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PERIODIC TEST – 1 (2024)
TIME: 1 hr
Name:……………………………………………….. Roll No:………………………….. Div:……………………….

Fill in the blanks ( 1X5=5)

1. A computer works on …………………… cycle.
2. Data is entered through …………………… devices.
3. Results are displayed on ………………………. devices.
4. Working of a computer on the given data is called ……………..
5. A computer is a smart ………………..

 Tick the correct option (1X5=5)

6. A computer works on
a) Water cycle b) IPO cycle c) Nature cycle
7. The result of every action is called
a) Output b) Input c) Processing
8. The term used for the final result is
a) Input b) Processing c) Output
9. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer
a) Zero IQ b) Speed c) Multitasking
10. Name the processing device among the following.
a) CPU b) Keyboard c) Printer

Write T For true and F for False. (1X5=5)

11. A computer has a huge storage capacity.

12. Mouse is an input device.
13. IPO stands for Input Pen Out.
14. A computer has Zero IQ.
15. Microphone is an output device.

Match the following (1X5=5)

16. Output device - IPO Cycle

17. Input device - CPU
18. Computer works - Zero IQ
19. Processing device - Keyboard
20. Limitation of a computer - Monitor
Answer the following questions (2 ½ X 4 = 10)

21. What is an IPO Cycle? Give one example

22. Mention any three characteristics of a computer
23. What are the limitations of a computer?
24. Define the terms input and output. Give two examples of each

25. Match the input with their correct outputs ( 5)

26. Write any five advantages of a computer. (5)

27. Write any three limitations of a computer. (5)

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