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NPRA Question & Answer
Session on Refining and
Petrochemical Technology

Conducted by the National Petroleum Refiners Association

Suite 1000, 1899 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

NPRA Question & Answer
Session on Refining and
Petrochemical Technology

Published by
Publishing Division
Gerald L. Farrar & Associates, Inc.
9717 E. 42nd St. STE 211
Tulsa, OK 74146

Gerald L. Farrar, Editor

Printed in U.S.A


Section Category Page Section Category Page

A. Alkylation — Sulfuric Acid . . . . . . 116
A. Treating and Desalting . 8 Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
B. Lube Oil Manufacturing . . 14 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
C. Solvent Deasphalting . . . 16 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
D. Crude Distillation . . . . . . . . 18 B. Alkylation — Hydrofluoric Acid . . 121
Mechanical . . . . . . . . 18 Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Process . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
E. Instrumentation . . . . . . . 30 Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
F. Product Formulation . . . . 32 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
G. Computer/Process Control 35 C. Reforming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
H. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . 43 Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
II. HEAVY OIL PROCESSING D. lsomerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
E. Etherification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
A. Fluid Catalytic Cracking . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 47 V. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND
Catalysts , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 ENERGY CONSERVATION
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
74 A. Sulfur Plant Operations . . . . . . . . 141
B. Residual Oil Upgrading-Delayed Coking . 141
84 Amine Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Residual Oil Upgrading-Visbreaking . . . . 147
Sulfur Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tail Gas Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Ill. HYDROGEN PROCESSING B. Environmental Control . . . . . . . . . 152
Air Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
A. Hydrogen Production . . . . . . . 85 Water Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Hydrogen Manufacturing . 85 Solid and Chemical Wastes . . 163
Hydrogen Purification . . . . . 92 MiscelIaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
B. Hydrotreating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 C. Energy Conservation . . . . . . . . 169
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Memorandum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Panel Biographies . . . . . . . . . 173
C. Hydrocracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Participation Index . . . . . . . . . 177
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Index to NPRA Q&A Topics 179
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Registration List . . . . . . . . . . . 225

The information and statements herein are believed to be reliable but are not to be construed as a warranty of representation for
which the participants assume legal responsibility. Users should undertake sufficient verification and testing to determine the
suitability for their own particular purpose of any information or products referred to herein. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A
Nothing herein is to be taken as permission, inducement or recommendation to practice any patented invention without a license.


countless changes in the refining industry. The next decade

promises even greater changes. Just do not ask me what
those changes might be.
Trying to tell the future of our industry is about as risky
as trying to outguess OPEC. With all the factors impacting
our operating environment, we could probably come up
with a better five-year forecast of the weather for the planet
Saturn than a one-year forecast for refinery margins.
But it does not hurt to take a look at where we are and
where we hope we are headed. As I thought about my
remarks today, I came to the conclusions that the future
profitability and viability of our industry relies heavily on
one thing - the performance of people. I believe that the
people in this room today, many of our brightest and best
technical professionals, are the key to our success.
You will act as proactive agents of change, the catalysts
that initiate the quantum leap our industry needs. You will
accomplish this by providing counsel to research and de-
velopment, to plant functions, and to management. You
will lead the way with new technology and innovative use of
the resources, and by fostering productive relationships
within our industry, with government agencies, and with
our community neighbors.
Perhaps more importantly, you will influence the deli-
cate balance between protecting our environment and our
checkbook, for this is where our most difficult challenge
The good news is that as a part of a global industry, the
prospects for U. S. petroleum are excellent. Environmental
activists not withstanding, the world will continue to rely
on fossil fuel for the foreseeable future.
Oil, coal, and natural gas account for nearly 90 percent of
the world’s current energy consumption, and petroleum
remains the most plentiful and easiest to use source of
energy available today. It is actually in relative oversupply
with respect to current demand.
Switching to nonfossil alternatives is just not the simple
solution some people perceive it to be. For example, using
J. A. ROSS present solar technology, the United States would have to
deploy solar collectors over a land area equal to Utah,
Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada combined. It would cost
trillions of dollars.
INTRODUCTION Unlike most alternative energy sources, the infra-
structure to support a petroleum-based economy is already
in place. The only factor likely to limit fossil fuel use in the
ROSS: United States any time soon is government action.
Good morning, ladies & gentlemen. I am Jim Ross, Vice Each day my desk is flooded with page after page of new
President of the Sweeny Complex for Phillips Petroleum environmental regulations for the petroleum industry to
Company. As Chairman of the NPRA Manufacturing implement. The Clean Air Act, reformulated gasoline, low
Committee, I would like to welcome you to this 46th annual sulfur diesel fuel, NESHAP, RCRA and the list goes on and
NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical on. It certainly makes it tough to be profitable in our
Technology. business.
In a short while, you are going to get into the nuts and Excessive regulation is already having a significant im-
bolts of refining and chemicals, everything from desalting pact on U. S. refiners. To stay competitive, the majors have
to cracking to desulfurization, alkylation, and reforming. collectively laid off some 51,000 workers in the last two
But before you turn your attention to issues like the intri- years alone, and many refiners are faced with abandoning
cacies of cat crackers, I would like to take a quick look at the older plants, rather than spending a fortune to upgrade
big picture and talk a little about the current outlook for them. In a 15 million bbl/day industry, there are currently
our industry. about 1 million bbb/day on the auction block.
I had the pleasure and the honor to serve as a panelist at I am certainly not against protecting and improving our
the 1982 Q&A Session in Philadelphia. That was more environment. We all want clean air and clean water. We
than 10 years ago, and I have witnessed in that time live on this planet too. But the need for environmental


protection must be balanced with economic common sense. Do not get me wrong. Reducing the deficit is an absolute
The government itself estimates that the cost of environ- must. But I think government needs to cut spending first,
mental regulation for the petroleum industry will rise from and then develop more energy-friendly regulatory policies.
about $8 billion per year to over $20 billion per year during Without reasonably-priced energy, you cannot have sig-
the 90’s. And these are only the direct costs. nificant growth. And without growth, you cannot create
This does not include indirect expenses such as manage- jobs.
ment time, cost of capital or the loss of productive oppor- Now, I will admit that the picture I have painted this
tunities. These economic pressures on refiners, along with morning of our industry is not overly optimistic. Refining is
restrictions on drilling in the United States, are shrinking a tough business, and highly uncertain margins make it
our industry’s domestic presence. difficult to plan for the future. But if anyone has the power
According to some estimates, the costs of environmental to accelerate the economic recovery process, it is the tech-
regulation to our overall economy will soon be roughly nical leaders on the refining side of the business who are
equal to the defense budget, which should be no surprise. gathered here today.
The Clean Air Act was designed by the same people who Many of you are already involved in the wave of re-
gave us the $600 toilet seat. engineering underway in our industry. Most companies
This single law is likely to reshape our business almost realize that a band-aid or a quick fix just will not cut it any
beyond recognition in the years ahead. As we try to deter- longer. We have to look and find the breakthroughs.
mine how to react to the Clean Air Act, we face a real It is going to take radical change to lower our break even
“Catch 22.” levels, to improve our operating integrities, and to get more
If we are to comply in time to meet the law’s 1995 from our existing assets. The survivors will be those facili-
deadline, we need to act now. But if we act now, we run the ties that meet the Clean Air Act, reformulated gasoline,
risk of investing scarce capital in the wrong technology, and other requirements with the lowest capital investments.
because our friends in Washington have yet to spell out Perhaps the most important tool we can use to reach
exactly what they want. these goals is technical teamwork. The best answers are
Reformulated gasoline is one example of the law’s com- found when people sit down and share information and
plexity. The last I counted, due to seasons, vapor pressure, ideas. This NPRA Q&A session is a great chance for you to
location, nonattainment areas, there are some 36 possible do just that.
grades of gasoline across the United States. And we do not As technical professionals, you can be the catalysts that
know yet what surprises the Year 2000 Standards hold for force our industry’s quantum leap into the 21st century.
us. With innovative thinking, quality principles, and team-
This clearly illustrates one of the growing beefs those of work, there is no doubt in my mind that we have a great
us in refining have with government. When federal, state, future ahead of us.
and local jurisdictions butt heads, which government are Speaking of talented professionals, I want to take a
we supposed to obey? moment to thank the panelists who shortly will field some
Washington is demanding that we retrofit refineries. very tough questions over the next three days. They have
The local authorities may hold up the permits we need for spent a great deal of time preparing for this session, and we
construction. The bottom line is that poorly conceived regu- appreciate their willingness to share their knowledge,
lations could put our industry out of business, with no their experience, and their ideas.
ecological benefit whatsoever. Please join me in giving them a round of applause.
In addition to this regulatory onslaught, we are faced Finally, it is my pleasure to introduce the moderator of
with lawmakers who view our industry as a potential these sessions, a moderator to whom we had better pay
source of revenue for decreasing the budget deficit. Earlier attention, because I know Terry. He is just the type to call
this year, our industry banded together to defeat the BTU on you when your brain has taken off for a short mental
tax, a tax that would certainly have cost jobs and would vacation.
have left the U. S. less competitive in the world market. But Please welcome the NPRA Technical Director and mod-
I would be surprised if it is very long before we see a similar erator of the 46th annual NPRA Q&A session, Mr. Terry
deficit reduction scheme in a new disguise. Higgins.


Farmland Industries
Coffeyville, Kansas

Phibro Energy U.S.A.
Texas City, Texas

Mongstad, Norway

Fluor Daniel, Inc.
Sugar Land, Texas

Crown Central Petroleum
Pasadena, Texas

TERRENCE HIGGINS: M. W. Kellogg Company
Good Morning. Thank you very much, Mr. Ross. We Houston, Texas
appreciate your taking the time out of your day to open up
this session this morning. We also appreciate the work that JAMES WILLIAMS
the NPRA Manufacturing Committee does to help guide us Akzo Chemicals Inc.
in orchestrating this meeting, and, as well, the NPRA Houston, Texas
Screening Committee who screen from some 600 to 700
questions, those which are most appropriate for this par- TERREL D. WILLIAMS
ticular session. Kerr-McGee Refining Corporation
I would like to briefly introduce each panelists. Please Houston, Texas
refer to your program books for background information
about them.

RICHARD BONELLI Before we begin, I want to explain the procedure used for
Marathon Oil Company this meeting. The procedure ensures maximum discussions
Robinson, Illinois of the questions and the completeness of the final transcript
of the Session.
GARY BRIERLEY I will call on the panelists first to provide answers to the
Syncrude Canada questions. Then, after they have finished their comments, I
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada will open the discussion to the floor for questions or further
Approximately two weeks after the meeting, a copy of the
Pennzoil Products Company
comments will be mailed to each participant for correc-
Houston, Texas tions, additions, or deletions as deemed necessary. After
the return of the participants’ comments, they will be
printed and published in a hardback book by NPRA. Each
Star Enterprises registrant at the 1993 NPRA Question and Answer Session
Delaware City, Delaware on Refining and Petrochemical Technology will receive the
bound transcript of the meeting. The bound transcription
CHRISTOPHER J. MURPHY includes a subject index which identifies pages where speci-
Nalco Chemical Company
fic topics are covered.
Sugar Land, Texas
The NPRA has received numerous positive comments as
SHARON O’BRIEN to the value of these sessions and transcripts. Any criti-
Phillips 66 Company cisms or suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
Sweeny, Texas With these remarks we are ready to begin the session.



A. Treating and Desalting were ofconcern to us. We did not see an adverse effect on the
operation of the desalter while using the produced water.

QUESTION 1: We also add vacuum ejector condensate to the desalter
What sources of desalter wash water other than water makeup. This water does tend to have higher con-
stripped sour water and atmospheric overhead are centrations of ammonia, H2S, and in some cases, process
being utilized effectively? treating chemicals. This can cause emulsion problems in
the desalter at times.
At the Star refineries, we also use vacuum tower con- ROY:
densate as desalter wash water on a regular basis. When At the Pasadena refinery we use vacuum tower steam jet
normal sources cannot provide enough water, we use clari- condensate, along with stripped sour water. Additionally
fied water or other water sources. One of our sites suc- we are also recirculating 40 to 50% of our desalter effluent
cessfully uses unstripped sour water for desalter wash water, and injecting only about 3% fresh desalter water
water without any difficulties. makeup. When using vacuum condensate as a wash water
source, monitoring and controlling the hydrocarbon level is
MURPHY: very important. If large amounts of hydrocarbons are pres-
One additional source that I can add to that list would be ent in the condensate, a very tight stable emulsion could be
recycled desalter brine, which is occasionally used to con- formed.
serve water. When considering sources such as surface
water or well waters, play close attention to the calcium
hardness content of the stream. Under conditions possibly QUESTION 2:
present in the desalter, the material can fall from solution, Is the kerosene water reaction separation rating,
and accumulate at the oil/water interface, which can pro- stream quality dependent? What could deteriorate
mote emulsion stabilization requiring extremely high it? Is there a new laboratory test method other than
doses of demulsifier to resolve. subjective testing (ASTM D 1094)?
Carbonates have also been the primary component in
severe fouling of the effluent header, lines, and exchangers. ROY:
Another important contaminant in well or surface water Because of their higher density and viscosity, jet fuels
would be dissolved oxygen, which has caused significant tend to retain fine particulate matter and water droplets in
problems. suspension for a much longer period than aviation gasoline.
If you choose desalter brine, consider the fact that the Jet fuels can also vary considerably in their tendency to
chlorides and solids can accumulate in this stream, leading pick up and retain water droplets or to hold fine water hazes
to problems of increased corrosion and fouling. You should in suspension, depending on the presence of trace surface
be judicious in the use of those sources. active impurities, such as surfactants.
When considering new sources of wash water, you should Some of these materials, such as sulfonic and naphthenic
take care to insure that the new source does not contain acids and their sodium salts may originate from the crude
surfactants or other impurities which could stabilize emul- source or from certain refinery treating processes. Others
sions in the desalter. It is best to take these new sources of may be picked up by contact with other products during
wash water and perform bench scale emulsion resolution transportation to the air field, particularly in multiproduct
testing, using all existing wash water sources and all pipelines. These latter materials may be natural con-
expected sources of crude or other feeds in the slate. taminants from other less highly refined products, for
example, heating oils, or may consist of additives from
BONELLI: motor gasolines, such as glycol type anti-icing agents.
In addition to what Mr. Murphy has noted, we have from In addition, some of the additives specified for jet fuels
time to time supplemented our regular desalter water also have surface-active properties. Examples of these are
stream with water that we produce from an underground corrosion inhibitors and electrical conductivity improvers.
aquifer. Taking into account the potential for hardness in The presence of surfactants can also impair the per-
the water and dissolved oxygen, we have monitored oper- formance of the water-separating equipment such as fil-
ation of the desalter; and, other than a slight decrease in ters, separators used in field handling systems to remove
desalter water temperatures, no effects were noted that traces of free water. Very small traces of free water can



adversely affect jet engine and aircraft operation in several observations are recorded normally on three different as-
ways. pects, which are fuel layer, the water layer, and the inter-
The water-retention and separating properties of jet face between the fuel and the water.
fuels have become a critical quality consideration in recent The separometer method uses a high speed pump to
years. Additionally, the water reaction test D-1094 is very agitate and emulsify a water-fuel mix. It is then run
sensitive to the cleanliness of the glassware used in the through a standardized fiberglass coalescer, and the efflu-
test. A failed test should be repeated with freshly cleaned ent analyzed for uncoalesced water by means of a light
glassware. transmission measurement. The coalescer used with the
Also of importance is the phosphate buffered water used separometers can account for better separation and results
in the water reaction D-1094 test. If it is aged, it can also in “pass” and “fail” differences between the separometer
lead to a test failure. and the water reaction test.
I agree with Mr. Roy’s comments. I would also recom- I agree with Mr. Juno and would like to add that when
mend that you consult a manual on the significance of tests you can pass the microseparometer test in the field or the
for petroleum products, fifth edition, edited by George WSIM test in the old standard, you should in general pass
Dyrah. It has some excellent references and some the D-1094 test. If not, it is beneficial to reclean the test
suggestions. apparatus.
It also includes stream quality dependence. The answer
to the question is that the separation index certainly is T. WILLIAMS:
stream quality dependent. These surfactant materials are We agree with the previous comments. Just because the
properties of some of the crude oils that are charged. An- WSIM passes does not necessarily guarantee a good water
other caution that should be taken into consideration when separation, as was mentioned in response to the previous
using the micro-separator test is that it is possible to have question. Again, a contamination problem can occur with
some contamination of the micro-separator apparatus, if it surfactants that come in with the crude, or corrosion in-
is transported in and around the field. The cleaning of this hibitor filmers in the overhead (depending on dosage and
equipment, which in our facility we do with chromic acid, is rate) which cause you to pass one and fail the other. We have
a critical step. in some instances found that operating our overhead tem-
peratures above 250 ºF has helped to alleviate the problem.
This simple test is subjective to a degree, but it does give
some results that the WSIM test does not. The three major QUESTION 4:
parts of the test are as follows: 1) Measure the increase in In our fixed bed regenerative caustic treatment
the volume of the water layer, which represents the amount process for gasoline sweetening, we use methanol to
of water-soluble materials, such as alcohols or ethers. 2)The impregnate the catalyst over the carbon bed. Does
appearance of the interface can be reported in one of five anyone have experience carrying out this step with
different defined ratings. 3)There are three different other products instead of methanol? What are the
defined ratings for the appearance of each of the fuel and results?
water layers. The subjective aspects of this test relate to the
last two items, because judgment is called for in discerning PAULES:
between two adjacent ratings. As far as we know, there is no The practice of using methanol to impregnate fixed bed
new lab test method to take the place of ASTM D-1094. sweetening catalyst is no longer recommended. Current
practice uses a dilute ammonia solution as a carrier. We
have used a catalyst supplied already impregnated. This is
QUESTION 3: more costly, but it does place the burden of proper impreg-
In our kerosene Merox unit, we have problems nation on the supplier.
complying with the ASTM-D 1094 “Standard Test
Method for Water Reaction of Aviation Fuels”. There T. WILLIAMS:
are no problems with the WSIM test (ASTM 2550) for We use a dilute ammonia solution to re-impregnate our
water separation characteristics. What can produce fixed bed Merox unit. This is in accordance with UOP
these results? procedures.


First, the ASTM discontinued the D-2550 test method in We have been designing our fixed-bed Merox units for
1991. The D-3948 test method by portable separometer is quite some time, using the dilute ammoniated solution as a
the suggested replacement method. The difference between carrier for the catalyst, and would certainly recommend
the two testing methods, D-1094 and D-3948, should be that anyone with a fixed-bed Merox unit use that solution,
analyzed to understand why one may show acceptable rather than methanol. UOP will be glad to supply the
results and the other show unacceptable results. updated procedures upon request.
The water reaction test uses a sample of the fuel and a
quantity of phosphate buffer solution. These are shaken A. K. ARORA (Indian Oil Corporation):
together in a glass cylinder under specified conditions and We have used dilute ammonia solution, and we have
then allowed to separate for exactly five minutes. The realized 40% savings over methanol.



PATRICIA FORERO (Merichem Company): lems. Emulsion polymers have been very successful in
Merichem licensees have successfully used our patented maintaining oil-free undercarries.
process which employs amine solutions for impregnating
the oxidation catalyst over the carbon bed in both gasoline PAULES:
and kerosene treating systems. These processes eliminate We have recently installed hydrocyclones in two of our
the special problems of impregnation storage facilities and locations on desalter effluent water. These hydrocyclones
concerns over disposal of impregnation solutions. were intended to remove any trace quantities of entrained
oil under relatively good desalter operation. They per-
formed this function extremely well. However, when mas-
QUESTION 5: sive desalter undercarry occurs, they do not entirely sep-
Merox sweetening without alkali is now being arate the oil and water. We have also experienced some
offered by UOP for gasoline treating. What are its plugging of the hydrocyclone with material floating in the
advantages, number of units installed and its rag layer when it hits the hydrocyclone. Strainers were
economics? installed after start-up and have helped to minimize this
UOP is offering its “Caustic-free Merox” process for sweet- BONELLI:
ening FCC and light straight-run gasoline, and also ker- In our test experience with the hydrocyclone separators,
osene. The system basically replaces caustic with a dilute we also installed hydrocyclone separators in a slipstream
ammonia solution which is easily disposed of in refinery from the desalter brine stream. We found that during the
sour water systems. This can be attractive to refiners with test they worked well, when there were reasonably con-
high caustic disposal costs or those with a mandate to stant effluent conditions to the hydrocyclones. The range of
reduce waste. operation that we explored in our testing did not include
Also, these systems allow a larger percentage of phenols massive desalter upsets. The problem that we encountered
to remain in the gasoline. So far there is one commercial during our testing was that when you charge crude oils
unit in operation on FCC gasoline. This unit is a converted which have a substantial solids content, at some point those
Minalk unit which has been in service since 1990 and has solids will find their way to the waste treatment facility.
only been shut down when the FCCU went down. One other They can cause some problems in emulsion resolution in
refiner has an FCC gasoline unit in the design stages. A the waste treatment plant.
commercial trial for “Caustic-free Merox” in a kerosene
treating application has been successfully completed. This MURPHY:
unit is a modified kerosene Merox unit and has been on Nalco recently completed an evaluation of a hydro-
stream for 7 months. cyclone on a desalter brine stream containing approxi-
mately 5 vol % oil, and a significant level of oily solids.
Using the hydrocyclone we were able to take this oily brine
QUESTION 6: stream and remove a clean water stream containing less
In desalting heavy crudes, we usually encounter oil than 30 ppm oil. This was achieved by removing only 5% of
undercarry problems. Does anyone have experience the brine stream. This device provided excellent oil/water
with hydrocyclones to reduce oil content in the separation eficiency in this evaluation.
brine? A problem with oil. undercarry in the desalter should
first be addressed by re-evaluation of the demulsifier and
ROY: by verifying that the desalter is in good mechanical condi-
We recently concluded a test run using a Natco-Krebs tion and is clean. We have found a review of the wash water
hydrocyclone pilot plant which was skid mounted and to be very constructive in these cases. Only in a very
brought to our Pasadena refinery on a flatbed truck. The difficult case such as high solids loading, or to allow for a
unit was designed to handle a desalter water slip stream of specific products upgrade, should routine oil undercarry be
10 gpm. tolerated.
The pilot plant consisted of two stages. The first stage
was a liquid-solid cyclonic separator for the removal of sand BRADLY D. NELSON (Vortoil Separation Systems):
and other solid particles. The second stage separated the oil I agree with most of the panel’s comments, in that the
and water. Once we adjusted the differential pressure hydrocyclones can be very effective in removing oil from
across the unit to optimum performance, we were able to water. I would suggest, however, that the removal of solids
achieve an oil removal efficiency of 96 to 99 percent, with should be performed downstream of the liquid-liquid hydro-
inlet oil concentrations of 2,000 to 20,000 ppm. With lower cyclone. The centrifugal force imparted on the fluids, speci-
inlet oil concentrations, the removal efficiency was 70 to 90 fically the rag layer, allows the solids to be stripped of free
percent, with a maximum outlet oil concentration of 10 oil and exit with the clean brine. In this oil free condition,
ppm for inlets of under 300 ppm. solids separation can be more efficient due to the increase of
The unit provided ability to handle very large oil upsets the solids relative density.
in desalter operation by easily handling gross oil contents.
In some cases it has been seen that the undercarry still JO AGAR (Agar Corporation, Inc.):
becomes oily as the hydrocyclone design specifications are I think some attention should be given to the elimination
exceeded. Recent technology advances in adjunct emulsion- of the undercarry. There was an interesting article in the
breaker chemistry have addressed the oil undercarry prob- August issue of the Hydrocarbon Processing where they



mention that one particular refinery has managed to cut

down the amount of air emission and hydrocarbon dump-
ing by 82%. Those numbers were verified by the EPA who
were going to shut down the refinery. Before one goes into a
lot of trouble in treating the water, one should see if it is not
possible to eliminate the dumping in the first place.
This goes back also to what Mr. Ross was saying about
the government pushing the industry into spending a lot of
money on cleaning the air. EPA studies showed that most of
the benzene emissions under NESHAP were coming from
the crude oil, and by cuttingdown at the source, the amount
of hydrocarbon dumping to the waste water from desalters,
slop tanks, storage tanks, etc., the air pollution and hydro-
carbon contamination could be cut by 82%. So, this is
government coming to the refiners and telling them “look,
do not waste money and you will get clean air”. I really
think paying more attention to where the contamination is
coming from and how to eliminate it, has a direct payback.
tillation profile and is believed to make less reactive prod-
MO VADEKAR (Chem Tech. Consulting): ucts. There are several disadvantages with these methods
Has the pH of the brine or the water any effect on the including caustic embrittlement of equipment, poisoning of
downstream catalysts and, for amines, insufficient reaction
separation efficiency of this oil from the brine or water?
time in most units.
PAULES: We have had dramatic success with the use of corrosion
I do not think so. The hydrocyclone separates emulsions inhibitors, which are applied to the specific area where the
corrosion is occurring. The most effective inhibitors appear
very well. We have only had problems with large solids that
plug the hydrocyclone orifices. to be phosphorus based. A thorough review of this class of
inhibitors can be found in a NACE paper, “Naphthenic Acid
Corrosion In A Refinery Setting,” paper No. 631, NACE
BRADLY D. NELSON (Vortoil Separation Systems):
Corrosion 33.
The only time large solids can plug hydrocyclones are
when these solids have a density lower than water. In the Other nonphosphorus-based additives do inhibit cor-
rosion, but have not been shown to be as effective as the
case of Mr. Paules’ application, the solids plugging the
phosphorus-based products. We recommend these products
hydrocyclone were polyethylene beads, approximately
only in cases where even low levels of phosphorus cannot be
8mm in diameter, that would concentrate in the rag layer.
tolerated. Traditional nitrogen-based inhibitors do not
As the rag layer exited with the desalter brine, these beads
work at the high temperatures where naphthenic acid
would understandably plug the oil reject orifice (4mm) of
the hydrocyclones. As Mr. Paules stated, this has been attack usually occurs.
resolved with the installation of dual basket strainers.
In one instance, a refinery utilized caustic to treat a
QUESTION 7: naphthenic vacuum unit charge. The caustic was injected
What solutions, other than metallurgical, have
in the feed to the furnace. This caustic injection caused a
been successfully used to control high temperature
severe furnace coking problem that was significantly im-
naphthenic acid corrosion?
proved with proper furnace design.

I know of several options which are available to control Our primary method of controlling napthenic acid cor-
naphthenic acid corrosion. The most widely practiced rosion is to blend and choose a crude slate that keeps the
method is crude blending. The standard technique relies vacuum gas oil neutralization number under 1. We use the
heavily on the total acid number (TAN) of the processed ASTM D664 method to determine this number.
crude. Typically the crudes are blended to a specific total
acid number of 0.5 to 1, which is widely believed to be the PEDERSEN:
safe TAN range. We did a field trial 2 or 3 years ago with a corrosion
The major drawback to this approach is that the total inhibitor system without any great success, so we stopped.
acid number is not always indicative of either the amount of We are still recommending to change metallurgy to 316
acid present in the crude, or the extent of corrosivity of the stainless steel in services where we expect naphthenic acid
crude. Often during the distillation process, the corrosive corrosion to appear.
acids concentrate in specific distillation zones, or in down-
stream units, causing corrosion in localized areas of a unit. STANLEY CARP (The UNO-VEN Company):
One additional method which is not so widely practiced is Has anybody experienced fouling problems in their vac-
neutralization where lime, caustic, or amines can be added uum overhead precondensor using a chemical injection
to react with the naphthenic acids. This changes the dis- program for naphthenic acids?



MURPHY: control, proper feed distribution, adequate residence time

There could be possible problems, if you are not careful in and temperature control.
the selection of any additive. You have to evaluate all
possible problems which would result from the application. JUNO:
I would like to add that it is important to run an accept-
STANLEY CARP (The UNO-VEN Company): able space velocity close to one (LHSV).
I asked this question because we started a program and
within a month, our precondensor was totally plugged. We DAVID HOLBROOK (UOP):
are not really sure if it was caused by the chemical or We agree with what the panel has said. I would like to
something in the feed. We are still evaluating it. I just add that with minimal laboratory support, a couple of
wondered if anybody else has had that experience. simple titrations, you can watch the mercaptan sulfur on
the inlet of the unit and on the outlet and operate the unit to
MURPHY: just meet the mercaptan specification rather than going for
An unexpected side effect of any chemical program overkill, of injecting excessive air through the unit and
should be evaluated by the supplier and corrective action using excessive caustic. By operating to just meet speci-
initiated. In your case, if a component of the additive is fications, you can minimize the air and optimize the caustic
shown to be the problem, the supplier should replace the usage. This will minimize the oxidation byproducts that
additive immediately with more compatible chemistry. might affect the catalyst life and reduce the production of
spent caustic which will have to be disposed.
MICHAEL ZETLMEISL (Petrolite Corporation):
As Mr. Murphy said, the whole acceptance of total acid PATRICIA FORERO (Merichem Company):
number is somewhat in question when it comes to naph- There are several factors for a good fix bed performance.
thenic acid corrosion. People like Lee Craig of Mobil and These are 1.) the type of carbon bed, 2.) the catalyst im-
others have shown that the correlation does not necessarily pregnation procedure, 3.) maintaining bed alkaline condi-
stand up. They have experienced severe corrosion at total tion required for efficient mercaptan oxidation, 4.) good
acid numbers considerably lower than 0.5. caustic treating ahead of the carbon bed, thus minimizing
The classic paper in this area of naphthenic acid cor- sodium naphthenate carryover and emulsion formation on
rosion is by a man named DeRungs. If anybody is interested the carbon bed, and 5.1 by minimizing operating tempera-
to get a copy of that from me, I am sure Mr. Murphy has a ture in air injection prevents formation of color bodies.
Petrolite also has an offering of an inhibitor in this area,
that has been successfully tested in the laboratories of QUESTION 9:
several major oil companies and successfully field tested at What has been refiners’ experience in treating
a HVGO stream with a total acid number of 7. We would be crude tanks to improve subsequent operations in the
interested in discussing this with interested parties be- desalters and the rest of the unit’s equipment?
cause we are now ready to go fully commercial with this
product. LAABS:
One of our refineries typically uses a demulsifier in
tankage on crudes that are difficult to desalt. To date, they
QUESTION 8: have not had any problems with this chemical injection.
What are the most important factors in suc- Other sites have reported that using a demulsifier in crude
cessfully operating a fixed carbon bed for jet fuel tankage has improved desalter operations, but are in the
treating? process of quantifying that benefit.
Identification of crudes that cause desalting and de-
PEDERSEN: watering problems is an on-going process. Several crudes
According to our experience, good caustic prewash is very from Egypt and Venezuela have caused difficulties in the
critical. The reason is, that if you do not get the acids out, past.
the naphthenates will coat the carbon bed and make the Another of our affiliated refineries does not have a de-
bed partly inactive. Also important are good temperature salting system, and must rely on tank farm dehydration.
control and adequate air supply. Too high temperature will There has been some success with their program, but their
cause color degradation and, at low temperature, the reac- crude unit feed does have a higher chloride concentration
tion stops. Regarding the air, we recommend an air rate than that of our other refineries. We have found that cer-
double the theoretical based on the content of mercaptans. tain combinations of crudes will limit the effectiveness of
the injected demulsifier at that location.
Aside from feed quality, there are several main process MURPHY:
variables to consider: catalyst, oxygen, alkalinity, contact Many refineries have had positive experiences in treat-
and heat. This is based on our Merox unit. Guidelines are ing crude in tanks. The program is usually implemented by
available from UOP refiners with limited desalter capacity or those who want to
remove unusually high salt levels of the crude before it is
PAULES: sent to the crude unit. This program is also used by refiners
Also, activated carbon beds used to meet WSIM and color whose crude feed has high volumes of water and those who
specifications require good water and caustic carryover observe significant fluctuations in the volume of water in



the raw crude. These programs can be effected at pre- tem to pump out tank water bottoms, ratably back into the
venting upsets in the desalter and crude tower due to water crude.
Tank dehydration should be considered when the raw SCOTT BIEBER (BPCI/ChemLink):
crude feed from barges, tankers or pipelines is inconsistent, We have successfully treated crude oil in storage tanks in
when the raw crude contains greater than 0.5 vol % brine, two U.S. refineries processing heavy crudes. Our main goal
when the desired target for salt content of the desalted in these cases was to reduce the amount of desalter oil
crude is unattainable with the current equipment, or when carryunder due to entrainment of oily solids from the de-
the refiner is experiencing poor oil/water separation in the salter interface. We were able to significantly reduce the
tank farm. amount of oil carryunder in both of these refineries. One
To develop an effective program, the following items plant saw their tailwater oil content fall to less than 0.5%
should be completed: conduct a total survey of the tank compared to 2 to 5% being experienced before the crude oil
farm system; evaluate the various feedstocks to the tanks; pretreatment program was initiated. The second refinery
establish specifications for the program; write procedures saw their oil carryunder problem disappear altogether.
for the application; and thoroughly train the operators on Additional benefits measured at the second plant included
the program. We have seen successful treatments of nu- improved atmospheric tower overhead system pH control
merous domestic and international crudes from 18” to 40” and improved corrosion control throughout the crude unit.
API using this method. Chemical rates vary from 3 to 12
ppm in these applications, and times in tankage vary from MUHAMMAD T. UTHMAN (SAMAREC):
24 to 48 hours. Heavier crudes may require heat to speed In one of our refineries (SAUDI ARAMCO), we let the
the process. The technical representative can accurately crude settle in the tanks after desalting. We experienced
predict the conditions that will be required for the treat- good results, just settling the crudes for 24-hours.
ment by performing a fairly simple bench scale test.


During periods of processing high BS&W crude above 0.5 What is the impact of blending various crudes on
wt%, we begin chemical treatment in the crude storage and
fouling and corrosion rates in crude units?
piping system prior to the desalters. The process involves
adding the chemicals to water wet the solids, and remove
them with the water. Removing water in tankage will also MURPHY:
significantly reduce the salts in the raw crude. This has Although crude blending has significant economic ad-
been very successful in minimizing periods of desalter vantages, is an effective means of controlling naphthenic
upsets, thus preventing water carryover, solids carryover, acid corrosion, and can allow for improved desalting of very
oily effluent, and chlorides in the overhead systems. heavy crudes, this practice is not without its problems.
Care needs to be taken in blending light, aliphatic crudes,
PAULES: or light condensates with heavier asphaltic crude oils. The
We have found that treating a crude oil tank to remove aliphatic solvency effect can cause a loss in stability of the
entrained water is generally not very cost effective. We asphaltenes, causing precipitation in the desalter and
have attempted this on occasion and have found that it cost crude preheat exchanger circuit.
as much as 2% times as much to treat a tank chemically to Certain crudes can cause a reduction in desalter ef-
remove water as it does to process the material through the ficiency when they are included in the blend, even in low
desalter. Also, under the recent NESHAP regulations, concentrations. The additional solids and salts carried in
crude tank bottoms are potential benzene emission sources the desalted crude during these upset periods can acceler-
and it is generally more cost effective to control the emis- ate both fouling and corrosion.
sions at the desalter. When crude blending causes spikes of corrosion species,
Generally, the amount of water actually entering crude corrosion control can become very difficult. Careful moni-
tankage is relatively small, and if it can be handled on a toring of unit pH and total acids is necessary to provide
ratable basis to the desalter, little, if any, detrimental satisfactory corrosion protection in these situations. Care
effects will be seen. should also be taken with slop oils, especially chemical
plant waste, when they are included in the crude diet. We
KENNETH N. ABRAHAMS (Star Enterprise): have seen significant fouling and corrosion problems in
Mr. Paules said that you can handle the water ratably several of these instances.
through your desalter. Is it still with the crude? Usually,
you run into problems if you open a tank and have higher OSBORN:
concentrations at the bottom. You tend to get a slug of water Blending highly paraffinic crudes with asphaltic crude
through your system. Do you have a specific way of han- can also cause precipitation of asphaltenes. In fact, one of
dling that? the laboratory test methods for determining asphaltene
content involves precipitation of the asphaltenes using
PAULES: normal heptane. These phenomena have been observed
At one refinery, we make a concerted effort to keep the primarily in the hotter preheat exchangers, but have oc-
water mixed in with the crude oil with mechanical mixers curred in the cooler preheat exchangers, in the desalters,
and in another refinery, we have actually installed a sys- and even in crude tankage.



JUNO: running it, they have managed to stay on-line but they
Most chemical-treating firms have bench scaled testing limit their crude slate to about 4 or 5% Main Pass crude.
units that can predict fouling and corrosion rates of a given They are handling the situation by dilution more than
crude mix. The results will be more meaningful if time anything else.
permits several runs with the future crude mix and also
with the present crude mix. Mixing certain waxy crudes HIGGINS:
such as Green River black and yellow wax crudes with Where would the elemental sulfur come from?
more conventional crudes can produce some surprises such
as speeding up or enhancing asphaltene precipitation. Ex- JACK HARRELL (ChemLink):
perience indicates that waxy crudes can be blended as high Our studies have shown that there apparently is elemen-
as 15% without detrimental fouling in heat exchange tal sulfur in both of these crudes. We think the sulfur in the
equipment. Higher blends are subject to risk based on Kuwait Weathered crude comes from the oxidation on the
asphaltene content of the base crude versus parafflnicity of ground, and the Main Pass apparently is produced with
the blend crude. These crudes should be mixed in-line as elemental sulfur already in it.
documented operational problems have occurred in trying
to mix crudes of different parafflnicity in a tank and ul- T. WILLIAMS:
timately finding a huge asphaltene ball set up in the tank. We also run around 5 to 8 vol % Main Pass crude and that
is correct, there is elemental sulfur in Main Pass crude. I
LAABS: think the field is in dual service production. They actually
Again, one way we limit corrosion in the crude units is produce elemental sulfur at the same site.
blending crudes by neutralization number, which we typi-
cally keep below 1. We found that corrosion rates in many STEPHEN T. HUNKUS (MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc.):
areas of the crude unit, including the pumps, heaters and Has anybody had success treating the exchanger train to
transfer lines, are significantly higher when the neutral- prevent or reverse the effects of laydown, if you just cannot
ization number is greater than 1. Again, as the other avoid the mixing of the crudes or processing of large
panelists have said, fouling is usually a function of the amounts of slop oil containing solids that you generate
quality of the individual crudes. We limit the amount of low during a turnaround or an upset?
quality crude in the slate to avoid high fouling rates. In-
tense fouling due to asphaltene deposition has occurred MURPHY:
when mixing highly asphaltenic and highly naphthenic We have had success treating asphaltene deposition
crudes. We have had trouble blending parafflnic condensate problems caused by mixing of crudes. The trick to having
with Mexican crudes; this has caused asphaltenes to also success is the proper selection of the chemistry. You have to
drop out. do careful laboratory testing to make sure that the chemis-
try you select is appropriate for the particular fouling
JO AGAR (Agar Corporation): situation you observe.
Would controlling the pH of the wash water or injecting
emulsion breaking chemicals, which are water soluble, VICTOR TAILER (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.):
help the asphaltene precipitation problem? Questions 9 and 10 are basically related to corrosion
prevention and sediments removal in the existing crude
JUNO: units. It appears (based on one refinery’s experience) that
I think the problem is that the paraffins act as an extrac- treating crude in the storage tanks for emulsions and
tion process and drop out the asphaltenes. So, the pH or the sediment control was beneficial to the desalter operation.
desalter efficiency does not really have an effect on the However, in today’s environment double desalting with
precipitation. tank mixer is a better long term solution.
If the blended crude properties were changed in com-
JACK HARRELL (Chemlink): parison with the original design, then the refiners should
A couple or our customers have experienced severe cor- assess the impact in terms of corrosion. Sometimes oper-
rosion, trying to use blends of crudes that we are calling ating conditions or the TBP cut point of naphtha may have
“signature crudes”. They are new in some cases. These to be changed, to prevent water condensation at the top of
include, at least, weathered Kuwait crude from the result of the tower. Alternatively, the metallurgy of the upper part of
the war in Kuwait, and also Main Pass crude. These re- the tower may have to be retrofitted and provision for
quire special attention regarding crude preheat fouling drawing condensed water from the tower added. Whenever
problems. Also, fouling in the overheads and special atten- possible, condensation of water in the tower should be
tion to corrosion must be given because of very high H2S avoided.
release when these crudes are processed through the heat-
ers. The deposits appear to have a common signature in that
most of them contain large amounts of elemental sulfur.
Have any of the panelists experienced problems with these B. Lube Oil Manufacturing
kinds of crudes?


I think that one of our refineries runs Main Pass crude. Has anybody had success with dewaxing aids on
While they have talked quite a bit about having difficulties MEK dewaxing units?



JUNO: EBB MOORE (Moore’s Consulting):

At one refinery on a bright stock dewaxing, deoiling I have experienced success in using dewaxing aids with
operation, we experienced improvement by increasing the solvent neutral 130 and the bright stock. I have also tried it
dewaxing aid from 70 to 125 ppm in the feed oil. The with solvent neutral oil 330 and 850 with no success. Also, I
following results were observed: 5% lower oil in the slack am in agreement with the panelist on the water effects of
wax, 3.6% increase in charge rate due to better filtration, the solvent. It is one of the greatest thefts of unit efficiency
and a 5% increase in bright stock yield. Similar results in solvent dewaxing.
were experienced using another dewaxing aid at the same
On another unit, we ran tests on a heavy distillate de- QUESTION 13:
waxing, deoiling operation and observed no measurable What has been the experience with mechanical
effects at 0,75,150 and 300 ppm dosage rates. It is possible seals in dewaxing filters? Does anyone have experi-
that the optimum dosage rate for this material was in the ence with mechanical seals in scraped-surface
15 to 25 ppm range and by our test dosages, we may not exchangers/chillers in dewaxing units?
have observed any effects by substantially overdosing the
feed. JUNO:
We have installed two demonstration mechanical seals in
S. K. MUKHERJEE (Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd.): scraped surface exchangers and have monitored them for
Has the dewaxing aid had an impact on the spread VOC emissions. The performance of the mechanical seals
between the cloud point and the pour point of the dewaxed were excellent, less than 100 ppm VOC emissions versus
oil? anywhere from 500 to 8,000 ppm for various packings. We
have developed a project to convert the seals on our entire
JUNO: bank of scraped-surface exchangers from packing to me-
We did not see any noticeable spread increase between chanical seals. There is a certain amount of retrofitting
the pour point and cloud point. that is required for the installation of the seals.
On our dewaxing filters, we have also researched the
SUDHIR MENON (NALCO Chemicals India Ltd.): conversion to a mechanical seal. Because of the design of
We have had good experience with the dewaxing aids in our filters, the mechanical seal would have to be very large,
the MEK toluene plant with about 7 to 8% increase in thus making the cost prohibitive. New dewaxing filters are
yields and about 10% increase in filtration rate for bright designed with a center shaft and can be equipped with a
stock using about 200 ppm; and, for 800 neutral, we have more conventional mechanical seal. I might add we are also
found substantial increase in yields too. The trick is to find looking at Grafoil-backed packing, which may hold some
the product chemistry that would work for a particular promise for better sealing. We are evaluating this option at
crude, based on the wax crystal structure and its chain another refinery.
lengths. Nalco does extensive laboratory dewaxing aid
studies to screen, identify and select the right chemical.
We are considering several upgrades to our MEK
QUESTION 12: dewaxing unit instrumentation and controls and
What has been refiners’ experience with solvent would like to know what other refiners’ experiences
dehydration in MEK dewaxers, including “conven- have been with:
tional” dehydration using distillation, the Nofsinger wax slurry flow meters on individual filter feed
dehydration process or any other technique? lines;
remotely operable filter speed controls;
JUNO: hot wash/filtration cycle automation; and
I assume this question is in reference to the effect of multivariable control of chilling train and solvent
solvent dehydration on the dewaxing section of the unit. recovery.
Without proper dehydration, wet solvent can be circulated
through the chillers on the way to the scraped surface LAABS:
exchangers. Since chilling temperatures are below the One of our refineries has Foxboro Target flow meters
freezing point of the water in the solvent, ice crystals will installed on individual filter feed lines. We have had some
form in the chiller and cause heat transfer to be reduced success with them, but we do continue to have problems
until the chiller required hot solvent washing. With wet with wax plugging the flow elements. Our hot wash/
solvent, this can occur often and become a source of upset in filtration cycle is fully automated using programmable
the unit. Ice crystals that are fed to the dewaxing filters, control logic. It has worked extremely well and we are
can also cause filter cloth tears and loss of dewaxing pleased with its performance.
In one plant we use distillation to dry the solvent and JUNO:
have had good success. We have experienced a reboiler leak We currently use orifice plates with a solvent flush to
before, which has essentially shut down the unit because of meter the wax slurry flow to the individual filters. These
the high volumes of wet solvent. The exchanger leak was flows are not always reliable. We control each filter’s rotat-
detected by analyzers in the solvent for ppm of water, ing speed from the control room utilizing speed-indicating
noting it suddenly had risen from 300 ppm to over 2,000. controllers. Each filter can be hot washed automatically



from the control room. Usually the operator manually steps our plants, utilizing a sloped tower tray design, we have run
through each step himself in the control room. We are the liquid-liquid interface at the top and the bottom of the
currently evaluating multivariable control for our MEK column and we have not been able to measure any differ-
solvent dewaxing plant. ences in yields or product quality.

EBB MOORE (Moore’s Consulting): LAABS:

Adding to what Mr. Laabs has said, one of the biggest In our particular case we have moved the liquid-liquid
benefits of the target meters is that they give better control interface from the bottom to the top and it has helped
on your hot wash cycle, which filter to take off-line and hot increase throughput through the unit. The solvent has a
wash to maximize the filtration of your dewaxing unit. lower viscosity than oil, so having a continuous solvent
phase will provide less resistance to flow. This will move the
JULIE VALENTINE (Micro Motion, Inc.): tower away from the flooding point, and allow more
Coriolis is an excellent flow metering technology for lube throughput. Yield or product quality improvements have
oil manufacturing. The most common existing applications not been determined.
of Micro Motion products in lube oil plants are on rafflnate
and slack wax streams. In lube oil processing, some of the KEN GRAF (Norton Chemical Process Products Corp.):
advantages of using Coriolis versus an orifice plate include The choice of the interface location, at the top or the
independence from changing viscosities, a simultaneous bottom of the extractor, is really a choice of which phase
density measurement, and high reliability as a result of the should be continuous and which should be dispersed. Rules
nonintrusive sensor with no static impulse lines to plug. In governing the choice are (1) the dispersed phase should be
addition, the Micro Motion meters offer an order of mag- the phase of greater flow rate; (2) the dispersed phase
nitude better accuracy than orifice plates in these should not preferentially wet the packing or trays; (3) the
applications. dispersed phase should be the phase with the critical prod-
uct specification; and (4) the dispersed phase should receive
the mass transfer. For a given extraction system, these four
QUESTION 15: rules will hopefully agree as to which phase should be
In many solvent extraction units, the liquid-liquid dispersed. For example, in an LPG amine contactor, three
interface may be maintained at either the top or the of the four rules favor dispersion of the LPG in continuous
bottom of the treater tower. Has anyone compared amine, as is the industry standard. Publications by Seibert,
the performance of the treater tower (i.e., yield, Fair, and Reeves of Separations Research Program at the
capacity, product quality) with the liquid-liquid University of Texas in Austin show the research data for
interface at the bottom versus the top of the tower? packed extractors including information about dispersion
choices. The publications are in the September 1990, and
SLOAN: March 1988 issues of Industrial and Engineering Chemis-
The answer is different for different objectives and differ- try Research.
ent feedstocks and solvents. With a natural high quality
vacuum gas oil as feedstock and only modest quality im- S. K. MUKHERJEE (Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd.):
provement needed, then an oil continuous phase (or inter- What is the experience of NMP losses in those units
face at the bottom) would probably be most attractive, since using NMP as extraction solvent?
relative volumes of solvent and extract and oil are in the
same magnitude. High selectivity can be accomplished by JUNO:
modifying the temperature profile in the column with We average NMP losses less than 0.1 pound NMP/bbl
intermediate heat removal like a pumparound circuit. On feed.
the other hand, a low quality feedstock with high severity
extraction requirements would be a good candidate for
solvent/extract continuous phase (or interface at the top),
since they would likely be 60 to 80% or more of the total
liquid volume in the column. C. Solvent Deasphalting
Again, selectivity and extraction severity can be ad-
justed by solvent-to-oil ratio, extraction temperatures, and
temperature gradient maintained across the ends of the QUESTION 16:
Asphalt product pumps are difficult to specify due
For a given feedstock, there will generally be one condi-
to the presence of dissolved or entrained solvent
tion or the other that is clearly superior in raffinate quality
and/or seal flush oil. What type of pumps are best for
and yield with a given contacting column and interfacial
this application?
area generation system. Changing the column and inter-
facial area generation system may lead to a different pre-
ferred interface location. T. WILLIAMS:
In our ROSE unit we use Viking gear pumps, model
JUNO: LQ225. We pipe these in parallel with common spares and
The answer to this question depends a lot on the type of put as many pumps in service as needed to match the
extraction tower being employed in this service. In one of production volume. These pumps are packed instead of



having flush seals. The packing usually has a six month to MURPHY:
one year life. Foaming severity is related to temperature and pressure.
In other services we have also used Worthington pumps, For a given pressure, a lower temperature will make the oil
model 2GRJ. more likely to foam. We have employed antifoaming agents
to control foaming very successfully at several locations. At
SLOAN: one refinery we injected an antifoaming agent into the
Rotary positive displacement or “screw type” pumps have asphaltene stripper feed. We observed a dramatic drop in
been used successfully in asphalt product service. This type foaming demonstrated by significantly reduced plugging of
of pump can handle a wide range of high viscosity and dirty the overhead fin fans due to decreased asphaltene carry-
fluids. However, this type of pump may experience capacity over. This program was then repeated at the deasphalted oil
limitations from reduction in viscosity if seal flush is not tower and similar results were observed. Unit upsets due to
accounted for in the specification. Double mechanical seals foaming were eliminated after these programs were
may be used to eliminate this problem. If double mechan- started.
ical seals are not used, an estimate of the minimum fluid Silicon-based antifoams diluted with the gas oil carrier
viscosity accounting for seal flush should be made for the normally will be effective at controlling foaming. The dos-
specification. Small amounts of dissolved gases or solvent ages are dependent upon the severity of the foaming and
should have little effect on the performance of the pump if the method of application.
adequate NPSH is available.
Proper product stripper design will minimize the amount O’BRIEN:
of solvent present in the asphaltene product. We have had problems with the level indication in the
asphalt tower, probably caused by a foam layer in the tower.
We have found the best thing to do is to allow the tower to go
LAABS: empty, thus yielding the foam to the asphalt stripper and
We are currently using screw pumps for this application. then to reestablish the level. The float column used for level
The pumps are run at slow speeds to avoid problems. You indication was also replaced with a differential pressure
can also use gear pumps, also run at slow speeds. level indicator which is calibrated by finding the actual
level with tricocks.
Our asphalt product pumps are centrifugal pumps. On a PAULES:
start-up, there is frequently foam in the asphalt, so the We have never added cutter stock in the feed to our
pumps have difficulty taking suction. The pumps must then asphalt stripper. However, we have occasionally used a
be bled down, making a considerable mess. Replacing them silicone-based antifoam. The dosage rate was approxi-
with gear pumps (positive displacement) was considered, mately 0.5 gallon per 1,000 bbls of asphalt product. We
but could not be justified. have the capability of lowering the asphalt stripper pres-
sure to less than 5 psig, which helps reduce the surface
tension of the solvent, thereby reducing foaming.
What is your experience with the use of a cutter According to Kerr-McGee, no one is injecting cutter stock
stock in the feed to the asphaltene product stripper of into the feed to a ROSE® asphaltene stripper to reduce
solvent deasphalting units to solve foaming prob- foaming. One ROSE® unit fed heavy cycle oil to the top tray
lems? Can foaming in deasphalted oil (DAO), resin of the asphaltene stripper in an attempt to reduce as-
and asphaltene strippers be reduced or eliminated by phaltene carryover to the solvent condenser. They reported
controlling operating conditions such as tempera- that the HCO helped reduce carryover but the light ends of
ture, pressure and/or stripping steam rate? What the HCO were stripped and contaminated the solvent.
antifoaming agents have been successfully employed Low stripper operating temperatures can promote the
for foaming control in these strippers and what typi- formation of foam. Product foaming within the stripper can
cal dosages are required? sometimes be reduced by increasing the stripper tempera-
ture. At the higher temperature, the viscosity of the prod-
JUNO: uct is reduced, and lower viscosities mean that any foam
At one of our refineries we have never experienced foam- that forms will break much easier.
ing problems in the resin stripper. The resin recovery Increasing the stripper pressure or reducing the strip-
consists of sending the resin-propane mix of the contactors ping steam rate lowers the amount of solvent removed from
through a furnace to a pressure flash tower and then on to a the product. Although solvent losses are higher, the ten-
resin stripper. We have experienced foaming problems in dency for foaming is reduced because less solvent will flash
the flash tower. This is detectable by using the blotter test from the products. In addition, steam or hot oil coils could
at a vent valve at the inlet of the condenser for the resin be added below the bottom tray to help break foaming.
flash tower vapors. The flash tower contains a demister pad A two-product ROSE unit reported that they are suc-
and it is found that the demister pad loses its ability to cessfully using an antifoam agent in both their product
entrain liquid if the viscosity of the entrained liquid is too strippers. They use a low silicone antifoam agent such as
high. Therefore we maintain a minimum furnace outlet Nalco 5700 at the rate of 1 to 2 gallons of antifoam per
temperature. 10,000 bbls of product.



D. Crude Distillation mote data loggers have become popular. These units are
designed to attach to ER probes in the field, can be pro-
grammed to take readings at various intervals, and can
download the information to a computer for analysis.
Mechanical Combining this technology with a slipstream overhead
simulation exchanger provides very good insight into the
around-the-clock factors affecting corrosion at the dew
QUESTION 18: point of water. Additionally, flexible corrosion probes,
What new tools are available to monitor corrosion which are inserted directly into the tower and sit on the
in a crude overhead system? Can underdeposit cor- tray surface, give excellent localized corrosion information.
rosion be monitored? Another trend is to select more predictive variables to
monitor including tracking such items as the total acid
MURPHY: content of the stream, the dew point pH, key upstream
The trend in corrosion monitoring is toward continuous operating parameters such as salt out of the desalter, and
real-time feedback. Corrosion rarely occurs in an even rate any suspected corrosion co-factors such as the sulfur con-
and continuous monitoring is the only way to capture all tent. To the extent that these proactive measurements can
spikes as they occur, thereby assuring a diagnosis of the be captured continuously, the better the potential corrosion
root cause of the corrosion. The automation of conventional control. A recently introduced on-line strong acid analyzer
monitoring techniques, as well as the improvement or can measure the actual amount of acids present and adjust
introduction of some more sophisticated equipment has the neutralizer pump accordingly.
been observed. Considering the question of underdeposit corrosion, we
For example, electrical resistance probes have been used are aware of no direct means to precisely determine the
successfully for many years. However, the frequency of extent of corrosion taking place under all the various
probe readings is often limited due to the inconvenience of deposits which may exist in an overhead system while in
manually collecting the data, especially for those probes operation. Most monitoring techniques only give general
located in difficult locations such as the top of the crude information. The corrosion rate under a deposit can be as
distillation tower. To combat this, recently-introduced re- much as 100 times the general corrosion rate.



There are on-line tests or tools which can help to charac- QUESTION 19:
terize the problem. The slipstream corrosion simulators What vacuum column overflash withdrawal/
allow one to visually examine any salts or deposits which measurement systems are reliable?
might form on any probe. Still the only true indication of
the extent of underdeposit corrosion taking place in a unit BONELLI:
is the information obtained during turnaround inspections. A simple system which we find works relatively well is to
install a deep draw pan in the chimney tray above the flash
OSBORN: zone in the vacuum column. Level control on the draw tray
We have used several of the Nalco products that Mr. provides the rate control of material returned to the tower
Murphy was mentioning. We have used a flex probe in- below the flash zone. In our application, we simply measure
stalled on the second tray of a crude tower with good results the withdraw rate using an orifice meter on the discharge of
in monitoring for a potential corrosion problem. Routinely the return oil pump. We have found this system gives us
the service representative uses the strong acid analyzer excellent reliability and generally no problems from turn-
and we also use in-line pH meters on our overhead system. around to turnaround.
Syncrude uses both standard and flush-mounted electri- The most reliable system is to draw the liquid to a pump
cal resistance(ER) probes with electronic data loggers to and meter the pump discharge back to the bottom of the
collect corrosion rate data. There is also an inexpensive, tower. The drawback to this approach is the cost of adding a
externally mounted, hydrogen patch type monitor that is hot oil pump and the maintenance problems of metering a
mounted using an epoxy adhesive. While it does not provide hot liquid and operating a hot level control.
a quantitative corrosion rate, it is sensitive to process A less costly approach is to utilize the head from the slop
changes that affect the corrosion rate. The fact that it is draw pan to the stripping section and install a meter in the
externally mounted without welding or extensive surface line. In this application, care must be given to the adequate
preparation makes it very versatile. Neither of these tools height to prevent vaporization prior to the meter. Level
can differentiate the type of corrosion. control of the draw pan must still be used to assure head to
A costly method of monitoring electrochemical noise by the meter.
real time advanced LPR system, which is Linear Polari- In either instance, the level on the tray must be mini-
zation, has recently become available as a field tool, but we mized to reduce coking tendencies. If a wash recirculation
have yet to have field experience with it. It will differentiate pump is used to raise the volume of the wash oil, the net
the types of corrosion and would be able to detect under- from this application can be measured similar to the first
deposit corrosion. application. The risks of maintenance problems with the
wash oil pump are reduced because of the assurance of a
Regardless of the systems available on the market, we more continuous flow rate.
still believe that a good pH control and followup on the iron
content in the sour water will continue to be essential. We PEDERSEN:
have tried on-line corrosion monitoring at our installations We also have had good experience with total drawoff and
all orifice meter installation downstream of the pump.
with a varied degree of success. Of course, as has been
mentioned earlier, one of the problems with these systems An alternative is to measure the wash stream and cal-
is to locate the probes where the corrosion rates are highest culate the overflash by simulation.
or at least representative, e.g., in the condensing zone in
the overhead condensers. RAJGURU:
Another problem is underdeposit corrosion, which we The vacuum overflash is usually measured by two
monitor on stream by radiographic or ultrasonic testing. methods. One is the external type. Overflash is withdrawn
We inspect tubes, for instance, in air tin condensers, by by gravity flow from a total drawoff tray just above the flash
fiber optics off stream. zone and returned to the column below the feed inlet.
Alternatively, the drawoff could be pumped back to the
RAJGURU: vacuum heater inlet. An orifice meter or a venturi meter
Just to add to the panels comments, the flexible corrosion measures the flow. The accuracy of the measurement for
probes are the ones that we are very familiar with and those the gravity flow return system is very poor due to the low
have been added recently. delta pressure availability.
The second method is an internal type. The overall liquid
ROY: would pass through a deep vee notch in the seal pot and
One other tool that we are familiar with is the Betz monitoring the level of the liquid in the vee notch provides
Process Chemical Variable Temperature Corrosion Probe. the flow rate measurement.
It employs a hollow coupon that can be cooled by an appro- Over-flash is basically a function of heater coil outlet
priate fluid. You install the coupon well above the suspected temperature, coil steam injection rate, feed quality, strip-
condensation point that you are trying to monitor. The ping steam rate, and flash zone pressure. A small variation
coupon can then be cooled to a downstream temperature in these parameters results in a very large swing in the
region by a fluid of choice. Maintaining the temperature for overflash rate which normally is a small quantity.
a period of time will allow for a deposit to be collected and A computer simulation model with a predicted overflash
analyzed. This method tries to simulate the point of con- rate, based on heat and material balances, is also an ac-
densation to measure maximum corrosion rate. ceptable alternative method. In an operating unit, the



actual overflash must also include liquid entrainment from BRIERLEY:

the flash zone. It has been our experience that naphthenic acid attack
and high temperature sulfidation are distinguishable
DAVID R. MORRIS (Chevron Research & Technology using one of two methods. The most reliable method is to
Co.): metallographically examine the corrosion products on the
Have the panelists had consistent success with any par- surface of the attacked area, usually a pit. Naphthenic acid
ticular type of primary level detection device, looking speci- attack leaves no corrosion product or at most a thin amor-
fically for designs that resist coking and plugging. phous scale. Sulfide attack results in a structured scale.
Using energy dispersive x-ray analysis, the scales due to
HIGGINS: sulfur corrosion are found to be rich in sulfur while the
No response. scales, if any, found at naphthenic acid pit sites are deficient
in sulfur.
VICTOR TAILER (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): The second, less reliable method is to observe the pitting
Mr. Bonelli and Mr. Rajguru provided a proper descrip- after process steam out operations. Systems that contain
tion of the overflash. We would like to stress the importance both naphthenic acids and reactive sulfur may both develop
of having properly monitored the overflash and not over- pitting, but the pits that form due to naphthenic acids will
load the tower and heater by excessive overflashing or rapidly rust when exposed to saturated steam. Bright rusty
drying the wash zone by insufficient overflash. pits are easily observed amongst black, oil-wetted, sulfide-
In our opinion, it is very important to discuss together coated surfaces.
with the client the options to use either internal or external
overflash. The liquid entrainment in the wash zone will be MURPHY:
measured as overflash. It is possible to measure the over- Naphthenic acid corrosion can be prevented if the metal-
flash and actually have a dry wash zone that will coke lurgy of the unit contains high amounts of molybdenum,
rapidly. Most refiners prefer an external overtlash which such as 316 stainless steel, or 317 stainless steel. Pre-
can be monitored. vention of sulfide attack, on the other hand, does not re-
quire the presence of alloys containing molybdenum. A
ANDREW SLOLEY (Glitsch, Inc.): chromium alloy is sufficient to mitigate sulfide corrosion.
I believe that there are two issues here that you need to The most direct method ofdifferentiating these two types
consider. The first is the method of measuring the overflash of corrosion would be to place three corrosion coupons in the
and the second is the determination of what the stream you areas of interest with various metallurgies. A carbon steel
are measuring is. It is not just overflash off of the bottom of coupon will give information on the general corrosion rate.
the bed. The liquid includes a considerable part of en- If the corrosion is due to sulfur, then neither 410 stainless
trainment in most operating units today. Entrainment of steel or 317 stainless steel will show corrosion. However, if
material from the flash zone is the major component of the the corrosion is due to naphthenic acid, then 410 stainless
stream. steel will show corrosion.
For measuring this, total withdrawal to a pump suction
and then traditional downstream measuring with an ori- PEDERSEN:
fice meter or a vortex meter is by far the superior method of Naphthenic acid corrosion takes place at temperatures
measurement. There are problems in this application with from approximately 230 °C to 400 ºC (450-750 ºF), and high
level control on the tray in that you get cracking and the temperature sulfur corrosion in the temperature range
excess enthalpy from the entrained over-flash causes vapor- 260-540 °C (500-1000 ºF).
ization of the overflash liquid. As mentioned in my comment to Question 7, we will
Our solution, which has been applied with considerable specify 316 stainless steel for services where naphthenic
success, is to put in a pressure controller on the pump acids can be a problem, whereas a Cr-Mo alloy is specified
suction to control the liquid level in the line to the pump. when high temperature sulfur corrosion is the problem.
Gravity withdrawal methods and internal methods in the We apply traditional inspection techniques such as
tower that depend upon a level are considerably inferior in ultrasonic testing and radiography to detect these types of
measurement of this liquid rate. They both suffer from the corrosion. In many cases, it is possible to differentiate
fact that you cannot draw samples to see how much is between the two by visual inspection. Naphthenic acid
entrainment and how much is overflash. Without some corrosion is characterized as pit corrosion with sharp edges,
method of determining your entrainment concentration it whereas sulfur corrosion tends to be more uniform.
is very risky to use this overflash rate you measure to
determine your column operating conditions. Several vac- RAJGURU:
uum columns have coked as a result of “drying out” the Generally one of the ways to distinguish between the two
middle of the bed. types of corrosion is by visual inspection. The appearance is
very different. “Naphthenic acid corrosion typically has a
scalloped, washed, plateau effect”. (Ref: R. L. Piehl, Naph-
QUESTION 20: thenic Acid Corrosion in Crude Distillation Units, Mate-
Naphthenic acid attack and high temperature sul- rials Performance, January 1988.1
fur attack are often difficult to differentiate. What Naphthenic acid attack and high temperature sulfur
techniques and criteria are used to diagnose high corrosion can be determined directly or indirectly by:
temperature corrosion and distinguish between the a) The damage pattern. High temperature sulfur cor-
two types? rosion will cause a uniform thinning of process



equipment, while absence of scale and severe pitting will meet the HVGO metals and concarbon specifications
of the steel are often the evidence of possible naph- concurrent with:
thenic acid corrosion. However, these are not con- minimum wash oil rates (liquid loading - gpm/ft2);
clusive evidences since high velocity droplet very low pressure drop;
impingement in the absence of naphthenic acids can sturdy construction; and
produce the same type of “erosion” damage. low liquid holdup.
b) The metallurgical evidence. Type 300 and 400 series Recent Fluor Daniel vacuum tower designs have mostly
stainless steels offer adequate protection against high used a structured grid in the wash section with good success.
temperature sulfur corrosion, but not against naph- Structured grid has lower efficiency than the structured
thenic acid attack. packing, and therefore, for a revamp design a combination
c) Analytical measure of acid strength of the feed. Naph- of a structured grid and packing may be considered to
thenic acid attack will become significant only when provide the required number of theoretical stages if the
the neutralization number is above 0.5 mg KOH/ available height is limited. In designing this section special
gram. care should be focused on:
Uniform distribution and total coverage of wash oil
ROY: over the entire grid area. The recommended minimum
The only thing I want to add is that iron naphthenate is amount of liquid required for bed wetting about is 0.3 -
soluble where as iron sulfide is not, so that information can 0.5 gpm/ft2 leaving the bed, and a general rule of thumb
be used. is to have one spray nozzle for each five square feet of
bed area.
MICHAEL ZETLMEISL (Petrolite Corporation): Providing dual strainers (filters) in the wash oil to
First, the morphology of naphthenic acid attack is that of remove coke particles ahead of spray nozzles. We feel
a very sharp grooving or pitting, at least in the high veloc- this is very important. Carbon steel should not be used
ity zones. Naphthenic acids dissolve sulfide scales. Sulfidic downstream of the filter.
attack is characterized by formation of sulfide scales which Selection of 300 series stainless steel for the wash oil
are friable and not always protective. piping and spray system is also recommended.
Second, in general the temperature regime for naph- Limiting the spray nozzle pressure drop to less than 40
thenic acid corrosion, 400 to 750 ºF, is much lower than psi to prevent a mist spray.
sulfidic attack, which becomes significant only above Providing adequate height from the top of the grid to
500 °F and goes to much higher temperatures than naph- the spray nozzles.
thenic acid attack. A lower temperature of 600 ºF is quoted
by some authors. So, in general sulfidic attack is just BONELLI:
getting started around the temperatures that naphthenic In 1986 we modified a vacuum column from tray to
acid attack is running out of steam. structured packing. Prior to the modification when the unit
Third, Cr is the critical alloying element for protection came down for turnaround, it was typical to find several
against sulfidic attack. For naphthenic acid attack, the inches of coke deposited on the trays. During the inspection
critical ingredient is MO, above about 2.5%. following the installation of the structured packing, we
found the wash zone section of the column to be clean.
Critical to the correct design of the wash zone packing,
consistent with Mr. Rajguru’s advice, the selection of pack-
As vacuum towers operate at severe conditions
ing and distribution of the wash oil and spray nozzles goes
(flash zone temperature up to 760 ºF and pressure of
to the heart of the matter.
18 mm Hg abs), coke formation may be a significant
Again, if you have problems with coke retention on the
problem. What would be the recommended contact
trays, it is important to specify the packing so that there is
device for the wash section (i.e., random packing,
enough void volume to allow for coke transport down the
structured packing, grid, etc.)! What special care
tower if it is entrained. The vacuum tower, which we modi-
should be taken in the design of this section?
fied typically operates with about 13 mm mercury top
PAULES: vacuum column, and about 30 to 33 mm mercury at the
We have recently revamped two vacuum towers in our flash zone, at a temperature of around 750 ºF
system to a deep cut operation. They operate around 25 mm
and 750 ºF in the flash zone and 6 mm vacuum at the tower JUNO:
overhead. The wash sections are made up of random pack- The wash zone of a deep cut vacuum tower needs to have
ing; although many refiners are using structure packing in substantial open area to prevent coke formation. To my
this service. The biggest concern in designing the wash knowledge, the best device is a wash grid where brief
zone is basically insuring even distribution of wash oil over intervals of loss of wash will not result in severe coke
the packing to prevent dead zones. Careful spray nozzle formation. Recirculating wash pumps, although sometimes
design and safeguards against plugging are critical. Also difficult to maintain, allow for greater wash volume which
the ability to heat up the wash oil in times of turndown is will insure that the grid is kept wet with liquid. If this
important. would be a deep cut vacuum tower after a lube hydro-
treater, for example, where the metals and concarbon have
RAJGURU: been eliminated, then random packing or structured pack-
An optimum contact for a vacuum tower wash section ing could be employed with good success.



OSBORN: tribution of the liquid to packing are very important design

At Coffeyville we have two vacuum columns operating considerations to be established.
with flash zones in the 740 to 760 °F range. We have
random packing in one of them. We have had very little KEN GRAF (Norton Chemical Process Products Corp.):
problems with coking. I think the important considerations The standard wash section contacting device is grid-type
that have already been mentioned are the quality of the packing. An increasingly popular alternative is sheet-type
wash, the spray nozzle distribution, and maintaining an structured packing on top of several layers of grid packing.
estimated 0.3 to 0.5 gpm/ft2 out of the bottom of the packed The greater efficiency of the structured packing allows
bed. higher wash oil rates, larger spray nozzles, and better
fractionation at the same net overflash rate.
BRAD FLEMING (Glitsch, Inc.): JAMES SAPPINGTON (Koch Industries):
Assuming the issues of distribution are taken into con- We agree with the comments on good liquid coverage and
sideration, we believe the primary issue on a deep cut the value of structured packing to increase the efficiency
vacuum column wash zone device is the type of crude or for deeper cut points. At deeper cuts though, we recommend
crudes being processed. On low metals feedstocks like West that the grid or a combination of grid/structured packing be
Texas Intermediate(WTI), many North Sea, Norwegian, or utilized in these severe service beds. Although random
many West African crudes, it is not possible to put enough packing as been successfully used at less severe cut points
enthalpy into the feed to vaporize any significant amount of or with intermediate type crudes, it is unsuitable for pro-
metals. On low metals crude wash zones made of grid, viding good fractionation and resistance to coking and
rings, or structured packing work just fine. The key is to vapor break-through in deep cut operation. The very low
make the bed short to avoid the problems of dryout and liquid rates of the vacuum tower wash zones, generally less
subsequent coking. than 1 gpm/ft2, promote liquid and vapor channeling in the
The exception to this rule is what we will call super deep random packing.
cut columns where temperatures of 770 ºF and 10 mm I would also add that on the deep cuts the various type
mercury flash zones are achieved. This type of design can crudes need to be studied individually, and special care
require additional wash zone efficiency to reduce endpoints should be taken in the design of the section to ensure
on the HVGOs even with crudes like WTI and Brent. adequate wetting throughout the bed. Since deeper and
On the high metals feedstock such as Maya, many of the more efficient beds are required to ensure HVGO quality in
Venezuelan, and some Columbian crudes, the quantity of deepcut operation, the wash zone design becomes critical.
volatile metals is high. These types of crude operating at The theoretical overflash liquid leaving the bed should be
deep cut, say in the region of 1050 - 1100 °F, require high a minimum of 0.2 gpm/ft2. However, unless excellent assay
wash zone efficiency. On these types of units, structure data is available, the simulated required wash rate to the
packing is certainly justified. bed may be underpredicted. In cases where assay data is
general or where there is no good previous operating expe-
VICTOR TAILER (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): rience, the design wash rate should be increased by 50 or
When considering using structured packing in a vacuum even 100% over the predicted rate to avoid coking. This may
tower wash zone, we think that careful consideration also hold for higher vapor rates, to reduce excessive en-
should be given to proper tower simulations, using proper trainment and drying of the bed. Recycle of the slop wax to
thermodynamic data, and packing characteristics. the feed can be implemented to recover gas oil in these
It is important first to model the existing unit using the cases.
existing configuration and match the existing conditions
with the simulator. Once an operating model has been JEROME J. LACATENA (Foster Wheeler USA
established, revamp conditions can be properly simulated. Corporation):
Stone & Webster has develop a high lift design technique I agree with most of the comments made regarding the
for vacuum towers in order to increase HVGO yields with importance of adequate wash oil distribution and filtering,
an acceptable quality for further processing in the FCC and also wetting on the bed. Foster Wheeler, for certain
units. crudes and applications in severe service, would prefer
In terms of flash zone temperature and pressure, we structured packing. We have gone as high as 775 ºF in the
think 740 to 760 ºF and 20 to 30mm Hg are in the range of flash zone. Monitoring pressure drop across the bed will
what is achievable. However, the feedstock characteristics help detect if coking is occurring. The wash flow criteria we
and sensitivity to thermal cracking should be carefully use is about 0.25 (minimum) gpm/ft2 wetting from the bed.
analyzed to avoid excessive coking or to decrease sub- That would be increased, if you wanted to increase sep-
stantially the run length of the heater. aration, between heavy vacuum gas oil and the bottom cut.
Now in terms of the structured packings available in the
market, there are at least four qualified vendors. Never- BRAD FLEMING (Glitsch, Inc.):
theless, these structured packings are different in terms of Of the 15 to 20 units in the industry that actually operate
performance characteristics such as capacity, efficiency, in deep cut mode, a large percentage of these columns have
and pressure drop. It is the designer’s responsibility to coked up since they have been revamped. We have found
choose the proper structured packing required to achieve that it is nothing specific to rings, grid, or structured
the revamp’s objective. packing. Similar to Mr. Sappington’s comment on pre-
In addition, the disengagement height in the flash zone, dicting the wash oil rates, the prime problem has been with
the vapor/liquid superficial velocity, and the correct dis- the beds drying out in the middle.



For one of these types of revamp projects to be successful, to be achieved. Design errors are often made in this first
a very good understanding of the type of crude being proc- step; do not overlook its importance. I will also add that I
essed, a wash zone design appropriate for the crude type have heard that Ultra Lift Technology can get to 1200 ºF
and cut point, and knowing what the true dryout ratio is cut points, but I have no confirmed data on this process.
across this bed is important. This leads to the previous
question’s answer that was addressed by Mr. Sloley on LAABS:
measuring entrainment using the measured slop wax rate. The Star Enterprise crude units that have implemented
Using the measured flow to control the wash oil to the wash deep cut technology in their vacuum towers are seeing cut
zone of these deep cut towers could result in coked packing, points between 1030 and 1050 ºF on a routine basis. One
because the majority of measured liquid is entrainment unit has the capability of running to a cut point of 1100 ºF,
and not overflash on most columns. The measured slop wax but is currently limited by market conditions to 1060 °F.
rate can give you a false impression that you have enough There are several mechanical and process limits for
liquid coming out of the bottom bed. This results in a coked achieving deeper cut. The design of the vacuum tower
wash zone. heater can be a constraint if the desired outlet temperature
can not be achieved.
One of our affiliated refineries has a problem due to a
QUESTION 22: limit on the amount of combustion air flow that can be
What limits the cut point for deep cut vacuum
introduced to the heater. A higher heater outlet tempera-
distillation? What cut points are practically
ture can also reduce crude unit run length due to acceler-
ated furnace coking.
Product quality is very important. The deep cut tech-
nology used is strongly dependent upon the ability of the
RAJGURU: downstream units to be able to economically process the
Heavy vacuum gas oil cut point for deep cut vacuum heavier feed.
distillation is limited by its use or its routing to the down-
stream process units. It is also limited by cracking tem- PAULES:
perature of the feed at the heater coil outlet temperature. It The two vacuum towers discussed in Question 21 achieve
is also limited by allowable metals and Conradson carbon a heavy vacuum gas oil cut point in the 1050 °F range, at
content in the heavy vacuum gas oil. If it is to be processed 0.5 Conradson Carbon, and less than 2.5 ppm nickel and
downstream in a hydrocracker, it will have significantly vanadium. A deeper vacuum can be pulled, but flooding
less tolerance for the metals content. occurs causing heavy entrainment. This could be overcome
It is also limited by viscosity limitations and by the with a larger diameter tower, but practical size limitations
bottoms product, the penetration number and the proper- limit you to about this operating range.
ties of the vacuum residue. Practically achievable cut
points depend upon the type of crude and the uses of the KRIK V. KRIKORIAN (KBC Advanced Technologies,
vacuum gas oils. Up to 1070 ºF, cut points have been Inc.):
achieved in some of our units. We have revamped over 30 units for deep cuts and typi-
cally what we aim for is about 1170 ºF for North Sea 38”
JUNO: API type crudes. With the heavier 20” API region, we have
The economic limit to the cut point for a deep cut vacuum achieved up to 1100 ºF while still meeting acceptable qual-
distillation occurs when significant volumes of volatile ities for downstream units. Typically, we go for a furnace
metals begin to be present in the heavy gas oil cut. This coil outlet temperature as high as 815 °F The key on how
characteristic is dependent on the crude source. Mechan- you can judge a good design is by the amount ofcracked gas
ically, the cut point is limited by higher and higher furnace production. With North Sea type crudes, we achieve about
outlet temperatures which promote coke formation in the 0.15 wt% on feed.
furnace tubes. This effect can somewhat be mitigated by I think the topic has been pretty well covered right across
careful furnace design, minimizing residence time at high the range in terms of the quality that needs to be applied to
temperatures. tower internal designs. I think Mr. Juno also mentioned
Lower and lower vacuums are required to cut deeper that the furnace is critical. That is absolutely correct be-
which means the use of minimum pressure drop packing. cause if you do not get the furnace right, you are not going
Even deeper cut points can be achieved as stripping steam to achieve the three year run lengths.
is used to lower the hydrocarbon partial pressure in the A point was mentioned about residence times. You have
tower. Practically speaking on most crudes, a 1050 ºF cut to be careful where the steam is injected. Many refiners
point is achievable without extreme measures. Cut points tend to inject it right towards the back end, but generally
of 1100 ºF can be achieved; but a word of caution, the entire there is an optimum which is further back than the three or
system needs to be evaluated. This means from the vacuum four tubes from the end. The danger of injecting it too early
ejectors, to the tower packing, to the furnace transfer line, is that you can get premature coking as a result of unde-
to the furnace inlet. As cut points are pushed even higher, sired flow regions which are particularly bad when you are
expect a substantial price to be paid in both capital costs dealing with vertical furnaces.
and utility costs with a resulting poorer and poorer quality
HVGO. BRAD FLEMING (Glitsch, Inc.):
Great care must be given to accurate characterization of The deepest cut column that we are aware of operates at a
the heavy ends of the crude, if cut points of this nature are 770 ºF flash zone, and a 9 mm absolute pressure. This is on



West Texas Intermediate crude. The assessment of the cut most corrosive in the crude unit. If the dewpoint pH is such
point is difficult however. The tail of the HVGO and the that all the strong acids, chloride and SO,, are neutralized,
front end of the residue are typically not accurate with the this will allow the filmers to handle the weak acids, CO2
DIl60 type analysis methods. We recommend the ASTM and H2S. If you neutralize the strong acids, corrosion can be
D2887 test to properly characterize the feed and the re- controlled. The overhead receiver drum pH is then left to
sulting cut point calculation. The end point on these analy- float, within reason, wherever it will.
ses usually goes up to 1360 or 1380 °F. Typically crude units with high levels of C02 in the offgas
We believe the deepest cut commercially achievable is in can be treated, with acceptable corrosion, with the bulk
the region of 1150 °F However, the columns must operate at overhead water pH in the 5.0 to 5.5 range. But again, the
very low overflash, high temperature, and unfortunately, dewpoint pH of this system was at 4.5.
unit reliability can be a problem. We have found that the majority of crude unit overhead
The issue of minimum overflash, deep cut, and proper systems will have unacceptable corrosion protection if the
operation monitoring can not be overstated. We believe bulk overhead water pH is below 5.5. In these situations,
good reliable operation is possible, but the day-to-day unit with free strong acids now available to attack the metal-
monitoring must be upgraded while operating a truly deep lurgy directly, corrosion rates can be very high. A slip-
cut column. Otherwise, the wash bed will coke. The ten- stream corrosion monitor is useful in diagnosing dewpoint
dency to dry out the wash zone increases with increasing corrosion problems and measuring the dewpoint pH.
wash zone efficiency.
HIMMAT SINGH (Indian Institute of Petroleum): Probes and coupons measure general corrosion rates, but
I believe this question was discussed in the last year’s do not represent corrosion going on beneath deposits. Mea-
NPRA Q&A also. The panel has very nicely covered the surement of underdeposit corrosion is difficult as
achievable end points of the deep cut HVGO as also the previously discussed in Question 18 of this session. A tech-
related operational details. We are interested in knowing, nique for minimizing deposits was discussed and a paper
and it is a question to the panel, if there are some units presented at the March 1993 NPRA Annual Meeting. Basi-
processing these high vacuum gas oils either as FCC feed- cally it says that if the overhead system has a history of iron
stock or as hydrocracker feedstocks. sulfide deposits, then reducing the pH to control deposits is
the best corrosion protection you can have, even if it means
LAABS: higher general corrosion rates as measured in mils per
We are taking the vacuum gas oils with the higher end year. So the challenge alluded to by Mr. Murphy becomes
points into the FCC units. You do not achieve the con- providing adequate corrosion protection in this low pH
version you would get with lower cut points, but we find range. I understand that the company which published that
that it is economical to process it there rather than other paper has a new family ofcorrosion inhibitors that can keep
places. You make more money in deep cut technology by mils-per-year corrosion rates down to traditional levels
taking that VGO to the FCC units. even at a pH below 5.

I concur with what Mr. Laabs has said. An economic We found that we have been able to double the life of our
analysis of moving to deep cut from your traditional vac- 70:30 copper nickel bundles by dropping the pH control
uum column usually includes that feed stream destination. range to the 5 to 6 range and still maintain the carbon steel
In our case as well, it is favored at the fluid catalytic corrosion rate less than 5 mils per year. We do add a filming
cracking unit. corrosion inhibitor at 4 volume ppm.


We run a light sweet crude, but we do take a 1050 ºF cut We have been successful in controlling corrosion in an
point material to a lube hydrotreater. atmospheric column overhead system where high overhead
vapor CO2 levels made pH control above 5.5 very costly. Our
approach is to use a specially formulated water soluble
inhibitor with a water wash to control corrosion in the
Process overhead condensing system while controlling the accumu-
lator pH in the 5.2 to 5.5 range. This approach is related in
paper No. 633 from NACE’s 1993 annual conference. How-
QUESTION 23: ever, in overhead condensing systems that do not have a
What is your experience in achieving acceptable water wash or do not have an adequate water wash, we
corrosion protection in a crude overhead system would be very concerned about running the accumulator
controlled at levels less than 5.5 pH? pH that low. This is because the water dewpoint pH could
easily be two to three units lower than the accumulator pH.
MURPHY: You can not always depend on adequate distribution of
It is very critical that it is the dewpoint pH that is in corrosion inhibitor to the areas of the overhead system
question here. Dewpoint is the temperature or location where the water dewpoint is occurring. Allowing low pH
where water first condenses. Chloride concentrations in condensate to exist where inhibitors cannot reach the cor-
this water will typically be ten times the level seen in the roding surface is not a desirable condition for effective
overhead receiver. The dewpoint region is typically the corrosion control.



NASSER M. AL-SHAMMA (Kuwait National Petroleum JUNO:

Co.): The minimum disengaging height between the feed en-
What are the available solutions for the control of chlo- try device and the wash zone in the vacuum tower is
rides in the crude overhead system? We have a caustic soda dependent on a number of factors. I have experienced satis-
injection downstream of the desalters. We want to stop the factory operation with as little as 4 feet of disengaging
caustic injection downstream of the desalter to protect the height if care has been taken to size the furnace outlet
downstream catalyst against sodium. tubes and transfer line such that critical velocities are not
occurring. Obviously the disengaging height is dependent
MURPHY: on the size of droplet that is being entrained and thus the
The use of caustic can be a very cost effective way to transfer velocities and the design of the feed entry device
control corrosion. The main problem, other than caustic have an effect on the height required to disengage.
embrittlement, is the negative downstream catalyst Prior experience has shown that if explosive vaporization
effects. That has limited the use. If you do use it, you must is occurring from the inlet nozzle into the tower, an aerosol
use it very judiciously. I know of no effective caustic alter- can be formed that will not disengage at any reasonable
natives to address the problem. Proper control of desalter tower height. As a standard, at least 10 feet is a good
operation is the best method of controlling overhead chlo- suggested disengaging height with 15 feet being preferable.
ride levels.
WILLIAM F. FAHEY (Petrolite Corporation): The two vacuum towers discussed in Questions 21 and 22
Most crude unit overhead exchanger failures are caused use slotted vane type inlet distributors which are located
by underdeposit corrosion. The underdeposit pitting cor- 8.5 feet below the bottom of the wash zone at one location,
rosion rate is often 20 times the general corrosion rate. and 9 feet below at the other. With adequate wash oil and
General corrosion rates, even at a fairly low pH, can not proper distribution through the wash zone, entrainment is
account for the failures in these exchangers. held at the levels discussed.
We currently have low pH overhead corrosion control
programs at five refineries operating at the conditions RAJGURU:
described previously. All of these refineries originally had Disengaging height is only one of the parameters to
frequent overhead exchanger failures due to pitting cor- reduce the entrainment. Other measures include:
rosion. Failure rates have been substantially reduced by design of feed entry into the column,
operating at a reduced pH and eliminating the iron sulfide selection of proper entry flow velocity,
deposits. Using a new family of corrosion inhibitors de- provision of adequate vapor-liquid contact in the wash
signed for acidic condition these refineries are experi- zone, and
encing single digit general corrosion rates, with several of proper distribution of flash zone vapor to wash oil
less than one mils per year. section.
Four to ten feet ofdisengagement height is recommended
MO VADEKAR (CHEMTECH Consulting): for tangential entry with vapor horn having velocities less
Are they effective in this application? than 75 percent of sonic velocities.


At a low pH, as indicated in the question? We recommend a minimum disengaging space of 0.3
column diameters from the feed entry device to the collector
MO VADEKAR (CHEMTECH Consulting): tray below the wash zone. However, this is contingent on
To reduce corrosion, yes. other relevant design factors being given adequate con-
sideration. The disengaging space should be evaluated in
MURPHY: conjunction with the type of feed entry device, the physical
Filming corrosion inhibitors are effective in reducing
corrosion certainly, but you have to make sure that you are
operating at a pH that effectively ties up the strong acids.
Otherwise, it is a very difficult environment in which to
control corrosion. Filming inhibitors are a necessary com-
ponent of a comprehensive corrosion control package, one
that utilizes an adequate level of neutralizing additives.
Operating at unusually low pH levels gives a risk of easily
slipping into a vigorous corrosion situation.

What minimum disengaging height is recom-
mended between the feed entry device and the wash
zone in the vacuum column for adequate reduction
of entrainment?



location of the transfer line into the tower, and its orien- heat exchanger in the train. Depending on the fouling rate
tation and the phase conditions or velocity of the feed. of your particular crude slate, it may take up to two years to
Our experience has shown that the specific type of feed tell whether the rate reduction is indeed economically
entry device and the location of the feed nozzle on the tower attractive.
have a more significant impact on the reduction of en-
trainment than does the disengaging space. To illustrate JUNO:
the point, we have seen towers as large as 30 feet in I have been involved in three comprehensive evaluations
diameter with 30 feet of disengaging space and a tra- of crude unit antifoulants in crude preheat trains. In the
ditional vapor horn design having entrainment rates as first two evaluations, the incentive was to increase fuel
high as 5% of the tower charge. efficiency in order to justify the cost of the antifoulant
The importance of the feed entry design is magnified program. Both evaluations indicated that the use of the
when the feed nozzle is located near or in the swedge section antifoulant was justified with all things being equal. How-
of the column. Units having this configuration in a tra- ever, when a monitoring program was installed and
ditional horn design have realized entrainment rates as economical cleaning cycles of key exchangers were imple-
high as 10%, even with disengaging heights in excess of 0.5 mented, the justification for the antifoulant was negated.
column diameters. Entrainment rates of 1 to 2% have been In the third instance, the antifoulant had been justified
achieved on units having disengaging spaces between 0.3 to on energy savings and throughput retention. Recently the
0.5 tower diameters when utilizing more current vapor antifoulant program has been discontinued and a monitor-
horn design technology. ing program is once again evaluating the timing for ex-
changer cleaning. All the exchangers in the crude preheat
VICTOR TAILER (Stone & Webster Engineering train have the capability to be bypassed and cleaned while
Corporation): the unit is operating.
Our experience with the tower disengagement height is
consistent with what Mr. Rajguru mentioned. We would MURPHY:
like to add the disengagement height is a function of the We have had very good experience in controlling fouling
internal tower diameter which is a function of the vapors/ due to asphaltene, inorganic salts, and sediments in crude
liquid velocity and density plus a safety margin decided preheat systems. An accurate calculation of fouling resist-
based on application. A number in the range of 8 to 15 feet ance that is plotted with time is the best parameter to show
sounds reasonable. effectiveness. Monitoring, using a heat transfer simulator
such as Hextran from Simulation Sciences, will give an
IAN BREMNER (Foster Wheeler USA Corporation): accurate indication of fouling rates. Correctly located and
Foster Wheeler’s current practice is to design the disen- accurate temperature and flow rate measurements are key
gaging height as a function of tower diameter. This is to ensuring performance.
one-fourth of the diameter, typically, measured from the Although Hextran will indicate that fouling is occurring,
feed horn inlet to the recycle drawoff pan. it is critical to identify the actual sources of accelerated
fouling and provide a means of improving performance.
What is the experience with and how do you We process a wide variety of crudes in our crude slate and
measure the effectiveness of antifoulants in crude have used an antifoulant program for several years. It is
preheat exchanger trains? important that the preheat train is monitored utilizing
heat transfer programs to calculate fouling factors, heat
BONELLI: transfer coefficients, and duties for the network. We then
We have used antifoulants in crude preheat exchanger compare this data to prior data when the antifoulant pro-
trains at one refinery, but we discontinued the practice in gram was not in service. We generally monitor fuel gas
favor of installation of bypass valves and piping to allow on usage, the preheat pressure drop, throughput, and the
stream cleaning of the heat exchangers. This decision was heater inlet temperature for the effectiveness of the
principally based on just comparative economic factors. The program.
cost of the antifoulant program was compared to the cost of
the piping modifications and potential crude rate re- ROY:
ductions during cleaning. Our decision was to step away At our Pasadena refinery multiple tools are available to
from the antifoulant program. monitor preheat antifoulant performance. Routine moni-
In regards to how do you monitor effectiveness of anti- toring is done by tracking heat transfer coefficients, fouling
foulant programs, they do require rigorous temperature factors, and pressure surveys. Identification of the fouling
and pressure surveys of the exchanger train. Also, they mechanisms is a key factor. As crude changes occur, .which
require an existing database against which you compare is quite common in our case, additional predictive screen-
your currently collected data so that you can evaluate the ings are performed. These screenings include asphaltene
rate change in fouling. tests that can be readily performed in the field.
In one instance the crude preheat exchanger train tem- Other tools available include INSITE, which is a pro-
peratures were taken two times per week while a full prietary predictive tool developed by Betz Process Chemi-
exchanger train pressure survey was done quarterly. The cals, Inc. INSITE predicts the fouling tendencies of various
data was used to calculate heat transfer coefficients for each crudes and crude blends. By identifying the crudes’ be-



havior ahead of injection, changes to the chemical pro- you add to that occasional lab measurements, you can do a
grams can be made to address the fouling before it occurs. reasonably good job of tracking the composition. Once you
Another tool available from Betz is Pacesetter, a feed rate know what is going through the unit, you are in much a
optimization and control package. This prevents costly better position to optimize and calculate things like heat
overfeeds and underfeeds of treating chemicals. transfer coefficients. This same rigorous model can be used
for control, as mentioned by some of the other panelists.
There is not a lot of actual on-line experience with the
QUESTION 26: combined technology of rigorous models and equation-
What is industry’s experience relating to the ben- based optimization, which provides for back-calculating
efits of rigorous on-line performance monitoring of any parameter in the equations, because no one offered the
crude units? combined technology until very recently. But the tech-
nology is positioned today to do all of those things. I think
LAABS: you will see a lot of interesting activity in this area over the
We have several sites that are using or are developing next few months and years.
rigorous on-line models for crude units. We have used
Simulation Sciences and KBC products. The potential ben-
efits for such a model are consistently found to be very QUESTION 27:
great. The actual benefit depends on how the model is used. What impacts high coking rates in atmospheric
One of our refineries has had a ROM for about three years, and/or vacuum crude furnaces? What remedies have
and they have been using it as an analytical tool. They are been applied successfully?
currently investigating its use as an off-line unit optimizer.
An affiliated site has had more success with their ROM. SLOAN:
They have used it for unit optimization, process and heat Heater coking rates are impacted by both feedstock qual-
exchanger monitoring, case studies, and design changes. ity and furnace operating conditions. In general, heavier
This site has plans to install models on other units, and to feedstocks with higher concentrations of concarbon and
incorporate reactor models into this system. asphaltenes tend to coke more rapidly. In addition, poor
The process of developing a crude unit model has identi- upstream desalting performance can result in elevated
fied opportunities for improved profitability at all of our levels of solids, sodium, and other contaminants in the feed
sites. However, the final goal, closing the loop and using the which promote coking.
ROM for on-line optimization, has yet to be achieved by The design and operation of the furnace also have a
Star Enterprise. significant impact on the coking rate. Accelerated coking
can result from high heat flux, high coil outlet tempera-
BONELLI: ture, or excessive residence time. In addition, erratic flame
We had a similar experience with trying to install an patterns and maldistribution of heat flux can also increase
on-line, rigorous unit model and use it as an economic coking rates.
optimizing tool. In fact, we have run it in the off-line mode. Although inherent feedstock properties cannot readily
We have not been successful in getting on-line and using it be changed, most of the other variables impacting furnace
as an on-line optimizer. We have, though, as rigorous on- coking can be affected. With adequate upstream desalting
line monitoring of crude units go, done successful monitor- and proper design and operation of the furnace, coking
ing of the atmospheric and vacuum heaters and displayed rates can be minimized. To improve the flame pattern, fuel
the appropriate performance parameters to the operators gas firing is preferred over fuel oil. In addition, advanced
and succeeded in increasing the achieved run lengths of the controls can be used to pass balance coils and make heat
furnaces and in having better performance at the end-of- distribution more uniform. Finally, steam injection is rec-
run through on-line monitoring of various heater per- ommended to improve vacuum heater coil velocities.
formance parameters.
In addition to Mr. Sloan’s comments, we have used some
We have used some rigorous on-line models to help us
antifoulants to reduce furnace fouling with some degree of
close envelope calculations around the product draws of the
success. In one unit, we have also gone to increasing the
crude fractionation units in the vacuum unit. These models
heater tube diameter progressively through the heater in
are inferential cut point controls to identify limiting con-
straints, such as flooding, heat duties, etc. We have not the design to keep the velocities up.
closed the loop on any of these controls, similar to the other
panelists’ experiences. We use HY-SIM as the off-line simu-
I think this topic was very well covered by Mr. Sloan. The
lation model to give us input to the constraint control
one comment I have to add is, also remember to water wash
the tubes after the coke burnout to remove the residue
FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT (SETPOINT, Inc.): sodium salts, because sodium adds to the thermal cracking
I want to point out a breakthrough that has occurred which results in the accelerated coking.
recently in the area ofrigorous on-line monitoring of units.
The availability of equation-based optimization along with BONELLI:
rigorous models provides the ability to actually use the I think the traditional areas of concern have been identi-
crude unit measurements to estimate crude composition. If fied in vacuum heaters and those are the heater outlet



temperature. We use an on-line, calculated heater duty so Improved heat transfer in the crude and vacuum preheat
that the board operator, at any given time, can see on his exchanger circuit can minimize the need to overfire these
operating display what his heater duty is compared to the heaters. This can be achieved by good, routine modeling
design. The oil velocity in the tubes and oil film tempera- and optimizing the preheat configuration. An additive pro-
ture, particularly in the vacuum heater, are also important. gram with an effective coke suppressant additive is suc-
Monitoring tools that we use have been comprehensive cessfully used in some refineries. Procedures need to be in
tube skin temperature surveys done with infrared measur- place for operators to follow during unit outages or upsets
ing devices, the heater outlet calculation routines, tem- in order to minimize their effect on each heater pass.
perature limits, the fired and absorbed duty calculations
that are resident in our digital control system, and the use OSBORN:
of velocity steam in the heater tubes to get control of the We have used injection steam at the rate of 6 lbs&bbl to
velocity in the vacuum unit heater. Our vacuum heater also keep the velocity up in the range of 7 ft/sec. I know some
includes the stage two parameters that were mentioned people inject steam sequentially at the inlet, the outlet of
previously. the convection section, and in the last couple of heater
passes. About 3% years ago, we did install a newly de-
BRIERLEY: signed heater and currently use no steam injection. We
Besides the tube velocity and tube temperature effects have not experienced any coking problems, probably due to
already mentioned, we have also experienced local coking consistently high charge rates maintaining good tube
of furnace tubes in areas where the temperature was ele- velocities.
vated by flame impingement. We have reduced this
through the installation of corbels and high velocity burn- VICTOR TAILER (Stone & Webster Corp.):
ers. The corbels suppress currents in the firebox while the I just want to add to the comments of Mr. Rajguru and Mr.
burners reduce flame impingement and give better heat Sloan some comments concerning Stone & Webster heater
distribution. design considerations. In addition to other design param-
eter which are critical to achieve optimum run length, the
JUNO: maximum allowable heater pressure drop is very critical
The factors that influence coke formation in atmospheric operating parameter and allowances for coke deposit in the
or vacuum furnaces are the same that affect furnaces which tubes (even if it is not a cracking service) should be included
operate in higher temperature regimes, notably vis- during the design phase of the heater. Another important
breaking and coker furnaces. The coking rates are a func- criteria is the proper selection of the mass velocity of the
tion of time, temperature, and fluid properties. Since the fluid, because higher or low mass velocity would decrease
fluid properties are a dependent on the crude that is being substantially the heater run length. It is a very good idea to
processed, the variables that can be changed are the times provide emergency steam, even if the heater is not initially
that the fluid spends at cracking temperatures. When designed with this feature. At the low flow rates, typically
evaluating a crude or vacuum furnace, it is important to for turndown situations or unexpected low flow rates to the
have a working tube and fireside model, such as FRNC-5 heater, the emergency steam would prevent premature
marketed by PFR Engineering Company. Generalizations tubes’ coking.
as to cold oil velocity, or design pressure drop, while they
are rules-of-thumb, do not always accurately depict the KRIK V. KRIKORIAN (KBC Advanced Technologies,
interactions that are occurring between pressure drop, and Inc.):
fluid vaporization, especially in vacuum furnaces. Using As far as coking is concerned, the critical parameter is
these techniques to minimize the residence time at elevated the film temperature of the oil and the residence time of the
cracking temperature, I have successfully revamped nu- fluid through the tubes. The evidence of coking is excessive
merous crude and vacuum furnaces to reduce the rate of cracked gas production. The way to monitor a furnace
coking and extend operating run lengths. operating at 815 ºF coil outlet temperature is critical if you
are going to get the three year run length, especially if you
LAABS: are dealing with different type of crude slates, different
We essentially agree with what everyone else has said. I blocked operations with low and high sulfur crudes.
would like to point out that we have quite a few advanced Mr. Laabs actually mentioned one of KBC’s PETRO-
control packages installed on heaters that deal with heater FINE DISTOP monitoring tools for monitoring and opti-
firing, pass control, firebox temperatures, and tube tem- mizing crude and vacuum unit operations. We have a very
peratures. We have had good experience utilizing these easy furnace model that could be applied to that program
advanced control systems. which actually allows you to compare skin temperatures
between actual and predicted. We find that this is the most
MURPHY: effective way of ensuring that you identify potential prob-
As the other panelists have mentioned, an important lems and for maintaining the unit run lengths at the three
factor is the proper control of the unit operations. Loss of year typical target.
flow during a single unit upset is known to create quick,
severe coking in the heater tubes. Lost heat transfer in the S. K. MUKHERJEE (Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd.):
crude preheat can demand higher tiring rates to meet flash Would the panel be able to recommend a good average
zone temperature requirements, further increasing fouling heat flux for the vacuum furnace from the operations point
rates. of view?



LAABS: BRIAN ALBERT (Koch Engineering):

The design heat flux for the vacuum furnace at one of our We have provided a number of successful uplift resistant
refineries is 8000 BTU/hr/ft2. tray designs for crude and vacuum tower stripping zones.
Some of the special features that we have used in these
BONELLI: designs are heavy gauge tray decks up to ¼" thick de-
I believe that you will find that when people look at pending on the tower diameter and uplift loading. Typi-
similar regimes such as coking heaters, you are still tend- cally, trays in this service are designed for 1 or 2 psi uplift, 1
ing to stay around the 10,000 BTUs/ft2. psi usually being sufficient.
Other features are heavy shell to shell beams (trusses for
OSBORN: larger towers), heavy gauge upper downcomer plates (espe-
Our new heater was designed for 11,000 BTU/hr/ft 2 cially when used as a tray support member), and through
average radiant flux density with a 19,800 BTU/hr/ft 2 bolting of all tray joints with close spacing of all bolting or
maximum radiant flux density. clamping. We have also used explosion doors to allow the
uplift force to be dissipated without damaging the trays.
Explosion doors should be designed to open at a relatively
QUESTION 28: low uplift force so they will open during tower upset.
What is the experience in the use of increased Through bolting to the tray ring or the use of shear clips
design uplift pressure on the trays in the stripping is not needed for most designs. Shear clips are useful on
section of atmospheric/vacuum columns? small towers that do not have heavy beams or columns with
long unsupported spans. There is no need to use bolting and
JUNO: shear clips at the same time. A particular design depends
We installed trays in a lube oil vacuum boot stripper on the tower diameter, the number of flow passes, and the
during our last turnaround. These trays were designed for severity of problems seen in the tower.
a 2.5 psi uplift. We had our usual start-up problems with
our resid pumps and we had a high bottoms level. As a
result, we got some coke out of the pump section strainers, QUESTION 29:
but no tray parts. A gamma scan was done on all the towers What has been the experience with double fired
in this unit several months later. The scans revealed that heaters (both sides of tubes) in crude or vacuum
the boot trays were still in place. This is not a typical service?
We also installed trays in two lube oil side cut strippers JUNO:
during this turnaround that were designed for 1.7 psi There are not a lot of crude or vacuum heaters that have
uplift. We put structured packing in a third lube oil side cut been constructed with double fired heaters, primarily be-
stripper that was designed for 1.7 psi uplift. The gamma cause metallurgy for the furnace tubes in these heaters are
scans revealed that all of these were working well. The generally constructed of lower chrome alloys, 9 chrome or
original tray decks were 14 gauge decks. The new boot less. As percent chrome in the tubes and their cost in-
trays are ¼" decks, and the side cut strippers are 7 gauge creases, the economic incentives exist to better utilize the
trays. The original trays were designed for downward load- entire surface of the tube, thus making double-fired fur-
ings of 20 psi rather than an upward force. naces more practical.
The incentive is a larger furnace box area in a double-
PAULES: fired furnace but with fewer number of tubes. For the same
In order to increase the allowable uplift design pressure number of furnace passes, this also means a lower process
on trays in crude and vacuum stripping section appli- side pressure drop. We are presently involved in a project
cations, one must increase clamping, bracing, beam that is evaluating a double-fired furnace in vacuum tower
strength, and metal thickness. Some tray manufactures service due to the use of 321 stainless steel as the tube
have been designing trays for up to a 5 psi design uplift in metallurgy.
these areas and have reported fewer tray panel blowouts
since going to a more rugged tray design. Proper start-up
procedures are probably the single most important step a QUESTION 30:
refiner can take to prevent this type of tray damage. Insur- What has been the experience in injecting anti-
ing that stripping steam sources are completely dry before foulants into the feed of the vacuum heater, and what
lining it up to towers is particularly important. are the effects on the vacuum tower bottom and
associated heat exchangers?
ROBERT BAILES (Mobil Oil Corporation):
One of the panelists mentioned two things with flame ROY:
impingement. One was high velocity burners. What was At our Pasadena refinery, chemical antifoulants have
the second? Was it corbels? been injected into the vacuum and crude heaters for a
period of time to control the growth of hot spots that ap-
BRIERLEY: peared on heater tubes during a run. The chemical was able
Corbels are abutments off the side of the furnace wall to control the size of the hot spots, but not able to remove
that stop smooth gas flow up the side of the wall resulting in enough coke, with the dosage range used, to eliminate the
loss of heat flux. hot spots. The spots were brought about by localized over-



heating due to intermittent flame impingement. The suc- introduced reference electrode with a continuous flow
cessful hot spot control program in place now is burner liquid junction. I believe this probe is manufactured by the
tuning and routine observation. We did not see any sig- Hach Company. Paint manufacturers have had success
nificant effects on downstream exchangers during or after with this kind of probe where other electrodes have failed
injecting the antifoulant. due to plugging.

Chemical antifoulants have been added to vacuum heat- The main thing with using on-line pH controllers is to get
ers to control coking at the tube wall surface and have proper sample preparation. Generally, when we see fail-
shown good results in many cases. For vacuum resid in ures, it is because of oils coating out. We have used one of
heavy gas oil circuits, antifoulants have been used to con- these units where it was the only viable solution to a
trol fouling and coking. The key is to limit the particle size reformer fractionation corrosion problem. When reactors
growth of the asphaltic substance and to use a coke sup- were put on-line, chlorides in the effluent water wash
pressant to seek out the active coking site. coalescer would jump from 35 ppm to as much as 900 ppm,
with a pH drop from 6 to less than 2. Automated pH
STEPHEN F. HUNKUS (MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc.): monitoring with closed loop control of the neutralizing
We have two crude units that we have increased the amine pump was the best solution and perhaps the only
charge rate through significantly, and we have been firing economical answer to this problem.
them harder lately. We do not have a tube temperature In spite of the drawbacks mentioned above, a properly
problem; but we have, in the past, restricted our through- maintained unit does provide excellent trend information
put because a few of our hangers were going black to red. and, therefore, more timely response to system variation.
We clean the burners to keep fire off the tubes. I wanted to
know, (1) if the hangers showing color is a real problem for PEDERSEN:
us to be concerned about, and (2) if it is, since we have had We have excellent experience with a YOKOGAWA
conflicting input from various sources, is there a definitive equipment, model PH200 and TG215. We have not imple-
reference that the panel could give us to make sure we mented closed loop pH control, but the analyzers are coup-
resolve the problem safely. led to our DCS systems. It is our experience that preventive
maintenance is required two or three times per week to
KENNETH N. ABRAHAMS (Star Enterprise): clean the electrodes. Calibration is required every second
Yes, we have established hanger metallurgy tempera- week.
ture limitations on our crude unit heaters, and we re-
ligiously stay within them because the results can be kind J. WILLIAMS:
of spectacular if you do not. Historically pH measurement has been the most difficult
instrumentation to maintain from a reliability standpoint.
Several types of probes, L&N, Van London, Orion,
YOKOGAWA are used by Akzo. Each probe is better for
E. Instrumentation some applications than others. Recently L&N developed a
solid state pH probe with a 1 year warranty. We have found
this probe successful in some applications.
Has anyone had success using on-line pH mea- T. WILLIAMS:
surement in crude overhead water? If so, what sys- On the negative side here, we have given up on on-line
tems are being used? probes and have gone to an off-line pH meter built by Orion.
We have much better success with this approach.
The Farmland Refinery at Coffeyville uses TBI pH
meters on both the #1 and #2 tower overhead receivers as QUESTION 32:
monitors only. The signals are transmitted into the control What has been the experience with the near in-
room’s TDC-3000 instrumentation system and could be frared spectroscopy (NIR) analyzers? Do they need
used for closed-loop control of the neutralizing amine. frequent updating to keep the analyzer bias in an
Their accuracy is monitored several times each day as the acceptable range?
operators run grab samples of the receiver water on a
benchtop pH meter. They are on a 30 day preventive main- PEDERSEN:
tenance cycle for cleaning and calibration by the main- We have had one on-line analyzer for octane in reformate
tenance department and have given good reliability. It is and RCC naphtha in service for approximately 6 months.
important to install the probes low enough in the water So far the experience is good. The instrument shows low
boot that they stay below the hydrocarbon/water interface drift and high precision. The need for updating the appli-
level where high solids in the interface emulsion could cation seems low. It is also our experience that relatively
cause rapid fouling of the probe. high qualified personnel are needed to develop and imple-
ment the applications, but once done, the routine use is
BRIERLEY: straight forward.
We do not currently measure pH. For this service, our We have for some years been using NIR analyzers in the
instrument group would recommend the use of a newly laboratory for octane numbers, for TEF, and cloud point.



Also, here the experience is good, but with what we con- RUSSELL WILLIAMS (MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc.):
sider first generation instruments which we have been We have recently revamped our distillate hydrotreater to
using in the laboratories, the frequency for updating of make low sulfur diesel. We are planning to install a sulfur
calibration is three to four times per year. There are new analyzer to monitor that, but we are going to keep it open
analyzers on the market which are more stable and do not loop and allow the operators to monitor what sulfur level
require recalibrations that often. In addition, the need for they are at and make adjustments accordingly.
updating is very dependent on the application and the
initial calibration strategy.
PAULES: What instrumentation is currently employed to
At one of our refineries, we are in the process of replacing control the desalter interface?
the knock engines on an automatic in-line gasoline blend-
ing system to NIR instrumentation. The cost of the NIR MURPHY:
systems is approximately 2/3 the cost of repairing the Three types of instruments are currently used to detect
knock engines. The NIR instrument is calibrated by run- and thereby allow for the control of the desalter interface.
ning typical gasoline blends through both NIR and labora- The oldest is the displacement device. This device is able to
tory knock engines. Ifgasoline components or blend recipes locate the oil/water interface due to the difference in buoy-
change significantly, a recalibration will be necessary. ancy between the two phases. Two problems have been
observed in the operation of these instruments.
BRIERLEY: First, the instrument is calibrated for a given crude
Our experience is limited to six months of comparing gravity and if the refiner begins to process a crude with a
off-line NIR analyzer results with traditional lab analysis. substantially different gravity, the instrument will indi-
It would seem the most likely source of apparent drift is the cate an erroneous level.
laboratory instrument against which the NIR analyzer is Second, when processing heavier crudes, these devices
being evaluated. Our work has suggested that changing the can become fouled to the point that they will no longer
feedstock or operating conditions in a plant would likely travel through their vertical cage, rendering them useless.
cause a bias to be introduced. If the model is built with data Although some are equipped with spargers to mitigate this
from as many sets of feed streams and operating conditions problem; if they are not sparged often, the floats will con-
as possible, the model becomes more robust in terms of tinue to plug.
being good for the unusual samples, but less precise for The second type of device is the capacitance probe. This
“typical” samples. probe is able to locate the oil/water interface due to the
difference in capacitance between the two phases. In most
THOMAS HANDZA (Sun Refining & Marketing Co.): cases, this device had provided accurate, reliable infor-
Is anybody having any success using it to monitor oxy- mation. The only systems in which we have observed prob-
genates in the gasoline? lems are those in extremely dirty service in which the probe
can become’ fouled and rendered unreliable. We recommend
PEDERSEN: the probe be inserted into the desalter through a packing
On the laboratory basis we are doing it, but not on-line. gland, allowing for on-line removal and cleaning.
In connection with the expansion of our Kalundborg Re- The third device is the microwave instrument marketed
finery, we are planning to install an NIR analyzer in the by Agar. This device provides a breakdown of the fraction of
gasoline blending system, where MTBE is added. oil and water at a given location rather than over a more
general region as with the capacitance probe. Agar cur-
rently recommends two probe systems as the best method
QUESTION 33: to establish control of the oil/water interface through the
Are any refiners utilizing on-line analyzers to de- brine flow regulator. Also, Agar states that their instru-
tect and control to a 0.05 wt.% sulfur diesel ments are unaffected by fouling of the probe. However, we
specification? would still recommend the use of a system to allow for
on-line removal for cleaning or replacement. We also rec-
BONELLI: ommend that the probe be calibrated after approximately
At Marathon’s recently completed distillate hydrotreater three months in service to compensate for any fouling of the
in Robinson, an on-line analyzer was considered and not probe. At that point, the fouling has reached a critical
used for the control of the product quality. We have con- thickness and will not increase substantially.
tinued to use laboratory samples for that purpose. The
favorable process dynamics of the unit and the stable feed O’BRIEN:
slate make this a generally acceptable control strategy for Phillips uses caged displacer sensors for desalter inter-
now. face level detection. We have had good experience with this
type of instrument in this service.
There are on-line analyzers on the market, for example, ROY:
from Techmation and Hobre, able to detect sulfur levels We use a Fisher model 2500T which is a typical level
below 0.05 wt.% with an accuracy better than ±0.01 wt.%. displacer instrument. The majority of our problems are in
We have none of these analyzers in service presently, but dealing with adjustments for widely changing crude speci-
are considering one application. fic gravities.



