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CONTENTS, LOINGI DAU Tiéng Anh 9, Tap Mét dugc Nha xudt bin Gide duc Vit Nam 16 chic bién soan theo Chuang trinh Gito duc phd thong mén Tiéng Anh thi diémcSp Trung hoc cosddo BO Gido duc vada tao ban hanh thea Quyet dinh s6.01/Q0-BGDOT ngay 03 thang 01 nam 2012, tiép theo Tigng Anh 8, Sach duvc bién sogn thea duding hudng giao tgp, gilip hoc sinh st dung nai lieu (ngd am, tu vying, ngd phdp) dé phat trién nang luc giao tiép bang tiéng Anh théng qua bén ki nang nghe, ndi, doc va viér, trong dé, uu tién phat trign hai ki nang nghe va ndi, Trong Tiéng Anh 9, Tép Mot. vic hor la trung tim, hoc sinh la chi thé ciia qua trinh day hor, trong dé tim I lire tudi cla hoc sinh Trung hoc co's, cic dic diém van hda cia Vigt Nam wa cilia cdc mube trén thé gid, dic biét la cla céc nude ndi tiéng Anh, duoc dc biét coi trong. Tiéng Anh 9, Tap Mét duse bién sean xoay quanh hai chd diém (Theme) e8n gdl val hoc sinh: Our Communities va Our Heritage, M&i chO diém duge chia thanh ba don vi bal hoe (Unit) trong tng vai ba chi dé (Topic) etla Chuang tinh, Sau mai ché dig 1A mot bal On (Review) tip trung vao klén thie ngén ng va ki nding ngén ngit hoe sinh da due hoc v8 rén luyén, Tiéng Anh 9, Tap Mét dugc bién soan trén co sé nhiing kinh nghiém thuc tién aila vige day tiéng Anh Trung hoc co sé Viet Nam wot sy hgp tae chat ché vé chuyén mén wa KI thugt cua T)p dodn Xusit bin Gide due Pearson. Chic tie gid rit mang nhin duge nhéing ¥ kién déng gép ca cic nha gida, hoc sinh, phy huynh hoe sinh va déng dao ban doc quan tam dé sich dugc hodn thién hon, Cae tec gid Peas | seeing | trvaee | Unit 1: Reading for general and - Discussing local ~ Listening for specific specific information traditional crafts, their information about Local abouta traditional craft benefits.and challenges places af interestin ‘environment ee _— Unit ~ Reading for specific ~ Talking about important Listening for specific 2 information about the features of a city information about City life features of cities some problems of city fe Unit 3: Reading for general and -Talking about teen stress - Listening for specific informatian and pressureand howto —generaland specific Teen stress and © b0utahelplineservice cope with them information about for teens in Viet Nam the work of an advice pressure columnist ~ Reading for specific ~ Making comments en Specs information about (Of expressing opinions: information ene chksen’ pasireesin about facts in the past Wala oke, par Unit 5: ~ Reading for specific ~Talking about man-made - Listening for specific information about a wanders of Viet Nam information about, Wonders of man-made wonder ef -andhewtapretect and a natural wonder of VietNam preserve thern VietNam Viet Nam Unit 6: Reading for general and -Talking about changes Listening for specific informatian in transport in the general and specific Viet Nam:Then —aboutthetram systemin neighbourhood and information about and Ha Nai then and naw ‘expressing opinions life in an extended ae about these changes family 4 BOOK MAP a Se “Writing an emailta = Cemplexsentencesfadvers «= Arrangingavsittoa Giving give information clauses oFresult; reasons, place.ofinterestinthe presentation about places of concession}: review region about interestin an area and _ phrasal verbs something re - Pronunciation: Stress.on pe content words in sentences: Whiting a paragraph —-- Comparison of adjectives pee ea Writing notices about disadvantages! and adverbs: review acity drawbacks ofcity life phyasa/ verbs (continue) Pronunciation: Stress on. pronours in sentences. -Writing a shartnete ta Reported speech: review Discussing necessary Giving askforadviceandto — Question words before life skills for teens. presentation giveadvicg terinknitive ea eeror = Pronunciation: group in Pronunciation: Stress on the bei verb be in sentences - Writing a description — - Usee/te: rewiew: of haw children inthe wishes for the moan ee ee Sa Pronunciation: Stress an Poeoned auxiliary verbs in sentences: a tradition f or pastime: pect at ate -Passivewoice:impersonal ---Describingawonder = Makinga passsive of Viet Nam promotional of Viet Nam = brochure about - Pronunciation: Stress on Viet Nam short words (a, of ar in sentences < Writing aboutsome Past perfect: review Talking about same Making a Gualiiesaperon | - agiective + changes In Viet Nam exhibition needs to get along in Noe Sows = ; in Viet Nam, Pronunciation: Stress on all thea and now ‘the words in sentences: BOOK MAP os THIS UNIT INCLUDES: [GETTINGISTARTED] L VOCABULARY I crafts A visit to a traditional Pans of reeset craft village PRONUNCIATION Stress on content words in sentences places af interest area + Writing an email to give information about places of interest in an area and things to dothere MUNICATION renejng a vit to pace of interest inthe region Phong: My great-grandparents started it, not my grandparents. Then my grandparents took ‘over the business. All the artisans here are my aunts, uncles, and cousins. MMi: see. Your village is also a place of interest of Ho Noi, isn't it? Listen and read, ‘Phong: Yes. People come here to buy things for i their house. Another attraction is thay can ‘Mit: There are co many pleces of pottery hare make pottery themselves in workshops, Phong. Bo your grandparents make all of Micki That must bea memorable experience. them? Phong: In Viet Nam there are lats of craft vilages like Phong: They can't because we have lots of products. Bat Trang. Hawe you ever been to any others? They make some and other people make fi; 've been to a Conical hat making village in the rest, Hue! Nick: As faras know, BatTrangis one ofthe most Wick: Cooll This Is my first one, Dio you think farnous traditional craft willages of Ha Noi, thot the various crafts remind people of 3 right? specific region? Phong: Right, My grandmather says it’s about 700 Mi: Sure, Its the reason tourists often choose years lc. hancScrafts as scurvenis Wi; Wow! When did your grandparents set up Phong: Let's ge autside and look round the village, this workshop? 6 Unt 1/ Local Envronment @ Can you find a ward/phrase that means: 11. a thing which is skilfully made with your hands 2. start something (a business, an organisstion, etc) 3. take control of something (a business, an organisation, ete.) 4. peaple wha do skilled wark, making things with their hands 5. an interesting crenjoyable place to goer thing to do 6. aparticulsr place 7. make someane remember of something ‘B. walk around a place ta see what is there think about Prot ee) Con Sea bb Answer the following questions, ‘Weve are Nick, Mi and Phong? How ald is the village? ‘Who started Phang family workshop? ‘Why is the village a place of interest in Ha Noi? ‘Whereis the cralt village that Mi visited? Why da tourists like to buy handicrafts as souvenirs? 2 Write the name of each traditional handicraft in the box under the pictu paintings pottery drums silk lanterns conical hats lacquerwere marble sculptures. Pe ee eo 3 Complete the sentences with the words! phrases from 2 to show where in Viet Nare the handicrafts are made. You da not have to use ‘themall. 