Syed Qasim Technical Lead

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Technical Lead
Mobile # (0092) 3134682340 E-MAIL

SUMMARY I am developing web applications for the past 14 years, with a diverse range of skills including React,
JavaScript, Node JS, Python, Java, and TypeScript.

EXPERIENCE 14 Year Experience

Edge Corporation (6 months)
Technical Lead
Xische, Dubai, UAE (2 years)
Lead Software Engineer
Apps Integra, Dubai, UAE (1 year 6 months)
Senior Software Engineer / Full State Developer
China Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation, Abu Dhabi, UAE (4 years)
Senior Software Engineer / Geographic Information System Engineer / Software Administrator
FAMBO, ISL, Pakistan UAE (1 Year)
Senior Full Stack Web Developer
TECHNOLOGIA, Etisalat software solution provider, Dubai, UAE (2 Years)
Web Developer
ZONIVERSAL Technologies, Lahore, Pakistan (2 years)
Dot Net Software Engineer
METESYS, Lahore, Pakistan (1 year)
Web Developer

CERTIFICATIONS MCSD Microsoft Certified Solution Developer

§ 70-480 Microsoft Certified Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
§ 70-486 Microsoft Certified Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications
§ 70-487 Microsoft Certified Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services

EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Computer Science BSC Honors (2003-2007)

Punjab University College of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

CORE SKILLS Languages C#, VB, PHP, JavaScript, XML, Java, C++, UML, SQL, CSS, HTML
Development ASP.NET, MVC, Web API, WCF, JSON, Ajax
Frameworks .NET, Bootstrap, Cakephp, CodeIgniter, Symfony, JQuery, Angular, React
Libraries Entity Framework, NHibernate, Autofac, NUnit, XUnit, NINJECT, MOQ
React, React-Redux, Mongoose, JWT, AXIOS, Redux-Thunk
Databases MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Firestore
Source control GIT, GITHUB, SVN, Microsoft Team Foundation Server TFS
Tools Microsoft Visual Studio, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio
Reporting Tools Crystal Reports, Microsoft Reporting Services (SSRS)

TAMM Project (Digitalizing Abu Dhabi Government Services)

TAMM Project (Digitalizing Abu Dhabi Government services, Powered by ADDA) as Lead Software Engineer in Business ADU
in order to deliver services for establishing new and maintaining businesses across Abu Dhabi.
Roles and Responsibilities:

ü Handling (micro-)service orchestration and logic with the help of Camunda Modeler and Camunda Cockpit (source
of truth) used as a remote REST service embedded in our services.
ü Developed BPMN process diagrams and Deployed workflows to the Camunda Engines to execute them.
ü Monitor workflows and decisions using Camunda Cockpit to discover, analyze and solve technical problems.
ü Building responsive interfaces and user experiences using ReactJS, Typescript, and internal UI libraries while
maintaining compatibility and responsiveness for all major browsers.
ü Developing backend (micro-)services using Express, GraphQL, and NodeJS as well as contributing regularly to
backend core packages and tools.
ü Regularly using Git for service version control and collaboration between all developers using repositories,
branches, commits, Pull, Push and Merge Requests.
ü Maintaining code coverage of 80% for Frontend code and 90% for Backend code using Jest and Enzyme.
ü Working closely with many teams including Designers, Business Analyst, QA Engineers, release-management,
DevOps, scrum masters and ADGEs (Abu Dhabi Government Entities) such as DED (Department of Economic
Development), ADCCI (Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry).
ü Training junior developers by giving demonstration of Tools, Coding Practices, Project Versioning as well as leading
them to deliver services in tight deadlines.
ü Assuring Quality of services by detecting root cause of Defects, Bugs and VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and
Penetration Testing) issues and giving best coding practices resolutions.
ü Regularly updating JIRA board by changing statuses of tasks and bugs to keep track of service development.
ü Analyzing elastic search kibana logs, executing API’s in postman to quickly find and rectify problems.
ü Deployment and releasing tags on staging and production environment.
ü Regular technical meeting with ADCCI to identify and resolve release issues.

Services, I have contributed in.