T. WILLIAMS: An affiliate site on the West Coast has been required to

We have used the microwave probe by Agar for over 1 blend low sulfur diesel since 1985. They have not had any
year with no problems. major problems with their hydrotreater operation to com-
ply with these regulations. Another refinery has only been
JO AGAR (Agar Corporation, Inc.): able to meet low sulfur specifications with a portion of their
The greatness of the Agar microwave device is not just diesel pool. They have an internal sulfur target of 0.045
the fact that it can work with fouling, but that it can wt.%.
measure a small amount of hydrocarbon in water. It is
really a concentration device. It is like having an automatic OSBORN:
tricock. By being able to measure a small amount of hydro- To date we have had very little trouble meeting the 0.05
carbon in water, one can control the water dump such that wt% sulfur specification. The pipelines to which we ship
no hydrocarbons have been dumped with the effluent water. have implemented a 0.047 wt% sulfur maximum specifica-
The emulsion then builds up from that point on and this tion to handle their concerns for test methods, repeatability,
is why it is necessary to insert another probe to measure and reproducibility in the EPA enforcement tolerance. We
how wet the emulsion is. Between those two probes, one can typically blend to 0.045 to 0.047 wt% by blending small
identify the rag layer. amounts of our number one distillate stream of a 0.1 wt%
I know that Exxon in Florham Park did quite exhaustive sulfur in the blend to blend up to the specification, much
tests on running two desalters, one with this type ofcontrol, like we do for octane. This has worked quite well thus far.
and one using a conventional displacer and capacitance
probe. From dumping 2 to 3% hydrocarbon in water in the BONELLI:
one desalter, the other one was constantly only a trace, a Since our initial start-up of our only low sulfur distillate
few ppm. They tried it with different types of crude from hydrotreater this July, we have been blending fuel oil to
heavy to light crude, in different mixes. It has now been below 0.03 wt% in order to do the tank turns at our termi-
running like this for 1 year. nals that are required to get into the low sulfur diesel
I know that Mobil Oil, Princeton, New Jersey, did a terminalling business. For the past month, we have been
similar thing with San Joaquin type crude and their results blending up to 0.04 wt% sulfur which is about our con-
are similar, again running two desalters side by side and fidence level at the moment. We have had no difficulty with
making comparisons. the operation of the hydrotreater down to sulfur levels of
below 0.03 wt%.
F. Product Formulation We have had no trouble in producing 0.05 wt% sulfur
diesel. We typically target for a 0.03 wt% product from our
diesel hydrotreater to insure a specification product and
are gradually moving that closer to 0.05 wt% as we get
QUESTION 35: more comfortable with the operation of the unit.
What has been the initial experience of refiners in
meeting 0.05 wt % sulfur diesel specifications? To PEDERSEN:
what actual sulfur levels have refiners been We have been producing low sulfur diesel in our re-
blending? fineries for a couple of years. We normally process North
Sea low sulfur crude oils. The gas oil pool sulfur is between
LAABS: 0.1 and 0.15 wt% for both refineries after hydrotreating.
The level of difficulty in meeting the low sulfur diesel The components used for blending the 0.05 wt% sulfur
specification depends heavily on the existing equipment of diesel oil is mainly hydrotreated atmospheric gas oil and
a given refinery. One of our sites is having no problems; hydrotreated light coker gas oil. Sulfur levels in the final
they began blending low sulfur diesel in July, and have products are controlled in the range of 0.045 to 0.05 wt%.
consistently been far below the pipeline spec of 0.047 wt%
sulfur. Their highest blend so far has had a sulfur of 0.035
wt%. They are slowly moving closer to the pipeline spec as QUESTION 36:
the comfort level of the new operation increases. Are gasoline water hazes associated with MTBE
Another site has the capability to produce diesel fuel at and ETBE blending a major problem for refiners?
0.038 wt% sulfur. They have begun blending in higher Were significant problems experienced during the
sulfur material to more closely approach the pipeline speci- winter of 1992-1993 and how were they resolved?
fication. They are averaging 0.042 wt% sulfur in their
diesel blends. They report that their advanced control sys- LAABS:
tem is having a few problems with blending in the high We have had some problems with water hazes when the
sulfur component. water content had exceeded 2500 ppm in MTBE. An affili-
Our third site has a blending target of 0.044 wt% sulfur, ate site had problems with their MTBE storage tank. It was
and they plan to increase this target when they have an external floating roof tank, and water was seeping into
completed the installation of their blending advanced con- the ether. They installed an aluminum dome on top of the
trols. They have had slightly less success with controlling tank and have had no further problems. All of our sites
the finished blend sulfur levels and have had to reblend on perform regular testing of ether to avoid water hazing
some occasions. problems in the finished gasoline.



occur in a swing operation. The goal of a refinery operations

scheduler will be to maintain more uniform process stream
qualities so that the more stringent reformulated gasoline
specifications may be met.
If a refinery is limited by its tankage, the penalties of a
swing operation would need to be compared to the cost of
new tankage, provided the latter is a possibility. Even in a
tankage-limited situation, the averaging option could al-
low a scheduler to avoid swing operation.
Most refiners are probably finding that they need more
blend streams to meet reformulated gasoline. Where they
may have had eight or nine streams in their refinery to
blend, they may be looking at 10 or 11 right now as a more
optimum number. This would depend on whether you have
the tanks that you need, whether you need to buy a tank,
whether you need to switch tank services, etc. We have
found that to be true in all three of our refineries, and I
BONELLI: would guess that it is consistent throughout the nation.
We too perform regular testing of the MTBE to make
sure that we stay clear of the water haze problem. We BONELLI:
started our MTBE/TAME unit in December of 1991. We I believe it also is forcing people to look at new blending
have experienced no water haze problems with any of the and scheduling models because of the increased number of
blends so far. component streams.


We have experienced no water haze problems with gaso- The additional specifications for reformulated gasoline
line blends up to 12 vol % MTBE. However, during start-up will not require swings in plant operations as has been
with fresh resins, we do produce an MTBE/TBA/water indicated, but, substantial optimization opportunities will
mixture that is off-specification. We blend the mixture in at be passed up at steady state. Additional specifications will
5% of the blend and use about 100 ppm dehazer. complicate the blending problem and will make the plant-
wide material balance more difficult to understand and
manage at steady-state. The real time control problem will
QUESTION 37: be complicated and will require new tools to avoid sig-
Reformulated gasoline includes an “increased” nificant giveaway increases.
number of tests of increased sophistication. To satisfy However, there is something else about reformulated
these requirements, will the refinery operations gasoline which is likely to cause more swings in operation.
scheduler be required to run more of a “swing oper- There will be more grades of gasoline in the market and
ation” on the process units? Are there anticipated less fungibility. Instead of having a hand full of operating
extra costs and yield reductions due to these swings modes like heating oil and gasoline modes, some refiners
from steady-state operation? may define dozens of modes of operation to take advantage
of the market opportunities.
BONELLI: The swings which result can be planned and well con-
At this time, there are several key factors that inhibit all trolled to minimize costs, or they can be done in a crisis
of us from determining exactly how we will produce re- mode at a substantial cost. The outcome will depend pri-
formulated gasoline. We do not know what the volume of marily on how well the plan is modeled and how effective a
our reformulated market is yet. We do not know what job is done in making and executing plans. Increased de-
blending system and rundown stream pooling will go on mands for automated decision support systems is a given.
amongst our four operating refineries. The pooling of the
reformulated and nonreformulating gasoline properties LEE E. TURPIN (Prolimatic, Inc.):
amongst the refiners is at issue as well. We are still in the We have done several statistical studies that quantify the
process of changing the sulfur content of our base crude losses due to swings in refinery unit operations. Most of the
slate, which has slowed us up some. loss is due to product downgrading. Detailed refinery plan-
Having said all that, we do anticipate that the heavy end ning using complex refinery models will put a refiner in a
of the FCC gasoline and the coker naphtha and the front position to minimize daily fluctuations in product re-
end of the heavy hydrocrackate will probably all have quirements. There will still be a need to shift operations
different destinations than they do today and it will shake from those planned because of normal equipment failures
out on an economic optimum. and maintenance problems. The losses can be minimized
by using advanced process controls to move units from one
LAABS: operation to the next.
In our opinion, the higher cost associated with increased The problem that I see is doing short term planning. A
testing is not important enough to risk the higher inci- mechanical problem in one unit may require process
dence of off-test reformulated products that is likely to changes on several units to meet blending requirements.



This is going to require detailed models to also be available tify problems with the bias. Another site will use Simulated
to both long term and short term planning departments. If Distillation in the near future. We are still investigating
models are being used in on-line process control it will on-line methods for determining sulfur. One promising
probably be necessary to use the same models throughout a technology is X-Ray Fluorescence, although the method
refinery. appears to be limited to a detection limit of 10 to 12 ppm.
The optimal mode of operation is going to be to develop Oxygenate levels are currently measured by GC, with an
precise plans and then keep units operating in the manner API gravity analyzer to provide density data for the mole
prescribed in the plan. percent to weight percent conversion. Olefins, aromatics,
and benzene levels are also detected using gas chro-
matography, but Simulated Distillation may provide an
QUESTION 38: alternative.
What on-line analyzers are available for gasoline While they do not ship gasoline on a vapor-liquid ratio
blending? specification, one of our sites uses a V/L analyzer to avoid
vapor lock problems. This data has proven very useful when
O’BRIEN: full distillation data is not available on-line, but the ana-
A number of on-line analyzers are available for gasoline lyzer requires high levels of maintenance.
streams such as RVP octane, distillation, and composition Near infrared technology appears to be promising. The
analyzers. For blending, you will also need a blend com- technology uses a non-intrusive testing method, and can be
puter to work with the instruments that you select. Borger correlated to any number of different blending speci-
is preparing to install a blending system and they will be fications. Our sites are looking for more industry accept-
using the Ashland Infratane (Fluid Data Spectron) on-line ance before moving to NIR. At this point, ASTM has not
analyzer which uses near infrared technology to determine accepted NIR as a blend test method.
a composition, and then uses correlations to determine
octane and distillation. We will use a blend computer, PEDERSEN:
Foxboro Blendtrol, to adjust the blend volumes based on the In our two refineries we have, for some years, used
NIR and an Applied Automation RVP analyzer. Other NIR on-line analyzers for controlling gasoline blending. At
instruments that were considered included Guided Wave, Mongstad, we are blending directly to ship with no final
LT Industries, and AAI. product tankage, except the small volume required for the
truck loading operation. We apply on-line analyzers to
BONELLI: control our limiting specifications which are RON, MON,
We have had a Guided Wave NIR analyzer in service for RVP, and distillation.
about a year. We have had reasonable success except that For RON and MON, we are currently using Waukesha
blend movement away from the calibration point is being a CFR engines with Octel comparators. There are various
bit of a problem with the NIR. distillation and RVP analyzers on the market, which can be
used for in-line blending. We are currently testing a new
LAABS: Lintronic Oilline 700 RVP analyzer, which seems
We are currently upgrading our gasoline blending promising.
analyzers. Some of these upgrades have been installed, but In Kalundborg, we are going to install NIR analyzers for
have not been running long enough to fully evaluate their this purpose in connection with the expansion of the re-
performance. finery. In addition, complete packages for gasoline blend-
We are using on-line octane comparators to determine ing based on NIR technology are available on the market.
research and motor octane. These analyzers use an engine
to compare the test fuel to a prototype. Care must be taken JAMES NIELSEN (The UNO-VEN Company):
to make sure that the prototype properties have not Does anybody ship gasoline, other than Mr. Pedersen,
changed due to weathering or other causes. Core Lab is the based on analyzer read-out at the gasoline blenders?
supplier of this analyzer.
Precision Scientific Reid Monitors are providing our RVP LAABS:
data. While this analyzer has proven accurate, it has We were shipping gasoline on our Komax analyzer in
needed careful maintenance by a skilled technician. One of Port Arthur. We may not be allowed to do it any more with
our sites is planning to install an ABB Process Analytics reformulated gasolines because we have to certify our gaso-
unit. This same site may use Simulated Distillation as a lines, and the penalties are much more drastic if you are
back up method. We understand that some refineries are off-spec. In general, reformulated gasoline and the Clean
using Simulated Distillation as their primary source of Air Act administration is making us take a step back in our
on-line RVP data. This technology is available from Ap- automated blending. From the standpoint of going directly
plied Automation, ABB Process Analytics, and Fluid Data- to a pipeline, you can still automatically blend, but it is
Amscor. going to have to go into a tank and be certified before it can
D86 distillation data is primarily being provided by be shipped out.
single boiling point analyzers, typically at the 10, 50, and
90% points. These Precision Scientific instruments require
frequent maintenance and have a compositionally de- QUESTION 39:
pendent bias. One of our sites is also using a full-range What is the best placement of the heavy gasoline
distillation analyzer from the same company to help iden- stream given the stream properties, and what will



refiners do with the incremental cut from the T90 of operational changes are made either to correct the prob-
decrease in reformulated gasoline if they choose to lem or minimize coking that may occur during an upset. We
reduce T90? intend to utilize SPC on a real time basis on all our process
units when we switch over to DCS in the near future.
Reducing T90 leaves very few options for the heavy J. WILLIAMS:
gasoline all of which have substantial costs compared to Akzo uses SPC from both the DCS and from off-line data
going into the pool. The most likely options are: hydrocrack maintained in a logbook. Trends from the DCS are used to
to jet fuel, hydrotreat to middle distillate, recycle to the determine when plant conditions, raw materials, equip-
FCCU to reduce volume, olefins, and sulfur. ment, instrumentation accuracy, etc. are changing to pre-
vent off-specification product, rather than to respond to
RAJGURU: off-specification product. One example of this is true in
The typical place is to blend into middle distillates. on-line measurement of reactor temperatures.
Problems encountered will be control of a flash point and an Akzo also uses the tools of SPC separately from the DCS.
increased complexity of middle distillate blending. Blend- For example, pH probes are constantly checked against the
ing systems can start to look like the current gasoline QC laboratory-calibrated bench meter. The difference be-
blending system. tween the hand check and the local readout is charted on a
Loss of the stream from the gasoline pool has a positive Shewhart chart and is an indication of whether a problem
effect on pool aromatics and sulfur level, but will obviously with the probe is developing; such as drift, reference gel
reduce gasoline volume. Ideas to increase gasoline yield contamination, broken probe, etc. Use of this type SPC
include recycling to the FCCU for additional conversion. chart has led to the creation of a preventive maintenance
system for one key probe in the plant, as well as the
BONELLI: generation of policies to reduce sampling and analytical
Let me preface this with a caveat. If we correctly under- variance. Again, this classical SPC monitoring of the proc-
stand our multi-plant pooling opportunities under the ess in this fashion is preventive rather than responsive.
regulations for reformulated gasoline, we have simulated
what our production will look like and we have identified BONELLI:
three options for T90 reduction. Those are to increase the At Marathon’s Robinson refinery, which is the plant
production of kerosene which we do not produce to the control SPC system interface with which we have the most
maximum market demand. We can also increase the pro- experience, the SPC applications do not run on the digital
duction of distillate at our hydrocracker, or turn the con- control system. This SPC package is presently an historical
version back just a bit and make more unconverted oil application and is contained in a plant information system
through lowering the heavy hydrocrackate end point. which we purchased from Oil Systems in San Leandro, CA.
Third, we can arbitrarily reduce the FCC gasoline end The SPC analysis is available as a menu pick for any point
point. that is trended in the refinery plant information system
and generally looked at off-line by the technical staff.
I think it is totally dependent upon what hardware you BRIERLEY:
have and what the regulations will look like. Like all of the We currently use both on-line and off-line SPC analysis.
other refiners, we have various scenarios that we are put- We use a Honeywell SPQC program on our TDC-3000
ting together. Until we actually get the regulations, we will system as an open loop monitoring tool. We also use an
probably just slip it into kerosene or jet fuel. on-line program called PI-ANALYSIS, which I believe is
the same program Mr. Bonelli referred to, on our plant
information computer system which is available not only to
the operators, but to contact engineers and other analysts
G. Computer/Process Control as well. Various versions of different PC-based off-line SPC
programs are also available within our technical com-
munity. As the SQC implementation progresses, the on-
QUESTION 40: line version at the plant information computer system level
In the use of statistical process control (SPC) in the has become more used as it has a wider accessibility than
process, does anyone utilize real time SPC on their the unique PC-based versions and the real time on-line
distributed control systems (DCS), or are the SPC DCS version.
functions done off-line using a database or in a sep-
arate operator maintained PC? LAABS:
We perform very little SPC on-line in the DCS. Our sites
ROY: that use SPC use a combination of manual and PC-based
We utilize the SPC charts and trends and for analysis of methods. The manual methods include X-MR and X Bar-R,
coker heater operation and changes that may affect that which are maintained by operators for a given application.
unit. The SPC functions are done outside the operating unit Software that has been used for off-line SPC include
by our chemical supplier, Nalco. In addition, a heater mod- CUSUM, Northwest Analytical software, and home-made
eling system has been established which has enabled cer- Microsoft Excel macros. While one of our sites uses SPC in
tain heater operational criteria to be set so as to minimize nearly all of its operating units, most of the Star and Texaco
heater coking. If this criteria is outside the range, a series refineries use the techniques for isolated applications, such



as blending, control system verification, and laboratory margin differentials among streams, or the degree of prod-
instrument reliability testing. uct separation required. In most instances, there is little
economic or technical incentive if the process unit is not
JUNO: highly integrated. In this case, the powerful DCS advanced
We do have the capability of on-line statistical process control algorithms can be used to implement multivariable
control under the Honeywell system at one of our refineries input constraint with single output controllers. The typical
and will be implementing InfoPlus SPC at another refinery MPC packages were originally offered only for supervisory
in the near future. We are developing a plan to implement a computers, but today are also offered to run in the Dis-
performance monitoring system using real time SPC at tributed Control Systems. Moving this MPC technology to
this refinery. Currently, we are employing SPC using data- the DCS is making the implementation of these process
base extraction’s or from the process historian on a demand control algorithms much more cost effective than in the
basis for the key performance indicators. We are planning past. The tools for implementation are becoming much
to have key performance indices (such as Total Steam more simple, reducing the implementation costs (dynamic
Consumption/Barrel/degree, Total Product Yield Index, process identification). With the rapid evolution of com-
Total Fuel consumption BTU/Barrel/degree, a Quality In- puter technology, the implementation of these tools is be-
dex [# of Products within specification limits] and other coming very attractive to optimize crude units, FCCU’s,
quality indicators) under SPC. Other indicators are either hydrocrackers, hydrotreaters, reformers, etc. However, it is
trended in real time or key causes SPC monitored as well. always desirable to have a good fallback control system
The systems are designed using PCs connected directly to based on traditional decoupling philosophies.
the process historian.
DAN HARTLEY (D. H. Associates):
MURPHY: I obtained some information from Continental Controls
Most of our Trendcheck customers use a separate PC to in regard to benefits of upgrading to multivariable control.
maintain their database and perform the SPC functions. They have a chart that says that if you make a 20% increase
Data is input into the PC by either the operators or the in the cumulative project cost to go to advance control, you
technical representative. We do have customers currently can achieve about an 80% increase in the cumulative ben-
using their Trendcheck system on their DCS system. efits, provided you put in multivariable control with the
associated optimization.

QUESTION 41: LEE E. TURPIN (Profimatics, Inc.):

What is the incremental benefit, for different A substantial incremental benefit is associated with
process units, of upgrading DCS single loop controls upgrading single loop DCS controls to multivariable ad-
to multivariable advanced control schemes? vanced control schemes for crude units and most conversion
units such as FCCs, reformers, and hydrocrackers. Even
J. WILLIAMS: more benefits can be realized by upgrading to on-line
Multivariable controllers offer better control than do optimization. Absolute benefits are going to vary from one
single loop controllers. Also, multivariable controllers offer application to another, but a few good rules of thumb are:
advanced control options such as radio control and cascade 1. You should expect the savings from multivariable
control. Furthermore, multivariable controllers are less advanced control schemes for crude units to be ap-
cumbersome, more reliable, and thus easier to maintain. proximately 6 cents per barrel.
They require less space and most importantly, they offer 2. From multivariable advanced control schemes for
significant cost savings to users who require many control most conversion units expect a savings of approxi-
points. Nesting many control points into one multivariable mately 20 cents per barrel.
controller means that only one controller is needed; This results in a $2 per year return for each dollar
whereas many single loop controllers would be required to invested. Going a step further to on-line optimization will
do the same job. result in an incremental return of approximately $4 per
year for each dollar invested. These values will vary sig-
PEDERSEN: nificantly depending upon the particular process, unit dy-
At Mongstad, we have just installed a multivariable namics, economics and the active constraints.
advanced control on our RCC unit and we expect pay-back
in about 1 year. Before deciding on this project, we prepared
a master plan study covering possible advanced control QUESTION 42:
applications for the whole refinery. Payout periods for most What is the current practice for monitoring ad-
of the units were estimated at 1 to 2 years. We used a rather vanced control applications after installation? In ad-
conservative basis assuming the standard deviation of the dition to measuring up-time, do refiners monitor
control variables to be reduced by 50%, allowing operating deviation from targets and approach to limits when
targets closer to specifications or unit limitations, resulting controls are off as well as when on?
in higher average throughputs or improved yields.
JUNO: Following the commissioning of each advanced control
The incremental benefit is directly associated with the application in our organization, a make-good study is done
degree of heat integration (process integration), product of the economic impact of the operation of the control



following its incubation period. This study compares the between the DCS and the computer control system is dis-
benefits derived from the control operation to that predicted appearing since most control vendors are now forming
in the original project justification. partnerships with computer vendors, such as Foxboro-Sun,
Data used for these justifications is collected in our plant Honeywell-Dee, to mention a few.
interface system, and our linear programming economic To answer the question, there is an evolution into an
model is used to analyze the effects or changes we have seen open computer architecture, but not a real conversion of
in the plant. Following the make-good analysis, measuring systems. Only where justification exists will an open type
the control up-time is the principle monitoring tool for solution probably be considered. Pennzoil is converting to a
checking the utility of the control. We are not currently client/server information system based on Novel and
doing a missed-opportunity type of calculation during the Windows technologies.
control-off periods.
JUNO: Much like Mr. Juno’s experience, Marathon’s experience
Current practice is to measure up-time. As soon as the with open architecture is that digital control system infor-
performance system is in place, the monitoring of deviation mation, in our case a Honeywell TDC system, is passed to a
from the targets or different constraints is usually imple- management information system through a VAX 6300
mented. The reason is that the performance monitoring computer. The management information system provides
system specializes in collecting data and historizing it, thus for analysis, record, and accounting manipulation of the
freeing the control system to do process control work only. information. A DCS has also recently been linked to a
We historize each important advance control point and Triconix system for safety monitoring and redundant
we assign a value of 0% if the point is not on control and a safety backup.
value of 100% if the point is on control. A custom report
gives a list of each point on a daily, weekly, and monthly DAVID HOLDEN (Johnson Yokogawa Corporation):
basis that shows the percent on-line for each point. The Approximately five years ago distributed control sys-
range from our targets increases when our advanced con- tems began to “open up.” Today most systems are neither
trol points are off-line. fully closed nor fully open. An open system is one which
adheres to industry standards such as UNIX, Ethernet,
O’BRIEN: FDDI, POSIX, X-Windows, and MOTIF. Adherence to
We basically do the same thing. Additionally, we issue a these standards enables both the easy interconnection of
report every two weeks where we show the percent of time third party equipment and support for third party soft-
each control scheme was on-line. We also calculate and ware. In contrast, closed systems employ proprietary oper-
report the daily dollars lost for control downtime. For all ating systems and communication protocols which make
control schemes that have losses over $lOO.OO/day a reason support for third party products difficult, if not impossible,
for downtime is included in the report. Emphasis is given to and always expensive.
getting those back on control. The trend towards open systems will continue. This
trend is driven by both the lower cost of producing open
PEDERSEN: systems and the much lower cost of ownership of open
We will normally install a software switch on all appli- systems. Distributed control system leaders are now offer-
cations and monitor on-time of the switch. Losses when ing open systems. Other DCS suppliers will either develop
applications are off are calculated using incentives from the their own open system or will be forced out of the
L.P. model. marketplace.


QUESTION 43: Basically, SETPOINT offers a number of definitions of
How many refiners are converting from “closed/ various terms, that are now being thrown around in the
proprietary” systems to open computer architecture? industry, that might be useful for the record.
I will mention that approximately 20 to 25% of the
BRIERLEY: inquiries SETPOINT receives now are from those actively
Syncrudc has adopted the use of a proprietary dis- seeking automation solutions to be implemented on Unix
tributed control system for the control of its process units to platforms which many people equate to open systems. We
retain the highest possible level of security and per- do not necessarily agree with that definition, but there is a
formance for these systems. Process control systems are lot of activity in that area.
configured to do virtually no end user data processing. We One of our clients has, in fact, implemented a broad
have had several other computer systems available to do based, open systems control and information network at its
the end user data processing, and these are all now speci- refinery. The open systems do address a number of impor-
fied as open architecture systems. tant issues including scalability, interoperability, and
portable computing systems.
JUNO: Definitions first, open systems are hardware/software
The general trend is the use of a DCS system connected to systems which enable (1) scalable, (2) interoperable and (3)
a VAX, VMS, or a Unix computer system. These systems portable computer solutions. Scalable implies distributed
are then connected to a client’s server computer architec- and/or client/server architectures. Interoperable implies
ture using Novel Windows workstations. The interface computer systems connectivity via networking standards.



These networked solutions have come to mean UNIX oper- capital requirements by considering the automation and
ating systems, but it is important to realize that UNIX does advanced control technology that is available in gasoline
not imply mean open. Portable means not only “plug and blending, since we did not actually eject something we
play” software that runs on multiple operating systems, but already had.
also software in which user know-how and training is
portable by the fact that software is intuitive and easy to
use. An example is the ease of use experienced by users of QUESTION 45:
multivendor software written for Windows. What is the commercial experience with refinery
In terms of trends, SETPOINT observes from its clients a scheduling integrated into the real time environment?
growing interest in moving from legacy mainframe (non-
UNIX) systems to distributed solutions based on UNIX JUNO:
workstations. This trend is primarily derived from two We have no experience with the refinery schedule
groups of users, those who need to replace obsolete or integrated into the real time environment. We have inves-
overconstrained legacy systems and those who are in- tigated a number of programs concerning refinery sched-
stalling DCS or supervisory systems on a unit for the first uling software, but our situation is complicated by the use
time. UNIX workstation interest is certainly increasing at of blocked operations. Most of the vendors are just starting
the DCS level as DCS vendors open up their architecture to develop a cost effective package that can be used for such
for implementation of APC technology such as MPC. Tech- a process.
nology and ease-of-use restrictions at the DCS level have
been removed with this opening. DAN HARTLEY (D. H. Associates):
Approximately 20-25% of inquiries to SETPOINT are I understand that Haverly Systems has a refinery sched-
from those actively seeking automation solutions to be uling system going in at Novacor, in Canada. This system is
implemented on distributed UNIX platforms. For example, called H Ross. There is a module for the plant simulation
the Star Enterprise refinery in Delaware City is very active and for the graphic displays. It is right in start-up now. The
in implementing APC on a distributed UNIX platform. schedule results are reported to the operators who then
Refinery-wide users have desktop access to refinery infor- plan to act on the information given to them.
mation via a MS Windows interface. There are a number of
references to their successes in technical journals.
However, distributed UNIX architectures do not address QUESTION 46:
the issue of portability and easy integration of multivendor With the trend to more sophisticated advance
technology solutions. What are lacking in the hydrocarbon controls and computerization, how do refiners now
processing industry are upper level automation software define the control “board” job position, and what are
interface standards. Upstream operations have already the qualifications required?
started this software standards development with the Pe-
troleum Open Software Corporation, a standards organi- T. WILLIAMS:
zation driven by users instead of vendors. There have been At one of our locations, the control board job is defined as
discussions of doing the same for refining. Until such a console technician. This is the highest paid hourly posi-
standards are established, refiners need to seriously con- tion in our refinery. This person works out of a central
sider software integration and maintenance costs when control room and rotates on a weekly basis with the top
selecting automation solution providers. No refiner will be outside operator, an “A” operator. All of our “A” operators
able to escape the necessity of multivendor technology are required to be, console technician certified. The console
solutions to address environmental, safety and competitive technicians have a minimum of one year experience as an
pressures. The most viable path for the short term is to seek “A” operator and a minimum of five years experience in the
out preferred automation solution providers (with their zone.
proprietary standards) who can deliver not only strong One benefit we have is that our contract states that all
technical solutions but cohesive and well integrated ones, promotions are based on qualifications and not seniority.
whose benefits will not erode over time as natural changes This allows us to advance the qualified individuals with
are made to the advanced automation system. aptitude as rapidly as possible to fill these positions. The
extensive knowledge they have to acquire includes every-
thing from control of the TDC system to in-depth oper-
QUESTION 44: ational understanding of the units (normal operations,
With all the tank farm work mandated by the new start-ups, shutdowns, emergency procedures, etc.).
components and products arising from clean fuels These skills have to be augmented with vocal skills and
regulations, has anyone managed to justify reducing interpersonal skills that they need to have to relate with
a major capital investment by using a better (auto- the outside people. The weekly rotation also helps keep the
mated) inventory management system? “A” operators trained for vacation relief. Additional TDC
stations are located in the field to facilitate training of the
BONELLI: field operators.
The question asks has anyone actually justified reducing
a major capital investment? What I can report is that in a PAULES:
recent capital budgeting process where we were working In our plants where DCS has been implemented, the
on reformulated gasoline, we were able to optimize our operator board position qualifications have not changed in



going from single loop, to DCS, to Advanced Process Con- prior to installation of the DCS. Newly hired individuals
trol. The same operators who worked board positions before now get one full day of DCS training from the control
the transition are the operators working the DCS system specialist during their initial six-week training. Ad-
today. Up to three weeks of training were required to ditional training is on the job as they progress through the
familiarize the board operators with the DCS system before operator classifications. As they are training for “A” oper-
implementing DCS. Additional training was necessary for ator they contact the control specialist to review or train in
APC. We are pleased with the results of this approach. areas they believe more work is needed. They are then
tested on their knowledge of the DCS as part of their
PEDERSEN: certification. It has been found that “A” operators pick up
We believe that in addition to the detailed knowledge and the DCS layout and operation without difficulty due to
the understanding of the unit and process he or she con- their previous exposure to the DCS at the satellite control
trols, the control room operator needs to understand the rooms. However, control concepts such as cascade loops and
control strategy and principles and have a basic knowledge advanced control require repetitive training and experi-
of the system functionalities. ence to master. As part of the management of change
We also think the control room operator should work process, all operators are trained in the operation of any
more than 50% of his time at the panel to become and stay control changes prior to activating that change.
sufficiently experienced. It is equally important for the
operator to rotate to field operator positions to keep OSBORN:
himself/herself familiar with the physical aspects of the I feel the board position is probably the most important
unit. position in the unit today, although the top operator still
Ideally the control room operator should have a technical has ultimate responsibility. We do require thorough me-
education, preferably with some chemical or process engi- chanical knowledge, process knowledge, and technical
neering. Before starting training for board position, the knowledge of the process unit. These qualifications can
operator will have worked for a minimum of 2 years as field only be obtained through adequate training and experi-
operator in the units controlled from the board for which he ence. These abilities must be demonstrated through certifi-
or she is training. cation testing before an operator is allowed to advance to
this position within the unit.
At Marathon, we have had experience with the DCS BRIERLEY:
environment since 1981. The control board operators posi- We do not differentiate between control room operators
tion in these systems is typically the second senior process and “outside” operators in terms of level or compensation.
unit job on the shift. The board operator still must possess Anyone who has qualified on the outside posts who displays
the capability to understand sophisticated advance con- the aptitude, desire, and technical competence is given the
trols and base unit operation at the same time. You need to opportunity to train in the control room. It is not for
remain current in the process units’ responses to controls everyone.
should you be required to operate the unit without them as
they do not all have 100% uptime.
This task becomes increasingly difficult as the controls QUESTION 47:
become more efficient and reliable and the process unit Which advanced process control (APC) schemes
upsets become less frequent. Our typical training re- are viewed to be the most beneficial to crude dis-
quirements for these positions provide training two levels tillation unit operation? Has there been success using
down. We have included the purchase of some custom proc- APC to maintain product specifications? How suc-
ess unit training simulators in our capital budgeting for cessful have on-line rigorous simulation/optimi-
1994 to improve our training. zation programs been?

The “board” or as we call it, “console” operator is the We have found that the following schemes to be ranked in
operator in charge of the units. He is responsible for oper- order ofhighest benefits achieved: cut point controls, target
ating the unit to meet the plant’s environmental, safety, optimization, quality and pressure constraint controls, and
throughput, yield, and quality goals for his shift. In doing heater pass balancing. We have had good experience in
so, he/she directs “outside” operators to make necessary using cut point controls to maintain product specification
moves/changes, and makes board changes as needed. The in atmospheric crude towers. More than 50% reduction in
operator also requests resources (maintenance, equipment) variability was quantified in the crude tower products
as necessary from the shift team leader. Qualifications going from regulatory controls to Advanced Process Con-
include certification on each job in the unit’s progression trol(APC). Estimated cut points are used to set tempera-
line and finally, certification on the “console” job. Our ture controllers, resetting product feed ratio controllers.
console operators are classified as “A” operators. Each crew The same degree of reduction was slightly less in the lube
has a minimum of two “A” operators. The “A” operators on a vacuum tower; a 30 to 40% reduction was obtained.
crew rotate through the console on a daily basis. They work Some additional changes to the control systems have
the other jobs in the unit progression line when not work- been made since we did this survey and we are reassessing
ing the console. At one of our refineries, console operators these numbers. No use of on-line optimization programs
underwent one week of DCS training on an off-line system have been used. Parallel on-line simulation is possible in



the Windows environment, but we have not yet utilized this models to tit actual plant measurements. More companies
capability. are now using open equation models to take advantage of
the latest mathematical solver techniques, such as Suc-
LAABS: cessive Quadratic Programming.
We have tried several advance control schemes in our The bottom line is, yes, producing clean fuels does re-
refinery crude units. Cut point control is expected to have quire more accurate models to correctly predict things such
the highest return, but it requires a stable column pressure as trace components which become more important.
to operate correctly. A control system that maximizes heat
recovery is being used by one site, but their variable crude LAABS:
slate has limited its benefits. Heater outlet temperature ROMs that are being used for real time optimization of a
pass balance controls have proven to be very useful. Multi- unit need to be very rigorous. Off-line usage would allow for
variable and constraint controls that maximize feed rate or less realistic models, but more accuracy leads to higher
VGO make also have potential benefits. benefits. One rule-of-thumb is that the model must produce
As we mentioned before, several of our sites have ROMs. correct directional behavior and be at least 80% accurate on
They could provide an enormous benefit, provided we could magnitude. Any inaccuracies past that point should be
get them on-line, which we have not done so far. compensated by controller feedback action,
Apart from the economic payback, the most important
BONELLI: criteria for a ROM is that it meets the needs of all of its
We have been using inferred properties packages as potential users. User feedback during the development
control applications for maintaining our product draw process is critical. Potential uses include process opti-
specifications in several of our crude units. Those appli- mization and monitoring, case studies, troubleshooting,
cations have proven to be quite robust under most normal economic planning, process training and process design. A
circumstances. Occasionally, wildly different crude slates ROM must also have an understandable basis and be easy
can give them a bit of a hard time. We have purchased an to maintain. A “first-principles” model which includes all
on-line simulator for use in the crude unit at Robinson major equipment and data reconciliation would be
refinery. However, we do not have it up and running yet. We appropriate.
have run it in the off-line mode.
FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT, (SETPOINT, Inc.): The degree of simulation model rigor is related to eco-
I just want to quickly list the key benefit areas. Charge nomic incentive of optimizing the unit. If the degree of
rate constraint controls are the highest money makers complexity calls for a system that has multiple options for
when feed has some value, followed by product quality operations, then a more rigorous model is required (block
controls. Some new regression technology that uses a tech- type operations). If the unit is operated with a stable feed, a
nique known as Partial Least Squares or Projections to simple model is required. The key is having the dis-
Latent Structures (PLS) offers significant benefit potential turbance variables available to identify opportunities for
in product quality controls. We have data which shows a improvement.
halving of quality deviations compared to traditional in- For a simulation to provide good results, a good set of data
ferred property control. is required. More important than the simulator, or of equal
Predictive models, and MPC in general, to reduce the importance, is to have a set ofvalidated and reconciled data
variance which occurs during a crude switch are probably using a data reconciliation package. There are several data
of the next level. reconciliation packages on the market. One worth men-
tioning is SIGMAfine from KBC. This package is an object-
oriented system which ties directly to a process historian
and can provide reconciled data for different selectable
time periods. It uses a rigorous least square method.
What degree of simulation model rigor is required
The reconciled data can be used for on-line performance
for process optimization (on and off-line)? What are
simulation, for yield accounting, for process optimization,
the main criteria in selecting or developing models?
design of experiments or evolutionary operations. The last
Does the need for accurate simulation models in-
two options are very valuable when no model exists. In this
crease as a consequence of producing clean fuels?
case, statistical methods are used to identify the direction
and size of move of the independent variables to optimize
SLOAN: the units.
For on-line optimization, we believe the degree of rigor is The most sophisticated models will require a mixture of
generally the same as for a design quality simulator. High physical models and heuristics to account for the unknown
fidelity, first principles models are more robust over a wider disturbances. The most rigorous technology available is
range of operating conditions and are easier to maintain. called Kalman filtering in which a dynamic model is used
For large refinery-wide LP planning tools, simplified mod- in conjunction with measured variables. The results of the
els are both adequate and less expensive in terms of com- filter are the key unmeasured variables (State variables)
puter resources. and the best prediction of the dependent variables. The
In general, it is advantageous to use the same models and uncertainty is captured by using stochastic principle and
technical data as used in the design. Another important statistics related to the certainty of the model and the
consideration is portability among computer platforms measured (observed) variables. This technology can be
which change frequently today. Tuning parameters such as mixed with expert systems tools to provide a solid model for
distillation tray efficiencies must be available to adjust the control and optimization.



Another emerging technology for process control and scope. It is very important however, that all models on all
real time performance monitoring is the neural network levels be consistent and give equivalent results. The only
technology. In this case, the data collected by the historian way to do this is to use the unit models as the “mother”
is fed to this neural network which learns the cause and models and make all other higher level models derivatives
effect of the process. The controller is then designed based of them, updated often as required to reflect the true state of
on this neural network model. the plant. At the unit level, the data reconciliation and
The main criteria in selecting a model is related to the parameter update feature provided by the optimizer can
economic rigor of the problem in hand. Sometimes, a simple fine tune the models every time an optimization is
model can provide the necessary results. The key is having executed.
the data to develop the model and the measurement of the For off-line optimization, the models have to be even more
key variables either off-line or on-line for simulation and accurate, since the automatic parameter update feature of
optimization. From our experience, having a rigorous on-line optimization is not available. For this reason off-
model for control is not enough. The requirements of good line optimization is usually not satisfactory compared to
data reconciliation, process dynamics, physical and process on-line optimization.
constraints are too many variables for attempting rigorous The main criteria for selecting or developing models are
process modelling. The emerging technologies such as that they be written in equation-based format, to enhance
process historian combined with neural networks and ex- robustness and to allow parameter update, data reconcili-
pert system shells seem to provide the tools to incorporate ation and optimization to be done with the same code. This
the process fundamentals, heuristics and unknowns in a reduces model maintenance as well as assuring consistent
robust environment for process control and optimization. results. Another criteria is to have models that can be
What are the consequences of producing clean fuels? linked together into larger envelopes, by having consistent
Probably the process models will have to track components feed and yield structures (e.g. equivalent pseudocomponent
that are both production, environmental and clean fuel slates and bulk properties, etc.). The modeling platform is
related. also important. One should select a modeling system that
has a graphical interface, good thermodynamics, ease of
ROGER 0. PELHAM (Profimatics, Inc.): linking to existing models, etc.
We supply a number of process simulation models, and Clean fuels require models that accurately predict the
our business in that area has seen a significant increase in yield components and bulk properties that will be used in
the last two years. Much of this increase has been driven by overall constraint and objective functions, such as octane,
refiners analyzing various clean fuel options. So, I would sulfur, specific olefin distribution, aromatics, etc. Many
say the industry has voted strongly “yes” on that question. existing yield models do not have this capability and need
to be updated.
H. C. KLIESCH (Profimatics, Inc.):
We believe the models should be as rigorous as required
to meet the needs of the application. Consideration should QUESTION 49:
be given to the availability of analytical data (either from What are your experiences with maintenance of
the refinery laboratory or on-line analyzers) and process multivariable advanced control applications? How
measurements to support the development and continued do you handle model re-identification, problem di-
calibration of the rigorous or theoretical model. We are agnosis, and new software releases? Which depart-
seeing standardization in use of the same model for both ment is responsible for internal maintenance and
off-line and on-line applications, e.g., technical studies, support, and how much “outside” maintenance is
development of unit representations for refinery fore- used?
casting and scheduling software, on-line optimization with
advanced control, and as the engine in operator trainers. JUNO:
One model is easier to maintain and upgrade than multiple The evolution of this technology is making them easier to
ones. Current product specifications are requiring the maintain. The models are becoming more robust so they
models to be more rigorous, e.g., proposed maximum level can work within extended operating limits. But when
of benzene in gasoline, the effect on alkylate octane when major process changes occur, the internal dynamic models
FCC unit C4 olefins are processed in an upstream ether need to be recalculated. These MPC algorithms are not
unit. adaptive and require model identification. The vendor is
usually consulted when major software releases are
The degree of rigor required for process optimization is The justification of the MPC controls requires identifi-
different for on-line versus off-line. For on-line appli- cation of the maintenance cost of this technology. If the
cations, the degree of rigor depends on the scope of the controls are not properly maintained, it will not produce
refinery optimization envelope. At the unit level, maxi- the estimated savings. Usually a large unit with advanced
mum rigor is required, comparable or equivalent to that and multivariable controls requires at least 25% of the time
used in process design flow sheet simulators, in order to of a control engineer. The control department is responsible
accurately determine the state of the plant, for accurately for maintaining and improvement of the control strategies.
predicting yields and constraints. As one goes up the hier-
archy to multi-unit optimization, scheduling, and plan- BRIERLEY:
ning, the rigor can be decreased, since the resulting We have limited experience with multivariable appli-
decisions that the optimizer will guide are of a broader cations to date, but for the foreseeable future, Syncrude will



maintain all commissioned process control applications supplier of off-line simulation, Profimatics would not be
with its own resources, i.e., our own Applications and able to provide that technology without also offering com-
Systems groups. If a technology introduced at some time in prehensive maintenance services. Yet in Profimatics ad-
the future causes significant maintenance difficulties, we vanced control business, refiners tend to take a totally
will reevaluate whether third party support should be different posture that “we the refiner” must maintain our
retained for some or all of the maintenance. We will pur- advanced control systems. To a significant degree we are
chase new process control technology rather than develop it kept at arms length unless there is a major problem the
ourselves, and will utilize consultants for initial, and most refinery cannot handle. To illustrate the point, we can
probably subsequent applications. compare the ratio of maintenance revenues/total revenues
in our Process Simulation Business and our Advanced
LAABS: Control Business. The ratio is a factor of ten higher in the
Our local process control engineers are responsible for Process Simulation Business.
normal maintenance of multivariable controls. Outside
vendors are used for software upgrades and major control FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT, (SETPOINT, Inc.):
changes. Vendors are called in to help with troubleshooting I would like to second the comment from Mr. Pelham
in emergencies, or when the site engineers cannot handle about how refiners treat outside maintenance of APC proj-
the problem by themselves. Most of our sites are largely ects. If we do an extensive APC project that costs say a
self-sufficient. million dollars, one would expect to get benefits on an
annual basis equal to that number if the controls are main-
ROGER 0. PELHAM (Profimatics, Inc.): tained. However at budget time, people choose main-
On the maintenance issue, Protimatics experience is that tenance ratios that are much lower than on other kinds of
refiners almost have a “double standard” in their main- sophisticated systems. Typical thinking seems to preclude
tenance expectations. It intrigues me still, that as a major or minimize outside maintenance for these APC systems.



We know that this philosophy leads to downtime of the for flare monitoring. We recently instrumented for auto-
control systems. It is an interesting puzzle that we have not matic control of steam to the flares and are in the process of
been able to figure out yet either, because we certainly are evaluating these.
willing and able to supply maintenance support services
which will increase uptime significantly and to provide PEDERSEN:
upgrades to capture benefits not previously available. In 1989, we installed an infrared detector for controlling
the flare steam. It never became a success as the detector
was too sensitive to weather conditions, in particular, rain.
H. Miscellaneous
What types of measurement devices are being used
QUESTION 50: to measure flow and composition of flare gases?
Have any refiners received IS0 9002 certification,
and if so, what steps have they undertaken to ensure BRIERLEY:
consistent product quality with changing feedstocks? Each of our three flare headers is equipped with a
Panametrics Model 7100 meter with local molecular
PEDERSEN: weight, pressure, and temperature indication. The molecu-
Statoil’s total downstream operation in Denmark - sup- lar weight indication can be compared to a fingerprint file
ply, refining, and marketing - received IS0 certification consisting of individual process stream compositions so the
this year. As a part of that project, the quality assurance most likely flaring culprits can be identified. The com-
system at our Kalundborg refinery was certified according pensated mass flow signal is sent back to the control room.
to ISO-9002. At Mongstad Refinery in Norway, we are In addition, each of the flare headers has a number of
working for certification early next year. temperature measurement signals that are sent to the
For refiners, the principles outlined in the ISO- control room. All major process units have KURZ Model
standard do not represent anything really new. The re- 455 meters on the flare headers near the unit battery limits
quirements to quality management and documentation for to measure the velocity of the flared gasses at that point.
the typical European refiner are more stringent and com- All these indications are used to determine which process
prehensive than those practiced according to the pro- unit is flaring in the quickest period possible.
cedures and routines normally in place. But it does not
change our life completely. LAABS:
The standards specify minimum requirements to the Two of our sites use Panametrics Ultrasonic mass flow
Quality Assurance system. When in compliance and cer- meters to measure flow to the flare. These meters have
tified, the customer knows that when you have agreed to proven satisfactory for controlling steam flow to the flare
deliver a product at a given date and to a set of agreed tips. Several flares have orifice meters or pitot tubes, but
specifications, you have a system in place to secure the they are considered unreliable and are not used for steam
product delivered as agreed. The standard does not set control. One site also measures flow at the unit blowdown
requirements to product quality or specifications, and as drums with Alphasonics meters.
such, the standard does not limit the refiner in feedstock
selection. We have to remember, that consistent product
quality does not imply the same mixture of specific hydro-
Our flare gas composition measurement is done by dis-
carbons but fractions that meet certain specifications.
crete manual sampling methods. We just go to the unit
battery limits when we have unidentified flare gases and
take samples and take them to the laboratory. We have
QUESTION 51: purchased a Panametrics analyzer or flow meter for use in
Are refiners using infrared or other types of smoke the flare header, but have not yet installed it.
detectors to monitor flares? Is automatic control of
steam to the flare tip being used via these detectors? PEDERSEN:
Last year we installed a Fluenta ultrasonic flare gas
BONELLI: meter in Mongstad. The meter, which is of Norwegian
Marathon does have some experience in monitoring flare fabrication, is an insertion type with transmitter and
stacks using something other than IR. At least one of our receiver positioned flush with the pipe, which in our case is
locations uses a video camera to do continuous monitoring a 60 inch line. Velocity and density are measured, and
to have the operator aware of the flare condition and make volume and mass flow calculated. We have no analyzers for
adjustments to the steam to the smokeless flare tips. We determination of the composition, but take samples for
also do in several applications, use infrared or other flame laboratory analysis when required.
sensing devices to automatically control the steam to the The molecular weight of the flare gas is normally be-
flare. The system works quite well. tween 8 and 15, and in this range, the meter seems to
overestimate the density. In our case, the problem seems to
ROY: be to get a signal strong enough without generating too
We also use IRD Smoke Detectors at our Pasadena Plant much noise.



QUESTION 53: automatic louvers; and in the cold weather conditions, we

What methods are effective in reducing fouling in also recommend the steam heating. We do not recommend
process water strippers? hot vapor bypass. Fouling due to the corrosion products can
be minimized by selection of the proper metallurgy for
MURPHY: various components of the system, reducing the con-
Fouling in process water strippers can have a number of taminates such as heavy hydrocarbons, by providing ade-
causes. Insoluble oils, which are visually apparent or mea- quate residence time for the feed surge drum, and by
sured by oil & grease testing, cause fouling by forming a providing oil skimmers in the surge drum and in the over-
film on the metal surfaces. This phenomenon also provides head accumulator. It should also be noted that brine from
a media which traps suspended particulates leading to the desalters adds to the corrosion and subsequent fouling
further fouling. If this is the cause of fouling, bulk oil problems.
removal through gravity separation and floatation is nec-
essary. In addition to bulk oil removal, an oil dispersant is
useful to keep metal surfaces free of oil buildup and its QUESTION 54:
adhesive effect. What programs have been developed for universal
If the particle sizes are large enough, suspended solids safety training of contractors to be approved and
such as iron sulfide or grit can settle out in low flow areas. accepted at those refineries which require safety
Particulate dispersants are capable of keeping these solids training programs?
in suspension, but it is critical to select a dispersant that is
functionally specific for the problematic solid. LAABS:
Frequently, the processed water can become super satu- Safety training by industrial cooperatives is becoming
rated with minerals. The degree of super saturation is a very popular for refineries. Two of our sites are currently
function of mineral constituents, temperature, and pH. involved with such programs and the third site is inves-
Typically, calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, and tigating a local cooperative. Our Louisiana refinery is
magnesium silicate are the most common problem mineral involved in a cooperative developed by the Greater Baton
scales. These can be addressed by the use of scale inhibitors Rouge Industrial Manager’s Association, and our Port
and dispersants. Arthur, Texas refinery is a member of the South East Texas
Safety Association (SETSA). Our Delaware Plant is cur-
BONELLI: rently talking with the Delaware Valley Construction
In addition to what Mr. Murphy said, control and rigor- Users Council. These programs provide generic training in
ous maintenance of the interface level controllers in the such subjects as personal protective equipment, hearing
process units upstream of the sour water strippers are also conservation, respiratory protection, material handling,
crucial items. The control of suspended solids in the feeds to hazard communication, signs and barricades, electrical
the strippers is also critical. work practices and work permits. Some also include site
specific information. Refresher courses are required on a
LAABS: yearly basis.
The best way to avoid fouling in the sour water stripper is By pooling their resources, area refiners and chemical
to monitor water feeds. Water hardness and high silica plant operators are able to ensure consistent and high
levels will cause fouling, and streams with these con- quality safety training for all of their contract workers. At
taminants should be pretreated or redirected if at all SETSA, in Texas it is actually required to have a SETSA
possible. safety card before you can enter the refinery.
Ammonium salts have also caused problems in the past Proof of training is sometimes required for jobs that
in one of our sour water strippers. We have avoided this include such activities as asbestos abatement and haz-
problem by maintaining an overhead temperature of ardous material handling. This training is expected to be
195 ºF and a reflux minimum temperature of 140 °F. handled by the contract company.
Two affiliated sites are using chemical injections to Typically, site specific safety practices are detailed in a
minimize fouling. Their experience has been positive. manual that is included with every contract. These prac-
While shutdowns are still necessary for cleaning, they are tices are reviewed with on site contractor supervision
less frequent than before. before starting a job. These manuals are sometime aug-
mented by formal training at the job site.
My response is specifically related to the sour water MURPHY:
strippers. Typica1 fouling in the sour water strippers is As a contractor to many plants, Nalco is required to
caused by ammonium bisulfide formation, corrosion prod- follow all general safety rules and the additional site speci-
ucts from acid gas and contaminates such as cyanides and tic rules at each location. We are pleased with the continued
chlorides, and gum formation from heavy hydrocarbons. emphasis on safety. Recently enacted regulatory rules re-
Bisulfide formation is prevented by maintaining the strip- quire our field representative and national support staff to
per overhead system temperature above 180 °F. We prefer take multiple training courses country-wide. These include
at least 200 ºF Fluor Daniel, Inc. recommends to heat trace both refinery specific courses at the refinery and general
the overhead lines to the sulfur plant and also all the lines courses from local area safety councils.
that go to the instruments and the safety relief valves. From our viewpoint as a nationwide contractor, we would
In sour water strippers using overhead vapor condensers, like to see more of reciprocity agreements such as exist
we recommend air coolers, with autovariable fin fans or between the Houston area and Texas City Area Safety



Councils, as well as those mentioned by Mr. Laabs, for at They have standard orientation programs for
least the umbrella course work. petrochemical facilities, training in HAXCOM,
In addition to meeting the safety requirements of the HAZWOPER, etc. They work with the plants to offer
refinery, Nalco has developed a corporate safety training standardized courses acceptable to the clients in the
program for all of its field representatives and support staff. area they serve. They also often offer the site specific
This program was written internally with the input of training for selected plants that video their presen-
many customers so that regardless of the level of safety tation and offer it at a central location.
training provided at each location, all Nalco people would 2. OSHA’s Training Institute in Des Plaines, Illinois
meet the minimum OSHA training specifications. where OSHA compliance officers and other federal
Among the topics covered in the training are: personnel, as well as the public, receive their training.
Asbestos They offer numerous courses that are acceptable to all
24 OSHA Regulated Substances parties. These include the OSHA 10 and 40 hour
OSHA Subpart Z - Air Contaminants courses, courses on Scaffolding, Ergonomics, Toxicol-
Reporting Occupational Illness & Injury ogy, Excavations, etc.
Fork Truck, Powered Lifts 3. The Associated Builders and Contractors, the Associ-
Machine Guarding ated General Contractors and National Constructors
Portable Ladders, and Association as well as many other unions and con-
Mechanical/Electrical Safety tractor associations offer courses in construction
In addition to the general safety topics, the following safety. The ABC for example offers many of the OSHA
safety training subjects are covered: training courses, standardized orientation programs,
Hazard Communication (Right-to Know) etc.
Emergency Response Actions (HAZWOPER) 4. The ASSE, AIChE, and other professional as-
Personal Protective Equipment sociations provide an excellent source of training
Respiratory Protection courses for Safety in Design and in Construction.
Hearing conservation 5. Some consultants, major independent client and Con-
Fire Safety struction USER Groups - Business Roundtable - and
Confined Space Entry Insurance organizations have developed their own
Lockout/Tagout proprietary programs that many companies have
Access to Medical and Exposure Records, and used. International Loss Control Institute, Deepened,
Transportation of Hazardous Materials Argonaut Insurance each have special training pro-
grams available for use.
The most effective programs which we have in place BRIERLEY:
include the active participation of a contractor safety coun- Syncrude and Suncor Inc. Oil Sands Group undertook a
cil or a similar organization which includes all the con- joint effort to produce a Health and Safety Orientation
tractors which work in any particular refinery. These training package that would be common for both of the
organizations participate actively, in the development of plants. To produce the package, both plants agreed to
the contractor safety training program, including videos standardize various items such as emergency phone num-
and the course work which Mr. Laabs has covered for us. bers, emergency assembly point designations, personal
These contractor safety councils also elect a representative protective equipment, etc. Personnel receiving the training
to sit on the refinery’s safety advisory group which is a at one plant are qualified to receive access to either of the
safety coordinating council for each refinery. plants for a one year time span. Records are kept by each of
the plants and shared on a monthly basis to produce a
SLOAN: common database.
M. W. Kellogg has its own standardized orientation pro-
gram, including HAZCOM, process safety management
guide lines, etc. that meet most client requirements. The
clients unique specifications are incorporated into the pro-
gram to meet individual project needs. We also have used The use of gamma scanning to solve plant oper-
the Deepened Stop program for training supervisors as ating problems has been in use now for over a decade
well as the development of our own Safe Task Assessment with net positive results. Are refiners using this tech-
and Reinforcement Training program, called “START”, nique for reasons other than unit troubleshooting?
used to assist supervisors in pre-task evaluation of task
hazards and training their employees in the safe per- J. WILLIAMS:
formance of each task on a daily basis. Gamma scans can be utilized by refiners to optimize unit
There are also other sources of safety training courses operations, as well as for trouble shooting. These opti-
that are universally accepted at most plants and by OSHA mization studies can be performed on any piece of equip-
at this time. These sources include: ment ranging from distillation columns, reactors, tanks,
1. The Contractor Safety Councils such as those estab- separators, etc. If you have a specific application, there are
lished at the Houston Area Safety Council, Brazo- companies who operate globally with whom you can discuss
sport, Texas City and Beaumont, as well as the one in the extent of the work and the quality of the data. However,
Richmond, California - Bay Area Training Trust. below is a brief discussion of possible applications.



l Optimization studies - Scans can locate areas of vapor and thinning of piping, without removing the
and liquid flooding when fractionator’s throughput is insulation?
being pushed. This can be used to compliment simu-
lation studies and used as basis for debottlenecking. PAULES:
l Distribution studies - Distribution studies can be per- I am aware of one scanning technique which can examine
formed on reactors, packed distillation columns and pipe wall thickness without removing insulation. It uses a
piping. Scans of packed towers can reflect the liquid radioactive source, a detector, and through the use of a
distribution of various operating rates. Also scans on computer program calculates the wall thickness. So far,
standpipes and risers can reflect the radial dis- this method has only been used in power plants, but there
tribution. For instance in the riser, the scan can indi- have been efforts to introduce it to the refining industry.
cate the proper distribution of catalyst for optimal The people who provide this service claim that it is more
contact at various points in the riser. This is accom- accurate than standard x-ray techniques.
plished by performing a grid of scans and mapping out
the catalyst density in the riser. J. WILLIAMS:
Ultrasound and gama scanning are the two conventional
BONELLI: methods of nondestructive testing that have been used for
In addition to those applications which were just men- corrosion monitoring without requiring removal of in-
tioned, the gama scanning is also used for monitoring solid sulation. In pipes carrying vapors, ultrasound is accurate to
and liquid inventories such as acid inventories in alkyla- a few millimeters compared to gama scanning that can
tion units and catalyst hopper levels in CCR platforming detect down to one eight of an inch. However, ultrasound
units. Many refineries use gamma scan to establish normal accuracy diminishes with dense liquids or solids. A new
operating baselines for fractionators and FCC regenerators technique called Edge Radiography is being used in Europe
so that when trouble shooting is necessary, they have a with excellent accuracy and a broad range of applications.
standard set of reference data.


In addition to what has been mentioned, we have used the Describe any experiences with inert gas de-
gamma scan to accurately set the FCC reactor stripper hydration in process or product streams.
catalyst level in order to span and set the level on an
indication instrument. This is done shortly after start-up, T. WILLIAMS:
but it helps to have a baseline performed without any level. We have used hot nitrogen in a dehydration step after an
in situ reformer regeneration. The start-up dryout time
BRIERLEY: was cut by approximately three days.
We have used gamma scanning a few times for purposes
other than troubleshooting. Generally, we’ve attempted to ROY:
monitor the liquid distribution within trayed or packed At our Tyler Refinery, on occasions when our salt dryer
columns as part of unit optimization or debottlenecking has experienced a breakthrough, we have bubbled kerosine
studies. We also use gamma radiation sources in fixed tanks with nitrogen in order to dry or coalesce moisture to
nuclear gauges in several locations within the plant. They meet HAZE rating. In order for this to be effective, the tank
are used for level indication in vessels and for density needs to have a bottom distributor or spider.
measurement of various process streams.
Concerning the dehydration after regeneration, we use a
QUESTION 56: series of pressuring and depressuring with nitrogen to
Is anyone applying inspection techniques for de- dryout the catalyst. It has cut our unit start-up time at low
tecting and measuring under insulation corrosion severity by one or two days.



A. Fluid Catalytic Cracking porcelain support insulators. Hopper valves are now re-
placed “on the run” on a planned basis, and maintenance on
the external electrical components is conducted on the run
on individual transformer rectifier systems.
Nalco FuelTech has experience with ESPs on FCCUs in
one refinery in California. Here, the FCC CO boiler is
What are the main operating problems with elec- treated with NOxOUT. The NOxOUT system has been run
trostatic precipitators in FCC flue gas systems? What in a manner as to generate more ammonia slip than would
are the main maintenance problems? What pre- normally be done. This additional ammonia slip served to
ventative maintenance is required? augment the existing downstream ammonia injection. It is
believed that the ammonia released by the NOxOUT en-
OSBORN: hanced the precipitator performance because of the longer
We have experienced the following operating/mainte- contact time of the ammonia and the catalyst fines.
nance problems over the years with our precipitators.
a) inlet slide gates stuck due to catalyst fines collecting PAULES:
behind the seals, Some of the main problems associated with electrostatic
b) wires breaking causing loss of efficiency and/or short- precipitators are smaller than normal fines, excessive flue
ing of field, gas rates, lower than design operating temperatures, drain
c) wearing of keyhole support and/or wearing of the leg plugging, and bad rapper control. Precipitators must be
button at the top of the wire due to wires spinning thoroughly purged to remove SO2 before cooling to the
while in operation (Some have worn to the point of dewpoint or severe damage to the grids can occur. Some
failure causing the wire to fall through with loss of refiners have installed digitally controlled rapper systems
efficiency and/or shorting off. Repairs included weld- to more effectively clean the grids during normal operation.
ing new keyhole bars over the originals, tack welding At one of our refineries, over the course of time, the ESP
the buttons to the keyhole, and using heavier wire performance will deteriorate. The ESP is then bypassed,
weights.), the grids are cleaned with a water jet spray, and then
d) sagging of the floor of the penthouse in one or more returned to service. This procedure apparently removes
sections resulting in misalignment of the insulators very small fines which tend to build up on the grids and
and grids (We replaced the floor in one section of one affect performance.
e) bridging of catalyst in the bottom of the precipitator, PEDERSEN:
f) mechanical failure of conveyor augers, At the Mongstad refinery we have been operating a
g) leaks in the steam coils on the hoppers (We discon- 40,000 bbls/stream day, UOP RCC unit for approximately
tinued the use of these heating coils and have looked four years with a set of electrostatic precipitators down-
into replacing them with electric heaters, but have stream of the CO boilers followed by a seawater scrubber.
not installed them yet due to cost considerations.), We have not experienced any serious problems with those
and precipitators and maintenance required has shown to be
h) cracked insulators. very little. We do not have any preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance includes routine inspections program in place yet. However, as we gradually have in-
during turnarounds, sometimes using outside experts. creased the throughput above the original design level, the
After twelve years of use since it was built, we replaced all particulate content in the flue gas leaving the precipitators
the wires at our last turnaround and plan to change them has increased. Over the last two years, we have experienced
every six years, which is every other turnaround. fines collecting in the flue gas system between the scrubber
and the stack, causing sour particle emission from time to
Our main process operating problems are variable solids
loading and variable gas loads, particularly SO3 and am- ROY:
monia. The main maintenance problems are caused by Most of the problems experienced in our ESP operation
leakage through the hopper valves. Air ingress through the are a result of catalyst buildup in the hoppers which, when
valves leads to condensation, corrosion, and hopper plug- over full, cause the electrical grids to go to ground. We have
gage. The moisture also contributes to cracking of the had to do some shell crack repairs in the vicinity of our



precipitator vibrators. We have also completely corroded eliminate fouling and coking in fractionators and
the ESP blowers due to catalyst buildup. The buildup also heat exchangers? How can the fouling be monitored
causes vibration problems. Hoppers need to be kept in- on-line?
sulated with the steam tracing in good working order in
order to keep moisture from condensing inside the hopper. O’BRIEN:
Normal monitoring of the blower and motor operations, Phillips has experienced fouling of the bottoms pump-
including periodic checks of the vibrators, constitute part of around steam generators in a heavy oil cracker. The fouling
the PM program. seems to occur when processing a high percentage of un-
hydrotreated resid. A series of tests were conducted during
J. WILLIAMS: periods of accelerated fouling and periods of little or no
One of the prime operating problems of ESPs is their fouling. The testing indicated that the fouling was the
tendency to drift from the optimum settings of the rapper result of asphaltene precipitation. The asphaltenes may
system with changing unit conditions. Optimum condi- precipitate due to the carryover of unreacted feed, or pos-
tions should be reestablished by the instrument shop in a sibly the formation of asphaltene precursors in the riser
routine preventive maintenance program. In addition to reactor. We are currently evaluating additives to eliminate
checking the actual function of each rapper, the optimum this problem.
setting for rapper frequency, intensity, and duration should Other factors in bottoms pumparound fouling are the
be verified for changing conditions. temperature of the oil, exchanger velocity, residence time
in the bottom of the fractionator, the amount of catalyst
KENNETH A. PECCATIELLO (Grace Davison): contained in the oil, composition and physical properties of
We have seen where high temperatures on the ESP itself, the bottom pumparound oil, and feed quality. Sometimes it
being either from a CO boiler problem or some other effect, seems that the phase of the moon has an impact.
causes the plates to warp. Once the plates warp, it becomes As far as oil temperature goes, the lower the tempera-
very easy for the wires to short-out against the plates. The ture, the less the fouling. This is true for both asphaltene
other problem with a high temperature is that people deposition and polymerization types of fouling. One of our
sometimes try to control the ESP inlet temperature with heavy oil cracker feeds an oil with a 19” API gravity, and
the use of flue gas duct spray boiler feed water. If there is Conradson carbon of 6.5. We maintain oil temperatures in
not enough of a knockout area, the spray water will also end the fractionator bottoms below a maximum of 635 ºF, and
up shorting out the wires. vapor temperature above the shed decks below the maxi-
mum of 680 °F Units with less severe feed can run hotter
JOSEPH W. WILSON (Caltex Services): than this without fouling.
Mr. Paules, you mentioned that you bypass the electro- As far as exchanger velocities go, fouling can occur at
static precipitator. Do you do this on-line? What type of higher rates if the velocity is not kept above a threshold.
hardware do you have to do this, i.e., the bypassing equip- Our heavy oil crackers maintain velocities above 7 ft/sec.
ment? Can you actually get in there? Do you bypass it The more solids, the easier it is to foul because the catalyst
effectively where you can open it up and do the wash? can bind agglomerate with polymers to form hard deposits,
As mentioned earlier, we think we see more fouling with
PAULES: unhydrotreated resid.
Yes, that is right. Our ESP has an isolation valve on its We monitor fouling of the steam generators with cal-
flue gas inlet and outlet and a bypass valve in a flue gas line culated heat transfer coefficients and with fouling factors
around it. The block valves are 66 inch butterfly valves and that are calculated every 60 seconds.
the bypass is a 44 inch butterfly valve. When taking the
ESP out ofservice we first open the bypass valve then block OSBORN:
the inlet and outlet isolation valves. Blinds are then in- As mentioned, there are several factors which contribute
stalled on the ESP side of the isolation valves before any to the fouling and coking in the FCC fractionators and
work on the ESP begins. The ESP will cool to a temperature bottoms heat exchangers. They include: insufficient
that will allow entry in less than one day by simply remov- quench oil, high catalyst content in the slurry, heat history
ing the manways and allowing it to radiate heat to the (meaning the residence time of the oil at the elevated
atmosphere. It should be mentioned that we do go out of temperatures), and velocity of the oil in the bottoms circuit.
compliance on the stack opacity while we perform this All will tend to contribute to deposition of catalyst and
procedure. certain heavy hydrocarbons. We target a maximum bot-
toms temperature of 690 ºF, maximum slurry viscosity of
OSBORN: 110 SUS at 210 ºF, and a minimum velocity of 4.5 ft./set. in
We also bypass, we have two banks of precipitators and the exchange train. However, an excessive velocity can lead
are able to bypass one side using the main slide gate to to erosion in the exchangers.
I think we have covered most of the basic design con-
siderations, but I would like to add that minimum velocity
QUESTION 2: through the exchangers may be determined historically on
Fouling of heat exchangers in the bottoms and your particular unit. It can vary from type of feedstock and
heavy cycle oil circuits of the FCC fractionator has type of catalyst. Previous problems with erosion in the
been reported. What conditions are necessary to exchangers dictate the upper limit and obviously, the plug-



heat transfer coefficients of the heat exchangers based on

temperature measurements.

The only thing I have to add is that we do have additional
exchangers that can be bypassed and cleaned on-line. If
high pyrole nitrogen content cannot be reduced, it can
promote polymerization; so a proper antioxidant additive
selection would help. High temperature dispersants are
also quite effective in reducing solids deposition in towers
and pumparounds.

One thing I have not heard mentioned yet is that the use
of a bottoms quench system designed to subcool the frac-
tionator bottoms about 20 ºF, or so, will reduce coke for-
mation in the bottom section. We believe this design feature
ging dictates the lower velocity limit. Now, for instance, we is pretty much standard on modern FCCUs that produce
use pool temperatures somewhere in the 680 ºF range and high endpoint cycle oils.
do not experience fouling from asphaltene deposition or
polymerization. Catalyst fouling can vary with the type of T. WILLIAMS:
catalyst that you use. In one of our locations we monitor C7 insolubles in the
slurry system. We have noticed a tremendous increase in
MURPHY: fouling rate when the C7s increase above 5%. The only way
I agree with most of the factors mentioned. We have seen to alleviate the problem is to pull the slurry circuit hard to
the same thing in many of the applications we have. We see storage to reduce the concentration, which has a very
catalyst fines, coke fines, polymeric substances, iron- negative economic penalty. We have also found that some
containing deposits, and oxidized polymers in these sys- antifoulants have helped in this service.
tems. A solution to the problem requires the development of
a complete plan to control fouling for all heavy hydrocarbon DAVID LININGTON (Marathon Oil Company):
applications on the feed or hot oil side of an exchanger. This We also have had a lot of fouling problems due to feed
plan would incorporate process changes as well as additive leaking through to the bottom of the main fractionator
application. through a feed diversion valve on the FCC feed circuit. This
Pressure drop and fouling resistance calculations plotted is not a true fouling situation, but it does lead to coke
over time is the best method for measuring the effect of formation in the bottom of the fractionator which will plug
fouling on unit performance. Again, the data quality for up the heat exchangers.
temperature and flow is the key parameter for effective
monitoring and analysis. JOSEPH W. WILSON (Caltex Services):
Does the panel or anybody else in the audience have
PEDERSEN: experience using a U-tube exchanger instead of floating-
Coking is a spontaneous, thermal process favored by head in the feed bottoms slurry service? Have these im-
temperature and residence time. At temperatures below proved or helped with their fouling problems?
360 °C (680 ºF) the rate of reaction is very low, but it
increases rapidly at higher temperatures, depending on the STEPHEN F. HUNKUS (MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc.):
characteristics of the oil. This implies that coking in the We use some U-tube bundles in our bottoms circuit. It
bottoms and heavy cycle oil circuits of the RCC fractionator does not really help with the fouling problem, but you can
cannot be eliminated, only reduced. clean them a lot quicker and get them on-line quicker. The
In general, to avoid coking in hydrocarbon systems we same goes for plugging tubes.
have to minimize residence time of the hydrocarbons at
elevated temperatures. It is also important to ensure high REZA SADEGHBEIGI (BP Oil Company):
linear velocities in the system as it will prevent particles In one of our units, the bottom exchangers are seldom
from settling out, but on the other hand it directionally cleaned. The tricks to keep them clean are:
increases erosion. (1) using a good bottoms cracking catalyst,
We have also experienced that it is very, very important (2) keeping tube velocity over 10 fffsec,
to keep high flow rates in the bottoms and heavy cycle oil (3) maintaining the bottom’s temperature less than
circuits for several days after start-up or after any unit 680 °F,
upset, which may cause catalyst carryover to the frac- (4) using an aromatic-rich flush, and
tionator, in order to flush the catalyst out of the systems. (5) having no catalyst carryover.
Catalyst carryover during the start-ups and shutdowns
should of course be minimized. Catalyst which is allowed to RON M. LATHROP (Tosco Refining Company):
accumulate in parts of the circulation system may cause One of the things that seems to prolong the on-stream life
plugging or fouling. Fouling or plugging is monitored by of these exchangers is high velocity. With velocity ranging
measuring the pressure drop or calculating the relative between 8 and 12 fps you generally have enough erosion



that all the fouling goes away. The tubes will tend to go perature services, we have used Incoloy 625. In general, we
away too, unless you use sulfur corrosion resistant alloy. do not use purges to keep the bellows clear, but instead use
The so-called “erosion,” I found, really is removal of the sealed, transition liners or sleeves. We do occasionally have
protective film that protects the tube from corrosion and pluggages in the lines, not necessarily in the bellows, but
that removal accelerates corrosion causing the tubes to they are cleared with steam blasting.
thin. I
Once you go to an alloy tube, this so-called “erosion” JUNO:
disappears. We went to 5 chrome, ½ molybdenum, which After a regenerated catalyst slide valve bellows failed at
stopped this problem of so-called “erosion.” We now go over one of our refineries, we replaced it with a two-ply bellows.
three years without having to clean them. Instead of a purge, we have a tattletail valve that is checked
To get this kind of high velocity, you usually have to go to once a shift to see if the inner bellows has failed. The new
a large tube diameter. We changed to 1¼%, inch tubes to get bellows has been in service since February, 1992, without
the pressure drop down so we could get the high velocity. any problems.
This gives you another benefit because the tubes are In general, packing is used in our bellows to prevent
thicker and it allows you to have a little more wall to go catalyst accumulation between the bellows and the inner
through in case you do have a little erosion. The larger wall instead of a purge unless coking is a problem. The
inside diameter reduces plugging by tramp material also. bellows are made of Inconel625. On the spent catalyst slide
valve, we have steam purged bellows.
Does anyone use a sintered metal or ceramic filter We have recently replaced an expansion joint at one of
as a third or fourth stage separator? What has been our refineries. The new joint chosen was a steam purged
the experience with reliability? unit from Pathway Manufacturers. This joint has two plies,
and it is constructed of 321 stainless steel.
SLOAN: Other sites have both purged and packed joints. They are
We are aware of several experiments on demonstration normally purged with about 75 psig steam and the packed
scale equipment, but know of no commercial operations joints are packed with Kaowool. This refinery is moving
that use this type of filter in these services. towards packed joints because of recent problems with one
of their purged units. They have observed cracking on the
O’BRIEN: nozzle where it connects to the joint. The use of wet steam
We have not used this type of filter in flue gas service, but has caused thinning due to erosion, and they have had some
we are aware of their use in coal gasification and fluidized corrosion problems.
combustion. The specific references are as follows: Zeh, et Most companies that run multiple refineries find that
al. “Evaluation of Performance of Ceramic Candle Filters some sites prefer packed bellows and others prefer purged.
in a Hot Particulate-Laden Stream”, USDOE, MERC, Mor- Our company is no exception.
gantown, WV (May 1990); Salter, et al. “Shell Coal Gasi-
fication Process SCGP-1, High Temperature Filtration Ex- O’BRIEN:
perience”, 2nd EPRI Workshop on Filtration and Dust from We are replacing our purged expansion joints with In-
Coal-Derived Reducing and Combustion Gases at High cone1 625, two ply, packed joints.
Temperature, (March 11-13, 1992).

What is the latest thinking with regard to expan- What is the panel’s experience with thermal shock-
sion joints? Are purges used? What are the material ing of flue gas turbine blades to remove catalyst fines
of construction and number of plies? and recover turbine efficiency? How is the quench
(shock) done? How fast (ºF/hr)? or how long? Do
ROY: vibrations (wheel/coupling) increase during shock
We have gone to packed joints on all new flue gas and cycle? Will this procedure remove catalyst adhering
reactor overhead expansion joints. These are considered to to stator blades?
be more reliable and do not require steam purges and as
well have less potential for corrosion from condensation. O’BRIEN:
All new joints are multiple ply, usually double in our case. Our procedure calls for starting with an initial expander
These joints are of Inconel 601. Packing material is a inlet temperature of about 1,320 °F, and cooling at a rate
Kaowool type material. not to exceed 100 ºF/hr, to the range of 1,120 to 1,150 ºF
Epically this cool down can be done using the flue gas
SLOAN: quench system.
Our current practice is also to use only packed type Vibrations typically increase during this procedure as
expansion joints. We use multi-ply joints with a testable the fouling deposits come off the blades, and then decrease
bellows. when the blades are clean. We have had to reduce charge
and decrease the expander inlet temperature to near
BRIERLEY: 1,000 ºF to clean the expander blades well. It is impor-
The expansion joints in our fluid cokers are usually tant to cool slowly to avoid thermal stress and increasing
fabricated from type 321 stainless steel. For higher tem- cycle fatigue.



Critical monitoring includes rotor casing vibrations, of the compressor to stop the fouling. In some cases a
bearing temperatures, and flue gas pressure and tempera- filming or dispersing additive has been used very suc-
ture. Operators should be familiar with procedures in the cessfully to help maintain clean surfaces.
event an emergency arises.
Visual inspection of the rotor prior to, and after cleaning, BRIERLEY:
should be made to determine the effectiveness of the ther- We have found black paste-like deposits on our compres-
mal shock. We have had no success with mini quenches that sor rotor, thought to be the product of butadiene polymeri-
others have used or walnut hulls. zation. While we do not use any continuous liquid injection,
we have allowed light coker naphtha to condense in the
PAULES: compressor casing during a short outage and found that at
We used to use thermal shocking of our flue gas turbine least some, if not most, of the deposit was removed.
to remove catalyst fines, but have discontinued this pro-
cedure. The procedure was to inject quench water in the LAABS:
flue gas outlet and drop the expander inlet in 50 ºF incre- We have observed these deposits at one of our refineries.
ments over 20 minutes and hold at each increment for an Their wet gas compressor has the capability of being
additional 15 minutes. This was down done to an expander washed on-line, using hot condensate. It is washed when
inlet temperature of 900 °F, where this temperature was necessary, but this has never been needed to be done more
held for 1 hour. The procedure was reversed to bring the than once during the normal three year run. The com-
unit back to normal operation. Vibrations occurred during pressor at the coker is also set up to be washed in this
the procedure and many times afterwards due to uneven fashion, but it is used more often due to polymer buildup on
spalling of the catalyst fines and the resulting imbalance. the blades.
This is why the procedure is no longer used. An affiliated site also washes its compressor impellers
with condensate, although other possibilities for the wash
RAJGURU: liquid are being explored.
I have input from a Gulf Coast refiner. It says, “we use
two procedures to remove catalyst from the shroud: walnut RAJGURU:
blasting and thermal shock.” There have been deposits on the FCC wet gas com-
Thermal shock procedure is designed to cool inlet tem- pressors. Our design normally includes wash liquid in-
perature to the expander to 600 ºF by reducing regenerator jection using either heavy naphtha or light cycle oil. This
bed temperatures. To achieve this temperature, the feed is hydrocarbon liquid is injected on an intermittent basis
removed from the unit. The drop in temperature is about through nozzles provided by the compressor manufacturer.
300 °F/hr. Temperature is maintained at 600 °F for 1 to 3
hours or until catalyst is spalled from the shroud. Inspec- ROBERT L. FLANDERS (Retired, Chevron):
tion is performed using a visual inspection of the shroud to I certainly would recommend that intermittent wash
insure the procedure was effective prior to putting feed never be used. Put it on and leave it on because if you are
back into the riser. not careful with a large deposit release, you are going to
have severe vibration problems.
At our Pasadena plant we have tried thermal shocking of
PETER G. ANDREWS (Consultant):
expander blades to remove catalyst deposits. The latest I agree with Mr. Flanders. If you are going to put it on,
attempt involved lowering the temperature set point on the leave it on; and spray through a well designed liquid in-
flue gas quench control by 100 °F/hr, trying for a net lower- jection system. Someone mentioned the use of light cycle
ing of 400 °F We only achieved about 200 ºF lower tempera-
oil. I would suggest that if you use light cycle oil, you also
ture, but recovered 5 to 8% of our lost horsepower. The
look at your gasoline endpoint, because it will increase. The
whole process may take 6 to 8 hours, but usually depends on preferred injection (wash) material is cool, stabilized
prevailing conditions or operation at the FCC unit.
Some increase in vibration may occur during the spalling
due to additional imbalance. This should be closely moni-
tored with a vibration reading and video camera or photo-
graphs taken from the view ports so as to avoid any blade QUESTION 7:
tip rub. Spalling is expected to remove catalyst from stator What are the necessary process and mechanical
blades, but is not in view from our inspection windows. considerations for revamping an FCCU from 970 ºF
riser outlet to 1025 ºF?

Has anyone observed deposits on centrifugal com- First, it is important to simulate the units operation at
pressor impellers in gas recovery units? If so, does the intended new reactor conditions. Yields and operating
anyone use wash liquid injection? What is the liquid variables should be simulated with a good process model to
recommended? determine whether the regenerator temperature, air
blower, wet gas compressor, catalyst circulation rate, or
MURPHY: converter vessel size limits, can be maintained. The process
We have seen deposits of this type in compressors. Typi- model may show the need to obtain improved coke and dry
cally a clean light wash oil can be atomized into the suction gas selectivity.



The latest feed injection and reactor disengager devices metallurgy upgrade, and main fractionator tower bottoms
should be employed in order to reduce undesirable post metallurgy. Particular considerations should be given to
riser, thermal, or catalytic cracking which result in poor reactor vapor line sizing for velocity criteria, as coke can
coke and dry gas selectivity. Two stage spent catalyst strip- form in the reactor vapor line at these increased tempera-
ping is also an essential part of the revamp to make sure tures. Our reactor vapor line was replaced with a larger
hydrogen and coke are maintained at a reasonably low line reducing velocities from 100 ft./set. to 60 ft./set. We
value. experienced a coke orifice formation at the end of the vapor
An upgrade of the unit to closed cyclones is considered line inside the main fractionator which was a first for coke
essential to reduce dry gas and thermal reaction products, formation in this unit at that particular location.There is
such as butadienes. Mechanically designing the closed also an increase in catalyst circulation for the higher tem-
cyclones for the reactor requires consideration in the choice perature operation which may require changes in catalyst
of metallurgy for the cyclones. Typically carbon steel is valves and circulation piping. The higher severity oper-
used when the reactor temperature is at the 970 ºF level. As ation may result in an increase in coke make which impacts
the reactor temperature increases toward 1,025 ºF, use of air blower capacity, regenerator operating temperatures,
low chrome or stainless steel should be considered. Mate- cyclone capacity and possibly even regenerator diameter.
rial selection should be based on expected corrosion rates The higher severity may also increase dry gas make, taxing
and induced stresses in the cyclone and support system. main fractionator diameter, wet gas compression, and frac-
If the unit is a hot wall design, it may be necessary to tionator heat removal. If it appears that the entire unit
upgrade the design temperature by installing internal must be assessed, then I think I have been successful with
refractory to lower the wall temperature. The effect of this answer.
refractory weight on reactor support structure loads needs
to be considered in this analysis. LAABS:
I do not think there is much else that could be added. I
RAJGURU: would like to bring up one other thing: be sure to check your
The process considerations are: assuming the same pressure valve and flaring systems because the increased
throughput and the same pressure levels, higher riser dry gas may cause problems in those areas.
outlet temperatures mean higher riser and disengaging
velocities, higher catalyst circulation and correspondingly
higher stripping steam rates. Higher riser outlet tempera- JOSEPH W. WILSON (Caltex Services):
ture also means different reactor yields affecting different One thing that has been mentioned here and certainly is
components or systems of the FCC unit. Each FCCU com- true is you are probably going to be looking at higher
ponent must be reviewed for the revised process duty catalyst circulation rates as you go up in temperature. This
specifications. means you need to look at the capability of the stripper to
On mechanical considerations, usually the reactor has to handle higher catalyst circulation rates. A lot of units,
be rerated although it is doubtful that it can be rerated from older units especially, are already pushed on their stripper
970 to 1025 ºF as the reactor allowable stresses drop drasti- capacity, ability to strip, and the mass velocities through
cally. One way is to install refractory on the reactor wall to the stripper. So as you raise temperatures and raise cata-
drop the temperature of the reactor shell. We did this on one lyst circulation rate, you could come to a point where the
unit by adding 1” hex mesh internally and removing some stripper becomes less effective.
of the external insulation. The wall temperature was Another thing I did not notice and I may have missed that
dropped by about 30 ºF At another refinery we installed a you also need to think about is the design temperatures of
4” thick insulating refractory to bring the wall temperature your transfer line to the main fractionator and the design
down. This was quite successful, but it is a relatively high temperature of the bottom section of the main fractionator
maintenance item. Adding the refractory on the inside of below the baffles or packing. Both of these can very easily
the reactor tends to reduce the capacity of the unit. be exposed to reactor temperatures and may not have been
Also the fractionator nozzle usually must be sleeved with designed for temperatures in the 1,000 ºF + range.
an insulation sleeve to insulate the shell at the nozzle from
the high inlet temperature. Once in the fractionator, the WARREN LETZSCH (Stone & Webster Engineering
vapor will be cooled by the fractionator liquid. Corp.):
There is one point that has not been mentioned, the end
JUNO: of the riser. A revamp to higher temperatures should
In 1991, we revamped an FCCU at one of our refineries prompt a change at the outlet, too, but that will be ad-
from 970 ºF riser operation to 1,020 ºF design. We installed dressed in Question 17.
a new reactor riser and reactor vessel changing the metal- Feed injection technology becomes critical as reactor
lurgy from carbon steel to alloy based on the newly revised temperature is increased because the temperature at the
Nelson curves. One of the considerations in revamping to base of the riser increases as well. Without good feed
higher temperature operation is to minimize the time of oil injection technology and good mixing, more thermal crack-
at the higher reactor temperatures to prevent over- ing is going to occur. This shows up downstream as more
cracking. We elected to install closed couple cyclones. dry gas so a change in the feedstock injection technology
Other design considerations were the installation of a should be considered as part of the revamp for higher
light cycle oil quench in the reactor vapor line, vapor line reactor temperatures.



Catalysts integral approach, we have commercial experience with

both, and I would say that the jury is still out.

QUESTION 8: STEPHEN K. PAVEL (Coastal Catalyst Technology,

What success has there been with FCCU catalysts Inc.):
that contain nickel and vanadium traps? Is it more Literature has shown the equivalence of various poisons
effective to use these as additives or incorporate for matrix, zeolite, or both. There are many more con-
them into the catalyst structure? taminants in the FCC feedstock stream than just nickel
and vanadium; designing a system to control just one
J. WILLIAMS: contaminant such as vanadium is an oversimplification of a
There are metal traps available which clearly improve very complex problem. A typical analysis of one FCC feed-
metal tolerance, but most have proven to be of marginal stock showed nickel and vanadium were at reasonable
cost effectiveness. The most successful approach has been levels, but not the only contaminants. The top 20 are listed
multifunctional matrix technology with high resistance for by descending content in ppm: Na-22.4, Ca-19.9, Fe-14.3,
vanadium and sodium, and a deactivating effect on nickel. V-3.5, Al-2.9, Mg-2.5, Ni-2.2, Zn-0.9, P-0.7, Bi-0.6, Cr-0.6,
Active matrix providing poor dispersion for nickel can K-0.6, Sr-0.6, Pb-0.3, Ce-0.2, Cu-0.2, Mn-0.2, Sb-0.1,
reduce the production of hydrogen and coke to acceptable Sn-0.1, Ti-0.1. All feedstocks are different; metal balances
levels even in cases above 4,000 ppm nickel. enveloping the FCCU circulating catalyst system should
include a full accounting of all the contaminant elements
T. WILLIAMS: not just two or three. An increase of one contaminant due to
We have had limited experience with an early generation incremental tolerance for one element would be over-
vanadium trap, no experience with a nickel trap, and shadowed by the effects of all other contaminants shown in
extensive experiences with nickel passivation. The vana- the above feedstock.
dium trap we used worked well and minimized the vana- With the catalytic sequence of absorption/reaction/
dium effects. However, the yield structure was not good desorption events in the riser, reactor, stripper and re-
because the trap had very poor attrition resistance in our generator, it is clear that any contaminant restricts the
UOP stacked unit. We recommend separate addition for unimpeded series of reaction steps and is potentially detri-
these materials. mental. Contaminant “elements” include compounds of
those elements, mostly considered as oxides. Ranking con-
O’BRIEN: taminants is beyond the scope of the response. The fol-
We have found no significant effect of nickel traps or lowing contaminants are listed alphabetically by atomic
nickel resistant catalysts. At this time Phillips feels the symbol. Due to the contaminant elements deposited on the
most effective method of addressing nickel and vanadium catalyst, the performance of the FCC catalyst is diminished
contaminants is to use metals passivation technology. We due to 1) contaminants (K, Li, Na, V, et al.) which catalyze
are not aware of commercial vanadium traps that have had the steam destruction of active sites; 2) contaminants (Ca,
wide spread success. Cu, Cr, Fe, Na, Ni, V, Zn, et al.) which cause nonselective
yields of lower valued secondary reaction products, e.g.,
JOSEPH B. MCLEAN (Englehard Corporation): coke, hydrogen, methane, etc.; and 3) contaminants (Ca,
We do have a vanadium trap technology which is based Co, Cr, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, MO, Na, V, W, Zn, et al.) which
on a separate particle that was described in detail in NPRA reduce the structural strength of the catalyst components
paper AM-93-30. It is now in current use in about four either zeolite or matrix, or both. Further, deposits on sur-
applications around the world. So we are going through the faces within the regenerator were found to contain pri-
first generation of this product and getting feedback from it marily oxide compounds of elements (Al, Ba, Ca, Cr, Fe, K,
right now. We have seen some good things. Mg, P Si, Zn et al.) that caused mechanical plugging prob-
On the issue of separate particles versus incorporated lems. Although many elements are not popularly recog-
particles, you have to distinguish between nickel and vana- nized as catalyst poisons (as Ni, V), and are not targeted for
dium. Separate particles can work for vanadium capture analysis in the feedstock; it is apparent that there would be
because there are a lot of particle to particle transfers that some loss of effectiveness of zeolites or acidic sites covered
do occur. Whereas with nickel there is essentially none. So by a contaminant, a portion of which is transferrable to
if you want to get nickel tolerance, you really have to build another surface in the regenerator.
it into the matrix and the overall architecture of the cata- The DEMET® process removes nickel, vanadium, iron,
lyst particle itself, or use a passivator added with the feed. sodium, copper, et al. from spent FCC catalyst. The Coastal
Refining and Marketing, Inc., Westville, New Jersey, re-
TIMOTHY J. DOUGAN (Grace Davison): finery has successfully controlled many contaminants, not
With regard to the vanadium traps, unit specific vana- only those reported on equilibrium data sheets, by using
dium mobility, plays an important roll in determining the the DEMET® process to demetallize and recycle over 7,500
trap effectiveness, with the greater the mobility, the more tons of spent FCC catalyst (to date), thus reducing solid
effective the trap. We have underway, or recently com- waste for disposal in landfills or incineration in cement
pleted, about one half dozen trials. We have observed vana- kilns commensurately.
dium concentrations on the trap in excess of 12,000 ppm
vanadium, which was roughly 5 to 6 times that of the base G. ANDREW SMITH (INTERCAT, Inc.):
catalyst. Microactivity increases have been on the order of 3 INTERCAT has commercialized a separate particle ad-
to 5 numbers. As to which is more effective, additives or the ditive to trap vanadium. We have found the additive to be



effective in absorbing 12 to 25 times as much vanadium as ties of Equilibrium FCC Catalyst”, at the 1985 Katalistiks
stays on the host FCC catalyst. Symposium. This paper contains information on the in-
The use of the vanadium trap in combination with the fluence of fines and apparent bulk density (ABD) on
nickel passivator allows for optimization of operations “flowability”.
while minimizing cost when both vanadium and nickel are
present in amounts deleterious to unit performance. J. WILLIAMS:
The three primary factors affecting catalyst flow ability
are particle size distribution, catalyst density, and particle
QUESTION 9: morphology or roundness. FCC catalyst will fluidize most
Physical properties of FCC catalyst such as particle easily if the particles are small, spherical, and low density.
density and size distribution are understood to affect Scanning electron microscopes can be used to evaluate
catalyst flow in an FCC unit, along with unit mechan- the catalyst morphology. Very irregular particles such as
ical configuration and proper aeration. What limits multiple parts jointed into dumbbell shapes, are easily
of catalyst physical properties have been observed in recognized. Particle size is monitored with screens or par-
various FCC configurations before catalyst cir- ticle size analyzers. Catalyst bulk density can be measured
culation problems occur? What test or factors, in- by sample weight and volume.
cluding carbon-on-catalyst, are found to best rank a Lastly, I want to give a basic reference for catalyst fluidi-
catalyst’s “flowability”? zation which can be found in an Oil & Gas Journal article
titled “FCC Catalyst Flow-problem Predictions” published
ROY: in 1985. This article talks about the operating area that you
Our revamped unit at Pasadena has a moderately long need to work in and where you start to get into problems. It
spent catalyst standpipe. Upon start-up, we quickly is a very good basic reference article.
learned that catalyst circulation problems could occur if
there were not sufficient amount of fines in the equilibrium LAABS:
catalyst to aid flow of catalyst. We found that, if there were One factor that has proven to consistently affect the
not at least 6 wt% of O-40 micron material in the equi- flowability of the catalyst is the particle size distribution.
librium catalyst, erratic circulation could occur. Given the Specifically, the amount of catalyst in the 0-40 micron
relatively low efficiency of our older regenerator cyclones, range has an effect. We typically try to maintain the dis-
we could not depend on retaining a large percent of fine tribution above 10% in this range. We have seen circulation
catalyst in the regenerator. We therefore asked our catalyst problems when the percentage is 7% or lower, although one
vendor to supply a larger percent of fines in our fresh refinery has gone as low as 6% without problems.
catalyst. An affiliated site uses a correlation equation developed
by Gulfthat relates fines content, average bulk density, and
SLOAN: average particle size to a flow property factor they call
Catalyst circulation is influenced by both the catalyst FPROP. When the value of FPROP fell below their site-
and the unit configuration as the question indicates. Most specific target, they experienced poor pressure buildup in
units begin to experience problems when fines content, or the standpipe and the slide valve differential pressure
the O-40 micron fraction, gets low. It has been mentioned at reached its limit. When they checked the particle size
times in the industry that low is somewhere around 4 to 5 distribution, the 0-40 micron range had fallen to 5%.
wt%, O-40 micron. However, this is greatly influenced by Flowability can also be altered when mixtures ofcatalyst
design and unit operation, such as standpipe, flux, and are used. We have had circulation problems on two separate
aeration. A paper by R. E. Wrench and others entitled; FCC units with an approximately even mixture of two
“Design Features for Improved Cat Cracker Operations”, different types of catalyst.
presented in 1985 at the “First South American Ketjen We find a good reference to catalyst standpipe flow
Catalyst Seminar” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil contains some characteristics is the W. R. Grace Catalagram #83, which
useful information on catalyst “flowability”. This paper was written in 1992.
also contains some useful references including a paper by
M. F. Raterman, “FCC Catalyst Flow-Problems Pre-
In general, we have been able to maintain acceptable
dictions”, Oil and Gas Journal, Vol. 83, No. 1, January 7,
circulation with fines (0-40 micron) levels of 4% or greater.
We have even circulated well with lower fines levels, as long
The Raterman paper contains some very useful infor- as we have maintained good aeration.
mation on the subject and contains comments on carbon
The “flowability” of the catalyst can be determined from
(coke)-on-catalyst acting as a lubricant and improving
the development of bed expansion and bed deaeration
catalyst “flowability”. Raterman suggests that the im-
curves. This data can be used to determine a deaeration
provement in catalyst circulation following the intro-
rate and minimum fluidization velocities.
duction of feed could be due to fluidization gas viscosity
A good reference on this approach is Steenge, et al,
increasing due to temperature and compositional changes.
“Fluidization Behavior of FCC Catalyst: Effects of Catalyst
I would also refer you to a recent paper by Martin Murphy
Properties and Gas Distribution”, Katalistiks’ 8th Annual
presented at the Englehard Q&A Session in Luxembourg,
FCC Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 1987.
September 14-16,1993. There are several correlation defin-
ing methods to rank catalyst “flowability”. Another useful ROBERT L. FLANDERS (Chevron, Retired):
method for rating catalyst “flowability” can be found in a I am happy that nobody on the panel mentioned carbon
paper presented by Magnussen, J. E., “Fluidization Proper- on catalyst. For forty years I have been listening to oper-



ators say “if there is not carbon on it, it will not flow”. There ALVARO A. MURCIA (Stone & Webster):
is no truth to that at all. As a matter of fact, there is just as In reference to the catalyst properties, I agree with all
much trouble coming out of a stripper as out of a the comments made from the panel and from the floor. But
regenerator. there is a point that was not mentioned. It is the fact that
you may have good aeration in the standpipes and a very
A. WITOSHKIN (Englehard Corporation): good level of fines in the catalyst; however if your catalyst
I think we have to properly define a “circulation prob- entering the standpipe is not correctly fluidized, the system
lem.” If the problem is related to defluidization in the will not work. I believe that is practically explained in the
standpipe then more fines, adjustment of aeration and paper presented by Balbir Lakhanpal at the GRACE Sym-
possibly lower density catalyst would help to alleviate it. posium in Berlin, in 1990, titled “45 Years of Fluid Catalyst
On the other hand, if the problem is a “low” pressure Visbreaking at Babco Bahrain.”
differential across the standpipe control valve, then a
denser catalyst may help.
On the subject of “fluidization” and its relationship with QUESTION 10:
carbon on catalyst, I agree with Mr. Flanders. Carbon on How much sulfur reduction in the FCC gasoline
catalyst does not affect catalyst flowability. However, the stream is possible through changing FCC catalyst
operating conditions that determine the carbon level will and/or additives? What other properties of FCC
impact it. Thus, many people relate carbon on catalyst and products are affected by this catalyst change?
the flowability problems. That is wrong. What they should
relate is the flowability difficulties and associated oper- O’BRIEN:
ating conditions. We believe that pretreatment of the feed is the most
effective way to reduce sulfur in FCC gasoline. Lab testing
WARREN LETZSCH (Stone & Webster Engineering has demonstrated that at higher conversions, the total
Corp. ): sulfur in the liquid product is reduced. Higher activity
If you want to do a theoretical test on a catalyst, then catalysts also tend to produce lower sulfur in gasoline.
measure the difference between the minimum fluidization These changes are not major. In our refineries, we run
velocity and the minimum bubbling velocity. The wider hydrotreated resids and heavy gas oils. Average gasoline
that difference is, theoretically, the easier the catalyst sulfur runs between 100 and 200 ppm.
should be to fluidize. If laboratory equipment is set up to
look at fluidization and flow properties, and the viscosity of J. WILLIAMS:
the bed is measured, the catalyst with a lower viscosity NPRA paper AM-92-17 discusses this subject. Octane
should fluidize better. catalysts leave more sulfur in gasoline than high rare earth
Very interestingly, if fines are added to a coarse catalyst, catalyst. Catalyst with highly accessible matrix reduce
you will find that in fact the viscosity goes down very sulfur 10 to 20% below catalysts with similar rare earth.
noticeably. You might use a test like that to measure the The sulfur compounds mostly affected are mercaptans,
viscosity and relate it back to your particular unit to de- disulfides, and alkyl thiophenes, boiling about 350 ºF The
termine how the catalyst would flow. All of these tests are compounds are converted to hydrogen sulfide gas and ole-
very simple tests to set up in a laboratory. fins. Accessibility to acid sites and increased numbers of
acid sites are critical to reduce sulfur levels in FCC
JOSEPH W. WILSON (Caltex Services):
I would like to support Mr. Flanders on the item of carbon CHARLES C. WEAR (Grace Davison):
on catalyst. You can actually run laboratory fluidization Grace Davison reported its work on techniques to reduce
tests on regenerated catalyst and spent catalyst and find FCC gasoline sulfur levels in NPRA paper AM-93-55. The
almost no difference. However, you can find some units that use of high hydrogen transfer catalysts and low reactor
do seem to respond when carbon is on the catalyst coming temperature favor modest sulfur reductions (lo-15%) in
out of the stripper. What you generally see here is that full range naphtha.
these are units where the stripper volume below the strip- More encouraging is our work with nontraditional cata-
ping steam ring has enough residence time to give you lytic materials described in the paper as GSR technology.
severe defluidization. Current formulations of GSR cracking catalyst show sulfur
When you have carbon on catalyst, as Mr. Witoshkin reductions of 15-30% in riser pilot studies with various cut
said, you have other operating conditions which also en- points and feed sulfur levels. Except for a small coke pen-
courage the evolution of gas in the stripper and in the alty there is minimal impact on yields. We think we can do
standpipe and that helps to refluidize the catalyst. better as development continues. Hopefully we will have
commercial trials starting in about 6 months.
ROBERT L. FLANDERS (Chevron, Retired):
Those of you who have an electrostatic precipitator and
have circulation problems may find it useful to recycle first QUESTION 11:
stage catch, which is the largest portion of a precipitator What has been the experience of catalytic SO,
catch. That material has substantially more fines in it than reduction technologies, compared to other tech-
the circulating inventory and I have seen plants jump in nologies in meeting regulatory requirements?
terms of circulation rate with that technique. Which, catalytic or alternate methods, has better



operating and/or installation cost efficiencies? Is technologies. Flue gas scrubbing involves high capital in-
anyone operating with both catalytic technologies vestment and operating costs related to caustic prices. This
and noncatalytic technologies? technology is often most cost effective if very high levels of
feed sulfur are unavoidable and considerable reduction is
PAULES: necessary.
There are basically three ways of lowering SO, emis- Feed hydrotreating is becoming more appealing as low
sions: feed hydrotreating, SO, reduction additives, and flue levels of sulfur in gasoline and diesel products are also
gas stack scrubbing. Feed hydrotreating is extremely capi- mandated. Feed Hydrotreating involves large capital in-
tal intensive compared to the other methods, but it also vestment and high operating costs but results in sub-
provides FCC yield and operating cost benefits which stantial improvement in conversion and selectivities as
usually make the high investment justifiable. FCC feed well as lowering SO, emissions, gasoline sulfur, and LCO
hydrotreating alone, however, cannot always reduce SO, sulfur.
emissions below some of today’s stringent requirements. SO, additives are still the best method of reducing SO,
SO, additives are usually beneficial in applications emissions without capital investment and meeting chang-
where the SO, emissions need to be lowered only mod- ing needs on a short term basis. Many refiners with very
erately below base case operations. When extremely high low limits use SO, additive in conjunction with feed hydro-
reduction levels are necessary, SO, additives can increase treating with very good success. The additive is used to trim
operating costs substantially. to the final level or is used at high rates during hydrotreater
Stack scrubbing is the best solution, when extremely low shutdowns or upsets. One problem with reduction additives
levels of SO, emissions are required. Stack scrubbing can is the variability of their effectiveness, particularly in
also be the cost effective solution on new installations as partial burn operation.
scrubbers also reduce particulate emissions. Bear in mind In a paper presented at the 1990 spring AIChE meeting
that stack scrubbing also generates solid wastes which by J.A. Sigan, P A. Lane, the cost of an additive versus the
must be dealt with. cost of scrubbing was compared for meeting NSPS regu-
lations. Many of these costs have changed and are varying
SLOAN: continuously. The cost of a scrubber was estimated at $6-8
Kellogg recently completed a study to evaluate options million with operating costs of $4,000-5,000 per day. The
for controlling both SO, emissions and particulate matter operating cost are mostly related to caustic consumption
from a revamped unit. and the cost of this raw material. The cost of using an SO,
The trade-off of capital versus operating costs is site additive was estimated at $4,000 per day, with the cost of an
specific so it is difficult to generalize. However, in the additive loader estimated at $5,000 (manual) to $35,000
referenced study, the DESOX addition was increased to (automatic). The cost of an installed SO, monitoring device
meet the New Source Performance Standards. The oper- was estimated at $50,000-100,000. The cost of a feed hydro-
ating costs of DESOX was higher than all other options. treater was estimated at $50 million but the operating costs
The capital cost depends on the scope of work associated and resulting yield benefits are not addressed.
with the revamp.
Wet Sulfuric Acid (WSA) technology (Topsoe) is the only T. WILLIAMS:
option studied which provides a payback on the emissions To give a specific example, we did use, on a test run,
control equipment and does not consume chemicals. This Intercat’s NOSO, material. Results indicated a reduction
technology produces no waste products, nor continuous in SO2 of 45%.
wastewater streams. However, particulate removal prior to
the WSA equipment is needed. MURPHY:
Wet Gas Scrubbing (WGS) has been applied in many Nalco Fuel Tech has used Sorbent injection for SO,
industrial applications including FCC units and appar- reduction. The Sorbent procedure is noncatalytic, but has
ently is working quite well. This creates a liquid and solids proven to be very effective. Sorbent technology requires
waste stream that will need to be handled. down stream solids, calcium SO, salts, to be captured by an
The Dry Gas Scrubbing (DGS) system is used in many ESP or bag house.
power plants. The primary advantage of this system is that
the sludge produced, calcium sulfate, is collected in a bag- O’BRIEN:
house, eliminating the handling of collected solids in a wet This question was discussed extensively in the 1992
stream. Q&A, Question 13, on pages 60 to 62, and Question 19,
pages 67 to 69. In addition to what has been said, Phillips
J. WILLIAMS: pretreats feeds in high pressure HDS units as a primary
The regional SO, regulations vary from stat to state, but method to control SO, emissions from the FCC regenerator.
the federal NSPS standards are the same throughout the SO, additives can be used to further reduce SO, emissions.
U.S. The NSPS standards call for 9.8 kg SO2/1OOO kg of This technology is a means of trimming SO, emissions.
coke for additive use and 90% reduction (max 50 ppm) for However, we do not feel that this is the best means for
scrubber operation. The option to select low sulfur feeds or primary control of SO,. At this time we are able to meet our
hydrotreat FCC feed is given as long as feed sulfur is permitted emission levels without the use of flue gas
maintained below .3 wt.% on 7-day averaging. Some local cleanup technology.
regulations call for SO, levels well below this.
When choosing the technology to be used, it depends on PETER G. ANDREWS (Consultant):
the refinery flexibility and varying costs of the different This question has no simple answer. To make statements



regarding the best direction, deserves specific introspection. ALLAN M. EDELMAN (Exxon Research & Engineering
1. I know of a refiner who is using NO-SO, to reduce the Company):
SO, from 1,200 ppm to less than 300 ppm SO,, at the cost of We have many wet gas scrubbers on-line. There was
$275,000 a year. some mention that there are problems with the disposal of
2. Currently, a gas oil hydrotreater for a 25,000 BPD the sulfates and the wet fines, but we have had very good
unit, including a hydrogen plant, costs about $100 million. experience with that.
3. Now throw in FCC conversion upgrade and gasoline We put in a Purge Treatment Unit (PTU) to treat the
sulfur specifications and we have gas oil hydrotreating purge from our scrubbing system. The effluents are benign.
versus gasoline hydrotreating. In our PTU, the solids are separated from the stream in a
The economics of these three scenarios will set the di- clarifier and subsequently further concentrated in the
rection for your specific operation. thickener. A final processing step in the dewatering basin
removes all free water from the solids. Thus, the only solids
G. ANDREW SMITH (INTERCAT, Inc.): disposal stream is “earth moist”catalyst. As there is no free
INTERCAT feels that in the majority of operations the water in the solids (catalyst), all applications to date have
use of the additive has a lower total cost than the com- been able to dispose of the solids in sanitary landfill.
bination of high capital cost and high operating cost of the From the clarifier, the solids-free liquid stream then
mechanical options. INTERCAT’s NO-SO, has been suc- passes to an oxidation tower where there is repeated inti-
cessfully used under a variety of conditions to reduce SO, mate contacting of the stream with air to reduce the COD
emissions. The amount of reduction any individual unit (chemical oxygen demand) to generally less than 100 wppm
achieves is dependent upon a variety of factors, and it prior to discharge. Most refinery receiving waters can
varies significantly from unit to unit as can be seen in the accept this stream without further processing.
following Table of three different commercial operations.
NO-SO, SO, Reduction and Efficiency We added an Exxon wet gas scrubber and saw very good
performance. We routinely get better than 90% reduction
COMMERCIAL TRIAL: A B C in SO,. But we have had significant mechanical problems
FCC FEED (BPD) 11800 11100 19500 with repeated holing through of the sweeps, and valves and
CSO SULFUR (Wt%) 4.95 5.12 3.0 bellows not performing. I think refiners, especially inde-
Uncontrolled SO, pendents, have to really look hard at the kind of support you
Emissions (vppm) 1504 1522 563 are going to get and how good the mechanical package is
Emissions (#/hr) 320 309 212 when you install systems like this.

CONTROLLED SO, ALLAN M. EDELMAN (Exxon Research & Engineering

Emissions (vppml 1178 1299 220 Company):
Emissions (#/hr) 250 264 82 I would like to make two additional points. First, experi-
ence indicates that with respect to materials, operating
SO, Reduction (%) 22 15 61 conditions within the scrubbing system are as demanding
NO-SO, Addition (#/D) 100 60 280 as in the FCCU. Therefore, it is important that proper
NO-SO, Efficiency refractory preparation, installation and dryout procedures
(#SOx/#NO-SOx) 17 18 22 be followed. Second, we note commercial experience with
various types ofenvironmental control facilities has shown
There are also cases where 85% reduction in emissions that the Exxon WGS system has higher service factors and
were achieved. The amount of reduction will depend upon lower maintenance costs than alternative control ap-
where a unit starts, how low it wants to go and how much proaches. In fact, Exxon WGS units have service factors
additive it is willing to add. greater than the associated FCCU’s. No FCCU has ever
been shutdown due to failure of the Exxon WGS system.
WILLIAM A. KELLY (Grace Davison):
Published data comparing the cost of additives and flue
gas scrubbers to meet New Source Performance Standards QUESTION 12:
indicate that additives are favored when SO, emissions are Please discuss various options for increasing light
roughly 1500 ppm, or lower, for a 50,000 bbl/day full com- olefin yields including; ZSM-5, USY or other higher
bustion FCC unit. That breakeven point increases if an silica alumina ratio catalysts, other additives, ultra-
ESP is already installed at the refinery. Units with capaci- short contact time, etc. What have been the maxi-
ties under 50,000 bbl/day also have a higher breakeven mum light olefin and isobutylene yields observed
point favoring additives. We agree FCC feed hydrotreating from the FCCU?
has a large capital expense and the yields make it a sep-
arate decision from simply SO, compliance. Feed hydro- BONELLI:
treating and SO, additives have been used simultaneously, At one of our refineries, in an effort to increase iso-
the SO, additives, to trim emissions. DeSOx and non- butylene yields without violating an olefin processing con-
catalytic technologies have been used together. However, straint, we have tried several catalyst combinations and
typically once a flue gas scrubber is installed, the operating additive combinations. The unit in question has a mini-
costs of the caustic are lower than the SO, additives. mum riser time of about 1.5 seconds. We tried high rare



earth catalysts in which our base LPG yields were 23 to 24

liquid vol % and isobutylene was 2 to 2.1.
We did try the ZSM-5 additive and wound up with LPG
yields increasing to about 30 to 31 vol % liquid, and iso-
butylene up to about 3. We have since changed catalyst,
gone to a lower rare earth catalyst and are currently oper-
ating with LPGyields in the 26 to 27 LV percent range with
isobutylene of about 2.8. So the ratio is favorable.

Several years ago we did a test run adding ZSM-5 to our
catalyst inventory. We experienced higher FCC gasoline
octane, more light ends, greater olefin production, but less
FCC gasoline with a very waxy feedstock.

