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DAFTAR ISI....................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................................3
A. Background of the Problem.................................................................................3
1.1. Identification Of The Problem........................................................................5
Based on the background of the problem above, the problems that arise can be
identified, including:..................................................................................................5
1.2. Problem Limitations.......................................................................................5
Based on the identification of the problems that have been raised, this research
focuses on motivation to become teachers for FKIP UIR students.............................5
1.3 Formulation of the problem...........................................................................5
1.4 Research objectives........................................................................................5
1.5 Benefits of research........................................................................................6
CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................7
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.....................................................................7
2.1 Relevance Theories............................................................................................7
2.1.1 Language Teaching Competence................................................................7
2.1.2 Campus Teaching Activities.......................................................................8
2.1.3 Motivation to Become a Teacher................................................................9
2.2 Conceptual Framework.................................................................................14

A. Background of the Problem

Education has an important role in forming a person's self-quality. The
current implementation of education is a preparation for future needs that will
determine the next generation and the nation's next leaders. Every child must
receive a fair and equitable education so that they can change their individual
social status. As time goes by, the world of education is required to carry out
various innovations to answer all changing challenges.

Therefore, education must also keep up with the times that are advanced
and developing but cannot be separated from the core of education itself
which is in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 article 3 concerning the
National Education System, namely developing the potential of students to
become human beings who believe and fear God. who is Almighty, has noble
character, is healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and a
democratic and responsible citizen. One of the Independent Learning
programs for accounting education students at the Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education at Riau Islamic University is the Teaching Campus. The
Teaching Campus itself is a program where students are given the opportunity
to gain experience and develop knowledge outside of campus class activities
to provide the implementation of the Teaching Campus program by the
Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with the Islamic University
of Riau to prepare students to participate fairly in the success of this program.

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, especially Accounting

Education at Riau Islamic University, is one of the institutions that has the
obligation to support students taking part in the Teaching Campus Program.
One form of support from this institution is involving students in the program
and monitoring all program activities. Previously, the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education had prepared direct teaching practice with an eye
towards preparing students to become teachers. Teaching and learning
activities are activities that have educational value which are characterized by
interactions that occur between teachers and students to achieve the goals of
teaching and learning activities (Alifia & Hardini, 2022). Achieving goals in
teaching and learning is an expectation that is always required of teachers and
this is a problem that is considered quite difficult because students are
individuals with various uniqueness and social beings with different
backgrounds. (Widyaningsih & Rosidi, 2015). Factors that influence students'
teaching readiness include physical and mental readiness as well as cognitive
readiness. Teaching motivation is an influential factor in achieving student
teaching readiness, which builds individual physical and mental readiness in

Students definitely have their own motivations for why they choose to
become teachers. Their motivation will be a driving force to excel in the
academic field. According to Slameto 2010:54) motivation factors are internal
factors that play a very important role in determining the level of learning
achievement. Knowing students' motivation to become a teacher is very
important, because this can influence student success, especially learning

Based on observations made at FKIP UIR, several obstacles were found,

namely that before implementing the Teaching Campus program, students had
difficulty with the idea of carrying out teaching, especially in terms of
learning in the classroom, such as students having difficulty preparing lesson
plans before carrying out activities, students have difficulty implementing the
program. And students' teaching confidence decreased before the program was
implemented. The obstacles faced by students can be overcome if students are
serious and committed to completing their studies. Due to the implementation
of the Teaching Campus Program, students do not just practice teaching
directly in the classroom. But it also helps schools in terms of administration
and technological adaptation. 4 Based on this background, researchers are
interested in conducting research entitled "The Influence of Campus Teaching
Activities on Motivation to Become a Teacher for FKIP UIR Students”

1.1. Identification Of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the problems that arise
can be identified, including:
1. During the implementation of the teaching campus there were students
who had difficulty preparing lesson plans

2. During implementation, the campus teaches students who have

difficulty adapting to technology

3. During campus teaching activities, students are motivated to become


1.2. Problem Limitations

Based on the identification of the problems that have been raised, this
research focuses on motivation to become teache

rs for students majoring in English, FKIP UIR.

