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Department of Financial Studies,
Faculty of Management Studies


Master of Business Administration

Research Methodology


A conceptual study on digitalization of

banking - issue and challenges in rural
area Jaunpur U.P.

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Head Aashu Singh

Department of Financial Studies Roll No:23001219001
MBA (F&C) (2ndSemester)
Table of Contents Page No.

1. Title

2. Declaration

3. Acknowledgement

4. Abstract & Introduction

5. Background of Study

6. Statement of Problem

7. Objective of the Study

8. Literature Review

9. Research Methodology

10. Data Analysis and Interpretation

11. Limitation of Research

12. Findings/Discussion/Suggestion/Recommendation

13 .Conclusion

14. Reference

15. Annexure

1. Aconceptual study on digitalization

of banking- issue and challenges in
rural area Jaunpur U.P.

I AASHU SINGH student of MBA (F&C) 2nd semester studying in

Department of Financial Studies of Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal
University here by declare that this research survey report is the original
piece of work and prepared by me.

I also declare that this project is the result of own effort and has not been
submitted to any university or institution for any academic award.

Roll No.23001219001

I would like to express my appreciation to all those who provided me the

possibility to complete this report.

First mention university and then department there after teachers then employee
and all others who have contributed directly orindirectly.

Of course to parents and friends to be included in.

Aspecial gratitudeI want to give,

“Dr. Alok Gupta Sir (Head of Department)” whose contribution in stimulating

suggestion and encouragement, helped me to coordinate my projecte specially
in writing there port. Further more, I would also like to acknowledge with
appreciation the crucial role of the staff of Department of Financial Studies
who coordinates and help in prepraing report.

At the outset I acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude to my respected

guide‘‘Dr.Ajay Dwivedi”Sir his valuable guidance, suggestion and constantenc
our agementin shaping this report.

I would like to express special thanks to‘‘ Dr.Sushil Kumar Sir, ‘Mr.Abu
Saleh’’ Sir ‘Mr. Manoj Kr. Tripathi’ Sir and ‘’Ms. Yashi Singh’ Ma’am for
very kindly allowing me to under go to prepraing report and their valuable

Roll No.23001219001

The modern world is filled with digitalization; banking sector is not

exception to it. Digitalization has become integral part of our life,
without which we feel world is nothing. In the fast moving world
digitalization is playing a prominent role. Al most all the sectors of
the economy depends on digitalization for their growth and banking
sector is not exception to it. The countries which are easily adapting
to it are performing exceptionally well compared to those countries
which are lagging behind in adopting digitalization. The banking
sector which is called as the sector of development of all other
sectors, because of the financial assistance it provides for other
sectors and thereby encouraging capital formation. Even though
India is one of the fastest developing countries in the world, it is
lagging behind in the implementation of digitalization to
banking sector. It is true that digitalization of banking will bring
revolution in the economy; there is a need to take some
important steps in digitalizing rural banking. Still 19%
population remains unbanked even after the implementation of
Jan Dhan Yojna by the central government according to the
study conducted jointly by The Associated Chambers of
Commerce & Industry of India and Ernst and young India
(ASSOCHAM-EY) report 24th July 2017. Digitalization plays a
major role in providing better services to those areas which are
not there in financial inclusion. This conceptual paper highlights
the various issues and challenges in implementing digitalization
of rural banking.

Opening Statement:
There are various digital banking services which are
provided by the banks to its customers some of them
are- National Electronic Fund Transfer, Real Time Gross
Settlement, Debit and Credit Cards, Mobile Banking,
Inter Bank Mobile Payment System etc., Implementing
these services in rural areas of India are not that easy
from banks perspective as there are various issues and
challenges needed to be addressed.