A fresh catalyst composed of USY zeolite versus REY
zeolite will yield a product with higher olefins. The USY zones of high catalyst slippage and refluxing within
zeolite produces more olefins due to reduced hydrogen the riser itself.
transfer reactions. The increase in olefin yields will be unit (2) Pressure - The independent effect of hydrocarbon
specific depending on feed type, operating temperature and partial pressure is higher C3 and C4, olefinicity with
residence time in the riser and reactor. lower partial pressure. Partial pressure can be
We tested ZSM-5 in our pilot plant units and the trends lowered with additional dispersion steam usage,
were as expected. Gasoline yield was decreased with in- which may be a design variable or an operating
creased yield of alkylation feedstock. Gasoline components variable, or through operating at low pressure. Since
reduced in the ZSM-5 product are nC7 through nC11 olefins most operating units do not have the flexibility to
and paraffins. The maximum yield of butene-1 plus iso- reduce pressure, this needs to be considered during
butylene in a Phillips HOC is 5 wt% of fresh feed. Approxi- the design of the unit.
mately 1/3 of this is isobutylene. It is also worth pointing out that the higher cracking
temperatures mentioned earlier require a reaction system
SLOAN: which will minimize dry gas formation. This means avoid-
Options for increasing light olefin yield fall into cate- ing thermal cracking at the feed injection point and in the
gories of catalyst, process operating conditions, and hard- disengager. A state-of-the-art atomizing feed injection sys-
ware. Operating variables and catalyst play a decisive role tem is needed in the mix zone of the riser, and closed
in determining how much light olefin can be formed in the cyclones are needed in the disengager to fulfill this
first place. Process equipment design, in addition to cata- requirement.
lyst, is important in determining how much olefin yield is A paper presented at this year’s NPRA Annual Meeting
retained against secondary hydrogen transfer reactions. gave some estimates as to what modern hardware and
All of these factors are interrelated. Catalyst options catalyst technology could do in a unit purposely designed to
include: maximize light olefins. The results showed that with 20%
ZSM-5 in the catalyst inventory, and using high tempera-
(1) Controlling catalyst unit cell size and rare earth level
ture, short contact time cracking, potential MTBE yield
to minimize hydrogen transfer. Ultrastable Y zeolite
could be 6.6 vol % and potential alkylate yield could be 61.9
catalyst is preferred. This is a complex issue in itself
vol % of FCC feed. These figures corresponded to an iso-
and really goes beyond the scope of this question. butylene yield of 5.4 vol % and a combined propylene plus
(2) Using ZSM-5 additive which converts low octane
butylene yield of 35 vol %.
olefins in the gasoline boiling range to light olefins.
The primary operating variable affecting light olefin J. WILLIAMS:
formation is reactor temperature. As cracking temperature Light olefins can be increased by ZSM-5, high silica
is increased to increase conversion, light olefin yield in- alumina ratio zeolite, or low contact time. Other additives
creases. Beyond the peak gasoline yield, it increases very have yet to be as effective as the methods mentioned. ZSM-5
rapidly with conversion. has the advantage of increasing light olefins even with a
Design variables affecting light olefin yield include reac- high activity catalyst without increasing coke and dry gas.
tion time and pressure: The olefin increase comes largely from mid range FCC
(1) Reaction time - Catalyst and oil vapor contact time naphtha of poorer octane.
should be short to minimize hydrogen transfer. Par- High silica/alumina ratio zeolites increase light olefins
ticularly, long residence time, low velocity back- through lower olefin saturation and cracking of heavy
mixed conditions in the disengager dilute phase need gasoline. There is also an increase in isomeric compounds
to be avoided. Also, short contact time in the riser in the gasoline due to high stability of secondary and
involves more than just restricting the physical vol- tertiary carbenium ions.
ume of the riser. Design of the catalyst delivery and Ultrashort contact time, and by that I mean 0.1 to 0.5
feed injection systems should be optimized to prevent seconds, provides the highest olefin ratios in light olefins



and gasoline streams with olefinicities of 80% or more in butylene and isoamylene yields over 6 wt% respectively
the BB stream. This has not been a popular option due to with significant propylene and naphtha production from
the required increase in catalyst to oil ratio, catalyst ac- VGO feedstocks.
tivity, or reactor temperature to offset the loss of severity
with ultrashort contact time. JOSEPH W. WILSON (Caltex Services):
I am going to have to take issue with the gentleman from
T. WILLIAMS: Englehard about the effect of low contact times. Hydrogen
We have used ZSM-5 seasonally in one our FCCU’s with transfer reactions, which you are trying to suppress to
the primary interest of increasing refinery grade propylene achieve maximum olefin yields, are intrinsically slower
for sales. One test run on this material showed a 1.4 liquid than catalytic cracking reactions. Anything that reduces
vol % increase in both C3 and C4 olefins with a cor- the contact time will suppress the hydrogen transfer reac-
responding decrease of 2.1 liquid vol % on our FCC gasoline. tions that saturate your olefins. Consequently short contact
FCC gasoline octane did increase 1.1 numbers RON and .4 time risers, good separation of the catalyst and the product
numbers MON. vapors at the end of the riser, and in fact things like closed
cyclones should all add to increase the olefin yields.
JOSEPH B. MCLEAN (Englehard Corporation):
Concerning light olefin yields, a lot of the choice on which JOSEPH B. MCLEAN (Englehard Corporation):
option to choose depends on which light olefins you want to I agree that the reduction in hydrogen transfer is key to
make. For example, ZSM-5 is very much selective towards maximizing light olefin yield. However the light C&
making propylene relative to C4s, with 50-60 % of the yield olefins of interest here are not consumed by hydrogen
shift typically to propylene. So if you have a good outlet and transfer reactions; rather, their higher molecular weight
a good value for propylene that is a very favorable way to go. precursors are saturated resulting in gasoline range paraf-
Reactor temperature, again, is also somewhat non- fins being formed and retarding further cracking to light
selective because of the increase in dry gas make. On the olefins. So simply reducing the contact time by itself will
other hand, if you are interested in making isobutylene, not increase these yields. The use of shorter contact times
which is the primary direction people are going these days and such devices as closed cyclones typically work together
for MTBE feed, we found that the combination of a selective with increases in catalyst-to-oil ratio and/or temperature to
low hydrogen transfer catalyst at the minimum possible result in the observed olefin yield increases.
operating temperature that you can afford to work with
within your constraints and objectives, is the best way to
maximize isobutylene yield. Process
There were some details on these comparisons which
were published in NPRA paper AM-92-45. Also, I do not
think that ultrashort contact time by itself really does QUESTION 13:
much of anything for olefin make. But what it does do is get What tests are available to identify FCC catalyst
you off of gas make limits which allows you to increase stripper damage?
operating severity through either temperature or catalyst
or some combination. The combination of those effects will J. WILLIAMS:
allow you to make some pretty dramatic increases in poten- FCC catalyst stripper damage is usually first detected by
tial light olefin yields. changes in process conditions such as an increase in hydro-
gen and coke, or catalyst circulation problems. Radioactive
G. ANDREW SMITH (INTERCAT, Inc.): tracer studies are frequently used to verify the damage and
What we found is that in most unit operations, you get determine the nature or location.
equivalent amounts ofpropylene and butylene from the use Both solid and vapor tracer studies have been formed on
of ZSM-5, and about 40% of that butylene yield is iso- FCC catalyst strippers to evaluate damage. A vapor tracer
butylene. We have also had people that have worried a little injected into the stream line entering the stripper can
bit about the gasoline loss and have gone to a high rare indicate the vapor flow pattern through the stripper. This
earth catalyst using additional amounts of ZSM-5 to avoid could assist in identifying the damage’ to either dis-
the gasoline loss while increasing the octane and the ole- tributors or baffles.
fins. Also the next generation of ZSM-5 additives are Also, a solid tracer, usually a radiated FCC catalyst, can
coming out now and they offer the possibility of increasing be injected at the base of the riser. It can provide identifi-
that isobutylene yield. cation for the distribution of the FCC catalyst flow through
the stripper showing evidence of damage to the baffles.
MICHAEL A. SILVERMAN (Stone & Webster Engineer-
ing Corp.): SLOAN:
We are now licensing a new technology called Deep The general practice is to determine the hydrogen con-
Catalyst Cracking developed by the Research Institute of tent of the coke from the flue gas analysis and the unit heat
Petroleum Processing (RIPP) in China. This technology is balance. However, it has been our experience that the flue
similar to conventional FCC, but it operates with higher gas analysis is often suspect. Accurate information is
circulation rates and reactor outlet temperatures on the critical in this calculation and I would recommend that
order of 1100 ºF The key to the process is the use of a several evaluations be carried out. If there are ways to
proprietary high activity catalyst. We have seen iso- confirm the stripper level and density measurement this



can be helpful if the normal measurements appear incor- weight percent hydrogen in the coke has become more
rect. It has been mentioned that there is a test method difficult to control. In fact attempts to reduce that hydrogen
using acetone that may be useful, but we do not have the content of the coke by increasing the stripping steam have,
details. to date, not been successful. So we are just tolerating this
slightly higher coke make we believe.
The result of catalyst stripper damage would be poor ROY:
stripping efficiency and afterburning in the regenerator. While our catalyst is only moderately high surface area,
This might be determined by delta P measurements and we improved catalyst stripping by changing our stripper to
catalyst density to determine if proper aeration of the an extended, two stage stripper. The results are a lower
catalyst was occurring in the stripper. Another test to stripping steam rate, a difference of about 1 lb/1000 lbs of
determine if damage had occurred would be to do a gamma circulated catalyst, a lower carbon on spent catalyst, and a
scan on the reactor stripper to inspect for damaged change in hydrogen on coke from 7.9 to 7.3 wt%. The overall
internals. results were positive in our case.
In general, poor stripping can be related to inaccurate In units with good stripping, the difference can be ac-
steam metering, poor catalyst/steam contacting due either counted for by the zeolite micropore volume. The hydro-
to damage or poor design, catalyst properties or error in carbon return to the regenerator can be improved at higher
material balance calculations. stripping steam rates. Units with poor stripping have been
After the obvious things have been checked, the per- substantially improved by the use of catalyst equilibrating
formance of the stripper should be compared to typical to low surface area and high pore volume, between 0.35 and
performance criteria. The hydrogen in coke should fall 0.45 cc/gram. But a stripper revamp is the only real
between 6 and 8 wt%, and the steam rate should be from 2 solution.
to 3 lb/1000 lb of catalyst. If the steam usage is reasonable
and high hydrogen is still found, the steam rate can be
increased. If the stripping is improved, the circulation rate
Going to a higher surface area catalyst forced us to
will increase and the regenerator temperature will
increase our stripping steam as much as 3.5 lb&000 lbs of
decrease. catalyst circulation. Unfortunately in our case a revamp to
Improved stripping, as a result of steam rates above the 2
lower flux rates did not improve our situation.
to 3 lb/1000 lb ofcatalyst is indicative of either a poor design
or stripper damage. Most traditional strippers remove the
hydrocarbon and the interstitial spaces between the par- ALVARO A. MURCIA (Stone & Webster):
ticles and do not effectively strip the pores. In general, a We believed that deficient stripping is more a problem of
large average pore diameter catalyst is desirable to maxi- distributor performance. At Stone & Webster we use two
mize stripping. stage stripping. First, early stripping of catalyst leaving
the riser catalyst separator outlet, followed by the final
KEVIN R. PROOPS (Conoco Inc.): stripping through the carefully designed baffle stripper. I
I agree with most of the panel’s comments. We have had would suggest that a careful review of existing facilities
some difficulty accurately measuring hydrogen on coke or considering catalyst mass flux, catalyst residence time,
inferring it. We have had some luck looking at the plot of stripping steam rates, baffles, type of baffles, and ar-
coke yield versus second order conversion. If you have some rangement of the baffles should be reviewed before going
historical data, you will see that you will lose conversion or into a revamp or increasing the stripping steam.
conversely increase coke at constant conversion if the
stripper is not performing.
ROBERT L. FLANDERS (Chevron, Retired): Can a refiner expect higher dry gas production
I suggest that every stripper have pressure taps, top and with a revamped/more efficient stripper?
bottom, on all four quadrants. This is a very simple way to
determine whether you have channeling, or difficulty in PAULES:
the mechanical structure of the stripper. Directionally it is true that with a more efficient stripper,
dry gas production will go up. Instead of letting hydro-
carbons slip to the regenerator and burn as coke, an in-
QUESTION 14: creased amount of hydrocarbon reenters the reactor where
Does commercial experience indicate problems some portion of it is cracked to dry gas. However, the
stripping high surface area equilibrium catalysts? benefits of a more efficient stripper should not be evaluated
Does increasing stripping steam save the problem or on this simple point alone.
is a revamp a more efficient solution? With a more efficient stripper, the delta coke of a base
case operation will decrease. This will allow operating with
BONELLI: lower regenerator temperatures, higher catalyst to oil
In at least one of our commercial units, it does appear ratio, higher reactor temperatures, and an increased ca-
that since we switched to a higher surface area catalyst, the pacity to process higher concarbon feeds.



I agree with what Mr. Paules has said. Basically we have Kellogg revamped a Model B unit which had been oper-
a more efficient catalyst stripper after our FCC revamp. ating as a bed cracker, to riser cracking. The designed
Our wet gas and dry gas make have both actually decreased contact time in the riser was 1 second. A somewhat higher
relative to pre revamp periods due to the installation of riser outlet temperature and catalyst circulation rate are
close coupled cyclones. Our mass yield of dry gas has used to maintain the same conversion when compared to a
decreased by about 1 wt%, after all changes. riser of twice the contact time. Test run results confirmed
that the conversion and gasoline yield were essentially the
SLOAN: same as predicted. However, the coke and gas yields were
In most cases we would not expect the dry gas make to below the design predictions.
increase solely because the stripper has been revamped to
provide greater efficiency. However, there are situations in BONELLI:
which improved stripping leads to slightly higher dry gas The Marathon FCCU in Robinson, Illinois was revamped
production. This is due to increased unit conversion that from a bubbling bed type unit to a short riser time unit in
usually accompanies a successful stripper revamp. 1988. The yields from the unit using an Octane catalyst are
Inadequate stripping permits underflow of hydrogen rich attached.
hydrocarbons to the regenerator resulting in high bed
temperatures and uneven cyclone temperatures. This in- Short Contact Time Riser
creases catalyst deactivation and also reduces catalyst FCCU Normalized Yields (MIN. 1.5 SECONDS)
circulation and conversion. at Standard Cut points Average Gasoline Season
Commercial practice has shown staged strippers to be C2 -(wt%‘o) 2.72
most efficient. Commercial two-staged strippers have pro- 2.42
duced 6 to 6.5 wt% hydrogen in coke at approximately 2.5 C3 = 8.33
lbs steam/1000 lbs circulating catalyst. Steam introduced i - C4 5.38
initially in the stripper displaces the interstitial hydro- n - C4 1.38
carbons entrained by the catalyst from the riser. This i-C4= 2.42
avoids back-mixing and nonselective recracking of valu- C4 = 6.30
able primary products. The remaining steam is introduced Total C3/C4 Yield 26.23
near the bottom of the stripper to fluidize the bed and sweep C5 + (90% Pt = 380 ºF) 62.65
out hydrocarbons generated by desorption and cracking. A LCO (90% Pt =600 ºF) 14.30
stripper revamp should be considered part of an overall HCO (90% Pt = 775 ºF) 4.60
converter modernization. If you are worried about dry gas CSO 3.10
production because of a dry gas limit, this can be reduced Coke Yield (wt%) 4.50
significantly by eliminating disengager thermal cracking Total LV Yield 110.88
with the installation of closed cyclones or by improving feed Conversion (90% = 380 °F), LV% 77.96
atomization and distribution. Gasoline Selectivity 80.35
Coke Selectivity (Conv./wt% coke) 17.36
We do not expect any increase in production of dry gas. DAVID B. BARTHOLIC (Bar-co Processes Joint Venture):
The revamp in the stripper caused a reduction in re- Our 1991 NPRA Annual Meeting paper AM-91-44, “The
generator temperature. The temperature where the solids Simplified Approach to Residual Oil Upgrading”, details
contact the feed is lowered, reducing the thermal reaction commercial data from switching from riser cracking in the
on the bottom of the riser. This effect can be observed even 2 second range to Milli-Second Catalytic Cracking (MSCC)
when it has a good dispersion system. in the millisecond range. As discussed in the paper, the
yield shifts and benefits to be gained from short contact
time catalytic cracking (MSCC) are not marginal and typi-
QUESTION 16: cally the MSCC technology has a much higher return on
Does anyone have commercial data from oper- investment than conventional riser cracking. As in any
ating at riser residence times of 1 second or less? Are FCC system, the conversion is maintained by catalyst
there noticeable yield shifts? How is conversion circulation.
Refiners are currently installing various cyclone
Akzo has provided FCC catalyst to a unit operating far
designs, i.e., close coupled and direct coupled, as
below one second residence time. We can certainly say the
well as extending the primary (rough cut) cyclone
yield shifts were profound. The catalyst was more or less
outlet tubes to decrease dilute phase cracking (oil/
jointly designed by Akzo and the client for ultra-high
catalyst residence time). Please comment on the
activity and high light cycle to bottoms ratio. Yield benefits
at low contact time are very attractive. High catalyst-to-oil
ratio is essential to maintain conversion at low contact l What conversion and yield changes have been
time. observed, including experience with resid feeds?



l Have any coking problems been experienced with production, and a decrease in dry gas and wet gas
resid feeds? production.
l The length of the extended tube design, i.e., dis- We are in the first cycle of our operation with new close
tance from outlet tube to the upper cyclone inlet. coupled cyclones. We do not know yet if we expect buildup
l Any specific operating problems during start-up or of coke inside or outside the cyclones. We do have a steam
upsets. decoking ring around the plenum of our reactor to prevent
coke accumulation outside the cyclones.
BONELLI: We understand that the length of extension of the outlet
After our Garyville Refinery installed Mobil’s closed pipe into the inlet barrel is desired to improve the efficiency
coupled cyclone technology, they did see some major shifts of the cyclone. The downside is increased wear on this
in their yield patterns. Their dry gas make decreased by extension.
about 20%, propylene production increased approximately We installed all the cyclone outlet thermocouples indi-
5%, and butylene production increased about 10%. They cated by design to detect indications of possible catalyst
did have an increase in total volume gained of around 2% carryover through any single cyclone pair. Our policy is to
and a decrease in delta coke of about 15%. come down if any such indication occurs, and pull catalyst
We did discover that the system is sensitive to pressure out of the reactor to below the diplegs before trying to start
swings and that catalyst can be carried over to the frac- up again. We follow the design guidelines on velocity to be
tionator if the reactor or fractionator pressure drops sud- maintained in the riser and cyclone inlets using steam
denly during a start-up. If you have additional questions during start-ups or shutdowns. In this way we have so far
about this particular operation, you might contact Ms. K.B. avoided major catalyst carryover from our reactor.
Harbison who is our engineer at Garyville. Also maintaining minimum riser outlet temperature at
all times will avoid condensation of hydrocarbons and se-
JUNO: vere reversal in the regenerator.
This is one of the questions where we certainly have had
experience. We saw a definite reduction of dry gas make SLOAN:
with our conversion to high temperature reactor operation Kellogg has been licensing the Mobil closed cyclone
and the addition of closed coupled cyclones. system since 1990. In addition to 8 Mobil FCC’s using the
That was the good news. We did experience coking prob- technology, Kellogg has now licensed 11 units which are
lems, but they were not associated with the running of our either in operation or under design and construction.
resid feed. We experienced catalyst carryover into the main With regard to the yield and conversion changes, the
fractionator on several start-ups of our unit, due to im- shifts that have been observed depend on the effectiveness
properly designed cyclone dip legs. This problem has been of the vapor/catalyst disengager which was in use before
corrected with a change in cyclone dust bowl and dip leg the closed cyclone installation.
design. Closed cyclone principles were first demonstrated by
We also experienced coking problems in the stagnate Mobil on units which were already equipped with riser
area of our reactor vessel. Significant coking occurred. To cyclones in the first place. These cyclones are over 99%
quantify this, I am talking about the entire dead space of efficient and make an excellent initial separation between
the reactor vessel. I was told from a reliable source that this catalyst and vapor. Since there is little catalyst in the
amounted to approximately 36 tons of coke. Low density freeboard zone, closed cyclones had the effect of reducing
coke filled the majority of the vessel with hard coke cover- only thermal cracking. Thermal cracking is essentially
ing the dip leg and gas tubes of the cyclone. Indication of the coke neutral. Therefore, closed cyclones had little or no
presence of coke was first detected by opacity excursions impact on coke selectivity or regenerator temperature. The
and regenerator temperature increases along with oper- effect of closed cyclones for constant temperature cracking
ating difficulty with the spent catalyst slide valve. This was was to increase gasoline and light cycle oil yield by up to 2.8
due to coke balls dislodging from the reactor dead space and vol% and decrease dry gas yield by about 1 wt%.
falling into the reactor stripper area. Some of the non-Mobil units which have now been re-
Several changes have been made to alleviate the prob- vamped, however, had much less efficient inertial type
lem, including increasing the catalyst stripping steam rate disengagers at the end of the riser. With a much lower
by approximately 50% to increase velocity in the reactor efficiency of around 80 to 85%, these devices leave a sig-
dead space, raising gas tube inlets to the top of the reactor nificant amount of catalyst in the freeboard region of the
dome, and finally, the design of a super heated dome steam FCC reactor. Catalytic conversion occurs in this back-
purge system. mixed, high residence time zone; however it is nonselective
We can also verify that operating without the cyclone dip and produces higher coke on spent catalyst. This results in
leg sealed with catalyst is another good method for pro- higher regenerator temperature and lower catalyst-to-oil
ducing reactor vessel coke. Overall, I would not say that the ratio. Also secondary reactions such as recracking of gaso-
situation was critical, but at one point it was rumored that line and hydrogen transfer occur.
the refinery manager had contacted a welder and was It is almost impossible to precisely quantify the shifts
going to decouple the cyclones. attributable solely to riser disengaging changes when
other revamp modifications, including feed injection and
ROY: stripper sections are also carried out. Nevertheless the
With our close coupled cyclones we have seen a definite following directional trends relative to pre-revamp oper-
volume conversion gain, increase in LCO, and gasoline ation have been noted:



(1) Higher riser temperature is used to achieve pre- The key to utilizing this revamp is to regain and surpass
revamp (or higher) conversion. the previous conversion by taking advantage of the lower
(2) Regenerator temperature is lower. coke and gas yield to increase the severity. There have been
(3) Catalyst-to-oil ratio is higher as a result of the above some start-up problems associated with close coupled cy-
two factors. clones. For example, catalyst to vapor ratios are sometimes
(4) Gas yield is sharply lower and coke selectivity is far from design and the catalyst does not separate well. The
improved. people that I have talked to say that rigorous attention to
(5) Gasoline and light olefins yields are higher. the start-up details minimizes those circulation problems.
The drop in regenerator temperature often provides the
flexibility to increase catalyst rare earth content to in- CARLOS A. CABRERA (UOP):
crease activity. In general, I would agree with the commentary that we
The second part of the question deals with resid feed- have heard from the panel members. I think that it is
stocks. We have two purpose designed resid crackers using undisputable that confining the reactions to a lower vol-
closed cyclone technology. No coking problems have oc- ume at elevated temperature is a true advantage and de-
curred in these units. A third unit will be starting up in creases the loss of selectivity that occurs by having
about one year. additional volume where nonselective thermal reactions
Actually, the potential for coking exists whether the occur. That is what the close couple cyclone system
feedstock is a gas oil or a resid. Coke formation in the achieves.
disengager is avoided with closed cyclone units by injecting However, there are two other considerations that are very
steam via a distributor into the dome area and having a important and what the industry needs to begin to focus on
well designed stripper which allows a net upflow of steam now. These are related to some of the coking phenomena
from the stripper into the disengager vessel. that has been described. Once you separate the catalyst
Coke formation in cyclones and overhead lines is avoided from the hydrocarbons, whether you do it by a cyclonic
by having intimate feedstock and catalyst mixing at the device or any other type of separation, the catalyst will
feed injection zone. Results from feed injection revamps entrain a considerable amount of hydrocarbons into either
using our ATOMAX™ nozzles have proven this. the catalyst stripper section or the reactor system.
Extended primary cyclone outlet tubes were used by In a direct coupled system, the amount of hydrocarbon
Kellogg prior to the availability of closed cyclone tech- that is entrained is in the order of 7 to 10 vol% of the total
nology. Our opinion is that, while these designs may di- reactor effluent, depending on the cyclone design. That is
rectionally reduce disengager residence time, a significant where today’s focus has to be, that is: (1) prevent hydro-
amount of backmixing still exists. carbons from reaching the reactor vessel through the con-
The last part of the question deals with specific operating ventional stripping design, (2) minimize the amount of
problems during start-up or upsets. Regarding closed cy- hydrocarbons that get entrained with the catalyst as they
clones, these were first used in Mobil units starting in travel down the diplegs.
1985. From then until this technology was offered for li- This substantial improvement is currently achieved
cense in 1990, a number of operational guidelines were commercially in two designs which have been in operation
developed as a result of Mobil’s cumulative experience in approximately for 1% years. UOP calls this design Vortex
their eight units. One of the lessons learned from this Disengaging System. It is an integrated cyclone and striper
experience was how to avoid catalyst losses to the frac- which achieves what the direct couple separation does
tionator at start-up. Catalyst losses can be caused by one of followed by stripping in the separation device. Therefore
several factors: prior to reaching the catalyst stripper, hydrocarbons are
- low riser cyclone velocity, and hence low efficiency, removed from the catalyst stream. Hence, they cannot
- high catalyst bed level in the reactor due to loss of level travel around the reactor and deposit coke in undesirable
indication, and locations. But most importantly, the nonselective reactions
- cyclone and dipleg damage. that continue to occur post the riser are eliminated. If
These problems are avoided by maintaining riser cyclone anyone is interested, UOP can provide details on the com-
inlet velocity above a certain minimum velocity at all mercial operations and potential new unit or revamp
times, proper maintenance of level indicators, and most applications.
importantly, adhering to established procedures. As a gen- One quick note on the start-up problems reported, I think
eral comment, our experience and that of our licensees with that, yes there is no question that you always have to give
start-up of these systems has been very good. up something for additional selectivity gains. But, I think
the industry, in general, with the help of all the licensers
J. WILLIAMS: which are involved as well as refiners, have overcome these.
The different methods of reducing long residence time in Living proof is that a brand new UOP Licensed FCC Unit
dilute phase all share common process improvements and that incorporates the direct coupled design has just started
generally have small effect on conversion. The most noted up in Germany and achieves all the yield benefits that have
improvements are: been mentioned.
(1) good reduction of diolefins, such as butadienes by up
to 50%, VICENTE A. CITARELLA (Exxon Research & Engi-
(2) 10 to 15% reduction in dry gas at common riser outlet neering Company):
temperatures of 980 to 1,010 ºF, and a) Our experience with the Flexicracking DIR close
(3) coke yield decreases of 5 to 7 % of the base yield at coupled cyclone design has consistently shown im-
constant conversion. proved selectivity and reduced gas and coke yields at



constant conversion. We have achieved 11 to 12% Also, we have demonstrated no coking problems with the
decrease in coke yield, and 20 to 25% decrease in gas Ramshorn System. In contrast to this, we have information
yields. This improvement is usually translated into that indicates that when you hot wire riser cyclones to
higher conversion, higher feed rate, heavier feed or reactor cyclones, there are frequently significant coking
some economic combination of these. In addition, problems, especially with resids. Also, the Ramshorn Axial
there is increased olefinicity of gasoline and LPG and Cyclone System has been tested on both gas oil and light
improved distillate quality, that is higher API gravity resids to date.
and cetane. Similar effects have been obtained with
both resid and gas oil feeds. ERNEST LEUENBERGER (ARC0 Products Co.):
b) We have not experienced coking problems with resid I would like to comment on extending the rough cut
feeds. cyclone outlet tubes up into the area of the secondary
c) The operation of our close coupled cyclone design does cyclone inlets. We tried this during our 1992 FCC turn-
not depend or interact with other operating param- around at Los Angeles. We felt that we could not possibly
eters of the reactor system. fill the main fractionator with catalyst because we did not
d) Finally, we had a problem with some catalyst carry- close couple the cyclones. We found we were wrong; we
over during the initial start-up of one unit. However, filled the fractionator with 200 tons of catalyst during
we studied the problem, adjusted the procedures, and start-up. Our experience indicates that you should be care-
now have it understood and resolved. Since then, the ful during start-up of units with extended rough cut
same unit has had no problems during restarts or cyclone outlet tubes as well as during start-up of units with
normal operation. closed coupled cyclones.
MICHAEL A. SILVERMAN (Stone & Webster Engineer-
I would like to propose a very good alternative to close We operate a vented riser cyclone system. It was a re-
coupled cyclones. First of all, by way of background, we vamp. We have seen a dramatic decrease in off gas and an
studied several end of riser separation devices by radio- increase in gasoline. The technology definitely worked for
tracers and reaction mix sampling. We have noted that us. The coking problems that we have seen have been down
conventional ballistic separators show vapor times as high in the stripper. We had a UOP designed stripper with a lot
as 50 seconds with significant dilute phase yield de- of very intricately designed holes. We found that the small
gradation. Typical rough cut cyclones show 6 to 20 seconds holes coke within a week of start-up and we see a marked
vapor times, post-riser. We still think this is very decline in performance as the holes plug. We are obviously
significant. getting coking somewhere in the reactor, probably down in
The Stone & Webster Ramshorn Axial Cyclone System the stripper section.
shows about 1 second post-riser vapor time with essentially As far as problems during operations and start-ups, we
no yield degradation. I will give you an example. We mea- have experienced massive catalyst carryovers. We have
sured in one unit, zero dry gas make, and essentially no modified our internals repeatedly, but it was not uncom-
hydrogen transfer from the riser outlet to the reactor outlet mon for us to see 35 to 75 tons lost in about a 5 minute
using the Ramshorn Axial Cyclone System. That par- period. We also have continuous catalyst loss several times
ticular unit showed about a 40% reduction in dry gas yield higher than expected. Those episodes could be started by
and a very large increase in throughput and gasoline yield, opening the regenerative slide valve no more than 1 or 2%
along with an increase in LPG olelins. past the conditions we were trying to maintain.
The important thing to note is that cyclone systems were If you are considering installing a system of this type, I
originally designed to separate catalyst efficiently, but would like to highlight the importance of paying attention
little attention was paid to the vapor flow out of the system. to all the details. These include the engineering effort
It turns out that cyclone systems are very inefficient at required, start-up support, and operations support. This is
getting vapor out of the FCC reactor system. One of the particularly the case if you are considering retrofitting this
riser cyclone systems we studied showed a large amount of type of design to an existing unit. Whereas, we have
gas exiting the dipleg and a very large post-riser residence achieved the throughput, selectivity, and yield advantages
time with significant after cracking. This is eliminated of our retrofit, we have been troubled by catalyst carryover.
with the Ramshorn Axial Cyclone System. In fact, we noted In this respect, I believe all licensers have made progress.
in this system less than 3% vapor traveling down the Kellogg has some good technology, Stone & Webster incor-
Ramshorn diplegs and this had the effect of unloading the porates some very good features and I understand that UOP
stripper, reducing the coke make in the system. has addressed the catalyst carryover problems we have
We typically duct the Ramshorn outlet to about 3 feet experienced.
from the inlet to the reactor cyclones. We have noticed that
this has two benefits. First, there is only a marginally
higher residence time in the vessel (all thermal) than a
closed coupled arrangement. And two, this arrangement QUESTION 18:
eliminates the problems we are always hearing about cata- Can refiners comment on their experience with
lyst carryover to the fractionator, pressure fluctuation, changing feed injector style and location in the riser?
start-up problems, etc. These problems do not exist with What is the experience with retrofitting a unit from a
the Ramshorn and we pay almost no penalty in terms of single feed distributor at the wye to multiple injectors
extra residence time in the reactor vessel. located radially up the riser?



SLOAN: after one year of operation, we found severe erosion had

The product selectivities and ultimately the profitability occurred in the upper row caused by impingement of steam
of the FCCU are governed by the condition of the catalyst and feed vapors from the bottom row. A significant increase
and feedstock at the point of contact in the riser. The riser in conversion, approximately 3 vol%, was experienced after
design and feed injection system must combine to produce the damaged nozzles were repaired.
the most uniform possible cracking environment.
Kellogg and Mobil have recently conducted extensive PAULES:
laboratory and commercial scale studies of riser hydro- We have revamped two FCCU’s from a shower head type
dynamics and feed injection. These studies have shown that feed distributor to multiple injectors located radially up the
axially oriented feed injection at the wye, even with mul- riser. We are seriously considering a similar revamp on a
tiple injectors, causes severe maldistribution of catalyst in third FCCU. At one location this allowed a maximum feed
the riser. Gamma-ray scans in the mixing zone above the concarbon increase from 1.0 to 1.7, with only a 30 °F in-
axially oriented nozzles showed a very high catalyst den- crease in regenerator temperature. This permitted us to
sity near the walls and low densities near the center. They shut down the vacuum tower at this refinery and crack all
also showed substantial asymmetry, with 2/3 of the catalyst produced atmospheric tower bottoms (ATB) on a sustained
in the half (hemi-cylinder) of the riser opposite the basis. You do lose some regenerated catalyst slide valve
standpipe. delta P after a revamp of this type and this should be
Radially oriented feed injectors produced relatively flat examined closely. Also, we have experienced some fluidiza-
density profiles with nearly the same catalyst density near tion problems at the bottom of the riser which were solved
the walls as in the center. Backmixing was reduced by half by injecting air into the regenerated catalyst standpipe.
compared to the axially oriented injectors. No asymmetry
was found. There were equal amounts of catalyst in both BONELLI:
sides of the riser. We performed several of these feed conversions from the
The differences in density distribution created by chang- single injection to multiple feed nozzle injections. For one of
ing injector style and location have a substantial impact on the units that is typical, yield structure data follows. It
FCC yields. When coupled with advanced feed injection should be noted that largest benefit to the unit was the
technology, such as Kellogg’s ATOMAX™ nozzles, yield increased ability to run lower value feedstocks. The coke
improvements have been remarkable. We can cite two yield decreased by almost 10% while LPG decreased by 8%,
recent examples as illustrated below. and LCCO production increased almost 2%. It appears that
Normalized Commercial Post Audit Data combined heavy cycle and slurry oils increased by 1%. This
is directly attributable to larger quantities of lower value
Yield Shift, wt% Unit A Unit B
feedstock (coker gas oils) being processed in the unit. Since
Dry Gas -0.3 -0.1 the revamp we have changed to an octane catalyst with
Total LPG -3.3 + 0.6 better bottoms upgrading ability to take advantage of the
Gasoline +5.0 i-3.4 coke selectivity improvement and further increase bottoms
LCO &Bottoms - 1.4 -3.9 upgrading. In addition, the catalyst provides high iso-
Coke 0.0 0.0 butylene selectivity which is of great economic benefit due
Conversion + 1.4 +3.9 to our MTBE production capabilities.
- Unit A replaced “Showerhead” type distributor.
- Unit B replaced proprietary atomizing nozzles. FCCU as Produced Yields Pre Feed Post Feed
Normalized for Nozzle Revamp Nozzle Revamp
ROY: Mass Balance Avg. Avg.
In 1991 our FCC unit was converted from nine low Barrel Catalyst (Oct. 26.Nov. 5) (Jan. 24-Apr. 18)
pressure feed nozzles to two rows of multiple feed nozzles Low Matrix Surface Area 1992 1991 % Delta
located in the feed riser. On inspection of the new nozzles C2 - (wt%) 2.71 2.59 4.45
C 3 2.66 1.87 42.14
C3= 7.85 7.97 -1.53
i - C4 5.52 5.99 -7.86
n-C4 1.35 1.77 -23.80
i.-C4 2.01 1.84 9.49
C4 = 5.74 7.83 -26.64
Total C3/C4 Yield 25.13 27.27 -7.84
C 5 63.64 64.69 -1.63
LCO 12.50 12.28 1.81
HCO + CSO 9.55 9.46 0.98
Coke Yield (wt%) 4.08 4.51 -9.65
Total LV Yield 110.82 113.70 -2.53
Conversion LV% 77.94 78.26 -0.40
Gasoline Selectivity 81.64 82.66 -1.23
Coke Selectivity
(Conv./wt% coke) 18.88 17.35 8.80



Barrel Octane single feed distributors at the wye, to multiple injectors

Catalyst Catalyst located radially at the riser, has resulted in gasoline yield
Low Matrix Higher Matrix improvements ranging from 2 to 7 vol%, depending upon
Surface Area Surface Area factors like feed characteristics, type of injector replaced,
FCCU Normalized Avg. Avg.
Yields at Standard (Oct. 26-Nov. 5) (Sept 1-Oct. 21)
atomizing steam rates, riser characteristics, and other de-
cut points 1992 1993 % Delta tails. Stone & Webster has designed over 40 installations of
feed injection systems, and in all cases, the reproducibility
C2 - (wt%) 2.71 2.71 0.00 of the predicted yield has been excellent. In addition to that,
C 3 2.66 2.38 -10.58 we have not received reports of plugging, erosion, or dam-
C3= 7.85 8.18 4.28 age to the riser internals.
i-C4 5.52 5.28 -4.33
n-C4 1.35 1.30 -3.76 VICENTE A. CITARELLA (Exxon Research & Engi-
i-C4 = 2.01 2.34 16.23 neering Company):
C4= 5.74 5.98 4.06 We have replaced feed injector nozzles to our modern
Total C3/C4 Yield 25.13 25.46 1.29 designs in over 30 installations covering all Exxon and
C5 + (90% Pt = 380 °F) 62.91 63.34 0.68 many licensed units with excellent results. The new in-
LCO (90% Pt = 600 °F) 13.13 14.21 8.23 jectors result in lower dry gas and coke yield which, like I
HCO (90% Pt = 775 °F) 5.92 4.61 -22.16 said in my comment to the previous question, can be trans-
CSO 2.94 3.06 4.07 lated to improved yield selectivity (estimated 2-6% increase
Coke Yield (wt%) 4.08 4.58 12.27 in naphtha yield) at constant throughput, increased
Total LV Yield 110.4 110.68 0.58 throughput or ability to run poorer quality feeds.
Conversion We also have experience with changing 5 units from
(90% = 380 °F), LV% 76.77 77.89 1.46 multiple feed distributors at the “Y” to radial injectors
Gasoline Selectivity 81.95 81.33 -0.75 further up the riser. Although the magnitude of the im-
Coke Selectivity provement has varied from unit to unit, in all cases the
(Conv./wt% coke) 18.88 17.09 -9.45 results have been positive with improved conversion. We
have no case where the change was made from a single
JUNO: distributor at the “Yn.
We found that we did not have enough head to properly
inject our slurry to the upper feed nozzle. Because of this we L. RICHARD DOSS (CITGO Petroleum Corporation):
have not utilized our upper feed nozzles. We have had Mr. Sloan and/or others, on your ATOMAX™ nozzles,
difficulty preventing coke buildup despite the use of a have you measured or estimated the particle size of the oil
steam purge. We have not used the gas lift operation on our after the nozzle? Also, what is the delta P required for this
unit because of wet gas compressor limitations. We need type of nozzle? Is there a minimum?
this to be in operation since the delta P incurred without
aeration of the bottom nozzles limits our air blower ca- SLOAN:
pacity and also prevents us from using the upper feed We conducted full-scale cold flow tests on the ATGMAX™
nozzles. and several other commercially available FCC feed nozzles.
The following table summarizes the relative droplet sizes
LAABS: produced by three of these nozzles. The data show that the
Recently, two nozzle configurations were tested at one of ATOMAX™ nozzle produces a smaller average droplet size
our catalytic crackers. The first nozzle was a pigtail, and it and fewer large droplets than competitive nozzles.
was installed at the normal feed location. The other nozzle
was of the slotted variety, and it was positioned 5 ft. higher Comparison of Nozzle Atomization Quality
than the previous one. The slotted nozzle performed Impact-
slightly better, with a conversion increase of 1 to 2 numbers
and a higher increase in selectivity. The unit is currently type
Slotted Tip High dP ATOMAX
using the slotted nozzle in the higher position. Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle
An affiliated site changed from a single open pipe to a
shower head feed nozzle without any visible performance Relative Sauter Mean 2.35 1.08 1.00
benefit. They then installed 7 nozzles around the cir- Droplet Size (RSMD)
cumference of the riser, approximately 2 ft higher than the Vol% > 1.6 RSMD’s 81 44 31
original feed injection site. This change was the subject of a Vol% > 8.0 RSMD’s 23 4 0
“before-and-after” study with gamma-scanning to deter- Pressure drop, relative 0.2 7.4 1.0
mine the operational benefit. The scanning showed that the
new nozzle arrangement slightly improved the cross- As far as the pressure drop for the nozzle is concerned, it
sectional density profile, but selectivity benefits were diffi- is a relatively low oil side pressure drop of up to about 50
cult to estimate given other process changes that were psi. We do an excellent job of atomization through using the
made at the same time. energy of the atomization steam.

ALVARO A. MURCIA (Stone & Webster): TIFFIN E. JOHNSON (The M. W. Kellogg Company):
Stone & Webster’s experience in retrofitting units from The pressure drop on the ATOMAX’” nozzles is actually



in the range of 50 to 60 psi for most applications, depending vious question compare to those obtained when re-
on a number of variables. I’d also like to mention that the cycling straight run diesel boiling range material?
post-audit yield improvements in gasoline that were seen
that Mr. Sloan mentioned, 3.4 and 5% were actually weight PAULES:
percent improvements. So the volume percent improve- I have no specific data on this, but it stands to reason that
ment would be even greater. hydrotreated LCO will have a higher aromatic content than
straight-run diesel. This is true unless the LCO is being
STEPHEN F. HUNKUS (MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc.): processed in a very sophisticated hydrotreater designed for
We replaced our UOP shower head at the wye with our a high degree of aromatic saturation. The yield shifts are
internally designed radially injecting system slightly likely to be similar to those seen between refractive FCC
above the wye. If you are an independent, I just wanted to feeds and paraffinic FCC feeds.
comment that it is probably the most significant payback
modification you can make to your FCCU. JOHN HUGGINS (Turner Mason & Company):
On recycling of the LCO, you do have to hydrotreat this
material and hydrotreat it severely enough to have an effect
on the aromatics content. Otherwise it is a waste of time. I
can relate data that proves it is a waste of time.
What are the effects on product properties and
unit yields obtained commercially when recycling ERNEST LEUENBERGER (ARC0 Product Company):
hydrotreated light cycle oil to the FCC unit? Please We once supplemented our gas oil hydrotreater feed with
comment on any advantages this process scheme LCO because we were short of gas oil. The treated LCO
may offer in light of reformulated gasoline produc- conversion was 50% in the FCC unit. Hydrotreated LCO
tion requirements. converts almost quantitatively to high octane aromatic
gasoline. We saw a 0.4 R+ M/2 increase in cracked gasoline
SLOAN: octane with only 10% LCO in the FCC feed. Although we
Results depend on where the recycle is introduced in the believe that hydrotreated LCO cracking can be profitable,
riser. Light cycle oil or other fractions such as naphtha can we do not hydrotreat LCO if it would displace gas oil.
be recycled to a mid point in the riser and used as a quench
material. When this is done, the lower part of the riser just
above the feed injection nozzles becomes a short contact QUESTION 21:
time, high temperature cracking zone. The impact on
To what extent can FCC naphtha sulfur level be
yields will be more light olefins for alkylation and etherifi-
reduced by changing FCC operating variables or the
cation at essentially constant gasoline yield. For refractory
recycle of various streams?
feeds with high nitrogen content, higher conversion can be
This can also be an effective way to cool the regenerator
The following variable changes increase sulfur in FCC
and improve operations when processing higher concarbon
feedstocks without a catalyst cooler. The recycle material
calls for a higher catalyst circulation rate which has a 1) increased catalyst-to-oil ratio,
cooling tendency on the regenerator. The heat balance, 2) increased reactor temperature,
however, requires that more coke be made to provide the 3) increased gasoline endpoint, and
heat to vaporize the recycle. This, of course, means that 4) higher silica alumina ratio catalyst.
there must be adequate air blower capacity for the oper- Increased recycle of slurry or heavy cycle oil tend not to
ation, not to mention adequate heat removal in the main increase sulfur as much as predicted because heavy cyclic
fractionator. sulfur compounds tend not to crack. FCC gasolines could be
reduced 20-40% by a combination of the above variables.
I am familiar with this type of operation; especially in SLOAN:
landlocked refineries with excess FCCU capacity. It can be Recycling FCC naphtha to a mid point in the riser as
used to shift refinery yields from distillate products to described in the answer to Question 19 can result in about a
gasoline when market conditions dictate. It rarely, if ever, 20% gasoline sulfur reduction without any loss in gasoline
would make sense in a Gulf Coast or East Coast refinery yield. The gasoline is generally more olefinic with up to one
where incremental supplies of FCC feed are available at a number higher research octane number in the operation.
competitive price. Waterborne FCC feed at typical market
prices will almost always be more profitable in the FCC
than hydrotreated LCO. QUESTION 22:
Many refiners would like to operate their FCC
main fractionator bottoms sections such that the
temperature of the vapor products leaving the lower
QUESTION 20: shed decks is greater than 720 °F. Some designs fea-
How do the effects observed when recycling ture a bottoms quench loop that involves sending a
hydrotreated light cycle oil as described in the pre- portion of the bottoms pumparound return to a point



below the shed decks, thus, subcooling the bottoms the aromatics from heavy cycle oil. The products from the
liquid. What incremental increase in vapor tempera- operation were very good, with the extract having a rating
ture have refiners been able to run with this design? of 100 + BMCI. The raffinate was excellent FCC feedstock
and actually better quality than the gas oil charge that it
LAABS: was produced from. At the time the extraction facility was
One of our refineries has achieved a consistent tempera- operated, the FCC units were operated with total slurry
ture of 735 ºF above the shed decks by using bottoms pump- recycle and the only bottoms product was the extract from
around to sub-cool the fractionator bottoms liquid. The the extraction facilities.
bottom temperature is kept below 700 °F and decant oil However, the SO2 extraction was very expensive to oper-
gravity is kept above - 8”API. They have experienced se- ate, because of the maintenance cost and the cost of the
vere fouling in the bottoms circuit when operating outside utilities required for compression of the SO2. Control of the
of these limits. corrosion rate was difficult, and the unit was prone to SO2
Another site has exceeded 720 “Fin the vapor zone while leaks. We discourage anyone from using SO2 as a solvent.
keeping the bottoms temperature below 690 ºF This con-
figuration has pushed the heavy cycle gas oil viscosity to its HIMMAT SINGH (Indian Institute of Petroleum):
maximum limit. The genesis of this question is that when we process
A third refinery retrofitted a quench system on-line heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO), particularly from waxy
using an existing nozzle. They were able to achieve 720 °F crudes, as feedstock to FCC units, it generates a lot of
in the vapor zone while keeping the bottoms liquid at recycle stock. This is particularly more so when the FCCU
680 ºF. They are currently running a lower vapor zone operation is in middle distillate maximization mode. The
temperature in order to keep the slurry API gravity be- BMCI values of the recycle stock so generated is low
tween - 6º and - 7°, but they plan to lower the gravity in (around 60-70) and cannot be used as feedstock in indus-
the future. They have had no coking problems with their tries like manufacturing of carbon black. In such events, we
present setup. suggest that the recycle stock can be extracted with solvent
like N-Methyl Pyrrolidone (NMP) to generate aromatic
PEDERSEN: rich extract having high BMCI value. The corresponding
Our RCC fractionator has a bottom quench loop as a part raffinate generated can be recycled back with the FCC feed.
of its original design. We keep flash zone temperature at Such an approach will prove very useful.
approximately 700 ºF and bottoms draw around 665 ºF. We
have experienced significant coking when running at
higher temperatures. The quench flow rate is typically QUESTION 24:
around 80,000 bbl/day, or approximately double the feed
When removing fines from a slurry stream on an
rate to the unit, and the bottoms product rate is around
FCCU/RCC, what methods are being used for dis-
4,000 bbl/day. Return temperature is controlled at about
posal of the back flush material? Does anyone have
460 to 480 ºF.
experience with recycling slurry to the riser with 1
ROY: wt% or more ash? Where is the slurry injected and
We inject slurry recycle to the bottom of the fractionator why? What kind of nozzle is used?
as quench at about 400 ºF, maintaining about 670 ºF on the
fractionator bottoms outlet. The tray immediately above PAULES:
the shed decks is at about 550 ºF, while the liquid leaving Modern filtration systems usually use fresh feed or a gas
the shed decks and entering the quench zone is at 750 ºF assist method of backwashing. In these instances the
backwash material is usually recycled back to the FCC
ROBERT L. FLANDERS (Chevron Retired): riser. In many cases it can be routed to a coker or to a special
I would be careful about temperatures quoted by the high-ash fuel oil blend. At least one refiner claims to have
panel on what you can live with, because the temperature successfully recycled a backwashed stream in excess of 1
you can live with with a paraffin is far lower than with a wt% ash to the riser by utilizing specially lined pumps and
naphthene. If you are running Sumatra, for example, you a separate feed nozzle located high up the riser. This has the
had better stay below 670 ºF. If you are running California, effect of lowering recycle residence time and preventing
you can run 710 ºF excessive coke formation.

QUESTION 23: A year ago we installed a Gulftronic unit for removing
We intend to upgrade FCC clarified oil/heavy cycle catalyst fines from the bottoms product, which now fed to
oil by solvent extraction. Extracting high Bureau of the delayed coker unit. The unit throughput is approxi-
Mines Correlation Index (BMCI) stock will make a mately 4,000 bb1/day, and we produce use approximately
good source of carbon materials and raffinate may be 2,500 bbl/day of backflush material. We use fresh feed for
recycled to improve the FCC product slate. Does backflushing, and the backflushed material is injected to
anyone have experience with this approach? If so, the riser through two simple nozzles approximately 10 ft
with what results? above the feed nozzles to avoid coking of the catalyst prior to
mixing with the feed.
O’BRIEN: The ash content in the bottoms product upstream in the
We have operated an SO2 extraction facility to extract separation unit increases from approximately 0.3 to 1.7



wt% when the Gulftronic unit is in service. We have not typical operating conditions and stream inspections
experienced significant increased erosion after taking the following the change? What are practical limits on
filter in service last year. the 90% distillation point of light cycle oil and the
10% distillation point of heavy cycle oil?
Recycle of tines to the riser with fresh feed as a backflush OSBORN:
or as a diluent is the preferred disposal. There is of course We operate with zero net heavy cycle oil yield. The heavy
some recycle established, but even with 10 micron particles cycle oil is circulated through a pumparound exchange
are retained to a certain degree. Recycling to the riser train back to the fractionator. The heavy cycle oil draw tray
allows fines to exit as ECAT or precipitator fines to avoid is a chimney-type tray operated in an overflow condition.
land till and the associated liability. Heavy cycle oil pumparound returns at the top of the shed
trays. Our light cycle oil 90% point is approximately 650 ºF,
LAABS: with a targeted endpoint of 670 to 680 ºF We target slurry
One of our refineries routinely processes 2,000 to 5,000 oil gravity to be a - 6° to - 8º API. It has been as low as a
bbl/day of slurry recycle material with an ash content - 9.2° API for short periods. The fractionator bottoms tem-
between 0.3 and 2.0 wt%. They preferentially inject the perature runs about 685 ºF. The most important factor is
material into the reactor bed, although they have the abil- achieving good conversion in the reactor system.
ity to inject it into the riser feed mix zone when the FCC
unit is coke-burning limited. ROY:
Reslurry produces about 3 times as much delta coke At our Pasadena FCCU, converting our feed nozzles from
when injected into the bed as when injected in the riser, but simple distributive nozzles to near-atomizing nozzles was a
sending it to the riser with the fresh feed hurts conversion major factor in improving our yield structure. Achieving
by muddying the catalyst-oil mix zone. The ideal place for small oil droplet size promotes better vaporization and
the reslurry would be in the riser but through separate intermixing, and maximizes cracking or crackable mate-
nozzles one-half to 1 second above the fresh feed zone. rial. We also hope to find improvement in the LCGO,
Injection at this location would act to quench the reaction. HCGO yields from improved fractionator bottom sep-
Slotted tip nozzles are currently used and they perform aration with future revamps.
well for slurry injection. We have run a split return to the fractionator bottoms,
believing that the flash zone should run in the 730” to
O’BRIEN: 740 ºF range, while controlling the fractionator bottoms
We routinely recycle slurry with up to 2% fines. This liquid temperature at or below 690 °F The liquid quench
material is mixed with fresh feed and steam, roughly 150 prevents coke formation and accumulation and protects the
bbl/hour of slurry and 500 bbl/hour of fresh feed. This mix is bottoms pumps. Uneven distribution between these two
injected into a center nozzle at the level of the radial fresh quench points, due to existing hydraulic conditions, has
feed nozzles. The center nozzle is an open pipe with a created other problems in this circuit, preventing best
restriction orifice. possible fractionator bottoms separation.
This feed system has operated since 1985, with no erosion Our average LCO 90% point is at 658 ºF, (691 ºF end-
problems in either the center or radial nozzles. Open, point). At our Tyler FCCU we routinely operate to produce
low-pressure nozzles are probably best to minimize erosion, LCO with a 90% point of 665 ºF (695 ºF endpoint). Use of
but we are interested if anyone has realized benefits from high matrix FCC catalyst has been very successful in
recycling slurry through atomizing type nozzles, and what increasing LCO at the expense of HCO clarified oil.
type was used.
We tried using a whistle type nozzle at one of our units, SLOAN:
with steam used to shear the slurry, but it lasted about as LCO yield can be increased to the point where there is no
long as this discussion. net heavy cycle oil yield. Maximum endpoint on the LCO is
generally set by maximum temperature limits acceptable
L. RICHARD DOSS (CITGO Petroleum Corporation): in the fractionator bottoms. LCO endpoints of 700 to 720 °F
About a year ago the Lake Charles FCCU’s discontinued may be obtained using a bottoms quench system to mod-
the slurry recycle back to the riser. We feel we had sub- erate the bottoms temperature.
stantial economic reasons for doing that and we still have a Maximizing LCO yield also involves reducing the initial
salable No. 6 oil product in the slurry oil. If there is some- point of the LCO product. As the LCO initial point is
thing else to do with the slurry, and you are having con- decreased, the gasoline endpoint decreases and the frac-
straints on air blower or other equipment when recycling tionator top tray temperature falls. Water will condense if
the slurry, it does not seem like a good idea to recycle slurry this temperature is allowed to fall much below 230 °F. This
to the riser. condition corresponds to an LCO initial point of 320 to
325 ºF
What steps can be taken to increase light cycle oil There are two approaches to increasing light cycle oil at
yield at the expense of heavy cycle oil? What re- the expense of heavy cycle oil. In the fractionator, increased
vamps of main fractionator systems have been suc- separation via a packed section is sometimes used. Light
cessful at maximizing light cycle oil yield? What are cycle can be drawn to a higher endpoint, if the diesel pool



allows this increase. From the reactor yield standpoint, to try to correlate this to feed quality, nitrogen in the feed,
high catalyst-oil ratios and catalyst with high bottoms reactor severity, etc. We have varied our reactor tempera-
conversion favor light cycle oil over heavy cycle oil. tures by 20 ºF with no measurable effect on acetonitrile
production. We have also tracked nitrogen, and in one
BONELLI: instance our acetonitrile production came up with a drop in
There is a three step approach that we have used at one of nitrogen in the feed. So at this point we have no correlation
our locations to increase light cycle oil at the expense of at all between acetonitrile and the operating variables
heavy cycle oil. mentioned.
1. We have revamped the feed nozzles. We went from the
showerhead type to the radial type, and as the result of that RAJGURU:
work we increased the light cycle oil yield about 1% at the I agree with Mr. Williams. We do not have any correlation
expense of heavy cycle and slurry yields. to relate the feed to the acetonitrile (ACN) or propionitrile
2. We subsequently have changed catalyst from a low (PRN) contents, but the levels are basically a function of
surface area to a high surface area octane type catalyst the feed and operating conditions.
with some bottoms upgrading capability. We increased the Primarily, for the hydrotreated feed the C4, cut contains
light cycle yields by 7 to 9% at the expense of heavy cycle about 6 to 10 ppm of ACN. Without this treatment, typi-
and slurry. cally they are 20 to 40 ppm. Most waterwash systems that
3. We revamped the main fractionator. We converted are designed for 50 ppm, ACN, although we have designed
from a trayed design to structured packing. Typically our some systems containing ACN in excess of 500 ppm.
light cycle oil 90 percent point is 620 ºF to 630 ºF, while the For the C5s, the acetonitrile level is about 10 ppm with
heavy cycle oil 10 percent point is about 590 ºF to 600 ºF FCC feed hydrotreatment. Without feed treatment ACN is
about 30 ppm. Most water wash systems have been de-
ANDREW W. SLOLEY (Glitsch, Inc.): signed for 50 ppm.
The practical limits on the light cycle 90 percent point
depend on the refinery middle distillate blending. Typical ROY:
values are around 650 °F TBI? In this question, assuming Basic nitrogen compounds such as acetonitriles have
that the heavy cycle oil is the bottom product, the issue is been found to be the primary contributor to catalyst deacti-
lost LCO to the bottom product. With an LCO 90 percent vation in our MTBE unit at Pasadena. Our current analyt-
point of 650 ºF, the minimum achievable LCO content in ical equipment limits are ability to analyze for specific
the bottom product is a TBP 5 percent point of between basic nitrogen compounds. But we typically see from 5 to 10
650 °F and 660 ºF The main column requires sufficient ppm total nitrogen in our feed stream to the MTBE unit.
fractionation capability and relatively high heat removal
in the top of the column. To reduce the 650 ºF and lighter BONELLI:
fraction in the bottom product requires use of a bottoms At one location where we have investigated the
product stripper. acetonitrile production phenomenon, the levels of
There are several FCCU’s operating with bottoms prod- acetonitrile that we measure from the FCCU, going to our
uct strippers, and the bottoms product 650 ºF and lighter MTBE waterwash column, averaged typically 8 ppm. After
content is reduced to 1 to 2%. the water wash, the levels are 0.5 ppm or less, so it is not a
big operating problem.
A. WITOSHKIN (Engelhard Corporation): Our attempts to correlate the levels of acetonitrile and
I would like to re-emphasize the fact that catalyst type the reactor temperature, RVP of the debutanizer operation
should be considered as a viable option whenever you are and nitrogen levels in the feed have all been unsuccessful.
attempting to increase light cycle oil yield. There are some
very good bottoms upgrading catalysts on the market that
will increase LCO at the expense of heavy cycle oil yield. QUESTION 27:
What levels of oxygen or carbonyl sulfide have
ROBERT L. FLANDERS (Chevron Retired): been found in FCC dry gas, if any, and what variables
I would like to remind you that the split between light have been seen to affect the concentration?
and heavy cycle stock is strongly feed related. Every plant I
have seen that tried to introduce resid into a gas oil cracker
has wound up with substantial increases in bottoms. ROY:
At our Pasadena unit we do not look for carbonyl sulfide
in our tail gas. We find about 0.06 mol% oxygen in our tail
QUESTION 26: gas. This has increased slightly since 1991 when we
Nitrites are known poisons to the etherification changed from concentric air rings with center-bottom re-
process. What levels of acetonitrile and propionitrile generated catalyst standpipe, to air grids with side-draw
have been measured from the FCCU, and what feed, regenerated catalyst standpipe. The new standpipe also
catalyst, or operating condition effects have been has an aeration point close to the mouth of the standpipe.
found? We are aware that this configuration may be resulting in a
slight increase in entrained air with the regenerated cata-
T. WILLIAMS: lyst and have on occasion looked to this for possible wet gas
We have measured acetonitriles in our butylene stream compressor loading problems. The load effect of entrained
at 20 to 40 ppm. We have done extensive laboratory testing air is small.



We have also investigated the possibility that this en- perature will increase conversion back, but it will also
trained air was combining with feed sulfur to produce lower gasoline selectivity.
carbonyl sulfide and creating an LPG amine usage prob-
lem. This has proven to be insupportable. PETER G. ANDREWS (Consultant):
Mr. Juno, if I heard correctly, you lowered your carbon on
regenerated catalyst and increased your gasoline yield.
QUESTION 28: Will you please tell us the before and after CRC levels
In order to increase coke burning capacity, many versus your gasoline yields?
refiners have been practicing oxygen enrichment of
regeneration air. Have the practitioners of this JUNO:
technology: The CRC went from 0.1 to 0.05 wt%. I do not have exact
l exceeded 30 vol% oxygen? data on the increase in gasoline yield.
l observed changes in gasoline stability or phenol
production? PETER G. ANDREWS (Consultant):
l observed changes in yields and/or operating I again want to draw to the attention of some of my
conditions? friends who say there is no difference between 0.1-0.12, and
0.05 wt.% CRC.
We have not exceeded 30 vol% oxygen enrichment of the JOSEPH W. WILSON (Caltex Services):
regeneration air. At the time that we utilized this oper- Regarding phenol production, what we have seen is that
ation, we were not monitoring the effect on gasoline stabil- it is more related to the feedstock. The more resid you put in
ity or phenol production. We directionally did produce less the unit, the higher your wastewater phenols are going to
coke and better gasoline yields, which were the result of be. Probably what is happening here is that resid includes
less carbon on regenerated catalyst. We utilized oxygen oxygen-containing compounds that produce phenols when
when we had maxed out our air blower, and generally the cracked. If you think about it, the riser is actually a re-
carbon on catalyst improved from 0.1 to 0.05 wt% when we ducing atmosphere. There is not going to be a great deal of
put the oxygen in. oxygenation of the hydrocarbons in the riser.
The operators liked using the oxygen, as it stabilized the
operation, raising the regenerator temperature slightly DELBERT F’. TOLEN (Rocky Mountain Salvage &
and lowering the catalyst circulation, and providing more Equipment Co.):
control on the catalyst slide valve. I have seen an FCCU operate continuously at about 33%
oxygen. Several times the equipment damage was severe.
PAULES: The catalyst damage is also severe. If you run up at those
We currently operate two FCC’s utilizing O2 enrichm.ent. levels, you can look to use 50 to 100% more fresh catalyst to
We limit our combustion air O2 content to 25% to keep a maintain your catalyst activity.
safe margin away from 28%. At O2 levels above 28% it is If you think about the rate of burning of the unstripped
reported that carbon steel can experience enhanced ig- hydrocarbon coming back into the regenerator into a 30%
nition properties. At 25% O2 in your combustion air, you oxygen atmosphere, or even a 26%, your flame tempera-
can obtain a 20% increase in coke burning capacity over tures on catalyst particles reach 2,400 ºF Catalyst damage
your air blower alone, assuming that you stay with other is severe at the higher oxygen contents, so I am sure that all
unit constraints, such a regenerator temperature and the catalyst manufacturers would like to see all of you use
cyclone velocity. more oxygen.
We have not experienced any noticeable increases in
phenol production or changes in gasoline stability. Oper- A. WITOSHKIN (Engelhard Corporation):
ationally, the only noticeable effect is an increase in re- Operatingregenerator pressure varies significantly from
generator temperature. With the ability to oxygen enrich, unit to unit, depending on the licensor of the process. Thus,
we have obtained greater flexibility to burn more coke, maximum oxygen content permitted in the air should be
resulting in higher reactor temperatures, higher feed Con- dictated by the oxygen partial pressure and the tempera-
radson carbon levels, and increased throughput. ture in the air inlet to the regenerator and not on the
absolute oxygen level by itself. We should be careful when
J. WILLIAMS: we quote satisfactory operation at a given absolute oxygen
Most refiners limit oxygen to 26%. Some oxygen sup- level.
pliers recommend up to 28%. These limits are generally felt As a safe precaution, contact your oxygen supplier for
to avoid equipment damage from high temperatures in the recommendations on the maximum O2 level for your speci-
vicinity of the air distributor. fic unit.
Gasoline stability may decrease due to thermal cracking
in the mix zone as the regenerator temperature rises. This
would be more severe with poor feed distribution. QUESTION 29:
Conversion will decrease as regenerator temperature What process variables are available to control
rises and catalyst-to-oil ratio decreases. Decreasing ac- stack emissions, such as SOx, NOx, and CO? What is
tivity to stay within regenerator temperature limits also the sensitivity of the emissions to changes in the
reduces conversion and selectivity. Increasing reactor tem- process variables? When the stack SOx emissions are



controlled with process variable changes, how are previously mentioned, we have also used the low SOx,
the sulfur contents of the other products affected? additives.
This is a very broad question addressing many variables. As combustion products, SO x , NO x , and CO are de-
The SOx emissions are mostly related to feed sulfur and pendent on the levels of sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon on the
feed sulfur type. Many variables which appear to reduce spent catalyst and on the operating conditions in the
SO2 emissions actually just convert SO2 to SOx, which is not regenerator, primarily temperature and oxygen partial
measured by on-line analyzers. Some variables, such as pressure. Under complete CO combustion conditions, with
raising preheat or lowering reactor temperature, have been excess oxygen and high regenerator temperatures (above
shown to reduce SOx, emissions, but are simply reducing 1300 °F), CO levels are extremely low. In incomplete com-
the total coke burned and thus the sulfur burned. These bustion, CO level is governed by temperature, oxygen par-
adjustments result in lower conversion and increased tial pressure, and the presence of CO oxidation promoters.
slurry production. High amounts of iron on equilibrium Several kinetic models are available to predict CO con-
catalyst can substantially raise SOx, emissions and lower centration as a function of these parameters.
H2S make. SOx emissions are reduced by increased oxygen partial
We have seen data which showed SOx could be reduced by pressure in the regenerator. They are less sensitive to
increasing stripping steam. Highly efficient strippers of temperature, except in the presence of SOx additive. Since
recent design may not show the same effect. It is postulated the additives pick up SO3, conditions which increase the
that the steam reacts with the sulfur in coke to form H2S. In SO3/SO2 ratio will reduce SOx emissions in the presence of
some cases this H2S is carried into the regenerator where it SOx additive. These include reduced temperature and
oxidizes back SO2 or in the case of partial combustion H2S higher oxygen partial pressure. SOx additives are also
may exit the regenerator as H2S. more active and stable at reduced regenerator temperatures.
The amount of sulfur going to SOx is usually in the 5-10% On the reactor side it is possible to reduce the amount of
range and reductions in emissions capable by adjusting sulfur deposited in the coke by reducing conversion. How-
operating variables will have very little effect on the ever, within typical commercial constraints, SOx emissions
measurable sulfur in the other products. cannot be significantly reduced in this manner. Feedstock
Typical NOx emissions from FCC regenerators vary from quality, of course, has the most significant impact on SOx,
as low as O-10 ppm for low temperature partial burn oper- emissions. Depending on the source and processing history
ations to as high as 1000-1500 ppm for regenerators oper- of the feed, 1% to 50% of the feed sulfur may end up in the
ating with high excess oxygen and promoter. The nitrogen coke.
in the feed may have some effect on NOx emissions but When SOx, emissions are controlled by using additives or
operating factors have such a tremendous effect on NOx by manipulating regenerator process variables, the sulfur
that it will usually completely mask any effects by feed contents of the liquid products are unaffected. In this situ-
nitrogen. There is a significant amount of information ation, SOx, emissions in the regenerator are traded for H2S
about NOx, emissions in past NPRA Q&A transcripts. This in the product gas. When SOx, emissions are controlled by
information speaks of the tremendous effect of excess oxy- reducing conversion, the amount of sulfur in the liquid
gen and promoter on NOx emissions. It is also well known products is expected to increase slightly.
that the emissions from the CO boiler will be significantly NOx emissions are very sensitive to temperature and
higher than emissions from the regenerator of a partial oxygen partial pressure, particularly in the presence of CO
burn FCCU. There is also the mention of reactor tempera- combustion promoters, such as platinum-based additives.
ture, catalyst-to-oil, and stripper efficiency on NOx emis- NOx, formation is favored by high temperature and high
sions but again these effects will seem small compared to oxygen partial pressure.
the effect of promoter and excess oxygen.
CO emissions have been very well understood for many O’BRIEN:
years and are related to the presence of oxidation pro- NOx, emissions have been related to the use of platinum
motion components, excess oxygen, regenerator tempera- promoter. The elimination of afterburn, and thus the use of
ture, and distribution of the catalyst and air within the platinum promoter by balancing the air and spent catalyst
regenerator. One thing to mention is that in partial com- distribution in the regenerator bed should directionally
bustion the presence of iron, Ce, and other non-platinum lower NOx, emissions. Also feeding the spent catalyst to
oxidizers can have a significant promotion effect par- areas of solids upflow near the surface of the regenerator
ticularly at low temperatures. bed should reduce NOx,.
ROBERT L. FLANDERS (Chevron Retired):
T. WILLIAMS: I know of one refiner who has an illegal NOx level,
We agree with the comments of Mr. James Williams. As because the regenerator is not at equilibrium, or rarely is at
far as the distribution of the sulfur in the liquid products, a
equilibrium. So he routes the gas to a CO boiler, where
sulfur balance around the unit will show that the reduction
equilibrium is reestablished. His NOx, has dropped to about
does not affect the liquid products to any significant degree. 10 ppm.
The most important factor in controlling NOx and CO is,
of course, the excess oxygen. We have an optimum range of WILLIAM A. KELLY (Grace Davison):
0.5 to 1% in the flue gas. This needs to be monitored closely, A process variable not mentioned is slurry recycle, which
and is the primary control. All the other factors would be has the highest aromatic sulfur content of any stream in
additive on top of the reductions from excess oxygen. As the FCC unit, and can greatly affect SOx, emissions.



DELBERT F. TOLEN (Rocky Mountain Salvage &

Equipment Company):
A lot of the NO, is formed in the regenerator on catalyst
particles that have very high surface temperatures. So
improvements in the stripper design will frequently lower
the NO, emissions.

How can “fouling” of hot gas expander on flue gas
power recovery units be prevented?

If fouling of the expander unit refers to fouling with
catalyst fines, the best way to prevent this is to use high-
efficiency cyclones, insure that the temperature-pressure
envelope of the cyclones is not exceeded during operation;
and install a well-designed third stage separator before the
their regenerator flue gas? How reliable are they and
expander. This installation should also be instrumented to
what is the frequency of calibration or maintenance
bypass the expander if a catalyst release from the re-
generator occurs.
Fouling of FCC expanders can be avoided by removing all We have used the Foxboro 931C analyzer and an Applied
the catalyst from the gas stream, an event that we do not Automation gas chromatograph, and both have proven to be
think is likely to occur very soon. So we try to eliminate the very reliable. The Foxboro analyzer has a self-cleaning
catalyst, as much as practical, using third-stage separators. filter with an eductor. We believe that this addition is
Investigations are underway to prove ceramic candle filters responsible for the current reliability. Both units are ser-
and other high temperature separation technology for po- viced on a monthly basis.
tential use in this service. However, none has been com-
mercialized as yet, to my knowledge. OSBORN:
Elliott has designed a system that detects catalyst dumps We have a Lear Seigler EX-4700A “Energy Expert” gas
and opens a partial bypass line that preferentially allows analyzer to monitor the CO, CO 2 , and moisture in the
hot catalyst to be diverted away from the expander. regenerator flue gas. Control and diagnostic functions are
One major utility is installing a demonstration unit to accomplished via a UNICON 700 Universal Control unit. It
permit testing of particulate control devices similar to work has been very reliable. We typically recalibrate prior to test
previously done with the candle filters. Granular bed filters runs and rarely otherwise. However, accuracy has not been
are also being investigated. of great concern, due to the high excess 02 levels we typi-
cally run (2.5-3.0 %).
We have experienced flue gas expander fouling problems PAUBLES:
on our unit since the start-up in 1974. As stated earlier, We also use a Lear Siegler stack gas analyzer on the flue
thermal cycling was formerly used to remove catalyst fines gas, which monitors CO and CO2. We do not experience any
from the expander blades, but was discontinued. We cur- significant maintenance problems. However, the instru-
rently use walnut hull injection upstream of the expander ment is complicated enough that we use the manufacturer’s
on a periodic basis, as dictated by photographic obser- technicians for routine maintenance, rather than train
vations of buildup and unit vibrations. in-house personnel. This routine maintenance is required
two to three times a year.
We agree that you need to keep the catalyst out of the PEDERSEN:
expander or live with thermal quenches. One interesting At Mongstad we have installed a combined CO/CO 2
note is that we were operating a unit with severe afterburn, analyzer, a Siemeus Ultramat 22 P. Typical concentrations
and we did not have appreciable fouling of the flue gas of CO and CO2 are 5% and 15% respectively. The analyzer
expander. Once the afterburn was controlled, the expander itself is reliable and stable. It requires little maintenance
began to foul. We believe the reason for this may be that besides a monthly calibration. Our problem seems to be the
each time we added CO promoter we were essentially sample loop, which frequently plugs with catalyst fines.
performing rapid quenches and unknowingly keeping the
expander clean. ROY:
We analyze our FCC flue gas at our CO boiler stack. We
have three analyzers in this service, a Lear-Seigler
QUESTION 31: SM-8100A for SO, and NO,, a Lear-Seigler EX-4700A for
What type/brand of on stream analyzer do other CO, CO2, and H2S, and a Lear-Seigler Dynatrum 401 for
refineries use in monitoring oxygen, CO and CO2 in oxygen. These are reliable by our standards, but do require



routine maintenance every two weeks, and it is done by our cycle oil pumparound, which provides reboiler heat for the
in-house personnel. stripper tower. The chemical injection is primarily to pre-
vent fouling in the stripper reboiler, but part of the stream
J. WILLIAMS: returns to the fractionator just above the bottom section
Westinghouse Model 1500 has good reviews for oxygen shed decks, resulting in the chemical also treating the
and SO2, and gets very good reviews for reliability. Beck- slurry stream.
man Model 865 is common for CO and CO2. Opacity was not The debutanizer has two parallel reboilers, each of which
mentioned here, but Westinghouse has very good reviews can be removed from service and cleaned as necessary
for reliability in that situation as well. without a unit shutdown. The gasoline or shell sides of our
debutanizer reboilers do not normally experience fouling.
For oxygen analysis we use Yokogama analyzers. We KEVIN R. PROOPS (Conoco Inc.):
have had very little maintenance required on these units. A couple of additional comments on gasoline side fouling.
Certainly corrosion upstream can contribute. We have had
some problems in units with free water getting to the
QUESTION 32: debutanizer which is coming over from the stripper. I would
How is fouling in FCC debutanizer reboilers (both suggest looking for entrained water in the stripper feed in
tower side and tube side) being controlled with the that case, and possibly preheating the stripper feed.
advent of low RVP gasoline requirements? Also, as you go to low RVP gasoline, you increase the
boilup in the debutanizer and may have problems with
MURPHY: hydraulics if you have a thermosiphon reboiler. It may be
The first step was to determine the source of the reboiler appropriate to increase the circulation by reducing the
foulant. If it is corrosion byproducts, get to the root cause of pressure drop in that loop.
the byproduct formation with an effective corrosion control Finally, in one revamp we have gone to a once-through
program. A study of polymer formation can also be used to operation on the gasoline side, which involves adding a
find out whether a radical terminator or an ion or polymer trapout tray to the tower. This reduces both the residence
dispersant is needed to control excessive fouling on the time and gasoline temperature.
gasoline side.
For the hot oil side, again look at the root cause of the
problem, such as insufficient flow velocity, and address
that. If these process changes do not solve the problem, B. Residual Oil Upgrading-
chemical additives have been used successfully to address Delayed Coking
problems found to be caused by the composition of the feed
stream. Economics dictate the appropriate response.
Does anyone have experience in using remote
We have recently replaced the fired reboiler oil heater
operated block valves in delayed coking units, with
system with a slurry oil heat-integrated design and new
the purpose of reducing the time spent in the coke
debutanizer. We have been monitoring the traditional
drum switch?
slurry side variables that we have talked about before,
including not exceeding the 680 ºF pool temperature and
the gravity of the slurry oil being limited to no heavier than RAJGURU:
a -6” API. We have used remote operated, motor operated valves as
I agree with the previous comments about the gasoline well as air operated valves, in our delayed coker designs.
side of the reboiler. However, the purpose is not so much for reducing cycle

At one of our refineries we have experienced fouling on
the gasoline side of the debutanizer reboiler. Several years
ago we discontinued injecting a corrosion inhibitor in the
tower reflux and began putting it in the tower overhead
vapor line prior to the condensers. Since doing this we have
seen the run length on the reboiler go from 6 months to 1%

Debutanizer reboiler fouling occurs on the tube side
(slurry) of our Pasadena unit. The fouling is primarily from
catalyst carryover from the fractionator, and not from cok-
ing. Maintaining a maximum of 670 ºF on the slurry leav-
ing the fractionator minimizes coking. We inject a chemical
dispersanffantifoulant into the fractionator intermediate



time, since valve movement takes only a few minutes, but drop does not appear to justify the net incremental capital
for improved operator safety. cost associated with packing over trays.

The Wilson-Snyder multi outlet switch valve commonly We agree with Mr. Sloan. We have no experience with
used for this service is not designed for a motorized ac- packing in our coker fractionators. We would not use it
tuator. The problem of automating this valve is related to below the gas oil draw tray due to the risk of heavy fouling
the fact that in order to open the valve, a set of nuts, which below this tray. We already see fouling in the towers from
pressurize the valve plug must be loosened, then another time to time with the trays that we have.
set must be tightened to loosen the plug valve in the body. We do use spray nozzles in the fractionators, however.
After changing the valve position, these operations are They are located above the fractionator baffles below the
repeated in the opposite sequence. gas oil draw tray. Their primary function is to wash out
We do not see any technical problem with automating particulate material from the coke drum vapors and also to
this operation. However, high reliability and safety must act as a coke drum quench. These particular spray nozzle
continue to be the main driving force in this operation. installations were able to use either distillate or gas oil as
the wash medium. And like most other things in cokers, we
BONELLI: found out that you need to keep a continuous flow through
I agree with Mr. Rajguru, that operator safety concerns them.
preclude reducing cycle times. The valves we use in this
service are Pacific ball valves. However, they are still prone JERRY LACATENA (Foster Wheeler USA Corp.):
to sticking and not seating completely during the switch so Our “ultra-low recycle operation” design employs a wash
an operator is always present to make sure the valves zone spray chamber to contact coke drum overhead vapors
switch and seat completely. with wash oil. This is part of our strategy for designing
maximum liquids cokers characterized by low recycle
JERRY LACATENA (Foster Wheeler USA Corporation): ratios and low pressures. At low wash rates associated with
We are aware of one client using remote operated block these low recycle cokers, trays are typically not suitable
valves for the switch and steam purge valves in the coke because they would tend to coke due to insufficient wetting.
structure. However, it is more common to have locally Even in clean conditions, the pressure drop for trays in this
motor operated valves in these services. An operator in the zone, would be too high.
structure is important during the switch to confirm that Therefore, we believe a spray chamber is the proven best
the valves are being turned. Switch valves can also be choice. With proper design of the wide angle spray nozzles,
motor operated. Ball type switch valves are commonly the refiner can more accurately control the amount of wash
supplied with motor operators, and the Wilson Snyder oil required to contact the vapors and consequently, the
Valve can be purchased with hydraulic operators and a amount of recycle back to the coker heater. To maximize
motor drive. distillate products by going to low pressure, low recycle
operations, we have performed revamps to coker frac-
tionators removing the wash zone trays and installing
QUESTION 34: spray chamber designs. We use packing in coker frac-
What are the experiences with packing and spray tionators predominately in revamped designs when the
nozzles in the coker fractionator? Please discuss risks refiner wants to increase the capacity of the delayed coker
and pressure drop comparisons. or significantly change crude feed/operations. Typically,
structured packing replaces existing sieve or valve trays,
SLOAN: enabling the fractionator to handle increased load. We do
Packing has been succssfully used in coker frac- have reservations concerning use of packing in the wash
tionators above the HGO pumparound section. Because of zone of coker fractionators designed for maximum liquid
the concern with coking, packing is not recommended yields, because of the increased tendency to coke that
below the HGO draw off. We are aware of some units where section.
packing has been used in the HGO pumparound section,
but results have been mixed. In most instances, packing
was installed as part of a revamp to obtain additional tower QUESTION 35:
capacity to increase the unit throughput. What is the typical run length between outages for
In general, packing has several benefits over trays, such furnace decoking? How do you judge the need to
as lower pressure drop, higher capacity, and higher heat spall versus a full decoking?
transfer efficiency. At the same time, packed tower design
must take into account unique coker operating conditions, BONELLI:
such as the presence of coke particles in product streams We typically run for 9 to 12 months between furnace
and the units cyclical nature. decokings on both of our cokers. We use furnace tube skin
We have recently looked at the use of packing in a temperatures and coil P in conjunction with visual in-
grassroot coker fractionator for low pressure coker designs. spection of the tubes to determine when we need to decoke
Our results indicate that there is only a marginal economic the furnace. Both of our existing coker furnaces are of the
incentive for the use of packing in a coker fractionator in plug-header design, so we mechanically clean these fur-
this situation. The incremental gas oil yield obtained when naces by hydroblasting and running an air-motor driven
operating coke drums at about 1 to 1.5 psi lower pressure knocker through the tubes.



We are in the process of building a double fired, two pass, months between steam spalling episodes. We used to use
coker heater which will have the capability to on-line spall 450 psig steam injection to our primary heater, even at full
and also to steam and air decoke one pass at a time while charge rate. However, we determined that it is better to run
running the other. We believe that the information that without it at full charge rate. Since we took it out, our rate
people gain from operating their vacuum unit furnaces of rise in tube skin temperatures have fallen and we now
gives you a good indication of when you just need to spall get longer runs between spalling and decoking.
and when you need to do a full decoking. The most probable reason for higher skin temperatures
with steam injection at maximum feed rate is that we need
BRIERLEY: to input more heat above design to compensate for the
While we do not have coker heaters, our bitumen fur- added steam flow through the heater. We continue to use
naces are in similar service. We no longer thermally decoke steam condensate injection to our auxiliary heater, since
our furnaces. We use pig decoking to clean the tubes. Pig we are normally below design charge rate on this one.
decoking has replaced steam air decoking because it has Generally when our tube skin temperatures reach
lower costs and much lower risk of damaging the tubes. You 1,300 °F, we decide that it is time to steam air decoke, or
can clean to bare metal and the time to complete the tube steam spall. The decision to spall versus decoke is based
cleaning is shorter and allows other maintenance activities upon skin temperatures, heater pressure drop, as well as
in parallel on other furnace components. current economics, and the opportunities of scheduling
other refinery units.
LAABS: At our Tyler refinery, the delayed coker has generally
One of our sites spalled on-line once, 9% months into the been run limited by fractionator wash zone fouling or
run. They were very pleased with the results and if sub- plugging, and not heater coking. Run lengths of over one
sequent instances also go well, they plan to stop decoking year have been very common without significant heater
between shutdowns. They spall when the heater skin tem- decoking. The unit will generally employ full decoking
peratures exceed 1,200 ºF unless there is a very short run, at which time spalling will
An affiliated site decokes their furnace on a yearly be used if minimum heater coking is expected.
schedule. The current run has extended to fourteen months
and they will decoke after another month of operation. SLOAN:
They do not spall their heaters, they do not feel the gain in Conventional single fired delayed coker heaters charg-
the heater life is worth the temporary cut-back in the ing virgin vacuum resid historically have exhibited run
delayed coker charge. lengths of about 9 to 12 months, or even longer, between
Another refinery has an average run length of 14 steam-air decoking. Today with delayed coker feedstocks
months. They spall the heater on-line when the skin tem- becoming heavier, run lengths are more difficult to main-
perature reaches 1,250 °F, and steam air decoke the tubes if tain with a conventional heater. However, with a modern
the skin temperature reaches 1,350 °F. double fired furnace utilizing on-line spalling, run lengths
A third affiliated refinery decokes during maintenance of 12 months or longer are possible even for these heavier
shutdowns on a 3 year schedule. feedstocks. In fact, some people have reported runs of up to
3 years.
MURPHY: On-line spalling is less than 100% effective and a per-
Our experience has shown that run lengths vary between centage of the pressure drop caused by coke laydown cannot
3 and 12 months with some exception seen at both ex- be recovered. Thus, the time between spallings tends to
tremes. One thing, to bear in mind though, contaminates in decrease over the heater run. Steam-air decoking becomes
the feed such as caustic can cause a significant reduction in necessary when the frequency of spalling becomes imprac-
run length. tical or when on-line spalling fails to reduce the tube wall
temperature enough. This will vary from unit to unit.
Unless we have numerous upsets, we are usually able to JERRY LACATENA (Foster Wheeler USA Corp.):
run 12 to 18 months without any problems. Steam spalling We define heater run length as the time between steam-
has not been successful in extending our run, so we rarely air decoking operations. Typical heater run lengths are 6 to
do it. Certainly, visual inspection and pressure drop across 12 months without the use of on-line spalling. The run
the heater are primary monitoring devices. Charge quality length of a coker heater is effected by feedstock quality,
certainly impacts the coking rates of heaters. continuous operating conditions, and frequency and han-
dling of upsets.
PEDERSEN: Our clients have reported an increase in coker heater run
Our typical run length is 7 to 8 months, limited by lengths due to the use of our on-line spalling technology.
maximum skin temperature of 1,200 °F. We always do a full Some of the clients have used on-line spalling techniques to
steam/air decoke and have never spalled. The reason is that continue operation of the unit until the unit is shutdown for
we have 5 chrome material in our furnace, where, at least a routine maintenance. Usually, once on-line spalling tech-
9 chrome coil is required for spalling. nology is added, the coker heater continues to be a key
determinant in setting unit run lengths and turnaround
ROY: schedules. Some of our clients have reported run lengths of
At our Pasadena unit we are achieving run lengths of 9 to 2 to 3 years with periodic use of on-line spalling. Most
13 months between steam air decoking processes and 4 to 6 refiners spall the heater several times before steam-air



decoking operations. These refiners typically steam air ROY:

decoke the heaters, once the unit has been shutdown for We run vacuum residue to our cokers and typical crudes
reasons other than the heater. are quite varied. To give you an example, we run ANS,
We recommend on-line spalling based on the following: Angolan, North-Sea and West Texas crudes at our Pasa-
1) when hydrocarbon coil tube skin temperature reaches dena refinery. We stay with mostly East Texas crudes for
1,250 °F, our Tyler refinery.
2) if the hydrocarbon coil inlet pressure becomes ele-
vated by as much as 30 to 50 psi above normal, or SUDHIR MENON (Nalco Chemicals India Ltd.):
3) if the coil hot spots are noticed. The problems of not having sodium in the feed cannot be
less emphasized. We had an experience with one of the
KRIK V. KRIKORIAN (KBC Advanced Technologies, refiners who was having a 45 day run length on the coker
Inc.): heaters and with the installation of the desalter they went
Yesterday, we discussed the design criteria for achieving to one year right away, all conditions remaining the same.
three year run lengths on vacuum unit furnaces when
operating at deep cuts at coil outlet temperatures as high as LUIS E. MARQUEZ (Maraven, S. A.)
815 °F Obviously, design technology is even more critical I think that there is no typical run length for decoking.
on a coker furnace due to the heavier feedstock and the As it was said before, it depends on feedstock quality,
more severe operating conditions which are sometimes in basically the sodium content when it is over 20ppm, and the
excess of 915 °F at the coil outlets. coke drum operating conditions. The run length could vary
Just a point of practical experience, we have recently between three months and two years based on this. The
revamped a coker furnace or a coker unit from atmospheric main objective for decoking is to reduce the skin wall
to vacuum residue when processing heavy Venezuelan temperature back to 950 °F, either by using on-line spalling
crudes. Apart from some of the other furnace modifications, or by steam-air decoking. There is sometimes when on-line
and as part of the revamp, we removed about 20% of the spalling is no longer practical and effective so steam-air
radiant tubes, to minimize both residence time and the decoking will be necessary.
conversion levels taking place in the coils.
Currently, the monthly increase in furnace skin tem- HIEU TRAN (Suncor, Inc. OSG):
perature is about half the rate before the revamp, and cycle I just want to make a comment about the pigging process.
lengths are expected to be doubled to over 12 months. Even In 1992 we tried pigging to remove coke deposits and
though the feed is significantly heavier and dirtier, and the fouling in one of our coker heaters. Pigging could not
heat flux is, in fact, marginally higher than before the completely remove the hard fouling inside the tubes.
revamp. Longitudinal stripes of fouling were left on the tubes’ inner
What type of feedstocks (atmospheric or vacuum resi- surfaces. When the heater was returned to service, the
dues) are being processed by the panelists and what are the rates of rise of tube metal temperatures (TMT or tube skin
origins of the crude slates, and their stolting contents and temperatures) in the radiant section were doubled and in
their feedstock? effect the run length was halved. Convection tubes’ TMT
did not show any change in rate of rise. As a result, we have
BONELLI: discontinued pigging in the radiant sections. Only the
We coke vacuum residue in both of our cokers. The convection sections are annually pigged to clean up fouling
refineries’ crude slate typically contains Illinois basin, and coke deposit.
Patoka sweet, a little bit of light Louisiana, with the bal-
ance either North Sea or Middle Eastern crudes. Our crude BONELLI:
gravities are generally no lower than 34” API and metals One of the things that might have happened, depending
content of our crudes are reasonably low. on your feedstock quality, is that the material laid down on
the furnace tube walls can be an amorphous iron sulfide.
LAABS: That material is much more difficult to remove than coke
Star’s Port Arthur Refinery typically runs almost exclu- and it also has a much lower thermal conductivity.
sively Saudi heavy - Saudi light crude. The Delaware City
Refinery has a fluid coker, which is a slightly different
situation and it is running Venezuelan, Egyptian, and QUESTION 36:
Arabian Crudes. Some of the California cokers are using What is your experience with the use of additives
the heavy Californian crudes. for the control of furnace fouling in delayed cokers?
Does anyone have clear evidence of their effec-
OSBORN: tiveness? Has any additive been found to be par-
We coke vacuum residue from Montana Mix, Alaskan ticularly good?
North Slope, and Mid-Continent Crudes. Typically, 8” to 10
API, 18 to 20 Conradson carbon content, and a viscosity of MURPHY:
about 5,000 SUS at 210. Chemical additives have been used successfully for more
than 10 years in various plants across the country. How-
PEDERSEN: ever, adding a chemical additive is only a part of the delayed
We feed North Sea type of atmospheric residue to the coker-heater coking control program. An approach which
coker in combination with heavy cycle oil from the RCC- addresses nonchemical modifications, is used in those
unit. plants with successful programs.



Important key variables are identified and controls are operator reported good success with the additives and felt
established for both unit operation and chemical additive that the cost was far out weighed by the benefits. Other
addition. We have found feedstock composition plays an reports ranged from, “no effect”, to “there was a benefit but
important role in the coking rates in the furnace. Adjust- our operation is so variable due to feed and operating
ments are needed to compensate for the type of coke pro- changes that the benefit just paid for cost of additive, if
duced and the type of feed introduced to the unit. As these there was any help at all”.
feeds change, so must the operation and perhaps the chemi-
cal additive program.
Based on feedstock characteristics and unit operating QUESTION 37:
conditions, one or more separate additional anticoking What has been the experience in coking units
components may be used as part of the program to com- when drilling directly to crushers or conveyors?
pensate for more severe coking tendencies.
BONELLI: At our Tyler refinery we drill directly into a crusher car
Antifoulants effectiveness, we have found to be quite feed that discharges through the bottom into a coke pit. Con-
property dependent. We have been evaluating coker anti- veyors in the coke pit move the coke directly into rail cars.
foulants off and on since 1968. We have not yet found one After initial modifications, this system has performed quite
that is economically attractive. well for over thirteen years.
We are currently evaluating antifoulants from a number
of different vendors for our coker furnaces. We have com- SLOAN:
pleted one trial, again, not a successful trial, in terms of its Drilling of coke from the drum directly to a crusher is
economic impact. One of the things that we have found in commonly used for hydraulic coke handling. In fact, this is
antifoulant testing is reflective ofwhat you have just heard, the preferred way to discharge coke from a coke drum with
and that is that you have to also recognize feed property particle sizes suitable for hydraulic coke handling.
changes and the operating changes may push you into However, for other coke handling schemes, a fixed
another coking regime. crusher located remotely from the coke drum is a preferred
solution. This makes the crusher installation less costly,
LAABS: more reliable, and easier to maintain. The scheme also
Tube coking in the delayed coking unit of an affiliated tends to produce less fines.
site has been reduced through the use of Champion Tech- Discharging coke from the drum directly to a conveyor is
nologies RP-301 antifoulant in conjunction with velocity not recommended. The only type of conveyor which can
steam. accept the impact of the large coke lumps and wet condition
Antifoulant from Betz was used during the beginning of operation is an “apron conveyor” which is made of metal
and the end of the recent furnace run at another affiliated plates. Operation of this type of conveyor requires high
refinery. This particular run had a clearly improved fur- maintenance. Kellogg has an installation with an apron
nace life, but the local engineers are not sure whether the conveyor below a crusher, but not directly below a coke
success was due to the chemical injection or to the variable drum.
nature of coking.
ROY: Fluor Daniel has designed cokers to crush the coke as it
We are currently using Nalco 5270 antifoulant at our falls from the drum and then use a water slurry system to
Pasadena coker unit, and have been using it for quite a few transfer the coke to storage area. Experience shows that a
years. We noticed that when skin tube temperatures begin deliberate, measured pace is required for coke cutting
to rapidly rise, for what ever reason, we seem to be able to, operation. Rushing the operator will allow the large
at times, control or arrest this rate of rise by temporarily chunks to fall into the crusher and jam the operation.
increasing the antifoulant injection until the rate of in- Experienced operators can watch the amperage on the
crease of skin tube temperature slows down. crusher and the movement of the drill stem to stay out of
Recently, however, we had a unit upset which caused a trouble. We do not have any experience when coke is dis-
rapid rise in tube skin temperature which we were not able charged directly to the conveyors.
to retard by increase antifoulant injection and eventually
had to steam spall the heater, Interestingly, it seems that THOMAS L. HRABAN (Conoco, Inc.):
increased antifoulant works better if the tubes are rela- Conoco has one coker and two client coker units that drill
tively clean, and works less effectively as coke lay down directly into the crushers. All three units work very well in
builds up. meeting the needs of the individual refineries. From the
Anti-foulant seems to be more of a preventive measure crusher, the coke is either hydraulically conveyed or loaded
than one that would help you once you have progressed to a directly into a rail car. Conoco has been able to operate with
bad situation. We have reduced our rate of tube skin tem- a 93% stream factor on the coker on 12 hour cycles.
perature rise from 3º to 4°F/day, using no antifoulants, to
about 0.5” to 1°/day using Nalco 5270.
SLOAN: The metallurgy of our coker heater tubes is
Our survey of several of our licensees indicates a wide 9Cr-1 M O. for which the maximum skin temperature
range of experience with these additives. At least one allowed is 1250 °F. Currently, the heater outlet tem-



perature is 935 ºF. If we alonize our heaters tubes, Either steam compensate or treated boiler feed water can
what advantages are expected compared to the pres- be used.
ent service? What is the maximum skin temperature
allowed with this tube material? BONELLI:
We inject superheated 600 lb steam into the radiant coils
BRIERLEY: for velocity control on both of our cokers.
Alonized tubes would provide increased resistance to
high temperature sulfur and naphthenic acid attack. How- JUNO:
ever, if there are any chlorides or chlorine in the process I have seen water injection utilized to increase velocity
stream, the diffused aluminum layer will be attacked. One and reduce coke formation in the furnace tubes of delayed
vendor has suggested to me that alonized steels are accept- coking furnaces. An overall approach is needed to model
able if chlorides are present at levels less than about 300 the furnace and minimize the residence time at cracking
ppm, and if sulfur is present, less than 1000 ppm is accept- temperatures in order to reduce coke formation. Mechan-
able. Calculation of maximum skin temperature requires a ical changes to the tube size in the furnace may have a much
detailed mechanical analysis, we cannot do here. more profound effect than the use of velocity, water, or
RAJGURU: This is an area where one cannot generalize on the effect
Alonizing 9 chrome 1 molybdenum tubes usually only of steam without an accurate idea of the tube by tube
helps in corrosion resistance for a few years. Ultimately, velocities, and reaction kinetics in the furnace. I might also
the aluminum in the alonizing layer will tend to diffuse into add that one advantage of putting either water or steam
the tubes at high temperature and thus depleting the into the furnace is that if you have a situation where your
original alonizing layer. Alonizing will not increase the charge pumps quit operating, you do have steam to sweep
maximum permissible skin temperature. In coker heaters, through your furnace and keep the oil moving and not have
alonizing is said to have cut down on coke deposits in the a stagnant fluid condition.
Two of our refineries are currently using water injection
QUESTIONS 39: in individual heater passes. One of the sites is injecting
Is there any experience in injecting water to in- boiler feed water into the tubes, at a maximum rate of 1.5
crease velocity and reduce coke formation in furnace gallons/minute. They use an automatic control system cas-
tubes? caded to the internal pressure of each individual pass to
manage the amount of water that is injected.
ROY: An affiliate site uses condensate for this service and they
In our auxiliary coker heater at Pasadena, we use steam typically run 2 to 3 gallons/minute through each heater
condensate instead of steam injection in order to increase tube.
velocity through the heater. This we do along with anti- Another site changed from using water to steam for the
foulant injection. We do not notice any difference in tube service. They inject 600 psig steam into each individual
skin temperature rise using condensate as opposed to using pass of the heater. Each injection point is on flow control so
steam, when below heater maximum throughput rates. that a target pass inlet pressure is maintained.
Nalco claims that at maximum heater flow rate, an
annular mist flow regime is created which is not effective JERRY LACATENA (Foster Wheeler USA Corp.):
for reduction of fouling in a coker heater. However, we put We have seen coker heater injection with either con-
the condensate into the heater with a positive displacement densate or steam. Steam is preferred for injection into the
pump which causes flow pulsation and consequent tem- coils, but the pressure levels required to gain entrance are
perature fluctuations. generally too high, necessitating the use of condensate. We
We are considering switching to steam or a centrifugal agree that it is important to keep the tube velocity suf-
pump to smoothen the flow. The tube skin rises with con- ficiently high to maintain turbulence in the tubes to reduce
densate are similar to those with steam, about 0.5” to coke deposition, and increased run time. We also warn
lo/day, as well as similar rate of increase of pressure drop clients not to use untreated boiler feed water because it
across the heater. would tend to foul.
At our Tyler refinery we routinely inject high pressure
deaerated condensate into the charge heater. The amount PAUL J. ELLIS (Great Lakes Carbon Corporation):
of water is varied to control the pressure drop across the One of the problems with condensation (water) injection
heater between 280 to 300 psi. directly into the tubes of the coker furnace is that the water
can be injected in slugs intermittently if gas pockets are
SLOAN: formed in the piping. The pressure in the coker tube fur-
Steam or water is commonly injected into the radiant nace throbs (goes up and down) so the pressure can hold
coils of coker furnaces to improve coil velocities. Typical back the water flow compressing the air in the pocket.
injection rates vary between 250 and 750 pounds per hour Then, when the pressure decreases in the tube, a slug of
per coil. Steam injection normally offers the simplest de- water will be injected. The water will flash to steam, and
sign, but water can be used if the steam is not available at the resultant bubble of steam will displace the oil. The
high enough pressure. If water is used, it must be free of steam having a lower specific heat will allow the tube wall
contaminates that will deposit inside the furnace tubes. to suddenly increase in temperature and then when the oil



again touches the wall a thin film of carbon will be laid that utilizes feedback from drum quench operations into a
down, eventually causing the furnace tube to foul. programmed controller to keep drum stresses due to
quenching within limits. The system is designed to recog-
nize the non-ideality of coke drum quench operations.
What improvements have been made to reduce STANLEY CARP (The UNO-VEN Company):
top head vapors during the unheading cycle? Referring back to the acoustic emissions testing, we
recently completed some testing on a couple of our drums
OSBORN: and it did provide some valuable information in regards to
We have four thermocouples staged throughout our the cooling and heat up cycles of the drums.
drums. Our standard policy is to not unhead unless all four
are reading below 200 °F. However, there is still some THOMAS L. HRABAN (Conoco, Inc.):
steam. The 200ºF temperature is achieved by a second fill Conoco commonly uses two methods to optimize the
of the drum during the cool down cycle with the water quench cycle versus the metal stresses of the coke drum.
overflowing to the coke pit. One method is to use the unit computer control system to
ramp the quench water rate over the quench cycle. The
BONELLI: second method is to adjust the quench water rate based on
At our cokers we have tried a number of things and never the coke drum pressure. Conoco has studied the drum
found an effective one until we recently modified the coke stresses and identified the operating guidelines to mini-
drum top head flange nozzle itself, to increase the distance mize the metal stresses.
between the top head flange and the coke bed. In the nozzle
below the top head flange we have installed a quench water
ring which has a two inch line that allows us to put quench
water directly into the nozzle when we first unhead the What feedstock analyses are used to predict de-
drum. We can also put steam into that ring in case we have layed coke quality such as; bulk density, volatile
a bad quench cycle and need to control some vapors out of combustible material (VCM) and fines production?
the top head of the drum. What processing changes can be made to improve
This has proven to be effective in quenching the residual coke quality?
steam that used to flood the drill deck when we unheaded
the coke drums. ROY:
We have observed VCM to be the only parameter in the
question that is affected by feedstock property, namely API
gravity. The higher the feedstock API gravity, the higher
the VCM for a constant coke drum vapor line temperature.
What improvements have been made to the
Decrease of 1 wt% VCM requires an increase of 7 ºF to 9 °F
quench procedure to reduce drum thermal stresses
coke drum vapor line temperature. Decreasing cycle time
without increasing cycle time? Is there any experi-
by 6 hours, increases coke VCM by 1 wt%.
ence with multiple quench water injection?
Bulk density of the coke is a function of the amount of
steam in the heater. The higher the steam, the greater the
OSBORN: bulk density. Fines production is a function of the amount
We feel that it is important to maintain the chamber of water used for drilling. If the drill nozzles are worn out
pressure near normal operating pressure during the cool causing less back pressure on the pump, and hence more
down cycle. This is accomplished by adjusting the steam water to flow for a fixed drilling cycle time, more fines will
and water injection rates. We have only one injection point. be produced.
I am aware of a technology called Acoustic Emissions For other processing changes that can be made to im-
Monitoring. Basically it consists of installation of numer- prove coke quality, please look up Mr. Norm Lieberman’s
ous temperature indicators on the drum walls. It is pri- article in Oil and Gas Journal, dated March 10, 1986, pg.
marily used to evaluate mechanical integrity on-line, for 53.
cracks or potential crack areas. However, it can also be used
during the cool down cycle to monitor cycle consistency, and Rules of Thumb for Delayed Cokers
through calculations create a stress profile in the drum. 1. Each 8 psi reduction in coke drum pressure reduces coke
yield on feed by 1.0 wt%. (The term feed refers to fresh
JERRY LACATENA (Foster Wheeler USA Corp.): resid).
In a new delayed coker design, the quench cycle is set to 2. Each 8 psi reduction in coke drum pressure increases
minimize the coke drum thermal stress by controlled steam liquid yields by 1.3 vol% on feed.
and water injection. For a revamp or increased capacity 3. Each 10 ºF increase in coke drum vapor line tempera-
unit operating on a short cycle, Foster Wheeler has incor- ture increases gas and distillate by 1.1 vol% on feed.
porated both quench water injection at the top of the coke 4. Each 10 ºF increase in coke drum vapor line tempera-
drum and has also provided alternate quench locations at ture decreases coke yield by 0.8 wt% on feed.
the drum knuckle. In this way, cooling around the conical 5. Each decrease of 1.0 wt% VCM requires an increase of 7
section of the drum can be controlled better, as this point in to 9 °F coke drum vapor line temperature.
the drum tends to have the highest thermal stress. Foster 6. Reducing recycle by 10% on feed reduces coke yields by
Wheeler has also patented an advanced control concept 1.2 wt% on feed.



customers to produce some proprietary testing methods.

There are other indicators of coke quality rather than just
Conradson carbon. I encourage you to go search for them,
you will find them.
I have one addition to the previous comments regarding
iron and coke. We made a concerted effort in both of our
cokers to reduced the iron content of our coke. We dis-
covered that operating the desalter in a mode to remove the
tramp iron solids that had come in with our crude oil was
effective in improving coke quality. However, the solids
overwhelmed our API separators and wastewater treat-
ment plant. So we have not been successful at reducing our
I also agree with Mr. Roy’s comments on the literature in
coking providing some insight in how to improve your coke
quality. One other thing, we have found fines production to
be a maintenance problem at our facility. It is related to the
output water pressure, the decoking water pump, and the
7. Reducing the virgin gas oil content of coker feed by 10% condition of the nozzles in the cutting tool. If those are
reduces coke yield by 1.5 wt% on feed. rigorously maintained, it is not generally a problem for us.
8. Reducing coke yield by 1.0 wt% on feed raises liquid
yields by 1.5 vol% on feed. OSBORN:
9. Decreasing cycle time by 6 hours increases coke VCM by Basically, I would echo what most everybody said. Cer-
1.0 wt%. tainly, poor condition of the cutting nozzles will sometimes
One item that is not mentioned in the article is iron in increase fines as will poor cutting technique. You need to be
coke. Reducing the crude atmospheric tower overhead cor- sure that the stem is continually moving downward and
rosion rate and reducing iron coming into the crude by hitting in an area at least 18” away from the previous spot.
proper desalter operation can significantly decrease iron in Additionally, Great Lakes Carbon performs a test called
the product coke. the coefficient of thermal expansion. They can laboratory
pot coke crudes or coker charge, and do that determination
PEDERSEN: and give a good idea of what quality the coke will be for
We produce anodegrade coke with relatively low sulfur many different crudes.
and low reactivity specifications. We are concerned about
the density, viscosity, Conradson carbon residue, sulfur, JERRY LACATENA (Foster Wheeler Engineering)
sodium, calcium and vanadium in the feedstocks. Bulk density, volatile combustible material (VCM) and
Feedstock density, viscosity and Conradson carbon are fines production depend more on coke drum operating
relevant to predict product yields. Sulfur, sodium, calcium, conditions than feedstock quality. For a constant set of coke
and vanadium are of concern to keep sulfur and reactivities drum operating conditions, the boiling range, asphaltene
within coke specifications. Increasing the aromaticity in content, and aromaticity of the feed can influence these
the feed will directionally decrease the bulk density of the coke properties. However changes in coke drum operating
coke. conditions can negate some of these effects.
Soft coke and fines production are usually associated In general, increasing the coking temperature will re-
with high VCM coke. We like to keep our coke VCM duce the VCM, increase bulk density, coke hardness, and
between 7 and 9 wt%. reduce fines production.
Results from pilot plant tests show that coke VCM de-
pends upon the following coking conditions: QUESTION 43:
(1) Drum vapor outlet temperature What has been the recent experience with ad-
(2) drum operating pressure and recycle ratio. vanced control systems on cokers to minimize oper-
Decreasing the drum outlet temperature, or the recycle ational upsets during drum switching and warm-up
ratio, increases the coke VCM. Lowering the drum oper- phases of the coking cycle?
ating pressure has a small effect towards production of
harder coke. LAABS:
Drum cycle time is also known to have a significant effect We have had success with this type of advanced control
on coke VCM. It is generally accepted that reducing the on the delayed coking unit at an affiliated refinery. The
cycle time by 4 hours will raise the coke VCM by approxi- coker is a two drum unit, which is likely to have more severe
mately 1%. fractionator and recovery section upsets than a four drum
unit. They use fractionator top reflux flow rate as a mea-
BONELLI: sure of tower slump during the switch and warm-up pro-
The principal analysis we use for coke quality prediction cedures. The advanced control system installed on this unit
is the Conradson carbon residue test on vacuum residual has been able to control the top reflux rate within 20% of
charge to the cokers. We have worked with one of our coke the desired optimum immediately following the drum



switch, when the upset is at its most severe. The overhead SLOAN:
product quality control is maintained during this time. Reducing throughput ratio has a direct impact on HGO
We also have another site that is implementing multi- quality. As less gas oil is refluxed below the HGO draw pan
variable control for this service. They are confident that the to wash coke drum vapors, contaminates such as metals,
installation will stabilize operation and improve unit CCR, and coke tines increase in the HGO product. Pressure
profitability. The project payback is estimated at 1 year. reduction has similar effects but to a lesser extent.
Traditional designs normally produce HGO product with
BONELLI: an endpoint less than 1000 ºF, a metal content of about 0.5
We also commissioned an advanced control on our de- ppmw, and 0.3 to 0.5 wt% CCR. For a low pressure, low
layed coker several years ago to do a hands off switch. Once recycle operation endpoints typically exceed 1000 °F and
the operator initiated coke drum switch, he could sit and metals and CCR levels just about double. In addition to
watch the coker switch itself. One of the problems we had affecting HGO quality, reducing recycle can also increase
was that coker operation is not the most stable in the the tendency of making shot coke.
refinery and it was frequently difficult for the advanced Minimizing coke drum overhead line quench is critical
control to determine what was operating and what was a for a low recycle operation and Kellogg normally specifies
coke drum switch, so that was a tuning problem for us. additional temperature indications in the line to maintain
We also used a number of different variables to have the adequate quench control. However, to our knowledge ex-
control initiate switch. What we found was that the control cessive coking in the overhead line has not been a sig-
was extremely maintenance-intensive in terms of re- nificant problem for refiners operating at low recycle. In
quiring control engineer’s time. We no longer use the con- any case, facilities to clean the overhead line are normally
trol because we are not able to economically justify the provided.
manpower to keep it up to date.


I will just add that the payback on these systems has been What limits the reduction in throughput ratio and/
so good that a lot of operators are installing them on their or coke drum operating pressure?
cokers almost as a matter of course without going through
full economic justification. SLOAN:
There are different limitations associated with reducing
FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT (SETPOINT, Inc.): recycle and reducing coke drum operating pressure. I will
I just want to give a little bit of information about how the address the recycle issue first. As noted in the previous
coke drum switch controls actually work. What you do is response, coker HGO quality is directly affected by the
you model the dynamic behavior of the unit in various throughput ratio. HGO metals or CCR limitations and
modes responding to the cycle key steps, such as the ad- down stream hydroprocessing units often set the limit for
dition of steam, warm-up, cool-down - all the issues. reducing recycle.
Then, you must identify some method of detecting the If higher HGO metals and CCR levels are acceptable,
transition; either, by some switch, etc. that is occurring in then recycle control itself can become a limit. Accurate
the cycle or some variable moving. With the models that control of the coke drum overhead line quench is essential
were identified earlier, a zero gain impulse is input to the as I mentioned previously. In addition, careful con-
feed forward models to simulate the disturbance-which is sideration must be given to the design of the fractionator.
then minimized with the controller. These can be imple- Kellogg normally provides a heat shield between the hot
mented either in a traditional feed forward sense (which vapor inlet and the bottom surge zone of the fractionator to
SETPOINT has been doing for a number of years) or in a prevent unwanted condensation of recycled material on the
multivariable controller as recently done on two coking. cold liquid surface. Resid feed is also normally fed below the
bottoms liquid level for the same reason.
Reducing coke drum operating pressure is more a ques-
tion of economics. As pressure is reduced, the coke drums,
fractionator, wet gas compressor and piping in between all
How do low pressure and/or low throughput ratio become larger and more expensive. The additional cost
affect: HGO quality, coke quality, and overhead line associated with lower pressure must be offset by the benefit
coking? of reduced coke yield. Our experience, has been that coke
drum operating pressures, as low as 15 psig, can be jus-
PEDERSEN: tified. However, many factors can impact the economics and
The most significant effect of lowered drum operating the selection of coke drum pressure should be made on a
pressure is the increase in heavy gas oil production and case by case basis. Normally, a coke drum pressure sig-
corresponding decrease in coke and gas yields. A slight nificantly less than 15 psi will be difficult to justify.
increase in heavy gas oil density is observed.
Lower recycle ratio significantly increases the produc- PEDERSEN:
tion of heavy gas oil with a slightly lower density. With the Our fractionator has one side stream, heavy coker gas oil,
relatively small variations in recycle ratio we can operate and a top stream which is fed to the hydrogenation unit.
within, we have not observed any effect on overhead line Lowering the recycle ratio increases heavy gas oil produc-
coking. tion at the expense of top stream yield. The value of the



hydrogenated products compared to the value of the heavy coke, please comment on the following:
gas oil is the determining factor. In other words, economics l the use of clarified oil;
will set the priorities. Increases in coke VCM by reducing l the use of outlet temperature;
recycle ratio is another factor of concern. l coker operating variables including recycle ratio,
A reduction in recycle ratio can be achieved by a re- drum pressure, and heater outlet temperature;
duction of the heater feed throughput or an increase in l when are process changes made during the coking
fresh feed throughput. Reducing the feed rate to the fur- cycle to prevent shot coke?
nace reduces the velocity and increases coke laydown in the l what is the experience with use of deep cut vacuum
tubes. Increasing fresh feed throughput may be limited by distillation (1100 ºF) on formation of shot coke?
pump capacity or by allowable heat flux in the furnace.
Drum operating pressure is, in our case, limited by the SLOAN:
lack of a wet gas compressor. In general, reduction of drum Shot coke production is influenced by both the feedstock
operating pressure should be considered for maximizing quality and coker operating conditions. The feedstock fac-
liquid yields. tors which increase the tendency to form shot coke are high
specific gravity, high Conradson carbon and high as-
BONELLI: phaltene content. Therefore, any attempts to improve re-
Messrs. Sloan and Pedersen have covered most of the covery of heavy vacuum gas oil using deep cut vacuum
design criteria. In existing cokers, when you are attempt- distillation are likely to result in the production of shot
ing to revamp for lower pressure coke drum operation, coke for many feedstocks. Several refiners have observed
existing gas compressors need to be thoroughly researched this in their cokers. Shot coke production can be reduced by
to be sure that they can achieve operation at the low suction mixing FCC slurry in the fresh feed. However, this can
pressure required. Again, the need to replace the associ- create the potential for recycle between the coker and
ated piping and compressor parts between the coke drum FCCU if coker gas oil is processed in the FCCU.
and the outlet of the unit header, frequently are economi- Shot coke production can also be reduced by varying
cally unattractive. coker operating conditions, such as increasing the recycle
In terms of achieving the minimum throughput ratio, ratio, and to a lesser degree, the coke drum pressure. Both
again HGO quality is critical in terms of how it is used in
of these options will also produce more coke at the expense
downstream units. It is frequently what we have found to be of liquid product yield. The economic incentives for mini-
the limit in lowering throughput ratios. mizing coke and increasing gas oil yield are generally so
In addition, if you are charging feeds that have high
attractive that refiners choose to operate cokers at low
asphaltene content they can also give you problems in the severity and accept the shot coke production where coke
furnace at the low throughput ratios. handling facilities permit handling it safely. The heater
outlet and coke drum temperatures do not influence the
THOMAS HRABAN (Conoco, Inc.): type of coke produced as much, although a high coke drum
With Conoco’s patent coke technology you can achieve temperature tends to produce more shot coke for a given
minimum coke yield by eliminating the natural recycle. feedstock quality.
This technology is available through license. Conoco is the
only operating company that is available to offer this tech-
nology. Eliminating natural recycle will allow the refinery OSBORN:
to maximize the coker throughput. Use of clarified slurry oil can be done. The slurry should
The economic benefits are often offset by the capital costs be at least, a negative API. Normally you inject it at the
of the equipment and the energy costs when operating rate of 10 to 15% of the total charge to eliminate shot coke.
below a 20 psig coke drum pressure. Decreasing the temperature will also eliminate shot
coke. However, all things done to do that will increase the
JERRY LACATENA (Foster Wheeler USA Corpl: amount of coke produced.
Regarding a reduction in throughput ratio, currently, There has been a report that when shot coke starts to
Foster Wheeler designs cokers for throughput ratios as low form, that the temperature of the vapor overhead can in-
as 0% recycle. Most of our current designs have coke drum crease 4” to 6°F as an indication of the formation.
operating pressures of 15 psig. This pressure is dependant The heavier the feedstock to a coker, the more likely the
on the compressor inlet pressure, overhead piping design, formation of shot coke. There have been instances where
and fractionator design and size. refineries ran atmospheric bottoms and made sponge coke,
As long as these components are designed with low and then added the vacuum distillation and began pro-
pressure drop in mind, a low pressure operation can be ducing shot coke.
achieved. We can also design units with coke drum pres-
sures as low as 10 psig. This requires a specialized frac- JERRY LACATENA (Foster Wheeler USA Corp.):
tionator design and also special incentives to go that low. Clarified oil is a refractory type of material and in this
The whole system needs to be economically evaluated to respect is similar to recycle, which is known to inhibit shot
make sure that pressures at that level are justified. coke formation. Therefore the addition of some clarified oil
to the feed having a tendency to form shot coke will help
minimize shot coke formation. However, there are other
QUESTION 46: factors which must be considered when adding clarified oils
To assist refiners in preventing formation of shot
to the coking operation.



