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Woodleigh School

Year 12 English– Unit 4

SAC 2 Presenting
VCAA Task:

Students apply their understanding of the use of argument and language to create a point of view text
for oral presentation. Through active listening, reading and viewing, students monitor and evaluate
arguments on a topic of their choice, and then plan and develop their own point of view text on that
topic. They present their points of view as a discussion, dialogue or debate, or in a presentation mode
that best suits their context, purpose and audience.

Details of the SAC:

You are to produce a persuasive oral speech that is:

a. 5 - 6 minutes in length,

b. Well-researched, rehearsed and presented to peers,

c. Delivered during your first lesson of Week 2, Term 3. (Should a student be

unable to present on their allocated day without a permitted extension, they will
receive a ‘Not Assessed’ grade),

d. Uploaded to SEQTA on the day of the presentation, to be checked for plagiarism

and collusion through the program Turnitin;

e. Printed and presented in hard copy to assessors before you present, for their
reference; (you will be assessed by your teacher and one other Senior English

f. Referenced, including links to sites used for evidence, printed at the end of
your transcript.

2. You will be asked to select a topic that has been presented in the media since September
1st 2023, providing evidence of articles published. You have been provided with a list of
relevant issues below, however, if you are passionate about another issue, please
negotiate the topic with your teacher;

3. You are expected to be extremely familiar with your speech and are permitted cue
cards during your presentation;

4. Audio-visual resources, props or costumes are permitted; however, these are not
required, nor do they receive additional marks.

 Generative AI
 Cybersecurity threats
 Workforce challenges- pay gap, skills shortages, health system
 Environmental and climate change issues
 Australian protests on international issues/ social cohesion

FEEDBACK AND GUIDANCE: you will not be permitted to submit and receive feedback on your

drafts – either in part or in full. You can however ask specific questions in relation to your speech

either in person OR via email.

PLANNING PROFORMA: The following proforma outlining the plan for your oral presentation

must be completed and signed off by your English teacher prior to the end of Week 1. This is an

important opportunity for your teacher to give you advice and direction regarding your speech – your

chosen issue, context, purpose and audience.


Planning Response

1. What is the issue? Australian Federal Government

2. Why has this become an Australian political spectrum shifting further right

3. Have you attached a printout - 29/1/24

or link of an article as
evidence of this issue being overseas/exports-and-gst - 28/7/23
in the media since September
2023? - 30/5/24 - N/a

properly - 8/4/24 - 17/9/23 -

29/1/24 30/5/24 - 19/5/23

expansion - 20/5/24

4. Who are the key individuals Both major Australian political parties (Shifting right and not
or groups involved in the
issue? Briefly outline how improving the issue
these stakeholders are
impacted by the issue.

5. What is your contention?

6. Who is your target audience? Young to Middle age Australians that are left leaning and

believe in the power of the people vs Private company

7. What is your intention for To see the flaws in the government and understand how they
your audience?
can act.

8. Do you have a persona that

you will take on? Why have
you chosen this perspective?
Where would you likely
present this?
9. Outline how you will
construct your argument –
what will your aims or
supporting arguments be in
the opening, the middle and
the close of your argument?

10. Note down a selection of

language choices and
persuasive devices you
intend to use.

11. Outline how your target

audience might have
influenced these language
choices and the impact you
are hoping to achieve.
12. Use this space to outline
deadlines you might set
yourself for the research,
planning and rehearsing of
your oral presentation.


I _______________________________ declare that my oral presentation is a product of my own
making. I understand that my work will be checked for plagiarism and use of AI tools.
I acknowledge that if there is evidence of plagiarism and a reliance on AI, that I will jeopardise my
grade for this assessment.

SIGNATURE OF STUDENT: _________________

SIGNATURE OF TEACHER: ________________

VCE English: Performance descriptors


Performance descriptors

DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range

Key skills Very low Low Medium High Very high

Apply the intent Recounts an Uses argument(s) Provides a clear Presents a Creates a
and logical experience of the that support a contention and contention and contention that
development of an selected issue. contention. argument(s) creates a addresses the
argument. connected to the presentation with complexity of the
contention, sequenced and issue and
creates a supported composes an
sequence. arguments, engaging
Unit 4 including appeals presentation to
Outcome 2 to connect with an position an
(Task 2) audience. intended
Develop and
employing a
present an oral
complex set of
point of view
arguments linked
clearly to the

Apply the Refers to Provides Embeds selected Incorporates Integrates releva

different evidence evidence with evidence with evidence into relevant evidence and compelling
an author uses to some relationship relevance to the supporting into supporting evidence into all
support to the selected selected issue. argument(s) in arguments to supporting
arguments. issue. order to create a arguments with a
persuade. persuasive effect. clear intention to
create a
persuasive effect
Apply the Uses vocabulary Uses appropriate Uses relevant and Employs Employs
language used by that refers to the vocabulary to persuasive appropriate and appropriate and
the author to selected issue. refer to the vocabulary and persuasive persuasive
position or selected issue. language features vocabulary and vocabulary,
persuade an to position an language features including the use
audience to audience. to craft a of specialist
share a point of presentation that language, and
view, and the positions the creative languag
way in which audience. features to create
arguments and a presentation th
language positions the
complement one audience.
another and
interact to
position the

Apply [an] identity Attempts to Uses a generic Constructs a Creates and Creates an apt,
and context construct a voice voice and distinct voice for a sustains a sustained and
[appropriate to] within a context. identifies a stated context. credible voice with individual voice
the intended context. a connected to a connected
audience. context. appropriately with
a clear context.

Apply the key Attempts to use Uses a structure Uses structures Uses structures Uses structures
structures and structures and and features and features in a and features of a and features
features of a features of a appropriate to a deliberate manner spoken point of seamlessly to
spoken point of spoken point of spoken point of to engage the view text to create a spoken
view text. view text. view text. audience. intentionally point of view text
position the that position the
audience. audience in
nuanced and
subtle ways.

KEY to marking scale based on the outcome contributing 20 marks

Very low 1–4 Low 5–8 Medium 9–12 High 13–16 Very high 17–20

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