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1994 NPRA
Question and Answer Session
On Refining and Petrochemical Technology

47th Annual
NPRA Question and Answer
Session on Refining and
Petrochemical Technology

Conducted by the
National Petroleum Refiners Association
Suite 1000, 1899 L Street, N
Washington, D.C. 20036

© 1995 National Petroleum Refiners Association


Typesetting/Layout by:
Right Angle Graphics
4207 Underwood St.
University Park, MD 20872
Printed in U.S.A.


Section Category Page Section Category Page


A. Alkylation - Sulfuric Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
A. Treating and Desalting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
B. Lube Oil Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
C. Solvent Deasphalting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
B. Alkylation - Hydrofluoric Acid . . . . . . . . . . . 144
D. Crude Distillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
E. Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
F. Product Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
G. Computer/Process Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 C. Reforming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
H. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
II. HEAVY OIL PROCESSING Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
A. Fluid Catalytic Cracking 49 D. Aromatic Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 E. Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 F. Isomerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 G. Etherification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Environmental Control . . . . . . . . 83
B. Residual Oil Upgrading-Delayed Coking 85 V. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL & ENERGY CONSERVATION
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 A. Sulfur Plant Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Amine Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
C. Residual Oil Upgrading-Fluid Coking 90 Sulfur Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
D. Residual Oil Upgrading-Visbreaking 91 Tail Gas Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
B. Environmental Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Air Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
A. Hydrogen Production . . . 92
NOx and SOx Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Hydrogen Manufacturing . 92
Hydrocarbon Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Hydrogen Purification . 98
Water Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
B. Hydrotreating . . . . 98
Mechanical . . . . . . . Secondary Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Process . . . . . . . General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Catalysts . . . . . . . Solid and Chemical Wastes . . . . . . . . . . . 202
C. Hydrocracking . . . . . 130 C. Energy Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Mechanical . . . . . . . 130 Process Heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Process . . . . . . . . . 134 Exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

Memorandum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Panel Biographies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Participation Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Index to NPRA Q&A Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Registration List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

judging from the size of the attendance, this is truly one

of the best returns on the dollar that we have to spend.
Before we begin the program this morning, I would just
like to make a few comments on some of the challenges
and issues facing our industry today. We as an industry are
about to embark on a new era that will see unprecedented
involvement of the government in our most basic proc-
esses and operations. The EPA will become intimately
involved in how we manufacture gasoline right down to
the individual components that can and cannot be put
into it, the distribution of gasoline, and finally to sell to
the end customer at the retail station.
The number of rules and regulations that involve our
business have multiplied at least by a hundred times, and
the penalties that we face for even one violation of any of
those new rules is a mere $25,000 a day. These rules affect
the most basic decisions that we make on a daily basis. For
example, what severity should I run on the reformer? How
will that affect my baseline? How will that affect the
benzene or aromatic content of my gasoline? Or at what
temperature should I run on the FCC reactor, or what
catalyst should I choose? How will that affect the sulfur
content, the olefin content, or the aromatic content of my
gasoline? In this new era, before any process change is
made, one will have to evaluate the impact on the gasoline
In addition to these process questions, you have to back
up even further to ask what kind of crude should I run?
What will the change in crude do to my baseline?
I have heard and read a lot about these impacts and the
new regulations but I have not seen a lot discussed about
quality differences in crude. I believe that the crude quality
issues, combined with the baseline, are probably the great-
est threat to the future viability of our refineries. For
example, a refinery that processed the high quality crude
INTRODUCTION in 1990 will have a tremendously difficult time processing
a lower quality crude in 1995 and beyond.
When you stop to think that all these new regulations
JEFF K. UTLEY: come from a voluntary effort by our industry to change
Good morning. My name is Jeff Utley. I am the Refin- the composition of our gasoline to reduce emissions, it is
ery Manager for Flying J in North Salt Lake, Utah. I am scary to see what happens when a government mandate
here this morning as Chairman of the NPRA Manufac- takes the place of free market-driven fundamentals. On
turing Committee to welcome you to the 47th Annual top of the reformulated gasoline regulations we have re-
NPRA Question and Answer Session on Refining and quirements for additives in gasoline. That is just around
Petrochemical Technology. the corner. Requirements for mass balancing to make sure
It is great to see so many of you here this morning. It that the right amount of additives is put into gasoline.
was great to visit with you last night. I am involved in other That carries many rules and regulations and record-keep-
associations, as many of you are, within the industry, and ing. I do not know what you guys are going to do with all
those associations have suffered some from the rationiza- the records we are required to keep. We are going to rent
tion and downturn that our industry has seen in the last a storage shed on an acre of land. Refinery MACT is just
few years. But in looking at the audience this morning and around the corner. It is going to require additional controls
visiting with you last night, this is a true testimony to the on storage tanks, gasoline distribution facilities, process
value of the NPRA Q&A Session. Many of us are watching vents, and you have to ask why. What is the risk? What is
very closely where we spend our dollars these days, and the cost per ton of emission removed? We all see the
negative impacts from the news media on the public of

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 5


the large fines and civil awards for incidents that do occur, change in public attitude and opinion, this is where we
even though they are very, very rare. It makes you stop and must start.
wonder, when an industry that has done so much to I would like to turn back to the meeting this morning,
improve the life for mankind around the world, why the and give you an idea of what kind of preparation went into
punishment is so great for a rare incident. It can be this meeting. A lot of you have been panelists before so
depressing at times. you know. To give you an idea, back in January there was
But I do look to the future with optimism and take an a call for panelist nominations. Those nominations were
awful lot of pride in what our industry has done. We are submitted and then during the Annual Meeting, in the
the energy that fuels the worlds economy, and we will Manufacturing Committee Meeting, the panelists were
continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Our products selected. That was in March. About that same time, the
from both refineries and the petrochemical plants are an call for questions was sent out and generally we received
integral part of every day life. Our plants are cleaner and about 600 or 700 questions. From there, a screening
more efficient and our products are better than ever before. committee met in July and they used a tremendously
We have better science to predict the impacts of our sophisticated, scientific method to whittle those questions
products on the human health and the environment be- down to about 250 or so. From there they were sent out
fore they are put on the market, and the government is to the panelists who had a chance to review them. The
being forced to be more responsible for their regulations panelists were asked to select about 30 or so questions each
in the form of risk assessment and funding before the rules to answer. These guys put an awful lot of their own time
are put in place. There is progress being made to move late at night and on weekends, and if their wives and kids
away from Command and Control regulations. However, are anything like mine, they just did not seem to under-
there is a lot more to do. I encourage each and every one stand why they were putting in that extra time. There was
of you to get involved, to get involved with the NPRA’s an awful lot of effort that went into the preparation of this
effort to represent our industry on the issues that are meeting. And please join me in giving the panelists a hand
coming at us. No issue is insignificant, and there are not for all their hard work.
enough folks in the NPRA office to handle all the issues Another group that we need to thank is the NPRA staff
that are coming at us. Get involved with your State They have put a lot of hours, a lot of hard work, and a lot
congressional delegations, with the state and local govern- of worry into making certain this meeting is as successful
ments; become part of that process; become intimately as it is. So please join me in giving the NPRA staff a hand.
involved in that process. Get involved with the school Finally, it is my pleasure to introduce the moderator of
systems. Help educate the teachers who teach our kids. the meeting this morning. He is the Technical Director of
Help educate the youth in America to what our industry the NPRA, and he is the man responsible for coordinating
means to their daily lives. Bring them to your plants, and this meeting and many others with NPRA. Ladies and
go out and visit their classrooms. If we want to affect the Gentlemen, I present Terry Higgins.

Important Notice
The information and statements herein are believed to be reliable but are not to be construed as a warranty of
representation for which the participants assume legal responsibility. Users should undertake sufficient verification and
testing to determine the suitability for their own particular purpose of any information or products referred to herein.
Nothing herein is to be taken as permission, inducement, or recommendation to practice any patented invention
without a license.

6 Introduction

Background information on today’s panel can be found

in your program book. Note that Hersh Kohut of ARCO,
listed in the program, was unable to attend. The remaining
panelists starting from my far right are:

Ashland Petroleum Company
Ashland, Kentucky
Betz Process Chemicals, Inc.
The Woodlands, Texas
Frontier Refining Inc.
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Shell Development Company
Good Morning. Thank you very much, Jeff. We appre-
Houston, Texas
ciate your comments this morning, and as well the support
that the NPRA Manufacturing Committee provides this JAMES H. D’AURIA
meeting. UOP
I would like to thank STRATCO for sponsoring last Des Plaines, Illinois
night’s reception and Hart Publications for sponsoring the
image magnification facilities in use today.
Clark Refining & Marketing Company
The schedule for the session is printed in your program
Blue Island, Illinois
books. Lunch will be served on Wednesday and Thursday
in the Constitution Ballroom, one flight up. The program B. W. “BILL” FELTROP
lists a 12:30 start time for lunch, but if I finish on time, Petrolite Corporation
lunch will be available by 12 Noon. Vegetarian meals are St. Louis, Missouri
available. Simply request one from one of the servers if
Diamond Shamrock, Inc.
Throughout the next two and a halfdays, the panel will
Three Rivers, Texas
respond to questions submitted by industry and screened
by a panel of experts. I will not read the questions in their JOSEPH B. McLEAN
entirety, so bring your program books to the session. Engelhard Corporation
I will first call upon the panelists to respond to each Houston, Texas
question and then open the discussion to the floor. I
encourage your active participation. When commenting,
The Prichard Corporation
please state your name and company.
Houston, Texas
Approximately two weeks after the meeting, a copy of
the comments will be mailed to each participant for WILLIAM J. PORTER
corrections, additions, or deletions as deemed necessary. Chevron U.S.A. Products Company
After the return of the participants’ comments, they will Pascagoula, Mississippi
be printed and published in a hardback book by NPRA. SCOTT M. SAYLES
Each registrant at the 1994 NPRA Question and Answer Sinclair Oil Corporation
Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology will Tulsa, Oklahoma
receive the bound transcript of the meeting. The bound
transcription includes a subject index which identifies STEVEN A. TREESE
pages where specific topics are covered. Unocal Corporation
Again, I encourage your participation. I also encourage Carson, California
you to take advantage of the hospitality provided through-
out the week by the various suppliers. These offer an The NPRA has received numerous positive comments
excellent opportunity to become better acquainted with as to the value of these sessions and transcripts. Any
those who serve our industry. The suppliers have experts criticisms or suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
available to discuss their products and answer questions. With these remarks, we are ready to begin the session.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 7



A. Treating and Desalting On the purchased feed question, in 1993, we commis-

sioned a new bielectric desalter to desalt purchased resi-
QUESTION 1. due.
When feeding residual oil to the FCC and other down-
stream processes (coker hydrocracker), is it of more FELTROP:
benefit to have multiple stage desalting (2 or 3 stage) I agree especially with Mr. Cuneo’s comments on the
of the crude oil or desalt the residual for Na removal? need for multiple stage desalting. Usually crude desalting
What about purchased feed? can be improved or upgraded significantly by adding a
multiple stage unit. This is especially true if downstream
BARLOW: requirements exist to have a low sodium level in your FCC
The answer to this question will depend on the current charge. Multiple stage desalting is definitely the preferred
equipment that you have and your feedstock goals. I have route, but it can be, as Mr. Barlow has mentioned, an
listed some advantages and disadvantages that we see with expensive alternative.
residual desalting at the FCC charge or running it through Downstream desalting in front of an FCC is typically
the crude unit. justified when you have FCC feeds you are buying from
The advantages of desalting the residual or FCC charge outside where you cannot control the sodium levels. It is
would be: first of all, the size of the desalter can be smaller certainly dependent on the crude type that it has come
because of the reduced throughput. Alternately, for a from. The economics vary, but we have several cases where
similar size vessel you can increase your residence time and we have proven that a 0.1 ppm increase in feed sodium to
the efficiency of the desalter. Purchased feed can be de- a typical 50,000 bbl/d FCC unit would cost the refiner
salted without having to process it in the crude or feed between $200 and $700 a day, depending on whether the
preparation units, which would avoid a potential reduc- loss is taken as catalyst addition or conversion loss.
tion in crude throughput. Thirdly, if you are injecting
Quantifying generalized sodium effects on coker fur-
caustic in the desalted crude and you have a residual
nace fouling is far more difficult and variable, but it is
desalter, you can continue to inject caustic and still get
another area that needs to be considered. Some exemplary
reasonably good sodium removal.
observations there would place the cost for a 20,000
The disadvantages are as follows: problems, costs and
bbl/day coker at between $25 and $100 per day per ppm
training associated with building an additional process in
of feed sodium increase. Still more difficult is quantifying
a second location. Adding a second desalter in a crude unit
a generalized sodium effect on other heavy oil catalyst
is simply an extension of the existing process. Secondly,
units, but the general belief is that sodium contributes
corrosion protection, salt, solids and BS&W removal is
better with the second stage than with only a single stage primarily to top bed fouling and could be a capacity issue
desalter. Thirdly, the residual can be more difficult to for those fixed bed units that are pressure drop run length
desalt alone due to the lower gravity. If you double desalt limited.
it with the crude, you have an inherent gravity enhance-
ment. MENEGAZ:
On the question about purchase feed, we have seen We agree with all the previous comments regarding
problems with contamination by sea water, depending on multiple stage desalting. Additional desalting for marine-
how that feed is transported, and we would recommend shipped gas oil is a good idea. We know of several refiners
reprocessing prior to the FCC unit. that run purchased gas oils without additional desalting,
and they have sodium levels of 0.6 wt% or higher. Most
CUNEO: of them complain of high catalyst makeup to maintain
Yes, we believe very strongly in two stage desalting when activity.
the residue is going to be fed to an FCC unit. We have Note that in residual cracking, equilibrium metals
managed to justify these units basically on lower sodium rather than sodium generally sets the FCC catalyst
levels on equilibrium catalysts, benefits from reduced makeup rate. Added sodium on FCC catalyst above 0.4
fouling, energy consumption and corrosion. wt% will definitely hurt yields and catalyst makeup rate.

8 General Processing and Support Operations


I agree with what has been said, with one additional We look at salt and water removal from crude as the key
point. If you have no need to desalt ahead of the crude parameters and also do a visual qualitative assessment of
unit and want to desalt your gas oil or atmospheric gas oil oil in the water. I generally agree with the numbers Mr.
hot rundown to downstream units, you can desalt those Feltrop reported. However, at the Pascagoula refinery, our
streams. I understand some desalters are operating at the salt removal in two-stage desalters has not consistently
rundown temperature of about 300°F and can be designed been at 99%.
to handle these streams at high salt removal levels.
QUESTION 2. In Unocal the target values are along the same lines as
Whatparameters and tools do refiners use to measure Mr. Feltrop mentioned. B&W is running 0.1% to 0.2%
desalter performance? What benchmarking values less than that. Chlorides and salt removal are 90% to 95%
have been established for each of these performance or greater. Oil in brine is less than l%, and usually the
indicators? criteria is a little bit more subjective: no visible oil in the
brine. We do have ways to handle the oil subsequently,
FELTROP: although we do not use the deoiling process.
We view the assessment of the performance of an For run length, we are usually shooting for greater than
operating desalter as a three part procedure. Initially, a 2 years, and with careful control of the process, at least in
determination is made of the optimum performance that one plant, we are now targeting for a 6 year run on the
can be expected with existing equipment and operational desalters.
conditions. This analysis results in a target or benchmark
for optimum performance capability at existing condi- ARMBRESTER:
tions. Secondly, determination of actual performance is Our desalter operating goals are fairly similar to those
made using detailed analytical procedures. Finally, after mentioned already. On salt content of the desalted crude,
determining what the desalter can do and what it is doing, we shoot for less than 1.5 lb/1,000 bbl, and that is
parametric optimization is indicated. Usually the data generally with less than 100 lb/1,000 bbl coming in with
indicates what is required for operational improvements. the raw crude. We look at water and basic sediment
Benchmark performance varies significantly based on de- individually, targeting 0.15% maximum on each of those,
sign. Single stage desalters should remove 90% to 95% of and we generally operate at less than 75 ppm oil and grease
incoming salt as levels go from 10 lb/l,000 bbl to upwards in the effluent water. We have achieved very good compli-
of 60 lb/l,000 bbl. Double stage desalters should achieve
ance with these goals using a water rate of 6% of the raw
99% removal and will handle salt levels of over 100
crude and about 5 ppm of desalting aid.
lb/l,000 bbl.
Oil outlet quality is generally measured in terms of
BS&W and we should be able to achieve 0.2 wt% BS&W
We would agree that there are really no standard bench-
in almost all but the heaviest of crudes. On heavier crudes
marks, but there are some guidelines that you can use
this is at times dictated by economics rather than actual
across the industry. We would propose the attached list as
performance capabilities. The water effluent quality from
a starting point.
desalters is becoming more and more important with the
regulations that we are under. In general, effluent water
total oil levels can be expected to be well below 200 ppm.
Much lower oil levels can be achieved but usually at the 1) Salt Out 0.2 - 2.0 PTB
expense of a deterioration of overhead performance. We 2) Salt Removal 90% - 98%
will discuss this further as a part of question 9. There are 3) Solids Removal 50% - 80%
known exceptions including heavy naphthenic acid crude 4) BS&W Out 0.1 - 1.0%
oils. 5) Na Removal 95%+
The last thing I wanted to mention is solids removal
6) Oil in Effluent Water 0% - 2%
efficiencies. They are highly dependent on the nature of
the incoming solids that come in with the crude and how 7) Oil and Grease in 100 to 1500 ppm
Effluent Water
the solids are defined analytically. It is feasible to use a
combination of equipment and chemicals to achieve a 8) Frac. O/H Chloride 0.1 to 0.5 ppm Cl -
Levels per 1,000 Barrels Crude
90% removal of solids in a desalter. More commonly,
however, reported solids removal efficiencies are in the 9) Iron Removal 50% - 75% Inorganic Iron
20% to 70% range with sufficiently oil free effluent brine. 10) Slop Production 0.1% - 1.0% of Crude Charge

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 9


A parameter that we use that has not been mentioned, Improved level control is the first one. The use of
depending on the purpose of the desalter and the specific microwave sensors is more common and seems to be
concerns for the plant, is sodium removal. We do monitor more accurate these days than the old float type
that when appropriate. We also correlate the desalter devices.
operation to the overhead chloride levels, iron removal and Improved control systems with the new probes. They
the amount of slop handling capability of the desalter can be used not only for level control, but we have
itself. We see that, on the heavy crudes, one way to monitor seen some success with their use as alarms or controls
the performance is the amount of cutter, or Top Pump for additional chemical pumps to control upsets.
Around used as an indicator of the impact on the overall We also see operator training and awareness as a
operation. tremendous advantage.
As a last comment, I would say that the standard Addition of new chemistry to the desalter; and there
parameters are changing rapidly as we see refiners process- will be more discussion on this a little bit later. Here
ing cheap, lower quality, opportunity crudes. Each system I am referring to wetting agents, reverse breakers and
is really being proven individually with the different emulsion polymers.
changes in crude slates. Addition of brine deoilers in the form of knock out
tanks and even modified desalters.
DEATON: Slop oil injection location revisions.
We look at three parameters across our single stage Crude tank dewatering.
desalter: percent salt removal daily, percent B&W in and Improved oil movements where we monitor the
out daily, and percent filterable solids removal as needed. crude quality prior to processing in the desalter. One
Our percent salt removal currently runs between 88% and example might be to segregate the high asphaltene
92%. Desalted crude typically runs 1.5 to 3.0 lb/1,000 crudes from highly paraffin crudes, which help in
bbl. Our refinery lab runs salt tests by water extraction and asphaltene deposition problems downstream.
silver nitrate titration. Our BS&W typically runs between Gravity enhancement with top pump around recycle.
0.3 and 0.4 wt% inlet with 0.2 wt% outlet, and our Reduction in wash water rates to increase water
refinery lab runs BS&W tests by 50% toluene dilution residence time. Sometimes you might go the other
and the centrifuge method. way.
Our filterable solids removal is typically 65% to 75%. Desalter design modifications, which might include
Our filterable solids are typically 30 to 40 1b/1,000 bbl larger vessels or a switch to a bielectric or another
inlet, which are very low, with 10 lb/1,000 bbl outlet. grid type design.
Filterable solids is the measure of colloidal material that
may not always settle out in a centrifuge. Our chemical BOYCOTT:
supplier runs filterable solids tests by toluene dilution, I agree with the previous comments on the effect of
using before and after weights on a 0.45 micron filtration desalter parameters on the oil content of the drain water.
test. We typically achieve less than 500 ppm oil and grease in
our effluent water. We do experience periodic problems
QUESTION 3. with the formation of emulsions caused by the presence
What are refiners doing to reduce/eliminate oil in the of coke fines in our recovered oil stream. These emulsions
desalter effluent water? What /eve/s are achieved and carry oil with them in the effluent water stream. We have
what variables impact that level? been successful in treating this problem with wetting
agents and the introduction of some of our wash water in
BARLOW: the preheat train for better wetting of the fines.
Basically we see a broad cross section of levels of oil in
the desalter effluent water. Some people are as high as the DEATON:
5% to 10% range and they are actually handling the In addition to the standard emulsion breakers, water
effluent downstream in a different separation system, or soluble cationic polymers can be used to agglomerate oil
simply in a separation tank. The levels we typically target with the polymers and water wet the solids, thus allowing
are less than 500 ppm oil and grease in the effluent water. the solids to drop out oil free with the effluent water. These
A lot of what you can do will depend on the associated polymers are injected into the desalter wash water at
solids loading. treatment rates ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 ppm based on the
This problem is also changing rapidly with the different raw crude charge.
types of crudes that refiners are processing. I will very However, overfeeding polymers can tie up solids, cause
quickly go through a list of the different changes that we the desalter’s emulsion rag layer to grow in size, and show
attempt in order to improve overall operation and to up as excessive solids during mud washing. Also, overfeed-
reduce and eliminate the oil: ing polymers can lead to the buildup of solid polymeric

10 General Processing and Support Operations


material inside the desalter. It is critical not to exceed the the desalter inlet depends on the operating pressure, since
0.5 to 2.0 ppm dosage rate. we want to prevent vaporization in the desalter.
At one refinery, we injected these polymers on an as
needed basis when processing heavy west coast sour blends FELTROP:
with high filterable solids content ranging up to 200 In addition to the traditional approaches that have been
lb/1,000 bbl. Oil in the effluent water frequently ran as mentioned, continuous mixing is often used in crude
high as 10% before applying polymer. Within an hour tanks to assure that slugs of water do not hit the desalter.
after injecting the polymer, oil in the effluent cleared up This also helps with the solids. Several refiners are very
and filterable solids removal returned to 60% to 70%. adamant in making sure they avoid the use of high pH
waters, anything that is greater than 8.5. Controlled slop
ARMBRESTER: oil feeding is very important for stable operation of the
I agree with most of the previous comments. I would desalter. Usually a level of less than 3% is acceptable.
add a couple of things on some of the basics. We have our For processing crudes greater than 25° API, the meth-
operators monitor the rag layer location in the desalter ods that have been discussed will work. For crudes that are
using tricock samplers or swing arm samplers and try to less than 25° API, desalting at higher operating tempera-
run the rag layer as close to the grid as possible without tures, up to even 300°F, have seen a lot of success. Oper-
decreasing the voltage. We also monitor the desalter inlet ating with lower mix valve pressures will trade off salt
temperature since the emulsion is more difficult to break removal for effluent quality. Continuous mud washing for
at lower temperatures. Our actual target temperature for high solids content crudes is very important. There has

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 11


been recent testing using very acidic, less than 6 pH wash concern as we look to switching from sweetening to
water for some specific crude slates that has shown success. extraction in light naphtha treating.
Polymers have already been mentioned. For processing
crudes between 20° and 25° API, these methods will be ARMBRESTER:
successful usually to give you oil counts of less than 1,000 At the Catlettsburg refinery, we can reprocess the disul-
ppm. fide oil through the crude distillation unit or route it
Finally, for very difficult to treat crude slates like San directly to gasoline blending. Since the disulfide oil has a
Joaquin Valley, we have developed specific chemical treat- very low octane rating, the reprocessing option is pre-
ment programs which will reduce oil undercarry from its ferred. One option for handling the oxidizer off gas is to
typical values of 3% to 5% to less than 1,000 ppm as well. route it to a fired heater or boiler.

Most of the points I was going to make have already The options for disposal of disulfide oil and offgas have
been covered. In most cases, we see oil in the water in the not changed greatly in recent years. We agree that as more
100 ppm range. With our more viscous crudes, though, people go to extraction rather than sweetening this is
we do see a 1% to 2% range. becoming an issue of greater concern. These streams,
In addition to the problems that have been mentioned however, are still relatively small in size, and there are a
that cause upset conditions, we also find that recovered oil number of good alternatives for in-refinery disposal. We
or recycled oil can cause desalter upsets. are aware of some chemical companies who sell disulfides
We have been successful in converting to a bielectric and have investigated the recovery of these from treating
desalter in one application where a heavy crude was creat- units. This has generally not been attractive due to the
ing high oil in the effluent water. We are also evaluating small size of the streams, as well as the number of contami-
using a hydrocyclone to treat the effluent water on a nants that may exist in the oil.
desalter with an oil undercarry problem. The most common method of disposal of disulfide oil
today is sending the stream to a hydrotreater where the
TREESE: disulfides are converted to H2S. Some refiners send this
We concentrate more on the basics of controlling and stream to the FCC unit where the same conversion occurs.
improving the desalter operation as opposed to treating Other refiners have been able to blend the oil in with their
the effluent water after it leaves the desalter. heavier hydrocarbon streams.
The five main factors we concentrate on to reduce or The offgas from the disulfide separator is normally sent
eliminate oil in the desalter water are: 1) maintaining to a place where it can burned. Most of the UOP designs
water below the grids; 2) continuous or daily mud washes; call for it to be sent directly to the heater firebox after
3) optimizing the chemical treatment; 4) optimizing the dilution with fuel gas. This gas will easily burn but it will
wash water rate; and 5) controlling and optimizing the not support combustion by itself. The gas going to the
mixing valve pressure drop. Many of these factors have firebox is sent in a dedicated pipe near the burner, but not
been touched on already by the other panel members. directly into the burner. The system design incorporates
safety controls to prevent any flashback or explosive mix-
DENNIS GRANDLE (Agar Corporation, Inc.): tures.
We found that replacing traditional level control instru- The gas should not be sent directly to the flare system
mentation, like displacers or capacitance probes, with because of the presence of oxygen which can combine with
energy absorption microwave probes, reduces oil under- H2 S to form elemental sulfur and cause precipitation
carry by 60% to 80%. This technology is capable of problems in the flare. One alternative which has ben used
measuring oil and water in small concentrations, prevent- is to dilute the offgas with fuel gas, and send it in a separate
ing oil from going out the bottom with the waste water. line directly to the tip of the flare. This allows the material
Typical payback is under six months when the operator to be burned separately without entering the main flare
changes from traditional interface control to concentra- system.
tion measurement.
QUESTION 4. What I would add to Mr. D’Auria’s comments is that
Where are people sending their disulfide oil and Oflgas we mix fuel gas with our vent gas from the disulfide
that results from caustic regeneration? This question separator in a 4: 1 ratio based on the air fed to the oxidizer
has been asked at past NPRA P&A’s, but it may be to ensure that the mixture is not explosive as it is traveling
useful for us to know if there are any new develop- to the furnace. We use a special waste gas burner in our
ments/creative solutions. Disposal is becoming a big alkylation isostripper reboiler heater to burn this gas.

12 General Processing and Support Operations


As far as the disulfide oil, we tried routing that to our filter to completely remove any sodium prior to entering
naphtha hydrotreater, but we carried caustic into the unit the hydrotreater.
and plugged the reactor up. We now route our disulfide Merichem has found that most refiners will send the
oil to fuel oil. off-gas to a furnace burner.

We agree with previous comments particularly Mr. Does anyone have experience with carbon bed com-
Laux’s. If you are going to send your disulfide oil over to pression in a kerosene/gasoline sweetening system?
a hydrotreater, you had better be sure the sodium content
is less than 1 ppm. You can do that by using a coalescer or DEATON:
a light hydrocarbon wash followed by a separator. The Carbon bed compression is a symptom of poor pre-
crude unit is a less desirable choice since the disulfides will treatment which renders the carbon bed unable to accept
thermally decompose and end up as mercaptans in the reimpregnation of catalyst.
naphtha and light oil draws. As a last resort, you can send One unit was operated to pretreatment level acid num-
the disulfide oils over to the Claus unit, providing you bers of 0.015 mg KOH/ml. Carbon bed pressure drop
vaporize them first. The problem with this is that the increased to about 50 psi before the carbon bed was hot
naphtha carrier from the Merox unit will give you some water washed to remove a soapy layer of sodium naphthen-
color problems on the sulfur. ates which caused the pressure drop. Catalyst reimpregna-
The offgas from the oxidizer is combusted in an incin- tion was required but the carbon bed would not adsorb
erator or existing furnace. The burner tips foul, so an open the catalyst A second bed was installed, pretreatment level
pipe with flame arrestors is sometimes substituted for a acid number was lowered to 0.01 mg KOH/ml, and the
burner tip. pressure drop was limited to 20 psi before hot water
washing. Even with these steps, catalyst reimpregnation
TED KELLER (Ultramar Inc.): was not successful. Finally, a third carbon bed was in-
You mentioned the liquid going to the Claus plant. stalled, pretreatment level acid number was lowered to
How about the vent gas going to the Claus plant? 0.005 mg KOH/ml, and catalyst reimpregnation was
I would not really see any problem with that. D’AURIA:
Carbon bed settling or bed compression can occur if
REBECCA FUSSELL (Fina Oil and Chemical Company): the loading is not done properly. We recommend a tele-
We originally put our disulfide oil to our distillate scoping sock where segments are removed as the bed is
hydrotreater. Due to caustic carryover, we experienced a progressively raised. In addition, the bottom of the reactor
major tube failure on our feed effluent exchangers. The typically contains an outlet collector, and you have to be
exchanger tubes are stainless steel. We now route that careful to properly pack the carbon material underneath
material to gasoline blending. We are not sure how much and around the arms of that collector, otherwise you could
longer we are going to be able to do that, so we are trying get settling during operation.
to find an alternative. Additionally, there are procedures sometimes used to
back flow through the bed, in order to alleviate high
JOHN MITCHELL (Merichem Company): pressure drop or channeling problems. If this is done too
It is Merichem’s experience that refiners have several frequently, it could lead to fines generation and compres-
choices for DSO disposal. The three most common op- sion or settling of the bed.
tions are:
a) blend the DSO with fuel oil, LAUX:
b) blend the DSO with the FCC feed, or We found that if we wet load our charcoal beds we will
c) blend the DSO with the hydrotreater feed. not have this kind of problem. We also do hot water washes
The DSO will contain trace amounts ofsodium, which at just about every opportunity that we can, especially
is a hydrotreater catalyst poison. If the DSO is to be whenever the pressure drop approaches the 20 psi crush
blended in with a hydrotreater stream, it should be sent to strength of the charcoal.
a feed storage tank where the sodium can settle out. If the
DSO can not be sent to a storage tank, a small solvent QUESTION 6.
stream should be used in the DSO separator to better What has been the industry experience using poly-
separate the DSO from the caustic. The DSO/solvent mers in heavy crude desalters to help clarify the
stream can then be water washed or passed through a sand effluent water?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 13


BARLOW: selection and an efficient mud washing system to remove

Our experience with polymers in heavy crude desalters the settled solids.
has been excellent. However, there are several concerns
that you have to observe and precautions that you need to PORTER:
take in the application of these materials. We are aware of We have a crude unit at one location that processes
at least one refiner that, in the past, has injected polymer heavy crude using a polymer. They believe it helps water
into the crude oil without making down the product. We quality and results in a lower total chemical cost.
are not aware of how much they fed; they may have
actually overfed the product. The desalter was opened PAUL FEARNSIDE (Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals):
during turnaround and the plant found a tremendous We are currently bringing out a new polymer technol-
amount of sludge. The sludge had shifted during an upset ogy, different than the existing polymers. I would like to
and affected two of the lower electrodes, pulling them out share with you some of the performance improvements
of position and creating electrical problems. An analysis that we see. These are units processing Cold Lake and
of that sludge did show substantial polymer levels. Lloyd Minister, very difficult type crudes. Oil in the
Over the past few years we have been using polymers effluent before was 1% to 5%, afterwards less than 500
in our programs. We have been evaluating different types ppm. Solids removal was actually increased. Before it was
of polymers and also have developed our own line of 40% to 50%, afterwards 60% to 70% removal. We have
NOVUS polymers. Combining the specific polymer for a evaluated this new polymer in over ten desalters with no
specific application with a proper makedown system, reduction in filterable solids removal efficiency. In the rag
proper injection control, and injection into the wash water layer, there was actual reduction in the amount of solids
has been very effective in addressing oil in the effluent that were being held up. So we feel that this new technol-
water. We now have a treatment history on over 15 units ogy offers all the benefits of polymer types with what the
with no reported problems similar to the one refinery I panel has said, but offers none of the bad aspects of them.
referred to earlier. Overall program demulsifier costs have been reduced from
The benefits of the NOVUS technology are obviously 10% to 50% while improving effluent water quality.
less oil in the effluent. In extreme cases, 10% to 15% oil
in the effluent was reduced to 500 ppm oil through the QUESTION 7.
use of polymer technology. Another benefit is reduced Are there any operators who have the low velocity type
overall cost. Much of the primary chemical is being fed to desalters and have converted over to a bielectric type?
try to control oil in the effluent inefficiently. By using the What performance improvements have been ob-
polymer you can reduce the amount of primary breaker served? Would they recommend the changeover?
substantially, therefore reducing the chemical cost by as
much as 30% to 50%. A third benefit is also improved salt CUNEO:
removal, not necessarily due directly to the polymer; but, Shell has replaced or converted five older desalter de-
by reducing the emulsion layer thickness and the amount signs with bielectric units, including three low velocity
of oil in the effluent water, you can actually work the units. For the constant vessel size, Petrolite advertised a
desalter harder. The flexibility allows you to adjust water significant crude capacity advantage for the bielectric de-
levels, increase the mix valve delta P, and in some cases sign. Our experience is that this claim is valid and the
increase the water wash injection rate. increased capacity was achieved. I believe bielectric con-
version is a cost-effective way to debottleneck existing low
FELTROP: velocity desalters.
Using polymers to maintain clean effluent while proc- The three grid design of bielectric desalters provides
essing heavy crude oil has generally been quite successful. increased reliability and when properly configured the
We have successfully used polymers having molecular electrical failure of any one grid does not seriously reduce
weights greater than 1 million for periods as long as five performance. Several of our applications have operated in
years at several major refineries without serious incident. this mode for months rather than bringing the crude unit
I want to echo what Mr. Barlow said about the incident down for repairs.
that occurred several years ago with polymer addition. The I believe that the bielectric desalter’s design is superior
approach works, but it does require diligent monitoring for handling heavy crude oil and crude with high solids
of all aspects involved. content because the oil water inlet is located above the
desalter liquid phase interface. ‘When coupled with ad-
MENEGAZ: vanced level detection such as the Agar probe, I believe
We agree with the previous comments. It appears that this is the most effective way to achieve better brine quality
satisfactory performance hinges on the correct polymer in environmentally sensitive applications.

14 General Processing and Support Operations


The only thing I would add is some specific data What systems are used to monitor the desalter inter-
supporting the improved quality of the effluent. On a 38° face? How are they used to control the interface (auto-
API high sulfur crude type, we saw a drop in oil in the mated or manual)?
effluent from 9,000 ppm down to 500 ppm with this kind
of change. On a 20° API Lloyd Minister crude we saw a BOYCOTT:
drop from 5% to 30% oil in the effluent to 0% to 5% oil A number of different technologies may be applied to
in the effluent. And with a 16° API San Joaquin Valley desalter level detection. They are inclusive of: tricock
crude, oil in the effluent was reduced from 54% to 1%. samplers, swing arms samplers, displacement floats, ca-
So we support this kind of modification. pacitance probes, energy absorption probes, and nuclear
level detectors.
FELTROP: Our desalter is equipped with an internal float for
Over 50 desalters ofvarious designs have been converted interface level detection. However, this float has proven
to Petreco’s bielectric design. Most have been converted to extremely unreliable. As a result we typically resort to the
increase throughput or improve performance on higher use of a system of five tricocks. Indications for the tricocks
viscosity crude oils. Typical performance improvements dictate manual adjustments in effluent water rate for level
include reduction in salt, BS&W, filterable solids, oil in control. We have considered the installation of both nu-
effluent water, improved on-line efficiency and economic clear density profilers, and energy absorption probes. We
chemical optimization. Our Petreco Division is available have decided on the installation of an energy absorption
to provide a list of references for those who are interested. probe system in this service. With the installation of the
energy absorption probe system we will consider automat-
PORTER: ion of the desalter interface level.
We have converted two desalters to bielectric units for
different reasons. The first was to increase crude through- ARMBRESTER:
put 25%. In the second case, we were feeding a very heavy Ashland uses a displacer mounted in a slotted cage to
14° to 16° API gravity crude oil where the desalter per- monitor the desalter interface level. All of our units are set
formance was not very good. Both of these were successful, up to automatically control the interface level by adjusting
as we achieved the desired performance results. the control valve in the effluent water line. In some cases
this controller is board mounted, while in other units we
HENRY JONES (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.): use a field mounted controller. All of these systems have
We have converted many desalters, both of our original been very reliable.
design and that of others, to Howe-Baker’s current (state- In addition to the automated level controls, the opera-
of-the-art) multi-grid, DEEPFIELD technology, In one tors routinely check the water interface level and the rag
such instance we took a single-stage desalter that had two layer thickness using a swing arm sampler or a set of tricock
vessels operating in parallel, converted the units to DEEP- samplers mounted at various elevations on the desalter.
FIELD design and put the vessels back into service as a
two-stage desalter (i.e., doubling the desalting capacity of FELTROP:
each vessel without adversely affecting unit performance). Displacer systems have been used with great success in
the industry and are generally used in an automatic mode.
JAMES F. KELLY (CITGO Refining & Chemicals): This type of system does require manual calibration for
Mr. Porter, you mentioned that on your bielectric wide variations of crude oil and as such is not always
desalter you had a 15° API gravity. Did you cut it with any recommended for heavy crude oils. Capacitance probe
kind of cutter stock, or was the 15° API material going to systems are the current recommendations for new desal-
the desalter? ters due to their indifference to API gravity changes and
the probe’s high sensitivity to changes in interface eleva-
PORTER: tion. The continuous proportional change in signal can be
That was the API going to the desalter. After the employed to drive an automatic system. The third system
conversion, we did not need to cut it. is the Agar probe system. This system is also reported to
operate in an automatic mode and is currently being tried
JAMES F. KELLY (CITGO Refining & Chemicals): at several locations.
Did you get any increased throughput capacity from it?
PORTER: Most of our units use the Drexel Brooke Admittance
We did not get it on that unit. It was the other unit we probe on automatic control. We have been very happy
targeted for increased capacity. with this control for the last ten years. We do use the

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 15


manual taps referred to earlier as our backup. We recently ARMBRESTER:

installed AGAR energy absorption probes on one of our We are flow controlling the water injection to the crude
units, and are very pleased with the results. Overall, the and then monitoring the interface level with a displacer
control has greatly improved, and we have seen a drop in and allowing that level signal to control the effluent water
chemical usage as well. flow.

Practices on our desalter interface controls in Unocal What techniques have proven successful in eliminat-
refineries differ. You have heard most of the solutions that ing residual sludge in desalters prior to entry?
we have used, and we have used most of them at one time
or another. At the San Francisco refinery, we are able to PORTER:
get by with the traditional system of monitoring the The best technique we have found is not to get the
interface using a float, and it is operated on automatic. We solids there in the first place. A few years back on one of
use a tricock system as a manual check on the accuracy of our desalters in Pascagoula, we did a chemical clean prior
the float. to entry, and did not find oil but did find a fair amount
At the Carson plant, we are using an Agar probe, which of mud. We do not know if the chemical cleaning removed
is basically a microwave type device that measures the any of the mud, but we still found a fair amount. We
difference in heating rates between oil and water. In effect, repaired the mud washing system and improved its opera-
it is providing a measure of the water concentration in the tion. Recently we opened this desalter again following a
oil. We have been very satisfied with that system since it chemical cleaning. We were very pleased to find it oil and
was installed. Again, we still have a tricock system that solids free. So from my perspective, the best thing to do is
provides a check on the probe. to keep your mud washing working properly to keep the
Prior experience, that is things we tried that did not solids out and then chemical clean before entry.
quite work, included dP cells and capacitance probes. The
dP cells were generally poor in the application and the SAYLES:
capacitance probes got confused by the emulsion layer Our target is also sludge minimization in the desalters.
within the desalter. The internals, electrostaticgrid, baffles, and supports from
the desalters can cause low velocity zones that retain solids
DENNIS GRANDLE (Agar Corporation, Inc.): even after water washing or chemical cleaning. We usually
We now have systems installed successfully in over 75 have about 0.5% of the desalter’s volume remaining as
desalters worldwide. Typically we see demulsifier reduc- sludge when opened for inspection. When the desalters
tion of 20% to 30% and reduced oil undercarry by 60% are opened, we flush the remaining sludge into the sewer
to 80%. Use of Agar energy absorption microwave probes with a fire hose.
allow the operator to automatically control the waste water
effluent valve. TREESE:
Since the probes are capable of measuring the concen- Similar to the experiences of my fellow panel members,
tration of water in oil over the range of 0% to l00%, Unocal uses a mud wash and chemical treatment with
emulsions, layers, suspended oil or water droplets, etc. do chemicals developed specifically for the purpose of elimi-
not affect the probes’ ability to perform. Energy absorp- nating residual sludge. At one plant we do employ a
tion probes are not susceptible to fouling problems and continuous on-line mud wash that prevents sludge
failures from asphaltenes or paraffins buildup like tradi- buildup in the first place. That desalter comes out very
tional level control technologies utilizing capacitance clean when we do open it up. This plant has the longest
probes, floats or displacers. cycle length on the desalter.
We also see an interesting phenomena with increased
operator awareness of what is going on in the unit. They BARLOW:
are taking more ownership of the vessel and are able to We also strongly recommend focusing on the mud
better control and see what is happening for the first time. wash system. A well operated mud wash system can reduce
the problem. However, even with some of the most suc-
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): cessful systems, cleaning is still required. Vessel degreasing
The panel has been discussing automatic control of and degassing technology can be used to preclean the
interface. How is this achieved? Do you inject a constant vessel. Simply stated, this consists of injecting various
amount of water depending on the crude rate? You may surface active chemicals into the desalter after shutdown.
use an interface for diagnosis of the problem, but how do The vessels can be filled with water and essentially “rolled”
you control that interface? Do you control the amount of with steam for extended periods. A mud wash system can
water injection or what? also be used at that time to help with circulation. This

16 General Processing and Support Operations


method has effectively reduced the amount of residual 2. The sediment wash system should be able to pro-
level of material in the desalter. vide 10 gallons per minute per nozzle in order to
be effective.
FELTROP: 3. The sediment wash water pump should be an open
I concur with the other panelists. The following proce- impeller, centrifugal type. Pumps with close me-
dural notes show how to effectively utilize the desalter chanical tolerances are not recommended as they
sediment wash system to minimize the amount of sludge may experience a rapid loss in efficiency.
buildup in the desalter during operation and prior to entry. The following is Petreco’s recommended method for
This procedure is to be used as a guide for the operation cleaning all traditional desalter/dehydrator vessels. It is to
of Petreco designed sediment wash systems. It is designed be used in conjunction with procedure T-3-4405, Safe
to be used in conjunction with any sediment wash system Work.
designed by or in conjunction with Petreco. Sediment 1. Either pump out or displace all remaining oil with
washing is the process through which accumulated sedi-
water. Displaced oil should be transferred to appro-
ment deposits are removed from a desalter. A sediment
priate storage vessels.
wash system utilizes high pressure water in conjunction
2. Open vent line to sewer, and inject steam into
with a series of nozzles located in the bottom of the desalter
water-filled vessel for 8 to 16 hours. Note: After
vessel. The high pressure water is used to agitate accumu-
completing this phase of the procedure, dispose of
lated sediment thereby suspending the sediment within
the lower reaches of the water phase. As water is injected contaminated water in accordance with applicable
via the sediment wash system, water is removed from the regulations.
desalter via the effluent water valve. The removed water 3. Fill vessel with chemical cleaner or diluent. Circu-
transports the sediments away from the desalter to the late cleaning medium for 8 to 16 hours. Note: After
waste water treatment facility. completing this phase of this procedure, dispose of
This procedure will describe both the recommended cleaning medium in accordance with applicable
sediment washing procedure and the recommended sedi- regulations.
ment wash system design. 4. Blind all process lines leading into and out of
1. Activate sediment wash while observing the clarity desalter.
of effluent water. The water clarity will become 5. Open all manways.
dark or oily in appearance. Important: It is ex-
tremely important that the sediment wash system
be utilized on a daily basis beginning the first day
of normal desalter operations. Failure to do so
could lead to large accumulations of sediment that
cannot be removed by sediment washing.
2. Continue sediment washing until the water clarity
returns to its initial clean state.
3. Record the elapsed time between initiating and
terminating the sediment washing.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for 7 to 10 days.
5. Establish a sediment washing routine based on the
cumulative results of step 4. Important: Steps
should be taken to ensure that the sediment wash
routine is carried out on a daily basis in a correct,
uniform manner.
The following are sediment washing essentials:
1. Never derive sediment wash water from desalter
wash water. Doing so will deprive the desalter of
vital wash water during the periods within which
the sediment wash system is utilized. Desalting
efficiency is directly linked to wash water availabil-
ity. Petreco recommends using recycled effluent
water as the sediment wash water source. This type
of system does not take water away from the proc-
ess, and it does not add additional water to the
desalting process.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 17


6. Inject steam to heat vessel for approximately 6 designed for oil removal is then added to the circulating
hours. Important: Never exceed 5 psig on vessel water. After several hours of circulation, the wash water is
when steam alone is being injected. Exceeding 5 drained from the desalter for processing through the waste
psig will damage the teflon components (entrance water treatment plant. If necessary, the circulating wash is
bushings and insulators) within the desalter. repeated a second time, and when washing is complete,
7. Using a fire hose or larger water conduit, inject the desalter is again filled with water for a final rinse. This
water into the vessel via the top manway for ap- technique is effective for removing oil from the sludge in
proximately 8 hours or until the vessel is cool the desalter, and makes for a much cleaner entry, but it
enough to facilitate entry. usually does not remove all of the solids. After the man-
8. Obtain confined space entry permit for the vessel. ways are opened, the solids can be flushed out through the
Note: Confined space entry requirements will vary bottom nozzles using a fire hose directed through the
from refinery to refinery. vessel manways. We have successfully used cleaning agents
9. Drop lights into top manway of vessel to facilitate marketed by both Nalco and Petrolice for this service. The
the cleaning of the shield plates or electrodes in the temperature of the wash water varies between 120°F and
vicinity of the top manway. 180°F, depending upon which cleaning chemical is used.
10. Using a high pressure hose, remove sludge from the The one added benefit that has not been mentioned is
electrode or shield plate before entering vessel. chat we have been able to get the benzene concentration
11. Enter vessel via top manway. Using a high pressure low enough to reduce the personal protective equipment
hose, remove sludge from the remainder of the requirements for desalter entry.
electrodes or shield plates. Note: Cleaning person-
nel will derive support from either the shield QUESTION 1O.
plates/electrodes or custom-cut plywood or scaf- Has anyone utilized an on stream chloride analyzer to
fold boards. Important: Cleaning personnel should monitor desalter performance? Describe your experi-
remain on electrode supports at all times unless ence.
custom-cut boards are being utilized.
12. Enter the bottom manway with lights. Thoroughly FELTROP:
clean the remainder of the vessel with high pressure On-stream salt analyzers have been used to monitor
water. desalter performance, but these instruments measure con-
13. After completing the high pressure water cleaning, ductivity and not chlorides specifically. They must be
the internal components will remain coated in a calibrated for the specific crude of interest and, therefore,
thin hydrocarbon film. This can be removed using are usually used where the same crude is processed all the
an oil soluble cleaner such as I-Chem’s TK-14 or time. These units are rather expensive at approximately
equal. $100,000 for an installed cost.
14. After all hydrocarbon has been removed from the
vessel, inject steam for 4 hours while venting to QUESTION 11.
heat up and dry out the vessel. What methods are available to successfully control
15. Install air mover or equivalent device to cool vessel high temperature corrosion either from naphthenic
(approximately 8 hours). acid or sulfur attack? Is there a maximum safe level
At this point, the vessel will be ready for inspection by of either naphthenic acid or sulfur in the raw crude that
Petreco personnel. It is very important that care be taken guarantees no corrosion? What monitoring tech-
to insure that the desalter vessel is properly cleaned prior niques are current/y used to combat these corrosion
to each inspection. An unclean vessel does not promote a problems?
proper inspection.
ARMBRESTER: Metallurgy is one way to control either type of attack.
Ashland has used a desalter wash procedure on several For naphthenic acid, the critical alloying element is mo-
of our crude units to prepare the vessels for entry. In lybdenum, a minimum of about 2.5%. The usual choice
general, the vessel is removed from service and blinded is 317 stainless steel, which has a higher molybdenum
from the process, then filled with water to float the remain- specification than 316. For sulfur attack, the critical ingre-
ing oil out the top, where it is recovered in the slop oil dient is chromium at about 12% to 14% as found in the
system. The water is then drained from the desalter and 400 series stainless steels.
the vessel is steamed out to remove more of the oil. There are several other options for controlling
Following steamout, the desalter is again filled with water, naphthenic acid attack. Blending with an acid free crude
and circulation of the wash water is established through so that the acids are diluted below a critical level is a
the vessel using a skid-mounted pump. A cleaning agent common practice. Keeping the acid number below 0.5 ml

18 General Processing and Support Operations


KOH/gm is usually accepted as safe, but we do know of element. Placement of the electrical resistant probes in the
several cases where this level did not prove to be safe. right locations is critical and very difficult to assess. Also,
Neutralization of the acids followed by extraction is some- ultrasonic thickness measurements in high velocity areas
times done. Inhibition with a chemical inhibitor is effec- can reveal acid attack. Iron analysis in product streams
tive in some cases. Petrolite has an inhibitor which has have been preformed and are used to try to predict and
been proven to be very effective against naphthenic acid document not only the attack by the acid but also the
attack. result of inhibitors applications. We have also developed
Although the industry has traditionally accepted a safe a different technology in terms of feedstock analysis - a
level of naphthenic acid to be that which gives a total acid specific naphthenic acid number for the fluid, which is a
number of about 0.5 ml KOH/gm oil, there are case proprietary test. It gives us a little better correlation to the
histories of attack by crudes well below this level. Because corrosion rate than just the total acid number, since the
of the tremendous variety of sulfur compounds in crude total acid number does not really define the species for
oil, it is difficult to correlate sulfur content with corrosiv-
you. We have had good success correlating in the
ity. Corrosion coupons and electrical resistance probes of
naphthenic acid number with corrosion due to different
the pertinent metallurgy can be used to monitor both
crude blends.
types of corrosion in some locations, and it is obviously
important that you have a good location to make sure you
get an accurate measurement.
I do not have anything to add regarding naphthenic
acid corrosion, but for sulfur, corrosion curves versus
The best method for controlling this type of corrosion temperatures are available for both carbon steel and the
is by the use of proven metallurgy. For naphthenic acid various grades of chrome alloys. A general rule of thumb
corrosion, 316L or 317 high molybdenum content stain- is that doubling thesulfur content increases corrosion rates
less steel has been successfully used to prevent corrosion. by about 30%. At my refinery, we run a relatively low
For sulfur attack, 5% to 9% chrome has been used suc- sulfur content feed of about 0.8 wt% sulfur with 5 chrome
cessfully. Solutions, other than the metallurgy, include used for temperatures between 550° and 700°F, and 9
crude blending to limit the total acid number below 1 mg chrome for temperatures above 700°F. Corrosion moni-
KOH/gm, corrosion inhibitors and neutralization with toring consists of strategically located electronic resistance
caustic or amine. The 1993 NPRA Question and Answer corrosimeter probes coupled with periodic on stream ul-
Session addressed this item. trasonic thickness readings.
One other item I would add is that to reduce corrosion,
you should limit the liquid velocities to under 10 ft/sec. JAMES F. KELLY (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
Do you have any maximum velocity recommenda-
PORTER: tions?
To avoid naphthenic acid corrosion of carbon steel, we
have long used 1.5 mg KOH/gm as a maximum neutrali- MENEGAZ:
zation number target in our distillates. Recently, though, We made a recommendation of 10 ft/sec to avoid
with some low sulfur crudes with moderate naphthenic erosion/corrosion with naphthenic acid.
acid numbers, we have found that number to be too high.
We have not yet identified a new number, but we are JAMES F. KELLY (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
continuing to look at that. The only methods we are really Is that for neutralization numbers above 2? Is there a
comfortable with are either dilution or metallurgy up-
correlation between velocity and acid number?
grade. If we do not have the metallurgy required, then we
will dilute our crudes with a lower naphthenic acid mate-
rial to meet the target neutralization number.
I do not know of a correlation between velocity and
As far as sulfur goes, we view about 0.3 wt% in the
crude as typically a safe level for utilizing carbon steel acid number. If we think there is going to be a naphthenic
metallurgy, except for the high temperature furnace tubes. acid corrosion problem, we want to hold the velocity at
10 ft/sec to avoid an erosion/corrosion situation.
I agree with most of what has been said so far. Focusing QUESTION 12.
a bit more on naphthenic acid corrosion, if you purchase What methods and operating/economic philosophies
cheap opportunity crudes, you may not have the oppor- are employed to remove solids in a desalter? What
tunity to metallurgy up, and there are inhibitors that can levels of performance (% removal) have been
reduce the corrosion rates. Monitoring is a real critical achieved? Where are the solids disposed?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 19


BARLOW: to remove solids via desalting if they have some combina-

The most important parameter that we see in solids tion of serious fouling problems or pressure drop capacity
removal is generating good contact between the wash limits; are eliminating effluent sludge at a coker; or are
water and the solids entrained in the oil. The parameter eliminating effluent sludge as hazardous waste but have
that we work with most often is mix valve delta P. Of solids related residual fuel product quality problems.
course, you try to get the maximum amount of mix Conversely, refiners are strongly driven not to remove
without creating a problem in the overall desalter opera- solids by desalting if they have only moderate fouling that
tion, such as oily effluent, water carryover, or high B&W. does not impact capacity; they do not have solids related
The more energy that you put into the crude water residual fuel product specification problems and are elimi-
mixture, the greater the solids removal will be. Oftentimes, nating their dewatered effluent sludge as hazardous wastes.
though, that method is not the most practical, and we Generally more refiners tend to fall closer to the latter
would certainly offer several chemical alternatives that category than the former.
allow the oil coated solids to be wetted and stripped of Costs of deviation from the governing philosophy typi-
their oil coating. This methodology uses certain wetting cally range from hundreds of dollars per day for small
agents and so forth. The procedure allows the solids to be energy or process efficiency related effects to thousands of
removed in the water phase. dollars per day for capacity or product quality related
We also have a patented method of applying oil based effects.
emulsion breakers in a split feed manner, both to the wash I wanted to make one note on the solids removal
water and to the oil. We have seen excellent results in determination. Appropriate procedures have been devel-
enhanced solid removal. With this technology, we have oped that measure water and toluene in soluble materials,
seen increases in solids removal from about 30% up to and with this evaluation most plants have shown little or
75% in some systems. When solids removal is a high no removal of solids. There is a misconception that solids
priority and economically justified, levels of removal in the collect in the desalter. That can easily be rejected when you
75% to 85% range can be achieved on a consistent basis. consider that 100 lb/l,000 bbl of solids in a 100,000
bbl/day desalter produces 120 cu ft/day of solids, and that
CUNEO: usually will fill your desalter up in less than a month. Based
We do not currently operate any of our commercial on this, you need to be very careful in the way you analyze
desalters with the objective of removing solids from crude, the solids to make sure you are getting an accurate assess-
but we typically observe about a 50% solids rejection to ment of the removal that is going on, because you can
brine. We have had several studies done by process chemi- make some erroneous judgments otherwise.
cal suppliers to look at solids removal for specific applica-
tions. To date, we have not employed any of those, being MARK BINFORD (Betz Process Chemicals, Inc.):
concerned that there would be a significant increase in oil Regarding solids removal, and this also relates back to
undercarry in these applications. questions 8 and 9, one of the applications that we have seen
for Agar probes is the use of a mud probe in the desalter.
DEATON: We have found the mud probe to be a very effective tool
The most common method is to use either oil soluble for managing solids removal, especially in regards to mud
or water soluble wetting agents. Wetting agents react with wash frequency, duration and intensity. We do not have any
surfactants that tie up oil and solids, and can effectively long term experience with the Agar mud probe, but are
deoil the solids and send them out with the desalter encouraged by our experience thus far. I would be inter-
effluent water. Typical percent filterable solids removal is ested in Agar’s comments in terms of their long term
75%. Typical dosage rates range from 1 to 2 ppm based experience. We have seen it in operation for only about six
on crude oil charge rate. Many demulsifier formulations months, so we are not sure what its longevity will be.
include wetting agents. In fact, all of the desalters that I
have worked on have contained wetting agents in the
demulsifier formulations. Indications that you need a B. Lube Oil Manufacturing
wetting agent are: large emulsion rag layers, oily effluent
water, poor solids removal, and water carryover. Once the QUESTION 13.
water is treated at the waste treatment plants, solids are What is your experience with fouling and corrosion
normally removed at the dissolved air floatation unit and due to further degradation of NMP units?
sent to a filter press and ultimately to incineration.
FELTROP: Shell Oil has utilized NMP as an extraction solvent in
Generally there are two broad profiles that bound the its two high viscosity index (HVI) lube plants for about
range ofremoval philosophies. Refiners are strongly driven ten years. Corrosion experience has been vastly different

20 General Processing and Support Operations


between the two. In one facility, there has been virtually based on the aromatic content of the distillates. The
no corrosion. In the other, extensive corrosion was expe- estimate would generally be conservative resulting in a
rienced initially in several major pieces of equipment: slight over extraction and higher than desired VI and a
reboilers, furnace, flash tower and transfer lines. The basic consequent yield loss. We then adjust until the extraction
difference in the operation of the two extraction units was severity is where we need it.
the control of chloride ingress into the process. At high
process temperatures in the extract furnace, NMP can PORTER:
decompose into low molecular weight carbocyclic acids. Chevron manufactures lube base oils by hydrocracking
This process appears to be catalyzed by the presence of instead of solvent extraction. However, we also measure
chloride. Chloride introduction in the unit occurred when the RI of the waxy hydrocrackate once per shift to monitor
waste water was being processed for NMP recovery. The the operation of the hydrocracker. The RI is used to
waste water, which contained up to 50 ppm of chloride, predict the dewaxed VI of the hydrocrackate. We also find
was used to wash up solvent and oil spills. that the correlation between RI and the dewaxed VI is not
Several steps were taken to bring the corrosion rate perfect. Thus, a sample of each lube oil cut from the
under control. These include revised procedures for han- hydrocrackers is solvent dewaxed in the laboratory once a
dling waste water, use of amine neutralizing chemical to day to obtain a dewaxed VI. The correlation is bias ad-
maintain basic pH in the circulating solvent and upgrad- justed to reflect the results of the daily laboratory solvent
ing the metallurgy at critical points in the unit. dewaxed VI. Thus, our correlation between RI and de-
waxed VI is continuously being updated to account for
QUESTION 14. any changes.
Are there any methods to predict the viscosity index
(VI) of the dewaxed oil on the so/vent extraction unit? QUESTION 15.
In ourprocess, we control the conditions of the solvent A combination of solvent extraction and mild hydro-
extraction unit by the refractive index (RI) of the treating is increasingly being adopted as a process
refined oil (raffinate). We predict the VI of the de- route to make high viscosity index lube oil base stocks
waxed oil by the RI of the raffinate, but the correlation with improved yield and quality. Please share your
between the RI and the VI is not perfect. experience on this approach giving locations (if pos-
sible) of refineries adopting such practice.
Using the refractive index (RI) of raffinate to predict CUNEO:
the viscosity index of the dewaxed oil can be misleading, Shell Oil has practiced a combination of solvent ex-
since the RI is an average value of all the components in traction and mild hydrotreating, hydrogen partial pres-
the waxy distillate. Different molecular distributions can sure less than 1,500 psi, for more than twenty years.
give rise to the same RI but entirely different responses to Benefits resulting from this combination of processes are
solvent extraction. numerous: increased product yield and higher feed rates
Ashland is presently exploring the use of our Infratane® at the extraction unit resulting from less severe extraction
NIR technology to predict the viscosity index of the conditions; conversion of a significant portion of the
dewaxed oil by analyzing the spectra of the raffinate, or
more preferably the waxy distillate feed stream to the
solvent extraction unit. The viscosity index of lab prepared
samples of waxy distillate, raffinate and dewaxed oil have
been correlated within a range of 1.1 to 1.7 index num-
bers. We believe that our NIR technology will allow
on-line adjustment of the solvent-treat ratio in the furfural
extraction unit based on analysis of the waxy distillate feed.
Ashland holds seven U.S. patents, with several others
pending, on the use of NIR technology in the refining

We utilize a correlation between the raffinate API grav-
ity and the dewaxed oil viscosity index. The correlation
works wells as long as the source of crude processed
remains constant. When a change in crude source occurs,
an estimate is made for the extraction severity to be used

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 21


remaining aromatics to naphthenes; and reduction in the ARMBRESTER:

nitrogen content of the hydrotreated oils which improves We have performed pilot evaluations of this option in
the oxidation stability of the base oils. preparation for the restart of an idled SDA unit at
Types of catalysts employed have generally been cobalt Catlettsburg. We believe this unit will provide additional
molybdenum or nickel molybdenum on an aluminum vacuum tower bottoms processing capability in our existing
base. Because the quality of the feed to the hydrotreater RCC unit. A solvent will be selected with the objective of
has been upgraded by the extraction process, run lengths producing a deasphalted oil (DAO) product with proper-
for the catalysts have exceeded five years. ties similar to the existing RCC feedstocks. DAO yields of
60% to 70% on Arabian light vacuum resid were obtained
in the pilot plant, with carbon and metals content compa-
C. Solvent Deasphalting rable to or better than Arabian light atmospheric resid.
Pilot plant cracking tests have shown the DAO to have
QUESTION 16. equivalent or only slightly poorer cracking yields than
In view of increasing adoption of residual cracking, atmospheric resid, while reducing RCC catalyst costs sig-
what is the industry’s experience in revamping Sol- nificantly due to the lower metals content. Alternatively,
vent Deasphalting (SDA) units to feedstock prepara- heavy crude oils could be charged to the refinery before
tion units for secondary conversion processes? reaching bottoms processing limitations. Finding a suit-
able disposition for the SDA pitch product is obviously
LAUX: the key to success for this processing scheme.
We have fed the deasphalted oil from our McKee
propane deasphalting unit (PDA) and from our Three
Rivers Demex unit to both the hydrocrackers and to the
D. Crude Distillation
FCCUs. The Demex has not been revamped per se, but it
was built with extra solvent cooling capacity and runs with
a 5 to 1 solvent to feed ratio. Even without modifications,
our experience with feeding deasphalted oil to down-
Besides temperature control of hot water for carrying
stream conversion units is very good.
out water wash of g/ass tubes in the crude furnace air
With our crudes, the total metals in the Demex feed are
preheater, what alternative procedures or additional
around 100 ppm. The rejection is 75% to 85% at a 75% instrumentation would aid in preventing breakage of
Demex lift. The Conradson carbon in the feed runs
glass tubes during water wash operations?
around 18%, and the weighted rejection is 50% to 60%.
In the FCC, the major concern obviously is Conradson HIGGINS:
carbon. We run 2% to 3% in the combined FCC feed and The panel did not have an answer for this. In general,
adjust the Demex lift to keep the regenerator temperature they had no experience and were unfamiliar with the
at 1400°F while keeping gas oil inventory under control. operation. However, during our screening meeting at least
Typically, the Demex metals rejection has been high some attendees indicated that this is an important ques-
enough that FCC catalyst metals are not a problem. We tion for some, so if you do have an answer or some insight,
run 1,000 ppm Ni and 2,000 ppm V at 0.3 1b/bbl of fresh please come forward.
catalyst makeup depending somewhat on crude type. No response.
When we started up our once through hydrocracker,
we decided to use it to process some demetalized oil QUESTION 18.
(DMO) even though the catalyst system had not been When coalescers fail to remove sufficient water from
designed for it. We fed DMO for about seven months at a diesel stream to avoid a haze problem, what other
less than 10% of the total hydrocracker feed. The metals options have been found to be successful in solving
removal and Conradson carbon reduction were nearly this problem?
l00%, but very little conversion occurred even at the
2,400 psig system pressure. This helped the FCC heat LAUX:
balance a great deal, and we were able to increase crude Our diesel rundown streams go through electrostatic
charge significantly. We found that you need to keep a coalescers or metercells before routing to salt towers for
close control on the asphaltene content, though, and final moisture removal. Because the coalescers operate at
actually ended up deactivating our R-1 catalyst prema- 120°F, the salt towers are not as effective as they might be.
turely by over lifting in the Demex unit. We are now We use a dehazing chemical about 10% of the time to
getting ready for a reload, but with a catalyst system correct the haze problems at this high rundown tempera-
specifically designed for feeding DMO. ture. We do this in the rundown tank before we transfer

22 General Processing and Support Operations


it to the finished product tank. We typically use about 10 BARLOW:

1b/l,000 bbl. Our research, modeling and field experiences indicate
that both underdeposit corrosion and corrosion ahead of
McLEAN: the water dew point in crude unit overheads are caused by
Coalescers generally remove about 70% or 80% of the chloride salts precipitating before and around the water
free water in a hydrocarbon stream. Options for further dew point. The severity of the problem is determined by
treatment include additives to stabilize haze, vacuum or the amount of scale present and the presence of an elec-
salt driers, or switching from a steam stripper to a reboiled trolyte. Solid salts must have liquid water present from
stripper. Another option is to lower the pressure in the absorption or condensation to be corrosive. However, they
stripper by installing a condenser and overhead pump to can cause a pressure drop problem. The liquid salts can be
achieve the necessary stripping efficiency without the use their own electrolyte, or can provide their own electrolytic
of steam. action.
Salt precipitation based on our modeling is controlled
MENEGAZ: by two factors. The first factor has to do with phase
Electrostatic coalescers are sometimes used in conjunc- equilibrium theory. The partial pressures of the vaporous
tion with phenolic or naphthenic acid removal. This HCl and the neutralizing amine have a large impact on
method will remove free water but not soluble water, that salt formation. The greater the quantity of either
which still leaves you with the haze problem. A properly component, the higher will be the temperature of precipi-
designed and operated salt drier can dry fuel to a haze tation. This property is well documented in public domain
point about 25°F below the temperature at which the fuel literature which discusses ammonium chloride salt pre-
enters the drier. cipitation.
The second factor is the base strength of the volatile
PORTER: neutralizer. As a point of reference, any neutralizer with a
We use salt drying. base strength equal to or greater than morpholine will form
a salt which is likely to precipitate well ahead of the water
dew point during normal operations. This second factor is
the primary controlling factor, based on our experience,
I will comment briefly on the use of a dehazer since we
and salt formation potential is a key in selecting the proper
have covered the mechanical means very well.
neutralizer. Selection of the key component neutralizers is
Water haze can be effectively removed from diesel fuel required as opposed to attempts at blending of traditional
with the aid of specialized demulsifiers called dehazers. amines in order to lower individual vapor pressures.
These are designed to coalesce haze-causing quantities of Utilizing this modeling theory in developing proprie-
water, thus allowing the water to separate from the fuel. tary technology, we have been able to virtually eliminate
Normally the use of a dehazer in conjunction with rolling underdeposit corrosion on several crude overheads.
the tank to fully mix the dehazer will give superior results
in less time than settling alone. Dehazer use is also nor- BOYCOTT:
mally more convenient or less expensive than filtering or Conditions that impact underdeposit corrosion are:
reprocessing. If the problem is continuous and operational overhead temperature and pressure,
or mechanical changes cannot be made to correct the wash water rate, quality, and point and type of
problem, the use of a dehazer, or you might call it an injection,
emulsion preventative, on a continuous basis can be jus- sulfur and chloride composition, and
tified. The optimum chemical is selected using ASTM neutralizing compound and application.
D-4176 Procedure 2. Effectiveness really does depend on We have experienced underdeposit corrosion in our
the thorough mixing of the dehazer with the fuel being overhead system. We believe that the contributing factors
treated. have been wash water rate, distribution, and quality. We
have evidence of wash water maldistribution in the system.
We operate below the water dew point.
QUESTION 19. I agree with the comments of both speakers, especially
What conditions in the crude overheadsystem impact Mr. Barlow. We have experienced very aggressive overhead
underdeposit corrosion? Has anyone experienced line and condenser bundle corrosion. Some life as short as
specific problems at temperatures above the water three to six months was associated with the presence of a
dew point? What practices exist to counter these chloride salt and certain neutralizing amines where the
conditions? neutralizing amines had been added for corrosion control.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 23


As Mr. Barlow said, sometimes too much is not good. LAUX:

Overdosing the neutralizing amine can actually cause Our crude atmospheric tower also has a top pum-
more aggressive corrosion. paround stream that exchanges heat with crude. The
return temperature is kept above 230°F to prevent water
DEATON: condensation in the tower. The overhead vapors are con-
This problem occurs when neutralizers and chloride densed in four parallel fin fan bays with two inlet nozzles
react to form salts above the dew point of the system such per bay. Water with neutralizing amine is injected into
that liquid water is not available to dissolve the salts. For each nozzle through a restriction orifice to control the flow
years Clark’s Blue Island Refinery suffered severe underde- to 5 gpm per nozzle. We also inject naphtha with an oil
posit corrosion in the first crude overhead vapor versus soluble filming amine into each nozzle and into the main
crude exchanger. The crude atmospheric tower top tem- vapor line at the top of the tower through restriction
perature runs between 340°F and 350°F. Dew point cal- orifices at 2.5 gpm per nozzle. This system gives us good
culations showed the first exchanger to be dry. Based on distribution of the chemicals and flush liquid, and we have
the recommendation of our chemical supplier, the neu- not seen any corrosion in our overhead system.
tralizer injection point was moved from the top of the To monitor the effectiveness of the wash on-line, we
crude overhead vapor line into the outlet of the first check the pass outlet temperatures. If there is a 20°F spread
vapor-to-crude exchanger. We then recirculated overhead between any pass, we pull the restriction orifices one at a
tail water back between the two exchangers and injected time and water wash the fouled passes until the delta T
the neutralizing amine into that water. Since changing comes back into the normal ranges of 5°F or less.
over to that program six years ago, we have not had any
more underdeposit corrosion problems. PORTER:
At another refinery, I had a similar problem. We in- Most of my points have been covered by the previous
jected a low melting point neutralizer without water into panelists, but I would like to make a comment on the
the vapor line ahead of the first exchanger and injected our design of the overhead system. We think that is very
normal neutralizer downstream of this exchanger along important. We prefer a vertical in-tube condenser with
with the circulating wash water. continuous water wash.

The deposits that are found on failed exchangers are I agree with the comments of the prior speakers. We
predominantly iron sulfide, which is the least soluble salt have a tower that operates with a 200°F, or less, top tower
likely to be in an overhead system. To determine the temperature with a water dew point within the tower. This
conditions in the crude overhead which impact underde- presented a challenge in keeping tray corrosion to a mini-
posit corrosion, one must determine what controls the mum. Fortunately, our chemical vendors came up with an
formation of the iron sulfide deposits. The solubility of interesting solution: a split chemical feed system. First,
iron sulfide is dependent on pH and the amount of H2S filmer is fed into the reflux line to the top of the tower,
in the system. Iron sulfide solubility increases as pH and then filmer and neutralizer are put in the overhead
decreases and H2S concentration decreases. line to protect the exchangers. This has worked fairly well.
The counter to eliminate iron sulfide deposits and the We are into the end of a four year run, and an internal
resulting underdeposit corrosion is to operate the overhead inspection is planned.
at conditions at which iron sulfide is soluble. These condi-
tions can be calculated through a definition of iron sulfide TREESE:
as a function of pH and H2S concentration. The objective The other panelists have touched on where the filming
is to operate the accumulator at the highest pH at which amine goes in and where the water goes in. How effective
the iron sulfide will have sufficient solubility to prevent your corrosion control is going to be in the overhead
deposits. The required pH in most units is below 5.5. depends strongly on your specific case. In one refinery we
While general corrosion may be slightly higher at these do not experience any significant corrosion problems at
pH levels, elimination of the deposits will result in sub- temperatures above the water dew point. We do not do
stantially longer exchanger life and improved equipment anything special. Our corrosion inhibition is simply by
reliability. There are numerous examples of corrosion neutralizing with ammonia.
problems on trays inside towers and in hot vapor lines In another refinery, we think we do have a problem
which are well above the dew point of water. These prob- above the dew point, and we think it is, as mentioned
lems are primarily caused by amine chloride salts. before, due to the amine salts being formed within the
We echo the comments of the earlier panelists that you tubes from the amine neutralizer. We are fairly certain this
need to be very careful with the injection of neutralizers, can be eliminated by moving the wash water injection
and particularly in the overuse of those. point further upstream; but in this case, where we have a

24 General Processing and Support Operations


tight approach on temperature, we are not willing to take SAYLES:

the loss in heat transfer efficiency. So we live with the At one of our refineries the vacuum tower was retrofit-
corrosion, and we accept, in effect, the one to one-and-a- ted with packing in 1988. We would choose packing
half year tube life on these exchangers. We can tolerate this again. Packing reduced the top tower pressure from about
because the exchangers can be bypassed and changed out 60 mmHg with trays to about 20 mmHg with packing.
on-line. The flash zone pressure was reduced from about 100
mmHg with trays to about 26 mmHg with packing. The
PAUL FEARNSIDE (Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals): lower flash zone pressure allowed for a lower heater outlet
It has been our experience that some people have temperature while obtaining a lower bottoms yield. These
experienced corrosion ahead of water dew point due to modifications were made in 1988 and the packing has not
sulfuric acid. That is being put into the unit two ways. been cleaned. Visual inspection of the packing from the
One is through sulfuric acid addition to sour water strip- top and the bottom indicated the material was in good
pers for pH control and then this water being used for shape.
desalter wash water. The other is by using oxygenated wash At another location, initial operating problems with the
water to a desalter, allowing oxygen to ingress into the HVGO flush caused packing pluggage. After improving
crude unit and react with the H2S and form the resultant the flush system the run time increased from 3 to 10 years.
SO4 in the overhead. It is very important that these not be
allowed to take place as it does not take very much SO4 to LAUX:
push the sulfuric acid dew point ahead of the water dew I would echo the comments just made about the wash
point. oil rates. We have two towers at the Three Rivers refinery
The second point I would like to make has to do with that have packing in five different sections and have no
situations where you are using different amines to control problem whatsoever. However, as reported in the 1988
NPRA Q&A transcript, our FCC main column at the
ammonia chloride salting ahead of the water dew point.
McKee refinery had a tremendous problem and we took
It has been our experience when using amines with base
the packing out. That was due to poor liquid distribution.
strengths less than motpholine, that while they do control
The towers in Three Rivers were designed for a 0.15
and stop the injected amine salting ahead of water dew
gpm/sq ft coverage at the bottom of the grid, which
point, they inadequately address the pH of the water dew
calculates back to typically about 0.5 gpm/sq ft at the top.
point. We have found that using those types of amines
typically takes one and a half to three times the
stoichiometric amount necessary to neutralize the chlo-
I agree with the previous comments on the performance
rides to elevate that water dew point pH up into a 4.5 or
of packing and the criticality of liquid distribution and
greater pH range to stop dew point corrosion. This results
maintenance of a wetted surface. Structured packing has
in drastically higher corrosion control program costs. So
been installed in all sections of our vacuum tower. We have
you have to be careful when you are utilizing that technol-
had problems with the loss of a bed, specifically the wash
ogy. oil grid. We believe the problems stemmed from improper
The third point is iffouling and underdeposit corrosion grid installation and a unit upset. Modifications were
is due to ammonia chloride subliming ahead of the water made to the bed unification and hold-down systems to try
dew point using an amine with less base strength than to improve their structural integrity. The bed was unified
ammonia (i.e., morpholine, pyridine, or picoline) will not with through bolts. We did not consider elimination of
stop the ammonia chloride fouling and corrosion prob- the structured packing for reasons of performance.
lem. In this case you either have to reduce the amount of
tramp ammonia or use amines with higher base strengths D’AURIA:
to accomplish the straight forward chemical displacement We are aware of seven incidents where there were some
reaction of the ammonia. Once the ammonia is displaced problems with packing, not in operation but at turn-
off the ammonia chloride, then the salt fouling and cor- arounds. In each one of these incidents, there was an auto
rosion problems will no longer exist. ignition that occurred in the packing bed. This occurred
even though the column had apparently been properly
QUESTION 20. steamed out. In all cases, the packing was either partially
Has anyone experienced operating or maintenance or in some cases totally destroyed. In one case, there was
problems with structured packing in atmospheric or actually some damage to the column itself. It is thought
vacuum crude columns which would make you think that the cause of this was pyrophoric iron sulfides, perhaps
twice about using them again? If so, what was the also accelerated by coke or hydrocarbon that had not been
nature ot the problem? removed during the steaming operation. In two of the

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 25


occurrences, the feedstock contained unusually high con- QUESTION 21.

centrations of iron. Is there a crude API breakpoint that requires recycling
Remedial actions that have been taken to avoid reoc- naphtha or distillates for viscosity reduction? What
currences are: 1) installation of a water wash capability are the desalter operating benefits to be realized?
above the packing section to allow thorough washing prior
to opening the column, and 2) installation of delta P taps MENEGAZ:
across the packing section to monitor plugging of the bed Recycle naphtha or distillates are used as cutter stock
due to coking. We have not heard of any repeat incidents. co improve desalter performance by (1) increasing the
density difference between the crude and water and (2)
S. N. MATHUR (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.): decreasing the crude viscosity. Desalter performance is
The question referred to crude and vacuum towers. improved because both actions increase the settling veloc-
Does anyone have experience with using structured pack- ity in accordance with Stokes Law. Although electrostatic
ing in FCC fractionators, and what has been the operat- desalting without diluent has been done successfully down
ing and maintenance problems with these in FCC to 12° API, diluent become increasingly attractive below
fractionators? 18° API due to performance improvements. Heavy Cali-
fornia crude such as San Joaquin Valley at 15° API have
been successfully desalted using 5% naphtha diluent.
Heavy Arabian atmospheric residual at 12° API has been
As I mentioned, we did have structured packing in our
successfully desalted using naphtha diluent to raise the
FCC main column at McKee. We took it out. I have also,
gravity to 17° API. At h abasca tar sand bitumen at approxi-
though, seen a completely packed tower at the Champlin
mately 10° API and Boscan crude at 10° API have also
Refinery, now CITGO Refinery, in Corpus Christi, and
been successfully desalted using diluent. The cutter stock
their operation is very good at this point.
should be selected co avoid asphaltene precipitation due
to crude incompatibility.
We put structured packing in our FCC fractionator at PORTER:
Pascagoula four years ago above the light cycle draw. We We think the desalter design and the oil viscosity at
have had good success. operating temperature are also important variables in ad-
dition to API. In question 7, I described a desalter we
converted to a bielectric design that handles 14° to 16°
API gravity crude without cutter. That operating viscosity
is about 4 to 5 centistokes. For that unit it is probably at
the ragged edge, because when the operating temperature
drops, we do see a drop in performance.
In another low velocity type desalter, we find that we
have to add cutter to be above 20° API to get the unit to
perform satisfactorily.

I agree with both of the comments. In general, the
ability to run a particular crude successfully through a
desalter is a function of API gravity, viscosity and tempera-
ture. Crudes heavier than 14° API usually require dilution
for viscosity reduction. This can be overcome to some
extent by increasing temperature as that will inherently
reduce viscosity.
Note, however, that API gravity is not the only variable
that affects crude oil viscosity. One 11.5° API gravity
South American crude requires no diluent as the viscosity
is 6.0 centistokes at 275°F. A lighter crude such as the ultra
waxy Chinese crude with a 36° API gravity requires dilu-
ent because the viscosity exceeds 50 centistokes at 300°F.
The desalter benefits include cleaner effluent, better salt
removal, lower desalted crude BS&W and the possibility
of higher net thruput in the same size vessel.

26 General Processing and Support Operations


I think the previous panelists covered the subject well. Where needed we have used Coreolis type meters by
We see the need for cutter when the API gravity is 13°, or Micro Motion on these types of applications with reason-
less. A target of 17° is reasonable. Viscosity is a concern, able success.
but the API is a good initial targeting method.
CUNEO: I concur with those comments and would add on the
Just one additional comment, when considering capital Coreolis meters that at low flow and high viscosity a
projects, you can often trade off naphtha recycle for capital pulsation dampener added to the system is often necessary.
costs on the desalting facility.
We agree with the simple suction level glass that Mr.
E. Instrumentation Boycott mentioned. It is the most economical thing to use.


We do not feel that the cost and the complexity that
instruments that can be used to
Are there any reliable these instrumentation systems are currently justified in
measure pulsating flow from chemical injection almost any of our applications. We set the flow rate for
pumps? these small positive displacement pumps by measuring the
amount of liquid withdrawn from the calibrated sight glass
BARLOW: over a fixed time period. Certainly the key to reliability is
We do not find a great number of needs for reliable to keep that whole system free of any particulates and to
automated measurement on pulsating flow chemical in- use stainless steel piping systems and filters to ensure that
jection pumps other than the control of the pump. When the pump’s ball checks particularly do not get plugged. The
we do run into those situations where we need measure- simplicity of this type ofsystem, when kept clean, provides
ment, several instruments exist. One is the Pacesetter Plus the reliability.
computerized chemical feed system. It comes with an
optional drawdown assembly or module that confirms and QUESTION 23.
verifies chemical injection rate as a function of a primary What is the current experience of refiners using on-line
flow signal or a treatment set point. It is a device located analyzers for certifying finished gasoline products?
at the suction or inlet to the chemical metering pump. It
operates essentially on the same principle as a pump ARMBRESTER:
setting gauge or rate gauge commonly used manually to The only location where we use an analyzer to actually
check and calibrate pumps. Integrated electronics and certify the gasoline blend is at our St. Paul, Minnesota
software permit a continuous monitoring and control refinery where we use the NIR technology to analyze the
scheme and do ensure reliable chemical injection and gasoline octane for certification on the product that we
measurement on critical applications. ship across the rack. There is a significant portion of our
product at that plant that is transported by pipeline, and
There also exist a number of commercially available
the pipeline company does not accept the NIR certifica-
instruments designed for the purpose of measuring pul-
tion at this point. However, we do use it for the remainder
sating flows from positive displacement pumps. The in-
of our shipments.
struments utilize a positive displacement measuring
At our Catlettsburg refinery, we use several on-line
approach whereby a piston or series of pistons are dis-
analyzers as part of our computer control blending opera-
placed by the liquid or treatment solution being pumped.
tion, but these instruments are not used to officially certify
The pistons’ action, with a known volume and reciprocat- the blends. However, we do use them for blending control
ing at some frequency based on flow, is converted, either purposes and then certify the blend by laboratory analysis
optically or mechanically, to an encoder which in turn of the finished product tank samples.
scales that measurement to an instrument signal. We have applied for a computer controlled in-line
blender exemption under the reformulated gasoline regu-
BOYCOTT: lations. Blends of reformulated gasoline (RFG) will still
We use drawdown gauges on the suction of our positive require lab testing for certification, but the in-line blender
displacement pumps. They are checked and recorded exemption would allow us to ship finished blends before
every shift. We have not found a need to go to any of the the laboratory analyses are complete.
more sophisticated instruments on our chemical injection Our Infratane® NIR technology is being used to pro-
systems. vide on-line analysis of the gasoline octane, as well as the

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 27


gasoline’s aromatic, olefin, oxygenate and benzene con- producing quality certificates on finished motor gasoline
tent. This analyzer is also capable of performing its own (mogas), gas oil and fuel oil products.
calibration checks by periodically analyzing samples of In the USA, today many refiners use octane compara-
various gasoline prototype fuels. We are also using two tors and RVP analyzers to blend directly to pipelines or
other analyzers in our gasoline blending operation: a other off-plot destinations (this depends mainly on spe-
Hallikainen Model 1354 Kinetic Vapor Pressure analyzer, cific contractual arrangements the refiner has with the
and an ABB Process Analytics Model 3102 which reports purchaser). This will change with RFG which requires
D-3710 distillation analysis. laboratory samples (tank or composite). The “on-line
computer control” waiver option does provide a possibil-
BOYCOTT: ity of on-line certification.
We monitor our blend RVP and octane with an on-line
NIR analyzer. Correlations indicate that the accuracy of QUESTION 24.
this analysis is comparable to our knock engines. We plan What instrument/control system changes are refiners
to close the loop on blend control with this analyzer in the making to optimize reformulated gasoline blending?
future. At this point, I am not aware of any pipelines that
accept the NIR analyzer for certification of shipment, so TREESE:
we continue to use our knock engines for final blend Unocal is adding on-line analyzers for key blendstocks
certification. We are working to have the NIR results and for the final blend header, as well as on-line optimi-
accepted for this. zation systems at each of our refineries. All of our blenders
are now DCS or computer-controlled. We have eight to
nine specifications to meet in California, not all of them
We have on-line knock engines for octane measure-
immediately, but within the next year.
ment at our largest locations. We have on-line Precision
For the blend header, we are planning to use Applied
Scientific KVP analyzers that have been correlated to RVP.
Automation gas chromatography for on-line analysis of
We also have an on-line distillation gas chromatograph
RVP distillation points, benzene and aromatics. On-line
that we use for distillation. All of these are used for
analyzers we considered, but rejected as not yet proven to
our satisfaction, are: GC for olefins, on-line x-ray for sulfur
We have obtained a waiver for in-line blending for
and NIR for octane. Obviously we will reconsider these
RFG. In that case, all of the properties except octane will
analyzers in the future as we gain some confidence in them.
be off-line.
For key blend stocks, which comprise 5 out of some-
what over 20 stocks that we are going to be blending, we
UOP’s Guided Wave division is seeing increasing inter- are going to time-share one set of analyzers monitoring the
est in the use of NIR techniques for on-line measurements. same properties as the blend. All our analyzers are going
There are currently more than 30 such NIR analyzers in to have an on-line reference stock that is used to calibrate
use on finished gasoline blending applications, and that the analyzers roughly every hour to hour and a half. I did
number is growing rapidly. Industry experience has been not mention it, but we do have on-line knock engines for
very good with these analyzers. The NIR technique is not the final blend octane rating.
yet an accepted standard for certification of finished gaso-
line. ASTM, however, does have a subcommittee actively PORTER:
working on certification of this technique as a standard We can blend reformulated gasoline on our existing
practice. equipment, but because there are more variables to con-
trol, we cannot optimize it as well. At the Pascagoula
LAUX: Refinery, we are strongly considering a project to integrate
Like the other panelists, we also are experimenting with our current blending models and do blend property con-
new analyzers, like the Infratane, NIR. We also have an trol within a new instrumentation system to achieve better
Applied Automation SimDist machine analyzing distilla- optimization.
tion points. We are using the ABB machine for RVP, but
we are waiting for certification as well. We are using these LAUX:
analyzers to direct blend into a pipeline at our McKee As mentioned in the previous question, we have several
Refinery. Experience has been good. new on-line analyzers installed that we believe will help us
optimize our RFG blending. We have also installed a new
FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT (SETPOINT, Inc.): Honeywell blend package with these analyzers and have
In Europe, several refiners have obtained ISO 9000 purchased an RFG blending LP (Wright Killen’s
certification of analyzer systems and used them for WKBLEND).

28 General Processing and Support Operations


But, we have to master the techniques needed to use the technique for its capabilities and to advanced blend ratio
LP, especially at the blender’s level. It takes experience and and blend property control systems for real time blending
technical ability to master these complicated programs. optimization.
Our blenders are not at that level yet. It will take some time
to develop the intuition necessary to make changes to a DAN HARTLEY (Haverly Systems, Inc.):
blend recipe with all the new specifications. Since the RFG The blending systems that I see going in vary from
laws are very restrictive and the penalties for any noncom- refinery to refinery, but the ones that I see going in mostly
pliance are high, we do not intend to start using these involve software programs which optimize the recipe off-
techniques immediately when we start blending RFG. line. Several of these programs are available in the market-
place. One that I am familiar with is Haverly Systems’ H
ARMBRESTER: Boss. This information is downloaded to a multivariable
As I mentioned previously, we are using on-line analyz- control system which controls the blend ratio control or
ers to determine octane, vapor pressure, D86 distillation, the in-line blender. Then the feedback from the product
aromatics, olefins, benzene and oxygenate values. The lines is used to send information back to the multivariable
NIR analyzer that we are using has been in service for control system which then trims up the recipe. Some of
about four years at St. Paul and two years at Catlettsburg. the software programs that optimize the recipe will also
In the Catlettsburg blending operation, we are using optimize the blend schedule. With all the specifications
Honeywell’s Blend Ratio Control software in conjunction and regulations that are coming along, it is almost impos-
with a multivariable critical property control program sible to do these things by hand, so I think this is where
developed by Oil Systems. The current properties of the everybody is heading.
gasoline blender’s product are used to calculate the opti-
mum blend recipe for the remainder of the blend, using FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT (SETPOINT, Inc.):
another Oil Systems’ product known as MGBLEND. We Major changes include two areas: new analyzers to
have also installed a higher level optimizer to perform measure RFG and regulated conventional properties and
linear analysis of the refinery’s product demand and gaso- reallocation of tankage and piping in off-site areas to
line component availability, and then set blend schedules isolate conventional and RFG. A major change in control
and recipes which will maximize profit. system configuration and operation is required to opti-
The simple and complex RFG models are now being mally segregate reformatted RFG and conventional gaso-
added to these software packages in preparation for RFG lines.
blending. In addition, when we get to complex model
blending, we will need to add an on-line sulfur analyzer. I QUESTION 25.
might also mention that at St. Paul Park we are using the Who performs hardware/software maintenance on the
Honeywell Blend Ratio Control, but some of the higher newer generation DCS? Is it p/ant instrument main-
level software packages in use at Catlettsburg are not being tenance (hour/y), salary p/ant staff/professional per-
implemented at St. Paul Park since the blending operation sonnel, factory maintenance contract, or others?
is considerably less complex.
BOYCOTT Ashland has used a combination of these options at our
Although we are in a conventional gasoline area, we three refineries, depending on the maturity of the distrib-
have made significant efforts to improve the control and uted control system. We have typically used contract
optimization of our blending. They are inclusive of the support engineers from the DCS equipment vendor to
NIR analyzer already discussed, installation of a new provide expert assistance during the commissioning of the
blending system inclusive of hardware modifications to system and the first year or two of operation, with plant
eliminate component bottlenecks, and increased emphasis hourly personnel doing the hands-on work on the hard-
on consistent unit rundown parameters. ware. As the expertise of our personnel has increased, we
The result has been as much as a 75% reduction in RVP have eliminated the use of the manufacturer’s local support
and octane giveaway. engineers. The ongoing maintenance support of the DCS
hardware and the lower level software is performed by our
D’AURIA: hourly instrument technicians under the direction of in-
With the advent of advanced on-line analytical tech- plant salaried personnel. The only exception to this is our
niques as well as the availability of powerful control St. Paul Park refinery, where the hands-on work is per-
schemes, refiners are revamping their blenders with the formed by salaried personnel, since we have no hourly
latest technology. As regulatory demands increase, in instrument technicians at this facility.
both fuels production and quality documentation re- In all of our refineries, the higher level software, includ-
quirements, refiners have turned to the NIR analytical ing the advanced control systems, is maintained by the

1994 NPRA Q&A Session Refining and Petrochemical Technology 29


in-plant professional staff. We also maintain a service furnace shutdowns on our hydrogen plant reformer while
contract with our DCS vendor for remote support of x-raying piping in adjacent units due to interference with
system upgrades and trouble shooting. the flame scanners. We have attempted to use lead shield-
ing on the scanners to prevent this. Tests of the scanners
BOYCOTT: with shielding installed and the shutdowns bypassed indi-
We have recently completed a conversion of our crude cated that the shields would not prevent a shutdown. We
unit from electronic instrumentation to a distributive have been forced to develop procedures to bypass the flame
control system, inclusive of advanced controls and on-line scanners’ shutdown trips while x-raying in the area.
matrix optimizers. At this point, most of the support is
being provided by the technical personnel that installed DEATON:
the system. We intend to continue to supply software My experience is with flame scanners installed on
support with these people, but we are in the process of forced draft upright, “can” type heaters. All of these heaters
training plant instrumentation people to provide the hard- have a single large burner mounted in the floor. There are
ware support.
two flame scanners. One is a pilot flame scanner mounted
in the floor and aimed up at the pilot. The other is a main
burner flame scanner mounted in the wall and aimed at a
We do not have a consistent approach at our refineries.
slight slope downward toward the main burner.
Generally, though, it is like we do at Pascagoula. The
hardware support is supplied by the I&E maintenance Each flame scanner has an instrument air purge
people. The software support, software development and through the sight port to prevent debris from obscuring
control applications are done by our technical group. That the sight port. Both flame scanners have to show no flame
technical group is made up of ex-operators and engineers. before the safety gas shutdown valve will close. Before the
At a few sites, we do use contract factory personnel. pilot can be lit, a purge timer has to be satisfied. Then
before the main burner can be lit, the pilot flame scanner
SAYLES: has to be satisfied.
We use technicians for hardware repair and professional All of these scanners are on new heaters, but there is no
people for the software and DCS programming. reason why scanners could not be installed in existing
heaters. Burners firing on fuel gas use scanners operating
TREESE: in the ultraviolet range. Burners firing on fuel oil use
Generally we follow along the same lines. The hardware scanners operating in the infrared range. Furnaces with
maintenance is performed by hourly maintenance person- combination fuel gas/fuel oil burners would probably
nel that are part of specialized DCS and analyzer mainte- need three scanners: one UV pilot gas flame scanner, one
nance crew. Software maintenance is performed by UV main burner gas flame scanner, and one IR oil flame
salaried systems analysts and/or process control engineers. scanner.
We have had some systems analysts who were operators
that became very conversant with the systems; some of the ARMBRESTER:
best actually have turned out to be computer programmers Ashland uses flame scanners on all of our new boilers
that wanted to get into this end of the business. and process heaters, as well as on most of he existing units.
I note we have used our computer systems suppliers For heaters and boilers which are fired with a single fuel,
extensively in getting started and in setting up a lot of the
we use an infrared detector, Fire Eye Model 45RM1 for
DCS systems, but I have found the more deeply we can
oil burners, and an ultraviolet detector, Fire Eye Model
get involved, the smarter we become on the systems and
45UV5-1000 for gas burners. On furnaces which fire a
we experience on stream efficiency and reliability.
combination of fuel gas and heavy fuel oil, we have used
an infrared spectrum scanner, Fire Eye Model 45RM2, but
Please comment on the use of flame scanners in
we are now specifying the RM4 model, which is an
refinery process furnaces. Are they used just on new improved version of the RM2 scanner.
units or also on existing plants? What type of flame All of these scanners have provided very reliable service.
scanners are recommended for multiple fuel fired Loss of flame dry contacts are incorporated into our
furnaces? protective shutdown scheme so that loss of flame will close
the fuel gas shutdown valve.
We have installed flame scanners on new installations. MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco):
We have not retrofitted existing furnaces with flame scan- Have the flame scanners been installed in natural draft
ners. I would like to point out that we have had false furnaces?

30 General Processing and Support Operations


DEATON: component and its associated properties to a given flow

My experience, as I mentioned, was in forced draft meter and then perform temperature correction based on
heaters. I have no experience with them in natural draft the API gravity of the material flowing through the meter.
MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco): Our experience has been primarily using turbine flow
Are there any new type of flame scanners that will not meters, which have good range-ability. They are relatively
be affected by x-ray, preventing unnecessary shutdown of insensitive to stream composition, or at least the compo-
the boilers? sition differences among the stocks that we are blending
is consistent enough that it does not make a significant
BOYCOTT: difference to the meter.
Out experience is strictly with the W scanners de-
signed for use with fuel gas. All of the flame scanners that JULIE VALENTINE (Micro Motion, Inc.):
we have used are affected by x-rays. The Micro Motion mass flow meter also offers in-
creased flexibility for in-line blending systems. The inde-
ARMBRESTER: pendence from composition allows multiple products to
I can comment on your first question. We have success- be metered through a single device which is useful for
fully used flame scanners on individual burners in both spares, additional capacity, or changing additives. The
forced draft and natural draft furnaces. However, we have wide turndown of the meter, which is greatly increased
several box-style natural draft furnace with multiple from what you would see with a turbine meter, at 100 to
burner designs, on which we are not using flame scanners. 1 turndown, also adds to the overall flexibility and can
significantly reduce project cost. We can also simultane-
CURTIS CAVANAUGH (The Coastal Corporation): ously measure the density of the stream, which allows for
We do have experience with a flame scanner on a product verification.
natural draft furnace at our MTBE facility in Cheyenne,
Wyoming, so there is experience with natural draft fur-
The question needs to be separated into two subjects:
component flowmeter and custody transfer meters. Al-
most all the refineries in the world we have studied and in
F. Product Formulation which we have done projects run many different compo-
nents through a flowmeter without any recalibration.
Most motor gasoline blending installations use turbines as
For an in-line gasoline blending system, is there a
primary elements. They are viscosity sensitive, but the
flowmeter which can measure flow independent of
viscosity differences between motor gasoline components
stream composition so that several different fluids
can be b/ended and measured through one meter
are negligible for measurement accuracy. Vortexes are gain-
without recalibration?
ing popularity as primary elements; they have to be oper-
ated above a threshold Reynolds number. This is usually
CUNEO: accomplished with minimum fluid velocity, not recali-
For in-line gasoline blending, we recommend the use brating the primary element.
of turbine meters for the total flow after blending of all of The meters used to deliver motor gasoline (mogas) (or
the components. We are also installing turbine meters on any finished product) for custody purposes is a different
the oxygenates and specific gravity analyzers on the total matter altogether. In this case, any significant stream
gasoline blended to calculate the wt% oxygen. composition changes would have to be accounted for if
conventional meters are used. Some of the new coriales
ARMBRESTER: technology-based meters should have a wider range of
Both turbine meters and vortex meters work well for applicability without recalibration, but we have not had
in-line gasoline blending service. The most important commercial experience with those meters at this time.
requirement for an in-line blender meter is the ability to
provide accurate measurement over a wide range of flow QUESTION 28.
rates. Since the different materials being measured are all What changes in unit operations will result from the
gasoline streams, switching components from one meter reformulated gasoline complex model versus opera-
to another is not a problem. Modern control software, tions under the EPA Simple Model? Are any refiners
such as Honeywell’s Blend Ratio Control, has the sophis- planning to use the Complex Model prior to 1998 and
tication to allow the operator to assign a specific blending if so, how will fungibility be handled?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 31


D’AURIA: mentioned, even though some refiners may find it easier

The Simple Model correlates gasoline emissions with to meet the Complex Model than the Simple Model
RVP, oxygen, benzene and total aromatics, In addition, requirements. It really depends on what your baseline was
there are caps placed on olefins, sulfur and T90 based at back in 1990 versus the industry baseline on these key
the refinery’s baseline levels. For the Complex Model, parameters. Some refiners may not have to do anything.
olefins, sulfur, E200, and E300 are added to the previous However, if your refinery has changed considerably since
parameters in the Simple Model equations. 1990, and sulfur and olefin levels are higher, you may have
When you compare the Simple and the Complex mod- to make some changes.
els, the two parameters that stand out are sulfur and
olefins. Sulfur plays a significant role in toxics and NO, SAYLES:
emissions under the Complex Model. Olefins also play a I agree with the other presenters that the Simple Model
significant role in NO, emissions, especially at olefin will be used at least for the first two years; the Complex
concentrations above 15 vol% in the gasoline. Model is required in 1998 unless something changes. The
Changes in unit operations resulting from going from key difference here, for those of us who are conventional
the Simple Model to the Complex Model, clearly will be gasoline producers, is what we have to do to make gasoline
those that control gasoline sulfur and olefin content. In that will allow us to take advantage of some of the breaks
the case of sulfur, this means FCC feedstock hydrotreat- built into the Complex Model. Some of the options are
ing, or heavy FCC gasoline sulfur reduction. Reducing adding ether production, maybe C5 alkylation, and ben-
gasoline olefin content can be achieved by removing the zene reduction as discussed this morning.
C5 olefins via alkylation or TAME production.
Looking further down the line, control of sulfur and TREESE:
olefins will become even more important when you get Echoing the comments of the other panelists, we are
into the Phase II regulations, in the year 2000. going to use the EPA Simple Model for RFG compliance.
Another difference between the Simple and Complex In our case, we have a few different factors, perhaps, that
Models is that the tradeoff between benzene and aromatics weigh in the decision. A primary issue for us is that
is about 50% greater for the Complex Model than it is for common carrier pipelines in California will not accept
the Simple Model. So as you move into the Complex Complex Model gasoline until 1998. Again, there are also
Model, you have the opportunity to go to higher total
the exchange issues.
aromatics levels in the gasoline, at a given benzene con-
In addition, we will be subject to the California Air
Resources Board (CARB) specifications in addition to the
We would not expect most refiners to use the Complex
EPA. The CARB regulations are more strict, setting spe-
Model prior to 1998, primarily due to the cost and the
cific values for around eight to nine properties, as opposed
complexity of segregating Complex Model gasoline from
to EPA’s more performance-based specifications. We can-
Simple Model gasoline.
not take advantage of the breaks that might be inherent in
the Complex Model. The CARB specifications are going
We agree with Mr. D’Auria’s comments regarding both to control our production.
sulfur and olefin content being the major concerns. On
sulfur level of the gasoline, we also believe that we will
either need to reduce the FCC gasoline end point or I would like to extend the question just a little bit and
hydrotreat the FCC gasoline stream for sulfur removal. ask about impacts in the off-site areas as a result of the
The olefin content of the gasoline will also be an issue, reformulated fuels requirements. It is clear that there are
and as Mr. D’Auria mentioned, we are looking at reducing going to be some additional grades of gasoline and addi-
the RVP of the FCC gasoline stream and using the C5’s as tional components. There is a new RBOB component
feedstock to a TAME unit. That has the added benefit of coming along into the common carrier system. I know
increasing alkylate and/or MTBE production, both of that there are going to be some tankage impacts, but I have
which are desirable blending components for RFG. not heard a lot of talk about big investments being made
We do not plan to use the Complex Model prior to yet. Are people able to make the necessary corrections
1998 due to the fungibility issue. If we were to go ahead without spending a lot of money at this point? If so, is it
and implement Complex Model blending, that would going to affect their storage and product disposition flexi-
require our exchange partners to do so also. bility?

We are not aware of any refiner who is going to be able One thing we are doing on that is adding some blenders
to use the Complex Model because of what was just at our marketing terminals so we can blend plus from the

32 General Processing and Support Operations


supreme and the unleaded gasoline, and that frees up a BARLOW:

tank. We are avoiding building tanks that way. We have some preliminary data that supported a pos-
sible increase in corrosivity in several oxygenated gasolines
ARMBRESTER: blends. We are not prepared to say it is conclusive, and
I think tankage will be an issue, but perhaps a greater there have been a lot of changes made, so we are basically
issue will be logistics. If we are trying to increase the monitoring and continuing testing.
number of grades ofgasoline without significantly increas- As far as diesel fuels are concerned, we think the low
ing tankage, then it is going to require much closer coor- sulfur fuel will exhibit better stability properties based on
dination of gasoline shipments and sales. the hydrotreating efforts required to reduce the sulfur
content. We are also taking a look at the corrosivity effect
QUESTION 29. of those fluids due to the removal of some trace polar
California Air Resources Board rules for diesel fuel compounds that act as natural corrosion inhibitors. There
quality require reduction of aromatics to 10 vol% or may be an increase, but, again, we are still doing a lot of
that the fuel meet the emission level of a standard test work.
fuel. What measures have been taken to comply with
the rules? To what extent are additives being em- FELTROP:
ployed? Use of alcohols, such as ethanol or methanol, as oxy-
genates tend to increase the corrosivity of the gasoline.
TREESE: This problem has been effectively addressed by treating
Initial compliance with the CARB diesel requirements fuel grade alcohol with the corrosion inhibitor selected for
was met by providing 10% aromatics fuel. We later re- this purpose prior to gasoline blending. Because some
ceived approval for several alternate formulations with conventional fuel additive formulations are not compat-
greater aromatics content, but with higher cetane num- ible with the lower level alcohols, additives for direct use
bers. We are using one of the alternate formulations cur- in the alcohol based alternative fuels like M85 and E85
rently. We add a cetane improver to meet the higher cetane must be specially formulated. At high oxygenate levels,
number requirement of the alternate formula: fewer compatibility problems arise since most deposit
control additives are soluble in the blended fuel, and
CUNEO: alcohol soluble corrosion inhibitors have been developed
Our experience is basically the same. We have made for use directly in the alcohol.
some CARB diesel at 10% aromatics. In looking at alter-
native formulations, we intend to use cetane improver as SAYLES:
well. I agree.


With the advent of new fuels mandated by EPA and Have refiners experienced a deterioration in diesel
some states, does anyone have tangible evidence lubricity properties as a result of low sulfur diesel
concerning effects this will have on gasoline proper- production? Have lubricity additives been used/rec-
ties such as corrosivity, additive compatibility, polym- ommended? What lubricity test is being used? Are
erization, etc.? these problems related to the ultra low sulfur (i. e. less
than 0.02 wt% sulfur) diesels, low aromatic diesels,
CUNEO: and/or the 0.05 wt% sulfur diesel?
We have made test blends of EPA gasoline and future
CARB gasoline. They passed all the required tests. We are FELTROP:
in the process of developing California additive certifica- There is some evidence of deterioration in diesel fuel
tion for 1995 for RFG. lubricity with the shift to low sulfur production. While
fuel composition is implicated, it is not the exclusive
D'AURIA: source of problems, because hardware type and duty cycles
We have not seen any published data on the changes in are a factor as well. In particular, hydrotreating severity is
properties such as corrosivity or additive compatibility. the primary factor. Much confusion remains in this area
The earlier corrosion problems associated with use of as various test methods are evaluated in an attempt to
alcohols have been mostly eliminated both by improve- resolve the problems of precision and accuracy of data and
ments in the alcohol production processes and by upgrad- correlation with reported field problems.
ing the vehicle fuel system materials. The proposed Test methods under investigation are ASTM D-5001,
reduction in olefin content could help with respect to gum the Ball Oil Cylinder Lubricating Evaluation (BOCLE)
or sediment formation. test, High Frequency Reciprocating Rigtest, modified

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 33


BOCLE methods such as the U.S. Army’s Scuffing load underway trying to evaluate the appropriate tests. The goal
test and the Hadley constant loading Scuffing test. The is to settle on one standard. Tests being reviewed are the
U.S. Army’s Scuffing load test has been widely used and Lubrizol Modified BOCLE, the Southwest Research In-
is reported to correlate with some field problems. How- stitute Modified BOCLE, the Exxon HFRR Test and the
ever, the repeatability range of the method is quite large. BOTS (Ball on Three Seats) Test.
Lubricity additives have been developed and recom-
mended based on data from these tests. Lubricity additives D’AURIA:
for diesel fuel are currently being used in North America, With the advent of reformulated diesels, refiners will
especially in California. also need to be concerned about viscosity. Hydroprocess-
ing and reduction of aromatics content will reduce diesel
PORTER: fuel viscosity. At the same time, engine manufacturers are
Diesel injection equipment manufacturers, diesel users, increasing fuel pressure and compression ratio in order to
and diesel suppliers have expressed concern regrading the reduce NO, and hydrocarbon emissions. The combina-
lubriciry characteristics of No. 2-D low sulfur diesel man- tion of these fuel and engine changes will reduce apparent
dated in 1993. One reason for their concern is that diesel viscosity and lead to excessive fuel pump wear. The ulti-
lubricity problems occurred in Sweden in 1991 when a very mate resolution of these concerns will involve chemical
severely hydrotreated low sulfur and low aromatics diesel and mechanical changes, combined with improved test
was mandated. Marginal diesel lubricity is also a concern methods that more clearly relate to actual engine condi-
as it is not reality discernible in equipment operation, but tions.
rather is a long term process resulting in equipment failure.
Lower lubricity appears to be related not to a specific ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.):
level of sulfur or aromatics, but co the severity of the This question of lubricity continues to baffle me. Yes,
hydroprocessing used to make the product. It is not estab- Mr. Porter is correct. There were problems in Sweden
lished, however, what hydrotreating severity corresponds several years ago when the first units were started up, and
to a reduced lubricity level that actually affects the opera- those problems were found to be affected by the viscosity
tion of a diesel engine’s fuel system components such as and the viscosity was directly related to the front end cut
pumps and injectors. In our view, there is still not a clear point. Once that was changed, there would seem to be no
case that can be made of field damage in the U.S. caused problem.
by lower lubricity of No. 2 diesel. I also agree with the comments on the fact of the
As Mr. Feltrop said, many lubricity tests are being used hydrotreating. Severe hydrotreating can cause some prob-
but the most common test in the U.S. at this time is the lems which can affect this. A year ago this month, we
U.S. Army modified BOCLE. An ISO group is studying started up a unit in Germany, which has been producing
methods and will make a recommendation later this year. 10 ppm sulfur, 5% aromatics fuel for the Swedish Class 1
Lubricity additives are being used by some refiners market with no problem at all on lubricity.
particularly in California. Chevron is monitoring lubricity I sometimes think that maybe this problem is being
at their refineries and will add additives to reach a target overblown. I do not think that the sulfur is the real
of a minimum scuffing load of 2,600 grams on the modi- problem.
fied BOCLE test.
SAYLES: From our experience, deterioration in lubricity had
We have been producing low sulfur diesel in this coun- been more of a concern with jet fuels containing hydro-
try for the last year or so. I have not been aware of a great treated or hydrocracked fuels and was related to the accel-
consumer outcry about engine failures. There has been, erated wear of pumps and accessories in the aircraft fuel
however, an outcry for better lubricity tests. In the October system. Some airline companies used to request the addi-
1994 issue, Lubrication Engineering, had a nice article tion of certain types of jet fuel chemicals as lubricity
describing all the different tests, their good points and improvers whenever hydrotreated or hydrocracked com-
their bad points. ponents were present in the jet fuel blend.
Our concern is that the test has become the issue and
that the actual diesel engine performance has not. We will BRUCE CAMPBELL (Petrolite Corporation):
continue to monitor the situation, but at this point we While it appears that low sulfur diesel fuel lubricity is
have not seen lubricity as being a problem. not a wide spread concern, several regions have experi-
enced regular pump failures. Conventional corrosion in-
BARLOW: hibitors do not always provide sufficient lubricity
We concur with what has been said so far. I would like improvement and can cause adverse fuel/lubricity interac-
to add that there is a joint ISO/SAE task force currently tions which may lead to pump seizures. This failure mode

34 General Processing and Support Operations


is usually associated with overtreatment scenarios. CUNEO:

Petrolite successfully remedied a severe pump failure prob- For years we have tied our rigorous process models into
lem in Canada by adding less than 10 ppm of a lubricity on-line control systems by use of a separate computer
agent. system for closed-loop, on-line optimization control. Cur-
rently in the more modern instrumentation packages,
QUESTION 32. there is the opportunity to integrate these models into the
The concept of multigrading has been recent/y intro- TDC type of systems. We do not have any of those
duced in paving bitumen (road asphalts). Can the applications currently running in refinery units but have
panel members elaborate on this particularly with a few in chemical plants where they work very well.
regard to production of such bitumens and their likely
application benefits? D’AURIA:
UOP and SETPOINT have been working together to
DEATON: develop on-line process models. Since 1991 we have im-
The concept of multigrading was developed by the plemented 26 APC applications in process areas such as
government funded Strategic Highway Research Program, Platforming, Penex, Pacol, and Phenol. In platforming
also known as SHARP As a result of SHARP new asphalt applications, we are now using process models to identify
grades and specifications have been developed for different reactor temperature requirements to meet octane targets,
sections of the country based on minimum and maximum to adjust heater limitations, to identify hydrogen recycle
recorded road surface temperatures. The only way to meet demands to meet certain catalyst coking or life limitations,
the new specifications is by adding polymer modifiers such and to lengthen catalyst life by improving regenerator
as SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) or SBR (styrene-buta- operation.
diene-rubber). The addition of polymer modifiers in- Optimization packages have been installed on Platform-
creases asphalt elasticity at lower temperatures and ing units, Penex units and Pacol units with the objective to
enhances asphalt rigidity at higher temperatures. New maximize the net profitability of those individual units. In
testing methods and new laboratory equipment will be addition, we have two applications that will be coming on
needed such as high shear testing and bending beam stream later this year that will provide optimization of a
rheometry. The new grades have not yet been mandated combination Platformer-Penex naphtha splitter processes.
by the federal government but have been left up to the
individual states. It is my understanding that Arizona and PORTER:
Tennessee are two states that require the new grades. We are presently piloting at Pascagoula a real-time
optimization model on one of our crude units. This will
be our first experience at this type of advanced control.
I am basically in agreement with the previous com-
ment. We find that we are going to be able to make some
Have multi-variable controls been used in such an
of the lower grades through proper crude selection without
polymer modification. Some of the grades, where there is
a greater disparity between the high temperature and low
temperature property, will require either polymer modifi-
Yes, we use multi-variable control extensively in all of
cation or other proprietary technology. Shell has been
the processes and find that it is a necessary platform for
marketing these multigrading proprietary technology as-
implementation of on-line optimization as we have done
phalts in Europe, Canada and Australia.
in crude units, olefin plants and catalytic cracking units.
LEE E. TURPIN (Honeywell Profimatics):
I agree with the comments that have been made pre- Profimatics has integrated rigorous kinetic process
viously. Just one other additional note, that SHARP is a models in about a dozen on-line advanced control pro-
federal mandate, and from what I understand, the first use jects. Most of these projects have been for on-line optimi-
of SHARP asphalt will be on federal highways. zation. The kinetic models used are our standard SIM
series models for FCC, reformer and alkylation units.
These control packages continue to have a high percentage
G. Computer/Process Control on-stream time.


