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1996 NPRA
Question and Answer Session
On Refining and Petrochemical Technology

49th Annual
NPRA Question and Answer Session on
Refining and Petrochemical Technology

Conducted by the National Petroleum Refiners Association

Suite 1000, 1899 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

© 1997 National Petroleum Refiners Association


Typesetting/Layout by:
Right Angle Graphics
1223 Noyes Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Printed in U.S.A

Section Category Page Section Category Page

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IV. LIGHT OIL CATALYTIC PROCESSING . . . . . . . . 160

A. Alkylation-Sulfuric Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
I. GENERAL PROCESSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
A. Treating and Desalting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
B. Lube Oil Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
C. Solvent Deasphalting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
D. Crude Distillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 B. Alkylation-Hydrofluoric Acid . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
E. Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
F. Product Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 C. Reforming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
G. Computer/Process Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
H. Safety and Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 D. Aromatics Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
I. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 E. Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
F. Isomerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
II. HEAVY OIL PROCESSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
G. Etherification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
A. Fluid Catalytic Cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Mechanical Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 V. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . . . 195
Safety and Environmental . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
A. Sulfur Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Regeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Amine Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Sulfur Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Optimization/Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Tail Gas Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Feed and Product Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 B. Environmental Management . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Fractionation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
B. Coking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Hydrocarbon Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Mechanical Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Separators and Cooling Towers . . . . . . . . 212
Residual Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Secondary Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
C. Visbreaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Solid and Chemical Waste . . . . . . . . . . . 221
III. HYDROGEN PROCESSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
C. Energy Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
A. Hydrogen Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Process Heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Hydrogen Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hydrogen Purification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Electrical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
B. Hydrotreating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Reactor Bed Plugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 VI. PETROCHEMICAL PROCESSING . . . . . . . . . . 225
Reactor Effluent Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
A. Ethylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Catalysts and Catalyst Sulfiding . . . . . . . . . 139
B. Styrene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Reactor Safety and Reliability . . . . . . . . . . 145
General Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Memorandum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Panel Biographies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Participation Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Index to NPRA Q&A Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Registration List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

Twenty-one years ago, I served as a Q&A panelist and

it was interesting to look back at the transcript of that 1975
session. Many of the issues and problems addressed back
then are still with us today: fouling and corrosion; reactor
loading, distribution and pressure drop; presulfiding; met-
als contamination; to name a few. We even discussed
production of 0.05 weight percent distillates, MMT and
catalyst disposal concerns.
W.J. Majers of Sun Oil gave the opening address to the
600 attendees at the 1975 Philadelphia Q&A. He dis-
cussed 4 areas of concern at that time:
• The Cost of Energy — He predicted it would go
• Crude Oil Supply — He felt we would become more
dependent on others, and the trend would be toward
synthetic feedstocks.
• Environmental Issues — He said the industry had
been working on these for many years, but that times are
changing and the environment would become more im-
portant. (How true!)
• Finally — Political Realities — He warned that we
were not doing enough. We should participate in civic
organizations and discuss our industry with our neighbors.
While we continue to deliberate on these issues, this
years program includes a number of new issues and con-
cepts which I believe are indicative of just how much our
industry has changed over the years. There are new tech-
nologies and topics on the program, such as etherification,
product formulation, and computer process control. New
words and concepts surface throughout the program, such
as RFG and CARB fuels, rigorous non-linear, on-line
Some of these words were not even invented in 1975, and
unfortunately some were invented by those who regulate
us. We still have a separate environmental section, but
Good morning and welcome to the 49th NPRA Ques-
there is far more emphasis in this area. Environment,
tion and Answer Session on Refining and Petrochemical health and safety issues are now really part of the entire
Technology. I am Paul Fritz, Vice President of Engineering program.
Services for Pennzoil Products Company and current There is one somewhat disturbing word found in this
Chairman of the NPRA Manufacturing Committee. The year’s program that is near and dear to all of us. And that
Manufacturing Committee is proud to sponsor this very word is “downsizing”. The attendee list for the 1975 Q&A
worthwhile event and is grateful for the support provided conference shows representatives from 19 companies no
by the panelists, the Screening Committee, the vendors longer in the refining business. Conversely, our registra-
who have sponsored events, and to all of you who will be tion list today shows representation from about 10 com-
participating over the next 2½ days. Based on the size of panies not in business in 1975. Despite all the innovative
the crowd here today, it appears that we are still going technological advances the U.S. refining and petrochemi-
strong after 49 years — We must be doing something cal industries have accomplished over the years, and the
right! high quality products provided to consumers and the
Before turning over the Session to NPRA and the American economy as a result, the industry has been
panelists, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the forced to restructure, consolidate, and downsize to sur-
state of our industry and the challenges we continue to vive. Compared to 21 years ago, today we produce more
face, and to put that into perspective relative to the Q&A. high purity and environmentally friendly products with
The discussions you will be having this week are vital to less feedstock, less energy and with less impact on the
the continued technology advances our industry will need environment. And we do this while maintaining one of
to meet the changes which lie ahead. the safest of all industries.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 5


But the rest of the world has evolved as well. The easing areas — restructuring, re-engineering, partnering and
of world trade barriers, globalization of economies, and joint venturing — and Opportunity in operations and
advances in communication capabilities have opened our technology — reliability, safety, computerization, produc-
markets to world-wide competition. Some of our products tivity , empowerment.
have become commodities and are traded on world finan- No matter how far or how fast our industry changes
cial markets at a moments notice. The hey days of yester- over the next decade, people will continue to be our most
year are long gone. important asset and our best source of opportunity. All of
Unfortunately, I do not see the situation getting any you in this room are part of this people asset. By coming
easier in the years to come. Congress and EPA have become here today, you have taken a positive step towards meeting
more and more intrusive into our business. Regulations the challenges ahead. The discussions in this room and in
have been increasing at an alarming pace and as they the halls during breaks will provide valuable insight into
become more stringent, they tend to have a greater direct problems and a better understanding of operational, safety
impact on our daily operations and business decisions. and technological concerns. This meeting also offers a
And the changes we have experienced to date may only unique opportunity for vendors to better understand their
be the beginning of an era of constant environmental and customers needs and for the customers to better under-
competitive pressures. We have successfully implemented stand their suppliers capabilities. Partnering, one of those
Phase I of a reformulated gasoline program. Phase II, “words of the 90’s”, offers a valuable way to optimize
which is to be implemented in the year 2000, will be an people assets.
order of magnitude more difficult to implement. At the I would like to conclude my remarks today by high-
same time, the auto industry is pushing for additional lighting two small but important changes to this year’s
nationwide specifications for sulfur and driveability index, program. First, there is a session devoted to safety and
while EPA, through the Ozone Transport Assessment reliability and second, the word reliability occurs three
Group, is seeking to spread reformulated gasolines and times. Safety and reliability are key to meeting the chal-
reformulated diesel fuels into as many as 37 states. lenges of the future and remaining profitable. They also
Although many of us have just recently completed the represent two areas where people play a vital role. The
work required under the Refinery MACT I rule for process Q&A offers an outstanding forum for bringing these issues
vents, Refinery MACT II has loomed on the horizon.
to the forefront and developing newer, better, safer and
Under MACT II, EPA is looking at FCCU particulate
environmentally friendlier ways of operating our facilities,
emissions, sulfur plant carbon disulfide and carbonyl sul-
hopefully with a positive impact on the bottom line.
fide emissions, and reformer chloride emissions. A com-
bustion MACT, addressing process heaters and boilers, is This industry is facing enormous challenges and
also under development at the Agency. changes. But we have been there before and have survived.
Perhaps most alarming is EPA’s ongoing review of the Let me leave you with a simple example. Our industry was
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and one of the safest in 1987 when NPRA began publishing
particulates. Despite questionable science to back up their its current version of the Department of Labor’s injury
actions, EPA is proposing to lower ozone standards and statistics. Since then, refining recordable cases have de-
develop a new standard for particulates of less than 2.5 clined by over 63 percent and petrochemical plant re-
microns (PM 2.5). The new standards could greatly ex- cordables by over 52 percent. This was accomplished by
pand the number and severity classification of nonattain- management and work force cultural change, ingenuity,
ment areas, requiring further controls on our products and commitment and technology. I am confident that we will
plants. Under the most stringent PM 2.5 standard, it is be equally successful in other business areas and can enjoy
estimated that all but one of the 255 areas now monitored 49 more years of NPRA Q&A’s.
for PM will be out of attainment. The PM 2.5 standard Last, but not least, I could not sit down without extend-
will put additional pressures on fuel because combustion ing my personal appreciation and that of the NPRA
products have been identified as primary contributors to Manufacturing Committee to this year’s panelists. Having
these emissions. sat in one of these seats, I can appreciate all of the effort
I did not come here to leave a message of gloom and they have already put in, and will put in over the next
doom, but rather to simply remind you that the ingenuity 21⁄2 days to make this event a success. I am sure that they
and technological advancements that have brought this are asking themselves, “Why did I agree to this?”. But I
industry so far in the past, must, and I am sure will, am also sure that when it is over they will feel as I did, “I
continue. Just as environmental issues surface throughout am glad I did”. Thank-you, good luck to our panelists, and
the Q&A program, they are something we simply have to I hope that you have a worthwhile and enjoyable session.
live with. The way to live with these challenges is to look I will now turn the meeting over to Terry Higgins of
for opportunity: Opportunity in business and financial the NPRA.

6 Introduction

Each registrant at the 1996 NPRA Question and Answer

Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology will
receive the bound transcript of the meeting. The bound
transcription includes a subject index which identifies
pages where specific topics are covered. Some of the
transcripts (i.e., 1990-94) are also available in electronic
format with search capabilities. Additional post 1994
years’ transcripts will be available electronically at some
time in the future.
Again, NPRA encourages your participation. We also
encourage you to take advantage of the hospitality pro-
vided throughout the week by the various suppliers. Ex-
perts are available to discuss their products and answer
questions not adequately covered during the sessions. The
hospitality rooms offer an excellent opportunity to be-
come better acquainted with those who serve our industry.
I am reminded of a funeral home that had the following
slogan: “Remember, it is better to know us and not need
us, than to need us and not know us.” Get to know your
suppliers before you need them.
Background information on the panel can be found in
TERRENCE HIGGINS: your program book and will be available in the back
Good Morning. Thank you very much, Paul. We ap- section of the transcript.
preciate your comments this morning, and the support The NPRA as received numerous positive comments
that the NPRA Manufacturing Committee provides this as to the value of these sessions and transcripts. In response
meeting as well. to input from attendees, NPRA has expanded the petro-
Throughout the next two and a half days, the panel will chemical session for 1996 and initiated a breakout session.
respond to questions submitted by industry and screened A Safety and Reliability session will be held concurrent
by a panel of experts. I will first call upon the panelists to with an Instrumentation, Product Formulation and Com-
respond to each question and then open the discussion to puter/Process Control Session. NPRA has also provided
the floor. I encourage your active participation. When attendees with the opportunity to submit “relatively long”
commenting, please state your name and company. or detailed question responses for publication prior to our
Approximately two weeks after the meeting, a copy of session.
the comments will be mailed to each participant for NPRA welcomes suggestions or criticisms for improve-
corrections, additions, or deletions as deemed necessary. ment of our program. Evaluation sheets are available for
After the return of the participants’ comments, they will this purpose or attendees can contact NPRA’s Washington
be printed and published in a hardback book by NPRA. office.

Important Notice
The information and statements herein are believed to be reliable but are not to be construed as a warranty of
representation for which the participants assume legal responsibility. Users should undertake sufficient verification and
testing to determine the suitability for their own particular purpose of any information or products referred to herein.
Nothing herein is to be taken as permission, inducement, or recommendation to practice any patented invention
without a license.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 7



A. Treating and Desalting special crude handling, and basic design considerations to
improve results.
Question 1. Elevated temperatures are very important to reduce the
What specific techniques are being employed to de- viscosity of heavy, highly viscous oils. Generally, an upper
salt heavy crude oil (less than 20° API)? Review limit of approximately 325°F is set due to the reliability
important process parameters (such as desalter effi- of desalter electrical components. Sulfuric acid addition is
ciency, removal of filterable solids, etc.) and type of generally used to control effluent water pH, which is
equipment in service. usually held in the 5.5 to 6.5 range. HCl may have
advantages, but it is more hazardous to handle.
LEMMON: You may need to consider elevating the gravity of the
Tosco’s Avon refinery effectively desalts heavy Califor- raw crude oil with recycle of atmospheric naphtha, distil-
nia crudes with an API gravity of 13.4°. Salt removal is late or other streams to increase the density difference
excellent at roughly 95%, yielding a little less than 1 between the oil and the water and to further reduce its
lb/1000 bbl in the desalted oil. BS&W removal is also viscosity. Low mixing energies are employed to counter-
good, obtaining 85% removal, yielding less than 0.2 %. balance the high viscosity and low gravity of these crude
The water effluent, which has been a focal point of our oils so you can still achieve separation. Keep a log so the
refinery, is fairly clean at 0.5% oil. The equipment used is operators know where to “set the knobs” when this type
two generously sized Petreco low velocity desalters oper- of crude hits.
ated in a series. The oil residence time is approximately 1 Try to maximize settling time in your crude storage
hour in each of the desalter vessels for this 60,000 bbl/d tanks, and drain water as much as possible before charging
application. A brine settling tank is also utilized to maxi- to the Crude Unit (or Coker, visbreaker, or heavy oil
process). Check crude compatibilities in the laboratory
mize oil recovery from the brine effluent.
and blend crudes by types and ratios that preclude asphal-
The operating temperature of the crude is critical and
tene deposition. Keep records of blend recipes that work
must be maintained over 315°F. Wash water is added at 6
well in your plant for future reference. Accomplish tank
vol% to 8 vol %, and the wash water source is vacuum
switches over a period of several hours to preclude desalter
tower ejector condensate combined with stripped foul upsets and minimize the potential water carryover on
water. crude units.
The pH of the wash water blend is about 5.6 and that For very heavy crudes, larger vessels and higher KVA
is also critical with this high naphthenic acid crude. The rated transformers are used to assist in overcoming the
pH must be below 6.5 to give acceptable performance. higher viscosity and lower gravities of these opportunity
We run the mix valves in the first stage at 4 psi, and at feedstocks. Consideration should be made for possible
7 psi in the second stage. One other thing we do is blend inclusion of special polymers to augment high viscosity,
the crude with some low solids recovered oil (less than low gravity separation and conductivity. Several demulsi-
0.5% solids). This improves the API gravity to around fyer systems can be included to allow switching to various
14.8°API. systems without the need for recipe chemicals. You should
We use emulsion breaker chemical at 20 ppm to 25 also allow for large rag layers and a good, well lighted
ppm and the desalter runs very well. Over the years the sampling area. Finally, you generally do not want to run
desalter operation has improved, and I attribute this to the heavy crude and water through a booster pump in the
reduced solids in the recovered oil and today’s more effec- preheat exchange train. You would be better off buying a
tive desalting chemicals. The last point is that we are high head pump and injecting the crude and water closer
careful not to blend crudes into the California crudes that together right before the desalter.
could cause asphaltene precipitation.
HUNKUS: A number of our refineries in Australasia have residue
In the 10° to 12° API range, several process techniques crackers (RCUs) and run a very wide range of crudes;
are employed to offset the difficulty of desalting heavy Middle East sour crudes to SE Asian waxy crudes. The
crude oils. These involve modified process parameters, straight-run crudes have a feed specific gravity of between

8 General Processing

0.83 and 0.90, an API gravity of 39° to 26°. These sites mixing will also mean that the emulsion will be
also run some imported residues through the units. As the harder to separate, so desalter design and operation
imports tend to be wet, they are run through the crude need to account for this.
unit (CDU) desalters. With these regimens, they can run Density — The heavier crudes obviously have
between 0% to 70% condensate with the residue. They higher densities and are closer to the density of water.
have run specific gravities in excess of 0.93 (API’s less than This makes the crudes that much harder to separate
20°). The combination of high portions of imported from the water. Consequently, more time and/or
residues and low portions of condensates is the worst of dewatering chemicals are required to separate the oil
all worlds, as the condensates precipitate out asphaltenes, and water phases. The whole exercise is com-
which act as surface active components and causes prob- pounded by the fact that the heavier crudes do not
lems at the interface in the desalter. Some refiners are dewater as well in tankage. So, the longer and better
desalting atmospheric residue alone. BP refineries with the dewatering in the tanks, the more efficiently they
RCUs use multiple stage desalting and no caustic injection can be desalted. The result of water carried forward
into the hot residue as best practice. The following table is more stable emulsions which will require specific
shows a number of crudes that fall into the low gravity and more demulsifying chemicals. The additional
category. chemicals should be added before the crude hits the
desalter. We typically predose some 2 to 3 hours
before the feed tank change. The demulsifying
chemicals basically neutralize the surface active com-
ponents that sit at the surface interface.
Asphaltenes — These materials in the heavier crudes
tend to be surface active and prevent the oil/water
phases from separating efficiently. Again, surface ac-
tive chemicals will help the desalting process.
Solids — The removal of solids while running heav-
ier feedstocks is also more difficult. The solids will
not move as easily from the oil phase into the water
phase. You have to dose with suitable and larger
quantities of the water side polymers. These sit at the
oil/water interface and enable the solids to pass more
easily into the water. The polymers effectively wet
the particulates. The polymers also have the advan-
tage of aiding the de-oiling of the water phase.
Current best practice is treating 14° to 16° API crudes Preheat — The preheating of the cold crude up-
with around 85% to 90% salt removal for a single stage stream of the desalters has to be considered. Most
desalter and 97% to 99% for a two stage desalter. CDU’s have good heat integration that preheats the
The important parameters that need to be considered cold crude pumparounds, overheads, product run-
when running heavy crude oil are: downs and sometimes cold residue from the CDU.
Viscosity — The heavier crudes and residues are The heavier crudes run a higher percentage of
generally mote viscous (although some of the lighter, 680°F+ (360°C+) material, so the temperature of the
waxier crudes can also be a problem from the viscos- material entering the desalter can drop, resulting in
ity point of view), and this becomes a problem with poor desalting. This needs to be considered and
atomizing them, resulting in poorer mixing. It also designed for in the preheat system, while also allow-
adversely affects the coalescing of the droplets. If the ing for fouling of the preheat train. Watch the ve-
viscosity can be reduced, then atomizing and mixing locities in the heat exchangers and make sure they
will improve and residence time necessary to sepa- do not drop too low.
rate the fluids will be reduced. Viscosity reduction Wash Water Rate and Quality — The wash water
can be accomplished by increasing the temperature rate should be increased to improve the contacting
of the feed to the desalter and the desalter operating of the oil and water streams. This should be increased
temperature normally up to the limit of the bush- up to a usual maximum of 7% on crude. The quality
ings. This is typically a maximum of 300°F, although of the wash water is important. Wash water with a
some new bushing materials are said to allow you to high pH can cause stable emulsions. This is normally
operate as high as 320°F to 350°F at 450 psig. The an indication of caustic in the system which can
mixing can also be improved by increasing the pres- cause the presence of sodium naphthanates (soaps).
sure drop across the mixing valve. The increased The “soaps” can also be formed with naphthenic

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 9


acid-containing crudes with acid numbers greater the more opportunistic crudes as people refer to them. I
than 1.0. would like to add a few things. It is crucial that you
Most chemical vendors are capable of running bench understand the source of your raw crude. By that I mean
scale desalter simulators. These give an indication of those getting back to what Mr. Jackson mentioned. Are they
crudes that might be susceptible to poorer desalting; using down hole surfactants to stimulate the wells? We
hence, the refinery and the chemical vendor can prepare found out quite often they are and that really can upset a
an operating protocol for running these troublesome desalter.
crudes and select efficient demulsfiers. You also have to realize that on a typical heavy crude,
As can be seen above, the link the refinery has with its the BS&W shipment specification is somewhere around
chemical supplier and the service and support that sup- 3%. Normally in lighter crudes it is 1%. That creates a lot
plier gives are very important. A good service contract can more solids that you have to dispose of somehow. This
make all the difference when running a wide ranging crude leads to the next question which is based on an economic
slate. The data base is an invaluable tool to troubleshoot- decision. Which way do you want to take those solids? Do
ing problems retrospectively and then determining how you want to take them out with the water and dispose of
to prevent those problems from reoccurring. The analysis them somehow, or recycle them gently back in with the
of these data will also indicate whether you have a real raw crude? We usually do not advise that for heavy crudes.
problem with the desalter, or an operational problem: such Or, do you choose to leave them in the crude oil, assuming
as, not dewatering the crude correctly; generic crude type you have high enough velocities through your preheat
change; spiking of other oils into the crude feed; etc. exchange, and then have them end up in the coker should
We have found that the historic data have helped us you have that particular unit? That is all based on econom-
determine how much predosing of which chemicals we ics for each individual refinery.
have to do for specific crude types and for any crude As for temperature, hotter is usually better in terms of
changes. desalting performance, but I caution everyone that this is
An interesting twist is when you have been running a not always the case. If you look at the Stokes Law equation,
crude for years and dosing successfully, and a new crude the difference in the densities between the oil and the
parcel desalts less efficiently. The chemical addition rates water at a given temperature is what is really important.
are the same, the desalter is checked out and appears to be Water densities will change fairly linearly, but not all crude
functioning as expected, and the crude looks the same oils do. Some have quite a curve to them. And what you
from its physical properties. Everything seems as it used are looking for is the temperature where that difference is
to be, but this material is hard to desalt. We have found the greatest. We have had a number of cases where we have
that some of the drilling mud stabilizers used by the actually had to lower the desalter temperature from where
upstream exploration companies carry through in the they were running, at 300°F to 310°F, down to 280°F to
crude and have been known to affect the desalting process. achieve the best desalting.
In summary, the following techniques are used when On the heavy oils, the other concern as you get hotter
processing heavy crudes: is that the conductivity of the crude oil increases. And
• Dewater the crude in tankage as long and as well as depending on the porphyrin content, the specific part of
possible. Give it time and attention. the asphaltene, you can very easily get hot enough to
• Predose the oil and water with chemicals well (2 to continually trip out your electrical grids.
3 hours) before the crude hits the desalter. The demulsifier selection is critical. In testing, you have
• Increase the operating temperature of the desalter up to use the particular crude blend that is being processed at
to the temperature limit. the time as well as the wash water that is available at that
• Increase the pressure drop across the mixing valve to particular desalter. I would also caution everyone that
try and increase atomization of the feed and water when you are looking at using solids wetting technology,
and increase mixing. specifically polymer type chemistries, not all polymers will
• Increase the wash water rate to aid contacting. drop enough solids. If that is what you are trying to
• Add wash water into the suction of the feed pumps accomplish with the particular polymers, you have to be
upstream of the desalter to aid mixing, as has been careful as to what is selected.
done in some locations. Overall, you have to have a very good understanding of
• Watch the oil/water interface with heavy oils as ’rag’ all the intricacies of what is going to affect your desalting
layers are easily set up. These will have to be blown performance. That goes all the way back to tank handling.
down through the tricock system. And more critically, we are finding that if you get to the
heavier crudes, what you do with the solid treatment is
FEARNSIDE: critical as well as what you do with the small amount of
The panel members so far have stated a lot of key items oil undercarry that seems to be the norm with the heavier
that are critical to desalting specifically the heavier crudes, crudes.

10 General Processing

BARKER: WILLIAM HEIMBAUGH (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):

Our experience at Parachute was that the pressure drop One of the things we have found in our experience is
across the mixing valve should be monitored and control- that it is preferable to inject the crude water emulsion just
led closely. Too high a pressure makes an emulsion that is above the water interface level. This practice provides two
hard to break, particularly if there are any solids present. explicit benefits when processing heavy crudes. First, it
It is important to only use enough pressure drop to get maximizes crude oil residence time. Second, it reserves the
good mixing. Increasing the temperature lowers the vis- high intensity electrical fields for the more difficult to
cosity of the oil, and allows the pressure drop across the resolve emulsions. As Mr. Fearnside indicated, Stoke’s Law
mixing valve to be lowered as well. However, that draws dictates the water droplet settling rate inside the desalter.
more current across the grid, and requires adjustments to Typically, most of the water droplets fall out in the lower
keep from over amping. To overcome that, we installed a intensity electrical field (in a Howe-Baker desalter) estab-
naphtha recycle (about 1000 bbl/d with the 7500 bbl/d of lished between the bottom electrode grid and the water
shale oil production) to lower the viscosity of the mix interface level. However, when processing heavier crudes,
flowing through the mixing valve. All of this improved the the water droplet settling rate is significantly reduced.
desalter operation to the point that we had some control Therefore, in order to remove the highly emulsified water
over the process. droplets in heavy crudes, it is imperative that you reserve
the high intensity electrical fields (between the electrode
J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.): grids) for this purpose only. This design practice ensures
Mr. Jackson mentioned that water quality is very im- that the water content in the high intensity electrical fields
portant. Could you throw light on whether it should be is minimized.
exclusively fresh water or can you recycle some of the With regard to desalter operating temperature, there
are a lot of people who think “the hotter the better”.
process effluent from vessels? In two stage desalting can a
However, there are some limitations. Although some of
little bit be partially recycled?
these have already been mentioned, two deserve mention
here. First, as the operating temperature increases, the
crude conductivity increases. The additional conductance
Taking the last point first, yes, we do recycle water from
of the feedstock places increased demand on the transac-
the second stage into the first stage desalter at some
tors and, accordingly, power consumption increases. If the
locations. But remember, we are not processing the heavi-
power consumption becomes excessive, the transactors
est crudes. To answer your question, contaminants like
may trip off-line due to an overload condition. Second,
ammonia in the wash water can cause you real problems.
there are some equipment limitations with regard to tem-
So if you are carrying ammonia in your desalter, do not
perature. In most desalter designs, the electrode insulators
use these recycle streams when you are running these heavy and entrance bushings are made from teflon. These com-
crudes. Also slops, sour water, caustic or anything like that ponents typically have a withstand temperature rating of
put into your crudes at the same time that you are into 375°F (190°C). Accordingly, we do not recommend pro-
these heavy opportunity crudes are going to cause you real longed operation above about 305°F to 310°F on heavy
problems. Take these streams out, or at least minimize crude slates.
their processing, when running difficult crudes.

As I mentioned before, in our heavy oil desalter we are
actually reusing condensate from our vacuum tower ejec-
tor systems blended with stripped foul water. The stripped
foul water does have a little bit of caustic in it that we add
to help strip ammonia. The trace amount of caustic does
not seem to upset the desalter, and it is good clean water,
low in solids.

J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):

Are there any special requirements for high naphthenic

The pH must be on the acidic side or you will form
naphthionic soaps which will completely upset the desalter.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 11


ROBERT BRIERLEY (Husky Oil Operations Ltd.): stage desalters and one has a three stage desalting system.
I have been working 15 years on desalters with The answers to the previous question also indicate the
Lloydminster crude (21° API). The crude comes in with problems and some solutions to heavy hydrocarbon de-
asphaltenes already destabilized, and we definitely have salting. From a mechanical point of view, the following are
asphaltenes in our interface. Our interface pad under items that should be considered:
normal circumstances would grow and come out the • For processing heavy hydrocarbons, a larger treating
bottom. We found the polymer addition program was a area per barrel processed is required. For example, a
benefit to controlling that interface pad. desalter designed for 60 KBPSD of 36° API crude
You have to be careful about the polymer you use. They would be able to process 50 KBPSD of 30° API
can actually cause more asphaltenes to come out the bot- crude, and 36 KBPSD of 26° API crude and 14
tom. Our asphaltenes-to-solids (clays) ratio has been as KBPSD of 18° API crude with the same efficiency;
high as 4 to 1 in the desand sludge. Whereas if you look at or maintain throughput at lower efficiency.
it under normal circumstances in the pad, it can be 1 to 1. • The electrode bushing material should be looked at
One critical thing is water quality control. We have and replacement considered to allow the desalter to
actually taken our overhead water out of the desalter wash run hotter. Current best available is around 350°F at
water system, because it carried with it clays and that was 450 psig (177° C at 31 barg).
actually stabilizing the emulsion in our first stage desalter. • A fixed in-line mixer can be installed, but we gener-
I found working on parallel desalters at a refinery, Husky’s ally still use a mixer valve in series.
other plant, that we have 97% salt removal with single stage • Look at debottlenecking the hydraulics to the desal-
desalting. We went to two stage desalting at our BPU unit, ter on both the crude and the water side to enable
we saw 97% salt removal, no improvement. The reason was higher pressure drop across the mixing valve and
that we had to back off on our mix valves because of the higher wash water rates, if these parameters are low.
increased tendency to help stabilize emulsions in the inter- • The heat exchanger network should also be reviewed
face. What works best for us so far is fresh stripped sour if this is a bottleneck. The minimum velocity of the
water addition to both desalters. If you can afford the crude in the tubes should be noted and redesign of
higher water rate, put parallel wash water into number one the exchangers considered, to prevent fouling of the
and number two desalters at the same time, and your preheat heat exchangers during heavy crude cam-
interface pad will come under control much faster with paigns. Inserts can be considered (see later responses).
lower chemical dosages. We have been averaging 0.11% oil • Each vendor has his own state-of-the-art design.
undercarry with single stage desalting and somewhere Petrolite, for example, has its Bilectric® design
around 1% with two stage desalting. These are two differ- which we have in some of our U.S. and Australasian
ent refineries and two different units. refineries.
• A sludge wash-down facility should be included in
TOM COLLINS (Petrolite Corporation): the design to allow on-line removal of any sludge
I agree with everything that has been said. Just one other build-up from running heavy crudes.
thing to add is that the sediment removal is very important • The water handling system has to be large enough
with desalting heavy crudes. Also, the techniques em- to cope with any increase in water disposal due to
ployed tend to vary with the design of the desalter. The increased wash water rates.
Petrolite Bilectric® design allows for more intense mixing • Look at chemical addition facilities and talk with the
which is a critical factor in desalting heavy crudes. Petrolite suppliers to determine the rates and location for
has extensive commercial operating data and pilot plant adding heavy crude desalting chemicals.
research that shows Bilectric® design coupled with a • Look at sample points and instruments to ensure
proper chemical program produces much greater removal you have sufficient data gathering facilities to enable
of salt and filterable solids. a database to be gathered and the future operation
of the desalters on heavy feeds to be improved.
Question 2. • Most vendors believe that closely spaced grids are
What kinds of mechanical desalter internal modifica- important (6 in. to 12 in.), but the ability to change
tions are refiners making to better handle these heavy the grid spacing has reportedly been shown to not
crudes? What is the state-of-the-art design for heavy be an important process variable.
crude desalting? • All desalter vendors supply internals that vary from
the simple single grid supplied from a single trans-
JACKSON: former to a triple transformer system, each trans-
As indicated in the first question, we have some expe- former supplying a separate grid. Again, different
rience with desalting heavy and residual feedstocks in our vendors have their own unique designs. Each design
Australasian refineries. Most locations have modern two has its strengths and weaknesses. To date BP does

12 General Processing

not have an absolute preference for desalter internal BS&W Maximum of 0.8 vol%
design. Salts Maximum of 15 ppmw or
• The inlet distributor design is claimed by some 5 lb/1000 bbl
vendors to have an effect on the efficiency of the (80 % salt removal)
desalting. Sodium Maximum of 3 ppmw
I would also look upstream and at other units feeding Pilot studies showed that these desalting expectations
the desalters. Other things I would consider to ease the will be achieved with a single stage desalter and that a grid
burden on the desalters and make heavy crude desalting rate of approximately 20 bbl/d/sq ft would be acceptable.
as easy as possible are: A larger (by a generous margin) desalter vessel was de-
• The crude/residue tank dewatering facilities and signed and installed. The desalter vessel will provide a
protocol. If water and particles do not get into the design margin as well as added flexibility for lower API
desalter in the first place they cannot cause prob- gravity operation.
lems. The design desalting temperature for this crude blend
• The slops and caustic disposal strategies should be was 300°F, wash water injection rate was 10 vol%. Wash
reviewed. Some sites, for example, that run a wide water will have less than 100 ppm ammonia, low hardness
variety of crude types, do not run caustic or slops to and a pH of 6 to 8. Provisions for oil-soluble emulsifier
their desalters when they run heavy crudes, as this injections were made at the suction of the charge pump.
only exacerbates the difficulty of the desalting of A water soluble wetting agent is injected upstream of the
these difficult crudes. They have sufficient storage to mixing valve.
process them when lighter, easier to desalt crudes are The vendor’s double ported, quick opening type mix-
run. This seems to be successful. ing valve was provided with the design. A capacitance
• Look at the sour water stripper (SWS) operation and probe type interface level transmitter was provided for
check to see if high pH water is being fed to the interface level control service. At the client’s request,
desalter. AGAR probes were installed as backups.
This unit has recently been started up and operated on
ARNDT: crude blends that are somewhat lighter than the design.
A big factor is the pH of the water in separating the oil Unfortunately, there has not been a good test of the heavy
from the solids. The right pH is crude dependent. blend operation as yet. We would hope to have more
Regarding the mechanical aspect, we favor the low grid feedback within the next 2 to 3 months.
velocities and Bielectric grids for heavy oil desalting. The
distributor can be a problem here because the distributors WILLIAM HEIMBAUGH (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.)
on Bielectric designs have very small gaps, about 1⁄4 in. in A couple of mechanical modifications come into play
our application. If you go 20 years and never clean them, on these heavy crudes. One of them has already been
your desalter will not work very well. mentioned, i.e., mud wash system for enhanced solids
removal. I will caution you if you have that kind of a
FEARNSIDE: system, you need to have a water effluent header to go
One thing I would like to add is that with the heavier along with it. The second modification is what we call a
crudes you directionally have to handle a lot more solids. cuff header for extraction of rag layers. One of the panelists
It is very important that your mud washers or mud busting mentioned rag layers being a problem. The header allows
equipment be up to specification, capable of delivering you to extract the cuff layer at that same elevation rather
enough water at the right velocities through the inlet than having your operators lower the water level causing
header nozzle holes. a temporary upset condition.
With regard to electrode design for heavy crude desalt-
GENTRY: ing, Howe-Baker recommends our state-of-the-art
Kellogg recently performed design, engineering pro- EDGE (Enhanced Deep-Grid Electrode) technology.
curement and construction for a desalter to process heavy
crude of 11.6° API. It was necessary to dilute the heavy ANDY GOOLSBEE (Petrolite Corporation - Petreco Division):
crude. A number of tests were done to determine the best The Petrolite Bilectric® Desalter design employs dual
diluent, and economic studies were done to support these distribution of the water/oil emulsion directly into two
tests. In the end, the heavy crude was blended with a separate high voltage fields which allows for a very quick
lighter crude for a blended gravity of 14°API prior to and complete resolution of the emulsion and water wet-
desalting. table impurities. The industry has proven this design, in
Pilot test runs were performed by the desalter vendor numerous revamps and side by side studies, to be the
on bench scale equipment to confirm that the following state-of-the-art design for heavy crude desalting. Follow-
design desalting objectives will be achieved: ing are some case studies.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 13


14 General Processing

Question 3. problems with operating these units are fouling with

What have refiners done to lower the benzene content particulates, carbonate scale, and oil. And the biggest
of the desalter effluent water to help meet the benzene challenge is keeping the feed effluent exchanges operating.
NESHAP requirement? In most refineries, it will foul. It is just a question of how
long it will go without fouling.
HUNKUS: Generally, there will be two banks of feed effluent
Fortunately, we have not had to take further action since exchangers operating in parallel. This allows one bank to
our testing demonstrated levels well within compliance. be taken off-line and cleaned without shutting down the
However, we did spend a lot of time reviewing all options unit. It usually is advisable to have a backup column as
for our plant. After our review, the option we decided on well, although we know of several plants that do not have
for our Mid-South facility was an effluent water stream one and operate successfully. It is also a good idea to have
stripper. All the effluent water passes through this very strainers between the hot feed and column because your
straight forward stripper and the overhead is totally con- packing or trays will tend to foul as well. You condition
densed. The water is reinjected into the desalter on level the hot feed scale as it forms chemically, so that it forms
control and all that accumulates can be pumped back into more of a particulate, rather than a hard scale. This makes
the crude on interface control or by the operators. the strainers easier to keep clean.
This unit generally uses low pressure steam which may You can combat these problems by using several differ-
be more available or even in excess. As you know, the big ent chemistries, depending on the type of problem that

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 15


your refinery may be more prone to have with the stripper. problems as mentioned by the other panelists, even with
If the problem is mainly scale, use an organic phosphate. the low operating temperature of the air stripper.
That minimizes the growth of calcium carbonate crystal. The vent gas from the stripper is incinerated in the
This is a component of many products, like the Nalco crude unit’s furnace. This presented some design issues
7358, which will allow you to run hot temperatures with regard to shutdown systems. The air strippers have
without forming excessive calcium carbonate in your ex- to be taken off-line roughly every 6 months and cleaned.
changers. At another location, a desalter brine recycle project has
Some scale still forms, but the chemistry makes it a been employed to reduce wash water makeup rates to less
form of mush of crystals instead of a well structured crystal than 0.75 vol%. This brine recycle project has actually
brick. The mush can be flushed out. If the water is improved desalter operation, resulting in a 10% reduction
extremely prone to scale, you may need to use both in crude unit overhead chlorides concentrations. Because
phosphonate and polyacrolate. the recycled brine flow allows wash water rates to be
For the oil and grease, use a dispersant. We also use this increased to the optimum 5 vol% of crude, dehydration
at our cooling towers to disperse hydrocarbons that may actually improved and desalter upsets were reduced. Ben-
have leaked in the water after exchangers blocked in. It zene NESHAP’s emissions were reduced by 50%.
works by having a di-polar arrangement, with one end
hydrophilic and the other hydrophilic “dispersing” the oil FEARNSIDE:
into the water so that it can move on through. This can We have been working with a number of refiners on
also help prevent bacterial problems (bacterial slime is a this and have demonstrated a consistent 50% reduction
complex hydrocarbon). in benzene content in the effluent water. We achieve this
There is a good article in the November 9, 1993, Oil through diligent control of the desalter temperature, mix
and Gas Journal that really goes into this in greater detail. valve delta P, wash water flow rates, demulsifier selections
Nalco has our water treatment program and Betz has our and an on-line benzene monitor. I refer everyone to a 1995
process treatment program. All of us work together as NPRA paper, number AM-95-63, entitled “Meeting Ben-
partners to get the job done. Effluent water is a key area zene NESHAP Regulations Through New Desalting Ap-
of cross-company cooperation which we insist on. plications”. It takes you through the step-by-step approach
that we took to achieve the benzene reduction.
We used two different strategies at our two refineries. WILLIAM F. FAHEY (Petrolite Corporation):
The first refinery installed a steam stripper on the desalter I agree with the previous statements on the effect of
effluent water. And as Mr. Hunkus indicated, we have two brine recycle on benzene in the effluent water. Brine
towers. One operates, the other one is in standby. We also recycle will allow the decrease in volume of effluent water
experienced severe fouling. We tried a number of the same but the effluent water may contain a higher concentration
kind of chemicals that Mr. Hunkus mentioned, and we of oil and grease. The brine recycle will also slightly
found that pH control of the feed is probably the most increase the salt in the desalted crude. An example is a
effective treatment. refiner who had been using 5% fresh wash water in the
Prior to feeding the tower, the desalter water is routed desalter and changed to a 2.2% brine recycle and a 2.5%
through a gravity oil water separator and then a liquid fresh water. With the brine recycle the oil and grease in the
hydrocyclone to remove oil contamination. Benzene levels effluent water increased slightly from 135 to just less than
out of the bottom of the stripper are less than 0.1 ppm 150 ppm, which was the specification. The total volume
routinely. of O&G significantly decreased, and the total quantity of
Our other facility discharges the desalter wash water benzene was significantly less.
directly to the oily sewer which is sealed. That sealed sewer
goes to an enhanced biological treatment which oxidizes STEVE PASPEK (BP Oil Company):
the benzene. Regarding recycling brine, especially when you talk
about mud washing and recycling, is anybody concerned
LEMMON: about bringing solids back in the front end of a desalter
Air strippers are used at one Tosco location to remove and whether that tends to make more stable emulsions in
most of the benzene from the desalter’s brine. It should be the desalter?
noted that the NESHAP regulations define the point of
waste generation before the stripper; therefore, that strip- FEARNSIDE:
per operation does not reduce the refinery’s calculated That all depends on what your solids loading is. In this
NESHAP emission totals. It does reduce the benzene case, I suggest that you look at keeping the solids in the
content of the brine effluent. We use a gravity separator in oil, processing them through so they come out in the fuel
front of the stripper, and we experience the same fouling oil or out to the coker.

16 General Processing

MARK S. BINFORD (BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group): mately 1 lb/1,000 bbl. The FCC feed sodium ranges from
One of the things that was not noted on benzene 0.1 ppm to 0.5 ppm.
NESHAP reduction was desalter temperature. In the case
of Mr. Lemmon at Tosco and many of the other heavy KIMBRELL:
crude oil refiners, lowering desalter temperature is not an Our preferred method is to decant water from the crude
option. Desalter temperature must be kept high to reduce oil after it has settled in tankage for 24 hours. That is not
crude viscosity and speed emulsion resolution. But on always possible. We have had situations where we have had
some of the lighter crudes, lowering desalter temperature only 4 hours to decant water.
can actually reduce the solubility of the benzene in the The concern we have there is poor salt removal and
brine. If you can achieve that without increasing total oil poor water separation due to undersized desalter water
and grease in your desalt effluent, optimization of desalter piping and limited water residence time. If fresh water
temperature along with chemical optimization and many addition rate is reduced due to increased quantities of
of the mechanical variables that were already noted can water in the crude, poor salter removal will result.
also reduce benzene content. We typically do not desalt gas oils as they come in. We
really have not had a problem.
Question 4.
Please comment on current practices in tank field BARKER:
operation for receipt and preparation of refinery feed- For San Joaquin Valley heavy crude, water is not de-
stocks including: canted from the tanks because it is too difficult to obtain
a) Crudes - whether to decant water (settling times), an accurate water cut. The settling time between the
or keep mixed and desalt. pipeline receipt and unit feed is not adequate to settle the
b) FCC Feedstocks - BS&W limits; tank heating; de- water from the crude. We do not use mixers on the tanks,
salting; Na content. nor do we desalt SJV heavy. Water in the crude is produced
off the overhead of the crude section primary crude tower.
SMITH: For our other crude, Alaskan Cook Inlet, we do not
For part (a) of the question, refineries in Saudi Arabia decant water since we keep the tanks mixed. During the
receive crude oil which has undergone primary desalting rainy season, we sometimes draw off additional water
to less than 10 lb/1000 bbl. Beyond this, there is a variety because we get water accumulation in the bottom. The
of practices including (a) further desalting followed by crude unit does have a desalter which helps to remove all
tank settling and decanting; (b) settling and decanting the water from the crude.
followed by desalting; and (c) settling with no desalting At one refinery where FCC feedstocks are produced
and keeping crude mixed without desalting. and shipped, the BS&W of the FCC feedstocks is not
Most refineries in Saudi Arabia employ tank settling monitored, nor do we use heated tanks. Statistical Process
followed by water decant with settling times ranging from Control is used to control rundown temperatures to keep
6 to 48 hours. The Ras Tanura refinery has not settled or stored gas oil warm enough for shipping. We have found
decanted crudes in their charge tanks for approximately this to be a very reliable method of controlling tempera-
10 years. Refinery crude storage tanks are on running ture.
gauge with mixers running. Supply to the running gauge
tanks is via pipelines. This reduces tankage requirements DAVIS:
and eliminates water slugs to crude units associated with A majority of the CENEX’s crude is tested for quality
tank switching. before receipt to the tank farm. This will be addressed in
A final desalting and flash drum in the crude unit helps a later question. Crude must have less than 1.5 wt%
eliminate any destructive water excursions to an atmos- BS&W, as well as meet other criteria. Because of this and
pheric column. After desalting the crude, the atmospheric the low residence time in the crude tanks, we do not
column contains less than 1 lb/1000 bbl of salt and normally drain water from these tanks. Crude is separated
generally a 0.1% to 0.2% of BS&W. by type during delivery to the tank farm and blended for
For part (b) of the question, the FCC feedstock to our charge to the crude unit based on our monthly economic
joint venture partner SAMREF is a straight-run feed with plan.
a 690°F to 1090°F D1160 distillation. Even though the Gas oil is run down hot, approximately 160°, and has
feed tanks are not heated, they are insulated to maintain a residence time in the intermediate storage tanks of 4 to
approximately 350°F for this 140°F pour point material. 5 days, so no heat is required. Our storage tanks do contain
The high storage temperature precludes water in the steam coils though in the event that they are required. All
feedstock. While the feedstock is not desalted, the crude FCC feedstock originates from within the refinery and is
from which the feedstock is derived is desalted to approxi- hydrotreated before being charged to the FCCU.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 17


FEARNSIDE: Question 5.
This question all boils down to the individual refiner’s Is the use of automatic water draw-off valves at crude
tankage and what the system looks like, i.e., do you have and product tanks an accepted practice in the panel-
enough residence time to allow 24 to 96 hour settling time ist’s refineries? What are their experiences on these
to drop your water? If you do, we recommend you go units?
ahead and take advantage of that. If you do not, we
recommend you turn your mixers on, keep them going BARKER:
and keep the crude in the tanks blended to as homogenous We have not tried the automatic water draw valves at
a mixture as you can because that helps facilitate desalter the refinery on either crude tanks or product tanks. We
operations. have committed to manual water draws in an overall “Best
You also have to look at what happens when you switch Management Practices Plan” filed with the California state
tanks. Do you get a desalter upset? If you do, you have to water regulatory agency. This was established as the most
figure out why. Usually, it is because some water has practical method of minimizing oil to storm water or to
dropped into a line that you have not drained and you get process drains.
a slug of water in the desalter. Or, we also find quite often In addition, as part of our program to meet benzene
with the heavier crudes that the crude oil has stratified in NESHAP control requirements, we have committed to
the tank itself. So you are not getting a consistent feed and analyzing tank water draws for benzene. This also requires
it is hard to adjust the various desalter parameters to manual water draws for our system.
compensate fast enough to get good performance.
For a number of refiners that do not have desalters on JACKSON:
their particular streams coming in, be it purchased FCC Most of our refineries use automatic dewatering devices
feed or in certain cases crude units that do not have on crude, slops and/or product tanks. With only a few
desalters, what we have done is recommended and imple- exceptions, these devices and controls work well with low
mented what we call a tankage dehydration program. maintenance, i.e., probe cleaning, ranging the probes, etc.
Measured amounts of washed water are injected into the We predominantly use two types of devices: most com-
crude oil or FCC gas oil, and then the tanks are used as mon are Agar probes and to a lesser extent densitometers.
sort of a poor man’s desalter. This has worked very nicely, One refinery has Agar probes on crude, slops and
typically achieving a greater than 50% reduction in salt gasoline product tanks. Another drains to a break tank via
content. on/off control by Agar probes on the crude tanks and
densitometers on gasoline, diesel, jet and kerosene tanks.
GENTRY: The Agar probes we use are in some cases tank mounted
We are aware of one refiner who was able to decant most and in some cases pipeline mounted. The probes mounted
water from medium and lighter crudes by establishing a on tanks are in some cases single probes and in others there
minimum settling time of 12 hours (preferred was 24 are two probes. The single probe in the water layer opens
hours) in crude tankage. This same refiner, however, when the water dump valve. When the oil/water emulsion layer
handling heavier, more viscous crudes (22° to 24°API) was is “seen” by the probe the valve closes. With two probes,
unable to get clean separation of water in the crude the water dump valve opens when the high and low probes
tankage and had to rely on separation in the desalter. “see” water; the control system holds when the high probe
We are also aware of a refiner who charged low sulfur “sees” oil and the low “sees” water and closes when they
wide resid (LSWR) as secondary feed to his FCCU and both “see” oil. The main benefit of the two probe system
had periodic sodium contamination problems due to salt is that the top probe is used as primary control and the
water contamination of cargoes. That is in the 12 ppm to lower probe as a safety backup. It is very common within
15 ppm Na range. The LSWR was allowed to settle 24 to BP to have Agar probes in lines from tanks.
48 hours, during which time it was found that a high The common tank probes are Agar ID-201 probes and
concentration of Na contaminated LSWR accumulated in come in 4 ft standard length (range l ft to 7 ft). The
the bottom 2 ft to 4 ft of the storage tank. Pumping this common line probes we use are Agar OW-102 probes.
high concentration bottoms to crude allowed the remain- We have one location at which we have installed Agar
der of LSWR to be successfully run as incremental feed in ID probes in a pipe line, and we have had problems with
the FCCU at a 3 ppm Na level. Desalting would be a more that service. The fluid is laminar in the pipeline, and we
effective processing step, however, it was unavailable to believe that this is the wrong probe for this service and
this particular refiner. plan to change this out with an Agar OW probe.
The densitometers are Schlumberger instruments and
TOM COLLINS (Petrolite Corporation): are Type 7826 Insertion Liquid Density Transducer de-
We have seen studies that show sodium levels as low as vices. They are simple devices developed for measuring
2 ppm can result in easy justification of a desalter. liquid densities in pipelines where the flow rate results in

18 General Processing

velocities of less than 10 fps (3 m/s) and for static tanks. those tanks draining will not be possible and the water will
The devices are currently not used as density measuring be allowed to go to the desalter.
devices, only as water/oil present devices, so the operator
sees an “OIL” or a “WATER” flag on the board. The JACKSON:
refinery in question is in the process of giving the operator You are absolutely right. You can get water pocketing.
the density output. The densitometer operates on a vibrat- You cannot simply install these probes around your refin-
ing “tuning fork” principle. The tuning fork is excited and ery tanks and associated piping without careful regard to
vibrates. As the density of the liquid changes the vibrating the design of the tanks and piping systems. Therefore, the
mass changes, which in turn changes the resonance fre- location of where you put these probes and what types of
quency. Consequently, the tuning fork has to be calibrated probes are used is paramount.
using air and water checks.
In summary, we use these devices extensively, but, like J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
all instruments, look after them, calibrate them and main- There are reports that desalters go off-line many times
tain them and they work well. If you install them and due to problems with either bushing quality or heavy water
forget them, they will give you problems. inflow, causing short circuiting. Can the panel throw light
on that?
Water drawing of crude tanks has not been automated JACKSON:
at any of our facilities. Our Washington refinery has Agar From the modern desalters that we have, both with the
OW101 probes in line and is using them quite successfully. bushing qualities and the way we run them, we have not
The probes are checked to make sure they work each time had continuous and serious tripping problems. If the
they are used. If the probes are working, the water draw is bushings are of poor quality, or damaged, this will cause
initiated and the probes are used to turn the water draw shorting problems.
Question 6.
SMITH: How are high pour point products and crude handled
One of our large crude oil tank farms employs auto- in loading/receiving lines? Are pour point depressants
matic draw off valves utilizing conductivity to initiate effective? What are the techniques used to optimize
closure for light and extra light crudes. Several precau- the utilization of pour point depressants injected into
tions, however, have been taken to avoid potential prob- the crude?
lems from such a system.
First, the tanks are gauged so that the height of the water FEARNSIDE:
interface is known. Second, the water is drained to a closed Yes, the pour point depressants are effective, but not in
system which is routinely checked for oil which might all cases. You have to test each individual crude oil to
occur from a malfunctioning sensor or stuck valve. determine its cost-effective treat rate. For crude oils, typi-
Based on the interface levels, operators use their expe- cal pour point reductions of 20°F to 50°F are possible. For
rience to estimate the time needed for tank dewatering. the injection of the pour point depressants, they must be
Therefore, when the automatic drain valve is opened from injected when the crude oils are at a hotter temperature
the control room, a maximum time for the drain valve to than the desired pour point temperature in order for the
be open is set so that it overrides the conductivity sensor. chemistries to be effective.
Obviously, if the valve times out before the conductivity
sensor closes the valve, the final drainage would be done Question 7.
manually. Within any of the sweetening processes, what prob-
This method for tank dewatering has proven successful lems will ammonia create when the feed contains
in more than 30 tanks ranging from 150,000 bbl to trace levels of H2S?
850,000 bbl working capacity. Even with multiple tanks
draining simultaneously, excellent results have been JOHNSON:
achieved. The system, however, is limited to light crudes We have seen no indication of any problems with
because the heavier oils coat the sensors and cause mal- ammonia and H2S during more than 5 years of Caustic
functions. The other refineries manually drain their tanks. Free Merox treating. The reaction products of ammonia
and hydrogen sulfide, ammonium sulfide and ammonium
C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.): hydrosulfide, are readily soluble in water and do not affect
I would like to add something regarding the tank the treated hydrocarbon stream. These compounds would
preparation. There can be some sludge formation at the be oxidized to ammonium thiosulfate by the treating
bottom and there is a chance of water forming pockets. In process and leave in the aqueous phase in this form.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 19


I refer the questioner to the “U.S. Bureau of Mines The copper strip corrosion test is specific for the detec-
Bulletin 406, page 56, 1937", which shows the precipita- tion of H2S and elemental sulfur. To the best of our
tion of the ammonia bisulfide as a function of the disso- knowledge, there is no correlation between copper strip
ciation of constant (Kp) and temperature. corrosion and either ammonia or CO2 content of the
It has long been recognized that in the presence of H2S, finished gasoline.
ammonia will react to form ammonia bisulfide which will
precipitate at the right reactant concentrations and tem- HUNKUS:
peratures. I have to agree with my distinguished colleague here.
In our experience, the ammonia bisulfide is only a We have no defined correlation between ammonia, carbon
problem if trace amounts of reactants result in a Kp where dioxide and copper strip corrosion. But we have had
the solid ammonia bisulfide would be expected, as indi- mystery copper strip problems. These have occurred in our
cated on the referenced bulletin. Precipitation is impacted LPG tanks and our diesel tanks, as well as gasoline tanks.
by both the reacting concentration and temperature; The LPG tanks were traced back to trace amounts of acid
hence, the ammonia bisulfide produced at higher tem- and/or moisture freeing H2S from scale on the bullets.
perature can cause problems if a stream cools to a point In some cases, the bullets cross contaminated each other
where precipitation results. Precipitation of ammonia through common vent equalization piping, and we had
bisulfide can lead to equipment fouling and serious under then blended H2S in the gasoline which we then had to
deposit corrosion. reprocess. This type of problem is hard to spot as the
If trace amounts of reactants result in the precipitation, rundown streams all look okay. The effect usually only
it is expected that the resultant problems could be handled happens during unusual operations or change in climate,
by small water wash or temperature adjustment. or putting new treaters on-line at the alkylation unit, and
then it only lasts for a few days. So, this may be part of the
Question 8.
correlation the question is looking for.
Is there a defined correlation between Cu strip corro-
sion and NH3 and CO2 content of finished gasoline?
We agree with the other panelists about the copper strip
corrosion test. We were also speculating as to some of the
mystery tests that refiners might have experienced. One
The Copper Strip Corrosion Test is ASTM D130 or in example that came up was formation of elemental sulfur
Europe EN ISO 2160. The test is principally to detect the in the overhead system of an FCC main fractionator,
presence of sulfur compounds in products; in this case where H2S, ammonia and trace oxygen are present to-
gasoline. The principle of the test is to take a 3 in. long, gether. Normally, the overhead wash water has a basic pH,
⁄2 in. wide and 1/16 in. to 1⁄8 in. thick piece of polished and elemental sulfur is not produced in that system.
pure copper strip and place it in a measured sample of the However, elemental sulfur will be formed when the wash
liquid (gasoline, Avgas, diesel, etc.) and heat it to 100°F water pH becomes acidic. Should free sulfur be produced,
(40°C) for 3 hours. The corroded strip is then compared it will pass through all treating processes to product tank-
to a standard set of corrosion classifications varying be- age. This will result in failure of the copper strip tests in
tween 1 for a slight tarnish (light to dark orange) to 4 for the finished gasoline blends.
corrosion (black).
We have spoken about and researched this with our BINH LE (Merichem Company):
laboratory staff at sites, our control laboratory heads, our We have done a number of studies evaluating different
fuels research experts, and our metallurgists, and all say solvents, including ammonia, as a treating solvent for
that there has been no correlation found as this is a either sulfur reduction or sulfur conversion. One of the
corrosion test predominantly looking for sulfur corrosion. findings with ammonia is that it reacts with H2S in
The presence of NH3 in the product gasoline will affect gasoline feeds to form ammonium sulfide which is very
the results. We have looked for NH3 in gasoline samples sensitive to the copper strip test. Analysis of the gasoline
using Head Space GC with a specific nitrogen detector product shows that a trace level of ammonium sulfide, less
and found trace quantities less than 5 ppm from all than 1 ppm, can cause the product to fail the copper strip
samples. This is a very labor intensive method of looking test. Several additional water wash steps help to improve
for NH3. It was even worse to try to find CO2 and less was the copper strip number of the product, but still never
detected than for NH3. meets the 1A or 1B rating that typically is seen in the
I would like to talk with the author of this question, as caustic treating process. Ammonia or CO2 by itself in the
I believe he has other contamination issues that need to be gasoline has no effect on the copper strip number of the
addressed that are leading to spurious copper strip results. gasoline product.

20 General Processing

B. Lube Oil Manufacturing now isodewax all three neutral oils. We have not had any
haze problems since.
Question 9.
What is the correlation between iso-dewaxing catalyst DiCAMILLO:
deactivation and impurities, such as Ni, V, nitrogen I would like to differentiate here to haze due to wax
compounds, and sulfur compounds on the catalyst? materials and a polymeric type haze. We have talked about
waxes already. Polymeric type haze will develop with time
DiCAMILLO: and can be solved by hydrotreating the lube base oil after
I will go through the impurities in the order in which it has gone through the hydrocracking step.
they are listed. First off, we would not expect metals to be
present in this material, so we would not anticipate a Question 11.
problem. If there were any metals in the feed, they should How does the water used as anti-solvent in an NMP
have been removed during the previous hydrotreating extraction column (at the top, bottom and along with
step. the so/vent at entry point) affect the extraction effi-
In terms of nitrogen compounds, both ammonia and ciency operation? Some units are reportedly operat-
basic nitrogen are poisons for the catalyst. The catalyst is ing with neat NMP. Please comment on comparative
reversibly poisoned by ammonia. If you clean the system performance.
up, you can gain activity back. Basic nitrogen compounds (No comments or questions.)
will absorb on the catalyst, and they need to be removed
by regeneration of the catalyst to restore it to its original
activity. Sulfur compounds are not as bad for the catalyst C. Solvent Deasphalting
performance. If sulfur is present in the feed, it will even-
tually sulfide the catalyst. Some of that is reversible and Question 12.
some of it is not, depending on the degree of poisoning. What are refiners experiences in processing SDA bot-
Criterion and Lyondell jointly license an isodewaxing toms? If fed to delayed cokers, how does the addition
process that includes sulfur and nitrogen tolerant catalyst. of this material impact yields and operation?

The contaminants we are talking about will affect Kellogg owns and licenses the ROSE process. ROSE is
isodewaxing catalyst similar to the way they would affect an acronym for Resid Oil Supercritical Extraction. The
a second stage nobel metal catalyst. Nickel and vanadium majority of our ROSE licensees blend asphaltene as a
are irreversible poisons. Sulfur and nitrogen are reversible heavy fuel oil component or as paving asphalt, asphalt
poisons, leading to higher operating temperatures. But as cement or cutback asphalt. Alternate fuel uses are also
you scrip them out, the catalyst temperatures can come currently being explored. There are several companies
down again. researching the use of asphaltene water emulsions as fuels.
This technology appears very promising.
Question 10. In addition to these options, ROSE asphaltenes can also
Has anyone had haze problems with hydrocracked be fed to downstream conversion units such as gasifiers,
lube base oil, and what have been the corrective delayed cokers and visbreakers. We have one European
measures to solve them?

We have helped a few people out on the haze problem
specifically by using a special type of wax crystal modifier.
It does not work in all cases. It performs in about 50% to
60% of the cases. But again, economic conditions are a
case-by-case decision.

The only haze problems we have experienced with our
hydrocracked lubes have occurred when we did not dewax
correctly. The Richmond unit was originally set up so that
the heavy neutral was dewaxed in a solvent dewaxer. We
had quite a lot of haze problems because of small rears in
the filter. We have since reconfigured the facilities, and

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 21


licensee that is installing a gasifier feeding asphaltene from specific gravities of the coker distillates will be somewhat
a ROSE unit. In this particular application, the addition higher.
of a ROSE unit enabled a reduction in the overall project
cost of more than $200 million due to the reduction in JOHNSON:
size of the gasifier and power island. Recently, UOP and Foster Wheeler have signed a co-
Several of our ROSE licensees and other clients feed operation agreement in delayed coking and some other
SDA bottoms to delayed cokers. The addition of a ROSE heavy oil processing. My response was developed in con-
unit upstream of a delayed coker is often very attractive, junction with Foster Wheeler.
especially in a scenario where a refiner is looking to To the best of our knowledge, there are only 1 or 2
debottleneck an existing coker. refineries in the United States currently processing 100%
The design and operation of a delayed coker processing solvent deasphalter bottoms in a coker. Although there are
a high percentage of SDA asphaltenes does deserve special a number of refineries that have expressed interest in
attention including: coking solvent deasphalter bottoms in the future, these
1. a properly designed and operated double fired particular cokers were not originally designed to process
heater to minimize peak heat fluxes and provide SDA bottoms.
acceptable heater run lengths, and Several in-house research programs have been done by
2. provisions for on-line steam spalling to extend Foster Wheeler using neat solvent deasphalter bottoms as
heater runs. feed to a coker. The work has shown that the coke yield of
As with other heavy feedstocks, consideration must also SDA bottoms using low pressure once through operation
be given to the production of shot coke. Automated is almost equal to its Conradson carbon residue. Also,
unheading devices now make it possible to safely decoke liquid yields are slightly lower and gas yields are slightly
drums containing shot coke. higher than predicted by typical vacuum residue feeds.
Kellogg owns and operates both ROSE and delayed The combination of SDA and delayed coking processes,
coker pilot plants at our Kellogg Technology Develop- defined by Foster Wheeler’s ASCOT process, fully inte-
ment Center in Houston. Recent pilot plant testing indi- grates these two processes for maximum energy utiliza-
cates that delayed coker yields from ROSE asphaltene feed tion, minimum coke production and maximum liquid
are very similar to yields produced from a virgin vacuum production.
residue having the same feed properties. As an example,
for two different ROSE asphaltene feeds having Conrad- HASSAN MAGHAZEL (Saudi Aramco):
son carbon contents of 21.5% and 37.8 wt%, coke yields At the Riyadh Refinery, we have a solvent deasphalting
from delayed coker pilot plant runs were roughly 29% and unit utilizing vacuum resid as a feed and normal butane
45%, respectively. These yields were obtained operating at as solvent. The pitch from the deasphalting unit is mixed
low coke drum pressure and low recycle. with the vacuum resid to produce asphalt. Recently we
conducted a test run by lowering the primary settling
BARKER: temperature by 8°C or 9°C (from between 121°C and
The alsphatic/aromatic extract from our Duo-Sol unit 122°C to between 112°C to 114°C). We have noticed a
has comprised about 10% to 20% of our fresh delayed significant Demetalized Oil (DMO) yield improvement
coker feed for over 50 years. We believe it improves the from 50% to 62% with marginal variation in the quality.
quality of our anode grade coke. Our DMO is processed to the Hydrocracker, and we have
While we assume the asphaltenes in the extract produce not noticed any change in the operation such as reactor
shot coke, this particular extract apparently contains suf- bed temperature, H2 purity, etc.
ficient aromatics to contribute a needle coke component
to our overall good quality sponge coke. The extract is also Question 13.
quite low in sulfur, which helps us in producing lower What types of level indication instruments are being
sulfur coke. successfully used for the liquid-liquid interfaces in
main treaters/extractors, in resin settlers and/or in
BALDASSARI: mixer-settlers?
Some of Lummus Global’s clients have blended solvent
deasphalter bottoms at concentrations of about 30% in BARKER:
the vacuum resid feed to coking units. Our experience has We have two types of transmitters. The original design
been that the solvent deasphalter bottoms cause acceler- uses DP type transmitters which look at the pressure in
ated fouling in the preheat train and accelerated coking of the sight glass, and, taking into account the difference in
the feed furnace. It has been our experience that coke yields the specific gravity between the raffinate and extract,
will increase about 10% as a result of processing a blend convert the signal into an interface level indication. In
containing up to 30% SDA bottoms. In addition, the theory, there should also be a visual level in the sight glass,

22 General Processing

but we rarely see it. In this system, a glycol seal is used tracing requirement for this application resulting in unre-
between the transmitter and the bottom liquid (extract) liable reading during the winters and nights. These DP
in the extractor vessel. devices require extensive maintenance.
Our second level indicator is a float type level indicator
which, in theory, floats at the interface of both the extract HASSAN MAGHAZEL (Saudi Aramco):
and raffinate. This works during stable operation, but Our normal butane solvent deasphalting unit (UOP
when the treaters are upset and the two phases go miscible, DEMEX) consists of a primary and secondary settler
this system does not work. configuration. We have a DP type level transmitter in the
We have seen other successful facilities with sight glasses primary settler to control the level between the DMO
similar to those just described. Diaphragms are used in (demetalized oil) and the asphalt phase. We always main-
front of the pressure transmitters to eliminate the use of tain good tracing steam in the fittings to ensure reliable
glycol. In addition, the temperature of the sight glass is level indication. The level indication became unreliable
kept very close to that of the treaters via adjustable tem- and case tracing steam in the fitting is not working well.
perature electric tracing. This allows the sight glasses to
operate as “mini” treaters under the same process condi-
tions as the treater itself. This system resulted in very clear D. Crude Distillation
levels in the sight glasses and reliable levels sent back to
the control room. Mechanical
DAVIS: Question 14.
CENEX has a Foster Wheeler design propane deasphal- Would the panel please discuss the following items as
ter with a rotating disk contractor for the main extractor. they relate to crude preheat exchanger train fouling:
We still use the original pneumatic torque tube type a) new innovative methods to prevent fouling;
displacer for the interface controller indicator. The pitch b) use of spring-like coils to reduce fouling;
and DAO strippers were converted to remote seal-style c) use of special design features to reduce fouling; and
electronic transmitters, and they have worked very well. d) processing of heavier crudes?

The most common level devices used by our ROSE Our 300,000 bbl/d crude distillation plant at Ras
licensees for interface control are internal displacers and/or Tanura does not use or require special cleaning devices.
sealed DP cells. Some units have had poor performance The focus on this Chevron designed plant was on ex-
with displacers as they are difficult to maintain and are not changer trains less susceptible to fouling through special
well suited for wide ranges of feed and product gravities. design features.
The preferred arrangement is to have a sealed DP cell with The main features of our design are as follows: the crude
a backup. With proper calibration, good success has been preheat consists of two systems, primary and secondary,
reported for this arrangement. separated by a flash drum. Both systems have parallel heat
exchanger trains.
JOHNSON: 1. The process water is injected at 2 vol% of crude
UOP specifies the differential pressure transmitter with upstream of the primary preheat exchangers to
a remote diaphragm seal. These are readily available from prevent salt deposition and to aid in desalting.
many suppliers for temperature ranges up to 600°F and Desalting occurs after the primary preheat.
for 600 psi flange ratings. The capillary tubes are filled 2. Sufficient pressures are used in both systems to
with the silicone oil material. The remote seal, capillary suppress hydrocarbon vaporization. For the pri-
tubes and transmitter are all electrically heat traced to mary train, pressure letdown occurs just prior to
150°F to minimize errors due to different ambient tem- the flash drum. The flash drum bottoms are repres-
perature conditions. surized to a level adequate to suppress vaporization
until reaching the feed furnace.
SMITH: 3. High crude velocities, 10 fps to 12 fps, keep par-
For all these services in the Kingdom, the most success- ticulate contaminants suspended in the crude.
ful level instruments are float/displacer type devices with 4. We also use caustic which is injected in the secon-
external magnetic pickup. These devices have proven serv- dary exchanger just prior to the furnaces. The
ice histories exceeding 15 years at one location. Other caustic is premixed with crude to help mixing and
refineries that use conventional pneumatic DP transmit- prevent furnace tube cracking.
ters with diaphragm seals fittings to measure level have not This design has proven successful for 10 years during
been as successful. Problems result from the steam fitting which crudes ranging from approximately 24°API to

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 23


Make sure you run enough makeup water to desalters. We

run all our stripped sour water through our desalter
makeup drum to help conserve total water use.
The biggest culprit will be the level of asphaltenes and
the mixing of incompatible crude oils. As temperature
increases, asphaltene solubility decreases, and so does heat
transfer, if you do not control the situation.

You are about to witness the first panel punch-up
between Mr. Hunkus and me. Preventing fouling in crude
preheat exchangers can be separated into 3 categories:
Design Criteria
New Technologies

36° API have been charged. Additionally, the unit has Design Criteria
operated between 50% and 120% design rates. Over this For new preheat systems it is necessary to look at both
operating range, there has been little loss in heat exchange the hydraulic and thermal aspects of the system. Very often,
performance after reaching initial steady-state condition the designers only consider the fouled exchanger’s thermal
following start-up. However, the exchangers in the heat aspects and ignore the fouled exchanger’s hydraulic condi-
recovery trains have bypasses which permit the exchangers tions. As the exchanger fouls the heat transfer falls away,
to be removed from service and cleaned with minimum but the pressure drop across the heat exchanger rapidly
effects on rates. Plant inspection and turnarounds are at 5 increases, and the system limits from a hydraulicviewpoint
year intervals. long before it does from a heat transfer viewpoint. The
fouling thickness has a huge effect on the systems opera-
HUNKUS: tion. If this is taken into account it will not stop the fouling,
We are also looking at designing a split exchange train but it will ensure that all the fouling criteria designed into
system that will allow cleaning on-line, either mechanical the system are used. One of our refineries has a pressure
or process facilitated, as a core part of our future East drop across the system of 520 psig to 375 psig (36 to 26
Crude Unit expansion. barg) in the clean condition and down to 230 psig (16 barg)
Currently, most refiners control fouling by pulling and in the fouled state. This is double the original pressure drop.
hydroblasting bundles. Many independents used to take These systems become hydraulically limiting and require
annual turnarounds to pull and clean exchanger bundles, cleaning once every 6 months. When calculated around the
but this adds a lot of cost. There are also mounting group, the thickness of the fouling varies between 1/64 in.
environmental, safety, and mechanical concerns with pull- to 5/64 in. (½ mm to 2 mm).
ing bundles. We have set a goal not to take a shutdown The size of the tubes used in heat exchangers should be
just to pull bundles, and not to pull bundles even when at least 1 in. and for severe fouling systems, 1¼ in. Some
we are down, ifpossible. We cleaned our entire East Crude design standards have been applied blindly and a number
Unit without pulling bundles during our 1995 turn- of exchangers at refineries have been installed with ¾ in.
around, and we have also applied this strategy on some tubes. When the fouling layer develops the flow area is
areas of the FCCU and other units. rapidly reduced. Obviously the larger diameter tubes are
The most important areas to focus on to ensure mini- a trade off against thermal efficiency; less compact heat
mum fouling problems are desalter operation, exchanger exchangers, maybe more shells in series, etc.
velocities, and piping design. Good, effective design and There are general rules, such as the fouling stream
operation of the preheat train is very important. Ensure should be on the tube side. If routed on the shell side there
velocities are maintained to minimize deposition and are a number of dead areas that foul, and you cannot clean
avoid partial flow through any part of a parallel bank of the shell side properly with the bundle in place. The crude
exchangers. Maintain proper wash water to minimize is the most fouling material in the crude preheat train and
inorganic deposition in the cold train. should be routed through the tubes.
You should think about avoiding caustic injection, and You should minimize the number of passes through the
you need to really understand any “gimmick” technology tubes; 2 is preferable and 4 a maximum. The more passes,
to make sure that you get the real benefit of it. Often times the more partion plates there are to foul up. The fouling
this technology is applied with a partial understanding and stacks against the lower tubes in the channel and builds,
it results in losing the potential benefit you could gain. blocking the tubes. To be able to minimize the number of

24 General Processing

passes, it might be better to not insist on a standard length (380°C) and had high fouling from coking of the
tube. In terms of design, a longer, thinner exchanger with crude in the preheat exchangers. They reduced this
larger tube diameters would be better in terms of minimiz- to around 690°F to 700°F (365°C to 370°C) and
ing passes. the preheat exchanger’s fouling rate has been sub-
One of our competitors relayed a story to us about one stantially reduced.
of their refineries that installed “U” tube exchangers in the
preheat exchangers. This saved a little on capital expendi- New Technologies
tures, but was a maintenance nightmare. They could not New innovations in preheat exchanger designs are
clean them. Use floating head bundles instead. available:
A couple of our refineries have assumed the fouling will Tube Inserts in crude preheat exchanger tubes are
be with them for a long time and have set up an annual proven to reduce the fouling tendency of new and
contract with a contractor who takes out 1 preheat ex- revamped exchangers. Two inserts exist and work in
changer per week for cleaning. That refinery’s recommen- different ways to minimize different types of fouling:
dation is to design a preheat system such that you can take Spirelf supplies a loose spring tube insert that
out one exchanger at a time without affecting the through- works by vibrating as the liquid flows through the
put and CDU operation. tube. It removes any boundary fouling and en-
Velocity is critical. From a review of all BP refinery sures turbulent flow through the tube. We have
preheat exchangers, the older designs tended to experience these in over half of our preheat exchangers.
less fouling than the newer designs. The newer designs Where they have been retrofitted within our re-
suffer from very high heat fluxes on the shell and tube fineries, they have shown a substantial reduction
sides. Consequently, the crude suffers from coking at the in the fouling of the said exchangers. We have
tube wall. The refineries we have that have tube side done trials against antifoulant additives, and the
velocities of 10 fps to 13 fps (3 to 4 m/s) suffer the most exchangers with springs have been seen to remain
from fouling. The exchangers that have velocities as low “clean” for longer than those with no springs but
as 6 fps (2 m/s) AND have high shell side velocities also with antifoulant. They typically increase the clean
suffer from fouling. We would design the tube side to 5 exchanger pressure drop some 2 psi to 3 psi (0.15
fps to 6 fps and have a lower shell side velocity. If you go to 0.20 bar) per pass, BUT maintain the ex-
too low in tube side velocity, say 2 fps to 3 fps (less than 1 changer cleaner for longer. We use them at 6 of
m/s), you suffer from fouling also. our refineries extensively, with the earliest instal-
This latter velocity constraint is important and should lation being in 1985.
be considered when designing the control systems associ- The following pictures show:
ated with the crude preheat train. As a general rule, do not the operating principle of the loose spring
bypass any crude around a preheat exchanger, otherwise insert;
fouling will result. Bypass the more stable separated fluids. the springs being installed/pulled; and
A classic example we have suffered is an oversized clean the spring fastening to the tube sheet.
exchanger. When the clean exchanger “had to be” by- Hitran supplies a tight loop wire insert that
passed, which accelerated the fouling, and the full flow induces high turbulence in the tubes and en-
rate was rerouted to the exchanger, the full duty could not sures that the crude does not overheat and coke
be recovered.

From an operational point of view, a number of aspects
should be considered when minimizing fouling:
Desalter operation can make a big difference to the
exchangers downstream of the desalters.
Injection of spent caustic into the crude line also
results in an increase in fouling.
Running of condensates with residue results in the
precipitation of asphaltenes that lay down on the
preheat exchangers.
Poor tank farm management results in accelerated
fouling of the exchangers.
Running the flash zone at elevated temperatures can
result in fouling of the preheat exchangers. One of
our refineries ran their flash zone at 715°F to 720°F

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 25


at the tube wall. These have been used in a the same pressure drop. The increase in turbulence
number of crude preheat exchangers and even on the shell and tube sides makes this exchanger
one slurry system for another refinery major. viable for crude preheat duty. BP is very interested
We have over 10 services with Hitran inserts in this exchanger for this service. One revamp was
in various services in the BP group. on a rich/lean amine exchanger with great success,
The following pictures show the Hitran tube: and it is believed these will also work on crude
operating principle; and preheat exchangers.
the inserts being installed. The following pictures show the twisted tubes:
A new tube design has been available in Sweden since self supporting principle;
1984 and is now offered by Brownfin Tube Exchang- partially constructed bundle; and
ers: the Twisted Tube. Once a system has been de- fully constructed and bound bundle being
signed with crude on the shell side, it is difficult to installed.
redesign the exchanger and piping such that the Another new design, this time out of the Eastern
crude is in the shell side without throwing away the Bloc, is a helical baffle designed exchanger that acts
existing exchanger. These twisted tubes ensure that like an in-line mixer, by ensuring no dead areas,
there are no dead areas on the outside of the tube by again, on the shell side of a preheat exchanger. The
ensuring turbulent shell side flow. Turbulent flow combination ofhelical baffles and tube inserts is very
inside is also maintained. These tubes completely attractive. The Slovnaft refinery has 38 helical ex-
eliminate baffles and support themselves at the high changers in service since 1989 with great success
points. The maximum size to date has been 11 m in claimed by the refinery. BP has an on-line test rig set
length by 1½ m in diameter (3000 tubes). The up on one of our refineries on a crude preheat
findings have resulted in a 40% increase in duty for exchanger (crude/bottoms pumparound) looking at

26 General Processing

I just want to touch briefly on something that Mr.
Hunkus mentioned, i.e., you have to know the crude
blend compatibility as it relates to asphaltene stability.
Also, if you are injecting caustic, please realize the combi-
nation of sodium and temperature can destabilize asphal-
tenes and cause accelerated fouling.
We have successfully used our new sodium tolerant
antifoulants very successfully to mitigate preheat fouling
where caustic is used.

JONATHAN T. CHRISTENSEN (Sinclair Oil Corporation):

Mr. Jackson, we were considering these Hitran inserts,
and we were just a little worried that the inserts might get
stuck due to fouling in the tubes. Has that ever happened?
Or does the turbulence keep fouling from occurring so
effectively that they don’t get stuck?

The latter. If large pieces of debris are present, clearly
that will cause a problem. But for normal crudes it has not
been a problem.

JAN W. WELLS (Phillips Petroleum Company):

Mr. Jackson, could these inserts possibly be used to help
control bottom pump around fouling on the main column
of FCCUs?

Yes, Mr. Wells. Talk directly with the supplier. They are
nervous of slurry service, but one oil major has a Hitran
exchanger in this service.

J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):

With water injection upstream of the exchanger, can
this still be used?

I cannot see why water injection upstream of an ex-
changer with inserts would be a problem.

C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):

Installing inserts will be of great help to refiners because
many times it is not possible to isolate the exchangers for
cleaning, and the real answer to the problem is to minimize
this design. Again, we believe it has great promise.
This is currently being offered by Lummus Crest and JACKSON:
fabricated by Motherwell Bridge in Europe. I agree with that. Not being able to clean a fouled
The following pictures show the helical baffled exchanger on the run is an issue. If you have a problem as
exchanger: soon as you come down, then install isolation valves and
principle of operation; a bypass so that you can take the offending exchanger out
new exchanger baffle arrangement; for cleaning. One of our refineries had exactly that prob-
Slovnaft refinery bundle being pulled; and lem. Now what they have bypasses around all their ex-
Slovnaft refinery bundle after cleaning. changers, and they have a contract with an outside

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 27


company for cleaning the exchangers. Our experts believe

they should install inserts in an attempt to reduce the
With the spring insert exchangers, we have cleaned
fouling problem. They are currently dealing with the effect
them with the springs in situ and they clean fine.
rather than resolving the cause.
J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
Most of our fouling occurs after the desalter. We have
We are operating our refineries’ crude units at maxi- two sections there and the last two exchangers are really
mum possible throughput. The furnace is limiting many the ones which foul up on both sides, i.e., the tube side
times; hence, maximizing crude preheat to the furnace is and the shell side. Those are very, very difficult to clean. I
very important. Any isolation of the heat exchanger for would think the addition of these twisted helical tubes,
cleaning will reduce the preheat, thus affecting the will work very well in those two areas.
throughput. Are there any methods for on-line cleaning
of exchangers to overcome this situation? JACKSON:
I think you are correct and I would suggest you talk to
JACKSON: the supplier, because I think they can do you a favor. I
On-line cleaning can take the form of adding antifou- would also suggest you look at your desalter operation if
lants to the crude or running gas oils through it for a short the fouling is all downstream of the desalter. Similarly, I
period of time, assuming the isolation and piping permit, would look at any campaigns where you spike spent
and depending on the fouling. It will have a limited effect. caustic, slop streams, etc. into your crude feed. All these
I would make plans to modify the exchanger at the first things could be causing your fouling.
Question 15.
RONALD MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum): What experience does the panel have in controlling
Mr. Jackson, with these inserts, when the exchangers ammonium salts and other neutralizer salts in terms
do foul, how are you able to clean them? of underdeposit corrosion in crude overhead systems?

28 General Processing

BARKER: Quenching overhead water washes can and is being

Our lube crude has a significant chloride content. Since used very successfully to mitigate any overhead salting
the initial hydrochloric acid condensation point is local- concerns. However, you need to correctly size the process
ized to the overhead condensers, they were alloyed. This equipment to handle the large amounts of water necessary
allows us to inject only low rates of ammonia and amine and at the same time ensure that the overhead naphtha
inhibitor to protect the equipment that is further down- reflux is not excessively wet.
stream in the non-alloyed areas. We do not add enough We have, within the last 2 years, run into situations
ammonia or neutralizer amines to have the ammonium where the salting and fouling is now occurring internal to
salt deposition and underdeposit corrosion that this ques- the top section of the crude tower. These cases were a direct
tion is concerned with. result of large overhead water washes generating a wet
In a different crude unit, the current practice to prevent reflux. This wet reflux was carrying large amounts of salt
salt deposition is using wash water, since these salts are back to the crude tower causing the internal corrosion and
water soluble. We inject proprietary neutralization chemi- fouling. This is definitely a case where more water wash is
cals prior to the first-stage exchangers and wash water just not necessarily better.
downstream of these exchangers. The first-stage overhead
condensers (crude vs. overhead) plug periodically, with ARNDT:
resulting underdeposit corrosion. Iron sulfide, the least Now we are going to have our little argument here. At
soluble salt particularly at higher pH, is prevalent in our Chevron, we think the best system is the simplest, and the
deposit samples. The analysis also suggests the presence of simplest is to recirculate a lot of water and from the reflux
ammonium chloride and amine chloride salts. drum, injecting it in the column vapor outlet line. Injec-
We are considering two options currently. The first is tion is with spray nozzles. Ammonia is injected to control
to move the water wash upstream of the first stage ex- system pH. We do not recommend using any filmers or
changers which is a viable option, but the overall condens- neutralizing amines. The key is pH control. A first-class
ing capacity would be reduced and a crude preheat penalty on-line pH analyzer is crucial. If you get that right, you
are home free.
is paid. The second option is to operate “hot and dry” in
the first stage exchangers, and force the dew point to the
inlets of the second stage exchangers where a water wash
The salts which cause the biggest problems seem to be
is located. The neutralizer would not be added until the
the neutralizer salts. Methods exist to calculate the point
second stage, thus removing one source of deposition in
at which these salts form in a crude overhead. Ammonia
the first stage exchangers. The main disadvantage to the is not as bad, and we control our sour water stripper to slip
second option is operating with the traditional corrosion just the proper amount of ammonia into our desalters to
protection in the first stage exchangers. reduce neutralizer costs. Ammonia is just a poor dew point
neutralizer. We have used a program that incorporates
three elements of control and are quite satisfied with our
Controlling underdeposit corrosion from ammonium results, but we do not process a significant amount of
salts and other amine salts depends on a thorough under- aggressive crudes like West Texas, or worse.
standing of the vapor/liquid or vapor/solid equilibrium Aside from changing neutralizers, the best control
curves associated with each salt along with the interactions method is to use a good water wash design. Required flow
involved. We have expended a great deal of effort to rates can be calculated and should ensure plenty of free
understand and develop the various PATHFINDER water is present at the dew point. Water wash used to
amine salt equilibrium curves that are not in the public protect tube and shell exchangers should be injected as far
domain. Once the equilibrium curve data is known, it is upstream as possible through a spray nozzle. Injecting
a relatively easy calculation to determine if the amine or closer to the exchanger may wash salts away, but you risk
amine blend being used has enough “acid handling capac- erosion of the exchanger tubes at a rate higher than the
ity” to prevent premature salt sublimation or deposition. salts corrosion would cause if you have poor atomization.
I would caution everyone that chlorides are not the only Best practice always includes the use of injection quills or
problem acids. nozzles for any system like this to ensure effective mixing
We are finding that the heavier crudes have substantially and protect the process piping at the point of injection.
more undesalterable acidic species that quite frequently are
exceeding the “acid handling capacities” of the traditional KOOIMAN:
neutralizing amines, the most common side effects being Well, the only thing I can add is with regard to the
increased corrosion and pressure drop across the overhead whole system. I suggest going back to the desalter where
exchangers. In a number of refineries this has even caused a small change in efficiency can have a big change in
the crude charge to be backed out of the front end. chlorides. There have been a couple of instances where we

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 29


have been able to, with the proper caustic injection, The answer to the problem is to design a neutralizer
cutback considerably on the amount of chloride going program which will give an adequate boost of dew point
overhead and therefore cutback on the amount of salt that pH without making salt, and the only way to be certain
shows up in the overhead system. that both ends of this dilemma are reconciled is by mod-
eling the system exactly, using rigorous thermodynamic
LEMMON: equations and data. Shell Oil Company has developed
We have a crude unit with a carbon steel overhead such a model which makes dew point and salty position
system that has been a problem for us. We have worked predictions from first principles.
with the new blended amines, and we have found that they Petrolite is the partner with Shell in implementing this
have done an excellent job of controlling fouling but have modeling tool throughout the industry using fundamental
not been completely successful in controlling the corro- data for all the commonly used neutralizer intermediates.
sion. At this steam stripped heavy crude unit, the overhead And this gives access to mixtures of these amines and
operates at 310°F and has two overhead condensers in optimization of programs with respect to dew point, pH
series. The condenser’s metallurgy is carbon steel. Chlo- and salt deposition.
rides run at 50 ppm to 70 ppm. We do not continuously We are in the process of implementing this technology
water wash the overhead. throughout the industry and are very excited and encour-
Past practice was to use ammonia injection, some con- aged by what we have seen so far.
ventional neutralizer, and a filmer. This gave acceptable
condenser life of 18 months but gave unacceptable pres- SALAH H. DARDEER (Saudi Aramco):
sure drop from fouling. Currently we inject the new In this regard, let me share a Riyadh Refinery experi-
blended neutralizers and a filmer in front of the first ence. We have experienced fouling and underdeposit cor-
condenser. At the outlet of the first condenser the process rosion in one of the preheat exchangers downstream of the
is below the water dew point, so we inject ammonia to desalters. We have noticed that increased ammonia con-
reduce neutralization costs. Using the blended neutralizer, centration in the desalter water wash contributed under-
we control the first condenser outlet pH at 4.0, and with deposit corrosion due to oil water emulsion get stabilized
the trim feed of ammonia the accumulator runs at 5.8 pH. in the desalter. So we have decided to reroute crude after
desalting back to tank for better settling. In addition, we
Corrosion probes indicate an average corrosion rate of
have improved wash water quality with regard to NH3
8 mils per year. Fouling is under control, but we are still
fighting some localized corrosion at the inlet of the second
By doing so we have totally eliminated the corrosion
condenser. The overhead corrosion mechanisms are very
and fouling problems in the preheat exchangers.
sensitive to operating pressure causing the corrosion fail- This operation has impacted marginal loss in the crude
ure points to move around. Because the reduction of preheat. However, a significant extra revenue was achieved
fouling changed the system pressure profile, we are now by eliminating frequent shutdown of the plant for main-
in the second iteration of neutralizer blending studies. tenance and cleaning of this exchanger.
The fouling and plugging were also observed in the
PAUL EATON (Champion Technologies, Inc.): crude unit overhead air cooler system. We started injecting
Our approach has been to simply provide a better water into each individual bank but that was not a better
filming amine and use less neutralizing amine. The neu- solution due to improper distribution of water injection.
tralizing amines cause the salt formation in many cases. We changed to continuous water washing in the overhead
We have developed a product that works at low pH. It is system main header. The problem has reduced overhead
a good filmer. We need less neutralizing amine. corrosion rate drastically. The filming amine injection rate
was also increased to avoid losing the film because of
MICHAEL J. ZETLMEISL (Petrolite Corporation): continuous water washing.
As has been pointed out, deposition of ammonium
chloride and other neutralizer salts ahead of the aqueous MARK BINFORD (BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group):
dew points is a well known cause of corrosion failures in Mr. Arndt, of the seven North American Chevron
crude unit overheads, especially where carbon steel metal- refineries, how many of those refineries have actually
lurgy is in place. adopted Chevron’s best practice of ammonia water wash
The problem is a dilemma. If too little neutralizer is and no filmer? What are the metallurgies in those systems
used, dew point pH drops to a point where chemical where this approach has been successful? What have been
inhibitors provide inadequate protection. On the other the results on that so far? Have you looked at the detailed
hand, if too much is used, salts form ahead of the dew economics of using this high amount of water wash rela-
point and pick up sufficient moisture to make a corrosive tive to cooling in the overhead system and any resultant
electrolyte which can cause under deposit corrosion. higher energy cost?

30 General Processing

ARNDT: Deviations from common stream characteristics, as

Not all of our crude units have reached Nirvana yet. determined by the operating carrier, are communicated to
Our Salt Lake unit and our two El Segundo units are the delivering entity and corrective action is enforced.
running successfully without filmers/amines. Richmond Program participants have experienced a reduction of
is about ready to pull their chemicals, as soon as they install parent contaminated batches, as well as involvement in
a good pH analyzer. Like all of our best practices, it takes incoming crude oil quality being much more consistent as
a while to implement. We are confident that the other a result of monitoring and implied ability to disconnect,
units will fall in line in the near future. refuse to receive, or return off-spec delivery.
We have seen no increase in unit energy costs. Power to These programs attempt to do on the domestic side
recirculate water is really small. Any slight loss in duty in what has always been done on the foreign side of the crude
the overhead exchanger is easily recovered further up- oil business, i.e., ensure that received crude oil quality is
stream. The overhead exchanger should not be the pinch- no less than the promised purchased crude oil quality.
point in your crude preheat exchange train. MAPCO’s Jim Healy is the first facilitating coordinator of
this quality group, and we welcome your involvement.
Question 16. For your future information, the NPRA Manufactur-
Several refiners have noted problems with contami- ing Committee’s ad hoc subcommittee on Crude Oil
nated crude deliveries. Evidences of light material, Quality is looking into affiliating with the Refiner’s Crude
slurry, caustic emulsions, organic chlorides and other Oil Quality group, and there may also be a paper presented
materials have been found. What analytical tech- on crude oil quality at the next NPRA Annual Meeting.
niques and control methods are being used to expose
this problem?
Only our joint venture partner, SAMREF, tracks light
ends in crude. The light ends adversely affect their gas
The Refiners Crude Oil Quality (RCOQ) group was plant operation, and consequently they find it helpful to
know the source of the problem when upsets occur, either
formed in early 1994 to deal with the issue of crude oil
in the feed or in the process. The crude analysis for light
contamination with non-virgin crude materials. The
ends is routinely performed monthly for a base line or
group encompasses most refiners in the United States
whenever gas plant upsets occur. The analysis is performed
processing domestic crude oil. The RCOQ has 23 active
using a simulated distillation on an HP 750 SimDis
participants, and a distribution list of over 60 companies.
device. For Arabian Light crude, approximately 80% re-
Member companies have formed crude oil quality covery of crude is achieved. We have no experience in
monitoring programs for a number of pipelines, including tracking for any other crude contamination.
the Shell operated Capline and the Texaco operated Basin.
Other monitoring programs have been implemented by DAVIS:
several pipeline companies, including Amoco, ARCO, A large portion of the crude supply for CENEX, and
Conoco, MAPCO and Texaco. three other Montana refineries, is tested at a common
These programs monitor crude oil quality, generally transfer point by an independent laboratory funded by
along the following lines: those refineries. The laboratory tests both grab and com-
• 1 quart to 1 gallon samples of crude oil are retained posite samples for organic chlorides, BS&W, salinity, API,
from the composite of randomly selected or in some and vapor pressure. The laboratory analysis has found
cases incoming batches to the common stream. crude batches with high organic chlorides early enough
• Statistically significant but randomly generated re- that action could be taken to reduce the risks and prepare
tained samples are tested, after the fact, for a wide for the off specification deliveries.
variety of characteristics, including gravity (ASTM
D287), sulfur (ASTM D4294), RVP (ASTM JACKSON:
D323), light ends (Gas Chronograph), SimDist The bulk of our refineries measure simple properties on
(ASTM D-2887 high temperature modified or crude imports; these are density and BS&W. Some refin-
1400°F high temperature), metals (ICP), Concar- eries are also now monitoring distillation via Simdis. Our
bon (MCRT-ASTM D-4530), organic chlorides refineries report that they consider the simple tests suffi-
(ASTM D-4929), and BS&W (ASTM D- cient and fit for purpose. Most sites test for sodium
4006/473). upstream and downstream of the desalters, but not on
Other methods have been used to deal with special crude imports.
problems like sudden stability problems in light distillates One of our refineries is moving to fully analyze im-
and unusual, tight range color problems, primarily in jet ported residues at source to build up a database for trying
fuel. to identify the material being delivered and its consistency,

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 31


and setting of the FCCU conditions prior to landing the periodic sampling to ensure the predictive model basis is
residue, i.e., E-cat activity, etc. Typical analysis will be accurate.
made plus metals, viscosity and distillation. The light At this refinery, we do not add any neutralization
ends, slurry, etc., will also be picked up by this analysis. chemicals to either the crude feed or specific product
streams to abate corrosion problems.
Question 17. The second element of the program involves inspec-
As high naphthenic acid crudes become more of the tion. We have identified potential corrosion zones analyti-
crude diet for many refiners, refiners are making cally, and have begun monitoring these areas quarterly for
preparations for running these opportunity crudes. excessive corrosion. The monitoring frequency has been
Please comment on operational, mechanical, and adjusted based on other operational factors that can affect
chemical methods used to mitigate or prevent acid corrosion rates. These factors include temperature (gener-
attack. ally 450°F to 750°F), high velocity/turbulent zones, two
phase flow regimes, and hydrogen sulfide concentrations.
FEARNSIDE: The last element addresses metallurgical upgrades. Af-
The most important topic, when discussing mitigation ter identifying potential problem areas with regular moni-
of naphthenic acid attack, is to have all of the correct toring and inspection, we have upgraded atmospheric and
monitoring procedures in place; not just one or two, but vacuum tower internals and some product draws and
all of them. These monitoring procedures are: corrosion circulating reflux piping. These upgrades were to various
coupons or electrical resistant probes, crude oil analysis for species of stainless steel.
naphthenic acid content, total acid number, naphthenic To date, operating under this program, no appreciable
acid characterization, and Fe/Ni ratios of the crude oils naphthenic acid corrosion problems have been identified.
and product streams involved. At one of our other coking units, alloying has been the
With all of the monitoring in place, blending or dilut- primary means of dealing with naphthenic acids. Our
ing of the opportunity crude is what we recommend first. experience has been that the particular naphthenic acids
Upgrading of the metallurgy to 316L, 317 or 317L, if this fractionate primarily into the gas oil range products with
is possible, is recommended second. And third is the use only small amounts going overhead. These naphthenic
of a proven naphthenic acid inhibitor, such as our Scor- acids do not concentrate as local at an initial point of
pion chemistries. All three recommendations must be condensation, probably because there is a blend of several
evaluated on their own cost/benefit scenario, and whether types of naphthenic acids each with slightly different
the monies must come out of the operating or capital boiling/condensation temperatures. We have alloyed
budgets. those areas identified as having experienced high corrosion
rates. This is in leu of high chemical dosages and costs
BARKER: which also have the risk of salt deposits and under deposit
At one of our refineries which processes a variety of corrosion. Unalloyed areas are routinely monitored for
crudes, we have a formal naphthenic acid corrosion moni- corrosion rates to determine if problems are developing in
toring and prevention program. This program allows us less prone areas.
to take advantage of several crudes varying in acid number
from 0.32 mg KOH/g to 2.60 mg KOH/g. Our program LEMMON:
consists of three elements: operational, inspection, and Naphthenic acids tend to concentrate in certain side
metallurgical upgrades. cuts, typically diesel through vacuum gas oils. The acidity
The first is categorized as Operational and Analytical. of the lower boiling naphthenic acids is highest, while the
We quantify the crude feed and product acid numbers for concentration of naphthenic acids tends to be greater in
our specific unit and compare these to the crude assay the higher boiling fractions, therefore, a corrosion inten-
values to establish baseline operations. We have found that sity peak in the atmospheric gas oil range can be observed.
the most acidic products are those heavier than diesel, but A high TAN number in a diesel range side cut is a strong
lighter than the vacuum resid bottoms. The baseline allows indicator of potential corrosion trouble.
us to evaluate candidate crudes on a comparative basis and Naphthenic acid corrosion is accelerated by higher
to anticipate problems. temperatures, high velocity, and discontinuities in metal
When the new opportunity crudes are available, we surfaces, such as high affected zones of welds. Therefore,
review potential changes in naphthenic acid corrosion different limits on naphthenic acid concentration must be
rates. If problems are anticipated, we modify our crude specified for each system to avoid accelerated corrosion.
mix to mitigate them. We have experienced no significant When crude blending is used as a control, accurate pre-
corrosion problems operating up to an average acid num- diction of the naphthenic acid concentration is important,
ber of 1.5 mg KOH/g. We note, and this is important, that and should be supplemented with laboratory data to
if predictive acid numbers are generated, we recommend monitor side cut TAN. Corrosion coupons and probes are

32 General Processing

also recommended. Metallurgy upgrade appears inevitable That is the real problem and the only solution that we have
to mitigate acid attack, particularly in areas of high veloc- found is upgrading the metallurgy to 316L. That protects
ity and/or phase change. the whole range of equipment. There is no specific refer-
Our California refinery processes crudes high on ence of corrosion. Maybe we have known it all along as an
naphthenic acids and has selectively upgraded metallurgy. erosion problem from velocities at those temperatures.
The decision to upgrade was based on the highly localized
nature of naphthenic acid corrosion which makes reliable Question 18.
inspection and preventive maintenance ineffective. They What processes are available to remove acid com-
now use 316L in most applications, and where conditions pounds from high acid kerosene/diesels? What levels
warrant have upgraded further to Superaustinetic stainless of reduction have been realized?
alloy AL6XN.
Chemical treatment using phosphorous-based filmers SMITH:
is often recommended in lower velocity areas, although Kerosene and diesel derived from Arabian Light crudes
the effects on downstream units should be considered. are low acid. The kerosene is generally Merox and/or clay
treated. Both Merox and clay treating reduce the acid in
FEARNSIDE: kerosene. Furthermore, upstream of each Merox unit, a
I have an additional comment that I want to caution caustic wash system is employed to remove H2S and any
people on and that is just relying on the TAN number acid compounds. Clay treating removes surfactant or polar
itself. We have a lot of experience where people have seen compounds, which include organic acids. Checks of our
quite aggressive corrosion with TAN numbers at 0.5 and kerosene show that the total acid number is reduced by
other people that have seen no corrosion at all with TAN 85% by these treatments.
numbers in excess of 2.5. So again, rely on all your
monitoring techniques to get the true picture. BARKER:
We agree with Mr. Smith. We have used a caustic wash
PAUL EATON (Champion Technologies, Inc.): upstream of the final product treatment facility to reduce
We have had some recent experience with a Gulf Coast the acid number of the kerosene cut for jet fuel.
refiner who charged a high naphthenic acid resulting in a
total acid number TAN of about 2 in the HVGO pum- HERBERT WIZIG (Merichem Company):
paround. The equipment and metallurgy were not de- Merichem has a unit operating in Venezuela designed
signed for this kind of service, so we expected a high to process up to 30,000 bbl/d of kerosene producing Jet
corrosion rate. The corrosion rate was mitigated by dilut- A-1 fuel with Napfining and Aquafining technologies
ing the problem crude to 25% and adding 50 ppm of a utilizing the Fiber Film Contactor followed by salt
corrosion inhibitor. The resulting corrosion rates, as meas- drying and clay filtering. The unit has been on stream since
ured by ultrasonics and ER corrosion probes, are less than 1988. Specific details are as follows: inlet acid number is
2 mils per year and were no more severe than a normal 0.35 mg KOH/g; outlet acid number is well below 0.015
run. Therefore, we conclude that these opportunity crudes mg KOH/g. Fresh 5 baumé caustic is used with caustic
can be used along with a good corrosion abatement pro- spending of 50%. ( of Merichem Company;  of
gram. Merichem Company)

MICHAEL J. ZETLMEISL (Petrolite Corporation): TOM COLLINS (Petrolite Corporation):

As has already been indicated, an inhibitor program can A proven process for naphthenic acid removal from
be especially helpful when it is not practical to change all kerosene or diesel is caustic wash utilizing the Petreco
the metallurgy from carbon steel to 316L or 317 stainless, Metercell precipitator. Past performance has shown acid
or when it is not practical to blend down to a so-called safe numbers in the 2 mg KOH/g to 3 mg KOH/g range being
TAN. I agree with Mr. Fearnside’s statement that there reduced as low as 0.01 with aqueous carryover of less than
may not be any such thing as a safe TAN. 10 ppm. Laboratory pilot plant work can be performed to
We have also succeeded in using proprietary patented show exact results.
inhibitors to protect both atmospheric and vacuum tower
circuits, as well as tower internals and side cuts, such as HUNKUS:
HVGO, when processing these opportunity crudes. Between our two refineries, we make well over 40,000
bbl/d of jet fuel, and we have UOP treaters running side
J. L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.): by side with Merichem. Our performance experience with
I think the basic problem with naphthenic acid crudes, UOP has been very good. Caustic use is very low, with
with which we have a fairly good experience, is corrosion very high percentage spent (80%+). The unit consistently
products at specific temperatures, 250°C and beyond. runs well over design capacity, employs a conventional salt

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 33


dryer and sand filter, and never creates a problem. We pump. The packing originally was 8 mil 410 stainless steel.
routinely treat down to less than 0.01 outlet acid number. The shards were about 4 mil and riddled with pin holes.
After a year of troubled start-up and operation, our We are sure it is naphthenic corrosion. The odd part is that
Merichem treater with Napfining and Aquafining tech- this packing section operates below 400°F, and the maxi-
nologies has never been able to consistently make its mum neutralization number that we ran in that part of
design goals of 20,000 bbl/d with a 0.30 inlet acid number the column was 0.5. Most of the time it was significantly
and 0.015 outlet acid number, even at half the design inlet below the 0.5. As a temporary stopgap, we are injecting
acid number, increased makeup baumé, more than twice phosphate to try to make it to our scheduled turnaround.
normal caustic circulation, and modified distributors. Our At the shutdown, we are going to upgrade the metallurgy.
experiences with Merichem and the Merichem treater The downstream isocracker catalyst life will be cut short
have both left us unsatisfied. due to phosphate poisoning, which we have taken into
account in our decision making.
Question 19.
What unanticipated corrosion have you encountered
on crude unit grid or structured packing where tradi-
The only unanticipated corrosion that we have seen
tional knowledge on that material would suggest none
involves the same mechanism in the crude units and the
would take place?
vacuum tower units where refiners have removed tradi-
tional carbon steel trays and installed 410 stainless steel
Tosco has experienced some unexpected corrosion of packing. Unexpected naphthenic acid corrosion is what
structured packing. At one refinery, we saw napthenic acid resulted. With the sulfur levels that were involved, the
attack of stainless steel packing that we had not antici- carbon steel trays were able to develop a pretty stable iron
pated. We believe the cause was coking of the packing, sulfide passivating layer internally. When the metallurgy
which increased the velocities in certain sections and was changed over to 410, that was no longer able to take
accelerated the corrosion. The same refinery experienced place, resulting in the higher corrosion rates.
unexpected severe damage of Monel packing in the top
section of an FCC fractionator. We believe the packing Process
was destroyed by a hot sulfur and ammonia attack mecha-
nism that occurred during an upset when we operated the Question 20.
top of the tower at 400°F. I understand that nickel-based What operating and/or laboratory data have proven
alloys are very susceptible to hot ammonia and H2S attack. effective in monitoring fractionation performance?
Another refinery experienced corrosion in the packing of Typically, we have used the gap/overlap of the light
their crude unit. It appears to be ammonium chloride stream 95% distillation and heavy stream 5% distil-
deposition causing under deposit corrosion. The corrosion lation to monitor fractionation efficiency.
was unexpected because the operating temperatures would
preclude the presence of free water. The corrosion was SMITH:
probably a hygroscopic effect of the salt deposit. Our refineries use gap/overlap in combination with
yield patterns and operating data to monitor fractionation
efficiency. To control the rundown stream cut points, our
Based on the Arabian Light and Heavy crudes, in-King-
Ras Tanura refinery uses a 95% distillation point for
dom refineries generally employ 410 stainless steel in
naphtha and the 85% and 90% distillation point for
crude unit grids and packing and have not experienced
any unanticipated corrosion. We suggest that if a refinery heavier products. These targets are controlled by multi-
has unexplained corrosion, then a naphthenic acid should variable control (MVC) software. The software allows
be investigated for all the reasons that were discussed a control of the production by holding the stream compo-
minute ago. As an example of the variety of numbers that sition and operating equipment extremely close to its
you can get up and down the side cuts, for Arabian Heavy constraining limits.
crude, the 700° to 800° TBP fraction contains 1960 ppmw With regard to fractionator efficiency, MVC will at-
of naphthenic acids while the 800° to 900° TBP cut tempt to maximize the crude unit product value. To that
contains 3900 ppmw of naphthenic acids. end, the fractionation efficiency will be optimized to the
full extent possible as constrained by energy and physical
ARNDT: plant limitations. In some cases, maximum fractionation
We recently suffered some severe corrosion of structure efficiency may result in energy costs that are not fully
packing in the top section of our vacuum column. We compensated by increased product value. In such cases,
found shards of packing in the top section recirculation efficiency will be intentionally reduced.

34 General Processing

ARNDT: Products:
I encourage the engineers in our units to track TBP cut Gasoline: RON, MON, ASTM distillation, SG
points. To do this well, you should use ASTM D-2887 Naphtha: PIONA, ASTM distillation, SG
distillations for column products. Then the product rates Kerosene: PIONA, ASTM distillation, Freeze/Flash
and their distillations are entered in our internally devel- Point
oped software which plots the whole product curve with Gas Oil: Cloud Point, ASTM distillation, SG
the individual product cut points. For example, if we are All at 1 site in Europe with a U.S. project now
monitoring an Isocracker fractionator where we are run- underway.
ning for a constant jet flash, we watch the cut point FCC feedstock and Cracked Products:
between the naphtha and the jet. If the cut point increases Feedstock: SG, sulfur, ASTM distillation, Viscosity,
at constant flash point, we know performance has deterio- Refractive index, MeABP, Aniline Point, UOPK,
rated. Then we check to see if column operation has nitrogen, Concarbon
slipped or if we have internal damage. Gasoline: RON, MON, ASTM distillation
Cycle Oils: Flash Point, Viscosity, SG, Aromatics,
J. L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.): ASTM distillation
For distillation, I think the best tool is the gap overlap. All at 1 site in Europe and a similar is planned for a
We have also relied on other properties, but still the best second European site.
tool is distillation cut points. We now understand that Although NIR technology is quite common in blend-
Chevron is also insisting on TBP cuts. For operators so far ing applications, we believe that our use of it in Crude
it has not been really that acceptable. We use the typical Distillation and FCC process applications is unique.
ASTM 95% cut point.
The crude unit NIR is coupled to advanced control and
is an integral part of the distillation optimizer. The provi-
FRANK ALLEN (Conoco Inc.):
sion of real-time true boiling point data allows optimum
Like Mr. Arndt, we have found value in going to a operation even during periods of crude switching or prob-
simulated distillation, particularly on the light ends. The
lems caused by tank layering.
similarity is we had some diesel going in with our naphtha
On the FCCU, the analyzer provides on-line, real-time
stream that the D-86 did not pick up. But the Simdis
characterization of the feed and products. At present, it
showed it very clearly. So we have value for that.
provides a reliable indication to the operating staff of the
changing feed quality to the unit. The technique is also
E. Instrumentation useful as a laboratory application, as it significantly re-
duces the workload of feed characterization, once the
spectra have been generated.
Question 21.
We have found, within BP, that having a local expert in
NIR (Near Infrared) technology is rapidly advancing.
spectra determination for new outlying materials is the
What new applications is this technology used for?
best for maintaining maximum on stream time of the NIR
What is the maintenance history of these devices?
systems. In fact, we recommend that each site identifies a
single NIR champion who has the responsibility and
authority to manage all NIR activities.
NIR is now a well tried and trusted technology for
inferring product, and more recently feedstock, proper-
ties. It makes it a perfect tool for on-line product blending
and advanced control applications.
Within BP we have a number of applications:
Gasoline blending (RON, MON, RVP, distillation,
% benzene, % MTBE) at 3 refineries in Europe.
Gasoline blending (RON, MON, PONA and oxy-
genates) at 2 sites in the U.S.
Gas Oil blending (Cloud and flash point, CI, CN,
CFPP) at 1 site in Europe.
Reformate stream:
Feed: PIONA; and Product: RON and MON at 1
site in the U.S. and 1 in Europe.
CDU feedstock and product:
Crude Oil Feed: TBP and density

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 35


Once the population for the refineries’ feedstock or the model consist of reactor changes (catalyst severity, for
products being analyzed has been generated by conven- instance), or, in the case of the gasoline blender, the
tional techniques, the population is densified. This is a number of components used in the recipe, the type of
proprietary BP technique of generating better quality data product slate, and changes in quality required to meet
from fewer spectra analyses, allowing faster acceptance of seasonal changes. For systems so equipped, the model
new systems for control purposes. triggers an alarm when a sample falls outside the range of
Traditionally, the modeling of spectra to stream proper- the model. The range is defined by the samples used in
ties of interest has been achieved mainly via regressional creating the model. As the model “learns” more about the
techniques, such as PLS and MLR. These techniques are process, less maintenance is required.
robust in many cases, but can require significant mainte- I might note that UOP has recently acquired a new
nance in the treatment of outliers, with model re-regression division, Guided Wave, which is our supplier of NIR
necessary. To alleviate this problem, BP has now developed technology.
Topological modeling techniques for NIR which are self-
learning and greatly reduce the complexity and resources DAVIS:
required for outlier treatment. This significantly enhances I am sorry to say that CENEX is far behind BP in terms
on-line availability of the NIR application. of NIR. We have a single NIR in our laboratory that we
One critical area of focus has to be the stream handling use for gasoline blending. All I can add is that the database
and conditioning system; the fluid is drawn in a fast loop is only as good as making sure that you take care of all the
sampler, filtered, cooled and analyzed. With “dirty” fluids, variables that are out there for building into the database.
such as FCC feed and CDU feed, the cleaning of the
sampling cell is also paramount. This is done by flushing DiCAMILLO:
with one of a number of possible cleaning fluids. Criterion has looked at NIR, and we first used it in the
It is now typical to use multiple sample lines and one laboratory for screening product samples and for some of
analyzer: multiplexing. For instance, on the FCC applica- the analysis mentioned previously. We also use it for
tion we have one analyzer measuring feedstock, gasoline aromatics breakdown. We had looked into putting it
and cycle oil products. This multiplexing system has been on-line for our diesel process. At that time, the sensitivity
very reliable to date. Like all instruments, if they are given was not good enough for sulfur or nitrogen, so we did not
attention they work well, if they are installed and ignored implement it at that time.
they will become unreliable. Each of our sites has instru-
ment technicians who specialize in analyzers and NIR LEMMON:
systems. There are 3 NIR analyzers in use at Tosco. These are
In summary, NIR can now be applied across almost all for:
refining processes, and we believe it is well proven in • On-line diesel blending;
certain applications. BP is at the leading edge of NIR • On-line gasoline blending; and
advancement. It is certainly the way forward for on-line • Laboratory testing of gasoline check samples and to
advanced control. build a database for the on-line gasoline blending
JOHNSON: The diesel NIR analyzes and controls for cetane num-
The primary applications to date have been for gasoline ber, total aromatics, and polynuclear aromatics. The diesel
blending and naphtha reforming. Other applications of NIR has required little maintenance. The only in-house
interest being implemented are gasoline components maintenance is to change sample inlet filters frequently.
(FCC naphtha, alkylate, straight-run naphtha). Vendor maintenance is provided every 6 months; critical
The maintenance of NIR based analyzers consists of parts are checked and replaced if required.
two parts; the hardware and the chemometrics. The hard- The gasoline NIR is still in start-up phase. It will
ware maintenance is minimal; change the light bulb source analyze and control research and motor octane. It also
every few months, clean and reference the optical probes analyzes the following properties:
interfacing the process stream. Depending on the cleanli- • Total aromatics
ness of the process stream, cleaning of the optical probes • Total olefins
may be as infrequent as once every few months. On the • Oxygenates
other hand, a dirty stream leads to higher frequencies, for • Benzene
example, once per week. • RVP
Depending on the amount of process changes captured These analyses may be used in a dual analyzer control
by the model, the chemometrics maintenance may be as strategy since there are primary analyzers for each of these
infrequent as model adjustments twice per year or as properties. To date, gasoline NIR performance is very
frequent as every few weeks. Process changes captured by good and is giving excellent correlation on four test areas,

36 General Processing

and model development is proceeding on the lower prior- manage all NIR activities and the necessary skills required
ity tests as time permits. for a site to implement and maintain the technology.
It is too soon to discuss the gasoline analyzer mainte- Preventative maintenance is addressed by routine
nance history; it is still essentially in start-up. It is expected maintenance procedures, such as cleaning, replacement,
to evolve into the same type of activity as for the diesel etc., of components based on history/experience, but a
NIR. Sample cell fouling by sample contaminants has high proportion is still breakdown maintenance. Resour-
required us to shut down the analyzer to clean the sample cing is a critical issue in achieving correct levels of main-
cell more frequently than expected, so sample condition- tenance and, unless correctly resourced, maintenance can
ing systems are being upgraded. quickly deteriorate into fire fighting mode. Resourcing for
maintenance should address not only preventative main-
Question 22. tenance, but also aim toward predictive maintenance with
How are refiners supporting the needs of specialized additional allowance for addressing areas of improvement
instrumentation, such as continuous emission moni- to increase analyzer availability, and therefore improve
tors (CEM), process gas chromotographs, NIR, etc.? benefits. Training is also an important aspect of effective
What is the preventative maintenance practice? How analyzer maintenance.
is instrument reliability being tracked? Every site within BP has a database system that records
maintenance activities, costs, etc., associated with an in-
DAVIS: strument. So a record of the time and money spent
CENEX is training our existing technicians in the maintaining an instrument is tracked. The time every
maintenance of our specialized instrumentation, and, so analyzer and critical instrument is available is also tracked
far, this program has worked very well. Our PM program by the instrument group. These are recorded and reported
consists of staying on top of the analyzers and being there by the refineries, and the Group experts monitor, assess
when something goes wrong. The technicians do not have the technology and findings, and recommend technolo-
a daily routine for monitoring analyzers, but a stand alone gies that are best practice or fit for purpose.
computer does monitor CEM drift and calibration data
to look for problems. HUNKUS:
We have struggled with this in the past because we had
JACKSON: limited support and technical staff, and have been limited
All of our refineries are realizing the importance of on our instrument support while upgrading the reliability
on-line analysis within the refinery environment, espe- of our emission monitors, their maintenance programs,
cially with advanced and multivariable control systems. and the better documentation and verification of our
On-line analyzers in control are estimated to contribute Continuous Emission Monitor (CEM) calibrations. As
20% to 40% of the overall economic benefit of advanced part of our organizational change efforts, we have become
control and on-line optimization. The analyzer systems are more involved in employee empowerment and have sup-
complicated and unique and require a complete under- ported some of our instrument technicians in redefining
standing and familiarity so that in the event of any failure themselves into people who specialize on traditional refin-
they can be rapidly repaired and recommissioned, thereby ery equipment, and on the more advanced or specialized
minimizing instrument downtime and maximizing bene- equipment for a primary focus. We allow them input in
fit. Maintenance practices and organization vary from site setting up their budgets and training schedules, and also
to site and at present it is difficult to assess effectiveness, to help establish the requirements to meet them. Appar-
but it has been recognized that this is a challenging area ently, we have been somewhat successful, since we have
requiring a common approach throughout BP. BP would been visited by representatives of outside EPA regions,
recommend that sites adopt a Quality Team Approach in who tell us that we are an example of how a program
conjunction with centralized dedicated analyzer mainte- should be set up.
nance groups for on-line analysis. The Quality Team I just wanted to emphasize that if you get the people
requires a champion in the form of the main performance who are actually responsible for doing the work involved
requirement driver of the analyzers which should be the in defining these requirements, I think you can really take
operations/production departments. Items such as Con- a big step forward. I feel our people have helped us be
tinuous Emission Monitoring and NIR systems may re- better.
quire special consideration because of legislative
constraints or higher than normal impact on operations. J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
In these instances a higher level of champion may be There seems to be an evolutionary process. We are
needed, but still operating within the concept of the preferentially on the inferential mode of controls rather
Quality Team Approach. This champion of NIR, for than on-line analyzers. On-line analyzers somehow have
instance, would have the responsibility and authority to not really worked well. Have refineries here totally

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 37


switched over to on-line analyzer systems, or is the com- HUNKUS:

bination still working? We do all of our gasoline and fuels blending in-line. We
have NIR on both blending systems, and we rely on the
JACKSON: automated equipment both for octane and vapor pressure.
On-line analyzers are important. However, if you put We periodically check the blenders with our laboratory
them in and you do not look after them or maintain them, data to ensure quality.
they will not work. If you are going to be serious about
them, put them in and give them the time and the effort LEE TURPIN (Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions):
they need. The sample conditioning system is crucial to On Mr. Jackson’s comments about keeping analyzers
the success of the analyzers. Some of them are so special- maintained, it is also very important to make sure that the
ized that they require specialized skills that you have to be analyzers are correctly specified and are properly installed.
prepared to supply. It is a matter of both the mechanical installation and
installing the analyzer for the objective that is to be
HUNKUS: achieved. No maintenance program can correct an initial
Many analyzers are installed as an afterthought. If you design error.
are really serious about making them work, you need to A second point that I want to make is that we have
design them into the process from the beginning so that installed a number of blending systems where analyzers
they are in the right place and can get good quality are being used for analysis of products for final distribu-
sampling. It is the sampling system that most often fails tion. Final distribution may be pipe line, holding tanks,
and gives you bad on-line performance. barges, etc.

DAN MARAK (Chevron USA Products Company): LEMMON:

Have any refiners made the analyzers reliable enough Each Tosco refinery has a dedicated group of analyzer
that they sell to fueling terminals based on analyzer results mechanics (technicians) who are responsible for maintain-
versus traditional laboratory results? ing all of the process analyzers and continuous emissions
monitor (CEM) systems. For new and/or complicated
analyzers, the instrument manufacturer is often con-
tracted to supply maintenance for the first year of opera-
Upstream of the fuels product BP has their own internal
tion. During this first year, our mechanics work with the
catalytic cracking model which has an unfortunate acro-
manufacturer’s service representative to learn how to
nym; it is called a Process Monitoring Spreadsheet or
maintain the system. After the first year, this contract is
PMS. We pull in daily data and regress that data which typically eliminated or cut back in scope. When possible,
includes data from on-line analyzers. The on-line analyzers our mechanics are sent to formal training at the vendors’
are on regular testing frequencies and in some locations facilities and attend informal in-house review of problem
are tested against laboratory tests. areas and troubleshooting methods.
Preventative Maintenance Practice. CEM systems are
DAN MARAK (Chevron USA Products Company):
typically maintained in accordance with the requirements
So you are still verifying the results with your laboratory of the regulating governmental agency. Process analyzers
before you actually sell? You are not actually selling based are cal checked and maintained at a fixed frequency which
on analyzer release? It is still off laboratory release? is set based upon historical performance. At one facility,
an expanded preventive maintenance is still being
JACKSON: studied. Currently it is focused on assuring effective
We have in-line blending using NIR technology. The sample conditioning to avoid analyzer upsets from con-
reliability of the analyzers is rigorously tested against labo- taminants.
ratory tests and once confident we periodically check Instrument reliability is tracked informally. Other
against laboratory samples. BUT all gasoline that leaves than CEM performance , we are not currently tracking
the gate is laboratory tested. analyzer availability. One site is looking at tracking in-
strument availability using the units’ DCS system. The
DAVIS: same refinery has recently introduced Statistical Quality
Typically, the on-line analyzers that we install are there Control methods to manually track performance of
for laboratory data backup. Regarding real-time analysis several analyzers, but it is too early to evaluate their
of product streams, it is not until after several years of effectiveness. Another refinery is investigating a network-
service that we actually trust the on-line analyzer and start based program for scheduling and tracking analyzer
to drop the laboratory data. maintenance.

38 General Processing

Question 23. “EQuivalent Analyzers per Mechanic” (EQAM) to evalu-

As the instrument, computer equipment, and auto- ate their current staffing as compared to historical levels.
mation systems continue to evolve, what evolution On the other side of the coin is the fact that weak
has occurred in the panelists’ organizations in terms refining margins have added pressure to lower staffing
of people to support and maintain these systems? levels, even in the face of more and more complex equip-
Comment on the staffing levels, reporting relations, ment. Lower staffing levels lead us to have engineering
and qualifications of the instrument, electrical, ana- houses do more of the work, leaving refinery personnel
lyzer, computer equipment, control systems, and re- lacking in the knowledge to support that equipment.
lated software support personnel. Thankfully, much of the electronic and programmable
equipment in refinery service today has a longer mean-
DAVIS: time between failure history and is, therefore, more reli-
CENEX has instituted a technician certification and able and requires less maintenance.
training program developed by ISA to improve and ex- As the complexity of automation equipment has in-
pand the qualifications and knowledge of our technical creased, our refineries have been forced to break down
craft department. This has allowed CENEX to maintain traditional work divisions between engineering, opera-
existing staff levels despite an increased workload and tions, and maintenance. This has occurred not just to
more complex instruments. “improve communications”, but to achieve real-time de-
CENEX also negotiated a clause in our union contract cisions based on a multifaceted review of problems. Re-
to hire a portion of our electrical technicians from outside porting relationships are becoming blurred because of the
the plant. Previously, all instrument technical positions matrixed working relationships of individuals from differ-
were filled from within the plant’s existing workforce by ent functional departments.
seniority. The new system allows for existing technical Qualifications: Over the years as the complexity of
trained personnel to be hired off the street. instrumentation has evolved, so has the talent on hand to
maintain it. Regarding the mechanics/technicians, we em-
ploy a highly experienced and better educated group of
people to work on the equipment, people better able to
As I mentioned earlier, we have gone through a lot of
handle today’s higher technology. We are continually
evolution in our instrument or control systems group, as
evaluating the skills that we feel will be required by the
they now call themselves. We have gone from just “instru-
analyzer mechanic “of the future”, to allow us to assemble
ment men” to instrument mechanics and instrument a training plan to keep our people up to speed. Our DCS
technicians. We have DCS technicians and we have spe- systems are typically maintained by a combination of
cialized instrument support people who are more on the highly trained technicians and instrument engineers.
conceptual side, programming and troubleshooting so- Regarding engineering personnel, we have been keep-
phisticated installations. Some of our instrument mechan- ing up with equipment that is heavily electronic and
ics are our best “high-tech” people. We have also gone to programmable by attending manufacturers’ schools.
a modification of our traditional work focus where we all
work together, and try to call out certain people who have
certain skills if it is a critical job. We have some people who F. Product Formulation
are primarily generalists, and some who are a little more
focused, for instance on our bottom loading automation. Question 24.
There has also been a recognition that we sometimes Many refineries are reducing crude/product invento-
need outside resources in some situations. There is more ries and moving to more in-line finished product
flexibility and teamwork that have gone into getting the blending. What are the practices in custody transfer
job done, as we all work together to compete in the present metering for products and crude? What are the special
low margin environment. We depend on the good will, considerations in using meters at jetties and piers?
ability and creativity of all of our people to give us the edge.
LEMMON: CENEX receives crude from three pipelines, one of
As advanced automation equipment continues to be which is owned and operated by CENEX. All three pipe-
installed, our staffing levels have usually lagged behind lines have custody transfer meters at the boundary of the
the workload. We continue to add staffing, for example CENEX tank farm. These custody transfer meters are
one refinery added an analyzer engineer in 1995 (total: proven on a routine basis and are reconciled against tank
1), and an analyzer mechanic in 1996 (total: 5) and also farm gauges on a weekly basis. All light oil product leaving
appointed an analyzer mechanic supervisor (a part time the CENEX refinery is transported by the CENEX owned
assignment). Another site is using a concept called and operated product line. The product pipeline custody

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 39


transfer meters at the refinery are proven on a routine basis additional piping and valving. The meter also requires no
and reconciled against terminal deliveries and tank gauges. upstream or downstream piping or flow conditioning.
Since CENEX is land locked, I cannot personally talk This has resulted in significant savings in particular cases,
about jetties. especially where there is limited space on the jetty.

