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Ls. No.

3 Files and folders in Windows 7

A. Tick the correct option.
1. Which among these acts as a link to any item like file, folder,
etc., in Windows 7?
Ans. – a. Icon
2. Collection of related information is a
Ans. – a. File
3. Files/Folders are organised in
Ans. – a. Common folders
4. The deleted files go into
Ans. Recycle Bin
B. Fill in the blanks using the words given below.
1. A file in a computer is represented by an icon.
2. A folder is like a file cabinet in which you can keep your file.
3. A folder within a folder is called a subfolder.
4. When you open a file on the desktop, a file folder appears
on the screen.
5 When you open a folder on the desktop, a folder window
appears on the screen.
C. Write True or False.
1. A deleted file or folder goes to the Recycle Bin. – True.
2. All the data in the computer is contained and store in the
form of files and folders. – True.
3. Once the file/folder is deleted from the Recycle Bin, it cannot
be restored. – True
4. Windows Mobile software is used to play and organize
digital media files. – True
5 Sound Recorder facility is available in Windows Media player
folder. – True
D. Name the types of files saved in each of the following.
1. Documents – Documents used to store word processing
files, spreadsheets, presentations, and other business
oriented files.
2. Pictures – digital pictures that can be copied from a camera
or downloaded from internet.
3. Music – Music files, such as songs copied from an audio CD
or downloaded from the Internet.
4. Video – Videos taken from a digital camera or downloaded
from the Internet.
5. Downloads – The files that are downloaded from the
E. Write the steps to
1. View a file –
Ans. – Step 1 – Click on the Start button. The start menu will
Step 2 – Click on your user name. Windows 7 will
display your user folder.
Step 3 – Double-click the folder you want to view.
Windows 7 will display the contents of the
folder including the subfolders.
Step 4 – Double-click the subfolder if the files you want to
view are stored in a subfolder. Windows 7 will
display the contents of the subfolder.
2. Deselect a file –
Ans. - To deselect a single file from a multiple file
selection, hold sown the Ctrl key and click the file you
want to deselect. To deselect all files, click an empty
area within the folder.
3. Copy a folder –
Ans. - Step 1 - Click on the Start button. The start menu will
Step 2 – Click on your user name. Windows 7 will
display your user folder.
Step 3 – Select the folder/folders you want to copy.
Step 4 – Click on Organize.
Step 5 – Click on Copy.
4. Create a file –
Ans. – Step 1 – Open the folder in which you want to create to
create the file.
Step 2 – Right-click an empty section of the folder.
Step 3 – Click on New.
Step 4 – Click the type of file you want to create.
5. Restore a deleted file –
Ans. – Step 1 – Double-click the Recycle Bin icon on the
desktop. The Recycle Bin window will appear,
displaying all the files you have deleted.
Step 2 – Click on the file you want to restore.
Step 3 – Click on Restore to restore the selected file or
F. Match the following.
Group A Answers
1. Document file b
2. Spreadsheet file d
3. Image file e
4 Video file a
5 Music file c
G. Answer the following questions.
1. Name common folders provided by windows 7

Ans. Common folders provided by windows7 are as follows

1 documents 2 pictures 3 music 4 videos 5 downloads
2. How is a folder different from a file?
Ans. - Files contains a collection of related information and a
folder contains the files or subfolders.
3. Why do we need to organize files/folders?
Ans. - We need to organise files/folders to make it easy to
locate a particular file/folder.
4. What is the use of copying and moving files?
Ans. - We can copy or move the files so that we can store
them on another location.

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