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To be filled by the Candidate - Name of the Examination : Date of Examination : CENTRE CODE : Name of Paper ;| INDIAN POLITY, SOCIAL JUSTICEAND | Paper code: [Q | 3 INTERNATIONAL RELATION Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 200 Total Pages :| 64 FOR EVALUATOR’S USE ONLY Evaltion Tobie (For Evaluator's Use only) PARTA PART? PARTS PARTS “ouaaKs [ GRANOTOTAL ax fev| ser] ow fev{ ser] aw |ev| ser] av | ev | Ser part 1 16 8 EI JpaRr-2 2 7 a 34 learns 3 8 8 38 7 4 0 2 «6 | [roTaL Remarks of Evaluator " Tous “otah Toll 14 ‘Remarks of Scrutniser Tota EvaiuatorSign | Code | Date | EvahustorSin | Code | Date aA evs ‘Signature ofthe Serutniser cece] v2 evs v3 EVs I ee | 03 ; 1 enna nee pnt nnn pe en nnn ne RA fe ee freq fier ats Subject Subject Code : 03 Pes (ole) — inains wieda userren, annie aa ot aractir deer 03 INDIAN POLITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATION 03 ‘SEALPAPER JM pant ener arr neater tn nner tts EN 03 Part—1/¥T—1 Marks ~ 30 / 31% - 30 We: eeu a ge 15 we El eeds wet aa t | wets we fq 02 sis Pratt € 1 Note: There are 15 questions in this part. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 02 marks. une & Peas a nerctar ohare At Paks sta eee 8 eer seep arlret Peet Bare? [ser eter : 203) Who appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and what is his tenure ? [Answer Limit : 20 words] ‘TAC / Ans : — ‘Seht aisray’ sas 7 [ser emt : 20 3162} What is ‘Doli Scheme’ ? [Answer Limit : 20 words] FR / Ans: — ‘aera Aree’ B ary aT TAA E 7 [Seca : 20 eq] What do you understand by “Detente” ? [Answer Limit : 20 words] FAT) Ans: — ser int Tobe uscd Svatuator only etree ae 03 matter Gracias er 2 ? ‘What is Judicial Review ? FR / Ans: — “aarar ater’ BT ? What is ‘Samadhan Yojana’ ? ‘SRK / Ans :— ‘ater’ (NOTA) #412 ? What is ‘NOTA’ ? AR / Ans: — [ser ait : 20 wea) [Answer Limit : 20 words] (ser ear : 20 18] [Answer Limit : 20 words} eee ane Tobe use Braator nly nee eee forte 1B 14, 15, 03 Ts & wenftreren A Frais Press are St och & 2 we ae Te Pee ae A dsait F arr a Hepa B 7 [Beret : 20-314) ‘Who appoints the Advocate General of a State ? Can he take part in the proceeding of State Legislative Assembly ? [ Answer Limit : 20 words} SRR / Ans :— saree & arpa fremre afer 26h errr feser art H At are eft site wah Tae HTB 7 [Ser a : 203762] In which year the National Development Council of India was established and what is its composition ? [Answer Limit : 20 words] FR / Ans :— wash ag 7 [seca : 20 re] ‘Who are Madhesis ? [Answer Limit : 20 words] RR / Ans: fees fires eng rote wes ne enim AA pence een as a poeee eco 18. 19. 03 veites Shar afte ft caer we afta aor avi Ali 1 [ae aie : 50 s18@) |* Discuss the composition and powers of Public Accounts Committee. ‘FR / Ans: ‘Bika are 7 What is ‘Brexit’ ? BAL / Ans: — 1" {Answer Limit : 50 words} [oer aint : 50 315] {Answer Limit : 50 words] UWA ee 23. 03 are after seam sat A aaa A aren Ae | [Sat dar : 50 ete] Explain in brief the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights. [Answer Limit : 50 words} FR / Ans: — SeRRSNS CaF firen Raita afield st cor wel eral a ala AiPheC | [ser ater; 5075) Discuss the composition and functions of District Planning Committees in Uttarakhand State, [Answer Limit : 50 words) BAR / Ans: ~ [ara frais Tobe uses bythe Evatt only eer coseenas or ef mene nee eee gener anette 26. 03 Part-3/4M-3 Marks — 40 / 37% — 40 ie: eran ger 07 wea | sneeli fra OS wed or eS | oes Ter fore 08 sim Ratta & Note: There are 07 questions in this part. Candidate should attempt any 05 questions. Each question carries 08 marks. geet sravedt Hi aye — Fates srtatera Ht sreiftaser aor sola Aire | (Se afte ; 125 Be] Explain the relevance of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the twenty first century. [Answer Limit : 125 words] FAR / Ans :— 15 se tes sang Tobe sed bythe Evalutor ‘nly Aim ee sp oT 03 ‘Serer ree Hy fare EY Fafa ar aol SN | (ser en : 125 we] Discuss the position of higher education in Uttarakhand State. ‘FAM / Ans :- [Answer Limit : 125 words] ete ee et Spat aeons a 28. 