Pioneering Quantum Gravity

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Pioneering Quantum Gravity:

Loop Quantum Mechanics and the String

Tanishq Kumar
World Contemporary Literature
Stevenson High school
Illinois, Lincolnshire, D125
MATLAB programmer
Web developer in HTML5 and CSS3
Research aspirant of Quantum Gravity

Physics is such an intriguing topic, (or perhaps woeful). One of the revolutionary theories, i.e The

General Theory of Relativity, proposed by the greatest pioneering figure Albert Einstein gives us an

ameliorate apprehension of the mechanics of the Universe. It is an altered and rectified reminiscent of

Classical mechanics: it performs a significant amendment at the core of Classical mechanics, omitting all

the significant flaws that it used to possess. Scaffolded on the fundamentals of Classical mechanics, the

General Relativity gives us a deep insight into the substrate of Gravity (or dare I say “it doesn’t”). While

the General Theory of relativity, which could be abbreviated and be called GTR, provides splendid

insight into the realm of gravity and its mechanics, it does not elucidate the substrate of gravity. General

Relativity encapsulate how the fabric1 space-time gets bent by the instated energy and masses of heavenly

bodies. The distortion of space fabric reinforces “time-dilation 2” in the coordinates thereby stemming

spacetime. Conceptual understanding of GTR would not allow you to comprehend Quantum mechanics.

In other words, General relativity and Quantum mechanics are irreconcilable. Now, what is Quantum

mechanics? Well, pioneered by Max Planck, this undeniably ravishing branch of physics, yet the most

fundamental theory as well, Quantum mechanics is the study of the mechanics in the nondeterministic

realm of Quantum. Quantum ambiance is a realm that does allow, to put it in an analogy, apples to exist

in multiple spots simultaneously. A realm where the state of particles is not determined to be either in the

form of waves or particles until it has been observed or interacted with its vicinity. Because of the

1Fabric of space or space fabric refers to the theoretical framework of space-time, which is the conceptual
combination of three dimensions of three dimensions of space with one dimension of time into a four-dimensional
2Time dilation: a concept emerged of general relativity which allows time to be relativistic based on the inertial point
of frame observers.

incompatibility of Quantum mechanics with General Relativity, emerges an enigmatic conceptual

approach towards the Grand Unifying Theory The theory of Quantum Gravity. Stemming from the

premises of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, the conceptual but theoretical approach of

Quantum Gravity attempts to reconcile both of these theories; however, the conceptual approaches that

have been taken are still a matter of debate and contradiction as it contains inconsistencies with physical

experimental results with further note on this provided later throughout the paper. Nonetheless, on the

other hand General Relativity or GTR does not reflect any influence of gravity in Quantum systems. The

force of gravity, though it might not seem so, is infinitesimally weaker that its effects on Quantum level is

completely negligible. Therefore, the reconciliation is essential in order to identify the substrate of gravity

and its effects on quantum systems. Understanding gravity at the most fundamental levels could support

our understanding of the singularity3 of Black Hole, which GTR attempts to predict with an unsuccessful

approach. Following these considerations, two major questions arise: how do contradictions shape

overall subsequent theories of LQT and String theory and is GTR wrong? In my most vantage

conjecture, General Relativity is not wrong whatsoever, it is just incomplete because of which it instigates


1.1 What is contradicting?

The most pressing question at the moment is: what is contradicting in this vicinity where convoluted

answers of the simple questions are conventional? Also, which theory makes more sense. To put it in a

subsequent way, let’s only dive into the introduction of those attributes of both the prominent theories that

contradicts. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the most revolutionary idea in physics after the Einstein

E=mc2 equation. Essentially, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle does not allow certainty of anticipating

both position and speed of a particle simultaneously. (“Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle”— elucidated

by K. Lee Lerner, Terry Watkins and Larry Gilman). Consequently, Hesienberg’s Uncertainty Principle,

mainly manifested in terms of an equation, allows the annihilation and creation 4 of energy in the empty

3A point in space where GTR loses its validity, so does Quantum mechanics.
4The equation of Uncertainty principle basically manifests that the total energy of a system cannot reach
0, allowing the universe to fluctuate between particle and energy. Energises could manifest and froth in

space. This idea of Uncertainty Principle leaves us in a very enigmatic situation. To understand that, we

need to apprehend the folks of General Relativity (more comprehensively insight into it is given in a next

section—check “Is General Relativity wrong”).