i. Increases efficiency: digitalization of banking increases the

efficiency in banking sector and enable smoother
ii. Fast and furious: digitalization will reduces the time of
transaction and thereby encourages easy flow of funds
compared to traditional banking.
iii. Vast coverage: digitalization of banking covers large
number of people and has wide Rishab Family Trust, was
able to sell a portion of the company's shares coverage
iv. Improves the quality: Digitalization will improve the
quality of service of the banking sector compared
to traditional banking.
V. Less human error: Digitalization of banking maintains
proper records of transactions and thereby reduces the
human error. vi. Environment friendly: As digitalization of
banking saves paper and trees it is more of environment
VI. Increases Investment: Digitalization of banking leads to
quick and easy access to various banking services and
thereby increases the investment activities in the country.
VII. Less cost: Digitalization of banking reduces the cost of
printing currency notes as there is no usage of hard cash
and less cost in maintaining records as its available online.

Over view of the Structure:-

1. Introduction: This section provides an introductory

overview of there search topic, highlighting the significance
of credit financing and customer satisfaction
with special reference to digitalization of banking-
issue and challenges in present life for human .It sets the
context for the study and introduces the key objectives and
research questions.

2. Literature Review: The literature review section

examines existing research and scholarly literature related to
insurance and credit financing and customer
satisfaction with special reference to
digitalization of banking- issue and challenges key findings
and identifying gaps in knowledge. It provides
incomprehensive overview of the theoretical and empirical
literature on the subject, informing the research frame work
and hypotheses.

3. Methodology: This section outlines the research

methodology employed in the study, including the
research design, data collection methods, sampling
techniques, and analytical approach. It provides
Transparency and rigor in the research process, ensuring the
reliability and validity of the findings.

4. Findings and Analysis: The findings and

analysis section presents the results of the study, including
descriptive statistics, regression analyses,
and thematic analysis of qualitative data. It interprets the
findings in relation to the research objectives and the oretical
framework, identifying patterns, trends, andinsights.

5. Discussion: The discussion section critically

evaluates the findings in light of the research questions and
relevant the oretical concepts. Itexplores the implications of
the findings for theory, practice, and policy, discussing the in
significance and limitations.

6. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes them ainfindin g

softhe study, restates the research objectives, and offers in
sightsint of uturere search directions. It provides a synthesis of the
key findings and their implications, emphasizing the contribution of
the study to the field of credit financing and customer
satisfaction with special reference to digitalization
of banking- issue and challenges.

7. References: The references section lists all sources citedin

the paper, following astan dardizedcitation format
(e.g.Institute of banking and finance , Individual ,
credit financing and customer satisfaction with
special reference to bajaj finserv,
ejenhttp://www.banking and finance
s_in_Malpractice.pdf).Itprovidescredibility and
transparency by acknowledging the contributions of previous
research and scholarship to the study.
5.Background of Study:

A conceptual study on digitalization of

banking- issue and challenges in rural
area Jaunpur U.P.
The modern world is filled with digitalization; banking sector is not
exception to it. Digitalization has become integral part of our life,
without which we feel world is nothing. In the fast moving world
digitalization is playing a prominent role. Al most all the sectors of the
economy depends on digitalization for their growth and banking sector is
not exception to it. The countries which are easily adapting to it are
performing exceptionally well compared to those countries which are
lagging behind in adopting digitalization.


Importance of Digitalization of rural banking

Digitalization of rural banking is very helpful in financial inclusion and helps
the economy to grow faster with the development of all other sectors.
Some of the significances of digitalizing rural banking are-
i. Increases efficiency: digitalization of banking increases the efficiency in
banking sector and
enable smoother transactions.
ii. Fast and furious: digitalization will reduces the time of transaction and
thereby encourages
easy flow of funds compared to traditional banking.
iii. Vast coverage: digitalization of banking covers large number of people
and has wide coverage.
iv. Improves the quality: Digitalization will improve the quality of service of
the banking sector
compared to traditional banking.
v. Less human error: Digitalization of banking maintains proper records of
transactions and
thereby reduces the human error.
vi. Environment friendly: As digitalization of banking saves paper and trees it
is more of
environment friendly
vii. Increases Investment: Digitalization of banking leads to quick and easy
access to various
banking services and thereby increases the investment activities in the
viii. Less cost: Digitalization of banking reduces the cost of printing currency
notes as there is no
usage of hard cash and less cost in maintaining records as its available online.
Service Quality in digital banking Sector:-
There are various digital banking services which are provided by the
banks to its customers some of them are- National Electronic Fund
Transfer, Real Time Gross Settlement, Debit and Credit Cards,
Mobile Banking, Inter Bank Mobile Payment System etc.,
Implementing these services in rural areas of India are not that easy
from banks perspective as there are various issues and challenges
needed to be addressed.
7.Objectives of the study