1. The birthplace af the famous bai tho is Tay Ho village in Hue, 2 If you go to Hoi An on the 18% of each lunar month, you can enjoy the lights of many beautiful 3. Van #hue village in Ha Noi produces efferent types of products such as cloth, scarves, ties, and dresses, 4. On the Tet holiday, many Hanoians go to Bang Ho village te buy folk, 5. products of Bau Truc, such as pots and vases, have the natural colours typical of Champa culture in Ninh Thuan, 6, Going to Non Nucc martle village in Da Nang, wore impressed by a wide variety of from Buddha statues to bracelets. @ QUIZ: WHAT IS THE PLACE OF INTEREST? @ Work in pairs to do the quiz. 1. People go to this area to walk play, and relax, 2. It is a place where objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific imerest are kept and shown, People goto this place to see animals, itis. an ares of sand, or small stones, beside the sea ‘ora lake. itis beautiful and forous plate in the countrys b Work in groups, Write a similar quiz about places of interest. Ask another group to answer the quiz. Une 1/ Lecal Environment 7 Vocabulary 11 Write the verbs in the box under the pictures. ‘One of them should be used twice, carve cast embroider knit mould 2a Match the verbs in column A with the groups ‘ofnouns in column 6, care Fanboy lable petres 2. ont | sone, wed eggséets Re went | doy ees cto cembeotder | cl. brome, ga irc Sint [basen caps sik, doth 6 mould [1 weer ts, hats b Now write the correct werb forms for these 1. toearee {carved mas carved. 2 wast 1 t (eas 3, weave tk (was__. 4. toembvsider | 1 ® eas 5, tokait it (twas 6, tomould 1 a twas @ Unt 1/ Local Enwronment ey DS a aL about producing, creating, or constructing a handicraft ee ees Sa me ‘3 What are some places of interest in your area? ‘Complete the word web, One ward can belong ‘to mate than one category. 4 Complete the passage by filling each blank with a suitable ward from the box, attraction historical traditional handicrafts cultere emercise Sem peoplesay tht 2 place ol interests apace fama for its scenery ra wel-ecoen (1}____site. | dee thi it ‘bac to besa limited. tn my opinion, 2 place of interests simply eat pal te ging. Invite, he paths} 2). bbecasie many pengle lave sedge these. peopled 3} end al ine pak Chen play games thee ole te parent sd ta rth enh the, Anthe lace ol nttestin ry tom ts He Bin eat. an) (4)__ aha wt ot of ‘ings ta se. love to go ther to bey fod and clots, and ‘wich ther poeple buyeg and selling Foreign tur la lie this market because they com experience the (5) sf Wemamese peop, and buy woven oth and other te asewenins, Pronunciation ‘Stress on content words in sentences pa 45a Listen to the speaker read the following ——_—_—_—_— sentences and answer the questions, Thecraft village lies on the river bank ga, This painting is embroidered, What is this region famous for? «ey Drums arent made in my village, A famous artisan carved this table beautifully. Which words are lauder and clearer than the others? What kinds of words are they? Which wards are nat as laud and dear as the athers? . What kings of words are they? Now listen, check, and repeat. In spoken English, the following kinds of ‘words are usually stressed: main werls, nouns, adjectives, adverts, wh-question words, and negative avaliaries leg con't). Words such as pronouns, prepositions. articles, conjunctions, possessive adjectives, be (even if itis amain werb in the sentence), and auxiliary verbs are narmally unstressed, + (GS vizssten ms scevsns wonts lata save Practise reading the sentences alaud, The Arts Museum is popular place af interest in my city. This cinerna attracts lots of youngsters, The artisans mould day to make traditional pots. 8, Where do you like going at weekends? di We shouldn't destroy historical buildings. Now listen, check, and repeat. Grammar Complex sentences: review ‘There are different types of dependent dause. A dependent clause of concession begins with asubsrdinatoralthough, though, oreven though. Itshows an unexpected result. Example: Although she was tired, she finished knitting the scarf for her dad. A dependent clause of purpase begins with a subordinator 0 that or in order that, It tells the pumose of the action in the independent clause Example: ‘The artisan moulded the clay so that he could make 6 rash. A dependent clause of reason begins with a subordinatorhecause, since, or os Itanswers the question "Why?" Example: Since it was raining, they cancelled the trip to Trang An. A dependent clause of time begins with a subordinator when, white, before, after, as soon 4, etc, Ittells vehen the action described in the independent clause rakes place Example: When Ihave free time, | usually go to the museurn, ‘I Underline the dependent clause in each sentence belaw. Say whether itisadependent dause of concession (DCI, of purpose (DP), ‘of reason (DR), or of time (DT), 1. When people talk about traditional paintings, they think of Gong Ho village. 2, My sister went to Tay Ho village in Hue so that she could buy some kai tho conical hats. 3. Although this museum is small, it has many unique artefacts. 4, This square is our favourite place to hang out because we have space to skateboard, 5. The villagers have to dry the buffala skin under the sun before they make the drumbeads. Une 1/ Local Enwrorment 2 Make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences, Use the subordinator provided and make any necessary changes. 1, The-illagers are trying toleam English. They can communicate with foreign customers. (in order that) 2. Weate lunch. Then we went to Non Nuoc marble village to buy some souvenirs. (after) 3, This hand-embroidered picture was expensive. We baught it, (even though) 4, This department store is an attraction in my city. The products are of good quality. (because) 5. This is called a Chuang conical hot. Ft was made in Chuong village. (since) Phrasal verbs 3 Reed this part of the conversation from GETTING STARTED. Pay attention to the underlined partand answer the questions. Mic Wow! When did your rotons) “= satup this workshop? Phong: My great grandparents started it, not my grandporents, Then my orondparents: took over the business, ‘. What is the meaning of the underlined verbs phrases? 2. Can each part of the verb phrase help you understand its meaning? 10 Une 1/ Local Envranment @ Match the phrasal verbs in A with their meaning inB. 1. passdowe | a. stopdoing busines 2. leon | 5. bave fenly elaponshp with srmody 3, deal with |< tans hem ase gersali the next 4, dese down | ejactoreise someting 5. faeupie |e retun 6 get en with_| (te actin eae a publ I eamebeck_| ¢ bave eneugh money to ve 1B. tam dowm_| fh acept, dal with 5 Complete each sentence using the correct form of a phrasal verb in 4. You don't need to use all the verbs, 1, We must ‘the reality that our handicrafts ate in competition with those of ether villages, 2. Vinwited her to join our tip to Trang An, but she my invitation, 3. Thecraftofbasket weavingisusually from generation ta generation. 4, Deyouthinkwecan selling silk scarves as souvenirs? 5. They had to____ the museum because it's na Jongera place of interest. 6. What time you _ from the trip last night? © Complete the secand sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using ‘the word given, 4. Where did you get the information about Disneyland Resort? ied Where ? 2, What time did you get out af bed this maming? op When 2 3. {ll read this leaflet to see what activities are -organised at this artraction, oak nm ; 8, They're going to publish a guidebook to different beauty spots in Viet Nam, ‘out They're ; 5. I'm thinking with pleasure about the weekend! forward tm 1 Extra vocabulary ‘team-building ‘turn Up: setoff Dwi Mi, Buong, and Mai are planning a day out to 2 place of interest for their class, Listen to their ‘corwersation and complete their ptan by filling each blank with no more than throe words, Means of transport i, Tine ta set off 3), Mai stick a novice Food ‘airing Drinks For everyone Noga buy inva (5) Activhies Moming: (61 ___games and quizzes Luneke 11.30 Aftemeon: go to a traditional [B} at 1.30; (8) shesr own paintings Nick: prepare games (10h, Imagine that your cless is going to.a place of interest in your area. Work in groups to discuss the plan for this day out, Make notes in the table, Place Means af transport Tire to set off 3 Present your plan to the class. Which group has the best plan? Unit 17 Locel Environment 19 Reading 1 Work in pairs. One looks at Picture A, and the other looks at Picture B on page 15. Ask each other questions to find out the similarities and differences between your pictures. 