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2018 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Final

2018 亞 洲 國 際 數 學 奧 林 匹 克 公 開 賽 總 決 賽

Grade 8 / Secondary 2 – Question Book


Write down the answer according to the instruction given in questions. If the calculation result is a fraction,
please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction. If the answer is in surd form, represent the answer
which is in the simplest form. No need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.





Section A – each question carries 3 marks
甲部:每題 3 分
甲部:每题 3 分

1) Beck and Aiden are two members of an army of 2018 people. The average weight of all people other than
Beck is 72.23kg; the average weight of all people other than Aiden is 72.22kg. In kg how much weight is
Aiden’s heavier than Beck’s?
小貝和小艾是一隊為數 2018 人的軍隊的其中兩員,小貝以外所有人的平均體重為 72.23 公斤;小
艾以外所有人的平均體重為 72.22 公斤。問小艾比小貝重多少公斤?

2) If n is an integer and the integer nearest to is 36. Find the sum of all possible value(s) of n.

若 n 為整數,而且最接近 的整數是 ,求 n 的可能值之和。

3) Simplify 化簡 化简

4) It is known that the sum of a number and its reciprocal is 5. Find the sum when the square of the number is
added to the reciprocal of square of that number.
已知一數和它的倒數之和為 5,求該數的平方及平方的倒數之和。

5) n is a positive integer. When 145 is divided by n the remainder is 4; when 97 is divided by n the remainder
is 3. Find the least value of n.
n 是正整數,如果 145 除以 n 餘 4,97 除以 n 餘 3,求 n 的最小值。

6) It is known that and , find the value of .

已知 及 ,求 的值。

7) 12 people joins a tug-of-war game and they are evenly divided into 2 teams. How many different way(s)
is/are there to divide the students?
12 位同學進行拔河,平分為 2 隊,有多少種不同的方法?

8) Find the number of positive integral solution(s) to the following inequality.


(C) 2018 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
9) In of Figure 9, D, E and F are points on BC, AC and AB respectively. P is the intersection of AD,

BE and CF. Find the value of .

圖9的 中 , D 、 E 和 F 分 別 是 BC 、 AC 和 AB 上 的 點 , P 是 AD 、 BE 和 CF 的 交 點 。 求



Figure 9 圖 9 图 9

10) Find the sum of possible of value(s) of x in the following system of equations.
求以下方程組中 x 的可能值之和。

11) Numbers from ‘1’ to ‘10’ are printed on a fair 10-faced dice. The dice is thrown 4 times. Find the
probability the result has 3 consecutive prime numbers or no prime number shows up 3 times
有一枚公平的十面骰,印有「1」至「10」各數字。現在連續投擲 4 次,問當中連續 3 次出現質數,
或連續 3 次出現不是質數的概率為多少?

12) At most how many consecutive ‘0’s are there in the result of ?
在 的計算結果中,最多有多少個連續的「0」?

(C) 2018 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
Section B – each question carries 5 marks
乙部:每題 5 分
乙部:每题 5 分

13) Find the sum of 4-digit prime factor(s) of .

求 的四位質因數之和。

14) If and , find the value of .

若 ,且 ,求 的值。

15) Figure 15 shows a map. Aiden is moving from A to B, then to C by only moving upwards or rightwards.
How many different routes can he take?
圖 15 為路徑圖,若小艾由 A 點前往 B 點,再前往 C 點,而且只能向上方或右方移動,一共有多少

Figure 15 圖 15 图 15

16) If x and y are positive integers and , find the number of solution set(s) to the
若 x 和 y 為正整數且滿足 ,求解組 的數目。

17) 1 triangle can divide a plane into two regions, and 2 triangles can divide the plane into at most 8 regions.
How many regions can 5 triangles divide at most?
若在平面上畫 1 個三角形能把平面分為 2 個部分,2 個三角形最多能把平面分為 8 個部分。那麼,
5 個三角形最多能把平面分為多少個部分?

(C) 2018 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
18) Denote [x] as the integral part of x, e.g. . Find the value of the following expression.
設 為 x 的整數部分,如 ,求以下算式的值。

19) Find the larger root to the following equation.


20) At least how many prime numbers has to be chosen to ensure that there exists two of them s.t. the
difference between the two numbers can be divided by 6?
最少任意抽取多少個不同的質數,才能保證當中有兩個數之差能被 6 整除?

21) It is known that n is a positive integer, find the sum of possible value(s) of the highest common factor
(HCF) of n and .
已知 n 是正整數,求 n 和 的最大公因數的可能值之和。

22) We call a multi-digit number a ‘good number’ if ‘0’ does not appear in its digits and for any 2 digits a and
b, neither nor are integers. How many five-digit ‘good number(s)’ is/are there?
若一個多位數沒有數位 0,而且對於任何 2 個數位 a 和 b,都使得 和 皆不是整數,則稱這

(C) 2018 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
Section C – each question carries 8 marks
丙部:每題 8 分
丙部:每题 8 分

23) It is known that a positive integer has 48 positive factors, at most how many prime factors does it have?
已知一個正整數有 48 個正因數,它最多可以有多少個質因數?

24) In , , , . Find the value of .

在 中, , , 。求 的值。

25) Mr. Wong plans to place colour tiles in his child’s room (as shown in Figure 25.1). The tiles consist of 4
colours, and each colour there are 3 tiles (as shown in Figure 25.2). How many ways are there to place the
黃先生打算為孩子的房間(如圖 25.1)鋪地磚,地磚有 4 種顏色,每種顏色鋪 3 塊(如圖 25.2),

Figure 25.1 Figure 25.2

圖 25.1 圖 25.2
图 25.1 图 25.2

26) In figure 26, M is the mid-point of BC, N is the perpendicular foot of M to AC. If and
, find the area of Δ MNC .
圖 26 中,M 是 BC 的中點,N 是 M 到 AC 的垂足。若 ,且 ,求 Δ MNC 的面積。

Figure 26 圖 26 图 26

27) Find the remainder when is divided by 13.

求 除以 13 的餘數。

(C) 2018 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
28) Amy and Beck is playing ‘taking stones game’. There are 14 stones on the table, and the two people take
stones in turns. The first move of the starting player can take 1 to 4 stones. For the rest of the game, each
player takes a number of stones from 1 up to twice the number of stones his/her opponent just take. The
player taking the last stone wins. Amy comes first. If Amy has a winning strategy, how many stones
should Amy take? Give ‘0’ as your answer if Amy does not have a winning strategy.
小艾和小貝玩「取石子遊戲」,桌上有 14 顆石子,兩人輪流取若干顆石子,除了一開始先取的玩
家可以取 1 至 4 顆石子之外,之後每位每次最少可以取 1 顆,最多可以取對方剛剛取的數目的 2 倍,

29) Find the area of trapezium ABCD in Figure 29.

求圖 29 中梯形 ABCD 的面積。

A 14 B

15 13

Figure 29 圖 29 图 29

30) In Figure 30, , , . D is a point on AC and BD bisects . Find the length of BD.
圖 30 中, , , ,D 是 AC 上的一點且 BD 平分 ,求 BD 的長度。

Figure 30 圖 30 图 30

~ End of Paper ~
~全 卷 完~
~全 卷 完~

(C) 2018 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO)

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.

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