(1) To analyze various issues and challenges in implementation of

digitalization in rural banking.
(2) To analyze the factors influencing the Digitalization of rural
banking- such as Communication networks, education, occupation,
income, gender, socio-economic status.
(3) To analyze what needs to be done and what has been done in
digitalization of rural banking.
(4) To analyze probable areas which need to focused for
implementing digitalization of rural banking and helping in making
India a digital India.

Scope of the Study:

Customers are encountering numerous challenges when it

comes to obtaining gold loans and advances, so digitalization of
banking- issue and challenges. is assisting them in their growth as
it plays an important role in the development of the Indian
economy. It's important to research in banking sector . lending
policies and regulations. The current research focuses on
banking sector in particular, and it is limited to uses. With the aid
of comparative analysis and trend percentages, analyze banking
sector., Coimbatore district growth rate in order to learn how
digitalization banking sector . mobilizes funds and puts them to
good use.
Literature Review

A. Ahmed ET AL .
Stock market valuation of gains and losses on commercial banks’
investment securities: an empirical analysis
Journal of Accounting & Economics (1995)
F. Allen ET AL .
Mark-to-market accounting and liquidity pricing
Journal of Accounting & Economics (2008)
J. Altamuro ET AL .
How does internal control regulation affect financial reporting?
Journal of Accounting & Economics (2010)
C. Armstrong ET AL .
The role of information and financial reporting in corporate
governance and debt contracting
Journal of Accounting and Economics (2010)
M. Barth ET AL .
Fair value accounting: effects on banks‫ ׳‬earnings volatility,
regulatory capital, and value of contractual cash flows
Journal of Banking & Finance (1995)
M. Barth ET AL .
The relevance of the value-relevance literature for financial
accounting standard setting: another view
Journal of Accounting & Economics (2001)
A. Beatty ET AL .
An empirical analysis of the economic implications of fair value
accounting for investment securities
Journal of Accounting & Economics (1996)

The population for this study consists of individuals and group residing in
rural& urban area of jaunpur Uttar Pradesh, India.
Sampling Frame:
The sampling frame includes individuals who have access to use banking sector
in urban &rural areas of jaunpur Uttar Pradesh.
Sample Size:
The sample size for this studyis 108. However,the survey collected responses
from multiple individuals.
Sample Unit:
The sample unitis individual respondents who participated in the survey.
Method of Data Collection:
The data was collected using a Google Form survey. Respondents were asked a
series of questions related to their usage of banking digitalizations and services,
their satisfaction levels, and their opinions on various aspects of banking
Types of Data:
The data collected includes both qualitative and quantitative information.
Qualitative data includes responses to open-ended questions, such as area so
nsfornotusing banking services ,while quantitative data includes demographic
in formation and responses to close-ended questions.
Response Rate:
The response rate, or the proportion of individuals who responded to the surve
you to the total number of individuals contacted 250

Research Design:
The research design appears to be cross-sectional, as data was collected a single
point in time from adiverse group of respondents.
Method of Data Analysis:
Descriptive statistics
Method of Data Representation:
Data are represented using tabular methods, pie charts, and tables. These visual
representation sare helpful communicate key findings and patterns in the data
• Data Analysis and Interpretation Findings of the Study

This study considered a sample of 108 respondents was collected from a

tvarioused ucational level. Random sampling method was used for collection of
data, and scrutinized by“ Descriptive Factor Analysis” for out come.
Study’s findings Below table is about general details of respondents which
shows that 77.2 %male, and 22.8% are female participants.

