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Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp.

June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

The Effect of Social Media on Gen Z, Impulse Buying and

Lifestyle in Purchase Decisions
Hanifa Yasin1, Julita2, Rahmat Hidayat3
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara1, 2, 3
Jl. Kapten Muchtar Basri No.3, Glugur Darat II, Kec. Medan Tim., Kota Medan,
Sumatera Utara 20238 Indonesia
Correspondence Email:


Publication information ABSTRACT

Research articles Social media provides wide and easy

access to various brands, products, and
HOW TO CITE user reviews. Generation Z can easily
search for information about the products
Yasin, H., Julita, J., Hidayat, R. (2023). they are interested in, read reviews, and
The Effect of Social Media on Gen Z, see recommendations from other users.
Impulse Buying and Lifestyle in Purchase This enables them to make more informed
Decisions. Journal of International purchase decisions, but it can also lead to
Conference Proceedings, 6 (3), 201-211. hasty decision-making. The purpose of this
study is to examine the effects of social
DOI: media on Gen Z, impulse buying, and lifestyle on fashion product purchase
decisions in Medan City. This research
Copyright @ 2023 owned by Author(s). adopts a quantitative approach. The
Published by JICP population consists of Generation Z
individuals in Medan City, with a purposive
sample of 100 respondents. The research
findings indicate that social media, impulse
buying, and lifestyle have both partial and
simultaneous effects on purchase
This is an open-access article. decisions.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share
Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) Keywords: Social Media, Impulse Buying,
Lifestyle, Purchase Decisions, Gen Z
Received: 19 May 2023
Accepted: 21 June 2023
Published: 20 July 2023

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 201-211,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X


Purchase decision is the process by which the consumer make option to buy product or
service certain from various available options (Kurdi et al., 2022). This decision involves
assessment and evaluation consumer to various influencing factors decision them.
Consumer realize a need or necessary wish fulfilled. This can become a practical
necessity like food or clothes, or more desire subjective like fashion products or device
electronic new (Sudaryanto et al., 2021). In doing despair purchase usually generally
consumer will do research to find information about product or available services. They
can read reviews, compare features and price, search recommendation, or consult with
friends or family (Adam et al., 2022). Influencing factors decision purchase can varies
from consumer to consumer. A number of factor general who plays role important covers
price, quality, brand, reviews and recommendations, preferences personal, trend,
influence social, sustainability, and factors emotional like feelings and beliefs self (Attor
et al., 2022).

Today’s digital era, consumers can easier to find, analyze and choose something
product. Social media role in change ways and angle’s view consumers in doing
something decision purchase (Tan et al., 2019). Social media own significant role in
helping consumers in choosing something product, consumer often look for content
related product or brand on social media like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok (Haudi et
al., 2022). They can see reviews, product demos, or comparison direct from user other.
Review this user can give valuable insight about experience real with the product.
Influencers on social media own influence big on decisions purchase consumer. When
an influencer recommends or promote product certain, follower they can feel interested
and motivated to try the product. Consumer often rely on the views and experiences of
influencers as a reference in decision making decision (Basit et al., 2021).

Social media platforms often use algorithm for presenting relevant ads to user based on
interests, preferences, and behavior them. Consumer could expose the advertisements
products that suit your needs or desire them, and this can be influence their purchase
decision (Kiruti Ratchaya & Sreeya, 2019). Social media is also becoming a place where
consumers with the same interests gather in groups community. Consumer can join this
group to discuss product, exchange experience, or get advice from member other. This
discussion can give valuable insights and views in choosing right product (Al Akayleh,

But social media also has influence negative for consumers in doing something decision
purchase. Often consumers rather stuck on something purchase unplanned product or
impulse buying (Naeem, 2021). Purchase impulsive happen without exists planning
before. Consumers do not consider their actual needs or make a shopping list especially
formerly (Parsad et al., 2019). On the contrary, they in a manner spontaneous tempted
by the product or what they offer meet. Emotion play role big on purchase impulsive.
Consumer possible affected by feelings like joy, desire, fear loss (FOMO), satisfaction
instant, or urge to relieve stress or boredom. Emotion can influence ability consumers to
think rational and considerate in a manner objective (Choi & Bum, 2021).

