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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

Chapter 1


In modern households, the demand for automation has extended beyond cleaning and
cooking to include laundry management. As daily schedules become increasingly hectic, the
time-consuming and labor-intensive task of handling laundry presents a significant
inconvenience. To address this challenge, our project focuses on developing an innovative
robot designed specifically for laundry applications, equipped with a weight sensor to
measure the weight of clothes accurately. This robot aims to streamline the laundry process,
enhance efficiency, and reduce human intervention, making it an invaluable asset in
contemporary homes.

The primary motivation behind this project is to alleviate the burden of laundry
chores, which often consume substantial amounts of time and effort. Traditional laundry
methods require manual sorting, loading, and monitoring, which can be particularly
challenging for individuals with busy lifestyles, physical limitations, or large families. By
integrating automation into the laundry process, our robot aims to provide a seamless and
convenient solution that not only simplifies the task but also ensures optimal handling of
clothes based on their weight.

A crucial aspect of our laundry robot’s functionality is its ability to navigate

autonomously within the home environment. This is achieved through a combination of
preprogrammed paths and real-time obstacle detection. The robot's navigation system uses a
map of the household, allowing it to follow pre-set routes to move between rooms, laundry
baskets, and washing machines efficiently. The heart of our laundry robot's control system is
an Arduino microcontroller, chosen for its versatility, ease of use, and extensive community
support. Arduino boards are well-suited for prototyping and implementing embedded
systems, making them ideal for our project. The firmware developed for this system
processes sensor data and controls the actuators, ensuring precise and efficient operation. The
software algorithms implemented for weight calculation, sorting, and handling are optimized
for performance and reliability.

Dept. of ECE, MITE, Moodabidri. 2023-2024

RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

To ensure safe and efficient travel, the robot is equipped with various sensors,
including infrared (IR) sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and LIDAR. These sensors enable the
robot to detect and avoid obstacles in its path. When an obstacle is detected, the robot’s
control system dynamically adjusts its route to navigate around it, ensuring continuous
operation without human intervention. This combination of preprogrammed navigation and
real-time obstacle avoidance allows the robot to operate autonomously, even in dynamic
home environments.

The development of a laundry robot equipped with a weight sensor represents a

significant advancement in home automation technology. By addressing the challenges
associated with traditional laundry methods, this project aims to provide a convenient,
efficient, and user-friendly solution for modern households. Through careful design,
implementation, and integration of advanced technologies, including preprogrammed
navigation and real-time obstacle detection, the laundry robot has the potential to transform
the way we manage our laundry, ultimately improving our quality of life. This project not
only highlights the possibilities of automation in everyday tasks but also paves the way for
future innovations.

1.1 Structure of report

Chapter 1: This chapter deals with the introduction

Chapter 2: This chapter describes the literature survey done on the concerned topic

Chapter 3: This includes the Internet Of Things description

Chapter 4: This includes Embedded System description

Chapter 5: The hardware and software descriptions are explained in this chapter

Chapter 6: The results and implementation of the project are explained in this chapter

Chapter 7: The results and discussions are explained in this chapter.

Chapter 8: The chapter concludes and describes the future enhancement of the proposed

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

Chapter 2

This literature survey is a schematic method for identifying, evaluating, and
interpreting the work produced by researchers, scholars, and practitioners. The purpose of a
literature review is to gain an understanding of the existing research and debates relevant to a
particular topic or area of prior scholarship to prevent duplication and give credit to other

2.1 Literature Review

Kunchev et al., [1]: This paper examines improved robot navigation via obstacle avoidance.
It details how relevant research was identified, what types of studies were included, and how
data was extracted. The analysis approach for comparing methods and highlighting
advancements in navigation is explained. An optional quality assessment step might be
included. Robots can navigate without human intervention, improving efficiency in various
applications like manufacturing and cleaning. Helps prevent collisions, protecting both the
robot and its surroundings, which is crucial in environments like factories.

