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Oxygen Administration

Objectives: At the end of this lessonlearner will be able to:

1. Define oxygen administration
2. Identify the indications and contraindications of oxygen administration
3. Describe the precautions of oxygen administration
4. Identify the different methods of oxygen administration

5. Re -demonstrate oxygen administration by using different methods

 Oxygen administration is provision of oxygen for a patient with a serious respiratory problem by
using oxygen administration methods

 Used primarily to reverse hypoxemia
 To provide and maintain a normal supply of oxygen for blood, and tissues.
 To provide adequate transport of oxygen in the blood while decreasing the work of breathing
and reducing stress on the myocardium.
 Decrease work of the heart in clients with cardiac disease
 To relieve dyspnea
 Respiratory failure: • Cystic fibrosis
• Type 1 (hypoxemic): Saturation < • Chest injury
90%. PaO2 <60 mm Hg  Blood disorders such as anemia
• Type 2 (hypercapnic): PCO2>50  Cardiac insufficiency
mmHg, pH<7.35  High metabolic demands
 Lung diseases and injury  Hypoxia
• COPD  Hypoxemia
• Pneumonia  Asphyxia
• Bronchial asthma  Gas poisoning
 A “no smoking” sign must be posted in the client’s room to prevent the risk of fire 3 meters
 The catheter tip and the cylinder itself must not be lubricated with Vaseline, oil.
 Never use alcohol on the patient’s skin while the oxygen is run.
 Never use an electrical facial shaver (razor) while the oxygen is in use.
 The cylinder must be handling carefully as the oxygen is under pressure
 The fine adjustment must always be closed when the main tap is turned on.
 Check that if there is obstacle in the patient airway before giving oxygen in order to prevent
patient from suffocation.

 The rate of flow will be ordered by the doctor.

 Protect patient from asphyxiation by inspecting regularly the pressure gauge and flow
 Monitor the vital signs, and mental status.
 Transport oxygen cylinder always by the transport cart.
 Never deliver more than 2-3 liters of oxygen to patients with chronic lung disease, e.g. COPD
Methods of oxygen administration
1. Face mask
2. Nasal cannula
3. Nasal catheter
4. Oxygen tent/hood
1.1.1. Oxygen administration via face mask
Objectives: At the end of this lessonlearner will be able to:
1. Define Oxygen administration via face mask
2. Describe the specific purposes of Oxygen administration via face mask
3. Collect necessary equipments
4. Demonstrate oxygen administration by using face mask
 Oxygen administrations via face mask administering oxygen to the patient by means of face
mask according to requirement of patient ( Figur..).
 Used to administer higher concentration of oxygen.
1. A cylinder of oxygen. 3. Regulator
2. Face Mask of appropriate size • Gauge
• Flow meter
4. Oxygen tube
5. Humidifier with distil water
6. Gauzes
7. No smoking sign
8. Equipments for V/S
9. Receiver
10. Chart
1. Determine need for oxygen therapy
2. Check order for rate, device to be used and concentration.
3. Greet the patient and explain the procedure (if conscious) to the relatives (if
4. Wash hands.
5. Assemble equipment to the bedside
6. Perform an assessment of vital signs, level of consciousness, lab. Values etc and record.
7. Assess risk factors for oxygen administration in patient and environment like – hypoxia
drive in patient and faulty electrical connection.
8. Post “No smoking” signs on patient’s door “oxygen in use” sign on the bed
9. Place the patient on fowlers position unless contraindicated
10. Check for patency of air ways
11. Set up oxygen equipment and humidifier:
a. Attach regulator to source. Set flow meter in “Off” position.
b. Open main tap while flow meter is closed then turn on fine adjustment to release
small amount of oxygen, to clean the inside of regulators
c. Read the gauges (or check the color in gauges) of the cylinder to determine the
amount of oxygen.
d. Fill humidifier with sterile water between the maximum and minimum mark on it.
e. Attach humidifier bottle to base of the flow meter.
f. Check the presence of bubbling in humidifier to confirm the flow of oxygen
g. Attach tubing and face mask to humidifier.
h. Adjust flow meter to prescribed level
12. Check the flow of oxygen through the tube and mask before applying to the patient (feel
the incoming air with your cheek).
13. Clean the mouth if there is visible soiled
14. Apply mask to patient face from nose to down ward
15. Secure elastic band around patient head.
16. Apply gauze behind ears as well as scalp where elastic band passes.
17. Ensure that safety precautions are followed.
18. Inspect patient and equipment frequently for flow rate, clinical condition, level of water
in humidifier etc.
19. Wash hands
20. Remove the mask and dry the skin every 2-3 hours if oxygen is administered
21. Document relevant data in patient record

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