032.
lŭcerna, s. iii. 1077 (also lūcerna, e.g. L. S. 6).
luxuracio, s. iii. 209, wantonness.
Lȳsīas, ii. 290.

Macēdo, vi. 1109.
maculo, v. C. T. iii. 375, blame.
madeo, v. a. vii. 888, make wet.
maior, s. i. 1861, mayor.
maius, adv. i. 2010, any longer.
malediccio, s. i. 177, curse.
maligno, v. V. P. 12.
Mammona, s. iii. 207, vii. 120, V. P. 298.
manus, in phrases, ante manum, vi. 438, 680,
pre manibus, i. 1244, iii. 227.
manutentus, pp. C. T. ii. 61, (of an oath) taken.
margārita, s. iv. 661.
martirĭzatus, pp. C. T. ii. 96.
meminens, pres. part. ii. Prol. 2.
memor, a. vi. 924, vii. 1428, remembered.
memoror, v. dep. Ep. 18, vi. 1117, vii. 1162.
mentalis, a. ‘O recolende’ &c. 25.
mērĭdianus, a. i. 737.
miles, s. i. 1067, knight.
milicia, s. v. 3, knighthood.
milicies, s. i. 1265, knighthood.
millesies, adv. i. 1406.
Mĭnŏtaurus, i. 273.
ad minus, vi. 1344, at least.
misticus, for ‘mysticus,’ ii. 444, iii. 1838.
mitto, v. i. 1123, commit.
mocio, s. iii. 2091, motive.
modernus, a. iii. Prol. 56, V. P. 33, 134, of the present time.
modo, adv. Ep. 40, iii. 276 ff., 1258, now, at the present time.
molendinum, s. i. 402, mill.
mollior, v. dep. i. 41, soften.
molosus, s. for ‘molossus,’ i. 400, mastiff.
mŏmentum, s. i. 1405, ii. 152.
monachus, s. iii. 379.
monialis, s. iv. 553 ff., nun.
monilis, a. iv. 265.
mōnoculus, a. i. 405, one-eyed.
moriger, a. vi. 567, vii. 1183, 1355, good.
morosus, a. Ep. 33, ‘O deus’ &c. 2.
mortifico, v. C. T. ii. 110, kill.
mulcĕbris, a. v. 75, soothing.
mulier, genit. muliēris, i. 1255, iii. 1517.
multiplico, v. n. ii. 606.
multociens, adv. i. 1341, iv. 1095.
mundifico, v. a. vii. 627, C. T. i. 192, cleanse.
mundipotens, a. vi. 398.
murelegus, s. i. 463, cat.

nāto, v. C. T. ii. 45.
naturo, v. a. v. 205.
nēbula, s. i. 133, L. S. 22.
necesse, s. C. T. iii. 217, necessity.
nefrendus, s. i. 307, young pig.
nephas, nephandus, for ‘nefas,’ ‘nefandus,’ i. 446, 1318.
nequio, for ‘nequeo,’ Ep. 17.
nigredo, s. i. 529, C. T. i. 114.
nisi, conj. iii. Prol. 62, iii. 22, V. P. 250, (used for ‘non nisi’) only.
nisus, vii. 226, hawk.
non, for ‘ne,’ iii. 1152, 1434, iv. 131.
nonne, for ‘num,’ v. 721, vi. 523, vii. 619, for ‘non,’ vi. 351.
nota, s. i. 128, note of music.
nouiter, adv. i. 2011, anew.
nouo, v. n. iv. 678, be renewed.
nouo, adv. iii. 250, 284, 376, anew.
nullatenus, adv. vi. cap. v. (heading).
num, for ‘nonne,’ ii. 306, 320.
numquid, for ‘nonne,’ ii. Prol. 59, v. 280, vii. 484, 892, surely.
nuper, adv. i. 443, iii. 279 ff., formerly.

obaudio, v. vii. 1471, (?).
ōbex, s. C. T. ii. 3, hindrance.
occianus, for ‘oceanus,’ i. 1954.
occo, v. vii. 448, cut off.
ŏester, i. 603, gad-fly.
oppono, v. iii. 615, put questions.
organa, s. i. 103, vii. 299, musical instrument.
origo, s. i. 144, (?).
orĭzon, s. ii. 240, sky.
orphanus, s. v. 232.
ortus, for ‘hortus,’ i. 61.
Oxŏnia, C. T. i. 63.

