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Make words

c ______________ 2. b ______________ 3. f _______________

4.______oo_____ 5. _______ee______ 6. _______ai________

7. _____a_____ 8. _____o_______ 9. _______u________

10. dr________



1. A minim is called _________________ . ( toa / taaaa)

2. A crochet is called ________________. ( fe / taa )
3. There are ______________ basic musical notes . 4/5
4. Musical notes make the __________________ of the music .
(pitch / rhythm)
5. Circle the odd one out

fe taa fa te


1. The ______________ is on the face.

2. We chew food with our _________________.

3. The food we eat goes into the ________________________.

4. The ______________ pumps blood.

5. We see with our _________________

6. We wear sport shoes to protect our _____________________.

Day 2

Vaka mazwi

1. s_______________ 2. t_______________ 3. d _____________

4. ch_____________ 5. mb _____________ 6. dz _____________

Maths and Science

1. 5 +3 = 2. 4+2+1=

3. 10 +3 = 4. 7+5 =

5. 5 and 9 make

6. The sum of 10 and 4 is

7. 9 plus 0 =

8. 8 add 4 =


Make sentences






Day 3


1. My name is ________________________________________.

2. I am a ____________________________.

3. My school is _____________________________________

4. My teacher is __________________________________________

5. Fighting is _____________________________.

6. ___________________ burns.

7. ____________________ is a game .

8. At home we live as a ___________________________.


Draw and write

1. mouse 2. Laptop 3. CPU

_________________ _________________ _______________

4. _________________,____________________,_________________
are parts of the computer.

5. A computer has __________________ parts.

6. We use a ________________ to type numbers and letters on

a computer.

7. In a computer lab we do not eat or ___________________.

Maths and Science

1. ________________ ,_________________and _________________

are types of soil.

2. Plants need ___________________ and water to grow .

3. Water is ___________________

4. Animals need ________________ to drink.

5. We use water to _________________ and _________________.

6. Water has no shape. It is ________________________.


Waka mazwi

1. b ______________ 2. t________________ 3. ch______________

4. dz______________ 5. bh________________

Ita mufananidzo

6. mukomana 7. zuva

8. vana vaviri



1. A _________________ is a human shelter.

2. A __________________ is an animal shelter .

3. A shelter is ____________________________.

4. People and ______________ need shelter.

Draw a line to match the animal to the shelter

Anthilll people

Spiderweb snake

Draw a line to match the animal to the shelter

Hole spider

House ants


One many

1. cup ____________

2. tree ` ____________

3. hen ____________ ____________

5. leaf ____________

Make words

6. l_____________ 7. ______u_________ 8. ______ar_______


1. keyb_____rd 2. C.p.____

3. We click using the ____________________

4. The brain of the computer is the ___________________

5. A __________________ has two buttons.

Draw and write

6. monitor 7. Cell phone

_____________________ _____________________

Maths and Science

= =12

3. Write thirteen in figures =______________

4. 1st 2nd _______ _________ 5th

5. 6. a __________
= ____

7. Write 7 in words ____________________________.

8. Tuesday is the ___________ day of the week.

9. There are _____________ days in a week.

Day 5


Mrs Chitima and Rudo are walking to the bus stop .Mrs
Chitima has a yellow dress .Rudo has a red dress.

1. Mrs _______________ and Rudo are walking to the bus


2. Mrs Chitima has a ____________ dress.

3. Who has a red dress ?

Make words

4. w ______________ 5. s____________ 6. _______u_______

7. f_______________ 8. br____________ 9. st____________

10. My friend is _______________________

10 | P a g e
Maths and Science

1. I eat ________________

2. I drink ________________

3. food helps us to ___________________

4. I clean my ears with _______________________________

( cotton buds / match sticks)

5. I eat breakfast in the _________________________

( afternoon /morning)

6. Before I eat I wash my hands with

__________________.(food / water)

7. We eat porridge with a ______________________.

( spoon /fork )


1. ____________________ songs are celebration songs .

(wedding / folktales)

2. We __________________ game songs .( sing /eat)

3. At a wedding, people sing and _________________.

(dance to music /cry)

4. A person who sings is a _____________. (musician /painter)

11 | P a g e
5. Musicians sing, move to the music and _________________

( weave / play musical instruments)

6. We sing celebration songs ___________________.

( when a new baby is born /when crying)

Day 6

1. p_________ 2. y____________ 3. v_____________

4. mb________ 5. mw__________ 6. dz____________

Isa muuzhinji

7. musha _____________
8. rata _____________
9. chitima _____________
10. badza _____________


1. Bad use of someone is _____________.

2. Abuse can be done by _____________.

12 | P a g e
3. Parents _____________ abuse their children.
4. Children need _____________ and _____________
5. At home I _____________ my parents .
6. We must keep our homes _____________ .

