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SK Jalan Deshon
The Wondrous World of Eleven
by Querysthirst

*The Morning's Embrace*

Aurora's fingers paint the skies,

As the sleepy town beneath slowly lies.
A yawn escapes like a whispered secret,
In her cozy nest, dreams still beget.

*The Symphony of Play*

The schoolyard's a canvas of vibrant hues,

Where laughter paints the air, no time to snooze.
The ball's a drumbeat on the earthy floor,
Her heart's a drummer, eager for more.

*The Enchantment of Learning*

In the realm of numbers and letters, she dives deep,

Where algebraic fish and verb whales leap.
Arithmetic waves crash against the shore,
Of her mind's vast and curious lore.

*The Canvas of Imagination*

She wields her crayons like a wizard's wand,

Sketching rainbows that reach beyond the pond.
The paper rustles like sails in the wind,
Her art a ship where fantasies are pinned.

*The Harmony of Friendship*

Friendship's a tapestry, woven tight,

A patchwork quilt of sheer delight.
Whispers float like dandelion seeds,
Sprouting tales of heroic deeds.

*The Serenade of Nature*

The breeze composes a symphony so mild,

Nature's orchestra, tender and wild.
Butterflies pirouette in a silent ballet,
A fluttering spectacle in the light of day.
SK Jalan Deshon
*The Echoes of Laughter*

Her laughter's a brook, cascading free,

Over pebbles of joy, to the giggling sea.
The world's her stage, curtains of green,
Her performance, the best ever seen.

*The Twilight's Calm*

Twilight drapes its velvet cloak,

The sky's an artist, each stroke evokes.
Stars peek-a-boo from their cosmic hide,
In the theater of night, they proudly preside.

*The Lullaby of the Moon*

The moon hums a lullaby, soft and low,

A silver beacon in the night's gentle glow.
In her bed, she's a pearl in a shell,
Dreaming of tales she'll one day tell.

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