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JSS1 (3rd term)


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows

Two men, one who always spoke the truth and tiger who told nothing but lies, were traveling together
and by chance came to the land of Apes. One of the apes, who had raised himself to be king,
commanded them to be seized and bought before him, that he might know what was said of him
among men. He ordered at the same time that all the apes be arranged in a long row on his right hand
and on his left, and that a throne be placed for him, as was a custom among men. After these
preparations, he signalled that the two men be bought before him, and greeted them with this situation:
'What sort of a king do I seenm to you to be, O strangers ?

The lying Traveller replied, you seems to me a most mighty king.

And what is your estimate of those you see around me?

These, the man answered are worthy companions of yourself, fit at least to be ambassadors and
the leaders of armies.

The ape and all his court, gratified with the lie, commanded that a handsome present be given to the
flatter. On this, the truthful traveller thought to himself, 'if so great a reward be given for a lie, with what
gift may not I be rewarded, if according to my custom, I tell the truth ?

The ape quickly turned to him 'And pray how do I and these my friends around me seems to you ?

Thout art, he said a most excellent ape and all these thy companions after they example are excellent
apes too

The king of the apes, enraged at the hearing these truth, gave him over to the teeth and claws of his

1. What did the king of the apes do to the two travellers at first?

2. How did the king of the apes greet the travellers?

3. Why did the king of the apes order that the second travellers be punished?
4. With what did the lying Traveller compare the friends of the king of the apes?

5. How did the king of the apes react to the truthful traveller's comment about him and his companions?

6. Which word of phase can replace the word ENRAGED as uses in the passage? (a) anxious (b) very
angry (c) made beautiful (d) engaged

7. Which of the following is true about the story? (a) the king of the apes liked the two travellers (b) the
first traveller to talk was the truthful one (c) the companions of the king of the apes turned against the
truthful traveller (d) the king of the apes and all his court disliked the lie told by the flatterer

8. What does the expression gave him over to the teeth and claws of his companions means? (a) the
king of apes honoured the traveller (b) the king of the apes ordered the truthful traveller to be killed by
the other apes (c) the lying Traveller was bitten by the other apes (d) the other apes used their claws
and teeth on the two travellers

9. Another word that can replace gratified as used in the passage is (a) felt hungry (b) grateful (c)
angry (d) pleased

10. What lesson can be learned from the story? (a) that greed is bad behavior (b) that one should speak
according to the situation in which one finds one-self (c) that apes, like humans, don't like the bitter
truth (d) that apes are enemies to humans.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows

It is the effort that one puts in this life that determines ones attainment. Hardwork dies not kill. It does
not however translate to wealth all the time.

One cannot tell whether ones occupatons would bring wealth or proverty until one is neck-deep in it
and retracing one's step has becomes difficult. There is element of luck through. The occupation of Mr.
A may bring wealth while the same occupation with Mr. B may bring poverty.

In the choice of profession, some are lucrative while some are unproductive. Some professions I'm
sciences and arts make people silent millionaires while civil and public servants work remunerations are
fixed, regimented and are always inadequate.

In life one needs a mentor to succeed. You are what you aspire to become , if you study and
associates with successful person, your are soon likely to become like him in success, influence and
affluence. But if one chooses to be found in the company of the dregs of the society, one may be in the
class of peasants.
Many unsuccessful people in life are those who relief on the wealth of their parents and therefore
heritage. They doing discovered that in no the time griws wings and flies away.

It is not good to associate or marry a fraudulent person. This is because whatever the disciplined
person serves the fraudulent associate or spouse will waste. So after much thinking on these life issues,
one cannot but conclude that nobody determine you but you.

Choose the best options from the suggested answers.

11. The title for this passage is ---- (a) the factors responsible for success (b) how to be a successful
famer (c) success is a mirror of a person (d) success is a relative

12. What determines ones attainment in life is -----(a) knowledge (b) the efforts out into it (c) cleverness
(d) intelligence quotient

13. The element that guarantees success occupation is ----- (a) hardwork (b) leisure (c) luck (d)

14. From the passage the earning of civil and public servants is ------ (a) inconsistent (b) unpredictable (c)
lucrative (d) fixed, regimented and always inadequate

15. If a person chooses a very good mentor he is likely to become like him in ---- (a) success, influence
and affluence (b) hardwork (c) habit (d) manners

Choose form the list of words/phrase lettered A-E the one which is nearly opposite I'm meaning to the
word or expression underlined in the sentence below.

16. The newly-appointed class captain has rejected the post (a) dismissed (b) denied (c) abandoned (d)
accepted (e) released

17. My mother complained that there was insufficient food in the house (a) bad (b) excess (c) cooked
(d) raw (e) good

18. The weather was Bright throughout yesterday but today it appears (a) vivid (b) overcast (c) light (d)
clear (e) shining

19. The prefect were reprimanded by the vice -principal (a) raised (b) promoted (c) bullied (d) paid (e)
20. Some houses here make use of modern toilet facilities. (a) new (b) old-fashioned (c) up-to-date (d)
latest (e) fashionable

Choose the correct words form the alternatives A-E to fill the gaps in the following sentences

21. Each of the children in the nursery school ----- a bag (a) have (b) has (c) are (d) having (e) were

22. One of the twin sisters ------ married to an army officer (a) are (b) were (c) being (d) is (e) have

23. Neither Only nor Abubakar ------ in the airport to welcome me last night (a) are (b) is (c) was (d) were
(e) being

24. --------- either of the plans accepted? (a) Do (b) is (c) are (d) what (e) which

25. Everyone of us ------ that we shouldn't sit down while singing the national anthem (a) know (b)
knows (c) knowing (d) know (e) do not know

From the lettered A-E choose the word that has the same vowel or consonant sounds as the one
represented by the letters underlined

26. Cut (a) cat (b) cot (c) son (d) ankle (e) torch

27. Sport (a) spot (b) cot (c) pot (d) caught (e) special

28. Wrong (a) who (b) song (c) liver (d) rest (e) sword

29. King (a) know (b) cat (c) chair (d) sing (e) target

30. Voive (a) oil (b) place (c) of (d) off (e) ice

Answer all the questions in this part, for question 1, your essay should be 200 words long.

Question 1

Write a letter to your father requesting him to urgently send you some money to purchase required
books on English and Mathematics
Write an interesting composition about the topic MY BEST FRIEND

Question 2

Punctuate the following

1. What do you for a living

2. Come back here

3. You want to marry my daughter God forbid

Underlined the verb in the following sentences

4. The man threw stone at the bird

5. Good children respect their parents

Change the following active sentence to passive sentence

6. Nifemi is keeping my house tidy

7. He was writing a book

8. Somebody cook meal everyday

Define the following terms



Give atleast 3 examples of each vowel sounds

/ei/ /au/ /ai/ /ea/

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