By outlet temperature, we assume the questioner was QUESTION 47:

referring to the heater outlet temperature. Decreasing the Can anyone suggest an antifoulant effective
heater outlet temperature will minimize shot coke forma- against asphaltene deposits found in heat exchangers
tion. However, this will reduce yield of liquid products and and product lines?
increase coke make.
Increasing the recycle ratio and pressure, and decreasing
the heater outlet temperature, all tend to reduce shot coke MURPHY:
formation. However, this will also result in the increase in We have successfully controlled asphaltene deposits in
coke yield, and a decrease in liquid product yield. visbreaker applications. As I previously stated, we have
Some refiners have attempted to ramp the heater outlet found success to be dependant on thorough upfront testing
temperature during the coking cycle with mixed success, to and the proper selection of the additive. The best additives
minimize and even eliminate shot coke formation. work to limit the size formation of the asphaltenes by a
In general, the deeper the cut, the greater the tendency to dispersion mechanism. Also, if a coke particulates are
form shot coke since shot coke formation is a strong func- present, a coke inhibitor should be considered to control
tion of the asphaltenes content, which will be higher for them.
deep cut residues.

TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Petroleum Corporation):

A mention was made of the coking cycle time. I would QUESTION 48:
like to ask the panel and the audience if there are any Does anyone have experience with visbreaking
refiners out there who are operating their cokers at less material from a deep cut vacuum distillation oper-
than 14-hour coking cycles? ation? Specifically, what is the impact on viscosity
reduction and unit run length relative to visbreaking
BONELLI: more conventional feedstocks?
Our minimum achieved is 20 hours.
SLOAN: We recently changed the cut point on the vacuum tower
We have heard reports of refiners who are operating less
bottoms feeding a visbreaker from around 1010 ºF to
than 12 hour cycles. They are present here today. I do not
1050 °F. We observed initial drop off in conversion at typical
know if they want to admit to it.
start of run cracking temperatures, but it was regained by
raising cracking temperatures by 35 ºF. This particular
THOMAS HRABAN (Conoco Inc.):
unit’s run length is limited by furnace and fractionator
We operate our cokers as low as 11-hour cycles. We prefer coke formation. We have not seen any increase in coking
12-hour cycles just for the fact that everything happens at rate or shortening of run length due to the heavier feed and
the same time everyday. We are currently designing a new
higher cracking temperatures.
coker for 14-hour cycles.

C. Residual Oil Upgrading- Reports from one operator of deep cut distillation units
indicate that there are no problems with running deep cut
Visbreaking bottoms to either visbreakers or delayed cokers.



A. Hydrogen Production some losses occur during dumping, which requires

makeup. Barring contamination or crushing from upsets,
the material will last a long time.
Hydrogen Manufacturing RAJGURU:
We have a Gulf Cost refiner’s input as follows: our steam
methane reformer was started in mid-1983. We have seen
no significant decline in performance. Expected life is the
What has the actual life of PSA adsorbent material life of the equipment. Free water and heavy hydrocarbons,
been versus the expected life? What has caused less such as C3 + will deactivate the PSA sieve. Possible causes
than expected life for the PSA material? for less than expected life is mechanical damage to the
The adsorbent is expected to last the life of the plant. We DARRELL SCRUGGS (KTI Corporation):
have had two 12-bed PSA units in operation for 5 years and We had an experience in one of our plants that has a high
have no reason to suspect less than design adsorbent life at shift without a low shift. Shortly after start-up the client
this time. The adsorbent can be damaged by irreversible tried to improve the design recovery by running longer
adsorption of certain gas components, by rapid de- adsorption times, because the CO slip out of the high shift
pressurization, or by contact with oil or water. We have was much lower than design end of run. As a result of
successfully emptied several PSA adsorbers for inspection running longer cycles, the CO2 front got up into the bed and
and then screened and reloaded the adsorbent without contaminated the molecular sieve. Consequently, for a long
incident. period of time traces of CO2 showed in the final product that
normally would not occur. Obviously, the conclusion is to
JUNO: take care in trying to improve recovery over design.
At one refinery we were quoted a 10-year life for the PSA
adsorbent material. After 8 years we dumped, screened,
and reloaded, with a little fresh makeup, adsorbents from QUESTION 2:
all the vessels. The only reason we unloaded was that one of How long are steam methane reformer tubes ex-
the adsorber vessels had suffered a through-wall crack, and pected to last? What is today’s preferred metallurgy?
we wanted to inspect the others for the same type of Is there a maximum design pressure (i.e. maximum
cracking. wall thickness) recommended for the newer alloys
Slugs of water, liquid hydrocarbons, and chlorides, such like HP-50 modified?
as from platformer offgas, can damage the catalyst or ad-
sorbent material. In theory, there does not appear to be any PAULES:
reason that this material would not last for 20 years or Steam methane reformer tubes are typically designed to
more. last 100,000 hours. This does not necessarily mean that
they will not last longer. The preferred metallurgy today is
LAABS: HP-50 modified, which for a given design pressure, will
UOP quoted us 15 years on some adsorbent material. At have lower tube wall thicknesses than other alloys, such as
one site where a PSA unit is used on a portion of the HK-40.
reformer hydrogen product, the previous load of material Most hydrogen plants, designed and built today in re-
lasted for 6 years before liquid entrainment saturated the finery applications, produce product gas at 200 to 350 psig.
adsorbent. The current load at this location has lasted 5
years, and is beginning to show problems with dusting. RAJGURU:
This dusting is believed to be caused by valve leakage Typically most designs use a 50 °F design margin, and
which can result in bed fluidization. Rapid pressure maintaining the tube metal temperature below this 50 ºF
changes will fluidize and crush the adsorbent. margin amounts to doubling of the creep life. HP modified
with niobium has higher allowable temperatures than the
O’BRIEN: HK alloys. The HP modified with microalloying can oper-
Phillips Borger refinery PSA beds were 10 years old in ate at higher temperature than the HP modified. The
May of this year. Five of the beds were dumped in 1991 for compositions of these microalloys are vendor confidential,
vessel inspection, screened, and reloaded. The other 5 beds and creep/rupture curves are supplied by the vendors for
will be dumped this fall for vessel inspection. Of course, the heater design.



Because of the increased capabilities of these micro- BRIERLEY:

alloyed tubes, the HP modified with microalloyed tubes are Reformer tubes are normally designed for 100,000 hours
presently preferred for reformer tubes. The ultimate prop- at a specific design pressure and temperature. However,
erties of their alloys vary among the vendors. service life is dependent on actual service conditions occur-
As a rule of thumb, the maximum recommended tube ring during start-ups, shutdowns, steady state, and tran-
thickness is about 0.5 inches. The thickness is calculated sient operation. Our preferred metallurgy for reformer
again, based on stress/creep rupture curves. tubes is still the modified HP material. However, there is
new microalloyed HP material that has recently been in-
SLOAN: troduced. Microalloyed HP will give longer life than modi-
The actual tube life of steam methane reformer tubes is fied HP Increased creep strength results from the addition
strongly dependent on the operating conditions to which of titanium, tungsten, zirconium, and other elements that
they are exposed during operation. There are several con- provide resistance to the movement of dislocations which
tributors toward reduced tube life which impact all re- cause creep damage.
former furnaces to some degree. Any operating situation There is no maximum design pressure for modified HP
which produces a change in the tube metal temperature alloys based on the material’s strength, provided that code
gradient through the tube thickness (during start-up, shut- equations for design are utilized. However, increasing pres-
down, or operating upset), also can produce a significant sures cause an increase in wall thicknesses. This also
thermal stress in the tube. Each occurrence of such a causes increased thermal stresses. For a given furnace
situation reduces the tube life to some degree. The higher operating condition, there exists an optimum thickness.
the rate of change of the temperature gradient, the higher Increasing the wall thickness beyond this value will not
the thermal stress generated becomes, and the greater the provide additional tube life, due to the increase in sec-
impact on tube life. This impact is greater on tubes with ondary thermal stresses.
very thick walls, since the temperature gradient will be
greater and, therefore the thermal stresses will be higher. HENRY JONES (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
Any operating upset which exposes the reformer tubes to I basically agree with what everybody has said. Howe-
temperatures and/or pressures in excess of design will also Baker, in using the HP modified and microalloyed material
have a detrimental impact on tube life. as our tube material, has been able to design plants with
Any abnormality in the catalyst loading which produces catalyst tube outlet pressures up to 400 psig; that relates to
a localized hot spot, due to voids or a reduced flow through a hydrogen product pressure of approximately 350 psig.
an individual tube due to catalyst crushing or carbon for- The design tube thicknesses that we generally utilize are
mation, can also expose individual tubes within the fur- in the neighborhood of 0.25 in. to 0.3 in. for a nominal 4.5 in.
nace to temperatures above design. Flow restrictions will OD as-cast tube.
impact tube temperature more on reformers which operate
with very low methane slip. ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
With consideration of all of the above, it is expected that In the Haldor Topsoe reformers, we normally design for
steam methane reformer tubes will last approximately 100,000 hours, and we normally obtain 100,000 hours or
80% of the design life. For a reformer tube which is de- more of tube life. The factors exerting a negative influence
signed for 100,000 hours, it would be expected that the on tube life are excessive tube temperatures caused by
actual life would be 9 or 10 years. flame impingement, insufficient catalyst activity leading
I agree with Mr. Rajguru’s comments on the second part to carbon formation and poor heat transfer, and thermal
of the question. And finally the preferred reformer tube cycling; emergency trips are particularly damaging. We
thickness is in the range of 9 to 11 millimeters. However, in use the microalloyed derivative of the well-known 25/35
an effort to put forth more economic designs, the drive is on CrNiNb alloy with controlled amounts of titanium and
to reduce the tube count and/or increase tube diameter. other additives.
This requires thicker tube walls.
Due to the concerns with excessive temperature gradi- NITIN PATEL (Air Products & Chemicals Company):
ents through the tube wall thickness as the tube becomes For many years, we designed reformer tubes for 100,000
thicker, it is generally recommended that maximum tube hours. Recently we have reevaluated that, and we think
thickness of 12 to 13 millimeters be used. In certain cases, that designing for 200,000 is more economical. We do have
where the heat transfer rate (and therefore the thermal an in-house-developed reformer tube life program that
gradient) is low, a thickness of up to 16.5 millimeters can be could give us an accurate prediction of life. We do use
accepted. HP-modified niobium and microalloy reformer tube mate-
rials. With those new metallurgies, we are able to keep the
T. WILLIAMS: tube thickness within 0.5 to 0.55 in. and achieve 200,000
At one of our facilities, we use the HK-40 centrifugally hours, even at reformer effluent pressures ranging from
cast tubes with a life expectancy of 10 years. In talking 450 to 500 psig.
with Howe-Baker Engineers, they use a microalloyed 35/25
Ni/Cr alloy and design for a minimum life of 100,000 hours. KEN CHLAPIK (ICI Katalco):
They have found that in their experience, it is not the It is important for existing plants that are trying to
catalyst tube wall thickness itself that is limiting; it is the extend their tube life to consider catalyst choice in the
wall thickness of the outlet pigtail. They have designed reformer. ICI Katalco has designed catalyst that can pro-
units with up to 350 psig product pressure from the PSA. vide improved heat transfer, allowing lower tube wall tem-



peratures to be achieved while still maintaining the same a heavier feed is the amount of steam that can be injected
performance. The achieved tube life is strongly influenced into the reformer furnace inlet. A higher steam/carbon
by a range of operational factors as well as initial choice of ratio will allow the reforming of propane and butane.
metallurgy, wall thickness, and catalyst. I reference the ICI
Katalco paper “Reformer Tools: Failure Mechanisms, In- O’BRIEN:
spection Methods, and Repair Techniques” by Dr. Ben J. Potassium promoted reforming catalyst can tolerate
Cromarty presented at the 1991 AIChE Safety in Ammonia heavier hydrocarbons in the feed. These catalysts are less
Plants and Related Facilities Symposium in Los Angeles active so usually the top 30 to 40% of the tube is filled with
CA. potassium catalyst, with the remainder being conventional
catalyst. The potassium catalysts do not prevent coking,
DARRELL SCRUGGS (KTI Corporation): but convert coke to hydrogen (as it is formed by the fol-
We would agree with essentially everything that has lowing reaction:
been said, particularly in regard to designing according to C + H20 = CO + H2.
the API procedure using the microalloys. For long life the
most important factors primarily would be to minimize the Our last catalyst load contained 40% potassium pro-
number of swings (that is start-ups and shutdowns) and to moted catalyst and was designed for an upset feed con-
minimize the number of spurious trips. Secondly, the oper- taining 9 mole percent propane, 8 mole percent butanes and
ation must make certain that the tubes stay in a position of 5 mole percent pentane and heavier.
relative balance between stress and tension in the sup-
porting system. ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
The amount of heavier hydrocarbons that can be tol-
erated in a reformer designed for light gas feeds depends on
a number of factors which are all related.
1. Some catalysts have a high activity for conversion of
What limits should be considered for processing the higher hydrocarbons to hydrogen and CO, thus
heavier hydrocarbons (C3/C4) in feed to a plant de- preventing cracking resulting in carbon formation.
signed for light feed gas? Can the reformer catalyst 2. Poisoning of the catalyst, particularly by sulfur, leads
tolerate some percentage of heavier gases without to a sharp increase in the tendency for carbon
serious problems? formation.
3. Increasing reforming catalyst inlet temperatures
PAULES: sharply increases the tendency for carbon formation.
A hydrogen plant designed for methane feed typically 4. High temperature gradients at the top of the reformer
utilizes a catalyst which is specifically tailored to methane tubes lead to increased tendency for carbon formation.
conversion. If C3/C4, feeds are processed across these cata- 5. Some improvements in tolerance towards higher
lysts, the tendency for cracking and coking will be hydrocarbons can be obtained by increasing the
increased. steam/carbon ratio.
If processing of C3/C4 feeds on a sustained basis is de- If you do have a problem in a certain unit, it can be
sired, it is recommended to replace the first 40 to 50% of overcome in a very simple way by installing an adiabatic
catalyst in the reformer with a nickel alkali catalyst, which prereformer upstream of the reformer. This allows also for
will be more selective to the heavier feed. some capacity increase.
I agree with Mr. Paules. QUESTION 4:
Is anyone using a naphtha containing 2 to 5 vol%
JUNO: aromatics as feedstock to a hydrogen plant? Are
For a hydrogen plant that is designed for light feed gas special catalysts used, either in the hydrogenator or
and uses conventional natural gas type of reforming cata- reformer? Have there been problems with coking or
lyst, only a very limited amount of heavier (C3/C4) hydro- hydrocarbon slip?
carbons can be tolerated in the feed. However, by loading a
suitable potash-promoted reforming catalyst in the top 40 SLOAN:
to 50% of the reformer tubes, higher quantities of heavy Kellogg has designed several reformers that use naphtha
hydrocarbons can be reformed without carbon laydown. as feedstock. The light naphtha feeds have 2 to 5% aro-
KTI has designed hydrogen plants that use feeds ranging matics, and some of the heavy naphthas have 12 to 20%
from natural gas through heavy naphtha. Plants can be aromatics. Special nickel alkali reforming catalysts are
designed with the flexibility to use 100 percent natural gas, required to handle the naphtha feedstock, and coking can
or 100 percent naphtha with suitable reformer catalyst. be a problem which is aggravated by high aromatics
The hydrogen plant in one of our refineries routinely PAULES:
runs a fuel gas stream from the coker without problems in I agree that there is catalyst available that can tolerate
the reforming furnace. This stream is desulfurized before it up to 10% aromatics, so no special catalyst should be neces-
is fed to the plant. The C3 + material accounts for about 2 to sary in the hydrogenator. Usually olefins are a much bigger
3% of the total feed to the unit. The biggest limit to running concern.



ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe AS): is vented to the atmosphere. Any methanol remaining in
We do not consider a naphtha with 2 to 5% aromatics the hydrogen stream does not cause problems in a PSA
difficult to handle, particularly if you use a highly active unit. It is removed into the tail gas stream.
alkali-free naphtha reforming catalyst like the Topsoe
RKNR. In one case I remember, we have processed a naph- RAJGURU:
tha with up to 23% aromatics. Traces of methanol can be formed in both high tempera-
Coking will be a problem in case of insufficient de- ture and low temperature shifts. The amount of methanol
sulfurization, or in the case of too high temperatures in the formed varies with the age and the activity of the catalyst.
top part of the reformer tubes. You have to get the higher In typical hydrogen plant designs, this methanol is con-
hydrocarbons broken down to gases, including methane, densed in the low temperature shift effluent cooler and
while the temperature is still so low that you do not have stripped along with carbon dioxide in the process con-
thermal cracking. densate stripper. With proper condensate stripper design,
Low steam/carbon ratios will aggravate the situation, there are no downstream problems associated with meth-
but the installation of a prereformer will eliminate the anol formation. We have inputs from two refiners who have
problem and allow operation at low steam/carbon ratios. hydrogen plants, and they both concur with these findings.


Addition of heavier hydrocarbons to the feed can first To us the only problem with methanol formed is in plants
result in thermal cracking and carbon formation in the that have export steam, i.e. potential contamination of the
preheat coils in the reformer convection section. To avoid export steam system from traces of methanol. As was
carbon laydown in the reformer tubes, use of a nickel mentioned by the panel, methanol in the process con-
alkali-containing catalyst may be necessary to accommo- densate can either be stripped or can be recycled back to the
date the heavier feedstock or an increase in steam to carbon reformer where it goes through and is reacted. If not con-
ratio. ICI Katalco offers a range of reforming catalysts that taminating the plant steam system is a real concern, KTI
handle lean gas feedstocks up to heavier gas feedstocks in suggests that the steam system be split with a separate
order to make this choice uncomplicated. Alkali metals are steam drum mounted on the process gas boiler with process
known to be active carbon gasification catalysts at the condensate only being sent back to that steam drum. The
temperatures found in steam reformer tubes and, there- process gas boiler steam drum then feeds process steam
fore, enhance the rate of carbon removal. I reference the ICI only into the inlet of the reformer, containing the methanol
Katalco paper “Carbon Formation and Removal in the within the plant.
Primary Reforming Process” by Dr. Ben J. Cromarty pre-
sented at the 1990 ICI Catalysts Customer Symposium KEN CHLAPIK (ICI Katalco):
Thaicat 90 in Bangkok, Thailand. The addition of heavier The equilibrium methanol levels at the operating condi-
hydrocarbons to the feed can also result in a higher level of tions of the low temperature shift are a couple thousand
carbon oxides exiting the reformer. This increase in carbon ppm. However, due to the kinetic limitations of this reaction
oxides can change the demand on the downstream units on the catalyst, the levels achieved are several hundred
affecting the overall hydrogen purity and production of the ppm. At these levels, methanol does not have any detrimen-
plant. A review of the condition of the downstream hydro- tal effect on low temperature shift or methanation cata-
gen purification units should be performed prior to intro- lysts. The kinetics are affected by temperature with lower
duction of heavier hydrocarbons to the feed. temperatures reducing the ability for this reaction to occur.
ICI Katalco reforming catalysts have much experience Lower operating temperature will lower the level of meth-
operating with feeds containing aromatic contents from 1 to anol formation making the choice ofcatalyst important. ICI
22% without coking of catalyst or increasing hydrocarbon Katalco is now offering higher activity low temperature
slip. We recommend the use of our 46-Series nickel alkali shift catalysts which allow operation at lower temperature,
catalysts for the steam reforming of high aromatic content thus reducing the level of methanol formation.


KTI has designed plants which have up to 20% aromatics
in the feed.

Traces of methanol are formed in the low tempera-
ture shift converter. What problem does this cause

In a hydrogen plant equipped with a low temperature
shift converter, the bulk of the methanol formed will be
found in the condensate after cooling. This condensate is
typically routed to a deaerator, where most of this methanol


- -


QUESTION 6: T. A. CAVANAUGH (Exxon Research & Engineering

If hydrogen reformer catalyst tube inlet and outlet Company):
pigtails are pinched during operation due to a leak in Our Flexsorb-HP solvents can give about 25% greater
the pigtail, can the tube be reused after repairing the CO2 removal capability in existing hot potassium car-
pigtails? bonate units. In most cases this is essentially drop in
technology involving the addition of a proprietary-
BRIERLEY: hindered amine promoter. The amount of H2S present will
The reuse of pinched tubes is possible, depending on the dictate the need for appropriate corrosion control.
time the tube remains in the furnace prior to recom-
missioning. Metallographical examination of pinched re-
former tubes has shown increased rates of oxidation and QUESTION 8:
decarburization over that experienced in operating tubes. What is the operating and start-up experience with
This increase results in less effective wall thickness for using a medium temperature shift reactor in a steam
containing internal pressure. However, the full thickness is methane reformer-based H2 Plant? How is the reac-
present for the determination of thermal stresses. Stress tor configured into the process design for maximum
rupture tests of specimens cut from pinched tubes have benefit?
shown no significant loss in strength in the midwall for
tubes that have been pinched for up to three years. Careful T. WILLIAMS:
investigation and evaluation should be preformed prior to a We do not have a medium temperature shift. I did talk to
recommissioning decision. Howe-Baker Engineers, however, on this subject. Our per-
spective of the medium temperature shift is that it would be
JUNO: a third shift reactor which would be located between the
KTI does not recommend placing pinched tubes back into high and low shift reactors. Essentially this reactor would
operation, due to the unknown amount of creep and other be a low shift reactor operated at an elevated temperature.
tube damage that might have occurred. For design of a new unit, we do not think this is
I have nothing to add. We also agree and do not recom- ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
mend reusing the tubes. Haldor Topsoe’s medium temperature shift catalyst type
LK-811 has been in successful operation in hydrogen
CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant): plants since 1984. Lifetimes in excess of 8 years have been
I want to reemphasize what Ed Juno said. The reuse of achieved. The catalyst is copper based and it is as other
these tubes looks great based simply on metallographic similar catalysts started by in situ reduction, without any
examination. However, early stages of creep life are hard to special precautions.
detect. You may well be putting in a tube that has in fact The use of a medium temperature shift catalyst allows
only half the life you expect. I think reuse is a bum idea, as process configurations which are impossible when the tra-
the panel suggested. ditional catalysts are used. As an example, the naphtha-
based hydrogen plant, owned and operated by Yukong Ltd.
HENRY JONES (Howe-Baker Engineers): in Korea, with a capacity of 65 MMscfd/day, started up in
We agree with that, also. We would not recommend 1992, is based on the following process scheme: pre-
reusing a tube that has been pinched off. reforming and tubular reforming at a steam/carbon ratio of
2.5, heat recovery, medium temperature shift, cooling, and
NITIN PATEL (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.): final purification by pressure swing absorption.
We totally agree with the panel. At Air Products, we do As you see, we have only one shift reactor. Further
pinch the reformer tubes to stay on-line to supply our discussion of process configurations are given in “Topsoe
customers with products. However, we highly recommend Topics,” of February, 1993.
not to reuse those tubes.
The use of a medium temperature shift is really nothing
new. It is replacement for either a combination of high and
QUESTION 7: low shift. At KTI’s design plants incorporating medium
What is your experience with improved solvents temperature shift, the medium temperature shift is used
and additives in Benfield CO2 removal systems? for the same reason you use a low temperature shift.
Such a flow scheme is economically feasible for a PSA
CHARLES W. HOOPER (ICI Kataico): plant only when there is significant credit for high export
ICI has an associate company in Ireland, Irish Fertilizer steam, and the fuel has a low value relative to the feed.
Industries. Since 1988, they have been using the British
Gas additive, LRS-10 in their Benfield system. This is in an KEN CHLAPIK (ICI Katalco):
ammonia plant. Their experience has been recorded in a ICI Katalco offers medium temperature shift catalysts,
paper at this year’s AIChE Safety in Ammonia symposium. for both adiabatic and isothermal operation. We have per-
I can confirm that they have had good experience with the formed a number of designs for both new as well as existing
British Gas additive. They have seen a reduction in utility hydrogen plants. The medium temperature shift can re-
use and improved controllability of their Benfield system. duce CO levels compared to a single high temperature shift



vessel and reduce the loading of the hydrogen purification Zinc oxide systems are typically designed for 6 months to
portion of the plant. ICI currently operates two isothermal 2 years operating life depending on the size of the plant and
medium temperature shifts in two of its ammonia plants in the sulfur level. This type of system by itselfis economically
Severenside, England since May 1988. Methanol formation used up to 100 to 200 ppm sulfur before the beds become too
is not a concern with the isothermal arrangement because costly. At higher concentrations of sulfur in the feed gas, a
the condensate from the exit gas of the medium tempera- lean amine system is used to absorb the H2S from the
ture shift is converted back to process steam. The higher hydrogenated feed down to a level of about 100 ppm and the
outlet temperatures that are achieved in the adiabatic residual H2S is then removed by the zinc oxide beds.
situation result in equilibrium methanol levels of only a
few parts per million. HENRY JONES (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
I tend to agree with Ed Juno that once you get above 200
HENRY JONES (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.): ppm, you are getting into a situation that is not very
We have not designed any plants with medium tempera- economical for zinc oxide only. However, Howe-Baker is
ture shifts, but would like to ask anybody who is operating currently designing a plant with zinc oxide that has a
one: what type of results do you get with methanol for- feedstock sulfur content between 175 and 200 ppm. Obvi-
mation in the medium temperature shift, compared, say, to ously, the bed life in this type of plant is not going to be 1
a low or high temperature shift? year. You have big beds, and you are going to have to change
out the zinc oxide in a shorter time period.
No answer. QUESTION 10:
Has anyone successfully used in situ regeneration
to regenerate steam methane reformer catalyst that
has been contaminated with sulfur?
What is the maximum sulfur content for H2 plant
feeds that can be desulfurized by hydrogenation LAARS:
followed by ZnO beds? We have successfully performed this type of re-
generation. Sulfur is stripped from the catalyst by running
SLOAN: a high steam/carbon ratio. It is very important to bypass
There is no clear limit on sulfur removal by zinc oxide the low temperature shift reactor during this regeneration.
beds. Generally the design is set, based upon changing the The sulfur that is stripped will permanently poison the low
zinc oxide on a one year cycle or greater. If the flows are low, temperature catalyst. Because of this bypass, we have
the sulfur content can be high and not use up the zinc oxide found it necessary to run the reformed gas to the flare.
within the one year cycle. On the other hand, if the flows
are high, the sulfur content must be lower. RAJGURU:
As a rule of thumb, if the natural gas is of pipeline Our investigation indicates that in situ regeneration has
quality, or the sulfur content does not exceed 40 to 50 ppmv, been tried on occasion, with little or no success. We believe
then zinc oxide can be used. If the sulfur content gets much that a reliable and adequate sulfur removal system up-
higher, generally some form of feedstock pretreatment is stream of the reformer pays for itself by extending the
economically justified. catalyst and tube life. In situ regeneration also requires
isolation of the reformer from the shift reactor to protect the
PAULES: shift catalyst.
There is no maximum feed gas sulfur content for a zinc
oxide bed, as long as minimum space velocity criteria are SLOAN:
followed. However, the more sulfur in the feed, the faster Sulfur contaminated steam methane reformer catalyst is
you will spend the zinc oxide, and typically the larger the not necessarily a serious problem. If the source of sulfur
bed size will need to be. contamination is discontinued and the contamination of
the reformer catalyst is not severe, the sulfur will be re-
JUNO: moved through normal operation. It would be advisable to
The limiting factor for sulfur content of H2 plant feeds operate with a higher steam to carbon ratio than normal. In
would be the amount of sulfur that is unconverted and some extreme cases, the sulfur has been burned off using
remains to be reacted in the zinc oxide beds. The sizing of air. Occasional sulfur contamination of the reforming cata-
these beds reflects the amount of spent zinc oxide disposal lyst is easily reversed through normal operation combined
that one wants to contend with and the change out time with higher steam to carbon ratios to accelerate the sulfur
that would be required. Generally, feed levels above 200 removal rate. Many operators have used these techniques
ppm sulfur to the zinc oxide beds tend to be uneconomic. to remove sulfur in reformers. It is important to note,
With this sulfur limit set for the desulfurization section however, the sulfur will be carried downstream as it is
outlet, the desulfurizer feed sulfur is set by reactor volume removed from the reforming catalyst.
and H2S cleanup section that is economic for the feed gas
that is desired to be processed. One caution is that if the T. WILLIAMS:
feed contains a large volume of COS, it will be very difficult We did have a minor sulfur contamination problem, and
to remove this sulfur compound with the conventional we did a high temperature steam strip. We were losing
desulfurization and zinc oxide beds. about 1 to 2% hydrogen purity, which we did recover.



KEN CHLAPIK (ICI Katalco): the low temperature shift for a maximum CO slip of 0.5
Many of our customers have successfully steamed both volume percent.
alkalized and nonalkalized reforming catalysts and have
recovered activity by doing so. Much of the activity recov- LAABS:
ery will depend on the age of the catalyst and the amount of We agree with the previous remarks.
sulfur that has been incorporated on the catalyst. The
stability of the catalyst support will also affect the success CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
of the steaming. The stable support systems used in ICI The very concept of “approach to equilibrium” as a mea-
Katalco reforming catalysts allow effective in situ re- sure of steam reformer catalyst deactivation is suspect; in
generations to occur. I reference the ICI Katalco paper fact, in steam naphtha reforming it simply does not work.
“Safe Start-up and Operation of Steam Reformers” by Dr. Furthermore, analytical imprecision introduces errors in
Ben J. Cromarty presented at the 1992 AIChE Safety in the calculation which net out larger than the alleged
Ammonia Plants and Related Facilities Symposium in San catalyst life span. Thus in the particular case of steam-
Antonio TX. It is important to note that steaming will reforming catalyst, asking the supplier whether the cata-
cause some sintering of the nickel sites on the catalyst also lyst is spent seems a bit like putting the fox in charge of
affecting the activity of the catalyst. We normally recom- the hen house.
mend a steaming period of 6 to 12 hours at normal reformer
operating conditions to achieve this kind of recovery. KEN CHLAPIK (ICI Katalco):
ICI Katalco offers simulation capabilities to our hydro-
ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S): gen plant customers in order to do this type of analysis. We
In principle it should be possible to regenerate the cata- strongly encourage them to provide their data to us for
lyst by decreasing the sulfur in the feed back to normal. these services, but also encourage them to do their own
However, while you can put sulfur on very fast, it only trending of operating parameters around the units. Trend-
comes off at equilibrium level, and diffusion in the pore ing is very important to see subtle changes that are occur-
system further limits the rate. ring in the performance of the unit before something major
When the catalyst is regenerated by steaming, S is con- happens to require a premature shutdown or a loss of
verted to H2S and SO2. The success of the regeneration in hydrogen purity. Trending allows the removal of sys-
steam depends on the catalyst. If the catalyst is promoted tematic errors that occur with analysis and data gathering.
with sodium or potassium, it is nearly unaffected since Ultimately, a working relationship between the hydrogen
alkali sulfates are formed. plant operator and the catalyst supplier can achieve re-
Reference is made to an article by J. Rostrup-Nielsen liable catalyst life predictions as well as optimize the per-
describing the chemistry and to a successful industrial formance of the catalysts.
regeneration in an article by Andriano and Sinaga. Refer-
ence: J. Rostrup Nielsen, Catalysis 5, 1984, 101-103. Ir. BRIERLEY:
Andriano and O.G. Sinaga Ammonia Plant Saf. 32, 1992, I initially suspected that the vendor who supplied the
232-235. catalyst would suggest that it would last forever, and the
other vendors would suggest immediate replacement. But
the vendors have been coming back with very close, nearly
identical results, and have always been fairly conservative
QUESTION 11: from our point of view, in terms of running the plant. We
What techniques are currently utilized to reliably treasure their input.
predict remaining catalyst life during operation of
hydrogen production units?
BRIERLEY: How do you handle hydrogen plant process con-
Temperature profiles in our shift reactors and metha- densate? Can it be degassed and reused as boiler
nators are trended regularly, along with biweekly checks of feedwater? What tests are needed to determine
CO or CO2 slip. At least twice a year, operating data and water quality? Is degassing done in the hydrogen
laboratory data are compiled and forwarded to the catalyst plant or the refinery utilities area? Are there other
vendors for comparative analysis. Their results are uses for this condensate?
compared with our in-house approach to equilibrium
calculations. BRIERLEY:
Two of our hydrogen plants operate at a steam/carbon
JUNO: ratio of about 6 to 1. Process condensate from these units is
This answer was obtained from KTI. They basically steam stripped in a condensate stripper and then treated
design for a maximum slip of 0.1 ppm sulfur from the zinc with a liquid-neutralizing amine-hydroquinone blend to
oxide drums. They also design the methane slip from the neutralize CO2 and scavenge oxygen. The stripped con-
reformer to be between 3 and 6%, and fired duty is in- densate is mixed with makeup condensate and used as
creased to meet design methane slip. End of run for the boiler feedwater.
reformer catalyst is based on the maximum tubeskin A single liquid phosphate-dispersant blend is added to
temperature. the steam drum as part of our congruent phosphate pH
They normally design the high temperature shift reactor treatment program. Alkalinity, pH, phosphate, and con-
for a maximum inlet temperature of 660 °F, and then design ductivity tests are conducted each shift.



Our third hydrogen plant operates at a steam/carbon trol upstream of the low shift reactor and upstream of the
ratio of 3 to 1. Due to this lower ratio, short chain organic amine reboilers. The rest of it is used in production of steam
acids are formed as a byproduct of the shift reaction and are in the hydrogen plant itself. The condensate is degassed in
not removed in the unit’s deaerator. These acids depress the a deaerator within the hydrogen plant.
steam system pH, so a new liquid phosphate blend with a
higher sodium to phosphate ratio is used to control the pH CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
in that unit. Good boiler water control has been achieved to I believe the deaerator should be in the hydrogen plant.
date. As Pat Laabs said, it not only has to be stainless steel, but
this is a tough deaeration job. Getting the CO 2 out of
LAABS: recycled condensate is not just a matter of a flash deaer-
Several sites are able to recycle this water to some other ation, and the hydrogen plant operators obviously have the
use. One refinery uses the condensate as feed to a 600 psig proprietary interest in making sure it is done right.
steam boiler after deaeration. The deaerator is on the
hydrogen plant plot and is constructed primarily of stain-
less steel, due to the corrosive nature of the stream. They Hydrogen Purification
monitor the quality by measuring the condensate
Another of our hydrogen plants reroutes the condensate QUESTION 13:
to the unit quench system. This avoids the treatment of the What has been the panel’s experience in operating
stream to make it usable. and maintaining prism and cryogenic separators for
An affiliated site degasses the condensate in two steps: H2 separation (operating factors, etc.)?
with air, and then with low pressure steam. They then use
the water for boiler feed. O’BRIEN:
Sweeny produces all of its high purity hydrogen in a
O’BRIEN: cryogenic separation unit. Our complex has three, some-
Similar to Mr. Laabs, at our Borger Refinery, the hydro- times more, ethylene units in operation. The tail gas from
gen plant process condensate is deaerated and used for the ethylene units and gas from the reformers are the major
boiler feedwater. The deaerator is located in the hydrogen components of the stream we are purifying. The major
unit area. Qpical boiler feedwater tests, such as pH, al- unique opportunities for problems are wet feed and con-
kalinity, hardness, and total dissolved solids are run. taminants such as H2S and CO2. Since the temperature in
the cryogenic unit gets down around a - 280 ºF, it is very
MURPHY: important to remove these impurities. As long as the feed is
Hydrogen Plant process condensate is normally a major properly conditioned prior to entering the plate fin ex-
source of boiler feedwater for the hydrogen plant. It is changers, the unit has a very good on stream factor.
typically very pure with iron and carbon dioxide being the
only contaminants usually of concern. Iron in the system is LEE E. TURPIN (Profimatics, Inc.):
usually the result of corrosion, however iron is usually not a Comparing operating and maintenance experience be-
problem since most condensate systems are constructed of tween membrane units and cryogenic hydrogen puri-
stainless steel, specifically because of the high CO2 con- fication units is like comparing apples and oranges. Other
tent. Iron pickup is usually the result of makeup water than both units are used for hydrogen recovery, they have
system contamination. This condensate is usually reused different operating objectives, and are completely different
within the hydrogen plant battery limits and is not ex- processes.
ported to the general utilities area because of CO2 content. Most of the operating problems with cryogenic units
Some degassing of CO2 is accomplished in the deaerator, evolve from the driers ahead of the coldbox. Normally if the
however, this is not an efficient method since the unit is not driers are functioning properly, the coldbox will operate
designed for the large volumes of CO2 contained in the relatively trouble free. Nearly 100% hydrogen recovery can
condensate. Usually a CO 2 stripper or a separate con- be expected with hydrogen purities in the range of 90 to
densate deaerator is used to strip the CO2. Any CO2 that is 95%. Moving the feed very far from the design rate and
not stripped must be neutralized with high purity caustic or composition can also lead to significant operating prob-
an amine to raise the boiler feedwater pH to the required lems. The major maintenance problem is getting a coldbox
range. clean prior to performing maintenance. This problem can
After CO2 stripping, the condensate would be suitable as be overcome in the initial design.
a replacement for stripped sour water in a variety of ser- The operation of a membrane unit is also dependent upon
vices such as process water washes. Any testing that may gas treating ahead of the membrane. If you keep the gar-
be required can be done by your local water treatment bage out, the operation is relatively trouble free. Sig-
representative. nificant down turn in feed rate is attained by blocking off
We have developed boiler programs specifically for the parts of the unit. Hydrogen purity and percent recovery is a
needs of hydrogen plant systems to deal with their specific function of feed composition and operating pressures. If the
problems. feed composition is changed, the hydrogen purity will
change, but the unit will keep on running. The membranes
T. WILLIAMS: must be replaced on a scheduled basis, but it is not a
We use a portion of the condensate as temperature con- difficult task if planned for during the unit design.



QUESTION 14: time will improve the product purity, but too long a time
How do you improve hydrogen recovery at low will overload the adsorbent with feed contaminants. Too
throughput operation in PSA units? high a feed rate will also load the material with impurities.
Heavy contaminant loading will result in a loss of product
PAULES: quality, and will eventually cause the unit to lose its ability
Well-designed PSA units can maintain design recoveries to control pressure change functions.
at reduced throughput with appropriate adjustment of The condition of the adsorbent can be affected by many
cycle time. A rough approximation of the adjustment would factors. Exposing the adsorbent to liquid will effectively
be the inverse of the extent of turndown. For example, a deactivate that portion. Liquid is very difficult to desorb
throughput of 50% of full feed rate would require about two from the material. We have had to completely replace
times the absorption time. In most units today, the cycle adsorbent beds for this reason.
time and other intermediate step times are determined by Dusting is another problem that we have encountered.
the control system automatically from input of feed rate, Fluidization of the bed will break the adsorbent particles
temperature, pressure, and product hydrogen purity. apart, and can be caused by valve leakage or sudden pres-
sure changes.
RAJGURU: High impurity levels in the feed, or new impurities that
A Gulf Coast refiner simply raises the absorption time to were not considered when the unit was designed, will
improve the hydrogen recovery at low throughput oper- shorten the adsorbent life. Extremes in feed temperature
ation. At low throughput operation, you can also reduce the can also cause problems, as the adsorbent capacity varies
waste gas drum pressure to further increase the hydrogen with temperature, and low temperatures can result in
recovery. It should be also noted that the reduction in the condensation on the material.
waste gas drum pressure must consider the type and oper-
ation of waste gas compressor. BRIERLEY:
We have already discussed the factors affecting ad-
BRIERLEY: sorbent life. Besides the feed rate and impurity loading, the
I would agree with Mr. Paules’ comments, but to expand other factors affecting product purity are feed gas tempera-
on those comments, we have considered building a simple ture and operating pressure. Higher feed gas temperatures
computer application that would integrate the PSA feed are unfavorable to the adsorption equilibrium and will
rate over a period of time and adjust the cycle time in a feed result in impurity breakthrough unless the cycle time is
forward fashion. The cycle time would also be adjusted in a reduced. Operating at less than designed pressure will
feed back fashion using a CO analyzer on the product line. reduce the PSA adsorbent capacity.

We agree with the other panelists comments, As you QUESTION 16:
continue to go below 30% of design, your hydrogen recovery What are the major causes of PSA valve failures
will probably suffer despite the continued lengthening of and how have they been addressed?
the absorption cycle.
We have suffered numerous tail gas valve failures, pri-
QUESTION 15: marily caused by positioner failures. The original
Please discuss the factors affecting hydrogen actuators and positioners were replace with Valtek posi-
purity and adsorbent life in PSA units. tioners and actuators on our hydrogen plant PSA, and with
Keystone actuators and positioners on our LC-Finer PSA.
JUNO: Since that time, there have only been a few Valtek actuator
Purity is affected primarily by the PSA feed and the failures when the sharp-edged piston gouged the cylinder
adsorption time. If the unit is pushed in rate, the purity will wall or when O-ring failures led to slow deterioration of
suffer due to reduced time for the adsorption cycle. On-line valve performance. The O-rings are replaced in kind when
analyzers, infrared sensing devices that identify a methane necessary, but the sharp-edged pistons have since been
breakthrough, can be used to warn of a breakthrough of replaced with rounded edge pistons.
hydrocarbons and cause the system to switch out of the On the adsorber valve skids, about two valve failures per
adsorption bed. year are caused by positioner failures. The original I/P’s
Adsorption life is affected by liquids that reach the PSA also used to fail regularly, about one every two months.
bed, especially heavy ends that have been entrained in the They have all been replaced with Rosemount I/P’s Slug-
feed gas. These heavy ends damage the adsorbent and gish valve action can usually be addressed with positioner
cannot be removed by the normal regeneration cycle, thus or volume booster adjustments.
reducing its absorbing capacity. The only way to rejuvenate The majority of our failures today are actually the result
the absorbent is to go through an ex situ high temperature of a false valve position indication. The valve stem rotates,
regeneration. moving the proximity switch target away from the sensor.
This results in a “valve failure” because the valve position
LAABS: as sensed by the proximity switch differs with that expected
We have found that the hydrogen purity is most affected in the PLC. A permanent solution to the valve stem rota-
by adjustments to the adsorption time. More adsorption tion is being worked on with the valve vendor, but until



then, the limit switch targets are bent so they cannot rotate to avoid this problem is to initiate the hydrotreater anti-
out of range of the sensor. foulant program after the system has been cleaned. If you
start the antifoulant program during a run, you will risk
JUNO: moving the material which has fouled the feed-effluent
Most failures are due to the solenoid, positioner, or limit exchanger onto the reactor bed. If you are able to run a
switch failures. These failures are being addressed by logic simulation program and can determine that your feed-
improvements in some of the controllers. The new con- effluent exchangers are not fouling, you may be able to
trollers can sense changes in pressure and flow to override avoid this problem. If you are faced with the possibility of a
the sensors located on the valves and prevent unit shut- very short run because your reactor delta P is increasing
down due to error in signals from the valve components. rapidly, I would recommend starting your antifoulant pro-
Older controllers do not have this function. Valve sticking gram at a low dosage rate and increasing the injection rate
has been addressed by going to soft-seated, bubble type, slowly.
butterfly valves. The seats on these valves will need re-
placement or repair after an approximate two year run BONELLI:
lengths. High quality valves with successful history in this We previously injected an antifoulant in one of our
service should also be selected when purchasing the PSA hydrotreaters which processes naphthas that are trans-
unit. ported from outside the refinery location. Because of pres-
sure drop problems on the feed preheat train and the
LAABS: reactor, the unit is typically shut down every 1% to 4
One of our sites has experienced PSA valve failures that months to clean feed-effluent heat exchangers, decoke the
have been caused by erosion of the valve internals. Ad- reactor charge heater, and scalp the bed.
sorbent dust in the system will impinge on valve parts and Comparative runs, with and without the antifoulant,
eventually cause a failure. We minimize dust creation by showed that runs without the antifoulant were as long as
trying to prevent pressure swings in the feed stream. the longest runs with the antifoulant. We determined that
Some of our refineries have had problems with the in- it was possible that the antifoulant application could
strument air going to the PSA valve positioners. Dirt and transport some foulants from the feed-effluent exchangers
scale from the instrument air system will accumulate in to the heater and the reactor. In fact, a dispersant program
the positioner internals and hamper valve operation. The was in place on one of our hydrotreaters when we experi-
number of failures has been reduced by installing filters on enced a tube failure in the feed preheater. To alleviate the
the air going to each individual positioner. One such in- situation, of course, you have to determine the base cause of
stallation uses a filter canister, a 20 micron basket, a the fouling.
bypass line, and local pressure differential instrumen- As noted in a previous NPRA Q&A Session, excluding
tation to ensure a clean air stream. oxygen from stored naphtha, which is to be processed in the
hydrotreater, is an effective way to do that, as is oxygen
PAULES: stripping using fuel gas prior to charging to the feed-
I agree. The major cause of PSA valve failures has been effluent exchanger train. In the case of the unit mentioned
the solenoid valves and positioners. above, the installation of an oxygen stripper has resulted in
dramatically improved run lengths.
It seems that valve failure is a major cause for an inter- MURPHY:
ruption to the operation of a PSA unit. So during the I agree with the previous two responses where an incor-
designs, we would recommend at least one extra PSA bed so rectly selected dispersant or inappropriately applied dis-
you can attend to one of the beds on the run. persant can move the problem downstream, although we
rarely see this. When it does occur, it is more often seen in
naphtha units than heavier feed units. It is important to do
B. Hydrotreating proper product selection based upon feed analysis and
testing before putting antifoulants into one of these units
in order to avoid this type of problem.
Mechanical In addition to the problems that were mentioned, inor-
ganic substances such as brine or iron salts can also enter
the system and affect reactor bed. We have found feed
QUESTION 17: conditioners in the tankage can help minimize the carry-
It has been reported that injection of an antifoulant over or water laden with salts which get into the reactor
can turn a feed-effluent exchanger fouling problem bed.
into a reactor pressure-drop problem. How can we Downstream fouling can also be a consequence of inad-
avoid this? What has been the experience in this area equate upstream corrosion control. This tramp iron can be
and if problems have occurred, how can they be addressed by a proper corrosion control program upstream
alleviated? or by use of filters downstream. An effective iron dispersant
can limit particle growth to a submicron range and show no
OSBORN: pressure increases at the reactor bed.
It is possible to move the material that has fouled the Certain chemical additives have been used to attempt to
feed-effluent exchangers onto the reactor bed. The best way reduce pressure drop increases. These can be effective,



however application of the additive must not be delayed and

the reason for the pressure increase needs to be estab-
lished. We have seen increases due to iron salts, polymeric
substances, coke fines from a delayed coker, calcium sulfate
from a products drier, among others. Again in each case, it
is important to go through a problem solving process to
identify the source of the foulant.
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company
One of the things you people probably have not heard
about is this continuing dialogue that we have with the
people who provide additives. We know that the pressure
drop affects the catalyst bed, so we receive about two or
three calls a month from various additive companies talk-
ing about the additional things that they would be using
upstream of hydrotreaters.
One of the things we are particularly pleased with is our placed in this line. If chlorides are present in the hydro-
association with Betz where we have had various “what if” carbon feed, then we recommend placing the bed down-
meetings, where we look at their research programs and we stream of the hydrotreating reactor. One advantage of this
will talk about ours, so we can help solve your problems approach is that it avoids injection of amine-based ad-
before you get them. ditives, which can slip from the hydrotreater and poison the
catalysts on downstream conversion units such as catalytic
A. K. ARORA (Indian Oil Corporation Limited): reformers. ICI Katalco’s PURASPEC’” absorbents have
Would the panel share experience on use of magnetic been successfully used in such applications.
filters on naphtha pretreaters?
We use a cartridge filter in a naphtha hydrotreater and What is the metallurgy of choice today for high
although it is not a magnetic filter, it did solve our problem. pressure effluent coolers and piping in hydrotreating
We were getting corrosion products from oxygen in our feed units where ammonium bisulfide may form (i.e.,
tank coming through and depositing on the tubes. We exchangers and piping with water wash)?
would get a major upset in the unit and the material would
sluff off and redeposit in the top of our catalyst bed and BRIERLEY:
cause high pressure drop, resulting in subsequent shut- Duplex stainless steels are acceptable for this service so
down and skimming operations. We have worked down to long as there are no chlorides in the process fluid that could
where we are using a 0.5 micron polypropylene filter at this sublimate to form ammonium chloride, and there is suf-
time. That has solved our problem. ficient wash water with complete distribution throughout
the exchanger. If either of these conditions cannot be met,
BONELLI: then the preferred tube metal material is alloy C-276.
We have no experience with those. I have heard of them HASTALLOY is one brand of C-276. We have recently
but have not tried them. retubed several of our effluent coolers with C-276 following
two major incidents.
THOMAS KELLY (ARC0 Products Company): For piping, either carbon steel or low chrome alloys are
Oletin polymerization can cause pressure drop buildup in acceptable depending on the temperature and hydrogen
our preheat exchange, heater, and reactor since we hydro- partial pressure. The wash water injection point should be
treat and reform our coker naphtha. Pressure drop buildup located right at the exchanger with an engineered dis-
is minimized by processing coker naphtha directly (with- tributor. If the injection point is in the piping, there is a risk
out storage). Since coker is blended with straight-run of corrosion and hydrogen damage in the downstream
naphtha before processing, our straight-run tanks are gas process piping if any ammonium chloride is present.
blanketed to exclude all oxygen. Failure of our gas blanket-
ing system usually means that pressure drop will shut O’BRIEN:
down our’desulfurizer within 3 to 4 months, even with the Sweeny’s air fin tubes are ASTM A-789, a seamless
use of antidispersant and antioxidants. Adding chemicals duplex stainless steel. The header boxes are carbon steel
with clean exchange and heater may slightly extend the lined with 309L and the first foot of outlet piping is lined
time between shutdowns but does not solve or minimize with monel. Borger’s entire system is carbon steel. There
this pressure drop problem. are NACE papers that cover this topic in detail.
Where the foulant is chloride salts, an alternative to The metallurgy of choice today depends upon the severity
injection of an antifoulant is to remove the chlorides onto a of application, quality of wash water, owner’s previous
fixed bed of our absorbent. If the source of chlorides is the experience on similar units, project specific life expectancy
hydrogen feed gas to the unit, then the guard bed can be of equipment and piping, and overall economics.



Availability of a good quality wash water (deaerated BONELLI:

clean condensate, if you can get it), properly designed water For us a typical inspection program provides for product
wash injection system, and limiting the fluid velocities to condenser inspection at each unit turnaround, which may
less than 20 ft/sec lends to the use of carbon steel with be at up to 4 year intervals. Using an eddy current tech-
heavy corrosion allowances as an economical choice. nique, ultrasonic inspection of header boxes for metal
Carbon steel tubes with high alloy ferules have been in thickness, and random tube inside diameter measure-
operation at several places for extended periods of time. ments are also done. The product separator is also ultra-
Alloy 2205 has also been used for cost reasons. We have sonically inspected at each turnaround.
also used alloy 800 and 825 for severe applications where Our inspection groups use a plant corrosion manage-
high Kp values and/or high fluid velocities were some of the ment system to determine the frequency and location of
concerns. testing of the associated piping based on both the short and
long term corrosion rates. We have made a concerted effort
SLOAN: across our company to standardize the use of this inspection
The refining industry has been concerned for many years system in order that our inspections of the process units
about corrosion in the reactor effluent of hydrotreaters and themselves are consistent.
hydrocrackers caused by aqueous ammonium bisulfide so-
lutions produced from streams rich in hydrogen sulfide and BRIERLEY:
ammonia. Severe corrosion has been reported in carbon Syncrude uses Ferroscope, Eddy Current, and IRIS tech-
steel and Type 316 stainless steel due to ammonium sulfide niques on 100% of the effluent cooler tubes. Spot RT of the
concentration exceeding 2%, stream velocity, pH, oxygen outside tube rows is also performed. Extended tube ID
concentration, etc. Corrosion in air cooler, condenser tubes gauges are used to check for ID thinning. These gauges are
and interconnecting piping has been experienced in carbon designed specifically for these exchangers and will inspect
steel material. the entire tube length. Inspections are performed every two
Water wash is normally injected into the reactor effluent years or during opportune shutdowns if they come earlier.
to prevent fouling. Water injection rates to keep the am- Piping is monitored annually using a combination of
monium bisulfide concentration below 2% have suc- straight beam UT and RT techniques at critical points in
cessfully been used to reduce corrosion in the common the piping system such as mix points, direction changes,
carbon steel metallurgy of the air coolers, condenser tubes drains, and vents. Particular attention is paid to welds and
and piping. Carbon steel can be used if the concentration of the heat-affected zones. The UT’s are performed in 360
the ammonium bisulfide can be kept below 2%, pH of the bands rather than spot locations.
water drawoff can be maintained between 8.3 and 9.0 and
velocity below 20 fps. LAABS:
When water injection is not feasible and the above condi- Typically our sites use ultrasonic testing to monitor
tions cannot be maintained, alloys such as Incoloy 825, ally corrosion after the wash water injection point, with prob-
2205 (duplex stainless steel), and Monel400 will be neces- lems confirmed with radiography. The frequency of testing
sary for exchanger tubes and piping for corrosion depends on the history of the area in question. One of our
resistance. refineries defaults to a yearly inspection while an affiliated
site begins with a 6 month interval. All of our refineries
T. WILLIAMS: adjust their schedules according to the corrosion history of
We use monel overlay on exchangers including piping the given area. Full cooler inspections are normally done
and monel inserts in the tubes. This is primarily for am- during maintenance shutdowns, about every 3 to 4 years.
monium chloride deposition. We use water wash for the
bisulfide. MURPHY:
Several methods that we have seen for monitoring cor-
MURPHY: rosion include corrosion probes and coupons; accumulator
In addition to the previous comments, many refiners water and product testing for iron, copper, and other
have avoided alloying by the application of a substantial metals; slip stream corrosion monitors; and if the corrosion
water wash and a dispersant filming amine to prevent salt is ammonium chloride fouling related, sometimes you can
deposition. infer corrosion by watching “U” values.

ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company O’BRIEN:

LB): We check thicknesses by UT two times per year and x-ray
Most units are designed for x bblsl/day and a lot of times welds on turnarounds, which are about once per year. We
you run at, maybe, 0.5x, or 0.6x. I would seriously consider will perform an internal inspection this year for the first
putting water addition points before and after the cooler to time in four years.
make sure that if your sulfide condensation points move,
you will be ready for it. TIM L. HECKEL (Unocal Corporation):
One caution in using histories is that most processing
plants make their money by operating on higher rates and
QUESTION 19: tougher feeds. So when you are using your history, please
What inspection techniques are most widely used bear in mind what your recent history has been and what
to monitor effluent systems for corrosion? How fre- your projected operation is in determining where and what
quently are effluent cooler inspections performed? frequency you need to do your inspection.



QUESTION 20: around the guards with block valves in the inlet to the
“Soaking Gas” (a slipstream of hydrogen treat gas) guard and in the bypass. Both are physically located above
is sometimes injected into an otherwise all-liquid the guard reactor vessels. The outlets of the guards have no
hydrocarbon feed stream upstream of the feed block valves.
preheat/reactor effluent exchangers in order to pre- During a recent run, both our guard reactors were spent,
vent exchanger fouling on the feed side. How effec- as indicated by no temperature increase. The guards’ pres-
tive has this procedure been? Does the benefit of any sure drops had dramatically increased. We partially
reduced fouling outweigh the added metallurgy ex- bypassed the guards to maintain approximately 80 psi
penses for handling a mixed phase hydrocarbon/ pressure drop. The reactors after several months, developed
hydrogen feed stream in the exchanger? hot spots due to poor distribution and channeling.
At this point, we cooled all the reactors to 500 °F, opened
JUNO: the bypass around the guards and closed the inlets. With
In a recent revamp of one of our high pressure hydro- only hot hydrogen flowing through the guards to maintain
treaters, we added a hydrogen recycle loop to reduce pres- reactor skin temperatures and keep oil from backing in, we
sure drop in the reactor feed exchangers and heater. We started the unit back up. The unit operated this way for
elected to keep the makeup hydrogen injected into the approximately 2% weeks until the scheduled shutdown.
hydrocarbon feed to prevent exchanger fouling on the feed
side, and to enhance the feed side film coefficients. Since BRIERLEY:
these exchangers were already alloy exchangers, there was We added double block isolation and bypass valves to our
not a decision to be made concerning the extra cost of guard reactors in the mid 1980’s. We have had good success
metallurgy. The use of the makeup hydrogen has been taking the guards off-line during the run so long as the
effective in retaining the heat transfer coefficient and in procedure is very carefully followed. We swing the guards
our opinion is warranted. Also, if you do make a decision to not usually to address pressure drop, but to insure the
use carbon steel exchangers without hydrogen injection, guard catalyst is trapping any metals in the feed.
all scenarios such as shutdown and start-up must be evalu-
ated to make sure that during upset conditions, these lines JUNO:
and exchangers are not subject to high hydrogen partial We do not have a residual hydrotreater, but we do have
pressures at high temperatures for an extended period of high pressure lube hydrotreaters. It would not be our prac-
time. tice to install block valves to isolate a reactor from service.
On lower pressure combination diesel dewaxing de-
BRIERLEY: sulfurization units, we have recently installed figure 8
Our research department has concluded that hydrogen swing blinds to remove a reactor from service during cer-
injection does indeed reduce polymerization of unstable tain times of the year. This requires a depressuring step to
olefinic hydrocarbons by reacting with the free carbon isolate the reactor, but we feel the extra time is merited in
radicals before they can polymerize and coke. We are cur- view of the safety aspects of the alternatives.
rently retrofitting this feature into our feed effluent
exchangers in our two GO-Finers. This has not been com- PAULES:
pleted, but we expect that the savings realized from re- We are in the process of relocating an Exxon-licensed
ducing unplanned shutdowns will outweigh the added residual hydrotreater to one of our refineries. This unit
metallurgy expenses. utilizes motor-operated block valves to double block the
guard reactor inlet and outlet and bypass the unit charge to
CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant): the second reactor on the run. Although we have yet to
Many refiners put all of the recycle gas and the makeup operate this unit, the prior operator and licenser state that
gas through the feed effluent exchangers. Many do not. The this type of system had been used more or less routinely
advantage ofputting all of the hydrogen, along with the oil, without any significant problems.
through the exchangers is improved heat transfer and
perhaps better thermal efficiency, and, as Mr. Brierley said, RAJGURU:
reduction of the polymerization tendency. Others who be- Only one of the Fluor Daniel designed atmospheric resid
lieve in heating hydrogen separately think there is a safety desulfurizer units have a motor-operated valve (MOV) on
benefit in doing so. the inlet to the guard reactor and a MOV on the bypass.
There is no block valve to the guard reactor outlet. This
arrangement allows bypassing the guard reactor without
QUESTION 21: removing it from the service. The other two Fluor Daniel
High pressure residual hydrotreaters usually have designed units do not have the block valves to isolate the
a guard reactor which will have shorter catalyst life guard reactor from the service. We are aware of overseas
than the following reactors. Do refiners remove the installations where guard beds can be isolated and
guard reactor from service by using block valves, or is bypassed.
the entire unit shutdown? If valves are used, what is
your experience? ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company
O’BRIEN: I would just like to emphasize that this is a very impor-
Borger does not have the capability to bypass the guard tant point as we try to move the existing residual hydro-
reactors on the run. The Sweeny system has a bypass treating process into a new era. Right now the residual



hydrotreater is limited to heavy Arabian atmospheric isolate and dump. In that case, the guard reactor is main-
tower bottoms or better quality because of run lengths and tained at full pressure with a warm gas flow through the
product quality. bed to keep the walls warm.
It would be very interesting if this could be taken as a
challenge by some of the engineering companies to be able
to come with a way to do this. Mr. Paules, I know that the QUESTION 22:
plant that you purchased does have that ability, but has not Has any refiner experienced a net improvement in
used it before, but it is also relatively lower pressure than HDS performance (barrels per pound of catalyst) by
most of the residual hydrotreaters. Consider it a challenge. retrofitting a single bed hydrotreater with quench
internals? In other words, when temperature rise is
CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant): high, does it make sense to trade catalyst for quench?
Are those just standard gate valves or something
different? SLOAN:
According to Mr. Art Suchanek of Criterion Catalyst,
BRIERLEY: yes, the addition of the quench in most cases will reduce the
I know they are standard gate valves, 1500 lbs stainless overall weighted average bed temperature (WABT), giving
steel gate valves. But as to the manufacturer, I can get that a longer run length and better color stability. The quench
for you if you want Mr. McCoy. will be most useful with cracked feedstocks which produce
high temperatures. The reactor L/D must be high enough
O’BRIEN: that the quench section does not severely reduce the overall
Ours are also standard gate valves. catalyst volume, and excess hydrogen must be available for
the quench.
UOP has more experience with guard beds than guard J. WILLIAMS:
reactors, although we have designed both. The typical Cracked feedstocks, such as coker naphtha, have a ten-
problem in the guard reactor, as has been mentioned dency at high temperature to form gums which result in
already, is not so much the catalyst life but the pressure reactor plugging. As the heat release for this material is
drop buildup. We typically design the guard bed with a quite large, several refiners have, or are considering, guard
bypass line consisting of just a single gate valve with no reactors for diolefin saturation at relatively low tempera-
block valves on the inlet to the reactor. This bypass line tures which minimizes the exotherm and gum forming
allows the continued operation of the unit with high guard tendency.
bed pressure drop if there is still acceptable product qual-
ity. It should be noted that if the feed is properly desalted ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company
and filtered, the bypass is typically not required during a LP):
cycle. By desalting properly, I mean double desalting. I will add to what Mr. Sloan said. One of the things that is
not mentioned here is whether or not this is a total liquid
NASSER M. AL-SHAMMA (Kuwait National Petroleum): phase or total vapor phase or mixed phase. If it is a mixed
Can you recommend a procedure for bypassing the guard phase, as you have in diesel, it is important to understand
chamber? the mass flux and the L/D ratio and their affect upon each
other. Three years ago, we were involved with a client who
BRIERLEY: had 100% coker distillate going to a treater. We recom-
Generally if you are bypassing it for pressure drop, the mended that he put in quench points at 1/3 of the way down
most delicate part of the procedure is actually opening the the catalyst bed and he doubled his catalyst life.
bypass. If you have multiple trains as we do, you can get
wild swings in hydrogen and gas oil flow that can result in
unit trips. What we typically do is block in the inlet after QUESTION 23:
the bypass is opened, do a hot hydrogen sweep of the reactor Pressure-temperature limits for carbon-½ molyb-
bed, to push residual oil into the main reactor. The reactor denum steel have been lowered by the recent version
outlet is then isolated, and the reactor is then depressured of the Nelson hydrogen-attack curves. Have any
to flare. We gradually cool it down with a natural gas reactors been downrated or retired because of this?
stream that is initially heated to reactor temperature with
an external furnace and then vented to flare after it goes SLOAN:
through the bed. I cannot over emphasize the risk one takes The current Fourth edition of API 941 was published in
if you bypass the guard without depressuring it. If the skin April, 1990. The curves are based on industry experience
temperature drops below the brittle fracture threshold, the and are an essential reference in material selection for
reactor could fail catastrophically. equipment and piping in high temperature, high pressure,
hydrogen service.
TIM L. HECKEL (Unocal Corporation): Changes in API were due to unfavorable service experi-
We agree that a few hydrotreaters have been designed ences with carbon-% molybdenum steels which reduced
with guard reactors that can be taken off line and dumped. confidence in its performance in hydrogen service appli-
These are mostly the lower pressure units. We believe that cations. In 1983, the majority of the failures in carbon-½
the most cost effective design is to bypass the guard reactor molybdenum equipment were reported to be in catalytic
while continuing to operate the unit, but not designed to reformers.



It has been reported that in 1990 one refiner replaced six accomplished with the use of an additive injected prior to
2-¼ chrome, 1 molybdenum old generation, which are 25 tankage to drop the salt laden water. Proper operator train-
years or older, hydrotreater and hydrocracking reactors. ing is critical here.
One of the reasons was indications of hydrogen damage. Second, determine which crude in the crude slate has
organic chloride contamination and either eliminate that
PEDERSEN: crude or limit its charge to a manageable rate.
We have not been forced to downrate or retire any reac-
tors as a consequence of the lowered Nelson curve. We have S L O A N :
however, increased the extent of inspection in compliance Chlorides can enter a hydrotreater both in the feedstock
with API 941 which requires inspection of 10% of the welds and makeup hydrogen streams. Chlorides in reformer
each year. In addition, we do magnetic particle or eddy hydrogen makeup streams can be removed utilizing a
current inspections of the shells during turnarounds. simple alumina absorber. Chloride contamination in crude
caused by oil field production additives has also been
documented. This chloride will normally concentrate in the
Process naphtha cuts and can cause severe corrosion problems in
naphtha hydrotreaters. In units with substantial nitrogen
in the feed, ammonium chloride salts can form at tempera-
ture levels above the normal wash water injection points.
What is the acceptable chloride concentration in
These deposits can plug exchanger tubes and lead to severe
hydrotreater feeds? Is monitoring of chlorides in
under deposit corrosion and chloride stress corrosion
effluent wash water an effective technique for infer-
ring feed chlorides? What methods are used for
In general, the allowable chloride concentration in
controlling chlorides in the feed?
hydrotreater feeds with significant nitrogen should be less
than 1 ppm. If chlorides are known to be present, it is very
BRIERLEY: important to evaluate the possibility of corrosion and
The maximum chloride concentration is a function of the cracking at stagnant cold spots, such as low point drains
chloride type. If the chlorides are organic chlorides, am- and instrument taps.
monium chloride, or another easily hydrolyzable salt, HCl Since chlorides can tend to salt out in hydrotreaters,
will be formed in the reactor. The feed chloride level must monitoring the chlorides in wash water may not be an
be kept low enough so that the HCl and ammonia vapor effective technique for inferring feed concentration. The
pressures are not sufficient to cause ammonium chloride best procedure would be to monitor chlorides in crude oil
deposition upstream of the final gas cooler equipped with and intermediate streams and maintain very tight speci-
water wash. Most chloride salts, particularly sodium chlo- fications for the stocks which must be hydrotreated.
ride will not hydrolyze, but will remain as a solid deposit
near the reactor inlet causing pressure drop and flow
maldistribution. T. WILLIAMS:
Monitoring the wash water effluent chloride con- We monitor chlorides in our hydrocracker effluent water
centration will not detect chlorides trapped in either the to track the amount of chlorides coming into the system.
reactor or chlorides deposited in or upstream of the effluent Besides controlling desalting upfront in the crude, we also
coolers. We have experienced two major incidents as a have a chloride guard bed to clean up the hydrogen makeup
result of chloride induced effluent cooler tube failures. If stream and use chemical treatment on the feed.
the current chloride level is close to causing deposition
upstream of the final gas cooler, we would strongly recom-
mend the coolers be inspected using the techniques just QUESTION 25:
discussed in Question #19. What specifications are imposed on wash water
injected into reactor effluent for ammonium bisul-
MURPHY: fide removal (chlorides, TDS, oxygen, etc.)? Do you
Acceptable chloride concentrations in hydrotreater feeds use stripped (or unstripped) sour water for this
will be unit specific. Of course, directionally the lower the purpose?
chloride level, the better. The resulting NH4Cl sublimation
temperature is the most critical parameter since the NH4Cl PAULES:
must sublime at temperatures downstream from where the Some general guidelines for hydrotreater wash water
reactor effluent wash water is injected. If too much chloride quality are: H2S, 1000 ppm maximum; ammonia, 1000 ppm
is in the feed, NH4Cl plugging ahead of the water wash is a maximum; chlorides, 50 ppm maximum; calcium, 3 ppm
possibility. maximum; and O 2 , 50 ppb maximum. We do not use
Monitoring chlorides in the effluent wash water is OK for stripped sour water as wash water. However, we do use
inferring feed chlorides if you assume that the makeup hydrotreater steam stripper overhead water. Some residual
hydrogen stream is chloride free, such as from a hydrogen hydrotreaters utilize a circulating water stream as a sol-
plant or from a reformer through a chloride guard bed. vent to extract ammonia from the reactor loop. Then the
There are two common methods for controlling chlorides ammonia is stripped in a sour water stripper, and then the
in the feed. water is returned to the reactor loop. This circulating water
First, make sure the feeds are as dry as possible, thereby stream must have a sizable purge and makeup to prevent
eliminating the chlorides carried in the water. This can be buildup of soluble contaminants.




At our Pasadena refinery, we are using steam condensate How effective have feed filter systems been in
for hydrotreater wash for the purpose of flushing out am- removing solids and minimizing pressure drop in-
monium chloride salts. In our Tyler refinery, we are plan- crease when hydrotreating gas oils and residuals?
ning to use stripped sour water for reactor effluent water What are the most popular types of filter systems in
wash. use today?

The most common specification for wash water source is The first part of the question asked how effective the feed
either deaerated steam condensate or boiler feed water. filter systems have been in removing solids. Our general
Oxygen content should be less than 50 ppb and chloride comment is that we have those types of filters ahead of our
limited to 5 ppm. For once-through washing, these speci- hydrocracking, hydrotreating reactor. They have been
fications should be sufficient, provided the water is not quite effective for us. Our system is a pleated paper car-
completely vaporized at the injection point. In principle, tridge installed in parallel vessels to allow filter element
recycling stripped sour water is acceptable, provided a changes without interruption of the filtering. Elements are
sufficient blowdown is maintained to limit total dissolved typically replaced when the pressure drop across the filter
solids to 5 ppm. The total wash water rate will have to be approaches the filter cartridge manufacturers suggested
adjusted based on maintaining an acceptable ammonium maximum allowable pressure drop. These filters have
bisulfide concentration in the sour water. Another poten- effectively removed the solids from the feed, chiefly iron
tial source of wash water makeup in units with steam oxide, iron sulfide, coke fines, and catalyst fines, pre-
stripped fractionators is the overhead condensate water. venting pressure drop problems at the fixed bed reactors. A
similar filter and coalescer installation is also used to
BONELLI: remove water from the reactor feed. Filters used in gas oil
Our reactor effluent systems are typically water washed hydrotreating service are typically 25 micron, although we
using clean condensate or deaerated treated boiler feed have used 5 and 10 micron elements in filtering our hydro-
water. I agree that it is acceptable to use recycled sour cracker charge. The 5 and 10 micron elements were discon-
stripper water if you control total dissolved solids. I think 5 tinued because the filter life was dramatically shorter and
ppm is a reasonable number. In general, the blowdown and we saw no improvement in the reactor pressure drop in-
fresh water makeup is around 40% when using those crease over time.
streams. There may be some oxygen dissolved in those
streams and it is typical to add some sort of oxygen scaveng- BRIERLEY:
ing chemicals to those water streams. Syncrude uses Ronningen-Petter Reactor Guard feed
filters on all three gas oil hydrotreaters. These systems are
very effective at screening out coke, scale, and other large
MURPHY: particulates that would plug the first reactor bed. Low
Wash water injection rates, using stripped sour water, micron and submicron particulates can pass through these
should be set to keep the ammonium bisulfide con- filters and may plug reactor beds if the right flow regime
centration below 10 wt%, preferably 3 to 5%, with carbon exists in the reactor.
steel metallurgy. If 316 stainless steel is used, then 35 wt%
ammonia bisulfide can be tolerated. MURPHY:
The oxygen content of the wash water, as everyone else Feed filters are good at removing about 70% of the solids
has stated, should be 50 ppb or less. We have effectively above the nominal rating of the filter. One thing to keep in
utilized oxygen scavengers to reduce the oxygen level well mind, filters obviously do not remove soluble substances
below this upper limit. and various foulant precursors such as iron naphthenates
and olefins begin forming foulant only when temperature is
O’BRIEN: applied, which is after the feed filtration.
I agree with the specifications that Mr. Paules and Mr.
Sloan stated. Borger has used a combination of stripped O’BRIEN:
sour water and boiler feed water. Sweeny has always used We feel that the feed filters are effective and important to
vacuum condensate and, at times, we have had high oxygen have upstream of residual hydrotreaters. In 2 of our 12
levels as a result of leaks on our surface condensers. We use, catalyst loads at Sweeny, we have experienced high guard
regularly, an oxygen scavenger to maintain near 20 ppb reactor pressure drops. On one of those, we had 25 micron
oxygen. filters. Since then we have changed to 50 micron and have
only had one high pressure drop incident. These filters
KARL KLEEMEIER (UOP): consist of 5 bays of 16 metal cartridge filters which back-
Units we design typically have similar wash water speci- flush automatically, one bay at a time, on pressure drop.
fications as stated already. We typically do not allow The Borger unit has 25 micron feed filters.
stripped sour water at all from an outside water stripper. If
there is a dedicated water stripper for the unit you are SLOAN:
using, we allow up to 50% stripped sour water with similar I will add that not all components that cause catalyst bed
specifications. But, we also have a H2S limit of 20 ppm and plugging are filterable. Soluble corrosion products nor-
an ammonia limit of 20 ppm. mally associated with acidic crudes can pass through filters



and react with hydrogen sulfide to form scale at the top of reactor effluent exchanger train to maintain a velocity of
the catalyst. When processing such feedstocks, the top between 12 and 18 ft./sec. Lower velocities result in accel-
catalyst bed should be graded in size and activity to allow erated fouling of the exchangers due to the salt buildup and
for the accumulation of solids while minimizing pressure potential ammonia carryover into the recycle oil. In our
drop increases. unit, which is not a once through design, recycle oil con-
taminated with ammonia reduces the reactor conversion
J. WILLIAMS: activity.
Feed filters are effective in removing particles down to 10 Excessive velocity in the effluent train can accelerate
microns and larger. However, we also recommend the tech- corrosion, so it is carefully monitored. For naphtha hydro-
niques of catalyst grading to increase the ability of the treaters with low nitrogen feeds, typically less than 0.5
reactor bed to handle any remaining particulates with ppm by weight, we perform washing on a weekly basis
minimal increase of pressure drop. using a formula of a 1 hour wash and approximately 1200
gallons of condensate per wash.
We have, in the past, used filters on our gas oil/ BRIERLEY:
deasphalted oil hydrotreater services and had similar Ideally, the wash water rate should be that required to
results. achieve an annular flow regime in all of the tubes of a
horizontal gas cooler, thereby dissolving and removing any
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company salts as they deposit throughout the length of the ex-
L.F?): changer. Distribution of the water wash is the key to ensure
The 25 micron filter was selected in resid processing to all the tubes are sufficiently wetted. We do not recommend
stop particles from going through the 1/32" catalyst down- intermittent water washing on those heat exchangers de-
stream, but using double desalted feed. That is one of the signed for salt deposition and removal. Intermittent water
things that I did not hear mentioned so far. It is very washing of any upstream heat exchanger is generally not
important to have efficient filter operation in order to recommended because the process temperature is usually
prevent your catalyst from becoming a better filter. too hot and salts can be transported into the fractionator
What quantities of wash water do refiners find The amount of wash water injected into the system can
necessary to add to reactor effluent in order to avoid be very different from site to site. We have found that the
deposition of salts on the effluent condenser? What rate of injection can be affected by the severity of the
factors determine the quantity? Is washing ever done process, the type of feed, the quality of the wash water, the
intermittently? design of the injection system, and the metallurgy of the
tubes. The injection rate is normally set so that 20 to 30% of
MURPHY: the water remains liquid after injection. If the tubes are
Typical starting point rules of thumb for water wash are made of carbon steel, the injection is adjusted so the emu-
3 to 5 vol% based on liquid charge to the unit. Ultimately ent water contains no more than 4 wt.% ammonium bisul-
the sublimation temperature of the ammonium chloride fide, and the stream velocity is kept between 4 and 20
and ammonium bisulfide salt should be calculated along ft./sec. to avoid erosion effects.
with the water dewpoint temperature to ensure that the Only one of our related refineries uses intermittent
water dewpoint temperature is hotter than the salt sub- wash. They inject two gallons per minute of wash water for
limation temperatures. Of equal importance is the correct twenty minutes, six times a day. They report that this
injection technique including a properly installed injection arrangement has been very effective in minimizing the
quill with the consideration of the flow regime. This is to pressure drop in their reactor etlluent condenser.
ensure that the wash water will get to where it is needed
and will work properly. SLOAN:
As refiners are cutting back on the amount of water I would like to mention the two papers published by
discharge because of environmental regulations, we have NACE in the mid 1970’s should be required reading.
seen some successfully switched to intermittent washing. l “Survey of Corrosion in Hydrocracker Effluent Air
Delta P has been used in some of these cases as an indicator Coolers”, by R.L. Piehl, Materials Performance, January
of fouling and as a guide to water wash frequency. However, 1976 and “Corrosion Correlations with Ammonia and
this should be evaluated carefully and has to be looked at on Hydrogen Sulfide in Air Coolers”, by E.F. Ehmke Materials
a unit by unit basis. Performance, July 1975.
Please note that some refiners have run into salting
problems when the unit severity was increased, causing the ROY:
salts to sublime ahead of the existing reactor effluent wash When injecting wash water to reactor effluent con-
water injection location. Relocation of the wash water in- densers care must be taken to use sufficient water to
jection locations, or the addition of a dispersant chemical quench the hot vapors and ascertain that at least 25 vol%
program are options in this case. remains as free or liquid water.
If the injected water was to completely vaporize, am-
BONELLI: monium chloride salts could still deposit downstream of the
At our gas oil hydrocracker wash water is added to the injection point in a moist environment causing pressure



drop problems and accelerated under deposit pitting cor- MARK RILEY (Unocal Corporation):
rosion. Typical injection rates are 5 to 6 wt% of feed rate. Diesel color is largely determined by three operating
Intermittent water injection is not recommended but can parameters, hydrogen partial pressure, reactor tempera-
be used following the above mentioned rules. ture, and liquid hourly space velocity. Generally, diesel
color is improved by operating at low temperatures, high
KARL KLEEMEIER (UOP): hydrogen partial pressures, and low space velocities. Turn-
I agree with everything that has been said so far. I would ing down the charge rate will normally improve diesel color.
like to emphasize that the intermittent water wash really Color deterioration at very low charge rates may be indica-
does nothing for you. Once the ammonium bisulfide depos- tive of poor reactor hydrodynamics. Product recycle may
its, the water is not going to dissolve it because ammonium solve some color problems associated with poor flow dis-
bisulfide does not exist in the liquid form. The wash water tribution at very low charge rates. Installing more efficient
is injected to keep the ammonia and the hydrogen sulfide in reactor internals is another solution. Color degradation can
the effluent from combining and desubliming. Once de- also occur if the reduction in charge rate is not followed by a
posited, the ammonia bisulfide can be eliminated only by reduction in reactor temperature.
warming up the fin fan and resubliming the ammonia
bisulfide. SUDHIR MENON (NALCO Chemicals India Ltd.):
It has been useful sometimes to bypass the hydrotreater
J. B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.): while processing very low charge rates and to use an effec-
Someone mentioned intermittent water wash on a naph- tive diesel fuel stabilizer to control the color if the sulfur is
tha hydrotreater. My experience is that intermittent water within specification.
wash on a naphtha hydrotreater usually results in more
migration of scale into the reformer. This scale can cause CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
serious problems during the regeneration of the reformer. The color problem is most often, in my experience, caused
Usually continuous water wash and regardless of how low by passing through the dry point in the reactor, so that a
the nitrogen content is or how low the sulfur content, will little bit of oil stays on the catalyst and presumably poly-
result in a better reformer operation than intermittent merizes. Product recycle does indeed work; it keeps a liquid
water wash in a naphtha hydrotreater. phase present throughout the reactor.

For those refiners who are hydrotreating their FCC
Operation of a diesel hydrotreater at very low
gasoline, what octane losses have been experienced?
charge rates sometimes causes color problems. What
have refiners done to eliminate this problem? Is LAABS:
product recycle effective? One of our refineries has historical octane data for se-
verely hydrotreating heavy FCC gasoline. We have ob-
J. WILLIAMS: served an octane loss of 5 to 7 numbers during the testing
Although this problem most commonly occurs at start of period. More recent data is not available, as the site is
run with high activity catalyst, we are familiar with one U. currently comingling their FCC gasoline with other feeds
S. refiner experiencing bright green diesel after two before hydrotreating and reforming.
months of operation. They are operating at half their de- Research at an affiliated laboratory has shown that there
sign velocity and we feel that due to the low charge rate, will be a 1 number loss in research octane for every 1.5 to
there could be pockets of oil undergoing dehydrogenation 3.0 vol% olefin reduction in the hydrotreating process, and
in the reactor causing these color problems. We have rec- a 1 number loss of motor octane for every 2.5 to 5% olefin
ommended increasing the space velocity by recycling in an reduction.
effort to improve color. However, the refiner does not feel it Texaco Development Corporation has a new hydro-
is a critical problem at this point. treating catalyst, called TX-SDS, that allows deep de-
sulfurization of FCC naphthas with minimal octane loss.
SLOAN: Laboratory data indicate that at 85% desulfurization, oc-
The problem is usually caused by one of two things. First, tane loss can be expected to be less than 1 number and at
the reduced rates can cause channeling which will lead to 95% desulfurization, less than 2 numbers.
localized hot spots and color problems. Second, low rates
may be lowering reactor temperatures enough so that the PAULES:
color is not being improved. In either case, the addition of At one of our refineries, we control our gasoline pool
product recycle increases the mass flux, eliminates the sulfur by limiting the FCC gasoline end point to 380 to
channeling, and improves the overall operation. 400 °F and drawing the heavier gasoline with the LCO.
This LCO is then hydrotreated and the heavy gasoline is
BONELLI: recovered in a hydrotreated product rerun fractionator.
I agree with the comment about localized hot spots being With this processing scheme, it is difficult to measure the
a possibility. At our recently constructed distillate hydro- octane loss of the heavy gasoline itself, but it is believed to
treater in Robinson, we have an 825 °F inside film tempera- be minimal as most of the octane quality of this cut comes
ture in a fired heater tube, and we also control the catalyst from aromatics and not olefins. This strategy allows the full
bed temperature to 680 °F maximum at any point in the range FCC gasoline sulfur to be reduced 35 to 50% versus
bed. blending the full range cut directly without hydrotreating.



Our recent studies and ongoing designs indicate that the Since January 1991, ultra low sulfur diesel fuels have
octane losses for FCC gasoline can be in the order of up to 10 been marketed in Sweden following legislation that offers
RON and 8 MON. The treated gasoline sulfur levels in attractive tax incentives for the manufacturing and sales of
these cases are less than 50 ppm. This reduction is, how- these fuels. For a diesel fuel meeting, the 50 ppm sulfur
ever, highly dependent on the FCC feed characteristics, and specification, so-called class 2 specification, the tax incen-
severity of FCC operation. tive is about $50/ton. For fuel meeting, 10 ppm sulfur, class
High olefin levels of the gasoline will result in higher 1, the incentive is about $lOO/ton. The base fuel, with no
octane losses. One of the considerations to minimize the tax incentive, called class 3, is currently limited to a maxi-
octane loss is to split the full range FCC gasoline into light mum of 0.1 wt% sulfur, but it is expected that this will be
and heavy gasoline and hydrodesulfurize only the heavy reduced to 0.05 wt%.
gasoline which is mostly aromatic and does not incur the In addition to the tight sulfur specifications, there are
same degree of octane loss as the full range FCC gasoline. limiting specifications on aromatics, 20 vol% and 5 vol% for
Estimated octane loss for heavy FCC gasoline is in the class 2 and 1, respectively. On distillation, a 95% maximum
order of 2 RON and 1 MON. at 295 ºC and 285 °C, respectively. These environmental
fuels are produced at some European refineries. The class 2
SLOAN: diesel is today the standard diesel quality at the service
In last year’s NPRA Q&A transcript, pages 30 & 31, Mr. stations in Sweden. It is expected that within a year or two,
Safa George of Criterion discussed a very similar question. the class 1 specification will be the standard. Some prob-
lems have been reported related to lack of lubricity, pri-
J. WILLIAMS: marily for light duty engines in passenger cars. Whether to
Octane loss of 4 to 5 numbers is typical when hydro- expect a problem or not depends basically on two factors: (1)
treating full range FCC gasoline to the current levels of 500 the fuel injection system in the engine and (2) how severe a
to 1,000 ppm sulfur. For future reformulated gasoline speci- hydroprocessing operation the product has seen. To get a
fications, heavy octane penalties of 8 to 10 number drop in good understanding of the possible problems and causes, I
RON could be expected when refiners target below 250 ppm can refer you to a recent article in the Oil & Gas Journal
sulfur. We believe high severity operation of FCC feed from August 16, 1993.
hydrotreaters will be the preferred operation to achieve the
future gasoline pool sulfur specifications. BRIERLEY:
Syncrude produces an ultra low sulfur, i.e. less than 10
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company ppm diesel fuel for internal use by our mine fleet. The fuel
LP): is cleaner burning and less corrosive than commercial
Lummus and Criterion have now developed a process for diesel fuels. We add small quantities of a commercial lu-
SynSat FCC gasoline desulfurization which we announced bricity additive as a safeguard. There have been no adverse
today. One thing that I would like to caution is that looking effects on engine life and actual field performance has
at gasolines today and looking at gasolines tomorrow are exceeded expectations.
different problems. What I heard was desulfurization of the
heavy gasoline. I am not sure that is going to be in gasolines
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company
of the future.
The T90 proposed changes are going to drastically im- I was fortunate enough this past week to give the sum-
pact on how much FCC cracked gasoline can be used. There
mary talk on diesel processing at the Fuels Conference in
are many heated discussions on this subject.
Washington. I emphasized that the problems we are seeing
When looking at octane numbers of FCC gasolines, make
supposedly with diesel fuels at low sulfur are being caused
sure the octane number of your base case is defined. As we
by units that are being operated at very high sevedties. A
go towards reformulated gasolines and you change the
properly designed unit, understanding what is going on in
FCCU operation to make more olefins for downstream
a diesel hydrotreaier, can achieve products which do not
ether or alkylate production, the front end point is going to
have these problems.
change significantly. A lot of your octane, which will be lost
As Mr. Pedersen mentioned, Sweden has a class 1 diesel,
in desulfurization, is lost from the front end. That is be-
which I classify in the U. S. terms as a heavy jet fuel. This is
cause of the high concentration of low molecular weight 10 ppm sulfur with 3 to 5 vol% aromatics. That material, at
olefins that are in that gasoline fraction. one point, did have some lubricity problems as was reported
If you cut at C5s and if you are also trying to minimize recently in the Oil & Gas Journal.
olefins in your downstream gasoline, it could be a different Lubricity is an interesting facet. Lubricity is a function of
situation. The processes we look at for almost any of the the viscosity and the distillation at the front end. If you
streams for reformulated gasoline will give less than a 1 to change them by a very small fraction on the cut point, the
2 octane number loss. lubricity can be changed significantly. So I go back to what I
have been saying many times, understand your chemistry
QUESTION 30: and you go run these things to your low sulfur levels
Are any refiners currently producing ultra low without any problems.
sulfur diesel (i.e., less than 0.02 wt% sulfur)? How
serious are problems, such as lubricity, for the ultra HIGGINS:
low sulfur diesels? Mr. Suchanek, you say lubricity is a function of viscosity



The maximum reactor temperature achievable before
impacting color and color stability depends on the feedstock
and operating conditions. It is generally believed that this
threshold temperature is between 720 and 735 ºF There is
no strong correlation between color and operating condi-
tions. However, the main factor contributing to color
degradation is temperature. Therefore, any operating vari-
able which reduces reactor temperature required to achieve
the product specifications will help to improve color. This
includes maximizing hydrogen partial pressure, reducing
diesel end point, and minimizing cracked stocks. It is
widely accepted that color and color stability are affected by
aromatics, specifically polynuclear aromatics, and hetero-
cyclic nitrogen compounds. Since air and light adversely
affect the final product, we recommend nitrogen-blanketed
storage tanks. However, if the final product fails the color
and the front end distillation. Are there available cor- stability test off the unit, it cannot be improved except for
relations on that relationship? further hydrotreating or blending with other good quality
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company
No. There was a great study that was done in Sweden by This is certainly dependent on the design of the unit,
Volvo, which I have given to quite a few people here. Last whether the end of run is potentially reached due to the
spring, we presented a paper with ScanRaft on the SynSat color. Typically, we target to not exceed 700 to 710 ºF in the
application. My coauthor Kurt Karlson had sent me a copy reactor system. The crude source, the operating pressure,
of the Volvo paper and I have sent it to many people. space velocity, percent vaporization in the bed, are all
Anyway there is a developing correlation. From what I important factors in the performance of the unit and the
have been told by people who operate engines, viscosity and associated product color and stability.
front end cut point are the two key variables which have an The two most likely sources of color degradation are
effect on lubricity, perceived lubricity in the engine. The nitrogen compounds and the associated formation of color
sulfur, of course, is important too because of its natural bodies, or the possibility of cracking due to an excessive
inhibition, but if 10 ppm works out at some units, I do not delta T across the bed. Stability is affected by the degree of
see where it is that big a deal. saturation of olefins and diolefins and has not been a prob-
lem with the severity of hydrotreating required to meet the
HIGGINS: 0.05 wt% sulfur standard.
There appears to be another problem in the United We are requested to add minimum levels of a stabilizer to
States with the low sulfur diesel. The Cummins, L&N meet pipeline specifications, although early testing indi-
series, engine has an O-ring on the PT pump made of cates this may not be necessary. A small amount of cor-
butly-n and they appear to be leaking, causing quite a few rosion inhibitor seems to be necessary to meet a B + NACE
problems out there in the market place. I understand that test however.
Cummins has, this week, sent a letter to their dealerships
warning them of that and telling them the solution is to RAJ PATEL (Unocal Corporation):
An economically attractive alternative to preventing
change out that O-ring.
color body formation is to allow the color bodies to form and
treat the diesel separately to improve the color. Unocal
licenses hydrotreating processes which utilize diesel color
control technology called DCC, which can be retrofitted to
What is the maximum temperature for hydro- an existing unit to reduce color in diesel and in jet fuel.
processing diesel and kerosene streams without sig-
nificantly impacting color or stability? What T. A. CAVANAUGH (Exxon Research & Engineering
correlations exist between color and operating con- Company):
ditions? What are the mechanisms that cause the Based on extensive pilot plant studies and confirmed in
formation of color bodies? What can be done after commercial deep desulfurization operations, we find that
hydrotreating to improve stability? distillate color and stability are highly influenced by the
feedstock type and operating severity. Although somewhat
PAULES: difficult to generalize, experience suggests that virgin dis-
This question has been discussed very thoroughly in the tillates can be subject to temperatures in the range of 700 to
last several NPRA Q&A sessions. As a general guideline, to 800 °F, while cracked stocks require a more limited range of
avoid color and stability problems, the reactor outlet tem- 600 to 700 ºF The mechanisms for the formation of color
perature should not exceed 720 ºF, or exceed 50% vapor- bodies is rather complex and related to multiring aromatics
ization. Also, cracked stocks high in nitrogen and un- formation via condensation in or dehydrogenation
saturates will cause more problems than straight-run. reactions.



QUESTION 32: ppm. They are susceptible to interference from nitrogen,

For producing 0.05 weight percent sulfur diesel, metals, chlorides, and are sensitive to ambient tempera-
most refiners are operating their units at 0.04 to ture. We use the ANTEK method, which I believe Mr. Sloan
0.042 wt% sulfur to insure they stay below the 0.05 referred to, even through it does not fully meet the re-
wt% level. This offset is primarily due to the analyt- quirements of ASTM D3120. The ANTEK method has been
ical uncertainty in the sulfur measurement. Are there shown to have better accuracy and precision, and is cur-
any new or emerging technologies that can sig- rently in for balloting by ASTM and may be approved next
nificantly improve the accuracy of the sulfur mea- year.
sure, allowing the refiner to operate at a level closer
to the mandated sulfur specification? LAABS:
The sulfur testing method of choice for low sulfur diesel
SLOAN: fuel at our refineries is the ASTM D2622 x-ray fluorescence
For the determination of sulfur in petroleum feedstock, test. This method has a published repeatability of 0.0025
specifically diesel stocks, there are very few accepted wt%, which would allow for a much tighter operating speci-
methods that have the required precision to allow a closer fication. The design of x-ray spectrometers has greatly
offset. The classic ASTM D2622, wavelength dispersive improved in the past few years. Using these instruments,
x-ray, is well equipped to analyze sulfur in diesel at 500 along with proper quality control in the laboratory, we have
ppm. The reported repeatability of this method is 25 ppm. achieved a repeatability of 0.001 wt%. Pipelines have ac-
As ASTM subcommittee is now trying to establish an knowledged this increase in testing capability by relaxing
energy dispersive x-ray method that has the required pre- their low sulfur diesel specification to 0.047 wt% sulfur.
cision for diesel specifications, newer instruments in this
category have detector resolution and software algorithms ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company
that provide significantly better performance than earlier L.P):
models that were limited to high sulfur applications. With A really fine paper was put out last week at the Fuels
these instruments, a draft method has been tested by round Conference entitled “New Testing Options Offer Compliant
robin and found to give a repeatability of 28 ppm and a Success”, by Terry Thompson of Caleb Brett. I would sug-
reproducibility between laboratories of 54 ppm. gest you contact Information Resources of Virginia to get a
Even more sensitive methods are being developed that copy of it.
have not yet obtained the required precision. These include
the use of chemiluminescence detector, such as used by FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT (SETPOINT, Inc.):
Antek, or the use of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) At least two new sulfur analyzers have come on the
spectroscopy. The Antek’s advantage over the x-ray method market recently.
lies in the speed of analysis, lack of interferences, and cost Fluid Data sells an analyzer called “FdSulf-Tane’“”
of the required instrumentation. The ICP is expensive, but which uses a chemiluminescence technique to measure
can be used in a great number of applications and is quite total sulfur down to 1 ppm. The analyzer first conditions
fast. For interested parties, I have three literature refer- the sample through a gas chromatograph column then
ences on the ICP for sulfur determinations. burns the effluent of the column to give SO2 and SO. The
combustion products are combined with ozone and a chemi-
l Fabec, J.L. Ruschak, M.L., “Determination of Ni, V,S,
cal reaction between the SO compounds and ozone gives off
in crudes and heavy crude fractions by ICP/AES and
a telltale frequency of light. The light is detected and
FAAS”. Analytical Chemistry, 1985, 57 (9), pg 1853-1863.
converted to a signal proportional to the sulfur content.
l Floyd, R.C., “Determination of Sulfur in Petroleum
Fluid Data claims a cycle time of 2 minutes and repeat-
Products Using ICP With Vacuum Spectometer”. Plasma
ability of 1%.
Spectrochem Anal. Prod. Int. Winter Conf. 1980, paper No.
ABB Process Analytics also has a new total sulfur analy-
zer which uses a flame photometric technique. (More in-
l Blades, M.W., Hauser, P., “Quantitation of Sulfur in
formation expected from ABB soon.)
Xylene with an Inductively Coupled Plasma Photodiode-
Array Spectrometer”. Analytica Chimica Acta 1984, 157,
163-169. QUESTION 33:
Even with the development of improved analytical tools, What unanticipated operational problems have
the real problem is the calibration bias which is best at- refiners experienced in producing low sulfur diesel?
tacked by having an identical reference sample in both How has this impacted your operations?
buyer and seller laboratories to use for adjusting results to
a common basis. This type of arrangement could, indeed, PEDERSEN:
reduce the need to run with large offsets. For the new ED Both in Kalundborg and Mongstad, we have been pro-
x-ray method, two NIST standards are recommended with ducing 0.05 wt% sulfur diesel fuels for some time. We have
0.0152 and 0.169 wt% sulfur. A standard close to the 0.05 not really experienced any unanticipated problems. But, of
wt% sulfur could reduce the between laboratory bias to a course, we are much more vulnerable to product con-
value near the 28 ppm repeatability and lead to smaller tamination. Therefore, good sulfur control of your tank
offsets. heels and your loading lines are essential. We are, for
example, using the same loading line to ship standard
BRIERLEY: sulfur diesel and low sulfur diesel and have to flush the
Existing ASTM methods cannot accurately measure the systems carefully when low sulfur product follows the
low sulfur in our diesel cut, which is between 100 and 300 higher sulfur product.



J. WILLIAMS: conditions of 750 psi, 1.5 space velocity, but most impor-
We have found that both hydrogen consumption and heat tantly only 35% cycle oil. The material that is coming out of
of reaction are higher than anticipated for low sulfur diesel your catalytic cracker is different. You can not sell hydro-
units processing light cycle oil. This is apparently due to an treating alone today, you had better understand the cata-
increase in polynuclear aromatic saturation as evidenced in lytic cracker.
improved cetane index.


In our two diesel hydrotreaters, we have not experienced Has any refiner successfully hydroprocessed FCC
any unusual operating problems. Within two days of start- slurry recycle oil to improve conversion of this mate-
up on one of our new hydrotreaters, we were on speci- rial? If so, what modifications were required to
fication with our diesel product. handle the fines?

The only concern we have encountered so far is that the One of our refineries routinely hydroprocesses FCC
cloud point of the hydrotreated low sulfur diesel is not as slurry oil in a Texaco-designed H-Oil unit. The process
responsive to kerosene blending as nonhydrotreated diesel. allows for the addition or withdrawal of catalyst on-line, so
For example, a nonhydrotreated diesel of cloud point 25 the reactor has no problem with fines in the feed stream.
may need 15% kerosene to meet an 18 cloud point speci- The H-Oil charge drums and other unit vessels have shown
fication. This same stream, after hydrotreating to 0.05 minor fines accumulation. These are cleaned during
sulfur may still have a cloud point of 25, but will need 30% shutdowns.
kerosene to meet an 18 cloud point specification. We have
not experienced any color or stability problems, but we SLOAN:
have not come close to end-of-run conditions on our unit. Catalyst fines can be removed from FCC slurry oil by
either settling, filtration, or solvent deasphalting. Filters
CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant): are susceptible to plugging. Settling tanks may not be
Last night a catalyst salesman proudly told me about his economically or environmentally viable. Solvent de-
hottest new product that is desulfurizing a 50:50 mix of asphalting can be used to easily remove the fines. Kerr-
cycle oil and straight-run to 0.05 wt% sulfur at a space McGee tells us that this easy separation is attainable
velocity up around 5. At those conditions, the volumetric because of the substantial density difference between the
heat release inside the reactor is somewhere between liquid and solid phases. Solvent deasphalting provides
20,000 and 40,000 BTUs/hr/ft3. That is several times the nearly complete rejection of the solid material, as well as
heat release inside your refinery furnaces. It is great that any asphaltenes that may be in the FCC slurry oil. The
we are making advances in catalyst, and I do not want you asphaltenes plus catalyst fines can be handled as a hot
to slow down, but we have a real operator training problem liquid slurry or as a solid product. The size distribution and
too. Hydrotreater operators are in a new ball game. overall consistency of a solid asphaltene stream is deter-
mined by the cooling method employed in the product
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company handing system. Solid asphaltenes can vary from fine pow-
LP): ders to large lumps, and from random particles to uniform
I read this question as not an operational problem, but an pellets. Any of these products may be suitable as fuel.
emotional problem. It is an interesting question. Mr.
McCoy, I will say there is a Chevron Plant in Wales that J. WILLIAMS:
runs 100% cycle oil at 4 space velocity, and 600 lbs pressure, Hydroprocessing slurry oil demands filtration such as
100% vapor phase operation with only 50% conversion in sintered metal filters to lower the catalyst fines to low
the catalytic cracker. amounts to avoid plugging in the catalyst bed. We know of
This is the point that I would like to make. Fundamental one unit which has successfully used this technique. A
in understanding hydrotreating of FCC cycle oils is under- catalyst system with residual demetalization catalyst can
standing what is going on in the catalytic cracker. Mr. also be used to reduce asphaltenes.
James Williams from Akzo brought this point out and I
totally agree with him. What he did not do is go further. ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company
The catalytic cracker today is changing significantly. I L.F!):
think it was three years ago, I stood in one of these meet- Going back to the old, old days at the Cincinnati Gulf Oil
ings and said a cycle oil is not a cycle oil is not a cycle oil. Plant. We had a 600 lb. hydrotreater, 2 space velocity diesel
Cycle oils are changing drastically as we go to different unit. Periodically, we would process slurry oil and send the
catalyst and make maximum olefins, as we go to minimum product to a plant where they would use it for anode grade
contact time risers. coke. It was a profitable product.
Many changes are being done in catalytic crackers de- We solved the fines problem very simply, by changing the
signs which affect the quality of the product. We have seen catalyst to 1/8 in. size. That meant all the fines went out with
some significant changes in the hydrotreatability of some the product to coke production. The nice part was that we
of these products. In one case I can tell you of an operation, were able to come back to distillate in roughly four or five
over the first third of the catalyst bed, which is one bed and days by taking the color bodies off the catalyst. It worked
then two-thirds of the second bed had 135 °F delta T at well.




With a more severe desulfurization of diesel, As a comment on the pros and cons, I can refer to a recent
should we be concerned about ammonium bisulfide study we did on a grass roots HDS unit for virgin gas oils,
condensing in the stripper tower overhead con- with 97% desulfurization at 750 psig, and feed sulfur at
denser system? about 0.4 wt%. Space velocity could be increased by 40
percent with an H2S scrubber installed, but we are not able
SLOAN: to justify the cost of the scrubber and associated facilities
Inevitably as refiners go to higher hydrodesulfurization compared to the cost of additional reactor volume. As a
levels in distillate hydrotreaters, the level of denitrogena- general rule of thumb, I think the H2S mole percent should
tion and resulting ammonia concentration and reactor be higher than 3% before you start to think about H2S
effluent will also increase. This is particularly true in units scrubbing.
which process significant quantities of cracked stock, such RAJGURU:
as coke or gas oil which are derived from high nitrogen The pros and cons for us covering H2S out of the recycle
crudes. Also, many new units and major revamps are util- gas are case specific and are difficult to generalize. For a
izing the hot high pressure separator configuration. This typical low sulfur, light straight-run naphtha, it is more
separator design will result in higher levels of ammonia economical to maintain the recycle gas purity while adjust-
reaching the stripper. Our simulations have indicated that ing the purge, rather than by considering the recycle gas
there are sufficiently high levels ofammonia in the stripper scrubber. However, for a typical high sulfur gas oil de-
overhead in many applications that result in salt formation sulfurizer, it is very economical to scrub the H2S out of the
and possibly severe corrosion. We feel that it may be neces- recycle stream and to increase the recycle gas purity.
sary on a case by case basis to design for continuous water Without the scrubber, more purge and correspondingly
wash upstream of the overhead condenser. The method- more makeup hydrogen is required to maintain the hydro-
ology and data published by Lyn and Crynes (Oil and Gas gen partial of the reactor. Alternately, more catalyst is
Journal, November 28, 1983) can be used to estimate the required to compensate for the reduced hydrogen partial
potential for salt formation in the overhead. However, even pressure. Besides, the H2S generated by the HDS must be
in the absence of salt deposition, the potential for corrosion scrubbed somewhere to meet the fuel gas or LPG speci-
caused by elevated ammonia bisulf’ide concentrations at fications anyway. Therefore, there are no savings in the
the water dewpoint should also be considered. total amine circulation rates.
The only possible, if any, savings from not having the
MURPHY: recycled gas scrubber is to have a single low pressure amine
The concern of ammonia bisulfide condensing in the contactor instead of two contactors, a high pressure and low
stripper tower overhead condenser system is always pres- pressure.
ent. However, an analysis of the stripper tower overhead Unless it is a once through system, we strongly recom-
system for ammonia and sulfide will determine the sub- mend an H2S scrubber in the recycle gas for high sulfur
limation temperature and whether there is a problem. As I distillates and heavier feeds.
previously stated, more severe operating conditions can
move the sublimation point of the salts ahead of the water J. WILLIAMS:
wash. Please be extremely cautious when taking this par- High levels of H2S in the recycled gas stream act as a
ticular sample due to the very high H2S levels which are temporary poison and tend to suppress the desulfurization
present in the stream. (HDS) and denitrogenation (HDN) reactions. The negative
to scrubbing H2S out of the recycled gas is the equipment
cost. Leaving H2S in the recycled gas even in low con-
QUESTION 36: centrations from 1 to 2% reduces the HDS and HDN ac-
What are the pros and cons of scrubbing H2S out of
tivities since the H2S is a temporary poison. Two percent
the recycle gas stream?
H2S can require an increase of around 10 ºF, seriously
reducing the cycle length. For the refiner that has plenty of
hydrogen from the reformer, giving a high purge rate in the
PAULES: distillate or gas oil hydrotreator, the incentive will be lower.
Scrubbing the H2 S out of a hydrotreater recycle gas
stream has advantages catalytically over systems that do JUNO:
not. In a system without recycle gas scrubbing, H2S will I agree with most of the panels comments and will add
build up in the recycle loop such that the H2S generated in that, depending on the operating pressure, the effect of
the reactor will be equal to that leaving the unit in hydro- having somewhere around 10% H2S in the recycle gas could
gen purge, cold flash gas, and cold separator liquid. This drop you to a point where your aromatic saturation reac-
level can approach ten percent. These higher levels of H2S tions will be also sharply diminished.
concentration tend to inhibit the desulfurization reaction,
Also, excessive hydrogen purge may be necessary to hold CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
H2S in the recycle gas at a reasonable level, thus wasting This may also be the cheapest way of expanding an
hydrogen available for other hydroprocessing. However, existing HDS unit.
installing a recycle gas scrubber in a hydrotreater is more
costly than combining all off gas streams to a single low DAVID C. PARNELL (TPA):
pressure scrubber. In regards to the solvent circulation rate, if the H2S is



removed at a higher pressure, the solvent circulation rate second step, requires very low sulfur and nitrogen con-
can definitely be reduced. This is because the H2S absorp- centrations in the feed.
tion efficiency, whichever solvent is being used, is con-
siderably better at the higher pressures than treating at a BRIERLEY:
lower pressure. There are some potential advantages to There have been several excellent papers presented at
reducing the solvent circulation rate and simultaneously the NPRA Annual Meetings on this subject in recent years.
removing the same amount of H2S by treating the Hz rich Overall, they would seem to indicate, you can get moderate
stream at a high pressure. When the overall solvent cir- levels of aromatic saturation in the 40 to 50 percent range at
culation rate to the regenerator is reduced, the equipment low space velocities and total pressures as low as 700 lbs.
cost for a new unit will be less; or an energy saving on an Syncrude currently is planning pilot plant studies with
existing unit can be realized because of a reduction in the ABB Lummus Crest and Criterion Catalysts, joint li-
regeneration energy requirement at the lower solvent cir- censers of the SynSat process.
culation rate.
BRIERLEY: Just giving some theoretical numbers, information from
I would like to add a couple of comments we have not a consultant indicated that I could achieve, with a nickel
heard. If you are constructing a new unit and do not add tungsten catalyst, aromatics reduction from 40 to 25 vol%
H2S scrubbing, you are going to have to increase the size of at around 800 psi hydrogen partial pressure, 40 to 20 ~01%
your recycle gas loop and the compressor to increase the at 1100 psi, and 40 to 10 vol% at 1600 psi. Using a nickel
circulation rate to keep the hydrogen partial pressure molybdenum catalyst, the numbers would be more like
where you want. If you have an existing unit with H2S in 1200 psi for 40 to 25 vol%, 1600 psi for 40 to 20 vol%, and
the recycle gas, you have to run with higher reactor tem- 2400 psi for a 40 to 10 vol% reduction. This suggests that if
peratures, and therefore, higher deactivation rates. If you you could get your sulfur down below 10 ppm by adding
want to scrub out the H2S, you will be able to run with reactor volume, you would be better off by adding a second
significantly lower reactor temperatures and possibly sig- stage hydrotreater with noble metal catalyst operating at a
nificantly longer catalyst life as well. much lower pressure range, maybe in the 600 psi range.

ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company):

QUESTION 37: I would just like to mention that of the eight SynSat
Low sulfur diesel is here, and lower aromatic diesel licenses that we have, the first was started up on September
is coming. What is the capability of a hydrotreater 1, conceptualized on February 15th. The engineering work
producing 500 ppm diesel to reduce aromatics from was done through the summer, and the plant is now pro-
40 vol% to 25 vol%, to 20 vol%, to 10 vol%? What is ducing ultralow aromatics.
the minimum pressure required for marginal aro-
matics reduction? Please comment on any emerging PAUL W. VANCE (Acreon Catalysts):
hydrotreating technologies for HDS/HDA. For a two stage hydrotreater configuration, with the first
stage being a high severity desulfurization system, and the
J. WILLIAMS: second stage system for aromatic saturation, Acreon offers
Most low sulfur diesel can be achieved at moderate pres- a high surface area nickel catalyst for aromatic reduction.
sures, 650 to 1000 psig, and space velocities of about 1 to 2. This catalyst offers a high hydrogenation activity and
In this type of system, reduction of aromatic below 30% is provides an alternative to precious metal hydrogenation
not possible. In order to reduce our aromatics from 40 to 10 catalyst.
or 20 vol%, either a high pressure, single stage over 1800
lbs of low space velocity (under 1) unit, or a two-stage low MARK RILEY WNOCAL Corporation):
pressure system is required. Two new emerging tech- The conditions required to reduce aromatics in diesel are
nologies are available for HDA: (1) the two-stage process more severe than those required for desulfurization or
with a low to moderate pressure HDS reactor followed by a denitrogenation. A hydrotreater producing 500 ppm diesel
low pressure HDA reactor, and (2) a single stage hydro- from a feedstock with 40 volume percent aromatics is un-
cracking process at moderate to high pressures called MAK likely to exhibit appreciable aromatics reduction.
Hydrocracking resulting from a recent technology alliance Aromatics reduction is strongly influenced by space ve-
between Mobil, Akzo, and Kellogg. locity and hydrogen partial pressure. For example, a diesel
with 1.22 wt% sulfur, 330 ppm nitrogen, and 42.9 vol%
PEDERSEN: aromatics displayed the following behavior. At 700 psi and
In our pilot plant we have demonstrated that operating at 3 lhsv, almost no aromatices conversion was observed up to
750 psig with a nickel molybdenum catalyst and a space a temperature of 720 °F. By reducing the space velocity to 1
velocity of 1, the aromatic content can be reduced by up to hr-1, the aromatics were reduced to 35 volume percent at
25 vol%. Decreasing the aromatic content further in a 720 ºF. At 1000 psi and 3 lhsv, the aromatics were also
single step will require a significant increase in operating reduced to 35 volume percent at 720 ºF. Decreasing the lhsv
pressure. On the other hand, adopting a two stage concept, to 1 hr -1 , at the same pressure reduces the aromatics
aromatics can be reduced to about 10% even at lower pres- content to 20 volume percent at a temperature to 680 ºF
sures by use of a noble metal catalyst in the second bed. You Further increasing the pressure to 1400 psi the aromatics
should be aware that to use the noble metal catalyst, in the content can be reduced to 22 volume percent at a space



velocity of 3 hr-1 and a temperature of 720 °F A diesel with ARNOLD S. FEINBERG (Exxon Research & Engineer-
10 volume percent aromatics can be produced by lowering ing Company):
the space velocity to 1 hr-1 and reducing the temperature We operated an atmospheric RESIDFINING unit for
to 700 ºF. several years at Baytown during the early eighties to max-
In order to produce lower aromatics diesel without re- imize 1050 ºF boiling point conversion. We found that the
sorting to such severe conditions, Unocal and other li- maximum conversion level possible was a function of cata-
censors have developed integrated hydrotreating/aromatics lyst type, feed properties, and operating temperature.
saturation processes. These processes use base metal Commercially, we successfully demonstrated conversion
hydrotreating catalysts for HDS and HDN and a noble levels greater than 50% and a one year cycle length was
metal catalyst for aromatics saturation. Unocal has used achieved while maintaining this high conversion level.
Unisar technology for many years to reduce the aromatics
content of jet fuels and has extended this technology to
diesel fuels. Like other noble metal catalyst, aromatic satu- QUESTION 39:
ration catalysts are very sensitive to the nitrogen and Do you have experience with regenerating atmo-
sulfur levels. Unocal is currently developing higher ac- spheric resid hydrotreater catalyst? What spent
tivity Unisar catalysts which have enhanced tolerance to catalyst properties are critical to good quality
nitrogen and sulfur poisoning. regenerated catalyst?


I agree with most of what has been said here today. In We have regenerated a portion of the catalyst from the
1992, we published a study comparing different catalyst last reactor of our residual hydrotreater on three occasions.
systems exactly for this purpose. This was a paper given at The spent catalyst specification was to contain less than 5
American Chemical Society Annual Meeting in April 1992 wt% nickel and vanadium. It needed to be fairly free flow-
and the title was: “Diesel Aromatics Saturation: A Com- ing with no large conglomerated clumps of coke and cata-
parative Study of Four Catalyst Systems.” lyst. The regenerated catalyst specifications were on
The conclusion we reached was much the same as we length, a crush strength greater than 33.6, and less than
reached here today, that to achieve deep aromatics satu- one weight percent carbon. We also specified maximum
ration, it is necessary to operate a two stage system, one heating rates and temperatures to be used in regeneration.
with hydrodesulfurization, and the second stage using a
special noble metal catalyst. We have, in recent pilot test- BRIERLEY:
ing, proven that this system can operate as low as 350 psig While we do not operate an atmospheric resid hydro-
hydrogen partial pressure. treater, we do regularly regenerate catalyst in naphtha,
atmospheric and vacuum gas oil service. We feel that
extraneous metals loading, surface area, sulfur, and carbon
Catalysts levels all provide indication of catalyst future activity.
Particle size distribution, length distribution, attrition re-
sistance, and crush strength are all key factors affecting
QUESTION 38: reactor fouling and pressure drop.
In atmospheric resid HDS operation, what is the
maximum level of conversion actually achieved J. WILLIAMS:
while producing stable fuel oil? A critical parameter in regenerating residual hydro-
treating catalyst is the amount of metals, such as nickel
RAJGURU: and vanadium, that have been deposited on the catalyst.
The level of conversion, again depends upon the type of Catalyst from the front end of the reactor system is gen-
feed that you are using. We know of one overseas refiner erally not considered for regeneration. Catalyst samples
who has achieved 16 to 17 liquid volume percent conversion from the back end could be considered candidates for gen-
(680 ºF minus), while producing stable fuel oil. The feed to eration depending on how the catalyst activity would re-
the unit was atmospheric residuum from a Middle East cover after regeneration. The activity of the spent catalyst
crude and hydrogen to hydrocarbon ratio was about 4000 after a regenerating can be evaluated based on the spent
scf/bbl. Hydrogen consumption, including the mechanical catalyst analysis of SA, PV, SCS, and abrasion resistance.
losses, is in the order of 900 to 1000 scf/bbl.