What is the experience to date with tying “on-line” Mr. D’Auria did an excellent job describing the direct
rigorous process models into process control systems? use of rigorous process models in dynamic control systems.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 35


I would like to expand the description of steady state TREESE:

rigorous models used to establish targets for a dynamic Our experience is somewhat like Mr. Porter’s in our
control system. applications of model-based, closed-loop control. Our
The latest technology can be characterized as including experience has been good when there is an on-line analyzer
the following components: available to update and correct the model on a regular
a graphically configurable rigorous process model basis, and when the analyzer is maintained and accurate.
based on a standard simulation package such as Actual payouts have been 50% to 150% of expected in
AspenPlus and proprietary conversion models such these cases. Daily or weekly review by a control engineer
as UOP’s; is optimum. We want to say required, but it is hard to get
an equation-based optimization solution technique; to the unit every day.
Our applications include viscosity of lube unit feed,
a graphically configurable optimization environ-
T90 and T95 of coker and crude unit products. We have
ment, such as SETPOINT’s MultiOpt-Xprt which
seen additional benefits of these models when combined
provides links between the process, other data
with the dynamic matrix control of the units. This is
sources, and the modeling package; and
especially evident in the coker, where the unit has to adjust
an on-line expert system to provide a high level
to the large swings resulting from the coking cycle.
operator interface, and model-based reasoning capa-
bility in addition to diagnostic capability on the BOYCOTT:
optimization application itself. We installed a matrix controller on our crude unit in
SETPOINT has five projects in various stages of im- February of this year. The post audit on the project was
plementation, including one completed application with just completed, and the actual payout was within 5% of
the new technology. It is running closed-loop and has projected. Support for the model is provided by the proc-
resulted in a measurable improvement of a key component ess engineering group. We have one engineer that provides
recovery in a range of operating modes. support for the matrix controller. It requires about 6 to 8
The linkage between the on-line process models and hours per week of his time.
the process control system is handled by calculating a series
of setpoints and manipulated variable (MV) targets for CUNEO:
multivariable controllers. SETPOINT’s SMCA controller I agree with the comments that have been made pre-
allows direct specification of both SETPOINT’s and MV viously. We have been doing the model-based advanced
targets along with hierarchial ranking specifying the order process control for many, many years now. One of the
these targets should be released in the presence of con- things that has not been mentioned is the importance of
straints. ownership by the operating department. Unless they really
SETPOINT and UOP have installed four other process want to own these things and keep them operational, they
optimizers based on rigorous models on two catalytic can let the maintenance and the support go downhill.
reformers, a Penex unit and a LAB complex. Several other Ownership by operations is a critical factor.
projects are underway and commercial negotiations are in
progress which will result in applying the new technology D’AURIA:
on a broad process multi-unit scope including product- We have implemented over 20 model-based closed-
blending systems. loop process controls on Platforming units. Applications
include octane control, coke laydown, heater constraint
identification, and CCR regenerator optimization. Bene-
fits seen have been improved downstream blending, feed
Comment on experience with model based closed-
maximization, and improved catalyst performance. RVI
loop process control. How have actual payouts com-
refinery published a paper in the November, 1992 edition
pared to projected payouts? What type of support staff of Fuel Reformulation in which they described their APC
is necessary to keep these installations operational? implementation. RVI was able to control octane to within
0.2 RON deviation, and they were able to increase feed
PORTER: rate by 5%. Similar benefits have been realized in other
Chevron has installed a number of model-based closed- applications. In all of these applications, the existing sup-
loop process controllers for a variety of processes. In port staff has handled the model based control system.
essentially every installation, the expected benefits were
achieved and exceeded. The advanced control application LEE E. TURPIN (Honeywell Profimatics):
is only as valuable as the base instrumentation and analyzer Profimatics has very successfully utilized our rigorous
reliability. On-site control expertise is also required to keep kinetic based models for closed-loop process optimization
applications operational. and control. Post implementation economic audits were

36 General Processing and Support Operations


not performed on most projects. The on-line optimization CUNEO:

of an FCC was reported by Conoco at the 1991 NPRA We have had very positive experience with Betz neural
Computer Conference. (Paper CC-91-130, On-Line Op- network model for alkylation. It has been working very
timization for “SMART” FCC Controls, by John Gott, well for us at our Wood River complex.
Charles Roubidoux and Roland Heersink.) Also, Cor-
poven, S.A. reported benefits from on-line optimization D’AURIA:
on their FCC reformer and alkylation units at the 1993 UOP is currently developing a closed-loop neural net-
NPRA Computer Conference. (Paper CC-93-139, On- work application to enhance model based control. We
Line Optimization at El Palito Refinery, by Rene’ Stram- believe a fundamental process knowledge is important in
wasser and John Davis.) the use of neural networks. The neural network does not
replace a conventional model but rather compensates for
FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT (SETPOINT, Inc.): the effect of unmeasured disturbances on the model accu-
On every post audit SETPOINT has undertaken, we racy. The network is trained with weeks of data of suffi-
have always identified benefits which exceeded the payout ciently high frequency to capture the characteristic process
criteria for the project-usually resulting in less than one response behaviors. Both process and laboratory data are
year payouts when reinstrumentation hardware is not used, with laboratory data mainly used for validation
included in costs. purposes.
The reason for applying a neural network is to extract
QUESTION 35. the maximum benefit from process models to fit the
Are there any on-tine neural network applications
characteristics of an individual unit or group of units.
running either in a closed-loop or advisory mode?
What time frame was the training data taken from and
Neural Networks are a new tool for use in generating
on what frequency was the data sampled? Was the
automation benefits; they will not replace pheno-
data exclusively process data (either instruments or
menological models. They are not without fundamental
analyzers) or was laboratory data also used? What are
limitations. They require statistically significant distur-
the benefits of the neural network compared to more
bances in all active variables for every mode of operation
conventional control strategies?
to have valid predictions. For many real situations, the
data requirements can not be met in any sort of reasonable
timeframe without intentional process movement. Where
We are aware of several applications which use neural chemical engineering-based phenomenological models
network models ofvarious unit operations for closed-loop are applicable, neural networks generally should not be
control of parameters for the unit. One example I can give expected to have equivalent performance, especially out-
is RVP control for the alkylate product in an alkylation side the range for which the network was developed. In
unit. The operating parameters of a DIB column were spite of all these difficulties, SETPOINT continues with
used to model the RVP of the alkylate product, the DIB an active neural network development program and in-
bottoms. Hourly average data was centered on a snapshot tends to use this technology in appropriate situations.
alkylate sample. The RVP of the alkylate was then ob-
tained in the laboratory. Data was gathered over several QUESTION 36.
weeks at various RVP levels. The neural network is now Is anyone using expert systems in refinery applica-
used to control the operation of the DIB tower, based on tions? Are there any closed-loop expert system appli-
a predicted alkylate RVP which is later confirmed in the cations? What are the benefits?
We use neural networks in our PEAKS models for CUNEO:
alkylation units. These models have been used in advisory At the present time we have no process applications in
modes to help unit operators control and stabilize fresh refining. We have a few in our chemical side, predomi-
acid makeup. The PEAKS models developed use both nantly in detergents and also additive manufacture. We
process and laboratory data. The benefits of neural net- have one expert system that is currently being employed
works are their ability to correlate and recognize complex by our mechanical engineering folks for pressure equip-
nonlinear relationships. They can correlate multiple de- ment monitoring.
pendent variables simultaneously. Our PEAKS models
have been generated with up to 115 independent variables SAYLES:
and 11 dependent variables. They also have the capability Just a philosophical note. Expert systems we have seen
to identify and utilize interaction between the inde- are rule based systems and are only as smart as the ques-
pendent variables, which we consider a tremendous plus. tions you can think to ask before they occur. As a rule based

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 37


system, you require all the answers before you can deter- stream feed and product disposition logistics) and refinery
mine the problem. Fortunately, we have operators and optimization configuration and maintenance. Diagnostic
supervisors who have years of experience to draw on and applications intended to improve advanced automation
can look at the same data and probably reach a conclusion system availability at reduced plant engineers’ time are the
quicker than the machine, so at this point we have not current development directions.
found expert systems to be desirable in operations.
DON HUSTEO (UOP): What qualifications do refiners fee/ will be required
Yes, refineries are using expert system applications. in the future for the console operators?
Refineries are using expert systems for data analysis, alarm-
handling, diagnosis, scheduling, optimization, planning, ARMBRESTER:
and monitoring. In fact, UOP is offering an on-line expert Many of the qualifications of the console operators of
system called the UOP CCR LHCS Diagnostic Advisor the future are the same as their counterparts of the past. It
which helps troubleshoot problems with the lock hopper is important that the operator have a good overall under-
control system (LHCS) and CCR. Currently running standing of the process he is operating, including cause and
successfully in refineries, the Diagnostic Advisor helps effect relationships between process variables, procedures
operation and maintenance personnel quickly trou- necessary to bring the unit back to a stable condition
bleshoot any alarms or abnormal events and provides following an upset, and a working knowledge of the equip-
information on how to remedy the problem. ment in the field. In addition, the console operator of the
By “closed-loop expert system applications,” it is as- future will also need a good understanding of the control
sumed that the expert system plays a role in process control system architecture and communication systems, since he
by either manipulating setpoints directly or controlling will be the first responder to system trouble alarms.
some aspect of plant operation. This would apply only to In addition to these points, the move toward distrib-
those expert systems used for process control. Expert uted control systems, on-line analyzer systems and sophis-
systems for closed-loop process control are being used in ticated advance controls will require console operators to
the areas of discrete part manufacturing and batch chemi- develop some of the same skills that we usually look for in
cal operations to some degree, but they are even less a supervisor. Analysis and troubleshooting skills will be
common in continuous refinery operations. Most refinery critical since the DCS console operator is often required
expert system applications, however, are not developed for to process large amounts of electronic data to determine
process control applications and are designed for advisory the cause of an operating problem and then initiate the
or interactive use. proper corrective action. Strong initiative and good lead-
Expert systems can be especially important in these ership and communications skills will also be important
days of reduced refinery staffing where fewer personnel since the console operator typically becomes the individ-
can be easily overwhelmed by the increased level of process ual who directs the unit operation and manages the activi-
information that is available. Any type of expert system ties of the field operators.
that can look at a large amount of refinery information In upset conditions, the console operator must be able
and condense this information into a useful summary or to grasp the importance of variables which are outside the
action plan is very beneficial. Overall, listed below are normal operating range and prioritize his own responses
some of the major benefits of expert systems: so that the most critical problems are addressed first.
increased process on-stream time, improved process Console operators will also need a general understanding
operation, reduced off-spec product; of some basic chemical engineering principles, such as
availability of technical expertise when the actual distillation theory, reaction kinetics, heat and mass trans-
human experts are not available; fer, etc., especially as they relate to the advance control
ability to look continually and quickly examine large systems he is operating.
amounts of process information 24 hours a day and It will also be important for management to provide an
draw conclusions; and environment that is conducive to developing and main-
ability to capture and document process knowledge taining these qualities in the console operator. The control
that may otherwise leave the company or refinery system must be designed with the operator in mind, with
when personnel leave and/or retire operating data and control screens organized in a way that
allows a good overview of the process. Alarms should be
FRANK J. KLEINSCHRODT (SETPOINT, Inc.): set to allow early indication of process deviations from
SETPOINT is currently delivering two types of expert normal conditions, without becoming a nuisance during
system applications to refineries and plans are in place for routine operation.
several others. The two current applications are in the area Training on dynamic process simulators can help pre-
of refinery scheduling (including upstream and down- pare operators for the real life situations they will face and

38 General Processing and Support Operations


provide refresher training on procedures which are used SAYLES:

infrequently. Rotation of operators between console and Our first review of the data management requirements
field assignments will be important to maintain familiarity in our refineries has found that the “Islands of Informa-
with the field equipment and to avoid operator burn-out tion” were in fact continents. Our goal is to develop these
in the higher stress environment of the control room. continents and make available to refinery personnel all
data required in an expanding government regulation
CUNEO: arena. We have an integrated information system using a
I agree with my colleague’s comments. We expect that relational database which is designed to access multiple
because of the necessity to work easily and efficiently in database files and indices on multiple file servers using a
the computer CRT based environment and being able to PC IAN. A single application is designed to access all
function in self-directed workgroups we are probably go- necessary database files from anywhere on the network.
ing to need to go to either a two-year technical school One important aspect of these databases is that they
graduate or two years of college education. were designed around the natural work groups. Each of
these natural work groups is assigned the task of maintain-
PORTER: ing all databases in their areas of responsibilities. Other
At Pascagoula right now, we have 19 console operator users have data viewing rights but cannot change the data.
positions each shift. That is a large number to manage. Security and data integrity is maintained for all users
There are two prime considerations. Number one is plant through a password protected, menu driven system, and
safety. I think Mr. Armbrester covered the skills required database applications controlling access to the network file
in this area very well. servers and files.
Number two is efficiency. With that many console
operators, you have to have a much better understanding TREESE:
of what each other is doing and economics of the refinery We are presently working toward company-wide inte-
in order to optimize and be efficient. gration of a system very much like what Mr. Sayles has
mentioned here. Right now, process and lab information
CHARLES F. LeROY (CITGO Petroleum Corporation): are available. I can pull those up at my desk. We are
Mr. Porter says he has 19 board people; I have 11 board working on getting accounting, procurement, and deliv-
positions at my plant, and we think that in the future we ery information available on-line. That is presently being
can consolidate these down to 3 to 5 positions. Are your implemented.
people telling you that you will be able to consolidate your At one refinery, we have even gone so far as to imple-
19 down and run with 5 or 6 in the future? ment our project management and control systems on-
line. In other words, the project can be submitted on the
computer. We will make the assignment, do all the status
reporting, cost reporting, cost tracking, etc. on-line. Ac-
No, we are not looking at any consolidations in the near
cess is available to all the engineers on their PC. The
future. Our focus is on improved training.
operations engineer can find out where his project is
immediately on-line. We are working with Morrison
CHARLES F. LeROY (CITGO Petroleum Corporation):
Knudsen in developing the systems right now.
How many of you all have salaried board positions as
opposed to hourly board positions? Could the people on PORTER:
the panel comment on that?
It sounds as if we are all moving in a similar direction.
At Pascagoula, we have all the real time process informa-
ARMBRESTER: tion and laboratory information currently available to us
No, ours are hourly, at one PC. In the near future, it will also contain process
safety management documents: P&IDS, equipment data,
PORTER: maintenance history, operating procedures and instruc-
They are all hourly. tions, refinery policies, and MSDS sheets.


Most refiners have implemented individual informa- We are also using the PCs and local area networks to
tion systems covering process, laboratory, planning, pull together all the information systems that we have
maintenance, etc. (Islands of Information). What available in the refinery. Many of these applications were
plans and progress have been made to install Inte- developed on the corporate mainframe computer and are
grated Information Systems allowing access to all still functional, so we are developing graphical interfaces
refinery information from a single work station? to make that information available across the PC network.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 39


We are using the same approach for our DEC-VAX client-server glue becomes responsible for integrat-
systems also, and in this way everyone in the plant will be ing the data.
able to access the data that they need, regardless of what Experience says few refineries follow an identical ap-
system it is coming from, through one PC workstation. proach, since the capabilities of the pre-existing systems
We are also in the process ofdeveloping what we are calling and the business incentives to integrate differ widely. Since
a universal database of all of our engineering documenta- 1991, we have implemented systems in three locations
tion and regulatory compliance information. that adopt a mixture of the fourth and fifth stages. In all
three systems, there is tight integration of the process,
CUNEO: laboratory, planning, product accounting functions. We
We are moving the same way. It is basically trying to are currently planning an installation that permits the
bring all the diverse sets of data together into one platform, tight integration of the maintenance functions, primarily
accessible through the PC. due to advances in maintenance software (SAP R/3 in this
case). We see that by year end 1995, a refinery user can sit
DEATON: at a single workstation and seamlessly and transparently
Our experience is the same. I have nothing else to add. pull information from all refinery and corporate sources,
analyze financial impacts of operational changes, and
LEE E. TURPIN (Honeywell Profimatics): directly inform everyone in the refinery of the results.
Through our direct experience, we recognize various
evolutionary stages to deploying a modern Integrated
Information System (IIS). Each stage provides successively H. Miscellaneous
more integration and more benefits to the integrated
system, considered as a whole, and comes closer to the QUESTION 39.
ultimate IIS vision.
HAZOPS reviews often identify the vapor space of cone
1. In the first stage, most integrated systems start as a
roof sour water tanks as potential fire/explosion haz-
collection of individual systems that were justified
ards because of the H2S, hydrocarbon and possibility
and driven by discrete business needs. Each system
of pyrophoric iron sulfide. How are these hazards
serves the narrow needs of the local department,
being controlled?
but is unavailable to other users. At the first stage,
these are isolated, island systems that are useful
only to one (small) group within the enterprise.
We commissioned a revamped tank as a sour water
2. The second stage is to build point-to-point con-
storage tank last year. Our HAZOP review considered this
nectivity between individual systems on an as-
needed basis. tank to be the same as a gasoline tank from a fire or
3. The third stage is to allow most users to access these explosion standpoint. We installed an internal floating
many different systems from their own office, us- roof in the cone tank to alleviate the explosion hazard. We
ing terminal emulation packages - the Windows also installed H2S sensors and alarms around the tank to
everywhere strategy. Users require training on each notify us of an excursion from a leak or a faulty level
system. To merge data stored in different systems controller that was allowing vapors to get to the tank.
(maintenance and laboratory data, for example),
requires the user to logon to the different systems, PORTER:
extract the data in some general format, and then Answers to a similar question at the 1991 NPRA
merge the data himself. Question &Answer Session cover this topic in great detail.
4. The fourth stage is to copy the data from the An important factor in controlling vapor in the storage
separate systems into a single, central database for tank is to degas the sour water before routing it to tankage.
general use by all users and applications. The data- This is accomplished by flashing the vapors from the
base becomes the integrating platform. It has the liquid in a low pressure vessel, usually vented to a reliefgas
disadvantage that the data may be stored in two or flare gas system. Minimizing vapor generation in the
places and it is not always easy or appropriate to storage tank can be enhanced by operating the flash drum
replicate the data. at less than 120°F.
5. The fifth stage is to integrate different systems Also, we do not like to use cone roofs in sour H2O
using a client-server model, with each different service. We strongly favor floating roof tanks with primary
system represented by a server. A request for data, and secondary seals. We maintain a layer of sponge oil on
made by a client, is processed by one to many top of the water that is changed out as necessary to
servers, each responsible for its bit of data. The minimize odor problems.

40 General Processing and Support Operations


SAYLES: tanks in sour water service is to maintain a 6 inch layer of

We have cone roof tanks. Some of them have a gas No. 2 oil on top of the sour water to help form a barrier
blanketing system, a floating roof, or both. Our sour water for H2S and to help lubricate the tank walls and roof seal.
tanks have, as Mr. Porter indicated, a sponge oil layer for
odor abatement. We find the sponge oil layer works well. QUESTION 40.
For the nitrogen purge, we have a vacuum breaking system With the processing of heavier crude oils, the metals
using about 2 oz of water pressure. Currently, the displaced levels (Ni and Va) in our refinery fuel oil are increas-
nitrogen is vented, but we are considering using a carbon ing. What are the guidelines with respect to metal-
filter at some time in the future for additional odor lurgy of tube hangers and tubes relative to vanadium
containment. /eve/s in the refinery fuel oil?

Our practices are pretty much like what has been Our corrosion avoidance strategy is to keep the ash solid
mentioned already. Our cone roof tanks, where we do have by adding compounds to raise the melting point or to
them, are natural gas blanketed so they do not have the restrict combinations ofvanadium and sodium ratios, and
same fire and explosion hazards that you would have in a temperatures to avoid melting. Temperatures below 970°F
regular atmospheric vented tank. You still, of course, have will avoid melting. We do not believe that alloy selection
the problem of pyrophoric iron sulfide whenever you do should be affected by vanadium levels, as no reasonable
tank cleaning for removal from service. alloy can resist the corrosive conditions if the ash deposits
Our preference is to hold sour water in floating roof are allowed to become molten.
tanks with double seals. We do make sure that the water
is all degassed before it goes to those tanks. D'AURIA:
When fuel oil vanadium content is above 50 wt ppm,
ARMBRESTER: UOP’s standard calls for the use of chrome-nickel-nio-
Ashland’s foul water tanks are low pressure tanks de- bium material in the heater tube hangers (per ASTM
signed for 2 psig to 5 psig and are built to API Standard A560). In addition, we set a maximum tube wall tempera-
620. These tanks have dome roofs, as opposed to cone ture of 1,150°F. We are currently revising this policy so
roofs, and the vapor space of the tank is blanketed with that these standards apply to all heater designs where No.
refinery fuel gas. At our Catlettsburg refinery, the tank 6 fuel oil or heavier is being fired, rather than keying it on
vent gas is routed through a dedicated amine scrubber for expected vanadium content.
removal of H2S, and then the treated gas is incinerated An alternative that is particularly applicable to retrofits
with the SCOT unit tail gas. At our Canton, Ohio refin- is the use of a sacrificial covering of wet wrap ceramic fiber
ery, the tank vent gas is routed to the suction of the SCOT on the tube hangers to protect them from vanadium
unit booster blower and processed along with the tail gas attack.
from Claus unit. In this case, a hydrogen rich stream is
used to blanket the foul water tanks which minimizes the ARMBRESTER:
amount of hydrocarbon in the stream going to the SCOT This is a difficult question to answer because the high
unit. temperature corrosion depends not only on vanadium
concentration but also on sodium sulfate, excess air, fire-
DEATON: box temperature and sulfur content of the fuel oil. Gen-
We had plans to convert an existing cone roof tank to erally speaking, if the level of vanadium is kept below 5%
sour water service earlier this year. A nitrogen or fuel gas of the total ash component, then the low melting point
pressurization system was planned along with a steam salts or fluxes are suppressed, only forming high tempera-
eductor to remove H2 S and hydrocarbon vapors to the ture melting salts. The metallurgy that is favorable for this
flare. Internal coatings were to prevent formation of iron atmosphere are the high chrome materials such as RA330
sulfide. The reliability of the pressure control systems, the and RA333, commonly used as tube supports and hang-
danger of sucking air into the cone roof, the possibility of ers. The literature suggests that alloy 657 (50Cr-50Ni) be
iron sulfide formation upon coating failure, and the inher- used for heavy fuel oil containing 2% to 4% sulfur and 50
ent problems of putting steam in the flare caused us to to 150 ppm vanadium. However, the percentage of accept-
delay construction and explore the use of open floating able vanadium will be different depending on excess air
roof tank designs. Our investigation indicated that float- and temperature of the heater. These two parameters
ing roof designs utilizing a single mechanical shoe type seal determine whether a low or high melting salt will form
are safe and have been easy to maintain. Refiners who have and whether it will melt or flux the oxide of the metal. The
used foam pack type seals in this service have experienced higher the chromium to nickel ratio of the alloy, the less
seal failure. A recommended practice with floating roof susceptible the material will be to higher vanadium levels

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 41


in the fuel oil. Because of the many parameters that must the final product. We are aware ofa distillation system that
be considered, each situation must be considered on an will remove soluble water from wet MTBE, but we have
individual design basis. not used it.

I agree with what has been said before. The only thing I do not have any comments necessarily on the marine
I will add is that in order to protect the hangers one step shipment. Marine shipment has not been a big problem
further, we have a heater box temperature limit of about for us. We do get our MTBE wetter by collecting water
1,600°F from rain. Wet MTBE can be blended off in gasoline and
still be bright and clear up to reasonable levels of water in
DARRELL SCRUGGS (Kinetics Technology International Corporation): the MTBE, under maybe 2500 ppm. We now store all our
To limit high temperature attack for metal tempera- neat MTBE in covered tanks.
tures above 1,200°F, KTI follows the traditional guidelines
of vanadium plus sodium less than 100 ppm and vana- FELTROP:
dium itself less than 50 ppm. Above these limits a furnace Wet MTBE presents a unique haze problem in gasoline
should use 50-50 chrome material for tube hangers and blending. Up to 15,000 ppm of water is soluble in MTBE,
supports or refractory lining. and MTBE with water content of 2,000 ppm or greater is
The question was really addressed toward existing fur- likely to produce a hazy gasoline blend. The resulting hazy
naces where you cannot necessarily retrofit with higher blends usually require several hours to clarify by static
alloys. For existing furnaces, KTI suggests you segregate settling. Dehazers can be effective in clarifying these hazy
the fuel system where possible, such that fuel oil with high blends within minutes to a few hours.
metal content is used in lower temperature services or in A more effective approach has been found where the
vertical cylindrical furnaces where the tube supports can MTBE is known to be wet. In this case, the dehazer is
be shielded. High metal fuel oil should never be used in added to and mixed with the MTBE before blending with
high severity services such as steam reformers and catalytic the gasoline. This approach either prevents haze in the first
reformer furnaces. instance or greatly increases the rate of clarification. In
addition to faster responses, lower doses of dehazer are
KENNETH D. PETERS (UOP): typically required in the prevention method.
Particularly in the fired heater design for new CCR
Platforming units, with higher tube wall temperatures, we BARLOW:
have strongly pushed refiners away from firing fuel oils in Just to reiterate what has been said, we think the
general. To design a Platfotming fired heater for these high primary problem is poor housekeeping. The resolution to
metals content fuel oils, instead of fuel gas, increases the the primary problem is through improved housekeeping
heater capital cost by about 40%. Since the charge heater procedures. If you have a problem after that, chemical
and interheaters in a Platforming unit represent about dehazers have been proven to be effective. We have used
20% to 25% of the overall capital cost of the unit, the cost 50 ppm of a dehazer to eliminate a persistent water haze
impact of fuel oil firing is significant. Due to this capital (around 0.1 vol%) from an 85% gasoline/l5% MTBE
cost impact, we encourage refiners to use fuel gas in this mixture.
application, and then fire this fuel oil in their heaters
having lower tube wall temperatures, where the cost dif- DENNIS GRANDLE (Agar Corporation, Inc.):
ferential is smaller.
We now have several installations where we are able to
measure the concentration of water in MTBE using en-
ergy absorption, microwave technology. We are able to
What precautions are being taken to prevent water
contamination of MTBE during marine shipment? How
measure 2.1% now, even though the water is soluble in
do you deal with wet MTBE to prevent resulting haze
the MTBE at low concentrations.
in finished gasoline?
PORTER: How are refiners processing washwater and the sta-
We have not had any problems that have resulted from bilized emulsions that result from turnaround clean-
actual marine shipment. At Pascagoula, to avoid problems, ing and degassing programs?
we have added dome roofs to our MTBE floating roof
tanks and inspect barges to insure they are water free before FELTROP:
loading. As far as dealing with wet MTBE, we have limited Waste streams from cleaning operations are often sent
the percentage in our gasoline blends to avoid a haze in to the waste water treatment plant along with the normal

42 General Processing and Support Operations


refinery process water streams. Solids and surfactants from ARMBRESTER:

the cleaning waste streams may increase the stability of the Our procedures are similar to those that have already
emulsions in the process waste water, upsetting the opera- been discussed. We try to segregate the wash water, hold
tion of the entire treatment plant. If possible, these turn- it for oil removal and then process the water slowly
around wastes should be segregated from the normal through the benzene removal section of our waste water
streams flowing to the treatment system. This will make treatment plant. The other thing we do is examine the
it possible to tailor treatment of any wastes requiring cleaning agent we plan to use and make sure it is compat-
special handling without affecting normal plant opera- ible with the waste water treatment plant operation. Two
tions. After initial separation of solids and oils from the of the primary things we check are the COD content and
water, the streams can be mixed for additional primary or the aquatic toxicity.
secondary treatment.
Treatment of the wastes can be facilitated by precau-
We can not emphasize enough that a little bit of work
tions taken during the cleaning procedure. Minimize the
up front saves you a lot of headache in the end. After your
amount of surfactants used to perform the cleanings.
turnaround you must evaluate the compatibility of the
Reduce the amount of solids from tank bottoms, heat
chemicals being used because often they are not very similar
exchanger bundle cleanings, etc., that add fine solids to
to what you are already using in your systems. Secondly
the waste water. These solids attract oil which contributes
from the standpoint of toxicity, they often carry different
to the formation of emulsions and make treating the water concerns. Pre-evaluation of compatibility and dosages and
more difficult. For example, in the case of exchanger so forth will save you time and money. If done properly,
cleaning, filtration of the waste water to remove solids may the degassing /degreasing programs can be quiet effective.
provide sufficient pretreatment to allow mixing the waste
water into the general refinery sewer system. BOYCOTT:
During treatment of the segregated waste water from Wash water from our turnaround cleaning is temporar-
cleanings, the use of additional chemical emulsion break- ily stored to ensure the material is near neutral pH.
ers or flocculants may be necessary to overcome the effect Depending on the makeup of the material, it is disposed
of the higher solids in oil loadings. It may be necessary to of in one of the following ways. If it is primarily water, it
provide additional settling time to achieve expected results is discharged to the oily water sewer at a controlled rate.
with some waste waters. Even waste streams from the From this system, it is routed to the main API separator
cleaning of different process units may require different in our waste water treatment plant. If the process or
handling, depending on the type and amount of solids and chemical considerations raise toxicity concerns, we sample
surfactants occurring in the specific waste. The capacity to and screen the material for toxicity. Secondly, if the mate-
treat these wastes separately from the normal refinery rial contains greater than 10% oil, it is discharged to our
waste waters will facilitate treatment with minimal effect coker API separator, which runs in series with, and up-
on overall operations. stream of, the main API separator. This gives us two
opportunities to recover the oil. Thirdly, if the material
SAYLES: contains a stabilized emulsion, it is sent to a holding tank
I agree with segregation of waste from cleaning solvent. to allow time for the emulsion to break. Oil and water are
drawn off of the tank for appropriate disposal. Remaining
Most importantly, the operators need to know they must
emulsion is sent to the coker where we dispose of it in the
keep the waste from these solvent cleaning solutions from
MOSC process.
getting into the sewer system. If you have one truckload
of cleaning chemical go down the sewers, you will never
have it happen again.
Have refiners experienced seal problems due to the
introduction of MTBE? Have the problems been expe-
TREESE: rienced with pure MTBE streams or with gasoline
In our refineries, we have dealt with emulsion from all containing 11 to 75 percent MTBE as we//? If so, what
sources in two basic ways. One way is to dispose of the solutions have been implemented?
emulsions directly to the coker using the MOSC process.
The second way, which is really our preferred way, is to use MENEGAZ:
emulsion breaking facilities. We break the emulsion with Pure MTBE is much more aggressive than TAME or
heat and chemical first. That part has not been a particular ETBE on elastomeric seal materials. For pure MTBE, my
problem. Then we process the sludge in either the coker material experts tell me that high performance seals of
or send it back to the crude unit along with recovered oil. proprietary materials such as Zalak 250GT or Kalrez 4019
The water goes on to sour water stripping. work very well. They are also horrendously expensive.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 43


However, they have had poor or mixed experience with To date, biotechnology has not been used in any of the
Viton, nitriles, teflon and fluorosilicones. This goes as well main processing units of a refinery. A process called bio-
for 11% to 15% MTBE. For oxygenated gasoline, highly catalytic desulfurization is currently under development
fluorinated elastomers such as Viton GLF, Viton GF, etc. by Energy Biosystems. This process uses enzymes to selec-
offer good resistance to attack. tively remove organic sulfur from a range of petroleum
fractions in crude oil. As a biotechnology based process, it
SAYLES: operates near ambient temperature and pressure, offering
I agree with what has been said. I would just add that the potential for significant capital savings compared to
we have been transferring 100% MTBE for more than conventional hydroprocessing. The process does not use
four years in our terminals and in our refineries. The hoses hydrogen and is expected to have lower operating costs
we use are high density, high strength propylene, and the than hydrodesulfurization. Biocatalytic desulfurization is
seals that we have been using in our transfer pumps have focused solely on sulfur removal and, therefore, does not
been Kalrez 4079, a DuPont trademark. After blending, have some of the advantages of hydrotreating FCC feed-
we have used conventional gasoline seals and hoses with- stock, or the drawbacks of hydrotreating FCC gasoline.
out problems. Energy Biosystems expects to have a pilot plant in
operation at Petrolite facilities in St. Louis in late 1994 and
TREESE: expects the first commercial unit into operation in 1996.
Our experience has been pretty much the same. Prob- Ifsuccessful, biocatalytic desulfurization may pave the way
lems with neat MTBE and the seal elastomers are well for other bioprocessing operations, such as nitrogen and
established. We have not had significant problems with metals removal, aromatic saturation, reforming and vis-
the blended gasoline containing MTBE up to 13%. cosity reduction.

We have one pump and one tank in MTBE service. The On the petrochemical side, there is a new strain of
tank is equipped with twin seals, the primary being teflon ethanol-producing bacteria, Zymomonas mobilis, which
coated seal fabric and the secondary having a thiothane holds promise for converting xylose, a previously uncon-
wiper tip. The pump is equipped with tandem seals, the vertible sugar. Xylose comprises about 40% of biomass.
primary being carbon rings, the secondary being teflon This increases the range of potential feedstocks to very low
O-rings. Both the tank and pump have been in MTBE agricultural wastes and paper with a potential for reducing
service for four years. We have not had any problems with ethanol costs substantially. Quadrex is planning one of
them. these biomass to ethanol plants up in Nebraska.


We specify Kalrez 4079 in pump seals for both neat What experience do refiners have in forming alliances
MTBE as well as MTBE containing gasoline streams. with suppliers? What key elements have proven suc-
cessful in maintaining a long term mutually beneficial
QUESTION 44. relationship?
What are the current experience and future plans for
commercializing/promoting biotechnology in the pe- TREESE:
troleum refining and petrochemical industry? In one refinery experience, a formal alliance was estab-
lished with our tool supplier. This arrangement has the
FELTROP: tool supplier manage our various tool rooms during turn-
The primary refining and petrochemical applications arounds and also during normal periods. The effectiveness
of biotechnology today are in waste treatment. These of the arrangement is based upon having agreed upon
involve using microorganisms developed through natural goals and identified performance measures. The objective
selection, classical mutation or genetic engineering tech- of the alliance was to reduce the total yearly tool cost for
niques to convert waste materials from process sources the refinery, and that goal has been achieved.
into innocuous or easily biodegraded compounds. Another alliance type of arrangement involved engi-
Specialized microorganisms can enhance the efficiency neering services. Depending on who you talk to, the
of more conventional waste treatment operations signifi- alliance was a success or a failure.
cantly. Some work has also been done on removing paraf- We have considered several alliances with suppliers over
fins from refined product streams using similar technology the years, but our final arrangements or our final agree-
to that reported for treating paraffinic crudes in produc- ments, if any, have generally fallen short of being what I
tion. However, this application is not yet in commercial would call an alliance. They would still be characterized
application. as client/contractor arrangements, usually due to concern

44 General Processing and Support Operations


over financial controls on the alliance work scope. A lot of l Performance should be based on mutually agreed
it is related to establishing a comfortable level of trust upon goals and standards.
among all parties to the alliance. l Clear understanding of priorities must be commu-
FELTROP: l Common measurements for success need to be
Petrolite’s experience with alliances span U.S. refining, established.
international refining and oil field areas. Supplier alliances l It is important that a high level of candor be estab-
in the refining industry are relatively new concepts, but lished to identify those metrics that have the greatest
we have been quite active in this area. impact on operations.
There are several types of alliances that have been l Regular review by Supplier and Customer manage-
developed: single source, formal and informal alliances ment provide routine control.
and partnerships. Each type has a different level of risk. l Win/win situations are the ultimate goal.
We feel that the single source scenario is one that offers
low risk for the short term and puts the refiner at high risk McLEAN:
for the long term. Typically a single source scenario is one Speaking again from the supplier’s point of view, we are
where a bid or a chemical cost reduction approach is the doing a number of things aimed at moving relationships
primary focus. This leaves the refiner vulnerable to limi- with refiners into what we would truly call partnerships.
tations in the ability to infuse new approaches and tech- Some examples of these things include:
nology in the long term, resulting in a higher risk situation l Organization of our sales, technical service, R&D
for the overall operation. and manufacturing staffinto specific customer focus
Contrasting a formal alliance is a long-term commit- teams to better understand our customers’ needs and
ment which offers lower risks throughout. This scenario then to respond with our services.
allows two companies to work closely together to deter- l We have adopted in our laboratories some specific
mine and prioritized what is best for the overall operation customer testing procedures in order to streamline
and what is best for both companies so as to result in a our product development programs.
win/win situation. l We have developed, in certain cases, custom catalyst
As a former refiner who is now a supplier, my opinion materials specific to individual customer’s needs.
is that the key element in this is trust. This may seem l We have achieved ISO certification of our catalyst
trivial, but it is true in every relationship that until we can manufacturing plants.
be honest enough to trust each other alliances will not be l We have also cooperated with and responded to
successful. specific customer quality review and audit programs.
The key elements for successful maintenance of a long- l Finally, an extension of our technical service capa-
term relationship include: bilities to work more towards helping to optimize a
l A steering team is set up to manage the overall customer’s operation rather than simply sell them a
alliance. Task forces are set up to address specific product.
opportunities or issues within the alliance. These I think we recognize and strive for the mutual benefits
task forces are comprised typically of a Petrolite sales which can be achieved in moving from being simply a
engineer, an appropriate Petrolite technologist, cus- qualified supplier to a preferred supplier and finally on to
tomer’s operations personnel and customer’s support a true partnership.
personnel as required.
l Relationships are better with our Technology per- MENEGAZ:
sonnel and our customer’s operational and technical There are three elements in maintaining a successful,
support personnel. long-term alliance: (1) the alliance originates and operates
l Communication lines are open and fluid. Our cus- at the working level; (2) the alliance has a formal mecha-
tomer has direct access to our Technology Depart- nism for feedback, such as a report card, to assure that
ment and vice versa. (Previously, our sales engineers expectations are being met and that the relationship is not
played a role as “gate keeper”.) being taken for granted; and (3) the alliance is structured
l There is a willingness to work on key issues but there to reward performance or share in the business successes.
is a long payback period. This is a willingness to work
on the opportunities to give the greatest impact. PORTER:
l Both companies are willing to devote more up front Chevron has formed alliances with a few suppliers. The
resources. focus of the process is establishing long-term agreements
l Both companies are getting good direction on each with preferred suppliers to reduce the total cost of owner-
other’s goals and needs. ship of services and materials. We are very satisfied with
l Commitment, shared goals and objectives are a must. our success so far.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 45


The key elements for a mutually beneficial relationship discounts range from 5% to 10%. In addition, rebates
are: 1) common definition of alliance, 2) clear expecta- totalling an additional 4% have been negotiated with one
tions and objectives, 3) open and frequent communica- vendor should certain minimal levels of sales be reached.
tions, 4) documented plans and results, 5) audit at an early To date, 30 commodities have been identified for possible
stage, 6) similar company cultures with TQM process in long-term agreements.
both organizations, 7) committed and credible team Areas where we have already been successful include
members, and 8) strong sponsorship from both sides. pipe, valve and fitting supplies, tools, portable equipment,
construction services, safety supplies, electrical supplies
BARLOW: and bearings. Areas that we are currently pursuing include
As a supplier, we are rapidly gaining experience in vacuum and hydroblast services, insulation, cylinder gases
forming alliances with refiners. A significant portion of and welding supplies, structural steel, motor repairs, cata-
our business is tied up in “alliances”-and I will use lysts, commodity chemicals and process and water treating
quotations around that word because some might be chemicals.
structured in a contract, some as a preferred supplier, some
as a sole supplier, and some actually as partnership type KENNETH D. PETERS (UOP):
structures. Our experience has shown that the actual key In 1990, UOP began a program to align our products
elements of these alliances vary substantially from one and work processes more closely with the needs of both
customer to another. Our goal is to try to work very closely refiners and contractors. The first step was to conduct
early on in the process with the customer to understand formal customer satisfaction surveys, followed by a series
what their goals are in forming the alliance. We then try of in-depth interviews with specific clients and contractors
to stay in step with them, because we find that their goals in order to clearly understand the needs of each and how
often change rapidly. our products impacted their work processes. As a result of
We have a definition of a partnership that we use and these efforts, we have realigned our sales and service
that we would like to strive for in these alliances. Our functions to be more responsive to customer needs.
definition is a business relationship built on trust, which We have enhanced our development process to reduce
you have heard said many times, with a legitimate struc- the time to commercialization through earlier customer
ture for mutual problem solving as a vehicle for continu- involvement. One example was sited in Jim D’Auria’s
ous improvement in quality, productivity and profitability earlier reference to customer involvement in solid bed
for both parties. We find our most successful arrangements alkylation development.
work when we are focusing on profit improvement pro- UOP has formed alliances with other companies to
jects and not just cost reduction projects. provide a more comprehensive portfolio of technologies
Trust is our number one key element. Other elements to the refining industry. Examples include our alliance
that are required are: with Texaco for Alkad HF additive technology, with Foster
Excellent communication, not just good communi- Wheeler for coking and visbreaking technology, with
cation. You must gain an understanding of each CCIC for residual hydrotreating and with Unocal for
other’s business needs. Unicracking.
You have to have a plan to resolve issues, because More specifically UOP Engineering has changed and
they will arise. greatly expanded the Schedule A package while at the same
You have to encourage an innovative attitude for time significantly reducing the time to produce this
both parties. An ideal alliance is when a supplier Schedule A package. The key aspect of this program,
brings improvements to the customer as opposed to though, is the continuous measurement and adjustment
being requested to bring improvements. of these new systems to ensure their on-going alignment
You have to have a proper commitment of resources, with the changing needs of both refiners and contractors
because it does take an awful lot of effort to make it in the future.
work, and the responsibility for success of the alli-
ance has to be shared. ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.):
In March of this year there was a very unique strategic
DEATON: alliance formed among Syncrude of Canada, Criterion
Both of Clark’s refineries began forming partnership Catalyst, Cat Tech, CRI and CRI-MET. The alliance was
alliances with suppliers in August of 1993. Our goals are formed to provide total fresh catalysts to Syncrude, also
to reduce costs, reduce the number of vendors, reduce regeneration of the catalysts, handling of the catalysts, and
inventory, reduce paperwork, receive better service, reli- then taking the final spent catalyst all the way back to their
able quality and consistent long-term pricing. All initial final parts. Included in that alliance are joint R&D ele-
agreements were for a period of one year. Savings of over ments as well as continuous improvement in trust and
$52,000 were realized in the first quarter of 1994. Vendor communication as was mentioned before.

46 General Processing and Support Operations


Roughly a year and a half ago, another alliance, which technology center at Westhollow, or for R&D people to
we call a quality partnership, was formed with Lyondell, get manufacturing assignments.
now Lyondell-CITGO. This involved the same elements
as mentioned with tracking of units, joint R&D, and ARMBRESTER:
various other technical functions. Ashland’s normal practice is to assign incoming engi-
neers to the central engineering or research group. This
DAVID M. JOHNSON (Chevron U.S.A. Products Company): allows the new employees to become familiar with the
I will follow with a few comments on some of our company’s standard engineering policies and practices,
experience. We have several alliances of different types and to begin to develop their engineering skills under the
ranging from vendor inventoried materials delivered di- guidance of more experienced design and support engi-
rectly to the process units to partnerships wherein vendor neers. To further enhance their development, engineers are
supplies the chemicals, manages the inventory and pro- often rotated into short-term training assignments in the
vides the technical support on-site. refinery operations, maintenance and technical groups.
Some of the things we learned about these programs Full-time assignments in the refinery are usually made
over the last five years include the need for the supplier only after the employee has completed at least two years
side to have dedicated people assigned to the alliance who of work in the central engineering department.
understand why the alliance was formed, the purpose and
the reasons for the partnership and the vision to which we TREESE:
are trying to achieve. On the other hand, the owner must Each Unocal refinery trains incoming college graduates
maintain his part and responsibility to the alliance in all slightly differently, but the objectives of the training are
of the above areas. essentially the same. That is, we want the incoming engi-
We have found in certain instances, particularly in the neer to gain as much practical experience in refining as
more mundane areas of the refinery, that communication possible. This is accomplished by working in various
and trust elements broke down because we as the owner refinery groups and by contact with experienced engineers
were not holding up our side of the partnership. So I would in the forms of mentoring, joint engineering work or joint
stress to anyone that when you enter one of these relation- engineering projects and seminars.
ships, not only does it take a lot of work up front to clearly Much of our program depends on a learn-by-doing
identify the vision and purpose of the alliance, but it also approach. In our Los Angeles refinery, new engineers are
requires ongoing effort to insure good communication placed in two or three departments over a period of about
and ultimately success of the alliance. two years. Ideally, each engineer will spend several months
in operations, technical services and maintenance during
QUESTION 46. this period. However, frequently, job load dictates how
How are refiners with multiple locations training their closely we can stick to that ideal. The program is admin-
incoming refinery and R&D engineers? Is it done istered by the Human Resources Department with input
jointly at a central location? from the chief engineer and the trainees.
At our San Francisco refinery, new engineers are moved
CUNEO: through a series of shorter assignments in more depart-
Yes, we hire engineers into our multiple refineries. We ments. Basically, they will spend a couple of weeks in about
have six refineries that we manage as a common skill pool. every department. Again, the plan may be modified by job
Hiring is basically weighted toward the large locations. loads. The San Francisco refinery plan lasts about a year
Historically we have had a training program which in- and a half and is administered by the Supervisor of Process
cludes a lot of classroom training in the first three to five Engineering.
years of a person’s career, probably on the order of 8 to 10 Unocal’s Research Department formerly ran a training
weeks a year. We are currently modifying that with the program with assignments of several months for each
intention to deliver most of that information through engineer in two or three groups, similar to the way Los
on-line job helps or expert type of advice delivered through Angeles Refinery runs their program. We have, on occa-
their individual work station. We expect to get 7.5% to sion, swapped engineers among the refineries into Corpo-
80% of the material we historically taught in classrooms rate and also between refineries and Research to gain
available to them on-line. cross-pollination benefits in these areas.
With respect to the R&D engineers, we generally hire
people with advanced degrees, Master’s or PhD, in R&D. MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco):
They receive mostly on-the-job training. There are defined For all our new young engineers, Saudi Aramco has an
opportunities for both groups as they progress in their excellent three year program called the Professional Devel-
career to work in each other’s environment, either in the opment Program (PDP). The objectives are to:

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 47


Introduce the Company’s main departments, busi- openings at the various work locations. The three year
ness locations and an overview of their respective orientation is usually broken down into six assignments
functions (Producing, Manufacturing, Engineering, (six months each). Special emphasis is placed on quickly
etc.); recognizing and rewarding performance. For example, the
Familiarize the new engineers with the Company engineer is given a detailed evaluation with personal con-
Engineering Standards with respect to safety, design, sultation at the end of each six month assignment. The
material, inspection and testing, etc.; results are reflected in his salary within one month after
Introduce the beginning engineer with real-life the evaluation.
working and business situations; Usually, the new engineer will be first assigned with one
Assign each new engineer to a progressively increas- of the engineering units. Later, he may rotate into one of
ing degree of complexity in his respective field; the other organizations within the refinery or other busi-
Enroll each new engineer in technical and manage- ness lines. By the end of this period, the engineer will be
ment courses to enhance both his technical and prepared to fully participate in handling day to day prob-
management skills. lems encountered, in addition to other assignments. After
For each new engineer, an Individual Development program completion, the engineer will be assigned to one
Plan and a Critical Task by his specific engineering disci- of the engineering support divisions. At this time, a new
pline (chemical, mechanical, electrical, etc.) are prepared development plan is prepared to help determine an appro-
and discussed with him. His technical qualifications and priate career path (professional or management).
career objectives are balanced with current assignment

48 General Processing and Support Operations



A. Fluid Catalytic Cracking insulating refractory to become impregnated with coke.

Up to a point, the coke impregnation is not a problem,
Mechanical and may even improve the insulating properties of the
material. Ultimately, however, the coke impregnation
QUESTION l. causes separation from the wall and spalling of the refrac-
What are the relative merits and drawbacks of hot wall tory, and major repairs are necessary. As Mr. Menegaz said,
and cold wall reactor designs? this disadvantage can be minimized by proper selection of
refractory material and anchoring system.
MENEGAZ: Mr. Menegaz has covered well my items regarding hot
Both designs have been used successfully for many wall design, The only additional point is that erosion-
years, but there are advantages and disadvantages to each. resistant refractory is commonly used in hot wall reactors.
The hot wall design requires 316 or 347 stainless steel It is also subject to deterioration by coke impregnation,
for the hotter sections such as the regenerated catalyst but to a lesser extent than the thicker cold wall refractory.
standpipe, slide valve, and the lower riser. In this applica-
tion, stainless steel is prone to creep-induced cracking, McLEAN:
sigma phase formation, and polythionic stress corrosion I have to agree with what Mr. Menegaz and Mr. Porter
cracking. Several refiners have had problems with cracking have said, and will make an additional comment. On the
at the regenerated catalyst “Y” and switched to the cold cold wail design, a critical parameter is paying careful
wall design. In the reactor area, temperatures are lower and attention to the installation and curing procedure of the
1¼ chrome 1/2 molybdenum is used very successfully. refractory insulation. When this is done properly, lives of
However, as the vessel ages, thermal creep, carbide precipi- 5 to 10 years can be attained.
tation, and other high temperature phenomena occur.
Several hot wall reactors built in the early 1950’s have BOYCOTT:
reached the end of their useful life, based either on calcu- Frontier’s FCC reactor was converted from a pseudo
lation method or inspection, and they have been replaced. hot wall to cold wall design in March 1994. Advantages
The cold wall design has a normal skin temperature of noted are:
350°F to 450°F. At these temperatures, carbon steel works
Reactor wall temperatures were reduced from 850°F
well without metallurgical problems and the lifespan of
to 350°F. This eliminated the carburization of the
the shell is unlimited. The primary drawback for cold wall
carbon steel shell and extended the mechanical life
designs is the reliability of the internal refractory.
of the vessel.
Newer refraction installations are using more durable
Our previous system was ‘pseudo’ hot wall as it was
refractory, better anchoring systems, and better quality
externally insulated and refractory lined. With this
control during installation, and seeing significantly less
problems. Catastrophic failure on the run is a relative system the stresses caused by differential thermal
rarity today. However, most refiners still do a lot of refrac- expansion resulted in severe cracking of the refrac-
tory replacement in the reactor at turnaround. tory and a 2 to 3 thermal cycle life of the system.
With the current system, the lower temperature of
PORTER: the shell has reduced the differential thermal expan-
Cold wall reactor design has two major advantages: sion of the shell and refractory. We anticipate that
1. It allows the use of a carbon steel shell which is this will reduce cracking of the refractory and in-
initially cheaper and greatly facilitates inspection, crease its life.
repairs and modifications. The selection and installation of refractory was criti-
2. It minimizes the amount of thermal expansion that cal in this conversion. We used a gunned, fused-silica
must be accounted for in the design of connecting material with 3% needles. It was applied 5 in. thick
piping and equipment. as a single component. Steer horns were used for
The primary disadvantages to cold wall construction attachment.
are the additional weight and tendency, over time, for the Potential drawbacks are:

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 49


Refractory selection and installation is critical. If HIGGINS:

care is not taken, this system can become a high No response.
maintenance area.
Careful consideration must be given to stresses in QUESTION 2.
associated piping due to the reduced thermal growth During a recent FCCU turnaround, erosion and signifi-
of the reactor. cant wall thinning were discovered in areas of the
reactor overhead line. The erosion occurred near el-
D’AURIA: bows on the downstream side of small internal weld
We have designed both hot wall and cold wall reactors. or p/ate protrusions. Have others experienced this?
We favor the hot wall design, however. A hot wall reactor What design or operational guidelines, such as maxi-
mum fluid velocity, are used to avoid significant reac-
will be smaller for the same internal process diameter,
tor transfer line erosion?
does not have the refractory repair requirements of a cold
wall reactor, and, in our experience, has a better on stream
efficiency. The cost difference that is cited for cold wall
A number of the units operating in this country were
reactor is valid for the vessel itself. We have found,
built before the advent of zeolite catalysts. These units
though, when you look at the entire reactor structure and
built in the 1940’s were operated at much lower unit
consider the larger size and weight of a cold wall reactor
throughputs than current operation. On most of the units
and the impact this has on the foundations, that the cost with which I am familiar, the reactor overhead line has not
differential between a hot wall and cold wall installation been replaced.
can be as low as $100,000. The higher on stream effi- The typical design considerations for these types of
ciency, and the lack of problems with refractory, in the units are 110 to 130 feet per second superficial vapor space
hot wall design will tend to favor that design in most velocity, with an absolute maximum of about 190 feet per
instances. second. We operate in the range of 130 to 150 feet per
second, and in this range we have not observed significant
DEATON: erosion.
We recently replaced our original carbon steel hot wall The reactor overhead line must be well insulated and
reactor with a new 1¼ chrome 1/2 molybdenum hot wall insulation repairs should be made as needed during the
reactor. The top half of the new reactor has 410 stainless run to limit heat loss, avoiding the potential of having
steel cladding for corrosion protection, and the bottom coking condensation, which causes coking in localized
half is hexmesh lined for erosion protection. areas. Localized coking causes a protrusion and on the
A hot wall reactor design was preferred to avoid refrac- back side of the obstruction, there will be a swirling
tory maintenance problems inherent in the cold wall motion or an eddy current. Erosion behind that obstruc-
reactor designs. The problem with the cold wall designs is tion occurs due to the flow interruption.
that hydrocarbon can cause coke formation behind the Before you think that erosion is occurring, make sure
refractory, thus leading to refractory spalling. that the reactor line is clean. In one case, the initial
inspection indicated we were observing erosion in the
On the other hand, a cold wall design could help avoid
overhead line. After cleaning the line, no erosion was
a metallurgy upgrade. Also, as Mr. D’Auria indicated, cold
found. Apparently, coke deposits had laid down forming
wall designs require more robust foundation designs due
an erosion surface that looked like line damage.
to the weight of the refractory. I believe that most refiners
At another location, a 26-inch overhead line, installed
favor a hot wall design.
when the unit was built in 1946, cracked during routine
maintenance to remove coke. The line had an outer shell
JAN W. WELLS (Phillips 66 Company):
of SA 201 and an inner lining of Type 430 stainless steel.
Have you noticed any difference in the coke accumu- The line failed during normal coke chipping, using a
lation on the surface of the wail between the hot wall and hand-held air-operated chip gun, at an ambient tempera-
the cold wall design? ture of around 10°F. The fracture occurred in a horizontal
pipe section, was longitudinal for about 12 feet, then
PORTER: turned circumferential at both ends. After the crack
We have not seen any significant coke accumulation on formed, the line fortunately stayed in place, requiring
the refractory surface of either the hot or cold wall reactors. removal and replacement.
A metallurgical analysis indicated that during the 47
FRANK ELVIN (Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc.): years of operation, the carbon from the outer line diffused
Have the panelists heard of anyone using cold wall but into the inner stainless steel liner, causing both of them to
with stainless? become brittle. I believe that the steel on the outside of

50 Heavy Oil Processing


the line essentially turned into boiler plate iron, a very CUNEO:
brittle substance when cold. We have observed significant increase in the oxidization
We are familiar with low temperature embrittlement of of chrome-molybdenum steels with increases in tempera-
austenitic stainless and higher grade steels. We operate ture. Although we do not have any direct experience with
units in the state of Wyoming, so we are familiar with oxygen enrichment up to 25%, we would expect that the
operating units in relatively cold temperatures and work- effect of oxygen content increase is small relative to the
ing on them in those conditions. To our knowledge, this temperature increase effect. To remedy that in our appli-
is the first time that we have observed or heard about cations, we have moved to higher chrome-molybdenum
cracking in a reactor overhead line at those conditions. steels.

I want to add another issue here, regarding catalyst We recommend changing the air nozzles to 304 stain-
carryover and the cause for the erosion. I think that if you less steel. If you look at the oxidation rates for 1¼ chrome
pay proper attention to the design and operation of the
l/2 molybdenum, it is 60 mils per year at 1,200°F com-
cyclone system as well as the catalyst physical parameters,
pared to less than 1 mil per year for 304 stainless steel. The
you minimize the catalyst carryover and therefore mini-
air nozzles on our regenerator are 304 stainless steel.
mize the erosion potential, regardless of the other condi-
tions under which you are operating.
We do not use oxygen enrichment. Our 304 H regen-
erator air ring nozzles have operated well over the last 8
Our experience is similar to Mr. Sayle’s. We believe
years. Inspection after a 4-year run indicated a slight nozzle
velocities should be 100 to 120 feet per second to minimize
ID enlargement which extrapolates into about 8 to 12
internal corrosion, but we have operated at 130 to 140 feet
years of additional service. Low chromium content steels
per second without problems. Discontinuities in the line,
which create localized turbulence, and a high content of (for example 1 1/4 chrome) have a very low high-tempera-
catalyst in the reactor vapor will accelerate corrosion. ture oxidatibn resistance and would not be recommended
for use in the regenerator.
BOYCOTT: Oxygen content should be limited to less than 25% to
I agree with the comments on velocity and dust loading prevent oxidation of the free carbon remaining in the steel.
and note that we do experience fairly significant levels of The oxygen concentration should be calculated on the
erosion in our reactor overhead line as a result of this amount of flowing air into which the oxygen is injected.
problem. For example, on a unit which splits the air between
carrying air and burning air, injection of oxygen into the
CUNEO: burning air, 25% O2 based on the total air, could result in
We have also had some erosion in these types ofservices, a 33% O2 concentration in the air ring since 1/3 of the total
especially at high velocities. We have found that the appli- air is carrying air. The higher O2 content in the air ring
cation of erosion-resistant refractory linings inside around will cause accelerated metal oxidation.
the bends is very effective in protecting from further
erosion. GARY J. ANDERSON (Corhart Ceramics):
Many of you who are using ceramic nozzles in your
MENEGAZ: regenerators are aware that the ceramic technologies avail-
We would design a new unit for under 150 feet per able are totally immune to oxidation, and we have appli-
second. Above 175 feet per second, you are asking for cations for the materials that are using 40% oxygen
trouble with erosion. In certain cases, we design for much enrichment in molten steel or in molten copper. You have
lower velocities than 150 feet per second, and this is due a very vast safety margin at the temperatures we observe
to pressure drop limitations which may affect the air in the FCCU.
blower sizing. Also, these materials are superior to erosion by a factor
of about 20.
On a recent turnaround, we discovered significant oxi- QUESTION 4.
dation of the 1¼ Cr-1/2 MO nozzles on our regenerator An Inconel 625 regenerator catalyst withdrawal/dump
air ring. Has anyone eliminated this oxidation through nozzle failed recent/y in one of our refineries. What
operating or equipment changes? Is oxygen enrich- nozzle metallurgy is recommended for this service, up
ment to 25% oxygen likely to exacerbate the problem? to 1,400°F?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 51


Our catalyst withdrawal nozzle is refractory lined carb- What experience do refiners have with corrosion of
on steel. It connects to a 1 l/4 chrome valve and line at the heavy FCC naphtha pumparound circuit piping and
regenerator. The line changes back to carbon steel about equipment? Our VRU (Vapor Recovery Unit) stripper
20 feet away from the regenerator itself. We normally run side reboiler recently experienced severe tube corro-
at 1,400°F and have not had a problem with this nozzle. sion from the heavy naphtha pumparound side.

Corrosion of the heavy FCC naphtha pumparound is
Inconel 625 is not suitable above 1,200°F if sulfur is
not considered a very common problem, based on our
present, and will embrittle with thermal cycling. Stainless
experience. However, we have seen it in several units. The
steel Type 321-H or 347-H solution annealed and ther-
problem is generally related to ammonium chloride depo-
mally stabilized has been recommended for this applica-
sition. It is not unlike what you might experience in a
tion. I emphasize that the solution anneal and thermal crude tower if conditions are set up properly. When salt
stabilization steps are necessary to protect against forms, and if the tower gets wet, the deposits can be
polythionic acid corrosion. extremely corrosive, setting up a difficult environment.
Also, if the efficiency of the tower is affected, possibly
ARMBRESTER: due to fouling, you can get water in the lower sections of
On all of our FCC units, the catalyst withdrawal nozzle the tower which, again, by creating a wet, corrosive envi-
is a carbon steel long weld neck nozzle welded into the ronment, can cause severe tube corrosion in the VRU side
vessel shell, with a 304 stainless steel sleeve welded to the stripper reboiler. The problem is exacerbated if you have
nozzle at the I.D. of the shell and passing through the high volumes of cooler temperature pumparounds return-
refractory. This nozzle arrangement has provided very ing to the column, providing a source to condense water.
good service, with only one repair required in over 20 One process change that might exacerbate the problem
years. is the use of import feeds. If you import feeds and you have
On the RCC unit at Catlettsburg, we use a true cold contamination with chlorides, the formation of ammo-
wall installation, where the carbon steel nozzle is lined nium chloride can be more severe. We would recommend
with refractory, and a 304 stainless steel liner extends from that if you do have this problem, you look at the tower
the nozzle flange to the inner face of the refractory. We operating conditions and the handling of the feeds to the
have not experienced any problems with this nozzle in over unit first. If that does not work, then you should consider
10 years of operating experience. applying a proprietary filmer to reduce corrosion and
Our regenerator dense bed temperatures on all of these disperse the salts.
units are typically in the 1,300°F to 1,360°F range.
D’AURIA: We agree. We have seen this type of corrosion in some
Inconel 625 is not suitable for this service. We recom- of our FCC main fractionators that have naphtha pum-
mend the same setup that Mr. Laux described: a cold wall, parounds near the top. We have experienced some mild
underside tray corrosion, which we have attributed to
carbon steel nozzle, with transition to a low chrome set of
ammonium chloride, and seen some significant corrosion
valves and line.
of column shells in the region by the naphtha draw, when
In addition, sometimes a finned pipe is used in this first
we thought we were operating a wet system.
section of line to help with cooling.
Frequently air is introduced into the line, close to the FELTROP:
first block valve, to act both as a catalyst carrying medium I agree with the comments on ammonium chloride,
and also to help keep the pipe cool. The key variable is the and water in particular. Since both ammonia and H2S are
rate at which you unload catalyst. This rate should be present, ammonium bisulfide is a possibility in these
controlled to keep the process piping below its design situations. They are just several orders of magnitude less
temperature. We have seen some people put a local skin temperature stable than ammonium chloride. Under cer-
temperature indicator on the pipe so that the operator can tain partial pressure and temperature conditions, ammo-
monitor the temperature as he is unloading catalyst. nia and H2S, ammonium bisulfide could be the problem,
but we have not seen this in any FCC unit.
If you are adding air to your line for cooling, you better LAUX:
keep the velocity downstream to less than 60 feet per In our circuit, which is killed carbon steel and seamless
second or your transfer lines will wear out. killed carbon steel tubes, we have not seen the problem.

52 Heavy Oil Processing


If you did have ammonium bisulfide, you would probably similar problem in other areas of the reactor section. In
be seeing hydrogen blistering as well, which might help our experience, this problem occurs in areas of high con-
you to analyze the actual cause. tour (i.e., a lack of adhesion due to difficulty of installa-
tion) or low velocity. It would appear that this example is
QUESTION 6. a case of poor adhesion. Where this occurs, we have had
We experience coke buildup at the reactor cyclone success with the installation of a single component, hy-
inlet horns between the refractory and the metal. The draulic wear resistant refractory with 3% needles. S-bars
coke grows and causes the refractory to pull away are used for adhesion. We have eliminated the use of hex
from the horn. What can be done to eliminate this steel in these areas as we feel that the S-bars provide better
problem? adhesion. Another consideration would be to sandblast
the base metal and apply a coating of phosbon mortar for
LAUX: better adhesion.
The solution that seems to work for us is simply to weld I agree with the previous comments on installation.
every piece of hexmesh to the cyclone inlet horn. This Whichever system is used (S-bars or hexmesh), the instal-
prevents the initial bulging which allows more coking and lation is critical to service life. Welding of every biscuit is
further bulging. necessary with hex steel.

I agree with Mr. Law’s comment regarding the need to In addition to the comments on the refractory, there is
weld every piece of hex. In addition, I emphasize that extra also an operational consideration. If during start-up or
effort should be made in pounding the refractory to make upsets, the temperature of the internals is allowed to get
sure that it is done right. Also, reactor and transfer line too low, you can get condensation of hydrocarbon, which
coking in general can be minimized through the use of a can get behind the refractory and later cause coking. To
moderate to high matrix surface area catalyst. This has avoid this, we recommend that you allow sufficient time
been well documented in past Question and Answer Ses- for all of the reactor internals to come up to operating
sions Transcripts, including 1986. temperature before introducing the feed.

I agree with the comments regarding the welding. The I have a recommendation on how to avoid exposing the
weld should be a full fillet weld, not a tack weld. In edge bar of the hexmesh to the direct flow of the process.
addition, the hexmesh should be the type that can be This can be done by welding standoffs on the metal edge
placed flush against the wall. of the inlet horn, and then welding strips of metal about
one inch wide to the stand-offs and mold it around the
PORTER: edge of the inlet horn. Pack AA-22 refractory behind these
I also support the comments on welding. In addition, strips, and then weld S anchors on the strips and pack the
high quality workmanship is critical for installation of the AA-22 into the S anchors. S anchors are preferred over
refractory. hexmesh because hexmesh has a tendency to be popped
loose in large sections, as inferred in the question.
SAYLES: It is very important that the refractory be prequalified
I have one additional note on how you install the and that you have your own expert witnessing the anchor
refractory. Wrap the refractory around the inlet horn to and refractory installation. Poor welding, as well as too
avoid any open leading edges or install a bar or some device much water in the refractory, can make the difference
at the leading edge of the refractory to seal the refractory between a problem area and one that provides trouble free
to the vessel wall. These measures are taken to prevent oil service.
from adsorbing under the refractory and forming coke.
The mechanism, which may allow coke to grow causing QUESTION 7.
refractory failure, is capillary action which draws the oil What inspection techniques are effective in monitor-
into gaps between refractory and the vessel wall. Once in ing refractory wear in external cyclones? What areas
place, the oil degrades into coke, further opening the gap have been most prone to wear?
and repeating the process. Sealing the refractory edges
prevents this process from taking place. CUNEO:
For our hot wall external cyclone designs, we rely on
BOYCOTT: visual inspection and the maintenance history to monitor
We have not experienced coke buildup under the re- the refractory wear. For cold wall designs, we would think
fractory in our cyclones; however, we have experienced a that infrared thermography would be useful.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 53


We have had few recent problems with our modern 7. Use ZMS-5 to crack naphtha olefins. This effect is
design cyclones in this kind of service, although in the most pronounced on C7 olefins and higher. This
past, heavily loaded cyclones historically eroded at the may slightly increase C5 and C6 olefins.
inlet target area, and moderately loaded cyclones eroded The second route is to separate out the C5 olefins and
in the lower cone area. send them to an alkylation or TAME unit. The C5 olefins
are about a third of the naphtha olefin content. Acid
SAYLES: consumption in alkylating C5’s is minimized by making a
Although we do not have external cyclones, several sharp cut in the depentanizer to avoid cyclopentenes and
techniques are suggested: by selective hydrogenation of the dienes. However, we
Heat sensitive paint is an effective tool in determin- envision that many refiners will actually increase naphtha
ing temperature changes. olefins as a side effect of maximizing C4, olefins for the
Thermal imaging or scanning has been used when alkylation and MTBE feed.
we suspect regenerator refractory problems. The third route is to hydrotreat the FCC naphtha,
Recent developments have allowed for fairly accu- which reduces olefin content at the expense of lower
rate and inexpensive hand held pyrometers. The octane and higher vapor pressure. Pilot plant work on a
drawback is you have to be close to the heat source West Coast naphtha indicated a R+M/2 loss of 5 numbers
you are measuring. Close proximity might not be for the C5 cut and 12 numbers for both the C6 and C7
possible for external cyclones. cuts.
Skin thermocouples in areas prone to erosion can be
welded to the vessel wall or skin. Areas to consider McLEAN:
I would agree with a lot of what Mr. Menegaz said. I
are the dust bowl, lower 1/3 of the cone and the gas
would reemphasize that this can be optimized by use of a
outlet tube.
high rare earth, high hydrogen transfer, high activity cata-
lyst, and achieving conversion through catalyst activity
rather than reactor temperature or catalyst-to-oil ratio.
Catalysts I would also extend the question and say that a more
difficult problem exists today for refiners who are trying
to maximize their light olefin yields while at the same time
How can olefins be reduced in FCC naphtha to meet minimizing the gasoline olefins. The use of a ZSM-5
RFG standards? additive may in fact help in this situation since ZSM-5
will crack with the C6 and heavier olefins in the gasoline
MENEGAZ: range down to materials in the C3 to C5 fraction, and this
The typical FCC naphtha in the U.S. is 25 to 40 liquid is particularly beneficial if you do have separate C5 olefin
volume percent olefins. We envision refiners will meet the processing such as TAME or alkylation, as Mr. Menegaz
RFG standards for naphtha olefins via one of three ap- discussed.
proaches. The first is to minimize naphtha olefin forma- Also, when you do this, you get a dilution effect. That
tion, similar to how West Coast refiners currently manage is, you are adding back more fractions of lower olefin and
bromine number. This would include the following: high octane components, such as alkylate and ethers, so
1. Use a moderate riser temperature. you really have to look at this in terms of what the impact
2. Maximize the catalyst-to-oil ratio to retrack naph- is on the total pool and not just what comes directly out
tha olefins. of the FCC unit.
3. Increase the catalyst rare earth content to maximize
hydrogen transfer reactions which saturate olefins. ARMBRESTER:
4. Minimize the catalyst matrix content consistent We agree with most of the comments that have been
with bottom upgrading goals. made already. In addition, if you are increasing catalyst
5. Increase fresh catalyst additions to promote over- rare earth content, our research indicates that you can
cracking and higher hydrogen transfer. A higher reduce olefin production possibly as much as 15%.
proportion of fresh catalyst in inventory will in- In terms of downstream processing, if you are going to
crease the equilibrium unit cell size which, in turn, separate out the C5 olefins and use them for TAME
promotes olefin saturation. production, then the olefin content of the gasoline can be
6. Increase HDS severity to increase hydrogen avail- reduced even further if you isomerize that C5 olefin stream
ability for hydrogen transfer reactions and to com- initially and then send it to the TAME unit.
pensate for the higher delta coke associated with Regarding hydrogenation or saturation of the olefins,
increasing catalyst activity and rare earth content. the work that we have done indicates that if you go to

54 Heavy Oil Processing


the gasoline yield loss was higher than the aromatics

reduction. The actual reduction that you are going to
realize, again, will depend on your downstream processing
options and how much dilution effect you will have from
additional alkylate and ether production and things like
For full light olefins processing schemes, pool aromatics
reductions can be very significant with these low hydrogen
transfer catalysts, and we have done some hypothetical
calculations that indicate this can be in the 30% to 40%
Similar reasoning applies to the use of ZSM-5 additives,
which do not change the actual aromatics yield at all, but
they do change the concentration effect and, again, pro-
duce more light olefins for downstream processing.
Finally, since most of the FCC aromatics are in the back
end of the gasoline, end point reduction can also be used
and this, of course, is contingent on the options that you
complete saturation, you could drop the octane number have for disposal of the heavy end naphtha in other areas.
by as much as 10 numbers.
CUNEO: Apart from conversion, different FCC catalyst types, to
I agree with the comments about the operating vari- my knowledge, do not seem to affect aromatic content
ables in the cracking unit made by Mr. Menegaz. Our very much. The most effective method for controlling
experience is very similar. One thing he did not mention aromatics is to reduce the gasoline T90 point and divert
was increasing catalyst-to-oil ratio, which can also help the aromatics rich back end of the gasoline to distillates.
increase catalytic hydrogen transfer and reduce olefins. Unfortunately, this robs volume and octane from the
On the issue of hydrotreating the olefins, yes, they can gasoline pool and creates problems for the distillate pool
be fully saturated. If it is desired to hydrotreat the olefins as well.
or the light naphtha, from the FCCU, only for sulfur
removal, this can be done in modern low pressure, high SAYLES:
space velocity units with much lower octane loss then I agree with the comments on catalysts, and the only
quoted, on the order of around 2 numbers. thing that we can do with aromatics, if it turns out to be
a problem, is to reduce the naphtha in the pool.
How can aromatics be reduced in FCC naphtha to meet ARMBRESTER:
RFG standards? We agree that the aromatics production is primarily a
result of the feed quality and the unit conversion level.
McLEAN: There are several options for post treating this stream,
Most of the aromatics in the FCC naphtha originate as including extraction, dealkylation, or hydrogenation, but
ring structures in the feed, so there is little you can do to all of these are at a relatively high cost and have a high
change their cracking chemistry, aside from feed hydro- difficulty level.
treating. A small percentage are formed by dehydrocycli-
zation mechanisms which require a hydrogen transfer step CUNEO:
to assist in their formation, so it follows that a low hydro- We would agree with the previous comments.
gen transfer catalyst will help to minimize this.
As we discussed in NPRA Paper AM-92-45, Engel- MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco):
hard’s IsoPlus 2000 catalyst reduced C6 to C9, aromatics What are the technical limitations on the aromatics in
yield by 10% in a pilot plant study, relative to a base the product stream?
RE-USY type catalyst. This was really a secondary benefit
for this ultra-low hydrogen transfer catalyst, which was CUNEO:
actually designed to be a maximum iso-olefins catalyst, but We generally do not have a limit on FCC aromatics
aromatics reduction came along for the ride. However, it alone. What we are trying to do is blend reformulated
is worth noting that, in this case, the concentration of gasoline to meet the EPA standards, and while the simple
aromatics in the FCC naphtha actually increased because model is in use, we cannot increase from the 1990 baseline.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 55


So, generally, refiners are looking at not being over 25% place. That is, in units with high regenerator temperatures,
to 28% vol in the total gasoline. full burn operations with excess oxygen present, the vana-
dium deactivation is more severe to begin with, and
QUESTION 10. therefore the beneficial effects of the trap tend to show up
What are the advantages/disadvantages of the various more. In one case, we saw an increase of 4 MAT numbers
vanadium passivation technologies: relative to operations on the same catalyst without the trap
a. tin; at about 5,000 ppm vanadium.
b. separate particle trap in a dual particle system; We prefer a separate particle trap for a number of
c. single particle catalyst system? reasons. The interparticle mobility of vanadium allows a
separate particle to work and trap the vanadium well away
FELTROP: from the zeolite. The preferred manufacturing steps for
Vanadium on FCC catalysts hurts the process in two control of parameters such as porosity and attrition resis-
ways. First, it lowers the activity of the catalyst by reacting tance of the trap are easier to control in a separate particle
with the zeolites and compromising the pore structure. system where these can be optimized separately from what
Secondly, it promotes undesirable dehydrogenation reac- you need to do to the zeolite-containing active particle. It
tions. Tin is effective in partially counteracting both of is also easier to adjust the trap inventory levels as unit
these undesirable effects. Tin is advantageous in that it operations and vanadium levels can vary.
can be added as a liquid, thus requiring a relatively Finally, with respect to tin, its use for vanadium passi-
simpler and more flexible addition system than solid vation has been around a long time, and has never really
particles. The big disadvantage is that cost effectiveness is gained the same degree of acceptance as, for example,
difficult to demonstrate. nickel passivation technologies have.
Separate particle traps react selectively with vanadium
compounds, thus minimizing their contact with the zeo- PORTER:
lites. One advantage of a separate particle vanadium trap
The previous panelists have covered most of my com-
is that these can be added on an as-needed basis into the ments. We find that tin can mitigate only about 20% of
catalyst. The primary disadvantage is that a more complex
the deleterious effects of vanadium, so it is somewhat
addition system is required when added as a separate
limited in its effectiveness.
Also, the separate particle approach is diluting your
Vanadium traps incorporated into the catalyst have the
catalyst inventory, so you need to make sure the gains
advantage of being closer to the zeolite which they are
offset that dilution.
designed to protect. They also eliminate the need for a
separate injection system. One obvious disadvantage is the
loss of flexibility.
We do agree that tin has been shown to be an effective
vanadium passivation additive, but we also agree with one
I agree with the comments on the dual problems with of the earlier comments that the cost effectiveness of that
vanadium’s effect on activity and also dehydrogenation, additive is difficult to demonstrate commercially.
and the best way to deal with vanadium, therefore, de- In addition, there is one major problem with tin in that
pends on which of these symptoms, or both, are the it is also an FCC catalyst poison, so your addition rates
primary problem. have to be carefully balanced with the unit catalyst makeup
For activity maintenance alone, a high matrix catalyst to be sure you do not get too much tin in the unit and
with a high alumina content does a good job of immobi- degrade the FCC yield structure.
lizing vanadium and keeping it away from the zeolite. We On the separate particle trap, we have seen that to be
have commercial catalysts operating at vanadium levels in effective also, and in a laboratory scale, we have demon-
the 4,000 ppm range, with equilibrium MAT activities in strated that this system is capable of trapping the vanadia.
the low 70’s, and equilibrium surface areas around 180, We have seen an increase in catalyst activity as a result of
with no vanadium trapping technology present other than using the trap. One of the drawbacks here is that, in some
the catalyst matrix. If gas make is not a problem, this can cases, the trap itself may be more expensive than the base
be the preferred approach. FCC catalyst.
We also make a separate particle vanadium trap that we We have very little direct experience with single particle
use blended with the active catalyst components and this systems, except to note that catalyst formulations with
was introduced and described in NPRA Paper AM-93-30. high quantities of active alumina appear to have improved
This trap has been used in about a dozen commercial units vanadium tolerance.
around the world. The degree of impact varies proportion- In addition, Ashland holds two patents on new va-
ately with the severity of the vanadium effect in the first nadium passivation additives. One of these materials,

56 Heavy Oil Processing


marketed through Nalco Chemical Company, is presently matrix catalyst is preferred. These active matrix sites can
under commercial trial at our Canton, Ohio refinery, have the deleterious side effect of maintaining deposited
nickel in a more highly dispersed state, which accentuates
BARLOW: dehydrogenation activity. This can be counteracted to a
We have extensive experience with tin passivation. I large extent by use of a passivator. Antimony is the most
would agree with most of the comments stated so far. We widely used, but bismuth and cerium materials have also
expect a reduction in the negative effects of vanadium in been used. These are added as liquid injected with the feed.
terms of activity in the 20% to 40% range. We would Reductions of up to 50% in the incremental hydrogen and
expect a reduction in terms of hydrogen production and coke caused by the nickel have been reported. Antimony-
coke production due to vanadium in the range of about to-nickel ratios of equilibrium catalysts in our data base
65%. vary widely, but most are in the 35% to 50% range on a
I would caution that it is more difficult to prove vana- weight basis.
dium passivation than it is to prove nickel passivation. We In summary, there is no single answer as to whether
generally find minimal incentive to treat below 2,000 ppm catalyst or passivator is the best way to deal with nickel
on the equilibrium catalyst. That is roughly the breakpoint effects; it depends on the situation.
where you should begin to be interested in the use of tin
passivation. MENEGAZ:
We have treated at levels in excess of 5,000 ppm vana- I do not want to turn my response into a commercial
dium, and the results at that level are very dramatic because for antimony, but I have been involved with several suc-
the percent reduction is readily discernible in unit data. cessful experiences with this material.
Also, it takes time to prove the vanadium passivation As a very rough rule of thumb, the dry gas reduction
program. It is usually a lot longer than a nickel passivation using antimony can be estimated as 60% of the hydrogen
program because the effects of vanadium in terms of make above 20 scf per barrel. A modest reduction in
activity are not reversible; and you are primarily treating regenerator temperature of 5°F to 8°F and a total dry gas
the accumulating fresh vanadium, whereas in nickel pas- reduction are also seen occasionally.
sivation you are actually treating the nickel circulating in
Benefits are most pronounced on FCCU’s with long
the existing system.
riser and long postriser residence times. Response to ap-
plication is rapid, sometimes within one shift. A 0.25 to
0.40 antimony-to-nickel ratio is typical, although higher
Discuss your experience wilh nickel passivation
dosages are used in anticipation of large changes in feed
liquids and/or catalyst trapping systems. What is the
metals. Higher dosages are justified if wet gas machine
typical ratio of the passivator-to-nickel content?
capacity is limiting throughput.
To be effective, the antimony has to be injected prop-
Nickel tolerant catalysts are available which can mini- erly in a slip stream of cycle oil downstream of the preheat
mize the dehydrogenation effects of contaminant nickel. train. Otherwise, it will flash and plate out in the pipe and
A high zeolite content combined with a low surface area, exchangers. Antimony definitely ties up platinum pro-
silica rich matrix is one way to do this. Certain matrix moter, requiring higher promoter addition to control
materials can also be added which are effective at trapping afterburn.
nickel by allowing it to agglomerate into larger crystallites,
reducing the surface dispersion and minimizing the dele- PORTER:
terious catalytic dehydrogenation effects. Chevron has commercial experience with both bismuth
For many applications, such an approach may be a and antimony passivation technology and a wealth of
preferred option, and the handling of a liquid passivator laboratory and pilot plant information obtained during
can thereby be avoided. For example, this would tend to the development of the bismuth technology. Our data
be the case for feeds with very high nickel-to-vanadium indicate that bismuth and antimony are equally effective
ratios, for highly reactive paraffinic feeds, and for units in passivating nickel. Both have a deleterious effect on CO
with very high catalyst-to-oil ratios which do not demand promoter effectiveness and may require increased pro-
very high catalyst activity or matrix for bottoms upgrad- moter usage. Operating experience has shown that some-
ing. However, there are also many situations where use of what more attention must be paid to proper injection of
passivator is preferred. the bismuth liquid, but this far outweighs the hazardous
Units which operate with high nickel typically also have waste and toxicity problems associated with antimony.
significant vanadium and also process heavy feeds where A typical ratio of passivator-to-feed nickel is 0.6. The
bottoms upgrading selectivity of the catalyst is important. proper dosage is application specific and requires tuning
For vanadium tolerance and bottoms cracking, an active as experience is gained.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 57


SAYLES: ratios in the RCC compared to more typical FCC opera-

We routinely operate our catalyst units with a sweet tions.
atmospheric residual. We do not use a catalyst passivator. Our experience with catalyst metal traps has been
Instead, we monitor the methane and the hydrogen-to- mixed. One of our approved commercial RCC catalysts
methane ratio. Normally this is in the range of 0.3 to 0.4. contains a vanadium trap; and although we do not notice
If the ratio gets above 0.6, we take some other action, any selectivity advantages when comparing this catalyst
usually using a flushing catalyst or, in some cases, fresh with and without the vanadium trap, we have seen indi-
catalyst addition. We believe that by doing this, we main- cations that the trap helps maintain unit catalyst activity.
tain a better regenerator operation and the negative effect During laboratory fixed fluidized bed testing of this
of a metal passivator on combustion promoter is mini- catalyst, with and without the vanadium trap, MAT activ-
mized. ity was constant over repeated tests for the sample contain-
ing the vanadium trap, but dropped 4 vol% to 5 vol%
FELTROP: conversion without the trap.
Our experience is primarily with antimony, and it has Our experience with another vendor’s vanadium trap
been very good. In addition to what has been said about has indicated neither increased MAT activity nor im-
the particle size distribution in the antimony, we have seen proved product selectivity when using a vanadium trap in
significant differences from one antimony product to FCCU service and processing up to 10% vacuum bot-
another. The fine dispersion in our particular product has toms. In fact, hydrogen and coke yields increased when
been proven more effective in laydown efficiency. The this particular trap was added to the base catalyst. Inter-
environmental impact that was mentioned by Mr. Porter estingly, though, metals did appear to preferentially accu-
is certainly a concern. It seems to be more of a concern mulate on the trap, but their activity did not appear to be
overseas than it is in the U.S. today. On the question of reduced.
antimony versus bismuth, we expect that there will be
more people using bismuth rather than antimony in the BARLOW:
future based on the environmental concerns. I guess I will add an endorsement for cerium as well as
antimony, just to further confuse the situation. We devel-
LAUX: oped the cerium compound technology, primarily because
I guess in the interest of keeping a balanced attack, I of the cost of and the environmental concerns over the
vote for bismuth. We have been injecting it since May. We antimony programs. As the cost has come down, I think
changed crude and started feeding around 3 ppm nickel the selection process is going to be driven more toward the
into the FCCU. As the bismuth is injected, we have seen handling characteristic differences between the cerium
a very good trend in reducing the hydrogen-to-methane and the antimony.
ratio. It took us about three weeks to see the response The rest of my comments could probably apply to all
because it does not happen as quickly as you might think. of the passivators.
I will endorse 0.6 lb of bismuth per pound of nickel in Our experience with passivation of all the different
the feed as the passivator-to-nickel ratio. Basically, all we types of passivators is that there is a strong relationship
do is analyze the weekly feed composite for the nickel between laydown efficiency and the amount of passivator
content, and then adjust our next week’s injection rate that you try to feed on the unit. The laydown efficiency
based on that number. of the passivator and the amount of active nickel in the
system ultimately relates to the antimony-to-nickel ratio
ARMBRESTER: or the nickel-to-antimony ratio, depending on how you
We routinely use antimony in our RCC unit at the report it. With an increase in attempts to laydown more
Catlettsburg refinery, with an antimony-to-nickel ratio in product, you have a lower laydown efficiency. We also see
the 0.15 to 0.2 range. At this ratio, we appear to get most that there is a maximum passivation efficiency that can be
of the benefit in reduced hydrogen production, with a achieved for each unit, and trying to feed more passivator
minimum additive cost. above that level simply results in the inefficient use of the
We have seen hydrogen production drop by 20% to chemical but minimal further improvement in terms of
25%, and our hydrogen-to-methane ratio averages about hydrogen and coke make reduction.
0.9, which is relatively low for this residual cracking Our targets in terms of nickel-to-antimony ratio gen-
operation. erally fall between 2.5 to 4.5, which is a wide range. How
Due to the RCC unit’s elevated feed nozzle design and that affects chemical demand is such that at about a 2.5
the use of lift gas, active contaminating metal sites are nickel-to-antimony ratio, you might feed four times the
selectively carbonized in the lower riser before encounter- amount of passivator than if you were able to get your
ing feed. This allows relatively low antimony-to-nickel maximum efficiency at a 4.5 nickel-to-antimony ratio. So

58 Heavy Oil Processing


you can have a tremendous effect on program economics put it in the individual catalyst particle or have a separate
with a good modeling and optimization approach. particle, are worth investigating.
Down the road, methods of removing the external
D’AURIA: traps, in other words, the ones that are separate particles,
I would like to expand on Mr. Armbrester’s comment may be possible so a refiner can selectively withdraw the
regarding lift gas. A lift gas system at the bottom of the vanadium from the unit. A process like the magnetic
riser will contribute to nickel passivation, and reduce the separation that Refining Process Services is licensing is an
amount of liquid passivator required. As greater amounts example of technology that you might see used in that
of residual are processed, and regenerated catalyst tem- application.
perature increases, an additional benefit from lift gas is With regard to the nickel passivation, if the nickel trap
reduction of the steam partial pressure at the bottom of is effective, what should be seen is the amount ofantimony
the riser, with a corresponding reduction of hydrothermal or the amount of bismuth that would stick on the catalyst
damage to the catalyst. will go down. Typically, that is what we saw when the
nickel traps were working.
DEATON: If you are not agglomerating the nickel or burying the
I have data for three nickel passivation liquids, with nickel in the catalyst surface, it is going to be available to
performance being best with antimony, then bismuth, and do dehydrogenation. When one or the other occurs, the
then cerium. trap is being effective, and the antimony will only stick to
Antimony uses a simple chemical injection system, and the nickel that is active. As an actual commercial example
antimony laydown on catalyst is about 90%. For a catalyst of this, in a unit running 6,000 ppm nickel on the catalyst,
with a high nickel content of 3,000 ppm, hydrogen-to- and using antimony, you would typically have about 3,000
methane ratio was controlled at 0.8, with an antimony- ppm Sb on it. This is a fully active system at about the 0.5
to-nickel ratio of 0.5. For another catalyst, with a lower ratio that people are used to. When the nickel trap is
incorporated into the catalyst and it is working, and the
nickel content of 1,500 ppm, hydrogen-to-methane ratio
same amount of antimony is added, what you find is that
was controlled at 0.6, with an antimony-to-nickel ratio as
the concentration of Sb is going down on the catalyst. It
low as 0.25.
went all the way down to 700 ppm or so, and that is about
Bismuth works nearly as well as antimony, but the
where it leveled off. It was such a low number and the
injection system has to be watched closely or the injection
hydrogen production was so low, the refiner decided to
quill can plug. For the same catalyst with the high nickel
take the antimony out of the unit, and the increase in
content of 3,000 ppm mentioned above, hydrogen-to-
hydrogen was very small.
methane ratio was controlled at 0.9, with a bismuth-to-
The result was about 0.15 wt% hydrogen with 6,000
nickel ratio of 0.6. And for a catalyst with a relatively high
ppm metals on the catalyst with no antimony in the unit
nickel content of 2,500 ppm, cerium controlled the hy- at all. So the catalyst traps can be very effective, and they
drogen-to-methane ratio at 1.2, with a cerium-to-nickel can work very well.
ratio of 0.7. Increasing the cerium-to-nickel ratio did not We suggest you want to look at that ratio (Sb/Ni) as
lower the hydrogen-to-methane ratio. there is some scientific significance in how well the nickel
trap is really working in the unit. We have seen some very
WARREN S. LETZSCH (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): good things with that technology.
With regards to the vanadium, two stage regeneration
will enhance vanadium passivation. In the first stage re- GLENN GUGLIETTA (Grace Davison):
generator, with partial oxidation, you are not pushing the I would like to comment on nickel traps as well. The
vanadium to V2O5, which is the form of the vanadium Orion® family of catalysts has been used for four to five
that in fact deactivates the catalyst when it reacts with years with excellent success. The typical antimony-to-
water. In the second stage regenerator, there is excess nickel ratio on Orion equilibrium catalysts is 0.12 to 0.16.
oxygen, but there is little water to create the vanadic acid As Mr. Letzsch pointed out, this is a good indication of
which attacks the zeolite. You have fairly high vanadium the effectiveness of the nickel trap. Orion catalysts typi-
levels and really minimize the catalyst deactivation. And cally run about half the antimony that other catalysts
as Mr. McLean pointed out, single stage units with higher require. Davison is currently supplying its second genera-
temperatures (1,350°F+) and excess oxygen, are where the tion of nickel tolerant catalysts, the Orion-LC family. One
catalyst really starts to deactivate. refiner who runs 4,000 ppm nickel on equilibrium catalyst
All of the vanadium trap systems that have been dis- found that they did not need to use antimony after they
cussed work, but my personal feeling is that the trap switched to Orion-LC catalyst. The new generation of
technologies are increasingly more effective, and are really nickel tolerant catalyst such as Orion-LC is showing ex-
worth considering. We think both systems, whether you cellent commercial results.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 59


G. ANDREW SMITH (INTERCAT, Inc.): since the vanadium trap will be in closer proximity to the
We have recently observed some impressive MAT num- catalyst particle itself. Operations with high vanadium
ber increases in an overseas FCC unit using a separate mobility will show greater advantages with a dual particle
particle that traps vanadium. The best way to maximize vanadium trap, since the more mobile vanadium species
the benefit and minimize the cost of using separate particle will tend to destroy zeolite at a higher rate.
additives is to inject them with the recently patented As far as commercial trials, we have seen operations
INTERCAT solid additive feed system. In numerous where the unit has increased vanadium on equilibrium
commercial accounts this technology has proven as effec- catalyst from 2,000 ppm up to 4,000 ppm, at constant
tive as, if not better than, liquid injection systems used fresh catalyst addition rates, with no discernible losses in
with liquid additives. activity. We have been able to corroborate activity reten-
In the use of nickel passivators, refiners need to learn
to look at not only the hydrogen-to-methane ratio but the
SCFB of hydrogen produced. In numerous accounts, the RV Improves Zeolite Surface Area Retention
H 2 /CH 4 ratio has been observed to increase, but the
hydrogen SCFB did not increase. This was due to lower
methane production.

HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company):

What is the minimum nickel on the equilibrium cata-
lyst that the passivator would affect as far as hydrogen

You can passivate at any level of nickel on your catalyst,
but the real question is what goal are you trying to achieve?
If you are running low ppm nickel on your catalyst and
you are not regenerator temperature limited nor wet gas
compressor limited, those are the major driving forces to
passivation. So if the limit is not there, then the economics
justifying the use of the passivator are minimal, even
though you get some yield improvement from hydrogen
and coke to other products. Practically speaking, if you are
below 800 ppm, I would say it is rare that you could justify
a passivator. Typically, levels are over 1,200 ppm before we
start seeing solid economics for a nickel passivator.

I agree. We used to run 800 ppm and then we switched
crudes. The equilibrium catalyst nickel jumped to about
1,500 to 1,600 ppm. At that point we saw that the
economics were favorable to start injecting the passivator.


tion by looking at zeolite surface area. Laboratory data
With regards to vanadium tolerance, for the past couple
show that both zeolite surface area retention and the
of years we have been conducting several commercial trials
with our RV technology. It is available in both the single equilibrium catalyst activity retention are improved. This
particle and the dual particle systems. We have found in is due primarily to migration of the vanadium to the
both our laboratory testing and commercial trials that the vanadium trap and away from the zeolite.
potential for success ofvanadium traps is very unit specific Through separation techniques in the laboratory on
and is related to the vanadium mobility. Vanadium exhib- commercial equilibrium catalyst sample, we have con-
its a tendency to be more or less mobile, depending on the firmed that vanadium on the trap has been in the order of
vanadium species and on the characteristics of the unit 3 to 6 times higher than vanadium on the catalyst in the
operation. dual particle system. We have observed vanadium concen-
We suspect that operations which have low vanadium trations in the levels of 12,000 ppm to 15,000 ppm on the
mobility would benefit more from single particle systems, trap itself.

6O Heavy Oil Processing


You should be aware that you must also consider the lyst from the circulatory inventory. MAGNA CATTM is
effects of sulfur. There is a tendency to have sulfur com- available in conjunction with The M.W. Kellogg Com-
petition for the trap. The trap can react preferentially with pany catalytic cracker technology or from RPS.
sulfur over vanadium. The RV technology developed by
GRACE Davison has demonstrated that sulfur does not
effectively react with our trap. Catalysts

RAGHUNATH P. MEHROTRA (Indian Institute of Petroleum): QUESTION 12.

Catalyst based on modified zeolite is reported to be What is the effect on hydrogen production of old nickel
more tolerant to nickel and vanadium. This catalyst sys- versus new nickel on equilibrium catalyst? Is there a
tem minimizes the need for passivator. Is it more economi- correlation between step changes in H2 yields with
cal to use modified zeolite in these catalysts, or passivator spikes in the feed nickel in units operating with less
along with the traditional zeolite? than 800 ppm Ni on catalyst?

I am not familiar with the particular modified zeolite On this question, I can relate a recent experience we
you mentioned. Most of the incorporated catalyst passi- had at our FCCU. We had a sudden increase in the
vation technologies deal more with alumina-based matrix vanadium and nickel content of the gas oil feed due to an
added materials than with changes in the zeolite itself. upset in the vacuum tower. Our nickel increased from 1
ppm up to 4 ppm in the feed. The high metals gas oil was
JOHN PEARCE (Akzo Nobel): fed to the FCCU for about a month, causing a significant
I think the basic question most people have is whether increase in the hydrogen-to-methane volume ratio in the
metals traps really work. I think the answer is very clear; dry gas.
yes, they do, but what is probably not very clear is how The equilibrium catalyst typically contains 500 ppm of
well they work in any particular application. That is very vanadium and 300 ppm nickel. During the upset, the
location and operation specific. It is unfortunate that a lot vanadium on the catalyst increased to 1,200 ppm and the
of the information needs to be generated by end unit nickel to 900 ppm. As a result, the hydrogen-to-methane
optimization itself rather than in the laboratory. As Warren ratio in the dry gas went from 0.3 up to 1.0. The catalyst
Letzsch suggested, this is becoming increasingly difficult MAT activity decreased, the coke and dry gas factors
because the catalyst vendors are frequently introducing increased.
improved materials, which also need to be evaluated every The unit performance returned to normal within about
time something new comes out. two weeks after the metals in the feedstock returned to
On the more specific question of whether it is more original levels. That was long before the metals on the
effective to put the trap in a loose additive or incorporate catalyst were brought back down to their normal levels a
it as part of the host catalyst, this is of course very compli- couple of months later.
cated, largely because the test methods used to evaluate the
effectiveness of these metals traps effectiveness in the McLEAN:
laboratory are not very representative of what actually Freshly-added metals are definitely more active with
happens out on the operating unit. Nonetheless, I think respect to dehydrogenation. Correlations for determining
there is a growing body of commercial evidence that the activity of equilibrium catalyst metals were originally
suggests that the use of a loose or separate metals trap published by ARCO in the early 1970’s. While the catalyst
additive, rather than incorporating the metals trap as part and process technology have both advanced significantly
or an element of the host catalyst, is more effective. The since then, the theory is still valid.
loose additives appear to work a little better. This is A corollary to this is that for a given nickel level, the
probably because the higher concentration of the metals activity of that nickel is much higher when the concentra-
trap present in a loose additive prevents it from being tion increases over a short period of time than if it is stable
covered completely by the glues and binders which are or decreasing. Therefore, the spiking effect can give hydro-
used to hold the FCC particles together. gen yields which might be more typical of nickel levels
I might add that the same argument holds true for associated with much higher stable levels. For this reason,
ZSM-5 additives as well as it does for metals trap additives. we are aware of a number of refiners who have noted
positive benefits from control using antimony at nickel
H. DAVID SLOAN (The M. W. Kellogg Company): levels similar to the 800 ppm mentioned in the question.
The MAGNA CATTY Process, licensed either through One way to think about this is that if you have feed related
Refining Process Services (RPS) or The M.W. Kellogg spikes of, say 200 to 400 ppm, at the 800 ppm base level,
Company, selectively removes the most metals laden cata- there is certainly a much higher percentage than if you are

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 61


up at a couple of thousands parts per million. There you tors, as we talked about earlier, are about 50% effective.
might not notice the spiking effect as much. So, very So you still will see a spike, but the spike will be much
definitely, the answer is yes. lower.


I agree with Mr. McLean’s answer. I would like to add in last year’s NPRA Q&A Session, it was stated that
a few additional comments. oxygen enrichment necessitates increased catalyst
There is a frequently quoted value of 1,000 cycles for additions. Are some catalysts more tolerant of oxygen
nickel life, where the activity decreases, say between 60% enrichment than others? Has anyone developed a
to 90%. That corresponds roughly to five to eight days in good test to determine which catalysts can better
a typical FCCU. However, if you get any chlorides in your withstand the oxygen enrichment environment?
system, they will reactivate the aged nickel by restoring the
surface area in a process that is similar to the oxychlorina- McLEAN:
tion procedure you see in reforming. The use of oxygen enrichment will accelerate the cata-
Finally, we do not have a correlation in the low nickel lyst deactivation rate due to a number of related effects.
range discussed, but several refiners have been curve fitting Bulk regenerator temperatures will increase due to the
their steady-state correlations for the units as part of their smaller nitrogen dilution effect. Catalyst particle tempera-
FCCU simulation work. tures will probably increase by even more than what is
indicated by the bulk bed temperature, due to accelerated
SAYLES: burning kinetics, although there is not any good way to
A quick increase of about 350 ppm in nickel increased directly measure this.
the regenerator temperature by 22°F; the conversion Since hydrothermal catalyst deactivation is caused by
dropped by about 1.0% to 1.5%. The C2 and lighter the presence of steam at high temperatures, the effect of
increased by 0.12 and the naphtha yield dropped off by concentrating the steam partial pressure formed from
0.1 to 0.8. hydrocarbon burning with lower nitrogen dilution will
also be present. The higher temperature and higher local-
ARMBRESTER: ized oxygen concentration will also accentuate vanadium
We agree with the general conclusion that the new mobility and, therefore, vanadium destruction of the zeo-
nickel is more active. We have seen several instances which lite.
indicate this on both our FCC and RCC units at the All of these things occurring simultaneously will in-
Catlettsburg refinery. The most recent example occurred crease the catalyst deactivation rate. Commercial experi-
earlier this year when a crude change resulted in an imme- ence from one unit has shown deactivation rate increases
diate 50% increase in the nickel content of the RCC feed. by 40% with the use of oxygen enrichment. This increases
Immediately after that, our total hydrogen production and the importance of activity and hydrothermal stability in
the hydrogen-to-methane ratio both increased by about catalyst selection.
20%, and this occurred in spite of increasing catalyst High levels of both zeolite and active, stable matrix are
addition to maintain our normal level of 2,200 ppm nickel employed to withstand these effects, without needing to
on the catalyst. go to excessive catalyst addition rates. If the base case
We have seen similar instances on the FCC unit, which catalyst is high Z to M ratio, it will probably be prudent
typically has less than 1,000 ppm nickel on the catalyst, to consider lowering it, since there is a limit to how much
but these occurred several years ago and I cannot quantify zeolite you can add and higher matrix catalysts will hold
the changes in hydrogen production. up to the severe environment with more stability.
Concerning test methods, the discussion of how to
BARLOW: properly steam deactivate FCC catalysts in the laboratory
I agree with everything that has been said so far. We use has been a source of many divergent opinions for a long
the ARCO correlations of the early 1970’s to calculate an period of time. There are probably as many opinions as
aging factor. Using the 800 ppm nickel as an example, in there are companies represented in the room today.
a typical unit we would expect the equivalent of about 200 Certainly, for the case with oxygen enrichment, a more
ppm ofeffective nickel to be actively producing hydrogen. severe steaming treatment will be required to simulate
So if you have a 400 ppm spike in fresh nickel due to the what the regenerator operation will do, with some combi-
feed, you are essentially going to add two times more nation of higher temperature, time, and/or steam partial
additional hydrogen making capacity from the nickel as a pressure.
dehydrogenation catalyst. It is always a good practice to make sure the deactiva-
I do want to point out that the effect is reduced if you tion severity used in testing matches reasonably well in
are currently using a nickel passivator; but nickel passiva- terms of MAT activity, zeolite and matrix properties and

62 Heavy Oil Processing


surface area retentions, with the known base catalyst in the seen roughly an increase of 5°F to 10°F in the dense bed
commercial unit. We have, in fact, worked with several oil temperature, for every 1% enrichment level above 21%.
company R&D laboratories which have adjusted their Refiners typically readjust the heat balance by reducing
deactivation conditions when they are doing evaluations feed preheat or, in some cases, if possible, increasing the
based on units which do use oxygen enrichment. catalyst-to-oil ratios.
Additionally, if the refiner has additional capacity in the
SAYLES: vapor recovery wet gas system, we have seen refiners
I agree with Mr. McLean’s comments. I would like to increase their recycle of light cycle oils and naphthas to, in
add that the reason we would consider oxygen injection is effect, take care of the additional heat removal required
for additional carbon burning. Ordinarily, high coke units from the regenerator.
would be processing a high metals feed.
During the investigation of oxygen enrichment, I FRANK ELVIN (Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc.):
found the increased likelihood of deactivating the catalyst In the 1970’s, a lot of the regenerator designs went from
due to increasing nickel and vanadium mobility interest- 10 psig to 35 psig. This resulted in doubling the oxygen
ing. Since higher regenerator temperatures are likely, the partial pressure of the inlet air going into the regenerator.
catalyst will further deactivate. Care should be taken to This did not result in additional hydrothermal deactiva-
minimize these combined effects. tion, because the regenerator temperatures were kept
pretty much the same.
KENT DAVIS (Grace Davison): Similarly, if you double your oxygen partial pressure
We have worked with a refiner in trying to determine due to oxygen enrichment and maintain your regenerator
an appropriate deactivation method to model FCCU’s temperatures constant, you should not see additional hy-
that experience high catalyst particle temperatures in the drothermal deactivation.
regenerator. Modifications to a standard steam deactiva- In a well designed regenerator, the oxygen content of
tion protocol include changing the oxygen partial pressure the flue gas and the oxygen content in the regenerator gas
and both the time and temperature of the deactivation. is at the point of spent catalyst return, less than 3% oxygen,
The modified techniques do seem to be effective in whether you have 20% oxygen in the inlet air or you have
identifying catalysts that have the highest activity and/or 40% oxygen in the inlet air.
activity retention after the more severe deactivation. The I have experience with a Gulf Coast FCCU that was
downside, however, is that the protocols ignore the char- using between 500 and 1,000 tons per day of oxygen,
acteristics of the catalyst that are contributing high particle which was approximately 20,000 standard cubic feet per
temperatures. These include inherent selectivity and minute. We enriched the air from 21% to 40%, and
physical traits such as catalytic coke make and catalyst maintained temperature with heat removal in the regen-
stripability. erator, and did not see deactivation as a result of oxygen
We have a customer who has been using oxygen con- WARREN S. LETZSCH (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.):
tinuously in the regenerator for over ten years at fairly high How you contact the catalyst and the air is going to be
levels, 24% to 26% enrichment of the air. The leverage very important. If you have countercurrent regeneration,
effect of oxygen addition is fairly great. For example, at the higher oxygen concentration and the highly coked up
2% enrichment, 21 mol% to 23 mol%, you get about a catalyst particles are really not going to see one another. If
10% increase in coke burning capacity. This particular the design is a sweep air system, spent catalyst is coming
customer is operating in full combustion, and has a full right out of the stripper, and using the air to lift the catalyst
overhead flue gas handling system. The refiner was under back up to the regenerator. If that is where the oxygen
a severe velocity limitation, and the additional oxygen was enrichment is done, you could see quite a difference. In a
backing out about double the volume of air for each system with a high mix zone temperature, I think you are
volume of oxygen added to the regenerator. Although the going to tend to see more deactivation.
customer has not commented on catalyst deactivation per Typically, the regenerator temperature is going to be
se, they have seen less afterburn as a result of the reduced around 7°F to 9°F for every percent oxygen that you raise
velocities. They have also seen improved yields because of above 2l%, and this, as was stated earlier, is because of the
lower CRC values and less catalyst fouling of the overhead dilution effect (lack of nitrogen).
system. I cannot emphasize enough, and it was mentioned
Regarding the temperature increase, which direction- before, the idea of mixing the oxygen so that it is coming
ally would lead to deactivation, if you do not change any in uniformly. It should be pointed out that you can get
of your other operating conditions on your FCCU, adding into severe metallurgical problems on your unit if you take
oxygen will definitely change the heat balance. We have the oxygen concentrations too high. I hope nobody is

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 63


really contemplating 40% oxygen; concentrations up to SAYLES:

27% are typically used in the unit. One thing that interests me about diene production is
that people utilizing close-couple cyclones indicate dienes
JAN W. WELLS (Phillips 66 Company): are reduced, those with improved feed nozzles indicate
Has anybody observed any NOx problems when they dienes are reduced, and those with catalyst coolers indi-
are using oxygen enrichment? cate lower diene production. In all three of those situ-
ations, the mix zone temperature or the ability of the
HIGGINS: catalyst to contact the oils is radically improved. Perhaps
No comment. the question of diene production mechanism is not what
the riser outlet temperature is, but actually what the
QUESTION 14. conditions are in the mix zone. All of those situations
What mechanism is responsible for the production of
improve mix zone temperature control, and, as a result,
dienes in the LPG fraction of the FCCU products? What
the oil is not exposed to regenerator temperature in
catalyst orprocess variables are used to predict diene
localized concentrations, but instead, is being dispersed
production from the FCCU?
throughout the riser. The temperature is rapidly
quenched within the mix zone limiting the diene produc-
tion for a given riser outlet temperature.
Dienes are indicative of thermal rather than catalytic
cracking. Their formation is favored by high riser outlet Close-couple cyclones limit coke, reduce regenerator
temperature, low catalyst-to-oil ratio, poor feed mixing, temperature, increase catalyst circulation and improve mix
excessive reactor vapor residence time, and octane cata- zone conditions by reducing the temperature. Catalyst
lysts. Butadiene also appears to track with the percentage coolers also lower mix zone temperature. Multiple feed
of coker gas oil in the feed. Severely eroded feed nozzles nozzles reduce the mix zone temperature by reducing
will also boost the butadiene level. coke/regenerator temperature, and improve mixing.
Developing a precise correlation has been difficult be-
cause of day to day swings in the butadiene content. Our McLEAN:
approach for estimating butadiene has been to establish a I agree with all the comments that have been made, and
baseline for a particular unit and use a linear correction that the key parameter is how you can best measure the
for the riser outlet temperature. We recommend 190 ppm thermal cracking that you are getting in a given unit. We
to 230 ppm butadiene per degree F as a good place to start have seen in some cases, for example, the regenerator
for FCCUs with conventional riser disengaging devices. temperature is a better correlating variable than the riser
For close-coupled cyclones, we would use half of the temperature, probably because of these mix zone effects
previous values. Further adjustments to the multiplier can that were discussed.
be made for feedstock, catalyst and mix zone temperature. We have also seen very conclusively that installation of
A 1987 panelist indicated that using a low hydrogen advanced termination devices such as close-coupled cy-
transfer zero rare earth catalyst increased butadiene con- clones can dramatically reduce dienes, even though the
tent 10 to 30 relative percent. Propadiene content is reactor outlet temperatures are, in most cases, even
generally less than 0.1%, so we treat it as a fixed percentage higher.
of the butadiene content. Concerning catalyst effects, it is true that there is a small
effect. A low hydrogen transfer catalyst producing more
light olefins will probably produce more compounds that
The major diene produced in the LPG fraction from
can thermally crack to diolefins at the same conditions. It
an FCCU is 1,3-butadiene. As Mr. Menegaz stated, this
is also important to recognize that these types of catalysts
compound is produced predominantly by thermal crack-
typically lower regenerator temperatures, and that may be
ing and hence is largely a function of riser temperature.
Our pilot plant data shows that butadiene yields start to a more dominant catalyst effect than just looking at the
increase rapidly above 1,000°F and really take off above simple product distribution. So, in general, catalyst effects
1,025°F. To a lesser extent, butadiene yields are also de- are minor compared with these operating variables.
creased by the catalytic mechanism of hydrogen transfer,
for example by increasing catalyst-to-oil ratio. We have not ARMBRESTER:
seen any measurable effect of catalyst type on diene pro- We agree with the comments made previously concern-
duction at lower riser temperatures of about 950°F. How- ing the importance of the mix zone temperature, and we
ever, butadiene yields are quite low in this temperature believe that improved feed nozzle designs, the use of lift
range. We have not explored the effect of catalyst type at gas, and decreased regenerated catalyst temperatures can
higher reactor temperatures. all help to minimize the production of dienes.

64 Heavy Oil Processing


In terms of catalysts, we agree with an earlier comment We also see a reduction in the pentadienes in the
that the high rare earth and large unit cell size zeolites gasoline, which also enhances the oxidation stability of the
should also help minimize diene production. FCC gasoline.

I do not think I can add much more to the discussion. What reduction in pentadiene you are seeing?
We agree dienes are thermally-cracked products and the
techniques for minimizing thermal cracking have all been GEORGE P. QUINN (Amoco Oil Company):
well covered. Testing conducted prior to introduction of dilute phase
quench, and testing with dilute phase quench showed a
DEATON: significant reduction in pentadienes in FCC gasoline.
One rule of thumb that I have used is an increase of Without quenching the dilute phase, thermal reactions
700 ppm of butadiene for every 10°F increase in reactor typically produce 0.4 vol% pentadienes in FCC gasoline.
temperature. When the dilute phase is quenched to stop the thermal
reactions, the pentadiene production drops, and the con-
ROON MEEKER (YPF, S.A., Departamento Refinería La Plata): centration of pentadienes in FCC gasoline will drop to 0.2
Is there any relationship between ZSM-5 and dienes? vol%.

We have tried ZSM-5 and we do observe a small Process
increase in diene production, about a 20% increase.
McLEAN: FCC licensors are now offering new technologies to
A lot of times the critical parameter you are worried eliminate regenerator afterburn caused by maldis-
about is the diene concentration in your butene stream, tribution of spent catalyst and oxygen. Please com-
ment on specific/actual results when using these new
and that should probably go down because you have made
so many more butenes with the ZSM-5.

HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company):
FCC licensors have introduced designs for both new
Is there any relationship between the steam to the feed
and revamped units to reduce afterburn. These include
nozzle and the diene production?
systems to improve distribution of spent catalyst as it is
introduced to the regenerator, and also to control the air
distribution profile. I know of one refiner who has in-
Yes, there is for all the reasons we have discussed. The
stalled designs from two different licensors and reports a
proper dispersion and operation in the mix zone is a significant reduction in afterburn. CO promoter addi-
variable. tions have been reduced but have not been totally elimi-
nated in these cases.
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): For new units, there are designs which have demon-
So increasing the steam to the feed nozzle should strated the ability to run in full combustion with no
directionally reduce the production of the dienes? promoter and manageable afterburn levels.

It does to a point. The key to preventing afterburn is proper matching of
the coke and air distribution in the regenerator, avoiding
GEORGE P. QUINN (Amoco Oil Company): areas of low coke and high air, which can lead to oxygen
With respect to dienes, I agree with many of the com- breakthrough. We have installed spent catalyst inlet dis-
ments that were made by the panel. It is time and tempera- tributors, called “ski jumps”, into many units with very
ture. Amoco has been practicing a technology of quenching good results. In one particular unit, after installing the ski
the dilute phase for about five years now, basically reducing jumps we saw a reduction in the dense bed to dilute phase
the temperature by 50°F or more. We see in excess of 50% delta T from 100°F to less than 25°F.
reduction in butadiene production by quenching the dilute When installing ski jumps, you must take care to review
phase. This also reduces the thermal reactions and reduces and adjust the air grid plugging pattern and the cyclone
the fuel gas make by about 1 wt%. dipleg discharge orientation to make sure that you are

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 65


matching the inlet catalyst distribution with the inlet air instances: if CO promoter additions are too low, if excess
distribution. O2 falls below l%, and while running coker gas oil feed
to the unit. In the case of coker gas oil feed, increases in
QUESTION 16. dilute phase temperature of up to 60°F have been ob-
What conditions inside the regenerator have resulted served. As a result, we limit the volume of coker gas oil fed
in significant afterburning? Have mechanical failures to the unit to ensure that we do not exceed the allowable
been observed due to excessively high temperatures design temperature on the regenerator. No mechanical
in the regenerator? At what temperatures have these failures have occurred.
failures been observed? The case of low excess O2 is interesting as low excess
O 2 must be maintained to keep NO, emissions at an
CUNEO: acceptable level. This will be addressed further in a later
A lot of the conditions that cause afterburn have been question on NO, emissions.
addressed in the previous question about the proper con-
figuration of return of spent catalyst and the distribution
of the catalyst in the oxygen.
In our UOP high efficiency regenerator, afterburning
I would like to turn to the start-up issue. During
does not occur very often. However, we do run one feed
start-up, a problem can arise when high torch oil rates are
used to warm the regenerator bed if the oil is not also stream that has about 10% Conradson carbon and an-
evenly distributed around the bed. A second start-up other feed stream with 0% Conradson carbon. If we lose
problem can occur when the catalyst circulation is being the good feed or spike the flow on the bad feed, we end
established, because usually people go from total combus- up in a transient partial burn situation, and we have very
tion to partial combustion during this period. The transi- high afterburning.
tion period may have afterburn which can reach We have seen temperature spikes to over 1,750°F at
temperatures over 1,400°F for a few minutes. times. The durations, though, are usually very short, 30
In Shell, we utilize water at the top of the regenerator minutes or so. We have not seen any failures that forced a
bed and torch oil lower in the bed to control afterburning shutdown at these temperatures with the short duration.
during the start-up period. Our regenerator cyclones are However, we have seen loss of refractory on-line after such
now designed to accommodate short periods of afterburn- an excursion. We have also had cracks develop in the
ing up to 1,500°F. secondary cyclone outlet tubes that contributed to catalyst
In the past, we have seen cyclone hanger creep problems losses.
which are likely the result of afterburn. The worst damage
that we have ever seen was when we let spray water contact McLEAN:
the body of the cyclones or the cyclone plenum in our I agree with everything the other panelists have said. I
efforts to stay at lower temperature, which resulted in would also like to add one other comment, that we have
cracking and warping of the cyclones. seen cases where a mechanical or a process or feed change
which results in a dramatic reduction in the regenerator
temperature can also give you an afterburn situation due
Afterburning is primarily due to uneven distribution of to the reduction in the kinetics of the coke and CO
the coke and air in the regenerator with CO exiting the
burning reactions. In particular, we have seen this in a
catalyst bed at one point and oxygen exiting at another.
couple of cases where people have done revamps, put in
The subsequent combustion of the CO in the dilute phase,
things such as close-coupled cyclones and better feed
with the accompanying very high heat release, can result
nozzles, which do have a very dramatic effect in reducing
in temperatures of 1,800°F or more. We have seen in-
regenerator temperature. They find out that they start
stances where this has been severe enough to cause defor-
mation of the stainless steel internals in the regenerator. back up and experience a large afterburn situation and
Fortunately, today afterburning is a fairly unusual prob- have to dramatically increase promoter addition levels.
lem, with most units operating in full CO combustion. In
bubbling bed regenerators, CO promoters are used to MENEGAZ:
catalyze the CO combustion; and in the UOP combustor I also agree with all the previous comments, particu-
regenerators, we use a hot regenerated catalyst circulation larly Mr. D’Auria’s, that catastrophic afterburn is rela-
system to ensure full CO combustion. tively rare today, at least compared to the old days when
we had low temperature partial burn units. We know of
BOYCOTT: one refinery where there was a complete cyclone destruc-
I agree with the previous comments on the causes of tion followed by an excursion which exceeded 2,000°F
afterburn. Frontier has noted increased afterburn in three for several minutes.