SMITH: J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):

For our refinery, crude charge is delivered by pipeline On crude custody transfer, how do you account for the
to running tank gauges. After the running tank gauge, the BS&W?
crude is royalty metered by turbine meters and then
charged to crude unit primary crude charge pumps. Four DAVIS:
different crude types can be diverted to the refinery from At CENEX we are monitoring the crude upstream for
terminal export if desired. BS&W content. I suppose that does not help at all with
The arrangement allows us to minimize crude storage the tank gaging, since in some cases it probably stays
at our refinery tank farm. Only 1 to 2 days of crude behind the tank.
inventory is required. If the preferred pipeline is unable to
deliver the required crude feed due to mechanical or crude HUNKUS:
quality problems, we can easily switch to another crude We take all of our crude deliveries off the Capline
pipeline or crude type. At other refineries and terminals, system, and we receive domestic barge and foreign cargoes.
custody of the transfer of crude and finished product is Generally on the domestic crude, we sample in our tank
mainly by tank gauges, except at those locations that do in St. James, and then we have a composite sampler as a
not have adequate tankage to allow accurate tank gaging. batch is received and that sample is analyzed. We also have
At these facilities, custody transfer meters with in-line gravitometers along the pipeline that sample. So, we know
calibration (prover tubes) are utilized. roughly how the results should come out. On tankers, we
verify before we offload what the content is and agree to
HUNKUS: the price adjustments before we accept the cargo. We then
In the past 4 years while expanding our base level of verify it up the pipeline and in our tank at our Collierville
operation, we have had to rely more upon our meters and tank farm and then when it hits our refinery tankage. So
less on tank gaging for custody transfers. We use pulse we get at least three shots at it.
ballistic provers at our rack and dock as well as our crude
and products pipelines. We have also found that it pays to Question 25.
have an outside contractor prove our meters on a formal RFG blend waivers have been successfully attained
schedule every quarter. We have found they can do this by several refiners. Please comment on the steps
with little disruption and consistently come back with necessary to attain this status and to maintain reli-
results that generate less product loss. This also allows our ability, consistency, and accuracy.
instrument team to stay focused on more critical environ-
mental and operations issues where we have less comfort DiCAMILLO:
with outside resources. There is perhaps some confusion on this question and
This program has also identified meters which tend to I will explain why. It mentions waivers. There are actually
need attention most often. We have used this as a basis to two things, a waiver or an exemption. A waiver implies
prioritize meter replacement or retirement. We also try to that a producer cannot meet the RFG target and wants
backup our meters with dead tank gauges wherever possi- relief. That could be accompanied by fines or penalties that
ble to verify the above program. the refiner must pay.
An exemption, which is what I interpret this question
JULIE VALENTINE (Micro Motion, Inc.): to refer to, implies that the producer is exemplary and can
One of the newer technologies now being used for be relied on to meet or exceed RFG specifications, so he
custody transfer metering is the Coriolis meter. Some of can be expected to self-monitor himself. There is a com-
the major advantages are independence from changing plex set of EPA regulations that you have to follow, and I
fluid properties, simultaneous density measurement, and will try to summarize here the steps you have to go
a non-intrusive design which does not have any moving through.
parts. The calibration factor, therefore, does not change In order to obtain an exemption, the refiner must have
with time and will result in low maintenance. computer controlled in-line blending equipment. The
One of the particular advantages in using Coriolis refiner has to file a petition that explains how his blending
meters for jetty loading stems from the fact that the procedures will work. This is a fairly lengthy document.
meters are also bi-directional. It is possible to measure It could be 100 pages or more. So it is not something you
flow in both directions from the meter without requiring do in a day. It will take several months to prepare. The

40 General Processing

refiner has to maintain self audits on the system. Typically, hydrocarbon vapor release and the emissions from
that is done maybe 2 to 4 times a year. Finally, the refiner the engine compartment.
must submit to an annual independent audit of its docu- 2. The water must be distilled water. Hard water will
mentation, and the auditors certify their report and send contain calcium, magnesium and sodium ions. As
it directly to the EPA. the water evaporates in the engine, the salts will
deposit and lead to engine failure. Distilled water
DAVIS: will work, but the volume distribution of distilled
I can really add nothing further to what Mr. DiCamillo water in large volumes to a service station would
said, other than I also understand you need 6 months of be very difficult.
actual operating data with your existing criteria before you
can submit anything. DiCAMILLO:
I have a little different definition of A-21 fuel. If
HUNKUS: anybody is computer literate, there is a lot of information
We are a conventional gasoline refiner, and therefore about A-21 on the Internet. That is where most of this
our blending operation is excluded from the need to information came from. The definition I have is: A-21 fuel
obtain a waiver. However, we worked extensively with a is a blend of anywhere from 30% to 44% water with the
consultant to prepare our baseline database submission balance naphtha. Its inventor lives in Reno, Nevada. Right
and status evaluation. I recommend that you form a joint now it is being developed and marketed by a company
team with a good outside resource and work to define all called Advance Fuels, which is a joint venture between the
your options, both present and future. inventor and Caterpillar Incorporated.
To maintain reliability of our blender, we have put in To summarize the articles I got from my Internet
place a redundant COMOC system marketed by Core expert, the A-21 fuel is certified as an alternate fuel in
Laboratories to control octane and optimize blending. We Nevada and has been declared a primary fuel by the DOE.
use a Moore Controller Software package customized for Earlier articles back in 1995 made a lot of positive claims
our facility, including PLCs, displays, and 351 SCLs. In for it; however, since then the company has not substan-
addition, we use on-stream RVP analyzers to control and tiated those claims with technical data.
optimize the use of butane and blendstock. Most impor- There is an enlightening layman oriented article in
tantly, we have our in-house expert blending system that October 1996’s Car and Driver magazine. It explains a
is tailored to our facility. little bit about A-21. Basically, it has not worked very well
We also have created a special position responsible for in gasoline engines; they have had some success in diesel
monitoring all blends, and coming up with our daily, engines, however.
monthly, and yearly reports on required parameters, i.e.,
One problem that might be obvious is that water does
olefins, etc. We use WK Work and WK Blend, as well as
not burn and has very little BTU content. So in order to
our own custom program, to monitor our compliance
get a diesel engine to run properly, you essentially have to
efforts and have brought in an outside contractor to “test
double the amount of fuel that you inject into the cylin-
audit” our records.
ders. So the net result is really no savings in fuel usage.
Right now I guess the technical evaluation seems to be that
Question 26.
A-21 is not something that is viable.
What is the latest on the experimental water/naphtha
fuel A-21 that has been in the press? How does it
compare to conventional foe/s? What impact is ex-
pected on the refining industry?

The experimental water/naphtha blend A-21 is repre-
sented as approximately 80% gasoline or naphtha to 20%
water. The water was added for NO, emissions. UOP
worked with an automotive research facility which used a
6% water addition to gasoline for engine testing. The
water was metered into the engine at the fuel injectors.
The emissions and torque improved. There are two limit-
ing factors for the use of water in gasoline.
1. Cold weather would require alcohol for protection
against freezing. The alcohol will contribute to

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 41


Question 27. cost option, but by itself may not provide sufficient
FCC heavy naphtha is difficult to blend into gasoline. sulfur reduction for most refiners.
This will be particularly true if T90 and sulfur limita- 3. Undercutting the FCC gasoline addresses both
tions are further tightened. What are the processing problems. Sulfur distribution in FCC gasoline is
options for this material? non-uniform. Approximately 60% of the sulfur is
concentrated in the highest boiling 15% of a typi-
BALDASSARI: cal C5-450°F gasoline. Cutting this 15% will re-
One option to treat FCC heavy naphtha is to desul- duce sulfur in the remaining gasoline significantly.
furize it, dearomatize it, improve the smoke point and then The heavy gasoline will be downgraded to light
blend it into jet fuel. Lummus Global and Criterion cycle oil.
license the SynSat Process for upgrading petroleum distil- 4. Hydrotreating the FCC naphtha directly. The
lates from FCC gasoline through vacuum gas oils. capital requirement is much lower than for an FCC
We have licensed two such units in which we have feed hydrotreater. Octane loss, however, varies be-
treated FCC heavy naphtha. One we treated in a blend tween 2 to 12 numbers depending on the feed.
with hydrocracker distillates over noble metal catalyst Mobil Technology Company has developed the
reducing its aromatic content to less than 10 vol% and OCTGAIN® process which combines the low
increasing its smoke point above 20 mm. In another case, capital cost of gasoline HDS without the high debit
we blended it with the diesel and kerosene fractions from associated with the value of the lost octane.
a first stage hydrotreater, again treating it over a sulfur and
nitrogen tolerant, noble metal catalyst to improve its JACKSON:
smoke point to 23. One of these units is currently in The processing options used within BP are:
operation, while for the other one the Basic Engineering • As cutter stock in fuel oil blending (downgrading to
Design has been completed. FO value);
• Hydrotreating with LCO for diesel blending;
KOOIMAN: • Hydrotreating with LCO then recovering for gaso-
I have information on a nontraditional method. One line blending—small octane loss. (RON unhydro-
emerging option is biocatalytic desulfurization (BDS) treated and hydrotreated are 93 and 90 respectively
which is an enzyme-based system for sulfur removal. This –– refer to the Heavy Oil Processing session, ques-
process is in development for diesel and gasoline streams. tion 20); and
BDS uses an oxidative pathway, avoiding the use of hy- • Heating and marine oil blending.
drogen and the saturation of olefins, leading to lower For general blending disposal routes, the heavier the cut
operating costs. Desulfurization is done at mild tempera- the better, to assist with blending flash point limitations.
tures and pressures leading to significantly lower capital Taking each option and looking at the limitations:
costs than hydroprocessing. This process will be commer-
cialized first for diesel, then with a gasoline system to Jet Fuel
follow due in 1998 to 1999. More information is available Primary Limitation – Thermal stability and gums
from Energy Biosystems. Solution – Hydrotreat the Heavy
Catalytic Cracked Naphtha.
DiCAMILLO: Secondary Limitation – Aromatics, naphthalenes,
If you still want to use some of this naphtha in the smoke point and flash point.
gasoline, there are ways to process it to take out the sulfur Solution – Careful blending using straight-
and leave most of the olefin and octane content behind. run kerosene properties.
As Mr. Baldassari mentioned, Criterion and Lummus Diesel/ Heating Oil/Marine Gas Oil
license a process that can do this. Problems – Storage stability, sulfur, flash
point and cetane number.
Solution – Careful blending or preferably
I have a similar answer regarding various methods to hydrotreating.
treat the naphtha to be used in the gasoline. Problem – Cetane number.
1. You can hydrotreat the FCC feed. The FCC gaso- Solution – Use of additives
line sulfur is reduced substantially and there is no Segregation of Diesel from
loss in octane. HGO.
2. You can use sulfur reducing FCC catalysts and
additives. The major catalyst vendors have intro- HFO Cutter
duced catalysts and additives which claim to reduce Problems – Flash point.
gasoline sulfur by 15% to 20%. This can be the low Solution – Careful blending.

42 General Processing

A further use for a portion of the HCCN is as recycle JACKSON:

to the reactor riser, either as a cutter and diluent in heavy As indicated in the last question, some of the heavy
residue feeds, simple recycle to a higher position in the FCC gasoline (HCCG) can be blended into the jet pool,
riser, or tied into the IFP/Stone and Webster Engineering with careful blending and hydrotreating. The previous
Company MTC (mixed temperature control system), the question also indicates the problems associated with
object being to increase the catalyst-to-oil ratio. HCCN blending HCCG into jet. Clearly the HCCG should be
acts as a heat sink with a small coke penalty, and upgrades hydrotreated to make the blending portions worthwhile.
some of the HCCN into lighter material. The hydrotreatment effectively reduces the sulfur, nitro-
gen and olefinicity of the HCCG. The typical cut used is
JOHNSON: around 340°F to 520°F (170°C to 270°C).
Pilot plant studies have indicated that the FCC naph- A number of refiners have been blending hydrotreated
tha is crackable, with the heaviest portion being the most HCCG (or catalytic cracked kerosene as it is sometimes
convertible. With sufficient severity, that is reactor tem- called) into the jet pool. The severity of the hydrotreat-
perature, catalyst-to-oil ratio, residence time, and catalyst ment allows between 5% and 10% of the hydrotreated
activity, 50% to 75% of a typical heavy, 350°F FCC HCCG to be blended into straight-run and hydrocracked
naphtha can be converted to other products. These prod- blendstocks to meet the Jet A-1 specifications. We have
ucts are predominantly paraffinic LPG, aromatic high-oc- never been able to or be happy about blending untreated
tane light naphtha, and some heavy condensed products. HCCG into jet. We have found less than 1% unhydro-
The mid-range FCC naphtha can also be converted to treated material in the jet blend will result in the batch
these products, but to a lesser degree. In current UOP failing on the color stability test.
FCC designs with elevated feed nozzles, the lower section
of the riser is used for catalyst acceleration without feed JOHNSON:
present and is an ideal zone for the high severity required The heavy FCC gasoline proposed for blending into
for such naphtha cracking. Several commercial units have turbine fuel must be stable. This would require at least an
already utilized this scheme to increase the yield of LPG. approved anti-oxidant such as UOP number 344, which
is a hindered phenol, for stability. The aromatic content
in the heavy FCC gasoline will limit the percent to be
blended under the standard specification for aviation tur-
One of Chevron’s refineries includes heavy FCC gaso-
bine fuel.
line along with a portion of the light FCC gasoline in the
feed to an FCC gasoline hydrotreater. The heavy FCC
gasoline makes up about 20% of the hydrotreater feed, or
I agree that in order to maintain color stability you
about 3% to 4% of the total gasoline pool. The heavy FCC
would only want to blend hydrotreated heavy cracked
gasoline is typically 31° to 34° API and is drawn to an gasoline.
ASTM 90% point of 385°F to 400°F. The hydrotreater
eliminates sulfur and olefins but does not substantially ARNDT:
reduce aromatics. The amount of heavy FCC gasoline In one of our refineries, we are able to blend about 10%
which can be blended into the gasoline pool is limited by unhydrotreated heavy catalytic cracked gasoline into the
the pool 90% point, particularly for California (CARB) jet pool in certain scenarios. We have been doing this for
gasoline. years. The limiting specifications are color and naphtha-
lene content. We can blend in the heavy catalytic cracked
LEMMON: gasoline only when we are processing crudes which pro-
At one location, we are hydrocracking the material to duce low naphthalene straight-run jet. The heavy catalytic
lighter range materials or blending to diesel as specifica- cracked gasoline is first sweetened in a liquid-liquid
tions allow. Another location successfully uses this “me- Merox. Anti-oxident is injected in the rundown line to
dium flash” low viscosity fraction as a cutter stock for fuel tankage.
Question 28. We have used a catalyst system additive approach that
What is the panel’s experience of blending heavy FCC has shifted or removed sulfur from the tail end of the heavy
gasoline into jet fuel? In particular, what portion of FCC naphtha. I believe there also is a Mobil patent that
unhydrotreated heavy FCC gasoline can be blended, could use a form of ZSM-5, something like an old catalyst
and how is the color instability of the blended jet fuel polymerization unit, and just a spot of hydrogen to blanch
controlled? the sulfur and leave the octane in FCC gasoline.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 43


RENE GONZALEZ (Fuel Technology & Management Magazine): such as HISYM or NOVA and to incorporate process
The November issue of Fuel Technology will cover this licensor’s confidential data.
issue. I believe someone from Grace Davison discussed the We believe training on the dynamic simulator is useful
recycle issue back in the 1995 NPRA Q&A. when downsizing, since operators must be trained to
We are looking at this issue of the heavy fraction of the handle larger portions of the plant and need to be cross
FCC naphtha because of the potential for sulfur specifi- trained to handle different portions of the plant. We have
cations. We thought it would be important to discuss this seen an increase in the use of simulation models, for
in more detail. conducting process studies, control studies, operator
training, testing of operating procedures, testing of various
RALPH T. THOMPSON (Chevron): DCS configurations and testing of advanced process con-
One of Chevron’s refineries regularly blends up to 15% trol (APC) systems, including multivariable controllers.
unhydrotreated heavy FCC gasoline into the jet fuel they
make when running low sulfur crude through the refinery. HUNKUS:
The heavy FCC gasoline is typically 31° to 32° API and 96 There are many vendors who supply various kinds of
to 99 F-1 clear octane number, depending on FCC feed optimization software based models, historical data, or
type and severity. They control the FCC heavy gasoline to learned expert decision matrixes. These basic areas of
an ASTM 90% point of 410°F to 420°F. The FCC heavy computer process controls can be organized into several
gasoline is treated through a Minalk unit, coalescer, salt methods. I have a number of specific examples and texts
drier, and clay treater ahead of jet blending. Occasionally on how these different types of controllers work.
the FCC heavy gasoline color deteriorates, and when that Constraint controllers are control variables that are not
happens, the amount sent to jet blends is stopped or cut controlled easily with direct acting variables. An example
back. Normally the jet fuel produced by this refinery is might be a fractionation tower reflux ratio which is con-
consumed in less than a week’s time. The refinery has stored trolled at limit through heat input. Controls generally
jet fuel containing FCC heavy gasoline for up to 2 weeks have a lot of reset which moves the process in very small
and has not observed a deterioration of finished jet color. increments toward the constraint. Many safeguards are
Other than color, the quantity of FCC heavy gasoline taken to ensure that the parameters are meaningful before
blended into jet fuel is typically limited by naphthalene any control action is taken. These controls also have some
content. As long as naphthalenes meet the specification, kind of feed forward input.
aromatics and smoke point are also satisfactory. Inferred controllers are based on traditional engineer-
ing principles. An example would be a product’s end point
which might be controlled by a combination of tempera-
G. Computer/Process Control ture, pressure, tower reflux flow, etc. They may even have
laboratory results partially weighted into the equations.
Question 29. Multivariable controllers are more complex and require
What dynamic or steady-state process models and a more elaborate structure. An example would be the
simulation packages are available and used by refin- conversion section of the FCCU. These systems may
ers? Please comment on their use by operating per- involve nontraditional or arbitrary control elements.
sonnel, technical, and planning staff. Is their major Smart controllers are also called “expert” systems. They
use for routine current operations, training, or high may move process variables in small increments until a
profile revamp studies? With downsizing of staffs, is certain threshold is reached, then the controller action will
simulation use decreasing or increasing? change as a result of the feedback. An example might be a
fractionator differential pressure (in combination with
BALDASSARI: other variables) controlling flooding in a fractionator.
There are a multitude of simulation products available Neural networks are based on on-line statistical mod-
on the market which perform both steady-state and dy- els, as opposed to those based on engineering principles or
namic simulations. Some of the steady-state simulation predetermined empirical correlations. These are similar to
packages that most of you are probably aware of for engi- those used for “programmed trading” on Wall Street, or
neering design and process studies include Pro II, HISYM the system I use to figure which meetings I can miss
and NOVA. Dynamic simulation models have been used without anyone noticing.
extensively for operator training and to a lesser extent for Operations simulators have been used very successfully
control system studies. ABB Lummus Global’s affiliate on many projects, including Operator and Engineer train-
ABB Simcon develops dynamic simulation models for ing and the development of best team dynamics. Perhaps
training and engineering purposes. It is an easily configured the best use of these has been on grassroots projects, like
system using blocks or modules for programming. The our new Saturated Gas Plant and the training we did on
model can be extended to incorporate steady-state models its DCS Information system. Simulators can be quite

44 General Processing

complex and expensive, like advanced computer controls, model, which is based on a non-equilibrium stage ap-
and they take a large commitment to technical support. proach, has been widely used to simulate vacuum towers,
In addition, Operations must be committed to using the amine treatment systems, and MTBE towers to degrees of
simulator beyond the original training or old habits will accuracy not possible with the standard equilibrium stage
reduce the ultimate potential. approach. ASPEN PLUS utilizes a library of almost 200
The uses and realism of planning simulators is increas- crude assays for easier data entry of common crudes. An
ing. There is an increase in areas such as on-line profitabil- interface to the Phillips crude assay library is also available.
ity and predictive maintenance based on Operator The same interface for the sequential modular ASPEN
training and PSM/OPA 90 training and response devel- PLUS is used for RT-OPT equation based steady-state
opment, and increased cross-functional awareness train- modeling technology. RT-OPT is an on-line modeling
ing among all refinery personnel. technology designed to rapidly solve a plant model and
In summary, I feel that while there may be some decline implement economically optimum set point targets to a
on simulators for traditional uses, the nontraditional uses control system in real time. ADVENT is Aspen Technol-
are more than offsetting this trend. We find new uses on
ogy’s steady-state process integration and synthesis pro-
an ongoing basis. Simulation and process models are not
gram. ADVENT utilizes pinch technology to achieve cost
utilized here as much as in the past by Process Engineers,
but new uses continue to evolve. Mostly, we use them for savings by reducing energy and equipment requirements
revamp and optimization studies, training and compli- for both retrofit and grassroots units.
ance. We do not have the personnel to run them for daily ASPEN PLUS has been widely used by technical staff
operations optimization or training that is not part of a for the purpose of troubleshooting, debottlenecking, capi-
formal program. tal project analysis, and monitoring day-to-day opera-
Last year I had the opportunity to attend the NPRA tions. Although operating staff is the least frequent user of
Computer Conference with our Operations Manager and simulation technology, ASPEN PLUS has been success-
our Controls Systems Manager. This conference is a great fully used by operating personnel where a simplified user
place to learn about the software, programs, systems and interface was developed to give limited access to variables
trends in applications. I am recommending you attend, that could be manipulated. This has been a valuable tool
rather than trying to describe it here. for operators to see the results of decisions they may make
before they actually make them.
JOHNSON: Aspen Technology’s dynamic simulation package
There are several commercial simulation packages called SPEEDUP is utilized to enhance operability by
available, each having its own merits. UOP’s experience studying operability issues at the design stage, by estab-
indicates that most refiners’ operating, technical and plan- lishing strategies for smooth start-up and shutdown, and
ning staffs do not use the same process model for training, by facilitating development of operating procedures for
engineering and planning tasks. We envision, in the near transition to new process operating conditions.
future, that one model which accurately reflects the proc- SPEEDUP assists in the design of safer processes through
ess operations will be used for the initial design engineer- relief analysis, process stability analysis, and reactor mod-
ing, training, revamp engineering, planning and on-line eling. SPEEDUP is used to improve process control by
optimization of the units. We have observed an increase testing possible control configurations, troubleshooting
in the use of simulators over the past several years, but and fine-tuning existing schemes, and helping to devise
associate this with the increasing speed and decreasing advanced control strategies.
costs of the computers rather than the downsizing of staffs.
Due to downsizing we are seeing less focus on model
One thing I would also like to mention is that we are
now installing a model/simulator that will actually opti- building by refinery technical service and operations en-
mize the naphtha processing section of a refinery. It will gineers. The model building focus has shifted to contrac-
evaluate the full boiling range naphtha, splitting it be- tors and experts in corporate engineering and R&D. There
tween the catalytic reformer and an Isomerization unit, is a major frustration within companies that see simulation
and optimizing the performance of that operation. as a valuable activity, but do not know how to free up time
for plant engineers to become productive users of the tools
JOHN W. WARD (Aspen Technology): while still performing their other duties. Aspen Technol-
Aspen Technology offers both steady-state and dy- ogy is addressing this issue by assisting clients in the design
namic simulation packages for the refining industry. The and implementation of modeling programs. Training, on-
steady-state simulator, ASPEN PLUS, is used to model a site expertise, and project selection methodologies are
wide variety of petroleum processes with its PETROFAC designed to maximize the benefits gained from the mod-
model for complex fractionators like crude columns and eling technologies while minimizing the required client
FCC main fractionators. The RATEFRAC column resources.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 45


BOB POWELL (Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions): over the last 3 years since we started our benchmarking
Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions offers a suite of both program, in part because of the “line-of-sight” to our goals
steady-state and dynamic process models. The steady-state that good information and charts create. Our General
models are known collectively as our Profimatics Sim Manager, Support Services and Comptroller, Emmett Re-
series. These software packages have been licensed for use gan, is presenting a paper on yield at this years NPRA
in over 300 commercial units. The majority are for Computer Conference in November (NPRA paper #CC-
FCCU’s, reformers and hydrocrackers. 96-133).
Based on what our buyers tell us, the main uses of the
models are for planning, to develop LP yield vectors or to JOHNSON:
evaluate feedstocks. Secondly, they are used for process UOP has used data reconciliation as an integral element
studies to study the effect of changing operating parame- for our on-line optimization. The reconciliation is essen-
ters such as recycle rates, severity, etc. We have also in- tial to ensure good agreement between the actual process
stalled about 40 of these models in on-line applications. and the model which is used to analyze and optimize the
Based on our sales levels, it is clear to us that the use of process. We have observed better unit performance with
process simulation is increasing. The year 1996 will be our the use of these tools and have shown increases in operat-
best year ever. Much of the growth in this area is in the ing revenue when these tools are applied. UOP also rec-
on-line optimization area, and we expect growth in this ommends that data reconciliation be applied for off-line
area to accelerate. process modeling and evaluations.
Our dynamic models are the SACDA line of operator
training simulators. These have been successfully used by BALDASSARI:
operating companies for a number of years. Here the We are aware of about 100 refineries around the world
emphasis is on simulating the “feel” and response of the that have bought data reconciliation software packages.
real process unit, to give the operator hands-on experience They require the availability of reliable process history data
in controlling a unit in start-up, shutdown, abnormal and sufficient redundancy of measurements to obtain
situation, or in normal operation. useful results. As a consequence, it becomes a people
intensive type of activity.
Question 30.
Yield accounting packages, which sometimes are incor-
What has been the experience in data reconcili-
porated in data reconciliation packages, we found signifi-
ation/yield accounting in the plants to help analyze
cantly improve refinery accounting and overall refinery
plant data? Has this lead to better unit performance?
operations, planning and optimization. Contrary to some
vendor claims, although it is nice to have reconciled data,
Data Reconciliation and Yield Accounting are powerful we feel that you can get about 80% of the benefit with
tools to help analyze refinery data. Using these tools, LP about 20% of the effort with stand alone yield accounting
models and plant simulators can be kept current, contrib- packages.
uting to a better optimization effort for the facility. Im-
provement opportunities are more apparent through DAVIS:
scrutinization of accurate and reliable yield data, especially The CENEX planning and economic department uses
when working in teams. Chemical and catalyst usages and daily accounting yield sheets to reconcile to the monthly
improvements from changes can be monitored from yield plant modeling program. With corrections to the plan-
data. Refinery and market trends can be developed and ning and economic model from test run data to keep the
focused from the information. Notice I said information model in tune with current catalytic performance, daily
and not data. A proper yield system is an excellent tool for yields match the model to within 1 vol% to 2 vol%.
developing project post audits, as well as identifying new This data can be used to spot inaccurate meters and
opportunities and creating alignment among several tank gauges to avoid blending problems, as well as give
groups. operations personnel within the refinery guidance to unit
Used properly, performance can be enhanced signifi- problems such as exchanger leaks.
cantly. We are in the early stages of getting a good, usable
system at our Mid-South facility. We believe it is more JOHN W. WARD (Aspen Technology):
difficult to motivate and focus a large, diverse team with- Data reconciliation, in and of itself, does not improve
out feedback, information and benchmarking. This ties to plant performance, increase profits, or optimize opera-
the concept of best practices. We believe we have seen tions. It does, however, provide valuable information for
significant improvements in unit performance and fully engineers and managers that will ultimately affect the
expect to see more as we get better and better information performance of the plant. The primary uses for reconciled
for our systems. I believe our performance has improved data are as follows:

46 General Processing

1. Identify instrument problems. Gross errors de- on the job without having to leave their work areas. This
tected and the difference between the measured practice helps bridge the off shift problem since more
and reconciled values can be used to flag instru- employees can be reached this way, although it is not as
ment errors and prioritize maintenance. personal, and effort must be made to still maintain “face”
2. Provide input to calibrate other plant models such time. We presently restrict our video use to training and
as planning, scheduling, and on-line and off-line company information.
optimization. Plant models based on physical prin- We have about 100 radios total, with 3 “repeater”
ciples enforce heat and material balances, so com- channels and about 8 local channels, including the 3
parison with actual plant data must be based on channels for remote alarm activation and a man down
reconciled results. feature. We have looked into an ultra high frequency trunk
3. Flag material balance errors before sending plant system which is basically a dedicated mobile phone system
data to other corporate systems. This has become with custom alarms, broadcast groups and overrides for a
a critical application as more and more companies cost of about $300,000 to about $500,000. We also scan
connect plant control systems with enterprise re- in our PM and vibration results from all around the plant
source planning (ERP) systems like SAP Plant data and hope to have our leak detection and repair program
is inherently error prone and, therefore, not suit- results for flanges, valves and seals scanned into our system
able for feeding directly into corporate accounting
in the near future.
systems. However, it is important to note that
accountants do not want reconciled data as their
input. Data reconciliation statistically distributes
The panel wanted me to comment on my experience
any material balance error amongst all checks writ-
with virtual teams within BP. I am the FCC Refinery
ten. Instead, systems such as SAP need “resolved”
measurements, the best measurement available for Support Manager for BP Oil worldwide. I am also the
each transaction, so that adjustments can be made Business Change Manager for a networking project con-
at the end of the accounting period. necting all the FCC engineers in the BP system. We are
One common misconception is that reconciled data spending around $1 million this year on implementing
assist in discovering and controlling plant losses. This is this technology to enable the FCC engineers on the net-
actually not true. Since any loss is distributed across the work to share and peer assist each other.
entire plant by the reconciliation algorithm, it is difficult The virtual team (VT) hardware consists of a top of the
to determine where the loss actually occurred. range PC, a video camera mounted on the PC, a scanner
on my desk, and shareware software. We link to each other
Question 31. via ISDN lines and video conference, and share data,
What developments and changes are refineries initiat- drawings, pictures, etc. We can be working on our pro-
ing in their communication systems (radios and cellu- prietary FCC spreadsheet together; the same spreadsheet.
lar phones) and how will they integrate with future If I change something, my colleague at the other end sees
portable electronic field data acquisition systems? every move. It is great for training, coaching, and team
troubleshooting. I have also purchased a camcorder and
HUNKUS: digital camera for each site, so we can review live plant
More and more refiners are going to mobile phones as operation or shutdown footage.
a means of communication. Mobile phones are less expen-
sive than radios and provide a greater range, with the
added benefit of satisfying emergency communication
needs. Another area where communications are fast im-
proving is E-mail. We are presently switching to Lotus
Notes in order to improve ties to daily industry publica-
tions and integrate many parts of our evolving data/infor-
mation system. The use of hand-held computers in the
field for data gathering is also growing. PCs have been
installed in control rooms so shift employees have access
to E-mail, training materials, operating manuals, HA-
ZOPS, PSM systems, and other information sources.
Some refineries and other large complex based manu-
facturers are installing plantwide video networks where
employees can have access to information, training and
safety films, presentations and important announcements

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 47


We have also built and are still building, a Lotus Notes 1. Faster and more powerful computers will continue
database of all our knowledge and best practices to share to lead us towards correlations which become the
and use on the network. The intention is that we learn basis for controlled responses to process deviations.
things once. We foresee continual interest in taking advantage
of this capability.
Question 32. 2. Designing systems to gather and interpret informa-
The trend toward centralized control locations contin- tion will continue to require the efforts of thinking
ues. New control systems combine process control refinery engineers. The non-predictive nature of
and desk top information capabilities. In view of this start-ups, shutdowns and upsets will require on-
trend, what is your company’s current thinking on the site personnel. Turnarounds will also remain peo-
future: ple intensive.
a) What refining functions will computers handle 3. The major categories of refining functions should
automatically? remain. But intensive information management
b) What refining functions will continue to be people will be significant in operations, engineering, en-
intensive? vironmental and maintenance efforts.
c) What is the future organizational structure for re- 4. We are seeing an emerging trend of schools inter-
fining staff? ested and eager to train process operators. We are
d) What is the future role, and required qualifica- also aware of the extensive use of engineers as
tions, for process operators? process operators in Europe.
While a technical background and understanding will
BALDASSARI: gain importance, a certain amount of the “right stuff ” will
a) This question is broken down into several subsec- continue to be valued, because of the need for responsive,
tions. In today’s refinery, computers handle the following decisive people who can perform with minimal supervi-
on a routine basis: advance process controls, real time sion and support.
closed-loop process unit optimization, blending control
and on-line optimization, oil movements and storage Question 33.
automation, integrated refinery information systems How successful has the application of software been
(plant data bases, LP modeling, planning and scheduling), that optimizes units in a non-linear, on-line fashion?
intelligent process modeling and laboratory information How extensive have these applications been?
management systems.
b) We foresee that there will still be a number of people DiCAMILLO:
intensive refining functions. These will be functions in This question refers to real time optimization or RTO.
which computing technology requires double checking to This is a control method. It links the process simulator
avoid either unsafe operations or significant economic with the process controller. In theory, the process simula-
losses. This will include: control room operators; field tor, being intelligent, picks the optimum operating con-
process operators; oil movement and storage individuals; ditions and directs the refinery to the best economics.
shipping, planning and scheduling people; and people The system has been tried primarily on FCCUs and
involved with data reconciliation, accounting and envi- also some hydrocrackers and naphtha hydrotreaters. Al-
ronment engineering. though we are heading towards a computer world in the
c) We forsee the future structure for the refining staff future, right now in practice, the success rate for this
to be very flat, with fewer people having more responsi- system has been low. My sources said it was less than 30%.
bility. In addition, support operations such as engineering, The primary reason is that clients have not dedicated
maintenance and information systems will be outsourced. the manpower to learn how the system operates. They
d) As for qualifications for process operators, we think assume the system can run itself. What happens in practice
that control room operators will probably require some is that after the vendor installs it, gets it running and leaves,
type of degree, so that they can better understand the nobody understands how to fix an upset in the system.
highly interactive processes and the economic impact of Consequently, what usually happens is they turn the new
their control actions on optimum process plant operation. system off and go back to the old system.
In addition, the operators will probably have to be com- Not to beat a dead horse, but I would say that this is an
puter literate so that they can take advantage of all the example of how modern technology cannot compensate
computer assisted tools they will have at their disposal. for industry downsizing.

This is a crystal ball question that I posed to my boss It is our observation that there are relatively few docu-
and these are his responses. mented applications of non-linear, on-line rigorous

48 General Processing

optimization systems in the refining area as compared to petrochemical (9), and chemical processes (8) since 1987.
other process industries. Application of this type of opti- These CLRTO applications are based on rigorous process
mization system to other processes, such as ethylene and models and encompass the entire process unit (e.g., an
ammonia production, seems to be more widespread. We ethylene plant CLRTO includes all the furnaces and the
feel that this is, in part, the result of the complexity refrigeration and separation sections, and an FCCU in-
involved in characterizing petroleum fractions and in cludes the reactor/regenerator, main fractionator and gas
rigorously modeling the reactions taking place in refinery plant). These CLRTO applications have been very profit-
processes. Nevertheless, the applications that have been able and successful for the plants in which they have been
reported in the literature, and those reported in the applied with several well-documented applications, in-
petrochemical area, have achieved significant benefits. cluding: SUNOCO, Lyondell Petrochemical, Mitsubishi
We have seen significant progress in the area of modeling Chemical, Phillips Petroleum, and GE Plastics. The types
petroleum fractions and reactions. One case in point is the of processes that have been optimized include FCCUs,
Mobil work in the area of Structured-Oriented Lumping hydrocrackers, catalytic reformers, crude units, ethylene,
(SOL). This is a technique described in an article by Quann phenol, bisphenol-A, and linear alkylbenzene.
and Jaffe in 1992 (I&EC RESEARCH, 1992,31). As
computing power increases, and techniques such as SOL CARL KLIESCH (Treiber Controls Inc.):
modeling are perfected, we foresee on-line optimization as We have implemented on-line, closed-loop unit opti-
an area of significant growth in the near future. mization on 2 crude/vacuum units, an alkylation unit, a
naphtha hydrotreater, a catalytic reformer, an FCCU, a
BALDASSARI: polymerization unit, and natural gas plants. Two FCCU
The most successful application of on-line, non-linear and one crude/vacuum optimization projects are currently
optimization to date has been for gasoline blending appli- in progress.
cations. In addition, simple non-linear model optimizers The technology employed is our Closed-loop Recon-
using the 20/80 cost benefit rule have been successfully ciliation and Optimization (CRO) software. CRO uses a
applied in FCCUs. The greater the complexity of the first principles, nonlinear chemical engineering model of
model, the farther one gets from the 20/80 cost-effective- the process. The model is comprised of the entire process
ness rule. The big issue then is not the non-linearity of the unit, i.e., pumps, valves, columns, exchangers, reactors,
model, but it is the accuracy and the reconciliation of the flash drum, etc. The model is in simultaneous equation
model against the real plant data. This requires a large form and the same model is used for a full reconciliation
effort using skilled process engineers to make the op- and optimization. The model resides in a DEC Alpha or
timizer work and later to maintain it. similar computer and solution times for a complete rec-
onciliation and optimization range from 5 min. to 25 min.
LEE E. TURPIN (Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions): Optimization set points are sent every 45 min. to 60 min.
On-line optimization has been applied in our industry The applications have shown high up-times, and payouts
for about 30 years, with limited success in the beginning. have been in the range of 6 to 9 months.
Major problems included computer performance and du- A paper on the FCCU/Poly unit projects will be pre-
rability, data handling systems and lack of constrain algo- sented at the NPRA Computer Conference in November
rithms. By the 1980s, modeling technology, data handling (NPRA paper #CC-96-128). References for some of the
and computer performance had evolved to where sequen- cited applications are given below.
tial modular solutions could be installed with a very high Alkylation: Treiber, S.; McLeod, R.S.; Boyle, T.J.;
success rate. Profimatics, which is now part of Honeywell Powley, G.; and Lee, S., “Closed-loop Plant Wide Opti-
Hi-Spec Solutions, has focused on kinetic model-based mization”, CPA Control Systems, ’92 Conference, Whis-
projects and continues to install about a half a dozen of tler, British Columbia, September 29—October 1, 1992.
these systems a year. Equation based applications are Crude/Vacuum: McLeod, R.S.; Treiber, S.S.; Brown,
starting to be used with some success. And this success rate M.W.; and Bell, M.B., “Closed-loop Plant Wide Optimi-
is going to increase as we overcome problems such as zation of a Crude Distillation Unit”, 48th Annual Instru-
interfaces, data validation, model updating, initialization, ment Symposium, Texas A&M University, College
diagnostics and maintenance. By about the year 2000, Station, Texas, January 19-21, 1993.
equation-based, closed-loop optimization technology Natural Gas Plant: Lyne, M.; Pidlisny, D.; Treiber, S.;
should be developed to where applications can be installed Powley, G.; Toffolo, R.; Smith, D.; and Bell, M, “Natural
quickly and maintained efficiently. Gas Plant Advanced Control and Optimization”,
75th Annual GPA Convention, Denver, Colorado, March
JOHN W. WARD (Aspen Technology, Inc.): 11–13, 1996.
Aspen Technology has commissioned 25 closed-loop FCCU/Polymerization: McCormick, R.; Gagne, N.;
real-time optimization (CLRTO) systems on refining (8), Treiber, S.; Laurier, G.; Brown, M.; and Piette, R.,

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 49


“Real-time Optimization of Fluid Cracking and Catalytic SMITH:

Polymerization Unite”, NPRA Computer Conference, Nearly all of our refineries have experienced cracks in
Atlanta, Georgia, November 11-13, 1996. the LPG spheres. Most of them were minor cracks in the
heat affected zones of spheres and easily ground out with
R. E. (ED) PALMER (Mustang Engineering): corrosion allowance intact.
We do not handle advanced process control models or There is an exception. In the Ras Tanura Refinery, we
software. I had a chance last week to visit a plant that I had over 60 cracks in one sphere used to store sour natural
had a very intimate knowledge of. I was involved in the gas liquids. It was inspected after being in service for 10
original design and recent revamp. They had just imple- years. The sphere was constructed of OX602, which is a
mented an advanced process control program on an FCC 0.17% silicon carbon steel which was quenched and tem-
main fractionator and gas plant. To be quite frank with pered, but it was not stress relieved. Additionally, the plate
you, I was truly amazed at the improvement in capacity thickness of this sphere was 11⁄2 in. with no post-weld heat
and product quality that they have been able to maintain treatment. Only preheat was performed during construc-
with this unit since implementing this program. tion. The cracking was conclusively shown to be sulfide
stress cracking. The quenched and tempered OX602 was
not suitable material for this sour service. The surface
H. Safety and Reliability hardness of the plate exceeded Rockwell C22, the maxi-
mum hardness recommended for carbon steel materials
Question 34. that are going to be used in sour service per NACE.
Has anyone experienced cracking in the LPG spheres? Our inspection frequencies are 5 to 10 years at our
What are the frequency and techniques used in inter- various facilities, depending on the histories of the spheres.
nal inspections, especially to detect the cracks? Previous history sets the equipment inspection schedule
which reflects the inspection findings. In all facilities, wet
fluorescent magnetic particle examination is recom-
One of our large butane storage spheres, built in 1954, mended for detecting cracks. The first inspection includes
was wet fluorescent magnetic particle tested in 1988. This examination of all welds in non-stress relieved vessels and
was part of a refinery-wide program to inspect all LPG 10% of welds in stress relieved spheres. If no problems are
storage vessels as part of API recommended practice 920
observed in non-stress relieved vessels, subsequent inspec-
(“Prevention of Brittle Fraction of Pressure Vessels”) as-
tions are reduced to 10% of the welds.
sessment of all the LPG storage vessels. All the wells inside
and outside were 100% examined. Numerous longitudi-
Question 35.
nal and transverse cracks were found — too numerous to
Which inspection methods have been used for detect-
ing cracks in vessels in wet H2S service? What is the
Based on laboratory examinations, our metallurgical
frequency of individual weld inspection? Can the
personnel concluded that the cracks were from frequent
rundown of wet sour butane when a production unit had cracking potential of the wet H2S environment be
upsets. The tank was never returned to service and was determined from process conditions and laboratory
scrapped in 1989. We believe the exposure to sour butane test data?
was unique to this vessel and is not a problem with our
other LPG storage vessels, as demonstrated by our other LEMMON:
WFMT inspections described earlier. Internal thickness Tosco refineries use visual wet fluorescent magnetic
and internal visual inspections will be done on the remain- particle, ultrasonic sheer wave and acoustic emission as-
ing spheres in the future. sisted hydrotesting to examine vessels for wet H2S crack-
ing and blistering. The frequency of the inspection is
FEARNSIDE: dictated by vessel service categories which are assigned
We have had a number of refiners caution us on cracking based on the cracking potential, consequence of failure,
in LPG spheres, and what they attributed it to was amine and the inspection history.
carry over from their amine absorbers. If you are experienc- Process conditions and laboratory data that we use to
ing that problem, that may be one source to look at. categorize the cracking potential are as follows.
1. Wet conditions. Wet H2S cracking can only occur
LEMMON: if water is present in a liquid form.
We have experienced no environmentally induced 2. Corrosion reactions. We are looking for H2S and
cracking in our spheres. We have found surface cracking water in carbon steel service.
which we attributed to fabrication, and the cracks were 3. Cyanide. If the levels are greater than 20 ppm, there
successfully removed with light grinding. is an increased risk of H2S cracking.

50 General Processing

We also look at the hardness of steel, any post weld heat since material parameters and fabrication techniques play
treatment, and other environmental stresses. All LPG such an important role in wet sulfide cracking.
vessels are inspected on a 10 year maximum inspection
frequency, but some are done more frequently based on HASSAN MAGHAZEL (Saudi Aramco):
risk. At the Riyadh Refinery, we implemented the wet fluo-
rescent magnetic particle test (WFMPT) injection tech-
SMITH: nique in 1994 to detect cracks in the vessels utilized for
I agree with everything that Mr. Lemmon has men- amine and caustic services. We found this technique to be
tioned. We also use, of course, wet fluorescent magnetic an effective tool for stress corrosion cracking detection in
particle examination. Our inspection frequencies range H2S amine service equipment.
from as little as 2 years to the maximum of 10. We use the
NACE standard MR 0175 which has two graphs (one is Question 36.
for gas and the other is for multi-phased flow) that are used Discuss the strategies for monitoring and inspection
to determine when the environment is considered to be of old reactors to maintain safe operation? Other than
sour. safety, are there any economic advantages to be re-
alized by replacing old reactors? Are there significant
KIMBRELL: advancements in reactor technology that can make a
Our practice is to use the wet fluorescent magnetic replacement project pay out?
particle test, and our reinspection interval is dependent
upon what we have found. If we find no indications the ARNDT:
first time through, we will go as long as 10 years before we We developed a detailed, long range inspection pro-
reinspect. If we find something when we do the first gram for each and every reactor. It is different for each
inspection, we will then inspect again at the next sched- reactor depending on metallurgy, steel chemistry, operat-
uled turnaround. ing history and design details. When I say long range, this
is an almost 20 year program. Some of the frequencies are
very long. We want to make sure that we do not drop
certain inspections down a crack. The inspection plans
The 76 Products Company refineries have comprehen-
include dye penetrant testing of the internal stainless steel
sive programs for inspection of pressure-containing equip-
attachments and overlaid ring grooves. UT testing of
ment in wet sulfide service. These programs inspect
nozzle welds and all the shell welds are in the program.
pressure vessels for sulfide stress cracking and associated
Six years ago we retired two major hydroprocessing
hydrogen-induced problems. reactors due to fire. The reactors had been in service for
At one refinery, some 200 vessels are in the program. 20 years. We cut out large chunks for in-house and outside
They have all received initial inspection or testing using testing. The tests were very extensive. We found no unex-
WFMT or hydrotest methods. Vessels are entered during pected metallurgical damage.
turnarounds and pressure boundary and attachment welds The other key to maintaining reactor integrity is a
are sandblasted for WFMT inspection. Our practice again good, operating monitoring program and good control of
is to inspect 100% of the accessible welds. Equipment too your start-up and shutdown procedures. That is where you
small to enter is hydrotested, usually to a pressure of 11⁄2 create most of your thermal stresses and you are most apt
times the maximum allowable working pressure. to have brittle fractures.
All linear indications are removed and rewelded where I guess the other part of this question is, do you see any
necessary. Post-weld heat treatment is applied if cracks are significant advantages for replacing reactors? Based on our
attributed to environmental factors or if the vessel was metallurgical evidence, we do not see any significant ad-
post-weld heat treated during original fabrication. Where vantage in replacing an old reactor with a new reactor, as
defects are extensive and concluded to be of environmental long as you are making it the same size. There may be an
origin, replacement is made with the new vessel fabricated economic advantage to replacing a reactor with a bigger
of crack and/or corrosion resistant materials. Some 25 reactor to increase unit capacity, but even that is rare.
vessels of the 200 in our program have been replaced. Thinking of newer reactor technologies reminds me
Regarding inspection frequency, our refineries follow an that some of our really old reactor internals, especially
in-house guideline that assigns a reinspection interval based some of the quench distribution and liquid distribution
on the initial inspection findings, crack characteristics, devices, were actually better in the 1960s than they were
repairs made, heat treat condition, and various risk factors. in the 1970s and mid 1980s. So sometimes being old is
It is very important to note that we are convinced that using not a penalty at all.
process conditions, such as sulfide content and levels of To further enhance our confidence, we are participating
cyanides, is not useful in predicting cracking potential, in a joint industry project to study long-term metallurgical

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 51


aging mechanisms, inspection techniques, and repair use infrared thermography prior to shutdown to identify
methods. Participants include both refiners and major refractory/lining deterioration. This is followed up during
reactor manufacturers. shutdown by visually inspecting suspect areas. And, of
course, as mentioned before, we use wet florescent mag-
BARKER: netic particle to check for cracks. As Mr. Arndt and Mr.
Older reactors should at a minimum be inspected with Lemmon mentioned, we have not determined any eco-
the same techniques and attention applied to other pres- nomically viable cases for reactor replacement for same
sure vessels. However, since the reaction vessels tend to size. We have, of course, looked at reactor internal revamps
have thick sections, thermal fatigue and creep cracking for economic reasons.
from high stress concentrations and thermal gradients
warrant use of crack detection techniques such as dye TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
penetrant inspection, magnetic particle testing and ultra- Mr. Arndt, you mentioned the reactors of the 1960s
sonic testing, in addition to routine visual inspection and had better vapor and liquid distribution in comparison to
thickness measurements. the reactors of the 1980s. Could you give us some insight
Reactors in high temperature hydrogen service exist into that statement. Why did the reactors of the 1960s
that are fabricated out of carbon-1⁄2 moly steel. These may perform better and what performance indicators were you
fall outside the current design recommendations for new using when you made that statement?
equipment and should be carefully evaluated for hydrogen
damage following the inspection recommendations of API ARNDT:
recommended practice number 941, “Steels for Hydrogen I did this on purpose to generate this question. This
Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petro- may be more in-house in Chevron, but we had internals
leum Refineries”. where we collected everything and brought it into the
middle of the reactor, added the quench, mixed it up and
KIMBRELL: spread it all out again. Those worked pretty well. Then we
We agree very much with the previous two comments. changed in the 1970s and we simplified things, we did not
The only addition I would make would be that older collect everything. We tried to spread the quench out only,
reactor materials need to be preheated slightly warmer spraying it “uniformly” as the reactants flowed down.
prior to pressurization than the newer reactor materials, There was no internal mixing of quench and reactants. So
but they both need to be preheated. what I am saying is that some of the old reactor internals
are very close to the “new” internals technologies currently
LEMMON: available.
For carbon steel half molybdenum reactors, we also use
UT techniques. For other reactors, we do a baseline UT TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
and acoustic emission follow-up. I heard a success story What parameters were you evaluating when you made
from another refiner; they replaced a hydrotreating reactor that statement?
with a larger reactor, went to mild hydrocracking and it
paid out for the reactor installation in 9 months. So there ARNDT:
can be some economic incentive to going to larger vessels Spread of radial temperatures.
when you replace them.
TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
SMITH: Could you define that spread? What is a good spread
Once high pressure reactors have exceeded their design and what is not a good spread?
number of pressure cycles (we normally use around 50),
the vessel manufacturers are contracted to do a thorough ARNDT:
evaluation of the remaining lives. The techniques em- It depends on what kind of catalyst you have in there,
ployed include: 1) acoustic emissions, either in an over but as a rule we try to keep our radials within 25°F. Mostly,
pressure or depressuring mode; 2) a full ultrasonic sheer they are much closer than that. We do operate at times
wave inspection of all the wells; 3) internal inspection with high Delta T’s, but we do not panic too much unless
using dye penetrant on the bed supports; 4) UT compres- they are over 25°. But if reactor temperature limit is not
sion probes to monitor for any overlay disbonding; and 5) exceeded, light gas make is reasonable, and the reactor is
dye penetrant checks of the ring joint flanges to look for controllable.
service related cracking.
Our inspection departments also employ many of the TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
same techniques during each of the turnarounds to ensure Is that 25° the difference between the highest and the
safe reactor operation. For cold wall reactors, they also may lowest at the same elevation?

52 General Processing

ARNDT: during the oxychlorination step of the regeneration. Also,

Yes, between highest and lowest. these reactors are all aged from initial service in 1964 to as
late as 1970. And in fact, it was a 1970 reactor which failed.
CHARLES McCOY (McCoy Consultants): Basically, the conditions at the time of failure were about
I know of two refiners that have replaced reactors for 120 psig pressure, 950°F bulk gas temperature going into
economic reasons. As Mr. Kimbrell said a minute ago, older the reactor, and about 8% by volume oxygen in those gases.
21⁄4 chrome reactors required preheat to a much higher A crack opened up about 19 in. long and about 11⁄2 in.
temperature than modern reactors to avoid brittle fracture. wide at the widest which was discovered when it blew the
In these cases, the savings in start-up time was sufficient to external refractory and aluminum sheeting over that refrac-
justify replacement of the reactors. I have to say that in both tory off. Regeneration was immediately discontinued.
cases senior management people admitted to me that they These reactors are only partially refractory lined and
had heard conflicting advice from metallurgists, and felt that is only to keep the catalyst away from the reactor walls.
more comfortable replacing the reactors anyway. But there So there is a refractory liner from about 4 ft above to about
was, in fact, a payout based on decreased start-up time. 4 ft below a horizontal equator in these spherical reactors.
The crack began just below the refractory partial liner and
KENNETH G. TASKER (HRI, Inc.): proceeded downward. It was not in a weld, but it was in
I endorse most of the panel’s comments here and one the heat affected zone of the weld.
in particular, that each reactor is unique. Upon taking off the external insulation and inspecting,
We have some reactors in the PEMEX Salamanca re- about an 8 ft diameter section of the reactor was found to
finery in Mexico which were field fabricated. These reac- be bulged outward. The split occurred at the greatest part
tors are 3000 psig pressure vessels in heavy oil and of the bulge. When we emptied the reactor, we found that
hydrogen service. Back in 1988, we did have a need to the refractory near the bottom was badly displaced away
examine the reactors and we brought in the original from the wall and severely cracked.
manufacturers to perform the examination. We did ultra- Upon fully emptying the reactor, we found that there
sonic testing and X-ray testing of all the canister welds was a coke ball about the size of a soccer ball which had
where the reactors had been welded in situ, together with formed between the wall of the reactor and the refractory
some of the more critical nozzle welds. We were looking resting on the bottom inerts. This coke ball, upon sub-
for disbonding and for cracks. The reactors were given a sequent examination, was almost pure carbon with about
clean bill of health. What we did was to set up an inspec- 0.2 wt% hydrogen. It transmitted electricity much like a
tion program which was based on a 2 year cycle for reactor metal. It did have quite a bit of iron contamination in it,
inspection. It may sound fairly aggressive, but the reactors about 1 wt%. There were a few, less than 50, catalyst pellets
had undergone quite a few pressure and temperature cycles found in the coke ball. The catalyst was of the former type
during their lifetime. We do track the life cycles, not just loaded in the reactor.
the pressure cycles, but the full life cycle of the vessels. We Upon inspecting the metal, our conclusion was that the
also performed a fatigue analysis at that time which indi- failure mechanism was third stage creep, indicating tem-
cated that we had a lot of life left. peratures of 1500°F or higher for what was described by
The remaining life seemed to outdate most of us, and our metallurgists as several hundred hours. Upon further
I think that if you do set up a program, minimum length inquiry, they concluded that it was anything from 50 to a
between inspections should be 2 years. The maximum, as few hundred hours.
Mr. Arndt said, could be anything, up to 10 years or so. So, under those conditions the failure occurred. What
But do look at the main canister welds and the main nozzle we have no explanation for, at this point, is why this coke
welds as the areas most susceptible to cracking. ball formed. We have 35 of these reactors in service and
we have never seen this happen before.
RICHARD M. NASH (Shell Oil Products Company): As additional background, the refractory was made of
I would like to report to the panel and the audience a the correct material, that is a low iron content refractory.
reactor failure we experienced earlier this year in one of Thus, we were not encouraging coke formation at all, and
our cyclic catalytic reforming reactors. After I provide it had been in the reactor for about 20 years. It had been
details, I would like to see if anyone has had similar patched a number of times, but there were never any major
occurrences and what sort of inspection techniques they failures. Furthermore, this reactor had been completely
would recommend for this. emptied and inspected with the refractory intact only
Shell operates seven 5-reactor cyclic reformers in North about 1 year before the failure because we had changed the
America. They all have spherical reactors and they are all catalyst system.
hot wall design. Their design operating temperature and Basically, what we have done so far is put an array of
pressure is roughly 1000°F and 350 psig. This failure did thermocouples on the lower hemisphere of the reactor to
not occur during process operation. Instead, it occurred understand the temperatures below the refractory liner

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 53


where the failure had occurred. We have looked at infrared It is actually higher than that, because the heat is trans-
thermal surveys externally and have also tried to do some ferred from the pill itself into the gas.
standoff eddy current inspection, looking for the forma- So those are two known mechanisms, and it is not
tion of bulges in that reactor and others. We are getting unusual to find a coke ball in a reformer where there has
mixed results from this. And so our real questions are: Are been a catalyst loading problem.
we using the best technique? And number two, has any-
body ever seen this kind of coke formation before? Question 37.
What techniques are used to inspect multilayer high-
ARNDT: pressure vessels (separators and reactors)? What is
I think I would have to know more. We have bulged the inspection interval?
two reformer reactors. Both were hot wall reactors and the
bulges were due to coke balls formed in low flow regions. SMITH:
Two comments: 1) We limit regeneration O2 to 5%. As my colleague from Riyadh mentioned a minute ago,
Maximum temperatures are proportional to percent oxy- our Riyadh refinery has two hydrocrackers. One is about
gen. I recommend you consider dropping the 8% O2 level. 6300 bbl/d and the second is 27,500 bbl/d. The smaller
2) Many of our high temperature caused problems have hydrocracker, the one he was talking about, has a high
been associated with situations when a lot of iron was pressure multilayer reactor, 7 ft diameter operating at 2200
around. This may be a key. psi and 850°F.
For these reactors, we visually inspect all internals and
RICHARD M. NASH (Shell Oil Products Company): perform dye penetrant examinations on internal cladding.
We do not have any kind of sheeting over that refractory Externally, we shear wave UT to check for disbonding at
belly band. It is just raw refractory. There was a significantly areas of internal attachments. Magnetic particle inspec-
larger than normal amount of iron oxide found in the tions are performed on the external attachments and
catalyst bed. It was well filtered out at the top. We did not nozzle areas. Additionally, shear waves are performed to
see iron penetration through the catalyst bed, but a great inspect head and nozzle welding on these multilayer ves-
deal at the top. I might also report that we had had a rather sels. Inspection frequency is 3 years. Shear wave inspection
severe feed sulfur upset about a year before this failure is done every 8 years.
occurred where we measured 1200 ppm H2S in the recycle
gas on this reformer, which is more like a hydrotreater than KIMBRELL:
a reformer. We think that is probably the source of all the We have limited experience with multilayer pressure
iron particulate that we found in the reactor. vessels, but we did have one overseas operation that had
three vessels of that construction. We inspected them
J.B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.): using sheer wave technique, primarily focusing on the
Regarding Mr. Nash’s comments, in the early days of welds between the plates and on the plate to head attach-
Platforming in Europe, there were many failures around ments. Our concern was plates shifting and causing cracks
the concrete lining in the bottom of the reformer reactors. to initiate in the welds. We inspected those vessels on three
Here in the United States we did not have many failures, separate occasions and never really found anything. We
but then later on there were failures of the concrete based our inspection frequency on number of cycles, as
(refractory) in the bottom of reformer reactors in the U.S. the unit was up and down quite a lot.
also. I think the reason for the failures was the composition
of the refractory itself. I actually inspected some of those, ARNDT:
and I got involved this year in a similar failure in Europe. We have 3 of these beasts left in our system. They are
It was an old unit, similar to the ones that you explained. just separators, which helps. We inspected the internal
Coke can form in and around the refractory, and the weld seams between shell and head using dye penetrant or
formation of coke is apparently caused by cracking, which wet fluorescent magnetic particle depending on weld met-
is catalyzed by impurities in the refractory itself. That is al. We inspect at every major shutdown.
one possibility.
A very likely possibility is the method of loading cata- SALAH DARDEER (Saudi Aramco):
lyst. If the catalyst is not properly dense loaded, improper In this connection, I would like to get the opinion of
distribution in the reformer catalyst bed can, in fact, cause the panel on the following questions. What is the best
coke balls. And, of course, when going to the oxychlori- method to check the integrity of the internal layers of a
nation step, very high temperatures result because of the multi-layer reactor? If cracks are observed at the outlet of
increase in oxygen content. For every 0.5% oxygen in the the first layer, what would be the best method to repair
recycle gas, there is a 100° temperature rise of the gas. That these cracks? In our experience, we have noticed a crack in
does not mean that the catalyst temperature is 100° higher. the outlet layer near the heat affected zone of one of our

54 General Processing

high pressure vessels in the hydrocracking unit. This is an program for the last 15 years. During this time, 2243 dead
old vessel that was put in service in 1973. What are your legs totaling 624,000 ft have been identified, of which
comments? 458,000 ft have been removed.

Question 38. ARNDT:

What philosophies are applied for dead end and dead I agree with the previous comments. First of all elimi-
leg inspection methods, frequency, inspection mag- nate as many as possible. We have an intensive on stream
nitude (100% of spot check)? inspection program. The frequencies depend on the serv-
ice and the previous history. We attempt to do the inspec-
KIMBRELL: tions just before shutdowns so we can do something about
Our philosophy in inspecting dead legs and dead ends it if we find any anomalies. Like Mr. Lemmon said, we
was to try to identify each and every one of them and put prefer radiography, but we will also saturate the area with
them on a separate inspection schedule from the piping UT scans. We include vessel bridles and relief valve take-
they were attached to. The concern that we had there was offs in this program.
accelerated corrosion due to condensation of water. In hot
streams there is a thermo syphon effect that can cause
Question 39.
accelerated corrosion. The best technique we have found
to inspect these areas is a complete 360° UT scan of the What are the experiences with Acoustic Emission (AE)
piping. on tanks for bottom plates leak detection/corrosion
condition monitoring?
We also identify all dead legs and do UT inspections, LEMMON:
but because of the localized nature of corrosion in dead legs, The Bayway refinery has used acoustic emission moni-
we use radiography in high risk areas. We have also found toring as a tool for evaluating storage tanks for bottom
that thermography can assist in locating areas for more leakage. The tool has also been successful in identifying
focused inspection, especially when refluxing is suspected. several bottom leaks. It also has been used successfully to
Dead leg removal is initiated primarily due to the risk satisfy jurisdictional requirements for leak testing of a large
associated with installation, such as the potential for freeze number of tanks. They do not use this technique for
damage or any other reason for accelerated corrosion. corrosion monitoring. They do not think it is suitable for
that purpose at this time.
The first priority is to avoid designing dead legs into SMITH:
piping, but, where dead legs exist, a concerted effort As a company, we are moving toward the use of acoustic
should be made to eliminate them if you can. Our stand- emission as a grading technique for setting and extending
ards require an operational flush procedure be developed tank expansion schedules. Six tank trials were run to deter-
and implemented for all dead legs if possible. mine suitability of this technique for our tankage. The
Alternatively, all piping material can be internally initial trials were very disappointing. However, it was soon
coated or manufactured from corrosion resistant material. recognized that the evaluation criteria had to be modified
Those dead legs already in place are spot x-rayed to make to focus on local corrosion. The technique is effective for
sure there is no corrosion. After X-ray, UT, ultrasonic
identifying holes with flow, active scale spalling and other
gauge points are assigned on all dead legs and readings are
types of active corrosion, such as growing cracks.
taken every 5 years, as are all other UT gauge points. Only
if remaining corrosion allowance divided by the corrosion As might be inferred, the technique is not effective for
rate gives a remaining life of less than 10 years would the no flow holes that might be blocked by scale or internal
interval be reduced. Remaining life divided by 2 would fiberglass coating. To date, 50 tanks have undergone
give the next inspection interval. acoustic emission evaluation from which inspection inter-
Data is processed on an on stream computer inspection vals have been increased an average of 4 years.
program. If corrosion problems start to occur, the OSI
program would flag this and the UT inspection frequency BARKER:
would be increased accordingly. The program would also One of the 76 Products refineries tried acoustic emission
show annual corrosion rate and the retirement data of the testing to detect bottom leakage on 9 or so tanks several
piping. External visual inspections are carried out on an years ago. None of these tanks was initially suspected to be
as required basis. leaking, and none of the acoustic emission tests indicated
In our oldest refinery at Ras Tanura, which has been in leakage. We have not done any further testing since that
operation since the 1940s, we have had a dead leg removal time.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 55


ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):

One 12,000 ton refrigerated anhydrous ammonia stor-
age tank was tested on-line using acoustic emission tech-
niques. Reference is given to Ammonia Plant Saf., Vol. 28,
p. 66-75 (1988). The tank belonged to Eastern Nitrogen
Limited, Australia and the acoustic emission procedures
were developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization. They mentioned that
special attention was given to the wall to floor junctions.
The tank rested on solid foundation and probes could not
be attached to the tank bottom. Consequently, they could
not examine the whole floor, but only a 3 meter area from
the tank edge.

Question 40.
What inspection procedures and testing methods are
used for small bore piping and fittings? Ultrasonic thickness measurements are also taken. Small
bore piping is included in the piping inspection program,
KIMBRELL: and it is inspected exclusively by the radiographic tech-
We have experienced a lot of problems in small bore nique. In our opinion, radiographic testing is the appro-
piping and small branch connections. As a consequence, priate way to inspect small diameter piping, and one or
we ended up identifying every small branch connection two radiographs reveal a large amount of information on
throughout our facilities; small is identified as being 2 in. wall thickness and internal condition.
diameter and smaller. On a one time basis, we went
through and had them all radiographed. Question 41.
We looked for poor welding techniques, missing seal What type of reliability programs do p/ants have in
welds and inadequate thread engagement. We found a p/ace for their electrical equipment? What tracking
little of all of that. We do not really plan to go through and trending is done in this area?
that massive effort again, but all new construction is
subject to the same level of scrutiny just to maintain our SMITH:
mechanical integrity. Again, at the Ras Tanura refinery, substations and asso-
ciated electrical equipment are provided with scheduled
LEMMON: preventive maintenance, on a 2-year cycle for minor pre-
Radiography is the preferred inspection technique at ventative maintenance and a 4-year cycle for major pre-
Tosco refineries. Because insulation removal is not re- ventative maintenance. Minor PM consists of visual
quired, sometimes radiography is most cost-effective. inspections of equipment and adjustments made as nec-
essary. Major PM activities include more thorough inspec-
SMITH: tion, cleaning and testing.
Our Ras Tanura refinery has strict requirements for An attempt is made to schedule major PMs to coincide
inspection of 2 in. or smaller piping and their associated with the scheduled plant shutdown. However, this is not
fittings. Considerations include required examination of always possible since many of our plants are on 5-year
threaded and flange joints along with checks to ensure schedules.
proper engagement of screwed fittings. Small bore piping For these cases, if a plant has a double ended substation,
and fittings are tested and radiograph inspected on a individual buses may be isolated on-line. All major PM
routine basis at least once every 5 years. Fittings 2 in. and work, except for a tie breaker, is completed on the isolated
above are UT gauged on a 5 year interval. Fittings below bus. Tie breakers are done during the turnaround. Major
2 in. are radiographed instead of UT gauged at 5 year PM work on a single substation is deferred until the
intervals. Small bore piping is part of an on stream inspec- turnaround. Computerized records are maintained to
tion program, and, as such, it is identified, tracked and keep track of the work performed on each substation, but
quarterly reported. Other refineries are setting up similar no trending or predictive maintenance is presently being
programs and they will all be on a 5 year interval. utilized.
Several years ago, we installed operation counters on
BARKER: approximately 200 medium voltage, which to us is 2.4 to
The 76 Products Company refineries rely heavily on 4.16 kV, E2 contactors in the refinery with the intent to
radiographic testing for inspection of piping in general. keep track of the number of contactor operations used in

56 General Processing

scheduling maintenance activities. However, because the panels and critical safety systems automatically switch to
counters were directly wired to the E2 contactors, failure our uninterruptible power supply with a generator and
resulted in contactor failures. backup battery supply. We also have multi-LIN diagnostic
Following several nuisance trips due to the failure of the switch gear components on all our motors.
operation counters, the program was abandoned and the
operation counters were deactivated. Our upgrade pro- BARKER:
gram includes DCS status points (open and closed) for All of our electrical equipment is inspected on a pre-
these contactors, and consequently we plan to use plant scribed frequency varying from weekly to yearly as out-
automation or information systems to perform this track- lined below. We have a prescribed inspection plan for each
ing function post refinery upgrade. type of electrical equipment within the refinery. All rou-
tine and turnaround inspection reports are sent to our
KOOIMAN: electrical foreman for review, analysis and initiation of any
The most successful program that I am aware of con- additional planned future maintenance, if required. Our
sists of the following items. First, the transformer oil is inspections include:
sampled and measured for the following 8 parameters: • 112 kV intertie transformers are visually inspected
dielectric strength, acidity, interfacial tension, color, vis- 3 times a week for adequate loading, temperature
ual, specific gravity, moisture, and dissolved gas. If the within acceptable ranges, oil leaks, nitrogen blanket
values are out of range for any of these 8 parameters, then leaks, and tap changer operation. Yearly inspections
the oil is reconditioned on-site. Second, vibration analysis include infrared and ultrasound inspection, sound
is done routinely on all motors. Third, infrascans are done (decibel) level checks, dissolved gas chromatogra-
yearly to find hot spots in the electrical gear and high phy, oil quality tests, moisture and inhibitor content
voltage distribution components. Fourth, all starters and tests, and check of the liquid power factor at 25°C
switch gear are inspected and tested by Westinghouse field and 100°C.
engineers during shutdowns. Fifth, maintenance has a • Distribution transformers’, 300 KVA and above,
preventive maintenance program where inspections are yearly inspections include dissolved gas chromatog-
performed at set intervals for all electrical components raphy, oil quality tests, moisture and inhibitor con-
from batteries to transformers. Finally, all motors over 300
tent tests, and check of the liquid power factor at
horsepower have a surge test performed. This information
250°C and 100°C.
is used to predict failures.
• PCB transformers are inspected quarterly for spills
and leaks.
• Overhead Power Distribution Lines’ yearly inspec-
For MAPCO switch gear and motor control centers, we
perform infrared surveys and correct hot spots as required tions include ultrasound and infrared tests, pole line
on an annual basis. Every 5 years we perform Hipot, inspection, insulator high pressure washing, and
Megger, Ductor tests, and we also calibrate all trip devices. pole and hardware replacement.
We clean all compartments and vacuum dust as needed. • Underground Distribution Lines are inspected dur-
We perform oil and dissolve gas analysis on our transformer ing unit turnarounds and include Megger checks,
on an annual basis. We also perform any manufacturer’s polarization index test, and AC/DC high potential
recommended testing and paint as required every 5 years. test.
For high voltage cable, we perform Hipot, Dielectric Ab- • Substations are visually inspected 3 times a week,
sorption, and Polarization Index tests every 5 years. For loadings are checked, ground fault detectors are
high voltage motors, we check oil levels and clean filters on tested and the battery banks are inspected. Ultra-
a monthly basis. Every 5 years we perform Hipot, Dielectric sound and infrared tests are conducted yearly. During
Absorption and Polarization Index tests. On suspect mo- turnarounds the medium voltage circuit breakers and
tors, we will perform a surge comparison test as required. main buswork are inspected. The protective relays are
On all motors we perform IRD mechanalysis vibration calibrated, timing of autotransfer switches is checked,
tests on a monthly basis. We have custom programs on our and the low voltage circuit breakers are inspected.
large non-synchronous motors. • Power Generators have the battery banks inspected
We have a double ended, double feed design with all quarterly. During turbine turnarounds, the stator
our motor control centers having two 100% transformer coils are inspected, the exciter diodes are inspected
and Bus systems with separate feeds and breakers with tie and replaced, the stator is Meggered, polarization
devices. This allows us to operate on one system while the index is checked, the permanent magnet generator
other side is down due to failure or maintenance activity. and control cabinet are inspected, and the control
We also have our own substation tied directly to Tennessee relays are inspected and cleaned. Ultrasound, infra-
Valley Authority’s primary grid system. All our control red, and partial discharge analysis tests are conducted.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 57


Question 42. separate, which serves as a key quality control technique.

What control procedures are used for material identi- Second, when the material arrives in the field, equipment
fication specifically where alloy and stainless steel stamps are checked and material analyzers (i.e., Texas Nu-
materials are involved? clear Analyzer) are used on a spot basis to confirm the
material specifications. Material is then normally kept in a
LEMMON: separate lay-down area with Purchase Order and Job Num-
All three Tosco refineries have a positive material iden- ber tags. We also usually have alloy material marked and
tification (PMI) program for all alloy materials. This tagged by Iso and layout drawings. Third, once installed,
includes getting the manufactures’ test reports and con- materials are spot checked (repeating step 2) again to
ducting inspection of materials as they are received. We do confirm proper material installations. Refinery Inspectors
100% alloy testing using Texas nuclear analyzers and or contract Quality Control resources are involved to make
spectrometers. We use the spectrometer for examination sure the above steps are followed.
of higher temperature carbon steel equipment looking for The most important thing to focus on is to keep special
silicon levels. material marked and separated. Everyone involved needs
to understand why it is important to use the special
SMITH: material, and feel comfortable reporting problems. This
We also use the Texas Nuclear Metal Analyzers. On our has a cost savings impact, but most importantly, you want
large upgrade project, we have a formal PMI program to your alloy and other exotics to be used in the critical
ensure that the nominal alloy composition is being cor- services that require them.
rectly supplied for all pressure containing components of
piping and fabricated equipment. The focus of the pro- ARNDT:
gram is on the alloy components likely to be confused We have a very similar process.
during fabrication. These materials primarily include low
alloy steel being used in critical services for high tempera- BARKER:
ture hydrogen, high temperature sulfur or low tempera- All 76 Products Company refineries have one or more
ture service. The program allows the contractor to use a Texas Nuclear alloy analyzer and formalized positive ma-
number of X-ray emission devices to ascertain the compo- terial identification (PMI) programs for the receipt and
sition of the alloy being checked. installation of new project and maintenance installation
The extent of the verification is as follows. 1) 10 of alloy materials. This includes materials entering our
exchanger tubes per lot, 2) 10% of furnace alloy tubes, 3) machine shops that are used in rotating equipment repairs.
all plates and piping components used in the fabrication The program works, but we still receive mismarked com-
of a pressure vessel, and 4) all low alloy valves and piping ponents, especially piping.
(less than 9 chrome).
A color coding system was also implemented for proper Question 43.
materials identification on alloy material ranging from What is the philosophy and frequency of overhauling
carbon molybdenum steel up to 9 chrome 1 molybdenum pilot operated safety valves on high pressure service?
steel. Has anyone experienced a major problem with this
type of valve? When should these valves be replaced?
We have a similar program. All alloy steels and stainless ARNDT:
steels are tested with a Texas Nuclear device as they come We do not like pilot operated valves in high pressure
into the warehouse. On new construction, we also do the service. We have carefully set them, installed them in the
same sort of thing on all alloy materials. We have a training field, and after a period in-service, brought them back to
program to explain to the new operators and new employ- the bench and found they can pop some 100 psi to 200
ees the importance of alloys in the different places, so that psi above set point. One of our refineries had a 500 psi
they can help us keep that straight. pressure excursion above set point without the valve pop-
ping. There has not been a single fault factor; we have seen
HUNKUS: swelling O-rings, sensor line plugging, and sticking pis-
This is an important issue, since most of the day-to-day tons. Although we do not use them in high pressure
materials used in a refinery are carbon steel. Where alloy service, we do have some in lower pressure, very clean
material is used/needed, a few simple procedures are exe- service.
cuted. Here is our current approach. First, the vendor is
required to provide material specification sheets on all alloy SMITH:
components. Matching identification is attached to the I agree with Mr. Arndt. These are things to be avoided.
material itself so that this material can be tracked and kept Currently our highest pressure pilot relief valves operate

58 General Processing

at 450 pounds of pressure. Future service will include “no LEMMON:

flow” hydrocracker pilot valves at over 2000 psi service. We have found side stream filters to be essential to the
We have had major problems with pilot operated relief reliable operation of amine solvent gas treating systems,
valves. Of a total of 34 that we have in the Ras Tanura especially the new MDEA systems. Side stream filters
refinery, 1 is on a 2 month testing cycle and 19 are on 6 remove particulates that have been proven to accelerate
month testing cycles. The remaining 14 are on nominal corrosion, cause foaming, and foul exchangers and trays.
12 month testing cycles. Every valve is completely disas- It has been a long uphill battle for our process people to
sembled during testing and failed parts are replaced. The convince the maintenance and operations people that the
relief valves tested at 6 month or shorter intervals have had time and effort to do the filtration is worth it. I am proud
previous problems. Typical problems have included com- to say that our operations people now strongly endorse
ponent sticking and diaphragm rupture. Sticking resulted filters in the MDEA systems. The filters in MDEA service
from using the wrong grease on the seats and corrosion. have reduced foaming and we are no longer injecting over
Broken diaphragms occurred when differential pressure a gallon a day of concentrated antifoam.
exceeded the pressure rating of the diaphragm material. We had a hydrogen plant that was rate-limited based
These valves on the spheroids had teflon diaphragms that on amine performance that has now been debottlenecked
ruptured when differential pressure exceeded 1.5 psi. Pilot primarily due to filtration.
valves should be replaced when they are no longer repara- We have also used full flow feed filters in hydrocracker
ble or parts are no longer available. feed service. The use of 5 micron paper element full flow
filters in combination with some other changes, like
KIMBRELL: graded catalyst beds, has extended the run length of one
We have had actually a different experience than that. unit from 6 months to over 3 years.
We have had very good performance from these pilot I also like to caution people that the back type flushing
operated relief valves in high pressure hydrogen service. filter elements typically do not remove fine particulate
Our practice is to perform service on them at every matter until late in their cycle. So if you have a 25 micron
turnaround. The valves are complicated; operators need wound wire element filter, you need to be aware that the
additional training to make sure they are serviced prop-
25 micron gaps are going to pass a lot of small material
erly. You also have to have them applied in the right
until they precoat with larger particles. We do use them
locations because small changes in temperature can affect
and like them for high temperature filter applications.
The refinery that I am stationed at has just begun an
evaluation of available filters. We have suddenly realized
Mr. Arndt, what is the limit for high pressure where you that we are spending over a quarter of a million dollars a
would not go to the pilot operated valves? year in filter elements. We are beginning to ask the ques-
tion, which is the most economical filter element, and we
are now testing different elements.
We would not go to the pilot operated valves on any
high pressure hydroprocessing loop, and by that I mean SMITH:
around 700 psi to 800 psi and above, usually with H2S We are using side stream filters on amine streams to
around. Our major problems were in isocrackers ranging control foaming and fouling. Our laboratory tests have
from 1500 psi to 3000 psi. shown that the carbon filters are the most effective for this
purpose. However, most plants now only have precoat
TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals): filters to remove particulates which contribute to amine
Regarding the comment on the pilot operated relief foaming.
valves in high pressure service, we have them in our FCC Laboratory checks have shown that carbon filters are
feed hydrotreater operating at 1200 psi in the cold sepa- more effective since they also remove soluble foaming
rator and they seem to be working all right. We have had agents including carboxylic acids and alkyl phenols. The
only minor problems with them. We have two and can new DGA facilities that we are installing in Ras Tanura
isolate one. They are on a common header and they can will incorporate carbon filters.
be isolated so that one is always in service.
Question 44. My experience has been mostly good as well. It has been
What is the experience of refiners in adding process somewhat mixed, but I have to agree with Mr. Lemmon
side filters specifically to increase the reliability and and Mr. Smith on the amine plant. That is an excellent
run length of the unit? Where have the filters been use of filters. We also have filter separators upstream of
installed and how have they performed? reciprocating compressors in the hydrotreating units.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 59


those situations, those filters are installed as a “band-aid”

to upstream corrosion problems and 90% of the time we
do find corrosion related problems upstream.

JOHN EMBRY (LYONDELL-CITGO Refining Company Ltd.):

The comment was made about the use of the filter
system on cokers. I have experience with three different
cokers that use filter systems on the bottom, and all have
been very successful in extending the runs of those units
and keeping the tower bottoms from filling up with coke.
We also have some experience in using filters on the feed
to hydrotreaters downstream of the coking unit, hydro-
treating the gas oils.


Not being familiar with too many cases where people
There are screens on the FCC main fractionator bot- have used 2 micron and 5 micron filters, I wanted to get
toms right upstream of the pumps. There was a lot of Mr. Lemmon’s comments on how often the cartridge
pump disassembly that was required prior to their instal- elements were needing to be change out? Was that just
lation. Since the screens were installed, we have not had vacuum gas oil feed to the hydrocracker or was there any
to disassemble the pumps, and a 6 hour job has become a coker material in there?
1 hour job.
In another case however, filters were installed in a coker LEMMON:
to remove coke fines from the fractionator tower. That was There are light coker gas oils in the hydrocracker feed
an effort to keep the tower from filling with coke. The heading to those filters. They were originally installed to
initial installation had filter elements that were probably remove FCC fines. We charge a lot of cycle oil to that
a little bit too fine. The engineer was transferred before hydroctacker and some vacuum gas oil. The 5 micron
getting to work out all the bugs. I am not sure of the status filters typically last about 2 to 3 weeks. If you have wet
on that system anymore. feed the water has a tendency to cause the paper to swell
or in some other way plug the filter in 3 to 4 days. When
BARKER: we get that short cycle time, we start looking for water.
I echo the earlier comments and note that we have two On the particle size, I would agree with Unocal’s expe-
micron nominal size filters, cartridge filters and coalescers rience. We recently had a FCC feed hydrotreater run
on the feed to one of our hydrocracking units. The filter shortened because the catalyst bed plugged after we
micron size is somewhat important. We disagree with the charged FCC decant oil to the hydrotreater. The decant
old rule of thumb that particles less than 20 microns will oil contained FCC fines of less than 0.3 micron particle
pass through catalyst beds. That is not always the case. size which penetrated the filters and coated the catalyst
Significant fouling can occur with smaller particles which beds. We sent the decant oil to the hydrotreater early on
has driven us to the smaller 2 micron size filter. in the run, and the catalyst performance was poor from
the very beginning. So in hindsight, the fines caused bed
FEARNSIDE: channeling almost immediately and eventually shortened
We have run into a number of units that use filters. the run from plugging. I was shocked; I thought 5 micron
Specifically to amine units, I have a quick rule of thumb was the end all size filter that could stop anything and was
to determine the health of the amine unit in terms of proven wrong.
corrosion control. If your filter changeouts are at a fre-
quency of greater than once per month, you have a fairly TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
healthy unit. If you are within 2 weeks of changing out Mr. Lemmon, you mentioned Ronningen-Petter 25
your particular filter, you have a problem developing micron filtration causing problems in FCC hydrotreaters.
somewhere and you better find it fast. If you ate less than That is what we have at our place with automatic back
2 days between filter changeouts, you have a severe corro- flush. Could you elaborate on what your concern was with
sion problem occurring somewhere. this type of filter?
The other places we see filters is typically on feed to
naphtha hydrotreaters or kerosene hydrotreaters to try LEMMON:
and mitigate reactor delta P problems or preheater ex- As a young engineer many years ago, I was assigned to
changer fouling problems. Usually when we run into evaluate hydrocracker feed filters and I did some test runs

60 General Processing

on back flush filters equipped with Johnson screen style PEGGY L. SIMS (UCISCO):
wound wire filter elements. What my test basically showed UCISCO provides the Innerclean Pigging Service.
is that the design of the Johnson screen makes it very Our experience with our customers is that a successful
particle size sensitive. It is not a depth filter, it is an orifice. pigging can produce lower start-up temperatures than a
Particles smaller than the orifice would penetrate right steam-air decoke, as well as a more even distribution of the
through until there was a precoating of larger particles on temperatures across the unit which can result in longer run
it. Then, after a precoat would build up, the filter would lengths. We have several customers who are experiencing
plug up very rapidly as it would filter out the smaller significant increases in run lengths between cleanings. In
particles. So you need to think of the wound wire filter addition, while the pigging process is cleaning to bare pipe
elements as a very fine screen, but do not think of it as wall, samples of the coke being removed can be retrieved
something that might take out FCC catalyst fines or iron for analysis.
TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
I was wondering if anybody from the panel or from the
I. Miscellaneous floor has used the nitrogen propelled BB shots for cleaning
furnace tubes, and what their experience has been with
that method compared to the pigging method?
Question 45.
What new techniques, other than steam air decoking ARNDT:
and shot blasting, are proving to be effective in clean- I am not an expert here, but we used various “blasting”
ing fouled piping and furnaces, e.g., “pigging”? methods; nut shells, sand, BBs, etc. We prefer pigging over
shot blasting.
Pigging furnace tubes has become very popular in Chev- KOOIMAN:
ron now. We have pigged crude unit furnaces, coker fur- A long time ago, we shot blasted the tubes. We used
naces, and high pressure hydroprocessing furnaces. BBs at the time, but the heater was so coked up that we
Obviously, the simpler your pass arrangement, the better. ended up plugging it with coke, and we had to go in.
In addition, you should really know the mechanical details Fortunately, we had the header design that allowed us to
of your furnace tubes before you bring in the pigging pull off the plugs, and we ended up rattling those tubes. I
companies. Watch out for hidden temperature indicators, think that was almost 16 years ago. They have improved
lips on your header plugs, and the like. Bottom line, if you the process since then.
have a very complicated pass arrangement, pigging may not I have not used the pigging, but we set up for it at one
be the right answer. But we think it is the answer for those facility and that offers a lot of promise.
with simpler pass arrangements. It has worked very well. There is one other technology though that sounds
pretty good. If you have the time to do the steam-air
KIMBRELL: decoking, TruTech will come out and set up and monitor
I would echo those comments. We have used the pig- with, I believe, infrared to watch the progress of the burn
ging technique to clean our coker heaters several times. wave going through. That will avoid over heating and
The performance of the pigging has been as good as a really expanding the plugs. They actually commit a dedicated
crew to watch it going all the way through. It sounds like
good steam-air decoke. Time to set up for the pigging and
a pretty slick setup, but I have not had any personal
for steam-air decoke is about the same. It has taken us
experience with that yet either.
about 30 hours to do the pigging, and that is faster than
we can do a good steam-air decoke. So we think it is an ROGER BARTAKOVITZ (UCISCO):
excellent technique. We provide both the Sandjet® and the InnerClean
pigging services. One comment is that on the Sandjet®
LEMMON: response, we did learn a lot. We moved some metal around
We tried furnace pigging for the first time about 2 the bends and since then we limited the linear velocities
months ago. On our first try, it was not a total success, but and we do the calculations. We look at diameter changes
we were encouraged enough that we will give it a try again. and look at linear velocities as steel is shot through the
What we are excited about is that we have a lot of return heater. We got a good handle on that about 15 years ago.
bend headers with threaded plugs, steam-air decoking In regard to Sandjet® versus pigging, one of the big
burns the coke out of the threads, expands the joints, and reasons I pushed the development of the hydraulic decok-
causes a lot of leaks. The vendor told us that the pigging ing was that Sandjet® was good on the light end heaters.
method does not cause the return headers to leak. It was good on HDS preheaters and those kind of heaters.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 61


It was generally successful on atmospheric crudes, but continue to run until losing suction. Then steam is put into
seldom successful, because of diameter changes, on vac- the discharge of the bottoms pumps and the exchangers
uum crudes and cokers because of the tenacity of the coke. and the lines are steamed to slop. During the turnaround
If you have a light ends heater that is set up for the bundles are pulled and hydroblasted on the wash slab.
Sandjet®, we prefer to go that way. It is quicker and it is And that is where the design comes in. We gave up a little
cost-effective. On the vacuum crude heaters and cokers, on efficiency but made a larger exchanger with square pitch
we go with the pigging. They are two alternative methods, so the hydroblasters could clean it.
and they both have their places in the market.
JOHN BERG (CENEX): At our Ras Tanura refinery, the vacuum bottom ex-
We used the same company with two different methods changers are scheduled for cleaning and maintenance
on the same heater. The first one was the shot pellets and every 5 years. In-place and shop cleaning have never been
we considered that a failure. Then we tried a couple of used. Our normal practice is at shutdown the exchangers
years later with the pigging and had good success. It was are in situ washed with hot diesel (about 150°) for 2 to 3
on gas oil feed to an FCCU. hours following isolation. Once the black sludge and
residues are dissolved, the diesel is drained and the steam
C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.): applied to flush out the remaining diesel and loose resid.
My question is regarding the furnace convection sec- This procedure is also used for taking asphalt exchangers
tion outside tube fouling. Can you do any on-line cleaning out of service. Because asphalt production in our plant is
when the furnace is in operation with chemicals or some batch wise, the procedure is successfully used 3 or 4 times
sort of mechanical cleaning? per year on these exchangers. At another facility, similar
procedures are also used except that diesel is circulated at
LEMMON: 340° and circulated for 4 hours. In both services, if repairs
About what type of service are you asking the question? are required, the tube bundles are extracted after in situ
cleaning and shipped to the shop where maintenance and
C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.): inspections are performed. Scale and fouling are removed
Any furnace or particularly for a crude furnace. by hydrojetting.

For the outside of heater tubes, we have done water We recently cleaned the resid heat exchangers in each
jetting to spall off scale and dust. I was cautioned by other of our three West Coast crude units. The cleaning was
panel members not to advise this for all heaters, but on a done in-place. Turpene-based detergent was injected with
crude heater we have been successful in removing scale very hot water or steam into the exchangers. Resulting
from the outside of the tubes using on-line water blasting. on-line performance of these exchangers was very good.
I believe we were taught this method by maintenance
people from the local Shell refinery. Perhaps it is common
in the Shell organization.

Question 46.
What techniques are being used to clean bundles in
vacuum tower bottoms and asphalt services? What
success have they had with chemical cleaning outside
of the shell? What success with in-place chemical

Well, in one case it came down to the shutdown se-
quence and the exchanger design when we were talking
about cleaning the vacuum tower bottoms bundles. In the
normal shutdown sequence, the crude oil is charged
through the unit and the products are sent to the slop oil
tanks as temperature is gradually reduced. Eventually, there
is a material looking a lot like the crude in the vacuum tower
bottoms. At the specified temperature, the crude charge
pumps are shut down. The vacuum tower bottom pumps

62 General Processing


A. Fluid Catalytic Cracking retain collar was then welded to the air ring itself. Half of
the test nozzles were drilled, tapped, back filled with
Mechanical Reliability Fermanite, grub screwed and welded. The latter back
filled retaining collar appears to be the most successful
Question 1. design. The problem was that the collars were installed in
What is the panels experience using ceramic materials the field and not correctly preloaded, so that air could
in the converter section of the FCCU? bypass the nozzle between the collar and the nozzle
resulting in erosion of the collar. The back filled ones did
JACKSON: not bypass the air. Based on this experience, another unit
We have been asked to introduce ourselves and I feel has modified its fixing techniques to ensure the integrity
happier doing this in the FCC Session. I have been in the of the new installation by preloading the ceramic nozzles
oil business for 15 years, 7 of those with BP and 8 of those in the workshop and only leaving a single backing plate
with Foster Wheeler out of London. I drifted into cracking weld to the existing air ring. A number of alternative
with Foster Wheeler. I have worked in the Middle East, designs have been developed by ceramic companies. The
Europe, Scandinavia, the U.S. and Australia. I am now the following pictures show the ceramic nozzles before and
manager of FCC refinery support in London. After after installation.
Christmas, I will return to Australia as Asset Manager for
half the fuels part of our Perth, Western Australia refinery.
BP Oil has three refineries, at present, in the U.S. We
have six in Europe at the moment and we ate taking over
the running of all the BP and Mobil refineries in the recent
joint venture. We have a refinery in Singapore, two in
Australia, one in New Zealand, and one in South Africa.
All of these, apart from the New Zealand refinery, are
cracking refineries.
BP has had mixed experience in using ceramic parts in
the FCCU converter section. We have used ceramics in
the following locations:
Regenerator air distributor two stage nozzles
Regenerator cyclone internals
Third stage separator underflow critical flow nozzles
Reactor stripper baffle nozzles
Orifice chamber tube linings
Critical flow nozzles in continuous catalyst unload-
ing systems

Two Stage Nozzles

A number of our units have installed ceramic nozzles
in the regenerator air distributors. One unit has installed
two designs and methods of attachment in selected loca-
tions around an air ring to test the suitability and success
of the designs and techniques used. The experience with
this test has clearly indicated the importance of the nozzle
fixing to the air ring. The design used fiber washers
beneath the nozzle, between the nozzle lug and the air
ring and on top of the air nozzle, between the nozzle and
the retaining ring. The retaining ring was machined and
contoured to mirror the shape of the ceramic nozzle. The

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 63


Regenerator Cyclone Internals

We have installed various linings within regenerator
cyclones that have been ceramic parts. The addition of
ceramic parts was in addition to design modifications. We
tried to deal with the cause, high velocity catalyst laden
gas, and with the effect, erosion resistant material.
Locations where we have actually installed ceramic
parts have been in regenerator cyclone dust bowls and
diplegs and on vapor outlet tubes. One was very success-
ful and one not so successful. The lower section of the
cyclone dust bowl was lined with preformed ceramic
overlapped tiles. In the cone and top of the dipleg, a two
piece ceramic insert was used that, again, over lapped.
These were held in place using a backing of Sureflow
refractory. These were installed in 1994 and have been
very successful to date; one swoop down allowed inspec-
tion of the cyclone internals. Pictures III.A.1.1.3, 4 and
5 show the 3 cyclone dust bowl cones having their ceramic
tile, fitted, the plan view of one cone and the inside of the
cyclone once reinstalled.
The vapor outlet tubes were less successful. They were
installed as three pieces; a single tube piece, and a two part
ceramic collar. The collar was held in place with a 304H
SS retaining ring and the ceramic collar back filled with
refractory in situ. At the same swoop down, two of the
ceramic tubes had cracked and one was totally dislodged
and another one was partially dislodged. The third was in
position and working as designed. The post mortem con-
cluded that the main reason for the failure was that the
cracks made in the initial installation of the tubes weak-
ened the tubes resulting in their failure. Again, workshop
preloading of the tubes prior to installation might have
been the way to proceed.

Third Stage Separator, Reactor Stripper and

Orifice Chamber
These designs are well known throughout the refining
industry and, again, the fixing and installation techniques
used are paramount to the success of the devices’ opera-

Erosion Resistant Bend Linings

These have been installed in the catalyst transfer lines
around a third stage separator and have been successful to
date. These are shown in pictures III.A.1.1.6 and 7 show-
ing the ceramic lining and the completed piping items.

Continuous Catalyst Unloading Systems

The latter design is used by licensors and three refiners
that I am aware of and has been very successful.

For the first two designs discussed above, we have used
zirconium alumina. We would use either this material or
the silicon carbide ceramic materials without any problems.

64 Heavy Oil Processing


Both are acceptable to BP and very resilient to erosion as regenerator along with the large portion of the regenera-
determined by the ASTM C-704 testing method. Results tion air. We put silicon carbide inserts in this unit some
show erosion rates of much less than 1 cm3, whereas the years back. They have held up extremely well under this
very best refractories are typically 3 cm3 to 4 cm3 by the very demanding service.
same test. The companies BP would use are SEPR, Core-
hard and Carborundum. Question 2.
What best practice would refiners recommend for
Conclusions reliable slurry metering?
Based our experience using ceramics to date, we would
consider using ceramics in the FCCU on each installation’s JOHNSON:
own merit. The key learning aspects of BP are: UOP has been specifying a close coupled DP cell to the
The ceramics attachment to the parent metal orifice plate in slurry service for many years. The orifice is
Preload the ceramics in the workshop (controlled eccentric to prevent catalyst accumulation on the bottom
environment) of the line, and the connecting piping is vertical and of
Services using ceramics should not be in tension minimum length, with the DP cell being located above
the orifice plate. This arrangement has been successful,
GENTRY: with few problems reported.
To reiterate some of what Mr. Jackson has said, ceramic
materials have been successfully applied onto various in-
ternal components and shells for increased protection
We use a standard orifice plate arrangement for slurry
against erosion. Some common ceramic applications have
service. The only difference from what UOP has recom-
been as air dome lining, air distributor distribution noz-
mended is that we have used side mounted taps, but we
zles, cyclone inlet horns and even slide or plug valves.
always flush both the upstream and downstream taps. I do
Ceramics, such as alumina, silicon carbide and zirconia,
want to caution people about using fresh feed for flush. If
have exceptional strength at high temperatures, so they
have a wear resistance advantage over metals at FCC you have a high naphthenic acid feedstock, you could get
operating conditions. corrosion of the taps.
Their main drawbacks are that they are also very brittle
and have a low coefftcient of expansion. So they are subject JACKSON:
to cracking when attached to internal low chrome or I concur with Mr. Johnson. We have used close coupled
stainless steel elements which have much greater thermal DP cells very successfully with the eccentric orifice plate.
expansion. Ceramic costs have decreased over the past few One type of instrument that we have also used has been a
years and are now generally competitive with hard surfac- Coriolis meter from Micro Motion. We have used that in
ing materials. one of our Australian refineries to great effect.
From BP’s experience, close coupled DP cells with
BILL WILSON (Caltex Petroleum Corporation): heavy insulation and tracingwith an eccentric orifice plate
On the ceramics, we have an old unit where the spent would appear to be the best practice for slurry (and fresh
catalyst still flows through the air distributor grid in the feed) metering.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 65


We have reviewed the whole of BP’s FCC refining and by the transducers operating temperature; most are
the following indicates the types of installations we have limited to 250°F to 300°F, (120°C to 150°C) with
across the group: Classical Venturi’s, Dall Tubes (shortened Controlotron’s being limited to 375°F (190°C).
venturi), Orifice plate, Eccentric Orifice plate, Taylor
wedge, Flow Element, Quarter Circle Orifice Plate. The BARKER:
impulse line has been everything from uninsulated to We have had acceptable service from an orifice plate.
insulated only to insulated and traced. For good readings, both taps to the differential pressure
Most of our refineries purge the impulse lines with cycle cell must be flushed with light cycle oil, or equivalent,
or gas oils, although some have attempted to close couple supplied through a small restriction orifice.
the transmitter to the element without purging, with
mixed success. DAVIS:
The mixture within BP has been a consequence of the I agree with the rest of the panel. I might also add that
contractors or the refineries’ preferred practice. The refin- one of the best practices is to keep the BS&W as low as
eries themselves have varying qualities of heat tracing, possible in the slurry.
installation and maintenance practices. The result is that
the sites have experienced quite different reliability and Question 3.
performance from what would appear to be similar instal- What is the experience with the back wash filters
lations. versus electrostatic filter in terms of efficiency, ease
The best practice is based on an eccentric orifice (with of operation and recycle rates back to the reactor?
the hole at the bottom) which is installed in a horizontal
line. The transmitter (DP cell) is not flushed and is JACKSON:
mounted as close as possible directly above the line, ac- BP has a number of slurry cleanup installations, filtra-
counting for the transmitters operating temperature lim- tion, electronic and hydrocyclone type devices. The ques-
its. The impulse lines from the transmitter to the line tion here specifically excludes the latter.
should slope down into the line with no pockets. Gravity BP has 4 sites (5 if you include a site receiving engineer-
then ensures that the solids in the liquid are kept out of ing service from BP) with filtration type systems and 2
the impulse legs and the transmitter. This is the opposite sites (3 if you include a different site than the one above,
of the normal liquid duty transmitter practice of mount- also receiving engineering service from BP) with electronic
ing the transmitter below the orifice. systems. The filtration type devices are from Pall Filtration
BP has also found that using DEKORON-jacketed and Mott Filtration. There is a third supplier who supplies
impulse lines has proven a very effective solution for the Vacco Etched disc filtration technology.
non-flushed transmitter impulse lines on vacuum residue Our experience with all of these technologies is good
duty and should be directly transferable to slurry service. after some teething troubles at some sites. The problems
Other technologies that have been considered and, in have been predominantly associated with:
some locations, used on less arduous service are as follows: • Units producing substantially different flow rates
• Coriolis Meters — As mentioned earlier, these have and properties to the original design specified to the
been installed in BP refineries on cracker feeds. supplier by the refinery, contractor or licensor.
Again, the installation and maintenance of these • The amount of solids in the slurry has also been an
instruments is crucial to their success. These are issue at some sites because it was different than the
considerably more expensive than the orifice instal- original design.
lations described above, but are supposedly more Once these issues have been resolved, the units have run
accurate. Micro Motion instruments have been used well and predictably. One site has had no problems from
at our sites. day one of the filters’ start-up. This was specified and
• Vortex Shedding Devices — These are in-line bluff project managed by the refinery and included the process,
body devices and susceptible to erosion, but prob- operations and maintenance personnel throughout, as
ably not much more than orifice plates. They require well as the experiences from another BP installation. There
fully developed turbulent flow to work and are were no surprises.
limited by fluid viscosity and operating temperature. The Gulftronic Separators started to get an unreliable
Our experience on FCCs is very limited and not very reputation about 10 years ago. This was addressed by the
encouraging. company and the service supplied by Gulftronics has been
• Ultrasonic Devices — These appear more promis- good. Our two units work reliably and predictably in our
ing, although we have not used them directly on refineries.
slurry or FCC feed service. They are non-invasive The efficiency of the units across the group is very
and have ’clamp-on’ applications. They are more similar for each device with efficiencies of between 90%
accurate (±1%) than orifice plates, but are limited to 98%, depending on the unit’s loading and on-time

66 Heavy Oil Processing


frequency. The material captured is, at best, all material permits 5 years continuous service. The electrostatic sepa-
greater than 10 microns (certainly greater than 20 mi- rator does not need to be shut down for periodic cleaning.
crons) for all technologies. The recycle of HCO and LCO to the FCC reactor is
All the devices require a recycle, typically to the reactor normally minimized because of the impact on coke make.
riser. Most use LCO, HCO or fresh feed. BP has tried, The electrostatic separator can be back flushed with raw
wherever possible, to minimize the impact of recycling feed oil which is then injected into the riser without an
cycle oils back to the riser by using fresh feed as the carrier increase in coke make. The electrostatic separator has a low
material. We do consider having the facility to back flush 15 psi pressure drop and does not require booster pumps
with cycle oils paramount to enable the filters and glass or surge drums for operation.
bead columns to be soaked and cleaned if a particularly
difficult slurry material is processed. All the refineries JACKSON:
except one recycle the backwashed material back into the Just one feedback on all the filters and the electrostatic
riser via a separate recycle nozzle placed above the fresh separators that we use. I did a survey of the panelists. We
feed nozzle. The one recycles the material back to the fresh were getting somewhere between 90% and 98% solid
feed nozzle. The nozzle is a modern nozzle with internal removal. All the material was being removed except
and to date has not seen severe erosion. We watch with maybe the less than 10 micron material out of most of
interest. them, with one of them we were getting everything except
We would install either 3xl00% units or 4x50% units less than 20 micron material, but certainly all meeting the
to ensure complete integrity of the system. We would only specifications.
drop to 2xl00% or 3x50% units if it was acceptable to
bypass the whole system at times.
The Gulftronic device has very low pressure drop op- Safety and Environmental
eration, down to as low as 15 psi (1 bar), but requires
Question 4.
upstream cooling to 450°F (230°C).
Has there been any success using a fire eye or flame
The filtration systems have a much higher pressure
rod as a safety shut-off on a direct fired FCC air heater
drop requirement, which can be as high as 100 psi (6.9
rather than stand by operator observation for start-up
bar). This can be made considerably lower if required. In
and continuous operations?
some installations, this requires new rundown pumps or
booster pumps and the downstream exchangers then have
to be reviewed and protected as necessary.
All the catalytic crackers I have worked on have relied
Pall, Mott and Gulftronics have the largest number of on standby operators during start-up and intermediate
refinery installations for slurry cleanup and all are accept- on-line use for unusual operations. Even now with the
able to BP. availability of flame detectors, multiple temperature
Whenever we look at a new slurry cleanup installation, probes and remote shutdowns on the structure and on the
we always look at both the filtration and electrostatic board, we still require an additional operator on continu-
systems. The decision is made based on total project ous standby duty whose responsibility is to periodically
operating and maintenance costs of the electrostatic versus check the air heater and respond if needed and also to
the filter option and then a secondary review of the check the heater during any process change to verify
filtration suppliers if this technology is selected as the proper operation.
cheapest for the specific location. We feel that there is a significant safety advantage in
It must be said that Pall Filtration has recently showed having an operator “in the loop”. Finally, we cannot
excellent support on an issue associated with one of our recommend continuous operation of in-line air heaters of
filtration installations. conventional design as proper or in-line with unit optimi-
G. RAY FRITSCHE (Chevron Gen. Atomics):
At present over 40 electrostatic separators are installed JACKSON:
for de-ashing slurry oil. Electrostatic separators are pro- BP has a variety of systems, old and new. The consensus
ducing FCC slurry oil with less than 10 ppm particulate across BP is that the use of flame detectors is useful enough
material. Not only are the large particles captured, but also to be installed on the air preheater, but should not be tied
the 1 micron and smaller particles are removed. in to the shutdown logic. Experience has indicated that
Electrostatic separators are usually installed in FCC spurious trips at start-up are a nuisance.
slurry oil rundown lines. They are controlled using small BP would not recommend running the air preheater
computers and require no operator attention. They utilize continuously. If refiners perceive this as necessary then the
a scrubbing action which keeps the internals clean and whole FCC operation should be reviewed (see response to

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 67


questions 8 and 9 in this section). Any continuous fired recommend automatic devices for start-up applications.
heater should have flame detectors, but again should not The regenerator is much like a fired heater with one major
be tied in to the shutdown logic. Other protections ensure difference. If the flame went out undetected on a fired
the safe operation of the heater. heater, it is possible that an explosion could occur once
Assuming that the air preheater is only used intermit- sufficient fuel has accumulated and an ignition source is
tently, the best practice appears to be having the following: found. Fired heaters are designed with explosion doors to
• Low fuel gas pressure trip release the pressure without destroying the heater. How-
• Low air flow trip ever, a regenerator is an enclosed vessel that does not have
• High air temperature trip explosion doors. When the air heater goes out, someone
• Flame detector alarm must be present to immediately shut off the fuel to
• Trip shuts the fuel gas valves prevent an explosive mixture from accumulating in the
When selecting the type of flame detector, BP uses a regenerator.
violet flicker type device. These appear to give the best In theory, once the regenerator temperature is nice and
all-round performance. We used to recommend ultraviolet hot (approximately 1000°F or more), and held at that
detectors for gas flames and infrared detectors for oil temperature by some other heat source such as torch oil
flames, but we still had problems from time to time. or coke, and operator standby is no longer required. At
“Ionization” devices have also been considered, but reli- this point, if the air heater goes out, the fuel will be burned
ability due to dampness, dirt and electrical signal interrup- with the torch oil or the coke when it enters the regenera-
tions (insulation breakdown) would not allow us to tor. Since no unburned fuel can accumulate in the regen-
recommend these devices. erator, an explosion will not occur.
Some of our sites still man these air preheaters around
the clock when they are operating to observe the flame via Question 5.
the viewing port. This tends to be at older FCC units that On start-ups, can we commission the FCC ESP before
do not have the recommended shutdown systems. The lining out the unit?
new units that do have the shutdown systems rely on the
trip logic and alarms, plus occasional operator observa- BARKER:
tion, to monitor the air preheaters operation. The tem- Yes, if you start up in a complete combustion mode of
perature indicators downstream of the preheater and operation with excess oxygen in the flue gas since there is
upstream of the regenerator are another good indication nothing explosive in the flue gas. However, those units that
of the status of the flame. start up in either the controlled afterburn or the partial
burn modes of operation should line out the unit first,
ARNDT: since they can have carbon monoxide in the flue gas which
All of our air preheaters are equipped with fire eyes. We could possibly produce an explosion in an energized elec-
still use a fire watch for all start-ups. We have one excep- trostatic precipitator.
tion. The new unit in Richmond has a Triconics automatic
shutdown system that shuts down on loss of air blowers ARNDT:
and high or low burner pressure, high outlet temperature, For environmental concerns, we commission our ESP
and loss of flame. It is a 2 out of 2 voting logic. The hope first, before charging catalyst. We minimize the risk of an
is to wean ourselves away from fire watches, but that has explosion by manually turning down the maximum volt-
not happened yet. age setting. We add a little ammonia to “grease” the
precipitator to reduce flue gas opacity when catalyst is
GENTRY: charged. And we have well thought out and understood
Refiners have reported mixed results in this application. emergency procedures in case we get in trouble.
Some have experienced no difficulty, while others have
discontinued their use because of frequent unwarranted JACKSON:
shutdowns. The key element to a successful application is, The main concern with operating the FCC ESP before
naturally enough, proper placement of the fire eye toward lining out the FCC unit is that an explosive mixture of
the pilot and burner. Contributing factors to reliable hydrocarbons or CO will be present in the ESP and set off
operation are (1) an adequate air-to-fuel mix so that the an explosion due to sparking.
burner flame is not uneven or erratic and (2) ensuring One full burn unit in BP operates with the flue gas
before start-up that the eye lens is clean. passing through the ESP without the FCC being lined
out. They put the ESP into a “stand-by” position where
BARKER: everything is set up, but the ESP remains electrically
We have never used fire eyes or flame rods during isolated. The PRT is then started, the catalyst loaded, and
start-up; we require an operator to stand by. We do not heating is commenced. The catalyst is then circulated and

68 Heavy Oil Processing


the feed introduced. Once stable operation is achieved on in case an episode of excessive catalyst carryover were to
the FCCU, the unit is in full burn as indicated by the CO occur, which could negatively impact the WGS unit’s
and O2 analyzers on the regenerator flue gas lines, the ESP reliability. They do, however, have the WGS on-line well
is energized, but with the ESP electrical controller before putting oil feed to the reactor.
detuned. This ensures a gradual increase in the electrical
current to the ESP until it reaches its sparking operation. Question 6.
This particular unit does not have a bypass around the What methods do refiners use to dry out their FCC
ESP. main fractionators on start-up? What are the critical
Another unit in the U.S. starts the ESP operation much steps of this operation and what should be monitored
later. They ensure that the convertor is circulating and the to insure a smooth start-up?
pressure balance around the system is stable when the wet
gas compressor is commissioned. Shortly afterwards, the HUNKUS:
CO boiler is lined up to take the regenerator flue gas. At We use a fairly standard combination of low point drains
this time the ESP is still bypassed. Once the CO boiler is from the heavy cycle, light cycle and naphtha pumps and
considered stable, the ESP is lined up to take the fully circuits, switching pumps, and stroking valves and by-
combusted gas and is gradually heated. The ESP only passes. After steaming, we begin cascading raw oil down
receives flue gas when the flue gas is at a minimum of the fractionator, inventorying the overhead receiver with
300°C and gradually heated to an operating temperature naphtha, circulating the bottoms circuit on raw oil and
of around 500°C. backing steam through the slurry generators to provide heat
In conclusion, with the correct start-up procedures, key to drive the water up the tower. We do this at low pressure
outs, and isolations, the ESP can be lined out to the and heat the bottoms up to about 315°F to 340°F.
regenerator flue gas prior to stable FCC operation. The With a little experience, you can tell if you have water
ESP should not be energized until the flue gas it receives coming out of the bottoms or not and when you have the
is fully combusted, by either the regenerator or the CO bottoms hot enough. Do not forget that a little water in
boiler. Otherwise an explosion in the ESP could result. the flush will cavitate your bottoms pumps. A little water
in a spare pump or a bypass line can wreck your entire
KIMBRELL: tower, especially if you put it into the bottom of a hot
Our CO boiler has the ability to have supplemental tower.
firing. We do energize the ESPs prior to lining out the FCC
unit and have procedures in place to trip the ESP off-line JACKSON:
should the CO go up high enough to overwhelm the After steaming out the main fractionator at start-up,
supplemental firing. our refineries use similar, but subtly different, methods of
drying out the column and associated systems.
LEMMON: All vent valves are fully open, as are the drain valves.
Our California refinery is located in a particularly The unit is warmed up and brought up to 15 psig (1 barg).
sensitive to visible emissions geographic area. To minimize Fuel gas is brought in and the pressure maintained at 7
visible emissions, they typically energize the precipitator psig (0.5 barg). As the steam cools the pressure drops.
before they begin loading catalyst. Normally the FCC CO LCO connections have their blinds removed at the
boiler is already on-line and its flue gas is going through battery limit and the column and circuits filled. The LCO
the precipitator, but the regenerator flue gas is bypassed is then circulated and the system is heated using high
around the CO boiler and goes directly to the precipitator pressure steam via the pumparound exchangers. All the
until the unit is lined out. The unit’s precipitator is large low point drains are checked for water. The bottom of the
enough to allow start-up on half of it while the other half tower is heated to 250°F to 265°F (120°C to 130°C) using
remains blinded and in reserve. Be particularly careful the pumparound heating. Once well above 212°F
during the introduction of torch oil. You may want to shut (100°C), the heat up is ramped 45°F to 55°F/hr (25°C to
off the precipitator power if you cannot be certain that the 30°C/hr). When the column base is at around 320°F
torch oil will ignite immediately. You could have excess air, (160°C), the LCO is slowly flushed out and fresh feed is
a sparking device, and the possibility of fuel all at the same added. The overhead is filled with naphtha from the crude
time. unit, and fill drum and return lines, as well as the secon-
The Bayway Refinery does not have an ESP but they dary absorber. All the time low point drains are checked.
do have a wet gas scrubber (WGS) for regenerator offgas The heat continues at the same rate until the bottom
treating. In their start-up procedure, they do not put temperature is at 645°F to 660°F (340°C to 350°C) and
regenerator offgas into the WGS until they have estab- the main fractionator is ready to go. All the way through
lished regenerator bed level and have begun the process of the warm up procedure, and even now, the low point
catalyst circulation. They delay the start-up of the WGS drains are checked for water.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 69


On one of our bigger FCCs flushes the main fractiona- you that we had problems when we tried to use a lot of
tor with cold feed from the top of the main fractionator, riser steam with a new start-up procedure after a reactor
then out the bottom and back to tankage for water sepa- modification, and pulled our system down to about 115
ration. When the drains have stopped pouring water, the psi. We could not get our bottoms pumps to run properly.
oil is heated using the fired preheater and the flushing What we found was that we could not get the water out
continued from top to bottom — feed drum, through the of the bottom of the tower with the pressure balance that
heater to the top pumparound and the return nozzle. This we had and our ability to heat up the bottoms. We had to
way the feed system and the main fractionator are dewa- get the pressure on the main column down well below 10
tered, dried out and heated up. psi then and put a third slurry steam generator on-line,
The critical steps in the operation are: backing steam through it.
• Steam out everywhere and long enough to get the So it is a pressure, temperature relationship and if you
air out of the system. do not drive the water out of the bottom of the tower, you
• Drain all low points. may find your bottoms pumps will not pump. If you
• Fill the system with either LCO or fresh feed. cannot circulate the bottom circuit, you are not going to
• Circulate and keep draining. be able to be sure that you are not going to put water in
• Heat up the circuit and keep draining. the main column. Having a column that has had the trays
• Fill the overhead systems and keep draining. ripped out of it is not pleasant. I want to caution anyone
• The main rules are drain, drain and then drain again on your “reality check”. Systems are different, and you
and use the circulating hydrocarbons to displace the need to fully understand all the reasons and differences
water rather than heat to drive the free water out. before you recommend changes.
KIMBRELL: Question 7.
We use the same technique. We bring in fresh feed Has anyone had experience with sulfate formation in
through the feed heater and then back out to tankage. a full burn unit using SOx removal additives? What has
been done to minimize sulfate formation if it impacts
the opacity limit?
My experience has been to operate without a feed
heater, similar to that described by Mr. Hunkus. The big
thing again is to drain the low spots of the water.
We recently commissioned a new UOP combustor-re-
C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
generator replacing a Model IV regenerator and its CO
We are using the same procedures. Regular draining of boiler. Initially, we witnessed sulfate plume which was
water from each circuit, heavy naphtha, light naphtha, generated outside the stack and was not picked up by the
LCO, and HCO and from whatever low point drains there opacity analyzer in the stack. We now avoid sulfate plume
are, including the drains of pumps and the spare pumps. formation by watching our SO2 levels carefully, and main-
We find this draining very satisfactory. taining them quite low by using a SOx reduction additive.
We also rigidly control oxygen levels.
JAMES D. WEITH (Unocal Corp. — 76 Products):
I have had experience in starting up FCCUs using BARKER:
steam anywhere from 100 psi up to 650 psi, and that is Several years ago we used to use quite a bit of DeSOx,
quite a temperature range to be dealing with. Quite and we cannot find any record or are not aware of any
frankly, when I have used 100 psi steam, it did not seem sulfate formation problems associated with this operation.
to make any more difference than when I have had the Our current operation, with our gas oil hydrotreater in
really hot stuff. So, I just wondered if it is time for a reality service, does not require use of DeSOx.
check, and whether we go through all this effort for a
legitimate purpose. True, it does get the oil in the bottom LEMMON:
of the main column, but is it hot enough to do any good? Sulfates (SO4) are likely the result of reactions involving
Could it be perhaps that when you start circulating cata- SO3 in the regenerator flue gas.
lysts, and put steam to the riser, that you are heating that The Bayway refinery had a sulfate problem (in partial
20 psi steam up to about 1000°, and that is what really combustion mode) so they investigated using SOx reduc-
affects the dry out of the main column? tion additives to reduce SO3-to-SO2 ratios. They learned
from the manufacturer that the standard SOx reduction
HUNKUS: additive consists of two active systems, one part is a sulfur
I agree with most of what you say. Our high pressure oxidation promoter that is trying to increase the SO3/SO2,
steam is 150 psi. We do not have 600 psi steam. I will tell and the second part is a “SO3 capture agent”.

70 Heavy Oil Processing


They ran a test using a special SOx additive that did not pressure on the reactor, reduced feed preheat, controlled
have the SO3 promoter added. They wanted to capture addition of non hydrotreated feed, “hotter” more aggres-
the SO3 that was naturally present, reasoning that this sive catalyst and some residual feed cracking; not to
would reduce the potential for sulfate formation. They mention increasing charge rate to the FCC. Some of these
found that the SOx additive did reduce the total sulfur actions are quick fixes, but economic optimization will
being lost from the regenerator. However, they did not see require careful evaluation. More charge, higher conver-
a significant change in the SO3/SO2 ratio and did not see sion, more active catalyst, adding heavy feed and running
a significant change in the stack sulfates. for octane top our list.
A full burn regeneration will tend to have a higher The air preheater may seem to be a solution, but safety
SO3/SO2 ratio in the first place. The combination of this considerations would seem to make this undesirable. I
fact and the SOx additive promoter functionality makes it would recommend against this practice with a traditional
possible that a full burn unit with a SOx additive could air heater design and instrumentation installation. It
have more of a sulfate problem than an untreated unit even would also seem that a more economical way to exploit
though you would have expected the opposite. this unit opportunity can be found.
If we were running a full burn unit and wished to reduce
sulfates, we would try to reduce the excess O 2 in the JACKSON:
regenerator flue gas. This should reduce the SO3 being
I agree with most things that Mr. Hunkus said bar one;
produced. The downside here is if SO2 is the unit con-
that is I would not use stripping steam as a control of
straint then you will capture less of the sulfur input to the
regenerator temperature. We have had problems resulting
regenerator with your SOx capture additive, so you could
from this practice. First, it depends on the regeneration
trade an opacity issue for an SO2 issue.
mode the unit is operating in. In partial burn, the regen-
erator can operate at low temperatures quite stably (as-
In response to Mr. Lemmon, we have seen sulfate suming feedstock quality is stable). Temperatures as low
problems in partial burn units. We believe a two particle as 1220°F to 1240°F (660°C to 680°C) have been com-
SOx additive system will help minimize or eliminate this mon and stable. The problems associated with running
problem. A two particle additive is currently being tried in partial burn at low temperatures are usually associated
commercially. with the efficiency of the regeneration step and the carbon
We have also seen the sulfate problem in full burn units, on regenerated catalyst (CRC). This has not been a
but generally this is due to mechanical or operational problem at low regenerator bed temperatures, even
problems. One suggestion is to try operating the stack at though the regenerator bed temperature has an effect on
a higher temperature. the combustion kinetics. We have found that the selec-
tivity of the unit is affected detrimentally at CRCs above
J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.): 0.4 wt% based on one of our European FCCUs running
We have used deS0X additive to reduce SO2 emission, in partial burn (experience between 0.15 wt% and 0.6
but we have not yet checked SO4 formation. In which area wt% CRC).
would the sulfate be deposited, in the CO boiler area or In full burn, the only problem we have seen is the
in the stack? How do you correct the opacity problem? afterburn, but it can usually be controlled by CO Pro-
No comment.


Question 8.
When an FCC feed is hydrotreated, the delta coke
declines significantly. How can the resulting tow re-
generator dense bed temperature be controlled or
raised? Can the continuous use of the air preheater be

Some of the obvious things are slurry or heavy cycle
recycle, reduction of reactor stripping steam, higher

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 71


That said, we do not run any of our FCCUs with fully • Using torch oil rapidly deactivates the Ecat in a unit
hydrotreated residue and have sold off our last refinery and should only be used at start-up and restarts.
running hydrotreated feedstocks last year to Tosco. • From a catalyst deactivation point of view, using the
There are a number of possible ways of raising the air preheater to heat up the regenerator bed is pref-
regenerator bed temperature, but let us redefine the fact erable to using torch oil. The main concern is the
that regenerator temperature is proportional to delta coke. safety of this operation as a continuous operation.
With that in mind the methods that can be used are listed Some sites still have start-up procedures requiring an
below. operator to sit by the air preheater viewing port and
• The old method of recycling slurry to the riser is a ensure a flame remains present. This is with a much
sure way to increase the regenerator temperature, but lower regenerator temperature, too. We have esti-
at the expense of conversion and selectivity. We have mated the effect on one of our FCC’s. With a
also fed vacuum residue to our units that have room 1100°F+ (600°C+) regenerator temperature, the
to move on regenerator bed temperature and limited consequence of continuously feeding flue gas from
fresh feed availability. This too will raise the regen- the air preheater into the regenerator needs to be
erator bed temperature. carefully considered. From a “normal” regenerator
• Increasing equilibrium catalyst (Ecat) activity, by bed temperature of 1250°F (676°C) and a preheated
increasing fresh catalyst additions, increasing fresh air temperature of 750°F (400°C), the regenerator
catalyst activity/surface area or by using additives bed temperature will be elevated to 1283°F (695°C);
with very high surface area, effectively do the same. for a preheated air temperature of 1112°F(600°C),
All these will increase the Ecat, MAT and surface the regenerator bed temperature will be elevated to
area and the delta coke and, hence, the regenerator 1310°F (695°C); and for a preheated air temperature
bed temperature. The refinery may hit other con- of 1470°F (800°C), the regenerator bed temperature
straints in the main fractionator and gas recovery will be elevated to 1340°F (710°C). This would
unit, because all of the above will increase the unit’s effectively increase the regenerator bed temperature.
conversion too. Obviously, increasing the regenerator bed temperature
• Recycling spent catalyst to the reactor riser will also will decrease the catalyst-to-oil ratio and affect the yield
increase the unit’s delta coke and regenerator bed selectivities adversely. Consequently, BP recommends that
temperature. This principle is implicit in the UOP one of the first set of options above are considered based
X-Pot technology and is ideally suited to very clean on the particular unit’s feed options, constraints, hardware
feed, low delta coke (short contact time riser cracking and capital expenditure constraints.
and riser termination devices with efficient feed noz-
zles) operations. BP has examined the technology and HUNKUS:
process closely. Contact UOP for further details. I wanted to clarify that I was not recommending raising
The following are a number of unit operations that BP the pressure or reducing stripping steam. Those are things
would suggest refiners consider carefully before under- that are obvious, but what you are doing is burning
taking. product in the regenerator. There are better ways to opti-
• Reducing feed nozzles dispersion steam. To see any mize the unit.
delta coke effect by reducing modern, high efficiency
feed nozzle steam, the steam has to be substantially KIMBRELL:
reduced, so much so that the integrity of the feed Feed to our FCCU is 100% hydrotreated. We have been
nozzles would be in question (catalyst ingress and able to control the regenerator temperature by using a high
erosion). The yield selectivities would also be very surface area, high rare earth catalyst, and it does not take
badly affected. very much addition. That is about 0.5 wt% of the inventory
• Reducing steam to the main stripping ring is not per day addition and it seems to work out fine. We have
recommended as mentioned earlier. The effect will tried some of the other things that Mr. Hunkus has men-
increase the delta coke of the operation by allowing tioned and we agree there are more economical solutions.
hydrocarbons to pass into the regenerator, increasing
the hydrogen in coke and hence the apparent delta LEMMON:
coke. This will create a number of potential unde- First off, lower generator temperature is a good thing
sirable effects, such as increased catalyst hydrother- from a catalyst deactivation standpoint. So you need to
mal deactivation and compromised integrity of the ask yourself why you are asking this question. We have a
steam ring. One of our units in the U.S. reduced fully hydrotreated unit that operates at about 1240°F in
steam to their stripping steam ring and experienced full combustion and the partial combustion unit operates
severe catalyst deactivation that took over a month about 1270°. This is good for a catalyst’s life. But each
to fully recover. refiner needs to explore the unit’s capabilities.

72 Heavy Oil Processing


Some units are unstable and they have a tendency to lose these practices hurt catalyst activity while negating the
combustion. Basically, the kinetics become unfavorable. improved coke selectivity.
Unit operators need to know that a rapid introduction of With regard to air heaters, air heaters are one of the
feed tends to drop the regenerator temperature suddenly, more hazardous aspects of FCC operations. FCC air
and they need to be prepared equally to cut feed rapidly if heater firing should be limited to unit start-ups.
they see the regenerator temperature plummeting.
If you are operating in partial combustion and you see Question 9.
the regenerator temperature dropping, you certainly What problems have refiners had operating regenera-
would not want to add torch oil. So the operators need to tors at low temperatures? Is the problem any different
know how to respond to a loss of regenerator temperature. for two-stage regeneration systems?
At our hydrotreated feed unit, we choose to recycle
slurry oil or heavy cycle oil to increase regenerator tem- JACKSON:
perature if need be. The preferred route is to go up on As with the previous question, it depends on what
catalyst activity. When you recycle slurry, you are basically mode of regeneration the regenerator is operating in —
making coke and some LPG feed for the alkylation plant. partial or full burn.
While continuous firing of the air preheater is possible, In partial burn, the operation at low regenerator tem-
you need to have a plan for what you are going to do when peratures is not a problem. The FCCU operations pre-
the preheater burner fails from extended use. How are you 1970 had regenerators operating in partial burn, CO2 to
going to restart the unit, for instance, without having an CO ratios around 1.0 and very low regenerator bed tem-
extended shutdown to go in and fix it? Also, if you are peratures. The carbon steel internals were usually the limit
already out of regeneration air, firing the preheat burner and most units kept below 1150°F (620°C). The afterburn
is just going to force you to cut rate. was controllable, 20°F to 30°F (10°C to 15°C). The main
concern was, and still would be, the carbon on regenerated
catalyst (CRC). The units ran between 0.2 wt% and 0.5
wt% CRC. Today, with the new air and spent catalyst
We have a few examples to quantify some of the moves
distributor designs, modern catalysts, flue gas analyzers,
recommended earlier. First, on raising the feed tempera-
and advanced control, the operation can be made control-
ture, every 100°F increase in feed temperature increases
lable and stable. With sufficient temperature probes in the
the regenerator dense bed temperature by about 20°F.
regenerator bed, the burn in the bed would be monitored
Second, in terms of raising the reactor temperature, by the operators who have claimed to be able to monitor
every 3°F increase in the reactor temperature increases the the “flame front”.
regenerator dense bed temperature by about 2°F. However, In full burn the operation can be a little more problem-
there are limitations to how high one can raise the reactor atic. The excess oxygen will result in afterburning, which
temperature, so this move is not very practical if you want becomes the constraint in most units. The afterburn can
to increase the regenerator dense bed temperature quite a be controlled by use of CO promoter (refer to question 10
bit. in this section). The operation of the FCCU in full burn
Third, once the unit is fully up and running, one can at low temperatures is a function of:
increase the temperature of the combustion air to increase • Efficiency of regeneration (oxygen residence time
the regenerator dense bed temperature. The mass flow and partial pressure in the catalyst bed, regenerator
rates of both the air and the feed are about the same, bed temperature, catalyst and air distribution, etc.)
however, the specific heat of the air is about a third that of • CO Promoter efficiency (quantity, accessibility, etc.)
the liquid hydrocarbon. Increasing the air temperature • There are no additional problems encountered with
will have about a third the impact as increasing the feed two stage regenerators and temperature increases that
temperature. That is, every 100°F increase in combustion can be considered as discussed in question 8. The two
air temperature will increase the regenerator dense bed stage regenerator is particularly flexible when a vari-
temperature by about 6°F. However, as this is done, the ety of feedstock types are being run. The distribution
pressure drop through the air grid increases and one may of the burn simply has to be between the two regen-
end up running out of air blower capacity. erators. If the CO boiler on the partial burn unit of
a two stage, two flue gas regenerator (SWEC & IFP)
GENTRY: is designed for sufficient auxiliary firing, to cater for
The other panelists have covered all of the points well. the refinery steam balance needs, the two stage system
I just wanted to reiterate a couple of them. The easiest ways can be operated in partial and full burn or both in
is to increase regenerator temperature are often the worst. full burn. If the flue gas ducts and CO boiler are
Torch oil or reducing stripping steam rate are not good configured and designed correctly, both regenerators
solutions to controlling regenerator temperature, because can be operated in partial burn, too.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 73


the regenerator (we operate in a complete combustion

mode). Use of a CO promoter will help both the tempera-
ture instability and the slide valve differential pressures,
but it increases operating expenses.
To deal with these problems, one can use torch oil
(which is tough on the catalyst), slurry recycle (which
creates gas), or a CO Promotor (which is expensive).
We have no experience with the second part of this

JAMES D. WEITH (Unocal Corp. — 76 Products):

In the late 1970s I was associated with a catalytic
cracker in Roosevelt, Utah that ran a very light paraffinic
crude. Normal operation was running with maybe a
1075°F regenerator temperature with about 1 pound pres-
sure drop across the slide valves. We were forced into using
KIMBRELL: torch oil essentially full time to get the regenerator up to
I agree with Mr. Jackson. We did see an excessive CO 1100°F just to maintain a stable operation.
afterburn problem. Our complete combustion unit bed It was about that time that CO promoter came along.
temperature dropped and we solved that with additional We tried that with just phenomenal success. It moved the
CO promoter. regenerator temperature up to about 1230°F, and gave us
about 3 pounds differential across the slide valves. As far
DAVIS: as I know, that is the only full burn regenerator that did
This problem is most likely dependent on the specific not have stainless steel internals.
unit in question. At CENEX, lower regenerator tempera-
tures usually initiate a regenerator slide valve low differen- PAUL FRITZ (Pennzoil Products Company):
tial alarm necessitating some move to improve that. The refinery at Roosevelt, Utah that was converted to
full burn in the early 1980s without putting in stainless
GENTRY: alloy did result in damage to the cyclones. All stainless
Units operating in complete CO combustion may ex- alloy was put in that regenerator in the mid-1980s. So it
perience excessive afterburning while operating with low was not a success in terms of full burn without stainless
bed temperatures. The breakpoint is unit-specific, de- internals.
pending on the quality of air and spent catalyst distribu-
tion and the CO promoter activity of the FCC catalyst LAWRENCE A. LACIJAN (UOP):
inventory. Some units have operated well in complete CO We would normally consider a low regenerator tem-
combustion with bed temperatures of 1220°F, while other perature to be a real opportunity to make some process
units have afterburning problems even with high bed changes, as the panelists said. UOP has developed a novel
temperatures. process concept called the X-design where some reactor
Catalyst circulation capability can also limit the ability catalyst is recycled to the bottom of the riser. This effec-
to operate at low regenerator temperatures. Lowering bed tively increases the riser catalyst-to-oil ratio without put-
temperature causes increased catalyst circulation rate for a ting any increased load on the stripper or the regenerator.
given feed and reactor temperature. As catalyst circulation The combined regenerator and reactor catalyst is remark-
rate increases, catalyst control valve differentials decrease, ably selective and in many cases has an activity nearly equal
primarily due to increased riser pressure drop. Optimiza- to the regenerated catalyst itself.
tion of disengager-to-regenerator pressure differential and In addition to the increased conversion and improved
optimization of standpipe aeration can help maximize yield selectivity, one of the results of this scheme is that
catalyst circulation capability, but at some point the con- the delta coke increases, bringing the regenerator tempera-
trol valve differential and/or control valve opening will ture back up to the comfortable combustion range.
limit the ability to further reduce regenerator temperature.
These comments also apply to two stage regenerators. C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
We feel that stripping steam rates should not be used
BARKER: at all for controlling the regenerator temperature because
Our 76 Products Company FCCU has had problems it will result in lower liquid recovery. There are so many
with higher catalyst circulation rates, lower differential other variables, like reactor temperature, that you can
pressures across slide valves, and temperature instability in successfully use to control the regenerator temperature.