Sludge formation or asphaltene precipitation of fuel oil Do you replace catalyst in diesel and gas oil
limits the maximum conversion of commercial units. If the hydrotreaters based on pressure drop or activity
1000 °F + conversion exceeds 45 to 50%, the unit can no (temperature)?
longer be operated. The dry sludge deposition which occurs
in flash drums, effluent heat exchangers and fractionators BONELLI:
causes a loss of heat transfer and pressure drop buildup. Our experience has been that our hydrotreating catalyst
The resid HDS units should be operated below the critical replacement is most commonly done for recovery of activity,
conversion, 45 to 50%, at lower reactor temperatures. This especially as long as the unit operating cycle has been
critical conversion level will vary depending on the resid reasonably normal. The proper design, and operation and
characteristics and the catalyst used. maintenance of feed filtration systems are critical, espe-



cially when you are charging feeds from storage or feeds least some services. Catalysts from distillate hydrotreaters
from FCCU operations. Refer to the previous comments we and straight-run naphtha service are successfully re-
made about feed filtration. generated in almost all cases. Heavier feed units con-
taminated with metals or silicon at higher levels must be
BRIERLEY: evaluated on a case by case basis. ‘Typically refiners would
The factors controlling catalyst change out timing are use regenerated HDS catalyst in units where the operation
specific to each unit. In our case, the units were generally is not so severe or critical such as straight-run naphtha or
pressure drop limited for the first 12 years of operation. kerosene hydrotreating.
Improvements to the fluid cokers and tank blanketing
systems have reduced the level of contaminants in the PEDERSEN:
hydrotreater feeds. As a result, our naphtha and heavy gas For most of our hydrotreaters, we have found it economi-
oil hydrotreaters are currently activity limited. cal to regenerate the catalyst off site two or three times
before replacing the batch with new catalyst, even for our
OSBORN: LCO hydrotreater, which processes a blend of light cycle oil
Depending on the design or operating limitation of the and heavy coker gas oil. In our coker distillate hydro-
unit, the catalyst can be replaced either due to the pressure treater, however, we have to replace the catalyst after each
drop limit of the reactor, or end-of-run reactor temperature run due to silica poisoning.
limit. It is important to select proper size (diameter) and
shape of the catalyst to balance either limit. Generally, BONELLI:
hydrotreating reactors and their internals are operable We cascade the hydrotreating catalyst from the guard
with pressure drop increases of 30 to 50 psi from start of run bed of our hydrocracking reactor into naphtha hydro-
to end of run. The end of run for low sulfur diesel hydro- treating service much as previously discussed.
treating is in the 700 to 720 ºF range as previously dis-
cussed. Beyond this temperature, color degradation may BRIERLEY:
occur. Once again this is dependent on catalyst selection, We have used regenerated HDS/HDN catalyst in coker
feedstock, and design vaporization of the feedstock in the naphtha service, coker gas oil service, and for combined
reactor bed. hydroprocessor and virgin gas oil. We have traditionally
used second and third cycle catalysts in those units that
DILIP DAV6 (Criterion Catalyst): were pressure drop limited. Now that some of these units
Many refiners use the method of top bed skimming when are activity limited, the economics of using higher activity
there is a pressure drop problem. This will allow the refiner catalyst, including fresh catalyst, are being evaluated.
to prolong the cycle until end-of-run conditions are
reached. O’BRIEN:
To allow optimal catalyst utilization, we, as a supplier, We have used regenerated HDS catalysts in naphtha,
will try to understand the factors which limit cycle length. kerosene light cycle oil, distillate, and residual service. In
If there are pressure drop limitations and the source of the our next residual hydrotreater catalyst load, we are going
to use some regenerated distillate HDS catalyst in the last
problem can be identified, then by correct size grading of
the bed, the pressure drop problem can sometimes be reactor.
alleviated. OSBORN:
I generally agree with the cascading concept but I would
GORDON LOW (UNOCAL Corporation): caution that if you are going to use it in a naphtha service,
I agree with the panel’s discussion. If high pressure drop you have an expensive platformer catalyst following that,
is limiting run length, you have to identify the cause of the so you need to make sure you have good catalyst and good
high pressure drop. If there are filterable particulates in activity. Selecting regenerated catalyst is, certainly, de-
the feed, as a panelist points out, feed filtration will be pendent on it being free of contaminates and you need good
effective. You should also try to minimize the storage of the recovery of activity (80 to 85% minimum) of surface area
feed or store the feed only in floating-roof or gas blanketed and pore volume versus fresh catalyst. We have purchased
tanks. If the pressure drop is caused by nonfilterable feed regenerated catalyst for use in kerosene, coker cycle oil,
contaminants, then you may need to alloy the upstream and coker naphtha service with good success.
units to remove soluble iron from the feed, or improve
desalter and vacuum tower operation to improve the feed ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company):
quality. In addition to these steps which are designed to The Criterion family is made up of Criterion, CRI and
improve the feed quality, you can also extend run length by CRIMET, and we are committed to understanding the
loading a graded bed in the lead reactor or installing a applications of catalyst whether they be used for us to
bypassable guard reactor. regenerate or whatever. We are firmly committed to the
cradle to the grave concept and Syncrude is a perfect exam-
ple of the work we have been doing over the years. If we see
QUESTION 41: a place where a regenerated catalyst can be used, we will
Do you use regenerated HDS catalyst? If so, in tell you. If you ask that question, we will be honest with
what hydrotreating service? you, but most of the time today, and it is very difficult to
recommend regenerated catalyst for the very high severity
J. WILLIAMS: operations. We consider that part of our service and part of
Regenerated HDS catalyst is used by most refiners in at our commitment to the environment.



QUESTION 42: it would be a lot easier than it is at ten space velocity. So

On HDS units processing cracked feedstocks, after common sense intervenes, nice stuff is easier for your cata-
start-up on new or regenerated catalyst, how critical lyst to start up on, tough stuff is not. Whatever you select,
is running 2 to 3 days on virgin stocks before intro- we will work with you.
ducing any cracked feed? Has anyone quantified
benefits, i.e. run length, by comparing actual runs
starting on virgin versus cracked feed? QUESTION 43:
What criteria are used to determine whether
CoMo or NiMo catalysts are preferred for distillate
In the operating guidelines for our LCO hydrotreater, it
is recommended to run three days on virgin gas oil after
start-up. However, on the last two occasions, we started out
directly on light cycle oil and have not detected any sig- PAULES:
nificant difference in initial activity or stability. The unit Typically, cobalt molybdenum is the preferred catalyst
type when desulfurization is the primary objective. Nickel
operates at about 900 psig with an outlet hydrogen partial
molybdenum is the preferred type when denitrification or
pressure about 450 to 500 psig.
saturation are the primary objective. If 40 cetane, 0.05 wt%
sulfur diesel is the primary processing objective, then co-
We believe that following the catalyst manufacturers balt molybdenum catalyst would be recommended for most
recommendations regarding the introduction of cracked refiners, since the 40 cetane number should not be difficult
to meet in a typical refinery. If your diesel pool has a
stocks at beginning of the cycle is a critical point in the
success of the cycle. In fact, we believe so strongly in it that disproportionate amount cracked stocks and cetane num-
we have no comparative data on starting up on cracked ber specs are tight, you might consider a nickel molyb-
denum catalyst as the increase in saturation will give some
cetane number improvement. Bear in mind also, that a
OSBORN: nickel molybdenum catalyst will consume more hydrogen
It is certainly difficult to quantify the benefits, and I for a given feedstock and desulfurization level.
agree with Mr. Bonelli that basically you have to follow the
catalyst vendor recommendations. Most of them seem to BRIERLEY:
indicate an increase of 20 to 25% by using noncracked As one might expect, we would recommend CoMo cata-
feedstock to start-up. Also, as a reminder, the feedstock lyst for desulfurization, and NiMo catalyst for denitro-
genation or saturation. Some studies have shown there
used for the spiked sulfur sulfiding should also be a
straight-run middle distillate, if that is a point of concern. could be some synergy by using both catalyst types in a
stacked bed arrangement.
CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
I have never been persuaded that virgin feed needs to be
Cobalt molybdenum catalyst is a catalyst of choice when
continued for two to three days. This can be expensive for
desulfurization is a primary target and the feed is straight-
some refiners. I do think it is important to start up on
straight-run feed for a few hours at least, so that you do not run. This issue becomes more complex with the intro-
duction of cracked stocks containing heterocyclic nitrogen
add the heat of saturating olefins in the cracked stock to the
compounds. Historically, nickel molybdenum catalyst has
excitement of a start-up.
been preferred for HDN.
However, the high activity cobalt molybdenum catalysts
BRIAN M. MOYSE (Haldor Topsoe, Inc.): have HDN capacities greater than their cobalt molyb-
I have to agree with what most of the panelists have denum predecessors. In fact, in KF-752, it is comparable to
stated. From a catalyst vendors point of view, the two to
three days required on the straight-run material is to
ensure you get the lowest possible start-of-run temperature
and thereby the greatest operating cycle on that charge of
With regard to part two, I can refer you all to NPRA
Paper AM-93-69, given in March this year, which gives you
some quantifications of those benefits from industrial

ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company

Two to three days is an interesting number. You tell me if
there is a difference in two to three days at one space
velocity or ten space velocity. When you take material like
cycle oils and process them, they have more coke propensity
and therefore starting up on straight-run will give you less
coke possibility. If you are at one space velocity, I would say



that of many nickel molybdenum catalysts. In some dis- TIM HECKEL (Unocal Corporation):
tillate hydrotreaters, it is beneficial to use a combination of One of our refineries also has processed disulfide oil in
both high activity cobalt molybdenum and nickel molyb- their hydrotreater for many years. They only time that
denum to gain the best of both worlds. Cobalt molybdenum they got into any problems was one time when the hydro-
catalysts generally excel in HDS reaction, while nickel treater shut down and they forgot to shut of the transfer of
molybdenum catalysts are generally better for olefm and the disulfide oil. It filled up the feed search drum, and when
aromatic saturation and nitrogen removals. they started running that feed things got a little exciting.
Both types of catalyst will perform to varying levels,
although, both function with differences in cycle length STEVE WEBER (Fina Oil & Chemical Co.):
and operating temperatures. As there is some overlapping We were also processing disulfide oil through a hydro-
the abilities of each catalyst, the market price of the metals treater and, as Mr. Bonelli commented, the separation of
on the catalyst also has been a factor in purchasing the disulfide oil from caustic is very important. We found
decisions. that our feed effluent exchangers suffered severe cracking.
We no longer process that material in our hydrotreaters
JUNO: and have found another home for it.
I would like to add to the mentioned comments that at
low pressure the benefits of nickel molybdenum and cobalt
molybdenum become smaller. Above 700 lbs hydrogen par-
tial pressure, the advantage generally lies with the nickel
C. Hydrocracking
molybdenum, especially as you operate at higher and
higher pressures. Mechanical
MARK RILEY (Unocal Corporation):
The preferred catalyst for distillate hydrotreating gen- QUESTION 45:
erally depends on both the operating pressure and the In units with both hot and cold high pressure
process objectives. For high pressure distillate hydro- separators, where are the primary reaction section
treater, nickel molybdenum is almost always favored. Co- relief valves and emergency depressuring systems
balt molybdenum would be considered only in cases where located? Has anyone installed relief valves upstream
the HDS burden is unusually severe. In low and inter- of the reactors? What was the reason? Was the relief
mediate pressure units, cobalt molybdenum is preferred for valvedischarge quenched before routing to the flare?
HDS, and nickel molybdenum is selected for HDN and
aromatic saturation. RAJGURU:
The most cost effective system is to locate the reaction
STEPHEN F. HUNKUS (MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc.): section relief and depressuring valves at the cold high
There may be a difference in hydrogen consumption presssure separator. Several points need to be considered.
between the cobalt and nickel molybdenum, so if you are There should be no isolation valves in the system be-
running your reformer for hydrogen demand, you might tween the reactors and the relief valves at the separator.
want to consider that. There are also some differences in The system-designed pressure profile must be consistent
salt formation. with the pressure profile under all operating and con-
tingency cases. The system pressure and the temperature
profile at relieving or depressuring conditions should be
QUESTION 44: calculated to check for excessive catalyst bed support loads;
Does anyone routinely send disulfide oil to their and high pressure and high temperature for the ex-
hydrotreater? If so, what are the concerns, if any? changers resulting from the loss of cold side flow.
We also recommend adding a high pressure alarm on the
BONELLI: reactor outlet and high reactor delta P alarm. We have no
In one refinery, we do charge disulfide oil from our Merox knowledge of an installation where a relief valve is in-
process to a naphtha hydrotreater. Our chief concern is to stalled upstream of the reactor.
be sure that the disulfide oil is properly separated and free
of caustic which could foul the hydrotreater reactor bed. SLOAN:
The primary reaction section relief valves and emer-
MURPHY: gency depressuring system are normally located on the cold
I am aware of one additional case where a refiner sends high pressure separators as we have just heard. The main
disulfide oil to the hydrotreater. They have done this for complication arises when the design includes a recycled gas
several years and they have reported no adverse effects. hydrogen sulfide scrubber between the cold separator and
compressor. It is desirable to have a vent line downstream of
HUMAYON Z. ZAFAR (Litwin Engineers & Constructors): the scrubber, so that reaction section pressure can be re-
One of our clients has had a problem in the past with duced or recycled gas purged without flaring sour gas.
caustic carryover with the disulfides. For disulfides from For primary relief protection and emergency de-
new sources, a water wash has been provided. The plant is pressuring, however, we would still locate the valves on the
starting up soon, and we hope that incorporating the water high pressure cold separator so that the potentially large
wash will rectify the problem. flows will not be restricted by the absorber tower.



The need for relief protection directly on the reactor analysis, dye penetrant testing, and magnetic particle test-
vessel should be determined by a thorough safety analysis. ing. The acoustical emission on the cooldown is done when
Such protection is required, of course, if the vessels can be we are taking the reactor off-line and cooling it down,
isolated by valving during normal operation. The risk which is probably one of the highest stress periods of the
associated with a reactor blockage caused by catalyst de- cycle. Transducers are positioned around various points on
gradation or reactor internals failure should be evaluated the reactor and are used to triangulate frequency emissions
on case by case basis. Most operators have determined that that correspond to anomalies that could produce fracture
this risk is negligible and have not specified relief valves on propagation.
reactor inlets. The replica analysis is a form of microcasting that is used
to detect discontinuities, cracks and flaws. The grain struc-
JUNO: ture of the microcast is analyzed and related back to the
On one of our units, we did have relief valves upstream of base metal. The current state of creep of the base metal is
the reactors, but it was modified to remove these valves. then determined.
The reason for removing these valves was that a properly This testing is on a unit that was put in service in 1966.
designed quench system to the flare was not a part of the We still have our original reactors. We are testing as often
original design. as every three years, which corresponds to our turnaround
The reaction section relief valves are located as far down- BONELLI:
stream as possible to take advantage of any effluent cooling At each shutdown, which is approximately two years for
to minimize blowdown temperature, usually downstream us, in our present cycle configuration, an acoustic emis-
of the final effluent coolers. This also minimizes the design sions test method is used during the vessel cooldown to
pressure and therefore capital cost of some of the major inspect the hydrocracking reactor. If there are relevant’
pieces of equipment. Relief valves would usually be in- indications of inclusions or flaws, those areas are ultra-
stalled on the reactor inlet only to protect feed exchangers sonically tested at each turnaround thereafter.
or furnaces, and only if the reactor inlet could be blocked in We have performed one complete ultrasonic check of all
(i.e., guard reactor bypass system). the vessel weld seams in our hydrocracker during the
25-year life of the vessel. We also dye penetrant test all the
STEPHEN F. HUNKUS (MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc.): internal shell weldments in the vessel every shutdown.
I do not know if this is what the question was asking, but
on our revamp of our distillate unit, we added redundant BRIERLEY:
pressure switches on the reactor heater and feed/effluent On every shutdown, the internal lining is visually in-
bundles in addition to adding a larger relief valve on the spected and randomly spot checked using liquid penetrant
new hot separator. We significantly increased the charge techniques. All internal fillet welds and tray supports are
pump flow and head, and were concerned with over- spot checked, also using LP techniques. Externally the
pressuring the bundles on shut-in by blockage. We also shell to skirt weld is inspected using magnetic particle
added booster compressors to our recycle compressors techniques, and the shell-to-head circumferential welds
which could overpressure that system, so we again added are inspected using shear wave UT. Random spot UTs are
redundant pressure switches and differential pressure spill performed on the shell longitudinal welds and accessible
backs to help protect that system from overpressuring. attachment welds. The nozzle to shell welds are also in-
spected using ultrasonics.
We have our units fairly well split. Several have indi- SLOAN:
vidual safety valves at the reactor inlets, and others are In addition to the inspections that we have just heard
safety valved off the high pressure separator. about, perhaps some of the most useful inspection data are
There were two occasions, one where we collapsed a bed those acquired during the vessel fabrication. These inspec-
in the lead reactor, and the second before we put in a tions provide base line data which can be used to distin-
continuous water wash where we built up salt and pressure guish between fabrication defects and inservice cracking.
drop in the effluent circuit where basically we could over- Ultrasonic inspection of 100% of the weld seams in new
pressure the reactor, and it would not have been protected reactor vessels is recommended.
on the high pressure separator. So I think the risk is
minimal, but it is not zero. JUNO:
A number of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods
have been used. Among them are ultrasonic (UT), magnetic
QUESTION 46: particle (MT), wet fluorescence magnetic particle (WFMP),
What techniques are used, and at what frequency, dye penetrant (PT) and radiography CRT). UT and RT are
to inspect carbon-½ molybdenum or chrome- recommended for subsurface flaws, whereas, WFMP is
molybdenum reactors? Is ultrasonic inspection used? recommended for surface flaws. For vessels operated over
How are the results used? 900 ºF, a Materials Properties Council (MPC) report to API
recommends that an inspection should be performed at the
T. WILLIAMS: next turnaround and every 5 years after that. For vessels
In our facility we use a multitude of tests, including operated below 900 °F, API 510 recommends the re-
cooldown of acoustical emissions, ultrasonic testing, replica inspection period to be half of the remaining life, but, no



more than 10 years. However, we recommend that for even higher selectivity to middle distillates, that is either
vessels in cracking susceptible service, the reinspection jet and/or diesel, while retaining high cracking activity
period should be no more than 5 years. For vessels con- and cycle life.
taining flaws which were identified in a previous inspec-
tion and left unrepaired, the reinspection period should be
every shutdown until the stability of the flaw can be as- QUESTION 48:
sured. The inspection results are used to estimate the What is the maximum cracked feed composition
fitness for service and the remaining life of the vessel. MPC (percent cycle oil, coker gas oil, etc.) in hydro-
is developing a very good expert system method, called crackers producing specification jet fuel as a
Prefis, which is an expansion of Pennzoil’s early effort, product?
called Prevlea. The MPC effort will be an addition to the
API 510 in the future.
The maximum cracked feed composition (percent cycle
oil, coker gas oil, etc.) in hydrocrackers producing the jet
Process fuel product depends on the following conditions.
1) Reactor pressure is extremely important
- The higher the pressure, the more cracked stock
can be processed.
Can light vacuum gas oil (VCO) feed cause jet fuel 2) Catalyst system is crucial
freeze problems in a distillate hydrocracker designed - Different catalysts have different strengths. What
for middle-distillate maximization? is important here are catalysts with strong hydro-
genation functions.
J. WILLIAMS: 3) Unit configuration
There are numerous causes for LVGO causing freeze - Two-stage hydrocrackers can handle cracked stock
problems with jet fuel from the distillate hydrocracker better than a single stage hydrocracker.
including: poor quality crude supply; poor vacuum tower 4) LCO is harder than coker material with respect to jet
operation, resulting in trace HVGO and LVGO; and unit fuel.
configuration. We have seen numerous units successfully run 50 to 60%
Unit configuration has generally the biggest impact. cracked stock, (LCO + coker) to make specification jet fuel.
Light vacuum gas oil contains waxy normal paraffins that
boil in the same boiling range as jet fuel and diesel. Units
that predominantly have this problem are the units in JUNO:
which the fractionation section is between the preheat I know of one refinery that is processing approximately
reactor and the cracking reactor. 20 to 25 percent cracked stock, which is coker gas oil with a
As a result, these waxy normal paraffins are just hydro- relatively light end point of approximately 850 ºF, on a
treated and then fractionate out in the jet stream, thus 1,800-psi unit and making specification jet fuel.
bypassing the cracking reactor. Cracking catalyst is essen-
tial, in that it cracks and isomerizies normal paraffins,
resulting in highly-branched paraffins with low cloud and QUESTION 49:
freeze points. What is the maximum bed delta temperature and
overall reactor delta temperature in the second stage
SLOAN: reactor of a hydrocracker? Is the catalyst system a
Incorporation of light vacuum gas oil into the hydro- noble metal or non-noble metal system?
cracker feed may or may not impact jet fuel freeze point,
depending on the hydrocarbon composition of the LVGO BONELLI:
and other feed components. Feedstocks which are more The maximum hydrocracker bed temperature rise that is
paraffinic will generally result in more parafbnic jet fuel recommended by our hydrocracking unit licenser is 30 ºF
products and somewhat higher freeze points for a given cut per bed, regardless of whether the unit is one or two stage
point, as Mr. James Williams just said. in this application. The catalyst in the cracking reactor of
The freeze point can always be adjusted to meet speci- our unit is a noble metal catalyst.
fications by lowering the final cut point at the expense of
some yield. T. WILLIAMS:
As a point of reference, we have a single stage unit. Our
SAFA E. GEORGE (Criterion Catalyst Company): maximum guideline is 30 ºF per bed, with a 125 °F overall
One of our customers processes 100% vacuum gas oil in reactor delta. We also run on noble metal catalyst.
the hydrocracker with a zeolitic hydrocracking catalyst
2703, designed to optimize jet fuel production and catalyst
cycle life. On-specification jet freeze point is achieved. I CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
agree with the panel that jet freeze problems have been Each catalyst licensor has his own recommendation for
more pronounced when switching crude type from aromatic maximum bed delta T, which is critical to safe operation.
to more paraffinic type crudes. Overall delta T, that is the reactor outlet minus inlet, is less
Zeolyst International and Criterion Catalyst Company critical to the stability of reactor operation. But a high
will be introducing newer hydrocracking catalysts with overall delta T puts a thermal leverage on the system,



meaning that any little upset comes back as a heat wave to BONELLI:
the reactor inlet, It is harder for the operators to get out of Those are very good comments. We anticipate changes in
an upset. It is harder to keep a little temperature blurp fractionation in the hydrocracker to shift the light and
from becoming a runaway. An overall delta T above 150 °F heavy hydrocrackate cut points in order to reduce aromatic
creates a real challenge for the operator. precursors in the naphtha feed to the reforming units.

QUESTION 50: Catalysts

What hydrocracking strategies are refiners fol-
lowing in meeting upcoming reformulated gasoline
specifications? QUESTION 51:
What have been actual refinery experiences in
SLOAN: switching between single catalyst and dual catalyst
The reformulated gasoline environment will put pres- (separate pretreating and cracking) hydrocracking
sure on refiners to change hydrocracking operations. The systems?
direction of these changes will be determined in large part
by the availability of hydrogen. Hydrogen production from BONELLI:
gasoline reforming is likely to decrease, in order to limit This question asks for actual refinery experience, which
aromatics. This will also potentially limit the amount of we do not have. I will pass along that in practice our
hydrocracked naphtha required as reformer feed. Many hydrocracker cycle length is always defined by the per-
refiners will find that switching their hydrocracker oper- formance of the hydrotreating reactor, so that the dual
ation to produce some middle distillates will both reduce catalyst configuration in our case is preferable to a single
naphtha production and hydrogen demand. reactor system.
Refiners that can make incremental hydrogen available In single reactor systems, it is difficult or sometimes not
for consumption in the hydrocracker may find that in- possible to measure the hydrotreating bed effluent nitro-
creased operating severity to produce more light hydro- gen, and that would give you a difficult time in optimizing
crackate for direct gasoline blending will be attractive. the hydrotreating-hydrocracking process relationship.
Should T90 limits become a reality, a move to either in-
creased cracking severity or middle distillate will be a SAFA E. GEORGE (Criterion Catalyst Company):
necessity. As hydrocracking severity is increased, yields of In our opinion, switching from a single catalyst to a dual
butane and lighter products are also substantially in- catalyst system provides the following benefits to a refiner:
creased. The butane stream will have a high iso/normal 1. processing higher nitrogen containing feedstocks;
ratio, and some refiners will find it attractive to recover the and
isobutane for alkylation or dehydrogenation feed. 2. lowering the operating temperature required to
As RVP limits become tighter, incremental fractionation achieve the target conversion, which will significantly
capability will probably be required in some cases in order improve C5 + liquid yield and reduce LPG make
to produce a suitable gasoline blending component directly which will positively impact refinery margins; and
from the hydrocracker. 3. improved catalyst cycle life.




A. Alkylation-Sulfuric Acid The perceived drawback could be carryover of oxygenates
to the alkylation unit, causing higher acid consumption.
The use of a distillation column to remove traces of DME,
Feed water, and methanol from MTBE raffinate has been dem-
onstrated to produce less than 50 ppm oxygenates. With
TAME raffinate, the separation is even easier, due to the
larger difference in the boiling points between DME and
Within the past few years, it has been suggested the G5s.
that a possible method for reducing volatile olefin Proper design and operation of the C5-TAME fraction-
content of gasoline is to process refinery C5 olefin ation will minimize the ether content of the C5 raffinate.
streams in a TAME unit and then utilize the raffinate The combination of these steps can produce a C5 raffinate
as an alkylation feed. Have any refiners used this with less than 5 ppm oxygen. There is also an advantage to
scheme? If so, what are the results? If not, what are producing TAME prior to C5 alkylation. STRATCO has
the perceived drawbacks? indicated that acid consumption is decreased significantly
by removing isoamylenes from the C5s.
Our Louisiana plant has a TAME unit in operation, and
they have charged up to 25% C5 rafflnate to the alkylation QUESTION 2:
unit with no problems. The alkylate produced has a lower What are typical contaminant levels in LPC
RVP, but it results in a higher acid consumption and a lower streams from FCCU’s? Are guard beds used to protect
Research and Motor octane product. They plan to alkylate selective hydrogenation reactor catalyst?
the C5 rafflnate in the summer, when they can take advan-
tage of the lower RVP alkylate to blend low valued products PAULES: -
into the gasoline pool. They have no plans to operate this The maximum contaminant level permitted to one par-
way in the winter. ticular selective hydrogenation process is as follows:
Our Delaware plant is in the process of building a TAME
unit. The project was designed with amylene alkylation in - Total sulfur <40 ppmw
mind, although we probably will be limited by isobutane - H2 S < 5 ppmw
availability. They warn of the situation when there is a - Mercaptans <35 ppmw
significant amount of isobutylene in the TAME unit feed. - Carbonyl Sulfur < 2 ppmw
The MTBE that will be made is much lighter than the - Water Saturates @ 100 °F
TAME, so it will be carried into the C5 raffinate cut. MTBE - Arsenic < 5 ppbw
in alkylation feed will result in a large acid consumption - Sodium < 1 ppmw
penalty. - Basic Nitrogen < 0.5 ppmw
They are also concerned about the economics of amylene - Existent Gum < l0 mg/lOO ml
alkylation. C5 raffinate will have a low C5 olefin con- - Oxygenates < 50 ppmw
centration, so a small alkylate gain can be expected. This We operate a selective hydrogenation unit on a FCCU C4
benefit could be balanced by the additional iso- and stream. This stream is first processed through a typical
normal-pentane that would tie up space in the effluent amine scrubber and a mercaptan extraction unit. We do not
treating and fractionation sections of the alkylation unit. find that any contaminants are a problem in this con-
figuration and do not see a need for a guard bed.
We are designing a C5 alkylation unit, as a part of the ROY:
reformulated gasoline project. There are no particular The following contaminants are normally found today in
drawbacks to C5 alkylation per se. Product quality and acid alkylation units: mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide, dienes,
consumption are similar to C3 alkylation. Using a TAME ethylene, and oxygenates like methanol, MTBE, or DME.
raffinate as a feed causes no special problems. Generally, Upstream Merox type units normally reduce mercaptan
amylene alkylate has higher T50 and T90 temperatures, levels to very low values and eliminate hydrogen sulfide in
compared to butylene alkylate, but the distillation point the olefin feed. Ethylene is a problem only when propylene
increases for alkylate from TAME raffinate are less than for is alkylated. The amount of ethylene is a function of the
the straight amylenes. FCCU gas plant fractionation operation.



The level of diolefins is a function of the FCCU oper- ACREON makes a guard bed material of specially pre-
ations. Today, butadiene levels in the range of 3,000 to pared lead oxide that is effective in removing arsine by
5,000 ppm in the olefin feed are normal. If amylenes are forming a stable lead-arsenic complex.
alkylated, C5 diolefins in the range of 10,000 to 15,000 ppm In a customer’s C3 selective hydrogenation unit, fol-
are seen. Of course, dienes can be eliminated with an lowing installation of an upstream guard bed of ACREON’s
upstream selective hydrogenation unit. MEP191, the selective hydrogenation feed arsine content
When the upstream MTBE unit is equipped with a water was reduced from 150 ppb to below detectable limits, and
wash cleanup system, total oxygenates are usually in the the selective hydrogenation catalyst cycle length increased
range of 400 ppm. Contaminants of all descriptions can also from 20% to 100% of prediction.
be introduced into the unit from the makeup isobutane, This guard bed material is equally effective in removing
particularly if it is imported into the refinery. Thus, it is carbonyl sulfide from 5 ppm to less than 0.1 ppm.
important to analyze the makeup isobutane on a routine
basis. RICHARD GIALELLA (JFP Enterprises Inc.):
Based on information provided by IFP, guard beds to Based on IFP’s commercial applications, FCC LPG
protect selective hydrogenation reactor catalysts are rec- streams can contain 1 to 2 ppm carbonyl sulfide, and de-
ommended when the selective hydrogenation feed contains pending on the type of crude, a few ppb to a few ppm arsine.
arsenic compounds, such as arsines. Normally, this is only Total sulfur can also vary, depending upon the crude proc-
necessary when treating feeds containing significant levels essed, and on upstream processing, from a few ppm to
of C3s. Arsine levels are also a function of the refinery’s several hundred ppm.
crude oil source. Carbonyl sulfide and arsine reduce the operating life of
the selective hydrogenation catalyst. The use of an IFP
LAABS: guard material can eliminate the problems primarily asso-
Our existing ether unit selective hydrogenation reactor ciated with arsine. In addition, the adsorbent will trap
has a guard bed for arsine. We are not sure how well it is some carbonyl sulfide, without impacting arsenic ad-
working, due to the difficulty of the analytical test. This sorption capacity, thus providing extra activity and life for
unit does have a water wash on the feed to remove caustic the catalyst.
and other basic compounds. Careful operation of this wash In C5 streams, sulfur is the principal contaminant. Sul-
is very important, as carryover of water will damage the fur may be decreased by caustic washing, but this results in
catalyst. The feed typically has a 1,3 - butadiene level of additional capital expense and waste streams. IFP has a
2,000 to 4,500 weight ppm (ppmw), and a disulfide content commercially proven sulfur-tolerant catalyst that may
of 15 to 30 ppmw. withstand several hundred ppm of sulfur, and thus avoid
The unit that is being built will also have a feed with less the need for sulfur removal steps.
than 30 ppmw sulfur, which is suitable for selective hydro-
genation. It will not have a guard bed, although a sand
filter will be installed to remove caustic and free water. The QUESTION 3:
filter will reduce the caustic carryover from the Merox unit Many refiners consider selective hydrogenation to
to less than 1 ppmw, which is necessary as sodium is a remove C 4 and C 5 diolefins from their alkylation
permanent poison on the catalyst. feedstocks in order to reduce acid consumption in
their alkylation unit. Will the removal of these C4 or
THOMAS F. KELLETT (CDTECH): C5 diolefins affect alkylate octanes or the alkylate
Guard beds, as has been mentioned, can be used to distillation curve?
remove some of the contaminants, such as mercury and
arsine. One selective hydrogenation process has a distinct JUNO:
advantage, with respect to mercaptans. This process is According to information provided by STRATCO, pilot
called CDHydro’” and it combines selective hydrogenation plant studies show the only effect of diolefins on alkylate
with fractionation. It does not require removal of mer- quality is the D86 end point. Removal of diolefins reduces
captans from the feed, because the mercaptans are con- the end point, but does not affect the other distillation
verted to heavy sulfides which go out with the bottoms points. The amount of end point reduction can be sig-
product. The overhead product can contain less than 1 ppm nificant when starting with high diolefin levels (above
sulfur and less than 50 ppm diolefins. This approach can 5,000 ppm). Removal of diolefins does not affect the alkyl-
reduce the capital cost of the feed preparation system by ate octane.
over 50%.
PAUL W. VANCE (ACREON Catalysts): Processing a C4/C5 cut through a selective hydrogenation
In protecting selective hydrogenation catalyst with unit will tend to decrease acid consumption, decrease al-
guard beds, current catalysts are now relatively insensitive kylate end point, and increase alkylate octane. The alkyl-
to low levels of common sulfur contaminants, such as ate octane is not only improved by the removal of dienes but
hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans. However, feed con- also by the isomerization of 1-butene to 2-butene.
taminants such as carbonyl sulfide and arsine are tem-
porary poisons. Arsine is formed by the decomposition in T. WILLIAMS:
the FCC riser of organo-arsenic compounds in the high We have experience with selective hydrogenation to re-
boiling fractions of the FCC feed. move butadiene on our C4 feed to our HF alkylation unit.



We have a butadiene concentration of 0.25 to 0.4 vol% in the the market, and it looks very attractive. It has a side benefit
feed and no butadiene in the product. We achieve a 60 to of reducing sulfur concentrations in the amylenes. A TAME
70% conversion of 1-butene to 2-butene. We believe this unit is also a useful feed pretreater, consequently lowering
gives us a 1.5 to 2 octane number increase on our alkylate the acid consumption.
RON. We see very little effect on the distillation, due to the There are no special operating considerations when proc-
small volume of butadiene. essing C5 feeds except that, depending on the amount of
isopentane in the feed and the product specifications, it
RICHARD GIALELLA (IFP Enterprises Inc.): may be necessary to provide a deisopentanizer in the frac-
Installation of a selective hydrogenation unit for pre- tionation section to have a lower RVP alkylate.
treatment of sulfuric acid alkylation feedstock is generally
economic for acid savings at diolefin levels above 0.5%. The LAABS:
removal of C4 and C5 diolefins from feed to both HF and In addition to the comments in Question 1, we have seen
sulfuric acid alkylation units reduces the end point of the more spikes in acid consumption when processing com-
alkylate. Significant octane improvements for HF units can bined butylene/amylene feed. While the exact cause has
be obtained through pretreatment of the feedstock. not been identified, we expect the spikes are caused by
occasional water and oxygenate carryover into the C5 raf-
THOMAS F. KELLETT (CDTECH): iinate, especially MTBE, DME, and methanol.
Dioleflns produce a heavier alkylate. Removal of di- One of our sites performed a study on the impact of
olefins from the feed should decrease the end point of the amylene alkylation. The results did not show a significant
alkylate. CDHydro™ can reduce diolefins to less than 50 impact on the alkylate D86, but it did show an increased
ppm, while conventional fixed-bed technologies typically acid consumption that was traced to the C5 diolefins in the
achieve about 200 ppm. This technology can be built into raffinate.
the MTBE debutanizer at little cost, while eliminating the
need for mercaptans removal or a separate selective hydro- EDWARD G. ELLIS (Exxon Research & Engineering
genation unit. Due to these cost savings, CDHydro™ can be Company):
economical to pretreat alkylation unit feeds with as little as We have considerable experience with amylene alkyla-
0.1% dioleflns. tion, using our stirred, auto-refrigerated, alkylation reac-
tor design. This experience includes both commercial and
HIGGINS: pilot plant operations. It includes 100% amylene feeds and
In a typical feed, do you have a feel for how much the end amylene/butylene feed mixes. In comparison with butylene
point or the 90% point is reduced by removing dioleflns? alkylation, we find that amylene alkylation yields lower
octane, reduced from about 96 RON for butylene alkylate to
ROBERT W. MORSE (ACREON Catalysts): about 90 RON with amylene. We find increased heavy
The removal of diolefins in the feed significantly reduces alkylate production, with the amount in the Cl0+ range
the product 90% point and the end point. For example, a C4 going from about 3% with butylene alkylate, to about 10%
sulfuric plant reduced its alkyate 90% point from 360 °F to with amylene alkylation. We find increased acid con-
330 °F and reduced its end point from 470 ºF to 410 °F. The sumption, which can be double that for butylene alkylation
feed butadiene level was 0.6%. We have seen proportional if it is not controlled. This increase in acid consumption
reductions with lower levels of butadiene in the feed. results from pentadiene and cyclopentene in the feed.
I would like to make another comment concerning the
benefits of pretreating the feed. For plants that are re-
frigeration limited, saturating the butadienes can sig- QUESTION 5:
nificantly increase the capacity of the alkylation unit. When processing amylenes, what material in the
Removing the diolefins substantially reduces the total heat feed is responsible for the higher acid consumption,
load. In our units, the product butadiene is typically 10 ppm i.e., diene content, sulfur compounds, other?
to 50 ppm.
M. W. Kellogg Company and Exxon have been per-
QUESTION 4: forming pilot plant work with real refinery feeds for over a
What is your commercial experience with C 5 year, with one of the focus points being amylene alkylation.
alkylation? Provide specific comments on alkylate We have data in which a normal refinery C5 cut, that had
D86, feed pretreatment and/or feed preparation re- been selectively hydrotreated to serve as TAME feed, was
quirements, acid consumption and any unusual op- processed in the alkylation pilot plant. This feed contained
erating conditions/problems. residual, diolefin, and cyclic olefin impurities, but virtually
no sulfur. For comparison, a synthetic feed was prepared
RAJGURU: that contained the same list of major components as the
We do not have any commercial experience. However, we refinery feed, but no impurities. It was found that the
are currently designing C5 alkylation units. As has been difference in acid consumption between the two feeds was
said, the alkylate D86 distillation curve is typically higher highly significant and could be calculated from the im-
for C5 alkylate. Selective hydrogenation is desirable for the purity concentration.
feed to reduce acid consumption. Selective hydrogenation, The data will be presented in more complete form in a
concurrent with desulfurization processing is available in joint paper on amylene alkylation that will be given by



Kellogg and Exxon next March at the NPRA Annual Meet- LAABS:
ing in San Antonio. The alkylation of amylenes will inherently result in
higher acid consumption. However, contaminants in the
RAJGURU: feed will also have a significant effect. Oxygenates such as
The types of contaminants in C5 feeds that consume acid MTBE, DME, and methanol will all contribute to a higher
are basically the same as in C4 alkylation, but there are consumption. The water in the saturated raffinate will also
more species involved. There are oxygenates, dienes, sul- cause problems. Cyclopentene in the feed is expected to
fur, and the miscellaneous like acetonitrile, formaldehyde, consume three or four times more acid than other
acetaldehyde, and propionitrile. The oxygenates are meth- amylenes.
anol, ethanol, TBA, DME, diethyl ether, MTBE, ETBE, Finally, cutting deep into FCC gasoline can result in
TAME. The dienes are 1, 3 butadiene; 3M-1,2 butadiene; more volatile C6s being sent to the alkyIation unit, which
2M-1, 3 butadiene (isoprene); 1,3 pentadiene; 1,4 penta- would also increase acid consumption.
diene; and cyclopentadiene. The sulfur is mercaptans. The
miscellaneous are l-pentyne, acetonitrile, formaldehyde, STEPHEN S. MATHUR (Chevron Research and Tech-
acetaldehyde, and propionitrile. Cyclopentene also con- nology Co.):
sumes some acid (2.5 lb acid/lb cyclopentene). This list One of our refineries is experiencing off-test copper strip
comes from the STRATCO seminar. Obviously, the oxy- corrosion in the light alkylate (aviation gasoline). Has
genates present are a function of upstream processing, but anyone else experienced this?
the dienes are typically present in any FCC depentanizer
overhead. It is also important to limit C6 in the C5 feed LAABS:
because of dienes and benzene in the C6s. We also make aviation gasoline off the light alkylate cut.
For the two years I was at Port Arthur, I do not think we
JUNO: ever failed the copper strip corrosion test.
In most operations today, dienes are the highest con-
tributor to acid consumption from feed contaminants when ROBERT E:DAVIS (R. E. Davis Chemical Corporation):
there is not an upstream SHP or MTBE unit. If there is an I suggest that you go back to your reactor and take a look
MTBE unit, oxygenates can be the largest contributor. at the distribution of the feed nozzles. I do not know which
Sulfur is usually not a problem since most refiners Merox- type of reactor you have, but take a look and see if you still
treat their alkylation unit feed. Following are sulfuric acid have feed nozzles. Quite often this is the case with off-
dilution factors published by STRATCO for various alkyla- specification product. You may be circulating SO2 due to
tion feed contaminants. decomposition side reactions. The SO2 will track, usually,
SULFURIC ACID your refrigeration system, but on occasion you will form
Dilution Factors esters which break down in the rerun tower. I would guess
that you also are having problems with your deisobutanizer
Compound lb Acid/lb Contaminant* right now.
Water 10.6
Ethyl Mercaptan 17.0
Ethyl Disultide 12.8
H2S Approx. 31.8 Process
Methanol 28.3
Ethanol 21.0
t-Butyl Alcohol 10.6
Diethanolamine 26.0 What is the latest experience with alkylation unit
Ethylene 30.6 additives to enhance reaction chemistry? Comment
Dimethyl ether 11.1 on what benefits/penalties you have experienced.
Diethyl ether 11.4
ETBE 16.3 Star and affiliated sites that have tested these additives
1,3 Butadiene 13.4 have had mixed results. Two refineries have tested the Betz
3 Methyl 1,2 Butadiene 13.4 Alkat-XL product, and the results showed little or no ben-
2 Methyl 1,3 Butadiene (iosoprene) 12.3 efit from the additive. However, the test results were sus-
1,3 Pentadiene (piperylene) 13.4 pect in both additives for different reasons. One unit was
1,4 Pentadiene 8.8 running the contactor temperature at 60 °F, which is higher
1 Pentyne 18.9 than that recommended for the additive. On the other unit
there were concerns about the accuracy of the flow meters
*These factors are appropriate for an acid dilution range of involved, and about the process conditions that were used.
98.5-90.0 wt% sulfuric acid. To apply these values to other In the past, one of our refineries tested the ChemLink
acid dilution ranges, the following formula can be used: IPC 1800 product on an alkylation unit of older design, and
they found a significant reduction in acid use. They used
Acid Consumption = (Value from Table) (Discard wt%) the additive continuously for 3 years until they shut down
(10.6) (Fresh wt%-Discard wt%) the unit.



From what we have seen, alkylation units are among the
most challenging units in the refinery on which to measure
the impact of small performance changes. This is due to the
natural variation in the parameters measured, which tends
to hide real operational improvements. Pushing a unit hard
or operating outside normal parameters might give condi-
tions which could be addressed by an alkylation additive.
We have seen and have been able to prove operational
improvements, both in yield and octane improvement and
acid reduction on several units treated with alkylation unit
R. C. BARLOW (Betz Process Chemicals, Inc.):
I would support what has been said so far. We have seen
acid reduction in the range of 15 to 30%, as well as yield
improvement of 3 to 6% and octane improvement, but a lot
of that improvement can be masked by the variability in not decompose in the caustic wash ahead of the debu-
operation. I would highly recommend that if you are evalu- tanizer. Instead they decompose to sulfuric acid in the
ating an additive, you try to operate at near test run tower itself.
conditions in your evaluation of the additives. The longer As these descend to the reboiler, they oxidize the hydro-
the trial period, the better the ability to document results. carbons, and this causes reboiler fouling. The sulfur di-
Finally, feed quality control is very important. oxide, formed from the reducing sulfuric acid when the
One of the approaches that we are using right now is very, hydrocarbons oxidize, passes up the tower and dissolves in
very vigorous modeling to try to explain some of the differ- the water in the condenser. This makes the water corrosive
ences in operation. We believe it is critical to understanding and leads to condenser corrosion.
variable interaction and will help to avoid long term con- We design for relatively moderate space velocities below
tinuous efficiency questions. about 0.15 and do not experience these problems. We do not
use corrosion inhibitors, or the expensive, awkward acid
QUESTION 7: wash that some are discussing.
It is considered that the appropriate olefin space
velocity for an alkylation unit is 0.25 to 0.5. Does
anyone operate with greater olefin space velocity? QUESTION 8:
What problems are encountered? What is the RVP of amylene alkylate? Is this RVP
controlled more by feed composition or by product
SLOAN: fractionation?
Nothing magic happens at any given olefin space velocity.
As the olefin space velocity increases, the octane number of SLOAN:
the alkylate decreases, the acid consumption increases, Fractionation plays an important role in determining the
and more species are produced that could produce down- RVP of amylene alkylate. The composition of the C5 stream
stream corrosion. from an FCC is not the same for all units. However, in
An increased olefin feed rate also increases the heat of general the saturated C5 s make up about half of this
reaction, which must be removed. This taxes the re- stream, and most of the saturated C5s are isopentane. In
frigeration system and increases the reaction temperature. the alkylation reactor, some isopentane is reacted and some
The increased reaction temperature produces more of the is formed. However, the C5+ from the alkylate reactor is
above undesirable effects. still about half saturated C5s. Thus, a perfect C4/C5 split
will give an RVP of about 10 psi for the C5 portion of the
RAJGURU: alkylate.
We believe that 0.5 is a very high olefin space velocity for Controlling the RVP of amylene alkylate becomes a
sulfuric acid alkylation. Operating at such high space ve- matter of adequate deisopentanization, rather than debu-
locity results in poor alkylate quality. A side effect of the tanization as in conventional C4 alkylation. The feed com-
high space velocity will be high contactor temperatures, position also plays an important role. An FCC C5 stream
since there is a limited amount of bundle surface area in may be half saturated C5s, and a TAME raffinate may be
the contactor. The higher the space velocity, the higher the two-thirds saturated C5s. The alkylate produced from an
heat of reaction to be removed. FCC C5 side stream will have a lower RVP than the alkyl-
ate produced from a TAME raffinate. Amylene alkylation
DAVID S. MCCAFFREY (Exxon Research & Engineer- does lower the RVP of the total gasoline pool by eliminating
ing Company): the unsaturated C5s.
There are at least two problems at high space velocities
and both occur in the deisobutanizer. At high space ve- RAJGURU:
locities, the level of esters in the alkylation acid and the The RVP of amylene alkylate in our current designs is
hydrocarbon product build up as increased amounts are between 3.5 to 4.5 including the isopentane produced in the
generated in the reactor. These esters are neutral and do reaction. Obviously, product fractionation is not con-



trolling, although our deisopentanizer could be used to frame? Is the reactor a fix bed or some type of
further reduce the RVP if desired. The feed composition has continuous regeneration system?
some effect, and the actual reaction conditions are impor-
tant because they can affect the amount of isopentane JUNO:
produced. Neste Oy, Catalytic Inc. of Mountainview, California,
For one of our recent projects, with a mixed C4/C5 feed, and Conoco Inc. started up a 7 bbl/day pilot plant at Neste’s
product fractionation does control the RVP, but this is Finland Technology Center to demonstrate solid catalyst
because of the large amounts of NC4 and IC5 in the feed. gasoline alkylation technology. Their proprietary process is
being developed to replace hydrofluoric and sulfuric acid
ROY: alkylation units used to produce high octane gasoline.
Based on their pilot plant work, STRATCO has deter- Licensing is to be available in 1994.
mined the RVP of the true alkylate produced in the reaction
zone from a mixed amylene feed at normal operating condi- SLOAN:
tions is approximately 3.5 psi. This true alkylate includes Haldor Topsoe A/S and The M. W. Kellogg Company have
approximately 7 to 9% isopentane produced by the alkyla- been collaborating to develop an alkylation process which is
tion reactions. They have also found that changes in the a substitute for both the current HF and sulfuric acid
composition of the C5 feedstock and operating conditions processes. The super acid catalyst is supported on a solid
affect the amount of isopentane generated, and thus would medium in a unique manner. The reactor system can be
affect the true alkylate RVP accordingly. operated continuously without interruption for catalyst
Probably a larger consideration in amylene alkylate regeneration.
RVP is how the isopentane introduced into the unit with Acid inventory is very low and acid management is
the C5 olefin feed is handled. This isopentane will pass greatly enhanced since the catalyst can be recovered and
through the reaction zone into the unit’s fractionating recycled on the refinery site. The catalyst also has a low
system. Thus, the RVP of the rundown alkylate product, vapor pressure and there is no tendency to form an aerosol.
the whole alkylate, will depend upon the design of the The technology has been successfully tested in a pilot plant
fractionation system and where the isopentane is yielded of ½ bbl/day for over 2 years, including a continuous run of
from the unit. 6 months. The technology is being commercialized and
discussions with potential operating partners are in
Some refiners operate with acid level below 30 BRIAN JOHNSON (UOP):
inches to avoid flat acid recycle. Is there a minimum As the industry is aware, UOP has been working for a
acid level below which we should not operate? We number of years to develop a solid catalyst alkylation proc-
understand that low acid levels can lead to a hydro- ess. At this point, UOP has developed a truly solid phase,
carbon continuous emulsion in the reactor. Will this regenerable catalyst and is moving into long term stability
cause acid carryover from the acid settler? tests in our pilot plant facilities near Chicago. An initial
engineering package is being developed that will be com-
LAABS: petitive with the capital and operating costs of current
We have one unit whose acid level routinely runs in the technologies.
18 to 24 inch range without problems. We know that if the UOP will present the technology to potential licensees in
level is too low, the emulsion will become too tight, and it 1994 and expects to have a complete commercial design
will not have time to separate. This will result in acid package by 1995. UOP will continue to support the current
carryover from the settler. The actual minimum level would HF technology with ongoing developments such as the
depend on the design of the unit. Texaco-UOP HF additive technology, as well as minimum
acid inventory designs, redundant acid storage designs,
DAVID R. WAGNER (STRATCO, Inc.): and rapid acid dump systems.
The acid/hydrocarbon ratio in the contactor is the best
indicator of the emulsion quality in the contactor. This ratio LAWRENCE A. SMITH (Chemical Research & Licensing
is monitored via the contactor ratio glass. The valves on the Company):
emulsion inlet and outlet should be wide open for maxi- Chemical Research and Licensing has announced a solid
mum acid circulation. The settler acid level should be acid alkylation process based on a “salt” of antimony penta-
adjusted to maintain the acid/hydrocarbon ratio in the fluoride. A 10 bbl/day test unit will be in operation at
contactor in the 50 to 60 vol% range. Chevron Port Arthur before the end of 1993. A one-year
With current designs, a settler level of 18 to 24 inches test program is planned on a variety of commercial
would normally provide a good acid/hydrocarbon ratio. feedstocks.

General B. Alkylation-Hydrofluoric Acid

What is the status of solid catalyst alkylation re-
search? What is the possibility of the development of QUESTION 11:
a commercial process and what is the expected time When operating a hydrofluoric alkylation unit



downstream of an oxygenate unit, what processing C3 and C4 olefins, we alkylate 1 to 3 vol% C5 olefins when
changes have been found helpful in reducing the light the FCC naphtha RVP is dropped seasonally. Increased
acid soluble oil production due to contaminants gener- sulfur, diolefins, and C6 + contamination together with a
ated in the oxygenate process? somewhat lower iso to olefin ratio results in excessive acid
soluble oil production and acid consumption. We observed
T. WILLIAMS: an octane drop of at least half of a point with no discernable
At one of our facilities, instead of worrying about the change in yield or isobutane consumption.
oxygenates going to the alkylation unit, we decided to remove
them with molecular sieve technology. This has worked out PAULES:
very well. We have, however, had two episodes where we The contaminants of biggest concern are the penta-
essentially flooded the molecular sieve and ended up sending dienes. These compounds dramatically increase acid con-
MTBE to our alkylation unit. This resulted in acid purity sumption and AS0 make. The sulfur compounds in the C5
dropping by 9%. The acid soluble oils (ASO) that formed could cut are also more difficult for a mercaptan extraction unit
only be removed and regenerated externally. The amount of to handle. Unless your unit is specifically designed to do
acid that had to be taken with this ASO, due to its light this, sulfur may be a problem in the alkylation unit. The
nature, was fairly significant due to the similar boiling yields for each amylene isomer are different, but generally
ranges. speaking, true amylene alkylate yield is 1.55 to 1.65 times
olefin charge with a RON of 90 to 92, and a MON of 88 to 90.
PAULES: The isobutane consumption is 1.10 to 1.35 times olefin
I agree with Mr. Williams. We have found the best ap- charge. Synthetic pentane production is 0.20 to 0.50 times
proach is to eliminate the problem at the source, as there is olefin charge.
little you can do once the oxygenates are in the alkylation One mechanical concern is the ability of the unit to
unit. When AS0 is formed as a result of oxygenate con- handle isopentane. Not only is there isopentane in the C5
tamination, you have little recourse other than to drop the charge, but synthetic isopentane production can be be-
temperatures in the rerun tower. This allows the light AS0 tween 20 to 30% of olefin charge. The fractionation section
generated from the oxygenates to exit the unit, but causes of a unit must be capable of removing all the isopentane
extremely high HF losses. while controlling alkylate RVP and preventing a buildup of
isopentane in the isobutane recycle.
At our Robinson, Illinois refinery, we have operated an HF O’BRIEN:
alkylation unit downstream of a MTBEf/TXME coproduction Feed contaminants for C5 alkylation become a problem
unit since December of 1991. This unit has a molecular sieve when refiners try to recover more and more of the C5
oxygenate recovery unit as part of its flow scheme. One olefins. As you cut deeper into the C5s, you tend to drag
additional comment regarding the effects of oxygenate more of the C6s, dienes, and additional sulfur into the
breakthrough is that we feel that the oxygenate carry- alkylation feed. These materials will increase AS0 produc-
through might be destablizing the acid settling in the mixer tion substantially. The amylene feed will likely include
settler to some degree. However, we cannot quantify the effect some isopentane. The isopentane in the feed, along with
at this time. synthetic isopentane produced in the reaction, can load up
the recycle isobutane loop, and create problems with iso-
O’BRIEN: butane purity. As the isopentane builds up, it begins re-
The only method we have used is a fractionation step to acting somewhat as the isobutane does, but makes a C9
remove DME and methanol from the alkylation unit. Our compound with an octane of only 80.
goal is to limit oxygenates to 35 ppmw.


DME, water, and methanol can be removed, as has been
mentioned, by fractionation or by molecular sieve operations.
MTBE, if present in significant quantities, is typically re- QUESTION 13:
moved by molecular sieves from HF alkylation feed because of What is the experience with acid recontactors in a
the required low levels. However, a well designed MTBE hydrofluoric acid alkylation unit? What are the quan-
debutanizer will produce ranate with MTBE levels below 1 titative benefits?
ppm. Diolefins are removed by selective hydrogenation. We
have now integrated this step with the MTBE column using O’BRIEN:
CDHydro™. In Phillip’s experience recontactors have worked very
well in reducing fluorides in most of the product streams.
Our experience indicates a reduction in fluorides of 90% on
QUESTION 12: product streams, except for the alkylate. This results in less
For C5 alkylation, please comment on feed con- frequent purchase of HF scavenger alumina.
taminants, yield structures, mechanical or operating
problems related to this type of operation. PAULES:
I agree. There are claims of up to a 90% reduction in
ROY: fluorides and in some cases, companies have been able to
At our Pasadena plant, along with our normal stream of meet product specifications without additional treating.



However, many refineries shy away from recontactors be- Wickbold Apparatus. The same method is employed for the
cause of safety concerns as they increase the amount of HF determination of the fluorides in propane. We have estab-
handling equipment in the unit. Also, it is reported that lished that levels down to approximately 10 ppm can be
they are ineffective on high purity propane streams. We reasonably determined.
have operated a recontactor on our main fractionator over-
head stream since the unit was built in 1979 and have no BONELLI:
real history of operating without it. We still treat the In one of our operations, which is a UOP HF alkylation
propane product for trace HF removal. design, our typical fluoride concentration in the normal
butane stream is 150 to 170 ppm by weight. The method
that we use for determining fluorides is the same modified
QUESTION 14: Wickbold method. For refinery operations, we consider 10
Has anyone experienced iron fluoride pre- ppm to be the lower confidence level on which we take
cipitation on coolers downstream of butane and action. We generally do not report values below 1 ppm; we
propane defluorinators? What has been done to alle- just report less than 1.
viate this problem? Since iron fluoride is a corrosion
product, what is the mechanism for this corrosion, T. WILLIAMS:
and where does it occur? Are these corrosion prod- Fluorides in our normal butane draw off the tower typi-
ucts a result of two phase flow (acid-H2O/butane or cally run in the 500 to 600 ppm range. After the alumina
acid-H2O propane) that occurs at low hydrocarbon and KOH treating, this is down to 1 ppm fluoride or less. We
temperatures? use UOP 619 Oxy-hydrogen combustion method and can
detect down to 1 ppm.
We believe that it is possible to have iron fluoride pre- RALPH HARRIS (CITGO Refining & Chemicals, Inc.):
cipitation in coolers. The mechanism is iron fluoride scale Has anybody seen a dramatic increase in organic fluoride
destruction caused by colder than normal product tempera- content of the butanes and alkylate with addition of MTBE
tures. The cold temperatures cause the formation of a or TAME in front of the alkylation unit?
corrosive acid/water phase that can destroy the protective
iron fluoride scale. To alleviate this problem, product tem- BONELLI:
peratures should be kept around 100 °F. We have not. When we put our MTBE unit in service, we
Another likely deposit on the coolers is alumina fines did not know what to expect. Organic fluoride was one of
after recharging a defluorinator. To prevent this, the re- the parameters that we .monitored to see if our fluoride
charged defluorinator should be placed in the lead position balance was much disturbed. It has not been.
for a period of 24 hours to allow any alumina fines to be
deposited on the top of the secondary bed. The defluorinator BRIAN JOHNSON (UOP):
can then be switched to the tail position. The concentration of combined fluorides in the butane
stream coming off of the alkylation unit is not the primary
T. WILLIAMS: consideration. What is also important is how much normal
We run our defluorinators in series as mentioned in the is actually passing through the unit via the olefin and
previous comment. We put the regenerated or reloaded saturate feeds to the unit. If the unit has feedstocks that are
defluorinator back on-line as the second in the series and very low in normal butane, the normal that comes off the
we have experienced high corrosion rates in the low flow unit has a high concentration of combined fluorides since
areas of this second defluorinator. the fluoride production rate is independent of the normal
butane flow. So you need to look at the total moles of
combined fluoride produced rather than just the con-
QUESTION 15: centration in the normal butane stream in order to evaluate
What are typical fluoride concentrations in normal the fluoride production rates for a given unit.
butane streams? What level can be accurately
O’BRIEN: Velocity in the acid settler is directly related to the
Typical fluoride levels for butane are 200 to 400 ppm. The separation zone (emulsion zone) width in the settler.
level of fluoride in the butane can vary for several reasons. At some velocity, acid carryover will become exces-
Acid strength, reaction conditions, and origin of the butane sive causing high corrosion rates. This velocity cor-
stream are some of the factors affecting fluoride levels. responds to some distance between the hydrocarbon
Organic fluorides can accurately be measured to 1 to 2 ppm. draw and the hydrocarbon/separation zone inter-
face: What is an. acceptable distance for reliable
OSBORN: operation of the unit?
During the second half of 1992, in preparation for a
potential shipment on a pipeline, we did testing of our O’BRIEN:
normal butane stream. Results matched the ranges re- Although the distance between the hydrocarbon draw
ported by Ms. O’Brien, 200 to 400 ppm fluoride. The test and the hydrocarbon separation zone interface may have
used to determine these results is an adaptation of the some effect, the overriding factor is the velocity. After



exceeding a certain velocity through the acid settler, carry- service. We also use some Durco plug valves. Again, we
over will occur regardless of the height. currently do not fireproof, preferring to leave the flanges
exposed and painted with HF leak detecting paint.
The purpose of the HF acid settler is to provide disen-
gaging time between the HF acid and the hydrocarbon General
phases and to reduce organic fluorides in the products.
There are proprietary internals in the settler that facilitate
these two functions. The hydrocarbon velocity in the settler QUESTION 18:
is about 1.5 fpm. What is the most environmentally acceptable dis-
position for acid soluble oils? Where do most refiners
currently dispose of this stream?
We presently neutralize AS0 with caustic and include it
QUESTION 17: in the refinery residual oil pool. The decanted spent sodium
Please discuss the types of emergency isolation fluoride is then reacted with calcium chloride to produce a
valves being used. Are valves/flanges fireproofed in solid calcium fluoride precipitate and a sodium chloride
this service? brine. The solid calcium fluoride can then be disposed of in
a nonhazardous landfill and the sodium chloride brine is
BONELLI: totally harmless to the wastewater plant and the
At our Robinson, Illinois refinery we have recently com- environment.
pleted a substantial addition to our HF alkylation remote
emergency system. The valves that we chose to use are T. WILLIAMS:
Durco 1/4 turn plug valves with teflon liners. They have We reprocess our ASO, after neutralization, in our FCC
teflon seals, no packing. The flanges in this service are not unit feed.
O’BRIEN: Following neutralization to below 0.1 wt% HF, the acid
The majority of emergency isolation valves we have seen soluble oils are treated as hazardous waste at our facility
in refineries are ¼ turn, teflon lined valves with pneumatic and transported to an approved incineration facility. At
operators. Some refiners prefer using electric-operated gate Robinson, where we have delayed cokers, we are investi-
valves- with a metal-to-metal seat to reduce the fear of gating the suitability of including this neutralized AS0
teflon melting in a fire situation. into our Mobil Oil Sludge Coking injection.
Phillip’s licensing does not endorse, and the Phillip’s
plants do not practice, fireproofing of valves or flanges, O’BRIEN:
since by covering the bolted areas of a valve, you will limit After caustic treating to remove entrained HF, the AS0
the ability to monitor for leaks in these areas. Actuators can be blended into fuel oil, used as FCC feedstock, or
and other associated equipment are fireproofed. burned in an alkylation unit furnace using a special burn-
er. In the United States, putting AS0 into fuel oil or the
OSBORN: FCC feed tank is the most common disposition. In Europe,
We have installed tufline valves with HYTORK ac- we find people prefer to burn the AS0 in their reboiler
tuators on the outlets of the acid storage drums. The control furnaces.
panel is operated from the field control room. They are not
fireproofed. OSBORN:
In addition to the methods previously mentioned, we are
PAULES: currently injecting it into our coker charge. It has been
We have recently installed 18 air actuated, ¼ turn plug done in the past with no known detrimental effects. It is
valves for automatic isolation of HF systems. With these we important to assure the ASOs are adequately neutralized,
can isolate the acid settler, acid storage drum, acid feed yet do not contain excessive amounts of entrained caustic.
pumps, IC4 recycle, and main fractionator overhead. The
valves are flanged but not fireproofed. The valves are HARRY GILL (Ultramar, Inc.):
pneumatically operated and fail to the last position. We blend our acid soluble oil, after neutralization, with
slurry oil. Slurry oil eventually ends up in the fuel oil,
ROY: although we do not produce any fuel oil from this site. It has
Isolation valves being currently used by our plant are occurred to me that we could consider blending it with
plug valves with pneumatic actuators. We do not currently alkylate produced from the unit. The logic here is that
fireproof valves and flanges in HF acid service because we during internal regeneration, all those sulfur oils go to
believe the potential for leaks or corrosion to go undetected alkylate anyway.
is far greater if not completely visible.
JOE P. CARSON (Mobil Oil Corporation):
T. WILLIAMS: We are currently considering blending AS0 with our
We have used Xomox valves with Matrix actuators in this clarified slurry oil product stream. Some of our initial



laboratory results have shown that our AS0 Rash point is STEVE HUNKUS (MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc.):
below 100 °F. I was wondering if anyone else had experi- Along the line of this question, has anyone had a successful
ence with low boiling point ASO? Also, what is the typical commercial installation of an alternative or replacement
flash point for ASO? for the time tank to significantly reduce the inventories of
acid and isobutane in that system?
Because we do not blend it, it is not a parameter that we BRIAN JOHNSON (UOP):
measure. I cannot think of a reason that in our regular We have done revamps of units for low acid inventory and
operation it would really be a concern since we neutralize it as part of that package, the time tanks have been
and dispose of it in an incinerator. eliminated.

C. Reforming
Please comment on your experience in selling
spent fluorinated alumina and/or potassium fluoride
back to suppliers/reclaimers? Feed
Phillips refineries are looking into the option of selling QUESTION 21:
the spent fluorinated alumina, with no actual transactions What is the impact of coker or visbreaker naphtha
to date. Several Phillips licensees are sending their spent on reformer cycle length? Is there anything that can
alumina for reclaiming. We do not produce potassium fluo- be done to improve run length?
ride waste.
The main problems with coker and visbreaker naphtha
QUESTION 20: are their high olefin and nitrogen content. The olefin con-
Are there any refiners actively pursuing alkylation tent should not impose any problems to the reformer itself,
additives to improve the safety aspects of their as all olefins will saturate in the naphtha hydrotreater.
hydrofluoric alkylation unit? However, if a large proportion of these naphthas are fed to a
naphtha hydrotreater, the unit must be equipped to handle
OSBORN: the high reactor exotherms of olefin saturation. After
I am aware of commercial testing being conducted by hydrotreating, the saturated olefins should not affect re-
UOP in concert with a refinery and have discussed the former cycle length. The nitrogen content will necessitate
results of that study. However, to date the information has hydrotreating at higher hydrogen partial pressure than the
not been made public and therefore will need to be pre- typical naphtha hydrotreater with a nickel molybdenum
sented by the parties involved. catalyst.
Some refiners include these naphthas as part of a dis-
O’BRIEN: tillate or FCC feed hydrotreater charge to allow saturation
Since our development of the first HF alkylation units in and denitrification before routing to a typical naphtha
1942, Phillips has engaged in a continuous research pro- hydrotreater in front of a reformer. The ultimate effect on
gram to enhance and optimize the process. Recent efforts reformer cycle length will be determined by the remaining
have focused on process and mechanical improvements to feed nitrogen and olefin content charged to the reformer.
enhance the already low risk and to minimize the pollution
impact of the HF technology. Such efforts have been very PEDERSEN:
successful in sustaining minimal risk. With our goal of We have found that up to 20% visbreaker naphtha in the
continuous improvement,’ these efforts have naturally in- feed does not influence reformer run length noticeably,
cluded catalyst modifications and additives to suppress the provided that you have good hydrotreatment upstream,
volatility of release material. Efforts are continuing in which means bromine number less than 1, sulfur and
development of this process modification. nitrogen less than 0.5, and 1 ppm, respectively.


Texaco’s El Dorado plant has awarded a contract for the We have only one facility in which we have a delayed
engineering, fabrication, and installation of facilities for coker and that facility has two reformers and naphtha
continuous use of the Texaco-LJCP HF additive technology hydrotreaters. We have made coker naphtha processing
beginning in July, 1994. Release tests of HF and HF ad- trials in each of those naphtha hydrotreaters and experi-
ditive mixtures have confirmed that substantial reductions enced fouling of the feed preheat exchanger train and
in potential aerosol formation can be achieved. reactor bed.
A trial on the number 1 alkylation unit at El Dorado in We feel that when you are hydrotreatingcoker naphthas,
1992, confirmed that use of the additive did not require any your reactor space velocities should be near 1, and the
change in throughput or reaction conditions and did not reactor pressure needs to be 800 to 1,000 psig for 90%
degrade the alkylate quality. This technology will be li- hydrogen purity streams. In addition, a nickel molyb-
censed by UOP and will also be available on a modular denum catalyst is required for that service. For an excellent
basis from the UOP Process Plants and Systems group. view of the impact ofreforming non straight-run naphthas,



I recommend a paper on the subject that was published by shortened by an increase in catalyst coking rate due to the
UOP. loss of hydrogen recycle rate and higher reactor tempera-
tures, and an operation closer to heater maximum
OSBORN: temperatures.
In addition to the comments by Mr. Bonelli, I think the
best precautions to take are to minimize the end point by ROY:
taking extra care during the switching process to minimize We run coker naphtha, about 8 to 10%, in our CCR feed
fractionator upsets and keep the end point down. It is and we use a silica-based antifoam at the coker. We have
certainly more difficult to reform coker naphtha versus typically seen runs of 1 to 1.5 years on our hydrotreater. We
straight-run naphtha at the same end point. If it is not monitor for silica breakthrough on the hydrotreated
possible to achieve the 800 or so psi hydrotreating, I would catalyst.
strongly recommend that you consider blending coker
naphtha straight to the gasoline pool and offset the low BONELLI:
octane by higher reformer severity. At our location, it is not economical to reform the coker
naphthas given the flow scheme we have, and therefore,
J. B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.): they go to the gasoline blend pool.
The corrosion aspect of higher sulfur and higher nitrogen
feed to the naphtha hydrotreater usually results in migra- OSBORN:
tion of corrosion products into the reformer. As the iron In addition to controlling end point, if you feed the naph-
content goes up in any part of the reformer, like the first tha to the reformer, end point is important if you are
catalyst bed, the ability to regenerate the catalyst gets sending it directly to the gasoline pool. At about a 360 °F
more difficult. Fouling of the feed effluent exchangers and end point, you have about a 70 octane, and if you go up to a
in the charge heater is also more common in units that run 400 °F end point, the octane will drop to about a 60 for the
straight-run and coker or visbreaker naphtha simul- same coker charge quality. That is a significant deterioration.
taneously in the same hydrotreater.

CEES SMIT (Akzo Catalysts): QUESTION 22:

Regarding the processing of FCC naphtha, is it common
What are the pros and cons of using nickel catalyst
in the United States to reform this stream or to reform the
in a sulfur sorber rather than copper catalyst?
heart cut? What is the influence on the reformer per-
formance, specifically hydrogen yield?
BONELLI: For liquid phase sulfur sorbers, ACREON offers both the
We do not do that at our locations. The FCC naphtha is copper and nickel products. Copper provides the least ex-
generally blended as produced for sweetening. pensive initial fill and provides pickup of hydrogen sulfide
and light mercaptans. However, the high surface .area
LEWIS A. FREDERICKSON (Chevron Research and nickel sorber provides approximately 100% greater sulfur
Technology Co.): pickup by weight, greater affinity for more of the types of
I did not hear anybody mention silicon fouling of the sulfur species common in reformer feed such as mercaptans
hydrotreater catalyst. Is anybody using a guard bed? and thiophenes, and represents a more economical cost per
pound of sulfur removed for reformer feed pretreatment.
BONELLI: Both types of products are in use at several refineries.
We do not. I think that most people who operate cokers This nickel product is stabilized with carbon dioxide and
today are very careful with their antifoam injections. I overcomes historical difficulties with other types of non-
know that most of the people, at other companies with stabilized nickel products and can be easily prepared for
whom we have discussed coker operations, are con- service. Nickel products, in general, require a thorough
scientiously minimizing that. It has not been, in most understanding of associated handling requirements and
cases, a problem for them. Although I think we are all still are commonly used by refiners.
looking for a good nonsilicon antifoam for cokers. Disposal of the spent nickel sorber material may also be
much easier than copper, since instead of disposing as a
THOMAS W. KELLY (ARCO): waste, the high nickel sorber often has value to a metal
We do not use silica guard beds but do analyze for silica reclaimer.
when replacing our desulfurization catalyst to help esti-
mate new catalyst life. We expect a 2 year life when run- ANGELO FURFARO (UOP):
ning about 15 to 20 percent coker naphtha in the reformer I agree in general with the previous speaker. I would add
feed. that UOP finds for the copper-based material at least, that
Coker naphtha affects our reformer performance because it is most effective only for the removal of H2S. The nickel
hydrotreated coker naphtha properties are much worse does a better job of removing H2S as well as mercaptans and
than our straight-run reformer feed properties. When disulfides. So if you only have an H2S problem, I would lean
processing a blend of coker and straight-run feeds, we see towards the cheaper copper-based material, but the dis-
lower recycle gas purity and higher reactor temperature posal costs in your area will impact your final decision. On
requirements to make a given octane reformate than if an equivalent disposal cost basis, the copper-based mate-
processing only straight-run. Cycle length is therefore rial is cheaper on a cost per pound of sulfur removed basis.




Nickel catalysts are more appropriate where the naph- For a typical semiregenerative reformer operating at an
tha feed contains a high degree of complex sorber com- average reactor pressure of 300 psig and 95 RON severity, a
pounds, such as thiophenes. drop of 100 psi average reactor pressure will yield an
Copper catalysts are best suited to applications where increase of approximately 1.0 vol% reformate and 100
the dominant sulfur species are H2S and/or mercaptans. scf/bbl of hydrogen on a rich 65 N + 2A feed, and an
Copper catalysts are much easier to use. They do not need increase of approximately 2.2 vol% reformate and 150
an activation step, do not need to be loaded under inert gas, scf/bbl of hydrogen on a lean 40 N + 2A feed.
and they are not pyrophoric when discharged.
Nickel is classified as a potential carcinogen in some PEDERSEN:
countries, and so requires more stringent handling pro- From our pilot plant we have found that reducing the
cedures. More importantly, if correctly designed, copper- reactor pressure from 375 to 275 psig increases C5 + yield
based systems have a longer life and are a better value to by as much as 5.0 wt%. The corresponding hydrogen yield
the operator when considering cost of catalyst per pound of will increase by approximately 35%. Feed in our test were
sulfur removed. ICI Katalco’s PURASPEC™ range of ab- naphtha from a 40160 mix of Stattjord and Gullfaks crudes.
sorbents includes both copper and nickel sulphur guards Tests were carried out over a severity range from 96 to 102
and had been successfully used on catalytic reformers and RON clear, with a platinum/rhenium catalyst.
isomerization units. ICI Katalco will assist with disposal of
spent material as part of its Catalyst Care Programme. M. EDWARD MORRISON (IFP Enterprises Texas, Inc.):
With a semiregenerative reformer using bimetallic cata-
lyst and operating at 250 to 300 psig (mean reactors pres-
Process sure), the estimated yield improvement at constant octane
after reducing pressure by 100 psi is estimated to be 2.5
wt% for C5 liquid yields, and 250 scf/bbl for hydrogen
QUESTION 23: What gains in reformate and hydro-
yields. This obviously reduces the cycle length of the semi-
gen yields do refiners typically achieve on semi-
regenerative catalyst.
regenerative reformers using bimetallic catalyst
IFP’s DUALFORMING technology solves the problem
when reactor pressure is reduced by 100 psi?
of short cycle length and further increases gasoline and
hydrogen yields. In this particular process, the existing
JUNO: fixed bed reactors operate at low severity so the cycle length
In 1992, we revamped our semiregenerative reformer can be considerably increased. A new reactor and con-
lowering the separator operating pressure from 300 to 170 tinuous regenerator operates at a higher severity. This
psig. Based on pre-revamp and post-audit detailed test provides a low cost alternative to fully continuous oper-
runs, we achieved an increase in C5+ yields of 2.7 liquid ation. In this process the overall yield improvements are 3.5
vol%, and an increase in hydrogen production of 210 scf/bb1. wt% liquid yields, and a hydrogen yield increase of 350 to
Measured research and motor octanes were within 0.2 of 400 scf/bbl.
an octane number and the (R + M)/2 was within 0.1 of an
octane number between the two test runs.
Projected yields from UOP for the R62 catalyst for sep- CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
Ms. O’Brien, why did you increase pressure when every-
arator pressure reduction from 300 to 200 psig were a 2.1
one else is trying to reduce pressure?
liquid vol% C5+ yield increase and 164 scf/bbl hydrogen
production increase. Projections of catalyst cycle length
between regenerations were exceeded. O’BRIEN:
This data came from several years ago and it was from
O’BRIEN: our Puerto Rico plant. I do not have any other details.
Although somewhat the reverse of the question, in the
case of one of our motor fuel reformers, we increased the
reactor pressure by 140 psig. During the test period the
unit was processing feed with N + A of 60 to 66 vol%, and
operating with severities ranging from 91 to 99 C5+ oc-
tane. The following was observed: hydrogen yields de-
creased 0.19 wt% for the low severity case and 0.3 wt% for
the high severity case; the C5 + liquid yield decreased 1.0
vol% for the low severity case and 0.5 wt% for the high
severity case; and the catalyst stability was increased ap-
proximately 20%.

At one of our refineries, when we lowered the pressure on
a semiregenerative unit by 80 psig, we realized a gain of 2
to 3 vol% in reformate yield, and an increase in hydrogen
production of 50 to 100 scf/bbl.



LEE E. TURPIN (Profimatics, Inc.): A semiregenerative type catalyst that has been through
The changes in reformate and hydrogen yields as pres- a number of cycles is less yield sensitive to variations in the
sure is changed vary significantly with feed composition. chloride level than a recent loaded catalyst.
The changes in C5 + and hydrogen yields decrease as the In a low pressure reformer using a platinum-tin type of
quality (N + A) of the feed increases. catalyst, we also find 1.0 wt% to be the optimum chloride
The following table was generated using Profimatics level. When comparing at constant RON level, the relative
kinetic reformer model. C5 + octane was held constant as yields of C1 and C2 versus C3 and C4 are approximately the
well as feed boiling range. same at 250 and 50 psi. However, we found that the relative
yields are slightly dependent on the chloride level. Increas-
ing the chloride level on the catalyst from 0.08 to 1.2
Naphthenes Aromatics Delta C5+ Delta H2 increases the relative yield of LPG versus fuel gas by 10 to
Feed vol% vol% vol%/PSI SCF/BBL/WPSI 15%.
1 30.0 8.0 2.25 167.
2 35.0 10.0 1.79 152. Under most circumstances the optimum chloride content
3 40.0 12.0 1.69 148. of reforming catalyst, both semiregenerative and CCR, is
0.9 to 1.1 wt% on catalyst. Higher chloride contents lead to
enhanced hydrocracking reactions and lower chloride con-
To answer Mr. McCoy’s question; one of the reasons I tents to lower activity. Within the range of 0.9 to 1.1 wt%
have seen people raise pressure is because they are meeting chloride, the effect of pressure on methane, ethane, pro-
heater constraints and if they raise the pressure, they can pane and butane yields is much more pronounced than
have a bigger heat sink with the hydrogen and reduce the variations in the chloride content of the catalyst, although
heater constraints on downstream heaters. at higher chloride contents, the relative yields of propane
and butane are higher.
We know that when pressure is reduced in a cata- QUESTION 25:
lytic reformer, the rate of cracking decreases. We There are several reforming catalysts on the mar-
also know directionally that increasing chloride level ket, with loaded densities varying from 32 lbs/cu ft to
on the catalyst will not only increase cracking, but 45 Ibs/cu ft. The manufacturers say the surface area
will also increase isomerization and dehydro- (area/mass, meter squared per gram) is roughly the
cyclization. Is there any advantage then to increasing same from one catalyst to another. Why are low
chloride level to increase paraffin isomerization and density catalysts loaded into reformer units when a
dehydrocyclization in low pressure reformer units? refiner can get roughly 50% more surface area by
Is the delta C5 + yield per 0.1 wt% chloride the same loading a high density catalyst?
at 50 psig reactor pressure as 250 psig? What effect
will this have on the relative yields of methane, J. WILLIAMS:
ethane, propane and butane? The lower density catalysts were developed in the past
when reformer pressures were high and severities low and
PAULES: consequently deactivation low. Today, high density cata-
At any pressure level there is an optimum chloride level. lysts are available which allow operation at relatively low
Any additional increase in chloride above this will do little pressures and high severity, while maintaining acceptable
to promote isomerization and will tend to promote excessive cycle lengths. In some cases, the yield structure, higher
hydrocracking. Operating above this optimum amount will reformate yields, has also improved for the high density
hurt you more at 250 psig than at 50 psig due to the catalysts. A disadvantage, of course, is the higher platinum
increased tendency for hydrocracking at higher pressures. inventory in the case of high density catalysts.

The catalyst chloride level is important both for the While there is a benefit to having high surface area in the
initial yields and for the catalyst stability. Increasing the reactor, the platinum/rhenium dispersion in the catalyst
acidity of the catalyst by adding more than 1.0 wt% chlo- determines the activity and the run length. If the low
ride does not increase the selectivity to aromatics or iso- density catalyst provides a satisfactory throughput, ac-
parafins. The opposite effect is actually observed as the tivity, and run length, then the price differential could
degree of hydrocracking increases. support its purchase. However, if the difference in price is
For a 250 psi unit using a platinum/rhenium type of balanced by the need for a higher weight hourly space
catalyst, the chloride level should be close to 1.0 wt%. If the velocity, or by the extra reformate yield that is possible
catalyst is 15% overchlorinated, the initial C5+ yield is with the higher surface area, then the high density catalyst
reduced by 1%. A corresponding 25% reduction of the cycle is the better option.
length is also anticipated. On the other hand, if the catalyst Trying to save money by loading a smaller amount of
is 20% underchlorinated, we do not see any loss in initial high density catalyst is not recommended. Shortloading of
C5 + yield, but the cycle will be reduced by approximately a reactor should not be done without modifications to the
35%. reactor internals.



WILLIAM J. NOVAK (ACREON Catalysts): In the past we have also used liquid oxygen for re-
We make reforming catalyst with a range of densities as generation. However, we see no incentive for oxygen in-
described in the question. As was discussed, higher density jection since using the high discharge pressure compressor.
catalysts will frequently debottleneck a unit that is limited We do the oxidation step at the same pressure as the
in severity. However, if a unit is operating at relatively low regeneration step. In this step the limit is the outlet pres-
severity, a refiner may consider using a lower density sure of the air compressor. The higher pressure decreases
catalyst simply because it reduces the catalyst expense. the time required for oxidation and results in regenerated
(The reactor available volume can be fully loaded with less catalyst that performs well.
total pounds of catalyst.) Actually, with the trend toward
reformulated gasoline and the increased use of oxygenates, OSBORN:
we see reformer severity coming down a little bit. Therefore I am not aware of any maximum limit on operating
it is very economical, in some cases, for people to actually pressure for a semiregenerative reformer regeneration,
move to a lower density catalyst. except for those set by the compressor and plant mechan-
ical limits. The function of pressure during carbon burn is
BONELLI: well known; that is, it increases the coke burning rate and
Refiners should consider what Mr. Laabs said about not increases the heat removal from the catalyst. Both of these
shortloading reactors without attention to modifying the are due to the increased regeneration gas flow rate associ-
internals of those reactors. There has probably been a great ated with the higher operating pressure.
deal more trouble resulting from shortloading than can Higher pressure also helps during the oxychlorination
ever be recovered by the difference in what one pays for step. One important aspect of the regeneration is the redis-
catalyst. persion of the active metals. Increasing the oxygen partial
pressure favors the formation of Cl2. Chlorine is the chemi-
cal species responsible for metals redispersion.
Is there a recommended maximum operating pres- CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
sure during the carbon burn stage of a semiregener- Mr. Juno commented about corrosion control. As you go
ation reformer regeneration? Should the oxidation up in pressure all these good things happen that the pan-
step of a regeneration be carried out at the same elists have mentioned. It is generally profitable and at-
pressure as the carbon burn and if so, why? tractive. However, corrosion control becomes more difficult.
Various techniques are used for corrosion control; every one
PEDERSEN: of them is subject to changing chemistry of the reactions
We recommend maximizing pressure, both during car- involved as you go up in regeneration pressure.
bon bum and oxidation. The pressure will normally be
limited by the discharge pressure of the air compressor. By J. B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.):
maximizing pressure, you achieve a faster coke burn and As you go up in pressure, my experience has been that
good contact during oxidation due to the higher recycle gas the carryover into the compressor becomes more sig-
flow. nificant. In most regenerations, there is some small
amount of carryover of neutralizing solution into the com-
JUNO: pressor. This occurs whether you have a centrifugal or a
There is no maximum operating pressure at which the reciprocating compressor. We recommend that you wash a
carbon burn stage of a semiregeneration reformer re- centrifugal compressor after or during regeneration in
generation should be performed. The horsepower of the order to remove these salts to avoid damages that can occur
recycle compressor will limit the pressure that you can when salts fly off of a wheel turning at 8,000 rpm. There
achieve. On centrifugal recycle compressors, this is gen- have been many examples of that where excessive com-
erally around 180 psig. pressor damage has resulted because of this carryover. So I
Although I do not have any experience at this pressure, I caution all of you that there is more to be considered than
am told that there are some units on which caustic carry- the time factor and the other benefits that have been men-
over has been experienced at 400 psig on some of the tioned by the panel. That is, carryover; it is a real
regenerations. The oxidation step is not sensitive to pres- phenomena.
sure and is normally carried out at a pressure that is
convenient to the rest of the regeneration procedure. LAABS:
We have always included a step to wash the compressor
O’BRIEN: during regeneration of our semiregenerative platformers.
Over the years we have regenerated reforming catalyst at
pressures from 25 to over 300 psig. Obviously regenerating
at a higher pressure results in higher density of the re- QUESTION 27:
generation gases, thus leading to a shorter regeneration The presence of iron on reformer catalyst suggests
time. For the high pressure regeneration, we use a high corrosion somewhere. Where should we look? Is
pressure oil-free air compressor. We have checked the cata- sulfur the most likely corrosion agent?
lyst properties following the regenerations and have seen
no detrimental effects on the catalyst from the regeneration JUNO:
pressure. The corrosion products that are present in a reformer are



due to corrosion in upstream equipment. The most common effects also result in a loss of yields. As long as the sulfate is
causes of corrosion can be traced to the desulfurizer strip- present, the platinum crystals can not be properly
per where water and hydrogen sulfide occur in the presence dispersed.
of carbon steel vessels. An intermittent water wash in the The catalyst performance can be restored to fresh cata-
desulfurizer can be the culprit for washing scale and sludge lyst activity and stability through an effective sulfate re-
through the stripper and into the reformer. Another source moval procedure. This involves removal of the sulfate in a
of scale can be the water interface controller on the stripper hydrogen atmosphere with a large presence of chloride.
overhead receiver. If the interface is lost, water is refluxed Chloride competes with the sulfate for sites on the alumina,
down the stripper tower carrying scale and corrosion prod- thus driving the sulfate off the catalyst. The sulfate is
ucts into the reformer. removed as H2S.

I agree with the previous comments. One other source of We agree. In addition, we recommend sulfate removal if
the corrosion might be a high moisture content in the there is more than 0.05 to 0.1 wt% sulfate on the catalyst.
recycle gas during regeneration.
J. WILLIAMS: I agree with the previous comments on the first part. The
You should look in all parts of the reformer that are in sulfate on the surface of a reforming catalyst prohibits, or
contact with H2S, water, or hydrogen chloride at elevated at least decreases, the rate of noble metal redispersion. Yes,
temperatures, i.e., heat exchangers, furnaces, etc. Sulfur, the catalyst can be restored to close to fresh activity when
probably H2S, is the most likely corroding agent, forming carrying out a sulfate sweep during the hydrogen treat-
iron sulfide. In that way, sulfur is hidden in the system and ment between the carbon burn and the oxychlorination
can migrate to the catalyst when the catalyst is re- step.
generated. Iron sulfide will decompose then into iron oxide Sulfate can be effectively stripped from the catalyst by
and SO2. The latter can react with the alumina from the circulating relatively high purity hydrogen at elevated
catalyst to form stable alumina sulfate. temperature. Chloride addition will improve the rate of
sulfate removal.
In addition to the previously mentioned possible cor- J. WILLIAMS:
rosion agents, one other to add is dissolved oxygen from Sulfate formation will make the redispersion of the
tankage if you do not have a good gas blanketing system. platinum more difficult at the time of the oxychlorination
and can cause sintering at the time of reduction because of
CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant): the decomposition of the sulfates into water and H2S. The
On the subject of iron and reforming catalyst, iron is also result is a very low activity after regeneration.
a catalyst for the so-called demethylation reaction. I made a We were able to restore catalyst performance by double
dramatic experiment that illustrated this many years ago, oxychlorination with intermediate H2S stripping. A caustic
charging a 50-50 mix of ground-up platforming catalyst wash circulation is necessary in the H2S stripping stage to
and iron fines to a pilot plant. Naphtha was fed at about absorb the formed H2S from the recycle gas and prevent
950 °F; nothing but methane came out the back end. Why recontamination of the system upstream of the catalyst.
we did not blow up the pilot plant and destroy the labora-
tory, I do not know. T. WILLIAMS:
We saw evidence of sulfate formation during a re-
THOMAS W. KELLY (ARCO): generation that followed a sulfur excursion. We did exten-
Another source of iron in reactors is from the oxidation sive hot hydrogen stripping according to UOP procedures.
and reduction steps during the catalyst reactivation Typica1 start-of-run activity was achieved.
I agree that full catalyst activity can be restored if sulfur
QUESTION 28: is completely removed before the chloro-oxidation step.
What is the effect of sulfate formation during the High sulfur on catalyst during this step will cause plati-
regeneration of catalytic reformer catalyst? Can the num crystallite growth to such an extent as to make good
catalyst be restored to fresh catalyst activity and metal redistribution not possible. A study in our process
stability conditions? What are the methods used to lab confirmed that nothing could restore catalyst to new
correct the sulfate problem? activity after it had seen a reactivation while contaminated
with 0.5 wt% sulfur. The catalyst had been through a 12
OSBORN: hour pre-regeneration hydrogen strip to remove sulfur
The existence of sulfate, S04, on catalyst during a re- which was obviously not very effective.
generation has two serious effects. First, the sulfate pro-
motes platinum mobility. In turn, this leads to platinum HIMMAT SINGH (Indian Institute of Petroleum):
agglomeration and loss of catalyst stability. Second, the The Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP) and Indian Petro-
sulfate hinders the ability of the catalyst to pick up chlo- chemicals Corporation Limited (IPCL) have jointly de-
ride. This in turn leads to loss of catalyst activity. Both veloped a bimetallic reforming catalyst. The catalyst is in



commercial use in one of the reforming units in our country. plant fuel system. The fuel gas line and gas burner plug-
Due to some plant upsets in this unit, we did experience ging problems have been severe, limiting the firing rates to
sulfate formation which ranged between 0.32 and 1.65 the heaters in the reformer and the naphtha hydrotreater.
wt%. The catalyst in this case was regenerated in two steps We are installing chloride-removing alumina guard beds.
following the procedures outlined by the panel. The ac- Some chloride deposition was noted in the net gas machines
tivity of the regenerated catalyst was close to its original prior to modification of the wash tower internals. We also
value. experienced tray plugging in our platformer debutanizer
and corrosive attack on the platformer debutanizer over-
We have had success with the sulfate stripping procedure
as recommended by UOP for R62 catalyst. As you are doing MURPHY:
a regeneration burn, the SO2 appears to accumulate in the The burning of offgases can lead to plugging and fouling
reactor bed until near the end of the burn. Therefore, you difficulties. When chlorides are involved, these further
need to test for SO2, via Draeger, just as oxygen break- complicate the problem by adding salts to the organic
through occurs at the end of the burn. deposits. These offgases can be treated with antifoulants
that will inhibit the deposition. Several antifoulants of this
type are available, some specifically for chloride laden
QUESTION 29: gases. The proper treatment will provide protection from
Reforming units produce from the continuous plugging and corrosion that results from a high chloride
catalytic reforming (CCR) section, a continuous environment. Compressor problems caused by offgas can be
stream of offgas rich in chlorides. Normally, this serious. Chemically treated gas can be safely compressed
stream is routed to the fuel gas system to be burned with minimal impacts on the compressor. These gases can
with other refinery fuel gas streams. Has anyone be segregated, but this will only serve to focus the problem
recorded any plugging/fouling problems associated in a different location.
with that type of operation? If yes, which solution has
been adopted (separate burning of offgases, chloride CORNELL SLADE (ACREON Catalysts):
absorption, etc.)? Has scrubbing or fixed bed absorp- ACREON Catalysts recently introduced to the North
tion been used to solve this problem? Have booster American market SAS-357, which is a promoted alumina,
compressor fouling problems been experienced? widely used in Europe and Asia. This product can pick up
between 10 to 15% of its weight in HCI. In the last few
ROY: months the product has been tested and sold to at least two
At our Pasadena CCR unit, heater control valve and major refiners in the U.S. to solve problems such as this.
burner plugging/fouling used to be a common occurrence
when we burned the hydrogen rich offgas without any
treatment. Antifouling additives were tried for a while, but QUESTION 30:
we finally solved the problem by installing a fixed, dry What is the experience of converting semi-
alumina adsorbent bed with very satisfactory results. regenerative catalytic reformers to low pressure?
We still have intermittent ammonium chloride plugging What is the experience with low pressure drop plate
of the booster compressor discharge line. The plan is to type exchangers? What modifications if any are re-
remove the chlorides in the makeup hydrogen through an quired on the recycle compressor?
alumina adsorbent bed.
PEDERSEN: First I would like to thank PACKINOX for their as-
From start-up of our CCR unit at Mongstad in 1989 until sistance on this one. Lowering the operating pressure of a
last year when we installed a chloride trap, we experienced catalytic reformer at constant capacity has several conse-
heavy corrosion and plugging in our fuel gas systems. The quences on the existing equipment. With the vapor den-
trap is a fixed bed of activated alumina with a sodium sities decreasing, the stream velocities will increase
promotor. It has proven to be very efficient. We have also throughout the process loop, thereby increasing total loop
experienced fouling of the booster compressors and short pressure drop. Unfortunately, the process delta P delivered
time between failure of compressor suction valves, which by the recycle gas compressor will decrease, not increase,
again may be related to chlorides in the offgas. when lowering the operating pressure. However, the com-
pressor can usually be saved, mostly by reducing the pres-
BONELLI: sure drop of the process loop.
At one of our refineries we have experienced chloride The replacement of the existing feed-effluent shell and
fouling problems associated with chloride contamination of tube exchanger train with a low pressure plate type ex-
the net produced hydrogen. The hydrogen, which is changer is a very effective way to reduce the total loop
pumped away by two reciprocating net hydrogen com- pressure drop. In one instance a single shell, plate type
pressors, is first scrubbed with a caustic solution in a wash exchanger was installed to replace a train of 12 shell and
tower to remove the chlorides. However, we operate the unit tubes, with a net reduction in pressure drop of 52 psi.
at throughput rates which result in hydrogen production A second consequence of lower operating pressure is a
above that which the compressors can pump away. This has decrease in overall heat transfer coefficient in the feed
resulted in some unscrubbed hydrogen being burned in the effluent exchanger. Two solutions are available here: either



modify the heat transfer train, or push the firing of the hauled and the cylinder size was increased from 7.5 to 10
charge heater. With the current low refining margins and inch diameter. These modifications allowed for a hydrogen-
high environmental pressures of today, pushing the heater to-hydrocarbon ratio of 4.5, with a spare compressor for
is probably not a desirable option. backup. Three other compressors were modified and over-
Plate type exchangers have been selected as the feed hauled for booster compressor service. Two condenser
effluent exchanger on over 50 catalytic reformers around shells were changed to allow cooling water service on the
the world, about half of them as part of a revamp either to tube side of the exchanger for maintenance reasons. Sep-
lower the operating pressure, convert to CCR operation, arator liquid pumps were installed to boost the liquid to the
increase throughput capacity, lower operating cost, or a operating pressure of a common stabilizer.
combination of these. Seven of these revamps with a CFE The successful operation of this revamp was described in
welded plate exchanger are located in North America. Question 23. The increase in C5 + yield was primarily at
the reduction of propanes and butanes. This fact was not
T. WILLIAMS: unnoticed considering that during the summer of 1992, the
We converted a semiregeneration unit to low pressure RVP of finished gasoline was approximately 2 RVP lower
with a drop of 100 to 120 psi. Problems encountered were than the previous summer. The process engineering for this
due to high vibration in the vertical feed effluent exchanger revamp was performed by Pennzoil’s process engineering
which resulted in reducing unit charge. No modifications personnel.
were needed to the recycle compressor. We did not install
any plate type exchangers and therefore have no experi- DAVID W. ABLIN (UOP):
ence with them. UOP has been, or is currently, ,involved with the con-
version of 24 semiregenerative reformers to low pressure
RAJGURU: CCR platforming units. Our experience is that the revamp
We have converted two semiregeneration reformers to can be completed with less than 30 days of unit downtime,
medium pressure operation. In one of these we switched as the unit is down to make only the final process tie-ins.
reformer heaters due to a shift in the duty requirements. The recycle gas compressor is usually retained as the basis
The feed-effluent exchanger which was a conventional for these revamps.
multishell exchanger was replaced with a single shell, low Generally speaking, most of the fired heaters, the net gas
pressure drop, vertical shell and tube exchanger. The pres- section, and the fractionation section are all retained in
sure drop saved by this replacement and by the heater shift these revamps, although some equipment modifications
compensated for the reduction in differential pressure of may be required. We agree with the comments made by Mr.
the recycle compressor. Sloan regarding the welded plate Packinox exchangers.
An additional major impact of reducing the pressure is UOP would be happy to help refiners evaluate the poten-
more hydrogen production at a lower pressure. Additional tial benefits of revamping their existing semiregenerative
compression is required by the net gas compressor or by the units to lower pressure CCR units. We now have an engi-
hydrogen user. Low pressure drop, plate type exchangers neering group dedicated to revamp work that can provide a
have had satisfactory operation in this application, and variety of site specific revamp services ranging from feasi-
some of our clients in the United States have started accept- bility studies to complete basic engineering designs.
ing them.
BONELLI: Somebody on the panel talked about a vibration issue
In our case, which we referenced in Question 23 for after reducing pressure drop. One of the advantages of
lowering the pressure on our semiregenerative unit, we did switching to plate type exchangers is that you totally elim-
not require modifications to the recycle gas compressor. We inate any possibility of vibration in your feed effluent
also did not require the use of plate type heat exchangers as exchanger. This is for the very simple reason that the
replacements for our shell and tubes. unsupported span of any single element in the heat trans-
fer bundle is about 1 inch or less. So to get that element to
JUNO: vibrate would be very difficult.
As I stated in a previous question, we revamped a semi- Another advantage of switching to plate type exchangers
regenerative reformer from 300 psi separator pressure to is that you also eliminate the worry about two phase feed
170 psi. In our situation, we had an idle reformer next to the maldistribution in the exchanger. Feed maldistribution is
reformer we were operating. Both reformers had a 5,000 a worry because it will lead to non performance and long
bbl/day nameplate capacity at 300 psi. Our design was to term mechanical problems.
revamp both units to process 3,500 bbl/day at the lower There is no secret: a low pressure drop exchanger has
operating pressure. Detailed test runs were performed on little process delta P available to force a uniform dis-
both units prior to our revamp effort. Two feed versus tribution of the two phase feed across the section of the heat
effluent exchangers were replaced in one unit, and two transfer bundle - and some of those bundle sections are
were modified in the second unit. New separators were quite large today, with 5,000 or more tubes per bundle!
installed as carryover problems were occurring at even the Plate type exchangers have eliminated this worry by
300 psi operation. using a liquid naphtha injection system that relies on the
The recycle compressors were a series of six reciprocating head of the naphtha pump, rather than on the process delta
compressors of which four were in operating condition at P to force a uniform liquid distribution in the heat transfer
the time of the revamp. All the compressors were over- bundle.



1986, we instituted a chemical aid injected into the com-

pressor suction piping with an atomizing nozzle after a
knockout pot. Since that date we have not experienced
enough loss in compressor efficiency to require a shutdown
for cleaning.

MARK S. DORAN (ICI Katalco):

Fouling by ammonium chloride can be eliminated by
installation of a fixed bed of our chloride absorbent in the
compressor suction line. This results in longer cycle length
and reduced maintenance costs and times. One North
American operator using an ICI Katalco PURASPEC
guard has reduced compressor maintenance costs by over
$100,000 per year.

QUESTION 31: Has anyone come up with a better way to promote
contacting of recycle gas and neutralizing solution
How long an interval are refiners able to run their
during regeneration? Is there something better than
continuous catalytic reformer recycle compressors
full-cone spray nozzles?
between washings to remove NH4CI deposits? What
levels of nitrogen do they have in the reformer feed?
LAABS: The answers are no and no. We have been working with
We typically wash our CCR recycle compressors during these problems over a long time, but have found that a
scheduled maintenance shutdowns every two years. We properly designed nozzle injection system together with
have used a combination of sodium bicarbonate solution close followup during regeneration provides the best
and water for these washes. We control the nitrogen levels protection.
in our feed to less than 0.5 ppm.
J. B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.):
BONELLI: Improper mixing in the back end of the unit during
Our compressor typically achieves a 4 year run between regeneration has caused serious corrosion problems in
washings with solutions as Mr. Laabs indicated. Feed to our many units. I get many calls from people with those prob-
reformer is treated to nitrogen contents of about 0.5 ppm by lems. We have developed a technique of analyzing the
weight or less. mixing capability for an installation and we have made a
number of modifications to solve the corrosion problems for
PAULES: refiners.
Typically a continuous catalytic reformer operates on a 3
year cycle. If nitrogen content of the feed is kept less than ANGELO FURFARO (UOP):
0.5 ppm, washing of the recycle compressor between turn- UOP has designed regeneration circuits with a simple
arounds is not necessary. slotted distributor to inject the dilute circulating.caustic for
more than 20 years. The key variables to watch are the
PEDERSEN: caustic circulation rate, which should be a minimum 50% of
We have had our CCR recycle gas compressor in service the unit design charge rate, and the velocity of the injection
since start-up in 1989 without seeing a need to wash. The stream, which should be of 3 to 5 ft/sec exiting the slot in the
nitrogen in the feed is less than 0.5 ppm. distributor. The location of the distributor is key, with
proper location being in the center of the process line in the
RAYMOND A. STEPHENSON (Lyondell-CITGO Re- direction of the gas flow. Proper piping orientation of the
lining Company Ltd.): gas circuit is also critical to good gas contacting. It is also
In our vintage xylene reformer, the compressor has important to monitor both the pH and the total alkalinity
rarely maintained an acceptable efficiency level for 6 which is a more cumbersome test but we believe it is key to
months. However, with a minimum reduction in the feed, keeping track of the availability of buffer in the solution.
we can take one compressor off-line for chemical cleaning, We think the simple slotted distributor can do the job and
all within an 8 hour period. Our other two reformers do not has for a long time.
have the luxury of two compressors. However, these two
stage compressors typically maintain enough efficiency to QUESTION 33:
last until catalyst regeneration is necessary. They are al-
ways washed after the second reactivation period prior to Have there been any notable advances in reformer
catalyst technologies since the widespread use in the
mid-80’s of the high rhenium catalysts for higher
With our Unifiner compressor, we rarely achieved a 4
stability operation? What has been the experience
month run before it had to be shutdown and chemically
with the L-zeolite based catalyst systems?
cleaned for removing ammonium chloride deposition. In



RAJGURU: redox procedures, multiple oxychlorination, etc., when in

One of the overseas refiners that we talked to, uses a fact the whole front end of the plant is full of iron sulfide
catalyst containing tin as a second metal rather than rhe- scale. This person needs to bite the bullet and acid clean the
nium. Getting higher stability operation is a key to using whole feed section of the plant.
tin. This refiner has no experience with the L-Zeolite based
catalyst systems. J. B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.):
Proper acid cleaning of the reformer heaters is not easy
J. WILLIAMS: and it is a very expensive procedure if done correctly. All
The advances are more an evolution than a revolution. reformer heaters have paralleled passes. Insuring proper
Reformate yield improvements in the range of 1% have flow through each of the passes is not possible unless
been observed on the newest high density catalysts. radical procedures are used on the heater. To properly
acidize the heater passes each pass must be acidized sep-
PAUL W. VANCE (ACREON Catalysts): arately, one pass at the time. With normal design, this
Advances in ACREON’s reformer catalyst include a requires cutting the tubes for acidizing and then welding
trimetallic catalyst for improved hydrogen and liquid them back together after the acidizing is complete.
yields and high surface area stable catalyst for CCR and When proper procedures have not been used, my experi-
cyclic reformers. ence with acidizing of these heaters has not been good. On
several units where the heaters have been acidized, sub-
sequent start-up resulted in scale migration out of the
QUESTION 34: heater into the scallops or into the catalyst bed. The loose
Before regeneration, a bimetallic catalyst of a scale causing the problem obviously was not removed by
semiregenerative reformer contained the expected the acidizing procedure used.
amount of (~ 0.03 wt%) sulfur. However, during Iron sulfide scales cause serious problems but acidizing
reduction H2S was measured in the recycle gas and may not be the most cost effective alternative.
reactor outlets. After addition to the first reactor of
only 5% of the total required amount of DMDS,
breakthrough was observed on all reactors. Appar- QUESTION 35:
ently, aluminum sulfates have been formed during Has anyone experienced increased corrosion
coke burn. Where is the sulfur coming from? Is it problems at the inlets of the chloriding agent in-
advisable to do another oxychlorination if H2S is jection points during oxychlorination? Was this due
measured in the reduction step? to changing the chloriding agent?

One of two things has happened. Either sulfur from the On one occasion, a reformer on regeneration experienced
feed has deposited on the catalyst or H2S has been gener- significant corrosion when the chloriding agent was in-
ated from iron sulfides formed as the result of corrosion. If jected directly into the transfer line between the.heater and
the sulfur is from feed sulfur upsets, then a sulfur strip reactor. The problem was solved by installing an injection
prior to the regeneration and oxychlorination step is rec- quill and thus avoiding notable contact between the agent
ommended. If the sulfur is from corrosion products, then and the pipe wall.
the feed piping, exchangers, and heaters should be chemi-
cally cleaned. PAULES:
I agree. Corrosion can occur if you inject the chloride at
J. WILLIAMS: the wrong location or in the wrong manner. Changing the
The most likely source of the sulfur is from the sulfide chloriding agent itself cannot cause corrosion.
scale in the system released during oxychlorination. A
second oxychlorination step would be considered if the H2S
is observed above 5 ppm in the recycle gas during reduction QUESTION 36:
to insure proper metals dispersion. Caustic wash of the At what catalyst surface area is a catalyst replace-
recycle gas after the first oxychlorination will minimize ment recommended? What is the basis for the
sulfur in the system. Refer back to Questions 27 and 28 for change? How, if at all, should the water-chloride
more information on this phenomenon. control policy for semiregenerative reformers
change as available surface area is reduced?
Premature evolution of H2S during the reduction stage of JUNO:
regeneration indicates the presence of sulfates on the cata- With each regeneration, there is a loss of surface area for
lyst. These sulfates on the catalyst form agglomeration on the catalyst. As surface area is reduced, the catalyst has
the platinum. An oxychlorination step should be performed less ability to retain chloride on its surface. After a number
to redistribute the platinum. of regenerations on a semiregeneration unit, the chloride
injection level should be increased to carry a higher chlo-
CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant): ride level in the recycle gas to distribute the catalyst chlo-
Mr. Paules mentioned chemical cleaning. I do not know ride to its best activity. If the original chloride level is
how many people have wasted their time and money trying maintained as the catalyst regenerations increase, the



catalyst will be underchlorided and susceptible to greater T. WILLIAMS:

yield losses following sulfur upsets on the unit. During a past reformer regeneration and catalyst dump
and screen, the resulting catalyst level was insufficient to
OSBORN: cover the open area on the center screen of a radial flow
Basically my comments are the same as Mr. Juno’s reactor. This created a low flow area where a substantial
accumulation of coke formed over the subsequent run cycle.
Typically for our semiregenerative reformer the start-of- JUNO:
run yields are compared to end-of-run yields immediately In a radial flow reactor, a coke donut ring has been
prior to the regeneration and an economic analysis of the observed at the bottom of the reactor, generally attributed
value of the yield shift gives you the justification point for to the scallops filling up from the bottom with trash and
changeout. scale. This plugs off the flow at the bottom of the reactor,
In our CCR reformer we consider a few more factors, forming a dead area for formation of a coke donut. In
including the chloride retention ability, platinum redis- downflow reactors, an upside-down icicle sometimes has
persion efficiency, and how the yield pattern economics are been observed extending from the bottom of the reactor.
being affected. Generally, our CCR catalyst changeout sur- Improper dense loading of the catalyst or plugging of the
face area is somewhere between 100 to 120 square meters top of the elephant stool are possible sources of this coke
per gram. formation.

A reforming catalyst should be evaluated for replace- We have experienced a donut type coke formation in one
ment at a surface area of 65% of its original value. The of our semiregeneration reformer reactors. The coke
surface area, however, is only one area for determining the growth, in this instance, was attributed to channeling due
catalyst activity. If the platinum is properly dispersed, you to deterioration of the top of the center pipe, and pluggage
may be able to tolerate lower surface area levels. The basis of the scallops near the base of the reactor. The primary
for a catalyst changeout should be a loss in activity re- potential causes include maldistributed hydrocarbon flow
sulting in higher start-of-run temperatures and shorter from either plugged scallops or plugged reactor center pipe,
run lengths. The water-chloride balance should be main- catalyst fines as a result of seal fluidization, or the com-
tained as the surface area of the catalyst declines to main- bination of the two.
tain the same offgas yield. This will necessitate injecting
more chloride as the catalyst ages as chloride retention will CHARLES S. MCCOY (Consultant):
diminish with decreasing surface area. I have seen several of these including the examples the
panel cited. One of the most interesting ones happened
RAJGURU: early in the age of dense loading. A refiner dense loaded a
We have input from an overseas refiner. They say that radial flow reactor about 2/3 of the way up, and then soft
they replace catalyst with new catalyst having a surface loaded the balance. Apparently he built this kind of a donut
area of 210 when the surface area of the old catalyst is ring of coke right at the interface between the dense and
reduced down to 120. However, we make a decision to soft loaded material. I say apparently because they never
change the catalyst as we analyze the items listed below: saw the coke. They went with the burn and high oxygen/
oxychlorination. Later they discovered holes burned
capacity of retaining chlorides,
through the screen on the center pipe in a neat circle where
dispersion efficiency of platinum,
phase change of support alumina, this interface had been.
coke sensitivity, and
extent of metal contamination. THOMAS W. KELLY (ARCO):
We increase the chloride injection as a water-chloride We have seen coke ball formation at the top of radial beds
control as the surface area is reduced. when we have loaded catalyst so high above the holes in the
center pipe that we created a dead zone at the top of the
PAUL W. VANCE (ACREON Catalysts): We have also seen coke buildup because of iron scale
I agree that there are a lot of factors that should be plugging areas of the screen or catalyst bed. We felt sulfur
considered beyond surface area; but in our experience, was our main cause of corrosion and scale buildup. To
surface area on catalyst changeout has ranged from, typi- improve catalyst performance and reduce corrosion, we put
cally, 120 to 150. Higher levels of contamination or other sulfur guard beds in the recycle loop before the first heater
factors and economics may allow justifying a changeout in all of our reformers. In this way, the effects of sulfur are
outside of this range. ACREON’s correlations are used to minimized.
increase chloride addition rates with surface area loss.
We have also experienced a coke donut ring at the bottom
QUESTION 37: of the scallops on a radial flow reactor. Based on con-
Have any refiners experienced the formation of a versations with UOP we have come to the conclusion that it
coke donut ring in their semiregenerative reformer was caused by a flow restriction from the retaining ring on
reactors? If so, has the cause been established? the bottom scallop. UOP recommended that we move that



up about one half of a foot. We have not done that yet so I am non-chlorided isomerization catalyst, we increased the di-
not sure if that will fix the problem or not. We did not find version of benzene and benzene precursors to the limit of
our coke ring until after the oxidation step either when we the naphtha prefractionator. Approximately 15 to 20% of
put catalyst from the third reactor into the fourth. We the benzene in the naphtha had been fractionated as feed to
would recommend testing via Draeger for CO or CO2 dur- the isomerization unit. At that time our isomerization
ing the regeneration step to determine if it is there because catalyst was deactivated and we did not see the benzene
it did not show up on the temperature profile. saturation we were expecting. We later repeated the test
run and were able to saturate the benzene from a feed level
of 0.7 to 0.0 wt%. We experienced a 15 ºF temperature rise
D. lsomerization on the first bed after which it is quenched with hydrogen.
Generally 5.0 vol% of benzene in the feed to an isomeriza-
tion unit is considered a maximum without implementing
more complex saturation and quenching schemes. The
QUESTION 38: problems that can occur with increased benzene are tem-
Have refiners experience with diverting straight- perature exotherms, which result in nonoptimum tempera-
run benzene and benzene precursors to isomeriza- ture profiles for isomerization, and cracking and coke
tion plants? How much benzene/benzene precursor laydown from higher boiling range benzene precursors and
material can be included in C5/C6 isomerization feed C7 material.
without problems? What problems are encountered
with higher levels of benzene/benzene precursors? OSBORN:
Our isomerization unit is a TIP unit converted from prior
ROY: reformer service. We have been able to run between 3.0 to
At our Tyler plant, we routinely charge our UOP I-7 5.0 vol% benzene without any problems. The biggest con-
isomerization unit with a hydrotreated, light straight-run, cerns are the large heats of reaction to saturate the benzene
containing 3 to 5% benzene. The unit is a converted re- and the increased hydrogen consumption. If more than this
former and has 3 reactors. We experience a significant amount is expected to be in the feed, then some type of
isotherm, 15 to 35 °F, after the first reactor and use recycled benzene saturate unit may be required.
hydrogen quench to limit excessive isotherms in both the As far as C6 rings, I have heard of up to 20% in the feed.
first and second reactors. Heater outlet temperature is The main problem with this is increased hydrogen con-
adjusted to compensate for the first reactor exotherm. sumption and suppressed isomerization.