Regarding age of the respondents, 45.5% are below the 18 years, 35.6%are
between the 18to25years ,and 11.9% are between the 26to35years, 5.7% above the
35years of age 7.8% 45to 55year .
About Qualifications, Betweenthe 10thpassand Undergraduate are 50% and
Above the Undergraduate are 37.6%.

People who is farmer 27.6% self-employed 20% service indusity 9.5%

Other 42.9%

Residing in rural area 73.8% more than 10 year and aproximatally 27% are in less than 10

Use banking in 40.7% rarely 7.4% daily 14.8% weekly use the banking facility ,.

Satisfation of the digtalizations in 25% are very satisfied 10% somewhat satisfied 70%
are neutral and other are not satisfied are very dissatisfied .
Rating 54..6% are average 23.1% are good and some other

Which digital banking use 45.8% mobile banking 13.1% internet banking
15.9 % are using atm and some other
Main reason of using of digital banking lack of awareness 26.4 % are 27.4% are
internet connectivity 23.8% are recommendations from friends 32.7% competitive
interest rate 111.9% variety of financial products 8.9% customer service quality,.

How much rate of Technical glitches 49.1% are 10.4 % are 16% are security fair 9-
10% are difficulty issue..
42.5% are high 35.8% neutral and other are 23% are other some and aome what satisfied.

26.2% limited resource 40.2 % are lack of trust 14% financial literacy 9.3% are cultural resistance 10.3% are
other ………
Recommend of banking 18.8% are very likely 44.6% likely 26,7% are neutral and other
are unlikely and very unlikely ..
Range of banking service providers in banking digitalization satisfaction 20.8% are very
responsive 45.5% responsive 127.7% are above are somewhat and very not responsive ..

Processing of the banking digitalization 54.5% are satisfied 17.8% are very
satisfied 20.8% neutral no impact 22.9% negativity

Rate the effectiveness services of banking under customer satisfaction 50.5 % very effective
22.4% somewhat effective 19.6 % are neutral and other are ineffective and very ineffective .
Level of thinking innovation in banking 31% high,24.1 % transactions are moderate 29.65 %
are low range ..

Satisfied for resolutions process 16.8% are very satisfied 48.5% are satisfied 26.7% are neutral and
other are dissatisfied and very dissatisfied.

Respondents suggestions:
What improvements would you like to see in banking digitalization for rural users?
108 responses

They should try to improved access in current banking service .

Provide services in local languages & improved access in current digital banking
plate forms .
Demographic Profile: The majority of respondents (57%) are male, with (43)%
being female. The age distribution indicates that the largest proportion (35.5%)
falls between 18 to 25 years, with smaller percentages in older age brackets.
1. Educational Qualifications: Nearly half of the respondents
(60.2%)have education levels ranging from 10th pass to undergraduate, while
there meaning 49.8% have education levels above undergraduate.
2. Familiarity with Banking : A significant majority of respondents (89.7%)
feel familiar with current Banking coverage ,indicating wide spread usage and
acceptance of banking services .
3. Preferred Banking Insurance: (73.4%) are the most popular among
respondents, followed by Bankng (26.6%) ,indicating a preference for improve
access and not prefer.
4. Challenges Faced: Common challenges faced by respondents inclued
lack of (18.2%), concerns about secureness (20.5%), and high financial barriers
(6.8%), highlighting areas for improvement in service provision.
5. Factors In fluencing Usage: The primary factors in fluencing usage
include provided lone services (55.6%),home lone (51.9%),.