66 Heavy Oil Processing


SAYLES: STEVEN A. KALOTA (The M. K. Kellogg Company):

The cyclone hangers usually set the maximum regen- The panel’s comments are correct concerning air and
erator temperature. When significant afterburning occurs, coke distribution. Kellogg incorporates a radial spent cata-
this limit may be reached. lyst distributor in its units to evenly distribute the coke
On one unit we have observed cyclone hanger damage across the regenerator cross sectional area, which helps to
due to a steam ring in the regenerator dome. During an minimize the afterburning. We have applied this on side-
afterburning event the steam was turned on, wet steam by-side and stack units also.
impacted and broke the cyclone hangers. An early start to In terms of afterburning, we also can apply a multicell
a planned shutdown was required to repair the cyclones. kinetic regenerator model. We can break the regenerator
The afterburning was traced to erosion of a spider air into segments and identify the coke air distribution in each
grid which suffered loss, not only to the nozzles, but of those segments. And we use that to make adjustments
sections of the grid had failed. The poor air distribution either to distribution of catalyst or to air in revamp situ-
caused incomplete combustion in the bed and severe ations to reduce the afterburning tendencies of units.
afterburning. The grid failure was due to erosion from an
imbalance in the air fed to the ring allowing catalyst to be ROBERT GLENDINNING (ABB Lummus Crest, Inc.):
drawn into one side and blown out the other, cutting the Lummus currently licenses the Texaco FCC process. In
grid. The grid was repaired and unit completed a four year a new unit design, the regenerator would have a deep fast
run. fluidized bed, which we think leads to excellent mixing

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 67


between the gas and the catalyst and promotes a uniform is designed for a lower catalyst flux to minimize voidage
temperature distribution at the cyclone inlets. We agree and increase catalyst residence time. This helps to reduce
with the comments which have been made with regard to overcracking of the reaction products and also results in
how the spent catalyst is introduced to the regenerator. In less entrainment of hydrocarbons to the regenerator.
previous designs, the catalyst has been brought to the
regenerator by simple radial or tangential inlets which, in McLEAN:
some instances, did lead to greater spreads in the cyclone Stripper design, along with feed injection and riser
inlet temperatures. A new vessel design these days would, termination, is one of the three major areas where refiners
in fact, incorporate a spent catalyst distributor, which gives are modernizing their FCC units today. Most units are
very even distribution of the spent catalyst over the regen- operating well over their original design throughput and
erator cross-section. The improved spent catalyst distribu- also with higher catalyst circulation rates, so that the
tion, coupled with the bed mixing characteristics, traffic through the stripper has increased dramatically
effectively eliminates afterburn. over the years. To get around this, people are employing
Typically, the vessel operates with about 1% excess higher stripper length-to-diameter ratios, different inter-
oxygen, and typical afterburn is at about 10°F to 15°F. nals designs, and in some cases the use of staged steam
DANIEL N. MYERS (UOP): There are differences of opinion among licensors over
Our reduced crude conversion (RCC) units utilize two the use of multiple steam injection points. One of the
stage regeneration which inherently gets away from prob- problems in analyzing commercial performance data on
lems of afterburning. In a two stage regenerator, the idea some of these systems is strippers have usually been re-
is to burn the catalyst clean while minimizing the heat of vamped in combination with other things, such as newer,
combustion of the coke deposit. improved feed nozzles, etc. Trying to get a back-to-back
The first stage regenerator receives all the spent catalyst comparison where the stripper is the only thing that was
and burns off about 75% to 80% of the coke deposit in changed is difficult. I am not aware of any.
an oxygen deficient zone, so a lot of CO is generated. The
catalyst then moves on to the second stage where the SAYLES:
remainder of the coke deposit is burned off in an excess Our stripper designs are disk and doughnut types with
air situation. All the coke is burned to CO2, so no after- multiple steam injection. They have been in operation for
burning takes place. many years and work very well, based on the hydrogen in
Oxygen-containing flue gas from the second stage is coke that we see in the regenerator. The steam is injected
routed up through the first stage. Since not all the coke is under the doughnut part of the system to prevent erosion
burned off the catalyst, the first stage operates like a of the nozzles by the flowing catalysts.
‘behind-in-burning’ bubbling bed regenerator. The As has been reported many times, you have to watch
carbon bed provides a safeguard against afterburning- the length-to-diameter (L to D) of the nozzles to avoid
there is no possibility of oxygen breakthrough. In fact, catalyst erosion. We use an L to D of about 5 to keep
instead of afterburning, the flue gas temperature and erosion to a minimum.
dilute phase temperature actually run lower than the dense We use a maximum of 5 lb per 1,000 lb of catalyst.
phase temperature. Usually our steam injection is much lower than that. The
normal catalyst mass flow rate is in the range of 750 to
QUESTION 17. 850 lb per min per sq ft of the superficial area.
Are there any new developments in the area of the
reactor catalyst stripper design in an FCCU? What has STEVEN A. KALOTA (The M. W. Kellogg Company):
been the experience with more than one steam injec- Other factors that go into stripper designing are much
tion point? like the regenerator. You need to consider catalyst distri-
bution and steam distribution, flux rate, the residence
D'AURIA: time of the catalyst, and certainly that comes back into the
We have continued development of our stripper design length-to-diameter ratio.
over the years, leading to the current staged stripping Kellogg uses the staged two distributor approach right
system with multiple steam injection points. This system now. Baffle design is also important. We have done a lot
is in use in about a half a dozen units and running very well. of work on baffles; and for most of you who are operating
Typically, these units observe very low steam usage, in the up against flux limits, there is a new baffle design to handle
order of 1.5 lb of steam per 1,000 lb of catalyst circulation. higher flux and give improved performance here.
In our newer unit designs, we combine the contained We are trying to minimize the steam rates and L/D
riser disengaging system with catalyst prestripping up- ratios on the stripper, and to maintain hydrogen on coke
stream of the traditional stripper. Our new stripper system down to around the 6% level.

68 Heavy Oil Processing


DALIP S. SONI (ABB Lummus Crest, Inc.): fractionator naphtha sidedraws become more
In trying to reduce hydrocarbons going to the regen- common? Have others tried on-line water washing to
erator, the riser termination device is very important. If alleviate the problem?
you remove most or all of the hydrocarbons there, that is
probably the best stripper you have, because once the ARMBRESTER:
hydrocarbons go in the stripper, they further react and This question referred to loss of naphtha sidedraws
produce dry gas and coke. Even if you recover hydrocar- from the main fractionator due to tray salting. While our
bons by stripping, you recover a lot of dry gas. fractionators do not have a naphtha sidedraw, we have seen
As most of the people here are aware, the earlier designs similar effects with the light cycle oil sidedraw. We have
used the T-top kind of separators which just sprayed experienced tray salting in the main fractionator trays on
catalyst in the reactor and the catalyst entrained a lot of both our RCC unit at Catlettsburg and on our Saint Paul,
hydrocarbons into the stripper. Then came the rough-cut Minnesota FCC unit when they are processing some
cyclone designs which were an improvement. However, vacuum residua. There are several indicators of an ap-
the rough-cut cyclones operate under positive pressure, proaching problem, including a high gasoline endpoint, a
and some vapors are forced down the dipleg. In some of reduction in the light cycle oil draw rate, and an increase
the close-couple cyclone systems, the primary cyclone is in the column flash zone pressure.
also under positive pressure. To alleviate this problem, we routinely wash the top
In the Texaco close-couple cyclone system, the primary section of the main fractionator by injecting boiler feed
cyclone is under negative pressure; i.e., pressure inside the water into the top reflux stream. During this on-line wash,
cyclone is less than pressure in the reactor vessel. There- we closely monitor the pressure drop through the tower,
fore, the net flow of gas is up the dipleg, not down the the overhead temperature, and the light cycle oil sidedraw
dipleg. That reduces, or almost eliminates, the hydrocar- stream. We terminate the boiler feed water after about 15
bon entering in the stripper. In one commercial installa- minutes, and then check the tower conditions to see if they
tion, a temperature drop of 50°F was observed in the have returned to normal. If not, we repeat the washing
regenerator after this close-couple system was put in until we see conditions improve.
place. I might add that one thing we do to try to minimize
the salt deposits is to keep the main column overhead
MENEGAZ: temperature at least 10°F above the dew point.
I heard mention of hydrogen on coke. Anybody who is
monitoring this on their unit might be tracking their feed CUNEO:
quality effects instead of the stripper performance. We have observed that you can have deposition of
ammonium chloride whenever temperatures are below
PETER G. ANDREWS (Consultant, Engelhard Corporation): about 275°F, even if there is no liquid water present or
The stripper situation has been discussed for many when you calculate the dew point is well above that
years, but I would like to attack it from a different point temperature.
of view. We at Shell have had success with on-line water washing
Many, if not all of you, have revamped your FCC units to remove these salt deposits from the trays. This question
and in most cases have increased the feed rate significantly. mentions that the sidedraw has been plugged. Usually,
Along with that, there has been a subtle change in your there are a lot of earlier indicators of problems, as Mr.
C3+ liquid yield that you may or may not have noticed. Armbrester has mentioned. A good indicator would be
One unit, with which 1 am familiar, increased their feed watching delta P trends, especially if you have a delta P
race (almost doubled it), and saw the C3+ liquid yield measurement across the top section of the column.
decrease by 1.5% because they just could not get it out of
the overloaded stripper. LAUX:
If you reduce your feed race to the original design and One source of main column salt deposition we have
compare C3+ liquid yield versus where you are today, you seen came from refluxing overhead water back into the
will find that you have lost liquid yield, if the stripper is column. Because that is usually the result of an instrument
too small for the new higher feed rate. Mr. McLean failure, we do not see that salting is going to be any more
elaborated on modernization--this is the word today. common these days. As mentioned, running the overhead
temperature coo low, below the ammonium chloride dew
QUESTION 18. point, will also cause salt deposition. This was also dis-
Several refiners have noted the loss of naphtha side- cussed in the 1985 NPRA Q&A Session. We operate at
draws while on-line. Upon shutdown, no damage was over 250°F and have not had much of a problem there.
found to fractionator internals which indicated the As mentioned, the water washing can be done on-line.
cause to be tray salting. Has this experience with main My experience is that you do need to pull all the liquid

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 69


water out of the LCO draw in order to get the salts out of When processing coker gas oil in a hydrocracker, heavy
the tower. molecules and contaminants are a major concern. The
endpoint should not exceed l,000°F, and 950°F is often
PORTER: preferred to limit the nitrogen and polynuclear aromatics
The previous comments have covered my points. When in the feed. These materials can severely limit the hy-
necessary, we also water wash on-line. drocracker catalyst life.
Depending on the actual contaminant level, inclusion
SAYLES: of 20% coker gas oil in a vacuum gas oil feed to a
I agree. hydrocracker, will shorten catalyst life by from 10% to
40% relative to a VGO only feed.
MICHAEL BOBER, JR. (Mobil Research & Development Corp.): In addition, coker gas oils will produce a lower quality
One other indicator, going along with Mr. Armbrester’s product, particularly the distillate product.
comments, would be the chloride content of the wash
water, which is easily checked to determine when the salt McLEAN:
is gone. I think the way the question was posed almost presup-
posed that the answer was opposite to what Mr. D’Auria
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): just discussed. The choice would be case-specific, and it
Has anybody related the problem of the fouling of the would depend on factors such as the relative capacities,
salt deposit to a particular type of crude, especially Alaskan what the quality of the base VGO is, what the constraints
crude? on the FCCU are, and what is the cost of incremental
hydrogen consumption.
CUNEO: Coker gas oil will likely be a poorer quality feed to either
We have seen increased fouling with crudes that have unit, so it is just a matter of balancing where it does the
higher nitrogen contents; and West Coast crudes, includ- least damage. In general, the use of unhydrotreated coker
ing Alaskan, tend to have a little higher nitrogen content gas oils as FCC feed will result in lower conversion and
than some domestic sweet crudes like West Texas Interme- lower product values. The ability to pump hydrogen into
diate. That can cause more ammonia to be formed in the this material in the hydrocracker can, in some cases,
reactor. improve the overall product slate from the combined
PAUL FEARNSIDE (Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals): One option to minimize the degradation of the hy-
We treat a number of FCC main fractionators with a drocracker operation could be to send some or all of the
high detergent filming amine. Not only do we clean the hydrocracker bottoms to the FCC unit, which is discussed
main fractionator on-line but have maintained salt-free in detail in Question Number 25, rather than recycling it
operations and allowed good FCC profitability because for total conversion.
of it.
QUESTION 19. I certainly agree that the coker gas oil is a very tough
In a refinery operating both fluid catalytic cracking feed. In general, coker gas oil is severely hydrogen deficient
and hydrocracking units, if there is a choice between relative to vacuum gas oil, and yields a much greater gain
vacuum gas oil and coker gas oil feedstocks, what unit through a hydrocracker. It takes a very high hydrogen
is preferred to process coker gas oil? If it is preferable partial pressure and robust catalyst system to have an
to process coker gas oil in the hydrocracking unit, acceptable fouling rate, particularly for the 800+°F coker
what is the effect on catalyst life if total conversion is gas oil fraction. One other option would be to hydrotreat
employed? the heavy coker gas oil fraction and then feed that product
to the FCCU.
From the point of view of unit operations, the pre- MENEGAZ:
ferred place to put coker gas oil is the FCC unit. The FCC Feeding heavy coker gas oil to the catalytic cracker will
can more easily tolerate a difficult feed such as this. In the cause a substantial increase in bottoms fouling.
FCC unit, the coker gas oil will convert perhaps 5 vol%
to 10 vol% less than straight-run VGO, and will increase TREESE:
delta coke. These effects are not sever, however, and can I think that where it is an option, it is probably best to
easily be handled by the FCCU. Many FCC units do charge it to the hydrocracker and then not do total con-
process 10% to 20% coker gas oil blended in with vac- version in the hydrocracker. Take a bleed stream of the
uum gas oil feed. bottoms and send it to the FCCU as feed to kind of gain

70 Heavy Oil Processing


benefits in both units. However, as everybody has pointed the bend for the catalyst to redistribute. Otherwise, the
out, it depends on whether your hydrocracker can tolerate uneven catalyst distribution leads to poor feed contacting
it or not, and if you have enough hydrogen and enough and hurts yields.
quench capability. One refiner with J-bends recently improved his catalyst
contacting arrangement in the riser and saw the slurry
QUESTION 20. make drop from 6 liquid volume percent to 3 liquid
What kinds of feed injection schemes are available volume percent. 1 would say that their conversion is
for FCC units with curved risers? Can modern nozzle definitely as good, if not better, than what would be
arrangements be installed without incurring exces- expected for a stacked unit running the same feed. They
sive erosion of the nozzles or riser? What performance have patented this system recently, and they will be offer-
relative to a well-designed vertical riser can be ex- ing it under license soon.
D’AURIA: We have revamped two or three units where we have
UOP has revamped a number of curved riser FCC units installed high efficiency feed nozzles in curved riser sec-
and we have installed modern radial feed injection nozzles, tions, and typically the results have been fairly good. We
preferably in the elevated portion of the riser, above the have seen conversion increases in the region of 4 vol% to
curved section. 5 vol%, with 3 vol% to 4 vol% gasoline yield increases.
The mechanical integrity of the nozzles and the riser Erosion has not been a problem. We do not see any
has been good, with a few isolated cases of distributor tip particular problems with the installation of these nozzles
erosion observed. in a curved riser.
The yield pattern has always improved when we have We have on one occasion simply replaced a curved riser
performed these revamps. The degree of improvement
with a vertical riser. The feed injection and riser termina-
depends on the specific unit, the severity of the operation,
tion technology remained unaltered after the revamp. One
and the type of feedstock, but in every case we have seen
of the most impressive changes that, we saw in this appli-
an improved yield pattern.
cation was a fairly large drop in the regenerator tempera-
ture, in the region of about 30°F, which led to improved
catalyst-to-oil ratios and higher conversions.
We operate a 1943 UOP Model 2 unit with a curved
riser. Successive conversions from bayonet to shower head
to a high efficiency feed premix nozzle have not caused
As Mr. D’Auria mentioned, we prefer to locate our feed
any adverse effects on erosion in the system.
distributors in an elevated position in the riser. In revamp
applications, we have a couple of concerns to share with
The installation of new high pressure drop, high exit you. Number one, when we start putting the feed nozzles
velocity feed nozzle designs in a sloped, curved riser must up the riser in a Model 3 or other style curved riser
be done with great care. We know of at least one case where configuration, there is not a lot ofelevation left in the riser.
a licenser declined co bid on such an installation, but it If you put the feed nozzles all the way up at the end of the
has been done. It may depend on the specifics of the slope curve, you wind up close to the stripper and there is not a
and riser diameter. lot of residence time left.
Different combinations of inlet slope angles have been Our second concern is for loss of regenerated catalyst
employed relative to vertical risers. Also, an asymmetric slide valve delta I? In a conventional type UOP side-by-
radial nozzle distribution pattern can be used to help side unit, when we locate the feed distributors up the riser,
approach more uniform catalyst and feed distribution of course, all of the head that is in the riser below that feed
across the riser cross section. distributor is now going to be subtracted from the regen-
Performance benefits will be a function of many vari- erator catalyst slide valve. We have to be very careful about
ables, including feed quality, base conversion level, exist- how much slide valve differential we are willing to give up
ing nozzle design, steam rates, etc. Of course, other units versus the elevation of the feed distributor in the riser.
have also been revamped to include redesign to a vertical One way to counteract the loss of slide valve delta P is
configuration. to run a higher velocity in the bottom of the riser, to keep
the density down to regain some of the head. Of course,
MENEGAZ: that then brings in the complication of how much steam
I certainly agree with the previous comments, particu- your main column can handle.
larly Mr. D’Auria’s regarding revamping. Radial nozzles So there are a series of issues here that have to be looked
work well when placed in the vertical run far enough above at carefully when you do the revamp study.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 71


PETER G. ANDREWS (Consultant): The third condition we use to trigger a shutdown is

In my opinion, feed nozzles are number one under the spent catalyst standpipe valve low differential pressure, or
heading of modernization. I have seen significant yield a low stripper bed level, which automatically will shut the
changes in various units from the several new feed nozzle spent catalyst slide valve, shut the regenerator catalyst slide
designs available today. valve, and, again, all sources of hydrocarbon to the reactor,
More recently, I am familiar with a refiner who had and open emergency steam to the feed nozzles and riser.
plugging of feed nozzles and his yield pattern declined The fourth is loss of the main air blower for regenera-
significantly; he blamed the catalyst. But when the feed tion air.
nozzles were unplugged on-line, the unit yield pattern In order to provide high reliability in these systems, the
returned back to normal. To me, the feed nozzles are the key ingredient is good purging of the differential pressure
heart of the FCCU. taps so that they do not plug and indicate nuisance trips.
Our automatic shutdowns are very reliable and we do
routine checks of the shutdown instrumentation to ensure
Process that it functions properly when needed.


What automatic shutdown features should he used in Automatic shutdown systems should mirror the shut-
a modern FCCU? Whatparameters trigger shutdowns, down actions normally taken by the operators with totally
and what actions do the shutdown system(s) take? manual systems. These actions are (a) to close the reactor
What design considerations are used to prevent nui- feed valve and open a bypass valve to put feed into the
sance shutdowns? main fractionator, (b) open emergency steam to the riser,
and (c) close both the regenerator and spent catalyst slide
CUNEO: valves.
The purpose of the automatic shutdown system for an Although I have never worked on an FCCU with an
FCCU is to keep the oxygen out of the reactor and to keep automatic shutdown system, engineers at Morrison-
excessive fuel out of the regenerator. Knudsen indicated to me that several existing units incor-
We have four conditions which we use to automatically porate the following initiators in their automatic
shut down the unit. The first condition triggering a shut- shutdown systems: (a) low feed, usually set at 40% of
down is low differential pressure across the regenerator design; (b) low differential pressure across the catalyst slide
catalyst slide valves. In that instance, we shut the slide valves, usually set at 2 lb; (c) high and low differential
valves, shut off all hydrocarbon feed sources to the reactor, pressures between the reactor and regenerator, both usu-
and open emergency steam to the feed nozzles and riser. ally set at 10 lb; (d) low level in the stripper; (e) failure of
The second situation triggering a shutdown is a low slide valve hydraulic oil pressure; (f) continued loss of
reactor temperature which shuts off all hydrocarbon boiler feed water to the steam drum, or a low level in the
sources to the reactor and, again, opens emergency steam steam drum.
to the feed nozzles and riser. And in addition to the shutdown items listed above,
the following actions must be taken upon loss of main air
blower flow: (a) activate the power assist on the air blower
check valve; and (b) close torch oil valves.

Previous panelists have covered this topic very thor-
oughly, To minimize nuisance trips on low slide valve delta
P, the shutdown system may include timed delays to avoid
shutdown in the event of a momentary pressure spike.
Some refiners also supply two independent delta P systems
for each slide valve and arrange the shutdowns to occur
only if both taps read low pressure.
Newer installations have the shutdowns hardwired into
a PLC. Further, many installations have adopted a triple
modular redundant philosophy, which uses a two out of
three voting system to avoid spurious shutdowns due to a
PLC failure.

72 Heavy Oil Processing


PORTER: Within the FCC unit itself, the product sulfur distri-
We believe a safety interlock system is required in a bution is impacted by both catalyst type and operating
modern FCCU with slide valve control. At Pascagoula the conditions. In general, combinations of conditions which
parameters that would trigger a plant shutdown are: favor maximum gasoline selectivity also favor the lowest
1. loss of main air to regenerator, gasoline sulfur content. This would include the use of a
2. either catalyst slide valve in the closed position, high hydrogen transfer catalyst with a high degree of rare
3. loss of delta P on either slide valve, earth exchange and a high zeolite-to-matrix ratio, along
4. loss of level in regenerator flare gas waste heat with a low reactor temperature. Of course, the same
boiler, and combination also favors gasoline yield at the expense of
5. manual emergency shutdown button activated by octane. Conversely, lower rare earth catalysts and higher
operators. reactor temperatures will increase both octane and gaso-
To prevent nuisance shutdowns you need redundancy line sulfur. So to optimize the overall balance involves
in all hardware and power supplies. We use a triple modu- tradeoffs which will be unit- and feed-specific.
lar redundant system, that Mr. Menegaz described. The degree of overall variation in full range FCC
naphtha sulfur due to catalyst and process effects is rela-
STEVEN A. KALOTA (The M. W. Kellogg Company):
tively small, usually within about ± 10% or 15%, and only
An additional item that some of us licensers put in is a in rare cases will be significant enough to be a controlling
hydraulic or air actuated cylinder on your air blower check factor in how the unit is operated.
valves. If you lose the air blower flow, a rapper arm comes
Catalytic additive technologies for reducing naphtha
down on that check valve shaft to make sure it closes. This
sulfur content without impacting product yields have
prevents backflow of catalyst into the air blower. The arm
been announced based on laboratory studies, but to this
mechanism is tied into the air blower shutdown logic
point have not been fully commercially demonstrated.
Downstream, the first option that has been mentioned
is undercutting. Since most of the naphtha sulfur occurs
in the heavy end, this can give significant reductions. For
What methods are available for reducing the sulfur
example, a T90 reduction from 390°F to 300°F can reduce
content of FCC naphtha with minima/ impact on FCC
sulfur by up to 50%.
gasoline octane?
The impact of undercutting on octane is variable. It
depends on your specific curve. But a bigger problem can
We hope not to have to reduce sulfur in the FCC be the disposition of the heavy naphtha.
naphtha but feel some sulfur reduction is likely. In review- The final option involves naphtha hydrofinishing. This
ing the different options available today, we still feel that is being commercially practiced in a number of locations
the reduction in naphtha end points is the first option. to control either sulfur, olefin content, or both and is often
The naphtha sulfur will be reduced by about 7.5 ppm for or usually done on a fractionated heavy naphtha feed.
every 1°F reduction in end point temperature for a virgin Processes and catalysts have been developed which give
feedstock. For hydrotreated feed, the sulfur content could minimal octane loss, except at very high, 80% and higher,
be reduced by about 2.6 ppm for every 1°F of end point sulfur removals. One such option was described by IFP in
change. (Keyworth, “Offsetting the cost of Lower Sulfur NPRA Paper AM-92-21. Mobil has also announced a
in Gasoline,” 1992 NPRA Annual Meeting.) process, described in NPRA Paper AM-94-39, which
combines hydrofinishing and catalytic technology for pre-
McLEAN: serving and actually increasing octane.
This question can be answered in a very broad sense by
dividing the options into three categories: upstream, in, LAUX:
and downstream of the FCC unit itself. We agree with the comments. Basically, undercutting
Upstream of the FCCU, an obvious option is feed seems like the best solution in our case. The concern about
hydrotreating. It may be difficult to justify such an expen- what to do with the undercut material, since we run the
sive option solely on the basis of product sulfur reduction, LCO through a hydrocracker, does not bother us at all.
but other benefits such as higher conversion and through- Based on the curves that we see from our RFG testing, the
put should also be considered. The effect of catalyst feed thing that you are going to end up with is a very good
hydrotreating on octane is not straightforward and de- response on sulfur, but very little impact on the octane.
pends on how the unit is operated. In many cases reactor
temperature and/or conversion increases can be used to ARMBRESTER:
offset any inherent octane loss due to reduction in feed Our preferred method to reduce sulfur in the FCC
aromaticity. naphtha would be through increased hydrotreating

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 73


severity of the FCC feed, or moving to 100% hydrotreat- sulfur extracted in the form of disulfides which are sepa-
ing of the FCC feed if you are not there already. This rated from the regenerated caustic.
method would carry the additional benefits of improving
the FCC yield structure, as well as reducing the sulfur RIK MILLER (The M. W. Kellogg Company):
content of the cycle oil and the slurry oil products. And, In addition to the options that have been described thus
in addition, we would expect it to reduce the olefin far, Kellogg offers Riser Quench Technology in which
content of the cracked gasoline somewhat, which may be naphtha is recycled to the upper section of the riser. This
beneficial from an RFG perspective. technology reduces gasoline sulfur by about 20%, with an
A couple of panelists mentioned hydrotreating of the increase in gasoline octane of about 1 RON and 0.5
naphtha. There are two options here. One is to go ahead MON.
and cut the end point to remove most of the high sulfur
material and then hydrotreat that portion, or to hydrotreat ADRIAN HUMPHRIES (Akzo Nobel):
the full range gasoline. There is a significant octane penalty Among today’s current commercial FCC catalysts, we
associated with the full range hydrotreating; as much as 8 see differences of about 25% to 30% in the ability to
to 10 research octane numbers, and 3 to 4 motor octane control sulfur in gasoline. It is the midrange gasoline sulfur
numbers. compounds that are affected. We have commercial data
In addition, there are some catalyst changes that may that shows that by using an FCC catalyst with a selective,
be helpful. A catalyst with an active matrix and high rare active matrix, you can remove a lot of the alkylthiophenes
earths may reduce FCC gasoline sulfur by as much as 20% and convert them to H2S.
to 25%, when compared to a low matrix activity, zero rare
earth USY catalyst. QUESTION 23.
The effect of the FCC catalyst type appears to be most How can coking be avoided in the FCCU main frac-
pronounced at high feed sulfur levels, and is minimal at tionator? How is the coking rate and slurry/steam
feed sulfur levels of 500 ppm or less. generator fouling affected by fractionator bottoms
temperature, residence time of the bottoms liquid,
DEATON: FCC feed type (i.e., gas oil or residual), or other
We tested the sulfur content for various fractions of our variables?
FCC gasoline. The heaviest 10% cut, above 385°F, con-
tained 69% of the sulfur in the full range gasoline. MENEGAZ:
Typically, we found that the heaviest 10% of FCC There appear to be several different types of fouling in
gasoline has an octane equal to the octane for the entire the bottoms in the slurry circuit, depending on the feed-
gasoline boiling range, so removing the heaviest material stock and operating conditions. These include:
by lowering the end point would have minimal impact on 1. Precipitation of asphaltenes, found most com-
octane. In our case, the light cycle oil goes to a hy- monly when feeding residual. Poor feed mixing or
drocracker so we do recover that heavier end of the FCC poor bottoms upgrading are occasionally to blame.
gasoline. 2. Coke polymerization, more commonly with paraf-
finic feeds. Inadequate bottoms cracking is a factor.
TIMOTHY J. DOUGAN (Grace Davison): 3. Hard coke spalling from the reactor transfer line,
I would like to expound on a catalytic alternative to or the fractionator internals.
these process options. We have been able to catalytically 4. Catalyst settling out of the flow stream. This will
reduce the FCC naphtha sulfur in our circulating riser unit combine with the slurry to make a very hard gunk
by 15% to 35% without any octane loss with GSR tech- with time.
nology. This represents a no capital alternative to some of In addition to the above, we have seen numerous cases
these other options that have been previously discussed. where the fouling increases when running large amounts
The material has been manufactured commercially, and of heavy coker gas oil. We attribute this to the higher
we are currently evaluating possible trial sites. We hope to amount of coke precursors in the thermal cracked stocks.
have the first commercial use before the end of the year. To avoid coking and fouling problems, the following
are suggested:
HERBERT WlZlG (Merichem Company): As far as design goes,
In the C5 to 220°F boiling range of the full range 1. properly insulate the reactor transfer line;
catalytic cracked naphtha, about 90% of the sulfur is 2. size the slurry circuit piping for 4 to 7 feet per
mercaptans that can be caustic extracted. Then the mer- second to prevent catalyst saltation;
captan containing caustic can be regenerated with air, 3. size the exchanger tubing for 6 to 10 feet per
catalyst, and temperature for maximum reuse, with the second;

74 Heavy Oil Processing


4. and most importantly, in addition to the slurry Monitoring of the coking tendency in a heat-integrated
return line over the shed trays, provide a quench unit is determined by the pumparound temperature which
line into the bottom of the tower. This line is determined by reboiler-fouling factors and the slurry
quenches the bottom of the tower without hurting steam production. Other indications of fouling are the
slurry flashpoint. A 10°F reduction in bottoms frequency of bottoms flow reduction (due to pump suc-
temperature will significantly reduce fouling due tion screen cleaning, line pluggage, etc.), loss of fractiona-
to polymerization coking. A cooler bottoms tem- tor quench, and less than -2 API slurry. Good insulation
perature will allow a longer residence time; is believed to be important in reducing fouling.
5. provide oversized coke strainers with easy access Inorganics in the main fractionator coke include cor-
and draining from grade; and rosion products, trash in the feed and catalyst losses.
6. provide capability to flush unused circuits with Analytical testing of the solids in the coke can give an
cycle oil. indication of the fouling mechanism.
As far as operation, operate at the maximum bottoms An interesting problem occurs when fresh feed enters
temperature consistent with the feed type. This is deter- the main fractionator bottoms. Fresh feed can be intro-
mined by experience. Generally, this temperature is duced to maintain bottoms level during an operational
around 680°F but will be lower with paraffinic feeds. Units upset, leaking feed/effluent exchanger, leakage into the
with bottoms quench can be operated at lower tempera- slurry loop or operator error. The use of low carbon residue
tures and still achieve the desired gravity and flash points. gas oils can cause asphaltene precipitation and coking at
Consider changing the cracking severity or the catalyst or the bottoms loop temperature of 625°F to 700°E High
the catalyst matrix content if the slurry gravity goes below Conradson carbon residual feeds can cause substantial
-6” or above +4° API. Avoid overfeeding antimony, and coke buildup when injected into the main fractionator
consider antifoulants, if appropriate for the fouling type. bottoms. Review of operating procedures to limit the use
of fresh feed into the fractionator bottoms to temperatures
below 600°F will greatly reduce coking tendency by this
This question has been asked frequently in past meet-
Finally, coking will occur in the fractionator bottoms
ings, and much information can be found in past tran-
despite all the precautions. The on-line coke management
scripts. In general, the fouling tendency is heavily
program determines the success of the run. Mechanical
influenced by bottoms temperature. Many FCC units,
modifications such as easily cleaned screens before the
including Chevron’s, limit bottoms temperature to about
slurry pumps, seal oil flush systems, elevated internal slurry
680°F Some units run as high as 700°F without serious
suction inlet lines and avoiding low velocity areas, insure a
fouling problems. Residence time is also a factor, and
good tower wash rate and low shear slurry pumps will
Chevron targets a net bottoms rate of 5 vol% to 8 vol% improve operation. Screen cleaning should be done as
of feed. We believe that FCC feed properties have an effect dictated by the pressure drop but should also be done at a
on fouling, but have not yet been able to correlate this frequency of at least once per quarter. Quenching or rapid
effect. We have not seen a significant difference between bottoms temperature reductions should be avoided to pre-
gas oil and residual feeds. vent coke spalling from the fractionator and piping walls
which can cause pluggage. If a rapid temperature loss
SAYLES: occurs, plan on more frequent slurry pump screen cleaning.
Fractionator coking is made up of three components:
(1) kinetic considerations, (2) inorganic solids, and (3) FELTROP:
coke management during the run. I agree that coking can best be avoided by temperature
Coking in the main fractionator is a function time, and velocity effects and keeping the catalyst carryover out
temperature, FCCU severity, and chemical treatment pro- of the FCC unit. Mechanical solutions are no doubt the
grams. Our fractionator bottoms residence rime ranges best for fixing your FCCU if you have this problem.
from about 10 to 20 minutes. The residence time was One method useful for avoiding coking in the frac-
calculated from the fractionator bottom volume and the tionator is to control the bottoms temperature below
total liquid rate of HCGO plus wash. The maximum 700°F I think that is a key variable.
bottoms temperature is about 700°F and is a function of Another way is to use process antifoulants in the bot-
riser severity. Chemical treatment programs limit FCCU toms pumparound circuit. The amount of antifoulant will
bottoms circuit coking and fouling. The slurry pum- depend upon the desired temperatures. There is a practical
paround circuit piping should have a velocity of between upper limit where the antifoulant cost will be excessive, or
3.5 to 8.5 fps with a good design value of 6 fps. These the antifoulant will cease to be effective. It is important, if
velocities are high enough to prevent catalyst settling yet you choose an antifoulant, to choose one that has high
low enough to prevent erosion. temperature stability for your unit.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 75


Controlling the tower coking by either method has This problem can be minimized by the use of a good
generally reduced fouling in the bottoms pumparound bottoms cracking catalyst with an active matrix to make
heat exchangers. In some cases, the use of antifoulants sure the reactive compounds are cracked out where they
allows higher bottoms temperatures while inhibiting the are supposed to be, in the reactor. We have observed that
fouling that would result. A more aggressive distillation this problem diminishes commercially when changes to
can upgrade useful gas oils from low value slurry oil. better bottoms cracking catalysts have been made.
Other variables will impact the coking and fouling On the other end of the scale, there is a minimum
tendencies. Increased residence time will cause increased bottoms yield beyond which coking problems can occur.
fouling. Feeding reduced crude or vacuum residue to the This point of incipient coking can be determined by
FCCU will increase fouling, all other operating aspects increasing severity to the point where bottoms pump
being unchanged. High catalyst fines loadings can act as screens begin to show pressure drop or require more
agglomeration sites for the high boiling polyaromatics, frequent cleaning, and then backing off and operating
giving higher viscosity and more fouling potential. somewhat below this point. Adjustments in the LCO draw
to alter bottoms yield and quality can also be used to
LAUX: compensate.
Other people have discussed the temperature and ve-
locity effects and some of the feed effects. One other thing BARLOW:
you need to consider is conversion. At McKee, our feed is We feel that one of the strongest variables affecting
very paraffinic. We run with an aniline point over 230°F coking is the bottoms temperature. We see a tremendous
and we run around 85%+ conversion, with a very low difference in the rate of coking in the bottoms and in the
slurry yield. This tends to raise the concentration of poly- fractionator slurry circuit between 680°F and 695°F. If you
cyclics and unconverted paraffins in the slurry. We have a are running 700°F, you are definitely in a high risk area.
severe fouling problem. We clean two to three exchangers However, we also acknowledge that running at a higher
per week in that circuit. bottoms temperature can improve your yield pattern and
To minimize that coking and fouling, you have to structure and can be very economical. Cycle oil recovery
reduce your bottoms temperature as discussed, and reduce is much greater with a higher bottoms temperature.
the residence time at that temperature. Keep a high One of the points I would like to stress is based on a lot
enough exchanger tube velocity to avoid laydown. of effort analyzing the different feedstocks and the differ-
At Three Rivers, we run at about 690°F in the bottoms, ing gas oils and residuals from the various crudes. We see
with a 5 to 7 foot per second exchanger velocity. We also a tremendous impact on the coking rate in the main
monitor our slurry, checking for asphalrene content, and fractionator based on feed quality changes.
any time that it gets up around 7 mg/ml, we will start We have focused on analytical techniques on the bot-
injecting an antifoulant. At Three Rivers, we typically do toms, although there are some limitations because of the
not have to clean our steam generators at all during the nature of the slurry in trying to apply these analytical
run. techniques. We have had success in correlating light cycle
oil and heavy cycle oil analyses with slurry stability, and,
McLEAN: again, I say correlating, so there is not always a direct
I agree with most of the comments regarding the me- one-to-one relation. In terms of quality of the feed, we
chanical effects the other panelists have made. I also would look at aromatics and nitrogen content as well as the
like to note that I have been very well educated by Peter reactor operating conditions. In terms of antifoulants,
Andrews that you cannot compare one main fractionator which are obviously our business, we have moved away
operation with another in terms of comparing numbers. from simply applying dispersants and trying to move or
You really have to look at what the operating window for maintain the coke particulate matter in suspension. We
your unit is, based on the specifics of its design and feed have focused heavily on inhibitor technology, which
quality and conversion level. focusses on metal catalyzed polymerization growth
I will make some comments on yield effects which can mechanisms, asphaltene precipitation and growth mecha-
lead to coke deposition problems if the bottoms yield is nisms, and condensation type polymerization mecha-
either too high or too low. The presence of reactive, more nisms that are similar to what you see associated with light
paraffinic compounds which continue to crack thermally cycle oil instability. Also, some high temperature ther-
downstream of the reactor can cause this. You can also get mally-stable antifoulants have been very effective in severe
an antisolvent precipitation phenomenon, as a couple of fouling conditions.
people have mentioned, where the presence of this paraf- A paper on this subject “FCC Fouling Can Be Re-
finic material causes deposition of the more aromatic duced-Even In the Slurry Loop” by R. E Freeman was
asphaltene molecules. This was also discussed in detail at presented in June, 1987, at the 8th Katalistik’s FCC
last year’s NPRA Q&A Session, Symposium.

76 Heavy Oil Processing


BHAGWAN B. PATIL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, Ltd.): the reactor. The heavier material was not processed in the
With the fractionator bottoms temperature being so riser, and laid down as coke in the riser as a result.
critical, is there a scheme for controlling it automatically?
Presently, we have a manual control by controlling bot- ARMBRESTER:
toms quench flow. Do refiners utilize other controls on the We have experienced some coking in the riser on the
bottoms temperature? RCC unit, which obviously is a residual operation. The
coking problems occur in the area of the feed nozzles,
MENEGAZ: which are elevated in the RCC riser. I cannot give you an
We have done the control on the bottoms quench answer on eliminating it other than trying to improve the
manually. feed dispersion and minimize, backmixing in the feed
nozzle area.
We use bottoms temperature control on all of our main LAUX:
fractionators by controlling the slurry pumparound flows. The test is the hot heptane insolubles test, UOP
Method 614-80. It takes about 4 hours to run. We do this
DELBERT F. TOLEN (Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment Co.): test in our own laboratory.
I am going to disagree with Mr. McLean on something.
I have run three different catalytic crackers where we QUESTION 24.
recycled slurry to extinction without problems of coking
What have been recent experiences with advanced
in the bottoms. Those slurry oils would run between -3”
process control on FCC units?
and 0° API. A greater effect on slurry gravity and on
coking tendency was reactor temperature because as you
raised it, the slurry gravity would drop even in the total
At our Pascagoula refinery, for the last two years we have
been using a DMC multivariable model-based predictive
There is an enormous effect of recycle on the traffic in
controller on our FCCU. It controls our regenerator,
the bottom of the tower, and most units have gone away
reactor and fractionator.
from recycle over the last ten years, so we are seeing more
coking tendencies in the bottom. The minimum API that The primary benefits have been increased conversion
we used to run was a -5” API. If we dropped at all below and improved fractionation. Operator acceptance has
-5°, some place around a -8” or -9” gravity, you would been good.
begin to get extreme polymerization of the materials in the
bottoms exchangers. So we always set the -5” API as an McLEAN:
absolute minimum on the entire bottoms. In three differ- We are aware that advanced systems with on-line op-
ent units we recycled slurry to extinction, so there is no timizers coupled to process models and controlling oper-
minimum slurry draw. ating conditions are being used by a number of refiners.
To give an example, we know of one case where an
McLEAN: optimizer is being used to vary reactor temperature over a
I agree. Obviously, my comments did not apply to a range as wide as 970°F to 1,005°F in response to continual
recycle operation. In recycle, you are not really drying up updates using feed quality parameters and product values.
the presence of those materials; you are actually concen-
trating them, and so obviously different rules will apply. ARMBRESTER:
Ashland has installed advanced process controls on our
FRANK H. KHOUW (Shell International Petroleum): RCC unit and all of our FCC units, including the reac-
If I may, I would like to extend the question from tor-regenerator sections, the main fractionators, and the
coking in the fractionator to coking in the reactor riser. gas concentration units. Typical reactor-regenerator con-
I would like to ask the panel, and also the floor, whether trols include pressure balance controls for energy savings,
anyone has experienced reactor riser coking, and if the and carbon burn and reactor severity controls for unit
answer is affirmative, is it more severe when processing optimization. These controls have generally provided
heavy feed? I would also like to know what the perceived good operation, with flue gas analyzer reliability and
mechanism and what the solution to combatting coke operator acceptance being two of the biggest obstacles to
formation in the riser are? full utilization.
The main fractionator functions are directed toward
MENEGAZ: cut point controls for naphtha and cycle oil and heat
We are aware of a noncatalytic atmospheric residuum recovery optimization for the various cooling circuits.
treatment process where there was substantial coking in These controls have also operated very well, except for a

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 77


few cases where the physical limitations of the fractionator QUESTION 25.
have limited our optimization efforts. What is the yield pattern and naphtha octane expected
The gas concentration controls are intended to provide from an FCC processing hydrocracker fractionator bot-
product quality control, while minimizing energy con- toms?
sumption. These controls have also been very effective.
Related to this question and one that was addressed in LAUX:
the General Processing section, our experience with op- We process the unconverted gas oil from our 2,400 psig
erator acceptance has been that the acceptance is fairly once-through unicrackers through our FCCUs, both at
good on the controls that they do not consider critical, but Three Rivers and at McKee.
as you get into the FCC reactor-regenerator section, they At Three Rivers, the hydrocracker gas oil comprises up
are more reluctant to turn over those controls to the to 50% of the FCC feed slate at times, with demetallized
advanced control system. I think the training that you oil and some LVGO filling out the slate.
provide and their knowledge of the control functionality After our FCCU turnaround in January of this year, we
is very important to really achieve full utilization of these fed 50% hydrocracked gas oil to the FCCU at Three Rivers
controls. for nearly a month, as that was the only gas oil we had
stored during the turnaround. Compared to the yields
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum Company): from a 0% hydrocracked gas oil case with the same crude
For those who have put advanced controls on their slate, we saw about an 11% increase in conversion, and
catalytic crackers, have you added a distributed control the gasoline and LPG yields increased 8% and 4%, respec-
system first and then been able to quantify the economic tively. The gasoline research octane number dropped by
benefit of just the advanced control portion? about 1.5 numbers, but surprisingly, the motor octane
number did not drop at all. The propylene and butylene
CUNEO: yields actually increased by over 1 wt% each.
Yes. We have recently done that at our Norco unit. It The actual monthly averaged yield data is as follows:
was started up on a TDC system, and then this year, we
will put on the on-line optimization, so we are able to
MONTH 4/93 2/94
make that quantification. It has provided a very rapid
payout, even with the modern Honeywell TDC systems. Percent Hydrocracked 0.0 48.6
The cost for overlaying the optimization is very modest, API 24.1 28.0
and it is making us well over $1 million a year. Corrected Conversion LV% 73.7 85.4
LPG LV% 28.7 32.6
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company):
C3= WT% 4.64 5.72
In conjunction with optimizing the catalytic cracker
operation, is anybody using on-line analyzers to achieve C4= WT% 5.35 6.50
that? Corrected Gasoline LV% 54.1 62.7
RON 92.3 90.7
CUNEO: MON 80.2 80.1
Yes. We routinely use on-line analyzers around the flue
gas for oxygen, CO content, CO2, as well as on the gas
fractionation end point on naphtha, and concentrations
of propylene, ethylene, and butylenes in the gas plant. Hydrocracker bottoms are very hydrogen rich, they
convert very easily in the FCC unit, and they are very
ARMBRESTER: selective to gasoline range material. Compared with
We also use an on-line analyzer for flue gas composition straight run VGO, hydrocracker bottoms will convert
from the regenerator, and we have several analyzers in the 10% to 15% higher and yield 10% to 12% more gasoline.
gas concentration section looking at product purities. Due to the greater degree of saturation, the octane will
drop 1.5 to 2.0 numbers, and, ofcourse, the product sulfur
STEVEN M. FISCHER (CITGO Refining & Chemicals): content will be very low.
For those that run optimizers in addition to advanced
control systems, how often do you run the optimizer to QUESTION 26.
regenerate the new set points? Please comment on the effectiveness of the following
water wash cascade schemes for FCC gas plants:
CUNEO: a. fresh water to the interstage cooler, then to the high
We can get at least three or four solutions a day to pressure receiver and then to the main column over-
regenerate the set points. head;

78 Heavy Oil Processing


b. water to the main column overhead, then to the infer- PORTER:

stage cooler and then to the high pressure receiver; and I agree with Mr. Feltrop’s comments. At Pascagoula, we
c. fresh wafer to the high pressure receiver, then to the utilize option b, without using any fresh water makeup.
inferstage cooler and then to the main column over- As Mr. Feltrop described, we utilize the condensate from
head. condensing steam in the main fractionator overhead.

Ashland has successfully used water wash scheme a for
Of the three options presented, option b is clearly the
several years on our FCC unit at Saint Paul Park, with a
best. This is a concurrent flow scheme with the gas flow
wash water rate of approximately 1 gpm to 1.5 gpm per
from low pressure to high pressure. I assume that the water
1,000 bbl/d of FCC charge. We routinely check the water
from the high pressure separator goes to the sour water
samples there for iron, chloride and cyanide content and,
stripper in this case.
as mentioned previously, one of the problems with this
Options a and c recycle water from the high pressure scheme is the fact that you are dissolving contaminants at
separator to the main fractionator overhead, which is a high pressure and the possibility of releasing those again
low pressure system. This results in releasing the ammo- in the low pressure section.
nia, H2 S, and HCN, and recycling them back through Our RCC unit at Catlettsburg has also achieved good
the gas plant. The water from the high pressure separator corrosion results using a modified scheme a. In this case,
is in equilibrium with the gasses at high pressure. When the water from the high pressure receiver is not cascaded
this water is injected back into the low pressure area, the to the main fractionator overhead, and we protect the
equilibrium is reestablished at the lower pressure, which main fractionator overhead system simply by recirculating
releases ammonia, H 2 S, and HCN back into the gas the overhead wash water, with the makeup coming from
plant. the reactor side.
Option b cascades the water in the direction of increas- We plan to convert this unit to water wash scheme b in
ing pressure and then leaves the system via the high the near future, to reduce our water makeup rate and our
pressure separator water. This approach results in carrying sour water stripping requirements.
the maximum amount of ammonium bisulfide and cya- Also on the RCC unit, we add air to the wet gas stream
nide out of the gas plant, and is clearly superior from a for polysulfide production, and our water wash rates are
corrosion standpoint. typically 2 gpm per 1,000 bpd of feed, with essentially
There is an additional option that is equally effective 100% makeup water. In this unit, our monitoring efforts
from a corrosion standpoint and offers additional cost include hydrogen probes at several locations in the inter-
savings. This option uses the condensate water from the stage and high pressure sections, and periodic water analy-
main fractionator overhead as wash water for the interstage sis for pH, cyanide and thiocyanate content.
and high pressure coolers. The recirculation loop to the On our FCC unit at Catlettsburg, we historically have
main fractionator overhead coolers provides a water wash used scheme c, but we recently switched over to scheme a
to remove ammonium bisulfide deposits from these cool- because we were experiencing corrosion problems in the
ers. The water from the main fractionator overhead is not interstage area. This unit also uses air injection to the wet
gas stream, and a wash water rate of 2 gpm per 1,000 bpd
corrosive since it is in equilibrium with the ammonia,
of feed.
H2S, and HCN at low pressures, and is suitable for water
washing the higher pressure sections.
The major advantage of this approach is that no exter-
We have seen all the schemes used, but we also support
nal water is added to the system and it greatly reduces the that the preferred method is b. Method b essentially
volume of water to be stripped at the sour water stripper. corresponds to increasing concentrations, thus reducing
It also eliminates the expense of preparing boiler feed the introduction of higher contaminant levels to the low
water. pressure areas. We see the greatest benefits of water wash-
In systems where cyanides are high and corrosion and ing in the high pressure section where, due to the partial
hydrogen blistering are potential problems, a water-sol- pressure, the concentration of dissolved ammonia and
uble filming inhibitor is added to the water at the main HCN are highest.
fractionator. Since it stays with the water in the fractiona- We would prefer not to return the water from the high
tor overhead, the interstage coolers and the high pressure pressure section at all to the main fractionator reflux
coolers are inhibited by addition of a single inhibitor; drums. This practice would cause H2 S, ammonia, and
whereas the use of an oil-soluble inhibitor requires addi- HCN to flash off as the pressure is reduced at the reflux
tion to the fractionator overhead, interstage and high drum and cause their concentration to build up in the
pressure sections. compression loop.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 79


CUNEO: We have extensive experience with the use of filming

We agree that scheme b is by far the best for both inhibitors. Filming amines have been used for many years.
corrosion protection and minimizing the use of water. Both water- and oil-based inhibitors have been applied to
control general corrosion with good results. We also have
DANIEL N. MYERS (UOP): specific products that have been very effective at control-
Wash water scheme a (sending the washwater to the ling hydrogen blistering and related cracking.
interstage cooler, then to the high pressure receiver and We also have a good track record at reducing fouling
then to the main column overhead) gives the water from from corrosion products that often affect reboiler and
the high pressure section a chance to degas at the lower column performance.
pressure of the main column overhead receiver. This is
advantageous since it results in less gas going to the sour DEATON:
water stripper. We use one gallon per minute of washwater injection
to the compressor aftercoolers per 1,000 bbl/d of FCC
QUESTION 27. charge. In addition to the water wash, we use an oil-soluble
Please comment on desired washwafer rates and any filming amine in the compressor aftercoolers.
chemical additives that can further improve corrosion We have not seen any corrosion or hydrogen blistering
control for FCC gas plants. for several years by using this method ofcorrosion control.

The amount of washwater necessary depends on the I agree with Mr. Deaton’s rule of thumb on the one gpm
gas/vapor flow rate, the amount of water vapor already per 1,000 bbl/d of feed to the unit. Our preference is a
present, and the amount and type of corrosives present. It water-soluble filming inhibitor, and combining this with
is adjusted primarily based on individual unit designs. a concurrent water wash will give the best corrosion and
Ideally, the amount of washwater should be the minimum hydrogen blistering protection at a minimal cost.
needed to meet one or more of the following criteria, listed There are cases where ammonium polysulfide can be
in the order of importance: used effectively, but there are a couple of cautions with
Typically, use 2.0 gallons per minute, or approximately that. The major one is knowing how much to add since it
1,000 lb per hour per million standard cubic feet of vapors requires a stoichiometric amount, according to the cya-
from the top of the main fractionator. nide that is necessary. Excess polysulfide can lead to in-
Adjust for a pH value in all the water draws between 8 creased corrosion, especially in high velocity areas. The
and 8.5. cyanide sampling procedure and analysis are sometimes
Try to maintain HCN content of all the water draws at difficult to perform as well. Handling in cold weather can
less than 20 ppm by weight. be difficult, too.
Depending on the system, several different types of
water wash may have to be injected to meet these criteria. SAYLES:
For example, a slightly acidic sour water stream may be We agree with the amount of washwater needed, about
used to depress pH values. In addition, polysulfide may 1.5 to 2.5 gpm per thousand barrels of FCC charge. One
have to be added to the washwater to decrease the HCN thing that we have found that is critical is handling of the
levels. wet gas compressor section. It depends on what your
On the subject of polysulfide injection, continuous corrosion products are. If a number of your corrosion
injection of polysulfide solution into the washwater lowers products fall out through your wet gas compressor system,
the HCN content of the condensates by forming thiocy- they do not go on into the vapor recovery system.
anate. Polysulfide also reacts with some sulfide corrosion Previous comments have been on polysulfide and its
products to produce a protective film on the steel surfaces. usage. One thing that we have found is that if you main-
Polysulfide injection should be considered if water wash- tain the sulfur compounds at about the 200 mg per liter
ing by itself does not decrease the HCN concentration level, cyanide is tied up; and we have not seen any hydro-
below the recommended 20 ppm by weight. We have seen gen blistering or any corrosion on those lines.
several types of polysulfide solutions used, and several are
available. The majority prefer, in our experience, to use the LAUX:
commercial 55% by weight ammonium polysulfide solu- I thoroughly agree with the 1 gpm per 1,000 rate. I have
tion. It contains about 35% by weight polysulfide sulfur. seen a system where we reduced it down to 0.5 gpm per
Sodium polysulfide solution is not recommended be- 1,000, or even a 0.25 gpm per 1,000 for sour water stripper
cause it increases the pH of the sour water condensate and limitations, and added filming amines to try keeping the
reacts more slowly with cyanide, in comparison to ammo- corrosion down. It did not work. We corroded out the
nium polysulfide. It is also considerably more expensive. primary adsorber.

80 Heavy Oil Processing


DENNIS K. NELSEN (Western Unichem): There is an equation that predicts the bed life, and it is
We have developed a modified ammonium polysulfide two times the weight percent of arsenic deposited on the
that has a sulfur content of 38%. The crystallization point spent catalyst plus the weight percent sulfur deposited
has been reduced from 40°F to -20°F which dramatically equals 5 weight percent total.
improves handling properties. By increasing the amount Depending on the concentration, it may be more eco-
of modifier, we have a product with a -50°F crystallization nomical to remove the sulfur compounds upstream, as Mr.
point. The modified ammonium polysulfide dosage is Menegaz has mentioned. The COS can also be hydrolyzed
controlled via a free cyanide analytical method developed to H2S and CO2 over an aluminum bed and then removed
by Charles Taylor of Lyondell. Our standard control range with amine or caustic.
is 1 ppm to 5 ppm free cyanide in the water draws.
QUESTION 28. Ashland sells a combined propane/propylene stream to
At-sine sometimes must be removed from propylene a neighboring plastics plant, and their feed preparation
or FCC dry gas to make if more economical to process system includes an arsine guard bed. Before transferring
in do downstream units. This is usually done by an arsine this stream to the customer, it is processed through an
guard bed that adsorbs the arsine. However, H2S, alumina treater for conversion of COS to H2S. To prevent
when present, has historically been a poison to these H2S poisoning of the customer’s arsine guard bed, we then
guard beds. Are there any materials that can be used pass the stream through a vessel containing solid KOH
to solve these problems in processing these streams? “walnuts”. The KOH treater is designed for an inlet H2S
concentration of 8 ppm to 10 ppm, and the outlet H2S
MENEGAZ: content is normally below the detection limit of our
Most materials which remove arsine-lead oxide, laboratory equipment.
nickel or copper-also have a stronger affinity for H2 S
than arsine. Caustic and amine treating upstream of the LEE W. MORRIS (Acreon Catalysts):
guard beds can remove most of the H2S. One supplier With copper-based and other arsine guard materials,
offers a manganese-based guard bed which supposedly will there is a competition between sulfur and arsine for the
remove arsine down to 1 ppb and is not affected by H2S. catalytic active sites. This is important because sulfur
We understand these materials have been used success- species are often present in excess of arsine levels.
fully in FCC service, and a similar copper-manganese
Acreon offers a chemisorption product, MEP-191,
material has been used in natural gas service for three years
which is impervious to poisoning by sulfur species, includ-
with satisfactory results. However, there is some question
ing H2 S and mercaptans. It has other benefits such as
as to whether the methyl acetylene in FCC propylene will
extremely low hydrogenation potential, and no possibility
form copper acetylides, so we are hesitant to recommend
of forming explosive copper acetylides. It has been used in
a copper-based material in FCC service at this time.
approximately ten commercial plants.
Most of the arsine guard bed materials we talked about
here present a disposal problem, especially if the arsine
content is above 5 wt%. We understand that some smelters
will take this material. What benefits have you seen after converting to radial
Aristech has a patent on in situ rejuvenation of lead feed nozzles?
oxide guard beds which can extend the ultimate loading
capacity of arsine from 2% up to possibly as high as 6%. D’AURIA:
They use this procedure to protect their Ziegler-Natta The overall objective of the feed distribution system is
catalysts in their polypropylene reactors. They discard the to produce a rapid and even contact of the catalyst and the
bed after four rejuvenations and about 4% cumulative feed in the riser. Improved feed distribution will minimize
arsine loading. localized areas of overconversion, will decrease delta coke
and gas make, and will increase catalyst-to-oil and conver-
LAUX: sion.
Our experience at our Mont Belvieu, Texas propylene It is important to consider the uniformity of the catalyst
splitter facility is that arsine can be removed from the flow prior to feed injection as well as the feed injection
propylene using a guard bed composed of about 40% itself. The best feed distribution system will not compen-
copper oxide, 40% zinc oxide, and 20% alumina. Arsine, sate for uneven catalyst flow.
COS, H 2 S, and low molecular weight mercaptans are The ability of the feed injectors to provide uniform
effectively removed by this material. The sulfur com- distribution of feed across the cross-sectional diameter of
pounds are not a poison to this catalyst, but they do the riser is very important. What is required is a total
occupy sites that could be used for arsine removal. system that delivers uniform catalyst flow, which is not too

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 81


dense, and feed injection that does not produce too fine a relative number, as opposed to 2.35 for a slotted tip nozzle,
mist, which cannot penetrate uniformly across the riser. and a 7.80 for one of the older, showerhead types. The
Installation of radial feed nozzle systems will improve yield improvements will be greater on heavy feeds because
conversion and selectivity to gasoline. The amount of they require finer atomization to achieve instantaneous
improvement is dependent on both the severity of the vaporization. Light feeds are less sensitive. As an extreme
operation as well as the type of feedstock. Generally, example, one refiner processing a 28° API paraffinic feed-
greater improvements are realized when processing heavier stock in a UOP stacked unit with a showerhead nozzle
and more difficult to process feeds, and for operations at found that, except for improving his octane slightly, elimi-
higher regenerator temperatures. nating dispersion steam did not appreciably affect his
When replacing a wye premix distributor with elevated operation.
radial nozzles, the benefits that we are able to directly
attribute to the radial feed distributors generally are in the VICENTE A. CITARELLA (Exxon Research & Engineering Company):
form of 1 vol% to 3 vol% higher gasoline, and decreased We have implemented over 40 feed injection system
amounts of C2 minus material. Increased catalyst-to-oil upgrades of Exxon affiliates and licensed units, and we
ratio, resulting from the decreased delta coke will also would like to share that experience with you this morning.
increase conversion. We agree with the comment made earlier by Peter
In many instances, however, installation of an im- Andrews that feed injection system improvements are the
proved feed distribution system will allow improvements most profitable FCC upgrades possible, with payout pe-
or debottlenecking in another part of the plant, so that the riods typically in the order of months.
overall impact of such an installation can often be many Most of our units have been designed with radial feed
times greater than that attributed just to the feed distribu- injection nozzles because of the feed/catalyst contacting
tor itself. It is important, therefore, to be realistic about advantages this type of arrangement provides. In several
the benefits obtained from the feed distributor change applications, we have converted units from axial to radial
itself versus the secondary benefits from debottlenecking feed nozzles. In each of these revamps, significant im-
other parts of the plant. provements in dry gas and coke yields were achieved.
Typically, conversion to the modern ER&E radial feed
McLEAN: nozzles have allowed an increase in naphtha yield of 3%
All the major licensers are now offering radial nozzles to 5% on feed. By adjusting operating conditions, this
as their preferred design. advantage can be translated into the ability to process a
I agree with all of Mr. D’Auria’s comments about the poorer quality feed, or permit an increase in feed rate. For
effects on reducing back mixing and improving distribu- example, in one application this improvement in selectiv-
tion. ity was utilized to permit an increase in residual processing
The degree of performance improvements will vary equivalent to a 2 wt% increase in feed Conradson carbon
depending on the feed quality, base conversion rate, steam content.
injection rate, and other factors. It is also, again, somewhat
difficult to find an operation where this was the only RIK MILLER (The M. W. Kellogg Company):
change that was made as part of a revamp, so you get into Regarding the differences in performance between axial
problems trying to isolate what is causing the effect. But and radial feed injection systems, we have conducted fairly
we do know of one case where this change was made and extensive studies in both cold flow and commercial units
nothing else was done, and what this refiner saw at the comparing axial to radial injection. We published the
same operating severity was a 40% to 50% reduction in results in a paper, which was referred to by Mr. Menegaz.
dry gas make. And, again, to back up what Mr. D’Auria The paper is entitled, “New Developments in FCC Feed
said, their next move was to increase the operating severity Injection and Riser Hydrodynamics” and was presented
in order to take advantage of the extra room this gave at the AICHE 1994 Spring National Meeting.
them. All other parameters being equal, converting from
axial to radial feed distribution, even without changing
MENEGAZ: the droplet size distribution or atomization quality, will
I agree wholeheartedly with the comments that have result in an increase in conversion of 2 vol% to 3 vol%.
been made, particularly that the magnitude of the im- This is largely due to the improvement in catalyst density
provement that you see depends on where you start. The distribution across the riser that is obtained when you
improvement that you see can be masked by other inject the feed from a radial orientation up the riser, after
changes, such as improvements in the riser termination the catalyst has had a chance to re-establish its flow
device that are made at the same time. profile. Axial injection of the feed at the bottom of the
The newer nozzle technologies, in relative terms, can riser, where the catalyst is changing direction, leads to
produce a Sauter Mean Diameter spray of 1, that is a poor catalyst distribution.

82 Heavy Oil Processing


Where, in addition to changing from axial to radial lations to predict emissions. As a result of this and sub-
nozzles, there is also modernization to more updated sequent operating permit modifications, we have installed
nozzle technology, such as our ATOMAXTM nozzles, we a continuous emissions monitor.
have documented gasoline yield improvements of 3 vol% In conclusion, we have been successful in controlling
to 6 vol%. or reducing NO, emissions by controlling excess oxygen,
coke make and CO promoter additions.
What is the required pressure drop for the ATOMAXrM D’AURIA:
nozzle? The formation of NO, in the regenerator is influenced,
as Mr. Boycott said, by the oxidation severity. Higher levels
RIK MILLER (The M. W. Kellogg Company): of excess oxygen and uses of CO promoter can, in some
The pressure drop used in the ATOMAX rM nozzle cases, double the amount of NO, in the flue gas. Also,
depends on unit constraints, feed composition, and feed there is some correlation with the amount of organic
type (i.e., VGO or residual application). Typically, they are nitrogen in the feed and the amount of NO, that might
designed for a pressure drop of 30 to 60 psi. appear in the regenerator.
Overall, careful control of the excess air and minimum
DILIP DHARIA (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): use of CO promoter are key variables to keep NO, from
We have revamped a number of units where we have getting too high.
replaced axial nozzles with the radial nozzles and improved The high efficiency regenerators that do not require the
the yield performance; i.e., decrease in the dry gas, better use of CO promoters will minimize the formation of NOx.
bottoms cracking, and improvement in the gasoline yield
of 3% to 8%. I will cite two examples in reference to the ARMBRESTER:
effect of radial distribution of feed. In one revamp case,
I guess our studies here are a little different. We have
one of the nozzles got plugged because of the leftover bolts
done some laboratory testing for NO, and our results
in the line, and when these bolts were removed after a few
show that basically all of the NO, was related to the
months’ operation, the performance improved by 2% to
fuel-bound nitrogen, and therefore, we think that remov-
3% in terms of gasoline yield.
ing nitrogen from the FCC feed is the item that will have
In another case, the unit originally had 12 feed nozzles
the biggest impact on overall NO, emissions from the
and we reduced them to 6 Stone and Webster nozzles and
regenerator. This, of course, can be accomplished through
still improved the performance. So in addition to the radial
severe hydrotreating of the FCC feed.
distribution, nozzle design is also important.
Environmental Control I agree with the comments on feed hydrotreating, CO
promoter and excess oxygen relationships. Also, not only
does the feed hydrotreating reduce the nitrogen level, but
What changes can be made to reduce NOx emissions
typically it will result in a lower regenerator temperature
from the FCC regenerator? operation as well. So, it has a double barrel effect there.
Improving catalyst and air distribution has also been
BOYCOTT: mentioned as having a direct effect, as well as allowing you
We have done extensive work on this subject due to to reduce promoter addition.
permit limitations. On a charge of straight-run gas oil, we It should also be noted that partial burn units operating
were able to develop excellent correlations between excess without excess oxygen may minimize direct NO, forma-
O 2 and NO, emissions at constant coke make. Higher tion in the regenerator. The NO, out of the CO boiler can
excess O2 and higher coke make both lead to higher NO, still be a problem in that case.
emissions. These correlations were of sufficient quality to Finally, flue gas treatment options such as selective
allow us to use surrogate parameter monitoring for NO, catalytic reduction are available. We do know of one FCC
emissions and defer the installation of a continuous emis- unit outside the United States which operates with a
sions monitor. selective catalytic reduction system on their FCC flue gas.
The addition of a SO, reduction additive did not
appear to have an impact on NO, emissions; however, the SAYLES:
addition of CO promoter did cause an increase in NO, I believe that there are three main mechanisms in NO,
emissions. formation, all three of which are more art than science at
Upon the introduction of coker gas oil feed, NO, this point. The mechanical processing of NO, has been
emissions increased and we were unable to develop corre- previously discussed. Good air mixing definitely reduces

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 83


NOx. Surprisingly, incomplete combustion reduces NOx Ceramic insulators encase the power supply to the
significantly. electrodes. When the ceramic is cracked due to thermal
On the process side, the use of a CO boiler can control shock or moisture, the electrodes short out. Wet catalyst
the NO x formation from the stack of the FCC unit, on an insulator can lead to electrical tracking and cause an
regardless of the regenerator conditions. electrode to short out. A bank of insulators is protected by
Finally, in the catalytic realm, promoter addition does a metal housing with filtered air purges to keep out catalyst
seem to increase NOx. We can not eliminate promoter dust. The air purge supply usually has a heater which keeps
addition in our units, since we do not have CO boilers and the air above its dew point. A good guideline is to heat the
could not tolerate increased CO emission. air 40°F above ambient. Also, each insulator should have
SOx reduction catalysts are interesting and can decrease a thermostatically controlled electric coil heater at its base.
or increase NOx. Rappers should be regularly inspected by operators and
A good source of NOx data is in EPA Docket A79-09, preventative maintenance people for proper timing. The
Item B-20. most common source of failure is failure of the timers’
printed circuit boards.
JOHN T. HALEY (Grace Davison): And, finally, as simple as it sounds, catalyst removal
Several refiners in the industry have observed NOx systems need to be kept empty. If catalyst builds up into
reduction of up to 40% with Grace Davison’s DESOX™. the precipitator, it can short out the electrodes or bow the
Additionally, Grace Davison has been doing significant collector plates, which can also lead to shorting out the
research in this area. As a result of that research, we have electrodes.
been conducting commercial evaluations of some prom-
ising new NOx reduction additives. LAUX:
In addition to Mr. Cuneo’s comments on moisture
QUESTION 31. removal and exclusion, we think good inspection and
What are the most important factors in maintaining repair during turnarounds is also a major key to on stream
high stream time for FCC flue gas electrostatic pre- performance. We open up each precipitator during each
cipitators? turnaround and do a thorough cleaning and inspection.
We typically replace all the wires every six years. We replace
CUNEO: about two to three insulators and repair the penthouse
We see two key issues there. First and foremost is the seals every turnaround.
prevention of formation of liquid water and its contact
with the FCC catalyst. The second is preventive mainte- PORTER:
nance around the mechanical equipment associated with Most of the comments have been covered.
the precipitator. Because of the small particle size of the We believe in electrical segmentation so that loss of
catalyst at that point, it is extremely abrasive. efficiency is small if cells short out for any reason.
In order to keep liquid water away from the catalyst, For ultimate reliability, the precipitator can be con-
we closely control flue gas temperature, watch to make structed as two parallel units, with inlet and outlet valves,
sure that any purge air or fluffing air is dried, and make and enough capacity in each unit to maintain operation
sure that the body of the precipitator is well insulated. We of the FCC unit at reduced capacity and still meet stack
have to avoid depositing any sort of catalyst on the plates emission limits. One of the units can then be taken off line
and insure that it does not get wet at any time. for repairs without shutting down the FCC unit.
Excessively thick layers of catalyst on a plate can lead
to electrical arcing, breaking of wires, or shorting out of TREESE:
entire cells. Most of the points we follow have been addressed here.
With respect to the preventive maintenance, this is I will highlight that we have found frequent monitoring
important for mechanical reliability; particularly that of of the automatic voltage controller is essential to keeping
rappers, draw-off bin vibrators, hopper rotary valves, and the precipitator on-line. The older generation controllers
conveyor bearings. Performance of these types of equip- are mostly analog and require frequent power and spark
ment should be evaluated at least monthly, and preventive adjustments. Without the adjustments or monitoring, the
maintenance done on a regular basis. power input gets unstable, resulting in an increase in
sparking, wire failures, and opacity problems.
DEATON: Also important is the frequent removal and emptying
Three important factors are to maintain the ceramic of the collected catalyst fines in the hoppers to avoid
insulators, the rappers, and the catalyst removal systems buildup and particle re-entrainment. All plugged hoppers
in good working order. should be repaired as soon as possible.

84 Heavy Oil Processing


The value of more careful attention to the precipitators well. At another location, we have used a standard orifice
can be seen in the failure frequency. We used to experience meter, and I assume they have to replace the orifice
five to six failures per year when we were not paying periodically.
adequate attention to the precipitators. Now that we are At one refinery, for controls, a PLC times the events
monitoring the precipitators more closely, we are down to and constantly monitors the drum overhead temperature,
less than one failure per year. feed tank level, the total sludge volume injected, and the
flow rate. If any of those reach preset limits, the injection
QUESTION 32. is automatically switched back over to water.
What considerations limit inlet temperature for instal-
lations upstream of the CO boiler in partial burn units? BOYCOTT:
We license the Mobil system for sludge coking. The
LAUX: equipment basically is the same as Mr. Treese just de-
We took this question to mean, what are the precipita- scribed.
tor temperature limitations upstream of the CO boiler. I would reiterate that the tank must be well mixed. We
Typically, for the metallurgical design of the precipitator employ a large vertical mixer in our tank and use an orifice
itself, around 650°F is the usual number that I have seen. meter for metering the injection of the sludge.
How you correct a high temperature at this location
depends somewhat upon the design of your flue gas cooler. DEATON:
If you have a box-type cooler, like we do at both McKee I have had good experience storing sludge in a specially
and Three Rivers, soot blowers are absolutely essential. designed cone bottom tank. The cone bottom was heated
They blow the catalyst off the tubes and return the heat by electric panels to prevent freezing. There were also three
transfer coefficient to normal. 150 lb steam blast points in the cone bottom to dislodge
If you have a shell and tube heat exchanger with the flue sludge, if necessary. The cone bottom fed into a positive
gas on the tube I.D., something that works well is shot displacement pump with a progressing cavity barrel.
blasting the tubes with about 50 lb of walnut shells about Tank capacity was about 2,000 barrels and was de-
once a shift. This will usually reduce the cooler outlet signed with water and oil drawoff lines on the side of the
temperature to 80°F to 100°F with each blast. tank. Sludge was pumped into the tank over a period of
about two months, while water and oil were allowed to
separate and were drawn off. When there was no more
B. Residual Oil Upgrading-Delayed Coking room for water and oil separation, the coker was switched
from anode grade operation to fuel grade operation, while
Mechanical the sludge was disposed into the coke drums during drum
quench. The sludge was disposed over a period of about
QUESTION 33. one month. We typically injected about 50 barrels of
For refiners who dispose of waste sludge in cokers sludge into each coke drum, and each coke drum con-
during drum quench, what specialized equipment, tained about 250 tons of coke.
such as storage tanks and pumps, are used?
TREESE: We use a multiport valve to switch drums. What types
In Unocal we use cone roof tanks, generally with a of valves are used downstream of the multiport valve
sloped bottom. We are using a rake in one tank. In another for positive isolation of drums? How often do the
tank we are using a flushing water distributor in the multiport valves have to be removed for repair and
bottom. what are the most common repairs? Does anyone rely
For level gauging in the tanks, we have used radar on the multiport valve for positive shutoff while down-
gauges as well as conventional float level gauges. Some of stream valves are changed out or do you fake a unit
the tanks are blanketed with vapors sent to an odor shutdown?
abatement system. Others are not blanketed. It is very
much a mixed bag on the tanks. We also have dilution PORTER:
water and dual mixers in some of the tanks. We use wedge plug valves downstream of our multiport
For pumps we use progressing cavity pumps, like switch valves for positive isolation of coke drums. The
Moyno’s or some of the similar pumps. multiport valves are typically serviced only during major
For flow, we generally use one meter for both the water unit shutdowns. This servicing normally consists of clean-
and sludge. In one location, we started out with a magnetic up followed by build-up and machining to return them to
flow meter, but the element in it tended to foul, so we original clearance/tolerance specifications. We do not rely
replaced it with a Coriolis meter which has been working on the multiport switch valve for positive shutoff while

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 85


the downstream valve is changed out, but rather take a unit Process
or module shutdown for the change out.
TREESE: Has anyone found a specific relationship between
Our practice is almost identical. We use wedge style reduced cycle times and problems with coke drum
valves. They are hydraulically-operated, and remotely-op- distortion, cracking of infernal clad layer, etc. ? Please
erated, downstream of the Wilson-Snyder multiport valve. discuss any special procedures used to alleviate prob-
And we expect the multiport to last from turnaround to lems, i.e., quench safe, special quench distributors,
turnaround. At the turnaround, we do standard valve etc.
maintenance and cleaning.
We would never use the multiport valve for isolation PORTER:
by itself. We would take a shutdown first. We have found a correlation between the total number
of cycles a drum has been through and the frequency of
BOYCOTT: drum cracks. We suggest you take this into account before
We also use a Wilson-Snyder multiport valve for drum you reduce cycle time.
switching. Gate valves downstream of the multiport valve One way to reduce the cycle time is to quench at a faster
are used for isolation. We do not rely on the multiport rate. We have analyzed the thermal stresses on the drums
valve for positive isolation. The multiport valve is rebuilt during the cooling step and have determined that more
every 2 to 3 years. rapid cooling will ultimately shorten the life of the drums.
Faster cooling can also result in hot spots and possible
blowbacks. We have elected to find other ways to shorten
the cycle, and have not made major reductions in the drum
We use gate valves downstream of the multiport valve
cooling time. We have not done anything else to alleviate
for isolation, and like the other panelists, we would not
problems during the cooling step.
rely on the multiport valve for positive shutoff.
During the past five years our coker has been expanded
My experience is with wedge plug valves manufactured
from 4,500 bbl/d to 10,000 bbl/d. We have a three drum
by Stockham Valve Company. A manually-operated hand
operation with 16 ft diameter by 90 ft tangent to tangent
wheel and gear assembly lifts the plug about one-half inch,
drums. As a result of the expansion, drum fill times have
rotates through 90°, and then lowers the plug into position been reduced from 20 to 24 hours to 10 to 12 hours. We
with a rotation to grind coke solids as the plug seats. Steam have not experienced increased drum distortion and crack-
injection ports are located at the bottom of the valve body ing problems since the cycle times were shortened. We
and at the top of the valve bonnet to keep coke from believe that we have been successful in avoiding worsened
building up. problems by not sacrificing quench times. We believe that
One key that I have found to long operation depends this is the time of greatest stress on the drums, and so
on the ability of valve repair shops to lap the wedge plugs proceed as slowly as possible. We typically quench for four
into the valve seat in such a way that there are no crevices hours after steaming.
or obtruding surfaces between the plugs and the valve seats
where coke can build up. D'AURIA:
My experience with multiport switching valves is with The predominant cause of coke drum failures is crack-
Wilson-Snyder valves. These valves remained operable ing caused by thermal fatigue. The two portions of the
between shutdowns for heater burnout, which varied be- coking cycle most critical to minimizing potential thermal
tween 6 and 12 months. We kept a spare valve and changed fatigue are the preheat and the quench steps. Increasing
out valves each time we went down for heater burnout. the preheat temperature prior to switching to hot feed will
The valve that had been in service was sent out for minimize the thermal stresses at the feed cut-in point.
overhaul, and I was not aware of any unusual repairs. The quench portion of the cycle is the most severe, and
When changing out a drum isolation valve downstream produces the greatest stresses. Increasing the quench rate,
of the multiport switching valve, I also recommend taking to decrease cycle time will increase stress and is not very
a unit shutdown rather than relying on the multiport valve advisable.
for tight shut-off. Multiport valves frequently leak Foster Wheeler has developed a computer program that
through, and there is also the possibility that the operator models the quenching operation. This program can be
may not have properly seated the multiport valve. The risk used to predict an optimum quench rate schedule that will
to personnel being burned by spraying black oil at tem- minimize the thermal gradients in the coke drum shell
peratures in excess of 900°F is too great. during this very critical period. Use of this program will

86 Heavy Oil Processing


also minimize the load of quench vapors sent to the on-line and make process adjustments so as not to exceed
downstream blowdown system. that limit.
We do not think you can totally eliminate coke fines
LINDA D. LORD (The Coastal Corporation): carryover. You can reduce it by:
At one of our refineries, when we begin cooling a drum not exceeding the design velocity limit, especially
we go through what is called the “big steam” step first, near the end of a fill, when disengaging space is low.
before injecting water. I have seen recommendations to not exceeding proven coke drum outage limits. You
discontinue the “big steam” step, but there is a payoff in must know where your coke drum level is and
drum life. Has anybody else done this? That is, has anyone control it. This means you must take good care of
eliminated the “big steam” step and seen any effect on your drum level indicators and be sure to make
drum integrity or drum life from doing that? effective use of antifoam.

We maintain the steaming both to the fractionator and I certainly agree with all of Mr. Porter’s comments, and
then to blowdown prior to the quench cycle. we would say it is also important to avoid any sudden
pressure surges during the drum switch.
What is the experience on using stripped sour water QUESTION 38.
as coke cutting water for coke drums with respect to Are there any commercially proven green coke sam-
corrosion in the system? We experience severe cor- plers and/or methods which provide reliable results?
rosion while using untreated water.
BARLOW: Unocal does not employ automatic samplers. We take
We do not have direct experience with this method. grab samples of the coke and composite them. And we do
However, in stripped sour water, typical contaminants run not use any special equipment or techniques.
with H2S residual concentrations of less than 50 ppm, low We are aware of at least one case where there is an
concentrations of tramp amines from the amine sweeten- automatic sampling system from the conveyor belt, but I
ing units and residual ammonia generated from some of do not have any details.
the water washes. We would not expect these contami- Certainly, the techniques employed for belt sampling
nants to cause any significant corrosion concerns above in the mining industry would be applicable for coke
and beyond what is already normal in the coking system, sampling anywhere you are doing dry coke handling. At
since H2S and ammonia are generally present at higher least one of our plants has wet coke handling so it is not
levels. So we would expect this to be a reasonable water possible to use belt sampling methods.
source. However, there may be some odor concerns and
possibly some coke quality concerns, depending on the CUNEO:
contaminant levels. We do not have any special samplers. We do try to
obtain a composite green coke by taking top, middle and
CUNEO: bottom samples out of the coke pile as part of the quality
We have not yet done it either, but we would consider assurance program on the green coke. Overall, this is fairly
stripped sour water as a good source for water. The only reliable but there are, from time to time, problems with
issue would be the odor. the samples not being representative.

Clark’s Hartford refinery has used stripped sour water We and our coke purchaser are not aware of any coke
for makeup to the jet water tank for over 20 years with no sampling methods other than using a shovel and bucket.
side effects. Our coke purchaser requests that we sample each rail car
in eight to ten different locations. He also specifies that
QUESTION 37. we dig down 2 ft to grab each sample. These samples are
What is considered the maximum coke drum velocity? then, of course, mixed and composited for the final rep-
What can be done to eliminate the carryover of coke resentative sample.
fines at high drum velocities?
PORTER: Have problems been experienced with structured pack-
We consider design coke drum velocity to be maximum ing in a potential coking service such as the coker main
and do not exceed it. At Pascagoula, we calculate velocity fractionator? Were any modifications made to help?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 87


D’AURIA: mechanical factors have a greater impact on this. Also,

The use of structured packing in the main fractionator increased metals in the feed do correlate with an increased
of the coker has to be considered very carefully. There are tendency of the furnace tubes to foul. Specifically, iron and
certain areas where you can get into trouble, particularly sodium levels have been shown to correlate with increased
if you are running a very low recycle or ultra-low recycle fouling in the furnace.
operation, defined as less than 5% recycle. At these low
recycle rates, Foster Wheeler does not recommend install- CUNEO:
ing packing in the wash section of the fractionator. The I agree with everything that Mr. Barlow has said. Addi-
low wash rates associated with low recycle operations will tional things that have to be taken into consideration are
not adequately wet the packing, and could result in plug- heat flux, tube velocity, flow regime, the amount of vapori-
ging and increased fractionator pressure drop. The mini- zation, and firing patterns in the furnaces.
mal recycle rate acceptable for the use of packing in this
area is about 7% to 8%. Sieve trays have been used D’AURIA:
successfully at recycle rates as low as 4% to 5%, however, There are correlations between feedstock composition
tray fouling becomes a concern at low rates. and heater tube coking. Higher feed Conradson carbon
Recently Foster Wheeler has developed a new design content relates directly to heater tube coking. Sodium, and
for these ultra-low recycle rates, which replaces the wash other alkaline metals, act as catalysts to accelerate the rate
zone trays with a direct contact spray chamber. Baffles are of coking in the heater tubes. Our specification is 10
located below the spray chamber to allow heat and mass weight ppm maximum sodium in the coker feedstock.
transfer to take place in the spray zone without the use of Heater run lengths of one year are normal when sodium
packing or other internals. These chambers can be in- is held below this level, but operating data shows a rapid
cluded in new unit designs, or retrofitted into existing increase in heater coking rate as feed sodium content
units. increases. For example, one refiner experienced an increase
In actual operations, the spray chamber design has in sodium from 10 to 17 weight ppm and saw heater run
allowed recycle ratios as low as 2% to be maintained. If lengths decrease from 1 year to 6 months.
required, the spray chamber design allows for wash oil In addition, our experience is that more paraffinic
turndown rates as low as 25%. crudes tend to give shorter heater coking cycles than the
naphthenic or aromatic types. This is due to the lower
ANDREW W. SLOLEY (Glitsch, Inc.): solubility of asphaltenes in paraffinic feedstocks. As the
As regards structured packing and coker main frac- paraffinic feed cracks in the heater tube, there is a greater
tionators, we believe it is a proven device for heat removal tendency for the asphaltenes to drop out of solution and
and moderate liquid rate loading zones in the main frac- form coke in the heater tubes and transfer lines.
tionator HCGO pumparounds and higher sections. How-
ever, the application in the HCGO pumparound does take QUESTION 41.
some care to avoid the possibility of fouling from the coke What strategies have you used to extend run times
fine carryover. We know of no successful applications in between furnace decokings?
desuperheating and low liquid rate services.
QUESTION 40. One method is to use some of the antifoulants that are
Has anyone found a correlation between feed compo- on the market today. Clark’s Hartford refinery has ex-
sition (i.e., Conradson carbon residue, sodium) and tended run times up to 20% by using a Petrolite product.
coking of heater tubes? Also, steam or boiler feed water should be injected into
the heater passes. Our steam-to-oil ratio is 1.75 1b/bbl.
Through our research efforts on coker furnace fouling, BARLOW:
we have been able to gain some genera! correlations be- We have seen the most significant improvements in
tween feed composition and coking of heater tubes. How- coker operation made by striving towards a steady, con-
ever, these correlations are not such that we have been able tinuous operation; improving the reliability of the unit.
to develop any predictive models. There is a lot of variabil- The biggest problems we have seen have been with what
ity in the analytical techniques as we!! as in the perform- we call “incident fouling” due to such events as pump
ance on the furnaces. Incident fouling of the furnaces failure, strainer blockage, and harder furnace firing. Elimi-
tends to contaminate our data, making it is very difficult nating or reducing these incidents greatly improves the
to draw direct correlations. A general correlation that we overall operation.
see, is that the Conradson carbon value is an indicator of We have had success with our Betz Thermoflo anti-
the furnace fouling tendency. However, operating and foulant programs. We address coke formation through

88 Heavy Oil Processing


patented chemistries. We address the coke growth mecha- LINDA D. LORD (The Coastal Corporation):
nism by reducing the filamentous type coke formation. On the subject of heater fouling, I have-heard of people
We also incorporate dispersant packages that help move having good results from alonized tubes.
particles through the system as they form.
BOYCOTT: My question is regarding the on-line decoking. What
I agree with Mr. Barlow on the effect of steady opera- are the typical problems you encounter during the on-line
tion on furnace fouling. As to other efforts to reduce decoking operation; and how long does this operation take?
fouling, we inject distillate at a rate of 10% of unit charge
into our heater passes to increase pass velocities and reduce BOYCOTT:
coking. We also inject boiler feed water to maintain a I should clarify myself. Our two furnaces are operated
constant pass inlet pressure and provide mass flow in the in parallel. One furnace is taken off-line and receives a
case of a loss of unit charge. The main effort we have made standard decoking procedure. It is then brought back
on-line. The other furnace is then taken off-line for decok-
to increase run length has been to provide for furnace
ing if necessary.
decoking with the unit on-line. We operate two furnaces
One problem we have had is coking of the furnace
in parallel in coke drum service. We have installed valving
isolation valves. We have been making modifications to
to allow one furnace to be decoked while the other remains
the steam purge on the isolation valves to try to ensure that
on-line. We do not use chemical injection in our furnace
we can actually get the furnaces off-line and back on-line
passes to try to extend run lengths. as planned.

I agree with Mr. Deaton’s comments, in particular on We do an on-line decoking. We call it a spall, where we
the Clark’s Hartford refinery, where the high temperature have a 4-pass furnace and we will take one of the passes
stable antifoulant has been shown to be successful, but the off-line and spall that pass using condensation.
costs are relatively high.
The particular problem at Hartford is inadequate de- SIM ROMERO (BP Oil Company):
salting, and we are in the process of working with the Is there a preference to use boiler feed water or steam
Hartford people to improve their desalting. We expect that when you on-line spall?
the use of that antifoulant will either be diminished sig-
nificantly or discontinued. PORTER:
Sodium contents in the coker feed are a significant We use condensate.
contributor to this problem, and as mentioned by Mr.
Deaton, less than 10 ppm is a good rule of thumb. We QUESTION 42.
have seen cases where 40 ppm are certainly disastrous and Does anyone add FCC slurry oil to the coker feed?
can result in run lengths of less than 1 month. What percent of this feed is slurry oil? How does this
affect charge rate? Can you make anode grade coke?
The pane! has covered all my comments, other than we
We do charge FCC slurry oil to our Norco coker while
have tried antifoulants at several locations and have not
we produce anode grade coke. The volume percent is not
found them to be cost-effective. Currently, we are not
a fixed number. It can range from 10% to 20% of total
using antifoulants in any of our cokers.
charge. It is determined by the green coke quality. In order
to meet the green coke silica specification set by our
customers, the amount of fines in the slurry has to be
I think I would reinforce the importance of stability of carefully controlled.
the operation. We also do monitor tube skins fairly closely.
One thing we are trying that is a little bit different than DEATON:
what has been mentioned is that we are working on Refiners have added FCC slurry to the coker charge and
optimizing the heater excess oxygen. The thought here is produced anode grade coke. Charge rate is not affected by
that improper excess oxygen results in poor flame patterns, slurry in the feed. The typical maximum slurry content is
so you end up with a very high tube flux over a shorter usually about 10% of the feed, although we are aware of
section of the heater tube. This would result in coking in one refiner who has run the slurry content as high as 15%.
that region. From our standpoint, right now, the results Coke produced from feed with too much slurry has a
on this test are still pending. tendency to “popcorn” in the calciner and this, in turn,

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 89


reduces the vibrated bulk density and makes the coke additional importance since the performance of the wash
unacceptable for anode grade. Also, as Mr. Cuneo pointed zone controls both the end point and the quality of the
out, you must filter or settle the slurry to remove catalyst coker’s HCGO product. Consequently, the use of packing
fines and thus prevent exceeding the silica specification in in the wash section of the main fractionator of an ultra-low
the anode grade coke. recycle coker is not recommended, since the low wash rates
associated with these operations will not adequately wet
McLEAN: the packing and could result in plugging of the packing
One thing that is common is for people to feed coker and increased fractionator pressure drop. If used in the
gas oil back to the FCCU. They run the risk of building wash zone, the minimal acceptable recycle rate typically
up a very refractory recycle loop if they also feed FCC considered for packing would be approximately 7% to
slurry oil to the coker. One way you can minimize this 8%, which is much higher than current low-recycle coking
would be to hydrotreat the coker gas oil before it goes back operations. With sieve trays, however, we have seen recycle
to the FCCU. rates as low as 4% to 5%. However, there is an increased
tendency toward tray fouling at these low recycle rates.
PORTER: For these reasons, recent Foster Wheeler cokers which
We feed FCC slurry at two locations. One of them have been designed for ultra-low recycle operation have
makes anode grade coke and feeds about 10% slurry to replaced the wash zone trays with a direct contact spray
the unit. The effect of slurry on coker feed rate depends chamber. Baffles located below the spray chamber allow
on the constraints that the particular coker is up against. heat and mass transfer to take place in the spray zone
Slurry makes less coke and more liquid product than without the use of packing or internals. These chambers
residuum feed. can be included in the original design of the unit or
retrofitted into existing units. In actual operations, the
spray chamber has allowed recycle ratios as low as 2% to
C. Residual Oil Upgrading-Fluid Coking be maintained. Additionally, if required, the spray cham-
ber design allows wash oil turndown rates as low as 25%
QUESTION 43. of design to be maintained.
What are the effects on coker operations and product
quality resulting from recovery of refinery F- and ALLAN M. EDELMAN (Exxon Research & Engineering Company):
K-wastes as coker feedstock? Specifically, Let me answer question number 43 for fluid coking
a. what is the maximum percentage (versus total coker units. Refinery waste streams have been run to some of the
feed) of waste materials which can be used; fluid coking units. The waste stream qualities vary signifi-
b. does the decision to use waste materials as feed limit cantly, including water content, metals, and other impu-
the operation to the production of “green” coke (as rities. These streams can have an impact on the unit heat
opposed to anode-grade coke); balance, so large quantities can result in reduced residual
c. what are the typical impurities (metals, trace organics, feed rates.
etc.) which can be expected to be present in coke With respect to the first question, there is not a firm
produced, at /east in part, from waste materials; and maximum percentage of waste material that can be run.
d. what pretreatment, unit operations, material handling We have to produce an adequate amount of coke for heat
equipment, etc. is typically required in order to feed balance, and have some product coke to purge the metals
refinery wastes to the coker? and other impurities. So far, waste streams have been less
than 5% of the feed rate to commercial fluid coking units.
D’AURIA: With respect to the second, there are no fluid coking
We are aware of several cokers which utilize structured units that currently produce anode grade coke.
packing in the fractionation, wash zone and pumparound With respect to the third, most of the impurities from
sections of the main fractionator. The decreased pressure the waste streams are concentrated in the product coke.
drop associated with the use of structured packing allows Some of the impurities can volatilize and leave the reactor
the unit’s operating pressure, and therefore its coke yield, and/or leave the burner. High levels of volatile impurities
to be reduced. However, the use of structured packing can lead to ammonium chloride deposits in the fractiona-
should be considered on a case-by-case basis. tor and possible deposits in the burner cyclones.
For example, valve trays have historically been specified With respect to the fourth, the streams are usuaIly kept
for use in the coker’s main fractionator, with sieve trays well mixed to avoid solid settling, and strained to remove
being utilized in the fractionator’s wash section. With the large solids that would harm pumps or plug feed injectors.
advent of ultra-low recycle operations (less than 5% recy- Some locations dewater the streams to minimize heat load
cle), the design of the fractionator’s wash section takes on and sour water production.

90 Heavy Oil Processing


D. Residual Oil Upgrading-Visbreaking side and on the quench cycle side. We have found that
for the coker operation, the quench cycle side seems to
QUESTION 44. be the best way to go. If the waste has had all the free oil
What has been the experiences with using removed and it has had a substantial reduction of particle
deasphalted oils as visbreaker feeds? What conver- size, there are not any visual problems whenever you
sions have been achieved? Have operating problems dehead the drum. The traditional odor and hot spot
been experienced? problems usually associated with the addition of the
rough sludge, either in the feed or quench cycle, are
D'AURIA: eliminated by doing it that way.
The simple answer is we do not know of anybody who Using a processed waste solid stream allows the injec-
tion of solids in the quench cycle to a much lower tem-
does this. UOP has designed a visbreaking unit which
perature due to not having to volatilize the free oil.
processes the pitch, rather than the deasphalted oil, from
We have had success adding from 0.05% to 0.1% of
a Demex unit. This unit has been operating for a number
coker production as waste solids. As an example, in a Gulf
of years and gets about 6 wt% to 7 wt% conversion of the
Coast refinery, we routinely add 12 to 16 tons per day of
pitch. The residual product from the visbreaker is blended
oil-free solids waste to the quench cycle of a 1,600 ton per
in with light cycle oil, about 40% light cycle oil, to make
day coker, and we return 200 to 400 barrels per day of
No. 6 fuel oil. The unit was recently revamped to increase
clean oil to the refinery.
its capacity to about 125% of the original design. The process waste solids may be used when producing
anode grade, but may have to be fed at reduced rates due
EARL ZICKEFOOSE (Scaltech, Inc.): to the higher ash content.
We work with numerous refineries on feeding hazard-
ous waste to cokers, and we have worked both on the feed

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 91



A. Hydrogen Production ICI Katalco has realized this and, as a result, has devel-
oped a dual feedstock catalyst that can handle the flexibil-
Hydrogen Manufacturing ity of the kind of operation that refiners are looking for,
i.e., the ability to process different feeds from natural gas
QUESTION 1. through LPG’s with very little change in overall reforming
Is it possible to process butane over steam-methane activity. LPG feeds on this type of catalyst can operate at
reforming (SMR) catalyst for production of hydrogen? steam to carbon ratios around 2.5 to 3. Prior to this ty!Je
What is the penalty vis-a-vis SNR (naphtha) catalyst? of catalyst, the choice of catalyst meant there would be loss
of catalyst activity for methane reforming or the inability
PORTER: to process the butane practically. We feel we have removed
The catalyst vendors are best suited to advise you on this situation with our dual feedstock catalyst.
what to expect with your particular catalyst. In genera!,
some butane can be processed over SMR catalyst with ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
minor impact on the unit operation. The major factor in We agree it is only possible to steam reform butane over
evaluating the penalty is the percentage of butane in the a typical steam natural gas catalyst at a noneconomical
feed. There may be a slightly lower conversion and higher steam to carbon ratio. The steam naphtha reforming
catalyst, as we use it, is normally used for naphtha feed or
coking rate with the butane feed. Coking can be controlled
for alternating between naphtha and a lighter feed.
by adjusting the steam to carbon ratio. If the plant is to be
For processing of butane, we typically use an alkali
switched from natural gas feed to butane feed perma-
promoted catalyst in the top of the tubes and a natural gas
nently, a catalyst change may be advisable. If the unit feed
catalyst for the main part of the tube. We have supplied a
quality is to be varied frequently, it may be advisable to
number of such units. A typical operation that has been
load a mixed charge of catalyst.
going on now for three years without problems has a steam
to carbon ratio of 3.5, an average heat flux of 24,000 BTU
per square foot inner tube surface. Of course, all the
I agree with Mr. Porter. Our only real experience with
butane is converted to methane, carbon oxides, and hy-
butane over SMR catalysts has been limited to that which drogen in the top few feet of the tube, and that is the reason
is normally found in refinery vent gas strainers, which you only need to have a special catalyst in this part of the
would have been we!! less than 5%. tubes.

KEN CHLAPIK (ICI Katalco): DARRELL SCRUGGS (Kinetics Technology International Corp.):
ICI Katalco as an operating company has a lot of As both catalyst suppliers have said, it is uneconomical
experience in operating feedstocks from natural gas to feed butane over NG catalyst with high steam to carbon
through naphtha. With respect to processing 100% bu- ratios. We presume this is a question from someone that
tane, nonpromoted methane steam reforming catalysts wants to switch feed without taking the time to shut down
can operate without concerns for coking. The steam to and change catalysts. Under those circumstances, with a
carbon ratio required is around 6 to 7. If you look at using high steam to carbon ratio you can continue operation
a lightly alkalized catalyst, this value can be lowered to under conditions that require, as Mr. Chlapik said, a steam
around 4 to 5. In most cases, these operating conditions to carbon ratio of somewhere around 6 or 7 to 1. It also
are either impractical or uneconomical for the overall requires a higher hydrogen recycle rate. The plant will be
operation. limited in capacity mainly by the condensing capability of
If we look at naphtha catalysts, the steam to carbon the cooling train, particularly the process gas cooler. When
ratio can be lowered even further; down to 2 to 2.5. feeding 100% butane, capacity will be somewhere around
However, this is lower than steam limit for PSA-based 65% to 85% of the name plate capacity on natural gas.
plants. Naphtha reforming catalyst is formulated to han- There is really no penalty to initially design for feed-
dle the complexities of the hydrocarbons present in the stock flexibility of natural gas through butanes. There is
naphtha. In accomplishing this, the catalyst does lose some really no appreciable effect when feeding methane or
of the methane reforming activity. refinery gas over a dual feed type of catalyst. If you are

92 Hydrogen Processing

running butane you need to be careful, not only as Mr. levels experienced are what Mr. Armbrester said, about
Porter said for the heavy ends, but also to watch out for 100 ppm to 200 ppm on a volume basis. At the high
the olefin content to make sure that you have a sufficiently temperature shift operating conditions, the kinetics are
large Comox reactor (and for heat effects). You also must strong enough to allow the equilibrium level to be
be careful about steam-cracking in the feed preheat coil achieved but it is much lower, around 30 ppm to 60 ppm
because you must maintain a lower feed temperature of by volume.
under 1,000°E Is there an environmental concern about having 30
A simpler solution might be to put in a prereformer ppm to 60 ppm methanol taken out in condensate or
which allows operation with a wide range of feedstocks going to atmosphere out of a deaerator after exiting a high
over natural gas catalyst in the reformer. temperature shift in a PSA based hydrogen plant?

ROSS BRUNSON (United Catalysts, Inc.): ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
One of the things to keep in mind is that in the last few I do not agree that the copper promoted shift should
years, all of the major catalyst suppliers have developed an make more methanol than a classic high temperature shift.
intermediate type catalyst for butanes that apparently has The copper promoted high temperature shift catalyst will
no penalty with respect to running straight natural gas make methanol in the same amount as the traditional high
catalysts. If a particular refinery can limit the quantities of shift, which converts to equilibrium at the exit conditions.
CGS in the butane received, they can use this intermedi-
ately promoted catalyst. If they have to go to the full QUESTION 3.
naphtha catalyst, then they will run into some of these What burners or burner management systems are
activity penalties or limitations that will limit either recommended for hydrogen plants which have wide
throughput or life with a particular charge of catalyst. ranges of operations, e.g., 20% to 100% of design
capacity? For hydrogen plants which use PSA offgas
QUESTION 2. as fuel, what burner/operating problems might be
Is more methanol formed over the new generation of expected with this fuel quality and low pressure?
copper-promoted high temperature shift catalysts
than over the traditional types? ARMBRESTER:
Ashland uses Callidus burners in the hydrogen plant
ARMBRESTER: at our Saint Paul Park refinery. The burner management
The short answer to this question is yes, the copper system that we use was designed in-house, and is con-
promoted catalyst will produce more methanol than the tained in a triple redundant, stand-alone PLC manufac-
traditional catalysts do. tured by Triconex. We have flame scanners on each of the
The methanol formation is kinetically driven and will four burners, and failure on any three of the burners will
proceed to equilibrium at high reactor temperatures. trigger a heater shutdown. This unit, as I mentioned
However, at the temperatures we typically see at the high earlier, does have a PSA which we have operated over a
temperature shift reactor outlet, around 700°F to 750°F, wide range of production rates, approximately 25% to
the equilibrium level of methanol is very low, in the 10 100% of the design, and we have not seen any apparent
ppm range. If you were to use this catalyst in the low burner problems.
temperature shift reactor, then the equilibrium level is
considerably higher, in the 100 ppm to 200 ppm range. BOYCOTT:
At our Saint Paul Park refinery, our hydrogen plant uses Frontier operates a 5.5 MMSCFD hydrogen plant
a high temperature shift reactor and a PSA unit, so we do through the range of 25% to 100% of design capacity. PSA
not see a problem with methanol production. offgas is burned as fuel in the reforming furnace. The
Burner Management System is controlled by a local Allen-
KEN CHLAPIK (ICI Katalco): Bradley PLC repeating on the TDC system. The BMS
I concur with most of Mr. Armbrester’s comments. I controls all fuel gas, waste gas, air, etc. It also contains the
first want to reference a question at last year’s NPRA Q&A furnace shutdown trips. Regulatory feedback from the
which covered methanol formation from low temperature TDC system is not required for a furnace trip. Other than
and medium temperature shift catalyst. To clarify this area, initial start-up problems, it has proven very reliable. The
once again, the copper on the high temperature shift waste gas is beneficial in reducing flame temperatures and
catalyst will promote methanol formation, but the equi- NO, emissions because of its high CO2 content. It has not
librium level is extremely low compared to the level at the caused any problems in the operation of the unit at lower
operating conditions of a low temperature shift. In the low rates. We do set the PSA cycle times below 40% of unit
temperature shift, however, the kinetics are not good design rate to maintain a constant waste gas pressure.
enough to reach the equilibrium level. In so saying, the When reducing unit charge rate it is important to know

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 93


the reforming furnaces’ minimum mass flow requirement into the hydrogen product. MEA has been used success-
and maintain it with steam rate. fully in this application and there are probably some
formulated solvents that would work well here.
RONALD BREDEHOFT (Kinetics Technology International Corp.):
KTI typically designs for an operating range between BARLOW:
40% and l00%, and we have no operator intervention in We have been evaluating non-heavy metal corrosion
these kinds of turndowns. inhibitors for CO2 systems. They appear to have applica-
One of the problems you have at the lower operating bility. We would evaluate their use on a case-by-case basis.
conditions is unstable flames, and if they are unstable one On these systems, expected reduction in corrosion rate is
of the things that we do install is a dual gas system to each in the range of 50% to 95%, depending on variables such
of the burners and so you can turn off one of the sources as rich loading, heat stable salts, oxygen contamination,
of gas as you turn down your burners. and so forth.
Other than flame stability at the lower rates, the only
other problem is that you get a long lazy flame in some JAMES RONNANDER (Union Carbide Corporation):
older low NO, burners. The newer low NO, burners have Union Carbide has supplied UCARSOL® Solvents for
resolved that particular problem. Also, this gas is a very use in hydrogen plants since the mid-1980’s. The inlet CO2
clean gas so you do not really experience any plugging. In level is usually 17.5 mole percent and the solvent reduces
hydrogen plants, we can install safe burner management the CO2 to approximately 100 ppmv in the product gas.
systems with or without flame sensors. Concerning corrosion inhibitors, UCARSOL® Sol-
vents do not require any corrosion inhibitors. We have
MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco): seen corrosion in some of our plants when the regenerator
Is there any separate flame scanners on the burners, insulation has been stripped away or damaged which
different from the main burner? results in condensation in the vapor phase of CO2 which
forms carbonic acid.
ARMBRESTER: We have also seen cavitation problems caused by im-
Our heater has four main burners, each of which is proper flow and pump design. As mentioned by the panel,
equipped with a flame scanner. Each of these burners also if the solvent is not kept in good condition, this can also
has a companion pilot burner, but the pilot burners do not create corrosion problems.
have separate flame scanners. We have replaced MEA AmineGuardTM solvents with
UCARSOL® Solvents. Where there has been repairs and
BOYCOTT: CO2 has been allowed to get behind the repairs or the
No, there is not. flame spray stainless steel coatings, there can be significant
corrosion in these locations. It is extremely important in
HENRY JONES (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.): CO2 service to do a good job with repairs.
We have not experienced any burner problems during
turndown operation to low rates in the range of 30% to KATHLEEN LEHAN (The Dow Chemical Company):
40% of design capacity. However, we do recommend that The GAS/SPEC Technology Group of The Dow
if you turn your feed gas rate down below 50% of design Chemical Company is a leader in hydrogen plant amine
capacity, you leave your steam rate at approximately 50% unit applications utilizing MDEA-based specialty solvents
of design capacity. This helps your burner operation be- for CO2 removal. Specifically, GAS/SPEC™ (trademark of
cause the makeup fuel rate, per scf of hydrogen produced, The Dow Chemical Company) CS-Plus solvent is utilized
is increased somewhat. to consistently treat hydrogen streams containing 17.5 to
20.5 mole % CO2 down to less than 100 ppmv CO2. We
QUESTION 4. are not aware of any non-heavy metal corrosion inhibitors
Is there any non-heavy metal corrosion inhibitor which can be used in the hydrogen plant. However,
which can be used in the hydrogen plant? Does anyone GAS/SPEC CS-Plus solvent does not require a corrosion
have experience in using MDEA so/vent in the H2 plant inhibitor.
and what are the associated corrosion aspects? The corrosion rate associated with GAS/SPEC CS-Plus
solvent is minimal, and therefore, not an issue if the
MENEGAZ: solvent is utilized per our recommended operating guide-
We are not aware of any non-heavy metal corrosion lines. If corrosion does occur, it is usually due to hot, wet
inhibitors used successfully in this application. As far as CO2 flashing out of solution, forming an acid and attack-
the second part of the question, MDEA alone probably ing metallurgy. The areas most susceptible would be areas
would not be the best choice ofsolvent for this application with CO 2 loadings above recommendations or areas
because it would allow too much carbon dioxide to slip where CO2 in solution experiences a sudden pressure drop

94 Hydrogen Processing

Regarding internals, over 90% of the Benfield units use

packing. Packing has advantages of low pressure drop for
the process gas in the adsorber side of the unit, and lower
thermal energy requirements on the regenerator side. Vir-
tually all these units use random packing over structured.
Packing performance is an important parameter in the
Benfield process, and UOP maintains an active program
of evaluating different packing materials as they are devel-
oped by the vendors.
Finally, with respect to alternatives, we have looked for
them but we have so far not found any suitable alternative
to vanadium in this hot potassium carbonate service.