Purchase decision impulsive often triggered by an external stimulus consumer. This can
form attractive advertising, promotion specifically, view tempting product in the store, or
even recommendation from other people. These factors encourage consumers to make
purchase without think long (Ha Nam Khanh, 2021). Purchase impulsive happened in a
short time. Consumer tempted to buy product quick after exposed to a stimulus or
encouragement emotional, no give time to consider in a manner rational or look for
information more continue. Purchase impulsive often involve products that consumers

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 201-211,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

do not really need (Nurudin, 2020). They buy items that may not be relevant to their
needs currently or won't even put to good use in the future. Purchase impulsive can give
satisfaction immediately and present sensation positive in term short. However, this too
can cause regret or dissatisfaction later when consumer realize that they have make
irrational decision or waste (Darmawan & Putra, 2022).

Besides purchase impulsive, style life become accompanying factor influence tendency
to do purchase product. Lifestyle covers pattern behavior, values, preferences, and
activities reflecting everyday method somebody life (Romi, 2017). Purchase decision
often influenced by the extent of the product or service the according to style life
someone. Lifestyle somebody reflect preferences and values they (Johri & Tiwari, 2019).
When someone make decision purchases, they tend choose product or brands that
match values and preferences them. For example, someone who cares about the
environment possible more choose friendly product environment, meanwhile someone
to prioritize health and fitness possible tend buy supporting product style life active and
healthy (Al-Dmour et al., 2017).

Lifestyle too reflects social status someone. So that candidate consumer often in doing
purchase product or considered brand indicates status or prestige certain (Dewi &
Mahargiono, 2022). For example, someone possible choose brand product fancy to
show social status they or buy product associated with the group social or culture certain.
Lifestyle too influence decision purchase in terms of practicality and convenience. For
example, someone who has style life busy and active possible tend choose product or
services that provide ease and efficiency, such as food ready serve or service delivery
goods (Brilie Wildan Adhitama, 2021).

Purchase decision often is method for someone to express identity and personality them.
Unique lifestyle or different can influence decision purchase to reflect personality
individual (Radiansyah et al., 2019). Someone who adopts style life alternative or
unconventional possible tend choose product showing identity they are unique. Lifestyle
is also influenced by trends and influences culture. Consumer often affected by moderate
trends going on, be it in fashion, food, or technology. They possible choose trending
products up to date to stay relevant in the environment social they (Faisol &
Khalikussabir, 2021).


Purchase Decision
Purchase decision refers to the mental processes and actions in which consumers
choose to buy product or service certain from various available options. Purchase
decision involve series steps taken by consumers, start from recognition of needs or
desire, search information, evaluation alternative, up to taking decision end (Kurnia et
al., 2022). Purchase decision can be influenced by a number factor, including factor
rational and emotional. Factors rational covers price, quality products, features, brands,
reviews user, and functional requirements. Factors emotional covers preference
personal, values, satisfaction emotional, image brands, and the desire to satisfy
psychological needs (Sandria et al., 2022).

Purchase decision not only based on consideration individual, but also can influenced
by factors external like influence social, advertising, promotion, experience beforehand,
and recommendations from other people. Besides that, development technology and the
internet have influence method consumer do research product, read reviews, and
interact with brands before make decision purchase (Khan et al., 2017). Decision
process purchase could be more variant from consumer to consumer, depending on type

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 201-211,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

product or services purchased, destination purchases, and preferences individual (Arif,

2021). Consumer could follow a systematic and rational process, or they could make
decision impulsive or based on intuition. In conclusion, decision purchase is the process
by which the consumer chooses to buy product or service from various available options.
This decision involves consideration factor rational and emotional as well as influenced
by factors external (Tirtayasa et al., 2021).