Baharuddin et al., [2]: This paper presents a proposed line sensor configuration to improve
the navigation reliability of the differential drive line following robot. This can be achieved
by an alf navigation strategy. It is used for navigation of T-junction, 90-degree bends, and a
grid junction. It also senses any type of obstacle in its way and can also control speed with
the help of a speed regulator. Further improvement can be done in the robot by using a
greater number of IR sensors or an array of IR sensors.

G Eleftheriou et al., [3]: This paper focuses on the optimization of the line-tracking and
following control technique used in high-speed autonomous movable IoT devices such as
line-following robotic vehicles. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that the proposed
approach aids and improves the performance of line-following robots compared to the
traditional PID technique. There is no interference with electrical devices and infrared

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

technology is simple and extremely cheap. The shield is simple hence no licenses are

Karrach et al., [4]: The proposed Data Matrix code localization method uses typical Finder
Pattern and Timing Pattern patterns, local thresholding, connection of adjoining points into
continuous regions, and external region boundaries to identify Data Matrix candidates in the
image. In assessing their benefits, their low cost, accuracy, speed, reliability, flexibility, and
efficiency as well as the ability to record large amounts of data in a small area, they appear to
be ideal means for industrial applications.

Baballe et al., [5]: A motor is a machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. The motor consists of a fixed part and a fixed rotating part that contains electrical
energy. It is represented by current and voltage, and the rotating part has kinetic energy. It is
represented by torque and speed. Servos are mainly used on angular or linear positions and
for specific velocity, and acceleration. Companies heavily use servo motors because of how
compact and potent it is. Despite its size, it generates quite a amount of power and is known
to be incredibly energy-efficient.

Matijevics et al., [6]: This paper likely details building a system for mobile robots using
infrared sensors and a microcontroller. It covers sensor selection, interfacing with the
microcontroller, programming for data processing and robot control, and system testing. This
equips robots with obstacle avoidance, line following, and object detection abilities.
Affordable infrared sensors give robots basic object detection day or night. Their low power
consumption and fast response times make them ideal for navigating environments in real-

Wan et al., [7]: The proposed mobile robot system design (Little Helper prototype), an
appropriate industrial application (multiple-part feeding), an implementation concept for the
industrial application (the Bartender Concept), a mathematical model and a genetic
algorithm-based heuristic is proposed. It detects impediments in its path automatically and
steers clear of them by turning in a different direction. The necessity for any autonomous
mobile robot is the ability to avoid collisions, which is made possible by this design.

Mustafa et al., [8]: The objective of this paper to build a robot with a microcontroller, motor
driver, and DC motor. Design software for desired motion (e.g. PID). Add sensors (optional)
Dept. of ECE, MITE, Moodabidri. 2023-2024
RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

for precise control. Test, analyze, and refine for optimal robot performance. Microcontrollers
can enable robotics by controlling the motors, servos, sensors, and other components that
make up the robot and its body and behavior.

Tariq Younis et al., [9]: The paper proposes a new algorithm for Robotino robots to
navigate and avoid obstacles using infrared sensors. This algorithm utilizes a Straight-Line
Equation adaptation mechanism to ensure Robotino reaches its destination while detecting
and maneuvering around static or dynamic obstacles using strategically placed infrared
sensors. The algorithm is designed to handle both static and dynamic obstacles, making it
suitable for various real-world applications where the environment may change
unpredictably. By dynamically generating actions to avoid obstacles in real
time, the algorithm.

Pazil et al., [10]: In this paper the microcontroller used is Arduino Uno. Bluetooth modules
in connected to the microcontroller to communicate with the user. Aurdino module is
connected with the speaker to alert there is an obstacle present. The robot may be utilized for
a variety of tasks by implementing certain logical commands. By adding more IR sensors, the
robot in the line after you can become more exact. This robot may be employed in
businesses, medical facilities, and even by the military. Conveyor belts can be replaced by
this robot.

2.2 Motivation

The laundry robot is to reduce the time and effort required for laundry tasks,
especially for busy individuals or those with physical limitations. By integrating automation
with advanced technologies like weight sensors and obstacle detection, the robot aims to
simplify the laundry process, optimize resource usage, and enhance convenience, ultimately
improving the quality of life and showcasing the potential of smart home technologies.

