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Solving Traffic Congestion Around Schools

Traffic congestion during school hours is a common issue that affects students, parents,
and residents alike. Let’s explore some strategies to alleviate this problem:
1. Educate Parents: Raise awareness about alternative transportation options, such
as walking, biking, or carpooling. Encourage parents to consider these alternatives
to reduce the number of cars around schools1.
2. Promote Walking and Biking: Encourage students to walk or bike to
school. Safe pedestrian routes and a “walking school bus” program can help make
this feasible1.
3. Carpooling: Encourage parents to share rides. Carpooling reduces the overall
number of vehicles arriving at school, easing congestion2.
4. Map Safe Routes: Create safe pedestrian routes to guide students and
parents. Highlight crosswalks, traffic signals, and designated drop-off zones3.
5. Implement School Busing: Consider school bus services to reduce traffic
congestion at access points and on roads2.
6. Alter Drop-Off and Pick-Up Rules: Adjust the times during which parents can
drop off or pick up their children. Staggering bell times may also help1.
7. Strategically Funnel Traffic: Regulate the number of entry and exit points
around schools. Fewer access points can reduce congestion2.

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