Our isomerization unit is designed to handle approxi- QUESTION 39:
mately 2.0 wt% benzene. Since benzene hydrogenation will When is the optimum time to change out the l-8
occur within the first 10% of the bed and produces ap- catalyst in Penex reactors? (When activity and delta T
proximately 90,000 BTUs/lb mole, any volumes above this across the beds are zero or before the zero point.)
would need a quench system to substantially control the
temperature. Due to the exothermic reaction and the ele- PAULES:
vated temperature, some of the cyclic material will undergo In the typical Penex unit utilizing UOP I-8 catalyst, the
ring opening reactions and subsequent isomerization. This majority of the total delta T of the system will be in the first
will ultimately result in lower octane on this portion of the reactor due to benzene saturation. Typically the catalyst
feed. will deactivate from feed contaminants in a plug flow
manner. Therefore, the first reactor will completely deacti-
PAULES: vate before the second reactor is affected at all. As the first
Phibro operates two UOP once-through C5 /C6 Penex bed deactivates, the delta T will begin to shift to the second
units. Both units were designed to process all the normal reactor which will negatively impact reaction equilibrium
pentane and the majority of the C6 material present in the and lower product octane.
refinery naphtha pool. This feed stream contains approxi- Therefore, the key to determining the optimum time to
mately 60% of the virgin benzene and 50% of the benzene change the first catalyst bed is to determine when the delta
precursors. The two units were designed to utilize only T has migrated to the second bed to the extent product
reactor feed to cool the reactor effluent. Therefore the units octane is seriously affected. I would look for a 10 to 15 °F
can tolerate only about 5 to 6 vol% benzene in the feed. increase in the second bed, on a sustained basis, as an
Above that, it can become impossible to remove enough indicator of the proper time to replace the first bed. Also,
heat to control reactor delta T. To date, this has been a the second bed should be placed in the lead position after
problem only when processing a few unusual crudes. As far catalyst changeout and the new catalyst bed be put in the
as cyclohexane and methyl cyclopentanc go, there is no lag position.
feed concentration limit as these compounds do not satu-
rate exothermically. However, as the concentration of cyclic BONELLI:
material in the feed increases, the attainable product oc- I would agree that you need to analyze the economics of
tane is lower due to less favorable reaction kinetics. the yield pattern shift as the first bed deactivates. I would
say that the optimum time is certainly not when the delta T
JUNO: across the beds is zero. We typically change the Penex
During a test run at one of our refineries utilizing a catalyst when the isopentane conversion in our lead reactor



falls below about 5.0 vol%. In one installation this gives a Our ether units that are under construction will have
run length of about 3 to 5 years. Even though the isomeriza- TOC analyzers, some with multiple sample points, on all
tion activity is nil at this point, the benzene and naphthene the water streams leaving the ether unit plot edge. These
ring saturation is still occurring. Since this is an exo- instruments will provide an alarm when water-soluble
thermic reaction, your reactor delta T may not drop to zero, organics are present. The affected streams include the
depending on what your feed quality is. cooling water effluent, the steam condensate, and the oily
water and storm sewer effluents. During unit shutdowns,
all methanol or methanol/water mixtures will be stored in a
QUESTION 40: holding tank for later reprocessing. Any slop mixtures of
Are any refiners using the new skeletal isomeriza- hydrocarbon, methanol, MTBE, or TAME will be distilled
tion processes to produce isobutylene from normal and separated to minimize the slop volume.
butenes, to feed an MTBE unit? If so, under what While our third refinery does not have ether units, they
conditions do these processes operate, and how re- have had some problems with contamination of their slop
liable are they? system. The contaminated material comes from the blend-
ing and shipping operations. Oil recovered from ballast
GARY EVERETT (Lyondell Petrochemical): water, tank water bottoms, and tank cuff material some-
About a year ago, we did a test run of about 3 months times contains MTBE. The slop oil is reprocessed at the
duration where we tested the isomerization catalyst that crude unit, and any MTBE in this off-test hydrocarbon is
had been developed by a cooperative effort between Zeolyst fractionated into the light straight-run stream. They have
International and Lyondell Petrochemical Company. We tried running contaminated slop oil to the FCC where the
took an existing unit and made some modifications to it to ether is believed to be broken down to isobutylene, meth-
allow us to run this test. The product was then sent to an ane, and water. They have observed no problems using this
existing MTBE unit. We found that we actually had an method.
improved MTBE product due primarily to the fact that
during the isomerization process, we did remove some of the BONELLI:
C5 + materials from the feed stream to the MTBE unit so Certainly, wastewater treatment plants and HF alkyla-
that they did not carryover into the MTBE product. tion units would be among the processes with potential
We plan on making additional modifications to this unit high sensitivity to oxygenate incursion. Mr. Laab’s com-
in the near future to allow us to process up to 8000 to 9000 ments about methanol threat to the wastewater treatment
bbl/day of Raffinate II to produce an additional 2000-3000 plant, I think, probably have happened to all of us when we
bbl/day MTBE. We are doing the engineering now which started these units up to begin with.
will allow us to increase the MTBE capacity of this oper- To date, we have not encountered significant problems
ation and test out our substantially improved third gener- downstream of the MTBE units through our slops or proc-
ation isomerization catalyst. This catalyst is based on a ess water. Other than new analytical techniques and
proprietary zeolite formulation and the operating condi- equipment requirements for oxygenate determination at
tions are near atmospheric pressure and temperatures are the refinery laboratory, this problem is much the same as
between 750 ºF and 850 °F This process is being licensed by many other cross-contamination problems that you en-
CDTECH and Lyondell jointly under the trademark of counter in refineries.
ISOMPLUS” . The proper point at which to address solutions to these
issues, such as dedicated sewers, process water supply, and
specific operating procedures to prevent the contamination,
is during the design phase of the units and the initial
E. Etherification training of the operating staff.

QUESTION 41: I agree with the other panelists’comments. Also, oxygen-
With more methanol and oxygenates in refineries, contaminated feeds should not be fed to an HCl catalyzed
the potential for contamination of feeds to other isomerization unit unless they are hydrotreated to react
units through slop systems and process water systems oxygenates to water. In the isomerization unit the oxy-
has increased. What problems have been en- genates can react to water which will deactivate catalyst
countered? What units are most affected? What pre- and cause corrosion. There are etherification units that
cautions are being taken to avoid problems caused by contain closed oxygenate sewer systems where con-
oxygenate contamination? taminated streams can be diverted to sour water systems
where the oxygenates can be stripped before reaching the
LAABS: wastewater unit.
When our ether units were first brought on-line, we
inadvertently dumped too much methanol into the oily RAJGURU:
water sewer and killed almost all of the bugs at the waste- To our knowledge, none of our designed units have re-
water treatment unit. With experience as a lesson, we are ported any contamination of feeds to other units through
now very careful to keep the methanol content of the slop systems and process water systems due to methanol
purged water from the methanol recovery tower below 100 and oxygenates. Such a contamination would seriously
ppm. affect the performance of several process units since oxy-



genates are catalyst poisons for most of the refinery proc- MTBE catalyst life is primarily affected by the feed con-
essing units. taminant level. Hence, there is really no adequate level of
All our recently designed and built units have a seg- protection short of no contamination. We strongly advise
regated closed drain system to contain the methanol and clients that optimization of their feed pretreatment and
oxygenate. Typically the slops are recycled within the unit methanol recycle systems are certainly the best steps they
to the methanol column, to the MTBE/TAME column, or it can take to protect the catalyst and enhance life.
can be transported off site. Systems are also provided to We have, however, found that we can approximate cata-
preclude contamination via the raffinate streams, by lyst life knowing the level of feed contaminants, everything
double blocks, and by selecting the right kind of oil seals. else being equal. As a rule of thumb in recognizing that
In an older unit that we built which did not have a closed there is overlap, the following generally apply: If the poison
drain system, the refiners have been very careful in han- level is greater than 30 ppm, catalyst life can typically be as
dling the drained liquids, and no contamination problems short as 3 to 4 months; for poison levels of 15 to 30 ppm,
have been reported. catalyst life of 4 to 6 months; for 5 to 15 ppm, 6 to 8 months;
We believe a potential major problem is associated with for 3 to 5 ppm, 8 to 12 months; for 1 to 3 ppm, 12 to 24
the treatment of contaminated water runoff to a centralized months; and less than 1 ppm, greater than 2 years. Beyond
wastewater treatment during the rain. the process enhancement, of course, then the use of a
catalyst which provides for longer life is recommended.
T. WILLIAMS: Our analyses indicate that certainly catalysts do differ in
Other than the previously mentioned alkylation prob- their ability to withstand these poisons. Purolite does offer
lems, we have had one upset to our wastewater system. This CT-175 which provides more acid sites and maintains bet-
was due to a relief valve on the methanol column in the ter accessibility to these sites. This combination of proper-
MTBE unit. Other than that we have had generally good ties has demonstrated enhanced catalyst performance and
experience. We have a segregated sewer system for the life in commercial use.
MTBE unit. All of these process waters are checked for
COD before they are released into the plant process sewer PANKAJ P. SHAH (UOP):
system. First, let me talk about the removal of acetonitriles from
C4 streams used in the production of MTBE. In the past, a
buffered acid recirculation water wash tower was used to
QUESTION 42: remove basic nitrogen components. This system worked
Assuming adequate protection against feed con- well at removing the basic nitrogen compounds, but very
tamination, what are the typical catalyst lives ex- weak bases, such as ACNs, were not adequately removed.
pected for TAME and MTBE? ACNs can be removed in a clean, well designed “once-
through” water wash system.
ROY: If required, additional protection can be provided by
The LPG olefin stream from our FCC unit is treated with adding a guard bed after the once-through water wash. The
MDEA and caustic to remove sulfur compounds and then guard bed will remove any poisons present such as calcium,
water washed to remove caustic, amine and other con- magnesium, iron and manganese. The combined system of
taminants like acetonitrile. The free water is further re- water wash and guard bed provides the highest level of
moved in a coalescer and then the stream is depropanized protection to the resin in the reactor.
before going to the MTBE unit. Our MTBE unit catalyst We would like to also note here that many producers of
life expectancy, on the average, ranges between 10 and 12 the MTBE are finding propionitriles in the C4s. The pro-
months. pionitriles are in equilibrium with low levels of C5s coming
in with C4s. Water wash technology and resin guard beds
RAJGURU: will not offer adequate protection for propionitriles. UOP
In the case of the FCC based units, with proper operation offers nitrogen removal technology for removal of both
of the feed water wash system, catalyst life cycles of over 2 ACNs and propionitriles from MTBE and TAME feeds.
years have been reported. Longer life can be expected with As far as life goes, with adequate pretreatment, we ex-
the butane-based units. We have no experience with units pect UOP Ethermax unit lead reactor lives of 2 to 3 years
that have been in operation beyond two years. and an RWD Katamax packing life of at least 5 years.
TAME units could be more susceptible only because pro-
BONELLI: pionitriles are more difficult to remove than ACNs and the
We, at our Robinson MTBE unit, are just coming up on unit is operated at higher temperature.
the 2 year operating point and our catalyst performance
still seems to be quite adequate. Originally, we had de- DAVID J. MILLER (ARC0 Chemical Company):
signed for a 2 year catalyst run. We have been running MTBE units since 1979, recogniz-
ing the poisoning problem from the beginning. I would
ROGER M. SINGER (The Purolite Company): highly recommend that the pretreatment system for water
As a leading supplier of MTBE catalysts, we can share be designed to get the level down to 1 ppm. That is the only
some of our experience. Purolite has analyzed a substantial level that is really acceptable to maximize catalyst life,
number of spent catalysts from front fixed bed reactors to which can be greater than 2 years in a first stage reactor, in
determine the causes for MTBE catalysts to decay. Al- excess of 3 years in a second stage reactor, and with cleaner
though there are variations depending upon the technology feeds, other than from the FCCU, can extend out as long as
used and certainly the operating conditions, it is clear that 3 to 5 years.




Adequate protection is a relative term. Feeds from bu- Has anyone produced TAME (tertiary amyl methyl
tane dehydrogenation units, and also feeds from steam ether), ETBE (ethyl tertiary butyl ether), or TAEE
crackers have little or no poisons, and resins can last in (tertiary amyl ethyl ether) commercially, either in a
excess of 5 years with little or no protection. In refinery unit designed for MTBE or in a unit specifically de-
FCC service, it is significantly different. The poisons re- signed for the purpose?
moval there totally dictates the life of the resin catalyst and
that is true both for fixed beds and for catalytic distillation
operations. The poisons of most concern in FCC feeds are LAABS:
nitriles; typically ACN for MTBE and propionitrile for We are operating one TAME unit, and we plan to bring
TAME. These poisons, in contrast to basic compounds and another on-line later this year. Both use the CD Tech
cations, are diffuse rather than plug flow poisons, and are process, and both are specifically designed to make TAME.
more difficult to remove. Our licenser has told us that it is possible to make one ether
In refinery MTBE service, the technology to remove in a unit that was designed to make another. The key thing
acetonitriles is thoroughly mature. Catalyst life in cata- to keep in mind is the pressure ratings of the existing
lytic distillation columns is in excess of 3 years. For TAME, towers and vessels. For example, it is possible to make
the propionitrile removal technology is less well developed TAME in an MTBE unit, but not vice-versa.
at this time. But as this technology matures, we expect
similar catalyst lives for TAME. BONELLI:
Our Robinson, Illinois MTBE unit is designed for copro-
duction of MTBE and TAME with which we have had
QUESTION 43: limited, but successful experience. It is also designed to
Has premature loss of catalyst in a catalytic frac- produce ETBE and TAEE with which we have no experi-
tionator caused significant loss of on stream time for ence. Our unit does produce a high purity MTBE for sale or
MTBE or TAME units? Is a TAME unit moresusceptible for blending and a mixed MTBE in TAME for gasoline
than an MTBE unit? Why? blending.

I do not think there is a whole lot more to add. I will TAME and MTBE have been coproduced in a unit de-
address physical leakage of the catalyst in a later question. signed for MTBE by one of our clients. The mixed ether
Poisoning of the catalyst is a problem that tends to be product was blended directly into the gasoline pool. This
more important for the TAME unit. TAME feed from the same client now operates separate TAME and MTBE syn-
FCCU or the coker will typically contain 10 to 100 ppmw ‘thesis units. Note that the coproduction of ethers precludes
propionitrile (PRN), which will poison the TAME catalyst. production of pure ether product due to separation prob-
Premature loss of activity due to PRN poisoning is a sig- lems. Consequently, these are best used as an ether blend
nificant problem in the TAME catalytic fractionator. Keep- stock within the refinery.
ing a high water-to-hydrocarbon ratio in the feed water It should be noted that the use of ethyl alcohol, instead of
wash is one way to guard against this contaminant. An- methyl alcohol in the unit will require an additional ethyl
other way is to maintain proper operating conditions in the alcohol-water separation system since ethyl alcohol forms
catalytic column, which will keep PRN out of the catalyst an azeotrope with water. Also the pressure differences are
zone. We have had some success with this. significant between the MTBE and the TAME.
MTBE unit feed has very little propionitrile, but it will
contain acetonitrile, which is also a poison. Fortunately, SLOAN:
acetonitrile is relatively easy to remove with a feed water ARC0 Chemical published a paper at the 1993 DeWitt
wash. Gasoline - Oxygenates Workshop, entitled “The ETBE
Option for RFG” which detailed their experiences. The
author was Craig Leaseburge.
Is DIPE still being considered as a significant fuel
oxygenate? will the process be economical if it is not DAVID J. MILLER (ARC0 Chemical Company):
competing with petrochemical demand for I would like to expand on that. What we did was to use an
propylene? existing MTBE unit and made 100,000 bbl of ETBE to
prove the viability of the technology. There were no major
LAABS: modifications that were necessary to do that.
We have excluded DIPE from our current plans for oxy-
genate manufacture. From a yield standpoint, DIPE uti- THOMAS E KELLETT (CDTECH):
lizes two olefin molecules to incorporate one oxygen atom in Two of our licensees, Amoco at Yorktown, Virginia, and
gasoline, while MTBE and TAME only rob one olefin from Elf at Feyzin, France, have both produced ETBE in their
potential alkylation unit feed supplies. Logistically, neat MTBE units. Star Enterprise, Convent, Louisiana, and
DIPE also presents storage and handling challenges due to CITGO, Lake Charles, Louisiana, both have produced
the tendency of uninhibited DIPE to form hazardous per- TAME in units that were specifically designed for high
oxides when exposed to air for prolonged periods. conversion TAME production.




Is it possible to effectively coprocess both TAME Our MTBE catalytic distillation tower has had no prob-
and MTBE in the same unit? What separation equip- lems with catalyst leakage. However, during shutdown we
ment is necessary to successfully coprocess? found that many of the catalyst bales removed from the
TAME tower had split seams. Little catalyst was lost,
PAULES: however, because of the bales’ design. The splitting was
We have recently constructed two plants which can oper- apparently due to excessive swelling of the bales. The
ate either in a high purity MTBE mode or a MTBE/TAME catalyst bales will swell more in the TAME tower than in
coproduction mode. The units consist of a feed water wash, the MTBE tower due to the higher methanol content of the
two fixed bed reactors, debutanizer, depentanizer, and C5 stream. Our licensor addressed this concern by adjust-
methanol recovery. In the coproduction mode we have ing the bale design to handle even greater swelling.
achieved 93% conversion of isobutylene to MTBE and 55% Prior to this shutdown, we did notice a small amount of
conversion of isoamylene to TAME. This mode can increase TAME decomposition to methanol and isoamylene. The
the refinery yield of oxygenates 30% over the MTBE mode extent of the decomposition will be directly proportional to
alone. the amount of catalyst leakage. This decomposition was
No modifications were necessary in the FCC gas plant to blamed on catalyst leaking around the support screen in
produce the feedstock, although complete recovery of iso- the guard reactor and into the catalytic distillation column.
amylene was not attempted. Debottlenecking of the LPG
Merox unit was necessary. The MTBE/TAME produced PANKAJ P. SHAH (UOP):
from this operation has a slight yellow tint but in no way UOP has experienced no catalyst leakage through the
hindered gasoline blending. It also had no excessive odor. RWD Katamax packing. This includes FCCU service as
The separation between unreacted C5 s and oxygenate well as other feed services.
product is carried out in a standard 70 tray fractionator.
The oxygenate product purity is above 90% and loss of THOMAS F. KELLETT (CDTECH):
oxygenates to the unreacted C5 stream is less than 1%. There has not been a history of loss of catalyst in the
catalytic distillation column bales for the 28 commercial
LAABS: units that are in operation. Some of these units have been in
In the units that we have designed and built using CD operation for more than 10 years with no problems. There
Tech technology, both TAME and MTBE units occupy the has been experience with loss of catalyst from upstream
same plot plan space and have the same methanol-type fixed bed reactors due to the failure or improper in-
facilities, but they are still independent units. Because of stallation of the bottoms screens. This has happened on non
the significantly different optimum reactor temperatures catalytic distillation processes as well as catalytic dis-
required for MTBE and TAME production, coprocessing is tillation processes.
expected to yield significantly lower conversion than when
the C4 and C5 cuts are handled separately. Catalytic dis-
tillation would be complex since the C4 and C5 iso-olefins QUESTION 48:
will concentrate in different sections of the column. With
coprocessing the special catalyst poisoning problem with In the general experience of those using catalytic
propionitrile in the C5 fraction will also affect MTBE distillation, has the reaction column operation been
conversion. stable? Our concern is that the large liquid hold-up in
the column might lead to operating instability. If
THOMAS F. KELLETT (CDTECH): instability has been encountered, what has been the
There has been quite a bit of work done on coproduction
and we have a lot of development in this area. We are now
offering a technology called CDEthers’” which simul- LAABS:
taneously produces MTBE and TAME from a C4 and C5 While we have found several possible causes for occur-
feedstock. No additional equipment is required beyond the rences of instability of the catalytic distillation column,
normal versions of the separate technologies. liquid hold-up is not one of them. Some of the causes of
The process can achieve high conversion, and we are instability include entrainment of excess hydrogen into the
talking there, in excess of 99% isobutylene conversion and TAME feed stream from the upstream selective hydro-
in excess of 90% isoamylene conversion. In addition, we genation unit (SHU), erratic temperature control in the
obtain low ether content in the raffinate of less than 1 ppm primary reactor preheat system, and sudden changes in
MTBE and less than 10 ppm TAME. This technology will be weather (especially if air cooled condensers are used). Ex-
installed in a major refinery in 1994. cessive hydrogen in the feed can collect in the guard reactor
or catalytic distillation column overhead system unless
designed properly. Tight control of hydrogen in the SHU is
QUESTION 47: also beneficial.
Has anyone using catalytic distillation had prob-
lems with catalyst leakage from the packed section? THOMAS F. KELLETT (CDTECH):
Specifically, has MTBE decomposition resulted in Catalytic distillation column operation is very stable.
isobutylene formation in the column reboiler and in The column is only subject to the same upsets as a con-
the MTBE product? ventional distillation column.



A. Sulfur Plant Operations salt removal is most beneficial when the salt anion level
can be reduced to below 0.5 wt%. Until these levels are
reached, the solution will be corrosive. Corrosion tests
indicate that above 0.8 wt% salt anions, there is little
Amine Plants change in solution corrosivity with concentration. That is,
if the system is being operated above 0.8 wt% anions, it is
not too much different than a system with 1, 2, 3 or more
wt%. When the solution is noncorrosive, throughput re-
What means are used to prevent or remove heat
strictions caused by plugged valves, packing, and trays are
stable salts from the different amine units? What
reduced. Removal of the salt frees the amine, giving a
performance improvements or losses occur? higher capacity system. Filter changes are much less fre-
quent. Shutdowns take less time and cost less because
JUNO: there is less corrosion damage and because there is less iron
First of all I would like take this opportunity to thank the sulfide scale sludge to clean out to make repairs. Upsets
many people who have helped prepare answers for these and foaming aggravated by particles are also reduced.
responses in the NPRA sessions. In particular, I would like
to thank Al Keller from Conoco for the response on this
particular item. MURPHY:
Water washing of the streams to be treated upstream of In addition to Mr. Juno’s comments, oxygen scavengers
the amine contactor has been suggested by several refiners and metal passivators are used to reduce the formation of
and amine vendors to prevent heat stable salts. Reductions heat stable salts. A reduction in the level of the heat stable
of salt level incursion by 50% have been observed. salts will allow the unit to run free from corrosion and also
Actually three heat stable salt removal technologies are lower the amount of amine that has to be purged to keep the
currently available. They are vacuum distillation, modi- total heat stable salt level in a safe range.
tied electrodialysis, and ion exchange.
Vacuum distillation is effective for small size systems DAVID BURNS (Union Carbide Corporation):
with low salt incursion rates done on a batch basis. Low Our experience with amine units which use MDEA-
residual salt levels are obtained on the product, but not based solvents such as UCARSOL® has been that the incur-
necessarily on the system. For every 100 lbs of amine fed to sion of the various acidic precursors responsible for the heat
the system, only about 80 to 85 lbs are recovered clean. stable salts can be reduced considerably by water washing
This, combined with limited throughput, can make it im- the feed gas. In tail gas units, the quench tower already
practical for large volume high salt incursion units. serves this purpose, but good control of the sulfur plant is
Modified electrodialysis separates the amine solution equally important.
into a brine waste containing the heat stable salt ions and Once in the system, these acids are very difficult to
sodium added from caustic. The brine contains some of the remove. Although, thiosulfates can be removed to some
amine, and this amine can be at high enough con- extent by purging the reflux, the other anions do not re-
centrations to cause water treatment problems. It is not spond well to this treatment. Purging the amine itself and
known if a system has been cleaned to noncorrosive levels making up with fresh material will reduce the heat stable
with this technology. The technology appears to be limited salt level, but it obviously is not a very cost effective solu-
to low incursion rate systems. tion with today’s high performance solvents. While the
Ion exchange uses anion and cation resins to replace the addition of strong bases such as caustic or UCARSOL®
heat stable salt ions and sodium with water. This tech- Component DHM does not remove anions, it does reduce
nology has been demonstrated commercially over a wide the heat stable salt level and effectively minimizes their
range of salt concentrations and incursion rates. The unit negative effects. However, at some point, with continued
throughput is not limited by amine losses going to the incursion, a level is reached whereby they have to be re-
wastewater treatment system. It is most effective on sys- moved and technologies already mentioned by the panel -
tems with low lean loadings. The ion exchange system can electrodialysis, ion exchange, and vacuum distillation -
quickly reduce salt levels down to noncorrosive levels. The have been used to do this.
ion exchange technology does require substantial re- In deciding upon the most cost effective removal option,
generation chemicals, but the regeneration waste is easily the user should consider a number of factors, including
disposed of. whether they need on-line treatment, what type of waste is
An improved continuous version using less chemicals generated, what the overall recovery of the amine is, and
and water will be tested by the end of the year. Heat stable the frequency of treatment recommended by the supplier.



All three technologies have their advantages as well as stream units for ammonia removal is the best way to
their disadvantages, but we have found the UCARSEP® prevent ammonia from entering the amine system. If am-
electrodialysis technology to be a very cost effective and monia does get into the amine system, it is best handled by
practical solution when all of these factors are taken into exporting water off the amine regenerator reflux drum to
account. The UCARSEP® technology is applicable to both sour water to try to prevent it from building up to
high and low incursion rate systems and can reduce con- saturation.
tamination levels to those consistent with smooth oper-
ation and low corrosion. SLOAN:
Accumulation of ammonia or ammonium salts can be
ARTHUR L. CUMMINGS (MPR Services, Inc.): avoided by increasing the condenser outlet temperature.
As a licensee of Conoco’s patented technology, we have However, this will adversely affect the sulfur recovery unit.
been removing heat stable salts from alkanol amines for The rest of my comments pretty much agree with what has
about the last two years. MPR has cleaned over 30 amine already been said.
systems, containing a total of about 1.5 million gallons of
amine. The process works on all types of amines: MEA, TODD BEASLEY (Canadian Chemical Reclaiming Ltd.):
DEA, MDEA, DIPA, Sultinol, Flexsorb, etc. The HSSX As a service company, we are frequently asked to remove
process (MPR Services, Inc.’s patented heat stable salts heat stable salts from a wide variety of gas-treating chemi-
removal process) removes heat stable salts and chlorides cals, containing levels in some cases as high as 15 wt%. Our
and removes sodium from amines. It is an environmentally approach is to neutralize the bonded acids through a NaOH
friendly operation, produces no solid waste, wastes no pretreatment step. We subsequently distill the solution,
amine. All waste is compatible with the sewer systems. under vacuum, to remove the converted salts. In this way,
Refineries and gas plants that have used this process have regardless of the heat stable salt levels in the feed solution,
discovered that removing the heat stable salts to low levels, we have been able to generate a product containing less
below 0.5 wt%, not only increases the amine systems ca- than .Ol wt%. As well, distillation also allows for the near
pacity, but also reduces corrosion and other problems, such absolute removal of the other three major groups of con-
as foaming, filter changeout, amine losses, flaring and taminants simultaneously.
sludge buildup. It has also eliminated many operational Processing can be completed on-site while the process
headaches that before has really had no consistent answer. facility remains on line. Recovery is in excess of 95% and a
And there is no need to purge amine. An amine plant can high throughput allows for the rapid decontamination of
now be a “zero discharge” facility. even the largest systems. I certainly agree with the ex-
We do not recommend caustic addition because caustic pressed opinion, with respect to dosing an operating system
does not eliminate heat stable salts, nor reduce the heat with NaOH. The masking tendencies associated with
stable salt concentration. It simply changes them from analytical methods and the poor solubility associated with
amine heat stable salts to sodium heat stable salts. They the converted salts usually results in some form of oper-
are still in the solution. Pumping costs, the heating costs, ational difficulty.
and cooling costs are still present. The corrosion rate often
is slightly reduced by caustic addition, but nowhere near ROBERT HLOZEK (Union Carbide):
completely reduced. If you remove the heat stable salts, the We have noted ammonia contaminants from about 500 to
corrosion rates are reduced much lower than caustic ad- 5,000 ppm in several amine applications that caused per-
dition will reduce them. formance problems. The level of ammonia that can cause
Beyond heat stable salt removal, our analytical efforts these problems are thought to be a function of the partial
have discovered that common methods, some very common pressure of the acid gas in the feed gas, the desired treat-
methods, of analyzing for the amine strength are mis- ment specifications, and the units’ operating conditions.
leading in that they will count some heat stable salts as free The ammonia contaminants have been found in both the
amine (free amine is amine available for sulfur recovery). primary and in the tail gas units. In the primary units,
This is misleading, and in that respect could lead to incor- most of the ammonia is believed to have come from the
rect conclusions about the condition of the amine system FCCUs while the hydrogenator reactor in the tail gas plant
and the remedies that are needed. can contribute to ammonia ingress, although there have
been reports that ammonia has entered the tail gas from
the upstream Claus plants.
QUESTION 2: As far as minimizing ammonia, I agree with what the
At what concentration does ammonia affect the panel mentioned earlier, that the best way to minimize
ability of the amine to achieve the treatment specifi- ammonia is to have a well-designed water wash system
cation? What is done to minimize ammonia? ahead of the amine unit. However, if ammonia does get into
the amines, purging the reflux water from the stripper can
PAULES: eliminate most of this ammonia. Again, one major concern
The amount of ammonia in an amine stream does not with ammonia in the amine is the buildup of ammonia
affect its ability to absorb H2S. However, the ammonia will bisulfide which can lead to both plugging and corrosion
be stripped overhead in the amine regenerator, will buildup problems. Ammonia found in the acid gas fed to the sulfur
to saturation in the regenerator reflux, and then will cause recovery units can be mostly destroyed by keeping the
ammonium sulfide fouling of acid gas lines and the front reaction furnace above 2200 ºF, assuming you have ade-
end sulfur plant burner. Proper water washing of the up- quate residence time in the furnace.



QUESTION 3: total circulating solution. The lean DEA is taken from the
Where do you recommend to install filters, in the bottom of the DEA surge tank. The main design con-
rich or lean amine flow? What percentage of the sideration for residence time in the bottom of the amine
amine flow do you recommend be filtered? What are towers and flash drums is gas disengaging to avoid gas
the significant design considerations that determine undercarry to the regenerator tower.
recommended residence times in the different drums
and tower bottoms of the amine plants? MURPHY:
We have seen excellent results with full flow filters on
ROY: the rich amine. Filters in this location give the advantage
It is recommended to provide full flow particulate fil- of reducing the levels of particulates going to the stripper
tration of the rich amine and slipstream particulate and tower, thereby reducing foaming tendencies. Our recent
activated carbon filtration of the lean amine. experience has shown good results with this approach. We
Slipstream filtration should be for 30% minimum flow suggest testing the filters to determine the composition of
and up to full flow for small units which are less than 200 the removed particles. The largest volume is often FeS,
gpm circulation. It is recommended to use 30 to 50 pounds indicating a need to address a corrosion problem in the
of activated carbon per gpm of circulating amine. Alterna- amine unit or upstream.
tively, 2 to 4 gpm per square foot of filter bed with 30
minutes residence time can be used. JUNO:
Regarding particulate filtration, 10 square feet of filter The ideal place is upstream of the rich amine flash drum
area/gpm is recommended for full flow filtration. Sock for particle filtration and downstream of the rich amine
filters are becoming widely used in MDEA filtration. About flash drum for carbon filtration. The reasons are for
35 gpm of circulating amine per sock with 5 micron size is particles:
recommended. 1. The bulk of the iron sulfide particles are formed in the
high H2S content part of the contactor. Filtering before the
RAJGURU: rich flash drum keeps the particles from settling in the
For reasons of safety, filters are usually installed on the flash drum as a sludge. It also prevents plugging in the
lean amine stream. However, installation of filters in the regenerator. It is good regenerator operation that dictates
rich amine stream prevents the contaminants from reach- good treated product quality. Keeping the exchangers and
ing the amine regenerator where it causes foaming, fouling trays clean helps maintain quality treatment.
and degradation. Special precautions are required for 2. The full stream should be filtered for particles simply
changing the filter elements in the case when the filters are to capture and eliminate them from the stream before they
located in the rich stream. settle in the system and plug something up.
Using 100% filtration through both the filter and the For carbon:
carbon bed gives the cleanest amine solution and mini- 1. Putting the carbon on the rich amine downstream of
mizes corrosion and foaming in the system. In a relatively the flash drum protects the carbon from a slug of hydro-
clean natural gas system, slipstream filtration is accept- carbon which the flash drum can eliminate. It puts the
able. In refinery services which include FCC and coker carbon in the best place to remove residual hydrocarbon
gases, filtration rates of up to 100% may prove to be the before the regenerator. Putting the carbon on the lean
most economical arrangement to prevent corrosion and stream is not too effective in preventing contactor foaming,
foaming. since the foam is usually generated by hydrocarbon con-
The main vessel for residence time consideration is the tamination brought in by the stream being treated due to
rich amine flash drum. A residence time of 15 to 30 minutes poor temperature control, not by the amine. Also, putting
liquid holdup should be used in sizing this drum to separate the carbon filter here prevents it from being a particle filter.
the free oil from amine and to flash off the acid gases. 2 . Ideally, the full stream should be filtered. Un-
fortunately, recommended residence times for adsorption
BONELLI: makes this impractical above a total 200 gpm circulation.
Our recommendation for filters in MDEA systems is to For circulation rates, 0-200 gpm, filter full stream; 200-
install 100% of flow particulate filters on the rich amine 2000 gpm, 200 gpm; above 2000 gpm, ten percent of the
system. We also filtered the lean amine system in our latest stream should be filtered.
installation. We have also added a flash drum to the rich Filter design considerations:
amine going to the regenerator to eliminate the hydro- 1. Particles - usually vendor proprietary information.
carbon from the system. With a recommended residence 2. Carbon - 4 gpm/ft2 superficial velocity, 20 minutes
time of around 30 minutes, these vessels work quite well. contact time.
We have also installed carbon filters on the lean amine
from the regenerator and it is also a full flow filter. The
recommendation from Union Carbide to us was that at least
50% of the flow be filtered. We chose the 100% option.
What areas of the unit have the most problems
BRIERLEY: with foaming in amine units? Where are the best
Due to corrosion, environmental and safety concerns locations to inject antifoam into the system? How is it
associated with hot, rich amine, we recommend filtering injected into the system and how frequently is it
cooler lean amine. We try to filter a minimum of 10% of the required?



LAABS: icon can foul ion exchange resins during ion exchange
Foaming in the amine units at one of our sites occurs reclaiming.
primarily in the amine regenerator. They control the prob- We are having a good experience with the glycol-based
lem by injecting antifoam into the reflux line in both their antifoam manufactured by the Dow Chemical Company
MEA and DEA units. The MEA injection is continuous, under the name, EP530.
while the DEA injection is intermittent. Both points are
equipped with an injection quill.
An affiliated refinery has had a drastic reduction in QUESTION 5:
foaming problems in their amine unit ever since they When activated carbon adsorbers are used in
installed a carbon filter on the lean amine stream. It is an amine treatment units for the purification of
activated, charcoal type carbon filter. They still inject a contaminated amine solution, what are the recom-
continuous stream of antifoam into the system, but at the mended tests to evaluate the carbon efficiency in
rich amine charge pumps. performing this job?
Antifoams should be used as sparingly as possible, as
over-dosing can cause foaming and “gunking” in the amine PAULES:
system. Concentrations of the antifoam should be kept A visual comparison of the amine entering the carbon
below 50 ppm to avoid these problems. Concentrations of 1 filter and the amine leaving the carbon filter will indicate
to 10 ppm have normally proven effective. whether the filter is performing. Outlet should be clearer
than the inlet. If the inlet amine is clear, a standard foam
MURPHY: test on the filter inlet and outlet should help gauge filter
The worst problem is typically seen in the upper section performance.
of the absorber tower. Amine carryover into the overhead
system can create significant problems in the operation of RAJGURU:
the control valves and downstream processes. For the ma- I agree with Mr. Paules that carbon bed activity can be
jority of cases, these can be cured by getting to the root tested by viewing the color of the amine into and out of the
cause of the problem, which is oil carryover or corrosion carbon filter. If there is no color change across the carbon
products. Antifoams are often band-aids to the real problem. bed, and the solution is colored, then the carbon is spent.
The best injection location is ahead of the foaming tower, Shaking a sample of lean amine solution can be used to
into the suction of the amine pump. Please remember that determine the foaming characteristics of the amine. Com-
antifoams will be removed by the charcoal filters. Injection paring the foaming characteristics of fresh amine with
can be either batch or continuous. circulating lean amine will provide a measure of the dirti-
ness of the circulating amine.
BRIERLEY: A third indirect method of determining the carbon bed
In our unit, the regenerator experiences more foaming changeout is by measuring the pressure drop. When the
than any other area of the unit. Antifoam is injected up- pressure drop exceeds the allowable value, then the beds
stream of the lean DEA supply pumps and thus must go must be replaced, regardless of the outcome of the other two
through the flash drum holdup volume before reaching the tests.
regenerator. This delay does not seem to adversely affect
the problem as foaming incidents are quickly alleviated.
We use both of those methods. The color change across
the filter is always watched. Obviously, the pressure drop
RAJGURU: across the filter is an important indicator of what is going
The only thing we have to add here is that the foaming is on. In addition Union Carbide recommends a foaming test.
caused by the light hydrocarbons that get dissolved at high We recommend you contact Union Carbide for the details of
pressures. When this amine solution pressure drops into this test. We generally rely mostly on the foaming tendency
the rich amine flash drum the light hydrocarbons flash, test.
causing foaming. This type of foaming and others can be
reduced by antifoam materials, but to begin with, if you BRIERLEY:
choose the right kind of amine solution with less solubility We currently have our lean DEA analyzed for oil and
of hydrocarbons, it helps. grease twice a week. Occasionally, foaming tests have been
Also, again as in the previous answer, if you provide done when troubleshooting problems. Samples should be
enough residence time to separate the hydrocarbons from taken upstream and downstream of the carbon filters. They
the amine, that also helps. should be visually checked as well as analyzed in the lab for
oil and grease.
The only additional comments I have are that sometimes HARRY GILL (Ultramar, Inc.):
the solvent itself can cause foaming, such as in the case of Amine system foaming monitoring is very critical. We
MDEA in concentrations below 30%. This is because of a monitor the foaming tendency every day in the lab, and
significant reduction in surface tension of the solvent as based on some certain foaming height, add the antifoaming
MDEA concentrations decrease below 30%. Antifoam chemical (about 8 ounces) in the circulating system, and
should be injected downstream of the carbon filters. that is plenty. We have not had any foaming in the system
Silicone-based antifoams are not recommended, since sili- for the last 10 months or so. This has worked very well and
cone can aggravate plugging tendencies. Furthermore, sil- has reduced the amine losses considerably.



On the filtration of amine, our industry used to use dioxide and carbonyl sulfide. Typical loadings vary be-
cartridge type filters. We have recently, about two years tween 0.2 and 0.4 mole of acid gas to mole of amine.
ago, gone to the back flushable filters. I would like to ask Some of the design guidelines for countercurrent multi-
the panel or anyone from the audience, is anyone using the ple bed contactors, using a continuous amine phase and a
back flushable type filters, and how well are they working dispersed hydrocarbon phase are:
for them? hydrocarbon superficial velocity between 3 to 15 gpm/
sq ft,
BONELLI: LPG/amine ratio of about 15 to 20 to ensure proper
No. We still have good success with just the cartridge wetting of the packing,
type particulate removal filter ahead of our carbon filter, no 2 to 4 theoretical stages, and
backwash. selection of the amine having lowest hydrocarbon solu-
bility concurrent with proper applicability.
DAVID C. PARNELL (TPA, Inc.): To reduce the amine loss we recommend to:
Another very effective test, to determine whether the consider reduction of the amine concentration to less
activated carbon has been saturated to the point where it is than 40%, especially for MDEA and DGA for lowering
no longer performing successfully, is to test the hydro- the solubility losses,
carbon content on the carbon treater inlet. and the outlet consider maintaining the lean amine viscosity to less
streams. This is a very simple test which is much more than 2 cps by increasing the lean amine temperature
reliable than the color test. The hydrocarbon test is also for improved separation between amine and
generally more reliable than the foaming tendency test. If hydrocarbon,
the hydrocarbon content tests essentially the same on the increase the effective phase separation retention time,
outlet and inlet streams, this generally indicates the car- and
bon has reached its saturated (spent) state. At that time the add an LPG water wash system consisting of an in-line
carbon should be changed out and/or regenerated for more static mixer, followed by a separator with coalescer.
effective amine unit operations. Thus, in addition to the
color and foam checks, measurement of the hydrocarbon BONELLI:
content (in ,and out) of the bed is an additional, very reliable We have only one installation in which we do process-
carbon efficiency test procedure. mixed FCCU and coker C3-C4 olefins together, and the
mole/mole loading of H2S/MEA is 0.23. Our MEA con-
centration is approximately 16.5 wt%. The lean loading is
QUESTION 6: generally about 0.03 moles of H2S per mole of MEA.
What is the experience with H2S loading in LPG We use a lean amine circulation rate of about 23 gal/min.
amine contactors processing mixed C 3/C 4's from for approximately 11,000 bbl/day of olefin feed.
FCCUs or cokers? What design criteria are used?
What methods have been successful for reducing RICK BIRNBAUM (Union Carbide Corporation):
amine losses? In MDEA services we concur with the panel that the rich
loadings, dictated by approach to equilibrium and hydrau-
SLOAN: lic considerations, can run between about 0.15 to 0.4 moles/
H2S loadings may vary from 0.1 to 0.25 or higher. How- mole.
ever, more than loading must be considered when designing In terms of amine losses, there are two things we would
a liquid-liquid contactor, since the amine circulated must like to add. The first is that the viscosity of the amine is a
give both good mixing and contacting. This is often more variable which will influence how much mechanical loss
amine than is required by the rich loadings. occurs. Increased lean amine temperature, rather than
A number of design criteria are used. These cover super- reduced lean amine temperature, will improve amine re-
ficial liquid velocities in the absorber, interface location, covery by reducing amine entrainment. We also think that
separation area, and distributor hole velocities that yield
good mixing and treatment. Distributor design is critical,
since too large droplet sizes result in poor treating and too
small droplet sizes result in separation difficulties.
Methods to reduce amine losses, in addition to the velocity
criteria, include control of lean amine temperature, ade-
quate residence time for settling at the top of the con-
tactors, avoiding upsets, and keeping pressures and flows
stabilized (particularly on the reflux drum feeding the
liquid contactors), and downstream water washes to re-
cover amine carried over with the treated LPG.

H2S loading in LPG amine contactors processing mixed
C3-C4s from FCCUs or delayed coker depends on: amine
circulation rate, type of amine, lean amine quality, system
pressure and temperature, and other acid gases like carbon



coalescing the aqueous phase downstream of the liquid the effect of replacement to tertiary amine on energy
treater is important. In order to insure that losses are savings and corrosion?
reduced to solubility effects, a 20 minutes residence time is
desirable in the coalescer. PAULES:
We changed one amine system from a primary amine
JESSE SANTOS (The Dow Chemical Company): (MEA) to a tertiary mine (MDEA) on the run. The incen-
The following papers have been presented by The Dow tives to switch from a secondary amine to a tertiary amine
Chemical Company on LPG treatment using amine solu- are similar, but to a lesser degree. In any case a 30 to 40%
tions. All papers deal with the design and operation of these decrease in energy consumption, or a 30 to 40% increase in
units to minimize losses and maintain smooth operations. capacity is feasible. Tertiary amine is more stable and less
“Natural Liquid Treating Options and Experiences”, reactive than the lower order amines which result in a
M.S. DuPart and B.D. Marchant, Proceedings of the lower susceptibility to degrade and form heat stable salts.
1989 Gas Conditioning Conference. If tertiary amine is well stripped, maintained low in heat
“A Systematic Technical Approach to Reducing Amine stable salts, and not excessively loaded with H2S, corrosion
Plant Solvent Losses”, E.J. Stewart and R.A. Lanning, is not excessive. Tertiary amine is more sensitive to foam-
Proceedings of the 1991 Gas Conditioning Conference. ing, so it is imperative to keep the amine solution clean by
“The Evaluation and Design of LPG Treaters”, J.P. mechanical filtration and by carbon absorption of
Seagraves and J. Santos, Proceedings of the 1993 Gas hydrocarbons.
Conditioning Conference.
JAMES L. DAUGHTRY (Dow Chemical Company):
JAMES A. ROGERS (Koch Engineering Company Inc.) Dow has converted several refinery main amine systems
We agree with Mr. Rajguru and Mr. Sloan regarding the from DEA to MDEA, and during the 80’s, energy was the
general guidelines for sizing these columns if either sieve main reason for that conversion. Presently, the conversion
trays or random packings are utilized to perform the mass decision has been influenced by the need to increase H2S
transfer. Recently, we have been very successful in re- removal capacity. Our rule of thumb for a reduction in
vamping existing columns with a new structured extrac- energy savings when converting from DEA to MDEA is 35
tion packing in order to increase the capacity of the column. to 45% Energy savings can be achieved through increased
This structured extraction packing can achieve capaci- amine concentration, lower circulation rates, and a re-
ties of 30 gpm/ft2 in an amine continuous operation. These duction in steam usage, as well as CO2 slippage in some
capacities are achieved with greater efficiency than with case. Increased H2S treating capacity is determined on a
either sieve trays or random packing and have been proven case by case evaluation. The corrosion potential of DEA is
in numerous installations around the world over the last reduced when switching to a 40 to 50 wt% MDEA because
ten years. of lower rich loadings, as well as lean loadings. This reduc-
The structured nature of this packing produces a narrow tion is accomplished without the use ofcorrosion inhibitors.
droplet size distribution. This has either eliminated or
greatly reduced the amount of amine carryover in these ALFRED E. KELLER (CONOCO Inc.):
liquid treaters after the revamp with the SMVP structured We have replaced MEA and DEA in three units. The
extraction packing. primary focus was to get additional capacity and not get
energy savings. Basically, what we find is that the MEA or
QUESTION 7: DEA systems that are usually more corrosive than MDEA
Assuming that you have an amine sump operating
systems because of the higher lean loadings, as was men-
tioned. However in the increased capacity case, we also had
at a few inches of water column, how do your dispose
feedstock changes that caused formation of more heat
of the vent gas? If you vent the gas to an incinerator,
how do you handle this gas when the incinerator is
stable salts in the system, and so these improved cor-
rosivity benefits went away as the heat stable salts in-
creased. What we found is that the MDEA is much better on
LAABS: corrosion, if the salts are not a part of the corrosion equa-
tion, than MEA or DEA, but only if the salts are removed.
In those units that have this type of sump arrangement,
we typically dispose of the vent gas by routing it through an
activated carbon canister, and then to the atmosphere. MARK SHORTT (Union Carbide Corporation):
Union Carbide has converted over 60 refineries world-
PAULES: wide to tertiary amine-based UCARSOL® solvents from a
We vent our amine sump vent gas directly to the inlet of secondary or primary amines. Many of these conversions
the tail gas incinerator. This gas does not have a high involve replacement of DEA or MEA. We have also con-
enough quantity of H2S to present a problem. When we verted many tail gas units from the secondary amine,
shut down the incinerator, this vent gas is routed to a DIPA, to a UCARSOL® solvent.
second incinerator on another sulfur train. I agree with the other speakers in that reductions in
circulation rates with a tertiary amine based solvent result
in reductions in regenerator sensible heat requirements, In
QUESTION 8: addition, the high CO2 slip of tertiary amine reduce rich
Has anyone changed solvents from secondary amine loadings, further reducing energy requirements for
amine to tertiary amine at the amine plant? What is regeneration. Both reductions in sensible heat and heat of



regeneration result in lower regenerator steam re- PEDERSEN:

quirements and therefore, cost savings to the client. We operate amine processing units where the absorption
What should also be mentioned is that the CO 2 slip unit treats FCCU and coker offgases, in addition to LPG.
inherent with tertiary amines provides a higher con- The absorbers are random packed columns equipped with
centration of H2S to be sent to the sulfur recovery unit Norton gas distributors. In the distributor design, it is
(SRU) from tail gas or main amine systems. This increases important to get good distribution and contact between the
the efficiency of the SRU, creating energy savings as well as amine and hydrocarbons, both at high and low throughput,
increasing the unit’s capacity. which means the distributor must have good turndown
With regards to corrosion, unlike primary and secondary characteristics.
amines, tertiary amines are not as susceptible to chemical
and thermal degradation to potentially corrosive BONELLI:
byproducts. I agree with Mr. Sloan’s comments. We would not gen-
erally use those in a randomly packed tower. However, if
BRUCE SCOTT (Bruce Scott, Inc.): your design is otherwise and you fit a distributor for the
I have seen a lot of very profitable conversions. They can inlet gas, the critical parameter that I would observe would
make you a lot of money if you go into them with your eyes be that the velocity gradient of the incoming gas across the
open. I have seen a couple of them that did not work out at tower diameter be as uniform as possible, and that, in order
all. One comes to mind where the operator calculated a to preserve some sort of flexibility that gradient be reason-
large steam savings, and therefore, energy saving, just to ably constant over the range of velocities and range of gas
find that the steam vent across the street was blowing a rates that you intend to treat in the tower. Otherwise, you
little bit harder than it used to be. get some maldistribution of the gas flows.
I think of another one where a liquid-liquid treater got
into separations problems because of the higher viscosity of KEN GRAF (Norton Chemical Process Products
the amine. They were having a really bad carryunder Corporation):
problem on hydrocarbon. So you do need to go into these Norton has used an orifice pipe with expansion shroud
with your eyes open. design in several packed amine absorbers. Critical param-
eters are the vapor kinetic energy compared to the packing
pressure drop.
THOMAS KENNEY (Texaco Chemical Company):
While we do support the previous statements that WILLIAM KENNARD (Koch Engineering Company):
MDEA-based solvents, such as our TEXTREAT® solvents, The need for an inlet gas distributor is a function of
can increase overall capacity with minimal increase in several parameters, including inlet gas velocity, type of
energy requirements, the switch to MDEA-based solvents packing, and the vertical space from the gas inlet to the
has not always reduced corrosion as may have been packed bed.
anticipated. Generally, the superficial F factor defined as vapor veloc-
We strongly recommend the investigation of the use of ity in fps times the square root of the vapor density (lbs/ft3)
DGA® agent when corrosion and/or capacity problems are of the incoming vapor should be «15-20. In addition, the
being experienced. DGA agent offers specific advantages to vertical space from the top of the inlet nozzle to the packed
reduce refinery corrosion problems and increase capacity. bed above should be ½ tower diameter minimum for towers
DGA agent is easily reclaimed, so solution purity can be up to 6 feet diameter, and 3 feet minimum for towers 6-12
maintained to minimize heat stable salt buildup and losses feet diameter.
due to contaminants can be minimized. If these criteria are met, it is our experience that no
special inlet devices are required. Various type inlet devices
such as V-baffles or spargers may be used if the above
QUESTION 9: criteria are not met. Chimney tray type vapor distributors
What kind of designs have people used for inlet gas with reduced open area are very effective when inlet gas
distributors to packed amine absorbers? What are velocity is high and/or where vertical space is limited.
the critical parameters? These types of vapor distributors must be carefully de-
signed to avoid entrainment of amine back into the pack-
SLOAN: ing, and they include downcomers to direct rich amine
In general, inlet gas distributors are not necessary if the safely past the high velocity inlet gas streams.
absorber is packed with random packing. The pressure
drop through the bed is sufficient to distribute incoming
gas below the bed. For an absorber packed with structured Sulfur Plants
packing, an inlet distributer may be required if the inlet
gas kinetic energy is high, relative to the pressure drop
through the packed bed above. QUESTION 10:
The type of distributor, then, will be either bayonet type If a sulfur plant is operated with low purity acid gas
or branch or ladder type located some distance below the (50% H2S and 50% CO2 compared to design 85%
bed. The critical parameters are the pressure drop through H2S and 15% CO2), what is the impact on recovery
the packed bed above the gas inlet and the incoming gas efficiency, catalyst life, etc.? How can ammonia be
velocity or kinetic energy. handled in either case?



PAULES: Use oxygen enrichment - if this option is available

Recovery efficiency will decrease slightly, around 0.5%, and economic, it is great because you recover a good
at the lower H2S concentrations. Catalyst life should not be temperature while reducing throughput and lowering
affected. Capacity based on sulfur tonnage will decrease, emissions.
due to the higher volumetric flow of the acid gas. Ammonia Use fuel gas assist - this will get you a temperature
handling might be affected by a lower reaction furnace gain but, at the expense of added gas traffic and in-
temperature, since a relatively high temperature is needed creased emissions.
to destroy the ammonia. “Split Flow” - bypass some feed round the furnace to
Some refiners use fuel gas spiking to increase the furnace the first reactor. This is starting on the road to recon-
temperature and promote better ammonia destruction. figuring the Claus plant, but is one of the simplest
This, however, will further reduce capacity, as fuel gas reconfigurations if any of your feed is clean enough to
spiking will increase volumetric flow even more. Some be split out in this manner.
units specifically designed for processing low purity acid Preheat the feed gas or the air-these may look simple
gas bypass some acid gas feed directly to the first catalyst on sketch, but can quickly become major modifications.
bed and preheat either the acid gas, the combustion air, or A possible alternative to higher temperature is more
both. This allows the reaction furnace temperature to be mixing/turbulence. Better burners can give you this. How-
increased without sacrificing unit capacity. ever, the question is whether they can do well enough to
destroy ammonia, given your plant’s particular tempera-
SLOAN: ture constraints. Make sure there is some good comparable
Operating with a leaner acid gas feed than design will experience from a similar plant.
lower sulfur recovery efficiency. The design sulfur capacity If the above options don’t provide the answer for you, and
will also be reduced, with the capacity reduction dependent if some of your acid gas is free of ammonia, you should
on hydraulic limitations. Catalyst bed life will be largely consider a two-zone furnace modification. Two-zone fur-
unaffected by the change in richness of the acid gas, but naces can give excellent ammonia destruction in a hot Zone
may be indirectly affected by changes other than the H2S 1, while the ammonia-free gas fraction continues the Claus
fraction in the gas feed. reaction in the cooler Zone 2. Good control instrumentation
Operationally, multiplying factors will require adjust- — which has to include good on-line analyses —- is a must.
ment to the new acid gas composition, and some of the bed Don’t consider changing to two-zone operation unless you
inlet temperatures can be altered slightly to optimize are prepared to:
recovery. invest in good instrumentation,
For the second part of the question, I am assuming that keep it in good order, and
the ammonia is present in a sour water stripper acid gas train your operators in the new methods.
stream that is segregated from the amine acid gases. A Options upstream of the Claus plant
water wash can be used to remove ammonia from amine We haven’t mentioned any process changes upstream of
acid gases. For the design case, ammonia can be handled the Claus plant, because that wasn’t the thrust of the
either by proprietary high intensity burners that are capa- question. Often, however, good improvement options may
ble of virtually total destruction of all of the ammonia, or by lie upstream, for example:
a two-stage reaction furnace. modifying the sour water stripper or its operation,
When operating with a leaner than design acid gas, the using a more selective solvent in the main amine unit,
residual or undestroyed ammonia from the reaction fur- or
nace when using high intensity burners will increase and adding an acid-gas enrichment step between the amine
could cause ammonium salt plugging at downstream cold unit and Claus plant.
spots, if furnace temperatures do not exceed 2,400 ºF, pref-
erably 2,500 °F
If the SRU uses a two-stage reaction furnace, adjust-
ments to the percentage of the amine acid gas sent to the
burner (alongside all the sour water stripper acid gas) will An increase in operating pressure has been inves-
be required when the amine acid gas is leaner than design. tigated as a possible alternative to debottlenecking a
Claus unit. What modifications are needed? What is
VICTOR E. ARNOLD (Raytheon Engineers): the experience with compressors in H2S service?
Destruction of ammonia in Claus plant feed gas requires What limits the maximum operating pressure of a
a combination of furnace temperature, mixing/turbulence, Claus unit, provided that the liquid seals have been
and residence time. When lower H2S in feed gas leads to modified to withstand higher pressure?
marginal temperatures, your options are divided into two
groups - those which you may be able to use without a LAABS:
major reconfiguration of the Claus plant, and the rest. Recently, one of our affiliated plants modified its SRU
Assuming the existing Claus plant has a single zone trains to operate at a higher pressure. The modifications
furnace, any significant lowering of H2S content in feed gas required them to increase the length of the seal leg by 5
will start to adversely affect ammonia destruction. At 50% feet, giving it the ability to withstand a pressure of 12 psig.
H2S in feed, most operators report serious problems in The need to keep the amine unit regenerator bottoms
dealing with ammonia. The best solution to these problems temperature below its corrosion limit of 260 ºF required the
is to get the temperature back to a level achieved with a replacement of the acid gas line. This new line provided a
richer gas. Options for that are: lower pressure drop. The waste heat reboilers were



changed from 600 psig to 250 psig steam production to QUESTION 12:
avoid problems with temperature constraints. An ad- How does an increase in the CO2 content of the
ditional quench cooler was installed in the TGTU to further sulfur recovery unit feed affect the H2S/SO2 ratio
cool the feed to the booster blower. The lower temperature analyzer and scanner performance?
resulted in a lower actual volume of gas.
The modifications to these units were made so that they BRIERLEY:
could be run at 8 psig, but the closest approach since We use the Western Research Model 700 ultraviolet-
start-up has been 7.2 psig, due to problems at the waste- based H2S/SO2 analyzer for monitoring our tail gas. So far,
water stripper. The problem is being successfully mini- we can find no trend between CO2 concentration and the
mized by using pressure control at the stripper, so the analyzer response. There is an analyzer available from
limiting factor is expected to be the combustion air dis- AMETEK which measures the H2S and combustibles in a
charge pressure. feed forward fashion and is placed upstream of the reaction
furnace. This analyzer may be the solution to those who
OSBORN: have a CO2 effect problem.
Assuming properly designed diplegs, probably the only
thing stopping us from running at higher pressure is that ROY:
our blower capacity is limited, and in fact we are using Increased CO2 in the acid gas should have no effect on the
oxygen enrichment. Also, the temperature of the reboiler performance of our Western Research air demand analyzer.
vapor line on the still increases to a point that corrosion in However, significant dilution of flammable acid gases with
the amine unit is a problem. It is important to keep this CO2 could have an effect on the flame scanners when the
below 265 °F, above which corrosion starts to increase sig- color or position of the flame changes, and the scanner can
nificantly. Our seal legs allow us to operate up to roughly 15 no longer detect it.
psig. The condenser capacity would probably be the next
bottleneck. I do know there are totally steam jacketed GEORGE W. TAGGERT (TPA, Inc.):
blowers, and we do use a blower in our tail gas unit. Our experience certainly has been that CO2 content has
very little impact on the use of a tail gas analyzer. In fact, if
SLOAN: CO2 content is sufficiently high that it does have some
Operating the Claus unit at higher pressures enables the impact, that could be easily accommodated by relocating
product water, as well as the sulfur, to be condensed, the analyzer in the system to a point where concentrations
thereby driving the Claus reaction further to completion. are high enough to be within the sensitive range of the
Equipment sizes within the SRU and downstream tail gas analyzer.
treating unit are also reduced. The increase in recovery We have looked very carefully at feed forward options
exists despite the fact that higher pressure adversely af- and have a very strong conviction that they are of real
fects the reaction furnace and the catalytic beds. The value, only in combination with tail gas analyzer feedback.
reasons why high pressure operation is still being inves- The ultimate goal of maximum efficiency in the system is
tigated and is not yet commercialized are that reaction critically dependent on the H2S/SO2 ratio, and the tail gas
furnace temperatures tend to be at or above the maximum analyzer is the only way to adequately measure and control
allowable for existing refractory materials, the catalyst that variable.
modifications, either in design or in use to address the
problem of increased sulfur vapor pressures are still being
explored, and issues related to corrosion, safety, and the use QUESTION 13:
of enriched air or oxygen in high pressure operation are What methods are safely used in unplugging (car-
still being researched. bon, ammonia salts) molten sulfur seals in a sulfur
Acid gas compressors have been used in sulfur recovery recovery unit? Are there any new, improved seal
unit revamps to increase capacity, and when a tail gas unit designs?
has been added. The service is difficult because of potential
problems with wet acid gas corrosion, sour water con- O’BRIEN:
densation, and sealing requirements. The performance of The method used to unplug sulfur seals is to use nitrogen
these compressors has been mixed, and if high pressure pressure to unplug the seal without exposing personnel to
Claus operation is to be successful, it will help if the re- sulfur. If this method is unsuccessful, the seal will be
liability of the acid gas compressors can be improved. mechanically cleared by personnel outfitted in the proper
The maximum pressure in the Claus unit is limited by protective equipment. This rodding may be done manually
the design temperatures of refractory materials and the or using a drill type device if the plug is extremely hard.
need to maximize the use of carbon steel equipment. At a Some cases require a shutdown. In this case, high pressure
given pressure, operating temperatures depend on acid gas water is used to clear the plug.
feed composition. Present research indicates that plants A new sulfur seal valve is on the market and is in service
employing both oxygen enrichment and high pressure at several locations outside of Phillips. This new type seal
Claus operation at pressures as low as 70 psig can result in valve will be installed on a trial basis at our Borger
dramatic increases in recovery and reduction in equipment refinery.
sizes. From an economic standpoint, we are probably look-
ing at pressures of less than 100 psig to realize the benefits PAULES:
of high pressure Claus operation. All types of seals are generally difficult to unplug. The



real answer is to prevent carbon and ammonia salts from

occurring by installing a properly designed burner which
will completely burn all hydrocarbons and by making sure
that ammonia is destroyed in the furnace. Also, mini-
mizing hydrocarbon slugs in the acid gas will help.

Are refiners monitoring COS formation in Claus
trains? Are different catalyst formulations effective in
minimizing COS?

Carbon sulfur compounds such as COS and CS 2 are
formed in the thermal reactor by reaction of carbon dioxide,
water, hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur vapor.
Destruction of COS and CS2 takes place in the first cata-
lytic reactor. The higher the temperature, the more effec-
tive the destruction of these compounds. The preferred
temperature range is 580 to 600 ºF. at the outlet of the first
catalytic reactor.
We do not monitor COS formation in our Claus unit,
since this has not been a problem for us. We maintain a 560
to 580 °F temperature range at the outlet of the first reac-
tor. Specially promoted alumina catalysts could be used
where COS and CS2 are a problem. These catalysts func-
tion the best in the lower third of the first converter, where
they can capitalize on the highest temperature available.

COS usually is checked during a performance test, but
not on a routine basis. A titanium dioxide based catalyst is
the best for COS removal, but it is also the most expensive.
Promoted alumina also improves COS removal over stan- either converted to thiosulfates or to elemental sulfur. Any
dard alumina-based catalysts. A reactor temperature of S02-bearing flue gases that are used in this service are
600 °F or more is suggested for good COS removal, espe- going to cause you plugging problems, and you may not get
cially with a standard alumina catalyst. We have observed the expected results.
a reduction of COS from 1% to 0.03%, using promoted
alumina with a 570 ºF reactor outlet.
Is caustic injection used in your sour water strip-
QUESTION 15: per? What is the injection strategy and how is it
Flue gas rich in CO2 is often used to acidify and determined?
strip spent caustic to remove H2S. What is done with
this gas, since it is typically very sour and at low ROY:
pressure? Our Tyler plant sour water stripper has used caustic
injection for several years in order to enhance ammonia
LAABS: removal. We originally used fresh caustic, but now use
We have developed a new process that uses carbon di- spent caustic from the LPG treating unit. Caustic is in-
oxide in this manner, but it does not use flue gas for the jected to control pH of stripped water product at 9.5 to 10
stripping stream. Instead, we will use COP that has been pH. We have experienced tight emulsion problems at the
recovered from our hydrogen plant. The resulting sour CO2 desalter (where the stripped sour water goes) when over-
stream has no nitrogen or oxygen, so it can be sent to a injecting spent caustic.
Claus sulfur plant or to a sulfuric acid plant for processing.
This new stripping method has been very successful in pilot RAJGURU:
plant testing, and we have plans to build an operating unit Fluor Daniel has provided caustic injection points in sour
soon. water stripper designs where ammonia must be stripped to
low levels (typically less than 20 ppmw). Both weak and
ALFRED KELLER (CONOCO Inc.): strong acids in the sour water can fix ammonia in a chemi-
Caution should be used if you have a flue gas containing cal form which is difficult to strip out. Presence ofchlorides,
SO2 because the H2S will not get stripped out. It will be cyanides, and CO2 in the feed results in fixation of am-



monia to corresponding salts. Injection of caustic unfixes or Circulation, reboiler duty and cooling loads are what
springs back the ammonia. limit the amine section capacity. Some refineries have been
For operational flexibility, two injection points can be able to switch from generic MDEA to high performance
specified, one at the column midpoint, and one a few trays solvents. In some cases, the increase in H2S loading has
below the midpoint. The reason is that since H2S is much been accompanied by a lowering of the H2S in the treated
easier to strip out than ammonia, the upper trays will gas but this may require a revamp to the amine cooling
remove almost all of the H2S and caustic addition to the system as well as a solvent switchover.
bottom trays will enhance ammonia removal without inter- Booster blowers can help in cases where the existing
fering with the H2S stripping and without sodium sulfide SRU has seal legs that are limiting. In such cases, a booster
formation. blower on the overhead of the quench tower has been
It must, however, be noted that the location of the effec- installed to push the gases through the process equipment
tive caustic injection point is best determined during the downstream of the quench tower. All or part of the hydro-
actual operation. genation system may work under vacuum in such cases.
When vacuum occurs, problems with air leakage can
BONELLI: result.
I agree with Mr. Rajguru’s comments. I would note, In general, increases in capacity of 15 to 20% are pos-
however, that in one location where we do have coking units sible, but if additional capacity is needed, a new tail gas
in the plant, we do not use caustic injection to the sour unit will usually be necessary.
water stripper due to its reuse as desalter water. Our desire
is to guarantee that we are not able to get sodium freighted LAABS:
through the crude unit and into the coker heaters. We have had one experience where changing the solvent
has improved unit capacity. One of our refineries changed
from DIPA to formulated MDEA. The new solvent can be
Tail Gas Plants used at higher strengths, so the circulation rates were able
to be reduced. The selectivity of this solvent also allows it to
reject a larger portion of the carbon dioxide, so the gas
QUESTION 17: going back to the SRU is of higher quality.
What experiences do refiners have with increasing An affiliated site has improved the throughput of the
the tail gas treating unit capacity? (i.e., solvent booster blower by installing a new quench water cooler. The
changes, booster blowers, etc.) amine feed to the blower has a lower temperature, and
therefore, a lower volume. They are in the process of up-
ROY: grading their booster blower, as it is the current bottleneck
At our Pasadena plant, we switched from DEA to MDEA, in their system.
and thus were able to operate at 40% MDEA con- Another of our sites has completed a process design for
centrations, compared to 25% with DEA. This has effec- one of their tail gas treating units that will increase the
tively increased capacity of the unit by approximately 15%. capacity of that unit by 50%. The design involves a number
of hardware changes, including replacing the current
PAULES: direct-fired heater with two indirect heaters, replacing the
One method of increasing the capacity of a tail gas unit is quench and absorber tower internals, and installing a new
to utilize oxygen enrichment in the upstream SRU. Since booster blower after the cooler.
the nitrogen associated with some of the air is removed,
there is less total gas flow to the tail gas unit. This method VANESSA A. HODGE (Dow Chemical):
basically debottlenecks the SRU and the tail gas unit. The Several refiners have chosen to use the SulFerox Tech-
only part of the tail gas unit which still might need to be nology, which is a technology jointly being marketed by
made larger is the quench water system to make sure there Dow Chemical and Shell Oil, to increase the recovery of
is enough pumping and heat removal capacity. sulfur compounds such as H2s. This process is applicable to
amine tail gas streams, as subscribed in Question 10, as
SLOAN: well as Claus tail gas streams. The process can also be used
The experience refiners have in increasing capacity is to treat sour gas stripper streams as well as fuel gas
very limited. Most of these units are SCOT or MSRMDEA streams normally handled by the main amine systems of a
type and have two distinct process functions. The first refinery. CO2 at any levels can be handled by the technology
process function is to hydrogenate/hydrolyze all the sulfur as well as various levels of ammonia. The process is most
compounds to H2S. The second process function is to selec- economical; at levels of 1 to 20 long tons per day of sulfur
tively absorb the H2S in an amine and to recycle the H2S removal.
with minimum CO2 from amine regeneration back to the
SRU. THOMAS KENNY (Texaco Chemical Company):
The tail gas unit may take up to about 10% more flow Field testing of our TEXTREAT® formulated solvents in
without modifications. Most refineries now have the capa- several tail gas units does indicate that careful attention
bility of increasing the capacity of the SRU by oxygen paid to equipment design is extremely important in tail gas
enrichment. This does not increase the flow to the tail gas units.
unit, but does increase the H2S load to the amine section. In
such cases, the hydrogenation section is not limiting, but MARK O. WIMBERLY (Union Carbide Corporation):
the amine section must handle the increased H2S flow. Union Carbide Corporation offers high performance



UCARSOL® solvents designed to increase tail gas treating ALLAN M. EDELMAN (Exxon Research and Engineer-
unit capacity. A solvent upgrade from DIPA to our HS-103 ing Company):
formulated solvent increases capacity significantly in two We have debottlenecked tail gas units which had limited
ways. The ability to operate at higher concentrations with- H2S removal capacity due to the solvent or the solvent
out corrosion allows for the circulation of more amine per regenerator. This was done by switching to Flexsorb SE
unit of pumping capacity. A CO2 slippage of 95% is achiev- Solvents. Flexsorb SE nearly doubles the H2S removal
able with HS-103. This improvement in CO2 slippage re- capacity of a unit. Flexsorb SE PLUS achieves some de-
duces the quantity of CO2 that must be recycled back to the bottleneck while treating the tail gas to less than 10 vppm
SRU. of H2 S. The debottlenecks required only minor modi-
A second significant means ofincreasing tail gas treating fications of the tail gas absorber, in most cases. Right now,
unit capacity is to operate the main amine system with a there are about 25 Flexsorb SE and SE PLUS commercial
formulated UCARSOL® solvent. Using a high CO2 slip scrubbing operations. Over half are in tail gas service and
solvent in the main amine system reduces the CO2 content five are tail gas retrofit-debottlenecks.
of the SRU feed gas. This improves SRU efficiency and
reduces the load on the tail gas unit. GEORGE W. TAGGART (TPA, Inc.):
Also, retrofitting high efficiency packing in the absorber Certainly, changes in solvent can result in some im-
column to reduce pressure drop can increase the capacity of provement in capacity. Typically, I would suggest that these
the unit, but it has the disadvantage of reducing the oper- would be marginal improvements. We have licensed 12
ating flexibility afforded by multiple feed point trayed plants to date with our oxygen injection technology, which
designs. This can negatively impact CO2 slippage. introduces oxygen directly into the thermal reaction zone
Rich solvent loadings can be increased by installing a rather than into the air stream. We have had the occasion to
blower in the tail gas unit. Operating at higher pressures re-rate the 12 tail gas treaters involved. In every case, we
will increase the capacity of the tail gas unit. However, the have found that by careful analysis and some careful engi-
disadvantages of the blowers are their maintenance costs neering vis-a-vis the existing apparatus, we have been able
and the possibility of introducing air into the tail gas to achieve increases in tail gas treater capacity on the order
stream. These blowers often require tandem seals with a of 40% above nameplate.
continuous purge. Secondary cooling should be considered, The only necessary change was in the quench system,
especially if 10 ppm H2S specification is required down- which is routinely required to be increased by several
stream of the amine absorber. percent. We have accomplished this in general, without
changing the quench tower itself, but simply by making
changes in the circulating water system. We found this to
QUESTION 18: be cost effective and successful.
For converting SO2 to H2S ahead of the SCOT
process, what are refiners’ experiences with the vari-
ous options for the tail gas treatment catalysts? What
kind of surface area losses have been observed over a B. Environment
run with the various catalyst options?

O’BRIEN: Air Emissions

We have used three different tail gas hydrogenation
catalysts in this service, all with good results. The main
problem with these beds has been pressure drop due to fines QUESTION 19:
deposited in the bed. What experience is there in retrofitting older heat-
Experience with surface area loss varies by catalyst and ers with low NOx burners? How do post combustion
by length and severity of service. On a recent changeout, NOx control technologies fit these units?
the surface area of the catalyst had decreased by 25% after
3 years of service. LAABS:
One of our sites has retrofitted four older vertical cylin-
PAULES: drical heaters with ultra-low NO, burners. These retrofits
There are basically two types of cobalt-molybdenum tail have definitely reduced the amount of this pollutant; a
gas unit catalysts available. One is a 1/6 inch spherical typical example was a reduction from 0.09 to 0.02 lbs per
catalyst and the other is a 1/8 inch extrudate. Cost per pound MMBTU. The burners have also proven to be more fuel
is essentially the same, but the extrudate is 40% less dense efficient and easier to control. However, the change in the
and therefore costs 40% less to fill a particular unit. The heaters has required more work than just replacing the
start of run activity and surface area of the extrudates is burners. Each of the four heaters required having its floor
comparable to that of the spherical, but it is not as rugged cut out and replaced. Also, as the old burners were able to
as its crush strength and rate of surface area decline is not be replaced with fewer burners of the new design, the fuel
as good. If you have an extremely stable operation, such as a gas piping had to be rearranged. They have used both
gas plant, the spherical catalyst may make more sense as it Callidus LE-CSG and John Zink PSMR low NOx burners
will produce a longer run length. If your catalyst life is for this application.
dictated by many upsets, as is common in many refinery An affiliated plant on the West Coast has retrofitted its
applications, then the extrudates may be a more economical older heaters with low NO, burners and selective catalytic
choice. reduction (SCR) units. These modifications have allowed



the heaters to be in compliance for NOx The SCR units air, without air preheat) rival post combustion control
have had some problems with plugging and exceeding the technologies. The more expensive SCR technology can be
maximum inlet temperature. This refinery has assigned an designed for 0.02 to 0.05 lb NOx per million BTUs.
engineer full-time to the task of furnace monitoring and
troubleshooting. PEDERSEN:
At Kalundborg refinery in Denmark, we are running a
MURPHY: program to retrofit 30 year old heaters with low NOx, low
I have one example that I can share. Two refinery gas- noise burners. The heaters are cabin furnaces, both end and
fired crude heaters were retrofitted with low NOx burners. side-fired, and VC furnaces, but all on natural draft. The
The burners reduced the NOx emissions to approximately purpose of the program is two fold; first of all, to reduce
100 ppm. This refiner needed to generate additional NOx noise, and secondly, to reduce NOx emission. So far, we
reduction for an offset for a new crude heater. After con- consider the program to be a success. Noise has been re-
version to low NOx burners, the crude heaters were treated duced by more than 15 decibels, and NOx emission reduced
with Nalco Fuel Tech’s NOxOUT process. Using this com- by more than 60%. In some cases we see improved ef-
bination, the NOx was further reduced to 30 ppm in one ficiency. Depending on the actual furnace construction,
unit, and 40 ppm in the other. The combination of the two piping layout, etc., the modification can, in some cases, be
technologies has worked well and the resultant NOx re- rather expensive. Cost have been between 10 and 35 thou-
duction is similar to that which can be achieved in SCR. sand dollars per burner.

O’BRIEN: GEORGE SMITH (Exxon Research and Engineering

Phillips currently is looking at methods to reduce NOx Company):
emissions on furnaces other than the ones they have Responding to the second part of the question, Selective
already worked on. We have been looking to see which Noncatalytic Reduction Processes, such as our Thermal
option is the best. While work is still ongoing, post com- De-NOx process, have primarily been applied to heaters
bustion NOx control technologies appear to be a more where retrofitting low NOx burners has not been feasible.
expensive option when compared to a burner changeout for NO, reductions of up to about 70% have been achieved with
the NOx levels we must meet. the Thermal De-NOx process in these applications.
We also have examples, however, where we have applied
OSBORN: Thermal De-NOx to heaters already fitted with low NOx
Farmland is just completing a retrofit of two packaged burners. These applications were in areas where ultra low
Babcock and Wilcox boilers with burners designed by Hol- NO x targets needed to be met. One application was a
man Boiler Works and supplied by John Zink. Our experi- gas-fired heater and the other an oil-fired heater. Our
ence has indicated that the combustion air temperature is experience has been that for these applications, about 35 to
critical to the amount of NOx produced. We had to remove 40% NOx reduction is achieved, compared with the higher
the air preheaters that were on the boilers in order to lower removal efficiencies that I mentioned earlier for appli-
the flame temperature. Boiler feed water economizers were cations without low NOx burners.
installed to maintain the boiler efficiency. The burners
must also be designed to operate at low excess oxygen rates LARRY G. BAYER (Union Texas Petrochemicals):
without producing excess carbon monoxide and the excess Mr. Juno, have you used air preheat on any of the ultra
O2 must be closely controlled. We have been able to use low NOx burners?
these burners to meet our NOx limitations without flue gas
recirculation. I believe they have also been used in Cal- JUNO:
ifornia with flue gas recirculation to meet California No.
BONELLI: KTI has retrofitted several older heaters with low NOx
Combustion air temperature control can frequently burners for two major refineries in the Los Angeles basin.
make the difference between whether or not you are able to These installations were to comply with the local AQMD
achieve your targeted NOx reductions. Rule 1146 for 40 ppm maximum NOx. These burners are of
the staged fuel type with internal flue gas recirculation.
JUNO: Most of the units have been in operation a little over 3 years
Internal circulation floor-fired, ultra low NOx burners now and actual operating data has shown a trend of around
have been successfully retrofitted to existing heaters. 30 to 40 ppm. These burners are sensitive to fuel changes
These burners require fuel gas pressure of approximately and oxygen trim.
25 psi, but exhibit excellent turndown. From what I under- While the need for post combustion technologies, speci-
stand, their turndown is better than conventional raw gas fically SCRs, in a retrofit situation remains a site-specific
burners. Flame pattern is longer, approximately 2 feet per issue, we have several units currently in operation, some
million BTU fired duty as compared to approximately 1 foot approaching 10 years. While typical NOx reduction on
per million BTU for a conventional raw gas burner. these units has been consistently above design, our survey
Internal circulation burners are best used in floor-fired shows performance is dependent on fuel gas quality, flue
furnaces for optimum NOx reduction. The NOx production gas temperature, ammonia injection rate, and type of cata-
from these burners (0.03 lb per million BTU at 10% excess lyst used.



JONAH SMITH (Mobil Oil Corp.): the tank atmosphere is less than a target value, for
Does anyone have experience with retrofitting a CO example, 1 ppm, the tank manways can be opened.
boiler with low NOx burners? And if so, what is that When desludging is required and the tank atmo-
experience? sphere does not reach an acceptable concentration
by flushing, a tank vent system can be used. A
LAABS: blower is used to ventilate the tank and blower
We have CO boilers, but we have not had to retrofit any of discharge is vented to carbon canisters. A viscosity
them yet. modifier may be added prior to purging the sludge
to a vent controlled dewatering system.
ERNEST LEUENBERGER (ARCO Products Co.): e) Monitoring and Recordkeeping during Main-
We recently retrofitted low NOx burners on our FCC CO tenance and Turnarounds. Procedures can be set in
boiler at our Los Angeles refinery. At last report, we were place that require monitoring of benzene con-
unable to get the NOx reduction we expected. centrations and waste quantities. For example, in
the tank cleaning case above, the tank atmosphere
is monitored. Similar practices can be imple-
QUESTION 20: mented during turnaround of process vessels. The
What have refiners done to reduce benzene benzene concentration can be monitored after
emissions to come into compliance with benzene steaming a vessel has begun. Until benzene in the
NESHAP? What are the recovery costs per barrel of atmosphere, or the condensate, is less than control
benzene? level, all wastes will go to a closed system. Once
benzene falls below the target, wastes can be
SLOAN: routed through a lowpoint drain to the sewer.
Kellogg has completed several steadies evaluating 2 . Source Treatment
different approaches to complying with benzene NESHAP. Source treatment can be applied in process units.
Benzene emissions can be reduced by recycling, waste Examples include: gas, steam or vacuum stripping,
minimization, source treatment, and end of pipe treatment. adsorption, and solvent extraction. Some technologies
Cost of controls varies depending on the size and age of the can be used to recover solvents or products from the
refinery, the nature of existing controls, and concentration. extracted adsorbed, or stripped materials.
Costs can range from just a few dollars/bbl of benzene for
easy fixes, such as vent controlling a slop tank, to a few 3 . End of Pipe Treatment
hundred thousand dollars/bbl for small difficult to control Where end of pipe treatment is continued, refineries
sources. Control of typical wastewater streams at a large have used segregation and vent control to reduce
.retinery can easily fall within the range of $50,000 to emissions. Segregated treatment systems typically
$100,000 per barrel. utilize closed, above ground headers for high benzene
Details of our experience with specific compliance ap- content waste streams while maintaining existing
proaches are as follows: open sewers from storm drainage and low benzene
streams. Treatment equipment must be covered. CPI
1. Recycling and Waste Minimization separators and induced gas flotation units are easier
a) Maintenance Waste Streams. Maintenance to operate as covered vent controlled units than their
streams that are routed to a slop oil system will counterparts, API separators and DAFs, although
come in contact with water and, therefore, be sub- those have also been covered. Vents from this equip-
ject to the benzene NESHAP regulations. Directly ment can be routed to a flare, furnace, incinerator, or
piping these streams to a vent controlled slop oil carbon adsorption system. If existing sewers are to be
tank will meet the control requirements of ben- controlled, self sealing sewer hubs are available for
zene NESHAP. retrofit.
b) Selection of Cleaning Materials. In cleaning
tanks, a cutter stock or gas oil is often used. To T. WILLIAMS
minimize benzene waste generation, gas oils con- Based on original API numbers of $1 billion for NESHAP
taining benzene should not be introduced into control, we are looking at about $6 million spent per re-
tanks whose contents do not contain benzene. finery. However, some refineries are using the benzene
c) Sample Purges. Closed loop sampling systems can NESHAP as the thrust to totally revamp their sewer sys-
be used to return the purged material back to the tems. In these cases these refineries are spending a $100 to
tank or vessel. Only the amount required to till the $200 million. Taking for example a 100,000 barrel refinery
sample container is drained. Dopak type samplers with 30 to 40 metric tons of benzene that needs to be
can be used in many applications; they can be controlled down to 6 tons, this would come out to about
completely closed loop, where the bottle is filled by $400/lb of benzene ($124,00O/bbl).
syringe, or partially closed loop where only a small Smaller refiners, who had the potential to get under 10
sample tap is purged and not a long line. metric tons per year of benzene and avoid the benzene
d) Tank Cleaning and Sludge Management. Closed NESHAP regulations prior to the effective date of the
systems can be used to deinventory tanks, and also regulations, used various source control techniques to get
for initial flushes of tanks. Monitoring of the tank under and stay under the 10 metric ton limit.
atmosphere can indicate when most of the benzene Since desalters generally contribute the largest single
materials have been flushed. After the benzene in source of benzene to the wastewater system, refiners at-



benzene that is extracted into the desalter water phase,

which ultimately gets to their API separators or waste-
water treatment facilities. So it has made a little bit of a
directional change in crude oil economics in some instances
as well.

We have installed a desalter effluent water stripper to
reduce the benzene in our effluent. We are not making any
attempt to recover the benzene from our desalter water

The major focus of our program to come in compliance for
the benzene NESHAP regulations has come in two areas:
reducing or eliminating oil from entering sewer systems
and the API separator, and reducing or eliminating drain-
tempting to get under the 10 metric ton limit began to look ing of benzene bearing water streams to the sewer system.
at better ways to control desalters to prevent the discharge To reduce oil from entering the sewers, hydrocyclones were
of free oil, in particular to decrease the benzene discharged. added to the desalter water effluent. Closed sampling sys-
Better management of the desalting operation through the tems were installed for routine samples and elaborate steps
use of improved instrumentation, chemical treatment, are being taken to flush oil to slop systems before taking a
residence time or other operating variables could be used in piece of equipment out of service.
preventing a large discharge of benzene from the desalters. To reduce benzene bearing water from entering the
Another area where smaller refiners have concentrated sewer system, locations were found to reuse some water as
to get below the 10 metric ton trigger level is to reduce the process water and many sources which qualified as sour
amount of pure hydrocarbon released to the wastewater water were routed to sour water strippers.
sewer system during water draws from tanks, vessels, and Assuming depreciation of capital over fifteen years, the
drums. In particular, taking water from tank draws has cost of implementing our benzene NESHAP program is
historically generated a fair amount of free phase hydro- approximately $3000/bbl of benzene recovered.
carbon to the sewer which must be counted in the 10 metric
ton limit. Refiners have looked hard at modifying their ROY:
procedures for tank draws to reduce the amount of hydro- Projects at our Pasadena plant were designed to reduce a
carbons to the sewer, including the addition of instrumen- total annual benzene, TAB, below 10 metric tons. This may
tation to detect the free hydrocarbon and automatically have had very little effect on reducing the emission of
shut off the tank draw. benzene in the air, because it was small in the first place.
Refiners who were not able to get under the 10 metric ton The key to reducing the TAB was to remove benzene
trigger level have had to reduce emissions to come into containing hydrocarbons from sewers. Installing closed
compliance by a variety of ways. Of course, some amount of sampling systems and modifying our water draws made
controls on waste streams are necessary. The benzene dramatic difference in nondissolved hydrocarbons in our
NESHAP regulation laid out as a primary alternative sewers. In addition, we installed a laboratory waste col-
piping waste streams greater than 10 ppm benzene to a lection system for benzene carrying samples. Waste from
stripper or some other device. While this approach in some maintenance operations is also much more closely
cases has been used, in many refineries it is very difficult to controlled.
define all of the streams that average 10 ppm or greater One project to reduce dissolved benzene was to reduce
benzene. Therefore, many refiners have looked at an ap- desalter wash water by recycling. The initial test work
proach which is defined in the regulations which includes showed that this would make a significant difference. How-
an enclosed sewer system. This basically takes all benzene ever, more recent testing makes the reduction look mod-
containing wastewaters and controls the vapors from the erate. It is very difficult to measure the reduction precisely
sewer system as well as the downstream treatment sys- without extensive sampling and testing because of a varied
tems. In a few cases this even included the biological treat- crude slate. Our cost per barrel of benzene recovered is
ment step. An alternative put forth by the EPA called the much lower than numbers we hear of in industry.
BQ or benzene quality option limits the amount of exposed
streams total waste streams to 6 metric tons. This means JO AGAR (Agar Corporation, Inc.):
that 6 metric tons of benzene of all waste streams would not We have experience in eliminating the benzene right at
have to have controls. Many other innovative approaches the source. This is a case where the EPA verified the
are being used to come up with benzene emission control for numbers before and after the installation of the equipment.
these refineries that exceeded the 10 metric ton limit. The nice thing about it is that by doing it, the equipment
paid back for itself in 100 days due to the saving of the oil in
BONELLI: the wastewater. By doing this we eliminate it at its source.
I think Mr. Williams has covered most of the important And in this particular refinery, we reduced benzene emis-
parts. In several instances that we are aware of, people sions from 17 tons a year down to 3 tons a year merely by
actually have been selecting crude oils on the basis of the cutting down the oil undercarry from the desalters, slop



tanks, storage tanks and other units which dump into the sources where emissions can be reduced. In design of a new
wastewater. There is an article about it in the Hydrocarbon facility, it is important to consider fugitive emissions and
Processing, August issue. we look at five main areas:
1) Seals. Dual mechanical seals can be used on pumps
TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining and Chemical): and compressors. If the service warrants it, sealless
I would like to find out from the panel members who are pumps can also be installed. Double seals are also an
taking their desalter effluent water to a benzene NESHAP option for floating roof tanks. Liquid-mounted seals
stripper: what kind of operating problems are you ex- control emissions better than vapor-mounted seals.
periencing, if any? 2) Valves, Leakless valves can be considered. Relief
valves vent into a flare or other control device and
BONELLI: open-ended valves should be capped.
What I would say is that the people with whom we have
talked who are operating those strippers have indicated 3) Flanges. Threaded and welded connections can be
used for small diameter piping to minimize the num-
that overhead temperature control is a critical item to keep
ber of flanges and their associated emissions.
from fouling in the upper section of the strippers.
4) Covers. Covering open equipment such as API sep-
arators and drains can also reduce emissions. Emis-
TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining and Chemical): sions from drains can be reduced by installing p-traps
Any pluggage problem in the packing or in the trays.
or self-sealing sewer covers.
BONELLI: 5) Inspection and maintenance. In addition to designing
a system for low emissions, routine maintenance,
I cannot give you any personal knowledge, no. inspection and monitoring can insure that the system
meets performance criteria and leaks are detected
and repaired quickly.
As I understand, we have not been having any problems
as of yet with pluggage. We have operated the unit for Let us not forget, also, nonprocess sources such waste-
approximately a year and continue to optimize steam rates water treatment units, tanks, feedstocks, product, and by-
for the required benzene removal. We have had some prob- product loading facilities.
lems with the filtration ahead of the stripper. The filter
medium has unraveled and has been found in downstream BONELLI:
equipment. Fugitive emissions from compressor seals, in at least one
of our facilities, are being reduced through a two-step
J. WILLIAMS: program of using dry gas seals in place of the traditional
I also know of a couple of refineries who are using these seals and magnetic bearings on the rotating elements so
strippers and have had plugging problems, and I know one that the rotating element stability is much greater. It runs
of them attributed it to possibly putting too much steam in much closer to the design center line, so we have much less
the tower. I do not know if that eliminated the plugging yet, leakage about which to worry. Some of the other systems
it has been an off and on problem. that we have adopted are also described in 40 CFR 60482-4.
Fugitive emissions from pump seals also have several
means of control, some of which have been discussed. Seal-
QUESTION 21: less pumps are sometimes the only resort, although, they
What progress is being made in control of fugitive are certainly our last choice. Improved sealed technologies
emissions? have been effective in helping us comply.
And lastly, the fugitive emissions from valves are being
PEDERSEN: controlled through a combination of improved packing,
In order to improve control of fugitive emissions, we need service specific, and quite an aggressive repair program
better tools and methods, not only to identify emission when our monitoring program indicates we found leakage.
sources, but also to quantify emissions. One such tool, Overall our facility attains a rate of noncompliance of much
which has been developed by BP and made commercially less than 1% of the total inventory.
available through services from Spectrasyne in the UK, is
based on laser technology. BRIERLEY:
This year at Mongstad, we had Spectrasyne to perform a Canada is currently developing a nationwide code of
complete survey over a period of two weeks. The results, practice for the reduction of fugitive VOC emissions. We
using this technique, are quantitatively much more accu- are required by our operating license to conduct a yearly
rate compared to the results you get when, for instance, leak detection and repair survey based on EPA method 21.
applying isotopes. With this method, you scan and measure Syncrude is currently only in the second year of that pro-
in vertical areas as small as 7.5 x 7.5 meters. The detec- gram. So far there have been very few pump or compressor
tion limit is 10 to 20 ppb, at a distance of 20 to 30 meters. seals found to be leaking. Most of the leaks are, as you
The method is fast and flexible, and therefore, it is fairly would suspect, from valve packings. If the packings cannot
easy to measure the effect on emissions of changing oper- be pulled down, they are usually repaired by injecting a
ating conditions. sealant.

Comprehensive evaluation of a facility can identify many Every new permit requires fugitive emissions monitor-



ing. In Texas, the Natural Resource Conservation Com- accumulation of material on the charcoal canister has led
mittee has defined three different leak detection and repair us to burn the tank down. Some of the tanks have been
programs, LDAR’s. They differ in leak level definition from vented to control flare systems or to heater fire boxes. In the
500 to 10,000 ppm and in elapsed time before repairing case that we just cited with the floating roof tank, we do not
from 5 to 15 days. So the days of getting by without having have odor control problems in our location, so it is an
to implement an LDAR program are gone and the amount effective solution there.
of sampling is going up. So the biggest improvements must
be made in the efficiency of program management. PAULES:
The biggest breakthrough in LDAR is the com- We use a cone roof tank with a nitrogen purged vapor
puterization of monitoring data. Organic vapor analyzers, space. This system vents to the tail gas unit incinerator. We
OVA’s, used in fugitive emissions are now attached to data do not experience any significant problems.
loggers. Sample components are tagged with bar codes. The
component location is scanned, and leak rates are auto-
matically logged into data loggers and dumped into a data
On one of our Gulf Coast projects, we installed a sour
base to manage the program. This enables the plant to water storage tank with vapor recovery compressors. The
provide precise reports to an agency inspector. The latest
compressors are of the liquid ring type and they discharge
development that I know of is an OVA and a data logger in
into the plant flare. The sour water is depressurized ahead
one housing. of the tanks, and the gas from the degassing vessel is
compressed by a reciprocating compressor into the sour fuel
QUESTION 22: gas header.
The sour water storage tanks are designed for about 8
What technology has been used to help reduce the
inch water column pressure and are constructed with an
vapor and odor emissions from sour water storage
umbrella roof. A fuel gas pad is provided on the tanks. As a
tanks other than floating roofs (i.e., closed vent sys-
backup in case the liquid ring compressor and its spare
tems, tank vapor scrubbing, etc.)?
should both fail, an alternative atmospheric vent system is
provided, in which the vent gas passes through activated
BRIERLEY: carbon of sufficient quantity to last about one day at the
We initially attempted to use a vapor recovery system on maximum venting rate.
our sour water tanks. We encountered never-ending prob- The liquid ring compressors have been in service for over
lems with the system. The piping and single stage liquid a year and have operated well. Alternately, we have de-
ring compressor would continually plug with ammonium signed a floating roof tank with double mechanical seals
salts and iron sulfide. We have since replaced the original and about 2 to 3 feet of oil layer.
tanks with floating roof tanks and demolished both the old
tanks and the vapor recovery system.
LAABS: One of the most effective ways to reduce the odor evolu-
We have used several different strategies for control of tion from sour water storage tanks is to treat the effluent
sour water tankage emissions. One refinery has covered its vapors with activated carbon. But, as Mr. Bonelli pointed
floating roof sour water tanks with geodesic domes for odor out, the activated carbon vessel cannot be left in place
control, and then vents the vapor through caustic- forever (without attention) or a problem can result. So the
impregnated carbon to the atmosphere. Any tanks that need to be able to either replace and/or regenerate the
might release an explosive vapor have dome spaces that are carbon is important and must be periodically done. For the
blanketed with inert gas. Another of our sites installed a purpose of regeneration, steam is usually very effective. To
sour water degassing drum that vents at atmospheric pres- emphasize, activated carbon is very effective in reducing
sure to a closed vacuum vapor collection system. This odor emissions from the sour water storage tank.
vacuum system is also connected to the downstream sour However, the nitrogen purge to the incinerator is prob-
water tank. ably the most effective of all methods. It is not even neces-
sary to use nitrogen; instead a hydrocarbon purge can be
MURPHY: used, such as refinery fuel gas. These gases will purge the
We have used hydrogen sulfide abatement chemistries tank and by venting the purge to the incinerator where all
successfully to mitigate emissions and odor impact of sour the H2S or other odor-producing compounds are oxidized
process water. The hydrogen sulfide is converted to a more (H2S to SO2, etc). Also, the hydrocarbon is certainly a
stable sulfur compound that remains stable at elevated valuable fuel for the incinerator. These oxidized gases are
temperatures, thus preventing formation and release of the then emitted from the stack at an elevated level.
acid gas.


Due to safety and operational concerns with some of the What are the substitute refrigerants - in place of
control devices mentioned in the question, our latest design chlorofluorocarbon compounds - for refinery and
sour water tank, which has just been commissioned this gas liquefaction plants refrigeration systems? What
summer, was designed as a floating roof tank. We have had modifications are needed? How do the systems per-
vapor recovery systems on sour water tanks in which the form with the new chemicals?



In some instances, in our refineries, where we have a We know of two substitutes for Halon. One is FM200
problem with chlorofluorocarbons, we have used ammonia which is relatively new. It is a liquid stored at 300 psig and
refrigeration, specifically where we have refrigerated LPG has the same flow characteristics as does Halon. In fact,
storage. We have however, no substantive experience with with minor modifications, the existing Halon system would
replacement fluorocarbons in our refineries. be capable of handling FM200.
Another option to Halon is Inergene. This material is
J. WILLIAMS: stored as high pressure gas, 3000 psig. Obviously, a major
Replacement in R-12 based systems will generally use retrofit would probably be required. Furthermore, Inergene
HFC134a which is successfully used to - 20 °F R-12 will coverage is not nearly as good as FM200. The material is
be discontinued by DuPont at the end of 1994. It is expected Argon-based with CO2.
to be hard to obtain soon. Retrofits require lube oil change Both options above are zero ozone depleters, which is a
from mineral-based oils to polyester ester oils as mineral- distinct advantage over Halon. Halon will incur a $ .40/lb
based oils are incompatible with any HFC regenerants. tax beginning on January 1, 1994 because it is an ozone
Other systems have similar replacements. Sometimes a depleter. Furthermore, a known Halon producer will be
complete system replacement is required. shutting down operation by the end of 1993. Both above
products are nontoxic.
What are the substitute chemicals for Halon sys- As we have heard, there seems to be numerous products
tems? Are there any advantages and disadvantages? that are being advertised as direct replacements for Halon.
We believe, though, that even those that claim to be drop in
PEDERSEN: replacements would seem to be inadequate since they re-
The alternatives for fixed Halon systems, we normally quire more agent, need higher concentrations, or remove
would consider, are water spray or INERGEN, which is a oxygen to dangerously low levels. Some of the major chemi-
mixture of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and argon. Also, in cal manufacturers to whom we have talked stated to us,
many cases, replacement of fixed systems with portable privately, that the alternatives they are working on are not
CO2 extinquishers is a good and cheap alternative. The yet ready to market and may not be ready for years to come.
idea behind the INERGEN system is to reduce the oxygen
content to less than 15% and by the CO2 content, increase
the human inhalation rate to compensate for the lower QUESTION 25:.
oxygen concentration. What factors, operating variables, or additives
In many installations, you can simply replace Halon improve electrostatic precipitator (ESP) efficiency?
with INERGEN. Pro’s and con’s depends on the actual Can an ESP lower particulate emissions to below 15
application, but you have to consider issues like whether 3
mg/Nm ? Does anyone experience periodic spikes in
the facility to be protected is manned or unmanned, conse- stack opacity? Are these related to ESP operation,
quences of a fire, costs, etc. In Kalundborg, for example, the and can they be avoided?
decision has been to convert all fixed Halon systems to
portable extinquishers.
Our ESP efficiency is primarily controlled by the col-
lection area in service and applied voltage. It is further
Some of the substitutes for Halon 1301 in today’s mar-
influenced by gas loading and solids loading. We have found
kets are: 3M’s PFC-614, consisting of a C6F14 and the
that the presence of ammonia and sulfur trioxide in the flue
PFC-410 consisting of C4FlO, and as Mr. Pedersen said,
gas aid in the collection of the coke dust. Momentary
Inergine’s inert gas system. Another is Figgie Inter-
opacity spikes can be attributed to either the rapper/
national FM-200 and that consists of hepta-fluoro propane.
vibrator sequencing or soot blowing. Some of these can be
Another is Chemtron’s CO2 system.
reduced or eliminated by changing the rapper/vibrator
We do not have any knowledge of their commercial expe-
sequence or altering the rapper magnitude or duration. We
rience per se because most of them are new. Also, only
have been able to control this through the installation of
Inergine has the hardware that is available to support their
PLC-based control program. Opacity spikes of one to five
system. All the above systems operate at much higher
minutes are often caused by transformer or rectifier trips,
pressure than the Halon system and require special hard-
or slugs of solids sent into the ESP’s.
ware. Chemtrons CO2 system can only be used in a un-
occupied area.
Since FM-200 has been UL approved, Fluor Daniel would
consider it seriously for IO and controls. For the control Water Issues
room, we would use what is called the Pre-action type water
sprinkler system. It is a dry system that has pressurized air
as a surveillance against leaks. When the smoke detector QUESTION 26:
goes off, the main control valve opens and fills the system In an effort to reduce wastewater discharge, what
with water. The sprinkler heads release the water only are reuses for stripped sour water, cooling tower
when the fusible link melts. blowdown and filtered-treated wastewater?



Stripped sour water is one of the primary sources of water The only thing to add to this is that if a segregated sewer
to the desalter. It is also used extensively as process wash system exists where storm water could be segregated from
water in hydrotreaters and FCCUs. In limited cases, it process water, the rain water or storm water could be used
could also provide value as cooling water make-up. How- for many more purposes than if the streams were
ever, as cooling water make-up, contaminants such as sul- commingled.
fide, cyanide, and phenol would have to be considered.
If operation of the cooling water system has been opti- ROY:
mized, in other words, the cycles of concentration, then Other measures that have been successfully tested are
untreated cooling water blowdown most likely cannot be side stream softening to reduce or eliminate cooling tower
reused. The cooling water system operating conditions blowdown via direct recirculation and re-use of effluent as
should be scrutinized to ensure that cycles are maximized coker cutting water make-up.
which minimizes the blowdown waste stream. If cycles of At our Pasadena plant, we use stripped sour water both
concentration are limited by hardness, side-stream soften- in the FCCU and as well as the desalter and have reduced
ing may help to minimize blowdown. If limited by silica, desalter brine water discharge significantly via a recir-
silica stabilizers can be used in the recirculating water. culation system.
Filtered treated wastewater can be considered as partial
make-up to the cooling water system. Tight control of the
cooling water system’s operating parameters (i.e. pH, con-
ductivity, and treatment chemicals) is required to handle What experience have refiners had with reverse
the potentially higher total dissolved solids (TDS) hard- osmosis or electrodialysis reversal (EDR) technology
ness, and organic levels. Higher dispersant levels may also for the treatment of make-up water to reduce water
be required. We have successfully done this at a number of treatment cost? What impact has this had on de-
industrial facilities including refineries. mineralization plant operations downstream?
Prior to using any unconventional streams as cooling
water make-up, these streams should be tested for their MURPHY:
impact. This can be done using mobile cooling tower pilot The installation of reverse osmosis ahead of the existing
demineralizer can usually be cost justified if the raw water
plants such as Nalco’s Advanced Recycle Center.
conductivity exceeds 500 micromhos on a conventional
strong cation-strong anion demineralizer train. If a differ-
OSBORN: ent demineralizer configuration is used, such as including
In an effort to reduce wastewater discharge as well as a weak acid cation or a weak base anion, the cutoff for
loading of the wastewater treatment plant facility itself, we economic justification will be slightly higher because there
preferentially use stripped sour water as the wash water for will be less use of acid and caustic.
the desalters. We have also begun using boiler blowdown as Normally, the cost justification for a reverse osmosis unit
make-up water to our cooling towers as long as cooling is the reduction in caustic use, which is the most expensive
tower capacity is available. Vigilant monitoring of the component of demineralizer operation. Installation of a
cooling tower water for solids and conductivity have shown reverse osmosis unit will normally increase demineralizer
us not to have any problems. Care should be taken to assure run lengths by a factor of 10 to 15 due to the 90 to 95 percent
that the chemical treatment of the boilers and the cooling reduction in dissolved solids going to the demineralizer.
tower are compatible. Our raw water supply comes from the EDR has not been used as much because it is currently
river, During periods of severe draught, we have gone to more expensive than reverse osmosis, uses more energy,
total recycle, bringing our treated effluent back to our raw and does not remove silica, which tends to be a limit for
water cold pond. This does require increased chemical anion operation on a demineralizer.
usage and monitoring, but has been done for periods up to 6
weeks. We estimate that we could recycle 35 to 40 percent SLOAN:
on an ongoing basis, if necessary. Reverse osmosis is a process for reducing total dissolved
solids in high TDS waters such as sea waters, and is com-
BONELLI: monly used by refiners who have no other source of water
In at least one of our locations the utility water and fire for this purpose. Under these conditions, it is cost effective.
water systems are comprised of filtered wastewater, plant We know of only one refiner using EDR, and this is part
effluent water. This filtration takes the total suspended of a train which consists of a lime-soda softening clarifier,
solids down to about 10 milligrams per liter. The desalter filters, EDR, and demineralization. This is to produce 1250
water is made up principally of the stripped sour water. The psi boiler feed water from fresh water with a TDS of about
rest of the applications for process wash water are typically 600 ppm and a sodium content of about 200 ppm. Benefits
restricted to make-up water or other similar fresh water claimed include decreased chemical usage for the de-
streams. mineralization system and lower operating costs. The EDR
unit is a three stage unit which removes about 75% of the
SLOAN: TDS at about 84% efficiency.
An additional benefit of using stripped sour water as
desalter make-up is that the phenol content of the stripped QUESTION 28:
sour water, a major source of waste phenol, can be sig- How do you control cyanide levels in wastewater
nificantly reduced through absorption in the crude. effluent and plant sludge?



MURPHY: many cases, the new discharge permit levels are an order of
Cyanide is generated in refinery FCC and coking units as magnitude lower than previous limits. The problem is that
the organic nitrogen content of the feed is converted to typically, the cyanide-bearing streams are large volume,
ammonia and cyanide. These contaminants are carried 150 to 300 gpm, but have low levels of cyanide. For exam-
overhead in the distillation columns and the cyanide be- ple, the bottoms from a sour stripper may contain between
comes a constituent of sour water. The free cyanide will 0.5 to 1 ppm free cyanide and 0.5 to 4 ppm total cyanide.
form many stable metal cyanide complexes with the soluble
metals in the wastewater. Typically, a large portion of the LAABS:
free cyanide is stripped from the water in the sour water The treatment equipment in the effluent plant at an
stripper, where the hydrogen cyanide goes overhead and is affiliated refinery includes a trickling filter and aerator/
destroyed in the sulfur recovery unit. clarifiers. These devices biodegrade cyanide in the waste-
Since the stripper is typically operated for maximum water stream. Cyanide levels typically are lowered from
sulfide removal, some of the free cyanide and all of the 2000 ppb to 10 ppb.
complexed cyanide goes out via the bottoms. This stream
typically goes to the wastewater treatment plant, or a RAYMOND A. STEPHENSON (LYONDELL-CITGO
portion goes to the desalter to wash the crude but then goes Refining Co.):
to the treatment plant. Some oxidation of the cyanide We currently use a proprietary ammonium polysulfide in
occurs as a result of aeration of the wastewater, while some our FCC wash water to control cyanides by converting
bacteria can be added to destroy some of the cyanide. them to a noncorrosive thiocyanate. These thiocyanates
Cyanide levels in refinery wastewaters are typically ultimately end up in our effluent water and minimize
controlled via steam stripping in the sour water stripper, cyanide release. Previously our cyanide test methods have
aeration in holding ponds, biological oxidation in the not been very reliable in finding out exactly what we have.
wastewater treatment plant, and to a lesser extent, via the However, our laboratory developed a reliable and a veriti-
oxidation processes such as catalytic/hydrogen peroxide, able cyanide determination procedure. This procedure will
ozonolysis or chlorine dioxide. be part of a NACE paper that is currently scheduled for
Recently, more stringent discharge limits for both free presentation at the Corrosion, 1994, in Baltimore, next
and metal-complexed cyanide are driving industry to February.
identify and install appropriate treatment technologies. In
What process technology is presently used in the
treatment and disposal of highly basic foul water
containing high levels (>lO,OOO ppm) of phenols?

A well-operated wastewater plant can handle phenolic
streams as long as the levels are maintained relatively
constant up to a level of 60 to 80 ppm at the inlet, which in
turn can be reduced to less than 0.1 ppm at the outfall. If
phenolic streams are segregated and blended into the
wastewater plant inlet rateably, most refiners can handle
their produced quantities. The basic nature of these
streams does not present a problem since most biological
systems have a normal inlet pH of at least 9.0. If quantities
are excessive, this material can be injected into the crude
unit desalter where phenolic material will extract into the
crude oil and the basic portion will leave with the desalter
effluent water. This has been accomplished at one of our
refineries without any adverse effects on the desalter oper-
ation. The pH can be adjusted with acid at the wastewater
inlet if necessary.
Waste phenolic caustics are generally either sent off-site
for product recovery or, if the quantity is not excessive, bled
at a controlled rate into the end of pipe wastewater treat-
ment plant. Phenolic recovery by means of solvent
extraction or destruction by means of wet air oxidation are
available proven treatment techniques, but their costs gen-
erally preclude wide application.

