English Jss2 1

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JSS2 (3rd term)



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows

It is the effort that one puts in this life that determines ones attainment. Hardwork dies not kill. It does
not however translate to wealth all the time.

One cannot tell whether ones occupatons would bring wealth or proverty until one is neck-deep in it
and retracing one's step has becomes difficult. There is element of luck through. The occupation of Mr.
A may bring wealth while the same occupation with Mr. B may bring poverty.

In the choice of profession, some are lucrative while some are unproductive. Some professions I'm
sciences and arts make people silent millionaires while civil and public servants work remunerations are
fixed, regimented and are always inadequate.

In life one needs a mentor to succeed. You are what you aspire to become , if you study and
associates with successful person, your are soon likely to become like him in success, influence and
affluence. But if one chooses to be found in the company of the dregs of the society, one may be in the
class of peasants.

Many unsuccessful people in life are those who relief on the wealth of their parents and therefore
heritage. They doing discovered that in no the time griws wings and flies away.

It is not good to associate or marry a fraudulent person. This is because whatever the disciplined
person serves the fraudulent associate or spouse will waste. So after much thinking on these life issues,
one cannot but conclude that nobody determine you but you.

Choose the best options from the suggested answers.

1. The title for this passage is ---- (a) the factors responsible for success (b) how to be a successful famer
(c) success is a mirror of a person (d) success is a relative
2. What determines ones attainment in life is -----(a) knowledge (b) the efforts out into it (c) cleverness
(d) intelligence quotient

3. The element that guarantees success occupation is ----- (a) hardwork (b) leisure (c) luck (d)

4. From the passage the earning of civil and public servants is ------ (a) inconsistent (b) unpredictable (c)
lucrative (d) fixed, regimented and always inadequate

5. If a person chooses a very good mentor he is likely to become like him in ---- (a) success, influence and
affluence (b) hardwork (c) habit (d) manners

6. If one is found in the company of the dregs of the society, then one may be in the --------- (a) area boys
class (b) upper class (c) peasant class (d) middle class

7. Some people's undoing is that they elied on their parents ------ (a) wealth (b) long leg (c) man know
man (d) influence

8"that the wealth grows wing and flies away" The figure of speech is -----(a) apostrophe (b) euphemism
(c) metaphor (d) hyperbole

9. The writers conclusion about success in life is ----- (a) success is gift (b) nobody determines you but
you (c) success is a result of hardwork (d) one only needs to be lucky

10. The danger of associating with a fraudulent person is ----- (a) taking partner for a ride (b) nor
contribution (c) wasting the resources (d) taking the other partner for granted

Choose the best options from the suggested answers.

11. The topic sentence of paragraph 1 is ----- (a) the effort one puts in this life determines ones
attainment (b) hardwork does not always translate to wealth (c) hardwork does not kill (d) hardwork
makes one becomes rich

12. The main point in paragraph 2 is ------ (a) lack brings wealth in any occupation one is doing (b) you
cannot predict at the inception an occupation that will bring wealth (c) Am occupation that made Mr. A
to be wealthy might make Mr.B to be poor (d) the number of years one puts in an occupation
determines how wealthy one becomes

13. The main idea in paragraph 4 is ----- (a) you will become successful, if you associate with a successful
person (b) one needs a mentor to succeed in life (c) you only needs aspiration to become somebody in
14. The main point in paragraph 5 is ------(a) people who inherited their parents wealth become
unsuccessful in life (b) inherited wealth does not last (c) people who inherit wealth and refused to work
again soon become wretched (d) inherited wealth will grow wing and fly away

15. The main point made in paragraph 6 is ----- (a) evil association can lead to poverty (b) wasteful
spending promotes relationship (c) you alone can determine who you want to be (d) marrying a
fraudulent person given you an advantage in life

From the options lettered A-D choose the word that best completes each sentence.

16. He paid ------ to all that the man was saying (a) intention (b) attentive (c) adherence (d) attention

17. The policeman took the matter ----- with the accused (a) over (b) in (c) up (d) down

18. The oranges were shared ----- the students (a) collectively (b) with (c) between (d) among

19. The ball went ---- the bar (a) under (b) between (c) over (d) across

20. The teacher said that the earth ---- round the sun (a) rotates (b) rotated (c) has rotated (d) rotating

From the list of words lettered A-D choose the one that is nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined
word in each sentence.

21. Sola is hardworking but his cousin is ----- (a) lazy (b) busy (c) modest (d) elegant

22. Kuburat was kind by nature as her sister was ---- (a) lukewarm (b) generous (c) wicked (d) attractive

23. The ----- in world trade was followed by a boom. (a) downfall (b) slump (c) flop (d) depression

24. She was encouraged to work hard but ------ from playing too much (a) urged (b) dissuaded (c)
advised (d) discouraged

25. Tinuke came first while her sister came ---- (a) late (b) early (c) last (d) later

Choose the best word or words for each sentence
26. Are you aware that not all the people who stand ---- Election are elected (a) in (b) on (c) by (d) for (e)

27. There are different ----- on the achievement of the first principal of the school (a) preview (b) views
(c) viewers (d) report (e) sight

28. The car broke down fifteen kilometers ---- Kaduna (a) at (b) in (c) from (d) with (e) about

29. How many minutes do you think it will take us to get ----- lafia ? (a) at (b) before (c) to (d) from (e) in

30. The journey cost the same by taxi as it does ----- bus (a) for (b) in (c) to (d) by (e) from

Question 1
Answer all the questions in this part, for question 1, your essay should be 250 words long.

Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him/her how senior students bully the junior
students in your school and what you can do to stop this bad practice.

OR (10 marks)

Write an Essay on the topic THE TEACHER I ADMIRE THE MOST

Question 2

Write out the following sentences and underline the verbs

1. My father has bought a pair of glasses

2. Sade has been looking for her exercise book.

Punctuate the following correctly

3. Where have you been

4. Gbade the farmer told his wife to wake him up at cook crow

Write out 5 examples of prefix and suffix in these form

Prefix word word formed

Suffix word word formed

Correct the following sentences

7. That is my junior brother

8. I laid in bed till eight in the morning

Write out the question tags and answers to these sentences given below

i. I saw you

ii. They will go

iii. I told you before

9. Give the synonyms of the these words

Abadon, accord, candid, abundant, oversee.

10a. Define the term antonyms and synonyms

10b. Indicate the stressed syllable in each of the following words by representing it with capital letters,
also indicate if NOUN or VERB

Contain, remain, behind, potest, transport, delicate, quality.

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