2.3 Scope of project

Develop an autonomous laundry robot equipped with weight sensors and obstacle
detection, capable of efficiently handling, sorting, and transporting clothes. Integrating
advanced technologies, the robot will streamline the laundry process, optimize resource

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

usage, and enhance convenience, demonstrating the potential for smart home automation

2.4 Proposed system

The system is a sophisticated laundry robot featuring weight sensors for the accurate
weight of cloth and tracking of any misplaced cloth, powered by an Arduino microcontroller.
Equipped with obstacle detection and advanced navigation algorithms, it autonomously sorts
picks up, and delivers laundry items. Integrated IoT capabilities allow remote monitoring and

2.5 Problem statement

The current laundry process, particularly for busy individuals and families, is often
inconvenient and time-consuming. Manually transporting laundry to and from the
laundromat adds extra tasks and time is wasted. Keeping track of laundry items and ensuring
they are not lost or misplaced during the process can be stressful

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

Chapter 3


The Big data movement was enabled by the amalgamation of technology drivers
increasing volumes of unstructured data, low-cost commodity servers, and a thirst for faster
answers, likewise, several various technological advances have converged to enable the
Internet of everything. The connecting every moment of things embedded with electronics,
software, and sensors to the Internet enables to collection and exchange of data without
human interaction called the Internet of Things (IoT).

3.1 Overview of IOT

The Internet of Things is bridging the virtual world with the real world and the
mobile networks need to scale to match the demands of 22-48 billion things while the
processing capabilities need to address the information provided by the digital shadow of
these real things. Any technology available today has not reached its 100% capability and it
always cannot go. So, we can say that the Internet of Things is a notable technology in a
world that can help other technologies to reach its accurate and complete 100% capability as
well. The IoT is the network of physics all objects that contain embedded technology to
communicate and sense or communicate with their internal states or the external
environment. The confluence of efficient wireless protocols, cheaper processors, enhanced
sensors, and a bevy of startups and established companies developing the necessary
management and application software, has finally made the concept of the IoT mainstream.

3.2 Internet of Things in Home Automation Domain

The Internet of Things (IoT) in home automation integrates various smart devices and
systems, enabling remote control and automation of household functions. Examples include
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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

smart lighting, thermostats, security cameras, locks, and appliances, all interconnected
through a central hub or network. These devices can be managed via smartphones, tablets, or
voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. IoT enhances convenience by
allowing users to automate tasks such as adjusting lighting or heating, improving energy
efficiency by optimizing resource use, and increasing security through real-time monitoring
and alerts. This technology transforms homes into smart, responsive environments tailored to
the users' needs.

Fig.3.1 Internet of Home Automation

3.3 Internet of Things in Health Care Domain

The Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare domain revolutionizes patient care and
medical services through interconnected devices and systems. IoT-enabled devices such as
wearable sensors, remote monitoring tools, and smart medical equipment collect real-time
health data, enabling continuous monitoring of patients' vital signs and conditions. This data
can be analyzed to provide insights for personalized treatment, early detection of health
issues, and timely interventions. IoT in healthcare enhances efficiency, improves patient
outcomes, and reduces costs by enabling telemedicine, remote diagnostics, and better
management of chronic diseases. It also facilitates seamless communication and data sharing
among healthcare providers.

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

Fig.3.2 Internet of Medical Things

Chapter 4


An embedded system is a specialized computing system designed to perform

dedicated functions within a larger device. It integrates hardware and software optimized for
specific tasks, often operating under real-time constraints. These systems are characterized
by efficiency, compact size, and low power consumption, making them ideal for applications
in consumer electronics, automotive, healthcare, and industrial automation. Despite their
advantages, they face challenges like limited resources and complex development.