What is the operating experience of using SCR NOX
reduction in steam/methane reforming furnaces?

and/or temperature increase. Such areas can be protected McLEAN:

from this type of corrosion through proper installation of Selective Catalytic Reduction involves injection of am-
stainless steel. monia into a combustion product gas stream, and catalytic
reaction of the ammonia with NO, to form nitrogen and
QUESTION 5. water.
Does anyone have problems with vanadium plating out
Engelhard’s Environmental Catalyst Group has sup-
plied a number of SCR units for various refinery process
in their Benfield process? What is the strength of the
heater applications. None of them, to this point, have been
vanadium in the system? What is the Benfield stripper
on steam methane reformers, but I have been told by our
turnaround frequency? What types of internals are
environmental people that there is nothing uniquely dif-
used? Is there a suitable alternate to vanadium?
ferent that would be involved there, so it really should not
With respect to the ones that have been installed and
Vanadium acts as a passivating inhibitor by changing are operating, they have been designed for both natural
valence state in solution. This means it is solution oriented gas with refinery fuel gas as backup, as well as No. 2 and
and will stay in solution under normal conditions. There No. 6 fuel oil firing. NOx reductions of 80% to 90% are
are two scenarios, however, where vanadium deposition typical design conditions, with maximum ammonia slip
can occur. The first is when the iron concentration in the of 10 ppm.
circulating solution increases significantly above 100 ppm,
as a result of corrosion or erosion. Then vanadium will TREESE:
precipitate in a vanadium-iron oxide complex. The hydrogen plant at our Los Angeles refinery has a
The second source of precipitation could occur in the Foster Wheeler designed SCR system that has worked well
regenerator overhead water wash system if the reflux water for about four years. When opened recently, we found the
becomes acidic. This precipitation can be avoided by catalyst bed was about 80% plugged with refractory debris
injecting a slip stream oflean solution into the reflux water out of the reforming furnace, yet our NOx emissions were
to keep the pH at 7 or higher in this area. still in compliance during operation.
Regarding concentration, our operating manuals call Temperature control to the SCR catalyst is sometimes
for the vanadium concentration in the circulating solution difficult under operating condition variations. The tem-
to be about 0.7 wt%, calculated as vanadium pentoxide. perature is a little bit at the mercy of what goes on in the
Small variations around this number are not a problem. convection coils upstream. Luckily, the present catalysts,
The frequency of turnarounds of the regenerator is in our experience, have been fairly forgiving.
controlled by the associated equipment in the Benfield
unit, and by the related process units. Our experience is ARMBRESTER:
that the average turnaround time for Benfield plants asso- Ashland installed a new hydrogen plant at our Saint
ciated with refinery hydrogen plants is about two years, Paul Park refinery in 1993, and the heaters on this unit are
while those associated with fertilizer plants turnaround equipped with an SCR system. This unit has performed
about every three years. very well, and stack testing has confirmed that our NO,

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 95


emissions are in compliance with the regulatory limit of DEATON:

0.0 137 lb of NOx per million BTU. At our Hartford refinery, the firebox operates at 0.35
inches of water negative draft. If the forced draft fan shuts
MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco): down, there is no automaticshutdown but flame impinge-
Is there any alternative to ammonia injection, like a ment can occur. To prevent this, the damper on the forced
caustic or a substitute? draft fan is opened 100% to allow more air to pull through
it, and the furnace stack damper is opened 100%. Usually,
AMBRESTER: the charge rate must also be reduced.
We use ammonia. If the induced draft fan shuts down, the firebox devel-
ops positive pressure and the unit is forced to shutdown.
TREESE: Automatic unit shutdown is initiated either on loss of the
You are referring to the ammonia injection upstream of induced draft fan motor, or on high pressure in the firebox.
the SCR bed? Fuel gas is automatically closed to the burners, and feed
gas is automatically closed to the reactor furnace tubes.
MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco): Steam is left in the reactor furnace tubes until the heater
That is correct. outlet drops to 600°F Nitrogen is then swept through the
reactor furnace tubes. If the induced draft fan cannot be
TREESE: started up within five minutes, then the forced draft fan
There are alternatives to straight anhydrous ammonia is shut down to prevent cooling the furnace tubes too
injection. Some people have used aqueous ammonia in- quickly.
jection. There are also some systems looking at urea, or
various solutions. People are trying to work toward reduc- ARMBRESTER:
ing the hazards inherent in handling the anhydrous am- Our hydrogen plant at Saint Paul is also designed to
monia. Development is under way but I do not know of automatically shut down on loss of the induced draft fan,
any commercial applications yet. and the trigger that we use is a two-of-two voting system
on the motor amperes for that fan. If this shutdown
SCOTT ADAIR (KTI Corporation): occurs, the reformer feed gas is shut off and recycled to the
KTI has supplied several steam reformers equipped hydrotreating section and a reduced amount of steam
with SCR systems, and generally they perform quite well. continues to flow through the heater passes to help cool
Care must be taken not to go fuel rich during operation, the tubes. The pressure swing absorbers will shut down on
as afterburning will occur on the SCR catalyst and cause low pressure, and gas from the reformer section is routed
irreparable damage. Again, the main operating concern is to the flare.
to watch ammonia slip, especially with high sulfur fuel gas This unit has only been in service for about one year,
since this can lead to salting of the downstream heat and we have not yet had a shutdown of this nature. If we
transfer surface, especially the air preheater. were unable to restart the induced draft fan and proceed
Under typical operation, NOx can be controlled to 5 with a normal relight of the furnace, then we would block
to 9 ppm. in the feed to the reformers and continue to steam the
heater tubes.
RONALD BREDEHOFT (Kinetics Technology International Corp.):
If you have an existing reformer and you want to put CUNEO:
an SCR on it, that is usually a difficult job because the In our units with induced draft fans, rather than a
standard conventional temperature window of 550°F to complete shutdown we reduce the firing rate to that
650°F is in your convection section. KTI has worked with which is predetermined to be acceptable for natural draft
Shell on a low temperature catalyst, and has installed one operation. The operators then scale back the feed rate
of these low temperature catalysts on a unit. It will operate accordingly.
around the 350°F+ range. The catalyst can be added as a
tail-end add-on to an existing reformer. PORTER:
We have induced draft fans on a number of our reform-
QUESTION 7. ing furnaces. Due to the size of the units, there are multiple
What is the operating experience of having a forced fans per furnace. As a result, loss of a fan is not as
or induced draft fan shutdown in a steam/methane significant as smaller units with a single fan.
reforming furnace application? What type of upset Loss of a fan starves the furnace for oxygen. This can
occurs and what are the typical emergency procedures cause the temperatures in the furnace to drop and stacks
applied? to smoke. Emergency moves are made to reduce feed rate

96 Hydrogen Processing

and fuel to the furnace. Usually, this can be done quickly on the pigtail. The tubes are top supported. The proc-
to restore normal operating conditions at a lower feed rate. ess design outlet is 1,500°F Does anyone have expe-
rience with such a failure? If so, what was the remedy?
RAVI LAL (Kinetics Technology International Corp.):
A side fired and bottom fired reformer can be designed ARMBRESTER:
to operate at reduced rates on loss of ID fans. For a top We experienced a tube failure similar to this at our Saint
fired furnace, there is an occasional concern that the Paul Park refinery. Initially, the problem was thought to
reformer must be shut down on loss of ID fan. In practice, have been caused by thermal stress and to remedy the
reformers can be designed to make loss of ID fans to be a problem, the metallurgy for the failed section of tubes
rare occurrence, with further precautions such as (a) dual outside the heater was changed to Manaurite 900, since it
fans for very large reformers, in the 50 million standard is a softer alloy than XM and can handle the thermal stress
cubic feet per day range, (b) dual drives (electric and steam better. However, after further investigation of the failure,
turbine) or a steam ring in the stack which will allow we believe that the primary mode of the tube failure was
continued operation at reduced rates. Dropout doors on a bending moment caused by a large temperature gradient
the combustion air system can allow operation with loss on the portion of the tubes that are outside the firebox.
of the FD fan, but the burners must be designed to operate The ambient air temperature produced preferential cool-
with different draft conditions. If the plant is designed to ing of the tubes, resulting in this bending moment. The
be shut down on loss of fan, the PLC shutdown system Manaurite 900 alloy may not provide any improvement
should ramp to minimum steam flow through the tubes in protection against this type of failure.
and block out fuel gas and feed.
ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
BEN CROMARTY (ICI Katalco): First, we have used Manaurite XM as our standard tube
There are different designs for the steam reformer, with material for the last two or three years without problems,
different design implications. Within ICI, we operate but with a different design. We think the cause is that as
both top fired reformers and terraced wall reformers, and the inner tube surface is cooled when it is outside the
there is an operating difference between the two. firebox, maybe by the top support, you enter into the
In the top fired case, if the ID fan fails then it is Bouduart carbon zone which can, and probably will, lead
important that the steam reformer is automatically to metal dusting, and this can result in rapid failure.
tripped, along the lines that have been described by the If that is the cause, you should see carbon and pitting
panel. on the inside surface of the tubes in the cold part, and
With the terraced wall reformer, it is possible, depend- maybe carbon in condensate. To remedy this situation,
ing on the reformer design, to operate without the fans. insulation of the top of the tubes may help, and an overlay
Reformers of that design, without air preheat and, hence, of Inconel 600, the aluminum type, on the inside of the
only induced draft fans, can be operated at around 60% tube, may also be a solution.
of plant load with fan failure.
So there is a difference between whether you have a top RUTH DAVIS (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.):
fired reformer or a side fired or terraced wall type reformer. Air Products has several small hydrogen plants in the
Far East where we experienced catastrophic tube failures
MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco): of the Manaurite XM variety. These tube failures were
Is there any blanketing requirement for the catalyst in within the furnace, and caused large longitudinal splits
the event of an extended shutdown, or will the steam be along the tubes. Upon investigation of the cause of these
adequate? tube failures, we found that the metallurgical formulation
of one tube was not within specification, and therefore the
DEATON: tube failed prematurely.
As I mentioned, we keep steam in the tubes until we The Air Products/KTI alliance builds steam methane
drop to 600°F and at that time we would take the steam reformer plants to supply hydrogen to refineries. Air Prod-
out and purge and blanket with nitrogen. We have had the ucts owns and operates these plants. Our design specifica-
unit down under nitrogen blanket for up to 45 days with tion has designated that Manaurite XM is an acceptable
no ill effect on performance. tube material in our furnaces, only after requalification of
the material quality control.
We have experienced failure of our Manaurite XM GLEN SCHEIRER (Exxon Research & Engineering Company):
tubes on our H2 plant. The failure is in the catalyst Two Exxon hydrogen plants have had through wall
tubes on the outlet at the top of the heater and outside failures of the HP-45/Nb in the radiant tubes. These
of the firebox. The failure is on the main tube and not occurred in both the tall and short tubes, above the inlet

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 97


pigtail and below the internal insulation plug. The failures We have installed automatic purity controls on ten PSA
were circumferential from inside to out. Independent plants over the last five years, and we have had good
analysis concluded the failures most likely to be due to experience with them.
thermal fatigue caused by refluxing of condensed steam
from the top of the uninsulated section of these tubes. The BOYCOTT:
thermal stresses were created locally as the condensate I agree with Mr. D’Auria.
flowed down into the hot zone and cooled the metal. The
problem was resolved by extending the external insulation CUNEO:
higher up around the tubes, consistent with the tempera- We agree.
ture limitation of the tube top flange material. The insu-
lation was installed with vents to avoid any combustible MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco):
accumulation, should there be a tube leak or a weld leak. Regarding the condensate impurities, and primarily
Intermittent on-line acoustical monitoring and inspec- chloride, is there any requirement that it should be free of
tion during turnarounds has demonstrated safe operation chloride. Can anyone elaborate on this?
for this fix for nearly eight years.
DARRELL SCRUGGS (Kinetics Technology International Corp.):
HENRY JONES (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.): A properly designed steam drum will not have any
We have been utilizing catalyst tubes Manaurite XM significant chloride carryover. Unless you have a malop-
material since 1989. Other than the failure that Mr. crating steam drum, the steam is not a source of concami-
Armbrester talked about, we know of only one other such nation for hydrogen plant catalyst. Steam drum internals
case. This was a single tube failure, caused by direct flame should achieve less than 1 ppm TDS for process steam.
impingement on the tube, when a piece of debris that got Chemicals, blowdown, makeup, and level should be
into a burner distorted the flame pattern. monitored.
We concur with the solution Mr. Armbrester described
if the problem was caused by thermal stress. Howe-Baker
is investigating other potential causes, and their potential B. Hydrotreating
solutions, to problems like this one.

Hydrogen Purification What is the industry practice used to speed up the
pressurization of 2.25 Cr-1 MO reactors during start-
QUESTION 9. up? Is there any relationship between reactor skin
Please discuss your experience with automatic purity temperature and pressure used?
control for PSA units.
D’AURIA: I wish I could say I had new news here, but there is no
The purpose of automatic purity control systems on a way around the heatup and pressurization steps.
PSA unit is to allow the unit to operate at constant purity In recent years, the chemistry of the 2.25 Cr-1 MO steels
levels in the product when the feed composition is chang- has been improved. This has improved their resistance to
ing. The automatic purity control uses a time delay in the chrome-molybdenum temperature embrittlement. How-
transfer of gases between the adsorbent beds to adjust the ever, heating up to the cold pressurization temperature
PSA cycles. It brings the impurity level back to its set point remains a required and necessary step in the unit start-up.
as the feed composition changes. The action is taken To speed up pressurization, it is necessary to speed up
before the product exits the unit, and thereby gives the heating at the cold pressuring temperature. This can be
advantage of a feed forward type of control. Since the done by maximizing the pressure, as limited by the cold
entire control loop, however, is under feed back control, pressurization level, and maximizing the mass flow to the
the instability that sometimes is associated with feed for- reactor. Heater outlet temperatures should be adjusted so
ward control is avoided in this type of system. the heatup is less than 75°F/hr or the differential between
The automatic purity control allows the PSA unit to the bed temperatures and the skin temperatures on the
operate at a maximum recovery point over a wide range of outer wall is less than 150°F. Both restrictions are to avoid
conditions. The impact of changes in the process is mini- thermal stresses within the reactor wall. Reactor skin
mized and the system operates closer to the maximum couples aid in monitoring metal temperatures so the re-
allowable impurity point. This results in greater hydrogen finer is able to make a safer decision on when to pressure
recovery over a wide range of feed composition changes. the reactors.

98 Hydrogen Processing

Unocal practices in the heatup of 2.25 Cr steels vary an indication of where we are. The actual heatup time to
among our locations, depending on rhe vintage of the get to the 275°F is about 24 hours, but we do not see any
reactors. The following guidelines are generally observed: reason to shortcut this step of the procedure.
We keep the reactor below 20% of hydrotest pressure until
the wall temperature is over 250°F and this is sometimes PORTER:
taken as 20% to 30% of full pressure, which is relatively We limit the operating pressure to one-quarter of the
conservative. If you work it out, it is about 30%. Above design pressure when the external skin temperature of the
250°F to 275°F, the reactor is brought up to full pressure. reactor at any location is below a specified minimum
The exact pressure/temperature increase schedule for a pressurizing temperature. Each reactor is assigned a mini-
set of reactors is dependent on the reactor vintage and the mum pressurizing temperature based upon its particular
chemistry. On some of the newest reactors, you only need steel, and takes into account “temper embrittlement” of
to go to about 200°F before pressuring up. On old reactors the 2¼ Cr-1 Mo material from long term operating
with known defects identified by detailed fracture me- service.
chanic’s analysis, we have actually gone all the way up to
350°F before pressuring up. The best guidelines you will SAYLES:
find are from your reactor manufacturer. I agree with the comments that were made previously.
On very high pressure hydrotreating units, heatup time The one caution I have is to make sure everyone agrees on
is a problem. This is because a very large mass of catalyst the minimum temperature measurement point and the
and reactor is present, and, generally, there is not a huge minimum temperature value.
volume of gas to heat it up, at least not compared to a
hydrocracker. Spiking the recycle gas with some methane D'AURIA:
helps you get a little bit more molecular weight, a little bit Our guidelines are similar to those already stated: the
more mass through the reactors. That can help, but you reactor pressure should be limited to 20% of hydrostatic
must keep in mind that you are limited in how fast you test pressure, or 25% of operating pressure. This is for
can heat it up by some of the guidelines I mentioned
21/4 chrome-l molybdenum reactors. For newer 3
chrome-l molybdenum reactors, this minimum tempera-
ture can be lowered to 200°F.
We also follow our manufacturer’s recommendations on
the minimum pressurization temperature for these reac-
We do not take any shortcuts for pressurization during
tors, even for 1993 vintage reactors, although this requires
start-up for fear of inducing brittle fracture. We follow
heating up to 275°F before the pressure is raised to the 20%
very strict guidelines for our Isomax hydrocracker, which
limit, as Mr. Treese mentioned. That is about 500 psig for
operates at 1,600 lb. Our guidelines are not to exceed 25%
our reactors. We do monitor skin thermocouples to give us
of operating pressure, or 400 lb, until reactor skin tem-
perature is above 350°F. We watch the reactor bed tem-
peratures and know from experience that a 400°F bed
temperature corresponds to a 350°F wall temperature.
During the warmup period below 400°F, we raise bed
temperatures at a maximum rate of 50°F per hour. If we
are starting up in the dead of winter, when temperatures
are frequently near 0°F in Chicago, initially we raise the
bed temperatures at a very conservative 25°F per hour.

CHARLES McCOY (Consultant):

One serious point to add to what Mr. Treese and others
have said; skin temperatures must be measured, not just
on the shell of the reactor, but on nozzles and manways,
too. You have to get the whole reactor hot. You do nor
want any part of it to fail from brittle fracture.
On a more humorous side, two of our clients have come
up with interesting ways to speed this up. One refinery in
Australia has an idle boiler plant and they have steam
traced their reactor. They just fire up the idle boiler and
heat it up with steam while the rest of the plant is coming

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 33


out of the shop. The Taiwanese, not to be outdone, put a time. We have not had a lot of success, though, with
giant electric blanket on their reactor - and have a giant isolation valves in that service.
electric plug into which to plug it.
ANOERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S): We do not think that a bed of spent hydrotreating
When pressuring a vessel in 2.25 Cr-1 MO, you have to catalysts would make a good feed filter. As Mr. Laux said,
consider the toughness of the material versus temperature, we would expect it might actually induce a more rapid
as in some of the examples given by the panelists. However, delta P buildup. As Mr. Treese mentioned, there are
you have to consider two additional points. One, during specific metals scavenging catalysts and support materials
heatup, the delta T across the wall may be very significant. on the market, and we recommend using them for this
Two, if the vessel has been operating in hydrogen at high application.
temperature, there will be hydrogen left in the material.
Such a vessel should never be exposed to a high pressure QUESTION 12.
at a low temperature. The hydrogen moves the toughness In our atmospheric residue desulfurization units using
versus temperature curve so that you need a higher tem- Ronningen-Petter type feed filters with 25 micron
perature in order to apply a certain pressure. opening, we frequently faced excessive backwash.
Backwashing is done with residue feed only. On open-
QUESTION 11. ing the elements, waxy deposits were observed. On-
line washing with heavy gas oil was not effective.
Is a bed of spent hydrotreating catalyst a good feed
filter? If we install a pot in the feed line (to operate at During the problem period, our typical backwash fre-
quency was 2 to 5 minutes, while normally it was
tow temperature with no hydrogen present) and
charge it with spent HDS catalyst, can we expect around 30 to 40 minutes. Has anyone faced similar
significant removal of tramp solids? problems and what are the suitable methods for clean-
ing such wax deposits?
We feel that cartridge or back flush filters are more
At Pascagoula, we have not seen this problem in our
effective in removing filterable solids from the feed than
residual desulfurizer, which also has a Ronningen-Petter
hydrotreating catalyst is. Filters also have the advantage of
type feed filter.
being easily replaceable.
If your feed filter is plugging with waxy deposits and
Assuming the cause of catalyst bed fouling is confirmed not solids, I suggest you look at the viscosity of the material
to be filterable solids, it is questionable how effective a bed you are trying to filter. Viscosity has a marked effect on
of spent catalyst would be in trapping solids from the feed. filter delta P and backwash frequency. You may have to
If the quantity of fines will cause a high pressure drop in raise the operating temperature.
the reactor, they will also plug the filter bed. Perhaps, at When we take our filters out of service, we generally
lower mass flux, a bed of catalyst can trap out some of the flush with middle distillate, rather than heavy gas oil, and
larger particles in the feed, but some particles, that is they come out clean.
particles less than about 5 microns, will not be removed.
We have no experience with using catalysts or sand beds D'AURIA:
to filter feed without the presence of hydrogen. We have I f waxy deposits are building up in the filter, this is an
used spent catalyst and sand beds in guard reactor service, indication that the filter is being operated too cold. To
in our Colorado Oil Shale Project, with flowing hydrogen prevent waxy deposits, the filter should be operated at least
at 500°F with little success, but we had an abundance of 10°F above the wax melt point. If the heavy gas oil being
fines there. used for backwash has a wax point above the filter tem-
We know of one licensee that uses l/32-inch sand in perature, the backwash oil could also be contributing to
bypassable guard reactors at about 300°F to trap solids in the waxy buildup.
a coker gas oil with some success. Our normal recommendation is to use product mate-
rial as the backwash media, sending the wash stream on to
LAUX: the product rundown tanks. We have successfully used this
We believe that the spent catalyst will plug up so practice for many years. The typical backwash frequency
quickly, if you really had much of a fouling problem, it is about one to two times per shift.
would actually do you no good at all, and that the feed
filter system would be the better thing, MEHMET Y. ASIM (Akzo Nobel Catalysts):
We do have a guard reactor on our lube hydrotreater In our experience with atmospheric residual desul-
system that we take off-line to change out from time to furizer, salt content of residual feeds has been identified as

100 Hydrogen Processing


the primary culprit for excessive backwashing. In general, observed no loss of performance in the cases where they
more than 3 ppm of salt seems to be the critical level. were removed.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that you check the
desalter operation. D’AURIA:
An excellent reference on this subject is an article by The advantage of trash baskets is that they can extend
Petrolite, entitled “Desalters Can Remove More Than the time on stream before pressure drop becomes a prob-
Salts and Sediment” (Oi1 and Gas Journal, April 11, 1988- lem. There are some drawbacks, the most significant being
page 43). poor liquid distribution. UOP does not recommend trash
baskets, but instead we prefer to install graded material at
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company, L.P.): the top of the reactor. This system provides trash removal
I will echo what Mr. Asim said, but also add that one capability with better liquid distribution.
might be looking at dissimilarity of crudes, which can
cause wax precipitation. I have seen that both on feed- ARMBRESTER:
stocks and products coming from residual hydrotreaters.
Our general practice is to use scale baskets in the light
hydrocarbon services where the coking tendency is small,
PAUL VANCE (Acreon Catalysts):
but in heavier services such as FCC feed hydrotreating, we
If you are considering feed filters, I know of a firsthand
use a distributor plate which is primarily designed for
experience where a lot of money was spent on the feed
filter system and only after start-up did we find that the improved mixing and distribution of the feed and hydro-
upstream tank was full all the way to the suction nozzle gen, but also serves to protect the bed from scale and
with scale. Cleaning the tank would have been a quick and debris.
easy solution to that particular problem. We have had a couple of cases at our Saint Paul Park
refinery where we removed the scale baskets for one run.
QUESTION 13. We did see considerably faster buildup of pressure drop in
Has anyone removedscale baskets from a hydrotreat- those reactors, and as a result, we have re-instituted the use
ing reactor and compared operations before and af- of the scale baskets.
ter? If so, were there any noticeable differences? We have one other case in which we removed the scale
Why? baskets in a solvent hydrotreating reactor and replaced
them with a distributor plate, and in that case we have not
BOYCOTT: seen an increase in pressure drop.
We have operated both with and without trash baskets
in our naphtha hydrotreater. This unit experiences signifi- BARLOW:
cant pressure drop problems due to the processing of coker We have observed the use of baskets for many years,
naphtha. I believe we will get into this subject in more and the comment that we would make is that, if you have
detail in Question 25. a pressure drop problem due primarily to migratory fou-
The typical arrangement for our reactor is 3 ft trash lant material, we would not recommend removing the
baskets with a graduated bed of inert spheres. The trash baskets. We have seen that done in one case, and the
baskets extend through the graduated bed and slightly into subsequent run was disastrous due to high delta I? The
the bed of catalyst. On one occasion, in order to try to result was shortened run length. If it is not migratory
extend runs and due to the fouling problems, we installed
material, then other alternatives could be attempted.
a guard bed of high surface area active support media in
this reactor. We did not use trash baskets when we installed
this bed. The results were almost identical to the runs
We have removed the scale baskets from our Number
utilizing inert spheres and trash baskets, actually close
1 naphtha hydrotreater reactor and have not seen any
enough to be indistinguishable. Since that time, we have
gone back to the inert spheres and trash baskets. increase in the pressure drop buildup over the course of
I would point out that one useful test, and something the run. Based on that experience, we did not install any
that we have considered, would be a run with the high on our new Number 2 naphtha hydrotreater reactor, and
surface area, active support media with the trash baskets we also deleted the scale baskets that were designed for the
installed. first reactor in our hydrocracker. We have not seen any
increased pressure drop due to scale or trash in either of
CUNEO: these reactors either.
We have had experience both with and without the Our reasons for removing the baskets are that it does
trash baskets. In most cases, the baskets have been removed allow us to load more catalyst, and it also makes for much
because there was little or no accumulated scale. We have easier catalyst dump without the baskets inside the reactor.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 101


Our experience has been much the same. The scale In Unocal we have not used dry ice blasting to clean
baskets have been of benefit where significant scale accu- reactor scale baskets and trash baskets. The advantage is it
mulation is expected, just because they increase the area only removes the hard crust and it does not take away any
of influx into the bed. of the metal. It has been our evaluation so far that it is just
We have had experience where, when the reactor was too expensive to be feasible for what we are trying to do.
opened up, the scale baskets were found to be completely We either hydroblast (sometimes using soda ash water) or
filled with fines and scale material, and in that case, they sandblast the reactor trash baskets during turnarounds; or,
probably helped the unit stay on-line. as I noted before, we just eliminate them.
If there is really little scale coming into the reactor from
migratory materials, as Mr. Barlow mentioned, the scale QUESTION 15.
baskets probably are not effective and you would be better What is the industry experience with the use of anti-
off with a graded bed type design. A graded bed is good foolants for hydrocracking or hydrotreating reactor
enough for pressure drop protection. effluent exchangers?
Recently, we removed the scale baskets in the hydro-
treating reactor at one of our Unicrackers, and replaced ARMBRESTER:
them with just a graded catalyst bed, and we have seen no Ashland has about 14 years of experience with the use
problems and no unusual pressure drop accumulation. of antifoulants in our distillate desulfurizer unit at
This is consistent with the fact there was no scale ever Catlettsburg. In 1980, we conducted a 90-day, side-by-
collected in the scale baskets. side test of two parallel heat exchange trains in this unit,
with one train treated with an antifoulant while the other
CHARLES M C COY (Consultant): train was untreated. This unit was designed for blocked
I have preached against scale baskets for a long time out operation on either kerosene or diesel feed. The diesel
because of the reasons that the panel has said. They may stream was a mixture of virgin diesel and light cycle oil
or may not extend run length, but they definitely extend from the FCC unit. At the time of the testing, we had been
the turnaround time. It takes a lot longer to get rid of the experiencing rapid fouling of the reactor feed/effluent
pressure drop, and to clean up the reactor, if you have to exchangers, resulting in excessive pressure drop through
get those baskets out of there. I think Mr. Treese said it the exchangers and increased firing duty on the reactor
right a moment ago: good bed grading will do the same charge heaters. Run lengths between exchanger cleanings
job and still not interfere with the turnaround. were typically four to eight months, resulting in excessive
downtime and high maintenance costs.
BOYCOTT: This side-by-side test demonstrated that run length
I would like to make one comment on the removal of could be nearly doubled with the use of antifoulant, with
trash baskets during turnaround. The method that we corresponding increases in heat transfer efficiency. Conse-
have found extremely successful is to chain the baskets quently, we have used an antifoulant continuously since
together and to the top head. We simply pull the baskets that time.
out with the chain. This does not extend the turnaround In 1993, a new diesel desulfurizer was commissioned
time. at Catlettsburg to meet the low sulfur diesel requirements,
and this unit hydrotreats the mixed diesel/cycle oil stream
QUESTION 14. exclusively, with the original desulfurizer now used to treat
Dry ice blasting using CO2 pellets instead of sand is only kerosene.
now available for cleaning of reactor trash baskets, We have used a Petrolite antifoulant at a 20 ppm treat
etc. Would the panel please share their experience in rate in the new DDS unit since the first day of operation,
the use of this technique? What are the advan- and have now operated for more than 13 months with less
tages/disadvantages associated with it? than a 10% decline in heat transfer. During the same time
frame, the kerosene treater has been operated at an anti-
MENEGAZ: foulant rate of 9.5 ppm, and the heat transfer has declined
Several refiners on the Gulf Coast use dry ice blasting by less than 5%.
for cleaning the screens on their Platformers. The general
opinion is that the procedure takes about half the time of BARLOW:
doing it by hand with a brush, and results in a much better We are involved right now in treating over 50 hydro-
job. The cleanup is minimal because the CO 2 pellets, treaters. We have been involved historically in monitoring
unlike grit, do not leave any debris. and treating over 100 hydrotreaters.
Dry ice blasting is more expensive than sandblasting, I break this question down into two parts: feed side
so it is restricted to special applications. fouling, and effluent side fouling of the feed/effluent

102 Hydrogen Processing


exchangers. On the feed side fouling, we focus much of DEATON:

our efforts away from the traditional use of dispersant In our naphtha hydrotreaters, fouling and corrosion on
chemistries. Dispersant antifoulant chemistries are ap- the effluent side of the exchangers is due to ammonium
plied to try to prevent agglomeration of foulant material. chloride salt deposits. To protect the effluent coolers, we
They are effective on iron sulfide type foulant materials, continuously water wash at a rate of about one gpm per
but not as effective, or not as efficient, on polymeric thousand barrels, which is sufficient to keep the stream
materials. We concentrate on feedstock characterization entering the coolers below the dew point.
and feedstock handling, as well as, applying the right On the feed side of the exchangers, we inject antifoulant
polymerization inhibitor, whether it is a free radical foul- at a 12 ppm dosage rate. This antifoulant contains disper-
ing problem or a condensation fouling problem. You also sants, corrosion inhibitors, and antioxidants. We regularly
need to go upstream in your analysis if you are using import naphtha at about 10% of total naphtha charge
tankage. Take a look at the tank handling of your feeds during the peak season and these feedstocks are often
and what kind of oxygen intrusion you incur. Mixing of thought to cause fouling because of oxygen-induced po-
feed is very important, too. You may have a straight-run lymerization,
feed that does not have an oxygen-initiated polymeriza- We usually get a two year run on these exchangers
tion problem, but when you take that through tankage before they are pulled and cleaned.
and combine it with a cracked feed such as a coker
material, you can create a mess. So we have incorporated FELTROP:
mechanical and operational changes for feedstock han- I do not have anything to add to the comments on
dling and inhibitor type antifoulants to provide solutions hydrotreaters, except to emphasize that depending on
to fouling problems. your fouling mechanisms, appropriately chosen antifou-
On the effluent side, our primary experience focuses on lants can have a good economic incentive.
ammonium chloride deposition. Water wash is historically As for hydrocrackers, this is typically not a good appli-
used and is quite effective at controlling ammonium chlo- cation for antifoulants. The main problem experienced in
ride deposition. If you do have underdeposit corrosion, reactor effluent exchangers is the deposition of ammo-
you may need to apply a filmer. At fairly low treatment nium bisulfide and chloride salts. These salts can cause
levels, an economical treatment program can be used to corrosion and plugging of the exchangers.
control corrosion. If for some reason you have a water Since these salts are water-soluble, water washing the
handling constraint, you can use detergent/ dispersants to affected reactor efIIuent exchangers will control the prob-
essentially move the ammonium chloride downstream to lem. A corrosion inhibitor with good detergent properties
where you can better tolerate the deposition or remove it can also be used to alleviate the problem.
from the system.
BOYCOTT: Like other people, our Number 1 naphtha hydrotreater
We have experienced severe fouling of the feed side of is fed a stream from an unblanketed storage tank. The
our naphtha hydrotreater feed/ effluent exchangers. This feed/effluent exchangers had a severe fouling problem on
problem is caused by the polymerization of gum precur- the feed side. They actually would plug off. We monitored
sors in the coker naphtha charge to the unit. The coker pressure drop instead of heat transfer to determine run
has been expanded twice. Prior to the first expansion the length. Some runs were as short as six months. We then
concentration of coker naphtha in the hydrotreater was started using an antifoulant, and since then we have not
10%. At that time, run lengths were not limited by had much of a fouling problem. Run lengths are up over
feed/effluent exchanger fouling. After the first coker ex- two years.
pansion, the concentration of coker naphtha in the hydro- We have not seen any fouling on our McKee hy-
treater charge increased to 15%. This caused a dramatic drocracker feed/effluent exchangers on the feed side in
increase in feed/effluent exchanger fouling. Runs were over five years of operation. However, this unit is fed
limited to two to three months as a result of the fouling. directly from the crude units and there is no intermediate
Two chemical addition systems were installed to address tankage.
this problem; an antioxidant in the coker naphtha run-
down stream and a dispersant in the naphtha hydrotreater KENNETH D. PETERS (UOP):
charge stream. Runs were increased to six to nine months. The need for antifoulant injection can be reduced
After the second coker expansion, the concentration of significantly and most often eliminated by removing the
coker naphtha in the naphtha hydrotreater charge rose to oxygen from the naphtha by process means or preventing
25%. At that point, the chemical additions proved ade- contact of the naphtha with the atmosphere.
quate and other measures were taken. These will be dis- Particularly in the design of some of our overseas units
cussed in Question 25. that import significant quantities of naphtha by barge or

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 103


tanker, we have had to add a reboiled oxygen stripper to feed an inhibitor to deal with the polymer precursors.
column, rather than a gas stripper, to eliminate the poten- That has been our experience.
tial oxygen fouling problem in hydrotreating combined We have seen imported feed as a major problem, espe-
feed exchangers. Other than that, gas blanketing of the cially when barges have been used. There are a couple of
intermediate storage tanks between the crude unit and the things we have done successfully to address this problem.
naphtha hydrotreating unit seems to be mandatory to First we monitor filterable solids on that feed before it is
prevent fouling of the combined feed exchangers. off loaded into the charge tanks. This gives you a very good
indication as to whether you have a polymer problem.
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): Second, when you do identify that there are polymer
In case of gas blanketing of the feed tank, has anybody precursors and you can get back to the source, putting in
been successful to prevent feed side fouling? Also, is the inhibitors at the source, not dispersants ofcourse, has been
naphtha hydrotreater effluent exchanger, on the effluent very cost effective.
side, using inhibitors? Have they experienced any problem
in the reformers, as far as causing problems with catalyst QUESTION 16.
poisoning? Is anyone injecting antifoulant chemicals into the
suction of reciprocating compressors (in hydrogen
BOYCOTT: service) to reduce fouling of compressor valves?
Yes, with regard to gas blanketing of the charge tank.
This was one of a number of things that we did in FELTROP:
addressing the feed side fouling or our feed/effluent ex- Film forming type antifoulants are frequently injected
changers. We were successful in reducing the fouling, and into the inlets of both reciprocating and turbine compres-
I am sure that had some effect on it. sors, to reduce fouling and vibration. The additives are
injected at a rate of 1 to 2 pints per million cubic feed of
JAMES KELLY (CITGO Refining and Chemicals): gas, and the additive is diluted a minimum of 20 to 1 with
Several people have mentioned fouling on the effluent hydrocarbon, and injected with a spray nozzle or a quill.
side. We at Corpus Christi, had a problem in our catalyst
feed hydrotreater, and we developed pressure drop on the SAYLES:
effluent side which we think was ammonium chloride. We We have experienced fouling in hydrotreater recycle
injected water and the pressure drop went away, but we compressor valves and in the unloader, which jams in the
never could find the source of the chlorides. We could not open position. The fouling is believed to be due to ammo-
see the chlorides in the feed, and the hydrogen was clean. nium chloride and ammonium bisulfide formation. We
Has anybody detected chlorides in the feed, organic or have evaluated the relative merits of using an additive or
inorganic? an antifoulant, as opposed to increasing our washwater
rate, and decided to increase our washwater rate.
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.):
At the risk of having bricks or something thrown at me BARLOW:
by the additives people, there is something that is in We have seen success both ways, increasing washwater
between the feed and the effluent. It is called the reactor, rates and using antifoulants. Sometimes a foulant is not
and it is full of catalyst. I would suggest that you talk to simply a salt; there may be some organic polymers, al-
your additive suppliers to make sure what it is you are though it is a little more rare. In this case, we have experi-
buying as your additive, because sometimes they can cause ence feeding multifunctional antifoulants. One key in this
you troubles. system is the injection and dispersion of the antifoulant. It
is very important to get proper distribution. We have
MOHAMMAO AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco): treated both centrifugal and reciprocating compressors.
Is there an oxygen scavenger that can be used to remove
oxygen from hydrocarbon? KENNETH D. PETERS (UOP):
We have done two things to minimize the ammonium
BARLOW: chloride fouling. One is we have gone to a minimum of 3
Yes, there is. Hydrazine compounds or hydroquinone vol% continuous water wash in the naphtha hydrotreater
type compounds have been used. One drawback is that reactor section, which tends to clean up most of the am-
they do not mix well, so we have developed some oil soluble monium chloride. Secondly, further to what I said yester-
materials that work. But we find oxygen scavenging is day, we have converted our reciprocating machines, both
rather inefficient because you have to feed on a in the hydrotreater recycle gas and Platforming net gas
stoichiometric amount, which is not cost effective when booster compressor service, from nonlubricated to syn-
dealing with a hydrotreater fouling problem. It is preferable thetically-lubricated machines. We have seen significant

104 Hydrogen Processing


increases in the reliability and decreases of the fouling that compressor valves. We use a softseat valve in our compres-
have occurred in the valves of these machines, with the sors that is sensitive to elevated temperatures.
retrofitting of these lubrication systems.
We have had at least eight years experience now with BOB RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.):
this. I refer you to my 1987 response, which was Question Ammonium chloride deposits are very strange. They
18, page 83, in the Hydrotreating Mechanical Section of can deposit in the suction of the compressor. When the
the NPRA Q&A transcript. water in the vapor increases over the salt deposition, the
salt can decompose and then deposit again in the valves in
BOYCOTT: the compressor. It is very common in reformer regenera-
What is the injection point for the water wash stream tions. When you have wet gas during the regeneration,
that you are putting on the reactor outlet? oftentimes the salts will move to the compressors and foul
them. This can also happen in hydrotreaters.
KENNETH D.PETERS (UOP): About the water injection rate, no one has mentioned
Our primary location is between the combined feed that you have to be sure that not all of the water is
exchangers and the air cooler. We also have secondary vaporized, so it is dangerous to say, we inject a certain
water wash injection in the bundle of the combined feed percentage. You need to inject enough water so that 25%
exchanger, or just ahead of the bundle, where we would to 50% of the water stays in the liquid phase, after it mixes
calculate the water dew point. We also have water injec- upstream of the fin fans.
tion, as an option, into the different passes of the air cooler
of the reactor section. CHARLES McCOY (Consultant):
When injecting three, four, or five percent water into
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): the effluent, you are making sour water. Stripping that
Does the 3 vol% injection cover the minimum require- sour water costs you money. For chloride removal, it is
ment for ensuring that the water stays liquid as far as better to get the chloride out before the compressors,
partial pressure? either by water wash or solid adsorbent.


We inject the water into the location so that it will be Regarding Mr. McCoy’s comment, water injection is
in the water phase. So it is well beyond stoichiometric needed despite the generation of sour water because, while
requirements. ammonium chloride may or may not be present, the
constituents which will form ammonium bisulfide, NH3
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum Company): and H2S, are always in the reactor effluent from a hydro-
Are you injecting water ahead of the compressor and processing unit. The ammonium bisulfide does not exist
going through the compressor with water? in the liquid form; by injecting water, the NH3 and H2S
are kept solution thus crystallization and deposition of the
KENNETH D. PETERS (UOP): ammonium bisulfide in the products condenser tubes is
We do not inject water through the recycle gas com- avoided. If water were not injected, the tubes would plug
pressor. The injected water is condensed and recovered in and the only way to get rid of the salts would be by heating
the product separator water boot. up the fin fan to sublime the ammonium bisulfide; you
do not really want to do that as a normal matter of course.
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum Company):
Has anyone tried just elevating the temperature to keep KENNETH D.PETERS (UOP):
the ammonium chloride from depositing in the compres- We are treating all the Platforming unit net gas going to
sor valves? the hydrotreaters with activated alumina treaters. Several
years ago, we found that the amount of organic chloride
SAYLES: coming in with the naphtha feed was then contributing to
Well, to answer your first question, we would not put significant corrosion in the downstream reactor effluent
water through a reciprocating compressor. In answer to section. We are aware of two units in Europe that both
the second question, we have not tried heating up the ultimately developed holes in the reactor effluent lines, one
recycle gas. resulting in a fire and one in a complete depressure. We
later attributed these failures to organic chlorides in the
BOYCOTT: naphtha hydrotreating unit feed that formed the HCI and
We do not water wash our compressor. Regarding caused the corrosion that then lead to the failures. There-
temperature elevation, I would be concerned about the fore, we have maintained continuous water injection as a

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 105


The final point is that some of the manufacturers now

are including a timed cycling system with their compres-
sor package that will automatically load up the valve for
a short time and then unload it again. This allows some
cool makeup gas to enter the cylinder periodically and
prevent overheating while you are operating at unloaded


We believe it would be preferable to run these compres-
sors fully loaded during start-up to expedite reactor heatup
and to keep good distribution through all the equipment.
The fouling potential should be minimized, too, with
these reciprocating compressors running fully loaded.


policy ever since, for naphtha hydrotreating unit reactor QUESTION 18.
sections. We may be seeing contamination of naphtha hydro-
treater feed by oxygenates (i.e., ethers, phenols, etc.)
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): in years to come. What are the relative reaction rates
Mr. Peters mentioned the organic chloride coming with of sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen compounds? Which will
the naphtha feed. Is the source of the chloride crude oil limit naphtha hydrotreater operation (i.e., fix mini-
additives, or additives from a crude oil overhead system? mum catalyst temperature)?


We feel that the source of the organic chlorides in the It is well known that sulfur and nitrogen compounds
naphtha feed is primarily from the tertiary recovery of the have a wide range of hydrotreating reactivity. For instance,
crude. in the sulfur, mercaptans react much faster than thio-
phenes, which in turn are more readily desulfurized than
QUESTION 17. dibenzothiophenes.
Have there been any additional advancements in in- Our expectation is that, in general, the sulfur com-
creasing the reliability of hydrotreater reciprocating pounds are more readily removed than the oxygenates, and
compressors that often operate at unloaded condi- finally the nitrogen compounds. Thus, we believe that the
tions, such as during start-up? nitrogen removal, which we would recommend a limit for
reformer feed of less than 0.2 ppm, would limit the
ARMBRESTER: hydrotreater severity, rather than oxygen contamination.
This question asked about additional advancements in
improving the reliability of reciprocating compressors ARMBRESTER:
operating at unloaded conditions. I have a couple of Our experience comes from treating coal liquids with
comments on things that you might consider, although I high nitrogen and phenolic content. Generally speaking,
am not sure any of them would be considered new the relative rates of removal are: HDS>HDN>HDO.
advancements. However, aromatic compounds are much tougher to treat
The first one concerns the unloader itself. If you are than nonaromatics, so in some cases, such as light naphtha
using a finger type unloader on the compressor, switching feeds containing alcohols and/or ethers, oxygen removal
to a plug style unloader will open up more volume at that may be easier than denitrification. For light distillate,
point, reduce the velocity in the valve, and cut down on phenolic compounds are the most difficult to remove.
the heat generation. HDS requires no saturation of ring compounds, while
Second, some of the reciprocating compressors are HDN requires it, and HDO proceeds both ways. Carbon
designed with thermosyphon cooling systems, which may to heteroatom bond strengths also imply that HDO
not be adequate during unloaded operation. We have would be more difficult than HDN, as indicated below:
converted most of our reciprocating compressors to a (Aryl-S=300 kJ/mole, -NH=314, -0=387)
circulating water cooling system, and we are now specify- (Alkyl-S=287 kJ/mole, -NH=289, -0=347)
ing this equipment on any new installations. (literature values)

106 Hydrogen Processing


For most conventional crude operations, sulfur content aromatics must be “corrected” to FIA via the following
will define the minimum catalyst temperature requirement approved equation:
simply because it is the predominant heteroatom contami- Equivalent FL4 Aromatics (LV%) = [0.916 x SFC
nant. Our operations at Catlettsburg, which use premium Aromatics (wt%)] + 1.33
nickel-molybdate catalysts to guard against nitrogen con-
taminants, are operated based on reformer charge sulfur TREESE:
targets, and we have not observed any problems with One of our refineries uses ASTM D-1319, which em-
nitrogen carryover. We do not normally see measurable ploys a silicone gel column, to measure the aromatic
levels of organic oxygen. Nitrogen and/or oxygen contents content of the diesel. It separates out the aromatics, satu-
could become defining factors, however, for: rates, and olefins.
1. units using cobalt-molybdate catalyst at low pres- We also use ASTM D-5 186, which is the Supercritical
sure and high space velocity; Fluid Chromatography (SFC) method that my colleague
2. synthetic stocks, particularly coal or shale liquids, just mentioned. The supercritical method is more accurate
where nitrogen generally becomes the limiting fac- than the ASTM D-l319 for CARB TF3 diesel.
tor; and We still use FIA on some units.
3. rerun materials which may contain significant
amounts of phenols and/or MTBE. ARMBRESTER:
We also use ASTM D-5186 (SFC) routinely to deter-
MEHMET Y. ASIM (Akzo Nobel Catalysts):
mine the aromatics content of diesel fuels. The question
I agree with what the panel members have already
asked about repeatability and reproducibility. We have
stated. The only additional comment I have is that at the
found those to be 0.7 mass % for repeatability, and 4.0 mass
March 1983 AIChE National Meeting in Houston, we
% for reproducibility. The repeatability of the method in
presented a paper titled “ Hydrotreating of Solvent Refined
our laboratory for a single sample over a one year period
Coal-I Naphtha”. Detailed kinetic studies, comparing
has averaged 0.5 mass % (2x standard deviation).
oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen removal rates using cobalt-
We have also used a near-infrared method to determine
molybdenum and nickel-molybdenum catalysts, were in-
aromatics in diesel, and the calibration on this instrument
cluded in this paper.
was achieved using D-5 186 as the primary method for
analyzing a set ofsamples. The standard error ofprediction
ROBERT W. MORSE (Acreon Catalysts):
was 1.12 mass %. This method is very easy to use once the
We recently had a customer who had contamination of
calibration is established, but it is not yet an approved
about 20 ppm of oxygen in a naphtha hydrotreater, and it
ASTM method.
was necessary for him to raise the inlet temperatures about
20°F to compensate for that oxygen.
GARY L. HAMILTON (ABE Lummus Crest Inc.):
SAFA GEORGE (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.): Concerning aromatics testing, in looking closer at diesel
Two additional factors you have to consider include the fuels relative to aromatics content, you will need to look at
heat release due to removal of oxygen, as the amount of the individual feed components and the component blend
oxygen that you find in naphthas containing oxygenates insofar as the amount of mono- and polynuclear aromatics
would be significantly higher than feed sulfur content and contents is concerned. Test methods such as W analysis
the additional water formed due to oxygen removal. and HPLC can give you a good fingerprint on how those
feeds look, and how they will process in the unit. We have
QUESTION 19. found this to be extremely important when deciding on
Aromatics content of diesel fuels has become an what operating conditions need to be set. Differences in
important consideration these days. We all agree that aromatics distribution can have a significant impact on
FIA is not well suited on these cuts. What other meth- hydrogen consumption, boiling range shift, API gain and
ods are refiners using? What has been the experience cetane index improvement opportunities.
with these methods? How are the repeatability and
reproducibility? QUESTION 20.
The trend for the coming decade is to reduce the
PORTER: aromatics content in the diesel product. How will the
In California, where we produce low aromatics diesel, existing low pressure diesel hydrotreating process
we use Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) to units be able to reduce the aromatics content to the
measure diesel aromatics. Reproducibility is around 1 wt%. marketable level; i.e., by building a new high pres-
Since California regulations are written using Fluorescence sure unit, utilizing different technology, developing
Indicator Adsorption (FIA) to measure aromatics, SFC new catalyst, etc.?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 107


CUNEO: Lummus, was developed for aromatic saturation and de-

Based on technology that is currently available, there sulfurization, we have 14 licenses. There are only two
does not seem to be a real need for high pressure hydro- places in the world that are concerned about aromatics,
treating to reduce the level of aromatics. We believe a more California and Sweden. It is very important there. We have
cost effective solution is to use lower pressure units with a number of licenses there: Beta, that we talked about last
new catalysts and new technology. Amongst these are the year, has been producing 5% aromatics and 10 ppm sulfur
SynSat process to manufacture low aromatics diesel, which fuel and Scan RAP where a 50,000-barrel a day unit starts
we are going to be employing at our refinery at Martinez. up this month. Another unit, the Shell unit, will be
starting up in California towards the end of the year.
ARMBRESTER: I continue to wonder about aromatics reduction and
Low pressure units (400 to 500 psig) can handle this aromatics levels in the fuels. I was recently chairing a
by using a noble metal catalyst that is relatively sulfur session on clean diesel development at a fuels meeting
tolerant and has exceptional hydrogenation activity. It will here, and ended the session by asking the people in the
probably be necessary to use a two-stage process, with the audience a question. I asked if 40 cetane is what you want
first stage reducing the sulfur content of the diesel stream to call the environmental fuel of the future. I am not sure
to 0.05% less, followed by aromatic saturation in the that it will be. Most of the rest of the world is 45 cetane
second stage. Since low space velocities may be needed to or higher. I think cetane is the area that we should be
accomplish the desired saturation, this will require addi- considering in the future. Criterion, with its partner Lum-
tional reactor volume. The addition of a flash drum may mus, has now developed a new process, which is a single
also be required between these two stages, to remove H2S stage process for upgrading streams such as light cycle oil,
from the desulfurization reactor effluent, and provide from 25 cetane to the order of 40 to 45 cetane in a single
additional protection for the hydrogenation catalyst. stage process. It is called SynShift. The reason it is being
As mentioned previously, the saturation reactions will called Shift is because the products will be staying in the
consume much greater volumes of hydrogen than we same boiling range, but the whole product will be lighter.
typically see in a desulfurization reactor.
ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
TREESE: We believe the trend for units operating in the range of
To date, some refiners have used their hydrocrackers to 500 to 1,000 psi hydrogen partial pressure will be to
produce the low aromatics diesel. Some refiners have change out the catalyst in the existing unit with a catalyst
revamped hydrocracking units originally designed to pro- of high sulfur removal activity and, in particular, high
duce only naphtha to coproduce naphtha and low aromat- nitrogen removal activity. Then a new unit can be added
ics diesel; in other words, take a midbarrel cut off their operating at the same pressure using a noble metal catalyst,
towers, with about 15% to 25% aromatics. Others have which is active at low temperature, where aromatics hy-
revamped their hydrocracking units to include aromatics drogenation is favorable. Haldor Topsoe has provided
saturation catalysts or noble metal hydrocracking catalysts catalysts and design for such units, which have been in
to produce low aromatics diesel from the second stage of operation almost 2 years.
the two-stage unit.
With respect to producing low aromatics from a diesel QUESTION 21.
hydrotreater, there are two options. One is to design a new Are there any new or emerging technologies that can
high pressure unit, and the other is to add an aromatic significant/y improve the accuracy of the sulfur meas-
saturation second stage onto an existing diesel hydrotreater. urement, which would allow the refiner to operate at
Most people with whom we work, anticipating some a level closer to 0.05 weight percent sulfur level in
unknown aromatics specifications for the future, have diesel? What is your actual target sulfur level in diesel
opted for the staged approach; that is, building a hydro- now?
treater that could later be modified to include the aromatic
saturation stage. One unit ofthis type is currently in design TREESE:
by a client ofour Process Technology and Licensing Group. We generally use ASTM 4294 X-ray method to meas-
Existing hydrotreaters could also be revamped to in- ure sulfur content in our diesel. At least in one refinery,
clude a second stage of aromatic saturation, and we are they are able to hold the standard deviation at 10 ppm in
currently looking at revamp of a unit along those lines. the diesel sulfur range. They are targeting for 470 ppm of
sulfur in their product at that refinery.
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.): At another refinery, we have located a benchtop X-ray
Mr. Cuneo mentioned they were going to use the machine in the control room of the diesel hydrotreater.
SynSat process in Martinez to deal with aromatic satura- The operators run it. This is not a new technology, but for
tion. Since this process, now licensed by Criterion and us, giving the analyzer directly to the operators is new.

108 Hydrogen Processing


Running the analyses in the control room has significantly SAYLES:

improved response time, which previously could be several You have to demonstrate that the sulfur content of the
hours between the time you take the sample and the time diesel fuel is less than 0.05 wt% and your records must
you can react to it. Using this method, along with statis- show this test is net prior to shipping. Downstream of the
tical process controls, we have been able to reduce the refinery, the fuel can test up to 0.055 wt% sulfur and still
standard deviation of our analysis by more than 50%, so meet the EPA standard provided your records are intact.
we have been able to narrow our sulfur target even further.
ARMBRESTER: What has been the experience with using units de-
We also use the D-4294 X-ray method, and we have signed for high sulfur diesel to operate to low sulfur
done a couple of things to try to make it as accurate as we diesel product specifications? What problems have
can in this low sulfur range. One of those is to use been associated with this approach and how have
calibration standards that are in the range from 0 to 0.25 these been minimized?
wt% sulfur, and then we also use extended counting times,
which improves the sensitivity of the instrument and SAYLES:
allows us to run closer to the 0.05% specification. Under Most pre-1993 high sulfur product hydrotreaters were
these conditions, we find no bias between this method and designed for an operating pressure of about 600 psi and a
the EPA referee method, which is D-2622. As with any space velocity of 2 to 3 LHSV. The product sulfur speci-
analytical measurement near the detection limit of the fication was designed for less than 0.5 wt%.
equipment, it is imperative to have skilled instrument On these units, higher severities are required to produce
operators. the lower sulfur product. Higher temperatures, lower
space velocities, and higher catalyst activity are needed to
BOYCOTT: achieve the low sulfur product. Catalyst activity loss due
We also use x-ray fluorescence testing for our sulfur to higher severity requires more frequent shutdowns to
analysis. The accuracy of the test is dependent on the sulfur regenerate or replace the catalyst. The maximum reactor
temperature is set by the teactor metallurgical limitations
level. At 0.05 wt% sulfur, its reported reproducibility is ±
for the given hydrogen partial pressure. Operation at these
0.007 wt%.
severities also generates more low octane light ends which
In respect to the second part of the question, our target
must be reprocessed. In one location, we have used a low
sulfur level is 0.045 wt% with a pipeline specification of pressure unit to treat diesel over the short term and
0.047 wt%. We hydrotreat all of our diesel stream and do kerosene as the normal feed. In this unit a low space
not see a great advantage in trying to operate any closer to velocity was used to reduce the temperature to acceptable
the pipeline specification. levels. We combined two existing units to decrease the
reactor space velocity.
CHARLES McCOY (Consultant):
What the panelists just said is interesting. I assumed we TREESE:
had to operate a little further down than that to allow for Unocal’s Process Technology and Licensing Group has
contamination in the pipeline and the distribution system, revamped several diesel hydrotreaters to make low sulfur
as we did when we first started selling unleaded gasoline. diesel. In two cases, the clients were able to meet the lower
We had to allow for some lead pickup between the refinery specifications just by changing the reactor internals, im-
and the pump. Apparently the panelists are saying that is proving liquid distribution inside the reactors. In other
not a problem, and we can operate as close as 0.047 wt% cases, they have had to add parallel reactors, new larger
against a 0.05 wt% specification. reactors, and the like, to increase catalyst volume.
The process variables you have to consider when you
BOYCOTT: want to lower the sulfur specification include increased
That is correct. We do operate to a 0.047 wt% pipeline quench requirements, increased hydrogen consumption,
specification. increased pressure drop, and the potential for color prob-
lems if you run your reactor temperatures too high.
PORTER: To our knowledge, all the revamped units have been
We produce to 0.047 wt% maximum sulfur specifica- able to achieve low sulfur diesel specifications without any
tion at our refineries. It is our understanding that allow- problems.
ances will be made for results slightly above 0.05 in the
distribution system due to analytical reproducibility. We PORTER:
will still be required to show that all refinery production We have converted several units in Chevron. At Pas-
was below 0.05 wt%. cagoula we converted a unit that was running previously

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 109


a 0.15 wt% to 0.20 wt% product sulfur level. We increased fuels, let us make sure that we do not cut parts out of our
the capacity 40%, without adding an additional reactor. barrel that need to be there from a standpoint of profit-
We are achieving a run length of one year plus and are very ability and cost-effectiveness of our industry.
pleased with the results.
ARNOLD FEINBERG (Exxon Research & Engineering Company): Is diesel color an issue now that a dye marking system
Units designed to produce high sulfur diesel cannot be is mandated to show the difference between low sulfur
operated to make low sulfur diesel without significant and high sulfur diesel streams? Will diesel color
changes to the feed and/or operating conditions. Some stability be an issue?
locations have undercut the feed to make it lighter and
hence easier to desulfurize. The main problem with this TREESE:
approach is the yield loss. Other locations have come up I would say yes, diesel color is an issue, but the dye
in temperature and reduced throughput to get a lower requirements have been changed so that they no longer
space velocity. These steps reduce run length or capacity. necessarily reflect a difference between low sulfur and high
The generally recommended approach we utilize in Exxon sulfur diesel. That was the intent of the EPA with the blue
is to add reactor volume to lower the space velocity and dye. The IRS, however, wanted all nontaxable diesel and
switch to a high activity distillate, HDS catalyst. kerosene dyed red. Because of the possible confusion
between the blue diesel fuel and blue aviation gasoline, all
PAUL VANCE (Acreon Catalysts): parties have now agreed that only red dye will be used in
Operating high sulfur diesel units with conventional nontaxable fuels after October 1, 1994. Therefore, both
catalysts at temperatures to produce low sulfur diesel high and low sulfur fuels will be dyed red if they are sold
without reducing feed rate will cause a 50% to 80% for a nontaxable use.
‘reduction in run lengths, due to approximately 40°F The IRS is requiring the concentration of the red dye
increase in the reactor temperature. In addition, as men- to be about two times more than the petroleum industry
tioned, this may cause difficulties with product color. has traditionally used. Therefore, we are concerned that
Acreon recently introduced a high activity, high density we may no longer be able to perform simple product
desulfurization catalyst, HR316, to increase the volumet- quality tests, like ASTM D-1500 color, and individual
ric desulfurization activity by about 30% over our previous company tests designed to measure haze in the fuel which
version. This catalyst allows recovering 10°F to 25°F indicate the presence of water or sediment. We are also
start-of-run temperature and helps get back some of the concerned that the high dye concentrations may decrease
cycle length. the stability of the fuel, making it more susceptible to gum
We would also suggest dense loading catalyst as much and sediment formation during storage. Limited acceler-
as possible, within pressure drop concerns, and utilizing a ated stability tests by Unocal have shown this is definitely
graded bed. a potential problem with these fuels.
Another problem which has been observed with these
ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company LP.): high dye dosages is that when a clear fuel is loaded into a
One of the points that we have always laughed about truck transport following loading of a dyed fuel, the
during NPRA screening sessions is the fact that back in residual fuel left in the delivery hose, or even possible dye
the ’70s and ’80s there was a lot of money spent on adsorbed into the delivery hose, will tint the entire load of
residual upgrading projects, and the companies that were the clear fuel. Therefore, there may be a tint imparted to
the most successful and had the biggest payout were the a clear fuel which follows a batch of dyed fuel through a
ones that did not spend any money at all. I wonder about pipeline. If the clear fuel is a Jet A shipment, and it ends
the similarity here, because we have invested a lot of up with a tint as a result of the color, it may be refused by
money on diesel processing. It is important that we make the purchaser because of suspected contamination.
good environmental fuels, but what I see happening now
in the diesel situation is that we are lightening up the LAUX:
boiling range. We are now approaching the heavy jet fuel We also believe that diesel color or oxidation stability
that is made as Class 1 diesel in Sweden, which means we will always be a quality issue. We run a 90-minute, 300°F
are probably going to be processing a lot lighter materials. stability test, and a 16-hour 200°F stability test on all our
Also, it is rather ironic, I think, that the people who did finished diesel blends. Though you cannot get an initial
not spend the money to revamp or build new units may and final ASTM color on the diesel that is dyed, you can
be sitting there processing to very low levels of sulfur get blotter ratings and total insolubles, which are both
because the specified distillation PNA may change. good stability indicators.
What I am suggesting is to be very careful to determine We use a specification of 7 maximum in the blotter
what the future fuels are going to be. As we optimize these rating, with typical results around 2. For the hexane

110 Hydrogen Processing


insolubles, our specification is 2.5 maximum, but we feel of violators. They were dismayed to find that after they set
that we have to react to anything over 1. We also peri- the clear bottles on the shelf for a couple of months, they
odically check the color on the high sulfur diesel blend were no longer blue. So regarding the last part of the
prior to adding the dye. question about diesel color stability being an issue, I think
if much more of this happens, the dye stability issue may
SAYLES: surface as well.
I agree with what has been said so far. One of the issues
with blue dye was that the EPA did not anticipate adding GARY L. HAMILTON (ABB Lummus Crest Inc.):
blue dye with yellow diesel fuel which will produce green It is interesting to see that this issue was brought up in
fuel. I was glad we went to red dye since red dye and yellow this forum. The topic of color has been given considerable
diesel makes orange fuel which should lead to other ques- attention by the Japanese for a long time. As we have
tions for consumers. worked with refiners around the world, we find that the
There is a proposal by the IRS on a diesel testing Japanese have placed major emphasis on the color ofdiesel.
method to determine the dye concentration in diesel. We They usually target an ASTM color of about 0.5 maximum
have reviewed the test method and it does not appear for hydrotreated diesel product. They have had a number
difficult to perform. However, it is expensive. The equip- of difficulties in meeting that specification as they try to
ment is probably in the range of a $20,000 to $30,000 produce low sulfur diesel, because of the need to increase
investment. temperatures on many of their units that are space velocity
limited. Lummus, together with Criterion, as Mr.
BOYCOTT: Suchanek pointed out, offer the SynSat hydrotreating tech-
This is a loaded question. I do not think there is any nology. With SynSat technology, we focus on setting mild
doubt that color is an issue. The question is, is it a political operating conditions using high activity SynCat catalysts
issue or a product quality issue? One of the members of to keep the temperatures down, thereby achieving 0.5
the IRS was in our refinery five days after the October 1 ASTM D 1500 color on the treated diesel stocks.
dye deadline to ensure that we were meeting the political
side of the dye issue.
As to product quality, the specification on our diesel
In the naphtha hydrotreater, we have a two reactor
has been 2.5 maximum by ASTM D- 1500. Color bodies
configuration unit forprocessing coker naphtha. In the
may cause an exceedance of this specification without the
first liquid phase reactor, we are experiencing wide
engine problems typically associated with fuel instability.
fluctuations of reactor differential pressure. Does
To quote from the applicability section of ASTM D-l500
anyone have similar experience and what corrective
“color is not always a reliable guide to product quality and
steps have been taken?
should not be used indiscriminately in product specifica-
tions”. As Mr. Treese has pointed out, the usefulness of
color testing is in even more doubt as a result of the new
dye requirements. Our typical design for a two reactor coker naphtha
Color stability is really an attempt to qualify the stabil- hydrotreater is all vapor phase in both reactors. In the
ity of a fuel and its tendency to gum filters and shellac example cited here, where the first reactor is designed for
engines. It would seem that a direct test of gumming liquid phase, we suspect that the swings in pressure differ-
tendency such as ASTM test method D-2274 (test for ential are caused by formation of two phases, with the
oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil) would best be pressure drop increasing as the vapor phase is formed. If
applied to this. We have had some discussions with the this is the case, then controlling the pressure and tempera-
pipelines in our area on this issue. ture of the first reactor to maintain the liquid phase would
The Clean Fuels Meeting earlier this week was discuss- be the solution.
ing these issues in detail.
KENNETH ABRAHAMS (Star Enterprise): I agree with Mr. D’Auria. We have a two reactor system
Back on September 12, a member from another North- as well for coker naphtha hydrotreating. We run the first
east refining and marketing company and I had a meeting reactor in liquid phase and the second reactor in vapor
with Pennsylvania’s Department of Motor Fuels Taxation phase and do not experience wide fluctuations at all.
Enforcement Division. We were basically there to describe
refining and dying procedures to them, but one of the PORTER:
topics that came up was the fact that two months before- We have one unit that is processing coker naphtha in a
hand they caught a couple of truckers who had blue-dyed two reactor system, with the first reactor in the liquid
diesel in their tanks and thought they had found a couple phase. We have not seen any pressure fluctuations.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 111


PAUL VANCE (Acreon Catalysts): reprocessing of the coker naphtha in our crude unit
I would just say that most of our experience is on a (This caused activation of the gum precursors in the
liquid phase first stage with an upflow configuration and reboiler of the naphtha splitter.), and
we are not aware of any units with similar symptoms. the presence of solid fines in the feed.
Maybe there is channeling, or maybe the hydrogen distri- Actions taken to reduce fouling and increase run lengths
bution grid is broken. were:
hot coupling of 75% of the coker naphtha stream
QUESTION 25. directly to the naphtha hydrotreater,
How are most people handling their coker naphtha
N2 blanketing of the tank to which the remainder
of the coker naphtha is routed,
stream, in a separate unit or as partial feed to a
mechanical filtration of hydrotreater feed, and
reformer pretreater? What difficulties have been en-
coating of exchanger bundles with filming amine
countered with either approach?
prior to installation.
Antioxidant and dispersant additions were continued
although the necessity of their use is in question.
Some keys to success at Clark’s Hartford refinery are to As a result of the above actions, run lengths have been
hydrotreat the coker naphtha separately, to try to keep increased from 6 to 9 weeks to 6 to 9 months.
coker naphtha a small percentage of the total feed to the Another problem associated with high levels of coker
reformer, and to keep the coker naphtha end point below naphtha has been excessive reactor temperature rise. To
360°F. temper this, we have set up a recycle stream of hydro-
All of the coker naphtha goes through its own separate treated product. We adjust the rate of the recycle stream
hydrotreater, operating at 900 psig. Typical sulfur contents and the volume of coker naphtha routed to the unit to
are 800 ppm to 1,000 ppm in the feed, and 0.5 ppm in control the reactor outlet temperature.
the product. Typical nitrogen contents are 45 ppm to 60
ppm in the feed and 0.5 ppm in the product. This amount CUNEO:
of denitrification could not be achieved in the virgin We prefer to process the coker naphtha commingled
naphtha hydrotreater operating at 300 psig. The hydro- with straight-run naphtha in the reformer pretreater. The
treated coked naphtha is about 14% of the total feed going main reason for that is it is easier to cope with the high heat
to the reformer. release with the olefins, and also because we want to
It is important to feed the coker naphtha to its own monitor the silicone breakthrough into the reformer very
separate unit because the catalyst is eventually poisoned closely and ensure we do not poison our reforming catalyst.
by silicone from coker antifoam agents after processing
about 50 barrels per pound of catalyst. Silicone poisoned PORTER:
catalyst cannot be regenerated. In order to control heat release, coker naphtha is only
One other outlet is to inject the coker naphtha into the a partial feed to our naphtha hydrotreaters. Our typical
base of the FCC riser. To upgrade the coker naphtha, it problems are fouling the feed/effluent exchangers due to
must see the catalyst by itself, with the gas oil being gum deposition and catalyst poisoning due to silicon
injected higher in the riser. I did this at one refinery and contamination.
saw about 25% conversion to olefins.
Our experience has been that coker naphtha is proc-
essed by most refiners in a blend with other naphtha
Coker naphtha is processed as partial feed to our single
stocks, straight-run stocks, or even FCC naphtha, or its
reactor naphtha hydrotreater. The concentration of coker
own hydrotreated naphtha in the recycle, as was men-
naphtha in the charge stream has increased from 10% to tioned before.
15%, and subsequently to 25% as a result of two coker There are naphtha hydrotreaters that process 100%
expansions. At 10% the stream did not cause any undue coker naphtha. Not many that we know of are actually
problems. After the first expansion, the problem was processing 100% coker material, even though they were
handled chemically as discussed in Question 15. After the designed for it.
second expansion, feed side fouling of the feed/effluent The other problems with heat release, silicon poisoning
train became much worse. We contracted Roddey Engi- and so forth, have already been described.
neering Services to assist in solving the problem. There are catalysts that have been developed with a
Problems identified were: high capacity for silicon and they have managed to extend
storage of the coker naphtha in an unblanketed cone the cycle length of a number of hydrotreaters. In our
roof tank, refineries, however, even the silica poisoning is frequently

112 Hydrogen Processing


a determinant of run length, and my experience person- compounds from the lead reactor. This second reactor
ally and recently is that it is very easy to overdose that operates at lower temperature than the lead reactor, with
silicon. It is a common practice to overdose it. the inter-reactor cooling provided by combined feed ex-
CHARLES MCCOY (Consultant):
Some refiners have tried low silicon antifoams to extend RAGHUNATH P. MEHROTRA (India Institute of Petroleum):
hydrotreater catalyst life. Are those any good or have you What is the cycle length difference when processing
given up on them? straight-run naphtha versus coker naphtha with the
straight-run material?
We tried them and did not find the performance cost BOYCOTT:
effective. I can speak to two separate units, one being the unit
that we operate now with somewhere between 6 and 9
M. DEAN EDGAR (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.): months run lengths, as determined by fouling of the
I have heard that low silicon antifoam products are still feed/effluent train and reactor. This unit is in fairly severe
on the market, but are expensive. Refiners are still debating service for a single reactor unit, with 25% to 30% coker
whether the price is worth the performance they realize. naphtha.
In regards to coker naphtha processing, most refiners Another unit I worked on processed no coker naphtha,
are treating it in a blend with straight-run naphtha. Prob- and achieved in excess of two year runs as limited by
ably 20% to 30% of the blend is coker naphtha. Many catalyst activity.
people have been made aware of the high reactivity of
coker naphtha to oxygen. They have taken much time and ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.):
effort to run it hot to the hydrotreater and avoid storage; There are a lot of cokers being built now in the world,
but when they do have to store it, they use inert gas and one of the things people are trying to do is to find
blanketing and oxygen scavengers. An item that frequently places to treat the coker naphtha. I agree with everything
causes a problem is when they bring in the straight-run that has been said about the naphtha treater, but I see a lot
naphtha, especially if the straight-run has been in storage of people considering putting the coker naphtha into
and contaminated with oxygen. This has caused trouble distillate units. That scares me. You have very high olefin
with plugging and polymerization in the exchanges and content material entering the reactor, which will immedi-
on top of the reactor, even though refiners have been very ately react, resulting in a very large temperature differential
careful in handling the coker naphtha. within the top 5% of the bed. I have not done any bed
lifting calculations recently; but I would not be surprised
BARLOW: that the velocity change is so significant, depending on
To add a little bit on the antifoams, we have evaluated how much coker naphtha you have in there, that you
nonsilicon antifoams for cokers. The cost is the biggest might even be doing some damage to the catalyst or the
problem with them. Generally, it takes a lot more chemi- seal balls on the top of the reactor. I have seen this happen
cal. Some of the best efforts we have seen to reduce the in several cases where people will use pilot plant data,
silicon to the HDS unit have been to evaluate the different which is isothermal and absolutely meaningless when you
molecular weight silicon antifoams available, and then to are talking about temperature differentials in adiabatic
improve your feed system and control methods. Operator systems. My suggestion would be to be very careful be-
training is another very key parameter. cause you get significant vaporization with this high delta
T in distillate operations.
We have used a traditional single naphtha hydrotreat- QUESTION 26.
ing reactor design for units having a feed composition of How dues the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the
up to about 10% coker naphtha. As the percentage of recycle gas affect the performance of a distillate hy-
coker naphtha increases toward about ten percent, the feed drotreater? In particular, how dues if affect the product
nitrogen concentration increases proportionally and in- sulfur in a deep desulfurizer?
creased reactor pressure is needed for proper nitrogen
removal. Typical pressure increases range from 350 psig co ARMBRESTER:
750 psig. As part of the design process for our new diesel desul-
With higher coker naphtha concentrations, we have furizer unit, we have performed two side-by-side labora-
added a second series reactor. This second reactor can be tory scale tests treating a mixture of diesel and light cycle
considerably smaller since its purpose is to serve as a oil over a cobalt-molybdenum catalyst. One of the tests
cleanup reactor for breaking up recombination sulfur was conducted with no H2 S in the hydrogen, and the

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 113


other with 5% H2S in the hydrogen stream. When com- improving the performance of an existing unit. Adding a
paring the 5% H2S to the 0% H2S control case, we saw recycle gas scrubber may be cheaper than adding more
about a 30% relative activity suppression on the high H2S reactor volume.
case. This translated into a 15°F start-of-run temperature
increase to make a 0.04% sulfur product, or about 3°F GARY L. HAMILTON (ABB Lummus Crest Inc.):
temperature increase for each percent of H2S in the hy- I agree with the panel entirely. We have done a number
drogen. These values are very consistent with vendor of studies for clients, as part of applying SynSat technology,
quotes ranging from 2°F to 4°F per percent H2S. on removing versus not removing H2S from the recycle gas.
In designing the commercial unit, we estimated that In all cases, it was found justifiable to put the adsorber in,
the catalyst life would be cut by about 25% to 40% on our especially when your objective is deep desulfurization or
typical diesel feed with 1.1 wt% sulfur. Consequently, we aromatics reduction. I have just a word of caution, and
installed a recycle gas scrubber in this unit, but we are not maybe a word of suggestion for the future. If anybody is
sure you could justify that expense for a unit that is leaving the adsorbers out at this time for units being
processing lower sulfur feedstocks. designed to make 0.05 wt% sulfur diesel, you might want
to consider leaving plot space to include an adsorber in the
BOYCOTT: future. Removal of H2S from the recycle gas is important
We went through a similar exercise in the design of our if it is necessary to achieve significant amounts of aromatics
diesel hydrotreater, and the results were identical. We were saturation. In such cases, you will need to change the type
looking at a very conservative estimate of three co six of catalyst used and revamp the unit to achieve lower levels
months run length extensions with the installation of a of H2S in the recycle gas in order to get maximum hydrogen
recycle gas scrubber. As a result, the recycle gas scrubber partial pressure for aromatics saturation.
was incorporated into the design of our new diesel treater.
CUNEO: Does anyone have any experience with low levels of
I do not think we would believe that the loss is quite as sulfur in the feed of a naphtha hydrotreater? Did sulfur
severe as quoted. We did some pilot plant work which have to be injected into the feed? What is considered
showed that on a cobalt-molybdenum catalyst we went a minimum sulfur /eve/ before the hydrotreater cata-
from 96% desulfurization to 95% for 5% H2 S in the lyst suffers from coke deposition?
recycle gas.
LAUX: As a measure of precaution, we advise our units to run
Our vendor recommends a maximum concentration with a minimum of 1,000 ppm hydrogen sulfide in the
0.5 vol%, and we do agree with the loss of activity. When recycle gas hydrogen. While our operating experience, in
we built our McKee diesel hydrotreater, we did nor install general, is with moderate to high levels of sulfur in the
a recycle gas scrubber because we have a fairly sweet unit, naphtha feed to the hydrotreaters, in the past we have
but we provided provisions for it in the future. We control observed that we can strip the catalyst when we are oper-
the H2S and the purity in the recycle by purge. We purge ating in a mode that circulates sweet hydrogen, such as
about one million standard cubic feet per day. during a hot hydrogen strip, or when there is a feed outage
for some other reason. For that reason we have established
PORTER: this 1,000 ppm of H2S in the recycle as a minimum.
We typically scrub recycle gas to remove hydrogen
sulfide when the feed contains greater than 1 wt% sulfur. OEATON:
When recycle gas scrubbing is lost for short periods of A colleague of mine once operated a C5/C6 light naph-
time, HDS activity will typically drop 5°F to 10°F. tha hydrotreater with feed sulfur levels typically in the
range of 10 ppm to 20 ppm and a recycle gas H2S level of
SAYLES: about 50 ppm. Sulfur injection was not needed, and
A caution is at high recycle gas H2S contents, above excellent desulfurization to 0.1 ppm or less was main-
10%, recombination reaction can occur. Recombination tained over a four year period, with a catalyst life of 1,500
reactions occur when the recycle gas H2S reacts with the barrels per pound. Catalyst coking was not a concern and
liquid product forming a higher sulfur liquid. runs between catalyst dumping and screening for pressure
drop concerns exceeded 700 barrels per pound.
CHARLES MCCOY (Consultant):
Mr. Armbrester, you said that you were not sure that LAUX:
building a new unit with the scrubber was justified, and I Our Number 1 naphtha hydrotreater has once-through
agree with you, but it can be a cost effective way of reformer hydrogen with very sweet feed. Our vendor

114 Hydrogen Processing


recommends that we keep our feed sulfur above 20 ppm. ARMBRESTER:

Below that number, we think that we will see metal sulfide We agree that the unit could be used to treat either
reverting back to the base metal, causing higher coke kerosene or FCC gasoline, and we would recommend the
formation and poor desulfurization and denitrification. cobalt-molybdenum catalyst in either case.
We have nor had to do it yet, because we typically run For the kerosene run, you would expect co see higher
about 50 ppm, but we do have provisions available to start-of-run reactor temperatures at this low operating
inject sulfur into the feed ro maintain the 20 ppm level. pressure, resulting in more rapid coking and a shorter
catalyst life.
PORTER: For gasoline hydrorreating, you can expect to see loss
Chevron has experience with feed sulfur levels a.s low as of octane as a result of desulhrizing the gasoline, with the
50 ppm CO a naphtha hydrotreater. No sulfur is injected magnitude of the octane loss being dependent on the
into the feed. The catalyst does not suffer from high levels olefin and aromatic content of the untreated stream.
of coke deposition.
QUESTION 28. We are currently operating a hydrotreater with an outlet
We have a 300 psig spare naphtha hydrotreater. Can hydrogen partial pressure of 160 psig, hydrotreating heavy
this unit be used to hydrotreat kerosene or FCC gaso- FCC gasoline. The reason for doing this is to try to
line? What effects can we expect in each case? minimize olefin saturation. When operating at this low
pressure, it is important to maintain high hydrogen circu-
LAUX: lation, and to process feed directly from the unit to
A 300 lb hydrotreacer certainly can be used co treat minimize any fouling due to gum formation from oxygen
some amount of kerosene or FCC gasoline depending on contaminants.
the catalyst type and volume. We converted a spare 340
psig naphtha hydrotreater to a diesel hydrotreater. It re- M. DEAN EDGAR (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.):
duces 0.2 wt% sulfur diesel to about 0.03 wt% at a 1.5 We would like to rake issue with a couple of the
liquid hourly space velocity, with a projected two year life, comments about being able to treat FCC gasoline and
using the same cobalt-molybdenum catalyst chat was in
have significant octane loss. The amount of octane loss is
the naphtha service.
related to how severe the FCC gasoline is treated for
A nickel-molybdenum catalyst would be more appro-
desulfurization. If we are looking at reformulated gasoline,
priate for the kerosene treating. FCC gasoline desulfuriza-
you may need only 75% or 80% desulfurization of the
tion can also be done, but olefin saturation will occur,
FCC gasoline.
reducing the octane.
Criterion is working in conjunction with ABB Lum-
mus Crest in this area, and we offer a catalyst and technol-
ogy that will allow you CO achieve these levels of
I agree with what he said. We actually have an operation
desulfurization at 300 psig pressure or less. You will get as
where we hydrotreat kerosene in a low pressure unit. We
little as one number loss in road octane (R+M/2). Of
do put some limitations on the unit. We limit the tem-
course, as has been indicated, the octane is due to olefin
perature co 680°F. The space velocity is maintained around
saruration. However, if you are not saturating olefins to a
1.5, and the recycle hydrogen rare is maintained at around
800 SCF per barrel. great extent, you do not have the problems with the high
hydrogen consumption or with the high delta T’s.
For FCC naphtha, space velocity must be limited to
about 1.5 or less, EOR should be limited co 680°F, and
RICHARD M. GIALELLA (IFP Enterprises, Inc.):
recycle hydrogen should be 800 SCFB. FCC naphtha
olefins saturation requires a significant amount of hydro- FCC gasoline desulfurization may be carried out in a
gen, about 10 to 12 SCF hydrogen per bbl of olefin and 300 psig naphtha hydrotreater. However, the design must
will reduce the octane by about 2 numbers. Air contact be carefully reviewed in terms of olefin saturation desired
with the FCC naphtha should be limited to avoid ex- and cycle length required.
changer fouling due to gum buildup. IFP offers gasoline desulfurization/hydrotreating tech-
At low pressure the H2 consumption may reduce the nology which utilizes an optimized set of process condi-
hydrogen parrial pressure below the limit required to treat tions and catalysts which preferentially remove sulfur and
naphtha, H2 psia of about 250 psia. Outlet hydrogen minimize olefins saturation.
partial pressure should be calculated and the recycle gas We have licensed this technology CO a U.S. refiner in
rare increased if the hydrogen partial pressure falls below order to meet government regulations for sulfur and ole-
250 psia. fins content in reformulated gasoline.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 115


QUESTION 29. GEORGE SMITH (Exxon Research & Engineering Company):

Has anyone hydrotreated thermal/y cracked naphtha This is really a comment on both Questions 25 and 29.
in a unit where this stream was 100% of the feed? How Within Exxon, coker naphthas are handled either in
was the heat of reaction controlled? Was catalyst blends with virgin or as 100% feed to a separate unit.
fouling a problem? Site-specific considerations usually dictate the choice for
each location. We have designed three coker naphtha
DEATON: hydrotreaters which operate on 100% fluid or flexicoker
At Clark’s Hartford refinery, we hydrotreat coker naph- naphtha. Feed diolefin contents up to 10% and bromine
tha in its own separate hydrotreater. Stripper bottoms or numbers in excess of 100 have been successfully processed.
virgin naphtha is used as a diluent between 15% and 30% The heat of reaction is controlled by a combination of one
of the feed to control the heat of reaction across the reactor or more of the following: product recycle or quench,
between 170°F and 200°F. and/or inter-reactor heat exchangers.
Typical start-of-run temperatures are 510°F inlet, with Regarding the question of catalyst fouling, in general,
675°F to 680°F outlet. Other key variables are 900 psi catalyst fouling has not been a problem in these hydro-
product separator pressure; 4,700 standard cubic feet per treaters where we process 100% coker naphtha. A low
barrel hydrogen/hydrocarbon ratio on a fresh feed basis; temperature diolefin saturator is included in these designs
and 775 standard cubic feet per barrel hydrogen consump- to prevent fouling due to diolefin polymerization. Also,
tion. Catalyst run lengths are 50 barrels per pound of solids and oxygen must be excluded from the feed to
catalyst, and are limited by silicone poisoning from coker prevent catalyst and equipment fouling.
antifoam agents. The catalyst cannot be regenerated be-
cause glass beads are formed with almost no active surface R. KEVIN DODDS (Acreon Catalysts):
area. Pressure drop and fouling across the exchangers and We have seen several units, or have been involved with
catalyst bed are not a problem in this unit. several units that use a two-stage process, again with a low
temperature front end and a second stage hydrotreating.
PORTER: Silica is still a problem with some of these, but you can
Chevron has several units which blend cracked naphtha regenerate some of these catalysts and clean them up.
with saturated streams to control the heat of reaction.
Catalyst fouling is not a major problem; bed plugging is. QUESTION 30.
What is the best strategy for operating residual desul-
CHARLES MCCOY (Consultant): furizers? Is if based on maximum distillate production
Many years ago, we had a couple of units that fed 100% or catalyst life? What has been the highest distillate
thermal cracked naphtha. They had multiple radial flow yield, and at what catalyst life penalty? Is there any
reactors in series. As Mr. Deaton described, we had a problem with stability of distillates?
facility to inject stripped hydrotreated naphtha between
the reactors for temperature control. We did not have a PORTER:
very good injector, and it was a very tricky thing to operate. Strategies for operating residual desulfurizers will vary,
Regarding Mr. Edgar’s earlier comment about ex- depending on your refinery situation and process configu-
changer fouling, we could run straight-run along with the ration. We generally follow four kinds of reactions:
cracked naphtha. The straight-run came from tankage, so hydrocracking conversion or residual destruction,
it contained oxygen. The thermal cracked naphtha was fed product desulfurization or denitrification,
hot. A gas stripper removed oxygen from the straight-run Conradson carbon residue (CCR) reduction, and
before it mixed with the thermal cracked. We had very metals reduction.
little exchanger fouling. At Pascagoula, where the residual desulfurizer is up-
stream of a delayed coker, reduction of Conradson carbon
M. DEAN EDGAR (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.): residue (CCR) is the controlling reaction. This allows
We have had experience helping people treat 100% maximum utilization of the combined processes.
visbroken naphtha and 100% coker naphtha. We find a The strategy you use, the yields you get and the extent
successful way of treating this type of naphtha is a two to which you use your catalyst will likewise vary, depend-
stage, or two reactor type of process. We use a relatively ing on your feedstock quality and the economics of your
low temperature in the first stage or reactor to get rid of refinery situation.
the diolefins and some of the olefins, and to limit the Our experience is that catalyst fouls at a different rate
amount of heat rise there. We then use the second stage or for each reaction. At severe end of run conditions, it is
reactor as the typical naphtha hydrotreater reactor, to run possible to get acceptable conversion or CCR reduction
at the higher temperatures to remove the sulfur and nitro- and, at the same time, very low denitrification. This could
gen compounds and other contaminants. cause distillate stability problems.

116 Hydrogen Processing


TREESE: If the objective is to prepare feedstock for a residual

In order to produce more distillate from a conventional catalytic cracker, then the strategy is to enhance reactions
residual hydrotreater, the catalyst requires higher average for removals of metals, Conradson carbon, polynuclear
temperature or lower space velocity, or a combination of aromatic saturation to improve profitability on the resid-
both. There are a few residual hydrotreating catalysts ual catalytic cracker.
available that have a hydrocracking function incorporated A third objective could be to increase distillate and/or
into them, and they can achieve a little bit more conver- naphtha yields. In this case, Criterion Catalyst has devel-
sion to distillate at lower temperatures than you could oped a mild hydrocracking catalyst mainly applied for
otherwise get with a conventional catalyst. residual services, to enhance distillate and naphtha pro-
In some cases, the optimum situation would be to duction. In other words, you are mild hydrocracking the
operate at slightly lower feed rate on the residual conver- 650°F to 1,000°F material into the distillate and naphtha
sion unit and higher temperature in order to convert more fractions. A 10 vol% increase in naphtha and distillate is
of the feed to distillate. anticipated when applying a mild hydrocracking residual
Properties of the feedstock processed are part of the catalyst without reduction in unit throughput.
equation. Processing of lower metals, sulfur and Conrad-
son carbon feed, will reduce the catalyst deactivation rate, ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
and may allow for operating the residual hydrotreater at a We have pilot plant operations on the same residual oil
higher temperature to achieve more conversion while in both modes, one keeping sulfur constant, and the other
maintaining an acceptable catalyst life. mode of going up to a temperature of around 750°F over
The penalty for making more distillates is reduced about a month, and then maintaining that temperature. In
throughput or shorter catalyst cycles. Higher hydrogen our case, using a Kuwait atmospheric residual, the differ-
consumption and gas make go along with the higher ence in the life is probably no more than 10% to 15%.
conversion to distillates, which in turn reduces the recycle These were runs of 6,000 and 7,000 hours, respectively.
gas hydrogen content and lowers the hydrogen partial
pressure so you end up with a higher catalyst deactivation LINDA LORD (The Coastal Corporation):
rate. Mr. Porter, at what pressure do you run your residual
The highest conversion seen in units using conven-
hydrotreater? What sort of conversions have you realized
tional residual hydrotreating catalysts is about 25% to
on the unit?
30% of the 650°F plus converted to 650°F minus material.
This is in a unit that was operated to desulfurize and
remove metals from the residual. The conversion ranged
About 2,200 psi with a conversion level of about 60%.
from 10% to 12% at the start of the run, up to the 25%
to 30% at the end of the run.
MEHMET Y. ASIM (Akzo Nobel Catalysts):
Some units operate at higher end-of-run reactor tem-
peratures and some have experienced color stability prob- Numerous comments have already been made regard-
ing the maximum distillate mode of operation. We want
lems in the heavy distillate at the end of run. It appears to
get worse as the cut point of the diesel is increased. The to further emphasize that in this mode of operation at
problem occurs at the end of the cycle, as I said, when the elevated temperatures, if conversion of 1,000°F-plus ma-
reactor temperatures are at their highest. terial exceeds 45% to 50%, sludge formation or asphaltene
High conversion can also result in instability of the fuel precipitation will become a serious problem resulting in
oil product, and this is related to asphaltene precipitation. pressure drop buildup in the effluent heat exchangers.
In extreme cases, this precipitation can occur inside the Therefore, residual desulfurizers should be operated below
reactors or in the heat exchangers, separators, and frac- the critical temperature to avoid sludge formation. Typi-
tionator, and it can result in serious operating problems cally, when operating below 45% to 50% conversion of
like high pressure drops, maldistribution within the reac- 1,000°F-plus material, there are no problems with the
tors, and foaming. stability of distillates.

SAFA GEORGE (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.): QUESTION 31.

The best approach or strategy for residual units depends In hydrotreaters that are operating with a significant
on unit objectives, unit fit into the refinery, and then the temperature rise over the catalyst bed (WF), what
catalyst system you select. would be considered a minimum charge heater duty,
If the objective is to produce low sulfur fuel oil, then expressed as % of total heat input to the reactor, for
the strategy is to enhance the HDS reaction to meet fuel adequate reactor temperature control? Can recycle of
sulfur targets. treated product be used instead?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 117


BOYCOTT: be necessary? What inherent HDS and HDN levels

We use a recycle stream of hydrotreated naphtha to might be obtained?
control the temperature rise in our naphtha hydrotreater
reactor. The question as to the percent of total heat input LAUX:
that the charge heater should comprise is really a unit We have not considered whole crude hydroprocessing
specific question. Ours will run 12% to 20%. This is based as an economic solution to the naphthenic acid problem
on the turndown of our heater and its burner design. that we have in our small lube unit at Three Rivers.
Running at 12%, we rely on the availability of hydro- As discussed earlier, in the General Processing and
treated product as a quench material in case we receive a Support Operations Session, the typical method of treat-
slug of cracked stock. ing a naphthenic acid problem is to use the correct metal-
Another approach is a feed/effluent bypass. I have seen lurgy. For our lube crude unit and vacuum unit, the capital
problems with this when it is employed without due care. cost to install that metallurgy was probably about 1% of
Severe thermal stresses will occur if the bypass is opened the total cost for a crude hydroprocessing unit. Operating
too quickly. costs would also be significant for the crude hydroprocess-
I think the most important thing to stress is that both ing unit.
start-up and normal operation need to be taken into
account in the design of the unit. If you size your charge QUESTION 33.
heater based on running conditions you could end up with Several refiners have used catalyst passivation proc-
a charge heater that will take quite some time to start your esses upon shutdown for unloading hydroprocessing
unit up based on required heat input. catalysts in air. What is the impact of such a procedure
My last point is that good operating procedures and on turnaround time and economics? Is regenerability
well trained operators are required to maintain control of affected?
the system.
DEATON: We have used catalyst passivation, such as the CAT-
We operate a distillate hydrotreater with about 8% NAP process, a couple of times. On one application we
hydrocracking, with as little as 20°F temperature rise saved two days in shutting down the unit, which allowed
across the charge heater. This is about 15% of controllable maintenance access to critical path equipment sooner than
heat input to a reactor feed heat exchange system. expected. We have not yet attempted to regenerate and
Recycle of treated product is not used in this system. reuse catalyst from this passivation process.
Exchanger bypassing, both controlled and manual, is used
to maintain minimum charge heater duty. Feed composi- JAMES J. BARRY (CRI International, Inc.):
tion control is very important as the feed is a variable CATNAP has been applied about 80 times involving
mixture of diesel, LCO, and LVGO, with increases in the over 250 reactors. On the issue of turnaround time, elimi-
percent LCO having the most effect on reactor tempera- nation of the hydrogen strip can save 12 to 24 hours in
ture rise and heat exchange. the shutdown. Elimination of dust with CATNAP allows
the use of high capacity vacuum systems to remove the
ARMBRESTER: catalyst 2 to 3 times faster than conventional vacuum
The only thing that I would add is that when you are systems. With one hydrocracker, for example, we saved
operating your charge heater at these very low firing rates, about 2 days on the unloading time.
it is even more important to have a reliable flame detection On the economics, most important is reduced turn-
and shutdown system, because the flame can be unstable around time. You save the nitrogen costs for inert entry.
at low firing rates. Also, you require less makeup catalyst due to less catalyst
abrasion from the novel vacuum system. On shipping, the
PORTER: catalysts can be classified as nonself-heating.
From a safety standpoint, we design our reactor charge On regeneration, CRI has regenerated these treated
furnaces for about 40°F to 50°F temperature rise or about catalysts a number of times with success. The trick is to do
10% of total heat input. an inert nitrogen strip to remove the hydrocarbon.

SAYLES: MERLIN HOISETH (Reactor Services International, Inc.):

I agree. Passivating catalyst by cooling down the reactor with
gas oil and leaving the catalyst wet was the standard long
QUESTION 32. before a “passivation” chemical was ever introduced. Hot
Is anyone considering whole crude hydroprocessing hydrogen stripping followed by a nitrogen purge cool
for naphthenic acid removal? What conditions would down is not only a timesaver in not having to deal with a

118 Hydrogen Processing


messy situation, but also enables the troubleshooting and pressure the DMDS into our injection pumps. Although
diagnosis ofoperating problems such as high pressure drop DMDS reportedly begins to decompose at 350°E and this
or channeling. is lower than the 425°F for decomposition of DMS, we
Entering and working in a nitrogen atmosphere versus prefer to carry out presulfiding with DMDS at the same
an air atmosphere provides a safety factor for reactor temperature as required for DMS.
technicians. The potential for a pocket of gas in a “coked-
up” reactor is always present and thus the absence of PORTER:
oxygen eliminates any explosive condition. We use both DMDS and TMPS for sulfiding. We use
Whether or not to use the “passivating” chemical in the temperatures of 425°F to 450°F for decomposition.
shutdown process instead of hydrogen stripping the cata- TMPS costs about twice as much as DMDS per pound of
lyst bed of hydrocarbons before emptying should not be sulfur, but it has less odor problems.
determined on the basis of saving nitrogen costs. But
rather, it should be one of personnel safety considerations. SAYLES:
I agree.
What is the preferred presulfiding agent for hydro-
processing catalyst? For refiners who use TNPS (ter-
Most of the agents that we are aware of have been
tiary nonyl polysulfide), what has been their
mentioned already. I would add that it is important to
experience on performance, especially decomposi-
tion temperature?
maintain control of your injection rate and be sure that
you keep your recycle gas purity correct. Otherwise, you
ARMBRESTER: begin experiencing hydrate precipitation problems in the
Ashland’s preferred sulfiding agent is dimethyl sulfox- effluent.
ide, DMSO. This material is nontoxicand odorless, which At our other locations we have also used dimethyl
makes it considerably easier to handle than some of the sulfide (DMS), carbon disulfide, and in some places where
less expensive sulfiding agents such as dimethyl sulfide and we have it available, we use hydrogen sulfide gas. Any
dimethyl disulfide. DMSO is also miscible with water, agent that is convertible to H2S at relatively low tempera-
which facilitates cleanup, but it does have a relatively high ture, say in the 300°F to 450°F range, can be controlled
freeze point of 65°F, so heat tracing of the tank and piping to give satisfactory sulfiding results.
may be necessary in cooler temperatures. Often other factors, such as have been mentioned here,
During the presulfiding operation, DMSO breaks are more important in the decision, such as odor or safety.
down to form DMS at 372°F, and the DMS subsequently
breaks down at 435°F to form H2S, which then reacts at TOM CLANCY (Elf Atochem North America, Inc.):
the catalyst metal sites to form metal sulfides. We manufacture and sell virtually all of the presulfiding
agents for hydroprocessing catalysts, and based on use,
BOYCOTT: DMDS is far and away the preferred presulfiding agent.
We typically use a presulfided catalyst in our naphtha However, I agree with the panel in that for each individual
hydrotreater and DMDS for presulfiding on our diesel application the preferred presulfiding agent will depend
hydrotreater. upon the specific requirements of the refiner such as
handling, decomposition temperature, sulfur content,
and cost. Our research and commercial experience indi-
We recommend DMDS or DMS as a sulfiding agent.
cate that TNPS decomposes at 320°F, DMDS at 392°F,
Several of our licensees have tried TMPS, but we dropped
and DMS at 482°F.
it from our approved list because we had a couple of
instances of sulfur deposition in the injection piping and
pumps. This deposition occurred at temperatures below
Are there advantages to using a radial flow reactor for
hydrotreating cracked naphthas?
We use DMDS for presulfiding the hydrotreater and PORTER:
hydrocracker reactors, and TNPS for presulfiding the re- Radial flow reactors are less sensitive to bed plugging
former reactors. We prefer DMDS over DMS, because because material can build up in the scallops to a signifi-
DMDS has a lower vapor pressure, is less odorous, and is cant extent before effecting pressure drop. Due to the
easier to pump. We park the bulk transport next to the unit, potential for small amounts ofchanneling, one should not
pressurize the bulk transport to 100 psi with nitrogen, and rely on a single radial flow reactor.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 113


SAYLES: Tru-Tee, although these are limited by the thickness of the

I agree that radial flow reactors do have a higher volume reactor wall.
to pick up scale and trash. Two reactors in parallel are I have a couple of comments on things that were
desirable for removal of one vessel while the other is in proposed here that affect increases in the reactor tempera-
service. We would use an active material to pack the ture. If the radial temperature spreads in the catalyst bed
internals to aid in removing scale. are due to uneven liquid distribution, we would expect any
reactor temperature increase that is sufficient to fully
D'AURIA: vaporize the reactants would be effective in reducing the
Radial flow reactors will maintain a low pressure drop temperature spread. But if your temperature rise is not
for a longer period of time when there is catalyst bed going to fully vaporize the reactants, it is not going to help
fouling. However, if this fouling is occurring, it will result you any on your temperature distribution, and it may even
in flow maldistribution across the catalyst bed. Cleaning make it worse.
the foulant out from behind the scallops in a radial flow As far as recycle gas rate, we do not really have any
reactor during turnaround can be a difficult and time evidence to indicate the recycle gas rate will always im-
consuming task. prove the temperature distribution in a treating bed. In-
creased temperature gradients have been observed in some
QUESTION 36. units during turndown operation and we think that there
In our reactor, the temperature reading among the bed is a minimum axial pressure drop through the bed neces-
thermocouple showed 0 to 12°C difference, which sary to prevent channeling. That is, the pressure drop helps
suggested uneven flow distribution. What kind of ac- to distribute the reactants within the bed.
tion do you take for improved reactor bed flow? In
addition, how would the following action affect the SAYLES:
flow distribution: A. Increasing the reaction temperature should not
increasing the reactor temperature, effect temperature distribution provided the
recycle gas fate increase, quench is evenly distributed. Raising reactor tem-
feed viscosity decrease, or peratures by reducing quench with poor distribu-
reactor internal (distribution tray) modification? tion will increase maldistribution.
The total liquid plus gas mass flow through the
TREESE: reactor should be between 2,000 to 5,000 lb/hr-sq
The radial uniformity of liquid and vapor flow distri- ft to maintain good flow distribution.
bution in a catalyst bed depends on the efficiency of the B. Increasing recycle gas can also provide the opposite
top liquid distribution tray, the uniformity of the bed, and effects of higher maldistribution if the problem is
on the axial pressure drop through the bed. mechanical and good distribution if the flow is
The efficiency of the top distribution tray depends on below the critical mass flow.
the design and layout of the individual distributors, and C. For a given feedstock operation, naphtha, distillate,
on how tight and level the tray installation is. VGO, etc., normal variations in feed physical
The uniformity of the catalyst bed depends on the properties have not had an effect on feed distribu-
radial permeability variations that exist in the bed, and tion. High olefin, aromatics, or sulfur compared to
those variations can be caused by poor catalyst loading the normal feed can increase hydrogen consump-
technique, particulate accumulation in the bed, or coking tion to the point where radial maldistribution is
in the interstitial spaces between the particles. observed.
If you experience significant radial temperature gradi- D. Reactor internal distributors have many configura-
ents in a single bed reactor, you should consider either tions. In general, the use of a redistribution tray
upgrading the top distributor tray, making appropriate below each reactor bed and limiting the length to
checks to ensure that the tray is installed correctly, and bed depth ratio of between 3 to 4. Multiple bed
monitoring the catalyst loading equipment and the tech- reactors and limiting the L/D will reduce the pos-
niques used during the loading. Sometimes people abdi- sibility of maldistribution.
cate the loading of the catalyst to others. You really cannot An important consideration is the condition of the
do that. catalyst bed. If only one bed is involved, coking or bed
Also consider use of a graded bed configuration to take pluggage is a likely cause of distribution problems. Un-
fouling. Consider dense loading if your reactor mass ve- loading, screening, and reloading high fines catalyst can
locity is so low that you are not getting good distribution, eliminate distribution problems. High fines catalyst may
and you are getting too much trickle. require replacement with fresh catalyst. Maldistribution
We have had some success identifying flow maldistribu- in each bed of multi-bed reactor is most likely a distributor
tion by using radioactive scanning methods on-line like design problem. If the maldistribution occurs suddenly,

120 Hydrogen Processing


then the catalyst may have experienced a water shot which inert. In fact, it will probably improve distribution as well.
may destroy the catalyst integrity. Increasing recycle gas rate is going to help this problem.

D’AURIA: TIMOTHY L. HECKEL (Unocal Process Technology):

Before deciding there is flow maldistribution requiring Not to be too argumentative, but one case where in-
action to correct it, one would need to know the diameter creasing recycle gas flow can create more of a problem is a
of the reactor - if it were 12 ft or more, 12°C radial condition where the quench zone is either not properly
spread is not all that bad. As to what to do: designed or not properly installed or has been damaged in
increasing reactor temperature will not improve liq- service. In that case, increasing quench requirement can
uid flow distribution; simply cool down part of the bed and not cool down the
increasing recycle gas flow will improve distribution, rest of the bed and actually create a worse temperature
but only minimally; maldistribution problem.
feed viscosity will affect flow distribution minimally; Another potential is if, there is any bypassing of the
and quench zone, say through a poorly sealed dump tube.
reactor internals modifications could help, provided Then increasing recycle gas flow, and thus increasing
the existing internals are inadequate. internals pressure drop, will result in increased bypassing
Another very important parameter is catalyst loading. and more potential for a hot zone.
To get uniform pressure drop, and uniform flow distribu-
tion, the catalyst should be dense loaded. QUESTION 37.
Are there any new techniques to detect ma/distribution
DEATON: other than bed thermometry (e.g., radioactive scan)?
For two phase flow reactors, proper installation and
design of liquid redistribution trays between beds is vital TREESE:
in eliminating flow distribution problems and radial tem- We have had some experience in radioactive scans, like
perature differences. Prior to revamping the liquid redis- I just mentioned on the previous question. This was with
tribution decks in our Isomax hydrocracker, we Tru-Tec. The ability to use these methods is sometimes
experienced radial temperature differences of up to 50°F, limited by the thickness of the reactor walls, the size of the
but now the differences are down to 10°F maximum. I will reactor and the fact that it is loaded with a lot of dense
discuss the details in Question No. 50 of the hydrocrack- catalyst. What works well on a column is quite a bit less
ing section. effective on a reactor. But in a recent application, we could
spot density differences within the bed, and these were
ADRIAN GRUIA (UOP): later correlated and corresponded roughly to incorrect
Mr. Sayles, you talked about the 2,000 to 5,000 recom- installation of the upper distributor tray. Where we had
mended maximum flows. Are you talking about total top entry thermowells, maintenance had cut out holes so
maximum flow or only liquid maximum flow? that the thermowells went in easily, but all the liquid also
went down the holes.
Total liquid plus gas flow. MICHAEL BOTHE (Tru-Tee):
Tru-Tee has developed a technique, called “SPECT-
PAUL VANCE (Acreon Catalysts): SCAN”, for determining the liquid phase distribution
I would like to reemphasize that the tray liquid levelness within refinery fixed bed reactors. The most important
is very important for uniform distribution. piece of internal equipment for these reactors is the feed
Also, on turnarounds, inspect very closely the key distributor. Good distributor design is critical for maxi-
internals/tray components. Some of the designs have ver- mizing catalyst life and to prevent “hot spots” from devel-
tical chimneys with what I call “piccolo holes” in the side. oping. The technique involves injecting an isotope into
If you put your flash light in there, they may look as if they the reactor that will stick to the catalyst in a pattern
are clean, but I have seen them totally plugged off. You consistent with the liquid distribution in the catalyst. The
really need to go down there and see that each has been reactor is then scanned at many points around the circum-
cleaned out individually, especially those farthest from the ference to collect data on the strength of the signal radiat-
manway. ing from the isotope inside. The data is presented as
distribution and polar plots showing the pattern and
CHARLES McCOY (Consultant): depth of the liquid maldistribution. Conventional nonde-
I disagree on one point. Increasing recycle gas rate (or structive techniques, such as gamma scans and neutron
gas to oil ratio) is always going to reduce delta T, whether backscatter, are not effective for determining liquid
radial or axial, for the simple reason that the gas is thermally maldistribution in these reactors, because the thick walls

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 121


and high catalyst density would require an extremely large of solid ammonium chloride at these temperature lev-
source that would be impractical to use. Still, gamma scans els? What other water soluble solid compounds would
can be used to locate and evaluate distributors, and find be causing this problem?
the height of the catalyst bed. The source used for gamma
scanning these reactors is the same one used for Spect- PORTER:
Scans. Additional tests that can be done with Spect-Scans On rare occasions we have seen ammonium chloride
and gamma scans include: flow rate measurement, ex- salts deposit in heat exchangers with bulk fluid tempera-
changer leak tests, and residence time distribution studies tures as high as 450°F. Usually it is with temperatures in
of equipment located between the reactor and injection the 350°F range that we have had the most problems.
point. Thus, it becomes very cost effective to have all three Chlorides are by far the most common salt, but we have
of these procedures done on the same day to obtain the seen one or two plugging occurrences due to other halides.
most information needed to diagnose the problems with Chlorides are introduced to the process via naphtha
your reactor. reformer hydrogen, in the makeup hydrogen stream
and/or the liquid feed. It is difficult to measure the
QUESTION 38. minute levels of chloride in the feed that can cause
We have experienced plugging in the hot separator effluent plugging.
vapor system of our gas oil hydrotreater where the
temperature range is 450°F to 600°F Injection of water TREESE:
eliminates the plugging. We have not detected any The precipitation ofammonium chloride is dependent
chloride in our feed. Have people observed formation on the product of the partial pressures of the ammonia and

122 Hydrogen Processing


the hydrochloric acid in the effluent system. If the feed PORTER:

nitrogen is moderate to high, it only takes one or two ppm I agree, but temperatures of less than 450°F are required
of chloride in the recycle gas to cause the precipitation, to prevent the diolefins from polymerizing before they get
and that level can be reached with one ppm of chloride in to the catalyst.
either the feed or the makeup hydrogen, as has been
alluded to by Mr. Porter. R. KEVIN DODDS (Acreon Catalysts):
One of our refineries has experienced ammonium chlo- I agree that with active support at high temperature you
ride plugging at high salts levels. This occurred in the can start hydrogenating the diolefins before they reach the
temperature range that we are talking about, 450°F to catalyst. We have a catalyst, HR-945, that will help cut
500°F, and we do not really have much information on down on the polymerization, gumming and the coking.
what other water soluble compounds might be causing We believe that this catalyst with the demetalization or
this. As mentioned, the other salt halides might potentially active support will eliminate this problem.
be there, but chloride is more likely.
ANOERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
BOB RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.): It depends on the protection layer whether it will
Ammonium chloride normally will not deposit at the hydrogenate the diolefins before they polymerize. To
temperatures of 400°F to 600°F. I think what is happen- hydrogenate the diolefins without plugging the layer, you
ing in the exchanger that we are referring to is that there need a very careful grading by activity and size of a high
is maldistribution in the exchanger. Hot separator vapors void material, such as rings.
often exchange heat with makeup hydrogen or recycle
gas, and the discharge temperature on the compressor can
be somewhere in the 175°F range, and so you can get to Catalysts
the point where ammonium chloride will form. On the
tube side, there is obviously maldistribution in that the QUESTION 40.
flow in all the tubes is not the same. Therefore, if the flow Has anyone ever identified formation of nickel car-
gets cold in some of the tubes because of a partial plug- bony/ caused by partial combustion of spent catalyst?
ging, you can get lower than the outlet temperature of the (Some people have speculated about this. Has it ever
exchanger in that one tube. I have seen that happen really happened?)
before, where the outlet of the exchanger is, let us say,
500°F, yet some of the tubes in there are running at 250°F TREESE:
or 300°F, certainly cold enough to deposit ammonium Nickel carbonyl formation has never been reported
chloride. That might be the problem to which the ques- during spent catalyst handling at our refineries or, to our
tion refers. knowledge, by any of our licensees. However, the concern
over its presence is based on more than mere speculation.
QUESTION 39. Partial combustion of the warm spent catalyst on expo-
In commercial hydrotreating processes for upgrading sure to air can lead to formation of carbon monoxide. The
of cracked distillates, usually a protection layer is carbon monoxide could then react with any small
provided at the top of the active catalyst bed to provide amounts of metallic nickel that were formed by reduction
a good distribution of feed, demetalization, physical during the shutdown and hydrogen stripping operations.
adsorption, etc. Does this layer also hydrogenate the These reactions, though, are not favored under any nor-
diolefins? mal catalyst handling conditions. I would also note that
under regular shutdown conditions, they should not be
CUNEO: favored. Despite all this, given the extreme toxicity of
We use graded active support materials in loading of nickel carbonyl, it is advisable to take all the precautions
the reactors and found that to be very beneficial in im- necessary, to completely eliminate any chance of its
proving the distribution. We also believe that active sup- presence.
port materials would indeed start the hydrotreating
reaction sequence, including hydrogenation of diolefins. BOYCOTT:
I would agree with Mr. Treese. We have never identified
BOYCOTT: the formation of nickel carbonyl, but we do take the
I would agree that if the active support material is used, precautions of an inert reactor entry and testing for carbon
that it will promote the hydrogenation of diolefins and monoxide and carbon dioxide. The only instance I have
olefins. heard of is the instance in Texas in the 1960’s.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 123


CUNEO: What we have seen is that these operations are charac-

I have nothing more co add. We take the same precau- terized by severe raw material shortages, and do not have
tions, and we have never seen nickel carbonyl either. the same attention to such factors as competition, quality
control, and customer satisfaction orientation that have
D’AURIA: benefitted our own manufacturing operations. As a result,
Nickel carbonyl can be formed under conditions of the advances reported in the patent literature have gener-
incomplete combustion in the temperature range of 300°F ally not been commercially realized.
co 400°F. It is an unstable compound and will decompose
outside this range. We are not aware of any documented QUESTION 42.
case where nickel carbonyl has been identified. It is apparent that ex situ presulfiding is gaining in
popularity. I understand that several units have expe-
CHARLES MCCOY (Consultant): rienced large exotherms during start-up with presul-
A couple of years ago, a reactor on the West Coast fell fided catalysts. What type of products or units have
and broke off the piping. It burned initially, ofcourse. The these problems? How severe is the problem? How can
decision was made to allow it to continue burning for it be avoided?
some time rather than put the fire out because of the
concern chat oxygen could get drawn in, as Mr. Treese said, LAUX:
and form carbon monoxide by partial combustion. If this We have used presulfided catalyst on numerous occa-
carbon monoxide somehow reached colder catalysts it sions in our lube hydrotreater and once in a naphtha
could react with the nickel and form nickel carbonyl. This hydrotreater as well. There has only been one instance of
was hypothetical, but it was an extremely serious and a large exotherm occurring. The reactor had over a 300°F
costly problem for the refinery involved. Nobody really delta T. The unit pressure also dropped rapidly at the same
knew the answer. The panel does not have the answer time. We believe that there was too much presulfiding
either. There has been more than one instance of the loss chemical on this load of catalyst. It was a load that had
of life in the refining industry because of nickel carbonyl, been sitting in storage at the vendor’s warehouse for some
not formed in this way but by purging with gas containing time and potentially it was dosed twice. Interestingly, we
carbon monoxide. had a normal run on that load of catalyst, even after that
large exotherm.
ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
If any of you have a methanator in the cleanup of the DEATON:
hydrogen, I would warn about getting the carbon oxides Early methods of presulfiding catalysts did provide
out of that during shutdown procedure and before anyone considerable risk of high exotherms during start-up.
has any access to the methanator. There have been fatalities Exotherms are caused by the activation rate of the presul-
with methanators and nickel carbonyl. Concerning safe fiding catalyst. Very slow heat-up rates, on the order of
shutdown of methanators, see Allen D.W and Yen W.H. 25°F per hour, and wet start-ups with liquid feed acting
Ammonia Plant Saf. 15, 96-101 (1973). as a heat sink, were typically employed co minimize the
risk of excessive exotherms. However, in the last two to
QUESTION 41. three years new presulfiding methods have dramatically
Do any Eastern European companies manufacture and reduced exotherms and temperature rises of only 25°F to
market refining catalysts? Soviet patent literature is 50°F are usually expected, using only hydrogen as a circu-
full of catalyst items. Are Western refiners missing lating medium.
out on some valuable technology? Does the panel On one recent start-up of our naphtha hydrotreater, an
have any experience to report? exocherm of less than 15°F was observed. We use CRI’s
ACTICAT This product activates slowly over a tempera-
McLEAN: cure range of 350°F co 475°F, thus minimizing the degree
The former Soviet Union excelled in research carried of exotherm.
out by centralized government-funded research institutes.
However, there was little progress in developing this into STEPHEN MURFF (Eurecat U.S. Incorporated):
manufacturing know how and capability, with the excep- During the activation of hydroprocessing catalysts,
tion of the defense industry. some exotherm is a natural and expected occurrence,
There are several catalyst manufacturing operations whether the unit is utilizing in situ sulfiding or ex situ
which we know of, typically as part of a refinery which sulfiding. For the vast majority of the 60 million lb of
produces catalyst for on-site consumption. We know this Sulficat® Process presulfided catalysts that our company
applies to cracking, reforming, and isomerization cata- has provided, these activations have been smooth and
lysts, usually one variety of each type produced per site. uneventful, with only moderate exotherms.

124 Hydrogen Processing


In a limited number of cases, some specific catalysts significantly reducing overall handling and loading times,
sulfided with off-site sulfiding were activated under gas as well as eliminating packaging material waste.
phase conditions, and have exhibited exotherms which
cause some concern. The number of these units is limited, BOYCOTT:
and very easily identified. For these specific cases, Eurecat On the issue of bulk handling of presulfided catalyst, it
has addressed the concern by, first, working closely with is critical to keep the material dry and inert. I would
the refiners to design a specific start-up procedure for those concur with Mr. Funk on the use of flow bins. We have
units, and, second, modifying the off-site presulfiding not had a problem in the last three years.
process to meet the requirements of the units that are of
concern. QUESTION 44.
Since our company was the inventor of the first and The concept of “cradle to grave” management of the
most widely utilized sulfiding process, and the first com- life cycle of catalyst has been advocated by several
pany in the industry to receive ISO 9002 certification for catalyst manufacturers. What has been the industry
our services, we are committed to continually evaluating interest?
and improving the services we provide our customers.
QUESTION 43. While cradle to grave management of catalysts is some-
What is the industry experience with receiving pre-sul- what appealing, Unocal’s response has been lukewarm.
furized catalyst in intermediate bulk containers? Based The issue is complicated by the definition of who the waste
on experience, has the overall downtime of the unit(s) generator is and the legal responsibilities involved in it.
been reduced? Are there any storage problems? The general concept has merit, and we may express inter-
est in this option in the future.
BOYCOTT: In a sense, we already recycle our catalysts and metals
We have been using presulfiding catalysts for a number here whenever possible, especially the noble metals cata-
of years now. We had one serious incident with the mate- lysts that we use for hydrocracking and reforming.
rial based on lack of drying before shipment. Overall we
have been very pleased with its use. We continue to use McLEAN:
the presulfided catalysts successfully, and typically on a This is a general question, and my answer applies to
small unit, we are seeing a 24- to 36-hour time savings. In FCC catalysts, even though I realize we are in the wrong
storage this material must be kept inert and dry. session here for that.
Engelhard does work with our customers to determine
LAUX: the best disposition option for spent catalyst, but, again,
We have received presulfided catalysts in steel drums, the ultimate responsibility for selecting and controlling
catalyst flow bins that hold about 10 drums each, and in that option remains with the refiner. If the catalyst’s metals
supersacks. The supersack order did not quite make it to level, activity, and physical properties are of sufficient
the refinery, though. Some of the sacks melted while quality to allow the equilibrium catalyst to be used for
traveling down the highway. addition to another FCC unit, we assist in locating such
We also had odor problems in our warehouse from an option, either by a direct referral or in some cases
those sacks that did arrive, even though they were there through a third party broker. We have also done significant
for only ten hours. We do not allow supersacks of presul- work in studying the use of equilibrium FCC catalysts as
fided material now at all. feedstocks for the manufacture of both asphalt fillers and
The catalyst bins save a lot of loading time and we use cement.
them whenever possible. We estimate that we save about We would be happy to share the information that we
36 hours on a start-up by using presulfided catalyst. Also, have garnered from this with refiners and help them
we have stored presulfided catalyst for up to nine months arrange for their preferred options.
in steel drums without any problems.
RON FUNK (Federal Container Corporation): The way we understand the cradle to grave concept is
Federal Container operates a rental pool of DOT and the catalyst manufacturer accepts the responsibility to
UN approved Catalyst-Bins, otherwise known as IBCs, or supply you with the catalyst and you never really gain
flow bins as you have referred to them, used specifically possession. We are uncomfortable with not being in con-
for the storage and shipment of presulfurized catalyst. We trol of waste material. Instead, we prefer to take possession
have provided this service for almost four years in the U.S., of the catalyst and have control over the catalyst disposal.
Canada, and just most recently, Europe. FCC Catalyst- We recycle all of our precious metals catalysts without
Bins hold a 12-to-1 size advantage over standard drums, exception. With some of our hydrotreater catalysts, we

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 125


have recycled the metals where the cost made sense. In comparison to the LDR-II UTS to determine whether or
other cases, we have elected for landfills. not that waste requires treatment prior to disposal. Table
I provides metals in spent and demetallized spent FCCU
D'AURIA: catalyst leachate from routine TCLE de-ionized water
Cradle to grave is not an entirely new concept. UOP TCLP (DI-TCLP), and a de-ionized water flush (versus
has provided this service for precious metal catalysts since the TCLP 18-hour shake) at two temperatures.
the early ’50s. In addition to recovery of the precious Metals are contained in FCCU feed stock and in fresh
metal, the catalyst base is converted to commercial grade catalyst added to the FCCU. TCLP showed leachable
alumina and totally recycled. Extending this service to metals from fresh catalyst. Metals found in spent FCCU
other catalyst lines has met with lukewarm response from catalyst leachate also include those which are deposited
refiners. The reason is the lack of an economic driving from feed stock. Table II shows the TCLP leachate analyses
force. The expense of recycling has not been justified by of fresh, spent and demetallized catalyst samples; demet-
the value of the recovered materials. allization was performed at a lower severity for reduction
of leachable metals prior to disposal rather than recycling.
STEPHEN PAVEL (Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc.): Table II shows a low vanadium content spent catalyst can
As the panelist brought spent FCCU catalyst disposal leach above UTS limits, and less rigorous demetallization
options into this response, it is appropriate to add an conditions provide effective removal of metals which pre-
option absent from that review: demetallization and recy- viously leached from spent catalyst. As demetallized spent
cling of spent FCCU catalyst is an option to disposal. FCCU catalyst TCLP leachate is below the LDR-II UTS
Off-site and on-site demetallization has been described in for all fourteen metals, demetallization could be used to
the literature and NPRA papers since 1988. reduce the leachable metals prior to secondary recycling
Considering the cradle and the grave of the metals (cement kilns, etc.) or disposal. At the 1994 NPRA Envi-
in/on spent FCCU catalyst, the source of the metal con- ronmental meeting it was reported by a panelist that
taminants and the ultimate recovery of those metals, cement kiln feed stocks are limited to a blend of 83 ppm
requires complete elemental analyses of the spent material vanadium due to potential problems with refractory. Us-
and their leachates. Metals taken from the ground in crude ing DEMET to remove vanadium from feed stocks to
oil and deposited on fresh FCCU catalyst can be recovered
cement kilns would increase capability to process spent
using a pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical process,
FCCU catalyst.
DEMET ® , and the base material recycled for original use,
DEMET process service is currently provided at an
FCCU catalysis, or disposed in landfills or cement kilns.
off-site plant in Meraux, LA. Through a three and a half
CCTI’s DEMET process takes a portion of spent
year run from April, 1991, through September, 1994, one
FCCU catalyst and removes a portion of the metal con-
refiner recycled over 8,700 tons of spent FCCU catalyst.
taminants, enabling the refiner to recycle demetallized
Adding to 1,300 tons previously processed and recycled,
spent FCCU catalyst back to the FCCU, thus reducing
that refinery has recycled over 10,000 tons of demetallized
the solid waste from the refinery. Best Demonstrated
Available Technology (BDAT) for heavy metals is High spent FCCU catalyst. Fresh catalyst additions were re-
Temperature Metal Recovery (HTMR). Spent FCCU duced from fifteen to under six tons a day by recycling
catalyst contains a high percentage of silica and alumina, about eight and a half tons per day; this reduction in-
which makes it unsuitable feed stock for HTMR due to creased the average age of the circulating FCCU catalyst
high slag formation, increased cost of processing and from 30 days to over 80 days without deterioration of the
reduced throughput. Demetallization removes heavy met- yield performance of the unit. Although DEMET can be
als from spent FCCU catalyst. Metals are recovered by utilized to pre-treat spent FCCU catalyst prior to disposal,
precipitation (BDAT for metal recovery from waste- recycling demetallized spent FCCU catalyst has more
waters), and are at concentrations acceptable for BDAT economic and environmental advantages.
metal reclaimers using HTMR.
Spent FCCU catalyst is not a listed RCRA waste. HEROS OERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company):
Previously, some have compared spent FCCU catalyst to In the old days we used to regenerate hydrotreating
another waste that had not been listed under RCRA, fly catalyst. Concerning all the problems of environmental
ash; that was prior to this year’s Supreme Court ruling on and the life of the cycles, has anybody looked at ex situ or
municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash. Newly listed in situ regeneration of the hydrotreating catalyst? Is the
RCRA wastes are subject to rules such as the Land Dis- technology available for that?
posal Restrictions-Phase II (LDR-II) Universal Treatment
Standards (UTS) published in the Federal Register, Sep- LAUX:
tember 19, 1994. The Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Yes. We definitely regenerate our hydrotreating cata-
Procedure (TCLP) is used to extract leachable metals for lysts from our lube unit, as well as from our first reactor

126 Hydrogen Processing


Table I. Table II.

