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University of Toronto Press

Constructing Health
How the Built Environment Enhances Your Mind’s Health

Tye Farrow

Globally renowned architect Tye Farrow bridges the gap in knowledge between
the therapeutic medical world and the design community to reveal how the
intentional shaping of our environment can support our physical and neurological
well-being. Constructing Health explores recent discoveries in cognitive
psychology (the science of the mind) and neuroscience (the science of the brain)
to determine how we can form health-giving person-to-place relationships that
Format: PDF are similar to healthy and meaningful person-to-person relationships.
Price: $75.00
ISBN: 9781487557232 This richly illustrated and visually captivating book shows how we can
Date: May 2024 intentionally design our environments to make them more generous and help us
Pages: 304 in our daily lives. This conscious practice not only reduces environmental
damage but also enhances physical, societal, and mind health. Farrow offers an
engaging and accessible way to discover how we can construct health through
specific, measurable design qualities and characteristics to enhance human
performance in our cities, our homes, and our places of learning and healing.

Tye Farrow is a senior partner at Farrow Partners Architects. Working at the
intersection of architecture and neuroscience, he is a world-recognized pioneer
in tackling how our creations either give or cause health. With award-winning
projects around the globe that enact salutogenic design – design that actively
incites health – he is the first Canadian architect to have earned a Master of
Neuroscience Applied to Architecture (University of Venice IUAV); he also has a
Master of Architecture in Urban Design (Harvard University) and a Bachelor of
Architecture degree (University of Toronto). He is a much sought-after speaker
who has presented to respected organizations and universities in over forty cities
on six continents, including the Salk Institute, the Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, the Mayo Clinic, and the Cleveland Clinic.

To order this book visit https://utorontopress.com/

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