2 Mi visited Tay Ho village in Hue last month. She has decided to present what she knows about this place to the class. Read what she has prepared and match the titles with the paragraphs. ‘When you think obov! the conicol bat, the frst thing you think of isthe rogion of Huo. Conical hat hes been a traditional craft there for hundreds of years, and there ere many eral villages like Dae, Phu Cam and Doc So. However, Tay Ho ts the most famous because it is the birthplace of the conical hat in Hue. ti @ village on te bork of te Nhu ¥ River, 12 km from Hue Cay. 12) Unt 4/ Local Ewronment A.canical hat may look simple, but artisans have te follow 15 stoges, from going to the fored to collect leaves fo ironing the leaves, making the frames, etc Hue’s conical hats always have hwo layers of loaves, Cratsmen must be skilhl to make the two layers very thin. What is special is that fey then add porms and paintings of Hue between the hwo layers, creating the famous bai tho oF poetic conical hats, c Conical hat making in the ou hos been passed down \generaiion ja generation ea. young or ald, con toke port in the process. It iso willlknewen handieral, net omby i Viet Nam, but all around the world, 3 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. Why is Tay Ho the most welleknawn conical hat making village? 2. How far is it fram Tay Ho to Hue City? 3. What is the first stage of conical hat making? 4. Whatis special about the hat layers? 5. What is special about the ba’ tho conical hat? 6. Who can make conical hats? Speaking 4 Read the following ideas. Are they about the benefits of traditional crafts (B} or challenges that artisans may face (C). Write Bor C. providing employment losing authenticity providing additional income . relying too much on tours . tweating waste and pollution preserving cultural heritage Can you add some more benefits and challenges? oy PEN 5 Imagine that your group is responsible for promoting traditional crafts in your area, Propose an action plan to deal with the challenges, a | Listening 4Teen radio is asking different students about their places of interest. (a bescribewhatyousee in sach picture. Do you know what places they are? Listes and check pour answers, (2 sen to what those students say and decide if the statements are true (T] or false (Fl. 1, Trais interested in history, 2, Nam likes making things with his hands. 3, Nam's family owns a workshop in Bat Trang, 4 Thetreesinthe garden only come from provinces of Viet Nam. 5. Hoa leves nature and quietness, ei Aa Viseen again and complete the table. Use no more than three words for each blank, ‘Bet Nam Natenal| ~ Sesing various (1) = Looking randand (2) ~ Lersing to (3) and Bet ang pottery villas Nam 19 Fa al Botanical | ~ Citing up (5) + Reading) = Feeding (7 = (B]__ people 4 if a visitor has a to spend in your Komwcomalcy, where vel you advise himfher to go? What can they do there? Work in pairs, discuss and take notes of your ideas. Pace 1: Maced: Place: 5 imagine that your Australian pen friend is coming to Viet Nam and will spend a day in your hometown/city. He/She has asked for your advice an the places of interest they should go to and the things they can do there. Write an email to give him/her some information. — Places of interest in my hametoeratcny Subject | Look forward to seeing you soon! Best wishes, Unie 1/ Locel Environment 13 Peon | J CaaS 3 Complete the passage with the words! Vocabulary ‘T Write some traditional handicrafts: in the word web below, 2 Complete the second sentence in each pair by putting the correct farm of a werk from the box into each blank. carve cast weave vemibrsicies ‘knit male 1. The artisan made this statue by pouring hot liquid bronze into «mould, — The artisan this statue in bronze. 2, Fm decorating a cloth picture with a pattern of stitches, using coloured threads, im apicture. 3, They made baskets by crossing strips of kamboo ‘ecrods, aver, and under each other, — They, baskets out of bamboo. 44, My mum made this sweater for me from wool thread by using two bamboo needles. —+ My mum a wool sweater for me, 5. He made this ower by cutting into the surface of the word. —+ He this flower from wood. 46, Ttook some clay and used my hands to make it into 6 bow! shape, the clay into the desired shape. 14 Uni 1 / Local Envronment phrases from the bax, looked — team-building zoo bunch interest lookingforwardto craft museum (Last weak we had e memorable tip toa we (1 om the candersel he cty Newere a2) the ti thereaelts cl wid anima, and they ae locke afer carefully Each spies 's hep in gn tg cenpaund and the animals lo healthy. fer ‘we 3]__ round he animal one, we gathered on sig ves athe beck ofthe ace, There we paged seme fé) games and ng song, Then we had dic (5}_ prea iy [Nege and Phumng, Is the afterisee, we wsalked a a f6} ‘sea, Teve i a bg cellecioa of hardicalts made by ilerent h wilages. Fes Sat the 200 il be wa ew place ef ©. Grammar 4 Complete the complex sentences with your ‘own ideas, 4. Although this village is famous for its silk products, Z 2. Many people lave going to this park because 3. Since . foreign tourists ‘often buy traditional handicrafts, 4. Moe Chau is popular tourist attraction when 5. Thisweekend were going to the cinemain order ‘that 5 Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the phrasal verb in brackets. You may have to ‘change the form of the verb, 1. I don't remember exactly when my parents started this werkshap, (set uph . 2. We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can ‘stay equal with theirs. (keep upwith} 3. What time will you begin your journey to Da Lat? (set off) ? 4. We arranged to meet in front ofthe lantem shap at Botlock, but she never arrived, (turn up} : 5. The artisans in my village can eam encugh money from basket weaving to live, vee) Communication 6 Work in groups. One student thinks of a popular place of interest in their area, Finished! Now Ican... ollie Other studemts ask Yes/No questions to quess what place he/she is thinking about. Exounple: Ay Isthe place near the city centre? & Yes, itis, C. Canwe play sports there? Bes, we can, A: Can we play games there? & Yes, wecan, ©: De peaple go shopping there? © No, they don't Av Isitthe ABC sports centre? 8 Youre night. ill ee the Youth Union is organising 4 competition entitled “What makes you proud of your area?". Competitors have to choose something special about their area and make a presentation about it. It can be a local product, traditional craft or a place of interest. Nowe... 1, Work in groups and discuss the thing you are going ta talk about. 2, Collect pictures from different sources or draw pictures of tis thing. 