74 Heavy OiI Processing


We have tried CO promoters also to increase the regen- burning is generally not a problem in a regenerator with
erator temperature. adequate air/catalyst distribution, but your adequate pro-
moted unit may turn into an inadequate partial combus-
JONAH SMITH (TRIADD FCC Additives): tion unit. One particular FCCU with only a mediocre
I just wanted to remind everyone of Question 7. With air-to-catalyst ratio runs a “cool” regenerator, about
the use of the excess promoter in situations like this, you 1250°F, without combustion promoter, and sees only
have to consider what might be happening to your SO3- 40°F of afterburning. Higher carbon on regenerated cata-
to-SO2 ratio. You could be solving one problem and lyst (CRC) is likely, but may still be profitable if margins
causing another. on incremental throughput are favorable. One of the
catalyst companies, Grace, has a relationship between
Question 10. CRC and microactivity. It shows a decline of 5 MAT while
Before the advent of complete CO combustion in the going from 0 wt% to 0.3 wt% CRC. My experience on
regenerator, the regenerator would operate at a 10-plus FCCUs is that once you get below 0.24 to 0.18
CO2/CO ratio of about 1.0. In the mid-70’s the opera- carbon on regenerated catalyst, depending on your distri-
tion was converted to complete combustion. Now we bution system and your catalyst system, you probably have
are considering operating with a CO2/CO ratio of be- gotten 90+% of the yield advantage associated with run-
tween 3 and 10. Please discuss the best possible ning low carbon on catalyst.
method to control this operation, if combustion pro- Recall that MAT numbers are generally reported after
moters are necessary and at what level, and whether burning off any residual coke, so they may not represent
too much promoter will lead to high carbon on regen- the activity which the FCCU will see. In this type of partial
erated catalyst. burn operation, it is very important to match the catalyst
to the unit.
We also believe the relationship of CO2 to CO to be a
Our Bayway refinery operates with a CO2 to CO ratio strong function of vanadium content of the equilibrium
of 2.5 to 4 and our Avon refinery operates in partial catalyst. Obviously, this is more pronounced on resid
combustion occasionally. Both units utilize on-line CO crackers or in crackers like ours that crack very long resid.
monitors in regenerator offgas and make minor adjust-
We run with high metals on an AKZO-based catalyst
ments to blower air vents to keep the CO within target
system and, for us, a cold regenerator without promoter is
range. The range of CO they can operate with is controlled
in the 1200°F class. We also have run as high as 1460°F.
by CO boiler limitations, both on the high and low range
This may be an area of lost knowledge in your organi-
of CO, regenerator temperature targets, and high and low
carbon on regenerated catalyst limits. I agree with what zation. You may have an entire shift of operators, engineers
Mr. Jackson said earlier, we find that CRC up to 0.35 wt% and supervisors who may not ever have knowingly run in
is fine. If you go over that, you rapidly begin to see a loss partial or non-auto promoted, incomplete combustion.
of catalyst selectivity. We had that experience after our 1995 turnaround when
When we are operating slightly in partial combustion, we started up with very clean catalyst because of a larger
we do see higher afterburning. If the regenerator dense inventory, due to unit modifications, and a 150°F cooler
phase is below 1300°F, we do add promoter and we do see regenerator from a much improved stripper we got from
some benefit. At our California refinery, the regenerator Stone & Webster. We had a 200°F afterburn, and I am
does not respond well to CO promoter; afterburn tends talking about the difference in the dense phase versus
to increase to as high as 80° when we are in partial cyclone outlet, for 1 or 2 hours before I realized that we
combustion. had dropped out of promote, plenty of time to visualize
If a combustion promoter is used, it should also reduce what might be wrong on the inside of the regenerator.
the maximum CO that can be run before reaching catalyst
regeneration carbon limits. Afterburn, in itself, is not a bad JACKSON:
thing. If it does not uneconomically reduce cyclone or We have a number of FCCUs that operate in partial
catalyst life, it may allow you to run more rate or severity. burn operation in the range of 1.0 to 3.0 CO2 to CO ratio.
As with a lot of things, these answers need to be found out To ensure you can control the CO2 to CO ratio in your
for your specific unit. partial burn FCCU, it is very probable that you will have
to use CO promoter. The promoter will control the after-
HUNKUS: burning in the unit by pulling the burn back into the
There probably are many FCCUs that are successfully regenerator bed. The higher the CO2 to CO required in
running in partial combustion. Possible adverse effects the flue gas, the more promoter will have to be added. The
associated with partial combustion include afterburning dense bed temperature will rise and the carbon on regen-
and higher carbon on regenerated catalyst (CRC). After- erated catalyst (CRC) will fall.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 75


One of our residue units that has high metals on the measurable difference between when it was used and when
Ecat (very high Ni) operates with a CO2 to CO ratio of 3 it was not. During this time, they noticed no increase in
to 4 with no promoter. coke on the regenerated catalyst when it was being used.
If too much promoter is added, the effect will not be
increased CRC, as stated in the question, but decreased GENTRY:
CRC (clean it up) and increased bed temperature. Refiners who run with a CO2 to CO ratio in the range
One of our partial burn units sees no yield selectivity of 3 to 10 are usually using platinum combustion promot-
deterioration for a CRC from 0 wt% to 0.4 wt%. Above ers in what is sometimes referred to as partially promoted
this, 0.5 wt% +, the selectivity is affected. They only ever operation. The operation is controlled by adjusting pro-
get into this operating spiral when they cut back on the moter addition, to keep the temperature in the dilute
air to try to decrease the CO2 to CO ratio. With the phase afterburn and carbon on regenerated catalyst in the
feedstock run, the regenerator geometry, hold up and desired range. Constraints include metallurgical tempera-
air/catalyst distribution, they can achieve no higher than ture limits on air grids, cyclones, and downstream equip-
6 vol% CO in their flue gas. ment such as expanders and third stage separators. Many
If the FCCU has variations in feedstock quality, the units also have minimum firing requirements for the CO
refiner should keep the CO promoter as a separate particle boiler which limit the amount of CO combustion done
and not inclusive on the parent catalyst. If the feedstock in the regenerator.
changes and the controls or operations group does not Most partially promoted units run with carbon on
react quickly enough in reducing feed and increasing air regenerated catalyst between 0.1 wt% and 0.2 wt%. Care
slowly (if the feedstock becomes heavier), then the CO must be taken to avoid over promoting the operation. It
promoter will have to be added to enable the burn to be has been found, in some units, that too much promoter
brought back into the regenerator bed and the CO2 to CO leads to preferential combustion of CO, which starves
ratio increased, and hence, the CRC reduced or at least carbon burning and can lead to a buildup of carbon on
manageable (less than 0.3 wt%). Almost all of our refin- regenerated catalyst.
eries have the CO promoter as a separate particle, and even In addition to the above, the addition rate of promoter
the ones with impregnated promoter have bags of pro-
depends on other factors, such as platinum content of the
moter in reserve.
additive, regenerator residence time, metals on catalyst,
Our dosage levels vary from 15 lbs in 300 tons (1 lb of
and type of catalyst in use.
promoter/20 ton of Ecat inventory) to 4 kg in 65 tons
We are aware of two partially promoted units running
(1 lb of promoter/8 tons of inventory).
One interesting point is that one of our refineries ran a flue gas CO2 to CO ratio of 7. The larger inventory unit
out of CO promoter. It scared the operators so much that of the two uses 0.05 lb/day promoter per ton of catalyst
every operator has a bag of CO promoter in his personal inventory. The smaller inventory unit uses 0.13 lb/day per
locker in the changing rooms. That only ever happens ton of inventory.
JAMES D. WEITH (Unocal Corp. — 76 Products):
JOHNSON: In the late 1970s, another catalytic cracker I was asso-
Operating the regenerator at a 3 to 10 CO2 to CO ratio ciated with was in Farmington, New Mexico. We used to
is similar to a conventional partial CO combustion opera- practice a technique of going back and forth from com-
tion, except that a higher level of combustion is used. The plete combustion to partial burn depending on where we
resulting dense bed temperature will be higher, and usually wanted to run the unit. This FCCU had been relocated
combustion promoter is required to maintain the CO from Winnipeg, Manitoba, where the elevation was much
combustion. Although it is possible to use too much lower than in Farmington. Consequently the main air
promoter and cause the available oxygen to be consumed blower could not keep it in complete combustion at its
directly to CO2 and leave a high level of carbon on the design feed rate of 5000 bbl/d. We could run it in complete
catalyst, it is not very common. Only enough promoter to combustion up to about 4000 bbl/d. If we wanted to go
keep the CO combustion in the dense bed should be used. higher, we had to be in partial burn above 4500 bbl/d.
This would be about 1 ppm platinum, based on catalyst Between 4000 and 4500 was kind of no man’s land. We
inventory. would make this transition by simultaneously increasing
the feed rate and cutting the air, or vise-versa.
BARKER: As we went back and forth, we called this going across
One of our engineers operated a unit this way several the hump, the dense bed temperature in the regenerator
years ago and found it to be a very stable operation. He on both sides was about 1320°. As the regenerator was
noted the regenerator was about 2% oxygen deficient. A moved from one side of the hump to the other, the
CO promoter was tried and there did not seem to be any temperatures would get up to 1420° to 1450°F at its apex.

76 Heavy Oil Processing


If you are going to do this, you need to learn to get through have, moved into full burn over the past years and
that regime fairly quickly. have now moved back into partial burn and taken
I tried the CO promoter as Ms. Barker mentioned, but some of the burn out of the regenerator and into the
I did not see any difference as we were making these CO boiler downstream. This minimizes the air
transitions. needed in the regenerator and hence the superficial
velocities and hence the catalyst in the dilute phase.
JOSEPH W. (BILL) WILSON (Caltex Petroleum Corp.): Refer to questions 8, 9 and 10 of this section for
Well, the gentleman from Unocal stole half of my responses for the issues associated with partial burn
response. I was going to warn people about the transition in a regenerator.
range. There has been some comment about the effect of • Refiners have debottlenecked their regenerators by
carbon on regenerated catalyst on the effective activity using oxygen enrichment. This gives a higher coke
inside the riser. I have an equation that can be used to burn, but can also minimize the catalyst entrain-
estimate this effect: ment in the regenerator dilute phase. One of our
Effective Activity = MAT - 5.05 (CRC) - 5.081 (CRC)2 sites has a regenerator combustion air nozzle tip
velocity constraint to minimize the catalyst in the
Question 11. dilute phase due to either entrainment or attrition
With increasing superficial velocities in the regenera- or both.
tor dilute phase, 4 fps or greater, what have refiners • Seek out all attrition sources in the regenerator, as
done to lower dilute phase catalyst entrainment? the attrited catalyst will be the catalyst in the dilute
JACKSON: • Catalysts with higher particle densities for the same
A number of options are available to minimize the hardness will result in lowering the catalyst in the
catalyst entrainment in the dilute phase of the regenerator dilute phase for the same superficial velocity. We have
and reactor vessels. Most of our concerns about catalyst seen particle density variations of less than 68 lb/ft3
entrainment in BP FCCUs have been in the regenerator (1100 kg/m3) and greater than 100 lb/ft3 (1600
side of the convertor, as we have installed short contact kg/m3). Obviously, optimum catalyst for a refiners
time disengaging devices in the reactor vessels. The bulk operation is not necessarily the densest catalyst.
of the hydrocarbon products and dispersion steam is • Refiners have targeted the fines in the fresh catalyst
separated from the catalyst and do not affect the entrain- as a source of losses and hence catalyst in the dilute
ment of the catalyst in the reactor vessel. phase. The 0 to 40 micron content of the fresh
That said, a number of options are available to mini- catalyst is specified as less than 10% (and lower in
mize the catalyst entrainment in the regenerator dilute some cases) by some refiners.
phase. • The spent catalyst distribution can be a contributor
• Increasing the regenerator pressure to decrease the to the catalyst in the dilute phase. Some designs
superficial velocity. We have, in some cases, rerated attempt to distribute the catalyst on top of the
our regenerator vessels to increase the design pres- regenerator bed and actually throw the catalyst into
sure of the vessel and hence the maximum operating the dilute phase.
pressure possible in the regenerator. • A few refiners have built a second regenerator to
• If the refiner has the room to vary the total disen- move toward two stage regeneration and debottle-
gaging height in the regenerator, then this should be neck the coke burning limit. This will also result in
done by lowering the regenerator bed a little. The a lower regenerator superficial velocity and catalyst
total disengaging height is the distance between the entrainment.
regenerator “bed” and the inlet to the first stage It should be said that if the regenerator cyclones show
regenerator cyclones. no signs of eroding and you are not carrying gross quan-
• Minimize the excess oxygen from a full burn regen- tities of catalyst into the downstream cleanup facilities
erator. Best practice within BP Oil is less than 0.5 (such that they can not handle the loads) or the solids
vol% O2 in the flue gas outlet. One of our units emission levels are too high, then the solids entrainment
bounces off 0% O2 in the flue gas and a number run in to the dilute phase should not be of concern to the
at 0.2 vol% to 0.3 vol%. To be able to do this, the refiners. The maximum quoted superficial velocities are
refiner needs reliable and accurate O2 analysis as well very sensitive to each refinery’s FCCU — the type of
as CO/CO2 analyzers and good air/catalyst distribu- FCC, the catalyst used, the internals and their orientation,
tion to ensure efficient regeneration of the spent etc. We have wide variations of superficial velocities within
catalyst and limited afterburning. BP from 2 fps to nearly 5 fps (0.6 m/s to 1.5 m/s). The
• Some of our sites that used to run in partial burn 15 very high velocity is in a UOP high efficiency unit that has
to 20 years ago, with all the problems they USED to been revamped way beyond its name plate capacity. One

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 77


of our units has studied their superficial velocities and JOSEPH W. (BILL) WILSON (Caltex Petroleum Corp.):
trailed operations to fully understand where they are in We have two units that run in this range, right around
terms of catalyst entrainment and losses. Consequently, 4 fps. One thing that you can do if you are forced to run
they run hard up against their superficial velocity as a real that way, after you have done everything you can to get
constraint. They target a maximum operating superficial the velocities down, is to look at the distribution of air in
velocity of 4 fps (1.2 m/s) and start to see the cyclone begin the regenerator. There is a misconception that the air mixes
to flood at 4.1 fps to 4.25 fps (1.25 m/s to 1.3 m/s), and laterally in regenerators. It does not. It flows straight up
see the whole bed begin to lift at 4.4 fps to 4.6 fps (1.35 from wherever the jet turns vertical.
m/s to 1.4 m/s). There are units that either through design or due to
damage do not have very even air distribution. In these
KOOIMAN: units, the velocities in specific areas in the regenerator are
Well, we have inadvertently tested the limit of our unit much higher than the superficial velocities that you would
twice and it was fairly dramatic. We must have exceeded calculate. These areas, of course, have higher localized
the superficial velocity in a small UOP stacked unit. entrainment up to the cyclones.
The unit was converted to complete combustion just So if you are going to run at these velocities and you
recently. An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) was added at want to minimize your entrainment, getting the air distri-
the same time and the flue gas piping had a low spot in it. bution as even as possible will help quite a bit.
There were two occasions where, without any kind of
warning, we had evidently carried enough catalyst over DAVID S. McCAFFREY (Exxon Research & Engineering Co.):
into that low spot and pressured up the regenerator. The A number of features can be incorporated into the
flue gas valves went wide open, and we lost our reactor design of the FCCU such that it can operate at high
differential and ended up having to cut feed. By the time superficial velocities in the regenerator while minimizing
the upset was over, the catalyst had blown through and we entrainment and catalyst losses. These include features to
were able to start up again without incident. minimize fines generation and catalyst attrition by careful
As far as things to do, I cannot add much to what Mr. attention to the design of the regenerator cyclones, the
Jackson said. Cyclone design might help a little bit; and regenerator grid and the feed zone.
anything that you can do to minimize the coke production The objective is to minimize both impact and jet
would reduce the air and would minimize superficial attrition by avoiding local zones of high velocity. Also,
velocity. transfer lines should be designed to allow stable, smooth
catalyst circulation for a wide variety of densities and
GENTRY: particle distributions, including dense catalysts with low
Mr. Jackson covered the field well with the answer fines content. J bends are preferred to U bends. These
regarding increasing operating pressure of the regenerator. features are standard in our grassroots designs and, to the
I believe he also mentioned going to a coarser catalyst with extent possible, they are incorporated into our revamps.
a higher specific gravity, if that is available. However, one
caution is that care must be taken with coarser grades of LLOYD WINGER (Conoco Inc.):
catalyst to ensure that there are enough retained fines to What is the maximum recommended regenerator cy-
avoid circulation difficulties. clone inlet velocity to maintain 3 to 4 year run lengths?
High superficial velocities can be mitigated by oxygen
enrichment, depending on the availability of oxygen. This JACKSON:
is a way to increase coke burning capacity without a To maintain a 3 to 4 year run length, we would design
substantial increase in flue gas dilute phase velocity. There for 66 fps (20 m/s) in the first stage and 70 fps to 80 fps
are some problems associated with oxygen enrichment, (21 m/s to 24 m/s) in the second stage inlets. We have seen
not the least of which is catalyst deactivation. However, as high as 85 fps (26 m/s) and 100 fps (30 m/s). We design
these have been faced and addressed by the industry, and outlet velocities of 82 fps (25 m/s) and 131 fps (40 m/s)
the solution still could provide a cost-effective means of for first and second stages respectively, and seen as high as
addressing this bottleneck. 100 fps (30 m/s) and 200 fps (60 m/s) respectively.
Another solution, which does not directly reduce the
dilute phase velocity but will help the refiner deal with the Question 12.
additional catalyst losses, is to consider the installation of What results have refiners experienced with refrigera-
an external third stage separator. Kellogg and Mobil have tion (chilling) of the regenerator air to increase FCC
developed new technology in this area, now available for capacity or conversion? How does this compare both
license, that has the potential of reducing emissions down operationally and economically with using oxygen
to 50 mg/m3. enrichment or supplemental air blowers?

78 Heavy Oil Processing


HUNKUS: The refinery has taken advantage of the cooler air by

I have most often used the addition of supplemental air running between 1% to 2% more throughput through the
to the regenerator to increase throughput, and the injec- FCCU. The refinery also has the option of whether or not
tion of an oxygen-rich stream to the compressor suction to increase the conversion, or decrease the quality
to increase the capacity of the main air blower, and oxygen (cheaper) of the feed, or recycle more material to the riser.
to the regenerator for capacity and circulation improve- The installation and operation was easy and has been
ments. We have also heard of using the injection of finely reliable. In this location this was absolutely the most
atomized water to chill the air in the intake to compressors cost-effective investment option at the time, greater than
or air blowers, with a resulting gain of 3% to 8% which is 30% rate of return.
obviously climate-dependent. Memphis is unfortunately One refinery fitted temporary air conditioning units
hot and humid at the same time, which would reduce our for 9 months a year and ran temporary ducting to the air
benefits. blower inlet. This returned a 2% to 3% increase in
We also have looked at the cost of refrigeration systems throughput for the same conversion due to the lower inlet
for the main air blower inlet, but found the operating costs temperature of the air, but had higher operating costs and
prohibitive when compared to additional rental compres- had ongoing revenue expenditure costs associated with it.
sors. We are currently running 7 large diesel-powered units A number of air separation companies, e.g., BOC, Air
and one very large electrically powered unit in addition to Products, Air Liquide, etc., will finance, build, operate and
our main air blower. supply oxygen (and nitrogen) to a refinery. The contracted
Refrigeration always sounds like a good idea during the cost of the oxygen will be anything from less than $20 to
spring when you start to see the blower flow rate drop off $100 per ton of oxygen to the FCCU for a long-term
with warming outside temperatures. However, the eco- contract. The final cost will depend on the location, size
nomics probably will not support the use of refrigeration of production, contract duration (10, 15, 20 years, etc.),
to enhance capacity unless you have a very dry climate and method of production, etc. The air separation companies
can use a passive system. also offer to design, engineer and project manage a full
I believe the use of oxygen enrichment and supplemen- turn key installation to be operated by the refinery. This
tal air blowers are the two most common practices, with latter option is a capital expenditure, whereas the former
oxygen often used if velocity restrictions are limiting unit is an operating cost. Whenever we look at the new invest-
throughput. Your supplier will help you design the system ments we talk specifics with the oxygen production com-
and the limits on how high you can go on oxygen. I want panies and see which is the most attractive to the particular
to caution people that this is not something to enter into refinery. Talk directly to your air separation companies and
without thoroughly understanding the consequences and talk specifics with local economics for all options.
taking the proper design precautions. The potential of modifying the air blower can be
In general, temporary compressors are added until their simple, such as rerating the motor windings rating and
cost will justify the replacement of the main air blower allowing the motor to run slightly hotter; revamping the
with a larger and more efficient unit, which is what we are steam turbine; and revamping the main air blower itself.
hopefully going to do next year. On a revamp of a newly installed main air blower, we have
found that we have been able to achieve between 10% to
JACKSON: 15% of the original design by internal modifications
BP has experience with temporary and permanent cool- costing between $0.5 million to $3 million, depending on
ers to the main air blower inlets. One FCCU has retrofit- the machine and the modification necessary.
ted an evaporative cooling on the air intake filter, an Supplemental air blowers are somewhat similar to the
AmerKool II evaporated cooler from American Air Filter. main air blower revamp options. One refinery installed a
The justification claimed a 10°F (6°C) reduction in the number of “temporary” air blowers that they tied into the
ambient air temperature to the main air blower and re- main air blower line to the regenerator. Another refinery
sulted in additional air to the regenerator and horsepower installed a traditional auxiliary air blower in parallel with
savings. Once installed, it has produced a 15°F to 20°F the existing air blower at a higher discharge pressure and
(8°C to 11°C) reduction in the ambient air temperature lower throughput to the original airblowers. This was
to the main air blower. The ambient air temperature varied selected due to the larger requirement in air duty (greater
typically between 70°F and 100°F (20°C and 40°C). than 20% of existing air blower duty).
Both evaporative and chilled evaporative coolers were All of these options are not normally available to the
considered. The evaporative cooler increased the main air refiner for a variety of reasons. If the regenerator vessel is
blower air rate by around 3%, and the chilled cooler by superficial velocity limited, then oxygen enrichment could
5%. The evaporative cooler installation and delivery tim- be very attractive. If the operating pressure can be increased,
ing, plus the lower costs associated with this machine, then all options are possible. Chilling of air is dependent
meant that this device was installed over the chilled cooler. on the ambient temperature swings. Evaporative cooling is

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 79


obviously beneficial in hot dry locations. The amount of Units are going to have more of these problems when
air required will also influence the selection of the technol- feedstocks and the delta coke characteristics are changing
ogy, 0% to 5% can be achieved by cooling/chilling or main on a rather regular basis. These are the conditions where
air blower revamp; 5% to 15% can be achieved by “tem- inattention to the carbon on catalyst can get you into a
porary” air blowers, oxygen enrichment (if other oxygen serious problem.
demand exists on the refinery, e.g., sulfur plant or there is The other point is that there have been a couple of
a local air separation plant) or airblower revamp; 15% to comments about carbon on catalyst being not particularly
30% can be achieved by oxygen enrichment, auxiliary important. Not much with regard to the yields is seen until
blower or “temporary” air blowers. a certain point is reached and then the unit really seems
to crater.
BARKER: Generally, the carbon left on the catalyst when you are
Chilling the air will lower the dense bed slightly, which in the 0.2 range or so is all left on the zeolite of the catalyst.
also increases the catalyst circulation. So from this stand- You probably are losing some selectivity, and it is generally
point, it will not help in increasing the capacity of the better if you can burn the carbon down to a lower level.
FCCU as much as one would expect. Most air blowers In reality, what you are doing is using a lower activity
have discharge temperatures in the neighborhood of catalyst when you let the carbon build up. A lower activity
300°F, so it would only be practical to chill the air by 200°F catalyst without carbon on it would probably be more
to about 100°F. This would lower the regenerator dense selective.
bed about 12°F from say 1332°F to 1320°F, which is less The old literature in the 1970s certainly suggests that
than 1%. So from a superficial velocity standpoint, it does there is a significant yield penalty of say 1% or 2% gasoline
not improve things very much. The bottom line, in addi- yield when operating at 0.3 carbon versus a cleaner catalyst.
tion to all of Mr. Jackson’s comments, is that we feel that
oxygen enrichment or supplement air blower will be much
more practical. I have not disagreed with anything you have said so far
Mr. Letzsch, apart from the last section. We tested one of
our resid units (100% residue operation) where we took
it into partial burn. We sampled regenerated catalyst and
In addition to all that Mr. Jackson has said, I would like
looked at it from a range of clean (less than 0.05 wt%) all
to add that if there are any considerations associated with
the way up to 0.3 wt% carbon of regenerated catalyst.
velocities and delta p’s in the regenerator and all the way
We did not see any selectivity loss in the commercial
downstream in the flue gas train, oxygen enrichment is the
yields up to about 0.3 wt%. We could not go higher in
clear answer. Additionally, it is a good solution in the
carbon on regenerated catalyst at that time. We also sent
context of considerations related to erosion and particu- the sampled Ecat to a laboratory where it was tested for
lates, which are becoming increasingly important. carbon on regenerated catalyst (0.05, 0.1, 0.15 ... 0.3
wt%), the MAT of the regenerated catalyst samples, and
WARREN S. LETZSCH (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.):
the MAT of the cleaned (burnt) regenerated catalyst sam-
Regarding the excess oxygen, it should not cause deac- ples. For every 0.1 wt% carbon on regenerated catalyst
tivation of the catalyst, but you do need to be sure that the increase we saw between 1 and 1.5 MAT numbers drop.
stripper is performing very well. It is going to work best It appears that any loss of active sites on the Ecat due to
in a counter current regenerator where if any hydrocar- more coke on the regenerated catalyst is more than coun-
bons are coming in, they are not going to see the higher tered for by the increase in cat-to-oil ratio due to a lower
oxygen concentration. I think that is important when overall Ecat activity. It is also believed that the vanadium
adding oxygen to the air. is left in a reduced or lower oxidized state that melts at a
With regard to the question about CO promoters and higher temperature. Hence for high vanadium operations,
partial CO burn, most people find it much easier to run a higher carbon on regenerated catalyst is preferred assum-
a unit in full burn operation. However, the refining indus- ing the catalyst can be circulated at higher rates.
try is not putting in any capital, and they are pushing their
capacities right to the limit. Air rates are maximized and UDAY N. PAREKH (Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.):
regenerators put into partial burn operation to accommo- Some of the advantages of oxygen enrichment that are
date more feed or higher conversions. worth emphasizing are that it gives a far greater capacity
As a consequence, operators need to learn about carbon increase than the other two alternatives that were dis-
run-away, because you can get into some very serious cussed, especially much greater than chilling of the air
problems with carbon building up on the catalyst. If the which is limited to 5% as was mentioned.
carbon is burned off too quickly, very high regenerator The other key benefit also touched upon is that it is
temperatures will occur, hurting the catalyst inventory. extremely useful when the regenerator is superficial velocity

80 Heavy Oil Processing


limited. Oxygen enrichment helps control regenerator gas requires sampling the spent catalyst from the stripper or
velocity, reducing catalyst attrition and extending cyclone standpipe and subjecting it to exhaustive stripping. It
life. reflects not only hydrocarbon vapor occluded between the
Finally, when evaluating the rental cost of blowers or catalyst particles, but also the material which can be
chillers to the extent that these are not utilized around the stripped from the catalyst pores.
clock and every day of the month, the cost of this equip- Strippable hydrocarbon provides a useful basis for com-
ment is much more than would appear. The cost of oxygen, paring one stripper to another or evaluating changes in
on the other hand, when it is hauled in is essentially totally stripper design. As an example, one refiner recently used
variable and is only incurred when the oxygen is used. this technique to evaluate the stripping improvement in a
unit which had installed the new Kellogg/Mobil Flux Tube
JAMES D. WEITH (Unocal Corp. — 76 Products): trays. At constant feed rate, the unstripped hydrocarbon,
I have a question for those on the panel who are using expressed as a percentage of total coke, decreased from
humidifying techniques or water injection to cool their air 15% to less than 5%.
instead of chilling. Literature tells us that we want to keep
the steam content of the regenerator down to prevent BARKER:
thermal hydrodeactivation of the catalyst. Humidifying The two independent variables that most refiners have
the air obviously is creating more steam in the regenerator. available to them are stripping steam rate and catalyst level.
Are you seeing that impact, or how are you rationalizing A third, slightly less independent, variable is the reactor
that? temperature since at higher reactor temperatures the cata-
lyst strips easier. We operate with a high level to increase
JACKSON: residence time, use as much steam as the nozzle velocity
You are absolutely right. Directionally, the more water, allows, and operate the reactor temperature as high as the
the more steam you put into your regenerator, the more refinery fuel gas system will allow us.
hydrothermal deactivation you are going to realize. We In our FCCU, we have a two stage catalyst stripper with
have not seen any deterioration; it is within the noise of two stripper steam distributors, an upper and a lower, that
the data. If you calculate how much water is produced
are about 18 ft apart. We have experimented with chang-
from burning the hydrogen in coke, it is large. Injecting
ing the steam rates to each header, and have determined
water or steam directly into the regenerator (not the air)
that the steam rate to the lower header has a larger impact
will cause rapid hydrothermal deactivation, due to very
on the regenerator than that to the upper header. However,
high local steam partial pressure.
we note there is a synergistic effect between the two, and
the best operation for us is to roughly split the stripping
Reactor steam between the two rather than to put all, or most, of
it through the lower distributor.
Question 13. There are two methods to monitor the performance of
What are the best spent catalyst stripping operating the catalyst stripper. One of them is very objective, and is
practices and what criteria are used to judge stripper merely the temperature difference between the dense bed
effectiveness? and the flue gas in the regenerator. The better the perform-
ance of the catalyst stripper, the lower that temperature
GENTRY: difference.
The best operating practice for an existing stripper is to The other method is more analytical, and calls for
increase stripping steam to the point where it is no longer determining the weight percent hydrogen that is in the
effective for stripping. This is usually judged by monitor- coke by using the flue gas orsat analysis. A high hydrogen
ing the regenerator dense bed temperature. When the content implies that some hydrocarbon was not stripped
regenerator temperature no longer falls with increasing off of the catalyst in the catalyst stripper. The lowest
steam rates, the optimum steam rate has been found. theoretical hydrogen content is about 5.5 wt%. And we
Hydrogen-in-coke has been the traditional parameter consider above 8.0 wt% to be poor.
used to judge stripper performance. The hydrogen-in-
coke value is calculated from the flue gas analysis and the DAVIS:
combustion air rate. We have found that the numbers CENEX has a stacked UOP FCC unit with a two stage
which typically get reported are subject to a lot of error, reactor stripper. The first stage is in the bottom boot of the
and that you usually have to look at a lot of these numbers reactor and consumes about 25% of the stripping steam.
to draw any conclusions about stripper performance. The second stage is the actual high efficiency stripper which
A better measure of stripper performance is measure- uses the balance of 75%. Design rate is 1.7 pounds of steam
ment of strippable hydrocarbon in spent catalyst. This per 1000 lb of catalyst circulated. Effectiveness can be

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 81


judged by the changes in regenerator temperature as you A number of methods are available to determine the
adjust stripping steam rate. efficiency of a reactor stripper.
• Hydrogen in coke determination is most commonly
JACKSON: used within the refining world and relies heavily on
The function of the reactor stripper is to replace any accurate determination of the flue gas composition.
entrained or adsorbed hydrogen “rich” hydrocarbons from But it is still a good way of trending a strippers
the spent catalyst after the reaction process is complete and operation.
before the spent catalyst is regenerated. This does a num- • We have also used reaction mix sampling to sample
ber of beneficial things; recovers valuable hydrocarbons, entrained gas in the spent catalyst standpipe for a
reduces the hydrogen in coke of the spent catalyst and variety of operations; stripping steam variation;
consequently the delta coke of the operation. The BTU/lb stripper bed level variation; etc.
of hydrogen to water versus carbon to CO2 is much greater • BP also has a proprietary FCC model that reviews a
and hence the regenerator runs hotter and a lower cata- unit’s operation and backout riser temperature, re-
lyst-to-oil ratio results. The water partial pressure will also actor pressure, catalyst-to-oil ratio, Ecat activity and
increase with more hydrocarbons carrying through to the feedstock type effects. The unit’s operation and coke
regenerator resulting in higher hydrothermal deactivation factor is a very good indication when compared with
of the catalyst. a number of operating variables to the strippers
BP considers the following operating practices to im- operating trends.
prove the stripping of spent catalysts: The best, believable hydrogen in coke figure we have
• Increase reactor stripper operating temperature; within BP is around 6 wt% to 6.5 wt%. These units are
• Efficient catalyst/steam contacting; close to BP’s best practice designs, hold-up, baffled, high
• Minimize operating reactor pressure; stripping steam rates, and low catalyst fluxes.
• Increase reactor stripper residence time; and
• Maximize stripping steam. JOHNSON:
Obviously, for a given reactor stripper, you can not The typical stripping rates are between 1.8 and 3.0
affect some of the changes above. Pressure can be mini- lb/1000 lb of circulating catalyst, depending on the design
mized for a given operation. The residence time can be and operating conditions of the stripper. The normal
increased a little without affecting the cyclones flooding. procedure is to increase stripping steam until the regen-
Maximizing stripping steam can be undertaken up to a erator dense bed temperature stops decreasing, indicating
limit, when any further increase has no beneficial effect. maximum stripping has been achieved. The most com-
All of these operating variables can also limit the mon guideline for stripper effectiveness is hydrogen in
FCCU’s maximum throughput or conversion: wet gas coke determined from the flue gas analysis. This can be
compressor limiting, reactor cycle flooding, main frac- misleading, however, as coke composition is determined
tionator flooding or overhead condensing limiting, and not only by the stripper but also by the feed quality and
sour water handling limit. reaction severity.
Some other important criteria that can be designed into One easy to see indication of poor stripping is if the
strippers are: regenerator dilute phase has a hot spot directly over the
• The efficiency of the stripping process improves spent catalyst inlet. This could indicate hydrocarbons are
greatly with increasing stripping temperatures, flashing and burning in the regenerator immediately as
either by heat exchange with regenerator flue gas, or they enter with the catalyst.
regenerated catalyst. UOP’s X technology does this
to some degree. KIMBRELL:
• Some refiners prestrip the catalyst as it disengages; Similar to some of the others, we also calculate the
prestripping cyclones (Mobil and Shell). hydrogen on coke and use it as a trending device. We also
• One refining major believes in long stripping with a pull spent catalyst samples and extract them with acetone.
lot of steam. If the acetone is a deep yellow, we need to strip harder.
• BP would design strippers for a 2 minute hold-up
and at least 3.5 lb/1000 lb of circulating catalyst. BP Question 14.
no longer prestrips spent catalysts. In order to maximize distillate production how low do
• BP believes that good catalyst/steam contacting is refiners run the FCC riser outlet temperature? Is this
very important and would hence install holed and temperature a function of feedstock properties or op-
lipped baffles in the reactor stripper, based on radio- erating considerations? How are safety considera-
active tracer studies carried out before and after the tions incorporated into the unit alarms and trips when
baffles were installed. running at low riser temperatures?

82 Heavy Oil Processing


Refiners maximizing middle distillate production often That was quite a vivid description. I would say if you
run the riser outlet in a range of 910°F to 930°F. The most have the ability to add a lot of steam in the riser, and you
serious concern related to riser temperature operation is start to experience a runaway, and you cut the feed back
the possibility of carryunder of oil soaked catalyst into the or cut the air back as a final measure, quite often you can
regenerator due to lack of complete feedstock vaporiza- easily ride through it without having to deal with ex-
tion. In small quantities, the oil soaked catalyst will result tremely high regenerator temperatures.
in excessive catalyst deactivation and increased regenerator My experience is that 930°F to 940°F is a typical range
temperature. Larger carryunder of oil soaked catalyst has to balance distillate yield, lost volume gain, and lost
resulted in severe regenerator temperature excursions with octane. The best place to run depends on your feedstock,
damage to both equipment and catalyst. When operating desired yield, plant economics, and special unit charac-
at low riser outlet temperatures, refiners should be wary of teristics.
the regenerator bed temperature increasing as riser tem- The lowest temperature we are familiar with is 920°F
perature is reduced. If this occurs, incomplete feedstock for a continuous operation of a modern FCCU on normal
vaporization is indicated, and the riser temperature is too feedstock, and that would happen to be us. Also, you may
low. need to adjust your operation as you introduce heavier
The minimum recommend riser operating tempera- feed or residuals. The lowest temperature operation is
ture is unit- and feedstock-specific. As feed vaporization highly dependent on feedstock properties, reliability, and
becomes more difficult, due to such things as higher feed safety considerations.
resid content, lower feed temperature, and poor feed You need to look for signs of unvaporized feed in the
injection technology, a higher minimum riser temperature regenerator, or what we call a “fast forward.” We have
is recommended. found that out through experience. Other problems with
FCC units with distributed control systems typically running too low a riser outlet include accelerated coking
include alarms for both low riser and disengager tempera- in your stripper/reactor, accelerated catalyst aging, and
tures, as well as alarms for high regenerator temperatures. significant yield value loss. As for safety, you need to stay
FCC units are not typically instrumented to shut down well away from areas of unit instability. Any change in
automatically on low riser temperature or high regenerator alarms or trips would require a well thought out manage-
temperature. Refiners usually rely on operating judgment ment of change review. Plugged risers, glassed refractory
and melted thermowells are the obvious things to guard
and operator intervention to stop regenerator temperature
excursions. Several actions can help to bring the situation
under control, and these are presented in a typical se-
quence of execution.
Most of our FCCUs and RCCUs run between 940°F
1. If low riser temperature has been a factor in the
and 1015°F (505°C to 545°C) riser outlet temperature,
high regenerator temperature, increase the riser
distillate operations from 940°F to 960°F (505°C to
outlet temperature. 515°C), and gasoline from 970°F to 1015°F (520°C to
2. Verify that no torch oil is getting into the regen- 545°C).
erator. One of our FCCs that runs high portions of residue,
3. Increase stripping steam. up to 70% residue, ran a trial period at ultra low riser
4. Increase dispersion steam. outlet temperature for a number of weeks to determine
5. Discontinue slurry or heavy cycle oil recycle. selectivity effect, vaporization ability and coke laydown
6. Reduce fresh feed to riser. propensity.
7. Implement light cycle oil recycle. The unit operated at a range of riser outlet tempera-
Even after taking these steps, and finally removing all tures between 895°F and 915°F (480°C to 490°C). The
feedstock from the riser, the regenerator temperature may evaluation to date indicated that the yield selectivity did
continue to increase rapidly if the regenerator inventory not deteriorate at the low riser outlet temperature. We
contains oil soaked catalyst. At this point, understanding shut down the unit for its planned turnaround after
one aspect of unit heat balance is critical in the decision almost 6 years of continuous operation and saw no extra
making process — the regenerator temperature cannot coking that had not been seen before. The feed nozzles in
increase after the air blower is shut down, regardless of the the unit were BP Oil’s own proprietary design and seem-
regenerated catalyst oil content. In hindsight it becomes ingly very successful.
clear that even though taking the blower out of the unit Most of the BP units that have low temperature alarms
means a shutdown, this is better than having a fused and trips on the riser outlet have them set at around 915°F
catalyst inventory and melted cyclones. and 885°F (490°C and 475°C) respectively. Needless to

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 83


say, the trip had to be keyed out at this refinery for the LEWIS A. FREDERICKSON (Chevron Research & Technology):
duration of the trial. I would like to comment on Mr. Gentry’s response to
this question. I agree with most of what he said, but I
LEMMON: disagree with the recommendation to take feed out of the
We do not typically operate our FCCUs below 960°F. unit and shut down the air blower in the event that oil
As you drop temperature, you get both more distillate and soaked catalyst is carried back to the regenerator. This is a
more heavy cycle oil. With the blend of resids and heavy tough situation and the operator on the spot has to make
feeds that we run, our marketplace does not favor going some important decisions to protect the unit from severe
lower. damage. First of all, and here I agree with Mr. Gentry, the
On the other hand, shifting the back end of the naphtha condition that caused oil to get into the regenerator should
into the distillate does not create more heavy gas oil, and be corrected, and reactor stripping steam rate should be
you can increase the amount of distillate production sub- increased to get as much oil off the catalyst as possible. After
stantially by dropping the heavy naphtha into it. that, there are several important principles to consider:
Both of our FCC units experienced very bad things 1. The regenerator temperature will not increase dra-
when the riser temperature dropped below 880°F. It matically if there is not enough oxygen present to
sounds pretty consistent with what I am hearing from the burn the oil. Therefore, it is important to stay
other panelists. As a result, Bayway installed a low riser oxygen deficient to protect the regenerator.
trip that automatically diverts feed if the riser temperature 2. In this situation, there are several phenomena oc-
drops below 880°. The Avon refinery posted a minimum curring at the same time, and whether the regen-
operating temperature of 930° and the operators are erator temperature increases or decreases will
trained to pull feed. depend on the amount of oxygen available and the
I am certain that feed distillation has a big bearing on amount of oil that enters the regenerator.
that minimum temperature before the catalyst becomes a) The fuel in the regenerator will contain signifi-
oil wetted. My advice is once you go below 900°F, you are cantly more hydrogen than normal, and hydrogen
on your own, and oil wetted catalyst in the regenerator is burns with a very high heat release.
never a pretty sight.
b) Lack of oxygen will lower the CO2 -to-CO ratio
in the flue gas. Less heat is released when carbon
RAYMOND W. PETERMAN (Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc.):
burns to CO rather than CO2.
An important consideration for maximizing distillate
c) The oil entering the regenerator will vaporize,
selectivity is selection of an FCC catalyst that has an active
selective matrix to crack bottoms into light cycle oil. The removing heat from the system.
zeolite-to-matrix ratio is usually decreased in a maximum d) Some of the oil will crack in the hot regenerator
LCO operation. catalyst bed, also removing heat from the system.
3. If feed rate is reduced, catalyst circulation will have
PETER DRAKE (Caltex Services Corporation): to be reduced to avoid overheating the reactor, and
Regarding Mr. Gentry’s comments addressing the fun- the primary source of heat removal from the regen-
damentals, the CO to CO2 burn occurs as the result of erator will be reduced. Also, reduced feed will
high excess air, and, discounting feed options, it can be reduce coke production and make more oxygen
arrested by reducing air. If the situation is desperate, where available to burn the oil, unless the operator can
temperatures are off scale, a short slug of torch oil will reduce air rate in exact step with the feed. If feed is
quickly consume the excess air and reduce the runaway completely removed, catalyst circulation will have
temperature. A shutdown of the blower is not an option. to be cut back significantly, and with no heat
removal. A small quantity of excess fuel will cause
DILIP DHARIA (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): severe overheating of the regenerator.
For the maximum distillate operation, it is very impor- 4. Since the regenerator is oxygen deficient, some
tant to control the mix zone temperature in the riser to hydrocarbon will not be burned and will cause the
vaporize the feed and prevent the condensation of heavier FCC stack to smoke. (Greenish-yellow is the com-
molecules on the catalyst. It would be very difficult to monly observed color.)
remove these heavier molecules in the stripper, particularly 5. Due to the vaporization and cracking that is occur-
at lower reactor/stripper temperatures. Stone & Webster ring, regenerator velocity will be high and will
and IFP offer a technology called MTC (Mix Temperature likely carry catalyst out the stack. (This is a con-
Control) that recycles a stream from the main fractionator tributor to the greenish-yellow color.)
which you can raise the temperature in the mix zone while 6. If the flue gas passes through an electrostatic pre-
operating at lower riser outlet temperatures to maximize cipitator to remove catalyst, it is safest to turn off
the distillate yield. the power to the precipitator to remove an ignition

84 Heavy Oil Processing


source in the event that an explosive mixture is consume the heat of combustion. If emergency quench
formed with the air purges to the precipitator. such as LCO or naphtha is available, it should be charged
Although leaving the feed in the unit and maintaining to the riser. It will consume heat through vaporization but
the regenerator in an oxygen deficient condition is not a will not add significant coke yield. This will stimulate
pretty sight, it is not unsafe and can be utilized to burn catalyst circulation and help to cool the regenerator.
excess hydrocarbon off the catalyst without damaging the
regenerator. If the blower is shut down with the regenera- JACKSON:
tor hot and containing oily catalyst, a very difficult situ- From an operator’s point of view, I support the floor in
ation is created. There is a risk of explosion if any air enters this case. I would rather have a controlled burn and
the regenerator (Reference: FCCU Regenerator Incident, cleanup of the catalyst and risk catalyst and mechanical
by J.P. MacLean, Texaco Refining and Marketing, pre- damage than open the doors on a bed that has hot oil
sented to the API Operating Practices Committee, soaked catalyst in it. Remember, you have turned off the
September 29, 1992). About the only safe way to deal with air blower, the bed is slumped and oil soaked. If you open
that situation would be to 1) steam the regenerator until that and get a sudden rush of air in, it is going to be lethal.
all temperatures were below the ignition temperature of The bed does not cool down unless you put something
hydrocarbon, which is difficult to accomplish in a large through it. It is going to stay hot for a long time.
vessel full of slumped catalyst, or 2) maintain the regen-
erator under an inert atmosphere and water flood it to cool JOSEPH W. (BILL) WILSON (Caltex Petroleum Corp.):
the catalyst. Another issue to consider in the scenario Just to confirm what others have said, we actually did
where feed is stopped and the air blower is shut down is do this mistakenly once. The regenerator bed was at about
that unless the operators anticipated that an extremely 1000°C when we tripped the air blower. A week later, the
high temperature incident was imminent and shut the regenerator bed was still at 1000°C. You cannot turn the
blower down before the catalyst temperatures much ex- air blower back on because you may have evolved combus-
ceeded 1500°F to 1600°F, there would likely be significant tible gases at that temperature. As soon as the oxygen hits
damage to the air distributor and any other equipment in that, it can blow up all the way down the flue gas line and
the bottom of the regenerator. In this case, the cyclones take your CO boiler, power recovery turbine, and electro-
might be saved at the expense of other damage.
static precipitator completely off the map. Tripping these
Obviously, the best solution to this problem is to avoid
things at high temperature is just a very bad practice.
situations that result in oil-soaked catalyst that must be
processed in the FCC regenerator.
PHILLIP K. NICCUM (The M.W. Kellogg Technology Company):
Perhaps once a year you will hear about a refiner that
If you heard the litany here, we went through step-by- has had a regenerator temperature excursion. The regen-
step many things that can be tried before this step would erator temperature has gotten so high that it actually
be taken. The point, though, is that there have been many exceeds thermocouple ranges. Temperatures of 2000° and
occasions where this sort of run away situation has oc- higher have been estimated, and the cyclones and internals
curred and the temperature has continued to go up and of the regenerator are ruined. So that is where a tempera-
has caused damage to cyclones and to catalysts. In retro- ture excursion can lead. There were many good sugges-
spect, there is a step that can be taken, and has been taken tions made on how to control the regenerator temperature
effectively, but it is a last resort. increase after you have had oil soaked catalysts or very high
carbon in the regenerator.
LAWRENCE A. LACIJAN (UOP): But there comes a point where the regenerator tempera-
This is a difficult situation. I am not sure there is any ture is increasing rapidly, 1800°, 1900°, etc. It is still
one right answer because of all the different operating increasing rapidly. The point is that there is really only one
situations you can get into. But in general, we would agree sure way to prevent the regenerator from climbing to 2000°
with Mr. Frederickson’s approach. If you got into a situ- or beyond. It is a very difficult decision to make when you
ation where you had oil wetted catalyst going into the are having the problem. It is something I suggest you think
regenerator, the best possible outcome would be to pull about carefully before you get into that situation.
feed, steam circulate, keep the blower running and try to It has been done; I have experience with one FCCU
burn it off slowly. If you cannot do that, then you have which did include an electrostatic precipitator where the
some real problems and you may have to go further. But air blower was removed, and in time the inventory from
the proper initial reaction of doing the above should get the regenerator was unloaded back into the equilibrium
you through it and get you back on track again. Burning catalyst hoppers. The carbon level on the regenerated
oily catalyst in the regenerator with only steam circulation catalyst was 7.0 wt%. It looked like lamp black it was so
does not provide much of a heat load to remove or black.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 85


There was concern that the unit would be difficult to JAMES D. WEITH (Unocal Corp. — 76 Products):
start up with catalyst in that condition, but the calcula- I used to operate the FCCU in New Mexico, that I
tions said that we should be able to accommodate the heat referred to earlier, at 890°F to 910°F on crude unit
released from the catalyst. Indeed, once the loading of the residue. On start-ups I would grease the riser at 850°F.
equilibrium catalyst was started, the air heater firing was On one particular start-up, I had an especially hot regen-
turned down to an idle. Just the fuel on the catalyst, in erator. On previous start-ups, I had always been able to
fact, heated the regenerator up nicely. Now, I am not suck the regenerator temperature down by increasing the
recommending this as a way to start up, but I am saying reactor temperature, but in this case it did not work. I
that it has been done. In that case, the unit was restarted also had a very high main column overhead temperature
without incident. and wet gas compressor temperature. In desperation I had
the instrument man check the control room potentiome-
ter, and discovered it was reading 250°F high. I was still
I have several comments. That debate got me so excited only at 750°F on the reactor, and was apparently produc-
ing a lot of hydrogen. When I finally got the reactor up
I wanted to go back and answer all my questions over
to 900°F everything dropped back into line. Perhaps I was
again. We routinely see 150° swings in our regenerator
lucky, because the crude residue had a 28° API. We had
temperature and our Concarbon on crude swings by a riser temperature/feed diversion system on the unit for
almost 2 numbers from batch to batch. normal operating purposes, but it was always in bypass
Our operators have a lot of experience with running on start-ups.
out of air and getting behind. They understand what
afterburn is. They understand what getting behind is. It is
an easy situation to control if you use your feedback. They Optimization/Design
also understand trimming air back and then adding it back
in, in a controlled manner. Question 15.
The torch oil suggestion works, but I do not like it, How effective is post riser quench in reducing the
because sometimes people forget that they are putting it dilute phase thermal reactions and dry gas yield com-
in or they lose track of that. I have seen people get in big pared to short contact time reactor termination de-
trouble by adding torch oil, although I have used it signs?
successfully myself. So, if you keep your operators really
in the loop and do not try to make this an engineering JACKSON:
thing, I think you will be in much better shape. First we need to understand the riser and post-riser
Back on the distillate question, I did want to clarify that reactions and the effect on the product yield slate. The
we use bottoms cracking additive and also use ZSM-5 hydrocarbons catalytically crack in the riser over a 1.5 sec
when we are maximizing diesel while we reduce riser to 3 sec residence time, and then, for a standard (not a
temperature, which is probably considered unusual. We short contact time) disengager, it takes another 5 sec to 40
also run about a 56 MAT on our base catalyst inventory, sec in the reactor vessel and transfer line before being
produce less than 4% slurry oil, and we are currently quenched in the main fractionator. After disengaging, the
yielding in excess of 45% distillate off of our FCCU. reaction products are then thermally cracked. The thermal
The last comment I wanted to revisit was on carbon on cracking of the reaction products degrades the gasoline
selectivity and increases the gas make.
catalyst. I said that throughout my experience I have seen
The short contact time termination devices (DCC,
between 0.24 and 0.18 to really be a break where you see
RHS, VSS) quickly separate the catalyst from the gaseous
big yield losses from carbon on catalyst. We run less than products and route the gaseous products out of the reactor
0.1 carbon on catalyst because we feel we still see a yield vessel as quickly as possible.
benefit there. The quench technology is a method that attempts to
stop the reaction products after the initial bulk catalyst
HAK N. KIM (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): hydrocarbon separation.
My advice is that do not underestimate the effect of BP has short contact time disengagement devices in
CRC (carbon on regenerated catalyst) even at 0.1 or higher almost all of their FCCUs around the world. We have
level. There is plenty of evidence that CRC adversely looked at the quench technology at one of our refineries
affects both activity and selectivity in FCC operation. In to date.
addition, the CRC influences the composition of gasoline, Amoco’s patent US 5089235 indicates that the tech-
making it more olefinic due to suppressed hydrogen trans- nology is best used in FCCUs with riser outlet tempera-
fer. Higher olefinic gasoline may or may not be to your tures in the region of 980°F to 1040°F (525°C to 560°C).
advantage depending on your objective. and maybe as low as 950°F (510°C). Amoco has seen

86 Heavy Oil Processing


reductions in dry gas and increases in gasoline selectivity. catalyst, which eliminates post-riser catalytic reactions.
I know George Quinn of Amoco is in the audience today The change in yield selectivities has been published in
and would be grateful if he would share his experience and various articles. The Oil and Gas Journal of August 19,
expertise with this technology with the panel and the floor. 1996, discussed the VSS system installed at the Consum-
At one of our FCCUs, we undertook reaction mix ers Co-operative refinery in Regina, Saskatchewan, which
sampling and tracer work, and we sampled the reaction resulted in a gasoline plus distillate yield increase of ap-
products in the reactor (short contact time disengager proximately 6 liquid vol%. Note that the hydrocarbon
outlet) to the main fractionator. The yield slate was identi- containment of the vortex separation system is over 99%.
cal between the termination device and the main fractiona- If a liquid quench system is used in place of a catalyst and
tor inlet at a riser outlet temperature of 970°F (520°C). So hydrocarbon separation system, the post-riser reaction
the incentive at that refinery was not apparent. rates can be decreased, but not completely eliminated,
Amoco and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation since the amount of temperature decrease is limited by the
claim to have installed this quench technology on a num- quantity of recycled liquid to the reactor cyclones, main
ber of units and have seen dry gas reductions of between column, and main column overhead condensers.
0.6 wt% and 1.2 wt% and increases in gasoline selectivity
of 0.6 vol% to over 2 vol%. The riser outlet temperatures GEORGE P. QUINN (Amoco Petroleum Products):
at these FCCUs were between 980°F and 1020°F (525°C Mr. Jackson has obviously read all the papers; I appre-
and 550°C) and had relatively high residence times, 10 sec ciate that. I have often heard that you write these papers
plus. Amoco has considered numerous possible quench and two people read them. I am glad I know one of them.
sources, LCO, 430°F to 650°F (221°C to 343°C); HCO, Mr. Jackson is right. We build these marvelous riser
650°F to 850°F (343°C to 454°C); HCCG 300°F to systems with the feed nozzle and we have optimized the
430°F (149°C to 221°C); water, and numerous other design, and obtained beautiful catalytic cracking reac-
refinery streams. Water, as you might expect, is the best tions. Then we discharge this product into the dilute phase
quench media in terms of heat capacity, but it also has the where we basically cook it at 1000° for a lengthy period of
main fractionator overhead cooling increase/waste water time. We are going to make gas, destroy gasoline, and
treatment increase baggage associated with its use. Hence, make diolefins.
Amoco recommends LCO.
I think you can approach the problem in two ways,
To determine the potential benefit of quench in your
reducing either time or temperature. The approaches of
particular unit, Amoco’s patent, Figure 10, is a graph that
direct coupled cyclones or closed coupled cyclones are
shows the potential reduction in dry gas make possible for
going after the time side of it. They are probably dramati-
a 7% LCO quench and a given temperature reduction in
cally reducing the time in the dilute phase, but they are
the product stream. It is straight forward to use.
Amoco is the biggest user of this technology and it is not reducing the time in the cyclones, plenum, or vapor
now offered by Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. At lines. So they are probably getting 70% to 90% reduction
the last Stone & Webster Symposium in Houston this year, in time.
Amoco had six FCCUs with quench and there were two With post riser quench, 50°F cooling drops the thermal
other non-Amoco units with quench. The technology is reactions by about 70%, 75°F cooling drops the reactions
currently applied to rough cut cyclones and Ramshorn about 90%. So we are achieving the same order of magni-
separators terminators. tude reduction in post riser thermal reactions. And if you
We recommend that our refineries install short contact look at the yields in our patents or the paper that we
time termination devices first. Once installed it is recom- presented last year at the annual meeting of the NPRA
mended that the refinery undertake reaction mix sampling (AM-95-38), the delta yields are quite similar in terms of
to determine the reaction products after the catalyst has gas make to the claims of the direct couple or closed couple
been separated and as the products enter the main frac- cyclone systems.
tionator. The residence time also needs to be determined. We also quantified the reduction in butadienes, and
From those results, the potential benefits from quenching improved acid consumption at the alkylation unit. We
the reaction products can be determined accurately. If the have also quantified a pentadiene reduction which has
refineries move to massive light olefins production and improved the gasoline oxidation stability.
ethylene in particular (refer to my response on question 25 My view, obviously biased, is that quenching is a more
of this section), then quench will undoubtably be beneficial elegant solution. We are going after the temperature in the
(riser outlet temperature in excess of 1110°F (600°C)). reaction rate expression rather than the time. So quench-
ing is relatively low cost, easily controlled and does not
JOHNSON: involve complex equipment.
The use of a riser termination device for rapid disen- In 3 of the 6 locations we put quench in service on-line.
gaging results in a positive separation of product and We hot tapped the vessel and put it on-line, so we were

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 87


able to get the advantages immediately. We did not have The new vanadium passivators can reduce the vanadium
to wait for a scheduled turnaround. induced dehydrogenation by up to 75%. We have used
these two methods to help unload wet gas compressors
HAK N. KIM (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): when the metals loadings were below 1500 ppm.
We think post-riser quench is a very effective way of
reducing dry gas yield with minimum capital cost and ease GENTRY:
of implementation. With 50°F quench, you can reduce From a designer’s perspective, it would seem that taking
dry gas yield by 10% to 45% depending on temperature out feed or reducing conversion to limit dry gas make are
level and residence time. You end up with 1 vol% to 2.5 expensive options. A much better option, if you have a
vol% higher gasoline yield while relieving the wet gas choice, is to make sure you are taking full advantage of
compressor limits, thus allowing higher throughput or modern technologies designed to reduce gas make. These
higher conversion. We have noticed that dry gas yield would include atomizing feed nozzles and advanced riser
increases linearly with time, but exponentially with tem- termination devices that eliminate the post-riser cracking
perature. So temperature has a more dramatic effect, that we were talking about earlier.
especially at higher levels. Accessibility of hardware is an Of these two, riser termination technology can have the
important factor in choosing between RTD and post-riser biggest impact on gas make. Our experience shows that
quenching. Also, in certain cases the RMS sampling has closed cyclones, which are now operating in 20 FCCUs
shown that there could be some debits in the conversion around the world processing both VGO and resid feed-
of heavy fractions under very short residence time. stocks, typically reduce dry gas make by 30% to 40% on
a sulfur-free basis. This is achieved without a reduction in
Question 16. throughput or conversion. In addition, closed cyclones
When an FCCU is limited by gas concentration unit improve product selectivities by nearly eliminating unde-
compressor capacity, what are the advantages ob- sirable post riser cracking.
tained by reducing the conversion in order to achieve However, we understand that in between shutdowns it
an increase in unit feed rate? Please quantify the is difficult to take advantage of this sort of thing, and it is
potential increase in unit feed rate per unit of conver- possible to make the tradeoffs that were described earlier.
sion reduction.
BARKER: Initially, it must be understood that the old choice of
To start out with, conversion is calculated as the total throughput versus conversion is very refinery dependent,
feed minus the light cycle oil minus the slurry, all divided as well as seasonal.
by the feed. Therefore, with this definition the more feed Each refinery has specific gasoline blending require-
that is converted into gasoline and lighter, the higher the ments, dry gas constraints in terms of flaring restrictions,
conversion. So you can either make gas oil feed disappear etc. The refinery constraints also vary through the year, as
by increasing conversion or increasing feed rate. We push the ambient temperature varies, etc. The yield slate price
barrels, because a 10% increase in feed rate processes gas sets also vary though the year, i.e., propylene demand,
oil much faster than a small increase in conversion. gasoline/diesel split, etc.
For an example, we produce about 275 scf dry gas per We have taken the wet gas compressor as constrained,
barrel of gas oil feed. This changes about 10 scf/bbl for as required, and then moved conversion with throughput.
every 1.0% change in conversion. Therefore, at 50,000
bbl/d we produce about 13,750,000 scf of dry gas. Were
that a limit, and we reduced the conversion by about
1.0%, the dry gas production would decrease to
13,250,000 scf. At this lower dry gas production rate of
265 scf/bbl, we could increase our gas oil feed rate by
almost 2000 bbl/d, to a total of just under 52,000 bbl/d.
Therefore, a 1.0% loss in conversion allows us to increase
feed rate by 3.8%. A 3.8% increase in feed rate processes
the gas oil faster than the 1.0% conversion that was given
up to accomplish this.

I looked at this question and I first had to ask if a metals
passivation additive had been tried. Nickel passivators can
reduce the nickel induced dehydrogenation by up to 50%.

88 Heavy Oil Processing


The next graph shows the output and this particular Question 17.
refinery’s relationship between riser temperature and What changes in FCC operation or mechanical equip-
throughput (solid line) assuming the base riser tempera- ment can reduce inerts in the recovered gas stream?
ture is 995°F (535°C). This also shows riser temperatures
effect on full range gasoline RONc. The riser outlet tem- HUNKUS:
perature versus conversion study assumed no dry gas or I assume this question relates to an FCCU which is
butadiene constraints. The Ecat MAT activity was then limited by the wet gas compressor and would increase
moved (lowered) to show the catalyst-to-oil conversion charge rate (or conversion) if there was less inert material
effect against throughput. This case assumed no catalyst in the wet gas. The source of the inert gasses (nitrogen,
circulation constraint. For the study, it was also assumed oxygen, CO, and CO2) is largely from the aeration in the
that the extra throughput could be handled by the down- regenerated catalyst standpipe, some entrainment from
stream unit. the regenerator itself possibly, and in one case, a lot of
In summary, the question of throughput versus conver- nitrogen buffer gas on the wet gas compressor.
sion is refinery specific and varies through the year and Typically, air is used for aeration in the regenerated
should be revisited fairly frequently by the refinery process catalyst standpipe and it flows downward with the catalyst.
engineer and production. Some FCCUs use steam for aeration in the regenerated
catalyst standpipe and see a decline in the inerts. We use
KIMBRELL: air up top and steam below the regenerated catalyst stand-
I agree with the previous comments. In our particular pipe slide valve. Unfortunately, you may also see a decline
unit with our feedstocks, reducing the riser temperature in catalyst activity due to hydrothermal deactivation, so
lowers conversion. A 1% drop in conversion will allow us you will have to see how your system reacts. Other FCCUs
to raise feed rate by about 8%. It also costs you a half of a have used fuel gas for fluidization, but this does not really
road octane number, so you have to balance what your help the capacity of the wet gas compressor itself. If the
needs are. gas were a byproduct gas which was going into the wet gas
anyway, there may be an advantage in using it for fluidi-
JAMES D. WEITH (Unocal Corp. — 76 Products):
zation below the regenerator standpipe, but my experience
To supplement Ms. Barker and Mr. Fearnside’s com-
would say it would probably have heavy material which
ments about metal passivation, the data quoted by Ms.
would probably coke off the taps. Generally, fuel gas is not
Barker was for an operation on a somewhat hydrotreated
used for aeration above the regenerator standpipe due to
feed. We have about 250 ppm nickel on our equilibrium
safety considerations.
catalyst and maybe 400 ppm vanadium. So the high dry
gas is not caused by metals. It is California crude which has From a design standpoint, high density in the regenera-
perhaps 3000 ppm nitrogen in it. What we need is a tor standpipe will lower the amount of air transferred into
nitrogen passivator, not a metals passivator. People may the reaction section. The highest density is achieved by
find that on other FCCUs in other parts of the world, those conditioning the catalyst before it enters the regenerator
numbers may be a bit different with lower nitrogen feeds. standpipe. Aeration air is added only to maintain the high
density as the pressure builds along the standpipe, typi-
RAGHU MENON (BOC Group): cally in the range of 40% to 70% of theoretical. An
The quantitative tradeoff between conversion and external withdrawal well is required to achieve the best
throughput also depends on the operational changes se- condition for the catalyst. This is something we are con-
lected. This also affects product selectivities. Altering the sidering for our next package of modifications.
unit and wet gas compressor suction pressures has a very
different debottleneck effect from either decreasing reac- JACKSON:
tor top temperature or increasing preheat. Increasing proc- We have looked for a close relationship between the
ess pressures might push the unit to air blower constraints, inerts level in the gas recovery unit dry gas and the catalyst
which can be relieved by the various options that we have circulation rate without any universal success. One of our
already discussed. Although both alternate process-tem- units showed some correlation. Clearly the converters
perature related options of increasing preheat or lowering catalyst circulation has a great impact on the inerts carried
reactor temperature result in lower conversion due to forward into the light ends recovery section, but other
lower catalyst to oil, a typical example shows that at criteria have an influence. Looking at each unit in isolation
constant wet gas make, lowering reactor temperature by and possible sources and causes of inerts in the gas recovery
16°F allows a throughput increase of 8900 bbl/d for a unit, you quickly realize the following items also greatly
35,000 bbl/d FCCU. Selecting the alternate option of affect the level carried forward:
increasing preheat by 50°F allows incremental throughput • catalyst circulation
of only 6700 bbl/d. • regenerator operating pressure

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 89


• regenerated catalyst deaeration and reaeration in the then fluidized and transported up the riser. The gases from
regenerated catalyst standpipe this vessel are either vented to the regenerator dilute phase,
• regenerator internals; combustion air system and a fired heater (CO boiler, for instance), the reactor dilute
relative positions to regenerated catalyst standpipe phase or the main fractionator overhead system. If the vent
entrance; type of regenerated catalyst standpipe en- gas is routed to either of the first two options, and super-
trance; etc. heated steam is used as fluidization media in the mix
It is clear from all the economic drivers that we have vessel, then the inert will be stripped from the mixed
seen that no reduction in catalyst circulation is merited, catalyst that pass up the riser and a minimum level on
in terms of moving from any inerts or light ends con- inerts will carry forward into the reactor and gas recovery
straint. The catalyst-to-oil penalty is too great. The oper- system.
ating pressures in our units are minimized, unless there is
a superficial velocity constraint calling for a maximum JOHNSON:
operating pressure. We normally do not attempt to opti- A certain quantity of gas entrainment in the catalyst
mize the catalyst circulation or operating pressures to flowing in the standpipes is necessary to provide the
minimize the inerts level in the gas recovery unit. fluidization needed by the catalyst. As unit operations
To ensure good flow and pressure build in the regener- increase above the original design, the amount of en-
ated catalyst standpipe, the circulating catalyst is fluidized trained gases increases to undesirable levels. One straight
en route around the system. This is one possible area to forward revamp is to replace the standpipe with one of a
optimize inerts levels. Optimizing the level fluidization gas larger diameter to decrease the catalyst flux and reduce the
in the regenerated catalyst standpipe will help minimize inert entrainment. This might be expected. One option
the inerts in the gas recovery unit tail gas. Similarly, any available for units operating with a low delta coke is to use
system with deaeration/reaeration, such as the external the new UOP X-design. This design includes a hot-strip-
withdrawal wells, should be reviewed and checked closely. ping pot for the combined regenerated and reactor cata-
The aeration air in the main refluidization distributor lyst, where the inerts can be effectively removed and
should not be too close to the regenerated catalyst stand- replaced with steam.
pipe entrance. The rate should be checked to ensure this
is not excessive, but not at the expense of stable catalyst LEMMON:
I do not have much more to add. I do want to point
Some refiners have considered the effect of replacing
out that at today’s relatively low regenerator temperatures
aeration air or nitrogen with steam, especially where the
and with the better catalysts we have today, the steam
residence time in the regenerated catalyst standpipe system
aeration option may not have a large catalyst deactivation
is small, 3 sec to 5 sec for instance. Even though the steam
concentration goes from 5% to 10% steam partial pressure penalty any longer.
in the regenerator to something approaching 100%, the
hydrothermal deactivation effects on the circulating Ecat
will be negligible for these residence times. Steam quality The topic has been pretty well covered. I will add that
is obviously an issue and directionally this will deactivate properly design hoppers would ensure that excess inerts
the Ecat, but it will be in the noise of the testing and are not entrained into the top of the standpipe. Shorter
sampling errors for low residence times. standpipes will not be as dependent upon additional
The location of the combustion air distributor to the aeration as longer standpipes will be.
entrance of the regenerated catalyst standpipe will affect
the entrainment of air into the regenerated catalyst stand- JOSEPH W. (BILL) WILSON (Caltex Petroleum Corp.):
pipe. Some refiners and licensors install bypass pipe, called We have a unit that has steam on the regenerated
vent pipes or burp tubes, along the upper side of the catalyst system and I will put its activity up against any
entrance and top section of the regenerated catalyst stand- unit. So you are right, it is not really a problem because
pipe, that allows any excessive entrainment of air into the the residence time is short.
regenerated catalyst standpipe to bypass the circulating Despite that, this particular unit still shows a fairly high
catalyst and pass back into the regenerator and not flow level of inerts in the dry gas. This is because they are being
through into the reactor and gas recovery system. pulled in from the regenerator. This is a good argument
A new technology offered by UOP, X Technology will for getting a good hopper design to disengage this material
ensure the absolute minimum inerts are carried forward before it gets into the standpipe.
to the gas recovery unit if the design is installed with any If you have a unit where this is possible and if you are
of a number of venting options. The basic technology drawing the catalyst from the active part of the regenera-
mixes the regenerated catalyst with the spent catalyst in a tor bed, you may very well be able to relocate the draw
mixing vessel at the base of the riser. The mixed catalyst is point down to below the air distributor. That will help

90 Heavy Oil Processing


considerably in eliminating the amount that is actually content and heavy metal contamination, particularly lead,
drawn into the standpipe with the regenerated catalyst. resulted in severe deactivation of the catalyst. Because of
tighter controls on chlorinated solvents and the removal
JACKSON: of lead from gasoline, these problems may not be as severe
What is the residence time in the regenerated catalyst as they were back then. We did not attempt any pretreat-
system? ment to remove these contaminants.

JOSEPH W. (BILL) WILSON (Caltex Petroleum Corp.): DiCAMILLO:

I would have to calculate it. It is a model four unit. So Criterion does not get involved with catalytic cracking,
it is actually a U-bend. The residence time in the regener- but this is my first chance this morning to get equal time
ated catalyst U-bend is approximately 17 seconds. It is for hydrotreating. Instead of putting motor oil in your
fluidized with 2000 lb/hr of steam. Catalyst activity is catalytic cracker, a preferred route might be to hydrotreat
normally above 70. it. This is done by several people now. The additive
packages do result in increased catalyst deactivation, but
PHILLIP K. NICCUM (The M.W. Kellogg Technology Company): the advantage is you rerefine the oil and you can return it
There is another concern related to the replacement of to its original use. You may get more value from that rather
aeration air with steam that needs to be considered, and than trying to run it through the FCCU.
that is that air is a much more effective fluidization
medium than steam. Theoretically, it may relate to the JACKSON:
lower viscosity and lower density of the steam. Steam is BP does not process waste lube oils through their
not as effective for keeping the catalyst well fluidized. FCCUs as standard practice, but has reviewed the use of
Replacing the air with a similar volume of steam may result lube oils as FCC feed.
in catalyst circulation problems on the unit even if the We believe that the waste oil has to be dewatered and
steam is in fact very dry. filtered prior to distillation before feeding the flash distil-
late to the FCCU. The material we consider worth routing
to the FCC as feedstock is the 480°F to 1020°F (250°C
Feed and Product Quality to 550°C). This material is almost void of nickel, vana-
dium and carbonaceous particles.
Question 18. On the work to date, we have found the material has
What is the experience processing used motor oil in excellent crackability, but does have high levels of chlo-
FCC units? What type of preparation or treatment was rides, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and silicones in the oil.
necessary before charging to the FCC? Any detrimen- We have looked at as high as 2.5 wt% on FCC feed being
tal effects on FCC catalyst? flashed distillate from waste lube oil sources.
The zinc had some dehydration tendencies, but noth-
FEARNSIDE: ing like nickel. The calcium appeared to have no detrimen-
We know of a couple of refiners who are charging used tal effect on the catalyst and the silicone, if anything, had
motor oils, but they have chosen to first run it through a slightly positive effect. The phosphorus did appear to
their crude unit and their coker. The reason they chose affect the selectivity of the catalyst when the level on Ecat
that was that the motor oils had significant levels of rose to around 2000 ppm. It appeared to deactivate the
different metals that they thought would be detrimental matrix. Chlorine, however, is a bit of a mystery to us. The
to the FCCU performance. chlorides seem to distribute themselves everywhere, prod-
Also, some of the oils contained substantial organic and ucts, flue gas, Ecat and hardware. I would be interested to
sulfur acids that, had they been charged to the FCCU, hear the panel and floors experience of exactly where the
would have increased the corrosion and fouling in the chlorides go.
main fractionator. We would run waste lube oil through the FCCU if the
What we would recommend if somebody is doing this collection and pretreatment was cost neutral. The material
is to try to charge it through an FCC imported feed would be spiked straight into the FCC surge drum at as
desalter if you have one. But there we would caution you low a percentage as possible, less than 1% on FCC feed,
that the surfactants in the used motor oil will stabilize if possible.
emulsions and can seriously affect the efficiency of that
particular desalter. GLENN GUGLIETTA (Grace Davison):
We know of a particular unit that has processed a
DAVIS: significant amount of lube oil over a short period of time.
I can only relate a bad experience CENEX had in the What we saw happen on the Equilibrium catalyst was a 5
late 1970s charging lube oil to the FCCU. A high chloride number drop in MAT, no change in zeolite surface area, a

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 91


slight change in matrix surface area (2 to 4m2/gm), and a

slight change in water pore volume (0.2 cc/gm to 0.3
cc/gm). In this case the unit showed a significant reduction
in bottoms cracking and conversion. This is a relatively
short contact time design and a lot of people feel that
catalyst bottoms cracking activity is important. We meas-
ured the mercury pore volume and it tracked the water
pore volume measurements. The mercury pore volume
showed a significant reduction in the pore volume in the
200 to 1000 angstrom range while the nitrogen pore
volume remained the same. Apparently these materials
that are high in phosphorus, Zinc, and calcium can sig-
nificantly effect the catalyst matrix porosity, matrix activ-
ity, and affect the yields in the FCCU.
We went back and looked at a few other units that had
these metals contamination and saw definite decreases in
MAT The decrease in MAT was there but not as obvious is tankage dehydration where you can mix as you are
as the above case and the contamination could be over- unloading off the barge and the ship. You can mix it with
looked as a cause of the MAT drop. We have concluded water and a demulsifier and again use whatever tankage
from this that it is a problem and can cause MAT and yield you have. I call this a poor man’s desalter. Again, typical
changes in the FCCU. salt removal rates can be in excess of 50%.

WARREN S. LETZSCH (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): ARNDT:

Mr. Jackson, to answer your question with regard to We go for source control first. One of our refineries will
chlorides, it is hard to say because it is hard to find not buy FCC feed unless it is less than 10 ppm sodium. If
chlorides on the catalyst; they tend to get washed off in we do bring in a contaminated load, we try to settle water
the stripper or regenerator. One thought is that chlorides out in tankage, usually with only moderate success. Each
will reactivate the metals, the nickel and the vanadium on refinery then decides where best to feed the stock. As an
the catalyst, much like chlorides redistribute platinum in example, one of our refineries has a real robust resid
a reformer. Therefore, with a slug of chlorides coming in, hydrotreater and that gets any stocks above 4 ppm sodium.
you may see the hydrogen make suddenly go up. Then, of In fact, my general feeling is our refineries do more to
course, it comes back down after a period of time when protect the FCCUs at the expense of our hydrotreaters.
the metals reagglomerate and are passivated again. Things
like fluoride and chloride would be expected to do some- HUNKUS:
thing like that. The most common approaches I have seen include
dedicated desalting in a stand-alone desalter, or more likely,
G. ANDREW SMITH (INTERCAT, Inc.): treatment in some dedicated breakout tankage, or blending
What Mr. Letzsch said is true. I know of one unit in the feedstock at a low percentage with other charge in order
particular that did experience significant increases in hy-
to minimize the negative impacts. As long as catalyst
drogen production at very low nickel levels with the
change out is controlled by some other factor, this may be
introduction of the chloride from the lube oil. This is
effective. Other approaches involve analyzing the feedstock
something you need to be aware of.
for rejection or slopping to crude, installing sacrificial guard
beds on your processes (especially your hydrotreaters), and
Question 19.
higher catalyst flush rates, or even tracking the problem to
How do people hand/e imported feedstocks that are
high in sodium prior to an HDS and/or FCCU? its source and helping to resolve it.
We know of one refiner who tracked the problem back
FEARNSIDE: to a particular European refiner and helped change their
For imported feedstocks there are basically three ways passivation and handling programs to resolve the prob-
to handle it. First, you just live with any sodium contami- lems with a long-term opportunity feedstock.
nation that might appear from time-to-time, especially if
it has been transported via the ocean and experienced JACKSON:
saltwater contamination. The second is that you can run A number of BP refineries import atmospheric residue
it through either an existing desalter that is specific to the and VGO on a frequent basis. Obviously, all are water
FCC feedstocks or install a new desalter. The third option laden. The BP best practice is to:

92 Heavy Oil Processing


• Send the imported material to tankage, allow to Furthermore, the treatment of HDS feeds for the re-
settle and dewater moval of sodium is of high interest among refiners.
• Desalt the imported atmospheric residue/VGO.
The desalter chemicals should be predosed prior to Question 20.
the imported material hitting the desalter CARB gasoline requirements now significantly limit
• Target sodium is as low as possible, but is typically olefin content. What are the most economical routes
between 1ppmw and 3 ppmw of the total FCC to reducing FCC gasoline olefinicity?
• Care should be taken when running imported resi- JACKSON:
dues with condensates, due to the condensates pre- The olefin content of gasoline will vary depending on
cipitating out the asphaltenes crude source, catalyst type and unit operating conditions.
For further details about desalting residues and im- Breaking the full range gasoline up and looking at the light
ported FCC feeds, refer to the responses to question 1 and (LCCG), heart cut (MCCG) and heavy FCC gasoline
2 in the General Processing Session. (HCCG), the typical olefin contents of gasolines in the
Most of BP’s FCCUs also have a full and detailed BP group are:
catalyst management system that allows the refinery to
monitor and maintain the optimal Ecat activity. This Gasoline Distillation Distillation RONc MONc Olefinicity Percent in
system is based around a proprietary BP dynamic catalyst Type (°F) (°C) (wt%) FRCCG
model that with fresh feed rate, feed metals, fresh catalyst
LCCG 105–230 40–110 92 80 45 55
addition rate and activity, FCC operating conditions and
catalyst losses and spent catalyst unloaded from the FCCU MCCG 195–295 90–145 85 77 25 10
allows BP to monitor the activity. It also allows us to HCCG 285–400 140–205 93 82 8–10 35
manage mishaps (such as a feedstock higher in metals than
scheduled), variation in fresh catalyst addition (too much
or too little), or operation upsets (such as temperature The following actions on an FCCUs operation will all
excursions) and modify the catalyst management plan. reduce the gasoline olefinicity:
This has been shown to work and be a very accurate • riser outlet temperature decreased
method of optimizing catalyst activity with challenging • reactor operating pressure increased, and
feedstocks. • catalyst-to-oil ratio increased.
Basically, anything that increases hydrogen transfer re-
H. DAVID SLOAN (The M.W. Kellogg Technology Company): actions reduces the olefinicity of the products. Figure 8,
I would like to approach questions 18 and 19 from a from INTERCAT’s reprint of the 3rd INTERCAT Sym-
slightly different angle. Kellogg recently published a paper posium on FCC Additives in 1994 in Tokyo, Japan, shows
which detailed how ROSE deasphalting technology can the effect of riser outlet temperature on the gasoline
treat used lube oil for almost complete removal of lube olefinicity and supports the lower riser outlet temperature,
additives and sodium that are detrimental to the FCCU. less olefinic gasoline rule.
However, once you clean up the used oil, it may make The following catalyst modifications will all reduce the
better sense to blend it back into lubes rather than send it gasoline olefinicity:
to the FCCU. Reference: “Reclamation Of Lube Oil From • Rare earth content of catalyst increased
Used Motor Oil By The ROSETM Technology”, Low, Jim • Metals content on Ecat increased
Y., AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, Lou- • No ZSM-5
isiana, March, 1996. • Increase the zeolite-to-matrix ratio on the catalyst.
It is worth discussing the use of ZSM-5 here as the effect
TOM COLLINS (Petrolite Corporation — Petreco Division): in the FCCU on gasoline olefinicity is not that simple.
The Petreco Division of Petrolite has installed 11 Bilec- True, the overall effect on the yields is to increase the LPG
tric® desalters over the last 3 years for the treatment of olefinicity and the olefinicity of the front end of the
purchased FCC feedstocks. The justifications for these gasoline. The ZSM-5 will covert the highly reactive heavier
installations were based on the removal of sodium con- olefins in the heart cut to the front end of the heavy gasoline
tamination levels that were not considered very high. range (C8 to C12 olefins). Blair at the 1993 Engelhard FCC
Petrolite can utilize its own proprietary economic Seminar in Luxembourg quoted that olefins are approxi-
model to assist in the justifications for desalter installa- mately 100 times more reactive than paraffins. Conse-
tions. These justifications indicate that the treatment of quently, the olefins will be greatly affected by the ZSM-5.
FCC feedstocks containing sodium levels as low as 2 ppm Mobil showed in Applied Catalysis, 74 (1991) that the
can generate economic payouts of less than 1 year for the larger olefinic molecules are more crackable than the
desalter installation. smaller ones and much more than their paraffinic relations:

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 93


Component Conversion (wt%) Mobil directly, they will give you assistance and talk
C6 0.3 specifics with your data.
C8 0.4
A final method of disposing gasoline olefins is to recycle
the gasoline to the riser and the olefins will be readily
C10 0.6 converted to LPG. This will increase the catalyst-to-oil
C6= 26.0 ratio, too, as the gasoline will act as a heat sink in the riser
C8= 77.0 with negligible coke make. The issue with recycling full
range gasoline is the potential to load up the main frac-
C10= 83.0 tionator, overheads and gas recovery systems, and we
would preferentially recycle the heavy end of the gasoline.
In the same INTERCAT publication referenced above,
Figure 13 shows the effect of increasing the rare earth KIMBRELL:
content of the gasoline, reducing the olefinicity of the I think Mr. Jackson covered most of the comments we
gasoline front end. had. ARCO’s strategy has been to use a catalyst with high
Depending on what downstream upgrading equip- rare earth content and a high zeolite surface to matrix
ment the refinery has, the C5 olefins in the front end can surface area to maximize hydrogen transfer. That does
be used as feed to a TAME unit and the TAME raffinate increase your delta coke make. We have increased the
used as alkylation feed, or the C5 olefins can be sent to an severity of the hydrotreat of the feed to take advantage of
alkylation unit if you do not have a TAME unit. that. We do fractionate the C5 olefins out of the FCC
Assuming that the gasoline is made, then the effect of gasoline and we alkylate some of them and we hydrotreat
hydrotreating the gasoline will remove all (99%) of the some of them. That is how we are controlling the gasoline
olefins. The penalty, as we all know, is a massive reduction olefinicity.
in the LCCG octane and a big reduction in the MCCG
octane and a lesser reduction in the heavy FCC gasoline LEMMON:
octane. I agree with the other panelists. The point I would like
For the gasoline table above, the associated loss in to make is that the riser outlet temperature is the big
octane number due to hydrotreating is as follows: control handle here. When we talk to our catalyst vendors,
Gasoline RONc RONc MONc MONc Olefinicity we get excited about rare earth, zeolite to matrix, and on
Type Hyd’td Hyd’td (wt%) and on. But the big control handle is riser temperature.
LCCG 92 72 80 66 45 You will get about a 30% reduction in olefin content for
MCCG 85 75 77 69 25 a 20° riser outlet temperature cut. You will also lose about
1 number in RON. Everything else is just subtle fine
HCCG 93 90 82 79 8–10 tuning after that point.
The option to split the heavy, heart and light gasolines Having said that, our subtle fine tuning in catalyst is
and treat them separately is attractive in certain circum- going to be going up on rare earth, going up on activity,
stances: and running ZSM-5 when we have wet gas compressor
• Heavy FCC Gasoline — Hydrotreat capacity. We will be cutting riser outlet temperature about
• MCCG and LCCG — treat in Mobil’s Octgain 30°.
The latter is a process licensed by Mobil that hydro- ARNDT:
treats the gasoline, removing the olefins (and sulfur) while We have the ability to manage our olefins in CARB
maintaining the octane of the gasoline. The whole of the gasoline by managing our pentenes. We rarely make moves
gasoline could be treated, but by cutting the back end out on our FCC units. We produce TAME and then alkylate
of the gasoline into the LCO, the stream can then be the TAME raffinate. During upsets when we need more
hydrotreated with the LCO and enables a smaller Octgain olefin reduction, we can hydrotreat a portion of FCC
unit to be designed. gasoline.
Octgain is very similar to conventional hydrotreating.
The first bed is a conventional hydrotreater in which the BARKER:
sulphur goes to H2S, all olefins and some minor aromatics In a CARB environment, the focus is control of olefins
are saturated. The second bed is based on ZSM-5 which in FCC gasoline. The front end portion of the FCC
cracks normal and lowly branched paraffins. gasoline (butane through C6) is very high in olefin con-
The same table above can be generated for material run tent, approximately 45 vol% to 60 vol.%, whereas the
through the Octagain process. Confidentiality agreements total full range FCC gasoline typically contains 25 vol%
do not allow me to present any data here, but if you contact to 30 vol% olefins.

94 Heavy Oil Processing


Options from low capital cost to higher capital cost are that we have retrofitted in order to saturate selectively the
as follows: olefin to a controlled level and at the same time achieve a
1. Change catalysts to produce a lower olefin content high desulfurization rate. This is done in California and
gasoline. This option usually results in other FCC other places in the U.S.
yield shifts. Therefore, a complete FCC yield bal-
ance must be done to understand the total effect. COLLIN A. GREGORY (BP Oil Company):
Catalyst options can vary olefinicity of the FCC What type of analyzers do other refineries use to run
gasoline by 15% to 25%. their FCC units, and where do they put them? Second,
We use high hydrogen transfer catalyst which has does anyone use on-line color analyzers for atmospheric
an expensive high rare earth metals content. Rare gas oils, heavy FCC gas oils or light FCC gas oils?
earths also help our catalyst maintain its activity
while processing our typical high nitrogen gas oils. LEMMON:
So we realize a dual benefit. As part of a distributed control system, we added gas
2 . Hydrotreat FCC gasoline in an existing hydro- chromatographs on all of the FCC gasoline and lighter
treater. Options include hydrotreating either the products. They function reliably and are used for closed-
front end portion only or the full range FCC loop control. We do not use color analyzers on the light
gasoline. Hydrotreating does consume significant cycle oil products or on atmospheric gas oil. We have used
volumes of hydrogen and produces a lower octane them in the past. They tend to foul. We rely on visual
blend component that may require isomerization observations by the operators of the receiving units.
or reforming to recover the octane loss. Also, hy-
drotreating will not reduce vapor pressure. ERNEST L. LEUENBERGER (ARC0 Products Company):
3 . Fractionate out the C 5 portion from the FCC I would like to provide additional detail on Mr. Kim-
gasoline. Since this stream is 55 vol% to 60 vol% brell’s discussion of ARCO’s FCC gasoline olefin control
olefins, an alternative is to alkylate this stream to practices. When we first began using a catalyst that maxi-
C5 alkylate. Alternately, the C5 stream can be used mizes hydrogen transfer, it increased the delta coke make.
to produce an oxygenate like TAME which can be We had to minimize the reduction in catalyst-to-oil ratio
used to supplement RFG oxygen requirements. An that is the normal effect of using high delta coke make
octane balance needs to be done to accurately catalysts to get the maximum olefin reduction from this
describe the final blending situation. type of catalyst. In our refinery, increasing the severity of
4. The FCC naphtha can be hydrotreated in a new FCC feed hydrotreat was the most effective way to use
hydrotreater. The hydrotreater product can either these catalysts. We find that our feed hydrotreat severity,
go directly to blending or get routed to a reformer as measured by the sulfur content of the feed hydrotreater
for octane upgrade. A new hydrotreater allows for product, has the highest correlation with our FCC gaso-
optimizing olefin saturation versus sulfur removal. line olefin content.
In other words, the new hydrotreater might be
allowed to operate at lower pressures than other- HUNKUS:
wise required for sulfur removal. I want to elaborate a little bit on Mr. Smith’s comment
too. We are constrained by the olefin content in our
G. ANDREW SMITH (INTERCAT, Inc.): gasoline. This is something we watch very carefully. A lot
Normally, pentasil/ZSM-5 additives do not increase or
decrease total barrels of olefins in gasoline. However, there
are documented cases where total barrels of olefins in the
gasoline have been reduced with the use of pentasil addi-
tives. These occur at specific operating conditions that are
producing specific gasoline components prior to the use
of the pentasil additives. Therefore, some thought may
need to be given to total operations in trying to reduce
barrels of olefins in the gasoline stream.


If you want to control olefin, obviously you have to
process the C5s. You can also hydrotreat the FCC gasoline
in a way where you control the olefin saturation and that
is a very effective way to control the olefin depending on
the operation of your FCCU. We have a number of units

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 95


The catalyst MAT and total surface area began to

increase a few weeks into the trial. At that point, the fresh
catalyst addition rate was cut back slowly over time while
keeping an eye on Ecat properties. Sixty days later, catalyst
additions had been reduced by 20% with no detriment in
catalyst properties relative to the start of the trial. Unit
performance remained unchanged with the reduced cata-
lyst makeup, even with a slight deterioration in feed
In addition, one other significant benefit was observed.
During the course of the trial, a feed sodium excursion was
experienced with the Ecat sodium content jumping from
0.40 wt% to 0.60 wt%, an addition of 2000 ppm. Ordi-
narily, this would have destroyed catalyst activity and
resulted in a heavy flush with fresh catalyst. This unit was
able to weather the excursion almost without notice.
of people think you undercut FCC gasoline, but the tail
end of our FCC gasoline is actually below the national JACKSON:
standard. When you take into account the fact that it All the catalyst and additives suppliers have vanadium
blends in with a negative vapor pressure, and you are traps within their portfolio. The following is a list of
blending in saturate butane, this could be an important available products.
Also, we use bottoms cracking additive, ZSM-5 and riser Supplier Product Separate Particle/ Used by
temperature in combination to affect olefin make. I really Incorporated in Cat BP
did not hear anybody talk about that, but they are not Grace RV-systems Separate Particle 3 sites
separate strategies. You really need to work it all together.
Engelhard No name Separate Particle 1 site
Millenium In’d in Cat 1 site
Catalyst (parent Catalyst)
Betz Liquid Liquid Lab tests
Question 21.
V Trap in feed
What advances have been made in the various vana-
dium control technologies, and what are the commer- Akzo In’d in Cat (Two types) 2 sites
cial results available from these technologies? CCIC Hamorex In’d in Cat 2 sites
(parent Catalyst)
FEARNSIDE: lntercat No name Separate Particle 1 site
We have commercialized a new vanadium control tech-
nology in conjunction with Refining Process Services. The Nalco Liquid V Trap Liquid in feed Lab tests
technology is a metals passivation additive called MVP for (MVP)
Maximum Vanadium Protection. The MVP passivator is
a liquid feed additive which has shown the ability to reduce BP suspects that all the vanadium traps are made less
the impact of vanadium on catalyst activity by up to 50% effective by sulphur in the feed and this has been reported
and to reduce vanadium induced dehydrogenation by up by others.
to 75%. These are both significant improvements relative BP has relied on retrospective runs in association with
to tin-based programs. the catalyst and additive suppliers; basically the methods
MVP has been used in 10 commercial FCCs with are an adaptation of tests used by the suppliers. We have
several other applications pending. We have commercially undertaken commercial trials at all sites that have run a
demonstrated economic payouts of 3 to 1 for catalyst constant parent catalyst with and without the associated
savings alone, and in excess of 10 to 1 due to improved vanadium trap. Typically, we have targeted 90 day trials
product yields and selectivity. and worked with the supplier in determining if the trap
To give you a commercial performance example: a should be front loaded or not, etc., and the expected
processor of resid was searching for ways to reduce high pickup factors and protocol to the circulating Ecat before,
fresh catalyst addition rates. The catalyst was added pri- during, and after the trial. It has been a recent decision by
marily to flush out vanadium, with feed vanadium con- our BP catalyst experts to also now look at benchmarking
centrations of 3 ppm or higher on average. the traps in the laboratory; assessing pickup rates in dif-

96 Heavy Oil Processing


ferent environments; vanadium migration; density sepa- the catalyst. Instead, Magna Cat allows selective rejection
ration; microscopy: etc. of the catalyst with the highest metals content.
We believe, and have seen, that the commercially avail- Equilibrium catalyst is withdrawn from the regenera-
able vanadium traps preferentially pickup more vanadium tor, then cooled and passed over a unique roller magnetic
from the feed than the Ecat. Whether the use of the trap system which has been developed and patented by Ash-
is commercially viable is dependent on the cost of the fresh land. The most magnetic portion of the catalyst, which is
catalyst and addition rate; the cost of the trap and addition highest in metals, is sent to disposal. The less magnetic
rate; unit operating conditions; sulfur content of feed and fraction, which is lower in metals and has higher activity,
traps resilience to sulfur; Ecat activity maintenance and is returned to the regenerator.
amount of fresh catalyst addition saved. By purging catalyst with metals content higher than the
equilibrium catalyst, less fresh catalyst makeup is required
PARI B. SHETH (Petrolite Corporation): to keep a constant metals level on equilibrium catalyst
We have seen that the most commonly used technol- than what is required without Magna Cat. Since less fresh
ogy for vanadium passivation and FCC catalyst is tin. catalyst makeup is needed, the net amount of catalyst
Pettolite has a new commercially available program which withdrawn for disposal is also reduced.
compares very favorably to a tin program in an FCC pilot A typical number for the reduction of fresh catalyst
unit. Overall conversion and transportation fuel selectiv- makeup using Magna Cat is 20% for units processing resid
ity in pilot studies were significantly better than results feeds. The first commercial Magna Cat unit was started
with tin. up in February of this year on the FCCU at Ashland’s
Canton, Ohio Refinery. The economic results from this
K. RAJ RAJAGOPALAN (Grace Davison): first unit have been highly encouraging. Catalyst makeup
I just wanted to talk about the catalyst side of handling and withdrawal are lower and catalyst activity, conversion,
vanadium. There are three approaches that can be used: and gasoline yield are higher.
separate particle vanadium traps, which Mr. Jackson
talked about; use of zeolites that are designed for vanadium HUNKUS:
passivation; and vanadium tolerant matrices. We have used as much as 35 tons of catalyst a day in
In terms of commercial experience, separate particle the past, with a 100-ton unit capacity, even though our
vanadium traps have been tried in many units and traps recent usage is considerably less. Presently, we have con-
like RV4+ have demonstrated up to a seven-fold prefer- tracted with a cement plant to buy our catalyst stream on
ential vanadium pick. This translates into passivating up a ratable basis.
to 25% of the vanadium that is on the equilibrium In the past 3 years, we have looked at the DeMet
catalyst. process, including physical layout, project scoping, and
We also have commercial data on the designed vana- cost studies. We also conducted a 200-ton trial on DeMet
reprocessed catalyst and we feel we saw very acceptable
dium tolerant zeolites like Z-17 in high vanadium FCC
performance. Our current economics will not justify the
units. A catalyst containing Z-17 zeolite has recently been
capital expenditure, but we believe this may be a realistic
used by a North American refiner. Vanadium on Ecat for
option for us in the future.
this refiner ranged from 3200 ppm to 5300 ppm. Data
We have also had our catalyst profiled and processed
from the commercial unit indicates that the catalyst con-
with a magnetic separation process which rejects, in our
taining Z-17 provided 2 liquid vol% higher gasoline and
0.5 liquid vol% lower slurry +HCO at constant conver-
sion relative to a competitive catalyst.

Question 22.
Has anyone looked at the economics of Molten Metal
or other recent new technologies for treatment and
disposal of hazardous and nonhazardous waste FCC

The Magna Cat process, developed by Ashland Oil and
licensed by Kellogg, can be used to reduce the catalyst
disposal requirement from FCCUs processing metals con-
taining feedstocks. The Magna Cat process is not a catalyst
treatment process per se. It does not remove metals from

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 97


case, the worst 20%. Our catalyst was rated as being in Spent and Demetallized Catalyst —
the most responsive class to this process system. Again, Metal Removal Detail
we feel this process could have real benefits for us but our Element analyzed Spent dcat demet
project economics cannot carry the capital investment by XRF, sorted by Ecat base element removal
required yet. element ppm ppm % base
Both processes have some real potential to minimize Antimony 1130.0 201.0 82.6%
net spent catalyst if you run nickel above 2000 ppm and Barium 196.0 129.0 34.2%
vanadium above 3500 ppm.
Cadmium 1.4 bdl ~100% bdl
We have talked to people about molten metal, which
seems to currently be at the extreme of catalyst dis- Caesium 44.7 24.9 44.3%
posal/minimization technology as far as we know. I know Calcium 454.0 401.0 11.7%
of no one who is practicing this technology, but again it Cerium 3490.0 2340.0 33.0%
sounds like it may hold potential for the future.
Chromium 99.4 54.2 45.5%
STEPHEN K. PAVEL (Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc.): Cobalt 233.0 45.9 80.3%
Our thanks to the panelist for the comment on DE- Copper 21.7 9.6 55.8%
MET processing providing very acceptable performance 56.7 32.8 42.2%
in a 200 ton trial. In addition to that trial, over 15,000
tons of spent FCCU catalyst were demetallized and re- Germanium 1.1 bdl ~100%
turned to one refinery. The successful performance at that Iodine 27.7 18.5 33.2%
location has been previously published: fresh catalyst Iron 4990.0 825.0 83.5%
additions were reduced from over 15 tons per day to
Lanthanum 8510.0 6150.0 27.7%
under 6.5 tons per day by demetallizing and returning
around 8.5 tons per day, the capacity of the off-site Lead 38.4 14.3 62.8%
demetallization facility; disposal and losses were reduced Molybdenum 16.1 2.3 85.7%
commensurate with the reduction in fresh catalyst pur- 3670.0 2440.0 33.5%
chases while maintaining Ni+V at roughly pre-DEMET
levels. Further benefits are available by demetallizing Nickel 4610.0 237.0 94.9%
additional volumes to further reduce fresh catalyst re- Niobium 26.5 10.5 60.4%
quirements, and/or to reduce the metals levels of the Phosphorus 738.0 612.0 17.1%
circulating catalyst.
Potassium 516.0 409.0 20.7%
DEMET technology has been significantly enhanced
in the last year. New pyro-metallurgical and hydro-metal- Praseodymium 1470.0 917.0 37.6%
lurgical technologies provide improved initial activity and Rubidium 2.7 1.9 29.6%
a significantly improved hydrothermal stability, e.g., resis- 70.4 61.3 12.9%
tance to steam deactivation (which is catalyzed by vana-
dium, sodium, potassium, and lithium), compared to the Thorium 20.0 17.4 13.0%
base spent, a.k.a. equilibrium, catalyst. The early develop- Tin 12.0 bdl ~100% bdl
ments were published at the 1996 NPRA Annual Meeting Titanium 7880.0 3470.0 56.0%
(NPRA paper #AM-96-45). At this point, any experience,
Uranium 3.7 2.4 35.1%
familiarity, or opinion regarding the previous DEMET is
far outdated by the new generation systems. Vanadium 5790.0 952.0 83.6%
It would have been appropriate to provide separate Yttrium 33.2 28.6 13.9%
comments to the several previous questions that have Zinc 80.5 37.0 54.0%
touched on a common problem, contamination of fresh
Zirconium 131.0 104.0 20.6%
FCCU catalyst, and methods to reduce the impact of that
contamination. Many elements have also been shown by TOTAL, elements 50164.2 19539.9 61.1%
others as detrimental to the catalytic performance and/or
TOTAL, oxide est. 70062.1 26264.7 62.5%
structural integrity of the zeolites, matrices, binders used
in FCCU catalysts. The following tables provide elemental Note: bdl = below detection limit. Elements are rigorously analyzed, as con-
analyses of a spent and demetallized spent catalyst and taminants cannot be assumed inconsequential until proven otherwise. Ele-
ments tested, but below ICP detection limits for this sample set: Ag, As, Bi,
detailed MAT results prior to and after 100% steam for 4 Br, Hg, In, Mn, Se, Ta, Te, Tl. Elements often present but not tested by the
and 16 hours. XRF, or reported above: Be, B, C, Li, Mg, N, Pt, Na.

98 Heavy Oil Processing


Spent and Demetallized Catalyst — MAT Yields & base Ecat dcat wt% delta Ecat delta
Performance wt% wt% relative
MAT Yield & Performance Variables Variables %Ecat
MAT Yields & base Ecat dcat wt% delta Ecat delta After 16 hrs steam
Performance wt% wt% relative Conversion 35.86% 46.39% 10.52% 29%
Variables %Ecat
Hydrogen 0.64% 0.23% -0.41% -64%
No Steam
Dry Gas (C1+C2s) 1.67% 1.55% -0.12% -7%
Conversion 55.55% 68.29% 12.70% 23%
LPG total 5.10% 11.65% 6.55% 128%
Hydrogen 0.46% 0.35% -0.11% -25%
Gasoline 20.18% 31.36% 11.19% 55%
Dry Gas 6.22% 1.93% 1.88% -0.1%
Light Cycle Oil 20.89% 22.11% 1.22% 6%
LPG total 9.67% 22.14% 12.47% 129%
Bottoms 43.25% 31.51% -11.75% -27%
Gasoline 34.98% 39.72% 4.74% 14%
Coke 8.28% 1.59% -6.68% -81%
Light Cycle Oil 22.94% 18.61% -4.33% -19%
Gasoline+LCO 41.06% 53.47% 12.41% 30%
Bottoms 21.51% 13.10% -8.41% -39%
Delta Coke 1.69% 0.32% -1.37% -81%
Coke 8.51% 4.23% -4.28% -50%
Isobutylene 0.63% 1.86% 1.23% 195%
Gasoline+LCO 57.92% 58.33% 0.42% 1%
Gasoline/Conv. 0.5623 0.6762 0.1135 20%
Delta Coke 1.67% 0.84% -0.83% -49%
Gasoline/Coke 2.4378 19.6856 17.2479 708%
Isobutylene 0.93% 4.52% 0.59% 63%
LCO/Bottoms 0.4829 0.7018 0.2189 45%
Gasoline/Conv. 0.6297 0.5817 -0.0480 -8%
H2/Kin. Cnv. 1.1407 0.2647 -0.8760 -77%
Gasoline/Coke 4.1105 9.3901 5.2796 128%
Coke/Kin. Cnv. 14.8021 1.8416 -12.9610 -88%
LCO/Bottoms 1.0066 1.4211 0.3547 33%
H2/C1 1.2410 0.3580 -0.8830 -71%
H2/Kin. Cnv. 0.3675 0.1603 -0.2072 -56%
C2/IC4 3.1079 1.0235 -2.0844 -67%
Coke/Kin. Cnv. 6.8091 1.9641 -4.8450 -71%
H2/C1 0.7583 0.3302 -0.4281 -56%
With demetallization of spent catalyst for base recycle
C2/IC4 0.8460 0.2746 -0.5713 -68%
1) operating costs of fresh catalyst purchases are reduced,
After 4 hrs steam 2) high valued products (LPG, gasoline, LCO) are in-
48.73% 53.37% 4.65% 10%
creased, while 3) low valued products (650+F bottoms,
coke, hydrogen, fuel gas) are decreased, and 4) process
Hydrogen 0.74% 0.20% -0.53% -72% waste is minimized.
Dry Gas (C1+C2s) 1.77% 1.49% -0.28% -16% The Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT)
LPG total 8.19% 14.52% 6.34% 77% for the disposition of the 14 elements listed in the Land
Disposal Restrictions — Phase II (LDR-II) proposed
Gasoline 29.60% 34.43% 4.83% 16%
rules, Sept., 1994, is, for the most part, High Temperature
Light Cycle Oil 23.61% 20.98% -2.63% -11% Metal Recovery (HTMR). There are many companies that
Bottoms 28.07% 25.64% -2.42% -9% can provide that service in addition to the one specified in
the above question, but the feedstock has to meet HTMR
Coke 8.05% 2.73% -5.33% -66%
Gasoline+LCO 53.21% 55.41% 2.21% 4% Spent FCCU catalyst has been rejected after HTMR
Delta Coke 1.61% 0.54% -1.07% -66% companies’ laboratory evaluation; the metal content is too
1.19% 1.94% 0.74% 62%
low and the silica and alumina content is too high to be
an acceptable feedstock for HTMR technologies. The
Gasoline/Conv. 0.6074 0.6451 0.0377 6% spent catalyst would create too much slag and reduce the
Gasoline/Coke 3.6754 12.6351 8.9597 244% throughput of these processes. It should also be noted
LCO/Bottoms 0.8412 0.8182 -0.0230 -3% that the presence of certain elements, such as antimony,
also makes materials unacceptable for certain HTMR
H2/Kin. Cnv. 0.7767 0.1790 -0.5977 -77% processes.
Coke/Kin. Cnv. 8.4737 2.8036 -6.0931 -72% After contaminant elements are removed from the
H2/C1 1.1733 0.2848 -0.8885 -75% FCCU catalyst by DEMET, they are precipitated to metal
hydroxides, a BDAT procedure for removing metals from
C2/IC4 1.3775 0.5200 -0.8575 -62%
aqueous solutions. Depending on the metal contamination

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 99


level of the base spent catalyst, the metal hydroxides could Element UTS TCLP Spent TCLP Dcat TCLP
analyzed by ICP ppm ppm ppm
be from 1% to 6% of the DEMET feedstock. As this is a
derived from material, it could be routed to the same Lead 0.37 bdl bdl
disposal as spent catalyst itself, or the hydroxides could be Lithium — 0.431 0.385
routed to the HTMR recyclers because the metals level is
acceptable for those BDAT technologies. Magnesium — 0.827 0.844
Demetallization has been used to reduce fresh catalyst Manganese — 0.052 0.036
purchases, and could also be used to reduce the leachable
Mercury 0.02 bdl bdl
elements in spent catalyst prior to disposal. This might be
significant should the material be classified for disposal Molybdenum — 0.227 0.058
based on leachability as proposed as in the LDR-II Uni- 20.987 31.298
Neodymium —
versal Treatment Standards (UTS). The following tables
show the effect of demetallization on spent catalyst leach- Nickel 5 1.868 1.745
ability. Potassium — 1.205 0.097
The first table provides the elemental analyses of the
Praseodymium — 6.347 9.512
spent and demetallized catalyst leachates showing the
elements which were leachable by the Toxicity Charac- Selenium 0.16 0.040 bdl
terization Leaching Procedure (TCLP) in LDR-II UTS. 50.384 55.571
Silicon —
The next table provides the analyses of the spent and
demetallized catalyst leachates from simple 20:1 de-ion- Silver 0.3 bdl bdl
ized water flushing (dif ) at 20°C (dif020) and 100°C Sodium — 26.993 16.367
(dif100). Every demetallized catalyst leachate sample has
been below the proposed UTS TCLP limits, while even Thallium 0.078 0.867 bdl
low metal spent catalysts appear to exceed at least one Tin — bdl bdl
limit. When metals are removed by the pyro-metallurgical
Titanium — 0.016 0.264
and hydro-metallurgical methods of demetallization, the
remaining elements are far less leachable than prior to Vanadium 0.23 48.437 0.123
demetallization. Zinc 5.3 0.162 1.360

Spent and Demetallized Catalysts’ Note: bdl = below detection limit

TCLP Leachates by ICP
Element UTS TCLP Spent TCLP Dcat TCLP Demetallization removes the wide range of contami-
analyzed by ICP ppm ppm ppm nant elements found on FCCU catalyst and identified in
Aluminum — 114.813 34.010 LDR-II UTS. There are more elements which appear on
spent FCCU catalyst which are not identified by the
Antimony 2.1 1.766 bdl
LDR-II UTS, and are detrimental to catalyst performance
Arsenic 5 1.495 1.480 by reducing conversion and selectivity to high valued
7.6 0.667 0.329
The performance of the FCCU catalyst system is di-
Beryllium 0.014 0.368 0.012 minished due to deposition of 1) all contaminants as they
Bismuth — 0.319 bdl restrict or block access to acidic reaction sites either on the
surface micropores, mesopores, or macropores; 2) all con-
Boron — 0.109 0.067
taminants and extraneous materials as they dilute the
Cadmium 0.19 bdl bdl circulating active site inventory; 3) contaminants (K, Li,
Calcium — 1.889 4.061 Na, V, etc.) which catalyze the steam destruction of active
sites; 4) contaminants (Ca, Cu, Cr, Fe, Na, Ni, V, Zn etc.)
Cerium — 14.915 26.627
which cause non-selective yields of lower valued secondary
Chromium 0.86 bdl bdl reaction products, e.g., coke, hydrogen, methane, etc.; 5)
0.183 0.142
contaminants (Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na,
Cobalt —
V, W, Zn, etc.) which reduce the structural strength of the
Copper — 0.103 0.120 catalyst components, either zeolite or matrix, or both; and,
Iron — 0.328 2.320 6) contaminants that deposit on surfaces within the regen-
erator (Al, Ba, C, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, P, S, Si, Zn etc.) that
Lanthanum — 46.975 57.195
cause mechanical plugging and unit shutdowns.

100 Heavy Oil Processing


Spent and Demetallized Catalyst — Passivation additives developed, tested and targeted for
DI-Flush (20°C and 100°C) Leachates by ICP one element, e.g., nickel or vanadium, cannot be assumed
effective when allowing other contaminants to increase on
Element Spent Dcat Spent Dcat
analyzed by ICP dif020 dif020 dif100 dif100 the circulating catalyst inventory exposed to feedstock with
ppm ppm ppm ppm a wide range of contaminant elements. All products must
be reported to determine the impact of higher metals rather
Aluminum 1.574 6.589 2.961 4.720
than just hydrogen and coke. The literature does not show
Antimony 3.207 bdl 9.491 bdl the impact of passivation additives when the targeted ele-
Arsenic bdl 0.113 bdl 0.205 ment is co-deposited with the multitude of other elements
found in FCCU feedstock. Demetallization removes the
Barium 0.008 0.042 0.014 0.060 wide range of contaminants based on thermodynamics.
Beryllium 0.309 0.003 0.509 0.004 These elements could have been deposited on the catalysts
irrespective of those with magnetic susceptibility.
Bismuth 0.011 bdl 0.015 bdl
DEMET removes mobile, reducible contaminants. A
Boron 0.116 0.043 0.094 0.037 portion of contaminant elements remain on the spent
Cadmium bdl bdl bdl bdl FCCU catalyst. Demetallization will not remove those
elements which are integral to the zeolite, matrix, or
Calcium 0.269 1.087 0.283 1.084 binder. Demetallization will remove trace contaminants
Cerium bdl 1.984 0.065 3.481 remaining after fresh manufacture which were not com-
pletely washed out prior to shipment. Tests performed by
Chromium bdl bdl bdl bdl
a catalyst manufacturer on another spent and demetallized
Cobalt 0.007 0.040 0.013 0.052 spent catalyst showed that the vanadium remaining on the
0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001
demetallized catalyst was not mobile. Another manufac-
turer tests for reducibility of nickel and vanadium resulted
Iron 0.152 0.690 0.301 0.053 in the observation that the metals left after demetallization
Lanthanum 0.162 5.492 0.246 8.928 were not reducible. Demetallization provides a very effec-
tive sequence of oxidation/reduction reactions, converting
Lead bdl bdl bdl bdl contaminant oxides to sulfides to chlorides for vapor phase
Lithium 0.155 0.223 0.314 0.285 and/or aqueous removal; leachability is reduced. From
these analyses, it appears that the contaminant elements
Magnesium 0.079 0.323 0.094 0.333
which remain after demetallization are most likely not
Manganese bdl 0.008 0.001 0.012 catalytically active.
Mercury bdl bdl bdl bdl Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) research has pro-
vided an insight that has shifted researchers from theories
Molybdenum 0.263 bdl 0.474 bdl that deactivation is entirely due to vanadium poisoning.
Neodymium 0.046 1.783 0.192 3.293 Researchers have stated that the industry has basically
overlooked pore blockage shown by AFM and detailed
Nickel 0.148 0.378 0.269 0.547
pore structure analysis. The conclusions reiterated those
Potassium 0.242 0.010 0.224 0.012 derived from AFM research published in 1994: “It is
bdl 0.535 bdl 1.071
believed the gain in cracking activity exhibited by spent
equilibrium FCC after reactivation with the DEMET
Selenium bdl bdl bdl bdl process is probably due to the removal of impurities from
Silicon 3.828 2.001 32.506 8.440 the catalysts microporous system.”
The DEMET technologies are marketed and licensed
Silver bdl bdl bdl bdl by Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc.
Sodium 8.416 10.051 16.473 12.147
Question 23.
Thallium 1.838 bdl 0.353 bdl
How have refiners used process and/or catalyst vari-
Tin bdl bdl bdl bdl ables to meet lower gasoline sulfur standards? What
0.064 0.039 0.165 0.016 sulfur reductions have been obtained and have octane
numbers been affected by these changes?
Vanadium 41.162 0.226 68.498 0.187
Zinc bdl 0.036 bdl 0.098 HUNKUS:
We know of a refiner with a hydrotreated feedstock who
Note: bdl = below detection limit saw a substantial reduction in gasoline sulfur when using

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 101


a bottoms cracking additive. At absolute levels of 0.025

wt% sulfur in combined FCC gasoline, a reduction of
some 25% was seen, nearly all of it in the heavy cut.
We saw about the same total reduction in sulfur in our
FCC gasoline while processing long resid when adding
bottoms cracking additive, but it was in both the heavy
and mid-heavy ranges. This was particularly important to
us as sulfur became a key compliance issue with our
gasoline pool as it grew from less than 30,000 bbl/d to
50,000 bbl/d after our baseline was established on sweet
crude. Our expansion has come mostly on the FCCU,
along with a move to some moderately sour crudes in the
last few years. Again, these results will probably vary
depending on the kind of base catalyst that is in your
No real effects were seen on the octanes in the hydro- Question 24.
treated feed case. However, in our commercial experience, What are the advantages/disadvantages of separate
we feel we have seen some octane increases starting with a FCC catalyst additive addition and blending systems,
base octane of 92; but this has been hard to quantify even versus impregnation/incorporation within the bulk
though our blender seems to feel the impact. In addition catalyst?
to significant incremental charge and a reduction in olefin,
yield was considerably improved for us while using this HUNKUS:
bottoms cracking additive. Separate systems allow quicker optimization and better
cost control, especially with continuous or near continu-
KIMBRELL: ous injections. For small volumes of additives, the same
We use both FCC feed hydrotreating and fractiona- system can be used with alternating timer additions, mini-
tion of the end point of the FCC gasoline to control mizing the systems required.
sulfur. Both of these seem to lower the gasoline octane. Operating variables which have the most effect on host
We think that we have lost approximately 0.5 road octane catalyst deactivation in the FCC regenerator are tempera-
number. Our current FCC gasoline pool is about 50 ppm ture, steam, partial pressure and vanadium concentration,
sulfur. not to mention sodium excursions. For units like ours
where there is a lot ofvanadium in the feed, this is a factor.
JOHN T. HALEY (Grace Davison): For ZSM-5 additives, however, vanadium does not
Several commercial evaluations of Grace Davison’s contribute significantly to the additive deactivation rate.
gasoline sulfur reduction additive GSR have been com- In addition, ZSM-5 is more resistant to hydrothermal
pleted. So far results have been encouraging. Gasoline deactivation than are most zeolites. To maintain a constant
sulfur reductions in the range of 10% to 30% have been ZSM-5 additive activity level in the unit, all that is re-
observed. quired in most units is a constant additive rate even if you
vary your base catalyst addition rate to control metals.
PHILIP LANE (Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc.): The net result of this difference in deactivation mecha-
Akzo Nobel has been offering a new catalyst option for nisms becomes most apparent in a unit where the vana-
lowering gasoline sulfur. This option can be applied to any dium level in feed fluctuates on a regular basis like ours.
of Akzo Nobel’s catalysts. The option involves employ- If the additive is blended in with fresh catalyst at a fixed
ment of a unique active selective matrix component with percentage, then as the fresh catalyst addition rate is
controlled acidity and accessibility. Testing has shown up varied (for example, from 8 to 15 tons a day) to maintain
to 30% reduction is possible with this technology. Com- a steady activity and desired yield profile in the unit, the
mercial experience on non-hydrotreated high sulfur feeds effective ZSM-5 activity level in the unit will fluctuate in
have resulted in 10% to 24% reduction in gasoline sulfurs. proportion to the fresh catalyst addition rate, i.e., no fine
The following graph shows the results of some testing on tuning allowed. The resultant large fluctuations in LPG
the Resolve option which was done in Akzo Nobel’s pilot yield and gasoline octane are not desirable and make a
riser unit. This component is also an active matrix and very clear case for using separate additive loaders. The
improved bottoms reduction has been seen in commercial same thing can be said for CO2 promoter, although we
application of this option. do not use any in our unit.

102 Heavy Oil Processing


We have a system of one 280 ton spent hopper we can The disadvantages of using separate particles are mini-
load back from; two 100 ton equilibrium hoppers, one for mal as the additive company we use supplies an additive
activity maintenance and one for metals control grades of system with their products; none of our refineries (even
equilibrium; a 75 ton fresh hopper; a 30 ton hopper for those at the end of a pipeline) have very steady feedstocks.
bottoms cracking additive; and two small bin package Overall, BP sees a need for separate particle systems and
additive loaders for ZSM-5 additives. With this system uses them at a number of its refineries.
flexibility, we can custom adjust our catalyst strategy on a
shift by shift basis as feedstock or crude blend recipes KIMBRELL:
change, and we can easily continue to optimize FCC I agree with both of the previous comments. The main
performance while running different loads of catalyst, advantage is system flexibility and it allows you to fine tune
equilibrium catalysts, quality shifts and batches of crude your operation and adjust to market conditions. And
received. This is a key area in our operational excellence again, the only real disadvantage is cost.
Our Operations and Shift foremen see unexpected FEARNSIDE:
changes or planned changes occur. We can then adjust our In relation to mitigating vanadium’s effect, adding a
catalyst system to attack bottoms conversion, volume solid vanadium trap within the bulk catalyst acts like a
expansion, olefin yield, octane, offgas, or distillate produc- diluent. The question of how long it takes to turn over the
tion. As you can tell, we are big fans of separate particle internal catalyst inventory before the solid vanadium traps
optimization and helped write a paper on this topic titled, start to work has to be asked. With a liquid feed passivator,
“Optimizing FCC operations and Economics by Ex- neither of these concerns is present.
changing Bottoms for Higher Value Products with BCA-
105". Our FCCU has grown from 28,000 bbl/d to 50,000 JOHN T. HALEY (Grace Davison):
bbl/d in the last 5 years, in part because of this flexibility. Although many FCC additive users benefit from sepa-
rate additions of FCC additives, some large scale users are
JACKSON: benefitting from preblended additive additions via re-
I agree with Mr. Hunkus. BP’s FCCUs use additives duced handling costs and reduced capital expenditures for
around the group. The refineries use these additives for large scale injection equipment.
different reasons, but the benefits and incentives are clear. Many large scale additive users have observed more
consistent, reliable additive performance with preblended
Advantages: additives. In these cases, the refiners usually maintain
• For FCC/RCCs which run different crude cam- smaller scale equipment, for trim additions.
paigns, the parent/bulk catalyst is selected and opti-
mized for a given operation and feedstock. If the
feedstock changes substantially, then additives can To come back on that, in principle, I do not disagree.
be used to re-optimize the catalyst very quickly. This But the whole point of having the additive system is for
is particularly important for remote refineries. complete flexibility. By preblending you are taking away
some degree of flexibility. We prefer to have the ability to
• To take maximum advantage of product value vari-
be able to turn up and turn down our additive systems as
ations. For example, as the propylene (C3=) rises and
we see fit.
falls, additives can be added and stopped as required.
• For unplanned operations; tanker delays, running
LLOYD WINGER (Conoco Inc.):
portion of Vacuum Residue to an RCCU.
Is anyone changing their FCC catalyst to compensate
• Running distressed cargos. for deactivation of the FCC feed hydrotreaters through its
• Better control over afterburning in changing opera- run length?
tions. For example, afterburning increasing due to
feedstock change or equipment deterioration (air JOSEPH B. McLEAN (Engelhard Corporation):
distributors, etc.). We have done that with some people. The philosophy
basically is to start with a higher matrix catalyst when the
Disadvantages: hydrotreating catalyst is fresh and the feed is better qual-
• Additional loading system needed. ity. This allows the highest level of bottoms cracking and
• Additional complexity for unit Process Engineer to also maintains the delta coke needed for heat balance.
account for. Then as the hydrotreater catalyst deteriorates and reduced
• Single catalyst system most effective for constant delta coke becomes more important, the catalyst formu-
diet of feedstock; end of pipeline and running VGO, lation is adjusted to a higher Z to M ratio, more coke
for instance. selective catalyst, toward the end of the cycle. We have

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 103


done it through several cycles with at least one refiner that separate particle addition, as advocated by the panel, when
I know of. accompanied by a definite plan that is communicated
clearly to all the shift supervisors and operators (which is
LEMMON: no easy task) remains the most cost-effective and control-
We have a 600 ton catalyst inventory in our FCC unit lable strategy.
that charges hydrotreated feed. So we do not chase short
term feed changes. We would make a modification in our PHILIP LANE (Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc.):
FCC catalyst if we saw a long-term trend in our FCC feed Akzo Nobel has recently introduced CO promoter im-
hydrotreater. If the activity of the FCC feed hydrotreater pregnated directly on its FCC catalysts. This new technol-
went down and nitrogen went up, we would increase our ogy, called INSITUPRO, has resulted in substantial
MAT activity and make other moves to try to compensate. improvement in promotion efficiency. In some commercial
trials platinum levels have been reduced 50% by use of
G. ANDREW SMITH (INTERCAT, Inc.): INSITUPRO. In other trials with problem promotion, the
Unlike liquid metal passivators that can deposit metals effectiveness ofpromotion has been substantially improved
within the FCC unit, solid particles are added with the at equal levels of platinum in the inventory. The following
catalyst stream and leave the unit in the same manner graph shows the results obtained when a refiner with
without being included in the liquid product streams, promotion problems began to employ INSITUPRO and
except to the extent that catalyst is entrained in these then returned back to additive type promoter. This shows
streams. There have been cases where certain liquid addi- the advantages ofimpregnation versus additive addition for
tives have produced undesirable levels of metals in liquid promoter. The flexibility to start and stop additions or
product streams. adjust levels is hindered by impregnation, but this is not
With the proper addition of solid additives through the critical for promoter as it is with Functions such as ZSM-5.
patented INTERCAT Additive Feed System, the unit can
be prepared in anticipation of unusual operations or feed.
If a problem already exists, the unit can be made to
respond within a few days through the proper addition of
the additive.
In regards to the question of dilution from solid addi-
tive additions, certain additives have shown the ability to
allow the unit activity to increase. This results in lower
catalyst additions or higher catalyst activities just the
opposite of what would be expected if they were diluting
the catalyst activity. Also, units running as high as 12%
pentasil additives have not seen any decrease in unit
activity or catalyst MAT results.


The effect of encapsulation of platinum by silica and
the detrimental effects of nickel, vanadium and soda can
cause a refiner to pay for more platinum than actually
winds up being effective in the unit. On the other hand, Question 25.
having promoter blended into the fresh catalyst could be Refiners are continuing to seek ways to increase
costing a large premium, and so refiners should check this production of petrochemical feedstucks. What proc-
out very carefully with their catalyst suppliers. Other ess or catalyst technologies significantly increase
considerations of prepromotion are the loss ofcontrol over ethylene production from an FCCU?
NO, emissions, as well as the greater potential for SO3
emissions, like in Question 7, and the resulting effects on JACKSON:
PM and opacity. Once the unit is overpromoted, only time BP already produces light olefins for the chemical in-
and/or catalyst changeouts will get these emissions down, dustry from the FCCU, but predominantly produces pro-
and, of course, if your hopper is full of promoted catalyst, pylene (C3 =). We have considered the production of
you are left with only time. ethylene (C2 =) on numerous occasions and studied the
New-generation promoters, like the kind currently be- potential and the economics associated with this operation.
ing developed and tested by Triadd, will eventually miti- It should first be understood that C2= is produced from
gate some of these concerns by promoting CO thermal reactions, whereas C3 = and higher olefins are
combustion and nothing else. In the meantime though, produced catalytically in the FCCU.