03 “wanes aBeaa’ & one war aga & 2 career fare | ‘What do you understand by ‘Judicial Activism’ ? Explain. [Answer Limit : 125 words] (ser efi ; 125 416) ‘RR / Ans :— po cee erento nnne ayer ania fo ete ef OE ROR tN eta 29, 03 were apretfera At spt aa oka etfara | Discuss the role of Prime Minister's Office. ‘FAC / Ans : — un [Answer Limit : 125 words} feser are fee: sing |To be wed bythe Evahator only ener tee cttnnenncete itl cael ef etna eet eaten fe te et et 30. 03 ‘aredta eifaere Heaters afi ar aha =Hifore | (eee ate : 125 wee] Discuss the Constitutional Amendment Procedure in the Indian Constitution. FAC / Ans: — [Answer Limit : 125 words] [rere ‘frie int To be wsed bye Evaluator nly Tea ge egestas ere ene a) 03 sarravs A tara Ta seers Fakes A efte wa ye ar avha Fifer 1 (aac eft : 125 1) Describe the participation and role of women in the Panchayat Raj Institution of Uttarakhand. [Answer Limit : 125 words} ‘FR / Ans: ~ 28 [sae Frac say To be used bythe Evaluator only pene te nneeeneamrner getter tie tt ge nt fneste intial pe nenentnraetnst fait toa 32. 03 HAMA. Tw tte fare | Write a note on C.T.B.T. FR / Ans :~ Pu [see a ; 125 31¢] [Answer Limit : 125 words] prenatal eager net tne facet pnt anes tat 33. 03 Part-4/4M-4 Marks — 80 / 37% — 80 ae: aura ge 07 wea 8 | sree gt OS weit ar sete es wee fre 16 aim Prafita #1 Note: There are 07 questions in this part. Candidate should attempt any 05 questions. Each question carries 16 marks, an am after wa aitatts fen (Geum) afahan, 2005 # aefia aA ‘depht & fratta aad € 7 serafte orftrand & af one ga afta & wit ear ‘gfeepte sat 2 [sar dtr : 250 3g) Do you feel that ‘the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 is against the Indian culture and society ? How do you react towards this Act as an Administrative Officer ? [Answer Limit : 250 words] AT / Ans: — 29 ras ea trues sing Hoe usd bythe Evaluator ‘only epee ee pect nena nee femurs ttt Pena pars patie test penetiecemtemeneeremnce 34. 73a 7148 aera Bete afta aT carta AR wt BaI HAA % FA sora TA wert or aoa Are | [ser eter ; 250 eq] Describe the measures taken by 73% and 74" Constitutional Amendments to strengthen the local government. [Answer Limit : 250 words] ‘FAM / Ans : — aia ee ene ennenctameeeenemnenntit aeeretdimel sence eit tins atin annette et tenth tnt amt hate ner 36. saree & Bae ar Prater fee ace aie 8 2 How the President of India is elected ? WR / Ans: - aL {ser dion: 250 ea) {Answer Limit : 250 words] ese re ote used by he Evaluator only merece | an H Seeftenent & were a sareTTeTerS Theo IPT | Critically examine the impact of globalisation in India. [Answer Limit : 250 words} ‘FA Ans :— 4s [oer ater : 250 wag] [RAI ving Tobe used Evaluator only na ent sate tant tt aan eterna ene earn ! | | area, srra cares faepre 1 wa Herayyt eres @ 1 Teh care ifs 2017 & HET ‘aaeal A aaa Af | [ser efter ; 250 e160] Health is a significant component of Human Resource Development. Discuss the main objectives of the National Health Policy of 2017. [Answer Limit : 250 words) ‘FAC / Ans: — 9 bythe Evalator only Ae enter rmenn nent eect cnet an tant CAL AR NT CCC CN 39, 03 sre ctepteet & ainftes saftrenet aor aohs sre | {satin : 250 wre} Discuss the Political Rights of the Public Employees of India. FA Ans :— [Answer Limit : 250 words ] ewe ae Frat robe used % Evaluator ‘nly He file tte ettnenn ners tee ee ee ger ] sean nn Senet ea ape phe gereen een, Tordeg / SPACE FOR Rou ener ent eee ee cae os enn ee ne so dn ps free ea res secaftcer Hg 64 ge & | Pret sh sna at Roto otek Hanis So ati far uit ang sere & fd aa Sree ea set afer ph wk 4 Sear ieee Fe -Te Wfeen B ad aee wfeedd a Fed eeT e cr woftiy orto anere ee eer re weft aif at 1 ah ot ware a ae we oem Pash onal ah a | rar afateat sitar By METAR (QAB) whe 5 910 Bre ster act ae This Question Answer Booklet (QAB) consist of 64 pages. No candidate shall be given extra pages. Therefore itis essential that they finish their answers in his booklet only. Candidates should go throveh the instructions carefully before making their ‘entries at proper places in the question-answer booklet with O. ‘MAR. sheet. The candidate shall be wholly responsible for & mistake of any kind. For making entries, candidates shall be given QAB ten minutes before the star of the examination. 