Reduction of Spent FCCU Catalyst A Leachability By TCLP Leachability of Fresh, Spent and Demetallized
DEMETallization, Various Leachates Routine Spent FCCU Catalyst B
Demetallization for Recovery of Metals, And Recycle of Minimum Processing for Removal of Leachable Materials
Base Material to FCCU Prior to Disposal/Secondary Use

Method: Total Analysis Routine TCLP De-ionized H20 Catalyst: LDR-II Element Fresh Fresh
20:1 at 2.88 pH 20:1 DI-TCLP UTS Detect catalyst TCLP
Analysis: TCLP Limit Total Leachate
Catalyst: Spent DCAT Spent DCAT Spent DCAT
Element: ppm ppm ppm ppm
Sample: Total Total L’chate Lchate L’chate L’chate
Element: ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Antimony 2.1 0.050 bdl bdl
Arsenic 5.0 0.050 78.7 bdl
Antimony 2272 387 3.5 bdl 5.5 bdl
Barium 7.6 0.050 83.4 0.78
Arsenic 122 17 bdl bdl bdl bdl
Beryllium 0.014 0.001 3.3 0.002
Barium 247 36 1.1 1.2 0.20 0.32
Cadmium 0.19 0.01 bdl bdl
Beryllium 21 4 0.002 0.002 bdl bdl
Chromium 0.86 0.01 75.9 0.01
Cadmium 5 bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
Lead 0.37 0.02 39.6 0.05
Chromium 97 33 0.02 0.02 bdl bdl
Mercury 0.025 0.0002 nt 0.0006
Lead 5 5 0.02 0.03 bdl bdl
Nickel 5.0 0.010 27.0 0.01
Mercury bdl bdl 0.0003 0.0004 bdl 0.0002
Selenium 0.16 0.15 bdl bdl
Nickel 5211 598 1.5 1.2 0.28 0.48
Silver 0.3 0.05 bdl bdl
Selenium bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
Thallium 0.078 0.05 bdl bdl
Silver 10 2 bdl bdl bdl bdl
Vanadium 0.23 0.02 61.3 bdl
Thallium bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
Zinc 5.3 0.005 101.1 0.537
Vanadium 2045 539 1.7 bdl 4.4 bdl
Zinc 233 119 0.555 0.532 0.106 0.090
Catalyst: Spent Spent DCAT DCAT
catalyst TCLP catalyst TCLP
Method: DI-Flush DI-Flush
Analysis: Total Leachate Total L'chate
20:1 flush 70°F 20:1 flush 212°F
Element: ppm ppm ppm ppm
Catalyst: Spent DCAT Spent DCAT Element
Sample: L'chate L'chate L’chate L'chate Symbol Antimony 685.7 0.05 201.4 bdl
Element: ppm ppm ppm ppm Arsenic 117.0 bdl 113.7 bdl
Barium 114.0 0.77 123.9 0.77
Antimony 0.951 0.042 12.05 0.090 Sb
Beryllium 0.97 bdl 0.99 bdl
Arsenic bdl bdl bdl bdl As
Cadmium bdl bdl bdl bdl
Barium 0.057 bdl 0.011 0.037 Ba
Chromium 88.1 bdl 82.9 0.01
Beryllium 0.010 0.012 0.056 0.014 Be
Lead 37.3 0.03 27.1 bdl
Cadmium bdl bdl bdl 0.005 Cd
Mercury bdl bdl bdl bdl
Chromium bdl 0.003 bdl 0.009 Cr
Nickel 2603.1 1.00 482.0 0.33
Lead bdl bdl bdl bdl Pb
Selenium bdl bdl bdl bdl
Mercury bdl bdl bdl bdl Hg
Silver bdl bdl bdl bdl
Nickel 0.282 0.219 0.356 0.270 Ni
Thallium bdl bdl bdl bdl
Selenium bdl bdl bdl bdl Se
Vanadium 1436.2 0.63 1038.5 bdl
Silver 0.005 bdl 0.005 bdl Ag
Zinc 173.5 0.63 151.9 0.54
Thallium bdl bdl bdl bdl TI
Vanadium 1.028 0.003 6.917 0.106 V Note: Other elements (Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, MO, Na, P, Si, Sn, Ti)
Zn present in leachates, only elements in LDR-II UTS shown; Fresh = Fresh
Zinc 0.057 0.022 0.040 0.080 FCCU Catalyst; Spent = Spent FCCU Catalyst, DCAT = Demetallized
spent FCCU catalyst, L’chate = leachate; bdl = below detection limit, nt
= not tested.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 127


in our hydrocrackers. We use regenerated hydrocracker TREESE:

first reactor catalyst in our naphtha hydrotreaters. I would add that in addition to the catalyst surface area,
the high exposed surface area of the active alumina support
BOYCOTT: on the catalyst and high operating temperatures also help
We purchase regenerated catalyst for our naphtha hy- in the adsorption.
drotreater, and we intend to send the initial catalyst charge
from our diesel hydrotreater out for regeneration. We use ANOERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
regenerated hydrocracker first reactor catalyst in our naph- We have investigated silicone deactivated catalysts with
tha hydrotreaters. a number of techniques, including 13C and 29Si solid state
NMR and by micro probe. We find that there is SiO2,
CESAR TREVINO (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.): surface siloxane groups and silicon bound to alkyls in the
Cradle to grave management has different concepts. It surface. We see no silicone oil, however. The micro probe
can be as simple as applying fresh catalyst and disposing shows silicon equally distributed over the cross section of
of the spent, or it can be as complex as what we put catalyst pellets. We believe surface area, pore size, and
together with Syncrude, which includes managing every- activity play a role. We see up to 25 wt% SiO2 in a spent
thing in between, from the fresh catalyst, the disposal, the high activity catalyst.
loading, the unloading, the warehousing, the emergency
response team, and you name it. Although they do not put MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco):
their hands on the catalyst, you cannot take away the An area of concern I have regards the spent catalyst
responsibility of the catalyst from the refiner. That is dumping and the handling. Under what conditions, wet
always going to be there. All we do is manage the services, or dry environment, is this done?
we put together contracts with companies like CRI, Cal-
tex, CRI-MET, and a few other companies. But you PORTER:
cannot take away the responsibility from the refiner. It is The advantages of dry dumping spent catalyst are: no
not for everybody, but there are some people that can really water disposal problems and catalyst regeneration is eas-
take advantage of this. ier. The disadvantage is that an active spent catalyst has
to be handled and shipped with care to avoid overheating
JAY JAFFE (Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp.): problems.
It is our understanding that a select few refineries have
studied the cradle to grave approach for spent hydrotreat- MEHMET Y. ASIM (Akzo Nobel Catalysts):
ing catalysts, and even fewer remain committed to it. The The major characteristic is the surface area of the
comments we have heard from those refiners is that there catalyst, as deposition of the comparatively small silicon
is a loss of control of identifying the costs associated with atom apparently does not result in pore-mouth plugging.
it, and that the true cost of any one piece of the puzzle can In fact, there is a direct correlation between the catalyst
be disguised or hidden. surface area and the silicon pickup capacity as shown in
the figure below (the silicon on the spent catalyst is
QUESTION 45. measured as SiO2):
What factors maximize a Catalyst's ability to absorb
SiO2 from coker naphtha?
Silica Capacity of
Hydrotreating Catalysts
Silicon deposition appears to be maximized on catalysts
having high surface area and high pore volume. Our
observations have been that the maximum amount of
silicon is deposited at the top of the reactor bed. However,
near the bottom of the bed, silicon levels are very low, even
after break-through has occurred. In this type of situation,
short term relief is possible through increase in reactor
Finally, we have observed that a higher feed concentra-
tion of silicon also increases the saturation level of the
silicon deposited on the catalyst, although it decreases the
time until break-through.

128 Hydrogen Processing


For many years, our Ketjenfine® 844 has provided the volume, the design pressure, and the reactor quench
refiner with the highest capacity for silicon pick-up for capability.
hydrotreating coker naphtha. With a typical surface area
of 295 m2/g for the fresh catalyst, analyses of spent KF-844 SAFA GEORGE (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.):
have shown a capacity for picking up greater than 20% of Mild hydrocracking catalyst systems have been devel-
its own weight of SiO2. oped and are in commercial operations in a number of
units to achieve incremental production of low sulfur
QUESTION 46. diesel fuel. The overall conversion is dependent on crude
What has been the experience with using mild hy- type, catalyst system selected (alumina, amorphous silica
drocracking catalyst on an FCC feed hydrotreater to alumina or zeolite based), and operating conditions, in-
achieve incremental refinery production of tow sulfur cluding liquid hourly space velocity, hydrogen partial
diesel? What are the /imitations with this type of pressure, hydrogen availability, and operating tempera-
approach? ture. The resulting 650°F+ conversion varies between 20%
to 50%. Mild hydrocracker limitations include desired
ARMBRESTER: cycle life, hydrogen availability and FCC feed require-
Ashland has no commercial experience with this proc- ments. Benefits include production of low sulfur diesel,
essing scheme, but we have performed laboratory testing with sulfur typically varying between less than 50 ppm at
of mild hydrocracking of FCC feeds. These tests have start of run to less than 200 ppm at end of run, kerosene
shown a 5% to 10% yield of diesel, with less than 0.05% jet stream for blending and upgrading of the FCC feed
such as the reductions in sulfur, metals, CCR, nitrogen
sulfur content. Relatively severe conditions are required,
and polynuclear aromatics.
with low liquid hourly space velocity being the most
beneficial. The minimum reactor inlet temperature ap-
PANKAJ H. DESAI (Akzo Nobel Chemicals):
pears to be around 725°F. These high severity conditions
We have been selling mild hydrocracking catalysts for
will result in a relatively short catalyst life, and hydrogen
the last several years. This application has been mainly in
consumption can be expected to be high, at about 500
Europe, where refiners are looking for incremental con-
standard cubic feet per barrel or greater.
version. As the gentleman from the panel mentioned, the
While this operation is helpful in increasing low sulfur
main objective is to obtain incremental VGO conversion,
diesel production, the hydrotreater reactor temperature
and in all cases the diesel produced is indeed low in sulfur.
that results in the optimum FCC operation may not
In the early ‘8Os, we published a paper, titled “Mild
necessarily be the highest temperature attainable, which
Hydrocracking of FCC Feeds Produces Yield Benefits in
could limit the amount of diesel produced. In addition, Mid-Distillates, Gasoline” (Oil & Gas Journal, July 22,
the stripper and overhead system may require modifica- 1985, page 106).
tion to handle the increased volume of naphtha and diesel.
Mild hydrocracking of FCC feeds also results in an PAUL VANCE (Acreon Catalysts):
improved light cycle oil product from the FCC unit, Mild hydrocracking in an FCC feed hydrotreater is
which could then be blended into the diesel hydrotreater economically being done today to produce middle distil-
feed streams although the LCO product has a lower sulfur lates at several locations using a catalyst marketed by
content, the cetane number or aromatics level may still Acreon. These are in both IFP licensed and non-IFP
limit the amount of LCO that can be blended into the licensed units. The incremental severity to achieve low
diesel pool. sulfur diesel is possible as long as feedstock and operating
conditions will allow meeting product properties. Nor-
D'AURIA: mally cetane is a primary consideration in blending mild
We have been involved in about ten mild hydrocrack- hydrocrackate.
ing projects, that were revamps of hydrotreaters, with the
unconverted material being used as FCC feedstocks. All LEEN A. GERRITSEN (Akzo Nobel Chemicals B.V.):
of these projects were driven by VGO conversion rather Akzo Nobel introduced amorphous MHC catalyst in
than production of low sulfur diesel. The cetane of the the mid eighties. Zeolite-containing MHC catalysts were
diesel product may limit this application, as cetane up- introduced a few years ago. In addition to extra conver-
grading is not great in mild hydrocracking. sion, the zeolite MHC catalysts give a better HDN and
The converted product generally is less than 100 ppm a higher density reduction, resulting in improved FCC
sulfur, and the unconverted material to the FCC is in the feedstock properties. Zeolitic hydrocracking catalysts
range of 0.1 wt% to 0.3 wt% sulfur. have been loaded in amongst two other MAK-MPHC
Other limitations that must be considered when con- units, a moderate pressure single stage hydroprocessing
verting an existing hydrotreater are the available catalyst process developed by Mobil Research and Development

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 129


Corporation and licensed jointly by Mobil, Akzo Nobel, a. The metallurgy of the air cooler itself is a function
and the M.W. Kellogg Company. of a parameter called Kp, which is the product of
I refer to presentations given during the Akzo Nobel the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentrations
Symposium in the Netherlands in June of this year. in mole percent. For Kp below 0.15, carbon steel
can be used. For Kp between 0.15 and 0.25, carbon
ROY PRATT (Texaco, Inc.): steel is specified, but an option for incoloy 825 is
One of the problems with mild hydrocracking opera- given. For Kp between 0.25 and 0.4 incoloy 825 is
tions is the variation in conversion and product quality specified, but an option for carbon steel is given.
during the run. You might want to consider Texaco’s For Kp above 0.4, incoloy 825 only is specified.
T-Star process that operates at constant operating condi- b. For carbon steel, the velocity limits are 20 fps
tions throughout the run and produces a constant quality maximum and 10 fps minimum. For incoloy 825
product. the velocity limits are 30 fps maximum and 10 fps
C. Hydrocracking Piping upstream and downstream of the air con-
denser is fully symmetrical. We require that the
number of exchanger bundles be equal to 2n where
n is any integer. Also, the piping between the air
QUESTION 47. condenser and the separator has a maximum veloc-
What are the latest techniques for minimizing/elimi- ity of 20 fps. This piping is usually carbon steel. The
nating ammonium bisulfide corrosion in the hot high washwater is added upstream of the air condenser
pressure separator overhead cooling system (updates in the main line before the split to the bundles.
to the 1975 NACE report)? Please address metallurgy, d. The maximum concentration ofammonium bisul-
washwater quality and rate, piping symmetry and fide in the sour water is 8 wt%. The washwater rate
other factors which can impact this problem. is a minimum of 5 vol% of the fresh feed rate,
higher if required to maintain the 8 wt% ammo-
PORTER: nium bisulfide criteria.
This topic was the subject of a four hour round table e. Washwater quality should be that of de-aerated
discussion at the API Subcommittee on Corrosion and boiler feedwater without treating chemicals or
Materials Meeting in Dallas on May 17, 1994. Minutes clean condensate. We do allow 50% of the wash-
are available from API. Presentations were made by water to be stripped sour water, but it must origi-
Amoco, ARCO, Chevron, Conoco, Exxon, Japan Energy nate from a sour water unit processing sour water
Corporation, Shell, and Unocal. only from the hydrocracking unit.
To summarize, we limit the use of carbon steel piping f. UOP/Unocal are currently conducting a survey of
and heat exchanger tubes to 10% maximum ammonium our licensees using Mr. Peale, the author of NACE
bisulfide concentration and 20 fps maximum velocity. At report. We expect to complete our analysis of the
higher concentrations or higher stream velocity, we prefer results and report back to our licensees by the end
UNS NO8825 (trade name is Incoloy 825). Inlet piping of the year. We then intend to provide our data to
to air cooled heat exchangers is symmetrical, and long NACE at their spring meeting in 1995.
radius bends are used in both inlet and outlet piping. Key
limits on washwater are 15 ppb oxygen maximum, pH
between 8 and 10, and Fe below 1 ppm. Washwater must
Doesanyone have experience with radial maldistribu-
be at least 25% unvaporized entering the exchanger. We
tion which comes and goes in hydrocracker reactors?
prefer water injection using individual spray nozzles at
each bundle. Tube and piping inspection intervals for
plants vary according to velocity and ammonium bisulfide CUNEO:
concentration. We have installed radial thermocouple systems in some
of our hydrocracker reactors which contain zeolite cata-
CUNEO: lyst. These were developed with GAYESCO and are avail-
The only thing I would add is that we also like to see able from them. We found that for the most part
the annular liquid flow in the air cooler tubes. individual points that are hotter or colder than the average
tend to remain that way relative to the other points, even
D’AURIA: with increases and decreases in severity. As bed delta T is
The current UOP/Unocal design practice for hydro- increased, the deviation between the individual points also
cracker effluent air coolers is as follows: increases.

130 Hydrogen Processing


parameters that promote localized temperature excur-

sions, play an important role in creating such behaviors in
the radial temperature profile.

SHAUN R. BOARDMAN (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.):

I agree very strongly with Mr. Treese’s remarks, but we
have a slightly different explanation. This is primarily due
to localized overcracking and is a function of the liquid
refreshment rate at the catalyst surface. We have also been
able to successfully predict the minimum flux rates that
are associated with the onset of this sort of behavior.

What is the necessity for neutralization of the stain-
less steel 347 H? What are the procedures used,
especially in vertical heaters?

D’AURIA: We neutralize all 300 Series stainless steels subject to
Radial maldistribution can vary due to changes in feed polythionic acids using a soda ash solution.
or recycle rate. At low total liquid rates to the reactor there The question asked specifically about what is done with
is a greater possibility of experiencing variations of the vertical heaters. We have had a vertical heater that has been
delta T. in operation since 1974. We have never attempted a soda
ash wash due to the concerns of leaving soda ash in the
TREESE: bends and not being able to purge the soda ash solution
I would add that you can see changes in process condi- our of the bottom of the tubes. For this particular heater,
tions that will impact the radial temperature distribution, we have maintained a nitrogen purge during down periods
i.e., mass velocity, degree of interbed quenching, reaction and have had no operational problems.
severity, and feedstock reactivity. Small changes probably
would not do anything, but with more substantial LAUX:
changes, you will see some changes in the radial profile. Type 347-H stainless steel being stabilized is less sus-
In this specific instance, one thought that comes co ceptible to polythionic acid attack, but is not immune.
mind is that there might be an undetected hot spot in the Operation at 800°F for extended periods of time with coke
catalyst bed. Some condition may have changed that is present can sensitize even this stabilized steel.
pulling the hot spot over closer to a temperature indicator I will not go into too much on the recommended
that is in turn being detected by the temperature indicator. practice on how to neutralize it as it is covered in NACE’s
When they go back to the old condition, it pulls back into RP-01-70 in great detail.
the position it was in before. We have not neutralized our heaters yet. We just keep
We strongly recommend having extensive bed thermo- them blanketed with ammoniated nitrogen.
couples and skin thermocouples. If the hot spot happens
to be near the wall, it can even result in failure of the reactor DEATON:
vessel. All 347 stainless steel in sulfiding service must be
Another approach that might be considered would be neutralized with soda ash prior to allowing air to contact
infrared imaging of the reactor to detect hot spots on the the sulfided surfaces to prevent polythionic stress corro-
wall. sion cracking.
We unload our hydrocracking catalyst under an inert
MAJED A. INTABI (Saudi Aramco): atmosphere and then spray wash the reactor internal walls
Variation in the radial temperature profile was noticed with soda ash solution under inert atmosphere prior to
in one of our hydrocrackers which operated at higher exposing metal surfaces to air.
severity, and fed with a blend of vacuum gas oils and a Concerning the heaters, I agree with the other two
heavy raffinate from a solvent extraction unit. Such behav- gentlemen’s comments.
ior of the radial profile seems to be caused by factors related
to operation and design that can induce channeling of flow DANIEL N. MYERS (UOP):
in the catalyst bed. Sudden operational changes and upsets Concerning neutralizing of stainless materials, you are
such as loss of recycle gas, feed or both, as well as other speaking of the inside of the tubes, but what is done to

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 131


protect these tubes on the outside from polythionic acid installing a mixing tray in which all of the reactants from
attack that would come from the fuel gas side? Typically, the quench zone are mixed and then splashed down onto
the heaters would have the pilots continuing to run if there a redistribution tray underneath.
was no inspection of the heater required. However, if you
had to go into the heater to do inspections on the 347 type DEATON:
tubes, would neutralization be required, and if so, how We recently retrofitted our hydrocracker reactor redis-
might that be done? tribution decks. Prior to the retrofit, radial temperature
differences of 40°F to 50°F were common. The hy-
PORTER: drocracking industry standard is that any radial tempera-
First of all, we do not leave fires (even pilots) operating ture difference over 20°F is a problem. Now, one and a
in a furnace during a plant shutdown. To avoid external half years after the retrofit, maximum radial temperature
attack of the tubes we try to keep moisture out of the differences are only 10°F.
furnace by using dehumidifiers during shutdown periods. Our original redistribution decks were 1960’s vintage
“sandwich decks.” They were warped and the bottom
QUESTION 50. decks were plugged and full of scale. During our retrofit,
At what temperature difference in any bed of a hy- the bottom decks were completely removed and replaced
drocracking reactor is flow distribution considered to with a splash plate with drilled holes. Both the liquid and
be a problem? Have hydrocracker internals been suc- gas downcomers of the top plate were modified by adding
cessfully retrofitted to improve distribution? What weep holes and caps on the gas tubes.
was the nature of the modifications? The key feature of the retrofit was the installation of a
mixing box located between the quench headers and the
CUNEO: redistribution decks for the second and third catalyst beds.
The answer here really depends on how much of the Each mixing box sits in the middle of a solid deck plate
reactor bed can be monitored by looking radially, and also spanning an entire cross-sectional area of the reactor. All
whether the catalyst is amorphous or zeolite. If a refiner the gas and liquid has to pass through a tortuous pathway
has only two or three radial positions to monitor, you in the mixing box for optimal mixing before entering the
really are not seeing very much of your bed. With the new redistribution decks. Our retrofit was designed by UOP.
radial thermocouple systems that I talked about in an
earlier question, we are able to monitor much more than
we previously could. This has led to redesign of our
A 25°F radial delta T would prompt us to closely
distributor trays.
evaluate the situation. We have successfully retrofitted
It is important to understand that side-to-side bed
reactor internals, bringing radial maldistribution back in
outlet temperature differences can result from a number
line. Our retrofit is a “mixing box”, a feature from Chev-
of different factors. These factors include things like poor
ron’s state-of-the-art reactor design practice. Vapor and
equilibration of temperature in the interbed quench zones,
liquid are mixed between beds and this prevents radial
or flow maldistribution that occurs within the bed so that
maldistribution from propagating.
even if the temperatures is equilibrated, deviations still
occur at the outlet. It can also be caused by things like
improper catalyst loading, poor liquid tray distributor
design or levelness, or regions of low flow caused by Most of my items have already been covered. With
catalyst balls which have been formed by previous tem- state-of-the-art reactor internals and good catalyst loading
perature excursions, or even internal point line leaks. technique and procedures, you can get a uniform distri-
bution, or fairly uniform distribution, within about ± 5°F
D’AURIA: within reactors. As noted, there is no generic answer to
As I mentioned earlier, determining what is a normal what an allowable temperature difference should be.
radial temperature differential depends on the diameter of I will relate one of our experiences. We made some very
the reactor as well as other unit specific criteria. With well simple modifications to the flow distributors in the hy-
designed reactor internals and proper dense loading, radial drocracker at one of our refineries and it has definitely
delta T’s of less than 10°F can be achieved. However, improved the flow distribution and the radial temperature
higher differentials than this are not necessarily a problem. spreads in that reactor.
We would consider a radial differential of 20°C or more
to be a problem. ARTHUR R. GENTRY (The M. W. Kellogg Company):
Several of our licensees have had their reactor internals A number of years ago, large radial temperature differ-
retrofitted and they have observed improvements in the ences in existing hydrocracker beds provided the motiva-
thermal mixing as a result. The retrofits consisted of tion for Mobil Research and Development Corporation

132 Hydrogen Processing


to launch a program to develop improved hydrocracker If the loaders on the sock load do not move the sock
reactor internals for use within the Mobil system. The around sufficiently and stand on one part of the bed more
development program achieved dramatic success within a than others, local areas of low or high density can result
year of its inception and has continued over the ensuing and this will cause maldistribution.
years achieving additional improvements to maintain a As far as the second part of the question, how do you
performance lead in the industry. tell how well a dense loading is proceeding, it is important
Mobil’s reactor internals design, now called Spider to periodically stop the loading and check the bed to see
Vortex Quench Zone Technology, has been successfully how the loading is going. There can be one of three
retrofitted into all three of Mobil’s domestic hydrocrackers problems that you might see when you go down to look
and into a VGO hydrotreater to convert it to a moderate at the bed. If the bed is high on the walls and low in the
pressure hydrocracker (MPHC) operation. The design has middle, the loader speed is too high. The catalyst is being
proven so effective that the technology is used for all new thrown out to the walls and bouncing back. If the bed is
hydroprocessing units in the Mobil system. high in the middle and low at the walls, the speed is too
The newest hydrocracker in the Mobil system is the low. In either of these two cases, the loading density will
MPHC unit in the Singapore refinery. This unit started be a lot less and be more like a sock load.
up in the early 1990’s and it, too, utilizes Spider Vortex The third problem is a bed that slopes to one side. This
Quench Zone Technology. normally means that the loader is not centered in the
Mobil has performed retrofits on numerous hydroproc- reactor or that it is not level.
essing reactors, hydrotreaters as well as hydrocrackers. For If the loading is going well, the bed should be flat within
a specific hydrocracker example, earlier this year Mobil a few inches and the inspector should not sink into the
completed changeout of existing quench zone internals at catalyst at all. You may have some trouble getting your
their hydrocracker at Chalmette, Louisiana. The modifi- loading contractor to stop the loading to do the inspec-
cations at Chalmette include the latest generation of Spi- tion, if he is on a firm contract and you have not told him
der Vortex Quench Zone Technology features, which about this inspection.
involve not only mix zone features but also Mobil’s pat- Trying to calculate the loading density as the beds are
being loaded can be done, but my experience is it is very
ented redistribution system. These modifications will pay
out in less than a year, based on improving what was a 15°F
temperature difference at the inlets of the hydrocracking
beds. The payout is achieved through the ability to run
Dense loaded catalyst is more uniform and it also has
higher severity operations and through extending the run
a higher pressure drop per foot than sock loaded catalyst.
length between catalyst regeneration or replacement.
Both those factors will improve flow distribution.
With the original design at Chalmette, radial deltas were
Mr. Laux has given a good description of the things we
running on the order of 15°F at inlets to the beds, and 25°F
use to check that dense loading has been done properly.
to 30°F at the outlets. Since the retrofit, inlet deltas have
been less than 5°F and outlet deltas less than 10°F TREESE:
Mobil presented a paper on their technology at the Properly done, either technique is satisfactory. We have
NPRA Annual Meeting in 1993 (AM-93-73). Mobil’s traditionally sock loaded in Unocal, but that is changing
Spider Vortex Quench Zone Technology is available for with demands for greater activity in smaller volumes, i.e.,
license as part of the MAK Hydrocracking process tech- more activity out of the same volumes we already have.
nology offered by the M. W. Kellogg Company. We do the same things that Mr. Laux described, as far
as checking for proper dense loading and back checking
QUESTION 51. the density.
To minimize reactor flow ma/distribution problems, is We are currently in our first run with dense loaded
sock or dense loading the better technique for install- catalyst at the hydrotreating and hydrocracking reactors
ing the catalyst? When dense loading, how do you in one of our Unicrackers, and comparisons with previous
know whether you have done it right? runs do not show any difference in flow distribution.

Theoretically, there should be no difference between a After hundreds of hours running a Chevron COP
dense load and a sock load as far as flow distribution is loader this is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. I
concerned. In practice, however, a dense load will often- think Mr. Laux covered the mechanics of dense loading
times be more consistent because we pay a lot more and how to ensure that you are getting a proper load quite
attention to it and use better trained loaders and engineers well. I believe a key issue is the one presented by Mr.
following the loading. Roddey yesterday on Platforming catalysts, and that is

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 133


ownership. We need to be very careful about giving this insulated cable consisting of a thermocouple surrounded
responsibility to a catalyst loading contractor without by a hard pack of magnesium oxide.
supervision. You need to take ownership of your catalyst In our design, all 18 flexible cables enter the reactor
loading, and the installation of all reactor internals. through the existing original thermocouple nozzles at the
top of the reactor. As the flexible cables are lowered into
D’AURIA: place, they are bent into the horizontal direction for radial
We have a very simple answer, dense loading is better. temperature sensing.
It gives more uniform loading density throughout the
reactor, uniform pressure drop, and ensures better flow QUESTION 53.
distribution. The dense loading has been done properly if What is the latest technology for detecting catalyst
the bed is level and the target loading density is achieved. level in ebultated bed reactors?


Our hydrocracker reactors were designed in the I would like to acknowledge Ken Tasker of HRI for
7960’s. The thermowells for reactor catalyst bed ther- supplying this answer. The basic level detection device
mocouples enter the reactor from the top head. With which has been in use for many years and is still used today
the limited amount of temperature indicator points, is based on nuclear radiation and detection devices. The
there is no way to obtain a traverse profile in order to hardware has been significantly improved in this applica-
evaluate distribution across the catalyst beds. Has tion over the years. There have been alternative suggestions
anyone been successful in adding more thermocou- for bed detection level, but none of them have been
p/es to hydrocracker catalyst beds with such a reactor commercially proven at this time.
design? Low-power nuclear sources, typically Cesium 137, and
gamma ray detection devices are used. The sources are
PORTER: contained in a well or wells inside the reactor, and the
Chevron’s six isocracking reactors in the El Segundo, detectors are placed on the outside of the reactor wall
California refinery match the description of the reactors opposite the sources. The geometric orientation is de-
in this question. All six were modified, providing three signed to minimize the effects of the metal thickness
radial Flex-R thermocouples at the top and bottom of each through which the gamma rays need to pass and thus
bed. The refinery is pleased with the results. Engineering improve the sensitivity of the system. Differences in
and installation was performed by Gay Engineering and gamma ray adsorption translate directly to differences in
Sales Company of Pasadena, Texas. reactor density, which in turn are a function of the amount
of catalyst present in the catalyst/oil/vapor mixture.
TREESE: What has changed over the years is the application of
I am not a big fan of top entry thermowells for chan- these devices to cover more of the reactor height. The
neling reasons, but we do have them in our system, too. ebullated bed level can now be automatically controlled
We have heard of a few modifications made to. increase the by a computer software program, which links the ebullat-
number of temperature readings in the hydrocracker reac- ing pump speed controller to the observed density read-
tor, or hydrotreater, and the main technique I hear of is, ings. In addition to bed level, the nature of the expanded
again, the one by Gay Engineering and Sales, which places bed at different points can also be determined.
several TI’s in the bed using a top entry, or side entry. We
are presently trying this in one of our reactors.
We agree, and use the GAYESCO design discussed QUESTION 54.
earlier. Has foaming been a problem in the cold high pressure
separator that receives the effluent from a hy-
DEATON: drocracker or hydrotreater reactor?
Gay Engineering Company specializes in temperature
measurement systems and they designed a new thermo- TREESE:
couple system for us, which doubled our temperature Foaming in the cold high pressure separators has been
points to 18, and provided up to three radial temperature experienced in both hydrocrackers and hydrotreaters. The
points at the same elevation. The response is immediate as problem manifests itself by instability in the level indica-
there is no heavy wall thermowell acting as a barrier. Each tion in the vessel, and by liquid carryover into the recycle
thermocouple is a flexible 5/16th inch diameter mineral gas compressor suction.

134 Hydrogen Processing


This kind of problem has been observed in some hy- raise separator temperature and reduced the amount of
drocrackers that process high endpoint feeds at high con- this entrainment.
version levels. High levels of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons in the effluent have been associated with QUESTION 55.
indications of foaming in the separator, but not always. What is industry experience with fouling of hy-
Surfactants introduced in the washwater have also been drocracker effluent air or water coolers by polynuclear
implicated or suspected of causing the foaming. Stripped aromatics (PNA)? At what concentration of PNA’s does
sour water from the crude unit, a coker, or an FCCU can the fouling occur? What feedproperties and operating
contain trace levels of the surfactants. conditions lead to PNA buildup? What can be done
Foaming in the high pressure cold separator has also about it?
occurred in some hydrotreaters that treat very heavy, high
viscosity materials. Raising the separator temperatures has CUNEO:
been shown to reduce the foaming tendency in some cases. Of our four hydrocrackers, two have a bottoms product
Oil-water emulsions can form in the high pressure cold and have never had a problem with PNA. One of our other
separator of units processing heavy feedstocks. These hydrocrackers feeds a very heavy cycle oil from catalytic
emulsions can be caused by the presence of asphaltenes or cracking and converts everything to naphtha and lighter.
other surface active agents in the feed. The asphaltenes can With zeolite catalyst in this unit, we have experienced
be entrained in the crude unit or vacuum tower. The severe air cooler fouling problems. Our fourth hy-
asphaltenes are not completely converted in the reactor, drocracker feeds a somewhat lighter feed, and has some
and when they mix with water in the separator an emul- signs of buildup of PNA in the recycle. We are avoiding
sion is the result. Cracked feeds, such as heavy coker gas these problems currently by analyzing for a marker PNA,
oils, that are only mildly hydrotreated can also contain coronene, that we can measure and purge and therefore
compounds that are not converted in the reactor and can adjust the bottoms purge rate to a stream that is not
cause emulsions in the separator.
recycled back to the hydrocracker.
A feed/reactor effluent heat exchanger leak that allows
We feel that the PNA’s are made in the first stage by
feed to bypass the reactors directly to the separator is
condensation reactions to much large size than would be
another cause of emulsions that has been experienced.
expected to occur in the feed. The PNA’s are then too large
Emulsion breakers have only been occasionally shown
to enter the zeolite pores of the cracking catalyst.
to be of value in reducing the severity of the problem. This
may be because the residence time in most high pressure
separators is not long enough to allow the emulsion to
Our experience is that fouling by PNA’s is unit-specific,
separate. After the oil-water mixture is depressured across
but, in general, it can be expected when the fractionator
the level control valve, it may be so well mixed that the
residence time required for separation cannot be provided bottoms exceed 100 ppm of heavy polynuclear aromatics
in the low pressure separator either. (HPNA’s). We measure these HPNA’s, which are 11+ rings,
The color, Conradson carbon and metals content of a by using a fluorescence spectroscopy method.
stream can be an indication of the presence of entrained Higher reactor temperatures, greater conversion, and
residual. For most crudes, the metals content (as the nickel heavier and more aromatic feedstocks will all lead to
plus vanadium) and the Conradson carbon, are probably increases in the rate of HPNA formation in the hy-
the best indications of residual entrainment into the drocracker reactor. Once-through operation generally
VGO. does not build enough HPNA’s to foul any of the equip-
ment. In a recycle operation, dragging the fractionator
CUNEO: bottoms will help to mitigate this problem, but this is an
I agree with Mr. Tteese that, in general, we have not expensive proposition in that it results in lower product
experienced foaming in hydrocrackers. In one of our yields.
hydrocrackers, which had been extensively debottle- UOP and Unocal have developed several proactive
necked, we did experience some severe entrainment, but PNA management techniques, which include hot separa-
when we replaced the separator vessel for one that was tors, indirect recycle, and selective carbon adsorption. This
designed within our guidelines for demister mat size, the last technique has the advantage in that it can be retrofitted
problem went away. into an existing unit without affecting any other piece of
On hydrotreaters, we have had some indication of equipment in the hydrocracker.
foaming from an intermediate pressure, high temperature The first HPNA adsorption system was added as a
separator in one of the catalyst feed hydrotreaters while retrofit in 1990. That unit has been able to operate at
processing significant quantities of residue. It was never 99.5% conversion without fouling since then. Two more
conclusively confirmed as foaming, however, and we did retrofits are due on stream next year, and there are two new

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 135


hydrocracking units currently under construction that will operated for about 22 months without the need for any
use this system right from the start. cleaning in any of the banks of the reactor effluent cooler.
We have also checked the PNA content in the fractiona-
BARLOW: tor bottoms stream after revamp, which is around 20 ppm
We have seen a few units where PNA buildup has been to 35 ppm.
a major problem. The comments on the amount of recycle
and the effect of recycle on PNA buildup are usually the MAJED INTABI (Saudi Aramco):
points where the operators get involved in trying to reduce PNA fouling was put under control in our two hy-
the overall impact. We have chemistry that, in conjunction drocracking units and interim cleaning of the product
with recycle, can control and reduce the impact of PNA effluent condensers was no longer required during the
fouling. Application of this chemistry has been proven operating cycle. In both hydrocrackers, a portion of the
successful in commercial evaluations. fractionator bottoms was routed through the vacuum
distillation column to bleed out the heavy PNA’s from the
TREESE: indirect recycle stream. Furthermore, in the No. 2 unit
Polynuclear aromatics formation is inherent with hy- where the fouling rate was excessive, a modification from
drocracking reactions. Large polynuclear aromatic mole- a cold to a hot separator design was successfully imple-
cules can precipitate and cause problems in the colder mented.
sections of the unit.
Highly aromatic feedstock and a high feed endpoint QUESTION 56.
favor formation and the presence of HPNA’s. For a highly Have hydrocracker operators experienced the produc-
aromatic FCC cycle oil, we think HPNA’s tend to form tion of sour naphtha? What was the source of the
with feed endpoint lower than with less aromatic coker gas sulfur H2S or mercaptans? What was done to reduce
oil and with straight-run gas oil. The solubility of these or eliminate the problem?
HPNA’s depends on the operating environment. The
solubility in a single-stage or two-stage unit first-stage DEATON:
effluent, because of its high aromaticity, is two to three We have not experienced mercaptan sulfur in our hy-
times greater than in the second stage. drocracker naphtha, but occasionally we do see traces of
Controlling the PNA’s involves some combination of H2S. This is a result of poor debutanizer operation, com-
the following: controlling the feed endpoint and type; bined with poor main fractionator operation.
maintaining the lowest practical hydrotreater reactor tem- We typically take 50% of the pentane production
perature; taking a bleed stream, if that is at all possible; overhead in the debutanizer to ensure complete stripping
indirect recycle back to a feed vacuum tower, as of H2S from the bottoms product. To guard against re-
Mr. D’Auria mentioned; and/or use of proprietary HPNA combinant mercaptan sulfur formed at temperatures
adsorption technology, like that offered by UOP. above 720°F, we place a small load of cobalt molybdenum
In one of our refineries, we used to limit the PNA’s to catalyst below the bottom bed of hydrocracking catalyst.
50 ppm maximum in the recycle oil, and now, as it turns
out, as the result of producing the CARB diesel stocks CUNEO:
from the unit, we no longer have the PNA problem. They We agree with Mr. Deaton about the solution. A layer
do not accumulate, because they go out with the diesel of nonacidic hydrotreating catalyst loaded at the bottom
stock. So that is one positive byproduct of CARB diesel can saturate olefins and dramatically reduce the recombi-
requirement. nation reactions.

PERVAIZ BADRUDDIN (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company): LAUX:

We have replaced the internals of our vacuum column We also have a post treat bed to eliminate the mercap-
with structured packing to improve the heavy vacuum gas tans, and we have seen sour naphtha production from
oil feed quality to the hydrocracker. Although we did not debutanizer problems. We have done a number of things
see much improvement in the heptane insolubles, Con- to correct this situation. We had column fouling caused
radson carbon residue, there was a significant change in by chlorides and so we put an adsorbent on the feed to the
the color of the heavy vacuum gas oil. The color reduced debutanizer. We have had inadequate light ends produc-
from greater than 8 prior to the revamp, to less than 3. tion, causing poor operation at start of run, so we put in
Since the revamp, we have observed the reduction in the a recycle loop to bring LPG back in the column to improve
HPNA fouling in the reactor effluent air condensers. We the stripping section operation. We also installed a caustic
operate a 3-year cycle length for the hydrocracker. Prior to treater on the hydrocracker light straight-run at our Three
the revamp, the reactor effluent air coolers were cleaned Rivers facility, and a sulfur sorber on the hydrocracked
two times in three years. Since the revamp, we have naphtha as a final protection.

136 Hydrogen Processing


PORTER: they have to dump the unit. They cannot be afraid of

We also use a layer of hydrotreating catalyst at the repercussions if they activate the system.
bottom of the reactor. We only depressure automatically on loss of recycle gas
flow. We are aware of some hydrocrackers that are instru-
TREESE: mented to depressure automatically in case of a runaway.
We generally would use a post treat bed of hydrotreat-
ing catalyst, also. I would add that we take care in sampling LAUX:
our naphtha. If we are looking for mercaptans, we will use The concept of automating the depressuring sequence
a cadmium sulfate wash to remove the H2S but not the based on temperatures has some attractions. However, the
mercaptans, and then do the analysis. one emergency depressuring that we have done in a year
Regarding the post treat bed, if you are operating at full and a half of operation at Three Rivers, was before the
rate for an extended period of time and then you drop back normal temperature excursion criteria were even reached.
in rate, you have to obviously drop the temperature of the The operators had a quick response and this kept the
cracking bed. When you do that, the post treat bed has excursion to a very mild level. We prefer to keep the
been deactivated such that its kinetics no longer match the actuation in the hands of the operators for just this type
hydrotreating bed, and you cannot independently control of response.
the post treat bed temperature, so the kinetic differences The temperature excursion occurred when an instru-
can sometimes result in more mercaptan sulfur being ment air failure caused a steam outage, slowing the recycle
generated or leaking through than you want. compressor down so much that all the quench valves went
to 100% open. We knew were not going to get the boiler
back very quick, so the operators hit the 300 psi per
minute depressuring. The bed temperatures were really at
When a temperature excursion occurs in a hydrocrack-
40°F instead of the 50°F normal criteria. We did reach
ing reactor, what is done to bring the reactor back
60°F as we were depressuring, and about 840°F on the
under control? Does any hydrocracker operator use
actual temperature itself, This was a very mild excursion
automatic depressuring for controlling temperature
because the depressuring system was activated early. We
runaways and what key elements are used to trigger
think the quench valve position is one of the key elements
the depressuring?
that needs to be watched whenever considering whether
or not to depressure.
To bring the reactor temperature back under control in CUNEO:
the case of an excursion, we have recommended and use We agree with the previous comments, especially the
two action levels. If any reactor temperature increases by ones by Mr. Laux, that the quick response is very impor-
more than 25°F above normal, the operator should pull tant to minimize the severity of the excursion.
the feed. The heater firing and quench flow should be Because of that, we are in the process of implementing
adjusted to line out the reactor bed temperatures. The feed automated shutdown systems on hydrocracker reactor
should not be reintroduced until all the temperatures have systems with zeolite catalyst in them. These systems will
been lined out at the cut-in temperature. be triggered either by high absolute temperature or by high
If any reactor temperature increases by more than 50°F deviation from temperature control targets.
above normal, the operator activates the 300 psi per
minute depressuring, and dumps the unit pressure. D’AURIA:
The definition of a temperature excursion, along with Our procedures for dealing with a temperature excur-
the proper response expected of the operators, should be sion call for immediate removal of the liquid feeds (fresh
explicitly defined and well understood by the operators, feed and recycle), and the makeup hydrogen, along with
and by the management. It is not uncommon for a hy- the start of controlled unit depressuring. The recycle gas
drocracker operator to try to turn around a runaway, rather compressor is kept on-line at maximum rate for heat
than pulling the feed or depressuring the unit. This cannot removal. We do not advocate the use of automatic depres-
be done in a real runaway. There are plenty of people who suring. We feel it is better to have such decisions in the
have had to prove it to themselves first. hands of a properly trained operating staff
We have found that we have to emphasize to our own
operators that activating the depressuring system in a DEATON:
runaway is required and is an acceptable action. We train Our first approach is to increase hydrogen quench.
our operators to run the unit, and they do nor like to shut Next, we would reduce reactor heater firing and activate a
it down. We teach them how to identify a runaway, and board-operated bypass valve around the reactor feed/efflu-
ultimately we have to depend on their judgment of when ent heat exchange. Both of these steps remove heat from

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 137


the inlet to the reactor. If the excursion continues, we CUNEO:

activate a board-operated bypass valve around the hydro- We have periodically made diesel using a slip stream of
gen quench control valve. Feed rate should not be reduced fractionator bottoms as a blending component. In our
unless the feed is totally removed. Reducing feed rate particular application, this stream has a higher tail end
usually only makes the temperature excursion worse. boiling range than the normal ASTM specification, so it
When all else fails to turn around a temperature excur- limits the amount of it that can be blended into the
sion, we can depressure the product separator to the flare. finished product. That usually hits us before cloud point
and pour point.
CHARLES MCCOY (Consultant):
In my reactor safety class, which many of your operators QUESTION 59.
have attended, I use two words that you have used a little What are the experiences of applying feed forward
bit interchangeably here. We use the word “excursion” to control to catalyst bed temperature control?
mean an incident in which a well-trained, alert operator
can turn around without losing the unit. The word “run- PORTER:
away” is clearly the case where the unit must be dumped Our reactor multivariable model based predictive con-
to the flare. As Mr. Treese said, it is vitally important to trollers have the capability to add disturbance variables.
know the difference. This has allowed us to feed forward feed temperature and
qualities to our reactor controllers. Our experience at
QUESTION 56. Pascagoula has resulted in a significant increase in catalyst
In the past, our normal operation was to crack distil-
temperature profile stability and reduced risk of tempera-
lates to extinction and make naphtha for Platformer
ture excursions.
charge. With the advent of tow sulfur, tow aromatics
diesel, we can change reactor severity and send a
What is the experience of refiners, if any, who have
slip-stream of fractionator bottoms to storage as die-
changed their hydrocracker catalyst from amorphous
sel. Do other refiners do this? Is there a problem
to zeolite type (especially those who are operating on
meeting cloud and pour point specifications?
maximum middle distillate mode)? What is the major
We produced low sulfur diesel by this method last
winter in our two-stage Isomax hydrocracker. Normally,
There are approximately eight Unicrackers now oper-
we produce zero fractionator bottoms as we recycle to ating with zeolite catalysts in distillate mode that were
extinction for 100% conversion. When we produced low originally designed with amorphous catalysts.
sulfur diesel, the Isomax charge composition was a very The typical areas evaluated when considering this
light mixture of 45 vol% LCO, 30 vol% diesel, and 25 change are related to the reactors: the overall reactor
vol% range oil. We kept Stage 1 operation the same, but catalyst volume, the number of beds per reactor, the bed
reduced Stage 2 reactor severity by 15°F to 20°F to pro- lengths, the capacity for quenching, and the type of reactor
duce about 65 1% as fractionator bottoms, and had to internals.
add a product cooler. The fractionator bottom sulfur In some cases the conversion to zeolite catalyst was
content was less than 0.01 wt% sulfur, and this allowed us made with only minor modifications, others have required
to blend up to 0.05 wt% sulfur with untreated range oil significant changes to reactor internals, even the addition
at about 20 vol% of the final blend. of a reactor. The required changes are very unit specific.
The typical quality of our blended low sulfur diesel was
145°F flash, 30 vol% aromatics, 44 calculated cetane, and CUNEO:
0°F to + 10°F cloud point. If we reduced Stage 2 severity We have converted four of our hydrocrackers from
more, and produced more than 65 vol% fractionator amorphous to zeolite catalysts. The major change is that
bottoms, then we would go off-test on cloud point, which the zeolite catalyst is much more active, which means with
is set at ±14°F in the winter. any small increase in temperature you get a much larger
We are not currently making low sulfur diesel, and we multiplication effect on the bed outlet temperature. So
have replaced the range oil with light vacuum gas oil in improved temperature control is the area where we have
our hydrocracker charge mixture. Whenever we do make made most of the change.
low sulfur diesel again, this change in composition will We have also retrofitted to include the radial thermo-
require increased severity in the Stage 2 reactor in order to couples and improved our tray distribution system as well.
meet cloud point specification, and will also reduce the Mr. D’Auria mentioned the other things inside the reactor,
amount of fractionator bottoms available for blending. like quench capacity, which are important.

138 Hydrogen Processing


TREESE: Both the MAK Hydrocracking Process Technology and

I will add that the first unit we converted from amor- the Spider Vortex Quench Zone Technology are available
phous to zeolite was about 25 years ago. for license.

TIMOTHY J. STELLY (Mobil Research & Development Corp.): PAUL VANCE (Acreon Catalysts):
Mobil has two moderate pressure hydrocracking Acreon markets a proprietary modified zeolite hy-
(MPHC) units that were converted from amorphous to drocracking catalyst that was developed specifically to
zeolite catalyst over the last few years. These changes were approach amorphous catalyst middle distillates selectivity
made for economic reasons. The first change was made in while achieving higher activity and stability for longer
the late 1980’s and the second change was made in late runs. The activity is tightly restrained by catalyst formu-
1994. lation to minimize the potential for overcracking and to
The benefits may vary from company to company, but provide dependable operation. This catalyst has several
the general benefits are the increased catalyst activity, years of refinery operating experience with excellent per-
which translates to higher conversion or longer cycle formance and approximately 100% increase in run
length, or a combination of both. length.
One of the units moved from about 30% conversion In converting to the zeolite, no modifications are re-
quired on this unit. However, a thorough review of design
and a one year catalyst cycle to two years at 45% conver-
and reactor systems is provided by our affiliate and process
sion. The second change is based on moving from 45% to
licenser, IFP.
60% conversion at constant catalyst cycle length.
There are also some issues of product quality that you
BEN GRIEB (GAYESCO and Gay Engineering and Sales Co.):
will have to consider when you make the catalyst switch.
Both Questions 57 and 60 are related in that we have
There are two types of unit modifications that are
seen the use of zeolites cause our clients to look for more
required, the ones where you have to consider the heat and temperature measurement in different applications. We
material balance from the overall unit standpoint and the have also had experience where a client went to the radial
changes needed around the reactors. In both of these system of thermometry specifically because they have had
conversions, we made no changes in the reactors and very some events in their reactor that they had not seen due to
minor changes in the unit. We believe that Mobil’s Spider their thermometry design.
Vortex Quench Zone Technology effectively and eco-
nomically addressed the reactor issues.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 139



A. Alkylation - Sulfuric Acid might also be found in the olefin feed. Ethylene will rapidly
deplete acid purity at a rate of 30.6 lb per pound of
Feed contaminant. The sulfuric acid makeup cost at 0.1 vol% of
ethylene in butylene feed works out to about 14 cents per
QUESTION 1. barrel of alkylate.
What level of light ends (hydrogen through ethane) Occasionally, inerts can be found in isobutane feed.
have refiners been able to tolerate in the feed to the One refiner traced his inerts problem back to the use of
alkylation unit? Do refiners with feed selective hydro- fuel gas to transfer purchased isobutane from rail cars to
genation units have product strippers or flash separa- storage.
tors on/y? How does this affect operations? One final thought is that sulfuric acid units are much
more tolerant of light ends than HF units. Light ends in
DEATON: HF alkylation unit feed will cause acid loss and neutrali-
In one C4 olefin hydrogenation unit, a two-stage flash zation problems.
separator system was used to remove light ends prior to
the sulfuric alkylation unit. The high pressure separator SAYLES:
operated at 250 lb pressure, with the separator gas going I agree with the other comments.
to fuel. The low pressure separator operated at 80 lb
pressure, with the separator gas returning to the FCC wet DAVID S. McCAFFREY (Exxon Research & Engineering Company):
gas compressor for olefin and LPG recovery. Hydrogen, Light ends in the feed to a sulfuric acid alkylation plant
methane, and ethane content of the alkylation unit feed act as noncondensables, as has been said, and venting can
typically ran about 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2 vol%, respectively. result in large quantities of isobutane being lost unless the
Alkylation unit operation was not noticeably affected, vent stream is routed to a recovery tower. We usually
except that a vent of noncondensables was maintained recommend putting a stripper on the selective hydrogena-
from the depropanizer overhead receiver. tion unit product to avoid any chance of having to vent
in cases where the isobutane balance is tight. We have seen
McLEAN: some cases where only a flash drum is used, but then a vent
I will address the second part of the question. stream is usually taken in the refrigeration system.
Typically, flash separators only are provided on selective
hydrogenation units upstream of a sulfuric acid alkylation JEAN-LUC NOCCA (IFP Enterprises, Inc.):
unit. We know from experience that all hydrogen can be
Strippers are typically provided upstream of hydroflu- consumed in a selective hydrogenation unit. Therefore, if
oric acid units due to their lower tolerance for feed light you can employ pure hydrogen there will be no light ends
ends. going to the alkylation unit.
The selective hydrogenation units can be designed to
minimize the hydrogen in the product, but the levels of QUESTION 2.
the other light ends are very dependent on the quality of Is an aerosol farmed from a sulfuric acid release? If
the makeup hydrogen. so, is it a safety or environmental concern?

I agree with the previous comments. Most units can This question has great importance in determining the
tolerate 0.1 vol% to 0.2 vol% of ethane in the olefin feed Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) status for the Maximum
without venting due to the partial solubility of the ethane Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards for
in the propane product. On the other hand, hydrogen is listing sulfuric acid. Studies have been conducted to dem-
relatively insoluble in propane and will require venting at onstrate that an aerosol is not stable and does not migrate
around 0.05 vol% in the olefin feed. For this reason, when using different nozzle sizes and nozzle differential
provisions for removing excess hydrogen are usually pro- pressures (STRATCO Engineering and Technology
vided downstream of the feed selective hydrogenation unit. Newsletter, V3, 1993 and NPRA 1994 Annual Meeting
With poor de-ethanizing performance, some ethylene paper # AM-94-18).

140 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


Our practical experience with small sulfuric acid leaks acceptable. Below 62% isobutane in the reactor effluent,
confirms the research data, sulfuric acid aerosol formation or below a four isobutane/olefin ratio, the octane loss and
occurs over a limited distance, 20 ft to 30 ft. acid consumption will increase significantly.
The safety concern when handling concentrated sulfu-
ric acid is related to personnel, environmental, and equip- SAYLES:
ment protection. A release of sulfuric acid is a safety and I agree with his comments.
environmental concern since low pH can cause acid burns
to operators and can produce hazardous waste. Care must BARLOW:
be taken in disposing of contaminated soils, used person- We have observed three units operating with isobutane
nel protective equipment and spent cleanup supplies to to olefin ratios less than 6. Two of those units operate with
ensure proper disposal. We have purchased special absorb- mixed propylene and butylene feeds. In going from less
ents which will contain the acid and maintain the greater than 7, to a ratio of less than 6, we saw a penalty in terms
than 5,000 BTU/lb energy value required for disposal in of volumetric conversion of olefins to alkylate of 5% to
a cement kiln. 10%, octane number dropped in the 0.5 to 1 .O unit range,
and acid consumption increased by 10% to 20%. The
MENEGAZ: third unit we witnessed processed an MTBE raffinate
We agree with the previous panelist’s response. stream with minimal or no propylene or isobutylene in
the feed, so the negative effect was less. We saw conversion
CUNEO: of olefins to alkylate drop by only about 5%. Acid con-
I agree with the previous comments on not forming an sumption increases were fairly nominal, and the octane
aerosol, or having a lingering aerosol. If light hydrocarbons dropped in the 0.3 to 0.5 range.
are released with the acid, a vapor cloud is seen accompa- The practical lower limit for the isobutane to olefin
nied by an acid spray. ratio will be different for every refinery and is set by
A key concern that was not mentioned before was SO2. equipment limitations, operating costs, gasoline pool con-
SO2 may be evolved during the release of sulfuric acid so siderations and the availability of makeup isobutane. Our
precautions need to be taken for the presence of SO2. experience is that most refiners try to stay above 7, but
higher iC4/olefin ratios have incremental benefits in alky-
ROBERT PUSCHINSKY (Allied Signal): late production, acid consumption and octane number.
In addition to SO2 involvement, in acid runaway situ-
ations, tanks, rail cars, and trucks have been known to LAUX:
erupt, also emitting sulfuric acid mist and sulfur trioxide.
The only comment I would add is that if you get much
Of course, those emissions also occur in the spent sulfuric
below the 60% isobutane concentration in the reactor
acid regeneration process and are of concern from a safety
effluent, the potential for an acid runaway increases dra-
point of view. A detailed discussion of sulfuric acid release
safety and environmental concerns is published in the
“Letters to the Editor” section of the October 1994 edition
of “Today’s Refinery”.
I would like to add that many refiners are re-examining
lower isobutane to olefin ratios to get more capacity from
Are any refiners operating at low isobutane/olefins
their existing units. This is being driven by a stronger
ratio (<6)? What is the impact on alkylate quality?
demand for alkylate volume and low value for octane as a
result of the new RFG standards.
What problems can occur at low ratios? Is there a
practical lower limit?
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company):
PORTER: What component in the isobutane recycle is contribut-
We operate two older alkylation units around a six ing towards the lower octane? Are there any particular
isobutane/olefin ratio, and we suffer about a two octane components or any impurity that would cause lower
number loss due to this low ratio plus inefficient mixing octane?
in the units. The isobutane concentration of the reactor
effluent is around 65%. This is a key variable because an PORTER:
increase in feed diluents even at a constant isobutane/ole- The main contaminant in the acid recycle that contrib-
fin ratio will lower the isobutane effluent concentration utes to a lower octane is water. As far as the hydrocarbon
and affect results. streams, any increase in diluents in the feeds or iC4 recycle
So in general, you can operate at a ratio of six or maybe will directionally lower product octane. The most com-
a little less, but you will pay a penalty that has to be mon diluents are propane and n-butane.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 141


LAUX: make alkylate, totally ignoring everything else going

The lower octane results because you do not have the around.
isobutane reacting with the olefin. The olefin will react The lower limit of this is strictly controlled by the
with itself. It will make additional polymer and it will reaction rates. A 4.5 to 1 isobutane/olefin ratio will be the
make a lower octane C8 or higher, olefin. bottom limit before severe polymerization. A ratio of 8 to
1 is desirable. At 10 to 1, you virtually control all but about
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): 5% of the polymerization.
Do propane or normal butane impurities not contrib-
ute? MICHAEL BERLYANT (Bayway Refining Co./Tosco Corp.):
We have run an alkylation unit at 40% excess isobu-
tanelolefin on a regular basis for many years.
Propane and normal butane do not react.
At low ratios, the amount of isobutane in the reactor
effluent, rather than the isobutane/olefin ratio, becomes
What experience is there with plugging of the alkyla-
the critical parameter. So you need to take into account tion reactor distributor?
your propane and other diluents.


For the gentleman on the floor, we run an alkylation We have not experienced plugging in the alkylation
unit where we run basically all the normal butane in the reactor. However, solid deposits on the tube side of our
plant through it as well. We have to pay attention to the STRATCO contactor have been observed. These deposits
isobutane/olefin ratio. The normal butane is like dead- are mainly iron sulfate, which was traced to the fresh acid.
wood. It will cost in terms of operating expense, but not The fresh acid contained iron sulfate as a contaminant
in quality or yield penalties. which settled into the contactor head. The sludge level
increased sufficiently to cause high pressure drop and a
ROBERT DAVIS (R. E. Davis Chemical Corporation): shutdown was required to clean the bundle. After discuss-
In answer to the question raised by this gentleman, the ing the quality of our fresh acid with our supplier, exchang-
isobutane has to go into solution and protronate in order ing samples and improving our own testing procedures
to enter into the reaction. The speed of this reaction is through a joint quality control program, the deposit for-
1/200th that of the olefin preparation. Consequently, if mation was eliminated.
you lower the concentration of the isobutane, the reaction
mechanics are simply not there to get the job done. The MENEGAZ:
olefin looks for another home. The isobutane will take its We asked several refiners about this and they said they
time and when it does go into solution, will continue to have not seen this problem either on the feed nozzle or the
acid hydrocarbon distributor in the acid settler.

How does one control the corrosion in the deisobutan-
izer (D/B) tower overhead condensers, debutanizer
overhead condensers and debutanizer reboiler?

Corrosion control in these areas can be accomplished
by two methods:
Application of an oil-soluble inhibitor program is ef-
fective as long as appropriate diluent and adequate distri-
bution is utilized. Butane solubility for the inhibitor is an
important consideration for effective application.
A second approach is to ensure complete neutralization
of the reactor effluent and minimization of neutralization
products. Optimization of such a system is achieved with
an efficient acid water wash system utilizing electrostatic

142 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


precipitation to separate the phases prior to neutralization. below 7. When this occurs anhvdrous ammonia is injected
This application will reduce the soluble esters as well as into the overhead in addition to the TEA to raise the pH.
the entrained acidity, resulting in very little acidity remain-
ing to be neutralized and fewer esters to be decomposed. BARLOW:
As previously stated, corrosion in the fractionation
MENEGAZ: section of the alkylation unit is typically caused by acid
I agree with the previous comments. I would like to add carryover from the reaction section and/or acid and neu-
that the corrosion on the DIB tower generally indicates tral ester breakdown in the reboilers of the fractionation
that sulfate esters are getting past the effluent treaters and section. The best way to control corrosion is to focus on
decomposing in the tower in the presence of heat. When the reaction zone and reactor effIuent treating sections.
the treaters are designed and operated properly, overhead Maintaining suffcient iC4 /olefin ratios in the reactors,
corrosion should be minimal and two year intervals be- operating with reactor temperatures below 55°F, main-
tween reboiler cleaning should be expected. taining good mixing, and low emulsion and acid levels in
Bauxite is probably the most effective treating system, the settlers will help minimize the root causes of corrosion
since 98% of the esters are removed and it makes for a very in the fractionation section.
dry isobutane recycle. Operation of the effluent treating section at proper
The two other methods are (1) caustic treating the tower mixing, levels, temperatures, and concentrations is critical
feed with a 10° to 15° Baume wash followed by a water to effluent treating efficiencies. If operating conditions
wash, or (2) an acid wash followed by a hot alkaline water dictate operation outside of those recommended, corro-
wash. Acid washing is more effective than caustic washing sion problems in the fractionation section can be effec-
because it removes neutral esters as well as acid esters. About tively controlled through the use of chemical neutralizers.
90% of the esters can be removed this way. With either Neutralizers can be applied to the feed or reflux on the
wash method, a good static mixer is essential to achieve DIB, debutanizer, or depropanizer. The neutralizer used
maximum ester removal. Pressure taps should be provided must be nonvolatile if applied to the DIB so that it does
on either side of the mixer to check performance. not enter the reaction zone with the isobutane recycle.
I would also add that care should be taken to see that Nonvolatile neutralizers will also protect the reboilers in
amines are not recycled back to the contractor. the fractionation section.

I agree with the previous comments, that if reactor I will add that in units with higher levels of propylene
conditions are reasonable with proper treating of the in the olefin feed, we believe there is a higher degree of
reactor effluent, DIB fouling is minimized and overhead formation of neutral esters and employ an acid wash prior
corrosion rates are low. We also watch the pH of the water to the caustic wash to remove them so they do not decom-
in the DIB overhead to be sure that it is above 6. We do pose in the DIB. We have used ammonia in the DIB as a
have one unit in our Pascagoula Refinery that uses a temporary measure to get control of the pH of the over-
filming amine most of the time in the DIB overhead head water in the case of breakthrough.
because we are not able to optimize the above conditions.

SAYLES: General
Higher feed rates and on stream availability are pushing
existing units to the limits, resulting in reduced acid/hy- QUESTION 6.
drocarbon separation due to low settling times. Acid Does anyone use multivariant process control
carryover from the settlers can be caused by low acid schemes to control the refrigeration compressor sys-
strength, high settler level, mechanical failure, or pressure tem, or the DIB isobutane recycle loop in sulfuric
surges and these upsets are the source of DIB tower alkylation units?
overhead system corrosion. The corrosion mechanism is a
function of the acid entrainment and the water content of PORTER:
the DIB feed. Monitoring pH is the most common prac- The alkylation plant at one of our refineries has in-
tice with the injection of an amine for corrosion control. stalled a multivariant process control scheme. Three sepa-
We use Triethanolamine or TEA at a normal dosage rate rate systems were installed on the DIB, debutanizer, and
of 1 ppm to 10 ppm to the DIB feed. The overhead pH the refrigeration loop. We are extremely happy with the
target range is 7 to 7.5. performance, particularly on the DIB and the debutanizer.
Severe acid carryover from the contactors occurs occa- In the past, the DIB would take a very long time to
sionally which causes the overhead pH to rapidly drop stabilize but now the time has been cut drastically. Also,

1994 NPRA Q&A Sesinn on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 143


the specifications on the streams remain steady, with Spent acid tank construction is a cone roof, internally
changes in feed composition. lined and externally steam traced with insulation. The
temperature is maintained between 20°F and 60°F. The
FRANK KLEINSCHROOT (SETPOINT, Inc.): freezing point of 98% fresh acid is about 14°F. In general,
In our systems, the compression system is maximized, as the acid strength is lowered the freezing point will be
subject to compressor speed limitations or minimum re- reduced, although the relationship is not linear. Hydrocar-
actor temperature. Olefin feed is maximized subject to a bons entrained from the holding drum are low vapor
maximum reactor temperature or isobutane availability. A pressure components, which are collected in the spent
multivariable controller is used on the deisobutanizer to tank and removed by an oil skimming system.
regulate recycle, reflux, sidecut and reboiler rates to main- Operationally, acid foaming is a cause of concern in
tain isobutane inventories, alkylate RVP, and reactor is- evaluating the potential for an “explosive” condition in the
obutane to olefin ratio while avoiding propane and tank. When foaming occurs, heat is generated and hydro-
n-butane accumulation in the tower. carbons adsorbed in the spent acid can vaporize. To pre-
vent foaming (as well as corrosion) the spent acid strength
QUESTION 7. is kept above 90% and the acid settler level is maintained
What measures are taken, or facilities installed, to at a sufficient level to ensure hydrocarbons will not be
reduce the risk of having an explosive mixture in spent entrained.
alkytation sulfuric acid tanks? The vapor space of
these tanks contains SO2 as we// as hydrocarbon. DOUGLAS J. EVANS (Petro-Canada Products):
I wonder if any of the panelists or anybody in this
TREESE: audience, has noticed an upward pressure on sulfuric acid
At our alkylation unit in Los Angeles, spent acid is sent regeneration costs and available capacity with the increas-
to the spent acid surge drum. The spent acid surge drum ing pressure on alkylate capacity? Are refiners considering
floats on the flare through a check valve. From there, the installing packaged sulfuric acid regeneration plants
spent acid is pumped batchwise over to the spent sulfuric within the refineries?
acid storage tank located in our sulfuric acid plant, which
is nearby. HIGGINS:
At the storage tank there is a blanket of CO2 main- No comment.
tained on the tank. We are also fortunate there is a CO2
plant associated with the acid plant. The CO 2 then is
pressure regulated and the tank top is equipped with a
conservation vent, and flame arrestor. Safeguards on the
B. Alkylation - Hydrofluoric Acid
tank include a low pressure alarm, operator surveillance of
the tank frequently (several times during the shift), and a Feed
fuel gas backup to the CO2 blanket system in case we lose
the CO2 inventory. QUESTION 8.
When operating an alkylation unit downstream of an
PORTER: oxygenate unit, whatprocess changes have been found
We believe the key is to ensure that the spent acid is helpful in reducing the light acid soluble oil (ASO)
degassed before going to storage. The spent acid is pre- make due to contaminants generated in the oxygenate
heated and fed to a weathering drum. The vapors released process? Which contaminants cause increased ASO
are caustic treated and heavier hydrocarbons are skimmed make? What has been your experience using desic-
off the middle section. cants designed to remove feed oxygenates?

Our experience has been that the spent alkylation Dimethylether (DME) is generally the cause of the light
tankage vapor space has tested below the lower explosive ASO. Unlike methanol, which is quickly converted to
limit (LEL). At one location, a blanket gas is used to water in the alkylation reactor, the DME is very stable and
prevent oxygen buildup. can usually be removed from the acid stream only by
To prevent hydrocarbons from reaching the spent acid lowering acid regenerator temperatures and discarding
tank, the spent acid is pumped from the acid settler to a good acid with the ASO-DME mixture.
holding drum where the hydrocarbons are removed. The The most effective way to reduce the production of
drum is vented to the flare system and has a system to light ASO is to minimize oxygenate contamination of the
prevent a vacuum from occurring using fuel gas to equalize alkylation unit feed through proper control of the MTBE
the pressure. process and the alkylation unit feed dryer system.

144 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


Tight control of the methanol to isobutylene ratio in PORTER:

the MTBE unit reactor feed is essential to minimize the At one unit we added a water wash column to remove
formation of oxygenated byproducts such as DME and to DME. It was successful in reducing the ASO production
avoid overloading the methanol recovery and oxygenate to a manageable level. We have not used any desiccants.
removal sections of the MTBE unit.
At our Catlettsburg, Kentucky refinery we have in- THOMAS DAVIS (CENEX):
stalled an on-line oxygenate analyzer in the mixed C4 I would like to ask Mr. Armbrester what type of analyzer
stream leaving the MTBE unit to detect any unusually he was using, specifically what model or brand, for oxy-
high concentrations of oxygenates in the feed stream to genates.
the alkylation unit. We are also considering the addition
of an oxygenate selective molecular sieve in our alkylation
The oxygenate analyzer we use in the MTBE unit is a
feed dryers. If the feed dryers are used as an oxygenate
Vista Model 3100, manufactured by ABB (Asea Brown
guard, the routing of the dryer regenerant stream becomes
Boveri) Process Analystics of Lewisburg, WV
In the original design of our alkylation unit the isobu-
tane used to regenerate the dryers was sent back to the Process
alkylation unit feed surge drum and the water was re-
moved via two coalescors and the feed drum water boot. QUESTION 9.
If oxygenates are being absorbed in the alkylation unit feed Our depropanizer feed condensers plug up on the
dryers, then the regeneration stream must be routed to a process side about once per year. What causes this
location where the oxygenates can be recovered. Other- and how can it be corrected? Has anyone eliminated
wise, they will cycle up in the alkylation feed stream until the depropanizer feed condensers and fed the de-
the concentration is high enough to break through the propanizer from the isobutane recycle stream?
dryer beds. We have resolved this problem by routing the
alkylation unit dryer regenerant stream back to the oxy- LAUX:
genate removal section of the MTBE unit. Plugging the depropanizer feed condenser on the proc-
ess side is probably due to iron fluoride. This can be
D’AURIA: confirmed by analyzing the foulant. If that is the problem,
DME is the most common oxygenate contaminant. the solution is to eliminate the source of the corrosion in
Our recommended procedure for removing DME is to the isostripper overhead system. The typical source of
adjust the acid regenerator conditions to reduce the degree corrosion here is excess water in the HE This can be caused
of stripping and allow the DME to exit the bottom of the by running the acid regenerator too hot to allow the
regenerator. The best way to prevent DME, or other incoming water to go out the bottom of the regenerator,
oxygenates, from entering the alkylation unit is to use an or by a wet feed to the unit. In the UOP unit, the acid
ORU unit on the MTBE raffinate stream. To date 11 moisture should be less than 1%. The specification is
ORU units have been installed in this service. typically higher in a Phillips unit, around 2% or a little bit
Karl Fisher analysis of the incoming feeds should show
less than 25 ppm water if distillation drying is being used,
I agree with the previous comments. I would like to add
or 5 ppm or even less if molecular sieve drying is being used.
that maintaining acid purity is the key to avoiding loss of
You can also analyze the depropanizer feed settler acid
octane and avoiding operational problems. Increased is-
boot acid for water to see if the regenerator is recycling too
obutane to olefin ratio may be effective in minimizing side much water. In our HF alkylate at Three Rivers we run the
reactions. acid regenerator overhead temperature at about 140°F to
Regarding contaminants, most refiners target 35 ppm ensure that water is rejected.
to 50 ppm oxygenates in the feed and remove the impurities Eliminating the depropanizer feed condensers and
by molecular sieves or fractionation. Dienes, sulfur, and feeding the depropanizer from the isobutane recycle, as the
nitrogen compounds also contribute to the ASO make. question implies, may simply move the corrosion problem
Alkylation units without MTBE units upstream have to the sidecut condensers.
also experienced contamination problems with oxygen-
ates. These have been traced back to alcohol in purchased MENEGAZ:
isobutane or trace acetone in the FCC alkylation feed. The I agree that the corrosion problem is iron fluoride. At
acetone is thought to come from reactions with entrained one refinery, the corrosion stopped after a butadiene satu-
oxygen from the FCC regenerator. ration unit was added. This eliminated the need for internal

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 145


regeneration which eliminated HF contamination in the required. The shorter downtime easily justified the extra
overhead of the isostripper. cost.
Another refinery has the overhead condensers paired Because of this success, we tried using the same vendor
with valving so that one exchanger can be taken off-line at our 1994 Three Rivers turnaround. We used a different
for cleaning. Runs of between one and two years are chemical, though, a sodium hexanate, and it was not as
possible, but the exchangers are cleaned at least once a year successful in removing the iron fluoride from the exchang-
to avoid the risk of not being able to pull the bundles due ers or the isostripper itself. The degree of neutralization
to heavy fluoride salt buildup. The tower is operated to was very good because of procedural changes. The proce-
minimize the overhead temperature and minimize fluo- dure was very short, about 20 hours, and again we were
ride content above the isobutane draw. able to dispose of the solution in the API separator. The
cost was higher than the alternates, $85,000 versus
FELTROP: $50,000 for our single reactor and settler system, but the
I agree with the previous comments. I would emphasize procedure saved four days of downtime which, again,
that appropriate root cause analysis is the way to solve this justified the extra cost. We are now working with the
problem. We should not be focusing unnecessarily on the vendor to improve the chemical’s performance.
condenser section but the focus should be on prevention
of the polymerization that is occurring in this situation. D'AURIA:
We have had comments back from several of our licen-
D'AURIA: sees who have reported satisfactory results usingcitric acid.
The most common source of fouling is iron fluorides, The higher cost of citric acid is offset by reduced down-
and this can be controlled by controlling acid moisture time and lower disposal costs.
content. An additional source of plugging can be olefns
coming in with the saturate butane stream to the isostrip- DEATON:
per, which can then polymerize and foul in the overhead. We used citric acid cleaning for the first time during
With respect to the question of bypassing of the de- our last turnaround and we were very satisfied with the
propanizer feed condenser, this can be done with older results. The estimated time required for citric acid cleaning
isostripper designs which use a vapor dome partial con- was 60 hours less than for hydrochloric acid. However, the
denser on the overhead stream (i.e. no sidecut isobutane cost for citric acid was 50% higher than for hydrochloric.
stream). This bypassing will result in a small amount of From a technical standpoint, citric acid compares favor-
free acid in the isostripper recycle, however. ably to hydrochloric in several areas. Process corrosion is
For modern isostrippers, using a sidecut isobutane far less severe, as the citric acid solution is maintained at a
recycle, bypassing the depropanizer feed condenser will near neutral pH. Process cleaning is as good, if not better,
only move the problem down to the sidecut stream. as the risk of precipitating iron fluoride is eliminated.
Since the pH is near neutral, citric acid solutions can
be heated up to 200° F, which does a better job of removing
Mechanical heavier hydrocarbons and polymers. Disposal of the spent
acid solution is less hazardous because the solution pH is
maintained near neutral. However, citric acid solutions
Has anyone used citric acid for chemically cleaning
contain ammonia, which can create disposal problems
the alkylation units? How did it compare to hydrochlo-
because of ammonia limits in waste water.
ric solutions?

I have seen a citric acid solution used for chemical General
cleaning on an HF alkylation unit five years ago. The
cleaning worked very well. The degree of neutralization QUESTION 11.
was very good. Exchangers bundles that had been stuck Additives have been announced to further reduce the
after previous hydrochloric cleanings came apart very potential hazards in the alkylation process. What has
easily. There was very little residue in the columns or small been the experience of refiners in using such additives
vessels. The residue that did remain in the acid settler was in their commercial units?
washed out with a fire hose. We were able to dispose of
the cleaning solution by slowly draining it into the plant D'AURIA:
API separator. The chemicals are more expensive, though, Texaco and UOP have jointly developed a new HF
but the cleaning duration is two to three days shorter than additive technology called “Alkad”. Allied Signal has also
the hydrochloric procedure because no neutralization is participated in this work as a technology partner. The

146 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


technology is based on the work of Dr. George A. Olah, DEATON:

winner of the 1994 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. This topic was discussed in January 1994 at the API HF
The Alkad technology uses an additive to suppress the Alkylation Roundtable and Seminar on Safe Operation of
HF aerosol formation in the event of a leak from the HF Alkylation units. Reports of success with detectors
alkylation unit. Large scale release tests with this additive seem to vary. Two types of detectors are used. One type is
have demonstrated significant aerosol reductions. In 1992, a “point source” detector for specific ppm determinations.
a trial run was conducted at Texaco’s El Dorado, Kansas These detectors are based either on electrochemical cells or
refinery. This operation demonscrated that the technology the etching of silicon-coated electronic chips.
could successfully produce alkylate, and in fact, the alkylate The second type of detector is an “open path” or “line
quality improved both in octane and distillation. of sight” detector. One type that uses infrared principles
The first commercial unit has now been installed at the is available and another type that uses laser principles is
El Dorado refinery, using a UOP modular design for the under development. The “open path” type detectors
additive recovery and recycle unit. Texaco started up the would be used to detect and respond to larger leaks for
process on September 14th and their early results confirm activation of mitigation and isolation equipment.
the alkylare octane and distillation improvements.
STANLEY LOMAX (Texaco Refinery): I agree with the previous comments on the use of
As Mr. D’Auria mentioned, we started the injection of acid-detecting paint and video monitoring, and we are also
the additive on September 14th to improve the safety of investigating the use of HF point detectors that would be
our alkylation unit. In addition to the safety aspect, we are installed at the locations most likely to experience a leak.
now producing an alkylate that is more than one and a These analyzers can detect HF in the 0 to 10 ppm range.
half octane numbers higher than our operation prior to Regarding video monitoring, we have that system in
September 14th. That is at the same unit feed rate and place and we also set it up to record each one of the camera
feedstock composition. Along with that, the ASTM dis- signals so that if a leak does occur and the source of the
tillation 90% point and end point are both averaging leak is not identified immediately, we can play back the
about 30°F lower. tape and identify the source of the leak.


Thank you. I believe a paper on this subject will be What are some of the considerations when designing
presented at the 1995 NPRA Annual Meeting. HF emission mitigation measures?


What methods of HF leak detection are most commonly Several years back, Shell installed extensive water deluge
used? Which methods have been most successful? systems around our HF alkylation unit at Odessa. Any
indication of leaks of either HF or hydrocarbon prompts
BOYCOTT: the board operator to immediately activate the deluge
We have recently installed a video monitoring system button in the control room. They are given instructions
in our alkylation unit. The system is comprised of five on the side of being conservative. Our people are told not
cameras with zoom and pan capabilities. Each camera to go out and investigate a plume observed by the TV
feeds a high resolution color screen in the control room. surveillance. Activate the system first, and then investigate.
The units have been positioned to ensure coverage of all Our process hazards analysis and subsequent dispersion
HF containing equipment. We are currently evaluating modeling of potential worst-case scenarios pointed out the
the addition of hydrocarbon detectors in key areas to need for immediate activation of the water deluge, if we
supplement the cameras. are to be effective in mitigating potential outside spread
Other technologies considered in the selection of this of the release.
system were infrared beam reflectors and wet chemistry As commented in the previous question, we are engi-
HF point source detectors. neering the installation of an open path hydrocarbon
detection system and HF point monitors as well.
We currently use TV monitors, acid-indicating paint DEATON:
on flanges, and well-trained operators to watch and detect Our first step was to install systems for quick isolation
for HF leaks. We currently are evaluating a system which of equipment such as remote-operated valves and remote-
will employ a perimeter open path infrared detection operated start/stop switches for pump motors. We are now
system for isobutane coupled with ion mobility point HF looking at water deluge systems, and the first step in this
measurements around the acid regeneration facilities. process is to select credible release scenarios and to predict

1994 NPRA Q&A Sesioon on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 147


leakage rates. Water mitigation flow rates are usually rec- developing uses a true solid phase, regenerable catalyst.
ommended at a ratio of 40:1, that is, 40 gpm of water per Currently we are in the process of conducting long-term
1 gpm of acid leak, for a 90% reduction in acid vapor stability evaluations in our pilot plants.
release. Earlier this year we developed a preliminary design
Vapor cloud dispersion models such as HG System and package that indicated that the capital and operating costs
Trace can then be used to predict downwind concentra- for this process would be very competitive with the exist-
tions. There is a joint industry program working to im- ing liquid acid technology.
prove the accuracy of vapor cloud modeling methods. As part of our initiative to increase licensee involvement
Water delivery systems should be designed for quick with our development programs, we have held prelimi-
actuation and for effective delivery of the required water nary discussions with a few customers to provide a status
flow rate to the acid release point. Water runoff, storage, update and explore potential applications of this new
and neutralization also need to be part of the overall process. We expect to have a detailed engineering design
mitigation design package. completed early next year, and, while significant technical
achievements have yet to be accomplished, our goal is to
LAUX: have a full commercial package for the technology avail-
Some additional items that we included were sizing for able by the end of 1995.
300 micron droplets based on literature data, and install-
ing both water curtains and remote monitors to attack the McLEAN:
largest plausible leak scenario. Our system for the water I do not have anything to add to what the other
mitigation also includes a preneutralized water source as panelists have said.
well as remote actuation from the control room and the
field. PORTER:
The rapid acid dump system that we are installing was Chevron is working with Chevron Research and Li-
designed for a pressurized 10 minute dump to a new censing on a process that is suitable to retrofit into an
dedicated vessel. The vessel sizing has double the maxi- existing process reactor system. We started a 10 BPD pilot
mum expected acid volume to allow room for the motive plant in January of this year to demonstrate process per-
fluid, and this system can also be activated both from the formance.
control room as well as from the field.
PHILIP GEREN (Haldor Topsoe, Inc.):
QUESTION 14. In 1988, Haldor Topsoe began a program to develop a
There have been many announcements regarding new solid catalyst alkylation process. Earlier this year the fin-
motor duel akylation technology that claim safety ishing touches were put on the development. The process
improvements over existing sulfuric and HF technolo- employs a small amount of a liquid catalyst deposited
gies. What is the current status of solid catalyst aky- upon the surface of a packed solid support bed.
lation technology? Have any commercial units been We and our partner in commercialization, the M. W.
licensed? Kellogg Company, are now preparing a feasibility study
for a customer of ours who intends to employ the process
The most developed solid acid processes are in the 0.5
to 10 barrels per day pilot plant stage, with the earliest of
these processes having operated for up to two years now.
The status of each of the processes would be best stated by
the participating firms, but each was briefly discussed in
two recent articles in the Oil and Gas Journal Volume
92(34) of August 22, 1994, pages 49 to 54. The economics
of at least one solid acid process appeared to offer cost
savings over conventional sulfuric acid units. Although
several firms are seeking licensees, we are not aware of any
commercial licenses having been sold.

In parallel with our development of the Alkad HF
additive technology, UOP has maintained a long term
research and development program aimed at developing
a solid catalyst alkylation system. The system we are

148 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


in its first commercial scale application. We are not at and acts as a diluent. The loading capacity is a function of
liberty at the moment to discuss our customer. the sulfur compound type, the temperature, and the per-
cent of reduced nickel in the sorbent.
PETER KILNER (Catalytica): Reduced nickel will adsorb H2S to saturation at tem-
Catalytica, Conoco and NESTE are working to com- peratures above 100°F. Adsorption of mercaptans and
plete the development of our solid catalyst alkylation disulfides is low at l00°F, but increases to saturation
process. We are planning to have the technology ready for around 350°F. Thiophenes, particularly sterically-hin-
licensing by sometime next year. We are talking with dered ones like benzothiophene, are only slightly ad-
refining companies about the possibility of joining our sorbed. One supplier specifies the sulfur loading for
cooperation to build the first unit, and we will be disclos- reduced and stabilized 50% nickel catalyst above 325°F,
ing further details of our process at the Oil and Gas as 10 wt% or more for hydrogen sulfide, 10% for mercap-
Journals Alkylation Seminar at the end of this month. tans, 7% for disulfides, and 1% for thiophenes.
Users have achieved different results than what I have
just mentioned. This could be the result of upsets and
C. Reforming variability in the percentages of thiophenes in the naphtha
feed. To my knowledge, no one is routinely measuring
Feed thiophene content at less than 1 ppm total sulfur.


How do sulfur species (i.e. H 2 S RSH, thiophenes) We have not used nickel oxide commercially, but our
affect the loading capacity of nickel oxide sulfur laboratory tests generally support the previous comments.
ROBERT W. MORSE (Acreon Catalysts):
BOYCOTT: The surface area of the nickel is also very important in
The pickup of sulfur species on a reduced nickel sulfur determining the adsorption of the sulfur. High surface area
sorbent is dependent on a chemisorption reaction. How- nickel adsorbents have a higher capacity for thiophene.
ever, the molecular size of the sulfur species controls the
mass transfer of the molecules into and through the pores QUESTION 16.
of the material. In this way the mechanism and break- For those refiners using a sulfur guard bed on the
through curve become very similar to those of a pure reformer feed, the very low concentrations across the
sorption system, and molecule size has a direct impact on bed make monitoring the bed performance and opti-
ultimate capacity. As such H2S is the easiest species to pick mizing change-out before the bed is completely spent
up. Thiophenic compounds have been found to give the very difficult. What analytical test methods or other
lowest loading. The published capacity for one of the techniques are being used to ensure that the beds are
commercial chemisorbents is given below. performing properly?

H2S greater than 10 wt% SAYLES:

Mercaptans 10 wt% Typical reformer feed specifications are 0.5 ppmw sul-
Disulfides 7 wt% fur and 0.5 ppmw nitrogen when using bimetalliccatalysts
Thiophenes 1 wt% in semiregenerative units. A sulfur guard reactor will pro-
tect the reforming catalyst provided the inlet H2S concen-
D’AURIA: tration to the guard bed does not cause a sulfur
The question asked about nickel oxide adsorbents. The breakthrough.
active adsorbent actually is reduced nickel. UOP’s nickel We have liquid feed sulfur guard reactors protecting
adsorbent, ADS-llL, is sold in the reduced and surface two different reformers. In both cases, low pressure pre-
stabilized form. The ADS-l1L has a capacity for H2S and treaters are used, less than 600 psi. During normal opera-
mercaptans of about 15 wt% on the adsorbent. The tion, the inlet sulfur concentration is about 140 ppb and
thiophene capacity is much lower, about 2 wt% on the the outlet is 40 ppb. The cycle length can be calculated for
adsorbent. However, even when thiophenes are present your absorber configuration using manufacturer supplied
they do not appear to interfere with the adsorbent’s ability sulfur absorption coefficients. We replace the sulfur guard
to adsorb its full capacity for H2S and mercaptans. bed CuO reactant once per year. The normal run is 440
to 510 bbl of feed per pound CuO. The run is normally
MENEGAZ: limited by pressure drop before sulfur breakthrough.
We agree with Mr. D’Auria’s comment. Sulfur pickup is From our experience, pretreater sulfur breakthrough
done only by the reduced nickel. Nickel oxide is ineffective occurs after unit upsets, mainly power outages. As a rule,

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 149


we replace the beds after a major upset as a protection to dumped. Subsequent testing for sulfur levels will not only
the reformer catalyst even if breakthrough has not been define the breakthrough curve, but also indicate which
detected. material may be reloaded. The reloaded material should
Another operational concern is that high levels of ab- be installed at the top of the bed. Care must be taken to
sorbed sulfur onto the guard bed absorbent, with contin- maintain an inert environment.
ued use, could allow the sulfur to desorbe, causing a Another approach would be to install two beds in series
reformer feedstock contamination problem. This means with the required piping to alternate lead and lag posi-
that the observed sulfur breakthrough will occur before tions. By alternating bed position in the train, essentially
the calculated breakthrough. all of the sorbent capacity could be utilized.

We rely on Houston Atlas sulfur analyzers. The analysis Nothing further to add.
takes care, but we believe we can get down to 0.05 ppm
accuracy. As far as detecting when a bed is spent, we believe D’AURIA:
the most straightforward approach is to put liquid sample We have seen all three methods used to monitor sulfur
taps at several elevations on the vessel to monitor the guard bed performance: calculating the sulfur loading
progression of the sulfur removal through the bed. based on feed sulfur, monitoring the outlet sulfur, and
also analyzing the adsorbent. The most common method
TREESE: is monitoring outlet sulfur. As the outlet sulfur begins
I would echo what Mr. Porter has said. We use the approaching 0.2 wt%, we recommend shutting down and
Houston Atlas machine. We use the thermal cracking reloading the bed. The best analytical method for meas-
technique for analyzing our sulfur. In addition to the side uring sulfur in the guard bed outlet stream is ASTM-
taps, I think it is a good idea to calculate sulfur accumu- 4045, which utilizes hydrogenolysis followed by
lated in the bed versus the bed capacity. Tracking that can rateometric calorimetry.
help act as a check and an early warning for when you are
about to expend a bed.
DAMIAN ARCHBOLD (ChemAlert Corporation):
This spring we will be introducing a new technology
for on-line total sulfur measurements that will give you
The only proven methods are dependent on the ability
the capability of measuring total sulfur at one ppb on-line
to analyze the low sulfur concentrations in and out, and
consistently. This is being tested now at several refineries.
obviously that is difficult to do at such low levels of 0.1
The results will be available in the spring.
ppm to 0.2 ppm, so this can be used as a rough estimate.
It helps to know the capacity of your sulfur guard adsorb-
SONI OYEKAN (Sun Company, Inc.):
ent. Nickel type liquid phase guard beds typically adsorb
between 10 wt% and 20 wt% sulfur and vapor phase One indirect method for checking for the problems on
guards from 15% up. In the case of a vapor phase system, the sulfur bed ahead of the reactor is to check through
only the liquid stripper bottoms need to be analyzed, since catalyst samplers for the level of sulfur on the catalyst in
100% of the sulfur in the recycle loop will eventually be the first reactor. With sulfur guard systems, the sulfur in
removed. that first bed is usually much less than 0.02%. So, if you
Accurate determination of bed removal efficiency may have inefficiencies in the performance of the sulfur guard,
require calculation after the fact, by comparing total sulfur you will notice a rapid increase in the sulfur level in the
loading on the spent material with the total feed sulfur first reactor catalyst samples.
from daily feed analyses.
DOUGLAS J. EVANS (Petro-Canada Products):
BOYCOTT: I was wondering if anybody on the panel might be able
I would like to add a comment on the utilization of the to comment on the affinity of zinc oxide, nickel oxide,
sorbent material. Sulfur guard beds use a chemisorption copper oxide to mercaptan removal, if any.
reaction to fix the sulfur species on the bed material. The
concentration gradient through the bed is very similar to D’AURIA:
that experienced in a pure sorption system. In the case of The affinity for mercaptan removal of the reduced
sulfur chemisorption on reduced nickel, the gradient is nickel adsorbent is very good. The ultimate capacity of
relatively shallow and results in rejection of 20% to 30% ADS-11L, for example, is around 15 wt% at 250°F to
of sorbent capacity as unused at breakthrough. One ap- 350°F. Zinc oxide is used primarily for H2S removal. Its
proach that has been used to reduce the rejection of unused use in reformer applications is limited by the fact that for
capacity is to sequentially label the drums as the bed is every mole of H2S adsorbed, a mole of water is produced.

150 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


MENEGAZ: The liquid feed guard beds are relatively simple and
We understand that the copper material picks up most inexpensive. A typical installation using reduced nickel is
of the hydrogen sulfide and only a very limited amount of a small carbon steel vessel, sized for liquid-hour phase
the mercaptans. velocity (LHSV) of 8 to 12. Normal effluent purity is less
than 0.1 ppm sulfur. There are 50 or more liquid sulfur
QUESTION 17. phase units worldwide.
The benefits of removing sulfur in reformer feed has Several refiners have added liquid guard beds as retrofits
promoted several approaches to a sulfur guard bed to existing units with minimum capital investment. One
system. Both a system on the liquid feed and the refiner is reported to have increased the cycle length from
recycle gas stream are possible. How does the expe- 8 to 23 months after adding a nickel guard bed. Experience
rience on these compare and what unit aspects make
with sulfur adsorbents is discussed on pages 147 to 148 of
one or the other more appropriate? Have there been
the 1992 NPRA Question and Answer Session transcripts.
any problems, difficulties, or limitations with either
Many years ago, we tried to remove the sulfur in the
recycle gas and did not like it for the same reason Mr.
Liquid phase sulfur guards treat the reformer feed,
while vapor phase systems treat both the feed and the McLean mentioned. The sulfur in the feed hit the catalyst
recycle gas before they enter the reactor. A guard solely on before the recycle guard bed could take it out. So we
the recycle itself would have marginal value since it could invented the Chevron Sulfur Sorber process, which re-
only take out the H2S in the gas and the catalyst would moves sulfur from the liquid feed. We now use that on all
still be exposed to all the feed sulfur on the first pass. our reformers.
Acreon Catalysts markets adsorbents for both systems.
Liquid phase systems are smaller, operate at lower tem- BOYCOTT:
peratures, and are less expensive to install. They com- I agree with the previous comments. I will add that we
monly use copper- or nickel-based adsorbents. Copper is employ a reduced nickel adsorbent on our liquid feed
effective at removing H2S and mercaptans, while nickel stream.
can also remove some thiophenes. It is also easier to change
out the adsorbent on the run with a liquid phase system. D’AURIA:
Vapor phase systems are more expensive because they The only thing I will add is that the liquid system does
are directly in the reformer loop and operate at higher have the advantage of not having any impact on the
temperatures. They must be isolated during regeneration, reformer recycle gas compressor circuit, whereas the vapor
requiring some additional valving and piping. Since the phase system will add additional pressure drop in the
vapor phase unit treats both the feed and the recycle gas, recycle gas circuit.
it is more effective in responding to upsets which may feed
a large quantity of sulfur to the unit in a short period of MARK DORAN (ICI Katalco):
time. If this upset condition exceeds the ability of the I agree with most of the comments from the panel.
guard to remove on the first pass, thiophenic sulfur will With vapor phase sulfur guards, it is possible to place the
convert to H2S in the reformer and will be removed on
guard on the recycle gas at the low temperature part of the
the second pass. As a result, vapor phase units may be
circuit, and that may well reduce the capital cost of the
preferred for reformers which are subject to such upsets,
figures given by people on the panel.
particularly on more thiophenic feeds.
A liquid feed guard will only remove sulfur from the
Engelhard has presented a paper at the 1989 Annual
Meeting, Paper Number AM-89-45, which compared hydrocarbon feed to the plant. Another point in favor of
these options and offered an economic comparison. vapor phase guards is that they do not increase the hydro-
carbon inventory of the reformer unit. ICI Katalco can
MENEGAZ: provide PURASPEC™ absorbent for both vapor and liq-
I would agree with Mr. McLean’s comments. The vapor uid phase applications. Liquid phase is the most common.
phase process is definitely more effective for removing
sulfur. It is also quite a bit more expensive. I have seen WILLIAM TOREK (Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc.):
figures quoted of $425,000 for installation in a 10,000 We recently loaded fresh, high nickel, catalyst in a sulfur
barrel per day reformer. Many of these processes are found guard reactor on the run and experienced quite a bit of
in conjunction with units using high-skewed plati- water in the downstream reformer. Can someone com-
num/rhenium catalysts. Such catalysts are extremely intol- ment on the possibilities of water formation resulting from
erant of sulfur and require a higher degree of sulfur removal. the sulfur guard catalyst’s passivation agent?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 151


D'AURIA: experiences with chloride water problems when there is a

It is possible to form significant quantities of water if guard bed in the reactor circuit on the combined feed. It
you use an adsorbent that is sold in the oxidized state, and is more difficult to maintain chloride. A serious water
then reduced in situ. UOP’s ADS-11L, however, is sold in upset will give a large liberation in H2S, which will in turn
the reduced, surface stabilized state. We do not perform nullify the economic benefit for installing the guard bed.
an in situ reduction, and, hence, do not generate any water
on start-up. SONI OYEKAN (Sun Company, Inc.):
I want to address the question of whether the sulfur
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum Company): guard is only for upsets. In the case of skewed metal
Is the main purpose of the sulfur guard to prevent catalysts or unbalanced catalysts, where you have high
possible upsets on the hydrotreater from upsetting the rhenium to platinum ratio, you get substantial benefits in
reformer or to prevent any sulfur from getting to the terms of performance if you operate below 0.2 ppmw
reformer? Are there additional benefits in normal opera- sulfur in the feed. So in order to make sure that the sulfur
tion? is quite low in these systems, you need to have the sulfur
guard in line for that particular type of catalyst.
PORTER: You could also have similar benefits for the balanced
Sulfur guard beds are useful to reduce the impact of a catalysts as well, that is, balanced metals catalysts, but you
process upset, but we find they have a great value in have substantial performance benefits for the skewed met-
removing the trace sulfur in normal feed. als if you run in the range of 0.1 ppm to 0.2 ppm sulfur.
That is benefits in terms of octane barrels as well as cycle
MENEGAZ: length.
I know of one incident where a refiner developed a
problem with the upstream hydrotreater with a crack in CORNELL SLADE (ACREON Catalysts):
one of the feed-effluent exchangers, and consequently they Acreon is in a unique position because we can supply
had 4 ppm to 5 ppm in their feed sulfur. They used the two types of vapor phase and two types of liquid phase
vapor phase sulfur guard process and operated for approxi- sulfur guards.
mately 18 months without shutting down or seeing any For complete sulfur removal (i.e., H2S, thiophenes), we
loss of octane. recommend our HRD 264, vapor phase sulfur guard.
Sulfur (as H2S) can be removed by this adsorbent, up to
18% by its weight, which is up to 65 lb/ft3.
We have our sulfur sorber on our hydrocracker naphtha
Our ZN 0406, also used in vapor phase, is a zinc-based
which bypasses the naphtha hydrotreater and is fed di-
product and at 99 lb/ft3 is one of the most dense sulfur
rectly to the reformer. The sulfur sorber provides protec-
guards on the market. It can pick up up to 10% of its
tion against H 2 S from upsets in the hydrocracker
fractionation system and protection from mercaptans that
For liquid phase applications, the D- 1275 is the prod-
may be formed in the hydrocracker reactor at end of run
uct of choice. It can pick up up to 15% of its weight, and
weighs up to 50 lb/ft3. Nickel is the active ingredient.
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company):
Our MD 101 copper product is also for liquid phase
In regards to water formation in the nickel guard bed, applications and can pick up up to 5% of its weight. The
is it possibly high enough for the water to cause unbal- density is 56 lb/ft3.
anced chloride in the reformer?
D'AURIA: What are some of the ways refiners are using N/R
We have not seen any problems with water generation analytical technology to monitor catalytic reformer
on start-up. Theoretically, if you were reducing a high performance?
nickel content, nickel oxide material, a significant amount
of water would be generated. You would have to make sure ARMBRESTER:
this water did not enter the reformer reactor section. As Ashland is using its Infratane® on-line NIR technology
stated earlier, this is not a problem with ADS-11L. to provide octane value, aromatic content, and olefin con-
tent of the reformate product from our low pressure CCR
BOB RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.): reformer at the Catlettsburg refinery. At the present time,
I have not heard anyone say anything about chloride the NIR analyzer reports research, motor and pump octane
water balance, until the previous comment, on units that numbers as operating indicators only, but we have a project
put the sulfur guard in the reactor circuit I have had under way to establish closed-loop octane control by using

152 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


the analyzer’s research octane signal to set the weighted about 10% of the available reformer charge and will allow
average inlet temperature on the reformer reactors. us to reduce the benzene content in reformate by about
In addition to the octane values mentioned previously, 70%, and reduce the overall gasoline pool benzene content
the NIR also provides on-line analysis for total olefins, by 30%. In our case, this amounts to about 500 barrels
total aromatics, benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethyl per day less benzene in the gasoline pool. Then, to allocate
benzene. These values can be used to optimize our down- benzene between RFG and conventional gasoline, we plan
stream aromatic extraction process. to pull a side draw from the reformer stabilizer. This side
draw will remove up to 70% of the produced benzene from
CUNEO: the reformate product in a volume as small as 15% of the
We are doing work on characterizing the reformer feed total reformate produced. The benzene content of the side
for possible consideration in feed forward control, as well draw will contain up to 4.5 times the normal benzene level
as for analyzing octane and for benzene. of 1.1 vol% in the whole reformate. The vapor side draw
will be used as blendstock for conventional gasoline.
D’AURIA: The fractionation systems we will employ avoids the
The NIR technique replaces traditional lab or on-line high cost of constructing and operating a solvent extrac-
techniques (such as knock engines, on-line octane analyz- tion unit. Precursor prefractionation can be done with
ers, gas chromatographs) that introduce high maintenance minimal capital investment, but will negatively impact the
costs, slow turnaround, and yet provide limited capabili- gasoline pool octane by diverting 10% of the reformer feed
ties. State-of-the-art NIR analyzers measure properties of as a 60 octane blendstock.
several process streams in the reformer simultaneously on
a real-time basis. UOP recognized the importance of this ARMBRESTER:
technology and recently purchased Guided Wave in order The advantages and disadvantages obviously depend
to offer this capability to our licensees. As of this date, there on each refiner’s processing configuration, as well as their
are 14 Guided Wave analyzers sold for reformer applica- individual situation regarding RFG production and anti-
tions measuring RON, MON, RVP, benzene, or PONA. dumping considerations. If a refiner has an outlet for
These applications are being utilized for both feed forward benzene, either through outside sales or as an in-plant
control based on PONA, or feedback control based on petrochemical feedstock, then the best option may be to
octane. The data from a single NIR analyzer monitoring maximize benzene precursors in the reformer feed and
the feed and reformate streams, coupled with data on then extract the benzene from the reformate.
moisture, chloride and hydrogen content in the recycle gas If an outlet for benzene is not available, then it is
from other on-line analyzers, will provide the basis for probably best to minimize the benzene precursors, primar-
implementing advanced control strategies for the reformer. ily cyclohexane and methylcyclopentane, in the reformer
feed by raising the initial boiling point of this stream.
PETER MIKKELSEN (Petro-Canada Products): These components would then be saturated in the C5-C6
Has anyone had experience with the hand-held NIR isomerization unit, thus reducing the total benzene in the
analyzers for operators to use for control. There are a few gasoline pool. Efficient fractionation will be needed to
of them on the market that are relatively inexpensive and move the benzene precursors into the isomerization unit
we are in fact investigating use of such a piece of equip- feed stream without also sending an excessive amount of
ment. C7S and benzene to the isomerization unit.
One disadvantage of this route is that it reduces the
total amount of reformer feed available, which can nega-
Process tively impact the refinery’s hydrogen balance. If a refiner
has neither an isomerization unit nor aromatic extraction
QUESTION 19. capability, they may be forced to minimize the benzene
In order to control the amount of benzene in future RFG precursors in the reformer feed and blend the entire light
(reformulated gasoline) what are the relative advan- straight run naphtha stream to gasoline.
tages or disadvantages to limiting precursors in re-
former feed versus removing benzene from D’AURIA:
reformate? The major source of benzene in the gasoline pool is the
catalytic reformate that typically contributes 50% to 75%
DEATON: of the benzene in the gasoline pool. Two basic approaches
Clark’s Blue Island refinery in Chicago will market both can reduce net benzene production: minimize its forma-
RFG and conventional gasoline. First, we plan to use tion by removing the precursors charged to the reformer
precursor prefractionation to reduce the benzene content or fractionate a benzene-rich light reformate stream for
of the total gasoline pool. The precursor product will be subsequent benzene conversion or extraction. Preventing

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 153


may have to be increased to compensate, which will reduce

the overall gasoline yield. Also, benzene originally present
in the naphtha will not be removed by the fractionation.
And, finally, in some cases this may result in pool benzene
levels below allowable target limits, with the effect of
unnecessary octane and hydrogen debits.
The alternative presented in the paper was the installa-
tion of a reformate splitter and liquid phase catalytic
hydrogenation of the benzene-containing light reformate
stream. This option was evaluated for four different crude
types, with hydrogenation severity adjusted to meet pool
benzene limits while maintaining improved overall gaso-
line yield and hydrogen balance. For the cases evaluated,
significant economic rates of return for the incremental
capital involved were indicated.

I agree with a lot of the previous comments, that the
the formation of benzene rather than converting it after it key decision is whether you want your refinery to make a
is formed makes good engineering sense. However, in benzene product. At our Pascagoula refinery, we are re-
certain cases, practical and economic constraints may limit moving benzene from our reformate, but at another refin-
the ability of refiners to implement this strategy. ery we will try to minimize benzene formation. Once you
When choosing between light reformate processing or decide whether to make a benzene product, then choosing
precursor removal for benzene reduction, refiners must the right option will depend on capital costs and operating
consider three variables: the level of benzene allowed in the expenses between the various alternatives.
regulated pool, the benzene-producing tendency of the
reformer, and the overall refinery flow scheme and crude SAYLES:
source. If reducing benzene below 1 vol% is necessary, the A similar question was asked in the 1990 Question and
precursor removal may not be sufficient. If the reformer Answer Session, question 30.
operating pressure is high, the production of benzene can From our perspective, benzene control to produce RFG
occur even after precursor removal due to dealkylation of or conventional gasoline conforming to the refiner’s 1990
heavier hydrocarbons. Light reformate processing may also baseline requires a comprehensive review of all the gasoline
be necessary if the refinery flow scheme is heavily depend- pool benzene sources. Benzene sources are the FCCU
ent on the reformer as a gasoline pool component, if the naphtha, 25% of the total; light straight run or conden-
crude used is highly cyclic, or if the reformer feed comes sate, 5% of the total; coker naphtha, 5% of the total; and
from a number of other process units in which accurate reformate, 65% of the total benzene in the pool. Limiting
control of benzene precursors is difficult. Finally, if the reformer benzene can have a significant effect and the
refiner has a petrochemical outlet for benzene, extraction methods for limiting benzene are:
of benzene from the reformate may be the most economical 1. Benzene precursors boil from 180°F to 230°F in
choice for reducing the benzene content of gasoline. the HSR feed. Control of the reformer feed IBP to
greater than 220°F to 230°F should remove the
McLEAN: benzene precursors. The increased light naphtha
Engelhard presented a paper at the 1992 NPRA Annual yield from the CDU will lower the gasoline pool
Meeting which addressed this question. That was paper octane/bbl. To recover the octane loss, LSR
number AM-92-51. This answer will summarize the con- isomerization can be used to increase the octane
clusions from that paper. from about 67 to 78 RON. The disadvantage is
The primary advantage for removing benzene precur- shorter isomerization catalyst life and increased
sors from the reformer feed is that in many cases it can be isomerization hydrogen consumption due to the
accomplished with existing fractionation equipment and saturation of benzene.
is therefore on the surface a “no capital required” option. 2. Another approach is removal of the benzene from
It has a number of disadvantages. Valuable hydrogen the light reformate which produces a higher octane
producing compounds are also removed, which of course gasoline pool. Several commercial processes exist
reduces the potential hydrogen yield from the reformer. to remove the benzene. However, these processes
This front end is also low in octane and if it is routed must be carefully reviewed with respect to the
directly to the gasoline pool, then the reformer severity benzene NESHAP regulations, OSHA benzene

154 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


exposure limitations, and disposition of the con- is that? Are the impacts a combination due to pressure and
centrated benzene naphtha produced. The RFG severity of the operation?
regulations have strict prohibitions to limit the
outlets for these concentrated benzene streams. D'AURIA:
3. The third approach is to limit the operating sever- The reformer pressure and octane severity, in addition
ity to minimize benzene production. The produc- to feedstock boiling range, will impact the amount of
tion of benzene is a thermodynamically controlled benzene made through dealkylation of heavier compo-
reaction (temperature/pressure) and a maximum nents. To illustrate this relationship, the table below shows
benzene concentration will be reached depending benzene yields from the reforming of a midcontinent
on the operating conditions. For a semiregenera- naphtha:
tion reformer, there can be a maximum possible Benzene Yield, LV%/FF
benzene increase of 30% above start of run. An-
other way of estimating the benzene rise is a Boiling Range RONC 50 PSIG 300 PSIG
0.0125%/°F increase in WABT. An interesting C6-370°F 98 2.2 2.5
exception is benzene produced by a CCR unit C6-370°F 102 2.7 3.0
which shows no increase in benzene with time. C7-370°F 98 0.5 1.2
C7-370°F 102 0.6 1.5
(UOP R32 fresh versus spent data, NPRA Ques-
tion and Answer Session on Refining and Petro-
chemical Technology, 1991) RICHARD M. GIALELLA (IFP Enterprises Inc.):
At constant severity, lower reactor pressure will Limiting precursors may be effective in decreasing ben-
reduce benzene formation by about 0.0024 wt% zene in gasoline. However, it does nothing to control
benzene per 1 psi reduction in separator pressure. benzene formed by the hydrodealkylation reaction. Also,
Higher pressures will increase aromatics by 0.028 it may severely impact light paraffin isomerization because
vol% aromatics per 1 psi decrease in separator of poorer feedstock. This solution may not be adequate
pressure. (Feed IBP is at 215°F; Gilsdorf, et al, for reformers operating at high pressure and high severity.
“Platforming in the Reformulate Gasoline Era”, Controlling benzene downstream of the reformer permits
1992 NPRA Annual Meeting, AM-92-16) monitoring benzene regardless of reformer feed quality
and octane of the reformate. In addition, processing
Pressure, psig 300 50
downstream of the reformer permits the decrease of ben-
RONC Benzene, wt% Benzene, wt%
zene to low levels in the gasoline pool and takes full
92 0.8 0.2
advantage of the complex model equations in terms of
96 1.0 0.3
toxics reduction, thereby allowing more aromatics ulti-
100 1.2 0.4 mately into the gasoline pool.
IFP offers a full set of processes which allow for the
TREESE: reduction of benzene downstream of the reformer, for
I would, ofcourse, go with the previous comments. We, example, benzene saturation using either a noble or a
being primarily a California refiner, have the additional non-noble metal catalyst followed by isomerization, if so
problem of trying to meet the California Air Resources
Board (CARB) Regulations, which require less than 1%
benzene in the product.
We already have dehexanizers ahead of our reformers,
You will be very lucky to get below 1% benzene on a
so most of the precursors are already fractionated out. In
400 lb to 500 lb reformer, even if you remove all the C6
our case, we have to post-fractionate in order to meet the
in the feed. On a low pressure CCR you may get down to
CARB Regulations.
Outside California, people may be able to meet the EPA about one-half percent.
benzene requirements with prefractionation only. Our
thought is that there may be additional fractionation QUESTION 20.
required to meet toxics targets that are upcoming. What methods are being used to reduce plugging and
Refinery rest runs confirmed that prefractionation corrosion in the catalytic reforming stabilizer?
alone, in our case, was not sufficient to meet the benzene
requirements in our reformate. SAYLES:
Similar questions were asked in the 1987 NPRA Ques-
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): tion and Answer Session, question 30 (p. 120) and in the
My question is regarding impact of pressure on the 1989 NPRA Question and Answer Session, question 22
alkylation of high aromatics into benzene. How sensitive (p. 133).