104 Heavy Oil Processing


We have to look at each operating variable in isolation JOHNSON:

to determine the magnitude of each variables’ effect on Most new units have as a standard feature the naphtha
C2= production. The major variables considered were: pumparound loop to increase heat recovery from the main
riser outlet temperature; reactor pressure; catalyst-to-oil column. One aspect of the design to be careful of is the
ratio; catalyst variables, ZSM-5 and rare earth; feed qual- dew point of NH4Cl and NH4HS salts compared to the
ity; and short contact time operation. top tower temperature. Units processing resid and high
The only variable that has any real effect on the C2= salt content feeds have seen increased salting of the top of
yield is riser outlet temperature. Reactor operating pres- the main column as the salt dew point increases and the
sure has a small, but negligible, effect, too. The rest are top tray operating temperature decreases. Some of our
insignificant. licensees have used an on-line water wash procedure de-
A typical C2= yield from an FCCU runs at 0.6 wt% to veloped by UOP to remove these salts, with a minimum
1.0 wt% maximum, depending on the operation. Consid- disruption to the operation.
ering a sensible maximum riser outlet temperature of
610°C, the maximum C2= production can be increased to
Our pumparound stream supplies heat to our boiler
around 5 wt%. The associated dry gas production (H2,
feedwater deaerator, and then to our FCC deaerator
C1, C2 and C2=) is approaching 15 wt% with approxi- makeup. Use of this system significantly reduces overhead
mately equal C1 to C2= by weight. This is assuming a condensing requirements, especially during maximum
commercially sensible conversion of 85 wt%. gasoline operation. During maximum diesel season, the
There are two commercially available processes operat- reduced naphtha draw temperature reduces the effect, and
ing in China that have been specifically designed for the LCO and HCO systems not used in summer are used
maximum olefins production — Deep Catalytic Crack- to reduce overhead condensing requirements.
ing (DCC) and Maximum Liquified Gas plus Gasoline We tied in a heavy naphtha draw to bypass net naphtha
(MGG). A third process is being developed which is called to the Gas Conservation debutanizer and saw a further
Maximum Iso-Olefins (MIO). The quoted yields from a dramatic reduction in overhead condensing duty. We also
DCC are between 3.5 wt% and 6 wt% in maximum C3= gained control of our Gas Conservation stripper, which
made. The MGG process is obviously a lot lower for C2= had been liquid flooding. We experienced a slight loss in
due to the objective of this process. primary absorber recovery, but we run our offgas through
In summary, the maximum C2= is achieved by maxi- a cryogenic unit anyway.
mum riser outlet temperature and reactor operating pres- We added a second bypass to further increase gasoline
sure and minimum catalyst-to-oil in an FCCU. This yield and FCC charge rate. We found that we could even
ensures that, for a given conversion, the maximum bypass around the debutanizer straight into the FCC
amount of conversion is from thermal reactions and not Merox unit. We recently reworked the Gas Conservation
catalytically. unit this last turnaround and have not had to use this
system since, but we gained 15% to 20% apparent con-
BARKER: densing duty by using this heavy naphtha pumparound
I agree with Mr. Jackson’s comments and note that it bypass of the main column overhead system. As we further
gets back to the basics of the kinetics of the reaction. The expand our FCCU, we plan on using this technique to
cracking mechanism in an FCCU is beta carbodium ion provide additional apparent condensing capacity during
cracking. Therefore, catalytically cracked products must summer gasoline season if required.
be propylene and heavier. Ethylene is produced by thermal One note, we do have to wash our main column on-line
cracking side reactions, and is not controlled catalytically. periodically, and we have run our main column overhead
Thermal cracking will occur in the reactor if the catalyti- anywhere from about 325°F down to about 215°F.
cally cracked vapors are allowed a long residence time. This
results in a large loss in gasoline to LPG. So I agree that it
BP has installed heavy naphtha (HCCG) draws from
is a very inefficient way to generate ethylene. their FCCU main fractionators around the world either
in new or revamped columns. The most recent one was
installed as part of a new main fractionator column instal-
Fractionation lation on the back of an existing FCCU. Obviously the
pumparound, heat removal, overhead, etc., systems were
Question 26. all reviewed, but the inclusion of the heavy FCC gasoline
Discuss experiences in installing a heavy naphtha draw meant that no modifications were necessary to the
draw pumparound as a means of unloading the main wet gas compressor and minimum modifications to the
column overhead condensers. other systems listed above.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 105


From this installation and others, we have seen the The heavy naphtha pumparound heat reboiled the
following benefits and are aware of other less obvious absorber-stripper and depropanizer columns. Heavy
effects. naphtha replaced LCO as the lean sponge oil source for
improved sponge absorber operation. Fractionator modi-
Benefits: fications to add the heavy naphtha pumparound entailed
• Unload the main fractionator overhead system and replacing 4 trays with 1300 cu ft of dumped packing,
condensers. adding a spray type branch distributor, replacing the tray
• Unloading the condensers gives a low reflux drum below the packed bed with a chimney tray, and adding
temperature. necessary nozzles.
• Lower overhead system pressure drop which can be
used by either: FEARNSIDE:
— Lower reactor pressure operation and hence bet- Relative to the comments about salting up the tower,
ter yield selectivity. our experience has shown that the salt is predominately
— Higher reflux drum operating pressure to relieve ammonium chloride. We have been able to unplug towers
wet gas compressor constraints. on-line without resorting to water washers. What we have
• Heavy FCC gasoline available for recycling to the done is used a very high detergent filmer and a high dosage
reactor riser for higher catalyst-to-oil effects. and to get around that problem.
• Heavy FCC gasoline available as a separate blend
ANDREW W. SLOLEY (Process Consulting Services, Inc.):
component and/or separate treatments.
• The debutanizer (DeC4) will be debottlenecked.
Adding a heavy naphtha pumparound can be used to
unload the overhead condenser system. Choosing the best
location for this depends on the heat sinks available, types
and qualities of heavy naphtha cuts, and desired gasoline
• Heavy FCC gasoline may require stripping. end point. If the pumparound heat is exchanged against
• Reduces the fractionation between the gasoline and air or water, then the pumparound system should be added
LCO draw. in the top two or three trays in the column. This maximizes
• Equilibrium in reflux drum changes and molecular gasoline/LCO fractionation while allowing maximum
weight to the wet gas compressor is lower. condenser thermal load reduction. If the heat is to be
• Lower flow rate through condensers reduces the recovered in the FCC gas plant to reboil the C3/C4 splitter
duty requirement, but the lower temperatures in the or stripper, then the pumparound draw temperature and
reflux drum lead to a lower temperature difference circulation rate must be taken into consideration.
driving force. Typical top and heavy naphtha pumparound draw tray
• Tower top temperature will drop, such that water fall temperatures are 280°F to 300°F and 340°F to 365°F,
out and salting may occur. respectively. The actual temperatures will vary depending
• Absence of heavy FCC gasoline in the absorbers may on whether a heavy naphtha side cut is produced, the
reduce the LPG recovery. quality of side cut, and gasoline end point. For instance,
A number of these considerations can be addressed and meeting CARB T90 gasoline specifications or reducing
overcome by operating changes. gasoline end point from 445°F to 430°F affects main
In summary, the inclusion of a heavy FCC gasoline fractionator pumparound draw temperatures. Minimum
draw in the main fractionator design is a good idea and actual plant operating temperature on the top of the main
has a lot if merit, but the overall effect needs to be thought fractionator is about 200oF. This occurs at 20% to 25% of
through and studied in detail. total FCC gasoline produced as heavy naphtha. Minimum
overhead condenser duty implies maximum sidecut. Op-
GENTRY: erating at 200°F requires that the system by designed with
As usual, Mr. Jackson has done a very thorough job with provisions for on-line water washing to remove potential
all the variables. I wanted to give an example of a recent salt formation on the top tray.
Kellogg design to revamp an FCCU from 40,000 bbl/d to Some refiners operate highly heat integrated main frac-
60,000 bbl/d where we added a heavy naphtha pum- tionator/gas plants with five main fractionator pum-
paround to reduce overhead duty to avoid incremental parounds. This includes both a top and a heavy naphtha
cooling water usage in the unit revamp. The original pumparound. The benefit of having two pumparounds is
fractionator design had a 1.4 overhead reflux ratio. Origi- heat recovery. Top pumparounds can be used to reboil the
nal design heat removal on the overhead condenser was C3 splitter and part of the stripper reboiler heat. The heavy
about 170 million BTU/hr. The revamp design was for 60 naphtha pumparound can then be used on the C3/C4
million BTU/hr in the new heavy naphtha pumparound, splitter, and possibly, as debutanizer feed preheat. As FCC
and 140.7 million BTU/hr in the overhead condenser. conversion increases, the available low temperature heat

106 Heavy Oil Processing


in the main fractionator increases while the required gas change from one style to the other, but we do not think
plant reboiler/feed preheat requirements increase (with that that has significant benefits.
gasoline/LCO reflux ratio approximately constant, in-
creased gasoline is increased reflux). Main fractionator/gas JACKSON:
plant heat integration becomes a significant issue as FCC BP likes the concept of automated unheading/heading
conversions approach 78%+ vol%. devices, and this became best practice when the cokers
moved to heavier feeds where the formation of shot coke
MICHAEL BRAHN (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.): was most likely, potentially enabling a flowing drum of
Mr. Jackson and Ms. Barker, in the analysis that you shot coke to be closed. We have been very pleased with the
took on ethylene production on the FCCU, could you operation of the unheading/heading systems, although we
provide us in the transcript some information on the have not had to use the automatic closure against a free
feedstocks that were considered and what contaminants flowing shot coke drum.
other than the typical you might have seen such as acety- The following pictures are schematics of an automatic
lene, methyl acetylene and propadiene that you saw when unheading and chute system. The other pictures are the
you were trying to push the ethylene values up. A second same automatic systems on a commercial unit.
question to Mr. Jackson, how well did your model predict BP also recommends using combination bits. We used
these trace components in these streams? poor quality water which contained high levels of particu-
lates in the early days, which caused the cutter to stick.
JACKSON: This was easily rectified by using better quality water. The
The feedstocks we looked at were North Sea crudes. We basic advantages we see are the bits do not have to be
looked at hydrogen, methane, ethylene, ethane, H2S, changed and the risk of dropping a drill bit into the drum
nothing more complex than that unfortunately. How is removed. We have used Pacific Pump (Ingersol/Dressor)
accurate did it look at those? We are very confident that drills.
the model will cover and step out quite a way, including BP has reviewed in detail and talked with a number of
up to 600°C from data we have looked at and pilot plant non-BP U.S. coking refiners. One company in particular
data. It does not cover some of the other trace components employs fully enclosed and highly automated coke han-
you suggested. dling systems to great effect and we would consider it “Best
in Class”.

B. Coking Generally, we have had good operating experience on
units we have designed with automatic unheading sys-
Mechanical Reliability tems. The industry trend is that all new cokers will have
this feature. Also, many refiners with existing cokers are
Question 27.
looking into installing this system to reduce cycle time. To
What is the experience with complete automation of date, Lummus has utilized the unheading feature for the
the coke drum unheading operation, such as opening bottom flange only. In cases where we have done this, the
and closing of the top and bottom heads, automated feed pipe disengagement or detachment has been done
disengagement of the feed line, automated operation manually. We believe that a 30 to 45 minute savings in
of the telescopic chute, etc.? What has been the cycle time can be realized by putting a system like this into
experience with combination drill bits to help in this an existing unit. Essentially all new units that we have
automation effort? designed recently, or are in the process of designing, have
unheading systems.
KIMBRELL: One minor problem that has been experienced is re-
ARCO has gone a long way toward automating this alignment of the feed piping on these systems due to some
entire process. While the bolt removal from the top head warping of the piping as it is cycled. But this is not a major
is still a manual operation, opening the top head is done problem to overcome.
from a remote location for safety. The bottom heads have
bolt removal, bottom head removal, feed line disengage- GENTRY:
ment and, in one of our refineries, the telescopic skirt Our experience has been similar with regard to auto-
operation is all done automatically from a remote location. mation of coke drum unheading operations. Kellogg has
We have used combination drill bits and have them in had experience with a number of the devices offered
both of our facilities. This is a style that requires a manual commercially. We have also contributed heavily to the
change from boring to cutting. We have experimented joint development of a completely automated head re-
with the style of drill bit that does not need the manual moval device offered by Vetco-Gray. By the end of 1996,

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 107


108 Heavy Oil Processing


about 60 coke drum automatic and semi-automatic un- receiver, better feed preparation, deeper cut vacuum unit
heading devices will have been installed. operation to pull more gas oil out of the coker feed, filling
As for the second part of the question, combination drums as full as possible using antifoam (about 18 ft
drill bits for coke drum hydraulic decoking are widely used outage is pushing it), drum level indicators, and minimiz-
in the industry. Separate cutting and drilling heads have ing pressure swings on drum switches allowing higher rates
been replaced by combination heads on most existing and fuller drums. All this reduces the number of cycles,
cokers. Combination heads have been used on most new which feels like cutting cycle time.
cokers for at least the last 15 to 20 years. Now, how can we turn around drums quicker? The “do
The combination head allows the operator to switch stuff faster syndrome safety optimization program” con-
from the drilling to the cutting operation without replac- sists of putting a lot of effort into understanding existing
ing the head. Switching is accomplished by changing the techniques and soak times, and learning what accepted
position of an internal valve inside the head, and it is industry practice is. This is very unit specific in detail. The
necessary to remove the drill head from the drum for this coker is an operator optimized unit, not an “engineer in
switch. The combination head is designed and manufac- an office” optimized unit. Around the clock interactive
tured by Ingersoll Dresser Company, Huntington Beach, optimization is required.
California. Generally, you shorten cool down times, quench
The advent of larger diameter coke drums has brought harder, convert to automatic unheading devices for speed
about a design change in the combination drill head. The and safety, run for shot-coke, drill hot, shorten heat up
spring used in the valve switching mechanism has been time, and cut right into rail cars or other pull away devices.
eliminated because this spring mechanism was subject to If you really want to make more coke, you may want to
vibration from increased flows and pressures of cutting consider an additional drum to preserve high value coke
water for the larger drums. quality while processing more feed.
What is the shortest cycle time experienced? The short-
GARY HUGHES (Conoco Inc.): est reliable full cycle time that we know of is 14 to 16
Last October, Conoco installed a Hadon-Clay auto- hours, depending on unit layout.
mated coke drum unheading system on our bottom heads Obviously, existing procedures are built around real
of 4 coke drums at our Lake Charles Refinery. An auto- concerns and any variation must be thoroughly consid-
mated telescopic shoe was not included. We feel these ered from an operability, maintenance, and safety point
changes have been very successful from an ergonomic and of view. Internal and procedural modifications, as well as
a safety point of view. This system has shown good reli- feedstock adjustments, may let you safely produce shot
ability when properly maintained. The feed line coupling coke which may dump more quickly. These improve-
system has been much easier to center and make back up ments include automatic unheading devices, nozzle
when compared to our preinstallation operation. In refer- guards, cross bracing, etc.
ence to the combination bit, Conoco is utilizing the Drum life will go down. Use minimum design philoso-
combination bits at all of our cokers. A number of our phy planning to reduce localized stress cracking. Good
licensees also use the combination bits. The few minutes insulation is very key, keep it on and in good shape. Do
which we save during the drilling step due to the use of not wait until daylight or Monday or you will never finish
the combination bit has been extremely important in our fixing cracks. Minimal metal thickness designs may actu-
coker units which run 11 hour coke drum cycles. ally result in better life, or at least will tolerate faster cycle

Optimization JACKSON:
The cycle time will depend on a number of issues and
Question 28. can be altered by a number of factors. For new designs of
What techniques can be used to decrease coke drum cokers, the type of coke being produced will affect the
cycle time? What is the shortest cycle time experi- cycle time, typically between 16 hours and 20 hours across
enced? What are the operational and safety issues the coke type range. BP cokers predominantly make anode
relating to reducing cycle time? What is the effect on coke and hence have cycle times in the range of 17 hours
coke drum life when operating on reduce cycle? to 18 hours. Obviously, cokers that have produced shot
coke will have a shorter cycle time due to the minimal time
HUNKUS: needed to remove the coke from the drum.
Assuming you really want to run more feed and/or run We would recommend that newly designed drums be
heavier feed, then your first step is to make less coke. You designed for 20 hour cycle times (traditionally designed
should look at cutting recycle, raising heater temperatures, for 24 hours) and then look to reduce the actual cycle times
running lower pressure (1 psig to 2 psig) in the overhead to around 16 hours to 18 hours by shortening the drum

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 109


emptying step. We have seen pacesetter U.S. coking refin- heating of the system. The higher driving force ensures an
ers reduce a 20 hour cycle time designed drum to 16 hours increased rate of hot vapors, and hence heating, than if the
by better use of technology and operating skills. The unit was lined out to the main fractionator.
refiners we speak with have managed 14 hours on a fairly Hence, the reduction in drum emptying cycle can be
frequent basis. reduced as follows:
The coking process can be sensibly broken down in to
7 decoking steps: Operation 24 Hr Cycle 18 Hr Cycle
Steaming 2.0 1.5
Operation 24 hr Cycle Quenching 6.0 6.0
1) Steaming 2.0
Draining 2.0 2.0
2) Quenching 6.0
Unheading 1.0 0.5
3) Draining 2.0
Cutting 5.0 3.0
4) Unheading 1.0
Reheading & Testing 2.0 1.0
5) Cutting 5.0
Heating 6.0 4.0
6) Reheading & Testing 2.0
7) Heating 6.0 To reduce the cycle time further, the quench time is
greatly reduced with the associated impact on drum life.
As you can see, the quench, cut and heating steps take Shorter cycles will always result in short drum life. A
up more than 70% of the cycle time. competitor claims to have lost 25% of his coke drum life
Shortening the steaming stage leaves minimal shorten- by reducing the cycle time by 3 hours down to 18 hours.
ing of the cycle to be gained. We would expect a drum life of realistically between 15
Quench time reduction can be targeted to reduce cycle and 20 years.
time. The higher the quench rate, the higher the tempera- From an operational point of view, shorter cycle time
ture shocks experienced by the coke drum, and hence the also increases the likelihood of producing soft coke or very
shorter the drum life. The stepped quench water rates are wet coke, due to insufficient heat being put into the feed
important due to the steam generation and disposal rates by the feed heater. The products do not completely con-
as well as the controlled impact on the drum skin tempera- vert to vapor and solid coke.
ture (minimizing shocking the vessel). Foster Wheeler The shorter cycle time has been seen to result in hot
Engineering Corporation has considered this aspect of the spots in the drum which result in the impressive eruptions
cycle so critical to the coke drums life that they simulate of steam and coke particles, during coke cutting. The
the quenching and thermal gradients in the drum. The uneven cooling leading to hot spots can sometimes be seen
resulting reviews, and quench control logic and skin ther- when the coke drum at the top deck has moved more to
mocouples (on the support skirt/drum wall critical junc- one side; the “banana effect.”
tion) feedback loop all target a minimum stressing of the
drum and a longer life. KIMBRELL:
Reducing the drain downtime is a function of the Both of our refineries are operating on a 15 hour coke
experience of the units operation and feedstocks. The drum cycle. We have used a 14 hour cycle on a temporary
temptation is to rush this exercise, but this can be hazard- basis. Reducing the coke drum drilling time has been the
ous, especially if the unheading is not automatic. Hot biggest change we have used to shorten the cycle. Mini-
water spillage on the unheading deck and below could be mizing the amount of time that you steam to the fractiona-
hazardous. tor or steam to blow down is another area where we have
The unheading of the coke drum can be quickened by been able to cut time. I agree with Mr. Jackson, do not
automating the operation as well as automatically decou- skimp on the time it takes to quench the coke because that
pling the feed line and having an automatic chute. is probably the biggest thing you can do to damage coke
Cutting time is minimized if the water jet pump is drums. We also would not skimp too much on heating
designed correctly and can deliver a large enough water drums up because that is another way to shorten coke
rate at a high enough pressure. As stated above, formation drum life.
of shot coke will minimize this action further. The automated drum unheading systems will help
Reheading, like unheading, is shortened when auto- improve safety regardless of coke drum cycle. It does help
mated systems are applied. a little on time. Shorter cycles will cause the drums to
Heating time can be minimized, according to Foster accumulate cycles faster and coke drums are going to have
Wheeler Engineering Corporation, by lining the coke problems eventually; that is the nature of the business.
condensate vapor line to the blowdown system during the On short cycles there is a temptation to quench fast and

110 Heavy Oil Processing


warm up fast. You really need to look at that hard before ately lower investment in drums and drilling
you do, because it is going to wear your drums faster than equipment.
you expect. 3. Use of double fired furnaces has provided increased
ability to handle very heavy feedstocks without
BARKER: impacting on stream efficiency. On-line spalling
For many years we have operated a 4 drum delayed has also provided refiners with longer furnace runs
coker on a 10 hour drum cycle and on occasion as short between steam air decoking.
as 8.5 hours. The drums were small, 16 ft diameter by 50 4. Design improvements to closed blowdown systems
ft tangent to tangent and relatively thick walled with a 75 have essentially eliminated any continuous emis-
psi design pressure. The drums were equipped with ring sions from cokers.
lines and were cooled by overflowing water which contrib- 5. Improvements in slops processing, refinery sludge
uted to the rapid cooling. They were also heated rapidly disposal and coke drum relief disposition have
by routing nearly the entire vapor production of the two helped make the coker less offensive to the refiner.
on-line drums to the drum being heated. The drums 6. Improvements in the mechanical design aspects of
suffered only very minor and infrequent cracking prob- delayed coker, such as automated bottom and top
lems and were finally replaced by larger drums after 42 drum unheading devices, hydraulic decoking, and
years of service. coke and water handling systems, have improved
safety, working environment, maintainability and
BALDASSARI: operability of cokers.
This question has been covered quite extensively by the 7. Design improvements in the coker gas plant have
other panelists. To reiterate, coke drum cycle time can be led to higher LPG recovery and better process
reduced by: economics.
• Adding automatic coke drum unheading systems 8. Advanced process control methods have resulted in
• Reducing coke cutting time by using high pressure improved ability to handle the cyclical nature of
water the process with minimal loss of product yield and
• Reducing warm-up time by limiting preheat before quality.
feed is introduced This is a partial list, but it hits most of the high points.
• Reducing coke drum cooling time by controlling
this operation from the control room rather than JOHNSON:
manually in the field I agree with all of the previous comments. I might make
We are aware of refiners who have operated with cycle one other comment: the Foster Wheeler double fired coker
times as low as 12 to 14 hours. Although in some cases heater design allows for longer run lengths in the processing
reported coke drum life has been quite good, in other cases of heavier sour crudes, and also has application or benefit
coke drum life has been reduced by as much as three times, in processing some of the more unstable feedstocks.
from 15 to 20 years down to as low as 5 years, as a result
of quenching and reheating the coke drum too rapidly. H. DAVID SLOAN (The M.W. Kellogg Technology Company):
Mr. Gentry provided the Kellogg straight answer to this
Question 29. question. Now I would like to discuss an alternative. While
What advances have helped keep delayed coking history and the perception of coking as being a low cost
technology at the forefront of processing options in an option make it a good comparison case for resid upgrading
industry with severe competitiveness? solutions, the lowest cost option for upgrading is not
coking. Several recent publications have shown that sol-
GENTRY: vent deasphalting such as Kellogg’s ROSE Technology
Although the basic configuration for delayed coking coupled with gas oil conversion processes, like FCCU and
has not changed dramatically, numerous process and me- hydrocracking, produce higher yields of valuable liquid
chanical advances have helped it maintain a key role in the fuels at substantially lower capital costs than coking. Cok-
industry over the last 60 years. We have already talked ing makes a good base case for refinery upgrading studies,
about a number of these, but I will just run down the list. but we should really be looking at stand alone coking as
1. Product yield improvements have been accom- yesterday’s answer and look to other more cost and energy
plished through very simple and cost-effective efficient technologies for the future, taking advantage of
changes in operating conditions such as low coke processing synergies that may exist. Literature references
drum pressure and low recycle. include: “Options for Heavy Oil Processing,” Houde,
2. Shortened coke drum cycle times which have im- Edward J., and Phillips, Graham, Hydrocarbon Technology
proved cost-effectiveness by making it possible to International, Spring, 1995; “Refinery Technology Selec-
process more and heavier feeds with proportion- tion to Improve Profitability,” Ragsdale, R., Ewy, G.L.,

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 111


Barnwell, J., Pan Asian Conference, Phuket, Thailand, PETER DIXON (VECO Engineering, Inc.):
October, 1995; “Integration of FCC, MAK Hydrockrack- On decreasing coke drum cycle time, we talked about
ing, and ROSETM for Improved Bottoms Upgrading and not skimping on various areas of quenching. Another area
Distillate Yields,” Johnson, T.E., Sloan, H.D., and Gentry, that I believe should not be reduced is the heating back up
A.R., European Refining Technology Conference, Lon- of the coke drum. If you do not allow enough time to get
don, England, November, 1996. the coke drum hot enough before you introduce feed into
it, the feed will give up its’ heat to the drum and liquid
Question 30. products, including any recycle, will tend to stay in the
Are there any standard technologies for coke drum drum. This can cause operating problems for the frac-
quench automation? If so, what reduction in quench tionator since these materials establish operating levels.
time was observed, and were there any adverse ef- The other thing I would like to mention is the use of
fects on the unit pressure balance? neutron back scatter level detectors that are fairly common
these days. It certainly helps in the understanding and
JOHNSON: monitoring of the operation. Because it works on hydro-
There are several automated coke drum quench systems gen ion concentration, it accurately shows what is passing
available, including Foster Wheeler’s patented system for a particular gas level; gas foam, liquid, coke and so on. This
quenching the coke while limiting the coke drum stresses can allow you to operate a little nearer to the edge.
associated with cooling and heating of the drum.
The cooling time of the drum can be reduced only if STEVE PASPEK (BP Oil Company):
the blow down system has been sized correctly to allow for One of the advantages of automatic cooling is that you
the increased steam rates to the system. If the blow down can get a more reliable, more repeatable cooling of a drum
system is unable to handle the increased steam rates, the versus manual cooling. That is one of the reasons that we
coke drums could then possibly overpressure if the relief are looking at installing that in one of our cokers. It
valves also discharged to the blow down system. eliminates the operator bias of how often do I go out and
open the utility valve, especially in the wintertime.
I am not aware of anyone who has automated the valves Question 31.
and the line up of the quench water into the quench drum. What is the lowest acceptable recycle ratio observed,
We do have a control scheme that does change the rate of with respect to furnace fouling rates and heavy coker
the quench water as you quench the coke by monitoring gas oil Concarbon content, while charging resid from
the coke drum pressure and increasing the quench water deep cut vacuum operation?
rate. As the pressure increases, hold the quench rate at the
same level, and as the pressure decreases you can increase JOHNSON:
quench water rate. It will help shorten your quench time, Foster Wheeler has designed units which can operate
but not significantly. at recycle ratios of 1.0. These units tend to make a high
Concarbon/metals content heavy coker gas oil which
ARNDT: could be fed to an FCC unit. Alternately, the extra heavy
We quench manually. We recently participated in a coker gas oil stream can be withdrawn and blended off in
Joint Industry project to test actual drum stresses through the fuel oil pool to control the coker gas oil end point.
the quenching cycle. The testing was done at our Pas-
cagoula coker. Due to the tests, we have shortened our KIMBRELL:
quench times and lowered drum stresses. The lowest we have operated the recycle ratio at our
facilities is about a 1.05. At this level, the Concarbon of
BALDASSARI: the heavy gas oils range between 0.5% and 0.7%. In terms
We have gone to the extent of automating this opera- of coking the heater, there are lots of things that affect
tion such that the operator can perform it from the central heater coking. Desalter performance in the upstream
control panel. Basically, we target for pressuring the coke crude unit plays a role. The deeper you cut the gas oil from
drum to about 80% of design. As the pressure declines the resid at the vacuum unit, the more coking tendencies
below this level, the panel operator will increase the you will have in the coker heater.
quench rate to maintain the coke drum pressure at about
80% of design. We believe this can reduce the cycle time HUNKUS:
about 15 to 30 minutes overall, without significantly We believe 1.05 is a typical ratio with 1.03 a realistic
increasing the stresses on the vessel. minimum. This ratio is limited by Concarbon in the
If desired, the cooling cycle can be further automated HGO and really depends on what your FCCU can toler-
through the use of DCS programmable controls. ate. To combat heater fouling as the ratio is dropped, water

112 Heavy Oil Processing


injection to the heater can be increased. We know of an will also prevent excessive fines carryover. Care should be
operation that ran deep cut West Texas Intermediate with taken towards the end of a cycle.
almost no recycle. They injected 3 gpm to 4 gpm per pass
in order to keep coil velocities and turbulence high. If your KIMBRELL:
heater is a limitation, very high pressure steam can be High coke drum vapor velocities do increase the
substituted for water injection. amount of fines that are carried over into the fractionator
We would recommend that you consult your licensor and you could have a potential foam over. It will help
to ensure a good baseline operation, review your safety increase coking of the overhead vapor line. High coke
situation, and then map out a plan to explore lower recycle drum outages also contribute to this potential problem.
rates. Do not forget that there is some natural recycle even The exact limit is dependent on the type of coke you are
after you try to go to 1.0 recycle. making and the crude it is being made from. I would defer
to licensors of coking technology for more general guide-
GARY HUGHES (Conoco Inc.): lines.
With the incorporation of Conoco’s patented distillate
recycle technology, Conoco has shown you can reduce the HUNKUS:
national recycle to zero while lowering the furnace fouling Again, we believe that typical ranges are 0.5 fps to 0.6
rates. This increases the furnace run lengths in the on fps with antifoam, and 0.35 fps to 0.38 fps without
stream factor of the coker units. Maybe more importantly, antifoam. To avoid carryover, it is probably more impor-
however, is that we have found with our distillate recycle tant to minimize pressure swings during switching. Use
technology we can reduce the coke production by 7% to antifoam, be aware of drum level, and have adequate drum
8% and increase the yield of the higher value liquid and preheat so that you do not kill unit pressure when you
gas products. switch into the fresh drum.
The obvious problem is carryover of the drum into the
Question 32.
fractionator, causing pluggage. Another problem, one of
What are the limits on coke drum vapor velocity in a
less severity, is repeated carryover events causing acceler-
delayed coking unit? What are the negative impacts
ated coking of heater passes. Again, many carryovers result
which result when the velocity gets too high?
from poor heat up of the new drum, large pressure swings
during switching operation, unsuitable operating parame-
ters (including poor feed preparation), and filling drums
The maximum velocity that limits the coker operation
too full for your current operating conditions.
depends on the particle size retention you are trying to
keep in the coke drum, and hence on Stokes law.
As with all other refiners, we push our cokers, and hence
this velocity, hard. The velocity is usually well over 0.5 fps The maximum coke drum velocity is basically inversely
(0.15 m/s). This, according to Stoke’s Law, corresponds to proportional to the vapor density of the vapor flowing
lifting a 75 micron particle. Ideally we would prefer to run through the drum. For low pressure designs, where the
lower velocities. coke drum is operating at about 15 psig, Lummus will
The licensors realize we are going to push our units hard design for up to 0.7 fps to 0.8 fps superficial velocity.
and so the likes of Foster Wheeler Engineering Corpora- Above that limit, it is possible for the coke drum to foam
tion have taken this into account in their designs: over. Many refiners operate up to this limit to maximize
• Minimum overhead piping length and contortions, throughput and risk the possibility of coke foam over.
to minimize coke formation and laydown in the line.
• Use of quench oil in the overhead line for the same LUIS E. MARQUEZ (Maraven):
reason. Has anyone experienced frequent plugging of the
• A recirculation system that removes coke fines car- bottom circulation suction nozzle of the fractionator? If so,
ried over in to the main fractionator, from the bot- what has been done to minimize or eliminate this problem?
tom of the main fractionator system.
• Very tall coke catchers that allow the coke fines to J. L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation):
accumulate in the main fractionator base, but allow Operating around 0.8 can create problems or provide
them to be removed by the recirculation system. certain advantages. We have tried operating at 0.8 without
A number of refiners show the calculated overhead line any disadvantage. I would like the panel to comment on
velocity on the control system. Clearly, it is important not this. Second is we have a general problem of coke fines
to surge the coke drum or the carryover will be very high. getting carried over, particularly to the effluent systems. Is
One of our refiners claims that good level instrument there any special trick to reduce those fines choking the
maintenance is important, as knowing where the level is whole effluent system?

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 113


JOHNSON: and the coke drum overhead is minimized by reducing the

Let me make a couple of comments on some of the equipment pressure drops in the overhead system. Use of
Foster Wheeler design features in the bottom of the frac- packing in the main fractionator, adding parallel condens-
tionator that I think may address both questions. This is ers, and adding larger piping are examples of several
a recirculation system to remove coke fines from the revamp measures applied to reduce the overall system
bottom of the fractionator. In this system, a fractionated pressure drop. Coke drum pressures of about 15 psig are
bottom stream is recirculated through a strainer and then being commonly employed in the design and operation of
returned back to the bottom of the tower. One of the other new cooking units.
features is a tall slotted standpipe in the bottom of the Minimizing recycle rate in the combined feed to the
fractionator that will permit the accumulation of coke coker furnace is another method. Like drum pressure, low
fines while maintaining suction to the bottom pump. The recycle rate also reduces the coke make, resulting in an
fines are removed with the recirculation strainer. increase in the liquid yield. The low recycle operation
requires the fractionator bottom to run at a higher tem-
STEVE PASPEK (BP Oil Company): perature. Also, modifications to the tower internals may
In regard to the filter strainers in the bottom of a coke be required to handle low liquid rates resulting from the
bubble tower to remove coke fines, either from a carryover low wash rates. Recycle rates of 2% to 3% are being
or from a foam over, does anybody use these kinds of achieved in commercial plants, as well as recommended
devices on very heavy, say 5° or less, API vacuum bottoms for design of new units.
or do they clog up too badly?
JACKSON: Mr. Gentry has answered this question fairly com-
We use them in the bottom of the main fractionator in pletely. I will add that the combination of reducing the
one of our Australian refineries that runs very heavy operating pressure to about 15 psig and reducing the
material, very paraffinic material too. I installed a couple recycle rate to about 0.05 barrels of recycle oil to barrel of
of very tall coke catchers in 1994. What we have done fresh feed, compared to 0.1 to 0.15 in older units, will
there is install two very tall coke catchers on two separate result in an increase of about 3% to 5% in the liquid yield
takeoffs to the bottom pumps. While one is being used, from the coker.
the other one is being back flushed to make sure it keeps
clean, and that seems to work very well to date.
I agree with the previous comments. Lowering the coke
TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
drum pressure and raising the coke drum temperature will
In answer to the question from the floor about using
the strainers in the bottom of the fractionator and how both help reduce coke make.
heavy you get with respect to the feed gravity, our feed
CHARLES J. KRUSE (Bechtel Corporation):
gravity is between 3.5° and 5° API to the unit and with
the recycle it is about 6° to 6.5° to the heater charge pump. When talking about ways to reduce coke production,
as a panelist mentioned, reducing coke drum operating
pressure and reducing natural recycle are two good ways.
Residual Feeds But there is proprietary technology available (from the
Conoco/Bechtel Coking Alliance) to totally eliminate the
Question 33. natural recycle and to use distillate recycle, which not only
When processing poor quality residues in a delayed has quite beneficial effects in reducing coke production,
coker, it is usually economically desirable to mini- but also has good effects in adjusting product distribution.
mize coke production and maximize liquid and gas You have some options in selecting the type of distillate
yields. What steps are being taken to reduce coke recycle to best affect your product distribution. This is
production in both the design of new units and the important both for new and existing facilities, but particu-
revamp of existing units? larly when retrofitting a coker. This product distribution
can be manipulated somewhat to best fit into your existing
GENTRY: refinery operation and can have a lot of impact on your
The following steps are typically taken to reduce coke refinery revenue.
production and improve liquid yield in the design of a new
coker or revamp of an existing unit. Question 34.
Operating at a low coke drum pressure, as determined Are there any constraints in processing heavy feed-
by an economic optimum, is one method. To achieve this, stocks, such as visbreaker vacuum flash residue or
the pressure drop between the wet gas compressor inlet solvent deasphalting tar, in a coker?

114 Heavy Oil Processing


JOHNSON: Maya, heavy Venezuelan (e.g., BCF-17), and high nitro-

These materials typically have a higher Concarbon gen heavy California crudes will form shot coke.
residue content and viscosity than most vacuum residue
feeds making them more susceptible to premature coking JACKSON:
in the fired heater. The relative coking rates for many of To quote a coker expert of ours, “Shot coke formation
these materials have been measured in Foster Wheeler’s is a function of coker feed quality and coker operation”.
laboratory. This testing has indicated that these materials In short, we feel that shot coke formation is predomi-
can be processed in a delayed coker as long as the unit nantly determined by the asphaltene content in the feed,
design includes special features to handle these materials. hence the Heptane Insoluble (HI) test is a direct way of
These features can include the double fired heater design, measuring the asphaltene content in a feed. Other parame-
on-line spalling, on-line steam air decoking, modular ters relate back to the asphaltene content too; for example,
heater design and use of cutter stocks such as slurry, heavy sulfur content of the feed is a parameter that affects shot
cycle oil or light cycle oil. coke formation, but can be related to asphaltene content,
Solvent deasphalter bottoms having a Conradson carb- as can Conradson carbon, metals content (V and Ni), as
on content as high as 39 wt% have been successfully
well as the residues’ crude origin (experience). Foster
processed in the pilot plant without the use of cutter stock.
Wheeler Engineering Corporation states that the Mexi-
Units that have a very long heater transfer line will have
problems processing some of these very heavy feeds. can, Venezuelan and Californian crudes are particularly
susceptible to shot coke formation.
BALDASSARI: A simple rule used by Foster Wheeler Engineering
As was mentioned, the constraints are on fouling of the Corporation is that the residues having an asphaltene
feed preheat system and coking in the furnace tubes. With content greater than or equal to the feeds Conradson
on-line spalling, we have been able to extend the heater carbon and a highly viscous material have a tendency to
run length to about 8 to 9 months, based on processing a form shot coke. This interaction between the asphaltene
25 Concarbon feed. Normally with such a feed, we would content and the viscosity of the material is believed to be
expect a heater run length of only 3 to 4 months. Our due to the heating of this asphaltenic type of material. As
experience, therefore, is that on-line spalling will definitely the material vaporizes, the liquid begins to cook and the
help in being able to process heavier, higher asphaltenic, asphaltenes precipitate out. The asphaltenic liquid contin-
and higher Concarbon feeds. ues to react and crack and form coke precursors which
eventually go to coke. The coke precursor liquid has a huge
GENTRY: surface tension and plastic characteristics which lead to the
Several of our ROSE licensees and other clients feed spherical shape of the resultant coke in the coke drum.
solvent deasphalting bottoms to delayed cokers. Several of This is further substantiated by the fact that adding FCC
the comments already made have covered the considera- slurry oil to the coker feed reduces the tendency and
tions for design of the coker furnace. I am not going to amount of shot coke produced. The slurry oil is believed
repeat those. to act as a solvent to these asphaltenic shot coke forming
One thing that is very interesting is that most of these precursors.
comments are related to the effect on the heater furnace. Basically, conditions that favor low vaporization, low
It should be noted that a fluid coker can also be installed reaction rates suppress shot coke formation.
downstream of a unit, such as a ROSE unit, with excellent Operating conditions that minimize the formation of
results. The absence of a fired heater and the need to cut shot coke are:
coke from a coke drum makes this process very attractive • Lower operating temperatures.
for heavier feedstocks.
• Increased operating pressures.
• Increased recycle.
Question 35.
What parameters are used to estimate the shot coke • Increased FCC slurry in feed.
forming tendencies of different resids? The latter three will all have the effect of diluting coke
precursor material. The lower temperature will effectively
BALDASSARI: slow down the reaction kinetics that drive the shot coking
The tendency to produce shot coke can be measured reaction. It will obviously affect the overall coking reaction
by the CCR and asphaltene content of the feed, the feeds’ which really could be a problem.
viscosity, and its carbon-to-hydrogen ratio. Typically, feeds Shot coke suppression strategy obviously affects the
having CCR contents greater than 22% or asphaltene overall coking reaction and hence negatively affects the
contents greater than 15% are prone to form shot coke. coker yields and capacity. The following picture shows
Specifically, vacuum resids derived from Arabian heavy, shot coke.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 115


Question 36.
What are the proven benefits of preparatory treatment
of sludges, via a centrifuge for example, prior to being
injected into the coking unit?

The obvious objectives of this operation are to dispose
of refinery solids that would otherwise have to be treated
separately and then disposed of, and to maximize the
amount of solids into the coker for disposal. Consequently,
the water content of the sludge is important, and the
maximum amount should be removed prior to pumping
without compromising the ability to pump the slurry or
limiting the slurry’s ability to distribute itself in the coke
bed. The water content limits the amount of sludge you
KIMBRELL: can ultimately process, since the water must be vaporized
We think shot coke prediction is difficult to do. It kind by the hot coke during the initial stages of the cooling cycle.
of depends on how the coker is being operated at the time. One of our coking refineries puts the “dewatered”
Concarbon of the feed to the coker and its asphaltenes and sludge into the delayed coker coke drum during the cool-
the ratio of the two can be used as a guideline. I think it ing cycle. Typical solids loading of the sludge slurry is 30
is somewhat unit specific. Low gravity feeds, typically less wt%. This is achieved by tank settling and belt pressing.
than 6° API, have a tendency to make shot coke most of A centrifuge would be a suitable option. The injecting of
the time, and higher gravity feeds, in the range of 8° API sludge into the feed line will have disastrous results in the
and above, typically do not make shot coke. rapid fouling of the feed furnace. We do not process sludge
when producing anode grade coke.
PAUL ELLIS (Great Lakes Carbon Corporation):
I agree with what the panel said but I would like to JOHNSON:
elaborate further and refer to a paper entitled “Shot Coke” A current proprietary procedure injects the watery
given by Dr. John D. Bacha, Chevron Research and Tech- sludge onto the coke at the beginning of the coke drum
nology Company, and myself at the AIME-TMS meeting cooling. The water is evaporated, and the sludge is depos-
in February 1996 and published in the “Light Metals 1996” ited on the exterior of the coke and sent out with the coke
TMS, pages 477 through 484. Shot coke can only be product.
produced in a dynamic system that is present in most
delayed coker drums which have sufficient velocities, a high LEMMON:
enough temperature, and a high enough concentration of Removal of the water will also remove any chlorides
asphaltenes. The asphaltene content in the resid as deter- that could be present. I would be concerned that any
mined by the n-heptane insoluble fraction must be greater chlorides that remain in the coke drum could vaporize and
than 50% of the Conradson carbon content to produce
end up damaging the fractionator.
shot coke. Shot coke cannot be produced in a static condi-
tion (laboratory pot coker and in most pilot delayed cokers
EUGENE ROUNDTREE (Exxon Research & Engineering Company):
with low drum velocities). The microscopic structure is
I want to add to what Mr. Gentry said about FLUID-
present in laboratory coke, but the shot spheres are absent.
Electron microscopic examination of shot balls shows that COKING and FLEXICOKING. The absence of a fired
the spheres were formed very rapidly. The theory is that preheater basically removes any limitations we would have
shot coke is formed in the vapor phase, while sponge and on feed quality for typical visbroken tars or deasphalter
needle coke is formed from the liquid phase. In the high bottom tars. We can process any material which is a
velocity channels in the coke drum, the light hydrocarbons pumpable liquid at or about 500°F.
are flashed off leaving sprouting droplets of heavy oil with
high concentrations of asphaltenes. The asphaltenes rap- LUIS E. MARQUEZ (Maraven):
idly polymerize with an exothermic heat release which Based on what Mr. Jackson was saying, I would like to
“sets” or cokes the spheres, which then fall back into the know what his experience is with processing FCC slurry
coke drum as discreet balls. The large balls are made up of oil as part of the DCU feedstock, and the impact on the
the small spheres which are glued together and are rolled heater run length? What is a recommended slurry-to-resid
around in the high velocity channels in the drum. feed ratio?

116 Heavy Oil Processing


STEVE PASPEK (BP Oil Company): 40% to 50% for atmospheric residues. On our vacuum
As Mr. Jackson said earlier, slurry helps you to keep the flasher column, we run with a vacuum of 1.7 in. to 2 in.
asphaltenes in suspension. It provides a replacement, in a water (43 mm to 50 mm).
sense, for some of the maltenes and the resins that get For vacuum residue to the visbreaker, there are nor-
cracked in the furnace. Typical values are in the 5% range. mally insufficient distillates to warrant feeding them to a
If you are making shot coke, if you have very heavy sour thermal cracker. These have been recycled to the FCCU,
type resids then it does help you to extend your furnace run much the same as is done with coker gas oil, with the
length, and it can minimize the formation of shot coke. associated penalties to the VGO FCC operation and coke
make. A warning if the vacuum flashed distillate is to be
JAMES D. WEITH (Unocal Corp. — 76 Products): sent to the FCCU, do not do this if a large portion of the
The gentleman from Maraven had asked about slurry slurry from the FCCU is to be sent to the visbreaker as
in the coker feed. This was covered in an NPRA Q&A feed. BP tried this with a very large portion of the slurry
session maybe 10 years ago, but it is worth repeating again. make feeding the visbreaker and the flash distillate recy-
If you happen to be running your coker gas oils back to cling back to the FCCU. The effect on the FCCU opera-
the catalytic cracker, and you are putting slurry into the tion was severe; coke make and yield selectivity suffered
coker, you must then turn the severity of the coker up. and the operation ceased.
This is to prevent a refractory recycle loop from developing The visbroken flashed tar will obviously be viscous. We
between the FCCU and the coker, which ultimately may have seen viscosities of between 200 cSt to 700 cSt at
lead to limitations on the FCCU slurry production. How- 300°F (150°C). This will require cutting back with an
ever, an increase in the coker severity may limit the heater aromatic cutter in the run down line. Cutters like LCO,
cycles that you are trying to improve. HCO or even slurry from the FCCU are used. We cut back
to a rundown viscosity of 100 cSt at 300°F (150°C). This
cut backed tar can then usually be blended directly into
C. Visbreaking fuel oil and even used in marine fuel oil blends.

Question 37. HUNKUS:

What are the advantages of having a vacuum flash As usual, it is kind of tough following Mr. Jackson.
downstream of the visbreaker fractionator to recover When you put visbreaker tar to a coker, you produce lots
additional gas oil from visbroken tar? Does the vis- of coke and really do not want to consider this option if
breaker tar then require special handling? you are drum limited. If you go beyond typical high
conversion operation of the visbreaker, approximately
JACKSON: 50% depending on feed, you get into solids precipitation
With the assumption that visbroken bottoms will and serious plugging handling problems. So, one way to
ultimately be blended into fuel oil, the decision to place further improve plant yield and optimize economic per-
a vacuum flash column downstream of the visbreaker formance is by adding a vacuum flash downstream of the
fractionator will depend heavily on the following consid- visbreaker to yield some additional coke gas oil out of the
erations. tar and replace it with slurry oil to maintain stability and
• How much of the vacuum flash distillate can be handling properties. The quality of the gas oil is not the
recovered? best, but it is a better option than recycling slurry to the
• Is there any overall commercial incentive and use FCCU or running too high a conversion on the visbreaker.
for the recovered vacuum flashed distillate in the There are also some licensed new processes that add
refinery? catalyst into a visbreaker type operation that may be of
• Can the vacuum flashed distillate be replaced with a interest to you.
cheaper cutterstock for the tar in the fuel oil pool? Again, this will be highly crude dependent, but we
This is very refinery specific and simply commercially would think you will have to cut the flashed tar with slurry
driven. or some other slurry-like aggressive solvent. The key issues
Uses of the vacuum flashed distillate depend on the will be plugging and handling problems, as well as an
source of the visbreaker feed. If the visbreaker feed is aggressive tendency to form solids.
atmospheric residue, then there is usually sufficient vac-
uum flash distillate to consider a vacuum column. The R.E. (ED) PALMER (Mustang Engineering):
vacuum flashed distillate can then be passed through a The vacuum flasher offers the advantage of recovering
thermal cracker and more distillates produced. For a high additional heavy gas oil at lower temperatures, thus reduc-
sulfur Middle East crude, the recoverable vacuum flashed ing the potential for coking in the recovery equipment.
distillate, 660°F to 950°F (350°C to 510°C), would be For a Soaker Visbreaker, a vacuum flasher is the only way
somewhere from 10% to 20% for vacuum residue and to obtain any significant yield of heavy gas oil. For a new

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 117


design, the capital investment would increase on the order Three projects of this type are being proposed in Italy, and
of 20%. As an addition to an existing unit, the investment the main advantage of having a vacuum tower on the
would be $8 MM to $10 MM for a 30,000 to 40,000 visbreaker tar is to reduce the size of the gasification unit.
BPSD unit. Only one of these projects has achieved financial sanc-
For a coil design Visbreaker, gas oil yields similar to that tion, and that is one that incorporated a ROSETM unit as
attainable with a Soaker/Vacuum Flasher design can be well as a vacuum tower to process the visbreaker tar. The
achieved with proper design of the coil transfer line and ROSE unit significantly reduces the size of the gasifier.
fractionator internals, while achieving acceptable run To summarize, the addition of the ROSE unit, which
lengths. cost roughly $31 million, reduced the total cost of the
The vacuum flasher tar is diluted with cutterstock at an project by about $200 million due to a reduction in size
appropriate location in the heat exchange circuit to main- of the gasifier.
tain acceptable heat transfer characteristics.
C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
STEVE PASPEK (BP Oil Company): My question is on visbreaker operation. We have a
I have two questions on heavy resid type materials and visbreaker processing 100% vacuum residue. This vacuum
cokers. One, what is the maximum bubble tower bottoms residue is from a crude which has very high naphthenic
temperature that people are comfortable running with acids. We are having problems controlling the overhead
very heavy materials such that they do not get coking in fractionator pH. We tried ammonia injection, but it did
the bottom of the bubble tower? And two, with the high not help. Finally, we could control the pH only by inject-
viscosity of these materials, the tendency is to run more ing caustic solution in the overhead. If others face similar
steam to try to keep velocity up in the furnace tubes to type problems, what actions are being taken?
minimize fouling. Do people ever experience annular
flow? Can you put in too much steam? JOHNSON:
We observed a similar problem on a thermal cracker
some years ago. The difference was that the thermal cracker
We have on occasion added about 1.5% to 2% steam
was processing a VGO material. If you look at the
to the heater coil to increase the tube velocities. There is
naphthenic acid content of your crude, that will lead you
no evidence that any annular flow occurred. I would
to some conclusions about what the acids are. These acids
hypothesize if there was annular flow, the heater would
are cracked naphthenic acids, which are basically light,
have tended to coke prematurely, which did not happen.
organic acids and are corrosive in the fractionator overhead.
So the answer to that is no, we have not seen that.
One of the problems in chemical treating of these acids is
TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals):
that there is usually a lot of H2S in the top of the tower. So
You will find coker fractionator units operating at there is some competition for neutralization between the
maximum temperatures at the bottom of the unit any- H2S and the organic acids with the H2S wanting to be
where from 575°F to 700°F and some even lower. You do neutralized first. Caustic is a solution. The key is to keep
not want to get too high, because you start premature the caustic out of the tower itself so it does not salt up.
vaporization in the convection section of the coker heater
and you can experience excessive pressure drop. So each DANIEL RAMIREZ L. (Refineria de Petroleo Concon S.A. (RPC)):
unit has a specific temperature in the bottom of the We have been running a Kellogg visbreaker since the
fractionator, based on heater design. mid-1980s with a vacuum tower. We are very happy with
On the second question regarding too much steam, the the results. We are feeding the visbreaker vacuum gas oil
idea here is to raise the mass velocity. If your feed is high to the FCCU together with other better quality feedstock.
enough, you can cut that steam off or the water injection The visbreaker tar goes to the fuel oil pool.
to the heaters. Past a certain level, probably about 400 The important thing is not to be too ambitious with
lb/sec/sq ft, you can cut velocity steam off and not see any the lift. A good target is about 900°F end point in the gas
negative effect on the heater run length. Excessive steam oil to keep the severity of the visbreaker tar okay. Even if
can alter the flow regime in the heater tubes, but for cokers you use slurry as cutter, if you pull the vacuum too much,
being pushed to run maximum feed, this is not an issue. you will have severity problems.

JON C. MORETTA (The M.W. Kellogg Technology Company): JACKSON:

I heard the panel mention fuel oil disposition and How much FCC slurry have you put down to the
delayed coking as options. We are familiar with a case visbreaker? Have you put any FCC slurry down to the
where the visbreaker tar is being fed to an integrated visbreaker when you recycle back to the FCC with the
gasification combined cycle power plant or an IGCC. flash distillates?

118 Heavy Oil Processing


DANIEL RAMIREZ L. (Refineria de Petroleo Concon S.A. (RPC)):

No, the slurry from the catalytic cracker goes to the
visbreaker tar as cutter stock.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 119



A. Hydrogen Production familiar with all their heater details because they are a bit
different from the rest of the industry.
Hydrogen Manufacturing For tube temperature measurements, a portable optical
pyrometer is probably the best tool. I have also done a lot
Question 1. of work with thermocouples welded onto the tubes,
What is the highest reforming pressure (catalyst-tube shielded and unshielded, with and without cooling
outlet pressure) in commercial practice today for hy- purges, and mounted in the firebox for many different
drogen manufacture at 95+% purity hydrogen? What types of services. These can provide valuable information
is the corresponding heater outlet temperature? How and help develop both instrument calibration and a cali-
are tube temperatures measured? What operating brated eye for weekly visual inspections after dark when
philosophy is used to balance individual cell outlet you can really see. The burner type, geometry, tip arrange-
temperatures? ment, angle of inclusion of gas ports, their primary angle,
and induced swirl angles are some of the most important
SMITH: facts to understand.
Riyadh Refinery produces a 97% pure hydrogen by I have an old pamphlet that I cherish and I feel this is
processing naphtha reformer offgas containing 79% hy- another area of lost knowledge among plant process engi-
drogen. Processing occurs at 312 pounds and 878°F inlet neers and a lost opportunity for many designs especially
and a 1508°F outlet. for smaller revamp projects. The pamphlet is out of print,
In general, the steam reforming reaction is favored by but I will see if NPRA can make it available.
low pressure and high temperature. Operating pressure for
the hydrogen plant is normally an economic decision. The
Our reformers run about 240 psig. We target 1460°F
equilibrium temperatures are also governed by steam-to-
at start-of-run and 1500°F at end-of-run. We use a hand
gas ratio for a given operating pressure. To produce a 95%
held laser pyrometer calibrated in the 1370°F to 2800°F
product hydrogen purity requires a steam-to-gas ratio of
range to measure tube wall temperatures. We will then
3.5. The Riyadh refinery believes they can produce a adjust cell outlet temperatures by adding or removing
minimum 95% purity hydrogen with up to 420 pounds burners as needed.
pressure with an outlet temperature between 1580°F and
1590°F. ARNDT:
On the other part of the question, the infrared base We operate six large, well-aged hydrogen plants. Their
optical pyrometers are used to accurately measure the tube tube outlet conditions are roughly 300 psi and 1550°F. As
skin temperatures. To balance the cell outlet temperatures, Mr. Smith said, high pressure is unfavorable for the re-
furnace manifolds are fitted with thermocouples. These forming reaction equilibrium. In addition the higher the
are regularly monitored to ensure that they are all within pressure, the thicker and more expensive the tubes will be.
10°F of their average and bear a constant differential with That is an expense that will occur roughly every 10 years
the combined reformer outlet temperature. Furnace firing (or whatever tube life is). So high pressure is not necessarily
and burners should be adjusted to balance the outlet good.
temperature. It is advisable to run a constant reformer The second part of the question deals with temperature
outlet temperature; this way, the methane content of the measurement. Like everyone else, our prime indicator is
reformer effluent indicates the aging of the catalyst. the portable infrared pyrometers. However, we are experi-
menting with skin temperatures again. There have been
HUNKUS: quite a few improvements in skin temperature indication
The highest reformer outlet pressure typically used for (TI’s). We put in 5 skin TI’s 3 years ago in one of our
commercial plants that we know of is about 400 psig. The reformers and they did well. We recently retubed that
corresponding outlet temperatures are in the 1600° range. furnace and went back in with 32 skin TI’s. They are type
Tubes in this range of temperature are operating in creep K thermocouples. They have beefy leads, housed in
failure modes of a limited service life. I wanted to recom- Hoskins 2300 sheathing. We are using GAYESCO Re-
mend that people newly assigned in this area become tracto pads for the tube attachment. These pads allow you

120 Hydrogen Processing


to pull the thermocouple out for replacement. All 32 TI’s industrial use. In our full size reforming pilot plant, we
have been reading accurately since mid-summer. have used infrared pyrometers correlating the readings
with measurements obtained from thermocouples embed-
BARKER: ded into the tube material and from a PYROLASER®. We
We have several steam-methane reformers within our have found that reliable measurements can be obtained
company; they operate in the 250 psig to 400 psig range, with an infrared pyrometer provided corrections are made
not a particularly high pressure, but the guidelines for to reflect radiation from the furnace walls. This may be a
temperature measurement and control are the same. little more difficult in some configurations.
We use a few different types of pyrometers at our To balance outlet temperatures, it is essential that the
various units and locations: Minolta Cyclops, Land Cy- catalyst loading has been performed properly, ensuring
clops, and Quantum Logic. The frequency of readings equal pressure drop in all of the tubes, which mean that
ranges from once a shift to once a week. Operators manu- in many cases you may have to empty out tubes after filling
ally adjust burners to balance individual cell outlet tem- and reload them to get the pressure drop in line.
peratures to within 50°F to 75°F of each other.
In one of our Selas side fired heaters, we have installed ROSS BRUNSON (United Catalysts, Inc.):
thermocouples to assist in finding more subtle problems On the comment on the pressures for the hydrogen
that could result in hot tubes. We have found a direct and plants, I think we have to also recognize the newer genera-
relatively constant correlation between the tube tempera- tion plants that have PSA for cleanup. Where the conven-
ture and the subheader temperature directly below the tional plants will run at a lower pressure, as has been stated
tube. Since the subheader is in an enclosed trough out of around 400 pounds, with a much higher steam-to-carbon
the fire zone, thermocouples were installed without worry or steam-to-gas ratio, the new PSA plants run up in the
about them being burned off. The thermocouples are on 500 pound range and steam-to-carbon ratio is down to
2 ft centers along all of the subheaders and are tied into 2.5 to 3 and with outlet temperatures up to 1600°F. There
the DCS with alarms. Each of these thermocouples and are really 2 generational types of plants when you look at
alarms allow the operators to know when a group of three the allowable pressures.
tubes is deviating from the norm (from a variety of possible
causes) and alerts them to conduct a detailed investigation RAGHU MENON (BOC Group):
of the process problem. In terms of the infrared temperature measurements,
In a different Selas furnace which has two cells, there there are new methods that minimize interference by
are four outlet header temperatures per cell. The highest mounting black-body type objects on the tubes. A Cali-
temperature is selected for control. The controller output fornia company that provides this type of technology is E2
is fed to a duty controller which outputs to the fuel gas Technology Corporation in Ventura. Of course, for outer
control valve for that cell. The four temperatures in each walls of secondary reformers, there are also fiber-optic
cell are manually balanced within the cell by the burner cable-based options, which assist one to avoid hot spots
firing pattern, specifically, the number and location of by providing a complete temperature scan.
firing burners.
In our more modern, downfired reformer, the com- STEVE CATCHPOLE (ICI Katalco):
bined outlet temperature at the waste heat boiler inlet is As with all chemical plants, part of the economics of
measured and this controls the flue gas temperature at the both the capital and operating cost of the plant can depend
outlet of the firebox, which in turn, controls the fuel flow. very much on the chosen operating pressure. Much of the
There is little balancing needed with this style of furnace refinery hydrogen need is for a hydrogen supply at a
— all burners fire all the time. considerably higher pressure than that normally encoun-
tered in a typical hydrogen manufacturing unit (HMU).
ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S): If the HMU is feeding directly to units operating at higher
Haldor Topsoe built two hydrogen plants with reform- pressures, then there does exist an option to consider a
ers operating at 40 kg/cm2, 570 psig, as early as 1966. One higher HMU process pressure and thus decrease the size
of these plants is still in operation, producing 98% hydro- and operating cost of the hydrogen compressor. Alterna-
gen. The original tube material was HK40. With the tube tively, the HMU may feed the product into a collective
materials available today such as microalloy HP, much hydrogen main that may be at a pressure which avoids the
higher reforming pressures are technically possible. But need for compression of the product hydrogen.
only in unusual circumstances would it be economical to Traditionally, HMUs have pressures in the 145 psig to
use such pressures. 290 psig range or 10 kg/cm2g to 20 kg/cm2g. The choice
The tube outlet temperature was 820°C (1508°F). We of this modest pressure is based on a number of compli-
have measured tube skin temperatures in a number of cated and interactive variables. The key issue is the effect
different ways in order to find a useful method for easy that pressure has on the methane-steam equilibrium exiting

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 121


the steam reformer on the HMU. This needs to be reviewed catch-up or overtake those traditionally adopted by the
for both types of HMU commonly encountered as follows: ammonia and methanol producers.
1. CO2 liquid wash removal/methanation hydrogen plants As HMU steam reformer operation severity increases,
At higher pressure, due to methane-steam equilibrium the detailed observation of the steam reformer tube tem-
considerations, the hydrocarbon conversion is reduced peratures becomes essential. By far the most common
(increased methane slip). This can result in an unsatisfac- technique is to use an infrared pyrometer. Modern designs
tory product purity (i.e. less than 95% H2) unless the help ensure that the accuracy is improving, but fundamen-
HMU significantly increases the steam-to-carbon ratio in tally, these devices read high (up to +50°C or + 90°F) in
the steam reformer. However, if the steam ratio is increased most cases. This error is due to:
then this will reduce the plant efficiency and reduce the 1. The infrared pyrometer reading being not just the
amount of steam export. thermal emission from the steam reformer target
2. PSA type hydrogen plants tube but also the background radiation;
At higher pressure, the PSA system will need sizing to 2. The incorrect or estimated emissivity of the steam
cope with increased methane slip from the steam reformer reformer target tube.
as mentioned in 1), but the key point is that the HMU There is a variety of techniques that can be used to
will then be operating with an excess of fuel (recycled PSA overcome these problems. ICI Katalco has developed a
offgas) and so will be forced to export low-grade fuel which practical technique for measuring absolute tube tempera-
is an inefficient use of higher value fuel, offgases and tures using a “Gold-Cup” device. This is then used to
hydrocarbons used as the HMU feedstock. As in 1), higher calibrate the infrared pyrometer. Also, there are some
steam-to-carbon ratios will offset this problem but with simpler, but less accurate, techniques that can be used to
the corresponding decrease in steam export and overall “correct” the infrared pyrometer reading. These methods,
plant efficiency. as well as the theory of infrared pyrometry, are described
The obvious solution would be to increase the steam in ICI’s paper presented at the 1992 AIChE Ammonia
reforming exit temperature for either plant type. Histori- Safety Symposium “Tube Wall Temperature Measurement
cally, this idea has been limited by the metallurgy of steam in Steam Reformers”.
reformer tube materials, leading to a trade-off between With respect to twin or multiple cell reformers, ICI
process pressure and steam ratio. Modern tube materials Katalco would like to comment on the principles of why
have challenged this limitation and now, HMUs can be we should achieve similar cell outlet temperatures. The
constructed with a higher pressure and higher operating hydrocarbon conversion that occurs at one single tempera-
temperature. ture (i.e., all cells the same) is more than that achieved by
In reality, many steam reformers have been built with two cells with the operating temperature in one cell higher
pressures as high as 522 psig (36 kg/cm2g). These units than in the other,for example, even though the “average”
have supplied hydrogen rich gas for manufacture of am- temperature is the same. The same principle applies with
monia and methanol. Both these processes have a stage efficiency (fuel use) with a single temperature having a
of compression required for synthesis reaction and thus better efficiency compared with the average. As furnace
the front-end pressure is kept high so as to minimize monitoring and catalyst performance assessment can also
compressor size and operating cost. In the case of ammo- be important in the HMU daily operation, a consistency
nia, the drawback of higher methane slip is of little of operation from one cell to the other allows for simple
consequence with a secondary reforming stage converting comparison and diagnostics of problems.
most of the slipped methane. In methanol manufacture,
the exit methane is more critical, and steam reformer exit DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
temperatures (1544°F to 1580°F or 840°C to 860°C) The highest reformer outlet pressure typically used for
have generally been higher than those seen in the CO2 commercial plants is 410 psig, corresponding to a product
liquid wash/methanation type of HMU. Modern HMUs pressure of 375 psig from the PSA unit. The correspond-
are now being built with steam reformer exit tempera- ing outlet temperature is 1550°F. However, Howe-Baker
tures as high as 1724°F (940°C), although 1580°F has the capability to design for up to 490 psig outlet
(860°C) would appear to be the more typical. Pressures pressure, corresponding to a product pressure of 450 psig.
have increased to over 290 psig (20 kg/cm2g) but this is The outlet temperature can be as high as 1600°F.
not the limit. Advances in tube metal mean that the For tube temperature measurements, we recommend a
historical limit of high pressure and temperatures has portable optical pyrometer. We use the Minolta/Land
been removed and that true optimization of the process Cyclops 152 model manufactured by Land Infrared, Bris-
conditions will take place. Thus it is highly likely that tol, Pennsylvania.
newly constructed hydrogen plants that are to be truly Our box reformer is a single-cell design. The burners
integrated to a high pressure hydrogen consumer will be are arranged such that uniform firing can be achieved
designed with higher operating pressures, possibly to across the furnace. We believe achievement of uniform

122 Hydrogen Processing


tube wall temperatures is a more accurate indication of 1. Light gas feeds with supplemental heavy gas or LPG
good distribution than measurement of individual header The most commonly used method for supplementary
or cell outlet temperatures. hydrogen production is through the steam reforming of
light hydrocarbons streams (e.g., methane, catalytic re-
Question 2. former offgases, etc.) in a Hydrogen Manufacturing Unit
Explain the role of a prereformer in enhancing oper- (HMU). This means that the steam reformer operation is
ating capacity of existing hydrogen units. relatively simple and gas steam reforming catalysts can be
used with little risk of carbon formation at typical steam-
LEMMON: to-carbon ratios. Some refineries are now finding that there
Prereforming catalysts are capable of initiating the re- are cheaper hydrocarbon streams available which make the
forming reaction at substantially lower temperatures than gas feed “heavier”. This can take the steam reforming
commercial high activity reforming catalysts. The 400°F operation closer to the problem of coke formation.
lower operating temperature of the adiabatic prereformer By installing a prereformer, the heavy components of
allows the designer to maximize hydrogen production at the feedstock gas can be steam reformed, leaving a gas feed
the expense of waste steam generation. This can be of to the existing steam reformer which is methane rich.
significant benefit to a hydrogen plant that is furnace Thus, the steam reforming operation remains as before
firing limited by metallurgical or environmental con- with the use of gas steam reforming catalyst without coke
straints. These are the reasons that the Tosco Avon refinery formation.
added a prereformer 10 years ago. The prereformer also It is worthwhile to note that there is a wide range of
allows heavier feedstocks to be processed with less fear of commercially available steam reforming catalysts. Pro-
coking as the prereformer converts these hydrocarbons moted heavy gas-type steam reforming catalysts can yield
easily to methane. coke-free conditions, even with feeds containing signifi-
The prereformer also performs as a very efficient, al- cant amounts of C4s and C5s, while still performing in a
though costly, guard bed for sulfur and other contami- manner similar to unpromoted gas steam reforming cata-
nants. It has been effective at our site in this application lyst. A comparison of the economics will make clear which
also. We have used prereforming catalysts from several is the best option to adopt.
manufacturers each with good success. Recently, trace 2. Conversions of gas or heavy gas feeds and reheat
amounts of boiler water carryover appear to be dramati- During the process of prereforming of light hydrocar-
cally reducing our prereformer’s catalyst’s life. All of the bon feeds, there is an overall endotherm across the catalyst
catalysts we have used seem to be deactivated by boiler bed. This means that it is possible to reheat the effluent of
salts. the prereformer before the steam reformer. In fact, with
the absence of any C2+ components in the steam reformer
KOOIMAN: effluent, it is also possible to reheat to significantly higher
In a prereformer, steam hydrocarbon reforming occurs temperatures without the concern of coke formation in
outside the fired reformer. Heat required for the prere- the mixed reactants convection section coil. In either case,
forming reaction is supplied by hot flue gas from the this takes heat load away from the radiant section, reduc-
convection section of the fired reformer. The prereformer ing the amount of fuel. It also takes some additional heat
contains a highly active nickel catalyst and operates in away from the convection section. Coupled with de-
series upstream of the fired reformer. The prereformer creased flue gas flow, the total amount of heat available
effluent is reheated using heat from the fired reformer’s means that steam raising is significantly reduced.
convection section. Because the feed to the fired reformer This application has a particular benefit in plant uprat-
is now partially reformed, the fired reformer is unloaded. ing. An existing plant that has one or more of the following
Addition of a prereformer to an existing plant impacted limitations:
our plant in a number of ways. First, hydrogen production • Burner limit in the steam reformer (no additional
was increased 8% to10%. In our case, the reformer was fuel can be fired),
the only bottleneck. Second, steam production was de- • ID/FD fan limit, or
creased by 10% to 15%. Third, fuel consumption stayed • Pre-heat convection section coil temperature limita-
about the same and then the feed rate increased propor- tion (or coke formation limitation),
tionately. could potentially overcome these problems with the
incorporation of a prereformer. There will be less fuel fired
STEVE CATCHPOLE (ICI Katalco): per unit volume of hydrogen and reduction in the tube
Prereforming is an adiabatic steam reforming step skin temperature of the preheat coil.
which takes place upstream of the steam reformer. Their 3. Prereforming of Heavy Feeds
application is quite varied, but there are three specific Prereformers convert naphtha and LPG feeds to meth-
applications that are worth considering. ane rich streams. In many ways, the benefits are broadly

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 123


similar to those discussed in 1). Some degree of flexibility the feed. We agree with what Mr. Lemmon said that you
exists with the option of having the steam reformer oper- avoid problems with carbon formation on the reforming
ating as a methane steam reformer with the prereformer catalyst and development of what is often referred to as
converting all feed types to methane. For new plants, there hot banding on tubes. This is because all higher hydrocar-
is a clear benefit where heavy feeds can be converted to bons present in the feed are converted and, as mentioned,
methane and then reheated to temperatures as high as all residual sulfur is removed. By installing a prereformer,
650°C (1202°F) and so reducing the steam reformer heat the preheat temperature to the tubular reformer can be
load and hence capital costs and operating plant costs (less increased without risk of carbon formation, thus allowing
export steam). It also gives the plant some degree of for a higher throughput with the same heat input to the
flexibility in using different types of hydrocarbon feeds tubular reformer. An additional preheat coil and modifi-
without changing the type of steam reforming catalyst. cation of the reformer inlet system are required. We see a
However, there are some commercially available steam 10% to 15% increase in capacity as the normal goal for
reforming products that can also offer the same flexibility steam reforming of natural gas. In steam reforming of
in use of feedstock; these should be considered as an naphtha, one can increase capacity by one-third.
alternate option, particularly if the energy saving aspects We disagree with a previous statement saying that one
of the prereformer are not required (i.e., there is a high would not incorporate a prereformer in a new unit. I think
steam export requirement). that depends very much on the feed composition.
For existing plants, prereformers may contribute to
plant uprating, and this is usually achieved by decreasing Question 3.
the steam-to-carbon ratio since the steam reformer is now Compare the performance of the latest reformer tube
only handling methane. For PSA based hydrogen plants, materials with HP modified tubes.
having a lower process steam rate reduces steam reformer
heatload and overall plant pressure drop. This gives the ARNDT:
plant some margin for uprating, provided the steam re- We have retubed 3 of our 6 reformers with the new
former exit temperature can be increased to offset the
micro-alloy HP material. They replaced HP modified
methane slip increase resulting from reduced steam addi-
tubes. Our first micro-alloy HP tubes were installed in
tion, or provided that the methane slip increase can be
1992. The principle justification for 2 of the 3 retubes was
tolerated by the downstream processes (e.g. PSA). For wet
increased tube life. We feel we are going to get 20% more
CO2/methanation hydrogen plants, the heat load of the
life. The tube dimensions were kept the same. On the third
CO2 system normally restricts any significant steam-to-
carbon ratio reduction unless some low-energy revamp of reformer, we reduced the tube wall to get more catalyst
the CO2 system is also undertaken. volume and less delta P at the same tube life. The materials
Prereforming schemes should be compared with direct we used were Manaurite XM and Paralloy H39WM.
steam reforming catalyst options to compare the benefits
of capital costs, operating costs, and uprate effectiveness.
Further information can be found in ICI Katalco’s paper I agree with Mr. Arndt’s comments and note that
presented at the 1996 NPRA conference “New (Steam) thinner tubes also allow operating at a lower tube wall
Reforming Technology for the Hydrogen Industry”. temperature, which reduces fuel consumption.

DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.): KOOIMAN:

Prereforming shifts some of the reforming load from The HP 40 modified centrifugally cast reformer tube
the reformer radiant section to the convection section. is a blend of 25 chrome/35 nickel plus niobium. In
Therefore, a prereformer can provide an incremental in- general, HP 40 modified tubes have an 18% to 19%
crease in the capacity of existing hydrogen units, provided strength increase in the critical temperature region over
that the capacity is limited by reformer tube wall tempera- the HK 40 tubes. Average lifetimes of 100,000 hours or
ture or reformer fan capacity. In the cases we have studied, 11 years are common.
the potential capacity improvement is usually about 5%. The newest micro-alloys are blends of 25 chrome, 35
While a prereformer may be justified for existing plants, nickel, niobium and titanium. They are roughly twice as
our studies indicate that it cannot typically be justified for strong as the original HK 40 tubes. They are cost-effective,
new plants. in other words not quite the cost of HK 40, and offer many
options including higher heat fluxes, increased catalyst
ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S): volume, fewer tubes, and longer tube life. Fabrication of
Operating capacity of an existing hydrogen plant can micro-alloys is much more difficult, which has limited the
be enhanced in several ways by installation of prereformer attraction of these tubes. Most recently built plants are
depending on limitations of the existing reformer and on using HP 40 modified metallurgy, except in Europe where

124 Hydrogen Processing


the HP-BST metallurgy is preferred, due to better fabrica-

tion techniques. At Koch we use the HP 40 modified tubes.

We have similar experience. Previous experience with
the HK 40 materials in a reformer heater in the Riyadh
refinery was poor. As a result, there were frequent creep
rupture problems. The tube metallurgy was upgraded with
the HP modified materials in 1994. To date, the perform-
ance has been excellent. The furnace has operated at
conditions similar to those for HK 40 service, yet no
significant creep was observed when the tubes were
checked during this year’s turnaround.

ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):

Haldor Topsoe has well over 10 years of experience in
specifying the micro-alloyed HP reformer tubes. The ex- Question 4.
perience has been an unqualified success in a large number In hydrogen plants operated at tow steam-to-carbon
of plants, both ammonia and hydrogen units, presently in ratios, formic acid can be produced in the shift con-
operation. Improved strength of the material has allowed verter and collect in the process condensate. Has
installation of tubes with thinner tube walls making the anyone experienced problems in the steam system
tubes less susceptible to thermal shock and permitting from reusing the condensate?
higher heat fluxes without adversely affecting tube life
expectancy. Of course, with thinner tubes more catalyst BARKER:
can be installed. 76 Products Company operates one of its newer re-
formers at a 3-to-1 steam-to-carbon ratio and has observed
VINAY KHURANA (Kinetics Technology international Corp. (KTI)): formation of several different organic oxygen compounds
The use of micro-alloys in steam reformer service has that are found in the shift condensate. We reuse this shift
been widely accepted in the last decade. KTI has used condensate after running it through the deaerator. Some
micro-alloys in several applications with very good success. of the oxygen compounds are removed in this deaerator,
High temperature operation favors the use of micro-alloy but others, notably the organic acids, move on to the boiler
due to its higher strength, about 15% to 25% higher stress feedwater system. The only effect we have seen so far seems
values at same design life. to be increased consumption of neutralizing amine chemi-
In retrofit situations in steam reformers, the upgrading cals. The compounds still show up in trace quantities in
to micro-alloys does benefit. It increases capacity while steam, but have not been a problem to date.
retaining the same number of tubes by using larger internal
diameters and thinner wall thickness. I think it is fair to DAVIS:
conclude that use of thinner tubes, as was mentioned by
We do not have actual evidence of formic acid produc-
the panel, reduces the effect of thermocycling which in-
tion, but we have corrosion of 410 stainless steel exchanger
creases the life of the tubes and reduces maintenance costs
tubes in the raw gas trim cooler and the 410 cladding in
of the steam reformers.
the final condensate drum upstream of the PSA unit.
Studies are currently underway with Foster Wheeler to
DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
identify the chemical responsible, including a coupon rack
We have used HP modified micro-alloy tubes
(Manaurite XM; Schmidt & Clemens 4852 MOD; installed in the condensate drum.
Kubota KHR35CT) for the past 7 years. This micro-ahoy
material is 10% to 15% stronger than the older HP FEARNSIDE:
modified material (Manaurite 36X; Thermax 63; Kobota Please remember that formic acid is a relatively strong
KHR35C). The micro-ahoy material allows design for acidic species, while carbon dioxide is a relatively weak
thinner tube walls in the reformer. acid. Carbon dioxide can be stripped in a condensate
Thinner walls increase tube life since the effect of stripper and to some extent in the deaerator, but this is not
secondary stresses associated with thermal cycling (start- true for formic acid. The presence of formic acid needs to
ups, shutdowns, and rate changes) is much less with a be considered in the subsequent neutralization of the
thinner tube. Thinner tubes also operate at a lower tube boiler feedwater and its effect on boiler water chemistry.
wall temperature, thereby reducing fuel consumption. The presence of formic acid in the condensate radically

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 125


changes the neutralization curve. We have seen a 5 fold Acetaldehydes can be produced over shift catalysts but
increase in neutralization requirements. at very low levels, as can hydrocarbons, particularly olefins.
Since most process condensate systems are stainless ICI Katalco’s paper entitled “ICI’s Operating Experience
steel to handle the condensate carbonic acid corrosion, the with Shift Catalysts at Low Steam Ratios” presented at the
presence of formic acid should not present a problem, 1988 AIChE Ammonia Safety Symposium is applicable.
assuming correct neutralization procedures are followed. It shows the latest generation of catalysts as being less
susceptible to forming unsaturated hydrocarbons than the
STEVE CATCHPOLE (ICI Katalco): older generation.
Formic acid is not normally found in the process gas The main drive of the question is what happens to the
leaving the shift section of the Hydrogen Manufacturing formic acid when it gets into the steam system. Just like
Unit (HMU). A discussion as to why this is the case the decomposition products of any organics present, it
follows. causes corrosion. Any acid will reduce the pH and accel-
The mechanism for the formation of methanol in the erate corrosion. The normal procedure is to increase the
shift section of the HMU is for hydrogen and CO2 to be pH by adding an amine such as morpholene or cyclohex-
absorbed onto the surface of the catalyst and then react to amine. The higher the steam pressure, the worse the
give a formate (1). This then further reacts with hydrogen problem. At 20 kg/cm2g to 30 kg/cm2g (290 psig to 435
to give methanol (2). psig) the system seems relatively tolerant to organics,
CO2+ H → HCOO (1) whereas at 60 kg/cm2g to 80 kg/cm2g (870 psig to 1160
HCOO + 2H → CH3O + O (2) psig) there are serious problems. In the 30 kg/cm2g to 60
CH3O + H → CH3 (3) kg/cm2g (435 psig to 870 psig) region (which is where
In theory, the reaction sequence could be disturbed most HMUs operate), it all depends. The real problem is
after (1) and the addition of a single hydrogen atom could in knowing where the acids will condense out in the steam
give formic acid (4). system and cause corrosion. Understanding this gives a
HCOO + H → HCOOH (4) clue as to which and how much amine to use to protect
The question is not clear as to whether it concerns an the whole steam and condensate system.
HMU with only a high temperature shift (HTS) vessel or
both an HTS and low temperature shift (LTS) vessel. It is
DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
possible under low steam-to-carbon ratio conditions (say
Our hydrogen plants typically operate at a 3-to-1
less than 2.8) that the iron oxide at the top of the bed could
steam-to-carbon ratio, and there have been no reports of
be over-reduced to iron which could catalyze this reaction
formic acid formation in the shift converter. Steam-to-
preferentially. This happens even with the more modern
copper-promoted HTS catalysts, but is much reduced at carbon ratios below this level can present problems if not
a given steam-to-carbon ratio. It is also known that at properly designed.
lower steam-to-carbon ratios, the quantity of methanol
ANDERS NIELSEN (Haldor Topsoe A/S):
produced increases. If it is assumed that formic acid
formation occurs in tandem, then low steam-to-carbon The problem of formic acid has been enhanced by the
ratios may favor greater formic acid production. However, trends towards operating hydrogen plants at lower and
it is likely that formic acid would tend to decompose into lower steam-to-carbon ratios in order to make the plants
methane and water across an HTS assuming that the more energy efficient. As a result of this, the amount of
catalyst is not over-reduced. The presence of formic acid process condensate produced has decreased considerably.
is more often seen in HyCO plants where there is an We have seen pH of about 4.8 which is, of course, highly
absence of shift converters and very low steam-to-carbon corrosive. The acids cannot be stripped off as mentioned.
ratios. The formic acid is produced in the steam reformer We rectify this by adding an amine in the deaerator.
and the concentration is only a percentage (say less than
50%) of the equilibrium concentration. HyCO plants also C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
tend to operate with far higher CO/CO2 partial pressures We are also facing very serious problems with process
which would greatly drive the equilibrium conversion. condensate in a hydrogen unit. The pH of the process
At low concentrations, formic acid is difficult to detect condensate is as low as 4. Even after passing through the
as it is close to the methanol peak in a gas chromatograph. deaerator and after using neutralization agents like mor-
An alternative possibility would be the partial oxidation phelene and phosphate to the maximum extent possible,
of methanol to formic acid. This would be difficult to do we are not able to maintain the pH of the steam drum. An
in such a strongly reducing atmosphere. Perhaps the con- increased level of phosphate injection is causing deposits
version of methanol to formic acid takes place after the in the steam generator and seriously affecting the heat
shift during condensation or even in the sample line if transfer. So naturally, we are not in a position to use this
oxygen is present. condensate and we are draining it. Is there any method by

126 Hydrogen Processing


which we can fix this situation or use some other chemi- any operational benefit can be measured since most mod-
cals? ern reforming catalysts have optimized shapes which
would help to enhance the surface area and improve the
FEARNSIDE: heat transfer.
My answer to that is that acids require a stoichiometric A possible negative would be an increase in pressure
amount of neutralizer plus 5% to 10% for distribution drop, which would be plant dependent, caused by the
inefficiencies. If you do not use enough neutralizer, you denser loading. The major advertised benefit of the sweeps
are going to get into the problem that you have described. brush is that it actually provides a quicker loading time
What you need to do is analytical testing to find out what during this operation. Catalyst presocking is eliminated
your neutralization requirements are and then get the and the time required to vibrate tubes and check outages
equipment in place to utilize that amount of neutralizer. is also reduced.

T. R. (TOM) BACON (Dow Chemical Company): DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
Another problem encountered when using process con- The “sweeps brush” method involves loading the cata-
densate as makeup water to the amine CO2 removal lyst into the tubes through a series of brushes that are
system is the buildup of heat stable salts in the amine attached to a rope. This method is licensed by Norsk
caused by any anions produced in the upstream process. Hydro.
We have not considered the “sweeps brush” method
Question 5. since we already obtain excellent results by loading catalyst
Describe the “sweeps brush” method of loading re- pre-socked at a constant weight per sock. This facilitates
former catalyst tubes, and how it compares with the loading each tube with an equal weight of catalyst. Based
sock method. on field reports, we believe the pre-sock loading method
is as good as the “sweeps brush” method.
The sweeps brush method of loading is really an old BENJAMIN CROMARTY (ICI Katalco Corp.):
method that dates back to the 1960s that is again gaining Regarding the “sweeps brush” method of loading steam
attention. If done correctly, it results in a denser load than reformers, there does seem to be a mixed view in the
a sock loading. This implies that you will get an improved industry as to whether the claimed benefits from this
catalyst activity because of the fact that you have more method of loading are achieved in practice.
catalyst in the reactor tubes. In order to evaluate this method in detail, ICI will be
The technique incorporates a series of flexible rubber using this method and comparing it with its own experi-
disks that let the catalysts fall into the tubes more slowly ence with conventional sock loading when they next
and, therefore, to load more uniformly and densely. The change out the steam reformer catalyst in a few months. I
down side is that the loading takes longer. will give a detailed report when we have completed the
CatTech feels that a carefully done sock loading is comparison.
nearly as effective. No one has approached them yet to do Our initial view, based on the experience of several of
a sock loading, but they feel confident they can do one if our customers, is that if the loading is done by experienced
so asked. operators, then the sweeps brush method is quicker, and
results in a more uniform initial pressure drop distribution
BARKER: between the steam reformer tubes than the sock method
Contractors tell us that this process loads approxi- would. The final pressure drop variation though is one that
mately 8% to 10% more catalyst in the tubes. However, is no better than a careful sock loading with proper settling
we have no experience using this method since sock load- can achieve (typically +2% to 4%). However, there have
ing provides good loadings for our operation. also been a few reports that with inexperienced operators,
the sweeps brush method can be problematic.
KOOIMAN: It has been claimed that the loaded density using the
Well, I have a little bit different information. According sweeps brush method is 5% higher than seen with sock
to my information, the sweeps brush method consists of loading. Achieved figures appear to be 2% to 4% higher
lowering a rope with steel spring brushes attached. They than is typically seen with sock loading, though it should
are dropped down into the catalyst tube, then the catalyst be said that sock loading with proper settling methods will
is poured directly from drums into the tube as the rope is achieve the same loaded densities as the sweeps brush
slowly pulled out. As described, this method was devel- method. However, with regard to the claims of improved
oped by Norsk Hydro and licensed to others. And it is reformer performance, these have not as yet been substan-
designed to produce a denser loading than the traditional tiated. Unlike many other processes in the refinery, the
sock method. It is not clear if this is the case or if, in fact, steam reformer is not activity limited, and so extra catalyst

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 127


(as evidenced by higher loaded densities) will not result in fired boiler combustion air and access to shared equipment
higher throughputs or lower exit methane slip. There will, would seem to create a major challenge to your mainte-
of course, be an increase in pressure drop. nance department during turnarounds.

G. DARRELL SCRUGGS (Kinetics Technology Intl. Corp. (KTI)): DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
In steam reformers with typical 4 in. to 5 in. internal We have designed plants with an integrated auxiliary
diameter tubes and fluxes as high as 25,000, performance boiler in the convection section, however, our current
is not limited by catalyst volume. The limitation is the position is that a stand-alone auxiliary boiler costs less
tube material. A reformer generally has 40% to 50% more overall and simplifies operation. Turndown for either in-
catalyst than is needed at these fluxes. Since performance tegrated or stand-alone can be as low as 25%.
is not catalyst limited, there is no benefit from having a
denser catalyst loading which imposes more delta P on RANDY KESSLER (Kinetics Technology International Corp. (KTI)):
the front end. We have seen a reformer in Venezuela at KTI has multiple designs which integrate an auxiliary
which the catalyst supplier convinced the operator to boiler in parallel with the steam reformer’s convection
dense load the catalyst. When the unit came back on-line, section. The operating experience has been quite good.
it was rate limited because of additional delta P imposed The SMR can run alone as can the auxiliary boiler. The
on the front end. designer needs to account for brief temperature excursions
as one or the other integrated unit is taken off-line.
Question 6. The trade-off is between operating flexibility and the
Maximum steam generation from a hydrogen plant highest steam production efficiency. Turndowns of 30%
can be accomplished by integrating an auxiliary boiler to 35% are reasonable.
in the reformer furnace convection section. What is
the operating experience with these systems? Is there Question 7.
any experience operating this design for hydrogen What are the current NOx emission limits from new
only (auxiliary boiler shutdown) or steam only (SMR reformers and the processes used to attain them?
shutdown)? What turndown is achievable in the aux-
iliary boiler? BARKER:
In the California San Francisco Bay area, new reformers
FEARNSIDE: have a NOx emission limit of 9 ppmw. Flue gas NOx is
The flue gas convection boiler referred to in the ques- reduced by selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst
tion is a typical energy conservation measure in many installed in the flue gas stack. Vaporized aqueous ammonia
steam methane reformer designs. It is usually a forced (greater than 25 wt% NH3) is injected upstream of the
boiler feedwater circulation design. These boilers usually SCR catalyst.
operate without problems if some simple operating prac- The reformers in the California Los Angeles Basin are
tices are followed. limited to 7 ppmw NOx. They also use SCR to achieve
Usually the flue gas has 3 duties including steam gen- the required NOx levels.
eration, steam super heating, and process heating. Obvi-
ously, one consideration must be the impact of altering the DAVIS:
heat load and the overall economics of the operation. With CENEX started up a Foster Wheeler hydrogen unit in
respect to this aspect of the question, we would refer you 1993. A guarantee on the burners was 0.05 lb/MMBTU
to your equipment designer. and that is what we based our permit on.
Operating without steam generation raises a concern
regarding metallurgy and integrity. Typically we find that GENTRY:
operation without a steam load will eventually result in We are aware of recently permitted reformers that have
failed tubes. Operation at off design point can cause its been equipped with selective catalyst reduction (SCR) to
own problems. These steam generators are often horizon- control NOx. Emission rates as low as 0.0112 lb
tal tubes and it is imperative that the appropriate mass flux NOx/MMBTU have been achieved. In existing reformers,
be maintained to stay in the nucleate boiling regime. low NOx burner technology is achieving emission rates of
Attempts to reduce circulation rates can result in vapor between 0.22 lb and 0.034 lb NOx/MMBTU.
pockets or pool boiling which can lead to creep rupture.
LEMMON: NOx limits vary by the attainment status and PSD
We do not operate our waste boiler independent of our status of each site and facility, with new installations
reformer. Although I do not see why this could not be typically requiring low NOx burners. Burners can be
accomplished in a new grass roots installation. A source of designed for induced recycle of flue gas to control the heat

128 Hydrogen Processing


of combustion, or can use multiple fuel and/or combus- Ultra low NOx burners produce about 25 ppm to
tion air injection points to both control the excess oxygen 35 ppm NOx.
available to form NOx, and to limit the flame temperature SCRs produce less than 10 ppm NOx.
to retard the shift towards NOx production. This is a
staged combustion design. Other technologies incorpo- DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
rate the addition of a chemical agent to control NOx, NOx limits vary with the site. We typically use low NOx
which is an assisted design. Some burners rely on a com- burners. These burners are designed for induced recycle of
bination of both assisted and staged technologies. These flue gas. For hydrogen plants burning PSA offgas, these
burners can often achieve NOx values as low as 0.020 lb burners can achieve NO x values as low as 0.03 lb
to 0.025 lb NOx/MMBTU, sometimes even less. The NOx/MM BTU LHV heat release. For such burners, the
typical guarantee range for any of these systems is in the typical guarantee is 0.05 lb NOx/MM BTU LHV.
0.05 lb range.
In our experience, low NOx burners do not typically
have the operational range that “normal” burners have,
Hydrogen Purification
and may go unstable at higher rates of firing or excessive
Question 8.
draft. They may experience bumping where the flame
What are the considerations for installing a hydrocar-
seems to jump off the burner and then relight, rapid
bon recovery unit to recover hydrocarbons from feed
shuddering or actually go out.
gas to a PSA unit or from tail gas from a PSA unit?
So if you are looking at pushing the original design
numbers on your low NOx burners, review your system DAVIS:
carefully as operators may not foresee this potential. The following items need to be considered.
1 . The value of the hydrocarbons to be extracted.
RONALD BREDEHOFT (Kinetics Technology International Corp. (KTI)): Most of the hydrocarbons will be in the C1 to C4
KTI has installed a number of hydrogen plants in the class range, and, unless olefins are to be recovered
U.S. and each hydrogen plant has its own specific NOx for petrochemical production, I would not expect
requirements. In California, we have installed SCRs on this to be much above fuel value.
these hydrogen plants and they make, as the panel sug- 2. The type and cost of the recovery unit. The second
gested, less than 10 ppm NOx. They meet all the Best stage of absorption is unlikely to be useful. So this
Achievable Control Technology (BACT) guidelines in would probably be a membrane or cryogenic unit.
California. If the stream is available at very high pressure, a
Elsewhere in the U.S. the requirements are not as strict membrane system could be used up front to re-
and we have used various technologies. In general, our move most of the hydrogen leaving a more concen-
experience with burners firing PSA gas at 2% oxygen and trated hydrocarbon stream. This could reduce the
no air preheat is as follows: overall cost of the purification system.
Conventional burners produce around 50 ppm of 3. Lost hydrocarbon value in the tail gas stream. The
NO x . typical use for PSA tail gas is to compress it into
Staged fuel low NO, burners produce 35 ppm to 45 the plant fuel system. If the refinery has a hydrogen
plant, use of steam reformer feed or fuel may be
ppm NOx.
more attractive. PSA tail gas is light and already
contains some hydrogen, so it makes an excellent
steam reformer feed. Alternatively, the tail gas can
be burned at low pressure. The burners in a terrace
wall reformer are well-suited to doing this. This
will usually require new piping and burner tips.

DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):

We have no experience with hydrocarbon recovery
units of this type.

G. DARRELL SCRUGGS (Kinetics Technology Intl. Corp. (KTI)):

We were not sure that this question related to protect-
ing the PSA unit through feed gas purification or design
considerations for hydrocarbon recovery. KTI Fish Cor-
poration designed the Javelina project at Corpus Christi,

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 129


Texas, which recovers hydrocarbons cryogenically from BARKER:

multiple refinery feeds. The offgas from the unit is purified The adsorbent was changed out in the oldest of our 2
in a PSA unit. PSA units after 81⁄2 years of operation. This was done to
Hydrocarbon recovery should be from the feed to the allow a vessel inspection. Post dump testing found that the
PSA unit and not the tail gas. Feed pressures should be adsorbent was still active.
above 400 psig in order to be self-sustaining. Hydrogen
content generally should be between 40% and 70%. Feed KATHY PICIOCCIO (UOP):
to the cryogenic unit must be dry and CO2-free, and, if We have experience with multiple PSA units in service
FCC dry gas is part of the feed, the design must consider for over 20 years still running on their original charge of
the formation of unstable NOx gums. adsorbent with no loss in performance or capacity to
Overhead gas purity is determined by the flash gas maintain the life of the adsorbent for the life of the unit.
pressure. If the gas is to go to a PSA unit, the purity is less We would recommend you run design feed gas through it
of a concern, other than that the high hydrocarbon con- and keep it free from liquid carryover. UOP has seen quite
tent of the raw gas will produce a low pressure, high BTU a number of refiners worldwide dumping their adsorbent
purge gas from the PSA unit. Obviously, hydrocarbon for the purpose of vessel inspection and then placing the
recovery from hydrogen is dependent upon the value of adsorbent back in the vessels when they were finished.
the hydrocarbons. We know of no application that would
justify cryogenically treating feed gas in order to make it DAVID L. KING (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc.):
more suitable to feed a PSA unit. With proper operation, the PSA adsorbent should last
the life of the plant.
Question 9. However, if the PSA unit is operated such that fluidi-
What is the actual life obtained from PSA adsorbent
zation occurs during pressure equalization, then the en-
material? What precautions should be taken to im-
trained adsorbent will need to be replaced.
prove the life cycle of the adsorbents? Does anyone
Also, if heavy components appear in the feedstock and
dump adsorbers before the adsorbent is spent just for
are allowed to contaminate the adsorbent bed, it may be
necessary to change the adsorbent.
vessel inspection?
We are unaware of anyone dumping the adsorbers
before the adsorbent is spent just for vessel inspection.
Well, we have only had our unit on-line for 3 years, so
I cannot give you any full experience. We were told that B. Hydrotreating
somewhere on the order of 20 years can be expected if
operated properly. The worst contaminant is water which Reactor Bed Plugging
can actually physically degrade the sieve that is in the beds.
Because of that, we have never dumped ours. Question 10.
Several questions were submitted concerning reactor
ARNDT: bed plugging. Discuss the causes of reactor bed plug-
For me, the major issue regarding PSA adsorbers is ging, in your experience, and what has been done to
vessel integrity rather than adsorbent life or material. Since correct the problem. Considerations include filters,
the question addresses vessel inspection, I am going to storage and feed handling, trash baskets, additives,
focus on vessel integrity for a minute. guard beds, bed skimming, etc.
We have a PSA unit in our Richmond refinery that has
been in and out of service for 10 years. We just had ARNDT:
through-wall cracks in 2 of the 5 vessels. The cracks started This is a chronic Q&A question and a chronic industry
at an internal bed support weld. Weld cracks are a serious problem. I will go through how I categorize bed plugging
issue for these vessels. Crack growth is extremely fast due problems and briefly outline some of the solutions. The
to cycling and hydrogen atmosphere. So inspect your panel can then go into more specifics.
vessels. • Problem No. 1 is incoming trash. This could be iron
After finding these cracks, we started looking at ways scale, coke fines and upstream catalyst fines. Obvi-
to inspect. Obviously, the tried and true method is to ously, the first thing you do is go upstream and see
dump the adsorbent, go inside and look for the cracks. We if you can eliminate the source, using metallurgy,
have also found that external automatic UT can be effec- corrosion control, improved fractionator perform-
tive in identifying these fatigue faults. Again, you have to ance, etc. The next step is bed grading. Usually, good
use a highly qualified technician. We are UT monitoring grading is all you need to get out of trouble. How-
the other 3 vessels until the next shutdown. ever, in some cases, feed filtration is also needed.

130 Hydrogen Processing


• Problem No. 2 is soluble iron in the feed. This is a Routinely when we are handling cracked stocks, we
major problem if you run naphthenic crudes (e.g., would install dual feed filters to remove catalyst or coke
California, Venezuela). It is a tough problem. Filters fines in the feed greater than 50 microns. In addition, we
do not help. The iron drops out quickly at the top have found the use of graded beds with hollow cylinders
of your reactor as soon as it hits active catalyst. The has proven to be very effective in retention of solids and
solution here is to carefully grade your catalyst load minimizing bed plugging.
using catalyst size, shape, and activity.
• Problem No. 3 is carbonaceous coke scales. The BARKER:
source is “gum” fouling of the preheat exchangers We currently experience reactor bed plugging in most
and feed furnace. You see this a lot in naphtha of our hydrotreating lead reactors. This has been attributed
hydrotreaters and light gas oil hydrotreaters feeding primarily to iron sulfide deposits and metals. In response,
cracked stocks. The secret is to minimize “gum” we have removed the scale baskets from most of the
formation. Avoid oxygen contamination in storage, reactors to make room for more graded bed support media
feed hot from the upstream units, and blanket your and catalyst. Units with minor fouling have a few different
feed tanks. Also, avoid feeding “free radical” stocks, sizes of material; units with major fouling have several sizes
like disulfide float oil from an extractive Merox. The of support media and catalyst.
“free radical” stocks act like oxygen and promote In one of our straight-run jet hydrotreaters, scale bas-
gums. Good heat exchanger design is also key. Keep kets are also installed in the top of the catalyst load because
feed on the tube side with high velocities and low they are usually 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 full when the reactor is opened
skin temperatures. for turnaround. The general rule is, “If you find them full
• Problem No. 4 is massive catalyst bed coking. This of scale when you open the reactor, put them back in.
can be a result of high temperature excursions or Otherwise, they probably are not needed.”
high end point feeds. Use correct catalyst start-up In one of our gas oil hydrocrackers, we have two levels
procedures (sulfiding, titration, feed-in conditions). of feed filtration to remove the bulk of the incoming solids.
Watch your operating procedures and make sure you This is in addition to graded beds.
have both the facilities and the procedures to mini- A case study: We experienced two different types of bed
mize temperature excursions. If you do have a tem- plugging in one of our hydrocracker unit lead hydrotreat-
perature excursion, promptly hot strip at high ing reactor top beds in our early years of operation. We
temperatures for about 8 hours. This has at least a installed a graded bed of support media on top of the first
50/50 chance of recovering from the high delta P. bed of catalyst. This improved operation to allow us to run
• Problem No. 5 is in situ formation of catalyst bed between scheduled turnarounds.
fines. Of course, unmanaged catalyst loading can One type of contamination was fine particulate iron
lead to fines. However, the tougher problem is mak- sulfide from upstream corrosion products; the areas of
ing sure you correctly install bed internals to avoid corrosion were identified and alloyed. Another type of
internal catalyst migration. Make sure your screens material plugging the bed was polymerization products
are clean and replace them often. If you have any from long-term storage of feed in unblanketed tanks. A
penetrations through your bed support screens or practice was established that feed that had been stored for
your internal distribution trays, make sure these are more than 4 weeks in an unblanketed tank was to be rerun
well sealed. Fully understand expansion of the reac- through an upstream vacuum tower. The heavier polym-
tor internals, especially TI’s, quench pipes and cata- erization products drop to the vacuum tower bottoms or
lyst dump pipes. are thermally cracked in the heater/vacuum tower system.
We also use a hydrogen blanket on our feed mix drum to
BALDASSARI: ensure that polymerization does not have a chance to
I would like to relate one problem specifically on initiate in the feed preheat section.
handling of cracked stocks from fluid catalytic crackers or We have continued the use of the graded bed of support
cokers. We had one installation where, although not part media. Recent inspections of the top bed indicate that some
of the normal design feed, cycle oil was blended at about material is still being screened by the graded bed but in far
15 vol% with the diesel stock. The cycle oil was drawn off smaller quantities than were experienced in the early years.
non-blanketed tankage. Within a short period of time, this
caused fouling of the feed preheat train and caused polym- DiCAMILLO:
erization and fouling at the top of the first bed in the I agree with Mr. Arndt that determining where the bed
hydrotreater reactor. The unit had to take a premature plugging is occurring is the first thing that needs to be
turnaround to clean the feed exchangers. They have since done in diagnosing the problem and determining the
blanketed the cycle oil storage tank and eliminated the remedies. If you have pressure gages or taps on your
problem. reactor, across beds and other things, that is very helpful.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 131


It is hard to isolate the problem if you just have an inlet but mostly it is a slow build-up of deposit and pressure.
and an outlet pressure. It makes it difficult to determine We have also gotten a shot of Merox caustic into our
where the pressure drop is. naphtha hydrotreater from our disulfide separator on
One thing that Mr. Arndt did not mention that we have several occasions, which does quite a nice job on the
seen: a case like a low pressure FCC feed hydrotreater preheat efficiency and catalyst load.
running at very low hydrogen partial pressure, where the We use very large trash baskets, have bypassed our sour
reactor plugs up at the bottom of the reactor rather than naphtha feed tank, and installed a bypass on the first
at the top. We attribute that to low hydrogen partial preheat bank. We can use it in sacrificial service and keep
pressure and accelerated coking in the bottom of the it clean and continue to plate out any material there that
reactor. I would just like to reiterate that the natural does come through. We also use graded active support and
tendency may be to assume that the plugging is in the top active rings on both our naphtha and distillate hydro-
of the reactor and that is not always the case. treater reactors. We also have a distribution tray/dirt
catcher on the distillate hydrotreater reactor which runs at
FEARNSIDE: very low delta P. The distillate hydrotreater also has sacri-
We have had success in utilizing heavy shock dosages ficial exchangers, which can be cleaned on-line to keep the
of disbursing chemistry, and recently have had an 80%+ key high pressure exchangers, heater coils, and reactor
success rate. The reason we have been successful is that we clean. I have also used guard beds successfully.
better understood how the fouling occurred in the first We have skimmed our naphtha hydrotreater at
place. If you slowly, over time, build up a delta P across MAPCO, and other places I have worked, numerous
your reactor bed, we cannot touch that. You are going to times. I have also seen tank blanketing with nitrogen, and
have to live with it, shut down, or as Mr. Arndt mentioned a bladder tank where the natural vapors from several tanks
earlier, take care of all the process conditions to mitigate went into a bladder in a separate tank to maintain a pad
that from starting in the first place. However, if you have and prevent oxygen from getting into the product and
had a unit upset upstream and a very large pressure product from getting into the air. I have also used additives
increase in a short period of time, say over a couple of for this service and found this to be a mixed blessing,
hours, and if you can inject the shock dosage of dispersant especially with adding the material into a fouled system
chemistry within 2 to 3 days of that event, then we have and shutting down immediately to skim the top of the
been able to disburse that material down into the bed and bed, and having repeated shutdowns as the system contin-
alleviate the pressure drop to an extent that the planned ued to clean itself.
run lengths can be obtained.
GENTRY: Most of the comments have been covered already. So I
Most of the topics have been pretty well covered. I will not go into a lot of detail other than some differences
would like to revisit the topic of iron sulfide scale. Soluble and some other unique points.
iron can be present in the feed as a result of corrosion by One thing to note is that storage of straight-run prod-
naphthenic acids upstream of the hydrotreater. As Mr. ucts can also cause problems if they are contacted by
Arndt mentioned, this iron cannot be removed by filtra- oxygen. We saw a lot of problems on a particular unit that
tion. Graded catalyst beds can be partially effective in was purchasing naphtha feedstock and running it through
minimizing pressure build-up from iron sulfide scaling. the hydrotreater. Oxygen will absorb into it and cause feed
Specialized material for use in this service is available from exchanger fouling very rapidly.
Akzo Nobel and is called KG-1. This is a macro-porous UOP does agree that bed gradings using the various size
material which is formulated to both capture and retain a supports and the hollow rings are advisable. We have
high iron loading without pressure drop increase. For cases actually seen problems on one unit that used trash baskets.
in which the soluble iron content is very high, say greater This was a unit where the catalyst would have some
than 5 ppm, it may be economical to consider upgrading cracking activity. Hot spots can develop between the
metallurgy in your crude unit to prevent naphthenic acid baskets due to low flow regimes. Essentially all of the flow
attack. goes down through the baskets out the bottom of the
basket leaving a low flow area between the baskets. So there
HUNKUS: is some concern about the hot spots, depending on the
In our experience, the scale most often comes from service, when trash baskets are used.
oxygen in the feed which forms a scale in the preheat
exchanger and/or heater tubes. This then sluffs off and SMITH:
fouls the top of the reactor bed. A feed outage or any Bed plugging is generally due to the accumulation of
thermal cycling can exacerbate the problem. We have seen scale from the feed as well as from the preheat exchangers
delta P go from 30 psi to about 100 psi in a few weeks, and furnace. Even with feed filters, coke from furnace

132 Hydrogen Processing


tubes and scale from the feed lines and/or filter break- screen it and reload it. That will give you essentially the
through will result in pluggage of the catalyst beds. Reduc- same clean bed void fraction you have with new catalyst.
tion in the rate at which pluggage occurs can be achieved
by spreading the particulate matter over a larger volume EVERETTE C. HARRIS (HRI, Inc.):
of the catalyst and catalyst support. This is usually done Our parent company IFP has two commercial HY-
by grading the top catalyst support and/or carefully select- VAHL units that use 25 micron Procon filters to protect
ing the catalyst shapes and sizes at the top of the reactor. the first stage reactor catalyst. Ssangyong high valve filters
Support and catalyst grading is done by placing larger are backflushed automatically when the pressure drop
catalyst on top and smaller catalyst below. The large exceeds about 1.8 kg/cm2. During normal operations,
particles have larger interstitial void space. these filters are backwashed to blowdown once every 45
The Ras Tanura refinery has achieved good success in min. to 90 min. for about 6 seconds at a rate equal to about
reducing the rate of pluggage by using both graded bed 10% of the normal unit throughput. To date, there have
catalyst support and a tubular type catalyst in the top been no significant operating problems with the
portion of the reactor. The graded bed consists of 3⁄4 in., Ssangyong filters, and the reactor pressure drop was stable
⁄2 in. and 3⁄8 in. ceramic balls on top of the catalyst. during the first 6 months of operation. IFP’s other com-
The presence of iron in the feedstocks is another con- mercial HYVAHL unit is located in Total’s Ardmore,Okla-
tributing factor to reactor plugging. Organic iron com- homa, refinery. Earlier this year Total changed the catalyst
pounds pass through feed filters and are then converted to in the first stage reactor, demetallization catalyst, after
FeS. Part of this FeS will be retained in the void fraction of processing various mixtures of VGO and Maya vacuum
the catalyst bed, while the remaining FeS will be deposited. residue for over 2 years. The catalyst change was conducted
On the outer surface of the catalyst particles, FeS will not after the reactor pressure drop exceeded about 50 psi. Due
normally penetrate into the catalyst particles. FeS will lead to the unit feed filters, the reactor design, and the unit
to coke formation for high temperature catalyst service. operation, no significant reactor plugging was observed
Reactor fouling is also accelerated if the operating condi- other than the expected pressure drop increase due to the
tions are not controlled within the specified operating accumulation of metals on that catalyst.
ranges, e.g., hydrogen-to-oil ratio, furnace operation,
steam-to-carbon ratio for steam reformers, etc. Our naph-
JEAN-PIERRE PERIES (Acreon Catalysts):
tha hydrotreater catalyst has shown accelerated fouling
Catalyst plugging by insolubles from the feedstock is
whenever we have processed a feedstock from storage with-
well known. We have several guard bed options to capture
out proper nitrogen blanketing or oxygen prestripping.
Purchased naphtha previously Merox treated has proven to the particles. Today, Acreon focuses on the answer to
be particularly problematic. Tightlined feeds between units plugging by the olefin polymerization and we have catalyst
generally do not have problems with oxygen. solutions. We propose several catalysts based on special
UOP has an excellent paper given recently on the use neutral alumina carrier to avoid the polymerization phe-
of graduated beds and tubular catalysts. I am sure licensee’s nomenon on the acid side of the catalyst. We have two
could request the paper successfully. catalysts on this job. HR945 catalyst is mainly devoted to
olefin hydrogenation and it is installed as the first catalyst
PARI B. SHETH (Petrolite Corporation): bed for pyrolysis distillate hydrotreating. The second cata-
Petrolite has patented additive technology for resolving lyst is HM841. The catalyst is mainly a demetallization
some of the problems of reactor bed plugging. Petrolite’s catalyst with special alumina support. It is used as first bed
Petrotech reactor bed conglomerate is a commercially avail- for the VGO hydrotreater to prepare feedstock for metal
able program. This program can be used effectively to removal and also for heavy coker gas oil olefin hydrogena-
combat delta P problems across the reactor bed. In a typical tion. The part of such catalysts in a catalyst system is
East Coast refiner delta P problems were eliminated pre- selected mainly as a function of feedstock characteristics
venting an unscheduled turnaround. The results of the and composition.
Petrotech reactor bed conglomerate were obtained in less
than 20 hours in an extremely cost-effective manner. STEVEN M. FISCHER (CITGO Petroleum Corp.):
Mr. Fearnside, when using dispersants to try and recover
BRIAN M. MOYSE (Haldor Topsoe, Inc.): from either a feed or a process upset, what is the window
Just one comment to add about the skimming, we of opportunity when it is effective to use these dispersants?
would normally recommend, unless you are just trying to
buy a very short time to a major turnaround, that you do FEARNSIDE:
not do that. If you are going to get the maximum cycle You have to treat the event within 2 to 3 days of the
length, then you really need to take all the catalyst out, event occurring.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 133


BILL WITZIG (BetzDearborn): straight-run stock. We do this in a few of our units. Also,
In the case where there is polymer formation in the feed if you feed a high percentage of cracked stock, removing
preheat and it carries into the bed, it is important to treat it from your feed would also help.
with a polymerization inhibitor. If you are additizing with
a dispersant alone, it will only exacerbate the problem. HUNKUS:
We had an unusual opportunity where we had prob-
CHARLES T. ORLANDO (Pall Corporation): lems in a reformer. The operators bypassed the automatic
Pall Corporation has been working to protect fixed bed trip and left charge going into our distillate unit for about
catalyst bed filters for several years. In one specific case, as 20 min. with very little hydrogen. We started back up and
mentioned before, 1/3 of the catalyst bed, the top third, the reactor was basically dead. We had a fairly significant
was being skimmed every 6 to 9 months. With a retrofit increase in pressure drop. We tried a hot hydrogen strip,
of the existing system to incorporate a finer media with and that was Shell 448 by the way, and recovered a
greater surface area, we were able to extend the life of the significant amount of the activity, dropped about a third
bed to well over 2 years, with the bed still nowhere near of the pressure drop off, and were able to make about
plugging to this date. However, one must be very careful 5½ months to turnaround with it.
of the existing system limitations when retrofitting exist-
ing systems. Many difficulties can be encountered.
J.B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.):
Most two phase flow hydrotreaters have a vapor liquid
distribution system at the top of the reactor. If trash
The point about oxygen contamination of feedstocks
to hydrotreaters and the fouling problems it creates has baskets are installed below this distributor tray, the trash
been made earlier today and cannot be overemphasized. baskets have the effect of separating the phases after
Almost every year discussion on this subject comes up and redistribution has occurred on the tray. Mr. Johnson
every time the same cautions and comments are made, noted that hot spots have been noticed in and around
namely, do not allow this to happen, if possible. As to how trash baskets installed in two phase flow systems. They
much oxygen in the feed is too much oxygen, my own have also been noticed below trash baskets in two phase
axiom after many, many years of experience in this par- flow systems.
ticular area is: “2 ppm O2 is 2 ppm too much”. We recommend that trash baskets not be installed in
The other point is that in an extreme case where oxygen two phase flow systems, but rather that graded support be
is in fact present by way of imported feedstock, the only used. A number of our clients have done that with im-
solution is prestripping the oxygen out of the system proved distribution and catalyst performance.
before it goes into the hydrotreater. Now, quite often some
vendors claim that antioxidants, inhibitors and so on will MICHEL ROY (Petro-Canada Products):
scavenge dissolved oxygen. That is not true. The only true We have an HVGO gas oil hydrocracker and we
solution in an extreme case is stripping, or not allowing normally process virgin gas oil from our crude unit. We
oxygen ingress in the feeds in the first place by rank once processed non-oxygen stripped material and pres-
blanketing or direct unit-to-unit feed lines. sure drop built up rapidly on our unit. We were successful
in recovering some of the pressure drop with the hot cycle
NEIL HOWARD (UOP): oil wash and the hydrogen sweep. The pressure drop
I was interested in Mr. Arndt’s comments about cases
of a temperature excursion where coke built up on the
catalyst bed. He indicated that a hot hydrogen strip for
about 8 hours would perhaps give you a 50/50 chance of
reducing some of the delta P. I was wondering, did you
incorporate a diesel flush prior to the hot hydrogen strip?
Also, have others experienced use of hot hydrogen strip
to alleviate delta P when you have had a situation like

Most of our temperature excursions occur in our isoc-
rackers which feed light VGO. Therefore, we do not need
a diesel flush, since the difference in boiling range is not
that great. I think if you have a resid unit or a very heavy
VGO unit, it would be good to flush it out with a light

134 Hydrogen Processing


reduction was mostly in the exchangers and not much expensive, considering the design restrictions applied
around the reactor itself. when using carbon steel construction.
Has anyone done oxygen stripping of gas oil, and, if Normally as far as wash water makeup is concerned,
so, how? and especially in resid hydrocrackers where the water
quantities are fairly large, we use process condensate from
ARNDT: the atmospheric tower overhead and from the vacuum
We have done it in a few of our middle distillate units, tower overhead ejector condenser system. We then add
but have basically eliminated the practice over time. We water, generally from the sour water stripper. The makeup
could see little, if any, benefit. In one case where we were usually composes about 30% to 50% of the wash water
stripping with gas, we were putting more oxygen in our injection into the air cooler.
feed than we were taking out. Basically our policy is to feed The temperature at which you inject the wash water is
hot with blanketed tankage for cold slip streams. a function of the ammonium salts in your system. It is
well-known that a small amount of chloride in the feed to
MICHEL ROY (Petro-Canada Products): a hydrocracker or a hydrotreater will result in fairly high
The question concerned heavy gas oil. sublimation temperatures in the reactor effluent cooling
train. In these cases, water is injected generally after cool-
ARNDT: ing the process stream to between 450°F to 550°F. For
We have never stripped heavy feed, only jet fuel or diesel ammonium bisulfide sublimation, which occurs at lower
fuel. We find that the lighter feeds (jet, diesel, naphtha) temperatures, wash water need not be injected until the
plug the most. process is cooled to 250°F to 300°F.
In the one instance where we designed for the 10%
salts, we used Duplex 2206 steel. The reason we designed
Reactor Effluent Systems for 10% salts was to minimize sour water production and
the investment for the sour water stripping system. We
Question 11. accomplished this by recycling sour water from the unit,
How do you protect the reactor effluent/air cooler sys- allowing the salts to concentrate. In this application, the
tem from corrosion due to ammonium salts? Will the salt concentration was about 4% in the wash water stream
pressure to reduce wash water rates aggravate this injected upstream of the air cooler and 10% in the sour
problem? Considerations include quantity and quality water leaving the air cooler.
(percent ammonium bisulfide) of water, flow distribu- In the case of resid hydrocracking services where am-
tion, flow velocities, metallurgy, and inspection. monium chloride sublimation is a definite consideration,
we ensure that we have at least 25% excess water down-
BALDASSARI: stream of the wash water injection point to assure the tubes
In various of our hydrotreaters and resid hydrocrackers are wetted at the inlet of the air cooler.
we have designed for ammonium salt concentrations any-
where from 2% to 10% in the sour water from the effluent DiCAMILLO:
cooler. We have used different types of metallurgy ranging As Mr. Baldassari mentioned, temperature can be criti-
from carbon steel to Duplex 2206, and in one case we used cal. When you are taking temperature measurements, you
Sandvik 3RE60 stainless steel. Carbon steel applications need to be sure you are doing it at the right place. I think
have been used in cases when the ammonium salt concen- one thing he did not mention was gas scrubbing, which
trations were limited to between 2% and 6% and mixed will also help reduce hydrogen sulfide concentrations.
phase velocity through the tubes was limited to 20 ft/sec.
In addition, header boxes are used instead of return bends, FEARNSIDE:
and the tube gage thickness is increased for corrosion I agree with what has been said. I would like to give you
allowance. Finally, a film forming inhibitor is injected to some conservative rules of thumb to start with and then
protect the carbon steel air cooler tubes and upstream and describe a little bit about how people are able to operate
downstream piping. outside of those, and what is critical in determining that.
The air cooler would be designed with symmetrical The first one is salt concentration in the effluent water
inlet piping and with independent water injection into of less than 2 wt%; I will get back later to why people can
each bay. The water would be metered independently and run higher. The second one, and it is critical, is the makeup
injected through a spray nozzle at the inlet of each bay. water oxygen content. That must be kept below 50 ppb,
In the case of duplex steel, no specific velocity restric- and that must be on the downstream side of your makeup
tions are applied. Rather the air cooler is designed for a water pumps. We have run into a number of cases where
normal process side pressure drop of 15 psi. We have found the triplex pumps have pushed oxygen into the water
that using upgraded metallurgy is not that much more against a pressure gradient. Maximum flow rates are 20 fps

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 135


carbon steel and less than 30 fps on Incoloy 800. The The question itself mentions six very important con-
maximum stripped sour water in the makeup stream siderations regarding NH4HS corrosion. I was here doo-
should be 50%, and also keep the chlorides out. That is a dling, trying to figure out which was the most important.
must. If you look at my piece of paper, I have changed my mind
The reason people are able to operate outside the 2 wt% many times. So I am going to cover these considerations,
salt concentration depends on the inlet header system and but not necessarily in any order of priority.
how symmetrical it is. We found, especially on carbon • The quality of the wash water is critical. Injection
steel, that people that have unsymmetrical inlet headers water should contain less than 15 ppb oxygen, have
have to operate closer to the conservative rules of thumb. greater than 8 pH, contain less than 1 ppm Fe, and
But as you move toward perfectly symmetrical inlet header contain low chlorides (less than 5 ppm to 10 ppm).
systems, you are able to operate up to 8 wt% salt. That is Iron and pH are usually paired: low pH results in
utilizing 100% boiler feed water or steam condensate as high iron. I would like to emphasize very low chlo-
your makeup source. rides. High chlorides can be a major problem due to
underdeposit pitting in distillation section preheat
GENTRY: exchangers when water is carried over from the
Many of the points have been covered. I would like to separators.
touch on a couple more. Wash water rate must be suffi- • Enough water must be injected. We like to ensure
cient to prevent complete vaporization. Kellogg designs that 25% of the injected water is liquid entering the
for a maximum of 60% water vaporization at the hottest air cooler. Distribution of the injection water to each
injection point. To ensure adequate mixing and contact- bay is crucial. I was a big proponent of individual
ing, Kellogg prefers to design for counter-flow injection injection points for each bay. However, after looking
into a vertical section of piping. In high nitrogen, high at our operations and seeing all the trouble that our
sulfur applications, Kellogg would also consider installing operators have in reliably measuring and controlling
individual wash water injection points at the inlet to each these small streams, I am doubting this philosophy.
air cooler bundle. Symmetrical piping headers should be The individual injection meters, lines, and nozzles
used for flow distribution in the air cooler. are easily plugged. In some of these cases, we have
The question of metallurgy for the effluent piping and operated a pass dry—Not Good. So I am now a fan
exchangers will depend primarily on the corrosivity factor, of a single injection point as far upstream of the air
or Kp, which is defined as the product of ammonia and cooler as possible. The piping downstream of the
hydrogen sulfide mole percent in the effluent. Much of injection point must be carefully sized to limit ve-
the industry experience with respect to piping failures has locities especially for carbon steel pipe. Some balance
been correlated against this factor. Kellogg would specify is needed to keep out of slug flow conditions.
killed carbon steel (ASTM A106 Grade B) construction • Metallurgy selection is important. We try to limit
for Kp values less than 0.2 and would recommend the use NH4HS concentrations in the sour water to below
of duplex stainless steel above this level. Duplex alloy 2205 7 wt% or 8 wt% for carbon steel air coolers. We are
provides excellent resistance to corrosion and erosion in the process of achieving this goal by switching
while also showing less susceptibility to stress corrosion some exchangers to Incoloy or increasing injection
cracking. water rates. Note, we bypass the duplex material
Another factor to be considered in the material con- option.
struction is the ammonium bisulfide content. With killed • Velocity limits are also vital. The velocity limit for
carbon steel construction, wash water injection should be carbon steel tubes is 20 fps. We see even better
set to limit ammonium bisulfide to 2 wt% to 4 wt%. Up performance in units operating in the 10 fps to 15
to 8 wt% ammonium bisulfide could be allowed for alloy fps range. For Incoloy we can go up to 30 fps.
systems, providing the wash water rate meets the vapori- • Another critical feature is your inspection program,
zation criteria that I mentioned before. especially for carbon steel systems. For carbon steel
tubes in services above 3 wt% to 4 wt% NH4HS, we
ARNDT: would start with an inspection program that calls for
We have been doing a lot of work in our Chevron a tube inspection every catalyst changeout or every
refineries to minimize NH4HS corrosion in our reactor 2 years. The exact interval can be adjusted somewhat
effluent systems. We have been an aggressive user of by looking at plant history but do not get too
carbon steel in these services, operating many CS systems complacent. The inspection should include hy-
at or even above 10 wt% NH4HS. The problem is com- droblasting and eddy current testing each and every
pounded by the push to reduce water rates coming out of tube. For Incoloy tubes, spot checks at much longer
the refinery. intervals are adequate.

136 Hydrogen Processing


• Process monitoring is a key to air cooler system That TDS is very important and we have seen sidewall
reliability. You need to be aware of any increases in corrosion in some of the exchangers due to excessively high
corrosion susceptibility such as high nitrogen-con- TDS. With high TDS, you can get deposits and you create
taining feed, higher HDN severity, higher recycle an active site where you can get corrosion. This should be
rates, etc. highlighted as one of the water quality answers.