păganus, s. ii. 495, iii. 307.
Pălamădes, i. 987.
palentinus, a. i. 915.
panellus, vii. 1455, saddle.
pannificus, a. v. 782, of cloth-makers.
paritas, s. i. 763.
parliamentum, s. C. T. i. 129, iii. 284.
pascua, s. fem. i. 342, pasture.
pauce, adv. v. 93.
pedito, v. iii. 1561, v. 101.
peniteo, v. n. V. P. 135, 250, repent.
penna, s. i. Prol. 37, pen.
perambulus, a. C. T. iii. 120, going about.
perante, per ante, adv. i. 135, 591, 670, 1107.
perextra, adv. iv. 645.
perio, for ‘pereo,’ iv. 807, C. T. ii. 145.
perpetualis, a. Ep. 48, ‘O recolende’ &c. 25, lasting.
phariseus, a. iv. 936, C. T. iii. 73;
s. iv. 1013.
Philomena, i. 99.
phīlosophus, s. i. 588.
pietas, s. i. 1190, vi. 744, C. T. iii. 452, mercy, pity.
pietosus, a. C. T. iii. 388, merciful.
pius, a. i. 1264, vii. 1141, C. T. iii. 466 ff., merciful, gentle.
placenda, s. pl. iv. 714, acceptable offerings.
placitus, a. vii. 379, pleasing.
plano, v. i. 409, ii. 481, smoothe, stroke.
plasma, s. vii. 1233, creature.
plasmator, s. vii. 1233, creator.
plaudo, v. vii. 299, 753, be pleasing.
pneuma, s. iii. Prol. 106.
pōderis, s. iii. 1787, surplice or alb.
policīa, s. v. 670.
polimitus, for ‘polymitus,’ a. iii. 1383, closely woven.
pomposus, a. iii. 76, C. T. ii. 82, iii. 366, arrogant.
porcarius, s. i. 313, swineherd.
posse, inf. as subst. i. 1176, iii. 582, power.
posteă, adv. v. 1013.
(de) postfacto, iii. 562, afterwards.
practica, s. iii. 1461, practice.
prebenda, s. iii. 1323, prebend.
prelatus, s. Ep. 41.
prenosticum, s. i. Prol. 13, presage.
presbiter, s. iii. 390, 1790, priest.
presbiteralis, a. L. S. 17, of the priesthood.
presbitero, v. a. iii. 1826, 2090, ordain priest.
prestigiosus, a. ‘Est amor’ &c. 13, full of tricks.
prestimulo, v. i. 576, sting (but read rather ‘perstimulo’).
presto, v. v. 671, cause (with inf.).
presul, s. iii. 34, prelate.
preuarico, v. a. iv. 679, 806, falsify.
preuaricor, v. n. i. 740, iii. 12*, 1701, L. S. 90, transgress.
primas, s. C. T. ii. 239, primate.
prior, s. iv. 318, prior (of a monastery).
probitas, s. vi. 938, prowess.
prōfugus, a. C. T. i. 92, 108.
Progne, for ‘Procne,’ i. 101.
prophanus, for ‘profanus,’ C. T. Prol. 3.
prophecīa, s. iv. 771, prophecy.
propheta, s. iv. 767.
proprietarius, s. iv. 897.
proprio, v. iii. 770, iv. 817, 838, appropriate.
prōsĕlĭtus, s. iv. 1011, proselyte.
prothdolor, for ‘prohdolor,’ V. P. 234, C. T. ii. 1 (also ‘prodolor,’ i.
234, &c.).
protunc, adv. i. cap. xiii. (heading) (also ‘pro tunc’).
proximior, a. comp. i. 906, 974, nearer.
psalmista, s. V. P. 119.
Pseudo, iv. 788.

