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Teaching and Learning Activity: Solution

Module: Research Methods & Statistics 2 (HRMS331-1)

Week number (Date): Week 8 (18 April 2024)
Unit covered: Unit 6 (Quantitative data analysis and
interpretation. Chapter 14 Part 1: Descriptive


This activity is based on Unit 6 (Chapter 14 Part 1) of the prescribed courseware for this

Herewith are the solutions to the activity posted last week.

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Question 1 (1 mark)
identify the statement that best characterises the standard deviation of a distribution:
A. It is the mean of the individual deviations or distances of each score from the
distribution mean.
B. It represents the range of scores within the distribution.
C. It is calculated by multiplying the mean by the variance.
D. It is equal to the sum of the deviations of each score from the distribution mean.
Correct Answer: A. It is the mean of the individual deviations or distances of each score
from the distribution mean.
Unit 6 Page 262
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Describe their data using measures of central tendencies and dispersion.

Question 2 (1 mark)
You are interested in examining the results of the teaching and learning multiple-choice
scores across all third year HRMS331-1 students. However, you are only able to access
the results of 20 students with the following scores:
8, 3, 5, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 2, 7, 5, 8, 10, 9, 8, 1, 3.

Considering your knowledge of the different measures of central tendencies, determine

the mode of the scores presented above.
A. 10.
B. 8.
C. 9.
D. 6.4.
Correct Answer: 8
Unit 6 Page 254-255

The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:

2 HRMS331-1-Jan-Jun2024-T&L-Week 8-Solution-FB-V.2-11032024
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Describe their data using measures of central tendencies and dispersion.

Question 3 (1 mark)

Complete the sentence:

The _________________ is defined as the difference between the real upper limit of
the highest-class interval and the real lower limit of the lowest-class interval.
A. Median.
B. Range.
C. Mode.
D. Range of grouped data.
Correct Answer: D. Range of grouped data.
Unit 6 Page 261
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Describe their data using measures of central tendencies and dispersion.

Question 4 (1 mark)
Dr Ngubane, a social scientist, conducted a study to understand job satisfaction among
nurses in different nursing positions. Below is a visual representation of the data he has

Identify the graphical representation that Dr Ngubane made use of to present his data:
A. Histogram.

3 HRMS331-1-Jan-Jun2024-T&L-Week 8-Solution-FB-V.2-11032024
B. Multiple bar chart.
C. Bar chart.
D. Pictogram.
Correct Answer: B. Multiple bar chart
Unit 6 Page 252
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Represent the collected data through tables, graphs and charts.

Question 5 (1 mark)
Suppose you were interested in investigating subjective well-being among HRMS331-1
students at Boston City Campus. You have since subdivided the population (HRMS331-
1 students) into groups of different sizes and determined the mean of subjective well-
being across all groups. Now, you have to determine the mean of the whole population.
However, your subdivided groups are different sizes. Thus, their respective means must
be weighted before the average can be computed.
This process is commonly known as:
A. Md.
B. Median.
C. Unweighted means.
D. Weighted means.
Correct Answer: D. Weighted means
Unit 6 Page 257
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Describe their data using measures of central tendencies and dispersion.

Question 6 (1 mark)
The range is considered an approximate measure of variability. Look at the following raw
data set: 10, 35, 83, 22, 13, 60, 9, 45, 15, 52, 39, 64, 11, 20, 10, 84, 36, 24, 40, 58.

4 HRMS331-1-Jan-Jun2024-T&L-Week 8-Solution-FB-V.2-11032024
What is the range of this data set?
A. 62.
B. 44.
C. 75.
D. 68.5.
Correct Answer: C. 75
Unit 6 Page 261
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Describe their data using measures of central tendencies and dispersion.

Question 7 (1 mark)
Complete the sentence:
____________ is a graphical representation of data by a continuous line within the
framework of the two orthogonal axes, the x-axis, and the y-axis.
A. A frequency histogram.
B. A graph.
C. A histogram.
D. A bar chart.
Correct Answer: B. A graph.
Unit 6 Page 250
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Represent the collected data through tables, graphs and charts.

Question 8 (1 mark)
Determine a useful property of the standard deviation.
A. The contingency table.
B. The measuring scales.
C. The bar graph.
D. None of the above.
Correct Answer: B. The measuring scales.

5 HRMS331-1-Jan-Jun2024-T&L-Week 8-Solution-FB-V.2-11032024
Unit 6 Page 263
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Describe their data using measures of central tendencies and dispersion.

Question 9 (1 mark)
Complete the sentence:
In most instances, _________________ are essential to describe a distribution.
A. Measures of variability.
B. Histogram.
C. Statistical tests.
D. Central tendency measures.
Correct Answer: A. Measures of variability.
Unit 6 Page 260
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Describe their data using measures of central tendencies and dispersion.

Question 10 (1 mark)
Identify the measure of central tendency represented by ‘Md’.
A. Mode.
B. Mean.
C. Median.
D. Standard deviation.
Correct Answer: C. Median
Unit 6 Page 255
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this question:
• Unit 6, Chapter 14, Part 1
• Describe their data using measures of central tendencies and dispersion.

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