6. Perceived Security: The majority of respondents (80.4%) believe

health care policy are secure, highlighting the importance of trust and
confidence in banking digitalization .
7. Suggestions for Improvement: Respondents suggest improvements
such as policy regulation budget management secureness of digital banking for
the people.
Limitation of Research

There are various issues and challenges in the implementation of

digitalization to rural banking, they are:-
i. The literacy rate is low in rural India compared to urban India: It
is evident that usage of digital banking services needs the education.
According to the Survey report 29% of rural population lack literacy,
which is the greatest challenge in implementation of digitalization to
rural banking. The details are part of a survey on 'Social Consumption:
Education' during the National Sample Survey (NSS) 71st Round,
January to June 2014, conducted by the National Sample Survey Office
(NSSO) under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme

ii. Lack of infrastructural facilities: Digitalization of rural banking

requires the availability of Infrastructural facilities, here we are
considering mainly the Electricity and communicationnetworks. Nearly
96% villages in India are electrified but only 69% of homes have
electricity connections, according to the World Bank report.
iii. Less number of people using smart phones: the number of people
in rural area using smart phone is very less which is the big hindrance in
implementation of digitalization of rural banking.
iv. Lack of banking habits among rural people: majority of the
people in rural area do not have access to banking because of the lack of
banking awareness and lack of financial literacy.

v. Network issues in rural areas: there is a problem of communication

networks because of which there is lesser digital payments in rural areas
which needs to be addressed .

vi. Lack of financial literacy: the financial literacy among rural people
is very less, because of which people are not aware of different kinds of
making payments

vii. Cash economy: rural India mainly depends on cash than digital
cash to meet their daily need as the transaction happens mainly with
help of cash or barter form.

(1) To analyze various issues and challenges in implementation of

digitalization in rural banking.
(2) To analyze the factors influencing the Digitalization of rural
banking- such as Communication networks, education, occupation,
income, gender, socio-economic status.
(3) To analyze what needs to be done and what has been done in
digitalization of rural banking.
(4) To analyze probable areas which need to focused for implementing
digitalization of rural banking and helping in making India a digital

We are in the era of globalization and the business environment is very

turbulent. It is changing drastically. In present environment nothing is
permanent except changes. Changes are likely to take place but with different
pace at different time. External environmental factors like social, cultural,
economic, legal, government policies, technology and competition are
uncontrollable. Due to these, it has become very difficult to carry out the
business activities effectively and efficiently. It is an uphill task to stabilize,
grow and excel in the business performance. In this situation, the need for
higher level of knowledge and skills are needed. Every organization whether
big or small, is using manpower, machine, money and materials. To carry out
its tasks these are needed and without these the tasks cannot be completed. In
present scenario under liberalization, privatization and globalization the
companies are facing stiff competition. It has become very difficult to
survive, grow, stabilize and excel in the business. The companies performing
better and before others are taking the lead in business. To do so the skilled
and motivated employees are strongly needed. They can give more output per
person. Their performance can be measured with the help of labour
productivity concept. The labour efficiency can be measured with the help of
productivity concept. Nowadays, it is concerned of everybody to utilize the
labour force properly so the output can be increased. This contributes in
progress of employees, employers and the nation as a whole. Higher level of
labour productivity satisfies employers and employees psychologically. It
gives a great impact on performance of people and progress of business.

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Bansal, Shashank, „Perspective of Technology in Achieving Financial
Inclusion in Rural India‟, Procedia Economics and Finance, 11
(2014), 472–80 <>
Cs, Ravi, „Digital Payments System and Rural India : A Review of
Transaction to Cashless Economy‟, 3 (2017), 169–73
Deepak Mohanty, „Report of the Committee on Medium-Term Path
on Financial Inclusion‟, 2015, 1
Desroches, Justine, Pier Alexandre Champagne, Yasmine Benhassine,
Jean-François Paquin, Michael Lukacs, and Dipasis Bhadra, „Table of
of Contents‟, Org. Biomol. Chem., 13 (2015), 2243–46
Nath, Shachindra, „Financial Foresights‟, Views , Reflection and
Erudition, 3 (2013) <
NISM, „Financial Literacy and Inclusion in India‟, 2014, 48
Parmar, BJ, DB Ranpura, CR Patel, and NP Patel, „Rural Banking
through Internet: A Study on Use of Internet Banking among Rural
Consumers‟,, 3 (2013), 325–35



Section A

1. What is your gender ?


2. What is your age group?

Above 55

3. Which city do you reside in?

Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3

4. What is your educational qualification ?

High school or below
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Doctorate or professional degree
Other ( please specify)______

Section B long have you been residing in a rural area ?