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 155


Our semiregenerative stabilizer columns have not ex- This, however, is not a method that addresses the causes
perienced plugging problems in the overhead system. of the pluggage and corrosion.
However, corrosion byproducts in the stabilizer overhead
water boot have been detected. The areas of highest cor- PORTER:
rosion are locations where the overhead vapors reach their We control plugging in our stabilizer, by water washing
dew point. Normally the stabilizer offgas contains 5 ppm the column. This is usually done during regeneration, but
to 7 ppm H2S and NH3 with trace amounts of chlorides some do it on the run.
and water. The corrosion is due to water entrainment in
the stabilizer which hydrates a chloride salt, typically BARLOW:
ammonium chloride and causes localized corrosion. The Most of the fouling and corrosion problems associated
concentrations in the overhead water boot are relatively with reformer stabilizer operation are due to NH4CI depo-
high, 0.5 ppm to 1 ppm Fe and the water rate is very low. sition. When a water wash in a stabilizer is not practical,
Corrosion can be eliminated by keeping the tower bone the use of a chemical solution has proven very successful.
dry which is difficult while maintaining a proper We have seen the use of amine technology to convert the
water/chloride balance in the reactors. ammonium chloride salt into a more mobile salt. In
We believe the corrosion rate is low. However, as a addition to the potential for plugging, the mobile salt can
precaution, a low level of filming amine is used, 1 ppm to be extremely corrosive. This approach is not recom-
5 ppm. Another approach is to use liquid phase scrubbers mended. We have been successful using detergent/disper-
to reduce chloride levels and eliminate plugging. sant packages to reduce salt deposition and keep the salt
We have had an experience with high pressure drop on in the liquid phase.
the feed side of the stabilizer/feed effluent exchanger of
about 90 psi. The high pressure drop was believed to be LAUX:
due to ammonium chloride pluggage. Condensate injec- When we operated only a semiregenerative reformer,
tion into the feed washed the ammonium chlorides from we also were able to simply water wash our stabilizer at
the bundle and reduced the pressure drop to about 25 psi. each regeneration to solve the plugging problem. When
During the condensate wash, the observed stabilizer over-
we started up our continuous reformer in 1991, that
head water phase ammonium concentration increased to
option disappeared.
3,000 ppmw from the normal 5 ppmw to 7 ppmw range
We have good success with injecting a salt dispersant
and the chlorides increased to 2,500 ppmw from the
chemical that drops the ammonium chloride out the
normal 5 ppmw to 7 ppmw range. (The Cl/NH3 ratios
bottom of the stabilizer. We have heard of severe corrosion
are: observed 0.9, calculated 1.0 a good check for ammo-
resulting from using these chemicals, but we did not see
nium chloride salts). A corresponding increase in the iron
any corrosion when we last inspected the stabilizer. That
content from less than 1 ppmw to less than 7 ppmw was
inspection was done 2 years after we started using the
observed. The high concentrations existed for the duration
of the water wash and then returned to the normal.
Unocal has been using continuous process improve- I would agree with the comments on ammonium chlo-
ment methods to prevent excursions by improving control ride salts causing the plugging problems. The source of the
of the addition of our chloriding agent. That has resulted problem is in the hydrotreater providing feed pretreat to
in reduced pluggage and reduced corrosion. the reformer. The breakthrough of organic nitrogen com-
pounds causes the formation of ammonia in the reformer
FELTROP: and subsequently ammonium chloride salts. The process-
I agree with the previous comments on elimination of ing of coker naphtha can worsen this problem.
nitrogen from the reformer feed, the effects ofammonium Although we process up to 25% to 30% coker naphtha
chloride, and using the water wash systems. A corrosion in our reformer feed pretreater, we do not experience
inhibitor can also be used to protect the overhead and plugging problems in the stabilizer. We believe that this is
minimize corrosion products in the system. Amine injec- due to careful selection of hydrotreater catalysts to elimi-
tion has also been used by several refiners. If it is used, it nate the nitrogen compounds in our reformer feed.
needs to be carefully monitored because the high molecu-
lar weight salts can deposit in the tower bottoms and CUNEO:
downstream equipment. We would agree with the previous comments, espe-
An analogous plugging problem was seen recently at a cially about the need to set the severity of the naphtha
major refiner and was treated effectively using an antifou- hydrotreater by organic nitrogen rather than by sulfur.
lant that combined a dispersant and a metal deactivator. We try to treat down to less than 0.2 ppm weight.

156 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


Another potential source of ammonia is sulfiding cata- hydrotreater and have not observed any problems with the
lysts during regeneration. We recommend use of a sulfid- reformer feed nitrogen content.
ing agent, such as dimethyldisulfide as opposed to sour
hydrogen from a hydrotreater which can contain some KENNETH D. PETERS (UOP):
ammonia in the vent stream. Further to Mr. Deaton’s comments, we have been speci-
fying calcium oxide/zinc oxide treaters on the feed to the
DEATON: Platforming unit stabilizer column for about four years
For those refiners who run coker naphtha through the now. We have had some success with these treaters, par-
reformer, plugging problems will occur if the naphtha ticularly when the feed has been heated. The colder or
contains high nitrogen content coker naphtha. At Clark’s ambient temperature treaters do not always seem to oper-
Hartford refinery, a 900 psi coker naphtha hydrotreater is ate as well as the treaters that are set up to run with
effective in lowering the nitrogen content from 60 ppm preheated feed in the 200°F to 300°F range.
down to 0.5 ppm prior to blending with virgin naphtha Regarding the ammonium chloride, the primary time
fed to a typical 300 psi naphtha hydrotreater. when enough ammonium chloride is formed to cause
We have also heard that some people have installed zinc operational problems in the Platforming equipment is
oxide and calcium oxide adsorbent beds in the stabilizer when the upstream naphtha hydrotreating unit has an
liquid feed line to remove chlorides. Putting these adsor- upset situation and nitrogen breakthrough occurs. The
bers in a liquid service is relatively new, and the success of increased feed nitrogen then accelerates the ammonium
these systems is not yet available. These beds are much chloride formation. Also, in units where the reformer
more common in gas service and the results are good at catalyst surface area has declined significantly, the catalyst’s
reducing offgas line fouling and corrosion. ability to retain chloride is reduced, and the recycle gas
HCI level increases as more chloride is injected to keep up
catalyst activity. This increased HCI level also contributes
To support Mr. Deaton’s comments, there are selective to increased ammonium chloride formation.
adsorbents that are effective in removing chlorides from
The best method to minimize plugging and corrosion
the liquid reformates to quite low levels, to prevent the
in the stabilizer column is to minimize ammonium chlo-
formation of ammonium chlorides in the stabilizer trays
ride formation with better naphtha hydrotreating opera-
and to eliminate the corrosion problems.
tion to avoid nitrogen breakthrough and better reforming
catalyst surface area management to minimize HCI in the
PAUL FEARNSIDE (Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals):
recycle gas.
We have seen success for certain refiners where they pay
particularly close attention to the water wash system on
J. DOUGLAS PERKINS (United Catalysts, Inc.):
the naphtha hydrotreater, particularly if the water wash is
intermittent. We have seen at those times that the feed to We find with the zinc oxide/calcium oxide chloride trap
the reformer becomes extremely wet, carrying the resul- that the amount of ammonia will severely affect the use-
tant ammonia content with it. fulness of this material at lower temperatures, around
100°F. The ammonium chloride coats the material. At
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): higher temperatures, the ammonium chloride decom-
We have been discussing guard beds for sulfur break- poses, i.e., at 230°F to 250°F and higher. So at higher
through to reformer charge. Is anybody doing work on the temperatures it works quite well. At lower temperatures it
use of guard beds for a nitrogen problem? If one is proc- also works, but only if there is no ammonia in the feed.
essing different kinds of feedstock, and the naphtha con-
tains different levels of nitrogen compounds, I would MICHAEL BUCKO (Merichem Company):
expect nitrogen breakthrough causing problems down- Fiber-Film Contactor technology has been proven suc-
stream. I am less concerned about chloride fouling than cessful in eliminating HCI corrosion and both ammonium
on balancing the chloride level on the catalyst. I was and ferric chloride plugging of column internals and the
wondering if anybody has discovered a guard bed for reboiler. Several treating units are currently in operation,
nitrogen removal. most of which are in the Far East.
Secondly, has anybody had experience with Alaskan
crude having a high nitrogen level in the naphtha? MARK DORAN (ICI Katalco):
Fixed beds of chloride absorbent are an attractive solu-
SAYLES: tion to this problem because they offer a low capital cost
We periodically get Alaskan North Slope into our project, compared to a caustic wash system for instance.
refinery and have noticed a slight increase in the feed They also offer a low maintenance/operator attention re-
nitrogen to the hydrotreater. We run about a 900 psi quirement, compared to an antifoulant injection system.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 157


PURASPEC™ absorbents are succesfully installed in such is a more acid-resistant material, but has a slightly lower
applications. water capacity than the RDG-418.
An alternative to using an acid-resistant sieve is to install
QUESTION 21. a nonregenerable chloride trap upstream of the drier.
Does anyone have experience in the use of molecular These recycle gas dryers have been used since the early
sieves on the recyc/e stream for drying during start- 1970’s, and the chloride-resistant adsorbent has been used
up? How much could the dryout time be reduced? Is successfully for over a decade.
there any new technology available for avoiding chlo-
ride attack on the molecular sieve? What other proce- HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company):
dures or products are being used? We have been using nitrogen drying successfully for
reducing the drying time approximately in half.
We route our recycle gas from our semiregenerative QUESTION 22.
What has been the industry experience with the new
reformer at the Three Rivers refinery through a glycol
high alumina/low platinum CCR reformer catalyst?
contractor and then two parallel molecular sieve beds when
Comment on stability, activity and physical properties.
we start up after regeneration. The dryout time is cut to
two days, which is about 50% of the dryout time without
the dryers. The molecular sieves are loaded with 3A sieve D’AURIA:
and we have not noticed any chloride attack, but they are UOP’s R-132 catalyst was first put in stream in March
only used in this service two or three times per year. of 1992. This catalyst exhibits yields equivalent to our
earlier R-30 series catalyst, with improved activity and a
The contractor and the sieve beds are used as part of a
significant improvement in surface area retention.
cryogenic gas liquids recovery unit when they are not
In March of 1993, we commercialized a second catalyst
being used for regeneration dryout.
in this series, R-l34. This product has the same perform-
ance benefits as the R-132, but with about 23% less
Recycle gas dryers can significantly reduce dryout time. As of September of this year, there are 17 units in
Engelhard makes an adsorbent known as “Sorbead R,” operation with R-130 series catalysts, and there are an
which is specifically designed for recycle gas applications. additional seven refiners that have selected this type of
There are three domestic applications of this material in catalyst for reloads in the near future. The units have been
this service. Sorbead R is more cost effective than molecu- achieving their expected catalyst strength, surface area
lar sieves in this HCI-bearing application. For units with- retention, activity and yield performance. We have been
out recycle dryers, dryout time can be improved by careful very happy with the commercial results.
attention to draining, making sure that there are adequate
low point drains, and that these and the separator are McLEAN:
continuously kept moisture-free until the introduction of
Our affiliate, Acreon Catalysts, markets several new
feed. Ensuring that there are no dead areas during nitrogen generation catalysts for continuous reforming, including
and hydrogen purges, and minimizing the time for chang- E-1000 and CR-201. Both offer improved ultimate life
ing of blinds also help.
versus older catalysts due co decreased rates of surface area
loss. This has been demonstrated commercially on both.
PORTER: The CR-201 has a higher density and therefore has
We have historically used molecular sieves to improve been effective at increasing throughput in bottlenecked
the dryout time. We find that we can improve dryout time units without experiencing any problems in circulation.
by about two to three days using them.
At the Pascagoula refinery, we put a layer of activated PORTER:
alumina in front of the molecular sieve and believe this We have recently cried UOP R-134 and the early results
helps co reduce chloride attack on the molecular sieve. look fine.

D’AURIA: HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company):

UOP has specified dryers on recycle gas screams in order Does this new high level of alumina have any effect on
to reduce dryout time on start-up. The numbers quoted aromatic production?
by others are similar to our experience.
We offer three different adsorbent products for this D’AURIA:
service: RDG-418, AW-500, and AW-300. The most The R-130 series catalyst has essentially the same yield
commonly used are RDG-418 and AW-500. The AW-500 pattern as R-30 series catalyst, so that at a given octane,

158 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


the aromatic production is the same. For petrochemical a sulfate removal step conducted prior to the oxidation
operations, the higher activity of R- 130 catalysts can be step by circulating electrolytic hydrogen in the presence of
used to increase aromatic production by increasing the a high concentration of hydrochloric acid. Hydrogen sul-
operating severity. fide is formed and then neutralized with a caustic wash.
However, if all the iron sulfide scale in the heat exchangers
STEVE WILLIAMS (Star Enterprise): and heaters has not been removed during the carbon burn,
Has UOP seen any increased coking with the new sulfates will again be formed during the hotter oxidation
R-130 series catalysts? step and thus counteract the total effectiveness of the
sulfate removal step. We therefore recommend hydroblast-
D’AURIA: ing the feed exchangers before the oxidation step to re-
The R-130 series catalyst coke laydown rate is essen- move iron sulfide scale.
tially the same as that for the R-30 series. We have done
extensive pilot plant and commercial tests that have con- McLEAN:
firmed this. I agree with what has been said before. I would add that
the activity loss is due to the effect of sulfates on the
QUESTION 23. alumina base, which adversely affects the platinum redis-
Discuss the presence of iron on reformer catalyst and persion process. This is where the activity loss comes from.
the formation of iron sulfide scale in reformer heaters
and heat exchangers. What effect do these sulfur de- MENEGAZ:
posits have on sulfate formation during regeneration? I agree with the previous comments also. I would add
that we also see most of the iron on the first reformer bed.
CUNEO: In addition, we have also seen a lot of iron sulfide scale on
We have taken core samples from reformer reactor beds. the bottom of the stabilizer, suggesting we had water down
They typically exhibit iron contamination at the top with there at one time or another.
rapidly decreasing concentration as the samples are taken Secondary sources of scale can come from a direct
down into the bed. Very little iron has been found at reduction of carbon steel by hydrogen sulfide at tempera-
depths greater than 12 to 18 inches. tures below 400°F, by oxygen contamination in the naph-
While the iron on the catalyst could be a source of SO2 tha, and by corrosion products in the regeneration
during regeneration, a more likely source is deposits found procedure.
in the feed site of the feed effluent heat exchangers. The Oxygen contamination has been traced back to storage
SO2 is generated when oxygen passes over these deposits in unblanketed tanks, pipeline naphtha, or city water used
and then comes into the reactors and deposits these during upstream in the naphtha hydrotreater. One refiner strips
regeneration. The majority of the SO2 remains in the first his feed with nitrogen to remove the oxygen.
reactor. Regarding the regeneration procedure, we have no
Closely monitoring the sulfate removal allows material comment except that attempting regeneration above 0.5
balancing the sulfur movement in and out of the reactors. wt% sulfur will permanently damage the catalyst.

Iron sulfide scale is formed in reformer reactor feed heat I would like to echo the earlier comment, we have also
exchangers and reactor heaters during normal operations found iron sulfide in our stabilizer bottom, which fouled
due to trace quantities of sulfur not removed in upstream a fired reboiler heater. The fouling required cleaning at
hydrotreating units. Iron on reformer catalysts is usually about an 8-year cycle.
highest on the first reactor. Recent iron analysis ofcatalysts
at one of Clark’s reformers indicated iron contents of 0.36 QUESTION 24.
wt% in Number 1 reactor compared to 0.22 wt% in What are the mechanisms of platinum loss from re-
Number 2 reactor, 0.07 wt% in Number 3, and 0.04 wt% forming catalyst? How much platinum is typically lost
in Number 4 reactor. We recommend rotating catalysts during the life of the catalyst?
between Number 1 and Number 4 reactors every three
years, when the catalyst is unloaded for reactor internal LAUX:
inspection. Actual platinum loss from the reforming catalyst is hard
Iron sulfide scale burns to sulfur dioxide during both to determine because you are dealing with small concen-
the carbon burn and the oxidation step. Sulfur dioxide trations on large volumes of catalysts over several years of
reacts with the metals on the catalyst to form sulfate, which operation. The balances are not as accurate as your audi-
prevents metals dispersion and causes subsequent lack of tors would like to think. Generally, accounting errors are
activity. Sulfates can be removed from the catalyst during the cause of many platinum losses.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 159


The one true loss that does occur is the catalyst that falls ARMBRESTER:
to the ground each time you handle it or open equipment. We agree with several of the previous comments on the
This can actually be very significant. We try to lay plastic mechanisms for losing platinum, both in the CCR and
out to catch as much of the droppings as possible, and have the semiregenerative units. Our losses will typically aver-
picked up as much as a drum during one turnaround. age 2% to 3% over the life of the catalyst, but we will lose
An effective platinum loss does occur as well. If you more than that in the CCR units just due to attrition.
expose your CCR catalyst to high temperatures, over
1200°F, alpha alumina can be formed. This alpha alumina BOYCOTT:
can encapsulate the platinum, making it harder to recover. I agree with the comments on the mobilization of
We have developed some catalyst particles that are nearly platinum as platinum oxychloride during the regeneration
pure alpha alumina. Based on surface areas, over 65% of step. I am not aware of a mechanism by which this
the platinum was encapsulated. The platinum refiners mobilization can remove the platinum from the catalyst
reduce their recovery guarantees to about 98% when the structure itself. We have not been able to document a loss
alpha alumina content exceeds 10%. The guarantee drops of platinum from our catalysts, other than physical attri-
to 97% recovery when the alpha alumina exceeds 25%. tion and loss on recovery.
Laboratory tests have also shown that platinum can be
leached off the catalyst during very severe oxychlorina- D’AURIA:
tion. However, commercial units do not approach these Platinum losses are, for the most part, due to fines
conditions. generation in catalyst handling. Paying attention to cata-
lyst handling is the best way to minimize loss of platinum.
McLEAN: While platinum volatilization is theoretically possible,
We do not know the mechanisms for certain, but we it is extremely unlikely to occur at any reforming condi-
do believe that the losses occur during the regeneration tions, either during operation or regeneration. Our expe-
rience is that questions related to potential volatilization
and activation processes, in the presence of chlorides and
of platinum usually arise as disputes over assay differences
oxygen. We suspect platinum oxychlorides have a finite
with the catalyst reclaimer. We have not seen any signifi-
vapor pressure and therefore are liberated from the catalyst
cant differences reported by our customers for catalysts
in very minute concentrations. We do see evidence of
that we have reprocessed.
measurable ppm levels of both platinum and rhenium in
the circulating washwater used during regeneration and
BOB RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.):
Through the years refiners’ personnel have backed off
As a rule, less than 5% of the metal will be lost over the
from being involved in catalyst loading with the advent of
life of a semiregenerative type catalyst, and I would agree
companies that specialize in catalyst loading. As a result,
with what Mr. Laux said about the difficulty in balancing there is some sloppy catalyst loading occurring sometimes,
such small numbers. and the representatives of the refinery are not there to see
it. I have seen drums of platinum catalysts on the ground
SAYLES: after a loading. We will be able to help anybody by
Platinum loss is through two mechanisms: supervising the catalyst handler, and that is a good step in
1. Loss of catalyst fines is the major mechanism in minimizing platinum loss.
platinum loss. For semiregeneration units the loss
is from handling during fresh catalyst loading or M. DEAN EDGAR (Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.):
spent catalyst unloading. Our experience has been Occasionally we are asked to help refiners figure out
an overall platinum recovery based on fresh plati- what happens to the platinum between the time the fresh
num addition of about 98 wt%. For CCR units catalyst arrives and the time the spent catalyst is sent out
another loss occurs in addition to loading and for recovery. By far, the two biggest problems we find,
unloading losses; catalyst fines are produced via which the panel mentioned, are: bookkeeping, or keeping
attrition. Reported attrition losses are in the range track of the amount of removed and replaced catalyst when
of 0.1 wt% to 0.2 wt% fresh catalyst. the reactors are dumped and screening losses are replaced,
2. Platinum can be lost if extremely high tempera- and the physical attrition of the catalyst during loading that
tures occur during regeneration or during unit may result in losses downstream of the reactors.
upsets. Platinum can form platinum crystal growth Another item is support material. When the catalyst is
in the temperature range of 900°F to 950°F as a sent to the reclaimer, if you mix the support materials in
result of high sulfur at the start of the regeneration. with the catalyst, even in small amounts, this will act as a
A sulfur removal step is needed to restore the diluent and the percent platinum analyzed will be a lot
catalyst activity at the end of the regeneration. lower in some cases.

160 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


One more item to consider is the analytical procedures ratio, however, the catalyst coking rate will increase by a
used by the catalyst vendor and reclaimer. We sometimes factor of 5 or 6.
see as much as a 10% variation in results. The changes usually required for such a revamp are:
switch to a more stable catalyst,
QUESTION 25. installation of a low pressure drop vertical combined
What are the pros and cons of converting a 400 psig feed exchanger,
semiregenerative reformer to 225 psig? Please dis- addition of a large fourth reactor and heater, and
cuss yield gains, relative coking rates, compressor add a net gas compressor.
and heater revamp and possible charge reduction due The case cited here is an extreme and may not be
to increased pressure drop. practical due to the high coking rates and limits on the
capability of the recycle compressor. In this instance, the
McLEAN: next alternative to consider is conversion to a CCR opera-
The advantage of this reduction in pressure will be a 4 tion. This can be accomplished easily at 225 psig with
vol% to 6 vol% increase in C5+ reformate yield. Hydrogen changes similar to the SR revamp case, except that a new
yield will also increase between 0.4 vol% and 0.6 wt%, reactor stack and regenerator are added, instead of a single
and hydrogen purity in the recycle gas will increase by reactor. This conversion would provide an additional 2
more than 10 vol%. LV% C5+ yield over the semiregeneration revamp (5 to 6
Disadvantages are shorter cycle time and a greater LV% gain total), and could cost as little as 45% of a new
endotherm across the reactors. The net heat of reaction CCR platforming unit. To date, 24 semiregenerative plat-
may increase by up to 40%. Increased furnace duty and formers have converted to CCR operation, 9 of these from
increased heat exchanger surface area may be required to a side-by-side configuration.
meet this extra heat requirement. A third alternative would be the addition of a last
At constant octane, space velocity, and hydrogen to reactor and regenerator, leaving the first three reactors in
hydrocarbon recycle ratio, the cycle length of the lower semiregeneration mode. This is sometimes referred to as a
pressure operation will only be 40% to 50% as long. If this hybrid revamp. We have found that this option has not
is unacceptable, then feed rate can be cut, reformate octane had a good payout because the required investment, while
reduced, catalyst loading increased (if possible), or hydro- lower than a CCR revamp, is significantly higher than a
gen to hydrocarbon ratio increased. semiregeneration revamp, while the yield benefit is similar.
Catalyst loading and throughput will be directly related
to the cycle length. That is, a 50% increase in loading will DEATON:
increase cycle length 50%. The hydrogen to hydrocarbon A similar question regarding mechanical details was
ratio will have to be doubled to maintain the same cycle answered during the 1993 NPRA Question and Answer
length. Finally, octane decrease of 10 to 15 numbers may Session. Two advantages of converting a 400 psi unit to a
be required to hold cycle length constant. Of course, 225 psi unit would be increased yield of about 3 vol%,
combinations of these variables could also be employed. and increased hydrogen production of over 250 scf/bbl.
Reduced pressure at constant feed rate will significantly Four disadvantages ofconverting the unit would be, (1)
increase the pressure drop. Reactor internals may have to the need to regenerate catalyst about twice as often, (2) the
be changed from downflow to radial configuration in order need to revamp the reactor feed effluent exchangers to
to conserve pressure drop. Also, new low pressure drop feed reduce system pressure drop, (3) the need to revamp the
effluent exchangers may also be required to conserve the recycle compressor to operate at lower suction pressure,
overall delta P with the lower pressure operation. and (4) the need to install a booster compressor to supply
produced hydrogen to consuming units. The cost of the
D’AURIA: revamp must be weighed against the value of the yield and
UOP has done many revamps of high pressure semire- hydrogen increases. Assuming average 1993 prices and
generative reformers to lower pressure operations. Every severity of 97 to 98 octane, we estimate the value of the
project has its own unique constraint, but some general yield alone to be twenty-five cents per barrel.
guidelines can be given.
In most cases, a refiner will want to retain his current LEE E. TURPIN (Honeywell Profimatics):
recycle compressor, and maintain feed rate. This can usu- Dropping reactor pressures has been evaluated on sev-
ally be accommodated by allowing the H2 /HC ratio to eral units using Profimatics’ kinetic reformer model REF-
drop as the pressure is decreased. For a decrease in pressure SIM. A few general observations are: (1) a greater C5+ yield
from 400 psig to 225 psig, a semiregenerative unit would increase is observed when dropping from 300 psig to 200
theoretically see an increase in C5+ yield in the range of 3 psig than from 400 psig to 300 psig, and (2) a greater C5+
to 4 LV%, depending on feedstock properties and operat- yield increase is gained when dropping the last reactor than
ing severity. With the decrease in pressure and H2/HC the first reactor. Usually, incremental capital spending to

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 161


reduce pressure in the last reactor, preferentially over the in positions by simple repiping, often then allowing both
first and second reactors, yields the highest return on to fit the new revamp requirements. Also, remanifolding
capital investment. The use of a kinetic model allows a of the reactor section heaters to increase the number of
refiner to determine the economic impact of specific passes can relieve a pressure drop bottleneck caused by the
mechanical changes on a unit. With this knowledge, those pressure reduction. If needed, more tubes often can be fit
modifications that provide real economic gains, on a in the firebox at the same time the remanifolding is done.
discounted cash flow basis, can be identified. A charge reduction can often be avoided by adding
catalyst to the unit. The first reactor is scrapped, the
FRANCOIS REVEROY (Packinox, S.A.): subsequent reactors are moved up in position, and a new
One of the options that has not been brought up is that larger last reactor is installed.
you may need to find some additional heat duty at the In the last six months, we have completed projects both
charge heater, and also find some savings in pressure drop. in Australia and the Russian Federation for the revamp
One of the options which is currently looked at by refiners described above, including successful installations of a
is to go to a plate-like feed effluent exchanger. In most Packinox CFE.
cases, the increased heat recovery will eliminate com-
pletely the need to revamp the heater, and in certain cases
where you deal with the older generations of shell and tube Mechanical
exchangers, the savings in pressure drop can also be very
substantial. QUESTION 26.
Has anyone operating a semiregenerative reforming
JEAN-LUC NOCCA (IFP Enterprises, Inc.): unit ever experienced combustion in the heat ex-
IFP has developed two processes to revamp reformers changers downstream of the reactors during the coke
and take full advantage of the lower pressure. The first one burn or subsequent steps in the regeneration? What
is the addition of a continuous reactor and associated causes this? How can this be prevented?
regenerator in the reaction train. You can, for example, at
constant octane, decrease the pressure from 350 psi to 250 LAUX:
psi and increase the cycle. You can gain about 3.50 scf/bbl We have not experienced the problem described. One
in hydrogen, and 6% or 7% gain in yield. potential cause is residual hydrocarbons being swept off
Another option is to add the continuous reactor down- the catalyst and accumulating in low spots. To avoid this
stream of the separator, and to recontact the net hydrogen problem we take extra time to check all of the low spots
produced with the liquid from the separator. The advan- in the recycle loop for residual hydrocarbons and drain
tage of that is that you need no revamp to your existing these low spots while cooling down. We actually have a list
reaction system. With that you can get in the range of 450 of all these low spots in our procedures.
scf/bbl additional hydrogen and 8% additional liquid Our inerting procedure uses two depressuring steps to
yield while also increasing the cycle of the semiregenerative the flare header pressure, followed by repressuring to 100
reactors. The additional advantage of lowering the pres- psig with nitrogen. The third depressuring step goes to
sure is, of course, that you will make less benzene in your vacuum before the final repressuring. We then test the
reformer and that prefractionation will in most cases be nitrogen in the recycle loop for hydrocarbon content. If it
sufficient to meet benzene requirements. is over l%, we depressure and repressure again until the
analysis shows less than 1%.
I would like to expand a little bit on the comments from McLEAN:
Mr. D’Auria from the panel and Mr. Reverdy of Packinox. This phenomenon can occur due to combustion of
The UOP Engineering Department has done numerous heavy ends and sulfur compounds. The material will start
revamps with a pressure reduction of this level. Currently, to burn only as sufficient oxygen breaks through from the
we have found that the replacement of the existing com- terminal reactor and temperatures are elevated to the proof
bined feed exchangers with a Packinox welded plate-type burn level.
heat exchanger works out well by reducing the reactor
circuit pressure drop and also reducing the load on both PORTER:
the charge heater and products condenser. Many years ago we experienced combustion in the heat
Typically, the old 400 psig reformer design required a exchanger downstream of the reactors during a start-up.
larger charge heater than first interheater, and dropping At that time, the reformer operated with a lot of H2S in
the pressure significantly increases both the total heat of the recycle gas so the exchangers were heavily fouled with
reaction and the first interheater load. With the addition iron sulfide. We believe the combustion was caused by the
of a Packinox CFE, these first two heaters can be switched ignition of the iron sulfide.

162 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


CUNEO: in reformer recycle gas. In addition, it has two sensors that

We discussed the potential for combustion of iron can provide for continuous and automatic calibration.
sulfide which is generally on the feed side of the reactor Another feature is the analyzer has a rapid sensor drydown
feed to effluent exchangers. In addition to that, we have if it does become saturated by high gas moisture content.
occasionally found the deposits on the effluent side of the This feature allows for accurate and timely moisture moni-
exchanger which were identified as polynuclear aromatics. toring during times of rapid moisture change, such as
We have used a solvent prior to regeneration to remove start-up after regeneration. This analyzer has been proven
these. in a first commercial reforming unit, and there are four
more installations planned in the near future.
BOB RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.): It has been our practice to measure only the recycle gas
Twice during my career, we have had combustion begin moisture on a continuous basis. We feel that the recycle
to take place in the feed effluent exchanger during the gas moisture is the most pertinent variable in the reform-
regeneration oxidation step on a reformer . On both ing operation, and direct measurement of this variable is
occasions, it was sufficient to melt one of the tubes in the the most straightforward way to control the unit’s water
bundle and subsequently get recycle gas bypassing back to chloride balance.
the suction of the compressor. When we shut down and
went in, we found that there were iron sulfide scale and BOYCOTT:
coke in the exchanger. We had gone through the precau- We installed moisture analyzers on both the feed and
tions of making sure that there was no hydrocarbon in the recycle gas streams two years ago. The units have proven
recycle gas, of course, before we started. Nevertheless, it reliable. We have used them primarily for trend checking
was sufficient to start the burn and the heat liberated was of moisture levels, but as we are gaining experience with
enough to burn a hole in the exchanger tubes. The solution the systems we are starting to put more faith in the absolute
to the problem is not to let your heat transfer coefficient numbers.
get low before cleaning the feed effluent exchangers. The systems that we have are based on an aluminum
oxide probe. We have two probes for each installation.
DAVID N. WATERFIELD (BP Oil London): They have been giving us about 6-month run lengths
We had a problem on one of our units about three years between recalibration. While one probe is in service the
ago. It was a semiregenerative unit which had been re- other is sent out for recalibration.
vamped to have a vertical countercurrent exchanger. The The one weakness we have seen with the system is the
conclusion that we came to from our investigations was susceptibility to chloride attack during periods of high
that catalyst had migrated from the last reactor through a moisture level. For this reason we block in the recycle gas
damaged center pipe and lodged against the baffle plates probe during catalyst regenerations. Neglecting to do so
in the exchanger. This occurred around the point where during one regeneration caused us to destroy a probe.
the dew point was reached in the exchanger. We believe
that coke was built around that catalyst and it did not PORTER:
ignite during the carbon burn step, but it burned very We agree with Mr. D’Auria that the recycle gas is the
fiercely during the oxychlorination step and did signifi- best location to measure moisture content. We do not
cant damage to a number of tubes in the exchanger. This measure the feed on a continuous basis. We prefer Ametec
experience shows that it is important to make sure of the moisture analyzers on the recycle gas.
integrity of your center pipe and regularly clean your
exchangers, as some of the other answers have indicated. SAYLES:
Again, we concur with the previous comments and
QUESTION 27. would add that we measure the moisture only in the
Have there been any advances in moisture analyzers recycle gas. We have had an analyzer on the recycle gas the
for reforming units? Does anyone use water analyzers last seven years, with only minor maintenance. Ours is one
on both the liquid feed and the recycle gas? What has of the older designs, which means that during, or just
experience been with these systems? before regeneration and before start-up you have to make
sure that the analyzer is blocked in from the process
D’AURIA: streams. Otherwise, the high moisture content will destroy
UOP has recently commercialized a new type of recycle the cell.
gas moisture analyzer called the “Continuous Moisture
Measurement System”, which overcomes some of the TREESE:
problems experienced with some earlier analyzers in this I will add another vote for recycle gas stream analyzers.
service. This analyzer uses a silicon-based sensor that is We have been relatively happy with the Panametrics ana-
much more resistant to the corrosive agents that are found lyzer. They have made a number of improvements in their

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 163


sensors and electronics over the years. They also perform feed/bottoms exchanger could be picking up too much
well at low ppm. heat, and the resultant lower vapor/liquid ratio might be
As a check of the on stream analyzer, we use a Shaw too low for proper water removal. An analysis of the entire
portable analyzer. Shaw uses a different sensor system, so stripper column operation is needed to determine if the
it acts as a confirming cross check. conditions are severe enough to produce a dry reforming
unit feed.
I have two questions on moisture streams. What is the QUESTION 26.
best location for sampling the recycle gas, in the suction Our reformer feed sometimes contains up to 3 ppm
or in the discharge of the compressor? Secondly, is there organic nitrogen. We have managed to sustain this
another laboratory testing method? operation with higher chloride rates. Has anyone else
had this problem? What is the experience with high
CUNEO: organic nitrogen in the feed?
We typically sample recycle gas on the suction side of
the compressor and we do off-line analysis of feed mois- McLEAN:
ture content with Karl Fisher. I am aware of one reformer which has operated at 6
ppm feed nitrogen in a 300 psi operation. The biggest
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): problem which was noted was increased compressor foul-
NHT stripper is where you should remove the water ing due to ammonium chloride deposition, which was
which is part of the naphtha hydrotreater sulfur removal discussed in detail in a previous question.
process. From where else would water be coming in the
reformer charge? How could you guarantee that the strip- PORTER:
per is operating properly besides maintaining the proper We do not run any of our reformers at that level of
reflux rate? nitrogen for sustained periods. We would immediately try
to find the source and stop the problem.
We have noted two sources of water in our reformer ARMBRESTER:
feed; improper stripper operation, and cold charge from When high levels of basic nitrogen are present in the
tankage. We use the reflux to feed ratio to control stripper reformer feed, we would expect it to temporarily reduce
operation. As to cold charge, we are currently installing a the catalyst activity by neutralizing some of the acid sites.
line to route cold charge through the stripper. We are The primary effect of the lower catalyst activity would be
doing this to strip water from the stream prior to feeding a reduction in isomerization and/or hydrocracking teac-
it to the reformer. tions in the reformer. The catalyst activity can be main-
tained to some extent by increasing chloride addition, but
DEATON: as mentioned previously, you need to be concerned with
Our guideline for naphtha hydrotreater operation on ammonium chloride salt formation.
the stripper is that the reflux should be 25% of the unit
charge rate, and if your reflux is that rate, you are firing D’AURIA:
enough in the reboiler to remove water. Our specification is less than 0.5 weight ppm nitrogen
in the reformer feed. Nitrogen will act as a temporary acid
LAUX: function poison. Increasing chloride injection will help
One other source of water that we have seen is from marginally, but will also lead to greater catalyst deactiva-
dryer malfunction on our continuous unit. We carried tion and ammonium chloride salt formation. A 10,000
water back into the unit with the catalyst from the bbl/d reforming unit with only 0.5 ppm nitrogen in the
regenerator. feed will produce about 2,000 lb per year of ammonium
chloride, which is going to settle out somewhere in the
PORTER: cold end of the plant. Operation at higher nitrogen levels
When feeding cold feed from tankage, we prefer to feed will produce even greater quantities of salt.
it through the stabilizer to dry it out.
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum Company):
KENNETH D. PETERS (UOP): With respect to nitrogen, I know UOP mentioned 0.5
In terms of evaluating the naphtha hydrotreating unit ppm as their maximum specification. What about lower
stripper column for water removal, you really have to look levels of nitrogen? How low a nitrogen level can you have
at the vapor/liquid ratio in the bottom of the column. and still see noticeable effects of nitrogen poisoning on the
Even if you have a relatively high reflux ratio, the catalyst? And are there specific nitrogen compounds that

164 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


will give you more problem in the feed, such as chemical- prevent unscheduled outages. A mechanical availability
treating amines or other corrosion inhibitors that may give analysis, taking into consideration the refinery mainte-
you feed poisoning of your reformer catalyst? nance history, should be used to determine the number of
D’AURIA: Comparing the options of reciprocating compressor
The 0.5 ppm specification is historical, set by the lower versus centrifugal compressor during a recent major capi-
limit of detection of the analytical method. You should try tal project resulted in the selection of the reciprocating
to operate with no detectable nitrogen in the feed. Any compressor. Although the reciprocating compressor op-
amount of nitrogen coming in is going to remove chloride tion held higher maintenance costs, the overall mainte-
from the catalyst and eventually wind up as a salt in the nance plus capital investment is much lower than for the
cold end of the plant. centrifugal compressor.
With respect to the types of nitrogen species, we have
not seen any real difference in the types. We assume that ARMBRESTER:
any organic nitrogen is going to break down and form Ashland operates two CCR reformers at our
ammonia over the platinum catalyst, and both strip chlo- Catlettsburg refinery, each of which is equipped with a
ride as well as lead to downstream plugging. centrifugal recycle gas compressor and reciprocating net
Our experience is that operating at less than 0.5 ppm gas compressors. In general, centrifugal compressors cost
nitrogen, with our normal chloride maintenance proce- less to maintain and have more reliability than their
dures, allows proper catalyst chloride balance and long run reciprocating counterparts.
lengths. Our experience shows that the maintenance cost for the
reciprocating compressors is more than twice as high as
QUESTION 29. the centrifugal machines, with the centrifugal compressors
We are considering the replacement of our reciprocat- having a mean time between failures that is about three
ing catalytic reformer recycle compressors with one times as long as the reciprocating compressors.
centrifugal recycle compressor. The maintenance In terms of operating cost, the reciprocating compres-
cost is quite high on the reciprocating machines and sors are inherently more efficient than centrifugal com-
extreme problems are experienced during catalyst pressors. When operating at design conditions the
regenerations. What is the difference in operating and reciprocal compressors are 10% to 15% more efficient.
maintenance cost of the reciprocating and centrifugal However, much of this efficiency advantage can be lost if
machines? the compressor is throttled for operation at reduced flow
rates, so the centrifugal compressors offer more opera-
SAYLES: tional flexibility.
We have reciprocating compressors on our reformers at For semiregenerative units, we have found that the
two locations and a centrifugal compressor at one location. reciprocating compressors require extensive valve work to
All three units are semiregenerative reformers allowing the remove salt deposits following regeneration, while the
opportunity for major maintenance during catalyst regen- centrifugal machines usually do not require any additional
eration. work related to the regeneration.
Our experience with the centrifugal recycle compressor
is that a major overhaul would be expected every 5 to 6 CUNEO:
years. Only one compressor is needed due to the excellent I agree with the previous comments. We believe the
on stream time. With the advent of improved rotating availability of reciprocating compressors can be worked
equipment monitoring techniques problems are detected into the 96% to 97% reliability range with good mainte-
before significant damage can accumulate. We believe the nance practices.
major mechanical overhaul cycle can be increased further.
We have not had to take an outage to conduct repairs on CHARLES S. McCOY (Consultant):
the centrifugal compressor between regeneration. Also, lubricated reciprocating compressors will put
For reciprocating compressors the anticipated major some lube oil into the system. It shows up as coke on the
mechanical overhaul cycle should be the same as the first reactor catalyst where you least want to build a high
centrifugal machines, 5 to 6 years. However, our experi- coke level. Nonlubricated compressors solve that problem,
ence has been that the reciprocating machines require but have a few of their own.
major overhauls every 3 to 4 years. If a single machine were
used, valve replacements about every three months and KENNETH D. PETERS (UOP):
other more routine problems could cause unscheduled Several years ago, we shifted our specification for both
outages for repairs. Normally two reciprocating machines the smaller reciprocating recycle gas compressors and for
are required to allow for routine maintenance and to the larger net gas machines away from the nonlubricated

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 165


machines to synthetic-lubricated machines. We found the product separator drum and found the demister pad
these synthetic lubrication packages have significantly to be partially dislodged, allowing caustic carryover.
extended the valve life and given us a much higher reliabil-
ity with the reciprocating machines. I refer you to my CUNEO:
response to Question 19 on Page 83 of the 1987 NPRA We have had instances where the compressor was op-
Q&A Sessions book. erating very smoothly on shutdown and the decision was
made not to wash, as Mr. Deaton said, and then the
MAJED A. INTABI (Saudi Aramco): compressor vibrated violently. Those kinds of situations
In the case of a set of reciprocating compressors, the have been corrected in the past with water washing, so we
spare machines allow continuity of operations and on the recommend washing compressors on shutdown if any
run maintenance. On the other hand, when problems are capacity loss or vibration has been measured. We routinely
encountered with the centrifugal compressor, it will have wash after regeneration.
a greater impact on operations and can result in long
duration shutdowns. D’AURIA:
The decision on whether to wash the recycle compres-
QUESTION 30. sor during downtime is based on two factors. One, if you
During in situ catalyst regenerations, we have expe- are going to open the machine and expose it to air for some
rienced salt carryover into our centrifugal compres- maintenance, it should be washed. Two, it should be
sor. Some refiners wash the compressor with a weak washed if there is a probability of ammonium salt deposi-
basic solution at some point prior to start-up but after tion having occurred, either during the normal operation
regeneration. We have heard that some refiners do or during the regeneration. If either of these apply, then
not wash the compressor during this downtime. we would recommend following the washing procedure,
f/ease discuss the best timing for washing the com- as Mr. Deaton just outlined.
pressor and problems associated with this washing The typical reasons for not washing have been either
operation. Why would one not wash the compressor
time constraints, or existing conditions that did not war-
during this time?
rant washing; in other words, no history of ammonium
chloride deposition and no problem with nitrogen in the
feedstock. Also, some people do maintain a continuous
Foaming and carryover of circulating caustic solutions
on-line injection of antifoulant and feel that this will
during regeneration are best minimized by maintaining
remove the likelihood of compressor fouling.
pH between 7.5 and 8. Higher pH tends to cause foaming.
To avoid spikes in pH, makeup solution strength should
be only 5 Baumt. Also, solids in solution cause foaming
We agree with Mr. D’Auria’s comments regarding the
and a good guideline is to flush enough to keep the specific
timing. An excellent description of the water wash pro-
gravity of the solution below 1.07.
cedure can be found in the 1988 NPRA Question &
The best times to wash compressor internals are either
Answer Session transcript. Most refiners to whom we
after the carbon burn or after the reduction step. From a
talked employ a similar procedure. Most do not do a
technical standpoint, the best time to wash is after the
reduction step because this would remove any salt deposits disassembly and cleaning unless planning to service the
incurred during the oxidation step. From a monetary compressor. Most reported excellent results, provided
standpoint, many refiners prefer to wash after the carbon care was taken in thoroughly removing the water from
burn if they are doing other maintenance between the the system. We would also suggest washing the inlet lines
carbon burn and oxidation. to the compressor as well.
For many years, Clark’s Blue Island refinery did not Many refiners also wash on-line with heavy naphtha or
wash their compressor internals for fear of damaging antifoulants to extend run lengths to three years. As with
labyrinth seals and for fear of uneven washing off of large any wash of a high speed machine, it should be started
deposits, which could throw the rotating element out of before you have appreciable amounts of buildup on the
balance. However, during a recent carbon burn, severe blades. Otherwise, you get nonuniform spalhng and vi-
vibration in the compressor caused us to stop in the middle bration problems.
of the carbon burn and wash the compressor internals. We
followed the procedure in the UOP Operating Manual, PORTER:
which consists of five washes with 2 wt% soda ash solu- We do not wash on a routine basis or every regenera-
tion. The compressor was started back up with very low tion, but we do it for a specific reason. Usually it is an
vibration and very high pumping rates. We also inspected increase in vibrations.

166 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


SAYLES: D. Aromatics Extraction

We wash the centrifugal recycle compressor at every
regeneration, but by looking at the critical path we deter- QUESTION 31.
mine that our window of opportunity is while blinds are What are refiners’ experiences with respect to re-
being installed before regeneration. boiler corrosion in aromatic extraction p/ants using
Sulfolane as so/vent? What are the practices followed
CHARLES S. McCOY (Consultant): to prevent corrosion in the reboiler?
Two of you have alluded to the case for washing before
regeneration. I remember a disastrous wreck at one refin- BARLOW:
ery. They did not think they had a vibration problem, but It has been our experience that corrosion in the solvent
with the generation of moisture during the regeneration, circulation section of the sulfolane unit is generally asso-
deposits on the wheels were dislodged. Before the opera- ciated with organic acids formed by degradatiomoxida-
tors could stop the machine, serious damage was done. tion of the sulfolane solvent. Caustic and organic amines
such as morpholine have been used to neutralize these
HEROS DERGREGORIAN (Giant Refining Company): acids and control pH. However, some processors continue
How effective is the antifoulant on preventing com- to experience problems in the reboiler sections, even while
pressor fouling during operation and as well as during or they are using the neutralizers. The problem is generally
after regeneration? blamed on both continuing organic acid attack and ero-
sion due to buildup of insoluble salts in the recirculation
We would recommend use of a proper neutralizing
We have had a number of clients report success with
amine, an amine which forms a liquid salt, that you apply
the injection of antifoulant. They use a hydrotreated
in the overhead system. Also, consider evaluation of some
naphtha or a reformate stream injected at about two pints
of the newer higher temperature organic acid neutralizers.
per million standard cubic feet of recycle gas. Once begun,
this procedure must be maintained on a continuous basis.
Intermittent injection can result in an imbalance of the
We operate three sulfolane extraction units that predate
rotor due to uneven cleaning of deposits.
the current UOP design. A number of years ago we
experienced significant reboiler fouling and corrosion
problems. It was attributed to buildup across the salts in
I want to add one point to Mr. D’Auria’s comments.
the system resulting from the ingress of oxygen and chlo-
You should always start the injection on a clean ma-
rides. We had to focus on source control of the oxygen
chine/rotor. The machine should be clean so that starting
chloride in order to eliminate the problem.
this injection does not cause existing deposits to come off,
which can damage the rotor blades. D’AURIA:
There are three mechanisms for corrosion at the Sulfo-
MOHAMMAD AL-SHAHRANI (Saudi Aramco): lane extraction unit reboilers: acidic attack, erosive attack,
Does anyone keep the compressor on-line during the and chloride stress corrosion cracking. Historically, these
reduction step? types of corrosion occur under different circumstances.
Acidic attack occurs when the Sulfolane solvent inven-
PORTER: tory is exposed to excessive heating (greater than 350°F)
No, we shut the compressor down. and/or oxygen; the Sulfolane solvent undergoes a thermal
decomposition, which is accelerated at higher tempera-
ANGELO FURFARO (UOP): tures, and dramatically increased in the presence of oxy-
During the reduction, UOP utilizes the compressor. gen. The key to preventing acidic attack is to prevent
Other reforming licensers may not. Others may perform overheating at reboilers and prevent oxygen contamina-
a hydrogen or hydrogen/nitrogen gas-through reduction. tion. However, if the solvent becomes acidic, it can be
Since UOP specifies use of the compressor, we would not corrected through proper operation of solvent regenera-
add any more hydrocarbon to the system while circulating tion facilities and effective neutralization with MEA.
that gas than normal, so UOP would not be using the (Typical desirable pH ranges are greater than 7 for circu-
compressor wash ar that point in time. lation water streams and 5 to 6 for circulating solvent;
solvent acid number should be less than 0.05 mg
We do use our compressors to circulate hydrogen dur- Erosive attack originates from circulation of solids
ing the reduction step. (such as pipe scale, corrosion debris, polymeric byproducts

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 167


of solvent decomposition and other foreign matter) which Some miscellaneous failures also occurred, attributed to
are not properly removed from the unit. The erosive attack erosion. A particulate filter system was added to eliminate
typically occurs at the extractive stripper column reboiler, erosion failure.
due to the higher velocities involved to limit the tube skin Finally, any refiner with ongoing corrosion problems
temperatures. The best countermeasures are effective in the sulfolane unit should be aware that air leaks into
chemical cleaning of the extraction section prior to initial the towers which operate under vacuum is the single
start-up and periodically at turnarounds (if necessary), and largest source of corrosion in a sulfolane unit. Large air
effective operation ofsolvent regeneration, so as to remove leaks are readily obvious because the solvent will turn red
the solids from the circulating solvent. UOP is studying due to iron in the solution. Small air leaks are best
alternate metallurgies to improve erosion resistance in this detected by regularly testing the sulfolane solvent for acid
service. neutralization number, expressed as mg of KOH per gram
Chloride stress corrosion cracking is caused by chloride of solution.
contamination in the feed. UOP recommends that the
feed contain less than 0.1 ppmw total chloride in order to ARMBRESTER:
avoid this type of corrosion. For units which have in- We also use MEA addition to maintain a low acid
creased likelihood for chloride contamination, UOP has number and the guideline that we use is 0.05 mg KOH
begun to recommend use of Duplex 2205 metallurgy per gram of solution, maximum.
(22% Cr, 5% Ni, 3% MO, annealed such that it is equal
parts austenitic and ferritic steel). QUESTION 32.
Are there any activity and selectivity comparisons of
DEATON: the commercially available clays to minimize unde-
During five years associated with a sulfolane unit, I did sirable reactions such as disproportion tran-
not experience corrosion in any of the reboilers in contact salkylafion? What types of clays and operating
with sulfolane. All of these reboilers were carbon steel and conditions reduce these undesirable reactions in
they were either stab-in reboilers or kettle reboilers. All of paraxylene, cumene and BTX processes?
them used 450 psi steam and the steam was on the tube
side. The sulfolane solvent in this unit was maintained in
good condition by operating the solvent regenerator con-
At our Catlettsburg petrochemical complex, we use
tinuously and with the addition of MEA.
Engelhard’s F-24 clay in the clay treaters for both the
At another refinery, corrosion was a problem in both
cumene unit and the sulfolane BTX unit. In the sulfolane
the stripper reboiler and the solvent regenerator reboiler.
unit, the typical start of run temperature is 310°F and the
The predominant mode of failure was process-side corro-
inlet temperature is increased as the clay ages. The typical
sion near the steam inlet of the vertical thermosiphon
end of run inlet temperature is 390°F. It is critical that the
reboilers. All of these reboilers used 250 psi steam, and
operating pressure be kept high enough to ensure that the
steam was on the shell side. Corrosion was eliminated by
BTX stream remains in the liquid phase during this
replacing the carbon steel bundles with 304 stainless steel
and by operating the solvent regenerator continuously. operation.
Poor clay life has been a problem in these treaters as a
result of low space velocities and relatively high olefin
content, but selectivity has not been an issue.
In the cumene unit, benzene production in the clay
treater is a problem as a result of disproportionation of
cumene to benzene and di-isopropyl benzene. These
treaters are run at much lower temperatures than the BTX
clay treaters, with typical start of run inlet temperature of
80oF, because we have seen the benzene production in-
crease at higher temperatures or reduced liquid hourly
space velocity.
We have tested Engelhard’s F-44 and F-54 clays in this
treater and we were able to operate at higher temperatures,
but the clay life appeared to be shorter. At the 3.5 liquid
hourly space velocity we run, the F-24 appears to give us
the best service. If we were consistently running below 3.0
liquid hourly space velocity, one of the more selective clays
would be reconsidered.

168 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


D’AURIA: with different techniques, and I would encourage anyone

We have not seen any quantitative comparisons of the who has specific problems related to this to contact Catalyst
various clays. For benzene or cumene treating services, Technology directly.
where generally there is a lower olefin content, the impact
of yield loss is not significant. Therefore, most operators QUESTION 34.
will select the highest activity clays for these services as they In a chamber type reactor, high pressure drop and bed
typically give the longest run lengths. channeling are problems that shorten catalyst run
For xylene service, however, where olefins can be higher, length. What mechanical and/or process steps can be
the higher activity clays tend to have greater losses of taken to reduce these problems?
product due to transalkylation, unless the clay tempera-
ture can be reduced. Therefore, in these services we tend DEATON:
to recommend lower activity clays such as Sud Chemie’s Catalyst manufacturers have always stressed the impor-
Tonsil CO, in order to minimize ring loss. tance of feed moisture control. Other factors to consider
are (a) catalyst bed inlet temperature philosophy, (b) novel
catalyst loading ideas, (c) quench nozzle design, and (d)
E. Polymerization thermowell design.
The normal practice with catalyst bed inlet tempera-
QUESTION 33. tures has been to stagger the inlet temperatures in ascend-
What techniques have been used other than ing order. However, I understand that some refiners are
hydroblasting for removing catalyst from tubular now experimenting with running a constant inlet tem-
reactors? perature profile, with hotter inlet temperatures on the first
three beds, in an effort to decrease the heat of reaction in
D’AURIA: the last two beds where higher temperatures cause more
The other catalyst unloading technique that has been polymer formation.
successfully used is dry drilling of the tubular reactors. In the area of novel catalyst loading ideas, one catalyst
Government environmental regulations are making it manufacturer offers blends of catalysts and charcoal. Two
more and more difficult to dispose of the low pH, high super sacks of these blends are put at the top of each
phosphorus water produced in the conventional hy- catalyst bed. This provides an inert component of similar
droblasting. density and size in the top of each bed to prevent high
Dry drilling, coupled with, a well designed catalyst reaction rates, thus preventing excess polymer formation
conveying and separation system, can provide a very clean in the top of the bed.
and efficient operation and the catalyst can then easily be Quench nozzle design is important in order to provide
collected in super sacks and sent to disposal. As an exam- uniform radial temperature profile even during unit turn-
ple, one refiner who has a tubular reactor with 160 tubes downs. I had good experience redesigning for lower charge
of 2-inch ID, 30 feet long, required only eight to nine rates using Bete Fog nozzles.
hours from the beginning of the reactor unheading to the As far as thermowell designs, the optimum setup is to
completing of the reactor closure after catalyst loading have radial temperature readings across the top and bot-
when using this dry drilling technique. Drilling times are tom of each bed to help in adjusting quench rates to
approximately 3 minutes per tube for the drilling itself, minimize radial temperature differences.
and about 1.5 minutes per tube for wire brushing.
The only reported problem we have heard with dry D’AURIA:
drilling is drill bit sticking. This can result if there are some We have seen refiners try both mechanical and process
soft, gummy deposits encountered in the tubes. Typically, steps. As Mr. Deaton just mentioned, mixing an inert
there are three to five tubes that have these deposits, and material such as charcoal in with the catalyst has been
these are hydroblasted out after the rest of the catalyst has successfully used to minimize pressure drop buildup. In
been unloaded. addition, refiners have sometimes short loaded the bottom
bed of catalyst in order to give them less pressure drop
SAYLES: buildup and prolong the catalyst life.
I agree with Mr. D’Auria. On the process side, the primary knob you have to turn
is proper catalyst hydration, and this is really the most
DAVID WOOD (CRI International, Inc.): important parameter in prolonging catalyst life.
I agree with the panel comments on dry drilling for Other process variables that can prolong run length are
removing catalyst from tubular reactors. I would add that maintaining the proper severity ofoperation by maintain-
our affiliated company, Catalyst Technology, has consider- ing the combined feed olefin concentrations within the
able experience for removing catalyst from tubular reactors recommended levels, controlling catalyst temperature

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 169


profile by propet use of interbed quench, and minimizing the reactor inlet, and thus help dissipate the heat of
the reactant residence time over the catalysts. We normally reaction.
recommend a 0.9 minimum space velocity.
MENEGAZ: Theoretically, any strong acid catalyst with the appro-
I agree with Mr. D’Auria’s comments. Limiting the priate acid strength and distribution will be effective for
temperature rise per bed to 35°F has worked well for one polymerization or aromatic alkylation. Several systems,
refiner. If the olefin content of feed is above 30%, using including zeolites, have been identified for this applica-
recycle diluent should be considered. tion. However, we are not aware of any significant use of
Regarding the temperatures, multiple thermocouples these materials, probably due to the relatively low cost of
are recommended since channeling makes individual tem- purchasing and disposing of the solid phosphoric acid
perature readings unreliable. catalysts, and their years of effective performance.
Catalyst breakage during loading is generally not sub- All the alternative catalysts of which we are aware are
stantial enough to cause problems. In one odd case, recip- significantly mote expensive. The major driving force to
rocating pumps caused high pressure drop by introducing change may be disposal costs. If an in situ regenerable
air into the process, forming coke. catalyst were available, future landfill liabilities may pro-
vide incentive for their use even at a high per barrel
SAYLES: purchased catalyst cost.
I would like to add that we have seen situations where
pressure drop has developed in one reactor and not in MENEGAZ:
another. We have skewed the feed rates to the individual Except for Dimersol units, almost all polymerization
reactors and tried to balance the pressure drop. gasoline units today use solid phosphoric acid. There was
We typically get 2,500 hours per catalyst load and a liquid phosphoric acid process developed by Chevron,
attribute the run length mainly to processing only C3 which involves spraying the acid periodically on quartz
olefins and keeping the heavier materials out of the unit. particles, but I do not believe anyone is using that today.
Also, Chevron had a bulk polymerization process in-
QUESTION 35. volving phosphoric acid. I do not believe that went past
Are there any other catalysts beside solid phosphoric the pilot plant stage.
acid catalysts that can be used commercially for poly- Several suppliers are looking at zeolite-based catalysts.
merization? Cumene synthesis is successfully being done that way. In
the past, alumina chloride and solid copper pyrophos-
DEATON: phate have been tried.
I am aware of two technologies licensed by IFP. These
are the Dimersol process and the Polynaphtha process. ROBERT ALLSMILLER (United Catalysts, Inc.):
The Dimersol process utilizes a liquid soluble nickel- To follow up on Mr. Armbrester’s comment about
based catalyst injected into the feed at a rate of a few zeolite polymerization, our parent company, Sud-Chemie,
hundred ppm. The reactor is a simple residence time has developed in conjunction with a South African Com-
vessel operating at 120°F and 300 psi pressure. Heat of pany, a process using zeolites for the conversion of olefins
reaction is controlled with a cooled pumparound system. to diesel. This process has now been operated commer-
The reactor effluent contains catalyst and the reaction in cially for well over a year and is available for licensing.
the effluent is stopped with the injection of caustic. The The comment about the cost of the catalyst is abso-
caustic wash is usually neutralized or used in FCC flue lutely correct. Zeolites do cost quite a bit more than solid
gas scrubbers. Propane product meets HD-5 specifica- phosphoric acid catalyst but zeolite catalysts last longer.
The polynaphtha process utilizes an acidic silica alu- MARK DORAN (ICI Katalco):
mina catalyst in a fixed bed reactor. There is no chemical One of our customers using a PURASPEC™ sulfur
injection used to maintain catalyst activity such as in a guard process on the liquid feed to their C5/C6 isomeriza-
reformer. The process is relatively low pressure at about tion unit has seen a significant improvement in perform-
150 psi pressure and reactor temperatures are less than ance of their isomerization unit. Installation of the guard
those in phosphoric acid catalyzed reactors. Multiple bed has increased the life of the isomerization catalyst by
reactors in series are used and the heat of reaction is 800%. The increased protection to sulfur ingress offered
controlled by cooling between reactors. LPG recovered in by the PURASPEC™ unit has also allowed more flexible
the fractionation column is recycled to the reactor to raise operation of the upstream hydrotreater leading to its cycle
conversion and to decrease the concentration of olefin in lengths increasing more than 100%.

170 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


F. lsomerization a permanent poison for this catalyst. It is considered a

more severe poison than water because part of the deacti-
QUESTION 36. vation mechanism will release more water, which further
Have refiners processed defluorinated alkylation bu- deactivates the Butamer catalyst.
tane through a butane isomerization unit? if so what HF itself will be picked up by the feed dryers but will
has been the commercial experience? Has catalyst deactivate the sieves and lead to water breakthrough.
life been affected?
PORTER: What has been the experience with temperature run-
Yes, we have processed defluorinated alkylation butane. away in a butane isomerization reactor during start-
Fluoride, of course, is a serious poison for isomerization up? How do you prevent these runaways?
catalysts, and so you need to closely monitor the operation
of the defluorinators. We consider 1 ppm fluoride the
maximum specification. Also, any residual HF in the
Most of our butane isomerization experience has been
isomerization feed will react with the molecular sieves, and
with recycle hydrogen units. There have been no problems
require them to be recharged more frequently. If you are
not careful, you can have water breakthrough, which will with temperature excursions. However, one of our once
also poison the isomerization catalyst. through units did have a runaway situation on restart after
One side note is that we have had catalyst poisoning a short shutdown.
from fluorides in purchased butane that was received in It is believed the hydrocarbon was not adequately
rail cars. purged from the reactor on shutdown due to the low flow
rate of hydrogen during the sweep step and the hydrocar-
LAUX: bons began to crack during the outage. When the hydro-
I agree with Mr. Porter’s comments. An actual experi- gen flow was reestablished with the catalyst still hot, the
ence we had involved not changing out the KOH treater hydrocarbons were promptly saturated, releasing heat.
downstream of the alumina treaters quickly enough. We For this specific situation, the heat input to the process
took four days to change it out instead of one. When you should have been stopped and the catalyst cooled below
are pushing your alumina lives to the end of the run, that 250°F using feed or recycled isomerate. Recycled isomerate
will allow enough fluoride to get to the molecular sieves. is the best choice, since it is more likely to be non-reactive.
This actually destroys the sieve, as Mr. Porter mentioned.
We deactivated the first reactor catalyst in one month after D’AURIA:
poisoning the sieve in the isomerization unit. Temperature excursions have occurred on several Bu-
tamer units. The cause of these excursions has either been
BOYCOTT: long hydrocarbon residence time in the reactor at high
The feed stream to our butamer is the normal side draw reactor temperatures, or, in a couple of cases, mistakenly
off of the alkylation unit isostripper. We operate two charging feed with high olefin content to the unit. To
defluorination alumina beds in series on this stream. The avoid excessive residence time at high temperatures, we
defluorinators have provided protection against HF attack have revised our operating procedures so that the unit is
on both the mole sieve driers and the isomerization cata- brought to full feed rate before raising temperature to
lyst. We are getting six to nine months operation on the
reaction conditions.
lead bed.
What methods are being employed to reduce dryout
It is common practice to treat the normal butane stream
from an HF alkylation unit prior to feeding it to a butane time in the reactor and fractionator systems at start-up
isomerization unit, such as Butamer. We specify the two in a butane isomerization unit?
bed system that Mr. Boycott just mentioned. We use a
special high purity grade of alumina, and operate at ele- D’AURIA:
vated temperatures. Typically, this is then followed by a One of the time-consuming steps for the start-up of the
KOH treater to guard against any fluoride breakthrough Butamer unit is the removal of iron oxide from the equip-
and also to reduce the moisture content of the butane ment. Many of our customers have done chemical clean-
stream. ing of the reactor section as well as the stabilizer section
Organic fluorides, if they do get through this pretreat prior to the precommissioning phase. Once the iron oxide
system, will not be removed by the Butamer feed dryers is removed by this chemical cleaning, the drydown proce-
but will convert to HF over Butamer catalyst. The HF is dure proceeds very quickly.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 171


DEATON: outlet sulfur concentrations have been 1 ppmw or less,

I agree with what Mr. D’Auria said. I can add that with a few excursions to 2 ppmw to 5 ppmw.
mechanical cleaning should be followed by chemical The dryer beds are regenerated with dry hydrogen at
cleaning with solutions of citric acid until iron in solution 500°F on 12- to 14-hour cycles. We have required replace-
comes to equilibrium. If the iron scale is not removed prior ment of these beds due to sulfur breakthrough after ap-
to dryout, then the dryout will be prolonged when hydro- proximately 170 to 230 cycles.
chloric acid used during most dryouts reacts with the iron
scale and forms moisture. Worse yet, a butane isomeriza- McLEAN:
tion unit started up without removal of iron scale will lead We are aware of some units that have had sulfur guard
to catalyst deactivation because of moisture generation. beds installed to protect against sulfur upsets, and others
that are currently considering doing it. Most of these units
QUESTION 39. were not initially built with guard beds since the design
Use of a sulfur guard bed to protect sulfur sensitive feedstock did not exceed the contaminant levels, but later
isomerization catalyst is desirable to extend unit op- experience due to upsets created a situation where they
eration. What has been the industry experience with chose to add them. Both nickel- and copper-based adsor-
using a sulfur guard system on isomerization unit feed? bents are available which are effective in removing sulfur
from isomerization unit feed.
I was involved in the installation of a reduced nickel
I agree with the comments.
sulfur guard bed on the feed stream to a pentane/hexane
isomerization unit. The unit was originally built without
CHARLES S. McCOY (Consultant):
a guard bed. Prior to the installation of the guard bed, the
Do not try to use a copper adsorbent ahead of a butamer
unit was experiencing severe sulfur poisoning due to sulfur
type catalyst. Sulfur displaces oxygen from the copper
recombination reactions in the hydrotreater. Of serious
oxide, and you can exchange a mild poison for a severe one.
concern in evaluating the installation of a guard bed was
the available temperature of the stream. On-site pilot plant
work indicated that the sorbent would function in the
This should not be a problem if the copper adsorbent
200°F range. The success of the subsequent installation
is properly reduced during the start-up procedure.
proved this to be the case. It is important to note that the
species we were attempting to pick up was methyl-mer- QUESTION 40.
captan. Are there any new developments in the area of a
As I understand it, current pentane/hexane isomeriza- regenerable butane isomerization catalyst?
tion unit designs incorporate a sulfur sorber guard bed.
DEATON: Engelhard has developed and markets through our
For a C5/C6 feed, typical operation of a liquid phase Acreon affiliate a regenerable butane isomerization cata-
sulfur guard system operating at 400°F, with a liquid lyst, RD-291. This is the approved catalyst for a process
hourly space velocity of about 15, is 0.2 ppm sulfur inlet, which is currently licensed by IFP. This catalyst has suc-
and 0.1 ppm or less sulfur outlet. Sulfur guard catalyst life cessfully operated in commercial applications dealing with
is six to twelve months, with catalyst bed plugging limiting both refinery and field butanes.
run length due to coking, not sulfur saturation. Alumina-based isomerization catalysts are well known
Untypical operation with sulfur levels at or above 0.3 to be extremely sensitive to water, sulfur, and other feed-
ppm passing through the unit reduced the C5/C6 paraffin stock contaminants, and upsets can and will occur. With
isomerization number, by 4 to 5 numbers, requiring a a regenerable catalyst, the catalyst can be regenerated and
15°F lead reactor temperature increase to compensate. reactivated and the unit placed back on-line with a mini-
mum of downtime. Other catalysts that are nonregener-
ARMBRESTER: able would need to be replaced.
Ashland has successfully used 13x molecular sieves in
the dryer beds for both moisture and sulfur removal in its ARMBRESTER:
butane isomerization unit at our Catlettsburg refinery. We are aware of considerable effort in the area of
The inlet stream to the dryer beds typically contains 2 promoted sulfates or zirconias, which are reported to be
ppmw to 60 ppmw moisture, 10 ppmw to 50 ppmw sulfur active for butane isomerization, and we understand that
as mercaptan, 5 ppmw to 25 ppmw sulfur as disulfides, Sun Refining and Marketing Company received a patent
0.5 vol% olefins, and 1 ppmw to 6 ppmw chloride. Our for a catalyst of this type in 1990.

172 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


G. Etherification We are talking probably somewhere in the neighborhood

of six months.
Has anyone produced TAME (tertiary amyl methyl RICHARD M. GIALELLA (IFP Enterprises, Inc.):
ether), ETBE (ethyl tertiary butyl ether), or TAEE (ter- Of IFP’s licensed etherification units, there are four
tiary amyl ethyl ether) commercially, either in a unit units which are operating for TAME production which
designed for MTBE or in a unit specially designed for were specifically designed for TAME production. In addi-
this purpose? tion, we have retrofitted one MTBE unit to ETBE service,
which has been operating continuously for one year in the
McLEAN: ETBE mode. Also, there are two units designed for MTBE
TAME and ETBE have been and are being commer- or ETBE production, which are planned to be on stream
cially produced. I am not sure about TAEE. Maybe some- next year.
body can comment on that.
It is my understanding that both MTBE and TAME
What is the maximum recommended concentration
units are now being designed with flexibility to use either
level for nitriles in the feed and how effective is water
methanol or ethanol as the alcohol source. The units for
wash in achieving this level?
producing the ethers are similar, but operating conditions
are different due to the thermodynamic and kinetic con-
straints. So while it may be possible to havesome flexibility
The maximum recommended levels of nitriles in the
in the design, co-production is difficult.
feed to an MTBE plant is 1 ppm. At our McKee unit, the
Amylene conversion to TAME typically requires addi-
raw feed contains about 15 ppm to 16 ppm. The water
tional investment for fractionation, sulfur removal, and
wash we have there removes about 50% of these nitriles.
selective hydrogenation of diolefins. MTBE or ETBE is
This is because the water wash system is not very well
usually the first option a refiner will employ.
designed. It is an old butylene Merox extractor that has
been revamped for use as a water wash, but it only has six
CDTECH does have five operating TAME units in Also, because of fresh water availability and waste water
catalytic distillation mode, with a sixth one to start up in disposal restrictions, we limit the fresh water rate to 10
December of this year. No CDTECH MTBE units have gpm for this 8,000 barrel per day system. A good design
been converted to produce TAME, although studies have would have 20 or more trays and a fresh water rate over
been made for that purpose. 30 gpm. Such a system would have much better removals,
Although TAME production requires additional in- 80% to 90%.
vestment for fractionation, as Mr. McLean has stated, The effect of nitrile in the feed can be reduced by not
sulfur removal and selective hydrogenation of diolefins recycling methanol because the nitrile conversion to am-
can be accomplished very economically in the depentan- monia per pass is very low. If you do recycle, 1 ppm in the
izer with CD Hydro technology. fresh olefin charge will concentrate up to about 5 ppm in
Several of our MTBE units have been evaluated for the reactor influent.
conversion to ETBE production, and some of those may Since all of our MTBE from McKee is used internally,
be converted to do that. That conversion does not tend to we do not recycle the methanol and let it go out with the
be very complicated, but there are some subtleties to it. product. This reduces the purity on the MTBE to about
One unit has been specifically designed to produce MTBE 92%, but with this, our R-1 catalyst lasts about 18 months
or ETBE. Two CDTECH MTBE have produced ETBE, and our R-2 catalyst lasts about four years. We accept these
with one of those now operating for more than a year and as good lives for the catalysts, with that level of nitrile in
a half. the feed.
For our new TAME system, we also looked at a water
HIGGINS: wash for the propionitrile in the feed. The column would
Would you comment on how long it takes to complete have needed 36 trays and a 35 gpm washwater rate. Instead
a MTBE to ETBE revamp, in terms of lead time for we are converting an old ethylene regenerable drier system
equipment purchases? into a solid bed nitrile adsorber.


I would expect that the equipment purchase would be We are aware of an MTBE unit without a water wash.
in the drying sections that would take care of any water The feed has between 20 ppm and 60 ppm acetonitrile,
associated with the recycle and water in the ETBE unit. depending on the FCC severity. Catalyst life is about one

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 173


year, and I do not know the catalyst space velocity. How- of the nitrogen poisoning of the acidic sites on the catalyst
ever, the refiner feels it is definitely more economical to would be the same.
replace the catalyst than to go ahead and try to retrofit and
operate a water wash. Spent catalyst has been loaded into ROGER SINGER (The Purolite Company):
the guard bed upstream of the reactor in hopes of extend- We have experience indicating the water wash can be
ing the catalyst life, but it is too early to tell if that is going optimized, as some of the folks have mentioned, by reduc-
to work. ing the nitrile level from optimizing variables such as the
water quality, flow rate, and pH of the water wash system.
PORTER: As a precaution, to make certain all the nitriles are ac-
We typically see about a 95% to 97% efficiency removal counted for, we also recommend that the methanol recycle
of nitriles in our MTBE plants. At our Pascagoula refinery stream be checked for nitriles as well. What we are cur-
MTBE plant, the total nitrogen in the feed is 100 ppm to rently finding is that even if the nitrile level in the feed is
200 ppm, and we get it down to 2 ppm to 5 ppm in the reduced to ppm levels in the water wash, we can see the
product. buildup from anywhere from 1 to 2 orders of magnitude
higher levels of nitriles that can accumulate in this recycle
I would just add that we did some testing in 1990, after
Apart from the process optimization, we also find that
start-up of our MTBE unit. With about 5 ppm to 10 ppm
selection of a more poison-resistant catalyst can serve to
acetonitrile in the feed to the unit, we were able to treat
extend the catalyst life. Substantial commercial experience
down to 200 parts per billion or less, if we lowered the pH
of the washwater to 6 units. in both MTBE and TAME units with one of the Purolite’s
We test our reactor feed stream weekly for nitriles and catalysts demonstrated that both extended life with high
typically see less than 300 parts per billion. conversion can be achieved.


I agree with the previous comments, that the water As a follow-up to Mr. D’Auria’s comments, there are
wash can be quite effective in removing the acid nitrile alumina-based selective adsorbents available that can re-
down to very low concentrations. move both acetonitrile and propionitrile to levels well
below 0.5 ppm by weight.
In addition to acetonitrile, some operators are finding QUESTION 43.
propylnitrile both in their C4 streams in MTBE units, or Has anyone with a water wash/methanol extractor
more commonly in the C5 fraction charged to a TAME system on a MTBE or TAMEunit experienced corrosion
unit. The standard water wash technology and resin guard in the overhead section of the extractor column? How
beds do not offer the same protection for propylnitrile has this been eliminated?
removal as they do for acetonitrile. More aggressive water
wash systems have shown to be effective in the removal of MENEGAZ:
propylnitriles, but now we are talking about water wash We know of a TAME unit that is experiencing a six
rates in the range of 60% to 90% of the feed rate. month life on the carbon steel tubes in the extractor
An alternative to this would be a sieve system. UOP has
overhead fin fan condenser. The refiner suspects oxygen
developed a nitrogen removal sieve system which can
contamination from the well water used in the water wash.
remove both acetonitrile and propylnitrile from the eth-
They are looking at an alternate water source.
er&cation feed streams.
The choice of the system to be used depends on the
refiner’s utility balance and availability of the proper re-
generants for the nitrile removal unit. Corrosion problems could arise in the raffinate wash-
water system through the formation of formic acid by the
CHARLES KRUSE (Bechtel Corporation): hydrolysis of methyl formate. Methyl formate can be
What is the effect of these impurities on the longevity introduced in the methanol feed to the unit. The circulat-
of the catalyst using reactive distillation processes versus ing water system gradually becomes more acidic as formic
fixed bed processes. acid builds up and this can lead to corrosion problems. We
recommend the pH of the raffinate water loop be checked
D’AURIA: weekly and be controlled at about an 8 pH with the
The catalyst used in fixed bed as well as the reactive addition of caustic, if necessary, to the circulating water
distillation processes are basically the same, so the effect system.

174 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


QUESTION 44. losses from catalytic distillation systems. Generally, use of

Are other refiners experiencing problems associated a metal structured packing system, as opposed to fiber
with catalyst migration from MTBE reactors? Is resin bales, is a better insurance of catalyst containment in the
shrinkage a factor? What are some of the critical catalytic distillation section.
practices during catalyst loading and start-up to pre-
vent damage to catalyst and reactor internals? ARMBRESTER:
I agree with Mr. D’Auria comments, particularly the
D'AURIA: procedures he was talking about on start-up. Immediately
Migration and shrinkage of resin catalyst in etherifica- after filling the reactor with butane, we will backwash the
tion reactors is related to three parameters: (1) the metha- reactor to remove any fines that are present, and then over
nol to isobutene ratio in the reactor, (2) the amount of the first week or two of operation we typically clean our
fines in the resin as delivered, and (3) the design of the reactor effluent filters two to three times a week. Beyond
reactor internals. that, we do not see much catalyst migration from the
The methanol to isobutene ratio is generally controlled reactor.
in the range of 1.05 to 1.2, depending on the type of
feedstock. This ensures excess methanol is available in PORTER:
order to keep the resin swelled. The only problems we have had with catalyst migration
The most critical period is during start-up. UOP’s have been due to screen and attachment failures, so we
procedures call for loading the resin under water, then view those as really design problems.
gradually replacing the water with a methanol rinse. Two As far as catalyst loading, we do it with a sock, nothing
to three reactor volumes is generally called for. On start- very special. We have not had any problems as the new
up, the C4 stream is gradually introduced while always catalysts appear to be very hardy. We also use a methanol
maintaining the target methanol to isobutene ratio. wash during start-up, similar to what Mr. D’Auria de-
Various resin manufacturers have different methods scribed.
and quality control procedures for their resins, and we
have seen some differences in the amount of fines which ROGER SINGER (The Purolite Company):
are in the resins. Some fines can migrate through the bed From the catalyst loading point of view, we certainly
and out the slot openings in the reactor outlet screen. We believe that if the reactors can be accommodated, prefill-
are working with resin vendors to try to standardize their ing the reactor with water can certainly serve to minimize
size distribution. any potential damage when the catalyst is loaded.
The containment of the resin in the reactor is also As an alternative, Purolite can also deliver catalysts in a
dependent on the physical design of the cross sectional tanker truck in which the catalyst is introduced directly to
screens and baskets placed at the outlet of the reactor. the reactor in a water slurry. We find this approach can
Smaller slot openings will decrease migration, but can also offer substantial savings in reduced downtime for loading,
introduce a more easily fouled surface. savings in reduced manpower required, and savings in
And finally, in addition to migration from fixed bed elimination of the cost for disposing of the pallets and the
reactors there have been some industry reports of catalyst super sacks.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 175



A. Sulfur Plant Operations concentration and pH. In the 1950’s, Dow’s Gas Condi-
tioning Group analyzed deposits found in this loop and
Amine Plants did confirm the presence of ammonium polysulfides.
These polysulfide liquids are typically a reddish brown
QUESTION 1. color. From chemistry considerations, an oxidant such as
Has anyone identified ammonium polysutfide formed oxygen would have to be present to convert the sulfide to
in amine containing ammonia? Is oxygen required to polysulfides. Other problems with amine quality also
cause the problem? point to oxygen contamination as a frequent precursor to
undesirable chemistry in amine systems.
The concentration ofammonia in the regenerator over-
head loop can be reduced by purging reflux to the sour
Polysulfide can be formed in the amine unit if oxygen
water system as a method of reducing problems as a result
is fed to the unit in sufficient quantities. It will show up
of ammonium salts.
as a black or dark green gum that plugs instrument taps
and low point bleeders.
We identified and eliminated two sources of oxygen
We frequent/y face the problem of amine discoloration
and thus solved the problem. The major source was a leak
and foaming at high H 2 S loading. What are other
in a vacuum unit that allowed over 2% oxygen in the feed
refineries’ experiences in this field? How effective is
gas. A very minor source, but one that we thought was
the antifoulant in this regard? What types of back-
significant was an unblanketed condensate addition tank
washable amine filters are available?
that put oxygen directly into the regenerator.

At high H2 S loading, corrosion problems become a
Although this is certainly not a common problem,
much more serious problem, especially where the solvent
ammonium polysulfide may form in high pH aqueous
changes phases such as in the rich/lean exchanger or the
systems containing significant quantities of hydrogen sul-
reboiler. The amine discoloration and foaming problems
fide. I agree with Mr. Laux’s comments, particularly with
described are a good indication that the corrosion has
relation to oxygen or similar oxidants that must be present
gotten out of hand and that more problems are on the way.
to oxidize the sulfide to polysulfide. This should be con-
sidered a major portion of the problem.

We generally believe that this problem is more prevalent
if there is oxygen present in the system. However, the
following proposed mechanism is theoretical, but does not
require oxygen: NH4OH + H2S + S8 -> (NH4)2Sx.

THOMAS R. BACON (Dow Chemical U.S.A.):

Ammonia absorbed in an amine system will concen-
trate in the regenerator overhead loop, vaporizing with the
acid gas overhead, absorbing in the condensed water from
the overhead condenser, returning to the regenerator with
the reflux to be flashed again to the overhead. The aqueous
ammonia reacts with the aqueous hydrosulfide to form
ammonium hydrosulfide and ammonium sulfide depend-
ing on the driving forces for those species, primarily

176 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


The iron sulfide particulates from the corrosion will erode should be kept below 255°F to avoid forming degradation
away the protective sulfide scale in the circulating system, products.
accelerating the problem. Heat stable salts should be kept below 10% of the
As far as foaming goes, pure amines do not form stable amine strength.
foams, but will do so if iron sulfide, liquid hydrocarbons,
organic acids, or amine degradation products are present. PORTER:
MDEA is much more sensitive than DEA or MEA, due We normally do not operate refinery amine systems at
to its lower surface tension and greater hydrocarbon solu- very high loading. We have not seen discoloration prob-
bility. I am going to give you a short list here of house- lems just from amine loading, even where we have oper-
keeping tips we have considered. ated a very high loading. We have seen amine
The first is to limit the amine concentration and load- discoloration mainly from iron sulfide corrosion prod-
ing to keep the corrosion manageable. Below are some ucts, and oil contamination.
generally accepted guidelines for common amines: We do not utilize antifoulants in amine systems.

Max Max Loading FELTROP:

Amine Conc. % (Moles Acid Gas/Mole Amine)
The previous comments have covered this very well. I
MEA 15 0.35 concur that the most frequent cause of amine discolora-
MEA w/filming inhibitor 20 0.42 (eq.) tion and foaming is the presence of finely divided iron
DEA 30 0.65-0.80 sulfide particles in the amine. Increased H2 S loadings
MDEA 50 0.45 (cq.) certainly do increase the corrosion rate, which may over-
load the filters with iron sulfide. An effective corrosion
The second is to run at least 30% of the total flow control program will help prevent the formation of iron
through a filter and carbon unit. For MDEA, which is sulfide, thus preventing the problem. Once the particles
much more prone to foaming, we recommend mechanical are present, the type of filters mentioned earlier are the
filtration of the entire stream. A 10 micron absolute solution.
mechanical filter will remove most of the iron sulfide The question also references antifoulants. Antifoulants
particulate, which is mostly one micron or so. A good are effective in preventing the deposition of particulate
setup would be a 10 micron filter on the slipstream, matter in exchangers. They will not prevent the problem
followed by a carbon filtration, then a 5 micron filter. and as such should be viewed as an interim solution.
Some refiners move to a coarser filter size when they
encounter fouling. We think this is absolutely the wrong LAUX:
thing to do. It just prolongs the problem. A solids content We also had a similar problem of discolored amine and
of 0.1% or less is acceptable. foaming, and we agree that it is basically overloading of
As far as backwashable filters, we recommend the Vacco the amine. We were able to control the problem initially
etched disk filters giving excellent results and it can be by using a corrosion inhibitor, and then completely elimi-
backwashed with high pressure steam. nated it by switching amine to MDELA. This was on an
Regarding the carbon filter, do not wait for the carbon FCC gas stream. By rejecting the CO2 your mole loading
filter to spend before changing it. That is just going to goes down, and you run a higher concentration, which
create foaming problems. If your amine has color, it has also reduces the mole loading.
already gone too far. A new idea here is, in addition to the Our filtering system is on the rich amine. It is a sock
traditional foaming tests people have been using, to use a filter, but I have also seen the etched disk filters work and
surface tensiometer. It can give you a reliable and precise they work very well. They are also good if you have a
indication of where your system is. You can purchase one hydrocarbon upset in the unit.
for a few thousand dollars.
An iodine number specification of 900 for carbon has ARMBRESTER:
traditionally been used. We think 950 or 1,000 would We concur with many of the earlier comments. We do
probably be better. For hydrocarbon removal, a molasses use a filtering system on a slipstream of the lean amine,
number of 200 or better should be used. We know of some where we have a particulate filter followed by carbon
instances where people used phosphoric acid washed carb- filters, and then another particulate filter. The particulate
on and had disastrous results with foaming and plugging, filters are backwashable bag filters manufactured by Ron-
so you want to avoid that. ningen-Petter. In addition to the lean amine filtration, at
As far as antifoaming agents, there are temporary solu- our Catlettsburg refinery we also filter the entire rich
tions. I think better housekeeping is the way to go. You amine stream as it returns back to the regenerator, and that
certainly want to keep the oxygen out of your system, and is for particulate removal only. We also use an antifoam
use an antioxidant, if you need it. The reboiler temperature additive in the Catlettsburg amine system.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 177


I would reinforce that high H2 S loadings and heat As far as MEA, we would go with a maximum concen-
stable salts can result in the conversion of the soluble tration of 15%. If you use a filming inhibitor, you can go
corrosion products to insoluble iron sulfide. This will up to 20%. For DEA, we recommend a maximum con-
discolor the amine. We do not immediately recommend centration of 30%, and for MDEA, a maximum concen-
the use of an antifoulant. We believe that you should attack tration of 50%.
the corrosion problem either with better housekeeping,
better control of your system, such as what has already LAUX:
been discussed, or the use of corrosion inhibitors at rea- I have seen DGA used in a refinery system like that and
sonable levels. it works well. You can run a concentration up around
50%. There are generally no problems with it. It does
DEATON: require reclaiming, though.
Sometimes we do experience foaming when our FCC
and hydrocracker units are at maximum off gas rates, and DEATON:
we attribute the foaming to excessive hydrocarbon carry- We use MDEA, and our concentration is between 48%
over. We target to keep the amine temperature 10°F hotter and 50%. The maximum recommended loading is 0.35
than the incoming gas, to prevent adsorbing hydrocarbons molecules of H2S per molecule of amine, and our normal
into the amine. We also agree that at high FCC rates, LCO maximum loading is 0.285.
sponge oil carries over into the off gas as a mist and absorbs
into the amine solution. When foaming does occur, it is MENEGAZ:
in the contactor, not the regenerator. We use antifoam on On MDEA, we think you can go to 0.45 loading which
an as-needed basis by adding one pint of antifoam into the is the equilibrium limit, but you have to be very careful on
lean amine via a pressurized blow pot, and it takes care of your filtration and corrosion management.
the problem within a half hour. Our amine is clean and
sediment-free so we have not had to install backwashable JOHN SORIA (Global Engineering Systems, Houston, TX):
filters, and we do not use antifoulants. My company produces and sells a new line of catalyzed
oxygen scavengers that virtually eliminate degradation of
DAVID DWYER (Union Carbide Corporation): MDEA caused by oxygen attack.
Everything that has been mentioned is right on the Historically, scavengers have been used in the amine
money. This does sound like an iron sulfide problem. Iron plants with fairly disappointing results, primarily because
is insoluble in amine solutions that are highly loaded with the products that were used were applicable to boiler
H2 S and will be present as finely divided iron sulfide systems that run at much higher temperatures than amine
particulates. These particulates will cause foaming and can units. Those products only protected the reboiler section,
plug equipment. Also, as the solution pH approaches 9 or which is less than 5% of the surface area of the amine plant.
less, which roughly equates to a 0.45 mole/mole loading, My products react instantly with oxygen at tempera-
the iron sulfide film that forms on vessels or piping is tures as low as 80°F. What this means is that oxygen is
destabilized and can slough off, This greatly contributes immediately consumed as soon as it enters the unit. The
to the problem. high activity of my product also causes the formation of a
In addition, solution pH can be further lowered by any protective layer of magnetite that protects the whole sys-
strong acids present as heat stable salts. Neutralizing these tem. In one application in Houston, we went from replac-
heat stable salts will raise the solution pH and help to avoid ing filters once every day to once every three months. We
these problems. Solution condition must be examined completely eliminated reclaiming. We had the luxury of
closely and care taken when attempting neutralization. shutting down our carbon bed. Losses have been minimal
Over neutralization must be avoided. Antifoams only because of lower foaming tendency. We went from 90%
serve as a temporary cure. The housekeeping tips that were in compliance to 100% in compliance. The savings result-
mentioned are the long term solution, i.e., reducing the ing from this program amount to about $300,000 and the
loading by raising amine concentration, increasing circu- cost of the treatment was about $30,000.
lation rate, switching to a solvent with a higher molecular We are also targeting quench towers and tail gas treating
capacity, and heat stable salt neutralization. systems, and we have some products that have already been
patented for those applications.
What is the typical concentration of amine that has WILLIAM TOREK (Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc.):
been used? Has DGA been used as well? Is there a reclaimer We had a foaming problem with the DEX system on a
that can be used to improve the concentration of the delayed coker, and we traced it back to something very
amine? simple. It turned out to be our guard filter, which is

178 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


specified to be 100% cotton and was not. We believe we it once or twice, before you are going to have to replace
were experiencing polyester and other materials dissolving the amine.
and becoming part of the problem. Once we respecified Regarding the caustic addition, I would like to mention
and replaced the filter, the problem was resolved. that if you put too much in you will strip iron sulfide scale
and create a tremendous foaming problem.
JESSE SANTOS (Dow Chemical): As far as the water washing, I know several people who
I heard two different rich loading recommendations. have considered water washing the gas from the FCC and
We have been able to use our in-house simulator program coker because it contains a large portion of the organic
to predict at which rich amine temperature our client acids which are the precursors of the heat stable salts. I
should operate their FCC offgas adsorbers and other have heard reports of 50% reduction heat in stable salts by
hydrotreater adsorbers. We do this so that they do not get washing. This also removes ammonia and cyanides which
into a problem with the valve seats on the letdown valve. cause overhead corrosion.
That way they can extend the life of the letdown valve and
avoid excessive flashing. ARMBRESTER:
We have used low chloride caustic to neutralize heat
DAVID STREET (Huntsman Specialty Chemicals): stable salts in the amine system at Catlettsburg on two
I concur with the 50% recommendation on DGA. separate occasions, and in each case we were able to reduce
Huntsman supplies DGA to the U.S. refinery market, and the heat stable salt content from approximately 4 wt%
that is typically what we limit the solution strength to. down to 0.5 wt%. We have not seen any apparent increase
in corrosion due to the presence of the neutralized prod-
uct, but as Mr. Porter mentioned, our amine makeup rate
has been sufficient to keep our ash content in the safe range
Operational benefits are observed by the neutraliza-
(less than 5%). In fact, the caustic neutralization tends to
tion of heat stable salts to control corrosion in amine
aid in reducing corrosion by adjusting the solution to a
units. How does using caustic to reduce heat stab/e
better pH range and supplying hydroxide ion for some of
salts affect the corrosion mechanism in amine units?
the acidic compounds that would be unstable at higher
Has a wash water system been effective in removing
acidic compounds from sour gas streams to reduce
Water wash systems are used in our gas concentration
the generation of heat stable salt in the amine? Are
units to control precursors to heat stable salt formation,
laboratory data available to confirm these observa-
and have been found to be effective in limiting the forma-
tions and how were the laboratory tests conducted?
tion of heat stable salts.
The water wash is monitored for cyanide and thiocy-
anate content, which is the greatest contributor to heat
Adding caustic to the amine solution converts amine stable salt formation in our systems.
salts to sodium salts. In general, the sodium salts are less We also use ion chromatography to monitor the con-
corrosive, as long as the total salt content is not allowed to centration of the various contaminants in the amine, to
get too high. track the accumulation of salts over time.
At Pascagoula we have had significant success reducing
corrosion by adding caustic to a very large amine system. BARLOW:
This is only first-aid because at some point you will need We support the caution on the overuse of caustic. A
to remove the salts or replace your amine. We recently small amount of caustic can be used with little side effect.
successfully treated our amine system by Union Carbide’s At concentrations greater than 100 ppm, caustic will
UCARSEP® process. Caustic was added to convert the convert the iron scale, forming iron hydroxide and sodium
amine salts to sodium salts, and the sodium salts were then bisulfide and you run the risk of fouling in your system.
removed. This reduced the amount of amine salts in our We have recently observed that mechanism on three
system down to an acceptable level. This salt removal was MDEA systems. MDEA appears, from our experience, to
cost effective compared to replacing the amine. We have be more sensitive than DEA to sodium.
set a 15,000 ppm maximum sodium content. Going Concerning water wash, we have had the opportunity
higher than this can result in precipitation problems. to monitor the amine solvent composition at two refinery
We have not tried a water wash system on sour gas. locations following changes in the water wash from
stripped sour water to sour water. At each of these refin-
MENEGAZ: eries, the change in water supply resulted in increased heat
I agree with Mr. Porter’s comments, particularly the fact stable salt content in the amine. Salt content was deter-
that adding caustic is a band-aid rather than a cure. mined by ion chromatography. A switch from the sour
Certainly, if you are adding caustics you can get away with water to the stripped sour water resulted in the resumption

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 179


of lower normal heat stable salt formation rates. This is whenever possible to minimize heat stable salt buildup
further evidence that proper water wash can indeed reduce rates, along with a neutralization program to counter the
the formation of heat stable salts. effects when they do get into the system. Although this
will prolong the life of the solution quite considerably the
DEATON: salts can still ultimately reach a high enough level whereby
We use Union Carbide’s UCARSOL® MDEA solvent. they have to be removed. We would recommend an on-site
We test for heat stable salts weekly. When the heat stable and on-line removal technology such as the UCARSEP®
salts build up to 1.5%, we add a 55-gallon drum of DHM, process for this purpose.
which is a blend of caustic and corrosion inhibitors, and
this brings the heat stable salt content down to about 1%. H. T. BALL (Coastal Chemical Company, Inc.):
The salts get converted to ash. We send in periodic amine One of the things that you have to look for in the water
samples to Union Carbide, and when the ash content wash system is that it does remove a tremendous amount
reaches 10%, remediation of the solvent will need to be of hydrocarbons that could cause foaming problems in the
considered either by a solvent changeout or by using amine unit.
Union Carbide’s UCARSEP® technology to reduce ash For the heat stable salt removal, as has been stated, the
levels. type of water used is very important or, in other words,
We also helped ourselves during a maintenance turn- the basicity of the water that is used. The more basic the
around recently by replacing the carbon steel bundles with water the more heat stable salt precursors it will remove.
304-L stainless steel in the amine reboilers, heat exchang- We are currently running tests in cooperation with Dow
ers, and overhead condensers. on operating a water wash system to collect data to quan-
tify how much heat stable salt is removed, depending on
DAVID BURNS (Union Carbide Corporation): the type of water used.
As the question implies, several benefits result from
neutralizing heat stable amine salts, and Union Carbide STEVEN FISCHER (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
concurs with the panelists’ comments that neutralization Mr. Armbrester, are you using any additives in the water
using caustic or, where indicated, UCARSOL® Neutral-
to enhance the removal of the precursors to heat stable salts?
izer DHM, is an effective means of controlling heat stable
salt problems. Not only are the effective concentration of
the solution restored and operating problems minimized,
As I mentioned in yesterday’s session, we add air to our
but the potential for corrosion is substantially reduced.
wet gas streams for in-situ production of polysulfide, but
Although corrosion is a complex phenomenon and
we do not use any other additives in our water wash
therefore a function of several variables, including hydro-
dynamic and metallurgical, heat stable amine salts can play
a significant part. Typically, they lead to generalized cor-
JOHN SORIA (Global Engineering Systems):
rosion, especially in the hot areas of the system. Although
the type and extent of corrosion is dependent on the To clarify the point that I tried to make earlier, before
anions in question, (for example, thiocyanates do not seem we started using this catalyzed oxygen scavenger, the rate
to be as bad as formates), in all cases when the amine salt of amine degradation or heat stable salt increase was 2.2%
is formed and the amine is “inactivated” for gas treating per month. After we started using this product, the rate
purposes, the pH of the solution is reduced. As a result, went down to 0.2% per month. We also tested an uncata-
the level of free acid in solution increases, albeit at ppm lyzed oxygen scavenger similar to the ones that are being
levels even at high heat stable salt levels. This can contrib- used currently in the industry, and the rate of increase was
ute to corrosion particularly in the case ofmoderately weak also about 2% per month. I believe that the small rate of
acids such as formic or acetic, at the low pH’s encountered increase during the usage of our catalyzed oxygen scaven-
when a system has not been neutralized, and where acid ger resulted because we did not have a water wash system
gas loadings are not negligible. Neutralization decreases to take care of products that were coming in with the FCC
the possibility of corrosion by raising the system pH. One feed.
reason for this is that the concentration of the free acid is
decreased. MO VADEKAR (CHEMTECH Consulting):
Finally, our experience has been that sour gas water After having serviced quite a few cracked gas systems
wash systems can be very effective at reducing heat stable with alkanol amines (including FCCU, coker and steam
salt buildup rates. We have seen 50% reductions in some crackers), I would fully agree with the consensus arrived
of our customers’ systems as a result of water washing. It at this session on caustic addition for prevention of corro-
seems to be effective at removing acidates and formates. sion in amine units. I think, at one time, some amine
Our recommendation would be to use a water wash system vendors used to discourage addition of caustic to amine

180 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


systems. Caustic effectively neutralizes heat stable salts, We will be releasing several papers in various forms,
frees amine, and reduces corrosive potential. including NACE, AIChE, this year, describing the proper
As far as water wash is concerned, I believe somebody techniques for obtaining accurate data. Although in the
asked a question as to where to locate the water wash. I past we have held some of these techniques to be proprie-
have seen a few amine plants where the washwater was tary, we have concluded that because of some recent
directly injected into the pipeline carrying FCC, coker, developments, the need for good laboratory techniques is
and cracked gases, near the source of gas, and water was overwhelming and we should release some of that infor-
allowed to run all through the piping, to the amine plant, mation to the industry.
to a knockout drum in front of the amine unit, where the In addition to this quantitative data, we also have quite
water was removed. This on-line wash effectively removed a lot of qualitative data utilizing sophisticated spectro-
stronger acids and part of the ammonia. graphic and surface analysis techniques, which over-
Regarding earlier comments about the removal of whelmingly support the benefits of incorporating
acidic components, such as hydrocyanic and carboxylic neutralization and water wash into a well administered
acids, which add considerably to the heat stable acid load Amine Management Program.
in the amine solution, these can be removed very effec-
tively by water wash. (Liquid hydrocarbon removal is also TOM DAVIS (CENEX Refinery):
important in that respect.) I have seen considerable reduc- Concerning these discussions of the addition of too
tion in foaming and heat stable salts as a result of the water much caustic, has anybody seen any harmful effects on
wash. carbon filters from the addition of too much caustic?
Finally, as far as source of water is concerned, I have
seen some people use stripped sour water for water wash HIGGINS:
in conjunction with condensate or fresh water. But make No comment.
sure that if it is fresh water, it is not hard water, but treated
water. Otherwise, you will run into severe scaling prob- GEORGE W. BROWN (Conoco, Inc.):
lems in the whole system.
In the past, we used to use caustic addition for heat
stable salt control. Now we are doing the opposite. Caustic
DAVID VASQUEZ (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
addition provides some benefits, but not as much as
We use an MDEA system that has full flow rich filters
everyone thinks. We have done enough testing in our
and we use a water wash on our coker fuel gas coming out
research and development laboratories and have shown
of the coker to remove the oxygenates which originate
that it really does not do as much as we thought. Heat
from drum switches, etc. To combat this we inject an
stable salts are going to form; they are there. You are going
oxygen scavenger into our amine and found this to be very
to lose them with amine losses or you are going to have to
effective in reducing our heat stable salts.
remove them. We have used both UCARSEP® and the ion
We also use a caustic injection in order to maintain
exchange process for removing salts. We advocate removal
below 2% heat stable salts. The problem with this is that
of the salts to keep your system noncorrosive as the best
the ash levels can get very high. We can get as high as 7%
way to control corrosion.
or 8% ash levels, and I believe the number that everybody
uses is 10% for precipitation. Once you get to that point,
caustic injection really needs to be watched very closely.
We have used UCARSEP® before and have been very What is the maximum recommended LPG to amine
successful with it. ratio in a countercurrent packed tower to maintain
Finally, purging your amine regenerator through your treating efficiency?
overhead drag stream can effectively help you remove the
thiosulfates from the circulating amine. CUNEO:
Shell Oil has a lot of LPG treaters, and the concentra-
JOHN W. DEAN (Union Carbide Corporation): tion of H2S, carbonyl sulfide and mercaptan varies over a
We agree with the comments made by the panel, and fairly wide range. In general, our economics favor maxi-
at Union Carbide we have always recognized the benefits mizing the treat that you get with amine solution. In order
of neutralization and water wash. We have an extensive to do that we run in an amine continuous phase at a
amount of laboratory data to support these observations. maximum loading of 11 to 1 LPG to amine. Now, if a
Most of our data is based on 14-day autoclave coupon tests plant needs additional treating capacity and we have an
and steady-state recording parameter studies. It is very opportunity to use more caustic, we go to an LPG con-
critical when performing these tests that they be done tinuous phase and in that area we are able to run down as
using accepted methodologies and be done at steady-state. low as 9.5 to 1.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 181


In our LPG treaters, we run with an amine continuous Although we do not see this necessarily as a common
phase somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 50 gallons problem, we have seen corrosion rates as high as 100 mils
per minute per barrel of LPG. The tower flow rates are 14 per year on carbon steel metallurgy in regenerator over-
to 18 gallons per minute per foot square, with the normal head systems. We find that system purges can be extremely
rates in the clean system as high as 20 gallons per minute helpful. However, you run the risk of excessive amine
per foot square. losses.
We do have carryover problems when the interphase We have experience in several refineries where we have
level controller becomes fouled. reduced the corrosion rate through the use of a filming
inhibitor, some to less than 5 mils per year. Concerning
LINDA LORD (The Coastal Corporation): metallurgy, stainless steel has been effective. We have seen
Mr. Cuneo, what was a recommended velocity in the problems with titanium hydriding.
tower? Could you repeat that, please? The question asks if corrosion inhibitor chemicals
cause foaming problems. You do run the risk of causing
CUNEO: foaming problems, so you have to evaluate specific inhibi-
We give a recommended ratio rather than an absolute tors for the system whose surface tendencies are not to
velocity. The recommended ratio when you are running cause foaming. Some water soluble inhibitors designed for
in the amine continuous phase was 11 to 1, and the FCCU’s and cokers have caused foaming problems.
recommended ratio when you run in the LPG continuous
phase was as low as 9.5 to 1. BOYCOTT:
The overhead system on our amine regenerator is carb-
S. N. MATHUR (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, Ltd.): on steel. We have had one instance of a leaking bundle in
In a refinery normally there would be several H2 S the two years the unit has been in service. Subsequent
containing streams. There could be two options for treat- testing has shown that current corrosion rates are negli-
ing. One would be to have an absorber regenerator at each gible in this area.
location, and pipe the H2S to the sulfur plant. The other I have seen both purge systems and inhibitors used
alternative would be to have an absorber at each H2 S successfully to control problems in this area.
source, and a central regeneration unit. Which is the
preferred mode? DEATON:
We have not seen any significant corrosion in the
CUNEO: overhead piping. As I mentioned previously, a decision was
In general, we prefer to have the absorbers located with made a few years ago to upgrade all carbon steel tube
the process units, and to use a common regeneration bundles with stainless steel for improved plant reliability.
facility which is usually remotely located. We do not use any chemical corrosion inhibitor injections
in the overhead. A practical guide is to operate the amine
JESSE SANTOS (Dow Chemical): regenerator to keep about 1% to 2% amine in the over-
About the LPG treaters, we have found that the LPG head receiver, and this will effectively coat the overhead
amine efficiency is more a function of interfacial area, system and prevent excessive corrosion.
basically final droplet size, than overall amine flow. To
minimize amine carryover to the coalescer, as a general rule FELTROP:
we recommend no less than one barrel per day of amine We apply the same water soluble inhibitor to the over-
solution flow for every ten barrels pet day of LPG flow. head that we use in the circulating amine system. However,
adding the makeup to the overhead is not sufficient to
HERBERT WIZIG (Merichem Company): inhibit and control corrosion in the overhead. We do this
Merichem’s AMINEX Technology, which uses the fi- by installing a slipstream of circulating amine to the
ber-film contactor, is very flexible with respect to the LPG overhead. Since this amine has inhibitor in it, it is a way
to amine volumetric ratios to maintain treating efficiency. of including the overhead in the circulation system. Typi-
cally, we will add a slipstream of rich amine to the over-
QUESTION 5. head, which is equal to the volume of amine being
What corrosion levels do people see in amine regen- condensed in the overhead. This does not result in the loss
erator overhead systems? How do you control high of amine since it is refluxed back to the stripping tower.
corrosion levels, i.e., corrosion inhibitor chemicals, Many inhibitors that have been used in amine units
purge system, metallurgy? Have corrosion inhibitor have contributed to foaming. The particular one that we
chemicals caused foaming problems? recommend does not foam.

182 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


Foams are usually caused by hydrocarbons in the system We have some concerns where there is carbon steel only,
and stabilized by solids in the system. If the system is clean but even there, usually the iron sulfide acts as a protective
and free of solids, the severity of foaming is usually much coating, which serves as a barrier to corrosion. We have,
less. This is where the right corrosion inhibitor is impor- however, noted problems where the vapor velocities and
tant, as Mr. Barlow has mentioned. If it prevents corro- turbulence at the top of the tower are extreme. The
sion, the amine will stay clean and the foaming will be turbulence and high velocities will erode the protective
minimal. The recommended inhibitor is excellent in loos- coating and certainly can initiate corrosion.
ening the iron sulfide deposits so that they can be removed The main area of concern is where the unit is removing
from the system by filters. only CO2 and there is no H2S, as in a case of hydrogenation
units. Carbonic acid is formed upon water condensation.
MENEGAZ: This situation has forced us to do what one of the
Ammonia is trapped in the regenerator overhead as panelists has mentioned, take a slipstream of the lean
ammonium bisulfide, and it is very corrosive at high con- amine from the discharge of the pump, circulate to the top
centrations. The cyanide acts as a catalyst for this process, of the tower and spray the lean amine onto the areas of
particularly in stainless steel. The cyanide can also form concern. This technique has worked well in several cases.
hydrogen blistering. The primary control is bleeding off Another approach in reducing corrosion is to eliminate
the regenerator reflux water to limit the bisulfides to under any water condensation on the internal walls of the strip-
3%. Keeping ammonia out of the system by water washing per. Make sure the equipment is properly insulated and
the gas from the hydrotreaters and other locations is a good that adequate stripping ratios are provided.
idea. We use a primary metallurgy of 304 stainless steel and We do not use inhibitors in our solvents, and we have
we like to keep the velocities in the overhead under 20 feet also found that many of today’s corrosion inhibitors can
per second, that is, in the tubes, to avoid wiping away the cause foaming problems. Not only that, in some cases
bisulfide film and further aggravating corrosion. there are inhibitors that have a negative impact on the
performance of the solvent. So we recommend conducting
We certainly agree with the previous comments regard-
simple laboratory screening tests to see if the inhibitors are
ing the water soluble corrosion inhibitors. One thing we
compatible with the amine. We also suggest that you
would caution, as the panelists have previously men-
contact your amine supplier for more details on which
tioned, is to choose the right corrosion inhibitor.
inhibitors work and which do not work.
The high molecular weight alcohol-based corrosion
inhibitors can cause foaming if an excessive amount is
used. The alcohol portion will oxidize to an acid which
Mr. Sayles mentioned that the oxygen entry into the
subsequently will react with the hydrocarbons in the
amine system can cause several problems, including foam-
system and form a fatty acid soap.
ing. My comment is that oxygen can be brought into the
system not only by hydrocarbon feed gas or liquid con-
taining oxygen traces, but also from fresh amine storage
We use titanium tubes in the overhead condenser. tanks if not inert blanketed. Some oxygen can get through
Second, we use ammonium polysulfide as an inhibitor in there. The makeup water for dilution of the amine can also
the overhead system. Third, we ensure that the ammo- contain some oxygen. My axiom for that situation is “2
nium bisulfide concentration is less than 10% in the ppm O2 is 2 ppm too much”, so try to get away from
overhead reflux drum water. oxygen!

I agree. Our system is normally noncorrosive. However, How are refiners controlling corrosion in sour water
if for some reason oxygen is introduced into the system, it stripper overhead systems?
becomes highly corrosive very quickly, and usually we can
trace that back to a problem upstream of the amine MENEGAZ:
regenerator. In a conventional sour water stripper overhead system,
titanium tubes have been used as a cost effective way to
ROBERT HLOZEK (Union Carbide Corporation): mitigate the corrosion. The longer service life of the tita-
We basically concur with what the panel has stated. We nium outweighs the higher initial cost over carbon steel.
have examined over 100 UCARSOL® units and many Tube corrosion is most severe where the water initially
more DEA units with no corrosion found in the overhead. starts to condense due to acid gas corrosion. We have
We realize that many of the column overheads are stainless modified the design configuration of the sour water strip-
steel clad and the condenser bundles are stainless so that per tower to include a direct contact condensing section
stainless steel will certainly protect the unit from corrosion. at the top of the stripper to replace the traditional overhead

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 183


condenser reflux system. Avoiding a phase change and BOYCOTT:

having all the surfaces wetted significantly reduces the I agree with the previous comments, corrosion prob-
corrosion environment and allows the use of a less expen- lems in this area are typically addressed with metallurgy.
sive material. However, sour water stripper overhead corrosion appears
to be very site dependant. Although our system is com-
SAYLES: prised totally of carbon steel we have not experienced
Sour water stripper overhead systems are corrosive due significant corrosion.
to an imbalance between the anions. The presence of
ammonia and CO 2 forms a highly buffered solution, CUNEO:
maintaining a constant pH even after acidic components We have a wide variety of metallurgies in our sour water
of H2S and cyanide are added. Under these conditions, stripper overheads, all the way from carbon steel through
the solution can become basic, high pH. High corrosion the austenitic stainless, alloy 20, and incoloy. Basically, the
rates can be observed under these conditions. metallurgy is specified on the basis of ammonium bisul-
We use a gunite lined vessel, 316-L stainless steel fide. If people are experiencing very high corrosion rates
pumps, Carpenter 7 molybdenum condenser tubes, and with these types of alloys and they suspect the ammonium
concrete lined carbon steel pipes to control corrosions in bisulfide is in the proper range, we think they should look
the sour water system. for cyanides. If cyanides are found, they should be ad-
dressed by the addition of ammonium polysulfide, either
FELTROP: in the overhead line of the sour stripper or further up-
Corrosion in these systems can be controlled by use of stream in the sour water system.
a water-soluble filming corrosion inhibitor. Application is
by small water slipstream ahead of the overhead coolers at DEATON:
100 ppm, based on the volume of water in the overhead, We have a conventional tower design and the condenser
not on the feed to the stripper. tube bundle is titanium. Our experience with carbon steel
If the design is such that there is a reflux, the inhibitor condenser tube bundles is that they last less than six
will return to the tower and protect the area below the reflux months.
entry. When the stripper has a pumparound for cooling, We have also upgraded our carbon steel reflux pumps
inhibitor is added to the pumparound at the same concen- to stainless steel because of overall corrosion and frequent
tration based on the volume of water in the pumparound. seal failures. I am told that the top dome of towers with
our designs do not usually have much corrosion, but if
LAUX: they do, they are lined with 304 stainless steel.
We control the corrosion in this overhead system
mostly by metallurgy. We have a sour water stripper with
an air-cooled top pumparound. The pumparound starts
Mr. Armbrester, you indicated that corrosion inhibitor
below tray 5 and returns above tray 1. The top six trays are
is added, but did not mention on-line monitoring of this
316-L stainless steel and the tower itself is clad with 316
stainless. The air cooler outlet temperature is controlled at
over 160°F to make sure that ammonium bisulfide does
not deposit in the overhead line. The air cooler tubes are
titanium, but the header boxes are killed carbon steel. Our On the one application I spoke of, we are using corro-
overhead line is also 316 stainless steel, and we do not sion coupons and pulling those about every 30 days to
experience any problems in this system. check the corrosion rate.

We have experienced ongoing problems with corrosion What is the typical run length for a sour water stripper
in our foul water stripper overhead systems, and we are (between turnarounds)? What determines the run
currently conducting a trial program using a filming length?
amine to provide corrosion protection in the pumparound
section of one of our phenolic foul water strippers. Since ARMBRESTER:
this amine has a low volatility, we are not sure if it will At our Catlettsburg refinery, we have experienced run
provide protection for the overhead system itself. How- lengths of approximately one year on our foul water
ever, our coupon results on the pumparound stream have strippers. The end of run is usually determined by a failure
shown less than 0.5 mil/year corrosion rate, and the run of the top packed section of the tower, failure of the
length on this tower appears to be considerably longer pumparound tray, or corrosion problems in the tower or
than it has been in the past. overhead system. The common failure of the top packed

184 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


section is due to corrosion of the support grid, which BARLOW:

affects the pumparound rate and tower pressure drop. Our experience in this area, indicates that in the LPG
We have also experienced some failures in the tower contactors, the major problem is excessive velocities for
reboilers. General corrosion in the pumparound section the design, in which case the use of an antifoam or an
of the towers is what led us to begin the filming amine trial emulsion breaker is not going to be very effective. We have
that I mentioned earlier. had success with antifoams or emulsion breakers, surface-
active type chemistries, in reducing entrainment, espe-
DEATON: cially during upset conditions. But if you have a design
I have had varying experiences at different refineries. At problem, the chemistry is generally not very effective.
one refinery, we shut down about every six months to clean Check your design first.
out solid deposits in the reboiler, the outlet feed exchang-
ers and outlet piping, and the trays below the feed tray. B. B. PATIL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, Ltd.):
Analysis of the tray deposits indicated the source was We use amines in our LPG treaters, and we maintain a
hydrocarbon, but I do not know the mechanism of the concentration of about 12 wt%. This emulsion formation,
deposits or how they were formed. causes interface level controls to malfunction, causing
At another refinery, there have been shutdowns about amine carryover. Is there any guideline for replacing amine
once a year to repair leaking tube bundles in the reboiler from the system after a certain period? If so, what is the
and feed bottom exchangers. These two bundles are carbon time frame, and how do you dispose of this degraded
steel and possibly they should be upgraded to stainless steel. amine?