1.3 Formulation of the problem

Based on the problem identification above, the problems are as follows:

1. How are FKIP UIR students prepared for campus teaching activities?

2. How are Campus Teaching activities carried out by FKIP UIR students

3. What is the influence of Campus Teaching activities on the motivation

to become teachers for FKIP UIR students?

1.4 Research objectives

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that this research
was carried out as follows:
1. Knowing students' readiness for campus teaching activities for
prospective accounting teachers at FKIP UIR
2. Know the implementation of campus teaching activities by FKIP UIR
3. Knowing the influence of campus teaching activities on motivation
to become teachers for FKIP UIR

1.5 Benefits of research

It is hoped that this research will provide benefits to government
agencies, the community and the author as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefits The results of this research can be used as

study material and broaden knowledge related to science,
especially regarding the field of Education regarding Campus
Teaching Activities on Motivation to become a teacher for FKIP
UIR 6 2 students
2. 2. Practical Benefits
a) For Students
It is hoped that this research will be able to motivate
students to improve their teaching skills and become
directly involved in becoming an educator.
b) For Researchers
These researchers are very useful for increasing
experience in research as well as material for applying
various kinds of knowledge that have been obtained during

2.1 Relevance Theories

2.1.1 Language Teaching Competence
The teaching campus (KM) is part of the independent campus
learning policy (MBKM) which is implemented directly by the
Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). The aim of
implementing this teaching campus program is to empower students to
help with the teaching process in elementary schools around the
village/city where they live. The activities carried out do not merely
take on the teacher's role in teaching but as a complement to enriching
the material and learning strategies for students at school. Activities
not only help teach but also help in administration of both schools and
classes and also help teachers adapt to technology to support better
administration and learning processes.

Campus teaching activities not only involve students, but also

involve field supervisors to monitor and provide guidance to students
working in elementary schools. The teaching campus is a program from
the independent campus which aims to provide opportunities for students
to develop themselves through activities and creativity outside the scope
of lectures. Program (Ashikin et al., 2015). Freedom to learn is a policy
that is very focused on results. Those who have the right to assess
students are teachers and schools. The Ministry of Education and Culture
has liberated schools in assessing exams, not only using multiple choice,
essays, portfolios and so on which are expected to develop reasoning.
Well, this is because we are just starting out, for those in the outskirts it
will feel a bit difficult but time will form this metamorphic. I feel a lot of
freedom from learning. How happy it is for students to study in nature.
The joy of learning by changing methods, varying media, various
rewards, some of which are not yet free, is what I can imagine in my

2.1.2 Campus Teaching Activities

1. Campus Teaching Preparation
According to the 2021 Teaching Campus program guide, there
are things that students need to prepare, namely as follows:
2. Teaching Campus Requirements
 Students from state and private universities under the
auspices of the Directorate General of Higher Education,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
of the Republic of Indonesia.
 Comes from all undergraduate/graduate applied study
programs from tertiary institutions under the coordination
of the Directorate General of Higher Education
 Have a minimum GPA of 3 (on a scale of 4)
 Preferably have teaching or organizational experience 9
3. Registration Procedure
First, participants must have and activate an MBKM
account via the MBKM website. Next, they will be directed to
the activity program page and select the Teaching Campus
program. In the first step, participants upload mandatory
documents in PDF form consisting of:
 Transcripts
 Health certificate from health center/hospital
 Original PT recommendation letter
 Stamped letter of approval from parents/guardians to be
placed anywhere
 Stamped integrity pact letter
 Then in the second stage, fill in the supporting document
form in PDF form which consists of proof of
organizational/teaching experience and a certificate of
student achievement. Next, fill in personal contacts,
academic data and emergency contacts. The final step is to
check the statement of ability and commitment (of
potential Teaching Campus participants) to accept and
agree to all statements