आप ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में कब से रह रहे हैं?
less than

1-5 years

6-10 year

more tha

2.. What is your occupation?

आपका व्यवसाय क्या है?

Self -emp

Service in

Other (pl

3. How frequently do you visit a physical bank branch for your banking
needs?आप अपनी बैंकिंग आवयकताओं कता ओंश्य
के लिए कितनी बार किसी
भौतिक बैंक शाखा में जाते हैं?





4. how would you rate the accessibility of banking services in your rural
area?आप अपने ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में बैंकिंग सेवाओं की पहुंच का
मूल्यांकन कैसे करेंगे?
Very poo




5. Which digital banking services are you currently using? (Select all that
apply)आप वर्तमान में किन डिजिटल बैंकिंग सेवाओं का उपयोग कर
रहे हैं? (लागू होने वाले सभी का चयन करें)
Mobile ba


AT M serv

Online bill

Others (p

6.What is the main reason for not using digital banking services?डिजिटल
बैंकिंग सेवाओं का उपयोग न करने का मुख्य कारण क्या है?
Lack of aw

Lack of in

Security c

Prefer tra

7.Have you faced any challenges while using digital banking services?
(Select all that
apply) क्या आपको डिजिटल बैंकिंग सेवाओं का उपयोग करते समय
किसी चुनौती का सामना करना पड़ा है? (लागू होने वाले सभी का चयन
Te chnical


Security i

Lack of cu

Other (pl

8. How would you rate your level of trust in digital banking platforms?आप
डिजिटल बैंकिंग प्लेटफॉर्म में अपने विवास सश्वा के स्तर को कैसे
रेट करेंगे?
Very high




Very low

9.In your opinion, what are the biggest barriers to digital banking adoption
in rural areas? (Select all that apply) आपकी राय में, ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों
में डिजिटल बैंकिंग अपनाने में सबसे बड़ी बाधाएं क्या हैं?
(लागू होने वाले सभी का चयन करें)
Limited in

Lack of tr

Cultural re

Others (p

10.. What improvements would you like to see in digital banking

services to better meet the needs of rural customers? (Select all that
apply) ग्रामीण ग्राहकों की जरूरतों को बेहतर ढंग से पूरा करने
के लिए आप डिजिटल बैंकिंग सेवाओं में क्या सुधार देखना
चाहेंगे? (लागू होने वाले सभी का चयन करें)





11.How likely are you to recommend digital banking services to others

in your rural community? आप अपने ग्रामीण समुदाय में दूसरों को
डिजिटल बैंकिंग सेवाओं की सिफारिश करने की कितनी संभावना
रखते हैं?
Very likely





12.How important do you think digital banking is for the economic

development of rural areas? आपको क्या लगता है कि ग्रामीण
क्षेत्रों के आर्थिक विकास के लिए डिजिटल बैंकिंग कितनी
महत्वपूर्ण है?
Very impo



Not impo

Not sure

13.. How satisfied are you with the current digital banking services
available in your rural area? आप अपने ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में उपलब्ध
वर्तमान डिजिटल बैंकिंग सेवाओं से कितने संतुष्ट हैं?
Very satis




Very dissa
14. . How satisfied are you with the level of customer support provided
for digital banking services? डिजिटल बैंकिंग सेवाओं के लिए
प्रदान की गई ग्राहक सहायता के स्तर से आप कितने संतुष्ट हैं?
Very satis




Very dissa

15.Which digital banking feature do you think needs improvement to

better serve rural customers? आपको क्या लगता है कि ग्रामीण
ग्राहकों को बेहतर सेवा देने के लिए किस डिजिटल बैंकिंग
फीचर में सुधार की जरूरत है?

User inter

Security m




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