Social Media on Generation Z

Social media refer to possible online platforms users to interact, share content, and
connect with others virtually. Social media give means for user to create profile, post and
share content like text, images, video and audio, as well as participate in online
discussions and activities (Sari, 2019). Objective major social media is facilitated
interaction social and exchange information between individual, group, or organization.
For generation Z social media own a very important role in life daily them. Generation Z
consists from born individual between mid-1990s to mid-2000s, and they grew up in an
era where digital technology and social media develop fast. Social media give receptacle
for Generation Z to express identity they online. They can share interests, values, style
life and uniqueness they through profiles, shared content, and online interactions. Social
media provide a platform to demonstrate who they actually and join the community that
has similar interests (Ningrum & Hayuningtias, 2022).

Impulse Buying
Purchase impulsive is action purchases made without planning or mature consideration.
Purchase decisions that occur in a manner spontaneous, outside intention or plan
beginning someone. Purchase impulsive often driven by impulse emotional or desire
suddenly appeared when somebody exposed to a tempting stimulus or interesting (Oblak
et al., 2017). Purchase impulsivity does not involve planning previously or deep thought.
Purchase decision made in a manner spontaneous without consideration ripe related to
needs, budget, or benefit period long. Purchase impulsive often triggered by a push
emotional, like desire to satisfy desire immediately, excitement, or the pleasure that
arises moment see product or bid interesting. Purchase impulsive more tend occurs in
non-essential products or goods luxury that is not considered a basic necessity. This
including clothing, accessories, food light, or goods small other (Joghee & Alshurideh,

Lifestyle refers to the way life someone who reflects values, preferences, habits, and
choices them in a variety aspect life, including style dress, pattern eating, hobbies,
activities physical, preferences consumption and activity daily other (Nguyen et al.,
2020). Lifestyle reflect identity individual and is results from interaction complex between
factor social, cultural, economic, and psychological. Lifestyle can be reflected in
preferences consumption someone, including their brands, products, and services
select. This includes preferences in fashion, electronics, vehicles, travel, food, drink, and
so on. Lifestyle also includes habits and activities daily somebody (Pratisti, 2020). This
could be including habit sleep, routine sports, hobbies and interests, activities recreation,
activity social, and so on. Lifestyle too reflected in style dress someone. Someone's way
dress reflected the tastes, trends, fashion preferences, and statements personal they
related appearance and identity. Style life is something very individual and can varies
from one individual to individual other. Everyone has style unique life, which is influenced
by the setting behind culture, values personal, environmental social, and preferences
individual. Lifestyle can develop along the time and got changed in line with the changes
value, need, or preference somebody (Wardhani et al., 2020).

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 201-211,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X


This research uses explanatory research approach is one type approach research that
aims to understand and explain connection causal between variables. This approach is
done by identifying contributing factors to phenomenon or incident specific, and analyze
connection causation between they (Muhammad Yousaf, 2019). Objective main from
study explanation is to provide deeper understanding of why something phenomenon
happened. This research tries explain connection between variable independent
(influencing variable) and variable dependent (influenced variable) (Bentouhami et al.,
2021). The population in this study is employees of PT Nusantara Plantations in North
Sumatra, with a total sample as many as 100 respondents. Data analysis technique used
is analysis multiple linear regression.


Multiple Linear Regression Test

Influence between variable free to variable bound predicted using testing multiple linear
regression performed using SPSS version 22.

Table 1. Regressions

Coefficients a
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Model B std. Error Betas
1 (Constant) 9,843 1,334 2,533 ,013
Social Media 2,932 2,542 ,012 2, 107 .0 00
Impulse buying 2,134 4.147 ,154 3,134 ,011
lifestyle 3,234 4,453 ,313 2,543 ,001
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision

Y = 9.843 + 2.932 X1 + 2.134 X2 + 3.234 X3

Equality regression on can be explained as follows:

1. Constant as big 12,154. It means if social media, impulse buying, lifestyle values fixed,
then decision purchase is in value 9,843.
2. Coefficient social media regression 2,932 meaning that if the other independent
variables have a fixed value and social media has increased 1 time, then it is a
decision purchase will increase by 2,932.
3. Coefficient impulse buying media 2,134 meaning that if the other independent
variables have a fixed value and impulse buying has increased 1 time, then it is a
decision purchase will increase by 2,134.
4. Coefficient regression lifestyles 3,234 meaning that if the other independent variables
have a fixed value and social lifestyle increases 1 time, then it is a decision purchase
will increase by 3,234.