We tie our sour water stripper run length to our FCCU No response.
turnaround cycle. It runs for three years between internal
column cleaning and inspection. The reboiler, however,
BILL GIBBONS (Union Carbide Corporation):
fouls out in about a year and a half, When this happens,
Several of Union Carbide’s UCARSOL® customers in
we shut down for one day and install a spare reboiler
the USA and in Japan have had success using glycol-based
bundle that we keep on hand for this purpose.
antifoam to break amine/LPG emulsions and reduce
amine carryover from LPG contactors. This field experi-
ence is dramatic and convincing; adding antifoam can
Our experience has been similar to Mr. Deaton’s. Typi-
reduce amine carryover.
cally, we try for a sour water stripper run of about two
years, but we experience a wide variation depending
mostly on the water charged to the stripper.
At our San Francisco Refinery, the strippers process The emulsion formations in these kinds of LPG amine
water from the coker and the Unicracker, and they are able treating systems are caused primarily by dirty amines. If
to get runs up to two years. At the Los Angeles refinery, the amine contains a surface active foaming agent, particu-
the strippers process water from hydrotreaters, Unicracker, late iron sulfide, heavier hydrocarbons, etc., emulsions will
FCCU, tank drains, spent caustic (which I think is one of be formed at the interphase between the LPG and amine.
our problems) and many other sources. The run lengths The interphasial layer could be as wide as a foot or so and
in Los Angeles can be as short as six months. it will travel back and forth. In that situation, amine
Sour water frequently contains excessive amounts of carryover is a strong possibility.
ammonium polysulfide from the FCCU and that seems As far as antifoaming emulsion breakers are concerned,
to reduce to deposits of sulfur in the stripper and the my experience has been that it is not very easy to break
exchangers. We also see corrosion in the stripper tower, those emulsions unless you keep your amine clean. And
which has caused us to have to replace the towers recently. that is the only way you are going to reduce or prevent the
I am aware of one stripper that processed desalter water formation of emulsions and the resulting problems.
with a run length of about six weeks between acid washes.
TOM CLANCY (Elf Atochem North America, Inc.):
QUESTION 8. We manufacture and sell a product called MDEA-LF,
Does anyone have experience using antifoams or which is specifically formulated to reduce amine losses in
emulsion breakers to reduce carryover of amine from primary refinery amine systems. We have had success in
LPG contactors? Reference: A question on the use of reducing amine carryover, particularly in LPG treaters, by
antifoams in amine systems was asked in 1993 (V as much as 80% in a number of refineries by replacing the
A-04). The additional information requested here is existing MDEA or formulated MDEA solution via
specific to LPG treaters. makeup with MDEA-LE

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 185


THOMAS R. BACON (Dow Chemical U.S.A.): resulting both from soot formation when we got too
In my opinion, the primary causes of carryover of substoichiometric in the combustion, and also sulfation
amine from LPG treaters are a combination of unsteady when we let oxygen slip. We have had extensive corrosion
hydraulics caused by excessive cycling in flow and pressure of the equipment and a lot of risk there switching between
controls, excessive mixing from high velocity in the dis- reducing and oxidizing conditions. We have had plugging
tributors, and inadequate settling time due to high veloc- of drain legs and plugging problems with increased corro-
ity, exacerbated by the standard application of a level sion rates; and main burner choking. So our philosophy
transmitter using a 24 inch torque tube device for interface is to operate both units in parallel.
control. Any significant rag layer will eliminate the density
difference between the phases and cause the level trans- DEATON:
mitter to go blind. Any problem in instrument tuning will We have two Claus units at our plant, and we recom-
cause the same. When that happens, confidence in the mend running both at low rates rather than putting one
process control disappears and alternate control plans are on hot standby. When these units are put on hot standby,
varied and inconsistent, as are the results. the operators struggle with plugged sulfur seal legs during
An alternate level control using a longer range differen- the hot standby and also when they are initially brought
tial pressure transmitter has been shown to provide more back on-line.
reliable level indication over wider ranges of process upsets We can turn our units down to about 25% of the
and has allowed the best possible operation with the maximum design. To help do this, we have normal and
existing tower design. low range acid gas meters for both units. The low range
Assuming the above problems are corrected, the most meters are 40% of the normal range meters. This provides
effective method of preventing amine carryover with the operator better control in turndown situations.
treated LPG or other hydrocarbon liquids is a circulating
water wash coupled to an effective coalescer in the treated ARMBRESTER:
product. We have parallel sulfur plants in all of our refineries and
we concur fully with Mr. Cuneo and Mr. Deaton. We
HANS DIRKSE (Shell Development Company): prefer to operate both units at low rates rather than to try
We have experienced some carryover of amine from our to keep one on hot standby. In one instance, when we did
LPG treater, and therefore changed from continuous try to keep one unit on hot standby, we found that the
amine phase to continuous hydrocarbon phase. Actually, sulfur legs were plugged when we tried to return the unit
what this did was to bring the interface down to the to normal operation.
bottom of the column, and from there we did not experi- One other comment I would make on this issue is that
ence amine carryover. we have found it much easier to operate at those low
turndown rates since we upgraded to DCS instrumenta-
HERBERT WIZIG (Merichem Company):
tion. We are not sure we could have done that with our
With Merichem’s AMINEX Technology, amine carry- previous controls.
over with LPG is minimal, thus avoiding the need for
antifoams or emulsion breakers.
When sulfur production has been reduced we have had
success with two modes of operation:
Sulfur Plants
baseloading our smaller unit at a low rate and taking
all production swings with the larger unit, or
With multiple Claus units and low sulfur production, shutting the smaller unit completely down, and
is it better to run all the Claus units at low rate, or to maintaining it on cold standby with a positive pres-
run some at high rates and keep one on hot standby? sure nitrogen blanket.
It takes about 60 hours to bring a unit on-line from
CUNEO: cold standby. It is important to make sure that the unit is
We feel very strongly that it is better to run all the Claus tight and positive nitrogen pressure is maintained if it is
units at low rates, as long as you are within the acceptable put on cold standby.
operating range of the low rates, rather than having units We do not attempt to maintain a unit on hot standby
kept on hot standby for long periods of time. When I talk due to corrosion and plugging concerns.
about long periods, I am talking weeks or months. As to minimum production rates for sulfur plants, in
We have had very poor experience trying to operate for my experience it is fairly easy to get to 10% of design
extensive periods in hot standby mode. Some of the things capacity with no unit modifications. I have seen units run
that can happen are catalyst deactivation and plugging, as low as 1% of design capacity with some modifications.

186 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


LAUX: balance problems. You have to figure out a way to reject

This debate is really somewhat site specific. It depends that water.
upon what equipment you have and what types of phi-
losophies you want to stick with. H. DAVID SLOAN (The M. W. Kellogg Company):
Soot formation on a hot standby unit typically can be We would recommend that one unit be designated as
dealt with if you use a very good quality fuel gas going to a swing unit and operate this one on pressure control, and
your reaction furnace, for instance, if you use propane or the other units operate on flow control. This way the
natural gas. Seal leg plugging obviously is a problem. If fluctuations are taken by the swing unit while maintaining
you have a good design for unplugging them, you can get the others at steady flow. This approach can be utilized,
around that. provided that the total flow to the swing unit does not fall
I have had problems running all of them in parallel below minimum turndown.
because of the amine system. If you are subject to severe
hydrocarbon carryovers, that will eventually plug up all QUESTION 10.
your running sulfur plants. As a refinery manager, at that Are refiners keeping the sulfur plant emergency shut-
point you will want to know what you do without a sulfur down system (ESD) completely separate from control
plant. computers? If the ESD is in the control computer, how
Generally, I think we agree that we would want to run is its integrity protected?
them in parallel, but the amine system needs to have
enough hydrocarbon surge and skimming capacity. BOYCOTT:
Our emergency shutdown system is in a local PLC. This
MENEGAZ: PLC sends indication outputs to the DCS, but it does not
We are definitely going to cast our vote for operating rely on regulatory control indications from the DCS for
at a low rate rather than trying to operate on a hot standby. shutdown response. A system bypass has been installed to
This avoids the problems with carbon laydown, sulfation allow on-line testing of the system.
and corrosion that have been previously mentioned. A well
designed sulfur plant should operate at least at a 5 to 1 MENEGAZ:
turndown. We have designed units that have operated as In many refineries, the operators and engineers can
low as 20 to 1. interact with the process computers on a routine basis. We
Operation at low rates should be adjusted to avoid low do not think this is such a good idea if you are on the SRU
temperatures in the beds and the condenser sections. The ESD. Our philosophy is to design the SRU ESD as a
burner performance, the fine air trim control, the system separate control system, apart from the DCS. We use a
heat loss are all considerations that need to be looked at programmable logic controller, hard-wired relay system,
for turndown operation. or similar discrete electronic logic system. This protects
the ESD system from unauthorized tampering, and pro-
PORTER: vides a stand-alone system dedicated to shutdown.
Our experience is similar. When we tried operating in
hot standby, we found the standby unit often not ready PORTER:
for reliable operation. We are in the process of improving the reliability of the
Several years ago, we aggressively addressed the control ESD at several refineries. The redesign work we have
problems to improve the turndown ratio for the sulfur performed does not utilize the control computer. Instead,
recovery units. The development of smart transmitters, the systems are operated through a PC based installation.
programmable logic controllers, distributed control sys- One of our refineries does utilize the distributed control
tems and other control system improvements made these computer for the emergency shutdown system. Changes
improvements possible. As a result, we now operate avail- in the programming for the shutdown system can be made
able sulfur recovery units at low rates or shut down one only by the control engineer. The SRU shutdown system
unit rather than attempt hot standby. and its elements have no bypass provisions, they are armed
all the time.
TREESE: At Pascagoula we recently completed conversion to a
I agree with my fellow panelists, especially the problems distributed control system that does not include control
created by hot standby. Where we have the opportunity, of the shutdown system in the computer. The computer
sometimes we will shut a plant completely down and leave does monitor the status of the shutdown system and its
it down and cold but ready for immediate start-up. components. We have a reliable, PLC field mounted
I would add that, in our plants, where we are generally shutdown system and control continues to be accom-
using a tail gas unit, on hot standby, we experience water plished in the field.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 187


In general, the Unocal philosophy on emergency shut- What I have seen is a high temperature shutdown on
down systems goes along with what has been said here. We the exit of the first catalytic reactor, so that if you get into
use separate dedicated PLCs. Depending on hazard analy- a sulfur fire condition, it will shut the unit down.
sis, it may be a dual or triple redundant PLC. If the
situation is very critical, we will carry that redundancy all QUESTION 11.
the way to the source instruments. In other words, double What are the factors and reasons that can create
or triple flow, pressure, or temperature sensors. severe vibration in the muff/e furnace of the Claus
We will generally not put a critical shutdown on a DCS. Sulfur Recovery Unit?
We may put a routine type shutdown on a DCS, but not
a critical shutdown. At one plant we did use a DCS in BOYCOTT:
place of a PLC due to the complexities of this plant. It I was involved in one instance of severe vibration in the
turned out that it was more cost effective to actually buy combustion furnace of a Claus unit. This occurred during
a separate DCS and put the shutdown system on that the commissioning of an oxygen enrichment system and
DCS. There, again, the operators were locked out from was caused by flame instability. The vibration began at
making any changes in the emergency shutdowns. approximately 28% oxygen in the enriched air stream. As
I would add that we also regularly test our shutdown a result, the oxygen limit on the enrichment system was
systems with gagged valves. There are software ways of set at 27% as calculated in the enriched air stream. No
testing it, but we still only trust it if that valve tries to close. further problems occurred.
We gag the valves and punch the button.
LEE E. TURPIN (Honeywell Profimatics): We have never had a problem like this in any of the
units we have designed. However, we are familiar with the
We encourage clients to have locally mounted shut-
units he has discussed. This problem is sometimes found
down systems on individual pieces of equipment. These
in the in-line heaters in the tail gas units as well. We believe
are fundamental, fast-acting, first steps in emergency shut-
the problem is caused by the swirling air or acid gas
down systems. We do recommend the locally-mounted
inducing harmonic vibrations inside the unit.
emergency shutdown systems then be monitored by the
As I mentioned, we have never had this problem, but
control computer for operator notification, post emer-
if we did, we might look at using stabilizer vanes or
gency analysis, and other more complex functions, such
geometry modifications to cure it using flow modeling.
as secondary equipment shutdowns, unit shutdowns, and
load shedding.
In our Claus units, we are facing frequent blockage in
the final condensers. We have 5 vol% to 72 vol%
My question is regarding the high temperature on the
ammonia in the feed to the Claus unit. What are the
reaction furnace. Is it being used as an ESD input for the practical limits for ammonia in the feed gas?
entire furnace? Does it contribute?
PORTER: We have had a wide variety of experience in operating
We do not monitor reaction furnace temperatures at Claus plans to combust ammonia. We have done this on
Pascagoula. units that are both built for that purpose and units that
have been revamped. We have worked with Pritchard on
LAUX: this and have had very good experience.
We have an ammonium thiosulfate at Three Rivers and Our sustained upper limit for ammonia has been 30%
that is a little bit different unit, but the reaction furnace is on a combined feed basis, calculated using the sour water
essentially the same. We do have the high temperature set stripper tops where we try to concentrate the ammonia
point tied into our shutdown circuit. plus the acid gas feed. We have achieved multiyear runs
without ammonium salt plugging. Typical production of
BRUCE SCOTT (Consultant): sulfur in these type of units has been in the 75 to 100-ton
The answer to Mr. Al-Shahrani’s question is that prob- a day range.
ably 50% do have high temperature shutdowns and 50% Our plants operate in what we refer to as a front end
do not. I have seen plants with both configurations. I have split or two zone thermal reactors. All of the gas from the
also seen people take out temperature ESD’s because they sour water stripper is fed to the first zone where the typical
feel they have enough time to respond to a high tempera- operating temperature is 2,200°F to 2,600°F We want to
ture at the source before they actually damage anything. make sure that we destroy all the ammonia in that zone.

188 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


Acid gas is fed into zone 1 if there is extra capacity crystals. The ammonia concentration in that unit runs
within zone 1, until it begins to affect that minimum 15% to 20%. After a considerable amount of study, in-
target temperature of 2,200°F The remainder of the acid cluding the review of some other ammonia-burning Claus
gas is fed into zone 2. plants, we identified the probable cause as formation of
The idea in zone 1 is to be in a reducing atmosphere, sulfur trioxide in the reaction furnace. The problem was
to minimize oxygen break-through to zone 2, and then remedied by diverting more of the MEA acid gas to the
subsequently out of the thermal reactor. And, of course, front burner of the two-stage combustion furnace. Again,
you have to make sure there is sufficient residence time this is one of those furnaces, as Mr. Cuneo mentioned,
within zone 1. where all the sour water stripper gas goes to the front end.
A key upstream operating feature is to minimize the The plugging problem disappeared overnight.
ammonia in the amine acid gas, because a portion of that We saw the same problem show up a little later, and we
could be fed into zone 2, which would bypass the high found that one of the in-line burners was operating with
temperature in zone 1. So we target via water balance for too much excess oxygen. This, again, probably resulted in
less than 1% ammonia in the amine regenerator reflux. the formation of sulfur trioxide. Even with the tiny
Because ammonium hydrosulfide can condense out of amount of unreacted ammonia leaking through the reac-
the Claus phase as it reaches the colder portions of the tion furnace, there was apparently enough ammonia to
unit, our target is to stay above 300°F until the final cause the ammonium sulfate crystals to form.
condenser, to minimize potential plugging problems.
DEATON: Do all the condensers have demister pads or just the
We process about 15% of ammonia every day with no first one?
problems, and as Mr. Cuneo does, we split the acid gases.
We try to control the first stage of the combustion furnace TREESE:
between 2,300°F and 2,400°F F, so that we get complete We have demister pads on all our condensers.
destruction of the ammonia. If you do not destroy the
ammonia, you are going to get ammonia salt deposits in MENEGAZ:
the condensers.
I believe we specify them in all the condenser sections.
We concur with the previous responses. Pritchard has
As most of the panelists have said, the typical approach
designed units of up to 45% ammonium in the combined
is to go to split flow at the burner reaction furnace where
feed without sulfate problems in the back end exchanger.
most of the amine gas is bypassed to some midpoint of the
When operating on high ammonia feeds, a well de-
reaction furnace. The only drawbacks to that system is that
signed unit can get down to 275°F and still avoid plug-
you have to maintain, to a very high degree, an instrumen-
ging. However, some refiners find 300°F to 315°F is
necessary to avoid problems. This reduces sulfur recovery tation system to control that combustion in a split flow.
due to the higher sulfur vapor content in the tail gas feed. And, secondly, if you do have amine unit upsets, where
you get a hydrocarbon carryover situation, often times
PORTER: those hydrocarbons will see much reduced residence time
The previous panelists have covered my comments. I because they are, again, being bypassed around the burner.
agree with the temperatures Mr. Cuneo gave for ammonia I might mention that on a mole basis, ammonia re-
destruction. quires about 70% more air than regular amine acid gas.
We recently operated a unit with 35% ammonia in the Several refiners are using high levels of oxygen, using either
SRU feed gas. our technology, Air Products, or Pritchard/Lurgi technol-
ogy. I know that one of the benefits in that operating mode
TREESE: is that you generally do not have to look at a bypass. You
Provided the process is correctly controlled, we operate can put all the mixed acid gas to the burner.
consistently up to and even over 25% ammonia in the
Claus feed without significant problems. In theory and, of ROBERT ALLEN LANNING (Dow Chemical U.S.A.):
course, we have heard in some practice, ammonia can be The SulFerox process is capable of treating high H2S
much higher and the plant can operate that way. We get a high ammonia streams, such as sour water stripper off gas.
little nervous if it gets too high. SulFerox is an iron chelate liquid redox process that con-
One of our Unocal sulfur plants had a serious problem verts H2S directly to elemental sulfur in the sulfur range
with plugging in the sulfur condenser tubes and demister of 1 to 20 tons per day. SulFerox is a good option for
pads. The deposits were found to be ammonium sulfate incremental sulfur plant capacity, or to reduce ammonia

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 189


in the feed to the Claus by treating the sour water stripper

streams separately.

BRUCE SCOTT (Consultant):

All the things that the panel has mentioned for com-
busting ammonia in sulfur plants work well if the amine
acid gas does not have a lot of ammonia. And this gets
back to proper operation of the amine unit, and the purge
of the regenerator reflux to keep the ammonia level down.

What are refiners’ experiences with new Claus cata-
lysts versus alumina for increasing sulfur conversion?
How was this type of catalyst justified and under what
conditions might it be appropriate?

The titanium dioxide-based catalysts offer superior
COS and CS 2 conversion and excellent sulfation resis- difference between these two in COS and CS2 emissions
tance. Pilot plant work by Acreon showed 98% hydrolysis from the Claus units. Again, we fall in the category of
of carbon disulfide for high titanium oxide catalysts, as having hydrogenation reactors, so that mitigates some of
compared to 65% for unpromoted alumina. This was at the COS and CS2 issues.
650°F and 3 seconds residence time. Based upon considerable experience with the different
Unfortunately, these catalyst can cost up to ten times catalysts, the primary factor in good performance seems
as much as that of equivalent high alumina catalysts, so to be minimizing the process upsets and avoiding sulfur
their use is limited to situations where the sulfur recovery burn-off from the catalyst during shutdowns.
is at a premium. Units with sulfation problems due to Assuming these two catalysts are good examples of the
direct fired reheat or faulty burners are a good application. state of the art, catalyst selection for us reduces more to a
We have specified this catalyst in one instance to help matter of price.
meet a stack emission limit of 50 ppm total sulfur, and in
another instance to achieve an overall recovery specifica- McLEAN:
tions of 99.3% for a Claus and CBA facility. COS and CS2 These catalysts may be new to some U.S. refiners, but
can be a large portion of the sulfur species exiting the Claus they have been in successful operation for over 10 years in
plants. The tail gas processes like Scot, which convert these Europe and Asia. Acreon markets several of these.
COS and CS2 in the hydrogenation reactor, have less need The AM catalyst is an oxygen scavenger, and this is
for the high performance catalyst than do the sub-dew specifically useful to fit the needs of refiners that have a
point tail gas processes like Sulfreen or CBA, which do not problem with excess oxygen from the reactor furnace.
convert them. Others include CRS-21 and CRS-31, which are alumina-
titanium and titanium based catalysts, respectively. Both
PORTER: of these provide excellent COS and CS2 hydrolysis with-
We have two small units operating with titanium oxide out the poisoning effects of sulfation, which can be expe-
catalyst in the first reactor. The units have no tail gas rienced with Claus catalysts promoted with alkali metals.
treating. In order to meet tail gas stack gas requirements These catalysts can be justified when the use of higher
for SO2, it is necessary to destroy essentially all of the COS sulfur feeds puts increased demand on the sulfur recovery
and CS2 in the Claus unit. facility, but the ability to build or expand capacity is
limited. They are also useful where sulfation in the current
TREESE: facility has increased to the point where it severely affects
Unocal has been operating two Claus units at the same the operation. Claus catalysts promoted with calcium
refinery, with two of the newer catalysts on the market. oxide or magnesium oxide are particularly susceptible to
One is a high surface area alumina; the other is a “natu- this. These are good promoters for the hydrolysis reac-
rally” promoted catalyst. After a two year side-by-side tions, but can be severely affected by sulfate poisoning.
comparison, we see little difference in performance. Both
are doing very well, maintaining 96% to 97% sulfur MICHAEL BERLYANT (Bayway Refining Co., Tosco Corp.):
recovery. This is with feed containing up to 60% sour We have had a lot of experience with a new type of
water stripper off gas. We do not think there is a significant catalyst. We have three Claus plants with tail gas units. In

190 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


he middle of the run, we were required by the New Jersey detectors in some installations. We were concerned in-
Department of Environmental Protection to install con- itially about excessive maintenance with the IR detectors
tinuous emissions monitor (CEM) on the tail gas unit, due to soot on the lenses, but after over a year in operation
and unfortunately the catalyst in the tail gas unit was they have performed well.
already spent so it did not perform well. We replaced the
catalyst in one of our units with a new type of Claus MENEGAZ:
catalyst, and we reduced the level of total reduced sulfur Overheating during the SRU heatup period is a com-
from 600 ppm to 5 ppm in no time. So it did help us to mon industry problem. The fuel gas used for the heatup
continue to run the refinery for almost a year. burns at a much higher temperature than the acid gas, and
unless the firing rate is held to a reasonable minimum and
QUESTION 14. moderated with a steam or inert gas injection, you can
What are the NOx levels exiting Claus units but before severely damage your burner and internals. Close moni-
the tail gas incinerator? Are the NOx levels a function toring of the temperatures is essential. We use temperature
of the NH3 fed to the Claus unit? scanning of the reactor with one or two optical pyrometers
and two to four thermocouples.
We design the thermal reactor to operate in a reducing ARMBRESTER:
condition where NO, and SO3 formation is not favored. Our experience is similar. We also have a capability to
We have no reports of NO, problems with tail gas leaving inject either steam or nitrogen into the burner to keep the
the Claus or tail gas units. temperatures cooler. We also use the E2T instrument for
temperature measurement, and during start-up we have a
TIM ARMSTRONG (TPA, Inc.): thermocouple in the front end of the thermal reactor. That
We design our systems with an oxidizing atmosphere will usually fail sometime after we have come up to normal
in the front chamber of the thermal reactor, and due to operation, but it is useful for monitoring the temperatures
the reducing atmosphere in the back part of the sulfur during the early part of the start-up.
recovery unit, any NOx formed when the ammonia is
combusted is reduced. We have no reports of NOx exiting
the sulfur recovery unit.
Have refiners successfully applied oxygen enrichment
to their sulfur plants to increase sulfur capacity? How
are the safety issues of using oxygen in excess of 30
We have two sulfur plants producing about 780
vol% being handled to ensure reliable and safe op-
tons/day each, and have experienced a main burner
overheating problem. This has lead to a matrix block
(a compartment plate between mixing chamber and
waste heat boiler) melting down during the heating up
period. Have others experienced this? How many
If the oxygen content is under 30% it is referred to as
temperature sensing points are in your sulfur p/ant, “oxygen enrichment.” Many of these units have been
and how do you monitor the main burner and matrix installed and they provide 25% to 30% capacity increases
block temperature? for sulfur production. Both of Clark’s Claus units at the
Blue Island refinery are typically maxed out and we are
PORTER: working to install oxygen enrichment.
We have had a similar problem. We now avoid over- If the oxygen content is over 30%, it is referred to as
heating during heatup by injecting steam to the main “oxygen injection.” This term is used because a special
burner to quench the flame temperature. injection nozzle is used. A concern with oxygen injection
To measure temperature we use the E2T (infrared in- is that it can lead to exceeding the refractory temperature
strument). A number of our units have no continuous limits if the proper controls are not installed. The upper
temperature measurement. There have been no significant limit for refractory is 3,000°F when you reach the soften-
temperature related incidents recorded. All of the units ing point. And you never want to exceed 2,700°F to
that burn ammonia have the E2T devices. 2,800°F.

We use two thermocouples at right angles to each other. We successfully installed an oxygen enrichment system
The temperatures between the two thermocouples must on our 35 ton per day plant. We operated this system for
agree within 25°F. The catalytic reactor bed has 9 thermo- three years until a new facility was built. The system was
couples, 3 in each bed. We also use flame scanners and IR successful in increasing capacity by 25% to 30%.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 191


One point to note is that the question has to do with SAYLES:

safety in handling of oxygen in excess of 30% purity. The We agree with the comments that have been made.
combined air stream in our plant never exceeded 27% The cost of the oxygen has a significant impact on
oxygen. The oxygen was injected into the air line with a whether or not you choose this option. We have evaluated
Monel quill. We did not perform any burner modifica- oxygen enrichment for several of our installations and have
tions for the oxygen enrichment system. chosen to build another unit.

CUNEO: TROY WILSON (Air Liquide America Corporation):

We are in the process of constructing two sulfur recov- (Formerly Big 3 and Liquid Air Corporation) The
ery units for our Deer Park Refining Limited Partnership. question relates to the safety issues with oxygen concen-
They are going to utilize the O2 combustion technology trations above 30%. Basically with oxygen enrichment,
in the Claus reactors. The especially-engineered burner the concentration should be limited to 30%. When the
design was developed by Lurgi. The reason for bringing it technology being applied is enrichment, actually adding
up here is that we found that this would give us a much oxygen directly to the air piping, the safety issue is the
better capital-to-operating cost trade-off and allow us to cleanliness of the air piping itself.
have lower capital cost for design of these units. When needing concentrations above 30% oxygen, us-
If the oxygen were physically mixed with the air, the ing a technology that incorporates taking oxygen-clean
concentration would be about 37%. It is our under- piping all the way into the furnace should be considered.
standing that Lurgi estimates the upper limit for oxygen There are several technologies available to safely operate
in air for their burner at around 60%. . above 30% oxygen. The panel has mentioned the Lurgi
We are using conventional refractory and design criteria process. TPA is an engineering company that has worked
around the furnace. We intend to limit overall reactor closely with Air Liquide. We have experience with a dozen
temperature to less than 2,900°F. or more sulfur units using the TPA process, some of which
operate up to 50% oxygen with only minor burner modi-
MENEGAZ: fications. These units are taking the oxygen into the
Pritchard is a U.S. licenser of the Lurgi technology, furnace without any replacement of the existing burner,
which is capable up to 60% oxygen, as Mr. Cuneo men- which is very economical.
tioned. We think we will be taking it much higher, to Another safety consideration with the oxygen enrich-
100% shortly, pending refractory considerations. ment technology (considering low upstream pressure)
A proprietary thermal reactor burner is utilized, which would be a fast-acting shutoff valve for the oxygen. If the
moderates the combustion temperature without the need unit trips and the air blower shuts down, the valve insures
for gas recycle. The oxygen is burned with a part of the that there is not greater than 30% concentrations in that
acid gas in the center of an extremely hot flame core while piping. Also, to prevent impingement, a sophisticated
air is introduced around the outside of the flame combust- sparger should be considered for good mixing and a
ing the balance of the acid gas. homogeneous concentration before any elbows or instru-
Downstream recovery of elemental sulfur is accom- mentation are introduced to the flow path. Finally, the
plished by conventional Claus technology, without spe- issue of burner vibration, as Mr. Boycott pointed out, is
cialized equipment or operating practices. Six Claus units always a consideration when using enrichment. Concen-
with oxygen enrichment are in operation in Europe. Six trations somewhere between 25% and 30% will typically
additional units, four in Europe, two in the United States, cause burner vibrations, depending on plant-specific con-
are currently under construction. ditions. Air Liquid is experienced to perform engineering
The oxygen enrichment offers excellent flexibility re- and oxygen enrichment testing to determine capabilities
garding feed rate and feed composition, while achieving of the existing burner and other equipment before any
high conversion and contaminant destruction. A typical long term commitments are made by the refiner.
design uses air only for normal loading, and oxygen en-
richment to double capacity. This approach offers consid- RANDALL HULL (BOC Gases):
erable capital cost savings. There are two issues. One is the safety. We do not
Regarding safety, the oxygen flow system must be pro- recommend enriching an air stream beyond 30% in any
vided with interlocks to ensure an automatic shutoff in the carbon steel air distribution system. At those high levels,
case of a unit upset. The oxygen flow must stop in the event in a hydraulically limited sulfur tail gas system, as Mr. Boy-
of a thermal reactor temperature or SRU shutdown, such cott mentioned, at 27% to 28% you have backed out so
as loss of flame, loss of instrument air, or power failure. The much air that you have to be concerned about your flame
oxygen system should be purged with inert gas after auto- characteristics, your mixing performance. Beyond 30%,
matic shutoff. Operators should be provided training for you typically look at a new type of a burner, a new
safely commissioning and operating with oxygen. technology. BOC and Air Products have technologies

192 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


which will permit 100% oxygen use, which can give you ARMBRESTER:
very large capacity increases. Other companies sell tech- In the early 1980’s, we experienced problems with high
nologies for lower levels of oxygen use. CO2 concentrations in our acid gas feed stream, and since
We manufacture an oxy-acid gas insert that can be used this material is inert and takes up capacity in the Claus
on existing systems to go beyond 30%, typically up to the unit, (we were operating at our hydraulic limit). In 1985
maximum reaction furnace temperature, which has been we converted our amine system at Catlettsburg from MEA
mentioned at 2,800°F to 3,000°F That will generally to MDEA, which is more selective to H2S and allows more
occur in a refinery situation around 40% to 50% oxygen. CO2 slippage in the gas scrubbers. After the switch to
But the capacity increase is significant. MDEA, the CO2 content of our acid gas dropped to 15%,
compared to approximately 30% while using MEA. The
GEORGE W. BROWN (Conoco, Inc.): reduction in acid gas volume unloaded our Claus unit and
We have been operating two sulfur plants with basically allowed us to increase our FCC feed hydrotreating severity
cope oxygen injection or enrichment, whichever you or, alternatively, to process more sour crude oils.
want, since about 1985. When we first were doing all this,
we worked pretty closely with companies like Air Liquide MENEGAZ:
and also Linde, now Praxair, on special procedures in High CO 2 to H2 S ratios are more common in gas
dealing with oxygen. With the oxygen, special care has to processing facilities. There are many such facilities oper-
be taken if you are using 1% enriched air. If you are ating successfully, some with acid gas containing less than
operating 25%, and we can operate on 60%, we treat it 20% H2S. Design features such as air and acid gas preheat,
the same way. Still, with oxygen enrichment you have to supplemental fuel gas firing, oxygen enrichment, or split
take special care; all of our lines are Monel pipe. We treat flow plant configuration are used to achieve a stable burner
everything the same way when we are using oxygen, so we operation. In a refinery setting, requirements for ammonia
do not get complacent. destruction also need to be considered.
Low purity acid gas is discussed in great detail in the
UDAY PAREKH (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.): 1993 Q&A transcript, on pages 147-148.
Air Products, along with the Gear, Allison & Associ-
ates, Inc., pioneered sulfur recovery unit oxygen enrich- PORTER:
ment technology in 1985 at a U.S. Gulf Coast refinery. We have not operated at a high percentage of CO2. The
Over the past decade, Air Products has participated in highest we have been is about 50% CO2. These units need
oxygen enrichment at over 20 Claus units in the U.S. and supplemental fuel in the main reaction furnace for ammo-
around the world. The oxygen enrichment levels have nia destruction.
varied from about 24% to over 60%. Besides the obvious
benefit of higher sulfur recovery unit capacity, refiners TREESE:
have also noted better ammonia destruction, better tail gas A high ratio of CO2 to H2S usually results in a dilute
unit operation, and higher overall sulfur recovery. acid gas stream entering the Claus unit. Concentrations
With regard to the issue of oxygen enrichment in excess of H2 S below 30% can be a problem for conventional
Claus technology.
of 30%, one method is oxygen injection into the acid gas
burner that has already been mentioned. Another method
is to use a burner with a separate oxygen pass, such as the
proprietary COPE burner. The use of such a burner would
have additional benefits of achieving better mixing and
better ammonia destruction.
And, finally, one can go up to 100% oxygen using Air
Products’ patented COPE technology that helps moderate
Claus reaction furnace temperature. Barring other limita-
tions, precautions with respect to refractory temperature,
metallurgy, cleanliness of the piping, and oxygen velocity
should allow refiners to safely use oxygen enrichment
levels well in excess of 30%.

Some heavy oil processing systems produce high
ratios of CO2 to H2S What is the industry experience
with Claus units processing such feeds?

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 193


Unocal has two sulfur recovery units that contain 20% QUESTION 19.
and 4.5% H2S, respectively, in the acid gas streams. We What is the industry experience with using hydrogen
use our Selectox technology to process these streams. as a supplemental fuel source throughout the Claus
Selectox is the catalytic part of the Claus plant, without p/ant reaction train?
the reaction furnace. Operation of both units has been
good. We are getting 97% and 93% sulfur recovery, CUNEO:
respectively. We have had very good experience with the use of
hydrogen as supplemental fuel and even total fuel to one
TIM ARMSTRONG (TPA, Inc.): of our Claus units. It is about a 60-ton-a-day unit. It is an
We have one application operating on acid gas from a acid gas only unit; there is no sour water stripper tops feed.
gasifier system. Utilizing Oxygen InjectionTM technology, Therefore, it is not operating in ammonia combustion
mode. The catalytic train has three auxiliary burners, three
a feed as low as 14% H2S has been successfully processed
beds, and the normal auxiliary burner firing was with acid
without split flow of feed preheat.
gas and air.
The approach which we have employed to use hydrogen
was to route the hydrogen directly into the acid gas accu-
What alternatives to the use of a tail gas H2S/SO 2 mulator that feeds the unit. Thus, the main burner and
analyzer are there for fine (trim) adjustment of the auxiliary burners can be used for that combustion. With
process air to a Claus unit? hydrogen in the acid gas header, the same controls are
utilized, without additional burner instrumentation. Only
LAUX: small adjustments to meter factors have been required.
If you have a Scot reactor, the temperature rise across One of the main benefits gained has been the ability to
the reactor is an indication of the SO2 concentration in operate on start-up and shutdown with the burners at a
the Claus tail gas. By watching what that temperature rise more substoichiometric condition because there is no
is when the unit is operating at your desired 2 to 1 ratio, hydrocarbon to cause sooting. The unit has been operated
you can establish a baseline that can be used for trim air on 100% hydrogen for about 10 days of hot standby mode
control when the tail gas analyzer goes out, as they always earlier this year, and the performance was very good and
do. The actual temperature rise will vary, depending upon steady.
the Claus feed gas analysis. For a refinery that I worked in
that ran about 90% H2S amine feed concentration, a 35% DEATON:
H2S concentration in the sour water gas, with 35% am- Several years ago, I worked on a Claus plant that could
monia, the temperature rise was about 40°F. supplement the combustion furnace with hydrogen dur-
ing periods of low acid gas rates, when the firing of the
MENEGAZ: acid gas was difficult. Hydrogen was used instead of fuel
I certainly agree that excess tail gas capacity with a Scot gas because burning hydrogen is smokeless and would not
unit, is very forgiving to the upstream operation. The tail lay down soot. The hydrogen rate was controlled by a
manually-operated valve. Sometimes it was necessary to
gas H2S to SO2 ratio, however, is the critical parameter for
put a controlled amount of steam into the furnace to help
achieving maximum sulfur recovery. We currently recom-
carry away the heat because of the low mass for the
mend use of a UV photometric tail gas analyzer for air trim
hydrogen. This same Claus plant had fired reheaters with
adjustment. As Mr. Laux mentioned, these analyzers do
flame scanners. However, hydrogen could not be used in
require frequent maintenance, and the sampling system
the reheaters because the flame scanners would not detect
configuration is critical. Heat control is also important. enough flame and the reheaters would shut down. Fuel gas
had to be used there.
We have different approaches on this one. At three of ARMBRESTER:
Unocal’s Claus units, we use tail gas hydrogenation reactor We have also successfully used hydrogen as a supple-
effluent hydrogen analyzers. Since we have hydrogenation mental fuel both in the thermal reactor and, to some
reactors, we can do this. These are used for trim adjust- extent, in the first reactor reheater, which is the only fired
ment of the process air to the upstream Claus section. The reheater we have.
trim air control loop will increase the air to the Claus We agree with the previous comments, and one thing
section if the hydrogen increases above a certain set point I would add is that if you are going to do this, you need
and decreases it if the hydrogen decreases. This type of to use the highest purity hydrogen stream that is available,
control has been in service at our refineries for over 19 because any hydrocarbon contamination can cause ash
years and has proven to be very accurate and reliable. deposits on your downstream reactors.

194 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


PORTER: as required. We would also go into a heat soak and

We have used reformer hydrogen successfully in the rejuvenation after start-up in order to reverse the effects of
reaction furnace. We have not tried it in any reheat burn- sulfation and sulfur deposition in catalyst micro-pores.
ers, but would have concerns if gas quality was not steady.

SAYLES: Tail Gas Plants

We used hydrogen as a supplement to fuel gas for many
years in several of our sulfur units. With the advent of low QUESTION 21.
sulfur diesel, the value of the hydrogen has increased so We have been having a problem minimizing the COS
that practice has been stopped. and mercaptan concentration in the effluent gas from
our tail gas unit hydrogenation/hydrolysis reactor.
What can be done to reduce these emissions?
Does anyone perform regular rejuvenations on their
Claus units? What is the timing between rejuvena-
tions? How is the unit monitored to decide when
We have had quite a bit of success in reducing the
rejuvenations should be done? What is the effective-
amount of COS and metcaptan. The COS is a reaction
product because what you are trying to do in that reaction
is take CO to CO2 and hydrogen via the water gas shift
reaction. If that does not occur over an active catalyst, then
Rejuvenation removes sulfur and reduces the sulfates
the CO can react with the H2S to form COS. We have
on the catalyst, which increases surface area and rejuve-
had good success with active catalysts such as Criterion
nates the catalyst activity. Effectiveness has been a mixed
534 and 234.
bag, with some refiners seeing improvement on the order
of 1% to 2%, and others seeing no benefit at all. The heat When it comes to actually operating conditions, we
soak portion is believed to be more effective when the recommend a bed temperature around 600°F. One of our
catalyst is new or if the unit has been operating at reduced associate research laboratories in Shell International had
rates. reported that mercaptan could be formed at low bed
Timing between rejuvenations will depend on the op- temperatures, around 500°F, so if you are having a prob-
eration. Many refiners find rejuvenations unnecessary and lem, the first remedy would be to try and increase the
can go five to six years with adequate catalyst activity. On reactor temperature to around 600°F. Another possibility
the other hand, we know of one refiner who was hear is to add steam to the reactor feed to increase the driving
soaking once a week because he had a direct fire auxiliary force for the water gas shift reaction, as we said. And then,
burner which was allowing oxygen to get to the converter the other thing, of course, is always make sure the catalyst
bed. Low converter bed delta T’s and high pressure drop has plenty of activity left.
indicate when to rejuvenate.
PORTER: I will add a few comments. We use 650°F as a minimum
We perform rejuvenation on an as needed basis. Timing reactor temperature on our first catalytic reactor to ensure
can be anywhere from six weeks to one year. At Pascagoula, the destruction of COS and mercaptans. If they do get
on our sulfur plants without tail gas plants, we monitor beyond that point and into the tail gas unit, then they
our tail gas and correlate this to sulfur recovery. If sulfur should be converted to H2S in the hydrogenation reactor.
recovery goes down we would first do a heat soak and then If you find COS or CS2 in the effluent from this reactor,
consider a rejuvenation if there was no improvement. then the catalyst may be spent or there may not be
On our plants that have Stretford tail gas plants, in- sufficient hydrogen available for the reaction.
creases on the load on the tail gas plant is used to determine Since the presence of these compounds is in proportion
if a rejuvenation is required. to the amount of hydrocarbon in the acid gas, efforts
We also use catalyst exotherms to monitor the need and should be made to identify and eliminate the source of
effectiveness of our rejuvenations. hydrocarbon contamination.

My experience with rejuvenations indicates that it is We agree with all the previous comments. We would
really, as indicated earlier, plant-specific. Fired interheaters like to add that operating the thermal burner at a higher
will cause higher levels of sulfation and hence the need to temperature might be helpful since the carbon disulfide is
rejuvenate more often. At the plants I worked on, we decomposed much more easily at the thermal reactor than
monitored the bed temperature profiles and rejuvenated in the converter section.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 195


TREESE: operate on warm standby while operating at less than 10

Most of the Unocal tail gas units rarely have a problem ppm H2S removal.
with controlling trace sulfur emissions to below the maxi-
mum allowable limits. However, one of our units has a JAMES RONNANDER (Union Carbide Corporation):
maximum total sulfur emission limit of 65 ppmv (undi- We have several tail gas units operating on hot standby
luted with incinerator combustion gas). For this unit, we with our UCARSOL® HS-103.
typically have to increase reactor temperatures as the tail
gas hydrotreating catalyst ages to keep the COS, carbon
disulfide, and mercaptan levels within acceptable limits. B. Environmental Control
After a recent restart with fresh hydrotreating catalyst,
this unit was experiencing unacceptably high COS emis- Air
sions. We discovered that the cause was excessive natural
gas flow to the reducing gas generator, due to an incor- NO X and SO X Emissions
rectly calibrated flow meter. This is a very simple cause.
Once the problem was discovered and corrected, the COS QUESTION 23.
level in the reactor effluent gas decreased back to the What has been the experience with f/are pilot thermo-
expected concentrations. coup/es which can be retracted from grade, or retract-
able from flare pilots? Does anyone have extended
QUESTION 22. on-line use with either? What has been the experience
Does anyone treat the Claus tail gas to less than 70 with alternative methods of flare pilot flame proving,
ppm H2S in order to bypass incineration or operate the other than thermocouples, i.e., optical detectors at
thermal oxidizer on warm standby? grade, flame rods, UV sensors, etc?

Unocal uses the BSR/Stretford process in most of our Flare pilot thermocouples that are retracted from grade
refineries for processing the Claus tail gas. All of our units are not used in Chevron. At Pascagoula, for pilot proving,
reduce the H2S level in the tail gas to well below 10 ppm. we are using infrared cameras located at grade. These
We typically keep just the pilot light lit in the combustor. cameras are manufactured by PowerTrol and have proven
If the hydrogen sulfide level ever exceeds 10 ppm, however, to be virtually maintenance free. The PowerTrol infrared
we do bring the incinerator to operating temperatures and camera outputs are recorded and annunciated if a loss of
continue to operate the combustor until the problem is the pilot occurs. We do have thermocouples but they are
resolved. used only for automatic reignition of the pilots if the pilot
goes out for any reason. This is a new system and we are
very pleased with the early results.
We agree with Mr. Treese’s approach. In today’s regula-
tory environment, allowances for SRU and TGU upsets
are tighter and you want to be operating so you can stay
We really have not found anything reliable for us yet. I
in compliance at all times.
do not think we have tried the infrared camera approach
that Mr. Porter mentioned. We have recently, however,
reinstalled reigniters on our Wilmington plant flares.
Our Stretford plants operate in a similar manner to that
described by Mr. Treese. These reigniters spark periodically, every few minutes, to
reignite the pilots on a regular, timed basis. This has
DEATON: proven to be a reasonable alternative to pilot proving.
We also have a Stretford unit for our tail gas. The
Stretford vent to the atmosphere is always less than 10 BOYCOTT:
ppm. We go to the atmosphere without incineration. This We have replaced both of our flares in the last two years.
Stretford unit was the original sulfur recovery plant in our Each was equipped with fixed thermocouples as opposed
refinery, but when we built a Claus plant, we converted to retractable thermocouples. We took extreme care to
the Stretford unit to the tail gas unit. fully protect the thermocouple wires in the vicinity of the
flare tip, and we have not had any problems with this
JAMES L. DAUGHTRY (Dow Chemical U.S.A.): arrangement.
Dow Chemical offers the gas specification TG-10 sol- Our thermocouples are set to activate the pilot auto-ig-
vent for removal of less than 10 ppm H2S in the Scot tail nition system. Each flare is monitored by a video camera
gas treaters. Our experience has seen the thermal oxidizer feeding a color monitor in the control room. We did install

196 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


one black-and-white monitor. It was totally unsuitable for storage facilities have also been utilizing this technology
this service. for a combination of odor and safety concerns.

We have on-line retractable thermocouples on the Ashland has been using an activated carbon canister
ground flare at our olefins unit at Deer Park. The success system on some of our asphalt storage tank vents in
has been very good with that. terminal locations for about five years now. The system we
We have been using the PowerTrol IR flare camera, as are using is marketed by Hoyt Corporation under the
Mr. Porter mentioned. We have also used the John Zink name “Odor Miser,” and has been used on asphalt and
camera. We have even gone as far as to tie these cameras road oil tanks as small as 2,500 barrels and as large as
into the control system to adjust steam flow to control 50,000 barrels, with storage temperatures up to 325°F.
smoking. The carbon canisters do require periodic inspection and
maintenance due to condensate buildup, and we have
QUESTION 24. added a condensate drain on each canister which is
What is the experience with air-assisted flares? drained at least weekly.
Breather vents have been installed on tanks that are
LAUX: equipped with these carbon canisters to provide for vac-
We have an air-assisted flare at our propane-propylene uum relief in the event the canister becomes plugged.
splitter column and underground storage facility at Mont These breather vents operate at a half ounce per square
Belvieu, Texas. Our experience with this type of flare is to inch of pressure.
avoid them if you can do so. Unfortunately, steam is not An emergency pressure cover vent is also installed on
available at Mont Belvieu and we are stuck with it. the tank roof manway to provide adequate pressure relief.
Manufacturers claim air-assisted flares achieve high The emergency pressure covers are set to vent below the
efficiency smokeless combustion at low operating cost. tank design pressure and at a slightly higher pressure than
While this may hold true at times, we have encountered
the breather vents so that the normal flow of vapors during
unexpected smoking problems during low flow cases. Low
tank filling is through the carbon canister.
flow smoking can be corrected by supplementing the
These devices have Teflon pallet seats for stick resis-
stream with fuel gas, but this would be costly. At Mont
tance, and this system has proven to be very effective in
Belvieu, we were able to eliminate all the low flow streams
from the flare header itself. That is probably not very reducing odor complaints in these areas.
practical in a typical refinery.
CUNEO: We came up with a different application based on the
We have one air-assisted flare on our BPA unit at Deer success of odor abatement additives for asphalt loading
Park. It was put in service in 1991, and has operated facilities. We understood from our chemical supplier that
smoothly. No one has any reports of either start-up or these additives are special amines that bind up the H2S in
operational problems. Our first inspection is scheduled for asphalt, and they will not liberate H2S. Our application
1995, so there is no history. was that we had to shut down our sour water stripper for
some planned maintenance and had no place to put the
Hydrocarbon Emissions sour water except to the industrial waste treatment plant.
Our chemical supplier did field testing at our refinery
QUESTION 25. and it was determined that we could treat our unstripped
What are the best forms of odor abatement that have sour water with their asphalt H2S abatement additive. Our
proven themselves for asphalt storage and loading sour water stripper was down for three days and we
facilities? controlled the H2 S levels going to the industrial waste
treatment plant.
FELTROP: The unstripped sour water rate was 50 gpm with total
Odor abatement for asphalt facilities can be addressed sulfides of 12,000 ppm. Additive rate was 200 gal/day at
by mechanical or chemical means, depending on the odor a cost, a very high cost, of $3,500 per day. The treated
type. unstripped sour water was routed to downstream of the
This past summer we saw a flurry of activity at asphalt dissolved air flotation unit. We had no odor complaints
loading facilities where H2S liberation was a problem. The from the neighborhood, and we had no complaints from
treatment was accomplished by utilizing our SX-9200 line the industrial waste treatment plant. Ammonia odor was
of proprietary H2 S scavengers. More recently, asphalt controlled by bleach addition.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 197



Does anyone use a vapor recovery system when load- We have half a dozen or so domes. They are water tight,
ing marine vessels? What products do you use it with and we do not pressurize with inert gas. We have discon-
when loading? What is your experience with your nected the drains.
vapor recovery system?
CUNEO: We are pretty much along the same lines as the others.
We have four vapor recovery installations, one of which Our roof drains are connected. We have geodesic domes
is a carbon absorption system that was chosen by one of over most or all of our MTBE tanks. We keep the roof
our marketing terminals. The reason for that is it only drains connected but do not use them, and we do not
operates on gasoline and we can recover the gasoline by pressurize the dome.
compression and separation. Two extra features that were required in the Los Angeles
area by the Fire Department were fire detectors under the
All the other systems are at refineries and they are
domes and fixed foam injection facilities under the domes
thermal oxidizers because we load a multiplicity of prod-
of the tanks.
ucts using vapor recovery there. All of them have done well.

At our San Francisco refinery we recover and incinerate
vapors from the hulls of ships which are being loaded with Secondary Treatment
light hydrocarbons. We also recover any vapors from any
hulls that previously contained light hydrocarbons but QUESTION 28.
had not been washed and purged prior to loading. The What parameters are used to control and optimize
light hydrocarbons we are talking about include crude dissolved air flotation units?
(sometimes not so light but it has light ends), gasoline,
gasoline blend stocks, naphtha, Jet A, JP-4, and aviation LAUX:
gasoline. We have operated our vapor control system At Three Rivers we have two parallel DAFs of very
successfully for three years. different design. The Number 1 DAE performs very well,
At our Los Angeles plant, we were headed in this while the Number 2 DAF performs poorly. The major
direction until we came up with a creative solution. We differences in the design are the detention time for Num-
offset the marine vessel loading emissions by buying and ber 1 is 32 minutes; for Number 2 it is 8 minutes. The
destroying old cars, and as it turned out this avoided the feed to recycle ratio on Number 1 is 2 to 1, while it is 6 to
expenditure of several million dollars on an incinerator 1 on Number 2.
system. The larger volume and better air supply provided by
the lower feed to recycle ratio in the Number 1 DAF help
it perform better. We also found that some spring loaded
check vales on the Number 2 DAF air inductors were
What is your experience with domes on floating roof
restricting the air flow. Flocculation improved tremen-
tanks? Is the dome water tight? Do you leave the roof
dously when we removed these check valves.
drain connected on the f/oating roof? Does anyone
We also added a water spray bar to the sludge trough
pressurize the dome with inert gas? to improve the floc deaeration and to make the sludge
more pumpable.
DEATON: Several other factors also contribute to a DAF’s per-
Many of Clark’s terminals have floating roof tanks with formance. We inject a flocculation aid as well as sulfuric
domes over them. These geodesic dome roofs were manu- acid for pH control to help the DAF’s performance.
factured by Conseravek and were installed about three to Skimmer blade speed and depth below the water sur-
four years ago at a cost of about $150,000 for a 100-k face need to be watched to ensure that the floc that is
diameter tank. Since the installation of the domes, the formed is removed efficiently.
terminal operators have noticed dramatic decreases in tank
water draws, which translated to large cost savings in the ARMBRESTER:
disposal of the water draws. The domes prevent rain, snow, We also have two parallel dissolved air floatation units
and ice from collecting on top of the roofs and leaking into at our Catlettsburg, Kentucky refinery. Our units use a
the tank. Most of the roof drains are still connected, but recycle stream of water into which the air is injected and
are temporarily plugged. The plugs can be removed then that mixture is injected at the bottom of the dissolved
quickly if needed. None of these domes is pressurized. air floatation unit, at a pressure of approximately 40 psig.

198 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


The recycle water rate that we use is about 25% of the Recycling the desalter brine also saves energy because
incoming feed rate to the DAF, and we use an air injection the water is already at desalter operating temperature. For
rate of approximately 8 scf of air per 1,000 gpm of inlet example, recycling 4,000 bbl/day brine in 100,000
water. We perform regular sampling of the DAF inlet and bbl/day desalter can save 210 million Btu’s per day in
outlet water for turbidity. Typical turbidity results are 60 energy.
to 70 NTU at the inlet, and about 10 to 20 NTU at the Brine requires no additional treatment for recycling.
outlet. We also sample daily for total suspended solids and However, careful attention must be paid to the brine, salt,
oil and grease, and we see about 75% to 80% removal and oil content to avoid compromising the desalter op-
across the DAF on both of those parameters. eration.
In our unit, we also use a cationic polymer to enhance Storm water, which is low in dissolved solids, can often
the flocculation of the oil and solids. be used as cooling tower makeup without softening, re-
ducing overall softening costs and softening waste dis-
BARLOW: posal. Storm water can also be used as makeup to asphalt
The main parameters that our Water Management emulsion processes if filtered to remove solids.
Group uses in control are recycle ratio, feed solids concen-
tration, air-to-solids ratio, and solids and hydraulic load- TREESE:
ing rates. Obviously, the hydraulic or solids loading, when We have a number of different locations where we have
they exceed design, create problems. Comments on ranges tried reusing waste water, with mixed results. In some
of successful design values follow: cases, we have sent stripped water to a cooling tower. We
Hydraulic or solids loading that exceeds design will have tried this a number of times, but we have ultimately
tend to cause poor removal of solids. Typical design discontinued due to bug growth and other deleterious side
values are 1.5-4.0 gpm/ft2 overflow rate, and 0.2- effects.
5.0 lbs./ft2/hr. solids loading. Another project reused stripped water in the desalter,
The recycle ratio determines the amount of pressur- and that is not all that unusual.
ized air that is introduced with the fresh feed via the When you have stripped or sour water that starts out
recycle stream. The recycle stream pressure is let as wash water in the hydrotreater or hydrocracker and if
down from approximately 40 psig to 70 psig to you can afford to segregate and strip it, it can go back to
atmospheric upon introduction to the reactor. This the original unit as wash water. A blowdown stream is
releases the air as tiny bubbles. The tiny bubbles necessary for solids control.
attach to oil and solids contained in the feed to the At another of our refineries, in our waste water treating
reactor, adding buoyancy so that oil and solids are unit, some of the unit’s effluent is sent back to the front
driven to the surface and removed by skimming. end of the unit rather than discharged to the Bay. It is used
The air-to-solids ratio is an important monitoring for filter backwash, water sprays above chambers, and
parameter. If this ratio is too high, small air bubbles miscellaneous other uses within that water treatment unit.
will coalesce and cause greater turbulence in the That unit has a secondary bug unit.
reactor, which will tend to break up existing floc And, finally, untreated process waste water, that is,
particles. If the air-to-solids ratio is too low, the unit water in our waste water tanks, has been used to hydrotest
will perform poorly with regard to floating solids. tanks which have undergone turnaround, but have not yet
An optimal air-to-solids ratio may be anywhere from been returned to service.
0.02 to 0.06, depending on the system.
QUESTION 29. The most common reuse we see of process water is in
Can the panel comment on their experience with various overhead condensates, especially in the crude and
waste waler reuse wilhin the refinery? Which streams vacuum unit, as desalter wash water. A typical problem
are reused? To which service does reused water go? encountered with this method is the recycle of ammonium
What problems are encountered? chloride or amine chloride salt back to the desalter. If you
have a desalter with high BS&W carryover, these salts can
FELTROP: find their way back to the crude tower and lead to depo-
Some refiners are recycling a portion of their desalter sition, fouling, and potential underdeposit corrosion.
brine effluent as wash water makeup. This reduces the Another common reuse of waste water is stripped sour
amount of fresh water required and the volume of brine water. A lot of those have been talked about: stripped sour
discharged to the waste water treatment plant. It allows water as a desalter wash water or wash water for distillation
for lower pH desalting, which minimizes hydrogen sulfide tower overhead condenser systems.
levels and oil content in the desalter brine. It also improves ‘In the desalters, if you are processing heavy crudes the
iron reduction and hardness removal across the desalter. residual ammonia content in the stripped sour water needs

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 199


to be watched very carefully. Emulsion problems in the ANANO KUMAR (Indian Oil Corporation Limited):
desalter can occur. We also use the treated effluent in the fire water net-
Other opportunities for recycle of refinery waste water work for makeup apart from in the circulating water
effluent exist. In many cases it is of such quality that it is system. In some of our refineries, it is used as coke cutting
suitable for on-site reuse. The organic, metals and toxics water in the delayed cokers.
content have been reduced to very low levels to meet In one of the refineries, the treated water polishing
NPDES restrictions. On the other hand, the inorganic pond attracts thousands of migratory birds during the
dissolved solids are typically significantly higher than the winter season. These birds are nesting and breeding in
refinery influent, due to evaporative concentration effects these lagoons and it has become one of the points of
and addition of pH control and other chemicals. tourists’ interest. In fact, this refinery is also located in
Effluent waste water could be recycled in open recircu- proximity to the famous monument-Taj Mahal.
lating cooling systems. Extra disinfection steps may be
necessary if you do this, so as not to create or exacerbate BHAGWAN B. PATIL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.):
microbiological fouling in the cooling systems. If you do In view of this recycle of the wash water to the cooling
not have a system-wide dissolved solids removal mecha- tower, what is the metallurgy of the tubes, each of those
nism, there will be a limit on the amount of waste water tubes? Is the metallurgy changing and if it is changing,
that you can recycle. You can use mathematical models of then what would the metallurgy be at the start?
flow rates and purge rates, and the resultant water quality
to determine acceptable flows. BARLOW:
We have reviewed this question; however, the question
Besides quality concerns, another drawback is physi-
is too broad. The choice of ideal metallurgy will depend
cally getting the wastewater effluent to the cooling sys-
on the amount and quality of the water. An answer cannot
tems. The distance from the effluent line to the cooling
be given without specific stream analyses.
systems makes piping and pump installation costs high
enough to require good clear economic justification for a
WILLIAM MERTES (Arrowhead Industrial Water):
reuse project.
After installation of reverse osmosis units for boiler
Another example is the reuse of demineralizer fast rinse
makeup water, we have successfully used our reject as
water as partial cooling system makeup (less common).
cooling water makeup at a number of refinery installations.
The cooling system can often accept other streams such as
reverse osmosis concentrate, and boiler blowdown. In
general, the larger and more contaminant-laden the waste
stream, the less the cooling systems can accept. Normally, QUESTION 30.
boiler and cooling deposit control chemicals are incom- Considering the advent of “aquatic toxicity”, please
patible, so that defines a boiler blowdown to cooling comment on the following questions:
system limitation. a. Which pollutants (specific organic& inorganics, met-
als) are most likely to cause problems?
MAJED INTABI (Saudi Aramco): b. Are there any “screening analyses” which can be used
In addition to the conventional waste water reuse in lieu of or as indicators of formal aquatic toxicity
schemes mentioned earlier, sanitary sewage, being the testing?
major source of water supply to one of our inland refiner- c. How is the industry coping with the discharge of rela-
ies, is treated and reused as makeup for cooling water, tive/y “sa/ty” wastewaters to in/and (fresh) receiving
boiler feed water and other process requirements within waters?
the refinery. Treatment includes air oxidation, lime treat-
ment, gravity filtration, reverse osmosis and ion exchange. BOYCOTT:
The main attention required is control of biological de- I will speak on parts a) and b) of this question:
posits and corrosion induced by the aggressive nature of a. Frontier conducted extensive testing of the
this type of water. WWTP effluent stream to identify toxicity prob-
lems. All of the testing pointed to a non-polar
V. KANNIAPPAN (Madras Refineries Limited): organic compound as the prime source of our
After treating water to the minimum requirements of toxicity problem. Although we were unable to
national standards, we have been using it for the fire water identify the specific compound we were able to
system and for water washing, that is, floor washing, etc. identify the appropriate treatment method, acti-
We are installing further treatment of this water with vated carbon.
tertiary treatment and reverse osmosis, and we are going b. Yes, Microtox. This is a screening method that can
to use it for our cooling water system. be used for non-compliance monitoring of aquatic

200 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


toxicity. The test is very fast and inexpensive. Cor- For inland discharge, though, we have done something
relations have proven very good at high toxicity rather unique. We purchased 500 acres of land in 1985
levels. However, there does not appear to be a good and scarred irrigating it and growing hay. We grow Coastal
correlation at lower toxicity levels. Bermuda grass, which was selected specifically for its
ability to withstand salts. We have certain discharge limits
ARMBRESTER: that we have to meet, but aquatic toxicity is not one of
Our testing indicates that the presence of high concen- them.
trations of ammonia, as well as some amine, fluoride and The system works very well, though there are some
phenolic compounds may result in increased toxicity of different operations and maintenance problems dealing
the effluent water. Some industrial soaps and solvents can with irrigation systems. It also actually produces some
also lead to higher toxicity levels. Several years ago we revenue for the refinery, especially in dry seasons when hay
began screening our equipment washing materials by is scarce. Of course, you need to be able co go out and find
checking the ratio of BOD to COD in a sample of water 500 acres in the area, and proper climate is absolutely
that is spiked with the cleaning agent; only those with a necessary.
low BOD/COD ratio are approved for use at Catletcsburg.
We use the COD content of the treatment plant influ- PORTER:
ent water as a quick “screening analysis,” since it can Organic pollutant problems are phenolics, organic ac-
indicate the presence of some of the contaminants listed ids including naphthenic acids and certain polyaromatic
above. We also perform daily acute toxicity tests on our hydrocarbons. Inorganics pollutant problems are ammo-
effluent water, using fathead minnows. This test is rela- nia and fluoride. Metal pollutant problems are nickel and
tively simple to perform: we place ten fathead minnows zinc with selenium having the potential to bio-accumu-
(approximately 10 days old) in a sample of our effluent late. We have found it very difficult to precisely identify
water and then record the number of survivors at 24 hour the specie or species that is causing the problem with test
intervals over a period of four days. This testing is per- failures.
formed by the operators in our waste water treatment We have utilized several rapid screening tests that give
plant. We publish the minnow survival data in our daily results in hours to 1 day. We have had mixed success using
operating reports, and find that this helps increase the them - sometimes they correlate, but often they don’t.
awareness level of operators throughout the plant, result- Currently regulators consider surrogate tests supplemental
ing in better control of the oily water systems. to formal tests.
I would add one caution regarding screening tests for We have also utilized short term screening tests of 1-2
toxicity: we believe that toxicity indications can be very days using the same test organisms that are used in the
specific to the species being tested. We also tested the formal toxicity testing. These tests correlate better than the
Microtox system a few years ago, and found that the rapid screening tests.
toxicity to micro-organisms, as measured by this instru-
ment, did not always correlate with the bioassay testing that SHIRLEY BOWLES (Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc.):
we perform as part of our discharge permit requirements. I was wondering if anyone had any success stories in
using constructed wetlands to reduce aquatic toxicity.
The metals that we are most often testing for are zinc, PORTER:
copper, and chromium. The EPA is promoting analysis for At our refinery in Richmond, California, we have been
dissolved metals, instead of total recoverable metals. The working since 1988 with governmental agencies to estab-
latter is currently required by state and federal permitting lish and demonstrate a wetlands that does tertiary treat-
agencies. We also look at other materials: ammonia, chlo- ment of effluent water. Results are encouraging in that a
rine, chlorinated compounds (including biocides), chlo- reduction of contaminants has been achieved.
rinated phenolics, PCBs, and dioxins.
We would support an investigation into the use of QUESTION 31.
Microrox. In some cases, correlations have been developed Have you used odor modifiers at your wastewater
beforehand with some fairly good success. However, the treater? It so, what is your experience with them?
cautions previously stated should not be ignored.
LAUX: We have conducted several tests of an odor-masking
Regarding Parr a. and part b. of this question, our hands agent in the waste water treatment stream at our
are pretty much tied by our EPA Discharge Permit if we Catlettsburg refinery, to determine the effect of injecting
are ever going to the river. There is not much else we can the additive at several different points in the treatment
change about that. plant. Addition of a masking agent prior to the API

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 201


separators appears to reduce the odors originating from sewer system uncontaminated. Not only to satisfy the
the separator section of the treatment plant, but does little regulation but the storm water is used as cooling water
to improve odors from the aerated section. The masking makeup.
agent addition is kept at the lowest recommended rate, so In the Wyoming refineries, with a very low average
that the odor of the additive itself is barely detectable. rainfall, storm water really has not been an issue.
Increasing the addition rate of the masking agent does
not improve the plant odor, but does increase the odor of LAUX:
the masking agent. We had the whole treatment plant We process the rain water that falls in the process areas
smelling like bubble gum at one point. through our water treatment system. The process unit
Addition of the masking agent prior to the aerated API’s have a small oily water pump and a larger rain water
section of the plant resulted in a strong odor of the pump to handle the storm surge. The small pumps route
additive, with little or no improvement in the overall to the main refinery API. The large storm water pump
odor, so this was discontinued. We are currently consid- discharges bypass the main API and go directly to the
ering several odor-neutralizing agents that are distributed Waste Water Treater feed surge tank. This is a 75,000 bbl
as an atomized vapor to help improve odors from the tank which is about 5 times the daily oily waste water
aerated section of the treatment plant. One temporarily production rate. The main API also has two 25,000 bbl
installed system appeared to improve the area odor, with- surge tanks in front of it that handle the initial storm
out adding much additional odor from the neutralizing surge.
agent itself. The storm water that falls in the tank farm is held in
We currently are considering a trial of a vaporizer the tank dikes until it is determined that it is clean and
system, and are surveying other refiners to determine then is discharged without treatment. The rain that falls
whether these systems have been effective in reducing in the remaining areas of the refinery like the parking lots,
odors from their waste water treatment facilities. shop areas, and roads run off to drainage ditches and is
discharged with certain effluent limits.
At one refinery, we have used the masking agent that
Mr. Armbrester referred to. Our operators called it “juicy Solid & Chemical Waste
Currently we are using an odor-neutralizing com- QUESTION 33.
pound. We do not use it on an ongoing basis, but when What technologies are refiners using to minimize
required during maintenance work. waste caustic and waste acid? Does anyone strip
spent caustic with carbon dioxide?
What are the refiners doing regarding control of storm D'AURIA:
water contamination? I am going to address the portion of the question
referring to waste caustic.
PORTER: One of the things we have found very helpful recently
At Pascagoula we segregate the storm water from the is to work with refiners to conduct a caustic management
process water. We used raised hubs for process streams in survey across the whole refinery. The goal of such a survey
order to keep storm water separate. Even with diligent is to minimize the usage of fresh caustic in the refinery and
housekeeping, there continues to be problems with con- to evaluate spent caustic disposal options. As a first step,
tamination in the storm water. We collect and process the we look at optimizing each individual unit in order to
storm water runoff through our effluent treating plant. minimize the caustic usage and the amount of spent caustic
During a heavy rainstorm we will collect the first one inch produced. The second step is to evaluate caustic reuse
of rain in tankage and then process it in a ratable fashion options within the refinery. The refiner conducts a refin-
through our effluent treating plant. Rainfall after the first ery-wide caustic balance, with the objective of integrating
inch has little contamination and will bypass the majority caustic usage and disposal, with emphasis on identifying
of our effluent treating system. opportunities to reuse spent caustic. The composition of
spent caustic streams will determine the best reuse or
SAYLES: disposal options. Some examples of reuse are H2S scrub-
At our refinery in Tulsa we sometimes receive over one bing with spent extraction caustic, or reuse of extraction or
inch of rain too, and have a large retention facility to sweeting caustic for crude unit overhead pH control.
control run-off. We have a process sewer system, a sanitary The next step is to look at disposal options. In-house
sewer system, and a storm water sewer system. We have options that are being utilized are incineration, neutraliza-
been very fortunate in being able to keep the storm water tion and partial oxidation. As mentioned in the question,

202 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


some refiners are using carbon dioxide containing streams QUESTION 34.
to neutralize their spent caustic. What is the industry experience with environmental
Once the overall refinery balance is complete, if there classification of used ceramic support media, and
is a net spent caustic stream leaving the refinery, there are what is its final disposition?
companies that will provide disposal services.
UOP recently commercialized the Caustic Free Merox BOYCOTT:
process, which requires no caustic. This process is now We treat support balls as a nonhazardous solid waste.
available for both gasoline and kerosene sweetening, and They are disposed of at an industrial waste landfill permit-
can be a valuable too! to help bring the refinery caustic use ted to handle such material. Often the balls are not
into balance. separated from the catalyst prior to its being shipped our
for disposal.
We are also currently working on a process that will
We have found that most of our catalyst can also be
catalytically oxidize sulfitic caustic. This process will offer
disposed of as nonhazardous solid waste. Much of it does
the refiner an in-house solution to one of the more difficult
nor fail the RCRA Subtitle C characteristic waste rests for
caustic disposal problems, caustic from H2S scrubbing.
leachable constituents.
We hope to have this process available sometime next year.
Our used ceramic support material is presently classified
Currently, we minimize the use of caustic wherever we as a Class II nonhazardous waste. It is dumped into an
can. However, the caustic used in our FCC gasoline treat- on-site landfill. We are currently setting up to have it
ment contains sufficient creyslic acid to allow selling to an recycled back to a cement manufacturer. We need to resolve
off-site reclaimer. whether it needs to be regenerated first or not. We just need
The sulfitic caustic from the light gas treatment is also to get a sample of it first and let him take a look at it.
recycled to a reclaimer.
The spent caustic from scrubbing butanes produced in ARMBRESTER:
the sulfuric acid alkylation unit is used for neutralization We have conducted sampling and TCLP testing of the
of the acid stream from the hydrogen softeners at the catalyst and the support materials and have found that the
boilerhouse. The spent acid stream from the alkylation ceramic support materials have been classified as nonhaz-
unit is also recycled. ardous according co both the EPA and DOT Regulations,
even though the catalyst they were associated with has
JIM LEHR (Star Enterprise): been classified as hazardous. Therefore, we are recycling
Regarding the second part of that question, at our the ceramic support material back to a company which
Delaware City plant we are building a unit to strip spent cleans and repackages the material for use in ocher units.
caustic with CO2, and the overhead can go to a sulfuric This has allowed us to substantially reduce the cost of new
acid plant or a Claus plant. We tried this in a pilot plant support material for our reactors.
and found a set of operating conditions that worked quite
One of our refineries segregates support media from
spent catalyst and disposes of the support media in an
HERBERT WIZIG (Merichem Company):
on-site landfill as a nonhazardous waste.
To minimize caustic usage and the subsequent caustic
production, the following is suggested: (1) Cascade caus-
tic from LPG treating to gasoline treating for reuse; (2)
We recycle a large amount of spent hydrotreating cata-
use sulfitic or phenolic caustic for crude unit pH control; lyst. When the catalyst comes in, the ceramic support is
(3) use oxidative rather than extractive treating for mer- mixed with the catalyst. If the catalyst is classified hazard-
captan removal from gasoline streams; and (4) use ous, everything, support included, comes in as hazardous
air/catalyst regeneration of caustics from mercaptan ex- waste. In the process, we take the support out of the
traction systems. catalyst. We clean the support at our plant and then
The technologies for handling caustics at the refinery transfer it over to a company called Crystaphase Products,
site are either wet air oxidation, which converts the Inc. which recycles the support. So whether the support is
sulfides to thiosulfates and sulfates, or neutralization with hazardous or nonhazardous, there is now a mechanism to
sulfuric acid to pH 4 or pH 7. Finally, if you need an allow the support to be recycled and then sold back into
outside source, Merichem Company has handled refiner- the industry.
ies’ sulfitic, phenolic and naphthenic caustics for the past One of the concerns that may arise in the future is, as
50 years. part of the Consent Decree with EDF, that hydrotreating

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 203


catalysts that are being considered for hazardous waste equipment, in addition to uses of different types of chemi-
listing. There will be a Proposed Rulemaking on that in cals which were discussed earlier in this Q&A meeting.
August of 1995. If spent catalysts do become a listed Modification of the programs around the desalter have
hazardous waste, then the support, regardless of the char- also been applied to minimize benzene concentration in
acteristics, could also become hazardous due to the mix- the brine effluent stream. This has allowed some refiners to
ture and derived from rule. meet the new benzene NESHAP requirements with either
lower cost or substantially reduced capital requirements.
How are people recycling and/or reusing spent solid BOYCOTT:
phosphoric acid catalyst? We have reduced our off-site hazardous waste disposal
volumes by reclaiming oily sludges through our coker, via
DEATON: the MOSC process licensed by Mobil. In 1994, we expect
Spent solid phosphoric acid catalyst can be used in to run more than 20,000 barrels of oily sludge through the
making fertilizer blends. I have recycled catalyst used in coker and recover the hydrocarbon constituents. In 1992,
polymerization units by this method. The catalyst cannot off-site disposal of refinery hazardous waste was reduced
contain benzene, so this method of recycle probably elimi- by more than 1,000 tons as a result of this process. In
nates catalysts used in the cumene process. addition to the obvious savings in avoided disposal costs
and our hydrocarbon recovery, the elimination of this
The spent catalyst must be dry because it is transported
waste removes the liability associated with waste transport
in bulk to the blending facility by truck. The truck beds
and Superfund exposure.
are lined with plastic and a tarp is used to cover the catalyst.
Make sure you receive a certificate ofreclamation verifying
the final destination and end use of the spent catalyst.
Although not always viewed from an environmental
This method of recycle was arranged through a broker,
standpoint, the desalters in your refinery literally form the
Resource Chemical Company, in Louisville, Kentucky.
interface between operations and the environment. As
such, I wanted to briefly give you an idea of some of the
economics surrounding subpar desalter operation. We
We estimate about 20% of our SPA catalyst customers have performed numerous analysis of this type to justify
are disposing of their spent catalyst by blending it in with desalter upgrades or new installations. From this data, one
fertilizers. Typically, it is blended in at about 10% of the can typify a 100M BPD crude unit can improve its
total fertilizer mix. The ability to reuse spent catalyst in operation from 2 to l# salt per thousand barrels, 0.3% to
this way is limited by the contaminants, such as benzene, 0.2% BS&W and 1% to 0.2% oil in effluent water and
that are on the catalyst. improve profitability by a conservative $2,500 per day.
Other recycling or reuse options for spent phosphoric These values are certainly site specific but the point to
acid catalysts are limited both by the contaminant level, emphasis is that significant profit improvement is possible
as well as by the economics of recycle versus landfill. with this performance improvement.

QUESTION 36. STEPHEN PAVEL (Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc.):

Have you seen environmental programs reduce ex- The DEMET® process takes a portion of spent FCCU
penses and/or improve profitability through benefits catalyst and removes a portion of the metal contaminants,
such as raw material recovery or reduced in-process- enabling the refiner to recycle demetallized spent FCCU
ing losses? Do you see any otherproblems which have catalyst back to the FCCU, thus reducing the solid waste
not been addressed through current technologies? from the refinery.
DEMET processing capacity is available technology for
BARLOW: processing spent FCCU catalyst for others for the purpose
Our primary area of focus where we have seen environ- of recycle or treatment prior to disposal. DEMET process
mental programs reduce expenses or improve profitability service is currently provided at an off-site plant in Meraux,
is around the desalter. The programs are focused on either LA. Through a three and a half year run from April, 1991,
allowing the processing of greater levels of slop or reducing to-date (i.e., through September, 1994) and continuing,
or eliminating oil in the effluent brine. The elimination of one refiner recycled over 8,700 tons of spent FCCU
oil in the effluent brine has been tremendously successful catalyst. Adding the 8,700 tons to 1,300 tons previously
in terms of recovering profits related to that recovered oil, processed and recycled, that refinery has recycled over
and reducing the processing losses. 10,000 tons of demetallized spent FCCU catalyst.
It has been our experience that improvements can be Although spent FCCU catalyst is not listed as a RCRA
accomplished through mechanical upgrades of the existing waste, expenses are reduced and profitability improved

204 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


through benefits of recovery of raw material, FCCU cata- injected into the coker for processing. For refineries with-
lyst, and reduced in-processing losses, FCCU catalyst out a coker unit, sludges can be disposed of as-is, filter
fines. Demetallized spent FCCU catalyst Toxicity Char- pressed, or centrifuged. The resulting cake from either
acteristic Leaching Procedure leachate is below the Phase filter pressing or centrifuging is disposed of by incineration
II-Land Disposal Restrictions-Phase II Universal Treat- or landfill, depending on the hazardous characteristics of
ment Standards (non-wastewaters) for all 14 elements. the cake.
Although DEMET can be utilized to pretreat spent We have carried out filter pressings at 200 psi and
FCCU catalyst prior to disposal, recycling demetallized 150°F. The filter cloths are coated with a filter aid to allow
spent FCCU catalyst has more economic and environ- ease of coke removal. The coke buildup can be sub-
mental advantages. An on-site DEMET unit was de- sequently dried through a thermal dryer to reduce water
scribed in a 1992 NPRA annual meeting presentation; content, and the dried cake then disposed of by incinera-
on-site recycling represents waste minimization by source tion or landfill, depending on the characteristics.
reduction. Centrifuging is ideal for highly emulsified sludges. The
Demetallized spent FCCU catalyst from an off-site resulting cake has a higher water content than filter press-
DEMET has reduced the requirements for fresh catalyst ing. The centrifuged cake runs 45% to 60% water versus
additions and associated costs. FCCU catalyst losses have 15% to 20% for filter pressing. Although the cake can be
been reduced commensurate with the reduction of fresh dried using a thermal dryer, it still seems to end up with
catalyst additions. Spent FCCU catalyst disposal costs more water than filter pressing.
have been reduced commensurate with recycling of de- Sludges from API separators and DAF units are RCRA-
metallized catalyst. DEMET processing has removed con- listed hazardous wastes, and must be disposed of by incin-
taminants known to be detrimental to product eration or other approved methods if the Btu and mercury
conversion, high value product selectivities, hydrothermal contents are less than 5,000 Btu and greater than 100
stability of the catalyst, and mechanical performance of ppm, respectively. If the cake Btu value is greater than
the FCCU. Fresh FCCU catalyst additions were reduced 5,000 and mercury content is less than 100 ppm, the
from 15 to under 6 tons a day by recycling about 8.5 tons material can be disposed of as fuel for cement kilns, as was
per day; this reduction increased the average age of the mentioned previously.
circulating FCCU catalyst from 30 days to over 80 days Tank bottom sludges are sampled to determine whether
without deterioration of the yield performance of the unit. the solids are hazardous waste. They can be disposed of
With DEMET capacity sized to reduce metals levels on through landfill or incineration, depending on the char-
circulating catalyst, yields could be improved due to lower acteristics of the cake.
metals on circulating catalyst. Over 10,000 tons of DE-
MET processing experience has shown there are substan- BARLOW:
tial benefits provided by solid waste reduction through I do not have much more to add on what to do with the
demetallizing and recycling spent FCCU catalyst. For sludges. However, I would like to say we are aware that the
further information, several NPRA papers have been pre- PERF Group has been looking at several technologies that
sented on off-site and on-site demetallization. would enhance the oil, water and solids separation. We
have been exposed to technology that is being evaluated by
EARL ZICKEFOOSE (Scaltech, Inc.): Unipure Corporation. It seems to show some promise.
We have worked with many refineries in the Gulf Coast
area on recycling their Kand F waste both to cement kilns. QUESTION 36.
This technology is usually 30% to 60% less expensive than Can anyone provide an update on performance of
incineration, and allows for recycling of the resource. This thermal desorption systems to process solid waste?
technology especially lends itself to the processing of the
emulsions found in DAF, DNF, and MLE and the oily CUNEO:
tank bottoms and API bottoms. There are two basic systems available for thermal
desorption. One is direct fired and the other is indirect
QUESTION 37. heated.
How are refiners handling oily Sludges? We are par- RCRA hazardous wastes are only processed in indirect
ticularly interested in API separators, DAF units and systems which recover the desorbed hydrocarbons. These
tan& bottoms. systems enjoy exemptions from RCRA permitting by
being recovery units. Direct fired systems cannot get these
TREESE: exemptions because the desorbed products are burned and
Unocal has handled oily sludges in several ways, mostly are then considered to be incinerators. So for non-RCRA
depending on whether the refinery is equipped with a wastes such as hydrocarbon contaminated soils, the direct
coker. For refineries with coker units, sludges are usually fired units can be used.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 205


There are numerous types of designs of both units in ANAND KUMAR (Indian Oil Corporation Limited):
the marketplace, some of them more successful than oth- Which one of the two have you found better?
ers, the key factor being equipment reliability. Many of
these units are also designed to be mobile, so they can DEATON:
move from one location to another, but often the mobili- Well, I personally prefer the one with the nozzles be-
zation and demobilization costs are significant, so for cause if you have ever had a crude tank that has a mixer
small jobs it may be more economical to transport the on it and it develops a seal leak on the mixer and you have
material to the unit. to take the crude tank out ofservice, you would soon prefer
Direct fired units have to compete with landfill, bio- the pump type with the jet nozzle.
logical, and in situ options.

ANAND KUMAR (Indian Oil Corporation Limited): C. Energy Conservation

I would like to know if the panel has any experience of
using polymers or any other chemical for removal of oil Process Heaters
from sludge-particularly the crude oil sludge.
BARLOW: What has been the industry’s experience with CO trim
We have used polymers and various other different control for process heaters and boilers? Will future
environmental regulations restrict its use?
types ofchemistries to aid in the separation of oil and water
in the sludge. We also use surface-active chemistries to
condition the oil removal off the solid particles. In some
We use Chevron’s patented Automatic Combustion
of the new processes being investigated by PERF, chemi-
exclusively as a CO trim control for process heaters. We
cals are used to assist in these processes and in the removal
have had good experience with it at Pascagoula and other
separation process.
locations. We have not implemented ACC on boilers.
We currently limit CO levels in most of our process
heaters co 150 ppm. If future environmental regulations
On crude oil tank bottoms, you can use a cutter stock,
are passed mandating lower CO emissions, then the CO
such as light cycle oil, heat it up to about 20°F below the
constraint will be reduced accordingly.
flash point of the light cycle oil, dissolve the sludge with
the hot cutter stock, and then use a centrifuging process
RONALD BREDEHOFT (Kinetics Technology International Corp.):
co separate water and solids. But oftentimes in crude tank
We install a lot of automatic combustion controls in
bottoms, there is a crystalline, wax-like material, so some- the furnaces we build. We can design the control system
times you have to use a wax inhibitor chemical once the co operate with or without CO control. If you are taking
wax is dissolved so that you prevent the recrystallization your oxygen sample from the stack, you are measuring the
of the wax. flue gas and oxygen leakage into the furnace. With this
configuration you may want to use CO control.
ANAND KUMAR (Indian Oil Corporation Limited):
In fact, we have been using this method of deoiling the
crude oil tank sludge with hot gas oil for a number of years. Exchangers
Gas oil is circulated in the tank at 60° C plus. Thereafter,
it is transferred co another crude oil tank, where more fresh QUESTION 40.
crude oil is received and reprocessed in the crude distilla- What is the preferred method for in situ heat ex-
tion unit. changer Cleaning?
For reducing the deposits of sludge in the tank, what
type of mixers, tank mixers, are you using in the crude TREESE:
tanks? As we understand the question here, I think the pre-
ferred method for in situ heat exchanger cleaning in the
DEATON: Unocal refineries is hydroblasting. Obviously, it is not
In our crude tanks, we have circulating pumps with jet done on-line. It is done in place, but it is not on-line.
nozzles on them that return back to the tanks to keep the Hydroblascing requires a shutdown.
tank circulated. In another plant that I worked in, we We have done some on-line cleaning of surface con-
actually had propeller-type mixers on the tanks. And in a denser tubes using plastic spheres, similar to whiffle balls,
third refinery that I worked in, we also had propeller-type or little plastic brushes, but I do not really have any details
mixers on the crude tanks. on the effectiveness. I have heard it worked okay, but I

206 Environmental Control & Energy Conservation


know we continue to find a few of the little whiffle balls This procedure will remove a significant amount of
here and there for a long time afterwards. It is hard to debris from an exchanger even after two or three standard
contain them. backflushes.

PORTER: B. B. PATIL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.):

I am not sure what is meant by in situ. We have In crude distillation units we go further and water wash
successfully on-lined cleaned the water side of some crude exchangers in the crude. The water is sent upstream of the
unit overhead condensers. The exchangers were back- desalter. This can be done when the crude distillation unit
flushed for 1 hour with a circulating inhibited acid solu- is running under turndown ratio up to 50%. We realize
tion. some benefit from this.


I, as well, was not sure of the intent of the question. We are aware of two reforming units where the com-
bined feed exchangers have been fouled with a material
When an exchanger is out ofservice and to be cleaned with
that was primarily PNA’s (polynuclear aromatics). In both
its bundle in place, we lance the tubes with high pressure
cases, the refiners successfully cleaned the exchangers in
water wash equipment.
place, using a closed-loop reformate circulation system.
For on-line cleaning of cooling water exchangers we
Each unit had to be shutdown, and the temporary refor-
have developed a procedure that we term a “salt blast”. The
mate recirculation pump and piping was installed. This
idea behind this method is that rock salt will act as an
procedure was reported to have taken about two days for
abrasive to help remove dirt/scale/etc. The salt is water the fouling problem to be cleared up.
soluble and can be back-flushed onto the pad. The proce-
dure is as follows: P. S. RAO (Indian Oil Corporation Limited):
A fire hose connection is located on the cooling What experience is there with on-line cleaning of con-
water outlet piping, upstream of the block valve. A vection tubes in the furnace?
standard backflush connection is located between
the inlet block valve and the exchanger. CUNEO:
A fire hose is filled with coarse rock salt. The hose is We routinely employ conventional soot blowing and
connected to the cooling water outlet and to a fire occasionally do water washing ofconvection section tubes
hydrant. on-line.
The exchanger is blocked in on supply and return,
the backflush valves are opened, and the salt is flushed
through the bundle and to the pad with firewater.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 207


Stephen P. Frayne Nalco Chemical Company

MEMORANDUM A. Bruce Gilliam
Tony S. Go
Betz Process Chemicals, Inc.
Amoco Oil Company
Martin P Grosboll Lyondell Petrochemical Company
The comments contained in the transcript for the 1994 Dan Hartley D. H. Associates
NPRA Question and Answer Session on Refining and Gerald D. Henderson Ashland Petroleum Company
Petrochemical Technology, which was held October 12- William E. Heck Energy BioSystems Corporation
Peter T. Jackson UOP
14, in Washington, DC, have been edited by the panelists Mark R. Keim Costal Corporation
and conferees who commented during the Session. Patrick Laabs Star Enterprise
The Question and Answer Session on Refining and Patrick D. Lavergne Lyondell Petrochemical Company
Charles F. LeRoy Champlin Refining and Chemicals Co.
Petrochemical Technology is under the cognizance of the
Warren S. Letzsch Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.
NPRA Manufacturing Committee listed as follows: L. E. Lew Phillips Petroleum Company
Glenn C. Liolios STRATCO, INC.
NPRA MANUFACTURING COMMITTEE Charles S. McCoy McCoy Consultants, Inc.
Jeff K. Utley, Chairman Flying J Incorporated Christina McDowell Pacific Refining Company
Paul D. Fritz, Vice Chairman Pennzoil Products Company William D. Meyer Amoco Oil Company
Allen M. Burns Ethyl Corporation David R. Morris Chevron Research and Technology Co.
Alan J. Cabodi U. S. Oil & Refining Co. Brian M. Moyse Haldor Topsoe
Robert H. Douglass Farmland Industries, Inc. Kenneth A. Peccatiello Grace Davison
John M. Ehlen Koch Refining Company Roger D. Pelham Profimatics. Inc.
Fred D. Foster CITGO Petroleum Corporation Kevin R. Proops Conoco Inc.
R. J. Frazier Union Texas Petrochemicals J. B. Roddey Roddey Engineering Services
James A. Gesick Murphy Oil USA, Inc. The M. W. Kellogg Company
H. David Sloan
Ronnie D. Jackson Lion Oil Company
G. Andrew Smith INTERCAT, Inc.
A. P. Johnson Mobil Oil Corporation
Charles W. Stanger Akzo Catalysts
R. E. Kerns Diamond Shamrock, Inc.
Gary A. Stephens IFP Enterprises Texas, Inc.
Virgil R. Langford Navajo Refining Company
Phibro Energy USA, Inc. Arthur J. Suchanek Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.
Ronald W. Lewis
J. J. Lipinski Coastal Refining & Marketing Inc. Delbert F. Tolen Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment Co.
John D. Mackey Ultramar Inc. Terrel D. Williams Kerr-McGee Refining Corporation
James H. McCov Total Petroleum, Inc. A. Witoshkin Engelhard Corporation - S.C. Div.
Charles B. Miller Ashland Petroleum Company
William G. Miller MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc. Attendance at the 1994 Q&A Session totaled 1,273
David R. Morris Chevron Research and Technology Co. conferees representing the petroleum refining and petro-
Jean E. Neuberger Hunt Refining Company
chemical industries, supply and service organizations, gov-
Ronald E. Pletcher CENEX
Allen C. Randle Unocal Corporation ernment and members of the press who came from 36
Kenneth Roane National Cooperative Refinery Assn. states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. One
J. A. Ross Phillips Petroleum Co. hundred and seventy seven conferees came from the fol-
Donald R. Unruh Conoco Inc.
David L. Uzzell Tosco Refining Company lowing 33 countries: Abu Dhabi, Argentina, Australia,
J. E. Warn Kerr-McGee Refining Corporation Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Denmark,
John P. Yoars Lyondell-CITGO Refining Company Ltd France, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan,
Maurice H. McBride National Petroleum Refiners Association
Terrence S. Higgins National Petroleum Refiners Association Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, The Nether-
lands, Netherlands Antilles, Norway, Peru, Philippines,
Each year the Manufacturing Committee selects the Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Africa, UAE, United
panelists and appoints a Screening Committee to select the Kingdom, and Venezuela.
questions submitted by individuals and companies regard- The 13 member panel was joined by 163 conferees in
less of membership in the Association. The Screening commenting on the 234 questions during the 2 1/2 day
Committee consolidates questions, eliminates duplicates exchange of technical information on modern petroleum
and arranges the questions in the correct category and refining and petrochemical technology. The following table
sequence so that the maximum number of questions can is comparison of the attendance for the past five years:
be considered in the 2 1/2 days of sessions. This year, from
Phila- Wash-
some 571 questions submitted, 234 questions were selected delphia Denver Anaheim Dallas ington
by the panelists and the following Screening Committee 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
No. of Member Companies 219 220 185 164 180
SCREENING COMMllTEE No. of Member Locations 347 387 465 481 410
Peter G. Andrews Conoco Inc.(retired) Member Conferees 1,125 1,226 1,245 1,191 1,158
David B. Bartholic BAR-CO Processes Joint Venture Others 152 163 127 112 115
Mike Bober Mobil Research & Development Corp. TOTAL 1,277 1,389 1,372 1,303 1,273
Carlos A. Cabrera UOP No. of Conferees Commenting 165 206 172 169 176
Robert E. Davis R. E. Davis Chemical Corporation
Francis N. Dawson, Jr. California Synfuels Research Corp.
Edward G. Ellis Exxon Research & Engineering Co. Terrence S. Higgins
Paul Fernside Nalco Chemical Company Technical Director

208 Memorandum


MICHAEL S. ARMBRESTER — Assistant Refinery Superintendent, Ashland Petroleum’s Refin-

ing and Petrochemical Complex, Catlettsburg, Kentucky He is responsible for managing all of the
operations and technical functions within the refinery. He began his career with Ashland as a
technical services engineer, and has since served in a variety ofsupervisory and managerial positions
within the refinery Operations Department. He has also served as a presenter at several FCC
technology seminars in the U.S. and Europe. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical
Engineering from Purdue University.

R. C. “BUZZ” BARLOW — Vice President of Marketing services, Betz Process Chemicals, Inc..
The Woodlands, Texas. He began his career with Betz in 1981 after spending six years in the HPI
industry in process engineering and operations. Throughout his Betz career, he has served in several
product management and technical service positions. He holds Bachelor of Science degrees in
Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering
from Rice University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.

WILLIAM A. BOYCOTT — Technical Manager, Frontier Refining Inc., Cheyenne, Wyoming. In

his current position, he is responsible for directing the Process, Inspection, Design, and Environ-
mental functions at the refinery. Bill joined Frontier in 1989 and has held various Operations and
Technical positions in the organization. He began his career as a Process Engineer at Irving Oil
Ltd. in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical
Engineering from University of New Brunswick and is a registered Professional Engineer in the
Province of New Brunswick.

PAUL L. CUNEO — Director Oil Products Research Development & Technology, Shell Develop-
ment Company, Westhollow Research Center, Houston, Texas. He is responsible for managing
Shell’s research and development for both refining processes and oil products and for providing
technical support to operating refineries. He has been employed by Shell for 2.5 years in 4 refineries
and in the corporate office doing facilities planning for refineries prior to assuming his current
position. He holds a Bachelor of science degree in Chemical Engineering from the Colorado School
of Mines.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 209


JAMES H. D’AURIA — Director of Marketing Services, Licensing Department, UOP, Des Plaines,
Illinois. He joined UOP in 1969 after receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical
Engineering from the University of Notre Dame. His prior positions with UOP include: Pilot
Plant Development Engineer, Technical Services Field Representative, Process Development
Manager of Platforming and Hydrocracking, Director of Development Services, Director of
Process Development in Research and Development. He assumed his present position in March,
1993. He holds a Bachelor of science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Notre

JOHN T. DEATON — Operations Manager, Clark Refining & Marketing Refinery, Blue Island,
Illinois. Prior to joining Clark, he was operations manager at The Coastal Corporation’s refinery at
Wichita, Kansas. He also held positions as projects manager, area operations supervisor, technical
assistant to the refinery manager, shift supervisor, and technical service engineer all at Ashland Oil
Company’s refinery in Catlettsburg, Kentucky. He began his refinery career in 1974 as a process
engineer at Shell’s Deer Park, Texas, Refinery. He received a Bachelor of science degree in Chemistry
from College of William and Mary and a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from
the University of Maryland.

B. W. FELTROP — Director of Industrial Technology, Petrolite Corporation, Industrial Chemicals

Division, St. Louis, Missouri. Prior to 1992, he was with Ashland Oil Company for 14 years.
During those years, he served in various capacities from technical services engineer through
operations manager at the Catlettsburg Refinery. His experiences include FCC operations, refinery
LP modeling, crude oil evaluation and analysis, environmental and safety expertise and overall
refinery operations/management experience at a 220,000 bbl/day refinery. He has a Bachelor of
Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Kentucky and a Master of Business
degree Administration from Morehead State University.

210 Panel Biographies


MICHAEL A. LAUX — Assistant Refinery Manager, Diamond Shamrock, Three Rivers , Texas.
He is responsible for all of the operations and maintenance functions and the laboratory for this
75,000 bbl/day cracking refinery. He started his career in 1975 working for Chevron at their El
Segundo, California refinery as a design engineer. He held several positions in design and process
engineering and operations before transferring to Chevron’s Southern California Pipeline Division
as the supervisor in charge ofoperations and maintenance. He joined Champlin at their Wilming-
ton, California refinery in 1985 and moved to their Corpus Christi, Texas refinery in 1989. He
again held various positions in process engineering and operations. He joined Diamond Shamrock
in 1991. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the Pennsylvania
State University.

JOSEPH B. MCLEAN — Executive Technology Specialist, Engelhard Corporation, Petroleum

Catalyst Group, Houston, Texas. His responsibilities include FCC catalyst technical service and
sales support, performance projections, and development and field evaluation of new products.
He has held this position since 1991, following four years with Engelhard Research and Develop-
ment in FCC catalyst evaluation. Prior to joining Engelhard in 1987, he held positions in various
aspects of process research and development and engineering with ARCO, Research-Cottrell, and
Hydrocarbon Research, Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from
Princeton University and a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University
of California at Berkeley. He holds six patents and has authored numerous publications related to
fluid catalytic cracking, residual oil processing, and synthetic fuels production.

STEPHEN G. MENEGAZ — Business Development Manager, Black & Veatch Pritchard, Hous-
ton, Texas. He started his career with ARCO Product Company as a process engineer at the Lyondell
Olefins Complex, then worked seven years with the M.W. Kellogg Company in the design and
start-up ofethylene, LNG and FCC units. Just before coming to Pritchard, he was with Engelhard
Corporation in FCC technical service and sales. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in
Chemical Engineering from University of Texas at Austin.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 211


WILLIAM J. PORTER — Manager - Operations, Chevron U.S.A. Products Company Refinery,

Pascagoula, Mississippi. He joined Chevron in 1968 as a research engineer. since then, he has had
a variety of operations and technical assignments at Chevron refineries in Richmond and El
Segundo, California. He also was the Manufacturing Manager - Aromatics Division for Chevron
Chemical Company in Houston, Texas. he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical
Engineering from the University of California at Davis. In 1989, he was the first recipient of the
UC Davis College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award.

SCOTT M. SAYLES — Technical Manager for Sinclair Oil Corporation, Tulsa Refinery, Tulsa,
Oklahoma. His prior assignment was as the Assistant Supervisor of Operations at Star Enterprise,
Convent, Louisiana, and he also held the position of Operating Supervisor at Star Enterprise. He
was Senior Project Engineer at Texaco, Convent, Louisiana, and Project Engineer at Texaco
Research in Port Arthur, Texas. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering
from Michigan Technological University and a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering
from Lamar University. He also holds fifteen U.S. patents.

STEVEN A. TREESE — Consulting Process Engineer at Unocal’s Los Angeles Refinery, Carson
Plant, Carson, California. In over twenty years with Unocal, he has seen assignments in process
engineering, operations, design, and research, as well as plant construction. His experience includes
project management, hydrocracking, hydrotreating, synthetic fuel operations, petrochemicals,
geothermal, and power generation. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering
from Washington State University. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in California, Colo-
rado, Oregon, and Washington, member of the Chemical Engineering Industry Advisory Council
for California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, and Cochair for an AIChE One-Day
Technical Meeting.

212 Panel Biographies


Abrahams, Kenneth, 111, 142 Bredehoft, Ronald, 94, 96, 206 Desai, Pankaj H., 129
Adair, Scott, 96 Brown, George, 181, 193 Dharia, Dilip, 83
Al-Shahrani, Mohammad, 30-31, Brunson, Ross, 93 Dirkse, Hans, 186
35, 47, 55, 89, 94, 96-98, 104, Bucko, Michael, 157 Dodds, Kevin, 116, 123
128. 164, 167, 178, 184, 188- Burns, David, 180 Doran, Mark, 151, 157, 170
189 Campbell, Bruce A., 34 Dougan, Timothy, 74
Allsmiller, Robert, 170 Cavanaugh, Curt, 31 Dwyer, David, 178
Anderson, Gary, 51 Chlapik, Kenneth, 92-93 Edelman, Allen M., 90
Andrews, Peter G., 69, 72 Citarella, Vicente A., 82 Edgar, M. Dean, 113, 115-116,
Archbold, Damian, 150 Clancy, Thomas, 119, 185 160
Armbrester, Michael S., 9, 11-12, Cromarty, Ben, 97 Elvin, Frank J., 50, 63
15-16, 18, 21-22, 27, 29-33, 38-
Cuneo, Paul, 8, 14, 20-21, 23, 27- Evans, Douglas, 144, 150
41, 43, 47, 52, 54-56, 58-59, 62,
28, 31, 33, 35-37, 39-41, 47, Fearnside, Paul, 14, 25, 70, 157
65, 69-70, 74, 77-79, 81, 83,
51-53, 55, 66, 69-70, 72, 78, 80, Feinberg, Arnold, 110
93-98, 101-102, 106-109, 113-
84, 86-90, 92, 96, 98, 101, 106,
115, 118-119, 129, 144-145, Feltrop, B. W., 8-9, 11, 14-15, 17-
108, 111-112, 114-115, 118,
147-148, 152-153, 160, 164- 18, 20, 23-24, 26-27, 33-34, 42-
123-124, 128, 130, 132, 134-
165, 168, 170, 172, 174-175, 45, 52, 56, 58, 75, 79-80, 89,
138, 141, 143, 147, 150, 153,
177, 179-180, 184, 186, 191, 103-104, 142, 146, 156, 176-
156, 159, 163-167, 174, 181-
193-195, 197-198, 201-203 177, 182, 184, 197, 199, 204
182, 184, 186, 188-189, 192,
Armstrong, Timothy, 191, 194 194-195, 197-198, 205,207 Fischer, Steven M., 78, 180
Asim, Mehmet, l00-101, 107, 117, D’Auria, James H., 12-13, 25, 28- Funk, Ronald, 125
128 29, 32-37, 41, 44, 46, 50, 52-53, Furfaro, Angelo, 167
Bacon, Thomas R., 176, 186 59, 65-66, 68, 70-71, 78, 81-83, Fussell, Becky, 13
Badruddin, Pervaiz, 136 86, 88, 90-91, 95, 98-101, 111, Gentry, Arthur K., 132
Ball, Thomas H., 180 119-121, 124, 126, 129-132, George, Safa, 107, 117, 129
Barlow, R. C., 8-10, 14-16, 19-20, 134-138, 145-153, 155, 158- Geren, Philip, 148
23-24, 27, 33-34, 37, 42-43, 46, 167, 169-172, 174-175, 202,
Gerritsen, Leendert A., 129
52, 57-58, 60, 62, 76, 79-80, 204
Gialella, Richard, 115, 155, 173
87-89, 94, 101-102, 104, 113, Daughtry, James, 196
136, 141, 143, 156, 167, 176, Gibbons, Bill, 185
Davis, Kent, 63
178-179, 182-183, 185, 199- Glendinning, Robert, 68, 71
Davis, Robert, 142
201, 204-206 Davis, Ruth, 97 Glover, John, 203
Barry, James, 118 Davis, H. Thomas, 145, 181 Grandle, Denny, 12, 16, 42
Berlyant, Michael, 142, 190 Dean, John W., 113, 115-l16, 160, Grieb, Benjamin, 139
Binford, Mark, 20 181 Gruia, Adrian, 105, 121
Boardman, Shaun, 131 Deaton, John, 10, 13, 19-20, 24, Guglietta, Glenn, 59
Bober, Michael Jr., 70 30-31, 35, 40-41, 46, 50-51, 53, Haley, John, 84
Bothe, Michael, 121 59, 65, 72, 74, 80, 84-90, 96-97, Hamilton, Gary, 107, 111, 114
Bowles, Shirley, 201 99, 103, 112, 114, 116, 118- Hartley, Dan, 29
Boycott, William A., 10, 15, 23, 25, 119, 121, 124, 131-132, 134, Heckel, Timothy, 121
27-31, 36, 43-44, 49, 51, 53, 66, 136-138, 140, 146-147, 153, Higgins, Terrence S., 22, 50, 64,
71, 83, 85-87, 89, 93-94, 98, 157, 159, 161, 164, 166, 168- 144, 147, 173, 181, 185
101-105, 109, 111-114, 118- 170, 172, 178, 180, 182, 184-
Hlozek, Bob, 183
119, 123, 125, 128, 133, 147, 186, 188-189, 191, 194, 196-
198, 204, 206 Hoiseth, Merlin, 118
149-151, 156, 160, 163-164,
171-172, 182, 184, 186-188, Dergregorian, Heros, 16, 60, 65, Hull, Randall, 63, 189, 192
191-192, 195-196, 200, 203- 70, 78, 104-106, 126, 141-142, Humphries, Adrian, 74
204, 207 152, 155, 157-158, 164, 167 Husted, Don, 38

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 213


Intabi, Majed, 34, 131, 136, 166, Mikkelsen, Peter, 153 Scruggs, Darrell, 42, 92, 98
200 Miller, Rik, 74, 82-83 Singer, Roger M., 174-175
Jaffe, Jay, 128 Mitchell, John, 13 Slade, Cornell, 152
Johnson, David, 47 Morris, Lee W., 39, 72, 81 Sloan, H. David, 61, 187
Jones, Henry, 15, 94, 98 Morse, Robert, 107, 149 Sloley, Andrew W., 88
Kalota, Steven A., 67-68, 73 Murff, Stephen R., 124 Smith, David L., 157, 174
Kanniappan, Veerappa, 200 Myers, Daniel N., 68, 80, 131 Smith, G. Andrew, 60
Keller, Ted, 13 Nelsen, Dennis, 81 Smith, George A., 116
Kellett, Thomas E, 173 Nielsen, Anders, 92-93, 97, 100, Soni, Dahp, 69, 150, 152
Kelly, James, 15, 19, 104 108, 117, 123-124, 128 Soria, John, 178, 180
Khouw, Frank, 77 Nocca, Jean-Luc, 140, 162 Stelly, Timothy J., 139
Kilnet, Peter, 149 Oyekan, Soni, 150, 152 Street, David, 179
Kleinschrodt, Frank, 28-29, 31-32, Parekh, Uday, 193 Suchanek, Arthur, 34, 47, 101, 104,
35, 37-38, 144 Patil, Bhagwan B., 77, 185, 200, 108, 110-111, 113
Kruse, Charles, 174 207 Tolen, Delbert, 77
Kumar, Anand, 200, 206 Pavel, Stephen K., 126,204 Torek, William, 151, 178
Lacijan, Larry, 71 Pearce, John, 61 Treese, Steven A., 9, 12, 16, 24, 28,
Lal, Ravi, 97 Perkin, J. Douglas, 157 30-33, 36, 39, 41-44, 47, 61, 71,
Lanning, Robert Allen, 189 84-87, 89, 95-96, 98-100, 102,
Peters, Kenneth D., 27, 42, 46,
Laux, Michael A., 12-13, 22, 24- 107-112, 117, 119-125, 128,
103-106, 113, 157, 162, 164
131-139, 144, 150, 155-156,
28, 32, 40, 52-53, 58, 60, 66, 69, 165,207
163, 185, 187-190, 193-194,
73, 76-78, 81, 84-85, 99-101, Porter, William J., 9, 12, 14-16, 19,
103, 110, 114-115, 118, 124- 196, 198-l99, 205-206
21, 23-24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34-36,
126, 131, 133, 136-137, 141- Trevino, Cesar, 128
39-42, 46, 49-51, 53, 56-58, 64,
142, 145-146, 148, 152, 156, Turpin, Lee E., 35-36, 40, 161, 188
70, 73, 75, 77, 79, 84, 86-87,
158-160, 162, 164, 167, 171, 89-90, 92-93, 96, 99-100, 107, Vadekar, MO, 180, 183, 185
173, 176-178, 184-185, 187- 109, 111-119, 122-123, 128, Valentine, Julie, 31
188, 194, 197-198, 201-203 130, 132-134, 137-138, 141, Vance, Paul W., 101, 110, 112, 121,
Lehan, Kathleen, 94 143-145, 148-152, 154, 156, 129, 139
Lehr, James (day trip), 203 158, 162-164, 166-167, 171, Vasquez, David, 181
LeRoy, Charles, 39 174-175, 177, 179, 183, 187- Waterfield, David N., 155, 163
Letzsch, Warren, 59, 61, 63 191, 193, 195-197, 201-203, Wells, Jan W., 50, 64
Lomax, Stanley, 147 206-207 Williams, Stephen, 159
Lord, Linda, 87, 89, 117, 182 Pratt, Roy E., 130 Wilson, Troy, 86, 192
Marrelli, Ronald, 78, 105, 152, 164 Puschinsky, Bob, 141 Wizig, Herbert W., 74, 182, 186,
Mathur, S. N., 26, 182 Quinn, George, 65 203
Matos, Jose, 60 Rao, P.S., 207 Wood, David, 37, 169
McCaffrey, David, 140 Reverdy, Francois, 162 Zickefoose, Earl, 91, 205
McCoy, Charles, 99, 102, 105, 109, Roddey, Bob, 105, 112, 123, 133,
113-114, 116, 121, 124, 138, 152, 160,163
165, 167, 172 Romero, Sim, 89
McLean, Joseph, 23, 45, 49, 51, Ronnander, James C., 94, 196
53-57, 59, 6l-66, 68-71, 73, 76- Santos, Jessie, 179, 182
77, 82-83, 90, 95, 124-125, 134, Sayles, Scott M., 9, 16, 24-25, 30,
140, 148, 150-151, 154, 158- 32-35, 38-39, 4l-44, 50-51, 53-
162, 164, 172-173, 190 55, 58, 62-65, 67-68, 70, 73, 75,
Meeker, Roon, 65 80, 84, 99, 104-105, 109, 111,
Mehrotra, Raghunath, 61, 113 114-115, 118-121, 125, 131,
Menegaz, Stephen G., 8, 13-14, 19, 140-144, 149, 154-155, 157,
23, 26, 44-45, 49, 51-55, 57, 62, 159-160, 163, 165, 167, 169-
64-66, 69-74, 77, 81-83, 94, 170, 172, 182-184, 191-192,
102, 140-143, 145, 149, 151- 195, 202-203
152, 159, 166, 170, 173-174, Scheirer, Glen E., 97
176, 178-179, 183, 187-196 Scott, Bruce, 188, 190

214 Subject Index


Index to Topics Discussed at

Q & A Sessions on Technology

The next several pages comprise an index of the tran- or reagents, etc.), “analysis” (testing and analytical meth-
script of the 1994 NPRA question-and-answer sessions on ods), and “instrumentation” (metering, monitoring, and
refining and petrochemical technology. control).
Availability. Readers who do not have access to this Subheadings. Only the broadest subjects have sub-
volume may obtain it by writing: NPRA, Suite 1000, headings. They are given their governing subject headings
1899 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, Attention: on the next page and are preceded there and in the body
Publications. Price is $25.00 plus postage. of the index by a dash.
An example, “sulfur and mercaptans” is the subhead
Using the Index. The index follows a hierarchal format,
under the subject “chemicals and chemical elements and
which is broken down into:
1. Subjects
2. Subheadings Words. The words, which are the highest degree of
3. Words specificity before the actual information entry, are listed
alphabetically under the subjects and/or subheadings. For
Two general guides should be kept in mind by the
example, “riser” is a word under the subheading “cat
searcher for making the index easier to use:
cracking” which is under the subject heading “cracking.”
The index is oriented primarily (but not entirely)
When the index user is at the word stage, it is advisable
toward specific refining processes. Under each proc-
that several “word” entries be scanned. For example, when
ess the entries tend to be clumped into such areas as
searching for information concerning a riser, the words
“charge stocks, ” “equipment” and “operation.”
“cat” (catalyst) and “charge stock” may also, depending on
Equipment which is not uniquely associated with a
the nature of the information needed, deserve scrutiny. On
specific process is entered by name under the major
the other hand, the words “cat regeneration” and “pollu-
subject heading “equipment.” This major subject
tion control,” also under the subheading “cat cracking”
heading also has some sub-headings such as “main-
can, with a high degree of confidence, be ruled out as
tenance” and “standby.”
pointing to appropriate information.
Subjects. As noted, included in the broad subject cate- The information entry associated with the words is, of
gory are all major processing activities, such as “cracking” course, the final criterion for turning to the NPRA book.
and “reforming.” With a question involving hydrocrack-
The Entry. The word and entry describe as briefly as
ing, for example, the searcher should skip the temptation
possible the content of the information available.
to go directly to the body of the index and try to find
“hydrocracking” in alphabetical order. “Hydrocracking” Page. The right-hand column of the index gives the page
is a subheading of “cracking,” which governs the alpha- where the information described in the entry can be found.
betical location of the material.
Four large all-purpose subjects are “additives,” “chemi-
cals” (which can cover feedstock materials, contaminants,

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 215



Additives Environmental Control

-Antifoam - See Also - Foaming Equipment
Alkylation -See Also - Entries Under Individual Processes
-HF Alkylation -Failure
-Sulfuric Acid Alkylation -Maintenance
Analysis (Testing & Analytical Methods) -Operation
Asphalt Etherification
Biological Treating & Microorganisms Fires
Blending Flow
Catalysts Foaming
-See Also - Specific Processes Fouling & Deposits
-Cobalt Moly -See Also - Entries Under Individual Processes
-Fines -See Also - Coking(Fouling)
-Nickel Moly Gasoline
-Passivators -See Also - Naphtha
-Poisons & Poisoning
Hydrogen Production
Charge Stocks
-See Also - Name of Specific Process Using Stock
Instrumentation(Metering, Monitoring & Control)
-See Also - Naphtha or Oils
Chemicals & Chemical Elements & Metals Isomerization
-See Also - Catalysts Lube Oils (As Products)
-Fluorides Mathematical Models
-Sulfur & Mercaptans & Sulfur Compounds Naphtha
Coke (Coke Production) -See Also - Gasoline
-Delayed Coking Oils
-Fluid Coking -See Also - The Names of Specific Processes
Coking (Fouling) Olefins
Combustion Promoters Polymer Unit
-See Also - Cracking Refinery Operation
Computer Control Reforming
Contaminants Safety & Industrial Hygiene
Control Shutdown
Corrosion & Equipment Problems Sludge
Cracking Start-Up
-Cat Cracking-Fluid Cat Cracking (FCC)
Sulfur Plant
Crude Oil Processing
Diesel Oils - See - Oils Treating
Distillation -See Also - Hydrotreating
Employees Turnaround
Energy Recovery & Conservation Washing