1 rage yferer errarid frit te arr ee wee wrk a, am rere te Hp siion et mt 1 ferer & eam ‘yet ser 8 aot / aren ofa er ee oat sh 2. snafiea wi wate oc ane. area “TO BE FILLED IN BY CANDIDATE” ater ert fc 3. onan swesfeer qdee res FH aca 8 ae fre we ‘een er a Bt eer fa TT a. a a4 qa EE 4. snap oe ae ig Puy ea seer Peet dr a Ft ee re ij 4 4 a 4a: 4. aig: ih Mua iii i ; 444 ad ui tt” t aia 6. meer axis fear inc ore fe fd Saka nb amc aweaterer fet sere arn ee cee hee a af ae ga BET oF a a osm on wep 1 greta aod aE HTS a BE (Xx) 8. ste fea ren erage werd at nhc ate rab he er wee fer tis op ar ead rer te er aro fo 9. mefeee if St pe AE / a er we 1 10, sink ar ara eh eset Ht sh she 1, se Ge soe a ae ne x er es ae en ro wet ane oF ee ee a 1 ge ee fer ee sree: eae ad fa fe ear ii oh ae rer oe or er Be or tees meat oe veh wma Sra a es wR arg a fae ey ate Fae a fs a alee A aa 2 Figg fen so ef) sree seh rd 9 Gro eich i on eh 1. QAB is divide questions and thei ‘Question! Questions. 2. Candidaces have to make entes only in thar part ofthe QAB| \wherethe instruction "TO BE FILLED IN BY CANDIDATE" hasbeen given Ifa candidate makes entries elsewhere or makes undesirable entries, iver QAB maybe canceled, Candas should write their roll number, tle of the paper paper code, ‘examination centre, examination centre code and date of] ‘examination at the proper place in QAB, 3. Candidates can vrtetheir answers only after te examination] starts and must not write after the examination is over. 4. Candidate should write the answer of each question inthe space provided for it and not elsewhere or in extra sheet, They should not write their name, address, telephone num bet, name of God’eligious symbol or word, sentence or num-| ber unrelated tothe answer. they do so, this shal be rested as using unfair means. Wrong entry of rot number in the OMR sheet may be penalized by adeduction of 0S marks| by the Commission. '. Once entries are made by the candidate onthe rst pat of the OMR shect and the invigilator signs it the candidate should cover it with the sticker pur beside i. Once the cover | ‘of the sticker is removed, it wll stick o the OM.R. sheet by isl. 6. Candidate should cheek that heshe has boon given te correct QAB according tothe schedule ofthe examination, and ‘also that no part of the QAB is mutilated. If itis so, they should get another QAB from the invgilaior. 17. Rough work may be done on the extra sheets given tthe ed ‘of the QAB, The candidate should cross the ough work and write “Rough work’ om it 8. If the candidate crosses am answer heishe should write below it that he/she has crossed It and it should not be evaluated. 9. Donot tear or change any page in the QAB. 10, Before you hand over the QAB to the invgilator, check i careful, 1, Candidate can use only the ball point pen with blue or black ink for writing answers. Using any other colour or pen may be considered as using unfair means. Where diagram isa par ofthe answer, for diagram only different pen or ink ater than blue or black may be used. 12. Question papers (except that ofthe language paper) shal be| prepared both in Hindi and English there i a typograph- filo factual error n'a question, the English version ofthe ‘Question shal be ereated as acceptabeistandard. 13, Answers shouldbe writen inter Hing oe English, excep in Tanguage papers or where instruction for writing in patil language has been given, mixing languages otherwise shal e io four parts. The aumber of ‘marks are mentioned in each 03 6 penal by dobasion of mar pe tere 3 ay

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