3, Stick the pictures a7 a big piece af paper, 4, Search for infarmationabout thisthing fitsoriginé history, how to make it, ts special features, atc) 5, Prepare a presentation. Remember ta assign who will talk about what, 6, Givea presentation to the dass use helene mised t air tata places fines nan ea say sentences with omecstesen content wos, ‘rte cermplex sentences with ienent dependent daunes se se cemman presales comely aed appropriately real fee geoeeal and sexi infomation tbo 2frectiorl cat lage discuss local wadtonal aafts, thee beemeis and callenges lien er speificinfermtin abot places sf intevest im en arte ‘wean email to giv imation about places inteest ea znd things ta dothee Unit 417 Local Environment w CT isean and read. Duong: Poul: Duong: Poul: Duang: Poul: Duong: Poul: Duong: Paul: Duong: Paul: 16 Unt 2/ Gay Life Hey, Paull Over beret H| Duong! How's it going? Getting aver the Jet lag? Yes. | slept pretty well last night, Hey, thanks so much for showing me around today, No worries, itl be good fun. $0, are you fram around here? Me? Yes, | was bom and grew up here Sydney's my hometown, Its fabulous. Is tan ancient city? No, Its mot very old, but its Australa’s biggest city, and the history of ous country began here, Wow! So what are the greatest attractions: in Sydney? ‘Well, Its natural features inelude Sydney Harbour, the Royal National Park, and Bond) Beach, Man-made attractions such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Opera House, and the Harbour Bridge are also well known to visitors. What about transport? Public transpart here is convenient and ‘ellable: you can go by bus, by train, ar light tail Taxis are nore expensive, af course. why THIS UNIT INCLUDES: IGETTINGISTARTED) | VOCABULARY Duong's first visit to Sydney City lite PRONUNCIATION Stress on pronouns in semtences GRAMMAR Comparison of adjectives and adverbs: review Phrasal verbs (cant) SKILLS + Reading for specific information about the features of cities « Talking about impartant features of a city «+ Listening far specific information about some problems of city life COMMUNICATION Discussing some features of a city Duong: ‘And is Syciney qaod for shopping? Paul: OF coursel You know, Sydney's a metropolitan and multicultural noise > bod weather + high cost of living > crime ~ waffie jarns ~ overcrowding - (2 ster and write the missing word In each gap 1. “Some have problems with pollution, ccrime, or bad weather ~ here we have trafic Janes 2, Before going to the _, she has te take her children to school. 3. Inthe evening the 4. Naw $0 mary people have a car, and there: aren'tenough ln the ety. iseven worse, (3 "Listen again and choose the correct answer. 4. Whats the mast serious problem in Banghak? A.Pollution 8.Bad weather ©. Traffic jams 2. Haw does Suzanne go to work? ABycar — BBy Skytrain C.Bymeta 3. How long does it take Suzanne to go to work every day? ATwehours &.Fivehours C.Half an hour 4, inthe evening the waffic s__. Abetter 8. worse ©. the same 5. Why is traffic so bad in Banghak? A. People mave around by boat, There aren't enough roads. C There isn'ta Skytrain or metro, accidents te happen every day, Secondly, air pollution negatively affects peopie’s health, and it also has a bad influence on the environment. Mere and more city dwellers suffer from coughing or bresthing problems. Thirdly, the city is noisy, even at night. Noise pollution comes from the traffic and from constuction sites, Buildings are always being knocked down and rebuilt. These factors contribute to making ity life more difficult forits residents, “Topic sentence: fae mn tn = Cette 5 Choose one item from the listin 1. makean outline, and then writea paragraph an ane of the topics. Writing thp Remembe: te organise your ideas to make your peragraph clearer: Firstly. -in conclusion ... ‘To-canclude ... Une 2/ Ory Life 23: Vocabulary ‘1 Complete the word webs with nouns and adjectives connected with the city. on rt 2 Put ene word from the box ineach gap, 24 Linn 2/ Cy Life Grammar 3 Complete each sentence with the word given, using comparison, Include any other necessary words. {The last exhibition was not thisone, INTERESTING 2. This city is developing inthe region. 3. Let's take this road. Itis way the city, i 4, Las disappointed as the film was shan Uhad expected, ENTERTAINING 5. You're not a safe driver! You shuld drive: 4 Complete each space with a phrasal verb from the list. Change the form of the verb if recessary. cheer up ( gatover ombe umn down: goon 1, She ___ his invitation to the party and now he'sreally upset, 2, What's___in the street over there? Open the door! 3, Lots of fruit and vegetables will help you your cald, 4, My brother was. with a trip to the zoe, 5. The toad was jammed, so we had to and find an alternative routa, 6 Uhave about a fabulous place where we can go far a picnic this weekend. 5 Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the word in capitals. Dont leave the lights on when you leave the classrocm, OFF 2. Mal spent her childhood in a small tawn in the south, 3. Kathy checked the restaurant on her mobile phone, 4. My grandmother has recovered from ‘sor her operation. 5. We are really expecting to see you 2oain vith pleasure “took CAREFULLY Communication (6 Work in two teams. The first team gives the name of a city er town in Viet Nam. The other team says any man-made or nature attractions that it is famous for, Then switch. The team with the most items wins. 1 Put the items in these scrambled notices in the correct order, starting with the heading in capitals, Where are you most likely to find these notices? et Notices are usually very short and 1 See ed Dene ea Se ee ee ere ers eee ee] Finished! Now I can... tlt |e satvantagesiratacks of cyte Lt = woe he eal nemsveaied i ge © ide ia whidh sans tastes rosounsin sentences and sy thee -oentences omrectly > talc, aed compan of _acjectves and adverts comectly = ust comron phrasal verbs comecty and -apprepritly = reie fr sgectfcinforation about abe ‘features of cities «= telkabeut importer feanues uf ary » iste eye ination asa some prblemscfy ite «= weitea parageaph abot the 2 Delete the words which are unnecessary in these notices, and make change(s) where e a appropriate, & In 20 = 30 words, write a notice for one of the following situations. . You are organising a seminar for teenage giels about city life, Write 2 notice to put on the soticeboard, giving some details about time, place, and content of the seminar. You are 9 travel agent, You are organising a one-day trip around your city/town for foreigners. Write 2 notice to put at the travel agency. Une 2/ Cry Lite a5 camesmm= L_ THIS UNIT INCLUDES: (GETTING }STARTED) pee “She's been a bit tense lately...” (Diisten and reed, Amelie: Phuc: ie: Phuc: Amelie: Phuc: Amelie: Hi Phuc! Where's Mai? Isnt she coming? She said she was toa tited and didn’t want to go aut, She's Been staying up late studying fer the exam Does she need to be that stressed out? Maybe not. But my parents always expect her ta get goad grades and ste doesn’t want to disappoint them. They want her to go ta a top college and study medicine: Really? She tald me she wanted to be a designer ‘Yes, that's why she's been a bit tense lately, She doesnt know what to do. My parents said design graduates ‘wouldn't find jobs easily and they wanted her to geta medical degree. Oh, f understand. Sametimes | wish my parents could put themselves in my shoes... Changes in adolescence PRONUNCIATION Stress on the verb be in sentences . revi Reported speech: review Question words before te-infinitive ‘SKILLS + Reading for: neral and specific information ret helpline service far teens in Wet Nar Talking about teen stress and pressure and + Writing a short note to ask for advice and to give advice COMMUNICATION Discussing necessary life skills far teens Nick Anyway, Mai needs to take a break, Il call and ask her if she wants ta go and see a film with us tomorrove Phuct Oh, | doulbt it. She’ already fully booked for the weekend with her maths dass, English class, juclo class, anc rrnasic lesson Find the