4.1 Embedded System Overview

An embedded system is a specialized computing system designed to perform

dedicated tasks within a larger system. It typically includes a microcontroller or
microprocessor, memory, input/output interfaces, and embedded software or firmware. These
systems are optimized for specific functionality and often operate under real-time constraints,
requiring timely and predictable responses. Embedded systems are resource-constrained,
with limited processing power, memory, and power consumption, and they need to be highly
reliable and stable, especially in critical applications like automotive controls and medical
devices. They are used in a wide array of applications, from consumer electronics like
smartphones and smart TVs to industrial automation, healthcare devices, and

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

The development process involves requirements analysis, system design,

implementation, testing, and deployment, followed by maintenance and updates. Despite
challenges such as resource constraints, real-time performance, and security concerns,
embedded systems are integral to modern technology, driving innovation and efficiency
across various sectors.

4.2 Features

 Specific Functionality: Embedded systems are designed to perform a single, specific task
efficiently. This focused functionality allows for optimized performance tailored to the
 Real-Time Operation: Many embedded systems must respond to inputs or events within a
defined time frame. This real-time capability is critical for applications like automotive
controls and industrial automation.
 Resource Constraints: Embedded systems typically have limited processing power,
memory, and storage. These constraints necessitate efficient use of available resources to
achieve desired performance.
 Embedded Software/Firmware: They run specialized software or firmware that is
optimized for the hardware. This close integration enhances performance and ensures
efficient operation.
 Hardware and Software Co-Design: Both hardware and software are developed together
to maximize efficiency and performance. This co-design approach ensures optimal use of
system resources.
 Interfacing and Connectivity: Equipped with interfaces like GPIO, UART, I2C, and SPI
to communicate with other components. Some systems also include network connectivity
options like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

4.3 Merits

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

 Efficiency: Embedded systems are optimized for specific tasks, leading to highly efficient
performance. This optimization results in faster processing and lower power consumption
compared to general-purpose systems.
 Compact Size: Their small form factor allows integration into limited spaces, making
them ideal for portable and space-constrained applications. This compactness is crucial
for modern electronics and wearables.
 Cost-Effectiveness: They are designed to be cost-effective, balancing performance with
affordability. This makes them suitable for mass production and widespread use in
consumer products.
 Reliability: Embedded systems are designed for high reliability and long-term stability.
This reliability is critical for applications in healthcare, automotive, and industrial
 Low Power Consumption: Many embedded systems are designed to consume minimal
power, extending battery life in portable devices. This low power consumption is
essential for energy-efficient applications.
 Security: Embedded systems can incorporate robust security measures to protect against
unauthorized access and cyber threats. This security is vital for critical and sensitive

4.4 Demerits

 Limited Resources: Embedded systems often have restricted processing power, memory,
and storage. These constraints can limit their functionality and performance in more
complex tasks.
 Complex Development: Designing and developing embedded systems can be complex
and time-consuming. Specialized knowledge of both hardware and software is required to
create efficient solutions.
 Inflexibility: Once an embedded system is designed, it can be difficult to modify or
upgrade. This lack of flexibility can be a disadvantage in rapidly changing technological

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

 Debugging Challenges: Debugging embedded systems can be more challenging

compared to general-purpose systems. Limited visibility into system operations and
constrained resources complicate troubleshooting.
 High Initial Costs: The initial design and development costs for embedded systems can
be high. This is especially true for custom solutions that require specialized hardware and
 Maintenance and Updates: Providing updates and maintenance for embedded systems can
be difficult. Firmware updates may require physical access to the device, which is not
always feasible.

Chapter 5


This chapter provides a detailed overview of the hardware and software requirements
that are used in the project. The success of any project relies heavily on the selection and
utilization of appropriate hardware and software tools, making it essential to choose the right
components for the project. This chapter aims to provide a detailed explanation of the
hardware and software components used in this project. This chapter provides a
comprehensive overview of the hardware and software requirements used in the project,
laying the foundation for the successful implementation of the project.

5.1 Hardware components

In this chapter hardware used in this project is explained in detail.

5.1.1 Arduino UNO

The Arduino Uno is a popular microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It

features 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button, making it ideal for beginners
and versatile for various electronic projects.