Succinctly, the mathematics of General Relativity was developed by considering space time or its

fabric as being continuous and smooth without any potential disturbance. (Nikolaos Vergos in “Loop

Quantum Gravity). Nonetheless, aforementioned, the Uncertainty Principle contradicts that and states that

every field goes through fluctuations, resulting in undulating and

uneven space time. Now, it might not seem as perturbing because in

their own ambiance

both the theories are the best of themselves. Nevertheless,

when it pertains to comprehending phenomenons that

require amalgamation of both the theories, the situation

begins to manifest its inclination towards tumultuous

actions. One of those phenomenons or situations would

be prominently known as the misery and mystery of Black Holes. Black Holes, predicted by General

Relativity theory by Einstein and recognized by Stephen Hawking, this perplexing occurrence has been an

enormous instigation of the bewilderment of many physicists. What is in the singularity of Black Hole? Is

a Black Hole an opening to a different universe? These are some questions that are profoundly prompting

the reconciliation of these two theories. Following the contradictions, the premises and mathematics of

General Relativity are purely based on the assumption that space is smooth and there are no undulating

spots where there is no mass. In other words, a deep dark space is smooth as a fabric. Consequently, a

great conflict appears to be inflicted between both of these revolutionary theories that have potential to

unveil the truth and mechanics of the universe. This finding by no means states that the General Relativity

is wrong.

just a duration of infinitesimal small time.


1.2 Is General Relativity Wrong?

Nonetheless, it’s usually assumed that General Relativity is wrong or contains redundancy; however,

it is a great misconception. General Relativity proposes an equation known as the field equation. The

equation relates the curvature of spacetime to the distribution of matter and energy (described by the

stress-energy tensor) and the geometry of spacetime. The first term in the left side of the equation, Rμν,

represents the Ricci curvature tensor. It describes how spacetime is curved or deformed at each point in

space. The components of this tensor5 encode information about the local curvature of spacetime. In

essence, the LHS - left hand side of the equation - relates the curvature of space at any given moment,

which includes the effects emitted from the cosmological constants, to the RHS - right hand side of the

equation - that encodes information about the mass and energy tensors. The equation above treats the

spacetime fabric as being continuous, contradicting the very premises of Quantum mechanics which

proclaims this universe to be divided into discrete infinitesimal small quanta. As a result of this

distinction, General Relativity does not preserve its validity below distances 10 -35 (also known as the

Planck scale). Overall effect of this appears at the singularities or where the Hawking radiation 6 takes

place: having relativity to be able to predict singularities but not quantum effects creates a biggest turmoil

amidst the scientific community. In the book known as Quantum Gravity the 2 main reasons for

amalgamating General Relativity or gravity with Quantum mechanics was proposed. The first reason is

the assertion by many physicists that this is a quantum universe and all the fundamental interactions must

be explained in terms of Quantum descriptions. The second reason is advocated by Quantum mechanics

itself: Werner Hesienberg’s uncertainty relation’s demand all fields undergo quantum fluctuations.( Gale

1). The above description by the book called Quantum mechanics is encapsulating the 2 fundamental

reasons behind reconciling relativity with Quantum mechanics. The very first incentives demand for all

the physical concepts to get consolidated into the folds of Quantum mechanics. In other words, it wants to

facilitate the apprehending of the mechanics of the universe by transfiguring the conceptual understanding
5Tensors are simply a mathematical object that is used to describe physical properties.
6Hawking radiation, a concept proposed by the world famous physicist Stephen Hawking that talks about
the Quantum fluctuations which take place at the horizon of a Black Hole.

of the universe in terms of classical mechanics into the ameliorated concepts of Quantum mechanics.

Nonetheless, the second incentive provides a deeper delve into the concepts of Quantum mechanics, and

illustrates eloquently where the incompatibility and dilemma due to it is stemming from. To put it with an

analogy, General Relativity treats space time fabric as smooth as a fabric of real trampoline. The curved

fabric, as shown in the figure, is not made up of discrete units, as described in quantum mechanics,

resulting in a description of continuous space. However, this continuous and smooth concept of General

Relativity is belligerently and robustly contradicted by lumpy descriptions of Quantum mechanics.

Quantum Mechanics describes the vacuum of space time as an undulating field that should go up and

down as a disturbed field of cosmos described in

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. (T. A. Heppenheimer 1).

Now, what is Heisienberg’s Uncertainty Principle and what

do I mean by the lumpy descriptions of Quantum mechanics?

Well, this will be answered later in the paper. In essence,

General Relativity (considering all the fundamental issues

with it, stated by Quantum Mechanics) can not be considered

wrong. As shown in the results and imparted via evidence,

General Relativity is not asserted to be wrong, but rather incomplete and inadequate to provide virtuous

understanding of all the observable phenomena. As professed by Gale and Heppenheimer, Quantum

description of space or universe is somewhat contrary to

very descriptions of General Relativity; however, that

doesn’t make the theory wrong by any means; instead


justifying its incompleteness.