Maths and Science

1. 3 – 2 = 2. 5 -1 =

3. 4 – 2 = 4. 4 -3 =

5. 5 – 3 = 6. 10 -6 =

7. 3 mangoes take away 1 mango gives

8. 7 hens minus 2 hens equals

Day 7


1. I can balance on my _____________ and _____________

2. I can form a _____________ shape with my body.
feet / T-shape / hands
3. It is safe to roll on a _____________ (rope/mat)
4. We skip using _____________ (legs/hands)
5. We keep our toes pointed when we _____________
6. The legs and the _____________ should be straight when
we balance (arms/ears)

13 | P a g e

1. It is _____________ to play with electricity (bad /good)

2. Computers need _____________ to work. (food /electricity)
3. A _____________ treat people when they are sick

preacher /doctor

4. We go to _____________ if we are sick. (school / hospital)


5. Sc_______l 6. comp_________

7. doc______s

8. An_____________ carries sick people to the hospital

ax / ambulance


a e I o u
1. c_____p 2. m____n 3.h___t

Make words

4. b_____________ 5. r_____________ 6. s_____________

14 | P a g e
(drink / eat / wash / play)

7. I _____________ games.
8. I _____________ milk.
9. I _____________ rice.
10. I _____________ my body.

Day 8

Mazwi anopesana

1. Mukomana _____________
2. Murefa _____________
3. Chena _____________
4. Fara _____________
5. Enda _____________

Vaka mazwi

6. zh_________ 7. bh ____________ 8. b_____________

9. z_________ 10. g___________


1. My mother’s parents are my _____________

(enemies / grandparents)

2. We must _____________ elders. (respect /fight)

3. sick people go to the _____________ for help

(shops / hospital)

15 | P a g e
4. The national anthem is the song for _____________.
5. We see the _____________ colour on the flag.
6. Abuse is _____________ use of someone.
7. Every child needs _____________

Maths and Science

1. 1 + 2 +3 =
2. 3 + 12 =
3. 6 + 2+ 4 =
4. 8 +9 + 2 =
5. 6+8 =
6. 10 + 10 =
7. 10 + 9 =
8. 8 + 10 =
9. 0 + 20 =

10. 20 + 0 =

Day 9

1. We use a keyboard to _____________ letters and numbers

2. When I grow up I want to be a _____________.
3. We use a _____________ to draw or paint pictures

16 | P a g e
4. _____________ is used to paint on a computer
5. This is a _____________

6. I go to _____________ to learn.
7. _____________ is the name of my school



uhwu aya uyu iri

1. Badza _____________
2. Hwahwa _____________
3. Musha _____________
4. Mubairo _____________
5. Musikana _____________
6. Zuva _____________
7. Mazai _____________

17 | P a g e

Draw your friend and write 5 sentences

1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________

18 | P a g e
Maths and Science

nest kraal lion hen dog home

1. A habitat is a _____________
2. A _____________lives in a kennel
3. A bird lives in a ______________
4. A_________________ lives in a den
5. A______________lives in a fowl run
6. Cattle lives in _______________

DAY 10


1. I am a ___________________
2. Mother, father, and children make up a . (school /
family/ tree)
3. Mother and father are my ___________________
(parents / brother/ sister)

19 | P a g e
4. Grandmother and grandfather are my _______________
(brother and sister /grandparents)
5. The name of my school is_________________
6. The name of my teacher is________________
7. The name of my headmaster is________________


1. A_______________is a percussion instrument.


what is wrong with the crotchet?

( it is small / it is not shaded)
3. A__________________ is also called taa—aa
4. Draw a drum

5. l am percussion instrument and my name starts with a j.

Who am l? ( jingle/ jiggle )

20 | P a g e
6. To compose a song is to________________(create your own
song/sing other peoples’ songs)



There is no rain

It is dry

Father is seeing the cloud

It is not raining

Father is said

Father is smilling

He is happy now

It is raining

It is making the soil wet

It is making the plants grow

DAY 11


1. Kana zuva rabuda tinozarura_________________

2. Vakomana vanoraura ________________
3. VaMutema vanorima ________________
21 | P a g e
4. Sekuru vanotema huni ne________________
5. Baba vakavesa ________________
6. Amai vakabikira hove huru mu________________ huru
7. Sekuru vanotaura ne________________wavo
8. Akawarira________________pasi kuti arare pariri
hove , musuwo , demo , muriwo , muzukuru ,
moto , hari , jira


Complete: is am are have has

1. The boys ________________playing games

2. l ________________going to school
3. Mother________________cooking
4. She________________a red dress


5. Father _______________
6. Brother _______________
7. Big _______________
8. Tall _______________
9. Fat _______________

Maths and Science

1. Wild animals live in the _______________

2. Domestic animals are _______________
3. _______________ is a domestic animal
22 | P a g e
4. _______________ is a wild animal
5. A lion lives in a _______________
6. A _______________ lives in a fowl run
7. People use domestic animals for_______________
8. A shelter for fish is_______________

Day 12


1. My name is _______________
2. I am a _______________
3. I am in grade _______________
4. Zimbabwe is my _______________school / country / name
5. Greeting your neighbor is _______________
6. Our national flag has _______________
7. Games have _______________
8. Pada is a _______________

