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Additions allow you to add arbitrary C# to the generated classes

before they are compiled. This can be helpful for providing convenience
methods or adding pure C# classes.

== Adding Methods to Generated Classes ==

Let's say the library being bound has a Rectangle class with a constructor
that takes an x and y position, and a width and length size. It will look like

public partial class Rectangle

public Rectangle (int x, int y, int width, int height)
// JNI bindings

Imagine we want to add a constructor to this class that takes a Point and
Size structure instead of 4 ints. We can add a new file called Rectangle.cs
with a partial class containing our new method:

public partial class Rectangle

public Rectangle (Point location, Size size) :
this (location.X, location.Y, size.Width, size.Height)

At compile time, the additions class will be added to the generated class
and the final assembly will a Rectangle class with both constructors.

== Adding C# Classes ==

Another thing that can be done is adding fully C# managed classes to the
generated library. In the above example, let's assume that there isn't a
Point class available in Java or our library. The one we create doesn't need
to interact with Java, so we'll create it like a normal class in C#.

By adding a Point.cs file with this class, it will end up in the binding library:

public class Point

public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }

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