KIMBRELL: PATRICIA CHRISTIE (Syncrude Canada Limited):

I agree with most of the comments. Although we use a We are actually running at about 10 wt% ammonium
20 ppb oxygen limit rather than 50 or 15, we also would bisulfide right now in our reactor/effluent piping system.
concentrate ammonium bisulfide up to 8 wt%, no higher. We have a combination of Hastelloy tubes in our ex-
Back on the oxygen, not only do we try to limit the oxygen changer, with a stainless steel tube sheet and carbon steel
level at 20 ppb, but we have also added oxygen scavengers in the downstream piping. The places where we have seen
to try to keep the oxygen out. most of the problems so far have been erosion/corrosion
in our letdown valves and in some of the elbows. We were
SMITH: wondering if anybody else is running at these levels of
I think this issue has been covered fairly well today and ammonium bisulfide, and where they have seen problems?
in previous NPRA sessions. I agree with the numbers What sort of metallurgy is recommended? We are also
mentioned. They are pretty much what we use. I guess the looking at what to do for the future, because we are going
only judgment that I would bring to bear is that if it is to be running higher rates. Should we be spending the
close, I would not push too hard for carbon steel. I would money to increase our stripper water capacity, or can we
go ahead and spend the extra money for the Incoloy. use metallurgy to look after this problem?
MICHAEL J. ZETLMEISL (Petrolite Corporation):
The Shell model which I discussed in the General I will start from the air cooler and work my way
Processing Session, question 15, can also be used to model downstream. The air cooler outlet piping, especially the
these systems and predict ammonium chloride and am-
elbows of your outlet header, should have the same met-
monium bisulfide salt points very exactly. At Petrolite we
allurgy and velocity limits as the tubes. Failures in the
look forward to using the model to predict salting in this
outlet piping usually result in a much more damaging
type of system, and develop customized solutions to this
incident than failure of an air cooler tube. Note, one of
type of problem. Keep in mind that this model can be used
throughout the refinery to predict salt points wherever our units produces 25 wt% NH4HS sour water. For sour
there is a concern about interactions between ammonia water concentrations above 10 wt% NH4HS, you need to
and other neutralizers with acidic vapors. All of these consider upgrading your sour water let down systems. The
species are included in the model. let down valve should have 316 SS trim with stellited seat
and plug, and Incoloy cage. Also, you probably want to
KENNETH G. TASKER (HRI, Inc.): go to stainless steel for all flashing or turbulent areas in the
We have had a plethora of answers on this subject and low pressure sour water piping. If you operate with sour
I agree with most of them. But I was a little bit hesitant water concentrations above 15 wt% to 18 wt%, you
about the 10% ammonium bisulfide. That leaves me should make that whole system stainless steel. We have
wondering a little bit. also had some problems with really high ammonium
One thing mentioned was the box header versus ser- bisulfide levels in our separators themselves. A few of our
pentine type exchangers. I think the jury is still out on that high pressure and low pressure separators are stainless steel
one. We have to recognize that with a box header arrange- lined.
ment the potential number of leak points is increased
dramatically. Regarding metallurgy, we have seen the 300 SMITH:
series stainless, carbon steel, and Incoloy 800. The Incoloy We use a maximum of 8%, instead of your 10%, as a
800 has performed extremely well, and that particular guideline. Again, as I mentioned on the judgment used on
exchanger is a serpentine exchanger. I have some concerns this part of the piping system, because the corrosion is so
about the 3,000 or so plugs that one might expect on a aggressive and the failure can be so catastrophic, this may
box header exchanger, since each one is a potential leak- not be the place to try to cut this line too much. I think
point. Most of these exchangers are in high pressure going to the higher alloy solutions is prudent, because you
service. may have problems with injection pumps or operations of
The last point that I wanted to mention concerns the that wash water system that will lead to very aggressive
total dissolved solids (TDS) in the injection water and the corrosion and failures. This is a good metallurgical solu-
comments that 25% to 50% of the water remains as liquid. tion area.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 137


NEIL HOWARD (UOP): wanted to poll the panel and the floor as to whether
UOP’s design guidelines for wash water injection are anybody else has seen this type of corrosion.
summarized below.
1. A minimum wash water injection rate of 5 vol% ARNDT:
of the feed is required. This wash water rate may We do not speak in terms of cyanide corrosion in
need to be increased to keep at least 20% of the hydroprocessing units. The corrosion seen is more prob-
wash water liquid at the point of injection, or to ably a result of wet H2S and wet NH4HS corrosion
keep the ammonium bisulfide concentration in the resulting in blistering, cracking, and accelerated corrosion.
separator sour water less than 8 wt%. The wash Cyanide may promote these mechanisms in a hydroproc-
water should be injected into a vertical section of essing unit but by themselves are not the principle cause.
the main reactor effluent line coming from the
feed-effluent exchangers. HUNKUS:
2. For those units with a reactor effluent corrosivity I do not want to offend anyone here because I know
factor (Kp) greater than 0.4, it is currently our everyone here is smart enough not to do this, but when I
practice to specify that the air cooler be fabricated hear so much discussion about one aspect of an operation
with Incoloy 825. Otherwise, we will normally and the other part is not brought in, it gives me a little bit
specify killed carbon steel. Kpis the product of the of concern. When you are changing metallurgy or chang-
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentrations, in ing operating conditions, especially things that have hap-
mole percent, in the reactor effluent. pened or evolved over a long period of industry practice,
3. We limit the fluid velocities in the air cooler, the you need to look at the whole system and everything that
inlet and outlet header piping, and rundown to the is going on. If you are trying to reduce water rates and
separator, to 20 fps for carbon steel and 30 fps for improve metallurgy and you are worried about corrosion,
Incoloy 825. do not forget that you might plug off the whole bottom
4. The inlet and outlet headers should have a bal- bank or two of the tubes and induce tremendous mechani-
anced configuration, that is, at each place the flow cal stresses and rip apart a fin fan. I would like to recom-
splits in the header, it will go to only two flow mend that you think about things like this before you
paths, each of equal length. A balanced arrange- make changes.
ment is one in which the number of parallel banks
in the air cooler equals 2n, where n equals a whole Question 12.
number. The intent is to achieve equal distribution
Has anyone improved corrosion tolerance in reactor
of oil, water, and vapor phases between banks and
feed/effluent exchangers by changing effluent piping
to minimize differences in fluid velocity from one
from shell-side to tube-side?
bank to another.
It should be emphasized that, in addition to the guide-
lines outlined above, we believe it is essential that the
refiner conducts regular and thorough inspections of the In our systems, the reactor effluent was designed to be
reactor effluent system to continually monitor corrosion. on the tube side of our exchangers in the original design.
UOP recently concluded a survey of our licensees of This reduces heat losses and allows more flexibility in the
both hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers. We had about 45 metallurgy. It is less expensive to upgrade tube side com-
responses from which we were able to correlate the results. pared to upgrading shell metallurgy.
The single most important conclusion from this survey,
that perhaps was not evident from earlier industry surveys, DiCAMILLO:
was the strong correlation between balanced header design I agree with Ms. Barker. The exception might be in a
and lower corrosion rates. This should not minimize the situation where you have a high fouling tendency; the
importance of the other guidelines outlined previously, material that fouls the most should be on the tube side for
since the survey also supports the fact that no single design ease of cleanup.
or operating practice will guarantee safety from corrosion.
However, we consider balanced headers to be an essential FEARNSIDE:
part of the reactor effluent air cooler design. We have helped some refiners get away from any cor-
rosion problems on these feed effluent exchangers, specifi-
FEARNSIDE: cally on the feed side. All we did was have them go back
Regarding something Mr. Arndt said about his refer- to the crude unit overhead receiver drum and improve
ence to high nitrogen feeds, I have run across two high their level controls on the water boot, thereby stopping
pressure hydrotreaters and three hydrocrackers that have any water carry-out and minimizing the amount of wet
had cyanide-related corrosion on these air coolers. I feed that was going to this particular exchanger.

138 Hydrogen Processing


ARNDT: phous and zeolitic, that can out-perform fluorided cata-

We like feed on the tube side. It is easier to clean the lysts, clearly says to me — avoid fluorided catalysts.
tubes. We can maintain high velocities with no low flow
areas. ARTHUR J. SUCHANEK (Criterion Catalyst Company):
I want to compliment Mr. Arndt for his safety point on
Question 13. fluoride addition with catalysts. Being one of the guys who
What is the industry corrosion experience for goes all the way back to the Gulf days and the development
fluorided operating environments in high pressure of the fluorided catalysts, we were always anxious about
hydrotreating units? fluoride. Fluorides achieve acidity but can cause corrosion
DiCAMILLO: Mr. DiCamillo mentioned that Criterion offers
To protect my sources, I refuse to reveal who helped me fluorided and non-fluorided catalysts. It is interesting,
with this question. But if he is still in the room, he needs because we developed a non-fluorided catalytic system
to know that the rest of the panel disagreed with me and which is actually less dense than the fluoride version. We
made me go first here. thus sell less pounds and probably make less money on it.
Maybe contrary to industry rumors or whatever, I have But from a safety standpoint, I want to reiterate again that
been told that if the fluoride injection rate is maintained what Mr. Arndt said is absolutely correct and I back him
at the proper dosage rate, there have not been any incidents up 100%.
of fluoride corrosion in the high pressure units. In units
that have had problems, other things in addition to fluo-
ride dosage rate had been found. Catalysts and Catalyst Sulfiding
We just discussed controlling corrosion. There are
NACE guidelines in an article written by Bob Piehl, who Question 14.
is well known in the industry. That would be a good How do refiners monitor purchased hydroprocessing
reference article. What that article says, in summary, is that catalyst quality?
corrosion is a function of linear velocity and ammonia and
hydrogen sulfide concentrations, and halogens which HUNKUS:
would include fluoride, have a small impact on corrosion. We look at fresh specifications and the regeneration
The best way to avoid the problem at all is to use a actuals, or, in one case, projected values. In every case, we
non-fluorided system. Criterion produces both fluoride have seen better than projected performance from our
promoted and non-fluoride promoted lube catalysts that purchased catalyst and have come to rely on Criterion and
can be used in these applications. CRI as our partners. We have spot checked their analysis
on occasion and always found them conservative. We, of
ARNDT: course, independently verify platinum content and have
I am not a fan of fluorided catalysts. Fluoride is a very spot checked active metals and most importantly called
active ion, like chloride. You are essentially injecting chlo- around to people we know in the business. People know
ride-like material into your unit. When we merged with if they have received bad catalysts, and good catalyst
Gulf, we had the opportunity to follow up on some companies are the ones who stay in business.
licensed fluorided lube oil hydrocrackers. They certainly There have been no problems with start-of-run tem-
kept our materials and corrosion engineers busy. peratures, delta P or stability. We have found the vendor
We encountered two very serious corrosion problems; data to be quite reliable, including the data on presulfided
two plants really got eaten up. The culprit was fluorides. hydrotreating catalysts. For clarity, I wanted to add that
One of the problem areas was the reactor effluent coolers FCC equilibrium catalyst is a separate issue and much
with their associated inlet and outlet piping. One of the more quality, in-house effort is required to properly opti-
units corroded Incoloy 800 tubes, and that is tough to do. mize an FCC fresh equilibrium/additive program. I also
But the biggest problem to me is in the distillation wanted to state that my point of view is as an independent
preheat exchangers. Small amounts of sour water are al- refiner who does not have a lot of in-house technical effort
ways carried out in the hydrocarbon stream from the to spend in this area.
separators. They are never perfect. The “wet” hydrocarbon
stream is flashed at low pressure and heated up in the KIMBRELL:
distillation preheat exchangers. The water is vaporized out We have retained the ability to do catalyst testing in our
leaving behind a very, very corrosive salt, which can and own pilot plants. Catalysts from commercial production
has caused rapid equipment failure. runs are tested in our pilot plants prior to having a catalyst
Coupling this increased failure risk with the knowledge installed in a unit. When we load it into our operating
that there are catalysts in the market place, both amor- facilities, we monitor catalyst loading procedures very

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 139


carefully. We test any regenerated catalyst that is being also use references from refiners who are using the same
considered for reuse prior to it being used. Even after we catalyst in similar service.
tested the regenerated materials, we would inspect each
individual container as it came in. Question 15.
What environmentally friendly (non-toxic, low odor)
LEMMON: presulfiding chemicals are currently available for in
We believe that only reputable, high quality catalyst situ presulfiding applications, and what has the expe-
companies have the ability to survive in the competitive rience been with these chemicals? How do you dis-
catalyst marketplace. We trust in the manufacturer’s repu- pose of excess volumes of sulfiding chemical?
tation and do not perform “as received” quality tests.
SMITH: I know of four vendors that make environmentally
Post-delivery quality control that we do is typically friendly presulfiding chemicals, and they all promised me
visual and quantity checks. dinner if I mentioned their names. The original environ-
mentally friendly chemical is TNPS. It is available from
BARKER: Elf Atochem. That was joined several years ago by DMSO
I concur with Mr. Hunkus and Mr Lemmon’s com- which is made by GAYLORD. More recently, Phillips and
ments. In the area of regenerated catalysts, we have speci- Lubrizol have introduced non-odorous chemicals that are
fications that have been developed based on experience. We similar to TNPS. I personally have started up units with
also insist on knowing the previous service of the catalyst, TNPS and DMSO and have not had any problems. I have
the run length, the type of feed, etc. Only second cycle not started units that have used the Phillips and Lubrizol
material is considered; we do not buy third cycle material. material, but they can supply you references of happy
customers that have used those materials.
DiCAMILLO: The second part of the question is: what do you do with
I would like to thank you for saving the best for last on the excess material? It is most common to buy just enough
this question. Criterion, and I am sure other major catalyst for that one particular sulfiding. If you have excess, you
vendors, have strict internal quality control programs. Our usually run it through the reactor to get rid of it. In some
program includes SPC monitoring, regular physical and cases vendors will take it back. In other cases, customers
chemical analyses and activity testing of the catalysts we might have storage tanks, and they buy enough chemicals
make. We reject material that falls outside of our manu- for several start-ups, using what they need and keeping the
facturing specifications. We also supply certificates of rest in storage.
analyses, upon request, to our customers.
I polled our customers and most of them do not follow ARNDT:
up with their own analyses. Some of the things they do are We have a refinery in the middle of a high rent district
to observe the loading, which would include looking into and odor abatement is essential. They sulfide with either
the drums and making sure it is the catalyst they actually TNPS or Sulfrizol 40. The rest of the Chevron refining
purchased, and they look for excessive dust or something system uses the old war horse, DMDS. As far as disposing
that might give them problems. of sulfiding chemicals, our bigger refineries have separate
Several customers keep retainer samples of the material storage, so we can usually use it in the next unit that has
in case something develops at a future date. We also to be sulfided. In the smaller refineries, we keep injecting
maintain retainers of the material we ship to customers. If it until it is used up.
all else fails, the customer is familiar with how his unit
operates. If he starts up a fresh catalyst and the perform- DAVIS:
ance seems different than what he is used to, he is usually CENEX is located out on the prairie, so we have some
on the phone quickly. advantages. We have been using DMDS for the last 3 to
4 years with success. Large volumes are delivered to the
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum Company): refinery via a semi and trailer equipped with pressuring gas
I have a question for those on the panel who said they connections and flow meters to assist with the presulfid-
did not test the purchased catalyst. Can you tell me how ing. Any excess leaves with the truck. Small quantities are
you evaluate the performance of one catalyst versus an- delivered in 200 lb cylinders, and we make sure to inject
other or different companies? the entire quantity rather than have any excess.

We have used Pittsburg Applied Research Laboratory We use the TNPS, the ditertiary nonyl polysulfide,
(PARC) to do our catalyst evaluation pilot plant work. We again for the odor issues. It is not too difficult to handle.

140 Hydrogen Processing


some of the comments that have arisen about tertiary

nonyl polysulfide. With the higher contained sulfur, it
offers a lower cost on a contained sulfur basis, and it also
offers easier handling at the low temperatures. Tertiary
butyl polysulfide offers all of the advantages of tertiary
nonyl polysulfide with none of the drawbacks.

Question 16.
Discuss your experience using ex situ presulfided
catalysts? Was there a real time savings on start-up?
Were there any safety and handling considerations?
Were there any side effects? Was the SOR activity
better than in situ method?

We have used presulfided catalysts several times with
One problem in the northern refineries is that it must be very good results. The time to start up was about the same
kept above 40°F or it will separate. We had it delivered in using presulfided catalysts as with in situ sulfiding. We
a steam jacketed truck and it went in all right. approach the activation temperature relatively slowly be-
My experience on disposal has been to just pump it into cause there is a good size exotherm, and that is part of the
the unit to get rid of it. reason that the times were about the same.
We tend to use presulfided catalysts when we are con-
SMITH: cerned about odors, using disulfides or mercaptans as
The Ras Tanura refinery has successfully used TNPS as presulfiding agents. The vapor phase system is where we
a sulfiding agent for naphtha reforming catalysts. As men- have our best luck. We have used presulfided catalyst in a
tioned, it has little odor, low toxicity and low vapor gas oil hydrotreater, but the activity there was not as good
pressure. However, it is the most expensive of the presul- as we would have liked it to be. Our pilot plant testing
fiding agents per pound of sulfur, about 4 times more showed that presulfided materials did not have as high an
expensive than dimethyl sulfide and 2 times as expensive activity as in situ sulfiding.
as DMDS per pound of sulfur. We 100% recycle the
TNPS for next usage. KOOIMAN:
Well, in a smaller unit, maybe under 50,000 pounds or
DAVID ROBERTS (Lubrizol Corporation): so, I think our preference would be to go with the ex situ.
We offer, as was mentioned, the SulfrZol® catalyst As a word of caution though, the ex situ presulfiding seems
presulfiding agents which are indeed low odor, easy to to be a little bit more sensitive to conditions in the plant.
transport and handle, and have excellent safety charac- In other words, you have to make sure you have the
teristics. Refineries around the world have reported high hydrogen. The activation seems to happen a little bit more
satisfaction with these materials. As far as any excess quickly and is a lot less forgiving for any lapses in the
chemical is concerned, we will take it back and give credit hydrogen rates. As far as time savings, I am not sure that
as long as it is not contaminated. there is a lot, or at least that we could find. But it is a lot
easier with the ex situ. We have had good luck with it.
One of the advantages of DMSO is that it is probably SMITH:
cheaper per pound of sulfur than most of your non-smelly, We recommend purchasing presulfided hydrotreating
non-toxic materials. Another strong issue about it is that catalysts when practical and economical to avoid handling
it can be used for both liquid phase sulfiding and gas phase sulfiding chemicals and to ensure uniform dispersion of
quite efficiently. Any material that is normally left over, if sulfur compounds. One refinery has switched from an in
not contaminated, will be taken back at the request of the situ sulfiding to ex situ sulfiding and received almost
refiner. immediate benefits from slightly shorter start-up times to
longer catalyst lives. Start-up time savings were in the
MARC NAGELE (Phillips Chemical Company): range of 4 hours to 6 hours by eliminating temperature
Phillips manufactures two polysulfides, not only the hold steps, eliminating addition of sulfiding chemical, and
tertiary nonyl polysulfide which is 37% sulfur, but also a eliminating the need to wait for proper H2S level in the
tertiary butyl polysulfide. This material is a 54% con- effluent gas. Run length increase averaged approximately
tained sulfur basis, and we had developed it to address 10% to 15% with 5°F to 10°F lower temperature. Better

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 141


performance is believed to result from the more uniform expected due to heat-up delays. The net result was that the
sulfiding at start-up which results from less initial catalyst unit started up at end of run temperature and the catalyst
coking. had extremely poor activity.
Presulfided catalyst also avoids the potential tempera- We do not feel that the ex situ process was at fault, but
ture runaway during start-up from overactive catalyst. In this experience points out an inherent danger. There is a
addition to safety considerations, temperature excursions limited amount of sulfur present on ex situ presulfided
at start-up result in excessive coke build up on catalysts, catalyst. In a liquid phase activation, problems can develop
resulting in a little shorter life. if too much sulfur is lost, due to the recycle gas purge that
takes place in the H2S stripper for example. Additionally,
HUNKUS: if any equipment failures or delays occur, the system could
I agree with what has already been said, especially the become sulfur deficient. A back-up sulfur source should
part about minimizing or eliminating steps that can go be available. In addition, feed should be introduced as
wrong. That is a real hidden advantage to using presulfi- soon as possible in the activation to provide a secondary
ded catalyst. MAPCO has used a presulfided process with source of sulfur.
hydrotreating catalysts in both naphtha and distillate
hydrotreaters with both fresh and regenerated catalysts.
No significant difference in start-of-run activity was ob-
served when fresh or regenerated catalyst was used, indi- I agree that using ex situ sulfided catalyst normally
cating that the use of this technology still provided us results in a time savings for start-up. I would like to discuss
with fresh catalyst start-of-run activity on high quality the safety and handling issues in a little bit more detail.
regenerated catalyst, both MAPCO’s own regenerated Safety is better because you are not handling sulfiding
catalyst and high quality merchant resale catalyst. The chemicals. That is one less thing you have to deal with.
larger distillate unit, 200,000 lb plus, was fully on stream Presulfided catalyst, however, is defined as a U.N. self-
in about 24 hours. This compared to a significantly longer heating material. So it must be transported in approved
period, including a 48 hour delay on the introduction of drums, flow bins or other types of containers. The catalyst
light cycle oil from our long resid processing FCCU, can be safely loaded in air. However, you should take care
when using a standard in situ sulfiding procedure utiliz- to avoid heating the catalyst prematurely. In some cases, if
ing spiking agents. The use of this process also provides you get the catalyst too warm, you can start to activate it
additional benefit by eliminating the handling of the prematurely.
spiking agents and the health, safety and environmental CRI has a large data base comparing initial pilot plant
concerns associated with their use and storage. As men- activity of ex situ sulfided catalysts versus catalysts started
tioned above, we also introduced cracked feed soon after up in the traditional pilot plant method; in this case, that
start-up and saw the additional benefits of well-distrib- would be a gas phase start-up with hydrogen/5% hydro-
uted sulfiding agent by running an 80°F exotherm with- gen sulfide. The data indicate that the ex situ sulfided
out any problems on the second day. Our naphtha catalyst is generally more active. That is a little more
hydrotreater start-ups with presulfided catalysts are al- difficult to pin down in a commercial unit.
most a non-event.
In summary, there is no real time savings, but we feel SALAH H. DARDEER (Saudi Aramco):
we can come up harder and faster, and our cracked charge In our hydrocracker, we perform catalyst sulfiding in
can be slowly introduced after about 24 hours if required. situ by blending flushing oil, which is straight-run gas oil,
You also get the extra benefit of keeping the operators with the DMDS. The in situ sulfiding is okay with restor-
focused on the unit and the start-up and not an unusual ing catalyst activity. However, timing is our concern.
Normally we take 1.5 to 2 days to sulfide the catalyst.
We would like to know from others their experience,
At one of our diesel hydrotreaters, ex situ presulfiding from a time point of view, if there is any other method
was used twice on Ni/Mo (HC-K type) treating catalyst. available by which we can expedite in situ sulfiding.
This unit processes straight-run diesel, jet and jet-range
coker stocks. The first presulfiding went very well. A gas Question 17.
phase activation was used and catalyst activity was equal For hydrocracking catalyst start-ups, there are three
to previous cycles. possible routes to follow for catalyst activation: a) in
The second ex situ catalyst start-up had problems. We situ gas phase presulfiding; b) in situ liquid phase
switched to a liquid phase activation. During the initial presulfiding; and c) activation of ex situ presulfided
heat-up we experienced a heat exchanger failure unrelated catalyst. Comment on your experience with any or all
to the sulfiding. The activation also took longer than of these methods?

142 Hydrogen Processing


We use very active zeolitic catalysts in our isocrackers. We have a lot of experience with both in situ gas phase
They are much more reactive than the older amorphous sulfiding and in situ liquid phase sulfiding. Our gas phase
catalysts. Therefore, we view catalyst conditioning and procedures have been used for the high zeolite and nobel
start-up as an extremely important procedure. metal catalyst systems where stable temperature is more
We start up (condition) the catalyst in three steps. First, critical. Our liquid phase procedures have typically been
we sulfide the catalytic metals (unless you have a nobel used for amorphous and low zeolite catalyst systems. Both
metal catalyst). Then we pretitrate the zeolitic material to methods provide reliable catalyst performance. In general,
tone down the super active sites to avoid overcracking the liquid phase procedures allow the start-up to be com-
when feed is introduced. The last step is to very carefully pleted about 50 hours faster than the gas phase procedures.
liquid wet the catalyst. We use gas phase sulfiding followed
by gas phase titration with ammonia. Feed is then intro- STEVEN M. FISCHER (CITGO Petroleum Corporation):
duced at very low temperatures. All cracked stocks are Mr. DiCamillo, would Criterion agree with Mr.
removed from the feed. We bring these catalysts on-line Hunkus’ comment that you could introduce cracked
very successfully. However, whenever we have tried to stocks immediately after start-up into systems that had
short cut these procedures, we have reached some really been presulfided ex situ versus in situ?
exciting temperatures.
DiCAMILLO: We would not recommend introducing cracked mate-
As Mr. Arndt mentioned, the choice of gas or liquid rials immediately after sulfiding regardless of the presul-
phase or ex situ sulfided catalyst depends on what kind of fiding method used.
hydrocracking catalyst you are starting up. Let me briefly
STEVEN M. FISCHER (CITGO Petroleum Corporation):
discuss some start-up work we have done with CRI Acti-
Cat ex situ sulfided catalyst. We used this technique twice The question was, could you introduce cracked stocks
sooner? In gas oil service, Criterion has typically recom-
in 1995, and in one case we started up both the hy-
mended that refiners wait 3 days before introducing
drocracker pretreat reactor and the hydrocracker. In that
cracked stocks. I was wondering if Criterion would change
case, we used ex situ sulfided catalyst and a liquid phase
their recommendation if the catalyst had been pre-sulfided
start-up. The entire process, from start-up feed in to
ex situ?
introduction of normal feed, was completed in less than
24 hours. That compares quite favorably with the previous DiCAMILLO:
method used in that refinery which was a gas phase We would not change our recommendation. Three
start-up and took 3 to 4 days. days is a conservative recommendation. We use that be-
cause we believe with a soft start-up, you can maximize
the activity and cycle length of the catalyst. In practice, we
Kellogg’s hydrocracking partners, Mobil and Akzo No- compromise and sometimes will go less than 3 days. In
bel, recommend either in situ liquid phase presulfiding or certain cases, where the only feed you are using is 100%
using ex situ presulfided catalyst. The decision to use ex cracked stocks, all the cracked stocks might be in maybe
situ presulfided catalyst is based on economics. The rec- 12 hours after start of feed. In those cases, we would try
ommended sulfiding oil for liquid phase in situ is a light to add it in gradually rather than all at once though.
straight gas oil with the following range of properties:
sulfur of 0.5 wt% to 1.5 wt%, nitrogen of less than 200 J.B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Service, Inc.):
ppmw, and D-86 end point of 600°F to 750°F. When ex situ sulfided catalyst is used, the definition is
In Mobil’s moderate pressure hydrocrackers, which ambiguous. A sulfur compound is added to the catalyst,
utilize Akzo Nobel denitrogenation and zeolite cracking but the catalyst is not really in the sulfided state. When
catalyst systems, presulfiding is accomplished with either the sulfur compound breaks down the sulfiding occurs.
native sulfur only or utilizing chemical injection with once There have been instances where SO2 has been liber-
through liquid feed. The preferred sulfiding chemical is ated from the impregnated catalyst. When SO2 comes off
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS). Injecting sulfiding chemical the catalyst, it inhibits the ability of the refiner to inspect
increases the rate at which sulfur can be delivered to the the catalyst loading because, usually, the refiner’s personnel
catalyst and can, in many cases, substantially shorten the are not certified to go in under inert gas. That has ham-
start-up time. Mobil has developed an efficient start-up pered my company when the refiners have hired us to
and presulfiding procedure using the in situ liquid phase supervise the catalyst loading. I caution all of you that such
method which allows for the heat up to on-line conversion a thing is possible and has happened. Caution should be
operation in as little as 48 to 72 hours. taken to avoid that SO2 problem.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 143


OZIE S. OWEN (Amoco Petroleum Products): Question 18.

Mr. Arndt initially said that there were times when they There are some recent regulatory changes regarding
tried to avoid the titration step and saw some large the classification of spent hydroprocessing catalysts.
exotherms. Do you have any idea how much start-of-run Will refiners still be allowed to utilize landfills, on-
activity is lost if you bypass that titration step? Also, are site bulk catalyst storage pads, and bulk transporta-
there other ways of starting up very active zeolitic catalysts tion systems under the new legislation? Will wet
without using the titration approach? dumping techniques continue to be used?

We have always incorporated a titration step when At this time, the proposed changes have been issued,
starting up hydrocracking catalyst containing a fair but they are not finalized and that is not expected until
amount of zeolites. Our start-up exotherm occurred in some time next year. I will briefly summarize items for each
only one start-up where we greatly reduced our normal part of this question.
titration soak time. Temperature spreads in the bottom Basically, the regulations say, with some exceptions, all
beds occurred during feed in, leading to a temperature hydrotreating and hydrorefining catalysts would be classi-
exotherm. As a result, we laid down quite a bit of coke fied as a hazardous waste. Regarding landfill, catalysts
with resulting higher-than-normal reactor pressure drop. would need to be incinerated and stabilized before land-
The penalty to us was more a reduction in resulting cycle filling. RCRA approved on-site bulk pads and D.O.T.
length rather than a reduction in start-of-run activity. approved hazardous waste containers would be acceptable.
Suitable containers come in a variety of sizes. Spills would
CHRISTINE WILLCOX (Elf Atochem Europe):
also be classified as hazardous, but the size of a spill has
Years of industrial experience and feedback from many not yet been determined. Bulk transportation would be in
European refineries, process advisors, and catalyst pro- approved containers only. There is a question about wet
ducers, suggest that an in situ controlled sulfiding with dumping techniques. An exemption for waste water from
wet dumping was discussed, but no final proposals have
DMDS is the reference technology which proves its
been made at this time.
efficiency time and time again. Within the range of
sulfiding compounds (such as mercaptans, sulfides, disul-
fides and polysulfides) DMDS is the preferred agent
The proposed regulation, as we understand it, does not
given its high sulfur content, its advantageous physical
involve any changes to our current procedure. We dump
and chemical properties, and particularly its low hydro- our catalysts under both wet and dry conditions and ship
genolysis temperature over the catalyst. Controlled injec- them as an excluded recyclable material to either a metals
tion of DMDS is the best guarantee to achieve maximum reclaimer or a primary smelter facility. We do this both in
activity and long life of the catalyst. With in situ injec- bulk shipments and in drum shipments.
tion, there is no risk of sulfur loss on catalyst if sulfiding
has to be interrupted. Injection can be stopped in case of KOOIMAN:
hydrogen shortage or temperature excursions. Control Well, I think Mr. DiCamillo covered most of what I
with no risks is the key. Correct packaging, handling and was going to say.
properly maintained equipment should prevent odor The U.S. EPA has issued a proposed rule that would
problems, particularly if a specialist injection service is classify all spent hydrotreating (HT) and hydrorefining
used. There is no need to load catalyst under N2. The (HR) catalysts as RCRA listed hazardous wastes, regard-
reactor can be accessed and catalyst drying properly con- less of their ignitability, corrosivity or reactivity test re-
trolled during sulfiding, an important factor in final sults or TCLP characterization. As such, disposal to
activity. Feedback from refiners suggests time savings in landfills would be allowed only after stabilization of the
start-up with ex situ presulfided catalyst can only be spent catalyst (e.g., pre-reclaim burn of the spent catalyst)
achieved if units run at full capacity. Not in all cases, but to meet Uniform Treatment Standards (UTS), with the
in many, time saving was found to be between 6 to 10 most relevant standards to be met being leachable Ni (less
hours. How easy is it to loose these hours during the than 5.0 mg/l) and leachable V (less than 0.23 mg/l). This
shutdown period, during the extra time it takes to load rule would also require that spent HT or HR catalysts be
the catalyst under N2, and how often can these hours be stored in appropriate and approved containers or on
recovered in the first week of the running of a unit? RCRA pads (i.e., RCRA permitted). Transportation of
Finally, cost considerations certainly favor in situ sul- the spent HT and HR catalysts would be in accordance
fiding with DMDS. In fact, in situ sulfiding with DMDS with DOT regulations for hazardous materials requiring
offers the best combination of profitability, operating manifesting and transport by licensed carriers of hazard-
flexibility and catalyst performance. ous waste. It is unlikely that wet dumping technique

144 Hydrogen Processing


could still be utilized unless the dumping pad was RCRA vertically or horizontally within the catalyst bed. This is
permitted. Under the currently proposed rule, spent cata- the snaking that Mr. Arndt is talking about.
lysts released to the ground in an amount exceeding the We have located several additional thermocouples to
reportable quantity (currently proposed at 1 lb or 100 lbs) within about an inch of the bed, which gives us better
would be handled as a spill of hazardous waste and monitoring close to the wall, and we have added additional
reportable under CERCLA. catalyst bed temperature monitoring. Additional thermo-
couples can be installed into the existing reactor flanges;
ROY S. GODWIN (SADACI (Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp.)): no reactor modifications are required to obtain additional
I would like to draw attention to a very informative temperature measurements. We have installed 16 flexible
article on the EPA rulemaking and possible further delays thermocouples in a reactor flange which had previously
which appears in the current edition of Catails of Gulf held 3 traditional type thermocouples.
Chemical & Metallurgical Corporation. Two of these thermocouples have leaked at the first
junction box during this current run. They were capped
and we continued to run with these caps in place with no
Reactor Safety and Reliability further problems.
We are wrestling with what to do during the next
Question 19.
catalyst dump. We have been advised that we may not be
able to pull out all the thermocouples and then reinsert
Has there been any progress in reactor temperature
them. So there is an additional expense over the traditional
measuring technology?
thermocouples if we have to change these thermocouples
out each time we change the catalyst.
As for reactor wall temperature measuring, we installed
We have a lot of reactors and many of them are old, and bands around the outside parameter of our reactors which
the majority have the thermometry penetrating the bot- have spring-loaded thermocouples attached, and those
tom head or the top head. We have spent a lot of time appear to be working quite well. These facilities were also
trying out different internal bed temperature indicators. installed in 1994.
We began installing GAYESCO Flex R thermocouples
in hydrocracking reactors 6 years ago. We have them in six LEMMON:
reactors now. We are planning for more. Response time is Tosco wanted more radial temperature distribution
tremendous. You can snake them around and put them in information from its hydrocracking reactors to justify a
places that you may never have measured before. You can project to install new reactor internals. We chose to install
put more of them through a thermowell. We will probably GAYESCO’s Flex R radial thermocouples to pick up the
end up with so many internal temperature readings that additional information. We now have wonderful justifica-
we will just confuse ourselves. So far we have had no leaks. tion for better reactor internals; we are now actually
On the other hand, we have had a fair number of leaks in limiting the cracking potential of the reactors because of
our other temperature indicators. We also have a few this additional temperature information. In other words,
Therm Mavericks still in service, but the response time is we had a lot more hot spots than we had thought.
not very good. These Flex R temperature indicators have
survived catalyst dumping and maintenance turnarounds. BRIAN M. MOYSE (Haldor Topsoe, Inc.):
We did have one fail due to mechanical damage, but repair For those people who cannot wait to get the transcript
was relatively easy; merely cutting off the damaged end to read about the snaky thermocouples, there was a good
and splicing a new tip in place. paper presented this year, NPRA AM-96-63, which dis-
The other critical reactor temperature measurement is cusses this subject in great detail.
the shell and nozzle skin temperatures. Often we do not
pay attention to these. These are absolutely critical to KENNETH G. TASKER (HRI, Inc.):
protect your reactor from brittle fracture. Our favorite The ebullated bed reactor is somewhat simpler than the
attachment method is to use a small stud on a little weld fixed bed to measure temperatures. For our H-Oil Process,
pad. The thermocouple is wrapped around the stud and we install sufficient internal thermocouples set in a spiral
tightened down with a stud bolt and washer. pattern, and typically in 4 thermowells, to ensure that we
measure the whole back mix reactor. We measure between
BARKER: 32 and 36 locations in each reactor. If there are any hot
We have also used these GAYESCO flexible thermo- spots, then they can be detected. Any abnormality in the
couples. They were installed in our hydrocracking reactors temperature readings would indicate possible maldistribu-
in 1994. These thermocouples closely resemble 1⁄2 in. tion. Remember, of course, H-Oil and LC Finer reactors
tubing, which allows them to be bent to fit in any location are up flow reactors.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 145


If the vessel is a hot wall design, then our practice is to perature 25°F to 30°F. Last, after two plant volumes, check
have a ring of wall thermocouples on the vessel for each the Raney nickel sulfur in the bottom again.
process thermocouple level. This is a few more than the A first order rate constant is calculated for each of the
LC Finer. two points and plotted against associated reactor tempera-
All the thermocouples, both wall and internals, are of ture on semilog paper. The slope of the line between the
the duplex type. So the complete failure to measure the points is the activation energy (in kilocalories) for the
wall temperatures is somewhat remote. All the reactor catalyst. The expected activity energy for a cobalt molyb-
internal thermocouples are now specified as bimetallic denum catalyst is between 13 and 17 kilocalories. Slopes
type for easy replacement. They are the removable bundle giving less activation energy indicate either exchanger
type, namely the GAYESCO type. For hot wall vessels, leakage, bypassing or channeling within the reactor.
location of the wall couples is such that adjacent point Additional checks for pressure drop, exchanger leakage,
temperature measurements can always be made if an etc., will help define the cause of the problem. The test
emergency does occur. This ensures maximum vessel was performed previously once every 6 months for base-
integrity. line data and then reperformed if problems were observed.
We always design the wells to enter through the top or
the bottom heads, and we do not install shell mounted JACKSON:
nozzles and thermowells. We specify a 3 wire 100 ohm BP and some of the other refineries have taken radio-
RTD with platinum resistance element which we feel gives active vapor tracer injections and determined distribution
better accuracy and reliability for temperature measure- through the bed. Basically, a radioactive vapor is injected
ment. On the comment about the wall couples being into the inlet, and you have a plethora of detectors around
embedded into the wall, yes, they go all the way through the peripheral of the vessel. Align the detectors above each
to within about 2 in. of the inner core of the reactor. It is other and then watch the tracer flow through the unit.
what I call a “pepper pot” reactor in some ways. For From the output, it is possible to determine if the bed is
instance, the Husky reactors have 220 wall thermocouples channeling or if any maldistribution is occurring.
on each reactor. How accurate is it? It is good. It tells you where you
have maldistribution. We have used Tracerco frequently,
BEN GRIEB (Gay Engineering & Sales Company, Inc.): in the Far East, the U.S., and in Europe.
A recent development by Gayesco in accordance with
ASME Section VIII code allows for a much greater num- KOOIMAN:
ber of “Flex-R” Radial temperature measurement points I agree with that kind of technology. TruTec has tech-
than previously possible. This is particularly important in nology involving a gamma scanning and radioactive trac-
applications where the reactor nozzle flange dedicated for ing combination. They will inject the radioisotope into
temperature measurement is small, such as in side entering the reactor feed stream and then scan the reactor. They do
applications. This development also provides a more eco- it in 30° increments around the catalyst bed and then at
nomical solution for many reactor applications using top the different levels.
entering pipewells. Additionally, all Flex-R Radial thermo- The isotope stays in the reactor and decays. It has a 15
couple systems are now available with a secondary con- hour half-life and it does not affect the catalyst in any way.
tainment feature which is also designed in accordance with I think they can do 2 or 3 reactors a day.
ASME Section VIII code. They have been able to find damaged distributors,
uneven bed depths, voids, bridges, and zones of sintered
Question 20. catalyst. And from that scan they can even get mean
Describe non-invasive methods available to trou- residence time and residence time distribution.
bleshoot distribution problems in hydroprocessing re-
actors. How successful have these methods been in BALDASSARI:
actually determining the cause of the problem? My comments are directed towards ebullated bed hot
wall reactors. In these reactors in addition to the three
SMITH: internal thermowells, there are a number of skin couples
For our down flow naphtha hydrotreating reactors, a which are attached through partial penetration holes.
catalyst activity test method has proven successful as a These are spring loaded couples and are predominantly
starting point for determining mechanical problems, in- located in 3 rings within 10 ft of the distribution grid.
cluding maldistribution. The procedure consists of first The distribution through the grid and the partial
checking the Raney nickel sulfur in the reactor outlet at slumping of the ebullated bed can be detected by vari-
operating conditions. Second, make sure the downstream ations in the readings of the lower internal couples and
sulfur absorber bed temperature is high enough to remove these skin couple readings. In the case of a couple which
mercaptans. Third, lower the hydrotreater reactor tem- is close to the surface of the slumped bed, the excess heat

146 Hydrogen Processing


that is generated at the surface and not dissipated, is outgas is a function of wall thickness, operating condi-
transmitted to the couple there by increasing its tempera- tions, and the vintage of the metallurgy.
ture, and resulting in a deviation in temperature between On the other hand, all reactors have an assigned MPT.
the other internal couples or other couples within that skin In essence, the MPT is the lower temperature limit for full
couple ring. reactor pressurization. During cool down the reactor must
Similarly, if the couple is far from the surface of the be depressured (less than 1⁄4 design pressure) at or before
slumped bed, there is an ambient cooling effect. This reaching the MPT as measured by skin TI’s. Skin tempera-
couple will gradually decline in temperature and will read tures should be monitored on not only the shell but also
a lower temperature than the other couples in the ex- the major nozzles. For heat up, the opposite is true, do not
panded bed or back mixed area of the reactor. In this type pressure up (greater than 1⁄4 design pressure) until all skin
of situation, we can take action to alleviate the problem points are greater than the MPT.
on-line. Within the ebullated bed reactor, liquid is recy-
cled internally from the top of the reactor via a recycle GENTRY:
pump, the impeller of which is located inside the reactor Thick wall hydroprocessing reactors can absorb sub-
bottom head and the motor mounted externally. Using the stantial quantities of hydrogen which can be released upon
recycle pump a “bed bumping” procedure is performed. cooling and depressurization. This can lead to the forma-
In this procedure the speed of the reactor recycle is reduced tion of potentially hazardous atmospheres in the reactor
to its minimum value of about 400 RPM or 500 RPM, and also the possibility of hydrogen assisted stress cracking
allowing the entire bed to momentarily slump. The speed of the vessel. Hydrogen can be allowed to diffuse out of
is then ramped up to its maximum speed of about 1700 the metal walls (outgassing) if the pressure is reduced and
RPM within a couple of seconds, held it for about 30 to the reactor held at an elevated temperature for a length of
60 seconds and then reduced back to minimum. This time. Kellogg recommends a maximum cooling rate of
procedure is then repeated partially slumped catalyst is 50°F to 100°F per hour. However, reactor pressure and
refluidized. This can be gauged by monitoring the reactor temperature holds for outgassing should be developed on
temperature profiles. When all couple temperatures ap- a case-by-case basis.
proach isothermal conditions, normal operating condi- Reactors must never be pressurized if the ambient
tions are reestablished. Initially when this procedure is temperature and corresponding vessel wall temperature
initiated, resid flow is maintained to the unit. Depending are below the minimum design metal temperature
(MDMT). This is the temperature below which the vessel
on the severity of situation, however, sometimes the resid
can suffer a catastrophic failure when subjected to stresses
is either partially or completely backed out and replaced
from either process pressurization or hydrostatic testing.
with vacuum gas oil until the maldistribution is corrected.
The MDMT should be determined by the reactor fabri-
cator based on impact testing of the actual wall material
to measure toughness as a function of temperature.
We have also used the radioactive tracer described Vessels in hydrogen service can also be subject to temper
earlier in a diesel hydrotreater where we suspected there embrittlement resulting in a gradual increase of the tem-
were maldistribution problems. The data were fairly diffi- perature at which brittle fracture can occur. To provide an
cult to interpret, but we did end up concluding there was adequate safety margin against such an occurrence, Kel-
maldistribution. Bed maldistribution problems were logg recommends that new reactors be heated to a mini-
found when we opened up the reactor. mum of 175°F prior to increasing pressure beyond 20%
of the vessel design pressure.
Question 21.
What criteria should be used to determine when the SMITH:
reactor needs to be depressured during shutdown? In the context of this question, the primary considera-
Considerations include outgassing, and minimum tion for depressuring during shutdown is the minimum
pressurizing temperature. pressuring temperature (MPT) of the steel. Low chrome
molybdenum steels (3 Cr and 2 1⁄4 Cr) are susceptible to
ARNDT: temper embrittlement resulting in the possibility for brit-
For shutdowns and start-ups, protection from brittle tle fracture at low temperature. This becomes a major
fracture must be the number one concern. There are two consideration for both start-up and shutdown of hy-
buzzwords used here: outgassing and minimum pressuriz- drocracker reactors, because the reactor metal temperature
ing temperatures (MPT’s). can be below the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature
Special outgassing steps to reduce soluble hydrogen in a potentially high pressure environment. Consequently,
charged into the metal are usually a concern only for a few unless the metal temperature is above the phase transition
very high pressure, old (1960’s) reactors. The need to temperature, pressure is generally limited to 30% of the

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 147


normal operating pressure at the high pressure separator. weight and cost associated with a cold wall reactor is about
In this regard, process licensor and vessel fabricator guide- 5% higher than for a hot wall reactor. In addition, main-
lines for pressure and temperature should be sought and tenance costs would be higher for the refractory lined cold
adhered to. The susceptibility of the metallurgy to temper wall reactor. The design and inspection of the reactor
embrittlement is a function of the metal impurities, par- internals is more complex and difficult with the refractory
ticularly silicon, manganese, phosphorous, and tin. The lined vessel.
relationship of these impurities to embrittlement is de- In addition, we believe bed expansion, distribution,
fined in a formula known as the “J” factor in which J=(%Si partial bed slumping and in particular areas of can more
+ %Mn)(%P + %Sn)x 104. The higher the number, the effectively be monitored in a hot wall reactor through the
greater the temper embrittlement tendency. In the early use of reactor wall skin couples. This is something that can
70’s, “J” factors were approximately 300, today “J” factors be done with the hot wall that is extremely difficult to do
have been lowered to approximately 100. with the cold wall, because you would have to have
Our Ras Tanura refinery’s reactors are specified with multiple penetrations through the shell. We have found
metallurgy not to exceed a “J” factor of 120. This metal- the use of internal couples alone are not effective to
lurgy will not be pressurized above 20% (500 psig) of the diagnose areas of partial bed slumping.
reactor design pressure (2500 psig), unless all the reactor The cold wall vessel does offer some advantages, how-
metal temperatures are above 225°F. The older reactors at ever, one is with refractory lining the wall is protected from
the Riyadh refinery have an MPT of 300°F below which temperature transients during upsets. By taking appropri-
they cannot exceed 560 psig, based on 30% of the normal ate emergency actions and by the application of automatic
operating pressure of the high pressure separator. emergency shutdown systems upsets which can cause
Outgassing requirements are related to operating tem- temperature transients to occur such as the loss of a reactor
perature and hydrogen partial pressure. Diffusion calcula- recycle pump or recycle gas compressor in the system, or
tions for hydrogen from the metal can be performed to the loss of feed oil can be effectively handled without
determine outgassing times; however, the licensor would exposing the hot wall reactor to temperatures above its
normally have performed these calculations in setting the design limits. Similarly localized temperature transients
required high rate emergency depressurization for a reac- due to partial slumping of the catalyst bed can be effec-
tor. As with MPT, licensor recommendations should be tively handled by appropriate temperature monitoring
followed for depressurization rate to ensure proper out- and initiation of emergency shutdown systems.
gassing from the metal. Another advantage associated with the cold wall is that
it does not require degassing of the reactor wall. Typically
KENNETH G. TASKER (HRI, Inc.): in hot wall resid hydrocrackers operating in excess of 2000
Concerning the degassing criteria, I support everything psig hydrogen diffusion into the base metal requires the
that has been stated here. One thing that we should reactor to be degassed for 24 hours to 48 hours to permit
remember is that with the newer reactors made of the 3 hydrogen to diffuse out of the base metal to avoid dis-
chrome vanadium modified steel, degassing is not a re- bonding of the internal stainless overlay.
quirement. For instance, the Husky H-Oil reactors are One final point is that, in cold environments where
made of this steel and do not need degassing, and, of ambient air temperatures are below 20°F, a hot wall reactor
course, a cold wall would not, since the wall temperature must be used to enable the reactor wall to be heated in
does not get high enough for any significant quantity of some minimum temperature prior to applying any signifi-
hydrogen to diffuse into the steel. cant pressure to avoid stress cracking propagation.

Question 22. DiCAMILLO:

What are the pros and cons for the cold wall and hot I represent a link between the LC-finer and H-Oil
wall designed ebullating bed reactors? For the hot units here. Criterion catalysts are in use in most of the
wall vessels, what system is used to monitor reactor currently operated ebullating bed units. Our catalysts
wall temperature? have also been used as design catalysts for the units under
construction now. Mr. Baldassari gave you the LC-finer
BALDASSARI: position on the differences between cold and hot wall
Both hot and cold wall reactors have been used success- reactors. HRI said they would prefer to give their response
fully for ebullated bed reactors. We are of the opinion that directly from the floor.
the hot wall reactor offers some disadvantages. One is that
for the same process requirements, the reactor volume is KENNETH G. TASKER (HRI, Inc.):
about 15% lower, allowing for the fact that you do not We have designed and operated both cold wall and hot
have a refractory. Even accounting for the fact that the wall. One could spend a whole day discussing this subject,
reactor wall is designed for a lower temperature, the reactor but I will be as brief as I can.

148 Hydrogen Processing


The possibility of localized high temperatures is always The second part of this question on what system is used
present with any hydrocracker if the correct procedures are to measure the wall temperatures was addressed in the
not followed. Reactions do not take place by themselves. responses made to question 19.
You have to do something wrong to make them happen,
and, of course, that is not what we want to do. BEN GRIEB (Gay Engineering & Sales Company, Inc.):
With a hot wall reactor, if high temperatures develop A new application of temperature measurement equip-
for whatever reason, it is mandatory to depressure the unit ment previously used on refractory lined reactors is cur-
to fully protect the reactor. With a cold wall reactor, since rently being applied to hot wall reactors. This temperature
the vessel is well protected by the internal refractory, it is trending system, which can be retrofitted onto existing
a process reason which dictates whether the unit is depres- reactors, allows the operator to continuously monitor
sured and shut down or not. So there is a difference from “bands” at various elevations for hot zones on a reactor.
a safety point of view.
Cold wall design means a lower reactor design tempera- Question 23.
ture and, therefore, there is some weight advantage. I do What is the reliability of the feed and ebullating
respect the comment made earlier about diameter and pumps used with ebullating bed reactors? What me-
weight, but we think there is a complete tradeoff on these chanical systems are most critical to reliable opera-
two factors. Since the reactor wall in a cold wall vessel tion in moving or ebullating bed processes?
operates at a lower temperature than a hot wall, hydrogen
diffusion is far less and degassing is not required. BALDASSARI:
The cold wall design does allow maximum flexibility Each reactor has a single ebullating pump associated
for all the process operations since we do not have a with it. The pump, the motor, the variable frequency drive
restriction on the process temperature. We are not re- (VFD), used to adjust the speed of the ebullating pump,
stricted by the reactor design temperature. This gives our and the seal oil system supplying oil to the immersed
clients more processing flexibility. Their targets are always motor windings is designed and has proven to be a highly
going to be variable and they are always going to have reliable system. The overall reliability of this system ranges
different feedstocks, except perhaps for the Canadian from 98.5%, with about 4 to 6 days of downtime expected
ebullated bed operators. per year .
The hot wall reactors would restrict the processing A typical system has 3 reactors in series, and for every
objectives if and when those objectives change. The choice 3 recycle pumps there will be a spare VFD which can
of hot wall versus cold wall is always the client’s. automatically switch over in case that there is a problem
With reference to some of the previous comments with the operating VFD. The VFDs have a self diagnostic
made, having operated both the hot and cold wall reactors, system to detect a fault and automatically switch operation
HRI has found that the two types are about equal in to the spare VFD.
complexity and ease of inspection. For each ebullating pump we specifically use, Braun
From an operating point of view, the catalyst bed level and Lube type pumps to supply the seal oil because of their
is detected and controlled by the use of multiple point high reliability. Seal oil flow is set at about a half a gallon
nuclear density detectors. These are fast responding per minute into the motor housing from where it flows up
pieces of instrumentation and provide most of the infor- through the breakdown bushing into the reactor.
mation required on the status of the ebullated bed level. In addition to the high reliability of the seal oil pumps,
HRI uses the wall temperatures only as a secondary a large reservoir supply is provided to maintain the supply
indication and has not found this procedure to be very of seal oil during unit emergency. Usually, desulfurized
reliable or definitive. vacuum gas oil produced by the process is used as seal oil.
The emergency procedures we define for the H-Oil In the case of a loss of power or feed oil supply, the source
Process are identical for both the hot and cold wall reac- of seal oil can be lost for a period of time. The reservoir is
tors. The only difference is that a shutdown may be sized, therefore to supply a sufficient reserve.
triggered by a wall temperature which approaches the The loss of seal oil in itself is not a severe problem. In
vessel design temperature. This would not happen in a the case the ebullated pump has also stopped, the operator
cold wall reactor. We provide automated reactor cutback has also several minutes to reestablish the seal oil flow. In
systems in the H-Oil reactors and these cutbacks will put the case the ebullating pump remains in operation, the
both the hot and cold wall reactors in a safe condition after operator has essentially an indefinite time to reestablish seal
an upset occurs. oil flow, since the motor windings are cooled by internal
For an extremely cold climate operation, the cold wall recirculation of line through the motor housing. In the case
reactor will take longer to heat up than a hot wall since the of an overall power outage, it is essential that the seal oil
cold wall reactor is internally insulated, but this is the only pumps be on a reliable back-up power supply to enable the
limitation. motor housing/windings to continue to be cooled.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 149


In addition, the ebullating pump should also be on or H-Oil. The Braun and Luebbe pumps are very reliable.
reliable back-up power supply to enable power to be The fresh feed system and ebullating pump systems are
restored to these pumps within an hour of the initial power also very reliable.
outage. In this way as liquid inventory is reestablished in
each of the reactors, catalyst bed expansion can also be
reestablished. General Process
The feed oil pumps are multi-stage barrel type pumps,
having anywhere from 8 to 13 stages, with double me- Question 24.
chanical seals. They have their own seal oil and lube oil What has been the experience of using on-line ana-
skids. In our designs, we provide three 50% pumps so that lyzers (e.g., to measure product sulfur) to control
the loss of any one pump will not measurably affect the reactor inlet temperature?
operation of the unit. Power to the two main operating
pumps are supplied from separate busses with the power KIMBRELL:
to the spare pump being capable of being supplied from We have had an on-line analyzer measuring sulfur in
either buss. By designing the system in this manner, its the product of our gas oil hydrotreater that has provided
reliability has proven to be essentially 100%. good service for the last 10 years. We use it as an indication
in trending when we are making moves on the unit. We
KENNETH G. TASKER (HRI, Inc.): backup that data with laboratory results.
The feed and the ebullating pumps are very critical to
the upflow reactor and the ebullated bed operation. I feel KOOIMAN:
that, based on our experience, the ebullating pump reli- A few years ago with the low sulfur diesel coming into
ability is somewhat higher than the 98% presented. I play, we were having difficulties with a distillate hydro-
would put it closer to 100%. The pump itself is extremely treater. We needed to get all we could out of it. It was being
reliable. One has to ensure that the power supply to that run on blocked operations producing high and low sulfur
pump is very reliable. We generally install spared, variable diesel. We spent a lot of money to purchase an on-line
frequency drivers. In some cases power can be supplied sulfur analyzer. We then assigned a good engineer to it,
from dedicated steam driven generators which can be championing the project. We also brought the manufac-
located on the unit. That is a choice made by the client. turer in to help us to set up the system. It is on a back
Today clients seem to go for the VFD, the electronic burner now. I do not know the reasons, but we could not
device, with the sparing capability as already described, make it work. It might have had something to do with
and with automatic switchover capability. Loss of ebulli- going from 0.047% on up to 0.50% sulfur. Maybe that is
tion due to pump loss is fairly remote. It usually occurs too big of a swing. But there was something intrinsically
because of loss of recycle gas, when we get separation in wrong with it.
the reactor between the gas and the liquid, and then we
actually lose the liquid suction to the ebullating pump. HUNKUS:
For the feed pump system, we design and operate with I wanted to clarify that I am not disagreeing with my
complete redundancy. A typical system has three 50% distinguished colleagues here. We had a discussion earlier
pumps, or in one case we have four 50% pumps for two and I am from a different culture where we do not have a
trains. This was a little bit more than required, but that lot of extra resources available. We have concentrated on
was the client’s choice. Of course, redundant lube oil and CEM reliability and achieved quite good results there. We
seal oil systems are installed as well. have used off-line Horiba X-ray fluorescent units with very
The energy supply to each of the critical drivers is very good reliability. It is a simple test and a good instrument
important. We generally look at which is the most reliable with good repeatability and a relatively low cost for a
source, steam or power. We design with some of the pumps machine requiring something in the 0.000 accuracy range,
on turbine drive and some of the pumps on electrical drive. like low sulfur diesel.
Considering ebullated bed emergency situations, I be- We have attempted many times to use our on-line
lieve that we have some differences of opinion about the analyzer on our 38,000 bbl/d distillate hydrotreater. This
bed slumping and bumping operation. HRI does not analyzer is presently a $100,000+ box of spare parts which
endorse that procedure. The procedure can create some has consumed several man years of instrument technical
forces inside the reactor that cannot be too good for the support. We feel the potential benefits do not merit con-
reactor internals. We have seen some of the damage that tinued support and have abandoned the instrument. I
the procedure can cause. think the operators keep spare wrenches in it now.
Going back to the ebullating pump, I believe we are all I would recommend you avoid this effort as I see no
using the same seal oil system. The pumps were made by real need for this level of complication if you are like us
the same manufacture, whether the process is LC Fining and you have a small technical staff and a small instrument

150 Hydrogen Processing


staff. We have developed a good feel for where we need to but both of these conditions are related to the relatively
run our reactor inlet temperatures and pressure. The op- small size existing reactors we had to work with. Both of
erators and shift supervisors can run a test in a matter of these issues have been improved with modified catalyst
a few minutes with about 5 cc’s of sample, verifying loading recommended by the catalyst manufacturer.
performance when changes are made in feed quality,
throughput, or operating conditions. An on-line H2S ARNDT:
analyzer to guard against tower upsets would be a much I will skip the first part of the question since it is too
better investment in my opinion. We run an An-Tech to open-ended. Regarding the second part, we have added a
get readings down to less than 0.01 ppm sulfur and saturation unit as a second stage to our existing diesel
nitrogen for our naphtha hydrotreater, but have found this hydrotreater at the Richmond plant. The catalyst used is
equipment requires a gifted foreman or a good chemist a nobel metal zeolist. The second stage was put on stream
and is not suitable for continuous duty. in 1993 and is still going strong with the initial catalyst
load. The catalyst is nitrogen sensitive. We usually produce
ARNDT: a diesel product with 5% to 10% aromatics, depending
We have two low sulfur diesel hydrotreaters equipped on our blending requirements.
with on-line product sulfur analyzers. I believe both are
Berthold LP 340 analyzers. Originally, we had high hopes BALDASSARI:
that we could close-loop control the reactors, but that has Lummus Global together with Criterion, license the
not been the case. We also trend with the analyzers, SynSat Process for the purpose of dearomatizing diesel
backing them up with periodic laboratory results as Mr. fuels along with other distillates. We have completed 5
Kimbrell stated. Both units steam strip product diesel. The designs to date, 4 of which are currently in operation, for
vendor tells us that it is the moisture in our diesel that is revamping existing hydrotreaters for the purpose of dearo-
giving us the problems. matizing diesel and kerosene boiling range distillates. In
addition, we are about to start basic engineering on a sixth
DAVIS: unit for diesel dearomatization.
CENEX has an on-line sulfur analyzer (manufactured The first of these units was put on-line about 3 years
by Berthold) on its finished product from the diesel fuel ago. In this instance we revamped an existing low pressure
hydrotreater and it works very well as long as it is cali- naphtha cracker for the production of 5% aromatics, Class
brated. As mentioned by Mr. Kimbrell and Mr. Arndt, the I Swedish diesel using our SynCat 4 noble metal catalyst.
operators watch the analyzer and adjust reactor inlet tem- This was accomplished at a reactor operating pressure of
perature accordingly with a set point change. The on-line only 520 psig, with reformer hydrogen, having a hydrogen
analyzer is checked against laboratory data at least 3 times partial pressure of only 320 psig. In addition, the feed
per day. contained about 6 ppm heteroatoms, with about 2 ppm
to 3 ppm sulfur and 2 ppm to 3 ppm nitrogen. The
Question 25. existing reactor was modified from a single bed to a two
Discuss aromatic reduction in diesel fuel? Has anyone bed design with the addition of interbed quench to take
added a dearomatization section to an existing desul- up the additional heat of reaction. Other relatively minor
furization unit? modifications were made to both the feed preheat system
and to the fractionator bottoms reboiling circuit.
LEMMON: A second unit was placed on-line at Scanraff in Sweden
Tosco has operated a diesel aromatic reduction unit for 2 years ago. This converted an existing 850 psig hydro-
over 3 years. The feed aromatics average 25 vol%, and the treater unit also for production of Class I Swedish diesel.
product runs 5 vol% to 6 vol%. The unit uses nobel metal In this case, the existing single stage unit was converted
catalyst manufactured by Haldor Topsoe. Feedstock is into a two stage unit including the addition of a high
hydrocracker diesel which has previously been desul- pressure interstage stripper. In the first stage of the unit,
furized and denitrified. The unit was constructed by re- the heteroatoms are reduced to around 2 ppm, over a
vamping an out-of-service 1940-vintage naphtha nickel molybdenum catalyst where we also get some aro-
reformer which allows operating conditions of 700 psi at matic saturation. Subsequently after stripping the H2S
the reactor inlet, 435° into, and 600° out of the final and ammonia, the aromatics level is then further reduced
reactor. The unit has 3 reactors reused from the original in the second stage to about 4% by countercurrently
reformer design. There is an intermediate hydrogen contacting the first stage product with makeup hydrogen
quench in front of the third reactor. over our SynCat 4 noble metal catalyst.
The catalyst system is very sensitive to nitrogen in the The use of countercurrent contacting results in signifi-
feed, particularly nitrogen bound heavy end point mate- cantly higher catalyst activities compared with cocurrent
rial. The catalyst life is also shorter than we had hoped, processing since any remaining sulfur/nitrogen converted

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 151


over the noble metal catalyst is stripped out by counter- content of that feed is around 5 wt% and the Conradson
currently contacting the liquid product with hydrogen carbon is in the range of 20 wt% to 25 wt%.
rich gas. Other fixed bed units that use our catalysts have metals
A third unit was converted for treating of a blend of in the range of 250 ppm total, sulfurs of 4 wt% to 5 wt%,
hydrotreated heavy FCC gasoline in plus hydrocracker and Conradson carbons of 15 wt% to 20 wt%. An ebul-
distillates to produce jet fuel having an aromatics content lated bed system is a little more flexible because it can
of less than 10%. This is being accomplished at 700 psig handle tougher feeds. I consider tougher being a higher
pressure and at a space velocity in the range of around 10. metals and Conradson carbon content. An advantage you
Sulfur and nitrogen content in this feed are very low. This have in an ebullated bed is that the catalyst addition rate
application represents essentially the upper limit of space can be varied as the feedstock changes.
velocity that you can achieve on an ultra pure low heteroa- In both cases, catalyst systems can be customized based
tom feed. on feed quality and customer processing objectives.
Finally, a fourth unit was recently placed on stream this
past May where an existing single stage HDS unit was KENNETH G. TASKER (HRI, Inc.):
converted to be able to handle a blend of 40% light cycle We will be starting up an H-Oil unit with 700 ppm
oil, 20% coker light gas oil and 40% straight-run material. metals in the feedstock in Mexico in the first quarter next
The intent of the unit revamp an existing 700 psig diesel year. The sulfur level will be high, between 4 wt% and 5
hydrotreater to achieve an API gain of around 7.5 to 8 wt%, and the unit will produce a premium quality fuel oil
units with a similar improvement in cetane. This was with a 0.8 wt% sulfur content.
accomplished by adding a new first stage reactor in which
the heteroatoms of the feedstock were reduced to approxi- Question 27.
mately 30 ppm. The feed contained 1.3% sulfur, 900 ppm What is the effect on product diesel index when co-
nitrogen and about 60% aromatics. This first stage prod- processing VGO in a high pressure diesel hydrotreater
uct was then partially cooled and stripped at full operating which is processing around 50% cracked stocks (as-
pressure to reduce H2S and ammonia and then processed sume constant LHSV)?
over SynCat 4 noble metal catalyst which has a fairly good
resistance tolerance for sulfur, nitrogen, still has good DAVIS:
activity. CENEX treats all of its FCC light cycle oil in its high
An overall aromatics reduction of around 50% was pressure gas oil hydrotreater and then fractionates the
achieved. To date this was our most difficult hydrotreating diesel fuel portion out of the sweet gas oil to a 0.05 wt%
application, processing a feedstock with in excess of 60% sulfur. Originally, the light cycle oil was treated in a
cracked stocks and extremely high levels of nitrogen and medium pressure diesel fuel hydrotreater with about a 7
aromatics to achieve significant API and cetane improve- number gain in cetane index.
ment at relatively low moderate pressure. Now, with the light cycle oil being hydrotreated in the
high pressure unit, there is about a 14 number cetane index
Question 26. gain. The CENEX laboratory informs me that in the
Considering fixed bed or moving bed resid hydroproc- medium pressure case the cetane index increased, but the
essing, how far have refiners been able to go in actual cetane number did not. However, in the high
handling high metals, high sulfur and high carbon pressure case, both the cetane index and cetane number
residue feeds? have gained.

We feed our Pascagoula fixed bed RDS, on average, DI drops 3 numbers.
about 250 ppm nickel and vanadium. We have operated
for extended periods of time with feed metals as high as Question 28.
350 ppm to 400 ppm. There are three resid units in What process parameters best define performance of
operation in Japan using our Onstream Catalyst Removal an FCC feed hydrotreater (i.e., maximum HDS, HDN,
(OCR) process. Although capable of feeding very high HDM, Concarbon removal, hydrogen uptake or aro-
metals feed, they typically are feeding only 120 ppm. The matic saturation)?
selected crude slate for these refineries is just not produc-
ing the high metals resid. JOHNSON:
All of the mentioned process parameters are important
DiCAMILLO: for monitoring FCC feed hydrotreater performance. I will
We are working with an ebullated bed feed that has in go through them individually. Sulfur removal is important
excess of 700 ppm nickel plus vanadium. The sulfur for reducing the FCC product sulfur levels, as well as for

152 Hydrogen Processing


reduction in regenerator SOx emissions. Nitrogen reduc- LEMMON:

tion is important since nitrogen will poison the active sites Tosco’s Bayway Refinery has processed atmospheric
on the FCC catalyst reducing product yields and increas- resid in their FCC feed hydrotreater since 1992. In August
ing the coke make. of 1996, they further added deasphalted oil into the feed
Metals, such as vanadium and nickel, will poison the mix along with the atmospheric resid and some imported
FCC catalyst leading to zeolite degradation, increased high sulfur VGO.
coke make, and higher gas yields. Reducing the Concar- Data with DAO in feed is too recent to discuss. Prior
bon residue of the FCC feed reduces the coke yield. This to this, we have processed combined feeds where the
will favor less LPG yield and more gasoline yield from the %1050+ has been greater than 35%. Since it is a sweet
FCC unit. Hydrogen uptake in the FCC feed hydrotreater crude atmospheric resid the feed Concarbon is in the 3%
determines the potential yields of valuable products for range with Ni+V at approximately 8 ppm.
the FCC unit. That is because the FCC must hydrogen With a reactor outlet H2 partial pressure of 1100 psi,
balance. That is, the hydrogen in the feed must equal the we see about 30% reduction in Concarbon and about 50%
hydrogen in the product. Higher hydrogen feeds are gen- to 60% reduction in Ni and V. The unit has 2 reactors in
parallel with 4 beds in each reactor; reactor inlet pressure
erally easier to crack and have a higher yield of liquid
is 1500 psi. We use demetallization catalyst for 2 of the
beds and a large pore Ni-moly catalyst in the rest. Liquid
space velocity is about 1.4 at normal rates. Cycle length is
12 to 18 months with pressure drop and catalyst activity
Hydrogen uptake and HDN are important to maxi- both a concern.
mizing FCC conversion. While gasoline yield increases
with higher hydrotreatment, gasoline octane is reduced. DiCAMILLO:
Concarbon removal reduces FCC air demand but some I experienced a couple of cases similar to Mr. Lemmon,
refractory material is essential for heat balance. When you that is, higher pressure units combining VGO and resid.
consider these issues along with other factors, such as In one case, the combined feed had about 20 ppm to 30
environmental regulations and operating restrictions, you ppm Ni+V and a CCR of 4% to 6%. In this case, H2
come to the conclusion that FCC hydrotreatment eco- partial pressure was about 1200 psig (83 bar) and a cycle
nomics are site dependent. length greater than 1 year was achieved. In another case,
about 15% resid was processed at a feed Ni+V of about 18
DiCAMILLO: ppm at H2 partial pressure above 1000 psig. A cycle length
All of the mentioned parameters can affect perform- of 2+ years was observed.
ance, and so it really depends on what you are trying to As I mentioned earlier, if you know you will be chang-
do. I will say that out of all the options we have here, ing feeds, you can optimize unit performance by picking
deeper aromatic saturation and its corresponding overall the proper catalyst. Cycle length can be maximized by
hydrogen uptake will increase catalytic cracker yields and optimizing the catalyst selection. On the other hand, some
have the largest impact on its operation. refiners have successfully increased feed heaviness and
realized economic advantages at the expense of shortened
OZIE S. OWEN (Amoco Petroleum Products): catalyst cycle lengths.
This is just a comment on aromatic saturation. One
Question 30.
usually sees in the literature that aromatics and aromatics
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of partial
reduction are typically reported. But we all realize that this
conversion hydrocracking as compared to straight
is an equilibrium reaction. Aromatic hydrogenation is an
hydrotreating for FCC feed pretreatment.
equilibrium reaction, and to really describe it, you need
both the aromatics and the naphthalene content. I encour- GENTRY:
age those working in the area to report both to make the Straight hydrotreating and partial conversion hy-
data more useful and easy to interpret. drocracking can both be used effectively to pretreat and
upgrade FCC feedstocks. FCC feed hydrotreaters are nor-
Question 29. mally designed with the principal objective of desulfuriza-
Has anyone attempted to process atmospheric resid tion and secondary objectives of denitrogenation and
in a low pressure hydrotreater designed for another aromatic saturation or hydrogen addition. Pressure and
service? What was the percentage of resid in the mix? space velocity requirements are determined primarily by
What were average feed metals (eg. Ni, V, Fe)? What the feed quality, with heavy higher nitrogen feeds requir-
was the reactor hydrogen partial pressure? What cycle ing higher design pressure and more catalyst to achieve the
length was able to be achieved? desired upgrade.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 153


Partial conversion moderate pressure hydrocracking, or FCCU. In that instance, you would see the yield go down.
MPHC, is designed with the additional process objective So you do not necessarily always see an improvement in
of converting some of the FCC feed into low sulfur FCCU performance when you are running in the mild
distillate products. The required unit design pressure for hydrocracking mode.
MPHC is similar to FCC feed hydrotreating, but catalyst Frequent monitoring of FCC feed (i.e., the hydro-
and hydrogen requirements are increased to achieve con- treater product) properties, such as aniline point, refrac-
version. tive index, and API, can show whether or not the above
The FCC feed produced from straight hydrotreating situation is occurring.
and moderate pressure hydrocracking can be significantly
different. In general, hydrotreating will saturate polyaro- Question 31.
matics while hydrocracking both saturates aromatics and What technologies are available for upgrading FCC
cracks them out of the FCC feed boiling range. The light cycle oil cetane quality?
unconverted hydrocracker product is, therefore, more
paraffinic than even a severely hydrotreated gas oil. Partial BALDASSARI:
conversion MPHC also results in lower product sulfur and Lummus Global and Criterion offer two processing
nitrogen contents as compared to hydrotreating. solutions, depending on the amount of cycle oil in the feed
At the same FCC riser severity, the hydrocracked bot- blend and the required severity of the operation. One
toms product will typically give higher conversion and option is to hydrotreat the cycle oil in a single stage, using
lower delta coke. FCC product selectivity will shift from our Synshift process, to remove heteroatoms while concur-
heavier products to lighter products when processing hy- rently saturating aromatics and opening the naphthenic
drocracked feeds. This can be beneficial in increasing rings. This results in a less aromatic and more paraffinic
alkylate production and for providing incremental feed product which can significantly improve the cetane quality
components for etherification. Because hydrocracker bot- of the cycle oil. In this case, the boiling range of the product
toms product is higher in hydrogen content, FCC operat- is shifted from heavier diesel to lighter diesel and kerosene,
ing conditions can be optimized to produce LCO with with a small to moderate amount of naphtha being pro-
better captain quality. duced depending on the severity of the operation.
The most significant benefits of partial conversion The second option is to treat the cycle oil in two stage
hydrocracking are increased yields of low sulfur middle system to remove sulfur and nitrogen in the first stage and
distillates and the ability to free up FCC capacity for then process it over noble metal catalyst in the second stage
processing incremental gas oils or resid. The ability to in order to saturate aromatics. Both these approaches are
minimize the incremental investment and operating costs, commercially available with the second one being already
while achieving the benefits of higher distillate yields and commercially demonstrated. We have extensive pilot plant
better feedstock upgrade, is the key to the economic data on light cycle oil which has shown that the cetane
application of partial conversion moderate pressure hy- index can be improved anywhere from 16 to 18 units when
drocracking to FCC feed pretreatment. processing 100% light cycle oil and 11 to 12 units on
distillate blends containing about 50% light cycle oil.
I certainly agree with Mr. Gentry, and I can relate an FEARNSIDE:
experience we at CENEX had when we were steep on the We have a lot of experience on FCC light cycle oil using
learning curve of our new gas oil hydrotreater. We ran the cetane improving additives. On average, we have been able
high pressure FCC feed hydrotreater in the maximum to increase the cetane between 5 and 10 numbers. You have
diesel fuel mode for a short period during an FCC shut- to individually test each light cycle oil to determine what
down. When the FCCU later charged the gas oil that was treat rate is necessary, and then you have to determine if
the product from this mild hydrocracking mode, there the economics at that point look attractive.
were so few coke precursors left that the FCCU would not
run. We had to cut in some sour gas oil to get the GENTRY:
temperatures back in the regenerator even with high feed The most common method being used to achieve
preheat. substantial LCO cetane upgrading is either high pressure
single stage hydrotreating utilizing conventional nickel
DiCAMILLO: molybdenum or nickel tungsten catalyst, or low pressure
I agree with everything that has been said and will also two stage processing using specialized noble metal aro-
point out that if you are running a low pressure FCC feed matic saturation catalyst. The level of cetane uplift for light
hydrotreater in mild hydrocracking mode you could well cycle oil feedstock is generally limited to 5 to 15 numbers
be on the far side of aromatics equilibrium. What that will by the chemistry of polyaromatic saturation (naphthalenes
do is actually increase the load of aromatics going to the to naphthenes, tetralins and decalins).

154 Hydrogen Processing


Selective saturation and hydrocracking of LCO desulfurization reaction rate by increasing the concentra-
polyaromatics is an alternative route to achieve a high tion of one of the reaction products, and it also lowers the
level of cetane uplift. A new catalyst technology devel- hydrogen partial pressure.
oped by Mobil Technology Company, and now being As an example, for a distillate desulfurizer operating at
commercialized through the Mobil-Akzo Nobel-Kellogg about 650 psi, we would expect the required average
hydrocracking alliance, can upgrade light cycle oil by catalyst bed temperature to respond as follows: an increase
partial conversion to gasoline. Because this process con- in recycle gas H2S content from about 0.5 mole percent
verts polyaromatics to gasoline instead of fully saturating (as the base case) to 3% would require about an additional
them, up to 30% less hydrogen is consumed while pro- 20°F bed temperature on the average.
ducing a captain uplift equivalent to conventional hydro- We would not expect the recycle gas H2S levels to have
treating. much of an effect, if any, on yield selectivity in a hydro-
The process operates at moderate pressures of 800 psig treating operation. Ammonia level has a very significant
to 1200 psig and is uniquely different from conventional impact on the second stage performance in a hydrocrack-
hydrocracking in that it can be configured to produce high ing operation. At low levels, 0 ppm to 200 ppm, ammonia
octane gasoline (greater than 90 RON) directly without levels strongly decrease hydrocracking activity, and also
reforming. Net conversion levels of 20% to 70% can be significantly shift product selectivity from naphtha to
obtained yielding very low high octane gasoline and low distillate.
sulfur high cetane diesel products.
DiCAMILLO: We control second stage hydrocracker recycle gas H2S
I would like to briefly comment on what Mr. Baldassari in the range of 10 ppm to 15 ppm at the recommendation
just said. He was a little off on our cetane shift. In one case, of the catalyst supplier. We do this by bleeding some Stage
we actually had a cetane increase of 20 units with a liquid 1 recycle gas to Stage 2, so some of the NH3 found in the
yield of 108 vol%. However, this gain is not free. In order recycle gas may have come from this source. We have not
to get a shift that big, it takes a lot of hydrogen. In the correlated H2S concentration to reactor performance.
cases we are talking about, the hydrogen consumption was We have not correlated hydrocracker second stage cata-
over 2000 scf/bbl. So you need to have available hydrogen lyst performance versus NH3 content of the recycle gas
if you really want to upgrade your cycle oil that much. either. We target 8 ppm to 10 ppm nitrogen slip from the
first stage and measured 25 ppm NH3 in the recycle gas.
JEAN-PIERRE PERIES (Acreon Catalysts): We have, however, clearly seen the expected temporary
Light cycle oil has very low cetane, typically 20 to 25, poisoning of the second stage catalyst following nitrogen
due to the aromatic content and mainly di- or tri- aromat- excursions in the feed. This has been manifested by reduc-
ics. Hydrotreating alone could be used to saturate aromat- tions in the delta T’s of the top 2 beds for a duration of up
ics and mainly polyaromatics into naphtheno aromatics to a few weeks.
compounds. The cetane of such structure is increased up The effect of nitrogen excursions is much more pro-
to 40 to 45 when deep hydrogenation is achieved. To nounced and lasting when the feed is heavier than normal.
further increase the cetane, polynaphthenic structures We have been running feed with D-2887 end points of
have to be opened into more parafinics structure. This 870°F to 880°F without noticeable Stage II effect, but end
cycle opening is a typical hydrocracking reaction. Process- points above 900°F do cause us concern.
ing LCO in HDC achieves cetane numbers higher than To combat this problem the catalyst manufacturer rec-
50. This could be done by blending LCO with VGO ommended a modified catalyst loading utilizing a high
HDC feed. To process LCO in ARDS or VRDS is possi- activity nitrogen tolerant catalyst to be loaded in the top
ble, but cetane will be limited in diesel fractions to around bed. We implemented their recommendation during a
40 to 45 because the cycles will not generally be opened. turnaround where the existing catalyst charge was off-site
regenerated and reloaded. The new loading is working
Question 32. very well, stage 2 survived a nitrogen in feed excursion of
Comment on the effect of hydrogen sulfide in the 40 ppm for several hours with a negligible effect on the
recycle gas on a) catalyst activity; b) yield selectivity catalyst. Such an excursion would have had a noticeable
of hydrotreating catalysts. What is the effect of am- effect on the previous loading. The catalyst in the top bed
monia level on second stage hydrocracking catalyst is Criterion Z-763; the remaining catalyst is Z-753.
JOHNSON: We have a number of desulfurization units with recycle
Hydrogen sulfide in the recycle gas has a negative effect gas H2S absorbers. When those scrubbers are taken off-
on catalyst activity in two ways. It kinetically lowers the line, we see a 10°F to 15°F drop in catalyst activity. We do

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 155


not see any appreciable effect on yield. Product aromatics if possible for the plants without an amine scrubber (better
increase slightly. PPH2, less H2S).
We operate the second stages of our isocrackers at low
nitrogen levels (2 ppm to 3 ppm) for two reasons. First, Question 33.
we believe this gives the optimum balance of activity and In many hydrocrackers the recycle gas is heated in a
selectivity. And second, our isocracker second stages are furnace, and oil feed is heated only by exchange. In
non-alloy, so we need low H2S levels in the reactor loop. this case, what is the maximum safe furnace outlet
Low sulfur means low nitrogen. The alternative is stainless temperature? Is this limit fixed by metallurgy, or by
steel equipment — quite an expense. concern about cracking of hydrocarbons contained in
the recycle gas?
I basically concur with the other panelists to reiterate JOHNSON:
our experience indicates the reactor temperatures must be We would not recommend increasing furnace outlet
increased 5°F to 7°F for every 1% increase in the H2S temperature beyond the design outlet temperature listed
concentration of the recycle gas. on the vendor’s heater data sheet. The maximum outlet
temperature at the design flow rate corresponds to the
HUNKUS: maximum tube wall temperature.
Increasing amounts of H2S in recycle gas of a hydro- These heaters operate in the high temperature creep
treater reduces hydrogen partial pressure, requires in- rupture range. If the maximum tube wall temperature is
creased reactor temperature, reduces catalyst life, and exceeded, the rate of creep damage will accelerate and tube
reduces liquid yield. How much depends on everything, life will be shortened. Operating consistently at tube wall
based on my experience with unit performance and pro- temperatures of only 50°F higher than the design can
ject economics. If I assume you are wondering if you result in a reduction of hours to rupture life from 100,000
should add an amine recycle gas scrubber to your unit or hours to as low as 20,000 hours. Cracking of hydrocarbons
design, and if you are short H2 and expanding production in the recycle gas is not a concern due to the high hydrogen
like us, you should. If you are trying more charge or worse content of the stream.
charge, or to hit a lower specification but cannot go up in
pressure or load additional catalyst, then, yes, adding a LEMMON:
scrubber will help. Who has the extra hydrogen even with Our hydrocracker stage two trim furnace does heat
an unnecessarily large purge anyhow? recycled gas only. We routinely operate in the 850° range.
If you do have extra hydrogen from a reformer and you We have never seen signs of coking. We limit firing based
do not have a CRYO big enough to put it all through, then on the design limit of the tubes. We periodically check the
you want to push all your hydrogen through your highest tubes with an infrared pyrometer and then target a maxi-
pressure unit to try to recover the LPG there anyway. mum firing rate based on those readings.


The H2S content in the recycle gas is an important We use 900°F limited by metallurgy.
parameter. It acts in two reverse directions:
• H2S is mandatory for keeping the catalyst under Question 34.
sulfide form. Two cases can be addressed where the What fail safe philosophy is used on hydrocracker
H2S content could be too limited: a) feedstock reactor quench (H2) gas? Has anyone modified the
injection interruption in a hydrotreating reactor at original design and, if so, why?
high temperature; and b) hydrotreater of very low
sulfur feedstocks (waxes for instance); Question 35.
• H2S limits the activity of the catalyst. This effect Discuss hydrocracker compressor operating strate-
concerns mainly the high severity hydrotreaters gies to insure quench availability for emergencies.
(deep desulfurization, deamoratization). The impact Considerations are: quench valve capacity, compres-
depends on the pressure (through PPH2S) and the sor speed, and compressor spillback.
sulfur requirements for some diesel hydrotreaters.
Acreon considers an optimum level to be between 0.01 BARKER:
vol% and 0.5 vol% for diesel hydrotreaters. Amine scrub- We have not modified our original design which in-
bing is recommended for all the severe diesel hydrosulfu- cludes quench valves that fail open in an over quench
rization cases. For H2S content in recycle gas higher than position. In addition, these valves have hand control for
1%, we consider an activity decreasing 2°F to 5°F by 1% manual override in the unlikely event that they do fail
H2S increase, and we recommend high pressure gas purge closed. These valves have substantial over capacity built in;

156 Hydrogen Processing


the hydrotreater valves have 200% of design capacity and charge heater. If temperatures rise above normal according
the hydrocracker valves have 300% of design capacity. To to catalyst bed thermocouples, the unit is depressured to
avoid robbing other quench points the quench valves have avoid runaway and potential damage to the reactor. Mobil,
limit stops at the intended capacities. Akzo Nobel and Kellogg believe in highly automated
Another aspect for failsafe is that we always maintain systems to monitor and initiate responses to these upset
blower speed in reserve to supply additional hydrogen conditions and strongly recommend such systems in our
quench. At one of our hydrocrackers which has a turbine hydrocrackers’ designs.
drive compressor, “reserve quench” is calculated by our
host computer. It is based on the original compressor curve ARNDT:
adjusted for current suction pressure, specific gravity and We do not save recycle compressor capacity. We run
speed. We operate around 10% to 15% reserve quench them full. We want to keep our recycle gas rates up so that
with a 3% specified minimum. we achieve good flow distribution and maximum hydro-
At our second hydrocracker, we try to keep at least a gen partial pressures. Most of our units have been debot-
third of the maximum reactor quench requirement in tlenecked and run higher feed rates than original design.
reserve for emergencies. Since we have an electric motor- Therefore our actual recycle gas rates are not on the super
driven recycle gas compressor, there is normally adequate high side.
reserve quench. We usually design quench valves for at least twice the
Last, we have 100 and 300 pound per minute depres- normal flow. It is our operating policy, in almost all cases,
suring valves which are used if our previously mentioned not to continuously operate a unit with a quench system
quench moves do not control a developing exotherm. running over 50% of maximum flow. We want the ability
to at least double that flow rate in case of emergency. If we
GENTRY: cannot operate at or below 50% maximum, we will shift
For quench points between hydrotreating catalyst beds, the reactor temperature profile, or reduce severity, or at the
Kellogg specifies that the quench valves should be sized for next shutdown resize the quench valve. We prefer our
2 times the normal expected flow. For points between quench valves to fail in-place drifting open.
cracking beds, Kellogg specifies 3 times the normal flow
for valve sizing. The provision of a reserve quench supply LEMMON:
by maintaining fill back on the recycle gas compressor is We do exactly what Chevron does. I just want to point
the most direct operating strategy for ensuring the avail- out that this strategy allows for the quench valve failure
ability of excess quench gas for upsets and emergencies. mode to prevent individual bed runaways. We count on
However, this strategy requires that substantial excess emergency reactor depressuring to deal with a whole reac-
recycle gas circulation be maintained at significant oper- tor upset in lieu of “reserved” recycle compressor capacity.
ating costs. If positive flow control of the reactor inlet gas
is required, as in units designed with hydrogen only SMITH:
charged heaters, maintaining spillback on the recycle is Our philosophy is the same as my colleagues have
necessary. In units with combined feed plus recycled gas mentioned. The only other design consideration would be
preheat, reactor inlet gas can be diverted to provide incre- that the steam turbine driver is used on the recycle com-
mental quenching without the need for a large spillback pressor for general power failure considerations.
reserve. It is important to note that in upset conditions For Saudi Aramco’s Riyadh Refinery, the compressor
requiring extra quench supply, reactor furnace firing operating strategy is based on maintaining enough quench
should always be reduced until the situation is returned to to cool down the reactors and to maintain an adequate
proper control. H2-to-hydrocarbon ratio to prevent reactor runaway. The
Kellogg designs hydrocracker reactor quench systems quench valves capacity is designed to deliver the required
for temperature cascade to flow control. This design en- H2 without exceeding 60% opening, normally they oper-
sures that each individual quench line has independent ate at less than 30% open. The compressor speed is
flow measurement. Many hydrocracker systems only increased if the H2-to-hydrocarbon goes below the mini-
monitor total quench flow and do not provide the opera- mum specification.
tor with a direct indication of quench capacity between For Saudi Aramco’s newest hydrocracker at Ras Tanura,
beds. Quench control valves are designed to fail in the reserve recycle gas capacity has been specified for the
open position. The control valve manifold is located at recycle gas compressor in order that H2 process upsets can
grade level, and hydrocracker quenches are equipped with be appropriately handled. The reserve quench is specified
manual control valve bypasses. Often times, a local flow as one third of the larger of the sum of quench gas flows
indicator for operator control is also included. for either the first stage or second stage cracking reactors.
The loss of quench supply resulting from recycle gas The maximum quench rate will be needed during emer-
compressor failure will cause the shutdown of the reactor gency situations. For the treating reactor, the quench

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 157


and conversion. Even so, the liquid hourly space velocity

encountered in a vacuum gas oil HDS unit is normally too
high to achieve significantly greater than the 20% conver-
sion mentioned in the question, with run lengths of
something on the order of 6 to 12 months.
In many cases, however, the design pressure hydrogen
compression capabilities in a vacuum gas oil HDS unit are
adequate for operation at significantly increased conver-
sion level if incremental catalyst volume is added to the
system. When adding reactor volume, it is essential to
ensure that there are adequate catalyst beds and excellent
flow distribution to optimize catalyst and hydrogen utili-
zation. In order to maximize reuse of existing compressors
and other equipment, additional reactor volume must be
added while also minimizing reactor pressure drop. Reac-
tor design technology is therefore an important key to the
valves are designed to pass nominally 2 times the normal successful revamp of HDS units to hydrocracking. The
flow. For cracking reactors, the quench valves are designed Spider-Vortex Quench Zone Technology developed and
to pass nominally 3 times the normal flow. commercialized by Mobil Technology Company is an
Other design considerations included: example of new technology now available for this applica-
1. A steam turbine driver was used on the recycle com- tion. The Spider Vortex allows for the design of large
pressor for general power failure. diameter multi-bed reactors that can maximize catalyst
2. Compressor spill back is through the hot high pres- effectiveness while operating at low pressure drop.
sure separator cooler to ensure proper quench temperature When revamping for significant improvements in con-
even at low flows. version, we recommend using a two catalyst system, opti-
Loss of the recycle compressor results in automatic mized independently for pretreating and cracking
system depressuring. functions. The best overall activity is obtained by zeolite
based catalysts, particularly if these catalysts have been
Question 36.
designed to be nitrogen tolerant. Trimetallic catalyst for-
mulations with nickel, cobalt and molybdenum as active
What have refiners done catalytically to reduce the
metals can also provide benefits in terms of meeting both
cloud point of hydrocracker fractionator bottoms to
conversion and very deep desulfurization requirements.
allow inclusion into the diesel pool?
Akzo Nobel has developed a family of catalysts which
is optimized to achieve excellent desulfurization and de-
nitrogenation together with high conversion. These cata-
Running the hydrocracker bottoms over isomerization lysts, combined with Mobil’s Spider-Vortex reactor design,
catalysts or a combined isom-dewaxing catalyst can reduce were used to achieve 45% conversion with 2 year cycles in
the cloud point. a Mobil affiliated vacuum gas oil HDS unit converted to
partial conversion hydrocracking. The same technology
Question 37. has been used at OMV in Austria in a design to convert a
Mild hydracracking (MHC) has typically been applied vacuum gas oil HDS unit to moderate pressure hy-
to units originally designed for HDS service. Conver- drocracking. Conversion will be increased over 60%,
sion /eve/s have been around 20% with very short while at the same time run lengths will be doubled.
cycles. Are there any new developments in catalyst
and process technology to extend the conversion ca- ARNDT:
pabilities of MHC? Mild hydrocracking has its merits, but it also has its
drawbacks. The synthetic diesel you produce when you are
GENTRY: running at these low pressures and high end-of-run tem-
There are new developments in both catalysts and peratures is really crummy. The product diesel will be high
process technologies for extending the conversion level in in aromatics (probably about a 35 motor cetane when you
mild hydrocracking. One approach is incremental im- are running a Mid-East VGO). The total diesel from unit
provement through such avenues as improving hydrogen probably will look better than that, because, most likely,
partial pressure or substituting newer, more effective cata- you have 10% to 15% diesel material in your feed. If I was
lysts. Kellogg’s hydrocracking partner, Akzo Nobel, is looking for more diesel in my refinery, the first thing I
continuously improving catalysts for both pretreatment would look for is improved distillation in the crude unit.

158 Hydrogen Processing


BALDASSARI: hard scale, thus allowing trapped gases to escape. The

We agree with the comment that through the use of solution is drained followed by another condensate wash
zeolitic MHC catalyst both the run length and the con- to remove any remaining solution. After draining, the
version can be extended when converting vacuum gas oil vessel is opened and all necessary entry permit checks are
HDS units for mild hydrocracking operations. Conver- carried out to ensure personnel safety. Experience with this
sion levels of around 40% at least 12 month cycle lengths cleaning method has been very successful. The soft loose
should be possible. scale makes for easy removal. Additionally, hydrocarbon
vapor remains very low in concentration throughout the
DiCAMILLO: scale removal, as determined by frequent Lower Explosive
Mr. Baldassari took the words right off my sheet here. Limit (LEL) checks.
I will add that based on the success of our SynSat coun-
tercurrent bed technology for distillate hydrotreating, we ARNDT:
are also looking at its use in mild hydrocracking. We have been very successful by starting with an aggres-
sive steaming out while disbursing a turpene-based cleaner
Question 38. into the vessel. We follow that with a dilute potassium
How do you clean up the high pressure separators for permanganate wash. The results are no odor, no pyro-
entry? Considerations include ammonia salts, phoric iron, and no benzene.
sludge, demister pads.
LEMMON: We purge the vessel to the flare system with hot nitro-
We typically chemically clean large vessels that are gen and 150 psi steam for 16 to 24 hours. After this initial
expected to be pyroforic, and especially those that contain steaming, we sometimes find that the separator still has a
complicated internals such as demister pads. We use a strong ammonia odor and needs further steaming and hot
water solution containing surfactants and inorganic basic nitrogen stripping for an additional period. After the vessel
compounds. The solution is circulated for 6 hours at about is cleaned, it is aspirated per our standard confined space
180°F. The procedure and the work are done by a local permit entry procedure before personnel are allowed to
chemical treating company. The cleaning solution formu- enter. The vessels must be adequately cleaned to eliminate
lation is as follows: in 500 gal of water dissolve 2 wt% soda any odor that may affect personnel or go beyond the
ash; 2 wt% sodium bicarbonate; 3 wt% sodium gluco- refinery fence line and impact the community. Fresh air is
mate; 0.2 wt% sodium hydroxide; and 0.2 vol% surfac- required for personnel entering the vessel until the demis-
tant. Then further dilute this into 6000 gal of wash water ter pads are removed, due to the potential for ammonia
as the vessel is filled. trapped in or behind the demister pad. Sludge that re-
The cleaning procedure included forced solution circu- mains in the vessel is removed and handled as a hazardous
lation at approximately 250 gpm for 6 hours. Temperature waste. Disposal options for the sludge are determined after
was maintained at 180°F by steam heating. Water rinse hazardous waste testing characterizes the waste.
was performed to complete the cleaning process. Our separator is made of austenitic stainless steel, so
A significant amount of sludge had to be washed out another consideration is protection of the vessel, piping,
of the bottom of the Stage 1 HPS after the vessel was and internals from cracking. Austenitic stainless steel can
opened, but no evidence of pyrophoric activity was noted. stress corrosion crack in an atmosphere of both oxygen
Chemical cleaning has been very effective in reducing and water in the presence of polythionic acid. The sepa-
odors from hydrocarbons and H2S. It can also speed up rator is neutralized using a low chloride solution of 2.0
the gas freeing process and allow earlier entry. Use of a wt% sodium carbonate and 0.4 wt% sodium nitrate.
spray head and circulating system might be beneficial in Neutralization procedures are based on NACE Standard
cases where simple flooding and circulating has failed to RP0170-93.

To prepare for vessel entry during turnaround & in-
spections (T & I), liquid hydrocarbons are first thoroughly
drained from the separator. Then the vessel is condensate
washed to remove remaining hydrocarbon liquids and
begin removal of hydrocarbon vapors. The vessel is then
chemically cleaned using about 2 vol% water solution of
a commercial surfactant/degassing chemical. This solu-
tion is circulated at 130°F (55°C) for about 1 day to soften

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 159



A. Alkylation-Sulfuric Acid Most of my activities center around our hydrocracking

alliance with Mobil and Akzo Nobel, MAK Hydro-
Process cracking, and our alliance with ER&E for sulfuric acid
Question 1. I am thrilled to be part of this panel and part of this
What are typical levels of oxygenates in Alkylation Q&A session. My hope is that all of us will go away from
Unit Feed from an MTBE unit using a standard water this Q&A with something of value to help us in our jobs
wash for oxygenate removal? Is there any commercial and help our companies improve their bottom lines.
experience with an on-line moisture analyzer up- Our information for oxygenate content of raffinate
stream of the alkylation unit? from an MTBE water extraction step is 1200 ppm to 1600
ppm oxygenates. That is in addition to the water of
JOHNSON: saturation. The raffinate is then used as olefin feed to a
UOP would expect around 1000 ppm oxygenate to sulfuric acid alkylation unit without further water wash.
come through a simple water wash with the load to the On entering the alkylation unit, the feed is chilled by heat
water wash somewhat dependent on the MTBE unit exchange, and a coalescer is used to remove free water. We
design. When followed by a depropanizer and an oxygen- would not expect to see a moisture analyzer on this stream
ate removal unit, the oxygenates can be reduced to less when used as a sulfuric alkylation feed stream.
than about 1 ppm. In HF alkylation or in the Topsoe fixed-bed alkylation
For an HF alkylation unit the typical design would process, which has been jointly developed by Kellogg and
allow up to 10 ppm oxygenates. Dimethyl ether is the Haldor Topsoe, oxygenates as well as dissolved water are
species that gets through. This will go overhead in the removed from feed in driers using molecular sieves or
isostripper and also in the acid regenerator on the alkyla- alumina as adsorbents. These driers utilize moisture ana-
tion unit and tend to build up in the acid. So DME is the lyzers to determine the end of the adsorption cycle and to
problematic species. initiate bed regeneration.

We have measured between 50 ppm and 200 ppm We also believe the typical levels of oxygenates in olefin
dimethyl ether and water. We track this with an on-line feed downstream of a typical MTBE unit run between
analyzer. We have a coalescer downstream of the oxygenate 500 ppm and 1000 ppm. I also have a friend who ran his
unit to try to prevent any water carryover into the alkyla- unit at lower levels, including Methanol at less than 200
tion unit. ppm; MTBE at less than 50 ppm; and DME at less than
100 ppm.
ARNDT: We feel a moisture analyzer on most typical units is a
We feed MTBE raffinate to alkylation plants at our 3 lower priority than good design and operating practice. A
major domestic refineries. However, we rarely analyze typical unit has a large recycle isobutane stream that
these raffinates for oxygenate contents. In Richmond spot combines with the olefin feed and is cooled by the reactor
samples have showed dimethyl ether concentrations of effluent. The total combined feed gets cooled from 90°F
1000 to 2000 ppm. For the second part of this question, to 100°F down to 45°F to 60°F, usually producing free
we do not have moisture analyzers on alkylation feeds. We water. Our opinion is that the feed coalescer should be
do have moisture analyzers on catalytic reformer feed from designed to remove over 98% of the free water.
tankage. It has worked quite well for years. Even if you totally dry the olefin feed before it combines
with the recycle isobutane (for most sulfuric units, this also
GENTRY: is a saturated stream), as it is cooled down to 50°F to 60°F,
I will take this opportunity to introduce myself. My it will still contain some free water.
name is Art Gentry. I am the Product Director for Petro- We believe it is always a good idea to periodically
leum Refining for the M. W. Kellogg Technology Com- analyze the combined feed in and out of the feed coalescer
pany. In that capacity, I am engaged in managing and to verify that the coalescer is operating correctly. On-line
developing proprietary refining technologies for Kellogg. moisture analyzers are hard to maintain and can lead to

160 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


serious operating problems if relied upon too heavily GENTRY:

without applying additional process understanding and In the Exxon, stirred, autorefrigerated alkylation reac-
operational awareness. tor design, all of the recycle isobutane from the deisobu-
tanizer is mixed with the olefin feed upstream of the
R.E. (Ed) PALMER (Mustang Engineering, Inc.): reactor. This premixed stream is then cooled, chilled to
I have some data I was involved with a couple of years 40°F, and passed through a coalescer to remove free water
back. Methanol is typically 20 ppm to 40 ppm, dimethyl before being split and equally injected into the reaction
ether 200 ppm to 300 ppm and MTBE 50 ppm to 70 zones. The recycle refrigerant is not mixed with the olefin
ppm. This is downstream of standard raffinate water wash. feed, but injected directly into the first reaction zone.
Commercial experience during the early years of operation
Question 2. conclusively showed a large alkylate octane benefit for the
What are the benefits of premixing a portion of the premixing configuration. Thus, premixing has been the
unit’s isobutane recycle with the olefin feed being standard configuration practiced.
injected into the reaction zones of an autorefrigerated For a grassroots design, the typical isobutane-to-olefin
unit? What target isobutane-to-olefin ratio at the in- ratio at the premixed feed point is about 4-to-1 by volume.
jection zone is desired? When the recycle refrigerant stream is included, the overall
isobutane-to-olefin ratio external to the reactor is about
KOOIMAN: 8-to-1 by volume. Due to the nature of the autorefriger-
I am here with information from a couple of places. My ated design, where isobutane refrigerant directly vaporizes
thanks go out to the folks at Koch who have been very from the reactor, the definition of isobutane-to-olefin
helpful in answering some of these questions and the folks ratio can be somewhat confusing. Usually, we talk about
at Murphy. Koch has a refinery at Pine Bend, Minnesota the concentration of isobutane in the reactor product
and another one at Corpus Christi, Texas and Murphy Oil stream going to the deisobutanizer which is generally in
has a small refinery in Superior, Wisconsin and another the range 50 vol% to 60 vol%.
one in Meraux, Louisiana. I appreciate the opportunity to
be here. JACKSON:
We tested premixing with the theory that it would The benefits associated with premixing recycle iC4 with
improve the reaction by lowering the reaction temperature olefin feed prior to injecting it into an autorefrigerated
at the initial acid hydrocarbon contact point upstream of alkylation unit are two fold: increased local iC4-to-olefin
the impeller. Also, we wanted to test whether premixing ratio at the point of injection resulting in all the known
would improve the reaction by giving the emulsion for- benefits that carries, and increased mixing due to higher
mation a head start upstream of the impeller. velocity of the feed mixture.
We experimented with premixing the effluent with the No quantitative information on the absolute benefit is
olefin feed stream that had already been combined, but it available, but STRATCO states that the benefits follow
had not, at that point, been run through a mixer upstream the old adage “more is better” when referring to iC4-to-
of the contactor. We used an in-line static mixer to mix all olefin ratio. The normal design limit is pressure drop
the hydrocarbon feeds prior to injection into the contac- across the olefin feed system. Recycle iC4 until it starts to
tor, but we were not able to see any increases in either the affect the fresh feed rate to the unit then stop.
octane, endpoint or yield, and we did not see any improve- The recycle is simply attached to the olefin feed line
ment in the acid consumption. without any special sparger.
There was some erosion, leaks and fouling of the piping
system, and this was probably due to the fact that the Question 3.
effluent recycle streams were untreated and the piping Does anyone have an effective procedure for on-line
arrangement was prone to excessive turbulence. That sys- water washing of the DIB? If so, what are the general
tem has since been removed. guidelines and how long does the procedure take?
What are the effects on the unit operation while the
LEMMON: DIB is being water washed?
Tosco operates an autorefrigerated alkylation plant at
their Bayway refinery, and they report that premixing of LEMMON:
isobutane recycle with olefin feed can allow an increase in The DIB tower at Tosco’s Avon refinery has experienced
unit rate, particularly when the autorefrigerated unit is periods of gradual tray fouling. The fouling, which was
isobutane circuit hydraulically limited. If you shift some assumed to be caused by neutral ester degradation prod-
of the isobutane recycle in the olefin feed and you can ucts, caused the tower to flood prematurely and limited
maintain rate and still hit your targeted isobutane-to-ole- heat transfer from the bottom reboiler. On-line water
fin ratio of 1-to-4. washing successfully removed some of the foulant and

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 161


reduced tower flooding. Bottom reboiler fouling was not

as effectively removed, and the reboiler eventually had to
be pulled and mechanically cleaned.
The procedure used involved:
Reducing unit charge rate to minimize wet alkylate
Diverting the DIB alkylate bottoms product to a
dedicated tank equipped with vapor recovery.
Reducing DIB bottoms temperature to minimize
water revaporization (250°F to 270°F). Do not allow
alkylate vapor pressure to exceed storage tank safety
Injecting raw water at approximately 8% of total
DIB feed rate.
Monitoring overhead accumulator closely and
draining water to prevent water recycle to contac-
tors. Watch out for water in DIB side draw normal FEARNSIDE:
butane. I will address some fixes to help mitigate the root causes
The DIB tower also experienced two incidents of rapid of the internal DIB fouling and corrosion, and also the
fouling due to reaction condition upsets. Both times reboiler fouling. One of the rules of thumb that I use is to
on-line water washing failed to restore tower performance maintain the caustic water wash drum temperature in
and the tower had to be opened for mechanical cleaning. excess of 120°F. That helps maximize the removal of the
Aggressive “on-line” water washing, and “on-line” hot acid esters. Also, maintaining a Total Dissolve Solids
water washing with the aid of a surfactant were both (TDS) of that water wash at 6000 or less, helps minimize
employed unsuccessfully to remove the foulant. Use of the any acid carryover.
surfactant increased the amount of black polymeric mate- What we have found over the years is that if you pay
rial removed but did not remove the restriction which was close attention to the cleanup of the hydrocarbon before
causing the tower to flood. Entering the tower revealed it gets to the DIB, you can stop a lot of the internal
that the foulant was lodged in down comers near the corrosion and fouling. Also, for certain refiners we have
tower’s side reboiler draw trays. started up a high detergent filmer injection internally. This
has helped keep the salts moving through the tower and
KIMBRELL: also mitigate any corrosion byproducts which ultimately
We have water washed our DIB twice successfully. We end up in the reboiler and cause the fouling of that reboiler.
have not really had any problems with it. Our system is Certain case histories indicate refiners previously having
set up where the bottoms from the DIB go to a debutan- to pull reboilers every 3 to 4 months to clean them when
izer. So our concern with butanes in the alkylate is not as they were maximizing throughput. They have now been
great, perhaps, as others. We have a procedure similar to on-line in excess of 6 years, not having to water wash or
that described by Mr. Lemmon. clean the reboiler.

ARNDT: Question 4.
Two of our alkylation units are equipped with simple Has anyone experienced repeated problems with the
DIB’s (no butane side draw). We have water washed them refrigerant recycle pumps (cavitation, etc.)? It so,
both, one all too routinely. Essentially we reduce the what was the cause and what was done to eliminate
temperatures to the low 200’s and route the downstream the problems?
debutanizer overhead to off-test (will be high vapor pres-
sure). We operate the debutanizer carefully to make sure KIMBRELL:
our alkylate vapor pressure is okay. We inject clean water My name is Mike Kimbrell. I am associated with the
to either the mixed butane feed at the top of the column Engineering and Technology Center of ARCO Products
or in with the reflux. A typical rate would be 40 gal/min Company here in Anaheim.
for a 22,000 bbl/d alkylation unit. We watch and drain We have had some problems with our refrigerant recycle
the low points throughout the whole procedure. We also pumps. It appears that the fluid has been actually “freezing
check our product streams to make sure we know where up” on the discharge side of the pumps. It is our belief that
the water is going. Water is continued for about 2 hours. the suction trap has a leak in the weir, and it is allowing
The procedures have been very effective and we do not acid to make its way from the net effluent side over to the
notice any effects in the reactor section. refrigerant recycle side. At the lower temperatures, the acid

162 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


is just freezing up. We have been able to raise the level on off line, pulling the strainer and finding a slushy type of
the refrigerant recycle side of the weir and since then have ice, or whatever you call it, to be the source of the problem.
not had any further problems. The plant determined this was related to increased quan-
tities of propylene in the feed, particularly at higher feed
KOOIMAN: rates to the depropanizer.
We had a lot of problems with DIB charge pump There also had been some previous problems with
cavitation when we upgraded to a vertical Sundyne with cracking in some welds in the depropanizer feed line, so it
dual ports. The cavitation, of course, would cause loss of was known that there were some problems with carryover
flow and the suction trap level would go up and trip off from the depropanizer feed system caustic wash. They
the refrigeration compressor. We found that there was not were operating the flash drums at 15°F to 18°F and
sufficient net positive suction head available when the running about 3% to 5% propane in refrigerant recycle.
compressor suction pressure would drop. In fact, we They were able solve this problem by raising the refrigerant
determined that the liquid was boiling in the suction line. compressor suction pressure to get up over about 20°F in
So we raised the suction trap approximately 30 ft to get the flash drum when running an increased propylene rate
the better liquid column head, and that has cured the to the unit.
We learned that the proper pump application is critical
to stable operation in this application. The Sundyne Mechanical
pumps require that we maintain flows within a minimum
and maximum range. So now there is a minimum flow Question 5.
spillback and a maximum flow restriction orifice to ensure What mechanical or process considerations are most
that the pump stays on the curve in the region of stable often investigated and/or incorporated to decrease
operation. unit operating costs? Improve mechanical reliability?

We had a similar experience to the one reported by At this point I would like to introduce myself, my name
ARCO where the alkylation plant would be running is Chaz Lemmon. I work at Tosco’s Avon, California
normally, the refrigerant recycle pump flow capacity refinery, where I have been employed continuously for the
would drop off over several days and eventually we would last 18 years, all of this time the refinery has been under
switch to the spare pump. Then we would test the dam- Tosco’s ownership. The Avon refinery is located near
aged pump and find that it was performing just fine the San Francisco. Tosco currently operates two other refiner-
next day. So we began to speculate that we were freezing ies, the Ferndale refinery in Washington state and the
some sort of material in the pump impeller. The thing that Bayway refinery in New Jersey. Recently press releases have
was unique in our situation is that it only occurred when indicated that the fourth Tosco refinery in Trainer, Penn-
we were running a high percentage of propylene in the sylvania might restart operations in 1997.
feed. It did not occur when we were running all butylene All of Tosco’s refineries are fuel oriented. The Avon
and this kind of mystified us. We also have a suction trap refinery is the most complex featuring all the cracking
with the weir in it. We raised refrigerant side levels. We units commonly employed. The Bayway refinery is our
still experienced the problem when we were running largest refinery and is home to the world’s largest FCCU.
propylene. The Ferndale Refinery is located in one of the most
We did obtain some material from the pump. It was a beautiful areas in which I have ever visited an operating
very purply organic looking material. Others indicated refinery. The three refineries together feature a wide spec-
that possibly it could have been propyl sulfates and from trum of refining technology. We have all types of reform-
that we have concluded that when we were running high ers, all types of alkylation plants, and a lot of refining
concentrations of propylene feeds under reaction condi- history as all the plants have been in operation for many
tions perhaps we were making propyl sulfates. We also years. I would like to take this time to thank all the Tosco
found the same material plugging the taps of our refriger- employees who helped me prepare for these sessions.
ant recycle flow meters. Has anyone else experienced Question No. 5 addresses mechanical and process con-
problems at their alkylation plant when charging higher siderations we have investigated to improve reliability and
than normal ratios of propylene, i.e., propylene in excess reduce operating cost. I would like to start by quoting the
of one-third of the olefin charge? party line on alkylation plants: “maintaining favorable
reaction conditions cannot be emphasized enough when
R.E. (Ed) PALMER (Mustang Engineering, Inc.): alkylation plant reliability is being discussed.” All the typi-
I had some experience with a plant that had this exact cal reliability problems, like fouling of towers and plugging
problem. This was actually manifested by taking the pump of pumps, are promoted by poor reaction conditions.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 163


Isobutane-to-olefin ratios should be maintained at your The 76 Products Company is what you formerly recognize
licensor’s recommended targets. You must realize that as as the Refining and Marketing Division of Unocal 76.
you lower isobutane-to-olefin ratios you are doing so at a Our refining system includes four refineries, two in Los
penalty to reliability. Angeles, one in the Santa Maria area and the fourth near
It is essential that you monitor and maintain the right San Francisco at which I work.
acid-to-hydrocarbon ratio. We have been paying very close In addition to the issues that Mr. Lemmon mentioned,
attention to this ratio in recent years. we focus work in several process areas for improvement.
Most alkylation plants are refrigeration capacity lim- First, the higher fresh acid strength (up to a 99.5% maxi-
ited. Refrigeration condensers need to be maximized in mum) will reduce the water in the unit and improve octane
their performance. I highly recommend that you pay close while reducing corrosion.
attention to your cooling tower water treatment program Second, improve the feed quality by reducing the dienes
and the refrigerant condenser exchanger water side tube (same as you would reduce heavier feed content) this
velocity. reduces acid consumption, and thus your operating costs.
Regarding air cooled refrigeration condensers, if that is And third, controlling feed quality to minimize the
what you are using in your plant, you might want to inerts (nC4) is helpful in promoting effective contacting.
inspect them and see if they need to be cleaned on the
finned air side of the tubes. We clean certain coolers once DiCAMILLO:
a year. It is also important to make sure your refrigeration My name is Dave DiCamillo. I am a Technical Service
loop propane concentration is at optimum levels. At our Coordinator with Criterion Catalyst Company in Hous-
effluent refrigerated plant, we target 15% propane in the ton, Texas. We are a leading international supplier of
refrigerant loop. hydrotreating, reforming and styrene catalysts. I have to
Unique to Tosco, we have had success in utilizing admit that as a young boy when I dreamed of going to
packaged absorption refrigeration systems to supplement Hollywood and being on stage, this is not exactly what I
the main refrigeration system. These units are using low had in mind.
pressure steam to generate chilled water which we use to Mr. Lemmon and Ms. Barker covered things well. A
cool the feed to the reactors. This supplements the original few things they might have missed are: if you minimize
alkylation plant refrigeration system. acid inventory, you can avoid stagnant zones. And perhaps
It is important to realize that chillers do result in a a controversial item is running compressors at as low a
decrease in refrigerant recycle flow and, therefore, they suction pressure as possible.
hurt the isobutane-to-olefin ratio. We have had success in
improving our acid management by the installation of a Question 6.
spent acid density meter. We use a Coriollus type flow What is the commercial experience with mechanical
meter to obtain the density data. The flow meter has given seal technology applied to alkylation reactors? Are
us some acid temperature information which we found they widely used? What is the expected life of the
interesting, and I recommend that alkylation plant opera- seal? Do they reliably meet VOC emissions limits?
tors begin to observe their spent acid temperature.
We have also recently installed a feed forward calculated ARNDT:
acid demand system, which lets the operators know in Contactor seals have been a trouble spot for us, like
advance where their acid demand is going. This has paid everyone else. In the old days with the crane pusher type
dividends in smoothing out acid strength upsets and seals, seal life was about 4 months. Newer versions in-
reduced acid consumption. I am sure other refiners have creased seal life to about 8 months. At that point, one of
observed that plant operators tend to ramp the acid up our refineries worked closely with Borg Warner to develop
quickly when they go below target and then very slowly the double liquid cartridge seal. The first one was installed
drop it back down. That is a common human response. 6 years ago in one of our alkylation plants. Seal lives
But if you can tell them in advance where the acid demand increased to between 2 to 4 years. We are slowly changing
is going, you will find that they line that out very nicely. out all our existing contactors. Our 2 new West Coast
With regard to plant reliability, I strongly recommend alkylation plants with a total of 22 large contactors are
that all small bore piping in an alkylation plant be of alloy equipped with the double liquid seals. The units have been
construction up to the first block valve. When you have on stream for a year. The seals are monitored monthly and
an acid runaway situation, you will really appreciate hav- they are holding: i.e., no emissions detected yet.
ing the extra integrity of alloy thin wall small bore piping.
BARKER: Our experience is that the standard seals prove to be the
I am Ellen Barker representing the 76 Products Com- most reliable and they do not present any problems with
pany which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Unocal 76. emissions. We tried a double seal design a few years ago

164 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


which had the seal pot and barrier fluid. But after several One of our units uses gate valves specified as A351-
seal and bearing failures, we went back to the standard seal CN7M trim alloy 20, with ANSI, raised face smooth
design which is proving to be very reliable. flanges API 600. So far, the experience has been good, but
they have only been running for around a year.
GENTRY: STRATCO recommends Alloy 20 block valves in sul-
I can comment on the experience with mechanical seals furic acid or sulfuric emulsion service. Larger valves,
on mixers which are part of the ER&E stirred, autorefrig- greater than 2 in., often have a carbon body with Alloy 20
eration reactor system. Double mechanical seals used in internals to minimize the cost of the valve.
this application have given excellent service. This is be- Ball valves and plug valves are also used in isolation
cause the seal application is a very mild one. service, as on HF units. The main problem reported
First, the reactor pressure is very low, typically less than appears to be the actual position of the valve relative to the
10 psig. Second, the shaft rotational speed is very low, position indicator due to internal misalignments.
significantly lower than the high speed impellers used in STRATCO also has reports of the Teflon sleeve turning in
other reactor designs. Finally, the seals are in the vapor the valve body and causing flow restrictions. Some small
space, which means that even if a seal leak did occur, it is valves have also been reported to not close tightly in
a gas leak. service. This could be due to the valve remaining con-
If a seal failure should occur in the ER&E reactor, that stantly fully open and may require exercising occasionally
mixer can be taken out of service without shutting down to cure this problem. This is also covered in question 15
the alkylation plant. Additionally, the mixers are designed in the HF Alkylation section.
so that the seal cartridge can be changed on the run. This Carbon steel block valves have been shown to perform
is possible because of the low operating pressures. ER&E adequately and have adequate service life in very low flow
recently had occasion to survey plants that use their tech- lines; that is in lines with fluids less than 2 fps with no
nology for experience with this capability. The answer turbulence. Alloy 20 is used in lines with high velocity
came back that although the operators recognized that and/or high turbulence.
they had the capability to change out the seals on the run, If plug valves are selected, then on gravity flow lines,
they have not had occasion to do so because of the e.g., on the emulsion lines between the contactors and the
excellent seal service. settlers, STRATCO recommends that the plug valves be
expanded to the same open area as that of the line. This is
KIMBRELL: not normally the case unless otherwise specified.
We have had mechanical seals on our contactors for Alloy 20 referenced above is an austenitic stainless steel
some time. Our average seal life is about 18 months. We designed to be very resistant to hot sulfuric acid which
would like it to be longer and we are working with the readily attacks 316 stainless steel. It is a high Ni (32% to
seal vendor to try to extend that, but we do not have any 35%), chromium (19% to 21%), with smaller quantities
results yet. of manganese (2%), molybdenum (2% to 3%) and cop-
per (3% to 4%), and very low carbon content (0.05%).
The Alloy 20 commercial term usually used is Alloy 20
Cb-3 for piping and ASTM SA-351 grade CN7M for
Tosco’s Bayway Refinery reports that they use a dura castings.
metallic model BRT 4000 mechanical seal and they are
getting 18 months of life out of it. They also report that KIMBRELL:
they have problems meeting VOC seal emission limits at I agree with those comments. If the acid is high velocity,
times. we recommend using an Alloy 20 valve. In the lower
velocities, we have used carbon steel valves with 316
Question 7. stainless trim. We do have some experience with the Teflon
What type of isolation valve is recommended for al- lined plug valves, and it has actually been quite good. We
kylation service? Is Alloy 20 construction required? did have a problem with those type valves in the alkaline
Do Teflon lined plug valves work well? water wash where the Teflon got scored. But other than
that, our experience is quite good.
As you can probably hear from my voice, I am the token LEMMON:
Limey on the panel. I introduced myself in the Heavy Oil I am going to address the operating experience side of
section. this question. I have personal operating experience with
BP has two sites that have H2SO4 alkylation units; one carbon steel body valves equipped with 13 chrome seats,
is an old M. W. Kellogg sulphuric acid unit and the other carbon steel valves with Alloy 20 seats, valves of complete
is a new STRATCO unit. Alloy 20 construction, and the plug valves with Teflon

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 165


lining. They have all leaked when I did not want them to. service, a single well contains both the source and the
If you are looking for the magic leak-proof valve, I am not detector and operates on a back scatter radiation principle.
aware of one. The Teflon lined valves look more reliable For sulfuric acid alkylation units, the system would be
to me. They have worked well, but they do introduce an configured for a two well operation. The high density of
additional possible failure mode. We had one instance the sulfuric acid requires operation in a transmission mode
where the Teflon liner shifted, blocking some of the flow with the source in one well and the detector in the second
path, and another instance where the valve hand wheel well. The main advantages of the UOP density profile
operator was misaligned during maintenance and the system are that it does not contact the acid and the low
operators were inadvertently confused and operated the strength radiation source is contained inside a well inside
valve in an improper way. the vessel being monitored.
The Bayway refinery says they use 316 stainless valves
in most applications and only use Alloy 20 when there are KIMBRELL:
chlorides present. We installed two probes in each of our acid settlers. The
probes were made by Agar to measure the emulsion den-
ARNDT: sity. They have provided fairly good service, but we really
We prefer Teflon-lined plug valves with Alloy 20 trim. have not had a problem with emulsion carryover, so we
If the velocities are above 3 fps to 5 fps, we use an Alloy have not validated them.
20 body.
We had some installation “opportunities” with these BARKER:
valves, at our new Richmond alkylation plant, but we are We rely on ratio glasses in the contractor reactor and
over these and the valves are performing well. overall sight glasses in the settler.

We use gate valves for the isolation valves in the alky- General
lation plant, solid Alloy 20 on the smaller 2 in. valves; the
Question 9.
larger valves are carbon steel with all Alloy 20 trim.
Has anyone noticed an increase in the corrosion rate
in the reaction section when an upstream oxygenate
Question 8.
unit was brought on-line? If so, what is the mechanism
Acid emulsion level is difficult to reliably measure in that is causing the corrosion and are there particular
our alkylation plant. Other than sight glasses, are areas where the corrosion takes place?
there any reliable level detector technologies in use
commercially? JACKSON:
The only sulfuric acid alkylation unit BP has with
JOHNSON: upstream MTBE only started up in 1994 and was started
I am Brian Johnson representing UOP. I have spent my up from new with an MTBE unit upstream of the alkyla-
entire career, which will soon be 28 years with UOP. I have tion unit.
worked primarily in the Technical Service Department. STRATCO has had three licensees relate experiences of
Early in my career I spent approximately 6 years in the increased corrosion in the reactor section on installation
Caribbean area where I had the opportunity to meet of upstream oxygenate units. They are also aware of 2 new
another of our panelists, Mr. Terry Smith, and our mod- units that have experienced higher than usual corrosion.
erator, Mr. Terry Higgins. These units have only been run on MTBE raffinate. No
After that assignment, I worked in Des Plaines in the quantitative information has been made available to date,
Platforming Technical Service group as a process special- but increased corrosion has been seen on the contactor
ist, my most recent assignment is in Light and Heavy spider assemblies, impellers, hydraulic head straightening
Ends in Technical Service where I have responsibility for vanes, feed nozzles and tube bundles as seen in the exhibits
managing a group of process specialists who handle which follow. The first shows the contactor shell assembly
isomerization, alkylation, catalytic condensation, cu- side view, the second is the end view, and the third is the
mene and phenol synthesis, and some of the heavy oil hydraulic assembly head. The third and fourth exhibits
technologies. show the tube bundle heat exchanger. All of the internals
Regarding the question; the interfaces between acid, shown suffer from corrosion.
emulsion and hydrocarbon are being detected in acid The obvious control to minimize corrosion to the
settlers using UOP’s density profile system. This device alkylation unit is to minimize upsets and poor operation
uses a radioactive isotope in closed wells to detect changes and consequential carryover of oxygenates into the
in the density of the surrounding fluids. In HF alkylation alkylation unit from the upstream oxygenate removal

166 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


equipment. The type and complexity of the upstream LEMMON:

equipment makes a big difference; water extraction re- We did not notice any increase in alkylation plant
moves the methanol, but does not touch the dimethyl corrosion after our MTBE plant came on-line 2 years ago.
ether (DME); water extraction removes the methanol, We have seen the type of corrosion that Mr. Jackson was
followed by stripping or molecular sieves which should talking about throughout the 30 year history of our plant
remove all oxygenates (DME) and some or all of the water. and would not attribute it to MTBE operations.
This latter setup can be considered a “best practice” when
it comes to equipment design and trying to minimize the ARNDT:
corrosion on the alkylation unit equipment. Our first MTBE plant started up in 1992. The raffinate
The mechanism that is believed to cause the corrosion is fed to a sulfuric acid alkylation unit. This alkylation unit
of the alkylation equipment has been attributed to higher is closely monitored for corrosion. We have not seen any
water content in the spent acid (as with all type of alkyla- increase in corrosion rate over the last 4 years which we
tion units, H2SO4 and HF). The sulfuric acid will convert can attribute to oxygenates in the feed.
any oxygenates to water and the process of corrosion goes
on. What is not known for sure is how much of the quoted J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
increased corrosion is due to water content in steady-state I would like to know in general what are the reasons for
operation and how much is due to periodic upsets from the formation of oxygenates. Is this due to ingress of
the upstream units. oxygen into the system? What steps are being taken to
minimize that? Oxygenation would not normally take
KOOIMAN: place unless there are sources of oxygen available.
We put an MTBE unit on-line and after the MTBE
unit went on-line, we really did not see any increases in JACKSON:
the corrosion rates. However, our corrosion rates were not The belief is that the corrosion in the alkylation unit is
as low as we wanted them to begin with. due to the MTBE being carried forward. So it is the

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 167


upstream operation of the MTBE unit that causes the • FCCU DeC4 and is responsible for the DeC4 opera-
problem. The acid and the MTBE react together and you tion and product targets, C5 in overheads and RVP
get water forming. The increased water concentration in of FRCCG.
the acid leads to an increase in corrosion. So it is the old • Alkylation feed controller and is responsible for the
chestnut of less water less corrosion. And what you do to control of the iC4-to-C4= ratio, feed rate, inventory
keep them out is you put in some sort of mitigation, to control of the C4 storage and C4 splitter and the iC4
prevent the MTBE carrying forward into the alkylation internal inventory.
unit. • C4 regasser control and is responsible for the control
of the level in the regasser based upon demand.
An optimizer will run above the three controllers and
B. Alkylation-Hydrofluoric Acid pass directives and targets to maximize the overall profit
(objective function) of the C4 streams.
Process The steps we would recommend before any refiner
launches into having someone install MVPC on their
Question 10. alkylation unit are:
Please describe any control strategies, including • Know where your iC4 is coming from and the range
“multivariable controls”, used to manage the isobu- of how much.
tane inventory in an alkylation unit. • Know where your C4= is coming from and the range
of how much.
JACKSON: • Understand the C4 disposal options you have.
We have a variety of iC4 management strategies: from • Know your economics associated with each disposal
simple good practice where the site identifies the location route and the break points.
of LPG to their alkylation units, with minimum and • Know where you have ullage flexibility and disposal
maximum olefins, iC4 contents, based on historic sam- flexibility and the priorities associated with each.
pling to full blown MVPC systems. From simple good • Understand the effects associated with all iC4 loss
practice and a knowledge of your unit and refinery, the and control strategies; e.g., reduce the iC4 loss in the
unit process engineer and operators can react based on alkylate and the nC4 in the recycle increase; etc.
experience and knowledge of their routing options. For • Understand your refinery’s iC4 and C4= production
example: for situations where you are iC4 limited: flexibility; e.g., ZSM-5 and FCC riser outlet tem-
• iC4 content of butane splitter bottoms should be less perature effects.
than 2%. • Understand FCC DeC4 tower operation and all
• iC4 content of alkylation main fractionator side cut other LPG towers and the limits on the gasoline
should be less than 10%. RVP, etc.
• Straight run C3/C4 splitter columns should have iC4 • Deep understanding of your unit’s objective; e.g.,
in C3 product stream less than 1 %. maximum iC4-to-C4= ratio for given alkylate make
For situations where you are in excess iC4: or steady iC4-to-C4= ratio and maximum through-
• Increase ZSM-5 addition rate to your FCC. put, etc.
• Stop FCC olefins to storage and route to alkylation Once this is understood by operations and the local
unit. process engineer, the refinery can start thinking through
• Minimize C4= to any other polymerization unit. its MVPC strategy and the opportunities associated with
• Increase iC4 recycle to straight run LPG storage to the control and optimization.
build iC4 content. (You could increase the C3= to
the alkylation unit [C3= to the alkylation consumes DAVIS:
20% more iC4 than C4=alkylation], but less attrac- Good morning. I am Tom Davis with the CENEX
tive if you have a C3= Catalytic Polymerization Unit refinery. I have been there for 14 years. The refinery is
(CPU) on site; downgrading C3 to fuel gas). located in Southern Montana and is the sole refinery flying
This is good basic skilled operation of the alkylation the CENEX flag. We currently charge 47,000 barrels a day
plant. of mostly Canadian sour crude.
Two of our units have gone to full blown multivariable Our control scheme is a lot simpler than what Mr.
process control (MVPC) systems, but have a number of Jackson talked about. CENEX normally runs their UOP
separate MVPC systems controlling the overall economics HF alkylation unit at maximum rates, so the typical
and hence iC4 management of the alkylation unit. control strategy is to maintain as high an isobutane con-
A third is currently installing three separate MVPC centration as possible and monitor acid strength. Multi-
systems with an optimizer siting above the three control- variable controls, as such, include an on-line GC on the
lers. The three controllers are on: depropanizer bottom stream, a charge flow controller on

168 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


the butane isomerization unit that is usually at maximum do not use ASO color to indicate the source of the ASO
rates, and a sphere of isobutane on flow control that precursors. That said, all the refineries I spoke with knew
supplements the isomerization unit as required. the general rules and colors. Our leading alkylation expert
created the following picture, so let Barney’s rainbow guide
CARL KLIESCH (Treiber Controls, Inc.): you as your ASO contaminants.
Treiber Controls has implemented control and optimi-
zation of an alkylation unit. The application has been
running continuously and profitably for over 4 years. Our Barney says...
Optimal Predictive Control (OPC) software is a multivari- “Let the rainbow guide you on your ASO Contaminants”
able predictive constraint controller. An OPC controller
on the deisobutanizer column controls alkylate RVP, iC4
in butane, and nC4 in isobutane recycle, by manipulating
reboiler steam, butane draw flow and reflux. A second
OPC controller maintains the level in the isobutane recy-
cle drum and controls the iC4-to-olefin ratio by adjusting
iC4 makeup and recycle rate. The long time constant of
the drum and the complicated dynamics associated with
the recycle circuit make it difficult for the operator co
maintain the level without resorting co major changes in
makeup flow which upset the process. The predictive
capability of OPC handles this problem smoothly. There
are also OPC controllers for temperature control of the The refineries that have ASO disposal problems,
contactors, acid level control and control of the depropan- whether intermittently or continually, do ‘know their
izer. colors’. The guides we use are:
Our Closed-loop Reconciliation and Optimization Color Feed Contaminant
(CRO) software performs an economic optimization us-
Yellow Sulphur
ing a first-principles chemical engineering model of the
entire plant. New values for up to 25 set points are Red Oxygenates
calculated and sent to the controllers every 45 min. to 60 Purple Dienes
min. Among these set points are the iC4 in butane target Brown Caustic
for the OPC controller and the olefin feed rate. This results
Green Amine
in an economically optimal retention of iC4 in the unit
and use of olefin feed to exploit all available iC4. Refer-
ASO is sampled and a white popsicle stick is used to
ence: Treiber, S.; McLeod, R.S; Boyle, T.J.; Powley, G.; and
dip in the sample. The color of the ASO gives the operator
Lee, S., “Closed-loop Plant Wide Optimization”, CPPA
and process engineer an indication of the source of the
Control Systems, 1992 Conference, Whistler, British Co-
contamination causing the ASO formation.
lumbia, September 29 - October 1, 1992.
Yellow indicates sulfur breakthrough and that the
LPG treaters need some attention. One of our refin-
Question 11.
eries uses a 20 ppm sulfur in C4= feed co the alkyla-
How are color charts used on acid soluble oils to
monitor the presence of feed contaminants? What
tion unit as an indication that the treaters needcloser
information can be provided and how can it be used?
attention. As sulfur tends to form “light” ASO, it
can be quickly removed from the system by drop-
KOOIMAN: ping the acid rerun feed temperature to around
Although we do not do it yet, it sounds to me like it is 275°F (135°C). This drops the light ASO out of the
a pretty good idea. We have seen a darker brown in the acid stream via the tower bottom. If it is a real serious
polymer as the amount of sulfur in the feed goes up. It problem, we would probably drop the stripping
seems to me that we could use some kind of a chart to temperature from 350°F to 340°F (175°C to 170°C)
provide feedback to the folks responsible for keeping the to get it out even quicker and accept the resulting
sulfur out. increase in HF losses from the rerun base from the
lower stripping temperature.
JACKSON: Red indicates breakthrough from the upstream
It depends on which refinery you talk to and if they MTBE unit. It could also be due to water carryover,
have an ASO disposal problem. The sites that do not have especially if you do not have an MTBE unit
an ASO disposal problem and it is not a unit constraint upstream of the alkylation unit. Water is almost

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 169


always due to poor performance of the feed dryers non-destructive testing, welded pipe heat treating require-
due to incorrect operating conditions on the regen- ments, valve replacement schedules, flange repair and
eration cycle or sometimes from problems with the inspection schedules, gasket and stud requirements.
plc logic. You will always loose a lot of acid when
trying to remove the constant boiling point azeot-
rope of water and HF. The feed and stripping tem- Carbon Steel to have less than 0.2 wt.% sum of Cr, Ni, &
peratures both have to be dropped. Cu. (If possible).
• Purple means you have to talk with the FCC/RCC Inspection Frequency:
operators and see if they have been running higher Paint — roughly every 2 years (T/A frequency) — exter-
regenerator temperatures than usual or changed nal every 5 years maximum; UT every 5 years maximum
feedstocks, etc. The rerun tower would then be or 1⁄2 life.
operated with a maximum feed temperature of ap- New vessels are WFMT inspected prior to installation.
proximately 285°F (140°C) and maximum strip- Existing vessels are not WFMT inspected unless there is a
ping temperature of 350°F (175°C) and the heavy compelling reason to suspect cracking.
ASO will readily drop out. Large Piping:
• Brown indicates that you have to look at the separa- All butt welds in HF service are PWHT.
tion of your LPG treaters and the LPG/caustic sepa- Valves:
ration. A useful tip given to me by a young engineer Most valves are replaced in less than 10 years due to
is to first check that all the caustic was drained from operability problems. If valves are opened for repair, they
the ASO surge drum boot prior to looking at the are inspected.
ASO color. There have been a few instances of
personnel spending a long time looking at samples
Flanges are informally inspected and repaired if opened.
of caustic thinking that it is ASO. Brown ASO
indicates that the upstream treaters could also be Gaskets and Studs:
carrying over caustic (or amine) in the olefin feed. Use only B7M studs.
The first port of call is then the feed surge drum Use solid Teflon inner ring on gaskets.
where the boot is drained looking for caustic (or
amine). The rerun tower is somewhere between the ARNDT:
light and heavy ASO conditions. Concurrent with the development of API 751, we made
• Green, the last one, is caused by amine carryover an extensive review of our Salt Lake HF alkylation plant.
from the upstream treaters. The same checks and From that review we established inspection frequencies,
procedures are made as for caustic generated ASO based on the plant data, that have turned out for the most
(brown ASO). part to match API 751. There are a few places where we
As you expect, the ASO is never created due to one call for longer frequencies and some for shorter frequencies
particular incident, so the color is a blend. The ASO color as justified by plant data.
is only one tool in assessing possible causes of feed con- One of the outcomes of our review was the develop-
tamination, trending the units operation down to 6 min. ment of a good tagging system for flanges, valves and small
averages, talking with the operators (on the alkylation and bore piping. We have carefully grouped these tags so we
upstream), and knowing the upstream constraints and get a better picture of system problems. We now are getting
incidents, will all help the engineer minimize the ASO more insight to more global problems and can now take
production. Knowing the specific unit and looking at the more system-wide remedies.
ASO over a number of operating “incidents” will enable
you to react quickly and accurately. JACKSON:
All the BP Oil Alkylation refineries have their own
Question 12. inspection procedures based on the industry’s, and our
How are refiners interpreting the API 751 inspection own, best practices. All know API 751 inspection recom-
requirements? What difficulties have been encoun- mendations and guidelines and have reviewed it in detail
tered, such as small bore pipe inspections? and in-line with their own procedures.
API 751 defines small bore piping as having diameters
DAVIS: less than 2 in. and the key areas are summarized below:
Below is a detailed list of the CENEX API 751 practices • All threaded joints to be disassembled, cleaned, in-
that have been incorporated into maintenance, inspection spected and replaced where necessary. Radiograph
and new vessel purchase. These practices define materials of joints is an acceptable alternate.
and the limits of certain contaminants, inspection • Welded joints to be radiographed after construction
frequencies, painting frequencies, new and existing vessel and repair. Weld hardness should be checked.

