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Schedule & Syllabus

Test Date Syllabus

Chemistry : Matter 1, 2 Introduction, physical nature and

characteristics of matter, states of matter, interconversion of
states of matter, evaporation, plasma and BEC, Types of matter ,
pure substances, elements , compounds, Types of matter , pure
substances, elements , compounds, mixtures, homogeneous and
heterogeneous mixture, solutions, suspensions and colloids,
Separation techniques, crystallisation, General Concepts of
chemistry, Atom, molecule,Atomicity, elements, compounds ,
m i x t u r e s , s y m b o l s , va l e n c y, r a d i c a l s , i o n s , S I u n i t s &
measurements, laws of chemical combination, Atomic Masses,
Molecular masses, mole concept theory and calcualations,
Chemical Equation, Stoichiometry based concept, Stoichiometry
based concept, Limiting reagent, percentage yield, percentage
purity, Molecular formula and Emperical formula, solutions,
Concentration terms(percentage m/m, m/v, v/v, molarity,
30/06/2024 molality, formality, mole fraction, ppm, Normality)

Biology : Intoduction, Cell theory, Shape & Size, Plasma

membrane, Cell wall, Cytoplasm,ER, Golgi, Lysosomes, Vacoules,
Plastids, Ribosomes, Mitochondria, Cytoskeleton,
Centrioles,Glyoxysomes, Sphaerososmes, Peroxisomes, Nucleic
Acids,DNA, Nulceus, Chromsomes, Structure of chromsomes,
Cell division

Physics : Distance and displacement, velocity; uniform and

non-uniform motion along a straight line; acceleration, Equations
of motion Numericals , Snth equation, Graphs for varoius cases,
Motion under gravity , Projectile Motion, Relative motion, Inclined
Plane, Vectors Basic Knowledge Numerical Practices, Dynamics
of Circular motion, Numerical practice and PYQ,Force all three
laws of motion, Momentum, impulse, Force Impulse theorem, Law
of Conservation of momentum.
Schedule & Syllabus
Test Date Syllabus

Chemistry : Equivalent concept, law of equivalence and

calculations, poac, Numerical Practice, Atomic Structure:
Introduction, Daltons Atomic theory, discovery of fundamental
particles (electron, proton and neuton), Thomson's model of an
Atom, Rutherford's Nuclear model of an Atom, Atomic no., mass
no., Isotopes, Isobars, Isodiaphers, Isotones, Isoesters,
Isoelectronic, Elecromagnetic Waves Theory, Plank's Quantum
Theory, Bohr's Atomic Model (postulates, Applications &
calculations and limitations), De Broglie hypothesis, Heisenberg
Uncertainity Principle and calcultions, Quantum numbers, shapes
of Atomic Orbitals, Rules for Electronic configuration & Examples,
Photoelectric e ect.

Biology : Introduction, Components of Environment, Types on
interaction, Types of ecosytem,Pyramids of ecosystem,
Biogeochemical cycles, Photosynthesis, Mechanism of
photosynthesis,Growth in plants, Plant hormones, Water relations
of plants, Absorption of water, foods and minerals in plants.

Physics : Problems on System of particles, Lift, pulley,

Numericals related to graphs, Friction, Types of Friction, Graph
and Numerical Based on it, PYQ + Numerical Practice, Work :
Formula and types, Energy, Work - Energy theorem. Dot Product,
Kinetic energy and its relation with momentum, Potential Energy,
Law of Conservation of Energy, Power related Problems.
Schedule & Syllabus
Test Date Syllabus

Chemistry : Chemical reactions and Equations, Physical and

Chemical Changes, Chemical reaction and its characteristics,
Chemical equation and its balancing, Types of Chemical
Reactions, redox reactions - classical concept & modern
concept, oxidising agent and reducing agent, Oxidation
Number, Application of Oxidation Number, Types of redox
reactions, Kinetic theory of gases Physical properties of
gaseous state, parameters of gases, Gas Laws and questions
based on graphs, Ideal gas equation, Graham's law of di usion
and questions, kinetic theory of gases, di erent velocities of
gaseous molecules.