Although our highest phenolic level streams are some-



what under the 10,000 ppm level, we do dispose of ours as BONELLI:

well in the wastewater treatment plant. We have found it We believe from the results of our operation that chloride
necessary at times to add some nonrepresentative biologi- levels very seldom, in wastewater treatment plants, ap-
cal populations that you can purchase commercially that proach toxic level to the microbes. We believe 10,000 ppm or
are specific for phenol oxidations. so of chlorides is still not toxic to the microbial population.
Our experience indicates that certainly H2S levels less than
MURPHY: 50 ppm are tolerable to the waste treatment facility. I do not
We have also had a lot of experience or seen treatment of believe we have ever seen levels near that.
wastewater containing up to 10,000 ppm phenol, and have With ammonia, our basic operating rule for our plants is
had no problem generally in getting rid of those by biologi- that if the ammonia influent is above 20 ppm, we advise the
cal degradation in the normal waste treatment system. operators to avoid allowing the ammonia to double. If it
As was previously mentioned, highly phenolic waste- goes to 40 ppm, we bypass to our storage tank until we can
waters have been used as desalter makeup. The primary get it under control. Another way that you can overload the
concern in these instances is with high pHs in the wash system with ammonia is to have an amine spill. If you are
water, which can cause problems with rag layer stabiliza- running monoethanol amine or whatever, you can cleave
tion in the desalter. The desalter problems can be quite the molecule and produce ammonia in your plant.
severe in these cases and the use of water containing
phenols should be approached cautiously following MURPHY:
thorough bench testing. A basic rule of thumb is to never change anything in a
secondary treatment unit over 10% in any one given day
O’BRIEN: without anticipating problems. The exact amount of
Most of our highly basic high phenol foul water is shipped change, therefore, will depend on the “normal” level of
off and used by a company as one of their raw materials. exposure the bacteria have to each of these chemistries.
They have set a maximum of 1% organic acids on that NH3-Nitrogen is required by the carbon degrading bac-
material. If the amount of high strength water is small, our teria for production of amino acids. It is then stabilized by
new wastewater treater can handle it. The new system can autotrophic bacteria or nitriflers as an energy source.
handle up to 200 ppm of phenols, as long as it is gradually Normally, most refineries appear to run with an average
added to the system and the biosystem is allowed to accli- intluent ammonia level somewhere in the 15 to 30 ppm
mate to it. This is 200 ppm in the approximate 3,000 gpm of range with additional loading caused by the breakdown of
total flow. amine chemistries in the wastewater treatment aeration
basin, usually another 10 to 30 ppm. Shock load problems
P. M. STEPHEN (Chevron Canada Limited): with nitrifiers, (additional loading of say up to another 50
With injecting a high concentration phenolic water col- ppm) include insufficient dissolved oxygen, insufficient M-
lected from gasoline tanks into desalters, the limitation alkalinity, or insufficient orthophosphate for ATP the en-
that we have found is pH. This is not only for the rag layer, ergy transfer mechanism for the bacteria. Actually, a shock
but if the pH gets too high, then the H2S tends to be carried load of highly soluble carbon chemistry is more likely to
out in the bottom with the water, which gives you even more have a negative impact on nitrification than a shock load of
of a problem. In terms of the concentrations, a 20,000 ppm NH3-Nitrogen would have. This is because the nitrifiers
phenol water to the desalters comes out at almost zero ppm. can not work in high BOD waters.
Chloride shock loads can cause problems with settling of
the biological floc due to density differences and its effect on
the electrical particle charge. Beyond that, chlorides are
not particularly toxic as such. Please note however that
Relative to your normal operation, what changes chloride values over 2000 mg/l may cause interference with
in concentration of chloride, H2S and NH3 do you try COD tests.
to avoid to prevent “shocking” a downstream bio- Sulfides are found in water in one of two forms depending
logical treatment unit? on the pH, as either a hydrosulfide or as hydrogen sulfide,
the more toxic form. At a pH of 9 or above, 99% of the H2S is
OSBORN: in the hydrosulfide form. At pH of 7, the two forms are
Farmland has never had a chloride excursion high evenly split, and at a pH of <5 the hydrogen sulfide domi-
enough to cause any problem in our wastewater facility. nates, up to 99%. The main problem with sulfides, and/or
Our problems have been with H2S and ammonia and they sulfites, is that they are extremely reactive oxygen scav-
normally occur at the same time as a result of unstripped engers which will deplete the dissolved oxygen in the
sour water entering the system. Ammonia reducing bac- aeration basin. This is a very common problem at re-
teria are easy to lose if the shock results in the system pH fineries, although it is often not recognized when it hits.
going below 6.5 or above 9.5 or if the H2S is high enough to This problem can be easily identified by the wastewater
deplete the dissolved oxygen level in the biotreatment treatment plant operators by use of an instantaneous oxy-
basin. In the absence of either of these conditions, ‘most gen demand test using a dissolved oxygen meter, BOD
systems could probably be hit with ammonia levels two to bottle and probe to do a simple oxygen uptake rate on the
three times their normal level for several hours without untreated influent wastewater without bacteria added. The
damaging the biosludge. Although you may exceed your usual solution when the problem occurs is to pretreat the
permit levels, the biological activity can survive. influent wastewater with hydrogen peroxide to satisfy the



COD demand at a 1:l ratio H2O2 to H2S at pH of 7.0, fitted to water drains on storage tanks to permit the
4.25:l.O ratio H2O2 to H2S at a pH of say 8.5. flow of water from the tanks, but close the drain
Actually, the H2S is not all that toxic to the bacteria valves on the appearance of oil or emulsion?
(beyond the oxygen depletion capacity), but it is highly
corrosive (to concrete and iron), flammable, and of course SLOAN:
toxic to humans and fish. Kellogg has performed several studies for clients regard-
ing means of controlling water draws on storage tanks.
PAULES: Tank interface detection can be used to limit the amount of
Chloride is not a parameter which is normally controlled organics drawn and thereby reduce VOC emissions. A
or regulated. We observe an average chloride concentration variety of automatic interface detection devices are avail-
of 700 ppm and spikes up to 1600 ppm in our wastewater able. Analytical systems include capacitance, turbidity,
plant inlet with no effect on biological performance. H2S or conductivity, viscosity, energy, and densitometer. Mechan-
sulfides are not normally present at the wastewater plant ical systems include displacer and water drain valve.
inlet due to the ease of H2S stripping in sour water strip- The reliability of these instruments is strongly tied to
pers. If any soluble sulfides make it to the inlet of the the nature of the material and the operating conditions.
wastewater unit, much of it will be removed by oxidation in Reliability is generally best with clean services, such as
the DAF unit. If some still make it to the biological system, gasoline, rather than crude oil. Another concern with
it is readily oxidized before any damage can occur. automatic interface detection instruments relates to sys-
Ammonia is much more problematic as it does not strip tems where very little water can be tolerated and the entire
as readily in sour water strippers and the biological system emulsion layer must be drained. The trip point is typically
is much less tolerant to spikes. Inlet levels up to 80 ppm can adjustable between 5 and 15% oil in water. If drier hydro-
be successfully treated to levels below 0.1 ppm. Inlet levels carbons are required, then these instruments may not be
of 80 to 100 ppm usually cause ammonia breakthrough to appropriate.
the outfall, but biological activity will not be affected. Inlet
levels above 100 ppm will have toxic effects on the biological PAULES:
system causing slow recovery after the source has been We have installed several AGAR water-in-oil monitors in
brought back under control. conjunction with pumps, control valves, and other instru-
mentation to create an automatic tank draw system. These
T. WILLIAMS: instruments measure the percent water in hydrocarbon
We agree with the statements of Mr. Murphy. We do based on the absorption of microwave energy and are effec-
however, recommend strongly that the H2S be kept under tive regardless of hydrocarbon viscosity or temperature.
50 ppm. It is not much of an operational problem for the We have been very happy with these systems.
bugs, if they are acclimated to it, but it is a safety concern to
the operators. We agree that smooth operations are the key. ROY:
As long as these constituents are fed at a smooth steady Our Pasadena plant recently started using an AGAR
rate, the bugs are very adaptable. We recommend, however interface detector for water draws on two of our gasoline
from our experience, that when a 10 to 20 ppm increase in storage tanks. We have had good success with them. This
any of these compounds is encountered, the source be im- has significantly reduced the amount of hydrocarbon exit-
mediately located. Small increases tend to snowball and ing the tank through the water draw.
cause toxic effects.
MARY RICHARDSON (Conoco Inc.): I am aware of a system designed primarily for floating
For nitrification/denitrification, municipalities have re- roof drain systems called the HMT Check Mate Hydro-
ported success treating ammonia to less than 1 ppm by carbon Sensing Valve. It has been designed to detect the
providing alternating aerobic and anaerobic periods in the presence of hydrocarbon liquids in a drain system and to
aeration tank of an activated sludge unit. Are any refiners automatically and positively shut off the flow. It has a
using this technique to treat ammonia? spring-loaded sensing canister that loses its compressive
BONELLI: strength allowing the mechanical action of a check valve to
The only comment I have to that is if we have significant occur. The mechanical actuator is reset by replacing the
anaerobic periods in our wastewater treatment system, we hydrocarbon sensing element.
have seen the filamentous micro-organisms get out of con- This application has also been applied to drain valves on
trol, causing us difficulty in the final clarifier. In addition, if water draws in some facilities. However, this usually re-
you want to alternate aerobic and anaerobic systems, you quires some excavation below the surface due to the height
need some facultative organisms that can preferentially of the valve and requires replacing the sensing element
survive the aerobic periods. Sometimes with the phenol each time after it actuates due to the presence of hydro-
concentrations, that is difficult in a refinery waste treat- carbons. We have not used this system as of this time and
ment system. There are other toxic compounds that inhibit require continuous personal monitoring of water draws.
those facultative organisms much more than the obligatory
aerobes. JULIE VALENTINE (Micro Motion, Inc.):
The Micro Motion Coriolis meter can be used to detect the
presence of oil in water draining from a storage tank by
QUESTION 31: monitoring the density of the fluid in the drain. The ac-
Are there any reliable instruments which can be curacy of the meter can be as high as ± .0005 g/cc, which



would mean the meter could easily detect less than 1% Sulfates are degraded in the receiving stream at a pH of 7
hydrocarbon in the water. The meter would, therefore, be to 9, by sulfate reducing bacteria to H2S. At a pH of 3 to 4,
able to detect the oil/water emulsion present at the inter- these bacteria can convert H2S to H2S04. These reactions
face, and send a signal to the drain valve to close. can also occur with simple aeration.
If there is concern about the fluid remaining in the pipe
after the valve is shut, the refiner has the option of pump-
ing this fluid back to the storage tank before the next drain. Solid & Chemical Waste
Also, the same sensor is used to monitor flow and density, so
an additional output from the meter could be the mass or
volume of water drained from the storage tank, which can QUESTION 33:
be totalized. How have refineries improved their tank cleaning
operations and what methods are used to evaluate
JO AGAR (Agar Corporation): effectiveness?
Our equipment can also be used, of course, outside the
tank in drain pipe. However, this is most unsatisfactory MURPHY:
because by the time the instrument detects the oil, the With restrictions on hazardous waste classifications, re-
whole pipe is full of oil. So if you shut the valve, how do you fineries have looked to waste minimization and resource
start operation again, especially if you have an elbow inside recovery opportunities in new methods of cleaning crude
the tank drain which is pointing downwards? Once oil is tanks. We have used an improved chemical cleaning
trapped there, it does not get out unless you wash it. The method which recovers 98 to 100% of the hydrocarbon in
only way to do proper dewatering is to put the instrument the sludge on nearly 100 tanks in North America and
inside the tank and prevent any oil coming out. Europe. The cleaning is done in situ and, therefore, can be
accomplished more quickly and with less handling and
safety risks than traditional mechanical cleaning pro-
QUESTION 32: grams. The recovered hydrocarbon value is high due to
Biodesulfurization converts organically bound sul- trace contents of BS&W.
fur to a sulfate. Can refiners release sodium sulfate The effectiveness of tank cleaning methods is typically
(or other sulfate) in their water discharge? What are measured by the amount of hazardous waste generated
the limitations? versus the original sludge volume, benzene levels in the
tank atmosphere after cleaning, cleanliness of metal sur-
PAULES: faces, days of unplanned or unscheduled downtime, clean-
Presently we have no permit restrictions on the release of ing program safety and exposure risks, and cleaning costs
sodium sulfate or any other sulfates from our refineries. verses the value of recovered hydrocarbon.
Sulfates have no effect on the biological performance of a
wastewater plant when present in reasonable quantities. A BONELLI:
current refinery with a sulfuric acid alkylation unit will From a refinery operating standpoint, tank cleaning is
likely have up to 1,000 ppm sulfates in its effluent water. an extremely unpopular activity because it does not get you
anything new. It just gives you something that people
SLOAN: presumed you had all along which was an operating storage
Biodesulfurization converts organically bound sulfur in tank. Let me divide this into five sections.
oil or intermediates, with biological enzymes, to sulfates (1) We have successfully used centrifuging technology to
and produces a wastewater containing sodium sulfate. So- reduce and reclassify the wastes that we removed from
dium sulfate is toxic to fresh water organisms used in the storage tanks. We have especially been successful in diffi-
biotoxicity test at concentrations above about 2000 ppm. cult areas such as FCC slurry storage tanks where we have
The actual concentration will depend on what other ions tines and slurry oil in the bottom of the tank. We have also
and compounds are in the water. cleaned slops storage tanks that way in our waste treat-
Sodium sulfate must be present at very high levels to be ment plant slops oil recovery unit.
toxic to the salt water organisms used in the biotoxicity (2) We have learned that using abrasive hydroblasting to
test, above about 7.5 gm/L. Thus, if a refinery discharges its prepare the floor for inspection is a great deal better than
wastewater to a fresh water stream or river and wishes to some of the other ways that we used to do it. We have wired
employ biodesulfurization, it would be prudent to check the brushed those and done some chemical cleaning. This turns
impact of the added sodium sulfate on the wastewater and out to generate less waste than some of the other methods
the biotoxicity test. If the refinery is discharging its waste- we have applied.
water to a salt water receptor, then it is highly probable (3) Just from an operating standpoint, we have learned
that the added sodium sulfate will have no impact on the that if you provide the proper tank ventilation equipment,
biotoxicity test. you can generate less down time and, therefore, less oppor-
tunity for waste to get out of hand while it is being handled
MURPHY: and cause you a problem you did not know you were going
Our experience has been that most sulfate comes out to have.
with the solids, with soluble discharge in the final effluent (4) We have also learned to remove foam seals from the
well below the typical National Pollution Discharge Elim- tanks during the initial cleaning operation rather, than
ination System limit of 2.0 pounds per day. getting the tank cleaned and then having the bag rupture



or having this material get loose in the tank and cause us to PEDERSEN:
reclean. We have replaced most of our foam seals with In Kalundborg, we have used land farming to destruct
shoe-type seals and they also last longer. oily sludges with great success for many years. The prin-
(5) We have had some success in using the remote ex- ciples, control requirements, and the results are well de-
ploring hydraulic motor-driven tools to get into the tank, so scribed in the literature, and many questions related to
that we do not have to put people into the tank in fresh air or land or sludge farming have been raised before in Question
other washing techniques. & Answer Sessions.
In Norway during the last two years, we have been
BRIERLEY: working together with a Norwegian inventor to develop
We take tanks off-line to clean them to facilitate tank what is now called the TermTech Process. This is a thermal,
inspections. Therefore, we measure our efficiency solely by mechanical process in which the sludge is heated from 570
the time out of service and the cost. We have reduced the to 750 °F in a reactor with a rotor, densely fitted with steel
cost and time required for cleaning by using a dedicated blades. In the presence of steam, the hydrocarbons are
tank cleaning crew, and by cutting large holes in the side of separated from inorganic materials in complex, combined
the tank to give scoop trams and man baskets access to the hydration and cracking reactions.
tank interior. Time saved in scaffolding and cleanup time is The evaporated hydrocarbons are condensed in a down-
significant. stream cooler. The hydrocarbon content of the remaining
dry inorganic matter is less than 500 ppm. The process has
LAWRENCE KREMER (ChemLink): up to now only been demonstrated in a pilot plant, but the
Some of our customers have found that they can effec- work to scale up to a commercial size unit is now in prog-
tively reduce the rates of tank bottom sludge accumulation ress. The cost of processing 1 ton of sludge is expected to be
and even remove existing sludge by chemically treating the between $300 and $400, including capital costs.
crude oil coming into the tanks. These refiners were pre-
treating off-loaded crude oil with emulsion breaking sur- BONELLI:
factants in order to improve crude unit desalter operation. The methods that we have used successfully to date, have
One refiner documented a reduction in tank sludge level been to centrifuge tank bottom sludges to dehydrate them. I
from 1-3 feet to 3-6 inches in two crude storage tanks after would echo Mr. Paules’ observations on the thermal drying
only seven months of chemical treating. This refiner re- and its effectiveness. The method of choice turns out to be a
gained use of its storage tank bottom drains, and increased question of economics and which particular tank appli-
its usable crude oil storage capacity. Longer-term experi- cation is being used. To date, we have not invested in
ence with these pretreatment programs indicates that stor- thermal drying. There are several people that will bring
age tanks can be used for many years without experiencing the portable application to your plant and do it as a
significant sludge accumulations, even when processing contractor.
crude types that previously caused storage tank sludge
buildup. LAABS:
Several Star and affiliated sites are using their coker
BONELLI: unit for disposal of API separator and tank bottom sludges.
Just one comment I would like to make to that is there The material is usually treated with demulsification
are some regulatory issues surrounding how often tanks chemicals to reduce volume. In one instance, it is water
must be inspected. You do not have the luxury of time in washed to lower the salt content. Two sites have installed
every case before you can get into the tank and look. sludge removal systems in their API separators to take full
advantage of this method.
Oil, waxy sludges from crude tanks can be run to the
QUESTION 34: Vacuum Pipe Still with the rest of the crude for reprocess-
What methods are used for treating API separator ing, but only after the liquid has been filtered. Filter cakes
and tank bottom sludge? and other solids are landfilled when possible. At some
locations, solids and sludges that cannot be processed in a
PAULES: coker are sent as fuel to permitted cement kilns. Difficult
The objective in treating API separator and tank bottom materials can also be treated with thermal desorption
sludges is generally volume reduction to reduce waste processes. One of our refineries currently has a contractor
disposal costs. Typically, these sludges when collected di- on-site for this treatment, while another is considering the
rectly off the refinery contain 3 to 5% solids. Most refiners installation of a thermal screw unit of its own. Finally,
today process this material through a filter to a level of 20 to some hazardous sludges are sent off-site for incineration.
25% solids.
Many refiners have invested in thermal dryers which can MURPHY:
further concentrate the solids content of the filter cake to Much of what I have is similar to what has already been
80%. Newer technology can dry this material with molten mentioned. However, I will add when you use chemical
salt to a solids content of 90%. At this level of volatile emulsion breakers to separate the oil, water and solids in
material reduction, it may be possible to obtain a delisting the sludge, it is very important that the selection process is
of this waste from Class I hazardous to Class II non- based on the characterization of the sludge. The proper
hazardous. If this delisting can be achieved, a savings of selection of chemicals is very critical to the success of the
95% over original disposal costs may be possible. program.



OSBORN: Another serious problem created when the typical (con-

We use the Mobil Oil Sludge Coking (MOSC) process to taining H2S and NH3) sour water stripper overhead gas is
treat API separator sludge. Basically, it involves injection burned as a fuel is the production of SO2. This is a toxic gas
of the sludge into a delayed coker as a quench medium to and can also be very corrosive if liquid water is present in
cool hot coke prior to decoking. Water in the sludge is the system downstream of the combustion. The potential to
returned to the coker unit for reuse as cutting and quench produce NO2 and SO2 from sour water stripper overhead
water. Hydrocarbons are recycled back to the process units. gas streams are two major reasons why this stream is
Heavy hydrocarbons are coked and/or dispersed with the usually fed to the sulfur recovery unit, where its fuel value
solids within the pores of the coke. The sludge is introduced is realized by production of steam. In the sulfur plant, the
during the first stage of water quenching of the coke after NO2 is not a problem, and the SO2 is used to produce
the coke has been steamed to remove light hydrocarbons. In elemental sulfur via the Claus reaction.
our case, the sludge is blended with water quench. We have
not experienced significant degradation of our anode grade
coke. QUESTION 36:
How are refiners disposing of spent caustic?
When you are MOSCing your sludges, particularly from BONELLI:
the tanks, do you do any additional monitoring at the top At most of our locations, the spent caustic is injected into
head for the operators, or do you just assume that all the wastewater treatment plant for pH control to the extent
hydrocarbons will be taken out in the overhead? that is practical. Generally, cresylic caustics are sold and
there is a disposal cost incurred for off-site disposal of
OSBORN: sulfidic caustics that cannot be used for pH control in other
In our process, there has been a lot of toxicity studies applications.
done of both the water effluent during the decoking process
and then the overhead system, with a lot of support by MURPHY:
Mobil. Everything is okay with the EPA and with the Although the use of caustic can be a cost effective means
toxicity limits. of controlling overhead chloride levels, injection of spent
caustic into the crude charge is an option which we do not
recommend due to the broad range of contaminants which
QUESTION 35: can be present and which can affect corrosion and fouling
Can ammonia recovered from the sour water rates. For the control of corrosion, we would recommend a
stripper be used as fuel? cleaner source of caustic.

We incinerate the ammonia from the sour water strip- We categorize all spent caustic streams as nonphenolic,
pers in our CO boilers to produce steam. The heating value or phenolic if greater than 500 ppm. Phenolic spent caustic
is similar to natural gas, and the ammonia’s contribution to and other streams are segregated to a separate tank and
our overall NOx emissions is insignificant. drained rateably to the inlet of the wastewater plant. If the
quantity becomes too great to process entirely through the
MURPHY: wastewater plant, the remainder is injected into the crude
One other example, the Chevron Waste Water Treater unit charge upstream of the desalter.
Process, recovers ammonia as saleable fertilizer. Also, as Nonphenolic spent caustics are gathered and drained
was previously stated, sour water stripper overhead gas has rateably to the wastewater plant inlet to control the pH. If
been incinerated, with some fuel value, in CO boilers and the inlet pH exceeds 10.0, in the effort to consume all spent
sulfur recovery units. caustic, sulfuric acid is injected to control the pH.


What appears to be asked in this question is, do refiners We have a Merichem FCC gasoline treater. The cresylic
use the stripped ammonia as a fuel? One of the difficulties caustic is recovered and sold back to Merichem. The other
with using ammonia as a fuel, although one of the panelists caustic streams are used to neutralize acidic water streams,
indicated they do not have a problem with it, is the produc- which then go to the waste treating plant. We are investi-
tion of NO2. Nitrogen dioxide frequently produces a brown, gating the possibility of selling one of our sulfidic caustic
unsightly plume emitting from the stack. So one should be streams to a nearby paper plant.
very careful in using ammonia as a fuel, particularly if the
effluent gases from the combustion will be sent directly to SLOAN:
the atmosphere. Refinery processes generate two types of spent caustic
The panelists mentioned feeding the ammonia to the wastes, sulfidic and phenolic spent caustic solutions. The
sulfur plant and/or CO boiler, both of which are viable two sources of spent caustic solutions should be segregated
mechanisms to use the ammonia as a fuel. But to use to facilitate treatment and disposal.
ammonia directly as a fuel in a fired heater or feeding it Spent caustic rich in sulfides and containing no phenols,
directly to the incinerator generally results in NO2 produc- can be subsequently treated through oxidation with air
tion, which can be an environmental problem not to be using low pressure or high pressure wet air oxidation
overlooked. processes. Oxidized effluent from this treatment step nor-



mally is subjected to biological treatment for the oxidation QUESTION 37:

of residual organics. What steps are refineries taking to reduce caustic
Spent caustic rich in phenols must be neutralized with consumption?
acid to release and remove the phenols. Either mineral
acids (Hz, J04, HCL, etc.) or flue gases containing CO2 and BONELLI:
SO2 could be used to neutralize phenolic spent caustics. The Basically, when caustic prices were predicted to rise
neutralized effluent (commonly called sprung) will contain dramatically several years ago and availability was going
two layers. The lower aqueous layer will contain the so- to be constrained, most refineries embarked on some sort of
dium slat of neutralized acid (Na2, SO4, NaCL, Na2CO3, caustic use minimization program. One such common
etc.) and is called sprung water. The upper oily layer will technique still in use is the pH control in the waste treat-
contain the phenolic compounds and is referred to as “acid ment plants and other things you have heard discussed
oil”, “cresylic acid”, “sprung acid”, or simply “phenols”. The here. There are also new processes on the market that are
aqueous effluent from the neutralization step is normally being investigated by our site. That is UOP’s caustic free
treated through the refinery bio-unit for the destruction of MEROX and other similar advances.
residual phenols, while the organic phenols are usually
recovered as byproduct. PEDERSEN:
The first step we would look for is replacing caustic wash
PEDERSEN: with amine scrubbing, for example in LPG treating. Sec-
In Scandinavia for many years, we have been able to ondly, we would try to redesign our systems to allow the
dispose our nonphenolic spent caustic through the paper caustic to be used more than once in a stepwise or cascading
mills. However, environmental concerns regarding emis- approach, utilizing the fact that in one process you can use
sions and odor from the mills have gradually reduced that a more concentrated solution than in another process. UOP,
option. This leaves us with two alternative routes: for example, has guidelines for this approach.
neutralization and treatment in the wastewater
treatment plants, or SLOAN:
wet oxidation. Upgrading older nonregenerable treating processes to
For phenolic caustics, you can use one of these alterna- new processes are offered by UOP and Merichem.
tives. In addition, companies like Merichem have facilities
to treat the caustic and reclaim phenols, mercaptans, and MICHAEL SABERS (Star Enterprise):
other compounds. We are currently disposing of our spent caustic by send-
In Europe, Merichem operates a sort of milk-route col- ing it through our Chevron sour water stripper, where it is
lecting spent caustic from different facilities for treatment cleaned up and sent out with stripped sour water. We are
here in the States. investigating a new process that will use CO2 to strip spent
caustic. As opposed to flue gas, the CO2 will come as a pure
COREY DREYFUSS (Merichem Company): stream from the hydrogen plant.
Sodium cresylate and sodium naphthenate solutions
(often misconstrued as “spent caustics”) are co-products
and are not disposed, but are used directly as feedstocks in QUESTION 38:
Merichem’s chemical plants in Houston, Texas and Tusca- What alternatives to waste disposal have you tried
loosa, Alabama. Sodium cresylate results from the caustic for recovered FCCU catalyst/fines? Have the
washing of cracked gasolines and cracked distillates. So- methods been successful and was there any eco-
dium naphthenate results from the caustic washing of nomic pay back?
kerosenes, jet fuels, and diesels produced from a naph-
thenic crude slate. Merichem can handle large quantities of LAABS:
either type of the above caustics; thus these caustics can be The only alternative to landfilling that we have used is
shipped in tank trucks, tank cars, barges or parcel tankers. sending the fines to commercial cement manufacturers.
Both plants produce chemicals that are marketed world- While this form of recycling saves disposal space, it has
wide to chemical companies that employ our products to consistently proven to be more expensive than landfilling,
make yet other industrial chemical products. due to brokerage fees and transportation costs. We have
Sulfidic caustics are also co-products and are used di- heard of other options, including silicon extraction for use
rectly as a substitute for other commercial chemicals by the in semiconductors and other products, but these alterna-
paper industry as an ingredient in the pulping process. tives have not yet been proven to be economical.
Alternatively, Merichem can design an effluent oxidation
and/or neutralization system to handle the sulfidic caustic PEDERSEN:
on-site. Until recently, we had no other solution than to store
The latest confirmation of the co-product status of so- spent RCC-catalyst on-site as landfill, but we are not al-
dium cresylate and sulfidic caustics was the NESHAPS lowed to continue this practice. Various alternatives, like
Benzene Waste Regulations where these products are out- blending the catalyst into road asphalts or concrete have
side of NESHAPS as long as they are sent to Merichem. We been tested, but we found the best solution, environmental
ask for the refiners’ assistance in confirming the co-product and economical, is to utilize the catalyst as a raw material
status of the three types of caustics sent to Merichem when in the fabrication of white Portland cement, partly replac-
filling out the RCRA 3007 survey. ing lime. Vanadium content in the spent catalyst, in our



case, is about 3,500 ppm, and nickel 2,700 ppm. We have to metals is not considered an acceptable procedure to be
pay transportation costs, and as such, there is no return or below universal treatment standards, 1000 to 1 or 100 to 1
payback, just an additional operating cost. dilution of spent FCCU catalyst in nonhazardous matrix to
pass a TCLP on the total does not appear to be favored
J. WILLIAMS: under recently proposed RCRA rules. In this case, the
The alternative to waste disposal is sale of catalyst as solution to reduce metals in refinery waste streams is not
equilibrium catalyst and fines in cement manufacturing. dilution.
The largest economic benefit is not the proceeds of the sale, The DEMET unit is a pyrometallurgical/hydro-
but the lack of long term liability as with a landfill. ECAT metallurgical process. The Meraux, Louisiana, DEMET
sales are easier in winter than summer and those with unit produces demetallized catalyst whose TCLP leachate
marginal ECAT should consider storage until winter. Ce- metals do not exceed the universal treatment standards as
ment manufacturers buy for alumina content. Consistent proposed in the Federal Register, September 14, 1993.
and known alumina content is essential. We at Akzo main- Following DEMET treatment of spent FCCU catalyst,
tain a list of purchasers for equilibrium use and cement whose leachate exceeds the proposed universal treatment
users. standards, it appears that the refiner would have the option
for disposal or recycling as a replacement for fresh catalyst.
Although DEMET can be utilized to pre-treat spent FCCU
T. WILLIAMS: catalyst prior to disposal, recycling demetallized spent
We use spent catalyst from one of our low severity FCCUs FCCU catalyst has more economic and environmental ad-
as an equilibrium catalyst for a higher severity unit. The vantages. Environmentally, recycling on-site is preferred
higher severity unit spent catalyst in turn is sent to cement to off-site, and operating costs of an on-site DEMET are
manufacturers. On the second phase of this, there is no lower than an equivalently-sized off-site unit.
economic payout. Demetallized spent FCCU catalyst from an off-site
DEMET has reduced the requirements for fresh catalyst
STEPHEN K. PAVEL (Coastal Catalyst Technology, additions and reduced generation of catalyst fines from the
Inc.): attrition of fresh catalyst asperities. For the 7,500 tons
The environmentally preferred alternatives to waste recycled, approximately 2,000 tons of fines were not gener-
incineration or disposal are source reduction and recycling. ated. DEMET processing has removed contaminants
The DEMET® process removes and recovers metal con- known to be detrimental to conversion, product selec-
taminants from spent FCCU catalyst. The on-site DEMET tivities, and mechanical performance of the FCCU. With
unit at Wichita, Kansas, demonstrated the ability to proc- DEMET capacity sized to reduce metals levels on cir-
ess spent FCCU catalyst on-site and return demetallized culating catalyst, yields would be further improved due to
spent FCCU catalyst to the FCCU regenerator. Although lower metals on circulating catalyst. The 7,500 tons of
off-site processing involves transportation, recycling is pre- DEMET processing experience, to-date and continuing,
ferred to waste disposal or incineration. The Coastal Re- shows there are substantial benefits provided by solid
fining and Marketing, Inc., Westville, New Jersey refinery waste reduction through demetallizing and recycling spent
has used the off-site DEMET unit in Meraux, Louisiana, to FCCU catalyst rather than landfill disposal or cement kiln
demetallize and recycle over 7,500 tons of spent FCCU incineration of base fresh catalyst and deposited con-
catalyst (to date), thus reducing solid waste for disposal in taminant metals.
landfills or cement kilns commensurately. As the de-
metallized spent FCCU catalyst is used for the same pur- KATHRYN HARBISON (Marathon Oil Company):
pose, catalysis, it is true recycling. When you sell the fines to cement manufacturers, what
Equilibrium catalyst sales are another form of true re- kind of process do you have to go through to dry the fines
cycling as it is used for FCCU catalysis. As noted by a from a wet scrubber system?
previous respondent, the liabilities of metal contaminants
are apparently passed to the buyer of the material. These LAABS:
transactions are not trouble free, as catalyst can contain In our case, they are not coming from a wet system, so
many contaminants which are not listed on equilibrium
they are already dry.
catalyst sheets. The API reported 193,000 tons of spent
FCCU catalyst were generated in 1988; equilibrium cata-
lyst. sales do very little to reduce the quantity of spent PEDERSEN:
FCCU catalyst going to waste disposal or incineration in In our case, the problem is that the catalyst and the fines
cement kilns. are too dry. The cement manufacturer wants the cement to
The long term liabilities associated with disposal in be a little wet due to dust. So actually we wet it before
landfills or dilution in cement could be termed unknown. shipment.
Previous NPRA Q&A transcripts contain some discussion
on these issues. It is clear that material which fails a RCRA BONELLI:
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) would I might add that in our case, we have sold fines that we
not be considered suitable for land disposal without prior have mined out of the slurry storage tank which are, to
treatment. Cement kilns receive many waste products with some extent, still oil wet. They are reasonably tolerant of
metal contaminants for use as fuels or substitution for those things. I think they have a little bit of individual
traditional raw materials. Just as dilution of wastewater give-and-take.



Miscellaneous environment, and understanding of the neighborhood’s

As we began to view ourselves as residents of the neigh-
QUESTION 39: borhood, we also saw the need to clean up our plants by
What proactive steps are refiners taking in their eliminating unsightly scrap, laydown areas, and demolish-
communities to help build good will and calm fears ing shutdown units that no longer warranted maintenance
about plant safety and environmental emissions? dollars. The community does not know if this equipment is
running or not so the impression of the integrity of the
BONELLI: entire refinery can be drawn from an obsolete process unit
The proactive steps that refiners are taking probably are or tank.
as varied as there are numbers of refiners in communities. We have also invested in green belt and landscaping to
In Marathon’s locations, it is a common practice, an en- form sound and sight barriers between the refinery and the
couraged practice, to include the local emergency services, neighbors. These investments have paid off in community
disaster agencies, and local emergency planning com- goodwill by showing and not just talking a concern for the
mittees in the planning and execution of regular emer- environment and the neighborhood. They are very visible
gency drills. I think also, they generally participate as investments by the refinery back into the neighborhood
observers in our emergency control centers or emergency where it is located. We have received positive recognition by
operation centers during the drills. neighbors, community leaders, regulatory agencies, and
In addition, in at least one location, we have purchased, environmentalists for these efforts.
installed and commissioned a community alerting, emer-
gency response system that we have later given to the city OSBORN:
for them to operate and use as, not just warnings for In addition to the comments by Mr. Juno and Mr. Bonelli,
refinery emergencies, but also for weather and other un- we also installed two alert sirens in the community several
usual events. years ago for toxic release notification. We actually pro-
In addition, I think all of us should take all the open duced a video tape named “Safety First” which is shown at
house opportunities we can to get the community into the area grade schools and civic groups to explain our warning
plant and see what really goes on inside the facility. Any- sirens and plant safety. We also held our monthly plant
time we get a chance to be sales people for our business, I safety meeting last fall in front of the entire junior high
think we all should take advantage of it. student body. We have underwritten educational advance-
ment of the employees through skills training at the local
BRIERLEY: vocational school and junior college and hospitals. We now
Syncrude makes every effort to maintain open com- have 15 certified EMTs within our workforce. In summary,
munication with the surrounding communities with re- we attempt to go to the community to educate and explain.
spect to both safety and environmental issues. We were a We believe our employees’ integrity and reputations in that
founding member of the Regional Air Quality Coordi- community enhance local trust that we can operate our
nating Committee, which is a forum where industry, facility safely complying with environmental best man-
government, and public representatives can exchange in- agement practices.
formation on air quality issues in the region. Interested
environmental groups in the immediate area are supplied PEDERSEN:
with operating and emission information they request on a At our Mongstad refinery, which is located in a sparsely
regular basis. We have also hosted an “Open House” and populated area, but close to a parish, we have formed a
participated in environmental trade fairs in order to meet coordinating committee where representatives from our
with the public and discuss environmental issues. neighbors meet with refinery management four to five
times per year. In these meetings, the members are in-
JUNO: formed of various matters of general interest, in particular
We have addressed the new expectations of the com-
munity in a variety of ways. We recognized we needed a
more responsive and proactive response to community in-
quiries and concerns. Whether this is a request by a local
group for a tour of the plant, or a neighbor’s inquiry as to
why the flare is high, we realize that a courteous, timely,
and positive response is the first step to breaking down the
barriers of distrust and concern.
We have trained and encouraged local plant manage-
ment to respond appropriately to news media, since this is
another key step. Community perception is often derived
through the media. Joint drills and planning sessions with
local emergency response personnel also pay dividends in
our community relations. At the neighborhood level, a
refinery open house, employee involvement, and adopt a
school program have led to better communications and
understanding of the refiners commitment to safety, the



environmental issues, and most important, they are given key to this is, we always keep an ongoing communication
the opportunity to raise any question and get the answers with the public. We do periodic testing to let the public
immediately and directly from the management. Further, know that we are keeping the system updated.
we have established an open, outgoing telephone line con-
nected to a tape recorder on which we inform on upsets, why BRUCE SCOTT (Bruce Scott, Inc.):
the flare is high, why the noise, etc. If you do not think you have enough incentive already to
In addition, we issue a small publication four to five times do this, I was just looking at the EPA report on HF alkyla-
per year giving information and background on topics tion safety which came out a few days ago. They make a
relevant to the community. This publication is mailed to all comment in the conclusions, “contact with a limited num-
households in the neighborhood. ber of facilities indicates that few facilities have attempted
Finally, we try to be proactive and open towards local to communicate risk to surrounding residents.” Then in the
media and keep them informed on activities on a con- recommendations they use words like “should actively con-
tinuous basis. duct outreach efforts” and “take protective measures”
etcetera. So they are still checking on us.
We work with all local industrial organizations to keep MICHAEL SABERS (Star Enterprise):
the local citizens’ council, news media, schools and Cham- The promotion of local science education is a very re-
ber of Commerce aware of all our activities with regards to warding way to increase community awareness. Organized
safety and environmental emissions of our plants. We programs such as the Chemicals, Health, Environment and
inform the general public of any emergency through the Me Project being used at our Port Arthur plant and in-
local CAER communication system. We conduct seminars volvement in the Science Alliance at our Delaware plant
and plant tours for the above groups as well as our employ- provide resources to local science teachers at all grade
ees. Our industrial association, East Harris County Manu- levels. While monetary support is valuable, often a refinery
facturers Assoc., comprised of sixteen local plants, are can best help local schools by making engineers available
funding the installation of an emergency siren system to them as information resources, special helpers, and role
covering the major highways passing through the indus- models. This sort of aid cannot be bought, and is very
trial and residential area of Pasadena, Texas. satisfying for the employees who volunteer their services.

Akzo participates in many local organizations to promote I agree with that last comment. Syncrude actually sup-
good relations between industry and the citizens of the ports a couple of programs, one I think is called the Minerva
area. For instance, Akzo Pasadena is a member of the Program where female engineers go into the high schools
Laporte Emergency Planning Commission. Akzo Pasadena trying to encourage female students to enter engineering,
participates in the Planned Risk Reduction and Emergency telling them what the role of the engineer is in the industry,
Situation Response subcommittees. Examples of the work Secondly, we support science and math awards for various
done by this organization are: sirens for early warning for teachers in the community and actually go into the schools
the Laporte community, shelter in place plan, and organi- and set up a tutoring program for those students who need
zation for hurricane planning and preparedness. it. I think you are right, it pays a lot of dividends in the long
Akzo also participates in the Laporte Plant Manager’s run.
Network. Included in this organizations’ roles are Respon-
sible CARE workshops and the Citizen’s Advisory LAABS:
Councils. I think it would be interesting to know if this question
Akzo Pasadena is an active member of the Chamber of was asked 10 years ago, what the response would have been
Commerce. The company is on the transportation sub- as compared to now. My answer to this question was rather
committee and is involved in reviewing the hazards associ- lengthy. I think everyone that runs a plant would have a
ated with the new bridge. lengthy answer. Some of us did not respond because of time
Other organizations with which Akzo Chemicals Inc. limitations, but I think that is just the mark of our society,
Pasadena is involved include the Texas Safety Association or the way we have to work today. We have to be always
and the Texas Chemical Council. cognizant of the people around us, and we have to begin
Akzo is committed to and participates in the drug aware- educating them early. It is not good enough just to tell them
ness campaign and recycling program. not to worry anymore, that a gas is harmless, or that is only
steam coming out of the stack. We just cannot do that
T. WILLIAMS: anymore. I think as evidenced by this panel, every single
Our facilities have plans very similar to those already one of us running a plant had a lengthy answer to this
mentioned. At one location, however, we have the oppor- question, and I think that is probably true of the entire oil
tunity to be in a very small rural community. We have industry at this time.
installed an automated, computerized Quickcall system
with 18 dedicated lines. If we have an in-plant emergency
we can call every citizen in town propagating from the C. Energy Conservation .
refinery outward in a matter of less than 45 minutes, with
actual instruction whether to shelter in place or to evacu-
ate. This gives the citizens a little bit more information of QUESTION 40:
what is going on. This is in addition to a siren system. The What experience is there with plugging and cor-



rosion in air preheaters or furnaces? How are they some fouling problems because of sulfur in the fuel gas. The
being treated? preheaters are usually equipped with a water or steam
washing devise. We prefer steam cleaning since it does not
BONELLI: make deposits as wet and as corrosive.
Chloride present in the refinery fuel gas in our operation The key to good results is to do the washing on a regular
caused corrosive atmospheres in the furnaces. One method basis instead ofwaiting until there is an excessive pressure
to reduce corrosion in the furnace preheaters, burners, drop or heat loss. Once again, stack temperatures are
process tube exteriors, and the hangers in the fires boxes is important to be maintained above dew point levels.
to eliminate the chloride in the hydrogen from the re-
forming units. We intend to install solid bed activated PEDERSEN:
alumina scrubbers. We have air preheaters, both rotary and static, on fur-
A significant problem, for us is corrosion that occurs in naces which primarily are gas fired and have not experi-
the stacks, preheater elements, and duct work assemblies, enced severe plugging problems. We control corrosion by
especially in our largest duty heaters. Usually, it is a preheating the air upstream of the air preheater to 175 to
condensation of sulfur compounds in the flue gas. We have 180 °F by other heat sources than flue gas, for example hot
tried various coatings in the refractory appliances and have oil, steam condensate, or hot water.
not been successful in achieving a full run length without
some corrosive attack. We have considered operating the
furnace inefficiently to keep the stack temperature high QUESTION 41:
enough to prevent condensation, but that obviously is an Has anyone specified electric motors using fre-
uneconomical thing to do. quency converters in recent designs? For what kind
of service? Which is the most-used type of converter,
LAABS: analog or digital? In which power range are they
All of our refineries have had some sort of pluggage utilized? What has been the operating and reliability
problems in one or more of their combustion air preheaters. experience?
Fouling and corrosion is typically controlled by main-
taining an outlet flue gas temperature above a certain BRIERLEY:
target. The target varies from site to site, anywhere from Syncrude uses a large number of VFDs in services like
275 °F to 350 ºF. truck unloading pumps, coke slurry pumps, reactor ebulat-
The air preheater on the atmospheric furnace at one of ing pumps and sand tailings pumps. Most of the VFDs are
our refineries uses finned cast iron tubes and pyrex tubes used on 600 volt drives in the range of 25 to 600 hp. We have
near the flue gas outlet. Recently, the tube sheets for the six 4,160 volt VFDs controlling 4,950 HP pumps. Most of
glass tubes were changed to titanium to avoid corrosion the 600 volt VFDs use digital converters, but the 4,160 volt
problems. Sour waste gas is burned in the heater, and they drives are completely analog control.
have had bowling-ball-sized chunks of corrosion products The reliability of the smaller VFDs has been excellent.
falling off the cast iron tubes and breaking large numbers Our technicians are somewhat uncomfortable with them
of glass tubes. Careful monitoring of the flue gas outlet because they do not get enough hands-on experience. We
temperature and metallurgy changes have successfully have had some problems with the high-powered drives that
minimized this problem. have resulted from our own efforts to minimize their impact
Another site has not had plugging problems with their on the overall power system, i.e., the installation of trans-
regenerative preheaters. They have seen fouling in their formers and harmonic filters.
recuperative preheaters when they have had tube failures.
They monitor the outlet flue gas temperature to avoid JUNO:
fouling problems and, for existing fouling, they recommend On a recent design of a 300 HP variable speed motor, we
putting the heater into natural draft, blinding the pre- had reliability problems, especially during electrical
heater, and washing the flue gas side with hot water. They storms. There was a small panel installed which essen-
have also installed a light in the bottom of one preheater to tially enabled the motor to restart itself on a power blip.
allow visual inspection for plugging. Our third refinery has This has provided more reliable service during inclement
experienced preheater fouling due to corrosion products in weather.
both their regenerative and their recuperative air pre-
heaters. They burn sour waste gas as one of their fuels. O’BRIEN:
They also depend on maintaining the outlet flue gas tem- The Sweeny Complex has recently installed this type of
perature to avoid plugging. motor on ID fans for ethylene-cracking furnaces, waste-
water charge pumps, and some air-fin exchangers. The
OSBORN: installations on the cracking heaters were for energy con-
Farmland has a variety of air preheaters in its furnaces servation, while the other installations were for specific
and boilers. We have used a Ljungstrom regenerative pre- process reasons. All of the motors use a digital converter,
heater with a rotating heat wheel, the DEKA gas ex- specifically pulse wave modulated. All of the motors are in
changer containing glass tubes, and more recently the the 20 to 100 hp range. In general, the reliability has been
OCAP unit supplied by North Atlantic Technologies, which good for the major components.
is a plate type exchanger. There have been problems switching the speed control
We have had minimal fouling in recent years while from the local manual controller to a remote controller,
operating with a cleaner fuel gas. Before that, we did have such as a TDC system. Some of our motor controllers, as



purchased, required the motor to be shut down before the JUNO:

swap could be made. This was not attractive from the ,The EPA’s division of Global Change has initiated a
process point of view particularly on the cracking furnaces. voluntary program named Green Lights to encourage
There have also been problems with voltage spikes and dips businesses to increase their lighting efficiency and save
causing the motor to trip. This again, was a problem on the money at the same time. Green Lights members have
cracking furnaces. Ride-through protection was installed reportedly reduced their lighting costs as much as 60 to
to alleviate this problem. 70%. The more typical numbers are in the 30 to 50% range.
The program covers both office and warehouse type light-
RAJGURU: ing as well as outdoor unit lighting. Office lighting up-
Yes. Fluor Daniel has specified electric motors using grades typically consist of switching to high efficiency
frequency converters to modulate the rpm, for several fluorescent light, replacing magnetic ballast with elec-
years, in air fin-fan, motors, pumps, compressors, agita- tronic ballast, replacing light sensors with occupancy sen-
tors, etc. Most of the converters use current source, rather sors, and optimizing the lighting level through the use of
than a voltage source, since it has a wider range, and to our task lighting. Outdoor lighting upgrades may be beneficial
knowledge the digital is the preferred converter over an where older incandescent or mercury vapor lamps could be
analog converter. Fluor Daniel has specified these con- replaced with metal halide, high pressure sodium, or low
verters from 5 to 5000 hp in process plants. Reliability has pressure sodium lighting.
been excellent and it matches the normal turnaround
period of a typical refinery process unit. BONELLI:
In addition to those comments which I believe are boiler
SLOAN: plate, in retrofitting our process units under the Green
This technology is proven in a wide range of power and Lights program which Marathon also participates in, we
speeds that encompassed most of the applications expected have chosen the metal Halide lighting. We have tried some
in a refinery, and up to 10,000 hp is not uncommon. high pressure sodium lighting, and people working mid-
Reliability is high, provided that the system is properly night shifts find that aggressively unsatisfactory as a
engineered for the application and such items as torque working environment over a long term.
pulsations inherent in VFD systems are analyzed to be
certain that resonances are avoided and fatigue limits are
not exceeded.
The main area of improvement at Syncrude has been
Payout on such systems can be short when the driven
machine is required to operate at turndown for a significant through use of high pressure sodium discharge lighting in
part of the life cycle. In evaluating VFD systems, the place of the old mercury vapor. These lights produce 150%
more illumination per watt. All new process units built
economics are very site-specific and depend on the avail-
since the mid 80’s have been equipped with high pressure
ability of power for starting large loads and the cost of the
sodium lights and we have started replacing the existing
power. The VFDs tend to be relatively efficient when com-
mercury vapor fixtures as they fail.
pared to steam turbines, especially when turn down condi-
tions are involved. There was some initial resistance to the sodium lights
from our operating crew because the orange colored light
can easily be mistaken for a fire when surrounded by either
QUESTION 42: steam leaks or ice fog that you can get in northern climates.
What have refineries/petrochemical plants been At one point, they had all the high pressure sodium light-
doing in the area of lighting efficiencies? ing taken back out because of the operators’ concerns.


Carlos A. Cabrera UOP
L. Wayne Chambers W. Chambers Refining Technology Inc.
Thomas E Daniels ARCO Products Company
Robert E. Davis R. E. Davis Chemical Corporation
Francis N. Dawson, Jr. California Synfuels Research Corp.
Edward Demmel INTERCAT Inc.
Edward C. Ellis Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
The comments contained in the transcript for the 1993 B. W. Feltrop Petrolite Corporation
NPRA Question and Answer Session on Refining and A. Bruce Gilliam Betz Process Chemicals, Inc.
Petrochemical Technology, which was held October 13-15, Tony S. Go Amoco Oil Company
in Dallas, Texas, have been edited by the panelists and Martin P Grosboll Lyondell Petrochemical Company
Dan Hartley D. H. Associates
conferees who commented during the Session. William E. Heck Energy BioSystems Corporation
The Question and Answer Session on Refining and Charles E LeRoy Champlin Refining and Chemicals Co.
Petrochemical Technology is under the cognizance of the L. E. Lew Phillips Petroleum Company
Glenn C. Liolios STRATCO. INC.
NPRA Manufacturing Committee listed as follows: Stephen Long Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.
Charles S. McCoy McCoy Consultants, Inc.
William D. Meyer
Pacific Refining Cdmpany
Amoco Oil Company
J. A. Ross. Charrman Phillips 66 Company John E. Miller Tosco Refining Company
Jeff K Utley, Vice Chairman Flying J Incorporated David R. Morris Chevron Research and Technology Co.
Richard A. Arthur Clark Oil & Refining Corporation Brian M. Moyse Haldor Topsoe
Allen M. Burns Ethyl Corporation Kenneth A. Peccatiello Grace Davison
Alan J. Cabodi U. S. Oil & Refining Co Roger O. Pelham Profimatics, Inc.
Lawrence G. Diehl MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc. J. B. Roddey Roddey Engineering Services
Howard Digel Witco Corporation Robert M. Smith UOP (retired)
Robert H. Douglass Farmland Industries, Inc. Charles W. Stanger Akzo Catalysts
Fred D. Foster CITGO Petroleum Corporation Gary A. Stephens IFP Enterprises Texas, Inc.
R. J. Frazier Union Texas Petrochemrcals Russell C. Strong Nalco Chemical Company
Paul D. Fritz Pennzoil Products Company Arthur J. Suchanek Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.
James A. Gesick Murphy Oil USA, Inc. A. Witoshkin Engelhard Corporation - S.C. Div.
W. E. Haynes Lyondell-CITGO Refining Company Ltd.
Ronnie D. Jackson Lion Oil Company
R. E. Kerns Diamond Shamrock, Inc. Attendance at the 1993 Q&A Session totaled 1,303 con-
Gerald L. Kohlenberger Mobil Oil Corporation ferees representing the petroleum refining and petro-
Virgil R. Langford Navajo Refintng Company chemical industries, supply and service organizations,
Ronald W. Lewis Phibro Energy USA, Inc.
J. J. Lipinski Coastal Refining & Marketing Inc.
government and members of the press who came from 37
John D. Mackey Ultramar Inc. states and the District of Columbia. Two hundred and
Arun Mandlekar Unocal Corporation eleven conferees came from the following 25 countries:
Carl E. Marhaver Koch Refining Company
James H. McCoy Total Petroleum, Inc.
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Ger-
Charles B. Miller Ashland Petroleum Company many, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Mex-
David R. Morris Chevron Research and Technology Co. ico, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Saudi Ara-
Jean E. Neuberger Hunt Refining Company bia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Trinidad, United Kingdom,
Ronald Pletcher CENEX
Donald R. Unruh Conoco Inc. and Venezuela.
David L. Uzzell Tosco Refining Company The 14 member panel was joined by 155 conferees in
J. E. Warn Kerr-McGee Refining Corporation commenting on the 246 questions during the 2½ day ex-
Maurice H. McBride National Petroleum Refiners Association
Terrence S. Higgins National Petroleum Refiners Association change of technical information on modern petroleum re-
fining and petrochemical technology. The following table is
Each year the Manufacturing Committee selects the comparison of the attendance for the past five years:
panelists and appoints a Screening Committee to select the
New Phila-
questions submitted by individuals and companies regard- Orleans delphla Denver Anaheim Dallas
less of membership in the Association. The Screening 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
Committee consolidates questions, eliminates duplicates 164
No. of Member Companies 187 219 220 185
and arranges the questions in the correct category and No. of Member Locations 328 347 387 465 481
sequence so that the maximum number of questions can be
considered in the 2½ days of sessions. This year, from some Members Conferees 1168 1125 1226 1245 1191
679 questions submitted, 246 questions were selected by Others 124 152 163 127 112
the following Screening Committee Members: TOTAL 1292 1277 1389 1372 1303

SCREENING COMMITTEE No. of Conferees Commenting 183 165 206 172 169
Peter G. Andrews Conoco Inc. (retired)
R. C. Barlow Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. Terrence S. Higgins
David B. Bartholic BAR-CO Processes Joint Venture Technical Director



Process Engineer at Syncrude
Canada Limited in Fort Mc-
Murray, Alberta, Canada. He is

PANEL BIOGRAPHIES responsible for future product

quality initiatives and various
expansion studies. Prior to his
present position, he spent nine
years in various operations
roles, all dealing with hydrogen
manufacture and hydrotreating and two years in the Technical
Service Group. He earned a B.S. degree in Chemical Engi-
neering from the University of Toronto.

EDWARD F. JUNO —— Engineer-

ing Advisor at Pennzoil Products
Company in Houston, Texas.
Since joining Pennzoil Products
RICHARD BONELLI — Tech- in 1988, he has coordinated the
nical Services Manager of Mara- process design functions on
thon Oil Company’s refinery at numerous projects, including
Robinson, Illinois. He has held crude/vacuum, catalytic re-
positions at Marathon as Re- forming, catalytic dewaxing/
fining Operations Manager in desulfurization, and lube oil
Findlay, Ohio; Products Control hydrocracking/hydrotreating units. Prior to his current posi-
Manager in Garyville, Louisiana; tion, he was part owner of Juno, Grimm & Associates per-
Operations Supervisor, Super- forming process consulting services for the refining industry,
visor of Operations Systems, Senior Process Engineer and manager of Technical Services
and Process Engineer in Robinson, Illinois. He received a B.S. at Champlin Petroleum Company, and process engineer on
degree in Chemical Engineering from Rose Polytechnic Insti- the corporate engineering staff at Conoco Inc. in Ponca City,
tute and is a member of ASTM Committee D-2, Fuels and Oklahoma He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineer-
Lubricants, and of SAE. ing from Kansas State University.



PATRICK M. LAABS — Re- Engineering Supervisor, Re-
finery Manager of Star Enter- finery Area, for Phillips 66 Com-
prise’s Delaware City, Delaware pany in Sweeny, Texas. She is
refinery. Prior to his current as- responsible for the crude units,
signment, he was Manager- atmospheric residual HDS, dis-
Fuels at Port Arthur, Texas, tillate HDS, catalytic cracking
responsible for the operation units, MTBE, HF alkylation, sul-
and maintenance of the fuels fur plant, and hydrogen puri-
processing units in this refinery fication plant. She has worked in
complex. He has held positions the economics and planning group in crude selection and
as Superintendent of Operations at the Louisiana refinery and refinery planning and optimization. She began her career as a
Manager of Technical Services at the Port Arthur refinery. He process engineer and has been assigned to several process
also worked in ARAMCO’s Master Gas Program in oper- units and has worked as an operations engineer on the FCC,
ations, maintenance, and engineering at the Ras Tanura HOC, ARDS and hydrogen purification units. She received
refinery, and for Amerada Hess Corporation, .Tesoro Petro- her B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Purdue Uni-
leum and ARC0 Products Company. He is a chemical engi- versity through a cooperative engineering program.
neering graduate of Texas A&l University.


CHRISTOPHER J. MURPHY —- intendent, Technical Service for
Technical Director of the RPC Farmland Industries, Inc. in Cof-
Chemicals Research Group, feyville, Kansas. He is responsi-
Petroleum Division, of Nalco ble for the entire technical service
Chemical Company of Sugar function, including process en-
Land, Texas. He directs re- gineers, economics and plan-
search in process chemicals ning engineers and laboratory.
product development and appli- He has held a variety of posi-
cation. He has held positions as tions at Farmland’s Corporate
Research Group Leader in this Headquarters including Manager, Refined Fuels Admin-
group and in a Product Development Group where he de- istration; Coordinator, Manufacturing, Engineering and Eco-
veloped polymers for use in water treatment application. He nomic Analysis; Coordinator, Petroleum Engineering and
joined Nalco as a Senior Chemist in Corporate Research in Economic Analysis, and Manager, Operations Planning. Be-
Naperville, Illinois after a postdoctoral position at the Univer- fore this, he was Process/Project Engineer at the Coffeyville
sity of Texas in Austin. He received a B.S. degree in Chemistry and Phillipsburg refineries with responsibilities in process
from Boston College and a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from design, unit startups, and process troubleshooting. He holds a
Tufts University. B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Missouri
at Rolla and a M.B.A. from Rockhurst College.



ager of Technical Services at ANIL RAJGURU — Senior Di-
Phibro Energy U.S.A., in Texas rector, Process Engineering of
City, Texas. He is responsible for Fluor Daniel, Inc. in Sugar Land,
operations and environmental Texas. He has been responsible
support along with process de- for directing process studies,
sign. He has led the effort to process design and engineer-
upgrade the Texas City Refinery ing, startup and coordination of
to produce MTBE and low sulfur petroleum and petrochemical
diesel fuel, as well as process projects which have included
higher sulfur crude. Before joining Phibro as a project man- five major U.S. refinery expan-
ager, he had held various positions in engineering, operations, sions and several other refinery modernizations/additions. He
and planning at Fina Oil and Chemical Company, as project has worked with various engineering and construction com-
manager at Southwestern Oil & Chemical Company and as panies in India and in Britain in various capacities on refinery
project engineer at Independent Refining Corporation. He units, ammonia and petrochemical plants. He received his
received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Lamar BTech degree in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of
University. Technology in Bombay, India, and a M.B.A. degree from Sam
Houston State University. He is a registered Professional
Engineer in Texas.


President, Technical Director of
KAJAL ROY — Refinery Man-
Statoil at Mongstad Refinery in
ager of Crown Central Petro-
Mongstad, Norway. He is re-
leum’s Pasadena Refinery,
sponsible for technical services,
Houston, Texas. He joined
project developments, supply
Crown Central Petroleum as a
and production planning, engi-
Process Engineer and has held
neering and laboratory oper-
positions as Senior Process En-
ations. He has held positions as
gineer, Energy Coordinator, Op-
Marketing Operations Manager,
erations Superintendent, and
Operations Manager and Maintenance Manager in Statoil in
Manager of Operations. He co-
Denmark. He started his career as a process engineer at the
authored an AlChE and Chemical Engineering Progress
Kalundborg Refinery in Denmark and worked with the Exxon
paper on a coker heater antifoulant study. He received his B.S.
Research and Engineering Company in Florham Park, New
degree in Chemical Engineering from Jadavpur University in
Jersey, in planning and process design for the Kalundborg
Calcutta, India and his MS. degree in Chemical Engineering
Visbreaker Project. He holds a MS. degree in Chemical
from University of Houston.
Engineering from the Technical University in Copenhagen,



Product Technology Consultant,
Refining for The M. W. Kellogg
Company in Houston, Texas. He
provides consulting and support
services to Kellogg’s efforts in
refining and fluid catalytic crack-
ing on a worldwide basis. He has
over 16 years of experience with
fluid catalytic cracking tech-
nology with Kellogg and 3 years as Manager, FCC Technical TERREL D. WILLIAMS —
Service (North America) with a major FCC catalyst vendor. He Manager, Refining Engineering
has a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Texas Tech for Kerr-McGee Refining Cor-
University and is a member of the American Institute of poration in Houston, Texas. He
Chemical Engineers and a past president of the Sam Houston is responsible for coordinating
Chapter of The Texas Society of Professional Engineers. He capital projects and conducting
has authored several papers on the application of bottom-of- technical evaluations of refining
the-barrel upgrading technology. operations. Prior to this position
he has held a variety of technical
service and managerial posi-
tions dealing with crude, vacuum, ROSE, FCC, alkylation,
hydrocracker, Reformer and blending units and environmental
JAMES WILLIAMS — Tech- waste facilities at the Wynnewood Oklahoma refinery. He was
nical Service Associate in the also a refinery process engineer at Conoco’s Ponca City,
Fluid Catalytic Cracking Cata- Oklahoma refinery. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical
lyst Group for Akzo Chemicals Engineering from Oklahoma State University.
Inc. in Houston, Texas. He has
held various positions in the
marketing group for FCC Cata-
lyst including Sales and Tech-
nical Service. Prior to joining
Akzo, he served as Refinery
Manager at Oklahoma Refining Company. He also held posi-
tions of Operations Manager, and Chief Process Engineer at
Oklahoma Refining Company and Process Engineer at Vick-
ers Petroleum in Ardmore, Oklahoma. He received a B.S.
degree in Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma University.


Ablin, David W., 132 George, Safa E., 114, 115 Marquez, Luis E., 77
Abrahams, Kenneth N., 13, 30 Gialella, Richard, 117, 118 Mathur, Stephen S., 119
Agar, Jo, 10, 14, 32, 155, 163 Gill, Harry, 124, 144 McCaffrey, David S., 120
Albert, Brian, 29 Graf, Ken, 16, 22, 147 McCoy, Charles S., 89, 91, 92, 97, 98,
Al-Shamma, Nasser M.,25, 98 Handza,Thomas, 31 102,106,107,111,114,127,129,130,
Andrews, Peter G., 51, 56, 71 Hannenup, Peter, 109 134,135
Arnold, Victor E., 148 Harbison, Kathryn, 167 McLean, Joseph B.,53,59
Arora, A. K., 9, 95 Harrell, Jack, 14 Menon, Sudhir, 15, 77, 102
Bailes, Robert, 29 Harris, Ralph, 123 Miller, David J., 138, 139
Barlow, R. C., 120 Hartley, Dan, 36, 38 Moore, Ebb, 15, 16
Bartholic, David B., 61 Heckel, Tim L., 96, 98, 112 Morris, David R., 20
Bayer, Larry G., 153 . Herrmann, Claudio, 61 Morrison, M. Edward, 127
Beasley, Todd, 142 Higgins, Terrence, 14, 20, 90, 103, 104, Morse, Robert W., 118
Bieber, Scott, 13, 24 118 Moyse, Brian M., 111
Birnbaum, Rick, 145 Hlozek, Robert, 142 Mukherjee, S. K., 15, 16, 28
Bonelli, Richard, 8, 9, 10, 19, 21, 24, 26, Hodge,VanessaA., 151 Murcia, Alvaro A., 55, 60, 66
27,29,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, Holbrook, David, 9, 12 Murphy, Christopher J., 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,
40,43,44,45,46,48,57,60,61,62,65, Holden, David, 37 14,17,18,20,24,25,26,28,30,31,36,
70,74,75,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84, Hooper, Charles, 89 44,47,49,51,56,74,76,77,84,92,94,
94, 95, 96, 100, 101, 102, 109, 110, Hraban, Thomas L., 78, 80, 83, 84 96, 99, 100, 101, 107, 112, 120, 131,
111,112,113,114,115,122,123,124, Huggins, John, 67 141,143,144,153,157,159,160,161,
125,126,127,129,131,132,133,135, Hunkus, Stephen T., 14, 30, 49, 57, 64, 163,164,165
136,137,138,139,143,144,145,147, 67,112,113,125 Nelson, Bradly, 10, 11
151,153,155,156,157,158,159,160, Johnson, Brian, 121,123, 125 Nielsen, Anders, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91
161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168, Johnson, Tiffin, E., 66 Nielsen, James, 34
170,171 Jones, Henry, 86, 89, 90 Novak, William J., 129
Bredehoft, Ronald, 88, 153 Juno, Edward F.,9,11,12, 14,15,16, 17, O'Brien, Sharon, 17, 31, 34, 37, 48, 50,
Bremner, Ian, 26 19,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,32,36, 53,543 55,56,58,60,68,69,72,73,85,
Brierley, Gary R., 19, 20, 24, 28, 29, 30, 37,38,39,40,41,42,46,50,52,58,60, 87, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 109, 110,
31,35,37,39,41,43,45,46,47,50,51, 62,66,71,79,85,87,89,90,91,93,94, 122,123,124,125,127,129,149,152,
76,79,85,86,89,91,93,95,96,97,98, 97, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114, 117, 153,156,161, 170
99,100, 101, 103,105, 108, 109,110, 119,121,127,129,132,134,135,136, Osborn, Keith D., 13, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28,
111,113,143,144,149,156,157,158, 141,143,153,155,156,168,170,171 29,30,32,39,47,48,69,73,76,77,80,
164, 165, 168, 169, 170, 171 Keller, Alfred E., 146, 150 81, 83, 94, 104, 110, 111, 123, 124,
Burns, David, 141 Kellett, Thomas F, 116, 117, 118, 122, 125,126,129,130,135,136,149,153,
Cabrera, Carlos A., 63 139,140 159,161,162,165,168,170
Carp, Stanley, 11, 12, 80, 165 Kelly, Thomas W., 95, 126, 130, 135 Parnell, David C., 107, 145, 157, 165
Carson, Joe P., 124 Kelly, William A., 57, 72 Patel, Nitin, 86, 89
Cavanaugh,T. A.,89, 104 Kennard, William, 147 Patel, Raj, 104
Chlapik, Ken, 86, 88, 89, 91 Kenney,Thomas,147, 151 Paules,JeffreyW.,8,9,10,11,12,13,17,
Citarella, Vicente A., 63, 66 Kleemeier, Karl, 98, 100, 102 21,23,25,29,31,38,46,47,48,51,56,
Cummings, Arthur, 142 Kleinschrodt, Frank J.,27, 33,37,40,41, 60,65,67,68,71,73,74,84,85,87,88,
Daughtry, James L., 146 42,82,105 90, 93, 94, 97, 99, 102, 104, 106, 107,
Dave, Dilip, 110 Kliesch, H. C., 41 111,116,117,122,124,125,127,128,
Davis, Robert E., 119 Kremer, Lawrence, 164 130,133,134,135, 136,137,140,142,
Dreyfuss, Corey, 166 Krikorian, Krik V., 23, 28, 77 144,146,148,149,150,151,152,155,
Dougan, Timothy J., 53 Laabs,PatrickM.,8,11,12,14,15,16,17, 157,160,162,163,164,165
Doran, Mark S., 95, 127, 133 23,243 27,28,32,33,34,35,40,43,44, Pavel, Stephen K., 53, 167
Doss, L. Richard, 66, 69 50,51,52,54,66,68,69,73,76,77,78, Peccatiello, Kenneth A., 48
Edelman, Allan M., 57, 152 79, 81, 85, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, Pedersen, Jergen, 11, 12, 19,20,30,31,
Ellis, Edward G., 118 101,102,105,106,116,117,118,119, 32,34,36,37,39,43,47,49,68,73,76,
Ellis, Paul J., 79 121,128,129,130,133,137,139,140, 77, 81, 82, 83, 99, 103, 105, 107, 108,
Erdmann, Richard, 113 144,146,148,150,151,152,154,157, ~110,111,125,127,128,129,131,133,
Everett, Gary, 137 160,164,166,167,169,170 147,153,156,158,164,166,167,168,
Fahey, William, F, 25 Lacatena, Jerome J., 22, 75, 76, 79, 80, 170
Feinberg, Arnold S., 109 81,83 Pelham, Roger O., 41, 42
Flanders,RobertL.,51,54,55,60,68,70, Lathrop, Ron M., 49 Proops, Kevin R., 60, 74
72 Letzsch, Warren, 52, 55 Rajguru, Anil, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 35,
Fleming, Brad, 22, 23, 25 Leuenberger, Ernest, 64, 67, 154 44,51,52,70,74,78,79,85,87,88,90,
Forero, Patricia, 10, 12 Linington, David, 49 93,94,95,97,103,107,109,112,116,
Frederickson, Lewis A., 126 Low, Gordon, 110 118,119,120,130,132,134,135,137,
Furfaro, Angelo, 126, 133 Malik, Tariq, 84, 156 138,139,143,144,145,150,157,158,


171 Sloan, H. David, 16, 17,27,40,45,49,50, Uthman, Muhammad T., 13

Reverdy, Francois, 132 51,54,56,58,59,61,62,65,66,67,69, Vadekar, MO, 11, 25
Richardson, Mary, 162 72,73,75,76,78,79,82,83,84,86,87, Valentine, Julie, 16, 162
Riley, Mark, 102, 108, 112 90,96,98,99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, Vance, Paul W., 108, 117, 126, 134, 135
Roddey, J. B., 102, 126, 129, 133, 134 106, 107, 112,113, 114,115, 118,120, Wagner, David R., 121
Rogers, James A., 146 121, 131, 139,142, 145,147, 148,149, Wear, Charles C., 55
Roy, Kajal, 8,10,19,21,26,29,31,35,43, 151,154, 156,159, 160,162, 163,165, Weber, Steve, 112
46,47,49,50,51,54,60,61,62,65,68, 166,171 Williams, Dale, 125
69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 100, Sloley, Andrew, 20, 70 Williams, James, 30, 35, 36, 45, 46, 48,
101, 116, 121,122,124, 126, 131, 136, Smit, Cees, 126 53,54,55,56,58,59,60,61,63,67,69,
138,143,144,149,150,151,155,159, Smith, G. Andrew, 53, 57, 59 71, 72, 74,98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106,
162, 165, 169 Smith, George, 153 107, 108,109,110, 111,114, 128,130,
Sabers, Michael, 166, 169 Smith, Jonah, 154 134, 156, 158, 167, 169
Sadeghbeigi, Reza, 49 Smith, Lawrence A., 121 Williams, Russell, 31, 135
Santos, Jesse, 146 Stephen, P M., 161 Williams, Terre1 D., 9, 12, 14, 16, 27, 30,
Sappington, James, 22 Stephenson, Raymond A., 133, 160 32,333 38,463 49,53,56,59,60,70,72,
Scott, Bruce, 147, 169 Suchanek, Arthur J., 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 74,86,89,90,92,95,96,99, 101, 113,
Scruggs, Darrell, 85, 87, 88, 89 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111 114, 117, 122, 123, 124, 130, 132, 134,
Shah, Pankaj F!, 138, 140 Taggert, George W., 149, 152 135,136,138,154,159,162,167,169
Shortt, Mark, 146 Tailer, Victor, 14, 20, 22, 26, 28 Wilson, Joseph W., 48, 49, 52, 55, 59, 71
Silverman, Michael A., 59, 64 Tolen, Delbert F, 71, 73 Wimberly, Mark O., 151
Singer, Roger M., 138 Tran, Hieu, 77 Witoshkin, A., 55, 70, 71
Singh, Himmat, 24, 68, 130 Tucker, Terry, 46, 131 Zafar, Humayon Z., 112
Slade, Cornell, 131 Turpin, Lee E., 33, 36, 92, 128 Zetlmeisl, Michael, 12, 21


Index to Topics Discussed at

Q&A Sessions on Technology

The next several pages comprise an Subjects. As noted, included in the or subheadings. For example, “riser”
index of the transcripts of the 1992 broad subject category are all major is a word under the subheading “cat
NPRA question-and-answer sessions processing activities, such as “crack- cracking” which is under the subject
on refining and petrochemical tech- ing” and “reforming.” With a question heading “cracking.”
nology. involving hydrocracking, for example, When the index user is at the word
Availability. Readers who do not the searcher should skip the temp- stage, it is advisable that several
have access to this volume may obtain tation to go directly to the body of the “word” entries be scanned. For exam-
it by writing: Mr. Terrence S. Higgins, index and try to find “hydrocracking” ple, when searching for information
Technical Director, NPRA, Suite 1000, in alphabetical order. “Hydrocrack- concerning a riser, the words “cat”
1899 L Street N.W., Washington, DC ing” is a subheading of “cracking,” (catalyst) and “charge stock” may also,
20036. Price is $25.00 plus postage. which governs the alphabetical loca- depending on the nature of the infor-
tion of the material. mation needed, deserve scrutiny. On
Using the Index. The index follows
a hierarchal format, which is broken Four large all-purpose subjects are the other hand, the words “cat re-
down into: “additives, ” “chemicals” (which can generation” and “pollution control,”
1. Subjects cover feedstock materials, contami- also under the subheading “cat crack-
2. Subheadings nants, or reagents, etc.), “analysis” ing” can, with a high degree of con-
3. Words (testing and analytical methods), and fidence, be ruled out as pointing to
“instrumentation” (metering, moni- appropriate information.
Two general guides should be kept toring, and control).
in mind by the searcher for making The information entry associated
the index easier to use: Subheadings. Only the broadest with the words is, of course, the final
subjects have subheadings. They are criterion for turning to the NPRA
l The index is oriented primarily book.
given under their governing subject
(but not entirely) toward specific re- headings on the next page and are
fining processes. Under each process The Entry. The word and entry de-
preceded there and in the body of the scribe as briefly as possible the con-
the entries tend to be clumped into index by a dash.
such areas as “charge stocks,” “equip- tent of the information available.
ment” and “operation.” An example, “sulfur and mercap- Page. The right-hand column of the
a Equipment which is not uniquely tans” is the subhead under the subject index gives the page where the infor-
associated with a specific process is “chemicals and chemical elements and mation described in the entry can be
entered by name under the major sub- metals.” found.
ject heading “equipment.” This major Words. The words, which are the Compilers. The index is the work of
subject heading also has some sub- highest degree of specificity before the Gerald L. Farrar & Associates, Inc.,
headings such as “maintenance” and actual information entry, are listed publisher of the annual Q&A volumes.
“standby.” alphabetically under the subjects and/ END



Absorption & Adsorption Emergencies
Additives Employees
- Antifoam - See Also - Foaming Emulsions
Afterburning Energy Recovery & Conservation
Air Pollution Control - See Also - Environmental Control Environmental Control
Alkylation Equipment
- HF Alkylation - Failure
- Sulfuric Acid Alkylation - Maintenance
Analysis - Operation
Asphalt - Revamp
- Safety
Bio-Oxidation - Standby
Biological Treating - Testing
Blending Etherification
Calculator Programs
Filters & Filtration
Catalysts - See Also - Specific Processes Fire
- Fines Flares & Flaring - See Also - Environmental Control
- Bimetallic Cat
Foaming - See Also - Additives, Antifoam
- Cobalt-Moly Cat Fouling & Deposits - See Also - Specific Processes
- Combustion Promoters - See Also - Coking (Fouling)
- Metals Fractionation - See Also - Distillation
- Mol Sieve of Zeolyte Cat
Freezing & Freeze Protection
- Nickel-Moly Cat
- Passivators
- Platinum - See Also - Reforming Gas Plant
- Poisons & Poisoning Gases & Vapors - See Also - Environmental Control
Charge Stocks - See Also - Specific Processes Gasoline - See Also - Octane Improvement
Chemicals Government Agencies & Regulations
Coke (Coke Production) Hydraulic Fluids
- Delayed Coking Hydrocracking - See Also - Cracking - Hydrocracking
- Fluid Coking Hydrodesulfurization - See - Hydrotreating
Coking (Fouling) - See Also - Catalysts Hydrogen Production
Combustion Promoters - See Also - Catalysts Hydrotreating
Computer Control - See Also - Instrumentation
Corrosion & Equipment Problems Incineration
Cracking Inspection
- Cat Cracking (FCC) Instrumentation - See Also - Computer Control
- Hydrocracking Isomerization
- Thermal Cracking
Crude Oils Jet Fuel - See - Kerosine
- Syncrude
Crude Oil Processing Kerosine

Deasphalting Land Farming - See - Biological Treatment

Delayed Coking - See Also - Coke, Delayed Coking Lightning
Deposits - See - Fouling & Deposits Lube Extracts
Desulfurization - See - Hydrotreating Lube Oils (As Lubricants)
Dewaxing Lubricants (For Refinery Use)
Diesel Oils
Distillates Maintenance - See - Equipment - Maintenance
Distillation Materials
Drying Mathematical Models - See Also - Computer Control
Metals & Alloys
Economics - See - Refining Economics Mixing
Electricity Mol Sieves & Zeolytes (Not Catalysts)


Naphtha - See Also - Gasoline Storage - See Also - Tankage

Noise Stripping
Octane Improvement - See Also - Gasoline Sweetening - See - Treating
Oil Spills Tankage
Olefins Tankers (Ships)
Pilot Plant Training - See - Employees
Polymerization Treating
Purging Turnaround

Recovered Oil Utilities

Refining Economics
Refinery Operation Vacuum
Reformate - See - Reforming Vents & Venting
Reforming Vibration
Resids Visbreaking

Safety & Industrial Hygiene Washing

Scrubbing - See - Washing Waste Disposal
- See - Treating Incineration - See Also - Incineration Section
Separators - See - Equipment - Operation Land Farming - See - Waste Recovery & Reuse
Shutdown Waste Oils - See - Oils
Simulation - See - Mathematical Models Waste Recovery & Reuse
Solvents Waste Water - See - Environmental Control
Specifications Water Washing & Reuse - See - Washing Section
Stack Gases - See - Environmental Control Water Pollution Control - See Environmental Control
Startup Wax
Steam Welds & Welding


1993 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology


ASO Disposal ASO blended with coker charge, slurry oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Additives Factors affecting selection of antifoulant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-93
ASO Disposal ASO disposed of in an incinerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125-93 Additives Rating of additives to prevent fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77-93
ASO disposal ASO neutralized and sent to refinery residual oil pool . . . . . . 124-93 Additives Use of additives to control furnace fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77-93
ASO disposal Most common US practice, fuel oil FCC feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Alonizing Advantages of alonizing tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-93
ASO disposal Most environmentally accepted disposal of ASO . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Alonizing Maximum skin temperature, alonized tubes . . . . . . . . . . . 79-93
Feed Ability of the alkylation unit to handle isopentane . . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Block Valves Remote-operated block valves in delayed coking units 74-93
Feed Excessive acid consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Coke Drum Limitations on coke drum throughput ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . 82-93
Feed Excessive acid soluble oil production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Coke Drum Limitations on coke drum operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Feed Fractionation to remove DME and methanol from unit . . . . . . 122-93 Coke Drums Operator safety concerns preclude reducing cycle times 75-93
Feed Operating factors with C5 alkylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Coke Drums Reducing time spent in drum switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-93
Feed Oxygen contaminants with HF operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Fractionator Risks and pressure drop comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-93
Feed Pentadienes are worst contaminants for alkylation . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Fractionator Use of packing and spray nozzles in coker fractionator 75-93
Feed Removal of oxygenates going to the alkylation unit . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Process Advanced control systems applied to coking operations . 81-93
Feed Removal of oxygenates from alkylation unit feed stream . . . . 122-93 Process Discharging from drum directly to conveyor not good 78-93
Mechanical Actuators and associated equipment are fireproofed . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Process Drilling directly to crushers or conveyors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-93
Mechanical Automatic isolation of HF systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Process Experience in water injection in furnace tubes . . . . . . . . . 79-93
Mechanical Emergency isolation valves, types and locations . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Process Feedstock analyses to predict delayed coke quality . . . . . 80-93
Mechanical Fireproof of valves, flanges, not practiced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Process Improvements to the coking quench procedure . . . . . . . . . 60-93
Mechanical Listings of HF-protected valves, systems in use . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Process Processing changes to improve coke quality . . . . . . . . . . . 80-93
Mechanical Teflon and teflon-lined valves in use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Process Reducing iron in product coke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81-93
Process Alumina tines can deposit on downstream coolers . . . . . . . . . . . 123-93 Process Reducing top head vapors during the unheading cycle . 60-93
Process Carryover in acid settler function of velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-93 Process Rules of thumb for delayed cokers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-93
Process Effect of oxygenates on organic fluoride production . . . . . . . . . . 123-93 Process Steam or water commonly injected into radiant coils . . . 79-93
Process Experience with acid recontactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Process Variables that affect coke quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81-93
Process Fluoride precipitation on downstream coolers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123-93 Product Quality Effect of low temperature on product quality . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Process Hydrocarbon Velocity in the settler is about 1.5 fpm . . . . . . . . 124-93 Product Quality Effect of low throughput ratio on product quality . . . . . . 82-93
Process Measuring fluoride concentrations accurately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123-93 Product Quality Preventing formation of shot coke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83-93
Process Mechanism for iron fluoride corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123-93 Product Quality Slurry oil can help prevent shot coke formation . . . . . . . . 83-93
Process Operating defluorinators in series can cause corrosion . . . . . . . 123-93 Run Length Most operators do full steam/air decoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-93
Process Product propane treated for trace HF removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123-93 Run Length Need to spall versus full decoking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-93
Process Recontactors remove most of fluorides present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-93 Run Length On-line spalling recommended with three criteria . . . . . 77-93
Process Tpica1 fluoride concentrations in n-butane streams . . . . . . . . . 123-93 Run Length Typical run lengths between outages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-93
Process Velocity in settler related to separation zone width . . . . . . . . . . 123-93 Run Length Typical run lengths are 9 to 12 months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-93
Safety Alkylation additives to improve safety aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125-93
Safety Catalyst modifications, additives to improve safety . . . . . . . . . . 125-93 COMPUTER CONTROL
Safety Texaco-UOP additive technology is being commercialized . . . . 125-93 Crude Oil Performance monitoring of crude units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-93
Solids Disposal Selling spent fluorinated alumina, potassium fluoride . . . . . . . 125-93 Operations Analysis of various clean fuel options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-93
Time Tank Time tank eliminated during revamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125-93 Operations Analyzing various clean fuel options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-93
Operations Benefits to upgrading to multivariable advanced scheme 36-93
—SULFURIC ACID ALKYLATION Operations Both on-line and off-line SPC analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-93
Catalyst New solid alkylation catalyst under development . . . . . . . . . . . 121-93 Operations Control room operator at panel 50% of the time . . . . . . . . . 38-93
Catalyst Status of solid catalyst alkylation research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121-93 Operations Control room operator needs technical education . . . . . . . . 39-93
Feed Amylene alkylation, higher acid consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119-93 Operations Converting from closed proprietary systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-93
Feed Carryover of oxygenates to the alkylation unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-93 Operations Data reconciliation package needed for model building . . 40-93
Feed Concentration factors in sulfuric acid alkylation . . . . . . . . . . . . 119-93 Operations Defining refinery control board operating position . . . . . . 38-93
Feed Contaminant levels in LPG feed to hydrogenation . . . . . . . . . . 116-93 Operations Definitions of computer control terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-93
Feed Diolefins level is a function of FCCU operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-93 Onerations Distributed control systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-93
Feed Distribution of feed nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119-93 Operations Experience with integrated refinery scheduling . . . . . . . . 38-93
Feed Drawbacks to use of TAME raffinate as alkylation feed . . . . . . 116-93 Operations Experience with refinery scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-93
Feed Economics of amylene alkylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-93 Operations Incremental benefit for different process units . . . . . . . . . 36-93
Feed Effect of olefins removal on octanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-93 Operations Key benefit areas 39-93
Feed Feed material responsible for higher acid consumption . . . . . . 118-93 Operations Local process control engineers handle maintenance .... 42-93
Feed Guard beds remove sulfur from the feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-93 Operations Maintenance breakdown for advanced applications . . . . . . 41-93
Feed Impurities in alkylation feed very important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118-93 Operations Maintenance of multivariable control applications . . . . . . 41-93
Feed Processing amylene/butylene feed mixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118-93 Operations Middle distillate blending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-93
Feed Roper design and operation of amylene unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-93 Operations Model standardization for on-line and off-line . . . . . . . . . . . 41-93
Feed Reducing isoamylenes from the C5s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-93 Onerations Monitoring advanced control applications after startup . 36-93
Feed Reducing volatile olefin content of gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-93 Operations More sophisticated advance controls & computerization 38-93
Feed Reduction of 90% point by removing dienes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118-93 Operations Most beneficial process control schemes . . 39-93
Feed Selective hydrogenation reactor removes arsine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-93 Operations New control technology purchased; consultants used . 42-93
Feed Sulfur-tolerant catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-93 Operations On-line statistical process control. . . . . . . . 36-93
Feed TAME ratlinate as alkylation feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-93 Operations Opening up of distributed control systems . . . . . . . . 37-93
Feed Total oxygenates level in feed, about 400 ppm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-93 Operations Outside maintenance minimized for sophisticated systems 42-93
Feed mica1 contaminant levels in LPG from FCCUs . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-93 Operations Reducing investment by installing better control system 38-93
Feed What is commercial experience with C5 alkylation . . . . . . . . . . 118-93 Operations Required simulation model rigor for optimization . . 39-93
Process Acid level below 30 inches to avoid flat acid recycle . . . . . . . . . 121-93 Operations Success of optimization programs . . . . . . . 39-93
Process Acid level of 18 to 24 inches gives good reaction rate . . . . . . . . 121-93 Operations Three options for T90 reduction , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-93
Process Actual reaction conditions affect isopentane production . . . . . 121-93 Operations Use of statistical process control (SPC) . . . . . . 35-93
Process Alkylation unit additives to enhance reaction chemistry . . . . . 119-93 Operations Very rigorous ROM required for real time optimization 40-93
Process Amylene alkylate RVP 3.5 to 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-93
Process Carrvover from the acid settler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121-93 CORROSION & EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS
Process Fractionation affects RVP of amylene alkylate . . . 120-93 Crude Oil Corrosion protection in crude overhead systems .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-93
Process Increased olefin feed means higher reactor temperature . 120-93 Crude Oil Corrosion protection at less than pH of 5.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-93
Process Low acid levels lead to continuous emulsion in reactor . . . 121-93 Crude Oil Dewpoint pH important in corrosion of crude overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-93
Process Measuring impact of small performance changes . . . . . . . 120-93 Crude Oil Filming corrosion inhibitors good for corrosion control . . . 25-93
Process Moderate olefin space velocity of 0.15, good operation . . . . 120-93 Crude Oil Minimizing underdeposit corrosion in crude towers . . . . . . 24-93
Process Olefine space velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-93 Crude blending Control of naphthenic acid corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-93
Process Oleiin space velocity of 0.50 is very high . 120-93 Distillation Determining types of corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-93
Process Problems at high space velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . 120-93 Distillation Methods of identifying corrosion types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-93
Process RVP of amylene alkylate . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 120-93 Distillation Naphthenic acid and high temperature sulfur attack . . . . . 20-93
Process RVP of amylene alkylate function of deisopentanization . . . 120-93 Distillation Three ways to determine types of corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-93


Mechanical Inspection techniques to monitor effluent for corrosion 96-93 Process For revamp, check pressure valve and flaring systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-93
Naphthenic acid Change to 316 stainless steel 11-93 Process For revamp, higher catalyst circulation, higher steam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-93
Naphthenic acid Chemical injection could cause problems 11-93 Process For revamp, upgrade to closed cyclones for FCCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-93
Problem solving Controlling high temperature naphthenic acid corrosion. 11-93 Process For revamp, use latest feed injection devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-93
Process For revamp, use latest reactor disengaging devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-93
CRACKING Process Fractionator design changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-93
-CAT CRACKING ( F C C ) Process Higher dry gas production with more etlicient stripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-93
Catalyst Additive ZSM-5 increased gasoline yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-93 Process Identifying catalyst stripper damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-93
Catalyst Additives best method for reducing sulfur levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-93 Process Improved operations after feed nozzle revamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-93
Catalyst Carbon on catalyst not necessary for catalyst flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-93 Process Increased stripper steam vs. stripper revamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-93
Catalyst Catalyst circulation, flow problems without ample fines . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-93 Process Increasing coke burning capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-93
Catalyst Catalyst options for increasing light olefin yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-93 Process Increasing light cycle oil yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-93
Catalyst Catalyst options for producing higher light olefln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-93 Process Length of extended tube design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Catalyst Catalyst traps as additives or in catalyst matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process Levels of oxygen, carbonyl sulfide in FCC dry gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-93
Catalyst Catalysts, additives, operating conditions for olelins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-93 Process Licensing closed cyclone systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Catalyst Conditions for sulfur removal (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-93 Process Listing of maintenance problems, electrostatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-93
Catalyst Controlling sulhir and particulate emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-93 Process Maintenance problems with electrostatic precipitators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-93
Catalyst Costs of additives and gas scrubbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-93 Process More efficient stripping after FCC revamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Catalyst DEMET process removes metals from FCC catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process NO2 emissions related to platinum promoter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-93
Catalyst Design variables affecting light oletin yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-93 Process Oil particle size on exiting nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-93
Catalyst Effective lines level 4% or greater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-93 Process Oil side pressure drop in nozzles, about 50 psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-93
Catalyst Equation developed which relates catalyst flow factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-93 Process Operating conditions, results with mixing nozzle change . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-93
Catalyst Evolution of gas in stripper and standpipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-93 Process Operating problems with electrostatic precipitators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-93
Catalyst Feed hydrotreating is appealing at low sulfur contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-93 Process Operating problems, start-up, upsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Catalyst High silica alumina ratio zeolite good for light olefin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-93 Process Pigtails, slotted nozzles tested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-93
Catalyst Limits of catalyst physical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process Practical limits of distillation points, LCO, crude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-93
Catalyst Listing of catalyst contaminants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process Pressure taps on all four quadrants of stripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-93
Catalyst Lower density catalyst improves catalyst flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-93 Process Preventing fouling of hot gas expander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-93
Catalyst Mechanical problems with wet gas scrubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-93 Process Preventive maintenance, electrostatic precipitators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-93
Catalyst Metals passivation for nickel, vanadium contaminants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process Process improvements at shorter residence time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-93
Catalyst Minimize catalyst carryover on startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-93 Process Radioactive tracer identify catalyst stripper damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-93
Catalyst New deep catalytic cracking technology available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-93 Process Recycle of catalyst fines to riser for disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-93
Catalyst New generation of ZSM-5 to increase light olefin yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-93 Process Recycling straight run diesel results :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-93
Catalyst Options for increasing light olefin yields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-93 Process Reducing FCC naphtha sulfur level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-93
Catalyst Purge treatment unit handles scrubbing system purge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-93 Process Reduction in amount of entrained hydrocarbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-93
Catalyst &bent technology for reducing sulfur is effective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-93 Process Reduction of dry gas make on conversion to high temp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Catalyst Success of catalysts with vanadium traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process Reduction of dry gas make, with closed cyclones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Catalyst Sulfur reduction in gasoline by changing catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-93 Process Reduction of post-riser residence time important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-93
Catalyst Sulfur reduction in gasoline by changing additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-93 Process Remove hydrocarbons from catalyst before stripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-93
Catalyst Sulfur reduction technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-93 Process Removing fines from catalyst slurry stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-93
Catalyst Test factors to rate a catalyst’s flowability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-93 Process Results (Table) of changing injectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-93
Catalyst Three factors affect catalyst Flow ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-93 Process Riser residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-93
Catalyst Three scenarios set sulfur removal direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-93 Process Short riser time unit replaces bubbling bed (Data! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-93
Catalyst Three ways to lower sulfur emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-93 Process Short riser time unit has higher return on investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93
Catalyst Vanadium trap technology is good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process Simplified approach to residual oil cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-93
Catalyst Vanadium mobility important for trap success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process Slurry recycle has effect on SO 2 emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-93
Catalyst Vanadium trap with nickel passivator good combination . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-93 Process Staged stripping is more efficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-93
Catalyst Vapor in standpipe must be correctly fluidized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-93 Process Stream analyzers to monitor oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73-93
Catalyst Wet gas scrubber has demanding operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-93 Process Stripper steam displaces interstitial hydrocarbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-93
Catalyst ZSM-5 is good catalyst for light olefins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-93 Process Stripping problems with high surface area catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-93
Coking Maintain high processing rates on startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-93 Process Sulfur reduced by four variable changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-93
Coking Minimizing coking by reducing high temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-93 Process Three-step approach to increase light cycle oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-93
Deposits Deposits on FCC wet gas compressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-93 Process Upgrading clarified oil/heavy cycle oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-93
Deposits Deposits on centrifugal compressor impellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-93 Separator Ceramic filter reliability when used as separator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93
Deposits Intermittentwash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-93 Separator Sintered metal or ceramic filter as separator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93
Deposits Bacommended wash liquid for centrifugalellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-93 Separator Sintered metal separator reliability .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93
Deposits Spray wet gas compressor wash by liquid injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-93
Deposits Wash liquid injection for centrifugal compressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-93 DEASPHALTING
Etherilication Poisons for the etheriflcation process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-93 Solvent Antifoam agents to solve foaming problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-93
Expansion joint Latest thinking about expansion joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93 Solvent Dissolved or entrained solvent in asphalt product pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-93
Expansion joint Material of construction, number of plies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93 Solvent Foaming severity is related to temperature and pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-93
Expansion joint Packed joints for flue gas, reactor overhead systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93 Solvent Gear pumps for asphalt product usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-93
Expansion joint Replacing purged expansion joints with packed joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93 Solvent Low stripper operating temperature can promote foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-93
Fouling Bypass heat exchangers and clean on-line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-93 Solvent Positive displacement pumps for asphalt product service . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-93
Fouling Corrosion upstream can cause debutanizer fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-93 Solvent Reducing asphaltene carryover to solvent condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-93
Fouling Eliminating fouling and coking, FCCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-93 Solvent Silicon-based antifoam to control foaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-93
Fouling Feed leakage through feed diversion valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-93 Solvent Solving foaming problems with cutter,stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-93
Fouling Fouling of debutanizer reboiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-93 Solvent Specifyingasphalt product pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-93
Fouling Fouling of heat exchangers, FCC fractionators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-93
Fouling Keeping bottoms exchangers clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-93 DISTILLATION
Fouling Listing of factors causing fouling and coking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-93 Crude Oil Antifoulants in crude preheat exchanger trains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-93
.Fouling Monitoring fouling on-line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-93 Crude Oil Automation of conventional monitoring techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-93
Fouling Operating at erosion conditions to remove fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93 Crude Oil Boat trays replace gauge decks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-93
Fouling Plan to control fouling in heavy oil exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-93 Crude Oil Coke formation in vacuum towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-93
Fouling Preventing fouling of hot gas expander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73-93 Crude Oil Coking rates function of time, temperature, and fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-93
Gas turbine How is thermal shocking done; how fast and how long . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93 Crude Oil Collecting corrosion rate data with ER probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-93
Gas turbine Removal of catalyst attached to stator blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93 Crude Oil Continuous real-time feedback for corrosion monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-93
Gas turbine Thermal shocking of gas turbine blades to remove lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-93 Crude Oil Control of chlorides in crude overhead system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-93
Maintenance Electrostatic precipitators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-93 Crude Oil Corrosion protection in crude overhead systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-93
Maintenance Electrostatic precipitators, catalyst buildup, hoppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-93 Crude Oil Corrosion protection at less than pH of 5.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-93
Maintenance Electrostatic precipitators, bypass operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-93 Crude Oil Crude type most important on column revamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-93
Process Axial cyclone system shows no coking problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-93 Crude Oil Current specifications for vacuum tower wash system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-93
Process Catalyst losses avoided at high riser velocities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-93 Crude Oil Deep draw pan to control overllash withdrawal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-93
Process Changing feed injector style and location in the riser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-93 Crude Oil Designs for stripping zones in crude towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-93
Process Close coupled cyclone design shows improvements (List) . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-93 Crude Oil Dew-point pH important in corrosion of crude overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-93
Process Coke formation in disengager avoided by closed cyclones . . . . . . . . . . . 63-93 Crude Oil Double fired heaters have fewer tubes, higher fluxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-93
Process Coking problems with resid feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93 Crude Oil Economic limit to cut point for deep cut vacuum units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-93
Process Comparison of nozzle atomization qualities (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-93 Crude Oil Estimating crude composition from crude measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-93
Process Controlling stack emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-93 Crude Oil Excessive vacuum can cause flooding in the tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-93
Process Corrosion upstream can cause debutanizer fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-93 Crude Oil Factors in reducing entrainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-93
Process Decreasing dilute phase cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-93 Crude Oil Factors which influence rate of fired heater coking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-93
Process Dependence of other variables on stack emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-93 Crude Oil Filming corrosion inhibitors good for corrosion control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-93
Process Difficulty with upper feed nozzles ................................................ 65-93 Crude Oil Five criteria for vacuum tower wash systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-93
Process Directional trends following revamp ........................................ 63-93 Crude Oil Flame impingement one cause of excessive heater coking . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-93
Process Effects of recycling hydrotreated light cycle oil .............................. 67-93 Crude Oil Good pH control essential for corrosion mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-93
Process Elimination of post-riser non-selective reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-93 Crude Oil Heat flux for vacuum furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-93
Process Enrichment of catalyst regeneration air ....................................... 71-93 Crude Oil High coking rates in crude furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-93
Process Erosion problems caused by feed nozzle changes ............................ 65-93 Crude Oil Increased design uplift pressure on stripping trays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-93
Process Excess oxygen most important factor in CO, NO2 levels .................... 72-93 Crude Oil Injecting antifoulants into vacuum heater feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-93
Process Extension of rough cut cyclone outlet tubes ................................... 64-93 Crude Oil Limiting the cut point for deep vacuum distillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-93
Process FCCU revamp to operate at 1025 deg F, instead of 970 ..................... 51-93 Crude Oil Listing of vacuum column overflash withdrawal systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-93
Process Factors related to catalyst stripper damage (Listing) ..................... 60-93 Crude Oil Minimizing underdeposit corrosion in crude towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-93
Process First step in FCCU revamp is good simulation of unit ..................... 51-93 Crude Oil Monitoring corrosion in a crude overhead system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-93
Process For revamp 970 to 1025, listings of considerations ........................... 52-93 Crude Oil Monitoring underdeposit corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-93
Process For revamp, 970 to 1025, consider stainless, low chrome .... . . . . . ....... 52-93 Crude Oil On-line tests for underdeposit corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-93


Crude Oil Overflash contains significant entrainment . . . . . . . . . . 20-93 Amine Plant Lean amine analyzed for oil and grease twice a week . . . . . . . . . 144-93
Crude Oil Performance monitoring of crude units . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-93 Amine Plant Location of foaming in amine units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-93
Crude Oil Practically achievable cut points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-93 Amine Plant Measuring pressure drop determines carbon bed changeout . . . . . . . 144-93
Crude Oil Prevent excessive overflashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20-93 Amine Plant Metal passivators reduce salt formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Crude Oil Pump addition for metering overflash withdrawal . . . . . . . . . . . 19-93 Amine Plant Modified electrodialysis for salt removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Crude Oil Reducing high coking rates in crude furnaces . . . . . . . . 27-93 Amine Plant NaOH treatment neutralizes bonded acids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-93
Crude Oil Reduction of entrainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 25-93 Amine Plant Need for inlet gas distributor in the amine contactor . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-93
Crude Oil Stripping design depends on tower diameter, flow passes . . . . . . 29-93 Amine Plant No special inlet device needed for amine contactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-93
Crude Oil Structured packing in vacuum tower wash zone . . . . . . 22-93 Amine Plant Operating tests to evaluate carbon adsorber cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144-93
Crude Oil Type of crude most important issue on vacuum tower . . . . . . 22-93 Amine Plant Operational quantities for amine filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-93
Crude Oil Underdeposit corrosion monitored by ultrasonics . . . . . . . . 19-93 Amine Plant Orifice pipe with expansion shroud as amine absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-93
Crude Oil Underdeposit corrosion monitored by radiography . . . . . 19-93 Amine Plant Oxygen scavengers reduce salts formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Crude Oil Use of double tired heaters in crude or vacuum service . . . . . . . . 29-93 Amine Plant Papers presented by Dow Chemical on LPG amine contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-93
Crude Oil Vacuum column overflash withdrawal systems . . . . . . . . . . 19-93 Amine Plant Performance improvement or losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Crude Oil Vacuum overflash measured by two methods . . . . . . . . . 19-93 Amine Plant Preventing or removing heat stable salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Crude Oil Vacuum towers revamped to deep cut operation . . . . . . . . 21-93 Amine Plant Purge amine and replace with fresh reduces salt. . . . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Crude Oil Very few problems in coking of vacuum towers . . . . . . . . . 22-93 Amine Plant Recommended residence times. amine containing drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-93
Crude Oil Wash oil distribution, filtering, bed wetting are prime . . . . . . . . . . . 22-93 Amine Plant Recommended residence times, tower bottoms . . . . . . . 143-93
Heat Exchange Antifoulants in crude preheat exchanger trams . . . . . . . . . . . 26-93 Amine Plant Reducing amine loss, LPG amine contactors . . . . . . . . . . 145-93
Amine Plant Removal of salts will reduce corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-93
ENERGY RECOVERY & CONSERVATION Amine Plant Removing salts from alkanol amine solution . . .. . . . . . 142-93
Electric Motors Electric motors using frequency converters . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Rich amine flash drum residence time, 15 to 30 minutes . . . . . . . . . 143-93
Electric Motors Installation, cracking heaters for energy conservation . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Salt removal most beneficial when anion below 0.5 wt% . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Electric Motors Reliability has been excellent, matches unit turnaround . . . . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Shaking lean amine to determine foaming characteristics . . . 144-93
Electric Motors Specific reasons for process installations . . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Sieve trays or random packing, contactor mass transfer . . . . 146-93
Lighting Green Lights program saves money, increases efficiency . . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Slipstream filtration 100% for lean amine . . . . . . . . 143-93
Lighting Listings of types of lighting upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . 171-93 Amine Plant Standard foam test to evaluate filter performance . . . . . . 144-93
Lighting Mercury vapor upgraded to high pressure sodium . . . . . . . . . 171-93 Amine Plant Sulfur Plant Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Lighting Outdoor lighting upgrades can be beneficial . . . . . . . . 171-93 Amine Plant Tertiary amines not as susceptible to corrosion . . . . . . . . 147-93
Process Heaters Chloride in refinery fuel gas leads to corrosion . . . . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Treatment to minimize ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-93
Process Heaters Plugging and corrosion of air heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Vacuum distillation to remove heat stable salts . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Process Heaters Plugging and fouling in air preheaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Venting from amine sump to an incinerator . . . . . . 146-93
Process Heaters Rotary and static . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Visual comparison, amine in and out of filter . . . . . . . . . . 144-93
Process Heaters Tube sheets, pyrex tubes changed out, due to corrosion . . . . . . . . 170-93 Amine Plant Water wash feed gas to reduce salt formation . . . . . . . . . 141-93
Amine Plant Water washing upstream cuts formation of salts . . . . . . . . . 141-93
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Amine Plant Well designed water wash system will minimize ammonia . . . . . 142-93
Air Emission Control of sour water tankage emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . 157-93 Amine Plant What percentage of amine flow should be filtered . . . . . 143-93
Air Emission Eliminating benzene right at the source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-93 Amine Plant When solution noncorrosive, throughput restrictions cut. . . 141-93
Air Emission Halon replacements may not yet be ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158-93 Amine Plant Worst amine carrvover in unner section of absorber. . . . . . . 144-93
Air Emission Halon substitutes (Listing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 158-93 Sulfur Plants COS usually checked during performance test . . . . . . . 150-93
Air Emission INERGEN, substitute for Halon system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158-93 Sulfur Plants Carbon sulfur compounds formed in thermal reactor . . . . . 150-93
Air Emission Improving efficiency of electrostatic precipitator. . . . . . . 158-93 Sulfur Plants Caustic injection point selected during operation . . . . 151-93
Air Emission Reducing vapor and odor emissions from sour water store . . . . . . 157-93 Sulfur Plants Effect on operating parameters, low purity acid gas . . . . 147-93
Air Emission Sour water storage in purged vapor space cone roof tank . . . . . . . . 157-93 Sulfur Plants Experience with compressors in H2S service . . . . . . . 148-93
Air Emission Sour water tank designed as floating roof tank . . . . . . . . . . 157-93 Sulfur Plants Flue gas used to acidify and strip spent caustic . .. . . . . . 150-93
Air Emission Steaming to regenerate activated carbon filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157-93 Sulfur Plants Fuel gas spiking to increase furnace temperature . . . . . . 148-93
Air Emission Substitute chemicals for fixed Halon systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 158-93 Sulfur Plants Handling ammonia in sulfur plant operations . . . . . . . . 148-93
Air Emission Substitute refrigerants for refrigeration systems . . . . . . . . . 157-93 Sulfur Plants High temperature needed to destroy ammonia . . . . . . 148-93
Air Emission Treating sour water storage tank effluent with carbon . . . . . . 157-93 Sulfur Plants Improvements in molten sulfur seal design . . . . . . . . 149-93
Air Emission Vapor recovery system sour water tanks failed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157-93 Sulfur Plants Increase in CO2 content of SRU feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149-93
Air Emissions Better control of desalting could reduce benzene loss . . . . . . . . 155-93 Sulfur Plants Increase in operating pressure, Claus unit option ..... 148-93
Air Emissions Burners reduce NOx emissions to about 100 ppm . . . . . . . . . . 153-93 Sulfur Plants Injection strategy for caustic in sour water strippers . . . . 150-93
Air Emissions Control of wastewater cuts benzene losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-93 Sulfur Plants Leaner acid gas means lower sulfur recovery efficiency . .. .. . . . . 148-93
Air Emissions Cost of benzene recovered from emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-93 Sulfur Plants More mixing turbulence, alternative, higher temperature 148-93
Air Emissions Crude selection can cut benzene entering a refinery . . . . . . . . . . 155-93 Sulfur Plants Operating parameters with low acid gas feed . . . . . . . . . . . 148-93
Air Emissions Desalter effluent water to benzene NESHAP stripper . . . . . . . . . . . 156-93 Sulfur Plants Options to raise reactor temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148-93
Air Emissions Desalter effluent water stripper reduces benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-93 Sulfur Plants Options upstream of Claus plant may be attractive . . . . . 148-93
Air Emissions End of pipe treatment for recovery of benzene emissions . . . . . . . . . 154-93 Sulfur Plants Pressure control at waste-water stripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149-93
Air Emissions Fugitive emissions, five main areas (tabulation) . . . . . . . . . . . 156-93 Sulfur Plants Prevent caustic flow through crude unit to coker heater 151-93
Air Emissions Low NOx burners sensitive to fuel changes and 02 trim . . . . 153-93 Sulfur Plants Reactor temperature of 600 ºF suggested for COS . . . . 150-93
Air Emissions NOx greatly reduced with new burners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153-93 Sulfur Plants Sour SO2 streams used as stripping streams . . . . . . . . . . . 150-93
Air Emissions Noise greatly reduced with new burners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153-93 Sulfur Plants Three different tail gas catalysts run successfully . . . . . . . 152-93
Air Emissions Nonprocess sources of fugitive emissions 156-93 Sulfur Plants Two-zone furnace modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148-93
Air Emissions Operating problems, benzene NESHAP stripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156-93 Sulfur Plants Unplugging molten sulfur seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149-93
Air Emissions Post combustion NOx control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152-93 Sulfur Plants Use of caustic in sour water strippers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150-93
Air Emissions Post combustion NOx appears to be expensive option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153-93 Sulfur Plants Various options for tail gas treatment catalysts . . . . . . . 152-93
Air Emissions Progress in control of fugitive emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156-93 Tail Gas Plants Changing the solvent to-increase unit capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151-93
Air Emissions Recovery costs per barrel of benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-93 Tail Gas Plants Hardware changes to boost plant capacity by 50% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151-93
Air Emissions Recycling and waste minimization for benzene recovery . . . . . . . . . . 154-93 Tail Gas Plants Increasing tail gas unit capacity 151-93
Air Emissions Reducing benzene emissions to come into compliance . . . . . . . . . . . 154-93 Tail Gas Plants Increasing the capacity of the SRU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151-93
Air Emissions Reducing oil from sewer systems and API separator . . .. . . . . . . . 155-93 Tail Gas Plants Main problem for catalyst is pressure drop due to tines . . . . . . 152-93
Air Emissions Reduction of pure hydrocarbon to wastewater cuts loss . . . . . . . . 155-93 Tail Gas Plants New technology increases recovery of sulfur compounds . . . . . 151-93
Air Emissions Retrofitting 30 year old heaters with new burners . . . . . . . . . . . . 153-93 Tail Gas Plants Process parameters that limit amine section capacity . .. . . . . 151-93
Air Emissions Retrofitting older heaters with low NOx burners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152-93 Tail Gas Plants Surface area catalyst losses during operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152-93
Air Emissions Source treatment for reduction of benzene emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-93 Tail Gas Plants Unit capacity increased by 15% by increasing tail gas . . . . . . 151-93
Amine Plant Absorber with structured packing may need distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-93 Tail Gas Plants Various options for tail gas treatment catalysts . . . . . . . 152-93
Amine Plant Ammonia buildup reduced by increasing condenser outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-93 Wastes Alternatives to waste disposal for FCC catalyst fines . . . . . . . . . 166-93
Amine Plant Ammonia concentration to affect removal specification . . . . . . . . . 142-93 Wastes Centrifuge tank bottom sludges to dehydrate them . . . . . . . . . . . 164-93
Amine Plant Best locations for antifoam injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-93 Wastes Chemical emulsion breakers to break up oily sludge . . . . . . . . 164-93
Amine Plant Carbon filter in lean amine stream cuts foaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144-93 Wastes Chemical treating of crude to reduce sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164-93
Amine Plant Cartridge filter still used for amine filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145-93 Wastes Chevron process recovers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165-93
Amine Plant Caustic addition to remove salt not recommended . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-93 Wastes DEMET process removes metals from spent FCC catalyst . . . . . . . . . 167-93
Amine Plant Changing amine systems on the run . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-93 Wastes Disposing of spent caustic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165-93
Amine Plant Changing solvents from secondary to tertiary amine . . . . . . . . . . . 146-93 Wastes Five sections on tank cleaning operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163-93
Amine Plant Chimney tray type vapor distributors are very effective . . . . . . . 147-93 Wastes High severity spent catalyst fines sent to cement . . . . . . . . . . . . 167-93
Amine Plant Converting refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-93 Wastes Improving tank cleaning operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163-93
Amine Plant Critical design parameters for amine absorbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-93 Wastes In situ tank cleaning successful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 163-93
Amine Plant DGA agent recommended if corrosion or capacity problems . . . . . . . 147-93 Wastes Land farming to destruct oily sludges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164-93
Amine Plant Design criteria for LPG amine contactors (Listing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145-93 Wastes Mandatory inspection frequency for tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164-93
Amine Plant Design criteria, LPG amine contactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145-93 Wastes Methods for treating separator and tank bottom sludge . . . . . . 164-93
Amine Plant Design, operating conditions for amine filters (List) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-93 Wastes Paper mills candidates for spent caustic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166-93
Amine Plant Designs for inlet gas distributors in amine absorbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-93 Wastes Recovered ammonia used as-fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165-93
Amine Plant Disposing of vent gas from an amine sump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-93 Wastes Segregate phenolic caustic and feed to wastewater . . . . . . . 165-93
Amine Plant Effect of replacement to tertiary amine on corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-93 Wastes Sludge coking meets EPA requirements and toxicity limit . . . ... 165-93
Amine Plant Effect of replacement to tertiary amine on energy usage . . . . . . . . . . . 146-93 Wastes Sludge coking process is successful ....... 165-93
Amine Plant Energy, capacity, main reasons for amine system revamp . . . . . . . . 146-93 Wastes Spent caustic injected into wastewater treating plant. . . . . . . . . . . . 165-93
Amine Plant Filter installation recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-93 Wastes Spent caustic sent through sour water stripper . . . . . . . . . . . 166-93
Amine Plant Foaming in amine regenerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144-93 Wastes Steps taken to build community good will . . . . . . . . . . . 168-93
Amine Plant Frequency of antifoam injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144-93 Wastes Steps to reduce caustic consumption ...... 166-93
Amine Plant Full activated carbon filtration of lean amine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-93 Wastes Tanks cleaned off line to facilitate inspections 164-93
Amine Plant Full flow particulate filtration of rich amine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-93 Wastes Two European methods for spent caustic disposal 166-93
Amine Plant H2S loading in LPG amine contactors on mixed C3/C4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 145-93 Wastes Use coker to dispose of oily sludges . . . . . . . . . 164-93
Amine Plant Handling vent gas when incinerator is down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-93 Water Issues AGAR water-in-oil monitors have worked well 162-93
Amine Plant How antifoam is injected into systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144-93 Water Issues BOD shock levels (Listing and discussion) . . . 161-93
Amine Plant Ion exchange for salt removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141-93 Water Issues Biodegrading cyanide in trickling filter . . . . . 160-93


Water Issues Biodegrading cyanide in aerator/clarifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160-93 HYDROCBACKING

Water Issues Chloride levels seldom reach microbe toxic point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161-93 Catalyst Inspection techniques for carbon-1/2 moly catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . 113-93
Water Issues Controlled concentrations, chloride, H2S and NH3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161-93 Catalyst Listing--single vs. dual catalyst system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-93
Water Issues Controlling cyanide levels in wastewater and sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 Catalyst Single catalyst vs. dual catalyst systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-93
Water Issues Controlling water draws on storage tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162-93 Catalyst Ultrasonic inspection for carbon-1/2 moly catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113-93
Water Issues Cyanides in wastewater controlled by steam stripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160-93 Catalyst Visual inspection for carbon-l/2 moly catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113-93
Water Issues Effect of reverse osmosis on later demineralization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 Mechanical Installing relief valves upstream of the reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112-93
Water Issues Filtered wastewater, utility and firewater sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 Mechanical Locating emergency depressuring systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112-93
Water Issues Filtered wastewater, make-up cooling water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 Mechanical Belief valve discharge quenched before flaring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112-93
Water Issues Free cyanide stripped from water in sour water stripper . . . . . . . . . . . . 160-93 Process Causing jet fuel freeze problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-93
Water Issues Instruments to indicate oil/water interfaces., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162-93 Process Conditions for making jet fuel (Listing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-93
Water Issues Keep H2S concentration below 50 ppm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162-93 Process Hydrocracking strategies, making reformulated gasoline . . . . . . 115-93
Water Issues Keep H2S under 50 ppm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162-93 Process Maximum cracked feed composition for jet fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-93
Water Issues Limitations on sulfate releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163-93 Process Maximum delta temperatures for hydrocracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-93
Water Issues Phenolicwater injected into desalters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161-93 Process One refinery producing jet fuel from 25% cracked stock . . . . . . . 114-93
Water Issues Refinery wastewater uses (summary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 Process Units have run 60% cracked stock in feed, making jet . . . . . . . . . 114-93
Water Issues F&leasing sulfates in water discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163-93
Water Issues Reverse osmosis for treatment of make-up water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 HYDROGEN PROCESSI N G
Water Issues Shocking biological unit downstream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161-93 Adsorbent Actual life of PSA adsorbent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-93
Water Issues Stripped sour water is a primary source for desalter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 Adsorbent Free water and heavy hydrocarbon will deactivate PSA . . . . . 85-93
Water Issues Stripped sour water used in desalters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 Adsorbent Less than expected life of PSA material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-93
Water Issues Treating ammonia to less than 1 ppm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162-93 Adsorbent PSA expected to last the life of the plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-93
Water Issues Treating and disposal of highly foul water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160-93 Catalyst Effect of heavier feed on reformer catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-93
Water Issues Treatment of wastewater containing 10,000 ppm phenol . . . . . . . . . . . . 161-93 Catalyst Heavier feed leads to increased coking and cracking . . . . . . . . 87-93
Water Issues What are reuses for wastewater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-93 Catalyst Predicting remaining catalyst life in hydrogen units . . . . . . . . 91-93
Catalyst Special catalyst for feed containing aromatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-93
ETHEBIFICATION Catalyst Sulfur contaminated catalyst regenerated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-93
Catalyst MTBE catalyst life expectancy averages 10 to 12 months . . . . . . . . . . . 138-93 Catalyst Sulfur contamination removed during normal operation . . . . . 90-93
Catalyst MTBE catalyst life mainly affected by feed contaminant . . . . . . . . . . . 138-93 Operation Causes of PSA valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93-93
Catalyst MTBE unit meeting design catalyst life of 2 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-93 Operation Coking problems and hydrocarbon slip with aromatic feed . . . 87-93
Catalyst Premature loss of catalyst in catalytic fractionator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139-93 Operation Configuring reactor for maximum benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89-93
Catalyst Stability of reaction section, catalytic distillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-93 Operation Design thickness for reformer tubes is 0.25 to 0.3 in . . . . . . . . 86-93
Catalyst Typica1 catalyst lives for TAME and MTBE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-93 Operation Effect of heavier feed on reformer catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-93
Feed Guard bed offers protection after water wash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-93 Operation Expected life of steam methane reformer tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-93
Feed Bernoval of acetonitriles, propionitriles important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-93 Operation Factors affecting hydrogen purity, adsorbent life . . . . . . . . . . . . 93-93
Feed Water level of 1 ppm or less desirable for MTBE feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-93 Operation Handling hydrogen plant process condensate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91-93
Process Catalytic distillation column operation very stable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-93 Operation Heavier feed leads to increased coking and cracking . . . . . . . . 87-93
Process Commercial ethers for etherification (Listings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139-93 Operation Improved solvents and additives for Benfield systems . . . . . . . 89-93
Process Contamination of slop system by blending and shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . 137-93 Operation Improving hydrogen recovery at low throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . 93-93
Process Coprocessing TAME and MTBE in same unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-93 Operation In-situ regeneration of sulfur contaminated catalyst . . . . . . . . 90-93
Process DIPE as significant fuel oxygenate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139-93 Operation Limits for processing heavier hydrocarbon feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-93
Process DIPE has high olefin demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139-93 Operation Little success in regenerating sulfur-contaminated cat . . . . . . 90-93
Process DIPE presents storage and handling challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139-93 Operation Maximum recommended design pressure for reformer tubes 85-93
Process Feed contamination due to methanol and oxygenates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137-93 Operation Maximum reformer tube thickness about 0.5 inches . . . . . . . . . 86-93
Process Methanol content of purged water below 100 ppm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137-93 Operation Maximum sulfur content for hydrogen plant feeds . . . . . . . . . . 90-93
Process Precautions to avoid oxygenate contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137-93 Operation Methanol causes problems in export steam system . . . . . . . . . . 88-93
Process Pressure ratings in etherification units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139-93 Operation Methanol formed in low temperature shift converter . . . . . . . . 88-93
Process Production of TAME, ETBE, TAEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139-93 Operation Methanol from shift converters vented for removal . . . . . . . . . . 88-93
Process Belief valve failure caused methanol contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-93 Operation Naphtha containing aromatics as feedstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-93
Process Separation equipment needed to coprocess TAME, MTBE . . . . . . . . . . . 140-93 Operation No clear limit on sulfur removal by zinc oxide beds . . . . . . . . . 90-93
Process The ETBE option for BFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139-93 Operation No methanol problem with proper stripping of condensate . . . 88-93
Operation Operating and start-up experience with shift reactor . . . . . . . . 89-93
FOULING & DEPOSITS Operation Operating conditions for reformer tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-93
Cracking Coking and fouling in fractionator heat exchangers . . . . 48-93 Operation Plants designed for 20% aromatics in reformer feed . . . . . . . . . 88-93
Cracking Fouling of heat exchangers, FCC fractionators . . . . . . . . . 48-93 Operation Predicting remaining catalyst life in hydrogen units . . . . . . . . 91-93
Cracking Monitoring fouling on-line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-93 Operation Referred metallurgy of steam methane reformer tubes . . . . . 85-93
Hydrotreating Chloride foulant can be placed into bed of absorbent . . . 95-93 Operation Put deaerator in the hydrogen plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93
Reforming Antifoulant can cause reactor pressure drop . . . . . . . . . . . 94-93 Operation Recycling process condensate to other use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93
Reforming Coker naphtha processing causes fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125-93 Operation Beformer tube life dependent on operating conditions . . . . . . . 86-93
Reforming Silicon fouling of hydrotreater catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-93 Operation Reformer tubes designed to last 100,000 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-93
Stripping Good control and maintenance reduce fouling . . . . . . . . . 44-93 Operation Reusing tube that has been pinched off not recommended . . . 89-93
Stripping Monitoring water feeds will reduce fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-93 Operation Solenoid and positioners, major causes of valve failure . . . . . . 94-93
Stripping Beducing fouling in process water strippers . . . . . . . . . . . 44-93 Operation Steaming alkalized, nonalkalized reforming catalysts . . . . . . . 91-93
Visbreaking Antifoulant effective against asphaltene deposits . . . . . . 84-93 Operation Steaming will cause some catalyst sintering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91-93
Operation Sulfur contaminated catalyst regenerated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-93
Operation Sulfur contamination removed during normal operation . . . . . 90-93
FUELS Operation Sulfur removal system upstream of reformer pays off. . . . . . . .
Blending to sulfur levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-93
Formulation 32-93 Tests to determine water quality of process condensate . . . . . .
Operation 91-93
Formulation Meeting 0.05 wt% sulfur in diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-93
Operation Tube reuse after repairing pinched pigtail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-93
Formulation Refiners have little trouble meeting diesel sulfur spec 32-93
Purification Factors affecting hydrogen purity, adsorbent life . . . . . . . . . . . . 93-93
Formulation Sulfur level in final diesel product, 0.045-0.05 wt % 32-93
Purification Improving hydrogen recovery at low throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . 93-93
Hydrotreating Maximum temperature for diesel, kerosene . . . . . . . . . . 104-93 Purification Most cryogenic operating problems in driers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93
Hydrotreating Leakage problems with low sulfur diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-93
Purification Nearly 100% of 96% hydrogen is recoverable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93
Hydrotreating Ammonium bisulfide condensation in the stripper . . . 107-93
Purification Operating and maintaining cryogenic separators . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93
Hydrotreating Diesel lubricity is function of viscosity and front end . 103-93
Hydrotreating Improving stability after hydrotreating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-93 HYDROTREATING
Hydrotreating Lubricity, other problems, low sulfur fuels . . . . . . . . . . . 103-93 Catalyst grading to help handle particulates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Catalyst 101-93
Hydrotreating Mechanisms that cause the formation of color bodies 104-93 Cobalt molybdenum catalysts preferred, desulfurization . . . .
Catalyst 111-93
Hydrotreating Producing ultra low sulfur diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-93 Catalyst Factors controlling catalyst changeout timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110-93
Process Low sulfur diesel and lower aromatic diesel . . . . . . . . . 108-93 Maximum level of conversion, atmospheric resid HDS . . . . . .
Catalyst 108-93
Sulfur Measuring sulfur content of diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105-93 Catalyst Maximum level of conversion for stable fuel oil . . . . . . . . . . . . 109-93
Sulfur More severe desulfurization of diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107-93 Catalyst Referred catalyst depends on operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . 112-93
Sulfur New sulfur analyzers on the market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105-93 Catalyst Referred catalyst depends on primary objectives . . . . . . . . . . 112-93
Sulfur Operating problems with low sulfur diesel . . . . . . . . . . 105-93 Referred catalysts for distillate hydrotreating . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Catalyst 111-93
Sulfur Operating problems with low sulfur diesel . . . . . . . . . . 105-93 Catalyst Quantifying results when breaking in on virgin stock . . . . . . 111-93
Catalyst Regenerating atmospheric resid hydrotreater catalyst . . . . . . 109-93
GASOLINE Catalyst Replacing catalyst in diesel and gas oil hydrotreaters . . . . . . 109-93
Blending Ashland Infratane system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-93 Catalyst Replacing hydrotreater catalyst based on activity . . . . . . . . . . 109-93
Blending Listing of available on-line analyzers . . . . . 34-93 Catalyst Running on virgin stocks before introduce cracked feed . . . . 111-93
Blending On-line analyzers available for gasoline blending . . 34-93 Catalyst Specific recommendations for hydrotreating catalysts . . . . . . 111-93
Blending On-line octane comparators for octane determination . 34-93 Catalyst Spent catalyst properties critical to good regeneration . . . . . . 109-93
Blending Shipping gasoline based on analyzer read-out . . . . 34-93 Catalyst Using regenerated catalyst in hydrotreating service . . . . . . . . 110-93
Formulation Extra costs, yield reductions due to reformulation test 33-93 Fuels Ammonium bisulfide condensation in the stripper . . . . . . . . . 107-93
Formulation More blend streams needed to meet reformulated fuels 33-93 Fuels Improving stability after hydrotreating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-93
Formulation More grades of gasoline and less fungibility . . . . 33-93 Fuels Leakage problems with low sulfur diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-93
Formulation New blending and scheduling models needed . . . . . 33-93 Gasoline Effect of sulfur level on FCC gasoline octane loss . . . ... . . .. 103-93
Formulation Problems with gasoline-water hazes . . . . . ............ 32-93 Gasoline Octane loss in reformulating gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-93
Formulation Reformulated gasoline requires more complicated tests 33-93 Gasoline Octane loss in reformulating gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-93
Formulation Testing MTBE to stay clear of water hazes . . . . . 32-93 Mechanical Antifoulant can cause reactor pressure drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94-93
Hydrotreating Controlling gasoline pool sulfur . . . . . . . . . . 102-93 Mechanical Bypassing the guard reactors in hydrotreating . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-93
Hydrotreating Effect of sulfur level on FCC gasoline octane loss . . 103-93 Mechanical Chloride foulant can be placed into bed of absorbent . . . . . . . 95-93
Hydrotreating Octane loss in hydrotreating FCC gasoline . . . . . . . 102-93 Mechanical Feed-effluent fouling problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94-93
Hydrotreating Octane loss in reformulating gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . 103-93 Mechanical How effective is soaking gas usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-93
Hydrotreating Octane losses for FCC gasoline . . . . 103-93 Mechanical How guard reactors are used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-93