170 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


• Bleeder and vents to be radiographed. Question 13.

These are only the key aspects and API 751 should be At what acid settler velocities does acid entrainment
referred to directly for more detailed information. become a serious problem? Can acid entrainment be
Most of our sites, and one in particular, have gone traced by monitoring the acid return from the main
through an exercise of identifying all dead legs and small fractionator and depropanizer accumulators? How
bore piping items and either eliminating them or mini- much acid entrainment is considered normal?
mizing their length. At every shutdown, every 2 years, the
remaining dead legs, threaded fittings and welds are all HUNKUS:
radiographed. The short lengths of piping remaining are Hello, my name is Steve Hunkus and I am with
checked ultrasonically along their lengths and special at- MAPCO Petroleum. I wanted to take the time to welcome
tention is given to any bends. The number of tricocks on you all here and encourage you to ask questions and
the acid drum has been halved from 30 to 15. The level participate not only from the floor but avail yourself of all
bridles have been removed wherever possible. the experience that is in this room. I know that these
Question and Answer Sessions have been one of the
Any and all flanges are broken every shutdown and the
highlights of my career in the industry that I love.
gasket replaced. This also saves time at start-up.
I also wanted to caution everyone that Mr. Jackson is
Some BP sites have instigated a number of predictive going to introduce himself in the FCC session because
and probability programs based on historic data to assist that’s where he is going to answer the most questions with
with identifying areas that need review. One refinery uses the longest answers, and he feels that his answers are the
TISCHUC and PCMS. TISCHUC considers operational best prepared there. So you better be ready.
criticality assessment to: My team at MAPCO’s Mid-South operation is respon-
• Prioritize inspection and maintenance activities; sible for Safety and Training. I have been chairman of the
• Select inspection methods and frequencies; Safety Committee there for about 4 years, for Environ-
• Control inspection waivers and concessions; mental efforts, for our Quality Control Laboratory, for Oil
• Select items of equipment for reliability improve- Movements, for Engineering, Maintenance and Opera-
ment; tions. I also have been fortunate to have a core role in our
• Determine maintenance schemes and frequency; and organizational and people development efforts, both in
• Demonstrate regulatory compliance. the Mid-South business unit, and enterprise-wide. We
It uses operating temperatures, pressures, process con- have a refinery in North Pole, Alaska where the Refinery
taminants and metallurgy and predicts corrosion and Manager resembles the most famous resident up there. We
erosion rates. It uses API RP14E for flows in pipes. It run about 140,000 bbl/d there and one of the their most
identifies high critical systems. notable features is that they use kerosene for a cooling
PCMS is Plant Condition Monitoring System and medium instead of cooling water. Our Mid-South plant
tracks the condition of the system as the name implies. It in Memphis, Tennessee runs about 107,000 bbl/d now.
inputs material condition, ultrasonic data, and gives the We are trying to inch that up every day.
short and long term condition of the systems. I was born on a farm in Ohio, and I will not go into
Both work on steady-state data and do not take into too much more detail about that. I went to Michigan State
for Chemical Engineering and one year while I was there
account maloperation of plant upsets. PCMS has a sensi-
we did beat Notre Dame, Terry. I just thought I would
tivity module that can be used to look at abnormal opera-
point that out.
tions and situations. These have proven particularly useful
I started off my career in head office with Shell Oil
on alkylation units. Company in the reforming, hydrotreating and hydroproc-
essing areas and moved into the FCC and resid processing
LEMMON: areas. I was also affiliated with the research effort out at
Tosco’s operating HF alkylation plant is a Phillips Westhollow, where Shell Development Company is lo-
design plant, and it is being inspected consistent with API cated. Then I went to work for an independent refining
751 recommendations. When the API 751 recommenda- and marketing company, United Refining, in Warren,
tions were published, we increased the frequency of valve Pennsylvania, where I learned how to do a lot with very
and pump inspections to comply. All small bore piping little technical support and less sophisticated resources
was originally installed with pipe threaded connections than I had at Shell. I also got quite a bit of bankruptcy and
to enable frequent replacements, and at this facility all lobbying experience at United. Next, I was involved in the
small bore piping is completely replaced on a 4 year start-up and expansion of 3 small businesses which
schedule, typically during turnarounds. Additionally, evolved into about $10+ million worth of sales in 3 years,
15% to 20% of the unit’s small bore piping is radio- primarily fabricating equipment for the refining, process-
graphed each year. ing and petrochemical industries. So I am a bit closet

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 171


mechanical engineer. I then joined MAPCO, where I have JOHNSON:

had various roles, including Process and Project Engineer- UOP has licensees who have intentionally, or other-
ing, Project Management, Operation Superintendent, wise, put C5’s into their Selective Hydrogenation Proc-
Operation Manager and now General Manager. esses (SHP) to add C5’s to the alkylation Unit feed and
Regarding the question, we have seen carryover in the to do so without any added dienes. The SHP conditions
1.8 fpm to 1.9 fpm range at various iso recycle and feed were adjusted only based on the diene load. The net
combinations in our 10 ft vertical acid settler. UOP impact was a reduction in the total C4 feed rate due to
guidelines indicate this is also their upper range experi- the addition of C5’s. Butene-2 to Butene-1 ratio was not
ence for stable operation, and I can certainly verify that. impacted appreciably.
About 1.5 fpm is the point where they recommend
normal upper limits for design. Acid condition, tempera- JEAN-LUC NOCCA (HRI, Inc.):
ture, and physical condition of the equipment also affect You can feed C5 two ways. You can increase the amount
the point of entrainment. Acid entrainment, if not cor- of C5 in the C4 by modifying the DeC4 operation and have
rected, will almost immediately result in an opportunity a selective hydrogenation process running on the mixed
to acidize and inspect your fractionation equipment, C4/C5. There is also the other case where you send C5
evidenced by tray plugging in the isostripper below the directly to the alkylation unit through a depentanizer. We
feed tray, resulting in high C5 material in the iso recycle have nine units running like this. The advantage is obvi-
stream. You may not be able to get a temperature differ- ously the diene reduction. If you take a typical acid con-
ential across the top section of your tower. That would be sumption for a C5 feed, you can pay out the SHP in less
another indicator for you. than 2 years. The benefit in terms of ASO yield are difficult
Yes, you may need to use solubility charts or calcula- to quantify because the SHP typically runs all the time.
tions to verify flow rates. You can watch it build in the site
glass and check accumulation rates if you need to verify Question 15.
What is the recommended frequency and preferred
You really need to consult your licensor about the safe
approach on exercising and testing key block valves
operating parameters like this. They will have a lot of
and control valves in the HF alkylation unit? If a
experience to share with you. My experience has been that
program has been developed, what is the basis for
any significant acid entrainment results in unacceptable
developing the prioritization system?
unit performance.
UOP’s guidelines for our licensees are, 1.5 fpm upward We bring in a dedicated operator scheduled to exercise
HCBN velocity in a vertical settler and 1.8 fpm for the valves about every month, and check all the other
revamps with normal acid strengths. We would expect that safety equipment on a rotating basis. We feel that
the weight percent HF be kept above 88 wt% to avoid any DURCO and XOMOX valves, which are Teflon lined,
entrainment. We have had a variety of settler designs over need to be cycled to prevent cold flow creep in the liner
the years and have seen entrainment primarily at low acid which could prevent or retard proper operation when
strengths in vertical settlers. needed. Rotating this duty among operators also helps
build confidence and a workman like approach to these
DAVIS: activities during potential emergency situations. Proper
I can only add that at the moment we have a 2 UOP training is very important since these inspections require
design vertical mixer settler reactor system. Our velocities knowledge and experience to be properly done.
are around 1 fpm to 1.25 fpm, and we have no carryover The priority is for the acid isolation valves to be re-
problems. It sounds like a good idea to monitor acid boot motely operated. Other priorities are backup valves or
flows but perhaps the metering might be a little more hydrocarbon blocks that are also exercised. We can run the
complicated than you thought. There are solubility charts remote operated valves locally from the control room on
that UOP puts out that will give you an idea of how much the west side of the unit and also from outside the east
you should be carrying over on a normal basis. perimeter of the unit. We also have HF detectors and
hydrocarbon detectors on a monthly PM schedule. Other
Question 14. valves are moved once per month at a minimum. Valves
Is anyone sending pentenes to an alkylation feed and flanges are also inspected on a monthly or quarterly
hydrotreater, and, if so, what are the operating con- basis under our Leak Detection and Repair Program
ditions? What are the effects of hydrotreating on (LDAR). These activities are based upon either regulated
yield, product quality, ASO production and acid intervals or operations/maintenance teams experience to
consumption? maintain “no-fault” operation.

172 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


JACKSON: well within the feed design capacity, might have contrib-
Our best practice refinery moves all ball valves in acid uted to its excellent reliability.
service once per month. The valve is moved a quarter turn
to move it just off its seat. Operation supervisors consider HUNKUS:
this job absolutely invaluable and feel it should be ex- We found that by trying to make a 5 year cycle and
panded to include all the valves around the C4 splitter. It running our unit at full capacity, we were incurring a lot
is an effort, as it requires a lot of discipline to ensure this of unscheduled downtime, a real problem especially dur-
substantial job is adhered to. ing the summer when we have to haul excess butanes to
Some of our refineries have tried to stroke their control off-site storage. We have moved to a 2 year cycle of planned
valves too, but care is obviously needed not to severely outages to reduce total downtime and especially to mini-
upset the unit’s operation. One of our refineries tried to mize any outage time during low vapor pressure gasoline
instigate a program to stroke the control valves, but upset season.
the plant and are now very reluctant to try this again. We also wanted to assure ourselves of unit reliability
As bad as leaving valves in the fully open or fully closed from an olefin compliance standpoint in our gasoline
position, is leaving valves operating in a tight control pool. This philosophy has paid off in less total downtime
range. Some services on our alkylation units are so stable and confidence in year-end unit operation when we are
that their operating band is very narrow (± 5%), such that trying to plan our gasoline blending.
they will not be able to fully shut the valve. One particular
refinery has installed valve exercises that keep the valve ARNDT:
moving slowly outside their normal operating range. This At our Salt Lake facility, we recently achieved a 4 year
was installed on the debutanizer accumulator acid boot run. The hope is to duplicate that again. They do have to
and moved the acid level set point from 30% to 70%. come down for mini pit stops to take care of some of the
Locally it is called a “wobulator”. PSV’s. The plans are to spare these valves so that they can
keep the unit up for all 4 years. After the 4 year run, the
unit cleaned up well and looked good even though 3
exchanger shells had to be cut open.
CENEX has a motor operated valve isolation system
Another Chevron refinery (ex-Chevron now) achieved
around critical vessels and pumps on the HF alkylation
close to a 4 year run. They reached the opposite conclusion.
unit. These valves provide remote isolation in the event of
a catastrophic failure. The valves are normally partially
Question 17.
stroked once a month. Several are in routine service such At what acid purity should feed be pulled from the HF
as regenerator bottoms pump and the acid transfer pump acid unit?
and are used several times per week. We have no program
with control valves. JOHNSON:
UOP’s standard recommendation is to pull the feed out
Question 16. when the concentration of HF in the circulating acid has
What operating and maintenance practices have re- dropped to below 78%. Factors such as acid inventory, the
finers found necessary in extending turnaround cycles ability to add fresh acid, known elimination of the incom-
to 4 to 5 years? What conditions have been found when ing contaminants, whether there is settling zone carryover,
equipment was opened? and past experiences, can all be factored into the refiner’s
actual guideline.
Tosco’s HF alkylation plant at the Ferndale refinery KOOIMAN:
currently operates on a targeted four year turnaround We are pretty conservative on this. In one refinery,
cycle. In order to accomplish this, they installed redundant though we have never been in the situation, if we get down
critical service relief valves to allow on-line servicing. They to 80%, then we do something whether it be with the acid
installed Monel skid bars underneath heat exchangers to or start pulling the feed back. Before we initiated this, they
prevent fluoride scale binding of bundles, and on-line got down to 75% to 77% without serious problems. That
inspection intensity has also been increased. They really was quite a while ago.
have not had any difficulty reaching 4 years, and they At another refinery, we actually pulled the feed out at
believe they could possibly run longer. There has been a 82% because after being hit with something, we were still
bit more fouling observed upon entry, but nothing that not recovering after 24 hours. We felt it was best just to go
would preclude a longer run length. In talking with some ahead and make a move so we could start recovering.
of the panelists whose units run at or above design capaci- One other thing I would like to add on this is that the
ties, the fact that our unit operates at 80% of name plates, end point is real helpful to us as well. That gives us a little

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 173


STEVEN M. FISCHER (CITGO Petroleum Corporation):

I have a general question in the processing area that was
not included this year. Could someone from the panel or
floor comment on any recent developments in new alky-
lation technology?

As I mentioned earlier, Kellogg, along with Haldor
Topsoe, is developing a new alkylation technology. Mr.
Phil Geren of Haldor Topsoe is here and is prepared to
comment on our status.

PHILIP GEREN (Haldor Topsoe, Inc.):

We are very close to a first project. This year, a U.S.
major oil company signed an agreement with us expressing
its intent to build the first plant to practice the Topsoe
bit quicker response. We see that as the acid purity de-
Fixed-Bed Alkylation technology. The project go or no go
creases our end point goes up.
decision was to be based on a 3 month feasibility study,
and that study was completed in September. It resulted in
a recommendation to proceed with the project.
Our plant’s posted target is 82%. Although they once
However, we learned about 10 days ago that the capital
experienced 78% and recovered with no apparent problem.
budget of the company has been cut in response to extraor-
dinarily low refining margins, and the alkylation project
has been canceled. We are again actively seeking the
We reduce feed about 50% when we reach 83% acid
pioneer user for the process. We are optimistic because 43
strength and we cut feed out when we reach about 81%,
other companies are presently studying applications for
which has only happened on a few occasions. I will also
mention that we watch end point and octane as early the process under secrecy agreements.
warning signs for problems with the acid strength.
JACKSON: UOP has had a significant R&D effort underway to
Most of our refineries pull olefin feed to the alkylation develop a new motor fuel alkylation process that will
unit when the acid concentration reaches 80% or less. compete with the existing liquid acid technologies, both
Some locations pull their feed sooner (82% is typical). HF and sulfuric. This effort is nearly complete and UOP
Below 80% the acid strength can plummet. The feed is has begun commercial discussions with a number of
also pulled when the water content reaches between 2% refiners.
and 4%, depending on the refinery. The main aspect of The UOP solid catalyst alkylation technology uses a
the water content is that the corrosion rate begins to take solid catalytic material rather than a liquid or a hybrid
off at higher water levels. One refinery has intermittent system. We continue to confirm product quality, yield,
ASO problems that can require them to put the acid on catalyst stability and other similar parameters in our pilot
regeneration, typically when the ASO is around the 4% plant facilities. The catalyst performance and product
level. quality are both competitive with liquid acid catalyst
Clearly good alkylation olefin feed and acid analysis is currently used for motor fuel alkylation.
paramount in keeping ahead of the game. Moisture ana- UOP has also completed an engineering design for this
lyzers are also important and one used on some of the catalyst system and the capital costs are competitive with
group’s alkylation units is a Panametric capacitance device. comparable alkylation technology. The process is being
Like all instruments, it works well with attention. developed to operate at moderate conditions without
requiring exotic metallurgy. Although we cannot elaborate
DAVIS: on the unit or reactor design at this point, we do not
CENEX has seen acid strengths as low as 65%. Nor- anticipate any significant deviations from practices found
mally, olefin feed is not pulled but reduced such that the in a modern refinery. UOP is committed to bringing this
acid regenerator can catch up and/or fresh acid may be technology to the market and we have initiated customer
added. Please remember that CENEX has a two reactor discussions for the initial commercial installation. As you
system so that 65% acid strength reflects only one of the may know, UOP has recently commercialized a new proc-
reactors. ess in the detergent alkylation market based on a solid

174 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


catalyst and we are confident that we will experience HUNKUS:

similar success in the motor fuel alkylation market. We are about ready to begin field work on a revamp of
our existing HF alkylation unit. We plan to include the
LLOYD WINGER (Conoco Inc.): ability to test cycle the dump system without actually
Back to the existing alkylation processes, is there a dumping the acid. Our present system includes remote
recommended optimal water content for the circulating operated plug valves with backup manual valves for final
acid? block-in. We can presently partially cycle our existing
remote operated valves. We plan to use this same strategy
JACKSON: in our rapid deinventory system so that the remote oper-
We would recommend you target somewhere around ated valves can be stroked on-line as a system, or individu-
1%. If you go any lower than that, then you affect octane. ally, giving the operators the flexibility to use the system
If you go any higher, then you get higher corrosion. for normal deinventory just to assure that the valves still
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum):
At the Phillips’ refinery in Woods Cross, Utah, we are Question 19.
in the process of revamping our existing alkylation unit to What acidizing techniques and solutions facilitate
use a new process developed jointly by Phillips and Mobil, bundle extraction from exchangers?
to reduce HF acid volatility. The new alkylation process is
called ReVAP, reduced acid volatility process. It is under DAVIS:
construction at this time and should be completed by the CENEX uses a 5 wt% to 10 wt% solution of sulfamic
first quarter of next year. acid circulated with an acidizing skid for approximately
24 hours. Temperatures are held at 130°F to 140°F. Main-
DON A. HUSTED (UOP): tenance flushes and neutralizes according to the manufac-
Does anybody use an on-line analyzer for acid strength turer’s procedures and hopes the bundle extracts from the
or is this all laboratory analyses? And, do you believe that shell. Note: This procedure is used for maintenance pur-
an on-line analyzer would be beneficial? poses only; it is not used for acidization of an entire
alkylation unit in preparation for a total shutdown.
We do not have an on-line analyzer. Ours is done HUNKUS:
strictly by the laboratory. It would sure be handy to at least We generally use HCl or citric acid. We always establish
have a backup device to be able to read on-line. water circulation and acid inhibitor and do any preheating
required before the acid is added.
JACKSON: In designing your acidization program, it is important
We do not have an on-line analyzer that measures the to establish well thought out circulation loops and high
acid directly, but we do recommend a moisture measure- enough flow rates, and to provide proper ventilation of
ment. Panametrix is the type of instrument that we use, system high points in the circulating tank to the flare
and it has been very successful. header for H2S and other gases that may evolve during the
acidization process. We use well marked P&ID’s with
HUNKUS: numbered, coordinated points. I also feel it is important
We do not have an on-line analyzer either. We rely on to establish calculated volumes, chemical requirements for
the “Barney” method, looking at the ASOs, the endpoints each loop, and minimal required circulation rates. I also
of the gasoline and octane, to give us early looks. And the insist on identifying and listing all required equipment on
only moisture measurement we are comfortable with is the the purchase order.
Karl Fisher titration which we have the ability to do We sometimes neutralize our equipment to treat any
around the clock. possible remaining HF before acidization, and generally we
neutralize our acidized equipment before breaking to at-
mosphere. The acidization fluid is then put to a tank for
Mechanical further treatment, if required. It is important to remember
that ammonia will form salts that can require extra time
Question 18. and effort if you are trying to extract bundles, trays, or
Discuss routine test systems developed to assess the pump assemblies. We have also used “solvent/cleaning
reliability of rapid de-inventory systems. How are agent” systems with some success, and there are several
actuators and valves tested without actually activating vendors who will work with you to design a custom pro-
the “ de-inventory “ system? gram. Our results were somewhat mixed, but the deposits

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 175


appeared dryer and more powdery, and probably made is the potential presence of pockets of acid trapped in the
bundles easier to pull and clean. scale.
Low flow rates, cold solutions, dead zones, and partially From a recent shutdown, one of our alkylation units
vapor-blocked equipment are some of the most common removed over 600 lbs (300 kg) of iron from an acid wash
reasons for poor results. We feel that having someone work of the main fractionator after a 12 to 18 month run.
with the crews on the night shift, both from an effective- Scale is apparent in the whole of the acid circuit. A
ness standpoint as well as an environmental quality con- classic location for scale build-up is on relief valve (RV)
trol and safety measure, helps ensure desired results. Also, lines. Any lines that are sloping down to the RV will
once you start acidizing, do not stop until you are done experience build-up of scale. All such lines were spare RVs
unless you want to “renew” equipment. taking inlets off the main RV inlet line resulting in dead
legs. Basically, any dead legs will potentially result in scale
KOOIMAN: formation. Some sites have found the whole inlet to the
We use dilute sulfuric acid to remove the fluoride build RVs blocked with scale. A number of our refineries have
up followed by a neutralizing solution of water and soda resolved these problems by running new pieces of piping
ash. But I do not have comparison on how well that works with the slope back to the main line, away from the RV
versus other methods. itself.
Scale build-up results in potentially inaccurate flow
Question 20. meters. NRVs typically will begin to pass after 6 months
How common are fluoride scale buildup problems on of operation.
check valves and other components of an emergency To avoid scale, our experts suggest that refineries keep
acid evacuation system? How do you avoid these acid strength high and water content low, around 1%. Any
conditions? Please discuss the appropriate design lower will result in octane loss. Design away problems by
criteria and operating practices. minimizing dead legs and length of dead leg runs. Know
your unit.
Fluoride scale build-up is a big problem. To understand MO VADEKAR (CHEM TECH Consulting):
the problem with scale and where it is most likely to occur, I want to relate an experience I had recently regarding
you need to understand the corrosion process. As we know alkylation plant corrosion. We were trying to find the
the water in the olefin feed eventually accumulates in the reason for unexpected corrosion in an alloy and carbon
acid. The carryover of more or less water means more or steel line. The metal inspector at this refinery said a curious
less corrosion. To make it worse, operating conditions can thing to me. He said that today, alloy and even carbon steel
result in a lot of water and only trace quantities of acid in equipment made from newer (alloy) steel product contain
different parts of the plant. For example, the top of the trace impurities from more and more scrap being proc-
main fractionator and the acid regenerator generally have essed in the steel making process. His suspicion was that
high water and low acid ratios. As a consequence, the this unexpected corrosion in straight sections of piping
tower internals often suffer from severe corrosion during was related to such newer (alloy) steel construction. Con-
operation. ventional wisdom will tell you that such corrosion should
One of our experts describes the corrosion problem as not occur, but it did happen. He believed that trace
a lightning strike — it rarely occurs in the same place twice impurities which are not detected remain in the new
and even when it does the corrosion rate is often signifi- (alloy) steel and are probably the causes of corrosion. My
cantly different. question to the panel is, has anyone experienced anything
Enough said on corrosion. The iron fluoride scale that like that?
results from the corrosion tends to result in blocking of
small bore piping and internal, such as orifice tappings; it DAVIS:
tends to stop valves seating, and it tends to “freeze” non I thought that UOP put out some impurity require-
return valves (NRVs). ments on carbon steel in alkylation units that had to do
The lines tend to stay “clean” of scale in relatively high with limit requirements on chrome, nickel and copper in
velocity areas. Sites have seen scale layers about 3⁄4 in. (6 carbon steel. That is all I am aware of.
mm) thick on trays and on vessel walls and as deep as up
to 12 in. (300 mm) in drums. FRANK HIMES (UOP):
Scale will show itself as hard and soft. On some of the Yes, based on the various NACE papers on the subject
hard scale, the development of the scale shows as growth and other information, UOP has implemented a limit on
rings, like on a tree trunk, that is invisible to inspection carbon steel piping in hydrofluoric acid service such that
until it is tapped with a hammer and it shatters. The soft the Chromium, Nickel, and Copper combined total less
scale appears porous. The obvious danger with this scale than 0.2 wt%. This is being specified for any current project

176 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


work. We will continue to monitor industry findings in this You then vent via the next section at a low point. Repeat
area and may revise this specification in the future. this until the oxygen level is less than 0.5%. Do the same
for the second section and vent into the next logical section
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum): until the oxygen level is less than 0.5% and so on. The first
Has anyone on the panel or in the audience seen section will take 3 to 4 cycles and the remaining sections
nitrogen compounds come from the FCC over to the will take less due to higher volumes of nitrogen.
alkylation unit and cause non-condensables and flaring on When the whole unit is free of oxygen, hydrocarbons
the unit? can be brought into the front end and the unit brought
up to operating condition. The water is still looked for at
HIGGINS: all low points. We have found the depropanizer proves to
No response. be the most troublesome and wettest. At the hydrocarbon
circulating and water draining stage we find the water
drops off from around 2 gallons of water per day to no free
General water after less than 2 days.
The hot nitrogen dryout is basically the same as the air
Question 21. dryout, except you use nitrogen and you do not need the
What are the relative merits of isobutane circulation pressure/depressure sections to purge the unit. This is an
and hot nitrogen dry-outs after turnaround concerning advantage, but looking for low point leaks is a safety
time, energy cost, and quality of dry-out? concern to be considered, and the nitrogen use is higher.
The cost of the air dryer and air compressor, assuming
JACKSON: you have to hire, them is between $5,000 to $10,000. The
There have been a number of procedures developed to nitrogen purge is the same as when you iC4 dry. The
dry out the alkylation unit after a shutdown. The typical nitrogen dryout does not require the compressor and
procedure used throughout the industry is the hot isobu- dryer, but does require more nitrogen. The costs between
tane (iC4) dry out; circulating the iC4 and draining at the the two gas dryout systems is fairly similar. Both gas dryout
low points. Other procedures have been developed that all procedures will save between 2 and 4 days on start-up. At
try to shorten the start-up duration. Two that have been
the cost of between $25,000 and $100,000 per day lost
used successfully within BP are hot nitrogen and hot air
revenue when the alkylation unit is down, it clearly pays
to minimize start-up time. Some refineries do not have
The hot air dry out has been successfully used at a
olefins feed when the unit is ready for start-up earlier,
number of our sites and has saved around 2 to 4 days on
because the FCCU is still down. But you can then schedule
the typical iC4. Basically, you can either use a hot air
dryout method using ambient quality air or use a dry air to take longer for your alkylation unit shutdown, and this
dryout technique. We have found that by hiring an indus- will result in a small shutdown crew with less overtime,
trial air conditioning unit; chilling the air and knocking etc., all realizing a lower shutdown cost.
out the water before compressing it and adding it to the
unit is the best method. This is done by breaking the unit KOOIMAN:
down into 6 or 7 logical systems, adding the air at a high That sounds like a pretty good process. Our experience
point and draining at the low points. Using air also allows has been that the isobutane takes longer. The nitrogen does
you to leak test the unit after a shutdown before hydrocar- not get the system quite as dry.
bons and acid are introduced into the unit.
This point is worth expanding further. We generally ARNDT:
acid clean our alkylation units during a shutdown. You Traditionally, we used isobutane circulation. It would
should, and we do, break every flange to check the flange take a good 2 days and the acid moisture level after start-up
face and reinstate the flange. With somewhere between was high (3% to 5%). We would get measurable metal loss
1000 and 2000 flanges on the unit you should then leak the first couple of months of operation.
test the systems using tape, bubbles, and good procedures. We did a hot nitrogen dryout for the last start-up and
Even with experienced personnel, we typically find 2 to 4 dryout only took 1 day. The acid moisture level was only
leaking flanges. With air, this is easy and safe to do. Once 1% after start-up. We are cold or hot nitrogen dryout.
the unit is leak tested, the unit should be pressure/depres-
sured via the low point drains until no water is seen. No RENE LUCENA (Corpoven Petroleos de Venezuela):
water meaning only drops of water are apparent. The I want to ask the panel if they think a chemical clean
system is then nitrogen purged. This is done by isolating out of the alkylation plant during the shutdown for main-
each logical section and starting with the front of the unit tenance is necessary to preserve the metallurgy of the
and filling the first section and pressuring to about 30 psig. plant?

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 177


JACKSON: refinery profitability wherever we can utilize Nalco/Exxon

Yes, we would recommend an acid clean. To do some products and services.
of the inspections and to get to some of the pipes, we With that, onto the question. Can amine inhibitors
would actually like to get in there. We have never been increase the ammonia content? Sure, if they are not ap-
limited in terms of time, and the cost associated with plied properly. Good control of the inhibitors upstream
cleaning is small compared to the information and the should contribute no more than 0.01 ppm to 0.05 ppm
confidence you have in the apparatus on the operational of nitrogen in the reformer feed, well below the detection
security afterwards. So, yes, we would recommend you do limit of most laboratories and the analyses they are per-
an acid clean. forming.
Moving on downstream to the debutanizer and the
fouling problems associated with that, it all comes down
C. Reforming to the particular economics that the refiner is living with.
Do you water wash the debutanizer tower and loose 12-24
Process hours of saleable product every time? Do you have an on
stream continuous antifoulant product or program which
Question 22.
is very effective? Or do you go the route where you can
intermittently clean the tower using a high detergent
Discuss ammonia chloride fouling issues. Can up-
filmer without resorting to the traditional feed reduction
stream amine inhibitor programs contribute to feed
and tower slumping while water washing when the pres-
nitrogen? Are debutanizer feed chloride treaters
sure drop or distillation capabilities are not performing up
widely used? Are debutanizer antifoulant programs
to the particular refiner’s needs at the time.
So there are three different options there. You need to
look at all three and consider the economics of each option
and see which is the best for your particular needs.
We have experienced several shutdowns of debutanizer
and depropanizer systems to water wash the ammonium ARNDT:
chloride deposits. In addition, we have also had to fre- I would like to address this one on the chloride issues.
quently clean the debutanizer feed exchangers. Our re- We have one refinery that has chlorides everywhere and
former stabilizer overhead gas and liquid feed to this the others are not far behind.
debutanizer and since our new chloride traps were put into From a reformer, we see problems with 3 species of
service on each stream, we have had no further problems chlorides: ammonium chloride, HCl, and organic chlo-
with plugging or developing pressure drop. In the area of rides. We have fouled the recycle compressors, corroded
upstream amine inhibitors, we do not use them. But we the tops of stabilizer or debutanizer columns, and cor-
do suspect that they would break down in the reforming roded overhead systems in benzene recovery columns way
reactors to produce more ammonia which would then downstream. We have also seen a lot of tray plugging and
react with the chlorides to produce more salts. low point damage in downstream Gas Recovery Units
(deethanizers, depropanizers, and debutanizers), and, of
DiCAMILLO: course, fuel gas system plugging.
Upstream inhibitors will add nitrogen, but we would The easiest chloride species to remove is HCl. The
expect that the naphtha hydrotreater would take those out choice is alumina absorbents or caustic wash. We have
before the feed reaches the reformer. Antifoulant programs taken the more conservative approach — caustic wash —
would probably not be useful in the debutanizer because in most of our units. This is largely due to the problems
ammonium chlorides are water soluble and you would not of getting accurate HCl analyses at the very low ppm levels
need to go with an antifoulant in that instance. needed to monitor absorption beds.
The ammonium chloride issue is best mitigated by
FEARNSIDE: limiting nitrogen levels in your reformer feed. We like to
I am Paul Fearnside. I work for Nalco/Exxon Energy see less than 0.2 ppm which is about the detection limit.
Chemicals. My background includes 18 years in refineries, This means you need to operate your naphtha hydro-
the first 8 with UOP, the second 8 with Nalco and the last treater for both HDS and HDN. There are a few feeds
2 years with Nalco/Exxon. It has been a very interesting 2 that bypass the naphtha hydrotreaters, usually coming
years for us bringing together two different companies, come from hydrocrackers. Every once in a while you can
two different cultures, and turning it into one truly glo- get surprised by the amount of nitrogen in a hydrocracked
balized firm. I thought when I left UOP my worldwide naphtha. Usually this is not nitrogen dipping out the
travels were over, but they have come back. My duties are reactor but may be organic nitrogen compounds in your
basically worldwide tech service with the goal of increasing reactor effluent wash water.

178 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


Regarding the organic chloride issue, we have only seen typically we do ours bi-weekly or monthly. We do not have
this in a CCR application. We tried a solid bed absorber chloride treaters because we do not have the need to have
on the reformer separator liquid before going to the debu- chloride treaters or any antifoulant programs.
tanizer with very little success. The adsorbents, and we
have tried quite a few, would load only up to 1 wt% RICHARD M. NASH (Shell Oil Products Company):
chlorides before breakthrough. We tried injecting amine I am aware of a Shell refinery outside the United States
inhibitors into the debutanizer column itself but only that uses an alumina-based absorbent on the feed to the
succeeded in plugging and corroding the column trays. stabilizer column with very good results. The main prob-
lem with operating it is that it fouls with ammonium
FEARNSIDE: chloride salts and builds up pressure drop. They have 2
I would caution you on using any type of neutralizing beds which they normally operate in series. When the lead
amines in the DIB column. That will foul and will cause bed plugs, they purge the salts from the bed using a steam
substantial additional corrosion. So please do not use a purge making sure they never pass through the dew point.
neutralizer type amine in your DIB column. Also, on
They can then put it back in service and usually then
another note we have found that quite often simple ad-
switch the order of the beds. That has worked very well
justments to the upstream hydrotreater water wash and
paying attention to level controls and things like that will for them and solved some very frequent fouling problems
eliminate a lot of carryover of nitrogen into your reformer. of their stabilizer and the need for frequent washes of the
So, it is a very simple thing to start with if you are trying trays and the overhead system.
to track down sources of nitrogen.
CHARLES L. MORGAN (LaGloria Oil and Gas Company):
KIMBRELL: We have been tracing chloride fouling of the debutan-
I would agree that operating the naphtha hydrotreater izer feed bottom exchangers for some time. We are at the
to minimize the amount of nitrogen breakthrough into point where we feel there is a relationship between the
the reformer really minimizes the ammonium chloride amount of coker naphtha that we are processing in the
fouling. We also try to control coker naphtha endpoint, naphtha hydrotreater, the duration of the catalyst being
because that is where a fair amount of nitrogen comes on-line in the naphtha hydrotreater, and some contami-
from. We do not have any experience with debutanizer nation of silicones into the naphtha hydrotreater, deacti-
antifoulants, because we typically run a year between vating the denitrification activity of the catalyst. I was
washing our debutanizers. wondering if the panelist would have any comments
regarding that and any light could be shed on it?
Our chemical supplier was a little sensitive to the issue ARNDT:
on the upstream amine inhibitor programs and gave me We have a lot of experience with that, especially with
some information on the typical inhibitors. His informa- the silicon loading. We have two naphtha hydrotreaters
tion said that the nitrogen content is less than about 1% each feeding 30% to 40% coker naphtha. We have in-
and the application rate is 5 ppm to 20 ppm. So if I am stalled prereactors on both units to help control silicon
calculating that right, then it would not even show up in fouling and gum fouling of the hot feed/effluent exchang-
Mr. Arndt’s analysis. ers, furnaces, and main reactors. The prereactors are situ-
ated in the preheat exchange train and operate in the 350
to 400°F range. They pickup about one half of incoming
I am Terry Smith with Saudi Aramco. I have been with
silicon. Luckily we have well-aged naphtha hydrotreaters
Saudi Aramco for about 21 years now. Saudi Aramco
operates 5 domestic refineries in Kingdom. They are fuel with 2 or 3 main reactors in series. We can monitor silicon
refineries for local products, with over a million barrels a poisoning in our main reactors by matching delta T of the
day capacity. We also have 2 joint venture refineries with first reactor in series. We load catalysts that hold maximum
Mobil and Shell, a little over 600,000 bbl/d refining amounts of silicon. It is vital to keep active catalyst in the
capacity. We will also bring to bear some gas plant experi- reactors. The naphtha hydrotreater must remove the ni-
ence we have with our large gas plants throughout the trogen down to 0.2 ppm to alleviate NH4Cl problems in
Kingdom. the reformer.
On this question, really it is all of the above. We agree
that chloride fouling is not a big problem for us because RENE LUCENA (Corpoven Petroleos de Venezuela):
the Arabian light crudes that we run have low concentra- Have some of you have experienced scale and plugging
tions of nitrogen. We believe the water washing programs due to iron and coke in the first reactor during a noncon-
should be suited to the depositions that you see and tinuous reformer regeneration?

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 179


ARNDT: So as we go up in pressures to decrease the burn time,

We have seen both scale and plugging due to iron and the chances for carryover increase. Another thing that
coke in the first reactor. I have seen the catalyst in the first causes the carryover is letting the specific gravity of the
reactor with more than 10 wt% iron. There are two solution get too high, the neutralization solution that is,
sources; upstream units/tankage, and in-plant corrosion during the regeneration.
products. Iron from in plant corrosion is usually a result So one should control the total solids and the pH very
of neutralization solution entrained during regeneration. carefully and not get outside the guidelines that are known
Most of the time, we replace first reactor catalyst every for entrainment. If you can stay within those parameters,
dump and screen. For the majority of our units, the first then you can avoid carryover and plugging during the
reactor only holds 10% of the total catalyst load so it is regeneration.
not painful to do this.
As for carbon, again we see it from two sources, one from Question 23.
heavy feed upsets, the other from recycle compressor seal Does any vendor regenerate and rejuvenate semire-
oil. You need to watch your seal oil consumption especially generative reforming catalysts? This would eliminate
during the lower pressure operation of regeneration. the in situ regeneration/rejuvenation of these cata-
lysts and thus save unit start-up time and possibly
FEARNSIDE: improve catalyst activity by having lower catalyst
We have seen a few customers come back to us with this particle temperatures during regeneration. Also, the
problem. For one, it was attributed or traced back to the critical in situ oxidation/reduction steps could be
fact that they had gotten hit with a slug of organic chlo- eliminated which could remove extensive time and
rides which had drastically increased the corrosion on the operating errors during this critical catalyst activation
reactor effluent side of the hydrotreater. All that iron then step and also reduce corrosion on equipment in the
had carried through and plugged the reformer bed. semiregenerative unit.
In other cases we had they have traced it to naphtha
that has come out of an old tank where the bottoms had
not been cleaned properly. A lot of the iron and corrosion
Commercial regeneration facilities in North America
byproducts were sucked in and caused the problem.
and Europe claim the ability to regenerate and rejuvenate
reforming catalyst. Our evaluation of these facilities to
This relates back to the plugging of the first bed with determine the actual ability did not proceed due to the
caustic and iron. Recently we decided that our low pres- poor economics of the venture for our facility.
sure separator, which is fine during normal operation, Each of our two fixed bed reformers undergoes normal
allows entrainment of the neutralization solution during regeneration every 9 months and a dump and screen
regeneration, probably due to the pressure and higher gas regeneration every 2 years. The time saving benefits of the
molecular weight. We are modifying our unit for our next ex-situ regeneration could have only been realized during
regeneration to go through the high pressure separator a dump and screen regeneration. The use of ex-situ regen-
during regenerations to knock that entrainment out. erated catalyst would have extended the 6 to 7 days
duration of normal regenerations. Additionally, to be fea-
SMITH: sible, a complete spare catalyst batch (approximately
Back to the previous question, we have experienced coke 150,000 lb for us) including precious metals would have
ball formation in the bottom of the first reactor. It has to been required. So the cost of spare catalyst, the shipping
do with running beyond the severity limits of the original costs to and from the regeneration facilities and the limited
design and also the center pipe distribution design was not use spare catalyst could not offset the time saving benefits
done as well as it could have been. It created dead spots in for the dump and screen regenerations. So in summary, it
the bottom of the radial flow reactor and so we had coke was not economical for our case.
ball formation which eventually holed through the center
pipe. We had catalyst migration through the furnaces. HUNKUS:
For many years, vendors have offered ex-situ regenera-
J. B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.): tion services for catalytic reforming catalysts, including
Regarding Mr. Hunkus’s comment about entrainment CCR, semiregenerative catalytic reforming, and other no-
during regeneration, as pressures go up in the regenera- ble metal based catalysts. One vendor also utilizes their
tion, the speed of burning coke increases. It decreases the density grading technology to remove high carbon CCR
time for the regeneration. However, separation of the platformer heel catalyst from the lower carbon, reusable
solution from the gas at higher pressures is more difficult platformer catalyst. These services are available on a turn-
than it is at lower pressures. around or an “at leisure” basis. An Oil & Gas Journal

180 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


article, published in the September 18, 1995, describes the a turnaround basis or in conjunction with a spare charge
techniques and costs associated with this. replacement. In this last case, one batch can be regenerated
I agree with a lot of Mr. Smith’s comments. You may be to serve as a spare batch for several comparable units to
able to save some time if you just happen to have a spare minimize the expense of the catalyst.
catalyst load for relatively small incremental cost, which is
not very likely. More importantly, you also get to compare RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum):
your in-situ regeneration to a controlled third party regen- We have used ex-situ regeneration for about the last 15
eration. This option also allows complete sampling of your years, sending the reforming catalyst out to various vendors
catalyst charge for operational adjustment, performance (Engelhard and Tricat) to have the carbon burned. This has
monitoring, and replacement evaluation. been very successful at our facility. It allows us time to work
You probably want to dump and screen your catalyst on our compressors, do work on the reactors, repair scallops
every third regeneration anyway and a major turnaround and screens. Our unit is relatively small with about 40,000
is a good time to consider this. You certainly should dump lb. of catalyst. We can get it in and out in a week.
and screen if you see any signs of maldistribution, hot spots,
tails, lingering CO2 generations, or other symptoms. GARY A. STEPHENS (TRICAT, Inc.):
TRICAT routinely regenerates semiregenerative re-
JOHNSON: forming catalysts in North America and occasionally re-
UOP is aware of several companies that provide ex-situ generates CCR catalyst on both a turnaround and non
regeneration of reforming catalyst. We basically agree with time-critical basis. Our regeneration technology ensures a
the previous comments, but I would like to add that to complete carbon burn on each particle. The configuration
our knowledge, the ex-situ regeneration only does the of our plant also allows us to regenerate the catalyst fines,
carbon burn and screening of the catalyst. The catalyst still as well as the catalyst which provides our customers with
requires that the carbon burn be followed by an oxida- additional saving on precious metals recovery costs and
tion/chlorination step and reduction step to properly re- ensures very low catalyst losses. Our plant is not equipped
condition the catalyst which would then have to be done to perform oxychlorination or reduction steps. These steps
in-situ. are performed in situ following catalyst loading.

KIMBRELL: LEE E. TURPIN (Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions):

I agree with those comments as well. We have considered If the oxidation/chlorination step was to be done exter-
doing this, and the only time it seems like it might make nally, it probably would be done at lower pressures, than
sense is if we were going to dump in the screen catalyst you would use in an actual operating plant. Could the
anyway. But we have not done ex situ regeneration. panel comment on the effect of doing those steps at lower
EDWIN A. CARLISLE (Eurecat U.S., Incorporated):
All of the Eurecat facilities can currently provide carbon HUNKUS:
removal and screening of the reforming catalyst. The Just off the cuff, the only comment I would make is
Eurecat S.A. facility in La Voulte, France, can also perform that I think you would have to be more careful that you
the oxychlorination treatment. This step is performed in did not get excessive particle temperatures because you do
controlled conditions of temperature and partial pressure not have as much mass to carry away the heat generated,
of oxygen, water, and chlorinating agents to redisperse the and the burn and redistribution would both take longer.
platinum phase, just as it is done in continuous catalytic
reformers. Eurecat S.A. can also provide the subsequent J. B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.):
step of hydrogen reduction. The oxychlorination step is the platinum redistribution
A batch of spent reforming catalyst has recently been step. Like any other chemical reactions, it has a rate and
successfully regenerated. The carbon was burned and the the rate is proportional to the concentration of oxygen.
oxychlorination step was performed. This catalyst per- So, as the concentration of oxygen increases, and the
formed well when utilized by the refinery. Separately, other pressure would increase that concentration, then the re-
batches of fresh reforming catalyst have been pre-reduced quired time to redistribute the platinum decreases. So, yes,
in the Eurecat equipment. The quality control features the pressure would affect the redistribution of the plati-
monitored include surface area, chloride content, and num, though only from a time function.
platinum dispersion (by H2/O2 titration), in addition to
the typical physical characteristics. ANGELO P. FURFARO (UOP):
This off-site treatment offers the benefit of reduced Mr. Roddey is correct that the platinum redispersion
reforming unit down time as well as reducing inherent step is rate dependent upon oxygen concentration, mean-
corrosion problems. This processing can be done either on ing that the moles per hour are important. This is the case

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 181


whether oxygen is delivered via higher pressure or higher We believe you must also use judgment and verify
concentration. Good dispersion at low pressure, but high calculations to make sure your instruments do not mislead
oxygen concentration, is apparent from the fact that UOP your optimization efforts. Always hand calculate your
has more than 120 CCR Platforming Process units in additions at least once yourself to check that you are in the
operation utilizing atmospheric regeneration. The tech- right ballpark. By this I mean order of magnitude verifi-
nology provides for proper oxychlorination conditions, cation against accepted standards.
and thus good platinum redispersion at low pressure We would recommend that you tend to run a little
conditions. under chlorided and a little on the dry side unless you
In fixed bed operations, increasing the rate of platinum really believe you have the data to convince yourself that
dispersion is usually accomplished via higher regeneration you see a real benefit for a different operation. The key to
pressures and/or higher oxygen concentration during the a good analyzer program is dedicated support, verification,
oxychlorination step. Longer time at the refiners standard and buy-in by the operations and maintenance team. If
oxidation conditions can also improve platinum disper- the instruments suddenly predict a sharp change or rates
sion. Prior to increasing the oxygen concentration during
drift say 10%, the operators should feel comfortable with
the oxidation step of the catalyst regeneration, refiners
backup chart type systems and ask questions. You should
should review the capacity and capability of the recycle gas
machines and attendant seal gas systems with their com- not have to make sudden or frequent adjustments of your
pressor vendor. In addition, refiners with cold wall reactors chloride and water addition rates. Small changes will take
should remain conservative with regard to increasing oxy- months to equilibrate. I feel the most likely tendency of
gen concentration due to concerns over possible internals new engineers is to over control, over chloride and operate
damage via combustion of pockets of coke which could too wet resulting in less than optimum run length and
exist behind the reactor liner. yield performance. I know I did. Do not let the low
start-of-run temperature fool you.
Question 24.
Is there any noted success in continuous measure- JACKSON:
ment of recycle hydrogen chloride composition, with I agree with Mr. Davis and Mr. Hunkus. We use
respect to catalyst cycle optimization? moisture analyzers. We are not aware of anybody that uses
chloride analyzers. Exactly what Mr. Hunkus said, setup
DAVIS: your water chloride rates and leave well enough alone.
CENEX uses color indicator tubes manufactured by The feedback from our refineries and the reformer
Drägor to obtain recycle hydrogen chloride content once experts within BP would not recommend that the refiner
a shift. This is not a continuous reading, but suffices to continuously measure the chloride level in the recycle gas
monitor chloride injection. The chloride content com- stream. There are better areas to focus attention that will
bined with the continuous moisture analyzer allows lead to optimal catalyst cycle times.
CENEX to maintain proper water chloride balance which We recommend that the water content of the recycle
is important for cycle length. gas is continuously measured and the chloride level is
tested intermittently, once a day, by the support engineer.
DiCAMILLO: The water and injected chlorides for a given operation
We are not aware of anyone using a continuous chloride equilibrate on the reformer catalyst. Slugs of water, nor-
monitor. I agree with Mr. Davis. Frequent analysis, either mally from the upstream hydrotreaters, are the usual
on a shift or a daily basis, will give you early detection of
upsets that affect the chloride balance.
possible upsets which will help prolong your life in the
reformer. First and paramount is to ensure the upstream opera-
tion of the hydrotreat unit is stable. Once this is assured,
the water and chloride dosage rates are known and set up.
Yes, I know a major that has had very good results Once set up, leave well enough alone and allow the
optimizing cycles, surface chemistry and selectivity with a chlorides to equilibrate on the catalyst. Do not fiddle! A
properly maintained system, including moisture analyz- support engineer that continually changes the dosage rate
ers, on-line catalyst sampling, rapid process monitoring of the chlorides or the water will end up chasing his own
and elaborate kinetic modeling. For a small independent tail. The system needs time to equilibrate. Either too much
refiner, this seems like a lot of effort for results that can be or too little chloride on the catalyst will shorten the life of
more easily and reliably achieved with traditional methods the catalyst cycle.
for traditional reformers operating within normal limits. So, stabilize the upstream hydrotreater, continually
But this can be very important when defining new areas monitor the water, Draeger the chloride level, and leave
of operation or exploring unusual feedstock. well enough alone.

182 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


JOHNSON: octane crunch returned, we could go back to 5 to 51⁄2 days,

A continuous chloride analyzer has been installed and and achieve good regeneration with good dry outs.
is monitoring HCl in the recycled gas on a semiregenera- The key to minimizing regeneration times are:
tive reformer in the Southwestern U.S. It was placed in 1. Dual front, high pressure burns (150 psi to 200 psi).
service at the end of 1995. The analyzer has been reliable 2. Use double blocks and bleeds to allow blinding
and tracks HCl over a range of up to 4 ppm. The analyzer without depressuring.
response to moisture upsets has also been rapid. It is 3. A recycle gas drier is a must (reduces dry out to 24
interesting that sudden increases in the chloride reading hours).
tends to be a good indicator of the water increase in the 4. First class, reliable Oa, moisture, and pH analyzers.
recycled gas. 5. Operator knowledge, commitment, and coordi-
I agree that continuous monitoring is not necessary for BARKER:
good chloride control. Good chloride control can be Utilizing parallel burn facilities, reduced our “oil to oil”
achieved as mentioned by: 1) using Drägor tube measure- cycles to 6 to 7 days with a 5 to 6 day dry out period. We
ments which we do 3 times weekly; 2) we also control by also are octane long, so there has been no economic
collecting on stream catalyst samples approximately once advantage to really to reduce this cycle time any further.
every 4 weeks; 3) continuous measurement of the recycled Each of the regenerations does include a water wash of the
gas moisture using an on stream analyzer and; 4) careful stabilizer and we have eliminated the sulfur removal steps
monitoring of any shifts of C5+ to LPG production. By since we have upstream sulfur absorbers.
using these techniques, Ras Tanura Refinery has been able
to maintain chloride on catalysts at 0.92% with the stand- DAVIS:
ard deviation of 0.05%. Chloride is injected into the feed Using Mr. Arndt’s definition, a fast regeneration for
charge at about 0.6 ppm to 0.9 ppm while methanol CENEX is about 4 days of actual regeneration and about
injection is based on maintaining about 5 ppm of water 3 to 4 days of dryout time.
in the recycled gas. We believe there is no yield benefits in
a tighter control of chloride than we practice. DiCAMILLO:
There are a few other tricks you can use to speed up the
Question 25. time from oil out to oil in. The steps themselves are pretty
For regeneration only shutdowns, on semiregenera- standard, but there are some tricks. If you run at higher
tive reformers, what is the average time between “oil pressure during the regeneration, it will speed up the burn.
out” and “oil-in? What steps do you normally include You can use liquid nitrogen cooling where appropriate. We
in your standard regeneration (compressor have already mentioned parallel burns. One thing that has
washes,...)? What changes have you made, or are you not been mentioned yet is to anticipate the next step in
considering, to reduce the “oil to oil” time? your process. If you anticipate and think ahead and have
everything ready for the next step, you can save a lot of
ARNDT: dead time in going from one step to the next step. We
First we have to define regeneration time. The question found a lot of time savings just doing things like that.
here says oil out to oil in. I will redefine regeneration time
to mean oil out to dry, high severity operation. Any times HUNKUS:
I quote will be based on this definition. I like to include My definition of oil to oil is oil to oil, with all due respect
dry out since it can be very time consuming. We went to my distinguished colleague. My experience is mostly in
through 3 separate eras in Chevron on regeneration time. the 6 to 8 day range. I have also been part of a team where
There was the dawn of history when it would take us 10 to we found we could consistently go oil out to oil in, in just
14 days. In the late 1980s or early 1990s, in what I call the over 5 days. This requires properly maintained equipment
octane crunch time when we were running many of our and around the clock technical support on-site. For the dry
units at cycle times of 8 to 12 weeks (high feed rates, high out, we typically run 4 to 5 days. I also will add that if you
octane, and bad feed), we got regeneration times down to do not have a moisture analyzer, you can watch the amps
4 to 4 1⁄2 days. We did have a high incidence of poor on the recycle compressor. This gives you a pretty sharp
regenerations and when you have a run length of 8 to 12 indication of when your system suddenly dries out and
weeks and you have a poor regeneration you can get into a hydrogen purity jumps up. Your flow meters should also
real snowball where you are regenerating all the time. respond to the change in molecular weight.
We have now taken more care and with oxygenate use, After blinding and evacuation steps, we always include
we are no longer in an octane crunch. Our regeneration a compressor wash and feel this is very important. Once
times are up in the 6 to 7 day range. I think that if the we failed to do a good wash and we paid for it with high

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 183


vibrations that risked major damage to the recycle com- LEMMON:

pressor and added several days while we took the machine Our experiences are very similar to those of the other
apart to look at it. We generally do some feed/effluent panelists. We have gone to higher pressure regeneration
cleaning in the naphtha hydrotreater, wash some towers with two stage burn. Our semiregeneration unit is only
and do PM on the reformer complex major equipment regenerated about once a year, so we take our time and do
such as the lube oil skids and the distillate compressor it carefully. We take about 6 days for the regeneration step
system along with the standard UOP regeneration. and about 5 days to dry out.
We have done all the normal things like multi point air
injection, moving to higher pressure, going with a larger SMITH:
compressor motor, using high pressure nitrogen for dryout Our typical oil in oil out is 6 to 7 days, with another 3
after oxidation, larger vacuum jets and spectacle blinds. days for dry out. Our standard regeneration includes a hot
We also have two turnaround coordinators lead the regen- strip, the carbon burn (oxidation) step, rejuvenation, re-
eration and work around-the-clock to ensure the best duction and pre-sulfiding. Compressor washing is only
done if performance drop indicates the need which we
coordination among all support resources, including con-
have not done for the last 5 years.
tractors. These coordinators, who are generally our top
The most significant recent change to reduce time and
operators, lead the planning of all activities before the improve regeneration quality is to allow up to 5% oxygen
regeneration with the support team involved. I have also during the secondary carbon burn if exotherms and oxy-
seen greater than 300 psi separator pressure and liquid gen consumption tests permit. Oxygen content during
oxygen and liquid chlorine used to further reduce regen- the primary burn is still rigorously controlled at 0.8%
eration time. This type of operation requires special exper- maximum.
tise and increased safety equipment and awareness. Previously, secondary burn was constrained to 2%
maximum oxygen due to concerns about localized coke
KIMBRELL: ball temperature excursions. Additionally, the standard
Depending on how much maintenance needs to be UOP hot circulation reduction has been implemented
done, we go typically 7 to 9 days oil out to oil in, and then instead of the previous stagnant procedure.
we take another few days (3 or so) to dry out. We do not
normally wash the compressor during regenerations. De- KHALID AL-REHAILI (Saudi Aramco Refinery):
pending on how much sulfur is laid down on the catalyst Do you not think that the amount of catalyst is playing
during the run, we may elect to regenerate twice. This a role in the regeneration duration?
double regeneration does an excellent job of removing
sulfur from the system. SMITH:
Certainly, the amount of carbon that you have on the
KOOIMAN: catalyst makes a difference. That would probably be the
My experience is similar to that of Mr. Hunkus and Mr. limiting factor.
Kimbrell, about the same times for oil out and oil in and
dry out. The only thing I will add is that we found it TOM KELLY (ARCO Products Company):
worthwhile to monitor the piping at the caustic injection The more catalyst you have the longer it takes to
point. We had some trouble in the past with that. Also a regenerate. But regeneration time is also dependent upon
good electrical preventive maintenance program is impor- the recycle rate, and, of course your pressure.
I have one comment about short coke burn times after
tant. It pushed us towards doing preventive maintenance
a full cycle. If there is not much coke on the catalyst to
on the recycle compressor.
burn off, you may have something else deactivating your
Regarding higher pressure my experience, especially catalyst. So before bragging about short regeneration time,
working with Mr. Arndt in the past, is that higher pressure consider that you may have a hidden problem.
is generally a faster regeneration. But we found that we
were compressor limited in one case. We got above the ARNDT:
pressure that would exceed the recycle compressor amper- We achieve our short regeneration times with high
age limits and the operators would start closing off on the coke-on-catalyst. We usually reach EOR with last reactor
butterfly valve on the compressor inlet. Looking at the carbon levels of 18% to 20%. At times we have exceeded
curves we found that when the suction valve was partially these levels at EOR but do see a real yield penalty.
closed, the loss in recycle exceeded the gain of the higher
pressure. The fastest burn was achieved at a pressure that J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
allowed maximum compressor amperage with the com- On the dryout there are two phases. One is the first
pressor inlet butterfly valve wide open. reduction up to a certain level, maybe 100 ppm or so.

184 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


Another is for going from 100 ppm below. Most of the

time is taken in going from 100 ppm and below.

I agree with you, and it is very important not to go to
high severity until you do get the moisture down. One of
the changes that we have made in the last 5 years or so, is
go to maximum charge rate at low severity to speed up that
dry out time. In the past, we restricted the charge rate back
so that they could keep the temperatures down and go to
premium production immediately. What we do now is go
to maximum charge rates and hold the severity down. We
do that with inventory management up front. We are not
forced into making high severity right after regeneration.

FRANK ALLEN (Conoco Inc.): unit. We think a combination of catalyst change out and
My question goes back to the speed or the shortness of mechanical modifications resulted in the fines reduction.
the regeneration, and Mr. Arndt can probably answer this I really interpreted this as two questions. The second
best. What hydrogen-to-hydrocarbon ratios are you run- part of the question is what advances in reforming catalyst
ning on the run? This goes back to the compressor size, technologies have been made in the last 5 years? I inter-
oxygen limits, and inert circulation rate. What is your preted that to mean both in CCR and fixed bed reforming.
typical hydrogen-to-hydrocarbon ratio on the run that A couple of the more obvious ones are increasing surface
you can get these kind of quick burns? area of the catalyst to extend catalyst life, running with
staged catalysts, changes in promoter metals to make
ARNDT: improvements in yield and stability, improved selectivity
of the catalyst and use of L-zeolite supports for C6 and C9
We were running down as low as 3 to 3½. That helped
give us those 8 to 12 week runs. But our feed rate was way
up. At design feed rate, I think the compressor was designed
JOHN D. COOK (Acreon Catalysts):
for more like 5 to 6. Obviously, we do not run at design
Several refiners have converted to our new generation
feed rate anymore, but the compressor is good-sized.
CCR catalyst (AR series and CR series) to provide excel-
lent selectivity, stability, low fines make, and most impor-
Question 26. tantly, improved surface area stability. This catalyst
What has been your operating experience with the provides relief from the prior generation catalyst limits
newer generation of CCR catalyst aluminas? Has any- allowing them to achieve higher throughputs by over 15%
one documented a decrease in fines generation? to 20%. This is extremely important today to increase
What advances in reforming catalyst technologies hydrogen production for treating and upgrading units for
have been made in the last 5 years? increased refining margins.
Acreon/Precatalyse also supply a unique tri-metallic
JOHNSON: catalyst for fix bed reformers. This catalyst provides im-
The fines make for the R132 series and the R30 series proved hydrogen and liquid yield for reforming units.
catalysts have been very similar. This is based on a statis- Over 13 units are currently in operation and these selec-
tical analysis comparing the operation of over 50 CCR tivity improvements have been shown over repeated regen-
platforming units operating with the R130 series catalyst eration cycles, as well as through several severe sulfur
versus the R32, R34 series catalysts. The benefit of the upsets. Our trimetallic RG-582 offers a now proven solu-
R130 series is a better retention of the surface area in the tion to improve yields without compromises in cycle
CCR service. length, ease of regeneration or tolerance to upsets.

DiCAMILLO: Question 27.

We would attribute fines generation both to catalyst What are the advantages/disadvantages of adding
quality and mechanical problems on the unit. In some cases continuous regeneration to the test reactor of an ex-
we have noticed fines reductions of 10% to 20% on CCR isting fixed bed reformer versus replacing the entire
units that have switched to Criterion catalyst. We will not fixed bed unit with a CCR unit? Is the performance of
give all the credit to the catalyst there. We also made the hybrid unit close enough to the CCR to make this
recommendations on mechanical modifications to the option economically competitive?

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 185


JOHNSON: reactors. Therefore, you increase the yields and increase

Many customers have compared the costs and benefits hydrogen production.
of converting their fixed bed unit to either a hybrid or a There are some disadvantages to the hybrid system in
CCR platforming operation. There was a paper presented that, of course, the yields are slightly lower than for a new
at the 1989 NPRA Annual Meeting (AM-96-47), “Con- low pressure continuous unit. In terms of a delta yield fixed
version of Fixed Bed Reformers to UOP CCR Platforming bed unit — new LP unit — you get about 60% to 70% of
Technology” by M. W. Golem, N. L. Gilsdorf and D. E. the benefit with the hybrid system. However, it only cost
Felch that provides reference to the subject. about one-third of what the new system would cost. I think
The main disadvantages of hybrid technology relative you have to look at both yields and economics.
to CCR technology are: The other advantage of the hybrid system, when you
Lower on stream factor. The hybrids still retain a install the new reactor with the regeneration system down-
semiregenerative reactor in front necessitating re- stream of the separator, is that because this system is
generation every 1 to 2 years. completely independent from the existing reaction train,
Higher operating pressure. Pressure reduction in a you can install it without shutting down the existing unit.
hybrid system can be less because you have actually The tie in takes only about a week. You have no limitation
added pressure dropped to the reactor circuit if a due to the existing recycle compressor.
heater and reactor were added.
Lower yields. The yield structure of the hybrid cata- LEE E. TURPIN (Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions):
lyst system is basically equivalent to the platinum I have done several studies for our clients using our
semiregenerative catalyst. So the benefit of the CCR kinetic model (REF-SIM), and it appears to me that the
platforming platinum tin system is not achieved. yield benefit of putting in a hybrid system is about 60%
This benefit amounts to about a 1.5% to 2% yield to 80% of what can be achieved by going to a CCR, just
advantage at equivalent pressure. The reason for this due to the pressure reduction on the last reactor. This
is because the yield structure is fixed by the less variability, of course, depends on how far the last reactor
selective platinum in the front reactors. pressure is being dropped. This does not take into consid-
Additionally, hybrid units will exhibit a yield decline eration the effect of changing the catalyst in the lead
across the semiregenerative cycle compared to more con- reactors from a platinum-rhenium to a platinum-tin as
stant yields of UOP CCR. We have completed 28 revamps noted by Mr. Johnson.
of fixed bed reforming units to CCR platforming, with 23
Question 28.
in operation and 5 in design and construction. Half of
Are the new generation CCR catalysts significantly
these units were conversions of side-by-side reactors and
improving aromatics yields?
the other 14 were conversions of units that had already
employed the stack reactor operating in the semiregenera-
tive mode.
There are new generation CCR catalysts available, but
so far they have not demonstrated improvements in aro-
matic yields versus the older catalysts. We do however,
We have looked at this option to debottleneck our
have a catalyst in fixed bed service, PR9, that has given
reformers, but the conversion costs are about half of a new
increased xylene yields.
CCR, and the yields were not as good as with a new CCR.
We elected not to do it. We felt it was not economical,
especially with the aromatics constraints in gasoline now.

I would agree with those comments.


I would like to comment on the hybrid system for
reforming. There are two ways you can implement a
hybrid system, either by adding a reactor in series with the
existing reactors (DUALFORMING), or adding a new
reactor downstream from the separator (DUALFORM-
ING PLUS). In all cases, you put a platinum tin catalyst
in the new reactor linked to a continuous regeneration
system, and you can lower the pressure of the existing

186 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


JOHNSON: a nitrogen blanket system. We do not experience any

UOP does not expect any difference in the aromatic problem such as exchanger or reactor fouling when utiliz-
production for the platinum tin catalysts like R-32, R-34 ing this sweet naphtha.
and R-132, R-134. These catalysts do, however, show an
improved aromatics yield over the platinum rhenium Question 30.
catalyst systems. Are there any procedures available for chemical
cleaning the shell side of the feed/effluent exchangers
Question 29. in catalytic reformers?
What is the maximum length of time one can keep
desulfurized naphtha in a tank for processing in cata- SMITH:
lytic reformer if the bromine index is in the range of Our experience is that the major cause of effluent
50 to 100? exchanger fouling deposition is a sublimation product
from the reactors to the lower temperature effluent ex-
KIMBRELL: changers. In our case, deposition of these compounds
Even though the bromine index of 50 to 100 is very occurs primarily during high severity operations onto our
low and should not be a problem storing in tankage, stripper reboiler shell which is heated by the reactor efflu-
oxygen contamination of the hydrocarbon stored in tank- ent downstream from the other feed/effluent exchangers.
age can come from either blanket gas or from leakage These organic foulants are generally polynuclear aromatics
around the seals. Once the oxygen dissolves in the hydro- with many coke like characteristics. As a result, they would
carbon and that material is brought back into the reformer, be very difficult to chemically remove.
it can react with more olefinic feeds in the unit and cause Additionally, the suspected carcinogen PNA com-
plugging. We have actually done some of that. We have pound “coronene” has been identified as a component of
also stored untreated coker naphtha in tankage for as long our deposits. Therefore, all resulting wastes from cleaning
as a month. The tank was blanketed. We would not these exchangers has special handling and disposal require-
necessarily recommend that, but it has been done. ments. Given the nature of the deposition, we are forced
to mechanically clean the exchangers which also mini-
JOHNSON: mizes the amount of waste that is sent to our Class I
The only thing I have to add to that is on test methods. disposal site. At our current lower severity operation, this
Stored naphtha can be checked for stability using ASTM type of fouling in our effluent exchangers has not been a
D381, existent gum and motor gasoline and aviation fuels problem.
by the jet evaporation test. A more precise method to
predict future stability is to use ASTM D873, oxidation JOHNSON:
stability by potential residue method. This involves run- My comments will regard pulling combined feed ex-
ning the naphtha for 4 hours and then evaporating the changer bundles primarily from our vertical bundles in
stressed fuel by ASTM D381. A residue of less than 5 CCR service. In this case, the feed is on the tube side. It
mg/100 ml will correlate about 85% of the time with a 1 is not at all common to pull the combined feed exchanger
year ambient storage. bundle unless there is cause. Tube side fouling has been
due to feed contamination typically over use or misuse of
DAVIS: the corrosion inhibitor. Care should be taken when remov-
All I can really add is our own experience at CENEX. ing the tube bundles. Damage to tubes has occurred when
CENEX has a cone roof tank that stores reformer charge the bundle has been laid in the horizontal position.
for up to a year before we use it. I too suggest looking at
a gum stability test to give an idea of how long you can KOOIMAN:
store your feedstock. I have been told that you can use an acid wash with a
dispersant for inorganics or hot oil flush with organic
DiCAMILLO: dispersant for organic deposition. I would probably get
Just as a further point of clarification on bromine index with a reputable chemical vendor if I was confronted with
versus bromine number, a bromine number of 1 equals a that.
bromine index of 1000. So we would agree that an index
of 50 to 100 is very low and it should be stable. DiCAMILLO:
Cleaning heat exchangers cannot be avoided in a re-
HASSAN A. MAGHAZEL (Saudi Aramco): former. Having said that, there are chemical procedures
We have one sweet naphtha storage tank. Our former available. The feeling seems to be that they do not work
cycle length is 1 year. The sweet naphtha is kept in the tank very well. The main problem is that the chemicals will
for long periods without being used. Our storage tank has loosen up the scale but not dissolve it or remove it

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 187


completely. When the refiner starts the unit back up, that could cause more hydrocracking reactions to occur in the
scale carries over into the first reactor and plugs up the reactors.
reactor. The other possibility is salt accumulation in the
strainer. It could be sodium chloride from the neutralized
J. B. RODDEY (Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.): products of the regeneration. The separator should also be
We can remember when bimetallic catalyst first came checked to see if there is entrainment or carryover.
out. The big concern was sulfur because we knew those
catalysts were more sensitive than the all platinum catalysts ARNDT:
that we had been working with in earlier years. So a I have a dumb answer. We have taken them out, so they
number of units were acidized including the feed/ effluent do not plug. In fact, we do not even know if they would
exchange to remove scale rather than pull and clean by plug.
hydroblasting. Mr. DiCamillo’s comments were experi-
enced in many of these units. In other words, the scale DiCAMILLO:
would just simply loosen up and go into the first reactor I will take the opposite approach. An obvious observa-
and then foul the first reactor’s scallops in the case of a tion here is that if your strainer is plugging, add a parallel
radial flow or foul the top of a bed in the case of a down strainer and you can switch back and forth and solve the
flow. problem that way.

R.E. (Ed) PALMER (Mustang Engineering, Inc.): Question 32.

One client we have has vertical combined feed exchang- Has anyone experienced shots of sulfur containing
ers which have been in service about 25 years. They clean feedstock to their CRU? What are the relative econom-
them about every 3 years after performance falls off to ics of regeneration of the catalyst, hot hydrogen strip,
roughly 60% to 70% of design. I have another client that or allowing the sulfur to be stripped off during opera-
tion? What procedures are used in operation of a CRU
has had their units in service about 16 or 17 years. They
system contaminated with sulfur?
have never cleaned them and again these are vertical
combined feed exchangers. It does limit their ability in
terms of charge rate and octane.
We have experienced large and small shots of sulfur into
our reformer on initial start-up after regeneration, and
Question 31.
with the naphtha hydrotreater stripper upsets during
During regeneration and after start-up when recycle
power outages. We have also suffered sulfur breakthrough
gas drier is taken in-line, compressor suction strainer
with the loss of hydrogen makeup and purity in the
frequently gets choked. Are there any new types of
hydrogen generation unit. We have even mistakenly
strainers available for quick change over?
charged sour feed into our reformer for about 10 hours
while trying to run sweet feed for a quick naphtha hydro-
JOHNSON: treater exchanger cleaning.
When a semiregenerative reformer starts up after cata- If you see the problem very quickly or are lucky as we
lyst regeneration, the recycle gas is wet. It is recommended were and have or get your reactor temperatures down low
that the operating severity of the unit be maintained at a enough, about 890°F to 900°F, you will see almost no
low level until the water concentration in the recycle gas effect on unit performance. The sulfur will strip off sur-
is sufficiently reduced. This process can take approxi- prisingly quick. If you hit the unit so hard it will not
mately 5 days to accomplish. The time off-line can be generate hydrogen, then you are regenerating. Talk to your
reduced to about 2 days by incorporating a start-up dryer licensor; UOP has always been very helpful for us. We have
in the recycle gas circuit immediately following the catalyst seen as much as a 70% decline in off gas and delta Ts have
regeneration. dropped about the same amount. We experienced a near
We do not have any information with regard to new total recovery in about 31⁄2 days. That is with our current
types of strainers. However, I will point out that if a cycle on R62 which is a year next week with about a 5°
strainer is used, a fine mesh strainer should not be used. loss in start-of-run (SOR) temperatures.
UOP would recommend that if a strainer is in the com- The basic procedure is to strip sulfur off by cutting
pressor section at all, it would be a course mesh strainer. reactor temperatures to 890° to 900° F, keep charge rates
The second point is, what is plugging the strainer? If and pressures as high as possible, gas as much hydrogen as
it is absorbent from the dryer, the dryer will need to be possible and watch the H2S in the off gas and in the
inspected to identify the cause of migration of the absorb- reformate. I have seen more than 20 ppm in recycle gas
ent. If the absorbent actually is leaking from the dryer and with no detectable long term damage to the cycle perform-
could get into the reactors, this is of some concern. It ance. If your operators leave the temperatures up and coat

188 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


over the platinum with carbon, the hot hydrogen strip may JAMES W. JONES (Turner Mason & Company):
buy you a week or so to get ready, but you are still going Is there any reformer operator or process licensor that
to have to regenerate. has an operating procedure that when you lose your recycle
compressor does not call for the immediate pulling of the
KIMBRELL: feed along with shutting down the heaters?
Yes, I agree with most of those comments. We will also
say that the condition that the catalyst was in to begin HIGGINS:
with, before you have this sulfur upset, will also determine No response.
how well a catalyst comes back. So if you are near a start
of run to begin with, it has a better chance of recovering. KHALID AL-REHAILI (Saudi Aramco):
If you are near the end of run, it probably will not recover. My question is for Mr. Johnson from UOP. The semire-
We continue to feed the unit to try to purge the sulfur generative reformer units using UOP catalysts have
out of the system, similar to what Mr. Hunkus does. We changed to staged catalysts. What is the driving force for
have also installed sulfur guard beds prior to the first this change? Is it yield improvement or higher octane
heater in our recycle loop, and that helps us recover from requirements?
a sulfur upset.
LEMMON: Refiners have been changing to UOP’s R-72/R-56
We also occasionally have the unexpected pleasure of staged loading system for its high C5 plus yield perform-
finding sulfur in the reformer feed. Our procedures are ance, as well as its long catalyst cycles. The staged loading
similar to what has been said before. The most important system is an optimal combination of UOP’s high yield
thing is to cut temperatures as quickly as possible. We do R-72 catalyst, with the excellent stability of our skewed
operate all three types of reformers. They each respond a platinum/rhenium R-56 Platforming catalyst. For more
little bit differently. The CCR reformer, with its high information contact your UOP Customer Sales or Service
hydrogen yield, seems to recover the quickest and is least Representative.
sensitive to sulfur. In the past we have just cut 10° or 20°
and ridden it out. We do maintain charge rate at a high
rate to purge sulfur more quickly. In a CCR reformer you D. Aromatics Extraction
will form some sulfates in the regeneration step, so it may
take several cycles to get all of the H2S out of the system. Question 33.
For the swing reactors in our Powerformers, they do the What new solvents are available for improving aro-
same thing, cut temperature. They may delay regeneration matics extraction? What improvements are they sup-
to allow more of the sulfur to strip off. Our semiregenera- posed to provide, and has operating experience
tion units are operated similar to what the other panelists verified these improvements?
have said.
ARNDT: A solvent I am familiar with is NMP. Its advantages are
We keep the unit on stream to strip out the sulfur it is non-flammable, it improves separation, and it has a
before regeneration. On a few occasions, we have com- better temperature tolerance. I understand there may be
missioned the recycle dryer to help remove sulfur from some co-solvent systems on the market, but I do not have
the system-worked well. So if you have a dryer consider
using it to remove sulfur.

The type of catalyst you have in the unit and the
magnitude of the sulfur excursion will have some influence
on what you decide to do. A preferred order of corrective
action would be to continue with the clean feed and take
the octane drop if you can tolerate it. You could perhaps
increase your chloride injection to compensate. The next
thing we would try would be a hot hydrogen sweep. A last
resort would be a regeneration. I would like to reiterate
what Mr. Lemmon says. In the case of a sulfur excursion,
you might need to add an extra sulfate removal step during
regeneration, so that would extend the regeneration time.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 189


any feedback on them. I am sure this is an appropriate FEARNSIDE:

vendor question and we will get some floor response on I agree with what both Mr. Hunkus and Mr. Johnson
this. have said. We usually recommend that you mitigate any
oxygen ingression. If you cannot find it straight away, we
JOHNSON: recommend using oxygen scavengers until the problem
UOP offers Carom as an upgrade alternative for the can be found and corrected. Another thing that a lot of
Udex and Tetra operations. The main benefits being ca- people tend to forget is the thermal degradation products
pacity, purity and reduced utilities. For a new unit, we if the fractionator reboiler skin temperatures get too hot.
would expect a 15% capital cost savings for Carom versus
Sulfolane. To date, all operating units have been revamps, KENNETH G. TASKER (HRI, Inc.):
however, the first new Carom unit is expected to start up I can endorse everything the panel has said. Tempera-
next spring. ture and oxygen are the main ingredients in forming the
degradation products. Keeping the oxygen out is the
Question 34. number one consideration, along with keeping the tem-
In aromatics extraction using sulfolane, how are you perature within a limitation of about 180°C to 185°C. We
handling the degradation products? have one unit that has gone a complete year with no
degradation product at all. We also have on-line regenera-
HUNKUS: tion and on-line removal of degradation products. For
In general, we believe you should first focus on the best those not so tight units, we have seen a rejection rate of
operation of your process to minimize production of the up to about a barrel a month. On naphtha cracking
degradation products. We have seen very little of the complexes, the degradation product is generally disposed
degradation products that were initially predicted from of with the C9+ aromatic stream into the fuel oil. So that
our regeneration unit. We generate less than 100 gallons is a nice easy disposal. The alternative is, as reported, to
per year of this material, which we dispose of as hazardous get rid of it as a hazardous waste. Generally speaking, we
waste. are not talking significant quantities.
What we have seen is a very fine black particulate which
we filter out of the Sulfolane stream and also from the BILL MENHEERE (Nova Chemicals (Canada) Ltd.):
aromatic stream. These particles are indicative of corrosion In a Tetra unit, is anyone using a non-silicon based
which has occurred at the flash region of our reboilers on antifoam with success?
the extract stripper and the recovery column. This corro-
sion is not evident anywhere else in the unit. HIGGINS:
We process raw virgin naphtha with its inherent higher No response from the panel.
levels of contaminants which is considered unusual and
difficult by the licensor. We also operate in the tempera-
ture range conducive to the formation of degradation E. Polymerization
products, but we believe we also run a tight unit, prevent-
ing the introduction of oxygen to the system. We do feed Question 35.
our extraction unit directly from an upstream crude unit We have recently lost the only vendor who treated our
as opposed to having an intermediate feed tank. This will spent Dimersol catalyst. Does anyone have any sug-
definitely reduce the potential for oxygen addition to the gestions for disposal. If in-house neutralization is
system. We currently do not add any oxygen scavenger. done, what is done with the alumina sol, and how is
it handled once formed? Any advice from the catalyst
JOHNSON: companies on handling?
In our designs, we are handling the degradation prod-
ucts in sulfolane by removing heavy components via dis- KOOIMAN:
tillation in the solvent regenerator. We add MEA to the We have a polymerization plant at Pine Bend and
unit to neutralize acids that are formed. We provide filtra- another one in Corpus Christi. Any sludge that is left in
tion in the designs on the lean solvent circuit to remove the vessel we will take out during turnaround as hazardous
some of the solvent formed by the degradation of the waste. We found there is not a lot of information in the
solvent and the solids created by the corrosion of equip- industry on polymerization plants. I would appreciate any
ment. We have upgraded the metallurgy of the hottest contacts in the industry.
surface exposed to the solvent in the recovery column
reboiler to reduce the corrosion there. Every 4 to 6 PATRICK HOH (HRI, Inc.):
months, the regenerator must be emptied and the material There is a company in Louisiana that has routinely
discarded as waste. taken the Dimersol spent catalyst for disposal. If the

190 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


Dimersol licensee has a wet gas scrubber in the FCCU, ARNDT:

HRI suggests that this spent catalyst can be routed there The main problems have been with chloride migration
for disposal. If Dimersol catalyst is treated by neutraliza- to downstream equipment, usually because we have not
tion and filtration steps, the filtrate can be put to the done a good job scrubbing. This occurs because we have
refinery waste effluent stream. The filter cake can either not paid attention to, or in a couple of occasions have
be sent to the landfill or to the hazardous disposal site shortcut UOP’s design and screwed up the design on our
depends on local government restrictions. own.
Another problem area is electric heater reliability. We
have knocked them out due to moisture ingress. Nitrogen
F. Isomerization purging of the energized components has gotten us out
of that.
Question 36.
What has been the industry experience with UOP’s BARKER:
I-12 isomerization catalyst? How has it affected sulfur One of our isomerization units has very few mechanical
tolerance, run length, activity, etc.? problems, but large corrosion problems associated with
our net gas scrubber. It is a Venturi scrubber and has never
JOHNSON: performed to design. The heaviest corrosion that we find
UOP has loaded four units with the I-12 catalyst. All is on the welds in the heat affected zones and we are still
four units have operated well. One of the four units has battling that issue.
done a sulfur strip operation and the catalyst has recov- On a second isomerization unit, corrosion issues are
ered. Catalyst activity and stability is similar to I-8. At this extremely minor, but we have had numerous mechanical
point in time, all of the units loaded are still in their first reliability issues. Initially, our automatic on-off gate valves
catalyst cycle. were very unreliable. The issue turned out to be low air
pressure to the solenoid valves used to activate the pistons.
LEMMON: We initially were operating with this air supply pressure at
One of the four units Mr. Johnson is referring to is 100 to 110 pounds and increased the reliability of the
located at our Bayway Refinery. UOP I-12 catalyst was valves quite a bit by merely increasing the air pressure up
loaded into both the Bayway units’ butamer reactors. to 115 pounds.
Following start-up, they did observe some rapid catalyst A second major problem we have is with our recycle
deactivation, or what appeared to be deactivation, in the hydrogen compressor mechanical seals which have very
first reactor. The suspected causes of the deterioration were short life spans. They lasted only 4 to 6 months after initial
oxygenates breaking through the molecular sieve beds or start-up. Seals have been modified and now have a longer
possibly reactor flow maldistribution. No unusual catalyst life, but different compressor problems. Currently, the
deterioration was noticed in the second reactor after it was compressor loses 1 to 2 drums of seal oil a day to the seal
brought on-line. Sulfur in the reactor feed has always been pots.
maintained at levels below 0.5 ppm. A third problem was with our original feed dryer which
had numerous level switch failures and poor dryer water
Question 37. removal efficiency. A new, larger capacity feed dryer was
What reliability problems are refiners having with installed and the current operation is satisfactory.
their isomerization unit (i.e. corrosion, leaking cool- And last, power disturbances have shut down our ID
ers, etc.)? Have these problems been identified, and fans quite a few times. This triggers an entire unit shut-
what solutions have been developed for them? down. We are currently tackling shutdown logic to modify
the latter logic and resolve this issue.
The biggest problem that we have run across is related HUNKUS:
to the feed dryers during the regeneration phase as the Since we operate a “baby” TIP isomerization unit, we
chlorides come off the molecular sieves, especially during do not have the corrosion and other problems associated
the initial heat up and dry off of water with the chlorides. with a PENEX unit, but we also do not get the higher
The downstream piping, exchangers, and associated octane or lower operating costs. We have had very few
equipment has been corroding quite rapidly. problems with our isomerization unit, as is my under-
What we have recommended that people do is inject a standing of the general industry practice. Our isomeriza-
dilution steam or install a dilution steam line downstream tion unit typically runs too much heavy feed and
of the feed dryers, and at the same time inject an appro- produces a lot of cracked material from C7 feedstock
priate neutralizer into that steam to handle the chloride components, sometimes C7+. We have also had problems
load that initially comes off. with our cycle sequencer, but this was just a control

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 191


instrument application problem. The problems are mini- ARNDT:

mized greatly by not skimping on the switching valves. This is a tricky question because there are five parts. So
High quality valves more than pay for themselves with I am going to march through them one at a time. We have
reduced maintenance and better on stream factors. 3 Butamers in the U.S. We have seen molecular sieve life
I know of a refiner that lined the PENEX off gas as high as 300 to 400 cycles and as low as 100 to 150 cycles.
scrubber with KYNAR. This plastic-like liner eliminated It is all a function of what the contaminate levels, especially
corrosion problems there as long as the liner was kept chlorides or fluorides (fluorides from HF alkylation bu-
intact. Mechanically introduced holidays or inadvertent tanes). Chlorides attack the molecular sieve. One pound
steaming reduced the effectiveness of this system. of chlorides will kill five pounds of sieve.
We have had to regenerate on somewhat reduced cycles, Regarding running with sulfur, we have run units for
mainly due to heavier feedstock introduction, but the extended periods of time with 2 ppm to 3 ppm sulfur and
main problems have been mechanical in nature. We have suffered no ill consequences. We do not have sulfur ana-
also had chronic problems with sticking remote operated lyzers on our units.
valves which we solved with automatic oilers in the pack- Finally, we use either dried makeup hydrogen or dried
ing and improved instrument air quality with nitrogen feed for regeneration. We usually hold the regeneration for
provided as a backup. We also push our cooling ability very 2 to 4 hours at 550°F to 575°F.
hard for a phosphate treatment program during the sum-
mer which runs well beyond typical temperature/cycle DAVIS:
ranges. Bypassing the hottest coolers and using extra dis- CENEX draws a normal butane rich side cut stream
persant also helped. from the main fractionator in the HF alkylation unit. The
side cut is defluorinated and then dried with molecular
KOOIMAN: sieve before charging it to the butane isomerization unit
We had some problems with the steam reboiler on the which is a UOP butamer unit.
stabilizer, but I think that was due to the steam side Typical performance is 150 cycles per load, lasting
problems. about 1500 bbl/lb. Since the stream is drawn from the
Our isomerization unit was charged with a stream that alkylation unit, CENEX is concerned about fluoride
was unhydrotreated, so we had rapid activity loss as sulfur breakthrough rather than the potential for sulfur and
accumulated. We were able to make it operable by running chlorides. Regeneration conditions are total time of one
only streams from sweet crudes. When those streams were day, 18 hours is a hot regeneration at 500°F, 6 hours of
not available, we would circulate hydrogen which re- cold cool down at 110°F. The regenerate is a slip stream
moved some sulfur and partially reactivated the catalyst. of the isom bottoms product.

Question 38. GENTRY:

When molecular sieves are used in butane isomeriza- We are familiar with a butane isomerization unit, in
tion feed dryer service, what sieve life has been operation almost 4 years, with 650 to 660 cycles having
achieved in terms of number of cycles and bbl/lb? been achieved over 46 months. This corresponds to 7.7
What has been the performance with respect to sulfur bbl of feed per pound of molecular sieves. Although the
removal? Has anyone operated with a sulfur analyzer unit was specified for a 20 ppmw feed sulfur level, in
at the dryer outlet? What chloride levels can be toler- actual operation sulfur in the feed was nil. There is no
ated in the butane feed to the dryers? What streams sulfur analyzer at the dryer outlet. The maximum chlo-
are used for regeneration, and what are the regenera- ride level allowed is 1 ppmw as hydrogen chloride. Dried
tion conditions? C4 feed is used to regenerate the molecular sieve in this
unit, although Kellogg has used an isobutane stream in
LEMMON: other units. The regeneration stream conditions in this
We have recently installed molecular sieves in butane unit are 315°C and 1000 kPa. The regeneration stream is
isomerization service. They have been operating for a composed of 1 wt% C3- and 1 wt% C5. Isobutane varies
period of 7 months and to date have shown no signs of from 20 wt% to 40 wt% and the balance is normal
deterioration. The regeneration cycle is every other day. butane.
Sulfur levels after the molecular sieves have remained
below 0.5 ppm. We have successfully operated an on-line Question 39.
sulfur analyzer for the entire time. Isomerate from the Has anyone experienced catalyst poisoning of Bu-
stabilizer bottoms is used for molecular sieve regeneration. tamer or Penex Units due to CO or CO2? What was the
I do not have any information on chlorine levels. feed source? How was the problem solved?

192 Light Oil Catalytic Processing


BARKER: feed tank. We found up to 3% CO2 in the natural gas. We

Our Penex Plus unit experienced carbon monoxide and also found CO2 in the wash water for the naphtha hydro-
carbon dioxide poisoning in the feed on initial start-up. treater that is upstream of that unit, and we found CO
The suspected sources are the fuel gas connection to the and CO2 in our makeup hydrogen. We did change to
towers that feed the unit and the unit feed tank itself, nitrogen to blanket the surge drum and the feed surge
which was built with a fuel gas blanket. We replaced the tank, and that eliminated that problem. We changed to a
feed gas blanketing with nitrogen and then constructed different source of water to get rid of the CO2 problem
direct feed lines to the unit and have had no other con- from the water wash. One of our hydrogen plants is a PSA
tamination issues since then. unit, and we were able to get that tuned to get the CO and
CO2 down to recommended levels. The other hydrogen
DAVIS: plant had a leak in the methanator feed effluent exchanger,
CENEX has not experienced CO or CO2 poisoning to allowing carbon oxides to sneak by the methanator. So we
the best of its knowledge, but has considered the follow- fixed that and the problem went away.
ing. If steam methane reforming hydrogen were used for We developed and patented a novel solution to this
the butamer unit, the possibility exists that minute quan- problem that allows some CO and CO2 in the feed
tities of CO2 could get to the catalyst. We typically use without damaging the catalysts.
catalytic reformer hydrogen, so this was not a real concern.
But, on occasion, we have switched to steam methane RICHARD M. NASH (Shell Oil Products Company):
reforming hydrogen for short, say about a 1 week period I agree with Mr. Johnson’s comments. In fact, he may
of time with no noticeable adverse effect. have been referring to one of our butamer units. We have
a cyclic reformer and complete a regeneration about every
ARNDT: 24 hours. What we have noted is that the hydrogen
We have a different experience. We see CO in our CCR produced from the reformer has 40 ppm to 80 ppm of CO
hydrogen anywhere from 4 ppm to 10 ppm and that immediately after reactor switch and that decays over the
obviously distresses our isomerization plant. Our current next 24 hours, rapidly, but down to a minimum of 5 ppm
fix is to dilute the CCR hydrogen with manufactured to 10 ppm. We think the CO is being formed from using
hydrogen, knowing that our methanator in our hydrogen the combination of make hydrogen for reduction and
plant is in good condition. I am not sure how we are going having no dryer on the regeneration system. Therefore, we
to get out of this box as our methanator ages. I assume have fairly high moisture. Right now we do not have a
UOP is going to help us here. solution. We are living with the problem and the rate at
which we are poisoning the butamer catalyst.
There have been several incidents of CO/CO2 poison- KEITH BUERCKLIN (Marathon Oil Company):
ing. The source of the contaminant can be from cyclic Has anyone experienced oxygenates in their Penex feed,
reformers and as Mr. Arndt mentioned also CCR platform- and if so, what kind of problems are you seeing as a result
ers. We have observed that high water levels in the catalytic of that and how have you addressed them? What have you
reformer will generate a high CO content in the hydrogen. done to get rid of the oxygenates?
One of the things that we found on a particular unit was
that the air dryers for the CCR regenerator were not ARNDT:
working properly. When new dryers were installed with
We have seen oxygenates in our Penex feed when we
proper sieve and proper operating procedures, the moisture
ran off some off test gasoline back to the crude unit. We
in the recycle gas went down as did the CO content. As
got out of that box by hydrotreating the Penex feed.
Ms. Barker mentioned, there have also been various con-
tamination scenarios from upstream tankage and fractiona-
tion trains, again traced to contaminated gas blanketing
systems. One of the things that we have found is the use of G. Etherification
natural gas blanketing for upstream units and tanks. The
natural gas contains CO2 which will dissolve into the liquid Question 40.
feeds providing the route for CO2 into the unit. What is the status of producing TAME, ETBE or TABE
I agree. We actually delayed the start-up of our Penex GENTRY:
Plus unit this year for that very reason. We found CO2 in None of the alternative ethers have reached the level of
the liquid hydrocarbon that we believe got into there from commercial acceptance that MTBE has to date. The vol-
natural gas blanketing, both the feed surge drum and the ume of MTBE produced either on refinery units associated

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 193


with FCCUs or on large merchant scale dehydrogenation lower light olefin content in mogas
units overwhelms the total volume of the other ethers. lower mogas RVP.
TAME has reached moderate commercial acceptance All this is good in the world of CARB gasoline.
with refiners having installed units on FCC pentenes, but
the economics are somewhat marginal compared to alky- JACKSON:
lation of isoamylenes. TAME units are more expensive We have an ether unit which is a TAME unit, CD Tech
than MTBE units, because conversion rates are lower and design, in one of our European refineries. It is currently
prefractionation of the C5 feed is somewhat more expen- on turn down; the economics are not good due to the high
sive than that of C4 feeds. methanol prices and the fact that the refinery where we
ETBE has been produced commercially in a few units have this plant has excellent available gasoline octane from
which were converted from MTBE production. Most of the reformers.
those units are back in MTBE service due to the recent
higher price of ethanol and due to the option for direct JEAN-LUC NOCCA (HRI, Inc./lFP):
ethanol blending into gasoline. Generally, extra equip- We have, six TAME units running. One of them has
ment is required to dewater the ethanol fresh feed or been operating in the TAEE mode for quite a while, and
recycle ethanol feed as compared to methanol feed in we have 3 ETBE units running at the moment. The ETBE
MTBE units. plants are running in Europe, because there is a large tax
Several MTBE licensors offer design options for ETBE incentive on ethanol.
production as an alternate if desired. We are not aware of
the commercial production of TABE as oxygenates for fuel DAVID J. MILLER (ARCO Chemical Company):
blending. I generally agree with the comments on ETBE. We
could immediately produce 30,000 bbl/d of ETBE on our
ARNDT: largest MTBE unit if the economics were there. We have
We have two 25,000 bbl/d TAME plants running on commercially produced ETBE on a tolling arrangement
the West Coast. They both employ a catalytic distillation to show that the product was viable and sent samples to
process and both have selective hydrogenation of the feed. most major oil companies for testing. But as long as the
They started up about a year ago. Besides the value of price of ethanol in this country is so much higher than
producing oxygenates and keeping us in isobutane bal- methanol, it is not economical.
ance, we get the added benefit of:

194 Light Oil Catalytic Processing



A. Sulfur Recovery area. The lean loading does have an impact on corrosion
in most all the areas mentioned above. Under stripping
Amine Plants will result in a high lean loading which will cause corro-
sion. However, the lean loading can be controlled with
Question 1. adequate stripping steam, avoiding corrosion. If stripping
Has anyone experienced problems with high CO2 ab- steam is adequate and the lean loading is low and corrosion
sorption in MDEA systems? Has this resulted in in- still occurs, the cause is likely a contaminate such as heat
creased corrosion due to increased rich and lean gas stable salts.
CO2 loadings?
JOHNSON: We have run into this situation quite often, and what
MDEA preferentially absorbs H2S and slips CO2. it comes down to is the rich amine acid gas loading,
Since most refinery streams treated with MDEA contain specifically the H2S loading, exceeding 0.6 mole per mole.
both gases, it is suspected that the higher corrosion en- What happens is that the H2S is selectively absorbed much
countered might be attributed to total acid overloading faster than the CO2. So if you have a high H2S loading,
and not specifically to high CO2 absorption. Absorbed the CO2 can be selectively desorbed in the bottom of the
CO2 may be released or flashed off more readily in certain absorber tower. You set up reflux of CO2 and can generate
situations, depending on temperature, etc., leading to substantial concentrations of CO2. The corrosion that
localized corrosion. results is from the carbonic acid that is formed in that local
area. The solution to this problem is lowering the total
KIMBRELL: acid gas loading in the rich amine. That is usually accom-
We use MDEA in the absorber of our tail gas unit for plished one of two ways, or both ways. These are increasing
our sulfur recovery plant. Due to problems, we were the solution strength or picking up the circulation rate, if
building a liquid level in the absorber higher than normal possible, or doing both of those.
on each of the trays. When that occurred, the CO2 absorp-
tion of the MDEA went up quite a bit. The solution was ROBERT HLOZEK (Union Carbide Corporation):
corrosive, but it was corrosive before we had that problem Basically, we concur with what the panelists have said.
occur. I am not sure that the CO2 concentration contrib- While MDEA based solvents are more selective for absorp-
uted to the corrosion, but I am sure it did not help tion of H2S in the presence of CO2 than generic amines,
anything. higher than desired CO2 absorption can occur. This is
usually a result of changing acid gas composition, too
HUNKUS: many stages of contact in the absorber, or not following
We are not aware of any corrosion problems that could the suppliers’ recommendations on solvent chemistry.
be attributed primarily or significantly to high CO2 ab- Usually higher than design CO2 absorption negatively
sorption. CO2 absorption is mass transfer controlled. impacts the H2S absorption.
Increasing CO2 absorption requires higher circulation On the second part of the question, higher than design
rates, which in turn, results in lower loadings. We have CO2 absorption usually does not result in corrosion of
used both DEA and MDEA type high capacity amines, process equipment, although both rich and lean CO2
but find the strongest correlation for corrosion with loadings may have increased. Other factors that cause
strength. corrosion, e.g., heat stable salts, two phase flow, cavitation,
Most corrosion in amine systems occurs in the con- etc., are much more important potential causes of corro-
denser, the bottom of the stripper, the reboiler, and the hot sion than increased CO2 absorption.
lean line before the exchanger. In some cases, it occurs in
the hot rich line, especially just after a reduction in pres- CHARLES L. MORGAN (LaGloria Oil & Gas Company):
sure. Most of these areas have very little relationship to the I would like to share an experience we had recently. We
rich loading or to the degree of CO2 absorption. have a UOP catalytic cracker that has a dome air grid in
Furthermore, the condenser has no relation to the it and a catalyst standpipe that runs down through the air
amine loadings at all since the amine is not present in this inlet. We started experiencing high rates of heat stable salts

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 195


build up and associated corrosion. We used anti-oxidation caustic scrubbing system can remove the H2S to less than
chemicals with not a lot of success. As time went on, we 1 ppm. The makeup and spent caustic requirements are
started realizing that we were actually passing some CO2 usually so small that they do not impact the overall refinery
into the sulfur recovery unit. With some investigation and caustic system.
being forced to continue to operate, we found that the
standpipe had a leak from the air dome section into the Question 3.
reactor causing much higher rates of CO and CO2 going Discuss amine selectivity for absorption of COS, mer-
into the absorber. The solution to that was to shut down captan and other organic sulfur compounds. What
and repair the air grid, and we did that. fraction of these compounds were removed? Does this
After we came back up, with very little flushing the create a problem for the Claus unit?
corrosion was minimal. The oxygen absorbing chemicals
we were using started performing very well, and the whole JOHNSON:
system returned to normal. I wanted to share that because
Both COS and mercaptans can be removed with amine
it is an unusual case of what can happen.
solutions, but both compounds are readily displaced by
V. A. CITARELLA (Exxon Research and Engineering Company):
stronger acids such as H2S and CO2. Also, COS is hydro-
High acid absorption, CO2 and H2S, in any amine lyzed to CO2 and H2S. Essentially, all mercaptans pass
solution increases its corrosivity at any given temperature, through the absorber when acid gases are present which is
because it makes it more acidic (i.e., lowers the pH). usual in refinery situations. Typically, about 75% or more
MDEA is a relatively weak base compared to other amines, of the COS present is converted to H2S and CO2 which
particularly FLEXSORB®SE. Therefore, high CO2 ab- are stripped out when the amine is regenerated. Any
sorption in MDEA results in lower pH and higher cor- non-acidic sulfur compounds present in the hydrocarbon
rosivity. FLEXSORB®SE, a sterically hindered amine being treated are not removed by amine treating. Hence,
proprietary to Exxon Research and Engineering Com- they would not affect the Claus unit.
pany, can accommodate high CO2 loadings while main-
taining high solution pH (greater than 10.5) and low SMITH:
corrosion rates of carbon steel. The selectivity of DGA for absorption of COS and
other organic compounds is high, around 90%. H2S
Question 2. absorption is around 66%, and mercaptans are consider-
It appears that environmental regulations will limit ably lower, around 10%. It does not cause any major
the emissions of H2S from amine surge tanks. What concern to us in our Claus units.
options are available to reduce these emissions?
DAVIS: A 1990 study found that our MEA contactor removed
CENEX is not aware of a regulation specifically reduc- 55% to 70% of the carbonyl sulfide from the feed gas.
ing H2S emissions from amine surge tanks. However, all The feed gas concentration was about 100 ppmv during
3 amine surge tanks at our refinery have nitrogen blankets the test. Mercaptan removal ranged from 30% to 80%
on them operating at 5 in. of water column. The tanks for feed gas concentrations of mercaptans ranging from
have a combination relief valve vacuum breaker in which 400 ppmv to 1300 ppmv. We have no data on carbon
the relief valve vents to atmosphere. While this certainly
reduces some H2S evolution to the atmosphere, the main
In a 1993 study, our sulfur plant Claus plants removed
reason for the system is to minimize oxygen incursion into
the amine. 92% of the carbonyl sulfide and 37% of the carbon
disulfide in the first catalytic bed with a relatively low
catalyst outlet temperature of 562°F. This level of organic
Emissions from amine surge tanks can be sent to the sulfur compounds does not appear to create a problem for
sulfur plant incinerator or be treated by a suitable H2S our Claus plant.
scavenger before being released to the atmosphere. Scav-
engers are preferred since the incinerator option replaces HERBERT W. WIZIG (Merichem Company):
an H2S emission with an SO2 emission. In some cases, a Another means for removal of residual COS, particu-
motive force (steam ejector or fan) is required to move the larly from LPG streams, is using MEA/caustic solutions
gas to the incinerator inlet. The H2S scavengers may be which will result in less than 1 ppm COS weight in the
solid beds containing metal oxides of zinc or iron that are treated LPG. The MEA catalyzes the hydrolysis of car-
converted to metal sulfide, but usually scavenging by bonyl sulfide into hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide
liquid treating is more economical. A small circulating which are subsequently absorbed into the caustic phase.

196 Energy and Environmental Management


MARK O. WIMBERLY (Union Carbide Corporation): rich amine solutions and allows both dissolved and en-
It has been our experience that an amine which will trained hydrocarbons to separate out of the amine solution.
readily absorb CO2, such as MEA and DEA, will also At Union Carbide, we have been focusing on the flip
absorb large amounts of COS. We have seen absorption side of the problem and that is, how can the solubility of
in the range of anywhere from 65% to 85% of the incom- amines in hydrocarbons be reduced to cut the annual
ing COS. However, an amine which will slip CO2, such consumption of MDEA based solvents in the refinery?
as MDEA, will also slip COS. We have seen anywhere This work has been successful and we have introduced
from 20% to 40% of the COS being absorbed in the three new UCARSOL® solvents into the market place
incoming stream. However, we do have a formulated that are less soluble in cracked LPG than MDEA based
UCARSOL® Solvent that also slips CO2 and will absorb solvents alone.
COS in the range of 65% to 75% of the incoming COS.
Generally speaking, the organic mercaptans and other Question 5.
organic sulfur compounds are not completely removed Is anyone subcooling the regenerator acid gas to the
under typical refinery conditions. The organic sulfur which Claus plant to reduce water content? Are any refiners
is removed does not create a problem for the Claus unit. using pumparound cooling to accomplish this?

Question 4. JACKSON:
There are new technologies for removal of hydrocar- At BP, we have Claus plants at all of our refineries. The
bons dissolved in amine solutions. This should pro- last one will be going in the end of 1997. We do not
vide a better feed to sulfur plants. What are the remove water from the amine regenerator gas over and
refineries doing to exploit this technology?
above normal cooling water or air type cooling. Typically,
the temperature of the amine gas is around 105°F (40°C),
which equates to around 4 mol% water at a 10 psig to 12
psig (0.8 barg) pressure. We do not see the need to remove
My contacts were not aware of any new technologies
more water as this might affect the sulfur production
for removing hydrocarbons. However, there are some
equilibria detrimentally.
standard design things that can be done to improve an
The sour water stripper offgas to the Claus unit is
amine operation. The units they were familiar with all had
hotter, around 185°F to 195°F (85°C to 90°C) and has
activated carbon beds to remove the heavy hydrocarbons,
more water in it. The option to reduce this water content
foam causing agents. You can also use a water prewash of might result in salting out at around 185°F (85°C).
the acid gas and have skimming ability available for the
upper hydrocarbon layers in the rich amine vessel. DiCAMILLO:
From a more practical standpoint, removing the water
HERBERT W. WIZIG (Merichem Company):
from the regenerator acid gas is probably not justifiable,
Merichem’s AMINEXSM system with a FIBER- because it is only a small portion of the total water content
FILMTM contactor results in minimal hydrocarbon car- in the Claus plant.
ryunder above solubility in the amine phase, and is unlike
trayed or packed columns which can result in excessive MO VADEKAR (CHEM TECH Consulting):
hydrocarbon carryunder and subsequent hydrocarbon I recall an incident several years ago, on a warm
losses from the rich amine surge drum in the amine summer day at an amine treating unit in FCC (reactor
regeneration unit. offgas) service. An unexpected blockage developed at a
metering station in the sour gas line on its way to the sulfur
RICK W. BIRNBAUM (Union Carbide Corporation): plant, where gas temperature was approximately 65°F to
Relatively little work has been done to measure the 70°F at about 15 psi to 20 psi pressure. We did not know
solubility of hydrocarbons in amines. Research has shown why there should be any obstruction in the line, but after
that methane and ethane are more soluble in higher some investigation it appeared that the plug may have
molecular weight amines than they are in lower molecular been due to hydrate formation, hence we turned on a low
weight amines. Methane, for example, is roughly 20% pressure steam hose at the meter. As the meter warmed up,
more soluble in a 35 wt% solution of MDEA than it is in the blockage soon disappeared indicating that there might
an 18 wt% solution of MEA. indeed have been hydrate formation at the orifice meter.
In any event, however, the solubility of methane in This was a curious observation, since both H2S and
MDEA solutions is small and does not exceed 40 scf/1000 CO2 are individually known to form hydrates at fairly
gal of solution, when the solution is contacted with gas at high, but lower than the above, temperatures. Not much
a pressure of 150 psi. For design purposes, a rich solution was known about the behavior of mixed gases at the time.
flash drum operated at low pressures adequately degasses This observation suggested that when both gases were

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 197


present at fairly high relative levels (H2S-to-CO2 ratio in HERBERT W. WIZIG (Merichem Company):
the sour gas at 2 to 2.5) hydrates were formed at the Merichem’s AMINEXSM systems that utilize the FI-
observed temperatures. BER-FILMTM contactor are designed for 5 ppmw maxi-
mum amine carryover above solubility and thus avoid this
Question 6. problem of excessive amine carryover.
What is the typical amine carryover in LPG counter- In addition, Merichem has an operating unit in Europe
current extraction towers? How are carryover prob- employing our water wash AQUAFININGSM technology
lems addressed? that recovers entrained and soluble MDEA from an LPG
stream that has been treated in an upstream conventional
FEARNSIDE: counter current extraction tower. The resulting MDEA
With good operations, the amine carryover should be water solution is then processed in the amine regeneration
close to what the solubility limits are for whatever particu- unit to recover the MDEA
lar amine is in use. To give you some examples, at 77°F
and 300 psi in 50% MDEA, the solubility is around 310 JON CONRAD (Union Carbide Corporation):
ppm. For 30% DEA, it is 120 ppm, and 15% MEA, 260 We have seen that amine is lost from a unit in several
ppm. If you are much above those numbers, you either ways. The larger contributors are solubility and entrain-
have mechanical problems or process related problems. By ment losses from LPG treaters. The second in order are
process related problems I mean, you are not allowing the vapor pressure and entrainment losses in gas treaters.
enough residence time for the amine to settle properly. The third route is housekeeping losses such as filter
changeout, leaking pump seals, or accidental chemical
spills. Finally, upstream upsets can undo every good effort
I will relate an experience that CENEX had when they in the previous three areas.
switched from DEA to MDEA, which seemed to indicate On the first route, losses from LPG treaters can be
there was a higher solubility for the tertiary amine. handled in two ways. Choosing a solvent with a low natural
CENEX, along with the amine vendor, reduced the
solubility in LPG is an excellent first step. Union Carbide
amine carryover by lowering the interface to allow for 5
has introduced a new line of MDEA based solvents which
min of separation time and reduced the MDEA solution
have a lower solubility in LPG relative to generic MDEA
from 35 wt% to 20 wt%.
or other formulated solvents on the market. A solubility
Other considerations when trying to reduce a carryover
reduction of 30% has been observed. These solvents have
problem include proper amine distribution, good amine
solution filtration, and a properly sized contactor and been carefully engineered to allow a drop in conversion
coalescer downstream of the contactor. from previous generation solvents. In addition to solubility
losses, entrainment is an area of concern in reducing amine
losses in LPG. Careful attention should be paid to the
Amine consumption in liquid absorbers may be in the design and operation of separation equipment. A properly
range of 0.02 lb to 0.03 lb of amine per barrel. This is a designed contactor tower and downstream coalescer are
typical figure including both soluble and physical losses. critical to minimizing losses.
Excessive physical amine carryover in LPG systems may be Carbide also recommends a water wash be installed in
the result of exceeding the unit hydraulic design or foam- conjunction with an amine coalescer downstream of un-
ing. Foaming is usually the result of contamination and/or saturated LPG treaters. While losses from a gas treater can
the buildup of heat stable salts, decomposition products only be addressed through the choice of amine, relative to
and suspended solids. Proper filtration to remove particu- the vapor pressure losses and avoidance of entrainer losses,
lates and periodic purging of salts are common remedies. secondary and tertiary amines have lower vapor pressures
Traditionally, partial filtration of lean amine has been than primary amines. Good quality demister pads are
practiced, but some refiners are now using full filtration. recommended in the overhead of every gas treater, along
with a downstream knock out drum to recover amines lost
JAMES L. DAUGHTRY (The Dow Chemical Company): during upset conditions such as the foaming incident.
Dow has documentation of amine losses of 0.01 lb of A final category that can be a major contributor to
amine for each gallon of LPG treated. This calculates to amine losses is accidental contamination from upstream
be approximately 2000 ppm which is significantly higher units. Impurities in the amine can cause severe foaming,
than the solubility of LPGs in MDEA and DEA. Carry- amine loss and off-specification treating. The most com-
over problems are addressed by maintaining good amine mon episodic contamination is the carryover of sponge oil
quality, temperature, and concentration, plus the use of or light cycle oil to an amine fuel gas treater. A single
coalescer separations and the addition of water wash sec- incident such as this can cause more amine loss than all
tions to remove entrained amines. other factors combined.

198 Energy and Environmental Management


JOE GEORGE (Mobil Oil Corporation): masked the foaming effect of the contaminants and al-
A few factors must be considered before we answer the lowed normal unit operation. Antifoam is added at 0.6
question of typical amine carryover in LPG countercur- ppm into the suction of the lean DGA pumps. Foaming
rent extraction towers. First of all, the design of the returns in minutes if the injection stops.
liquid/liquid amine contactor is very important and Because of this experience, an in-depth laboratory
should be evaluated. In many cases, especially in refineries study was undertaken to determine why the activated
that undergo continual debottlenecking for more carbon did not perform satisfactorily, and what impurities
throughput, we find that the amine contactors have been caused the foaming. The finding of the study was that the
pushed well beyond the normal design parameters. Hy- carbon filter was designed for only a 15 min residence time
drocarbon distributor hole velocities should be main- which is much less than the hour and a half required for
tained at or below 1.5 fps. Also, the tray hole velocities sufficient absorption of the foamers.
should be designed for 0.5 fps to 1 fps. Exceeding these Also, the DGA was from a very large system that had
velocities can result in the formation of a tight/stable been used for about 10 years with correspondingly high
emulsion that results in increased amine losses. contaminant concentrations. The amount of carbon re-
Second, the type of amine in question is important and quired to clean this system would have been excessive and
has an effect on carryover. If we are referring to DEA in a uneconomical when compared to using the antifoam.
typical liquid hydrocarbon, the solubility is approximately Over 150 contaminant compounds were identified,
50 ppmw, but if we are referring to MDEA, the solubility but only three groups had measurable foaming tendencies.
of amine in hydrocarbon is approximately 150 ppmw. These were carboxylic acids greater than C8, alkyl phenols
Since MDEA solutions generally operate at higher con- and iron sulfide particulates. Interestingly, the normal
centrations than typical DEA solutions, we would expect hydrocarbons, benzene, toluene, xylene, heavy aromatics
any carryover problems to be increased with MDEA solu- and low concentrations of diesel (used as a carrier for
tions in LPG services. corrosion inhibitor), were not foamers.
We have six liquid/liquid (DEA) amine contactors in The study indicated that a properly sized carbon filter
our refinery, and the hydrocarbon stream just downstream would have adequately controlled foaming in the new
of each contactor was tested for amine concentrations. We DGA and on the used DGA once the initial contaminant
found anywhere from 150 ppmw to 500 ppmw DEA in level was sufficiently lowered. Of course, it also removes
the hydrocarbon, which indicates that we are experiencing the antifoam additive.
liquid entrainment as well as the solubility problem. These As a result, the activated carbon filters on the circulated
numbers may not seem extremely high, yet they accounted amines have been added to all three Saudi Aramco high
for more than 50% of our entire amine loss. We plan to pressure DGA units currently in design or under construc-
install a water wash system on each of the LPG contactors tion. Current practices of other filters are to use mechani-
as turnarounds permit. cal filters to remove particulates and add antifoam agents
as required.
Question 7.
It is commonly held that activated carbon treating of KIMBRELL:
the circulating amine solution is a good way to prevent Our experience is that amines have a tendency to foam
foaming. Have refiners identified the impurity which naturally, but the foam is not stable. It breaks down
causes foaming/carryover? Which standards are used quickly. Hydrocarbon contamination will initiate foam-
to determine regeneration and changing frequency of ing, but in the absence of particulates the foam, again, is
charcoal in the filter of lean amine streams? not stable. However, sufficient particulates will stabilize
the foam. We would recommend particulate filtration to
SMITH: make sure that they do not stabilize the foam, and then
In 1991, at our Shedgum gas plant, a high pressure carbon bed filtration to remove the hydrocarbons to pre-
DGA contactor which operates at 950 psi was added that vent the initiation of the foam. We monitor the oil and
shared a regenerator with existing low pressure DGA grease in our circulating amine systems and try to keep
facilities. At start-up, severe foaming constrained feed to that under 100 ppm.
less than 50% of design rate. A slip stream carbon filter
was quickly designed and installed to eliminate the foam- KOOIMAN:
ing. Even after 3 charges of carbon, there was only a minor I agree. There was a smaller (200 gpm) amine plant that
reduction in high pressure DGA contactor foaming. This was plagued with foaming problems. We had a fairly good
was surprising in view of the widespread use of carbon charcoal bed in it, but the change frequency was approxi-
filters in amine systems. mately annually. We were very reliant on antifoam. We
The filter was eventually removed from service and an increased the frequency of the charcoal filter changeout
antifoam agent is injected on a continuous basis. This from annually to weekly just to hit it hard and saw a

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 199


dramatic difference. We were able to back off on the erator that could potentially reduce foaming. Union Car-
antifoam, and the unit started running like it should. Since bide concurs that carbon filtration is good for removing
that time through trial and error we have backed off on hydrocarbons.
the change outs. We keep an eye out for problems and There are some other things that can be done too. We
when the use of antifoam comes back up, we know that recommend that a visual color change is looked at, usually
we are about to the point of needing a filter change. I think shaking and trying to determine if there is any foaming. If
at present we are at about 6 weeks between changes. We you do have antifoam in your system, you are probably
believe hydrocarbon was causing the problems. going to have more foaming coming out of the carbon bed
rather than less, because it does take the antifoam out.
LEMMON: Normally, we recommend to our refiners to remove and
We had an experience where every time we would replace their carbon beds on a frequency of every 6 months.
change the carbon bed, foaming would get worse. We were
not aware that a post filter downstream of the carbon filter R.E. (Ed) PALMER (Mustang Engineering):
was necessary. What was happening was that carbon fines We designed a large MDEA unit recently, and one of
were coming out of the bed. We were advised by our the things we did was install a vacuum reclaimer that has
carbon supplier to try back flushing out the fines before worked quite successfully. It was somewhat expensive to
putting the carbon bed on-line. We did not find that build, and I think there are other methods for reclaiming
successful. We went to post filtration and foaming was MDEA that are equally effective, such as ion exchange
reduced considerably. systems.
Another thing concerning MDEA losses that we found
in this particular installation was that since there was
If foaming is due to hydrocarbon contamination, the excess hydraulic capacity available in the unit, they were
first thing I would recommend is that you look at the able to reduce amine losses significantly by lowering the
temperatures around your absorber column. Rules of concentration. I think the unit was designed for 40% to
thumb are that you maintain your incoming amine 10° to 45% MDEA, and they typically run now around 25% to
15° hotter than your inlet gas stream. That way you do
30%. Obviously, that takes a little more energy consump-
not condense any of the hydrocarbons and they just pass
tion, but they were in a situation where they had quite a
on through.
bit of low pressure steam available.
The other most frequent cause of foaming is from
corrosion byproducts. If you operate your unit properly to
minimize corrosion, you should not have that concern. As
far as carbon beds go, they work very well. We typically A comment I have relates to Question 6 and 7 with
run across people who determine the life of the carbon bed regard to LPG treating. I fully agree with the causes
based on a delta P across that bed. This is not always the mentioned by the panel and from the floor with respect
case. We find quite frequently that the carbon bed has to contamination of, and foaming in, the amine solvent.
spent itself in terms of hydrocarbon adsorption capacity I wish to add that in addition to the other contaminants,
well before the refiner’s maximum delta P limit has been amine solvent can also contain heavier hydrocarbons such
met. So we would recommend that you analyze for the as compressor seal oil. When these materials build up to
hydrocarbon both before and after the charcoal filter or certain threshold levels, stable emulsions are formed at the
carbon bed to determine the health of that bed. LPG/amine (aqueous) interphase. The dirtier the amine
solvent, the thicker the emulsion layer, which can bounce
DAVID DORN (United Refining): back and forth and up and down in the LPG treating
I would like to poll the panel to see who has a water drum, and at some point amine carryover into LPG and/or
wash on the LPG following the LPG amine absorber to LPG carryunder into the amine is bound to occur. A way
recover amine. out of this dilemma is to eliminate the emulsion itself
when apparent, and the causes of its formation by keeping
HUNKUS: the amine as clean as possible.
Yes, we do, and we are currently looking at that system.
We have a poly like you do, Mr. Dorn. C. MANOHARAN (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
We would like to know what the typical time cycles for
JAMES C. RONNANDER (Union Carbide Corporation): the amine units are? Generally, the regenerator section has
The panel really did not say where the foaming is been the most fouled section over time, and as you said
occurring. I think it is important to look at the process carryover from the upstream units does create a problem.
variables, such as the lean solvent temperature versus gas So can the panel respond on the average turn down cycle
temperature. There are also things to look at in the regen- for amine unit?

200 Energy and Environmental Management


SMITH: probably look at purging amine regenerator reflux to the

Our turnaround cycle for our low pressure DGA plants sour water stripper to control ammonia build up in that
is 5 years. system.