2.1.3 Motivation to Become a Teacher

Motivation comes from the Latin word movere which means
encouragement (Jakarta et al., 2024). Motivation is an impulse that
influences a person's actions towards a series of behavioral processes
by considering the direction, intensity and persistence in achieving
goals. Motivation is arousing, directing, maintaining, consistent with
goals (Safaringga et al., 2022). Motivation can take the form of
psychological symptoms that consciously encourage individuals to act
to achieve certain goals or gain satisfaction with their actions.
Motivation is an action that involves three main components, namely
(Karweti, 2010): a. Energizing (giving energy to individual actions) b.
Directing (giving direction to individual actions) c. Sustaining (how to
maintain these actions) In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (1997:330), a
teacher is defined as "a person whose job (livelihood, profession) is
teaching". In a simple sense, a teacher is a person who provides
knowledge to students. (Asamana, 1994:27). According to Mcleod in
Syah (1995:223) that a teacher is essentially "A person whose
occupation is teaching other. This means that a teacher is someone
whose job is to teach other people."

Nana Sukmadinata (1997:27) defines the concept of classical

education as the teacher's role as a successor and transmitter of
knowledge, while in the concept of educational technology, the teacher
is a trainer of abilities. In the interactional concept, the teacher acts as a
learning partner, while in the concept of personal education, the
teacher plays the role of director, encourager and guide. In the function
of the code of ethics for teachers, Ali Imron (1995: 196) explains that
the teaching profession is most directly in contact with the world of
education, which not only upholds the norms and values of society but
also inherits them, therefore what is done by Teachers must be in
accordance with the mission of education

a) Teacher
According to Slameto (1995:97), stating in more detail the
teacher's duties center on the following.
1) Educating with an emphasis on providing direction and
motivation to achieve goals, both short and long term.
2) Providing facilities for achieving goals through
adequate learning experiences.
3) Helps develop personal aspects such as attitudes, values
and self-adjustment.

So in the teaching and learning process, teachers are not

only limited to conveying knowledge, but are responsible for the
overall development of students' personalities. Teachers must be
able to create a learning process in such a way that it can stimulate
students to learn actively and dynamically in meeting needs and
creating goals.

b) Teacher Duties
According to Slameto (1995:97), stating in more detail the
teacher's duties center on the following.
1) Educating with an emphasis on providing direction and
motivation to achieve goals, both short and long term.
2) Providing facilities for achieving goals through
adequate learning experiences.
3) Helps develop personal aspects such as attitudes, values
and self-adjustment. So in the teaching and learning
process, teachers are not only limited to conveying
knowledge, but are responsible for the overall
development of students' personalities. Teachers must
be able to create a learning process in such a way that it
can stimulate students to learn actively and
dynamically in meeting needs and creating goals.
c) Teacher Status

In carrying out their duties, according to Suparlan (2006:21-24)

teachers have a status that can be classified as follows: (1) civil servants or
private employees, (2) professional workers, and (3) social leaders.

1) Civil servant teachers or private employees

A person will have teacher status when they have obtained a

Decree (SK), whether obtained from the government or an institution
providing educational services. With this decree, a person will obtain
the rights and obligations that have been determined based on the
applicable provisions.

2) Teaching as a Profession

In carrying out their functions and duties, teachers have certain

requirements. The definition of teachers as a profession is specifically
stated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003
concerning the National Education System article 39 (1) and (2) which
states that: Educational personnel are tasked with carrying out
administration, management, development, supervision and technical
services to support the educational process in educational units.
Educators are professional staff who are tasked with planning and
implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes,
providing guidance and training, as well as conducting research and
community service, especially for educators at universities.

3) Teachers as community leaders (Social Leaders)

Teachers are often referred to as community leaders (social

leaders) in the sense that teachers are often held in positions as figures
who are emulated by community members and are the only source of
information and knowledge. Teachers' Rights and Obligations In Law
Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, the
rights of educators and education personnel are stated as follows.