Testing Hypothesis (T Test)

T test basically show how much Far One variable independent individually in explaining
variable dependent. T test results can be seen in the table below.

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 201-211,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

Table 2. T-test

Coefficients a
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Model B std. Error Betas
1 (Constant) 9,843 1,334 2,533 , 013
Social Media 2,932 2, 542 ,012 2,107 .0 00
Impulse buying 2,134 4.147 ,154 3,134 ,011
lifestyle 3,234 4,453 ,313 2,543 ,001
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision

Based on tables, social media against decision purchase, result processing seen that
count T value 2,107 > T table 1,767 and value significant of 0,000 < 0,05 means this
indicates that partially there is a significant influence of social media on purchasing

Based on table, impulse buying against decision purchase, result processing seen that
count T value 3,134 > T table 1,767 and value significant of 0,011 < 0,05 means this
indicates that partially there is a significant influence of impulse buying on purchasing

Based on table, lifestyle to decision purchase, result processing seen that count T value
3,134 > T table 1,767 and significant value of 0,001 < 0,05 means this indicates that
partially there is a significant influence of lifestyle on purchasing decisions.

Model Feasibility Test (F-Test)

F statistic test basically show is variable independent included in model influence
significant in a manner simultaneous to variable dependent. F test results could be seen
in the table below.

Table 2. F Test

Sum of
Model Squares df MeanSquare F Sig.
1 Regression 219,422 2 13621, 141 17,713 , 001 b
residual 101,373 96 6198, 1 62
Total 320,795 98
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Lifestyle, Impulse Buying, Social Media

Based on table is known that mark F 17,713 more large F-table 2,72 so is known that in
a manner simultaneous variable Social Media, Impulse Buying, Lifestyle in a manner
simultaneous influential significant on Purchasing Decisions.


Social Media Influence on Purchasing Decisions

Based on results data analysis obtained that social media influential in a manner
significant to decision purchase. Social media provide a platform for sharing information
about product or service. User can find reviews, testimonials, and recommendations from
other users who have use product the. This helps candidate buyer get more information
detailed about product before decided to buy it. Social media possible users to follow

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 201-211,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

account of influencers, celebrities, or their brand like. Content shared by them can
influence perceptions and preferences candidate buyer to something product. When an
influencer recommends product or give review positive, it can increase interest and
desire candidate buyer to buy it. Social media become important place to look for
inspiration and follow trend latest. User can see exhibiting content style living, fashion,
decoration, or moderate food popular. This can influence preferences and decisions
purchase candidate buyers to follow trend or adopt style life certain. Social media give
chance for users to interact directly with the brand or company. User can submit
question, give bait back, or disclose complaint they through comment or message direct.
Response positive from brand or company can build trust and loyalty customers, which
in turn can influence decision purchase.

Effect of Impulse Buying on Purchasing Decisions

Based on results data analysis obtained that social media influential in a manner
significant to decision purchase. Impulse buying often triggered by a push sudden
emotional, like desire to satisfy desire immediately, seduction, or joy. When someone
exposed to an attractive stimulus or tempting offer, encouragement emotional can take
over thinking rational, so push someone to make decision purchase without
consideration ripe. Neighborhood around us, incl shop physique or online media, often
designed to stimulate impulse buying. Placement strategic products, discounts or offer
special, seductive look, or use technique persuasive marketing can influence decision
purchase impulsive. Some people maybe own trend or addicted to shopping impulsive.
They feel satisfaction immediately and the sensations that come from buy goods without
considering the need or rational budget. Addicted shopping can strengthen impulse
buying behavior and increase frequency purchase impulsive.