WINSTON CHARLES (Petrotrin): JAMES JENKINS (MPR Services, Inc.):

I have two questions. Has anyone experienced higher We have a couple of ion exchange units that have been
than normal rates of formation of heat stable salts on running continuously for about a year and a half in a
recommissioning a DEA plant system after turnaround? couple of refineries, and it really has helped them with
If so, can they suggest an explanation? Is the rate of their amine losses and unit stability. They are quite
formation of heat stable salts in an amine system treating pleased. The control of corrosion and heat stable salt is
FCC products dependent on the severity of FCC opera- effective for them. The other thing we are doing with some
tion? customers is helping them control the sodium in the
system. Be it from upstream upsets or some previous
FEARNSIDE: deliberate caustic additions, high levels of sodium causing
On the second question, we find that is not true. What surface tension and viscosity changes were making the
we find more common is how well the wet gas compressor foam more stable and harder to break. We reduced those
water wash is being implemented and utilized as to how levels and they returned to a smooth operation.
much normally occurring acetate, formates, etc., are car-
ried over into the amine unit. MO VADEKAR (CHEM TECH Consulting):
I have a comment on a question which came up earlier
regarding heat stable (HS) acid build up in the amine
We have not experienced rapid heat stable salt forma-
solvents in the FCC gas treating service.
tion after start-up, but there are lots of things that can
I observed early in my work (as others have) that the
cause that. I also agree with Mr. Fearnside that the severity
HS acid build up in amines in FCC gas service was much
of the FCCU is not necessarily the thing that is causing
faster than those in natural gas or refinery (crude) light
the salt formation. Both the FCCU and the coker have all
sorts ofmaterials in the gas. There are cyanides and all sorts ends treaters. There are several obvious reasons for this
of other acids that can form heat stable salts. So it could difference, but some unusual, perhaps not so well under-
be the way the whole rest of the system is being operated. stood ones deserve a mention here.
FCC (reactor) offgases contain small but significant
KEVIN R. PROOPS (Koch Refining Company): concentrations of residual oxygen entrained with the
I wanted to endorse the water wash concept for reduc- regenerated catalyst recycle. Also, there are large
ing amine losses from LPG treaters. If you are looking for amounts of H2 S and significant concentrations of
a low cost way to accomplish that revamp, you may HCN (depending on the nitrogen content of FCC
consider using a static mixer as the amine contactor, feed).
particularly if you are following the amine contacting step Cyanide ions in the solution react with sulfide ions
with a caustic treating step. Single stage static mixing in the presence of oxygen to form thiocyanate CNS
should be adequate to get the H2S level down to reasonable ions, (ref: McCoy: Analysis of Industrial Water,
levels. Also, if the water balance is a concern, you should Chemical Publishing Co., 1969). Thiocyanic acid is
a much stronger acid than both H2S and CO2 (in
fact it is often called a pseudo halide, mimicking
chloride); thus the amine thiocyanate remains and
accumulates on an ongoing basis in the amine as HS
acid component.
Another such acid is thiosulfuric acid (as S2O3 ion).
This acid ion is formed by direct reaction of sulfide
with oxygen, and being a stronger acid remains in
the HS acid.
When the FCC unit is restarted from a shutdown, the
unstable conditions during start-up can cause excursions
in O 2 content of the reactor offgas. In addition, if the
amine solvent is stored during the shutdown in un-
blanketed tanks, it can pick up oxygen. Thus, often a step
change is observed in HS acid build soon after start-up.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 201


CHARLES T. ORLANDO (Pall Corporation): the deposition gas is vented to the atmosphere through a
In over 100 amine systems that Pall has investigated, small vent stack above the tank.
we were able to get the particulate contaminant loading
down to less than 1 ppm. We have actually eliminated the HUNKUS:
foaming due to particulate stabilizing the foam. In every The experience using above ground carbon steel tanks
case, if you can get the particulate down to less than 1 ppm, for SRU rundown that we know of has been good. A big
you can eliminate the foam. advantage is that the tank can be heated from the outside,
eliminating steam leaking into the tank. We believe a key
HUNKUS: to proper tank life is to exclude air from the tank, as air
We have experienced heat stable salts, rapid build up and moisture will cause corrosion just like coil steam
right after start-up. It was something basic that we did. I supply lines corrode in concrete pits. I would guess that
will check that and share it with anyone who wants to Mr. Smith has drier air in the Kingdom than we do in
spend some time discussing it. You should verify your Memphis.
analyzers with dragger tubes at least twice per shift, espe- In most cases, the tank will float on SRU tail gas
cially during start-up. pressure. In some cases, the tail gas flows through the tank.
Tank sweep vapor can flow to the incinerator or to the
tail gas cleanup unit inlet (if the tank can be pressurized
Sulfur Plants — this requires careful design of the rundown system and
seal pots). Otherwise, an adductor may be used much like
on a traditional sulfur pit. Just be careful you do not put
Question 8.
one on that can pull too deep a vacuum, unless you design
What has been the experience with the use of above
for it.
ground tanks versus pits for the storage of liquid sulfur?
What is the source and disposition of the purge gas?
We also have pits below grade that daily sulfur produc-
SMITH: tion goes into, and we pump out of those pits into above
In the Ras Tanura Refinery, there are both an under- ground storage tanks. The biggest problem that we have
ground concrete storage pit and two off plot above grade had with those tanks is keeping the roofs hot. Condensa-
molten sulfur loading tanks. The underground pit is sized tion of moisture on the roof has caused some serious
for 24 hours of production. As is typical, it is located below problems, not only internally. If you do not properly
the pipeway in the plant. The pit is inspected every two design the steam tracing externally and let water drip on
years and minor concrete repairs are made. the outside, that can be a problem as well. That is really
The pit also includes H2S degassing zones. The source the key to having good performance of those tanks.
of the purged gas is atmospheric air which is abducted into
the pit and out into the thermal oxidizer stack via steam LEMMON:
ejector. The purge air picks up any H2S released by the Tosco’s experience with above ground storage tanks has
degassing pumps that constantly circulate the liquid sulfur also been favorable. I agree with the other panelists that
into spray nozzles into the vapor space above the liquid the key to controlling corrosion is keeping water out of
sulfur. the tank. To accomplish that, at the Bayway Refinery they
Our gas plants have over 20 years experience in both have blanketed their tank with nitrogen. They vent the
above ground tanks and concrete pits for storing liquid tanks to the tail gas treating unit. A general observation is
sulfur. The concrete underground pits work as a settler for that a thick wall concrete pit is probably more tolerant to
the liquid sulfur product from the Claus condensers. sulfuric acid attack than a thin wall steel tank.
These sulfur pits are normally open for maintenance every
2 years. The major findings are cracks in roofs, fallen KENNETH P. REVELL (TPA, Inc.):
debris, and deposits of carbon, sulfur, and silicon on the On concrete storage pit failures, we find that most of
bottom of the sulfur pit and steam heating coils. the time when they were installed an acid test was not run
The above ground tank requires much less maintenance on the concrete to ensure that it would be resistant to the
than the underground sulfur pits. When opened, the tanks acids formed in sulfur pits. If you run a typical acid test
are found clean and require only minor maintenance. The on the concrete beforehand, they tend to last just as long
degassing process in the sulfur pit removes the dissolved as any other system. An alternate method is to install sulfur
H2S and routes it again to the thermal oxidizer stack (250 storage tanks inside of concrete pits. This method allows
ft tall) using stack draft for the drawing air. you to place steam panels on the outside, removing the
The above ground tank is purged with an air compres- most problematic portion of sulfur storage systems. A
sor. The air is introduced into the bottom of the tank and storage tank also allows you to run the tank at higher

202 Energy and Environmental Management


pressures and recover the sulfur vapors for disposal in the no evidence that higher operating temperatures (when
tail gas treater unit. processing sour water stripper offgas) result in more or
faster refractory degradation. On occasion, firebrick dam-
FRANK BUZIUK (Chevron Research & Technology Company): age on the inner lining has exposed the castable refractory
Most of our units have sulfur pits with capacity for without any problems.
approximately one day’s sulfur production. The pit con-
tents are transferred daily to shipping storage tanks. These LEMMON:
storage tanks do have a history of problems with corrosion, We also use castable refractory at a sulfur plant. The
especially the upper tank walls and the roof. Proper designs total thickness is 9 in. I agree with Chevron’s experience
can eliminate most of this corrosion. The tanks are venti- that dryout is essential to a reliable system.
lated with an air sweep system. Most use air blowers to
draw vapor form the tank, several designs are used to KENNETH P. REVELL (TPA, Inc.):
control emissions. In some locations, the sulfur is degassed When using castable refractory in thermal reactors,
to below 10 ppm hydrogen sulfide in the pits. As a result, what we typically see as the point of failure is the method
there are minimal sulfur emissions form the tanks and of attachment to the shell (steerhorns). These anchors tend
additional controls are not required. to conduct the heat because they are closer to the interior
We do operate one unit (TPA design) which has an surface of the thermal reactor, thus seeing much higher
above ground storage vessel instead of a sulfur pit to receive temperatures than the shell. Also, the differences in expan-
the continuous sulfur production. This unit was first sion of the metal anchors and the castable refractory can
started approximately 5 years ago and has been operated cause cracking and subsequent refractory failures.
by Chevron for the last 3 years. The vessel is used for both
receiving sulfur production from the process and for prod- JACKSON:
uct shipments. There have been no reports of any prob- You said that the anchor system, the steerhorn, does not
lems with the vessel. The vapors from this unit are routed work? What can you recommend from your experience?
to the tail gas incinerator.
Question 9.
We recommend two layers of brick. We use an insulation
Does anyone use monolithic castable refractory lining
layer against the steel vessel and a radiant barrier on the
as the internal refractory in sulfur furnaces?
interior layer. The design basis has been used for almost two
decades with very good results (as compared to castable).
We have 16 sulfur plants in our domestic refineries. The
majority were designed by Parsons and their vintage is
mid-1970s on average. They use castable refractory for the What is used at Chevron?
liners. There is some fire brick used for the really tough
areas. Most of them are still operating with the original FRANK BUZIUK (Chevron Research & Technology Company):
refractory. We have replaced refractory in a few units and We have three units that have been installed within the
found that the keys to success are to properly apply it and last 4 or 5 years with the double firebrick installation. All
carefully dry it out. Make sure your installer is very com- the others are 15 to 20 years old with the castable. Only
petent and gets a good smooth round circumference. We time will tell how the two compare; we do not have enough
have used two techniques for dry out. One is to bring in information yet. We have not had any problems with the
a service company with their own heater. The other is to fire brick in the 4 to 5 years these units have been in
embed thermocouples throughout the wet refractory and operation.
use them to give us the information to control the firing
of the burners for dryout. Question 10.
What is the experience of your refinery in using oxy-
BARKER: gen-enrichment technology for sulfur recovery units?
At one refinery, we use castable refractory as both a 4 What are the limitations to using oxygen enrichment?
in. outer and a 2.5 in. middle lining for the main Claus What are safety requirements that need to be consid-
reactors, and also as a middle 3.5 in. lining for the fired ered in its use?
reheaters. The fired reheaters typically operate between
420°F and 450°F, while the main Claus reactors operate LEMMON:
between 2300°F and 2500°F. In 1992, Tosco commissioned an oxygen enrichment
No unusual maintenance has been required for the system at one of our Claus sulfur plants. The project was
castable refractory short of an occasional patch. There is constructed jointly with Air Products. The system has

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 203


been operating well and has been used almost continu- Capacity increases of up to 120% have been claimed
ously. Its intent was to increase the SRU capacity. by some licensed processes with oxygen content of up to
The system was designed to operate with combustion 60% to 75%. This is achieved by either flame moderation,
air enriched to a maximum of 28% oxygen. The oxygen step wise combustion, or the use of specialty burners to
concentration limitation was the existing air piping, which shield the refractory from high temperatures. The capacity
we chose not to thoroughly clean for oxygen service. increase is dependent on composition and is also limited
Safety requirements are the ability to detect oxygen by the ammonia content of the feed.
level in the combustion air downstream of the enrichment
point and the ability to shut down the oxygen system if RON SCHENDEL (BOC Gases):
you have too high a concentration. At high concentrations With regard to the limitations, the industry standard
of oxygen, carbon steel piping can actually catch fire and of 28% is primarily related to the materials construction
burn. We also have reaction furnace temperature indica- of the air piping and the cleaning and installation proce-
tions and alarms. dure. It is not only the danger of the pipe itself burning,
The project’s biggest drawback is that if the oxygen but also of the hydrocarbon film in the pipe igniting and
system trips, the SRU will go into oxygen deficient opera- carrying a flame back to the air compressor. With up to
tion resulting in increased hydrogen sulfide emissions. 28%, you can inject oxygen directly into the air with a
diffuser pipe. The next limitation above 28% is either the
KIMBRELL: waste heat boiler duty (and steam system associated with
We have been using oxygen enrichment in our two it), or the temperature in the reaction furnace. A special
refineries, one of them for almost 10 years and the other burner is required to deliver oxygen directly to the furnace
one for the last 3 years. Actually, experience at both above 28% overall enrichment.
facilities has been good. The first refinery experienced BOC provides such a burner. The type of burner has
some burner instabilities when the oxygen concentration an impact on how much oxygen can be used. The BOC
got up to around 24%. The burner was not designed for design is a Tip Mix type burner which promotes endother-
the higher oxygen concentration. Fortunately, we have not mic dissociation reactions. This allows maximum oxygen
needed to go much higher than that. On the other facility, concentrations of up to about 45% to 60% oxygen in a
we have been able to go up to 27% oxygen enrichment. typical refinery situation.
As Mr. Lemmon indicated, that is what we would consider To get beyond that limitation, BOC Gases also offers
being a maximum limit from an oxygen service and clean- the double combustion process which allows up to 100%
liness of the systems standpoint. oxygen and up to 250% of original design capacity.
We have high temperature shutdown incorporated into
the design. Should we lose air, we would shut down oxygen CHARLES LeROY (CITGO Petroleum Corporation):
as well. I agree that you need to talk to your oxygen We suffered several sulfur plant failures this last year,
supplier for other safeguards. and we tracked them back to the fact that we are running
heavier and more sour crudes. We are pushing the sulfur
GENTRY: plants a lot harder, and we have oxygen enrichment on
I will address the effect on refractory and burner mate- both of our sulfur trains.
rial as the oxygen content of the combustion air is raised. We have found that if you push the oxygen levels up
As the oxygen content of the combustion air is raised, the to increase capacity, you can reach a point where the
relative drop in the nitrogen content increases the tem- temperatures go up with the higher oxygen levels, and it
perature in the thermal reactor. The refractory is exposed also pushes your mass flux rates up in the waste heat
to higher temperatures, and the burner material is sub- boiler. We feel that we have exceeded the mass flux rates
jected to oxidation due to the higher concentration of and exceeded the ability of the tubes to cool, changing
oxygen. These process considerations impose limits on the the boiling regime around the tubes. We suffered failures
oxygen content of the combustion air. right downstream of the farrow outlets.
As several of the panelists have mentioned, enriching We have gone back and looked at boiler tube spacings
the oxygen content of the combustion air to about 28% and mass flux rates. If it gets above 6, you have problems;
allows a 20% to 25% boost in sulfur processing capability. typical designs are 3 to 4. If you push the oxygen enrich-
This level of oxygen can be used without changing the ment, you can push this mass flux rate up past the point
refractory or the burner. that the tubes are able to cool. You need to look at tube
A 30% to 40% increase in capacity can be achieved by spacing and mass flux rates and/or other design issues.
increasing the oxygen content to about 40%. This level You can push the oxygen levels up to the point where
will require high intensity burners with a special injection you cannot remove the heat in that zone. We have cor-
port for oxygen. Higher grade refractory is also required rected these and think we are going to get past this
for the thermal reactor and the boiler tube sheet. reliability problem.

204 Energy and Environmental Management


KENNETH P. REVELL (TPA, Inc.): Question 11.

Comments have been made that the limit on oxygen In our sulfur recovery units, we observed cement-like
enrichment is 28%. I just wanted to make sure that people solids materials in sulfur condensers. Has anybody
understood that if you go above that, you need to inject else encountered formation of such material, has it
the oxygen directly into the thermal reactor, because you been analyzed and what are the possible reasons and
cannot control any contaminants entering through the air counter measures? Are the gray solids that show up
line. If you attach it to the air line for enrichment, you can in the look boxes of select sulfur condensers (usually
damage the pipe, as one of the gentleman mentioned. We the first and sometimes the last condenser) the same
have an injection system to inject oxygen directly into the material?
thermal reactors. We have had good success, up to the 60%
oxygen level, and we have achieved over 100% capacity JOHNSON:
increase on certain installations. Cement like solids were a familiar occurrence on one
sulfur unit we have dealt with. The problem was mostly
UDAY N. PAREKH (Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.): associated with the formation of ammonium sulfate salts
What is the highest level of capacity increase that is in the process. The solidification temperature is low
actually being achieved with the practice of oxygen enrich- enough to result in deposition in the tubes, demister pads,
ment of sulfur plants and the technology that is being used and sulfur drain lines of the condensers. The last con-
to achieve this? denser, which usually operates at the lowest temperature,
typically is the one to experience this type of problem.
LEMMON: For this unit, the problem went away almost overnight
Our oxygen enrichment system is achieving about a by adjustment of the reaction furnace gas flows and ensur-
25% increase in SRU capacity. Our project is not a “world ing substoichiometric operation of the reheat burners.
class maximum” oxygen enrichment system. It was de-
signed to be a cost-effective small expansion project. ARNDT:
Possible causes of the solids are: 1) during dry out and
THOMAS K. CHOW (Parsons Process Group, Inc.): initial operation refractory chemicals may be leaching out;
With regards to the capacity increase using oxygen 2) boiler feed water chemicals due to a tube leak; and 3)
enrichment, when it goes beyond 28% oxygen you have formation of “carsul” due to hydrocarbons in the feed gas.
several considerations. First, as Mr. Schendel mentioned, The first two causes usually produce a gray solid, and the
is the capacity of the waste heat boiler. Another considera- third usually forms a very dark, hard solid.
tion is the design temperature of the refractory in the
reaction furnace. Normally, you can go up to a design of Question 12.
around 2900°F or 3000°F. A 90% aluminum will sustain COS and CS2 are formed in Claus units. What methods
a temperature of around 3200°F. However, under an are used to control or minimize their formation? What
oxidizing atmosphere, it is safe to design below 3000°F. impact does feed gas composition have on their for-
Now, with that you are talking about an oxygen enrich- mation? Does hydrogenation catalyst in the TGTU
ment limit of up to around 45%. If you have a specially convert COS and CS2 to other compounds?
designed burner, that might bring you up to about 60%
without having to endanger the refractory integrity. LEMMON:
Beyond that, Parsons and BOC have a double combus- COS and CS2 are generated from the thermoreaction
tion process which is a two-stage combustion that will be of carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons present in the Claus
able to increase the capacity by 175%. That would be the feed. Minimizing the formation of COS and CS2 can be
maximum. Of course, it depends on the concentration of accomplished by utilizing an H2S selected amine, such as
H2S in the feed gas. MDEA, to exclude as much CO2 as possible, and by
minimizing of hydrocarbon carryover to the acid gas from
TARIQ MALIK (CITGO Refining & Chemicals Inc.): the amine regenerators and sour water strippers. The
One of the limitations with oxygen injection that has hydrogenation catalyst in a tail gas treating unit will
not been mentioned is the type of waste heat boiler that convert to COS and CS2 to H2S:
you have downstream from the thermal reactor. If you
COS +H2O ➙ H2S + CO2
have a kettle type waste heat boiler, it will only be good
for a heatflux of about 20,000 BTU/hr-ft2 to 25,000 CS2 + H2O ➙ 2H2S + CO2
BTU/hr-ft2. But if you have a thermosiphon type, you can
take it up to 40,000 BTU/hr-ft2. The kind of waste heat JOHNSON:
equipment that you have downstream from your thermal The sources of COS and CS2 in the sulfur plant tail gas
reactor is important. are typically from excessive hydrocarbons in the feed gas.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 205


A high residence time in the reaction furnace or a good is 246°F, so at first glance it appears that the 200°F bed
burner design will tend to minimize their formation. Most temperature is not possible without plugging the bed.
of the COS and CS2 will be converted to H2S in the first However, a feed acid gas temperature is preheated by
converter bed. Overall, about 95% of these compounds the first condenser to 320°F. Initial low temperature
are converted back to H2S across a three stage Claus unit. strongly favors conversion of liquid sulfur to reach equi-
However, if there are excessive aromatics in the feed gas librium, and this reaction is highly exothermic which
(which lead to coke deposition on the Claus catalyst), the helps warm the bed. Also, even though some of the liquid
resulting coke deposits will actually result in CS2 formation sulfur formed may initially solidify, the rate is low relative
across the Claus catalyst. The hydrogenation catalyst in the to the catalyst sites available and the high pressure drop
typical sulfur plant tail gas unit will convert the COS and across the beds is avoided. Eventually, as the catalyst
CS2 to H2S. For a unit with 3% to 5% CO2 in the tail gas, temperature rises above 246°F, any solid sulfur will remelt
you should expect to see no CS2 and about 10 ppmv to 30 and drain into the condensers normally. It takes less than
ppmv COS leaving the hydrogenation reactor. For higher an hour for the catalyst bed to increase in temperature to
CO2 concentrations, the COS levels will be higher. over 400°F. Any resulting sulfur build up is corrected with
a 24 hour heat soak after normal operation is established.
KIMBRELL: The heat soak is achieved by elevating the bed tempera-
I agree that hydrocarbons in the incoming feed gases to tures 50° to 100° higher than normal.
the Claus plant are the primary sources of the COS and In our Ras Tanura refinery, bed temperatures normally
CS2. Carbon dioxide contributes as well. Operation of are 455°F and 400°F, respectively, with no experience
your upstream amine system to keep it as clean as possible starting up at lower bed temperatures. The other Saudi
is imperative to good performance in minimizing the Aramco plants’ typical start-up temperatures are much
production of these compounds. I would also agree that higher than those at the Ras Tanura Refinery.
keeping the first converter bed hot to hydrolyze those
compounds, i.e., having the exit temperature in the 600°F
range, converts most of them. We typically have the converter bed temperatures in the
375°F to 400°F range before introducing acid gases. We
have gone as low as 300°F, but I would recommend against
putting any sour water stripper gas in at that sort of
Most of the points have been covered. I wanted to
reiterate that hydrocarbon carryover to the Claus units can
be minimized by use of properly designed rich amine flash
tanks, adequate hydrocarbon skimming facilities in the
We usually heat up the beds to 275°F to 300°F. We have
amine and sour water stripper units, and sour water tanks
gotten away with 240°F to 250°F.
fitted with internals that do a good job of removing
entrained hydrocarbons in the sour water. BARKER:
The lowest temperature at which we have introduced
CHAD L. MARKS (ALCOA Industrial Chemicals):
sour gas to the Claus converter beds is 420°F. This is, in
In the first converter, a good non-promoted alumina part, based on maintaining a minimum condenser outlet
catalyst with a high macro porosity, such as Alcoa DD431 temperature of 275°F.
or S400, has been proven to aid in COS and CS2 hydrolysis.
Question 13. We have introduced acid gas feed as low as 300°F.
What is the lowest Claus converter bed temperature
permissible before feeding sour gas to the reactor Question 14.
furnace during start-up? Pilots in SRU burners typically are high maintenance
and have short lives. Very low heat release, com-
SMITH: pressed air pilots have been suggested to us to solve
Our Shedgum Gas Plant routinely introduces acid gas these problems. Is anyone using these type pilots, or
feed to the sulfur unit under cold start-up when the Claus other technology, successfully in SRU applications?
converter bed temperatures reach a minimum of 350°F.
The catalyst beds have easily reached this temperature due DiCAMILLO:
to refractory curing requirements after maintenance turn- As this question implies, if pilots remain in the hot
arounds. However, to speed up start-ups after unplanned zone, then special metallurgy is needed to prevent burning
shutdowns, we have admitted acid gas when the converter up of the pilots. For this reason, Shell prefers to use
beds have reached only 200° F. The freeze point of sulfur retractable pilots in their designs. This is really just a fancy

206 Energy and Environmental Management


enough Claus capacity to make it to the boiler permit limit

which is a 3 year cycle.

In the smaller units, it is 2 to 4 years, typically because
of deactivation due to upsets more than anything.

In our refinery rich gas feed, we only replace 50% of
the first bed every 2 years, due to fouling. In our gas plants,
which are lean feed operations, we typically have a deacti-
vation problem and the first bed is changed every 2 years,
the second bed every 4 years, and the third every 6 years.

Our Claus catalyst changeout frequency averages 24
name for a pilot lance which is manually inserted and months to 29 months. This schedule is based primarily on
removed as needed. sulfur producing unit turnaround schedules and manda-
tory equipment inspection schedules. These are partial
JACKSON: catalyst changeouts attributed to elevated pressure drop.
I agree with Mr. DiCamillo. BP recommends Duiker Some small pressure drop occurs during the hot strip of the
combined pilots and igniters. They have been specified for catalyst during shutdown. The first two of three converter
all recent new builds. These are recommended regardless beds are usually changed completely, with a skim on the
of the burner type as they are seen to be very reliable, they third bed. Catalyst activity has not been limiting to date.
are retractable, and they have an automatic start-up se- At our refinery, both Claus units are operated between
quence with ionization detection, ensuring a high confi- 50% and 60% capacity. Recent improvements to the hot
dence of a safe start-up. strip procedure, and utilization of a graded catalyst bed of
different mesh size (with a sacrificial active support layer
SMITH: on top) have mitigated some of our pressure drop prob-
Because of poor pilot burner maintenance history in lems. We anticipate future changeout frequencies of at
our plants, we have removed permanently installed pilots least 36 months with these modifications.
as the others have mentioned and gone with the retractable
type pilots. We believe a better situation would be to have Question 16.
a retractable igniter behind a closed valve. This way it is What is the typical turnaround frequency for sulfur
easier for the operator to reinsert them for relight. recovery units? When a sulfur recovery unit is shut
down for maintenance, what procedures are used? Is
Question 15. a hot strip or a full catalyst regeneration performed?
What is the typical life of Claus catalyst? What is If hot strip is used, have there been problems with
typical cause for Change out (deactivation, pressure hazardous vapors when equipment is opened? If the
drop, or turnaround scheduling)? sulfur recovery unit has been shutdown by loss of feed
or air blower, what procedures are used to prevent
DAVIS: corrosion and/or ensure the plant is restarted without
Approximately 1 to 2 years is the change out frequency incident?
of our SRU reactors. The reason could be any of the ones
suggested by the question. Alumina is cheap and since SMITH:
CENEX has three recovery trains, catalysts can be changed All of Saudi Aramco’s sulfur plants are targeted for 2
out relatively painlessly. year turnaround cycles. The multi-plant facilities stagger
the sulfur plants in cycles. Lean plants cannot go longer
KIMBRELL: due to deactivation resulting in low conversion. The pro-
We typically change out our Claus catalyst at each cedures used are similar for the various plants. For the
scheduled turnaround. Normally, the catalyst has a little normal shutdown, we start with a heat soak. This is
activity left, but not enough to make another run. The accomplished by elevating the bed temperatures, as I
Claus turnaround schedule at one facility is based primar- mentioned earlier, 50°F to 100°F greater than normal to
ily on sulfur production load. The catalyst is changed out about 500°F for 24 to 48 hours to remove most of the
every 2 years in that facility. At the other refinery, we have sulfur. After the heat soak, fuel gas is added to the reaction

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 207


furnace as acid gas is backed out, while maintaining BARKER:

elevated bed temperatures. As mentioned earlier, the Claus unit turnaround fre-
Air is reduced to avoid excess oxygen which prevents quency has averaged 24 months to 29 months at one sulfur
catalyst sulfidation or fires in the beds. This is done until plant. This frequency is usually concurrent with sulfur-
the sulfur condensers run dry. The auxiliary burner tem- producing unit turnarounds and mandatory equipment
peratures are gradually lowered and then shut down. Once inspection schedules. To date, either a partial or complete
catalyst temperatures are below 400°F, the air rate is hot strip of the catalyst has been performed. A partial hot
increased and the steam backed out as the reaction furnace strip has been used only when entry to the reheaters,
temperature falls until eventually the burner trips off. Air converter beds, or condensers was not required.
flow is maintained until the bed temperature drops to The hot strip procedure starts with a 24 hr to 48 hr heat
150°F. We do not use the term hot strip, but believe it is soak in the converters at elevated temperatures, usually
part of a normal shutdown, cooling and air purge proce- 550°F. The heat soak is conducted with amine acid gas.
dure. We have not experienced hazardous vapors when the The unit is then switched to hot standby with natural gas
equipment is opened for scheduled shutdowns after per- only at a converter bed temperature of approximately
forming normal shutdown procedures. 450°F. Nitrogen and steam are added to maintain a high
We have tried catalyst regeneration, but do not recom- volume of flow through the beds to prevent soot laydown.
mend it due to the risk of equipment damage. These The oxygen content is closely monitored at the outlet of
regenerations have initially begun smoothly with the burn the thermal reactor and each converter bed to ensure that
front easily observed. However, even with excess oxygen sooting is not occurring. We maintain the excess O2
closely controlled, another reaction (maybe dissociation between 0.5% and 1.5% to protect our tail gas treatment
of Al2 (SO4)3 from the catalyst) increases bed temperatures unit from receiving excess SO2 or O2 and to eliminate the
to well over 1800°F. This phenomenon has consumed possibility of converter bed fires.
vessel internals, warped internal supports and burned off Once SO2 levels after the third bed are environmentally
thermowells. We have prevented vessel shell damage by safe (less than 250 ppm), we remove the tail gas from the
quenching the reaction with large amounts of reintro- tail gas treating unit and route the gas directly to an
duced acid gas. As was mentioned earlier, aluminum incinerator. This switch is usually made 10 days to 13 days
catalyst is cheap and so this is not a recommended practice.
following the start of the hot strip. The air to the unit is
For unplanned shutdowns, less than 8 hours, we block
increased slowly to make sure the catalyst is stripped well.
the unit in and let it sit. The nitrogen pad is used for longer
Natural gas to the unit is shut down, but the air sweep
periods. Recently, our unit sat idle for 10 days with only
continues and at times, nitrogen is added to expedite the
nitrogen and was started up normally.
cool down.
In general, the presence of hazardous vapors has not
As I indicated, our Claus plants run on either a 2 year been a problem for equipment entry. On one occasion, a
or 3 year turnaround cycle. On shutdown, we have histori- third converter bed continued to generate SO2 and heat
cally done a hot sweep to melt the sulfur out of the beds following shutdown. This bed was isolated and quenched
and then done a full regeneration burnout of these catalyst with steam and nitrogen. Steam was removed once the
beds. And as Mr. Smith indicated, if you do not regenerate temperature decreased to avoid condensation on the cata-
them right, you can cause severe damage. During the last lyst. During this time, no entry was allowed to the other
couple of turnarounds, we have just done the hot sweep converter beds.
and then used nitrogen to cool down. We dumped the beds Recently, the Claus plants have been shut down briefly
in that form and have not had any problems. due to power dips that shut down either the amine regen-
erators, the main air blower, or both. Start-up priority is
KOOIMAN: given to re-establishing air flow (following a nitrogen
The frequency is about 3 years with some plans to go to purge on the thermal reactor) and relighting burners. The
4 years. For the shutdown, we use the hot strip and key to a smooth restart is to hold temperature in the unit
generally experience no problems with the vapors. We have by refiring the main reactor and reheaters as quickly as
had small fires in the reactor and we just let them burn. possible. This avoids condensation of sulfuric acid. No
On the loss of feed, we use hydrogen from the naphtha excessive corrosion has been directly attributed to emer-
reformer as spike gas. gency shutdowns/start-ups at our facilities.
In the particular unit I am talking about, there are two
blowers. So there is some redundancy there. One is a Question 17.
smaller blower and one is a bigger blower. Their use Has anyone monitored SO3 presence out of the SRU
depends on what the unit feed rate is. If there is a loss of reaction furnace? Is there information regarding SO3
feed then the spike gas goes in and we keep it going. presence versus reaction furnace conditions?

208 Energy and Environmental Management


JACKSON: Tail Gas Plants

The short answer is that we do not measure SO 3
directly. I guess it falls into the category “too difficult”, but Question 18.
we are looking into it and have been in detailed discussions Discuss the importance of temperature control in
with a leading analyzer and sulfur plant manufacturer to Stretford solutions.
see how this might be done.
Simply, SO3 is dependant on the amount of excess air LEMMON:
in the thermal reactor. Ideally, the air rate should be Our Bayway refinery operates a Stretford system and
controlled to give H2S/S02 levels of around 2. This is the reports that the rate of formation of sodium thiosulfate
stoichiometric amount for maximizing sulfur recovery. increases with temperature. It is therefore recommended
Excess air will increase the SO2 level, reducing the ratio that the Stretford solution temperature be maintained as
and increasing the SO3 level, resulting in a lower conver- low as possible. They recommend an operating tempera-
sion of H2S to elemental sulfur. ture range of 80°F to 100°F. This low operating tempera-
The consequence of producing SO3 is its interaction ture range is set by the following factors: the oxidation rate,
with ammonia and resultant formation of ammonium solubility of sodium sulfate, and the reaction rate in the
salts that condense in the cooler areas of the plant and plug absorber which affects the H2S level in the absorber over-
the condenser tubes. It is generally accepted that both head vent.
ammonia and SO3 have to be present to form the ammo-
nia salts. Different vendors use different techniques to BARKER:
prevent the salts from forming. Operate the first stage of We have found that it is important to control tempera-
the thermal reactor in: ture in the Stretford solution to minimize the potential for
reducing mode in an attempt to prevent SO3 from water evaporation, and reduce the possibility of forming
forming in the first place, or salts. Lower solution temperatures also tend to make the
oxidizing mode to try and eliminate the ammonia, formed salts less stable, which makes their removal from
but allow SO3 to form. the circulating system less difficult.
Both work well when operated correctly.
The on line measurement of SO3 would be useful if the Question 19.
ammonia were also measured to determine the salting A few years ago, the question was asked about oper-
tendency of the operation. ating an amine based TGTU without the stack gas
incinerator. Has the situation changed with time? (The
JOHNSON: original question concerned new amine that can
A unit that we are familiar with had a very serious achieve gas cleanup to less than 10 ppm. As a result,
problem with SO3 formation in the reaction furnace and can refineries shut down the incinerator or have it in
in the in-line reheat burners. This unit was an ammonia warm stand by and still be in compliance with their
burning plant (from sour water stripper gas). The problem permits?)
was caused by operating in an excess oxygen environment
in the first burning chamber of the reaction furnace. The BARKER:
excess oxygen resulted in SO3 and NOx formation. NOx We operate a Shell Claus Offgas Treating (SCOT) tail
apparently will catalyze the formation of SO 3 . Even gas unit with a proprietary specialty MDEA based amine
though the second chamber is in a reducing atmosphere,
there was insufficient residence time to convert the SO3
back to SO2. Since there is usually 50 ppmv to 100 ppmv
ammonia that survives in the reaction furnace effluent gas,
the SO3 combined with the ammonia to form ammonium
sulfate salts.
The problem was resolved by diverting sufficient amine
acid gas to the front burner of the reactor furnace to result
in a reducing environment. The SO3 formation in the
in-line burners was eliminated by ensuring sub-
stoichiometric operation of the burner.

CHAD MARKS (ALCOA Industrial Chemicals):

On the life of the catalyst, I agree with the panel that it
is operation dependent. ALCOA has a publication on the
deactivation mechanisms if you are interested.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 209


solvent. We typically achieve H2S concentrations between J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
30 ppm and 50 ppm, and have not been able to achieve And without tail gas, would it be around 95% or
reliable concentrations below 10 ppm. Some of our diffi- higher?
culties are the typical operational problems: loss of tray
efficiency, foaming, lean amine temperature, etc. How- KIMBRELL:
ever, during steady operation and maximum contact in the Depending on your Claus configuration, you can get
absorber, we have still not been able to achieve concentra- higher than 95%. On a three bed Claus with a normal feed
tions below 10 ppm. gas stream, you ought to be able to get into the 98% range
We operate a catalytic incinerator to convert the remain- of conversion.
ing H2S to SO2. This incinerator reliably converts the H2S
at temperature below 500°F which requires less than one- TOM KING (PCI Engineers):
third the fuel gas to operate than a thermal incinerator. I know Haldor Topsoe has a process whereby the amine
gas is converted to sulfuric acid. Could the panel comment
DiCAMILLO: on how the refiners feel on sulfur versus sulfuric acid? Is
At steady-state operating conditions, less than 10 ppm there anything special about the sulfur?
H2S should be attainable without operating the incinera-
tor. However, the incinerator would still be needed for LEMMON:
start-up and shutdown and unit upsets. For that reason, it We have both a sulfur and a sulfuric acid plant and the
would be a good idea to maintain it in warm standby economics for sulfuric acid are usually stronger. The mar-
whenever compliance is a concern. ketplace for acid is tighter, yielding more income, but acid
is harder to store. Because of storage limitations, we usu-
KENNETH P. REVELL (TPA, Inc.): ally end up making more sulfur. It is easier to ship and the
Concerning tail gas treaters emitting less than 10 ppm fertilizer industry that buys our product has its own acid
H2S, we have a licensed technology called Resulf-10TM plants to convert it.
that guarantees less than 10 ppm H2S. Our experience has
been very good on these units. I will agree with the panel THOMAS K. CHOW (Parsons Process Group, Inc.):
that the incinerator should always be kept on hot standby Referring to the recovery on sulfur plants, normally for
in case of any problems. When we design tail gas treaters a three stage Claus unit you would be able to achieve 95%
that reduce emissions to the 250 ppm (ResulfTM Units), to 98% recovery. With a tail gas unit, it depends on what
we routinely make provisions so that the unit can be kind of solvent you use. If you use solvents like Union
switched over to a more concentrated stripping operation Carbide, I suggest 101 or equivalent, you will be able to
in the future to meet a 10 ppm specification. achieve down to 150 ppm H2S which would be equiva-
lent to an overall recovery of 99.9%. If you use a better
WILLIAM JOSEPH GIBBONS (Union Carbide Corporation): solvent, such as the Union Carbide HS103, you can
Our UCARSOL HS103 tail gas solvent has been used achieve down to 5 ppm which is equivalent to over 99.9%
successfully in atmospheric venting applications in refin- overall recovery.
eries for several years. This application requires a well
maintained solvent and tight operational control. Col-
umns in this service typically treat to 0 ppm to 4 ppm of B. Environmental Management
J.L. RAINA (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.):
Tail gas treatment is now becoming important from an Hydrocarbon Emissions
environmental standpoint. I would like to know what the
total conversion level would be considering both the Question 20.
typical tail gas and sulfur plant combination. Would it Our refinery is in close proximity to a residential
achieve something over 99% conversion? neighborhood and we have concerns about odors from
our refinery, especially the emissions from our hot,
KIMBRELL: heavy fuel tanks. Does anyone have experience in
Yes, the conversion with the combination Claus and tail reducing these odors? We think that adding an inter-
gas plants is well up over 99%. To get down to the 250 nal floating roof in addition to the existing fixed roof
ppm range or lower, you are in the 99.9% range of might help. Does anyone have any experience with
conversion. this technique?

210 Energy and Environmental Management


ARNDT: tank has a continuous level of oil on the water. The tank
Our refinery in the Los Angeles area is adjacent to a had to be extensively modified to be able to handle a partial
residential beach community. The elimination of odors is vacuum situation.
paramount. We purge our hot cone roof tanks with nitro-
gen, collect the vent gases, and scrub with caustic before KOOIMAN:
release. One plant I know of had a situation like Mr. Arndt
described, except in that case it was naturally occurring
FEARNSIDE: hydrocarbon through the system where extensive efforts
If the odors are due to H2S, we have used H2S scavengers were not taken to separate the water and the hydrocarbons
quite successfully. If, however, the odors are due to mercap- in the relief vessels. So we ended up getting the hydrocar-
tans, we have not had much luck in dealing with them. bon out into the tank and that kept the odor down very
well. In that case, however, the hydrocarbon needed to be
ROBERT BRIERLEY (Husky Oil Operations, Ltd.): skimmed every 6 months or so.
Our Lloydminster asphalt refinery had an odor prob-
lem stemming from the hot asphalt sales tanks. These LEMMON:
tanks operate in the range of 185°C or 365°F. The high We use cone roof tanks with vapor recovery for the foul
temperature prevented us from considering any type of water stripper feed tanks. We also have a floating roof tank
floating roof and limited our options to vapor collection with a diesel layer for storage of concentrated foul water
and scrubbing. from the foul water stripper overheads.
The vapor space contains over 2000 ppm of H2S and
1000 ppm oil and there was no inert gas blanketing. We T.R. (Tom) BACON (Dow Chemical Company):
decided to install an oil coalescer and charcoal scrubbing Questions 20 and 21 address the tightening require-
system on clusters of tanks to minimize cost. One system ments for preventing emissions of hydrocarbons and nox-
handles up to 10 tanks. Not all the tanks are venting at the ious gases. If these recovered streams are sour, it is obvious
same time so this evens the load. The vapor is collected off that the place one would first consider returning them to
the tank vent and is adjusted with dampers to collect more
the system is one of the amine systems. In fact, I saw a vapor
than the maximum liquid displacement from the tank. If
recovery unit on a sour water tank that was compressing
the tank is not venting, air is pulled in from the vent to
the gas off the tank and putting it into the fuel system before
satisfy the vapor collection.
the amine treater. A third of that gas is ammonia which can
The vapors are run first to an oil coalescer filter for
cause corrosion due to ammonium salts in the overhead
removal of any condensed oil droplets and then pass
through the activated charcoal scrubber for removal of the condenser lines from the stripper. In addition, any vapor
H2S. These tanks operate only 6 months of the year, and recovery unit has the possibility of admitting oxygen to a
we found our charcoal needs replacement every year at a system if the controls are inadequate.
cost of $10,000 in material. Trace oil passing through the The caution in terms of recovering vapors from either
coalescer and absorbing on the charcoal does shorten the sour product tanks or sour water systems is that one really
charcoal life. We are considering amine scrubbing as a needs to be aware that inclusion of oxygen and ammonia
more economical alternative to charcoal. are going to give you problems in the amine system. It is
important to review process changes directed towards
Question 21. solving one problem to assure that a new problem is not
In terms of safety and ease of disposal of the hydro- created.
carbon/H2S vapor emissions, have refiners found
floating roof tanks to be superior to cone roof tanks for ROBERT BRIERLEY (Husky Oil Operations, Ltd.):
the SW feed storage tanks? We have asphalt tanks that have an H2S odor problem.
Our H2S level is 1000 ppm to 2000 ppm level and H2S
ARNDT: scavengers will not work at those temperatures. We actu-
For sour water we use double seal floating roofs. We ally operate at 230°F on our lower temperature tanks and
float a layer of diesel on top of the water to absorb light about 350°F on our higher temperature tanks. We had to
hydrocarbons and H2S. install a vapor recovery system that included a coalescer
Sour diesel is skimmed off periodically and recharged prefilter system, and then we scavenge the H2S with
with clean diesel. activated charcoal. But the activated charcoal is a very
expensive medium. We have since found that a better way
DAVIS: to do it is to scrub with amine. If you have to follow up
CENEX has a cone roof tank that has blowers on with activated charcoal, the life of your activated charcoal
pressure control that vent offgas to the tail gas unit. The is much better.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 211


FEARNSIDE: ments do not indicate why the tower performance has

We have recently developed H2S scavengers that will deteriorated in the first place.
work very well in the 300°F to 350°F range. The normal Since a significant amount of money is involved in the
“standard” H2S scavengers that we have used in the past operation of these pieces of equipment, it is prudent to
will not work at those temperatures. evaluate performance whenever a system cooling effi-
ciency is suspect.
ALIOS VIRAG (OMV – Schwechat Refinery):
Mr. Arndt, I do not think that using a caustic scrubber BARKER:
will really remove the odor problem. We did a lot of In addition to tower approach temperature, we use
analysis of the flue gases of the heavy oil tanks and there on-line monitoring of the cooling water supply tempera-
are no mercaptans in them. The gas contains only a little tures. You must include the seasonal effects in your evalu-
H2S and other odorous components. So I do not think ation. We rely quite heavily on visual inspection of the
just adding a caustic scrubber will eliminate the problem. cooling towers, both during operation and shutdown.
In addition, it requires a very expensive piping system. It
will plug since the vapors will condense, and you have high DAVIS:
maintenance costs. One method used for determining tower efficiency is
tracking performance based on performance characteristic
LOUIS E. MARQUEZ (Maraven, S.A.): nomographies. The nomograph may be specific for the
Does anyone use a corrosion inhibitor other than am- tower or generic, but either will relate cold water tempera-
monium polysulfide to neutralize cyanide compounds, ture range and approach to some performance factors. By
basically in coker fractionator overhead systems? Ammo- tracking the performance factors, operating efficiency can
nium polysulfide releases H2S at ambient temperature. be tracked.

We do not run into cyanide problems that often in To monitor cooling tower performance you need wet
coker overheads. When we do, we use a traditional filming bulb temperature, dry bulb temperature, heat load, water
amine to mitigate any corrosion concerns from that par- load, delta T, cooling tower supply temperature, return
ticular species. temperature and airflow.
The key is to measure wet bulb frequently with a
LEMMON: portable unit. We have had good luck with one from Cole
We use ammonium polysulfide in the treatment of our Parmer that costs about $50. The wet bulb can vary within
coker gas plant. Some of the ammonia polysulfide stream the refinery depending on fugitive steam, the restriction
is directed to the cover fractionator overhead condensers. of air flow, and other factors. We have seen as much as a
The use of water wash and ammonium polysulfide has 3° difference in the wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures
been effective in controlling cyanide corrosion. across our refinery within 400 yards of each other. Get
someone to show you how to run the wet bulb and what
to look for. Like using an ORSAT or calculating an orifice
Water plate, it seems complicated until you do it once.
Additionally, air flow is a key parameter. You must
Separators and Cooling Towers know the amount of vacuum in the cell. We use a water
column which works well. We are also not up north, so
Question 22. we do not have the freezing problem.
How often and what methods are used for a rigorous Finally, this data will mean the most if collected during
evaluation of cooling tower thermal efficiency? your warmest weather, since that is the time when there is
little measurable heat pickup from the air and, therefore,
FEARNSIDE: the least error. This is also the time your plant will be most
Rigorous cooling tower efficiency evaluations require a receptive to improvements as it is the time that the cooling
variety of physical measurements and calculations unfa- tower most affects your plant.
miliar to most refinery process engineers. There are a
number of contractors certified by the Cooling Tower LEMMON:
Institute who can execute these types of studies for a I agree with my fellow panelists on what needs to be
nominal fee. monitored. We do it twice a year. The work is performed
There are also a number of on-site measurements, such by our cooling water treatment contractor. We have also
as the approach wet bulb temperature, that are useful for used cooling tower contract inspection companies to evalu-
spot checking performance. Unfortunately, these measure- ate the performance of cooling towers. These companies

212 Energy and Environmental Management


have done a very thorough job of inspecting the mechanical water treatment can handle the recycle operation with an
condition of the tower. I think we were a little disappointed overlay of supplemental corrosion inhibitor.
that they did not have any unique or novel methods of While wastewater recycle is a significant change in
evaluating the towers thermal performance. So if you do operation, in all cases operational changes such as these
use a contractor, you might want to work on a “scope of can be tested and evaluated using on-site pilot plant
work” document before turning them loose. equipment to verify operating conditions.

Question 23. KIMBRELL:

Discuss the microbiological impact and recom- We would choose not to recycle this level of wastewater
mended practices of recycling 20% of the wastewater back into the cooling towers. The higher salt content and
treatment plant water back to the cooling water in a the ammonia level are our primary concern. The ammonia
refinery, discuss the microbiological impact and rec- is food for microbiological growth. And the higher salt
ommended practices. content requires higher blow down rates and Mr. Fearn-
side indicated some of the other problems. We are seri-
FEARNSIDE: ously considering using a municipal secondary treated
This is currently being done in a number of refineries at water as our complete makeup water source for our cool-
significantly higher percentages. Wastewater differs from ing towers. We would choose to use reverse osmosis to
raw makeup water in two important ways. First, wastewater improve that water quality before we used it.
contains higher levels of biological food such as ammonia
and BOD. This introduces a supplemental source of food Question 24.
for the microorganisms and makes microbia control the Does anyone have experience with hydrocyclones to
separate oil and water? Oil and solids? Water and
key control parameter in successful tower operation.
Second, the wastewater will have a higher level of
dissolved inorganic species than the raw water will. Higher
levels of total dissolved solids require some alteration to
Hydrocyclones have been used to separate oil and water
the cooling tower operation and water treatment program.
mixtures in some refinery applications. We have one type
The additional ammonia can also be a concern with regard
on our West crude unit desalter effluent. We have seen
to yellow metal corrosion.
various amounts of separation efficiency, oil/water, oil/sol-
We have found that the higher levels of oxidizing ids, and water/solids, and have experimented with them all.
biosides fed to the combined cooling tower makeup will I would say that we have had qualified success in all
control microbia problems in this scenario. The oxidizer three areas, but have only installed large units for oil/water
must be fed as far in front of the cooling tower feed point separation so far. The use of hydrocyclones to separate
as possible, to sterilize the makeup prior to introduction complex emulsions and effluent brine from crude desalt-
into the cooling tower. The selection of oxidizing bioside ing is not always successful. However, we feel we benefit
is equally important. It must be effective at the pH of the from our desalter application and have seen some benefit
makeup water and has to have a variable feed control. In for use on waste oil recycle.
other words, solid halogens are not recommended. We Some reasons applications may fail include:
have found that this scheme works very well. We also know 1. Desalter operation is seldom a steady-state process.
that trying to handle wastewater microbial control only at Large variations in oil-to-water ratios can fre-
the cooling tower does not work. quently overload the hydropumps.
The TDS levels of the wastewater are usually much 2. One of the primary emulsions stabilized in most
higher than the TDS of the raw makeup water. Therefore, heavy crude desalting brine is solids. High levels of
some calcium and magnesium hardness can be removed solids frequently plug the small orifices in the oil
by commingling the wastewater with raw water in existing eject of the hydrocyclone. This requires frequent
pretreatment equipment. However, some highly soluble (twice per shift) back-washing, but we feel this
species such as chlorides and sulfates will not be removed, effort is rewarded by better overall refinery oil
resulting in higher TDS makeup to the cooling tower. This recovery from our process water and more reliable
generally requires the cooling tower to operate at lower compliance.
cycles of concentration. 3. Typical desalter pressure is only a few hundred psi.
Since the makeup water is now highly variable, it is As a result, sufficient driving force is not available
critical that the cooling towers utilizing this makeup water to accelerate the emulsion as much as may have
be fully instrumented and controlled. Supplemental testing been required, and thus, insufficient G force may
is usually required to account for things such as phosphate be developed in the hydrocyclone to achieve the
levels in the makeup water. In most cases, the existing base best separation.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 213


We have used a hydrocyclone to separate oil and water The use of boiler blowdown as cooling tower makeup
in our desalter water effluent prior to it being sent to a is dependent on the type of boiler treatment program
steam stripper. As Mr. Hunkus indicated, the quality of utilized and the ratio of boiler blowdown-to-cooling tower
the feed determines the quality of the performance of the makeup. Boilers using phosphate programs can probably
hydrocyclone. We have been generally pleased with its be utilized if the incremental phosphate contribution is
performance. We do have to do daily back flushing to taken into account. Polymer boiler programs are generally
maintain efficiency, and solids do collect in there. You not acceptable due to the polymer solubility in the pres-
need to take them off line and clean them out occasionally. ence of high hardness streams, unless some method is used
to oxidize the polymers.
BARKER: An additional consideration is the added cooling tower
The underflow from the deashers at our Parachute thermal loading caused by the addition of boiler blow-
facility contained a lot of shale oil with the wash water. down.
Because of the stable emulsion that was produced across
the mixing valve that the grid did not have enough horse- HUNKUS:
power to break. We installed three vortoil units which are We do not use boiler blowdown as makeup to cooling
horizontal hydroclones. We started out with two and then towers, but we use both cooling tower and boiler blow-
added a third as a spare. They worked quite well, but had down in the makeup to our Venturi wet gas scrubber. This
to be disassembled once a week for cleaning and replace- has worked very well for us in our efforts to reduce total
ment of worn parts. Some of the internal parts had useful fresh water makeup and outfall. We also use our raw water
lives as short as 6 weeks because of the abrasion from the makeup to the cooling towers as once-through cooling
oil shale grit that we were washing out of the oil in the water for some equipment that requires the extra cooling
deashers in the first place. We use ceramic coated surfaces duty from this cold water supply which has treatment
in some areas, but that did not improve life. chemicals injected into it.
We produced a very stable emulsion from the heavy oil,
water and solids that was nearly impossible to break. Yet, KIMBRELL:
approximately two-thirds of the shale oil that was in this We used to use boiler blowdown as cooling tower
mixture was separated out. makeup on an intermittent basis approximately 10 years
ago. It was not very successful. The high TDS, high pH,
DAVIS: and high temperature are things that we were concerned
We used a hydrocyclone ahead of our water treatment about. I agree that there can be some interaction with the
plant to separate solids out from the liquid stream. chemistry of the two systems, and have heard that odors
have been emitted as well.
DAVID ZUDKEVITCH (Columbia University):
I would like to augment what Mr. Davis said about the KOOIMAN:
use of hydrocyclones in treatment of wastewater. It is a Our Drew representative polled his consultants, and
part of standard procedures to use hydrocyclones as de- he found that only one had ever been exposed to a case
gritters in the primary treatment of municipal wastewater. where they had used the boiler blowdown as cooling
While the grit is separated by the hydrocyclones from the tower makeup. It was a utility cogeneration facility in the
wastewater, it comes out coated with heavy oil and grease.
Thus, the hydrocyclones remove solids, grits, and some
sticky oily substances which could plug downstream pip-
ing and which, due to high specific gravity, may not float
in the API separators (primary treatment settlers).
In petroleum processing, I know that hydrocyclones
have been successfully used in separating kerosene from
water. However, since liquid/liquid hydrocyclones operate
under relatively high pressures and require attention, they
may be considered relatively expensive per unit flow rate.

Question 25.
For cooling towers, has anybody used boiler blow-
down water as makeup and what problems have been
encountered? Is anyone reusing cooling tower blow-
down elsewhere prior to discharge?

214 Energy and Environmental Management


Northwest, and they were doing it because they had zero associated with anaerobic bacteria. Once again, preven-
discharge and they had evaporation ponds as well. tion is the best solution.
They had a 1300 psig boiler operating on a coordinated
phosphate program. In this case, the entire blowdown GENTRY:
stream went to the cooling tower, but the boiler blowdown Our utilities group endorses side stream filtration as a
only represented about one-fourth of the total cooling proven on-line method.
water makeup. They got about 5 to 7 cycles on the cooling
tower, but they also experienced terrible condenser fouling Secondary Treatment
of calcium phosphate. They stopped doing it because of
that fouling. Now the blowdown goes directly to the ponds. Question 27.
What process strategies are employed to control am-
Question 26. monia in the wastewater plant effluent?
What is the best method for controlling sludge accu-
mulation in the cooling tower basin? Is there any KOOIMAN:
proven on-line method to remove sludge from the Controlling ammonia in wastewater plants is kind of
cooling tower? interesting. We just started a new wastewater treating
plant, an activated sludge plant. It was clean enough in the
SMITH: front end that there was not a lot of BOD or ammonia.
In addition to maintaining good water treatment pro- But there was more ammonia coming out than was toler-
grams, there are two additional ways that our Riyadh able. The summertime limit was 3 ppm. Looking into it
Refinery cooling tower sludge is controlled. The first way in greater detail, we found that the ammonia is actually a
is slip stream filtration. Approximately 10% of the flow nutrient and the more BOD consumption you have, the
from the return line is processed through sand filters to more ammonia consumption you will have in a ratio of
remove suspended solids. The effluent is returned to the about 100 to 5 to 1 of BOD to ammonia to phosphate.
basin. The second way is that the settled sludge is blown What we did in this particular case was back off on the
down from the cooling tower basin. By providing a slope polymer a little bit to allow some BOD slip. Then the
in gradient to the bottom of the basin floor, the accumu- ammonia was consumed as a nutrient. When we did not
lated and settled sludge can be removed by opening a do that, ammonia was also consumed, but the right mi-
blowdown valve which produces sufficient velocity to crobiology had to be cultured in order to handle it.
remove the sludge. Periodic operation of the blowdown What we are working on right now is feeding a little bit
system along with the slip stream filtration can provide of ammonia to culture that microbiology. In line with this,
good on-line sludge removal. we made another interesting discovery. Every once in a
while we would get an ammonia squirt from somewhere,
BARKER: and we would look through the unit and it would be all
There has not been any effective on-line method util- clean water coming out. It turns out, in one case at least,
ized at our refinery to deal with the accumulation of sludge that we had an upset coincident with an ammonia excur-
in cooling tower basins. We typically remove any sludge sion to the water plant and we traced it back to the crude
accumulated in our basins with a vacuum truck during unit. The upset that occurred in the crude unit had shifted
routine shutdowns. There have been some basins designed where the water loading happened to be and actually
with a “sump draw off ” that allows easier access for remov- washed off ammonium chloride salts out to the sewer for
ing sludge, but this is not typically done on-line. a little while. That was quite an interesting find.

We have attempted to remove sludge from the basin Ammonia in our Avon and Bayway Refineries’ waste-
on-line via a vacuum truck without any luck. Currently, water treatment plant effluent is controlled by a combina-
we clean sludge from each basin as shutdowns allow. Also, tion of upstream controls and an extended aeration
back flushing exchangers to the sewer, as equipment al- activated sludge biological treatment facility. Upstream
lows, is practiced. controls include a sour water stripper which reduces hy-
drogen sulfide and ammonia levels in sour water streams
FEARNSIDE: prior to discharge to the wastewater treatment plant.
A major contributor to suspended solids is windborne Additionally, batch discharges from process units of
dirt and dust from surrounding acreage. Any steps that can compounds such as monoethanolamine are discharged at
be taken to reduce the level of airborne particulates will be controlled flow rates to the wastewater treatment plant, to
beneficial. The main problem with sludge accumulation avoid potential shock loads and/or excess ammonia pass-
is that it usually turns septic and generates problems ing through the wastewater treatment plant. At one plant,

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 215


they use a permit system to authorize and control unusual if in the form of free ammonia, or less obvious if it is a
discharges to sewer. product of biological breakdown of amines from the
Ammonia that enters the extended aeration activated refinery strippers.
sludge system is then partially removed as part of the In the case of ammonia contribution from amines,
biological growth process, with the remainder converted there can be the appearance of a loss of nitrification, when
to nitrites and nitrates through nitrification. If conditions in fact it is a matter of ammonia being released in the
are not right for nitrification, it is possible for the ammo- system faster than the bacteria can assimilate it. Therefore,
nia concentration to increase across a biological treater. it is important to monitor both ammonia and nitrate levels
This occurs when the biological mass feeds on nitrogen- in and out of the system to perform a simple ammonia
containing compounds and then expels ammonia as a balance across the system. Periodic TKN analysis for base-
biological waste. If cost is no object, ammonia can be line amine levels can also provide valuable information
oxidized by chlorine to chloroamines; the cost to do this when upsets occur.
depends on wastewater COD. Routine laboratory nitrification capacity and inhibi-
tion testing has been used extensively at two Midwestern
KIMBRELL: refineries to monitor plant performance and troubleshoot
One of our refineries has its effluent discharge to the incidences where effluent ammonia levels have increased
Los Angeles County sanitation district, and the limit of beyond desired limits. These tests also provide informa-
100 ppm ammonia on the effluent is not difficult to tion needed to determine whether or not the application
achieve. The other facility does have an activated sludge of pure nitrifier cultures is an appropriate course of action.
biological treatment plant. We have not had a problem The use of nitrifying cultures has been shown to reduce
with ammonia in the effluent there, as long as we keep the the recovery time in systems that have lost nitrification or
dissolved oxygen in the aeration tank up. experienced an increase in ammonia loading. However,
plant conditions must be suitable for nitrification prior to
BARKER: application.
We control ammonia in our wastewater through nitri-
fication. Our wastewater plant is extremely well aerated, Question 28.
which is a key parameter to maintaining good nitrifica- Can the panel comment on any experience with out-
tion. The blowers and the design of our aeration grid do side firms contracted to run the wastewater treatment
not allow us to significantly reduce the amount of aera- plants?
tion. Consequently, our aeration tanks run at saturated
dissolved oxygen levels. The only parameter that we do KOOIMAN:
have to monitor is our aeration tank pH. Typically, the On the same plant that I talked about on the last
optimal pH ranges between 6.5 and 7.5 while targeting question, we were trying to run an activated sludge plant,
for 7.0. If the pH drops below 6.5, then denitrification and we thought that both refining and water plant proc-
can occur. This is when nitrifying bacteria produce nitro- esses would be similar enough that it would be an easy
gen gas which causes the activated sludge to float instead transition for our operators and supervisors to go from a
of settle. This, in turn, will result in a very undesirable refining process to the water plant. But we found that there
condition known as a clarifier “burp”. It causes the sludge were a lot of differences in the way they operate, so much
blanket at the bottom of the clarifier to rise to the surface so that we had difficulty getting it up and operable.
leading to high solids in the treated effluent. In our case, we were able to find some people from PSG
who worked with us for a couple of months. They had so
FEARNSIDE: many good ideas on what to do that we considered hiring
Effluent ammonia levels can be effectively controlled them on indefinitely. They have contract programs where
via the activated sludge process. Biological nitrification is for a fixed rate they will come in and operate the facility.
a sensitive process that will occur concurrently with car- They are big, part of Air and Water Technology, I believe,
bonaceous BOD removal in a properly controlled envi- which is part of CGE. Those are unfamiliar to me, as was
ronment. Nitrification is particularly susceptible to PSG. We were very steep on the learning curve, but they
process variations such as flow increases, high organic got us into a position where we could take it on. I am
loading or excessive wasting of biological solids. Addition- confident that in that particular plant, with continued
ally, the nitrifying organisms are inhibited by the presence effort, we will be able to get the cost down enough that it
of numerous compounds including phenols and heavy would not warrant a long-term contract.
Sudden increases in ammonia loading can be over- KIMBRELL:
whelming to an otherwise healthy biomass and result in We have been approached by a contractor to perform
high effluent ammonia levels. The loading can be obvious operation of our biological treatment facility. We looked

216 Energy and Environmental Management


hard at it, but at this time we have elected to continue to Lemmon mentioned. We use about 20 of them to treat a
operate the plant ourselves. As I indicated, our other nominal 6 million gallons on dry days. Bed life is usually
facility discharges to the Los Angeles County Sanitation 1 year. The carbon is regenerated off-site by the supplier.
District and that has been a good relationship.
GENTRY: We have no experience with granular activated carbon
Service companies that operate utility and outside sys- (GAC) at our facility. We use powdered carbon mixed with
tems within refineries and chemical plants have included our activated sludge; this is commonly known as the
wastewater treatment along with other utilities, such as Powdered Activated Carbon Treatment (PACT) process,
water treatment and steam and power generation. One which is patented by ZIMPRO. Our experience is that
perspective that we have seen on this is that using the third PACT produces an effluent quality equivalent to and often
party “build/own/operate” approach can be considered in better than GAC beds. This is based on comparative
addressing the economics of new plant construction, as a discussions with other GAC users. We regenerate our
means of translating capital costs into operating costs. powdered carbon using wet air oxidation which has
proven to be very cost-effective when compared to
Question 29. makeup with virgin PAC. We are not aware of any facilities
Have any refiners had success using activated carbon that regenerate granulated activation carbon beds on-site.
absorbers for wastewater polishing or treating prior Instead, they periodically replace their beds and have the
to disposal? If so, what size bed is being used, how spent carbon regenerated off-site which is more expensive
long does the carbon last, and is it cost-effective to than the on-site regeneration.
regenerate the carbon?
LEMMON: We would recommend granulated carbon only after a
At our California refinery, we often treat the entire careful study of the COD components and alternative
refinery wastewater stream with activated carbon. We do solutions. Typically, alternative biodegradation steps, such
this because of stringent biological assay requirements that as bioaugmentation, can be one-half to one-third the cost
require the use of rainbow trout as test species. of granulated carbon with little or no capital costs involved.
We use jumbo size carbon vessels which hold 40,000
pounds of carbon. We operate them in pairs in a lead like Question 30.
series mode to maximize carbon utilization. Wastewater What are the recommended treatment methods for an
flow to each vessel is typically 600 gpm and the carbon aqueous stream containing 10 ppm to 15 ppm of
lasts about 3 weeks. All the carbon is regenerated by phenol? What are standard methods for testing “phe-
regeneration companies. We have multi-year contracts, nol content” of low concentration (i.e., ppb range)?
and as a result, we have very good economy. A multi-year
contract with a carbon supplier can probably get your FEARNSIDE:
carbon pricing down quite a bit. Aqueous streams with this level of phenol can be de-
The carbon treatment reduces wastewater COD by graded using biological treatment. This can achieve phe-
about 50%, but our control point is set by biological assay nol levels in the 1 ppm to 5 ppm range, and possibly lower,
results, not by COD removal. So if you do the math, you depending on the bioplant operation. From the question,
will find that 1 lb of carbon is used to process 450 gal. of it would appear that you are looking for ppb levels in the
water. Activated carbon is not suitable for ammonia re- final stream. In this case, the volume of the stream be-
moval and it will not reduce ammonia. Feedwater must be comes important. For large wastewater streams, you would
low in suspended solids, or bed channeling will rapidly presumably be using secondary flotation and filtration.
occur. If you leave a bed stagnant (take one off line), a toxic Activated carbon or trickling filters after gravity filtration
environment can be created that, when the bed is brought should meet this criteria.
back on-line, can impact treated water biological assay
results. GENTRY:
I also understand that it is much more common to have Conventional activated sludge design or proprietary
carbon vessels that hold 20,000 lb/vessel, our 40,000 lb configurations, such as sequencing batch reactor (SBR),
vessels are unique and in some ways difficult to manage. orbal and submerged biological contractors (SBC), have
been shown to be effective in reducing effluent concentra-
ARNDT: tions to less than 0.5 ppm. Equalization of the effluent is
We use a lot of activated carbon for wastewater treating. important. The EPA Treatability Data Base will provide
In Richmond, we post-treat all our biologically treated considerable detail on the applicability and effectiveness
wastewater. We use 20,000 lb bed module units as Mr. of treatment processes over a wide range of phenol

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 217


concentrations. With regard to test methods, the determi- LEMMON:

nation of phenol and water at the ppb level can be done We covered our API separator channels to comply with
using Method 8250A Semivolatile Organic Compounds regional air quality fugitive emission standards. At that
by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) time, we made the decision to convert to DNF, Dissolved
from EPA’s Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Nitrogen Flotation, and gas blanketing. We were con-
Physical/Chemical Methods, SW846. cerned that we might form an explosive mixture under the
channel covers. I understand that this is not consistent
DAVIS: throughout the industry; different refineries do different
CENEX uses a small bioreactor which essentially air things.
saturates the 130°F wastewater. The biological activity Operation following the conversion to covered chan-
reduces the phenol content from 15 ppm to about 1 ppm nels was very poor. Composite samplers were installed to
in the outfall. Performance is checked with color indica- allow operators a means to gauge unit performance; this
tion sticks manufactured by Chemetrics. The glass tube had previously been accomplished by simply looking at
tip is broken and a sample is drawn in from the vacuum the effluent water. Lubrication systems were upgraded to
in the tube. Color indication gives the phenol content. use a combination of misting and drip systems; eventually
a conversion to non lubricated plastic chain was made.
KIMBRELL: Amp meters were installed on the flight scraper motors so
Our activated sludge biological system treatment rou- operators and mechanics could detect high drag condi-
tinely reduces the phenol content down to 0.1 ppm. tions and conduct preventive maintenance.
A fresh air supply system had to be installed near
LEMMON: observation hatches to reduce the potential for operator
My comments are consistent with the earlier panelists. exposure to oxygen deficient atmospheres when sampling
I would add that concentrations of phenol in the ppm through open hatches.
range can be estimated quickly using inexpensive color-
metric field kits. KIMBRELL:
Rather than cover our dissolved air floatation units, we
CHRIS H. SPURRELL (Chevron Products Company): installed a new style of induced gas flotation units that use
Acclimated activated sludge can handle upwards of 100 nitrogen that is recycled. Nitrogen consumption has been
ppm of phenol. As a stop gap method for phenol control, very low, and performance has been excellent.
activated carbon works, potassium permanganate works,
and Fentons reagent, which is a mixture of ferrous ion and FEARNSIDE:
hydrogen peroxide, also works. We find that there is a lot more corrosion taking place
due to the captured gases. We have seen H2S levels 10 to
RENE LUCENA (Corpoven Petroleos de Venezuela): 20 times higher than what you would have with a non-
I want to know if anyone has at any time used hydrogen covered system. We have some references that people are
peroxide for treatment with water while the oxidation level switching over to plastic materials to help with the corro-
is being managed? sion situation.

We use it only as a stop gap measure. Switching from air to nitrogen service can be expected
to slightly decrease the gas-to-oil ratio, and, therefore, the
LEMMON: performance of the units. Nitrogen solubility in water is
We have also used it as a stop gap measure. approximately 20% less than the solubility of air in water
at the same temperature and pressure. Increasing nitrogen
Question 31. pressure to 49 psig would yield gas-to-oil ratios equivalent
Did refineries that covered their flotation units due to to those obtained with air at 40 psig. Another means of
NESHAPS continue to use air or did they convert to increasing the gas-to-oil ratio is increasing the retention
nitrogen or natural gas? How has this affected the time in the gas saturation tank. Consideration should be
operation? We have experienced problems with trou- given to modifying the level controls on the existing tank,
bleshooting (no visual access) as well as mainte- allowing operation at a lower level, and increasing the
nance issues with the scraper chains and shear pins dissolving efficiency factor. Increasing the recycle rate
seizing up. For units that converted to nitrogen, what directly increases the gas-to-oil ratio. An increase of ap-
changes were made in recycle rate or saturation re- proximately 25% should yield nitrogen-to-oil ratios equal
tention time? to the air-to-oil ratio.

218 Energy and Environmental Management


General vessel during a shutdown. When it was sent off-site for

disposal, we found the sand had a low level of radioactivity.
Question 32. Further investigation revealed that some geographical lo-
In what process streams are refiners finding Naturally cations which supply this blasting sand do in fact have
Occurring Radioactive Material (N.O.R.M.) to be a naturally occurring radioactive material in the product
concern? Have crudes from certain regions been they supply to the sandblasting contractors.
found to be more problematic than others?
Question 33.
KOOIMAN: Does anyone control the sour water stripper overhead
Regarding naturally occurring radioactive material, condenser outlet temperature to prevent corrosion?
there are a couple of good sources. N.O.R.M. A Guide to How accurately can this be controlled, and what sys-
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material; Wilson, W.F.; tems are used to achieve this?
PennWell Books 1994; and “Radioactive Materials Could
Pose Problems For The Gas Industry”; Oil and Gas Journal; BARKER:
June 25, 1990; Gray. Our sour water stripper overhead is controlled quite
The radioactive material is produced in the decay series well by a circulating tempered-water system. The overhead
of Uranium-238 and Thorium-232. Refineries and natu- is kept at 180°F which prevents corrosion and fouling salts
ral gas liquid plants could be affected from the Radium- from forming. This overhead accumulator temperature is
226 and the Radon-222, the fifth and sixth products in controlled by a tempered-water flow rate through the
the Uranium-238 decay series. condenser. At a different refinery, we have solved the
Radium is found in soil and rocks; and radon, which is problem by upgrading the metallurgy to titanium. We still
an inert radioactive gas, is generally present wherever control the overhead condenser outlet temperature to
radium is found. In fact, that is what we test for in homes minimize formation of salts which cause plugging.
these days.
Both radionuclides are soluble in groundwater also. A DAVIS:
producing reservoir would remove radium as a sludge in CENEX also uses metallurgy to prevent corrosion.
a liquid phase and radon would be produced or separated Considering the material and potential swings in feed-
as a gas. Because its boiling point was about -80°F, it will stock, the correctly applied material is the best fix. The
concentrate between ethane and propylene in the light sour water stripper overhead condenser is a fin fan on
hydrocarbon side of a refinery or a natural gas liquids temperature control with titanium tubes. The outlet pip-
plant. ing to the receiver is 304L. Our worst problem so far is
Domestically, Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma have the salt build up, as Ms. Barker mentioned, in instrument taps
greatest probability of radon. Measurements from wells in which has been corrected by the use of small steam purges.
Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario have also shown
relatively high radon concentrations. Radium can also be FEARNSIDE:
found in crudes from those areas. We know of a lot of refiners who are using temperature
controls to mitigate salt fouling. What you have to be
SMITH: careful of is that it only works with ammonium bisulfide,
Saudi Aramco defines N.O.R.M. contamination as ammonium chloride, and possibly ammonium sulfate-
radioactivity exceeding 5 picocuries. This is a little lower type salts. If you have a cyanide related corrosion problem,
than most do. None of the Arabian crudes or products you have to move over to other means of controlling that
tested has shown N.O.R.M. contamination. For some type of corrosion.
formations, Saudi Aramco has, however, found N.O.R.M.
contamination in formation water separated from the KIMBRELL:
crudes in fields and primary desalters. This N.O.R.M. We do not control the outlet temperature from the
concentrates in the resulting scale. Despite the occurrence overhead condenser. The condenser tubes themselves are
of formation water, N.O.R.M. is easily removed by reverse titanium. The piping is 316 stainless. We control the
osmosis treatment of the water or by flashing to remove temperature of the overhead accumulator by bypassing gas
the radioactive gases. around the overhead condenser to prevent salt formation.
The water that is used for the condensing duty has already
BARKER: been used in a prior service. It is approximately 100°F
We have not found any N.O.R.M. in our crude or which helps prevent over condensing. We also have expe-
product streams, but we did find an unusual situation with rience with a sour water stripper that does not have an
some sandblasting sand containing thorium. The material overhead condenser or accumulator. The heat duty is done
had been used by a contractor for cleanup of a process by a pumparound stream so that the product off the top

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 219


is temperature controlled by varying the duty on the flow weir arrangement at the other end to ensure that no
pumparound. oil is entrained with the water leaving the drum.
The recovered oil is automatically pumped to slop on
KOOIMAN: level control. The drum is designed for a 30 min residence
I am aware of one sour water stripper that had tempera- time. The sour water from this drum is routed to either of
ture control like that. In this particular case, it was a carbon two sour water surge tanks with about a 4 day surge
steel shell and tube heat exchanger with cooling water on capacity per tank. One tank is filled while the other is used
the tube side. The cooling water flow rate was controlled to charge the stripper.
to adjust the outlet temperature of the process side at about In addition to internal floating skimmers, side
190°F. One of the problems, though, was a lot of tube side mounted decants are being provided as a backup for
fouling. That would be cooling water fouling because of secondary oil removal from the surge tanks. No planned
the reduced flow rates. It would last about 9 months demulsifiers will be used due to the relatively long resi-
between clean outs. dence time and other mechanical measures in the design.

We found that the salts that formed at our foul water We also degas our sour water prior to sending it to
stripper overheads also contained carbon dioxide. We storage tanks. We have between 24 and 48 hours worth of
experienced a lot of salt formation at temperatures around residence time in the storage tanks. We do skim oil, both
120°F. So our composition may be different than what in the degassing drums and in the sour water tanks, to
other panelists are familiar with. We also throttle cooling minimize the oil intrusion into the sour water stripper and
water to control temperatures. We target a process outlet on into the Claus plants, to help minimize the COS and
temperature of 160°F. The cooling water gets heated up to CS 2 production.
as high a temperature as 180°F which would normally
cause fouling as reported for carbon steel bundles. We use LEMMON:
aluminum overhead bundles, they do not foul on either At one Tosco facility, past practice has shown that less
side under these conditions. We have heard that titanium than 2 hours residence time yields oil in excess of 100 ppm.
is even more resistant to water side fouling. Therefore, residence time was increased to 4 hours, and
that is working adequately. Demulsifiers work well, but we
Question 34. do not currently use them.
What residence times are being used in sour water
surge tanks for oil removal or surge capacity? Have KOOIMAN:
de-emulsifiers been used to reduce the required oil There is about 10 min to 15 min for initial removal in
settling time? a small drum and then about 7 days in a tank, but no
experience with demulsifiers.
In the Ras Tanura Refinery design, raw sour water is ARNDT:
initially fed to a degassing drum which is fitted with In our large refineries, we have nominally 2-weeks of
vertical weirs. There is an overflow weir at one end of the surge time in our sour water processing system. The exact
drum for recovered oil removal and an underflow/over- location of the surge vessels or tanks is site-specific. Surge
time includes feed storage for sour water concentrators
and sour water strippers.

Our sour water surge tank is a 25,000 barrel tank held
approximately half full. This gives us 7 day retention time.
We too skim oil from this tank. No demulsifiers are used
in the tank.

We typically see 12 hour to 24 hour residence times or
much greater like Mr. Davis indicated. We have used
demulsifiers very successfully, but our first recommenda-
tion is try to find out the source of hydrocarbon and fix it
at the source.

220 Energy and Environmental Management


Solid & Chemical Waste other refiners experiences been with these types of air
Question 35.
Several catalyst manufacturing companies have pro- JACKSON:
posed alliance agreements to refiners to manage their Yes, we have experience with air preheaters with the
catalyst supply, handling, and disposal activities. Us- glass tubes, and we too have suffered from the tubes
ing a single source manufacturer may eliminate new cracking. We have put the problem down to one or more
technology available from alternate suppliers. Has of a number of issues:
any company entertained an offer to outsource these • washing the tubes too hot;
catalyst activities to an independent management • vibration of the tubes in operation;
company? • breakage at the point of contact of the supports;
• hardening of the PTFE tubesheets;
DiCAMILLO: • aging and cycling of the glass; and
Alliance agreements for full catalyst management are • poorly designed tubes that break through thermal
beneficial to the refinery, especially in these days of down- expansion.
sizing where manpower is at a premium. An example
When the glass cracks, the inlet air bypasses the tubes
would be Criterion’s full service alliance with Syncrude
and exits via the stack. We would typically install sampling
Canada Ltd. In that instance, we have a permanent em-
points on the flue gas side upstream and downstream of
ployee located at the Syncrude site assigned to catalyst
the preheater. Once a month, the flue gas would be
management. This arrangement has reduced turnaround
sampled and the difference in oxygen content checked. If
time and handling and storage charges for the customer
the tubes are broken, then there will be more oxygen in
and had a positive effect on their bottom line.
the downstream flue gas section.
Regarding whether that is the best route, Criterion is
One company has introduced a glass lined metal tube,
constantly looking for new ways to do things, and we will
and it claims that the supporting of the tubes and the tube
replace outmoded technology when we come up with
sheet system give a better and more reliable design. BP has
something new. In addition, our agreements have a best
no experience with these designs to date.
technology clause. The customer is free to explore new
technologies, and we also are allowed the option to change BP is also looking into Open Channel Air preheaters.
the technology to match if they find something better. The These are plate type constructions and are being consid-
customer is also free to switch to that technology if we ered for service in one of our refineries.
cannot match something he has found. For this reason, we
do not feel our customers are at a disadvantage when we ARNDT:
agree to handle their catalyst management. One of our ex-Chevron refineries uses glass tubes in a
furnace air preheater. By and large they have performed
BARKER: well. Some breakage has occurred on-line. It is believed
We have not embraced the cradle-to-grave alliance that the cause is due to sucking in cold rainwater into their
approach due to several concerns, including liability con- fan and the water runs down the ducting shocking the glass
siderations, limitations on the introduction of new tech- tubes. The tube failures have been mainly on the outer ring
nology available from competition, dealing with multiple of tubes. Another problem is the gradual hardening of the
contractors during turnarounds, and reduced price com- support material, reducing the flexibility of the tubes to
petition. We find it difficult to get past these issues. withstand stresses.

DAVIS: Question 37.

I have to agree with Ms. Barker. We have experienced persistent mechanical failure of
our soot blowers in our vacuum furnace. The compo-
nents which normally fail are the limit switches and
C. Energy Management line steam admission valve, which fail during soot
blowing operation. What are other refiners’ experi-
Process Heaters ence with soot blowers?

Question 36. DAVIS:

We have two furnaces with air preheaters equipped A survey of the CENEX maintenance staff finds the
with glass tubes. Although we follow the manufac- limit switches to be the most frequent failure. They do feel,
turer’s recommended washing procedure, we repeat- however, that the 2 year life expectancy they are experienc-
edly experience breakage of these tubes. What have ing is satisfactory.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 221


LEMMON: Exchangers
One Tosco refinery has experienced persistent me-
chanical failure of soot blowers in several furnaces. The Question 38.
problem is related to insufficient air pressure to the air We have come across some reference of refineries
motors that drive the lances in and out of the furnace. replacing air fin cooler blades from aluminum to
They are going to upgrade the control system from pneu- hollow FRP which permits different blade pitch angles
matic to electrical to get more consistent air pressure to to be used for increased air flow at a lower power
the drive motors. consumption due to much lower weight of the hollow
FRP blades. What is the general experience regarding
SMITH: use of FRP fan blades in process units with particular
For commiseration, we have additional problems to reference to use of hollow FRP blades?
offer. We have packing leaks on the lance. We have break-
ing chains on sprockets, drives and carriage in one of our LEMMON:
refineries. We have erosion of the extended tube services We have used Hudson brand high efficiency FRP
(studs) and surrounding tube damage, and damage to the blades at one of our refinery cooling towers. The manu-
convection section refractory near the soot blower. Of facturer claimed the fans would give 10% to 15% more
course, the intrinsic design and the severe operating con- air flow at constant power, which was our interest. We did
ditions make these problems likely. The only control not have the electrical power supply capacity to go to a
parameter we have found to help ensure a better operation larger fan. We needed a more efficient one.
is to make sure that your steam is as dry as possible. Wet Following installation, tests did show that the cooling
steam will cause erosion problems in the lance as well as water from the cells with the high efficiency fans had lower
in the nearby furnace components. temperature, so we were getting more airflow. The reliabil-
ity of FRP fan blades has been excellent: no failures in the
RONALD E. MARRELLI (Phillips Petroleum):
4 years they have been in service. I cannot comment on
This question does not pertain to the previous two the benefits of reduced weight or see how that might
contribute to better efficiency.
process heaters you have talked about, but it pertains to
heaters in general and it is a development that has come
up recently. Does anyone in the audience or on the panel
I agree with my colleague. BP uses plastic blades in
have any experience with emissivity coatings inside fire
some refineries. We have found the ones we have installed
boxes to improve efficiency and reduce fuel costs on
to be beneficial from an air flow point of view, due to
process heaters? profiling changes, and no real improvement due to lighter
We have dealings with Hudson, Texas, USA and Stork,
We considered this at one of our refineries, but instead Holland. New FRP designs include new special profiled
we focused our attention on better, more efficient burners. blades that are low noise blades, but they are more expen-
We are not convinced that it would pay back for all of the sive than the standard FRP designs.
effort it requires. Would we install FRP blades? Yes, to increase the air
flow across the air fin. When we look at power savings on
CHARLES LeROY (CITGO Petroleum Corporation): air fins we look in other areas:
We have a refinery down in Corpus Christi that is • hub seal to prevent air recirculation;
getting ready install some electromagnetic devices on the • minimizing clearances between fan and hood; and
piping right near the burner tips. The firm supplying this • belt drives, types and tightness.
claims that it can increase burner efficiencies by 10%. I
have not heard of this before, and am curious if anybody DAVIS:
has any knowledge of successful applications. I have no CENEX has converted all of their cooling towers to the
idea how it works. It seems a little bit like snake oil to me. FRP style plastic blades. All of our new Hudson fin fans
I was just curious if anybody in the audience or the panel are FRP bladed as well, with the benefits as described by
had heard of this before or could comment on this. the other panelists. The only known consideration for not
using FRP fans are temperature factors.
First and foremost, I have heard of it, but I do not have GENTRY:
the details. It does do something and it has something to Our chief mechanical engineer had a problem with the
do with the effect on the molecules. I do not know the inference that the lighter weight of FRP fan blades alters
specific details. the fan power. The blade weight and power are not directly

222 Energy and Environmental Management


related, he says, but light weight FRP blades may allow for fans or additional cooling surface area for long-term solu-
more air flow by permitting higher aerodynamic loads tions. Water sprays do come in handy for us, especially
while reducing the centrifugal blade stresses. In any case, during the months of July and August.
modern FRP blades do perform more efficiently than We have had success at our refinery, especially using
aluminum, permitting more power to go toward moving sprays on fin fan coolers and water cooler shells. The key
the air rather than heating it. Obviously, FRP blades are is that you use a very fine stream of water, and a mist is the
widely used for air cooled heat exchanger fans for new absolute best. At most, you just need to keep the surface
installations and have been used for some time on cooling wet. Any water that runs or drops off is wasted. I used to
water towers. API 661 provides some general guidelines tune the flows myself, but now we have several master
on materials for fan blades and related components. craftsmen of Arkansas Coolers, Mississippi Sprinklers and
Texas Foggers. It rains all summer at our plant in Memphis
JACKSON: regardless of the weather.
We are looking at new technologies here, but get your Steel makers also use a combination of air and water
process engineer and your operators to look at how you through a controlled air mist nozzle. This confines the
can improve the efficiency of your air fins first of all. I agree drop in size and ensures the best cooling for the amount
that going for a different profile blade is very worthwhile, of water sprayed. One drawback of using this type of
but also look at the hub seal and try to prevent air supplemental cooling is potential fouling from corrosion
recirculation. Try minimizing clearances between the fan products and the solids in the water, especially if you let
and the hood. Then look at belts, the type, the drive itself, the water evaporate off the equipment.
and also check for tightness. Little things will make a big If this method of direct spray were used for any length
difference to your efficiency and the amount of air you can of time, it would be best to use a purified water source,
push through. such as demineralized water condensate or softened water,
Mr. Hunkus just whispered in my ear that when you to prevent mineral buildup. Memphis has some of the best
install the FRP blades, make sure you take the ladder out, water in the world as evidenced by our Coors brewery, so
because that will also affect the efficiency. we have few problems in this area.
Additionally, a corrosion inhibitor, such as an ortho-
Question 39. phosphate, polyphosphate and zinc, would help control
Does anyone have experience using water sprays on external corrosion deposit. Also, a periodic dose of inhib-
fin fans in extreme/y hot weather to gain additional ited oxidizing biocide (dry chlorine/bromine) would help
cooling? if you develop an elaborate system on lube oil skids like
we have on all of ours.
We have tried sprayed on, misted on from the bottom, JACKSON:
from the top, with distribution headers and on shells and BP uses water cooling on our air fins in a number of
run down piping. You can also mix in air with the water locations in Europe, Australasia and the U.S. Some of our
and produce a fine mist that achieves most of the benefit refineries are still reluctant to install this type of cooling
without getting excess water on the equipment. enhancement technique, because of the maintenance is-
You should really look at cooling tower performance, sue when the system and equipment beneath the air fins
bypassing water coolers, piping changes, and adding fin are not designed for these water flows. The potential
benefits due to increase in duty are massive though and
should not be quickly dismissed. We would recommend
that the refiner first look at the simple fixes; belts, drives,
hub seals, fan/hood clearances, and motor sizes to in-
crease the exchanger duty. Then the use of spray water can
be considered.
Purpose built spray systems are recommended and not
simply a grid of holes in pipes. BP is currently looking at
installing sonic fogging systems on some of their air fins.
These systems produce a very, very fine spray that can be
linked to a temperature controller to minimize water

We have a bit of experience with extreme hot weather
in Saudi Arabia. The experience is very similar to what has

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 223


been described here, but I will go ahead and go through down, stages at 0.5% increments from normal. No auto-
some of this. Several of our refineries in Arabia have used matic tap charger problems have been attributed to sum-
fire water to assist fin fan cooling on hot summer days. mer-time low-voltage conditions. In-house generation
The water is run over the floor beneath the fin fan. Some minimizes these problems.
of the water may be picked up by air. However, the air
velocities near the water stream are low. Question 41.
We expect that most of the benefit is from reduced air Is anyone using high current/low voltage electrical
temperature resulting in direct contact and evaporative tracing on heavy oil process lines in lieu of steam
cooling. However, this is a practice of last resort and it is tracing?
an inefficient application of water which is a valuable
resource in our part of the world. In addition, for some DiCAMILLO:
refineries, fire water is sea water which will corrode rebar I canvassed customers I thought might be using electri-
on the concrete floor and structural support pedestals in cal tracing and managed to find a refinery that is almost
the area. 100% electrical. It is the Shell Scotford refinery in Edmon-
In the humid coastal areas, this practice has resulted in ton, Alberta.
as much as a 5° product outlet temperature drop on very From the customers I talked to, the one key problem
hot days which has meant the difference between main- seemed to be that it took them a while to find the proper
taining or dropping rate. Actual improvement is very tracing for their application. Everybody seemed to have a
dependent on the rate and ambient conditions, tempera- common problem about not finding robust enough trac-
ture and humidity. However, we emphasize that this is a ing when they started this procedure, and after several trial
method of last resort due to the destructive nature of the and errors, they finally hit upon a tracing that was rugged
application. enough to withstand service in the refinery.
One of our inland gas plants has had more significant Having done that, the next thing you need to pay
reductions in temperatures due to a higher evaporative attention to is the power distribution systems and your
cooling effect of the dry desert air. It is estimated that the temperature control and monitoring to ensure that the
air temperature is reduced from 125°F to 90°F, and the system will work in a reliable fashion. I have been told
corresponding process side temperature drop is about centralized control for electrical tracing is getting more
10°F to 15°F for fin fans operating in the 140°F range. attention. But in a retrofit situation, that is difficult to do.
However, even though the water is only 1900 TDS, It is more appropriate for a grassroots assembly.
the long-term usage of this technique is not recom-
mended as substantial damage to surrounding equip- DAVIS:
ment, motors and pumps, etc., and to the fin fan tubes CENEX uses 480 volt, 50 to 80 watt per foot tracing
themselves would occur. with mineral insulation on our pitch line for our PDA
unit. Maintenance is difficult at best. Custom lengths to
fit our lines are required for replacement.
Electrical Systems
Question 40. That is kind of an interesting approach to use the
Discuss experiences with auto-tap transformers with electrical tracing, especially in the Northern refineries. In
regard to potential summer-time low-voltage power some cases, I know of plants that are at the steam produc-
supply from public utility companies? tion limit in the wintertime
I saw an interesting article in Chemical Engineering in
BARKER: May of 1996 with regard to impedance heating using a
At one of our refineries, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) technology that plumbers use when hooking up welding
is our backup electrical supply. This supplements our electrodes to a pipe. “Understanding Impedance Heat-
cogeneration facility which produces all our power, except ing”; Chemical Engineering; pp 112-118; May 1996; Ep-
during our summer-time peak load occurrences. We have stein, Fred S. and White, Gary L.; Indeeco.
not had any problems with low voltages that any of our
electricians can remember, but do note that in our circum-
stance the residential supply is first browned out and
industry is left unaffected.

The auto-tap transformers we use provide a plus and
minus 2.5% voltage control from 10 tap points, 5 up, 5

224 Energy and Environmental Management



A. Ethylene non-moderated catalyst to inject CO and a CO non-mod-

erated catalyst. Currently, we use either of these in our
Question 1. processing scheme depending on the source of the hydro-
What processes are recommended for hydrotreating gen. If the hydrogen contains some CO impurities, we will
a debutanized aromatic concentrate (high heat re- use the CO moderated catalyst, whereas if PSA hydrogen
lease) from an ethylene cracker? is used, then we will use the CO non-moderated catalyst.

My name is Mario Baldassari. I have been with ABB The catalysts performance targets that we are working
Lummus for 22 years. Currently I am Technology Man- on for acetylene hydrogenation catalysts include improved
ager for Hydroprocessing and Resid Hydrocracking. selectivity to ethylene, catalysts that work at lower operat-
For the purpose of hydrotreating debutanized pyrolysis ing temperatures, and improved stability of the catalysts.
gasoline, Lummus licenses the DPG process. This can be Another thing that we are looking at is lowering the green
configured in either a single reaction stage or two reaction oil byproduct formation which is a polymer type product.
stages depending on the end use of the product. In the first The catalyst we market now does not use CO moderation
stage diolefins and some of the olefins are converted at and we would like to stick with that.
moderate conditions in a liquid phase reactor with hydro-
gen, using liquid recycle to control the exotherm. Question 3.
Typically, the operating pressure ranges from 400 to What methods are used to control fouling in ethylene
600 psig. pressure and the operating temperature ranges unit depropanizers?
from 175°F to 350°F.
If the product is feedstock to an aromatic extraction GENTRY:
unit, a second stage is added which converts the remainder The design approach to controlling ethylene plant
of the olefins and desulfurizes the feed to the aromatics depropanizer fouling is to lower the operating temperature
unit. This stage typically operates between 520°F to 700°F of the column to reduce the rate of polymerization of the
diolefins and acetylene that are present.
DiCAMILLO: Two approaches are used. The first uses a refrigerated
In the first stage unit, there is a variety of catalysts that column with a 65°F to 70°F overhead temperature. The
can be used depending on the feed quality. They can be second uses a split pressure column where the bottom
either palladium on alumina or sulfided nickel on alumina section operates at a low pressure and the top operates at
catalysts. The big concern in processing pyrolysis gas is sufficient pressure to use a cooling water condenser. In
feed quality. You need to pay attention to the feed quality both cases, the objective is to set the maximum operating
and stability to maximize your cycle length. The feed has temperature at about 185°F or less. The refrigerated
a high olefin and diolefin content, so it is very unstable.
Unless you take methods to stabilize it, you need to take
corrective actions to clean up the feed before you send it
to the unit or you can foul it up very quickly.

Question 2.
What catalyst performance advantages have been
made in the area of hydrogenating acetylene to ethyl-
ene in the ethylene furnace produced gas?

Catalyst manufacturers have developed more selective
catalysts to convert acetylene to ethylene without having
to add CO as an inhibitor. Presently there are two options;
a CO moderated catalyst and a new silver promoted CO

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 225


column has a significantly lower capital cost and is less

complex operationally, but it has a slightly higher operat-
ing cost.
In the depropanizer reboiler of either design, the steam
side pressure should be kept to a minimum to reduce
surface temperatures. Condensate pumps or steam traps
can be used to recover the condensate. These design
considerations have been shown to be effective in reduc-
ing fouling in the depropanizer. In addition, most oper-
ating plants also inject antifoulant chemicals to reduce
fouling rates and extend intervals between required re-
boiler cleanings.

We have successfully controlled the polymerization of
diolefins by (1) limiting depropanizer bottoms tempera- to you at this point are that there are no further increases
ture to 180°F and (2) by addition of antifoulants. We have in corrosion and also there is no phosphene generation.
had good success with commercially available antifou-
lants. We find that dosing in the range of 50 ppm to 100
ppm controls the diolefin polymerization reactions. Although some ethylene plants have tried to use addi-
tives to extend cracking heater run lengths, we think that
the results to date have been inconclusive and there has
not been any one additive that has shown that it can
We currently treat over 128 ethylene unit depropaniz-
increase run lengths significantly.
ers. Through the years we have come to develop a four part
Concerning the second part of the question, sulfur
program. The first part consists of using an antipolymer-
compounds have been added to cracking furnaces to
ant from our Actrine® family of antipolymerants to stop
passivate the nickel steels and suppress the formation of
polymerization; second, anti-oxidants to retard polymeri-
CO. To our knowledge, these compounds have not had
zation from oxygen or peroxides; third, metal deactivators
any significant effect on cracking furnace run lengths.
to kelate with the metal to stop any of the reactions from
the peroxy radicals; and, finally, dispersants to keep any of
the polymers moving through the column.
There are several fronts on which coking is being
To give you an example of performance improvement, attacked, such as the use of additives to reduce coking, the
before treating, typical run lengths were approximately a selection of metallurgies to reduce surface activity and
year. After treating, run lengths are in excess of 5 years and coke adhesion, and tube coatings to do the same. Phillips,
some of them are up to 8 years without problems. Amoco, and, of course, Nalco, among others, have been
involved in the development of additives and have done
Question 4. some commercial testing. Commercial data may be avail-
What advances have been made in programs to con- able from certain of these companies, but is likely to be
trol coking in ethylene steam cracking furnaces? Are proprietary at this time.
any commercial data available? What sulfur com- Some of the additives have shown favorable results, and
pounds have been used to affect coking in ethylene we may be on the verge of seeing breakthroughs in this
furnaces? What is the experience using polysulfides? area of technology. With regard to sulfiding agents, the
most common compounds remain dimethyl sulfide and
FEARNSIDE: dimethyl disulfide, with mercaptans, H2S and others also
In the past, we have had chemical programs to control in use. We have no specific experience with the use of
coking in ethylene steam cracking furnaces. The old tech- polysulfides.
nology, when it initially was used, would take runs from
some 30 days up to about 120 days. However, there were G. DARRELL SCRUGGS (KTI Corporation):
problems associated with that particular chemistry. Cor- There have been a number of programs suggested to
rosion rates in certain units would be unacceptably high reduce coke formation or coke adherence to the tube walls
and the generation of a phosphene downstream catalyst in ethylene furnaces, i.e., things ranging from additives, as
poison was also unacceptable. mentioned by the panel, lining the tubes with gasification
I can tell you today we are currently conducting a trial catalyst or using special metalurigcal formation. I think
with a new type of chemistry. The only results I can relate most commercial data is on using bimetallic cast tubes

226 Petrochemical Processing


with either high chromium, a low nickel lining or a high GENTRY:

aluminum lining known as alonizing. While these tubes Controlling the pH in the quench water separator in
have shown a much improved initial elongation of the run the mild acid range tends to improve operation and avoid
in the first one or so cycles, they deteriorate very rapidly emulsion formation. Other additives may also be helpful
to the point where the runs get so short that people have in breaking emulsions and improving the separation.
shut down and replaced the tubes just because they could Of course, sufficient settling time must be provided to
not get sufficient onstream time. allow separation of heavy oils. Filtering, coalescing and
The effect of sulfur doping in the feed to a range of 30 steam stripping of the net process condensate water stream
ppm to 150 ppm affecting run length is anecdotal since provide further clean up of the stream. Use of direct steam
sometimes it seems to help and sometimes it does not. injection for stripping instead of a reboiler eliminates a
What probably is most important is initial passivation potential fouling site. Some investigation upstream of the
before startup to passivate the nickel. quench water system may be necessary because some
contaminants can complicate the chemistry and make the
MARK D. SCHARRE (Phillips Petroleum Company): oil water separation more difficult.
We have tested our own proprietary antifoulant tech-
nology in our facilities at Sweeny, Texas since December Question 6.
of last year and have used it in a facility in Korea since June Are there experiences using LVGO as steam cracker
of last year. We are doing further testing now. Results were feed? Can recommendations be given about the speci-
presented at RLPAsia 96 in Singapore in September 1996. fications, such as boiling range, sulfur, nitrogen,
HENRY JO (Tetra Engineering and Technology Inc.):
We have special chemical additives that have been GENTRY:
tested in Kellogg’s pilot plant for naphtha feed. The run
Vacuum gas oil has been used as a commercial steam
lengths have been more than 10 times compared to a blank
cracker feed at Nova Chemical in Sarnia, Ontario. A
run for naphtha feed and it has more room to run, but we
Kellogg Millisecond pyrolysis furnace is used to success-
purposely stopped the tests after ten times the run lengths.
fully crack VGO with an end point of greater than 1000°F
So if anyone is interested in this area, we are offering
and a volume average boiling point of 885°F. This feed-
the commercial application. Right now we do not have a
stock is desulfurized to contain approximately 0.7% sul-
commercial application. Yet, it has proved to provide a
good measure to prevent coking. fur. It has an API gravity of 23° and contains over 40%
aromatics. Nova has seen a significant economic benefit
Question 5.
as a result of this VGO cracking capability. The primary
What methods are used to control fouling in ethylene concern with respect to VGO cracking is the reliable
dilution steam systems? vaporization of the heavy feed. A specially designed con-
vection section to provide flexibility to process feeds rang-
FEARNSIDE: ing from naphtha to VGO was part of Kellogg’s design for
We currently treat over 40 ethylene plants and through this furnace.
hard work, trial and error, have come up with a three step
recommendation. You need to minimize the total organic BALDASSARI:
carbon and oil and grease levels and keep them at or below Lummus Global has licensed several ethylene units
200 weight ppm with the use of emulsion breakers. using VGO or hydrocracked VGO feedstock. The key
The second step is to maintain a steady pH by using parameter we monitor is the BMCI (i.e Bureau of Mines
neutralizing amines, not caustic or ammonia, so that iron Correlating Index). This is a measure of the aromatic
levels stay below 0.5 ppm. If warranted, the third step is content of the feed or conversely the parafinicity of the
the use of an oxygen scavenger. feed. The lower the BMCI, the lower the aromatics con-
tent and the higher is the ethylene yield. Normally, the
BALDASSARI: BMCI should be less than 20 and preferably it between
It is not Lummus Global’s practice to use any antifou- 10 and 15. Typically the feedstocks we have processed have
lants or chemical addition other than sodium hydroxide a boiling range of 650°F to 750°F.
for pH control. We find that adjusting the blowdown rate
from the dilution steam system (i.e. usually set between DiCAMILLO:
7% and 10%) and avoiding hydrocarbon carryover from I would like to reiterate what Mr. Baldassari has just
the quench tower by providing sufficient settling time in said. A good rule of thumb in regards feed quality and
the bottom of the quench tower effectively controls dilu- ethylene yield is that paraffins > iso-paraffins > naphthenes
tion steam fouling. > aromatics.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 227


G. DARRELL SCRUGGS (KTI Corp.): velocity, you might see some benefits of reducing steam-
KTI has operating experience using LVGO and HAGO to-oil ratio, however, because you will find a reduction in
steam cracking feeds to cracking furnaces for ethylene catalyst attrition.
plants where design and operating experience is 40 days Having said all that, different styrene catalysts respond
run length. As asked in the question, the boiling range was differently to steam-to-oil ratio and some are more robust
IBP of 572°F to 680°F and EBP of 986°F to 1004°F. Sulfur than others.
content was approximately 1.0 wt% and nitrogen was 5
to 20 PPB. The PONA was 35% paraffins, 45% JOHNSON:
naphthenes and 20% aromatics. We would agree with the Typical designs for classic dehydrogenation units run
panel comment that a key to the success is a proper design at molar steam-to-oil ratios of around 1.5. UOP represents
of the injection nozzles at the vaporization point. life between 1.0 and 1.5 years under these conditions.
Higher levels of steam (dilution) represent milder opera-
tion. Thus, at steam-to-oil ratio between 1.7 and 1.9, life
B. Styrene can increase to around 3 years. Temperature is typically
adjusted only as a response to deactivation. However,
Question 7. higher temperatures do contribute to further deactivation.
Can the newly marketed distillation inhibitors with Lower steam-to-oil ratios would have a more direct impact
higher activity, prevent polymerization problems dur- on deactivation. Once temperatures are increased to end-
ing an unplanned plant outage? of-run levels (to maintain conversion), temperature deac-
tivation may become a significant influence.
Most of the inhibitors available on the market are what JOE E. PELATI (The Dow Chemical Company):
can be classified as true inhibitors; they have inhibition The deactivation rate is dependent upon the chosen run
action but are not designed for upset conditions in the conditions and the catalyst, and falls into separate regimes.
unit. There are programs available that are combinations Generally, we feel at the higher steam-to-oil ratios, the
of inhibitors that will give both inhibition plus some relief temperature increases will bring about more deactivation
during upset conditions. The additive companies that versus a reduction in your steam-to-oil ratio.
maintain good technical support groups can help a cus- At a lower steam-to-oil regime, a cross over point of
tomer custom design a package to do both things. temperature and steam-to-oil can be identified in some
cases. But to get the best handle on deactivation and avoid
FEARNSIDE: surprises as you evaluate new catalysts, we prefer to use a
The key to the program is to make sure that you do a model developed from a long run in an adiabatic pilot
detailed study up front to understand the dynamics of the plant. We feel that is superior to the laboratory studies on
particular column in question. What you have to ensure new catalysts in making catalyst choices.
is an adequate amount of the inhibitors in the column that
will cover the timeframe between upset condition and the Question 9.
time the column finally cools down to ambient condi- What is the best catalyst to use to achieve high selec-
tions. This is the same methodology used with the more tivity and a long run time?
common retarders and is extremely effective.
Question 8. This is the perfect lead in for a vendor. I had everybody
Does the steam-to-oil ratio affect catalyst (ethyl ben- in the office take a lie detector test to prove they did not
zene dehydrogenation) life more than the tempera- submit this question and they all passed. So I do not feel
ture, assuming no excursions from specified guilty about plugging our materials here.
operating conditions? Criterion markets a styrene catalyst called Versicat that
was introduced in 1995 that has the highest selectivity of
DiCAMILLO: any styrene catalyst on the market right now. Selectivity
The simple answer here is yes. Steam-to-oil ratio has is better than 97% and it operates at steam-to-oil ratios
the largest effect on styrene catalyst performance. If the as low as 6. It is currently installed in 2 units. One has
steam-to-oil ratio changes, it will upset the temperature been operating for 5 months and one has been operating
balance and you will have to change operating tempera- for 16 months.
tures. If the steam-to-oil ratio goes down, temperatures
will have to increase and you will accelerate the level of JOHNSON:
coke formation which will accelerate the deactivation of UOP is alligned with UCI as the preferred dehydroge-
the catalyst. On a unit that is operating at a high linear nation catalyst supplier for our conventional styrene and

228 Petrochemical Processing


SMART processes. The most recent application is the The second major factor is technical. Styrene producers
styromax 4 catalyst. using new feedstocks and new process technologies run the
risk of introducing new and different byproducts into the
Question 10. monomer product. Suppliers to the styrene merchant mar-
What are the factors preventing the use of alternative ket need to produce styrene with the same composition,
feedstocks/routes to produce styrene (such as butadi- meeting the same specifications as conventionally pro-
ene or toluene/methanol)? duced material. The composition is the key factor lest some
trace byproduct should cause an unanticipated problem in
JOHNSON: downstream processing. Commodity monomer producers
Both technologies appear interesting, but the econom- and users are extremely reluctant to introduce new tech-
ics are unattractive for both; more so for butadiene due to nology with new trace byproducts into the market without
the high prices that the butadiene raw materials com- extensive, (and expensive) testing and prequalification.
mand. The primary issue for the methanol alkylation with These concerns can be addressed, but not without a sub-
toluene was a catalyst selectivity problem. stantial commitment to a demonstration facility.

DiCAMILLO: JOE E. PELATI (The Dow Chemical Company):

The main concern here is economy of scale. The po- Dow developed its own styrene catalyst and uses it
tential alternative feedstocks are not as readily available as internally. We believe we have the best sryrene catalyst for
ethylbenzene. So the process is not economically competi- selectivity and lifetime. However, we have some techniques
tive. One exception could be if styrene is produced as a and some data that identify the theoretical limit to catalyst
byproduct of another process. development, and have an idea of where the ultimate
styrene catalyst performance can be found. We believe we
GENTRY: are near that chemical optimum. We recognize that this
There are two basic factors inhibiting the use of alter- process, ethyl benzene to styrene, has been optimized for
native feedstocks and processes for the production of many years and that perhaps all the manufacturers of the
styrene monomer. The first one, the availability and cost styrene catalysts will be converging at this point.
of feedstocks, has been covered already by the panel.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 229


Stephen P. Frayne Nalco Chemical Company

MEMORANDUM D. Michael Geehan
Tony S. Go
Shell Synthetic Fuels
Baker Industrial Chemicals
Martin P. Grosboll Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
The comments contained in the transcript for the 1996 Dan Hartley D. H. Associates
NPRA Question and Answer Session on Refining and William E. Heck Energy Biosystems Corp.
Gerald O. Henderson Ashland Petroleum Company
Petrochemical Technology, which was held October 15- Peter T. Jackson UOP
17, in Anaheim, California, have been edited by the William F. Johns Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc.
panelists and conferees who commented during the Ses- John Kassarjian KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc.
sion. Mark R. Keim The Costal Corporation
Patrick Laabs Star Enterprise
The Question and Answer Session on Refining and Charles F. LeRoy CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Petrochemical Technology is under the cognizance of the Warren S. Letzsch Stone & Webster Technology Corp.
NPRA Manufacturing Committee listed as follows: L. E. Lew Phillips Petroleum Company
Glenn C. Liolios STRATCO, INC.
Christina McDowell Unocal/76 Products Company
Paul D. Fritz, Chairman Pennzoil Products Company
John E. Miller Tosco Refining Company
Jean E. Neuberger, Vice Chairman Hunt Refining Company
David R. Morris Chevron Research and Technology Co.
Kevin Brown Sinclair Oil Corporation
Alan J. Cabodi U. S. Oil & Refining Co. Brian M. Moyse Haldor Topsoe, Inc.
Richard J. Duszynski Basis Petroleum, Inc. Roger O. Pelham Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions
John M. Ehlen Koch Refining Company George P. Quinn Amoco Petroleum Products
Robert J. Frazier Union Texas Petrochemicals J. B. Roddey Roddey Engineering Services, Inc.
Ronnie D. Jackson Cross Oil and Refining Company, Inc. Jack Sigan Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment Co.
Anthony P. Johnson Mobil Oil Corporation G. Andrew Smith INTERCAT, Inc.
Robert E. Kerns Diamond Shamrock, Inc. George A. Smith Exxon Research and Engineering Co.
Virgil R. Langford Navajo Refining Company Charles W. Stanger Akzo Catalysts
John J. Lipinski Coastal Corporation Gary A. Stephens TRICAT, Inc.
Charles B. Miller Ashland Petroleum Company Arthur J. Suchanek Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.
John Miller Ultramar Inc. Kenneth G. Tasker IFP Enterprises, Inc./HRI, Inc.
William G. Miller MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc. Delbert F. Tolen Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment Co.
David R. Morris Chevron Research and Technology Co. A. Witoshkin Engelhard Corporation
Ronald E. Pletcher CENEX, Inc.
Alvin Prebula CITGO Petroleum Corporation Attendance at the 1996 Q&A Session totaled 1,337
Allen C. Randle Unocal Corporation conferees representing the petroleum refining and petro-
Kenneth Roane National Cooperative Refinery Assn.
J. A. Ross Phillips Petroleum Co. chemical industries, supply and service organizations, gov-
Randall M. Trembly Crown Central Petroleum Corporation ernment and members of the press who came from 33
Jeff K. Utley Flying J Inc. states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Two
David L. Uzzell Tosco Refining and Marketing Company
Milam J. Williams Lion Oil Company
hundred conferees came from the following 32 countries:
Maurice H. McBride National Petroleum Refiners Association Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada,
Terrence S. Higgins National Petroleum Refiners Association Chile, Curacao, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany,
Each year the Manufacturing Committee selects the Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Lux-
panelists and appoints a Screening Committee to select the embourg, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Oman,
questions submitted by individuals and companies regard- Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain,
less of membership in the Association. The Screening Trinidad, United Kingdom, and Venezuela.
Committee consolidates questions, eliminates duplicates The 14 member panel was joined by 147 conferees in
and arranges the questions in the correct category and commenting on the 211 questions during the 21⁄2 day
sequence so that the maximum number of questions can exchange of technical information on modern petroleum
be considered in the 21⁄2 days of sessions. This year, from refining and petrochemical technology. The following table
some 779 questions submitted, 211 questions were selected is comparison of the attendance for the past five years:
by the panelists and the following Screening Committee Wash- San
Members: Anaheim Dallas Anaheim
ington Antonio
1992 1993 1996
1994 1995
SCREENING COMMITTEE No. of Member Companies 185 164 180 171 171
Member Conferees 1,245 1,191 1,158 1,255 1,221
Peter G. Andrews Conoco Inc.(retired)
Others 127 112 115 117 116
R. C. Barlow BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group
David B. Bartholic BAR-CO Processes Joint Venture TOTAL 1,372 1,303 1,273 1,372 1,337
Carlos A. Cabrera UOP No. of Conferees Commenting 172 169 176 162 147
Robert E. Davis R. E. Davis Chemical Corporation
John Deaton Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc.
Timothy J. Dougan Grace Davison Terrence S. Higgins
B. W. Feltrop Petrolite Corporation Technical Director

230 Memorandum


JOHN H. ARNDT — Process Coordinator, Chevron Products, Richmond, California. John is

responsible for coordinating technical and operating principles in hydrocracking, hydrotreating,
and hydrogen manufacture for the Chevron refineries. Since joining Chevron in 1963, he has held
a wide variety of technical and management positions involving process design, project design,
plant support, process development, and process licensing in Chevron. John holds B.S. and M.S.
degrees from Cal Tech, Pasadena.

MARIO C. BALDASSARI — Technology Manager — LC-Fining and Hydroprocessing, ABB

Lummus Global, Bloomfield, New Jersey. Mario has been with ABB Lummus Global for over 22
years holding various process engineering positions in Refining and Synthetic Fuels. He has been
Process Design Manager for LC-Fining, and served as Technical Manager of Refining before
assuming his current position. He began his career with PSE&G as a process engineer working
with Synthetic Natural Gas. Mario holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Stevens
Institute of Technology and a M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of

ELLEN S. BARKER — Advising Engineer, 76 Products Company, Unocal Corporation, Rodeo,

California. Ellen has primary engineering responsibility for the Unicracker complex. In her 15
years with Unocal she has had positions as Operations, Planning and Analysis Supervisor,
Steam/Power Plant Project Engineer, and Gasoline/Diesel Unionfiner Engineer. Ellen is a Chemical
Engineering graduate of the University of Arizona and a Professional Engineer in California.

TOM W. DAVIS — Process Engineer, CENEX, Laurel Montana. Tom’s assignments at CENEX
have involved him in all areas of process design, construction, startup, and troubleshooting. Recent
projects have included heater throughput and efficiency upgrades, Gas Oil HDS/Hydrogen
Complex start-up, and Diesel HDS low sulfur revamp. He spent two years as a process engineer
at the Chemplex ethylene plant in Clinton, Iowa before joining CENEX. Tom holds a B.S. degree
in Chemical Engineering from Montana State University.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 231


DAVID J. DiCAMILLO — Technical Service Coordinator, Criterion Catalyst Company L.P.,

Houston, Texas. Dave specializes in distillate hydrotreating and specialty catalyst applications. In
this role, he participated in the basic design and commercial start-up of the five currently operating
SynSat — deep desulfurization and aromatics saturation — units. Prior to transferring to Crite-
rion, Dave worked for 16 years in the catalyst Research Department of American Cyanamid
Company. Assignments there included development and commercialization of hydrotreating
catalysts and supervision of Cyanamid’s catalyst testing facility. Dave holds a B.S. degree in
Chemical Engineering from the University of Connecticut and a B.A. degree in Engineering from
Fairfield University.

PAUL FEARNSIDE — Senior Technical Services Engineer, Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P.,
Sugar Land, Texas. Paul has been responsible for trouble shooting specialty chemical applications
with relation to increasing refinery profitability for the past 5 years. He has more than 18 years
experience in the refining industry. He began his career as a startup Engineer for UOP with various
assignments on FCCUs, Hydrocrackers, Reformers, Alkylation, Hydrotreater, and Sulfur Removal
units before moving into marketing. Paul holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from
Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

ARTHUR R. GENTRY — Product Director, Petroleum Refining, The M.W. Kellogg Technology
Company, Houston, Texas. Art leads the Petroleum Refining Business Team which has responsi-
bility for the management, development, acquisition, and marketing of proprietary Kellogg
petroleum refining technologies. He has over 26 years experience in the field of process design,
management, and development of petroleum refining technologies, having worked with Texaco’s
Engineering department and Amoco’s Refining and Transportation Engineering Department prior
to joining The M. W. Kellogg Company. He holds B.A. and M.Ch.E. degrees in Chemical
Engineering from Rice University.

232 Panel Biographies


STEPHEN F. HUNKUS — General Manager of Operations, MAPCO PETROLEUM, Inc.,

Memphis, Tennessee. In this position, Steve is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of
MAPCO’s Mid South Refinery. He and his team also have direct responsibility for environmental
&airs, safety, maintenance, training, process engineering, and quality control. Prior to joining
MAPCO, Steve was co-founder and President of Warren Industries, which manufactured ASME
code vessels and environmental equipment primarily in support of the petroleum industry. He
began his career with Shell Oil Company as an engineer in their head office group focusing on cat
crackers, reformers, hydrotreaters, and computer programs; and later served as Manager of Strategic
Planning and Economics, and Manager of Project Engineering for United Refining Company.
Steve holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Michigan State University.

LAN JACKSON — FCC Refinery Support Manager, BP Oil, based in the BP Oil Oil Technology
Centre in Sunbury, UK. Ian leads a team of engineers that support all the FCCs within the BP Oil
group and some third party refineries. His career began with Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation
as a process engineer working on a number of oil refinery projects and included overseas site
operation and commissioning work. He joined BP Oil in 1989 and has recently returned from
3 1/2 years at the BP Oil refinery in Western Australia leading a team responsible for the technical
and operational support of the Residue FCCU complex. He has a first class honours degree in
Chemical Engineering from Bradford University, UK and is a Chartered Engineer and Member
of the Institute of Chemical Engineers. He has written and presented several papers at Licensor
and Catalyst Supplier Symposia.

BRIAN H. JOHNSON — Manager, Operating Technical Services, UOP, Des Plaines, Illinois.
Brian is responsible for a group of Process Specialists who provide technical service support to UOP
licensed technologies in the Light Fuels, Detergents, and Heavy Oil areas. He has been with UOP
for 27 years working in several departments, such as Experimental Development, Field Operating
Services, Continuing Services, Platforming Services, Isomerization Services, and his current
position as Manager of Light and Heavy Ends Processing. Brian holds a B.S degree in Chemical
Engineering from Washington State University.

1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 233


MICHAEL R. KIMBRELL — Process Specialist, ARCO Products Company, Anaheim, Califor-

nia. Based at the Engineering and Technology Center, Mike is currently responsible for crude/vac-
uum unit, coker and sulfur plant for ARCO’s refineries. Additional responsibilities are crude oil
information for the Products Company, amine systems, Claus plant and tail gas unit process design.
Mike has also served as an Operations Superintendent in crude, coker and sulfur plant areas, a
Maintenance Superintendent in planning and contracting, an Operations Superintendent in the
hydrotreating and reforming area and an Operations Supervisor in the crude area. He also has
experience in process design, project engineering and the manufacture of vinyl chloride monomer.
Mike holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Washington State University and is a
licensed Professional Engineer in California.

RANDALL R. KOOIMAN — Consultant, Koch Development Group of Koch Industries, Inc.,

Wichita, Kansas. Prior to accepting this position he was, Manager, Operations and Oil Movements
at Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Over his 16 year career in the refining industry Randy has held a variety
of operations, engineering, and supervisory positions with Chevron USA, Inc. in El Paso, Texas
and worked as a process engineer for Champlin (now CITGO) in Corpus Christi, Texas. He joined
Murphy as Operations Area Superintendent, before assuming his current responsibilities. Randy
holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Institute of

CHARLES B. LEMMON — Technical Services Manager, Tosco Refining Company, Avon Re-
finery, Martinez, California. Chaz is currently responsible for the supervision of technical services
engineers who provide unit monitoring, catalyst evaluation, chemical treatment, trouble shooting,
optimization and turnaround support. Prior to assuming his current responsibilities he held
operations supervisory assignments at the FCC, hydrocracker, hydrogen and alkylation units, and
worked in process engineering where he managed the refinery’s energy conservation program. Chaz
holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.

TERRY R. SMITH — Engineering Division Head, Saudi Aramco, Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia. In
his current position he has represented the refinery as senior representative for the Ras Tanura
Refinery Upgrade Project which adds world scale conversion facilities the Ras Tanura complex. He
has held Division Head positions in engineering and operations and has been in charge of all
engineering and technical services for the refinery. He has been a technical investigator for several
large loss incidents for the company and was a member of the team performing due diligence
during the joint venture acquisition of Star Enterprise. He began his career as a process engineer
with Hess Oil Virgin Islands Corporation. Terry holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from
Texas A&I University.