1.3 Contention against General Relativity:

Despite mesmerizing explanations by General Relativity or Albert Einstein, there manifests

tangible contentions against General Relativity. Before we delve into the contradictions, it is essential to

know what General Relativity proclaims. The part of General Relativity that is belligerently contradicted

states that, aforesaid, the fabric of the Universe is smooth as a serene lake. In the same breath, General

Relativity also suggests that anything that falls into a black hole’s singularity 7, it gets lost. At the outset,

Hawking Radiation–reinforced by General Relativity–states that information is being lost at the horizon

of a black hole: Quantum fluctuation occuring at the horizon of the black holes are resulting in loss of

information of the particle that falls into the black hole as any physical state that falls into the black holes

are predicted to be crushed into infinitely decimal. This loss of information property is irrelevant in terms

of Quantum Mechanics because it challenges the basic foundational premises of Quantum Mechanics.

(“Hawking Radiation” by Gale). The loss of information occurs because of the apparent inability to

retrieve information about the Quantum state of matter that has fallen into the Black Hole. In the classical

General Relativity, once matter crosses the event horizon, it becomes the part of the singularity where any

unique information carried by that matter is thought to be permanently erased, leading to the loss of

information. This so-called information loss paradox culminates, or rather discarded, by assuming

General Relativity redundant in this specific scenario. On another note, aforementioned, the smooth

fabric of space-time doctrine of General relativity ambushes the most vital factor of Quantum mechanics,

that is Quantum fluctuations. (“Quantum gravity” by Gale). Quantum fluctuation, reinforced by

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, affirms that in empty space takes place the creation and annihilation

of virtual particles, resulting in an unsmooth and undulating fabric of space-time. This principle of

Quantum Mechanics has been confirmed by many experiments, one example of which is the Casimir

7Though, according to Quantum Mechanic’s unitarity principle, information cannot be lost. Conservation of information is necessary to uphold the mathematical frameworks of
Quantum Mechanics Assume state |A> can become state |C>: U|A> = |C>
And state |B> can become state |C>: U|B> = |C>
Via unitary evolution operator U: U†U = 1
Normalization of initial states and a unitary time evolution operator means |C> is also normalized: <A|U†U|A> = <B|U†U|B> = <C|C> = 1
Which also means: <C|C> = <A|U†U|B> = <A|B> = 1
But <A|B> = 1 means |A> = |B>, meaning they’re NOT independent.
Ergo independent quantum states can’t evolve into the same states and still preserve unitarity.

effect. Casimir effect8 is an observable phenomenon that is inexplicable without the concept of Quantum

fluctuations. Ergo, General Relativity is again being substantiated to be redundant. Now, why is General

Relativity the one to be wrong but not Quantum mechanics? Well, Quantum mechanics has classical

mechanics as its limits. Essentially, Quantum mechanics allows smooth transition from Quantum realm to

the Classical realm, making it the most efficient theory. Nonetheless, General Relativity doesn’t work

below the scale of 10-35 making it incompatible with Quantum mechanics. Ergo, General Relativity is

thought to be incomplete rather than Quantum mechanics because Quantum mechanics spans to the

Classical realm, whereas General relativity does not span to the Quantum Realm.

2. The Conclusion:

In the attempts to culminate these conflicts and plenish the gaps in GTR, two most prominent

theories were unfolded. Theories that are widely known as the Grand Unifying Theories: the String

theory and the Loop Quantum Gravity theory place different explanations to manifest General Relativity's

consistency with Quantum Mechanics. On the first hand, the String theory depicts the whole universe

with vibrating strings as its building blocks. Whereas on the second hand, the Loop Quantum Gravity

theory claims the space fabric of the universe to be made of quantum loops. Loops that can be distorted

and stretched when a matter or energy is placed. Both the theories try to preserve the principles of

Quantum theory as well as General Relativity. Nonetheless, the attempts to consolidate both the theories

under one hat lack experimental justifications and contain inherent elusiveness in its mathematics.

Therefore, both the reinforcementing theories aren’t that sufficient to elucidate both the main theories,

Quantum theory of mechanics and General Relativity, under just one frame. To cap it all off, General

Relativity, as encapsulated by many sources and reinforced by logical reasoning, should not be just

discarded. It is an extremely efficient theory, and for certain it is the best theory we have, to explain the

phenomenons occurring with heavenly bodies and planets. Nevertheless, to flourish it even more, the

confluence of General Relativity with Quantum mechanics manifest as the most essential alteration that is

8When the plates are brought very close together, they restrict the wavelengths of virtual particles that can exist between them. As a result, there are more
virtual particles outside the plates than between them. This leads to a net imbalance in the quantum fluctuations, creating a pressure pushing the plates

to be made. But for the time being, we are left with the problems and two most effective attempts of

reconciliation. So now, shall we wait for the next Einstein to come up in the field and navigate us to the

paved way of insight under the black holes and explanations of the mysterious figures of our universe or

do you dare to jump into it? This paper is left with the most pressing question and fosters you to attempt

the seek of an answer: What is Gravity and where does it stem from?


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SIRS Issues Researcher,


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