Influence Lifestyle on Purchasing Decisions

Based on results data analysis obtained that social media influential in a manner
significant to decision purchase. Lifestyle reflect identity and expression of their selves.
Someone's way and choose product or service can become statement about who they
are and what they are value. Purchase decision often influenced by suitability product
with style desired life or identified. Lifestyle based on values and priorities someone.
Preferences and decisions purchase somebody tend in line with the values that are
believed and upheld high. For example, someone who attaches importance health and
sustainability possible more leaning choose product organic and friendly environment.
Someone’s lifestyle could be influenced by purchase decision based on needs and
personal’s preferences. For example, someone who adopts active’s lifestyle and
exercising, possibly will tend to buy sport shoes or fitness equipment. Lifestyle often
influenced by trends and social influences. Someone possibly interested to follow the
latest trend or join a group that is similar in terms of their lifestyle. This can influence the
purchase decision in reflecting desired lifestyle or to customize yourself with the certain
social environment.

The Influence of Social Media, Impulsive Buying and Lifestyle in a Manner

Simultaneous on Purchasing Decisions
Based on results data analysis obtained that social media, impulsive buying and style
life influential in a manner simultaneous to decision purchase. Social media, impulsive
buying, and lifestyle in a simultaneous manner to purchase decision can interact and
influence each other. Social media influence someone’s lifestyle by introducing trends,
styles, and new preferences. Content shared by influencers or brand on social media
can inspired and influenced someone’s lifestyle. Social media users frequently exposed
to reflective content style desired life or ideal, which then influence decision purchase
them to match yourself with the lifestyle. Social media can strengthen impulsive buying
behavior by displaying attractive and tempting advertisements. Ads that are targeted and

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 201-211,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

tailored to preferences user can trigger encouragement emotions and desires instant to
buy product. In addition, social media users often exposed to offers limited time, discount
exclusive, or offer special other, which can trigger impulsive buying driven by a sense of
urgency. Inclined impulsive lifestyle can influence the purchase decision too. Someone
who has possibly impulsive buying tendencies tend buy product that fits their lifestyle
without mature consideration. For example, if somebody adopt priority-lifestyle visual
impressions and newest trends, they possibly more prone to against impulsive buying to
fulfill the desire. Overall, social media can strengthen someone’s lifestyle and trigger the
impulsive buying through the offers, advertisements and content displayed on those
platforms. Interaction between third this factor can create influencing environment
decision purchase someone.


Based on results data analysis can concluded that social media influential in a manner
significant to decision purchase. Social media provide a platform for sharing information
about product or service. User can find reviews, testimonials, and recommendations from
other users who have use product the. This helps candidate buyer get more information
detailed about product before decided to buy it. Based on results data analysis obtained
that social media influential in a manner significant to decision purchase. Impulsive
buying often triggered by a push sudden emotional, like desire to satisfy desire
immediately, seduction, or joy. When someone exposed to an attractive stimulus or
tempting offer, encouragement emotional can take over thinking rational, so push
someone to make decision purchase without consideration ripe. Based on results data
analysis obtained that social media influential in a manner significant to decision
purchase. Lifestyle reflects identity and someone’s expression. Someone's way to
choose the product or service can become statement about who they are and what they
are value. Purchase decision often influenced by suitability product with desired lifestyle
or identified. Based on results data analysis obtained that social media, impulsive buying
and lifestyle’s influential in a manner simultaneous to decision purchase. Social media,
impulsive buying, and lifestyle in a manner simultaneous to purchase decision can
interact each other and influence each other.

Although there is lots of research that has done about influence of social media,
impulsive buying, and lifestyle to purchase decision, there is a number of necessary
limitations noticed. Lots of research only can show connection correlational between
variables that, no connection clear causes. For example, though there is connection
between social media use and decisions purchase impulsive, not yet of course social
media in a manner direct cause impulse buying. There are other possible factors
influence the connection. Purchase decision influenced by various other factors outside
of social media, impulsive buying, and lifestyle. Factors like price, quality products,
brands, and preferences individuals also play role important for taking decision purchase.
Study often difficult to separate influence these variables. Measure variable like influence
of social media, impulsive buying, and lifestyle can become challenges in research.
These concepts tend subjective and difficult to measure in a manner objective. Use
appropriate method and valid data collection becomes important to overcome this
limitation. Study often done on limited samples or in certain context. Therefore, the
conclusions drawn from study that maybe not generalized in a broad manner to the
population or more broad context. Variation different individuals, cultures, and trends can
influence results research.

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 201-211,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X


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