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Discussion Guide


 Have a simple and short introduction session with the focus group and introduce the purpose
of the discussion session.
 Introduce the title and significance of each participant to the discussion on “Consumer
Preference Between Online Shopping and In-Store or Physical Shopping.”
 Thank the participants for showing up and sacrificing their busy schedules.

Warm-up Questions

 Kindly introduce yourself and share with us the nature of your shopping habits. Do you
prefer online or in-store shopping?
 The majority of people consider both online and in-store shopping depending on the type of
shopping they are doing. In what instances do you prefer online shopping and physical store
Personal Opinion regarding Online Shopping

 What is your overall opinion about online shopping when compared to in-store shopping?
 Which is your preferred shopping option between online and in-store shopping? Why?

Preference for Online Shopping

 Convenience and Accessibility

1. How significant is convenience when considering online shopping?
2. Is there an effect on shipping costs and delivery times when shopping online? How?

 Variety and Availability of Diverse Products

1. Does shopping online expose one to a huge variety of products compared to online?
2. Is there an instance where you failed to find a product in-store but you were able to find it
 Price and Discounts
1. Is there a difference in prices between online and in-store shopping? Are online shopping
prices better?
2. How do discounts and promotions when shopping online affect your shopping behavior?
 User Experience and Technology
1. How user-friendly are online shopping websites and apps?
2. Have you ever experienced any technical issues or challenges when shopping online?
Preference for In-Store Shopping

 Product Examination
1. How important is the ability to physically see and touch products before purchasing?
2. Do you trust online product reviews and descriptions when compared to physically seeing
products in person?
 Immediate Gratification
1. What are the benefits and significance of taking a product home immediately after
making a purchase?
 Customer Help and Support
1. Is there an influence of in-person customer service in your preference to shop in-person?
 Shopping Experience
1. Does shopping in-store provide fulfillment and an overall shopping experience in terms
of ambiance and social interactions?
Safety and Security Concerns
1. Do security concerns affect your preference for online shopping or in-store shopping?
2. How do you feel about sharing payment information and personal private information
when shopping online?
Impact of COVID-19
1. How did the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic affect your current shopping habits?
Suggestions for Improvements
1. What are some of the improvements that you may want integrated into online shopping
2. What changes when made in in-store shopping would make them more appealing to you?
1. Is there anything else you would like to share about your shopping preference?
2. Thanking participants for their contributions and explaining the significance of their
Focus Group Report
Background and Purpose
The rise of e-commerce has shaped the way people shop. Thus, understanding consumer
preference between online and in-store shopping is crucial for retail companies i.e., both new
entrants and present ones in their attempt to reach consumers maximize their revenue, and
maintain or improve their market dominance. This study was performed to identify the key
factors that influence consumer preferences between online and in-store shopping.
1. Group Procedures
Roles: Yuki Hirano as the moderator, Quincy Wright and Kevin Mathews as note-takers, and
Edwards Martins as an observer.
Duration: The focus group lasted for around two hours.
Location: The session was held via Zoom.
Refreshments were not provided since the meeting was virtual.
Time: The focus group meeting occurred between 1800hrs and 1930hrs.
2. Participants
Demographics: The meeting had a total of 8 participants where 3 were men and 4 were ladies.
Their age bracket was between 20-45 years consisting of a mix of working family professionals
and students.
Group Dynamics: All participants were cooperative and responded positively to all the questions
asked. The were no dominant speakers and the discussion was limited to the topic in context.
Participants described online shopping as "convenient," "time-saving," "varied," and "cost-
effective" while on the other hand, the participants viewed in-store shopping as "interactive,"
"reliable," “enjoyable” and “fulfilling.” The key factors that influence online shopping include
convenience, product variety, and price discounts. On the other hand, in-store shopping was
considered for its tangibility, immediate gratification, and customer help service. Security
concerns and data breaks were associated more with online shopping. On the other hand, in-store
shopping was associated with challenges with parking slots and time consuming while online
shopping was sometimes associated with delivery of damaged or non-functional goods.
The results obtained showed that there has been a steady rise and preference for online shopping.
On the other hand, the value of in-store shopping is still present due to the ability to physically
interact with products and the presence of immediate support or help. The study also pointed out
the need for retailers to enhance the online shopping experience by improving website usability,
ensuring that security threats are sorted out and customers' shopping data are well protected. On
the other hand, to ensure that the in-store shopping experience is improved, it is necessary to
improve customer service and ensure the shopping environment is reliable and accommodative
to the huge consumer base.
Future Research Areas
1. Study the customer loyalty difference between online and in-store shoppers
1. H1: The use of virtual reality and high-quality images in online shopping platforms will
increase the level of customer satisfaction and engagement.
2. H2: In-store customers are more loyal to certain brands when compared to online
3. H3: The presence of active customer support leads to customers completing their

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