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Software Requirements Specification

(SRS) Template

The document in this file is an annotated outline for specifying

software requirements, adapted from the IEEE Guide to Software
Requirements Specifications (Std 830-1993).

Tailor this to your needs, removing explanatory comments as you

go along. Where you decide to omit a section, keep the header, but insert a
comment saying why you omit the data.

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AI-Enhanced Secure Authentication System Using Morse Code

Software Requirements Specifications

Chandan R


MCA, 4th Semester


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Document Approval

The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and

approved by the following:

External Internal
Project Title Date Guide Guide
(Signature) (Signature)
Chandan R AI-Enhanced Secure
Authentication System Using
Morse Code

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Table of Contents
Revision History

Document Approval

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Overview
2. General Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Product Features
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
2.4 Operating Environment
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements
3.1.1 User Interfaces
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
3.1.3 Software Interfaces
3.1.4 Communication Interfaces
3.2 Functional Requirements
3.2.1 <System Feature #1>
3.2.2 <System Feature #2>
3.3 Non-functional Requirements
3.3.1 Performance
3.3.2 Reliability
3.3.3 Availability

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3.3.4 Security
3.3.5 Maintainability
3.3.6 Portability
3.4 Logical Database Requirements
4. Other Requirements

Appendix A: Glossary

Appendix B: Analysis Models

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1. Introduction
Since most of the people in the world are facing problems in the field of
authentication and security. We are able to provide a real time eye tracing for
password authentication for people who authenticate themselves using Morse code.
Gaze-based authentication refers to finding the eye location across sequential image
frames and tracking eye center over time. Password authentication will be done using
Morse code, where numbers will be represented in dots and dashes. This project
involves the integration of Morse code, artificial intelligence, and biometric features
to create a secure and efficient authentication system. By leveraging the unique
properties of Morse code for encoding text characters and utilizing artificial
intelligence for classification and storage of biometric information, the system aims
to provide two-factor authentication with enhanced security measures. Purpose

1.1 Purpose

The primary purpose of the Morse Code Based Secured Authentication System is
to create a highly secure and reliable authentication method that surpasses the
limitations of traditional PIN-based systems. This system leverages gaze-based
authentication technology to ensure that it is difficult to compromise, providing
enhanced security for applications that require secure access control. The focus is
on sectors such as banking and healthcare, where the protection of sensitive
information is critical.

1.2 Scope

The scope of this project encompasses the analysis and implementation of a secure
authentication method using eye blinks as input. The project includes developing
the necessary hardware and software components to capture and interpret eye
blinks, converting them into Morse code, and validating these codes against a
registered PIN. This project covers the development of authentication protocols,
user interfaces, security mechanisms, and integration capabilities.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

 PIN: Personal Identification Number - A numeric password used for


 GUI: Graphical User Interface - The interface through which users interact with the
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 PIL: Python Imaging Library - A library used for opening, manipulating, and
saving many different image file formats in Python.

 OpenCV: Open Source Computer Vision Library - A library of programming

functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision.

 ERP: Event Related Potential - Measured brain response resulting from a specific
sensory, cognitive, or motor event.

1.4 References

The project references multiple studies and technologies in the fields of real-time
eye tracking, gaze-based PIN entry, and machine learning. Key references include:

Academic papers on eye tracking and gaze-based authentication.

Documentation for Python and OpenCV libraries.

Previous projects and case studies in secure authentication methods.

1.5 Overview

The overview section provides a brief introduction to the role of data science and
machine learning in enhancing security measures. It highlights the innovative
approach of using Morse code and eye-tracking technology to provide a contactless
and secure authentication method. The system is designed to offer a secure
alternative to traditional methods, addressing both security and accessibility

2. General Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The Morse Code Based Secured Authentication System aims to integrate advanced
technology into the authentication process. The system utilizes gaze-based PIN
entry techniques, which involve the user entering their PIN through a series of eye
blinks. This method is highly secure as it leaves no physical traces and is difficult
for unauthorized users to replicate.

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2.2 Product Features

The system includes several key features:

 Gaze-based PIN Entry: Users can enter their PIN using eye blinks, which are
captured and interpreted by the system.

 Real-time Eye Tracking: The system captures eye movements in real time,
ensuring accurate and immediate processing.