Biology : Introduction, Classification, Binomial classification,
Nomenclature, Characterstics of 5 kingdoms, Kingdom Monera,
Portista, Fungi, Kingdom Plantae,Kingdom Animalia (Non-

Physics : Types of Collision, PYQ,Univeral Law of Gravitation,

its Factors and Numericals,g (simple formula , Density Formula),
Factors on which it depends , Percentage change Short
Formula,Numerical Practice , Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion
and its Numericals,Satellite - Orbital Velocity , Escape Velocity
and Grvaitational Potential Energy,Mass and Weight Questions
and PYQs.
Schedule & Syllabus
Test Date Syllabus

Chemistry : Periodic Classification of Elements, Historic

development of Periodic table (Lavoisier Classification, Proust's
hypothesis, Dobereiner's triad, Newland law of Octaves, Lother
Meyer Curve & Mendeleev's Periodic Table ), Modern & Long form
of Periodic Table, Periodic properties of elements-Valency,
Density, Screening E ect, Atomic & Ionic radius, Ionisation
E n e r g y, E l e c t r o n A n i t y, E l e c t r o n e g at i v i t y a n d t h e i r
applications, Metals, Non-metals and Metallurgy, Introduction,
Physical properties of metals and Non-metals, Chemical
properties of metals and non-metals, Formation of Ionic
compounds and its proper ties, Occurrence of metals,

Biology : Introduction, Digestive system, Physiology of
digestion, Absorption, Respiration, Transportation in animals,
Excretion, Introduction, Monohybrid cross.

Physics : Pressure, Pressure factors, Density, Relative Density,

Atmospheric Pressure, Pressure due to Fluid, Manometer,
Barometer and U - Tube manometer, Buoyant Force Formula, its
factors, Archemedes Principle, law of floatation numerical
practice and Melting of ICE, Pressure due to a fluid column;
Pascal's law and its applications (hydraulic lift and hydraulic
brakes), e ect of gravity on fluid pressure, Viscosity, Stokes'
law, terminal velocity, streamline and turbulent flow, critical
velocity, Bernoulli's theorem and its simple applications. PYQ
Schedule & Syllabus
Test Date Syllabus

Chemistry : M e t a l l u r g y, Co r r o s i o n , Ca r b o n a n d i t s
Compounds, Introduction, versatile nature of carbon, vital force
theory, organic compounds, allotropes of carbon, Classification
of organic compounds, Functional froup, homologous series,
IUPAC Nomenclature, isomerism, IUPAC Nomenclature.

Biology : Dihybrid cross,Chromosomal theory of

inheritance,Origin of life, Evolution,Introduction, Types of
22/09/2024 d i s e s a e s , D i s e a s e s c a u s e d by va r i o u s p at h o g e n s , N o n
communicable diseases

Physics : Electric Charge , Coulomb's Law and its Numericals ,

Electric Field, Current, Voltage, ohms law, Resistance and
Factors on which it depends, Numerical on Resistance,
Connections and related Numericals Numericals on nesting of
resistance, Heating e ect of current and Power with Numericals
Cells, Nesting of Cells , Wheatstone bridge and Short Circuiting
PYQs and Numerical Practice

Chemistry : Chemical properties of Carbon compounds-

combustion, oxidation, addition, substitution reaction, Some
important carbon compounds- Ethanol & Ethanoic acid, Soaps
13/10/2024 and detergents, Hard and Soft Water, Chemical Equilibrium
Sunday Introduction, characteristics, active mass, Law of mass action,
Law of chemical Equilibrium,Relation between Kp and Kc, factors
a ecting the Equilibrium constant, Le-Chaterlier's Principle,
physical equlibrium and Numerical Practice. Acids Bases & Salts
Arrhenius concept, Bronsted-Lowry Concept, Lewis Concept.
Schedule & Syllabus
Test Date Syllabus

Biology : Immunology,Introduction, Packaging of DNA, DNA

replication, Mechanism of DNA replication, Transcription,
Translation, Operon concept, Mutation, DNA fingerprinting.

Physics : Magnets, Magnetic Substance and Magnetic field,

Compass,Earth's Magnetic field, Oesterd's Experiment
Magnetic E ect due to straight, Circular and solenoid &
Electromagnets, Force on Charge in a Magnetic Field, Force on a
conductor in a magnetic field, Motion of charge in a magnetic
Field, Flemings left hand law, Electric Motor (Construction and
Working), EMI (Type of emi), Lenz law, Flemings Right hand law
and Generator (Construction and Working), AC, DC - Numerical
Practice . Types of substance (para , dia , ferro)

Chemistry : Classification of Acids and Bases, Strength of

Acids and Bases, Dissociation Constant & Ionic product of water,
pH, Salt Hydrolysis, Bu er Solutions & Bu er Action, Solubility &
Solubility Product, Acid- Base Titrations.

Biology : Introduction, Types of reproduction,Reproduction in

Sunday fl owe r i n g p l a n t s , Po l l i n at i o n , fe r t i l i z at i o n , Ve g e t at i ve
propogation,Sexual reproduction in animals.

Physics : Numericals + PYQs, Reflection of Light, No of images

Formula , Spherical mirrors and terms, Ray diagrams of Spherical
Mirror, Mirror Formula, Numerical Practice, Refraction, Refractive
index , apparent depth/height , lens terms of lens
Schedule & Syllabus
Test Date Syllabus




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