quam, for ‘quanto,’ i. 1534.
quam prius, for ‘prius quam,’ i. 1944, vii. 429, 1106, V. P. 190,
202, &c.
quamuĭs, conj. i. 350.
que, conj. (standing alone) Ep. 25, i. Prol. 23, i. 54, 100, 149, 395,
&c., (enclitic) i. 53, 179, 407, &c.
quia, for ‘quod,’ i, 1593, O quia, i. 59, v. 193.
quicquid, for ‘quicquam,’ i. 412, 885, 1346.
quid, for ‘quicquid,’ i. 1609, vii. 551.
quiesco, v. a. C. T. iii. 4, restrain.
quin magis (with indic.), i. 135, 262, 595, 994, so quin, i. 509,
608, 1607.
quĭrĭto, v. i. 804, cry out (like a boar).
quis, for ‘quisquam,’ i. 184, 617, 716; quid pro quo, iii. 1223.
quisque, for ‘quicunque,’ vi. 813, vii. 578.
quo, conj. for ‘qua,’ i. 500, vii. 487,
for ‘vnde,’ vii. 800, 820.
quod, conj. i. 223, 541, so that, i. Prol. 22, i. 568, in order that.
quōdammodo, adv. vii. 1323.
quodcunque, with negative, i. 507.
quoque, conj. iii. Prol. 20, and.

ramnus, s. i. 1019*, bramble (?).
reatus, s. vi. 432, C. T. ii. 179, L. S. 89, guilt.
rector, s. iii. 1319, rector (of a parish).
redditus, s. for ‘reditus,’ i. 44.
redio, for ‘redeo,’ i. 1190.
refor, v. ii. 505, reply.
refundo, v. i. 49, sprinkle.
rĕiectus, pp. L. S. 6.
releuamen, s. i. 2113.
rĕliquus, a. i. 1474.
remordeo, v. i. 1756, V. P. 175, remind, call to mind (?).
replanto, v. C. T. iii. 255.
reprobus, a. i. 1018, reprobate.
reptile, s. i. 36.
rĕscīdo, v. (for ‘recīdo’), C. T. i. 93, iii. 347, L. S. 80 (also ‘recisa,’
vi. 423).
residiuus, for ‘recidiuus,’ vii. 1124, C. T. ii. 343.
responsalis, a. C. T. iii. 380.
rĕstauro, v. V. P. 256.
retrocado, v. ii. 329, fall back.
retrogradus, a. i. 1311, ‘O deus’ &c. 90.
retrouersor, v. ii. 229, be reversed.
reviuus, a. ‘Rex celi’ &c. 22.
ribaldus, s. iii. 1472, profligate person.
Rinx, i. 407 (name of a dog).
rōbustus, a. C. T. i. 41.
Romipeta, iii. 1551.
rosans, pres. part. vi. 1358, rose-bearing.
rōta, s. ii. 61 (but rŏta, i. 1163).
rotundo, adv. i. 1953, around.
rumphea, for ‘rumpia,’ i. 863, sword.
rusticitas, s. i. 174, 513, country-people, country.
rutilis, a. v. 27.