234 Panel Biographies


Al-Rehaili, Khalid, 184, 189 Godwin, Roy S., 145 Marrelli, Ronald E., 28, 140, 175,
Allen, Frank, 35, 185 Gonzalez, Rene, 44 177, 181, 222
Bacon, T.R. (Tom), 127, 211 Goolsbee, Andy, 13 McCaffrey, David S., 78
Bartakovitz, Roger, 61 Gregory, Collin A., 95 McCoy, Charles, 53
Berg, John, 59, 62 Grieb, Ben, 146, 149 McLean, Joseph B., 103
Binford, Mark S., 17, 30 Guglietta, Glenn, 91 Menheere, Bill, 190
Birnbaum, Rick W., 197 Haley, John T., 102 - 103 Menon, Raghu, 80, 89, 121
Brahn, Michael, 107 Miller, David J., 194
Harris, Everette C., 133
Bredehoft, Ronald, 129 Moretta, Jon C., 118
Heimbaugh, William, 11, 13
Brierley, Robert, 12, 211 Morgan, Charles L., 179, 195
Himes, Frank, 176
Brunson, Ross, 121 Moyse, Brian M., 133, 145
Hlozek, Robert, 195
Buercklin, Keith, 193 Nagele, Marc, 141
Hoh, Patrick, 190
Buziuk, Frank, 203 Nash, Richard M., 53 - 54, 179,
Howard, Neil, 60, 134, 138 193
Carlisle, Edwin A., 181
Hughes, Gary, 109, 113 Niccum, Phillip K., 85, 91
Catchpole, Steve, 121, 123, 126
Husted, Don A., 175 Nielsen, Anders, 56, 121, 124 - 126
Charles, Winston B., 201
Jenkins, James, 201 Nocca, Jean-Luc, 95, 172, 186, 194
Chow, Thomas K., 205, 210
Jo, Henry, 227 Orlando, Charles T., 134, 202
Christensen, Jonathan T., 27
Christie, Patricia, 137 Jones, James W., 189 Owen, Ozie S., 144, 153
Citarella, V.A., 196 Kelly, Tom, 184 Palmer, R. E. (Ed), 50, 117, 161,
Kessler, Randy, 128 163, 188, 200
Collins, Tom, 12, 18, 33, 93
Khurana, Vinay, 125 Parekh, Uday N., 80, 205
Conrad, Jon, 198
Kim, Hak N., 86, 88 Paspek, Steve, 16, 112, 114, 117 -
Cook, John D., 185
Cromarty, Benjamin, 127 King, David L., 122, 124 - 130
Pavel, Stephen K., 98
Dardeer, Salah H., 30, 54, 142 King, Thomas, 210
Pelati, Joe E., 228 - 229
Daughtry, James L., 198 Kliesch, Howard C., 49, 169
Peries, Jean-Pierre, 133, 155 - 156
Dharia, Dilip, 84 Kruse, Charles J., 114
Peterman, Raymond W., 84
Dixon, Peter, 112 Lacijan, Lawrence A., 74, 85
Picioccio, Kathy, 130
Donahue, Michael, 141 Lane, Philip, 102, 104
Powell, Bob, 46
Dorn, David, 200 Le, Binh, 20 Proops, Kevin R., 201
Drake, Peter, 84 LeRoy, Charles, 204, 222 Quinn, George P., 87
Eaton, Paul, 30, 33 Letzsch, Warren S., 80, 92 Raina, J.L., 11, 19, 27 - 28, 33, 35,
Ellis, Paul, 116 Leuenberger, Ernest L., 95 37, 40, 71, 113, 167, 184, 210
Embry, John, 60 Lucena, Rene, 177, 179, 218 Rajagopalan, K. Raj, 97
Fahey, William F., 16 Maghazel, Hassan A., 22 - 23, 51, Ramirez, Daniel, 118 - 119
Fischer, Steven M., 133, 143, 174 187 Revell, Kenneth P., 202 - 203, 205,
Frederickson, Lewis A., 84 Malik, Tariq, 52, 59 - 61, 114, 118, 210
Fritsche, G. Ray, 67 205 Roberts, David, 141
Fritz, Paul, 74 Manoharan, C., 19, 27 - 28, 62, 70, Roddey, J.B., 54, 134, 143, 180 -
Furfaro, Angelo P., 181, 189 74, 118, 126, 200 181, 188
George, Joe, 199 Marak, Dan, 38 Ronnander, James C., 200
Geren, Philip, 174 Marks, Chad L., 206, 209 Roundtree, Eugene, 116
Gibbons, William Joseph, 210 Marquez, Luis E., 113, 116, 212 Roy, Michel, 134 - 135

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 235


Scharre, Mark D., 227 Stephens, Gary A., 181 Weith, James D., 70, 74, 76, 81, 86,
Schendel, Ron, 204 Suchanek, Arthur J., 139 89, 117
Scruggs, G. Darrell, 128 - 129, 226, Tasker, Kenneth G., 53, 137, 145, Wells, Jan W., 27
228 148, 150, 152, 190 Willcox, Christine, 144
Sheckler, John, 174 Thompson, Ralph T., 43 - 44 Wilson, Joseph W. (Bill), 65, 77 -
Sheth, Pari B., 97, 133 Turpin, Lee E., 38, 49, 181, 186 78, 85, 90 - 91
Sims, Peggy L., 61 Vadekar, Mo, 134, 176, 197, 200 - Wimberly, Mark O., 197
Sloan, H. David, 93, 111 201 Winger, Lloyd, 78, 103, 175
Sloley, Andrew W., 106 Valentine, Julie, 40 Witzig, Bill, 134
Smith, Jonah, 75, 104 Virag, Alios, 212 Wizig, Herbert W., 33, 196 - 198
Ward, John W., 45 - 46, 49 Zetlmeisl, Michael J., 30, 33, 137
Smith, G. Andrew, 71, 92, 95, 104
Spurrell, Chris H., 218 Zudkevitch, David, 214

236 Participant Index


Index to Topics Discussed at

Q&A Sessions on Technology

The next several pages comprise an index of the tran- or reagents, etc.), “analysis” (testing and analytical meth-
script of the 1996 NPRA question-and-answer sessions on ods), and “instrumentation” (metering, monitoring, and
refining and petrochemical technology. control).
Availability. Readers who do not have access to this Subheadings. Only the broadest subjects have sub-
volume may obtain it by writing: NPRA, Suite 1000, 1899 headings. They are given their governing subject headings
L Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, Attention: Pub- on the next page and are preceded there and in the body
lications. Price is $25.00 plus postage. of the index by a dash.
An example, “sulfur and mercaptans” is the subhead
Using the Index. The index follows a hierarchal format,
under the subject “chemicals and chemical elements and
which is broken down into:
1. Subjects
2. Subheadings Words. The words, which are the highest degree of
3. Words specificity before the actual information entry, are listed
alphabetically under the subjects and/or subheadings. For
Two general guides should be kept in mind by the
example, “riser” is a word under the subheading “cat
searcher for making the index easier to use:
cracking” which is under the subject heading “cracking.”
• The index is oriented primarily (but not entirely)
When the index user is at the word stage, it is advisable
toward specific refining processes. Under each proc-
that several “word” entries be scanned. For example, when
ess the entries tend to be clumped into such areas as
searching for information concerning a riser, the words
“charge stocks,” “equipment” and “operation.”
“cat” (catalyst) and “charge stock” may also, depending on
• Equipment which is not uniquely associated with a
the nature of the information needed, deserve scrutiny. On
specific process is entered by name under the major
the other hand, the words “cat regeneration” and “pollu-
subject heading “equipment.” This major subject
tion control,” also under the subheading “cat cracking”
heading also has some sub-headings such as “main-
can, with a high degree of confidence, be ruled out as
tenance” and “standby.”
pointing to appropriate information.
Subjects. As noted, included in the broad subject cate- The information entry associated with the words is, of
gory are all major processing activities, such as “cracking” course, the final criterion for turning to the NPRA book.
and “reforming.” With a question involving hydrocrack-
The Entry. The word and entry describe as briefly as
ing, for example, the searcher should skip the temptation
possible the content of the information available.
to go directly to the body of the index and try to find
“hydrocracking” in alphabetical order. “Hydrocracking” Page. The right-hand column of the index gives the
is a subheading of “cracking,” which governs the alpha- page where the information described in the entry can be
betical location of the material. found. The page listed is often just the first page where the
Four large all-purpose subjects are “additives,” “chemi- pertinent information is given. Subsequent pages should
cals” (which can cover feedstock materials, contaminants, also be scanned or read.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 237



Additives Fractionation
Air Pollution Control Fuels
Alkylation Gasoline
—Hydrofluoric Acid Hydrogen Production
—Sulfuric Acid Alkylation Hydrotreating
Analysis Inspection
—Testing & Analytical Methods
Instrumentation (Metering, Monitoring & Control)
Biological Treating & Microorganisms
Jet Fuel
—Poisons & Poisoning Kerosine
Charge Stocks Lube Oils (as Products)
Chemicals & Chemical Elements & Metals Naphtha
—Sulfur and Mercaptans and Sulfur Compounds Oils
Coke (Coke Production) Oxygenates
—Delayed Coking Petrochemicals
Coking (fouling) Polymer Unit
Combustion Pressure
Refinery Economics & Refinery Practices
Computer Control
Control —Catalytic
Corrosion & Equipment Problems —Steam
Cracking Resids
—Fluid Cat Cracking (FCC)
—Hydrocracking Safety & Industrial Hygiene
Crude Oil Processing Simulations
Crude Oils Slurry
Data Reconciliation Software
Deasphalting Staffing
Desulfurization Storage
Diesel Oils Sulfur Plant
Distillation Tankage
Energy Recovery & Conservation Training
Entrainment Treating
Environmental Controls Turnaround
Equipment Visbreaking
—Maintenance Waste Disposal
Extraction Waste Water
Foaming Water Pollution Control
Fouling & Deposits —Water Re-use

238 Subject Index


1996 NPRA Q&A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology
ADDITIVES FCC Demetallization Data on Metal Removal 98-96
FCC Catalyst CO Promoter Impregnated on Catalyst 104-96 FCC Demetallization Demetallization Technology Enhanced 98-96
FCC Catalyst Pros & Cons of Separate Additive Additions 102-96 FCC Disposal Two Techniques Lessen Problem 97-96
FCC Catalyst Separate Additive Addition Best 103-96 H2Cat. Loading “Sweep Brush” Loading Described, Evaluated 127-96
Pour Point Effectiveness of Depressant 19-96 H2 Prereforming Starts Reaction at Lower Temperature 123-96
SOX Role in FCC Sulfate Formation Is Complex 70-96 H2Reformer Tubes “Sweep Brush” Loading Described, Evaluated 127-96
Sulfur Reduction Bottoms Cracking Additive Works 102-96 Hydrotreating Monitoring Purchased Catalyst 139-96
Hydrotreating New Regulations on Spent Cat. Classification 144-96
AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Iso-Dewaxing Deactivation by Ni, V, Nitrogen and Sulfur Compounds 21-96
Amine Surge Tanks Reduction of H2S Emissions 196-96 Isomerization Experience With I-12 Catalyst 191-96
Hydrogen Plants Control of NOX 129-96 New CCR Catalyst Does Not Improve Aromatics Yield 186-96
Passivator Compressor Constraint 89-96
ALKYLATION Presulfiding Three Techniques for Hydrocracking Cat. Compared 143-96
—HYDROFLUORIC ACID Presulfiding Chemicals Experience With Non-Toxic, Low Odor Material 140-96
Acid Entrainment HF Should Be Above 88 wt% to Avoid 172-96 Spent Dimersol Catalyst Neutralization, Handling 190-96
Acid Entrainment Settler Velocity of 1.5 to 1.8 fpm 172-96 Spent Hydrotreating Could Be Classified As Hazardous Waste 144-96
Acid Entrainment When a Problem, How Monitored 171-96 Steam Reforming Performance Limited by Tube Life, Not Cat. 128-96
Acid-Soluble Oils Color Chart to Determine Contaminants 169-96 Styrene Best Catalyst for Selectivity & Run Time 228-96
Acid-Soluble Oils Contaminant Each Color Denotes 169-96 Styrene Effect of Steam-to-Oil Ratio 228-96
Dry-Outs After Turnaround Hot Air, Hot Isobutane, Hot Nitrogen 177-96 Supply & Disposal Experience With Alliance to Handle All Activity 221-96
Exchanger Bundle Acidizing Technique to Facilitate Extraction 175-96 —POISONS & POISONING
Exercising, Testing Key Valves Method, Frequency, Priorities 172-96 V Control Advances in Technology and Benefits 96-96
H2O Content of Acid Around 1% Is Optional 175-96
iC4 Management Multivariable Predictive Constraint Controller 169-96 CHARGE STOCKS
iC4 Management Ranges From Simple Practices to Multivariable Process Control 168-96 High in Na Desalt or Dehydrate in Tankage 92-96
iC4 Management Things to Know or Understand Before Installing MVPC 168-96 Lube to FCC Is Done but Can Pose Problems 91-96
New Technology Status of Solid Acid Process 174-96 LVGO to Steam Cracker Used In a Number of Plants 227-96
On-Line Acid Analyzer None Used 175-96 Main FCC Feed Desalting Even 2 ppm Feed Can Give Payout 93-96
Pentenes Conditions When Fed to Alky Hydrotreater, Result & Effect 172-96 SDA to Coker Effect on Yields and Operations 21-96
Pulling Feed At Acid Concentration of 78 to 82% 173-96 V in FCC Feed V Control and Benefits 96-96
Rapid De-Inventory System Being Installed 175-96
Scale Buildup 600 lb. of Iron Recovered After 12-18 Month Run 176-96 CHEMICALS & CHEMICAL ELEMENTS & METALS
Scale Buildup Fluoride Scale Buildup Big Problem 176-96 Amine Effect of Organic S Compounds on Claus Unit 196-96
Turnaround 4-5 Year Equipment Condition When Opened 173-96 Amine Selectivity for Organic S Compounds; Amount Removed 196-96
Turnaround Cycles Operating & Maintenance Practices to Achieve 4-5-Year Cycle 173-96 Amine Carryover Should Be Close to Solubility Limits 198-96
—SULFURIC ACID ALKYLATION Amine Carryover Solution to Problems 198-96
Acid Emulsion Level Measured With Density Profile System 166-96 Amine Carryover Typical Amounts in Extraction Towers 198-96
Block, Isolation Valves Chrome, Alloy 20 Seats, Teflon-Lined: Have All Leaked 165-96 Amine Foaming Causes; Charcoal Filter Strategies 199-96
Block Values Alloy 20 and Teflon 165-96 Amine Foaming From Thick Emulsion Layer 200-96
DIB Fouling Preventative Measures 162-96 Amine Foaming Keep Amine Hot to Prevent Hydrocarbon Foaming 200-96
Isolation Valves Alloy 20 Used Only When Chlorides Present 166-96 Amine Loss Contactors Pushed Beyond Design 199-96
Moisture Analyzer Experience With Upstream of Alkylation Unit 160-96 Amine Loss Three Major Reasons 198-96
Operating Costs Mechanical or Process Factors Studied to Reduce 163-96 Amine Surge Tanks Reduction of H2S Emissions 196-96
Oxygenates in Feed Effectiveness of Removal by Water Wash 160-96 Amine Units Heat Stable Salts 201-96
Oxygenates in Feed Typical Levels 160-96 Amine Units Turnaround Cycle 201-96
Premixing Feed Several Refiners Mix C4 Recycle and Olefin Feed 161-96 Aromatics New Solvents for Extraction 189-96
Reactor Corrosion Acid & MTBE React to Form Water 167-96 FCC Catalyst Demetallization Data on Metal Removal 98-96
Reactor Corrosion Control by Treating MTBE Unit Carryover 166-96 FCC Catalyst Demetallization Data on Metal Removal 100-96
Reactor Corrosion Increase When Upstream Oxygenate Unit On-Line 166-96 FCC Catalyst Demetallization Yield and Performance Variables 98-96
Reactor Corrosion No Increase After MTBE Unit Went On-Line 167-96 Formic Acid Effect on H2 Plant Operations and Equipment 125-96
Reactor Seals Double Liquid Cartridge Seal Gives Big Life Increase 165-96 MDEA Systems High CO2 Absorption and Associated Corrosion 195-96
Reactor Seals Experience With and Life 164-96 Refinery Ethylene Process or Catalyst Technology to Increase Production 104-96
Reactor Seals Standard vs. Double Liquid Seals Compared 164-96 Vanadium May Not Be Entire Reason for Poisoning 101-96
Recycle Pump Problems From Acid Freezing Propyl Sulfates 163-96 —SULFUR AND MERCAPTANS AND SULFUR COMPOUNDS
Reducing Operating Cost Extensive List of Items Covered 163-96 Catalysts and Process Reduction in Gasoline Sulfur 101-96
Refrigerant Recycle Pumps Repeated Problems Experienced 162-96 COS & CS2 Control, Role of Fuel Gas Composition 205-96
Type Block Valves Alloy 20 Recommended 165-96 Liquid S Storage Above Ground vs. Pits 202-96
Water Wash DIB Procedures Described 161-96 Sulfur Elemental vs. Conversion to H2SO4 210-96


—TESTING & ANALYTICAL METHODS SDA Bottoms Effect on Yield and Operations 22-96
Cu Strip Corrosion Sulfur & NH3& CO2 Content of Gasoline 20-96 —DELAYED COKING
Near Infrared Numerous Applications for Blending & Analysis 35-96 Automated Drum Unheading/Heading 107-96
On-Line Analyzers Require Serious Commitment 38-96 Automating Process Entire Process 107-96
On-Line S Analyzers Hydrotreater Reactor Control 150-96 Coke Fines Coke Catchers & Low Gravity Feed 114-96
Sulfur in Products (NH4)2S Causes Failure of Cu Strip Test 20-96 Coke Fines Designs to Reduce Problems 114-96
Sulfur in Products Elemental S Causes Failure of Cu Strip Test 20-96 Coking vs. Deasphalting Deasphalting Cheaper 111-96
Combination Bits Description of Drill Head 109-96
BIOLOGICAL TREATING & MICROORGANISMS Cut Coke Make Lower Drum Pressure, Minimize Recycle Rate 114-96
Waste H2O to Cooling Tower Microbial Control Key Parameter 213-96 Cycle Time 10 to 8.5 Hr. In Small Drums 111-96
Cycle Time Hours for Each of Seven Steps 110-96
BLENDING Cycle Time Shortest is 14 to 16 Hr 109-96
Heavy FCC Naphtha Into Jet Fuel 43-96 Cycle Time Shortest, Safety Issues, Drum Life 109-96
Heavy FCC Naphtha Into Jet Fuel 44-96 Drill Bits Experience With Combination Bits 107-96
Near Infrared Tool for Blending 35-96 Drum Quench Automated Technologies Available 112-96
Drum Vapor Velocity Limits and Effect of Excess Velocity 113-96
CATALYSTS Heavy Resids Coker Fractionator Temperature 118-96
Butamer & Penex Units Incidents of CO2/CO Cat. Poisoning, Source, Solution 192-96 Heavy Resids Steam for Velocity in Furnace 118-96
C2H2 to CH2CH2 Performance Advantages 225-96 High Concarbon Feeds Design Features Required for Processing 115-96
Catalysts & V Control V Traps, Zeolites, and Matrices 97-96 Poor Quality Feed Better to Cut Coke, Up Liquids 114-96
Catalytic Reforming Cut Temps. Quickly After Sulfur Shot 188-96 Quench Shorten Quench & Lower Drum Stress 112-96
Catalytic Reforming Fine Generation 185-96 Recycle Ratio Lowest Acceptable With Vac. Resid 112-96
Catalytic Reforming Pros & Cons of Ex Situ and In Situ Regeneration 180-96 Shot Coke Difficult to Predict 116-96
Catalytic Reforming Regeneration: Pt Redistribution Step Described 181-96 Shot Coke Ways to Estimate Shot Coke Tendency of Resids 115-96
Catalytic Reforming Spent Cat. Oxychlorinated After Coke Burn 181-96 Sludges Feed to Coker 116-96
Claus Publication on Deactivation Mechanism 209-96 Sludges Feed to Unit 116-96
Claus Typical Life and Reasons for Changeout 207-96 Sludges Preparation for Injection In Unit 116-96
Claus Unit Regeneration Not Recommended 207-96 Technology Advances Eight Are Listed 111-96
Ex Situ Presulfided Cat. Advantages 141-96
Ex Situ Presulfided Cat. Can Become Sulfur Deficient With Delay 142-96 COKING (FOULING)
Ex Situ Presulfided Cat. Hydrotreating Experience 141-96 Ethylene Cracking Furnaces Advances to Control 226-96
Ex Situ Sulfided SO2 If Liberated Could Inhibit Loading Monitoring 143-96
FCC Catalysts Poisoning Not Always Due to Va 101-96 COMBUSTION
FCC Demetallization Catalyst Yield and Performance Variables 98-96 —PROMOTERS
FCC Demetallization Data on Leachates 100-96 Fluid Cat Cracking Ensures CO/CO2 Ratio 75-96

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 239


COMPUTER CONTROL Post Riser Quench Effect of Post Riser Reactions on Yield 86-96
Future Functions Computers or People 48-96 Rate vs. Conversion Graphical Presentation of Variables 89-96
Simulation Non-Traditional Use Grows 45-96 Regeneration Temperature Controlled With High Rare Earth Catalyst 72-96
Regenerator CO2/CO Best Way to Get Ratio Between 3 and 10 75-96
CONTROL Riser Temperatures Low Temperature Alarm and Trips 83-96
Future Functions Computer or People 48-96 Riser Temperatures There Is Range for Low Temperatures 83-96
Types of Controllers Five Types Defined 44-96 Run Length Regenerator Cyclone Inlet Velocity for 3- to 4-Year Run 78-96
Safety Shut-Off Fire Eye or Flame Rod vs. Operator Observation 67-96
CORROSION & EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS Safety Shut-Off Use Flame Detectors but Don’t Tie into Shutdown Logic 67-96
Alkylation Reactor Caused by MTBE Plant Carryover 167-96 Safety Shut-Off Violet Flicker Type Best Flame Detector 68-96
Crude Overhead Continuous Water Washing Results in Big Improvement 30-96 Slurry Metering Best Practice 65-96
Crude Overhead Controlling Salt Deposition and Under Deposit Corrosion 29-96 Slurry Metering Close Coupled DP Cells Specified 65-96
Crude Overhead Heavier Crudes Tax Capability of Neutralizing Amines 29-96 Slurry Metering Eccentric Orifice 66-96
Crude Overhead Major Refiner Controls Without Films or Neutralizers 31-96 Slurry Metering Keep BS & W as Low As Possible 66-96
Crude Overhead New Neutralizers for Corrosion & Fouling 30-96 Sulfate Formation SOX Additive May Not Help in Full Burn Unit 70-96
Crude Overhead On-Line pH Analyzer is Key to Control 29-96 Temperature Excursions Actions to Control 83-96
HF Alkylation Fluoride Scale Results From Corrosion 176-96 Temperature Runaway Air Blower Option at 2000° F 86-96
HF Alkylation Impurity Limits for Carbon Steel 176-96 Temperature Runaway Air Blower Shutdown Not Good Option 84-96
Hydrotreater Metallurgy for Ammonium Bisulfide Problem 137-96 Temperature Runaway Important Principles to Consider 84-96
Hydrotreater Washwater Design guide to Reduce 138-96 Temperature Runaway Last Resort: Shut Down Air Blower 83-96
Hydrotreating Balanced Header Design Lowers Corrosion 138-96 Temperature Runaway Oil-Soaked Catalyst Dangerous 85-96
Hydrotreating Experience In Fluorided Operating Environment 139-96 Temperature Runaway Pull Feed, Steam, Run Blower 85-96
Hydrotreating Reactor Protecting From Ammonium Salts 135-96 Temperature Runaway Temperatures 2000° F.+ Estimated 85-96
MDEA Systems High CO2 Absorption Can Be Cause 195-96 Temperature Runaway Unit Operators Play Major Control Role 86-96
Naphthenic Crudes Methods to Prevent Acid Attack 32-96 Upgrading Cycle Oil Processes to Upgrade Cetane 154-96
Preheat Exchanger Settling Crude After Desalting Eliminates Corrosion & Fouling 30-96 Used Lube Feed Chlorides and Metals Pose Problems 92-96
Sour Water Stripper Control Condenser Outlet Temp to Prevent Corrosion 219-96 Used Lube Feed Is Processed After Distillation 91-96
Tank Bottom Use of Acoustic Emission for Leak, Corrosion Detection 55-96 V Traps List of Available Products 96-96
Unanticipated In Structured Packing, Vacuum Unit 34-96 Wet Gas Scrubber Online Before Putting Oil Feed to Reactor 69-96
Unanticipated Naphthenic Acid May Be Culprit 34-96 —HYDROCRACKING
Catalyst Activation Experience With Three Different 142-96
CRACKING Depressure Reactor Degassing Not Required for 3 Chrome Vanadium Steel 148-96
—FLUID CAT CRACKING (FCC) Depressure Reactor Minimum Pressuring Temperature of Steel First Consideration 147-96
Aeration Air vs. Steam Steam Does Not Fluidize Catalysts Well 91-96 Ebullating Bed Pros & Cons for Cold & Hot Reactor Walls 148-96
Air Preheater Start-Up Equipped With Fire Eyes 68-96 Ebullating Pumps Back-Up Power Supply Important 150-96
Air Preheater Start-Up No Fire Eyes; Operator Standby 68-97 Ex Situ Sulfided Cat. SO2 if Liberated Could Inhibit Loading Monitoring 143-96
Burn Mode Full Burn Easier to Run 80-96 Feed & Ebullating Pumps Reliability 149-96
Carbon on Catalyst Do Not Underestimate Effect 86-96 Fractionator Bottoms Reducing Cloud Point to Diesel Quality 158-96
Carbon on Catalyst Effect on Selectivity Disputed 80-96 Mild Hydrocracking For FCC Feed Pretreatment 153-96
Carbon on Catalyst Start-Up With 7.0 wt% on Catalyst 85-96 Mild Operation Advances That Increase Conversion 158-96
Catalyst CO Promoter Impregnated on Catalyst 104-96 Mild Operation Has Drawbacks 158-96
Catalyst Demetallization Catalyst Yield and Performance Variables 98-96 NH3 In Second Stage Strongly Decreases Hydrocracking 155-96
Catalyst Demetallization Data on Leachates 100-96 Old Reactors Replaced Because of High Preheat Temperatures 53-96
Catalyst Demetallization Data on Metal Removal 98-96 Old Reactors Replacement Considerations 51-96
Catalyst Demetallization Technology Enhanced 98-96 Presulfiding Do Not Introduce Cracked Material Immediately 143-96
Catalyst Disposal Two Techniques Lessen Problem 97-96 Presulfiding In Situ Gas, In Situ Liquid & Ex Situ Compound 143-96
Catalyst Entrainment Distribution of Air In Regenerator Important 78-96 Radial Temperatures Target Spread 52-96
Catalyst Entrainment Options to Lower Dilute Phase Entrainment 77-96 Reactor Quench Design & Operating Strategies to Ensure Quench Availability 156-96
Catalyst Stripping Best Practices and Criteria for Effectiveness 81-96 Reactor Temperature Advances in Measuring Technology 145-96
Catalyst Stripping Judging Stripper Performance 81-96 Reactor Thermocouple Flexible Type May Not Be Insertable After Cat. Dump 145-96
Catalyst Stripping Performance Indicators 82-96 Safe Furnace Outlet Temp. When Heating Recycle Gas 156-96
Catalyst Stripping Practices and Designs to Improve Stripping 82-96 Separator Cleanup Preparing High Pressure Vessels for Cleanup 159-96
Catalyst Stripping Three Variables Influence Stripping 81-96 Thermocouple Flexible, “Snaky” Thermocouples Effective 145-96
Catalyst Stripping Typical Stripping Rates 82-96 Troubleshooting Distribution Variation In Internal Couples & Skin Couple 146-96
Ceramic Materials Used in Nozzles, Cyclone Internals, Tube Linings 63-96
Chilling Air More Air or O2 Enrichment Better Than Chilling 80-96 CRUDE OIL PROCESSING
Chill Regenerator Air Results for Capacity or Conversion 79-96 BS & W Less Than 1.5% 17-96
CO2/CO Unit Operates at Ratio of 3 to 4 With No Promoter 76-96 Desalting Specific Techniques for –20° API Crudes 8-96
Combustion Mode Back and Forth Between Complete Combustion and Partial Burn 76-96 Dewatering Performance of Automatic Devices 18-96
Compressor Constraint Try Passivators 88-96 Dewatering Precautions Taken for Automatic System 19-96
Conversion Feed Rate vs. Conversion 88-96 Dewatering Tank Sludge Prevents Draining 19-96
Converter Section Use of Ceramic Materials 63-96 Fractionation Best Data to Monitor Performance 34-96
Cool Air Cooler on Air Blower Gave 30% Rate of Return 79-96 Heavy Crude Test Results to Design Desalter for 11.6° API Crude 13-96
Dense Bed Temperature Quantifying Method to Raise Temperature 73-96 Naphthenic Crudes Methods to Prevent Acid Attack 32-96
Dense Bed Temperature Questionable Ways of Raising Temperature 72-96 Naphthenic Crudes TAN Numbers Not Infallible Indicators 33-96
Dense Bed Temperature Use of Air Heater to Raise Temperature Hazardous 73-96 Naphthenic Crudes Three Element Program Copes With Acid Attack 32-96
Dense Bed Temperature Ways to Raise Temperature When Feed Is Hydrotreated 71-96 Near Infrared Coupled to Advanced Control on Crude Unit 35-96
Dilute Phase Shorter Time or Lower Temperature Best 87-96 Unanticipated Corrosion In Structured Packing, Vacuum Unit 34-96
Dry Gas Make Closed Cyclones Reduce Make 88-96 Water Decant or Mix 17-96
Electrostatic Separators Produce Slurry Oil With Less Than 10 ppm Particulate 67-96
ESP Commissioning Energize Prior to Lining Out FCC Unit 69-96 CRUDE OILS
ESP Commissioning On Unit Start-Up: Yes & No 68-96 Contaminated Crude Analysis for & Control of Delivered Crude 31-96
FCC Catalyst Add Additives Separately or In Catalyst 102-96 Naphthenic Crudes Methods to Prevent Acid Attacks 32-96
FCC Catalyst AMF Indicates Pore Blockage, Not V, Deactivates 101-96 Quality Analysis for & Control of Contaminated Delivered Crude 31-96
Feed Pretreatment Hydrotreating Compared to Mild Hydrocracking 153-96 Yield Accounting Improves Overall Refining Operations 46-96
Feed Pretreatment Mild Hydrocracking Can Cut FCC Yield 154-96
Feed Rate Feed Rate vs. Conversion 88-96 DATA RECONCILIATION
Feed Vaporization Riser, Regenerator Temperatures 83-96 Analyze Data Keeps LP Models and Plant Simulators Current 46-96
Filters Backwash vs. Electrostatic 66-96 Benchmarking Improves Unit Performance 46-96
Filters Experience With Various Types 66-96 Primary Uses Identify Errors and Provide Calibration Input 47-96
Filters Operation Requirements for Various Types 66-96
H2O Invection Hydrothermal Deactivation 81-96 DEASPHALTING
High Na Feed Desalt or Dehydrate in Tankage 92-96 Level Instruments Liquid-Liquid Interfaces in Main Treaters/Extractors 22-96
Hydrotreated Feed Five Quality Parameters Important 152-96 Resid Upgrading Lower Cost Option Than Coking 111-96
Inert Level Hoppers Can Control Excess Inerts 90-96 SDA Bottoms Effect as Feed to Delayed Coker 21-96
Inert Level Operations, Equipment That Affects Level 89-96
Low Regenerator Temperature Problem Depends on Partial or Full Burn 73-96 DESULFURIZATION
Main Fractionators Complete H2O Removal After Flush is Critical 69-96 H2S In Recycle Gas Drop In Cat. Activity but No Effect on Yield 155-96
Main Fractionators Dry Out Procedures on Start-Up 69-96 H2S In Recycle Gas Negative Effect on Cat. Activity 155-96
Modify Air Blower Several Options Available 79-96
Na in Feed Desalter Justified at 2 ppm Content 93-96 DIESEL OILS
Naphtha Pumparound Installation: Benefits and Considerations 106-96 Aromatic Reduction Aromatic Reduction Unit 151-96
Naphtha Pumparound Means to Unload Overhead Condensers 105-96 Cetane Index Hydrotreating Mixed VGO & Cracked Stocks 152-96
Near Infrared On-Line, Real-Time Analysis of Feed & Product 35-96 Dearomatizing Four Units Described 151-96
Oil-Soaked Catalyst Dangers 85-96 High Acid Processes to Remove Acid 33-96
Oil-Soaked Catalyst Regenerator Temperature Excursions 83-96 Fractionator Bottoms Inclusion In Diesel Fuel 158-96
Olefins in Gasoline Best Way to Reduce to Meet CARB 93-96
Olefins in Gasoline Catalysts Play Role In Reducing Olefins 94-96 DISTILLATION
Olefins in Gasoline Higher Riser Temperatures Cut Olefins 94-96 Crude Oil Fouling Prevention and Reduction 23-96
Olefins in Gasoline Low-Cost Options to Curb 95-96 Crude Oil Prevent Preheater Fouling by Operational Means 25-96
Partial Burn Carbon Run-Away Can Be Serious -96 Crude Oil Prevent Preheater Fouling by Exchanger Design 24-96
Post Rise Quench Decreases Unwanted Thermal Reactions 87-96 Crude Oil Prevent Preheater Fouling With Baffle in Exchanger 26-96
Post Riser Quench AMOCO Major User 86-96 Crude Oil Prevent Preheater Fouling With Tube Inserts 25-96
Post Riser Quench Cuts Dry Gas, Increases Gasoline 86-96 Crude Oil Sodium Tolerant Antifoulant for Preheater 27-96
Post Riser Quench Compared to Couple Cyclones 87-96 Crude Oil Split Exchange Trains to Deal With Fouling 24-96

240 Subject Index


ENERGY RECOVERY & CONSERVATION Olefins in CARB Fuel Higher Riser Temperatures Cut Olefins In FCC Gasoline 94-96
Air Fan Cooler Blades Experience In Use of FRP Blades 222-96 Reformulated EPA Waivers vs. Exemptions 40-96
Fin Fans Results From Using Water Spray on Fans 223-96 Sulfur Reduction Process on Catalyst Variables to Accomplish 102-96


Hydrofluoric Acid Conditions That Promote 172-96 Auxiliary Boiler In Furnace Convection Section 128-96
Cell Temperature Balance Result of Proper Cat. Loading 121-96
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS Cell Temperature Manually Balanced to Within 50°F–75°F of Each Other 121-96
Amine Surge Tanks Reduction of H2S Emissions 196-96 Cell Temperature Reason Balance Needed 122-96
Asphalt Tank Odors Activated Charcoal for Removal of H2S 211-96 Feed to PSA Hydrocarbon Recovery Before or After PSA 129-96
Fugitive Emissions Converted to DNF on Covered API Separator Channels 218-96 Formic Acid Collects in Process Condensate 125-96
H2S From Tank Amine Scrub Followed by Charcoal 211-96 Formic Acid Discussion of Formation in Shift Section 126-96
Heavy Oil Odor Caustic Scrubber Will Not Eliminate Problem 212-96 Formic Acid Not Normally Found in Gas from Shift Section 126-96
Hydrocarbons & H2S Best Tank for Sour Water Storage 211-96 HP Reformer Tube Characteristics, Performance Described 124-96
Hydrocyclones Separate Oil-Water, Oil-Solids, Water-Solids 213-96 HP Tubes Long-Lived, Stronger, Thinner Walls, Hold More Cat. 124-96
Hydrogen Plants Control of NOX 129-96 Low pH Condensate Neutralization Problem 126-96
Radioactive Material Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material in Crude & Products 219-96 Nox Emissions Control by Various Designs 129-96
Sour Water Emissions O2 & NH4 Will Cause Problems In Amine System 211-96 Nox Emissions Limits Vary 128-96
Tank Odors Emissions From Hot, Heavy-Fuel Tanks 210-96 Prereformer Guards Against Sulfur, Other Contaminants 123-96
Tank Odors Purge and Scrub Vent Gas 211-96 Prereformer Increased H2 Production 8 to 10% 123-96
Waste Water Lowering Benzene in Desalter Effluent 15-96 Prereformer Initiates Reaction at Lower Temperature 123-96
Waste Water Steam Strip Desalter H2O Effluent to Cut Benzene 16-96 Prereformer Three Applications Detailed 123-96
Pressure, Outlet Temperature 145 to 410 psig; About 1500°F 120-96
EQUIPMENT PSA Adsorbent Has Long Life 130-96
Air Fan Cooler Blades Experience In Use of FRP Blades 222-96 Reformer Tubes Micro-Alloy HP Tube Unqualified Success 124-96
Alkylation Valves Different Types Are Compared 165-96 Steam-to-Carbon Ratio Below 3 to 1 Can Present Problems 126-96
Cooling Tower Boiler Blowdown Water As Makeup 214-96 Tube Temperature Measured Infrared and Optical Pyrometers 122-96
Cooling Tower Control Sludge, Remove Sludge 215-96 Type Plants CO2 Liquid Wash & PSA 122-96
Cooling Tower Evaluation of Cooling Tower Thermal Efficiency 212-96
Cooling Tower Send 20% of Treated Waste Water to Cooling Water 213-96 HYDROTREATING
Depressure Reactor H2 Release From Thick Wall Can Pose Risk 147-96 Catalyst Monitoring Purchased Catalyst 139-96
Depressure Reactor Protection From Brittle Fracture First Concern 147-96 Catalyst New Regulations on Spent Cat. Classification 144-96
Electrical Type Reliability Programs 56-96 Cetane Index Co-Processing Mixed VGO & Cracked Stocks 152-96
Electrical Tracing Used In Lieu of Steam Tracing on Heavy Oil Lines 224-96 Corrosion Balanced Header Design Lowers Corrosion 138-96
Filters Process Side Filters, Location & Effectiveness 59-96 Corrosion Design Guide to Reduce Ammonium Bisulfide Problem 138-96
Fin Fans Results From Using Water Spray on Fans 223-96 Corrosion Experience In Fluorided Operating Environment 139-96
Flotation Unit Air, N2 or Natural Gas for NESHAPS Coverage 218-96 Corrosion Model Predicts Ammonium Salt Points 137-96
HF Alkylation Acidizing Program for Exchanger Bundle Extraction 175-96 Debutanized Concentrate Process for This Ethylene Cracker Stream 225-96
HF Alkylation Acidizing Technique for Exchanger Bundle Extraction 175-96 Depressure Reactor Criteria to Determine When 147-96
HF Alkylation Valves Exercising & Testing 172-96 Depressure Reactor H2 Release From Thick Wall Can Pose Risk 147-96
High Pressure Separators Preparing for Entry During Turnarounds and Inspections 159-96 Distribution Problems Non-Invasive Methods to Troubleshoot 146-96
Hydrocracking Feed & Ebullating Pump Reliability 149-96 Effluent/Air Cooler System Protecting From Ammonium Salt 135-96
Hydrocracking Reactors Advances in Temperature Measuring 145-96 Ex Situ Presulfided Cat. Advantages 141-96
Old Reactors No Advantage in Replacing With Same Size New 51-96 Ex Situ Presulfided Cat. Can Become Sulfur Deficient With Delay 142-96
Old Reactors Replaced because of High Preheat Temperatures 53-96 Ex Situ Presulfided Cat. Experience 141-96
Old Reactors Strategies to Maintain Safe Operation 51-96 FCC Feed Aromatic Saturation Biggest Impact on FCC Yield 153-96
Piping & Furnaces New Cleaning Techniques; “Pigging” 61-96 FCC Feed Defining Treater’s Performance 153-96
Sour Water Stripper Control Corrosion With Temp 220-96 Fluorided Environment Avoid Fluorided Catalysts 139-96
Steam Reforming Integrating Auxiliary Boiler in Unit 127-96 Fluorided Environment If Dosage at Proper Level, No Problems 139-96
Sulfuric Acid Alky. Valves Type Block Valves Recommended 165-96 H2S In Recycle Gas Drop In Cat. Activity but No Effect on Yield 155-96
Vacuum Tower Bundles Cleaning Techniques 62-96 H2S In Recycle Gas Negative Effect on Cat. Activity 155-96
Vacuum Furnace Reasons for Failure of Soot Blowers 221-96 H2S In Recycle Gas Some Is Necessary 156-96
Valves Pilot Operated in High Pressure Service 58-96 NH4HS Corrosion Six Important Considerations to Reduce 136-96
—MAINTENANCE On-Line S Analyzers Mixed Experience With Instruments 150-96
Alky Recycle Pumps Repeated Problems in Sulfuric Acid Units 163-96 On-Line S Analyzers To Control Reactor Inlet Pump 150-96
Electrical Equipment Type Reliability Programs 56-96 Presulfiding Chemicals Experience With Non-Toxic, Low Odor Materials 140-96
Furnace Air Preheaters Breakage of Glass Tubes 221-96 Reactor Plugging Avoid Skimming 133-96
Furnace Preheaters Glass Tubes Causes of Breakage 221-96 Reactor Plugging Causes and Corrections 130-96
HF Alkylation Implementation of API 751 170-96 Reactor Plugging Cracked Stock Caused Fouling 131-96
Piping & Furnaces New Cleaning Techniques; “Pigging” 61-96 Reactor Plugging Do Not Install Trash Bucket if Flow Two Phase 134-96
Reactor Failure In Cat. Reformer 53-96 Reactor Plugging Effectiveness of Hot Hydrogen Strip 134-96
Vacuum Tower Bundles Cleaning Techniques 62-96 Reactor Plugging From Low H2 Partial Pressure 132-96
Reactor Plugging O2 in Feed: 2 ppm Too Much 134-96
EXTRACTION Reactor Plugging O2 in Fuel Causes Iron Sulfide Scale 132-96
Aromatics New Solvents 189-96 Reactor Plugging Prevent With Filters 133-96
Sulfolane Coping With and Preventing Degradation Products 190-96 Reactor Plugging Shock Dosages of Disbursing Chemicals Help 132-96
Reactor Plugging Spread Scale by Cat. Grading & Selection 132-96
FOAMING Reactor Plugging Trash, Iron, Coke, & Fines 130-96
Amine Causes; Charcoal Filter Strategies 199-96 Resid Hydroprocessing Experience With High Metals, Sulfur & Carbon Residue Fuels 152-96
Amine From Thick Emulsion Layer 200-96 Resid in Low Pressure Unit Resid Quality and Conditions 153-96
Amine Keep Amine Hot to Prevent Hydrocarbon Foaming 200-96 Resid, VGO Mix In Low Pressure Unit 153-96
Delayed Coking Relationship to Drum Vapor Velocity 113-96 Spent Cat. Could Be Classified As Hazardous Waste 144-96
Troubleshooting Distribution Catalyst Activity Test 146-96
FOULING & DEPOSITS Troubleshooting Distribution Radioactive Tracer Test 146-96
Cat. Reformer Techniques and Considerations for Coping With NH4Cl 178-96
Crude Overhead Continuous Water Washing Results in Big Improvement 30-96 INSPECTION
Crude Overhead Major Refiner Controls Without Film on Neutralizers 31-96 Acoustic Emission For Tank Bottom Leak 55-96
Crude Overhead New Neutralizers for Corrosion & Fouling 30-96 Alloys & Stainless Positive Material Identification (PM) 58-96
Crude Overhead Problem is Dilemma Solved by Rigorous Model 30-96 Dead End, Dead Leg Frequency, Type, Corrective Action 53-96
Crude Units Fouling Prevention & Reduction 23-96 Electrical Equipment Type Reliability Programs 56-96
Crude Units Prevent Preheater Fouling by Exchanger Design 24-96 H2S Vessel Cracks Frequency, Type Inspections 50-96
Crude Units Prevent Preheater Fouling by Operational Means 25-96 High-Pressure Vessels Multi-Layer Type & Frequency of Inspection 54-96
Crude Units Prevent Preheater Fouling With Baffle in Exchanger 26-96 Old Reactors Strategies to Maintain Safe Operation 51-96
Crude Units Prevent Preheater Fouling with Tube Inserts 25-96 Small Bore Piping, Fittings Procedures & Testing Methods 56-96
Crude Units Sodium Tolerant Antifoulant for Preheater 27-96 Sphere Cracking Frequency & Type 50-96
Crude Units Split Exchange Trains to Deal With Fouling 24-96 Tank Bottom Use of Acoustic Emission for Leaks, Corrosion 55-96
Dilution Steam System Methods to Control In Ethylene Plants 227-96
Ethylene Units Fouling In Depropanizer 225-96 INSTRUMENTATION (METERING, MONITORING & CONTROL)
Exchangers Cleans OK with Inserts in Place 28-96 Advanced Systems Maintenance Requires Instrument Mechanics & Technicians 39-96
FCC Inserts in Pumparound on Main Column 27-96 Advanced Systems Organizational Changes & Skill Development to Cope With 39-96
Preheat Exchanger Settling Crude After Desalting Eliminates Corrosion & Fouling 30-96 Custody Transfers Coriolis Meter 40-96
Sulfuric Acid Alky. Measures to Reduce in DIB 162-96 Custody Transfers Jetty Loading 40-96
Custody Transfers Meters vs. Tank Gauging 40-96
FRACTIONATION Custody Transfers Transfers of Products & Crude 39-96
FCC Naphtha Pumparound: Benefits, Considerations 106-96 Level Liquid/Liquid Interfaces in Main Treaters 22-96
Near Infrared Analysis of FCC Feed & Product 35-96
FUELS Near Infrared Coupled to Advanced Control on Crude Unit 35-96
A-21 Blend H2O + Naphtha Impact on Refining Industry 41-96 Near Infrared Hardware & Chemometrics Maintenance 36-96
Dearomatized Diesel Four Dearomatization Units Described 151-96 Near Infrared Has Application in Almost All Refining Processes 35-96
FCC Heavy Naphtha Process, Blending Options 42-96 Near Infrared On-Line Analyzers Still Being Backed Up by Lab 38-96
Near Infrared Analysis One Analyzer Analyses Three Different Streams 36-96
GASOLINE Near Infrared Analysis Topological Modeling Enhances On-Line NIR 36-96
A-21 Blend H2O + Naphtha Impact on Refining Industry 41-96 On-Line Analyzers Analyzers Require Serious Commitment 38-96
Olefins in CARB Fuel Best Ways to Reduce FCC Gasoline Olefins 93-96 Specialized Instrumentation Empower Employees for Effective Maintenance 37-96
Olefins in CARB Fuel Catalysts Play Role in Reducing Olefins 94-96 Specialized Instrumentation Maintenance Problems & Reliability 37-96

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 241


Specialized Instrumentation On-Line Analyzers Key to Benefits of Control & Optimization 37-96 Low pH Condensate Neutralization Problem 126-96
Staffing Work Force & Organization for Maintenance 39-96 Nox Emissions Control by Various Designs 129-96
Nox Emissions Limits Vary 128-96
ISOMERIZATION Prereformer Increased H2 Production 8 to 10% 123-96
Butamer & Penex Units Incidents of CO2/CO Cat. Poisoning, Source, Solution 192-96 Prereformer Initiates Reaction at Lower Temperature 123-96
Catalyst Experience With I-12 Catalyst 191-96 Prereformer Three Applications Detailed 123-96
Corrosion, Mech. Problems Identification, Solutions 191-96 Pressure, Outlet Temp. 145 to 410 psig; About 1500°C 120-96
Molecular Sieves Life, S Removal, Regeneration and Conditions 192-96 PSA Adsorbent Has Long Life 130-96
Sulfur Sulfur Analyzer 192-96 Steam-to-Carbon Ratio Below 3 to 1 Can Present Problems 126-96
Tube Loading “Sweep Brush” Loading 127-96
Heavy FCC Blending into Jet Fuel 43-96 RESIDS
Heavy FCC Blending into Jet Fuel Requires Anti-Oxidant 43-96 Bubble Tower Max. Tower Bottoms Temp. for Heavy Material 118-96
Heavy FCC Blending Up to 15% into Jet Fuel 44-96 Delayed Coking Best Strategy to Poor Quality Residua 114-96
Hydroprocessing Processing High Metals, Sulfur & Conradson Carbon Material 152-96
KEROSINE Quality Analysis of Imported Residues at Refinery 31-96
Caustic Treaters UOP & Merichem Treaters Compared 34-96
High Acid Processes to Remove Acid 33-96 SAFETY & INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE
H2S Vessel Cracks Frequency, Type Inspections, Causes 50-96
LUBE OILS (AS PRODUCTS) Old Reactors Strategies to Maintain Safe Operation 51-96
Base Oil Haze Problems With Hydrocracked Oil 21-96 Reactor Failure In Cat. Reformer 53-96
Sphere Cracking Frequency & Techniques for Internal Inspections 50-96
NAPHTHA Valves Pilot Operated in High Pressure Service 58-96
FCC Naphtha Crackable With Sufficient Severity 43-96
FCC Naphtha Hydrocrack to Lighter Material 43-96 SIMULATIONS
Heavy FCC Blending into Jet Fuel 43-96 Dynamic Models Operator Training 46-96
Heavy FCC Blending Up to 15% into Jet Fuel 44-96 Model/Simulator Optimizes Entire Naphtha Processing Section 45-96
Heavy FCC Process, Blending Options 42-96 Optimization Successful Application for Gasoline Blending & FCCUs 49-96
T90 & Sulfur Limits Options for Treating or Using FCC Heavy Naphtha 42-96 Real-Time Optimization Has Benefits for Basic Petrochemical Processes 49-96
Real-Time Optimization Success Rate Low for Refinery Application 48-96
OILS Steady State Package Majority for FCCUs, Reformers & Hydrocrackers 46-96
Diesel Processes to Remove Acid Compounds 33-96 Uses For Revamps, Optimization, Studies, Training 45-96
Uses Mode Processes, Trouble Shooting, Debottlenecking, Monitoring 45-96
TAME, ETBE, TABE Commercial Status of These Ethers 193-96 SLURRY
Delayed Coker Feed Effects and Consideration 117-96
Ethylene Feedstock VGO is Used in Plants 227-96 SOFTWARE
Hydrotreating Arom. Stream Debutanized Concentrate From Ethylene Cracker 225-96 Models For FCCUs, Reformers & Hydrocrackers 46-96
Styrene Best Catalyst for Selectivity and Run Time 228-96 Optimization Successful Application for Gasoline Blending & FCCUs 49-96
Styrene Inhibitors to Prevent Polymerization During Outage 228-96 Process Control Types Constraint, Inferred, Multivariable, Smart, Neural Networks 44-96
Styrene Catalyst Effect of Steam to Oil Ratio 228-96 Real-Time Optimization Has Benefits for Basic Petrochemical Processes 48-96
Real-Time Optimization Success Rate Low for Refining Applications 48-96
POLYMER UNIT Simulation For Revamps, Optimization Studies, Training and Compliance 44-96
Spent Dimersol Catalyst Neutralization, Handling 190-96
PRESSURE Operators Future Role & Required Qualifications 48-96
Valves Pilot Operated in High Pressure Service 58-96 Refinery Future Organization 48-96
Communications Lotus Notes 47-96 Liquid Sulfur Operation, Maintenance of Tanks & Pits 202-96
Communications Mobile Phones, E-mail, Lotus Notes, Hand-held Computers 47-96
Communications Plantwide Video 47-96 SULFUR PLANT
Communications Systems Going in Mobile Phones, E-mail, Lotus Notes, Video, Computers 46-97 Blockage in Sour Gas Line High Concentration of H2S & CO2 Together May Form Hydrate 197-96
Communications Worldwide Virtual FCC Team 47-96 Castable Refractory Failure “Steerhorn” Attachment 203-96
Operators Future Role & Required Qualifications 48-96 Claus Catalyst Typical Life and Reasons for Changeout 207-96
Staffing Future Organizational Structure 48-96 Claus Converter Temp. Lowest Temperature Permissible Before Sour Gas Bed 206-96
COS and CS2 Control, Role of Feed Gas Composition on Formation 205-96
REFORMING Filters Effective on Amine Streams 59-96
—CATALYTIC Furnace Refractory Use of Castable Refractory +
Aromatics Extraction New Solvents 189-96 H2S Conversion Combination of Claus & Tail Gas Gets 99 % 210-96
Catalyst Regeneration Ex Situ vs. In Situ 180-96 H2S Conversion Three Bed Claus Gets 98% 210-96
Catalyst Regeneration For Speed, jump O2 to 5% During Second Burn 184-96 Liquid Sulfur Above Ground Storage vs. Pits for Storage 202-96
Catalyst Regeneration Higher Pressure Generally Means Regeneration 184-96 Liquid Sulfur Storage Corrosion in Above-Ground Tanks 202-96
Catalyst Regeneration Pt Redistribution Described 181-96 Liquid Sulfur Storage Disposition of Purge Gas 202-96
Catalyst Regeneration Spent Catalyst Oxychlorinated Ex Situ After Coke Burn 181-96 Liquid Sulfur Storage Maintenance of Tanks & Pits 202-96
Catalyst Technology Advances in Several Areas 185-96 Liquid Sulfur Storage Operation of Tanks & Pits 202-96
Choked Compressor Strainer Possible Causes, Parallel Solution 188-96 Liquid Sulfur Storage Run Acid Resistance Test on Concrete to Be Used 202-96
Cleaning Exchanges Chemical Cleaning of Dubious Effectiveness 187-96 O2 Enrichment 28% to 75% O2 Gives Capability Boosts of 20% to 120% 204-96
Conversion to Hybrid CCR Mixed Opinions on Value 186-96 O2 Enrichment 100% Capacity Increase With 60% O2 Level 204-96
New CCR Catalyst Fines Generation 185-96 O2 Enrichment Above 28% Requires Changes in Burners, Refractory 204-96
New CCR Catalyst Does Not Improve Aromatics Yield 186-96 O2 Enrichment Can Have Negative Impact on Waste Heat Boiler 204-96
NH4Cl Fouling Alumina Based Absorbent Works Well 179-96 O2 Enrichment Experience, Limitations 203-96
NH4Cl Fouling Do Not Use Neutralizing Amine in DIB Column 179-96 Organic S Compounds No Problem for Claus Unit 196-96
NH4Cl Fouling Limit Nitrogen Level in Feed 178-96 Pilots for Burners Retractable Types 207-96
NH4Cl Fouling Relationship to Coker Naphtha 179-96 Pilots for Burners Solutions to Short Operating Life 206-96
NH4Cl Fouling Techniques and Considerations for Coping with NH4Cl 178-96 Regenerator Acid Gas Subcoding to Remove H2O Not Done 197-96
Reactor Failure Mechanism Was Third Stage Creep 53-96 SO3 Formation Monitoring & Problems Indicated & Caused 208-96
Reactor Scale & Plugging From Iron & Coke in First Reactor 179-96 Solids in S Condensers Cement-Like Material is (NH4)2SO4 205-96
Recycle Gas H2O Moisture Analyzer More Important Than Recycle 182-96 Tail Gas Treater Technology for Less Than 10 ppm H2S 210-96
Recycle HCl Continuous Measurement Not Necessary 182-96 Tail Gas Unit Keep H2S Incinerators On Hot Standby 209-96
Regeneration Short Coke Burn Could Mean Hidden Problem 184-96 Tail Gas Unit Temperature Control in Stretford Solutions 209-96
Semiregenerative Dry Out Amps In Recycle Compressor Indicate Completion 183-96 Turnarounds Frequency, Shutdown Procedures, Regeneration, Restarts 207-96
Semiregenerative Shutdowns Average Time From “Oil Out” to “Oil In” 183-96
Semiregenerative Shutdowns Key Steps in Reducing Regeneration Time 183-96 TANKAGE
Semiregenerative Turnaround Top Operations Lead Regeneration 184-96 H2S Service & Cracks Type, Frequency of Inspection & Cause 50-96
Speedy Regeneration Typical H2 to Hydrocarbon Ratio for Quick Burn 185-96 Inspection Acoustic Emission for Tank Bottom Leaks 55-96
Stability of Naphtha Feed Bromine Index of 50 to 100 OK, O2 Bigger Problem 186-96 Sphere Cracking Frequency & Technique for Internal Inspections 50-96
Staged Catalyst Reasons for Staging 189-96
Sulfolane Extraction Coping With and Preventing Degradation Products 190-96 TRAINING
Sulfur in Feed Cut Temp Quickly 188-96 Simulation Products Use for Cross Training 44-96
Sulfur Poisoning Can Be Stripped Without Cat. Damage 188-96
Sulfur Poisoning Stripping With Hot H2or Clean Feed 188-96 TREATING
—STEAM Crude Oil BS & W Limit 17-96
Auxiliary Boiler Integrating in Furnace Convection Section 128-96 Crude Oil Decant Water or Mix Before Desalting 17-96
Catalyst Volume Performance Limited by Tube Life, Not Cat. 128-96 Crude Oil Desalting, Decanting, Settling 17-96
Cell Temperature Balance Result of Proper Cat. Loading 121-96 Crude Oil Performance of Automatic Dewatering Devices 18-96
Cell Temperature Manually Balanced to Within 50°F–75°F of Each Other 121-96 Crude Oil Tankage Dehydrogenation Program 18-96
Cell Temperature Reason Balance Needed 122-96 Crude Oil Dewatering Tank Sludge Prevents Draining 19-96
Formic Acid Collects in Process Condensate 125-96 Desalters Hydrocyclones Benefit Desalter Operation 213-96
Formic Acid Discussion of Formation in Shift Section 126-96 Desalters Important Mechanical Features for Heavy Crude Service 12-96
Formic Acid Not Normally Found in Gas From Shift Section 126-96 Desalters Keeping Scale Off Strainers 16-96
H2Reformer Tubes HP Modified 124-96 Desalters Mud Equipment Important for Heavy Crude 13-96
HP Reformer Tube Characteristics, Performance Described 124-96 Desalters Role of Other Operations in Heavy Crude Treating 13-96
HP Tubes Long-Lived, Stronger, Thinner Walls, Hold More Cat 124-96 Desalters Specific Techniques for -20° API Crudes 8-96

242 Subject Index


Desalters Test results for Design of 11.6° API Crude Desalter 13-96
Desalting Air Strip to Meet Benzene NESHAP in Effluent 16-96
Desalting Asphatene & Polymer Problem 12-96
Desalting Drill Hole Surfactants Upset Desalter 10-96
Desalting Drilling Mud Stabilizers Efficiency 10-96
Desalting High Temperature Not Always Better for Heavy Crudes 11-96
Desalting Inject Emulsion Above H2O Interface With Heavy Crudes 11-96
Desalting Lower Temperature May Cut Benzene in Brine 17-96
Desalting Monitor Pressure Drop Across 11-96
Desalting Special Requirement for Naphthenic Crudes 11-96
Desalting Stream strip Desalter Effluent H2O to Reduce Benzene 16-96
Desalting Steps to Meet Benzene NESHAP in Desalter Effluent 15-96
Desalting Use of Condensate and Stripped H2O 11-96
Desalting Use of Recycled vs. Fresh H2O 11-96
FCC Feed Gas Oils Not Desalted 17-96
FCC Gas Oil Tankage Dehydrogenation Program 18-96
Heavy Crudes Important Desalting Parameters 9-96
Heavy Crudes Seven Techniques for Desalting 10-96
Heavy Crudes Temperature, Gravity 8-96
Heavy Crudes When to Use Single or Two-Stage Desalter 9-96
Sweetening Processes Problems from NH3 with Trace of H2S 19-96

Cat. Reformer Average Time “Oil Out” to “Oil In” and Key Steps 183-96
Cat. Reformer Top Operators Lead Regeneration 184-96

Gas Oil Advantages of Recovering With Vac. Flash 117-96
Naphthenic Acid Coping With Fractionator pH 118-96
Vac. Flash Considerations for Installing Downstream 117-96

Spent Cat. New Regulations Could Classify As Hazardous Waste 144-96

Activated Carbon Entire Waste Water Stream Treated 217-96
Activated Carbon Regeneration 217-96
Control NH4 Activated Sludge Process 216-96
Control NH4 Use NH4 As Nutrient in Waste Water Plant 215-96
Control NH4 Use Upstream Stripper and Extended Aeration 215-96
Desalters Brine Cycle Helps Reduce Benzene Emissions 50% 16-96
Desalters Lower Temperature May Cut Benzene in Brine 17-96
Desalters Steam Strip H2O Effluent to Cut Benzene 16-96
Desalters Effluent Lowering Benzene to NESHAP Requirement 15-96
Desalting Brine Cycle Helps Reduce Benzene Emissions 50% 16-96
Oil Removal Residence Time In Sour Water Surge Tanks 220-96
Reduction of Phenol Treatment Methods and Tests for Content 217-96
Treatment Plants Experience With Contractors to Run 216-96


Boiler Blowdown To Cooling Tower 214-96
Treated H2O To Cooling Tower 213-96

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 243



The next several pages provide a list of references by I. ALKYLATION

subject from the publications Chemical Engineering,
Hoffman, H.L., “Refining catalyst market ’91,” Hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbon Processing, and Oil & Gas Journal. The Sub- Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 37.
ject Index for the References is organized as follows. “Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991,
p. 84.
I. Alkylation “NPRA Q&A - 2: HF alkylation drawn process, safety ques-
II. Hydrocracking tions,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 24, 1991, p. 48.
III. Catalytic Cracking “Alkylation unit scheduled for Ufa refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal,
IV. Hydrotreating/Hydrorefining Sept. 2, 1991, p. 24.
V. Reforming Lerner, H. and Citarella, V.A., “Improve alkylation efficiency,”
VI. Treating and Desalting Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. 1991, p. 89.
VII. Crude Distillation “Alkylation of MTBE raffinate increases octane, unloads alky
VIII. Petrochemical unit,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 18, 1991, p. 99.
IX. Delayed Coking Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million
X. Environmental Controls b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
XI. Instrumentation, Product Blending, Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas
and Quality Control Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
XII. Miscellaneous Chang, E.J. and Lelby, S.M., “Ethers help gasoline quality,”
XIII. Lube Oil and Waxes Hydrocarbon Processing, Feb. 1992, p. 41.
XIV. Maintenance Nierlich, F., “Oligomerize for better gasoline,” Hydrocarbon
Processing, Feb. 1992, p. 45.
XV. Piping
Abraham, O.C. and Prescott, G.F., “Make isobutylene from
XVI. Furnaces & Heat TBA,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Feb. 1992, p. 51.
XVII. Storage and Transfer “Group pursuing new alkylation process,” Oil & Gas Journal,
XVIII. Corrosion Feb. 10, 1992, p. 40.
XIX. Energy Conservation “H2SO4 alkylation shows promise for upgrading gasoline pen-
XX. General tenes,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 17, 1992, p. 72.
XXI. Light-Oil Cat Processing “Refiners discuss HF alkylation process and issues,” Oil & Gas
XXII. Isomerization Journal, Apr. 6, 1992, p. 67.
XXIII. Aromatics Extraction “Refiners look at H2SO4 alkylation, catalytic reforming,” Oil &
XXIV. Visbreaking Gas Journal, Apr. 27, 1992, p. 45.
XXV. Hydrogen Production Chaput, G., et al., “Pretreat alkylation feed,” Hydrocarbon Proc-
XXVI. Sulfur Plant Operations essing, Sept. 1992, p. 51.
XXVII. Polymerization Scott, B., “Identify alkylation hazards,” Hydrocarbon Processing,
XXVIII. Hydrogen Vol. 71, No. 10, Oct. 1992, p. 77.
“New processes and catalysts solve problems of feed contami-
nants,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 51.
Anon, “Refining Handbook ’92,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol.
71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133.
Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydrocarbon
Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 53.
Sloley, Andrew W. and Golden, Scott W., “Analysis key to
correcting debutanizer design flaws,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb.
8, 1993, p. 50.
“New HF alky unit key to Navajo’s $50-million expansion,” Oil
& Gas Journal, June 14, 1993, p. 42.
“Spanish refinery starts up HF alky unit,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Nov. 22, 1993, p. 77.
Jezak, A., “C5 alkylate: a superior blending component,” Hydro-
carbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 02, Feb. 1994, p. 47.

244 References

“NPRA Q&A: Refiners focus on FCC, hydroprocessing, and Farina, G.L. and Fontana, M., “Cogeneration refinery for total
alkylation catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 28, 1994, p. 41. residue destruction,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 11,
“U.S. refiners must increase alkylation capacity to meet de- Nov. 1993, p. 52.
mand,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 22, 1994, p. 49. Schulman, B.L., et al., “Bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading moves
Rhodes, Anne K., “Searches for new alkylation catalysts, proc- aggressively,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 12, Dec.
esses forge ahead,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 22, 1994, p. 52. 1993, p. 100 C.
Rhodes, Anne K., “New process schemes, retrofits, fine tune Sloan, H.D., “Refinery expansion/upgrading means lighter,
alkylation capabilities,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 22, 1994, quality products,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 01,
p. 56. Jan. 1994, p. 82.
Sheckler, John C., Ross, Larry J., and Comey, Kenneth R. III, “Russian refinery update to employ Isocracking unit,” Oil & Gas
“New process additive reduces HF cloud-forming potential,” Journal, Mar. 21, 1994, p. 48.
Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 22, 1994, p. 60. “Refining Processes ’94,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No.
“Refining Processes ’94,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 11, Nov. 1994, p. 83.
11, Nov. 1994, p. 83. Ernest, J. B. and Depew, C. A., “Use dynamic simulation to
“Alkylation safety major topic at Oil & Gas Journal seminar,” model HPU reactor depressuring,” Hydrocarbon Processing,
Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 16, 1995, p. 33. Vol. 74, No. 01, Jan. 1995, p. 72.
“Petrochemical Processes ’95,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74, Guizinga, Tom, Theunissen, Jos M.H., Minerhoud, Hans, and
No. 03, Mar. 1995, p. 89. van Veen, Rob, “New hydrocracking catalysts increase
Dobis, J.D., Clarida, D.R., and Richert, J.P., “Survey reveals throughput, run length,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 26, 1995,
nature of corrosion in HF alky units,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. p. 40.
6, 1995, p. 63. “Clark and OSHA agree to settlement of safety citations,” Oil
“Portuguese refiner starts up new gasoline complex,” Oil & Gas & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 31.
Journal, Mar. 13, 1995, p. 95. Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST REPORT:
“European gasoline survey shows decreasing lead, MON,” Oil Catalyst suppliers consolidate further, offer more catalysts,”
& Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 77. Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 35.
“New HF detector accepted for use by refining consortium,” Oil “OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation — 1995,” Oil
& Gas Journal, Feb. 19, 1996, p. 46. & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 37.
“Pilot-plant results in on fixed-bed alkylation process,” Oil & Al-Mutaz, I. S., “How to implement a gasoline pool lead phase-
Gas Journal, Apr. 1, 1996, p. 69. down,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 75, No. 02, Feb. 1996,
“NPRA Q&A — 2: Catalyst issues stir interest at technology p. 63.
meeting,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 24, 1996, p. 45.
Rao, Pradip, and Vatcha, Sorab R., “Solid-acid alkylation proc- III. CATALYTIC CRACKING
ess development is at crucial stage,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept.
9, 1996, p. 56. Hoffman, H.L., “Refining catalyst market ’91,” Hydrocarbon
Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 37.
II. HYDROCRACKING Sadeghbeigi, R., “Estimating hydrogen of FCC coke,” Hydro-
carbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 38.
“Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991, McLean, J.B. and Moorehead, E.L., “Steaming affects FCC
p. 84. catalyst,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991,
“Acoustic tests during cooldown find cracks in reactors at Gulf p. 41.
Coast refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 17, 1991, p. 47. “Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991,
Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Humphries, A., et al., “Catalyst helps reformulation,” Hydrocar-
Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. bon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 04, Apr. 1991, p. 69.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide catalyst survey,” Oil & Gas Hoek, A., Huizinga, T., Esener, A.A., Maxwell, I.E., Stork, W.,
Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 46. van de Meerakker, F.J., and Sy, O., “New catalyst improves
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million heavy feedstock hydrocracking,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 22,
b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. 1991, p. 77.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas Jazayeri, B., “Optimize FCC riser design,” Hydrocarbon Process-
Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39. ing, Vol. 70, No. 05, May 1991, p. 93.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new Letzsch, W.S., et al., “Passivate nickel in FCC feeds,” Hydrocar-
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. bon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 06, June 1991, p. 89.
“Texas refinery gets two reactors,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 7, Elvin, F.J. and Pavel, S.K., “Metals removal of FCC catalyst
1992, p. 30. operating in refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 22, 1991, p. 94.
Ladeur, Peter and Bijwaard, Harry, “Shell plans $2.2-billion “Additives play important role in FCC development,” Oil & Gas
renovation of Dutch refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 26, Journal, Sept. 23, 1991, p. 50.
1993, p. 64. Strong, R.C., Majestic, V.K., and Wilhelm, S.M., “FCC COR-
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas ROSION - 1: Basic steps lead to successful FCC corrosion
Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44. control,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 30, 1991, p. 81.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 245


Strong, R.C., Majestic, V.K., and Wilhelm, S.M., “FCC COR- Sarathy, P.R. and Suffridge, G.S., “Etherify field butanes, Part
ROSION - Conclusion: Basic corrosion control methods solve 1,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 01, Jan. 1993, p. 89.
varied problems,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 7, 1991, p. 86. Campos, Mario Cesar M.M., and Rodrigues, Paulo Sergio B.,
Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY: “Practical control strategy eliminates FCCU compressor surge
Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, problems,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 11, 1993, p. 29.
Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. Sarrazin, Patrick, Cameron, Charles J., Barthel, Yves, and Mor-
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide catalyst survey,” Oil & Gas rison, M. Edward, “Processes prevent detrimental effects from
Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 46. As and Hg in feedstocks,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 25, 1993,
Johnson, T.E., “Improve regenerator heat removal,” Hydrocar- p. 86.
bon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. 1991, p. 55. Sarathy, P.R. and Suffridge, G.S., “Etherify field butanes, Part
Krishna, A.S., et al., “Additives improve FCC process,” Hydro- 2,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 43.
carbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. 1991, p. 59. Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydrocarbon
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cutpoint,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov.
Golden, S.W., et al., “FCC main fractionator revamps,” Hydro-
1991, p. 69.
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O’Connor, P., et al., “Improve resid processing,” Hydrocarbon
Lin, T.D.V., “FCCU advanced control and optimization,” Hy-
Processing, Vol. 70, No. 11, Nov. 1991, p. 76.
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essing, Nov. 1991, p. 99. “NPRA Q&A—2: Catalytic cracking receives heavy attention
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Europe,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 18, 1991, p. 101. Golden, Scott W., Martin, Gary R., and Schmidt, Karl D.,
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Journal, Mar. 16, 1992, p. 37. Schulman, B.L., et al., “Bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading moves
“UOP to end operations in FCC catalyst manufacture,” Oil & aggressively,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 12, Dec.
Gas Journal, Mar. 23, 1992, p. 46. 1993, p. 100C.
Leiby, Susan, “FCC catalyst technologies expand limits of proc- Sloan, H.D., “Refinery expansion/upgrading means lighter,
ess capability,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 23, 1992, p. 49. quality products,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 01,
Eriksson, Per-Olof, Tomlins, Aric, and Dash, Sachindra, Jan. 1994, p. 82C.
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Brahn, Michael G., “Olefin recovery from FCC offgas can pay 1994, p. 73.
off,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 20, 1992, p. 94. Murphy, Martin A., “Analysis, calculation techniques predict
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Nina, and Stenberg, Olle, “O2 enrichment increases FCC 1994, p. 54.
operating flexibility,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 11, 1992, p. 40.
“NPRA Q&A: Refiners focus on FCC, hydroprocessing, and
Reichle, A.D., “Fluid catalytic cracking hits 50 year mark on the
alkylation catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 28, 1994, p. 41.
run,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 18, 1992, p. 41.
“NPRA Q&A: Refiners exchange experiences on FCC problems,
Aalund, Leo, “Human element key to FCC success,” Oil & Gas
Journal, May 18, 1992, p. 46. coking operations,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 2, 1994, p. 110.
Murphy, James R., “Evolutionary design changes mark FCC Dziewulski, T.A., “Tune-up your FCCU expander,” Hydrocar-
process,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 18, 1992, p. 49. bon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 08, Aug. 1994, p. 144.
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Oil & Gas Journal, May 18, 1992, p. 59. Boock, Lori T., “New vanadium trap proven in commercial
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advance,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 18, 1992, p. 68. Rhodes, Anne K., “FCC units benefit from recent catalyst
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technology,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Sept. 1992, p. 43. Johnson, David L., Avidan, Amos A., Schipper, Paul H., Miller,
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71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133. 11, Nov. 1994, p. 83.

246 References

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Lopez, Matin, “Thermal analysis finds optimum FCCU re- Gas Journal, May 27, 1991, p. 49.
vamp scheme,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 7, 1994, p. 70. LeRoy, C.F., Hanshaw, M.J., Fischer, S.M., Malik, T., and
Golden, Scott W., Lieberman, Norm, and Martin, Gary R., Kooiman R., “HYDROTREATING OPTIMIZATION -
“Correcting design errors can prevent coking in main frac- Conclusion: Optimization of catalyst system reaps economic
tionators,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 21, 1994, p. 72. benefits,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 3, 1991, p. 87.
“NPRA Q&A—1: Refiners discuss fluid catalytic cracking at Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY:
technology meeting,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 24, 1995, p. 61. Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Benton, Steve, “FCC catalyst increases isobutylene yield at Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
European refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, May 1, 1995, p. 98. Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide catalyst survey,” Oil & Gas
Bullerdiek, Edward A., and Hobbs, James W., “Advanced con- Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 46.
trols pay out in 6 weeks at Texas refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, Plantenga, Frans L., Inoue, Yoshimasa, and Torihara, Naoyuki,
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Fletcher, Ray, “Stepwise method determines source of FCC operation,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 21, 1991, p. 74.
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Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST REPORT: Oct. 28, 1991, p. 95.
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Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 35. Dec. 2, 1991, p. 21.
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& Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 37. b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
Golden, Scott W., “Temperature, pressure measurements solve Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas
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1995, p. 75. “Single and dual stage hydrotreating can up diesel cetane,” Oil
& Gas Journal, Aug. 17, 1992, p. 88.
Quinn, George P., and Silverman, Michael A., “Post-riser
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new
quench improves FCC yields, profitability,” Oil & Gas Jour-
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41.
nal, Jan. 15, 1996, p. 33.
“New processes and catalysts solve problems of feed contami-
Menon, Raghu, Chou, Ting, Tamhankar, Satish, Ramachan- nants,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 51.
dran, Ram, Hull, Randall, and Watson, Richard, “FCC O2
“Process passivates spent catalyst to allow unloading under air,”
ENRICHMENT — 1: Proper choice of O2 supply enhances
Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 56.
enrichment benefits,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 26, 1996, p. 54. Desai, P.H., et al., “Enhance gasoline yield and quality,” Hydro-
Tamhankar, Satish, Menon, Raghu, Chou, Ting, Ramachandran, carbon Processing, Vol. 71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 51.
Ram, Hull, Randall, and Watson, Richard, “FCC O2 Anon, “Refining Handbook ’92,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol.
ENRICHMENT — Conclusion: Enrichment can decrease 71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133.
NOx, SOx formation,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 4, 1996, p. 60. “NPRA Q&A—1: Experience exchanged on complex effects of
“NPRA Q&A — 1: Refiners focus on FCC catalysts at Q&A catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 22, 1993, p. 45.
meeting,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 3, 1996, p. 49. Simonsen, Knut A., O’Keefe, Luke F., and Fong, W. Francis,
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Lacijan, Larry, and Lorsbach, Tom, “FCC REVAMP — 1: Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 45.
Feed injection, riser-termination systems replaced in fast-track Toman, Jerry J., and Beckman, Robert F., “Visbreaker hardware
revamp,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 29, 1996, p. 83. has alternate uses in low-sulfur fuel era,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Harris, J. R., “Use desalting for FCC feedstocks,” Hydrocarbon Mar. 22, 1993, p. 66.
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Booth, Martin and Wolveridge, Peter E., “Severe hydrotreating
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1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 247


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output,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 8, 1993, p. 34. refinery expansion,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1996, p. 51.
Schulman, B.L., et al., “Bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading moves “Gas Processes ’96,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 75, No. 04,
aggressively,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 12, Dec. Apr. 1996, p. 103.
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technology meeting,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 24, 1995, p. 61. Hennico, Alphonse, Mank, Larry, Mansuy, Christophe, and
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1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 285


Rhodes, Anne K., “Benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude Williamson, Michelle, and Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE
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Yaws, Carl L., Bu, Li, and Nijhawan, Sachin, “New correlation pability inch upward,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 19, 1994,
accurately calculates water solubilities of aromatics,” Oil & p. 45.
Gas Journal, Aug. 29, 1994, p. 80. Kimmons, R. L., “Team-plan for project success,” Hydrocarbon
Nath, B. K., “When you construct in India...,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74, No. 01, Jan. 1995, p. 108A.
Processing, Vol. 73, No. 09, Sept. 1994, p. 100A. Woodruff, D. M., “Become an effective leader,” Hydrocarbon
Woodruff, D. M., “How to determine training needs,” Hydro- Processing, Vol. 74, No. 01, Jan. 1995, p. 117.
carbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 09, Sept. 1994, p. 109. Swain, Edward J., “SULFUR, COKE, AND CRUDE QUAL-
“Re-refiner fluidizes tank residue using portable mixer,” Oil & ITY—1: Coke, sulfur recovery from U.S. refineries continues
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Rhodes, Anne K., “Danish North Sea crude assayed,” Oil & Gas “Nelson Farrar Quarterly Costimating,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan.
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bon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 10, Oct. 1994, p. 123. higher in sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 9, 1995, p. 37.
“California refiners face hurdle in federal, state RFG rules,” Oil Reynolds, John T., “Risk-based inspection improves safety of
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Williamson, Michelle, “WORLDWIDE CONSTRUCTION Rhodes, Anne K., “U.K. North Sea’s Forties Blend crude as-
REPORT: Refining,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 17, 1994, p. 71. sayed,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 23, 1995, p. 48.
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p. 57. Journal, Mar. 13, 1995, p. 95.
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Ekholm, E. L., “Networking is cheap job insurance,” Hydrocar- Gdula, Lowell Michael, and Wentworth, James A., “Alaskan
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“Esso, OMW to combine Karlsruhe refineries,” Oil & Gas “Japan’s refiner/marketers headed for major shakeout,” Oil &
Journal, May 27, 1996, p. 25. Gas Journal, Aug. 26, 1996, p. 31.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 289


“Processing plants reduce workplace injuries, illnesses,” Oil & Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY:
Gas Journal, Aug. 26, 1996, p. 57. Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal,
“Uzbeki refinery in half way to completion,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
Aug. 26, 1996, p. 57. Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million
“Kyrgyzstan’s first refinery to start up this month,” Oil & Gas b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
Journal, Sept. 9, 1996, p. 37. Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas
“Global gasoline, diesel quality continues to improve,” Oil & Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
Gas Journal, Sept. 16, 1996, p. 47. Monfils, J.J., et al., “Upgrade isobutane to isobutylene,” Hydro-
Rhodes, Anne K., “Refiner upgrades to meet worlds toughest carbon Processing, Vol. 71, No. 02, Feb. 1992, p. 47.
gasoline specs,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 23, 1996, p. 78. “Lyondell develops one step isobutylene process,” Oil & Gas
Straitz, John F., III, “Cleaning the air about flare systems,” Journal, Mar. 23, 1992, p. 42.
Chemical Engineering, Sep. 1996, p. 116. Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new
refining catalysts, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41.
Anon, “Refining Handbook ’92,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol.
71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million Sarathy, P.R. and Suffridge, G.S., “Etherify field butanes, Part 1,”
b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 01, Jan. 1993, p. 89.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas Sarathy, P.R. and Suffridge, G.S., “Etherify field butanes, Part
Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39. 2,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 43.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydrocarbon
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 53.
Desai, P.H., et al., “Enhance gasoline yield and quality,” Hydro- John, Thomas P. and Thomas, Stephen P., “Texas plant first to
carbon Processing, Vol. 71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 51. isomerize n-butylenes to isobutylene,” Oil & Gas Journal, May
Anon, “Refining Handbook ’92,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 24, 1993, p. 54.
71, No. 11, Nov. 1992, p. 133. “OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas
Sarathy, P.R. and Suffridge, G.S., “Etherify field butanes, Part Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44.
1,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 01, Jan. 1993, p. 89. Ragsdale, Ralph, “U.S. refiners choosing variety of routes to
Sarathy, P.R. and Suffridge, G.S., “Etherify field butanes, Part produce clean fuels,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 21, 1994, p. 51.
2,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 43. Anon, “Gas Processes ’94,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No.
Pescarollo, E., et al., “Etherify light gasolines,” Hydrocarbon 04, Apr. 1994, p. 67.
Processing, Vol. 72, No. 02, Feb. 1993, p. 53. “Processing, compliance options can reduce cost of producing
Ludwig, G.H., “Industrial hydrogenation of aldehydes,” Hydro- new gasoline,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 11, 1994, p. 63.
carbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 03, Mar. 1993, p. 67. “Refining Processes ’94,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No.
11, Nov. 1994, p. 83.
Ladebeck, J., “Improve methanol synthesis,” Hydrocarbon Proc-
“Petrochemical Processes ’95,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74,
essing, Vol. 72, No. 03, Mar. 1993, p. 89.
No. 03, Mar. 1995, p. 89.
Cooper, B.H., et al., “Hydrotreating catalysts for diesel aromat-
ics saturation,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 06, June
Catalyst suppliers consolidate further, offer more catalysts,”
1993, p. 83.
Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 35.
Liers, J., et al., “Reforming using erionite catalysts,” Hydrocar-
“European gasoline survey shows decreasing lead, MON,” Oil
bon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 08, Aug. 1993, p. 165.
& Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 77.
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas Al-Mutaz, I. S., “How to implement a gasoline pool lead phase-
Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44. down,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 75, No. 02, Feb. 1996,
“New high conversion etherification process tested and pat- p. 63.
ented,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 27, 1993, p. 98. “Gas Processes ’96,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 75, No. 04,
Ragsdale, Ralph, “U.S. refiners choosing variety of routes to Apr. 1996, p. 103.
produce clean fuels,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 21, 1994, p. 51. “OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation — 1995,” Oil
“Processing, compliance options can reduce cost of producing & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 37.
new gasoline,” Oil & Gas Journal, July 11, 1994, p. 63.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Catalyst suppliers consolidate further, offer XXIII. AROMATICS EXTRACTION
more catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 35.
“NPRA Q&A — 2: Catalyst issues stir interest at technology “Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991,
meeting,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 24, 1996, p. 45. p. 84.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million
XXII. ISOMERIZATION b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas
Hoffman, H.L., “Refining catalyst market ’91,” Hydrocarbon Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
Processing, Vol. 70, No. 02, Feb. 1991, p. 37. Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY:
“Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991, Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal,
p. 84. Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.

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Goelzer, Alan R., Ram, Sanjeev, Hernandez-Robinson, Agustin, Nov. 1995, p. 129.
Chin, Arthur A., Harandi, Mohsen N., and Smith, C. Morris, Cheng, S., et al, “Predict amine solution properties accurately,”
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Sloley, Andrew W., and Kolmetz, Karl, “Texas refiner expands Hunter, M. L., “How to renovate a 50-yr-old wastewater treat-
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Kastner, H. and Kaminsky, W., “Recycle plastics into feed- Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 millon
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p. 109.
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas
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ing,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74, No. 07, July 1995, p. 81. Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
Leahy, M. C. and Erickson, G. P., “Bioventing reduces soil Toman, Jerry J., and Beckman, Robert F., “Visbreaker hardware
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1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 291


Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY: Simek, I.O., “Sulfur unit circulates catalyst,” Hydrocarbon Proc-
Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, essing, Vol. 70, No. 04, Apr. 1991, p. 45.
Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43. Thrash, L.A., “WORLDWIDE CONSTRUCTION RE-
Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million PORT: Sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 15, 1991, p. 79.
b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33. Thrash, L.A., “World sulfur derived from oil, gas production,”
Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas Oil & Gas Journal, July 22, 1991, p. 85.
Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39. Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST SURVEY:
“Cleaning up gasoline will increase refinery hydrogen demand,” Survey shows over 1,000 refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Oil & Gas Journal, July 27, 1992, p. 92. Oct. 14, 1991, p. 43.
Johansen, T., “Trends in hydrogen plant design,” Hydrocarbon “Worldwide Construction Report: Sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Processing, Vol. 71, No. 08, Aug. 1992, p. 119. Oct. 28, 1991, p. 77.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new “Ashland refinery starts up two sulfur units,” Oil & Gas Journal,
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. Oct. 28, 1991, p. 95.
Baade, W.F., et al., “Generate hydrogen for reformulated gaso- Rhodes, Anne K., “Worldwide refining capacity at 75 million
line and clean diesel,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 01, b/d level,” Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 33.
Jan. 1993, p. 77. Thrash, Lou Ann, “Worldwide Refining Report,” Oil & Gas
Ladebeck, J., “Improve methanol synthesis,” Hydrocarbon Proc- Journal, Dec. 23, 1991, p. 39.
essing, Vol. 72, No. 03, Mar. 1993, p. 89. Hardison, L.C. and Ramshaw, D.E., “H2S to S: Process im-
Simonsen, Knut A., O’Keefe, Luke F., and Fong, W. Francis, proved,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Jan. 1992, p. 89.
“Changing fuel formulations will boost hydrogen demand,” Nasato, Elmo, Goar, B. Gene, and Boorsboom, J., “Canadian
Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 45. retrofit meets stiffer sulfur recovery regulations,” Oil & Gas
“Hydrogen recovery from fuel gas can help meet refinery de- Journal, Feb. 10, 1992, p. 61.
mand,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 60. Heisel, M.P. and Marold, F.J., “How new tail gas treater increases
Fleming, G.K. and Dupuis, G.E., “Hydrogen membrane recov- Claus unit throughput,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 71, No.
ery estimates,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 04, Apr. 03, Mar. 1992, p. 83.
1993, p. 61. Bell, Laura, “World sulfur production,” Oil & Gas Journal, July
Ladeur, Peter and Bijwaard, Harry, “Shell plans $2.2-billion 20, 1992, p. 96.
renovation of Dutch refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 26, Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new
1993, p. 64. refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41.
Felten, J.R., et al., “Residual fuels in a clean-fuels environment,” Ladebeck, J., “Improve methanol synthesis,” Hydrocarbon Proc-
Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 06, June 1993, p. 82-b. essing, Vol. 72, No. 03, Mar. 1993, p. 89.
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas Simonsen, Knut A., O’Keefe, Luke F., and Fong, W. Francis,
Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44. “Changing fuel formulations will boost hydrogen demand,”
Schulman, B.L., et al., “Bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading moves Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 45.
aggressively,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 12, Dec. Aitani, A.M., “Sour natural gas drying,” Hydrocarbon Processing,
1993, p. 100c. Vol. 72, No. 04, Apr. 1993, p. 67.
Christensen, T.S. and Primdahl, I.I., “Improve syngas produc- Felten, J.R., et al., “Residual fuels in a clean-fuels environment,”
tion using autothermal reforming,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 06, June 1993, p. 82-B.
Vol. 73, No. 03, Mar. 1994, p. 39. Judd, Bill, “Mercaptan removal rate exceeds 99% at Canadian
Babik, Anton, and Kurt, Josef, “Slovakian refiner operating new gas plant,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 16, 1993, p. 81.
hybrid hydrogen-production process,” Oil & Gas Journal, “Process for H2S removal from low-volume gas streams tested,”
Mar. 21, 1994, p. 66. Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 13, 1993, p. 70.
Anon, “Gas Processes ’94,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. Schendel, Ronald, “SO2-generation process can double refinery
04, Apr. 1994, p. 67. Claus unit capacity,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 27, 1993, p. 63.
Patel, Nitin M., Davis, Ruth A., Eaton, Norm, Carlson, Daniel “OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas
L., Kessler, Fred, and Khurana, Vinay, “‘Across-the-fence’ Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44.
hydrogen plant starts up at California refinery,” Oil & Gas Johnson, J.E., Tzap, Stephen J., Kelley, Robert E., and Laczko,
Journal, Oct. 3, 1994, p. 54. Lawrence P., “H2S IN EOR—Options narrowed to Claus or
Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST REPORT: redox processes,” Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 22, 1993, p. 70.
Catalyst suppliers consolidate further, offer more catalysts,” Sloan, H.D., “Refinery expansion/upgrading means lighter,
Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 35. quality products,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 01,
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation — 1995,” Oil Jan. 1994, p. 82C.
& Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 37. Nasato, Elmo, MacDougall, R. Steve, and Lagas, Jan. A., “New
catalyst improves sulfur recovery at Canadian plant,” Oil &
XXVI. SULFUR PLANT OPERATIONS Gas Journal, Feb. 28 1994, p. 45.
“Russian refiner tests new one-stage H2S removal process,” Oil
“Annual refining survey,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1991, & Gas Journal, Mar. 7, 1994, p. 81.
p. 84. Rhodes, Anne K., “Lyondell, Citgo join for heavy oil upgrade
Chou, J.S., et al., “Mercaptans affect Claus units,” Hydrocarbon project at Houston refinery,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 21,
Processing, Vol. 70, No. 04, Apr. 1991, p. 39. 1994, p. 60.

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Anon, “Gas Processes ’94,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. Montagna, A.A. and Floyd, J.C., “Single-sited catalysis leads
04, Apr. 1994, p. 67. next polyolefin generation,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73,
“NPRA Q&A: Auxiliary equipment, corrosion focus of refiner No. 03, Mar. 1994, p. 57.
meeting,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 4, 1994, p. 62. Sedriks, W., “Understanding the petrochemical cycle, Part 2,”
Dean, C. and Stevenson, D., “How to develop calibration curves Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 04, Apr. 1994, p. 45.
for fuel gas,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 09, Sept. Kuhlke, W.C., “World polymers market outlook,” Hydrocarbon
1994, p. 97. Processing, Vol. 73, No. 05, May 1994, p. 57.
Williamson, Michelle, “WORLDWIDE CONSTRUCTION Jeanneret, J.J., et al., “New strategies maximize para-xylene
REPORT: Sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 17, 1994, p. 97. production,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 06, June
Swain, Edward J., “SULFUR, COKE, AND CRUDE QUAL- 1994, p. 43.
ITY—1: Coke, sulfur recovery from U.S. refineries continues Tindall, B.M. and King, D.L., “Designing steam reformers for
to increase,” Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 2, 1995, p. 33. hydrogen production,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No.
“Petrochemical Processes ’95,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74, 07, July 1994, p. 69.
No. 03, Mar. 1995, p. 89. “Refining Processes ’94,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No.
Kafesijan, A. S. and Dewey, R. C., “Demonstrating tail-gas 11, Nov. 1994, p. 83.
treater reliability reduces costs,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. “Petrochemical Processes ’95,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74,
74, No. 04, Apr. 1995, p. 53. No. 03, Mar. 1995, p. 89.
Cook, P. J. and Losin, M. S., “Membranes provide cost-effective Kastner, H. and Kaminsky, W., “Recycle plastics into feed-
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04, Apr. 1995, p. 79. p. 109.
Keller, A., et al, “How efficient are refinery amine units?,” Aubrey, D. C., “Use performance indicators to improve forecast-
Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74, No. 04, Apr. 1995, p. 91. ing,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74, No. 07, July 1995, p. 81.
Williamson, Michelle, “WORLDWIDE CONSTRUCTION Rhodes, Anne K., “Catalyst suppliers consolidate further, offer
REPORT: Sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 10, 1995, p. 88. more catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 35.
Rhodes, Anne K., “WORLDWIDE CATALYST REPORT: “OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation — 1995,” Oil
Catalyst suppliers consolidate further, offer more catalysts,” & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 37.
Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 35.
Baker, R. W. and Jacobs, M., “Improve monomer recovery from
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation — 1995,” Oil polyolefin resin degassing,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 75,
& Gas Journal, Oct. 2, 1995, p. 37. No. 03, Mar. 1996, p. 49.
Shuai, Xiaoshan, and Meisen, Axel, “New correlations and
Reid, J. A. and McPhaul, D. R., “Control contaminants in olefin
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feedstocks and products, Pt 1,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol.
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75, No. 07, July 1996, p. 45.
UPDATE: Sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 16, 1996, p. 95.
Kane, R. D. and Cayard, M. S., “Improve corrosion control in XXVIII. HYDROGEN
refining processes,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74, No. 11, “Texaco, Carbide form hydrogen plant venture,” Oil & Gas
Nov. 1995, p. 129. Journal, Mar. 30, 1992, p. 28.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Venezuelan refiner completes $2.5 billion “Cleaning up gasoline will increase refinery hydrogen demand,”
refinery expansion,” Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 18, 1996, p. 51. Oil & Gas Journal, July 27, 1992, p. 92.
“Gas Processes ’96,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 75, No. 04,
“Praxair extending hydrogen pipeline in Southeast Texas,” Oil
Apr. 1996, p. 103.
& Gas Journal, Aug. 24, 1992, p. 26.
Baade, W.F., et al., “Generate hydrogen for reformulated gaso-
UPDATE: Sulfur,” Oil & Gas Journal, Apr. 8, 1996, p. 84.
line and clean diesel,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 01,
Harruff, Lewis G., and Bushkuhl, Stephen J., “Activated carbon
Jan. 1993, p. 77.
passes tests for acid-gas clean-up,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 24,
Ladebeck, J., “Improve methanol synthesis,” Hydrocarbon Proc-
1996, p. 31.
essing, Vol. 72, No. 03, Mar. 1993, p. 89.
Braithwaite, John, “Reliability program improves refinery sulfur
plant operations,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 2, 1996. Simonsen, Knut A., O’Keefe, Luke F., and Fong, W. Francis,
“Changing fuel formulations will boost hydrogen demand,”
Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 22, 1993, p. 45.
XXVII. POLYMERIZATION “Hydrogen recovery from fuel gas can help meet refinery de-
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reactor,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 70, No. 06, June 1991, Fleming, G.K. and Dupuis G.E., “Hydrogen membrane recov-
p. 47. ery estimates,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 04, Apr.
Rhodes, Anne K., “Suppliers introduce more than 120 new 1993, p. 61.
refining catalysts,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 1992, p. 41. Felten, J.R., et al., “Residual fuels in a clean-fuels environment,”
“OGJ international refining-catalyst compilation,” Oil & Gas Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 72, No. 06, June 1993, p. 82-B.
Journal, Oct. 11, 1993, p. 44. Babik, Anton, and Kurt, Josef, “Slovakian refiner operating new
Sedriks, W., “Understanding the petrochemical cycle, Part 1,” hybrid hydrogen-production process,” Oil & Gas Journal,
Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 73, No. 03, Mar. 1994, p. 49. Mar. 21, 1994, p. 66.

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 293


Patel, Nitin M., Davis, Ruth A., Eaton, Norm, Carlson, Daniel
L., Kessler, Fred, and Khurana, Vinay, “‘Across-the-fence’
hydrogen plant starts up at California refinery,” Oil & Gas
Journal, Oct. 3, 1994, p. 54.
Abrardo, J. M. and Khurana, V., “Hydrogen technologies to
meet refiners’ future needs,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74,
No. 02, Feb. 1995, p. 43.
“Petrochemical Processes ’95,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74,
No. 03, Mar. 1995, p. 89.
Tindall, B. M. and Crews, M. A., “Alternative technologies to
steam-methane reforming,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 74,
No. 11, Nov. 1995, p. 75.
Hohmann, F. W., “Improve steam reformer performance,” Hy-
drocarbon Processing, Vol. 75, No. 03, Mar. 1996, p. 71.
“Gas Processes ’96,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 75, No. 04,
Apr. 1996, p. 103.

294 References

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology

Registration List


Aamand, Carsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical University of Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . Lyngby, Denmark
Abbott, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Abuali, Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Arabian Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia
Ache, Warren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ackman, Rich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Acosta, Alfredo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Adair, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Aguayo, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Aklestad, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montana Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Great Falls, MT
Al Atebi, Abdullah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Arabian Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabigh, Saudi Arabia
Al-Houti, Abdul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Ahmadi, Kuwait
Al Maskary, Adil K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oman Refinery Company LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . Sultanate of Oman
Al Otaibi, Abdullah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabigh, Saudi Arabia
Al-Raigi, Ahmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Al-Rehaili, Khalid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Al Shayban, Mohsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia
Albert, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Alberts, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNICHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Albertson, Clarita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsons Process Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, CA
Alello, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allied Signal Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Ali Akbar, Nabeel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Allen, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company LP . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Allen, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Allen, Tandy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Allinson, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Allsmiller, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Alverson, Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ambardar, Om . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Anderson, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Anderson, Kirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Anderson, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst & Chemical . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Anderson, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Andrews, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katy, TX
Aoyama, Kazuo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tonen Technology K.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Arends, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Aruba Refining Company, N.V. . . . . . . . San Nicolas, Aruba
Armbrester, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Arndt, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Arnold, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Arolfo, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Arrighi, Jeri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Arrighi, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoa Absorbants & Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Arthur, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Aru, Guido . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westminster, CO
Aubrey, Morton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Avery, Clifford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ayres, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Baade, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Babaian-Kibala, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX

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Bacon, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Baden, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheshire, UK
Baginski, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Bailey, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Baker, Lori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Bakhash, Hamza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Shuaiba, Kuwait
Baldassari, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABB Lummus Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomfield, NJ
Balko, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Bamon, Layton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lincs, UK
Bantanidis, Dimitris . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rheinmunster, Germany
Barba, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amerada Hess Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodbridge, NJ
Barbarine, Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Barclay, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety-Kleen Oil Recovery Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . East Chicago, IN
Barfield, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dakota Catalyst Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Barker, Ellen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products Company . . . . . . . . . Rodeo, CA
Barloewen, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Barlow, Raymon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Barry, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Barry, Ruberd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refineria Isla (Curacao) S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curacao, Neth. Antilles
Barsby, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery Canada Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Bartakovits, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UCISCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Bartek, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Littleton, CO
Bartholic, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BARCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watchung, NJ
Bartsch, Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wintershall AG - Erdol-Raffinerie . . . . . . . . . . Lingren, Germany
Basconi, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bawazir, Adel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Bayse, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serv-Tech, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Becker, Myron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consumers’ Co-operative Refineries Ltd. . . . . . . . Regina, Saskatchewan
Belt, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ben, Clifton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bennett, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Berg, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurel, MT
Berkey, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil & Gas Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benicia, CA
Berman, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRICAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Bermudez, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Bernhagen, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foster Wheeler Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bertheau, Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puebla, Mexico
Bertus, Brent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Berzins, Valdis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bhore, Nazeer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Bierig, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine, CA
Binford, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Bingham, Emmett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bingham, Gwendelyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convent, LA
Bird, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem Canada, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakville, Ontario
Birnbaum, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danbury, CT
Bischoff, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Catalyst, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friendswood, TX
Bishop, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Black, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Blake, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champion Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Blashka, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Blew, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Orleans, LA
Boardman, Shaun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . Fareham, UK
Bochow, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Boczar, Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Bodnar, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Bogert, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bolton, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woking, UK

296 Registration List



Bonne, Raimond L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrington, UK
Boone, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Tracerco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Borgard, Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bottomley, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stewart & Bottomley, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Boudreau, Bonni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Bovo, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bowerman, Rich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Bowman, Elaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Boyker, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Bracero, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Bracho, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Brahn, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bredehoft, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Breeding, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products Corp. . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Breidigan, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALCOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis, MN
Bridle, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakville, Ontario
Brierley, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Husky Oil Operations Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lloydminster, Sask.
Britton, Carolyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Brooks, Ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Brown, Manfred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, UK
Brown, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Brown, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pall Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East Hills, NY
Brown, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Brown, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concord, CA
Brun, Claude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Aquitaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lacq, France
Brunson, Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Bryson, M. Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Bucior, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Tracerco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bucko, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Octel America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Buerckun, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robinson, IL
Buffington, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bullard, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Burgard, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Burger, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Burgio, Karin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Burkes, Todd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weskem-Hall Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Bustamante, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paramount Petroleum Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paramount, CA
Butlig, Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kern Oil & Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Bakersfield, CA
Buziuk, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Bybee, Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CEntry Constructors & Engineers . . . . . . . . . . Salt Lake City, UT
Caballero, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fomento du Products Quimicos . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Campagna, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refining Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Campbell, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Campbell, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACREON Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cannon, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Canziani, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refineria San Lorenzo S. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buenos Aires, Argentina
Caplan, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Technology & Management . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Carbonneau, Andre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Ltee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Romuald, Quebec
Carlisle, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Carls, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Carney, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hart Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Caro, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Braithwaite, LA
Carr, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Campbellville, Ontario
Carson, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Casey, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Casey, Pete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Casmore, Johnny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Castillo, Ricardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

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Castro, Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fina Oil and Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Catchpole, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Cavanaugh, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Chacon, Rodolfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Chakravarty, Dipak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Delhi, India
Challand, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Chambers, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT EUROPE, b.v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, UK
Champion, Skip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Chan, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syncrude Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort McMurray, Alberta
Chapin, Lark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Charles, Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleum Company of Trinidad & Tobago . . . . . . Trinidad, West Indies
Chavez, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Chavez, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Paso Refinery, L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Paso, TX
Chiang, Willie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Ching, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Chittenden, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basis Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Chlapik, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Choi, Byung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Choong, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore
Chow, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsons Process Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, CA
Christensen, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little America Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . Casper, WY
Christie, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syncrude Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort McMurray, Alberta
Christman, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Chung, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Fountain Valley, CA
Churton, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Ciancio, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Citarella, Vicente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Clancy, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Clanton, Buz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Clark, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surrey, UK
Clark, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Clark, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fountain Valley, CA
Cleary, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commerce City, CO
Coetzee, Johan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Cohu, Alvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Cole, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Octane Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Collins, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Conrad, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cook, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACREON Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cook, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valley Forge, PA
Cook, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Cook, Terrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Cooper, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyngby, Denmark
Cooper, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nofsinger, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kansas City, MO
Corn, Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Corrao, Marianne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middough Associates Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Corres Juan, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Int’l de Catalizadores de Impregnacion . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Corvini, Giacomo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Coser, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnetonka, MN
Crawley, Jake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Cromarty, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Cropcho, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Cross, W. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEK Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Media, PA
Crouch, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Crowell, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Crutcher, Brian Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . MPR Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickinson, TX
Cruz, Claire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONDEA Vista Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Cruz, Salvador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tula De Allende, Mexico

298 Registration List



Cupps, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Curtin, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Cutmore, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety-Kleen Oil Recovery Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . Breslau, Ontario
Dannemiller, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dardeer, Salah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Darden, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LYONDELL-CITGO Refining Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Das Bhupati, Kumar . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Delhi, India
Daughtry, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katy, TX
Davey, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Davis, Carson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Davis, Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Davis, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. E. Davis Chemical Corporation . . . . . . . . . . Oak Brook, IL
Davis, Roland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Davis, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurel, MT
Davison, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
de Bonneville, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Institut Francais du Petrole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paris, France
De Capite, Augie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamic Catalysts & Adsorbents, Inc. . . . . . . . . Severna Park, MD
de la Cruz, Gloven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
de la Fuente, Emiliano . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
De Salazar, Olga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpoven, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Dean, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dean, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Dean, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bound Brook, NJ
DeCorte, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danville, CA
Deering, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
DeHey, Jerome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KBC Advanced Technologies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Parsippany, NJ
del Bosque, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Delgado, Eddie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Delve, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serv-Tech, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
DeMarchi, Juan Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . AICC Consultores S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buenos Aires, Argentina
Demark, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Demmel, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newport Beach, CA
Dencker, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robinson, IL
Denk, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Derousseau, Garry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MPR Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickinson, TX
Desai, Pankaj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Deshpande, V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Despot, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witco Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oildale, CA
DeVelasco, Ruben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
DeVicaris, Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Chemical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boonton, NJ
Dharia, Dilip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
DiCamillo, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dickenson, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SFA Pacific, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mountain View, CA
Dirksen, Feike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT EUROPE, b.v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amersfoort, Netherlands
Dixon, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VECO Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellingham, WA
Dodds, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Donahue, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Donahue, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Donovan, Maurice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhone-Poulenc Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cranbury, NJ
Dorn, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warren, PA
Dorr, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MPR Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickinson, TX
Dougan, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Douglass, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Dover, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valley Forge, PA
Drago, Georgette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maraven, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Drake, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Dreyfuss, Corey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Duddy, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HRI, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 299



Duethman, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Duffy, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHEMISOLV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Dufresne, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Voulte, France
Duncan Lima, Jorge Roberto . . . . . . . . . Petrobras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dunn, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Duque, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intevep, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Teques, Venezuela
Dutcher, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gay Engineering & Sales Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Dutchess, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vancouver, WA
Dutra, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Dziuk, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA
Earhart, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoa Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moraga, CA
Earhart, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Eaton, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champion Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Eccleston, Nigel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunbury-on-Thames, UK
Eckert, Martha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Eckhoff, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Edelman, Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Edgar, M. Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Edmunds, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basis Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Krotz Springs, LA
Elder, Kirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Elk, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middough Associates Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Elliott, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Elliott, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Ellis, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Great Lakes Carbon Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Elvin, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Elvirao, Enrique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veracruz, Mexico
Embry, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LYONDELL-CITGO Refining Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Enderberg, Nels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Anacortes, WA
England, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victoria, Australia
Engler, Brandon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Erickson, Karin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hart Publications, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Evans, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tolland, CT
Ewach, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Buena Park, CA
Ewanusiw, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Facker, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Faford, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joliet, IL
Fahey, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Fearnside, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Feijoo, Gonzalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Feinberg, Arnold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Felmlee, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Feltrop, B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Fenjves, Pedro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts-Proquim C.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Fernandez, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Fersing, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alma, MI
Fields, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Fischer, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Fischer, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Fisher, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRICAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fulshear, TX
Fitt, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Flannigan, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basis Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Fleming, Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RCT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Fletcher, Darrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Fletcher, Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Fletcher, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Floyd, F. Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Floyd, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Foley, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

300 Registration List



Fontecilla J., Carlos Sergio . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vina del Mar, Chile
Forand, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Canada Products Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . Montreal, Quebec
Forero, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Forester, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Foster, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LYONDELL-CITGO Refining Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Frampton, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PetroFac, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
France, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nutter Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Franco, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Frantz, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alsi-Penta Zeolithe GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schwandorf, Germany
Frayne, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Frazier, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore
Frazier, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Texas Petrochemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geismar, LA
Frederickson, Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Freeze, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John G. Freeze Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seabrook, TX
Freiburger, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
French, Millard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . Pascagoula, MS
Fritsche, G. Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron General Atomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Diego, CA
Fujimoto, Michio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Fujiwara, Kensuke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Fujiwara, Yoshihiko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Fulton, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Funk, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Catharines, Ontario
Furfaro, Angelo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Furr, Celeste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hart Publications/IRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Gaddis, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Gallogly, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oak Park, IL
Garcia, Salvador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EG3, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Gardner, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Junction, CO
Garrett, Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gautschin, Nicole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Gautschy, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basis Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Gendler, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Krupp Wilputte Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bridgeville, PA
Gentry, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Geoffroy, Luc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levis, Quebec
George, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
George, Safa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gerdeman, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lima, OH
Geren, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gerhard, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Water Management Group . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Gerritsen, Leendert Arie . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amersfoort, Netherlands
Gerveshi, Luan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Gezer, Metin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Liquide America Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ghodsi, Newsha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Gialella, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HRI, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Gibbons, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Gibson, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Giles, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barnes & Click, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Gillespie, Shannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Sunray, TX
Gillis, Brenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gilmore, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Gilson, E. Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Ginnett, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Glasford, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Glover, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Go, Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Godwin, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Goelzer, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Goenner, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair, WY

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 301



Goerlich, Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gomes, Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrobras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gomez, Martin Eugenio . . . . . . . . . . . Refineria San Lorenzo S. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Lorenzo, Argentina
Gonzalez, Efrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennwalt SA DE CV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tlalnepantla, Mexico
Gonzalez, Horacio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gonzalez, Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Technology & Management . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Goodman, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Goolsbee, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gossard, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gottula, Todd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Goyal, Shri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Goytisolo, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Grace, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Graf, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Graham, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum Company of America . . . . . . . . . . . Vidalia, LA
Graham, Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Granniss, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Grant, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gravley, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Gray, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Greczek, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Greer, Carson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Gregory, Collin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA
Gregory, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Grieb, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gayesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larkspur, CA
Griffin, Leland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montana Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Great Falls, MT
Griffiths, Clive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrington, UK
Grisham, Bonnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Griswold, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Grosboll, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Guadarrama Ortiz, Jorge Alberto . . . . . . . Union Carbide Quimicos Y Plasticos . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Guglietta, Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Guinan, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Navajo Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Artesia, NM
Guirao Notario, Enrique . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salina Cruz, Mexico
Gunardson, Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Gurzo, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlanta, GA
Gutierrez, Luis Pedro . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lagoven S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judibana, Venezuela
Gyte, Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . St. Albert, Alberta
Haar, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmland Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coffeyville, KS
Habib, E. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia, MD
Habibullah, Arif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsons Process Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, CA
Hachmuth, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Hadjiloizou, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hagen, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Hagh, Bijan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown & Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine, CA
Hahn, Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Anacortes, WA
Haley, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Hall, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lion Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, AR
Hallada, Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyprus-Climax/Div. of CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . Ypsilanti, MI
Hallen, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Halvorsen, Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hamann, Ernie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Hambleton, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guildford, UK
Hamelin, Demetri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syncrude Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort McMurray, Alberta
Hamilton, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleum Company of Trinidad & Tobago . . . . . . Trinidad, West Indies
Hammen, Douglass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hanna, Antoine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hannerup-Nielsen, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

302 Registration List



Hanower, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closter, NJ
Hansen, Bente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyngby, Denmark
Hanson, Daryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Hanson, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Harber, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hargis, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Hariharan, Rajesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Harold, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Napa, CA
Harrington, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrington, UK
Harris, Ernest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Harris, Everette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HRI, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Harrison, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleum Technology Quarterly . . . . . . . . . . . London, UK
Hartley, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haverly Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summit, NJ
Hartley, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lima, OH
Hartman, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Haslam, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Hastings, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Haugseth, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hauptmann, Marcus . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Haus, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Hausberger, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Hawkins, Gerard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Haywood, J. William . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Hazle, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Heater, Rex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hebert, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tru-Tec Division of Koch Engineering . . . . . . . . Concord, CA
Heck, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Hedrick, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Heimbaugh, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Heller, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Heller, Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Hendricks, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckman Laboratories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Hendricks, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Hendrickson, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Hennings, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Heredia, Veloz Agustin . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Hernandez, Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Hernandez, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Herzog, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lima, OH
Higgins, Jeannie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Placid Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Allen, LA
Higgins, Terrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Higginson, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem Canada, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Hilken, Brent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Hiller, Les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hillier, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Himes, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Hlozek, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hoang, Yen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Hoeffner, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deer Park, TX
Hoffer, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Hoffman, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNICHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Hogan, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Hoh, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFP Enterprises, Inc./HRI, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Hojho, Nobuyoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Holley, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unitex, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alvin, TX
Holmstrom, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Holt, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Holub, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huntsman Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

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Hong, Kwangha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HERA Corp., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seoul, Korea
Hooper, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foster Wheeler USA Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Clinton, NJ
Hoover, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Hoover, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hopkins, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Hostetter, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Housenga, Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Howard, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Trexlertown, PA
Howard, Neil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Howell, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harding Lawson Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine, CA
Hsia, Chung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Huang, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Hufnagle, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hughes, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Hull, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Humphries, Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hunkus, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Hunt, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hurley, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Hurst, Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI-MET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Huskey, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea Girt, NJ
Husted, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Hutchison, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Huynh, Xoung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Hyatt, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Ierubino, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Igercich, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Imhoff, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Ingraham, L. Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Iqbal, Rashid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Irwin, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmland Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coffeyville, KS
Ismail, Hussain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait National Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . Safat, Kuwait
Isom, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Izarraraz, Alicia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Jack, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Jackson, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jackson, Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil International Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunbury-on-Thames, UK
Jackson, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Jackson, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mustang Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jacober, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Norco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Norco, LA
Jacobs, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNICHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hobbs, NM
Jacquier, Yves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Voulte, France
Jaecker, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Jaffe, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Jahn, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
James, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Liquide America Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
James, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNICHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westminster, CO
Jandrasi, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jenkines, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Asphalt Refining Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Jenkins, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jenkins, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MPR Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickinson, TX
Jennings, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consumers’ Co-operative Refineries Ltd. . . . . . . . Regina, Saskatchewan
Jenson, Conrad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips 66 Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woods Cross, UT
Jerus, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Jezak, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Jo, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tetra Engineering & Technology . . . . . . . . . . . Fullerton, CA
Jody, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
John, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX

304 Registration List



Johns, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Bakersfield, CA
Johnson, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Johnson, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Johnson, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Johnson, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Johnson, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Johnson, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Johnson, Kurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Johnson, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montana Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Great Falls, MT
Johnson, Tiffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jokubaitis, Linas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Jones, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Jones, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turner, Mason & Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Jones, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Jones, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Jung, Heeju . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Juracek, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Kajioka, Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Kakehi, Kiyoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT-PACIFIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kalota, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Karime, Mustafa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kasbaum, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kaye, Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BHP Hawaii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kapolei, HI
Keady, Ginger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Keck, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witco Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bradford, PA
Kegler, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lunday Thagard Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Gate, CA
Kelly, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Kelly, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kendall, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kepler, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Kessler, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Keys, Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Khurana, Vinay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Kickirillo, Rosy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kiliany, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Kilner, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalytica Advanced Technologies . . . . . . . . . . Mountain View, CA
Kilroy, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kilway, Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACREON Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kim, Doyun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pavilion Technologies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austin, TX
Kim, Hak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kim, Young Su . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LG-Caltex Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yosu, Korea
Kimbrell, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Kinal, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robbinsville, NJ
King, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PCI Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kirby, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fina Oil & Chemical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Big Spring, TX
Kirkey, R. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRICAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corona, CA
Kliesch, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treiber Controls Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Klimek, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Knight, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wexford, PA
Knipp, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Kohichi, Tanaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kurita Water Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kohl, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christy Refractories Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kolbush, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Kooiman, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Kotar, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Kotulski, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Kowalczyk, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refining Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheswick, PA
Kozlowski, Michelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh Applied Research Corp. . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 305



Kramer, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Kreider, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kremer, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Krishna, Ashok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Krueger, Artur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spirelf System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Krug, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kruse, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kuchta, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kuehler, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Kuo, Chia Ming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Kuroda, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walnut Creek, CA
Kurt, Denis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Kurumado, Hiroshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hakuto Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Kusowski, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suncoc MidAmerica Marketing & Refining . . . . . Toledo, OH
Lacijan, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Lal, Ravi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA
Lamm, Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rancho Dominguez, CA
Lamourelle, Alain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lane, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lannen, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lanouette, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Eagle Point Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . Westville, NJ
Larranga, Cesar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison/SAIMSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Larsen, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Larson, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea Girt, NJ
Lawrence, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lay, A. L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Le, Binh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Leaman, Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Lechner, Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witco Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bradford, PA
Ledden, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Lee, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Lee, J.N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Lee, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Leese, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allied Signal Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morristown, NJ
Lehan, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Livermore, CA
Leicht, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Cooperative Refinery Assn. . . . . . . . . . McPherson, KS
Lemmon, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Lenoir, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amerada Hess Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodbridge, NJ
LeRoy, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals Co. L.P. . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Lese, Henri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Letzsch, Warren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Leuenberger, Ernest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Levinbuk, Michail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATACHEM COMPANY Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Lewandowski, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Lewis, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Lien, Bjorn-Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statoil Mongstad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mongstad, Norway
Lim, Lee Hong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore
Limmex, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ferndale, WA
Lindenfelser, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Lindstrom, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . King of Prussia, PA
Lingman, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Linnaila, Raimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neste Oy/Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porvoo, Finland
Lipinski, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lippert, Regis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea Girt, NJ
Lippert, Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bricktown, NJ
Lischinskaya, Anjelika . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Little, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Little, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrocarbon Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elstead, UK

306 Registration List



Llanos, Zenon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Lloyd, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware City, DE
Lloyd, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleum Company of Trinidad & Tobago . . . . . . Trinidad, West Indies
Lockett, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Encon Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Far Hills, NJ
Lofton, Wesley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lombard, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Santa Ana, CA
Long, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Long, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Long, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lopez, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Lordo, Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Lorin, Aaron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Love, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch/John Zink Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Lovei, Jozsef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Co. . . . . . . . . . . Szazmalombatta, Hungary
Loza, Guillermo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EG3, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Lucena, Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpoven Petroleos de Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . Carabobo, Venezuela
Lucero, Bernardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RCT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Ludolph, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
Lundberg, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Lynne, Laura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Lyons, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Maccherini. Massimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agip Petroli S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rome, Italy
Macha, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otto H. York Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Maciula, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peerless Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Penuelas, PR
Mackey, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Macy, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stewart & Bottomley, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Maghazel, Hassan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Maharajh, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Travis Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Maholland, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Maiden, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asheville, NC
Majeski, Virgil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Makarewicz, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Malik, Tariq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Refining & Chemicals Co. L.P. . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Mambi, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refineria Isla (Curacao) S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curacao, Neth. Antilles
Mann, Rodney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Manoharan, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Oil Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . New Delhi, India
Manolescu, Micky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Marak, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Marfone, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Marks, Chad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoa Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vidalia, LA
Marlin, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graham Manufacturing Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine, CA
Marquez, Luis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maraven, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardon, Venezuela
Marrelli, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips 66 Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woods Cross, UT
Martin, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Process Consulting Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Grapevine, TX
Martin, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Martin, Luc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Martinez, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Masak, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markham, Ontario
Masayuki, Otake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dia Research Institute, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Mascarich, R. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Mason, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Massey, Vince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mathur, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Mattenson, Kris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Matthews, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Mattos, Rogerio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrobras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rio De Sangiro, Brazil
Maxwell, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
May, Al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 307



Mayeaux, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mayo, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McArthur, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeolyst International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McArthur, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
McCaffrey, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
McCloskey, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
McClung, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
McCulloch, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McDaniel, J. Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triadd FCC Additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
McDaniel, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company-Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . League City, TX
McDonald, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Chemical Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
McDonald, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Chemical Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
McFadden, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
McFarlane, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McHugh, Terence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porocel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McKay, Dwight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
McLaughlin, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McLean, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
McLeod, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
McNamara, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . Fareham, UK
McRay, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
McWilliams, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairfax, VA
Meakim, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Medina, Blanca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LYONDELL-CITGO Refining Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Medina, Marcial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX Refinacion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oaxoca, Mexico
Meek, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Mehrdad, Farideh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Meijs, Harry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery Europe S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rodange, Luxembourg
Meldrum, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giant Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomfield, NM
Mellgoza, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Memmott, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flying J Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Salt Lake, UT
Mendakis, Georges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Menegaz, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Menheere, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nova Chemicals (Canada), Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Menon, Raghu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Merenda, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KataLeuna GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paoli, PA
Merks, Lonnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Three Rivers, TX
Merrell, Gene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Mettee, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Metzler, Kurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Michelini, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Miciotto, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Water Management Group . . . . . . Horsham, PA
Mihaly, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canton, OH
Millar, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Millensifer, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powmet, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Littleton, CO
Miller, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITGO Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Miller, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serv-Tech, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Miller, Morten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Miller, Rik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Minyard, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Miranda, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Mirville, Romel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tosco Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linden, NJ
Mitchell, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mitchell, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Hook, PA
Mogi, Junichi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toyo Engineering Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Chiba, Japan
Mohammed, Selvon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleum Company of Trinidad & Tobago . . . . . . Trinidad, West Indies
Moore, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Moore, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA

308 Registration List



Moote, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salt Lake City, UT
Morash, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment . . . . . . . Friday Harbor, WA
Moratilla, Waldemar . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennwalt S.A. de C.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tlalnepantla, Mexico
Morelli, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Container Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Moretta, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Morgan, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Morgan, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaGloria Oil and Gas Company . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler, TX
Morgan, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Morris, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Research & Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Morris, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACREON Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Morris, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surrey, UK
Morris, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Morse, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acreon Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Mostaccero, Florence . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Motilal, Pravin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engen Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Durban, South Africa
Mountainland, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . HRI, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Moyse, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Moysiuk, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto, Ontario
Mulraney, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Murcia, Alvaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Murff, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Murff, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Murphy, Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Murphy, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine, CA
Murray, Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Murthy, A. K. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Musgrave, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Mushiana, Mphedziseni . . . . . . . . . . . . Nat’l Petroleum Ref. of South Africa . . . . . . . . . Sasolburg, South Africa
Musumeci, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stratus Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Mutwalli, Abdul Aziz . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Myhre, Erland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Nadeau, Luc-Andre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TECSULT INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montreal, Quebec
Naeger, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Nagel, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy BioSystems Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Nagele, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Naiser, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison Molecular Sieves . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nakamura, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrocarbon Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nakayama, Takashi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petroleum Energy Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Nash, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nassar, Emile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Natarajan, Raju . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydro-Chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canton, GA
Nazar, Behzad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Nedanovich, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walk, Haydel & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Orleans, LA
Nelson, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Nelson, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNICHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Humble, TX
Nelson, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nelson, Rufus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Neuman, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRICAT Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Newell, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nguyen, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Martinez Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . Martinez, CA
Nguyen, Vu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lunday Thagard Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Gate, CA
Niccum, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nicholas, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Nichols, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turner, Mason & Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Nicholson, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrington, UK
Nielsen, Anders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyngby, Denmark
Nielsen, Lillian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chappaqua, NY
Nieskens, Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood River, IL

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 309



Nitzel, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Niwa, Ryuji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kurita Water Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Noble, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Nocca, Jean-Luc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HRI, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Noges, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U. S. Oil & Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . Tacoma, WA
Noppenberger, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . GE Environmental Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lebanon, PA
Norman, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porocel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little Rock, AR
Norton, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Norwood, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Nour, Emile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Novak, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoa Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Allen, LA
Novak, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Nozemack, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Nuttall, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
O’Connell, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco LAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Obendorfer, Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Oddone, Rogerio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fabrica Carioca de Catalisadores . . . . . . . . . . . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Oldengott, Ralf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Krupp Wilputte Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bridgeville, PA
Olesen, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Olesky, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaRoche Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Oliver, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Olsen, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Olson, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Omang, Amy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Oostwouder, Shelby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Openshaw, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billingham, UK
Orlando, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pall Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Ornes, Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lagoven S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judibana, Venezuela
Orozca, Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salamanca, Mexico
Orr, Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp. . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Orsolani, Pablo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Osborn, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmland Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coffeyville, KS
Owen, Hartley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation-Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . Worton, MD
Owen, Ozie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Padron, Humberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Paktinat, Javad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Palmer, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mustang Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Palomares, Travis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Pannucci, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Parekh, Uday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Parker, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Parker, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stackmatch Ignition Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Parker, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Benicia, CA
Partridge, Darren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Humber, UK
Paspek, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, OH
Paszkowski, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Patel, Vasant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Patton, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Paul, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Great Lakes Carbon Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Paules, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basis Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Pavel, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pearce, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pedersen, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Pelati, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dow Chemical U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freeport, TX
Pelham, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pelham Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phoenix, AZ
Pena, Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Penman, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Napa, CA
Pennels, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment . . . . . . . Durango, CO

310 Registration List



Penrose, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Humber, UK
Percy, Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chappaqua, NY
Perez Freyre, Jose Luis . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Perez, Maria Elena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Perez, Miguel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cepsa-Research Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madrid, Spain
Perger, Jozsef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Co. . . . . . . . . . . Budapest, Hungary
Perich, Masako . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Peries, Jean-Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACREON Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Perkins, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fountain Valley, CA
Perlowski, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Persak, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Persohn, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corona, CA
Pesek, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pete, Owens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Technology Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Peterman, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen Ellyn, IL
Peters, Harry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packinox, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Peterson, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAPCO PETROLEUM Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis, TN
Peterson, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Peterson, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pfile, Martyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Phansalkar, Sunil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Picioccio, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Pickard, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PFR Engineering Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Pieper, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Pierce, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reisterstown, MD
Pierce, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Pinaire, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Pinto, Rodrigo Coelho . . . . . . . . . . . . Fabrica Carioca de Catalisadores . . . . . . . . . . . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Piotter, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Borger, TX
Plesko, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cytec Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Willow Island, WV
Plunkett, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plunkett & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Pedro, CA
Podratz, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murphy Oil USA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meraux, LA
Poe, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Hartford, IL
Poe, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Poindexter, Jimmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNICHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Poole, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Poon, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Potscavage, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Potter, Frederick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel Technology & Management Magazine . . . . . . Arlington, VA
Powell, A. Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver, CO
Powell, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Powell, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA
Poythress, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Prada, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Prahin, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Price, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corhart Refractories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Prince, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roddey Engineering Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Shreveport, LA
Proops, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Pulido, Clara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Pusty, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Quain, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Arbor, MI
Quigley, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Quiles, Suzette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Quinn, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amoco Petroleum Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naperville, IL
Quinn, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFP Enterprises, Inc./HRI, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Quinn, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Quinones, Rosie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tehachapi, CA
Radcliffe, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Asia Pacific Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 311



Raghunathan, Guruswamy . . . . . . . . . . Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. . . . . . . . . Bombay, India
Ragsdale, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rahimtoola, Rafique . . . . . . . . . . . . . Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National City, CA
Rahmim, Isaac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Raina, J.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Oil Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . Mathura, India
Rajagopalan, Kuppuswami . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia, MD
Raju, P.A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. . . . . . . . . Bombay, India
Ramachandran, Ram . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Ramirez Cerecedo, Eusebio . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Ramirez, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refineria de Petroleo Concon S.A. . . . . . . . . . . Concon, Chile
Randle, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Santa Ana, CA
Rasmussen, Henrik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ratliff, Katy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Rauschning, Dorian . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Ravi Chandran, Kothandaraman . . . . . . . Madras Refineries Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madras, India
Rawat Bachan, Singh . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Institute of Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dehradun, India
Redini, Corrado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agip Petroli S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rome, Italy
Reed, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Reid, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Reitz, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horsham, PA
Remigio, Clarissa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Rench, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Renshaw, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Respess, Sandy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Revell, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Reverdy, Francois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packinox, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reisterstown, MD
Reymann, Lynda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Reynolds, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Rhodes, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil & Gas Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rice, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Hartford, IL
Riedl, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, KS
Riggs, Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Sunray, TX
Rios, Wendy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Foothill Ranch, CA
Rivero, Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROQUIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caracas, Venezuela
Rizakos, Apostolos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hellenic Aspropyrgos Refinery SA . . . . . . . . . . Athens, Greece
Roberts, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Roberts, Hugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Robertson, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Robertson, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Roddey, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roddey Engineering Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Shreveport, LA
Rodriguez D., Jose Luis . . . . . . . . . . . . Lagoven S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judibana, Venezuela
Rodriguez, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX Refinacion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tamaulipas, Mexico
Rodriguez Otar, Ezequiel . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX Refinacion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salamanca, Mexico
Rodriguez Villar, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Roesch, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairfax, VA
Rolandelli, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Romenesko, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Romero, Sim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Ronnander, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Rosas Jaramillo, Jose Antonio . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Rose, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Rosen, Erwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Rosenthal, Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Ross, J. L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ross, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado, KS
Rosso, J. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gemini Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Santa Ana, CA
Roth, Dane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNICHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Roundtree, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ

312 Registration List



Rowe, Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Roy, Kajal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crown Central Petroleum Corporation . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Roy, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montreal, Quebec
Ruble, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basis Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Krotz Springs, LA
Rudh, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Rukovena, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norton Chemical Process Products . . . . . . . . . . Akron, OH
Rusk, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Russell, Marion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Russo, Ambrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Ryoichi, Ishigami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kurita Water Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kurita, Japan
Sabalesky, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilimington, CA
Sah, Shalini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LYONDELL-CITGO Refining Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sahlin, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Salamah, Waleed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Salazar, Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Salbilla, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Samford, Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Sampath, Vijay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Sams, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA
Sanchez, Arnold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Sanchez, Heriberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpoven S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Sanders, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Sunray, TX
Santner, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Santos, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Sappington, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Sarkar, Subir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Sarubbi, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sauvaire, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Savage, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Scalise, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Petroleum Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Scanlon, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips 66 Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweeny, TX
Schantz, Sean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Concord, CA
Scharre, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Scheirer, Glen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Schendel, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manhattan Beach, CA
Schimbor, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Schmidt, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tru-Tec Division of Koch Engineering . . . . . . . . Concord, CA
Schmitz, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emtrol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hauppauge, NY
Schoemann, Pete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Schoenbeck, Lynne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Schoenroth, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Scholte, Geert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuwait Petroleum Europoort B.V. . . . . . . . . . . Europoort, Netherlands
Schoofs, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoa Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moraga, CA
Schrepfer, M. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Schroer, Anthon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Schwake, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pine Bend, MN
Schwandt, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Scolari, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison/SAIMSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Scruggs, G. Darrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Seamans, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Segato, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Canada Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corunna, Ontario
Senn, Dwayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Seyler ,Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Shah, Pankaj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Shah, Pankaj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Shaheen, Eli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Shaner, Cyndie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Sharma, Poornima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KTI Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Dimas, CA

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 313



Sharon, Theodore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoa Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sharp, Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sheckler, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Shen, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sheng, Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Sheth, Pari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Shiflett ,Woodrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Shikida, Hisato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JGC (USA), INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yokohama, Japan
Shoemaker, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Shroda, Heidi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosfield Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Shubert, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Sigan, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain Salvage & Equipment . . . . . . . Hoffman Estates, IL
Silverman, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sims, Peggy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UCISCO Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaPorte, TX
Singer ,Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recycle Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villanova, PA
Sinnard, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sitton, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Siwek, Janusz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Catalyst Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Skeds, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pro-Quip Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulsa, OK
Skelly, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Slade, Cornell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACREON Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sleeman, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reactor Services International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Griffith, IN
Slevin, Geoffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Sloan, H. David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Technology Company . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sloley, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Process Consulting Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Smith, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Smith, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoa Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Ramon, CA
Smith, G. Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missouri City, TX
Smith, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Smith, Jonah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triadd FCC Additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Smith, Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Smith, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Smith, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia
Smith, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valero Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Smiznov, Vladimir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATACHEM COMPANY Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . Moscow, Russia
Solis Munoz, Joaquin . . . . . . . . . . . . . CEPSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madrid, Spain
Sopko, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickliffe, OH
Soria, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sosa, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Quimica, S.A. de C.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Sowell, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roger Sowell & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA
Spalding, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Spinks, Nick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown Fintube Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Spurrell, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Stafford, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery of LA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lafayette, LA
Stanger, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Stanton, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Steach, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Stegelman, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Borger, TX
Stelly, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Technology Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paulsboro, NJ
Stephens, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRICAT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Stewart, Billie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
Stinson, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Stokes, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Stonecipher, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Stover, Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Charles, LA
Strader, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Street, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huntsman Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Street, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX

314 Registration List



Streff, Monique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pall Process Filtration Company . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, IL
Strope, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Jackson, TX
Stroud, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Stull, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Stults, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Beaumont, TX
Suarez, Felipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Subris, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Suchanek, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sugawa, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sugi, Yoshishige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chiyoda Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yokohama, Japan
Summers, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sumrok, Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Svendsen, Jahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Svihovec, Todd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi, TX
Svoboda, LaNell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Sweezey, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Swett, Geoffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RETEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tucson, AZ
Tacchi, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tafilaj, Ramiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tague, Koal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul, MN
Takahashi, Hideto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Takahiko, Komazawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Company International . . . . . . . . . . . . Yokohama, Japan
Takaoka, Masaaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Oil Co, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buffalo Grove, IL
Takase, Tsuneyoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Tallant, Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Tame Dominguez, Miguel . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Tamhankar, Satish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Tang, Shu Hong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore
Tarantino, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Tasker, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HRI, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princeton, NJ
Teague, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Tedesco, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Tenney, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GE Environmental Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lebanon, PA
Terry, Casey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Navajo Refining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Artesia, NM
Terzoni, Guiseppe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BNI CHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milan, Italy
Tevis, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Thaver, Nithianathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joliet, Il
Theriault, Bert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Recovery Canada Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Thiel, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Tholstrup, Spencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Thomas, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Asia Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapore
Thomas, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Thompson, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Thorvaldsen, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arroyo Grande, CA
Tippett, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles, CA
Tokerud, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Engineering Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Tompkins, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Tong, Chung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mustang Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Torrisi, Salvatore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Toscano Martinez, Francisco . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tula, Mexico
Traylor, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinclair, WY
Treese, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Trent, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Trevino, Cesar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Treybig, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Trout, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Tungate, Freddie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Turner, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concord, CA

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 315



Turner, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haldor Topsoe, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Turpin, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thousand Oaks, CA
Uchida, Hiroshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nihon Pall Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tokyo, Japan
Udvari, Emery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aurora, CO
Unzelman, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HyOx Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fallbrook, CA
Urbancic, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Urmeneta, Gaston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refineria de Petroleo Concon S.A. . . . . . . . . . . Concon, Chile
Vadekar, Mo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHEMTECH Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarnia, Ontario
Vail, Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Vakil, Tarun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ
Valdes, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX-IMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Valentine, Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro Motion, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder, CO
Valeri, Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Voulte, France
Valle, Rafael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, PA
Van der Meij, Rob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Van Sickels, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The M. W. Kellogg Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Vance, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACREON Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Vance, Rex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalyst Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Vande Ven, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
VanHoose, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY
VanZandt, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commerce City, CO
Varraveto, Dominic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pritchard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS
Vasquez, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCAT Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Vaughn, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canton, OH
Vauk, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koch Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wichita, KS
Vazquez, Ramiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Venkatadri, Ram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ciba Geigy Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tarrytown, NY
Verachtert, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Vickers, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Villagomez, Braulio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Villanueva, Rafael Chavez . . . . . . . . . . . PEMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mexico City, Mexico
Villio, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA
Virag, Alois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OMV Aktiengesellschaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vienna, Austria
Voitle, Eddie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lubrizol Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Vona, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChemLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seoul, Korea
Voss, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anaheim, CA
Wagner, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Segundo, CA
Waldron, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Walker, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petro-Canada Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta
Walker, Hugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoa Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Walker, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Walker, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belco Technologies Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsippany, NJ
Wall, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today’s Refinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wall, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anacortes, WA
Wallendorf, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Walter, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Wambaugh, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Ward, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yorba Linda, CA
Ward, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aspen Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wasser, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P. . . . . . . . . . Sugar Land, TX
Watson, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Watson, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Port Arthur, TX
Watts, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mandeville, LA
Watts, Ricky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker Industrial Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA
Wear, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, MD
Webster, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATCO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leawood, KS
Weidenhammer, George . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, NC
Weise, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOC Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Hill, NJ

316 Registration List



Weith, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Welch, J. Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Welker, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . Long Beach, CA
Wells, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Wernicke, Hans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Catalysts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville, KY
Wheeler, Marlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wheeler, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARCO Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carson, CA
Whelchel, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Whitfield, Hallie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Whitlock, C. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Wick, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marathon Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Findlay, OH
Wieliczko, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cherry Hill, NJ
Wieser, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palatine, IL
Wilbur, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Canada Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ft. Saskatchewan, Alberta
Wilcox, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refining Process Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Wilkening, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Willcox, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem UK Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newbury, UK
Williams, Billy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Williams, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Williams, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas, TX
Wilson, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wilson, Jerome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eurecat U.S. Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasadena, TX
Wilson, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caltex Petroleum Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving, TX
Wimberly, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Carbide Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Windham, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron U.S.A. Products Company . . . . . . . . . Pascagoula, MS
Winger, Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conoco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponca City, OK
Winslett, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Wiseman, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Witoshkin, Anatol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engelhard Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iselin, NJ
Witzig, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetzDearborn Hydrocarbon Process Group . . . . . . The Woodlands, TX
Wizig, Herbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merichem Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Wong, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Wood, Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartlesville, OK
Wood, Darin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basis Petroleum, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas City, TX
Woods, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Woods, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criterion Catalyst Company L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Woodward, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRI International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakland, CA
Wright, Marie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobil Oil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torrance, CA
Yam, Rita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unocal Corp.-76 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington, CA
Yamani, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saudi Aramco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Yates, Raymon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Three Rivers, TX
Yoon, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevron Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond, CA
Yoshida, Jiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JGC (USA), Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Young, Antony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Liquide America Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Young, Bret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bechtel Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Young, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glitsch, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta
Young, Maresa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belle Chasse, LA
Youngblood, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elf Atochem North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Youssef, Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICI Katalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Yuji, Ishikawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Yung, King Yen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amersfoort, Netherlands
Zacher, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrensville Hgts., OH
Zaczepinski, Sioma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exxon Research & Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . Florham Park, NJ
Zeillmann, Louie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAYLORD CHEMICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slidell, LA
Zelonis, Randolph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edison, NJ
Zetlmeisl, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO
Zillman, Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Des Plaines, IL
Zima, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland Petroleum Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashland, KY

1996 NPRA Q & A Session on Refining and Petrochemical Technology 317



Zoller, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akzo Nobel Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX
Zollinger, Merla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC
Zuber, Irl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . Bakersfield, CA
Zudkevitch, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, NY
Zyskowski, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petrolite Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO

318 Registration List



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