Request for create new economic trade license (DED)
Request for amendments in industrial licenses (DED)
Request for industrial license cancellation (DED)
Individual User Registration (ADAFSA)
All ADCCI services Release 1 & Release 2 (14 services)
Health Services , DOH (Department of Health)

Patient Management System

An efficient automated systems designed for tracking patient information, diagnoses, prescriptions, interactions and
encounters within healthcare organizations like medical clinics or hospitals.
ü Developed node APIs to pull data from MongoDB using express, mongoose
ü Secure APIs and passwords using JWT and bcrypt
ü Develop react application using react redux, axios, thunk, bootstrap
ü Manage complete patient history and privilege for patient to put medical history from other hospital
Rest APIs, Express, Node JS, MongoDB, Heroku, React JS, Git

Project Management Information System (PMIS)

PMIS is a management information system for Abu Dhabi Crude Oil Pipeline Project (ADCOP). It is a suite of integrated
applications to collect, store and analyze data from various departments.
ü To Understand and Automate, complex enterprise work processes
ü Implemented custom modules such as Admin, HR, Commissioning, Punch Master, GIS Pipeline, Station
Control, Offshore Lines, Certificate Generator, Document and Drawing Manager
ü Developed Station Construction Book for Oil Storage Facilities
ü Created technical System/User/Installation/Process manuals
ü Held software trainings for clients/contractors and employees
ü Data Packaging for engineering dossiers and then handover to client ADCO
ü Integrating and Information fetching from Inact Document Management System, Maximo and AIMS system
PHP, Cake PHP, MYSQL, MSSQL, XHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, DHTMLX, XML, Microsoft Reporting Services

GIS Pipeline System

A web mapping service, integrated with Google maps and high-definition satellite imagery maps to view the Pipeline.
It is a web based solution, designed to monitor the construction progress on a real time basis. Reports are generated
in a telescopic format that helps to browse from the route map to details of each pipe laid.
ü Web based GIS monitoring of pipeline construction activity, linking of surrounding landmarks and data with
GIS co-ordinates.
ü Generation of alignment sheet using survey data.
ü Monitor online, quality control records of progress, availability & quality documents
ü Uniformity of documentation & reports, Real-time creation of Pipe Book, weld book.
ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, LINQ, Unit Testing, Identity, Ninject, Moq, Autodesk Map guide Enterprise Studio

Business Process Management & Approval System

A unique platform that combines all ongoing workflows (process) in a collaborative tool. All requests pass through
predefined approval management hierarchy.
ü Develop business process mapping diagrams after comprehensive discussion meetings with all parties.
ü Manage access permission from top to bottom on each step of the process.
ü Converting old system into react single page application
ü Beautify using Material Design
React, Node js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Robo 3T

Visa Processing Application (VPA)

VPA handles all visa related functionality like an approval hierarchy, maintaining status and tracking on different stages
during visa generation accept and reject, Email Notifications. Visa Attachments and submitting E Visa, Job Offer by
email using VPA.
ASP.NET MVC 5, Entity Framework, Onion Architecture, Angular JS 1, JQuery, MS SQL Server, c#

American Footwear Logistics System

A User-friendly solution to manage business, organizing & maintaining product creation, inventory tracking and
financial reporting for Footwear industries.
ü Developed Customize Shoe Catalogue, Order Management, Bill Generator, Shipments, Factory and Store
Master Lists, Distribution Center Module
ü Integration with Google Map, Quick Books and Inovis Catalogue
Visual 2008 Team System, c#, ASP.NET Web Forms, SQL Server, SVN, .net Framework 3.5, Ajax, CSS, HTML,
JavaScript, JQuery, Crystal Reports and Microsoft Reporting System, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio, N Tier
Architecture Model

SIEMENS Finance and Account Management System

Developed Chart of Accounts, Vouchers, Ledgers, Bills, Balance Sheet, Profit Loss Report, Invoice

HKF Engineering Pvt Limited ERP System

A Motor Bike manufacturing system with modules such as Sales, Purchase, After Sale, Work Centre, Human Resource,
Production, Attendance System, Finance, Orders, Invoices, Taxes, Return Sales, Warranty claims, Transit Damage and
Missing Parts Handling.

Other Projects
SharePoint Intranet Portal: A corporate intranet Application with Photo album, Calendar, Blog, Notifications and
employee directory
Admin Portal – A service that handles Corporate PRO operations such as Certificates, NOC’s, Letters, Contracts, Visas
and Get passes.

Personal Details
Nationality: Pakistani
Marital Status: Married
Age: 39

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