OPPOSITE of the follawing wards in the conversatio to.go to bed eorly tobe relssed bad exam results to make someone happy to werk continuously to have no plans Choose the best answer, Why is Mai not playing badminton with Phuc, Mick, and Amelie? A She daesn’t ike playing badminton, 8. Shes late, ©. She wants to stay at hame. 2. Why's Mai working very hard for the exam? A She failed the last exam. 6. She wants her parents to be proud af hes, C. She wants to compete with her classmates, 3. How is Mai feeling naw? A Confident an tired 5, Tense and disappointed Tired and stressed 4. Whatdo Mais parents want her to be? A. Amedical doctor 8 Adesigner ©. Amusician 5. What does Mai want te be? A. Amedicaldactor 5, Adesigner C, Amusician: 6. What are Phuc, Nick and Amelie trying to do? AL Understand Mars situation and help her fel better 8. Make Mal feel left out. © Find somebody else te replace Mai for the: badminton. ‘¢ What do you think Amelie means when she says, Sometimes | wish my parents could put themselves inmy shoes? ee 2 Fill the gaps with the words in the box. In some cases more than ane word may be suitable, tense frustrated ‘delighted confident, relaxed worried depressed alm stressed 1. Thu had been studying very hard for the exam, but she still felt Now that she has done well in the exam she i feeling much more, 2, My mother is 9 strong person, She stays even in the worst situations, 3 Linh is feeling a bit about her study. She's falled the exam once again! 4. I think taking a speech class. isa good ideaif youwantto be more __. S. Emma is feeling so with her fashionable new hairstyle. 6. Phuc, Mick, and Amelie fee! They want to help Mal but don’t know what they can do fer hee. Many adjectives of emat een ee eae find more examples 3 Match the statements with the functions, give advice to somecne — eneburage someone empathise with someone assuresamaone 1. “Ge anil know yay can da it 2. ‘fl were you | would iget some sleep). 3. "You musthave been really disappointed.” 4 ‘Stay calm. Everything will ba alright’ 5S. ‘lunderstand how you Feel” 6. ‘Well done! You did a really great job” 4 How do you feel today? Work in pairs. Tell your friend how you feel today and what has happened that made you feel that way. Your friend responds to you, using one statement from the bax in 3. Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure 27 Vocabulary 'T Completa the paragraph with the words In the box, There is one word that you don't need, ‘Adolescence is the period between childhood and young adulthood. Your body will change ing) Your brain will grow and you'll hawe ienproved self-control and (2). Physical ‘changes are different for everyone, so you dort need to feel (3]_or frustrated! Youll experience emotional changes as well, You'll feel you want mare (4) and responsibility. You may become more (3) and rare about other peoples opinions, especially these of your friends. But rensernber youll need adult support and guidance to make (6]___ decisions and overcome stress. Match the source of stress and pressure tothe: ‘expression, ——————, Unt 3/ Teen Stress end Prassure: 3 Which of the following can be done in the above situations? Discuss with your partner. (Mare than one solution can be sultable for one situation.) @ Have you ever been in any of those situations? 30, what did you do te deal with them? Pronunciation Stress on the verb be in sentences Listen again to what Amelie said in GETTING STARTED. Notice the way she pronounced the verb be in the sentence. “Hi Phuc! Where's Mai? Isn't she coming?’ PC a La i Ce ee ae ey ! ec Examp She was stressed, De ue Ly Deed eee ei) ‘questions and atthe end of sentences. oor ery Sea Fe ene ed Sais She is coming, but she'll be a Cs (s¥isten ‘to the recording and practise saying the sentences. Pay attention to the way the verb be is pronounced. 1. -Where are you? You arent atthe bus stop. lam at the bur stop, but | cart ree you. «Are you busy right now? ~Yes, lam. Sarry, could you wait for a minute? 3. = 1s lonia in? - Na, she's out ee-skating, + But it's so cold! > This. But she’s got all her warm clathes on. 4. - Wesn'tBill disappointed abour the exam result? «He was. But he was hiding it well Crook at the following sentences ond underline the verb forms of be which should be stressed, Then listen ta the recording ta check and practise, 1. -You arent worried about the exam? Good for you! = Lam worried! But | try not ta-showe it 2. - Ba yau think Jacks gad at Japanese? Hels: But hea bit shy to speak it - Isat eceninton her favourite sport? Yes, it is, 4, - Who's he? 5. ~ Sorry - were late! + Actually, you arent, We haven't started yet 6 «Is she happy at thenew school? ~ Yes, she is. She likes it alot. OG@CSRERA [ Reported speech: review 1 Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again, Underline the reported speech. Then rewrite in diteet speech what Mai said te het brother Phuc and to her parents. | Mok ‘Tmitaa tired and nae ‘Mok Vwant___ ‘Mats parents; ‘Gesign _ 2 Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech, “We will visit you this week,’ my parents told ene, 2. Durteacher asked us, ‘What are you mast worried about? 3. ‘thn so delighted. Ive just recelved a surprise birthday present from my sister,’ Phuong tald me. 4. ‘Kate can keep calm even when she has lots of pressure,’ Tor saiel 5. ‘1 got a very high score in ny last test, Mum, she said, 6. ‘Do you sleep at least eight hours a day? the octar asked him, Question words before to-infinitives: We ean use question words who, what, where, when, how before a to-infinisive tc express a situation that itis difficult-ar uncertain. Example: We don't now who we should contact. + We don't know wha ta contact oa Pou eed Seed We often use the verbs ask, wonder, (not) be sure, howe no idea, (nat) know, (not) decide, (mot) teil before the question woed ~fo-nfinitive, Example: | have no idea where to get this Information, Unit 3 Taen Stress and Pressure 28 3 Rowrite the sentences using question wards. ‘+ to-infinitives. 1. I don't know what | should wear! 2, Could you tell me where | should sign my name? 3. I havens ides when we should leave for the bus, 4 Were not sure where we should hang the painting. 5. He wondered haw he could tell this news to his parents, 6. Thay cant decide who should go first, Reported questions with question words before to-infinitives, before fo-infindtve. Remember ican Pee Tay ead Se ig CE ds See Laan 30 Lint 3/ Tean Stress end Pressure: @ Rewrite the following questions in reparted speech, using question words tovinfinitives, before 1. "How should we use this support service? they ‘wondered, 2. Who shauld itu ta for help?’ he asked. 3. "Mur, when should | tun off the even?! Mai asked her mother. 4. ‘Where should wo park our bikes?’ asked Phong and Minh, 5. ‘Should we call her now! he asked. 6. ‘What shoulel we de to make Lind fee! happier?" they wondered, 5 GAME SOMETHING ABOUT OUR TEACHER. Decide as a whole class five questions you want to ask about the teacher. Then the class divides into two groups: one group stays inside the class and the other goes outside, The teacher will tell each group the answers to the questions, The class gets together again and in pairs you must report on what the teacher has told you. DRTC een ecm tel LOR rete ae i y Our teacher said she had a dog called ‘To Be’ at home. A i Mo, aur teacher said he a & et ead “ToBe athane, J Extra vocabulary cognitive emations ‘concentrate self-discipline resolve conflict risk taking fe skills for teens 1 Read about the necessary life skills for teenagers in the United States. Match the skills to thelr eategory. 