1. Appropriate and adequate income and social welfare

2. Awards are in accordance with tasks and work achievements.
3. Legal protection in carrying out duties and rights to intellectual
property results.
4. Opportunity to use educational facilities, infrastructure and
facilities to support the smooth implementation of tasks.
(article 40 paragraph 1).

Teachers must be able to show that the rights they will obtain must
be equivalent to the obligations given in carrying out their duties, thus
demands for rights must be followed with enthusiasm to carry out
obligations well. It is further stated in Law Number 20 of 2003, that
educators and education personnel have the following obligations.

1. Creating an educational atmosphere that is meaningful, fun,

creative, dynamic and dialogical.
2. Have a professional commitment to improving the quality of
3. Providing an example and maintaining the good name of the
institution, profession and position in accordance with the trust
placed in him.

The implementation of teachers' rights and obligations in the

education process must be in harmony and balance with the
implementation of students' rights and obligations. Clarity regarding these
rights and obligations is very necessary to be able to provide guarantees
regarding respect and protection for teachers as professional staff,
including legal protection.
There are two motivational concepts related to a person's behavior
or actions (Lindawati, 2022) namely:

a. Someone who likes something. If the individual is able to

maintain these activities. If you like it, you will be motivated to
do it
b. A person who feels confident can overcome challenges. The
individual is motivated to carry out these activities.

Motivation to become a teacher is an encouragement that

encourages people to become teachers (Husain et al., 2015)Motivation to
become a teacher is manifested in sincerity, compassion and idealism to
educate students (Yorri Didit Setyadi et al., 2021). Motivation to become a
teacher influences the teacher's teaching strategy, commitment, and level
of satisfaction with the profession (Husain et al., 2015).Seeing this
phenomenon, researchers conducted research on motivation to become a
teacher as a reflection of the strong things that drive the choice to become
a teacher.

Motivation to become a teacher will influence the implementation

of their duties and automatically this will have an influence on achieving
educational goals (Rachman et al., 2021). Motivation to become a teacher
will give the teacher energy to act to achieve certain goals. Attention to
becoming a teacher is influenced by the factors below (Prasandha &
Utomo, 2022) :

a. Internal factors: motivation, perception, emotion, perception,

talent and mastery of knowledge.
b. External factors: family environment and social environment

Positive motivation to become a teacher will have a good impact

on the implementation of their duties and automatically this will have a
good impact on achieving educational goals (Anwar, 2021). Positive
motivation to become a teacher will give the teacher energy to act to
achieve certain goals (Pardede et al., 2022). This is relevant to the
statement from an education expert who stated that positive motivation
shows that the reason/motivation for choosing the teaching profession is
high commitment and shows a professional calling. Negative motivation
shows that the reason/motivation for choosing a profession as a teacher is
still very unstable so it requires the power of positive thinking to ensure
the stability of the choice of profession as a teacher . Negative motivation
shows that the reason/motivation for choosing a profession as a teacher is
still very unstable so it requires the power of positive thinking to ensure
the stability of the choice of profession as a teacher (Dr. Bhavesh A.
Prabhakar & डॉ. गुरुदत्त पी. जपी, 2023).

2.2 Conceptual Framework

The teaching campus is a program from the independent

campus which aims to provide opportunities for students to develop

themselves through activities and creativity outside the scope of
lectures. The campus teaching program aims to enable students to be
directly in the field in various elementary school conditions throughout
The conceptual framework of my research entitled The Influence
of Campus Teaching Activities on Motivation to Become a Teacher for
Fkip Umsu Students is:

3.3 Research hypothesis

A hypothesis is an explanation that is temporary and needs to be

proven again to be true or can be tested empirically and its correctness is
tested until it is proven through the data collected. So this hypothesis is to
test the truth of a theory. It is said to be temporary because the answer
given is only based on relevant theory, based on empirical facts obtained
through data collection Sugiono 2018:63) Ha = There is an Influence of
Campus Teaching Activities on Motivation to Become a Teacher for FKIP
UIR Students.


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