sanccitum, s. vi. 743, sentence.
sanguinitas, s. i. 1172, bloodiness.
saporo, v. a. ii. 601.
Săturnus, iii. 923.
scansus, s. i. 1601.
sceleres, for ‘celeres’ (?), C. T. iii. 188.
scisma, s. L. S. 29.
scropha, for ‘scrofa,’ i. 309.
scrutor, v. pass. iv. 369.
se, sibi, &c. for ‘eum,’ ‘ei,’ &c. i. 271, 322, C. T. iii. 231.
sedimen, s. i. 359, dregs.
segistrum, s. i. 359 (?).
sēmidemon, s. iv. 214.
sĕmitutus, a. vii. 280.
sepultum, s. i. 1170, C. T. ii. 156, burial.
sēra, s. i. 882, bar.
series, s. v. 569, 812 (?).
seruītus, s. C. T. iii. 468.
sexus, s. i. 728, class.
sibulus, a. for ‘sibilus,’ i. 551.
sic quod, i. Prol. 32, in order that.
sicque, for ‘sic,’ i. 338.
significatum, s. vii. 952, meaning.
similo, for ‘simulo,’ iv. 4.
sinagoga, s. ii. 494, iv. 1093.
sinautem, conj. iii. cap. xxvii. (heading), otherwise.
sincopo, v. a. v. 819, diminish.
sinistro, v. n. iii. 1525, do wrong.
sintilla, for ‘scintilla,’ ii. 475.
sollicitas, s. iv. 112, labour.
solor, v. pass. i. 1497.
sophīa, s. ii. 370, wisdom.
sŏpitus, pp. i. 151, ‘O deus’ &c. 81.
sors, s. i. 171, C. T. ii. 113, company.
sotulares, s. v. 805, shoes (?).
spācium, s. i. 1273.
spasmatus, pp. i. 2011, seized with convulsions.
specialis, a. as s. vii. 243, L. S. 77, friend;
speciale, ‘O deus’ &c. 62, secret.
speculatiuum, s. iii. 1462, theory.
spera, for ‘sphaera,’ ii. 151.
spergo, for ‘spargo,’ i. 590.
spiritualis, a. v. 605, 668.
spiritualiter, adv. iii. 635.
spiro, v. i. 408, 550, v. 435, desire.
spondaicus, a. iv. 81, slow.
sporta, s. iii. 1961, basket.
stapula, s. v. 773, the staple (of wool).
sternutacio, s. i. 189, braying.
sternuto, v. i. 797, bray.
stragulatus, a. C. T. i. 140.
stringo, v. (with inf.) i. 130, compel.
subite, adv. i. 1531.
sublimus, a. iii. 419, 701
(sublimis, iii. 821).
succo, v. Ep. 36, suckle.
suffragium, s. Ep. 32, prayer.
suggo, v. for ‘sugo,’ ii. 413.
superbio, v. a. iv. 322, make proud.
supersum, v. iii. 16, 1298, surpass.
suus, for ‘eius,’ ‘eorum,’ i. 54, 189, 206, 332, 338, 634.

taxa, s. vi. 650, vii. 209, 283, C. T. iii. 469, tax, blame.
taxo, v. C. T. iii. 469, tax.
Tēgia, for ‘Tegeaea,’ a. i. 349.
temporibus, as adv. i. 298, after a time.
temporo, for ‘tempero,’ v. 213.
tenebresco, v. n. Ep. 11; v. a. vi. 225.
teneo, v. iii. 584 ff., v. 384, belong.
tener, a. abl. teneri, iv. 993, pl. teneres, iv. 583.
tenuus, for ‘tenuis,’ i. 551.
terreus, a. iii. 88, 288, earthly.
terrula, s. vii. 531, a little earth.
Thāmisia, C. T. i. 81.
thēologīa, s. iv. 821.
thĕsaurus, s. ‘O deus’ &c. 81.
Thĕtis, Thĕthis, Tĕtis, v. 812. vii. 1067, C. T. i. 80.
Tĭdēus, i. 985.
tīmeo, vi. 997 (usu. tĭmeo).
timidus, a. i. 1848, fearful.
tirannicus, a. C. T. ii. 22.
trădidit, i. 2128.
trībula, s. i. 863, three-pronged fork.
Troianus, for ‘Traianus,’ vi. 1273.
tueor, v. pass. vii. 1215.

vago, v. i. 1199, wander.
valdĕ, adv. i. 581, iii. 1594.
valedico, v. v. 766, give salutation.
vanga, s. i. 859, mattock.
vario, v. iv. 910, transgress.
vaspa, s. i. 571, wasp.
Vaspasianus, i. 571.
vber, fem. vbera, vii. 346.
vegeto, v. vii. 1033, flourish.
velle, inf. as subst. i. 235, 832, iii. 22, will, desire.
vendico, v. vi. 228, claim.
vertor, v. a. vi. 1197.
veteratus, a. v. 784, old.
vetitur, for ‘vetatur,’ iv. 903.
vicecōmes, s. vi. 419, sheriff.
vicinium, s. iii. 991.
vīdebat, for ‘vĭdebat,’ C. T. iii. 436.
villa, s. C. T. iii. 55 ff., town.
vitalis, a. V. P. 27, (?).
vix, adv. with neg. v. 104, 153, vii. 12;
vix si, iv. 218, vi. 1330;
for ‘paene,’ vi. 640.
Vluxes, i. 779, 967.
vnio, s. v. 673, unity.
voluto, for ‘volito,’ i. 95, 605.
volutus, pp. from ‘volo, volui,’ iii. 913.
vrticatus, a. ‘Est amor’ &c. 15.
vt quid, v. 461, why.
vtpote, for ‘vt,’ v. 843, as.
vtque, for ‘vt,’ v. 104, 385.
vulpis, for ‘vulpes,’ i. 487.