1, Social skills ) Pr pa - % Cognitive skills % a * emcee rae organisational sidlls WH 5 © concentrate and be . self-disciplined , - % develop healthy habits + know how te actand where to xget help in emergencies © understand the boundaries of SA rsketaking @ Look at the list of life ski your class has developed. for teens that 3 Ingroups, work outa similar listof skills that Which skills do you already have? Vietnamese teens should have today. add oF remove categories and skills as you wish and remember to support your decisions with examples and explanations, Present your list along with ether graups and make a common list for the whale class, Which skills do you need to develop? Share what you think with a partne Unit 87 Teen Streea and Preseure 31 J 2 Answer the questions, Reading Ta Do youknow what.» child helpline is? b Now read the article. The Magic Number Magic Member 18001567 1s 24-hourtoll-ree service far courselling and protecting chileren aid young adults in Viet Nam. The helpline was set up int 2004 by the gevernment with suppart from Plan Vietnaen, an international children's development organisation. By 2014, the helpline had seceived over 15 million calls from children and adults natianwide, Sixty-nine per cent afthe calls came trom children and mas child callers were in the 1-14 year old and 15-14 year old groups. The calls were mastly questions about family relationships, —triendships, and physical and mental health, Morecer, nenrly 3,000 cases of missing or abandoned children, ot childten. who were suffering from violence, trafficking, or smal abuse received emergency support. The helpline promates child Panicipation in its operstions by involving chikiren as peer communicators and decision makers. A. member of Child Helpline Intematlonal, Magic Number aims to create favourable conditions for children to develop physically and mentally. If you need support os advice, fer know of someone wha dees, just dial 18001567! (The facts, figures, and photos fis this text are provided by 5 lary Vietnam) pian 32) Unt 3/ Tean Stress end Prassure: 1). What is Magic Number 189015677 2, Which age groups have called the helpline mast? 8, What were the calls mastly about? |S. Why have 3,000 calls received emergency support? 5. How does Magic Number promote child participation inits operation. 6. Whatis the aim of the helpline? 3 Read the text again and decide ifthe follawing statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. You can call Magic Number anytime during the day or nacht, 2. The service and the telephone calls are free 8. Only children can call the helpline. 4. The typical caller to Magic Numbers a nine-year-old child, 5, Alldecisians about the operation of the helpline are made by adults, 6, The services available in all cities and provinces ins Viet Nam, (4 stan to tao students calling 2 chitd helpline and complete the notes. Then use the nates to: role-play the callers. 5 Lookst 2, ACLOSERLOOK 1. Imagine you are one of these students, You want te call the Magic Number helpline to ask for help, What do you say? Your partner listens and takes notes, Listening co ‘wl Listen to an interview with Miss Sweetie, b 1 i. veepe . She is (indna langes in} the advice columnist of 4Teen magazine. ‘Choose the best answer. Miss Sweetie (lkes‘doesn't like) her work as an advice columnist. her adolescence, She thinks giving advice to people Is (easy nat easy) It (takes time/doesn't take time} for her to come| upwith a plece of advice. . She thinks to give good advice we Ineed/dan't ||) need) to empathise with peopie. Answer the questions. . What are the two things that Miss Sweetie likes about her work? What did she say was most important when glving ethers advice? . Why does she think the language used far giving advice i also important? Which of the following expressions are more likely to be used by Miss Sweetie when she gives advice? “You aught to talk to her ‘Ithink you should talk to her.” “You must talk to her’ “You have to talk to hee “might be @ good idee to talk ta hes! Writing 4 Look at 2, A CLOSER LOOK 1 and give one piece of advice to each student. example: A. Have you theught ebout asking a friend whe is confident about maths to help ‘you? Perhaps you just need a little more practice. Seq Write a short note to Miss Sweetie to ask her for advice about a problem at school ‘oF with your friends. Use the ‘Asking for advice’ box on SKILLS 1, page 32 to help you. Sign the letter with a made-up nana, at your real name, b Asa whole class, put the notes ina pile and take a different note, Write a short answer (2-3 sentences) to give advice about the problem, Use the ‘Giving advice’ box above for help. Unit 3 Tae St ssa and Pressure 33 ‘Tut yourself in these teens’ shoes. Choose the TWO best words to describe your feelings in the following situations, 1. Youwonan essay contest. excited/detighted/tense) 2, Yourparants misunderstood you, (caler frustrate? upset) 3. Youstayed up late studying for an, important exam. (relaxed/tensey stressed) 4, Youare left out by friends, You cantconcentrate fon your studies, (confident! worriediterse} 5. Last week you had a presentation in class and ‘you think it was very bad, (disappointesicelighted! frustrated) ‘ 6. Your closest friend is moving to another , sity. (emational’ { depressed’ embarassed) 2 Use the following prompts to say something tothe students in 1. ‘1 =+ congratulate, encourage 2+ empathise, advise 3+ empathise, advise 4 — empathise, advise 5+ assure, encourage 6 — empathise 34 Unt 3/ Tean Stress end Pressure 3 Give at least twa ext Peel 4 Rewrite the fallawing in reported speech. 1. ‘Tim really stressed out! f've had three sleepless nights thinking about my exam.’ 2, ‘lcan't concentrate! It's too nolsy In here’ 3, “She was very upset at first but she's fine now. 4, ‘Idon't think taking risks too often is a qood ideo. 5, “Hell take » cooking class before he goes to college! 6, ‘really wish I could make informed decisions! 5 Rewrite the underlined phrases in the following text, using question words + to-infinitives. in cur Life Skils lesson last week, our dass had a visit from a Fire Safety Officer, and this is what he told us: Today im going to tell you (1) what you should do in case of fire. If there is a fire, keep calm, Be sure you know (2) where you can find the nearest exit or stairway. Do not use the lift. Before you leave, close all the doors behind you. You should know (3) how you could activate the fire alarm, and then shout ‘fre’. You should ‘knowe (4) vehat number you should call to report: the Fire and ask for help, In Viet Nam, it's number 114,Thenumberis toll-free and you can call any time from either a mobile or a landing withaut dealing area codes,’ Communication Finished! Now | can... viv |e (6 Work in pairs. Look at the notes of the two ~ use the loka ies ted a angen callers from 4, SKILLS 1 and give them some, advice, aidscane + ideniy nich states oars Evang: (ea ‘he wth be aseniencesard say thse think she should convince ey parents ‘antes cy vetinerparervstnanshe | thartacay metbecoene | * U2 ered pec wth canient reall Bees art aquiteens) to nd ajos | * US2qvetin wud beeew-nfnmae ard design, asa designer. 1+ (636 fr general an speoiciafration atoata helpline sxe or eens in etm + talkabout een stessand presureand 6 a = 4 how to cage wih ther 4 [ses fo general and spaticnformaon dsout the work of em advice coh, v= wlta shart mote to ak ravi ante ive adie Jork in groups. Prepare sorne ideas for = t= support group in your scheol: = study skills groue fife skills group . = soctal skells group . ermotion control skills group earoer planning group ‘Choose one idea and think about haw to set up the tupport graup, focussing on the following = Whatisthe name of the support group? ‘2 Hav is the group organised? 