Fig.5.1: Arduino UNO

5.1.2 Servo Motor

A servo motor is a rotary actuator that allows for precise control of angular position,
velocity, and acceleration. It consists of a motor coupled with a sensor for position feedback.
Commonly used in robotics, remote-controlled vehicles, and automation, it operates on a
closed-loop system for accurate movements.

Fig.5.2: Servo Motor

5.1.3 Load Cell

A load cell is a transducer that converts mechanical force into an electrical signal.
Typically used in weighing systems, industrial scales, and force measurement applications, it

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

employs strain gauges to detect deformation and measure weight or force with high accuracy.
Load cells come in various types, including single-point, shear beam, and compression.

Fig.5.3 Load Cell

5.1.4 Motor Driver

A motor driver is an electronic device that interfaces between a microcontroller and a

motor, allowing the microcontroller to control the motor's speed, direction, and operation. It
typically handles higher current and voltage levels than the microcontroller can directly

Fig.5.4: Motor Driver

5.1.5 DMC Scanner

A DMC (Data Matrix Code) scanner is a device used to read Data Matrix codes,
which are two-dimensional barcodes consisting of black and white cells arranged in a square
or rectangular pattern. These codes can store large amounts of data in a compact space. DMC
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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

scanners are widely used in industries like manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare for
tracking, inventory management, and identification purposes.

Fig.5.5 DMC Scanner

5.1.6 Ultrasonic Sensor

An ultrasonic sensor is a device that measures distance by emitting ultrasonic waves

and detecting their reflection from an object. It consists of a transmitter and receiver,
operating on the principle of sound wave reflection. Commonly used in applications such as
obstacle detection, level measurement, and robotic navigation, ultrasonic sensors are valued
for their accuracy and reliability in various environmental conditions.

Fig.5.6 Ultrasonic Sensor

5.1.7 IR Sensor

An IR (infrared) sensor detects infrared radiation from objects in its field of view. It
consists of an IR LED that emits light and a photodiode that detects reflected light. Used in

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

proximity sensing, motion detection, and remote controls, IR sensors are common in
applications like security systems, automatic doors, and consumer electronics.

Fig.5.7 IR Sensor

5.2 Software Requirement

The software component used in the project plays a crucial role in the effective
implementation of the project. The software component used in this project is Arduino
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The software component used in the project is
essential for the effective implementation of the project. The Arduino IDE provides a user-
friendly interface for programming and uploading code to the Arduino board. The use of
software component ensures the accurate and reliable monitoring of the environmental
conditions being monitored in the project

5.2.1 Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE is a free, cross-platform software application that allows users to
write and upload code to the Arduino boards. The Arduino IDE is designed to be easy to use
for beginners and provides a simple, text-based programming interface. It supports a range of
programming languages, including C and C++, and includes a library of pre-written code
called "sketches" that can be used as a starting point for projects.

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

One of the key features of the Arduino IDE is its support for third-party libraries and
hardware platforms. This allows users to easily extend the capabilities of the Arduino boards
by adding new functionality and features. The Arduino community has developed a large
number of libraries and hardware platforms that can be used with the Arduino IDE, making it
a powerful and flexible tool for building a wide range of projects. In addition to its ease of
use and support for third-party libraries and hardware platforms, the Arduino IDE also
includes a range of tools for debugging and testing code. It includes a serial monitor that
allows users to view data being sent to and from the Arduino board, as well as a built-in
simulator that allows users to test code without the need for physical hardware.

Chapter 6


The design and implementation of RoboWash, an innovative automated laundry

collection, involved a combination of hardware and software components. The system's
hardware components, including IR sensors, load cells, traction motors, and a servo motor,
were procured and assembled to build the physical robot. The Arduino Uno acted as the
central control unit, processing sensor data and controlling the motors. The firmware was
developed to interface with sensors and actuators, and a user interface was created for
controlling and monitoring RoboWash operations. The system's design ensured safe
navigation through IR sensors, precise weight measurement through load cells, and efficient
movement through traction motors. The servo motor enabled precise handling of laundry
items, and the Arduino Uno coordinated the actions of all hardware components. The
software development involved programming the Arduino Uno to control hardware
components and interface with sensors and actuators, and creating a user interface for users
to control RoboWash operations, monitor status, and receive alerts.