23 | P a g e

1. Lungs are _______________ body parts

2. We smell with our _______________
3. We wear gloves to protect our _______________
4. We have _______________ in the morning
lunch / breakfast
5. A _______________ is a good for our health .
cake / banana


1. Musicians _______________ songs

Name Time name
_______________ taa-aa aa aa

_______________ taa aa

_______________ te

_______________ fe

Day 13


Make words

1. s__________ 2. p____________ 3. ______ae______

4. _____oo____ 5. ______ur_____

24 | P a g e

6. The boys _______________ playing ( is /are / have)

7. Mother _______________ cooking sadza ( is / am / has)
8. Yesterday mother _______________ to town ( go / went)
9. Father is _______________ to work ( of / off / for)
10. My name is ________________________________


1. A _______________ is a part of a computer

2. A_______________ is type of a computer

Draw and write

3. Mouse 4. Monitor

5. Keyboard 6. CPU

25 | P a g e
Maths and Science

1. Draw a set of 5 cups

2. Write 7 in words_______________________________
3. 7 – 4 =__________
4. Tuesday is the _______________ day of the week
5. Chipo had 9 sweets. Peter had 8 sweets. Altogether they
have sweets
6. There are days in a week.
7. The last day of the week is _______________
8. 20 less 18 equals

Day 14


1. I _______________ my teeth in the morning

(brush /cut)
2. I go to_______________ to learn
(town /school)
3. The name of my school in _______________
4. We use a _______________ to draw or paint pictures
(radio /computer)
26 | P a g e
5. _______________ is used to paint on a computer
(keyboard/ mouse)


Make words
b______k m_____n f___t
t_______ t______l br____m
r____m d____r fl___r


Vaka mazwi

1. ch________ 2. ts_______ 3. ng_______

4. dz_________ 3.mw________

(dza /mwa / dzi / mba / chi)

6. Usiku kune mwe____________ wakachena
7. Baba vanogara pa __________garo chavo
8. Muguta mune dzi________ hombe
9. Amai vane ________ na mucheche
10. Tinorima neba________

27 | P a g e
Day 15

1. An orange is _______________ food


2. People need to _______________ on the land to produce

food to food . (work /play)
3. _______________ is a form of wealth

(a goat/water)

4. It is safe to keep your money _______________.

(under a stone/in a bank)

5. We can use money to _______________.

(pay school fees /make fire)

Maths and Science

1. 4 egg plus 3 eggs is eggs

2. Chipo has 2 sweets. Peter has 4 sweets. Altogether they
have sweets
3. 2 cows and 7 cows make cows
4. The sum of 4 girls and 5 girls is girls
5. 10 plus 4 =
6. 6. 15 + 5 =

28 | P a g e

1. A person who sings is a _______________

(producer / singer)

2. A music adjudicator judges musical activities

(True / False)

3. Music is produced in a _______________

(music studio / show room)

4. A _______________ is a musical instrument

(pen / hosho)

5. _______________ is not a musical fundraising activity

(drawing / instrument)

Day 16

Maths and science

(heavier / lighter)

1. A lion is _______________ than a hare

2. An elephant is _______________ than a tortoise
3. A hippopotamus is _______________ than a bird
4. A grape is _______________ than a watermelon
5. A tomato is _______________ than a pumpkin

29 | P a g e
>, < or =

6. 3 4 7. 9 9
8. 7 3+4 9. 10 3
10. 12 10


Read the story below

The cow is big. She has a calf. The calf is small. It is brown.
The cow is chewing grass. The grass is green. The calf is
drinking milk from the cow.

1. The cow chews _______________

2. A baby cow is a _______________
3. It drinks _______________ from the cow
4. The cow eats green _______________

Make words


b______ c________ f_______

f_______m m____ket g____den

_______m b______k f___rmer

30 | P a g e

Vaka mazwi

1. w___________ 2. f____________ 3.
4. nd__________ 5. ts___________ 6.

Mazwi muuzhinji

7. muti _______________
8. mwana _______________
9. murume _______________
10. mukadzi _______________
11. Musikana _______________
12. demo _______________

DAY 17


1. ................ is a visual artwork. (Cartoon / girl)

2. A person who makes clay pots is a


3. A.....................makes things with stones. sculptor / weaver

31 | P a g e
4. It’s a ................... drum / hosho

5. It is a .................... ( drum / guitar)

6. The song “Ndini ndamubata” was sung by....................

(Jah Prayzah/Killer T)

7. ................... tells us stories. Grandmothers/ Friends

8. I live in .................... (Buhera / Chitungwiza)

9.Running keeps our body _________(fit/sick)

10. Learner is ___________ (sitting/


32 | P a g e
4. she is ___________________ (walking/jumping)

5. We run with our ________(legs/eyes)

6. Athletes earn though sporting __________


7. _____________ is a Zimbabwean athlete

(Macheso/Eliot mujaji

8. Balances can ____________ people (beat/entertain)

9. He is balancing on __________ leg (one/three)

10. I can kick the ball using my ___________ (foot/hands)

33 | P a g e
34 | P a g e

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