9 How does ithelpteens? present your group's Ideas to the rest of the class. Get their Feedback, t Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure 35 Poor Pronunciation : (i iiesand pacietaghmttecaruncee Pay attention to the underlined words, 1. My town is pice and peacefull but it isnt ‘very Big. 2. Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture attracts a lot af foreign visitors, 3. Ac Were you ywearing a helmet when you fell off your bike? 8: No, | ya's, Can Igo tea party tonight Mum? 4 yougome heme, 5. A: My mums really a. good fend ofmine. 8: ls she? Ming is very sinct towards me, {2 Look at the underlined words in the sentences and mark them as W (weak) or S (strong). Then listen to check and practise. : Is{_1 Minh happy about winning the scholarshig? B: Yes, heii (_).But his parents are _) happier. 2A: Igantt_Jundesstand itt dant (_}you my son? 8: Vn terribly sorry, dad. Bur it ent (_) entirely eny fault, 3. © Pho Hien is(_) very old town in North Viet Nam. B: Bit( J? Whereisit( Mocated? 4. Ac Its( raining. Are they _} wearing raincoats? 8: She(__)ts bute _) isn't 36 REVEW 1 her OX, but please dont make noise when jf Vocabulary 3 Match the verbs in column A with the words/phrases in column B. pull down high expactatic empathise ahandicraft make worried and frustrated setup employment feel an ald building have pollution provide vith someone 4 Filleach gap with a word from the box. ‘attractions giant = excited =—interest fascinating tallest. symbol affordable ee ae ne) en) Ceo London, The entire structure is 135 metres ee ey 120 metres (394 ft). When erected in 1999 it Pe Dee eee eet a) in the world. It is considered to be a (4) of London, People make special journeys to see the 6 BRE tony wheel every day. They lc) Eee ere oe Cd UU en Ce ss May cea Ci , ane Tree) eT) vs ra Grammar § Complete each sentence with the correct form of a phrasal verb from thelist. . + lookup + deal with tum down + setup + pet ower + putup with = give up = keep up with |. The twa countries agreed to full diplomatic relations. When youre tired and under stress, it's important to lock after yourself and find ways ta it Six people applied for the job, but four of them were Why don't you this word in the dictionary? Mike had to gymnastics because of his injury. Vm going crazy | cant so much confusion! | think she the quarrel with her close friend, Its difficultto__changes in technology. Rewrite the following questions in reported speach, using question words before to-infinitives. . "What should I wear to the fancy dress party?” Trang asked, “Should | help Chau with the money my mam gave to me?" she wondered. . “Where can we get those traditional handicrafis?" Nick wandered “Who can | turn to fer help with my homework naw?" Phue said, “When should | break the sad news to him? Hoa asked. Everyday English T Choose the suitable words/phrases to complete the mini-talks. + Asfar as Iknow + fl were in your shoes = whatto do + Coal + No wortes 1. A: My face often goes red and hot these days. What should Ido? & there's no cause for concern, 2. A. You look upset. What's the problem? 3: Well, my cousin wants to share my room during his visit, but we dan't get on wery ‘well don't know 2. A. Shall wo visit the lantern making workshop? B ___!When should we ga? 4. A: Thanks. lot for your sound advice. : 5. A: What da you suggest I should do now? B: Fd take it easy and try to forget it, REVIEW (57 ili bay Reading 1 Read the two letters: one froma girl and the other from Miss Wiselady. Bear Miss Wiselacty, lamin grade 9 at a schoo! in town, Labsoltely lave my school, and [love my classmates, except cre thing, li scems that the gifs are always saying negative things about our teachers. even our headmiswess, This kind of gossip makes me uneamforlable aed upsel, | don think i's good for the study aimosphere. and it would be temblc if the teachers found out, I don't know how to face up to this issue. What Should do? Upset Dear Upset, Well, that Is a nasty problem, If you really wanted to do something, you could explain how you feel Tell them that they shoulcinat goon with Ihe gossip. Bur il might be tno direct for some people, | susmest You ITY to Keep away foe Mas much as possiic Keep quiet, of better stil, just leave them if you are not comfonable with the topic of ciscussson wisely @ Underline the phrasal verbs in the letters and say what they mean. b Decide whether the statements are true (T] or false (F). 1. | Upset doesn't love her classmates. spe wh 2, | There is some gossip among Upset's friends, 3. | Upset wants same advice trom Miss Wiselady. 4. | Miss Wiselady says the problem is not easy ta salve, 5. | Miss Wiselady suggests Upset should deal with the gossip directly, % REVEW 1 = Speaking Listening 2 Talk in groups, Prepare a one-minute ish Listen to the conversation and answer talk, Choose one af the following topics. 1. “The gid sitting in front of me in class koops playing music during the lessan, She uses earplugs but feel distracted and frustrated, What should Ido?” Tung said, Give Trung some advice . Ifyou could visit ane city in the world, what ety would oul iseet Eph why, 3. Imagine you are going to take a group of | | foreigners to a place of interest in your area | Where would you take them? Talk about the | place. Ie | be the questions. 1, Where does Michelle live? 2. Where does Mike live? b Listen again and complete the sentences. 4. Heel ke here, 2. And it sooms kind of dangeraus, especially 3, Welive in an apartment_. 4 . And we can enjoy all kinds of ___: cinemas, museums... Writing @ Write a letter to your pen friend about your last visit to a craft village, You can refer to the following: REVIEW 1 3B | THE PAST THIS UNIT INCLUDES: aL VOCABULARY Life inthe past Preserving the past PRONUNCIATION | ‘Stress on auoiliary verbs in sentences «Reading for specific information about children’s pastimes in the past = Making comments on or expressing ‘opinions about facts in the past «+ Listening for specific information abaut schoal life in the past «ining a description of how children inthe past studied without technology COMMUNICATION Describing pest practices (Dieter ant rane, Father: Thisisa present for you, son. ) Nguyen: A kite! How-cool! Thank you dad, fate: sae Father: Imada it for yau, just like your grandfather‘ MaUIFER: Tweish there were mowie-tearns like that now, used to make one for ma. Fother: Yeah, itwas alot of fun, Nguyen: |s it farily tradition? Nguyen: Then haw did you get to know about the | Father: Yes, for generations. world outside? Nguyen: love it. So when you were a kid, what did Fathers We had the radi; actually, only wealthy) igcuaats dofeainahiart people id. The whole village used ta Father: Oh, it was all very simple back then. Paeieiaey news programme through a We didn't have television or the Internet. A mobile movie team used to:come once Nstiyen: Worl can’t imagine that, every twomenths, and everyone from the Father: | know. The world’s changed a lot, son. It's village would be there, The children were much easier now, always early, trying to.gera plarenearthe Nguyen: Ds you miss the past, dad? screen. Father: (suppose! do. Sometimes | wish Icould go | Nguyen: | suppose® wase special occasion, wasnt? back to that time. 40 Unt 4/ Lite in the Past |G Read the conversation again and answer the questions, What is a tradition in Nguyen’sforily? How often did the movie tsar come'to the village? \What did the children use toda when the movie team came to the village? 