ydŏlum, s. ii. 519.
yemps, for ‘hiemps,’ i. 43.
yha, interj. i. 190.
ymago, for ‘imago,’ i. 1429.
ymus, for ‘imus,’ i. 131.
Ysaias, i. 765.
Ysidorus, i. 765.
The form of reference is the same as in the Glossary, except that
the shorter pieces are mostly referred to by pages of this edition.

‘Acephalus,’ iii. 955, iv. 715.

Adam of Usk’s Chronicle referred to, C. T. ii. 121, iii. 47, 85, 272,
432, pp. 416, 420.
Alanus de Insulis, v. 53.
Annales Ricardi II. referred to, Vox Clam. Expl. 11, C. T. ii. 15 ff.,
121, 135, 155, 179, iii. 35, 160, 244,
Ann. Henr. IV. C. T. iii. 276, 394, 432.
‘annuelers,’ iii. 1555.
Appellants, C. T. i. 121.
‘aquile pullus,’ p. 416.
architesis, v. 45.
Arundel, earl of, C. T. ii. 121 ff.
Arundel, archbishop, p. 369, C. T. ii. 15, 231 ff., p. 420.
Aurora (of Peter Riga) referred to, i. 1019, 1695 ff., ii. 377, iii. 85,
167, 425, 531, 1077, 1118, 1145 ff., 1587, 1693, 1791 ff.,
1853-1911, 1999-2035, iv. 305, 1059, v. 693, vi. 89 ff., 719,
793, 839, 875 ff., 985 ff., 1041: mentioned by Gower, iii. 1853.
badges (swan, horse, &c.), Vox Clam. Expl. 11, C. T. i. 51 ff., 89, p.

Bagot, C. T. iii. 388.

Balades referred to, i. 135.
Bible referred to, i. 499, 749, 869, ii. Prol. 41, ii. 41, iii. 957, iv. 302,
648 ff., 769, 847, 869, 959, 969, v. 922, vi. 141, 269, 1223,
1261, vii. 123, 639, 1305, pp. 417, 419.
‘blanches chartres,’ C. T. iii. 49.
blindness of the author, pp. 369, 418, 419.
Boethius quoted, ii. 67.
Brembre, Nicholas, iv. 835, C. T. i. 154.
Burley, Simon, C. T. i. 141 f.
Burnellus, order of, iv. 1189: see also Speculum Stultorum.

castle as badge, C. T. i. 89.

Chaucer referred to, v. 98, 760, C. T. iii. 332, p. 419.
Chronique de la Traïson referred to, C. T. i. 142, ii. 69, iii. 420, 432.
Cobham, St. John, C. T. ii. 233.
‘commune dictum,’ iii. Prol. 11.
Confessio Amantis referred to, i. Prol. 3, 57, i. 135, 716, 879, ii. 1,
59, 138, iii. 193, 227, 283, 819, 1271, 1359, iv. 165, 587, 874,
v. 257, 877, 922, 991, vi. 529, 1277 ff., vii. 5, 47, 509, 639, p.
‘Coppa,’ i. 545.
coronation oil, pp. 416 f.
corrodium, iv. 215.
crapulus, i. 280.
‘cras’ and ‘hodie,’ iii. 2035.
Créton referred to, iii. 160, 432.
crusades, iii. 375, 651.