 Integration with Python and OpenCV: The system uses these technologies for the
frontend (GUI) and backend (data processing and validation).

 High Security: The method provides a high level of security, reducing the risk of
unauthorized access.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The system is designed for a diverse range of users, including:

 General Users: Individuals who require secure access to their accounts.

 Users with Disabilities: Individuals with motor disabilities who may find
traditional methods challenging.

 High-Security Environments: Users in sectors such as banking and healthcare

where secure access control is critical.

2.4 Operating Environment

The system requires the following components for operation:

 Web Camera: Used to capture eye blinks and movements.

 Python: Programming language used for system development.

 OpenCV: Library used for image processing and eye-tracking functionalities.

 User-Friendly GUI: Interface through which users interact with the system.

 Secure Backend: Handles data processing and storage.

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2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

Key assumptions and dependencies for the system include:

 Reliable Web Camera: A functional and high-quality web camera is necessary for
accurate eye tracking.

 Internet Connection: Required for real-time processing and system updates.

 Python Libraries: Dependencies include PIL and OpenCV for image processing
and user interface.

 Secure Database: A robust database to store and manage user credentials securely.

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 External Interface Requirements

3.1.1 User Interfaces

The system’s user interface consists of:

 Registration Page: Allows users to enter and register their credentials, including a
user ID, PIN, and a keyword.

 Login Page: Enables users to authenticate themselves using gaze-based PIN entry.
The GUI is designed to be intuitive and accessible, ensuring ease of use for all

3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces

The system interacts with hardware primarily through a web camera:

 Web Camera: Captures eye movements and blinks, which are then processed by
the system. No additional hardware is needed, making the system simple to

3.1.3 Software Interfaces

Software interfaces involve:

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 Python and OpenCV: Used for frontend and backend processes, including
capturing and processing eye blinks, converting them to Morse code, and
validating them against stored credentials.

 Database: Securely stores user credentials and manages authentication processes.

3.1.4 Communication Interfaces

Communication within the system is internal, involving secure data exchange between:

 GUI and Web Camera: Capturing and displaying real-time eye movements.

 Backend and Database: Secure protocols ensure data integrity and confidentiality
during processing and storage.

3.2 Functional Requirements

3.2.1 System Feature #1: Registration

The registration process involves:

 User Input: Users enter a user ID, password (PIN), and a keyword.

 Data Storage: Credentials are securely stored in the database for future

3.2.2 System Feature #2: Authentication

The authentication process includes:

 Gaze-Based Entry: Users authenticate by blinking their eyes in a specific pattern

corresponding to their PIN.

 Real-time Processing: The system captures and processes eye blinks, converts
them to Morse code, and validates them against stored credentials.

 Access Control: If the credentials match, access is granted; otherwise, access is


3.3 Non-functional Requirements

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3.3.1 Performance

The system is designed for high performance, with capabilities for:

 Real-time Processing: Ensuring quick and efficient user authentication without

noticeable delays.

3.3.2 Reliability

Reliability is ensured through:

 Accurate Processing: Minimizing false rejections and acceptances by accurately

processing eye blinks and PINs.

3.3.3 Availability

The system guarantees high availability by:

 24/7 Accessibility: Allowing users to authenticate themselves at any time without

significant downtime.

3.3.4 Security

Security measures include:

 Robust Encryption: Ensuring that user credentials are securely stored and

 Contactless Authentication: The gaze-based method leaves no physical traces,

enhancing security.

3.3.5 Maintainability

The system is designed for easy maintenance with:

 Modular Components: Allowing for straightforward updates and enhancements.

 Scalability: Ensuring that the system can be easily expanded or modified as


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3.3.6 Portability

Portability is achieved through:

 Cross-Platform Compatibility: The system can be deployed on various platforms

with minimal adjustments.

 Ease of Integration: Ensuring that the system can be easily integrated into existing

3.4 Logical Database Requirements

The database requirements include:

 Secure Storage: User credentials, including user ID, PIN, and keyword, are
securely stored.

 Efficient Operations: The database supports efficient retrieval and update

operations to ensure smooth authentication processes and user management.

This detailed breakdown provides a comprehensive view of the Morse Code Based
Secured Authentication System, covering all aspects from introduction to specific

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