4, Who in the village had a radio? Goes Nguyen’ father miss the past? What did he say? b Match the expressions {1 - 4) from the conversation with their meanings {a - d). Can you add some more expressions with the same meaning? een a agreement a tee ‘© Choose suitable expressions fram Th to complete the short conversations. = Would youtike to participatein this the past” project? Preserving = Marriages used to be arranged by parents, ~ l'vefinished my painting. Look! 4, ~ Children used te play outdoors with things they found, like stones or feathers. 5. - The Time Machine is @ science fiction navel by H.G. Walls can take people back to the past 6, ~ tsa New Year tradition in Russia for people to take a bath in a hole which is dug in the ice 2 Use the words/phrases inthe box to camplete the sentences. 1. A___ isused to make the sound much lauder so that many people can hear & from a distance. 2, Every country has its own customs and. 3. There is always a big gap between The cold sornetienes find it difficult to understand the young. 4. People in the past were slower in accepting than they are today. 5, Traditionally, weddings and funerals are ‘considered impartant village __inViet Mam. 6. Awedding is ___. nat only for the bride and ‘groom but also for other attendants as they can meet friends ond relatives. 3 Ingroups, brainstorm some of the past events and practices in your area. Make a list and present them to the class, Unit 4/ Lite in the Past 41 Vocabulary T Match a verb in A with » word/phrase in B. 1go 3. todrum music 2 collect b. themselves entertain <. stories 4. dance d.adiary 5. actout 2. yourimagination 6 use {. barefooted 7. preserve g. the past 8, keep our traditions 2 Use the newly-formed phrases in T with the verbs in their correct forms to complete the sentences. 1, In my time, most girls where they could ‘write down their daily thoughts and feelings, 2. ‘Grandpa, how did the children in your village use to _ = ‘They played games like tug of war, hide and seek, or flew theirkites, 3. We should work tagether to They are of ‘great value tows, 4 and draw picture of your dream house. 5. Children are very creative. They are good at 6. Apastman comes once a day to__ from the post box. 7. Howe ___on the beach and feeling the sand vundar my feet. 8, The Lion Dance is usually performed at Mid-Autumn Festival, where the dancers 42 Unt 4/ Lite in the Past Choose complete the sentences. from iterate face to face physical ‘strict rules, street venders — senigrity 1. Paying respect to people of __is. a tradition in Viet Narn. 2. Quite a large number af ethnic people in the mountains are still They cant read of were. 3, Eoting from __isa popular habit of people in big cities in Viet Nam, 4. There shauld be ___on the roads to reduce the number of accidents. 5 Punishment was commen at schools in the past, 6. Iprefer talking te talking om the phone, & Complete the sentences with the right form of the words below, tradition habit behaviour practice 1, Its never easy to break a bad 2, Hisbold shocked everybady present, in Viet Nam that elderly grandparents and parents are taken care of by their children until they die. to take a nop after lunch. 5. Using blackhoardsand chalk as the anly teaching ald is still a common __in mast developing countries ‘6, He could be fired far his rude VIP guest, 3. It runs as 3 4, Tews his towards the bss l aa ee UE oie rises er Cee eee ropa Crete Pronunciation ‘Stress.on auxiliary verbs in sentences REMEMBER! ae pe or ga] to help for the tense, mood, voice, of the main ee ae TLE (sister and underline the auxiliary verbs which are stressed. Then practise saying the sentences, Life will be improved in those remote areas. They can see the rain coming in ror the west You did make me laugh! He hasn't handed in his assignment. I don't like the idea of going there at night, Sam doesn't like fast faad but | do ev ee Eo See re it Cee a cd Sse uns Example: | did see him at the party. eee es See cer + Itismegative, Se aa (8 nderine an auxiliary if it is stressed. Then listen, check, and repeat the sentences. 4. -The men in my village used to catteh fish with aspesr. Could you do that? No, | couldn't . Ihave told you many times nat to leave the door open, . We're going to visit Hawick, a histarical village. . You aren't going to the party? Isit because you can'tdance? -Lean dance, Look! 5. -Ihope she daese’t do any damage ta the cae, Don't worry. She daes know how to drive, ae a Grammar 4) Used to: review ‘T Read the conversation from GETTING STARTED and underline the examples of used to + infinitive, Then tick (v') the correct We use used to and didn'tuse to + infinitiveto talk about an activity that happened only anceiin the past ‘on activity that repeatedly heppened in the past an activity that started in the past and continues: ‘tothe present. p>} a 2 Use used to or didn't use to with the werbs from the box to complete the sentences. be dye pullout spend kill transport 4, In the countryside in. Viet Nam, families vextended, Le, three or mare generations lived ‘together in the same house, 2. Thefarmers in my home village _rice home ‘on trucks. They used buffalo-driven carts, 3, In many places in the world, people cloth ‘with natural materials. 4, Tuberculosis —TB—__ fatal disease, 5. In some European countries, a barber tooth as well as.cut hair, his free time indoses, He went _slotofpeople, it wasa 5. My brother ovtalot Unit 4/ Life inthe Past a3 Wishes for the present ‘2 Read the conversation from GETTING STARTED and underline the main verbs in the wish sentences. Then answer the questions, 1. Are the wishes for the present or the past? 2, What tense are the main verks in the sentences? Lee gett) De a TE | Ds ee ee ey Se ee oes De ad De Ra eds Dee es ee ed eC ee eer ae ee Pree ey De eee td Ri i Tick (V') if the sentence Is correct. If the sentences not correct, underline the mistake and correct it, 1. [wish | knew how to paint an ceramic pots, 2. Lwish my mum wall talk sbout herchildhood. 3, Lwwish I can learn mare about ‘other pepe’ traditions. 4 Lwvish everybody had enough food and a place-ta live in, ‘5, Lwish people in the world don't have conflicts and lived in peace. ‘6 Lyvish everybody is aware of the Importance of preserving thelr culture 4a Unn a? Lite ino Past 3. be playing/the beach 4, therertve no morerfamily 5. thererbe/four seasons/my area & Make up wishes from the prompts. 1, meican commnunicate/animals I vish 2, no child/be suffering/hunger Lvrish Ivrish violencethe ward I vrish of 5, go bushwalkingriends vrish I vvish T@ Look at the introduction to the competition that was launched on the 4Teen website, Discuss the questions. 41. What do you think is the purpase ef the Looking Back carpet 2, Who do you think sent in the stories to the competition? 3. What do you think the stories below are about? bb Read the stories and see if your answers are correct. LOOKING BACK TheLoohing Bock competition has recelved'thousands: sf stories fram all ever the world, Here are tha two we would like to share with you. a “1. was © postmen in 6 réenote area of Myorenar. ‘Once o ments Iwaet downtown to collect te cond thea walked from wilage to villape, were far awoy fram each other. ls each viloge, | solivrad and calecies the post. |also used to read ‘ond write eters far the villagers. Moet of fem were iterate. | olie posedl on the rave | hod! heard from ta town and the cher vilages. The pasple ected me well. wos a hard job but I loved U Sein Tun from Myanmar 2, My mother come from Ballin lord. “

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