Dante quoted, ii. 67.

dates, method of expressing, C. T. i. 1.
Derby, earl of, C. T. i. 52,
his exile, C. T. iii. 85,
his claim to the throne, C. T. iii. 432.
dompnus, iv. 34.

eagle as cognisance, p. 416.

erasures in the manuscripts, p. 369, i. Prol. 49, iii. 1, iv. 1072,
1197, 1212 ff., 1221 ff., vi. 545, 1159*, 1189, vii. 167, 1409,
1479, p. 420.
Eulogium Historiarum referred to, ii. 15, iii. 49, 332, 432.
Evesham, monk of, C. T. iii. 432.

fox-tail as cognisance, C. T. i. 89.

Froissart referred to, C. T. ii. 85, iii. 128.

Genius, iv. 587.

Geoffrey of Monmouth referred to, i. 1963.
Geoffrey de Vinsauf referred to, iii. 955.
Gloucester, duke of, C. T. i. 80, ii. 85, 101.
Godfrey of Viterbo, see Pantheon.
Gower’s books, pp. 418 f.,
his burial, p. 420.
Gregory quoted, vii. 639.
Gregory’s Chronicle referred to, C. T. iii. 49.

habeo, vii. 990.

Harding’s Chronicle quoted, C. T. iii. 432.
Helinand, Vers de Mort, vii. 955.
Humphrey, son of the duke of Gloucester, C. T. iii. 256, 272 ff.

Jovinianus, vi. 1267, V. P. 32.

Knighton’s Chronicle referred to, i. 941, C. T. i. 80, 121, 133, 154,

Liberius, vi. 1243.

marginal notes in S, iii. 1407, 1432, v. 299, 333;

in D, i. 335-457;
in E, p. 418.
Mayor of London, v. 835.
Mirour de l’Omme referred to, i. 135, ii. Prol. 61, ii. 239 ff., iii. Prol.
11 ff., 141, 209, 249 ff., 815, 957, 1247, 1313 ff., 1493, 1509,
1555 ff., 1727, 1759, 2049, 2071, iv. 327, 624, 689, 735, 769,
788, 971 ff., v. 257, 520, 557, 613, 703, 745, vi. 1 ff., 144, 203,
241, 249, 419, 439, 463, 1323, vii. 163, 361, 509, 639, 892,
modo, vi. 1204.
morosus, Ep. 33.

Neckham, De Vita Monachorum, referred to, ii. Prol. 57, iv. 395 ff.,
461 ff., 1145, 1175, v. 341, 383, 413 ff., vi. 313 ff., 629, 1019,
1085 ff., vii. 375 ff., 499, 685 ff., 909 ff., 929.
Neville, archbishop, C. T. i. 103.
Norfolk, duke of, C. T. i. 51, iii. 85.
Northumberland, duke of, C. T. i. 55.
Norwich, bishop of, iii. 375.
Nottingham, the judges at, C. T. i. 172.
‘numquid,’ use of, v. 280.

Ovid referred to, i. 33 ff. and passim.

Oxford, earl of, i. 65.

Pamphilus, v. 613.
Pantheon (of Godfrey of Viterbo) referred to, i. 7, 17, 765, 1907, ii.
353 ff., iv. 87.
Peter Riga, iii. 1853, see Aurora.
philosopher, lines by, p. 419.
pius, pietas, C. T. iii. 432.
plays on words, iv. 128, 1356.
Pole, Michael de la, C. T. i. 109.
‘Pons Aquilonis’ (Bridgenorth), C. T. i. 152.
Praise of Peace referred to, vi. 971.

Radcot Bridge, affair of, C. T. i. 81.

Richard II, death of, iii. 432.
Rolls of Parliament referred to, C. T. i. 172, 176, 178, ii. 15, 179,
199, iii. 27, 49, 286, 352 ff., 388.
Rushook, C. T. i. 111.

S. badge, C. T. i. 52.
Savoy, i. 929.
sepulta, iv. 736.
solet, for ‘solebat,’ i. 492.
Speculum Stultorum, i. 79, 201 ff., 603 ff., ii. Prol. 15, 1267, iv.
sporting parsons, iii. 1493.
‘Star of the Sea,’ i. 1615.
Strode, Ralph, p. 419.
subjunctive mood, use of, iii. 676, vii. 519.
swan as cognisance, Vox Clam. Expl. 11.

Tait, Mr. James, in Dict. of Nat. Biogr., C. T. ii. 85, 121.

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