Dept. of ECE, MITE, Moodabidri. 2023-2024

RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

The integration and testing phase ensured that all hardware and software components
worked together seamlessly, and the system was deployed in real-world environments.
Finally, protocols were established for monitoring and maintenance to ensure the ongoing
performance and reliability of RoboWash. Through this design and implementation,
RoboWash provides an efficient, convenient, and hassle-free laundry management solution
that automates tasks and provides real-time status updates, revolutionizing the way
laundry is done.

The hardware components were procured and assembled to build the physical
RoboWash system. The Arduino Uno was programmed to control hardware components and
interface with sensors and actuators. Firmware was developed for the Arduino Uno and a
user interface was created for controlling and monitoring RoboWash operations. The
hardware and software components were integrated and tested to ensure proper functionality.
The fully integrated RoboWash system was deployed in real-world environments. Protocols
were established for monitoring and maintenance to ensure ongoing performance and
reliability of RoboWash.

Left traction Ultrasonic

Load cell
motor sensor

Motor driver Arduino uno DMC


Servo Right traction Battery IR sensor

motor motor

Fig 6.1 Block diagram

Dept. of ECE, MITE, Moodabidri. 2023-2024

RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

The hardware and software components were integrated and tested to ensure proper
functionality. The fully integrated RoboWash system was deployed in real-world
environments. Protocols were established for monitoring and maintenance to ensure ongoing
performance and reliability of RoboWash.

Chapter 7


To evaluate the accuracy of the weight measurement system, we conducted multiple

tests using the load cell and HX711 amplifier integrated with the Arduino microcontroller.
We tested various loads ranging from 0.1 kg to 10 kg. The results showed a high degree of
accuracy, with an error margin of less than 2%. This ensures that the robot can determine the
appropriate amount of detergent and water needed for different loads of laundry. The
obstacle detection and navigation system were tested in a controlled environment with
various objects placed randomly. The robot, equipped with IR and ultrasonic sensors,
successfully detected and avoided obstacles 98% of the time. The navigation algorithms
allowed the robot to dynamically adjust its path, ensuring smooth movement around
obstacles. This confirms the robot's ability to operate autonomously in a household setting.

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

Chapter 8

The development of the autonomous laundry robot demonstrates a significant
advancement in household automation, addressing the labor-intensive and time-consuming
nature of traditional laundry tasks. By integrating weight sensors, obstacle detection, and an
Arduino microcontroller, the robot effectively streamlines the laundry process, optimizing
resource usage and enhancing convenience for users. The project followed a meticulous
methodology, encompassing requirement analysis, design, component selection, software
development, prototyping, testing, and field validation.

The robot's ability to autonomously sort, handle, and transport clothes showcases the
potential of integrating embedded system and IoT technologies into everyday appliances.
Rigorous testing and calibration ensured the system's accuracy and reliability, while user
feedback guided iterative improvements, enhancing the robot's functionality and user

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RoboWash: Automated laundry collection system

experience. This project not only improves the quality of life by reducing manual effort but
also sets a precedent for future research and development in the realm of household robotics.

7.1 Future Enhancement

The future of automated laundry collection promises an even more personalized experience.
Imagine a system that not only collects your laundry but also uses weight sensors to
automatically dispense the perfect amount of detergent, preventing waste and ensuring clean
clothes. These sensors could also predict potential problems, like overloaded units, allowing
for preventative maintenance. Advanced obstacle detection using cameras or AI could help
the system navigate around delicates or wet clothes, ensuring proper care. By integrating
with smart washers and dryers, the system could create a seamless laundry ecosystem,
automatically transmitting data to optimize wash cycles. This intelligent approach
personalizes the laundry experience for ultimate convenience.

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