216 Subject Index


1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology
ADDITIVES Hydrotreating Running with sweet naphtha 114-94
Diesel Lubricity 33-94 Hydrotreating For 300 psig unit treating kero./FCC naphtha 115-94
-ANTIFOAM Hydrotreating O2, silicon problems with cracked naphtha 116-94
Coker & HDS Experience 113-94 Hydrotreating Catalyst life for various resid objectives 116-94
Hydrotreating Silicon antifoams 113-94 Hydrotreating Passivation during unloading cuts costs 118-94
Hydrotreating Safety, not costs, criterium for technique 119-94
ALKYLATION Hydrotreating Presulfiding 119-94
-HF ALKYLATION Hydrotreating Support material hydrogenates olefins 123-94
Acid solubles Role of MTBE plant 144-94 Hydrotreating Nickel carbonyl from spent catalyst 123-94
Acid solubles Dimethyl ether is culprit 144-94 Hydrotreating Danger of Cd when purging spent catalyst 123-94
Acid solubles Feed dryer absorb oxygenates 145-94 Hydrotreating Large exotherms with presulfided catalysts 124-94
Acid solubles Oxygenate analyzer on mixed C4 stream 145-94 Hydrotreating Presulfided in bulk 125-94
Acid solubles Water wash removes the DME precursor 145-94 Hydrotreating Presulfided saves time 125-94
Aerosol Additive to suppress 146-94 Hydrotreating Keep presulfided dry and inert 125-94
Emissions Water curtain 147-94 Hydrotreating “Cradle to grave” management has drawbacks 125-94
Feed Reduce acid solubles due to oxygenate process 144-94 Hydrotreating Regenerated catalyst is used 128-94
HF leak Rapid acid dump system 148-94 Hydrotreating Maximizing SiO2 absorption 128-94
HF leaks Various detectors in use 147-94 Management Refiner has ultimate responsibility 128-94
Maintenance Clean iron fluoride from condenser each year 146-94 Methanol Copper promoted makes more 93-94
Maintenance Citric acid vs HCI for cleaning 146-94 Methanol Copper promoted does not make more 93-94
Plus Iron fluoride causes 145-94 Mild HDC For production of low sulfur diesel 129-94
Process Status of solid catalysts 148-94 MTBE Losses from reactor 175-94
Process Solid cat. ready by end of 1995 148-94 Ni passivation Technologies for Ni 57-94
-SULFURIC ACID ALKYL4TION Ni passivation Catalyst vs. passivator 57-94
Aerosols Limited, but safety & enviro. threat 140-94 No 1 emissions Good experience 95-94
Contactor Plugging traced to fresh acid 142-94 Passivation Traps cut need for Sb 59-94
Control Multivariant scheme a success 143-94 Passivators Tin
_... 56-94
Corrosion Deisobutanizer tower 142-94 Polymerization Dry drilling tubes removes cat. 169-94
Corrosion Effuent treaters and DIB corrosion 143-94 Polymerization Problems in chamber reactor 169-94
Corrosion pH control & amine for DIB protection 143-94 Polymerization Charcoal minimizes pressure drop 169-94
Feed How much H2 through C2H6 tolerable 140-94 Polymerization Various catalysts 170-94
Feed Ethylene major contaminant 140-94 Reforming For H2 from butane 92-94
Feed Don’t vent IC4 with light ends 140-94 Reforming SMR vs. SNR cats for H2 from C4 92-94
Feed Low IC4/olefins ratio 141-94 Reforming Alkali promoted for H2 from C4 92-94
Feed IC4/olefins than six incurs penalties 141-94 Reforming Pt/Re cats. require high S removal from feed 151-94
Feed IC4/olefin ratio seven desirable 141-94 Reforming Sulfur guard enhances cat. performance 152-94
Feed RTG prompts new look at IC4/olefins ratio 141-94 Reforming High alumina, low Pt CCR cat. 158-94
Feed NC4 like “deadwood ” in feed 142-94 Reforming CCR cats: E-1000, CR-201, R-130 series 158-94
Feed 4.5/l lower limit IC4/olefin ratio 142-94 Reforming Iron sulfide on cat. 159-94
H2SO4 release Safety & enviro. concern 140-94 Reforming Rotate cat. to combat iron sulfide 159-94
H2SO4 release Dealing with contaminated soils 140-94 Reforming Pt loss; mechanisms 160-94
Hydrogenation Strippers or separators 140-94 Reforming Pt loss from fines, high temp. 160-94
Process H4O in acid recycle cuts octane 141-94 Reforming Fines major reason for Pt loss 160-94
Spent acid Preventing explosive mix in tanks 144-94 Reforming Pt loss bookkeeping 160-94
Spent acid Tank design or safety 144-94 SiO2 absorp. Can go up to 25 wt% in spent catalyst 128-94
Tail-gas unit TiO2 meets tail gas requirements 190-94
ANALYSIS (TESTING &ANALYTICAL METHODS) Va passivation Technologies for Va 56-94
Aromatics Chromatography for aromatics in diesel 107-94 Va passivation Tin, traps, in dual single particle systems 56-94
Diesel fuel Blotter ratings indicate stability 110-94 Va passivation High matrix, alumina works 56-94
Diesel fuel Dye complicates stability test 111-94 Va passivation Separate trap preferred 56-94
Gasoline On-line analyzers 28-94 Va passivation Tin better for Ni 56-94
H2O analyzer On reformer feed & recycle 163-94 Va passivation Separate trap can dilute catalyst 56-94
Reforming Analysis to check sulfur guard 150-94 Va passivation Two stage regen. enhances it 59-94
Reforming On-line NIR for octane, RVP & PONA 153-94 Va passivation Sulfur competes for trap 61-94
Reforming NIR for feed forward control Va traps Selection is complex 61-94
Instrumentation systems 153-94 ZSM-5 Effect on FCC dienes 65-94
RFG Measuring in diesel at low levels 108-94 -COBALT MOLY
Sulfur Analyzer in hydrotreater control room 108-94 Hydrotreating N2 & O2 in feed are factors 107-94
ASPHALT MTBE Different amounts in various resins 175-94
Multi-grade Meeting new standards 35-94 -NICKEL MOLY
Hydrotreating Premium cat. guards against nitrogen 107-94
Applications Wastes, desulfurization, ethanol production 44-94 Antimony For Ni in FCCU 57-94
Bismuth For Ni in FCCU 57-94
BLENDING Cerium Replaces antimony 58-94
Analyzers On-line types for RFG certification 27-94 Lift gas Contributes to Ni passivation 59-94
Flowmeters Types for in-line service 31-94 Ni Rarely needed at less than 800 ppm Ni 60-94
MTBE Dealing with water in MTBE 42-94 Performance Comparison Sb, Bi & Ce 59-94
RFG Instruments. control systems for RFG 28-94 Sb vs. Bi Bi more important in future 58-94
RFG Complex vs. simple model changes 32-94 -PLATINUM
Reforming Las mechanisms 160-94
CATALYSTS Reforming Cat. handling major cause of pt loss 160-94
C4 isom. Regenerable 172-94 Reforming Loss bookkeeping 160-94
Cat Cracking Cost of Na in feed 8-94 -POISONS & POISONING
Claus unit TiO2 compared with alumina cats. 190-94 H2S in H, Cuts hydrotreater run length 114-94
Claus unit TiO2 cats are costly 190-94 Hydrotreating Silica problem 112-94
Claus unit TiO2 cats resist sulfate poisoning 190-94 MTBE Nitrogen 174-94
Claus unit AM catalyst is O2 scavenger 190-94 MTBE & ETBE Poison resistant cats. 174-94
Claus unit Rejuvenation results mixed 195-94
Deact. rate FCC O2 enrichment increases rate in FCC 62-94 CHARGE STOCKS
Deactivation Diverse opinions on steam method 62-94 CGO vs. VGO As feeds for FCC & HCC units 70-94
FCC Select Catalyst offset deactivation by O2 62-94 Coker FCC slurry to coker 89-94
FCC Process 126-94 Coker Coking F, K, wastes 89-94
FCC Analyses bifore & after demetallization 126-94 Coker gas oil Better for FCC than hydrocracker 70-94
FCC olefins Role in RFG 54-94 Coker gas oil Do only partial conversion in HDC 70-94
Feed filter Spent catalyst poor choice 100-94 Coker naphtha Treating problems, solutions 112-94
Feed nozzles datalyst flow most important 81-94 Coker naphtha Problems in distillate unit 113-94
H2 reforming No penalty for running butanes 93-94 FCC feed Afterburn 66-94
H2 reforming Blanketing with nitrogen 97-94 HDC buns. Process hydrocracker btms. in FCC 78-94
HF alkylation Status of solid catalysts 148-94 Resid Various desulfurization strategies 116-94
HF alkylation Solid cat. ready by end of 1995 148-94
Hydrocracking Dense vs sock loading. 133-94 CHEMICALS & CHEMICAL ELEMENTS & METALS
Hydrocracking Evaluating dense loading job 133-94 Antimony As passivator 57-94
Hydrocracking Switching from amorphous to zeolite 138-94 Antimony Cuts FCC hydrogen output 58-94
Hydrotreating Low sulfur operation cuts run 110-94 Arsine H2S problem with guard beds 81-94

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 217


Cerium Replaces antimony passivator 58-94 Sulfur .Sulfur content vs. corrosion rate 19-94
Chloride Deposits in fractionator 69-94 Sulfur plant Amine foaming, discoloration from corrosion 176-94
H2 S Problem for FCC guard beds 81-94 Sulfur plant High H2S loading causes corrosion 176-94
HCN Control by polysulfide in FCC gas plant 80-94
Metals On spent FCC cat. before/after demetallization 126-94 CRACKING
Methanol New generation catalysts 93-94 -CAT CRACKING-FLUID CAT CRACKING (FCC)
Ni Traps vs. liquid passivators 57-94 Afterburn Designs to reduce 65-94
Ni Passivator rarely needed below 800 ppm 60-94 Afterburn Spent catalyst distribution is key 65-94
Ni “New” Ni has bigger effect on FCC H2 61-94 Afterburn Water & torch oil to control 66-94
Ni carbonyl Danger from CO in purge gas, methanators 124-94 Afterburn Temperatures to 1,800oF 66-94
O2 FCC enrichment 63-94 Afterburn Promoters, low O2 & coker gas oil 66-94
O2 scavenger Hydrazine compounds for HDT feed 104-94 Afterburn Mechanical causes 66-94
Polysulfides Rates for use in gas plant washing 81-94 Afterburn Cyclone hangers set maximum temp 67-94
Propylene Arsine removal bed 81-94 Afterburn Air and coke distribution 67-94
Tin Pros & cons as passivator 57-94 Afterburn Two stage regeneration avoids problem 68-94
-FLUORIDES Afterburning Causes of 66-94
Isomerization Problems caused 171-94 Afterburning Torch oil rate & cat circulation 66-94
Isomerization Defluorinate feed with alumina beds 171-94 Analyzers On-line uses in FCC 78-94
-SULFUR & MERCAPTANS & SULFUR COMPOUNDS Antimony Reduces hydrogen output 58-94
Distribution In FCC naphtha 74-94 Arsine Removal from gases 81-94
FCC naphtha Reduction before, after, in FCC 73-94 Arsine New guard material 81-94
FCC naphtha Effect on FCC catalyst 73-94 Butadiene Riser temperature correlation 64-94
FCC naphtha Reduce gasoline S with riser recycle 74-94 Cat stripper Staged stripping system 68-94
Iron sulfide Effects on reforming cat. 159-94 Catalyst Cost of Na in feed 8-94
Reduction Ways to reduce in gasoline 73-94 Coke buildup Between refractory and metal 53-94
Coke buildup Weld hexmesh to inlet horn to reduce 53-94
COKE (COKE PRODUCTION) Coker gas oil Better cracked in FCC than HCC 70-94
-DELAYED COKING Control Advanced systems 77-94
Coke drum Drum distortion, cracking 86-94 Control Reluctance to use in react./regen. 78-94
Coke drum Correlation of cycles and distortion 86-94 Control Overlay advanced control on DCS 78-94
Coke drum Failure & thermal fatigue 86-94 Corrosion From polysultide 80-94
cutting Using untreated water 87-94 Dienes Cyclones, nozzles, coolers limit production 64-94
Decoking On-line decoking 89-94 Dienes Regenerator temperature correlation 64-94
Feedstock FCC slurry to coker 89-94 Dienes Proper catalyst reduces output 65-94
Feedstock FCC slurry from coker gas oil 90-94 Dienes ZSM-5 increases dienes and butenes 65-94
Feed-stock effect of waste on operations 91-94 Diencs Quench dilute phase to reduce 65-94
Fouling Extending run lengths 88-94 Erosion Design or operations to prevent 50-94
Fouling Steady operation key preventative 89-94 Erosion Space velocity 50-94
Fouling Desalting & antifoulants 89-94 Erosion Localized coking can cause 49-94
Fractionator Use of structured packing 87-94 Erosion Role of catalyst cyclones 51-94
Heater tube Correlation of fouling with feed 88-94 Feed Bielectric desalter for purchased resid 8-94
Process Coke fines carryover 87-94 Feed Cost of increased Na 8-94
Sludge Equipment for handling 85-94 Feed inject. Schemes for curved risers 71-94
Valves Downstream of multiport valve 85-94 Feed nozzles Improve yield in curved risers 71-94
-FLUID COKING Feed nozzles Concerns in curved riser revamps 71-94
Feedstock Effect of F, K, wastes or operations 90-94 Feed nozzles Heart of the FCC 72-94
Feed nozzles Benefits of radial type 81-94
COKING (FOULING) Feed nozzles Radials preferred design 82-94
Coker Cost of increased Na in furnace fouling 8-94 Feed nozzles Upgrade payout in months 82-94
FCC Reasons for in fractionator 74-94 Feedstock Solvent deasphahing of feed 22-94
FCC Coker gas oil culprit 74-94 Fouling Avoid coking in main fractionator 74-94
FCC Avoid with six design features 74-94 Fouling Operating conditions that cause 75-94
FCC Role of fresh feed 75-94 Fouling Slurry recycle minimizes problem 77-94
FCC Mechanical changes help prevent 75-94 Fractionator Tray salting problem 69-94
FCC Reduce bottoms temp. and residence 76-94 Fractionator Design features to avoid coking 74-94
FCC Cycle oil analyses 76-94 Gas plants Wash water rates and additives 80-94
Riser Experience 77-94 H2 prod. “New” Ni causes bigger increase 61-94
HDC btms. Process hydrocracker btms. in FCC 78-94
COMBUSTION PROMOTERS Local coke Use high matrix catalyst 53-94
Afterburn Promoter additions 66-94 Local coke Wrapping refractory prevents 53-94
Local coke Refractory in high contour areas 53-94
COMPUTER CONTROL Local coke Low start-up, upset temperature 53-94
PCs and LANs Pulling all refinery information 39-94 Local coke Weld stand offs to inlet horn 53-94
LPG dienes Function of riser temperature 64-94
CONTAMINANTS Modern design Stripper, feed inject., riser 68-94
Delayed coking Sodium 8-94 Nap. aromatics Reducing for RFG 56-94
Nap. olefins Meeting RFG standards 54-94
CONTROL Nap. olefins Seven ways to cut for RFG 54-94
Console oper. Qualifications required 38-94 Nap. olefins Hydrotreating is RFG option 54-94
Expert systems Applications and drawbacks 38-94 Nap. olefins Alkylate for RFG 54-94
Flame scanners Interference from x-raying 30-94 Nap. olefins Catalyst is option for RFG 54-94
Information Pulling together information systems 39-94 Ni & H2 Chlorides reactivate seed Ni 62-94
Maintenance Type personnel for DCS hardware, software 29-94 Ni/Sb Ratio for passivation 58-94
Model based Payout experience in closed loop system 36-94 No x Regen. conditions that reduce 83-94
Model based Support staff needed 36-94 Nox Reduce nitrogen in feedstock first 83-94
Neural Applications, drawbacks of networks 37-94 Nozzle failed Metallurgy recommended for catalyst nozzle 51-94
Process models “On-line” application of rigorous models 35-94 Nozzle oxidat. Causes 51-94
Nozzle oxidat. Ceramic solution 51-94
CORROSION & EQUlPMENT PROBLEMS O2 enrich. Increases catalyst deactivation 62-94
Alky DIB tower Ways to prevent 143-94 O2 enrich. Catalyst deactivation avoided 63-94
Amine unit Heat stable salts major corrosion agent 180-94 O2 enrich. Air, catalyst contact design 63-94
Amine unit Control corrosion in sour H2O stripper 183-94 Process Methods to control fractionator bottoms temp. 77-94
Crude overhead Modeling of neutralizers eliminates corrosion 23-94 Passivation Ni trop cuts Sb need 59-94
Crude overhead Design of system is important 24-94 Passivators Comparison of three 59-94
FCC Cause of in Naphtha pumparound 52-94 Pentadiene Quench dilute phase to reduce 65-94
FCC pumparound Ammonium chloride a cause 52-94 Pumparound Corrosion of naphtha circuit and pipe 52-94
FCC pumparound Ammonium disulfide possibility 52-94 Reactor Hot wall vs. cold wall design 49-94
FCC pumparound No problem with killed carbon’sreel 52-94 Refractory Maintenance monitoring for wear 53-94
MTBE Corrosion in extractor overhead 174-94 Refractory Four wear monitoring methods 54-94
Na & Va Effect on heater metallurgy 41-94 Sulfur Reduce in mid range naphtha with cat. 74-94
Naphth. acid Methods to control corrosion 18-94 Shutdown Four conditions for automatic 72-94
Naphth. acid Acceptable content level 19-94 Shutdown Automatic systems 72-94
Naphth. acid Monitoring corrosion 19-94 Shutdown Auto. follows manual steps 72-94
Naphth. acid Acid number correlates with crude blends 19-94 Shutdown Air blower check valve 73-94
Naphth. acid Velocity to avoid erosion/corrosion 19-94 Shutdowns Nuisance auto. in FCC 72-94
NH 4 HS Reduce corrosion from it in hydrotreater 130-94 Sidedraws Tray salting causes loss 69-94
Overhead Affect of iron sulfide solubility 22-94 Stripper Multiple steam injection works well 68-94
Overhead Problem from sulfuric acid 25-94 Stripper Important design factors 68-94
Reforming H2O wash, dispersants for stabilizer plug 155-94 Stripper Riser termination device 69-94
Reforming Nitrogen hydrotreating critical 156-94 Sulfur Undercutting is option 73-94
Sulfolane Reboiler in unit 167-94 Tray salting Indicators of problem 69-94
Sulfolane Three mechanisms cause corrosion in reboiler 167-94 Tray salting Waterwash on-line 69-94
Sulfolane Air leaks major cause of corrosion 168-94 Tray salting Some crudes cause more 70-94
Sulfur Methods to control corrosion 18-94 Tray salting Filming amine solution to problem 70-94
Sulfur Acceptable content level 19-94 Va passivation Two stage regen. a plus 59-94

218 Subject Index


Va traps Success related to Va mobility 60-94 Water Designs, techniques for good air flotation 198-94
Va traps Sulfur competes for trap 61-94 Water reuse Streams and their reuse 199-94
Waterwash Best option 79-94 Water reuse Desalter brine for wash water 199-94
Waterwash Practices at various units 79-94 Water reuse Stripped water worked poorly in cooling 199-94
Yield Small stripper causes loss 69-94 Water reuse Unit effluent sent back to front end 199-94
-HYDROCRACKING Water reuse Condensate in desalter popular, but troublesome 199-94
cat. level Detector for level in ebullated bed reactors 134-94 Water reuse Treated sanitary sewage in cooling H2O 200-94
catalyst Evaluating dense loading job 133-94 Water reuse After treatment for cooling water 200-94
catalyst Switching from amorphous to zeolite 138-94 Water reuse Treated for coke cutting 200-94
Coker gas oil Can be poor feed 70-94
Feedstock Solvent deasphalting of feed 22-94 EQUIPMENT
Foaming In cold high pressure separators 134-94 Failure Electrostatic precipitators 84-94
Fouling Better VGO solved PNA fouling 135-94 Furnaces Use of flame scanners 30-94
Heaters Neutralization of stainless steel 131-94 Maintenance Flue gas electrostatic precipitators 84-94
Low s diesel Specs of diesel from hydrocracker 138-94 Metallurgy Response to Ni and Va in fuel oil to heater 41-94
Mild Limitation for making low sulfur diesel 129-94 Operation Flue gas electrostatic precipitators 84-94
PNA fouling in effluent air or water coolers 135-94 Precipitator Factors to keep electro. precip. on swam 84-94
PNA fouling Management techniques for retrofits 135-94 valves Types in coke drum system 85-94
Process Reaction to temperature excursions 137-94
Process Making low sulfur diesel 138-94 Draft Fan H2 reformer furnace shutdown 96-94
Reactor Radial maklistribution 130-94 MAINTENANCE
Reactor Neutralization after cat. unloading 131-94 Synthetic lubed reformer recips 165-94
Reactor flow Temp difference that indicates problem 132-94 Washing reformer compressors 166-94
Reactor flow Mixing box improved distribution 132-94 Neutralization of stainless steel in hydrocrackers 131-94
Reactor flow Quench zone technology improves distribution 133-94 HF alkylation Citric acid vs HCL for cleaning 146-94
Reactor flow Sock vs. dense cat loading 133-94 Reformer Recip vs. centrifugal compressors 165-94
Sour naphtha H2S stripping & cobalt moly solve problem 136-94 167-94
Reformer Compressor antifoulant
Thermocouples Adding to reactors with top entry thermowells 134-94
Burners Flame scanners 94-94
Vis. reduction Gravity that requires diluent 26-94
Vis. reduction Benefit of diluents in desalting
catalyst Losses from MTBE reactor 175-94
MTBE catalyst Load to reactor in water slurry 175-94
DEASPHALTING Nitrile effect on life 173-94
For cracking feeds 22-94 MTBE cats.
Solvent Max. nitriles 173-94
MTBE feed
MTBE feed Water wash removes nitriles 173-94
Crude oil Conditions that affect underdeposit corrosion 23-94 MTBE feed Solid bed nitrile absorber 173-94
24-94 MTBE feed Nitrogen removal efficiency is 95 to 97% 174-94
Crude oil Amine in tail water stops underdeposit corrosion
Crude oil Iron sulfide and underdeposit corrosion 24-94 Process TAME & ETBE from MTBE plant 173-94
Experience within crude and vacuum units 25-94 Process Check methanol recycle for nitrogen 174-94
Packing Experience within FCC fractionators 26-94 Revamp Time requited 173-94
Seal problems Problems from pure MTBE or in gasoline 43-94
EMPLOYEES Wet MTBE Dealing with haze potential 42-94
Console Qualifications requited 38-94
Info. sys. Giving employees access to networks 39-94 FIRES
Number Consolidation and hourly vs. salaried on board 39-94 Cone roofs Floating roofs for tanks in sour water service 40-94
Training New engineers 47-94 Reforming In effluent exchangers 162-94


Boilers CO trim control 206-94 Measurement Pulsating flow for injection pumps 27-94
Exchangers Preferred methods for in place cleaning 206-94
Exchangers PNAs removed with reformate circulation 207-94 FOAMING
Hydrocracking Effluent from reactor 134-94
Air-flares Conflicting experience 197-94 FOULING & DEPOSITS
Antimony Toxicity problem as passivator 57-94 Alkylation Contactor fouling from fresh acid 142-94
catalysts Proposed rule to list hot cat. as hazardous 204-95 Amine Iron sulfide discolors amine 177-94
catalysts Recycle spent phosphoric acid 204-94 Claus unit NH4 salt plugging 188-94
Caustic Process to cat. oxidize sulfitic caustic 203-94 Coker Heater tube problem and feed 88-94
Caustic sulfitic caustic & cresylic acid to reclaimers 203-94 Coker Extending run lengths 88-94
Caustic/acid Minimizing waste 203-94 Coker gas oil Poses problem in FCC 70-94
Ceramic support Nonhazardous solid waste 203-94 Compressors Antifoulants for units in H2 service 104-94
Ceramic support hazardous if mixed with hazardous catalyst 203-94 Compressors Waterwash units in H2 surface 104-94
Ceramic support Cleaned & recycled 203-94 Compressors Type lubricant significant 104-94
Desalter effl. Advantage of bielectric unit 14-94 Exchangers Antifoulants for hydrotreater effluent 102-94
Desalting Bielectric units improve heavy crude effluent 15-94 FCC coke Coping with problem 53-94
Diesel Meeting California rules 33-94 HF alkylation Iron fluoride from wet HF plugs condenser 145-94
Diesel Characteristics of ultra-low sulfur fuel 33-94 HF alkylation Clean salt from condensers each year 146-94
Dome tanks Work well over floating roofs 198-94 Hydrocracker PNA in effluent air or water coolers 134-94
Econo. benefit Desalter eliminates oil in effluent 204-94 Hidrocracker PNA management techniques 135-94
Econo. benefit Run sludge through coker 204-94 Hydrocracker Better VGO solved PNA problem 135-94
Econo. benefit Pay off from desalter 204-94 Hydrotreater Waterwash exchangers for chloride 103-94
FCC Nox Regen. conditions that reduce 83-94 Hydrotreater Gum in feed exchanger 103-94
FCC Nox Reduce nitrogen in feedstock first 83-94 Hydrotreater Blanketing of charges helps 104-94
FCC Nox Cat. treat flue gas to reduce 83-94 Hydrotreater Oxygen scavengers 104-94
FCC Nox Mechanisms of formation 84-94 NH4Cl plugging in 600oF separator system 122-94
FCC Nox Reduction additives 84-94 Hydrotreater Oxygen contact with feed major cause 103-94
Flair pilots Experience with various systems 196-94 Low temp. may permit NH4CI deposit 123-94
Gasoline Effect of EPA rules on properties 33-94 Compressor antifoulant 167-94
Nox Catalytic reduction in H2 plant 95-94 Nitrogen causes fouling 164-94
Reformer feed
Odor H2S scavengers & carbon canister for asphalt 197-94
H2O wash, dispersants for stabilizer plug 155-94
205-94 Reforming
Oily sludges Inject into coker Reforming NH4CI major cause of stabilizer plugging 156-94
Oily sludges Filter press or centrifuge 205-94
Reforming Nitrogen hydrotreating critical 156-94
Oily sludges Maybe hazardous waste 205-94
206-94 Reforming Coker naphtha can cause plugging 157-94
Sludge Materials to remove oil from sludge 157-94
Tank mixers for reducing sludge 206-94 Reforming Hydrotreater key to reducing stabilizer plugging
Sludge 70-94
205-94 Trays Some crudes cause more
Solid waste Two basic thermal desorption systems
205-94 Tray salting Problems, solutions 64-94
Solid waste One desorb system exempt from RCRA
Asphalt odor additive works in sour water 197-94 Va Problems in Benfield process 95-94
Sour water
Building unit to strip with CO2 203-94 Water inject. Points for injection on reactor outlet 105-95
Spent caustic
Preventing contamination 202-94 Water wash Be sure most water stays liquid 105-94
Storm water
Treatment 202-94 Water wash Stripping sour water cost 105-94
Storm water
Reduction in FCC naphtha 73-94 Water wash Washing essential for hydrotreaters 105-94
Vapor recovery Ship loading and thermal oxidizers 138-94
Vapor recovery Destruction of old cars negates need 198-94 GASOLINE
Washwater Dealing with turnaround water 43-94 Analyzers On-line types for EPA certification 27-94
Waste caustic Caustic management, options 202-94 Benzene Remove benzene precursors from reformate 153-94
Waste water Major pollutants 200-94 Enviro. regs Effect on properties 33-94
Waste water Screening test for aquatic toxicity 200-94 FCC olefins Reduce for RFG 54-94
Waste water Worst pollutants 201-94 RFG Benzene precursor prefractionation 153-94
Waste water COD & minnows for toxicity screening 201-94 RFG Ways to limit benzene 154-94
Waste water Metal, dissolved and recoverable 201-94 RFG Pressure &severity vs. benzene make 154-94
Waste water Irrigates hay field 201-94 RFG Instrument control system for making 28-94
Waste water Odor masking neutralizing trials 201-94 RFG Complex vs. simple model changes 32-94

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 219


HYDROGEN Water wash Washing essential 105-94

Production Old vs. new Ni 64-94
HYDROGEN PRODUCTION Alky H2SO4 Multivarient process control a success 143-94
Burners Burner management system & fuel 93-94 Desalter Microwave level sensor 10-94
Catalyst For nat. gas through butane 93-94 Desalter Capacitance & dP cells didn’t work well 16-94
Corrosion Non-heavy metal inhibitors 94-94 Desalters samplers, floats, probes, level detectors 15-94
Feedstock Process butane over SMR catalyst 92-94 Desalting Microwave probes reduce undercarry 12-94
Feedstock No design penalty for flexibility 92-94 FCC Use of on-line analyzers 78-94
Furnaces Selective catalytic reduction 95-94 Flow measures Pulsating flow 27-94
Furnaces SCR add-on difficult 96-94 Maintenance Type personnel for DCS hardware, software 29-94
Furnaces Draft fan shutdown 76-94 Process models On-line applications 35-94
Nickel carbonyl Methanators can pose danger 124-94
Nox Alternative to ammonia injection 96-94 ISOMERIZATION
Purification Automatic. control of PSA 98-94 C4 catalyst Regenerable cat. 172-94
Tubes Failure of Manaurite XM tubes 97-94 C4 feed Defluorinated alky butane 171-94
Tubes Failure protection 97-94 C4 feed 1 ppm fluoride in feed is max. 171-94
Tubes Eight years safe operations 98-94 C4 feed Residual HF in feed 171-94
Turndowns Burner operations 94-94 C4 feed Defluorination with alumina beds 171-94
C5, C6 feed Use of sulfur guard system 172-94
HYDROTREATING C5, C6 process Sulfur guard conditions, results 172-94
Aromatics Analysis for in diesel 107-94 Process Temperature runaways 171-94
Aromatics Type, distribution strongly impacts process 108-94
Cat unloading Time savings with passivation techniques 118-94 LUBE OILS (AS PRODUCT)
Catalyst Premium nickel moly for nitrogen 107-94 Analysis VI by NIR 21-94
Catalyst Cobalt moly 107-94 Dewaxing Prediction of VI 21-94
Catalyst Large exotherms with presulfided catalysts 124-94 Dewaxing Prediction of VI by NIR 21-94
Catalyst Handling presulfided in bulk 125-94 Extraction Fouling in NMP units 20-94
Catalyst Presulfided saves time 125-94 Hydrotreating In combination with solvent extraction 21-94
Catalyst Cat characteristics for high SiO2 absorption 128-94 Solvent Refine In combination with hydrotreating 21-94
Charge heater Charge heater’s percent of total duty 118-94
Corrosion Reduce NH4HS in hot, high pressure separator 130-94 MATHEMATICAL MODELS
Diesel Technology to reduce aromatics 108-94 Control Applications 35-94
Diesel Sulfur analyzer in control room 108-94
Diesel Changes need to make high into low S units 110-94 NAPHTHA
Feed Effect of oxygenates in feed 106-94 Aromatics Reduce in FCC naphtha for RFG 56-94
Feed O2 in feed requires temp. boost 107-94 Cracked Problems, solutions in hydrotreating 116-94
Feed Treating coker naphtha 112-94 FCC aromatics Poor options for RFG 55-94
Feed Two reactors for coker naphtha 113-94 FCC aromatics Reduce T90 point for RFG 55-94
Feed Coker vs. SR naphtha - cycle length 113-94 FCC yields Improved with radial feed nozzles 82-94
Feed Danger from coker naphtha in distillate unit 113-94 FCC yields Big increases from radial nozzles 82-94
Feed Running with sweet naphtha 114-94 Sulfur Ways to reduce 73-94
Feed Treating FCC gasoline at 300 psig 115-94 Sulfur Hydrotreating options for FCC naphtha 74-94
Feed Treating kerosene in 300 psig unit 115-94 Sulfur Distribution in FCC naphtha 74-94
Feed Treating 100% thermally cracked naphtha 116-94
Feed Thermal cracked naphtha needs two stage unit 116-94 OILS
Feed Support material hydrogenates olefins 123-90 Diesel fuel Measures to comply with California rules 33-94
Filtration Filters better than spent catalyst 100-94 Diesel fuel Options to avoid haze 22-94
Filtration Waxy deposits, excessive backwash 100-94 Diesel fuel Low sulfur from hydrocracker 138-94
Filtration Wax, deposits due to coldness 100-94 Diesel fuel Lubricity problems with ultra low Sulfur 33-94
Filtration Excessive backwashing and salt 101-94 Diesel fuel Lubricity test methods under study 33-94
Filtration Reactor operations without scale basket 101-94 Diesel fuel Chromatography for low aromatics content 107-94
Filtration Graded material preferred to baskets 101-94 Diesel fuel Hydrotreating technology to reduce aromatics 108-94
Filtration Trash baskets prevent pressure drop 101-94 Diesel fuel Hydrocracking employed to reduce aromatics 108-94
Filtration Trash baskets take up cat. space 101-94 Diesel fuel Methods to measure S at low levels 108-94
Filtration Baskets vs. graded beds 102-94 Diesel fuel 0.045 wt% S target 109-94
Filtration Chain trash baskets together and pull out 102-94 Diesel fuel Old hydrotreater meeting new specs 109-94
Filtration Dry ice cleaning of trash baskets 102-94 Diesel fuel Dye, low S vs. High S 110-94
Fouling Antifoulant for reactor effluent exchangers 102-94 Diesel fuel Problems from high dye 110-94
Fouling Gum in feed exchanger 103-94 Diesel fuel Blotter ratings indicate stability 110-94
Fouling Water wash effluent exchangers 103-94 Diesel fuel Dye color controversy 111-94
Fouling Feed contact with oxygen major cause 103-94 Diesel fuel Dye content test 111-94
Fouling Contact of feed with oxygen major cause 103-94 Diesel fuel Dye complicates stability test 111-94
Fouling Type lubricants significant 104-94 Diesel fuel Making low sulfur with mild hydrocracking 129-94
Gas scrubber H2S scrubbrng helps maintain HDS activity 114-94
H2S adsorber Essential for deep HDS 114-94 OLEFINS
Low sulfur Old units meeting new specs 109-94 FCC naphtha Reduce for RFG 54-94
Maldistribution Techniques to detect 121-94
Mild HDC cat. Using to produce low sulfur diesel 129-94 POLYMER UNIT
Plugging NH4CI in hot separator 122-94 catalyst Dry drilling for unloading tubular reactors 169-94
Presulfiding Agents and their performance 119-94 catalyst Problems in chamber reactor 169-94
Presulfiding Criteria for selecting presulfiding agent 119-94 catalyst Charcoal minimizes pressure drop 169-94
Presulfiding Decomposition temperature of presulfiding agent 119-94 catalyst Process variables to lengthen run 170-94
Process Effects of oxygenates in feed 106-95 catalyst Process C3 olefins only for longer runs 170-94
Process 0.045 wt% S in diesel 109-94 catalyst Various catalysts 170-94
Process Revamping units for low sulfur diesel 109-94
Process Wade pressure deltas in first reactor 111-94 REFINERY OPERATIONS
Process Treating coker naphtha 112-94 Alliances Types, benefits 44-94
Process Treat coker naphtha in reformer pretreater 112-94 Expert systems Applications and drawbacks 38-94
Process Coker naphtha problem in distillate unit 113-94 Information Access from single work station 39-94
Process Effect of H2S in hydrogen 113-94 Neural Applications, drawbacks of neural networks 37-94
Process Scrub recycle gas to avoid H2S problem 114-94
Process Treating kero. or FCC gasoline in 300 psig point 115-94 REFORMING
Process Resid HDS for low sulfur fuel oil 117-94 Catalyst High alumina, low Pt CCR cat. 158-94
Process Resid HDS for FCCU 117-94 Catalyst Iron sulfide on cat. 159-94
Process Resid HDS for higher distillate, naphtha yields 117-94 Catalyst Rotate cat. to combat iron sulfide 159-94
Process High conversion cause sludge problem 117-94 Catalyst Pt loss; mechanisms 160-94
Process Control temperature in reactor 118-94 Catalyst Pt loss from fines, high temp. 160-94
Process Problem of uneven reactor bed flow 120-94 Catalyst Cat. handling major cause of Pt loss 160-94
Process Effect of four factors on reactor bed flow 120-94 Catalyst Fines major reason for Pt loss 160-94
Process Increased recycle gas improves reactor bed flow 121-94 Catalyst Pt loss bookkeeping 160-94
Radial reactor Best for cracked naphtha 119-94 Compressors Synthetic lubed recips do well 165-94
Radial reactor Two in parallel are best for cracked naphtha 120-94 Compressors When and how to wash 166-94
Reactor Startup practices on 2.25 Cr-1 Mo units 98-94 Compressors Antifoulants 167-94
Reactor Support material hydrogenates olefins 123-90 Compressors On or off during reduction 167-94
Reactor bed Coping with uneven flow distribution 120-94 Extraction Clays for BTX, cumene processes 168-94
Reactor bed Increased recycle gas improves flow distribution 121-94 Extraction Clay activity & ofefin content 169-94
Reactors Startup guidelines 99-94 Feed Nickel oxide sulfur sorbent 149-94
Removal Comparison for S, N, O compounds 106-95 Feed Tests for sulfur guard effectiveness 149-94
Resid HDS Best operating strategies 116-94 Feed Replace sulfur guard each year 149-94
Startup 2.25 Cr-1 Mo reactors temperature & pressure 98-94 Feed Analyzer to check sulfur guard 150-94
Startup Reactor pressure, remperature guidelines 99-94 Feed Recycle sulfur sorbent after breakthrough 150-94
Startup Get whole reactor hot 99-94 Feed Methods to monitor sulfur guard 150-94
Startup Temperature, pressure cautions 100-94 Feed Catalyst indicates sulfur guard performance 150-94
Sulfur 0.045 wt% S diesel target 109-94 Feed Liquid vs. vapor phase S guards 151-94

220 Subject Index


Feed Vapor phase sulfur guard costly 151-94 Claus units Turndown of 20 to 1 possible 187-94
Feed Water resulting from S guard 151-94 Claus units Operate one on pressure control, other on flow 187-94
Feed Primary reasons for S guard 151-94 Claus units Emergency shutdown not on computer control 187-94
Feed Sulfur guard H2O nullifies benefits 152-94 Claus units Emergency shutdown on PLC 187-94
Feed Problem of nitrogen in feed 164-94 Claus units Hi temperature destroys NH3 188-94
Feed Nitrogen increases fouling 164-94 Claus units Flame instability cause furnace vibration 188-94
Feed No detectable nitrogen is best 164-94 Claus units NH4 salt plugging in condensers 188-94
Maintenance Recip. vs. centrifugal compressors 165-94 Claus units NH3 limits in feed 189-94
Process NIR for octane, RVP PONA 153-94 Claus units SO3 from firnace involved in plugging 189-94
Process NIR for feed forward control 153-94 Claus units All condensers have demister pads 189-94
Process Benzene/RFG strategy 153-94 Claus units TiO2 compared with alumina catalysts 190-94
Process Benzene precursor removal for RFG 153-94 Claus units TiO2 improves COS & CS2 conversion 190-94
process Three benzene variable for RFG 154-94 Claus units TiO2 catalysts resist sulfation 190-94
Process Ways to limit benzene for RFG 154-94
Claus units No reports of NOx exiting unit 191-94
Process Pressure & severity vs. benzene make 155-94
Claus units Steam quench prevents burner overheating 191-94
Process 1% benzene not easy in 500 lb unit 155-94
Process Hydrotreater culprit in NH4CI fouling 154-94 Claus units Infrared instrument measures temperature 191-94
Process Coker naphtha can cause stabilizer plugging 157-94 Claus units O2 enrichment ups unit capacity 25-30% 191-94
Process Reducine recycle dryout time 158-94 Claus units O2% is enrichment; 30% is injection 191-94
Process Mol. sieves for recycle dryout 158-94 Claus units O2 injection set for 37% in new burner 192-94
Process Gas dryers reduce startup time 158-94 Claus units O2 injection to 100% with new technology 192-94
Process Mol. sieves cut startup time 158-94 Claus units O2 cost can kill enrichment scheme 192-94
Process Nitrogen used for recycle dryout 158-94 Claus units Safety factors in O2 addition schemes 192-94
Process Fire in effluent exchangers 162-94 Claus units No complacency at any level added O2 193-94
Process Avoiding fire in effluent exchangers 162-94 Claus units O2 destroys NH,, enhances tail gas operation 193-94
Process Iron sulfide sparks tire in exchangers 163-94 Claus units Amine switch solves high CO2/H2S problem 193-94
Process Moisture analyzers 163-94 Claus units Low H2S content feed successfully processed 194-94
Process H2O analyzer on recycle gas 163-94 Claus units Analyzer for process air control 194-94
Process Location of H2O analyzer 164-94 Claus units Scot reactor temp. indicates SO 2 from Claus 194-94
Process Source of H2O in feed 164-94 Claus units W tail gas analyzer for trim 194-94
Process Reflux to feed ratio controls H2O 164-94 Claus units H2 analyzers for trim 194-94
Revamp Semiregen. unit to lower pressure 161-94 Claus units Clean H2 is good fuel 194-94
Revamp Considerations for lower pressure 161-94 Claus units Flame scanner won’t detect H2 flame 194-94
Revamp Lower pressure increases yield & H2 161-94 Claus units Rejuvenation results mixed 195-94
Revamp Exchangers for lower pressure unit 162-94 DGA Works well at 50% concentration 178-94
Revamp Two process options or lower pressure units 162-94 MDEA degrade O2 scavenger eliminates degradation 178-94
Sulfolane Corrosion in reboiler 167-94 Tail gas Reducing COS, metcaptan 195-94
Sulfolane Three mechanisms cause corrosion in reboiler 167-94
Tail gas Catalyst key to COS reduction 195-94
Sulfolane No reboiler corrosion observed for 5 years 168-94 Tail gas Bed temp., steam reduce COS, mercaptan 195-94
Sulfolane Air leaks major cause of corrosion 168-94
Tail gas Stretford unit holds H2S to ppm 196-94
Sulfur Checking effectiveness of guard sorbent 150-94
Liquid vs. vapor phase guards Tail gas Combustors on warm standby 196-94
Sulfur 151-94
Sulfur S guard enhances cat. performance 152-94 Tail gas unit TiO2 meets tail gas requirements 190-94


Alky H2 O4 Release forms limited aerosol 140-94 Claus unit Infrared and thermocouples used 191-94
sky H2 SO4 Spent acid tanks 144-94
Claus unit Safety factor for O2 addition 192-94 TRAINING
HF alkylation Aerosol/additive to suppress 146-94 Console Qualifications required for operators 38-94
HF alkylation Water curtain for emission mitigation 147-94 Engineers Training new refinery and R&D staff 47-94
HF leaks Various detectors 147-94
Nickel carbonyl Always a threat 124-94 TREATING
Desalter Bielectric unit improves heavy crude effluent 15-94
SHUTDOWN Desalter Monitoring and controlling interface 15-94
FCC auto. Four conditions to activate 72-94 Desalter Automatic interface control 16-94
Systems parameters automatically triggers 72-94 Desalters Design, operating improvements 10-94
Desalters Probes that didn’t work well 16-94
SLUDGE Desalting Multiple stage advantages for resid on FCC charge 8-94
Desalting Reasons for removal, cost of 20-94 Desalting Multiple stage disadvantage for resid or FCC charge 8-94
Desalting Salt removed from gas oils 9-94
START-UP Desalting Performance assessment 9-94
C4 isom. Reducing dryout time at start-up 171-94 Desalting Naphthanic crude special case 9-94
Desalting 99% salt removal in two-stages 9-94
SULFUR PLANT Desalting Run length targets 9-94
Amine Foaming, discoloration mean corrosion 176-94 Salt, water, sediment goals
Desalting 9-94
Amine foaming Traced to dissolving of polyester filter 179-94 Guideline for operating results
182-94 Desalting 9-94
Amine foaming Select water soluble inhibitor carelidly
Monitoring impact on overall operation
Amine problem Housekeeping tips to solve problems Desalting 10-94
Desalting Ways to reduce oil in water effluent 10-94
Amine problem Iron sulfide is culprit 177-94
Amine problem Hydrocarbon carryover causes foaming 178-94 Desalting Coke fine problem in effluent water 10-94
Amine salts Economically removed 179-94 Desalting Polymers enhance solids removal 10-94
Amine salts Conversion to Na salt cuts corrosion 179-94 Desahing Monitors rag layer & temperature 10-94
Amine salts Type H2O for removal important 180-94 Desalting Processing heavy crudes 11-94
Amine unit Polysullide formation 176-94 Desalting Microwave probe use reduces undercarry 12-94
Amine unit O2 promotes polysulfide 176-94 Desalting Benefits of polymers for heavy crudes 14-94
Amine unit H2S reaction to polysulfide 176-94 Desalting Problem from polymer addition 14-94
Amine unit Caustic is short term corrosion cure 179-94 Desalting Conventional vs. bielectric units 14-94
Amine unit Water washing effective heat stable salts 179-94 Desalting Bielectric increase crude throughput 15-94
Amine unit Salts control with caustic & inhibitor 180-94 Desalting Eliminating residual sludge ahead of unit 16-94
Amine unit Heat stable salt major corrosion agent 180-94 Desalting Mud wash systems 16-94
Amine unit Removal of acids added H2O wash benefit 181-94 Desalting Producer to remove sludge from unit 17-94
Amine unit Inject H2O near source of gases 181-94 Desalting Sediment wash system design 17-94
Amine unit Caustic for corrosion overrated 181-94 Desalting Alternate sludge wash procedure 18-94
Amine unit LPG to amine ratio 181-94 Desalting Chloride analyzer, on stream 18-94
Amine unit Corrosion in regen. overhead 182-94 Desalting Solids removal, methods, criteria 20-94
Amine unit Inhibitor, metallurgy reduce regen. corrosion. 182-94 Desalting Reasons for removal, costs of 20-94
Amine unit Alcohol-based inhibitors can cause foaming 183-94 Desalting Common method for solids removal 290-94
Amine unit O2 causes corrosive condition in overhead 183-94 Disulfide Oil& offgas disposal options 12-94
Amine unit Sour H2O stripper corrosion 183-94 Disposal options
Disulfide oil 12-94
Amine unit NH, & CO2 in sour stripper are corrosive 183-94 Caustic carryover hydrotreater problem
Disulfide oil 13-94
Amine unit Metallurgy for sour H2O stripper 184-94
Extraction Disulfide oil, offgas disposal options 12-94
Amine unit Inhibitors for sour H2O stripper 184-94
Sweetening Carbon bed compression problems , solutions 13-94
Amine unit Use NH4HS for cyanides in sour H2O stripper 184-94
Amine unit Typical sour H2O stripper run 185-94 Sweetening Caustic free for gasoline and kerosene 203-94
Amine unit Sour H2O stripper runs: 1/2 to 3 years 185-94
Amine unit Spare reboiler extends sour H2O stripper run 185-94 TURNAROUND
Amine unit Amine carryover from LPG contactors 185-94 Cat. unloading Safety, not costs, criterium for technique 11-94
Amine unit Antifoam reduces carryover from LPG treater 185-94 Cat. unloading Passivation saves time and money 118-94
Amine unit Dirty amine foams in LPG treater 185-94 H2 plants Benfild plants 95-94
Amine unit Several process condition cause carryover 181-94 Hydrotreater Chained trash baskets pulled out quickly 102-94
Claus units Low turndown vs. hot standby 186-94 Washwater Processing, preventing waste streams 42-94
Claus units Low rate better than hot standby 186-94
Claus units Runs at 25% of max 186-94 WASHING
Claus units Cold standby also an option 186-94 FCC Gas Plant cascade options 78-94
Claus units Amine system crucial to running multiple units 187-94 FCC Washwater rates and additives 80-94

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 221



The next several pages provide a list of references by I. ALKYLATION

subject from the publications Chemical Engineering, Whittle, David K., Lorenzo, Donald K., and Kirkman, John Q.,
Hydrocarbon Processing and Oil & Gas Iournal. The Sub- “Results of alkylation unit hazard, operability study are ana-
ject Index for the References is organized as follows. lyzed and summarized,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 10, 1989, p.
I. Alkylation Novalany, S. and McClung, R.G., “Better alky from treated
II. Hydrocracking olefins,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 09, Sept. 1989,
III. Catalytic Cracking p. 66.
IV. Hydrotreating/Hydrorefining McDonald, G.W.G., “FCC charge-stock value depends on op-
V. Reforming erational response,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 31, 1989, p. 80.
VI. Treating and Desalting Unzelman, George H., “ETHERS IN GASOLINE-I: Ethers
VII. Crude Distillation have good gasoline-blending attributes,” Oil & Gas Journal,
VIII. Petrochemical Apr. 10, 1989, p. 33.
Unzelman, George H., “ETHERS IN GASOLINE-Conclu-
IX. Delayed Coking
sion: Ethers will play larger role in octane, environmental spec
X. Environmental Controls for gasoline blends,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 17, 1989, p. 44.
XI. Instrumentation, Product Blending, Davis, Brian C., “Supplying high-octane gasoline will further
and Quality Control challenge U.S. refiners,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 15, 1989, p.
XII. Miscellaneous 35.
XIII. Lube Oil and Waxes Desai, Pankaj H., and Haseltine, Robert P, “Advanced FCC
XIV. Maintenance catalyst formulations can be used co boost motor octane
XV. Piping number ofgasoline,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 23, 1989, p. 68.
XVI. Furnaces & Heat Ramsey, John R., and Truesdale, Patrick B., “Blend optimization
XVII. Storage and Transfer integrated into refinery-wide strategy,” Oil & Gas Journal,
XVIII. Corrosion Mar. 19, 1990, p. 49.
XIX. Energy Conservation Corbett, Richard A., “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT: Con-
version gains reflect healthy margins,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar.
XX. General
26, 1990, p.49.
XXI. Light-Oil Cat Processing
Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT: Annual
XXII. Isomerization Refining Survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 26, 1990, p. 77.
XXIII. Aromatics Extraction Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS-l: Refor-
XXIV. Visbreaking mulated gasolines will challenge product-quality mainte-
XXV. Hydrogen Production nance,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 9, 1990, p. 43.
XXVI. Sulfur Plant Operations Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS-Conclu-
XXVII. Polymerization sion: Options to meet 1990s fuel composition rules limited,”
XXVIII. Hydrogen Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 23, 1990, p. 91.
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FORTOMORROW-Tough air-
quality goals spur quest for transportation fuel changes,” Oil
& Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 33.
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FORTOMORROW-Fuel refor-
mulations, alternatives cover broad spectrum,” Oil & Gas
Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 42.
Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-New and
modified processes and catalysts needed for new fuels,” Oil &
Gas Journal June 18, 1990, p. 52.
Corbett, Richard A., “Proposed OSHA safety regs target process
plant procedures,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 20, 1990, p. 80.
Parkinson, Gerald, “HF’s future is up in the air,” Chemical
Engineering, May 1990, p. 39.
Gilman, Robert H., “Capital outlays for gasoline reformulation
can be minimized,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 3, 1990, p. 44.

222 References

Hoffman, H.L., “Catalyst market estimated,” Hydrocarbon Proc- “Spanish refinery starts up HF alky unit,” Oil & Gas Journal,
essing, Vol. 69, No. 02, Feb. 1990, p. 53. Nov. 22, 1993, p. 77.
“Refining Handbook ‘90,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 69, No. “NPRA Q&A: Refiners focus on FCC, hydroprocessing, and
11, Nov. 1990, p. 83. alkylation catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal Mar. 28, 1994, p. 41.
Albright, L.F., “MODERN ALKYLATION - 1: Alkylation will “U.S. refiners must increase alkylation capacity to meet de-
be key process in reformulated gasoline era,” Oil & Gas mand,” Oil & Gas Journal Aug. 22, 1994, p. 49.
Journal Nov. 12, 1990, p. 79. Rhodes, Anne K., “Searches for new alkylation catalysts, proc-
Albright, L F., “MODERN ALKYLATION - Conclusion: esses forge ahead,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 22, 1994, p. 52.
H2S04, HF processes compared, and new technologies re- Rhodes, Anne K., “New process schemes, retrofits, fine tune
vealed,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 26, 1990, p. 70. alkylation capabilities,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 22, 1994, p.
“WORLDWIDE REPORT - Refining,” Oil & Gas Journal 56.
Dec. 31, 1990, p. 84. Sheckler, John C., Ross, Larry J., and Comey, Kenneth R. III,
“NPRA Q&A - 2: HF alkylation drawn process, safety ques- “New process additive reduces HF cloud-forming potential,”
tions,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 24, 1991, p. 48. Oil & Gas Journal Aug. 22, 1994, p. 60.
“Alkylation unit scheduled for Ufa refinery,” Oil& Gas Journal,
Sept. 2, 1991, p. 24. II. HYDROCRACKING
“Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991, p.
84. Powell, Robert T, “Kinetic hydrocracker model helps engineers
Hoffman, H.L., “Refining catalyst market ‘91,” Hydrocarbon predict yields, targets, operations,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 9,
Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 37. 1989, p. 61.
Lerner, H. and Citarella, VA., “Improve alkylation efficiency,” Corbett, Richard A., “Modern hydrocracking is the key to
Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. 1991, p. 89. upgrading processes,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 26, 1989, p.
“Alkylation of MTBE raffinate increases octane, unloads alky 42.
unit,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 18, 1991, p. 99. Court, A.L. and Smith, W.H., “Canada’s first heavy oil upgrader
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million complex on stream,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 26, 1989, p. 46.
b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates catalysts,
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas companies,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1989, p. 49.
Journal Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39. Adams, C.T., et al., “Hydroprocess catalyst selection,” Hydrocar-
“Group pursuing new alkylation process,” Oil & Gas Journal, bon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 09, Sept. 1989, p. 57.
Feb. 10, 1992, p. 40. Nash, Richard M., “REFINING/GAS PROCESSING RE-
“H2SO4 alkylation shows promise for upgrading gasoline pen- PORT: Process conditions and catalyst for low-aromatics
tenes,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 17, 1992, p. 72. diesel studies,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 29, 1989, p. 47.
“Refiners discuss HF alkylation process and issues,” Oil & Gas Aalund, Leo R., “Expanded Mongstad refinery has major export
Journal, Apr. 6, 1992, p. 67. role,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 12, 1990, p. 33.
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Chang, E.J. and Lelby, S.M., “Ethers help gasoline quality,” 26, 1990, p. 49.
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Processing, Feb. 1992, p. 45. Suchanek, Arthur J., “Catalytic routes to low-aromatics diesel
Abraham, O.C. and Prescott, G.F., “Make isobutylene from look promising,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 7, 1990, p. 109.
TBA,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Feb. 1992, p. 51. Shaffer, Arthur G., Jr., and Hemler, Charles L., “Seven years of
Chaput, G., et al., “Pretreat alkylation feed,” Hydrocarbon Proc- operation prove RCC capability,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 28,
essing, Sept. 1992, p. 51. 1990, p. 62.
Scott, B., “Identify alkylation hazards,” Hydrocarbon Processing, “Refining Handbook ‘90,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 69, No.
Vol. 71, No. 10, Oct. 1992, p. 77. 11, Nov. 1990, p. 83.
Anon, “Refining Handbook ‘92,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. Bucheim, Gerrit M., “Ways to deal with wet H2S cracking
71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133. revealed by study,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 9, 1990, p. 92.
Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydrocarbon “WORLDWIDE REPORT - Refining,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 53. Dec. 31, 1990, p. 84.
“New processes and catalysts solve problems of feed contami- “Acoustic tests during cooldown find cracks in reactors at Gulf
nants,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 51. Coast refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal June 17, 1991, p. 47.
Sloley, Andrew W. and Golden, Scott W., “Analysis key to “Annual refining survey” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991, p.
correcting debutanizer design flaws,” Oil & Gas Journal Feb. 84.
8, 1993, p. 50. Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY:
“New HF alky unit key to Navajo’s $50-million expansion,” Oil Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal,
& Gas Journal, June 14, 1993, p. 42. Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
Jezak, A., “C5 alkylate: a superior blending component,” Hydro- Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide catalyst survey,” Oil & Gas
carbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 02, Feb. 1994, p. 47. Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 46.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 223


Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million Brown, Gordon W., “Direct measurement of FCC fluidizability
b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. helps spot problems,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 15, 1990, p. 46.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas Aalund, Leo R., “Expanded Mongstad refinery has major export
Journal Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39. role,” Oil & Gas Journal Mar. 12, 1990, p. 33.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new “Innovative improvements highlight FCC’s past and future,” Oil
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. & Gas Journal, Jan. 8, 1990, p. 33.
“Texas refinery gets two reactors,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 7, Parkinson, Gerald, Johnson, Eric, “Designer catalysts are all the
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“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas Gas Journal, Mar. 26, 1990, p. 56.
Journal Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44. Yatsu, Carolyn A., and Keyworth, Donald A., “ANNUAL RE-
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residue destruction,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 11, FCC gasoline quality,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 26, 1990, p.
Nov. 1993, p. 52. 64.
Schulman, B.L., et al., “Bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading moves Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT Annual
aggressively,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 12, Dec. refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal Mar. 26, 1990, p. 77.
1993, p. 100 c. Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS- 1: Refor-
Sloan, H.D., “Refinery expansion/upgrading means lighter, mulated gasolines will challenge product-quality mainte-
quality products,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 01, nance,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 9, 1990, p. 43.
Jan. 1994, p. 82. Weeks, Simon A., and Dumbill, Peter, “Method speeds FCC
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Journal, Mar. 21, 1994, p. 48. nal, Apr. 16, 1990, p. 38.
Unzelman, George H., “REFORMULATED FUELS-Conclu-
III. CATALYTIC CRACKING sion: Options to meet 1990s fuel composition rules limited,”
Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 23, 1990, p. 91.
Humphries, Adrian and Wilcox, Jack R., “Zeolite components Heite, Richard S., English, A.R., and Smith, G. Andrew, “Bis-
and matrix composition determine FCC catalyst perform- muth nickel passivation effective in FCCU,” Oil&Gas Jour-
ance,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 6, 1989, p. 40. nal, June 4, 1990, p. 81.
Key-worth, Donald A., Reid, Terry A., Kreider, Keith R., and Nieskens, Mart J.P.C., Khouw, Frank H.H., Barley, Martin
Yatsu, Carolyn A., “FCC LPG olefinicity and branching J.H., and Roebschlaeger, Karl-Heinz W., “Shell’s resid FCC
enhanced by octane catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal May 29, technology reflects evolutionary development,” Oil & Gas
1989, p. 56. Journal, June 11, 1990, p. 37.
McDonald, G.W.G., “FCC charge stock value depends on Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-Tough air-
operational response,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 31, 1989, p. quality goals spur quest for transportation fuel changes,” Oil
80. &Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 33.
Christie, David A. and Holden, David G., “Fluid cat cracking Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-Fuel refor-
units’ advanced control can achieve benefits in six areas,” Oil mulations, alternatives cover broad spectrum,” Oil & Gas
& Gas Journal Sept. 25, 1989, p. 104. Journal June 18, 1990, p. 42.
Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates catalysts, Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW-New and
companies,” Oil & Gas Journal Oct. 2, 1989, p. 49. modified processes and catalysts needed for new fuels,” Oil &
Desai, Pankaj H. and Haseltine, Robert I?, “Advanced FCC Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 52.
catalyst formulations can be used to boost motor octane Bucheim, Gerrit M., “Ways to deal with wet HzS cracking
number ofgasoline,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 23, 1989, p. 68. revealed by study,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 9, 1990, p. 92.
Bartholomew, Karl D. and Soudek, Ales, “LP accuracy is im- Gilman, Robert H., “Capital outlays for gasoline reformulation
proved by incorporating FCC simulation data,” Oil & Gas can be minimized,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 3, 1990, p. 44.
Journal, Oct. 30, 1989, p. 57. Stokes, G.M., Wear, C.C., Suarez, W., and Young, G.W., “Re-
Rhemann, H., et al., “On-line FCCU advanced control and formulated gasoline will change FCC operations and cata-
optimization,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 06, June lysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 2, 1990, p. 58.
1989, p. 64. Alkemade, U., Cartlidge, S., and Thompson, J.M., “WORLD-
Adams, C.T., et al., “Hydroprocess catalyst selection,” Hydrocar- WIDE CATALYST REPORT: Improved alumina sol FCC
bon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 09, Sept. 1989, p. 57. catalysts meet challenges of the 1990s,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Carter, G.D.L. and McElhiney, G., “FCC catalyst selection,” Oct. I, 1990, p. 52.
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Washimi, K. and Limmer, H., “New unit to thermal crack “WORLDWIDE CATALYST REPORT: Matrix, sieve,
resid,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 68, No. 09, Sept. 1989, p. binder developments improve FCC catalysts,” Oil & Gas
69. Journal Oct. 1, 1990, p. 64.
Elvin, F.J., “Catalyst demetallized for reuse,” Hydrocarbon Proc- Lovink, H.J., “Siberian catalyst research center works at world
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224 References

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van de Meerakker, EJ., and Sy, O., “New catalyst improves Oil & Gas Journal, October 14, 1991, p. 43.
heavy feedstock hydrocracking,” Oil & Gas Journal Apr. 22, Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide catalyst survey,” Oil & Gas
1991, p. 77. Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 46.
Elvin, F.J. and Pavel, SK., “Metals removal of FCC catalyst Schmitt, Rodolphe, “FCC catalyst find three safe reuse outlet in
operating in refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 22, 199 1, p. 94. Europe,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 18, 1991, p. 101.
“Additives play important role in FCC development,” Oil & Gas Rowlands, Gareth, Konuk, Aydin, and Kleinschrodt, Frank,
Journal Sept. 23, 1991, p. 50. “FCCU advanced controls increase feed rate and column
Strong, R.C., Majestic, V.K., and Wilhelm, S.M., “FCC COR- stability,” Oil & Gas JoumaL Nov. 25, 199 1, p. 64.
ROSION - 1: Basic steps lead to successful FCC corrosion Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million
control,” Oil & Gas Journal Sept. 30, 199 1, p. 8 1. b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 199 1, p. 33.
Hoffman, H.L., “Catalyst market estimated,” Hydrocarbon Proc- Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil 8 Gas
essing, Vol. 69, No. 02, Feb. 1990, p. 53. Journal Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
Hayward, C.M.T. and Winkler, W.S., “FCC: Matrix/zeolite McDonald, G.W.G., “Upgrading FCC VRU can yield attractive
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73. Gas JournaL Mar. 23, 1992, p. 46.
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11, Nov. 1990, p. 83. ess capability,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 23, 1992, p. 49.
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ROSION - Conclusion: Basic corrosion control methods off,” Oil & Gas Joumal Apr. 20, 1992, p. 94.
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84. Reichle, A.D., “Fluid catalytic cracking hits 50 year mark on the
Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY: run,” Oil & Gas Journal May 18, 1992, p. 41.
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cutpoint,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. p. 86.
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essing, Nov. 1991, p. 99. Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 13, 1993, p. 63.

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 225


“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas “European emission, fuel quality regs tighten,” Oil & Gas Jour-
Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44. nal, Dec. 18, 1990, p. 41.
Anon, “Refining Handbook ‘92,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. Suchanek, Arthur J., “Catalytic routes to low-aromatics diesel
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Sarathy, ER. and Suffridge, G.S., “Erherify field butanes, Part Hohnholt, John E, Shifflet, Woodrow K., and Suchanek, Arthur
1,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 01, Jan. 1993, p. 89. K., “REFINING/GAS PROCESSING REPORT: Higher
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2,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 43. Valero,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 28, 1990, p. 72.
Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydrocarbon Corbert, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW - Tough
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Golden, S.W., et al., “FCC main fractionator revamps,” Hydro- Oil & Gas Journal June 18, 1990, p. 33.
carbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 03, March 1993, p. 77. Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW - Fuel
Lin, T.D.V., “FCCU advanced control and optimization,” Hy- reformulation, alternatives cover broad spectrum,” Oil & Gas
drocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 04, Apr. 1993, p. 107. Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 42.
Wong, RF., “Increasing FCC regenerator catalyst level,” Hydro- Corbett, Richard A., “FUELS FOR TOMORROW - New and
carbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 11, Nov. 1993, p. 59. modified processes and catalysts needed for new fuels,” Oil &
Gas Journal, June 18, 1990, p. 52.
Schulman, B.L., et al., “Bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading moves
Kahn, H.U., Mungali, M.M., Agrawal, K.M., and Joshi, G.C.,
aggressively,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 12, Dec.
“Graphical method simplifies diesel cloud point determina-
1993, p. 100C.
tions,” Oil & Gas Journal Sept. 24, 1990, p. 98.
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Sarathy, ER. and Suffridge, G.S., “Etherify field butanes, Parr “WORLDWIDE REPORT - Refining,” Oil & Gas Journal
2,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 43. Dec. 31, 1990, p. 84.
Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydrocarbon Wood, J.R. and Marino, C.K., “Design improvements increase
Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 53. run length,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 25, 1991, p. 42.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new Castellanos, J., Cano, J.L., de1 Rosal, R., Briones, V.M. and
refining catalysts, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. Mancilla, R.L., “Kinetic model predicts visbreaker yields,” Oil
John, Thomas P. and Thomas, Stephen P., “Texas plant first to & Gas Journal Mar. 18, 1991, p. 76.
isomerize n-butylenes to isobutylene,” Oil & Gas Journal, May “Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991, p.
24, 1993, p. 54. 84.
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 millon
Journal: Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44. b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
Anon, “Gas Processes ‘94,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas
04, Apr. 1994, p. 67. Journal Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
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new gasoline,” Oil & Gas Journal July 11, 1994, p. 63. Iscovici, R.S., “Kinetic model solves visbreaker constraint con-
trol problem,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 05, May

Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates catalysts, XXV. HYDROGEN PRODUCTION
companies,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1989, p. 49.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT: Annual Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates catalysts,
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“Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991, p. Thrash, Lou Ann, “ANNUAL REFINING REPORT: Annual
84. refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 26, 1990, p. 77.
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Dec. 31, 1990, p. 84. carbon Processing, Vol. 69, No. 02, Feb. 1990, p. 59.
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b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. No. 04, Apr. 1990, p. 69.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas “Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal Mar. 18, 1991, p.
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Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY:
Rhodes, Anne K., “Supphers introduce more than 120 new Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal
refining catalysts, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
Goelzer, Alan R., Ram, Sanjeev, Hernandez-Robinson, Agustin, Shaver, K.G., et al., “Membranes recover hydrogen,” Hydrocar-
Chin, Arthur A., Harandi, Mohsen N., and Smith, C. Morris, bon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 06, June 1991, p. 77.

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Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 06, June 1993, p. 82-b. Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY
“Hydrogen recovery from fuel gas can help meet refinery Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal
demand,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 60. Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
Schulman, B.L., et al., “Bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading moves Chou, J.S., et al., “Mercaptans affect Claus units,” Hydrocarbon
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Vol. 73, No. 03, Mar. 1994, p. 39. proved,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Jan. 1992, p. 89.
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Journal Oct. 3, 1994, p. 54. retrofit meets stiffer sulfur recovery regulations,” Oil & Gas
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XXVI. SULFUR PLANT OPERATIONS Bell, Laura, “World sulfur production,” Oil & Gas Journal, July
20, 1992, p. 96.
Kimtantas, Charles L., “Here are ways to increase sulfur proc- Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million
essing capability,” Oil & Gas Journal May 22, 1989. b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
Nougayrede, J. and Voirin, R., “Liquid catalyst efficiently re- Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas
moves H2S from liquid sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal July 17, Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
1989, p. 65. Ladebeck, J., “Improve methanol synthesis,” Hydrocarbon Proc-
Heisel, M.P. and Marold, F.J., “Tests indicate sulfur recovery essing, Vol. 72, No. 03, March 1993, p. 89.
process improves on Claus unit performance,” Oil & Gas Aitani, A.M., “Sour natural gas drying,” Hydrocarbon Processing,
Journal, Aug. 14, 1989, p. 37. Vol. 72, No. 04, Apr. 1993, p. 67.
Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates catalysts, Felten, J.R., et al., “Residual fuels in a clean-fuels environment,”
companies,” Oil & Gas Journal Oct. 2, 1989, p. 49. Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 06, June 1993, p. 82-B.
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1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 265


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“Changing fuel formulations will boost hydrogen demand,” production,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 06, June
Oil & Gas Journal Mar. 22, 1993, p. 45. 1994, p. 43.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppl iers introduce more than 120 new Tindall, B.M. and King, D.L., “Designing steam reformers for
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. hydrogen production,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No.
Judd, Bill, “Mercaptan removal rate exceeds 99% at Canadian 07, July 1994, p. 69.
gas plant,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 16, 1993, p. 81.
“Process for H2S removal from low-volume gas streams tested,” XXVIII. HYDROGEN
Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 13, 1993, p. 70. Corbett, Richard A., “Catalyst industry consolidates catalysts,
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Claus unit capacity,” Oil & Gas Journal Sept. 27, 1993, p. 63. “Texaco, Carbide form hydrogen plant venture,” Oil & Gas
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Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new
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266 References

1994 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology

Registration List


Abbas, Abdul Karim . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Company Safat, Kuwait
Abbott, James . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Abdo, Suheil . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Abrahams, Kenneth . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Ache, W. . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Catalyst Ventures Inc. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ackelson, Donald B. . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Ackman, Rich . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . Houston, TX
Acosta, Alfredo . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Adair, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Adams, John . . . . . . . . . . CDTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Adler, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . Octane Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Agar, Joram . . . . . . . . . . . Agar Corporation, Inc. . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Aichele, Mike . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . Tulsa, OK
Akinyemi, Gerald . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Al-Abdul’Al, Ah . . . . . . . . . Aramco Services Company . . . . . . New Castle, DE
Al-Aradi, Salman . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hammersmith, UK
AI-Homaidi, Khalid . . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Company Shuaiba, Kuwait
Al-Mutairi, Mohammad . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Company Safat, Kuwait
Al-QaIlaf, Ahmad H. . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Company Ahmadi, Kuwait
Al-Shahrani, Mohammad . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, UK
Al Shayban, Mohsin . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia
Albers, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . CMP-Cativco International . . . . . . ‘Baltimore, MD
Albert, Brian . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . Wichita, KS
Albertson, Michael . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Alello, Stephen . . . . . . . . . Allied Signal Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Ahbuyog, Roland0 . . . . . . . Caltex Philippines, Inc. . . . . . . . . Batangas, Phillippines
Aliev, Alexandr . . . . . . . . . Oil Processing Factory . . . . . . . . Yaroslavl, Russia
Allen, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Allinson, Paul . . . . . . . . . . YPE SA DPTO Refmeria La Plats . . Buenos Aires, Argentina
Allsmiller, Robert . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Alvarado, Jorge . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . Minatitlan, Mexico
Alvarez, Jorge L. . . . . . . . . . Discovery Aluminas . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Alvarez, Lorrie . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Aman, Gary B. . . . . . . . . . NaIco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . Houston, TX
Ambarbar, Om . . . . . . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Anand, Mahesh . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Anderson, Gary . . . . . . . . . Corhart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salt Lake City, UT
Andrews, Mark . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guildford, UK
Andrews, Peter G. . . . . . . . . Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Aoyama, Kazuo . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . Florham Park, NJ
Arana, Rodolfo . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Archbold, Damian . . . . . . . ChemAlert Corporation . . . . . . . Scottsdale, AZ
Arends, Simon . . . . . . . . . Crown Central Petroleum Corporation Houston, TX
Arens, Hermann . . . . . . . . Wintershall AG, Germany . . . . . . Lingen/Ems, Germany
Armbrester, Michael S. . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . Ashland, KY
Armendinger, Robert . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . Houston, TX
Armstrong, Tim . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Arnot, John . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . Richmond, CA
Arrand, Rob . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 267



Arrighi, Jeri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Arrighi, Kevin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Arthur, David H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. Freeport, TX
Arthur, Dick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . Houston, TX
Artuso, Bruce J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . Florham Park, NJ
Aru, Guido W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Lafayette, CO
Asim, Mehmet Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Assad, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Athearn, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlas Copco Comptec Inc. . . . . . . Noorheesville, NY
Aubrey, Morton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Avery, Clifford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Azuara, Jaime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX-Refinacion . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Baade, William E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . . Allentown, PA
Babikov, Anatoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russian Trade Development Co., Inc. . Los Angeles, CA
Backhouse, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Husky Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lloydminster, SK
Bacon, Thomas R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Badruddin, Pervaiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abu Dhabi National Oil Company . . Abu Dhabi, UAE
Baher, Heskel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . New York, NY
Bailey, D. M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Bailey, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Bain, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Baker, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. Paulsboro, NJ
BalaIe, Emanuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Refining and Marketing Company Linwood, PA
Ball, H. T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . Houston, TX
Balsamo, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . Chicago, IL
Bamon, Layton M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . Sutton, UK
Banchs, Jaime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. Ponce, PR
Bantanidis, Dimitris . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . Rheinmuenster, Germany
Barden, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA
Barlow, R. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Barnett, Jack W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Chemical Corporation . . . . Parsippany, NJ
Barnhart, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Barrett, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . Houston, TX
Barry, J. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Barry, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Praxair, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Ramon, CA
Barsby, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery Canada Ltd. . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Bartek, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . Littleton, CO
Bartholomew, Karl D. . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pace Consultants Inc. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bartsch, Helmut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wintershall AG, Germany . . . . . . Lingen/Ems, Germany
Beardemphl, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Navajo Refining Company . . . . . . Artesia, NM
Beaton, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Beatty, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Becker, Myron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consumer’s Coop Refinery Ltd. . . . . Regina, Saskatchewan
Bedell, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . Garyville, LA
Behm, Duane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurel, MT
Belcher, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Octane Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Benchecroun, Nagib . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rueil Malmaison, France
Benjamin, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bennett, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . Sugar Land, TX
Benson, Bernard A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Bergeron, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . Houston, TX
Berg, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurel, MT
Berlyant, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bayway Refining Co./Tosco Corp. . . Bayway, NJ
Berman, David P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Owings Mills, MD
Bermudez, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX-IMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Berrios, Miguel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caribbean Petroleum Corp. . . . . . . San Juan, PR
Bertram, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Berzins, Valdis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . Houston, TX

268 Registration List



Bettinger, John . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA
Betz, Gary . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Bieber, Scott A. . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bierig, James L. . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine, CA
Binford, Mark . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Bingham, E Emmett . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Bingham, Gwendelyn . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convent, LA
Birnbaum, Rick . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Danbury, CT
Bishop, Robert . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Black, J. Larry . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Black, John . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allison Park, PA
Blew, Bruce . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chalmette, LA
Boardman, Shaun L. . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . Fareham, UK
Bober, Mike . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Bochow, Carl . . . . . . Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Boczar, Edward . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Benicia, CA
Bogert, David . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bolduc, Bruce . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Bolivar, Eduardo . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring, TX
Bolliger, James . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Bolton, Anthony P. . . . PQ Zeolites B .V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leiden, Netherlands
Bonilla, Jorge . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bonnet, Fred . . . . . . Bonnet & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norwalk, CT
Boone, Rick . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . Hartford, IL
Borgard, Bradley . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bostick,Thomas . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Bothe, Michael . . . . . Tru-Tee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newark, DE
Boucher, Richard . . . . Ultramar Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levis, Quebec
Bourdeau, Roland. . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Bourdon, John . . . . The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Bovo, Edward . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bowles, Shirley . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . El Dorado, KS
Bowman, Elaine . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Boycott, William . . . . Frontier Refining, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheyenne, WY
Boydstun, R. Les . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Bozza, Robert . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Brabston, Diane. . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Bracken, Paul . . . . . . Stone & Webster Canada Limited . . . . . . . Toronto, Ontario
Brady, Dan . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Brahn, Michael . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Brandenberger, Sandie . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Branham, Russell . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Bredehoft, Ronald . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Breidigan, Brian . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Brewer, Dale . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio, TX
Bricker, John . . . . . . Petrolice Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Brigham, Brent . . . . . U. S. Oil & Refining Company . . . . . . . . . Tacoma, WA
Brodwater, Barry . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Brown, George W. . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westlake, LA
Brown, John . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Brown, Robert . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Brown, Robert . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mt. Laurel, NJ
Brown, Robert L. . . . . Pall Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East Hills, NY
Brown, William . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concord, CA
Bruch, Herb . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Brunson, Ross . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Truckee, CA
Bryson, M. Charles . . . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Bucko, Mike . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 269



Burger, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlantic Richfield Company . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Burgio, Karin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Buringrud, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vacaville, CA
Burns, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics . . . . Houston, TX
Bussey, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Butz, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fina Oil and Chemical Company . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Buziuk, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research &Technology Co. . . . . Richmond, CA
Bybee, Dean J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ford, Bacon & Davis, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Salt Lake City, UT
Byrne, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airco Gases Div/The BOC Group, Inc. . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Caballero, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cabrera, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Cadena, Alvaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graham Manufacturing Co. . . . . . . . . Batavia, NY
Camacho, Enrique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Campagna, Robert J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refining Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Campbell, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Campbell, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Campbell, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cannon, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Carlisle, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Carls, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Cartwright, Colin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middlesex, UK
Case, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Casey, M. M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Casmore, Johnny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Cassidy, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Castillo, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Catchpole, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Cathcart, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pall Advanced Separation Systems. . . . . . Cortland, NY
Cavanaugh, Curt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cavanaugh, T. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Cavanna, Agostino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agip Petroli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rome, Italy
Chaaraoui, Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Chambers, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, UK
Champion, G. L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Chapin, Lark E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone &Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . Houston, TX
Chavez, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Cherman, Algerd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Chinai, Hatish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Chlapik, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Christensen, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Evansville, WY
Christman, Robert D. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Ciancio, Donald J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Cieraszynski, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Citarella, Vicente A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Clancy, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Clarke, R. G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Clark, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Clark, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawrenceville, IL
Clark, Patrick A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fountain Valley, CA
Clayton, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Industries/John Zink . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Cleary, Jay D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Commerce City, CO
Clegg, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACS Industies - Catrep . . . . . . . . . . . Walnut Creek, CA
Clements, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine, CA
Coburn, Julie K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Collins, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Colston, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Convery, Laurence J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Bloomfield, NJ
Cook, John D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

270 Registration List



Cook, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Corcoran, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metairie, LA
Corcuera, Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Coser, Richard J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnetonka, MN
Coulson, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Atascocita, TX
Cox, Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Crawford, Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lion Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, AR
Cressman, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakville, Ontario
Critchfield, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huntsman Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cromarty, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Cross, W. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEK Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Media, PA
Cruz, Ruben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cuneo, Paul L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Development Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cunningham, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Cupps, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Cusick, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
D’Auria, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Dallhoff, Robert A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Darling, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA - Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairfax, VA
Daughtry, James L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Davey, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Davis, Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litwin Engineers & Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Davis, Edgar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Borger, TX
Davis, Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Davison, Richard L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Davis, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. E. Davis Chemical Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Oak Brook, IL
Davis, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Davis, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurel, MT
De Cain, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rollins Site Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, DE
De Capite, Augie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. A. Salomon Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Severna Park, MD
De La Fuente, Emiliano . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
De La Torriente, Paloma . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
De Paul, Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21st Century Fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rosslyn, VA
Dean, John W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bound Brook, NJ
DeArmon, Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Valve Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broken Arrow, OK
Deaton, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Blue Island, IL
DeCorte, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder, CO
Decou, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Deering, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Dees, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Del Bosque, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Del Mundo, Javier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Philippines, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manila, Philippines
Delgado, Alberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maraven Inversiones CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Delgado, Eddie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Demmel, Edward J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newport Beach, CA
Denham, Earl E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Denk, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone &Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dennis, Geoffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colt Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Dergregorian, Heros . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giant Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallup, NM
Desai, Pankaj H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
DeSantis, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Develasco, Despina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Di-Chem De Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
DeVelasco, Ruben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NaIco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Dewitz, Thomas S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dhatia, Dilip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dibble, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aminetech, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Putnam Valley, NY
DiCamillo, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dickey, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 271 I



Diede, Troy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Dincher, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witco Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bradford, PA
Dirkse, Hans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norco, LA
Dirksen, Feike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amersfoort, Netherlands
Dixon, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christenson Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellingham, WA
Dodds, R. Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dohar, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Dominguez, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bayway Refining Co./Tosco Corp. . . . . . . . . . . Bayway, NJ
Donahue, Michael D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Donahue, Patrick J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Doran, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Dougan, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Dougherty, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Dover, Jerry D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berwyn, PA
Doyle, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Dtewry, Alison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Dreyfuss, Corey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Duchene, David D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LL & E Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saraland, AL
Dufresne, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Voulte, France
Dumas, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Dunn, Robert O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Dusek, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dutcher, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gay Engineering and Sales Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Dwyer, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danbury, CT
Dwyet, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . . Pleasant Hill, CA
Eccles, Richard M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton Process Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East Orleans, MA
Economides, Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Edelman, AIlan M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Edgar, M. Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Edmunds, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Krotz Springs, LA
Ehrbright, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Elefante, Domenico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Praoil Agip Petroli Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gela, Italy
Elgin, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Elliott, John E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Ellis, Paul J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Great Lakes Carbon Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Elvin, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
England, John W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victoria, Australia
Evans, Doug J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Evans, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. Hartford, CT
Everett, Gary L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyondell Petrochemical Company . . . . . . . . . . Channelview, TX
Everitt, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mississauga, Ontario
Eymard, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Placid Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Ezhov, Valeriy V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Institute Omskneftechim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omsk, Russia
Farah, George G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Farley, Chesley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Farshid, Darush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Fatora, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyondell-CITGO Refining Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Faucher, Jean-Yves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramat Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levis, Quebec
Fearnside, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NaIco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Feinberg, Arnold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Feistel, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Felmlee, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Feltrop, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Ferguson, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Kansas City, MO
Fernandez, Ricardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YPF SA DPTO Refineria La Plata . . . . . . . . . . Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fettis, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Fields, John D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Finelt, Daniel R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK

272 Registration List



Fischer, David . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Fischer, Steven . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Fisher, Paul W. . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Fitt, Jeffrey . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Fleming, Brad . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Fleming, William . . . CITGO Asphalt Refining Co. . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Fletcher, Ray P. . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Fletcher, Robert . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Foley, Richard . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Forand, Daniel . . . . Shell Canada Products Limited . . . . . . . Montreal, Quebec
Foster, James E. . . . . General Chemical Corporation . . . . . . . Parsippany, NJ
Foster, Marlo . . . . . U&E Petroleum Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . Saraland, AL
Frampton, Jerry D. . . PETROFAC, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
France, John J. . . . . Nutter Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Frantz, William J. . . . PQ Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Savannah, GA
Frayne, Stephen . . . . NaIco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Frazier, Michael . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Frazier, R. J. . . . . . . Union Texas Petrochemicals . . . . . . . . . Geismar, LA
Frederickson, Lewis . . Chevron Research &Technology Co. . . . . Richmond, CA
Freeze, John G. . . . . TheJohnG.FreezeCo. . . . . . . . . . . . Seabrook, TX
French, Millard . . . . Chevron Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Pascagoula, MS
Fritsche, Ray . . . . . Chevron General Acomics . . . . . . . . . . San Diego, CA
Frye, Robert A. . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vidalia, LA
Fugera, William . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Santa Ana, CA
Fullelove, Richard . . . Stone &Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . Houston, TX
Fumoso, Richard . . . Lotepro Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Funatsu, Shuichi . . . JGC Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yokohama, Japan
Funk, Ron . . , . . . Federal Container Canada . . . . . . . . . St. Catharines, Ontario
Furfaro, Angelo . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Furr, Celeste . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Fussell, Becky . . . . . Fina Oil and Chemical Company . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Gabrysch, Fabian . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Gale, Sidney . . . . . Caltex Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Gallogly, Robert . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Oak Park, IL
Ganster, Alan . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . Houston, TX
Garbarino, Richard . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Garber, Howard . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Garcia, Ernesto . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Garrett, Glenn . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Garrett, Jack . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gary, Ewy . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Garzon, Claudio A. . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Gdula, Lowell . . . . . Tesoro Alaska Petroleum Company . . . . . Kenai, AK
Gebhard, Thomas J. . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Whiting, IN
Gentile, Craig . . . . . The Purolite Company . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Gentry, Arthur K. . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gentry, Joseph . . . . Glitsch Technology Corp. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
George, Safa . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Geren, Philip . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gerritsen, L. A. . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gerveshi, Luan . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Gheloum, Mustafa A. A Kuwait National Petroleum Company . . . Ahmadi, Kuwait
GiaIella, Richard M. . IFP Enterprises Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Gibbons, Bill . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gibson, Michael C. . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Giglotto, Joseph M. . . Hunt Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . Tuscaloosa, AL
Gilbert, Maureen . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Giles, Kevin . . , . . . Barnes & Click, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 273



Gilliam, A. Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Gillis, Brenda A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gilmore, P. Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . . . . . . . Concord, CA
Gilmore, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Water Management Group . . . . . . . . Huntington Beach, CA
Gilson, E. Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Girardier, Frederic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Voulte, France
Gish, Ron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Giuricich, Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emtrol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hauppauge, NY
Giuricich, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emtrol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hauppauge, NY
Glasford, James W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Glass, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . Houston, TX
Glendinning, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Glover, John N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Godwin, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . Freeport, TX
Goebel, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Goerlich, R. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Goglietta, Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Golden, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
Goliaszewski, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Gomez, Leopoldo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Gonzalez, Horacio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gonzalez, Rene G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Gooch, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Goolsbee, Andy C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gornik, Sieg A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Gorra, Filippo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milan, Italy
Gosling, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Gossard, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgetown, CO
Go, Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Gowdy, Hugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Goytisolo, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Grabinski, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . Blue Island, IL
Graf, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Graham, Richard N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vidalia, LA
Graham, S. Diane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Gramata, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rodeo, CA
Grandle, Denny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agar Corporation, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Graney, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murphy Oil USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, AR
Granniss, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Grant, Christoper S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunbury, UK
Grant, P. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Gravley, Mark L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Gray, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gray, Gary E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gray, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frontier Refining, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheyenne, WY
Graziani, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairfax, VA
Greaves, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Grenek, Michael D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Greenbank, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Gregory, Richard A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Bound Brook, NJ
Gregory, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Gretschel, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . Freeport, TX
Grieb, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYESCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larkspur, CA
Grifftths, Clive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrington, UK
Grosboll, Martin P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gruia, Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Guercio, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CY Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montclair, NJ
Guerrero, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX-Refinacion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salamanca, Mexico

274 Registration List



Gunardson, Harold H. . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . Allentown, PA
Gunter, Paul . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . Houston, TX
Gutierra, Luis P. . . . Lagoven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amuay, Venezuela
Habib,Thomas . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia, MD
Hachmuth, Henry K. . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Hackett, James . . . . Vista Chemical Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Haelsig, Claus-Peter . . . Fluor Daniel BV . . . . . . . . . . Haarlem, Netherlands
Haley, John . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Hallada, Calvin . . . . . Cyprus-Climax . . . . . . . . . . . Ypsilanti, MI
Hallauer, Greg . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Boulder, CO
Hallen, Ted . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Halliday, Jack R. . . . . Petrolice Corporation . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Halliwell, Kelvin . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . Fareham, UK
Hamilton, Don . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . Long Beach, CA
Hamilton, Gary L. . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . Bloomfield, NJ
Hamilton, Jeff . . . . . The Pace Consultants Inc. . . . . . Houston, TX
Hammen, Douglass . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hammons, Anne . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . Houston, TX
Hanke, Tom . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Hannerup-Nielsen, Peter Haldor Topsoe A/S . . . . . . . . . Copenhagen, Denmark
Hanower, Lee . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . Closter, NJ
Hansen, Don . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . Wichita, KS
Hansen, Wendy L. . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Hanson, Daryl . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Hanson, Larry . . . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Harper, Kirk . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . Joliet, IL
Harrell, Jack B. . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Harrington, Michael J. . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . Warrington, UK
Harris, Dan P. . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Harris, Ernie . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Hartley, Dan . . . . . . Haverly Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . Summit, NJ
Hartman, Edward . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Harvey, Craig . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . Alta Loma, CA
Haseltine, Robert . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hastings, Thomas W. . . PQ Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Berwyn, PA
Haugseth, Paul . . . . . Powerine Oil Company . . . . . . . Santa Fe Springs, CA
Hausberger, Arthur . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Haveman, John . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Stafford, TX
Hawkins, Gerard . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace,.IL
Hayashi, Akihiro . . . . Mitsubishi Oil Company, Ltd. . . . Kawasaki, Japan
Haydel, Marvin C. . . . Wink Engineering . . . . . . . . . New Orleans, LA
Hayes, Ronald W. . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Hazama,Takanori . . . Cosmo Oil of U.S.A., Inc. . . . . . Sakaide, Japan
Heath, James . . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Heckel,TimothyL. . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Heck, William E. . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . The Woodlands, TX
Heinrich, Gerard . . . . Institut Francais du Petrole . . . . . Malmaison, France
Hekkert, Erik . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . The Woodlands, TX
Heller, Fred . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Henderson, Gerald . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . Ashland, KY
Henderson, Jody . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . Houston, TX
Hendricks, Jim . . . . . Buckman Labs . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Henke, Kevin . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Henriquez, Joseph A.R. . Refineria Isla (Curacao) S.A. . . . . Curacao, Neth. Antilles
Hereth, Mark . . . . . . The Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. Hartford, CT
Hernandez, Rick . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . Houston, TX
Herskovits, Lily . . . . . U.S. EPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Hibble, Pierre . . . . . . Stone &Webster . . . . . . . . . . Milton Keynes, UK

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 275



Hickman, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Metairie, LA
Higgins, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norco, LA
Higgins, Terrence S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Hiller, Les A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hillier, William J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hlozek, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hoeffner, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hofer, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Hoge, Kenneth D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The C. W. Nofsinger Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Kansas City, MO
Hoh, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFP Enterprises Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Hoiseth, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reactor Services International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Alvin, TX
Holbrook, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Holdsworth, John C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foster Wheeler Energy Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . Berkshire, UK
Holmstrom, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Water Management Group . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Hooper, James D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foster Wheeler USA Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Clinton, NJ
Horsey, James E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hoselton, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining and Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue Island, IL
Hostetter, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Housenga, Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Hufnagle, Jerry J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hughes, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Hull, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Humeid, Munir Abd . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jordan Petroleum Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amman, Jordan
Humphrey, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Humphries, Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hunderuk, Dmytro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
Hunter, Michael G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hurst, Joyce M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Husted, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Hutchison, John D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Imhoff, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Ims, Pete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Ingraham, L. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Intabi, Majed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Iqbal, Rashid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Iriarte, Juan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YPF SA DPTO Refineria La Plata . . . . . . . . . . Buenos Aires, Argentina
Irons, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Irwin, R. Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Izarraraz, Alicia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Jack Doug Conoco Inc. . . . . Ponca City, OK
Jackow, Francois ................................. Air Liquide America . Corporation
............................ Houston, TX
Jackson, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litwin Engineers & Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jacobs, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Western Unichem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hobbs, NM
Jaffe, Jay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Jakubowicz, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bensalem, PA
Jameson, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaGloria Oil and Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Jenkins, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmland Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coffeyville, KS
Jenkins, Robert I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imperial Oil Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto, Ontario
Jennings, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consumer’s Coop Refinery Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Regina, Saskatchewan
Jennings, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Jerus, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Jesus, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refineria Isla (Curazao) S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curacao, Neth. Antilles
Jezak, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Jinks, Charles D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Jody, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
John, Mark W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Johnson, Axel R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone &Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Johnson, Brian H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL

276 Registration List



Johnson, Chris C. . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Johnson, Craig . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . Blue Island, IL
Johnson, David M. . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company Port Arthur, TX
Johnson, E. Kenneth . . . Morrison Knudsen . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Johnson, Paul S. . . . . . Shell Development Company . . . . Houston, TX
Jokubaitis, Linas . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . Wickhffe, OH
Jones, Anthony . . . . . . Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Jones, Carol . . . . . . . . Lyondell-CITGO Refining Co. Ltd. Houston, TX
Jones, David . . . . . . . GAYLORDCHEMICAL . . . . . Houston, TX
Jones, Gerwyn . . . . . . Belco Technologies Corp. . . . . . . Parsippany, NJ
Jones, Henry . . . . . . . Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . Tyler, TX
Joseph, Joe . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Joyal, Cheryl Lynn M. .. Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . Yorktown, VA
Joyce, Lee . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . Lake Charles, LA
Juno, Edward E . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . Houston, TX
Juracek, John . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Kakehi, Kiyoshi . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kalota, Steven A. . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . Houston, TX
Kameyama, Kenji . . . . . Tohoku Oil Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . Sendai, Japan
Kamienski, Paul . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . Florham Park, NJ
Kanniappan, V. . . . . . . Madras Refineries Limited . . . . . Madras, India
Kantor, Laszlo . . . . . . . Hungarian Oil and Gas Co. . . . . . Szazhalombatta, Hungary
Kapoor, Akhilesh . . . . . BOCGases . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Kasbaum, John . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kataoka, Norihito . . . . . Mitsubishi Oil Company, Ltd. . . . Hoffman Estates, IL
Katdare, Vidya . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Kayagawa, Mikio . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . Florham Park, NJ
Keefer, Pamela . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Keller, Ted . . . . . . . . Ultramar Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Kellett, Thomas . . . . CDTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kelly, James . . . . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Kelly, Peter E. . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . Houston, TX
Kemock, Robert W. . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Kenichi, Hayashi . . . . . Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K. . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kenney,Thomas . . . . . Huntsman Corporation . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kepler, Larry . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Kessler, Randy . . . . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . San Dimas, CA
Keys, Kent . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Khouw, E H. H. . . . . . Shell Int’l Petroleum Mij. B .V. . . . The Hague, Netherlands
Kibble, Alan . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . Fairfax, VA
Kickirillo, Rosy . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. Houston, TX
Kidder, Rudolph . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . , . Houston, TX
Killackey, Terry . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kilner, Peter . . . . . . . . Catalytica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mountain View, CA
Kilroy, James . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kim, Byung Chul . . . . . Yukong Limited . . . . . . . . . . . Ulsan, Korea
Kim, Young-Mi . . . . . . The UNO-VEN Company . . . . . Lemont, IL
King, Chad . . . . . . . . Bloomfield Refining Co. . . . . . . Bloomfield, NM
King, David . . . . . . . . Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . Tyler, TX
Kingston, Doug . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . Oakville, Ontario
King, Thomas D. . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kinnear, Scott . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Kirina, Vera . . . . . . . . Evroasia-Bunter . . . . . . . . . . . Novorossiysk, Russia
Kissel, Robert S. . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kit, Daniel . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . London, Ontario
Kivi, Jouni . . . . . . . . Neste Oy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porvoo, Finland
Kleinschrodt, Frank . . . . SETPOINT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kliesch, Howard . . . . . Honeywell Profimatics . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 277



Klimek, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Knickerbocker, Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Knight, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Knipp, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Kohler, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kohut, Hersh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARC0 Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Koichi, Tanaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kurita Water Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kolb, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The IPC Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kology, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairfax, VA
Kooiman, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murphy Oil USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superior, WI
Korsfur, Bjorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statoil A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mongstad, Norway
Koryagina, Lioubov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Polymer-Conteyner . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Kouri, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Catalyst, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friendswood, TX
Kovar, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YPF SA DPTO Refineria LA Plata . . . . . . . . . . Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kovski, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Oil Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Kowalczyk, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refining Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Kozak, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witco Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenwich, CT
Kramer, David C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Krasnykh, Vladimir V. . . . . . . . . . . . . Institute Omskneftechim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omsk, Russia
Kreitz, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyondell-CITGO Refining Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kremer, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Krenzke, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Krikorian, Krik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Weybridge, UK
Krishna, Ashok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Krishna&, Gautham . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Krivtchenko, Evgeniy V. . . . . . . . . . . . Oil Processing Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Kroeger, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Chemical Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsippany, NJ
Krueding, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Kruger, Christiaan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NATREF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Natref, South Africa
Krukiel, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyondell-CITGO Refining Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kruse, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kuchcinski, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Kuehler, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Kuhel, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA
Kumagae, Shuji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Kumat, Anand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Oil Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . Bihar, India
Kunes, Michelle A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Kurumado, Hiroshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hakuto Company, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kutsche, Ronald A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Kwasniewski, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Kyshkin, Valeriy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interpreter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
La Russo, Anthony C. . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Laabs, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Lacijan, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Lal, Ravi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Lamb, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lamm, Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranch0 Dominguez, CA
Lamourelle, AIain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Langan, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomfield, NJ
Lang, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calumet Lubricants Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, LA
Lannen, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Lanning, Robert Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Larranga, Cesar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAIMSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Larson, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Arm, MD
Larson, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone &Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lasater, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Latosinsky, Betty M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Novacor Chemicals Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Laux, Michael A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three Rivers, TX

278 Registration List



Lawrence, Peter . . . Morrison Knudsen . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Learman, Robert J. . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Le, Binh . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
LeBlanc, Thomas C. LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Ledden, Richard A. . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Lee, Cliff . . . . . . KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. . . . . Parsippany, NJ
Lee, Young . . . . . Serck Baker, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lehan, Kathleen . . The Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . Walnut Creek, CA
Lehr, James . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Leiker, Wayne A. . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Lemmon, Chaz . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Lerch, Dave . . . . . Witco Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Bradford, PA
LeRoy, Charles E . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Letzsch, Warren S. . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . Houston, TX
Lewandowski, Roy A. Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . Chicago, IL
Liike, Thomas . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . Novi, MI
Liles, Mike . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Limmex, Kimberly . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Lin, Karl . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Link, John . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Liolios, Glenn . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Lipinski, John J. . . Coastal Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . Houston, TX
Lippert, Regis B. . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea Girt, NJ
Lippert, Robin . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea Girt, NJ
Litvinov, Pave1 . . . Russian Trade Development Co., Inc. . . . Los Angeles, CA
Liu, David . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Llanos, Zenon . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . Freeport, TX
Lloyd, Rick . . . . . Chemlink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. John, IN
Locke, Gary . . . . . Amerada Hess Corporation . . . . . . . . Woodbridge, NJ
Locke, Tim . _ . . . Koch Industries/John Zink . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Lockett, William . . Encon Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Far Hills, NJ
Lockwood, James . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Lomax, Stanley . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . El Dorado, KS
Long, Alec . . . . . Crown Central Petroleum Corporation . . Houston, TX
Long, James K. . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . Sugar Land, TX
Long, Stephen . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . Houston, TX
Longoria, Roland . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Longtin, Doug . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Lopez, Linda L. . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lord, Linda . . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Love, Scott . . . . . Koch Industries/John Zink . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Lowe, Ed . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Lucadamo, Al . . . . Gulf Publishing Company . . . . . . . . Summit, NJ
Lucero, Bernardo . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . Houston, TX
Luc, Geoffrey . . . . Ultramar Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Levis, Quebec
Ludolph, Robert A. . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
Luedemann, Thomas Vista Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lu, Robert . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . Houston, TX
Lynch, Kelly Zachgo Kerr-McGee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oklahoma City, OK
Lynne, Laura . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Lyons, James C. . . . ARCO Chemical Company . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mackey, Terry D. . . MK-Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
MacRunnels, Zachary Cherokee Sanford Group . . . . . . . . . Raleigh, NC
Madden, James J. . . Betz Water Management Group . . . . . Trevose, PA
Mader, Martin . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Mabarajh, Edward . Travis Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Maiden, James A. . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Malmberg, Doris . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 279



Maloy, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Manley, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fisher-Rosemount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlanta, GA
Manthos, George J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Maple, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Marcotte, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levis, Quebec
Mariani, Richard A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tarrytown, NY
Markle, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Marks, Chad L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vidalia, LA
Markum, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Marler, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Foxboro Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Marple, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Refining and Marketing Company . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Marrelli, Ronald E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Marshall, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston, MA
Martin, Robert B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Martin, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Masak, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markham, Ontario
Masias, Guido . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Del Peru S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lima, Peru
Masters, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Mathews, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mathisen, Melvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Encon Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Far Hills, NJ
Mathur, S. N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. . . . . . . . . Bombay, India
Mathur, Steve S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Matos, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Matsui, Yukinori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hakuto Company, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Matsumoto, Kokichi . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cosmo Oil of U.S.A., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sakaide, Japan
Matsuo, Hiroshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nikki-Universal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Matsushita, Takashi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mattenson, Kirsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Matthews, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Maury, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
MC Colgan, Mary Beth . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
McArthur, Dennis P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
McBride, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McCaffrey, David S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
McClure, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mont Belviev, TX
McCoy, Charles S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orinda, CA
McCulloch, Donald C. . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McDaniel, J. Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contract Materials Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
McDaniel, Norman K. . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company-Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . League City, TX
McDonald, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
McDowell, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
McFarlane, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McFarlin, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
McGovern, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
McHugh, Terence J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discovery Aluminas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McKay, Dwight L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
McKinney, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comae Chemical Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McLaren, Theron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Randall Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McLean, Joseph B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Meakim, John T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Meche, Billy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Meeker, Roon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YPF SA DPTO Refineria La Plata . . . . . . . . . . Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mehrotra, Raghunath P. . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Institute of Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dehradun, India
Memmott, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flying J Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Salt Lake, UT
Mendakis, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Menda, Pedro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Del Peru S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lima, Peru
Menegaz, Stephen G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Menon, Raghu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The BOC Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ

280 Registration List



Mercado, Miguel A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Mertes, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arrowhead Industrial Water . . . . . . . . . Lincolnshire, IL
Mettee, Elizabeth W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Metzger, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Meyers, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Maa, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Michelini, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Mielke, Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Mijares, Gerardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mikkelsen, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . Mississauga, Ontario
Millensifer, Tom A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powmet, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Littleton, CO
Miller, David J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . Newtown Square, PA
Miller, Harvey S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Miller, James E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Miller, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Miller, John E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . Ferndale, WA
Miller, Missy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Miller, R. Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mt. Laurel, NJ
Miller, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stafford, TX
Miller, Rik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Miranda, Ron E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Miro, Pedro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cepsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madrid, Spain
Mitchell, Earl J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mitchell, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mitchell, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
Mok, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BHP Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kapolei, HI
Monroe, W. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlas Copco Comptec Inc. . . . . . . . . . Kingwood, TX
Moore, Albert B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Moore, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA,Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Moore, Carroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Moore, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . Akron, OH
Moore, Howard E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Moore, Richard 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research &Technology Co. . . . . Richmond, CA
Morales, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Refining and Marketing Company . . . Toledo, OH
Morash, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment . . Friday Harbor, WA
Mordhorst, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Morelli, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Morgan, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron International Oil Co. . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Morgan, John A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Morgan, Lynda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Morris, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research &Technology Co. . . . . Richmond, CA
Morris, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Morrison, M. Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFP Enterprises Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Morse, Robert W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Motohashi, Yoshihisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Oil Company, Ltd. . . . . . . . Kurashiki, Japan
Mountainland, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrocarbon Research Inc. . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Moyse, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Muha, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middough Associates Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Mulraney, Donald D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone &Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . Houston, TX
Murff, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Murphy, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool, UK
Murthy, A.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Musgrave, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron International Oil Co. . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Myers, Daniel N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Naeger, Dennis P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Nagel, Jeff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Nakamura, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrocarbon Processing . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nash, Richard M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Development Company . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 281



Nassar, Emile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Natarajan, Raju . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydro-Chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canton, GA
Nedanovich, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walk, Haydel & Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . New Orleans, LA
Nedderman, Theodore J. . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Neighbors, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Randall Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nelsen, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Western Unichem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nelson, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morrison Knudsen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Nelson, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Neudorfer, Hans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrox S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Talcahuano, Chile
Neuman, Daniel J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Owings Mills, MD
Neuman, Pamela K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Newell, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Niccum, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nicholas, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Nicholson, David S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrington, UK
Nielsen, Andets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyngby, Denmark
Nielsen, Lillian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chappaqua, NY
Nocca, Jean-Luc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFP Enterprises, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Norman, William S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discovery Aluminas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Northup, Aldrich H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Norton, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linwood, PA
Novak, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Novak, Kirk R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tricat, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange, CA
Novak, William J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nozemack, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Numabe, Hiroshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cosmo Oil of U.S.A., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Nunnelee, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
O’Neill, Brenden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Obluda, Gerard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chalmette, LA
Ojeda, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Del Peru S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lima, Peru
Olesen, John A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Olesky, Philip J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Ollech, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Olsen, Charles W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Olson, Frank M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Orr, Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Osborn, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmland Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coffeyville, KS
Overshiner, Jody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Owen, Hartley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Annuitant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worton, MD
Oyekan, Soni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
Paggini, Alberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snamprogetti S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milan, Italy
Pair, Benson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Paloumbis, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worms, Germany
Pannucci, Joseph A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Pantoja, Guillermo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos Mexicanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Paradis, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Parekh, Uday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Paris, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Parker, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Industries/John Zink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Paspek, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Patel, Mabesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Patel, Raj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Patek Rasik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Patil, Bhagwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. . . . . . . . . Bombay, India
Patterson, Eliza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurobusiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, UK
Patterson, Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Patton, Gary R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Paules, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philbro Energy, USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX

282 Registration List



Pavel, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . Houston, TX
Pawelkowski, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Alma, MI
Pawloski, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terra Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pearce, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Peccatiello, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pedersen, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Peer, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Pena, Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . Houston, TX
Penman, Brian R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . Napa, CA
Pennels, Mark E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment Golden, CO
Percy, Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . Chappaqua, NY
Perger, Jozsef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hungarian Oil and Gas Co. . . . . . . Budapest, Hungary
Perkins, J. Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Pesek, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Peterman, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Petersen, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Peters, Kenneth D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Peterson, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Petty, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Reserach & Development . . . Port Arthur, TX
Pfile, Martyn E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Phansalkar, Sunil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . Houston, TX
Piccari, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allied Signal Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Morristown, NJ
Piekos, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Pieper, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . Houston, TX
Pierce, Eric R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reisterstown, MD
Pierce, Gerald K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Pinkerton, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unipure Corporation . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Piper, Edwin M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . Denver, CO
Pitzer, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . Carson, CA
Poddar, Syamal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Poffenbarger, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pogontcheff, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imperial Oil Limited . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Poindexter, Jimmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Western Unichem . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Pontiff, Steve D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Poon, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Porter, William J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . Pascagoula, MS
Potscavage, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Potter, Frederick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Powell, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Poynor, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Poythress, R. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Prahin, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Prasad, A. M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centre for High Technology . . . . . New Delhi, India
Pratt, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Pritchett, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pritzel, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The UNO-VEN Company . . . . . . Lemont, IL
Prohaska, Eileen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Propst, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Puerto, Juan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Puschinsky, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AlliedSignal Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Seabrook, TX
Pusty, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Quigley, Robert P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Quinn, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Quinn, George P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Ragsdale, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rabeem, R. Abdul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madras Refineries Limited . . . . . . Madras, India
Rahlwes, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . Lake Jackson, TX
Rahmat, A. Hadi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petronas Penapisan . . . . . . . . . . Melaka, Malaysia

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Rejning and Petrochemical Technology 283



Rajagopalan, Kuppuswamy R. . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia, MD
Ramachandran, Ram . . . . . . . . . . . . . The BOC Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Rao,P.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Oil Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . Gujarat, India
Rasmussen, Henrik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ready, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Mobile Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . Mobile, AL
Reder, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Blue Island, IL
Reeves, Jerry L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Reitz, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Water Management Group . . . . . . . . . . . Trevose, PA
Remsen, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Resnick, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stafford, TX
Rettenmaier, Albert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Reverdy, Francois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packinox, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Rhead, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Rhodes, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil & Gas Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Riedl, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, KS
Rieg, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Ries, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Riggs, Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunray, TX
Rightmyer, Joseph A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Riley, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Rios, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oregon, OH
Roberts, C. David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Robertson, Duane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Roddey, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roddey Engineering Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Shreveport, LA
Rodgers, James M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery of LA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rogers, James A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Rojas, Edgardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Rolandelli, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Roman, John A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Romero, Sim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Ronnander, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rosenthal, Joel W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Rose, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Ross, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rosso, J. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gemini Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Santa Ana, CA
Roth, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Rowe, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rowe, Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Roy, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montreal, Quebec
Rudder, J. K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lion Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, AR
Ruiz, Oswaldo R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cartagena, Colombia
Rukovena, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Ruth, Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scaltech Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ryan, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Ryan, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurel, MT
Sachs, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgian Refining Corporation N .V. . . . . . . . . . . Antwerp, Belgium
Sackett, P. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Said, Hussain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Shuaiba, Kuwait
Sakaguchi, Takeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOA Oil Company, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kanagawa, Japan
Salazar, Franklin G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Salbilla, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Samaie, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sams, David A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Sanchez, Maria Nilda . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Santamaria-Diaz, Saul . . . . . . . . . . . . Ecopetrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bogota, Columbia
Santner, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Santos, Gerald E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Santos, Jesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . White Plains, NY

284 Registration List



Sappington, Jim Koch Industries, Inc. Wichita, KS
Sarli, Michael S. Mobil Research & Development Corp. Princeton, NJ
Sarubbi, Frank Huntsman Corporation Houston, TX
Sayles, Scott Sinclair Oil Corporation Tulsa, OK
Schaffer, Shannon Oxy-Fuel News Arlington, VA
Scharre, Mark D. Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, OK
Schaub, Charles Crown Central Petroleum Corporation Houston, TX
Scheirer, Glen Exxon Research & Engineering Co Florham Park, NJ
Scherzer, Julius Unocal Corporation Brea, CA
Schilling, George Texaco, Inc. Houston, TX
Schimbor, R. E CRI International Inc Houston, TX
Schmidt, Mike R Akzo Nobel Houston, TX
Schmitz, Anthony Emtrol Corporation Hauppauge, NY
Schoemann, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Schoenbeck, Lynne E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Scholte, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait Petroleum Europort B.V. . . . . . . . . . . . Europort, Netherlands
Schowe, Edwin W. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . . Portage, IN
Schrepfer, M. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Schroer, Anthon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Schulman, Bernard L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SFA Pacific, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Englewood, CO
Schwandt, Scott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Scolari, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAIMSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Scott, Bradley J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robinson, IL
Scott, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Rafael, CA
Scott, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OXY USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Scotti, Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomfield, NJ
Scruggs, Darrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kinetics Technology Int’l Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Scuorzo, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Seamans, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Seek, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Hartford, IL
Seidel, Richard J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Senez, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ft. Saskatchewan, Alberta
Serdiuk, Fedor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angarsk, Russia
Shah, Laht S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellaire, TX
Shah, Pankaj P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Sharp, Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Shaver, August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worms, Germany
Shearer, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Sheckler, John C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Shields, Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Shiflett, W. K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.E . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Shoemaker, Larry W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Shortt, Mark W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Shufelt, Robert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Sigan, Jack A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hoffman Estates, IL
Simmons, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaGloria Oil and Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Simonton, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Simpson, Jeremy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink-ChemServe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chloorkop, South Africa
Singer, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Purolite Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bala Cynwyd, PA
Sinnard, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Siravo, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Siwek, Janusz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Skeds, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pro-Quip Corporation Tulsa, OK
Skripek, Milan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation Brea, CA
Slade, Cornell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts Houston, TX
Sleeman, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reactor Services International Inc. Griffith, IN
Slemp, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The UNO-VEN Company . Lemont, IL
Sloan, H. David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. Houston, TX

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 285



Sloley, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Smith, Arnold R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fluor Daniel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine, CA
Smith, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Water Management Group . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Smith, David L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Ramon, CA
Smith, G. Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missouri City, TX
Smith, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Smith, Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Valve Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brookshire, TX
Smith, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Smith, Norman F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Smith, Scot K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Industries/John Zink . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Smith, Strom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advanced Petrogas Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Smyth, Sean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Snedeker, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Snell, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Snyder, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Santa Ana, CA
Soanes, Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Berlin, NJ
Soni, Dalip S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sopko, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickhffe, OH
Soria, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crown Central Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sourp, Thierry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packinox, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Spardel, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Spatz, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron International Oil Co. . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Speir, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U.S. Dept. of Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Spidle, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middough Associates Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Spoerle, E Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Water Management Group . . . . . . . . . . Trevose, PA
Sprouse, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Stamires, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Stanger, Charles W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Staub, Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Stegelman, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum - Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . Borger, TX
Steinsland, Olav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statoil A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mongstad, Norway
Stelly, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Stephen, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westlake, LA
Stephens, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFP Enterprises Texas, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Stergios, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone &Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milton Keynes, UK
Stewart, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Stirling, Stann P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Stockl, D.J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joliet, IL
Street, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huntsman Specialty Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Stringer, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morden, UK
Stuart, Henry V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Stull, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Suara, Felipe J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Subramaniam, Mahadevan . . . . . . . . . Fluor Daniel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Suchanek, Arthur J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sugawa, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink/BPCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sukhon, Ahmad Saleh . . . . . . . . . . . Jordan Petroleum Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amman, Jordan
Summers, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolire Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sumrok, Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sutley, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals Co. . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Svoboda, LaNell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sweezey, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tacchi, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Talbot, Louis A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alma, MI
Tanaka, Yuji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cosmo Oil of U.S.A., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Tang, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Tankiwala, Moiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. . . . . . . . Pradesh, India
Tarantino, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mt. Laurel, NJ

286 Registration List



Tarka, R. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery of LA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tavares, Marcos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fabrica Carioca De Catalisadores . . . . . . . . . . . Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Tchistov, Igor E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Institute Bash-Giproneftechim . . . . . . . . . . . . Ufa, Russia
Tedesco, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Water Management Group . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Tenney, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GE Environmental Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Lebanon, PA
Thaver, Nithianathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joliet, II
Theriault, Bert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery Canada Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Thiel, Phillip G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Thomas, Danny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Thomas, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Thompson, Charles H. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Thompson, William M. . . . . . . . . . . . Hunt Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuscaloosa, AL
Tinetti, Brian P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commerce City, CO
Tippect, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Titone, Jasper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolire Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Toberman, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rollins Environmental Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Deer Park, TX
Tobin, Geoffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foster Wheeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reading, Be&s, UK
Tokerud, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Tolen, Delbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment . . . . . . . Grand Junction, CO
Tollefsen, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calumet Lubricants Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, LA
Tong, Chung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litwin Engineers & Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Torek, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Bakersfield, CA
Tortorici, Francesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Praoil Agip Petroli Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Priolo, Italy
Toyoda, Futoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Traylor, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair, WY
Treece, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Treese, Steven A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Trenga, Frank J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Trent, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalyst - Zeochem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Trevino, Cesar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Canalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Treybig, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tronchin, Amilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sao Paula, Brazil
Trout, Stanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molycorp Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . White Plains, NY
Tryjankowski, Damian A. . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Tullock, Larry D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Tunnell, Duke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Turpin, Lee E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honeywell Profimatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA
Udvari, Emery J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Ulmer, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Unzelman, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Urbancic, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Usher, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ElfAtochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Utley, Jeff K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flying J Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Salt Lake, UT
Vadekar, MO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHEMTECH Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Vadovic, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Valdes, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX-IMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Valentine, Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder, CO
Van Der Steen, Arie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fabrica Carioca De Catalisadores . . . . . . . . . . . Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Vance, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Vande Ven, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Varadi, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Varghese, P. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abu Dhabi National Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . Ruwais, Abu Dhabi
Varraveto, Dominic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Vasquez, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Vauk, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Process Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Vazquez, Ramiro G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Veldman, Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Vella, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carus Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ottawa, IL

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 287



Venner, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomfield, NJ
Verachtert, Thomas A. . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Verdin, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solomon Associates Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Vergara, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrox S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Talcahuano, Chile
Vickers, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Victory, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Villanueva, Ricardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Villio, Robert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA
Viscontini, Sal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . . . . Pennington, NJ
Vogus, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennzoil Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karns City, PA
Wagner, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Wagner, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eddystone, PA
Waldron, Terry R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Walker, Donald K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Walker, Hugh B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Walker, John E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Azusa, CA
Wallace, Carrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Wallendorf, William H. . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Walther, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Walther, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ward, John W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brea, CA
Ward, John W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wardle, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheshire, UK
Waterfield, David N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunbury-on-Thames, UK
Watson, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Watters, Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Wear, Charles C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Weise, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Weiss, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Research & Development Corp. . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Welch, J. G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Welker, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Welker Engineering Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Wellmann, Edward E . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Tracerco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wells, Jan W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips 66 Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Wen, C. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wenzel, Fritz W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VEBA OEL Technologie GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . Gelsenkirchen, Germany
West, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, KS
Whelchel, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
White, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunoco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Canada
Whitlock, C. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Process Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Wbitson, Ray W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA - Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Wbittington, Lloyd K. . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemCat Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenner, LA
Wick, James P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Findlay, OH
Wieliczko, Thomas B. . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cherry Hill, NJ
Wieser, Stephen L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Wilburn, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Wilcox, Jack R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refining Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Wildenberg, Wendy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Wilder, Brenette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Williams, Billy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Williams, James E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Williams, Rufus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Praxair, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Williams, Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Williams, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Williamson, Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Wilmer, Jeff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Wilson, Jerome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Wilson, Roy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betz Prochem Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Winsford, UK
Wilson, Troy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Liquide America Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Countryside, IL

288 Registration List



Wiltrout, Carl S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phibro Energy USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Wimberly, Mark O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Windham, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . Pascagoula, MS
Windholz, Otto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serck Baker, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Winkler, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Winslett, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolice Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Winslow, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Zurich, IL
Winslow, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Wiseman, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Witoshkin, Anatol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Wizig, Herb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wohlschlegel, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Wolke, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wood, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston,TX
Woodland, Brent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Woods, Robert P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Woodward, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wrench, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wright, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGEN Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Durban, South Africa
Wu, Kuang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Yarnamoto, Kazuyoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Yanazume, Ei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Yefremov, Nikolai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Crest Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomfield, NJ
Yepsen, Gary L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Ying, Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Yoars, John P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyondell-CITGO Refining Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Yoshida, Jiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JGC (USA), Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Youngblood, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Youssef, Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Yung, K. Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Zacher, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Zagnoli, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Zahedani, Maryam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Zeillmann, Louie E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slidell, LA
Zelonis, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edison, NJ
Zickefoose, Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scaltech Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Zoller, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Zyskowski, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mississauga, Ontario

1994 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 289





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