Mechanical How often effluent cooler inspections performed . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-93 Manufacturing Sealing with Grafoil-backed packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93
Mechanical Improvement in HDS performance by retrofitting . . . . . . . . . . 98-93 Manufacturing Solvent Dehydration in MEK dewaxers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93
Mechanical Inspection techniques to monitor effluent for corrosion . . . . . 96-93 Manufacturing Success in using dewaxing aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93
Mechanical Listing of inspection techniques for effluent systems . . . . . . . 96-93 Manufacturing Target meters give better control of hot wash cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-93
Mechanical Magnetic filters on naphtha pretreaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94-93 Manufacturing Upgrading MEK dewaxing unit instrumentation, controls . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93
Mechanical Metallurgy of choice for high pressure effluent coolers . . . . . . 95-93
Mechanical Oletin polymerization can cause major buildups . . . . . . . . . . . 95-93 REFORMING
Mechanical Pressure-temperature limits lowered for carbon 114 moly . . . 98-93 Catalyst Coke ball formation at the top of radial beds . . . . . . . . . . . . 135-93
Mechanical Procedure for bypassing the guard chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-93 Catalyst Copper-based catalyst most effective for H2S removal . . . . 126-93
Mechanical Quench equates to longer runs, better bed life . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-93 Catalyst Nickel catalyst more appropriate for complex sorbers . . . . . 127-93
Mechanical Valves on guard reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-93 Catalyst Nickel catalyst provides for greater sulfur pickup . . . . . . . . 126-93
Process Acceptable chloride concentration in hydrotreater feed . . . . . 99-93 Catalyst Nickel catalyst rather than copper for sulfur sorber . . . . . . 126-93
Process Addition of product recycle increases mass flux . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-93 Catalyst Nickel catalyst stabilized by carbon dioxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-93
Process Catalyst grading good for handling particulates . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-93 Feed Coker naphtha processing causes fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125-93
Process Catalyst grading to help handle particulates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-93 Feed Impact of coker, visbreaker naphthas on cycle length . . . . 125-93
Process Controlling chlorides in hydrotreater feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99-93 Feed Improving run length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125-93
Process Controlling gasoline pool sulfur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-93 Feed Minimize fractionator end point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-93
Process Deaerated steam condensate, reactor effluent wash water . . . 100-93 Feed Recessing FCC naphtha, stream or heart cut . . . . . . . . . . . 126-93
Process Deaerated treated boiler feed used as water wash . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Feed Runs of 1 to 1.5 years with 10% coker naphtha . . . . . . . . . . 126-93
Process Deposition of salts in reactor effluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-93 Feed Runs of 2 years with 20% coker naphtha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-93
Process Diesel color due to passing through reactor dry point . . . . . . 10293 Feed Silicon fouling of hydrotreater catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-93
Process Diesel color is function of three operating parameters . . . . . . 102-93 Feed Up to 20% visbreaker naphtha in feed ok for run length . 125-93
Process Diesel lubricity is function of viscosity and front end . . . . . . . 103-93 Process Above optimum chloride, increased hydrocracking . . . . . . . 128-93
Process Effectiveness of feed filter systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Process Acid cleaning of reformer heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Effectiveness of feed filters in removing solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Process Advances in-reformer catalvst technoloeies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Effectiveness of feed filters, minimizing pressure drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Process ‘At any pressure level there-is optimum chloride level . 128-93
Process Effectiveness of product recycle, solving color problem . . . 102-93 Process Carbon bum pressure limited by recycle compressor hp 129-93
Process Eliminating color problems in diesel product . . . . . . . . . . . 102-93 Process Carryover to compressor goes up with pressure . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129-93
Process Emerging hydrotreating technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108-93 Process Catalyst chloride important for catalyst stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
Process Feed filter systems effective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Process Catalyst chloride level important for initial yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
Process Feed filters good down to about 10 microns . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-93 Process Catalyst less yield sensitive after many cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
Process Feed filters remove about 70% solids above nominal rate 100-93 Process Catalyst surface area at replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Filters good for gas oil hydrotreating service . . . . . . . . . . 101-93 Process Catalysts vary from 32 to 45 lbs/cu ft loaded density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
Process Filters on gas oil/deasphalted oil hydrotreater service 101-93 Process Chloride addition will improve rate of sulfur removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-93
Process Increasing catalyst bed temperature mitigates color . . . . 102-93 Process Contacting recycle gas and neutralizing solution . . . . . . . 133-93
Process Intermittent wash really does nothing for you . . . . . . . . . 102-93 Process Converting reformer to low pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131-93
Process Intermittent washing for reactor effluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-93 Process Corrosion control more difficult at higher pressures . . . . 129-93
Process Intermittent water wash causes scale migration . . . . . . . 102-93 Process Corrosion of upstream equipment in reforming . . . . . . . . 130-93
Process Low sulfur diesel and lower aromatic diesel . . . . . . . . . . . 108-93 Process Corrosion problems at inlets of chloriding agent . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Lower rates can cause channeling, color problems . . . . . . 102-93 Process Criteria for selecting process variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
Process Lower rates mean lower reactor temperature, color . . . . 102-93 Process Decrease in severity is current trend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129-93
Process Lubricity, other problems, low sulfur fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-93 Process Deposition of feed sulfur on reformer catalyst . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Maximum level of conversion, atmospheric resid HDS . 108-93 Process Effect of sulfate formation during regeneration . . . . . . . . 130-93
Process Maximum level of conversion for stable fuel oil . . . . . . . . 109-93 Process Effects of semi-regenerative revamp (Listing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127-93
Process Maximum temperature for diesel, kerosene . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-93 Process Experiences with L-zeolite based catalyst systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Monitoring chlorides in effluent wash water . . . . . . . . . . . 99-93 Process Fixed dry alumina adsorbent bed is successful treatment . . . . . . . . . . . 131-93
Process Monitoring will not pick up pockets of chlorides . . . . . . . 100-93 Process Fouling by ammonium chloride reduced by washing recycle . . . . . . . . 133-93
Process Most popular filter systems in use today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Process Gains in yield on semi-regenerative reformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127-93
Process Not all catalyst bed pluggers are filterable . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Process High surface area stable catalysts for CCR and cyclic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Octane loss in hydrotreating FCC gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-93 Process How long can recycle compressors be run between washing . . . . . 133-93
Process Octane losses for FCC gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-93 Process Hydrogen sulfide generated from iron sulfides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Operation of diesel hydrotreater causes color problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-93 Process Hydrogen sulfide is most likely corroding agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-93
Process Producing ultra low sulfur diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-93 Process Inability of catalyst to pick up chlorides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-93
Process Quantities of wash water to add to refinery effluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-93 Process Iron sulfide causes serious corrosion problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Process Routinely sending disulfide oil to the hydrotreater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112-93 Process Listing of changes occurring in low pressure operation . . . . . . . . . 132-93
Process Rules of thumb for water wash are 3 m5 vol% . . . . 101-93 Process Low pressure drop plate type exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131-93
Process Scrubbing H2S out of the recycle gas stream . . . . 107-93 Process Low pressure drop plate type exchangers ok in reforming . . . . . . 132-93
Process Specifications imposed on reactor feed . . 100-93 Process Lower pressure means a decrease in heat transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131-93
Process Steam condensate for hydrotreater wash . . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Process Maximizing pressure during carbon bum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129-93
Process Stripped sour water for reactor effluent water wash . 100-93 Process More hydrogen production at lower pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-93
Process Two-stage hydrotreater configuration 108-93 Process Operating pressure during carbon burn regeneration step . . . . . . . . . . 129-93
Process Types of filter systems most commonly used . . . . . . . . . . 100-93 Process Optimum chloride content about 0.9 to 1.1 wt% catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
Process Wash water added to reactor effluent at 12-18 ft/sec 101-93 Process Raising reformer pressure eases heater constraints .. . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
Process Water wash rate is that required to give laminar flow . 101-93 Process Recycle compressors operate 2 years between washings . . . . . . . 133-93
Slurry Recycle Hydroprocessing slurry recycle oil 105-93 Process Reducing reactor pressure yields processing gains . . . . . . . . . . . . 127-93
Slurry Recycle Loss of cloud point sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . 106-93 Process Reducing unit charge result of lowering pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-93
Slurry Recycle Modification to improve mixing of slurry up conversion 106-93 Process Reformer compressors operate 2 years between washings . . . . . . 133-93
Sulfur New sulfur analyzers on the market . . . . . . . . . . . 105-93 Process Reformer feed kept below 0.5 ppm nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133-93
Process Reformer revamps completed in less than 30 days . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-93
INSTBUMENTATION Process Reformer yields vary significantly with feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
Certification Experience with ISO 9002 Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-93 Process Regeneration after catalyst excursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-93
Corrosion Detecting and measuring under insulation corrosion . 46-93 Process Restoring catalyst to fresh catalyst conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-93
Crude Oil Performance monitoring of crude units 27-93 Process Sources of reformer corrosion (Listing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-93
Dehydration Inert gas dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-93 Process Success with sulfate stripping procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131-93
Flares Measurement for flow and composition of flare gas 43-93 Process Sulfate during regeneration, causing platinum movement . . . . . . 130-93
Flares Smoke detection to monitor flares 43-93 Process Sulfate removal desirable if more than 0.1 wt% on cat . . . . . . . . 130-93
Gamma scanning Gamma scanning to solve plant operating problems . . 45-93 Process Sulfur can be stripped from the catalyst by hydrogen . . . . . . . . . 130-93
Microwave Microwave device is versatile . . . . . . 32-93 Process Trimetallic catalyst for improved yields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
On-line units Experience with NIR analyzers 30-93 Process ‘Iwo methods to correct the sulfate problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-93
On-line units Listings of systems being used for pH control 30-93 Process Variables in contacting recycle gas with neutralizer . . . . . . . . . . 133-93
On-line units NIR instrument shows low drift and high precision 30-93 Process Variations in process variables with catalyst density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-93
On-line units Systems on pH measurement in crude overhead water 30-93 Process Vibration problem with vertical heat exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-93
On-line units pH measurement in crude overhead water . 30-93 Process Vibration problems eliminated with plate type exchanger . . . . . . . . . . 132-93
Process Water-chloride control policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-93
Benzene Diverting benzene and benzene precursors to isom . . . . . . . . . 136-93 SAFETY & INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE
Benzene Handling benzene in hydrotreated light straight-run . . . . . . . 136-93 Programs Contractor safety training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-93
Benzene Increased hydrogen consumption, suppressed isom . . . . . . . . . 136-93 Programs Listing of topics for contractor safety training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-93
Benzene Problems with higher benzene levels in feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136-93 Programs Process safety management guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-93
Catalyst Increasing MTBE capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137-93
Catalyst Majority of total delta T in first reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136-93 SULFUR
Catalyst New skeletal isomerization process to feed MTBE unit . . . . . 137-93 Desalting Treating exchanger train to prevent laydown 14-93
Catalyst Optimum time to change out I-8 catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136-93 Fuels Measuring sulfur content of diesel 105-93
Fuels Operating problems with low sulfur diesel 105-93
Manufacturing Choice of interface location depends, continuous phase . . . 16-93 TREATING
Manufacturing Demonstration mechanical seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93 Desalting Blending crudes by neutralization number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-93
Manufacturing Dewaxing aids on MEK dewaxing units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93 Desalting Crude settling after desalting successful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-93
Manufacturing Ice formation in solvent dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93 Desalting Demulsifier used in tankage on crudes hard to desalt . . . . . . . . 12-93
Manufacturing Improved dewaxing with dewaxing aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93 Desalting Effect of crude blending on fouling and corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-93
Manufacturing Liquid-liquid interface in solvent extraction units . . . . . . . . 16-93 Desalting Effective program for tank dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-93
Manufacturing List of methods to upgrade instrumentation, control . . . . . 16-93 Desalting Elimination of oil undercarry in desalting heavy crudes . . . . . . 10-93
Manufacturing Location of interface in solvent extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-93 Desalting Emulsion polymer for maintaining oil-free undercarry . . . . . . . 10-93
Manufacturing Mechanical seals in dewaxing filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-93 Desalting Handling desalter water ratably . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-93
Manufacturing NMP extraction solvent losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-93 Desalting Hydrocyclones on desalter effluent water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-93


Desalting Hydrocycloning separates emulsions very well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-93 Jet fuel Fixed carbon bed for jet fuel treating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-93
Desalting Identifying crudes that cause desalting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-93 Jet fuel List of important factors for good fixed-bed operation 12-93
Desalting Impact of blending crudes on fouling and corrosion . . . . . . . . . 13-93 Separation Kerosene water reaction separation rating . . . . . . . . . . . 8-93
Desalting Oil undercarry in desalting heavy crudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-93 Separation Laboratory test method for kerosene-water separation 8-93
Desalting Pilot plants predict corrosion, fouling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-93 Separation Passing the D-1094test 9-93
Desalting Recycled desalter brine as wash water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-93 Separation Sepammeter method uses high speed pump 9-93
Desalting Reducing desalter heavy oil carryunder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-93 Separation Simple test useful in separation evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . 9-93
Desalting Some crudes contain elemental sulfur, cause corrosion . . . . . . 14-93 Separation Tests for petroleum products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-93
Desalting Sources of desalter wash water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-93 Separation Use of D-3948 test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-93
Desalting Tank dehydration when feed sources vary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-93 Separation Water reaction of aviation fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-93
Desalting Tank-farm dehydration to solve desalting problems . . . . . . . . . 12-93 Sweetening Amine solutions for impregnating sweetening catalyst 10-93
Desalting Treating crude tank to remove entrained water is costly . . . . . 13-93 Sweetening Caustic-free Merox installed on FCC gasoline . . . . 10-93
Desalting Treating crude tanks to improve desalter operation . . . . . . . . . 12-93 Sweetening Dilute ammonia for impregnating sweetening catalyst 9-93
Desalting Treating exchanger train to prevent laydown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-93 Sweetening Gasoline sweetening with regenerative caustic . . . . 9-93
Desalting Vacuum ejector condensate as desalter wash water makeup . 8-93 Sweetening Impregnating sweetening catalyst with methanol . 9-93
Desalting Vacuum ejector steam jet condensate as desalter wash . . . . . . 8-93 Sweetening Merox sweetening without alkali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-93
Desalting Vacuum tower condensate as desalter wash water . . . . . . . . . . . 8-93
Desalting Water from underground aquifer as desalter wash water . . . . 8-93
Desalting Water mixed with crude oil using mechanical mixers . . . . . . . 13-93 VISBREAKING
Desalting Weathered crude has special problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-93 Antifoulant Antifoulant effective against asphaltene deposits 83-93
Jet fuel Caustic prewash for jet fuel treat in fixed carbon bed . . . . . . . 12-93 Distillation Visbreaking material from deep cut vacuum operation 84-93



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Davis, Brian C., “Supplying high-octane gasoline will “Alkylation unit scheduled for Ufa refinery,” Oil & Gas
further challenge U.S. refiners,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Journal, Sept. 2, 1991, p. 24.
May 15, 1989, p. 35. “Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18,
Desai, Pankaj H., and Haseltine, Robert P, “Advanced 1991, p. 84.
FCC catalyst formulations can be used to boost motor Hoffman, H. L., “Refining catalyst market ‘91,” Hydro-
octane number of gasoline,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Oct. carbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 37.
23, 1989, p. 68. Lerner, H. and Citarella, V. A., “Improve alkylation
Ramsey, John R., and Truesdale, Patrick B., “Blend efficiency,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov.
optimization integrated into refinery-wide strategy,” The 1991, p. 89.
Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 19, 1990, p. 49. Lemer, H. and Citarella, V. A., “Improve alkylation
Corbett, Richard A., “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT: efficiency,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Nov., 1991, p. 89.
Conversion gains reflect healthy margins,” The Oil and “Alkylation of MTBE raffinate increases octane, un-
Gas Journal, Mar. 26, 1990, p. 49. loads alky unit,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 18, 1991, p. 99.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT: Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75
Annual Relining Survey,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
26, 1990, p. 77. Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil &
Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS-1: Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
Reformulated gasolines will challenge product-quality “Group pursuing new alkylation process,” Oil & Gas
maintenance,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Apr. 9, 1990, Journal, Feb. 10, 1992, p. 40.
p. 43. “HzS04 alkylation shows promise for upgrading gaso-
Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS- line pentenes,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 17, 1992, p. 72.
Conclusion: Options to meet 1990s fuel composition rules “Refiners discuss HF alkylation process and issues,” Oil
limited,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Apr. 23, 1990, p. 91. & Gas Journal, Apr. 6, 1992, p. 67.
Corbett, Richard A.,“FUELS FOR TOMORROW-Tough “Refiners look at H 2 SO 4 alkylation, catalytic re-
air-quality goals spur quest for transportation fuel forming,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 27, 1992, p, 45.
changes,” The Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 33. Chang, E. J. and Lelby, S. M., “Ethers help gasoline
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-Fuel quality,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Feb., 1992, p. 41
reformulations, alternatives cover broad spectrum,” The Nierlich, E, “Oligomerize for better gasoline,” Hydro-
Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 42. carbon Processing, Feb., 1992, p. 45.
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-New Abraham, 0. C. and Prescott, G. F., “Make isobutylene
and modified processes and catalysts needed for new fuels,” from TBA,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Feb., 1992, p. 51.
The Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p, 52. Chaput, G., et al, “Pretreat alkylation feed,” Hydro-
Corbett, Richard A., “Proposed OSHA safety regs target carbon Processing, Sept., 1992, p. 51.
process plant procedures,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Aug. Scott, B., “Identify alkylation hazards,” Hydrocarbon
20, 1990, p. 80. Processing, Vol. 71, No. 10, Oct. 1992, p. 77.
Parkinson, Gerald, “HF’s future is up in the air,” Chemi- Anon, “Refining Handbook ‘92,” Hydrocarbon Process-
cal Engineering, May 1990, p. 39. ing, Vol. 71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133.


Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydro- Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide catalyst survey,” Oil &
carbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 2, Feb. 1993, p. 53. Gas Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p, 46.
“New processes and catalysts solve problems of feed Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75
contaminants,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 51. million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
Sloley, Andrew W. and Golden, Scott W., “Analysis key Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil &
to correcting debutanizer design flaws,” Oil & Gas Journal, Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
Feb. 8, 1993, p. 50. Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new
“New HF alky unit key to Navajo’s $50-million expan- refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12,1992, p. 41.
sion,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 14, 1993, p. 42. “Texas refinery gets two reactors,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Dec. 7, p. 30.
Ladeur, Peter and Bijwaard, Harry, “Shell plans
II. HYDROCRACKING $2.2-billion renovation of Dutch refinery,” Oil & Gas Jour-
nal, Apr. 26, 1993, p. 64.
Powell, Robert T., “Kinetic hydrocracker model helps “OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil
engineers predict yields, targets, operations,” Oil & Gas & Gas Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44
Journal, Jan. 9, 1989, p. 61.
Corbett, Richard A., “Modern hydrocracking is the key
to upgrading processes,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 26,1989, III. CATALYTIC CRACKING
p. 42.
Court, A.L. and Smith, W.H., “Canada’s first heavy oil Humphries, Adrian and Wilcox, Jack R., “Zeolite com-
upgrader complex on stream,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 26, ponents and matrix composition determine FCC catalyst
1989, p. 46. performance,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 6, 1989, p. 40.
Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates Keyworth, Donald A., Reid, Terry A., Kreider, Keith R.,
catalysts, companies,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1989, and Yatsu, Carolyn A., “FCC LPG olefinicity and branch-
p. 49. ing enhanced by octane catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, May
Adams, C.T., et al, “Hydroprocess catalyst selection,” 29, 1989, p. 56.
Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 09, Sept. 1989, p, 57. McDonald, G.W.G., “FCC charge stock value depends on
Nash, Richard M., “REFINING/GAS PROCESSING operational response,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 31, 1989,
REPORT: Process conditions and catalyst for low- p. 80.
aromatics diesel studies,” The Oil and Gas Journal, May Christie, David A. and Holden, David G., “Fluid cat
29, 1989, p. 47. cracking units’ advanced control can achieve benefits in six
Aalund, Leo R., “Expanded Mongstad refinery has areas,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 25, 1989, p. 104.
major export role,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 12,1990, Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates
p. 33. catalysts, companies,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1989,
Corbett, Richard A., “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT p. 49.
Conversion gains reflect healthy margins,” Th.e Oil and Desai, Pankaj H. and Haseltine, Robert P. “Advanced
Gas Journal, Mar. 26, 1990, p. 49. FCC catalyst formulations can be used to boost motor
Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT: octane number of gasoline,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 23,
Annual retlning survey,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 26, 1989, p, 68.
1990 p. 77. Bartholomew, Karl D. and Soudek, Ales, “LP accuracy is
Suchanek, Arthur J., “Catalytic routes to low-aromatics improved by incorporating FCC simulation data,” Oil &
diesel look promising,” The Oil and Gas Journal, May 7, Gas Journal, Oct. 30, 1989, p. 57.
1990, p. 109. Rhemann, H., et al, “On-line FCCU advanced control
Shaffer, Arthur G., Jr., and Hemler, Charles L., “Seven and optimization,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 68, No.
years of operation prove RCC capability,” The Oil and Gas 06, June 1989, p. 64.
Journal, May 28, 1990, p. 62. Adams, C.T., et al, “Hydroprocess catalyst selection,”
“Refining Handbook ‘90,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 09, Sept. 1989, p. 57.
69, No. 11, Nov. 1990, p. 83. Carter, G.D.L. and McElhiney, G., “FCC catalyst selec-
Bucheim, Gerrit M., “Ways to deal with wet H2S crack- tion,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 09, Sept. 1989,
ing revealed by study,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Jul. 9, p. 63.
1990, p. 92. Washimi, K. and Limmer, H., “New unit to thermal
“WORLDWIDE REPORT - Refining,” Oil & Gas Jour- crack resid,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 09, Sept.
nal, Dec. 31, 1990, p. 84. 1989, p. 69.
“Acoustic tests during cooldown find cracks in reactors Elvin, FJ., “Catalyst demetallized for reuse,” Hydro-
at Gulf Coast refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 17,1991, carbon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 10, Oct. 1989, p. 71.
p. 47. Brown, Gordon W., “Direct measurement of FCC flu-
“Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, idizability helps spot problems,” The Oil and Gas Journal,
1991, p. 84. Jan 15, 1990, p. 46.
Rhodes, A.K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY: Aalund, Leo R., “Expanded Mongstad refinery has
Survey shows over 1,000 relining catalysts,” Oil & Gas major export role,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 12,1990,
Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. p. 33.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Survey shows over 1,000 refining “Innovative improvements highlight FCC’s past and
catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. future,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Jan. 8, 1990, p. 33.


Parkinson, Gerald, Johnson, Eric, “Designer catalysts Elvin, F.J. and Pavel, SK., “Metals removal of FCC
are all the rage,” Chemical Engineering, Sept. 1989, p. 30. catalyst operating in refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 22,
Avidan, Amos, Krambeck, Frederick J., Owen, Hartley, 1991, p. 94.
and Schipper, Paul H., “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT: “Additives play important role in FCC development,”
FCC closed-cyclone system eliminates post-riser cracking,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 23, 1991, p. 50.
The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 26, 1990, p. 56. Strong, R.C., Majestic, V.K., and Wilhelm, S.M., “FCC
Yatsu, Carolyn A., and Keyworth, Donald A., “AN- CORROSION - 1: Basic steps lead to successful FCC cor-
NUAL REFINING REPORT: Modified MAT and CC help rosion control,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 30, 1991, p. 81.
predict FCC gasoline quality,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Hoffman, H. L., “Catalyst market estimated,” Hydro-
Mar. 26, 1990, p. 64. carbon Processing, Vol. 69, No. 02, Feb. 1990, p. 53.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT Hayward, C.M. T. and Winkler, W. S., “FCC: Matrix/
Annual refining survey,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 26, zeolite interactions,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 69, No.
1990 p. 77. 02, Feb. 1990, p. 55.
Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS-l: Soudek, M. and Lacatena, J.J., “Crack isobutane for
Reformulated gasolines will challenge product-quality isobutylene,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 69, No. 05, May
maintenance,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Apr. 9, 1990, 1990, p. 73.
p. 43. “Refining Handbook ‘90,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol.
Weeks, Simon A., and Dumbill, Peter, “Method speeds 69, No. 11, Nov. 1990, p. 83.
FCC catalyst attrition resistance determinations,” The Oil Santner, C. R., “Rare earth and matrix activity effects in
and Gas Journal, Apr. 16, 1990, p. 38. resid FCC cat,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 69, No. 12,
Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS- Dec. 1990, p. 75.
Conclusion: Options to meet 1990s fuel composition rules Strong, R.C., Majestic, V.K., and Wilhelm, S.M., “FCC
limited,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Apr. 23, 1990, p. 91. CORROSION - Conclusion: Basic corrosion control
Heite, Richard S., English, A.R., and Smith G. Andrew, methods solve varied problems,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 7,
“Bismuth nickel passivation effective in FCCU,” The Oil 1991, p. 86.
and Gas Journal, Jun. 4, 1990, p. 81. “Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18,
Nieskens, Mart JPC., Khouw, Frank H.H., Borley, 1991, p. 84.
Martin J.H., and Roebschlaeger, Karl-Heinz W., “Shell’s Rhodes, A.K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY
resid FCC technology reflects evolutionary development,” Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas
The Oil and Gas Journal, June 11, 1990, p. 37. Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW- “WORLDWIDE REPORT - Refining,” Oil & Gas Jour-
Tough air-quality goals spur quest for transportation fuel nal, Dec. 31, 1990, p. 84.
changes,” The Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 33. Hoffman, H. L., “Refining catalyst market ‘91,” Hydro-
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-Fuel carbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 37.
reformulations, alternatives cover broad spectrum,” The Sadeghbeigi, R., “Estimating hydrogen of FCC coke,”
Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 42. Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 38.
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-New McLean, J. B. and Moorehead, E. L., “Steaming affects
and modified processes and catalysts needed for new fuels,” FCC catalyst,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02,
The Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 52. Feb. 1991, p. 41.
Bucheim, Gerrit M., “Ways to deal with wet H2S crack- Humphries, A., et al, “Catalyst helps reformulation,”
ing revealed by study,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Jul. 9, Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 04, Apr. 1991, p. 69.
1990, p. 92. Jazayeri, B., “Optimize FCC riser design,” Hydrocarbon
Gilman, Robert H., “Capital outlays for gasoline re- Processing, Vol. 70, No. 05, May 1991, p. 93.
formulation can be minimized,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Letzsch, W. S., et al, “Passivate nickel in FCC feeds,”
Sept. 3, 1990, p. 44. Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 06, Jun. 1991, p. 89.
Stokes, G.M., Wear, C.C., Suarez, W., and Young, G.W., Johnson, T. E., “Improve regenerator heat removal,”
“Reformulated gasoline will change FCC operations and Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. 1991, p. 55.
catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 2, 1990, p. 58. Krishna, A. S., et al, “Additives improve FCC process,”
Alkemade, U., Cartlidge, S., and Thompson, J.M., Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. 1991, p. 59.
“WORLDWIDE CATALYST REPORT: Improved alumina O’Connor, P, et al, “Improve resid processing,” Hydro-
sol FCC catalysts meet challenges of the 1990s,” Oil & Gas carbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. 1991, p. 76.
Journal, Oct. 1, 1990, p. 52. Johnson, T. E., “Improve regenerator heat removal,”
Upson, L.L., Lawson, R.J., Cormier, W.E., and Baard, Hydrocarbon Processing, Nov., 1991, p. 55.
FJ., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST REPORT: Matrix, sieve, Krishna, A. S., et al, “Additives improve FCC process,”
binder developments improve FCC catalysts,” Oil & Gas Hydrocarbon Processing, Nov., 1991, p. 59.
Journal, Oct. 1, 1990, p. 64. Golden, S. W. and Martin, G. R., “Improve HVGO qual-
Lovink, H.J., “Siberian catalyst research center works ity and cutpoint,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Nov., 1991,
at world class level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 31, 1990, p. 69.
p. 119. O’Connor, P et al, Improve resid processing,” Hydro-
Hoek, A., Huizinga, T., Esener, A.A., Maxwell, I.E., carbon Processing, Nov., 1991, p. 76.
Stork, W., van de Meerakker, FJ., and Sy, O., “New catalyst Rajagopalan, K. and Habib, H. P Jr., “Understand FCC
improves heavy feedstock hydrocracking,” Oil & Gas Jour- matrix technology,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Sept., 1992,
nal, Apr. 22, 1991, p. 77. p. 43.


Sloan, H. D., “Process heavier crude blends,” Hydro- “OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil
carbon Processing, Nov., 1991, p. 99. & Gas Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44
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catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. ing, Vol. 71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide catalyst survey,” Oil & Sarathy, P. R. and Suffridge, G. S., “Etherify field bu-
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Schmitt, Rodolphe, “FCC catalyst find three safe reuse 1993, p. 89.
outlet in Europe,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 18,1991, p. 101. Sarathy, P. R. and Suffridge, G. S., “Etherify field bu-
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Frank, “FCCU advanced controls increase feed rate and 1993, p. 43.
column stability,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 25, 1991, p. 64. Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydro-
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million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. Golden, S. W., et al., “FCC main fractionator revamps,”
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McDonald, G.W.G., “Upgrading FCC VRU can yield tion,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 4, April 1993,
attractive payoff,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 27, 1992, p. 79. p. 107.
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facture,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 23, 1992, p. 46.
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out,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 23, 1992, p. 62. tive for HDS, HDN catalyst sulfiding,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Brahn, Michael G., “Olefin recovery from FCC offgas can Sept. 18, 1989, p.90.
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mark on the run,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 18,1992, p. 41. Sept. 1989, p. 66.
Aalund, Leo, “Human element key to FCC success,” Oil Parkinson, Gerald, Johnson, Eric, “Designer catalysts
& Gas Journal, May 18, 1992, p. 46. are all the rage,” Chemical Engineering, Sept. 1989, p. 30.
Murphy, James R., “Evolutionary design changes mark Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates
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Avidan, Amos A., “FCC is far from being a mature p. 49.
technology,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 18, 1992, p. 59. “European emission, fuel quality regs tighten,” The Oil
Murcia, Alvaro A., “Numerous changes mark FCC and Gas Journal, Dec. 18, 1990, p. 41.
technology advance,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 18, 1992, Suchanek, Arthur J., “Catalytic routes to Iow-aromatics
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Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new 1990, p. 109.
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12,1992, p. 41. Hohnholt, John E, ShifIlet, Woodrow K., and Suchanek,
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pressor surge problems,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 11,1993, yields at Valero,” The Oil and Gas Journal, May 28, 1990,
p. 29. p. 72.
Sarrazin, Patrick, Cameron, Charles J., Barthel, Yves, Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-Tough
and Morrison, M. Edward, “Processes prevent detrimental air-quality goals spur quest for transportation fuel
effects from As and Hg in feedstocks,” Oil & Gas Journal, changes,” The Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 33.
Jan. 25, 1993, p. 86. Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-Fuel
“NPRA Q&A-2: Catalytic cracking receives heavy at- reformulations, alternatives cover broad spectrum,” The
tention at Q&A meeting,“Oil& Gas Journal, Apr. 19,1993, Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 42.
p. 48. Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-New
Golden, Scott W., Martin, Gary R., and Schmidt, Karl D., and modified processes and catalysts needed for new fuels,”
“Field data, new design correct faulty FCC tower revamp.” The Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 52.
Goelzer, Alan R., Ram, Sanjeev, Hernandez-Robinson, Kahn, H.U., Mungali, M.M., Agrawal, K.M., and Joshi,
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C. Morris, “Refiners have several options for reducing gaso- terminations,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Sept. 24, 1990,
line benzene,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 13, 1993, p. 63. p. 98.


Smith, Fritz A., and Bortz, Robert W., “Applications Simonsen, Knut A., O’Keefe, Luke E, and Fong, W.
vary for dewaxing process over 10-year span,” The Oil and Francis, “Changing fuel formulations will boost hydrogen
Gas Journal, Aug. 13, 1990, p. 51. demand,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 45.
Hoffman, H. L., “Catalyst market estimated,” Hydro- Toman, Jerry J., and Beckman, Robert E, “Visbreaker
carbon Processing, Vol. 69, No. 02, Feb. 1990, p. 53. hardware has alternate uses in low-sulfur fuel era,” Oil &
Eastwood, D. and Van de Venne, H., “Revamp distillate Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 66.
desulfurizers,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 69, No. 05, “Ashland refinery units take shape,” Oil & Gas Journal,
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“Refining Handbook '90,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. “NPRA Q&A: Hydroprocessing key issue in ‘low sulfur’
69, No. 11, Nov. 1990, p. 83. era,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 26, 1993, p. 88.
“Hydrotreating unit installed in Texaco’s Wales re- Booth, Martin and Wolveridge, Peter E., “Severe hydro-
finery,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 22, 1991, p. 36. treating of diesel can cause fuel-injector pump failure,” Oil
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Kooiman, R., “HYDROTREATING OPTIMIZATION - 1: Gorra, Filippo, Scribano, Giorgio, Christensen, Preben,
Refiner conducts full scale VGO hydrotreating study,” Oil Andersen, Karin Vibeke, and Corsaro, Osvaldo Gaetano,
& Gas Journal, May 27, 1991, p. 49. “New catalyst, improved presulfiding result in 4-year
LeRoy, C.F., Hanshaw, M.J., Fischer, SM., Malik, T., and hydrotreater run,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 23,1993, p. 39.
Kooiman, R., “HYDROTREATING OPTIMIZATION - “Oklahoma hydrotreater nearly finished,” Oil & Gas
Conclusion: Optimization of catalyst system reaps eco- Journal, Sept. 13, 1993, p. 36.
nomic benefits,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 3, 1991, p, 87. “OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil
“Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, & Gas Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44
1991, p. 84.
Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas V. REFORMING
Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
“WORLDWIDE REPORT - Refining,” Oil & Gas Jour- Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates
nal, Dec. 31, 1990, p. 84. catalysts, companies,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1989,
Hoffman, H. L., “Refining catalyst market ‘91,” Hydro- p. 49.
carbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 37. Aalund, Leo R., “Expanded Mongstad refinery has
Rhodes, Anne K., “Survey shows over 1,000 refining major export role,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 12,1990,
catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. p. 33.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide catalyst survey,” Oil & Ramsey, John R., and Truesdale, Patrick B., “Blend
Gas Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 46. optimization integrated into refinery-wide strategy,” The
Plantenga, Frans L., Inoue, Yoshimasa, and Torihara, Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 19, 1990, p. 40.
Naoyuki, “Specialized guard-bed technology can improve Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT:
resid unit operation,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct.. 21, 1991, Annual refining survey,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 26,
p. 74. 1990 p. 77.
“Ashland refinery starts up two sulfur units,” Oil & Gas Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS-1:
Journal, Oct. 28, 1991, p. 95. Reformulated gasolines will challenge product-quality
“End seen for high sulfur fuel oil in Europe,” Oil & Gas maintenance,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Apr. 9, 1990,
Journal, Dec. 2, 1991, p. 21. p. 43.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS-
million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. Conclusion: Options to meet 1990s fuel composition rules
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crudes updated,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 4, 1991, p. 41. Jamialahmadi, Mohamad, and Muller-Steinhagen,
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Chatha, A., “Fieldbus begins a new era in process con- 1991, p. 62.
trol,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 12, Dec. 1991, Rhodes, Anne K., “Two important Saudi crudes
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Hearn, Graham, “Coping with electrostatic hazards,” “Samarec outlines $4 billion upgrading plans,” Oil &
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Bechman, Lawrence V., “How reliable is your safety “Europeans vying for German refinery,” Oil & Gas
system?”, Chemical Engineering, Jan. 1992, p. 109. Journal, Dec. 16, 1991, p. 21.
Olson, Kevin R., “How to remove fouling solids cooling “Corpoven plans refinery in E. Venezuela,” Oil & Gas
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“Industry hits California reformulation move,” Oil & Rhodes, Anne K., “Malaysian, Canadian, Saudi crudes
Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 26. assayed,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 27, 1992, p. 44.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 Duncan, Norman E., “Conversion index helps refiner
million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. assess relative profitability,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 4,
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & 1992, p. 108.
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“Chevron details Port Arthur revamp,” Oil & Gas Jour- “Problems persist for French refining sector,” Oil & Gas
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assayed,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 30, 1992, p. 67. Aug. 3, 1992, p. 28.
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finers,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 13, 1992, p. 21. Journal, Aug. 17, 1992, p. 36.
“Multibillion dollar upgrade ahead for Canadian re- “Chevron plans revamp of Richmond refinery,” Oil &
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“Fire hits two Houston area downstream complexes,” “Fish agrees to settle citations issued by OSHA,” Oil &
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Tagoe, C., et al., “Are there contaminants in your feed- Dougan, K. W. and Reilly, M. C., “Quantitative re-
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Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new “Asia-Pacific Region’s Oil Demand Growth Strains Re-
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PORT - Sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 26, 1992, p. 77. Aalund, L.R., “Saudi Master Refining Program Takes
Bell, Laura, “WORLDWIDE CONSTRUCTION RE- Shape,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 21, 1993, p. 39.
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p. 91. gasoline more profitable in Venezuela than in U.S.,” Oil &
Nelson-Farrar Cost Index, Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 2, Gas Journal, June 21, 1993, p. 72.
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1993, p. 44; Mar. 1, 1993, p. 70; Apr. 5, 1993, p. 62; May 3, Journal, June 21, 1993, p. 35.
1993, p. 96; June 7, 1993, p, 36; July 5, 1993, p. 50; Aug. 2, “NPRA establishes ‘International Workshop’ at main-
1993, p. 78. tenance meeting,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 28,1993, p. 70.
Nelson-Farrar Quarterly Costimating, Jan. 4, 1993, p. True, Warren R., “Maxus starts up Texas Panhandle gas
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varied,” July 5, 1993, p. 56. “Houston refinery upgrade is a firm deal,” Oil & Gas
Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE REFINING REPORT Journal, July 12, 1993, p. 29.
—Worldwide refiners make big move into modernization,” True, Warren R., “World gas processing, sulfur-recovery
Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 21, 1992, p. 41. capacities still growing,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 12, 1993,
Refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 21, 1992, p, 52. “Worldwide gas processing survey,” Oil & Gas Journal,
“Shell starts up two projects at Essex refinery,” Oil & July 12, 1993, p. 55.
Gas Journal, Dec. 21, 1992, p. 31. “World sulfur survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 12,1993,
“Texaco preparing to bring parts of Wilmington refinery p. 93.
back on stream,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 26, 1992, p. 29. “Big upgrade starts at Shell’s Deer Park refinery,” Oil &
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“API report shows U.S. refining capacity declining,” Oil European refining strategies,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 19,
& Gas Journal, Feb. 8, 1993, p. 81. 1993, p. 30.
Rhodes, Anne K., “EXPORT CRUDES FOR THE ’90s: “French, U.S. companies merge catalyst lines,” Oil &
Papua New Guinea’s first commercial crude assayed,” Oil Gas Journal, Aug. 2, 1993, p. 76.
& Gas Journal, Feb. 15, 1993, p. 73. Rhodes, Anne K., “Recommissioned German refinery
Swain, Edward J., “U.S. refiners face declining crude ready to meet tough fuels, emissions specs,” Oil & Gas
quality, insufficient price spread,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. Journal, Aug. 9, 1993, p. 29.
1, 1993, p. 62. Aalund, L.R., “STATE OIL COMPANIES: Saudi Arabia,”
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Journal, Mar. 8, 1993, p. 25. Williams, Bob, “STATE OIL COMPANIES: Mexico,” Oil
“Two Refineries Running Crude; Third To Restart By & Gas Journal, Aug. 16, 1993, p. 55.
September,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 15, 1993, p. 48. Knott, David, “STATE OIL COMPANIES: Kuwait,” Oil
King, Myke, “OIL MOVEMENTSl: Automation of oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 16, 1993, p. 66.
movement systems prevents mistakes, savies money,” Oil Moritis, Guntis, “STATE OIL COMPANIES: Indonesia,”
& Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 76. Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 16, 1993, p. 68.
“Coastal to idle Kansas refineries,” Oil & Gas Journal, Rhodes, Anne K., “GUIDE TO WORLD CRUDES: Two
Mar. 22, 1993, p. 32. light, sweet C.I.S. crudes assayed,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Bell, Laura, “WORLDWIDE CONSTRUCTION SUR- Sept. 6, 1993, p.82.
VEY - Refining,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 12,1993, p. 55. “California refiners beat diesel fuel deadline,” Oil & Gas
Bell, Laura, “WORLDWIDE CONSTRUCTION SUR- Journal, Sept. 13, 1993, p. 33.
VEY - Sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 12, 1993, p. 78. “NPC: U.S. refiners can meet environmental regu-
Bell, Laura, “WORLDWIDE CONSTRUCTION SUR- lations, but...,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 13, 1993, p. 34.
VEY - Gas Processing,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 12,1993, “French refiners face shakeout with soaring costs,
p. 79. downturn,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 20, 1993, p. 25.
King, Myke, “OIL MOVEMENTS - Conclusion: In- “Chevron schedules refinery outlays,” Oil & Gas Jour-
tegrating oil movement and data systems beefs project nal, Sept. 20, 1993, p. 40.
benefits,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 12, 1993, p. 52. “Kuwaiti refinery back on stream,” Oil & Gas Journal,
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Apr. 19, 1993, p, 20. “Supplying low sulfur diesel no great hurdle for U.S.
Ladeur, Peter and Bijwaard, Harry, “Shell plans refiners,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 4, 1993, p. 29.
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p. 49. Haizmann, R.S., Lowry, D.R., and Schiferli, W.J., “Isom-
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million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 3, 1990, p. 66
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Anon, “Refining Handbook ‘92,” Hydrocarbon Process- Rhodes, A.K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY
ing, Vol. 71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133. Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas
Sarathy, P. R. and Suffridge, G. S., “Etherify field bu- Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
tanes, Part 1,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 1, Jan. Hoffman, H. L., “Refining catalyst market ‘91,” Hydro-
1993, p. 89. carbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 37.
Sarathy, P. R. and Suffridge, G. S., “Etherify field bu- Monfils, J. J. et al, “Upgrade isobutane to isobutylene,”
tanes, Part 2,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 2, Feb. Hydrocarbon Processing, Feb., 1992, p. 47.
1993, p. 43. Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75
Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydro- million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
carbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 2, Feb. 1993, p, 53. Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil &
Ludwig, G. H., “Industrial hydrogenation of aldehydes,” Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 3, March 1993, p. 67. “Lyondell develops one step isobutylene process,” Oil &
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Cooper, B. H., et al., “Hydrotreating catalysts for diesel ing, Vol. 71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133.
aromatics saturation,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, Sarathy, P. R. and Suffridge, G. S., “Etherify field bu-
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Liers, J., et al., “Reforming using erionite catalysts,” 1993, p. 89.
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refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12,1992, p. 41. 1993, p. 43.
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydro-
& Gas Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44. carbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 2, Feb. 1993, p. 53.
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ISOMERIZATION John, Thomas P. and Thomas, Stephen P., “Texas plant
first to isomerize n-butylenes to isobutylene,” Oil & Gas
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catalysts, companies,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1989,
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil
p. 49.
& Gas Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44.
Ramsey, John R., and Truesdale, Patrick B., “Blend
optimization integrated into refinery-wide strategy,” The
Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 19, 1990, p. 49. AROMATIC EXTRACTION
Conversion gains reflect healthy margins,” The Oil and Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates
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Annual Refining Survey,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT:
26, 1990, p. 77. Annual Refining Survey,” The Oil and Gas Journal, Mar.
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air-quality goals spur quest for transportation fuel “Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18,
changes,” The Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 33. 1991, p. 84.
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-Fuel “WORLDWIDE REPORT - Refining,” Oil & Gas Jour-
reformulations, alternatives cover broad spectrum,” The nal, Dec. 31, 1990, p. 84.
Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 42. Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-New million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
and modified processes and catalysts needed for new fuels,” Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil &
The Oil and Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 52. Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.


Rhodes, A.K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY: Johansen, T., “Trends in hydrogen plant design,” Hydro-
Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas carbon Processing, Aug., 1992, p. 119.
Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new million b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil &
Goelzer, Alan R., Ram, Sanjeev, Hernandez-Robinson, Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
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Aalund, Leo R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil & Gas Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

Abernathy, Marshall W. . . . . . . . FINA Oil & Chemical Company . . . Dallas, TX
Ablin, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Abrahams, Kenneth N. . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Abrosimov, AIexandr . . . . . . . . . . Oil Processing Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Ache, Warren F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Catalysts Ventures Inc. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Acosta, Alfredo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Adler, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Octane Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rosslyn, VA
Adrean, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southwestern Refining Co. . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Agar, Jo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agar Corporation, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Aizawa, Mitsuru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Services Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Akhnazarov, Melik . . . . . . . . . . . . All Russian Inst. of Oil Refining . . . Moscow, Russia
Al-Anzi, Farhan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Co. . . . . Safat, Kuwait
Al-Othman, Khalid . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Co. . . . . Shuaiba, Kuwait
Al-Shamma, Nasser . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Co. . . . . Safat, Kuwait
Alario, Rodney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Albers, Edwin W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CMP-Cativco International . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Albert, Brian D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company Inc. . . . Wichita, KS
Albertson, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Alexander, William . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . Roosevelt, UT
Ali, Babar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . Bad Homburg, Germany
Allen, Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L. P. . . . Houston, TX
AIlsmiller, Robert A. . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Alvarez, Jorge L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discovery Aluminas, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Aman, Gary B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Anderson, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thermal Technologies Group . . . . . . . Salt Lake City, UT
Andrews, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Andrews, Peter G. . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Angerdina, Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . Kenner, LA
Anischenko, Seiguei . . . . . . . . . . . Oil Refining Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gorjki, Russia
Arias, Blanca Yasmi . . . . . . . . . . . Intevep, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Armbrester, Michael S. . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Amdt, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Co. . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Arnold, Victor E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raytheon Engineers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tampa, FL
Arora, Ak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Oil Corporation Limited . . . . New Delhi, India
Arrighi, Jeri Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Arrighi, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Arthur, David H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp Freeport, TX
Arthur, Dick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Oil & Refining Corporation .. Clayton, MO
Asim, Mehmet Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Assad, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . Houston, TX
Aubrey, Morton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

Bacon, Thomas R. . . . . Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . Freeport, TX

Bae, Ki Dong . . . . . . . Yukong Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ulsan, Korea
Bailes, Robert . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . Joliet, IL
Bailey, D. M. . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . Bartlesville, OK
Bain, Douglas . . . . . . . . GraceDearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Baker, Gerald . . . . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bamon, Layton M. . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . Ewell, UK
Banfi, Roberto . . . . . . . ALCOAItalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milan, Italy
Bannov, Pave1 . . . . . . . . Kirichi-nefteorgsintez . . . . . . . . Kirichi, Russia
Barbosa, Fernando C. FCC S.A.- Petrobras . . . . . . . . . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Barchha, Rajnikant . . . . ...... Novacor Chemicals (Canada) Ltd. . Sarnia, Ontario
Barlow, R. C. . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Barnhart, T. R. . . . . . . . . . ...... GraceDavison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Barr, Shirley . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Barrese, Joseph . . . . . . . . ...... Crown Central Petroleum Corp. . . . Houston, TX
Barrett, Stephen . . . . . . . ...... Criterion Catalyst Company L P. .. Houston, TX
Barrows, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Barry, James J. . . . . . . . . ...... CR1 International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Barry, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Praxair, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Ramon, CA
Barsby, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Criterion Catalysts Canada . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Bartek, Robert . . . . . . . . . ...... Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . Littleton, CO
Bartholic, David B. . . . . . ...... Bar-co Processes Joint Venture . . . Watchung, NJ
Baugher, Bruce . . . . . . . . ...... Sinclair Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Bayer, Larry G. . . . . . . . . ...... Union Texas Petrochemicals . . . . . . Geismar, LA
Beard, William H. . . . . . . ...... ARC0 Products ,Company . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Beasley, Todd S. . . . . . . . . ...... Canadian Chemical Reclaiming . . . Brooks, Alberta
Beaton, William . . . . . . . . ...... Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Bell, Michael H. . . . . . . . . ...... Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Bennett, Diane . . . . . . . . . ...... Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Bennett, Joseph . . . . . . . . ...... Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Benson, Bernard A. . . . . ...... The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Berman, David P. . . . . . . . ...... Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Owings Mills, MD
Berrebi, Georges . . . . . . . ...... Eurecat S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Voulte, France
Berzins, Valdis . . . . . . . . . ...... Criterion Catalyst Company L P. .. Houston, TX
Bettinger, John P. . . . . . . ...... BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA
Bhogal-Mitro, Balvy . . . . ...... Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Bieber, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . ...... BPCVChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bielinski, Dennis . . . . . . . ...... Caltex Services Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Biernacki, Bill P. . . . . ...... Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Bingham, F. Emmett . . . . ...... Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission Viejo, CA
Bird, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Elf Atochem Canada, Inc. . . . . . . . . Oakville, Ontario
Birnbaum, Rick W. . . . . . ...... Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . Danbury, CT
Bjorklund, Bradford L. . ...... UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Black, John H. . . . . . . . . . ...... Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allison Park, PA
Blakeway, Patrice . . . . . . ...... Lyondell-CITGO Refining . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Blew, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Chalmette, LA
Boardman, Shaun L. . . . ...... Criterion Catalyst Company Ltd. .. Fareham, UK
Boche, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . ...... Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bochow, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Bogert, David . . . . . . . . . . ...... Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Bolado, Alberto . . . . . . . . ...... Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Bolivar, Eduardo . . . . . . . ...... Zeochem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bolton, Anthony P. . . . . . ...... PQ Zeolites B.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leiden, The Netherlands
Bonelli, Richard . . . . . . . . ...... Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . Robinson, IL
Bonilla, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . ...... Stone & Webster Engineering Corp Houston, TX
Bonner, Richard C. . . . . . ...... Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Boone, Michael . . . . . . . . . ...... ICI Tracero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Bork, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Borovikov, Genadi . . . . . ...... Zavodslantsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Petersburg, Russia
Bortz, Robert W. . . . . . . . ...... Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Bottomley, James C. . . . . ...... Stewart & Bottomley, Inc. . . . . . . . . Sapulpa, OK
Bouck, Douglas . . . . . . . . ...... BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Boudreaux, Lance . . . . . . ...... Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Bourdeau, Roland . . . . . . ...... ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Bourdon, John C. . . . . . . ...... TPA,Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Boverie, James . . . . . . . . . ...... Clark Oil & Refining Corporation . Hartford, IL
Bowen, Colin . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Stone & Webster Engineering Corp Houston, TX
Bowman, Elaine . . . . . . . . ...... Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Boydstun, R. Les . . . . . . . ...... Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Bozza, Pierluigi . . . . . . . . ...... Agip Petroli S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rome, Italy
Bozza, Robert . . . . . . . . . . ...... Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bracken, Paul A. . . . . . . . ...... Stone & Webster Canada, Ltd. . . . . Toronto, Ontario



Brady, Daniel . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . Florham Park, NJ
Brahn, Michael . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. .. Houston, TX
Branham, Russell . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Bredehoft, Ronald . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Breeding, Larry . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . Houston, TX
Bremner, Ian J. . . . . Foster Wheeler USA Corp. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bricker, John . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Bridges, Steve . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Brierley, Gary R. . . Syncrude Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . Fort McMurray, Alberta
Brinck, Leif . . . . . . . . Skandinaviska Raffinaderi AB . . . . . . . Lysekil, Sweden
Brown, David . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Brown, John . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Brown, Robert S. . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Brown, Robert L. . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benicia, CA
Brown, Russell F. . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Bruch, Herbert . . . . Information Resources, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Brunelle, Andre . . . . Nalco Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POINTE CLAIRE, Quebec
Bryson, M. Charles . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Buccini, James P. . . Koch Engineering Company . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Bucior, David . . . . . . ICI Tracero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bullard, Robert H. . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore
Bullin, Jerry A. . . . . Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. . Bryan, TX
Burgio, Karin . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Burmaster, Brad . . . Clark Oil & Refining Corporation . . . . Blue Island, IL
Burns, David . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bums, George . . . . . . Petrotrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trinidad, West Indies
Bums, Robert A. . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Busbea, Craig . . . . . . Lion Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, AR
Butz, Tom . . . . . . . . . . FINA Oil & Chemical Co. . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Buyan, Frank . . . . . Mobil Research & Development . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Buziuk, Frank . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . Richmond, CA
Byers, Gregg . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK

Cabrera, Carlos A. . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL

Cambre, Joseph T. . . . . . . . Walk, Haydel & Associates . . . . . . . . . . New Orleans, LA
Campagna, Robert J. . . . . Refining Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Campbell, Bruce A. . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Campos De Maria, Miguel INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Canessa, Bartolome . . . . . RPC., S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concon, Chile
Cantrell, Albert G. . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Caplan, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . IRI/Hart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Potomac, MD
Carlisle, Edwin A. . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Carls, William . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Caron, LeRoy A. . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Carp, Stanley . . . . . . . . . . . . The UNO-VEN Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Lemont, IL
Carrothers, Scott . . . . . . . . . Suncor Inc., Oil Sands Group . . . . . . . . Fort McMurray, Alberta
Carson, Joe P. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Cartledge, Anne T. . . . . . . . SETPOINT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cary, Rick L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kerr-McGee Refining Corporation . . . . Wynnewood, OK
Casmore, Johnny . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Castagnos, Leonce F. . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellaire, TX
Castro, Nestor . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cadereyta, Mexico
Cathcart, Norman . . . . . . . . Pall Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cortland, NY
Cavalleiro, Cristina . . . . . . Petrobras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Cavanaugh, T. A. . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. .. Florham Park, NJ
Cazemier, Sandra . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Chachkina, Svetlana . . . . . Oil Lubricants Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Chakraborty, Dino . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Canada, Ltd. . . . . . . . Toronto, Ontario
Chambers, Andrew . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, UK
Champion, G. L. . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Chang, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . Aramco Services Company . . . . . . . . . . . Alhambra, CA
Chapin, Lark E. . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. .. Houston, TX



Chapman, Toni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Technology Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Chappell, Hayward H. . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Charles, Cedric M. . . . . . . . . . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Chaudbri, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Oil Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Delhi, India
Chavez, Asdrubol . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpoven, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Chavez, John J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Chen, Mabel M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . King of Prussia, PA
Cherman, Algerd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission Viejo, CA
Chiang, Polly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Chiang, W. C. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powerine Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Santa Fe Springs, CA
Childress, Bruce N. . . . . . . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roosevelt, UT
Chiu, Gerard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Eastern Petroleum Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore
Chlapik, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Christman, Robert D. . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Chung, Sung Soo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yukong Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ulsan, Korea
Ciancio, Donald J. . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Ciarella, D. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Cieraszynski, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Cieutat, Denis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Liquide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paris, France
Citarella, Vicente A. . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Clancy, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Clanton, Buz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenner, LA
Clark, Michael E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Clark, Patrick A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fountain Valley, CA
Clarke, Robert G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Clegg, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATREP-ACS Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alamo, CA
Clemmons, Josh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Clevenger, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Clouse, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BHP Americas Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ewa Beach, HI
Cobum, Julie K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Colchin, Mark W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Collier, Gary E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellaire, TX
Collins, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Coney, Bernadette . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Conley, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Connell, Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Cook, Joseph B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cooledge, Nathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Coons, John D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bateman Engineering Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lakewood, CO
Cooper, John C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Cooper, Richard L. . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Corcoran, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metairie, LA
Corcuera, Juan Francis . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Coser, Richard J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnetonka, MN
Cotton, Randy L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baytown, TX
Co&on, Richard E. . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atascocita, TX
Cox, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Consultants, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring House, PA
Cramer, Glenn W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Crawley, Jake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fina Oil and Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Big Spring, TX
Crespo-Riera, Carlos E. . . . . . . . Corpoven, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puerto Cabello, Venezuela
Cromarty, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Cross, W. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEK Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Media, PA
Crotty, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Cruz, Ruben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cummings, Arthur L. . . . . . . . . . MPR Services,Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickinson,TX
Cunningham, Frank L. . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Cupps, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crostield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL

Dallhoff, Robert A. . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston,TX

Dam, Quy-Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paris, France
Damigella, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milan, Italy
Dassow, Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK



Daugherty, E. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross Oil and Refining Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smackover, AR
Daughtry, James L. . . . . . . . . . . . Dow, U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Houston, TX
Dave, Dilip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fareham, UK
Davenport, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Davey, Stephen W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Davidson, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Davies, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Krotz Springs, LA
Davis, Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litwin Engineers & Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Davis, Edgar D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips 66 Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Borger, TX
Davis, F. Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Davis, Robert E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. E. Davis Chemical Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oak Brook, IL
Day, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurel, MT
Day, Robert L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOVA Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
De Stena, Andrew V. . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
de Cardenas, Antonio . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
De Capite, Augie M. . . . . . . . . . . . L. A. Salomon Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Severna Park, MD
De Velasco, Despina . . . . . . . . . . . . Di-Chem de Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
De La Fuente, Emiliano . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Deady, Joanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Dean, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dean, John R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Co. . . . . . . . . . Bound Brook, NJ
Deaton, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Oil & Refining Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue Island, IL
DeBlanc, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Debord, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Debose, Mack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Decesaro, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Deering, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Dees, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
de1 Bosque, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Delgado, Eddie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Demark, Mark W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Demmel, Edward J. . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newport Beach, CA
Denison, Frank W. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Denk, Lawrence T. . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dennis, Geoffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrocarbon Research Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Deshpande, V. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
DeVelasco, Ruben . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Dharia, Dilip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
DiCamillo, David J. . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L. .P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
DiLiello, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montreal, Quebec
Dillard, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ergon Refining Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vicksburg, MS
Dirksen, Feike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT EUROPE, b.v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amersfoort, Netherlands
Ditz, J. Merle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M..W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dixon, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christenson Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellingham, WA
Dodd, D. Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dodds, R. Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dommel, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guildford, UK
Donahue, Michael D. . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Donahue, Patrick J. . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Donata, Gregorio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refineria Isla (Curacao) S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curacao, Neth. Antilles
Doran, Mark S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Dom, Richard H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Resources Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Doss, L. Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Dougan, Timothy J. . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Dover, Jerry D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valley Forge, PA
Downie, Renee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyondell-CITGO Refining Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Downing, Judith C. . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Doyle, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Dreyfuss, Corey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dufresne, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Voulte, France
Dumas, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Dunham, Daryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK



Duque, Jorge . . . . . . . . Intevep, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Teques, Venezuela
Dwyer, David L. . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dwyer, John . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . Pleasant Hill, CA

Earl, Gerald E. . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. Houston, TX

East, John J. . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Ebrom, Elizabeth . . . Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. Bryan, TX
Eccles, Richard M. .. Princeton Process Engineers . . . . . . . East Orleans, MA
Edelman, Allan M. .. Exxon Research & Engineering Co. Florham Park, NJ
Einert, Matt . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . El Dorado, KS
El-Enezi, Farhan . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Co. . . . . Safat, Kuwait
El-Sawy, Mohammad Kuwait National Petroleum Co. . . . . Shuaiba, Kuwait
Elgin, Michael . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Ellett, Carl . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Elling, Dan . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Elliott, John F. . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Elliott, Mark S. . . . . . . Ultramar Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Ellis, Edward G. . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. Florham Park, NJ
Ellis, Paul J. . . . . . . . . Great Lakes Carbon Corporation . . . Elizabethton, TN
Ellison, Thomas . . . . . INTERCATInc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derry, NH
Elmore, Michael . . . . . Reactor Services International Inc. Alvin, TX
Elvin, Frank . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. .. Houston, TX
Emanuel, Dale . . . . . . FINA Oil & Chemical Company . . . Dallas, TX
England, John . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highton, Australia
Enters, Jim . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Erdmann, Richard E. Exxon Company, U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . Baytown, TX
Ernest, Neil . . . . . . . . . Muse, Stancil & Company . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Evans, Martin . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West Hartford, CT
Everett, Gary L. . . . . . Lyondell Petrochemical Company . . Houston, TX
Evreiski, Victor . . . . . Orsknefteorgsintez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orsk, Russia

Faford, Robert D. . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joliet, IL

Faney, William . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Farah, George G. . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Farrar, Gary . . . . . . . Gerald L. Farrar & Assoc., Inc, . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Fausto, Chris . . . . . Valero Refining & Marketing Company Corpus Christi, TX
Feierabend, J. G. . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Feinberg, Arnold S. . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . Florham Park, NJ
Feistel, Gerald . . . . . . Crosiield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Feltrop, B. W. . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Ferguson, Robert I. . Caltex Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Fichter, Calvin . . . . . . Consumers’ Co-op Refineries Ltd. . . . . . Regina, Saskatchewan
Fields, John D. . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Figari, David . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Fischer, Steven M. . CITGO Refining & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Fisher, Dave J. . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joliet, IL
Fisher, Paul W. . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Fitt, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Flanders, Robert L. . Chevron, Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Anselmo, CA
Flaten, Kathy . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Fleming, Brad . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Fleming, William M. . CITGO Asphalt Refining Co. . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Fletcher, Robert R. . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Flowers, Richard . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Floyd, Raymond H. . Kerr-McGee Rose Licensing . . . . . . . . . . Oklahoma City, OK
Fokin, Vladimir . . . . Oil Refining Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gorjki, Russia
Foley, R. M. . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Foral, Michael . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Forero, Patricia . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Forshage, Kermit . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Denton, TX
Frampton, Gordon . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McAlester, OK
Frampton, Jerry D. PETROFAC, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX



France, John J. . . . . . . . . .. Nutter Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Frantz, William J. . . . . . . .. PQ Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Savannah, GA
Franzino, Jack . . . . . . . . . .. Trifinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Frayne, Stephen P . . . . . .. Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Frazier, Michael . . . . . . . . .. AkzoCatalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Frederickson, Lewis A. . .. Chevron Research & Technology Co. Richmond, CA
Fredrick, Barton . . . . . . . .. Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Freeze, John G. . . . . . . . . .. The John G. Freeze Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seabrook, TX
French, Millard . . . . . . . . .. Chevron U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pascagoula, MS
Fritsche, G. Ray . . . . . . . . .. Chevron General Atomics . . . . . . . . . . San Diego, CA
Frkuska, William . . . . . . . .. Pennzoil-Penreco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karns City, PA
Fronczak, Robert V. . . . . .. Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Frye, Robert A. . . . . . . . . .. ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vidalia, LA
Funk, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Federal Container Canada . . . . . . . . . . St. Catharines, Ontario
Furby, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chevron U.S.A. Products Co. . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Furfaro, Angelo P. . . . .. UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Furman, Donna . . . . . . . . .. Hart/IRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Furr, Celeste . . . . . . . . . . . .. Information Resources, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC

Gaarder, Philip . . . . . . .. Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN

Galli, August . . . . . . .. Tosco Bayway.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linden, NJ
Gallogly, Robert . . . . . .. Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oak Park, IL
Ganster, Alan . . . . . . . . .. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . Houston, TX
Garcia-Rameau, Eddy . Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Co. Houston, TX
Gardner, Arthur . . . . . . .. Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Junction, CO
Garren, Mark B. . . . . . .. LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Garrett, A. Jack . . . . . . .. Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Garrett, Glenn . . . . . . . . .. Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gebhard, Thomas J. . .. Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Gentry, Arthur K. . . . . .. The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Geoffroy, Luc . . . . . . . . . .. Ultramar Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levis, Quebec
George, Safa E. . . . . . . .. Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gerber, Norman H. . . . .. Core Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ghani, Azhar A. . . . . . . .. Caltex Services Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Gialella, Richard . . . . . .. IFP Enterprises Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Gibson, Michael C. . . .. Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Giglotto, Joseph M. . . .. Hunt Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuscaloosa, AL
Giles, Kevin A. . . . . . . . .. Barnes & Click Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Gill, Harry . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ultramar, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Gilliam, A. Bruce . . . . .. Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Gillis, Brenda . . . . . . . . .. CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gilman, Robert H. . . . . .. Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gilmore, Richard . . . . . .. Betz Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huntington, Beach, CA
Gilson, E. Frank . . . . . .. Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Girardier, P. Frederic .. Eurecat S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Voulte, France
Giuhani, Dan . . . . . . . . . .. Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Glasford, James W. . . . .. Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Glover, John N. . . . . . .. CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Go, Tony S. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Godwin, Roy . . . . . . . .. Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . Freeport, TX
Goebel, Kenneth . . . . . .. The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Goelzer, Alan R. . . . . . . .. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . Houston, TX
Gohres, Steve . . . . . . . . .. UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Golden, Scott W. . . . . . . .. Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Goliaszewski, Alan . . .. Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Gonzalez, Dionisio . . . .. Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salina Cruz, Mexico
Gonzalez, Rene G. . . . . .. Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Goolsbee, Andy C. . . .. Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gorra, Filipo . . . . . . . . .. Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milan, Italy
Gossard, Richard L. . . .. Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgetown, CO
Gould, David . . . . . . . . .. Lion Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, AR
Goytisolo, Sr., Jorge A. .. Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD



Goytisolo, Jr., Jorge A. . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Baltimore, MD
Grace, Richard . . . . . . . . . Nalco Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Burlington, Ontario
Graf, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . .. Akron, OH
Graham, Richard N. . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Vidalia, LA
Graham, S. Diane . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Leawood, KS
Grande, Knut . . . . . . . . . . Statoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Trondheim, Norway
Granniss, Edwin L. . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Grant, Chris L. . . . . . . . . . Syncrude Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . .. Fort McMurray, Alberta
Grant, P. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chicago, IL
Gray, Gary E. . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Graybill, Steven . . . . . . . . Muse, Stancil & Company . . . . . . . . . .. Dallas, TX
Greczek, Michael D. . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fulshear, TX
Greenbank, Dennis . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Beaumont, TX
Greenwood, Gil J. . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . .. Bartlesville, OK
Gregory, Richard A. . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . .. Bound Brook, NJ
Gregory, William M. . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . Florham Park, NJ
Gregu, Antioco M. . . . . . . Saras S.p.A. Ratlinerie Sarde . . . . . . .. Sarroch, Italy
Gretschel, Mike . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp .. Freeport, TX
Griest, Stewart L. . . . . . . Alon Processing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tarentum, PA
Griffin, Leland . . . . . . . . . Montana Refining Company . . . . . . . .. Great Falls, MT
Griffiths, Clive . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Warring-ton, UK
Grimm, Larry . . . . . . . . . . Juno-Grimm & Associates . . . . . . . . . . Richardson, TX
Grosboll, Martin . . . . . . Lyondell Petrochemical Company . . .. Channelview, TX
Gulayets, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . Imperial Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Edmonton, Alberta
Gullietta, Glenn . . . . . . . . GraceDavison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Baltimore, MD
Gunardson, Harold H. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. .. .. Allentown, PA
Gunter, P Michael . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P . . . . Houston, TX
Gussow, Stanley . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .. Bloomfield, NJ
Gutierrez, Luis . . . . . . . . . Lagoven-PDVSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Judibana. Venezuela
Habib, E. Thomas . .... Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Columbia, MD
Hachmuth, Henry K. .... Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . .... Bartlesville, OK
Haddock, Ralph . . . . .... Aqua Process Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Houston, TX
Hakka, Leo . . . . . . . . . . . .... Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . .... Montreal, Quebec
Hallada, Calvin J. . . . .... Climax Molybdenum Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Ypsilanti, MI
Hallen, Ted S. . . . . . . . . .... Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Brea, CA
Halliday, Jack R. . . .... Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Houston, TX
Hamilton, Gary L. . . . . .... ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Bloomfield, NJ
Hamlet, Ernest . . . . . . . .... Wyoming Refining Company . . . . . . . . . .... Newcastle, WY
Handza. Thomas . . . . .... Sun Refining & Marketing Co. . . . . . . . .... Philadelphia, PA
Hannerup-Nielsen, Peter . .... Haldor Topsoe Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Houston, TX
Hanower, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . .... Closter, NJ
Hansen, Raymond . . . . . . . .... Chevron USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... El Paso, TX
Hansen, Wendy L. . . . . . . . . .... Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Harbison, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . .... Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Garyville, LA
Harbison, Kathy . . . . . . . . . .... Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Garyville, LA
Hargis, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Dallas, TX
Harrell, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Houston, TX
Harrell, Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Chevron U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... El Paso, TX
Harrington, Michael J. . . . .... Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Warrington, UK
Harris, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Frontier Refining, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Cheyenne, WY
Harris, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . .... CITGO Refining & Chemicals, Inc. . . . .... Corpus Christi, TX
Harrison, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Nutter Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Sugar Land, TX
Hartley, Dan . . . . . . . .... D. H. Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Summit, NJ
Hartman, Edward . . .... Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Dallas, TX
Harwell, Leslie J. .. .... Litwin Engineers & Constructors . . . . ... Houston, TX
Hastings, Thomas W. .... PQ Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Valley Forge, PA
Haugen, Robert . . . . .... Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . .... Houston, TX
Haugseth, Paul . . . . . .... Powerine Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Santa Fe Springs, CA
Haveman, John . . . . .... Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Houston, TX
Hawthorne, Lyle E. .... Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... San Antonio, TX
Haydel, Marvin C. .. .... Wink Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... New Orleans, LA



Heck, William E. . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . The Woodlands, TX
Heckel, Tim L. . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Heller, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Henderson, Gerald O. . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . Ashland, KY
Henderson, Jody . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hendricks, Jim . . . . . . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Henke, Kevin W. . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Henning, William D. . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Henriquez, Eduardo J. Corpoven, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Henry, James T. . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pascagoula, MS
Herra, Marek . . . . . . . . . Gdansk Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gdansk, Poland
Herrera, Juan . . . . . . . . . Key Quimica - ChemLink . . . . . . . . Monterrey, Mexico
Herrmann, Claudio . . . . Petrobras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hibbert, Tom W. . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hibble, Pierre W. . . . . . . Stone & Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milton Keynes, UK
Hickman, Gerald . . . . . . KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. . Metairie, LA
Hidalgo, Francisco . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Higgins, Terrence S. . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Hill, Robert W. . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Hiller, Les A. . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hillier, William J. . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . Houston, TX
Hlozek, Robert . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hodge, Vanessa B. . . . . Dow U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hofner, Kevin E. . . . . . . Muse, Stancil & Company . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Hoge, Kenneth D. . . . . . The C. W. Nofsinger Company . . . . Kansas City, MO
Hoh, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . IFP Enterprises Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Hoiseth, Merlin G. . . . . . Reactor Services International Inc. Alvin, TX
Holbrook, David . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Holden, David . . . . . . . . . Johnson Yokogawa Corporation . . . Houston, TX
Holt, Robert E. . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. .. Houston, TX
Hooper, Charlie W. . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Hooper, Ray . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Horn, Allan . . . . . . . . . . . SETPOINT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hostetter, Edward R. .. Federal Container Corporation . . . . Houston, TX
Housenga, Brad . . . . . . . Catalyst Clearing House . . . . . . . . . . Robinson, IL
Howard, T. James . . . . . Shell Canada Products Limited . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Hraban, Thomas L. . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Hufnagle, Jerry J. . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Huggins, John . . . . . . . . Turner Mason & Company . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Humphries, Adrian P. . Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Hunkus, Steve . . . . . . . . . MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc. . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Hunter, Michael G. . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . Houston, TX
Hurst, Joyce M. . . . . . . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Husted, Don A. . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Hutchens, Brian . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Hutchins, Charles . . . . . Ergon Refining Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vicksburg, MS
Hutchison, John D. . . . LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Hyatt, John . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Iglesias, Carlos Petrox, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conception, Chile
Ingraham, L. S. Criterion Catalyst Company L.P . Houston, TX
Irwin, Ian . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kwinana, Western Australia
Irwin, R. Bruce Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Isaka, Atsuhiro Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Ishii, Makoto . . Mitsubishi Oil Company, Ltd. . . . . . Tokyo, Japan

Jackson, .Ronald G. Litwin Engineers & Constructors . . Houston, TX

Jackson, Ronnie D. Lion Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, AR
Jackson, Steven . . . Hunt Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . Tuscaloosa, AL
Jacob, Drake . . . . Atlas Processing Company . . . . . . . . . Shreveport, LA
Jaffe, Jay . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp Freeport, TX
Janke, Scott L. . . . . . LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA



Jenkins, John B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Jenkins, Robert I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imperial Oil-Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North York, Ontario
Jennings, James A. . . . . . . . . . . . Consumers’ Co-op Refineries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regina, Saskatchewan
Jerus, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Jezak, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Jimenez Ortiz, Rolando . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Jinks, Charles D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA,Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Jochelson, Neil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Services Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Jody, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
John, Mark W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Johnson, Axel R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Johnson, Brian H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Johnson, Chris C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Johnson, David M. . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Johnson, Ike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaGloria Oil and Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Johnson, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . MK-Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Johnson, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montana Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Great Falls, MT
Johnson, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lafayette, LA
Johnson, Tiffin E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Johnston, Jay K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Jokubaitis, Linas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Jones, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jones, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imperial Oil Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ft. McMurray, Alberta
Jones, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jones, James W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaGloria Oil and Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Jones, Ronald E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Jones, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Joseph, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Juno, Edward F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Juracek, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD

Kaija, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calagary, Alberta

Kakehi, Kiyoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT PACIFIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kaminski, Edouard . . . . . . . . . . . Research Inst. of Oil Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Kaminski, Richard J. . . . . . . . . . Lyondell-CITGO Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kaminski, T. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Portage, IN
Kantor, Laszlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Budapest, Hungary
Karakouts, Vladimir . . . . . . . . . Oil Processing Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ufa, Russia
Karibov, Alisker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil Processing Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Achinsk, Russia
Kasbaum, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kashiwaya, Shigeru . . . . . . . . . . . Toyo Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Narashino-Shi, Japan
Kawaguchi, Hiromi . . . . . . . . . . . Kurita Water Industries, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kawakami, Katsuhiko . . . . . . . . . Softard Industries Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Keefer, Pam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Keegan, Mel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Keiner, Steven L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellaire, TX
Keller, Alfred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ConocoInc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Keller, Arnold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norwalk, CA
Keller, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch Field Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Kellett, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CDTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kelly, Peter E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kelly, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Kelly, William A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kemock, Robert W. . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Kennard, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kennedy, Paul E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pro-Quip Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Kenney, Thomas J. . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Keys, Kent W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Keyworth, Donald A. . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Kibble, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairfax, VA
Kidder, Rudolph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kilb, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ



Kilner, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalytica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mountain View, CA
Kim,Doyun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellaire, TX
Kim, Jae In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yukong Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ulsan, Korea
King, David Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
King, Jack C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Climax Molybdenum Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
King, Thomas D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kingston, J. L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Kipper, Jay P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SETPOINT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kirchgessner, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Kissel, Robert S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kit, Daniel W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, Ontario
Kleemeier, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Kleinschrodt, Frank J. . . . . . . . . SETPOINT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kliesch, H. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Profimatics, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA
Klimek, Scott W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Kline, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennzoil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rouseville, PA
Klutschkowski, Michael . . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kolb, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IPC Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kolmetz, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Komazawa, Takahiko . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Konuk, Aydin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SETPOINT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kouznetsov, Vladimir . . . . . . . . . Russian Trade Development Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Kowalczyk, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . Refining Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Kowalczyk, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . The UNO-VEN Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lemont, IL
Koyama, Toshio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuji Oil Company Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kozak, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witco Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodcliff Lake, NJ
Krahl, Larry J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Kraynak, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Kremer, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kreter, Paul E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Krikorian, Krik V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weybridge, UK
Krishna, Ashok S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Krishnan, Vijayaragh . . . . . . . . . Refineria Isla (Curacao) S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curacao, Neth. Antilles
Krivorotov, Edouard . . . . . . . . . . Orsknefteorgsintez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orsk, Russia
Krolicki, Sterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oceanside, CA
Kromm, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arkansas City, KS
Krummerich, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Kryshkin, Valery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russian Trade Dev. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Kryukov, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Ku, Camey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Development Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kubayashi, Kurao . . . . . . . . . . . . . NSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kucharski, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . Witco Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allegany, NY
Kuehler, C. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research and Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Kumar, Ashok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlas Processing Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shreveport, LA
Kunes, Michelle A. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Kurumado, Hiroshi . . . . . . . . . . . Hakuto Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kutsche, Ronald A. . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Kutska,Helen M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC

La Russo, Anthony C. . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norwalk, CT

Laabs, Patrick . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Lacatena, Jerry . . . . . . . Foster Wheeler USA Corporation . Clinton, NJ
Lacey, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . Unichem International . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Lacijan, Lawrence A. . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Lakhanpal, Balbir . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worms, Germany
Lal, Ravi . . . . . . . . . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . San Dimas, CA
Lamm, A. E. . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Lampert, Len . . . . . . . . . . Imperial Oil Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Lane, Philip A. . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lannen, T. W. . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Industrial Chemicals . . . . Houston, TX
Larson, Robert W. . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Arm, MD
Lascola, A. P . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD



Lathrop, Ron M. . . . . . . . . . .. Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Lauricella, Frank . . . . . . . . .. Praxair, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tarrytown, NY
Laux, M. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Three Rivers, TX
Lavergne, Patrick D. . . . . . .. Lyondell Petrochemical Company . . . . Houston, TX
Lawrence, Peter J. . . . . . . . .. MK-Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Le, Binh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Learman, Robert J. . . . . . . .. Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ledden, Richard A. . . . . . . .. Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Lederman, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . .. Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Legvold, Richard . . . . . . . . . .. Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Lenoir, Horace . . . . . . . . . . . .. Praxair, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Letzsch, Warren . . . . . . . . . . .. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. .. Houston, TX
Leuenberger, E. L. . . . . . . . .. ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Lewandowski, Roy A. . . . . .. Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Lilienthal, Brent W. . . . . . . . .. Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lim, Tow Foon . . . . . . . . . . . .. Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore
Lindley, Randy D. . . . . . . . . .. Clark Oil & Refining Corporation . . . . Hartford, IL
Linhardt, Hans D. . . . . . . . . .. Raytheon Engineering & Construction Newport Beach, CA
Linington, David . . . . . . . . . .. Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detroit, MI
Link, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Liolios, Glenn C. . . . . . . . . . .. STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Lipinski, John J. . . . . . . . . . .. The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lippert, Regis B. . . . . . . . . . .. INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea Girt, NJ
Lippert, Robin B. . . . . . . . . .. INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea Girt, NJ
Liu, Bin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Caltex Services Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Llanos, Zenon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . Freeport, TX
Lombard, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . .. ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noblesville, IN
Long, James K. . . . . . . . . . . .. Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Long, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. .. Houston, TX
Loo, Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Aramco Services Company . . . . . . . . . . . Alhambra, CA
Look Tong, Anthony . . . . . Petrotrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trinidad, West Indies
Lopez, Linda L. . . . . . . . . . . .. Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lordo, Sam A. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Loudon, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . .. Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Love, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The Pro-Quip Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Low, Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Lowe, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Midland, MI
Lucero, Bernardo . . . . . . . . .. Norton Chemical Process Products . . . Houston, TX
Ludolph, Robert A. . . . . . . . .. Sun Refining and Marketing Company Marcus Hook, PA
Lui, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Suncor, Inc. OSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort McMurray, Alberta
Luna, Damian . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Lynne, Laura . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Lyons, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX

MLackey, Terry D. . . . . . . . . . . MK-Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH

Macy, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stewart & Bottomley, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Sapulpa, OK
Maher, P. K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange, CA
Maholland, Michael . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Maiden, J. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. Princeton, NJ
Malik, Tariq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemical . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Malik, Zaheer I. . . . . . . . . . . . The Pro-Quip Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Malmberg, Doris . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Malone, Donald . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Malone, James . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheaton, IL
Maloy, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Mambi, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . Relineria Isla (Curacao) S.A. . . . . . . . . Curacao, Neth. Antilles
Manchiraju, Srinivas . . . . . . Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunray, TX
Mankowski, Anthony S. .. . Syncrude Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . Fort McMurray, Alberta
Mann, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawrenceville, IL
Manning, William L. . . . . . . . The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Manthos, George J. . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Manuel. Donald . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA



Maple, Ralph E. . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Myariani, Richard A. . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Des Plaines, IL
Markle, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Marquez A., Luis E. . . . . Maraven,S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Clinton, NJ
Marrelli, Ronald E. . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . .. Bartlesville, OK
Marshall, D. J. . . . . . . . . . Chevron Corporation - Retired . . . . . . .. Boston, MA
Marshall, Gregory A. . . . Exxon Company, U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baytown, TX
Martin, Robert B. . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Martin, Tim W. . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. .. Houston, TX
Masak, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markham, Ontario
Masters, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Leawood, KS
Mastracci, Ennio L. . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mata, Amilkar R. . . . . . . . Tecnofluor C.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Mathews, Richard C. . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Mathur, Steve S. . . . . . . . . Chevron Research and Technology Co .. Richmond, CA
Matos, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Baltimore, MD
Myatragrano, John G. . . . Exxon Company, U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Baton Rouge, LA
Matsushita, Takashi . . . . Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Matthews, Bruce B. . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Mamy, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . Houston, TX
May, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Freeport, TX
McArthur, Dennis . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brea, CA
McAuley, Andrew J. . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . Rouseville, PA
McCaffrey, David S. . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. .. Florham Park, NJ
McClung, Ronald G. . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
McCormick, Chris . . . . . . Indian Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawrenceville, NJ
McCoy, Charles S. . . . . . . Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Orinda, CA
McCulloch, Donald C. .. Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . Houston, TX
McDaniel, J. Gary . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
McDaniel, Norman K. .. Amoco Oil Company-Retired . . . . . . . . .. League City, TX
McDonald, Scott . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Texas City, TX
McFarlane, Philip . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . Houston, TX
McFarlin, Henry E. . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . .. Sugar Land, TX
McGreevy, Tod . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Texas City, TX
McGuinness, Michael H. Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Convent, LA
McHugh, Kernan . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . .. Blaine, WA
McHugh, Terrence J. . . . Discovery Aluminas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McKaig, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . FINA Oil and Chemical Co. . . . . . . . . .. Big Spring, TX
McKay, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . Millennium Downstream Report . . . . Houston, TX
McKay, Dwight . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
McKiernan, Robert . . . . . Imperial Oil Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sarnia, Ontario
McKinney, Jack . . . . . . . . Comae Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
McLaren, Theron . . . . . . ABB Randall Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McLean, Joseph B. . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
McMahon, Loret A. . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . .. Baytown, TX
McNeill, W. C. . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McQuiston, Harvey L. .. ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McWilliams, David . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joliet, IL
Meakim, John T. . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Meason, John . . . . . . . . . . Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Three Rivers, TX
Mecum, Shade . . . . . . . . . MPR Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charlotte, NC
Meeker, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Co. . . . . . . . .. Richmond, CA
Meier, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . .. Bartlesville, OK
Memmott, Vincent J. . . . Flying J Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. North Salt Lake, UT
Mendizabal, Wilfrido . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Salamanca, Mexico
Menegaz, Steve . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Menon, Sudbir . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemicals India Limited . . . . . .. Bombay, India
Mettee, Elizabeth W. . . . . GraceDavison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Baltimore, MD
Metzger, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Meyer, Darsi . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Torrance, CA
Meyer, David P. . . . . . . . . The UNO-VEN Company . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lemont, IL
Meza, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico



Michelini, Eugene S. . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Linwood, PA
Miciotto, Andrew J. . . . . . Betz Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Trevose, PA
Mihaly, Robert C. . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . .. Canton, OH
Millard, Michael G. . . . . . . Canadian Chemical Reclaiming . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Millensifer, Tom A. . . . . . . Powmet, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Littleton, CO
Miller, David J. . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Newtown Square, PA
Miller, Donald G. . . . . . . . . FINA Oil & Chemical Company . . . . . . . .. Dallas, TX
Miller, Donald B. . . . . . . . . Caltex Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . .. Irving, TX
Miller, Harvey S. . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Long Beach, CA
Miller, James E. . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . .. Lake Charles, LA
Miller, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Miller, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chicago, IL
Millner, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research and Technology Co. . .. San Francisco, CA
Milovanof, Victor . . . . . . . Russian Danish Joint Venture . . . . . . . . . .. Moscow, Russia
Mimura, Yukihiro . . . . . . . Cosmo Research Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Satte-Shi, Japan
Miranda, Ronald E. . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Miro Roig, Pedro . . . . . . . . CEPSA - Research Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madrid, Spain
Misiong, George . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Misiti, A. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Mitchell, John . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Mitchell, Richard E. . . . . . Sun Refining & Marketing Co. . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
Mitchell, Robert . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bartlesville, OK
Moffitt, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Co. . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Moke, Ken L. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Torrance, CA
Monkiewicz, Edmund . . . Gdansk Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Gdansk, Poland
Monroe, W. D. . . . . . . . . . . . Atlas Copco.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kingwood, TX
Moore, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dallas, TX
Moore, Ebb . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moore’s Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Moore, Robert E. . . . . . . . . Frontier Refining, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheyenne, WY
Moore, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Austin, TX
Moorehead, Eric L. . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Morash, David . . . . . . . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Orange, CA
Morelli, David . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Moreno, Oliverio . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mexico City, Mexico
Morgan, Barry S. . . . . . . . . Chevron International Oil Co. . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Morgan, John A. . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bartlesville, OK
Morgan, R. Donald . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . .. Wichita, KS
Morgan, Thomas A. . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company - Retired . . Pampa, TX
Morris, David R. . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . .. Richmond, CA
Morris, Lee W. . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Morrison, M. Edward . . . IFP Enterprises Texas, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Morse, Robert W. . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Iselin, NJ
Moses, James R. . . . . . . . . Process-Vessel Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Edmonton, Alberta
Mosher, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Leawood, KS
Moyse, Brian M. . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Moysiuk, John . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Canada, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . .. Toronto, Ontario
Mrvichin, William . . . . . . . Hoechst Celanese Corporation . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Mueller, Juergen . . . . . . . . Heraeus Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Newark, NJ
Mukherjee, Shankarkum Hindustan Petroleum Corp., Lt . . . . . . . . .. Bombay, India
Mulik, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southwest Research Institute . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio, TX
Mullenix, Andrew . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Mulraney, Donald D. . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . Houston, TX
Munro, James C. J. . . . . . Consumers Power Company . . . . . . . . . . . Marysville, MI
Munson, G. W. . . . . . . . . . . . Crown Central Petroleum Corporation . .. Houston, TX
Murcia, Alvaro A. . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . .. Houston, TX
Murff, Stephen R. . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Murphy, Christopher . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Murphy, George . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Liverpool, UK
Murray, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul Park, MN

Nagel, Jeffrey A. . . . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX

Nakamura, David . . . . . . . Hydrocarbon Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston. TX



Naoumov, Viatcheslav . . Orsknefteorgsintez . . . . . . . . . . . . Orsk, Russia
Nash, Doyle . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Nash, Duane L. . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . Lake Charles, LA
Nassar, Emile . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nasser, William E. . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Naumann, John . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Necrouf, Jean-Claude . . Packinox, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paris, France
Needham, Terrill . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westlake, LA
Neff, Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giant Relining Company . . . . . . Gallup, NM
Neighbors, John M. . . . . ABB Randall Corporation . . . . . Houston, TX
Neigut, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Nelson, Andrew . . . . . . . . MK-Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Nelson, Bradly D. . . . . . . Vortoil Separation Systems . . . . Houston, TX
Neuman, Daniel J. . . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Neuman, Pamela K. . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Newell, Dennis . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nguyen, Hung D. . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Nguyen, Tuan . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Nicholson, David S. . . . . Crostield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrington, UK
Nielsen, Anders . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe AS . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyngby, Denmark
Nielsen, James T. . . . . . . . The UNO-VEN Company . . . . . . Lemont, IL
Nielsen, Lillian J. . . . . . . Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chappaqua, NY
Noble, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . John Zink Company . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Nocca, Jean-Luc . . . . . . . IFP Enterprises Texas, Inc. . . . . Houston, TX
Nodier, Michael . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . Chalmette, LA
Nolan, Barry D. . . . . . . . . Powerine Oil Company . . . . . . . . Billings, MT
Norman, William S. . . . . . Discovery Aluminas, Inc. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Novak, John . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Novak, Kirk R. . . . . . . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange, CA
Novak, William J. . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Novalany, Stephen . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Nowobilski, Peter . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Nozemack, Richard J. .. Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD

O’Brien, Sharon . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . Sweeny, TX

O’Bryant, Darryl Farmland Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Coffeyville, KS
Oikawa, M. . . . . JGC Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yokahama, Japan
Olbrich, Hazel . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. Richmond, CA
Olesen, John A. . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Olesky, Philip J. . . LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Ollech, John . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Olsen, Charles W. Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Olson, Frank M. . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Orem, Mike . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Orr, Allan . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp Freeport, TX
Osborn, Keith . . . . Farmland Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Coffeyville, KS
Osetek, Tom . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Ostenberg, Lise Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Otwell, Gary N. . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norwalk, CT
Owen, Hartley . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worton, MD

Painchaud, Brian . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

Pair, Benson . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Paloumbis, Stephen Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worms, Germany
Pannucci, Joseph . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Pantota, Guillermo . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madero Tamaulipas, Mexico
Pappal, David . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. Paulsboro, NJ
Paquet, Yves . . . . . . Ultramar Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levis, Quebec
Parastar, K. M. . . . . . Crown Central Petroleum Corporation . Houston, TX
Parekh, Uday N. . . . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . Allentown, PA
Parker, Jim . . . . . John Zink Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Parker, Tony . . . . . . BP Oil Alliance Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA



Parnell, David C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Patel, Nitin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Patel, Raj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Patton, Hager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plano, TX
Patton, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Patureaux, Thierry . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levallois, France
Paules, Jeffrey W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Pavel, Stephen K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pearce, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AkzoCatalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pearson, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Peccatiello, Kenneth A. . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Peck, Roger A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Cooperative Refinery Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . McPherson, KS
Peddicord, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Pedersen, Joergen . . . . . . . . . . . . Statoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mongstad, Norway
Pedersen, Peter S. . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pelham, Roger O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Profimatics, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA
Penman, Brian R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Napa, CA
Pennels, Mark E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equip. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . Golden, CO
Pepper, Julia L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Percy, Samuel W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chappaqua, NY
Perger, Jozsef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Budapest, Hungary
Perkins, J. Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . United CatalystsInc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Perone, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Perrot, Jacques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E1f Atochem S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paris, France
Pesek, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Peterman, Raymond W. . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Peterson, Mark A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Pettaway, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Pfile, M. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Phansalkar, Sunil J. . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Phillip,Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salt Lake City, UT
Phillips, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Piekos, Frank S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Pierce, Eric R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reisterstown, MD
Pierson, Lynette A. . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Piper, Edwin M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Englewood, CO
Piper,James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Piskolich, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Pitchford, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nutter Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Plaja, Jorge L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maraven, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardon, Venezuela
Plantenga, Frans L. . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amersfoort, Netherlands
Poddar, Syamal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Petroleum, Chemical & Industrial . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Polizopoulos, Ipo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Pollock, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Poncin, Jean-Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levallois, France
Poon, Jim P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Potscavage, William . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Potter, Frederick L. . . . . . . . . . . . Information Resources Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Powell, Joseph W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Poythress, R. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Prebula, Alvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Preiser, Aaron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Pritchett, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Proops, Kevin R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Propst, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pryzbyl, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eppendorf North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madison, WI
Pults, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whiting, IN
Purcell, Anthony F. . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melbourne, Australia
Pusty, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL

Quigley, Robert P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crostield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL

Quinlan, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tosco Bayway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linden, NJ



Quinn, Richard K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX

Raadsen, B.C.J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amersfoort, Netherlands

Ragsdale, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rajagopalan, Kuppuswamy R. . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia, MD
Rajguru, Anil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fluor Daniel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Ram, Ajay Pat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hindustan Petroleum Corp., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bombay, India
Ramirez, Mario L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Ramirez Ruiz, Oswaldo . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Toro, CA
Ramsey, Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Rasmussen, Henrik W. . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Reeg, Cloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange, CA
Reid, Terry A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Reid, William R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Reisig, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Remsen, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Resnick, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stafford, TX
Rettenmaier, Albert C. . . . . . . . . The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Reverdy, Francois . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packinox, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Reynolds, Robert W. . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Rezvani, Jafar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Rhodes, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil & Gas Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rice, William M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Richards, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Richardson, James A. . . . . . . . . . Laguna Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Richardson, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Englewood, CO
Riedl, Joseph F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, KS
Rieg, Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Rieves, Steve G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI-MET Crystaphase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Riley, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Ripoche, Jacques . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Antar France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mormant, France
Ritzel, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Roach, Greg F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Services Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Roberts, C. David . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Roberts, Dwayne C. . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Roberts, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Robichaux, Ronald J. . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Robson, Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Rock, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PQ Zeolites B.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leiden, The Netherlands
Roddey, J. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roddey Engineering Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shreveport, LA
Rodgers, James M. . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rogan, Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rogers, James A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rogers, William W. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Rolandelli, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ronnander, James C. . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ross, J. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweeny, TX
Rossi, Richard J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Rowe, Alan T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rowe, Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Roy, Kajal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crown Central Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rubin, David B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACS Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rucker, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ergon Refining Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vicksburg, MS
Rudder, J. K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lion Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, AR
Rumell, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Russell, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

Sabers, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE

Sadeghbeigi, Reza . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Saforo, Emmanuel . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeochem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Sagaser, Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morrison, CO
Sager, Edward R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOVA Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK



Saifoullin, Nour . . . . . . . Oil Processing Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ufa, Russia
Sakura, Masashi . . . . . . Nikko Kyodo Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Salazar, Franklin . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sams, David A. . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Sanchez, Nilda . . . . . . . . CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sannikov, Alexander . . Oil Refining Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Achinsk, Russia
Santner, Chris . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Santos, Gerald . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Santos, Jesus . . . . . . . . . . The Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . White Plains, NY
Sappington, James M. . Koch Engineering Company . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Sarli, Michael S. . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. Princeton, NJ
Sarsten, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . Encon Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Millington, NJ
Sarubbi, Frank . . . . . . . . Texaco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sasaki, Takumi . . . . . . . . Fuji Oil Company, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Savin, Vladimir . . . . . . . Orsknefteorgsintez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orsk, Russia
Savory, Donald . . . . . . . . Aramco Services Company . . . . . . . . . . . Alhambra, CA
Sayal, Sandeep S. . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sayles, Scott . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Scalise, John M. . . . . . . . Caltex Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Schantz, Sean . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Scharre, Mark D. . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Scheirer, Glen E. . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. .. Florham Park, NJ
Schimbor, R. . . . . . . . . . CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Schmidt, Mike R. . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Schmitz, Anthony . . . . . Emtrol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hauppauge, NY
Schoemann, Alexander Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Schoonover, Roger E. . Koch Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Schowe, Edwin W. . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Portage, IN
Schroer, Anthon . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Schulman, Bernard L. . SFA Pacific, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Englewood, CO
Schultheis, S. H. . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Schwandt, Scott . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . Houston, TX
Sciretti, Michael . . . . . . . Atlas Processing Company . . . . . . . . . . . Shreveport, LA
Scolari, Oscar . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Scott, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . Bruce Scott, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Rafael, CA
Scott, Charles E. . . . . . . OXY USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Scruggs, G. Darrell . . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l. Corp. . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Scuorzo, Linda . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. .. Florham Park, NJ
Sebulsky, Raynor T. . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Seidel, Richard J. . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sekellick, Ron S. . . . . . . Mott Metallurgical Corporation . . . . . . Farmington, CT
Sexton, John . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Shah, Pankaj P . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Shallice, Christopher CF Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woburn, MA
Sharp, Andrew . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Sharp, Curtis . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sharp, Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P . . . . . Houston, TX
Shearer, Bruce . . . . . . . . Betz Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Shehan, Robert . . . . . . . Alghanim Est. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond, VA
Shelton, Al . . . . . . . . . . . . NOVA Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Shi, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . Thiele Kaolin Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandersville, GA
Shiflett, W. K. . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . Azusa, CA
Shoemaker, Larry D. .. Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Shortt, Mark . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Shubert, Jack . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Sides, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals, Inc. . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Siebert, Jeffrey R. . . . . . Johnson Yokogawa Corporation . . . . . . Carrollton, TX
Sigan, Jack A. . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hoffman Estates, IL
Silverman, Michael A. . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. .. Houston, TX
Simonton, Steve . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Singer, Roger . . . . . . . . . The Purolite Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bala Cynwyd, PA
Singh, Himmat . . . . . . . . Indian Institute of Petroleum . . . . . . . . Dehradun, India



Sinnard, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . ... Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Siwek, Janusz . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Slade, Cornell . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sloan, H. David . . . . . . . . . . . ... The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Sloley, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dallas, TX
Smit, Cees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Amersfoort, Netherlands
Smith, David L. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. San Ramon, CA
Smith, G. Andrew . . . . . . . . . ... INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missouri City, TX
Smith, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . .. Florham Park, NJ
Smith, Jonah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Torrance, CA
Smith, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wilmington, CA
Smith, Lawrence A. . . . . . . . ... CDTECH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Smith, Norman . . . . . . . . . . ... ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Smith, Paul B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Solomon Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dallas, TX
Smith, Rusty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Smith, Scot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... John Zink Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tulsa, OK
Smith, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Aramco Services Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia
Smuck, William W. . . . . . . . . ... Hydrocarbon Engineering Associates, Inc. . .. Swarthmore, PA
Sohmer, Michael . . . . . . . . . . ... Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Solsbury, Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Soni, Dalip S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Sopko, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea Girt, NJ
Sopko, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . ... The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wickliffe, OH
Soria, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Crown Central Petroleum Corporation . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Soudek, Ales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... The Pace Consultants Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Sourp, Thierry . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Packinox, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Baltimore, MD
Spardel, Steven E. . . . . . . . . . ... Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Spoerle, F. Steven . . . . . . . . . ... Betz Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Trevose, PA
Springett, Howard . . . . . . . . ... Shell International Petroleum Co. . . . . . . . . . .. London, UK
Spurrell, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Chevron U.S.A. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. El Segundo, CA
Staaf, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Martinez, CA
Stamires, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . ... Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Newport Beach, CA
Stanger, Charles W. . . . . . . . ... Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Stefansen, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wichita, KS
Stegelman, Albert F. . . . . . . . ... Phillips 66 Company - Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Borger, TX
Stell, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oak Brook Terrace, IL
Stellman, Richard G. . . . . . . ... The Pace Consultants Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Stelly, Timothy J. . . . . . . . . . . ... Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . .. Princeton, NJ
Stephen, P M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Chevron Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Burnaby, Brit. Columbia
Stephens, Gary A. . . . . . . . . . ... IFP Enterprises Texas, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Stephenson, Raymond A. . ... Lyondell-CITGO Refining Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Stergios, George . . . . . . . . . . ... Stone & Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Milton Keynes, UK
Stewart, Sandra M. . . . . . . . ... Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Stier, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Commerce City, CO
Stirling, Stann . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Stockwell, Rod . . . . . . . . . . . . ... United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Louisville, KY
Street, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Texaco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Stuart, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . ... Louisiana Land & Exploration Co. . . . . . . . . .. Saraland, AL
Suarez, Felipe J. . . . . . . . . . . ... Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Suarez, Rodolfo . . . . . . . . . . . ... Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minatitlan, Mexico
Suchanek, Arthur J. . . . . . . ... Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Sugimoto, Akira . . . . . . . . . . . ... JGC Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kinuura, Japan
Sumrok, Bradley . . . . . . . . . . ... Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Sundaram, Chandrasekar . ... Madras Refineries Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manali, India
Sutton, Patricia M. . . . . . . . . ... NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Washington, DC
Suzuki, Tomio . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Nikko Kyodo Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tokyo, Japan
Svoboda, LaNell . . . . . . . . . . ... Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sweeney, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . ... Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX

Tacchi, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

Taggart, George W. . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Tailer, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . Houston, TX



Takagi, Kenziko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kashima Engineering Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Takeda, Hidetoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tohoku Oil Company Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sendai-Shi, Japan
Tamborski, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Tanaka, Yuji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cosmo Oil of U.S.A., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Tang, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Tarka, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tasker, Kenneth G. . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrocarbon Research Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Taylor, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Taylor, John F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Taylor, Thomas C. . . . . . . . . . . . . Aqua Process Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Taylor, William C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckner, KY
Tedesco, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Tenenbaum, Slava . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Tenney, Edwin D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . GE Environmental Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lebanon, PA
Thaver, Nithianathan . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joliet, IL
Theriault, Bert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery Canada Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Thiel, Phillip G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Thomas, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Titone, J. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Toberman, Richard A. . . . . . . . . Rollins Environmental Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deer Park, TX
Tolen, Delbert F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equip. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . Golden, CO
Torchia, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Torpis, Sevket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aramco Services Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alhambra, CA
Toscano Martinez, Francisco . . Petroleos Mexicanos.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tula, Mexico
Toyoo, Kaijima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kashima Engineering Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Tran, Hieu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suncor, Inc. OSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort McMurray, Alberta
Treece, Michael W. . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Trenga, Frank J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Trevino, Cesar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tronchin, Amilton A. . . . . . . . . . . Grace Aquatec Quimica Ltda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sao Paulo, Brazil
Troyer, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tryjankowski, Damian A. . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Tseliaritski, Vladimir V. . . . . . . Lennefteprodukt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Petersburg, Russia
Tselidi, Anatoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil Refining Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Tucker, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Tunnell, Duke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Turk, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweeny, TX
Turpin, Lee E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proiimatics, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA
Tyree, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIC US Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA

Udengaard, Niels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

Udvari, Emery J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Ulmer, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Unzelman, George H. . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Urbancic, Michael A. . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Usher, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Uthman, Muhammad T. . . . . . . . SAMAREC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Vadekar, M. O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chem Tech Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario

Valentine, Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder, CO
Valentine, Lee L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Van de Venne, Hubert . . . . . . . . Litwin Engineers & Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Van Hemmen, Richard . . . . . . . . Novacor Chemicals Canada Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Van Driesen, Roger P. . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomfield, NJ
Vance, Paul W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Vandiver, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crown Central Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Varadi, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Vazquez, Ramiro G. . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Veldman, Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Victory, Randall M. . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Villio, Robert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chase, LA
Vinokourov, Valeri . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastics Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aktau, Russia



Vogt, Ingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sunoco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sarnia, Ontario
Vogus, C. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pennzoil-Penreco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Karns City, PA
Vona, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Voronin, Victor . . . . . . . . . .. Oil Processing Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Volgograd, Russia

Wade, Elton . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . .. Houston, TX

Wagner, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . .. STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Wagner, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . .. Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Philadelphia; PA
Waldorf, Daniel . . . . . . . . .. Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Orange, CA
Waldrop, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . .. Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Walker, Donald K. . . . . . . .. Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Walker, Hugh B. . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Walker, James P. . . . . . . .. Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dallas, TX
Walker, John E. . . . . . . . . .. Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . .. Azusa, CA
Walker, Richmond . . . . .. Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Wall, James D. . . . . . . . . . .. Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Wall, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . .. Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Anacortes, WA
Wallace, Carrie . . . . . . . . . .. ICIKatalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Wallendorf, William H. .. The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Walter, Richard E. . . . . . . .. Exxon Research & Engineering Co. .. Florham Park, NJ
Walther, Michael W. . . . . .. Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Walton, K. Scott . . . . . . . . .. CENEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurel, MT
Wambaugh, James A. .. .. Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . .. Houston, TX
Ward, John W. . . . . . . . . . .. Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Ward, John W. . . . . . . . . . .. Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brea, CA
Ware, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. .. Houston, TX
Wasser, Richard J. . . . . . .. Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . .. Sugar Land, TX
Waterfield, David N. . . . . .. BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sunbury-on-Thames, UK
Watkins, Bass . . . . . . . . . . .. GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . .. Slidell, LA
Watson, David . . . . . . . . . . .. Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Watson, John . . . . . . . . . . . .. UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Des Plaines, IL
Watson, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . .. Eppendorf North America . . . . . . . . . .. Madison, WI
Watts, Richard H. . . . . . . .. LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Baton Rouge, LA
Wear, Charles C. . . . . . . . .. Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Baltimore, MD
Webb, John H. . . . . . . . . . .. Energy BioSystems Corporation . . . .. The Woodlands, TX
Webber, Arthur . . . . . . . . .. Stone & Webster Canada Limited . . .. Toronto, Ontario
Weber, E S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fina Oil and Chemical Company . . . .. Port Arthur, TX
Weiss, Arlene . . . . . . . . . . . .. Vista Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Welch, J. Gary . . . . . . . . . .. CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wenner, David M. . . . . . . .. Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chalmette, LA
Wenzel, Fritz W. . . . . . . . . .. VEBA OEL Technologie GmbH . . . . .. Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Werkmeister, Michael J. .. Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Westbrook, Gerald T. . . . .. Dow Hydrocarbon Resources . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Westhoff, Stephen . . . . . . .. Aramco Services Company . . . . . . . . . .. Alhambra, CA
Wheeler, Marlo R. . . . . . . .. UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wheeler, Thomas . . . . . . . .. UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Des Plaines, IL
Whelchel, Paul H. . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. .. Houston, TX
Whikehart, David . . . . . . .. Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . .. Robinson, IL
Whitlock, C. W. . . . . . . . . . .. Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . .. The Woodlands, TX
Whittington, E. Louis . . . .. The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Whittington, Lloyd K. .. .. ChemCat Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kenner, LA
Wick, James P. . . . . . . . .. Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . .. Findlay, OH
Wieliczko, Thomas B. . . . .. W. R. Grace & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cherry Hill, NJ
Wieser, Stephen L. . . . . . .. Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Wilcox, Jack R. . . . . . . . . .. Refining Process Services, Inc . . . . . . .. Pittsburgh, PA
Wilkening, Greg C. ...... .. Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . Borger, TX
Willer, Rodney . . . . . . . . . .. GAYLORD CHEMICAL Corp. . . . . . .. Slidell, LA
Williams, Dale . . . . . . . . . . .. Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Williams, James E. . . . . . .. Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Williams, Michael . . . . . . .. Vista Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Williams, Rufus . . . . . . . . .. Praxair, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Houston, TX
Williams, Russell . . . . . . . .. MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc. . . . . . . . .. Memphis, TN



Williams, Terre1 D. . . . . Kerr-McGee Refining Corporation . . . . Houston, TX
Williamson, Leonard M. Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . Houston, TX
Willingham, Young . . . . Bateman Engineering Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Lakewood, CO
Willis, David A. . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Co. . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Wilmer, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Wilson, Bill W. . . . . . . . . . Caltex Services Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Wilson, Jerome H. . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Wilson, Robert L. . . . . . . Moore Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder, CO
Wilson, Troy . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Wiltrout, Carl S. . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Wimberly, Mark O. . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Winchester, Larry C. .. Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ardmore, OK
Winslett, David . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Winslow, Phil . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . Richmond, CA
Winston, William G. . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Winter-Roach, George . Petrotrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pointe A Pierre, W. Indies
Wise, Mark S. . . . . . . . . . Chemetals Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Witoshkin, Anatol . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Witty Davis, Vickie L. . Sun Refining & Marketing Co. . . . . . . . Toledo, OH
Wizig, Herbert W. . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wong, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Woo, Sang-Ryong . . . . . Honam Oil Refinery Company . . . . . . . Seoul, Korea
Wood, Curtis B. . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Wood, David . . . . . . . . . . CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wood, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Woods, Robert P. . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . Houston, TX
Woodward, Colin . . . . . . ICIKatalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Wright, Marie A. . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Wright, Phil P. . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Wuensche, Bill . . . . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals, Inc. . . . Corpus Christi, TX

Yanazume, Ei . . . . . NSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan

Yancy, John I. . . . . LaGloria Oil and Gas Company . . Tyler, TX
Yanez, Alfonso . . . Petrox S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conception, Chile
Yanik, Stephen J. Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Yellig, Raymond V. Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Yepsen, Gary L. . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Yotaka, Shida . . . . IFP Tokyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
You, Ji Young . . . . Yukong Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ulsan, Korea
Youngblood, Scott Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . Houston, TX
Yung, Yen . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amersfoort, Netherlands
Yunoki, S. . . . . . . . . UOP/Nikki Universal . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan

Zacher, Michael . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH

Zafar, Humayon Z. . . Litwin Engineers & Constructors . Houston, TX
Zaidi, Mohammad . . Kuwait National Petroleum Co. . . . Safat, Kuwait
Zakaev, Ramzan . . . . . Oil Processing Enterprise . . . . . . . . Gronzy, Russia
Zeillmann, Louie E. . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . Slidell, LA
Zelonis, Randolph P. Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edison, NJ
Zeltman, Jon . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products Akron, OH
Zetlmeisl, Michael . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Zima, Ric T. . . . . . . Ashland Oil, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Zimmerman, Paul . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Zoller, John R. . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Zurkoff, Jonathan . . . CF Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boise, ID
Zyskowski, M. S. . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mississauga, Ontario


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